#in my defense i was like 15
hollowfairybabybat · 6 months
gna out myself as so cringe but u all knew that rly but holy shit living tombstone did a remix of the hot song from hazbin(poison) and im obsessed with it anyway gna cum to this (not rly m supposed 2 b edgin again lol) LIKE HE INCLUDED THE I OWN YOU OR HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT LINE IN IT (sorry angeldust's abusive relationship makes me so needy valentino says n does some things that r rly hot okay and he owns him like uhhhhh)
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kideaternomnom · 4 months
JJK’s god forsaken fandom has done lots of characters dirty. Whether it be downplaying Nobara’s backstory, some calling Maki a “Toji copy,” you get it. However literally no other JJK character has been done as dirty or bad in the fandom than Megumi:
His trauma and his damn FATHER leaving him gets downplayed by the fandom, saying how “he said he didn’t care.”
He gets called bland, yet if his insecurities are explored along with his inferiority complex it either gets ignored or he STILL gets slandered.
When he is appreciated he either gets sexualized or watered down to his long eyelashes.
Good fights that show his INCREDIBLE smartness along with fighting the curse, Reggie, Kirara, etc get ignored or get credibility taken away.
The scene where he literally gets Yuji back up at the campfire is ALSO ignored. (Without Megumi or Todo Itadori would’ve given up. It’s no debate.)
Gets sexism from toxic masculine wannabe “alpha” boys who are butthurt he isn’t your typical “cool powerful badass.”
(MANGA SPOILERS) His body when taken over by Sukuna gets touched inappropriately by Yorozu, which can practically count as SA. However literally NOBODY notices this.
His dynamic with Tsumiki and how much he cares for her is undermined.
Literally almost all scenes that show his mind and depth gets undermined.
Some people say his backstory “wasn’t that bad” just because he had Gojo take him in. ☠️
He gets victim blamed for what happened with Sukuna in the manga.
(MANGA SPOILERS) He gets blamed for being depressed and giving up when his LITERAL REASON for becoming a Jujutsu sorcerer and living is gone, along with his body being used to kill his own mentor and taking billions of hits.
There’s literally so much more but I’ll stop there. The way Megumi aka a literal TEENAGER is treated in this god awful fandom is actually so disgusting, and reeks of major apologism along with victim blaming. It’s sad because Megumi is easily VERY well written and complex. He just had to be in this illiterate fandom. Seriously, f this fandom. 😭
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mechazushi · 16 days
Kaiju Number 8 Incorrect Quotes <take9>
Mina: Hey Kafka! Are you wearing your running bottoms. . . and your hoodie? Reno: Kafka, are you going running? Kafka: . . . *nods* *leaves* Kikoru: Have fun! *Kafka leaves the room* Reno: Oh my god, what is wrong with Kafka right now? Soshiro: Yeah, is he okay? Kikoru: Kafka is going for a run. If anything, we should be asking what is right with him. Mina: Kafka only goes running if he's upset and he's wearing his sad hoodie, and by the looks of it, it's been washed, which is bone chilling. Kikoru: He's fine. Everything's okay. Iharu: I JUST PASSED KAFKA ON THE STREET, RUNNING ON PURPOSE! OH MY GOD!!!! Kikoru: . . . Maybe I was wrong. Iharu: *halfway out a window, shouting* KAFKA! ARE YOU OKAY? Iharu: I SEE YOU! AND I LOVE YOU! Kikoru: In my defense, no one here emotes in a normal way Soshiro: Yeah, that's fair.
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urlocalbitchboy · 1 year
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*crawls out of a bog coughing up blood and presents this*
Can y’all tell hurt/comfort is my favorite?
Also happy fall!
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seamayweed · 5 days
In Defense of Lady Kang/Queen Sindeok (1/3)
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As promised, here's the first part of my defense of Queen Sindeok, explaining her historical political situation + clearing up some common fandom misconceptions about her, which I don't blame anyone for since they originate from the show itself. I must admit that I have a bit of a soft spot for her since history generally tends to be unkind to women - this extends to modern media and MCTNA is no exception:
(more under the cut)
Before we start, I thought I'd give a small refresher on the Yi family constellation - crucial for setting up the conflict and crown prince issue - with the aid of this extremely useful graphic by bodashiri (excluding the daughters for simplicity's sake):
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(From here: x)
As you can see, Yi Seong-gye (King Taejo of Joseon) had two wives:
His first wife Lady Han (Queen Sinui) gave birth to six sons: 1. Yi Bang-woo (Prince Jinan), 2. Yi Bang-gwa (Prince Youngan), 3. Yi Bang-ui (Prince Yikan), 4. Yi Bang-gan (Prince Hoean), 5. Yi Bang-won (Prince Jeongan) and 6. Yi Bang-yeon (Prince Deokan).
His second wife Lady Kang (Queen Sindeok) gave birth to two sons: 7. Yi Bang-beon (Prince Muan) and 8. Yi Bang-seok (Prince Uian),
meaning that Seong-gye had eight sons overall.
With that out of the way, let's get started!!!
1. Queen Sindeok was NOT a concubine
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(From here: x)
She is referred to as Yi Seong-gye/King Taejo's capital/Seoul wife in the show too:
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However, every time Bang-won calls her a concubine and her children illegitimate there is never any pushback or correction by anyone, not even when he calls her younger son Bang-seok/Prince Uian a ‘seoja’ (illegitimate child born to a commoner concubine or royal concubine) in front of Seon-ho:
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You'd think Seon-ho would defend Bang-seok by correcting Bang-won... but nope. Nada.
Not even Queen Sindeok (!!!) is allowed to defend herself and her children when they get accused of the same:
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Like, what is this madness!!!
Anyone who doesn't know about Korean history would never even SUSPECT that this isn’t actually true, and that Queen Sindeok is in fact a legitimate second wife and queen. By giving no pushback to the (false) claims of illegitimacy, the show seems to implicitly support Bang-won’s narrative of her being a lying, conniving, greedy bitch who wants to push her child on the throne despite having no right to it whatsoever as a concubine and bastard respectively.
Queen Sindeok's tragedy, the one that MCTNA fails to portray, is not that she was a concubine who tried to rise above her station (because she was not); it's that, due to the transition from Goryeo to Joseon, she found herself caught between two conflicting sets of laws:
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(From Tombstones without a Tomb by Hildi Kang)
A queen while alive, and unjustly demoted to a concubine in death by Bang-won/King Taejong who used these legal changes and the new Confucian ruling to his advantage, her status was a matter of contention for scholars and kings alike for almost 300 years, until finally, in 1669, the scholar Song Si-yeol managed to amass enough people and put enough pressure on King Hyeonjong to make him give in to their demands and restore Queen Sindeok to her rightful status and honor as queen.
+ Bonus:
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(From Tombstones without a Tomb by Hildi Kang)
Turns out that according to the new Confucian ruling, Bang-won himself should have been considered illegitimate too!! Surprise!!!
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alexcabotgf · 10 months
not to be true crime posting on main but i think i'm falling down the wm3 rabbit hole again
#xenia.txt#when i tell you this case keeps me up at night to this day#not even the murders themselves as much as the general public's reception to and opinions on the case 3 decades later like#i get why it;s always been so divisive especially after the pl docus came out (lots of opinions on those btw none of them are good#from the bottom of my heart fuck you joe berlinger and bruce sinofsky)#but it's truly baffling how no one is willing to do the research on what is arguably THE most well documented true crime case in recent#history like. everything that's ever been released to the general public is available online and i mean everything#you can find all the court files trial transcripts depositions interogation tapes aerial photos you name it it's out there for anyone with#internet connection to access at any and all hours of the day#and yet people are still foaming at the mouth fighting on reddit abt their innocence based off nothing but a couple of movies like#bffr with me right now!! almost every point the innocenters make can be easily debunked by scrolling through callahan for 15 minutes#'but they've been pushing for dna testing since their release so they can't be guilty' baby the case is closed!#it's been closed the second they took the plea. they can be striking under that courthouse and it still won't change a thing and they knowi#that's why they're pushing for it in the first place but that's just my opinion#^ and i say they but it's really only echols which makes a lot of sense to me personally#and if you want to talk abt dna testing let's talk abt the one that was done in 2011 and how the defense hurried to propose the plea as soo#as they got the results! let's talk abt those cause no one's ever seen them and i would very much like to#braga share the results the people want to know!!#makes me wonder which pieces of evidence they even submitted for that 2011 testing because if i'm remembering correctly#there was one that would've closed this case instantly and maybe that's why the results were never disclosed and the plea was rushed#but that's also just my opinion#and it's also interesting how the majority of people who have in fact deep dived into this case#(and i'm not talking abt big true crime youtubers as i'm very sceptical abt their research abilities)#all collectively lean towards guilty. much to think about#i was hoping someone would make another ~actually~ unbiased documentary for the 30th anniversary and go over all the case files#but i don't think that's even realistic at this point seeing as everyone and their mother has some sort of an opinion on this case#hbo deserves another lawsuit for this. they should've never won the first one in the first place#true crime tw
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dandyshucks · 4 days
i Love pkmn but i love it as a worldbuild. when i play the game its just bc i like exploring the world and the critters. and i feel like everyone else who likes pkmn are all ppl who Love the games and competitive parts of it. so i feel a little embarrassed about not being a game-lover and competition-lover... i simply enjoy the world and the silly creatures 😭😭
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littencloud9 · 4 months
thinking abt kunikida in the sheep au…
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peaches2217 · 3 months
I come from a family of singers, and while I didn’t inherit the Actually Good at Singing gene, I used to love singing anyway. I’ve always been an alto, and my deeper voice was always a point of pride for me! I was into musical theatre, and when I would actually be cast, I’d find as many loopholes as possible to sing lower than I was supposed to. I wanted to be a Broadway actress. But I wanted to play women’s and men’s roles. I wanted to be known as the woman who could be a man just as easily and just as flawlessly.
But after a, uh, particular incident at a singing contest, I realized just how much I actually sucked and swore off singing for the rest of my life; I’ve been slowly allowing myself to sing again through my twenties, but never where others can hear.
While my speaking voice hasn’t dropped as much since starting T, my singing voice has. I’ve been testing my low range by singing the opening of The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg and seeing how many notes I can actually hit, and I’ve been kinda dissatisfied, because I still can’t hit the bottom notes. But as of late I’ve found myself cranking off into musical theatre pieces whenever I’m alone and cleaning or driving or what have you, and the more I go through, the more I realize my voice is, at present, so much closer to the voice I always wanted growing up.
While cleaning the windows at work, I cranked off on the most hilariously passionately rendition of Who I’d Be, which has always been one of my favorites, but one I could never sing; it went too low, and raising the key took it too high outside of my range. Now? I can hit every last note. Not well, of course, but I never once struggled in the lows. Now I can’t stop singing it, because I’ve wanted to sing it since I was thirteen and now I finally can and I’m needlessly emotional over it.
I dunno. It’s just nice. This is the first time I’ve felt happy about my voice since I was in middle school, and it’s empowering in an odd sorta way.
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fuckinart · 7 months
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new tablet who dis
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one-bunny-a-day · 10 months
head in hands I did it I finally missed a day right at the finish line too </3
two bunnies today to make up for the 20th ig
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purpleshadow-star · 9 months
Apparently there's been a lot of discourse about Nico and Percy on Twitter lately? Idk about here cause I haven't seen much personally, but here are a few facts I think people need to remember, coming from someone who is rereading the series right now:
Nico and Percy do NOT hate each other. They don't even dislike each other
Nico never hated Percy. Nico never really blamed Percy for Bianca's death (he was projecting. This was explained in tbotl).
Nico never wanted Percy dead or to get any revenge on Percy for Bianca's death
Percy never bullied Nico or was even outright mean to him, except for in the Last Olympian
Nico and Percy were on good terms by the end of the Battle of the Labyrinth. They were fine. There was literally no bad blood between them
NICO WAS WRONG TO TAKE PERCY TO HADES WITH NO WARNING. Nico thought Percy wouldn't get hurt because Hades told him he wouldn't hurt him (remember, Nico has no reason not to trust his dad), but Nico still could have at least explained the situation to Percy before taking him to Hades. There was no need to trick him. Percy might have even agreed to go talk to Hades to help Nico in exchange for Nico's help gaining the curse of Achilles, or explained his history with Hades and that Hades was most likely tricking him. Nico probably would have listened! There should have been communication from Nico to Percy
PERCY WAS WRONG FOR THE WAY HE TREATED NICO IN THE LAST OLYMPIAN. Yes, he was stressed. Yes, he was under a lot of pressure. That does not excuse his actions. Him being mad at Nico is 100% understandable. Him holding a sword to Nico's throat and purposely not moving it when he realized Nico was there to get him out is inexcusable, especially when he claimed Silena and Luke were heroes after they got multiple demigods killed and almost killed him/ got him killed multiple times (he called them heroes in the same book, when he was just as stressed, if not more so bc he was literally in the middle of fighting a war and people were dying around him). All three of them took actions to right their wrongs, but only Nico isn't considered a hero to Percy? Why, because he didn't die for him?
Regardless, Nico and Percy DO NOT HAVE BEEF after that. Nico convinced Hades to help and goes and helps in the battle of Manhattan, and Percy appreciates and acknowledges it. No more beef between them
I'm going to stop here because I haven't reread the Heroes of Olympus series yet, and I don't want to misremember anything, but the point is:
Nico and Percy have a complicated relationship. They both have hurt each other, but they've moved past it. They're friends. They're not super duper close, but they do care about each other, and no one can or should deny that.
The faster people accept that they both have done bad things to each other and have moved past those things and don't dislike each other, the faster we can put an end to this ridiculous discourse.
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rainbowninjas · 2 years
I have this kakagai prompt where everyone speculates about Kakashi and Gai, but no one knows they are actually married, except for Tsunade (because she had access to all files when she became Hokage) the administration chunin that processed the marriage documentation…and Lee. 
He figured it out at 12 and it was confirmed by Gai himself when Lee asked him. Later, Kakashi also confirmed it and that was it. 
So years later, when some powerful nobleman comes to Konoha, ready to negotiate an arranged marriage with the Rokudaime to either his son or daughter, Lee is very confused when everyone goes into shock after he kindly reminds the nobleman that an arranged marriage will not be posible because Kakashi-sama ( “Please drop the ‘lord’ part, Lee”) is already married to Gai-sensei because, well...wasn't that common knowledge? 
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songmingisthighs · 6 months
imma just pop in here and say that kpop groups have been going to american music festivals since the 2010s, why is it only a problem now? and i mean, ateez isn't even headlining, so i lowkey feel like yall are making this out to be a wayyy bigger deal than it is. like, it's giving possessive, its giving delusional. and not like "delulu" but "Delusional." capital D. kpop has been getting popularized in the US since psy came out with gangnam style, and then even more so in 2017 when BTS dropped DNA. like it or not, kpop is a very popular genre in the united states, and a large amount of companies revenue at this point comes from ticket and album sales in the states. also, calling the girls at coachella "bandwagoning blind basic bitches" isn't the serve you think it is, bc guess what? at this point, kpop is basic bitch music. and it has been since like, 2018. and that's okay. you will live!
you're missing the context like i'm over here on earth and you're in the next galaxy because
a. don't talk to me about hallyu wave, i've been here since 2009 so you sit your dumb cowardly ass back down and stop shitting in my ask box
b. you're missing the whole point and you not asking context or explanation and just jumping into conclusion says A LOT about your comprehension skill
c. i didn't aim that title at anyone in particular it was just me being dramatic but hey you seem to be triggered so i guess you feel like a bandwagoning POTENTIAL blind basic bitch and i feel sorry for you, do think of yourself a bit more highly mkay dumbass?
d. no kpop is not basic bitch music but maybe to you because you are a basic bitch like look at you so fucking creative hiding behind anon trying to go off but failing like pls you sound like my 12 year old little brother trying to justify his bad grades like go off, loser, waste more time and energy, this is fucking entertaining for me like seeing a muppet get angry lmao
e. kpop is popular everywhere, just because the us had FINALLY catch the fuck up doesn't make it special, okay karen ? there are us kpop fans who have been around since the time suju members could bend down without their backs cracking but rn industries in the us just wanna use kpop as money printing machines rather than actually welcoming the culture and that's how business works, i know, but doesn't mean i have to like it and i can comment on it
f. i don't have any problem per se, i just have opinions like yours but mine is not infringing on other people's spaces and i actually have a point
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thedrotter · 5 months
cw blood (kind of? in different colors that dont make it look quite like it), organs
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warm up + greyscale screen filter challenge !!! featuring yuuichi eating normal human (in origin) food😁😁😁
#re:kinder#fanart#yuuichi mizuoka#he was meant to be eating watermelon#but as usual my brain felt silly goofy and decided to twist it for the lols#havent done rendering since i was 15 have mercy#since this is a warm up there are. more mistakes than usual but in my defense i forgot how to draw#michael how did you forget how to draw you were drawing JUST 4 DAYS AGO#ocurre y acontece the yet to be diagnosed and determined hand condition has been acting up in those days i have not drawn#AND SOMEHOW IT MESSED WITH MY HAND TO EYE COORDINATION it got rid of my inner calibration settings ig#but since being out of it for days in pain made me sad I WAS NOT ABOUT TO BE STOPPRD FROM DRAWING YUUICHI FOR THE MILLIONTJ TIME#it would have been a bad idea to let myself rust even longer because i dont know if unspecified undetermined condition will act up tomorrow#so irs best to draw and warm up and set back them inner calibration settings#IT WORKED AND THIS DRAWING TURNED OJT BLUE😭😭😭#OF ALL THINGS I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD TURN OUT BLUE whenever i did look at the color wheel i swear. i was on the warm side#placed greyscale filter on computer so i wouldnt see color and painted like that tossing random colors AND YET IT TJRNED OUT UNIFIED#which. welcome results but i cannot believe it is blue and green. i swear whenver i looked at thay cplored wheel it was up in the warm side#well most of the time i did not look at it so it makes sense i didnt realize but i seriously did not think it would look as coherent#doesnt have any deep meaning or anytjing i just found random referenxe and flew from there#but interpret as you will if you wanna
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violettaenlaluna · 5 months
When Violetta 1 came out in my country Disney aired it only in Spanish without any kind of translation, so I couldn't really watch it. I only watched the commercials as only they were translated and I thought Tomas and Leon were besties and Violetta is just trying to ruin their friendship ☠️
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