#in both itto and sara both appear :')
hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
heizou :)
A ship I have with said character: kuki? I dont know their ship name actually but they fit...
A BROTP I have with said character: Sara <33 and Itto <333 love them to bits
A NOTP I have with said character: mm heikazuscara kinda i cant see them together, specially scara i think he's like yknow like babyboy baby (evil) but still babyboy i dont want to ship him with anyone
A random headcanon: he watches itto's illegal plays and doesnt do anything about it <3
General Opinion over said character: this was a character i expected for a Long time (since oct last year at Least) and then he got leaked. When i say im down bad i really mean it i fell Hard Hard for this pretty boy, bro is ethereal. When I tell you i fell in love with his model AND LATER THIS PRETTY BOY WAS FLIRTING WITH ME??? I weNt WILd, I love his easygoing personality, he's such a cool guy but still has his own weaknesses. He really feels like a multidimensional character and im a sucker for it and I can't deny a pretty face <3
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anantaru · 2 years
˖˚˳⊹ boyfriend headcanons feat. xiao : ayato : heizou : kaeya : venti : childe : kazuha : itto : diluc x fem! reader
˖˚˳⊹ genre: mostly fluff : sprinkle suggestive for good measure : little bit possessive (but not detailed)
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boyfriend! xiao who‘s a protective little bean. <3 he‘ll always prioritize your well-being over his own and archons, can it be a handful to you sometimes. You have to tell him that his happiness —in fact— is what makes you the happiest so try to shower him with loads of love because he deserves it. Don‘t forget to give him time though, this area is still very much new to him and he really doesn‘t want to scare you away, he might appear reluctant to a lot of things such as kissing etc. sometimes, but once he actually warmed up to you he won‘t ever want to go a day without your kisses and touches. <3
boyfriend! ayato who doesn‘t want to overwhelm you at first. He does have a lot of responsibilities to bear with, which you are aware of, but what ayato wouldn‘t want is to mix his work with your relationship. It‘s something that only revolves around you both and no one else, he overly dislikes it whenever someone even dares to mingle into your relationship. It‘s going to be hard at first for him, scheduling time for the both of you won‘t be managable all the time. So be patient with him, because he really is trying his hardest to make you happy, otherwise he wouldn‘t have gone into a relationship with you!
boyfriend! heizou who‘s one clingy ass guy. Needs to be close to you at all times, honestly, would even take you to work with him if kujou sara wouldn‘t be against it (she has to remind him all the damn time that government secrets aren‘t allowed to be shared with anyone). Heizou would be honest with you regardless though, doesn‘t see the point in lying or hiding something except when he‘s trying to surprise you with a gift or goodie. Another thing: is a big fan of having you on his lap and just telling you about his day while you play with the strands of his hair that tend to fall loosely around his head.
boyfriend! kaeya who‘ll try to protect you from any dangers, not to mention that he will always make sure to keep you as far as possible away from his work (it‘s not always morally correct in what he does in his job). You‘re his princess, his love, his everything, so he‘d go out of his way to show you exactly that. Would totally adore it if you go out to the tavern with him as well, it‘s one of his favorites places after all and he just needs to rub it under diluc‘s nose that he got a s/o before him. Don‘t forget though, in the end of the day kaeya wants to be cuddled by you under the bedsheets, adores getting touched by you and it doesn‘t have to be in a sexual way either. <3
boyfriend! venti who‘ll prepare small but cozy picnic dates under the big tree at windrise. Relishing in the soft air mingling around the both of you will have him on cloud nine. It‘s not a real picnic date if he isn‘t resting his head on your lap, literally takes your hand in his to place it on top of his scalp so you‘d slide your hands over his hair and massage it <3 braiding his hair might be your favorite thing though. We know he‘s a tease, tends to turn around while laying in between your thighs because he adores the way your face quickly warms up. If you think he wouldn‘t eat you out just because the both of you are outside, you‘re mistaken because he lowkey loves it!
boyfriend! childe who could fall on his knees for you whenever he sees you with his family. Whether it‘s you playing tackle with teucer or helping his mom and sister with dinner. Archons, he could run towards you and devour you with kissies and smooches. Is really into pda too ! Doesn‘t want to hide the fact that you‘re his and needs to show off his absolute breathtaking s/o <3 won‘t do it if you‘re against it though because the last thing childe would want is make you uncomfortable or disrespect your boundries! You wouldn‘t believe it but he‘s a big listener too, whenever you‘re mad/sad about something he‘d always listen to your problems without a thought. <3
boyfriend! kazuha who wants to travel the world with you! doesn‘t matter where, he wants you to choose the nation and experience every so little thing with —the love of his life—, which is you <3 He doesn‘t need a lot to be happy, as long as he has you he‘d never ask for morey You gifted him a camera from fontaine once and ever since then he can‘g stop taking pictures of you and all the places the both of you visited together. Wants to look at them later with you deeply enveloped in his arms! For him it‘s all about trust, it‘s the cornerstone of a relationship in his eyes, make sure you‘re open with him and tell kazuha about your concerns, he‘d never judge you and will always go out of his way to help you!
boyfriend! itto who can be a handful, as we know by now. That‘s just how he is though so you don‘t mind at all, you love every single thing about him and wouldn‘t even think of changing it. He‘d call you silly nicknames such as "arataki itto‘s queenie queen" or "the queen of the arataki numero uno babygirl", archons, —please— tell him to stfu otherwise he‘d chant it all over inazuma city! itto is someone who accepts you just like you are, but he wants the same in return, —you know— he wants to be cherished and appreciated by someone who will always have his back. You‘re the most important thing in his life and his top priority. <3
boyfriend! diluc who‘s very shy and tense at first. Will shower you with presents and small little goodies since his time is limited —being busy most of the day—, still, he sees it as his duty to not only show but tell you just how much he‘s in love with you. Expect lots of dinner dates too, because a thing about diluc is that: he indeed is the romantic type. He can become quite cliche and overdo it from time to time with all the romantic stuff he‘d throw into your relationship, but you appreciate just how much time he‘s willing to give to you! <3 fun story: had an idea that didn’t go as planned: basically ordered ten roses to bring to your house as a surprise but apparently the seller misunderstood diluc and sent you a whopping 1000 roses to your home. 🌝 it‘s the thought that counts lmao !
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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genshingarbage · 1 year
The One And Oni. || NSFW ||
Arataki Itto x Reader / Oneshot
Warning: This Is Super Long.
My first ever one shot with Itto! ;D I find this guy funny, not so much- well, simpable for me, but for Mod Kaeya? Ooooohoooo booooy. (totally not doing this one shot just to bully them heheheheheheh) sorry if he acts a bit odd or off at times, I'm just learning how to write this hyped up guy lmao - Mod Diluc
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"I cannot stress this enough, Miss L/N. He is not easy to negotiate with, nor to subdue either." The Tengu confessed to you. Her face void of energy now and her eyes forming ever so slight bags under them.
You sigh softly and wave your hand in a dismissive tone; "I appreciate your words of advice Kujo Sara, but this, Oni, has kept the Tenryou Commission distracted for long enough."
With that, all further conversation was halted as you lift from your office chair and swiftly depart from both Sara and the Tenryou Commission headquarters, making your way to the last known sighting of this, Arataki Itto.
Thirty Minutes Later; Nearing Higi Village.
Your eyes scanned along the dirt road, the crumbling structures of long since abandoned houses all around you, it was quiet. Eerily so. But you pressed forward, Kujo Sara had said this was where she had tirelessly attempted to arrest the Oni, for having caused several public incidents, various having resulted in damage to public property.
As you neared the centre of the village you couldn't shake the presence that seemed to shift all around you, it was obvious someone's eyes were on you, and you were willing to bet it was this Arataki Itto.
You let a long drawn out sigh slip from your lips as you heave your intricately designed claymore and let it sink in the dirt beneath you. Your hand still gripped tightly on the handle, your brows furrow with displeasure.
"Come out now, Oni. I'm not one for games." Your voice carries in the wind.
"Heh, could already sense me huh?" A more than energetic voice booms out from behind a wall to a decrepit building.
"Would be embarrassing if I couldn't. Show yourself, I find no amusement in talking to you with a building between us." You turn toward the building and cross your arms, waiting for the reply.
A silhouette emerged from behind the building, tall in stature, broad in figure too. Once in the light the fine details made themself apparent, long white hair, sharp crimson red horns adorned the top of his head, muscular and toned arms, legs, chiseled chest features accompanied with a six pack.
He takes care of his physical appearance that much is obvious, however as he steps toward you, sheepish smile on his face with a hand scratching the back of his neck, he nearly slips while maneuvering around rusty buckets and tumbled over barrels; physical appearance seems to be the only trait he's good at maintaining.
"So uhhhh, what can I do for ya lady?" He chirps at you, his hands awkwardly fidgeting beside him and then in front, unable to keep himself still.
"Miss L/N." You correct him, quickly. "And I'm here to see what the fuss is, you're becoming all the talk among the Tenryou Commission, and Kujo Sara is becoming less than efficient in her tasks, thanks to your constant need to seek her audience for a duel-" Your abruptly interrupted by a boisterous laugh.
You narrow your eyes and glance at the Oni, who appears to be laughing his lungs out, you fail to see where there was a joke in your sentence, but he's quick to aid you in your confusion.
"So the Tengu has finally had enough of me eh? Hahaha! I always knew I'd win some day, finally she is defeated-" he fist pumps the air in a childish manner before pouting; "ahh man, but she didn't even have the guts to tell me she calls quits? She runs to... you? Miss serious lady."
Your eyes widened slightly, how rude. You'd given him your name, yet he refuses to address you in the formal way. You were beginning to understand why Sara had given you so many prior warnings of this Oni.
"Miss. L/N." You corrected, yet again.
He finally quietens down from laughing so much, before raising a brow at you and then smiling, something you don't like the feeling of is laced behind that said smile.
"Say, you're like, higher up in the ranks right?" His eyes light up as you stand before him, a quizzical expression apparent on your face.
"What?" You question back, the fast pace of this conversation was making your head spin. How quick he was to change topics and switch subject at unpredictable times.
"I'm asking if you're strong or not, let me dumb it down for ya lady-"
"Yea yea! Miss lady right? Anyway, I'm Arataki Itto, The One and Oni, Undefeated and now, as of just learning; unrivaled." He puffs his chest out in an act of prideful display, his hands resting eitherside his hips.
Your lids begin to droop in boredom, if he doesn't kill you when trying to arrest him, he's definitely going to kill you from this self made entitlement he's pinned to himself through arrogance.
"As much as I enjoy this mind numbing idle chatter, unfortunately it must end here." You now interrupt him, which he's clearly unhappy about as he pouts yet again toward you.
"Huh? How come?" He asks while tilting his head.
"I find it astonishing you think I come to you on equal ground right now, Oni." You let your neck crack as you brace yourself for whatever happens next, swinging your claymore around and readying yourself into battle stance.
"Hey! That's Arataki Itto to you Miss- ... uh... miss..." his fist was raised in an outrage till faltering in his words and actions. Your face lacking of any expression.
"Hypocritical too I see, demanding respect from those you've given none, interesting. Your criminal ways really have sullied your sense of social etiquette. Perhaps sometime in solitary confinement will actually do you some good." You finish your sentence, and you're met with an unamused look from the Oni.
"Heh, you can speak with all those fancy big words all you like lady, but I can assure you something, I don't go down without a fight." While speaking matter of factly he summons his golden and crimson claymore from the air beside him, readying himself too.
"Say let's make this duel fun huh?" His crimson eyes glow as he speaks, "I was going to ask if you'd wish to become my next rival, considering you're higher up than that Tengu, naturally speaking you should be stronger too then, better for dueling by default you see!" You huff loudly. Honestly he talks too much.
"So you really wish to play games now? Even during such situations?" You ask, in disbelief to this Oni's carefree attitude.
"Haha! Of course! Betting makes everything more fun." He chuckles filled with too much confidence for your liking, you were soothed by the fact you'll soon discard him of this self entitled confidence.
"Very well, do whatever makes you happy, one way or another you will be bought to justice." You shake your head unamused. Patience was definitely waning on you now.
"Winner, can do anything they please." He hums happily, to which you're temporarily taken aback by.
"Wait what? Such absurd terms will not be agreed on by m-"
"Hya!" The Oni strikes at you fast, his claymore crashing down at you with intense speed and frightening impact.
You raise your own claymore and shield against his attack, the clank of metal against metal rings out.
"You're quick! I like that in a rival." The Oni yells out as he flies at you with another frontal assault.
He was big, which made you think he'd be slow, but how wrong you was. This Oni was quick, precise, otherworldly with his instincts to dodge and parry, his strength was commendable too, he seemed so childish and idiotic while talking, but he was no foreigner to the conversation of battle.
Forty-five Minutes Later.
The duel had raged on for far longer than you'd expected, and Kujo Sara had managed to once apprehend this Oni's vision? You were contemplating giving her a raise in rank for that feat now, no wonder The Almighty Shogun requested her to be her right hand.
It turns out Geo and Anemo are quite even in terms of dueling, much to your utter agony. Your muscles were screaming to be given time to rest now, constantly having to dodge, counter and weave was taxing on your energy, damn this blasted Oni!
"Ushi let's go!" He yells, still as insanely energetic sounding as he was before even starting this duel. How annoying he was.
However you had little time to loathe him as a whole when you saw him lining his arm at you as if ready to throw a ball, except... wait, it was a bull! Holy shit!
Your eyes widened as a small angry faced bull flung at you, achieving the title pigs truly can fly huh? You panic, no time to dodge, your energy was near depleted now, so trying to counter with your vision was out of the option too. With all this in mind, you had only one choice-
"Hyaarrggh!" You yell out with utter frustration as you swing your claymore infront of you, shielding your entire frontal form, the bull closing in fast, your close your eyes tightly and brace-
"MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOUGH!" The bull cries out as he crashes into your blade of the claymore, the impact causes your feet to swivel and lock into place, trying to keep yourself solid, and by doing so it results in yourself being dragged along the dirt, causing the mud and grass to dig up around your feet as you claw backwards, keeping yourself tense, braced in your stance.
Once the impact leaves and you're feeling ever so slightly relieved you open your eyes and look up, seeing you've been pushed back several inches, the deep sunken tracks from where you once stood. He'd put so much force into that throw... and it was a damn bull to add to it... this Oni, he was entirely mad, he... he had to be.
The bull had already vanished back to whether the damned Oni had summoned it from however, lucky for that giant pig anyway, if you'd see it you would've fried it into bacon!
"Wow! You actually shielded against Ushi? Nice one! I'd expect nothing less from my amazing rival!" He flashes a toothy grin at you, his mood highetened to an almost scary excitement you simply refuse to make sense of in your current ordeal.
You pant softly, trying to mask your sheer exhaustion, you've given it all you have, and that last stunt from him had caused your energy to leave you entirely now, you were simply bluffing at this point.
"You can still fight? Even after Ushi?" He calls out, sounding hesitant himself. Did he doubt you? How insulting, a criminal now doubting your abilities and even showing concern to you? He should be restrained and in jail by now... infuriating.
You steal a glance at him, seeing not a single sweat break from him, casual look, smeared with a smug expression as he closed in on you, his claymore lazily slung behind his neck being held up with little effort by him.
You close your eyes sighing softly, before weakly lifting your claymore back up, a shake now apparent in your grip, your arms ache miserably, your clothes stick to you, your damp hair clings to the sides of your face uncomfortably. You were a complete mess now.
He continued to draw in closer, and you hadn't realised it yet, but you'd subconsciously been taking small steps backwards with every intruding step he made.
"Backing down are we? Heh, can't blame you, I am the great Arataki Itto after all, numero uno an all, hahahaaaa!" He bellowed out.
You scowled at him, he now toys with you too? Unforgivable. You try your best to strengthen your grip on the claymores handle, trying your best to chase away your fatigue, but everytime you tried to make an advance your body just did not allow it, you couldn't merely will your strength out of thin air after all.
"I am NOT backing down." You growl at him, to which he smirks mischievously.
"A stubborn one, that's even more fun." He snickers softly to himself.
"You will face justice Oni." You snarl out through gritted teeth.
"Riiiiiight, and... you're gonna be the one to do that huh? You sure about that lady?" He chuckled as he swings his claymore back out, aimed at you, a glow emanating from him as his claymore forges itself into a refined state, mimicking a massive club with crystaled geo spikes sticking out from all angles. Impossible- he still had this much energy left... did he even use an ounce to begin with?
"I'm waiting, mighty rival." He teased you further, the glow emitting an ethereal appearance to him now.
You took a single step forward, before dropping your claymore and collapsing into the dirt, your weapon disintegrating back into the atmosphere around you, indicating one thing, you were now unconscious.
The last words heard before darkness consumed you was; "Yea, that's about what I figured."
Unknown Amount Of Time Later.
A sharp inhale was all you were able to muster as your eyes shot open, the darkness dissipated fast, only to be replaced with a dim glow surrounding yourself. Your heart began to pick up in pace as you scanned the area before you, you were acting out of panic, frantic moves swirling you into a panicked frenzy.
You closed your eyes and breathed in slowly, gradually you began to recollect yourself and bring back your composure. The pieces of memories of what took place before you'd wound up where you were now started to slot back into place. Ah yes, The Oni.
Once everything had calmed down and your mind was thinking clearly again you had a new goal, find that damn Oni. Just as you went to lift off the rather uncomfortable chair something pinched the skin around your wrists, you let out a sharp inhale again, cussing under your breath.
"Of course." You sighed lowly to yourself as you glanced backwards slightly to allow yourself to look at your restrained wrists against the rickety old chair.
You rolled your eyes as you repositioned yourself back to facing forward and at the candle that kept the room dimly lit, you should've expected the Oni would do something like this, he's a criminal after all.
Your body still ached and the wounds of the duel were beginning to make themself known to you now, your legs hurt, and your head was spinning slightly, but you kept a stern gaze forward and your head steady on your shoulders.
You didn't know if you were being watched right now, and the last thing you wanted was to let the enemy know you felt weak and tired. So you sat there; silently, unmoving, slow rhythmical breathing. Acting completely unphased, a facade of looking disinterested and detached from the situation.
As time crawled on you opted to keep scanning the room you were placed dead bang in the centre of. It was small, cramped, a couple of torn papers scattered along the floor toward one of the corners, the candle placed on a rusty bedside table that was oddly placed beside the door.
There were windows; albeit boarded up from the outside, preventing you from seeing the outside at all. You glanced back again with minimal effort and located a basic bed with no covers on behind you, just two pillows and some mattres sheets for the basics of supposed comfort.
You turned back round and scrunched your nose slightly, the room looked trashed and barely upkept, everything looked seconds away from falling apart, so you drew the lines together and conjured up the possibility this was the Oni's hideout. It was the only plausible conclusion you could summon up right now.
You felt rather uncomfortable with the fact you had dried mud over your clothes and side of your face, from the fact you fell face flat into the mud, you must've looked so ungracious. But there was nothing you could do about it right now with your hands being tied the way they were.
You kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting. But nothing was happening, you heard no sounds, saw no movement. He was nowhere in sight. You let out an impatient sigh and then let your eyes close for just a second-
Three Hours Later
Your eyes shot open and you jolted backward from instinct, your body weight shifted and the imbalance caused you to fall backwards.
You squeezed your eyes shut and screamed as you suddenly felt yourself falling, your arms still restrained.
"Woah there!" An overly energetic voice beamed out.
The falling feeling halted and was then swiftly replaced with the warmth of something encasing you.
You opened your eyes slowly only to then widen them abruptly as you saw the dreaded Oni hovering over you with his arms hooked around you. A concerned expression over his features.
You narrowed your eyes angrily as he stepped backwards bringing your dangling form in the chair back forward to, hearing the legs of the rickety chair plant them self back onto the floorboards beneath you.
He slumped back in the chair that was in front of you; that was not there earlier.
While doing so you glanced down to see the fact your clothes were slightly damp, half wiped clean of the dried mud, you pushed your tongue against the inner part of your cheek and as your cheek stretched the skin didn't feel covered in mud anymore; had he... attempted to clean you while you was asleep?
You sat there quietly, furious beyond belief that you'd allowed yourself to fall asleep in such a dangerous predicament, and probably allowed yourself to be touched by the enemy, and how dare he awake you in such an unfair manner! Making you jump and scream, how stupid-
You flicked your eyes back to the Oni, whose hand was now stretched out towards your face, waving side to side.
"You sure do zone out alot huh Miss serious lady?" He tilted his head in that frustratingly innocent way yet again.
"I told you; my name is L/N." You practically hissed at him now. Your impatience beginning to crack through. How many times can someone avoid calling you by your name?
He returned his hand back, crossing his arms over his chest, letting his legs spread out in a very unceremoniously manner.
He huffed out childishly before speaking out again.
"So are you like this everytime you lose a fight?"
You blinked a few times shocked by the boldness in his words, though you really shouldn't be anymore at this point.
"Tsk." You rolled your eyes.
He simply snickered and leaned forward, invading your personal space yet again, his hands slapping down onto his knees.
"Strong willed. I like that in a woman." He smirked, his fangs protruding in a mishevious manner.
You narrowed your eyes yet again, your face distorting into one of disgust.
"What does that mean?" You retort angrily.
He merely let's his smirk widen. The tension of the silence making you feel uneasy, this Oni really was unpredictable and you were unfortunately at his mercy right now.
As if playing on the fact you felt uncomfortable with him constantly too close for comfort- he shuffled his chair forward, closing the gap between you entirely, his hands now firmly resting on your thighs, just above your knees.
You involuntarily shudder from the contact and then begin to feel yourself seethe with unparalleled anger.
"Get your hands off me." You spat the words at him.
He didn't follow through however. Instead he grinned and let his hands do a few pliant squeezes into your soft flesh.
"Stop th-"
"Shut up." He growled out. His tone was entirely different... it didn't sound childish, didn't sound innocent and carefree, it sounded hoarse and rough.
You swallowed down your words of rejection. Something gripped at your nerves with the way his tone had changed so suddenly, a spine chilling tingle ran through you.
He let his eyes wander back up to your own, trapping your stare with his.
"You lost the duel remember? And I did say winner gets to do whatever they want~" his tone had shifted yet again back to the childish demeanour you recognised.
"I never agreed to those terms Oni." You groaned.
"But you did continue to fight back didn't you?" He was quick to respond.
"Yes? But that's because you quite literally waved your claymore at me with all your force! Was I suppose to not retaliate and let you kill me?!"
"Kill you?! Haha! Arataki Itto may be many things but a murderer is not one of them."
You opened your mouth to proceed with another rebuttal but you were honestly dumbfounded, no words came forth and your mouth simply closed again.
His look changed, it went from defensive to earnest in a heartbeat, and the pleading look in his eyes made your stomach flip for some unknown reason that you refused to press furher on.
"Hey, lady? What do you truly know about me? Because the accusations you throw my way hurt ya know?" His voice was soft, and the way his words made you feel was different. No anger and frustration at all. You didn't know how to respond so you just remained silent.
"I see... so you barely know anything about me huh? Just the basic rumours everyone throws around about me, the big terrible Oni right? Gonna eat the babies and burn villages to the ground kinda Oni right?" He scoffs half heartedly.
"No. I wouldn't believe such nonsense." This time you were quick to respond. The earnest look in his eyes had dissolved into one of sadness, his emotions were never hard to see, he certainly didn't shy away from expressing his true feelings to anyone. That much you'd already made sense of.
"Really?" He sounded and looked hopeful now.
"Of course, I wasn't born yesterday. If there were truly a beast doing such heinous crimes out there that severely, the Shogun herself would've said something about it by now." You rolled your eyes, unbelievable that he required explanation for this.
"Oh." His face grew a solemn look. Was that not the answer he hoped for? Tough. Though not a killer he was a criminal all the same.
You breathed out slowly, awkwardly. Time felt like it had come to a grueling stop now.
"So... about this bet, that I'd had no partake in, what exactly is it you want?" You decided to reel back onto track, things were falling apart at the seams right now and this chair wasn't growing any more comfortable.
"Hm? Oh! Oh right, haha!" Suddenly the life in his eyes sprouted back in all his glory.
You started gnawing at your bottom lip as you sucked it inside your mouth, his hands had been squeezing and rubbing up your thighs, this, entire, time. Had it become a subconscious movement on his behalf? You weren't sure but you'd like it to stop, now. For reasons you yet again would rather not press further on.
"Well you lost, and I won, that much is obvious, so technically. I get to do whatever I want now." He smiled happily at you, your face showing nothing but disbelief back at him.
"That is utterly too vague. Explain yourself Oni-"
"Itto." He corrected.
"Miss L/N." You responded.
He grinned wildly at you. You nervously glanced at him.
"I really like you lady." He finished the staring contest off with a sudden confession, innocent at first glance, but what he meant was far more serious.
Slowly he began to rise, his tall stature looming over your own, reminding you once again just how tall and intimidating this Oni really is.
"Think it's about time we cut to the chase huh lady?" He mused as he walked behind you and began to fiddle with the restraints around your hands, was he freeing you? And would he please stop calling you 'Lady' for archons sake!
Your question was quickly answered as you felt the ropes that pinch around your skin suddenly release.
Before you could stand however you felt his hands grasp you into a princess bridal style carry, firmly pressed into him. Your face flushed a bright red, what was going on?
"You have a strong will, and an unbreakable fighting spirit lady, that's why I think I'm so inexplicably drawn to you." He started his own monologue to you now, though you could barely make sense of the words that left him, as he walked you behind the rickety chair and dropped you onto the bed.
You bounced slightly as your rear landed into the mattress, you huffed by instinct, you went to sit up but his hand was quick to flatten you back down.
"Or maybe its because I've met a woman who fights with strength like me, showing how tough you really are." He continued so casually as his weight pressed down onto your form, engulfing you in him.
You were lost right now and your heart began to race in pace yet again.
"What are you doin-"
He pressed his nose against yours, the cold sensation of his crimson red horns pressing gently against your forehead.
"Shh, I'm doing whatever I want, part of the bet remember?" His voice was rough again, but the way it sounded made you shudder once more.
You looked into his red eyes and saw nothing but lust staring back at you, was this his plan all along? Was his intentions really to bed you since the beginning of this whole ordeal?!
"W-wait wait, what is this the meaning of this-"
"Isn't it obvious lady? I did just say I like you did I not? The moment I saw you I was too shy to step out the shadows. You're so beautiful and strong. The thrill of fighting you got me way too pumped, and I just knew I had to make you not just my rival, but mine."
"Y- yours?"
"Mhm." He nodded slowly, his hot breath beginning to fan across your face, your own breathing becoming irregular in pace as your nerves and embarrassment climbed higher.
Was this criminal saying he had some sort of crush on you? An infatuation? Like how a child would confess? This can't be happening-
You gasped out when you felt his warm lips press against your neck in a tender experimental kiss. Your reaction gained a gentle chuckle from him however, his breath fanned across your skin like smooth butter as he whispered against your neck; "You're so cute."
Soft and gentle he was, for some reason you couldn't fight back, your will to retaliate left you so fast, the feeling inside you was too good to pass up on.
He kissed your neck again,
And again,
Each kiss softer and longer than the last, trailing his warm saliva along your plush skin.
Through his gentle kissing and timid nibbling and sucking of your skin, his large hands stroked up your body, to your arms, his hands now encasing your own in a firm embrace, guiding your hands above your head and keeping them there, his eyes closing as he began to let his kisses press more intensely against all your delicate skin.
His voice rumbled against your neck as he spoke gruffly.
"Mmh, I knew you wanted this too, I could taste your want for me before you'd even accepted it yourself." He chuckled hoarsely against your skin, before allowing himself to lick one long strip along your neck with his tongue.
You closed your eyes and whimpered against the wet sensation his tongue provided, his saliva felt so hot against your skin, before the cool air kissed and cooled it instantly, the vast contrast searing you.
Was what he said true? Did you really want this? You'd admired his physique during battle that's true, and you'd let your eyes glimpse one too many times at his toned abs and flexing muscles, but it's hard not to appreciate his masculine frame when he clearly works a great deal to maintain his form... but...
Did that really mean you'd wanted this? How shameful were you? He's a criminal for crying out loud! And he'd been bothering your subordinates for months now, you'd come to take him to prison, not let him have his way with you in some dingy house on a poor excuse of a bed.
You couldn't help but let the moan escape you when you felt his fanged canines peirce into your skin, the sharp stinging of pain was replaced with a numbing pleasure almost instantly, was you addicted to pain now too?
"Hey... come back to me lady. I want you here with me while I do this to you." Something about how possessive he sounded made the whole situation feel even more lewd than it already was.
"I... I don't understand..." Your voice wavered in tone, shaky and fragile sounding, you hadn't realised you'd even started talking before it was too late.
"Mmh... don't understand what lady?" He asked the question slowly before languidly licking another strip along your neck against the current bite mark that began to adorn a deep purple to it, a deep guttural growl reverberated from him as he did so.
You couldn't open your eyes, everytime you did the sensation tingled you and numbed your senses entirely, you felt pins and needles all over as you kept your eyed closed.
"Kujo Sara... Kamisato Ayato... they are able to fight you, win even, so why... why couldn't i- enanngh!" You moan out as you feel another slightly harsher bite sink into your neck thanks to him.
"Rude to mention another name when being intimate with someone, and you mentioned two... that's just mean..." He hummed as he lifted his face from your neck, his eyes glancing at your now abused flesh around your neck, your skin now sporting a set of marks and bruises that he took great pride in knowing he created.
You opened your eyes slowly, blinking as you did, the dim glow of the room blanketing the Oni above you, and if in some ironic way giving the demon blooded man an angelic aura. He licked his bottom lip slowly, drinking in your beautiful blushing doe eyed expression.
"Well, if you must know, the reason they win is because one of them isn't even human lady." He was feeling generous, so decided he'd give you a quick answer to your questions before you become too fucked out to weave anything audible to him.
You pouted up at him, annoyed with the answer he gave, obviously you knew Kujo Sara was a Tengu, not fully human. But... maybe that really was why she was able to hold her own for so long against him, she did master techniques in stamina endurance-
"And as for my good bro Ayato? He's mastered his fighting skills with the aid of speed techniques. Yea I pack a punch, but that doesn't account to much if the opponents too fast to land a hit on haha!" He laughed out in a boisterous manner. He seemed awfully happy to reveal his weaknesses to you right now...
But it made sense... they were both fast and agile, one not even human... you relied on your heavy hits and strong defense but he was the exact same in that field of action... and unfortunately, he's got Oni blood pumping through his veins... so a strong human stands no chance against a strong Oni huh? ... if only you'd known that sooner.
As if noticing the sad look on your face now he began to frown down at you.
"Oi lady." He groaned.
You didn't even look up in response to him now, you just turned your head to the side, looking so defeated and broken now. He wanted you submissive, and there were several faces he wanted you to make tonight but this look of hopelessness wasn't one of them.
"They win, because they can dodge out the way of my attacks." He lowers his head down right to your ear now, his voice going rough again as his hot breath brushed right against your ear. "But I assure you, they wouldn't have been able to remain standing after a head on assault from my strongest move with Ushi." You tensed slightly as he began to praise you, to which he smirked; ah, so you liked appraisal huh? This would be fun then.
"Like I said, your strength is what draws me to you lady, you don't rely on running away or dancing around attacks like a fragile bird. Your tough and experienced. I like that in a- my woman." He began to nibble around your earlobe after speaking, and you whimpered upon hearing him practically claim you. You tried to stifle the whimper but it was a failed attempt, and he'd noticed it.
"Oh? You like that, hm?" He teased you ever so slightly as he licked your ear and nibbled your lobe again, guiding your smaller hands together so one of his large hands could grasp them both, his free hand beginning to drag his black painted claws along your arm and back down to your torso, his touches feather light against your skin.
"Like being called mine, hm? My good girl." He asked the rhetorical question to you, more so trying to coax more reactions from you, and more reactions he got. You mewled softly as he called you his good girl, his hand swiftly slipping under your shirt. His fangs poking out of his lips from his pointy smirk.
You screamed internally to yourself as you felt his warm hand cup over your breast under your shirt; you'd not worn a bra today, typical for the one day you decided to not wear one something like this would happen. But you kept arguing with your inner voice, fight back, retaliate, refuse, anything!
But your body wouldn't listen, you felt weaker by the second and breathless by every little touch. He knew how to tease your body, he knew how to make you shudder, how to feel unbelievably good. Your body still ached from the prior battle but his ministrations against you was soothing and riling you up all at the same time, it was driving you insane.
His clawed fingers made quick work kneading and squeezing your mound of flesh that was encased in his large warm hand, the tips of his nails gently pinching and twisting your nipple; "No bra, Mmh." His tongue slipped out and slowly licked his bottom lip absentmindedly, it looked damn right sinful, you could see it was a habit of his.
His blood ruby eyes stared into your own and made you feel even more trapped by all that was him, you tried your best to look angry still, refusing to give in to the Oni but your face soon faltered and a whimper left you involuntarily as he pinched and pulled particularly rougher on your nipple, the stimulation your breast received became more harder to bear and upon see your reaction he merely scoffed smugly in return.
How quick he was to go from gentle and soft to intense and overwhelming, flicking between the pressure and pace of his own actions against your heated body. All attention you received fell to only your right breast, leaving your body half satiated, pining for more; against your utter morbid displeasure to the knowledge of feeling such a way.
"I could just devour you, my sweet girl." His voice bellowed out as his gaze finally lifted from you and back down to your chest that was still being toyed with but out of his sight, your clothing still obstructing his vision; which he quickly grew impatient with. Your mind was racing a hundred passing thoughts a second, but you soon got tugged back to reality when you heard the sound of tearing echo and ring against your red ears.
You lazily looked down, your eyes half lidded before widening as your blush came back with newfound vigour, your skin now littered with goose bumps as your warm flesh was exposed to the cooling nipping air that kissed along your stomach and exposed breasts, your chest fully on display for the Oni that loomed above you now.
The ripped, tattered remains of your garments clung to your arms in a final attempt to remain intact, his hands and claws were strong enough to completely shred your entire upper clothing that had kept you modest, you didn't know if it was thrill or excitement that you felt to being unsure of his true strength- or maybe it was both.
You saw something flicker in his eyes and the closest word you could label it with was; hunger. He growled as he saw your nipples standing fully erect, you looked delicious to him and he wanted nothing more but to dive right in, so that is exactly what he did. Your eyes widened for a second before squeezing shut tightly, a loud moan was squeezed from you as you felt his lips encase one of your nipples, trapping it between his pointed teeth and grazing while his tongue flicked and rubbed the very tip inside his hot mouth.
His weight slowly dipped more onto you, and the sensations of his chest pressing against you made you feel sandwiched and suffocated, in all the good ways. The cool smooth texture of his belt straps pressed into you too, all these sensations mixed with the newly intense ones from his mouth and hand toying and teasing with your breasts stimulated you more, but the true friction was needed down below now...
You squeezed your thighs subconsciously as he continued to play with your chest, your eyes still shut, your body arching into his ministrations against your own rational thinking. Releasing his grip from your restrained hands in favour of having another hand to knead and press into your soft smooth skin left you finally free, sort of.
Your hands quickly found their new home, nestled into his white soft silky hair, combing through it eagerly, the urge to pull him into your chest more beginning to gnaw at the back of your mind, but the last thing you should be doing right now is embracing him lovingly while he uses you to his fullest his desires. So instead of giving in to your more needier wants you opted in tugging and pulling his head instead, which elicited an animalistic and strained hiss from the Oni.
A shudder ran down your spine as his hiss rumbled deep within his chest, as if flicking a switch his hands snaked under your body and pressed tightly against your back, lifting you off the bed slightly and pressing you more firmly into him as he kept sucking and biting your breasts, his saliva coating your skin and making you feel more hot and bothered by the second.
Trying to keep yourself balanced and under some control you flew a hand back and pressed it into the mattress, you told yourself it was to stop you looking like meat being dangled in his vice grip, but you soon found yourself pushing yourself up more into him too. How much longer you could keep up this fight you was unsure, for it wasn't even with him anymore, just yourself.
You were no virgin to the acts of intimacy, but your so called lovers were few and far between, you'd never really shared a proper romantic relationship for your job was always put first, but from what little experience you had gained, none of your previous partners had ever spent such earnest time on these formalities, foreplay was there and then gone with in minutes, but by the way he kept lapping at your now swollen nipples, sucking hard and nibbling and grazing eagerly to add to it was making you lose focus.
No one had spent so much time on your body before, specially not your breasts, did he have a fascination with them perhaps? You hadn't realised but your thighs had been squeezing and rubbing against one another for the past several minutes now, the friction was nearly enough to elevate some of the tension from your aching sex now.
As his tongue continue to lathe along your nipples and his teeth kept sinking into your plump mounds of flesh your whimpers became pitiful and weak, eventually you were whining and you hadn't even realised it, but he had.
With a sudden flop back onto the mattress you began to pant softly like a bitch in heat, your chest covered in bite marks, hickeys and saliva. You look like you had quite literally been chewed up and spat out, the loud pop that had left him when he finally detached his mouth from your nipple was painfully loud to your now numbing senses.
You glanced up weakly to see his tongue flick across his bottom lip yet again as he looked down at you with happiness and pride bursting from the seams, so pleased he was with the mess you'd now melted into within his grip, he loved seeing the slow decline of your tough defence be replaced with the same amount of lust for him that he was constantly feeling for you.
But it wasn't nearly enough yet, he wanted to break you, ruin you, he wanted your mind to be occupied with nothing but just him now. he would not be satisfied fully till you was putty in hands and obedient to his every whim he wished to perform to your body, after all he just wanted to make you scream and writhe in pleasure as he worships his prize from his victory.
His chest heaved as he too panted softly, having felt the stinging need for air burn his lungs, he'd suppressed himself a lot just so he could keep tasting you, you was scarily addictive and he was already more than hooked to it, to you. Your reactions were sublime to him and your taste was heavenly, so it didn't take long for his hungry eyes to wander down to your rubbing and squeezing thighs, there laid his next prize.
You felt the heat spread across your face as more excitement rushed and pooled down between your thighs, right at your now aching and dripping wet sex, seeing his eyes travel down your dishevelled and ruined form till fixating at your thighs, you got so aroused from seeing his nostrils flare, his eyes fluttering slightly as he picked up on your scent almost instantly.
His pointed fangs poked from his lips once again as his expression changed to a gleeful smile, almost crazed with lust embedded fully within. You smelt intoxicating and he hasn't even seen below your waist yet, still propped on the balls of his heels while knelt above you he glanced up at you, his firm grip now latching onto the sides of your under garments.
"Hold on to something." His voice was hoarse but stern, it was advice you nearly didn't get to follow for just as your hands sunk into the headrest behind you he yanked hard, your clothing tearing and ripping just like your upper clothing, tattered and destroyed and leaving you on full exposure to him. There you laid, completely bare before him now, your enemy, a criminal who was suppose to be going to prison by your hands.
"Woah~" His voice still had such enthusiasm and life to it, while yours had been drained entirely from you, however you still dared to glare up at him, shock and horror on your face as you saw your Anemo vision snuggled tightly in his grip.
"Wouldn't wanna let this go flying off now, huh?" He chuckled softly, your heart began to race with fear and worry, your vision, how could you have been so careless, your vision was now in the hands of the enemy, but your panic soon subsided as you saw him gently toss it with ease onto the floor in your discarded clothes; if you could even call those ripped rags clothes anymore.
"Why the face?" His brow raised in question, your expression soon fizzled back to awkward and nervous, looking away instantly. You didn't have it in you to give back remarks anymore or verbally argue, not after what he's already done to you, and the fact you now lay completely naked before him while he is still fully clothed was enough to make you accept, you'd lost this fight.
He enjoyed teasing you though, he loved the look you had right now, shameful guilt for secretly enjoying everything happening to you, he wasn't gonna pass up this opportunity.
"Well? I am waiting for a response." he cooed provokingly.
The bed dipped and shifted in weight disposal as he began to lower back down above you, making you feel tiny once again against his broad and masculine frame. You opted to close your eyes to try hide your embarrassment as best as you could, he smirked as he began to lower down more, inch by inch, till he wedged himself comfortably between your thighs; You'd tried to keep them shut obviously, but your efforts were pointless, he pried them open swiftly. His fingers now squeezing into the generous and curvaceous flesh you had there.
Now face to face with your sex he flared his nostrils again to get an even stronger sniff of your mouth watering scent, he groaned as his eyes fluttered again more aggressively this time, fucking delicious. Was all he could muster up in his mind, seeing your slick coating across your lips made his eyes almost sparkle with joy, it was him who'd made you get this way, so why not bask in the knowing of it.
You whined loudly in a pathetic protest, you decided to glare down once and you'd regretted it entirely when you saw him practically sticking his nose against your wet sex to smell it, why must he embarrass you so much?! You hated this man- Oni whatever!
He squeezed your thighs again while planting gentle wet kisses against your inner thighs, all round your sex, dancing around giving you attention where you wanted it most, it was making you angry and crazy, hungry to put it bluntly.
He watched as every small touch made your slit twitch and throb in anticipation, how eager your body was to feel him, he watched as your entrance clamped around nothing, and his thoughts juggled with the imagery of your walls clamping around his thick cock, blowing cool air gently against your entrance caused you to jolt slightly, another whine softly leaving you, he couldn't help but lick his bottom lip, again.
"Where did all that bite go from earlier, Hm?" His breath fanned against your hot achy sex and you squeezed your eyes even more rightly shut, he was snapping every last thread of your nerves you had left.
"Well lady?" he hummed sweetly.
"I told you, my name is!-" you were abruptly cut off as you felt the invading sensation of his long warm tongue against your entrance, causing a wanton moan to ring from you, giving open mouthed kisses lovingly to your slick covered lips, sucking gently and almost chewing against them softly, his eyes closed as his breathing was heavy and hard through his nose.
Every breath he took he was further pushed into the haze of your arousal, so thick and disorientating, it tastes so sweet and divine to him, he couldn't pull away, your noises only spurred him on more and awoke the more animal Oni side within him. His grip on your thighs grew tighter, a bruising pressure now being applied to his squeezes.
Your hands found purchase in his hair yet again, desperate for any sort of balance, a grip to help you remain solid, worried he will whisk you away into a frenzy you'll never escape from, moans continued to leave you and his name suddenly flew from you like a chant.
"itto! I-itto, Oh f-fu-mmph." broken curses and incoherent babbles was all you were capable of now. His loud slurps intentionally burning your cheeks with a blush but the blood rushing all around you made you less effected by it right now, the friction and attention you'd been chasing after finally being given to you in such force drove you to your high at a delightfully fast climb.
Somewhen during his onslaught one of his hands had slid back up your burning skin and began to grope and knead one of your breasts again, twisting and pulling your nipple once again. still suckling and lapping at the juices that continues to pour from you, a man starved of his dinner was all he portrayed right now, his other hand still squeezing your thigh tightly, switching from your thigh to grasping over one of your hands.
Suddenly both his hands flew to your rear as he pulled back and easily lifted your smaller frame with him, his mouth never once leaving your soaking wet sex, he knelt there now with your back pressed against his chest and toned abs as he bent you into a clear C-shape, your legs being kept up and either side his head by his strong bruising grip.
In this angle you was forced to watch clearly above as he sunk into your arousal with an insatiable hunger, your hands had fallen over your face, moaning and whimpering in an embarrassed and lust filled state, it drove him mad how cute you were still being while in such a slutty position, it made him suck harder and with a burning need to make you climax, he wanted to see you fall apart in his hands entirely now.
The intensity was not let up for even a second, your high being reached quicker and quicker, your juices mixed with his hot saliva as your sex became slippery, but he didn't relent, you were clearly wanting the main course now, and from the painful strain he felt in his own boxers he was too, but he refused to give up till he reached his goal unshared with you however.
"I- engh... m'close, so close, feels s-so, mmmph good!~" your moans enticed him further, seeing you struggle to form words made a bubble swell inside his chest, it wasn't just pride and happiness anymore that kept him going on so earnestly, there was something else deeper with in, did he like you more than even he had realised...
There was no time to give it thought right now though, as your moans picked up in tone and your breathing became more erratic so did his sucking and licking become more intense and just as you tethered along the edge of the tight coil snapping inside you his middle finger deftly found your clit, his index and ring finger pressed either side as he effortlessly coaxed it from its hooded hiding spot and latched his lips to it, harshly sucking and thrashing his tongue against it.
Your eyes widened as your hands gripped his bright red horns and yanked his face down harder into you, a loud sinful moan wheezed from your lungs like a singing prayer to the archons above as your orgasm crashed into you like a violent wave against the shore. Your vision blurring to white as you was sent to Celestia, he dipped back down and on purposefully latched his mouth hungrily against your entrance where your honeyed liquid practically squirted from, his fingers still skilfully circling round your clit to keep the stimulation, causing you to shudder aggressively from overstimulation.
His eyes were closed as he lapped up all you had to offer, it was so fucking good, he couldn't get enough of it, but he wasn't that cruel, as your moans became more pained and strangled he knew you'd got nothing left to give, so finally he pulled away with one final loud suck and then lifted his head back up, his glowing eyes raking over your destroyed form, your fucked out expression was picturesque, the sheen of sweat that coated you so beautifully from the exhaustion.
"Perfect." he mumbled breathlessly.
He softly laid your body back down, seeing you still twitch slightly and your toes curling and uncurling, a smile too fond looking now lay on his face. You couldn't speak, you couldn't move, you just laid there panting, utterly exhausted. He must be a full blooded demon... how else could he do all this...
Your vision was still blurred but as you continuously blinked it soon came back to you, and what greeted you was the Oni smiling down at you, his pupils blown out entirely and his chin still soaked from before, your cheeks went red again and you turned your face and hid yourself from him.
"Ah, ah." he happily sung out as he gripped your chin and forced you to look back at him, lowering himself back down onto you, it strangely relaxed you to feel his weight against you once more.
"I think it's a bit too late to still be getting so flustered now Lady." He chirped at you and before you could even think of protesting to his use of the title lady for the Nth time he forced you into a fiery and heated kiss that suffocated you with passion and possessiveness that oozed from him. You could taste yourself so vigorously as his tongue danced with yours, he sucked on your tongue and let himself explore your mouth freely with zero retaliation from you now.
He hummed approvingly against you as he melted further into the kiss, your display of obedience making him more than happy, whether because you actually wanted to comply now or because you was simply too tired to keep fighting he didn't care, he was just pleased you were not putting up a fight to him anymore, it would make the rest of this process a lot easier for the both of you.
As the kiss grew deeper and the stinging need for air in your lungs grew more painful you felt his large warm hands dance across your skin, heat radiating from his touch as he did so. Your mumbled pleas and suffocated groans of rejection remained as lost noises in the room as his hands continued to dance and stroke, it was as if he was mapping out your body right before you as you remain trapped under his weight.
"Mmm, taste s'good...." his voice was low and barely above a breathy husk as his lips brushed against your own, allowing you to now inhale some much needed air, whether he said that specifically for you to hear or just because he was riding in his own world of euphoria you had no idea, but the one thing you did know, that you found yourself cursing at within your mind was how your body yearned for attention from him, more touching, more sensations, just... more.
As time slowly and frustratingly dragged on you thought you might finally snap and resort to begging soon, there was only so much of his feathery touches and gentle nipping you could tolerate before demanding more to satiate this burning ache inside you, against you... between your thighs. But just as you opened your mouth to speak your words were swallowed by a muffled gasp into his mouth, as he yet again wrapped you into a deep kiss, just as your eyes closed however you found your back arching hard into the air causing your breasts to press against his broad toned chest.
His finger had swiftly found your bundle of nerves yet again, it felt as if he was beginning to know your body better than yourself in such a short period of time. Just like before he attacked your clit with precise circular movements strung out by his finger, your body jolting and arching more in reaction, you were so sensitive now and as he looked down at your tightly squeezed eyes with your face flushed with arousal he couldn't help but snicker almost sinisterly.
"Is someone enjoying themselves, mmh?" His voice was drowning in a smug aura, you hated it so much but you were far from being able to give him a piece of your mind, or at least your rational side.
"I-oh, oh, oh, oh....s-st...engh." You couldn't formulate a single word now, your heart thudding against your ribcage so aggressively, your words being stolen from you with every small movement of his finger against your clit, you were so angry, but boy oh boy did it feel so damn good.
"What was that?" he leaned his head further down now, his toothy smirk more obvious to your blurring vision. He let his tongue slide out as if it had a mind of its own and lick one, long, slow, stripe against your cheek. The contrast from warm to boiling as his saliva touched your skin again, caused another whimper to fall from your quivering lips, protesting words were hot on your tongue but unable to voice them aloud resulted in them merely fizzling back down into breathy whines.
He lifted his head back up humming calmly to himself, his behaviour and face far too nonchalant for the fact he was mindlessly shoving two of his fingers in an out of your twitching sex repeatedly, causing you to writhe while under him as his onslaught never ceased on your oversensitive clit either. His fingers stretched you so deliciously but it was lacking just a tiny bit, so delicious it was but not filling enough, you just craved more.
Clicking his tongue as he watched your expressions he finally pulled his fingers away entirely and up to his lips, absentmindedly slipping them into his mouth and sucking them clean, groaning gently as he sat up on his heels now, looming over your sweaty and riled up body. You were looking at him, or through him, he couldn't really know for sure, since your pupils were so large and dilated now. He smirked while looking at your cute face.
You stared up at him, nervous but somewhat excited to know what he was about to do to you next, did the thought of being at his mercy entice you so much? Knowing he can use you as he pleased made your heart flutter and your stomach do backflips within you, for some reason it all felt wrong, but so good? So fun and freeing. You didn't want it to stop, but you did not have the guts to drop your pride to admit as much.
A problem he also seemed to pick up from you with little effort as he suddenly lowered his hands and began to unbuckle his belt from around his waist, the sight of your eyes widening and your bottom lip being sucked in as you gawked like a timid deer before a hungry lion made the beast inside him growl lowly and grow hungrier, he had you right where he wanted you now and it was a satisfying enough victory to know he himself was the one who got you to this point, where not only was your body practically begging and crying to be stuffed by him- but your mind too was growing impatient with the lack of him inside you, it was simply, delightful for him to bare witness too.
"Hope you're ready-" his voice sounded so far away, you cared not for the words he spoke to you, far too enthralled in watching as his fingers slowly and teasingly undressed his lower self, the belt finally unbuckled and hanging either side his hips, the bulge so big against his pants, and then with one final push down his monstrous cock sprang out and up.
It practically slapped his lower abdomen as it stood up right, so angry looking it was, thick, long, veiny, the girth frightened you almost instantly, but the sheer size was just... terrifying, the thought of it fitting inside you was unfathomable. There was no way it would fit, it just, wouldn't... it can't... can it?
The tip was already shiny as it leaked beads of thick precum, weeping almost from the lack of attention it had received the whole time, but as you continued to stare wide eyed you noticed something- ridges, or well bumps, not massive but enough to definitely be felt, they circled his entire length in rings, tracing all the way down to the base of his massive cock.
It went without say that such a monstrous cock was paired with equally large balls, and where the length met with the rest of him there was a wild and untamed patch of white hair nestled there, it looked unruly but also strangely complimented the rest of his size.
From the way it bobbed slightly you could tell it was also heavy, you inwardly rolled your eyes at such an obvious observation, something so big would clearly have weight to it as such, but for a cock to be heavy... just added to the fear in your thoughts of it being unable to fit. Reacting on instinct alone you naturally began to scatter against the bed, your weight shifting in the soiled mattress before a strong grip locked on your ankle yanking you back to your prior position.
"So scared." His voice was intrusive all of a sudden, and it made you finally tear your gaze from the intimidating member back to his glowing crimson eyes which were almost just as intimidating in all honesty, with the pure hunger and lust that swirled in them for you right now.
You jumped out of reflex as his clawed fingers suddenly clasped your chin tightly but not painfully, locking your gaze with his as he began to sink back down onto the bed, shuffling and moving closer to you, wedging himself between your shaking thighs.
"It will fit-" his voice was hoarse as he leaned his face down and began to kiss and lick against your cheek and reddened ear tip, nibbling and suckling gently against the very tip making you sigh out and unknowingly relax into his ministrations once more. His hot breath softly brushing your ear as he then whispered right against you; "and you're gonna be my good girl and take it all."
Briefly drunk on the praise of his little pet name to you again gave him all the distraction he needed to bring himself close enough to finally start grinding and rubbing the under part of his cock against your soaked lips, parting them easily allowing him to slide up and down effortlessly, the bumps already causing tiny tremors throughout your entire body.
You gasped and squeezed your legs tightly around his body and locked them just above his ass, your hands flung out as you tried to weakly push at his lower abdomen in a futile attempt to remove himself from you, but he was quick to scoop your hands up into his, intertwining his thick long fingers with your much smaller ones in comparison and locking your hands above your head as gently he hushed you, leaving you open and vulnerable to his mercy all over again.
"Shh, shh, come on now-" he cooed gently as he continued to thrust himself against your entrance, lubricating himself with your fluids dripping from you. "you're gonna be my good girl, right?" He tilted his head at you, giving the false impression you had an option to refuse entirely, but you knew you didn't and at the same time, you didn't want there to be an option for that either.
With another slow and devilish lick of his bottom lip, he began to prod at your twitching entrance, his tip bulging in size at it began to push further in, more and more until- your eyes widened and a strange strangled choke of incoherent babbling tumbled from your swollen red lips. Shaking your head and trying to voice aloud your panic and fear you began to writhe and wriggle underneath him, any distance from his cock was good distance at this point.
He clicked his tongue from annoyance that he'd been disrupted in his process, he groaned deeply and leaned further down till his massive and muscular arms were eitherside your head, you were effectively caged in and your fragile efforts to escape or create space went wasted. With one of his hands he stroked your cheek in a doting way, a look of understanding across his features; until it was replaced with a smirk frothing with smug and lust.
"Bite." Is all his gruffly voice whispered out in a hushed order, and as doing so his clawed thumb gently slid into your mouth, with his movements so careful he made sure he didn't nick you in anyway inside your mouth. You looked worried and confused, simply adorable but he waited for you to come back to grip and when you did he felt your teeth hesitantly sink into his thumb. He found it somewhat heartwarming that after all he's put you through you were scared to bite down too hard on him; how thoughtful.
He leaned further down till his nose brushed against yours and then locked his hand on your face by letting his fingers wrap against your cheek and under your chin, his thumb lodged into your mouth. "Harder, you'll need too." You didn't understand his words but you had next to no time to try unravel it as then you felt it, his large and throbbing cock pushing through your entrance and stretching you out painfully as he began to sink himself into you.
You began to cry out in a muffled mess and eventually you took the advice and sunk down harder into his flesh on his thumb, his eyes fluttered from the sensation of feeling your walls spasm and stretch around him as you bit him with all your might. Your hips began to buck and knowing it will only cause more harm than good for you right now he used his other hand to get a vice grip onto your flesh, bruising force added to ensure you were kept still.
Your eyes began to roll back as tears swelled up and threatened to trickle down your cheeks, your breathing utterly out of rhythm and rushed as you tensed up and sniffed over and over. Your hiccups of refusal were swallowed back down as his thumb pressed against your tongue flattening it against the inside of your bottom jaw. He was just so enormous, so thick and every inch he pushed in was greeting your quivering walls with an extra ridged bump. You could actively count every inch as the ridges acted akin to landmarks, well, you could if your mind was anything but hot mushy inchorenet mess right now
As he finally bottomed out inside you his eyes closed and his head dropped down, his crimson horns pressing gently against your forehead as he inhaled deeply before letting out a shaky sigh.
"F-fuck me Princess, you really are t-tight, Arcons have mer-cy..." he swallowed down deeply as he slowly gathered back up his composure, having nearly released inside you instantaneously; not that you were aware, your eyes were closed tightly while you gnawed on his thumb, desperately attempting to distract yourself from how insanely full you felt right now.
You don't know when he'd started, but he'd begun to do small experimental thrusts into you, each rigid bump along his shaft rubbing deliciously against your spasming walls deep within. Your eyes opened, but your vision was blurry now, tears swelling and eventually running down your red tinted cheeks, and what was that god awful sound- oh, right, it was you.
With his thumb so comfortably lodged within your mouth and pressed flatly against your tongue, he made sure to keep your mouth ever so ungracefully pried open. Your moans seeped out with wild abandon, echoing throughout the dusty and unkempt hideout. Your face remained a flushed, furious red, if only your mind could share the same furious look inside, but alas, your mind was the biggest traitor right now.
He's so big!
It feels, so... Good...
Don't stop!
Could your mind become any more traitorous?!
This was so embarrassing, and so, so- just... wrong! The fact that your mind was now buzzing with a sickly, strong, and sweet euphoria that continued to wash over your body was humiliation at the finest degree, but you could do little to actually care or even continue to fan the flames of frustration when- oh!
His thrusts began to pick up in pace now, mercilessly so, much like how he was in battle, prior to all this, he remained focused and undeterred throughout it all. Fixated on his goal, whatever it may be, you had no clue nor cared to try find out, since every thrust buzzes your brain and a staticky white flash continuously drowned your vision out.
The vulgar sound of slapping and squelching continued to ring out around the room, accompanied by your mewls and moans, which helped drown out somewhat but not entirely the low guttural grunts and huffs from the Oni above you. His biceps continued to flex as he positoned into you with no signs of slowing down, due to your vision being so blurry now and his face nuzzled into your neck you couldn't see his eyes shut tight and brows furrowed together as he continued to fight the nearly overwhelming urge to just release inside you right now.
He wanted to, more than anything, and he was going to. But not till he heard more of your beautiful melody, your singing voice that cries such beautiful notes of ecstasy and pleasure for only his ears to hear and for his ministrations alone to be the cause of. You sounded so angelic to him, beautiful and perfect, sexy as hell; if he was gonna be his brutal truthful honest self to all this.
To see you remain so strong-willed and ferocious yet still somehow exude such cute and submissive sounds and actions made his somewhat simple Oni mind melt and fizzle. God, he was so infatuated with you! You surely were meant to be his woman if you're able to rile him up so and get under his skin so damn well.
Both yours and his body began to shine with a sheat of sweat, exhaustion starting to numb your poor abused body and sex addled brain, and even he deep inside had to admit this pace he set was taxing on even his energy now. The constant piston thrusting deep inside, the rigid bumps rubbing and scraping inside as it continued to batter your walls wider for his fit, morphing your insides to better fit him, only him, only ever him forevermore.
He wanted to ruin you and ruin you he thrououghly had. For when he finally lifted his head from the soft crease of your neck and shoulder, he nearly choked on his own spit, your eyes were glossed over, shiny pearls of utter dizziness. Drunk on all that was him now, you looked so properly fucked out in a clammy hot mess with your tongue now lulling out your mouth, your saliva dribbling down your chin, his thumb was coated in your saliva too but he really couldn't care less right now.
His lips parted, actually left speechless, so in awe of your pleasure ridden facial features, he ceased all the momentum of his thrusting hips. He... did this? Your stoic and stern expression from before, gone... shattered and replaced with a moaning flush faced shy girl, your strict and icy cold words replaced with utter incoherent and stringless garbles of praise- praise?
"-ide me, p-... please." You hiccuped through heavy pants and sniffles, muffled round his thumb. He blinked several times in a daze and slowly let his thumb leave your mouth, lifting his other hand off your body too, and he really didn't expect what happened next when you suddenly whimpered in full blown out worry and weakly wrapped your legs as tightly as possible round his lower abdomen in a tired plea for him to remain.
"Lad- L/N... what did you say before?" His voice sounded uneven, and even he was taken aback by how fragile it sounded. He cleared his throat softly as the faint pink on his cheeks dusted over even more so now, you hiccuped again through your whimpers and sobs as you wiped your eyes, soft sniffles escaping as you did so.
"I..." You didn't want to repeat yourself, for it was merely a heat of the moment thing, right? Yea... that was it. You swallowed down, having had your tongue pressed flatly down for so long, and your harsh panting and moans tearing at your vocal cords your throat felt unforgivable dry right now. You turned your head fast, trying to conceal your blushing face one again.
"It doesn't matte-" You were cut off by his hand grabbing your chin softly but sternly and angling you back to meet his Ruby eyed gaze.
"Don't give me that." It came out more depeserate than he'd liked, but he was at a complete loss of well, everything right now so he didn't have time to care.
You, however, were stunned by his desperation in his voice. You'd heard the lilt in his voice weave and tangle through many tones tonight, sarcastic, playful, serious, but, desperate? This was a first. Should you really repeat your silly request? After all... are you sure you even liked this criminal now? And it wasn't just your mind dizzied on sex speaking nonsense?
Because he gave you some praise? Flashed pretty words to you and then proceeded to drown you in the most intoxicating sexual experience you'd ever had, not that you'd had many to even compare this with might you add.
"I... well... it doesn't matter! I wouldn't have even meant it." You suddenly barked at him. Your voice was weak, however, due to your wear and tear of your poor throat.
"And why's that, mh?" He retorted, fast, too fast.
"I .. because..." You fell short of excuses there... you somehow found yourself lost for words, or at least words that wouldn't result in hurting the Oni before you. Why did even matter to you if you did hurt his feelings? You'd done it no problem earlier, so why was it making a small twang of guilt ring throughout your body?
"Because?" He questioned back, again too fast, a tensing of his jawline visible. Was he getting angry with you?
"Because it's stupid, silly, and ridiculous." You calmly said back, your eyes now locked with confidence against his own.
"Really." He merely scoffed, rolling his eyes as he let out a rather not nice sounding feign chuckle. Clearly, sarcasm was not foreign to him either.
You narrowed your eyes, still glossed over with lust as you were at the peak of your most intensive orgasm yet, till he stopped and broke the beautiful glass of non thinking and feeling straight bliss.
He shook his head, though annoyed he still couldn't help but find you cute, adorable even, he really did admire you, how tough you acted, that façade of yours definitely worth praising after all, it has managed to remain intact after all, this. But his patience really was running thin now, real thin.
"Stupid, is it?" He asks you bitterly as he suddenly thrusts hard into you once, causing you to gasp and moan out.
"Silly, am I?" He asks again bitterly, followed by another sudden rough thrust, eliciting another moan from you as he hit especially deep that time.
Your frustrated narrows eyes never leave his impatient red glowing ones in your staring contest throughout this all, but as he lowers his face, fangs protruding once again, the red paint looking even more luminous from his sweat covered body that maps all over him making him almost look like a walking canvas, of breathing art; you begin to feel your quick put up defence crumbling once again.
"Wanna know what's ridiculous?" He mutters lowly to you to which you give an exhausted and quizzical look to.
"How I'm balls deep inside you hearing you cry out in pure bliss and sing my name for any living soul to hear miles away. And yet, you still insist you don't like it? Or me for that matter." He narrows his eyes at you now as you gasp in shocked horror at his appalling words, covering your mouth with your hand in disbelief to how crude he was just then.
"Mmh?" He tilts his head at you as he thrusts yet again at that spot, and you mewl.
"Psh. Yea, that's ridiculous, alright." He merely grunts yet again. Your pride was admirable, but it sure was gonna be your downfall one of these days, and he knew that, so he did what he had to. Bring it down a few pegs.
Huffing loudly and dramatically, he sat back up again, and slowly, he began to pull himself out. Ridged bump, by ridged bump.
"Well, if you really don't like this or me, then I guess this is all for nothing-" he was interrupted by your sudden needy whine.
He looked down at you, feigning disinterest to you now, which... hurt. You missed that look of hunger...want...need... you miss him showing his expressions like he wears his heart on his sleeve... you miss his well... childish and goofy attitude; this side was... cold and harsh.
"Don't leave..." You whimper barely above a whisper.
"What was that? Speak up, Lady." He replied curtly, using that damned 'Lady' again.
"Don't leave." You said clearer this time, albeit still weakly as you had taken a battering so far in all fairness.
"Why." Stupid Oni.
He knew why.
"Because... I don't want you to..." You groaned and pouted now, fuck you was acting so cute. He nearly threw caution to the wind and just continued to pound you into the mattress, but no, you need to learn this lesson now.
"Wrong answer." Is all he sighed as he began to lift off again, your eyes widened as panic wrenched inside you now, concerned he may actually fully pull out and leave you empty inside, high and dry. With sudden abruptness you sat up and latched onto his biceps which he instinctively flexed at the sudden squeeze of.
"No! Dont- don't go!" You whined loudly now. You didn't care anymore about your pride, about your rationality of this situation, and how wrong it was. You actually somehow had started to like this damn criminal, bastard Oni.
"Why!" He now smirked at you, knowing fully well he'd teased you to your prides' end, and your stubbornness has now fleed behind the shadows of your mind.
"Because i- i- ugh! I like you! Okay! I don't know how you managed to do this to me, you animalistic criminal Oni, but... I like you now okay! Happy?!" You yelled out in a high-pitched whine sounding nowhere near as angry as you'd wished.
Suddenly, he smiled at you, big and bright, beaming with... something that could only spell 'uh-oh' for you.
"Yes. Very." He replied before suddenly without warning yet again he leaned slightly into you and began to piston inside you once again, deep and unforgiving. His massive length pushes all the way back inside again, the bumps sending shivers and tremors inside you all over again. Your eyes widened, then rolled back as you'd forgotten just how sensitive you were now from the long distraction and lack of movement.
You let out a wanton moan suddenly and yelped from embarrassment of the sound as he'd pushed hard against that special spot once more. He stopped for a few mere seconds as he glared into your widened glossy lust filled and now worried eyes.
"Itto- n-no no no wa-ahhh!" You cried out through mid protest as he angled his massive throbbing length and continued to thrust hard and deep and began his relentless assault to that spot over and over. Your vision blurred almost instantly again, and you were forced back into the white staticky buzz with every thrust once again.
"For... all... it... matters... I did confess I... engh- liked you right from... the very... start... just saying, engh-argh fuck!" He growled and groaned every word out through harsh and hurried hisses of air while maintaining his brutal fast pace on you.
You couldn't even hope to reply now but merely moan over and over, you squeezed his biceps over and over, your nails digging into his skin which only further fueled his hunger to continue the chase of yours and his high now. You were close... so close and rapidly drawing closer with his unrelenting thrusts.
Your mind was reaching that fuzzy high again, and you felt like you were floating all over again in a sea of clouds and simply soaring higher. You opened your mouth and barely muttered the beginning of your sentence before you shut your mouth once again, adement on not saying something so dirty and naughty. But he noticed. He always will notice.
"No, not again L/N" he ordered.
"Y-.... Y/N." you said through hiccuped sobs of pleasurable mewls, having been resorted back to the sorry state of inchorentness again.
He smiled warmly down at you, a look too full of admiration and adoration for what the beast was currently doing to you right now.
"Very well, tell me what you was gonna say, Y/N." He grunted out as he continued to thrust hard and fast, the slapping of his waist into your plush thighs beginning to make your skin red raw.
There wasn't any way out of this now... was there? You couldn't keep hiding it from hiii-!!!!!
You cried out and shuddered violently as you suddenly felt his finger mercilessly rub and flick and squeeze against your swollen and sensitive clit, you jerked violently over and over- you really was about to cum now.
"Tell meeeee Y/N~ be my good girl, don't hide it from me now." He saw the way your face cracked its defence even more from his praising words and use of your name. He had a fair idea already of what it was you were trying to fight the urge to say, but he really, really wanted to hear you say it.
"Inside me..ah!" You moaned out again, a vast change of tone and pitch from when you try to talk.
"Say it clearly now, my good girl, use your words. After all, you are the fancy talking one here, eh?" He continued to grunt and growl, he was so close and fighting it back every devastatingly painful second this game continued on, but he refused to not have you surrendered fully to him, otherwise it wasn't a true victory.
"Itto for the love of archons s-sake!! Cum inside me!" You practically screamed it out now just as you began to fully black out from your orgasm crashing down on you, dragging you under into the starry skied abyss in your mind, tremors and shudders, accompanied with numbing and sense wracking tingles that electrocuted all over your body, it felt so intense and aggressive, you don't remember the last time you'd cummed so... hard?
But then you felt it the blissful throbbing and pulsating of his stupidly large and thick cock wedged in humanly deep inside you, the hotness of his cum as it shot out in plentiful and thick ropes deep inside, coating all your insides with his seed, making everything that is you, now his.
Both of you were too fucked out and riding high on your release that neither of you heard the door to the shabby small room open, ten minutes ago... so once he finally drooped ontop of you still being mindful to not crush you and you absentmindedly caressed his head and scalp with gentle soothing and dotting caresses you both jumped and yelled from shock and uncertainty to hear a woman's sudden curt-
Oh no... you knew that voice... no... please... it can't be... not... not-
"Tengu! Haha! Hi again! Did you come to duel me again?" Ittos happy voice seemed far too loud right now as your body went weak and numb and all colour to your face drained, you felt sick.
"Arataki Itto, I beg, if you actually have any damn braincells, remove yourself from... my superior and dress yourself. Now. For Shogun's sake, this truly is disgraceful behaviour." Sara said sternly as ever, though the wavering in her tone was clearly adamant.
He groaned and rolled his eyes dramatically. "Sore looser, tsk."
Just as he went to lift up off you, he looked down and remembered, ah yea... he ruined your clothes. In some crude act of gentleman's chivalry, he quickly pressed back down you, causing you to whince as... yes, his length was still deeply wedged inside you, and your poor filled to the brim battered insides.
"About that, aha... hey, Tengu, mind stepping out for a sec? Your uh, boss here has a slight lack of... wearable clothes." He asked sheepishly.
You were dead, yes? You had to be. Please say you were. Because this... you couldn't ever live this down. How could you order Sara around now and remain serious after this ordeal.
Archons, please kill me now.
The uneasy sigh from Kujou set your cheeks ablaze with a fire red blush. Hearing the soft sound of fabrics pooling against the floor, she merely clicked her tongue in annoyance.
"You. Out now. Let Miss L/N dress in private. Show her some respect damn heathen." Is all Sara said as she must've stepped outside you assumed from the clacking of her shoes fading slightly.
Itto grumbled as he finally slowly lifted off you, pulling out gently, taking one last look at your battered and soaked sex that was now leaking his essence from it. He frowned. What a waste. But at least he'd found his woman now, so when his rut struck, he had the perfect partner to finally create a bunch of baby Ittos with!
He flashed you a goofy toothy grin as he stepped back onto the floor and crouched down, grabbing his clothes in a half assed messy heap in his arms and winking at you before leaving. Hearing his voice fade out as the door began to shut, only making out the tail-end of the conversation between the Oni and the Tengu.
"Why'd you bring your boss spare clothes?"
"Because I know duels with you don't naturally last this long, and besides, I knew she was your type. Animal. Shut up and get dressed already!"
With the door finally shut, you let out a long held in whine and sigh. Pulling at your hair slightly as you sat up and inwardly cursing yourself for falling victim to... all of this!
You got up a bit too quickly, your legs wobbled, and you nearly fell flat on your ass. You ached, you were sore all over, you had a headache, and you were so damned hungry and thirsty.
Just how long had he kept you in here? Fiend.
You sighed softly and a gentle smile slowly made its way onto your face as you remember all he'd said.
I kinda like you.
My good girl.
Stop it! Ugh. Stupid woman.
You rolled your eyes as you looked down at the pile of clean spare clothes your subordinate had graciously bought along with her, and after a failed lazy attempt to give yourself aftercare you threw hygiene to the wind for now and just threw the clothes on. Comfy. At least Sara knew your size well.
Yea, definitely time for her raise, huh?
After slipping your Anemo Vision back into your back pocket, you breathed in and tried to neaten your completely sex mussed hair and dishevelled appearance. Closing your eyes at the door, you breathed in deeply once more and then dared to face the front of your consequences.
You looked down the small dimly lit hallway to this shabby cottage and saw an exasperated Kujou arms crossed and faced away from a smiling and arms flailing Itto. She clocked onto you immediately, almost begging for help to escape the Onis consistent babbling and you couldn't help but chuckle.
Making your way back down to them at the front door of the cottage, she bowed respectfully to you, grabbing Itto by his chest strap and tugging it down too much to his sudden 'Hey!' going ignored by the Tengu.
"Lady L/N. I hope you've been okay in my absence. I'm sorry I could not be here to help protect you from this brute. I should've pressed harder on the seriousness of this matter in the first place-" You lifted your hand and cut her mid apology as you couldn't bare to hear her blame herself anymore.
"Enough Sara, please, call me Y/N. You are not in any way to be blamed for this. You gave me ample warning of this Oni and his mannerisms. I chose to ignore it with my selfish pride. The fault is mine to bear alone, understood." You still sounded authoritive, which you were grateful for at least.
Upon hearing your words the Tengu blushes faintly as she began to slowly lift up with a quizzical look, Itto quick to pry himself free from her vice grip and huff crossing his arms not appreciating being spoken about as if he wasn't right there. But she merely flashed a genuine happy and grateful smile to you which you returned in full earnest.
"Thank you, lady L- Y/N." She bowed quickly, unable to completely dismiss her soldier demeanour.
Your stomach then suddenly let out a very loud and embarrassing grumble, which Sara's eyes widened too, and Itto burst out in boisterous laughter at.
"Hey! No laughing Oni! This is your fault, after all!" You snarled, trying to keep your serious tone, but it failed and came out more pouty as you crossed your arms. "Archons knows how long you kept me caged up in there." You finished.
"Psh, you wasn't complaining a little while ago- ow!" He rubbed his arm where Sara had left a perfectly time silencer punch that you nodded in gratitude to her for.
"Let's go grab something to eat Sara." You said as she smiled at you and nodded.
"Sounds lovely, Y/N." She replied as she walked beside you and then began to walk with you.
"First though, I need to head back to my chambers and... properly tend to myself." You embarrassingly whimpered to which Sara nodded in understatement.
"Hey! I'm hungry too! Can I come, ladies?" Itto sing songed beside you both, arms crossed behind his head nonchantly.
"Only if you're paying." You deadpanned to him and he flashed you a toothy smirk.
"Of course I'll pay for my woman, silly Y/N! I'm not paying for the Tengu, though." He sniffed calmly back as Sara flashed him a threatening glare.
"Amazing, you called me Lady for probably twenty-four hours straight, and somehow you now say my name so naturally like we've always known each other?" You raise a brow playfully to him, amused at his slightly taken aback demeanour to your new playful attitude, but he welcomes it fully with a daring grin as he replies;
"Was it not you who said-" he then breathes in to raise his voice in a archons awful attempt to impersonate your voice- "Maybe sometime in solitary confinement is what I need, or something like that." He stuck his tongue out at to which you stuck yours back out at him.
It felt, nice, to let go of your serious tone you always wore and just... live, after all there are times when proper etiquette and attitude will always be needed and serious moments will require serious level headed stability, but that doesn't mean... always. Certainly not in just normal day to day activities.
"It isn't solitary if you're not alone Itto." You simply huffed and shook your head, albeit slightly amused.
"Well, it was alone enough for you, so it was alone for me too, aha!" He broadly said back to which you blushed hard.
"Whatever my woman is happy with, I am happy with!" He finally concluded, before getting elbowed in the rib my Sara beside him to which he groaned at and began rubbing his skin softly.
Neither noticed or if they did they didn't respond to your blush of his name calling to you again, you let out a small smile and faced ahead as you all made your way back to Inazuma city, with their bickering keeping you amused and content the whole way.
"You will pay for me Oni. Its called being a gentleman."
"I'm an Oni."
"Your still paying."
"Am not."
"Alright, we'll arm wrestle for it. If you lose, you pay for me if I lose. I'll pay for all of us."
"Haha! You're on Tengu! You're soooooo gonna regret challenging me! Arataki The One and Oni, undefeated, unrivalled, and now taken Itto!"
"Archon, give me strength..."
Finished! Finally! Ahhhh!!!! Sobbing rn 😭 this took... so... damn .... long! I hope you lot like it because I really had to fight myself for months to not give up on this but since its near Christmas and Ittos rerun banner is out rn this seemed the perfect time to finally get it done. So. Yea. Merry Christmas, guys, lmao! - Mod Diluc
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leafyaa · 1 year
Chapter 1.
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A year passed and there was no lead on where Hikari could've been. It became a cold case unfortunately... Through this year you had to work through it all as you still were on your own and even if you wanted to do so much more you couldn't. Because there was no one, no one except Sara and Heizou.
But they couldn't do much because they weren't the chief or commander.
They were just an officer and a detective. However, at least they were your friends.
They often dragged you outside because ever since Hikari had gone missing you locked yourself up in the home whenever you could. Feeling that maybe somehow Hikari would come home on her own and if you weren't there Hikari would be all alone waiting for you to open the door.
But you knew that wouldn't happen, you knew it so well. Yet imagined every evening she would come home.
You missed her so much. And as you've only been working continuously you managed to earn quite a bit of money and bought gifts. Not for yourself, but for Hikari when she returned. Because you wanted to welcome her back home. Since you've been buying gifts for Hikari's return, her room has been filled with presents.
The first time Heizou and Sara saw it they had to tear up. Heizou managed to not cry in front of you, however Sara couldn't help but shed tears.
They felt so bad for not being able to do anything more.
The following times they visited you they brought gifts. Gifts for Hikari's return. Gifts for Hikari's 6th birthday. Gifts for the anniversary of her missing.
"Are you excited Y/n? I swear you'll love our friends!" Heizou says and wraps his arm around your shoulder.
"Itto is not my friend, he's an annoying, troublesome guy." Sara says with a sigh, getting flashbacks of Itto being arrested by her a couple of times.
"Ah shhh Sara! Ignore her Y/n, we're here to have some fun okay?" Heizou smiles at you but you just nod.
It had been two weeks since you went out. And today was another day you planned to stay at home, but then Heizou and Sara visited and dragged you outside.
They both helped you dress up: Heizou chose your outfit while Sara did your hair and make up. For the first time in a while you felt pretty again.
Heizou chose a simple black mini dress with spaghetti straps and a small slit on the bottom for you and paired it with a little oversized black leather jacket.
You wanted to say no to the jacket but then thought of freezing to death in the cold so you decided to stay quiet about it.
Heizou also picked a pair of silver crescent moon earrings and a matching moon necklace.
Somehow you found yourself approving of his choices, feeling surprised at how he could pick out such a cute outfit but oh well.
"Serai's bar.. I hope you don't plan on drinking to your death Heizou." Sara says with a glare.
"Chill, I won't. But even if I do, you'll always drag me home, right?" Heizou smugly smiles and opens the door for the two of you.
"I might leave you behind this time." Sara rolls her eyes and grabs your hand to take you inside.
The loud music immediately hits your ears and you wince at the overwhelming sound.
How long ago was it since you entered a bar?
Maybe 8 years?
The last time your boyfriend- I mean your ex-boyfriend had to carry you home in his arms because apparently you took a bit too much alcohol then you could take.
"Sara, I want to go home." You whisper shout.
"Y/n.." Let's just try to stay for one hour, alright? We can't have you staying all day in your home.." Sara softly smiles, trying to reassure you.
"Hey Sara!" Who's this cute girl?" A female with green hair tied in a ponytail asks, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
"Oh Shinobu, hello. This is my friend, Y/n." Sara introduces you and you shyly wave. Your cheeks were rosy red because of Shinobu's compliment.
"Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Kuki Shinobu, but just call me Shinobu." She winks with a slight smirk. God she looks so fucking hot.
Shinobu wore a crop top with a v-neckline paired with some shorts and a leather belt.
Her make up was simple yet gave her such a beautiful face.
"You're fucking pretty.." You mutter, immediately covering your mouth in embarrassment.
Shinobu laughs and places her hand on your back, moving herself closer towards you.
"Woah Woah Shinobu, easy there. It's been a while since Y/n has gone out." Sara says and gives Shinobu a certain look you could not quite understand.
Shinobu nods and quickly reverts her attention back towards you.
"How about you meet some of my friends?"
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⇠ previous ⭒ masterlist ⭒next ⇢
Yay! Y/n finally has some new friends to rely on and they're even helping her socialize more :o
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
@swivy123 @kichiyoshi @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeo @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 7 months
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More about You | Genshin Impact x Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Celetsia's Divinity About you: About you | (You are here) About the family: About the family Prologue: Born from the stars | TBW Chapter 1: A child, the wolf, the dragon, and the god | TBW
WARNING: War and Death
Credit for picrew: Here
A/n: The picrew is just a reference and not what you exactly look like.
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Name: Y/n
Age: 6000+ years
Homeland: Uknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: H/L H/C hair, E/c Eyes, S/t Skin, L/c lips and Y/h tall
Personality: Sweet, Motherly, Kind, Understanding, Vengeful, Loving, Smart, Wise, Curious
Likes: Flowers, Butterflies, Taking care of kids, Helping others, Gardening, Baking, Learning new things.
Dislikes: Abuse, Bitter foods, Hurting others, Feeling vulnerable, Vane, His parents death.
Powers: Being able to control all elements, See other's dreams and enter them, see and speak to ghosts, seeing the future, flying
Other notes: Y/n was born along with the Seven Sovereigns, becoming an honorary dragon. He is able to form wings on his back to imitate dragon wings. Y/n has the power to see people's future, but it is just a brief vision, and it is always changing. Y/n forgot the powers he once had due to his mother hiding away his memories. His memories were hidden out of fear of his powers being used against him and being too dangerous for Y/n to handle on his own. Y/n see's ghosts and often helps those that want to move on. He also connects with them and brings a sense of happiness to lonely spirits. He is able to use the elements, but once he remembers his past. There is a reminence of the elemental power, but it isn't as strong as they used to be. Y/n knows all the gods, both before and after the Archon war and morns those that died during the war. He is often seen wearing a white two piece with a short crop top and a skirt, to resemble what his father once wore. It is mistaken that he is the ghost of Windrise because of his white apparel and his singing. Y/n wears more loose close that flow in the wind because of his brother and father.
Love interests:
Hu Tao
Yun Jin
Ei/Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Kujou Sara
The Tsaritsa
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emxie · 1 year
Asymptote Attraction
What happens when your long-time rival snaps? His frustrations may lead to something more.
Cyno x GN! Reader
Warnings: None
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Yes, I’m writing a modern au story with Cyno based on a stupid math joke. I found someone suggesting something similar, in that he would totally be the nerd who would try and flirt with you through math puns. Me, being the nerd and student I am, actually appreciate these pick up lines, and therefore, would like to write about you and Cyno.
Also, this is a gratitude piece because CYNO CAME HOME!!!! I was so nervous I was going to lose the 50/50, but I got him! And I also got his weapon!!!!! I’m so happy that I need to write him a cute short story. Also…I’m aware this is like 3 months late since Cyno’s banner was in September-October. I was very busy, so I apologize for this being so behind schedule. Happy reading!
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The hallways, not usually quiet, were no less loud today. You pressed your book bag closer to your chest, passing the jocks, primarily led by Itto, who were crowded at his locker.
“What’s up?” He nodded at you, raising a hand in greeting, before resuming his conversation with Kujou Sara. Surrounding him were Kuki, Beidou, and Kaeya, to name a few.
You returned his gesture with a timid wave, scuttling past them. It was almost third period, which meant the commencement of your calculus class was fast approaching.
Walking through the doorway of the classroom, you navigated toward your seat. Plopping down in your chair, you awaited the start of the mathematics class that you both despised and enjoyed.
You loved math itself. The intricacies of finding an answer through set formulas and having to try various things to get to the solution were never enough to satiate your love for learning. Being able to input variables and get a fixed outcome was the most comforting thing to you. The constancy of the subject made it one of your favorites.
Now, the resentment of the class. It was not due to any dislike or distaste for the subject itself. Oh no, not at all. In fact, you would have thought at the beginning of the school year that such partnership would have been beneficial. How wrong you were.
The presence of your enemy, archenemy as you liked to view him, continually dampened your enthusiasm for the class.
Cyno. The smartass of Teyvat High School. His social blunders never failed to enrage you, much less how he seemed to be doing these things on purpose. Just to get a reaction out of you.
Having been paired up with him at the beginning of the year, as the teacher thought that since you two were certainly the most intelligently gifted in mathematics, you would be a perfect match, you were looking forward to a brilliant and upstanding year with a solid and competent partner.
That, of course, was not the case. On the first day of class, he beat you to every single answer on the worksheet. And, to top it all off, he always ranked above you on class tests. Always. Even if he had scored higher than you by half a percent, he still maintained a perfect reign over the advanced subject.
And he would always tease you about your inferiority. Pointing out just how much better he was, even if he tried to appear unaware of the effect of his words, began to get tiresome. But, what could you do?
And so, you put up with his insufferable personality, no matter how much it pained you. Today would be no different.
Ah, there was the bane of your existence. He walked into the classroom, dressed in a dark purple sweatshirt and black jeans. His white hair possessed the volume of a cloud, fluffy and puffing out as if he hadn't cared to brush it before coming to school. The tips of his hair curled up, and through the thick wavy bundle of hair, you could barely see his face.
Dropping his backpack alongside his seat, he smirked at you.
“How are you?”
“Spare me the pleasantries.”
Rustling through his backpack, he glanced up at you briefly.
“You couldn’t pretend to be even a little excited to see me?”
“How could I? After you snatched the top score right out from under my nose, after that stupid word problem about surface area and volume, I can’t believe you think I’d forgive you.”
He shrugged, placing his folder on the table. “That’s your loss. It’s not my fault someone doesn’t understand how to set up two separate equations. You must have really enjoyed geometry.”
“For your information, I got As both semesters in Accelerated Geometry. Meanwhile you were struggling so hard in that class, I had to literally haul your ass behind mine in order to get you a passing grade. How’s that for stupidity?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, scoffing and flipping a strand of hair over his right eye.
“What, can’t handle the heat?”
“No.” He looked away, scanning his homework.
“You’re unbelievable,” you said, before directing your attention to your own homework.
The teacher started class, and not a word was said between you two for most of the period.
You furiously scribbled down the equation, writing it out to find the derivative. Looking at his paper, you scowled a little as you realized he was ahead of you by one problem.
You messily wrote the solution before moving onto the next one. Why, oh why, did it have to be a graph?
As you worked out the equation, grumbling under your breath as you had to derive a trigonometric function multiplied by a natural logarithm, you certainly weren’t focused on what Cyno was doing in front of you.
Having been a little ahead of you, he had already finished the problem. Glancing over his work, he huffed.
Red eyes concentrated on your hunched over form, currently clenching a mechanical pencil so hard that it seemed about to break. A tanned hand reached out, tapping your own in the middle of you drawing out a graph.
“What?” you snapped, looking up at him with annoyance glimmering in your gaze.
With a stoic expression, he lifted up his paper to show you something. It was the graph that you were aiming to draw. And…he was giving you the answer?
“Is this a joke?” You exclaimed.
He met your accusatory expression with something not condescending. Instead, he delicately pointed at the line on the graph.
“You’re the asymptote, and I’m the function.”
You blinked. What was he trying to say?
“I’m attracted to you. My love goes on for infinity.”
You scoffed at this declaration. “Nice joke, Cyno.”
His brilliant red eyes darkened. Huffing, he got up from his seat and walked straight out of the classroom.
Did you say something wrong? He had never reacted this badly to something before.
Your upper teeth tugged at your lower lip as your mind darted between countless possibilities. Should you go after him, or would that make things worse? Should you stay in here, but risk making him angrier?
Steadying your resolve, you got up from your chair and went out into the hallway, following the tracks of the white haired student.
Before long, you were able to locate him. He was leaning against a locker, slumped over so that the fluffy mane of hair shielded his eyes from your view.
“Cyno?” you called out cautiously.
A flash of red locked onto your figure through the white curtain shielding his tan skin.
He scoffed. “What do you want? Isn’t it enough to see me humiliated?”
“Well, I’ll admit that it is surprising to see you so worked up over me, the person you hate the most in the whole wide world, rejecting what said person believes is a joke just from how absurd it is.”
He muttered something.
“I said, to you it may be a joke, but to me it meant my entire world crashing down.”
“Wait, so you actually like me?” You really couldn’t believe this boy who definitely didn’t make your heart flutter when he gazed at you with that intense scarlet stare, had the capacity to reciprocate even an inkling of what you felt.
“What do you think, you idiot?” His raspy voice did nothing to drown out the crashing waves of surprise cascading through your mind.
“I’ll be honest. I thought you despised me, Cyno.”
He turned his head so all you could see was the soft voluminous white hair that you had caught yourself daydreaming into a bit too often.
“I didn’t know how to tell you otherwise, so I challenged you at every turn. And now I feel like an idiot. It’s infuriating!”
He turned towards you, eyebrows furrowed and expression somber, trembling slightly as emotion threatened to spill over.
“Well, I guess that makes you my function. After all, I have to be the asymptote here, certainly infinite and with no end to my love for you.”
He shrunk back, looking for all intents and purposes like a small dog that had just been kicked.
“You do?”
Rolling your eyes, you reached out, grabbing his hand and placing it in your own.
“If this was what you were so worried about, you should have just told me straight up.”
Looking him dead in his stunning eyes, you explained, “I reciprocate all of your feelings. Honestly they’re probably tenfold to yours if how you’re acting is any indication.”
As he stood there, looking at a loss for words, you stepped forward, cupping his face with your hand. Your eyes flickered down to his lips before meeting his eyes once more.
He huffed a little, murmuring, “To hell with this.”
Cyno leaned in, capturing your lips in his. It was an innocent enough kiss, bordering on the edge of propriety as you felt his tongue flicker at the sides of your mouth.
You pushed him against the locker, pinning his shoulders to the metal surface as you leaned further into him. His hands roamed around your back before settling in your hair, gently twirling the locks.
It was everything you had dreamed of and more. His heavenly eyes were fluttering as you pushed him further into the locker, deepening the kiss.
“Cyno! Y/N!”
You shrank back immediately, dusting off your clothes and attempting to look as nonchalant as possible. Cyno looked just as flustered, his hair a mess and lips puffy. He looked down, hiding his face in the mass of white hair you had come to love.
One of your classmates rounded the corner. “There you two are! The teacher was wondering where you went. You guys better come back in soon. We have a quiz in a couple of minutes.”
Giving your assurances to them, you waited until they had gone out of sight before turning back to Cyno.
“So, what does that make us now?”
“Friends? More than that.” His gaze sharpened. “I’m not sure if we’re even dating. How about…frenemies?”
“I have something better. Adversaries in Affection.”
“I like that.” He smiled at you. What a beautiful smile. He looked so handsome whenever he wasn’t scowling at you.
You pursed your tender lips. “Are you ready to crush that quiz?”
“Only if I beat you,” he smirked, leaning forward to flick your forehead.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed. “Wait!” He had already bolted down half of the hallway.
“You idiot!” you screeched.
He only chuckled in reply as you ran to catch up with him, interlacing your fingers with his after only a moment of hesitation.
Math really could work wonders.
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pyxilatezero · 3 months
Genshin Descendants official Character Poll
First of all (for all you newbies out there), what is Genshin Descendants?
Genshin Descendants is a Tri-world crossover of Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, and Honkai Impact 3rd. The cast of Genshin Descendants consists entirely of the children of ships. You, a character insert, are the child of the Traveler and the Trailblazer [purposefully left ambiguous]. The main character, as you soon discover, is not truly you, but a mysterious fox girl who appears to be the daughter of Raiden Ei and Yae Miko…
(There is no Zhongli x Childe, and do not ask. The answer is NO)
For those of you that need it, I will provide a link to the official character profiles. The next upcoming character is Day Huang, but after that it’s free game, and I have trouble deciding. I WILL NOT ACCEPT SHIPS NOT ALREADY PART OF THE WORLD. I have already done:
Kaminari Rayaka (Ei x Miko)
Celeste (Sara x Kokomi)
Malaqif Alhawa’ (Kaveh x Alhaitham)
Casey (Mika x Freminet)
Jiang Liu (Beidou x Ningguang)
Malikovvy (Kaeya x Albedo)
Alice Lawrence (Amber & Eula)
Characters that are your companions, but will not be playable, are:
Blue Wolf (Kamisato Ayato & Yae Miko [NOT a ship])
Kage (Seele x Bronya Rand)
Characters that will be released simultaneously at the end due to being ‘DLC’ content (not vital to the main story) consist of:
Glass (Acheron x Black Swan)
Iridium Neon (Dr. Ratio x Aventurine)
April Lovesync (March 7th x Robin [Firefly?]
Raiden Shìjiè (Kiana x Raiden Mei)
Húxīn [Húlí] (Tingyun x Yukong)
Priority characters or characters that are currently being worked on are:
Day Huang (N/A)
Verre (Wriothsley x Neuvilette)
Characters that have been put on hold are:
Pandora [YOU!] (Trailblazer x Traveler) {indefinite}
Alistair Astros (Layla x Mona)
Elana (Candace x Dehya)
Kamila Pegg (Barbara x Noelle)
Mahō (Kirara x Lynette)
Kamisato Hanabi (Yoimiya x Kamisato Ayaka)
Vagues Anago (Clorinde x Navia)
Raiden [Rayquaza] Shigaraki (Raiden Ei x Yae Miko)
Zatenenny (Scaramouche x Sandrone)
Zelkovia Baysil (Cyno x Tighnari)
For those unfamiliar ^^^ Ladies and gentleman, feel free to critique any already created character (except for Kaminari Rayaka, my poor innocent bundle of angst and hurt/no comfort), so long as it’s not for any unreasonable concept (E.G. you like Yae Miko x Ayato more than Ayato x Thoma; basically, don’t hate the character because of ship preferences).
Last but not least, my characters are FREE DOMAIN, unless being used for the following reasons:
An incest or pedophilic ship (I hate that I have to put this, but there are some people out there)
Any fanfic directly depicting a character of my creation committing sexual assault, necrophilia, or murder
Changing the ‘birth’ parents of the character for any reason (other than BOTH parents dying, or them abandoning said character, and being adopted by another ship)
Things I DO allow, but other creators might not:
Putting certain characters into other universes where OTHER ships don’t match with the ones I have added; E.G. putting Kamila in a Yae x Ayato universe and having her interact that way.
Time travel fics. That’s fine, especially if Rayaka is involved.
Universe crossing and crossovers.
Killing of my characters. It’s not canon, so I don’t mind.
Dumping unnecessary angst on their heads- I’m not going to ban every fanfic writer out there from writing the way they write. Besides, *holds out hand to half the characters that I’ve made*
Fanfics using ships not canon to the Genshin Descendants universe (E.G. Fiona x Jiang Liu)
The fanfic can be of any rating. I don’t particularly care.
That’s all! (Do I think anyone will use these characters? No. Do I want them to? Yes. Oh god, yes please. I’d pay you to if I had any money)
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impactedfates · 10 months
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Requests: Closed
All the fics I write will automatically be GN unless stated otherwise in the request.
As I am a minor, please no NSFW of any kind.
I will also not be writing any problematic or illegal relationships.
I write both platonic and romantic, please specify which it is in the request.
I won't be writing character x character, mainly x readers sorry :((
I'm okay with writing character x reader x character.
You can request simple head cannons/mini scenarios. Currently I won't be writing full fics with a single character. I'm sorry
I’ll try my best to keep up with requests, however I am a student, so requests may take a bit to do (especially if it’s a full fic) due to schoolwork and/or motivation. So please be patient with me!!
I'll also write, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort ect.
No body based requests please, the reader in my fics don't often have their appearance stated unless it's about their outfit so that anyone can read my writing.
I'll take up to 6 characters for HCs/Mini scenarios
When doing/writing scenarios/HC requests, how I interpret a character may be different from you. So please keep that in mind! (Fics will depend on if you give me a specific prompt to follow)
Please don't harass me if I haven't finished your request yet as it will automatically make me reject it if I know which one is yours.
I have a right to refuse/reject a request in general for any reason (But I'll probably accept all as long as you follow the rules).
I believe that should be everything for now. I hope you can follow these rules! As long as you can, feel free to drop a request and thank you for reading!
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Currently the fandoms I'll be writing for is Genshin + HSR.
I write for most characters, any minors (or characters I consider as minors) will only get a platonic fic. I hope that's alright.
Characters I'll write for (In bold, are the ones I'll write platonically for only)
Genshin (T.B.A):
Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayaka, Ayato, Childe, Cyno, Diluc, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Itto, Jean, Kazuha, Klee, Kokomi, Nahida, Nilou, Qiqi, Shenhe, Tighnari, Venti, Wanderer, Xiao, Yelan, Yoimiya, Zhongli, Amber, Barbara, Beidou, Bennet, Diona, Fischl, Heizou, Kaeya, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Lisa, Ningguang, Noelle, Razor, Rosaria, Kujou Sara, Thoma, Xinyan, Yanfei, Dehya, Baizhu, Kaveh, Wrio, Neuvi, Lyney
HSR (T.B.A):
Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, Serval, Jing Yuan, Loucha, Welt, Sampo, Yanqing, Luka, March 7th, Himeko, Fu Xuan, Qingque, Jingliu, Topaz, Asta, Tingyun, Kafka, Dan Feng, Argenti, BootHill
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Affiliated with the @masked-fools network!
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razorblade180 · 11 months
Who else in your roster characters are in retirement? 
Surprisingly it’s mostly Mondstadt characters. Noelle is a resting powerhouse that will always be there when geo is needed. Albedo, Jean, and Klee used to steam roll everything together on a team or keep a comp from falling apart (especially Jean…)
Mona and Sucrose only appear when someone needs to be invalidated and deleted. Bless Barbara. Everyone always swore by Xingqui but I swore by Barbara. Sometimes she still makes an appearance if Kokomi has to be on an abyss team.
Lisa and Amber, the OG mains. They rarely need to be called these days but all their teams are remembered as well as still built. Rosaria definitely earned retirement with Fischl and Qiqi. Both of them only help newer 4 stars now like Heizou or Layla.
I wanna say Ganyu is benched but she’s way to strong for me to not occasionally put her on the field to solve a problem.
I think the only other characters I can comfortably say is retired and not benched/active are Sayu Raiden. They never carried any team or helps too often, but there are definitely times and comps where she will always be there because it just makes sense.
Shout out to Aloy. Legitimately ran Abyss with her all the time with my Chongyun.
As for people who are more or less benched..
Candace, Kaveh, Xinyan, Thoma, Razor, Beidou, Sara, Ninnguang, Itto, Heizou, Eula, Mika, Diluc, and Ayato.
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idontknowanametouse · 3 months
Genshin cringe headcanons part 10: other Inazuma characters
This post reclaims the term "cringe". If you use it as an insult or is triggered by it, please DNI
Name: Sayu
Gender: nonbinary, they/them
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically japanese, tan skin, freckles, gray hair, black eyes, thin, scars through their body
Age: 7
Personality: lazy, loyal, gets easily confused, lovely, naive, knows how to keep secrets
Area of greatest ability: singing
Kins: does not has kin, but has no problems with it
Family: Kokomi (adoptive mom) Sara (found family mother) Gorou (adoptive older brother) Heizou (found family big sibling)
Friends: Itto, Yoimiya, Miko, Ei, Sigewinne, Paimon, Ayato, Ayaka, Thoma, Diona, Klee, Qiqi, Yaoyao, Nahida
Disabilities: autistic, narcolepsia, dwarfism, lazy eye syndrome
Belief: believes both Beelzebub and Orobashi, only does religious shinto-like practices sometimes
Name: Arataki Itto
Gender: pangender, any pronouns
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically japanese, very muscled, tall, tan skin, white long hair dyed red on the ends, red eyes, red tattoos
Age: 27
Sexuality: asexual panromantic
Personality: kind, tries his best, extroverted, loud, never gives up (it’s actually kind of a problem)
Area of greatest ability: cheering others
Kins: yellow, red, crystals, cows, beetles, Rainbow, shiny things
Family: his adoptive grandma, Shinobu, Mamoru, Genta, Akira, Xiao, Yelan, Sayu, Yanfei (found family siblings)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Yoimiya, Gorou, Kirara, Kazuha, Ayato, Kokomi, Heizou, Thoma, Kuni, Nahida, Sigewinne, Paimon, Yaoyao, Qiqi, Klee, Diona, Diluc, Kaeya, Noelle, Bennett
Disabilities: ADHD
Belief: does not care much about religion, is basically agnostic
Name: Kuki Shinobu
Gender: transmasc genderfluid, he/it/they/she
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically japanese, black, small, black eyes, black dyed green hair in locs
Age: 28
Sexuality: aromantic sapphic
Personality: serious, friendly to most people, responsible, professional, curious towards many things, learns easily
Area of greatest ability: knowledge in law
Kins: paint, flowers, knives, slime, purple, green
Family: Itto, Mamoru, Genta, Akira (found family siblings), found family granny
Relationship status: single
Friends: Sara, Miko, Xiao, Yanfei, Yelan, Kirara, Kokomi, Heizou
Disabilities: autistic, breathing allergies, asthma, wears a mask, uses breathing cateters and asthma bombs
Belief: has a heavy aversion towards religion and rathers not talk about it
Name: Kirara
Gender: transmasc paragirl, mew/nya/Scratch/purr/play/paw/soft/kit/she/Kirara/he
Pictures of Character:
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Appearance: ethnically japanese, white skin, very thin, black long hair dyed blond, brown eyes.
Age: 19
Sexuality: aromantic sapphic
Personality: extrovert, naive, likes helping others and making them happy, curious, hard-working
Area of greatest ability: communication with others
Kins: cats, chocolate, soft stuff, plants
Family: none
Relationship status: single
Friends: Charlotte, Kokomi, Hu Tao, Miko, Kaeya, Cyno, Dehya, Diona, Ayaka, Thoma, Gorou, Sara, Shinobu, Ei, Sayu, Heizou
Disabilities: anxiety, Tourette’s
Belief: believes Beelzebub and constantly goes to her shrine and has shinto-like practices in purrs day-to-day life
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applesandcecilia · 11 months
Moments from the last few Genshin events that will never cease to bring me unholy delight
Windblume’s Breath:
Cyno’s dad jokes (except the ground nuts one which I’m pretty sure got lost in translation)
Albedo actually enjoying said jokes and proceeding to join Cyno in gremlinhood for the rest of the event
Nari babysitting his idiot friends
Collei and Amber reunion <3
Venti’s thirty seconds of screen time
Collei and Sucrose bonding
Finally getting to at least hear Alice speak in game—can’t wait to actually see her!
Venti writing a love poem that is so blatantly about specifically the female Traveler it made me squeal several times
A Parade of Providence:
Hat Guy
Faruzan being supportive of Kaveh and Layla in her own strange way
For some reason, the two scorekeepers being Nilou and Alhaitham
Shiruetto literally doing nothing the first round, instead opting to go have coffee
Tighnari surrounded by butterflies
Also Tighnari getting dehydrated and Shiruetto quietly giving him his water pouch
“This Inter-Darshan Championship, I lost my best friend Tighnari.” “QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD!!” “Sometimes I can still hear his voice.”
Kaveh and his desert foxes
Eremites first getting beat up by Shiru and then interrogated by Haitham
The entirety of the last round
Nahida appearing and revealing she’s forcing her nephew to go to college
Duel! The Summoner’s Summit
Kirara’s existence
Kaeya losing the Mondstadt championship to none other than Timmie
Charlotte’s existence
Kaeya finding out Charlotte is from Fontaine and immediately saying “Enchantée” which is technically incorrect since he is a man so he should be saying “Enchanté”
Hu Tao teaching Kazuha how to play TCG
Charlotte having a mini existential crisis over having a private dinner and interview with Ningguang
Charlotte having an even bigger existential crisis over arriving in Inazuma and immediately getting introduced to the Electro Archon
Itto only beating us at TCG because we were using his awful deck and he was using Shinobu’s
Sara giving Kokomi tips on playing against Yae Miko
Kokomi subsequently beating Miko’s butt
Cyno being a complete TCG nerd
Honestly the last cutscene was kinda bittersweet
Beating both Xiao and Venti at TCG on the first try
Secret Summer Paradise
Will update as I finish
The oasis is really really pretty
The Choo Choo Cart is really fun as well!
Kaeya of all people being the one to lecture two brothers for not getting along
Kokomi getting dizzy after riding the Choo Choo Cart
Playing pretend with Klee
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abyssruler · 2 years
for the prompt suggestion:
"well, that was a bad idea..." or alternatively "well, that actually went better than expected..." with itto ?
“Well, that actually went better than expected…” you say with a smile, only for a stall behind you to erupt in flames. Your smile has never dropped so fast. “…Or not.”
Itto grabs your wrist, laughing as he pulls you along to escape from the soldiers of the Tenryou Commission. “C’mon, unless you wanna spend a night in prison!”
“You two! Stop!” Someone behind you shouts.
The two of you duck through stalls, sneaking through alleys and trying (and failing) to be as inconspicuous as possible, what with Itto’s general hulking stature and the ends of your clothes on fire.
“Holy shi���”
“Language!” Itto admonishes, sounding very much like granny oni.
“My clothes are literally on fire!” You start jumping around, patting at the flames in hopes of snuffing them out and only succeeding in burning your hand. “I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die—”
“You’re on fire!” he yells.
“Yes, we’ve established that already!” Completely agitated, you continue flopping around like a headless chicken. He watches you with eyes as wide as saucers before looking left and right as if something magical will appear to help with your predicament.
The flames start to lick through the layers of your clothing, and you’ve never been more grateful that you listened to Shinobu’s suggestion of bundling up thick today. You silently mourn as your outer layer slowly turns to ash. This was your favorite yukata! (It was your only yukata, but no one had to know that.)
Itto distracts you from your panicking thoughts by bodily picking you up and running like his life depends on it. You instinctively clutch onto his shoulders. With your proximity to each other, you were now both on fire and still running for your lives from the Tenryou Commission.
And then he jumps.
“What are you doing—!” Water enters your mouth.
You push him away, raising your head and gasping for air. He emerges from the water beside you, boisterously laughing as he shook his head free from water like a dog.
“Whaddya think, pretty quick thinking on my part, eh?” He turns his face in your direction with a big grin, waiting for your approval.
Something floats in the water to your left. With slowly dawning horror, you look around you. Murky water, questionable things floating around, something squishy and most likely disgusting right where you’re sitting. It was… it was…
The smell hits you like a ton of bricks.
“You idiot! You brought us to the sewers!”
Itto raises his hands. “Woah there! No need to get so worked up. A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do, and this was the nearest water I could find. Besides, I saved our lives, didn’t I?”
“There’s literally a canal just over there.” You point to said canal only a few meters away.
He waves his hand. “Psh! Sewer, canal, they’re all the same!”
“No, they’re not! I—”
“There you are.” A new, familiar voice enters the conversation. You look up, meeting the unamused eyes of one Kujou Sara. She starts listing the crimes you’ve allegedly committed, and you wince with every word that comes out of her mouth. Raising a hand, she gestures to the two of you sitting in the dirty sewer. “Arrest them.”
Itto begins to protest. “What? No! I was the one responsible for the fire, you only gotta arrest me!”
You face palm. “Itto, several people saw me light up that fire cracker inside the stall.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean—”
“Enough,” Sara interrupts. She then looks to the soldiers hesitating by her side. “Well? I ordered you to arrest them.”
The soldiers look at each other, the dirty sewer, and Kujou Sara’s quickly thinning patience, and decided that braving the putrid sewage water was better than facing the Tengu’s wrath. You and Itto are hauled off, handcuffed, and dragged to the police station. They at least had the decency to let you two take a shower before shoving you in a cell next to each other.
Well, it was probably a given that any date with Arataki Itto would end in one or both of you in prison.
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kyogre-blue · 5 months
Finally went back and did Inazuma act 2 on my alt. I forgot how short it is. There's like... four conversations, two cutscenes, and that's it.
Although there are a lot of small issues with the logic and they fall down hard in terms of the pacing of the character arcs, I will stand by my opinion that Inazuma is still a far more interesting story than Sumeru.
Sumeru is just... some evil dudes, of whom we see only one, want to make a god, and for this they choose... Scaramouche? Who is a non-entity except when he vomits out his backstory. And Nahida is there, don't you feel sorry for her because uuh reasons. Don't even get me started on the pointless diversions of going to Ormos (why), the dream loop of time wasting (just tell me the answer up front), and the entire pointless whatever out in the desert (literally exists just to provide one lore cutscene and waste our time).
Inazuma at least has a potentially interesting conflict, characters who have their own varied stakes in it, and they even use NPCs better.
I didn't have any particularly notable observations on second pass, but I did find these points funny:
There's a bunch of small "???" moments if you use your brain while watching this, including the entire situation regarding Thoma being a public sacrifice (???) to mark the 100th vision taken. Like, why did they tie him up, did he resist? Why was he not using a fake vision, like it's implied Yoimiya did to get around the decree? What are the political implications of all this, because it's very interesting if you think about it? In general tho, it's just hilarious if you remember that Shinobu and Itto both did not have any reaction to losing their visions, so maybe Thoma isn't even slightly in danger here.
That said, the escalation is pretty good. I do like the concept.
Teppei is actually pretty cute. And I do think they tried to make you care about the war via both the civilians in act 1 and the soldiers in act 2.
I still find it hilarious that the culmination of act 2 is a "fight of honor" where both sides select "their finest warrior" for "single combat" and then Sara sends three different randos to fight us. I think during the third fight, the resistance troops start complaining that we're doing consecutive battles, but it's dialogue during the battle, so I'm not exactly going to be able to read it, you know? In general, it's worth noting that this duel of honor isn't meant to have any actual stakes. It's just for moral and intimidation, which is why they still have a big battle afterwards. This is in the text, but it's very counterintuitive, so it feels bizarre.
During the cutscene where Kokomi appears, Beidou says she hopes Kokomi can help pay for all these mercenaries she hired and Kazuha calls Gorou an old friend. This is uh sure some interesting implications, but it really does not do an adequate job explaining why the hell they're here. Kazuha's characterization and supposed arc are a shit show in general, of course.
I do recall that the writing quality, such as it is, plummets in act 3. They probably needed 4 acts, realistically, one for Watatsumi and Teppei, one more for returning to Narukami, but I guess at this point they wanted to have the same schedule as Liyue's release? It really did not work out.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Al Haitham and Kaveh on the harem is so funny, especially because these two live together and Kaveh being another broke without mora character.
And yes, it's more... from what I understood at least, their friendship is that they keep cursing at each other, you know, that friendship that you say "ugh I hate them" but you don't really REALLY hate them. Al Haitham wouldn't lend his house to Kaveh if they really despised each other, unless he's really indifferent and gained something back from this situation, which I think it's unlikely with Kaveh being..... Y'know, he strikes me as someone really genuine and more emotional and AlHaitham as more, can be manipulative if necessary, and mind above heart.
(people are already shipping these two and I'm just... waiting more, I think I need so see Kaveh first before I decide, dunno why, maybe I don't ship them and see them more like Itto and Sara, I love them as friends it's just so funny)
I'm rambling kjsdnkfjnsk
But bro Diluc being sandwiched between them, now I can see that. *nod nod
But remember that order of Kaeya's approval for Diluc? Where do you think they would be? (saying now like we don't really really know much about Kaveh and even Al Haitham, even if he already appeared), I think AlHaitham would be a little far back, I bet Kaeya would think he wasn't genuine or like "is that really a relationship? wtf? do you even love him?"
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So that's the same position I was in. But then I started thinking about Al Haitham falling because Diluc is a clever man who always has a plan and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty to learn what he wants to know. Diluc is curious and willing to pursue it with a clear focus. And that appeals to Al Haitham.
BUT Kaveh. Kaveh is one of the few you can instantly pick up that Diluc is not all he seems. And Instantly, with his eye for detail notices Diluc's kind and gentle nature. He likes how Diluc always follows his heart and stands strong. And You know... helps Diluc is more than happy to share his mora.
So They both see Diluc very differently, and it makes me laugh that they crush on the same guy but don't realize it. Like they'll each off handly mention this lovely creature they meet. And it just turns into a low-key argument they have where each is insisting their crush is better.
And it turned out to be the same dude
Is stupid funny to me.
Of course, I could totally be wrong about both of them, but ya know. I still like the idea.
Now The Kaeya scale.
(Approval) Thoma -> Xiao-> -> Itto -> Eula -> -> -> Albedo -> Childe -> -> -> -> -> Ayato->-> -> -> -> -> -> Donna -> -> -> -> -> -> -> Zhongli (Loathing)
Let me actually Simply this and just make it a 0-10 scale with Thoma at 9.9. (10 is impossible) and approved, while Zhongli is a 0 and loathed.
Currently, with what we have of Al Haitham. I think he's very low on the scale. And Kaeya would not trust for him to properly show Diluc the affection he needs. So he'd probably be ranked above Albedo but below Eula As he could be convinced Al Haitham care for Diluc so around a 4.
Kaveh though. While he could very easily express his affection, he's still gonna rank lower just because his finical situation is gonna set alarms off for Kaeya. But I think he's making efforts, unlike Zhongli. And if he got in a better position, his rank would go up, but until then, probably right under Al Haitham at like a 3.5
So ranking would be
Thoma(9.9) Xiao (8.4) Itto (6) Eula (5.6) Al Haitham (4) Kaveh (3.5)
Albedo (3) Childe(2.6) Ayato (1) Donna (0.5) Zhongli (0)
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rhenuvee · 2 years
HI! HELLO! Can I get a matchup?
I don't personally have a preference, though i would like if it was both male and female. Romantic? Yeah
⚔️ ; APPEARANCE — Imagine as if a sad bunny got turned into a human being, yeah that's quite literally me. I got the chubby rosy cheeks, small nose that has a pinkish tone to it, i also have the bunny teeth (buck teeth) and big round eyes. People often compare me to one and i just kinda accepted it. I have curly jet black hair that's always messy, plus it's also fluffy. I have very dark brown eyes that almost looks like i have no soul, speaking of souls. I give off a mostly soulless look, deadpanning 24/7 or just genuinely look like I'm upset, that's a problem i have! which is resting sad face. I honestly just look like I'm upset or like i just heard the most horrendous news. There's also the look aside from my general resting face which is the one that gets compared to a bunny, other than that i look like your average brazilian enby
⚔️ ; PERSONALITY — My personality is basically just Arataki Itto on crack, I'm very loud and chaotic. I'm also very oblivious and blunt, you'll have to explain something to me at least 10 times again, if i don't understand; i make jokes a lot, and also puns sometimes! In general i just adore making jokes and getting a good laugh. My humor is extremely broken too, I'll laugh at anything ranging from the most chaotic thing (examples: a goddamn picture of an m&m, a horse with high heels, a piece of bread falling, the word balls, flying, literally an image of Sara close up to the camera) honestly anything ranging from just that will make me wheeze like my lungs just exploded, or I'll laugh like a crazed fox. I am seen as pretty chill, I'm a happy-go-lucky person and I honestly socialize with everyone i can, i have a habit of cursing and invent the most absurd sounding curse words my favorite ones are “you blithering feculent shithole” “What in the name of sweet dong tickling horse fuck?!” “bunch of putrid douchesquatting cretins” “you bullshitting shitbagging fuckass” and finally “how can you be such a fucksquatting pain in the waste chute” i also act like a knight despite my use of constant profanity. 'Tis but the truest way of the knight! Any chance i get to act like a knight, I'll take it. I probably pay more attention to animals then humans, if I'm in the presence of an animal and you're talking to me? I'll pay more attention to the animal
⚔️ ; LOVE LANGUAGE — I'm a very tall person being about 198 cm, i think that's about 6'5(?) So normally my love language is headpats, and lifting them up and hugging them tightly, Bear hugs even. When cuddling (not that i ever got the chance) i would like to be the small spoon despite my height.
I also like to receive affection as well.
— 🗡️ anon : take your time!! Hope this isn't too long
I wasn't sure on what you meant at the beginning where you say you would like it if it's both male and female... but I hope this is ok with your preferences. Here you are:
⊱ ━━━━ Matchup! Genshin Impact ━━━━ ⊰
You're matched up with...
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Arataki Itto!
I'm not just saying this because you said it, but I mean why wouldn't Itto get along with someone as chaotic as himself? He gets someone who understands him, and is different from how Kuki or his gang would treat him.
Itto and you would have your moments over laughing and simply having a good time. He hopes you enjoy things like the drum-a-long festival.
I think it'd be funny whenever Itto gets out of prison and he just skips runs out and greets you with a smile (does anyone else get adrenaline rushes when they run away from someone while laughing?)
He definitely seems like a bear hug type of person, so that's in line with your love language <3
Overall, it's never a dull day with your one and oni,
⊱ ━━━━━━━━ ⊰
Rhen’s 400 Follower Event: This event is now closed! I am NOT still doing team HCs or matchups! This event ended on Oct 16, you're only seeing this past that date because I am only getting to it now since I got held up by schoolwork.
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verxsyon · 2 years
celebrate your very special day with your significant other!
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. albedo + arataki itto + beidou + childe + diluc + eula + ganyu + gorou + hu tao + jean + kaedehara kazuha + kaeya + kamisato ayaka + kamisato ayato + keqing + kujou sara + ningguang + raiden shogun + sangonomiya kokomi + shenhe + thoma + venti + xiao + yae miko + yoimiya + zhongli x gn!reader
✧ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭. headcanon (written) ; 1.7k
✧ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. established relationship au ; fluff
✧ 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. birthday voice lines
✧ 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚. yay, it’s my birthday! well… in three hours. and guess what? it’s jean’s birthday, too! i haven’t written in a while, so why not give a headcanon as a present to myself.
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𝐚𝐥��𝐞𝐝𝐨. he sketches you all the time, but hasn’t gathered enough courage to show you them. for his gift, it’s a portrait of you smiling and laughing. you begin to tear up of how beautiful it is, to which he confesses that the first time you expressed those emotions there was when he fell in love with you.
𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨. not one normal person would gift you onikabuto and miss hina trading cards, but you appreciate his efforts nonetheless. this year, he takes you to a cliff where he holds a talent show with his gang. as he’s about to perform his birthday song, the tenryou commission appears to chase after the two of you. it turns out the cliff is private property, and he didn’t see the signs.
𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐮. celebrations are always lively at her ship. her connections with wanmin restaurant and liquor merchants allow her to prepare a feast just for you. as it’s your special day, she’ll let you be captain, giving you permission to sail wherever you want to go. you and her crew know too well that she’ll go all out on the drinks and become too drunk to handle her duties.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞. just for one day, he doesn’t want to do anything related to the fatui so he can spend time with you in peace. throughout the dinner with you and his family, the both of you sense a presence outside, excusing yourselves to take care of “business” — agents from another organization who you took down a while ago. maybe some celebrations aren’t meant to be peaceful after all.
𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜. romantic dinners are the best dreams to come true; no need for extravagant parties. having one at the balcony of dawn winery, with candles burning brightly and each person holding wine in one hand, you make a toast with your significant other to another good year ahead. afterwards, he’ll take you to the living room, dancing to each other’s heartbeats.
𝐞𝐮𝐥𝐚. as she had celebrated her birthday alone in the past, she isn’t used to someone else holding her hand and being dragged around the city, spewing laughs for such a special day as yours. when you ask her if she wants to stop, she shakes her head. when her special day comes, she wants to feel free with you.
𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐮. working all day and night, she didn’t find time to buy you a present. instead, she bakes you a qingxin flower cake, and a messily attempt at that. yet she hides it behind her back, thinking that you won’t appreciate it. you happen to see it, which makes you want to try it. she sighs in relief to hear you say you really like it, and now she’s obligated to bake one for you every year.
𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐮. you didn’t think it’s possible for someone else being more excited than yourself in celebrating your special day. the morning of, he’ll hunt for fresh fish and crabs at the beach. at night after his patrol, he’ll prepare a banquet in front of a bonfire, rousing sparks of jealousy. they wish to be dedicated and loving as the general for their future significant others.
𝐡𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐨. it’s not the spooky season yet, but she never fails to bring its energy to everyday life, and your birthday is no exception. after her shift, she takes you to wuwang hill just to stargaze, which she keeps on insisting. you don’t trust everything she says, but you still get pranked by her, using her ghost to disguise as her to make you think she’s “gone”.
𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐧. the guildmaster has many hidden talents, and one of which is singing. she gets embarrassed if someone hears her sing. everyone assumes that you did, but that’s a misconception. for your birthday, you finally hear her for the first time in forever after annoying her for so long. to your surprise, she really has a nice voice.
𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚. being the poet that he is, it’s no surprise that a haiku will be his gift. yet every single time he recites one, you fall in love with him all over again. he doubts his creativity in this one in particular but you insist that it’s the best he’s ever made so far, thanking him with a kiss. you would’ve never thought to see him so flustered.
𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚. for someone who talks a lot to charm his way into someone else’s affairs, he greets you with a few words and a sliver of a smile. he doesn’t want to ruin your special day. but how can that be if he’s the reason your life has gotten so much better? as soon as he feels your reassurance, he reverts back to being a tease. your special day won’t be special without him.
𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐚. she manages to find out your birthday from the housekeepers in advance so she could make your gift extra special. she initially thinks that an expensive one would be suitable to your liking, but begins to have second thoughts. she decides to take you to chinju forest, a place not too far from the estate and where she’ll perform her fan dance.
𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨. (kind of?) salty that his retainer chose to spend his birthday with the traveler instead of him and his sister, he doesn’t give you the liberty to act on your own today — he wants you for himself until then. while he pampers you with his peculiar cooking, you think of ways to fool him to escape. however, outsmarting him won’t do, because he’ll catch you in the end anyway. send help, aha.
𝐤𝐞𝐪𝐢𝐧𝐠. learning an important lesson from the traveler to rest every now and then, she requests time off from work for the first time in a while to make you a present. she gives you a lantern which looks ordinary, but it runs on electro energy and stays lit indefinitely. she tells you that it serves as a reminder of her being an extra light in your life, and you in hers.
𝐤𝐮𝐣𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐚. spending the majority of her time tending to her duties as a general, she’s unsure how to celebrate birthdays other than her own properly. on yours she immediately skips the formalities and goes straight to the point by asking you if you have a birthday wish. not only will she grant you one, but five, her lucky number. it’s cute that she’s trying her best, and you happily accept her offer.
𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠. when you first started working under the tianquan, you were intimidated by her presence. once you get to know her, she’s a generous and kind lady; for instance, giving you a super expensive gift for your birthday. they’re brocades, which you can use to make your clothes. as someone who has never learned how to sew before, she’ll gladly teach you how to do it.
𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐧. ah, don’t mind the shogun; she won’t hurt you! the electro archon finally accepts that time goes forward and she must go along with it. ever since the cataclysm, you celebrated alone, but now she’s at your side with a bundle of tricolor dango in her hand. it’s the modern age of inazuma, where the both of you can pursue eternity in a different way together.
𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐤𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐢. as expected of the resident strategist of the sangonomiya resistance, she has already planned out everything for your birthday, even noting the possible changes of the weather. one thing she hasn’t done since the war is swimming at the pools of the island, so she takes you there for a dive in the morning. the shrine maidens are glad to see her having fun as she sprays water at you.
𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞. her master tells her about the importance of birthdays and also notes that humans in particular highly appreciate materialistic things. as someone who isn’t really fond of them, she takes you to her favorite place in the world — the mountains, where you can see the beautiful view of the sky. her way of celebrating your day is way better than any physical present.
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚. he’s friendly… too friendly. he practically invited the entire city, recommending them to bring any of their signature foods and drinks for your celebration. you told him you wanted a small party, but never mind that; he worked too hard for this. oh, yeah! a party hosted by thoma isn’t one if the hotpot game isn’t included, which is quite dreadful to say the least.
𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢. despite not being an experienced baker, he attempts to bake a cake for you because someone once told him that you’re supposed to eat one on birthdays. it’s apple-flavored, his favorite! an amateur in baking, the cake doesn’t look like an actual cake — more like an apple pie. regardless, you did enjoy it. in addition, he allows you to request to have him sing a song as you eat.
𝐱𝐢𝐚𝐨. he doesn’t celebrate birthdays because he doesn’t understand their concept, stating that they’re redundant. yet he still gives you a gift before going off on your journey — a butterfly emblem created from leaves. he says it’s an adepti amulet that staves off evil. so no matter where you go, the object will protect you from harm every step of the way.
𝐲𝐚𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐨. she isn’t a big fan of celebrating such festivities because people would merely come to her for her blessings instead of using their time for other things, as their visits disrupt her leisure time. since you’re her significant other, she’ll give you special treatment (for a minute before kicking you out of the shrine). she won’t admit it, but she’s happy to see you and wishes for a fruitful year ahead.
𝐲𝐨𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚. she’s the definition of lively… and disastrous. you’re still unsure whether lighting up fireworks is a great idea because she got caught by the tenryou commission (again) for “illegal activity”. however, that doesn’t stop her from making you the best birthday present ever. as she begins to light up the fireworks, you could hear the footsteps of the soldiers trying to contain the incoming chaos.
𝐳𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢. as old-fashioned as he is, he gifts you a dried glaze lily. he says that it bears the beautiful memories and prayers of the nation. afterwards, he connects it to another story of a god whose eyes fell upon the love of their life, and then a field of glaze lilies bloom. unbeknownst to you, it’s about you and him, when the two of you first met.
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✧ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬. (if your url is in bold, that means i can’t tag you!)
@aibiito ; @aqualesha ; @blissmal ; @bluexiao ; @bokutosworld ; @dreamiehrs ; @help-wtf-am-i-even-doing ; @lilikags ; @pastelsicheng​ ; @philosopher-of-fandoms ; @shxnosuke ; @sleepyyangyang ; @stage-lucida ; @sucrosia ; @sunfloweritea ; @wworkaholic ; @xriin ; @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst ; @yunzuha
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