#in any other situation he would be the weirdest person in the room. in this one he is the most Regular
rotating them in my mind (perc'ahlia........)
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dark-frosted-heart · 8 months
Alfons vs Roger event (Part 2)
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Roger using keigo is weird and I don't like it.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Kate: I’ve covered my face with a veil, so I shouldn’t get found out, right?
At the viscount’s mansion, I disguised myself as Lady Claire, the viscount’s niece, with the help of the people aware of the situation.
Alfons: I think it’s perfect with your face hidden. Though personally, a little bit of exposure would be more intriguing.
Roger: Yeah? Everything’s the same if you strip.
Kate: Minus one friendship point from the both of you.
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Alfons and Roger: ………Huh?
Kate: If you’re not being “good”, I’m taking away points.
Roger: Hey now, our judge’s pretty cocky, isn’t she?
Alfons: Hehe, how scary. Well, no matter. What’s important is…
Alfons and Roger: Turning the tables.
Kate: Earn them properly!
(They sync up in the weirdest ways…)
(Is this really okay?)
Lady: Happy birthday, Lady Claire!
Alfons and Roger smiled beside me as I sat on a chair with my face hidden behind a veil.
 Alfons: Lady Claire has caught a cold so she’s lost her voice. She will thank you properly another time.
Roger: We will take care of the present. Thank you wishing her a happy birthday.
Lady: O-okay…
The two’s clever attitudes caught the eyes of those around them.
Alfons and Roger are both villains who always push me around.
I can’t even count the number of times they’ve teased me to the point I was red in the face from anger.
(However, when they’re serious, they’re more reliable than anyone else)
Kate: That’s 10 friendship points…
After quietly whispering that, they gave refreshing, gentleman-like smiles.
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Alfons and Roger: Thank you.
Alfons: Lady Claire, we’re running out of space so I will move the presents to the other room.
Roger: You can’t carry them all by yourself. I’ll help you, Al.
Alfons: Thank you, Roger. You’re so thoughtful.
Roger: Of course. Come, let’s go.
(Yes, nice chemistry!)
(Perhaps it won’t be long before they actually get along)
—At that moment, I heard them whispering as they walked away with the packages.
Alfons: That hurt…
Roger: That’s my line…
When I turned around, the two of them were stepping on each other’s feet.
Alfons: Please move your feet out of the way. I have very long legs, so it’s difficult for me to avoid them. 
Roger: What a coincidence. My legs are longer than most so it’s hard to avoid them.
Moreover, their shoes were covered in footprints, as if they’d been stepping on each other for a while.
(Good grief!)
Alfons and Roger carried the presents while continuing to step on each other’s feet.
When there was no one else around, the two looked at each other.
Roger: Al…
Alfons: Yes, I’m thinking the same… Really now. We’re too loved by evil, aren’t we?
(Okay, it looks like we’ve finished with the greetings)
After receiving the presents and having dinner with the guests, I sighed in relief.
Somehow, no one noticed the switch.
Alfons: Lady Claire, we’ll be escorting our guests out now.
Roger: I’ve prepared some drinks in the other room.You must be tired, so please rest there.
Alfons and Roger: Be at “ease”.
Kate: Phew…I’m glad it ended without any problems.
I wanted to remove the veil, but it was better to be careful until I left the mansion.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I recalled the two’s immature behavior.
Having a partner who you can be open about your feelings with without consequence sounds like a happy and heartwarming thing. 
(But I need to decide on a winner. And do away with the servant stuff)
As I thought about this, the door opened without a knock.
Kate: Oh, Alfons, Roger…
But it was someone else who entered.
He wore a tailcoat and his hair was swept back. At a glance, he looked like the son of a noble.
However, this man clearly reeked of evil.
I’m not Kate at the moment and shouldn’t speak under these circumstances, but I couldn’t help it.
Kate: Who are you…?
Man in tailcoat: You don’t need to know my name. However, I’m going to have to ask you to stay quiet, Lady Claire.
The man smiled wickedly and pulled a gun out from within his coat.
Man in tailcoat: You’re the beloved niece of that Viscount Morris. He’d easily give up an asset or two to save you.
(Meaning you’re holding me for ransom?)
(Ah—Could it be that)
I don’t think Alfons and Roger would have possibly missed this person’s ill intentions that even I could sense.
(Perhaps Alfons and Roger “purposely” created this situation)
~~ Flashback ~~
Alfons and Roger: Be at “ease”.
~~ End flashback ~~
(If that’s the case, all I can do is get as much information as possible)
Kate: Do you…always do something like this?
Kidnapper: Yes, that’s right. Kidnap, extort, kill, and dispose.
(This isn’t the first time he’s done this)
Kidnapper: But I’ll let you live if you behave. Now come over here.
Kate: !
To keep the man from coming closer, I threw a teacup on the table at him.
Kidnapper: Ah, hot…!
Kate: Too bad for you. You won’t get a single penny from kidnapping me.
Kidnapper: You…fucking imposter! Know that I know—I’ll kill you.
The moment the man cocked his gun, the window facing the balcony opened with a bang.
Alfons: Killing sounds nice. I wish you didn't have to die first, but I guess that's not going to happen. Look, your gun’s disappeared.
Alfons knocks the gun away with his saber and Roger picks it up.
Roger: Well, this gun’s a fake that we swapped out filled with blanks.
(Alfons, Roger!)
Roger: What. Thought you’d be crying prettily, little lady, but you’re tough. 
Kate: I believed in you. The both of you.
Alfons: Aha! You really have the worst taste in me.
Roger: Pfft, haha. That’s the best kind of blunder.
Alfons and Roger cover my back.
Alfons: Now then-
Roger: Let’s get this over with.
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The ghouls, but I reveal how I actually headcanon them personality wise. Below the cut.
Aether: Plays at being timid/submissive, but uses it to provoke bigger/wilder responses, because he likes seeing people go absolutely bonkers when he flips the switch and goes ham himself.
He enjoys instigating things and then letting the other person take over, because it’s that much more entertaining when he starts taking control again.
It’s like a cat showing its belly.
You were never in control of the situation.
An absolute nightmare when paired up with Swiss during trips to bars, because neither of them are playing around with the macho meathead bullshit.
Dewdrop: Fairly subdued overall, but he’s easily stirred up/teased into doing some crazy ass shit.
Definitely loves chaos and all it brings, though he’s not opposed to the idea of softness and a quiet day to himself.
More of a “Just because I’m alone doesn’t mean I’m lonely.” type which often gets misread as him being aloof/cold for not always enjoying having company.
The friend who gives you a heartfelt pep talk, but calls you a little bitch (affectionate) at the end of it.
Side hug kinda guy.
Multi/Swiss: Buys fancy mixed drinks with his dinner and enjoys them without joking about it in that, “Aw, couldn’t they have given it to me in a different glass?” kind of way.
Not afraid to be vibrant and colorful in the way he acts or speaks, and encourages his friends to do the same and appreciate the good things in life without feeling a need to hide it.
Will make people argue in circles for hours if they try to give him a hard time.
“Yes, but if that were true, this-” 
He’s quite proud of it.
Rain: He’s a sweetheart, and genuinely quite sweet, but he will also do the weirdest shit knowing no one will believe it was him who did it. 
Never anything malicious though.
Unless you count biting.
Because I feel like Rain is the biter here, not any worse than Dewdrop, but he’s the type who waits until he sees an opening that will maximize reactions with minimal effort.
In short; “I would very much like to make you scream.”
Mountain: The guy who keeps you safe at a metal show by standing behind you the whole time like an ominous obelisk of a man. 
Resting bitch face to the max until he’s leaning down and asking if you’re gonna finish the rest of your donut and let’s out a slow, “Yoooo...” when you let him have it.
I cannot emphasize enough the slowness of the yo.
Would let you sleep in his bed... without him in it.
Teamed up with Rain, you are 1000% in for the weirdest adventures, and you’ll never be able to recreate the experience with anyone else.
Cumulus: An absolute sweetie, who could probably bench every member of the band with ease.
She’s the person who asks if she can try picking you up, and then proceeds to do so both emotionally and physically.
Lifts Cirrus all the time because she can.
Shows affection through hugs, kisses, and headbutts.
Mildly concussed?
Cirrus: Confident in who she is, and straightforward with how she thinks and feels, although she can often be a bit too blunt.
Joins Aether and Swiss in getting rude people to talk themselves into a corner in the best/worst way possible.
Has “You’re in her DMs, but I’m living in her head rent free.” energy and she knows it.
Sunshine: Gives off a playful and innocent air, but with an edge that indicates that that’s definitely not always the case.
Doesn’t play games when it comes to the safety of herself or her friends, and can go from joking around to deadly serious at the drop of a hat.
I don’t know why, but I can see her getting into a bar fight alongside the others if they saw someone being a dickhead, and would wear any bruises she gets from it as a badge of honor.
Has a solid punch, but you really have to look out for her legs, because she kicks like a horse and will knock your ass across the room.
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Since you don't mind writing for the old prompts can you make and oc for the Day 17 - Unrequited love AU from the 2022 list?
Yandere unrequited love | Adrian & Viktoria
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Life really was a joke. The day you had gathered the courage to confess your feelings to the new friend that you made, he told you that his heart belonged to someone else. You knew it was wrong, but you really wanted to punch that pretty face of his.
It was his fault for making you feel like this, but here he was, falling in love with someone else. The world really was cruel.
You weren't sure why you said what you did. Maybe because you desperately wanted to hold onto him. Or maybe you wanted to find out who this other person was to make him fall in love. You told him you will help him out.
Stupid, right? Telling your crush you will help him get with his crush. But you weren't exactly the brightest person around, so here you were, making stupid plans on how to create moments he would get to be alone with his little crush.
You know the worst part? She was such a sweetheart. A real beauty with a heart of gold. If you weren't already in love with Adrian, you probably would have fallen for her too.
You must have been a horrible person in your previous life, for a horrible thing like this.
"... Are you sure this will work?"
"Of course, you idiot! Just listen to me, damn it!"
Your ideas to get him together with Viktoria were strange and best, and illegal at worst. You suggested him to beat up any competition, to steal her stuff and pretend to find it for her, and other stuff that could put him in trouble if caught.
I mean, you would have done that, if Viktoria wasn't such a sweetheart. Anyone else would have got a knuckle sandwich in this situation.
The funniest thing? It was working. Viktoria was getting closer to Adrian. Maybe Viktoria was an idiot? Well, you guessed it was good that things were working out.
It didn't take long before the two of them to get together. They were complete opposites but they fit perfectly together.
Adrian, the cold and collected upperclassman, and Viktoria, the cheery and friendly popular girl who was in your grade. There was nothing left for you to do anymore then, right?
Wrong. Adrian continued being your friend, as he got even clingier and kept inviting you to hang out with him and Viktoria, even on their dates.
Weirdest part? She never seemed to mind. Him on the right, and her on the left, the two of them would spend time with you, and spoil you with gifts, sweets and attention, as if you were part of their relationship.
But you weren't. And this was starting to weird you out. I mean, have they ever heard of personal space?
"... Viktoria, can you stop following me? This is the boy's changing room."
"Call me Vikki~ besides, you boys don't mind, right?~"
Viktoria was truly strange, always following you around, making sure she's tightly holding onto your arm, and if she's not able to, she will always blow your phone with messages. How did she even get your phone number? You hoped that it wasn't Adrian who gave it to her.
Adrian was not much better. He was always hovering around you two, as if he was a protector of sort, making sure that others avoided you. This was unfair! If he was scaring everyone else, how were you going to move on?!
You couldn't even try to distance yourself from them, as the same day you started to avoid them, they both appeared in front of your house, and forced you into a cuddle session to fix 'your relationship', whatever that meant.
"Oh, boo boo, you should have told us if you're struggling~ don't push us away~"
"But I'm no-"
"... Vikki is right... Now, shush..."
Like really sucks, doesn't it?
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theladyalchemist · 2 months
A short fictional/non-fictional story I wrote about an argument I had with my ex boyfriend who has his Pluto and Mars conjunct my 12H Pluto..which is also conjunct my ASC and Chiron 12H. I mentioned these aspects instead of our 8H synastry because I kinda felt like those placements related more to this particular situation.
“Be your fucking self!” He says with rage in his voice. I sit listening to him call me out over the jail phone, body filling with anger as he speaks with demand. “This n*gga is crazy” I thought as I carry on to defend myself, unsure of why he keeps saying those exact words to me. “Am I being myself?” My subconscious thought wondered as the phone hung up. I then proceed to roll one under stress, turn on my rock music, and let the anger release with each puff. I personally considered myself one of the weirdest girls from Dallas based off my music taste alone, so I couldn't really grasp what he meant. I was like every other black girl from Dallas who grew up listening to UGK, Slim thug, Trill Ent., Gucci Mane, Future, Kevin Gates, Jodeci, Tyrese, etc…yet most times I find myself dancing all over my room to Willow Smith, Deftones, Lana del Rey, Justin Bieber, Girl in Red, Coldplay,Avril Lavigne and the list of Popstars, Rockstars, and country singers goes on. Music I couldn’t play around my “so called” friends because it was considered weird. I’m also the black girl who can be the life of the party at a club, but I would prefer going to museums, art galleries, arcades, hiking, amusement parks, going to the beach, going to music festivals, open mic nights, trying new foods, meeting new people, rooftop parties, traveling and the best of them all.. going to fashion shows. The kind of black girl who writes poetry/short stories nobody knows about, and keeps a diary. The black girl who’s too black for other races and not black enough for black people. The girl who goes missing on social media for months, comes back for a few days, and then goes ghost again. The girl all alone in a world of casual sex/relationships, because I believe in being with one person and continuing to be there even when things get tough. A girl obsessed with horror movies, and dark romance.“Till death do us part” is a term that makes me wet. A hopeless romantic. The girl who can only have sex with a man who will go through hell with me and walk out with the key. The girl who knew what and how sacred sex was at just 8 years old. But also the girl with insecurities surrounding sex from being brought up in a family who suppressed my sexuality. “Go change out of that skirt!” They would say, whenever men would come over. Calling me fast whenever I would dress up showing my skin. Telling me “he’s just going to have sex with you and leave you”, everytime I would have a boyfriend. Traumatizing me with the horror stories of my mother being raped by 3 men as a child, and projecting the outcome onto me if I showed any parts of my feminine side. The girl who is now a 24 year old virgin, afraid that men would take advantage of me and not knowing how to let go of the men that do. A girl who has been both stable and unstable trying her best to be a woman. To own her authenticity even if the world doesn’t accept her.
“Be your fucking self!”, the agonizing words he said replaying over and over in my head. I then imagine me screaming “I AM!” So loudly that the earth starts to shake. “He doesn’t understand” I thought to myself. It was better to tell myself that he didn’t understand than to admit he could be right. If he was right then that would mean the suppression I saw within him, I also had within myself. Was he my mirror? How did he unknowingly know that I had so many things inside me that I kept suppressed? It was the feeling of someone reading your diary without your permission, and then using your secrets against you. I hated him for the ways he went about things, yet craved him for ripping out every part of me that wasn’t real. Parts that I couldn’t see. He seen through her illusion and killed her before she could kill me. The girl I’ve let take over me for so long, lying on the ground with a knife in her heart bleeding out to her death. With the power of his words there she layed, finally dead. And there I rose, covered in her blood, reborn again.
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
(oh, it’s this little bit i’d completely forgotten about that i think i scribbled down immediately after finishing hellbent.)
“And what color were Clara’s eyes?” the Doctor asks, slipping it into the rhythm of their conversation like any other question. Even’s fingers drum against the metal of the staircase they’ve seated themself on, two soft thuds of flesh and two clacks from parts that aren’t very good at pretending to be fingers anymore. They tip their head to the side.
“You don’t want my memories of her, Doctor.” Even drums again. One-two, three-four. “We weren’t exactly friends.”
“Nonsense. You’d have loved Clara,” he says it on reflex. He waits for something to follow, some internal feeling that he’s correct in his assumption or entirely off base. Nothing comes.
“You loved Clara,” Even corrects, gently. It sounds like pity, and it grates.
“See? You’re already telling me things.”
“You knew that already,” Even says. “You knew, or you wouldn’t be asking in the first place.” They shift forward, crossing their arms over their knees. “Please don’t ask,” they whisper.
Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character.
Well, let me set up my usual fallback of Supernatural to allow me wiggle room for my Doctor Who take, but: my unpopular opinion is that Jack is an adult. He’s treated as an adult in canon. Making him into a child in canonverse stuff will have me squinting in suspicion for most people. obviously, not my trusted and beloved mutuals who are Understanders (and. more importantly. who I know are not harboring some unexamined ableist ideas.) but. everyone else does not get a pass and will be gazed upon with disdain :D actually, the bigger crime of making Jack a child and simplifying him is that you’re being boring, the fun of him comes from how messed up his situation is and how his sudden jump to adulthood is both horrifying but also one of the few ways he can grasp at control.
anyway, that’s a settled hot take in place so that i can say one for doctor who that im not sure is a hot take or not because i don’t know the fandom as well. but anyway, it’s that 90% of eleven and river��s scenes together did such a disservice to both of their characters that it actively uninvested me in the romance they were trying to sell. I feel like i may have said this before, but it’s like there’s a switch they flip when it’s time for the episode’s mandated eleven and river flirting time where they both turn into much more generic characters acting in ways that feel very ooc so that the show can. i don’t know, really. create tension, I suppose? But the tension falls flat because they aren’t acting like themselves so you can’t get invested in this relationship because it doesn’t feel like it’s being built off of them connecting. And it really stands out as just, truly awful, because you’ll also have some fantastic scenes actually exploring their relationship and the effects it has on both of them, the positive and the negative, and yes, I am talking about the broken wrist scene from Angels in Manhattan again because i wish all of elevenriver was like that, and it’s not, and i’m mad about it-!
what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
okay, i know it says research but it is much funnier to me if i just say that. sometimes. you need to describe a character touching something and you need the physical stimuli in your hands to really describe it, right? right. understandable. okay, so going from that, sometimes you need your character to say, lick a chair and describe that, and you realize you have no idea how to because how would you know what licking a chair is like? and then you look at your dining room chair from across the room. and you have to make a decision here. about what matters more to you. your dignity or your accuracy.
and if you’re a good writer, i think accuracy always wins.
share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
breathing exercises are bullshit. you need to find a chant. you need to find something you can memorize and then when you feel yourself getting anxious, you need to start repeating it over and over and over. anything at all. what matters is that you’re saying it, out loud, and you can hear yourself saying it and you need to like the words so you’re focusing on what you’re saying, and this will save you. When I was in middle school, I did exorcisms. In high school, I’d repeat monologues from Hannibal to myself. Nowadays, I’m usually using the “heart. lungs. liver. nerves.” chant from slay the princess because it is short and ominous in a way that can be funny after a few repetitions and helps laugh the anxiety out of me.
and in a pinch, if you don’t have anything memorized, pull up the nearest piece of written text you have and start reading it out loud and don’t stop reading it until you’re calm again, and keep going a little after that just to make sure. Could be a fanfic you’ve got on your phone or could be an actual book. I’d reccomend the Iliad, because half of that book is just reciting name after name after name and you will start to hear how ridiculous it is rather than hearing your own anxiety, and it’ll help. you say “so and so brought 50 ships and he was the son of that guy who was king of this. and also this other dude, son of yet another guy we will never mention again, friends with holy shit another guy-“ and eventually you’re going to start giggling your way out of an anxiety attack.
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Welcome to Nowhere: Hands
AN: It's back!
Well, with Jenny all the way back downstairs, looking for rope, and Gia keeping watch over the unconscious Jerrel, it’s up to you and Aderyn to search Mr.Rotary’s mysterious office. Aderyn goes in first, and you follow. You turn around to speak to Gia, only to find the door slamming shut behind you.
“Gia?!” You shout, running up to the door to try and open it. No luck. 
“Jeez, what the hell?” You mutter, angrily shaking the door knob. The fact that the door had locked itself has to be part of that thing's decision, right? 
“Oi!” You bark, punching the door a little bit. “Unlock right now, this isn’t funny!”
“I don’t know how to unlock it!” Gia protests from the other side. “It just shut randomly!”
“Sorry, I wasn’t talking to you.”
“Who were you talking to then?” Their confused voice seeps through the door crack. “I’m the only one out here.”
“No one important.” You give the door an indignant kick before scoffing and deciding you’ll just have to come back to it later. You turn back to the office, which appears to be completely empty, save for whatever it is that’s growing out of the floor. You’re not really sure what it is- it doesn’t resemble any kind of plant you’ve ever seen. No, the substance growing out of the office floor was a dingy yellow color, growing in tall, thin stalks. It was almost like some type of grass, except for the fact that it looks to be made of carpet, and at the top of each stalk grows a tiny, fuzzy ear. 
“This is… the weirdest office I’ve ever seen.” 
“Eh,” Adryn shrugs, poking at one of the ears. “I’ve seen weirder.”
“Weirder? How can you have possibly seen something weirder than ear-thingies growing out of the floor of an office?
She shrugs again. “Well, I mean, I guess it all depends on perspective, doesn’t it? I personally find any ‘normal’ type of office to be so ridiculously boring to the point that they’re weirdly insufferable and motivation-sucking.”
“I don’t think that counts. In fact, I don’t think I could even come up with something stranger than this for an office space. Uhm- anyways,” you say, shifting your attention to a more serious matter. 
“Do you think he’s using these to… you know, hear us?”
“No idea,” Aderyn answers honestly. “I mean, Bianca said that her static should block him from hearing anything outside the kitchen, but… I mean, these are just a bunch of random ears, and I’m not really sure how they factor into the situation. Even if he can hear us though, what does it matter? We’re already here, aren’t we? I think all this means is that we should hurry up, just in case he is listening, and is on his way to kick us out.”
“Right!” You say, leaping into action. Still, the office is completely empty. Except… that can’t be right. If Mr.Rotary’s office is just a room full of ears, then  why does he have the weirdest lock of all time as some kind of guard dog? Why would he have been so insistent on you absolutely not going into his office if there isn’t anything incriminating inside? No, there’s gotta be something more to this, right? There’s gotta be.
“Hey Aderyn?” You ask, grabbing one of the ear-stalk things. 
“You like to tell stories, right? When we were all leaving the uhm…”
Shit! Have you forgotten already? You came here from somewhere, you know that. You just can’t quite remember the location. It sits there, on the edge of your tongue, ready to be spoken, yet your brain falters- refusing to give you an answer. 
“The graveyard?” Aderyn fills in.
“Right, yeah, the graveyard.” That’s right. It was a graveyard. That’s where you and Aderyn had met. When you, Gia, Bea, and Emerson left, Aderyn decided to join you. You’re supposed to be helping find her way home though, right? Why did you come to Dispassion?
“Right, sorry. When we were leaving the graveyard, I remember you telling us stories. Since arriving at Dispassion, I haven’t seen you too much, and so I imagine you haven’t had too many chances to tell any stories and I was just wondering… would you like to tell me a story? While we’re working?” You twist the stalk in your hand, digging your nails into it. Your hand looks kind of funny, now that you think about it. You’ve seen it plenty of times, so you’re not sure why you’re only noticing now, but… there’s something wrong with your hand. It’s not really hand- or is it? Well, it looks like a hand, or at least it’s shaped like one. 
Aderyn’s face lights up. “I’m so happy you asked! I would love to tell you a story! Hmm… can you give me a prompt or something?”
“Like… what kind of prompt?” You stare down at your hand. It sure is hand shaped alright, but it isn’t made of flesh. Almost everyone you can remember meeting has always had some kind of oddity, and yet, with the only exception being Emerson- or maybe even Aderyn, almost everyone you’ve met has had relatively normal hands. Looking at Aderyn’s hands now, you ignore one hand of hers, the one covered in succulents, and instead focus your attention on her other hand. Looking at it, you can’t help but think of the words that popped into your mind when you first saw Jerrell. 
Perfectly Human.
“Well, how about you just give me two random words, and I’ll try to connect them to make a story. Does that sound good to you?” She continues searching the room as she speaks, completely unaware of the thoughts that occupy your mind. 
“Yeah, I can do that.” You’ve always thought your friends had such oddities. Emerson being a slug, Gia having a planet for a head, Bea having far too many legs, and Aderyn having succulents grow across her face and spiraling down her arm. Yet, looking at your hands now, they’re oh-so-far from perfectly human. “How about these two words: dream and… deception. “ You see, while almost everyone else you can remember meeting has had some kind of flesh on their hands, human or not, your hands have no such things. Your hands don’t even look like they should be real. 
“Ooooh! Interesting choice! Let’s see…” Aderyn muses, her thoughts churning with ideas.  there once was a young poet- and that’s all anyone ever thought they were. Here’s the thing though, this poet had a secret.”
Your hands are made of drawings, if you can  even call them that. It looks as though someone has taken a black-inked pen to the air, furiously scribbling, trying their best to draw a never-ending amount of messy, nonsensical thoughts. 
Aderyn continues. “You see, this was no ordinary poet. Not only did they write poems, but they wrote spells as well. They were a magician- an arrogant one at that. They shamelessly crossed the paths between worlds, dancing with demons and flying with angels, not caring to read all the warning signs that were meant to save them.”
The scribbles are almost mesmerizing to look at, but it hurts. Just like the overwhelming static from things that it seems only you can hear, these scribbles are all-consuming. 
“They were living in a dream, you see. A fantasy so far-fetched that even they thought none of it could ever truly be real. They walked amongst stars after all, why would they ever feel the need to bring their head down and out of the clouds?”
The scribbles never really break their formation. They come together, forming the shape of your hands- but they never stop moving.
“They were reckless, never bothering to stop or slow down, because they thought that they would always wake up, back to their horrid, boring world where everything was safe. Unfortunately for them, they got too cocky, and found themselves challenging  a god- though this was unbeknownst to them. This god was far from good, in fact, it was just about the evilest thing one could imagine. However, no one could say it wasn’t fair. After all, it was the one placing all those warning signs that our dear poet chose to ignore.”
Everything about your hands is wrong. You… you hate them. You want to scratch away each and every scribble, scraping away the alien presence that is so clearly not you. 
“Naturally, our poet lost their challenge, but they didn’t know that. The god they had challenged loves to lie, you know. SO that’s what it chose as its award for winning the game. Our dearest poet lost everything, but they were allowed to return to walk among the stars, never knowing that they had been deceived.”
 Each and every scribble is constantly flickering, forming new shapes and even words, but they all bring the same feeling. 
“They never even remembered meeting the god. They didn’t know that it had carved out their eyes and ears and replaced them with its own. Never knew that they had been turned into a puppet for the god’s entertainment. So, the poet went on as they always had, living a dream that had never really been real.”
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bats-after-dark · 5 days
I couldn't sleep last night so I just kept imagining what the CNC fic could be like. Are we getting multiple domestic but inappropriately horny situatuons? Whose salad will wilt first? What will happen to poor little Huaien’s poor little spaghetti brain?
I hope it's not creepy that I'm this happy over this happening. Maybe this is me not having anything to cooperate with but still wanting tl cheer you on.
HELLO HI wow i also slept poorly last night, but I don't think I made any progress on CNC fic thoughts. (or I did and I have now forgotten them—which would not be entirely atypical.) It is not creepy!! Normally, I would have more non-fic-project thoughts to fling at you, but my work is pretty busy right now, so I'm sort of.....short on thoughts? HEAD EMPTY ONLY CNC FIC.
My current sense of things is that this starts with an entire day of Huaien getting worked up about the collar and what it means for his evening. It opens with a bit about Huaien getting up, running sword forms in the dark, taking a bath, etc... It's honestly kind of boring? Idk I think it works, but it's very much relying on Huaien's spaghetti brain to keep it interesting. Anyway, he gets dressed, Xiaobao does his hair, maybe he will beg for kissy? But they eat breakfast (Zhaocai's salad is suffering), drift through the day, try to kiss while Xiaoyu makes faces, etc. I think that Huaien makes it to....late afternoon? before he corners Xiaobao, gently jingling, in an alcove where anyone could walk by and see and feels him up. I can't decide if this is normal petting or uh. Okay, it's not normal petting, it's probably Huaien lightly choking Xiaobao while groping him with the other hand. which! in Huaien's defense! is what Xiaobao wants when he's wearing the jingle bell collar. not sure if he stops because he doesn't want to give Xiaobao any satisfaction or if someone is about to walk by.
Huaien goes and meditates about that, anyway. he does his little tasks, he walks around the house, he Arranges the Things He Needs for their scene. I'm thinking they don't do this in their actual personal bedroom, but I'm not sure? I might do a little research because my sense is that wives and husbands might have had separate bedrooms, but honestly, I don't watch enough dramas with established het couples in ancient fantasy China to be sure. Huaien regularly sleeps in Xiaobao's bedroom because he is a feral cat, and I think they do their weirdest sex stuff in Huaien's bedroom. this is also the room where Xiaobao does Huaien's hair, of course.
I suspect that Huaien basically drags Xiaobao away after dinner, but—the one element of this that I'm struggling with is sound. Because those houses do not look remotely soundproof, so is. is everyone listening to Xiaobao whimpering and cry and beg. did someone try to help Xiaobao at some point and Xiaobao had to explain himself. it cannot be that because it would probably kill me??? the idea of some poor member of the household staff ohgodZhaocaiNO trying to save Xiaobao and just walking in on their kink shtick and Xiaobao is all, *spits out gag* "Do I look like I'm not having a good time???", as Huaien plots this person's imminent demise. so yeah they're either waiting till late or everyone in the household just knows to keep away by now or some third worse thing that I haven’t thought of yet.
(Just had a very vivid vision of Xiaobao pretending to try to run away into their courtyard and Huaien dragging him back in, so hm. hm. much to ponder.)
would love your thoughts on inappropriately horny domestic situations!!!!
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chocolatedreamer22 · 6 months
Ok, so i'm gonna try to keep this short and leave out the less important stuff. Let me just explain some things in a few notes:
1. This is a fanfic idea I came up with. You can use it if you want.
2. Coco is Wonka's child. Whether she's his daughter or niece is up to the reader/writer to decide.
3. "The Wonderful World Of Wonka" on wattpad will explain how Nyxie and Coco are meant to be written.
4. If you don't want to use Coco or Nyxie, just swap them out for anyone else. Or delete the character completly.
5. Anyone is welcome to use my OCs, but I just ask of these two things: 1. Please don't change anything about their characters. 2. Please don't use them in graphic sexual situations of any kind.
Wonka introduces a new assistant. She's an animatronic doll called Honey. She's the same height as Violet. She wears a pink dress and a white apron with a red Wonka logo on the front. Black mary janes and white ankle socks; the same as Coco's. Brown eyes with pupils that dilate and contract when her lenses zoom in or out. Her blonde hair is tied in two ponytails that lay over her shoulders. She looks very similar to one of the puppets from the welcome show they saw the day they toured the factory.
Honey is not like any other AI assistant. She's much smarter, and much more advanced. Everything she knows comes from the most reliable resources, and she's programmed to know as much as possible. She is NOT programmed to obtain additional information except for the personalities and traits of the humans around her.
She can cook, clean, fix anything around the house, answer any question no matter how simple or complicated, and anything else she's asked of within good reason.
No one was really sure about Honey at first, but mostly got used to her after a while. It was a bit like having another child in the house. A child that has a computer instead of a brain, and a battery instead of a heart.
The only person that never got used to her was Mike. He didn't like how realistic she looked. She was made in the same factory as those corpse dolls Nyxie got for Halloween that one year. He could maybe handle the way she looked if it wasn't for how she behaved.
She acted way too human. She had thoughts and feelings and formed opinions of the things and people around her. She couldn't feel physical pain, but could "feel" every kind of emotion. She couldn't show emotions thru things like blushing or crying, but could show them thru facial expressions and body language. He even thought her voice sounded too human. She sounds like a person speaking thru a voice changer that makes her voice sound slightly robotic. He pointed out that her voice is "breathy" and robot voices don't sound like that.
When her battery gets low, she says that she's "getting tired". On the rare occasion that she "falls asleep," her eyes close and her body collapses onto the ground. This causes a lot of concern if it happens in public in front of strangers who don't realize she's an animatronic. This doesn't happen very often because her battery is designed to last as long as a human can stay awake.
Honey is witty and sarcastic and has the ability to lie to humans. Why would a robot be able to lie? She clearly doesn't like Mike and is often side eyeing him. Nobody listens to Mike's concerns because they think it's just his irrational fear of her.
The weirdest thing he notices is that she and Coco will walk off into the distance, or hide in empty rooms and whisper things to each other. Sometimes she'll show Honey something on a cell phone or in a notebook. She always holds them at an angle that others can't see. Coco knows something that everyone else doesn't. Something really creepy is going on and Mike is determined to find out what it is.
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thefilmed2008 · 7 months
The Rusted Link - A Linked Universe fanfic
Chapter 1: “Citing sources not of God nor man.”
        I felt like I was wandering into the dark. I felt like I was thinking thoughts no mortal should have ever thought. It was always startling to fall through reality. It felt like I had died, but other than that it was a surprisingly smooth transition (I’m pretty sure dealing with fourth dimensional beings and being ripped out of your plane of existence would get you used to it.) After my vision returned I saw that I was in a lush green field dotted with flowers, a bit down-hill from where I was sitting was a small ranch and above me was a bright blue sky. ‘A bit weird, but at least there are living things here.’ I thought, after that I stood up and decided to walk towards the ranch (depending on how well my inevitable adventure will go, that was either a good idea or a bad idea.) An hour or two later I finally made it to the ranch. When I looked up at the sign I understood where I was, ‘yeah I can work with this. Not the weirdest thing I’ve ever dealt with.’ You want to know what ranch it was? Lon Lon Ranch. Well after that bit of relief I stepped through the threshold. After the music started I damn-near tripped over nothing but emotions, but I righted myself and I continued on. I eventually reached a window and peaked in, inside there were twelve people, eight of them were sitting at a table eating what I presumed was breakfast while two of them were standing around the room while another two were standing at what appeared to be a sink, nine of them were blonde, one of them had pink hair (Legend, the best little guy.) while only one of them was brunette, eight of the blondes, the pink haired one,  and the one brunette had various armors, little trinkets and medieval clothes on, although two of them had pretty modern clothes on like sweats with a beanie and jeans with a short sleeve shirt, the twelfth person however was a tall redheaded woman with fair skin and a rather bland dress with various patterns woven into its bottom. ‘Oh Linked Universe, well let’s just hope I don’t die (again).’  I thought. Suddenly the oldest looking one of them (who just so happened to have the most armor on along with having a dead eye,) side-eyed me like he knew I was there, I could not have ducked down any faster if I tried. I knew they probably wouldn’t hurt me, but I trusted people before and I paid the price, I wouldn’t make that mistake again. Suddenly I heard heavy footsteps heading towards the door which was right next to me. I fumbled for my pistol which I had learned to always keep on my person no matter the situation. No sooner had I flipped the safety off than the door opened and I came face to face with a tall, well built, man. He was 6’0 at least. And he had an aura that screamed “No matter what’s happening I am always in control.” It was so thick that it was getting hard to breathe. I could only think one thing, ‘Who is this man?’
Time’s POV:
        Me and Malon were washing our dishes and talking, the other links were eating breakfast while Texts and Worlds were standing around. When all of a sudden I heard a low noise coming from the window and when I looked over I saw a figure. And it quickly ducked down, I excused myself from the conversation I was having with Malon to go investigate. When I opened the door I was greeted with a boy who looked about fifteen years old, he had dark brown hair that looked unkempt, with white hairs that outnumbered my own, and he had eyes that seemed to be too tired and knowing to be from someone his age (Even compared to the other Links,) they also seemed to be deathly dull and faded, with the sparks of life barely recognizable along with their color. (My guess was that they were Hazel at one point in time), he was about 6’3 (though, with the number of stretch marks on his skin that was probably not his natural height), he had torn and faded jeans, smudged and cracked black and gray glasses, no shoes, and he didn’t have a shirt on, revealing unhealthily pale skin that was littered with bruises, scars, scratches, scrapes, and burns, and his feet were shot to hell. (He almost looked worse than Wild. In fact, he looked like a walking corpse.) It was apparent that something also happened to his legs due to the sound of the bones cracking every time he moved, and the number of horrendously deep scars that showed through the rips in his jeans. He was also trembling like I was a hungry wolf or something. He was pointing a metallic object at me (Texts and Worlds called them guns I believe) “Easy there, I’m not gonna hurt you.” I said “W-Who are you?” He said, I could hear the tremble in his voice. He was clearly terrified.  “My name is Time, what's yours?” He hesitated before saying “A-Andrew.” “It’s nice to meet you Andrew, what are you doing here?” “I-I don't know, I j-just woke up in a field not-t too far from here.” He also had an odd way of speaking, sometimes he would hang on words or sounds for too long, like his mouth wasn’t going fast enough to keep up with his brain, and his speech was filled with stammers and stutters.
 I had to help this kid.
Chapter 2: Linking up.
        “Do you want to come inside? We have a few spare rooms.” ‘What?! Why are they offering? I just showed up then I immediately pulled a gun on them, what are they planning?’  But despite all the red flags, this was the only building I could see for miles, so I decided to take him up on his offer. “F-Fine, but no funny business. Alright?” “Alright.” “Good.” I flipped the safety back on and returned the gun back to its place.
Time’s POV:
        Well now that that was over with, me and the kid entered the house and it seemed like everyone heard the commotion because as soon as we entered the house they were all swarming us. Goddess this was gonna be long. After I got everyone settled down they started introducing themselves. “Hi. I’m Hyrule.” “Hello.” The boy said sheepishly, though the look in his eyes said that he was excited. “Hey. I’m Legend.” The kid looked even more excited. “I’m Wind.” “Hello. I’m Sky.” “Howdy! I’m Twilight.” “Nice to meet you! I’m Four.” “…” To be expected, Wild didn’t even know how to read or write true Hylian anymore. “Another one? Good goddess.” When Warriors was grumpy he made sure everyone knew. I’d have to talk to him about that later. “Who are you?” Worlds moved from his spot next to texts. He was probably the least trusting of strangers. Though, given what he went through, I’d say it was warranted. Of course Texts didn’t say anything, he just scribbled down stuff in his notebook, he had stopped talking shortly after we met him. Oddly none of the other Links elicited the same look of excitement in the kid’s eyes like Hyrule and Legends did (Maybe he was from their timeline like Texts and Worlds were?) everyone else got looks of knowing sympathy (Weird. Had he heard of our legends?) Another thing I noticed was that he was really stiff and he looked anxious, somewhat dizzy, like he wasn’t used to so many people talking to him, even one at a time. Then he started stumbling.
        It was disorientating coming face-to-face with so many people who I originally thought were only fiction, my head felt like it was twisting inside out. It was hard to keep my footing and that’s when I tried to remove myself from the situation, only to make it worse. I walked (Read stumbled and tripped) my way over to what I could only assume was the kitchen table. Then I started to fall, my ears were ringing and my vision started to haze, I heard yells… I think. It was hard to make out. Some part of me didn’t want to stop falling, it was peaceful, and I hadn’t had peace in so… so long. Then boom. An arm caught me, I didn’t look up, I didn’t want to look up, but then I heard a voice “Are you okay?” It was a calming voice, a soothing voice, and it wrapped me in a warmth I hadn’t felt since before THE OTHER. I eventually looked up to see the red-haired woman from earlier, she smiled at me warmly and asked. “Hey there little guy. How are you feeling?”
Time’s POV:
        The kid started stumbling and tripping his way towards the kitchen table, that’s when he started to fall. Most of us were so startled that we were frozen in place, but some of us rushed over to catch him. Luckily we didn’t have to, Malon rushed over to him so quickly you would have thought that she had Pegasus boots on, after she caught him she asked if he was alright. “Y-Yeah, thank you.” Andrew let out a grunt as she helped him up. “You’re welcome. So I’m guessing you’re a new hero?” She asked with a melancholic yet hopeful tone. “His story would seem to suggest that, along with all the wear and tear his body seems to have been through.” I said. “He might just give you a run for your money in the injuries department Wild!” Legends joked. Wild just huffed and rolled his eyes.
  Chapter 3: Well this is new
                                   My POV:
        This was not the weirdest situation I’ve ever been in, but it certainly was a new one. But I had to admit that after being alone for so long and being hunted down tirelessly for so long that time became redundant this was a nice change of pace. I was at the dinner table with the Link’s eating food that Malon had cooked up, and I gotta say, she is one hell of a cook. I liked how peaceful it was. But eventually the peace had to end. “So how old were you when your quest started? I was twelve.” Legends said “I don’t want to talk about it.” “Come on! I want to know too!” Exclaimed the youngest of them, I finally broke. “I was five! Okay? Are you happy now?” That shut Legends up and also got me a couple of sympathetic looks from the rest of them. “Who did you fight? Was it Ganondorf?”  Asked the sailor, I was gonna lose it. But I decided to answer. I didn’t want to describe THE OTHER, I didn’t want to remember it, so I decided to tell them about HABIT.
                                       Time’s POV:
        Damnit! Why did Hylia have to throw someone so young into a battle against such a terrifying beast? Just listening to him describing it was harrowing, it was like all the worst parts of Majora and Ganondorf rolled into one maniacally sadistic, impossibly cunning, and damn near invincible ball. And the worst part about it was that it wasn’t just evil, it was silly evil. It was horrendous to even think about. Not even Majora would eat a Baby, let alone in front of its own mother!
        Suddenly Andrew got up. “Where are you going?” Malon asked, “I’m going to get some fresh air.” “Oh, okay.” Andrew nodded and went to open the door, but when he did we all suddenly got sucked into another portal.
Chapter 4: “In strange eons even death may die”
Normandy, France, June 6th, 1944.
Black Forest Germany, Unknown month, 1945.
The land of ashen waste/Dr Corinthall’s domain, unimportant.
The Boardwalk/Slenderman’s domain, unimportant.
The Bridge To Nowhere/HABIT’s domain, unimportant.
The Cabin/Andrew’s domain, April 45th, 2023.
       It was getting kinda annoying having to go through so many back roads to get home once I fell through reality- oh I made them worry about me, didn’t I? Oh well not like I’m gonna see them again. *bang* *bang* *bang* I think I may be corrected. I stood up and got out my gun, I then flipped off the safety and went to answer the door. “Hey guys!”
Time’s POV:
        It was hell. Not even Majora would find joy in this place, when we arrived here we were met with nothing but silence and colorless, lifeless woods. “Be on guard! We don’t know what could be lurking here.” I advised. “There is no life here. This place… it was never meant to be kind to life.” Four said as he fell to his knees. “It hurts… It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop hurting! Please!” Hyrule cried as he fell to the ground coughing up blood, Wind rushed to his side. “The Goddesses weren’t involved in the creation of this… unholy place. They couldn’t have been.” Sky said, I had half the mind to agree, the only reason I didn’t was to keep myself calm. “Oh god! Oh shit shit shit shit why here? Anywhere but here!” Worlds said, he looked terrified. “What do you mean? Where are we?” “A space between dimensions. A land forsaken by all gods, only damned souls and demons live here now.” We all whipped around to look at Texts as he finished speaking. He looked utterly hopeless. “No mortal soul was ever meant to see this place. The Candleverse was only ever meant to imprison unending spirits.” We all wanted to deny it but when Texts says something with certainty in his voice it is always true. “I-I think we should set up camp for the night. Legends go gather wood, Warriors go with him, if what Texts says is true then he’ll need it. I’ll do the rest.” “O-O-Okay.” Legend said. “Hey it’s gonna be okay.” Warriors assured Legends. I hope he’s right.
—Four Hours Later—
        Black and White and Black and White. There wasn’t even Gray, it had felt like days had passed yet it had only been four hours (Or was it five?) It truly felt like a prison, a cruel twisted version of one, but one nonetheless. Hyrule never got better, in fact he got worse. Eventually we heard a noise coming from the forest, at first we thought it was the wind, but then we realized that it was more like breathing, and it sounded like it was getting closer. Then my vision became filled with what Texts and Worlds would call static, its buzzing was persistent and upsetting, eventually a scream rose above the static. “Ahhhhhh! What the hell is that?!” I instantly jumped to my feet and grabbed hold of the voice and ran, I yelled out “Run! Move! Get the fuck away from whatever it is!” “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” I heard Texts yell, then *shlick!* I whipped my head around, then I saw it; Texts stabbed through the chest with what looked to be a black tendril, he was being whipped around wildly while his notebook was glowing with a holy light. “Babble!” “Fly you fools!” Then there was a flash of blinding light, and I and the person I was holding were sent flying with enough force to kill a Lynel.
         — Unknown amount of time later —
World’s POV:
        My entire body hurt and ached, it felt like I was hit by a bus (Again), eventually I got up and looked around. It looked like a bomb had exploded, my ears were ringing and my vision was somewhat hazy but it instantly cleared up once I saw a few other forms laying on the ground unconscious. I immediately rushed over to the forms, when I got there I saw that it was Four, well actually five… Fours, one with red clothes on, one with green clothes on,one with purple clothes on, one with blue clothes on, and one that was completely black with a purple tint. Suddenly the dark one got up “W-What happened? Where’s everyone?” It had glowing white/pale yellow eyes and no mouth. I opened my mouth to ask what it was when a drop of something fell on my face, I brought my hand up and wiped it off, that’s when we saw that it was blood, then we both looked up and saw it, Babble’s mangled and broken corpse impaled on a tree branch, or what was left of it anyway, there wasn’t much left of it to identify it as Babble’s but the one thing it did have was his notebook, the notebook that got us out of sticky situations so many times before. The dark Four started sobbing while I could only stand there and look up at the blood dripping corpse of my friend.
—Two Hours Later—
Wild’s POV:
        I awoke to the sound of sobbing, I got up on unsteady feet and headed towards the sound, there I found what I could only describe as a shadow Four lying in the fetal position covering his face and sobbing so much that he was hiccuping, Twilight had a thousand-yard stare, I also saw Sky sat facing away muttering prayers to the goddess Hylia and rocking himself back and forth while Wind was trying to calm him, Legends, Warriors, Time, and Hyrule were nowhere to be found. I then looked to my side and found out what the fuss was about; there were five corpses lying on the ground while Worlds was digging graves for each of them, four of them looked like Four while the fifth one was barely recognizable, but it held something that was: Text’s notebook.
Chapter 5: Strangers in a strange land.
—Two Hours Earlier—
Time’s POV:
        When I woke up I was met with a hallowing sight; a being in the form of Hyrule that had black skin, dark gray clothes and hair, and light gray eyes and cloth trimmings, carrying the real Hyrule on its back. “What did you do to Hyrule?” I quickly jumped up to my feet and pulled out my sword. “Calm down, I do not intend to harm my guardian.” This thing talked like a cold, analytical machine, but it also carried the sort of care and kindness that a mother would have, but I still would not let my guard down. “What do you mean ‘you’re guardian’? And who-or-what are you?” “I am Hyrule’s shadow, but you may call me Sinatra, and Hyrule is my guardian. I give him strength whilst he gives me form. It is a mutualistic relationship.” “Okay but will you hurt me?” “No. You are my guardian’s friend. Plus it would not be beneficial to me in any way.” “Good. Well with that out of the way; where is everyone else?” “I do not know. This place is wreaking havoc on my guardian’s mental state, and as such using any more magic than is absolutely needed is risky at best and guaranteed death at worst.” I sheathed my sword and started thinking about what to do next. “Well we just gotta keep on moving then.” He nodded at the suggestion and asked me to lead, we then started walking.
—One Hour Later—
Legend’s POV:
        I was getting kind of scared. It had been an hour (or was it seven?) Since me and Warriors woke up, and during that time we'd been assaulted by monsters, including a green colored thing, I had grown wary. Warriors was holding up better than I thought he would, considering he was the pretty boy of the group. “How’s that dowsing spell going, have you found anyone yet?” Warriors asked. “Nah. It’s like this place just keeps eating up any magic I throw out.” “Well that’s just dan-“ “Hold up. I think I got something.” We both stopped dead in our tracks as we heard the crunching of leaves growing closer. We both readied ourselves for a fight when suddenly Time and a black and gray Hyrule carrying the real Hyrule showed themselves.
Time’s POV:
        Me and Sinatra had been walking for an hour or so. (Thankfully the mind boggling effects of this world did not affect him.) When we had finally found Legends and Warriors. They looked ready to kill Sinatra when they first spotted him, it took some explaining for them to finally settle down enough to put down their weapons. “Okay so what now?” Legends asked. “We continue on and search for shelter.” Then we started walking.
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here we go again
Hi, little non-existent gay people in my laptop.
So I am feeling pretty anxious right now, and would like a place to vent it. So here we go.
To make a long story short, my living situation for the summer is not ideal. Now, I am safe, I am not in any danger. And the place is not ratty or buggy or leaky, and is a cheap place to live for the few months I need it (long story for another time). However, the rent is fitting. It is an old duplex which is the definition of the landlord special. I can deal with a cheap place. But let's say my roommate is a bit... unconventional. He lives literally as cheaply as possible. The only decorations in the house are mine, and the only furniture he owned before I moved in were a cheap-as-all-hell couch, his bed frame, and his dresser. But the weirdest part? He sleeps in our tiny living room most nights.
I ask rhetorically: is it such a big ask for him to sleep in his own bedroom? He literally uses the living room as his office and his bedroom. I should've been more weirded out when he told me he uses the living room storage closet as his closet, but that seemed fairly normal to me. Come to find out, he sleeps on that cheap-ass, bright blue leather and chrome hardware couch most every night. What am I supposed to do if I bring a gentleman caller over? Corral him out my bedroom window? And the most infuriating part is that I pay more rent than my roommate does.
Now it is still cheap rent, significantly more affordable than any of my other options (dear god rent has gone up), but that makes me even more irritated that I never get to use the living room. Especially being that one of my core personality traits is being a social butterfly.
As a side note, I apologize if this is a bit too stream-of-consciousness. If I am to be completely honest, I recently had a procedure that means for the past and next few days I cannot smoke, and I, shall we say, manage my anxiety better when my friend Mary Jane is at my side.
Either way, I am debating on two possibilities of what to do:
My first option is to text my roommate and ask him to rectify the problem once I am back. For context, I am in my hometown for my procedure. It would likely be as follows:
Hi [redacted]. So I was wondering if you usually sleep in the living room. I won't lie to you, this makes me a bit uncomfortable. Partially because it eliminates a bit of my privacy, being that the primary way in and out of the house is through the living room. Partially because I find it a bit grating that I pay a bit more of the rent than you do for the fact that you take the smaller bedroom, and yet you treat the living room as your bedroom and office. Now, I know that I am only subletting for the summer and thus maybe don't have quite as much sway in those decisions. But I will say that if I had known that that was a usual occurrence, I would have asked that we pay equal amounts of rent. I don't even have qualms with you keeping your [redacted] in the living room and your asking that I don't keep my tv in the living room, so that I don't really get to use the living room as I might wish. However, I would like to ask that for the majority of the time that we live together, that you spend your nights in your own bedroom. Please let me know your thoughts.
My second option is to ask him essentially the same thing when I arrive back in town. I honestly think I will do the former, so it will be a little more formal, as he seems to like that mode of discussion better. Not to mention the fact that I believe that any conversation about money he will cave to, so long as I keep paying my portion of the bills.
Well, it looks like this blog may simply be a place for me to sort out my jumbled thoughts in this chaotic and occasional mess of a mind that I have.
Well, thanks for listening, even if the only person listening is the wide open abyss that is the internet. May my words swim aimlessly among the sea of fanfiction and hack videos.
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leffee · 2 years
!!! Bad sans poly kinda general talk kinda headcanon-y, because lack of it on tumblr is unforgivable. Having said that: AAAAAAA
The poly includes: Nightmare, Dust, Horror, Error, Killer, Cross,
Well, mainly Nightmare (but others too) are very OOC, but what can you dooo,
So, yeah, Nightmare gathered this bunch of skeletons to just work for him at first, but after some time they all started falling for one another. After all, they say that being in stressful situations with somebody creates the strongest bonds, and they all have trauma to deal with,
Nightmare was the one who initiated the relationship since he could feel the overwhelming amount of love they all held for one another and him. He was rather hesitant, but in the end, his emotions reading doesn't lie. Needless to say, others were baffled that literally everyone else felt the same, but also delighted,
You bet that they helped Error overcome his haphephobia. And after it happened, he was severely touch starved instead. Hence others would smother him with affection. Error himself would often sneak into others' rooms (mainly Cross, Horror, and Nightmare's) and hesitantly admit that he wanted cuddles,
They all are just very touchy and affectionate with each other. It took some time, but they got used to it. Now it's nothing strange to see two or more of them in the weirdest positions, if only for the sake of being with each other,
Otp, otp, aaaaaaa!
They are all asexual,
Killer is the most social of them all, so if they go out somewhere not planning to be a menace, he's doing most of the talking while others just stand behind him awkwardly. The problem? He's social in a rather murdery way,
Sometimes, Horror will take a "Free hugs" sign and just stand somewhere where all his boyfriends are, looking at them expectedly. Dust usually cracks first. Other times he will do it by entering someone's room while they're sleeping and starting creepily at them. When they wake up this conversation ensues, "...How long have you stood there?" "Last three hours." Is it worth it? Yeah,
Speaking of Dust, he and Error are more often than not the quiet ones. Hence they love spending time with each other in silence. That includes: watching TV, laying on the grass outside of the castle, and finding the other to cuddle up with. Whoever initiates them simply gives the other "the look" and they just know,
Cross is literally the only one of them to regularly work out and train his magic. Nightmare tried to force the rest to at least work on their attacks every day, but they all, including him, are too lazy,
Whenever they go somewhere, be that from room to room, or some AU, there will always be that one person who doesn't feel like moving and persuades Nightmare to carry them in his tentacles. However, once that person does that, the rest will start whining to be carried as well,
Dust has discovered that Horror makes a perfect pillow and now everyone wants to lay on him, much to Horror's amusement and delight,
Speaking of, they almost always sleep in the same bed. However, even after finding the biggest bed possible, fitting six skeletons on it is hard, but at least they are all snuggled up,
At first, they tried to keep their relationship a secret, but it failed when Cross couldn't help himself and just kissed Nightmare in the middle of the battle against the Stars. Now, it's kind of a tradition to try and kiss each other in the middle of the fight while dodging any incoming attacks,
Their cuddle piles can be so messy and unorganized sometimes, trying desperately to fit on the couch or wherever they want to,
They make pillow forts sometimes. It mainly started with Killer and Dust, but now everyone helps. It's just a cozy, little space that can be comforting, especially when compared to the spacious castle,
They have matching, fuzzy slippers,
They love each other!!!
I always talk about Errormare, but it actually is Bad Sans Poly that is my number 1 OTP (Errormare is #2). Becauseee lovelies??!
That's probably just part one.
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uglypastels · 2 years
i would love to know your weirdest headcanons for eddie pls and thank you
they're maybe not as weird haha, more just random, and honestly, i kind of blanked out bc i feel like i have much more to say and yet this is all i could think of as i wrote.
no warnings. pure fluff.
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First of all, I think he has used dog, or horse, shampoo at least on one occasion in life. And it worked surprisingly well, making his hair really soft. He had also once definitely tried to convince Steve to use it. 
One time in English class, they had to read Pride and Prejudice, and he actually really, unironically, enjoyed it. Even though usually he enjoys much darker things, or just more… "adventurous" stories, in general, this book really got to him for some reason. He didn't bother reading any other Austen books tho. 
He's a "big dog" person, mostly because he thinks they are misunderstood. Just because they might look scary and are loud, doesn't mean they are actually dangerous. He would love to have a German Shepherd or a Dobberman. 
As a kid, though, he'd always wanted a pet snake. 
He also loves mixing sweet and salty. Dipping extra salted fries into a milkshake? Yes. mixing up salted and sweet popcorn? To most it's disgusting, but he can eat it by the buckets. The best thing, though, is salted caramel.
Eddie's great with his hands. Like, wood or metal shop at school is his thing. Although he never actually listens to the assignments and just does his own thing, the teachers can't even be mad at him, for the things, in the end, are better than the rest of the class combined.
He also knows how to hand sew. Because who do you think sewed those patches onto his vest?
There are about a dozen filled-up notebooks in his room, all full of ideas for campaigns, songs, tattoo designs– god, he draws so much. Sometimes, words get the better of him, so the only way he knows how to express himself is through his drawings. 
Corroded Coffin has multiple metal ABBA covers in their repertoire. And they are surprisingly good. Crowd favourites (crowd, being those five drunks at the Hideout). 
Back to the metal shop class– what is he making there, you ask? Swords. 
Eddie also braids his hair sometimes. In general, he toys with his hair a lot. Whether it's chewing or picking at split ends, when his mind wanders, his hair usually falls as the victim of the situation. So, he also makes little braids in it sometimes, which he then leaves in and completely forgets that they're there. Max would probably also teach him how to do more advanced hairstyles. 
Of course, his music choices usually stay in the realm of metal and rock, but if you give him a song recommendation, he will listen to it, and there is hardly ever a song he really dislikes and wouldn't listen to again – except American Pie. Eddie hates it. Why is it so long? Why does everyone always insist on playing it around the campfire– meaning he has to play it, as he is usually the designated guitar player and music provider. 
Eddie is very loud, and that might be seen by others as anger, but it's actually when he's quiet that you should be scared. 
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notnctu · 3 years
jaehyun: the charming
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━ welcome home to housemating smut series :)
☆ click the link above to read background info about this housemate!
☆ GENRE: smut, pwp ☆ DETAILS: fem!reader, college!au, housemate!au ☆ WARNINGS: explicit language, nicknames, dirty talking, possessiveness, rough sex, praise kink, oral (giving and receiving), spitting, choking, unprotected (wrap up yall!!) ☆ WC: 4.1k ☆ SYNOPSIS: A harmless game of Truth Or Dare with your housemates reveals Jaehyun’s true desires and has him eyeing you the entire night.
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: this is the only part for jaehyun ! sorry for the long wait,, i started this during my writing hiatus and did not have much motivation to finish it since its been really difficult to write smut lately :/ regardless, i hope you can leave me some feedback if you liked it <3 doyoung’s part will be the next in the series once i get to it !
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“If you could kiss anyone in this room right now, who would it be?” Johnny beckons his drink to Jaehyun, who blinks at him with knitted eyebrows and a quizzical expression.
It’s one of those rare nights where all your housemates are home and Doyoung is actually out of his room to participate in everyone’s foolishness. All six of you sit comfortably in the living room as the fifth round of Truth or Dare commences. 
You share the large couch with Jaemin and Haechan, sandwiching you in between them happily. Doyoung, Jaehyun and Johnny are seated in their own respective chairs that circle the tiny coffee table in the center. 
And if your housemates could be any more distracting, Jaehyun sits laid-back without a shirt on and grey sweatpants that fit loosely on his legs, manspreading as if he has all the space in the world. His soft hair falls messily around his face from constantly running his hands through it and his abs flex without him needing to do much.
It’s hard not to stare, but no one in the room calls you out for doing so. They’ve all stared at you plenty enough times on other occasions, so it would be hard for any of them to give you a counterargument. Jaehyun simply looks good enough to devour, and he can say the same for you as he steals sly glances your way.
Every subtle connection of smoldering eye contact sends a thrill down your core, and the smirk paired with his dotted dimple has you swooning for him over and over. Jaehyun knows every way to drive you wild without needing to say or touch you.
It’s unbelievable how that man has only allowed you to see his intimacy once with the way he whistles whenever you walk down the stairs in a cute outfit or how often he compliments your butt just for the pure satisfaction of you having one. Despite having the highest body count in the entire house, he has great self control and never comes off as being too needy. 
And every time he is needy, he already has another girl in his room to satisfy him. So, this never gave you another opportunity to sleep with him as much as you wanted to. If you weren’t so bashful, you might’ve had enough courage to just walk into his room and ask. 
Nonetheless, here you both are: sitting across from each other during a slowly escalating game of Truth or Dare and eyeing each other every chance you can get.
“Shouldn’t you ask y/n that question?” Jaehyun mumbles, finding Johnny’s question rather ridiculous since the ratio in the room is 1 girl to 5 guys and finds no curiosity to know how bad of a kisser the rest of his housemates are. “I think you’d rather know her answer than mine.”
You clear your throat when every attention is drawn toward you, expecting you to give a truthful response when it isn’t even your turn. “What if I didn’t pick truth?”
“You want a dare?” Jaemin rests a hand on your bare thigh and turns delightfully toward you with a dark mischievous gleam in his eye.
Gulping, you try your best to diffuse the situation. “It’s not my turn.” 
“I’ll give my turn to you.” Jaehyun smiles and proceeds to gesture toward you to speak.
Bewildered, you’re looking to Doyoung to protest about such unfair grounds of switching the rules. However, he doesn’t say a word, shrugging it off like it’s not a big deal. “You’re all unbelievable.” You scoff sarcastically.
“C’mon, it’s just a friendly game. Everyone wants you to go.” Haechan clicks his tongue out of impatience, the anticipation practically suffocating the whole house.
“Ask me when it’s my turn.” You stand your ground and send Jaehyun a quick glare. 
The tension drops instantly from the stiff atmosphere. Haechan’s groan erupts beside you as he sits back against the couch with his arms crossed. 
“Okay, buttercup. I’ll answer Johnny’s ridiculous question, but know that I have a good one for you.” Jaehyun leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees with his hands clasped together loosely. “I’d kiss y/n.” 
Your breath hitches, but no one else is actually surprised by his answer. “Yeah, I’d kiss y/n too if this was my selection pool.” Doyoung remarks with a roll in his eyes.
“I mean,” Jaehyun sits back coolly in his chair, hands stretched behind his head and every muscle flexed in view. Every movement has your mouth watering at his impressive body on display. “Even if we were playing with other people, I’d still choose y/n.” A dimple smile causes your heart to beat rapidly.
Johnny scoffs, “if we circled up all your flings, you’d still choose y/n?” 
Jaehyun ponders the hypothetical for a second, but his eyes land back on yours and every hesitation disappears. “Yeah. She has the softest lips.” He says, very matter of fact.
Your fingers unconsciously graze against your lips briefly, before you clear your throat and shake away the power of his arousing words. “Okay, okay. Let’s move on?” 
“Okay, y/n. Truth or Dare?” Jaehyun picks this open opportunity to bring the attention back to you. Your housemates wait patiently for your choice, with eyebrows raised in the thick tension that this simple game has built up.
With shifty eyes and a dry throat, you mutter. “Dare.” 
There is a notable sparkle in Jaehyun’s dark lustful orbs. “I dare you to kiss the person that you think is the hottest in this room.” 
“Well, it would be difficult to kiss myself.” Rolling your eyes, the edge in your tone is enough to make the rest of them snicker. 
“I’m done after this round. It’s always the weirdest twists whenever we play games like this together.” Doyoung crosses his arms, throwing a small fit at the request. 
Johnny smirks, “because you know y/n wouldn’t kiss you?” 
Doyoung’s mouth opens to protest, but he falls short of a defensive response. He takes his defeat and slumps back against the chair, pouty and grumpy. “Just get it over with and kiss Jaehyun.” 
With a turn of events, you get up from your spot on the couch. Jaehyun follows your every move, your stare never leaving his own. Like a lost puppy, you lead him into thinking the kiss would be for him. However, you lean forward and hold Doyoung’s chin gently, planting a soft kiss on the equally shocked boy. 
“I think Doyoung is the hottest because he treats me with the most chivalry.” The sweetness that taints your mocking words has Doyoung turning red and Jaehyun turning into stone. The charming smile that lights up your darkest parts is gone, and Jaehyun blinks back at you with a tight jaw. 
Jaemin and Haechan read the room too well, excusing themselves before the tension reaches its peak. Doyoung gulps, glancing between you and Jaehyun, and awkwardly makes his way back to his room. Johnny chuckles at the abrupt end of the night, patting Jaehyun’s shoulder lightly before also heading up to bed. 
Every next move is crucial. With your weight barred on your left leg, you cross your arms with as much attitude as you can to push Jaehyun’s buttons further. “Jaehyun, if you really wanted a kiss, you could just ask me without wasting a turn.”
“Where’s the fun in that, buttercup? You clearly like testing your limits.” His voice drops at the end of his sentence. Jaehyun stands up, approaching you slowly. “But if you want my attention, you could just ask me without trying to make me jealous.”
His boldness catches you off guard, leaving you a bit speechless to formulate a proper explanation. Your hesitation gets caught in your throat when Jaehyun lightly places his hand on your waist. “It’s late, we should probably get to bed.” His raspy baritone cadence rumbles your chest.
Fingers graze his arm softly, but he pulls away before you can get a hold of him. “Are you actually going to sleep?”
Jaehyun walks to the bottom of the staircase, motioning you to walk first. “No, I’ll be up thinking about you.” A smirk finishes his sensual taunt and you cautiously head up the stairs. 
He follows directly after you and a whistle escapes his lips. “Have I given you your daily ass compliment yet?”
“Got one this morning.” With each step, Jaehyun is quick to match. 
“Well, you look amazing everyday.” He meets you at the top of the steps and when you’re ready to part back into your room, he stops you. “Where’s my kiss goodnight, baby?” 
You can’t possibly count the numerous times you’ve rolled your eyes being around him. “In my room, if you dare wish to enter.” Though your statement was clearly sarcastic, Jaehyun raises an questionable eyebrow. 
“I’ll only come if you let me in.” His innocent eyes do not match his sinister tone and his hidden innuendos. 
“I guess I always go into your room, it would be nice to have a change.” Taking his hand, you lead him down the hallway. The doors of your other housemates are oddly closed, but you figured they wanted some privacy. His warm hand feels rough against your palm and your heart drums as you two inch closer to your bedroom.
Jaehyun gently closes your door and examines your room as if he’s never been inside. “Don’t be a stranger.” You say, dropping his hand and sitting at the edge of your bed.
“Do you leave your underwear drawer open for all your friends to see?” He snickers, his pinky holding your special red lace panties up in the air. Your eyes go wide as you quickly yank the material out of his possession and shove the cabinet closed.
“I wouldn’t have figured you were the nosey type.” You grumble, but he takes this close proximity to pull you into his bare chest. His firm hand gives your ass a soft squeeze.
“It was quite obviously on display.” His dark whisper sends a chill down your spine and butterflies to swirl in the pit of your core. The faint smell of his body wash suffocates you all around and his sultry stare has you melting in his hands. It is so difficult to resist him, you want everything that is Jung Jaehyun.
Your words are quite possibly caught in your throat, but the hesitation does not show in your expression. Lightly, your fingertips trace the outline of his biceps and his dark stare follows every drag. Admittedly, Jaehyun will find any excuse to grab your attention. Call him possessive for no good reason, but something inside him bubbles with envy whenever your other housemates even leave a lingering stare.
Although he’s not the type to be vocal about it, his facial expressions speak volumes. May it be his competitive nature, but he can’t let the others have you. You have unknowingly become off-limits to the rest, but frankly, you don’t care all too much. Your prize is already in front of you.
“Are you going to kiss me or do I have to wait all night again?” With every will, you try your best to control the nervous tremble in your bold rhetorical question.
Jaehyun wastes no more time; soft lips crash into your own and you feel like you’re floating. Only he can make you feel this way. Hands in hair, the tug on his fresh locks has him moaning through the kiss. Jaehyun loses himself in you, rubbing his semi-hard cock against your thigh and gripping your ass harshly in his hand.
Every drip of saliva is swapped in the mess of your connected mouths and you’re reminded of how rough this man enjoys to be. Your knees buckle at the thought of him and Jaehyun is quick to hold you up, placing you strategically at the end of your bed. 
Pulling away, he stands in front of you with the largest dick print against his sweatpants, along with a small wet spot. There are no bashful words exchanged as the room is filled with heavy breathing and sultry looks. Jaehyun guides your hand to his waistband, silently waiting for you to free him.
Looking up at your beautiful boy, the neediness of release almost ruins his perfect charming look. Hair is tousled wildly across his eyes and his bottom lip escapes underneath the top row of his pearly teeth. He just looks so fucked out already, you can’t imagine how much he was holding back earlier.
You pull down enough of his pants for his dick to spring up right in front of you, not expecting the lack of underwear. Your small gasp cause him to chuckle, pushing the back of your head forward toward his hard cock. “Surprised?”
“You weren’t wearing underwear the entire night?” You question him as your hands cup his balls. A sharp intake of breath is his only response before he can compose himself. 
Through gritted teeth, Jaehyun stutters, “Like you were?” He throws his head back when your warm tongue flicks against his throbbing red tip. Every vein in his arm and neck pops on display as he grabs a hold of your hair.
“You wouldn’t know.” You snicker, running your tongue up and down his shaft. Jaehyun looks back down at your piercing eyes and his dick right above your cheek.
A smirk grows devilishly, “I’m about to find out.” Pushing your shoulder back gently, your back lands comfortably on the mattress. Your heart is racing as Jaehyun gets down on his knees, situating himself in between your open legs.
“May I?” He asks, warm hands on your inner thighs as he patiently waits for your answer.
“Yes.” Jaehyun pulls your shorts down to reveal your favorite comfort cotton panties that have faded from their original color. Naturally, you grow embarrassed and quickly slap your legs closed before Jaehyun can process. 
He blinks at you questionably, quite taken aback by the abrupt motion. “Are you okay?”
“Let’s just say I wasn’t completely expecting to sleep with anyone tonight. I’m not quite prepared down there.” Your gaze drops and you anxiously fist your sheets in your sweaty hands.
Jaehyun nods, understanding your implications. “I don’t care about those things. You are…” landing a quick peck on your bare knee, he rubs reassuring circles with his thumb. “.... the prettiest baby ever. And if you’d let me, buttercup, I want to make you feel good.” 
He has always been suave with his words, as if he knows the handbook to get butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Slowly, your legs open back up before him and the slightest groan rumbles from his throat.
The wet patch on your panties is hard to ignore and he’s mesmerized, to say the least. He peels down your underwear and uses his thumb to spread your lips. Leaning forward, Jaehyun lightly licks at your erect clit and your twitch in response is enough to feed into his ego. 
He dives hungrily, eating you out until your eyes roll to the back of your head and your back is arching off of the bed. He flattens his tongue against you, pushing in and out of your dripping hole in a rhythmic motion. His nose is deep in your skin, intoxicated by your arousal, and his eyes are drinking up your uncontrollable reactions.
It’s as if electricity shocks through your lower half. The pleasure that comes with every lick and sweet suckle has you panting for more. His name echoes from your tender lips while Jaehyun inserts two fingers to stretch you out. The initial ache subsides into an indescribable pleasure; it’s the feeling of being full of anything mixing with the sensitivity of tongue against clit that has you practically on the verge of release. 
Jaehyun isn’t going to give it to you that easily. The moment your moans grow bolder, your legs begin to shake, your hand putting a little more pressure on his head, he pulls away and gets up. A desperate sigh crushes your chest as the build up leads to dissatisfaction. Jaehyun wipes his chin with the back of his hand, his two fingers glistening before being shoved into your own mouth. 
“That’s my good girl, give yourself a taste.” His hot words cause you to flood a bit more, the feeling of wetness pooling at your core. However, you two toy each other with no end as he is provoked by the way your tongue sensually swirls around his digits and how your hips keep squirming closer to the edge. “How badly do you want to get fucked?”
His firm hand holds your moving hips into the bed and you’re aching to be filled with his dick. He’s so hard that it slaps against his abdomen, red tip and spewing precum. Nonetheless, his self restraint is quite strong as he notices the defeat in your expression. Enough teasing, your body wants him endlessly. 
“Jaehyun, I want you to give me all that you got.” At the end of your request, he enters you slowly with a breathy moan. The stretch is much more than his two fingers, causing you to squirm and wiggle. Inch by inch, Jaehyun fills you to your brim and pauses for you to adjust to his size. 
“Fuck, it’s been awhile since we’ve slept together. I almost forgot how tight you are.” How could this man possibly smile with so much innocence while saying such foul things? The next action causes you to go a bit dizzy as he spits down at your clit and rubs it lovingly with his thumb. You practically see stars on your mundane ceiling. 
He starts moving his hips, deep long thrusts pulling out to only sharply fill you up again. Jaehyun is relentless as every thrust forward has you moving more and more up the bed. Your legs are pressed against your chest, folding you over to hit your sweet spot. When his tip grazes upon the greatest feeling ever, your grip on the sheets grows tighter and he’s smirking at how your mouth hangs open in pure ecstasy and shock.
“You’re so good at taking my cock.” He pants, moving faster than before. “My baby hasn’t been fucked properly in a while, has she?”
You’re at a loss for words at every drag and push. Regardless of you wanting to speak, no words seem to make its way out. Jaehyun narrows his eyes at you, dark grin and a menacing taunt in his low voice. A chuckle begins his sentence, “I know… it’s hard to talk when you feel so good right, buttercup? I can feel you getting more excited down there.”
Placing your legs around his waist, he leans down over you. His sneaky hand travels up your torso, giving your boobs a light squeeze through your shirt. Then, he wraps his hand around your neck gently and carefully, only applying enough pressure to drive you wild. 
He breaks his rhythm, reverting back to the previous slow pace. Something about the way you feel around him, hot and tight, needy and wet. Jaehyun just loves how your body reacts.
The feeling of soreness occupies your lower half and you’re more than certain it’s going to be rough tomorrow morning. Every thrust is agonizing, yet powerful enough to be felt in your guts. Jaehyun never fails to leave an impression.
Through your moans, you manage to stutter out his name. “Please, harder.” Jaehyun picks you up, hands supporting your butt and pressing your back against your door. Placing your legs down, you’re standing up right facing him with a confused expression at the change of location.
For a brief moment, his lustful glare is warm and friendly. It’s the same look that greets you in the car when he drives you two to campus. It’s the one he often looks at you with across the dinner table, usually accompanied with his robust laughter. Jaehyun looks at you as if he’s only ever seen you.
However, his next words are far from romantic and his hand finds its way to your throat, pinning you up against the cold door. “I want them to hear how good I fuck you.” Them. The rest of your housemates. Knowing that the house is far from soundproof, Jaehyun wants everyone to know how enthusiastic he makes you feel. 
“But--” As you begin to protest, he drives his hips up and nestles into you. His free hand grips your waist steadily as he barely pulls out, fucking you deeper until you feel him at the pit of your stomach. There is no ability to hold back your pleasure, moans just naturally fill the room and bounce off every wall.
“Cum for me, I know you’re close.” Jaehyun has no intentions to stop, the feeling of both releases being at the tip of your tongues. “Be the good girl that you are and cum for me.”
The small bubble inside of you is ready to burst. Jaehyun sucks on his fingers to coat them with saliva and reaches down to stroke at your clit. Like a switch, your internal light bulb explodes and every spark of electricity fuels your every vein. 
Your orgasm electrifies you, causing every limb to shake uncontrollably and sporadically. Jaehyun keeps thrusting up, helping you ride out the intensity of your high. 
“There you go, baby.” A small kiss on your shoulder, he pulls out and the emptiness is felt immediately. Getting on your knees, you take his cock in your mouth to help him finish. He rests his fists on the door, hovering over you as his abs flex beautifully under the fluorescent light. Hollowing out your cheeks, your throat invites him deeper and this causes him to mindlessly thrust into your mouth. 
Jaehyun sounds breathy above you, whining about how close he is to cumming. Silence in the room has been replaced with his heavy pants and soft groans, the sound of suckling and slick saliva droning out anything else.
“Fuck, y/n.” He says, as he holds your cheek in his palm and maintains eye contact with you through his brown locks. The view of his dick being swallowed up in your mouth is more than enough to drive him to his edge, strings of cum coating the back of your throat from his release. The saltiness immediately hits your palette.
Jaehyun tosses his head back until the satisfaction dissipates. Slowly pulling himself out, he moves quickly to find you a tissue. For a moment, neither one of you speak as he silently dresses himself and you wipe the remaining spit off of your lips.
He helps you up from the floor, lightly dusting off your bare knees for you. And he says something to break the slightly awkward atmosphere, “are you kicking me out like you do with the rest of your hookups?” Jaehyun laughs, wide smile and dimples deep in his soft cheeks. The glow in his skin radiates in the dimness, he’s a sight that’s too difficult to look away from.
“Did you want to stay?” Tossing on a pair of fresh underwear and pajama shorts, you have a vague memory of Jaehyun holding you after your first fuck together. 
Though Jaehyun is your friend before anything else, he responds like every other hookup unsure about the next steps. He shrugs, turning around and tapping his back for you to hop on. “I’ll take you to the bathroom to wash up.” 
Jumping on his back and wrapping your arms around his neck, he carries you down the hall to the shared bathroom. “You didn’t exactly answer my question.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, knowing how embarrassed you are going to be the next morning when facing the rest of your housemates.
“I know you’re just going to come into my room anyways, right?” He sets you down and the door to the bathroom swings open to reveal an equally surprised Haechan. 
“Shit, you two scared me.” The dramatic boy rests a hand on his chest to calm his startled heart. “You might want to air out the bathroom before doing anything in there.” Jaehyun and Haechan share a laugh as you groan, irritated by the putrid fumes that cursed the poorly ventilated bathroom.
“You’re so gross.” You say, punching Haechan jokingly on the arm.
“Says you.” Haechan pauses to poke at Jaehyun’s bare chest, “and you. We are never playing Truth or Dare ever again.” 
“Don’t hate the players, hate the game bro.” Jaehyun snickers.
Haechan pays no more attention to the two of you, back turned and hurrying into his dark room. “I do hate the game now!” He yells in a whisper, shutting his door to end the conversation. You sigh out of relief that Haechan didn’t press for more details or jokes.
Housemates, you never know what adventures you’d run into with them. Nonetheless, you don’t mind and getting to see a shirtless Jaehyun parade around the house is always a treat.
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kimvvantae · 3 years
the misadventures list; 3 (m)
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➜ the night shift can be very wild at times. you’ve witnessed so many strange, concerning and absurd situations happen inside the tiny convenience store that you could make a long list with everything that got you stunned - and the situation that takes the prize of being the weirdest of your list is the night a desperate millionaire, for the sake of saving his fortune, asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend.
pairing: playboy!jimin x (f) reader
genre: smut, comedy (?), fluff • fake dating au
warnings: explicit sexual content in future chapters. shitty toxic parents. non-explicit mentions of bullying. coarse language. me trying to be funny i guess
rating: 18+
word count: 13k
A/N: things will officially start after this chapter!! i'm so excited!!! if you like it please don't forget to rb & leave some feedback <3
let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
➜  Chapters: check out masterlist in bio!
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“Wait, repeat that again?” Soojin asks. Although the lightning in her room is shit - and your internet is always so freaking unstable all the time -, you can still see very well as she frowns, sending you a skeptic glare through the screen.
“I need you to check on Tobey while I’m gone.” You say once again, not embarrassed of how stupid it might sound. “Look, he has an automatic feeder and cleaner, but that bitch is so petty that he might die if he notices I’m gone.”
Tobey just stares at you from under his tiny castle in his pristine new aquarium, as usual.
Sure - you didn’t buy it yourself. It was Jimin. But you’re not telling Soojin that he knocked on your door yesterday holding a bigger, better aquarium that had an automatic cleaner, an automatic feeder, a better filter and a freaking tiny castle inside of it.
The fact that he cared about your fucking fish made your heart miss a beat?
Of course not.
“You do realize that you’re talking about a fish as if it’s a person, right?” Soojin quirks her eyebrow.
“He has an attitude problem. I’m telling you.”
“Gosh. You definitely need to go out more often.”
“Well, I am.” to Hawaii of all places, but I'm not telling this detail. "And don't act like I never go out."
"Stop lying to yourself." If Soojin narrows her eyes even more, she'll end up closing them. "You didn't go out for the past two months. You've been just working and working and studying. If I didn't have your number, I'd think you're dead because your Instagram is inactive."
"And what's the problem?"
"The problem is that you're still mourning over your relationship."
"I'm not!"
“Y/N, I know you since you were a baby. You can’t lie to me.”
You roll your eyes. Soojin always uses the “I know you since you were a baby” card. You don’t have any siblings, but you have the impression that this is pretty much what having an older sister would feel like. Well, Soojin is your “almost sister”. That’s basically what cousins are, right?
“Soojin, I’m serious. I don’t think about that fucker. It’s just that things are tough these days, okay? I’ve been working like crazy, I really didn’t have time to enjoy myself at all.”
Soojin isn’t exactly wrong. You did mourn your relationship for a while. If it was just a simple break up you’d be fine - those ten months with Yeojun were intense in every sense of the word, both good and bad, the last few months more bad than good - and you knew you’d need some time away from him at some point to figure out if it was still worth it to try and patch this relationship up. When Yeonjun said he needed space, although it shook you up at the moment, you thought it was a good decision for you both.
Then, he showed up dating Sarah.
This fucked you up.
They showed up together so quickly after the break up that it’s obvious that they’ve been interested in each other while you dated. You started wondering when did they start seeing each other, how it happened, where it happened- then you remembered how Yeonjun kept saying that you never paid enough attention to him, that he wasn’t even sure if you liked him, and your brain started to whisper maybe you’re the reason he cheated on you, maybe it’s your fault-
It all went away as quickly as it came, of course. It was his fault all along. It was also scary how many times you planned to murder Sarah. Yet, deep down, there was a little wise voice that told you it just wasn't worth it to keep thinking about them.
So you buried yourself in studying more than ever.
If you said this whole situation didn't affect your self-esteem, you would be lying. Soojin was right about you not updating your social media (you barely open the front camera these days) and yeah, you haven't been taking care of yourself that much (hence the split ends of your hair). The first time you actually put some nice clothes on and makeup was because of… well… Jimin.
You know that you shouldn't get all dressed up wanting people's approval, but it felt nice to see Jimin's look of approval. Just feeling wanted again in general felt nice. Not that some guys didn't hit on you for the past two months, but none of them made you feel the way Jimin makes you feel.
Maybe because none of them are that attractive. And maybe because none of them have those pouty pretty lips or that adorably awkward behavior-
Bitch, stop. Stop right now.
"Anyway, are you coming to see Tobey or not? You don't have to stay that long or anything, just… check if he's alive and leave."
Soojin rolls her eyes. "Alright."
You smile, getting up from bed. "Thank you so much!"
"You owe me one." She says.
"Sure. I need to hang up now-"
"Y/N, wait."
Your thumb hovers over the hang up button.
Just by Soojin's hesitant look, you already know what's coming.
She passes her hand over her bangs the way she always does when she's nervous and avoids your gaze for a while.
"Look… hm… I know how you feel about this all. I wasn't even going to tell you, but…" Soojin sighs and finally makes eye contact again. "Your parents. They want to know where you live."
The smile on your face falters.
Slowly, you sit on the edge of the bed again.
"How do you know?" you ask in a dry tone. Soojin shivers at your expression.
"Your mother asked my mother."
You snort, rolling your eyes. "So they're talking now?"
"Yeah. Apparently." Soojin sighs. "Y/N… I know how fucked up this whole situation is, but maybe you could-"
"If you tell them where I live, I'm never talking to you ever again."
Soojin goes quiet.
"You're too damn hard headed."
"Yeah. Wanna know who taught me that?"
"Okay, Y/N. Of course I wouldn't tell your parents without your consent." She shakes her head slowly, eyebrows knitted. "But just… think about this, okay? This pride won't take any of you anywhere. Besides, they're getting old, Y/N."
"Since when you're on their side?" You already feel anger slowly bubbling up inside of you.
"Goddamnit, I'm on nobody's side, Y/N. I just see things from a different perspective now that I'm a mother. It hurts just to think of Minhyun being away from me for too long."
God, you know she's got nothing to do with it, but you can't help but stare at her like that. "You know what you have to do to not have Minhyun away from you? Be the exact opposite of my parents."
Soojin exhales heavily and rolls her eyes.
"Whatever, Y/N. Wasn’t expecting to make you change your mind anyway. Just thought you should know.”
It's your time to sigh, feeling your shoulders shrink with guilt. "I'm sorry, Soojin."
"It's alright."
"...are you still seeing Tobey?"
"Yes, Y/N." You smile once again. “I really owe you one.”
“You sure do. Enjoy your trip, wherever you’re going.”
“I will. I promise I’ll bring Minhyun a gift!”
“What about me? I’ll be the one babysitting your ugly fish.” She quirks one eyebrow up.
“Minhyun is cute. You’re not.”
She, in a very I’m-a-mature-mother way, sticks her tongue out at you. “Bitch.”
“Bitch.” You say back, giggling. “Bye.”
Finally, you hang up the video call and drop your phone flat over the bed.
Your shoulders shrink once again.
Just thinking about this brings your mood down.
Yet, you look at the three suitcases you carefully prepared the night before, resting just beside your feet.
You cross your arms.
“All things considered, I’m going to fucking Hawaii. I’m going to have fun. Regardless of the possibly awful people there. Did you hear it? I’m going to have fun!”
Tobey just stares at you in silence.
“What? You don’t believe me?” You huff. “You’re not very supportive of me, did you know that?”
Tobey, once again, just stares at you in silence.
“Anyways. You have a bigger home now. You should have fun while I’m gone. I bet you won’t even miss me.” You stand up to look at the fish closely. The aquarium even has led lights that turn on automatically as the night approaches. It almost completely occupies your desk, which means you’ll have to install another shelf to place it, but now it’ll have to stay here. “Just don’t die, okay? I know you don’t even like me that much, but I’ll be kinda sad if you die.”
Tobey turns around and enters his palace once again.
“Ungrateful bitch.”
Your scowl kind of deepens when you hear your phone ringing with a new notification… and your stomach twirls before you even take it from the bed once again.
jimin: good morning pretty!!!
jimin: i’m outside!!
Oh God.
You have to sigh before opening the door.
There he is, greeting you with his biggest smile.
And you’re shocked.
“Today’s the great day!” He says excitedly before, without an ounce of awkwardness or hesitation, pulling you by the waist and placing a kiss on your cheek once again. Yes, he just decided to greet you like this from now on. It doesn't bother you, though. It's pretty much the opposite.
“You dyed your hair,” it’s the first thing you say.
Jimin runs his fingers through his now blonde locks. To be fair, it’s not completely blond; it’s almost grey, a blonde-ash tone, yet much far from the previous silver color he had before.
“I was tired of silver already,” he explains. “Besides, I don’t think that silver would match the occasion anyway. Blonde gives me more summer vibes. Did you like it?”
Of course you liked it. You have a feeling that Jimin would look good in any hair color (if he managed to look good in silver, anything else won’t be a challenge). But you don’t want to caress his ego that much, so you just shrug and say: “Not bad.”
He tilts his head. You also take this moment to properly analyze his outfit. Nothing special, really - he even oriented you to wear comfy clothes, since you'll be caged inside of a plane for hours -, but the "Balenciaga" written over his black hoodie is still very obvious.
"Did you sleep well?"
"No." you admit. Jimin giggles. Oh, that giggle.
"It's alright, you'll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane. Anyway, are you ready?"
You look around your apartment once again. All the outlets unplugged… windows safely locked… Tobey's feeder properly programed and stocked (because yes, you checked that over a billion times).
"Yeah, I think I'm ready."
Jimin nods and takes your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"Then let's go, pretty. I'm so excited!"
You can't help but mirror his smile this time.
"Me too!"
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You shouldn't get surprised at Jimin's rich life at this point, but he still manages to surprise you anyway as he stares at you apologetically.
"Usually, I would definitely choose our private jet, but my parents are using it… and I don't want to cross their way until we get there." He keeps excusing himself. "I would even book a private jet, but this was all too sudden, so-"
"Jimin, are you apologizing?"
He stops, eyes widened and round. "Yeah…?"
You look around the first-class area of the plane, absolutely astonished by, well… everything. It's kind of stupid that you think of the place as "futuristic-looking" when planes in general are a pretty old thing. Differently from the economic class seats (that, in your opinion, looked very comfy anyway), the first-class seats are pretty much private cubicles, the seats stretching as far as a comfortable bed if you want to. The space is colored in white and a soft beige. There's a whole bunch of buttons beside the seat that you're honestly scared to accidently press.
Your eyes land on him once again.
"Do you think I care if we're in a private jet or not? I've never even been in any plane ever before. Period."
Jimin blinks, looking confused and surprised as he settles on his seat right by your side. "Oh."
"You don't need to go far to impress me. I'm a broke bitch, remember? Not one of your supermodel dates or whatever."
He blinks again. "Oh." he repeats. "Okay." Jimin opens a tiny, content smile.
"What? Is it, like, a big deal to rich people? Not booking a private jet, I mean." You ask, quirking your eyebrow. Jimin tilts his head.
"It's, hm… the equivalent of taking your date out on a bus."
You snort, crossing your arms uncomfortably. "That's stupid. Me and Yeonjun always waited for each other in subway stations for our dates."
Immediate regret hits you as soon as this sentence leaves your mouth.
Jimin narrows his eyes in mischief as he crosses his arms, slightly leaning closer to you.
"So Yeonjun's the name."
"Oh, no. Don't even get started." You vehemently wave your hands in denial, but it's already too late. He'll bother you with this information forever.
"You know, I should be offended."
"You're here with me, we're about to go on a nice trip, yet you're thinking about Yeonjun."
"I'm not-" you gasp, leaning away from him slightly. Although you see the ghost of a smile and the glint of playfulness in his eyes, you have the feeling that maybe, deep down, he is a little bit offended. "I wasn't thinking about him! I was just saying that it's 100% normal to go on dates using public transport!"
"Oh, really?" He quirks his perfect eyebrow up, clearly not buying it. You desperately feel the urge to change topics. You won't talk or think about Yeonjun. Not now and not with him. "Have you ever been on public transport, by the way?"
"Why are you asking?"
"Because many of my classmates didn't."
Jimin hesitates, still eyeing you suspiciously, but - thank God - he decides to go along. "Well… no. I always wanted to as a teen, though, but my parents were worried that I'd be kidnapped. So I never had the chance to. Besides, cars are faster." he shrugs.
If you hadn't studied at that private school, you would've thought it was just rich people bullshit as usual, but you know it isn't. Kidnapping was an actual threat to the richer students - kids are a much easier target. Security at that school was as strict as in a bank.
You tilt your head at him, which causes Jimin to eye you with confusion. "What?"
"I'm taking you on a subway trip as soon as we come back."
The way his eyes close in thin crescents as he laughs shouldn't make your heart skip a beat, but goddamn, it does. "What is it, all of sudden?!"
"It's payback. You take me on a trip to Hawaii, I take you on a trip to the subway, which is what I can afford."
He's still laughing as he rests his cheek on his palm. Jesus, he's looking at you like that again. "Okay, then. I'm looking forward to it. Also, very bold of you to ask me out on a date like that."
You almost gasp.
That was just a funny idea you had, but only now you realize that it indeed sounded like you were asking him out.
Weren't you, though?
"Bold of you to assume I was asking you out, gentleman. Take it as an educational trip where I'll teach you how peasants get to places." Jimin just silently watches you with that resting smile on his lips and, yet again, you feel that heat creep the back of your neck. "Did you know it's considered rude to stare at people like this?"
"I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're just endearing."
It's your turn to go silent for a while.
And he had the audacity to call you bold.
How can Jimin say this type of thing so casually? At the same time he's smooth, it feels that you're being hit by a brick on the head every time he says things like that. So straightforward. Your brain algorithm can't take it. It's programmed - and used - to men at least trying to be subtle and "mysterious" on how they feel about you… that is, until you break their pride and have them begging for a little bit of your attention. Just because it's fun.
"You keep saying weird things." You side eye him in a judging manner. Jimin shrugs.
"It's one of my many charms, I guess." he blinks prettily. "I bet Yeonjun doesn't have as many charms as me."
"If you say his name again, I'll slap you."
Jimin just giggles devilishly in response.
Your attention goes to the polite flight attendant for a while as she does the usual flight instructions. After you buckle up, the smooth voice of the pilot floats in the air through the speakers.
"We're about to take off," Jimin announces - as if the pilot himself hadn't said that already. For some reason, he looks all bouncy and excited. "Are you scared?"
Your eyes narrow. Sure, some nervousness creeps your skin and bubbles in your stomach, but you're not scared. "Not really."
His shoulders shrink and he immediately pouts like a puppy whose owner just refused to give it cookies.
"Why do you look so disappointed?"
"I was playing this little fantasy in my head that you'd be scared to fly and you'd grab my hand for comfort." He puts his open palm over the space between your seats (for reference: said space is almost one arm long) and sends you an expectant, suggestive look.
You can't help but fully laugh, shaking your head slightly in disbelief. "So you're making romantic little scenarios about me in your head?"
"It's what people do in movies. It always seemed so cute." Again, that whiny voice of his. If any other man on this planet tried speaking in that voice and pouted like that, you'd straight up want to punch them in the face. But since it's Jimin… well…
He's built different.
"Will you feel better if I hold your hand?" It's embarrassing how he makes you give in so easily. Jimin just blinks prettily once more in response, nodding.
So, rolling your eyes - and with a smile still plastered over your face -, you reach for his waiting hand. Jimin grins, satisfied.
Finally, the plane takes off.
The smile on his face doesn't fade away as he watches you look through the window, absolutely astonished by the view of the city slowly becoming smaller and smaller, the sky getting closer and closer. You were planning to not look so excited about this - like it's not a big deal, as if you've been in thousands of flights before; not to impress Jimin, but because you knew the type of people that would be around you and you didn't want to look like a fool - but damn, this is too amazing to not get astonished at.
Jimin silently wishes he could take a picture of you right now.
"Are you enjoying it, pretty?"
For some reason, you feel a little warm on the inside hearing him call you "pretty" this time - even though you're getting quite used to it. Maybe because his voice is quieter than usual.
You turn back to him, nodding. "It's so beautiful!"
Jimin's smile widens a little bit. It's the first time he sees you acting in somehow of a "child-like" way - with full rounded eyes and a sparkle to them he had never seen before. It even makes him forget for a bit that he hates flying. Not because he's scared of heights, but because he hates to be forced into a place for hours straight.
This one particular flight might be more entertaining than all the others, though.
"It is," he agrees. Yet, you notice that he hasn't looked at the window not even once.
You try to pretend that this thing you're feeling in your stomach is due to being in your first flight, not because he's looking at you that way.
This is going to be a long trip.
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As if you already didn’t have enough reasons to think Jimin is adorable, you find out he cries very easily watching movies. There was this new Netflix release you wanted to watch really bad but didn’t have enough time to yet - a drama about a soldier during World War II. The amount of good reviews about it made you even more excited to watch it. You didn't expect Jimin would want to watch a movie with you, but he said you needed to "have a lot of activities together to increase your intimacy" (funny how he made it sound so serious).
Around 40 minutes into the movie, he was already crying.
The sadness of the heart-wrenching drama went away as you saw his eyes unceremoniously flow with tears. He looked sheepish as you tried to fight back your giggles, wiping the tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie - but he kept crying anyway until the final credits.
It shouldn't have affected you the way it did. What's the issue with men crying because of sad movies? Why did your heart swoon at the sight of the blush on his nose and his puffy face? Why did you think the way he didn't even try to act all tough around you (like most guys usually do) made you want to literally hug him like a baby?
You're way too attached to this man already.
This is getting dangerous. Feeling attracted to him is one thing; feeling that you want to protect him at all costs is another thing - and you shouldn't be feeling this way for someone you don't even know that well. This is just business. He paid for you to be here and you must do your part well.
And the nervousness of the whole situation just hits harder as the plane finally lands.
You're actually in Hawaii.
As you feel your nerves getting dull, Jimin looks relieved and excited to finally leave the plane; his face isn’t puffy anymore.
“You ready, pretty?”
His eyes are sparkling a little bit as he looks at you.
You inhale Hawaii’s fresh air for the first time, trying to get a boost of confidence. Jimin brought you here to help him get free of an arranged marriage that might ruin his life. He trusts you. You can’t let him down.
So, nodding, you intertwine your fingers with his. Jimin looks down at your hands between your bodies, a little bit surprised since you never really initiated any physical contact up until now.
“Ready.” You reassure him with such conviction that anyone would trust you. “I’m your girlfriend for the next three days and I won’t let any bitch try to steal you away from me.”
Jimin laughs. His eyes almost completely close. Damn.
“Alright, girlfriend. Let’s go.”
As weird as it might be, as you walk down the airport with your hand clasped with his, you truly feel comfortable as if he is indeed your boyfriend - and you feel proud to be holding his hand like that, to see women and men turn their heads as you walk by and to think yes, bitch, this man is mine.
Method acting at its peak - and you weren’t even a member of the theater club at high school.
Suddenly, Jimin lowers his mouth closer to your ear, not stopping his pace. “Do you see that group of men in suits?”
It’s impossible not to see them as they stand out among everybody else - five tall men wearing black suits and looking unfriendly. It kind of reminds you of the movie Men in Black (really, brain? Couldn’t you be more obvious?). You nod.
“The one in the middle, Mr. Zhou, is my family’s chief butler.” Chief butler? Are there more? Why the hell would anyone need more than one butler - wait, why would anyone need any butler anyway?! “He’s my parents’ eyes and ears. We have to be very careful around him.”
You analyze the man from afar; he must be nearing his sixties (as if it didn’t seem weird enough that anyone would have a butler in real life, said butler is an elder. Isn’t it against the law or something? A man this age should already be retired, right?). His grizzly hair neatly styled, suit ironed to perfection, a blank expression on his face.
And when he finally finds you two among the crowd, his eyes set on you with the ferocity of a hunting eagle.
The five men bow politely as you stop in front of them. You promptly bow and Jimin bow as well (it doesn’t matter if he’s an employee or not, you’re not rude enough to not bow at an elder. Also, cute that Jimin bowed too. One more indicative that he’s not an arrogant and impolite rich brat).
“Good morning, Master Jimin. Did you have a good flight?” Mr. Zhou says. His voice somehow sounds like ice. You can’t really explain how. Jimin smiles sheepishly.
“Please, Mr. Zhou, don’t call me master. I’ve asked you a thousand times before. I feel awkward,” he says. Mr. Zhou smiles back, although it looks very plastic.
“I apologize. I’m just too used to it, I guess.” he says. His eyes land on you once again. You feel that he’s literally a robot scanning every inch of your face and body. “I believe I was not informed of this lovely lady’s presence.”
Jimin holds your hand tighter. You bow once again, politely greeting the older man with your name.
“I apologize for not informing about her presence earlier. I just thought there was no better time to present my girlfriend to my parents, isn’t it?”
You see it.
Mr. Zhou is so subtle that the oblivious eyes wouldn’t quite get it, but you freaking see the pure shock crossing his expression for a brief second. He recovers just as quickly, his face looking even more plastic.
“You are right. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Lady Y/N.” Lady Y/N? Wow. “Well, we should take you two to the villa. I guess you’ll want to get prepared for the reception dinner later today.”
The other four men quickly grab your luggage and you walk out of the airport where a silver Mercedes Maybach waits for you both (you still don’t know about car names - you just briefly read it on the car’s back). You are aware that Mercedes are usually very expensive cars, yet seeing the insides of the car makes you wonder how much money you’re sitting atop.
Don’t look so astonished, you remind yourself over and over again. Obviously, as Jimin made very clear, there’s no way you can hide your true background to his family (apparently everyone knows everyone in “high society”. They’d know you’d be pretending right away). Still, you don’t want to look boisterous in a way that would embarrass Jimin or yourself. Besides, you’re aware of Mr. Zhou’s hawk eyes on you throughout the entire ride to the resort. You can’t let him think you’re a prostitute or anything else his evil mind might be thinking.
“We can tour around the Big Island later if you want,” Jimin says quietly, once again coming closer to your ear so the driver and Mr. Zhou on the front seat wouldn’t hear you. He sounds content. “I know some really good night clubs.”
Because of course Jimin knows Hawaii well. You lean closer to him, whispering in his ear: “Will your family let us?”
Jimin shrugs, smirking. “I don’t really care.”
This makes you open a smile as well.
The rest of the ride to the resort is silent; you just watch the hawaiian city through the window as Jimin checks his phone from time to time. You’re more silent than usual due to Mr. Zhou’s presence, yet the silence doesn’t feel awkward at all. Jimin still holds your hand absently. Sometimes, he caresses it with his thumb. That’s good, you think. Anything that will give us couple vibes.
You keep your hands clasped as, finally, you get to the resort. Once again, you remind yourself to not get jaw-dropped at the astonishing, luxurious main hall of the 5 stars resort; it is built on white marble, beautifully decorated with flowers all over the place; a huge golden chandelier hangs from the high domed ceiling. As soon as you walk in, smiley attendants put flower necklaces around your necks called lei (watching the two attendants makes you admire them a lot. Being forced to look happy as an attendant is awful. They’re really pros at what they do). Instead of walking to the check-in area, as you supposed you’d have to, the butlers (this sounds so fucking surreal!) do it for you, providing the key card to your room.
Except - it’s not exactly a room.
You don’t go to the elevators, as you first expected; instead, you’re guided to the outside part of the building where a golf car waits patiently.
“Let’s go, pretty!” Jimin says excitedly, noticing your confusion. “My family booked the entire west section of the resort. We won’t have to stay at the main building. Much more privacy.” The words leaving his mouth sound surreal, just as pretty much everything else happening in your life right now.
My family booked the entire west section.
You googled this resort before the trip.
The economic rooms (let me repeat that: the fucking economic rooms) cost an average of $3000 per night. You didn’t even care to see how much the most expensive suites would cost. And his family… they simply booked an entire section of the resort, just to accomodate all of their guests.
Your damn accountant brain tries to calculate just how much they’re spending this weekend. The calculator inside of your brain overheats and explodes.
You very carefully hide your complete shock, aware of the hawk eyes on you (you already hate Mr. Zhou. Is it bad to hate an elder?), and just decide to follow Jimin quietly towards the golf car. As it travels down gorgeous streets surrounded by palm trees on both sides, you peek at a huge golf camp in the distance; more than one square with huge water fountains decorating them; another building that seems to be a mall; and finally, the endless ocean just ahead.
After a few more minutes, you notice that the street becomes narrower and the palm trees become more frequent, enclosing the path. Finally, the car stops at the end of the street, in front of your room.
As expected, it’s not exactly a room. It’s a private bungalow.
It’s getting hard to pretend you’re not amazed at this point.
Jimin opens the door for you and watches intently as you look around the place for the first time. It’s huge. This is bigger than some houses. The floor and furniture are all made of dark wood (fuck car names and fuck wood type names!); the place has wide entrances all over, the sliding doors made of glass all turned to the private pool and the gorgeous sight of the ocean just ahead. Natural lightning is abundant. The walls have soft shades of sand-yellow and green, decorated with paintings and sculptures. Right in front of you there’s the living room equipped with a 70” inches television and the most comfortable couches you’ve ever seen in your life. Walking to your left, you open the sliding door (thankfully, this one isn’t made of glass) and enter the bedroom; you almost feel tempted to jump over the king-sized bed like people do in movies, but you tame your inner child and walk to the bathroom instead. It’s all marble, wood and golden decoration, probably bigger than your entire apartment. The bathtub can fit two people comfortably.
Oh my God.
Are you amazed? Are you scared? Do you want to throw up? You don’t know anymore at this point.
“What’s so interesting in this bathroom?”
You turn around, being brought back to reality by Jimin’s voice. He’s leaning on the bedroom’s door, all relaxed and carefree, his arms crossed. He has that tiny smirk on his lips you’re growing used to.
“It’s, hm… it’s big.” It’s all you can stupidly stutter. His smile widens.
“It’s alright now, pretty. I dismissed the butlers already.”
You feel as if an invisible weight has lifted from your shoulders. “Thank God. That Mr. Zhou was staring at me all the time! I was getting uncomfortable!”
“Yeah. Tobey’s not the only one with this little problem.” He tilts his head. “Did you like the room?”
You look around once more, nodding. “What can I say? It’s amazing.”
“You look a bit uncomfortable, though.”
Damn. So observant. “I guess I’m just not used to it.”
“Oh.” His eyebrows lift slightly. “I thought you were uncomfortable because of the bed.”
You frown. “What’s wrong with the bed?” It looks like the coziest bed you’ve ever seen. Why would you be uncomfortable about it?
“Well…” for the first time, you see a hint of sheepishness cross Jimin’s face. “It’s one bed.”
You blink.
It’s one bed.
Immediately, you feel heat spreading from your neck to your face, and this time it has nothing to do with the summer heat. Oh my God. This is the “one bed for two” situation. It’s happening. It’s happening. It’s happening.
It’s not as if you didn’t think of the possibility of getting laid during this trip - as wrong as it is, there’s nothing wrong with thinking about it, right? -, especially after what happened at your apartment. It was so hard to hold yourself back, so hard to kick him out… because you didn’t really want to kick him out. Why would you want to kick an awfully handsome, awfully adorable, awfully nice man out of your apartment when he was showing obvious signs of being into the idea too?
You thought… maybe this will escalate. Maybe the hawaiian atmosphere will make things happen between us.
But now it’s actually happening, he’s standing there awkwardly, you both stare at the one bed in silence and all the alarms in your head are ringing wildly. What happened to the strong woman that makes men beg for her attention? Didn’t she come to Hawaii with you?!
Wait- why are you thinking about sex? Jimin just mentioned that there’s one bed. He thinks he’s making you uncomfortable, that’s all. Stop being so horny!
You rest your back on the wall, still staring at the bed. “I already expected there would be only one bed. Real couples sleep on the same bed.”
“Yeah.” Jimin agrees, nodding.
“It’d be suspicious if we went to a room with separate beds.”
Embarrassment the weight of an elephant settles on your shoulders.
“The couch looks comfortable enough, though. I’m sure it’ll be just as comfortable to sleep there-”
“Wait- don’t bother, Y/N, I can take the couch.” Jimin immediately says, shaking his hands.
“Of course not! You’re already doing too much, Jimin. You should take the bed, I’ll take the couch. Really, it does look very comfortable.” you try to reassure him.
“Nope. What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you sleep on a couch?” He quirks one eyebrow up. You cross your arms.
“Do I look like the type of person that cares about it? You saw the place I live. That couch will be just like heaven to me.” Jimin rolls his eyes, starting to get annoyed.
“Come on, I’m trying to be polite, Y/N!”
“I am, too!”
You angrily stare at each other from across the room.
“Let’s decide it with rock, paper, scissors, then.” Jimin says defiantly. “The loser takes the bed.”
“Alright.” You nod just as defiant as him.
You step closer to each other.
Rock, paper, scissors.
You - scissors.
Him - rock.
You groan in defeat as Jimin fists the air in victory. “That’s it! I take the couch!”
“That’s not fair.” You whine under your breath. Funny how you should be happy to be able to take the bed, yet the thought that you lost makes a grumpy feeling invade you.
Jimin smirks, his eyes glinting with something dark and playful that makes your insides twirl.
“If you’re so upset that I’ll be sleeping on the couch, I could sleep with you anyways, pretty. All you gotta do is ask.”
Stay calm. Stay calm.
You roll your eyes and punch his arm. Jimin laughs loudly, caressing the place you punched. “Fuck off, Don Juan. The reception dinner is in a few hours, right? Hurry up, we gotta get ready!”
“Sure, ma’am!” he wiggles his eyebrows playfully, walking out of the bedroom.
You take this brief second of loneliness to remember how to breathe again.
This is sure going to be a long long long long trip.
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Everyone likes to feel pretty.
Taking a nice shower, doing your hair, wearing that outfit that makes you look cute, looking pretty on that mirror selfie - it’s a great feeling. Although your life has always been busy and sometimes you didn’t really have time to take care of yourself, you do your best to look at least presentable at any given opportunity (previous Yeonjun period). Is it good self-esteem? Is it a trauma? Is it the constant need for approval? You honestly don’t know - and therapy is too expensive to try and find out why.
What you know at the moment is that, goddamn, you look hot in a way you’ve never been before.
You check yourself out in front of the mirror once again. Everything about your look satisfies you: the sleeveless yellow Jacquemus dress fits your body perfectly. It’s short enough to be sexy but not enough for the old people to look all shocked. To balance the fact that it has thin straps and an open back (it would be considered “too sexy” for people like Jimin’s parents at any other event, but since you’re in a more casual situation - and it’s really fucking hot, even at night - they won’t mind it), the asymetrical neckline is quite modest. You wear ankle strap stilettos in a darker shade of the dress; a thin, subtle golden necklace, and simple earrings. The dress is almost too much on itself, so choosing simple accessories is the best way to complement it. After spending a lot of time on your makeup (you certainly didn’t spare the highlighter; they’re about to see a bitch glowing) and hairstyle, boom. You’re ready.
Sexy, but not too sexy. A little bit sassy, yet subtle. A little bit of the early 2000’s style but modern at the same time.
You smirk. It’s been so long since you felt good about yourself like this. If you could, you’d kiss yourself right now.
You’re taking your phone from over the bed to take a picture when you hear a soft knock on the door.
“Are you ready, pretty?” Jimin asks.
You can’t deny that a little bit of excitement bubbles in your stomach as you hear him calling. Jimin got dressed in the living room while you locked yourself in the bedroom; you’ve been talking all throughout, shouting things at each other and laughing. Jimin knows what you’ll be wearing since you’ve planned out your outfits, but he hasn't seen you yet.
Is it stupid that you’re looking forward to his reaction?
“Yeah,” you say. “The door is unlocked.”
Jimin walks in.
He freezes as his eyes land on you - and you feel goosebumps crawl your skin simultaneously.
He wears a cream linen shirt, the sleeves rolled back to his elbows; with two buttons from the collar opened, you can peek at his chest (and this itself almost makes you gasp). A thin white Prada belt (he must have a lot of these) tightens the pants around his hips, some shades darker than the shirt. The huge golden Rolex you mentioned earlier adorns his wrist, as well as the rings he usually wears on both hands and earrings. He has his hair pushed back, exposing his forehead and making his undercut more visible.
His outfit matches yours perfectly. He looks classy, carefree, sexy as hell… and God, you don’t know what perfume he’s using, but you feel like literally shoving your head on the crook of his neck just to sniff it.
This man isn’t making things easier for you. Especially with the way he measures you up and down, his lips slightly parted in shock, blinking as if to see better. Looking at you as if he’s astonished.
Slowly, his lips grow into a smirk. It makes your breath hitch, your heart beat faster.
“I… I don’t even know what to say.” His voice is quieter, deeper than usual. “You’re gorgeous.”
You don’t miss how he said “you’re gorgeous” instead of “you look gorgeous”. It immediately brings a smile to your lips, a smile you can’t hold back. Even more than before, he makes you feel beautiful with that single gaze. He makes you feel wanted. This boosts your confidence to new heights.
“You look incredible too, Jimin.” Incredible not to say the other dirty compliments running in the back of your mind. “We’ll be the best looking couple they’ve ever seen.”
His eyes grow playful. “I agree!”
“Hm… we should go, right? Before we get late,” you say, remembering how he said that he’s supposed to come a little bit earlier than the other guests.
“Sure. But I have to give you this before we go.” He takes a little black velvet box from his front pocket. Another goosebump crawls your spine. “It’s just a little something I bought yesterday. To make things more convincing, you know.”
It’s a fucking ring.
As he opens the little box, your eyes quickly read the “Bvlgari” written in white on the inside before focusing on the actual rings. It’s thin and delicate, made in silver and adorned with tiny little…
You have to blink twice.
Those can’t be actual diamonds, right?
But Jimin doesn’t seem like the type that would buy anything less than this.
“I thought those looked your style. Hope you like it.” They are your style. Subtle, elegant.
It takes some moments until you remember how to speak.
“I know I sound redundant at this point, but this thing looks very expensive, Jimin. More expensive than anything else. You didn’t need to.” You feel timid. Jimin rolls his eyes and groans, yet you can see he’s not actually annoyed.
“You won’t whine about prices right now, will you?”
“Give me your finger. Come on!”
Stubborn little shit. Instead of arguing, you just give up and let him take your hand. Sure, you could have put the ring yourself, but you kind of wanted him to do it. His hand is soft and warm against yours. As stupid as it is, you feel butterflies in your stomach at the sight of Jimin carefully placing the ring on your finger. It fits perfectly.
“How did you know my ring size anyway?” You quirk your eyebrow. Jimin smiles like a little boy who knows he’s done something bad.
“I took a ring of yours from over your desk.” You gasp as he takes this other ring from his pocket. “Sorry.”
You grab it from his hand. “You little thief!”
“I’m not a thief! I gave it back!”
“Don’t pout at me, sir. It won’t make me forgive you.”
Before Jimin can defend himself once again, you take the other ring from the little box and hold his left hand, placing it on his own finger ring.
You giggle, sheepish.
“What?” Jimin asks with a puzzled expression.
“It feels like we’re actually dating.”
He smirks again. Someone tell him to stop doing this. I don’t know how much more I can take!
“Maybe you’ll want to actually be when this is all over.” he says cockily, making you roll your eyes. Jimin, once again, intertwines his fingers with yours. “It’s showtime now, pretty. You ready?”
“I’m always ready, baby.” You say in a poor imitation of his voice - which makes Jimin throw his head back in laughter.
This moment feels light-hearted. For a moment, you think things will be like this until the last day of the trip. It can't get bad, can it?
It can.
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Not to put you under pressure, but he'll hate you the moment he sees you.
You didn't think Jimin was that serious when he said this. "Hate" is too strong of a word. Why would anyone hate you if they don't even know you at all?
As soon as you see Mr. and Mrs. Park for the first time, though, you find out that Jimin couldn't be more accurate in his choice of words.
You could have paid attention to anything else: the beautiful, luxurious presidential villa where Jimin’s parents will spend the weekend and where the reception dinner will take place. It’s twice bigger than the suite you’re staying at, the size of a two-story house. It has the same architecture and style from your own bungalow. You could have paid attention to the white and silver decoration all throughout the place: flowers, carpets, curtains. You could even have paid attention to the jaw-dropping sight of the ocean just ahead, beautiful even at night.
But you didn’t pay attention to anything else because, the moment Mr. Park’s bone chilling gaze lands on you, it’s everything you can focus on.
Mr. Park Hyunjun and Mrs. Park Eunji. They’re standing in the middle of the main lounge, talking to some man you barely pay any attention to; they smile prettily at him, wearing the plastic smile they perfected over the years.
Jimin’s father is just as tall as his older son, Hyungsik, while Jimin’s mother is a rather short, petite woman. To be fair, they’re a good-looking middle aged couple (Jimin’s beauty must have a source, right?). You can see that Mr. Hyunjun probably used to swoon girls’ hearts in his youth years, Mrs. Eunji not that far behind him. They have that trained, almost artificial elegance that one doesn’t acquire naturally.
One of the most prestigious, richest and powerful couples of high society.
And they hate you.
They really do.
You feel it.
Their expressions go from shock to incredulity to straight up hate as they see you walking up to them, your arm draped around Jimin’s.
You’re not one to lower your head to anyone or to let people affect your confidence. As unhealthy as it is, your past experiences (traumas) made your skin get thicker, your skull duller. You became the type to fight fire with stronger fire, to build walls around yourself, to not get scared at people.
However, the way they look at you with so much contempt makes your confidence sway in a way you haven’t felt in years.
Your hand holds Jimin’s arm. He puts his own hand over yours, squeezing it softly.
Jimin trusts you.
That’s all it takes to bring you back up.
Fight fire with stronger fire.
You decide that you hate them, too.
For the first time, you notice that Jimin’s older brother, Hyungsik, is also standing near them; a beautiful woman stands by his side. Jimin informed you previously that that’s his wife, Jieun. Hyungsik doesn’t look like he immediately hates you, yet he narrows his eyes and measures you up and down in a judging way. Cold hits your stomach; did he recognize you? No… probably not.
Their eyes tell you that they despise you, but their lips say otherwise; they grow as Jimin approaches. Mrs. Park opens her arms and Jimin momentarily lets you go, smiling as well.
There are people around. A theater act must be played.
“Oh, finally, Jimin!” She says, her voice sounding like birds chirping in the morning. “I thought you would never come!”
“Hello, mom.” Jimin says - and you feel a shiver run down your spine as you realize that Jimin, too, sounds plastic and smiles plastic. Mrs. Park hugs him briefly. It almost feels too short. Both of them step away at the same time, Jimin quickly grabbing your hand once again.
“You shouldn’t get surprised, darling. Don’t you know Jimin is always late?” Mr. Park says.
They all giggle.
Something uncomfortable crawls under your skin. Like an itch.
Maybe the unknown man they were talking to didn’t notice, but you did. That tiny, almost unnoticeable spite in Mr. Park’s voice. That giggle. Oh, look how he’s a good, friendly father. Look, he jokes around with his son.
Except that wasn’t a joke. That wasn’t friendly. That was scolding. Meant to hurt. Meant to embarrass.
And, by the way Jimin grips your hand just a little tighter, you see that it’s not something new - and it’s something that affected him nevertheless.
“It’s good to see you too, father.” Jimin says, choosing to play along. His eyes can’t lie to you, though. They’re not sparkling anymore.
It’s been a minute - and you hate them even more.
“It’s also good to see you, Mr. Hwang,” Jimin greets the man who you barely paid any attention to. Mr. Hwang seems to be around the same age as Jimin’s parents, yet he has a much softer, much friendlier expression. He taps Jimin’s back amicably.
“Ah, look at you, Jimin! It seems that just yesterday you were a little boy! Guess I’m just getting old,” he says, oblivious to the heavy tension hanging in the air.
“Not that he grew up a lot anyways,” Mrs. Park says, giggling. “Hyungsik stole his father’s height all to himself!” she slaps Hyungsik’s shoulder playfully. The older brother just smiles.
Jimin tightens his hand around yours again for a second.
She did it now.
It’s getting hard to breathe. You can’t even fake-giggle this time.
“But I don’t think I recognize the lovely lady standing by your side,” Mr. Hwang says, for the first time landing his eyes on you. He measures you with his eyes quickly. You bow politely.
Jimin’s smile widens. For a short moment, you see his eyes sparkling again with that same dark playfulness - defiant mischief - you’re getting used to:
“Mom, dad, Hyungsik, Mr. Hwang, this is Y/N. My girlfriend.”
It feels that everyone is holding their breaths.
It's one second that seems to stretch for hours.
“That’s great!” Mr. Hwang finally breaks the ice, smiling widely. Since he’s the only one seeming sympathetic, you decide that you don’t hate him. “It’s the first time Jimin brings a girl, right? How did you manage to tame him like that, Y/N?”
You smile at him.
“It wasn’t that hard. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” You bow politely.
“Well, this is… such a surprise,” Mrs. Park says. “But I’m so happy to meet you, Y/N. Hope you’re treating our Jimin right!”
That was painfully fake.
You want to vomit.
“She is,” Jimin says. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
Everyone laughs.
You want to vomit harder.
“Well, if you’ll excuse us, we need to greet the other guests,” Mr. Park says as he drapes his wife’s arm around his. “Now that Jimin is here, we’ll serve dinner soon, so don’t worry. It’s always a pleasure to have you here, Mr. Hwang.”
They walk away.
Mr. Hwang does as well.
Hyungsik and his wife stay.
It seems that the staring problem is in the bloodline, because Hyungsik can’t stop staring at you.
“Hm… do I know you already? You look familiar,” he says in a puzzled expression.
Shit. You do your best to look confused. “Hm… I don’t think so.”
Hyungsik keeps staring at you.
It looks like he’s about to say something - he opens his mouth, closes it - but gives up.
He puts his hand over Jimin’s shoulder.
“Come here. Let’s talk.”
Jimin frowns. “What?”
“It’s quick. Come on.”
He literally drags Jimin away.
You just awkwardly stand there with Jieun.
“So… Jacquemus.” She says. From all of them, Jieun is the least aggressive-looking. It seems that she’s… just there.
“Yes.” You instinctively touch the fabric of the dress.
“It looks great on you.” Pretty dimples appear as she smiles. “I considered buying one as soon as I saw it, but I don’t think I have the confidence to wear something like this.”
You don’t feel any hidden offense or fake vibes coming from her.
“What? You’re beautiful! I’m sure it would look even better on you.” It definitely would, although you see it’s not her style.
“Thank you.” Jieun seems to spot someone behind you. “Well, I need to greet some friends of mine, if you’ll excuse me…”
“Oh. Sure. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“My pleasure. And…” Jieun steps closer, putting her hand over your shoulder softly. “Good luck, Y/N. You’ll need it.”
She sends you a knowing look before turning away, leaving you alone.
That good luck wish seemed sincere… the sincerity of a person that has lived through hell.
This does not calm you down. Not even a little.
The place is full of people you don’t know. Soft music plays through the speakers. You stand there, uncomfortable, not knowing where the hell Jimin and Hyungsik went to. A waiter passes by holding a tray full of glasses with champagne; you take one of them, sipping a little bit. It’s delicious. Nothing like the cheap champagne you’re used to drink on New Year’s Eve-
You turn around, searching for the voice that called your name-
And your eyes widen.
The man, too, looks shocked.
“Is that really you?” He says, stepping closer.
Oh, no.
This is too big of a coincidence.
Yet, you remember what Jimin told you at the mall… “I have some friends that studied there!”
“Hello, Jungkook. It’s been a while,” you greet politely.
Jungkook smiles, and you’re thankful that your heart doesn’t race as it did when you were fifteen - although, needless to say, the guy still looks stunning, even more now as an adult. He wasn’t that buff or tall back then, didn’t have that many tattoos on his right arm. Jungkook was the typical popular handsome guy every girl had a crush on, yourself included. He wasn’t your first love or anything, yet you fantasized about walking around the school’s corridors holding his hand for a while. Probably because he wasn’t an absolute douche. He was one of the only genuinely nice guys, actually. You didn’t even interact that much back then - he was too popular to hang out with you, one of the poor kids -, but in the few times you did, he was always down to earth.
“Wow,” he breathes out. “I didn’t even recognize you at first. You look amazing.”
Yes. Caress my ego. Just like that. “Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself, Jungkook.”
He tilts his head slightly. “Never expected to meet you here! How are you doing? You kind of disappeared after school!”
Yes. It was intentional. I blocked you and everyone else on every social media, but I’m not telling you that. “Well, I…”
You feel soft fingers resting on the small of your back.
Jimin is by your side again. “I’m sorry for the wait, Y/N. Hyungsik was being a pain in the ass.” he says quietly. He then smiles, looking at Jungkook. “I see you met Jungkook?”
Jungkook frowns, pointing from you to Jimin. “Do you guys know each other?”
Jimin also blinks and frowns, looking from you to Jungkook. “Do you guys know each other?”
You nod. “Yes. Jungkook was my senior at high school.”
The blonde man widens his eyes, eyebrows shooting up. “Oh.”
He looks from you to Jungkook again.
And again.
His eyes sparkle in that way that tells you he had an idea.
He takes yours and Jungkook’s arm, pushing you to an empty corridor.
“Uh… what are you doing?” The younger one asks, as confused as you are.
“Shh. Just come here.”
As soon as you’re far enough from anyone else’s ears - Jimin keeps looking back as if he’s about to commit a crime -, he turns around and says in a quiet voice:
“I’m pretending to date Y/N this weekend.”
You gasp. “Jimin!”
“Why the hell are you telling him?!” You put the hand that isn’t holding the glass on your waist.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. He’s one of my closest friends. He’d find out we were lying sooner or later anyway.” He sends you an apologetic look. “Besides, he can help us.”
Jungkook eyes you both as if you’ve grown second heads. “Can anyone explain what is going on?”
“My parents want to force me into marrying some heiress or whatever,” Jimin says. “I need to get rid of this.”
The younger one’s eyes widen as realization hits him. “Ow, man. That sucks. I don’t get why people still force their children into getting married.”
“Yeah, probably because you have the nicest parents.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
You don’t know Junkook’s mother, but you know his father - not that this is big news; everyone knows his father, Jeon Junghoon, a retired baseball legend. He’s probably richer now than he ever was when he still played, living off of being a sportscaster and being the face of numerous brands. All things considered, he seems to be a much chiller person than Jimin’s parents.
“How do you want me to help you out?” Jungkook asks.
“Making us seem more convincing.” Jimin explains. “You see, the only weak point in our story is that people will want to know how we met, right? But we have almost nothing in common. That’s where you walk in. We are friends, you two used to go to the same school, you introduced me to her. You’re the link between us. Boom. Perfect.”
Both of you stare at Jimin in silence.
“It kind of makes sense.” You admit.
“Yeah.” Jungkook agrees. “Okay, I’ll help you guys.”
It’s funny how Jungkook doesn’t even question this whole craziness that much. He just said okay, as if it’s usual for Jimin to ask things like this.
“I knew I could count on you!” Jimin taps his shoulder excitedly. “Okay, let’s leave before they notice we disappeared.”
You decide to walk a few steps ahead of them - but you’re still close enough to hear Jungkook saying:
“Hey, if you’re not actually dating, it means I can hit on her, right-?”
You hear Jimin punching his arm. The sound was quite loud.
Jungkook laughs.
In one second, Jimin is by your side again, his hand resting on your back. It makes heat spread through your body.
You don’t have that much time to dwell on the warm feeling, though - because Mrs. Park is walking up to you once again, and she has her arm draped around a girl’s.
Literal ice fills your stomach.
When you accepted to come to Hawaii, you didn’t think you’d meet people from your past. How could it happen if you’re from different worlds? Jimin and his people are used to five star resorts and traveling; you’re used to public buses and small convenience stores. Besides, you’ve distanced yourself from your ex-classmates years ago. Meeting Jungkook here already felt like hitting the jackpot.
Horror fills your system as you realize that you just hit the jackpot twice.
This is a joke right? Must be a joke. A really, really bad joke.
Mrs. Park stops in front of you two, her eyes glinting in a similar way Jimin’s do - but you don’t think she is adorable, and she obviously thinks as highly of you as an exterminator thinks of a bug.
You also find out pretty soon that this woman will do her absolute best to publicly embarrass you.
God - you hate her.
And you hate the girl she brought, too.
“Oh, Jimin, I thought you would like to meet Eunbi again,” Mrs. Park says excitedly. “It’s been some years since you last met, right?”
Oh no.
You also feel Jimin freezing by your side, his breath hitching.
They found a candidate.
This is certainly the sickest joke anyone could ever tell.
Because this girl - this is Jeong Eunbi.
The stunning Jeong Eunbi, the incredible Jeong Eubi, the most popular, the richest kid of them all. This is the Jeong Eunbi that was always in the center of attention, the Jeong Eunbi that most girls wanted to be.
This is the Jeong Eunbi that made your life feel like a nightmare for three entire years. The girl that took every opportunity she could to embarass you, humiliate you, to make fun of you, to make your life difficult, just because she knew no one would reprimand any of her acts. Just because she could.
Years later, she’s still stunning.
She recognizes you as quickly as you recognize her. Her eyes widen in shock; her face goes pale.
You just hit the jackpot of hell.
Hawaii doesn’t seem that fun anymore.
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At the very least - the food is delicious.
Around twenty people sit over the long dinner table where waiters serve the food one by one. Lobster. You never ate lobster before. It smells delicious and you’re happy to know that it also tastes delicious. They also serve some wine whose brand name is unpronounceable. It tastes great nevertheless.
Except - that bitterness won’t leave your tongue at all.
Of course, it’s not like they’ll simply sit down and eat. No, they want to small talk. They make silly jokes that are not funny, but everyone feels forced to laugh just because they’re the hosts. Everyone knows everyone here - you’re the only outsider. Which means you stand out like a sore thumb. Which means they start making questions.
Goddamn, I just want to eat my lobster in peace!
But again - you keep reminding yourself that Jimin trusts you. You gotta do your part right - regardless of his hateful parents and the absolute complete bitch sitting in front of you.
“So, Y/N,” Mr. Hwang asks at some point. “I guess everyone is curious to know. How did you guys meet?”
You politely clean your lips with a napkin before speaking. Your adrenaline and stress levels are peaking high. Still, you try to sound as natural as possible:
“A common friend introduced us,” you say, hoping Jungkook will get his cue. For fuck’s sake, get your cue, Jungkook. Get your cue!
He gets.
Jungkook raises his arm and puts his hand over his chest, grinning widely. “I confess. It’s my fault.”
The whole table laughs. It wasn’t even that funny. Their brains are just trained to fake-laugh, probably.
“Really? And how did you two know each other?” Mrs. Park asks. She looks and sounds like a rattlesnake.
“Y/N was my junior in high school. We just kept in touch over the years.” Wow, this boy can lie. Is it amazing or scary?
“You studied at Alpha High as well?” Jungkook’s father asks. Alpha High. Can a school name get more stupid than this?
“Yes, I did.”
“I hope Jungkook was a good senior for you, then. Did you teach her well?” He says again, patting his son’s shoulder. Jungkook shrugs.
“What? I didn’t need to teach her anything. It could’ve been otherwise, though. Y/N was one of the smartest students there.”
This surprises you a little. You didn’t think Jungkook would remember or even know this. “He’s exaggerating,” you say sheepishly.
“I’m not! Y/N was the top student of the entire year every semester.” Jungkook kept saying anyway. “I remember you were chosen as one of the school’s representatives to compete in the Math Decathlon, isn’t it? And our school won! You also won the Physics Olympics, right?”
“...Yeah.” You uncomfortably close your hands in fists under the table. Not much because of the overwhelming attention over you this time. It’s funny how achievements can have such a bitter taste.
“Actually, Y/N and Eunbi were classmates, right?” Jungkook says as if he just noticed it.
You feel like throwing this fork from over the table right on his face.
Why didn’t you shut up? Why couldn’t you keep quiet?
Now, the whole table is paying attention to you both.
“Yes,” Eunbi says before you can, smiling sweetly. Her eye twitches as she looks at you. “We were classmates.”
More adrenaline pumps into your system.
She can screw it all up if she wants to. Completely destroy your reputation among these people. Her way of getting revenge over what happened years ago. If she says what I did, I’ll also say everything she did to me. It’ll be a shitshow.
You stare at her, sending a silent message over the table. Come on, bitch. Square up. I’m fucking crazy. If you snitch on me, I’ll snitch on you.
Her eye twitches again.
“Eunbi won’t let me lie, then.” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest as if he did something great. Totally unaware of the uncomfortable situation he created for you and her.
Eunbi takes two seconds to speak again.
“It’s true,” she says in a soft voice. It feels that she’s having a hard time. “Y/N was our class representative. Top of our class for three consecutive years. She even received a medal of honor at our graduation.”
You hold your breath.
The graduation day. She mentioned it!
As if you’re about to face the impact of a truck hitting you, you wait for Eunbi to drop the bomb on everyone. But… she doesn’t. She just keeps looking at you with that forced smile.
That was… unexpected.
“Y/N is a genius.” Jimin says excitedly. If he noticed the assassin aura hovering over you and Eunbi, you can’t tell. “Sometimes it’s even scary.”
“So, it means that maybe we’ll have another super smart person in the family?” Mr. Hwang says playfully. You feel your stomach dropping. I can’t even imagine being part of this family. I’ve been with them for less than an hour and I already hate everyone. “I’m talking about Hyungsik, of course. Congratulations on becoming the company’s COO again, Hyungsik! At such a young age!”
Their eyes finally leave you to focus on Jimin’s older brother, congratulating him as well. You almost sigh in relief. Hyungsik smiles, nodding his head.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Hwang. But I’m not smart at all. It’s just the process of failing and trying again over and over again.”
You make such an effort to not roll your eyes violently that it gives you a headache. That’s the process of nepotism, stupid ass spoiled ugly bastard. Okay, not ugly, but still a spoiled bastard!
“We’re very proud of you, Hyungsik,” Mr. Park says, smiling. Hyungsik nods at him once again. God. It all feels so artificial. Forced out, impersonal. That’s not how family interactions are supposed to be, right…? Not that you have that much experience on healthy family relations anyway.
“We now hope that our Jimin will follow his brother’s footsteps.” The rattlesnake- (oops. Mrs. Park) says in a voice so sweet that gives you diabetes. Oh no. They’re about to do it again. She hasn’t even finished her sentence, yet you already feel your stomach twirling, the lobster wanting to crawl its way back up your throat.
“Jimin graduated from one of the best Universities in the world. We want you to use your knowledge in the company soon.” She continues.
It seems that Jimin is about to say something, but doesn’t have the chance to when Mr. Park adds:
“Your brother is the best example to follow. I dream of a day when Hyungsik will be the CEO and you’ll be the COO of the company.”
“And God- you should stop bleaching your hair like this. I keep saying, our Jiminie is so handsome with his natural hair! Why keep it bleached? You look like a pale ghost!”
“Jimin dyes his hair so often that he’s gonna get bald one of these days,” Hyungsik adds.
The whole table laughs.
You turn your head slowly to look at Jimin. He’s not fake-laughing this time. All that you see is a tiny smile plastered over his face, his eyes glued on the half-eaten lobster on his plate. No snarky comeback of his. No playfulness. No sparkle in his eyes at all. No giggle. He just sits there quietly, avoiding everyone’s gaze, tightening his fists over his legs where no one except you can see.
If I ever see Jimin not giggling, I’ll be sure that there’s something very wrong with him. That’s what you thought some days ago.
They made Jimin stop giggling.
Pure, hot anger fills your veins like venom. It spreads at each beating of your heart. Jimin kept saying how his parents didn’t listen to him, didn’t accept him. When you first heard it, you thought it was just a spoiled manchild whining about his unfair life. But now you’re seeing it with your very own eyes. They don’t accept him and don’t respect him. They push him against his older brother, constantly comparing, constantly dragging him down.
This… this is familiar.
You don’t have to know Jimin for a long time to feel the absolute urge to defend him. He doesn’t deserve to go through this. You know you should just play the “good girl” act, just try to please his parents - but you don’t want to please people like them.
You can’t let this whole table laugh at him like this.
So, before you can think twice, your mouth is already moving on its own:
“Well,” you say in that same painfully plastic, fake light-hearted tone everyone else uses in this room; “I believe his half a million followers disagree with you, Mrs. Park.”
Immediate tension hovers in the air as dense as a dark storm cloud.
She stops laughing.
For a brief second, the façade falls apart. Looking in her eyes feels like staring at the flames of hell. How dare you?!, she must be thinking.
Your eyes do not sway. Neither does your lip-tightened smile. I can play too, rattlesnake. I’m not scared of you.
“Your number of followers is rather impressive, Jimin,” Jungkook’s father says. He seems to be as oblivious as his son. “Your career as a digital influencer is doing very well.”
Jimin blinks. “Ah… I’m not a digital influencer.” he chuckles awkwardly. “I just like to take pictures. It’s more of a hobby.”
“Really? That’s even more impressive! I had no idea it was just casual!” Him, Mr. Hwang and Jungkook are officially the only people you don’t hate in this room.
“Many brands want to make deals with Jimin, actually.” You continue. “Jimin’s style reflects what many of them want.”
“He’s always been like that!” Jungkook adds. “You’re so cocky. I don’t understand why you’re not a model yet!”
Jimin smiles - and this time, it’s sincere. It’s enough to reduce the anger in your system.
“Hm… I guess you know why.” Jimin gesticulates to the top of his head with his palm. “Hyungsik decided to steal all the height to himself.”
The table laughs again. This time, it doesn’t feel so forced. This time, Jimin’s eyes are sparkling again.
He holds your hand softly under the table. You intertwine your fingers with his.
The tension eases for the rest of the dinner. No more polemic subjects are mentioned, just stupid small talk - and you finally eat the rest of the lobster in peace. You’re so eager to leave that you almost don’t wait for the dessert (but Jimin whispers that you’ll have ice cream for dessert, but not just any ice cream, “the best ice cream you’ll ever taste” in his words, so you decide to stay. Indeed, it’s fucking delicious). As soon as you eat it, though, you want to sprint the hell out of this place. Jimin seems just as eager as you. They’re all wishing each other good night, ready to leave.
Then, your bladder takes the best of you.
You excuse Jimin quickly to go to the restroom. You’ve been holding pee for, like, two hours already; you can barely walk anymore.
Nothing bad can happen, right? You’re just going to pee.
How innocent.
When you open the restroom’s door after washing your hands, ready to run out of here, there’s someone standing there, waiting for you.
Mrs. Park.
She pushes you inside the restroom again - literally pushes you - and closes the door.
You stare at her, wide eyed, totally shocked at her brusque action. Before you can say anything, though, the rattlesnake starts to infect you with her poison:
“How much did he pay you?”
No fake plastic smile this time. No pretending. This is the real Park Eunji. Away from everyone else’s ears and eyes, she doesn’t care about keeping her polite façade.
“Don’t play dumb to me, girl. How much did he pay you?”
Once again, anger starts bubbling up inside of you, spreading through every inch of your body. Like a mantra, you keep repeating in your head that you shouldn’t offend her because it won’t help neither you or Jimin - but it’s so hard to not tell this woman to go fuck herself.
“He didn’t pay me anything.”
Mrs. Park rolls her eyes.
“Look. You already ruined everything by showing up today. There’s not much I can do.” The way she points at your chest makes your vision blur in red. “But here’s a warning: don’t you dare embarrass me or my family this weekend. Just keep your mouth shut. I think you can do it, right? Since you kept bragging about how smart you are.”
You’re frozen in place.
It’s been a long, long time since you felt this angry at someone. The last time you felt this way, you ended up landing your fist against a nose. As wrong as it is, your instincts are begging you to do the same with this middle aged woman.
Jimin, you were so wrong to say I’m a dream girl.
I’m more of a nightmare girl.
You can’t act as well as those people. You can’t pretend to like them when you don’t. No… you’ve learned to fight fire with stronger fire. In this case… poison with stronger poison.
So you inhale deeply before… smiling.
“I would never embarrass your family during your wedding anniversary, Mrs. Park.” You say politely.
“Oh, please. Stop trying to impress me with your good manners-”
“Oh, no. Don’t take me wrong. I’m not trying to impress you. Honestly, I couldn’t care less what you think of me.” She widens her eyes, shocked at your words. “But I am here because Jimin asked me, and because this is an important occasion for him. So of course, I’ll do my best to not ruin everything. You don’t need to worry, Mrs. Park.” You walk past her and open the door. “Have a good night, Mrs. Park.”
You walk out before she can say anything.
Jimin is standing at the main lounge; the moment he sees your expression, he frowns.
“What happened-?”
“Let’s go. Please.” You grab his hand, practically dragging him out of the house.
“But Y/N, what happened-?”
“Let’s go!”
Cool ocean breeze hits your body.
You just drag him out mindlessly, not even seeing where you’re going, your mind blurry with anger and adrenaline. You’re almost hyperventilating at this point.
“Y/N, why are you dragging me to the beach?” He asks, confused.
“I- I don’t know. I need to breathe.”
Finally, you stop.
The sound of waves breaking against the shore overwhelms your senses. You’re far enough from their villa now. No more chatter, no more rattlesnake. You can see yachts and cruise ships shining in the ocean too far away; the moon shines so brightly that it’s enough to lighten the entire beach.
“Fuck,” you swear under your breath, taking your sandals off rather roughly, holding Jimin’s arm for support. Your feet scream in relief as you land them flat against the soft sand.
“Did something happen, pretty?” Jimin asks in a worried voice.
“Yes. Yes, something happened.” You sigh heavily, staring at the sky. “Jimin, your mother hates me.”
He tilts his head. “I told you she would.”
“No, you don’t get it. We kind of argued. I think I made things worse.”
Jimin watches you in silence.
You sigh again, finally looking down at him. “Jimin, I’m so sorry. You brought me here to make a good impression on them, but they’re- they’re so- ugh!” You put your hands on each side of your waist. “With all due respect, Jimin, I fucking hate them. They’re awful. I don’t think I can be friendly to people like them.”
He blinks, looking down. “I know. I’m sorry.” The quiet hurt in his voice slashes through you.
There it is again.
That absurd urge to protect him.
Your hand reaches out for his, squeezing it in a reassuring way. “Why the hell are you apologizing? It’s not your fault.”
He keeps quiet for some more moments. The sounds of the ocean linger between you.
“The way you stood up for me back there.” He says quietly, his voice almost being drowned in the sound of waves. “It… it meant a lot to me, Y/N. It really did.”
“Really?” You tilt your head awkwardly. “I thought you wouldn’t approve of it. I think I wasn’t that subtle.”
“That was anything but subtle.” Jimin chuckles. “But… it was good. You looked like a protective girlfriend defending me. It was very convincing.”
He caresses your hand with his thumb softly. More silence lingers between you; you’re not used to seeing Jimin being so quiet, the opposite of his energetic self. It pains you. To know that his family is the reason behind this behaviour pains you even more.
“I meant it, you know.” You say quietly. “I guess… I guess that’s why it looked so convincing.”
For the first time, Jimin lifts his head to look at you again.
His gaze makes your insides feel hot. Not in anger this time.
Moonlight touches his fair skin, making it look like porcelain. The ocean breeze plays with the strands of his hair. He looks at you with an intensity that makes your legs feel weak, your heartbeat increase; makes the world around you blur and fade away.
He looks like an angel.
“You… you said earlier today that you felt like we were actually dating.” His voice is soft, deep, quiet.
“I don’t know why, but I feel it, too. Right now, I feel… I feel as if I’m actually in love with you.”
You nearly stop breathing.
Jimin steps closer to you. He’s so, so close right now. You can’t look at anything but his sparkling eyes.
“It must have been the wine.” Your voice is as quiet as his. He smiles.
“Yes. Probably.” Delicately, he puts a strand of wild hair behind your ear. The touch of his hand spreads more heat through your skin. “It has me wondering… how would it feel to kiss you as if we were actually in love?”
The hand that previously held yours travels to your back; he touches your bare skin with his fingertips, sending goosebumps down your spine.
“I don’t know.”
Jimin caresses your cheek.
“Do you want to find out?” It seems that the air between you is charged with raw electricity. “Can we… can we pretend just for a moment that we’re actually in love with each other?”
You don’t answer.
Your eyes simply drop to his plump lips.
Jimin closes the distance.
His lips clash over yours. At first he barely makes any pressure; then, he parts his lips against yours, tilting his head to the side and deepening the kiss. His lips taste like wine. Deliciously plump. It’s everything you thought it would be; even better than you ever imagined. He pushes your body against his with his hand, while your own hands rest on each side of his neck.
Jimin takes his time, entangling his tongue with yours in a way that has your legs feeling even weaker. It’s slow. It’s sensual. It has your nerves charging up like batteries and parts of your body heating up, awakening. His scent fills your nostrils, his breathing and the wet kissing sounds invade your ears. His fingers grip your waist just a little tighter; ever so slowly, he rests his palm over your ass, squeezing it. You giggle against his lips, breaking the kiss apart for the first time.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.” He giggles too, his face still millimeters away from yours.
“It’s the first time a guy apologizes for groping my ass.”
Jimin tilts his head. “I already said. I’m a gentleman.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, shut up.”
You grip the collar of his shirt and pull his lips against yours once again.
It must have been the wine, right? Of course it was the wine. This is surreal, unreasonable. How can you feel something so strong for someone you know for such a short time? It must be the summer heat, the hawaiian water intoxicating you with strange emotions.
It shouldn’t make sense.
But… right now, just like Jimin - right now, you feel as if you’re actually in love with him, too.
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You become the nemesis of a billionaire middle aged couple.
This list is starting to sound like the plot of a movie.
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Handshakes of a Lifetime - Chapter 5
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You snag exclusive fan meet tickets, but as you shake hands with your favorite idols, something strange happens…
BTS soulmate AU. OT7 x Reader / Yoongi x Reader focused in this chapter, slight Jungkook x Reader
Here we gooooo. I have a special place in my heart for Yoongs, I think this might be my favorite handshake yet. Enjoy the craziness!
Warnings: death, blood, guns, stabbing, fighting, bondage, drunk sex, rough sex Yoongi and y/n are just two kinky idiots in love, ANGST so much angst why, let me know if I need to add more I know it’s dark.
Word Count: 10.6k
“So you think if I touched her, it would happen to me too? Is that why-” Taehyung turns to a defeated Jin.
“I don’t know.” He can’t stop thinking about you, his body hurts, his chest hurts.
“I want to try, this is so unfair.” Taehyung whines.
Namjoon sighs, “Well…”
You hear a knocking at the door. Your legs felt numb. How long have you been sitting here? You were too lost in your thoughts, reliving moments that weren’t yours.
“Hello? Unlock the door.”
You know that voice. No way.
You’ve listened to his solo songs on repeat so many times, his deep voice and sharp tongue playing in your ears for hours at times.
For lack of better judgment, you decide to stay silent. You slowly unlock the stall door trying not to make a sound as you tiptoe to the door. You rest your ear against the wood hoping to hear something. You consider maybe it was just another delusion. There is just no way.
“We know you’re in there.” You flinch from the door, the idol’s voice is as clear as day.
“I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t mean to do what you think I did..I-I don’t even know what I-I just want to go home. Please...” You put your palm on the door, a superficial gesture you know won’t make a difference, much like a nod to a person over the phone, and rest your head on the door waiting for his response. There is a long silence.
The weary idol stands in front of the bathroom door. He should have let Namjoon handle it, he thinks, why did he volunteer? When security came to tell them you had locked yourself in the bathroom, it brought up old memories he didn’t like thinking about, it made him want to help you. So before anyone else could, he volunteered to get you. But now he felt inadequately prepared, he should have just let Namjoon handle it.
He gestures to the security to give him some space. He rests his head on the door and sighs, instead of reaching for the door handle he rests his hand above it.
“Can I please come in? Open the door, it will just be me, I promise.” The idol switches to Korean, hoping you understand him. “I just want to talk to you. And then you can leave.” Actually, he doesn’t know if it will be that easy, but at this point he would tell you anything to get you to open the door.
He hears the slow scrape of metal as the lock turns. He gives security one last look to stay back before opening the door. You shuffle back quickly as the door opens and in walks Min Yoongi of BTS.
Yoongi shuts the door and locks it again. You try to give him space, but he advances towards you. So you keep giving him space and he puts his hand up in surrender, like someone would when approaching a scared animal.
“Hello.” He greets you in English. This was a bad idea.
“H-Hello.” You both face each other awkwardly.
This was the last thing you’d ever expect to happen, standing alone in a bathroom with BTS’s Suga. You feel like you’re burning up, you wonder how you haven’t managed to pass out as the rapper watches you in silence.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I freaked out. I’ll just go home, I promise I won’t ever talk about what happened. I-I mean, I don’t know what happened, nothing-“
“It will be okay. Breath.” He speaks in English to you again. “Take a deep breath. Count to ten.”
You’re shaking again. He’s being so nice to you, it makes you want to cry even more.
“C’mon, count.”
You start counting in shaky Korean, glancing over at the rapper who tries to hide a smile at the way you recite the words like a school child taking a test, you finish and feel like laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation, your own lips curving upward as you begin to relax.
“Do you understand me when I speak Korean?” Yoongi says in Korean. You nod.
“Do you understand me when I speak in English?” The rapper nods back. “Most of it, yes,” he confesses.
You stand there awkwardly too scared to speak, gripping the sink counter to steady yourself, your reflections stare back at you in the bathroom mirror. The rapper looks perfect in his button down and styled hair, you on the other hand-
You laugh, “Oh god, I look horrible.” You turn on the sink and splash cold water on your face to get rid of your dried tears.
“No you don’t.” The rapper leans on the counter looking at you, grabbing a paper towel to hand to you. He is making it very hard for you to pretend he’s not there.
You watch him through the mirror’s reflection, “Thank you.” The words barely come out of your mouth. You turn around and lean on the counter beside him, making sure to keep your distance. ‘This is the weirdest night of my life,’ you can’t help but let out a small laugh.
The two of you stand there next to each other in silence for a painfully long time.
Finally, Yoongi lifts his hand palm side up and gives you a sideways glance. “I owe you, don’t I?”
You stare at his hand, study the silver rings around his fingers.
“...A handshake.”
“What?” You can only gawk at him.
“You paid all this money for handshakes from all members...”
That was not what you expected. “It’s okay. You don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
You grip the counter tighter, “I don’t want to, really, it’s okay.”
“I insist.” You can hear the frustration in his voice.
“No...It’s okay. I won't hold it against you.”
Yoongi frowns, slowly lowering his hand, feeling stupid. How is he supposed to get you to touch him?
He chews on his bottom lip and sneaks a glance at you again. Against all his instincts, when he realized he had another chance to see you, he took it with no question. You scared him and yet he felt himself gravitating to you. Everything that transpired had given him so many questions, and you were the only answer. “Please, I want to know-I want to know if it’s true.” Yoongi pauses, “I just want to understand why I feel the way I do being around you.”
You realize just how close the rapper stands next to you, your shoulders almost touching, had he moved closer and you didn’t even realize it? Did you?
You glance over at him, he looks so vulnerable and lost, nothing like the intimidating idol who stood in front of you at the fanmeet. He seemed so untouchable, now he’s asking you to do just that. You want to give in, you think it’s the least you can do for him, and then he’ll realize his mistake and let you go home.
You brace yourself and push away from the counter behind you, turning to face the rapper.
“Okay, but you’ll probably regret it,” you whisper, extending your hand.
Yoongi goes to grab your hand but you move yours just out of reach before he has a chance to, “Don’t say I didn't warn you...” Yoongi nods to you. He grabs your hand.
“Can you let go of me already.” You whisper as Yoongi holds you in a death grip.
“Yeah, let’s just blow our entire cover.” Yoongi hisses. This was not how the mission was supposed to go. Yoongi doesn’t do field missions, his talents are long range. Away from people, especially you.
“And can you stop looking at me like that, you’re supposed to be acting like my wife,” he warns lowly in your ear, you think he’s going to dislocate a finger the way he’s squeezing your hand. Yeah right, like you would ever marry a man like Min Yoongi.
You’re annoyed. Annoyed at the man next to you, annoyed they required you to have a male partner at all, like you needed a babysitter to do your job. On top of it all, it had to be him.
The gala you walk into is being held for top diplomats and politicians from all over the world. You let Yoongi pull you through the crowds as you scan the room for your target, a corrupt delegate who has a swath of information that could be useful to the state. You pull on Yoongi’s arm to get his attention, “Your left, 9 o’clock.”
He pulls you closer before you can advance on the target, grabbing your chin to face him instead, to anyone else it would look like a romantic gesture, for you it’s just another tactic Yoongi uses to keep you leashed to him. “We should make sure there aren’t any threats first.”
You’ve never been a woman to accept the cages men tried to confine you to, you have claws and you know how to use them. You lean into Yoongi, you can feel his body stiffen as you press your chest against his. You place a kiss on his cheek, bringing his arms around you until he gives in and grips your body instead, “That’s your job isn’t it, let me do mine,” you give him your best smile, but your eyes show him your true emotions as you glare at him with hatred. And with that, you were able to slip away from Yoongi’s grasp.
You drop your suitcase onto the only bed in your small hotel room. You know you needed the sharp shooter to complete the mission, but why did you have to share a room with him too? And why do they keep assigning Yoongi to you? You’re a top agent, you could easily complete this mission with an amateur, anyone but the smug sniper who is making his way toward you now.
“We need to be on site at 23:00, so go do something while I sleep.” The agent starts unbuttoning his cuff, paying you little attention.
“So I’m not supposed to get any rest?” You cross your arms and frown at the jaded man in front of you, “What the hell am I supposed to do while you’re getting your beauty sleep?”
“Not my problem.” Yoongi is sleep deprived and more irritable than usual. “You slept on the plane ride here, I know because your snoring kept me up the entire flight.”
You feel your face go hot with anger and embarrassment. “Well, I’m not leaving. This is my room too!”
“Do what you want! I don’t care.” the sniper yells. He needs to sleep so he can keep you safe, he thinks, ‘ungrateful brat.’
He moves past you shoving his shoulder into yours. In your anger, you shove him back. He turns around glaring at you, then decides to shove you again, this time with his hands. Yoongi is stubborn, but you’re more stubborn, you push him again, and now you’re in a shoving match with your own partner.
“Will you stop!” he yells, pushing you so hard your back hits the hotel wall.
“You first!” The next time you push your hand into his shoulder Yoongi grabs your wrist and pulls you hand forward, slamming his chest into you and crushing you between his body and the wall.
He glares down at you, his eyes flicker down to your lips.
Why did he do that? ‘Ugh idiot,’ and now you're thinking about his lips, the thoughts make you glance down. ‘Fuck, why did I do that?’ He catches the movement of your eyes.
You stand trapped against his strong frame, you think about elbowing him away, sweeping his feet and knocking him out for daring to test you like this, but you needed him at the top of his game for tonight. You squirm in his grasp while he stares down at you with an unreadable expression.
Eventually, when you feel like the pounding of your pulse might give you a heart attack Yoongi removes himself from you and goes to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. You hear the shower start. ‘Why does it have to be him,’ you wonder, rubbing your temples with your fingers. You decide to go grab some food. There’s a pit in your stomach, it must be hunger you think.
You walk the perimeter of the house, leaving the man you coaxed into bringing you into his home asleep in his bed. The sleep sedatives you laced in his drink made sure he wouldn’t bother you while you search his mansion. You had to work quickly and quietly.
“Two guards, headed your way.” Yoongi’s voice comes through in your earpiece, letting you slip into an empty room undetected.
“Clear.” Yoongi’s deep voice crackles in your ear.
You make your way down the third floor hallway until you reach a large door.
Yoongi watches you through heat sensor binoculars. “There are five guards behind that door, do not engage.”
“I guess I’m getting warmer then.” You remove the knife around your thigh. “Do you have a clear shot on any of them?”
The sniper sees three windows, two blocked almost entirely by a curtain, the last only slightly covered, the situation was not ideal. “Negative. You’ll have to push them to the far open window so I can get a better shot.”
You look at the large windows of the hall you stand in. “Do you have a clear shot on me?”
“Don’t tempt me.”
You smirk, “You ruin your perfect record? Doubt it.”
You knock on the door, ignoring Yoongi hissing in your ear, “So much for the element of surprise.”
“This is not the bathroom!” You stab the first guard in the neck. As he falls, clutching his throat and spluttering for air, you hug your body to the wall. When the next guard runs out you kick the pistol out of his hand. He fights against your advances, he’s strong and trained, but even then one can only take so many stabs to the body. The rest of the men advance on you, two drop, you see the bullet holes in their skulls.
“Thanks-” the last man lunges at you, putting you in a chokehold. He’s tall, he lifts you up and you lose your footing. You swing your knife, blade piercing his arms, but his hold on you stays. You kick in his grasp, your legs make contact with the wall and you both go down.
“I don’t have eyes on you. Get him in my sight!” You’d like to yell at Yoongi that that’s exactly what you were trying to do, but the guard’s hold on your windpipe makes it impossible. You aim your knife for his sides until his grip on you lessens. You roll off of him and start crawling, hoping he falls into your trap. He grabs your leg, you use the momentum to twist your body and kick him in the chest, before he falls on his back, he’s already dead. You can always count on Yoongi to never miss a headshot.
“Like I was saying, thanks.” Your voice is hoarse. Yoongi scoffs in your ear.
As you work to open the safe you’ve located, you hear Yoongi’s voice again, “Get out of there now! Twelve guards headed your way!”
“Just twelve?” You grab the dead mans’ guns and barricade yourself in the room. You pull every curtain you see down and fall to the floor just in time as gunfire fills the room.
Yoongi watches you take the men down one by one. You move in a chaotic dance around the room, there’s a preciseness to your movements, and also a wildness in your actions. You’re like a feral tiger, eating your targets alive. Yoongi’s impressed. The sniper lines up shot after shot, giving you as much cover as he can offer. He tries to keep your bloodshed to a minimum, you set up the pins, he knocks them down.
He is more than happy to deal the final blow. As he adds another tick to his total body count, he hopes you’ll be okay. Physically, he knows you’ll be fine, but mentally, he worries about you. Memories with you after similar missions still haunt him, the quiet anguish that fills you after every big bloodbath. It’s become a ritual to spend nights together after a mission, neither of you able to sleep soundly, you’d often wonder out loud to Yoongi if the dead men had wives or children, ask if it bothered him, ‘destroying families.’ It didn’t, if he’s being honest, they were horrible men and their families were probably better off without them in his eyes, but he knew it bothered you.
So, he doesn’t mind killing for you, it’s not because he cares about you, no, it’s just easier to get through missions that way. He would rather have everyone think you’re a tiger, Yoongi knows the truth.
Yoongi pulls you back, concealing your bodies from the advancing enemies. You look at him questionly. He places a finger to his mouth to keep you quiet. He signs with his hands, ‘two,’ ‘ahead,’ ‘you wait,’ ‘I’ll go around.’ You nod in agreement. You wait, straining your ears to hear signs of struggle. You hear footsteps running towards your direction. You grab the enemy and knock him out before he can make a sound. Yoongi is pulling you away, handing you a black bag you assume is full of data your agency so desperately wanted. You make a quiet getaway, grateful you can hide in the shadows and follow Yoongi to your escape: a boat that can get you to international waters. You stretch and watch the night sky as Yoongi starts the engine. “I didn’t die.” you hum.
“You say that like you’re disappointed.”
You snort, kicking the bag you and Yoongi risked your lives for. You turn to him, “Thank you, comrade, you saved my life.”
Yoongi shuffles uncomfortably, you’re being pleasant and it’s weird. “You’re welcome.”
“We make a good team, hmm?”
You sit on Yoongi’s workbench. In his space. The two of you work in silence as you put together the pieces of your handgun. He cleans the parts of his sniper rifle. He hands you the last piece of your weapon, it’s easier working here with him, his office is quiet. He doesn’t try to make small talk with you, you hate small talk. Your days are not “good.” You’re sick of using your body to lure in your targets, having to do things more than what you’re comfortable with on multiple occasions to complete the mission. But as a female agent, sometimes you think that’s all you're good for, and they would kill you if you tried to leave now. Escaping and living a quiet life without the man who sits next to you, not being able to protect him, you don’t want that either.
You hop off the table, Yoongi had also gotten up from his chair to grab more rags and you collide into each other. He grabs your waist to steady you. You bodies press against one another. You hold your breath. As his strong hands move you to the side, he mutters a sorry.
Yoongi is livid. He is slamming drawers and yanking open cabinet doors as you slowly make your way to sit onto the medical table. The safehouse is empty except for you and him.
“Are you insane or just stupid?” Your partner advances on you hastily, a medical kit in his hands.
You roll your eyes, “It’s just a scratch, I’m fine.” The blood seeping from your side and over your fingers betrays your words.
Yoongi yanks your hand away and grabs the tattered corners of your blood covered shirt and rips it. You try to stay stoic as you sit in front of him in only a bra while Yoongi works to clean and bandage your wound. His actions are so aggressive your body jerks back and forth from his movements. He pulls a bandage particularly tight and you yell, glaring at him. He glares back at you.
“You could have died.” Yoongi says softly. He keeps his eyes trained on your wound, adding the image to the list of reasons on why he doesn’t get close to people.
“And you would have died.”
His hands drop to the medical table as he cages you in. His dark eyes bore into yours, you hate how it makes you feel: vulnerable. “Don’t risk your life for me.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“Tell me how much you want me.” Your partner’s low voice whispers in your ears. You think you’d rather die.
His fingernails scratch your scalp as he grabs a hold of your hair and yanks back, pulling you against his front. Your hip digs painfully into the dresser in front of you, as he pushes his body closer to yours. Your face feels tight, the pain burns your scalp, a reminder that you still can feel something. Everything in your life makes you feel numb, but Yoongi makes you feel alive. You hate how addicted you’ve become to his touches.
“If you don’t say it, you won’t get anything,” he tuts, tightening his hold on your hair and a moan escapes you. He pulls your head back and places soft kisses on the column of your neck.
Yoongi waits, his lips attached to your neck as he grinds his hard erection into your ass until you lose yourself to pleasure, unable to take his teasing any longer.
“I want you.”
“I can’t hear you.”
You grind your teeth, “You’re pushing it.”
Yoongi grabs your breast, “Tell me, kitty.” His rough hands on your body is exactly what you want, makes you drip with arousal, but you’ll never tell him that. Instead, you move your hands behind you and grab at his hard erection.
“I can’t seem to remember what I was going to say, do you?” You run your hand down his length and squeeze, his hold on your hair loosens ever so slightly as his breathing turns shallow.
He’s used to your stubborn nature by now, but this kind of fight is something you’ll never win. Yoongi grabs your wrist and holds your arm in place, twisting your arm in a lock and bending you over the dresser. You struggle against him, as he opens your legs wider with his own. “You know kitty, you’re not invincible. Always ready to start a fight. If you’re not careful, someone might decide to teach you a lesson.”
You can see him out of the corner of your eye. He normally looks so composed, but the way he stares down at you so hungrily, he looks wild, eyes blown wide by lust.
“And is that you?” you laugh, grunting as he pushes down on you, grabbing your other arm and locking it behind your back. The weight of him against your back increases, stealing air from your lungs. His low voice whispers teasingly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, “Do you want it to be me?”
Yoongi stands, watching you struggle against his hold. He knows it would be easy for you to get away from him if you really tried, and the knowledge that you’re submitting to him in your own stubborn way makes his body hot and dick throb. He squeezes your thigh, his thumb rubbing against your center. You’re so wet, your underwear drenched in arousal. He bites back a moan, pressing against your sensitive bundle of nerves, rubbing deep circles into you and forcing a whine to escape your lips. He lifts up your skirt, yanking the wet fabric of your underwear down to your thighs. Then his touch becomes slow and teasing. He runs his fingers along your slit, drenching his digits in your essence and bringing them to his mouth. You taste so good, fuck he can’t get enough of you, Yoongi is going to wreck you.
You watch him licking his fingers, the erotic scene making you clench unsatisfyingly around nothing. “Please…” you whisper, the sight of him had broken down your walls.
Yoongi unzips his pants and pulls himself out. He takes no more time, plunging into your heat suddenly. You shudder, it feels so good to have him inside you. He finally lets go of you to grip the flesh of your hips, slamming into you over and over. The force of his thrusts takes your breath away, as your body shifts up and down against the hard surface of his dresser.
With every thrust you feel the tension in your body uncoil, you never want this to end, you’d rather drown in the pleasure he’s giving you then come up for air and deal with the pain of your life. “You feel so good-fuck me harder!” The words leave your lips without thought. You don’t want to feel anything else but his bruising touches, you don’t want to think of anything else but him.
Yoongi grips your shoulder with one hand, moving your body to meet his thrusts as his pace becomes brutal. Your entire body vibrates with pleasure as he manhandles you. You pulse around him as you let go. Yoongi goes faster, using your body to climax, you let yourself moan freely, losing yourself to the pain and pleasure of overstimulation. You can feel him filling you up as he shakes against you.
Your world comes back into focus as you gasp for breath, your body slumped against the desk. “Is that all you’ve got? Hardly a lesson.” Yoongi laughs, wrapping his arms around your middle. He lifts you up and throws you onto the bed. You land with a huff.
The silence is deafening as you lay across from your partner. The twin bed in the cheap motel room you share makes it impossible for either of you to have your own space. Neither of you can sleep, and you’re both too tired to complain about the situation, so you stare at each other in the darkness, the neon lights outside your window bathe your faces in soft hues of blue. The cheap sheets scratch your skin, you can feel the hard edges of your gun underneath the old thin hotel pillow, but the soft fabric of Yoongi’s long sleeve shirt feels nice against the back of your hand. You absentmindedly brush your hand against his arm, your fingers play with the baggy material, rolling the fabric between your fingers. Yoongi places his free hand over yours to stop your actions. You’re too tired to question him, nor do you want to break the silence. Yoongi’s features are calm, his hardness is all gone tonight, when he relaxes you think he looks quite soft. Tonight Yoongi doesn’t look like a trained killer at all, his messy hair frames his face and his usual cold eyes radiate warmth. You study each other through half open eyes. Eventually, Yoongi closes his eyes, but doesn’t remove his hand from atop yours. “Go to sleep,” he grunts.
You take a deep breath out. You focus on Yoongi’s steady breathing, trying to keep your heavy eyes open, scared of what you’ll see once you close them, faces of the dead petrified corpses that always reveal themselves against the darkness of your shut eyelids. You study the soft features of your partner instead, able to memorize the details of his face while you’re so close to him. You think of him until sleep takes over.
You groan in pain, not ready to open your eyes to the morning light. Your throat is sore and dry, and your entire body aches, especially a certain part of you, the realization snaps you awake. You realize you’re not alone in your bed, you open your blurry eyes to a head of jet black hair. A man sleeps on your naked chest, you can feel his lips against your breast as he quietly snores. You realize his messy locks, the slope of his nose and contours of his muscular arm are all familiar to you, because he’s not a stranger at all. Memories of last night come back to you slowly.
Images of your partner offering you his bourbon, and you gratefully accepting. The pleasant conversation you had together, no arguing or superfluous challenging, just meaningful stories and gentle banter. You remember your partner’s flushed face, the timid smile he tried to hide against his glass, his dark eyes pulling you in. The drunker you became the more you gravitated towards him, until you were pressed up against him, moaning against his lips as his tongue explored your mouth, and you begging him to fuck you. No no no no no.
A wave of mortification and humiliating arousal hits you. You shove your partner off you.
“What the fuck!” Yoongi’s head is pounding, and your punches are not weak. It’s too damn early to be fighting with you already, Yoongi thinks. He pins you down, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He yells, not understanding why you’re here or why you suddenly decided to attack him.
The way his hands pin your wrists brings on another wave of memories that invade your mind and makes your face burn hot with embarrassment. He looks down at you and notices the purple bruises littering your neck and chest, your chest that is absent of a shirt, and your very naked body, against his very naked body. He let’s go of you in his shock. You scoot away from him, pulling the bed sheets up to cover yourself. He stares at you, mouth wide open, trying to place the pieces of last night together. “Oh fuck.”
“This will never happen again.”
His eyes scan your body as his hazy mind replays the events of last night, his face goes red at thoughts of you writhing under him. Yoongi was so desperate to explore your body, make you moan his name. He prays you were too drunk to notice how badly he wanted you. “Never.”
You spot three guards in front of the door, ‘a little excessive,’ you think. You grin to yourself as you run through every possible take down you can use against them. They’re big men, and big men always underestimate women.
Yoongi sits patiently, the blindfold doesn’t permit him to see, but he smirks to himself as he hears the sounds of struggle outside.
He hears the door open and close, feet circling him. He struggles against his restraints. Suddenly he feels a weight in his lap. The blindfold is pulled off and he meets your self satisfied face smiling at him.
“Took you long enough.”
You pout. “I should leave you here.”
You press your lips against his. Pulling him close by the hair. He grunts into your mouth. You press yourself down on him, grinding into his hardening length.
Yoongi struggles against his restraints, wanting to pull you closer to him. “Untie me.”
There’s a glint in your eye as you pull away from him. You kiss his neck instead, sucking hard on the sensitive skin behind his ear.
“You’re going to regret not listening to me, kitty.” Yoongi growls.
You laugh against his skin, working to undo his belt. Yoongi groans as you grip his length.
“I thought you were supposed to be rescuing me.”
“I am,” you lick your lips, “but then you had to go and let yourself get tied up.” You hop off his lap and kneel between his legs, Yoongi flexes his arms against the ropes, watching you intently. You bring the head of his shaft to your lips and kiss. The chair shakes as he pulls against his restraints groaning, you give him mercy as you suck him into your mouth, enjoying the way he struggles to keep his composure.
“You’ve had your fun,” he tries to hold in his moans, “you’re going to get yourself captured too because you're such a needy slut for my cock.” He thrusts his hips up, making you choke. It doesn’t deter you, as you press yourself deeper, your nose against his stomach, he shudders and the ropes dig into his wrists as he pulls harder against his restraints.
You pull off of him and look at him with a smirk. “I took care of the guards.” As if you already know Yoongi's next words you say, “I took care of all the guards.” Bringing your mouth around his length again, you suck him hard. You suck him down until you gag, over and over again until you can feel him swell, close to release, and you pull away. If looks could kill, you would have been added to Yoongi’s headcount. You jump to your feet and start cutting away the ropes that bind him.
“I’m untying you only because we are running out of time, not because you asked me to.”
He grunts, thinking of all the ways he’s going to use your body. “Noted.”
When free, Yoongi brings you into a crushing kiss, wrapping his hand around your neck. “Dangerous girl, you deserve to be punished.”
You allow yourself to rest against the cold concrete floor, making yourself comfortable in the dirt and grime. Your muscles are sore, and you’re tired. You’re tiredness doesn’t just come from surviving the mission, you’re sick and tired of it all. You were the first to make it to the scheduled rendezvous point, maybe the only one left. You hear footsteps and turn to see your partner jogging towards you, his equipment bag slung over his shoulder, he’s winded, skin covered in dirt from his hasty escape. When he sees you, he runs over to you, his eyes scan over your body but he doesn’t touch you. Your clothes are drenched in blood, but it’s not your own. You look like the walking dead, and you think you deserve to die, you’re a monster.
Yoongi sprawls out next to you, massaging his sore muscles. “If you had let them live your identity would have been compromised.” He knows you had no choice but to kill them. “You did what you had to do to complete the mission.”
“Stop talking, please.” You stare at his dirt covered face, you’re glad he made it out alive, and you wished you hadn’t. Your target had brought his wife and daughter, the agency didn’t warn you, or maybe they knew and didn’t care. You think about the love they must have had, so great he couldn’t be apart from them, and you not only took their lives, but took that love and destroyed it. You knew you were a killer, but you never thought you’d be a villain. You reach for your partner’s hand. He grips you tightly, his fingers are black with dirt, yours are stained with blood. You feel the weight on your chest become even heavier. You wonder if he could ever love you like that, you wonder if you’d just end up destroying that as well.
You lay asleep in Yoongi’s bed. His fingers run along your arm that rests on his chest. During the twilight hours, while you drift off to another world in your slumber, Yoongi allows himself to fully love you. He intertwines his fingers with yours and kisses the soft skin of your wrist, wrapping his arms around your sleeping frame. He let’s himself pretend you’re not in each other's company only for convenience, but because you love him as much as he loves you. He shouldn’t love you, love is too dangerous for people like him, love is a risk too big to take. But until the sun comes up again he gives in to his weaknesses. When you wake, he’ll be strong for you again, he’ll be your shield and protect you from everyone including himself.
“So you don’t want to work with me anymore?” You barge into Yoongi’s workspace. He keeps his face emotionless, choosing to ignore you.
So you press on, “I’m with Petrov now, I didn’t request a new partner, so it had to have been you. Why? Answer me!”
Yoongi leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, “You’re overreacting, he’s new, they probably want you to show him how it’s done-”
“Don’t fucking lie to me!”
“There’s a good reason-”
“You’re lying, you’re doing that thing with your hands when you lie!” You yell.
Yoongi shoves his hands in his pockets, his anger getting the better of him, “Fine, maybe I don’t want to be your partner anymore!” You stay silent. “You’re reckless, you never listen to me, you almost died on our last mission. I’m...I’m tired of worrying about you.”
Your chest tightens in pain, his words sting more than any blade or bullet you’ve ever taken. You try to meet his eyes, but he refuses to look at you. ‘Coward,’ you think. You scoff, “Fine...Good...I don’t want to work with you either.” You turn on your heels to leave.
“Wait!” Yoongi stands from his desk and rushes after you. When you refuse to listen, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you against him. “Please, stop,” he whispers in your ear.
You place your arms over his, let his warmth envelope you. You don’t understand him, he’s holding you like you’re about to break in his arms, but he’d let you go off into a mission without him? How could he do this to you? You thought you were a team, you thought you were...friends. You used to feel safe in his arms, now you just feel betrayal. You bite your lip, your sadness turns into bitterness, your bitterness into anger.
You dig your nails in his arms until he hisses and lets you go. You give your partner one last look before exiting his office, you give him one more chance. If he takes it, you’ll find a way to forgive him, to fix whatever it is that made him angry enough to break the bonds between you. But he stays silent, his silence speaks volumes, “Like you said, you don’t have to worry about me any longer. I'm not your problem anymore.” You slam his door shut.
Yoongi’s body is shaking. He slams his fist against the door. He rests his forehead against the wooden surface and swallows down the growing pressure in his throat, processing everything that just occurred. He made the right choice, this was for your own protection, he wouldn’t allow you to care more about his life than your own, he knows he’s right, so why does he feel so sick?
Your reputation precedes you, the tigresse, a top agent. You pull off impossible missions. Maybe it’s because you just don’t care if you can finish the job or not, you’ll choose the riskiest plays, find yourself in the most dangerous scenarios; you’ll choose the more daring escape route, and because of that people are afraid of you, even in your own agency. No one wants to work with you for too long, and you don’t want them to either, so you finally get what you wanted, to work alone. You’re at the top, all alone, there’s no congratulations in your line of work, no happiness.
Yoongi doesn’t have to worry about anyone anymore, even himself. On missions he used to view his sniper rifle as an extension of himself, now he feels just as cold and hollow as the barrel of his rifle, he’s become an empty killing machine. He can’t sleep at night, he wakes up to nightmares of you dying over and over again. Eventually, when he can’t take it anymore, he convinces his superiors to let him act as your backup without your knowledge, they only allow it because you’ve become too valuable to lose. He still can’t sleep at night, slowly losing his mind in solitude, trapped in a cage of loneliness by his own doing. He becomes a shadow, a ghost, making sure the legacy of their best agent survives.
You search for cover, the bullet holes in your body make every movement slow and painful. The holes in your leg keeps you on the ground. You pull yourself through the sea of dead bodies as bullets fly through the air.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, you start to aim your pistol.
“What are you doing here?” The gunman ignores you as he pulls your bloody body into his arms and runs.
Yoongi watched you from his post get shot, one, two, three times until he couldn’t take it anymore. When he couldn’t protect you from a distance anymore, he left his post, his decision as instantaneous as a traveling bullet.
He hides you and him, holding you close, looking over your wounds. He tries to put pressure on the bullet holes, but there are just so many. “I’m sorry,” he mutters, “I was supposed to protect you.”
You touch his face, you can feel the warmth of his skin against your cold fingers, he’s real. “You’re here.”
Yoongi’s trained ears listen to the gunfire as it becomes louder, a sign he needs to move again. He reloads his assault rifle, heaving you up to your feet. You groan as more blood gushes from your wounds. Yoongi uses his assault rifle to make another path for you and him. Your ex partner drags your body along, hiding again to reload.
“You need to save yourself. I’m not going to make it.” You say as you cough up blood. Yoongi pulls you up again, ignoring your words, refusing to accept he can’t save you. As he runs a stray bullet hits his shoulder and you both go down. Yoongi shoots to where he thinks the bullets came from, but his shoulder makes it difficult for him to aim.
“Stop! You can’t die too!” You aim your pistol at the two men advancing upon you from Yoongi’s blind spot. You manage to shoot one, but your blood loss makes your vision hazy and your aim too wide. The second man’s bullets hit Yoongi’s side. Yoongi adjusts his rifle and takes quick revenge. He doubles over in pain.
You grab his hand, your breathing is too shallow to tell him all the things you want to say. “Save yourself...”
“And leave you again? Never.”
Yoongi holds you until you take your last labored breath, and holds you still, until his own blood loss becomes too much.
Yoongi doubles over, crashing into you. You try to hold the rapper up, but you are faring no better, your body shakes in phantom pain. His entire weight is on you, you move against the wall for support as both of you try to catch your breath, his head leans on your shoulder, and he groans in agony. You grip his arms. Should you push him away? But you don’t want to. You want to pull him closer. You grip his arms harder, frozen, your mind and body remembering, remembering everything, and it takes every last bit of your willpower not to react.
Finally, after your breaths have settled, he steadies himself on his feet, still pressed against your frame. He lifts his head, you can feel his breath on the side of your face. He laughs weakly against you, “I don’t regret it.”
“What-“ his eyes pierce through you. You realize he hasn’t moved away from you still, you stare back into the idol’s eyes, it all feels so familiar, too familiar...
His nose brushes against your cheek, you hold your breath at the sensation, it’s so familiar. His lips ghost over yours and when you don’t pull away Yoongi presses his lips firmer onto yours.
You feel electricity in every vein, to the tips of your fingers, to the ends of the hair. Emotions that felt like distant memories scorch through you. Your legs buckle.
Yoongi had only meant to give you a quick kiss, just to see how it would compare to his wild memories, but the feelings that came over him overtook every sense of reason left in him. He deepened the kiss. You pulled him closer to you, it was automatic.
He felt his sanity slipping away with every inhale of your scent, a sprouting desire burst through him, a need everlasting lifetimes, it made him desperate to devour you. He pushes his leg in between yours to hold you steady when he feels you falling against him. You yell against his lips, his touch is too overwhelming and you feel yourself slipping away, you try desperately to stay in the moment, remember who you are to him actually. You push him away to catch your breath. “I shouldn’t have done that. I-“
You both jump at the pounding from the door. “Both of you need to come out now.” His voice is muffled, but you’d recognize the distinctive cadence of the BTS leader anywhere. Yoongi mutters words you don’t understand. You yelp as he grabs your hand, leading you to the door.
Namjoon is greeted by the sight of his bandmate and you looking particularly guilty as you leave the bathroom. The way Yoongi holds your hand does not go unnoticed by the leader.
You walk in between the rappers, security following behind you. You can tell Namjoon is annoyed, the way he glances at the nonexistent space between you and Yoongi and clenches his jaw. What are you supposed to do, not hold Min Yoongi’s hand? The firm hold he has on you is the only thing that’s keeping you from falling apart into an anxious puddle on the floor. So instead you spend the walk mentally screaming at yourself.
Namjoon opens an unmarked door and walks in, Yoongi follows directly behind him, pulling you along. You realize where you are as five more pairs of eyes meet yours.
They are all staring at you. You want to run and hide. You move behind Yoongi instead. He hasn’t let go of your hand, and every man in the room notices it.
Namjoon goes first, “We all need to talk.”
“So now do you admit it!” Jimin looks between Yoongi and you with a frown.
“He promised he wouldn’t touch her.” Jungkook whines to Namjoon.
“I didn’t promise. I said I wouldn’t...I changed my mind.”
You listen to the group argue glancing over Yoongi’s shoulder, you make eye contact with Jin. His eyes are still red, like he hasn’t stopped crying. For the first time since he grabbed you, you wanted to let go of Yoongi’s hand. Jin is the first to break away, he turns around, overwhelmed. Your face is still perfectly clear in his mind. Your words replay like whispers in his ear, ‘find me.’
You break away from Yoongi and address everyone.
“Uhh, I don’t know...” you start, “I don’t know how any of this works, or why it’s happening in the first place. But it is happening right? It happened to you too?” You look around at their faces, you look into Jimin’s eyes, “You saw me too, I was with you, you looked different, but deep down, it was you.” Jimin shifts uncomfortably under your eyes, he feels his chest tighten at your words, “and you saw me in her too.” You turn to J-Hope. “Right? Please tell me I’m-” you whisper the last part, “I’m not crazy.”
“You’re not crazy.” Hoseok answers you immediately, looking at you with a guilty expression.
Jungkook is nodding up and down at you rapidly.
“I was with you..” Jin walks over to you, but stops before he gets too close, “It felt so real...I was there with you on the cliff…” his eyes are so sad it makes tears well up in your eyes.
“How is this even possible…” Jimin speaks up, “I just don’t understand.” Jimin looks upset. He doesn’t want to believe any of this, none of it makes sense to him.
You can see the pain in their faces clearly. You feel like you’ve done something horrible. All you wanted to do was meet your idols and thank them for making your life better, but you ended up making their lives worse, and you don’t know how or why.
You rub your eyes before you start crying again, “I’m sorry. I should go home, it’s-" you check your phone screen. “One thirty in the morning?! I should leave!”
You jump as the room fills with protests from the men. They all quickly stop as soon as they start. You all stare at each other.
Namjoon takes charge. “How did you get here? We can have a driver take you home! We have to go to the hotel now, before you go home, we can finish talking there.” There is a finality to his words.
You stand there wide eyed, ‘hotel’?
So now you sit alone in the back of a large car with four managers. They have given you forms to fill out. A stack of papers full of NDAs. You felt like you were signing your life away. You wanted to tell them to take you home, but you stayed silent, you didn’t want to cause anymore trouble.
You follow the managers through the hotel into an elevator, to the top floor. They lead you into a massive penthouse and shut the door behind you. Jungkook is already inside waiting for you. He’s still in his fanmeet clothes, the other men were still showering and changing, he couldn’t wait any longer to see you again, for a chance to be with you alone.
You stand in the center of the room, unsure of what to do. Alone with the idol, your nerves skyrocket again.
Jungkook slowly makes his way closer to you. He stands in front of you, mirroring much like the way he stood in front of you at the fanmeet, his arms rock nervously by his sides. He bends down a little bit closer to you, and offers you a lopsided smile. “Hey beautiful.”
You shut your eyes, you can’t bear to look at him, you can’t accept that he just said that to you. His words make you ache inside.
The idol waits and gives you space, feeling shy. You can’t take it, his words throw your thoughts into a whirlwind, you want him back, you want what you had together again. You and the idol are worlds apart, but the Jungkook you had felt when your hands touched, he was your entire world.
“Please.” You beg him, offering your hand to him. You don’t know what you’re asking for, you don’t know what touching him will accomplish. You feel just so alone, exhausted from fighting against everything you’re feeling, Jungkook all but gave you permission to give in.
He smiles at you, places his palm against yours. It feels so good, so warm. He clasps his fingers around yours, reaches for your waist with his other hand and pulls you against him with one fell swoop. You already know why, you wrap your free arm around his neck and hold him to you. You can feel his heart beating wildly against you, you know he must feel yours as well. He rests his forehead on yours. It’s there again, that spark that explodes inside you, threatening to detonate all your sense of reason. Neither of you move, frozen in dance. He begins to hum a tune, a tune that pulls a smile from you-
The door opens and you jump to sit on the edge of the couch, much to Jungkook’s displeasure.
The rest of the group files into the large hotel room, they are all changed into more comfortable clothes. They look clean and refreshed, you realize just how tired and achy your body feels, you want to take a shower too.
Namjoon gives the youngest a hard look, “You didn’t change. You were in here the whole time? After we said we’d speak to her all together. How long were you alone with her? I told you-“
“I arrived only a couple minutes ago, nothing happened.” You interject, feeling the need to defend the youngest member.
Namjoon looks at you surprised. “Your Korean is good.”
You start to feel shy again, “Not really,” you speak in English instead.
“Okay, so let’s figure this out.” Namjoon starts, “Jungkook, do you want to go first?”
“Wait!” Taehyung interjects, “I thought-Joon don’t you want to hold her hand?”
You stiffen. Namjoon goes red, “I-first let’s gather information.”
Taehyung goes to stand. You recoil in your seat. You turn to Namjoon, pleading, “I can’t-I can’t do it again.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking for, Tae-”
“Says you, you already got to touch her-”
“And that’s why I’m telling you not to do it-”
“No one is touching her-”
“Joon, can you please talk some sense into them-”
“Can we please focus-”
“If you get anywhere near her I’m punching you in the face-”
“Can we all just calm down-”
“I’ll punch you in the face-”
“No one is punching anyone!”
“I thought we were supposed to be talking this out, not starting fights-“
“I knew this was a bad idea-”
“How am I supposed to talk it out when I don’t even know what it is-”
They all talk so fast and over each other you can barely understand anything they are saying, but you know it’s not anything good. This is getting nowhere. “I-I’m so tired, I should really go home. I need to shower. Today has been...a long day.”
“You can stay in one of the rooms! We have the whole floor-Ow!” Jimin hits Jungkook in the shoulder.
“I-I need to go to the bathroom.” You feel trapped again. You go to stand and you feel a hand tug on yours, it’s Yoongi. “Take a deep breath. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. You should at least rest before we take you home.”
You bite your lip, looking around at the men. Jungkook looks at you with hopeful eyes.
“I’ll take her!” Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook speak in unison. They look between one another. Jin, stands up, “I’ll take her.”
You silently follow him out, hearing the boys start conversing again behind you. You stay behind him as he walks down the hall. Your face heats up again as you stare at the idol’s back. Is this really happening to you? You should leave.
Jin takes a keycard out of his pocket and opens the door, holding it open for you. You walk in, it’s smaller than the other room, still larger than any hotel room you’ve ever been in. Jin picks up the suitcase from the middle of the room.
“I’ll find another room to stay in.” You feel your chest tightening again at his words. “Rest now, y/n, and then we can get to the bottom of this in the morning,” he smiles down at you. His eyes linger on you, about to speak again but he decides it’s better to wait.
You tug at his hoodie as he goes to leave. “I…” you want to tell him not to leave you alone, “I don’t have any clothes to change into.”
“Oh, I can give you some of my clothes!” You bite your lip as you watch Jin set his suitcase on the bed and rummage through his clothes. He pulls out a collection of hoodies, shirts and pants, way too many clothes for one sleeping outfit.
“Thank you…” you walk with him to the door. He lingers there with you.
“This...this is a good thing.” You cock your head to the side, Jin pats your head, “I found you after all.” And with that he leaves you to your thoughts.
After showering you feel so much better. You stand in your towel, looking around at the room. 'This must be a dream,' you think. Your hands run over the stack of Jin’s clothes. This stack probably costs more than all the clothes you’ve ever bought in your entire life, you think. You sigh and pull on a shirt and sweatpants, and decide to throw on a hoodie too for good measure. You start to laugh as you look at yourself in the hotel room’s mirror. You’re sure you're going to wake up tomorrow and this will all be a wild dream. You’re about to settle into bed when you hear a knock.
Jungkook stands in the hallway. He stares at you with wide eyes before looking at his feet. “I brought you clothes to wear.”
“Oh,” you look at him shocked.
“I see someone already gave you theirs,” he looks crestfallen.
“Yeah, Jin took care of that.” You pull on the strings of the hoodie in embarrassment.
“Oh well for tomorrow morning, you can wear this.”
You don’t have the heart to tell him Jin gave you enough clothes to cover an entire week. “Thank you. I’ll wear it tomorrow.”
You hold your breath. You want to keep talking to him. “Your English is good, you sound like an American now.”
Jungkook smiles, too shy to meet your eyes. “Thank you.”
“You can speak in Korean too, I understand. I am not that good at speaking it, but I guess now is the best time to practice.” You laugh. Jungkook nods at you, his smile growing wider.
“Goodnight, beautiful.” He winks at you. You feel your heart tighten at his words.
“Jungkook!” He turns back around. “Um, sweet dreams.”
Jungkook looks you over. “Can I?”
“Huh?” He steps closer to you, you stay still. He reaches his arms out and wraps them around you in a hug. His head rests on the top of your head as he holds you close to him. It feels like you remember, his embrace feels the same. You grip onto the material of his long sleeve shirt. He holds you closer. All you can smell and feel is Jungkook.
Jungkook holds you close to him. He doesn’t know how to feel. His heart aches in anguish over the thought of losing you again. He doesn’t want to let you go.
In his arms you feel so safe, you relax against him. A wave of sleepiness crashes over you. Jungkook helps you into bed.
“I’ll come get you in the morning.” He runs his hands over your forehead. The intimate gesture doesn’t go unnoticed by you, but you're too tired to react. Your heart is full. Is this what true love feels like?
You stretch in your bed. Your muscles ache, you feel good after a night's rest. You snuggle into your pillow, it’s so fluffy and soft, softer than you’re used to, you pull your covers closer to you. You notice the large sleeves of your hoodie, and your sleepiness drains away. It’s not your bed, and that’s not your hoodie. You sit up, looking around the unfamiliar room, you feel like you’ve been doused with cold water. Everything from the night before comes back to you. You pull the covers over your head, so much for a good morning.
You grab your phone. You have a text message: ‘call me when you get home <3’ and two missed calls. You bury your head into the pillows. You're about to call back when there is a knock at the door.
“One minute!” You change into Jungkook’s clothes, a black long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you decide to change your pants for one of Jin’s joggers.
“Hey!” You expected Jungkook to greet you, this was not who you expected.
"Hello." The deep voiced singer stands in front of you. You stare back at him. He walks into your room and takes a seat on the bed. You close the door behind you and walk over to Taehyung.
“I’m so sorry about last night! I would have never touched you without your permission. I’m sorry I made you feel uncomfortable, I’m so sorry. I just-I just needed to find out. I have to. I know you’re scared, I’m scared too...Jungkook and I talked last night and he told me what happened, he said it was more than just memories, it’s like...an awakening. I mean, that’s so cool. If we had another life together, wouldn’t you want to know? Please y/n, I feel like I’m going crazy not knowing-“
“Speak slower please, I’m still a beginner!” You laugh.
“Sorry! Please y/n, please. Before the others wake up.”
You sigh, sitting next to him. “I think Jungkook is leaving out very important information...”
You continue, “We not only lived, we died.” You shut your eyes and wrap your arms around you, “I’ve lived and I’ve died 5 times now. It’s horrible, it’s heartbreaking, it’s not something you can just forget.”
Taehyung sits quietly. “Do you regret it?”
You bite your lip. Do you regret it? You feel it still, the warmth of their love for you. The way they loved you, the way you loved them. Would you give that memory up? Even the lingering feelings in your body are stronger than anything you’ve ever felt in your lifetime. Could you let it go now that you know what you’re missing?
Taehyung presses, “Jungkook says he's happy it happened.”
You inhale sharply. You have to make him see. “Jungkook died in my arms. He died after we tried so hard to run away together.” Taehyung eyes widen. “He was murdered...” You shudder, Taehyung stays silent. “Is that the kind of ‘awakening’ you want?”
He raises a hand to his mouth, stroking his chin. “He didn’t tell me about that...” And then he says something that makes your heart stop. “And he still said he's happy it happened, that he doesn't want to forget about you y/n.”
“Please, I want to try, I think it would be worth it, you’ll be worth it.”
‘Why did he have to say that,’ you wince, looking over at the idol. He is beautiful, way out of your league, above you in every way, and he’s looking back at you like his whole world hangs in the balance. How could you reject him now. You groan.
You stand up. You place your palm in front of his face, your fingers splayed out, you can see his wide excited eyes in the gaps between them. You look at him expectantly. Taehyung nods, places his palm to yours, interlocking your fingers together.
Uh-oh the boys don’t want to let you go now! I hope you liked this chapter as much as I liked writing it! It’s kind of cool, all the different worlds. I neverrrr thought I’d write an actiony spy enemies to lovers AU ever, trust. I had to get a lot of help with all the specific terminology, like me - guns - what - totally clueless, I just hope I did the story justice.
Hopefully this tides you over for awhile because we have a problem...I don’t remember anything about Tae’s handshake! Cries. I know what’s supposed to happen, but I also have no idea what happens lol. I know movie, but not movie name, if you get what I’m saying. Please bestow some patience on me for the next chapter. Asks are always open, maybe you can give me some inspiration! <3
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