#in between dying bc of uni
strawhatsoraya · 1 year
u thot i was finished?? guess again 🥰️ alright, this time i'm requesting luffy (bc i can't believe i never asked u for this before) and the prompts: popsicle & ❛show me how much you missed me❜; just some upcoming summer vibez, yk <3 the luffy agenda must be spread!!!
you incorrigible nasty woman *does her best trump impression* nasty nasty woman the nastiest in the history of nasty woman.
it's ok i love you this way.
it IS summer so this will be my first official summer fic of 2023. woop woop. SUMMER OF SMUT should totes be like a thing, you know? like kinktober? i'm just sayin'. anyway I can't believe I haven't written Luffy smut before so here we go. you asked for popsicle so I feel like a one trick pony rn so please forgive me but that's how things ended up.
(also if that's boricua luffy that you think you see, you see correctly i like to push my own agenda sometimes)
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LUFFY X FEM READER / NSFW WC: 3.5k of foolishness CW: luffy likes his lil pet names, also he likes popsicles, food play, messy messy, oral, there's a mouth, and there's a popsicle, and there's a cock, idk you do the math, luffy being a lil shit but we love him SUMMARY: Modern AU / Luffy stays at Sabo's for a week to help him study for his finals (he is a freshman in College/Uni), and when he comes back home Y/N wants to show him just badly she missed him.
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Summer was eternal on the island.
The sun, unforgiving and tempestuous, hung high in the azure blue sky. At the moment the clouds were sparse but when you live in a tropical environment, it is only a matter of time before rain clouds make an impromptu appearance.
It doesn’t matter to you; however. Not today.
Whether it stormed, whether the wind blew violently, or not you weren’t moving from your spot. 
You hadn’t seen Luffy in a few weeks, and you were dying to hold him in your arms. It wasn’t something you wanted to admit out loud; however. You sit on the hammock you both set up together, in between two palm trees in the backyard of his house. It’s a hot summer day. Sweat already pills on your forehead, and on your nose. You wipe at it with the back of your hand. It was fortunate that the trees shielded you from most of the sun’s rays, otherwise it would be absolutely intolerable to wait for Luffy any longer.
You hear him before you see him. His laughter was bright and melodic. There’s a familiar slapping of sandals that is recognizable. Luffy had a bad habit of stomping as he walked. You turn your torso to look over your shoulder. He makes a grand appearance through the back door, no shirt–all big sunshine smiles and glistening brown skin. The wind picks up and brings over to you the scent of his favorite shampoo, behind it, you also get a very brief whiff of sunblock.
He never wore much on his pretty face, but you had nagged him enough to finally succumb.
“Hi,” you greet him, feeling inexplicably shy as he stomps towards you, his arms spread out wide. When he finally reaches your back on the hammock, he brings his arms around you and squeezes. Luffy giggles as he buries his face into the crook of your neck. You hum content, tilting your head to give him more room. 
“You smell so good,” he mumbles against your skin, dropping sloppy wet kisses up and down your neck. He kisses up to your ear, eliciting goosebumps throughout your body. You roll your eyes, determined to chastise him while pretending not to be enjoying his dramatic display of affection. Luffy leaves you no room. “Although a little sticky.” He nips at your earlobe and you cry out in surprise, shoving his face away by placing your hand on his cheek and pushing.
“That’s because it’s HOT,” you enthuse with a raise of your brows. Luffy smooches your cheek with a resounding smack before he lets you go at last. “I’ve been waiting for you. I’m a little sweaty.”
Luffy laughs quietly, and instead of making it around you and the hammock–he decides to climb over it, lifting one leg over the hammock then the other. He uses the hammock for support, so you shake and sway in your seat.
“Oh, come on!” you complain although you’re quick to laugh. Luffy drops on the space next to you, making you slide down the hammock until you’re pressed up right next to him. “Can’t you do things normally for once?”
“Nah,” he replies, curling one arm around your waist. It’s hot, insufferably so, but Luffy was always like this. Always needing you close, always needing you to touch. “What’s normal anyway?”
You glance up at him through your lashes, and not for the first time you can’t help but notice how pretty your boyfriend is. The sunlight is soft through the green leaves, casting dancing shadows over Luffy’s face. Today he’s not wearing his hat on his head, so the wind plays with his messy hair, brushing it off his forehead.
You reach up to trace one thick eyebrow with an index finger. Luffy closes his eyes briefly as you do so, his long thick lashes fluttering gently. It is so tempting to just kiss him on the hammock, to forget everything and give in to your raging hormones but there’s a paper bag on Luffy’s lap and curiosity bests your desire for once.
“What you got there?” you ask him, bringing your hand down to brush your knuckles down one of his exposed biceps. Luffy shivers but doesn’t look away from the bag. You smile secretly. He always liked to pretend you didn’t have an effect on him. He was a strange kind of masochist. He enjoyed holding out for as long as possible as if it was a challenge only he competed in.
“Popsicle,” he answers simply, pulling it out from the bag. He quickly tears the wrapper open and pops it into his mouth. Luffy holds it there, no hands, so he can crumple the bag and wrapper.
“I don’t get any?” you ask him playfully, knowing full well why he didn’t get you one.
“You don’t even like popsicles,” he answers unamused, rolling his eyes as he leans back on the hammock. You yelp when your weight shifts. Luffy uses one of his arms to spread out the hammock, so you can lay on your back with him. The other held on to the popsicle. “Come here, and stop complaining. I haven’t seen you in a week.”
You wiggle on the hammock until your head is resting on his arm. The sky above is peaceful, with the wind making the tree branches sway slightly. If it was cooler, you’d fall asleep quickly, there in Luffy’s warmth.
“Yeah, a whole week. How could you leave me like that? You’re heartless,” you declare dramatically, elbowing his side slightly. Luffy chuckles, next to you, the popsicle melting quicker than he can eat it. 
“I was studying with Sabo, you know this!” he groans, his thick brows drawing together. “You’re the one who told me if I didn’t pass my finals you were gonna break up with me. I almost died. My head was going to explode.”
“That was an empty threat and you know it,” you mumble, turning your face to look at him. 
Now that he was laying on his back, the length of  his lashes were even more noticeable. His lips, dark pink and pouty tempt you again. You swallow the lump in your throat, and ignore the desire gnawing at the pit of your stomach a little bit longer. Still, your hand reaches out, and you drag your finger softly against his cold bottom lip.
Luffy nips at your finger, trapping it between his teeth lightly. You wiggle it trying to release it. Luffy does so quickly when you squeal, tapping it gently with his popsicle.
“Stop that, unless you’re trying to make me kiss you.”
You choose silence. Luffy turns to look at you, popping his popsicle back in his mouth. He leaves it there as he watches you. He always had a hard time reading you. Luffy didn’t like to think. He liked simplicity, and spontaneity. He always had fun with you, but when you grew quiet it always scared him. It made him think he had done something wrong. This time; however, there’s a certain familiar look in your eyes. Luffy reaches out and pinches your cheek lightly, his popsicle melting slightly down his chin.
You grab his hand before he can pull it away, and hold it against your cheek. Luffy feels his heart seize when you close your eyes, when you tenderly press your face against the palm of his clammy hand and nuzzle it. There’s a tug at the pit of his belly, the one that tells him to devour you, to fill you with kisses, to touch every inch of your skin until you’re delirious in his hold.
“I missed you,” you whisper to him, and kiss his fingers one by one.
Fire was deadly in summer, especially when there was no rainy season; when there’s only been drought. It had been a week since he last kissed you, held you, he was parched–and you were just stoking the fire.
“Did you now?” he quips around his popsicle. You look up at him through your lashes, your own dark brows drawing together. Luffy tries not to laugh, truly, but you’re so cute when you’re mad he can’t help it. “You’re not acting like someone who missed me.”
You drop his hand unceremoniously, embarrassed that you even let yourself be this vulnerable with the pigheaded young man you called boyfriend. 
“How exactly am I supposed to act then?” you spit, scrunching up your nose in irritation. Luffy chortles, shoulders shaking in unison. It only serves to make you further annoyed. “Just forget it!”
You sit up, trying to put some distance between each other. You were embarrassed at having been the first one to say it, and now Luffy was behaving like a smug idiot. Your face feels hot as if it was on fire, and you slap your cheeks with both hands hoping to wake yourself up enough to have some kind of clever retort.
Luffy, once again, doesn’t give you a chance. He sits up too, and whines like a child as he places his chin on your shoulder.
“What are you getting mad for?” he mumbles playfully, looking up at you through his lashes. You glance down at your shoulder through your nose, trying your best haughty look on him but you are disarmed by the warmth of his big brown eyes. “I missed you too.”
His words relax your shoulders, and you breathe out noisily through your nose. It does nothing; however, to make you feel less embarrassed and it does nothing for your increasing sexual desire. 
Luffy is holding the popsicle on his hand, and you watch the trail of blue trickle down his wrist and forearm. It drips slightly on his shorts, not that Luffy seems to mind. 
“Hey,” he says, his voice taking in a deep hoarseness that turns your skin hot. “I want you to show me.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. Luffy leans back on the hammock, and holds the popsicle over his chest. It drips on his skin slowly, blue on brown. 
“Why don’t you show me how much you missed me?”
You’d be a liar if you said you loathed Luffy’s games. There was always something he was up to, there was always a gamble, and an ambiguous prize to win. It made it all the more satisfying when you did. 
“Okay,” you tell him, slithering yourself over him. You watch Luffy adjust his hips, and a sly smirk tugs at the corner of your plush lips. You know he’s already probably at half mast just at the idea of you over him, of what’s to come.
“Hurry,” he whispers to you urgently, so quietly, the blowing wind almost steals his voice away. “It’s melting.”
You open your mouth to taste the melted popsicle on his skin. You suck loudly on the spots they lay on, making sure to flatten your tongue as you do so. You can taste the saltiness of his skin, smell the vague scent of sweat. You take in a deep noise breath through your nose as you slide your tongue around his muscular chest, lapping up the dripping popsicle that slides over the curves of his muscles.
“That’s it, chula,” he tells you, his voice husky and sultry. Luffy lowers the popsicle, leaving a blue trail of cold liquid down his abs. You watch him shiver at the sensation, his eyes fluttering close, head snapping back. You smile, watching him tease himself, edge himself beyond reason. “Keep going.”
You lower yourself off the hammock and onto the ground. You’re wearing shorts, which had you known what would happen you would have worn something different instead; more accessible. The pebbles on the dirt bite into the skin of your knees but you pay it no mind. Instead you focus on cleaning up the sticky mess Luffy has made of himself. You slide your hands up the sides of his torso, enjoying the slippery warm sensation of his skin slick with sweat.
Luffy shudders underneath you, a soft grunt floating past his lips.
Your hunger grows at the sound of him. Your kisses become messy, desperate. You dig your teeth into his side, biting down. Luffy barely holds back a moan, but by the way his core tightens you know he’s loving it as much as you do. As you nip at the space under his belly button, his happy trail tickling your nose, his erection becomes all the more evident. It pokes out from under his shorts, pushing against your throat.
“Nnhg,” he grunts, his hips moving slightly as he starts to hump up at nothing. “Mm, you missed me that much?” You smile against his skin, your teeth catching on his side again. Luffy reaches out, and grabs a fitsful of your curls. “You’re so cute. I want to eat you up so bad.”
You giggle, wishing he would do that already if that’s what he wanted but it seemed Luffy had other things in mind. Just as you were reaching for the button of his shorts, Luffy sits up, half melted popsicle still in his hand.
“Wait,” he says breathless, pretty shiny eyes unfocused. You smile up at him, although your expression is quizzical. His dark berry lips are blue tinted, and his brown skin is adorned with faint blue freckles and spots. “Open your mouth first.”
You blink, unsure of what he was planning now, but you were in too deep to question him although part of you knows you should. You tilt your head and try to gather your curls away from your face. Luffy helps you with his free hand, and when you open your mouth he slides the popsicle in.
You frown down at it, and at him, but when he makes no move to remove it, you gently close your lips around it. Luffy chuckles softly–a perverse satisfaction that makes his nether regions stiffen even more. He knows you hate the 'blue flavor’ he insists on but he can’t help it. You look so pretty when you have something in your mouth. He couldn’t bring himself to stop. Luffy slowly pushes the popsicle in and out of your mouth.
“Come on, bebé,” he pouts. Luffy even throws in a petulant frown. “Play with me. Pretend it’s me.”
You cough as he pushes it all the way in, gagging slightly on the blue popsicle. In order to persuade him to stop, you grab his wrist, and curl your tongue around the popsicle. If it melted quickly, Luffy would end this silly game and give you what you really wanted. Luffy smiles at your eagerness, at the way you lap and suck on the popsicle. He watches with furious admiration the way the blue liquid oozes down your chin and neck. His tongue dips out to lick his chapped lips. He feels parched, thirsty, even though he had been sucking on that same popsicle just moments ago.
He lets go of your hair to wipe at your chin with his thumb. He keeps pushing the popsicle in and out of your mouth while you continue to suck on it noisily. Luffy watches you, lids heavy and eyes full of lust as he pops his thumb in his mouth.
“You’re all sticky,” he says, fidgeting in his seat on the hammock. You give him a seductive look over the popsicle, one that makes him want to tear your clothes off. You knew exactly what to do to make him crazy. Luffy, not one to give up so easily, uses the remainder of the popsicle to push against the inside of your cheek, stretching your mouth open.
You blink repeatedly, and frown, watching him fumble quickly and clumsily with his free hand. He unbuttons the top of his shorts, and you hear the zipper come down.
“What are you doing?” you ask, with your mouth stretched, your cheek turning icy cold as he keeps the popsicle there.
“I’m making room for me, mami,” he says as you watch him whip out his cock. “What else?”
Luffy squeezes the tip of his cock, and watches your mouth intently. His lips part as he watches the blue drip down the other side of your chin. Luffy shifts to the edge of the hammock, and aims the head of his cock towards your mouth. The moment he shoves the tip in alongside the popsicle in your mouth your eyes grow wide.
Luffy knows he shouldn’t laugh at you. That you never enjoyed it especially when you were both having sex, but you look so cute and funny there was no way he could hold back. You bring out your hands to slap his knees, but Luffy has a hold on the back of your head now. He lifts his hips from the hammock at a steady pace, fucking up into your mouth.
You hold on to his knees for dear life, feeling conflicted at the feel of his warm cock filling up your mouth. You do your best to suck him up, to slurp and curl around his erection. The popsicle starts melting faster, it’s sticky sweetness coating everything in your mouth. You cough, and your eyes tear up as you choke both on Luffy’s cock and the popsicle juice.
Luffy grunts as he watches you. He bites on his lower lip when your eyes fill with tears. He had never tried this before, but the sensation was far from unpleasant. There was something about the coldness of the popsicle, the way part of your mouth had turned frigid and how now slowly everything was starting to warm up–to heat up.
Suddenly, Luffy pulls you off of him and takes out the mostly melted popsicle. He pops it in his mouth. 
“Don’t stop now, mi amor,” popsicle still in his mouth, he tells you breathlessly, eagerly, as he grabs your head again. Luffy brings your head down suddenly over his cock before you can even form a sentence. “You have to finish before anyone sees.”
You’re reminded now how you’re the open, as he slams the head of his cock against your throat. You grip his knees tightly, as yours dig deeper into the ground of Luffy’s backyard. Yes, you were at his house, but it was still outdoors. Yes, there were sparse trees all around you, a chain fence and some shrubbery, but just behind those was one of the main roads of your little  neighborhood. 
If anyone was paying a modest amount of attention, they could see the entire show you were putting on for the birds, and the blade of grass in Luffy’s backyard.
It was better not to think about it. Instead you focused on the slickness seeping into your underwear. How sensitive you were now to the lining of the inside of your denim shorts. You wiggle as Luffy continues to fuck your mouth, trying to get some friction between your legs, anything to give you some relief. You hum and moan around him, your grip on his knees softening, as you slide your hands over his thighs. Luffy pants softly, his breathing becoming erratic.
“Y-y-your hands are soft, baby,” he murmurs in a daze, his face looking up at the sky. 
The sun peeks through the green leaves of the branches, and he closes his eyes to the view, wanting to only focus on the sensation of your mouth; the pleasure it was bringing him. You grip his thighs, and let your fingers slide towards the inside of his legs, under the legs of his shorts. You drag your nails down against the sensitive skin of his thighs, as you flatten your tongue against his shaft and give a particularly powerful suck.
Luffy cries out, almost dropping the popsicle stick from his mouth, and lifting his hips entirely. You shut your eyes tightly, as he slams against the back of your throat, taking away your air. Luffy holds the position there, biting down on the wooden popsicle stick to keep from moaning. Your mouth fills up with hot cum, and you swallow it quickly, not wanting it to linger on your tongue. It takes a moment for Luffy to let up, it isn’t until you slap his knees repeatedly, that he pulls out.
A breezy laugh taking up the heated space between you.
“Wow, mi bebé,” he says happily, pulling you up onto his lap. You let him cuddle you, allow him to dust the dirt and pebbles off your scratched up knees. “That was so good, maybe I should go away more often.”
You grab one of his ears and pull it. “No seas pendejo.”
 Luffy laughs and bends at the waist. He drops kisses on your injured knees.
“Okay, okay, I won’t go anywhere,” he mumbles against your knee, looking up at you through his lashes. You fold immediately, unable to deny him anything when he looks at you with those doe brown eyes of his; soulful and bottomless. “Sorry about your knees.”
You shake your head lighty, and card your fingers through his dark hair.
“It’s fine. It was worth it.” Luffy chortles, his shoulders shaking as he licks one of your knees playfully. 
“I thought so too!”
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literaphobe · 3 months
hmmm is there any specific analysis of tvl youve been dying to share but havent been asked about yet?
ok. there’s a lot. but some I don’t want to do right now for SPOILERY REASONS. some of them are as follows:
- the fundamental misunderstanding that passively occurred between tvl ladynoir for most of tvl
- the way tvl chat noir ‘tests’ ladybug throughout the story and why he does what he does and why he behaves in seemingly ‘bizarre’ ways
- a lot of the others r um. I can’t even share the topic regarding it bc you guys haven’t gotten to whatever chapter it’s linked to yet (feel free to ask any questions tho! be it now or after future chapters. that’s usually what awakens the intense TED talks I give about tvl to myself in my head)
right now tho? I want to pick apart tvl adrien being an actor and why that is and why that’s sad and how it came to be
-> like with many parts of tvl! adrien being an actor is sort of thrust upon readers. it’s a story that places a Huge gap between canon and the tvl timeline, and some details can be inferred, but loads of stuff aren’t things a reader can know for sure
-> also, due to the set up of the story, most of the tiny teased bits of info regarding tvl Adrien’s life leading up to and At 23, is largely fed to readers by tvl marinette, and not tvl adrichat himself, despite most of the story being his pov. but the scenes he is allotted are largely those where he Interacts with ladybug, and when he is with her, he doesn’t think of much else, unless it’s specifically relevant (like the love marks conundrum)
-> he just doesn’t unpack his past in his thoughts very much. however much it pains him. because it’s not something he’d prefer to unpack is how ladybug is making him feel and how he feels about her bc she’s Right There and she has this Hold on his heart that he can’t help but fixate over
-> but what you can tell is that he doesn’t really want to be doing his job… rather he sees it as a means to an end. and also an inevitability in a sense 😔 very. You Can Take The Man Outta The City Not The City Out The Man core. it’s. the ones who abuse us can leave but the effects of that abuse aren’t as easy to shake. it’s also. sometimes we wind up doing what we ran away from but we pat ourselves on the back saying it’s different bc we chose it, or it’s not the same because we wound up in a hole two steps away from what we were originally doing and that’s a different hole so it’s okay maybe!. its. was this too hard to break away from? or was it just too easy to go back to because its all we were ever taught?
-> because imagine ur tvl adrien in uni and your friends have always had passions for things that are vaguely related to industries that you suffered in as a kid. your best friend wants to be a dj but he also loves directing and talks so passionately about his favorite films and DREAMS of making One Of The Greats one day. his gf who is also one of your best friends is into journalism and your ex gf who is also one of your best friends loves designing and fashion. and you used to be a model but don’t want to be a model anymore. u make some small movies to help your best friend with his projects for film classes. they’re so fun! you love how it brings you and your friends together. your ex who you never really got over helps make costumes, shyly puts makeup on you, your best friend’s gf promotes it on her massively successful blog. the public mostly cares about it because you were in it and you’re the kind of famous that doesn’t ever go away. you WISH it would go away. but then you try to see the bright side of it. your best friend is so happy people like his short film. he gets an A for the class. you accidentally get another friend even MORE heavily considered for the job she’s been talking about non stop all week because you mentioned knowing her. you get pressured into doing a film because they say they’ll give your best friend an important role on the crew. little by little it all builds up and this is just your career now
-> but you find little ways to take control. you realize you get to decide who works with you and for you and you see your Good Best Friend Ex who just started complaining about how little the internship she’s doing pays. you think you could take away her pain so easily. and it makes it all less painful for you. it’s such an even trade. but then your Partner Against Magic Crime starts taking up more of your time and you realize you WANT all the time that you can get, and having Something To Do In The Day becomes an absolute chore again, and maybe you don’t care how happy it could make the public and how Excited your fans will be
-> this manifests in all the little asides you see in tvl where he Suggests quitting his job all the time and Thinks about it a lot
-> At the same time. who doesn’t wanna quit their job. he’s just a little guy. surely he’s worked enough for several lifetimes
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ARI MLL IM SO SORRY THAT THIS IS SENT OUT SO LATE HSJSJS. I FEEL SO BAD FOR NOT REPLYING EARLIER 😭 it was assessment week and istg everyday was just filled with assignments/exams/pracs etc. i just wanna go back to high school already!! i’m not mentally prepared for this ☹️☹️
UR SO REAL ABT THE JJK DILFS THO. like they’ve raised my standards up for men so high haksjsj. i so badly want, no, NEED a college bf! geto in my life to make my very own uni life a lil more bearable. HES SO BF CODED OMG 😻 okok but hear me out. geto playing guitar?? i repeat. GETO PLAYING GUITAR??? more specifically ELECTRIC GUITAR PHEWWW. i’m sorry it’s been plaguing my mind for the past few days but i so believe that geto can play guitar w ease. hsjsjsj guitarist! geto has me melting icl 😭✋ with his piercings nd tattoos nd the reading glasses he wears at home hshshshs. its not a want, it’s a need 😔
AHHH UR SO RIGHT ABT STEM GIRLIES AND LIBERAL ARTS GIRLIES HOLDING HANDS HSJJSJ. us stem girlies have sm respect for you guys 🙇‍♀️ from what i’ve heard, lit is a pretty tough major (i took lit as an atar subject back in hs and i FAILED LMAOO). plus lit girlies are so knowledgeable it js blows my mind away. like give me ur brain please 🙏
i’ve tried getting out of my reading slump (WE’RE GETTING THERE WOOHOO!!) like i’ve recently started little woman by louis may alcott (a classic ik idk why i’m even referencing it shshs) and so far it’s pretty good! sometimes the dialogue throws me off a little since it was written so long ago and my mind just goes blank as soon as i read anything that’s not modern day english (i’m talking anything published before the 2000s 😭). i watched the movie a while ago so i’m kinda excited to see if there’s any major differences between the books and the movies. apparently there are a few but i didnt listen in further bc i didn’t wanna spoil myself hahah. welp ig i’ll k when i commit to actually finishing the book.
i haven’t heard abt the travelling cat chronicles yet but i’ll sure be adding it to my tbr 🫡 I LOVE LOVE LOVE CATS SMMM!! ive always just preferred cats more than dogs idkk. speaking abt cats, i have two ragdoll cats hsjsjs. funnily enough, someone pointed out that they somewhat remind them of gojo 😹😹 whelp i fear that i might as well grow up to be an old cat lady hsjsj. not that i’m complaining tho 🤭 really out of the blue question but dy have any pets? 👀 i’m just curious hahah.
also thank u so so so much for the advice ari! i’ll definitely be checking out the summaries + quotes for any future books i wanna read. and nooo ur not incompetent at all, don’t worry!! and thank u sm for being so supportive bby i have sm love for you 💗 AND YEAH I AGREE, READING IS SM FUN WHEN YOU’RE NOT BEING FORCED INTO IT.
and aww the tags were absolutely no problem at all! ur geto drabble was written SO WELL. like ari bby you are so talented and i cannot emphasise that enough. you have a way with words and it’s so admirable!! ++ you nailed geto’s characterisation so well, i was genuinely in awe while reading it. ahhh i still think abt it even to this day!! cult leader geto plagues my mind once a week istg. SAME W HIM AND HIS DYNAMIC W SATORU. like hello?? every time i hear abt satosugu i wanna BAWL MY EYES OUT. they’re soulmates (both platonically and somewhat romantically?? idk if you can have both hahah). but omigosh they’re so tragic shskajsjs. brb i’m not crying, i’m chopping up onions!! !! !! 😃
OMG THAT RESEMBLANCE BETWEEN GOJO AND RHE KITTY CAT OMFDDHDH. someone tell me they’re twins and i’ll believe every. single. word. thank u sm for the treat ari, i hope ur day/night is going well!! i’m so sorry that this is long overdue but i genuinely LOVE talking to you bby <333 remember to take care of urself too! ilysm 💞🥹
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p.s hes so fine i swearrrr 😍 i saw this on twitter and it’s been my roman empire ever since
first of alllll i hope your studies n work have gone well!!!!!! 🥺🥺 you know i’m always cheering you on hehe. i just have a month left n then i’m free but i’m not sure how it is for you :’3 i hope you’ll get to rest properly soon!!!!
ANDDDDDDDD GUITARIST!SUGU. GOOD GOD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 your hcs of him made me LOSE it i hope you know that…… he’s literally so bf…… PLSSS PIERCINGS AND TATTOOS AND READING GLASSES ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 OUGHHH UKI I NEED HIM SO BAD….. he would strum his pretty guitar for you on nights you couldn’t sleep 🥺🥺 i just know he would!!!!! he’s such a loverboy…..
LIBERAL ARTS GIRLIES 🤝 STEM GIRLIES FR….. from my perspective stem subjects are a LOT more difficult i rlly can’t overstate how impressed i am by how much you guys study …… 😭😭 i’ve heard . horror stories abt it LMAO…..
AND THE BOOKSSSSS i’m so proud of you for trying to get out of your reading slump uki!!!!!! i actually haven’t read little women yet hehe, pls tell me if it ends up being good!!!!! i’ve heard great things abt it….. AND AND ANDDD i get you!!!! i think it’s important to pick books that are written in ways that you like!!! it’s easy to think that older books are like . harder to read and relate to but that’s usually more bc of the author than the time period!!! i prefer mine to be from around the 1800s-1900s and they aren’t difficult to understand at all!! some classics are super hard to get into bc of how just. Heavy they are writing wise (side eyeing shakespeare n dostoevsky rn) but others aren’t!!! one classic i absolutely adore is the stranger by albert camus, idk if you’re interested in existentialism but!!! the writing is very pretty :3
anyway anyway…. FELLOW CAT PERSONNNN i knew i could trust you!!!! and you have ragdolls!!! 🥺🥺 my current housemate has four of them LMAO and they all look like gojo ngl …. act like him too……. this little guy just follows me around n sleeps in my lap and yaps <33333
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BUT YES i think you’d really love the travelling cat chronicles!!!! i read it so quickly bc it’s just. so lovely!!!! and pretty!!!!! and cute n sweet :(((( i love it lots!!!!! but it made me sob so much… so pls make sure you have tissues close by if you read it……
ANDDDD again 🥺🥺🥺 thank you sooooo much for being so sweet …. you rlly are too kind!!!!! i’m so happy you like my geto, i loveloveloveee yours too <33333 AND . YES. i cry over stsg all the time too…. sniffle……. they’re soulmates both platonically and romantically imo :’3 they just . belong together no matter what!!!!!! wish they weren’t so doomed by the narrative tho…..
THANK YOU SO MUCHHH FOR CHATTING W ME SWEETIE <33333 i hope you’re doing soso well!!!!! and i rlly am sorry abt how long you’ve had to wait for this response 😭😭 my brain has Not been braining correctly recently. but i adore you sb 🥺
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ludwigbeilschmidts · 9 months
a symptom of being human - pruk
master post.
how did they meet?
they both actually go to the same university and study the same thing (art history), but they don’t talk because they sat WAY apart from each other. maybe bumped into each other on campus once or twice but since they both also live on opposites sides of town they don’t even ride the same bus.
they meet, instead, at a demo. it’s a left wing antifa demo and they don’t actually have a lot to do with each other, just kinda marching beside each other until the cops come and they run away together.
and then they’re like “wait i’ve seen you around before”- that’s how they realize they go to the same uni.
what made them realize they love each other?
it’s complicated.
you’d think they’d be fwb first and then slowly fall in love, but you’d be wrong.
gil usually sleeps around but since he came out of a pretty shitty relationship he doesn’t want to just fuck around with people who might have transphobic thoughts in their head.
so he wants to find out what kinda person artie is before fucking him.
artie is a proper english gentlemanTM.
he’s also just glad to have a friend bc he’s lonely.
he doesn’t really have any friends aside from his online buddies.
so he is happy to just hang out with gil but WHOOPS guess he’s gay.
he realizes too late he’s catching feelings and at that point he’s well past forgetting about it.
gil, ironically, realizes around the same time, and after some long talks with his dad, decides he should confess.
also knows that if artie says yes he’s gotta come clean about being trans.
he hasn’t planned for shit but arthur also decides to confess, so the day comes, they’re studying together, just hanging out in arthur’s room and arthur goes “i’m kinda in love with you”.
and gil is like “holy fuck i was about to tell you the same thing bro. cool. are we dating”
he then, rather nonchalantly discloses that he's trans, because that's an important piece of information for arthur to know.
arthur does not care and gilbert is very happy to be his boyfriend regardless. does not tell him about the whole dying thing because he’s not yet convinced it’ll last. boy is he surprised when two years later arthur proposes.
random hc's.
gil and arthur are a power couple, they sass each other constantly, but they're also mean girls when it comes to everyone else.
they also work surprisingly well in a domestic setting. casual squabbles about who has to do the dishes and take out the trash.
they switch between german and english pretty regularly. sometimes gilbert will talk in german and arthur will talk in english. this happens especially in the mornings, when they're both too lazy to switch languages. sometimes they'll switch mid-conversation as well.
after they've gotten married gilbert develops passionate opinions on tea, and arthur develops passionate opinions on bread. sharing your culture or something.
arthur and gil have two dogs (rita and hugo, named after hugo the jungle creature). rita is a german shepherd and arthur's dog, and hugo is a swiss shepherd and gilbert's dog. they had hugo first before arthur decided he wanted his own.
arthur had the "perfect proposal" when he proposed to gil, because gil would always complain about proposals in movies and how he would hate that, and arthur asked him then what the perfect proposal would be, and he'd kept that in mind ever since.
they do visit the uk together regularly, mainly to see arthur's family, but also just as a vacation spot.
gilbert makes fun of how arthur talks, except that because arthur is the main person he speaks english with aside from alfred, but obviously he talks to arthur way more he starts adapting a "bri'ish" style of speaking english.
arthur makes fun of him for it instead, in a shocking turn of events, except arthur adopts various german slang terms and phrases that he sprinkles in without knowing whenever he is speaking german. they're both great at making fun of the other for doing things they do themselves.
arthur tries to get him to say "innit" and gilbert refuses.
arthur: one day you will say it.
gilbert: you don't even say it?!
he does end up saying it and arthur is ridiculously proud of himself.
regarding gilbert dying.
terminal illness! discussion of death and dying!
gilbert's illness is a looming threat in their relationship. an eventuality. arthur is not handling it well but he's trying to. for gil.
when arthur proposed, gilbert and him had a very, very long talk about gil's illness and what that meant for the future of their relationship.
about them not being able to have kids, and that they won't be together for long.
after they had that talk about, arthur decided to marry him regardless.
"if i can't stay with you for the rest of my life i at least want to stay with you for the rest of your life".
gilbert makes joke about him dying and arthur is deeply uncomfortable with them, and it tends to be a big point of argument between them. arthur and ludwig often talk about that subject, though, because they're both the person that understands the other best.
arthur tries to not talk about it too much with gilbert, because doesn't want him to feel guilty about how scared he is of their future. of his future, without gilbert in it. he's having trouble planning ahead, and he doesn't want to plan ahead, either.
he's lost in the present.
gilbert knows, of course he knows, he'd be stupid to not know. and he tries to not have it be the focal point of their relationship, but of course, sometimes things get too much to handle, for both of them. they cry about it, together and they don't necessarily feel better, but it's cathartic enough that they can focus on the here and now again.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
watching Leverage: ep 7
we back at it! later this time bc i have uni
anyway! no pre-game thoughts today sorry 😔
ok so the reaction was a longer one tonight, so i'm just gonna have all of that be under the cut and save your dash some space 😅
Le Reaction: spoilers, obviously
thumbnail shows parker in a pink dress???? are they heist a birthday party or something????
awww no ray :((((
nathan? why are you so disgruntled? sophie wants to help her friend? what am i missing???? is he bothered because he wasn't in the know????
sir you are always ragging on about your team doing good things but now you're so put off about it???
why does this bother me lol
what, is there gonna be a parallel nathan will see between himself and the mob and he'll realize 'ah shit, i was being an ass sorry about that'? idk nathan's attitude bothers me
she wants help????
parker you have bettered my mood. damn 6 seconds, that kid might rival her in the future
alec...your arms???? that shirt does wonders my dude, 10/10, you would give the best hugs
they make the fbi so gullible omfg beautiful
"the bug....singular?.....good-good work *dying inside*" i'm in love with him
it pains him that they are so incompetent. like 'these are the guys who are supposed to be investigating federal crimes??? i've been scared of these fools???'
oh ho ho, the site i'm using is being a little bitch so i'm going back to my pirating roots and playing the buffer game with it! you think you can beat me fmovies? me? a child who was there when kissanime and kisscartoon were my bitch?
"she smells like jasmine" *frantically gets my notebook* DOES SHE???? TELL ME MORE AGENT MAN!
ohhhhhh lordie, ELIOT'S IN THE FBI BUILDING???? stress levels have peaked! but he's got alec so hopefully all goes well
eliot's so nervous awww bb ("i just plug it in, right?" "if i have to say yes again, i will hurt you" i love them your honor)
oh....oh this just got hilarious
eliot and alec are so funny ("how do i exit the fucking fbi with a box of tapes????" "idk punch a dude" "......i'll punch someone" bless)
ok yeah, fire alarm could work
alec, you blessed human being <3
i think your sass is a damn treasure! don't listen to them, alec. nathan just has a stick up his ass this episode
lmao sophie, i love you "it's a bit like an opera" and the couple is just yelling at each other
awwww poor maria. she just wants a nice wedding but her mom has taken over :( i'm on maria's side! i don't care if she'll turn out to be someone the gang has to fight i am on her side!
sophie, sweetie, sweetheart, baby, darling, dearest....you good?
EY ELIOT'S THE CHEF! AND LOOKS LIKE HE'S A PRO look at him with his bandana and jacket, so cute
eliot's stress cooking could rival ramsey's methinks
correct my bandana man, everything's in context, knives are very cool, please do that flip thing again
nathan: did ya find the money? everyone: no bitch we're stressed af
how dare she spit out that food. that sounded good af. food court??? where have you been where the food court is nasty? she probably hates mushrooms doesn't she. yeah, that's it. she has no taste
you should have let him shank her nathan
alec doing more than the fbi AS HE SHOULD
not the fat shaming i WILL cry AH NO IT'S BECOME TOO PERSONAL
the bridesmaid's face T^T
parker stop it :( no you've already gone too far
ah yes...."misconceptions" how vague mister mob sir
nathan "i went to seminary school but now i am the leader for a band of thieves" ford pretending to be a priest is the funniest thing
omg the groom is too pure RUN SIR RUN AWAY
me everytime the mob dude says reverend: "father. it's father! no, SAY FATHER DAMNIT!"
"hardison, office phone!" he yells, loudly, in the echo-y hallway
ok, seriously, what is up with nathan? why is he so worked up over this? is it because it's a wedding and his previous marriage didn't work out? nah, seriously, man, what is up your ass this episode???
you dare hurt sophie. you dare upset her. you dare dismiss her anger and disappointment with you. shame for nathan! jail for nathan for 50 years!
ok alec and eliot's convo is super confusing when i've already seen the horse girl episode. "what was her name?" alec, you met her in ep3???? her name is amy, she's a firecracker and is upset at eliot for leaving her nothing but a promise ring, keep up my good sir
ok double checked bestie's dvd list and yeah so THIS was allegedly ep3 which makes so much more sense with the continuity
imma just ignore that i've already seen The Horse Job for the sake of alec and eliot's heart to heart
awwww alec and parker little moment! she looks cute in the bridesmaid dress
of course alec's the dj, what a brilliant cover
leverage's clue for spotting crime lords: they wear a thick gold necklace with high collar undershirts
maria noooooooo! don't cry deary! yes sophie comfort her!!
ok sophie that's not what i meant, but if it makes you happy, i guess....? also are you still on the comms? can nathan hear you? oh shit he can (you deserve it tho, nate, you've been mean)
sophie....you are not going to make maria a runaway bride, right???
"what is it? i got bacon on!" he's like a soft spoken but still pissed of gordon ramsey
oh no the fbi is gonna crash the party? <- this is an assumption
"i'm gonna pull the plug!" you've said that like 3 times already this season and every time y'all are able to think outside the box. your faith is too low, methinks, father nathaniel. maybe if you just took a breather you'll be fine
oop sophie's staying! well, well, well what will our crew do?
"is it the russian mob, or is it the fear of intimacy?" oh she cut DEEP they all felt that lmao
and how quickly nathan switched up! can't let sophie go at it alone!
oh my lord i still have 20 minutes????
oh no he's gonna ramble about contracts. there are two ways this could go
oh no, i really hoped his ramble was option 2
tell me you got divorced without telling me you got divorced!
ok, ok, i can work with this speech? .....nope, nope, nope, i'm getting second hand embarrassment
question: would you have nathan officiate your wedding? for me? no, i'd rather it be sophie. maybe eliot, he'd be awkward about it, but it'd be genuine
oh? the plot thickens.....and it thickens more!!! AND IT THICKENS MORE????? HOW MANY LAYERS????
oh...dear, run eliot!!! too late for you!
"now, i will kill you," he says, waving his knives like a clown. what is this? the cha cha from cha cha slide?
smart thinking parker. also i see you, "i was going to meet the dj here" i know who you meant
no :( don't interrupt the maid of honor :( she's a sweetheart :( she's done nothing wrong. alec, don't you dare! but you complimented her, so we're cool again
parker you have no shame. i love you
yay someone complimented eliot's cooking!!! and it was alec!!! my ot3 heart is thriving
oh the irony
oh that's cold nathan
they got the restaurant back!
General thoughts
sooooooooo looks like i over did the word limit for the reaction block....woops
anyway, i had a lot to say about this episode and i think it is very easy to understand my sentiments over it (though how coherent is debatable). this episode was nice and i liked that we got to do a heist with the mob!
however, i was really bothered with nathan this episode. maybe it has to do with the mis-mashed continuity and maybe this nathan is just an earlier characterization of him. but yeah after the horse job and the miracle job, the nathan for the episode just confused me and annoyed me. he got better towards the end, but just...idk i wasn't of fan of him today.
overall, i did enjoy the episode and i liked how they played on cliches when it came to the mob (the italian restaurant, the daughter's wedding, the voice™️).
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siriusly-sapphic · 8 months
for never have i ever asks: college/university AU, or a hogwarts AU of some other canon? link me if you’ve written/curious to know how you’d do these, if you haven’t!
Never have I ever... (still accepting)
College/University AU
I was so convinced that I had written this and I was so ready to link to it but? I haven't? I used to be in an RP about the marauders era characters where they were in college though, and it was so much fun. In the Narcissa server I also remember talking about a narlily college AU except it's Narcissa starting uni later in life and Lily is her professor? Which I lowkey wanna see someone write bc !!
For a more classic college AU, I always think Narcissa would make an excellent Law or Classics student. Depending on her motiviation for university and what she plans to do with her life. And I think for her specifically, college opens her up to more different ships by simply putting them together in class and seeing what happens. I think she'd be hilarious to watch interact with a roommate (mandatory campus housing anyone?).
I also think that a college and thus modern AU lends itself very well to exploring the way the Black cousins might interact and grow up when pureblood society isn't as much a thing. If Narcissa doesn't grow up with the expectations of being married with a pureblood baby at 20, what does she do with her life while away at university, yknow? Without a war to tear them apart, how do the Black sisters interact? How does narlily or dorcissa work when they're not dying young?
I think it'd be so much fun to write a fic about Narcissa studying Classics, seeing the interactions between her and my headcanons for Rodolphus and Rabastan, and then pairing her with begrudging roommate and Criminology student Dorcas Meadowes. I wanna watch them grab a starbucks and seeing Narcissa dress in way too expensive dresses for 9am classes.
Hogwarts AU
This one I have way less thoughts about because I don't really write fanfic of other fandoms that much and when I do, I've never really considered placing them in HP? The one exception I can think of is that I did once say I would love to write Cersei Lannister/Narcissa Malfoy being Slytherin bitches together, and I stand by that. I think that'd be fun. Jaime would be a gryffindor, obviously, and it'd be a whole mess.
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lilithh6 · 1 year
books found in my uni library pt.1: House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City 1)
bc i can’t believe it took me this long to find the fiction section 
My rating: ★★★☆☆ 
This is the first Sarah J. Maas book I’ve ever read (shocking, I know), and I have to say it actually surpassed my expectations. Albeit, they were not that high, but it still made for a very compelling read, with a fast pace and some of the most shocking revelations I’ve read in a while. 
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In House of Earth and Blood we meet Bryce Quinlan, half-human half-fae, whose life takes a sudden turn when her friends are brutally murdered. A couple of years after this, Bryce is asked to join the investigation of these crimes when the deaths begin again. This is when she meets Hunt Athalar, a Fallen angel who will be working with her on the case, moved by the promise of his freedom. 
The plot: A book has not surpised me this much with a twist (not to mention A LOT of them) in a very long time. Seriously, I’m still processing some of the stuff, because it was honestly crazy in a great way. That being said, I also felt like the story opened up too many plot points at times that were kinda hard to follow. It kept jumping from one thing to the next without fully resolving any until the last 100 pages or so (which in a 800 pages book, is kind of late to me). 
The characters: They were alright. I can’t say any I fell in love with them, but I also don’t have any negative words against them. I liked them, they were solid characters with solid motivations and personalities, as well as plausible relationships. I just didn’t really connect with them.
The worldbuilding: I’ve heard some mildly negative opinions about Crescent City’s universe, but I have to admit that I enjoyed the fantasy background Maas buildt. She eases these details into the story without it feeling like she’s info-dumping, painting a fuller picture and describing a very rich world full of possiblities.
Something I absolutely loved? The tension between the two main characters. It was driving me insane! Can’t say it was a slow-burn, but it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. 
Something I would change? There are certain characters which seem to be introduced just for the sake of building up their presence in future books. Slightly more prominent than just background npcs but still too far in the back to be considered fleshed-out characters, leaving them in an awkward position. I really hope these characters get a better deal in future instalments. (I’m dying to see more of Hypaxia, if I’m honest.)
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
now you need to tell everyone about your 00q idea set in istanbul
OMG thank you Faatimah for indulging me 💖
The elevator pitch goes like this:
First as background, Q had a (OC) Turkish bf back in uni and they got along like a house on fire; only broke up when the bfs parent got cancer or sthing and he decided to move back to Istanbul. They kept in touch though and for Q it was one of those easy, wonderful relationships where you can not see or talk to someone for months but when you do see them again you just pick up where you left off. The dude (I want him to have an old fashioned name like Bülent) was also always talking abt moving back to London someday and altho what they have never stopped either from dating other people, I suppose in the back of his head Q always thought they would one day find themselves in the same city and get back together again.
The fic opens when this friend falls suddenly and fatally ill and Q wants to visit him before he dies. Q has also been put in some peril on the job a couple months back and he is emotionally still reeling from it, so not wanting to brave the trip alone, he asks Bond to come with him.
Now onto Bond--he and Q kinda dated a few years ago but Bond (self)sabotaged it and it took a lot of time for them to find their rhythm as friends again. But then when Q was in peril, everything fell into place for Bond. He realised that he loved this man, that he messed up before bc he was scared and that he wants to build a life with Q; if he gets a second chance (which he then thought he might) he would do everything in his power to make Q happy. And hell, even if he doesn't get that second chance he would still just be there for Q in any way Q needs him. Which is also why Q felt so comfortable asking him to come along, bc he has been so good subtly being there for Q in the aftermath of this traumatic event.
Except, Bond has been dragging his feet re making another romantic overture, bc, he has been saying to himself, Q is still vulnerable but its also low key bc he is scared--of the answer he is going to get, of the ways he can mess it up again. It's one thing to decide you will be the perfect boyfriend in your head and another to commit to it day in, day out. It's no matter he thinks, there is no rush, they have time.
So then SURELY in Turkey while Qs friend is dying is the worst possible time to bring any of this up, which is...fine up until Q says he's got this offer from a hedge fund in new york and he will accept it bc he just needs a fresh start somewhere else.
So I guess it's a fic about second chances and being too late - Q grieving for his friend and all the time they wasted and Bond - while pulling a masterclass in looking after Q - grieving for much the same, this realisation that Q will slip away from his fingers, and after everything Q has been thru, after everything Bond has done in the past, how can he ask him to stay?
I LOVE using descriptions of imagery to set the mood and I can go on and on when it comes to Istanbul; I also have a lot of pain and grief in my relationship to that city which would transpose very well onto Q and Bond's grief here I think. Especially as, they would have some time to kill between the friends death and the funeral so they would be going here and there in Istanbul so as to get out of their heads a little, Bond wanting to visit maybe the traumatic places from Skyfall, and bc Bond has that cushy inheritance they would stay at a posh hotel right by the Bosphorus with a view of the strait from their rooms.
And idk after all this angst and pain maybe we can still have a happy-ish ending, perhaps featuring Bond following after Q to NYC and offering his services as a bodyguard.
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virgo-dream · 1 year
I have Cool History Professor story if you’d like it :) my old ancient lit prof was super cool, he dressed like a goth rock punk and was very rebellious against authority etc. I think he rode a motorbike. His lectures were such a goddang highlight of my time at uni. the last lectures for the semester, he made a slide show about his time working in Pompeii, and how he gOT PUT ON AN ARCHEOLOGICAL BLACKLIST for breaking and entering with his phd students to take measurements. And the PHOTOS, were incredible. 90s punk and nerd students climbing over a giant security fence, posing for photos with their measuring sticks and stuff. It was crazy. He died suddenly during my last semester, so he’s likely off breaking rules in the afterlife these days. Or maybe interviewing ancient folks or ghost-pranking other history professors. He was a really cool guy. OH GOD I DONT WANT THIS TO MAKE YOU SAD THOUGH THATS NOT THE INTENTION
Don't worry! It didn't make me sad at all :) it's nice that you can share the memory of such an amazing individual like this!!! i'm sure he's having a blast measuring the columns in heaven
Also reminds me of two of my favourite teachers in school. One of them was a biker lady that was the literal leader of a biker gang that did cross country trips and all, and she always showed up wearing the sickest leather jackets and no student dared disrespect her. And then there was the art teacher, who was this super tall, hippie lady with long blonde hair and even longer tye dye skirts, the most friendly person you could ever hope to meet. And they were besties which made the whole thing even better, bc Biker Math Teacher was tiny and menacing and Hippie Art Teacher was tall and soft. They really were the best of friends, and we loved seeing how they were so completely opposite on the outside but seemed to get along so well.
It was really heartbreaking getting to school on the day that Hippie Art Teacher died. She was killed during an armed robbery, and one of the kids eavesdropped on a conversation between Biker Math Teacher and another faculty member saying that Hippie Art Teacher had been having nightmares and visions about dying for about a week by then. It was really sad.
I still remember them both very fondly, and I think the both of them and your Punk History Professor would get along really well! Hob would be a great addition to the gang tbh :)
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vettely · 1 year
i never had anything with this one guy but i know he liked me at one point and i liked him too and i still do even though the last time i saw him before today was more than a year ago and i hate that there was never anything between us except for a high amount of unresolved sexual and romantic tension but it was always somehow the wrong time and place and first he had a girlfriend and a then i had a boyfriend and then i was acting all distant and then the pandemic happened and then uni happened and then my mom dying happened and then me dropping out of uni happened and then his new girlfriend happened and it was ALWAYS JUST THE WRONG TIME and it's kinda stupid kinda ridiculous kinda funny kinda sad we only ever hugged three times in five years of knowing eachother but all of those times were emotional and weird but nice and intimate like the first time was when i was drunk and crying the second time was at my mom's funeral and the third time was today at his dad's funeral and i honestly didn't even want to hug him bc it really hit me that i'll never be over him even though i never even had him and i know his girlfriend is not the biggest fan of me but i knew he needed that hug and he leaned in first and i just kinda held him and i felt so bad for him and my heart was breaking for him and i hate myself bc i couldn't stop thinking how he'll never be mine and i'll never even kiss him and probably never even see him again after today like what the fuck why was i even thinking about that kind of stuff at his dad's funeral i'm so stupid i hate him and i hate myself and his girlfriend is so nice and i do believe they are soulmates they were inseparable since the first year at uni and it was obvious she was so into him and he only saw her as a best friend and i know she was jealous of me at few occasions and i hated myself for it bc i didn't want to see her sad but at those times when she was jealous i was actually so happy especially that one time at uni when we spent 6 hours in the corner of the classroom just talking instead of doing our projects and at the end of the day he asked me to go for a drink with him but i couldn't bc i had to stay behind and talk to my professor about my project and i knowwww if i had said yes something would've changed between us but i didn't and i regret that every single day and i wish that was the only time he had asked me out but it actually wasn't bc he asked me few more times in some weird ways and i was acting like i didn't know what he was talking about oh my god why was i like thatttttt and when he broke up with his first girlfriend he wanted me to find out subtly but he was anything but subtle about it and it was so ???? but also cute af bc it was obvious that he wanted me to know that he is free for taking and let's not forget a little bit over a year ago when he pressed every single button in thr elevator bc he wanted to spend more time talking to me about irrelevant things and tbh that was peak romance but dear god GIRL YOU NEED TO GET OVER HIM you probably won't ever even see him after today bc you dropped out of uni and left him behind and he has a girlfriend and it's over ffs
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Hello, Kinnporsche anon here!! Hope you're doing OK Darling!!
I just finished episode 12 and omg, how are we supposed to wait a while week for the next episode?? I'm a on edge really!!
Kimchay is really hurting omg. Poor Chay, he looks so sad during the whole episode. I can't deal with it. He doesn't deserve this. I didn't understand why he threw out his application at first, but we saw Kim goes to the same uni. I can relate to that, I wouldn't want to goes to the same uni as the man who broke my heart. He gave up on his dreams bc of that, like it's not fair. Him dying his hair after his heartbreak is so relatable. And Kim, how your friend knows about the tutor situation? Did he talk about Chay?? I want to believe it 😭 he seems worried about Chay when he learn that he didn't go to his interview?? And the scene at the bar omg!!! So many feelings. Chay didn't look at himself, he want to put on facade kind off? He seems so sad. I was hurting for him. Idk something feels off with Chay, poor thing. I was so scared for him, like he could have been really hurt or in bad condition!! But Kim came to save him omg. The way he handle the situation??? (Jeff is so hot, I can't.). He is the most powerful brother, like he just put everyone in place by throwing one punch and pointing someone with this finger??? He is?????? (I had the tik tok sound '' sit back down. I'm sat in my mind when I saw this scene). Kim seems so angry at what Chay did, he was ready to murder someone. This scene just prove that Kim cares a little bit (a lot) about Chay. He is going to have to face his feeling and apologize to Chay!! I need my baby happy.
Can we talk about Porsche and Chay this episode?? Truly siblings goal. They care so much for each other!!! Porsche went to Chay first day with him. So cute. He was so happy that his brother go to uni, it's so refreshing to see. And at their house, When Chay said that he want his brother happy. It's so refreshing to see such a loving brother relationship, they are not unashamed for their love for each other!! (Chay please, talk to your brother about your heartbreak, he will be there for you)
Now Kinn and Porsche. What can I say appart from the fact they are so in love???? Really??? It too much to handle. It was so funny seeing Porsche and Arm having secret code. Arm is the number one fan in the Kinnporsche fanclub! (I mean, it could be have cute to have Pete in these kind of scene).
I cannot believe that they communicate with each other??? The scene after Porsche learn one part of the truth was so beautiful. They talk about their problems, it's so satisfying to see!! And Kinn, love you are the ideal boyfriend. He apologized for his mistake and explain the situation. He didn't try to make excuse. He took his responsibility. He seems genuinely sorry and hurt about what he cause to Porsche (I don' t know you notice but Kinn was shaking his head to say no when Porsche was talking, I love this small detail omg). He was listening to him and didn't not invalidate his feelings!!!!! They are such a good relationship. Other should take note
Then they want to confront Khorn. Kinn was by Porsche side, confront his father and said he went too far!!! What a evolution omg. He is not on his father side anymore,m. It think it a important thing to remember when we are going to have the big battle. Like it would be so good to have Kinn says no and do what he think is besg to his father when he tell him to do something omg!! This will show that he is not the heir anymore but the leader!!! I found Khorn very sus, I didn't believe him one second, it was too easy for an explanation (and I was right!!), what he is hiding??? I want to know (please Kim, stop being in your feeling for only one second and found out us. You can go back to Chay after that).
The scene at Porsche house was too cute. First we have the conversation between Chay and Porsche. The we have Kinn saying that Chay's life is as important as Porsche's life. He is telling Porsche that he cares about his brother and will do everything for him,like the most important person in Porsche life, the one he loves the most and is ready to give up everything just to make him happy and to realize his dream??? Then Kinn say that where Porsche is, is where his happiness is??? If it's not the most beautiful love declaration from Kinn I don't what it's. I saw people saying that Kinn still hasn't say love you to Porsche. But he has, so many time. He doesn't have to say the word to say I love you he is showing Porsche that he loves him and will do everything for him since the last two episode!!! (since episode 6 in my opinion). Porsche is it for Kinn. And Tay conversation with Porsche prove that too!!! (but first I need to say, I need more Tay in my life, second Time you are a dead man for hurting Tay). It was such a good conversation, Tay is basically saying that Kinn is so much in love with you, he will do anything,that Porsche is it for him!! (also I need to know why they trust Kinn and Time in the kitchen?? Like we can see from 10 miles away that they are not great in the kitchen)
Then Khorn make a come-back. I wonder why he does all of this??? I am sure that he feel some kind of guiltyness from what happened, but it's why he does all of it??? What does he have in his mind?? I really hope we learn his master plan really, I sure it's so complicated and interesting!! (I know for a fact when we learn it, Kinn is not going to be in his father side hehe)
Really Kinnporsche make my heart melt during this episode. The '' your parent would be proud. I am proud of you '' and Porsche breaking down in Kinn arm make me cry a little. This was exactly what need to happen!! Then we Kinn make them start over (sorry but Kinn looking really hurt about how things went down!!!!!!), it was so cute!! And what Porsche say omg. He says that he love Kinn, but most importantly that he knows Kinn love him!! He doesn't have to say the word for Porsche to know!!!!!
So we finished the episode with the uncle coming back. Now, I have a lot question. First, why did he come back now???? How did he know to talk about the major family and the car accident??? Who tell him do come back to Porsche??? The mean guy in the beginning??? Khorn???? Like give me answer now!!! I really hope Porsche goes talk to Kinn about this, and not accepting his uncle offer bc who know if he is going to tell him the truth!!! If he doesn't go to Kinn, we all know this is going to end up in another miscommunication situation, and I don't want the angst. I hate being left with this kind of cliffhanger omg!!!
Now, what we all wanting for. VEGASPETE!!!! LIKE HELLO???? I AM SCREAMING?????? I cannot believe wele had only two scene with them. I need more. I need one entire episode, no one season, no one saga from them. Like Build and Bible did such a good job portraying these characters?? They are so good omg. And for the scene they did, I gave them all the awards of the world.
I love how Pete is becoming more comfortable with Vegas. He was making sarcasm with him. And then, he was exposing Vegas like a true king. This scene was important, we learn more from Vegas?? Like, he really associated being sensitive with being weak. For him, showing emotion is not something you do without being weak. And he think love is not something for him (I hope he is ready to be submerge with Pete love). Then his little buddy d!ed, seeing him so sad and vulnerable make my heart Ache. He is trying, once again, to please his dad with the hedgehog, which is only a set up to make him fail (his dad deserve to suffer a lot).
He let a chance for Pete to escape ( I wonder why?? Maybe he doesn't want Pete to see him sad and vulnerable? That would make sense since he doesn't want see as weak. Or maybe a other things??). But Pete doesn't. He goes to Vegas to be by his side!!! Vegas look actually surpise to see Pete by side, like he fully expect Pete to leave him, like everyone else, but not he stay!!! Then in the bedroom, Vegas being open to Pete was so beautiful to see.
THEN WE HAVE THE FAMOUS MOMENT BETWEEN THEM OMG. Like Vegas asking consent (king)!!! Pete caving in!!!! Their kiss was so perfect, the way they smile at each other after it omg!!! I can't believe Pete got his a$$ ate. That what he deserve. Then we have THE Scene. Pete giving the rope to Vegas is such a good imagery. All the scene we saw of them since the capture, Pete was tied up by Vegas. He didn't have a choice, he was restrained, he couldn't do anything, he was obligated to stay there. Then, in a moment of intimacy, where he is free, he is asking Vegas to tied him up. He is choosing to be restraint. He is choosing to not be able to do anything. He is choosing to be with Vegas. (also, the amount of trust you need to do these kind of scene is insane!!! Bible a'd Build are amazing actor).
I cannot wait to next week really!!! So many thing to unpack!!! I wonder if Vegas is going to rebel against his father next episode or if we are going to have to wait for the last episode (I cannot believe only two episodes left, I wanna cry)
Oh you received your ali stuff??? Did you like it?? It's as cute as the picture you shown me?? 🤗
Oh yeah, you have to come back and climb the stair!!! The view is so beautiful from up there!!!
And your pc is homophobic for not letting you do giftset!!!
So, I will see you soon, I can't wait to read your reaction!!! 🥰 Bye bye!!
Hi darling! I'm sorry for being so late!!! I'm still feeling a little bit off but better than yesterday! Hope tomorrow I'll be fine!! I need all my strength for KinnPorsche's day!! 😍
So KimChay!! omg poor Chay, he really is heartbroken!! my baby!! I yelled when he trowed the uni papers!! I was 'NOOOOO don't do it. It's only a guy. I didn't think about the possibility that Kim was in the same uni because I forgot they are supposed to be students lol but you are right!! that's the reason! also dying his hair! we all have been there not only for a breakout haha relatable. Now Kim, darling, you still care about lovely Chay!!! I was so relieved when Kim appeared at the bar but then they fought again!! Nooo!! I understand Chay because Kim broke his heart and still trying to be around so that's why he was mad but Kim cares about him!! He tried to protect him! I don't think this season we will have a happy ending for these two 😭
Now Kinn and Porsche!! please they need to stop being so f*cking cute!! I can't with all the cuteness haha no but really they are so precious!!! Porsche being jealous is so funny to me lmao Arm what a king!! he really put a thing to spy on his boss for his bestie because that bestie is his boss' boyfriend hahaha love it!! I love the way they communicate now!! they really grow!! like if we compare it with the first episodes and now!! wow!! amazing!! the way Kinn was behind Porsche when he confronts his father!! that was so big for him!! and as you said about the 'I love you' thing, Kinn is demonstrating it with acts!! the conversation with Chay!! Knowing Chay is a big part of Porsche and he accepts him because he loves him!! my heart!! also, Kinn being domestic!! it's adorable!! he only wants to take care of his baby and cook some noodles and cuddle until sleeps!! leave him be!! hahaha also Tay, my darling, leave Time I'll take care of you!! haha, Time doesn't deserve his boyfriend!!
Khorn giving Porsche that pic knowing it's not totally the truth!! what a b*tch!! he really is so suspicious!! I was so happy when Porsche didn't kill that guy!! he's better than that!! also the way Kinn and Porsche hugged after that scene!!! 🥰️ they really support each other and their decisions!!! the meeting all over again was so precious!!! I loved that scene!! and how Porsche knows Kinn loves him!!! 💓💓💓 I really hope nothing bad happens to them in these two episodes left but who knows!!!??? I'm scared something could happen!! because the uncle hasn't returned to be a good guy!! so the uncle knew about Khorn all the time?? I have so many doubts!! I really hope Porsche and Kinn will communicate on this too!!
OKAY VEGASPETE!!!! their scenes!! omg their scenes!! I really need a whole season only about them! I can't with only a few scenes now!! I need more!! The way Pete is breaking Vegas's walls. I think he's trying to understand Vegas's character a little more! Pete is smart and he knows all the facades really hide something more so he's trying with all the questions and sarcasm!! and he is doing some progress!! Vegas opened up with him (okay maybe the death of his pet was the reason too) but Pete was there!! I was expecting him to stay but he really is too good and can't see other people suffering and leave them alone!! that was a crucial moment!!
Then we have THE SCENE!!! I was shocked because I was ready for this but I'm not complaining lol wow it was so good!! Pete giving Vegas the kiss! so he initiates the intimacy!! that was excellent!! consent is important!! yes!! The way Pete trusts him to be at his mercy!! He didn't hesitate!! he was ready for Vegas and the rope!! my mind really exploded at that moment!! also, Vegas using protection!! yes, king!! and well the 🍑🍑🍑 eating!! 10/10 hahaha Build and Bible did such a good job!! I love them!!
Tomorrow is the next episode and still not prepared because I'm still living in episode 12!! how do we only have two episodes left??? I can't believe it!! it seems is confirmed season two but how am I supposed to wait??? hahaha I love being dramatic hahaha
So this is all for now, it's not long as always but I tried my best!! I'm going to rest again!! hopefully, the cough is gone by tomorrow!! Hope you are having a lovely day!! See you soon, darling!! 💜💜
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drunkjaked · 2 years
I have a week between the end of camp and the first day of class 😔 it's kind of a shame but I've still had fun so it's okay!! It was weird cause the days and weeks went by super slow but the summer just flew by. The last day was fun, though! We set up a bouncy house and the kids really loved it! I used to go hiking every week and I'm planning on starting that up again! I really like being outside and it's nice to spend some time alone outdoors. Are you starting school soon? I'm a cited because I have a light schedule and I'm into the classes I'm taking! Although I am kinda nervous cause I'm taking a french critical reading and writing class and I don't really feel ready... but it'll okay! I wouldn't have gotten this far if I couldn't do it! I'm also really excited because I'm seeing big time rush in concert tomorrow and it's gonna be super fun!! I'm sorry that you're not feeling great :/ I hope you are able to keep yourself in a better place!! I hope that you have a great day/night too!! -💕
Only a week omg? It’s good that you’ve enjoyed yourself though, I think that’s the most important thing ! I’ve been feeling that too lately, like the days feel like 24 hours are going by but when I think about some of the things I’ve done this summer I’m surprised by how long ago it was 😭😭😭 And omds bouncy castles used to be so fun, I bet they all had a blast !!!
I kinda rambled so the rest is under the cut 😭
Ahhh I see, I see, what’s the weather like and what would you consider to be ideal weather conditions? I’ve never gone hiking before but one of my friends used to really like it when we were in high school !
Omds I start my last year of uni next month 😵‍💫 in like 4 weeks I think??? Maybe 3? I’m excited about it because I like having things to do and seeing my friends but I’m really worried as well bc I don’t like my course so I struggle to apply myself 👎👎👎 I’m happy to hear that your schedule is light and that you’re into your classes! I haven’t gotten my timetable yet and I have no idea what it’s going to look like or what classes I’ll have :(
That’s so true and such a good mindset to have omg!!! Good luck on your class, I’m sure you’ll crush it! You have to let me know how it is when it starts up ⭐️
BIG TIME RUSH MY JAW IS ON YJE FLOORKAJWH??? I’m SO jealous of you oh my god PLEASE have the best time and have enough fun for us both omg omg omg !?? ALSO dying to know what songs they’ll do so please let me know 🙏
Thank you so much 💕 for your sweetness as always! It does not go unappreciated <333 hoping the same for you !
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the-very-rubiest · 2 years
4 5 7 12 25 36 53 💫 can't decide on less i'm afraid
And I'm glad you didn't! So many questions, THANK YOU, you're a gift and a blessing. Without further ado, here goes:
4. what are you looking forward to?
Right now? The time after my exams when I'm finally FREE and don't have to constantly choose between forcing myself to study or the nagging guilt of not-doing-enough. The BC show + VIP thingy in September (GJPA if you ruin this for me, I will commit actual arson). Hopefully getting to travel and leave the gODDAMN COUNTRY again in October (maybe for a week?) and seeing a plane from the inside for the first time since 2019. All of these are so uncertain right now. And everything else is even MORE uncertain. Help 😭
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
A whole list of people! The first one is my dad, who can eventually get me laughing again no matter how sad, frightened or grumpy I am. My best friend, who's basically my family at this point and has been a constant in my life when everyone else keeps coming and going. My best guy friend from uni, who's just the best kind of Lunatic (affectionate). As far as celebrities go, the one-n-only Joel Hokka. And now…I guess there's you, too. This is gonna sound cheesy, but talking to you has unlocked a part of my personality even I didn't know I had, and it scares me a little but I wouldn't have it any other way.
7. what was your life like last year?
Like, exactly one year ago? Pretty bad, but about to get better. Lockdowns still had my mental health in a chokehold, my brain was constantly trying to convince me I was severely ill and dying over the tiniest things, I was skinnier than ever and just felt frail and like I was fading. I'd gotten my first vaccine dose recently, and between the world opening up and my mom making me exercise and finding refuge in the world of fiction I was slowly regaining my sanity. Then a few days later PMA by All Time Low and Pale Waves came out and it revived me a little, and another few weeks later I got my second dose and decided to finally check out BC after knowing of them for a while and my life has gotten so much better since. The rest is history.
12. what is something you want right now?
Already answered here, but I'd like to add: Some time where I don't constantly have to do something, enough that I don't need to fret and decide what to do with my precious few unscheduled hours. The power and motivation to study for my oral exam, as much as I need to study. Some certainties where so much in my life is uncertain. Right now, those are the most urgent things.
25. role model
I don't have just one, I steal traits and skills from everyone I find cool like a greedy little magpie. I guess the closest to an aspirational figure for me is Aleksi though? I admire how comfortable he seems in everything he does, the effect he has on people, the way he can win their love so effortlessly and keep it despite his quirks and pointy edges. One day I'd like to have the same effect on others, radiate the same comfort and childlike joy of life paired with twinkly-eyed maturity. I guess it's because I see so much of myself in him that this actually seems achievable, you know?
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I was gonna say "Just three?" but now I honestly have trouble coming up with three at all. I'm not counting goals where achievement is just a matter of time here BTW, only "I hope this can happen someday/it'll likely happen but no idea when," no "this will happen in the foreseeable future."
Dream 1 is to move out to a place I like, a place that's my own, where I can decide what I eat and when I sleep and when I do chores and don't owe anyone an explanation when I want to go somewhere. Just…freedom within four walls. That's all I ask.
Dream 2 is to find someone I love who loves me just as much and just…experience what it's like to love and be loved. Build a life together if it works out. If not, at least know what it feels like and that I'm capable of experiencing it…does that make sense?
Dream 3 (AKA the most unrealistic one…I guess?) is to create a story that finds a large audience. I'm talking active online fandom, fanworks, maybe even an adaptation of some kind? I wouldn't even wanna be famous for it myself. I'd just like to see something I write reach so many people and see what they create out of it.
53. 5 things that make me happy
1: Listening to my favorite songs, undisturbed and uninterrupted, just jamming out.
2: Getting friends or loved ones into stuff I'm into.
3: Plushies!
4: That feeling of being done with a task (or just your work for the day) and knowing you can kick back and relax now.
5: Doing my silly little exercises and seeing how strong I've gotten. Progress! 💪
Well! Those were all the questions. Thank you for these, you made me literally bare my soul in front of you, hope you enjoyed the ride! 💖
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fishporridges · 4 years
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have you ever been in love?
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realismreading · 3 years
It’s been almost 2 months since I cut 4 inches of my hair off in my second year uni house’s living room mirror while my housemates watched Naked Attractions
My hair actually has grown a little and the debate now starts again. Do I let it grow out (something I’ve been considering for some time, as my hair hasn’t been long in about 2 years) or do I just … chop it even shorter?
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imaginefe · 5 years
hey guys!!! a bit of a personal post coming…
i know ive made a post like this before but! ive been having a hard time with mental health again and i totally just had a fat cry over a plant can we have another happy hour ú ω ù
if you own any plants you really like feel free to send them into my submissions! tell me about how long youve had them!
if not plants u can send in pet photos… general asks… etc etc i just want something to distract me rn ✨✨
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