#in search of roleplayers
ask-sora-aguilar · 1 month
Mod: Hello everyone…sorry to interrupt your day/night/noon/morning…I have an announcement to make…
Me and my rp group are in need of a Stone,Vinnie,and Skipp roleplay for our AU.
Keep in mind, this isn’t obligatory and you may refuse if you want to.
Our AU is currently in main story mode, however…you’re free to add any story detail if you want.
If you are interested…please dm me or tag yourself for more details or are recommending someone/thing.
We will listen to your terms, and you to ours if you want…
Thank you…
From: Mod
Edit: oh! AND A PEBBLE!
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metanoiamorii · 10 months
Looking for Roleplay Partners
I'm Morri, or Mario. I'm twenty-three [23] and I've been roleplaying on and off for as long as I can remember. It's gone hand-in-hand with writing. It's around time I try to start to meet new roleplay partners and expand my network again. I was previously on Wattpad before it met its timely end for most of us. I moved to discord but it went quiet and I have only been in a small circle since. What to expect and know from me? I am honestly bad at replying steadily, but I am ALWAYS talking about the roleplays and making ideas and headcanons with my partner(s). I will reply with lengthy messages for a week, then struggle to form a basic response for a few weeks, then the cycle continues. But I am always dedicated to the roleplay(s) I am in, even if I struggle to show it. I'm also extremely literate. I will give you novella-length responses. I can't do small responses even if I tried, to ask any of my roleplay partners. But I don't expect anyone to match my length! I just ask to not be given one or two sentences to work off of. I LOVE knowing what is going on inside a character's head, or how they're feeling. It really helps to build everything up. I also do third-person only.
And I also ask for 18+ only, please. I feel awkward talking to minors unless it's to basically mentor them.
I also love tropes. Tropes are great. Especially if you break away and add twists to them, and get creative!
I play a vast array of characters. Almost all ocs. The only ones that aren't ocs are based on gods or divine beings. Either way, all my characters are queer, that explore different mental illnesses and backgrounds. I could not play a character that's cishet to save my life(no hate for anyone, it's just something I have struggled with). That's not to say I don't do m/w relationships, because I do. My characters are just not cishet (they're either bi/ace/pan/demi/enby/etc).
I also enjoy mature themes. But I ALWAYS discuss boundaries with my roleplay partners. The dos, the don'ts, the boundaries, the triggers, the likes. A lot of my focus is on fantasy, for the most part. Dark, romantic, historical, epic, horror, you name it. I overall enjoy just about anything? EXCEPT, I stay in my comfort zone. Which is one of the two universes I've world built into existence.
The first is entirely fantasy, with different realms/worlds to explore. A vast array of plotlines to explore. Crime/mafia, piracy, eldritch horrors, kingdom diplomacy, witches. You name it, I have it. Probably too much. I've been told it's overwhelming when I gain a new roleplaying partner.
The other is one I've just recently started to build. It's a bit like POJ and Everafter High met. A bit of fantasy, a bit of history, a bit of religion. Every character is either a demigod, a god, a divine being, a fae, a human, or another being...
It's going on late for me after being awake for seventeen hours, so I'm not doing a lot of justice for my stuff. But I really want more roleplaying partners and friends! I have cute little servers for both universes, building into small communities. And I also have adjacent servers for the novels I'm writing that deal with the plotlines and whatnot.
I don't know what else to say at the moment except please, please, please I am begging you to message me. We can talk here in dms and I'll send you, or you can send me your discord tag so we can move over there and start to plot! I should probably get to bed now. Thank you for reading this far.
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Hey, I’m looking for some roleplay friends! I’m not particularly experienced, but I do think it’d be fun to give it a try. You can contact me here on tumblr, or on Discord (my user is junosol). Rules and information down below!
-I’m 18, turning 19 in a few months. Just keep my age in mind, please :}
-I’m most used to acting as Vox or Alastor, but I can do Valentino too! (Again, I’m new to this so I don’t really have many characters I’m good with. I can probably capture another characters basic demeanor for a short period of time, but not for a longer or more serious roleplay. Vox, Alastor, and Val are the only ones I can do consistently well- in my opinion, at least.)
-I’m fine with smut, NSFW, violence, gore, and the like. I really like gore. Anyway. Topics like suicide, sexual harassment/assault, abuse, etc. are fine, too, just be careful
- I live In an Eastern Time Zone (UTC−05:00, DST UTC−04:00) and I might be busy with schoolwork sometimes (college is hard) but I’ll be sure to let you know beforehand! Also please don’t ghost me, I’d appreciate a warning if you’re going to be away for long periods of times, if possible.
-I’m most comfortable with radiostatic, one way broadcast (radiosilence), and radioapple (duckiedeer), but I’m open to trying others, too!
-I can also roleplay as Vox, Alastor, or Val with one of your OC’s! (Or I could just talk to you in character. I’m not sure if there’s a term for that)
-I think that’s it? If you have any more questions, you can contact me directly or ask in the comments below, whichever you prefer.
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lilliad-dreams · 16 days
If there’s any semi lit writers interested in roleplaying with me, please let me know!! I know a surplus of fandoms and I love plenty of kinds of RP! I also have discord if necessary!
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ifyoulikeitornot-xox · 2 months
Anyone looking for Eddie rp partners??
Cause I sure do be looking for anyone who's willing g to roleplay as Steve with me!! 🥺
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bobahwrites · 2 months
Would love to test out some OC’s I have just sitting in my head right now! I’m open to any and all pairings/tropes/time periods and scenarios! I love dead dove!
I’m a literate to advance writer who can fill up the discord limit everytime. I’m looking for both Male and Female OC’s! NB is okay too!
I have a lean towards fantasy elements or writing things based around CoD(so soldiers and the like).
Anyways, I can supply more info or writing examples! Please only be 18+, as I do enjoy NSFW when the plot calls for it!
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liyastarkey · 11 months
⋆·˚ ༘ * writer info
name: liya
pronouns: she/her
age: 23
timezone: CET
writing style: semi-lit/lit, third person, at least one paragraph per reply (between 3-5 sentences), mxf only
genres/tropes: mostly romance: best friends to lovers, toxic relationships, roommate trope, marriage of convenience, fwb, etc. (open for suggestions)
fandoms: mostly outer banks, teen wolf, the 100 (or fandomless rps)
⍣ roleplay on discord, tumblr and telegram:)
⍣ dni if you're younger than 20
⍣ I prefer writing females, I don't mind doubling :)
if you're interested in writing with me, interact or dm <3
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pintheonethatwrites · 6 months
allow me to introduce myself and touch upon some things!
❀ intro ❀
you can call me pin, any pronouns and I'm 20. I've been roleplaying for I think 6 years, give or take some. I've never been much into fandoms but something about building up characters and a world together is so lovely to me. I love collaborative projects and roleplay has always been one of those things that scratches an itch in my creative and writer soul.
I am new to rp here and using discord for rp. I've always used rp apps but most of them are seemingly fizzling out, time to find some footing and learn how things work more here and such.
I love to write, I may go overboard but I'd hope rp partners try to keep up to some degree. I never mind shorter, slower or less detailed responses (life happens, don't stress!). As long as our hearts are in it and the story is moving in a way we both enjoy I'm happy.
❀ likes and interests ❀
for the most part I usually do modern day settling rps but I always love to hear ideas for any type of fantasy or otherwise non realistic plots! I tend to have a lot of half baked ideas that I'd love to talk through and build up together. Even if an idea isn't finished we can just start and go with the flow, ooc chats about plans are always more than welcome if you please.
bonus tidbit; I'll always play any gender of character and am good with any pairings of gender, or lack thereof. I do have a preference for MxF, FxF, MxNB, FxNB, NBxNB pairings but that's just on account of my MxM being quite rusty.
romance, grit, angst and anything a bit fluffy is always a plus to me. I love me some slowburn romance more than anything, watching the relationship (in any manor) build up is always so so lovely. I do have to say, from what I've encountered in my time roleplaying most all rps end up a bit lewd/nsfw. I'm never against nsfw and such in rps (check my first rule ofc) but I would always prefer to go over if it's something that's to happen, given the right build-up, what an rp partner would want to bring up as well as things they want to avoid.
❀ rules ❀
Firstly, I will NOT rp with minors no matter how wholesome. I find it a bit uncomfy and generally don't like to interact with minors.
uhm uhm, be kind!
actually not sure what I want to put here hmm
I'm sure I'll fix this when I come across oddballs :'3
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midnightt-07 · 4 months
You and I were never suppose to be anything. Nothing more than a glance or a thought..that all changed one day. We come from extremely wealthy powerful families and with that came arranged marriages. It didn’t involve you and you were often thought to be second best to your older sister. Your older sister and I were meant to be married it had been agreed by our families since we were seven. Much to everyone’s surprise and a very rare thing her and I were actually seeing each other and inlove. That all changed when a week before I was outside your family home hitting the door hard demanding for her. When you open I don’t even glance at you I storm right in but she’s gone the only thing I have left of her is an apology note she left for me. Fueled by anger your parents were just as surprise. It had gone everywhere that I had a run away bride. To fix things up and to keep the alliance between the families you parents force you to marry me. I fight againts it I refuse but when I’m sitting staring down at the ring I’m suppose to slip on your finger before we make our announcement to the world I knew I lost the battle.
would we ever be more than two strangers forced together by your sisters mistakes
what happens when I discover how different you are to her and actually like you better
will this war between us end
will you ever believe that maybe we were always the ones to be together
what happens when she hates seeing how close we are
-I usually talk on kik or discord Dm me to RP
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kribuki · 6 months
I'm Kri, in my early 20s, in the CET (GMT+1) timezone, literate to advance literate, 1500~ keystrokes, 300~ words, third person perspective, past tense, only use Discord and absolutely love to dive in details and characters' psychology. I'm an enthusiastic and hyper writer who might annoy you with headcanons, plot-relatable clips, ideas and memes so I'm not for the weak hearts (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
We might be a good match if:
You're around my age or older (20+ y.o.).
You are not interested in smut-centered roleplays. I'm okay as long as the smut isn't more than a 70/3O plot to smut ratio.
You're active: I don't expect fast replies but I'd appreciate if you can at least send one/two replies per day. Of course, I completely understand if you'll be busy, just tell me in advance.
You can write multiple characters and multiple couples: my style of writing evolves around many characters, since it's a nice way to insert drama and chaos. We'll have our main characters in a main couple, but I also like to include a secondary couple or more. It can be considered as doubling, if you'd like, but maybe it's closer to mumu, since I prefer the ships to be written in the same story rather than having a complete different rp.
You like to mix different genres: romance is a must for me; it will always be there either as the main plot or subplot, but I also love to include many other genres, such as action, thriller, psychological, drama, fluff, angst, gore, fantasy, even comedy.
You're okay with mature and dark themes (dead dove: do not eat): I'm not going to write sugar coated stories, I like to write and explore many themes and they include possibly disturbing ones. I don't want to traumatize anyone, so, if you want to write with me, be prepared. I do not have triggers, although my only objections are adult x minor ships and incest. You may talk with me about your triggers and I'll gladly respect them.
You are open to both canonverse and AUs: I personally prefer AUs (alternative universes), since I believe they allow more freedom and creativity. Examples could be medieval, royalty, knights, monsters, ghosts, gangsters, professional hitmen, mafia, car racers.
You can write multiple rps: we all know how hard it is to find the right people with whom we enjoy writing, so I'd be very down to write multiple stories with you if we truly click and get along well. I like to make friends out of my partners, so we can write a lot and to our hearts' content.
You'll match my energy and don't mind OOC (out of character) chatting: like I said earlier, I get very excited and will most likely send you random stuff related to the story for fun and I love it when people can match my energy and spam me with content. It helps me keep my interest up and also gets me emotionally attached to our story. Moreover, I would really appreciate if you could be honest with me. I wish for both of us to enjoy the story we are writing so if you lost interest, if you want to change/drop it, please let me know instead of ghosting me.
Ships I'm interested writing
Only mxf ships. In bold are the characters I'll write. If both are in bold, it means I can write either of them. ♡ = prefered (but I like them all).
Ships as main couple:
Pieck Finger x Jean Kirstein/Kirschtein
Pieck Finger x Levi Ackerman (I know it's not a common ship, but I'm kinda curious about them 'cause, you know, they almost think alike, they both care deeply for their comrades, she is tactic smart, he is action-oriented, and they are both shorties lol. So if you'd like, we can try)
Pieck Finger x Zeke Yeager (also as side couple)
Pieck Finger x male Hange/Hanji Zoe
♡ Nanaba x Mike Zacharias (also as side couple)
♡ f!OC x Levi Ackerman
f!OC x Jean Kirstein
♡ f!OC x Mike Zacharias
♡ f!OC x Furlan Church (also as side couple)
Ships as side couple:
Erwin Smith x f!OC
Kenny Ackerman x f!OC
Zeke Yeager x f!OC
Eren Yeager x f!OC
Mikasa Ackerman x Eren Yeager
Mikasa Ackerman x Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun x f!OC
Reiner Braun x Historia
Reiner Braun x Annie Leonart
Bertholdt Hoover x f!OC
Bertholdt Hoover x Annie Leonart
Porco Galliard x f!OC
Porco Galliard x Pieck Finger
Nile Dock x Marie / f!OC
Petra x Oruo
Please keep in mind I do want my main character to be a female. My secondary and side characters can be of any gender. I'm open to any ship if you want to write an OC. Those listed are the ones I'm most confident writing, anyway you just need to ask. I'll put as much effort in the side/secondary couple as the main couple so I'm not going to cast your ship aside because I love including many characters and see different dynamics. And I just recently found out this thing is called mumu (multi-muse) lol.
Ok, I'll stop here and thank you for reading this long post! If you're interested feel free to dm me, if you've got any questions I'll gladly enlight you. I look forward to meet you! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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owl-odds · 7 days
˜”°• Searching : Roleplay Parter •°”˜
Fandoms : OC's,ATLA,BTS,MLP,Steven Universe,Miraculous Ladybug,ect...
Writing Style : Every Styles (I can adapt)
Things I do : Rp,Rpp
Icks : People who judge errors (I have a hard time writing properly sometimes(At night especially)) People who spam messages (2or3 is fine but more than that...) People who just leave without saying anything (At least a 'bye bye') People who only Rp and don't talk out-rp Noncon Trauma Dump (You can Trauma Dump but pls ask before)
Things I do not do : Pedophilia,zoophilia (hybrids are fine),watersports,etc...(ASK ME BEFORE)
(I'll update this post everytime somethings change or is added)
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rp-partnerfinder · 18 days
I’m a 20+ year old who has been writing for 10+ years. I’d prefer someone with experience writing too, ideally. No minors.
My style is advanced literate / novella, I tend to always exceed the Discord limit with each post. I write third person past tense.
I’m looking for someone who:
Is 18+
Can write for multiple characters
Can reply a few times a day at least (I do like a back and forth multiple times a day when possible)
Doesn’t mind OOC chat every now and then
Writes on Discord
I’m not sensitive to dark and angsty plots, I actually prefer them. I’m not looking for a purely romantic story, I want drama, action, and lots going on that will keep us entertained.
An FYI: I don’t really like writing with OCs, just canon characters, so please ensure you’re comfortable writing for characters from the fandom. Unless of course, they’re necessary.
Fandoms I’m interested to write (at the top of my head right now):
Supernatural (*main interest*)
Doctor Who (*main interest* — rewatching currently)
Teen Wolf
Harry Potter
Avatar; the Last Airbender
I’m open to other fandoms or fandom-free plots, just ask me about them.
I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, whatever they may be so don’t hesitate to throw them at me!
If interested, send me a chat and we’ll go from there 🙂
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talesofaduelist · 9 months
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"The gift of kindness you've given and the courage I've given you will remain with us, and that will forever bind us together."
@talesofaduelist Pharaoh Atem / Yami Yugi Indie Roleplay Blog
𝔸𝕤𝕜 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕘
𝟙𝟝+ 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 ℝℙ 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖
𝕄𝕦𝕟 & ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝟙𝟠+
𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕤 & 𝔸𝕕𝕦𝕝𝕥 𝕊𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝔸𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕
ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕 ℝ𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘
Puzzleshipping | Prideshipping | Rivalshipping | Scandelshipping | Vaseshipping
ᴵᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗᵒ ⁱⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃⁿ ᴼᶜ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᴰᴹ ᶠⁱʳˢᵗ
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moonlightink7 · 10 months
Actually hey where. Where do the roleplayers even hang out anymore. I yearn for the words.
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robeanstar · 1 year
Hey hey, gang! I’m Robin, I’m a transmasc roleplayer and shameless rarepair enjoyer + self shipper. I encourage and welcome oc/cc pairings, and I roleplay.
I’m 19yo, my timezone is EST, I’m plural (but please treat me as the individual that I am!) and my DMs + asks are always open for friends and/or writing purposes.
🔚 Fandoms I will write for 🔚
Stanley Parable
Resident Evil 4
The Sandman // Netflix
Proshitters (Pro-ship) (You’re fucking gross, stay away from me actually.)
Under 18 (18+ blog, I post, like, and reblog adult content. Consider this your warning, I am not responsible for a minor viewing my things if they choose to ignore my heads-up.)
Fakeclaimers. This one should speak for itself.
Just be human.
🔚 Things I won’t and will write 🔚
✅ = I’ll write it for sure
❌ = I don’t like it, or I’m just plain uncomfortable with writing it, you take a guess.
✅ SMUT (If ALL parties are consenting adults!!!) fandom stuff, CC x OC, rarepairs (within reason, no pro-ship fuckery) reasonable angst + more. Don’t be discouraged to ask!!! I don’t bite if you don’t deserve it
❌ Noncon, problematic ships (pro-ships such as minor x adult content, abuse situations, noncon situations, etc) I won’t accept a request if you are underage or don’t have your age in your bio. Common sense if you’re gonna interact with an adult blog that write adult content
As stated b4, don’t be discourage from asking if I’m comfortable writing for a certain character. Most I’ll do is tell you that I don’t know enough about the character and that’ll be that.
Also my discord is robinstar#8052
Feel free to reach out if you’d like to roleplay and/or just be friends. (18+)
Happy writing, chat.
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legendarymuses · 6 months
In search of writers who muse Suits. If you are interested, please DM me or comment.
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