#in regards to types and weaknesses and strengths
wet-toast-slime · 6 months
in regards to my unpopular opinion about pokemon does not own the monster collecting genre, and how not every monster collecting game is a pokemon clone--
if you want to talk about pokemon clones just look at palworld's plagiarism problem
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soaringwide · 6 months
PAC: What should I focus on to achieve success in my chosen field? - Career tarot reading
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Pile: 1 > 2 > 3
Today's reading is a career reading about "What should I focus on to achieve success in my chosen field?"
The reading is going to be kept open regardless of your chosen professional field to be applicable to various situations. I will focus on two aspects: 1) an analysis of your current situation so that you can asses and work on yourself; but also 2) the steps you can take in the world to better the situation.
It is important to have a chosen field in mind when picking the pile/picture as it is not meant to tell you what you should do, but rather help you move forward on your desired path, whether you're currently working in this field, or thinking of doing so in the future.
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Cards: Wheel of Fortune rx; Justice; Death rx; 9 of Wands + Queen of Wands; Page of Pentacles rx + The Moon rx + Page of Wands; Knight of Swords rx + 5 of Wands + 10 of Pentacles; the Chariot
Let's start with where you're currently in your career to see if it resonates with you and if you got the right pile. For some of you, it seems you've recently experienced a pretty harsh turn of events in your career that was sudden and unexpected. Perhaps you got laid of or something you were hoping would work didn't. For others, it could also be that you're still waiting for luck to turn in your favor, you may be looking for the job or opportunity of your dreams and feeling quite frustrated by the constant struggle. In both case things are not exactly going well so we'll see what you can do to turn things around.
If we're talking about success, we need to define what success is like for you in your chosen field. With Justice upright, being successful for you would mean a sense of authority in your field, as in, people come to you for advice and look up to the quality of your work but also your work ethic. They would see you as someone very knowledgeable and with a form of wisdom regarding their field. Someone who's able to take hard decision where others would fail to be up to the challenge and face the dilemma. They would respect you and your position.
For the strengths you can count on in order to achieve success, with Death reversed, I definitely think you're not someone to give up easily. Regardless of the setbacks you face, you're able to stay on track and keep your eyes on the price. There is an element of stubbornness but in this position it's actually quite positive since it's what's allowing you to keep pushing where others would have given up. This determination, even in the hardest moment where all hope seems lost, is key to your future success.
Now for what's hindering you, it's quite interesting because it seems to contradict your strengths but I think it's only here to show that these weaknesses have the potential to be turned into strengths, and also bring some nuance to the reading.
What I see is that despite not giving up as we previously saw, you're also prone to feel like the underdog, doomed to be alone against everyone having to constantly fight against people richer and stronger than you for what belongs to you. You have the potential to be a leader and be fully confident in your capacities, but right now it's appearing as a weakness, showing that you haven't embraced your leader-potential just yet. You might be hesitant to take risks due to the uncertainty and you're merely reacting to events rather than taking them as an opportunity to climb higher. You need to learn to take initiatives if you want to step into your power.
3 cards popped out for you mental or emotional blockages. I definitely think that you have this ingrained belief that you're not worth the qualities I described in the previous paragraph. You feel too young, too inexperienced and perhaps not strong or passionate enough to embrace them. But it's a mental blockage and not something rooted in truth. You also have some type of trauma regarding financial abundance, as in, part of you is stuck thinking you will always lack what you need to be at ease, or that you will always miss the opportunities that arise in front of you. I would definitely work on dismantling these beliefs because they are hindering your growth. Everything is learned either from childhood or from later in life, and there is no reason for history to repeat itself unless you let it dictate the way you think and act.
As for what steps to take in order to move forward towards success in your chosen field, you need to resist the temptation to rush and be hasty in your progress. With all the setbacks you're experiencing, it can seem like a good idea to go full force but it's not what's needed in your case. Rather, you should plan ahead and take deliberate steps and building your foundations with a directed focus instead of splashing around. You also need to be mindful of your words and how you come across and keep the idea of collaboration in mind, be it through working directly with people or through networking I'm getting. With that said, you still need to be your own spokesperson so be assertive and don't let competition trample you over. Perhaps your field is very competitive so you'll have to learn to find that stimulating and bloom in that instead of feeling crushed and diminished. There is also the idea that you will be able to achieve success through the help of people around you. It can either be family, friends or work connections you networked with. Perhaps you need to team up with someone and start to make your own path. Regardless, don't look at everyone like they are a potential threat but see the opportunities that can arise when you join forces.
Finally, you need to believe in your own success and abundance. Yes things aren't so great right now but it doesn't mean it will always be the case. You need to learn to believe you're the one in control of your life and lean into that power.
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Cards: Ace of Pentacles rx; Knight of Wands + Queen of Cups; 5 of Cups + 7 of Swords; 8 of Pentacles; 7 of Wands; King of Swords + Queen of Pentacles; the World
First of all, we need to start with where you're currently at in your journey to see if it resonates as the right pile for you. I definitely feel like you're quite early in your journey, perhaps even at the ''planting the seed'' phase. You got the Ace of Pentacles reversed in this position which to me means that the seed of your journey just hasn't landed in the soil yet. All this potential and energy is currently still in the realm of your mind.
It's underlined by the bottom of the deck being the world which signifies a world of opportunities waiting to happen in reality. You're definitely at a crossroad so we'll see what can be done about that.
I felt like it was a good idea to define what success looks like to you before looking at what to do to achieve it. So I think for you being successful entails being passionate about what you do, having the motivation to wake up every day without feeling like you're wasting your life. You want to feel in control of your life and that means spending most of your time doing something meaningful to you. I also feel like doing something that's emotionally fulfilling is important, and for some of you that might include something creative or artistic. In both cases, the financial abundance is important but it's a byproduct of doing what you feel fulfilled by.
As to what are your strengths, I think you're someone who's not afraid to take twisted path to achieve your goals. You might be ''street smart'' in the sense that you learn things on the go and in unusual ways and are able to see shortcuts where others only see the main road. I also get the sense that you're able to take a loss because you know that not everything is ever going to waste and that there's always something to learn from every defeat.
For your weakness, I definitely see a lack of experience and skills, which is good because it only take time and energy to remediate. However you need to be set on putting in the work in the long run in order to actually kick of your career otherwise it's remain nothing but a dream. I'm also getting that some of you might struggle with procrastination and feeling overwhelmed by tasks easily.
As for your blockages, and it is in line with my warning of the last paragraph, you might have a tendency to get discouraged easily and give up, where, again, success is all about being determined and working in the long run. Do not let setbacks or obstacles waver your motivation and ambition. It would be a good idea to reflect on what situation triggers such reactions and where it is rooted from.
Finally, for the steps to take toward your success, you definitely need to learn to be disciplined and structure your thoughts, and I'm getting, learning journey. Be clear with what you want to achieve, set down goals and work earnestly towards them. You also need to be practical about your goals and nurture yourself like you would a garden. You're not gonna shout at the plants because they don't grow fast enough. Instead, you research how to better care for them and you provide. Stay flexible in your mind and actions in order to react to events with grace, build onto your strengths to sharpen them, and stay focused on your goal. I'm getting drawn to the idea that the task you're trying to tackle requires many different elements of things to learn or acquire, so really focus all your attention toward one at a time, make it stable and fully integrated, and move onto the next stage of your progress.
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Cards: Ace of Swords; Ace of Pentacles; 10 of Swords + the Fool; 5 of Wands; 3 of Wands; 5 of Swords + Ace of Cups rx + Temperance + 4 of Wands rx + the Moon rx
Let's start with where you're currently right now, so that we can make sure it resonates and that it's the right pile for you.
Right now, with the Ace of Wands, you seem to be at the very start of this venture, whether it's a new career path or your very first idea. More precisely, you're in the planning stage, using your mind to figure out what's the best course of action to take in the future, weighting the pros and cons and drawing out a path for the future. I see you gathering information and knowledge about your chosen field so that you can make your entry in the best condition possible.
As to what success looks like to you, with the Ace of Pentacles, I think it's simply pointing at when you'll be able to make money from it. Not that you don't want to aim for something more, it's almost like a symbol of making your first coin, that will lead to many more. With the Ace there's always the idea of potential to come, so I definitely see that at the moment success for you will be to get your foot in the door so to speak, in order to build on it later on. It's also possible that this venture for you is a new chapter of you life and putting the gear into motion is what success is to you.
As for the strengths you can count on in order to achieve success, I definitely feel like you've been through a lot and that it's taken it's toll on you, but that it actually became a strength for you since it's paired with the Fool. I was trying to express this idea when I thought about a qhote from Nitzsche which I think expresses it perfectly:
"One returns regenerated from such abysses, from such a severe self-consumption of grave suspicion, having shed one's old skin, more ticklish, more wicked, with a finer taste for joy, with a more delicate tongue for all good things, with more joyful senses, with a second and more dangerous innocence in joy, at once more childlike and a hundred times more refined than ever before." - Nietzsche - the Gay Science
So yeah, I think you are now rejuvenated and you heart is strong and you're full of desire to take on life and make something glorious and beautiful out of it.
For your weaknesses regarding your career, I think you lack a competitive mindset and that you compare yourself too much to others, thinking you're somewhat lacking in various departments. You're overthinking what others think about what you do and you overheat yourself instead of directing this energy towards your goal. Definitely something you can work on if you find the roots of this lack of self-esteem.
For what mental or emotional blockage you hold, I think you're blocked in the thinking stage of you project and you fear taking the first step. It's like, you know it's not going to be easy so you navigating the waters because you feel safer on the shore even if nothing happen. Perhaps you just need more time but really nothing is ever going to happen if you don't take the plunge so be careful with that. Putting your project into action is not going to be easy, but it will be even harder if you never leave the harbor.
For advice on how to move forward, a whooping four cards came out.
You need to recollect your strengths and prepare for the next battle. Take stock at what you've learned in the past, what has been lost vs won, and how you can build on it in order to propel yourself forward and get out of your current situation.
There is also the need to feed your own emotional fulfillment and not think about money and practical aspects only, which might be a reaction to our current capitalistic world but is not going to feed your soul. Whatever you chose to do next, make sure it aligns with your heart's desire and not just what will bring you a quick buck.
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huellitaa · 6 months
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girl's guide to academic success: ep 1! ⊹˚. ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 this post focuses on: actively rooting for success! ♡ part 2 -> ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 1. organisation
first off, have something to organise ur academic life with! i personally use notion (which i'll add later) but u can use anything as long as it's cute, convenient, unique and accessible to you, your life and your schedule specifically. especially as a visual learner, i like to have somewhere i can dump literally everything regarding a singular area in my life, so i do this for almost everything along with school and i highly recommend this <3
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 2. recognition of talents & improvements
analyse your strengths and weaknesses. think back on tests, exams, marks, and analyse which ones you got highest and lowest on. dont beat urself up for it, obviously; it's just to check which subjects you're doing good in and which ones have room for improvement. for example i love science but im not the best at it sometimes and we had an assessment recently and i didn't get as high as i'd like so i wrote down a little list on a piece of paper in my pencilcase for the topics i got the least in for me to study on my own to practise later.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 3. laying out goals
set down specific goals; i like to do this week by week accustomed to my schedule that week in my school notion page along with images and vision boards based on the term/semester, but you can do it for the week, the month, the year, anything as long as its helpful to you
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 4. productive planning
plan accordingly based on ur time energy. when creating any to do list or productivity plan dont pile a ridiculous amount onto it that just leaves you stressed and overwhelmed because that defeats the entire point; this works the same for academic plans and goals and lists etc.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 5. extra credit
put extra work in to the subjects you know will help you in the future. for example, for my personal aspirations i need to excel in english, history and textiles so i always try my absolute hardest and put my all into those lessons and do extra studying for them in my free time where i can. school is to prepare you for the future so take advantage of that
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 6. asking questions
please don't be shy to ask questions! that's what teachers are there for and you won't have them forever so take advantage of it while you can! you can even do it in that little window of time just after class if ur too nervous to ask in class. for example, on my last english exam i went to my teacher after class and asked about what i needed to improve on to get the marks i missed next time, and he told me i added too much detail and some other things so i wrote it down and am keeping a note of it to remind me to improve on that next time! (i got top of my class though so i didnt mind. still kind of pissed i added too much detail though)
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 7. participation
participate! ok im saying this as someone who still struggles with social anxiety a fair amount but if u wanna get higher marks and get on good terms w ur teacher i 100% recommend this. i don't do this in every class but i do it where i can and when i'm confident in my answer, and it's really intimidating at first but what i did is i did it first in the classes i felt most comfortable on and continued from there. it gets easier every time i swear, and nobody's judging you; they'll forget about it after five minutes. plus, what would they be judging you for? being smarter than them?
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 8. prioritising ur health
this is mentioned a lot in these types of posts but if you're tired or burnt out or overworked or just feel like you need to take a break then do. do the best you can and compromise like i said earlier if you need to, just make sure u are prioritising yourself over anything. <3
──★ ˙ ̟🎀inspo
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀my notion
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i also really recommend this layout by @honeytonedhottie ♡
all my love 🩷✨💬🎀💗
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
B-but how scary is Gojo 👉👈 And how much does it fuck with Darling's mental health?
Gojo Satoru
TW: NSFW, yandere, stockholm syndrome, collaring
gn reader
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You’re very conscious of Satoru.
You’re not ignorant; you know he’s dangerous.
You’re not entirely sure just how dangerous he is, and you wish you never will – but you know enough to understand that you haven't the slightest slimmest chance to stand against him if you should ever feel so stupid as to try. 
You don’t understand his game – how he’s so sweet with you while at the same time consciously trying to make you feel so unbelievably and undeniably inept. Always reminding you of his strength with long fingers curling around your waist, pulling you flush against him. Feeling his hard abs and the sound beating of his heart right at your ear. Dwarfing you with his height – throwing lanky arms around you while luring you in with the light of his bright eyes before resting his chin off the top of your head with a smile and a sweet hum.
Whispering your thoughts back to you as though just to let you know how he’s constantly a mile ahead of you – just to make sure you know that he knows what goes on inside your head more than you do yourself.
Touching you in those exact places that have you weak and trembling, balling his shirt in small tight fists with sharp breaths shuddering. 
He makes you feel so very crushingly at a disadvantage – silly for even humoring any type of uproar. He makes you wonder and ponder until your mind aches, regarding everything as a test – from the door he sometimes leaves unlocked after coming home and the kitchen knife he leaves unguarded to the collar he forgets to fasten around your throat. 
He makes you feel so domesticated as you trail after him with it in hand, sweetly tugging his sleeve with your head bowed, lifting the choker up for him to see as though in askance.
And even though your brows cinch and your lip pouts when he takes it from you with a smile, something in your gut still purrs when he kisses your forehead while tightening it around your throat – with words reassuring you of what a good pet you are.
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smallestapplin · 1 month
Do you think Overlord from transformers would be type of guy "I love kinda of woman who can beat the sh t out of me"
Ok ok soo i imagine cybertronian reader who was able to beat the sh t out of Overlord who's now in love with cybertronian reader.
What would her team aka the lost light would react to this 😂😂
This had me cackling. Also I apologize I know you said fem but I don't know how to make the gender important to the story (I'm gender blind I'm so sorry.)
- you beating Overlord's aft was a miracle and a half. You utilized his pride and slowness against him, though struggling more than you'd like to admit, you managed to out pace him and put the large bot in his place.
- "I don't know what I did! I beat his aft and now he won't leave me alone! I even tell him off and that just seems to get him more interested!" Is what you cry to Rodimus about.
- "I'm gonna be real with you, I don't know how to help you with that. I mean, at least he's not going off the rails and starting fights?" It's all he's got. You know he's right, but it doesn't help you one bit, so yog end up groaning and slumping over in your seat. Roddy tries to pat your back and show you some cool earth thing he has, before Overlord finds you, and coos about how worried he was when you weren't in your habsuite, and glares at Rodimus.
- Overlord still tries to fight everyone, and by Primus Megatron gets it the worst, but he's happy all that's needed is for you to angrily yell Overlord's name and call him back like a dog. Megatron always breathes a sigh of relief when your enraged voice echoes through the room, calling for Overlord to "bring you aft over here right now, I swear to primus if I have to put down my report!-" and watch as the equally large bot instantly drops his fighting stance, rushing over to you, looking far too happy and pleased to be called by you (even if you aren't'.)
- You're tired, you just want to do you job and go about your day, not wake up from a statis to the large blue mech over you, holding a thing of energon for you and asking to spar.
- Ratchet and First Aid hear and see it the most, and believe Ratchet gives you high an audio processor full. You send Overlord to the med bay frequently, and he can't even scold the bot into being more careful cause he's not even listening! He has to deal with Overlord staring at you and not even hearing him.
- First Aid tries to help in that regard, explaining to you that this is getting out of servo, but Overlord nearly throws a medical berth at him for it, only stopping when you glare at him.
- "I fight him, he likes it, I ignore him, he likes that too! Nothing I do sends the massage home for him."
- Ultra Magnus wants to help, trust him he does! This is classified as harassment and he swore to always help his crew members....but....you are literally the only thing keeping Overlord docile, and First Aid and Rodimus have already reported that Overlord does try to swing at them for interfering.
It's safer for everyone to not, after all you seem to handle yourself just fine! You're a strong bot that can handle one of the strongest gladiators in history! He lets you vent as much as you need, but eventually has to tell you he can help once Overlord oversteps.
- Lucky you, you don't have to worry about that. Overlord is obsessed with beating you in battle, but also he loves fighting you, you carry yourself with such strength and confidence once against him, he's smitten. With your speed, to him, it makes your battles feel like a dance! Your movements and skill have him smitten, as does your attitude, your fire and sass have him weak in the knees.
- Prowl is somehow your only ride or die here, he's more worried about what Overlord could do but doesn't think before shouting at him to give you space or to frag off, the temperamental officer goes into protective mode when it comes to you.
- Overlord does not like Prowl because of this, but you cling to your friend in thanks.
- "It's every damn cycle, don't you have a hobby!? Frag I don'tknow, watch a movie, pick up blacksmithing, SOMETHING!" Prowl barely has time to dodge a swift punch, but he manages, and next thing you know there does the fourth table of the week, followed by more shouting, and you having to yell for Overlord to knock it off.
- Rung is definitely getting good use as a therapist, he's trying his best to give you coping skills to help ease your frustrations with your situation, and while they work, you just come back to tell him you came back to your habsuite to Overlord on your berth, and pulling you into his lap.
- "It's rude he didn't ask before doing so."
- "Oh my, he asked to spark bond-"
- Even just trying to have a professional conversation with you turns into a chore, not because of you, but because of the angry look guard dog standing behind you, glaring down at anyone speaking to you.
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masqueradereveler21 · 6 months
Hogwarts Legacy Character Sheet - Gwendolen Hughes (EDITED/REVISED)
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General Information
Full Name: Gwendolen Eira Hughes
Nicknames: Gwen, The Hero of Hogwarts, The New Fifth Year, Troll Slayer
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: April 26th, 1875
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Personality Type (MBTI): INTJ - The Architect
Species: Human
Blood Status: Unregistered/Muggleborn (Presumed)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Nationality: Welsh
House: Slytherin
Wand: Fir Wood, Dragon Heartstring, 12 1/2”, Rigid
Patronus: Stoat
Boggart: The mutilated corpse of Professor Fig; later on changes to Theophilus Harlow
Amortentia: Bread pudding, wax candles, old books, fresh linen
Physical Appearance
Hair Colour & Style: Black; occasionally wears down but is most often seen sporting it braided or in a ponytail.
Eye Colour: Grey
Skin Tone: Olive with golden undertones
Height: 167cm (5’6”)
Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
Clothing Style: Neat and presentable; favors skirts, ruffled blouses, vests, and heeled boots. Almost never wears her robes. Black painted fingernails.
Positive Traits: Adaptable, determined, loyal, resilient, compassionate, curious, diligent
Neutral Traits: Independent, reserved, ambitious, rational, observant, competitive
Negative Traits: Arrogant, cunning, stubborn, sarcastic, defiant
Strengths: Capable of thinking outside the box and extremely quick-witted
Weaknesses: Thinks she knows what’s best and struggles to let people in
Likes: Cats, Summoner’s Court, Quidditch, organization, leadership, exploring the highlands, reading, Wizard’s Chess
Dislikes: Spiders, Gobstone’s, dugbogs, failure, laziness, clutter, singing in front of people, dancing
Background and Family
Gwendolen Eira Hughes was born on April 26th, 1875, in Swansea, South Wales, to a mother and father of unknown wizard of heritage. The details of her past are unsure; a carriage accident in her childhood tragically took the lives of her parents and left her with amnesia, leaving doctors and police with only documents to help piece her identity together. Her mother was an English woman named Alice Hedera while her father, Meilyr Hughes, was Welsh. After the accident, Gwen was placed in a Catholic convent where she was given an education but subjected to verbal, mental, and occasionally physical abuse. As she grew older, the convent began placing her into homes with the hope of adopting her out but she was returned each time due to her “poor behavior” and attitude. One of the families she lived with, the Trahernes, began physically abusing her which caused her magic to emerge. In a fit of anger, she caused ivy to grow throughout the entire house, damaging it and leaving the Trahernes with painful rashes. She was promptly returned to the convent and shortly after was visited by Professor Eleazar Fig.
After the events of Repository battle, Gwen’s mental health took a steep decline. The guilt and trauma she felt regarding the deaths of Professor Fig, Lodgok, and many more became too much to bear. She isolated herself within the Room of Requirement until Professor Matilda Weasley coaxed her out and comforted her during the last semester of the school year. After some consideration, Professor Weasley offered to become Gwen’s legal guardian so that she did not have to return to the convent. Gwen was initially hesitant to accept the offer, on account of her previous experiences living with adoptive families, but she eventually accepted after some convincing from Ominis Gaunt. It took a while for both of them to adjust to their new roles; Weasley did not want to overstep her boundaries but also wanted to make sure Gwen was being taken care of and provided for. Gwen kept Professor Weasley at arms length, waiting for the day it became too much and she would give up on her. But with time Gwen came to view Professor Weasley in a more maternal light (the feeling was mutual on Matilda’s end).
Biological Father: Meilyr Hughes (Deceased)
Biological Mother: Alice Hedera (Deceased)
Guardian/Adoptive Parent: Matilda Weasley
Adoptive Uncles: Graham Weasley, Phillip Weasley,
Adoptive Aunts: Dorothy Weasley (née Button), Lydia Weasley (née Hawthorne)
Adoptive Cousins: Theodore Weasley, Oscar Weasley, Garreth Weasley, Florence Weasley, Millicent Weasley, Francis Weasley, Edmund Weasley
Love Interest: Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow…ehh its complicated…
Best Friends: Natsai Onai, Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, Imelda Reyes, Amit Thakkar
Acquaintances: Nerida Roberts, Grace Pinch-Smedley, Lucan Brattleby, Isaac Cooper, Adelaide Oakes
Rivals: Leander Prewett, Charlotte Morrison, Samantha Dale
Enemies: Ranrok, Victor Rookwood, Theophilus Harlow, Ashwinders
Pets: Vivarium beasts, eleven cats, a barn owl named Minerva
• Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games
• Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson series
• Kat Stratford - 10 Things I Hate About You
• Raven - Teen Titans
• Mikasa Ackerman - Attack on Titan
• Beth Harmon - The Queen’s Gambit
• Artwork done by the incredible @millyillus •
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its-wabby-stuff · 1 year
Krang Will Rise
I have a couple theories, regarding the Krang.
There is such little evidence for it, that I don’t even think there’s evidence against it. But hear me out.
I think only Krang prime can abolish mystics. It’s not an ability tied to every Krang, only to him.
Thé Krang value strength above all else, putting no remorse into losing those deemed weak. As such, wouldn’t that make Krang Prime, their leader, the strongest? And what better way to deem yourself the strongest than carrying a unique ability that takes away your enemies greatest potential threat.
Another reason: it seems there are three types of krang. The biotech, the warrior, and the interrogator. I’m not sure how much they overlap, but I do think they carry specialities. Given krang brother is most often asked to- spread their krangness. He is responsible for krangification, domain expansion, and manipulating the technology they have (Nevermind how all these abilities make him the perfect match for Donnie)(also think Krang Brother is mute). Krang sister is the most skilled and best fighter. I’m sure she outclasses the boys in that regard. I’d go as far to say she’s second in command, leading the charge while brother krang stays behind (her role as commander matches as Commander O’Niels opposite in war, hence their quarrel). Leaving Krang Prime, who has the ability to dig into a persons mind, manipulate their captives, control the hive mind, and abolish mystic powers. Perhaps rare amongst Krang, this makes them the perfect leader (do I even need to explain why he’s Leo’s main antagonist, his opposite in every way?).
I mentioned how krang brother is likely responsible for krangification, which leads me to a second point. Clearly, from the start of the invasion to the end in the bad timeline, the krangs numbers increased 100 fold. From 3 lone survivors to hundreds if not more. Which has led me to wonder how krang are created. I have two theories: 1) in the bad timeline, the krang in the prison dimension didn’t die. Meaning that when Leo grabbed the key in the movie, and altered time, the resulting explosion caused the krang to be wiped out. 2) the probably more likely one- they repopulated.
Thé krang are clearly parasitic creatures. Meaning their reproduction is likely from a source, that source being humans. “Recreating this world in the image of krang.” Krang possession is simple, and any krang can do it, latch a bit of themselves to a human and start the battle of wills. Krang dogs are amother easier way to make more, a quick process that mangles the hosts body. We see this happen with the foot clan. But if you want powerful krang, with no chance to turn on you, and to truly become one with krang, you transform them.
Raph was found in a bubble. In a slimy krang cocoon stuck to the ceiling and filled with glowing yellow goop. He was going to be turned, transformed into Krang. And he was going to be powerful, his source material being stronger than most. He was- until the process was interrupted. Notice how the krangification didn’t come from the outside, it wasn’t attached, it was growing inside him. And, unlike the other krangified peoples we saw, his eye turned purple. It wasn’t just covered in hoop with the yellow hive mind eye, it was purple. Let it be a testament to Raphs inner strength cause he very well may have accomplished a feat deemed impossible to overcome. The process wasn’t supposed to be reversible, he wasn’t supposed to be able to break free, he was krang now. Krang Prime could feel his struggle, sense his resistance, and hear his thoughts as the turtle fought it off.
Once you turned, there was no going back. You were krang. Your old life didn’t matter. Your old friends didn’t matter. You had a new family. A new purpose to fulfill. New powers to explore. And given treasures for the hunt. The mark of a krang and a fucking massive piece of armor. This way of reproduction was useful when hunting new prey, as their knowledge of the species past through, truly allowing them to know their enemies and conquer planets. Krang can never die.
Then again. I could be wrong.
Thanks for reading! Likes and Reblogs appreciated! Other related theories and stories:
Resistance to Krang; The Shredder armor; Emperym Life Blood
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caineinthecorner · 10 months
Hi. I binged like 80 chats in a row and I have opinions(tm) about physical strength and general power stuff of the brothers. Mostly just strength related things, but I tried to cover most of their battle stuff.
Yes I know, yes I know, "they're ranked as siblings by power blabla", but that's LAME. So here are my personal takes mostly for fun. Canon is dead and I ate it.
Also I finished the dividers and general aesthetics of this blog woo
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★ Lucifer.
Generally the strongest, period, can and WILL kill almost anyone without much issue or even second thought
Physical strength, however? He’s not the best, as he doesn’t rely on it at all for battle / conflict
He didn't need it in heaven, after all
(Beel was his brawns and he was already a powerful angel so it never was a requirement)
I don't see him actively working out (anymore, at least), so most of his strength is merely his baseline
His main tactic conflict wise is intimidation.
Cough giving MC death threats cough
Very prideful of himself in battle, obviously
Rarely would ever use any sort of dirty tricks
Would probably prefer to go down the "honorable way"
Target his brothers though and he WILL play every trick in the book with little regard to his pride or his own life
This fuck looks like he knows swordsmanship and is probably the only of the brothers who does so
(except maybe Satan who is learning just to copy / be better than him)
Either that or he knows fancy sword dances for angel rituals he cannot partake in anymore (and doesn't do them anymore)
Diavolo has photos of him doing said dances but his lips are triple sealed since it is a heavily touchy subject
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★ Mammon.
Canonically this man is physically weak (or at least has a weak complexion / scrawny arms)
Probably the most disappointing in terms of strength because he is literally the second born
His saving grace is his unholy speed and dirty tricks, using it to cover his weaknesses / lack of physical strength.
A LOT of dirty tricks and bs magic stuff. So so many. Never ends
He’s the living embodiment of the “random bullshit go!!!” meme
You know Looney tunes? Yeah this man has the Bugs bunny's levels of bullshit
But he has the best stamina out of his brothers (so he can run away from his debts)
Doesn't train because he's already perfect as it is (<- that's his ego talking he can barely pick up the weights at Beel's gym)
Honor is for the dead type of person. Nothing is out of the table in battle
(^ that makes him terrifying to fight against btw)
He either tries to intimidate (imitating Lucifer) or sweet-talk his way out of conflict
It usually just pisses off his adversary more which actually leads to the fights starting, but hey, he tried 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
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★ Leviathan.
Physical strength is shit.
he will get his shit kicked if he tries to brawl with almost anyone
Except maybe the lowest hanging fruit (humans)
Magical or general strength is decent, but he's definitely not the greatest in battle out of the brothers
^ he's kinda insecure about this and he wishes he were stronger (he sulks about it)
Wishes that actual irl battles were like Fire Emblem or strategy games bcs he's actually good in those
Update: I didn't make it clear (mb lol) but I see him as the best strategist of the brothers by far, he just isn't good at front-line action
^ Being away from the front lines keeps the pressure away from him for the most part, and it avoids him getting riled up and acting rash
He once tried to workout with Beel but quickly got overwhelmed because Beel shoved 200kg weights onto him thinking it was an reasonable starting point
So he kinda has trauma(tm) about it
Despite his garbage physical prowess, he WILL start fights and get riled up easily
He goes onto his demon form immediately when he wants to fight
^ bcs his strength isn't great, and he needs any boost he can get
Plus, awful anger management
My man will get onto a fist fight with the demon equivalent of a redditor over anime waifus and he will lose
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★ Satan.
As the literal embodiment of Wrath, he does pack quite a punch and will maul you to death with only his fists. No problems at all
But that's merely his baseline strength (which is a lot) since he doesn’t really train physically
Probably focuses on other areas (read: intelligence) instead of physical strength.
Which is ironic because he could kick Lucifer's ass in a fist fight if he actually trained more
But oh well. Books do be booking
Surprisingly strategic while in fights, although not above Going Apeshit
Funnily enough the least likely of the brothers to enter a fight
Has read The Art Of War and will quote it just to be a smartass
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★ Asmodeus.
Physically? Weak.
Probably the weakest of the brothers, having more or less the strength of a human (and on the weaker side of that).
He doesn’t train whatsoever; Likes his slender figure and muscles “ruin” that.
However, he makes up for it on the "trickster" scale.
As the Avatar of Lust, he will probably go the charm route instead of wanting to directly fight his enemies, or he make someone else do the dirty work for him.
Think of Mammon but make it a bit less scummy, tricks wise.
His go-to is sweet talk.
Something something the Avatar of Lust being physically weak since sex is considered an act of vulnerability and therefore the lowering of one’s guard something something
Something something the poetic narrative of the Avatar of Lust having only power through Communication something something
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★ Beelzebub.
Contrary to Asmo; he does lift for days and can pack quite the punch, being one of the stronger brothers physically despite being one of the youngest.
I don't see him caring much for magic or other types of strength, he is content in packing the punch and has the capabilities to back him up.
Fight wise he will probably punch the problems away
Maybe use one or two tricks he’s learned
Mostly relies on his intuition and gut and it surprisingly works out
Nothing fancy; Dictionary definition of all muscle no brain battle wise
Literally one of the scariest brothers to ever fight he will actually beat you to a bloody pulp
And make a smoothie out of it
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★ Belphegor.
This fucker doesn't lift at all you can't tell me shit
At MOST he'll accompany Beel to the gym and would sleep at the benches
The strength he has is the strength he was born with
Which isn't a lot, but still above human average by quite a lot
More or less demon standard of strength. Maybe a slightly below it
But he's still above most demons by a mile in other regards, mostly magic prowess
He's stronger than Levi because I think it would be hilarious that the dude who sleeps all day is stronger than him
(or you can make him really physically strong just because it'd be funny to see the sleepy dude kick ass)
(either way is funny as shit go ham)
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★ Physical strength chart
Behemoth type strength :
Beel (only barely)
High / Low above human average :
Belphie (low diff w/ mammon)
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★General strength chart
Can kill hundreds no effort :
Satan (If apeshit)
Are not as strong but still terrifying :
Levi, Asmo (Tie)
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lxmelle · 2 months
I love the idea of mutuality that is deeply rooted in the relationship between Gojo and Geto.
I read a tweet that expressed the opinion over Geto’s apparent “selfishness” for being jealous over Sukuna in ch236. It got me thinking that it wasn’t the first time this was mentioned regarding the scene. I’ve read that sentiments along the lines of: “Geto! Ah, how dare you? After you left him and went onto create a family... how dare you be jealous!” etc. (it was meant to be a bit humorous).
I generally disagree with these kinda takes if they’re not in jest. Because I believe that Geto was never the “selfish” type and, imho, Geto left for primarily “good” reasons that prioritised Gojo / others - and the sorcerers he took under his wing, were people in the fringes of the conservative Japanese society), but the notion of jealousy and selfishness makes sense to me. In a positive way.
So, on the topic of mutuality: I think they learnt from each other. They have always been counterparts. Complementary beings. Black and white. Yin and Yang. Wisdom and Compassion. Strength and Weakness. Repel and Absorb.
They have a bit of both in each of them. One shouldn’t really exist without the other. They needed one another for absolute balance. Together, they really could have been the strongest, because being strong wasn’t just about absolute strength.
So, lessons. I think one of Geto’s main contributions to Gojo was for him to learn to love others, and be a little less selfish. This goes along with the take about him having been born with the capacity to have been rather monstrous if his humanity wasn’t nurtured.
If you like, it is a bit like the KFC breakup. Gojo suddenly realised he wanted Geto to be with him/wanted to be with Geto. It wasn’t enough to just be strong on his own. It was kind of pointless to be selfish.
Geto left him behind as if to say, “don’t only consider me as precious”. And the draft almost depicted Geto saying, “be careful not to kill anyone other than me,” which is unlike someone who has a hatred for non-sorcerers - as if to say, “other people’s lives should be precious to you too.”
This is where Gojo, probably for the first time on a mission, hesitated to kill. He realised, through his own experience, the preciousness of life. He learnt about love. This was what Geto wanted him to retain: humanity. And we saw him change and mature as/after he realised this.
Geto, who loved everyone too much, needed to learn from Gojo and be a little bit more selfish. Gojo believed being a sorcerer was “an individual sport”. But Geto was a bit more like Megumi... willing to concede/yield too easily for the gain of the collective force. (So we can see also why Gojo wanted Megumi to learn what he thought could’ve contributed to Geto’s defection).
So one of Gojo’s main contributions to Geto was for him to learn to love himself more and be a little more selfish.
Geto cared too much and sacrificed his own happiness, leading to his own downfall and demise.
And at their ends… When Geto said, “妬けるね” (I’m envious) in 236, that was really something. To many native readers, this was quite a confession... Geto was expressing envy towards Sukuna who was the recipient of what Gojo was expressing. Geto, for the first time, expressing to Gojo what he felt. (Even then, he still said “if you’re satisfied, I’m glad.”) This was Geto being selfish.
The words uttered just moments before, we saw Gojo say, he loved everyone and wasn’t lonely. This was Gojo with humanity. Gojo had internalised humanity, so much so, that he even wanted to reach out to Sukuna as a fellow monster and connect, somehow, as a human being. And he had fun.
Of course, it wouldn’t be satosugu indulgent if Gege (the original stsg shipper) didn’t make Gojo express his selfishness in return and say, “if you were there I might’ve been satisfied”. (Yes, you’re a sulky boy. You have a right to take a jab at Geto ⬅️ pure headcanon 😂).
And thus, Gojo had learned from Geto and Geto also learned from Gojo (i think the latter has something to do with the last words imparted in jjk0. The message seemed very personal and it was something shared only between them, but significant enough for Geto to feel…happy & at peace).
Gojo in HI wouldn’t have cared about other people to his own detriment (e.g. meaning is “for the weak”, wasn’t interested in Riko until the meaning was made evident by Geto, went to kill Toji out of ? revenge? an experiment? ? & might’ve committed mass murder if Geto didn’t stop him), He never did until Geto guided him back on the path of humanity. Geto’s downfall was carrying the weight of caring for everyone that it broke him into pieces.
It’s... really nice that they complemented each other. I’m not saying their were perfect, but they were products of many circumstances and factors, including a twisted jujutsu world. It would’ve been nice to see them sharing the burden and creating a better future together.
Anyhow, I’m aware that not everyone will agree with my interpretation but it just seems to flow and make sense to me.
The subtlety in Gege’s touch can make you miss it, or even second-guess yourself, but once you know, you can’t unsee it. It all seems intentional?
Or it is also entirely possible that I see it with heavily-satosugu-tinted glasses.
Oh well.
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tickly-giggles · 1 year
Feather Ticklish (My Hero Academia)
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Warning: Tickle fic ahead!
Characters: League of Villains (Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Hawks)
Shipping: Technically DabiHawks but they're not together yet
Lee: Dabi
Ler: Hawks
Word Count: 2,683
Summary: During a meeting at the LoV hideout, Hawks notices Dabi looking more down and apathetic than usual. He tries to make him feel better, but when words don't work, he realizes he may need to take another approach.
It had been quite a slow day. The League of Villains had rather frequent meetings as of late, especially due to the pesky heroes getting on their case now more than ever. They usually consisted of what their goals were to be after they succeeded, an entire alphabet of alternative plans, and what to do in the worst case scenario - that being the heroes finding their hideout, a traitor in the League, or one of the League members dying.
The current meeting was regarding their newest recruitment, and how he was going to be of service to them. Shigaraki had a way of talking that made the meetings simultaneously entertaining, yet hard to bear. He was very passionate when he spoke, but his voice was shallow and raspy. Hearing it in large quantities didn’t help Dabi’s headache, especially when he had a tendency to ramble and go off topic.
The hot-headed villain rested his head against the big table they were all seated at, the cold surface stinging his skin in a refreshing way. Slowly, everything started to sound as if he were underwater, and he tuned out his cohorts’ voices. With a gentle sigh, Dabi closed his eyes and listened to nothing while he waited for his headache to subside. 
He jolted at the sudden vibration against his leg. With a low grumble, he fished his phone out of his pocket and glowered at the notification.
Bird Brain: hey, u look down. u ok?
Dabi furrowed his brow, then looked up at Hawks. He was sitting directly across from him.
Hot Stuff: Why are you texting me? You’re right in front of me.
Bird Brain: we’re in a meeting. i cant just talk over ppl
Oh, he supposed that made sense. Dabi rolled his eyes and responded.
Hot Stuff: Well I’m fine. Now leave me alone.
Dabi huffed as he placed his phone on the table, screen side down. He tuned back into the meeting - what was going on? … Ah, Shigaraki moved onto a different topic. 
Twice raised his hand, “I know we’ve talked about the heroes finding our hideout, but what’s gonna happen if they do? I’m not worried, they’ll never find us!”
“Even if they did find us, Twice, they would stand no chance against us.” 
Shigaraki put two fingers to his chin for a moment, then smiled weakly at his friend, 
“Think of it all like a video game. We’re an army defending an entire tower, and another army is coming after us with their own arsenal of weapons. We have to defend as much as we can and, in the meantime, we’re only getting stronger.”
He smirked and raised his arms out on either side of him, taking a confident, triumphant stance,
“We learn the opposing army’s strengths and weaknesses, as well, and that only further solidifies our victory!”
“We shouldn’t be too lax about it, though,” Hawks chimed in calmly.
He grinned at Shigaraki and leaned back in his chair, resting his hands behind his head,
“The heroes may not know about the hideout now, but we shouldn’t rule it out as a possibility.”
“Of course, which is why this is our course of action.”
Dabi huffed and rested his chin in his hand, absentmindedly watching the meeting go on without really listening to anything being said anymore. None of it really concerned him. He knew what he was going to do if the heroes infiltrated. He was going to kill them, every last one. He watched as Shigaraki took the floor once again, rambling on about yet another plan.
What did Hawks want now?
Bird Brain: u sure ur good? u look tired
Dabi glared at his phone as he irritably typed back a response.
Hot Stuff: I’m tired of you texting me, leave me alone. 
Bird Brain: why’d u give me ur number then?
The hot-headed villain growled and placed his phone back down, a little harder than he meant to. He rested his head in his hands and breathed in slowly, trying to calm himself down. Admittedly, he wasn’t sure why he was so angry. He just felt very tired and wanted to be left alone.
Suddenly, his body involuntarily twitched and jerked as he felt something soft rub up against his side. He furrowed his brow and swatted at it, thinking it was just a bug or something. When the soft flicking persisted, however, his chest tightened and he clenched his fists in an attempt to keep the overwhelming desire to react at bay. 
What was going on?!
Dabi’s breath hitched as he felt a second offender flick against his lower tummy, and it was getting increasingly more difficult to keep himself calm.
Not now, Hawks!
He opened his phone and his stomach lurched at the text.
Bird Brain: somethin the matter~?
Dabi looked up at Hawks, who had the biggest shit eating grin on his face. No one else seemed to notice how he was acting, so this had to be his doing. Then, it all clicked. He shakily grabbed at the soft objects that kept sending tingles up his spine and, when he grabbed one, pulled it out of his shirt.
A red feather.
If looks could kill, Hawks would have been turned to ash. The number two hero bit back a howl of laughter. He gleefully savored Dabi’s reaction, so much so that he sent even more of his feathers to attack the annoyed man.
Dabi gasped and desperately clutched his seat when he felt feathers on every healthy part of his torso. Most of his body was scarred, but the parts of his skin that weren’t were extremely sensitive. He was having trouble keeping it together, and Hawks’ odd form of entertainment had only just begun.
Bird Brain: u havin muscle spasms or somethin? 
You asshole, you know exactly what’s going on!
He couldn’t even focus enough to grab his phone and type back a retort. He was going to kill Hawks for this.
Bird Brain: im actually concerned and u ignore me? some friend u are
We are NOT friends, you dick!
The soft tickling of the feathers was only getting worse. Some of them flicked back and forth very fast, while others slowly dragged up and down the sensitive skin. The duality drove Dabi insane, and his knuckles were turning white from how tight his grip on the chair was. 
“Hey, Dabi. You okay?” 
Twice whispered, placing a concerned hand on his friend’s shoulder.
Dabi jumped and swatted his hand away, 
“I-I’m fine, Twice, fuck off.”
“Jeez, sorry, dude,” 
Twice raised his hands in apologetic panic, then warily turned his attention back to the meeting.
The hot head quietly groaned, sweat trickling down his forehead. Laughter bubbled up in his throat like acid reflux. He squeezed his eyes shut and desperately tried to focus on something else. 
Bird Brain: careful not to laugh~. dont wanna draw attention to urself
So he’s outright admitting it now? The smugness of that asshole.
Bird Brain: where else are u ticklish?
Dabi shot a glare at Hawks, though it wasn’t as intimidating as he hoped it would be with his quivering lips and flushed cheeks. Like he would tell him where he was ticklish. He wasn’t even sure himself. The last time he was tickled was when he was a kid, he thought he had grown out of it. The opposite seemed to have happened. In fact, he didn’t remember being this sensitive.
Bird Brain: thats ok. i’ll find out for myself~
Like hell you will!
Shit, had he said that out loud?
He turned to Shigaraki, who was staring at him with a suspicious gleam in his eye. Dabi gulped nervously and shook his head.
“N-Nothing, sorr-eeEEHEHEE!”
He slapped his hands over his mouth and gaped at his cohorts in horror. One of the damn feathers had dipped directly into his belly button. He chanced a glance at Hawks, who was looking as confused as everyone else.
That damn snake!
“Are you sure you’re okay, Dabi?” Twice asked again, looking more amused than concerned at this point,
“You’re being ridiculous!”
Dabi quickly stood, nervously quivering as he stumbled out of the room without a word. The villains looked amongst each other, all wearing confused expressions, when Hawks stood and politely pushed in his chair.
“I’m gonna go see if he’s alright.”
Dabi stood just outside of the hideout, leaning against a wall and greedily gasping for air as he tried to calm down. Luckily, Hawks had shown an ounce of mercy when he exited the building, and his feathers were no longer assaulting his ticklish torso. Phantom tingling lingered on his belly and sides, and he rubbed at the areas desperately.
“What an asshole,” he muttered to himself after he finally regained some composure,
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“Why’s that?”
Dabi whipped around to see Hawks exiting the building, a playful smirk on his face. He sauntered over to the hot-headed villain, who grumbled and stepped backward.
“Get the fuck away from me, Hawks.”
“What’s wrong?” The number two hero laughed,
“I just came to check on ya.”
“Like hell you did!”
Dabi heatedly pointed at the door leading into the hideout,
“What the hell was all that?!”
“All what?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, birdie,” Dabi hissed.
He glared intensely at the winged hero as his right hand was engulfed in blue fire.
“Whoa, whoa,” Hawks chuckled nervously, hands up in an attempt to defuse the situation,
“Calm down, man. I just wanted to see you smile.”
The response was so shocking that the villain lost concentration, and his fire was extinguished. He gawked at Hawks, unsure of how to reply. He wanted to see him smile?
“‘What’ what?”
Dabi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger,
“You’re a dumbass.”
“Well that’s not very nice~.”
By the time he recognized the teasing tone in Hawks’ voice, it was too late, and he was trapped. Hawks hugged Dabi up against his chest, hooking his arms in between his own and forcing them high above his head. The hot head yelped and thrashed to get out of his hold, but crumbled as soon as Hawks’ giant wings beat against his torso.
Dabi tried doubling over, but the hero had him held tight. He kicked his legs and attempted to curl up, but nothing was stopping the overwhelming ticklish sensation. The incessant flapping of his wings caused the villain’s shirt to rise up, so none of his upper body was protected. Not only that, but the feathers were so fluffy and stiff. They were both insanely soft and dangerously accurate.
“Wow, you’re really ticklish, huh?” Hawks chuckled.
“You’re not in the position to be making any threats, hot stuff. Tickle tickle tickle~!”
Hawks smiled at the ticklish mess he was making of the villain. To put it simply, he looked adorable. His hair was a mess as he thrashed and writhed, a giant smile split his face in two, the healthy skin on his cheeks was flushed a bright red, and his overall demeanor was entirely different from how he usually was. To see Dabi, of all people, completely incapacitated due to a little tickling was hilarious. More than that, however, it was humanizing. It gave him a glimmer of hope that these villains could have some level of empathy in them, too.
Hawks grinned deviously as three feathers detached from his wings, and flew to Dabi’s belly. He had to admit, what he made them do was quite cruel, but his laughter was addicting.
“I remember getting quite a reaction from aroooound… here~?”
Two of the feathers slowly circled Dabi’s belly button, while the third dipped directly in and twirled inside of it unfairly fast. The scream that escaped him was inhuman. Hawks’ wings gliding effortlessly across every inch of the villain’s torso, combined with the feathers honing in on his belly button, was enough to send him over the edge. His knees buckled and he would have fallen to the ground had Hawks not been holding onto him. Shrieking laughter quickly turned into silent hysterics as Dabi threw his head back against Hawks and practically fell limp in his arms. The hero’s face flushed slightly, and he couldn’t help but laugh along with Dabi.
When he finally regained his voice, he shrieked hysterically,
“Sorry, what was that? I can’t understand you when you’re laughing like that~.”
“Maybe I’ll stop if you ask me nicely.”
Suddenly, it all stopped. Hawks released his hold on Dabi, and he came crashing into the hero. He eagerly sucked oxygen into his lungs, coughing a little as he did so. His breathing was labored and wheezy. Hawks noted the scent of smoke. He smiled at the villain as he rested against his chest, trying to regain his composure. 
After a few moments, Dabi’s breathing slowed, and he felt his heart rate return to normal. He looked up at Hawks, who had a hand atop his head, petting his hair. His face contorted into one of confusion, then anger, and finally mild embarrassment. He shoved off of Hawks with a grunt and dusted off his clothes. Hawks chuckled and followed suit.
“You okay?” He had the audacity of asking after a moment of silence.
The glare that Dabi shot him sent him into his own laughing fit.
He cackled as he wiped mirth from his eye,
“I said I just wanted to see you smile! You can’t be mad at me for that.”
“On the contrary,” Dabi growled,
“I’m furious.”
“You looked adorable~.”
Dabi’s breath hitched and his face went red all over again. He told himself it was only due to the residual tingling on his skin.
“Do that again and I’ll kill you.”
“What, ya don’t like being tickled?”
“Was me screaming for you to stop not an indication?”
“I dunno, man, some people actually do like it.”
“Yeah, well those people are psychotic.”
“Says the mass murderer.”
Dabi stared at Hawks, not really sure how to respond to that. He simply furrowed his brow and rolled his eyes,
“Why was seeing me smile such a big deal anyway, birdbrain?”
“Well, like I said, you looked down. ‘sides, I never see you smile aside from an occasional smirk here and there,”
Hawks shrugged and stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets, feeling bashful all of a sudden,
“Watching you laugh like that, without a care in the world, it was cute. You looked happy.”
Dabi’s glare returned, but only for a short moment. Finally, he sighed and moved to head back inside of the hideout.
“Whatever, hope you had fun. Cuz you’re never doing that again. Oh, and one more thing.”
Hawks moved to follow him, but stopped when he turned around to address him a final time.
“Watch your back, birdie.”
With that, he walked inside without another word. A shiver ran up Hawks’ spine. What did he mean by that? Deciding not to think much of it, the number two hero simply followed Dabi back inside and reclaimed his seat at the table. 
Everyone was still there, waiting, and Shigaraki scoffed when they finally returned.
“About time. Can I continue now?”
“Sorry about that,”
Dabi replied calmly,
“Go ahead.”
As Shigaraki started his explanation from where he left off, the hot-headed villain glanced at Hawks. A feeling of triumph washed over him as he examined the hero’s face. He looked calm on the outside, but it was clear to Dabi that he was quite nervous. A low chuckle escaped Dabi’s lips, causing Hawks to shoot his gaze over to him.
When they caught each other’s eyes, neither of them emoted for a few moments. Then, Dabi made a simple motion of his thumb running across his own throat with an evil smirk on his face.
Hawks gulped. He was doomed.
A/N: I wrote a sequel! You can find it here: Watch Your Back :D
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Yandere Psychosophy/Attitudinal Psyche
Inspired by yandere MBTI and yandere Big Five. Personality test/self-assessment for this Google document verison of this
This is a yandere typing system based on the original Psychosophy (also remade as Attitudinal Psyche) system. Originally, it was divided into four aspects: logic, physics, emotions, and volition/will.
These placements are divided into another four placements: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The 1st placement is characterized by absolute, possibly even arrogant, confidence in that aspect and feeling no need to improve or change it. It is very rigid and unchangeable. The 2nd placement, on the other hand, is the most flexible placement. It is characterized by confidence but not arrogance, feeling little weakness in this aspect. To the user of the 2nd function, it is comfortable and easy to use with others and develop further. But the 3rd placement is the opposite. It is the most uncomfortable to use, with a constant feeling of insecurity associated with it. There seem to be two most common approaches to this function: aggressively overusing it or the opposite, neglecting it. This is the placement that needs the most improvement. Finally, the 4th placement is the most underused and is seen by its user as either unimportant or better with a quick fix. These four placements form the foundation of understanding an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for potential growth within this typology system.
In summary...
1st placement: Confident Function (1V, 1L, 1E, 1P) Strong, Aggressive, Monologue
2nd placement: Flexible Function (2V, 2L, 2E, 2P) Strong, Passive, Dialogue
3rd placement: Insecure Function (3V, 3L, 3E, 3P) Weak, Aggressive, Dialogue
4th placement: Unbothered Function (4V, 4L, 4E, 4P) Weak, Passive, Monologue
Yandere System
So what about the yandere system? It follows the same placement rules as the original system but uses its own aspects. The yandere Psychosophy system is divided into four four aspects, respectively: cognition (C), aggression (A), expression (E), and determination (D).
Cognition, equivalent to logic in the original Psychosophy system, reflects how a yandere processes information, plans their actions, and uses their intelligence to manage their obsession.
Aggression, equivalent to physics in the original Psychosophy system, evaluates how a yandere uses power, intimidation, or violence to get what they want or control their darling.
Expression, equivalent to emotion in the original Psychosophy system, focuses on how freely a yandere shows their affection and obsession for their darling.
Finally, determination, equivalent to volition/will in the original Psychosophy system, assess how either determined or fragile a yandere is in achieving their goals with their darling.
Placement Descriptions
Cognition (C)
1st Placement (C1): Exhibits absolute confidence in their ability to strategize and plan. This yandere is highly analytical and methodical, always staying several steps ahead. They see no need for improvement in their cognitive abilities and are often seen as calculating masterminds.
2nd Placement (C2): Confident and comfortable in their cognitive abilities, they can adapt plans fluidly and are skilled at thinking on their feet. They are open to developing their strategic thinking further and are effective planners who work well with others.
3rd Placement (C3): Struggles with insecurity regarding their cognitive skills. They might oscillate between overanalyzing situations to compensate for their perceived shortcomings or neglecting planning altogether. This yandere needs the most improvement in how they process information and strategize.
4th Placement (C4): Minimally engaged in strategic thinking, often relying on intuition or others for planning. They see detailed planning as unimportant and prefer quick fixes or spontaneous actions.
Aggression (A)
1st Placement (A1): Extremely confident in using aggression and violence to achieve their goals. They are unyielding and often intimidate or overpower others without hesitation. Improvement is seen as unnecessary as they view their aggressive approach as highly effective.
2nd Placement (A2): Uses aggression when necessary but with restraint and control. They are comfortable leveraging their power but prefer to balance it with other methods. Open to refining their approach, they effectively combine intimidation with strategic non-violent tactics.
3rd Placement (A3): Feels insecure about their use of aggression. They may either overuse violence in an attempt to assert control or avoid it altogether out of fear or uncertainty. Developing a balanced approach to aggression is crucial for them.
4th Placement (A4): Rarely resorts to violence or intimidation, viewing it as a last resort. They prefer non-aggressive methods and see aggression as unimportant or something to be avoided. They often look for quick, peaceful solutions.
Expression (E)
1st Placement (E1): Highly expressive, openly displaying their emotions and obsession with intense fervor. They are unapologetically passionate, showing no need to alter their expressive nature. Their overt emotional displays are a core part of their identity.
2nd Placement (E2): Comfortable and confident in showing their emotions, they balance expressiveness with control. They can openly share their feelings and are adept at adjusting their emotional displays to suit different situations. They find it easy to develop and fine-tune their emotional expression.
3rd Placement (E3): Struggles with expressing emotions, feeling insecure about their displays of affection or obsession. They may either overexpress in an attempt to compensate or hide their emotions entirely. Improving their emotional expressiveness is a key area for growth.
4th Placement (E4): Minimally expressive, often appearing detached or indifferent. They see emotional displays as unnecessary and prefer to keep their feelings hidden. Quick, minimal expressions are preferred, avoiding deep emotional involvement.
Determination (D)
1st Placement (D1): Exhibits unshakeable determination and willpower. This yandere is relentless and unwavering in their pursuit of goals, seeing no need to alter their approach. They possess a strong sense of purpose and are highly driven.
2nd Placement (D2): Confident and adaptable in their determination, they pursue goals with a balanced approach. They can persist through challenges while remaining flexible. Open to enhancing their resolve, they effectively combine willpower with adaptability.
3rd Placement (D3): Feels insecure about their determination, often fluctuating between intense bursts of willpower and periods of doubt. They may either push themselves excessively or give up easily. Developing a consistent and confident approach to their goals is essential.
4th Placement (D4): Exhibits low determination, often relying on external factors or others to drive their actions. They see strong willpower as unimportant, preferring to go with the flow or avoid direct confrontation. Quick, minimal efforts are favored over sustained determination.
Possible Types
CDEA, CDAE, CEAD, CEDA, CADE, CAED, ACDE, ACED, ADCE, ADEC, AECD, AEDC, EACD, EADC, ECAD, ECDA, EDAC, EDCA, DCEA, DCAE, DEAC, DECA, DACE, DAEC. (First letter is the first placement, second is the second placement, etc.)
That's all! Thank you for reading, and feel free to reblog with the type you think you are or maybe even type a character :D And feel free to send asks or comments if you have any questions.
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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[ dry coughing ] hey
I'd like to introduce the ocs/concepts I previously mentioned! they were thought up mostly for fun (and HEAVILY inspired by a few things, try and take a guess) so I'm not sure if I'll spend as much time on them. who knows, maybe they'll grow on me.
they're super funny to me. i think i made them just to have a laugh. sorry. you'll see why soon!
anyway, this is Jiu and Kioku! They have a long history together (well, at least one of them thinks so).
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Jiu ( jee - yu )
A very dutiful and serious person
Has a formal way of speech (he almost never speaks casually)
Carries himself with a regal air, behaves like a young noble
Incredibly melancholic
His eyes have a strange quality to them, almost as if he's looking far off into the distance or straight through certain people (even if they're standing right in front of him)
Often takes a leadership role, adept at managing and organization (class president/class rep type)
Very cold and distant despite taking on multiple responsibilities
Neutral in stance, polite but in the detached way
Willing to help his classmates with whatever is needed, but won't do more than what's absolutely necessary
Holds his duty and responsibility in high regard, always in service to someone or something
Used to have a gentle, caring, and protective nature, but was forced to snuff it out due to his cruel home environment and those who took advantage of his kindness
Under the ownership of a rich and illustrious segyein, the hostess of an establishment where human pets were put to work
Due to his exceptional mental abilities and sense of duty, he was promoted to a high position at a very young age. He handles accounting and is the hostess' right hand man
Because of his duty and devotion to service, he is made to carry out illegal and immoral acts in secret
Whenever he returns from the Anakt Garden, Jiu is immediately put to work
He is pale to the point of his veins showing and has a dull, steely gaze
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Jiu sleeps face-down. There's no reason for it, he just does
Yes, it's suffocating. Someone has to turn him over in his sleep just to make sure he can breathe right. There was once someone who used to do it for him, but now nobody does
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Kioku ( kee - oh - ku )
Prefers everyone to call her Kio !
She arrives to the Garden quite late due to certain health complications (according to her guardian)
Has a very open face and unguarded eyes, which may lower the guard of other people
It's genuinely a strange quality. Those who hold secrets or ill intent may feel uncomfortable looking into her eyes for long periods of time.
Kio herself almost never lies. She will tell the truth even if it brings about consequence
Very athletic! Excels in sports and ranks high during Field Days
Kind in a way that's incredibly stubborn. Wills herself to forgive those who have wronged her and regards them with gratitude despite everything
Very persistent, has a great amount of inner strength
As a child, Kio was weak, cowardly, and codependent. She entered an establishment at a young age in exchange for her safety, but since she refused to adjust herself to the environment (perform actions she deemed cruel) she was often picked on and treated unfairly
Since she was weak, she clung onto the first person who gave her the slightest bit of help and blindly trusted them
Currently so different from her child self. Those who knew her back then find the change incredibly jarring (almost like she's become a completely different person)
There is something off about her. She can't seem to recall anything about her past and feels like something has been taken from her in a way
The fact that she can't recall her childhood pushes her to live in the present, she'd prefer not to look back
She is still unaware of how she got the scar on her cheek
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Together :
Jiu seems to regard Kio differently, almost cautiously
As Kio arrived to the Garden late, the responsibility of looking after her fell into Jiu's hands
He was in charge of getting her acquainted with routines, past lessons, etc.
Though Jiu is normally as imperturbable as a rock, there is a unique air of awkwardness to him whenever he interacts with Kio
He refuses to look her in the eyes
Kio, for her part, tries very hard to catch up and makes sure she isn't a burden to him
His odd treatment of her makes her conscious that he dislikes her, which pushes her to work harder
Jiu is the only person who refuses to address Kio by her nickame. He only calls her Kioku, or if he can help it, doesn't refer to her by name at all
Particularly observant individuals may notice how Jiu begins to lose composure. It's incredibly subtle, so it's not obvious to others
Kio has a strange feeling about him that she just can't put her finger on.... at times it makes her uneasy
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Random tidbits:
Jiu ( ジウ ) : samurai, warrior, knight. or "to serve someone of high rank or status with respect and loyalty."
( emphasis on themes of service and devotion )
Kioku ( キオク ) : literally translates to memory.
( to remember, remembrance, recollection )
Jiu's sharp strands of hair that fade to white are meant to vaguely mimic a dragon's features (two sharp fangs on his forehead, two long whiskers on the sides of his head)
Kioku vaguely resembles a bird feather.
Her eyes are wide, round, and far apart. They not only emphasize her openness, but are also reminiscent of fish eyes (associated with empty-headedness, a certain lack of something + the concept of goldfishes with bad memory)
Kio's main emotion is curiosity
Jiu's main emotion is guilt
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hibischush · 3 months
Could please do kissing headcanons for Hayden, Ryis, and Celine? 👀
I see you 👀 More kissing headcanons comin' right up! 🌺
Just like last time, there are some suggestive themes, so⚠️minors proceed with caution!⚠️
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Hayden is the type to not take first kisses so seriously
And what I mean by that is that he doesn't stress over when it happens or what it will be like
He would like for it to happen organically, since he would rather wait for you and he already knows that it will be wonderful
I think it would happen on a stormy evening, with the pair of you sitting out on his porch joking and enjoying each other's company
Lighting strikes nearby and you startle
Hayden lets one of his bellowing laughs out which fizzle out to giggles as you poke his sides with a pout
You both know you are interested in one another, but you are also the type to just let things happen naturally
As the lightning illuminated your face, Hayden realizes with a huge swell of emotion that he needs to do something about how he is feeling
When you try to go for one last jab at his sides, he gently captures your wrist with one hand and pulls you closer to him by the waist with his other
Resting your captive hand over his heart, Hayden looks at you fondly before whispering, "Farmer, you ain't got no idea what you do to this rancher's heart, and I need to show you what you do to me," he releases your hand to tilt your chin up, "may I kiss you?"
You eagerly accept and he smiles before leaning down to passionately seal your lips with his own
After the quick but sweet kiss you ask him to date you
He hollers happily, "Of course I will date you! Oh the world won't even know what hit them with you by my side!"
Hayden is typically a gentle guy in most regards, and this is also true when it comes to his kisses 💗
He honestly lets you take the lead when kissing, since he prefers to do something else entirely (he also just likes when you are enjoying the way you kiss him)
Hayden is super handsy
Hands will fly from your face to your chest, to your waist down to your hips (maybe to your butt too if you let him)
He wants so much of you that the best way to keep him grounded is to explore with his hands
If there's a height difference (with a hunk of a man like Hayden its likely more true than not) he often will just. Pick you up
This often leads him to pinning you against a wall or door, really any flat surface
But it typically leads to him setting you down on a table or chair, or a bed to keep you on his lap 👀
Ryis is very straight-forward
The moment he felt something between you two and he had an inkling that you reciprocated he asked you out
This man is so loving
And it didn't take long for him to kiss you in order to express his fondness for you
One day you stopped by at the carpentry shop to see him working inside on some cabinetry
You pause to take in the lovey sight of him
There's something about his face that makes your legs feel weak when he's focused on a task
You wish that he would look at you that intensely 🥲
The sight didn't last long, however
He immediately lights up upon noticing you, and you instantly think that this sight was one to die for
"There's my favorite farmer! To what do I owe the pleasure?" He grins, dusting off his hands
"Oh, nothing really. Just enjoying the view," you tease, sliding up next to him and brushing saw dust out of his hair
He feels his face heating up, but then chuckles adorably at your comment
He takes your hand from his hair and holds it to his cheek
"Thank you for that, you're always looking out for me," Ryis says softly
You melt under the strength of his gaze, and your eyes flicker down to his lips
He notices, and grins before inching his face closer to yours, "You know, I think I deserve a gift from working so hard at being a lovely view" he teases back
You blush but hold your ground, "Yes, I think that's acceptable given the circumstances,"
He laughs and he pulls you in to a tight embrace, kissing you longingly and passionately
Afterwards, you can confidently declare that Ryis is the best kisser on the planet
He's very observant and respondent to your reactions and needs
He very much enjoys kissing you
Whether that be small pecks in public as a greeting or forehead kisses as way to say thank you
Behind closed doors, however...
You do not want to be caught
I said before that Ryis is very loving, and if you thought that he would stay loving you quietly in private you'd be so wrong
Honestly it's like unleashing a dormant beast
He will be leaving marks on your neck and bruises on your lip
It's out of love dw 🩷🩷
Oh our sweet Celine
She fell for you fast and hard
And while it took you a bit longer to reciprocate, you couldn't deny the the two of you had chemistry
You would catch her hidden glances, her nervous laugh, and how much she would play with her hair around you
Not to mention the teasing from her family, which was not hidden well at the general store
She almost always had redden cheeks around you, which you found very endearing
She wasn't entirely sure if you only liked her as a friend or as something more, so she would misread your flirting as harmless platonic compliments
One day you invite her to the farm for dinner, and when she arrives you give her a huge hug and a bouquet of flowers
She blushes when you hug her but she kept reminding herself that you were doing it to be friendly (and ofc she loves the flowers)
You tell her to sit down at your dinner table as you cook for her, all the while laughing and bantering
As the two of you tucked into dinner she was beginning to think that this was more than just a hangout
She helps you clean up the dishes and you both settle on a couch outside on your porch
You sit close to her, and she bristles even more (she's going to faint if she gets any redder help this girl out)
You reach over and grab her hand and begin to thumb the back of it
After a bit more tension filled silence, you whisper to her, "Celine, you know this was a date, right?"
Finally the bouquet, the fleeting touches, the compliments, the candlelit dinner-- it all makes sense now
She almost gasps before saying, "Y-you're serious? Do you like me that way? Romantically?!"
You let out a gentle laugh before taking her other hand and lifting her up off the couch with you
You pull her close, and you can almost hear a quiet whimper from her
"I'm serious, Celine. I've been interested for quite a while, and I know you have been too. I want to kiss you, is that alrig-?"
She basically tackles you as she wraps her hands around your shoulders and kisses you
"It was more than alright, I wish you had asked sooner!" she beams
Turns out that's all she needed to be more confident around you
Celine loves to kiss and be kissed by you!
She almost always kisses you by wrapping you close to her
I think that she would also nibble on your lips to get a laugh out of you, but she would immediately lose the upper hand when you retaliate by smooching and nibbling on her neck
When that happens she tends to pull you to a private place 🩷
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I feel like I got a little carried away with this one 🤔 No matter though because I enjoyed every second!
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"The Bad Batch" Series Review
Now that this show is over and I've had some time to think about it, I'll give my overall thoughts, its strengths, weaknesses, and how it compares to other two main popular animated shows. In general, TBB is a solid show with fun characters, beautiful animation/music, and moments of truly peak Star Wars. Is it perfect? Definitely not, but I love it all the same. It's probably a solid 8/10 for me. In many ways, TBB is the type of show I absolutely love. It's dark, character driven, and touches on mature themes. I love seeing how different characters came to terms with Order 66 and the birth of the Empire. At a time when hope seemed at its bleakest, seeing characters try and find it again is very compelling.
Tbh, I think one of the reasons why I love this show so much is because it really hits home for me. A lot of the themes and ideas that are explored by the characters are also things I've been exploring at the same time. TBB has been a comfort show for me as the world becomes even scarier and I grow as a person. It was the show I needed right now. Also, the Batch remind me of my own friend group. So, I might be a bit biased here.
In comparison to the other shows, I think I love TBB about the same as much as the others. Some days, I'll prefer TBB, other days, I might prefer Rebels or CW. Each show has something I truly love and something that frustrates me. For example, Rebels has a lot of emotional moments I enjoy, but Zeb was really slept on after S2. CW had an amazing scale and scope, but some arcs were just awful. You know which one I'm talking about. TBB is the same. It really depends on the vibe though. At the end of the day though, I truly love all 3 shows and all the joy (and tears) they give me.
Alright, let's get into the nitty gritty.
I'll start off with the flaws just to get them out of the way. I think TBB's biggest flaws are regarding balancing the character dynamics and arcs. I understand that Omega is more or less the main character since she really changes the Batch's life, but they needed to do more. I wanted to learn more about the Batch. However, sometimes it felt like characters could only grow when Omega was with them. Granted, this wasn't the case 100% of the time. Crosshair is the most notable example of this and I loved Tech's interactions with Romar and Phee. Unfortunately, it does affect the characters if they only get characterization with one character. Echo is the biggest victim of this imo. They had a goldmine to explore how he felt in the aftermath of Skako Minor, but they didn't. Crosshair wound up being the Batcher who would've understood him most, except they only exchange two lines of dialogue together in S3. That's it. Imagine how impactful it would've been for Cross if he talked to him. Echo truly understands the horrors of being turned into a lifeless machine. It was an opportunity that was practically gift wrapped for the writers. Sadly, it did not come to pass. Overall, this show just needed more Echo.
Btw, TBB wasn't the only show with this problem. As mentioned above, Zeb didn't get much to do after S2 and I'm disappointed in that. Even Rex and Kallus also got sidelined after S3. CW's format was more forgiving with this, but certain characters like Savage became more irrelevant once more popular characters showed up. Additionally, Echo not learning about Fives was a massive missed opportunity.
Branching off of that, having Omega as the centerpiece also means that the emotional moments tend to happen with her. Now, that's not a bad thing, except it only seems to happen with her. In S1, it really felt like no one cared that Crosshair was gone. This is their brother who they've known forever. Why is Crosshair the only one who seems to be really emotional about the whole thing? Since the Batch have only ever had each other, I would've expected them to be more upset/bothered when one of their own suddenly does a 180 in personality. And again, it's not like it's not there, it is, but it really needs more. I'll be honest, I really didn't like S1 Hunter at all. The man tunnel visioned on Omega.
I'm more forgiving about the rough start since both CW and Rebels were also kinda rough. However, I think the lack of clear focus did hurt the show a bit. Rebels and CW had a greater scope: fighting in a war/revolution. TBB doesn't have this since everything just got uprooted. Had the show been a bit more focused, I think it really would've helped a lot. S2 and 3 both established what the overall focus was pretty quickly. But with S1, it seemed to jump from the inhibitor chips to whatever Omega's purpose was to Project War Mantle and I was like: so, what was the Batch's goal other than survival?
There are other things that bugged me as well. Tech's death should've been handled better. I get that the Batch are soldiers so they aren't expected to cry in each others arms. Except the closure for Tech's death wasn't enough. What wound up happening was half the fandom questioning if he was really dead and searching for hints that he was alive. I covered this in my S3 review, but to summarize: the writers needed more time and more deep character moments. TBB thrived on those deep, mature conversations.
I know I just went off, but I truly love this show with all my heart. I know it's capable of so much more as shows in its strengths. It just frustrates me when it falls short.
Crosshair. Looking back at his overall journey, Crosshair is easily the most compelling character. I'm linking my study of him because his arc is just that good.
What's so impressive to me about Cross is that he doesn't need to be in a lot of episodes in order to tell his story in a satisfactory way. Everything he's in is so well written that I can easily tell how he's feeling, why he feels that way, and why he makes the choices he does. In S2, not once did I have to wonder why he decided to betray the Empire or befriend Mayday despite that arc being only 2 episodes. The subtext really said it all perfectly. TBB does such a good job with his character, but I won't go on any further because we'd be here forever. Anyways, I love Crosshair and he has the best redemption arc in Star Wars. You can't change my mind.
TBB also touches on mature themes and I love that they are explored in a thoughtful way. Tech's conversation with Omega is really beautiful. It speaks to a lot of people and I love that the writers chose to take a thoughtful route instead of just having Tech say something nerdy and calling it at that. The same thing with Crosshair's PTSD. It was a genuine issue that affected him and not just when the plot needed it. I also appreciated that he was given time to actually try healing. Letting the characters sit down and have deep moments is what really connects the audiences to them because we see what makes them vulnerable. Light-hearted action is fun and all, but there is so much more to these characters than "blaster go pew." I really resonated with Crosshair's story and I know many people did the same with Tech's. I also loved how the show showed Omega adapting to the change around her; it can be very difficult sometimes and I appreciated that it wasn't still sunshine and rainbows after. Echo had a role within the Batch and his absence definitely shook the dynamics.
The animation and music are just perfection. It speaks for itself, but it's perfect imo. (yes, I'm aware of the errors, but it doesn't impact the actual quality).
The Empire was really freaking scary. TBB did a great job showing how the Empire started encroaching on the entire galaxy and began phasing out the clones. Occupations started, Rampart began his chain code system, and any form of dissent was immediately silenced. There was no question as to how ruthless they were. And there were genuine consequences to the actions of characters. Rampart was thrown under the bus for something he was ordered to do. The Empire doesn't protect anyone except Palpatine. "The Outpost" is so brutal and raw, but it perfectly shows how the Empire can drain a person until they break. Both Rampart and Hemlock are two fantastic villains that capture the true horrors of humanity. Rampart is a cold and greedy man. We all know people like him and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Not even humble juice in prison could make him reevaluate his views. Hemlock is a monster that only cares for his experiments. He was such a different villain compared to the Sith and greedy imperials we tend to see and I appreciated that. Even Crosshair was a good example of how misguided beliefs can turn people against one another. Like with Rampart, we all know people like Crosshair. It grounds TBB that much more.
I also loved the main focus on family in this show. It's a value that I hold dearly because of my beliefs and how I was raised. At the end of the day, the Batch's greatest strength comes from the bonds they have with each other. In times so dark, it's the people they love the most that will help them get through their struggles. I honestly love that. Whether it's friends, siblings, or parents, those bonds are so important. People aren't meant to tackle the world alone. TBB does a great job showing how hard it is when you're stuck in a dark place and how impactful it can be to have people who love and support you. Overall, I really loved it.
At the end of the day, I just really love the Batch. They mean a lot to me, especially Crosshair and Omega. Omega herself is such a sweet bean and her light truly is beautiful. I've loved watching her journey over the last several years. She's a wonderful character and I love her dearly. I love Crosshair (he's really hot, ok). I love Tech's charm and quips. I love Echo's strong drive for justice. I love Wrecker's big heart. I love Hunter's... fatherly instincts.
Ok, I know that was long, but I am so grateful for this show. I love TBB with all my heart and there's so much more to say. For now though, I'll just say that TBB has truly made an impact on my life. It gave me something to enjoy when times got rough and it gave me Crosshair. I will always be thankful for him.
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the-broken-truth · 5 months
Twisted Wonderland Nonsense [8]: Magical Core Meeting
[Note: This Could Be Made Into A Mini-Series & Possible Comic.]
[Genderless Yuu - Will Decide Gender Later]
[Headmage Dire Crowley called the Dorm Wardens to an Emergency Meeting.]
Crowley (Smiling): Thank you for attending this sudden meeting, Dorm Wardens.
Leona (Yawns): Just what do you want, Crowley?
Riddle: Kingscholar, show respect. (Looks at Crowley) What is the meaning of this meeting, Headmage?
Crowley: This meeting regards the current condition of the Ramshackle Prefect, Yuu [L/N].
[The mention of Yuu's Name causes the Dorm Wardens, even Leona, to set up in their chairs; showing that they are ready for any information.]
Riddle: There is nothing wrong with the Prefect, is there, Headmage Crowley?
Crowley: Nothing negative, no. However, this is a rather interesting phenomenon. It would seem that the Prefect of Ramshackle is becoming more like their peers.
Azul: What do you mean?
Kalim: Yeah, what's happening to Jewel?!
Crowley: A few weeks ago, The Prefect informed me that they were feeling strange; increased energy, speed, and strength along with other things. What they were truly concerned about was the occasional glow in their eyes when they were looking at a mirror. I was concerned for them, so I asked the Nurse to look over them.
Malleus: What did the Nurse find?
Crowley: Trace of Magic within them; it was weak, but still present.
Idia (Tablet): That's not possible. Sugar Skull is Magicless; how could there be traces of magic within them?
Crowley: I said the same thing, Mr. Shroud, and asked the Nurse if he was certain about his findings. The Nurse informed me that, upon conducting an examination of Yuu's Being, a Magical Core was forming within their body; it's currently small, but it appears to be growing as time goes on.
Riddle: Wait. Rose is 'forming' a Magical Core within themself? How is that possible?
Crowley: I am not entirely certain, but I have a theory: The Prefect unknowing has been absorbing magic into their being by facing the Overblots, coming in contact with other magical students, or the magic fragments loosely floating in the air. I asked the Nurse to record and document and the Prefect appears to possess more than one magic type.
Vil: What kinds?
Crowley: From what was documented: Fire, Lightning, and Wind.
Riddle: Interesting combination... What is next, Headmage?
Crowley: Currently, the Prefect is practicing with the Nurse to harness their new power; what's interesting is that they don't need a Mage Stone Pen to draw it out.
Leona: How?!
Crowley: Something about channeling the energy into the tips of their fingers as an outlet; how like Mage Stone Pens are Outlets for Our Magic. However, Crewel has convinced me to acquire a pen for them; so I am currently working on that.
Malleus: And the Child of Man's Dwelling?
Crowley: What do you mean?
Malleus: When the Child of Man arrived here one year ago, they were unable to be sorted because they were magicless, but now that they have acquired magic of their own; they should be resorted into a proper down. Diasomnia would be perfect for my Child of Man.
Leona: As if, Lizard! 3 Elemental Magics is power and the Powerful belong in Savanaclaw! The Herbivore belongs with us!
Riddle: Rose is more aligned with Heartslabyul, considering they follow rules while being allied with Ace and Deuce.
Kalim: Jewel is very smart! They should come to Scarabia! Jamil would be happy to have them there!
Vil: My Sweet Potato is far too lovely and refined to be in any dorm that is not Pomefiore.
Azul: I disagree. Octavinelle owes a lot to Pearl's Deal-Making Skills; they should join us.
Idia (Tablet): Sugar Skull would be best fitted in Ignihyde. They are as mysterious as ever.
Malleus: The Child of Man is more noble. They shall come to Diasomnia.
Crowley: Alright, enough. The Prefect's Dorm is Ramshackle unless they wish to be sorted by the Dark Mirror. If they tell me they desire to be placed in a dorm, I shall make the preparations; however, it's their choice. Now, the meeting is over. I need to get the Mage Stone Pen.
[All the Dorm Wardens leave the meeting with the same thing on their minds: The Prefect is coming to my dorm.]
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shuttershocky · 7 months
I went to the gamepress arknights tierlist and saw that for aoe casters Mostima is rated at the top as S-, then I clicked on her and saw this writeup they've made: "Historically, Mostima has been one of the lowest graded units in this guide. Since nearly launch, she has epitomized early design mistakes, with her paltry damage, long downtime, and high costs. That is still mostly true." Now I'm just very confused, and thought you might understand it better than this newbie haha, why is she both weak and strong at the same time? And the other aoe casters still can't keep up with her?
Gamepress LUL
Mostima is a unit that doesn't have much value until you start hitting the more difficult content. As a Splash Caster (no idea why gamepress insists on using its own nicknames for classes rather than use the official ones), her DPS is low compared to other Caster types, and her DP cost is high. In terms of which 6 star to raise for new players, she's best left for later as she can't quite carry you the way someone like Exusiai or Silverash can.
However, At E2 with module level 3, Mostima has a very unique niche that very few other units can rival (and none of them are Splash Casters). Her second talent unlocked at E2 reduces enemy movement speed when they're inside her attack range. Investing into her module to level3 increases the talent strength from 15% to 30%, and slows all enemies outside her attack range (meaning, globally) by 18%. This combos really well with her S3, which increases her attack range into a wide wave like shape, while tripling her movement speed reduction. This means that without her module, S3 slows enemies by 45%. With her module, it's 90%, the strongest slow in the game.
Now what makes this extra special is that Mostima doesn't inflict the "slow" debuff, but instead reduces enemy movement speed, and also doesn't actually need to attack the enemy, they just need to be inside her range. This makes her the only crowd control unit able to slow invisible or invincible enemies, as well as enemies who are normally immune to the slow debuff (because Mostima doesn't use "slow"). Additionally, the Slow debuff is an 80% movement speed decrease, while Mostima's S3 is 90%, making her slow stronger than everyone else in the game.
For a vast majority of the game's easier stages, you don't really need Mostima, you need a damage dealer. However, once the game starts throwing real challenges at you, Mostima's level of crowd control is unmatched and uncounterable by the enemy, as it bypasses all mechanics as long s they are within her range. This has made Mostima a common pick for harder stages where strong crowd control is almost a requirement, and in that regard she's one of if not the best Splash caster in the game, with only Dusk's second module really rivaling her.
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