#ramshackle people
ask-sora-aguilar · 1 month
Mod: Hello everyone…sorry to interrupt your day/night/noon/morning…I have an announcement to make…
Me and my rp group are in need of a Stone,Vinnie,and Skipp roleplay for our AU.
Keep in mind, this isn’t obligatory and you may refuse if you want to.
Our AU is currently in main story mode, however…you’re free to add any story detail if you want.
If you are interested…please dm me or tag yourself for more details or are recommending someone/thing.
We will listen to your terms, and you to ours if you want…
Thank you…
From: Mod
Edit: oh! AND A PEBBLE!
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cheekinpermission · 3 months
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Azul's just gonna pretend like none of that happened, huh?
(My Yuu is incredibly petty and will forever be bitter about having to share a room with Leona because of Azul snatching her dorm as collateral.)
Inspired by this line from the recent Tsumsted Wonderland event added under the cut <3
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notshphnxx · 2 months
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it was so good and is literally the only thing i care about right now .-.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
No one:
Every single NRC boy in our guest room:
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thatuselesshuman · 2 months
So i just watched the Ramshackle pilot on yt and....
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LOVE HIM ❤️❤️❤️
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crystallizsch · 4 months
“Hey, Yuu. Whatcha looking at?”
Grim asked as he sat at the foot of their bed.
A bunch of polaroid photos were strewn across the mattress.
They were probably taken using the ghost camera.
Yuu had been going around and taking photos with everyone this past week.
It wasn't weird at first because they do this anyway.
But for some reason, this time they were really adamant about it.
Now it looks like they've put them all together in one place, organizing them by dorm.
"So. I've got Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Cater, Trey..."
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"—Leona, Jack, Ruggie..."
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"—Azul, Jade, Floyd..."
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"—Kalim, Jamil..."
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"—Vil, Epel, Rook..."
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"—Idia, Ortho..."
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"—Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek..."
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"And finally..."
"—The one that we took earlier! Me and my hench-human. Myahaha!”
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Yes. Grim's hench-human.
Everyone’s here.
Yuu picked up the photo of them and Grim.
They had a sad smile on their face as they looked at it.
"Why're you suddenly taking photos with everyone anyway?"
"Oh... no reason. I just wanted to. Just in case."
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(close-ups: heartslabyul • savanaclaw • octavinelle • scarabia • pomefiore • ignihyde • diasomnia • grim)
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violetlunette · 3 months
Our stalker hero, Yuu Hoo, has been out of commission for a while now! Where is he? Why is no longer following Silver like a sick puppy? Stay tuned and find out! TWST Spoilers for Lost in a Book with Stitch twst event (part of this series)
~Lost in a book at a Beach~ Yuu: So, what you’re saying is that after we got sucked into a book, we ended up on an island far, far away from my Silver-- Lilia: He’s not yours. Yuu: --far away from my Silver, and the only way to get back is to make a deal with Octoboy here? Azul: Weird out-of-nowhere sum up, but pretty much. Azul: So! Do you wanna make a deal, Yuu? Yuu: Nah, I’m good. I’m not leaving as something as important as getting back to Silver to you. Step aside. Ace: O-OI! Are you stretching?! Jack: Don’t be foolish! Even Grim knows it’s impossible! Grim: Hey! Are you making fun of me?! Yuu: Bah! Don’t underestimate the power of love! Azul: Is it really love? Yuu, ignoring him: C’mon, Grim, we’re heading back! Hold on, Moonshine, I’m coming! Grim: MWAHH?! Me too?! Yuu: *Dives in* Jack: He’s actually swimming?! Ace: He didn’t even take his clothes off! Riddle: That idiot! Yuu: *swimming with screaming Grim on back* Hold on, Moonshine! I’ll be there soon— Yuu: *Hits invisible wall* OW! Batman!! Azul! Lilia and Azul: It’s not us!
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 1 year
That Malleus Anon again, apparently also TWST EN on twt has now come to the consensus that Malleus hates Silver because he did what he did in Chapter 7, Part 2 and I'm... I'm honestly Pepe crying right now.
Like, Malleus doesn't hate Silver at all, he practically helped raise him [and Sebek] with Lilia. It's more of the fact that Mallleus never got to experience what it was like to have a father.
His parents are long dead and his Grandma, for all intents and purposes, is stuck in Briar Valley tiding the people over so as to not put unnecessary pressure on one the last Draconia's.
Lilia had to pick up the slack of raising Malleus into a King who would usher in a new era for Briar Valley.
In some ways Malleus feels robbed that he can never have someone to call 'old man' or 'father'..
It's more akin to slight jealousy if we wanna be honest, but even then Malleus still cares enough ab Silver to hear him pour his heart out. He heard the pleas of Silver not being strong enough to keep Lilia and took matters into his own hands.
You can say he looked indifferent while Silver was tearing himself up ab not being able to repay Lilia a debt that never needed to be collected, but you cannot deny that there's a sense of love in putting the entirety of NRC [and possibly the island] under a 'blessing'.
Malleus wanted to quell the hurt he and Silver shared in not being able to do anything in the face of death. He picked up where Silver left off when he cried out that he wasn't strong enough, because Malleus is strong enough.
He did as a king would, he heard his people's struggle and did something about it.
And I would argue that he and Kalim share parallels because of that, because they want to wrap everyone in a 'blessing'.
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idkz19 · 20 days
just witnessed a bunch of skippstone shippers attack a vinnie stone shipper on yt,, wow.. 😡😡😡😡
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chithecreatureguy · 2 months
Y'all gotta watch the Ramshackle Pilot it was so great. We know you don't have anything better to do. I'm very passionate about this franchise.
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(Ramshackle's Lootbags aren't *technically* monsters but they're rich people so they might as well be talked about as such.)
These pompous assholes are so entertaining to me for no reason, their insane classism goes to such an extent that it becomes funny to me. These pompous idiots seem to be incapable of empathy and can be incredibly abusive to their children just for some fame and $10 (which is a lot in ramshackle but who cares) some are shown to be abusive to the point that any mistake could cause them to disown their child.
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They're also the craziest karens to ever exist, when they get upset at homeless people getting into their fetus pageant that they go rabid like zombies and ask for the hobos managers before trying to kill the gang (and end up getting either stabbed, exploded, or vaporised. Deserved tbh.)
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Anyways, hope you have a nice day.
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✨💛 How I think my favourite twst characters fart ✨💛
Floyd: his fart go: "bubububoop". And he always laughs when he's farting. When he discover farting, he thinks human bodies are so silly for releasing a funny smell out of their butts
Sebek: very loudly
Grim: isn't loud but his fart is smelly, exactly like my cat
Lilia: his fart sound and smell like it just got out of a battle
Silver: he doesn't. He's too pretty for me to believe he farts
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yourfavehaskenergy · 2 months
the gang from ramshackle comic has kenergy?
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The Gang from Ramshackle (comic) has Kenergy!
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notshphnxx · 1 month
i realized i could combine the things im obsessing over atm, so heres a uquiz quiz about Ramshackle
also there really arent enough quizzes about Ramshackle imo- i am here to fix that
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areyoudoingthis · 7 months
ed already had such a strong aversion to the pirate lifestyle before he even met stede, was sick of the drudgery and the violence to the point where he was relieved about getting a "forced" way out via the privateering academy. and then stede left him when he shaved his beard and stopped wearing blackbeard, and izzy pushed him into embodying the kraken for months, and then he died, and then low tortured stede in front of him and he had to watch stede kill him and then do a "how to become a pirate in 10 short steps" speedrun and then he thought the british had killed him during their pirate extermination campaign.
the writers were honestly so galaxy brained for letting him retire to live on land do arts and crafts for a while. that poor guy needs to breathe
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neatokeanosocks · 1 year
You ever thought about how the statues of the great seven look like they might be... missing something?
How about this, have you ever thought about how each dorm is dedicated to one of the seven, but Ramshackle used to be a fully-fledged dorm, and it has nobody?
Well, what if I told you that there's a classic disney villain that everyone forgets, and it seems like he's been forgotten in Twisted Wonderland as well?
I'm talking about Chernabog from the Night On Bald Mountain segment of Fantasia (1940)
Never heard of this guy? Well, that makes sense. Night On Bald Mountain is barely a dozen minutes long (and difficult to market because Chernabog is literally a devil that summons ghosts and demons on Walpurgis Night.)
Let's look at some evidence!
Ramshackle dorm's interior wallpaper are primarily of a dark greenish-blue color. Most scenes from Night On Bald Mountain are greenish-blue and black. The color scheme fits.
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Chernabog is notable for commanding ghosts and drawing them from their graveyards. You know what Ramshackle is full of? Ghosts! You know what Ramshackle's only lawn decorations are? Graves!
Only a few trees show up in Night On Bald Mountain, but they're all creepy and shaped similarly to the trees on Ramshackle's lawn.
All the buildings in Night On Bald Mountain are exaggerated pointy shapes, with many spires. That's also evident in Ramshackle's architecture!
Chernabog is notable for commanding ghosts and drawing them from their graveyards. You know what Ramshackle is full of? Ghosts! You know what Ramshackle's only lawn decorations are? Graves!
Only a few trees show up in Night On Bald Mountain, but they're all creepy and shaped similarly to the trees on Ramshackle's lawn.
All the buildings in Night On Bald Mountain are exaggerated pointy shapes, with many spires. That's also evident in Ramshackle's architecture!
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As for why Ramshackle isn't tied to Chernabog now, and why he's not lined up with the seven greats, I think he just faded out of favor after everyone realized that arsenic-dyed wallpaper was a horrible idea and the dorm was condemned (but no one ever got around to demolishing it...)
So when somebody accidentally smashed his statue during a game of magical ultimate frisbee (it's a highschool, it happens), nobody replaced it, and so now there's a weird gap next to the King of Beasts.
There's something else I want to mention...
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Chernabog is a demon that looks like this and controls fire of various colors, including blue.
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Does that possibly... remind you of anyone?
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notvinnie101 · 2 months
I miss maggot..Also I think Stone passed out. Again...
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