#in case you're curious about the dog I mentioned
purplemninja · 10 months
how do you feel about the autistic six headcannon?
Yay! My first ask! Thank you for sending me a question!
As for your question:
I'm not too sure how to feel about the headcanon of Six being autistic, and I don't believe that she's autistic, but a part of me feels like the autistic Six headcanon is a tad bit overused.
Everyone is entitled to their own headcanons, I just find this one being used a bit too often. I remember seeing a post about how Six may have some aversion to sound (which ties into her being autistic) and they used the scene from the 2017 comics when the Ferryman and Guests point at Six and she clutches her pain and grits her teeth. They say that there's a lot of sound going on in that scene, which is why Six curls down in distress, but I disagree because there aren't any visual clues that there's a lot of noise, like comics would draw lines to visually show loud sound, but there isn't any.
And speaking of that scene, from my old post called "Six suffers from 2 types of trauma, not just 1" (where most of what I said in it honestly still holds up 2 years later) I personally believe that one of Six's biggest fears is being kidnapped. I counted that throughout the entire LN series, Six got kidnapped a total of at least 5 times (6 if the 2017 comics are canon. I even made a meme about it some time ago).
First being when she got taken to the Nest (given that she hides in places where the inhabitants of the house wouldn't be able to find her or get, and she wanted to escape, I'm pretty sure she wasn't there at will).
Second time was by the Hunter, third was by the Bullies, fourth time by Thin Man, fifth time by the Ferryman (if the 2017 comics are canon) and sixth time by Roger (if the 2017 comics are not canon, then it's the fifth time instead. I initially didn't count that instance as a kidnapping, but when @haemosexuality counted it as Six being kidnapped, I counted it too).
I'm sure you've heard of the belief that Six suffers from Survivor's Guilt and PTSD, I firmly believe it too, especially when Six shows practically all of the textbook symptoms. I'm not sure if Six does have amnesia or not, but given that she was kidnapped 4 times by the time she encounters the Ferryman, I believe that she clutches her head, grits her teeth and curls down because she can already see that she's about to be kidnapped again, something that she's already heavily traumatised from.
I don't think that that scene has anything to do with sound. In LN1, when you have to push a cart over a pipe that has steam leaking out if it, if you get Six close enough to the steam (but not close enough for it to kill her), she'll cover her ears, same with when Mono walks on the keys of the piano after he and Six stomp it through the floor. But I don't think this is specifically because of autism, I'm pretty sure it's simply because of loud or awful sounds. Like if someone plays an instrument and they play it terribly, you'd want to stop listening to it, and I don't think anyone really likes listening to loud noise like steam leaking out of a pipe.
I had an aversion to loud sounds when I was a kid, such as fireworks, dogs barking and balloons popping. I got used to fireworks when I was around 9 years old (bit ironic since Six is 9), I don't know when I got over the loudness of dog barks, but it was somewhere in my teens (and our dog, who was a greyhound, definitely helped (greyhounds very rarely bark)), I can handle balloons popping better now, but I still prefer to avoid balloons. I'm not autistic, and not liking loud or certain sounds isn't an autism-exclusive trait.
I don't understand fully how autism works, I just know about getting upset over certain sounds, patterns or norms being changed suddenly, and difficulties with certain social interactions, but I don't think you need to be autistic to have some these traits. And I don't think Six really has any of these traits either.
TL;DR: I don't think Six has autism but people are free to headcanon her as being autistic, I just think it, and the headcanon of her being neurodivergent (not sure if it's the same thing or not), are a bit overused :/ (please don't kill me).
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sylvia-plaths-fig-pie · 3 months
Teach Me ♡ Sam Winchester
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Pairing: Sam winchester x reader
Wc: didn't check but it's not too long
Tw: not proof read, no use of y/n, slightly suggestive if you squint ig, mentions of cannon typical violence but not really
Summary: Sam hears you playing piano (listen to the song i imaged bellow), you're so at peace (so beautiful) that he can't help but utter the words "teach me" and that's exactly what you do.
For once you Sam and Dean were actually staying in a nice hotel. Yep a hotel not a motel. It was appart of the ruse to be fancy business people, and that included staying in a nice hotel.
While the case was tough and you all had many sleepless nights it turned out to be a simple salt and burn and the ghost was gone.
And that lead you to now, standing in the hotel lobby looking at the beautiful grand piano in front of you.
You used to play piano as a child, your one constant throught the hectic hunting lifestyle growing up was piano, but it had been years since you last actually played. But how you longed to play once more.
That's why you found your self sitting at the stool, your hands tracing the keys as you thought of what to play.
You settled on your favorite 'easy' tune, one that you knew you would never forget; a piano cover of this is love.
And so you played.
And played.
And played.
You were at peace for the first time in a long time. It felt right.
Maybe in another life, if you weren't a hunter, you could have been a professional pianists. If you had proper training, and the time, and a piano all to your self. Yet it wasn't ment to be.
Sometimes you just wanted to leave this life forever, chase your dreams, maybe be a music teacher, have a family or something? That's what normal people do, right?
But you couldn't, or rather you wouldn't, you couldn't leave the Winchesters. Or at least you couldn't leave one spefic Winchester. Of course you cared for Dean as though he was your own older brother, but Sam... you couldn't imagine a life without him. You would do anything for that boy, it terrified you, and yet you stuck by him through everything regardless of the pit in your stomach everytime he was in danger, or the ache in your heart when he looked at you.
Dean made fun of you constantly, always teasing about your sight 'crush' on his brother. He always said Sam felt the same, but you knew that wasn't the case. So you had to settle for looking out for him from afar, being too scared to say anything to make it awkward.
So you played.
And played.
And played.
"Teach me."
You look up from the piano in front of you, coming out of what felt like a trance.
"Teach me." Sam said again, sitting beside you on the tiny piano stool. It clearly wasn't ment for two people to sit on, yet there he was, all 6"4 of him, perched beside you.
You studied him for a second, unsure as to whether he really ment his words or not. It appeared that he actually was in earnest.
At first you wanted to say no. Not because you didn't want to teach him, the opposite really. You didn't know whether you would be able to keep your composure if you had to hold and move Sam's hand in order to teach him.
Just as you were about to come up with some excuse you made the mistake of looking him in the eyes. His eyes, that were already trained on yours, were embodying his 'puppy dog' eyes as you and Dean coined them. Eyes that melted your heart and made it impossible to say no.
"Fine." You rolled your eyes and sighed at Sam, looking away from him. 'Don't make a fool of yourself' you heard yourself saying in your head.
You were just teaching him how to play piano, Sam's a curious guy, there is nothing more to it, no lingering feelings or longing stares (well from him anyways). You were just being a good friend.
That's what you and Sam are. Friends.
"I'll teach you happy birthday since its almost Dean's..." you trailed of catching a glimps of Sam's wide smile from the corner of your eye. "So you need to put your thumb on C."
He didn't move.
You looked at him in the eyes now, raising an eyebrow. First he asks you to teach him, but now he isn't following the very first instructions? You were confused untill-
"I don't know why your looking at me, I don't know which one C is." Sam laughed.
Shit. You'd forgotten about that.
"Oh sorry," you mumbled awkwardly, "it's the one before the two black notes, can I?" You gestured to his hand, signalling to Sam that you wanted to place it in the correct place your self.
"Sure go right ahead," you pretended not to notice his smile growing even wider as you took his hand and rested it in the correct position on top of the piano. Surely his reaction was just in your head, right?
"Wait, I'll put my hand on yours and I'll tap what fingers you need to play the notes, does that make sense." Your explanation was convoluted but Sam just nodded giving you the green light.
You moved to rest your hand on top of his, leaning into him so that your right hand was atop of his right hand.
Blush crept up your neck, you prayed Sam didn't notice. Judging by how focused he was on your hand ontop of his hand, he seemed not to notice.
"Ready?" You questioned.
"Go easy with ne now," he joked, "it's my first time."
"Shut it winchester." You laughed. You loved it when Sam was sassy, he knew it too.
Gently you began to tap his fingers so he played the correct notes.
The sound of a camera stop you, spinning round to see what the source of the noise was.
Dean was stood beside the piano with a with eating grin on his face. "Cheese," he said sarcastically as he pocked his phone.
"Dean what are you-?" You began to ask but he cut you off.
"I'm going to show it to everyone on your guys' wedding day" he said nonchalantly, smirking.
"But we're not-"
"Sam and I aren't-"
"Why would you-?"
"That's so weird to say-"
You and Sam both began talking at the same time. Each of you growing extremely red. Your hands still on top of one another's.
"You both need to cut the bullshit!" He cried shaking his head. And with that Dean turned and left before calling down the hallway, "I'm going to the bar to get drunk, you better have confessed some feelings when I'm back cos I'm suck of hearing you mope about one another to me!"
You and Sam stared at eachother.
You wanted to scream, or cry, or run away, just something. But you didn't know what to do. Even if you did, you were frozen. You just stared at Sam, eyes wide, shocked at Dean's outburst.
"Dean's right."
Did Sam know about your silly crush? Did Dean tell him? You were going to kill him.
Or did he mean.... no he couldn't, could he? Could Sam really reciprocate your feelings. You swalled down the thought, not wanting to get your hopes high for nothing.
That's when Sam began to speak once again.
"My whole life I've always wanted to find my person you know." Sams eyes were facing down at the piano key's unable to meet yours. "And I thought I found people in the past, but all of them... well you know what happened."
Of course you knew what happened. He'd told you in a moment of vulnerability in one of the first nights that to spent all night talking while researching a case. You knew eachother inside and out. You knew eachother darkest and deepest secrets. You knew eveything about eachother.
"And since then I've been so scared," he continued, "scared that if I got close to anyone that they would end up the same. Then you happened. We met you on a hunt and you've stuck with us ever since and I kept being drawn to you, and I hated myself for it. I wanted to keep you far away to protect you, but the more I wanted to protect you the more I wanted to..."
He trailed off and took in a large intake of breath, lifting his eyes with determination to meet yours.
"The more I wanted to be closer to you, the more I wanted to hold you to be there for you.. to kiss you." His eyes momentarily flicking down to your lips, your breath hitched.
"The more I relised I was in love with you, that I am in love with you." He flipped his hand so that he was now holding yours, lacing his fingers between yours. You didn't speak, you knew he had more to say and you were more that happy to listen. Your brain was going a hundred miles an hour, Sam's words were simultaneously grounding you and making your brain go into overdrive, but his hand holding yours assured you that this was real. This moment is real. It's real.
"So I talked to Dean about it, about you, alot and I've finally stopped fighting it. I know you can take care of yourself, and I know your not afraid of the risks of this job, the risks of being near me, as you've lived through so many horrors with me, you were by my side though everything and I don't think I can go on any longer without you knowing, I could never forgive myself for letting you get away..." He stopped speaking, he said what he wanted to. It was your turn to speak now. Yet you couldn't find the words, they all seemed lodged in your throat. You wanted to say it back but you couldn't, all you could do was look at Sam, your eyes wide.
"You don't have to say anything if you don't-" Sam began, trying to make you feel comfortable, he was worried you didn't feel the same. He wasn't aware that it was complete opposite reason as to why you couldn't speak. But you cut him off with a new found confidence.
"I swear to god Sam if you don't kiss me right now." You pleaded, avoiding his eyes.
A moment passed. Then you felt his hand leave yours. Panic surged through you. Oh god what had you done?
Then his hands were on your face and his lips found yours. You closed your eyes falling deeper and deeper into him, you were intoxicated, you couldn't get enough. His lips were rough and soft, neddy and patient all at the same time. It was so much, it would be too much, but it wasn't, it was perfect.
It felt like you and Sam were the only two people in the world. It felt right. All the horrors of life, all the monsters, demons, angels, eveything, none of it mattered in that moment. Nothing but the two of you existed in that moment.
And then all too soon he pulled away.
"I'm assuming you feel the same way?" He asked almost bashfully, redness creeping up his neck.
"Sam winchester, I love you and all your dorky-ness," you dramatically declared as Sam rolled his eyes, "and i-"
You were cut off by his lips finding yours once again. You were just where you wanted to be and for once the world seemed right, or at least it seemed okay with same by your side, or more accurately Sam's lips on yours.
You and Sam jumped away from one another, startled by a loud cry.
Dean was stood at the bottom of the corridor, his arms raised in the air in a sort of celebration.
You and Sam just looked and eachother and began to laugh.
"I guess he does have a point..." you commented between laughter.
"Yeah I guess that means we have to make up for lost time." He laughed, resting his hands in your hair.
"What do you mean?" You asked, playing along, ot was much more fun this way.
"Well I suppose I can think of a few things..." he trailed of suggestively, "what do you say?"
You smiled at him knowing exactly what he ment, and couldn't help but reply with what lead to this moment.
"Teach me."
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hewo I know Halloween is over but may I have TADC cast x Jack Skellington!Reader? Plus their dog also got transported and turned into Zero.
Imagine an 11ft tall skeleton rising out the giant ballpit thing
If Jax or Caine pisses them off they do the scary face thing
TADC cast x jack skellington! Type reader!
I dont mention the dog much since I dont really. Have many ideas for them <\3
Also I have not seen nightmare before Christmas in YEARS so UHUH! This may be a bit off
Written on mobile
I'm down with the sickness but the sickness is not down with me (too sore to sleep)
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You guys walk bubble and your dog together/j
Actually no that would be.. kind of funny.. I can definitely see caine doing that if hes trying to befriend you
Chaotic gentleman (is that a thing? Honestly I'm just basing the gentleman part on the fact caine says stuff like "my dear" and goes out of his way to welcome new circus members but uhuh) and calm gentleman duo
Things happen
Honestly I think you would balance him out, like either he tones down or you compliment his personality enough to make it more bearable to others
Similar to the skeleton reader post, pomni is a little offput by you being a skeleton. It's like how you instinctively get freaked out when you see an exposed brain, usually means somethings very wrong. Same case with your bones I think. At least for pomni while shes getting used to things. Though your gentle and kind demeanor really helps ease things along, and pomni finds herself comfortable around you!
AND you come with a dog? Tbh I can see pomni being a dog person
... If that's your dog, assuming it's not an NPC, does that mean your dog got a mini headset...?
Kind lady and kind person. You guys kind of just brighten up the room whenever you two are around, and even more so if you're together... though, that isn't saying much given the general attitude of the others..
You both tend to band together to look out for the others during IHAs, I think
Let's you rattle on about your interests; I'm sure most others would let you do the same, but I think Ragatha would actually be actively engaged in it! I think Kinger would be too...
Sets you three down in a corner and observes
Writing this down first before I forget but Jax would do an exaggerated fake scream when you do the scary face thing. I don't think jax would be all the phased by it. If you're a skeleton you're cursed with him trying to undo your bones, very similar to the TADC cast x skeleton reader post from a few days ago
Personality wise? Jax is going to try to find your limits and break them. Oh you're a gentleperson who handles things with grace? Not for long.. unless you have the patience and forgiveness of a god
I think he would enjoy your prescence! Just dont do the face thing around him, hes probably gonna freak out even if it's not directed towards him. Kinger doesnt strike me as the type to like scary things..
Pets your dog, a lot
Emotional support animal/j but actually I can see him becoming attatched to your dog
Not much to be said here but I'm chalking that more up to me being tired <\3
Is a little annoyed by your enthusiasm to learn as much as you can about whatever topic ha syour interest; bonus if you're current interest is the digital world and trying to figure out all the ins and outs of it
....they're more of a cat person, I think... ir maybe a snake person... or reptile person in general.. doesnt hate your dog, though
Can at least appreciate your mannerisms and politeness
I can see you two being decent friends , I think
Another one where I think you guys could make decent friends. Honestly, I didnt write this to be romantic (though some of these can be interpreted as such!) But I wholeheartedly believe gangle would develop a crush on you. I mean, come on! You're a gentleman, you're a lil quirky, you're kind and curious, and so on! Bonus if you look the part, too. I have a hc lying around somewhere where I believe gangle used to play dating sims in the real world and tbh. She would definitely go after characters that reflected you... and oh look youre a real person, hell yeah
It was either characters like you or the dark mysterious ones
But maybe I'm hella projecting onto gangle
Gangle is our x reader enjoyer rep/hj
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hi!! I'm curious, how would I go about making a half black half other non-white ethnicity character?
I have two blatino (is that the word) characters and I don't know how to balance out their traits and stuff
Blatino. I'm sorry that one is new to me
I've been sitting on this one, and I've decided that I'm going to be direct with you.
I do not think you should be writing about Afro-Latino characters or either separate group until we address what led to the uncomfortable phrasing of this question. So here's the thing: as you're aware, Hispanic/Latino is an ethnicity, not a race. Not every Latino looks the same or has the same cultural background. Some- many- Latinos are Black! So this isn't just a matter of "two groups got together and there's a specific mix of traits". They're not dogs, they're humans.
You're going to have to research the group(s) you want your characters to identify as. I've mentioned it before; are they Brazilian? Puerto Rican? Cuban? Haitian? From Belize? Colombian? Mexican? Are they supposed to be like Miles Morales, where Mom is nonblack Latino and Dad is Black, a combination of two different cultures? In the case of writing them, you'll apply the same care you would as if they were any other character. Plus, Afro-Latinos may face a different experience of cultural racism and colorism that you'll have to consider as well.
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Question (because i'm curious and because i love enabling friends' hyperfixation): what is Tengu no Daidokoro? Why do you like it? What are you hoping for in a s2?
Also, should i watch it?
I adore Koisenu Futari and i have other similar queer-people-in-their-daily-life Japanese shows on my watch list (i loved my dining table and i have Kinou nani Tabeta and Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna waiting) that i just know i will love once i have the time to watch it!
Is Tengu no Daidokoro anything like it?
Thank you so much for this ask cause it gives me the opportunity to share my love for this show and also maybe make other people want to check it out.
Before anything else. This is not a queer show. All those shows you mentioned are some of my favourite shows, as you can see by my choice of pfp I adore Koisenu Futari as well. Kinou Nani Tabeta and Tsukutabe are magic and I really hope you get to them because they are so amazing. But Tengu is not that. It's an absolute gem and I adore it.
Now. Why do I love it? Why I am excited like it's christmas morning and I still believe in santa? So many reasons...
-IT'S GORGEOUS (if I hadn't binged this ,I would've giffed every frame)
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I mean the greens are just incredible. All the colours in these show are actually. The change in the colours is amazing as well. My delusional brain will believe that this second season was made specifically so that me and @colourme-feral could once again lose our minds over THE GREENS.
-It's about two brothers. (I love stories around family)
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Motoi (older brother played by Komagine Kiita) and On. A city 14 year old who comes to stay at his older brother's house in a rural area. They are estranged and have little in common. On is the perfect representation of 'kids these days...' (I know I'm getting old when this is what comes to mind), completely hates the idea of being away from the city and technology and internet (I related). Motoi is at home here, he's very quiet and calm. I love them. I love this relationship. I love how it grows and I can't wait to see where they go next.
-The food. (I love food)
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Motoi has his own vegetable garden and he makes everything from there or other local sources. Just like the shows you mentioned in your ask, the food is a major ingredient to this story. It's the thing that brings these brothers together as well. the scene in the above gif is one of my favourites because of that. Not gonna give you spoilers.
-The dog. but also...
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this is where the show takes a different turn than you'd expect. although not really because it's in the synopses, but if you only knew this show from gifs and this post you would not see this one coming. There's a supernatural element to this show. For starters that cute dog you see there, he talks. He's a talking dog!!! And he is delightful. but also this
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(Can we just stop for a second and appreciate how beautiful Kiita is? I barely recognized him in 25 ji.) So yeah it's in the show's name, Tengu's Kitchen. Tengu's are a legendary creature from japanese folklore and the brothers are descendants of them. (more info here about that if you're curious).
-The three of them.
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I adore them. I don't want to say more so you'll just have to watch it.
-the setting (did I mention it's gorgeous?)
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I know I've mentioned the visuals but it's not just that. it's the scenery and the rhythm and the music (I love the ost of this show) and the everything. Look I watch shows for a bunch of different reasons. This one, I watch it, or rewatch it as the case may be, for my soul. It's beautiful, it's soothing, it's touching, and I feel better after watching it. I really can't explain it any other way.
There are more things I could say honestly but this is already so much longer than I intended. But it's 10 episodes of 30 minutes and as with a lot of jdramas, an incredible human @aoinousagi has fansubbed it for our viewing plesure. here is the link to their post.
These are just some of the reasons I love it and can't wait to watch more. I never expected it but this day is better because of that announcement alone. I'm so happy. I will do rewatch soon, and probaly gif more of it so maybe more people will want to check it out.
@yannig thank you so much for this question. Sorry if it's a bit of a incoherent mess but I'm really excited and having trouble putting it into words. And I know there are a lot of shows to watch and not enough time to watch them all, so of course no pressure, but if you're ever in the mood for something that is wholesome and beautiful I do recommend it highly.
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mjstral · 3 months
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Meet Michiko!
Name: Michiko Ishihara
Age: 20 in the canon universe, 24 in my fanfiction
Affiliation: Black Oak, Amazzoni
Occupation: • flowerist (before)
• whatever the Amazzoni are lol (after)
Ability: the setting sun; it allows her to absorb the life energy of other living beings. If she absorbs too much energy all at once, she runs the risk of losing control. In this case her body can suffer serious consequences that often manifests as maniacal phases. To avoid this risk she always wears an obsidian stone around her neck which absorbs excess energy. If she absorb energy little by little she can heal herself and extend her life as much as she wants (to do so she must first remove the stone).
Love interest: Dazai ihih
Hobby: doesn't really have one and always complains about being bored
Likes: coffee, dogs, the sea
Dislikes: boredom, lemons, wasps
Personality: lively, confident, curious, sensitive, shrewd, spontaneous, witty, compassionate, honest, rebellious, naïve
Personal motto: life is painful and hilarious
More undercut
• inspired by the real Michiko Ishihara, Dazai Osamu's second wife
• I decided to give her the biological surname of her real counterpart and not the surname "Tsushima" to make her character more independent from Dazai;
• irl Michiko was a teacher but BSD Michiko doesn't want to become one, plus she's not very good with children because she doesn't have any patience;
• her ability is inspired by one of the book of Dazai Osamu, The setting sun in which her best friend Kazuko is the main character
• awful sense of humour. Just awful.
• Clumsy, not in the adorable sense, in the sense that she falls, taking down with her the name of every saint she knows and whoever is walking with her to hold on to her
• Happy that life has no meaning because she believes that in this way the human being can be the architect of their own destiny, but at the same time she's suffocated by the absurdity of life
• Too sincere
• "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"
• Mary Oliver poetry incarnated
• Sexy dumb bitch
• "the very reason to live is whatever you do that prevent you to kill yourself" (A. Camus)
• Crave a deep emotional connection with ppl
• Has a specific taste in men but can't recognise/explain it so if you aks her she'd be like:
"What's your type?"
"I like pathetic men."
• Parents issues
• Good and big heart but doesn't really know how to show affection (bc her father never did)
• Always down for throwing punches, but always tries to talk first
• Verbally attacks if she feels verbally attacked
• not to mention when she feels physically attacked
• Wants to understand people and why they do what they do, in fact it's hard for her to blame someone for their actions (unless they kill someone of course)
• Sees the good in everything, but it's far from being a soft character
• Sometimes she think she's God, sometimes she's a drama queen: "God's sense of humour is me", "but weren't you god?", "in fact I'm very self deprecating"
• Fear of abandonment but the one that makes you cry when you're alone bc you think about when shit will end so you self sabotage yourself and leave before you get left
• Michiko: I'm so wise.
Kazuko: You're a problem child.
Michiko: A wise one. I don't make the rules.
• naïve but doesn't seem to bother her
Dazai: why did you call me?
Michiko: I had nothing to do
Dazai: and I'm the one who came to your mind first?~
Michiko: yes, why? Oh, wait....... Eh, nevermind I guess you're right.
• she likes to give nicknames to people that think can represent their personality or traits.
Dazai: Bakazai
Atsushi: lil tiger
Murakami: mr. handsome asiatic (in Italian it's funnier)
Kunikida: kunikidazilla
•owns a motorbike. She bought it to piss her father off.
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 9 months
Bountyhunter/Thief reader x the Pirates ☆
Based on the pirate au by @mega-punani, check out her stuff if you enjoy this! They are currently not creating content for it but what is there is really lovely :3
Reader is trying to catch the crew for their bounty! Or at the very least, get some of their fabled treasures for themselves. Your specialities are thievery and catching people or crews alive, which usually yields more bounty anyway. Not to mention that if you can get people to talk, they may reveal more valuable information, items or treasures. Your skills are becoming pretty well known around te area, and that reputation will grow even bigger when you finally catch one of the big dogs~
Yeah thats right, the Skull Pirates' ship just docked nearby! A perfect opportunity. You realize it would be easier to pick them off one by one (fighting the entire crew is obviously a Bad Time) but oops the first one you picked is like kinda cute actually?? Wait scratch that you're here for the money! ...even if they have some redeeming qualities that make them not that bad and- hey wait when did you end up on their team?
Sans It takes him such a long time to wake up from the knock-out that you are frustrated before he even starts talking. After that it really doesn't help that he starts talking to you as if you were buddies chatting during break instead of, I don't know, a hostage situation?? You press a knife to his neck to shut him up but he just keeps talking, telling you he thinks you'll like some of the edgier types on his crew and making puns about sharp edges and this not being very knife of you, chill as ever. When a loud bang rings through the air and your hideout shakes, he breaks the news: his team is getting him back right now and he has decided you are joining the crew. He thinks you're cute and you've got skills if you can manage to knock out and kidnap someone like him. You know you don't stand a chance against his entire crew so begrudgingly you join, letting your displeasure be known every single step of the way. Even if they start to grow on you rather quickly. The crew is confused and amused about your arrival but they at least tolerate you due to you being introduced by Sans.
Papyrus You tried to lure him into following you with flattery, talking about his interests and even sharing gossip from the village. Asking him to assist you with something was far too easy and he seemed happy to help, stating that he would let his brother know where he was going just in case! He's been told there's some sketchy folk around ;) Before you can stop him he's marched off. You mentally debate on simply leaving now before deciding against it. When he returns he lets you know that his brother is excited to meet you! You are pretty much carried aboard by the pirate before you can even object, where a few curious crewmembers give you a quick nod before continuing their tasks. Shit, now half of the ship knows your face, your surprise attack is ruined! When Papyrus sees you pout he immediately makes it his mission to cheer you up again: he showers you in compliments, shows you every nook and cranny of the ship since you seem so interested in it and he encourages you to talk about your home some more. In the chaos of Papyrus's boundless energy he manages to introduce you to Sans and ask if you can join the crew ('Wait wha-'). Sans agrees easily ('No seriously wait-'), recognizing you from a wanted poster and knowing that keeping an eye on you is far easier like this. Not to mention that he can clearly see that his brother really likes you and that he is already winning you over bit by bit. Welcome to the crew kiddo.
Blue He's clearly trying to impress you. You can use that. He's another one you tried to lure with talking, but he was too stubborn to lure with flattery alone so you used the next best thing: a bet. Feigning innocence as a random townsperson simply curious about the new faces resembling the famous Skull crew, you challenged his abilities. Surely they can't be all people crack them up to be? If you lost, you would tell them more about that lost treasure your town has rumors about, and you would accept that he is simply amazing. If you won, he would help you carry those heavy groceries of yours to your home to make up for the lost time. You knew he was strong so you expected to lose. You were hoping to be introduced as an innocent citizen so the crew won't be suspicious if you show up again to snoop around. Maybe the cutie fool can even vouch for you! Worst case scenario you can get him alone in your hideout and knock him out, then get the information you need by force. Either way, you were getting a good deal out of this. Aaaah bummer, you lost~ Guess you'll give his crew any intel you have! Feeling accomplished, you let him lead you to the ship... where he promptly introduced you to the others as the famous bounty hunter they had been hearing so much about. He knew all along???
Stretch He woke up to the sound of someone softly playing some notes on his banjo, his hands and feet tied. He was too tired and hazy to think too much, but looking a little to his right, he saw you softly inspecting his beloved instrument: gentle touches over the wood, fingers following the pretty carvings along the handle. Soft notes filled the room when you'd pluck the strings gently, listening to the notes intently as you waited for him to wake up. You could've been a siren with how entranced he was... until you snapped him out of it by looking up to him with a mischievous, self assured smile, putting the banjo aside and moving far too close to him. Oh boy. When he was inevitably rescued by his brother, you escaped quickly through a window with a smile and a wink his way, intensifying his orange blush as he looked away. You still follow them around, looking to get some riches here or there. Whenever you encounter each other he can never look you in the eye, a rush of magic spreading across his face, which only makes the chase more fun for you. Eventually the crew outvotes him on trying to get you on board, and he really doesn't make too much of a fuss about it. At this point everyone just wants to see how this turns out between you two. (including him.)
Red Just because you flirted with him when trying to get him alone, doesn't mean he gets to keep flirting when he wakes up!! Every part of you gets complimented, every conversation topic gets turned into a pickup line, and every time you threaten him he tells you he's into that shit. You didn't even know skeletons had... eyebrows?? brow-bones?? but he keeps waggling them at you every time you try to get to the point. It's absolutely infuriating! Annoying! Revolting even! (so stop blushing!!) You are this close to hitting him in the face but he'll probably make a flirt out of that too. When his brother shows up to rescue collect him, you pretty much just shove Red at him and tell them both to get lost. Now every time you encounter each other he drops everything to flirt with you and to convince you to join them, even mid-fight. The crew knows about the whole thing too so you don't have the element of surprise anymore. God damn it.
Edge BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU- No but seriously he is pissed. You had jumped him from up high before he could set any traps to protect the ship's anchoring point! He would be even more pissed to be rescued by his crewmates, hoping to bust out by himself at least, or preferably even return without anyone knowing what had happened at all. Instead, you riled him up into talking, stole his keys and fled the little hideout to steal some of their treasure. Since most of the crew was looking for him on the shore you actually managed to steal some gems, but you were eventually cornered a few days later. He actually kinda respects your skills, he's just very butthurt to have been your first victim as the crew teases him for it a lot. In an act of reconciliation you prank the others and capture/'torture' them if any of them do something stupid or rude, showing everyone it's your skills that did him in and that he was no fool for falling prey to them. Although he nags about it to both them and you, he very quickly realizes that you are helping him keep the crew in check when they do dumb shit and you both reconnect from there. Now you're a terrifying couple to do stupid things around and you have quite the reputation. You both enjoy that a lot.
Razz You are confusing him with the way you act. You flatter him by calling him the most dangerous one there, saying how much research you had to do due to his reputation, telling him just how difficult it was to get some seastone to keep his powers in check... and you've stolen one of his maps too!! He is livid, seething, but keeps getting caught off guard by the flirtatious ways you address him. By the end of the day he's exhausted by the constant emotional whiplash you've been creating. When the crew comes for him you've already fled, leaving him tied to his chair. (insulting!!!) You sold his map for good money, which is how they tracked you down as he immediately recognises his own detailed work. You besting a guy like him made a good part of the crew curious about you though so now you are cautiously accepted in the group. Razz always brags about the quality of his maps to you and you tease him by telling him you'll steal them and sell them for a lot. Somehow, this has become the way you communicate. The higher a prize you name for a map, the higher its quality (and the more he blushes). When you're mad at him you tell him they won't sell cuz they look shitty. It's raining those days.
Cash He looked so tired and lanky that you hadn't realized he was part of the famed skeleton crew until you almost walked past him. It seems you surprised both yourself and him when you swiftly turned around and knocked him on the head, dragging him to your nearby hideout. Good thing you were always prepared for anything! And that no-one was watching. Now that he's awake, he's... far to meek. Almost a little smug, actually. You are suspicious of him, but he can't really do anything shackled up like this. Cash found himself in a really fun situation upon waking up: a good looking person standing over him, clearly ready to write things down in a little notebook and threatening him with the cutest little pocket knife he has ever seen. You remind him of his brother just a little bit... Welp, that does it. He's going to bully you into joining, this is too funny to pass up! Good thing he had impulsively stolen the keys from you before getting knocked out. Cash took you by surprise and carried you onto the ship, introducing you to everybody. He will never stop being a smug idiot about that story either.
Bear He's just sitting there, red eye on you and face blue. Maybe you shouldn't have come so close to threaten him, because as soon as you entered his personal space he completely spaced out. Fuck, did you get the mute one? How can you get information out of him like this! He's not holding anything of value either... maybe you can hand him in alone? It would ruin your beautiful complete-crew-cleanup-plan though... While you are contemplating just what to do with this guy, Bear is contemplating a few things himself: you're clearly not the most buff person, having relied on a sneak attack and the binds to keep him at bay. You were working on your own, which in a place like this likely meant you didn't have any close friends or family or you would've been in their gang instead. You also clearly didn't give a shit about his size, intimidating looks or injury, and while those thoughts made his face warm, it also meant you clearly had no sense of self preservation. Guess he has to take things into his own hands. He takes you by surprise by breaking the chair he was seated on, thus giving him enough space to remove his binds, and simply picking you up and taking you with him. He and the crew will take care of you from now on.
Cinnamon Ok you feel bad. He pretty much stumbled into your arms, apologizing profusely, called you pretty while looking up at you from within your arms and then apologized for the out of the blue statement in a whirlwind of stutters and sorrys. When after a second you recognised him from the wanted posters you knocked him over the head and he was out. You weren't even really hunting for the crew that day to be honest, just taking a stroll through the town for groceries. Now he's awake and stuttering so much you're not getting anything interesting out of him. You got close to his face to interrogate him properly and he almost passed out again. You end up dumping an awake him unceremoniously into his brother's lap, and now they know about you and are hunting you to be on their team instead. Sigh.
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randoimago · 10 months
Adopting a Dog Together
Fandom: Detroit Become Human
Character(s): Hank Anderson
Type of Request: Winter NPC Event Thingy
Note(s): Did a bit of researching for dog breeds for this one. But I love the idea of getting Sumo a friend just because Hank and Connor are probably busy a lot of the time so the poor doggo probably gets lonely.
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"I can't believe you convinced me to do this. You and that damn android," Hank grumbles as he walks around the adoption center with you, looking at the various animals as you smile brightly.
"It was actually pretty easy. Besides, you know Sumo is getting older. He could use a friend when you and Connor are busy," you reply and Hank sighs. That was your reasoning when you brought the idea up in the first place and Connor had easily backed you up. He even looked up a list of breeds of dogs that would be really good to have. Hank had to stop Connor when he mentioned dogs that are good with kids.
"You're assuming that Sumo will get along with another dog," Hank states but you both know that Sumo would be fine. He's gone to the dog park with you and played with other dogs there with no issue.
You continue your light bantering with Hank as you look over the list of dogs. You already made an appointment for a specific dog, but you still wanted to see what other dogs might be good just in case.
There was plenty of research that went into this before you got there. And even though you'd love nothing more than to take every puppy there, all three of you are way too busy for a puppy. A middle-aged dog seemed perfect.
"Wonder if we can post some of these flyers for the older dogs around the station." You hear Hank mutter to himself and that made you smile a bit.
It was time for you and Hank to go meet the dog. Connor was very pouty earlier when he got called in because he wanted to see the dogs too. But it's you and Hank as you hear the barking of the dog before seeing it.
"Hey, maybe it'll be a better guard dog than Sumo," you tease Hank and he rolls his eyes. The breed is apparently a good watch dog, which would be good to have since Sumo is friendly when people break into the house apparently (considering nothing really happened when Connor had broken in before).
There's definitely a bit of excitement between you and even Hank despite him trying to seem gruff about the idea. The door opens and the very handsome Bracco Italiano dog walks in. It's a bit curious with you and Hank in the room before it walks over to sniff around a bit.
"Hank, I love him," you tell the older man next to you, who chuckles. The dog seems to understand the praise, or at least your tone of voice, as it walks over and sits in front of you, allowing you to give him some good pets.
"Yeah, he's a good boy," Hank replies and pets the dog too. You both had thought you'd have to look through a few more dogs before you found the one, but like with you and Hank, it was also love at first sight with this dog.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
hi! idk if youre taking requests atm so in case u don’t, feel free to ignore this :-) anyways, i’ve been obsessed with the way you write and i was wondering if you could write something with niragi, inspired by house of balloons by the weeknd!! i think his character kinda suits the lyrics so i thought that could be fun!! it can be anything rlly, smut, angst or just anything :-) tysm and have a good good day!!! 🫶🫶🫶
Heyy :)) This is my first request since quite a while so I'm actually pretty excited right now :D Thank you so much <3
I listened to the song a few times beforehand and you're right, it really suits Niragi.
I took a lot inspiration from these verses:
You look into my eyes You can't recognize my face You're in my world now
So just don't blame it on me, girl 'Cause you wanted to have fun
Oh this is fun fun (...) This is fun to me
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Suguru Niragi, fem!Reader
• Genre: Angst
• Warnings: abuse, bullying
I have no idea how I was able to survive so long without anyone by my side. I lived like a stray dog for weeks until I met these really nice guys (who probably just wanted to fuck me). They had a fucking car and told me about this place.
The Beach. That's how they called it. It used to be a resort back in the real world. Some crazy guy, Hatter, found it and created some cult-like society. I didn't had the best gut feeling but anything was better than my current situation. So I let them touch my tits a few times and in return they took me with them.
The Beach was a way bigger deal than I thought. Dozens of players lived here and there was food, water and electricity. This place was actually alive.
Yes, it still was a weird cult-like place, but a safe place afterall. I was just supposed to bring the cards I own to Hatter (they didn't exaggerate, this man was definetly some kind of crazy) and had to wear swimwear so I couldn't hide any weapons on my body, which actually made sense to me.
The guys that brought me here explained a bit more to me. At first I didn't want to listen, but when they mentioned the militants I started to pay attention. Because they where allowed to carry weapons with them.
I didn't really care about anything else they had to say about them.
They where allowed to carry weapons with them!
Call me paranoid but I would feel so much more safe around here if I had a gun or something. These people might be in the same boat with me but everyone would safe themselves first from drowning. Me too.
They wanted to survive. I wanted to survive. And in the time I was here I lost a lot of my empathy because it would get me killed in the blink of an eye.
"Who is the leader of those executives?", I ask, swirling my (h/c) hair around my right index finger while putting on my best doggy eyes.
They looked at me like I was just as crazy as Hatter but after a few seconds of hesitation they answered anyways. "Aguni. Really short hair, scar on his face. It doesn't matter though, you instantly feel that he is the leader, when you are around him."
I took note of the facts about his appearence anyways, just in case.
"He is never alone though. His comrades are like flies, pretty sure this man doesn't even shit alone." I ignored his comment and was already looking around.
"Imma head to my room guys", I said without looking at the men. "I'm tired." They either didn't caught my lie, or they simply didn't care. They just nodded and let me head off.
I was of course not going to my room. I was way too curious about this Aguni. The things I would do for a stupid gun...
The sun was long gone when I saw him. The boys where right, he had this aura that basically screamed at you. And as expected, he wasn't alone.
For a second my confidence began to fade. Did I really want to talk to this guy? Would that be as smart as I thought? But I caught myself quickly again. I would die one way or another, where is the difference if it's through a game or his hands?
After I took a deep breath I stood up from my chair I had sit on and walked straight up to him. People stared, some whispered but I ignored them.
"Are you Aguni?" I ask him when I arrived in front of him but before he could even think of an answer another man slipped around him and build himself up in front of me. A big gun rested on his shoulder and the amused look in his dark eyes showed that he wasn't afraid to use it.
But there was something else in his eyes. Something so familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe we went to school together? That wasn't so unlikely based on how many people were here.
"Do you really think our boss has time for a stupid chick like you?", he asked while he grinned like an idiot. A hand placed itself on his shoulder and shoved him to the side. "Niragi." A voice scolded him.
The name didn't ring a bell. I probably saw him around school sometimes. Based on how he acted here he probably was one of those bullies in school that degraded literally anyone. You didn't even need to look or act different, sometimes you where just at the wrong place at the wrong time and your school year was literally over.
"Let her talk", the voice appeared again. Agunis voice.
I tried to make myself taller than I was and tried so desperatly to look brave, that I probably looked like a fool. "I want to join the militants."
I held my breath while biting my tongue. I really didn't know what to expect. Maybe he would kill me right on the spot? Or maybe not. I didn't know which one I would prefer.
He tilted his head and eyed me from head to toe. "It's not that easy." "I don't care!", I interrupted him and felt the heat spreading into my face immediatly after I spoke.
There was silence for a short while and I was absolutely sure that someone would kill me on the spot, but then he laughed quietly which scared me even more. "Or maybe it is that easy after all", he said eventually.
I felt the burning eyes of his subordinants and for a second I thought I would throw up on Agunis feet. "I like you. You're in."
I didn't know what just happened. It was so much yet nothing. All it took was for me to interrupt the leader? This had to be a trap, right?
"Nobody dared to talk to me like that since I came here", Aguni explained. "Don't think I would tolerate it, I don't, but at least you're somewhat reckless. If you're reckless in other aspects too, this could work." His hand dissapeared in the pocket of his jeans and came back out with a pair of keys which he handed Niragi. "Show her the guns."
Niragi looked far from happy about this order. "Why me?", he asked rather irritated. Aguni looked him dead in the eyes. "'Cuz you're my right hand. And you do what I say."
It looked like Niragi wanted to say something but bit his tongue. Instead he turned around and stormed off. Without saying a word I followed him, now even more scared than I was before.
Niragi walked quick and with big steps he crossed the halls of The Beach. At a heavy door he stopped and turned around to wait for me. "Hurry up!", he yelled annoyed while waiting for me. Slightly out of breath I stopped next to him and looked while he opened the door which revealed a rather dark stairwell that only lead down. "It's downstairs", he explained before starting to walk again.
I tried my best to stay beside him while we walked down where I supposed was the basement. Here were probably the generators and all that kind of stuff.
We crossed another long hallway until he stopped at the last door on the right side. Then he used the key to unlock the door and before I could process everything properly I found myself between dozens of weapons and guns.
Niragi pushed me inside and quickly closed the door behind him. Then he locked it and turned around to look me in the eyes. Fear crawled up my throat and my heart started to beat faster than it ever did in my whole life.
"Long time no see (Y/n)", he said. The keys dissapeared into his pockets so I had no chance to get them. Confusion mixed with my fear. "You know my name?"
His smile appeared back on his face for a second but then faded again. "How could I forget?"
My confusion grew while I desperatly tried to remember from where I could possibly know him.
"Come on", he cooed while he looked at me with expectant eyes. "Don't you remember?" He raised his free hand, made a circle with his thumb and index finger and held it in front of his eye, mimicking glasses, while tilting his head to the side. Then he pushed his lower lip slightly in front of his upper lip, frowning exaggerated.
It hit me with such force that I felt nauseous again. The sad face he put was badly played, but I could see it anyways. I saw the boy with the glasses in front of me, crying while my brother swung the baseball bat. "There it is", Niragi whispered. "The recognicion."
All those years I tried my best to forget these eyes. And I did. But now it seemed like this was a huge mistake.
„When I saw you upstairs my stomach dropped. I thought one of us would die when Aguni said I should show you the guns. The thought of all the feelings you could bring up again did something to me but I must admit that it’s rather pleasant to be alone with you.“
I stumbled back, tried to get more distance between us but Niragi instantly closed the distance again by taking the same amount of steps in my direction I took to get away from him. Not because I was scared, not only, but because I was emberrassed.
"How's your brother?" My eyes locked with his. As I looked longer into them I see how broken they are. Just like back then, but still different somehow. The eyes that looked into my direction, screaming for help, which I avoided like the plague because the guilt shook through me. The guilt that I didn’t dare to help him.
My brother made me look how they tortured him and for everytime I looked away, he would hit me when we got home. With his fist, with his belt or he would throw plates or glasses at me.
"I'm sorry", I whispered, tears stinging in my eyes. Again I avoided his eyes but I couldn't for long because his hand found my face and forced me to look at him.
"I remember your black eyes, the gross swelling shimmering a different color everyday", he whispered and I felt his breath on my face. "Blue, violet, yellow, like a violent, ugly rainbow."
Niragis eyes studied my face, stopping at the scar over my eyebrow. I knew he looked at it because I it suddenly started to throb just like the day I got it.
"That was for when I didn't threw the baseball at you", I answered before he could ask anything about it. It felt good to remind him, remind me, that I didn't want this to happen. When I refused to, he threw a mug at me. It broke it half when it landed on the floor, then he picked it up and threw it again. It cut into my skin leaving the about 2 inch long scar behind
"Where is he now?", he asked still inspecting my scar. I shrugged my shoulders. "I came here alone." I was scared that he might thought I was lying but he seemed to believe me, which made me relax a bit.
"He'd be surprised what his little games did to me. What I have become…" He let go of me but I still looked at him. "I always liked you, you know? You understood." I nodded. "I will kill him if I ever see him again." I nodded again. "And will make him suffer how I suffered." I nodded a third time while I took a glance at his pierced tongue. The pictures of the dirty needle my brother pushed through it popped up in my head again.
"I will find him and then we will play my game." Niragi walks up to one of the shelves and took a gun, rather small compared to his, then some ammo and handed it to me. "Our game."
I looked at the gun in his hand. It was my choice. If I take it I would make a pact with him. I hated my brother with all my heart but I was still hesitant. Is vigilantism the way? My way?
"It's your choice", Niragi reminded me. I took the gun. There is no justice in Borderland, so why not make it myself?
"I will make it my world", he said. "Where no one will look down on me ever again. On us."
His eyes practically burned into mine but I couldn't look away. My iris's where tied to his and I wondered if somewhere inside was still the Niragi I met in the past or if it destroyed him completly.
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ballcrusher74 · 8 months
hello. are you. perhaps 👉👈 willing to talk about the inspector/faux. ive only seen cool arts and no context so im rather curious.
OK!!! I actually love rambling about my ocs so small questions like this make me day. I just get nervous LOL But! I will say, there's gonna probably be a bit I'm leaving out because it does involve my friends' characters and it's still an on-going thing atm (we tend to roleplay on lethal company as our guys. btw the oc group is called Cleanup Crew ! it explains the recent reblogs and new tags I've added on posts with this guy) AND this does also involve my own little interpretations of in-game mechanics and other things, but otherwise, I'll get the rest of him down!
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Inspector, also originally known by the name of Terrance Conroy (or Terry), was a typical scavenger working under 'The Company' after a couple rough times on his home planet. (This information isn't necessarily set in stone, but the idea of him being a washed-up rock star before quitting his passion to get a job that pays his rent has been bouncing around in my brain.) He used to be a normal guy, trying to find a little hope in his desperate situation, and was a social butterfly. He tend to bounce from crew to crew, sometimes staying in some for only a couple days, and some for months. He was a very careful man, and looked out for his fellow crew members.
And then, one day, his first death on the job happens.
But instead of being greeted by a bright white light at the end of a tunnel, or complete pitch darkness, he appears on the ship again- completely physically fine.
This.. confuses him at first, yet he continues on.
And then he dies again. And again, and again. Over and over, the more deaths he's endured, the more he comes to a morbid realization that he can't truly die, nor can those around him. He tries to keep this truth hidden away from the others, as they seem to not have mentioned it at all before. He remembers everything. Every time he was ripped to shreds by an eyeless dog, every time he blew up into pieces from a landmine, every time he was shot multiple times, every time he was left behind or ejected as part of the disciplinary process- He felt it all and remembered it all. This goes on for the course of years (around 8-10 roughly) and over that course of time, he begins to grow very careless. What's the point of saving someone if they'll just come back? What's the use of tears when you're only a couple dollars off quota with a shovel in hand?
What's the point of it all? And with that carelessness comes selfishness into the picture. With how long he's been stuck in the cycle, he has become a very manipulative person, putting up a playful and nice persona on the outside- almost sickeningly sweet- in order to help other's do his bidding. He believes that if he were to cause so much chaos, disorder, and disruption within a crew, to where it's like animals mauling each other apart, he'd be able to break free from it himself. He doesn't care anymore about leaving others behind. He's desperate at this point to find a way out. Faux, who is an alter ego / disguise for Inspector, ties more into the on-going events right now, but I can give a basic rundown on his personality. He's a klutzy and quiet man, typically only talking to others when it's just him and them, and nobody else around, playing himself off as a selective mute. Since this is just Inspector in a jazzy little jester outfit, he still possesses all the traits of that man, just hidden away as to not blow his cover. He's still tugging on the strings in some way, people just don't realize. Sure, he's off putting and just a tad bit strange, but how can a goofy man like that be terrifying?
WOOOW ok that's a lot more typing than expected, but here's also a couple fun facts about the guy !
He stands at 6 feet and 1 inch, and is a very lanky guy compared to others, but this wasn't always the case. He used to just stand at 5 feet and 6 inches, and had more normal human proportions. With how many times he has died and how long it's been of the cycle, it has fucked up his appearance a LOT. Other things include : his 'skin' being grey, his voice constantly sounding like it's coming from a walkie talkie, no visible neck, his face becoming the helmet itself (it still bleeds, but there's nothing in there), and inhumanly flexible.
The only thing left of him that represents his last strand of humanity, is a singular, dim eye behind the tape on his visor.
He is very much not a rational man anymore. He is quick to jump to things, and won't hesitant with his actions.
When waiting to return from death, he is able to manifest in someone's head as a disembodied voice, and will typically mock them, or try and manipulate them further. In this state, he can see everything through the eyes of the person he's haunting. ^ Fun fact about this! This was originally based off a stupid bit where my friend was streaming LC to me with other buddies on the game and I kept telling them to step on landmines and then kill someone for a promotion, and then Inspector was born!
and UH I think that's about it I have for the guy atm! If the rest of the cleanup crew gets dropped than I'll update this accordingly perhaps. As of right now, enjoy my oc slop 👍
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Ok, girls I need to tell you a few things:
I want you to know that I love you, I really enjoy our gossip and talks on so many topics about our fave man, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for every time you're open to discuss whatever subject here with me.
However, this time I really need to ask you to stop flooding my inbox with questions regarding a person I'm not willing to talk about or mention ever again, the reason is simple, Noah dislikes this person and clearly doesn't want anything to do with her. I don't think I need to remind you he blocked her, because he can't stand her and had his reasons to decide to draw the line at her, so why on earth would I use my blog to talk about a person who has nothing to do with Noah anymore, it's been years, YEARS, since this person was part of his life, believe me when I said if he wanted this woman to be with him she'd be right by his side in this moment, but it's not the case. I understand if you tell me you felt curious bc this person was involved with him for a short time, well, let me tell you, Noah's relationship with Harper (the dog) has been way longer than the time he shared with this person and I don't see you all obsessed over cute little Harper. So I just hope we all can move on to stuff that are actually happening in Noah's life currently. I can't tell you what to do with your time, but as for my blog I tell you, we won't discuss that topic never again. Hope you understand my point and that what I just said won't offend you in any way. Let's just stop giving attention to irrelevant persons, if it's not important for Noah, it isn't important to me!
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pentacle-artist · 2 months
So I realized that most Layton minigames are given with the reasoning of NPCs giving Luke something to play with. Then I thought about Mystery Journey's lackluster minigames. Like, seriously, they just exist because Layton games have them to unlock challenge puzzles (I mean, Passers Buy is pretty fun, but it's not exempt from this).
Then I thought of something. There are 3 main characters. The minigames already aren't relevant to the plot, so they should've given each member of the trio their own minigame.
Here is what me and Sleepy came up with
Katrielle- something like the tea minigame from Diabolical Box but desserts. You either get a delight or something not meant for human consumption. Completing a recipe gets you some trivia (maybe about the significance or the preparation) and Kat's thoughts on whatever was made (maybe Ernest and Sherl too, but definitely Kat). Maybe a dessert could remind her of people she knows like the Professor, Alfendi, Flora, or Lucy, or Ernest. One last idea that's a bit of a stretch but could be neat is getting the real-life recipes upon completion. It would mean the desserts would have to be simple enough for a kid to make with their parents, but still. Regardless, it'd be easy to have it be unlocked in the first case, considering how important sweets are in it.
Ernest- Flower arranging. There are blocks of a certain flower in different colors that you need to arrange a specific way. Like with Kat's desserts, completing them gets flower trivia and comments from Ernest. A level involves roses, and he comments about being reminded of when him and Kat met. He mentions a different type of flower being his mom's favorite. Maybe a level's flower could even be relevant to the case just completed through symbolism or something. Not entirely sure how it'd be unlocked. There could be a short bit added to case 2.
Sherl- This one was the most difficult to think of, but maybe something similar to the inn minigame in Curious Village. Except, instead of collecting furniture, you're getting stuff like dog toys and treats, and you get Sherl's thoughts on them. Would also be easy enough to implement early game, heck the first item unlocked could be his basket. Maybe a couple of items you get later on make him think of Kat and Ernest.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Absolutely love that gif of him on ur bsf to lovers post. 😩
Anyways, afab reader wears a short skirt and a lace thong that barely covers her privates <3 she teases eddie during a dnd campaign and bends over etc until he can’t take it anymore and he pulls her onto of him and moves her hips up and down as he fucks into her 😖 soft dom eddie and hellaaa praise
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I'm combining this with a request for an Eddie breeding kink...I hope that's okay!
(”Breeding kink, you finding out by him looking at baby commercials and being nice to Dustin and the other kids thinking about him having one of his own”) @hahahafucku
Warnings: this is literally all smut and I think there’s a plot in there somewhere (18+ minors begone), breeding kink, public teasing, semi-public sex I guess, language, brief mention of reader’s body size
WC: 2.6k
A/N: I usually don’t write fics this smutty so pleeeeeeease let me know what you think! Too much? Not enough? Just right?
"Hey, babe?" You're glancing at the shopping list as you make your way through the store. Eddie was just by your side; you're supposed to be helping him pick up snacks for his campaign tomorrow, but your boyfriend has wandered off yet again.
"Eds, where are you?" you call out softly, attracting the attention of some irritated customers.
"Over here," you hear from four aisles down. You huff and make your way to him.
"Babe, do you really need four different types of chips?" you ask, but he's drawn into the products on the shelves. You look at what he's staring at: rows of diapers and jars of baby food.
"Are you pregnant or something?" you joke, poking his side. He jumps as you break him from his trance. "You okay?"
"Y-yeah," he shuffles towards the cart and plops down the cans of soda he'd picked up. You're not convinced but place the thought on the back burner for now.
Why would Eddie be interested in baby products?
You wait until you're back in his beat-up van, bags of junk food loaded into the back.
"So, you wanna tell me what that was all about?" you ask, more curious than accusing.
"Come on, Eddie. Why did I catch you looking at baby stuff? Not just glancing, but really looking?" You'd been together for awhile, and you knew he wanted kids one day, but there was no way that he wanted them now...was there?
"I dunno," he replies sheepishly, long curls falling over his face. "'S stupid."
The worst-case scenario flashes into your mind. "Oh my god, did you cheat on me and get her pregnant?"
Eddie laughs louder than he intends to; your accusation is just too ridiculous. "Absolutely not! You know I only have eyes for you, sweetheart." He gives you his best puppy dog look and kisses you hard.
"Then why won't you tell me what's going on?"
He sighs and throws back his head in defeat. "Fine, but just...don't judge me, okay?" You continue when you nod, palms moist with sweat. "Okay, so, I've been thinkin'," he starts, looking down at the car floor nervously. The engine is running though you're still parked, and he kills it. "Thinkin' about how goddamn gorgeous you would look if you were havin' my baby."
Huh. Well, that wasn't what you'd expected him to say. "You mean in, like, ten years?" But you know better.
Eddie shakes his head. "Nah, sweetheart. Right fuckin' now."
"Oh," you manage, "but you're still in high school," you point out, though you know exactly what his reply will be, and you're right.
"Only for another month. And babies take a lot longer than that to cook," he grins while he says it, and you realize that he's no longer looking at the car floor, but at your stomach. He's imagining you pregnant with his baby.
"Wow," you breathe out. "Can I-can I think about it?"
His eyebrows shoot up; clearly, he was not expecting you to even consider this proposal.
"Y-yeah, baby. Of course." He presses a kiss to your cheek, though you can tell by the bulge in his pants that he wants to do a lot more. He starts the van up again and heads for home, leaving you with a lot to think about.
You thought about the prospect of having Eddie's baby all night. In the shower, you ran your fingertips over the flatness of your stomach, thinking about a bump there. A bump that held Eddie Munson's child.
Yes, you were young, but you'd been together for two years, and you were also adults. Adults with jobs--you'd been working full-time at the bank since you'd graduated last year. And Eddie will be working full-time with Wayne at the plant soon. You'd already discussed moving in together; you promised your parents that you and Eddie would graduate before doing so, and that day would be here in just about four weeks. Maybe you could do this.
The easiest way to tell him would be to call him, but you had a better idea. You'd see the feral look in his eyes when he mentioned his desires--why not allow him to...give in to those carnal instincts?
The plan was perfect. You'd ditch work claiming a stomach flu (no one wants someone vomiting all over the workplace) and sneak back into Hawkins High. You'd been gone less than a year and still knew the layout like the back of your hand. Most importantly, you knew the abandoned janitor's closet on the second floor, the one conveniently near the drama/Hellfire room where you could sneak off and make a quick wardrobe change.
There’s no mirror in there, of course, so you just hope that your red lipstick isn’t smudged or on your teeth. You smooth down your black tank top, adjusting your breasts so that your cleavage is perfectly framed by the neckline. The icing on the cake is the tiny miniskirt that falls at the top of your thighs, exposing the long legs that stand in your heels.
School’s out, and Eddie’s told you that Hellfire is starting a bit late today so that the boys can watch Lucas Sinclair play in a basketball game. Eddie never got the hype of school-sanctioned sports, but it was important to his little sheep, so he’d compromised. Worked out for them, and it also happened to work out perfectly for you.
You knew Eddie would already be in the Hellfire room, meticulously setting up his campaign. You could picture him pacing anxiously around the table, ensuring everything looked just right. With a peek into the hall that showed the coast was clear, you scurried into the room where Eddie was chewing on his thumbnail, looking over his Dungeon.
“Hey there,” you say softly, and his head snaps up at the sound of your voice.
“Y/N, what are you--oh, holy shit.” His tone turns from confusion to pure lust as he eyes you, taking in you and your outfit hungrily. He runs his tongue over his lips involuntarily as he makes his way to you.
“Do you like it?” you feign shyness as he grabs your hips and pulls you as close as he can. You can feel him straining against his zipper already.
All he can mutter is “Oh my god,” as he buries his face in your neck, kissing it sloppily and sucking bruises into your skin.
“Figured we could try for that baby you mentioned, but I didn’t wanna wait for you to get home,” you shrug as he moves his hands under your short skirt, moaning audibly as he presses his palms against your bare ass, left mostly uncovered by a lace thong. When he hears what you’ve said--really registers it, which takes a moment--he pulls back.
“Are you serious?” He smiles, holding your face in his strong, calloused hands. 
You press your own hands to his chest and whisper into his lips, punctuating your statement with a series of kisses. “Eddie, I want to have your baby. I want to get big...and round...and swollen...growing each month...with your baby.”
He shivers against you and hoists you up, slamming you against the wall; you wrap your legs around him as he pushes your skirt around your waist. He starts to rub a finger against your soaked panties, when you both hear it:
“Can’t believe the other team didn’t show!” Lucas. Oh, no.
“Buncha pussies, forfeiting like that,” Dustin’s voice rings out.
“At least Eddie will be glad we’re starting on time,” Mike chimes in.
“Fuck,” you hiss, “hand me my bag. I can run into the corner and throw on my pants.”
Eddie lets you down but grips your wrist. “Not so fast,” he growls. “I just got you how I want you, and I’m not letting you go.”
“B-but the boys--”
“We’re not fucking in front of them,” he dismisses your concern, “but you’re gonna sit on my lap, dressed like my perfect little slut.” He grabs you by the hem of your skirt and you yelp. “You think I’m gonna let my fantasy slip through my fingers?”
You nod, feeling a heat rising in your lower body. 
“So now, you’ll be a good girl for me. You’re gonna sit on my lap, be my...helper...during the campaign, and then I’m gonna fuck a baby into you once we’re done. Got it?” He tilts your chin up so you’re looking directly into his eyes.
“Yes, sir.” Eddie takes his seat on his throne and you do as he’s instructed, feeling his erection underneath you as he slides a ringed hand up your thigh. 
“Welcome, boys!” Eddie’s voice booms. You feel a blush creep up your neck toward your cheeks. “Got my little helper here today.” He takes the hand farthest from the boys and squeezes your ass and you gasp softly.
Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be, Munson? you think. Game on.
You spend the rest of the Hellfire meeting doing whatever you can to torture Eddie. You’re constantly “repositioning” yourself, grinding on him and feeling him grow harder with each subtle movement.
“Knock it off, princess,” he whispers, but you’re in the mood to be a brat. You pretend to get a little sleepy and stretch, showing off your breasts in Eddie’s face. You watch his eyes flick to your chest before returning to the game.
While he’s reading the next part of the campaign aloud, you place your palm on his jeans, right over his cock, making him take a sharp breath in.
But your grand finale is when Gareth rolls the D20 and it lands right in front of Eddie’s notes. When it’s Mike’s turn to roll next, you stop him.
“I can get it, Wheeler,” you say, leaning over and giving Eddie a clear up-skirt view. You know he can even see your clothed pussy from the angle you’re giving him. 
Eddie hooks his arm around your waist and pulls you back down, glaring at you.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him innocently. “Am I not helping?”
“Okay, that’s it,” he mutters before turning to the rest of his group. “All right, we’re wrapping up for the night.” His announcement is met with a chorus of grumbles. “Hey, hey, hey, I don’t wanna hear it! We will continue this next week.” 
The boys file out of the room, mumbling about Eddie’s bizarre behavior. Once they leave, Eddie grabs you, positioning you so you’re straddling him in his throne. 
“What the fuck was that?” he pulls your hair to bring your face closer to his. “You tryin’ to make me blow my load in my pants? Sounds to me like you don’t really want me breeding you.”
“N-no, I do. I do,” you whimper. “Want your baby, Eddie. Please.”
“I don’t think I believe you. I need to be convinced,” he sneers.
“Please, Eddie. I need you to breed me. Need you to fill me up with your cum and get me pregnant,” you beg. You allow yourself a small sigh of relief as he eases his grip on your hair, but it’s short-lived, because he tears off your thong with a rip and slides his pointer and middle fingers along your wet folds.
“You’re soaked, princess,” he groans. “I love how wet you get for me. Ruined your panties and now you’re gonna ruin my jeans.” He presses one finger to your aching clit, making small, slow circles, and laughs menacingly as you cry out.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, mocking your earlier question. “Can’t handle being teased?” When you don’t respond, he moves his finger faster, rubbing your clit harder. “How’s this?”
“S-so good,” you manage, grinding back and forth on his finger. You want--no you need--him inside you, but you don’t dare tell him that for fear he’ll deny you that pleasure. “You know exactly where to touch me.”
Eddie beams as he receives the praise, moving his finger from your swollen nub to your pussy. He slides it in and curls it, pumping it in and out, your beautiful moans ringing in his ears. He adds a second finger and lets out a moan of his own as you clench around him.
“Sorry, baby,” he apologizes preemptively. You’re confused until he removes his fingers and cleans them with his tongue, leaving you hurting for him. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls down the zipper, palming his cock through his boxers.
“Eddie,” you whine, “I could’ve done that for you.” Touch-starved and desperate for affection, you lift your own shirt over your head. A sheer lace bra leaves little to the imagination.
Eddie sucks on the exposed part of your breasts, leaving hickeys all over them. One hand still on his erection, he uses the other to unhook your bra. As soon as it clatters to the ground, he’s groping your tits, biting your nipples as pleasure and pain intertwine and you scream loudly.
Not wanting to take his hands off of your breasts, he shuts you up with a kiss. “Can’t...fuckin’...wait...any longer,” he pants, and you take his rock hard length into your hand. You start to move to get on your knees, but he stops you.
“Need to be inside this tight little pussy,” he orders, rubbing his cock along your wetness until he’s covered in your slick, and he presses himself into you. “You were made for me, you fuckin’ know that?” 
“I’m all yours,” you agree easily, matching his rhythm as you ride him. “My body belongs to you, Eddie. You can do whatever you want with me.”
“Fuck, baby,” Eddie’s groaning. He grabs onto your hips and moves you exactly how he needs you. “Your body, your mouth, your everything is fuckin’ perfect.” His thrusts get faster and your orgasm builds inside you as you feel him get deeper, hitting that spot over and over again.
“Eddie, I’m gonna cum,” you plead, asking for permission rather than telling him. “Please let me cum all over you while you fill me up.”
“I’m cumming, too.” He grips your sides even harder, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass, and you suspect there will be bruises there tomorrow. He slams you up and down over his cock and you finish with tears streaming down your face. You feel him shoot thick, hot ropes into you. With the little strength he has left, he places you onto the table, still inside of you.
“Lay back,” he orders. “Don’t want any of this coming out. You gonna get knocked up today, aren’t you, princess?”
“Y-yes, Eddie,” you whisper. You watch as he pulls out of you. He frowns when he sees cum running down your leg. With a quick swipe of his hand, he pushes it back into you.
“You took all of me, didn’t you? Such a good girl,” he remarks. You’re too fucked out to muster up a response, and he notices. “Poor baby. I really fucked you good, didn’t I?”
Eddie puts himself away and sits back in his throne, admiring his work. “Love seeing you like this.”
“It’s all you, Eds,” you finally say. “All because of you, and all for you.”
“My beautiful little vixen,” he throws his head back with a low growl. “Tell you what. You stay just like that, make sure it takes. Then we’ll go back to my place and relax, okay?”
“And go for round two?” you ask mischievously. “Make sure I get pregnant tonight?”
Eddie laughs. “I wish, but Wayne will be home.”
You beckon him to the table and pull him in for a long, deep kiss. “Guess you’ll just have to keep me quiet, then.”
Taglist: @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @benztripp @ali-r3n @munsonology
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
I was wondering how it would be like for yoosung and mc if mc was allergic to animals. More specifically cats and dogs (since thats what he deals the most with in his job). I feel very curious thinking about this. And ofc its like after he starts working as a vet
Hmm, it would be something for you two to discuss for sure! Allergies can vary from very mild to very severe in terms of how they effects you... Your health and overall well-being is Yoosung's top priority. He might make fun of Zen sometimes for his allergy, but I can't see him doing that to you. (which Zen will quickly pick up on and call him out on it in the next chatroom lol)
I believe the first time you'll have a conversation about this would be when he decides to adopt Lisa. Of course, it all depends on how severe your allergy is. But, if we're talking about a scenario where you two decide to make it work with Lisa in the picture, it will take a lot of teamwork!
Your allergy won't be a huge issue during the first few months, or maybe even years of you two seeing each other, given that you don't live together. He will make sure to thoroughly wash his hands and clean his clothes of any cat hairs before going out to see you. Jaehee gives him a whole lot of tips on that! How helpful. Jumin is perplexed.
Still, it's not like your allergy gets ignored and brushed aside. Oh, no. Not in a million years. He might be a vet, but he's still in a medical profession, so your health concerns him very deeply.
You might say that it's fine, and that you can deal with it by yourself whenever you come over, but he won't have it. Yoosung is a dedicated man! He'll do his own research, maybe he'll even bring this issue up with his colleagues who have way more experience than him, once he starts working as a vet. Maybe he has someone who's in a similar situation with their resoective partner, who can give him some useful advice! You won't even notice every little thing he does for you until it hits you one moment. He never mentions the specifics, just that he'll do his best to make you as comfortable and safe as you can be.
Lisa will be carefully taught to not roam over the kitchen and bathroom counters, giving you a safe space to work with in case you need to cook something or go to the bathroom. Once you two move in into a bigger apartment, you'll have two bedrooms, one of which has a balcony and is prohibited from Lisa's visits. It also gives you a safe space to go to in case your allergies get especially bad. Having an opportunity to slip out onto the balcony to breathe some fresh air helps too. Vacuuming is essential, and both of you do it in your respectful parts of the apartment, with Yoosung covering Lisa's 'favorite' rooms to lounge in, while you're cleaning up the more fur-free spots from any stray cat hairs. Windows are often opened to make sure your living space is full of fresh air for you to feel comfortable.
Lisa doesn't get ignored in this predicament either! Don't worry, she gets lots of cuddles and attention from Yoosung to satisfy your needs. She even has a dedicated corner all for herself in your apartment! Full of toys, blankets and a big scratching post for her to enjoy. Depending on your allergy, you can pet her sometimes too! She's a member of the family, and she knows it.
Needless to say, you two get complimented on how your clean your apartment is every time someone comes over for a visit. Zen is especially pleased.
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billycorn · 4 months
Babe come quick, Billycorn just dropped the most insane lore about himself in the tags of a reblog game I tagged him in—
On a more serious note, holy smokes, you're studying marine biology??? You've raised honeybees??? My guy you can't just drop these pieces of trivia and dip.
What's your favorite thing about studying marine bio?
Do you have a top five list of marine animals you like?
Do you have a favorite ocean zone (or level / depth range— I can't remember the proper term for the different depths of the ocean)?
What was your experience raising honeybees like? Did you learn anything neat about bees at large, or even just your hive(s) in particular?
Would you recommend raising honeybees to hobbyists, with your experiences in mind?
Do you have any tips for someone wanting to start out in beekeeping? (If you can't tell, I'd love to get into beekeeping, even just as a field of research, hehe. I'm not in a place to have a physical hive anytime soon)
One last question— you mentioned liking hot chocolate. Do you have a favorite mix? And do you like to add things into it, like whipped cream and cinnamon, or a peppermint cane to stir it with? If so, what do you like adding?
I really like this ask because it gives me the opportunity to "drop these pieces of trivia and dip." That said, I'm gonna give a bunch of information no one asked for, because why not? (You opened Pandora's Box)
For context, I grew up on a small farm in the Australian countryside, a little ways from a major city, and we had a lot of animals, including: Dogs, Cats, Turtles, Doves, Chickens, Guinea Fowl, Peacocks, Guinea Pigs (who I am very allergic to), Cows, Horses, and Fish. One time, I found a Fox pup who'd gotten separated from it's Mother so I cleaned it up and took care of it until the local Forest Rangers could come pick it up. I swaddled him in a blanket and he started purring (I didn't even know foxes purred, it was a little different to a cat's purr), and he's held an honorary place in my heart since. Hope you're doing well out there, Junior!
Now, for the BEES. I don't have too much to say about them because they were largely self-sufficient. I helped build the hive (we just had the one) and put it in a sheltered spot, to protect from bad weather. After that, we moved the colony in and let them do their thing. We got the colony in Summer so they had plenty of time to build up their honey reserves before winter, when they'll eat a lot of it. The first cycle of seasons, you don't harvest any honey because the hive needs time to establish their honey stores. Also, it's good to be aware of any diseases present in nearby hives, in case there's any cross-contamination.
Raising the bees is my Dad's hobby, I just helped set it up and then stand back and watch as he gets stung harvesting the honey because he refuses the wear the bee suit. More than once I've been outside and seen him go sprinting past with a bunch of angry bees chasing him. The honey was delicious though.
If someone really wants to get into Beekeeping, I'd say go for it, but if you're not certain, then hold off. Also, research the different types of hives before you get one - mine is a flow hive. Fun fact, the demeanour of the Queen effects the colony. If the Queen is aggressive, the colony will be aggressive and more likely to sting. If the Queen is placid, you'll have any easier time.
Okay, onto Marine Biology! In Feb, I moved out of home, several hundred kilometers away to study Marine and Antarctic Science, majoring in Marine Bio. It's been a massive few months. I'm almost finished 1st semester (2 exams left, wish me luck) but I'm still pretty early into the course.
My favourite thing about Marine Bio is just how much there is to learn. I'm curious by nature and the oceans are filled with things to learn about that I never would have guessed. I was flabberghasted when learning Starfish are considered invasive pest species in some parts of the world.
Favourite Ocean Zone, I'm most comfortable on the Continental Shelf, but the Hadal Zone is the coolest. The deeper you go the weirder the sea life gets and I just think that's neat.
Top five marine animals:
Turtles (any and all) (Also, Carracosta is one of my top 5 favourite Pokemon)
And finally, Hot Chocolate! My favourite mix is Jarrah, a few teaspoons, boiled water and some milk, maybe a marshmallow on the side. I haven't tried adding things like Cinnamon or Mint, but I'm thinking I should now.
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not-a-good-writer · 1 year
David Livesey × reader | Dog Days
AN: David finds a stray puppy and you two decide to adopt it.
CW: none, just fluff
The heavy rain beat down loudly against the roof of the house. You hoped David would be able to make it home safely. Sometimes unexpected storms came up when he was taking house calls, and a few times he had to stay at a nearby inn for the night.
Thankfully this wasn't the case, as you heard the front door open and close back quickly. You jumped up from your seat and ran to your lover, "David!" You gave him a big hug, not caring that he was soaking wet, "I'm so glad you made it back safe!"
"Careful darling." He adjusted himself before hugging you back with one arm. It was then you noticed that one of his hands was tucked into his coat, "What happened? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, but this little one isn't." He pulled back his coat to reveal a small puppy, soaking wet and shivering. "I found it all alone on the road, and I just couldn't leave the poor thing there." You're heart melted at the sight of the little dog. You took it from David's arms and craddled them close to your body. It looked up at you and wagged It's tail, despite cleary being weak.
"What was it doing all by itself? Was it's mom not around?" David shook his head, "Not from what I could see." After removing his coat he gave the puppy a few head pats, "Why don't we get you warmed up little one?"
You grabbed some towels and blankets and brought the puppy into the living room while David went to change. You sat by the fireplace and rubbed the puppy down vigorously to dry it quickly; this made it think you were playing, and it kept trying to play tug-o-war with the towel.
You also checked to see what gender it was, finding it was a girl. Once she was dry you bundled her up in a blanket and set her on some cousins by the fire.
David came into the room shortly after with a bowl in his hands. You gave him a curious look, to which he replied, "I figured they would be hungry."
"They're a she." you informed him. "Ah, a sweet little girl." He sat down next to you and the puppy's nose twitched in the air as it smelled the food. She jumped up from her cocoon and barked excitedly. "Ha ha, yes, here you are." He set the bowl in front of her and she started devouring it immediately.
"You poor thing, you must've been starving." David pet the puppy's back while she ate. You leaned into his side and watched the little dog fondly.
"Are we going to keep her?" David looked at you and smiled more than he already was, "If you want to, then I don't see why not." You smiled back and snuggled against him. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in closer. The puppy had finished eating and cralled into your lap to cuddle too.
"She's really friendly." You scratched her ear and her little leg started kicking. David chuckled, "Quite adorable too, like someone else I know." He pressed a kiss to your temple and you felt your face heat up. David patted your shoulder and moved to stand up, "Well, it's quite late, my dear, we should be heading to bed." You looked at the clock and it was indeed late. You stood up with the puppy in your arms and headed to the bedroom.
You sat in the bed and watched David set up a bed for the dog. He took a shallow basket and put a pillow in the bottom with blankets surrounding it. One he was finished he patted the dog bed and the puppy waddled over, sniffing it before climbling it. She turned around a couple times before laying down.
David stood up and got into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you close. "What should we name her?" David pondered for a moment, "How about Sokro?"
"Sokro?" You questioned. "It's short for sokrovishche, Russian for treasure."
You giggled at the mention of treasure, "Maybe. We can figure out a name in the morning." David hummed and kissed your forehead, "Goodnight my love."
"Night, David." Soon the two of you drifted off to sleep, wondering what life with your new companion will bring.
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