#in scorching waters if
tales-of-osinia · 1 year
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"In Scorching Waters" is an +18 interactive fiction fantasy story, featuring adventure, magic, and romance.
Demo coming soon. Inbox open for questions! (Minors, please DNI)
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You are a deserter. You want nothing to do with the Kingdom and its army, with battle magic, or with the past life you’ve buried. That is, until one day you return home to find an old friend waiting for you by your doorstep, with a proposition that will have you putting your old skills to use in exchange for valuable information on your long-lost family.
After being taken from your family at a young age, you spent many years of your life honing your magic skills for combat and then serving in the army of the Kingdom of Keth. For a long time during the current war efforts against the Kingdom of Ashara, you had served your nation loyally – willingly or not –, until something made you turn your back on it.
It’s been four years since you started living a quiet, discrete life on an island far away from Keth’s influence. That is, until you return home one day to find Al, an old friend from the army, waiting for you by your doorstep, with a proposition that will have you putting your old skills to use in exchange for valuable information on your family.
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The situation, as it stands: Al’s uncle, an important political figure in Keth, has been captured by a group who now hold the power to destroy their family’s political standing within the Kingdom – and that would be a best-case scenario. With negotiations for his release falling apart, Al has gathered a team of people who all depend on and/or would benefit from their family maintaining political power, and is planning to sail across the seas to release said uncle from captivity. They are asking you to join this quest, and in exchange, they promise you nothing short of your greatest wish: information on the family you were torn away from more than a decade ago.
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Join in on a rescue mission that will have you sailing through dangerous seas, with mostly strangers for company.
Boost team morale and learn to work as a unit to survive the dangers of the journey, or face the consequences.
Face magically-induced weather events, mystical beasts, human criminals, and more.
Restore your years-long friendship with an old army companion, or push them even further away.
Pursue romance with someone from your new team (with two someones, perhaps), or have a fling with one of the crewmates.
And most importantly: make sure the mission succeeds and you survive to get the information that made you tag along on this journey in the first place.
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Play as a man, woman, or non-binary person. Pick your character’s name, gender, pronouns, appearance, and sexual orientation.
Decide your combat magic specialization: play as an Elementalist, balancing the duality of fire and ice to unleash both frost and infernos on your enemies; a Countermage, proficient in shielding and warding yourself and your allies, and in negating magical effects; or an Electromancer, an expert in manipulating charges, currents, and electricity to wield lightning with your bare hands.
Choose how to approach your new companions: be cold, be rude, keep a professional distance, create new friendships, or perhaps do some flirting.
Different romances available: a friend from your old life, whom you estranged after disappearing without saying goodbye; a scholar turned outlaw, disenchanted and hardened after his fall from grace; or a sweet nomad, who despite spending most of their time alone in the wilderness, is the most excited one about the current company. (possible additions in the future)
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Al, the Old Friend (Alistair/Alissa) – M/F, he/him or she/her. RO.
Dark brown skin. Coiled black hair, oval-shaped face. Alistair has a short, well-kept beard. Round dark brown eyes, straight eyebrows, long eyelashes, and a button nose. And the perfect posture of someone who has spent all their life training on how to present themselves in front of the masses. Alistair: 5’9, Alissa: 5’6.
Al comes from a prestigious family with a long, respected political history in the Kingdom of Keth, and they have spent their entire lives preparing for an eventual future in politics like the rest of their family. Al was one of the first people you met when you left the academy to join the mage army, and the two of you grew very close over the years serving in the same squad. And then you fled from the Kingdom without saying goodbye.
Possible variations: 1. close friends; 2. close friends and MC was in love with Al; 3. close friends in love, but neither tried to cross the final line. (Note: this choice won’t lock you out of romancing other characters/lock you into romancing Al.)
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Kaden, the Outlaw – M, he/him. RO.
Light beige skin. Slightly rectangular face shape, with a square chin, with a cleft. Hooded, upturned brown eyes, with dark upward eyebrows. Starting to develop soft frown lines between the eyes due to constant frowning (both out of annoyance and due to his mild nearsightedness). Shoulder-length, straight black hair, kept partially tied back. 5’11.
Kaden was once a brilliant historian and archaeologist, but he stepped on too many powerful toes in his attempts to disseminate his research. His dismissal from the field, academia, and eventually from the Kingdom’s capital was as quiet and surreptitious as the removal of his publications from bookshelves.
His reason for joining in on this dangerous quest isn’t clear, but it certainly isn’t out of affection or respect for Al.
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Castis/Catalina, the Nomad – M/F, he/him or she/her. RO.
Light, tanned skin. Heart-shaped face, with a pointy chin. Almond-shaped green eyes, thick rounded eyebrows, and a straight nose. Freckles all over the face and shoulders. Wavy, light brown hair that reaches a little below the shoulders. Castis: 5’10, Catalina: 5’9.
C is a sweet, approachable person, eager to socialize with anyone who gives them the chance to; it is both odd and impressive that someone who spends all their time alone in the wilderness can have such people skills. Despite being on a quest that may very well send them to their death in waters far away from the woods they are used to, they are very enthusiastic about the adventure to come.
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This story is rated +18. It will feature strong language, violence, and (optional) sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
Once the demo is out (and as it gets updated over time), I'll also be updating the content warnings, which will include a list of potentially sensitive topics.
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isurrendertoclones · 6 months
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Or…at least Boss and Fixer? Yeah?
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cronchlord · 3 months
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Whenever I see my scorch traipsing around all stupidly on his stupid hooves this is all I can think of, why does man have hooves
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LOOSE ENDS: Part 7: Finale...
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Okay, you and I both know that title is a lie.
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sharky-the-idiot · 5 months
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Isaiah 43:2 (NKJV) - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
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buckyslostarm · 1 year
Am I the only one whose brain can't compute with the fact that Dylan O'Brien played both Stiles and Thomas?
Like I'll see videos from Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner all over my fyp and I can't really believe they're both played by the same person.
I think one of the reasons is because the characters are both so different. Dylan is so talented and his acting range is so wide that I can't make sense of him playing hyperactive Stiles and traumatised Thomas.
He is truly amazing
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hellspawntale-rebooted · 10 months
Found some stuff in Deltarune. Anyone else get this?
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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WIP // Bruh, these ghoul boys are so pretty
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
The tiny cellar. The door slamming shut. The darkness. Gils claustrophobia. The DRAMA!
For the wildfire one please! ❤️
"Someone! Anyone, please!!"
Thena walked a little more briskly. It had reached her ears so quietly and muffled at first, but there was no mistaking it now. Someone needed help. "Hello?"
"Please, help me!"
She picked her pace up to a light jog, the scenery looking much more familiar now. She kept telling herself she wasn't coming back to Gil's cabin - again - she was just...in the area. Her perimeter routes had changed, that was all.
It wasn't that she missed the place, or the host.
"Gil?" she called out, looking around for him. She couldn't figure out for the life of her where he was. She walked around the side of the cabin, but he wasn't by the wood pile, or chopping out front. He didn't seem to be inside, based on how she was hearing him.
"Gil, are you okay?!" she shouted back, her heart starting to beat faster. What the hell had happened to him? "Gil!"
"Gilgamesh!" Thena ran around the other side of the house. There wasn't much over there except the storm cellar door and where the water connection was. He had showed her the water main so that she could help herself to the shower in case he was away and had shut it off.
The doors rattled, being pounded on from the inside.
"Please, please, please!"
"Gil!" Thena shouted back, rushing to pull them open. They weren't locked, but the wood had warped over the course of winter, and now were wedged together in just such a way that made them seem impossible to get open now that they were slotted together.
"Thena, please!"
She slammed her foot on one door and pulled on the other one, stumbling back as it finally cracked open. If she didn't know him so well, it might have been terrifying, seeing someone as large as Gil come tearing up and out of the cellar in that state.
She tried not to fall over as Gil sank to his knees, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his face into her stomach. He was bawling like a baby, clearly having been hyperventilating in the cellar by himself. She huffed. "Gil."
"Thena, oh thank god, fuck, I-I thought-"
Thena tried a few times to try and pat his head - or something - without feeling weird about it. He was clinging to her like he'd faced down his worst nightmare, which perhaps he had. He wasn't being dramatic, or his big, sensitive self. He wasn't well. "It's okay, Gil."
He screamed into the material of her shirt, his whole body quaking. He was such a bear of a man but he truly seemed fragile, on the verge of crumbling. "I can't...I can't..."
Thena finally gave in, letting her hands fall over him as gently as she could manage. He flinched, and it only made her feel worse for him. But she rubbed his shoulder, ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm here, Gil. You're okay."
He took slower breaths, steadier with each slow inhale. He slowly sank lower until he couldn't even hold onto her anymore, seemingly ready to lie down on the forest floor.
"Gil, hey," she said gently, trying to have more than her usual charisma (lack thereof) with him. She knelt with him, holding his shoulders and making him look at her. "What happened?"
He groaned, his throat raw from screaming for however long he'd been in there. "I-I was checking on some stuff in the cellar. I always have the doors wide open, but they must have gotten blown over, or maybe something wandered by and closed them--I-I dunno."
"Okay," she nearly whispered, nodding and watching him closely. His eyes were bloodshot from crying, but his pupils were responsive. He was no longer gasping for air, his chest no longer heaving. She wouldn't be surprised if he was lightheaded. "It's over now."
He groaned again, rubbing his face. "Ugh, Thena...I'm sorry."
He was apologising?
"I didn't mean to freak out and," he blushed, typical Gil, "throw myself at you like that."
She tilted her head at him, and he looked truly ashamed and remorseful. "You never told me you're claustrophobic."
He shook his head, ruffling his own hair now. He looked like he'd been through hell. "Doesn't come up much, I guess. I don't exactly get put on cave duty that often."
Thena furrowed her brows. She would think that if his phobia was this severe that he wouldn't be put on cave search duty to begin with.
"Thanks for rescuing me," he smiled limply at her as she rocked back on her heels and flopped back on her butt across from him. "Sorry you had to come all this way to do it."
"I was," she shrugged, hoping she seemed casual, "passing by."
Whether he believed her or not, he chuckled and nodded, "well, you really saved me, so..."
Thena sighed, keeping an eye on him. It didn't feel right to just...leave him like this. She inhaled, poking him in the shoulder, "okay, hey, c'mon, get up."
He blinked at her as she pulled herself up and dusted off her grey jeans. "R-Right, you must have to-"
"Get inside, I'll make your disgusting leaf water for you." As soon as she said it she wondered if maybe she could see why she was known as a 'stone cold bitch' at the station.
Gil brightened like a dog being offered a treat. He looked up at her with those big brown eyes of his, "really?"
She turned away from him; he acted like she had asked him to marry her! All she offered was to make him some tea! "Today, Gilgamesh, before I change my mind!"
Maybe she could be a little nicer to the man whose life had flashed before his eyes in his own storm cellar.
But Gil picked himself up, hopping to fall in step beside her. He nudged her shoulder gently with his, "thanks."
She bit the inside of her cheek. He was making such a big deal about it. "Thank me if I make it right."
But even now, her growling did nothing to dissuade him from inviting her in. If anything, when she whipped the door open and stepped in ahead of him, he held the door open over her shoulder. Such a little gentleman (she rolled her eyes).
"Gil," she started while on her way to the kitchen.
"Yeah?" he asked, already kicking off his boots in favour of his sandals.
She lingered by the doorway between the kitchen and the main body of the cabin. "Next time you need something in that cellar...just call me."
She resisted the urge to press her forehead to the fridge door, feeling her face growing warm. "Just wait for me and I'll do it for you! You don't have to go down there again, is what I'm saying."
She continued on her way, digging out the kind of tea that was his favourite. She didn't know what kind it was, but she supposed she had smelled worse teas. And she knew how to put the kettle on. Maybe she would make herself a single mug of instant coffee with the boiling water while she was here.
"Thanks, Thena."
He was probably smiling that dumb smile that was kind of endearing. And she refused to go out there if he was going to catch her looking flustered over it. He could wait for his stupid leaf water.
This was why she was off search and rescue. Saving just one person made it feel worthwhile to do it again and again.
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daddy-ul · 2 months
Going to London for the first time tomorrow (well, I'm leaving for the airport in 7h but you get it)
Happy about it, two of my best friends in the world are waiting for me there but I am SO nervous ajananana ahhhh, why do I always feel like shit before a trip?!
Send me all the positive vibes! If you have some tips, cool cemeteries, lush parks, second hands dvd/cd shops to suggest feel free to comment down here or hit my askbox.
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wool-string · 1 year
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It’s definitely summer
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CORE: Part 6: The Scorch fight.
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cappurrccino · 3 months
got fuckin squash beetles and I haven't even gotten a SQUASH yet!!
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wiirocku · 2 years
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Isaiah 43:2 (HCSB) - I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you.
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hellspawnswap-au · 10 months
Hellspawnswap Flower Power!
Explaining the changes
Frost: Barely changes, he was just getting some groceries in the ruins and happened to hear Emily fall.
Hellspawn: She’s barely in Snowdin, only coming around for one of Goofballs shows.
Goofball: Syekick, but with a stage name! She’s an entertainer because her clairvoyance showed how miserable everyone was, but then she saw how Blookaton was such a good entertainer, so she decided to help the other side of the underground lift their spirits. The Skelebros are her agents because Undyne specifically requested them to be her agents after she saw Syekicks potential at her Blookaton collab.
Snowcone: Coneys real name is Snowcone! He never got the Coney nickname, instead he’s studying humor and monsterkind for the soul purpose of helping Snowdrake, his adopted sibling, become a good comedian. Coney is researching just how to make people laugh.
Scorch: Scorch lives in Waterfall, and has the same thing that happened to Water in Normal hellspawntale, (it still happens to water here) but he’s a bit more of a hothead about it. He usually scares people off if they stare long enough.
Water: Water got tired of people bullying him over the face, so he got Bold Blossom, Nain, and Jeffery to become part of his Hotland Hooligans.
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