#in the game's original scene at moonrise
mumms-the-word · 8 months
(Im)possible Odds
Day 10 of the BG3 Fic February Challenge
So.....I have always sort of thought that Gale's little scene when he sees the Elder Brain in Moonrise was rushed as hell. Especially if you romance him. Man does a 180 so fast it's a wonder he doesn't start the fight Dazed or Off Balance.
So I thought I'd fix that a little.
For dramatic purposes you are welcome to either imagine companions in the background being like "GET A ROOM" or pretend they have slunk off to get a different vantage point for the fight, leaving Gale and Dani conveniently alone to be dramatic as they please
Check out my masterlist of BG3 fics!
10. A tearful, hard kiss before battle. Bonus points if it’s a confessional kiss!
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Dani hid herself behind a structure of mixed stone and flesh, watching with growing horror as the elder brain rose slowly into the air, dripping brine from the green pool below. An elder brain, extremely powerful and dangerous, lashed to control by the three figures that stood below it. 
How could they possibly fight something like that? Maybe if they had weeks to plan, to prepare, maybe if she had twelve kingdoms worth of explosives, or an army of her own, maybe—but a handful of them? Even she couldn’t fool herself.
Dani was not a fighter, or at least, she wasn’t a good fighter. In the shadow of that thing, she felt small. Insignificant. She’d never felt so tiny in her life. Her heart started to race and her vision grew fuzzy. She reached out a hand to grip the stone next to her, not even noticing when her fingers gripped into fleshy illithid matter instead.
“Look at that crown,” Gale whispered. She turned her head to find him standing practically at her shoulder, his gaze fixed solidly on the brain. He looked…awed. Enthralled. “It radiates with power unlike anything I’ve ever seen. To have it…to hold…” He shook his head slightly. “If only I could…”
A new fear gripped her chest, warring with the panic that was threatening to choke her from the presence of the elder brain. There was a look in his eyes that she did not like. 
He didn’t seem to hear her. He stared at the brain for another several seconds before closing his eyes tightly. “No. I can’t. I…” 
He paused, his expression almost pained. Then he opened his eyes to meet her gaze. “This is it. The moment we’ve…I’ve…been waiting for. I must do as Mystra commands.”
There was no fighting the panic that welled up in Dani then. What he was suggesting—no. The orb? Here? It wouldn’t just kill the brain, it would kill him—and her, and everyone within a city-wide radius. Yes, defeating the brain right now felt insurmountable but to resort to the orb…
“You can’t,” she whispered hoarsely. She shook her head and took a step closer to him. “Gale, no, you can’t. You can’t condemn all of us like that. We’ll find another way, we’ll think of something else, we—“
“What other choice do we have?” Gale interrupted. He flung out a hand toward the brain and the figures controlling it. “Do you see the size of that thing? Do realize what’s controlling it, what is giving it that kind of power? More than just a goddess counts on my courage in this moment, Dani. Whole worlds hang in the balance.”
“We’ll find another way,” Dani said, but even she could hear the desperation in her voice. The clock was ticking. She could feel the waves of power emanating off the brain, a mix of illithid power that felt all too familiar and some sort of sick, twisted magic that threatened to buckle her knees if she let it. She couldn’t let him use the orb but she didn’t know what else to do either.
She reached out a trembling hand and gripped the front of his robe. “Gale. Please. Don’t do this. There has to be another way.”
“Another way to fight an elder brain? Dani.” He took her shoulders in her hands, gripping them tightly. “I don’t want to do this. But what choice do we have? It could be over. Just like that. If you get a head start—you have spells that can get you safety. I’ll stay here, and—“
“No!” She shook him using her hold on his robe. Gods, she wanted to slap him, hoping he’d see sense, but she knew that was just her panic fueling her head with terrible ideas. “Stop it. Please.”
Her voice broke on the last word, tears welling up into her eyes and spilling down her cheeks. She ignored them, tightening her hold on his robe and giving him another little shake.
“Please,” she whispered. “I don’t care what Mystra ordered. I don’t care that I’m terrified of that thing out there. You can’t do this.”
He stared at her, taken aback. It was the first time he’d seen her cry, she realized, the first time she’d admitted to being truly, genuinely frightened of something. She swallowed, reaching out to grip his robe with both of her hands. 
“Choose me instead,” she said, blinking away the next wave of tears. “The one who loves you. Choose me. We’ll find another way. We’ll figure something out.”
He swallowed hard, his hands still on her shoulders. “Dani…”
“Please, Gale. I love you.”
He looked from her to the brain behind her, eyes momentarily watching whatever the figures were doing in the distance. Then he nodded and looked back down at her. “I love you too. Much more than myself. More even than Mystra.”
He closed his eyes again, as if fighting briefly with his decision. But when he met her gaze again, there was determination in his dark eyes. His hold on her shoulders tightened.
“I choose you,” he said softly. “Whether I condemn this world or not. I choose you.”
His hands cradled her face and he bent his head, bringing his lips to hers in a crushing kiss that took her breath away and sent her reeling. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, forcing him to shift his hold on her but never breaking the kiss. She parted his lips with her tongue, deepening the kiss, feeling him shiver when her sharp teeth briefly caught his bottom lip.
If this was the last kiss she would share with this man she would damn well make it worth it.
They parted for air, breathless, their gazes locked. As he reached up to brush the tears from her cheeks, she brushed her thumb against the magic-darkened veins that trailed from his left eye down toward his neck. 
“I hope you realize I don’t have a plan for fighting that thing out there,” she said, before she could think better of it. “We could both die anyway and make everything worse. Not that I want you to change your mind but—“
“But a chance with you is better than guaranteed death at Mystra’s command,” he said. He kissed her again and she suppressed the urge to hold him to her and kiss him for another five minutes straight. “I chose you. I love you. I’m not going to change my mind.”
“You’re with me, then?” she breathed. “Whatever happens down there, whatever we have to fight?”
He nodded. “I’m with you. All the way, Dani.”
“Good. I—good.” She hesitated, wanting to say more, but coming up with nothing. So she just kissed him one last time.
“For luck,” she said. “Call it bardic inspiration.”
A smile flickered on his lips, even as she pulled away, out of his embrace. “Consider me more than inspired…my love.”
Together they turned to set their eyes on the elder brain, and prepare for whatever would come next. Dani wound her fingers with his, squeezing tightly. Whatever happened, they would do this together. Not Mystra’s way.
Her way.
BONUS: an endgame scene for you friendlies.
Dani paused at the base of the Netherbrain’s stem, clutching a stitch at her side, trying to catch her breath from their sprint up the crumbling ruins of High Hall. Gods. Did the brain have to be so stupidly high up?
Gale was at her side, barely out of breath having misty-stepped his way through. Together they craned their heads up to look at the brain.
“The brain,” he said. “It’s high above the city now—far away from any innocents.”
Dani straightened and looked at him, setting her hands on her hips as she caught her breath. They had fought their way through and still had a big fight ahead, but she was feeling confident. Perhaps over-confident. They had an army of allies at their call and a dozen boons and blessings to strengthen them in the battle. She didn’t want to say victory was assured, but it was looking damn near possible.
“I hope you realize that I don’t have a plan for fighting that thing up there,” she said.
He smiled slightly and looked skyward. “You always think best on your feet, my love.” He paused, his expression shifting, growing grave. “I…you know I can end this now. Stop the Absolute and spare the city.”
She looked sidelong at him and crossed her arms. “Gale.”
“I mean it, Dani. The stage is set for my final act.”
She tilted her head, a little exasperated. They had just talked about this. “Gale.”
“You’ve brought me right where I need to be—“
“Gale.” She reached out and took hold of his robe, pulling him into a deep, lingering kiss. Silencing all his words, all his logic, all his lingering doubts. When she pulled away, he looked a little dazed.
“I’m not letting you get away that easily,” she said softly. “Choose me, Gale. The one who loves you.”
“We can do this.” She cupped his cheek in her hand. “Do you remember what you told me, when we first saw the elder brain in Moonrise? When you chose me then?”
He nodded slowly. “A chance with you is better than guaranteed death at Mystra’s command.” He looked back up at the brain, and then once more to her. “Dani, if you’re mistaken, this could be the end of everything. We will be failing, right as the last hurdle.”
“Fail? Us?” She grinned. “When have you ever known us to fail?”
“I shall avoid answering that with what I know to be an entire catalogue of anecdotes but…” He returned her grin with a soft smile of his own. “I know I have only made it this far thanks to you. So who am I to question such sterling guidance now?”
She tilted her head, smoothing the wrinkles she’d made in his robe. “Good. So. A kiss for luck?”
“Always, my love.” He leaned in and kissed her, soft and sweet and lingering. 
She ruined it with a smile, whispering against his lips, “A little bardic inspiration to get you through.” 
She pulled away and took a step back, indicting the brain stem with her head. “Now. Let’s go kick some massive cerebral ass.”
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trappedinafantasy37 · 5 months
Some of ya'll severely underestimate just how much Minthara loves Karlach. Out of all the companions, Karlach is the only one that Minthara has no negative opinions about. She doesn't have a mean or cruel thing to say about or to Karlach. Now, she's pretty kind to Shadow and Lae'zel, but she can still be an asshole to them from time to time. Most of Minthara's comments about Karlach is praise and approval.
If you do the Karlach origin and you have romanced her, she will urge Karlach to return to Avernus. If Karlach chooses not to, Minthara will cry. This is the only scene in the game where Minthara cries and shows that level of emotional vulnerability. Lol, she didn't even cry when she was being tortured in Moonrise and thought she was gonna die! She tries to persuade Karlach by basically saying, "I'm going to personally throw hands with Zariel regardless on whether or not you're with me, so you may as well come with me." That vengence paladin in her is really shining through. And Minthara is a paladin of her word. Even if Karlach does choose not to return and dies, and enraged and heartbroken Minthara will walk right into Hell and invent a new flame so hot not even Zariel can resist the heat.
If you do the Karlach origin in which you go to Avernus but do not romance Minthara, she will be excited to see Karlach at the reunion party alive and happy. She also says that once she reclaims her house, she has every intention of joining Karlach in Avernus and she does this completely unprompted! Karlach does not even ask and Minthara is just offering her an army once she has one, and she will provide it free of charge. Karlach can ask Minthara why she's doing all of this. Minthara kind of not so subtly admits that she's in love with Karlach, but, of course, won't use the words "love" and she dances around it.
Romanced or not, Minthara is willing to go head first into Avernus on Karlachs behalf to demolish Zariel. Do you have any idea how huge that is? Minthara has been nothing but power hungry the entire game and is constantly clawing to get more. But in this moment, she is putting all desire for power on furlough just for Karlach. She is going to wage a war against Zarial and all of Avernus for the life of just one person, a person who might still die in the end. If Karlach does not romance Minthara, she is still putting her own ambition and desire for power on hold to help Karlach in which she'd gain no benefit other than Karlach being alive.
You cannot convince me that Minthara isn't canonically in love with Karlach.
PS: even the VA for Minthara, Emma Gregory, ships these two. In almost every interview Emma Gregory has done, she specifically mentions the romance with Karlach and its impact for Minthara's overall character arc.
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parvulous-writings · 6 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin realising his feelings for his gn crush?
Warnings: mentions of Astarion's trauma. I added a scene that doesn't technically exist in-game to flesh things out a bit with Halsin.
Notes:  Please, Tumblr... More Halsin and Gale gifs pls My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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As we all know, it takes a long time for Astarion to be able to fall in love properly. His two centuries of having to seduce prey for Cazador have made it very hard to tell where the sultry facade ends, and the true him begins. He was meant to have seduced you for protection, to get you to fall for him and defend him should he ever need it. That was the plan, in any case. To him, it was fool-proof - he had never fallen in love with an object of his 'affection' before, so this should have been easy.
He was very wrong - though your do-good nature really irked him at first, it eventually made him want to be the same. Or, at least, similar. Part of him wished that he could have had someone like you earlier, to save him from the horrors he had seen under Cazador. Your patience with him, and your unwavering kindness got through to him, and he craved more - even if he thought he didn't deserve it.
He realised he loved you - truly, deeply loved you - when you and some of your group had infiltrated Moonrise Towers. You'd encountered a drow who was hell-bent on exploring the Sanguine arts, and had even started to press Astarion to bite her, despite his protests. You had stood up for him, told her to back off, and it was that moment that he had realised that his feelings for you were more than an infatuation, more than seeing you as something to use for protection, that it was love.
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Gale had been fond of you since day 1 - though, being pulled out of a collapsing portal may do that to someone's view of another. Your views often aligned - though sometimes the means to achieve them did not - and that endeared you all the more to him. Even when he told you of the orb lodged deep within his chest, demanding he consume strands of weave, you stuck by him; and he hadn't entirely thought you would.
Being able to travel by your side and see all the good deeds you do is an honour for him - he'll often sit and think about how his life would have been had he not been snatched up by the mindflayers. He'd probably be in his tower in Waterdeep, with no one but Tara for company, and little to do besides wallow in his own self-pity. This was a much better alternative - even with the looming possibility of ceremorphosis.
His feelings first started when you said that you could stay with the group after he revealed the nature of the orb in his chest. It was only natural, after being shown such kindness. But the moment he really knew he loved you, was after Elminster had delivered Mystra's missive to Gale - about destroying the heart of the Absolute by detonating the orb in his chest. When you had gotten so uptight with the older wizard, telling him it wouldn't happen, that Gale wasn't going to die, he couldn't help but find you sweet. Though he had initially resigned himself to Mystra's demands, he couldn't deny it felt nice to have someone on his side.
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To begin with, Halsin admired you, but was not emotionally available enough to pursue any kind of romantic relationship with you - his mind was focused more on ridding Moonrise of the Shadow Curse. It was only really once that part of your journey had concluded that he could even start to think about that kind of thing.
You had proven yourself to be a person of your word, and that was something that Halsin always held a great amount of respect for. To find someone who followed through with the promises they made, let alone to be able to travel with them, was an absolute blessing - one that Halsin thanked the gods for every day. It was with your help the curse was dispelled, and the lands freed; that was no easy feat, and he couldn't have done it without you.
During the rather small celebration the party and a few others had post-curse, Halsin sat and thought to himself about all that you had done for him - all that you, hadn't quite sacrificed per se, but had given to help him. You'd taken many beatings to help him on his own quest, when it probably would have been more beneficial for you to pursue your own - which was arguably just as pressing, if not more so. Your courage endeared you to him, and it was as he sat there, amidst the celebratory drinking and serenading, that he realised he would devote himself to you as much as you had done to him; following you to Baldur's Gate, and facing whatever it was that was at the end of your journey.
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archduchessgortash · 4 months
Unpopular opinion...
These two were NOT manipulating each other.
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They tried, at first... but it didn't work. They were too evenly matched in terms of charisma.
Default Durge is a sorcerer with charisma for their casting stat and proficiency in intimidation (from their background) and persuasion (from their class).
Pre-tadpole Durge, much like Gale, Wyll, and probably Shadowheart, was unlikely to have been level 1. It is most likely that pre-tadpole Durge was between level 9 (same as in-game Gortash) and 12 (same as in-game Orin). It is also possible that, as a Chosen, they may have had their stats similarly boosted, akin to those of the Chosen we fight in-game.
If we assume Durge was level 9, without any special boosts for being the Chosen of Bhaal, they had 2 feats under their belt, which would most likely have been invested in bumping charisma up to 20, placing them 2 points above Gortash, who has 18 charisma. This means they would potentially have had an easier time convincing Gortash to do what they wanted than many players probably suspect.
I find it more plausible that they respected and admired one another.
When Gortash greets any other origin than Durge, he is in full-on charming yet pushy, cleverly manipulative tyrant mode. He needs the help of these prism-bearers to fix the mess that he surely believes that they, alongside the Emperor, caused by killing Ketheric, given Gortash is unaware of the Absolute's manipulation at the time.
Gortash is more friendly with Karlach, but in a more patronizing, saccharin sort of way, that sours very easily if she behaves as though she is even slightly troubled by how his actions have harmed her. He clearly and sadly does not respect her, in spite of how deeply she had previously trusted him.
He is also in his sassy manipulator mode when speaking to Orin and Ketheric in Moonrise Towers, in spite of the fact that they are allies.
With Durge, however, he appears not unlike a man whose mask has been torn away to reveal his true self. He is happy to see Durge in a much softer, more genuine manner than we've seen from him with anyone else. He feels like a different person with Durge, especially if met alone. Is this not how we, as real-life people, react to our safe people, the ones we trust, with whom we can be our authentic selves?
Let's discuss 'not looking for Durge' which many cite as proof that Gortash saw Durge as nothing more than a useful ally...
We, as players, have no reason to believe that Gortash had any idea that Durge was even alive until the scene at the start of Act 3, in which Orin confirms their survival and that she caused their brain damage and subsequent memory loss. I've found no evidence that Gortash knew Durge was alive before this scene. Why would Gortash look for them if they were dead? If they were slain in a Bhaalist duel in the Temple of Bhaal, what reason would he have to believe he would be allowed to see the body? If they were slain in Moonrise Towers, they were most likely consumed by the Absolute. It's logical and reasonable that he wouldn't look.
If he knew before the scene with Orin, why did he sound surprised, pleased even?
Playing devil's advocate, let's say he did know... we'll say Orin told him what Gortash tells Durge, that she humiliated them sometime prior to the start of the game. If Durge truly valued Gortash, wouldn't they have come to him, even humiliated?
Isn't it reasonable to think that, if alive, having not come to Gortash after their betrayal, out of shame or a belief that he wouldn't help, Gortash might believe that Durge simply did not have the same high opinion of him as he did of them?
We can take it a step further and consider whether Gortash knew everything--that Durge wasn't dead, that they were tadpoled, about Kressa's experiments, and how they became the first True Soul.
If he knew all this, he is definitely a consummate manipulator, even better at it than a vampire with over 200 years of experience manipulating people. That Astarion is using the main character is intended to come as a surprise to the player as a layer to his narrative, but I, as the player in my own playthrough, saw through him immediately. I know some people didn't. I don't know how they didn’t. He was obvious to me. Why, then, does Gortash feel authentic? It's certainly not a question of attractiveness. To me, they are both attractive.
Perhaps it is my logical brain recognizing the fact that there is no evidence in the game that Gortash was aware of Durge's survival until Orin told him in the scene at the start of Act 3.
Now, let's talk betrayal...
Durge's Prayer for Forgiveness is most likely pre-tadpole. More on that later.
Ketheric's intention to betray is noted in the document Elder Brain Domination, its context indicating it was written post-Durge's impromptu lobotomy, and most likely quite some time prior to the document we find in Act 3 confirming Gortash's intention to betray the others as well.
The entry we read in the Journal of Enver Gortash is quite clearly written after Ketheric's defeat at the hands of the 'vagabonds' as he refers to them. This could mean that Gortash never intended to betray anyone, not until Ketheric failed to recover the Astral Prism.
About the Prayer for Forgiveness...
We find it in the mind flayer colony. The likelihood that Durge would ever have written down their intention to betray the others pre-tadpole is a bit suspect, made even more so by Balthazar's post-note about Orin. I know we need the note for lore, but that could easily have been accomplished by making it a memory that returned via the narrator, as many other Durge-specific pieces of lore are provided to the player. The fact that this one is only in the form of a note has always made me wonder if Durge was forced to write it after the tadpole was inserted, most likely by Balthazar before sending them off on the Nautiloid.
If anyone has other evidence, especially the contradictory kind, please comment. I'd love to look at this further.
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merrinla · 7 months
Halsin and Minthara weren't always mutually exclusive
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Even though you can recruit both of them, in the game it looks like a funny bug. I guess this is what's left of the original idea. It was previously planned not only letting you have them at the same time, but also that they would interact in the party like other companions.
In the audio files, you can find lines of their reactions to each other's deaths. I don't know if these are triggered or not. They are both so bugged that sometimes I can hardly tell which is the cut content and which is the bug.
It's kind of funny that Halsin would be so sad.
I recently completed Halsin's quest with Mintara in my party. In the scene by the lake, when Halsin entered the portal, Minthara said "He made it. Now let's just hope he survives what's on the other side"
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Actually this is exactly the same line as Tav's.
Halsin also share many lines with Tav and other origins. Most of them are unused. But in this case the line is not only voiced by Emma Gregory (Minthara's VA), it's triggered.
There is another interesting line. In Moonrise Towers, when Ketheric punishes Mintara for a failure in the grove and sends her to the dungeon, the player can choose not to interfere and leave the location without helping her. In this case one of the characters in your party will remind you that she can be saved as a potential companion. I was wondering if Halsin would say anything. And he did. "Minthara may prove useful to us, should we wish to save her…"
This isn't cut content. This isn't new content added with patches. It's in the game since the release. And this line works. Moreover, this is his personal line.
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If they implement the dialogue with an ultimatum it will be nonsense. I mean, first he suggests to save her from the Absolute as a useful ally, and then in the camp he will say that it's the right choice to kick her back under the Absolute control. It's even hard to blame the character for such contradiction. Rather, it's just a stupid limit set by the script.
Next. In Act 3 if you make one of them to go up on the clown stage, the other one will approve.
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There is also an unused flag for Act 3 in the game files with the description "Orin pretended to kill Halsin during the Minthara abduction campnight." Which means in Act 3 they were both in the party.
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You can see what the abduction of Mintara looks like in this video. Only instead of Halsin, Jaheira is mentioned here.
Maybe there are other confirmations that I do not know about, that they were not mutually exclusive before. But that's enough for me.
They were both not originally planned as companions. Their roles were expanded much later. Most likely, Larian didn't have time to polish their content, so scissors were used. This is why their content seems so unfinished compared to others. Except for Wyll, probably. That's why they are so buggy.
I suppose the reason they are both mutually exclusive is because it is the easiest solution when you have a deadline on the horizon. Just easiest as "it's fine for a companion to just hang out at the camp". Otherwise, you need dialogs, animations, scripts, etc. And you also need to make sure that it will work with everything else. This is time and resources. But this doesn't mean that it's impossible to fix anything later.
I faintly hope that the defenetive edition will have the option to recruit them both.
And I really hope that in the future Larian will look at the games of their colleagues from BioWare (who made the original BG). I mean games from better times than now. The companions below will show you how much they "loved" each other. Not all of them became friends in the end. But nevertheless, we saved the world. Together.
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queerbrainrot · 8 months
to everyone who is scared of playing The Dark Urge or thinks it's just a 'murder hobo character'
don't worry, you're able to play 100% goodie-two shoes redemption Durge. It's not hard. For like 99% of time it's just you, the player, not choosing the dialogue options for succumbing to murder.
No, you won't kill Scratch or the Owlbear cub, they're perfectly safe.
There's only one unavoidable murder - there's two which are only 'unavoidable' if you approach the character (squirrel in emerald grove) and if you insist on trying to remember something (Steelclaw at Moonrise Towers).
You get Durge-specific cloak which is amazing bcs it allows you to become invisible upon killing an enemy.
Overall, Dark Urge allows your character to feel integrated into the world by having many, many unique dialogue lines from other characters (in all acts, for example: with Isobel, Oathbreaker knight, Helsik, the Chosen Ones).
Dark Urge also has Durge-specific scene for your romance options and for Astarion it has a Durge-specific break up line that can actually be just a romance scene.
Durge has adorable relationship with Jaheira and Minsc if you choose redemption path.
You learn a lot more about how the Cult of the Absolute came to be and it makes way more sense than in Tav version.
Overall, coming from someone who cannot be mean to characters in video games: I recommend The Dark Urge origin.
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commander-rahrah · 9 months
Talking to the Moon: Part V
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader Word Count: ~6200 Warnings: emotional hurt/comfort, arranged marriage, slight family angst aka daddy issues? I'm terrible at these
archiveofourown: here
masterlist: here
part I: here part II: here part III: here part IV: here
Summary: Set at the end of Act II, after Moonrise Towers and Kethric. Reader/Tav leans on Astarion and reveals more about their family and their story from before the Nautiloid.
Notes: I've emerged from my cave I made on the couch in my basement and finally finished this update! I got bronchitis a week or so ago and it kicked my booty, but I'm finally feeling better!! YAY! I have no voice still, but good thing I don't need that to write fanfiction!
So this update reveals more of our Selune blessed Tav's backstory that is based off my original D&D character. I was really hung up on whether or not I should include more backstory and lore for this GN!Tav/Reader, since it isn't very typical for a lot of the gn!reader fics I've read. But it was giving me such writers block if I did not include it, as I honestly have the rest of this fic completely planned out and the endgame I have for this pairing relies on more of this backstory, so I decided to include it! Also, its my fic… and my character sooo I hope you enjoy my baby and the little story I wrote for them five years ago. This character will have a special place in my heart forever, and I'm excited to share more of them with you all!
I also desperately wanted to include a scene of Astarion and Tav/Reader kissing for the first time since his confession and them setting boundaries about physical intimacy and contact. I know the game just lets you click the kiss option right away, but I like to think its something that Astarion would build himself up to again and would maybe even have to relearn — not kissing like it was a performance, but instead an expression.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts! It means so much to me and every time I see a notification! It fills me with infinite joy ♡♡♡ I know there is lots of posts circulating about this and tags get filled with it, but reblogs and comments are so so appreciated!! :)
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He wasn’t sure how you did it. Astarion was exhausted, beyond that actually — shattered. His feet were stiff and aching, his mind fuzzy with weariness. Yet you were still smiling, accepting the gratitude of every single person at the Last Light Inn with humble nods and smiles. He’d never had a longer day in his life. The temple, the Shadowfell, Shadowheart, Moonrise Towers, the goddamn Absolute. Gale... Gods, you had talked down Gale from fulfilling the desire and demands of an actual goddess. All in one day. All he wanted to do was to fall into a bed with you, and sleep. To just pretend for one moment that there wasn’t any marching armies or impending vampire masters waiting in Baldur's Gate. To ignore the thrum of anxiety and fear that coursed through him as he remembered exactly what was carved into his back — what Raphael had finally revealed to him. Just for today, he had wanted to rest. But no — the end of this never ending day was to finish with a celebration. An annoying, lively celebration.  The vampire was being stereotypical as ever — standing in a shadowy corner, moody and silent as he nursed a red glass. It was wine. Gale had found a decadent bottle, buried away and forgotten about on some dusty shelf. The wizard had made an eloquent toast to the group gathered on the bottom floor of the inn. But he was now standing with Wyll — the two of them conversing politely with a pair of obviously flirtatious tieflings. Karlach had her arm wrapped around Damon, the two of them chatting enthusiastically and laughing.  Astarion was surprised to not see Shadowheart by Karlach — the two of them inseparable as of late. No, what was more shocking was that the dark-haired cleric was sat next to Lae’zel. Their mouths barely opening as they spoke to each other in low voices, buried under the noise of the celebration in the inn.  He almost choked on the sip he had just taken as his red eyes finally returned to you — where several people were forming a makeshift line to speak with you. The next one more bashful than the last as they leaned in to speak with you, all flushed cheeks and batting eyelashes.  You always had a certain charm about you, an innate ability to draw out easy smiles and laughs from others. You were also undeniably attractive — anyone who said otherwise would be a blind idiot. But other people being enraptured by you had never bothered him before. He had just silently agreed with them — that yes, you were indeed a prize like no other.  But you were his now, weren’t you? As he was yours. Even without the label or words that he still couldn’t figure out how to say. That he was too afraid to say. Regardless, why were you entertaining these fools?
He'd not felt this before — was it jealousy? Gods, he was being like a petulant child who didn't want to share their toy. You were a person, you could make your own decisions. That was the entire point of all of this. 
What was he going to do — follow you around like a lost puppy? Drape himself over you, clutch onto you like a coat so others would see he was with you? 
You must have felt his red eyes piercing through you as you suddenly flicked your eyes over to meet his gaze. Your face instantly brightened, a smile tugging on your lips. An overwhelming sense of relief went through him as you waved apologetically to the small group in front of you, before weaving your way over to his dark corner. 
"Yes, darling?" He drawled as you approached, trying to hide any emotion betraying on his face as he tipped his wine glass in front of it and took another sip. 
"Why are you hiding away in this corner? Not feeling like being paraded around like a hero?" You said sarcastically. 
Astarion rolled his eyes at you, replying dryly, "I am many things, but a hero, I am not."
You leaned in conspiratorially, lowering your voice until it was just a whisper. "I would beg to differ. But you have a reputation to uphold, don't you?"
He barked out a laugh, before flicking you in the nose gently. "You cheeky pup." 
"Ow." You feigned, scrunching your face up at him. "That hurt." 
A wave of courage swept through him as he pushed back the little voice in his head. He leaned forward and pecked his lips onto the tip of your nose. He hoped the tingle that spread across his lips as they met your skin would spread to you. It seemed it did as your skin then flashed a delicious, brilliant shade from surprise. A tiny squeak even escaped you, your eyebrows shooting up. 
You had not kissed, not since his confession. Not since all of this had started. Not a brush of lips against hands or cheeks, nothing. The look on your face and the sudden increase in the thrum of your heart had him feeling light headed. Did he truly have such an effect on you? 
For a moment, he let his gaze from you lapse as he swept his eyes across the inn. To the disappointed glances of a few partygoers, and the knowing looks of his companions, watching the pair of you interact. 
A flash of gratification went through him, satisfied at the effect he had not just on you but at those who had eyed you before. It squashed the jealously that had made a pit in his stomach, instead twisting it with a new, slowly recognizable feeling. 
"There, all better?" He smirked. 
You let out a breathy laugh, nodding at him. 
Astarion rubbed his lips together, the tingling sensation on them lingering still. "How much longer does the Hero of the Shadowlands need to stay down here?"
You looked over your shoulder to the gathered patrons, the crowd thinning out more and more as the evening faded into a dark, late night. "Bored already?" 
He let out a weary sigh, letting his shoulders droop. "Exhausted, darling. And I know you are too." 
You were always a sight to see, holding a beauty he could have never imagined or conjured up in his head. But he could see the purple circles under your eyes, the usual sparkle in them had long gone dull. 
Your eyes flickered to your boots, nodding your head in defeat. "You're right." 
"I believe they have set some rooms aside for us, if you wish—"
"Do you?" You caught him off, trying to hide your own eagerness.  
His gaze softened, a smile tugging on his lips, "Very much so."
The pair of you bid goodnight to your companions quietly, subtle nods and waves as they continued their own conversations or headed to their own rooms. Astarion walked slightly behind you on the stairs, his hand resting gently on the small of your back as you led the way.  The path you took was familiar, the worn floor boards creaking before you were outside the private room the two of you had occupied once before.
Astarion let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door softly behind him, the sounds from the lingering party below muffled and leaving you in a peaceful quiet. But as he found reprieve in finally being alone, you suddenly crumbled.
You dived for the bed, a heartbreaking sob escaping you as your hands covered your face. 
Your name choked out him before he crossed the room quickly and joined you on the edge of the mattress. Gods, what was it about this Inn and room that had you breaking apart on it? "Darling, what's wrong?" He asked, concern etching every feature.
"I- I, didn't-"
He remembered your words earlier today — gods, was that today? How comforting his touch was for you, being reminded of his presence. He placed his hand carefully on your own that was trembling on your thigh as you tried to speak. 
You finally gasped out, "She wasn't there, she wasn't-"
Mol. The little tiefling girl. You had promised those rascal children downstairs you'd find her. And it was you who had told them she wasn't in Moonrise tonight, swallowing deeply as they dipped their heads with disappointment. But you had told them not to give up hope, that she was resourceful and strong. You had sounded so convincing that even he had believed you. 
But here you were, sobbing and breaking apart in front of him. "Oh, sweetheart. Gods, I should have seen this, I'm sorry."
You sniffled, glancing up at him with wide eyes. "Why are you apologizing?"
He gave you a sad smile, his eyes shining with understanding, "I know you better by now. It was a mask you were wearing tonight...," He tucked a stray hair back behind your ear. "I hate it when you wear it."
"I just wanted everyone to be okay, I tried so hard..." Your voice cracked and broke. 
"You've done so much, darling. Look at what we did today, that was because of you." 
You always took care of everyone else. But who took care of you? Astarion thought, perhaps... him. He could… he would.
He had been.
"Oh my little moon, you don't have to carry the world by yourself, you know?" 
You sniffled and nodded, silver still lining the bottoms of your eyes. 
"May I?" He echoed the question you so often asked of him. You'd never touched him without asking the question first. Your consent you'd granted him was a separate conversation, one where you had told him casual, simple touches were okay. A silent conversation and agreement sometimes was exchanged with a look of your eyes. But with him, you had always asked. He thought that now he would return that favor to you, as you opened yourself to him — vulnerable and upset once again on the edge of this mattress. 
He hoped you appreciated the sentiment, as much as he did.
The vampire reached down, hovering his hands over your boots. Your brows furrowed slightly before you were nodding. Your eyes never left his pale fingers as he untied the laces of your boots, gently prying them off before setting them down neatly at the foot of the bed. Then he did the same to his own before he slid his way up the bed, leaning against the headboard before patting the spot next to him. 
"Come here." 
You hesitated, before beginning to scooch over to him. When he opened his arms as a silent invitation you hesitated again. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Please come here." He nodded solemnly.  
Astarion willed himself to keep steady and clear, drawing a breath he truly did not need. He enveloped you in his arms as you laid next to him, trying to stop his limbs for stiffening. It was all so foreign, it was terrifying. 
But your familiar scent filled his nose, and he could feel the steady rhythm of your heartbeat with your chest pressed to his side. His fingers laxed as you settled into him, bunching into the material of your shirt. Your breaths started calming and eyes fluttering as you laid with him. 
"Is this okay?" You whispered — uncertainty laced every word. 
"I was just going to ask you the same thing."  He said softly, before swallowing thickly. "I don't know what I'm doing." You started to remove your limbs his, but he tightened his hold on you. "Don't, please."
"Astarion if you aren't comfortable—"
"I am, it's not that." He rubbed the soft material of your shirt between his fingers as he spoke, "I want so badly to be this for you, to be what you need. But I don't know how."
You craned your neck up to look at him, "I think you're doing a good job of it."
He looked down at you through his long lashes, "Truly?"
"Yes, Astarion." You sounded genuine, "No one... no one has ever made me feel the way you do."
He let out a sigh of contentment, settling in deeper with you before resting his chin on the top of your head. "I know we have so much left to do... But laying here with you. It makes it worth it."
"Are you scared?" You asked in a whisper. 
"Terrified, actually." He admitted. 
Your thumb rubbed across his stomach in smooth lines back and forth, "I will be with you every step of the way."
"That's part of what makes it all so terrifying." The vampire whispered, "Sometimes, I know that I couldn't do any of this without you by my side. But other times... when Ketheric turned into that thing, that abomination, with you looking so small in front of him..."
"I know." 
Astarion moved his head so he could look at your face, "You were right though." 
"Hmmm?" You hummed. 
"This is nice. Gods, when did I get so soft?" He chuckled, the movement of his chest vibrating your head until you joined him. 
Both of your faces were etched with bliss and contentment as you laid in the bed. On this bed where before he had laid awake, willing himself to fall into a trance, convincing himself to keep his distance from you, trying to protect himself from the inevitably of you. 
Now, you both fell asleep like that, still in your regular attire, wrapped in each other's arms with your head buried on his chest.
The stars caressing their moon. 
• • •
The journey towards Baldur's Gate was turbulent and nerve-wracking while also... hopeful. 
The group was buzzing with energy — the anticipation of returning to Baldur's Gate had made some of your companions restless in more ways then one. 
You were all sat for a short rest, relaxing in a patch of long, green grass just off of the dirt road you were traveling on. It was just your group now, the other parties and groups had begun moving at different paces and times until it was just your familiar companions now. 
Astarion was laid out in the grass, his head resting on your lap and your fingers absent-mindedly playing with his soft, white tresses. His eyes were closed, basking in the glow of the sun that was set high in the sky at this time of day. Occasionally the shadows on his face would bounce as his long lashes flickered, opening his eyes to glance at you with a dreamy expression on his face. 
It made your movements stutter each time you noticed it. But the grip he had on your heart — that was steady and true. He had possessed you in a way you still could not articulate, even all these weeks later. 
But you blinked back to reality as Gale's voice broke the silence. "You're a beautiful couple." 
You looked up, a sheepish smile spreading across your face from being noticed. Astarion craned his neck, his red eyes rolling back to look at the wizard before settling back into your lap with a disinterested look crossing his face. 
"Oh, I'm sorry... I'm made things awkward, haven't I?" Gale mumbled, his hands twirling with the blades of grass in front of him. 
You couldn't help the blush that was spreading across your cheeks at the attention. Especially as you realized the rest of your companions were looking over with small smirks. 
Gale continued as you remained silent, "I just meant that... Well, its nice to see my friends so happy. That's all." 
"Thank you, Gale." Astarion drawled, readjusting himself so he laid deeper on your lap. 
The wizard blinked in surprise, "You're welcome. Are you — is it a secret, or?"
"Not a secret, no." The vampire purred with a shake of his head. 
"We are just taking our time." You finished, a soft smile growing on your face to match the one spreading across Astarion's. 
"Hmm, that's nice." Gale trailed off, a wistful expression on his face. 
Before the silence could really settle in again, the rest of the party started a conversation up. 
"Won't be long now until we get to Baldur's Gate." Wyll said, his face hard to read. 
"Are you nervous?" Karlach stretched her long leg, nudging him in the ankle playfully. 
His mouth scrunched and nose crinkled, "I... I don't know how to feel."
"I can't fucking wait! I'll be able to show you guys my old stomping grounds!" The barbarian said excitedly, falling back dramatically into the grass with her limbs spread wide. She addressed you, shouting up to the blue sky, "What about you, Giggles? Excited to see home again?"
"Oh," Your fingers froze, hovering over Astarion's hair. "I had only lived in the city for just under a year. Home will always be in the north."
"The north? I don't think I've heard you speak of your home much." Shadowheart asked quietly, a quizzical look on her face. 
"I, yes— near the Ice Spires." Your mouth twitched.
"You hail from a noble line, yes?" Gale asked. Everyone was eyeing you with curiosity, even Astarion still stretched out on your lap. His red eyes shifting slightly as he studied you. 
You swallowed, painting on a polite smile before speaking, "My father is a Viscount. He is a formidable figure in the region." 
"Ah." The warlock grimaced, his eyes sad. "Why do I get the feeling our stories are more similar than I realize?"
You bristled. "I'm not exiled or anything... It's just been some time. That's all."
"That's all?" 
A humorless laugh escaped you, "I am a second born child. And my older brother is much more obedient and better suited to the game of politics than I am." You couldn't help the sad, bitter smile that spread across your face. The thought of home stung in more ways then one. 
Astarion noticed how tense you had become, his hand squeezing your knee as he pushed himself up with a dramatic huff. "We are never going to get to the city if we sit here lounging all day." 
You shot him a grateful look, and he gave you the slightest nod in recognition as he offered his hand to lift you up. He did so easily, brushing off blades of grass lingering on you both gently. 
"You were the one complaining not long ago about how long we had been walking for!" Gale said, sounding completely exasperated as Wyll helped him up.   
"Me? I said that? I don't think so." The rogue playfully scoffed, shaking his head so his soft curls bounced dramatically. He looked over his shoulder at you with a conspiratorial smile before stretching his hand out for you. His fingers intertwined with yours easily as he pulled you along the dirt path, away from the questioning and burning curiosity of the rest of the party. 
• • •
Your group finally settled down for the night — picking a small clearing just off of the well-worn, dirt path you had been traveling down. Perhaps the last time you would be sleeping in the wilderness. You would be at Wyrm's Crossing by midafternoon tomorrow. 
Astarion had set up your tent on the edge of camp, attempting to give you both some sense of privacy from your busybody companions. He knew they meant well, that they hadn't meant for this afternoon to turn into an interrogation. That, like him, they were just curious to know more about you. As kind and good you were to all of them, you were still somewhat of a mystery. You had revealed the origins of your powers to the group yes, but you rarely spoke about yourself or your home.
Not even to him. 
The vampire had been content to let it lie. He knew it would come with time — and he certainly couldn't make any demands of you. Not after how gracious and patient you had been with him. But he couldn't deny that part of him wanted to know more. Astarion had somehow become an open book with you — revealing and exploring parts of himself that he had buried down so deep that he was surprised he could find them. 
He worried that it all had been about him for so long. His trauma, his past, his goals. That maybe you had kept parts of yourself hidden away, on the back burner for him. 
You had your back turned to him at the moment, the golden flickering of the candles in the tent illuminating the curve of your spine and freckles across your bare skin. Your muscles stretched and tensed beautifully as you lifted your arms over your head —pulling your nightclothes over yourself as you changed in the corner. It was a boundary that was set much earlier, that he had slowly started making less and less strict. 
He wasn't ready for anything more yet — he knew that. But his red eyes couldn't help but roam your figure. He couldn't help the familiar sensation of want twisting low in his stomach, the twitch of his fingers at his side as he imagined running his fingertips over your soft skin again.  
The smile you gave him as you turned around was dazzling, even in the dim light and tight space of the shared tent. You joined him cross-legged in the center of the tent, both of you not quite ready to go to sleep just yet. 
He picked at his nail for a moment, trying to seem nonchalant as he opened his pink mouth to speak. "So... the Ice Spires?"
You raised a single eyebrow, a hard to read look crossing the rest of your features. "Yes?" 
His fingers continued to fidget in front of him. "It's cold... all the time?"
"Not all the time. Our winters can be brutal though." You said with a scrunched nose. 
"Oh, what a lovely sell. I can't wait to go now!" He said sarcastically. 
"Ha." You laughed dryly, before your voice turned wistful. "It's beautiful honestly... I miss it."
The vampire studied your face as you undoubtedly saw visions of your home in your mind's eye. The edges of his lips curved up as he remembered your promise to take him there one day. He broke you out of your daydream with a quiet cough before he spoke again, "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want. But why did you leave there, darling?"
Your eyes flashed to the floor of the tent, your mouth forming a hardline. "Promise me you won't be upset?" Your voice was barely a whisper. 
His eyebrows furrowed together at your reaction. He took two fingers, dipping them under your chin so you would look up at him. "Why would I be upset? You leaving home for whatever reason is why you are here now. With me."
Your eyes softened with his answer, before you nodded. Yet you still licked your lips nervously before speaking, "Well... you know that Selûne told my mother I would be destined for a different path then the life of nobility. My mother agreed to it all those years ago, both my parents knew and yet... they still hoped they could reel it all back in. That enough etiquette and language lessons would shape me into the perfect child they hoped I would be. But it was never me. I tried for them, I really did. Instead I started to fantasize about the people in our history lessons like they were characters in a book, and I spoke too loud and laughed at the wrong moment at dinner." 
Astarion couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he imagined you as a child — your face round and soft with innocence, your brilliant smile with missing teeth. The havoc that you would have caused, racing down wealthy halls as you acted out scenes from your books and danced in an empty ballroom with your melodic laugh echoing in the space. A piece of himself he had long forgotten about twinged inside him. He couldn't remember his own childhood anymore — it was lost to the last two hundred years of darkness. But something warmed in him as he dreamed up what yours was like. 
He snapped back to reality as you spoke again. "But I had a duty. I'm the second born, I wasn't being primed to one day take over for our father and run the keep, but I could be used in other ways. I've known of it since I was twelve."
His white brows furrowed again, "Known what?"
"When I became of age I would be married off to secure wealth and political ties with other territories. I'm engaged... technically." You admitted. 
His eyes dropped immediately to your fingers, the several jewels that adorned them from the moment he met you. He had never thought anything of them — thinking they were an artful display of rings that matched your personality and appearance well. But there it was — a golden ring of much higher quality then the rest, with a large ruby sitting in the center of it. Gods, how had he missed that. 
"Oh my gods. I'm a homewrecker." Then he burst out laughing, his head thrown back and his hands holding his stomach as he howled.
"Astarion, you'll wake up half the camp!" You leaned forward and hissed. 
"I'm sorry, I just —" He let out between gasps of breath, "It's so funny. Of course the person I fall for is to be wed to someone else."
You joined his chuckles, shaking your head. "It is like a cliché plotline from some terrible drama."
"It is! Or like a punchline to some joke. Did you hear the one about the vampire and the fiancé?" You both laughed for a moment, before he clutched onto your hand and squeezed it reassuringly.  
"So you aren't upset?" Your voice a whisper again, uncertainty flooded every word. 
"Upset? Darling, why would I be upset?" 
You huffed out an exasperated breath, "Astarion, I just told you I am betrothed to another person."
"And you are on the other side of the continent from them. Not married. And sitting in my tent. Is this why you left?"
Your eyes widened in surprise, "Yes, we planned it all out actually— my betrothed and I." 
You nodded, "They had also spent the last years troubling over it, attempting to delay it for as long as possible." 
"I'm assuming getting kidnapped by mind flayers was not apart of that plan?" He said with a smirk. 
"Definitely not. I so badly wanted to travel, to see the world outside of our keep I'd known my whole life. So... they insisted to my family that they needed a spouse that was learned and well-traveled. That I could enroll in a college to become a more suitable match."
Astarion raised a white brow, "And that worked?"
"It did. I think my father was so desperate for it all to work out that they just agreed."
"And how did you attending a college lead you to Baldur's Gate so many miles away from home?" 
You let out a dry chuckle, "I will say that I did go to the college like I intended. I lasted a week. Just long enough to purchase supplies and stationary from the college before paying for a spot on the next wagon out of Silverymoon." 
"I've been sending letters home for the past year, using stationary from the college so my family believes I'm still there studying and being a model citizen." 
He raised his eyebrows, a smirk spreading across his lips. "I'm impressed. That's very conniving... I didn't know you had it in you."
You smiled sheepishly, your fingers twisting in your lap. "I'll admit it was a clever idea. I ran out of supplies about a month before the Nautiloid." 
He pursed his lips as he finally understood, "They haven't heard from you since then?"
You shook your head, "No. I imagine my father has sent some of his men to check on me, and they have long discovered that I took back my tuition deposit and left months and months ago." 
"This whole time we were worried about a vampire master storming our camp, when really it could have been a disgruntled father or worried mother finding us?"
A large exhale left your nose as you shook your head, "Oh, my father would never come himself. He would just send his second-best men and a strongly worded letter ordering me back home. My mother though... I can only imagine how she betrayed and worried she feels." 
The vampire squeezed your hand again before running his thumb along the backs of your knuckles. "Why did you never tell me this?" 
"Astarion, the hardship and abuse that you went through...," Your eyes shined with pain, "My story is nothing compared to yours."
"Your story is not nothing." He shook his head, his voice earnest. "Your story is you — and you are everything. Never spare parts of yourself from me." 
"Even the messy parts that years of etiquette lessons couldn't train away?"
He let out a breathy laugh before smiling at you, "Especially those parts, my lovely moon." 
"You have gone soft on me, Starry." You teased before matching his smile. 
• • •
After another day of travel, you stood in the abandoned castle in Wyrm's Crossing, bracing yourself on the stone wall. The skyline of Baldur's Gate could be seen from here, the distant sound of the bell's ringing heard even from here. 
Your party had finally made it — after all of these weeks. You would walk the familiar cobblestone streets of Baldur's Gate tomorrow. The familiar scents and sounds of vendors and citizens, the bustle and crowds would be so different from the wilderness and forests you had been traveling through. 
The group's energy was buzzing as you settled for camp in the abandoned castle — a strange mixture of excitement and nerves. Astarion hadn't hidden his feelings with you — his anxieties and insecurities surfacing with every step closer and closer to the city limits. With every step closer to Cazador and his ritual. Hundreds of different ideas were bouncing around his head, you could tell. 
Yet your confession to him last night was still replaying in your head, especially as your stared at the ring on your left finger — the red gem catching the light. You weren't sure why you wore it anymore. A habit, you guessed. 
The sound of purposeful, shuffling feet announced that you were no longer alone. Craning your neck you looked over to see the man who normally consumed your thoughts, climbing the stone steps that led up to the falling apart battlements you stood on.
"What are you doing up here, darling?" 
"Just taking a moment."  You admitted as you loosed a heavy breath. "And you?"
"Oh, just over pretending to be interested the idle chat by the fire." Astarion waved his hand, before sliding in next to you. He braced his elbows onto the edge looking out over to the skyline. You watched him take a deep steadying breath, his eyebrow crinkled with worry for a moment. 
You fiddled unconsciously with the golden ring on your left hand as you watched him. The movement caught the vampire's attention, his red eyes snapping to it before looking up at you. He chewed the inside of his lip, before speaking, "Can I ask you a question?"
Your stomach tightened with sudden nerves, "Of course."
"This wedding... Your arranged marriage." 
"Hmm?" You hummed. 
His pale throat bobbed as he swallowed, "Would you have gone through with it? If there was no Nautiloid, no tadpole — none of this. Would you have gone through with the arrangement?"
A heavy sigh escaped you as you pushed your elbows off of the stone edge and stood up, "I would have... I would have tried. It felt inevitable before — inescapable."
He shifted around, so he was facing you — standing to his full height and looking you in the eyes. "And now?" He whispered, his long fingers reaching to brush the insides of your wrist lightly.
"Astarion... I never could have imagined any of this. I spent my whole life fantasizing and daydreaming of an escape and grand adventure. Nothing I've dreamed up has ever come close to being with you. I have fought mind flayers and ogres, refused Gods and marched across the country so that we can keep going. So that we can have a chance. I will take my father's disappointment and wrath for ruining his plans for financial security." 
"Heh — We can add him to the list of people we've angered along the way." He joked, but his eyes were glimmering with unspoken emotion after your declaration. 
You studied the handsome man before you, your lips parting slightly as you took him in. He was radiant in the moonlight, his white hair and pale skin shining. The way his usually sharp eyes softened and rounded as he looked at you.
Gods, you loved him. You had known for sometime now that you did. The words had been crawling up your throat, lingering on your tongue and swirling in your mind for days. But you would be patient for him. 
One side of his pink mouth turned up, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Your head cocked to the side, "Like what?"
"You..." He seemed like he was at a loss for words for a moment. He shook his head at himself, before he admitted in a whisper, "They way you look at me... you make me feel like I'm poetry."
"You are, Astarion." You said simply. Courage suddenly flooded through you. You knew you would be fine, no matter how he answered. You wouldn't dare rush him. But you wanted to ask tonight. "May I — May I kiss you?" 
He blinked in surprise before his red eyes flicked down to your lips and he unconsciously licked his own. Then he locked eyes with you, nodding breathlessly. "Yes," He whispered back, his long lashes fluttering. "Yes."
Moving your hands up slowly and gently, your fingertips gripped the side of his strong jaw. You heard his breath sharpen as you moved your face to meet his — slowly, giving him time and space, allowing him to change his mind and pull away. But he didn't. Instead his eyes closed softly, his head tilting towards yours as he waited for you to kiss him. Then your lips locked as your mouth pressed softly against his, carefully as you waited to see if he would kiss you back. A low noise escaped you as you felt his lips press harder against yours, returning the kiss. 
You had long thought of your first kiss with Astarion in the woods near the Druid's Grove all that time ago. You thought you had memorized the sweet taste of him on your lips, the scent of leather lingering from his armor and groans that made the hairs on your arms stand up. 
But this — this was so different. Not practiced, not ritualistic like he so often said. 
This new first kiss was so painfully soft and tender. He tasted like wine, rosemary and honey. His hair softer then you remembered as your finger toyed with the curled tips at the base of his neck. The happiest of sounds escaped him as he parted his lips for you, allowing you to deepen the kiss as your tongue slid across his teeth. You both stood like that for a moment, relishing in the feeling until you both felt dizzy. Your lips stuck together slightly as you pulled away. His forehead was pushed against yours, like he was no longer content to not be touching you. 
Astarion's eyes were ablaze in the moonlight as he looked at you, his mouth falling open as he caught his breath. "Again. Kiss me, again.” “Starry?” You asked, your brow twitched. “Kiss me. Please. I miss it, I've missed you." One of his hands gripped the tip of your chin as you moved your mouth back towards him, halving the movement as he pulled you back in for another kiss. The other intertwining with yours in between you, squeezing your fingers gently. 
His sharp teeth dug into your bottom lip, causing a shudder to run down your spin. "Slow down, my love." Your groaned out.
"I have — weeks of this — to catch up on." His voice was breathless and he continued to interrupt his own words as he pressed lips to yours over and over. 
You pulled away, studying his face — the skin around his mouth pink from kissing, a slight flush crossing his complexion. But his eyes were fixed on you, filled with want and need. "I'm not going anywhere, Astarion. We have time." 
"Good. " He beamed, resting his forehead on yours again as you both breathed each other in. The two of you silhouetted on the crumpling battlements as you held on to each other for a moment longer.  
Read Part VI here
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bananasfosterparent · 6 months
Update on my current runs!
Silkina the Bard Waveservant -
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She got the Volo eye (not pictured) and has been helping her friends while looking for a cure. This is my first "good" solo run, so it's a lot of content, more than I'm used to! Definitely going slower than my usual, but still a lot of fun! Also never realized how funny Karlach is lmao. Just getting to the goblin fight so we'll see how it goes! Very excited to get Wyll's party scene!! Silkina is sassy, but kind and really an outlier among other waveservants because of it. Well, she's really good at connecting with others at least. Despite it being odd, since most Waveservants (especially clerics) are quite standoffish and introverted, Silkina focuses on making her outgoing nature work for her, sharing the might and fury of Umberlee with her words (and music).
Also.. after getting the Volo eye and almost everyone disapproving, I noticed Wyll didn't.. but he didn't have a ! either. I had her talk to him anyway and he was like "Welcome to the one eye club! A woman with one eye is very intriguing c:" and I giggled.
Efeniti (Spawn Astarion ending AU run) -
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In the exact same place it's been for a few weeks lmao I have not touched this playthrough. I AM SCHTALLING. I know what you're thinking... because I'm an AA fan... but really, I just can't emotionally handle the break down scene after he brutally stabs Cazedor. Or the brutal stabbing. I am really not ready for that. I have my own feelings for why and what it makes me experience, but maybe if I actually go through with it this time, I can talk about it (it's not that bad, I'm just procrastinating).
This version of Efenity is who she would be if she hadn't lost the woman who was like a mother to her. If she had been able to have a somewhat normal life and become a private magic teacher in the upper part of the city. She's much kinder and able to temper herself much better.
Efenity (Canon AA romance run #whatever) -
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This is idk like the 5th time I've played as Efenity. I've lost count 🤷🏽‍♀️ Most of these runs, I only got to Act 3 and only 2 I've gotten to the final fight and couldn't win it after trying over and over. This time I plan to finish it!!! I want my epilogue, dang it! I killed Minthara this time, at the party. There was a leftover from EA with a voiced Tav scene. If you killed Minty and the goblins at the party, that night or morning after(?) there's some conversation and Tav says something in the cut scene! ANYWAY... I tried it and it didn't happen 😭😭😭 I either did it wrong (I attacked before Minty had her murder cutscene) OR they patched it out of the game! I could go back and try it again, but I barely won that fight and it took me SO many tries (mostly due to needing to long rest).
But! Regardless! Even though I didn't get that cool voiced Tav scene... I have added Efenity killing Minthara and the goblins at the party to her canon story. Because it just makes sense that she'd do that. Originally, she just uses her to get to Moonrise but I scrapped that. While Efenity just sees the tieflings as collateral damage, she knows Shadowheart was struggling with that whole ordeal which did bother her... she cares for SH and she is her first real friend. And with Minthara insulting her for not wanting to sleep with her, on top of it...
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Efenity was like OKAY. Time for you to go, ma'am.
Solenia Omraebra, the Drow Cleric -
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I've only had her for about a week and I love her. She's also been through at least 6 different hairstyles 😭 Solenia is my newest Tav, a Drow and cleric of Eilistraee! She's very studious and scholarly. I don't know much about her beyond that yet. Still working on her backstory and whatnot, BUT she is good to a fault. She wants to save everyone, in every way that she possibly can. Even those she probably shouldn't get close enough to, to try to save. Even those she is told are irredeemable. She's romancing Gale! She's just getting through Act 1 stuff and almost to the goblin camp!
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mellybaggins · 6 months
Fanfic Master Post
My fics are now locked to A03 members only
Please send me an ask if you would like to continue reading and you don't have an account.
About the Author Q&A post
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angst. self discovery. trauma healing.
Act 1 - Chapters 1-12 - Complete
Morwen vowed she'd never lead anyone again after the disastrous mission that led to breaking her oath. But the gods laugh while you make plans, and her abduction by mind flayers and a concerning brush with the devil is forcing her to face her fears. In her search for a cure, she gathers a disparate group of other infected and reluctantly leads them on a journey towards their unknown fates.
Act 2 - Chapters 13-51 - Complete
As the group enter the Shadow Cursed Lands, Raphael returns and forces Morwen to make a choice. In seeming retaliation for her refusal, he breaks the mental blocks keeping the memories of her past from her, forcing her to confront the darkness she thought had been locked away forever.
Act 3 - Chapters 52-? - in progress
With her memories fully restored, Morwen prepares to enter Baldur's Gate, not only to disrupt and dismantle the evil plot of the Dead Three, but also to force a reckoning with her own past. If the darkness doesn't consume her first.
This is an ongoing fic about betrayal, redemption, religious trauma, abuse, and why good people do bad things. She also has romances along the way because despite everything she has never lost her capacity to love.
This fic contains smut, drama, violence (there is also dead dove content especially in the middle-late act 2 and beyond) and is probably the work I'm the most proud of.
I try to update every Monday, but sometimes life gets in the way.
Character Profile - Morwen (Idril)
Character Word Association Game
Oathbreaker on Ao3
Oathbreaker Chapter 1 tumblr post / more photos
Early Game Photo Dump
Bite scene photo dump
Late Act 2 Photo Dump
Fantasy Casting for Original Characters
Morwen recast
Act 1 Chapters:
Chapter 5 - Freefall (First meeting with Raphael)
Act 2 Chapters:
Chapter 41 - Rainy Day (Gauntlet of Shar)
Chapter 42 - This Too Shall Pass
Chapter 43 - Frozen Angels
Chapter 44 - Numb (Backstory Chapter)
Chapter 45 - Fire Burning (the Battle of Moonrise Towers)
Chapter 46 - Make Yourself (Oathbreak Chapter)
Chapter 47 - Thunderstruck
Chapter 48 - Way Down We Go
Chapter 49 - Losing My Religion (Ain't No Rest For The Wicked)
Chapter 50 - Roads
Chapter 51 - Hunter (End of Act 2)
Act 3 Chapters
Chapter 52 - Porcelain (Sweet Dreams)
Chapter 53 - Clandestino (Decaparecido)
Chapter 54 - I'm A Wanted Man (Kryptonite)
Chapter 55 - It's Been A While
Chapter 56 - Come With Me Now (Disappear)
Chapter 57 - Entertainers
Chapter 58 - Cold Blood
Chapter 59 - Angel
Chapter 60 - Mercy
Chapter 61 - Savage Daughter
Chapter 62 - Dance, Monkey
Chapter 63 - Hold On
One Shots:
This Protector (Act 2, Reithwin Tollhouse)
Come Undone (Act 1, Gale/Shadowheart scene)
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Laileth of Waterdeep
fluff. romance. two worlds one heart.
This is Laileth. She is a forest elf who hails from Suldanessellar inside the forest of Wealdalth/Tethir, as far south of Baldur's Gate as Waterdeep is north. I've unconsciously been treating her like a Tolkien Silvan elf, so finally decided (though not stated in the fics themselves) that by some magic a group of elves from Mirkwood found themselves transplanted into Faerûn and therefore they were extremely reclusive and rarely dealt with outsiders except to trade. This is her first time meeting people of other races except at the bargaining table and she's fallen in love with Faerûn and it's people. She's also quite young, comparatively, and full of wonder and love of life and eagerness to learn and explore.
One person in particular though, Gale of Waterdeep. I've created a Series on Ao3 to keep all of her various drabbles together. They're all one-shots and her story will (mostly) be at the mercy of the prompts from the BG3 Writers Discord server. Many contain smut, and Laileth and Gale are into dom/sub play.
Character Profile - Laileth
Laileth of Waterdeep Posts on Tumblr:
(in story timeline order)
Helvegen on Tumblr
Kvitravn on Tumblr
Odal on Tumblr
Grá post on Tumblr
Synkverv on Tumblr
Solringen post on Tumblr
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suntiger745 · 8 months
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Finished Baldur's Gate 3 today. Something I've not done with many narrative games, instead getting caught up in making new characters. I've not finished Skyrim (or Morrowind), nor Dragon Age Origins. I completed Oblivion once, The Mass Effect trilogy once and Fallout 3 once, Fallout 4 three times. Dragon Age Inquisition twice. I still have like 40+ Tavs so I have plenty of playthroughs to do if I feel like it.
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Anyway, BG3. It was really good y'all. :) In some ways I benefited from not completing it before now. I got the option to send Karlach to Avernus with Wyll, and I got the post-adventure gathering that Withers put together, for my first playthrough.
I've seen some posts about the % of players who have completed the games vs started it, or gotten off the Nautiloid, or finished Act 1. I took some screenshots of them, but at the same time I'm not sure how accurate they are. I know for Elder Scrolls/Fallout games I play with mods and never cared about the achievements, so they are always disabled for me and not part of the statistics. I imagine it's the same with a not insignificant number of BG3 players as well. (I plan to mod BG3 as well, I just wanted to make a Tav playthrough and a Durge playthrough before I start in on the mods.)
I also don't know if the stats on the achievements are updated every time you open Steam/look at them. Is the 50,7% of players who have completed Act1 from august 28th when i got it, or from february 3rd when I looked at it today?
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Also, the numbers of allies who showed up to help in the final fight, as well as all the letters you get in the little camp get-together, were both really cool moments. The allies coming together to help you was a real cool and emotional payoff for all the quests you've done and people you have helped during them game.
The letters were less awesome but in many ways more touching. Especially hearing that Arabella is a student of Elminster, Alfira has a successful bard school, thanks to Lakrissa saving up her waitress wages and buying a house for her. Barcus, leading the Ironhand gnomes and making peace with the Gondians, doing great work in the rebuilding (and saying that 'it's not a big deal really'), Jaheira's kids doing great work in the city with Jaheira herself being alternatively proud and worried about them.
Halsin being a father figure to a gaggle of kids in the cleansed lands around Moonrise Towers and Orpheus and Lae'zel meeting with the gith'zerai leader to form an alliance it also both cool and sweet.
Also, Scratch and Anji playing fetch with the now inert Astral Prism. XD
Props to Larian for sneaking in a post credits scene too. Seems Jergal is not happy at all with how the Dead Three has conducted business in the Domains he once held sway over.
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animentality · 1 year
I really enjoy Baldur's Gate and I think it gives you a lot of choices and customization options and things to do but I do have to criticize this...
A lot of the choices really only give you the illusion of choice.
I've done a few playthroughs of act 1 and 2 now and I've noticed that while the dialogue options seem varied, they really don't make that big of a difference.
For example.
I originally turned down Raphael's offer to remove the tadpole.
But I replayed that section again, and...you can accept his deal but he'll literally say oh that's no fun, I didn't want you to take the deal yet. I wanted to see you desperate first.
And it's like...literally exactly what he says if you say no.
From a technical perspective I understand that you can't remove the tadpole so soon when it's so important to the story.
But why even have that scene at all?
You aren't getting a choice.
It's very odd.
And another thing.
When you find Mizora in the hole where Ketheric jumps in.
You have the "choice" of removing her from the pod or leaving her.
If you kill her, Wyll just dies. Goes right to hell.
But if you save her...no matter what you choose, she'll just say I'll release him in 6 months?
And it's like...hm. ok. Whatever I guess...
Like yeah you can kill wyll...but all that does is remove him from the game entirely. Not really a choice.
And it's like...I still love the randomness and the quirkiness of the DND dice system. I love the little details and the spontaneity of a lot of the dialogue options and missions.
I like that fucking up a roll does affect things, just as successfully doing things affects things quite a bit.
I like that you can do things in any order you like.
But I often find that if you replay the game even once more than the first time, you'll find your choices don't actually matter most of the time.
It'll shove you in the right direction sooner or later. There's no real choice.
Especially if you're evil. The evil route just deletes many of the other quests.
Like for example, I sided with Minthara for one run, and all it did was gut half the act 1 quests and said go to moonrise right this second.
And it's like huh...ok.
Lost a lot of quests for no real reason.
You might as well just be good because you're losing content by being evil.
And I get that evil would naturally make people less trustful of you and not so keen to reward you, but...
It does feel a bit like they leaned into the one specific story and your decisions only ever affect character rapport.
And the dating sim aspect of it ...I dunno.
It's fun at times, boring at others.
So to sum up...
The npcs are so much fun and the plot is great and the worldbuilding is expansive.
But sometimes I replay the story and I think eh...there's really no difference.
No option I choose will significantly change what I know will happen.
And it's sometimes disappointing, is all.
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thechaoticdruid · 7 months
Chapter 4 of TSvsTA and Chapter 5 of This Bites are in the works, but I kinda wanna do some more oneshots afterwards featuring Winnie (my Tav) and Astarion during the in game campaign.
I have a few more original ideas that I'll put in a little poll for you to vote on. But I'm also open to do requests to rewrite any in game scenes with Winnie. (Except for the tiefling party, I already did that.) Just send me an ask with a specific scene (not any post final boss/epilogue stuff tho)
Note: The bounty hunter one also has some slight smut, but I ran out of room to write it in the poll.
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eldritchelfwriter · 3 months
Ngl, I'm really looking forward to releasing the next chapter of Shadowheart Begins because it contains my favourite "original" scene so far. I.e. it doesn't appear in the game - but it's something where you probably wish it was. It is a Tav and Shadowheart post-Moonrise fight scene.
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wheretheresawyll · 1 year
I checked out Neil Newbon's stream where he was talking with Theo Solomon, and something he said kind of irked me -
Neil was talking about Wyll's character in early access, and he mentions how the original character just wasn't working, and the rewrite/recasting was sorely needed. And I know he's just reiterating the feedback received from the fans (and that he's also talking to Theo, someone who he worked closely with as a director and who joined the team as the original actor's replacement). But like: what the hell was the problem with EA!Wyll?
The original performance was just as strong as Theo's. The original basis for the character was great. The romance was great. What was the issue? What was the feedback that Larian was receiving that warranted such a drastic overhaul, to the point that they wanted a new actor? (And I ask this as someone who loves Theo's performance as well as a lot of the rewrite).
I know some people have highlighted Wyll's extreme hatred for goblins...but honestly, I don't even think that was an issue. At least in Act 1, most of the goblins we see Wyll interact with were either:
Directly responsible for attacking him (and keeping his eyeball for a souvenir...to this day)
Indirectly responsible for attacking him (working for/supporting Spike)
Involved in killing passing travellers in the area
An active threat to the refugees Wyll is protecting
So I don't think Wyll's anger towards the goblins we encounter in Act 1 is that extreme in the circumstances we see it. If anything, I think his anger and trauma is just more shocking because it's Wyll - who is usually unflappable in any other situation. And again, that was just the first act of the game! We don't know where that aspect of Wyll's character was going to go. What was Wyll supposed to have? An entire character arc before we reached Moonrise and then just...be resolved for the rest of the full game? (Not to mention the other insensitive racial comments the rest of the party made in Early Access/the full game as well - Astarion about the Gur/goblins, Lae'zel about the tieflings, Shadowheart about Lae'zel, etc.)
And it seems like there was plenty set up for Early Access Wyll to confront! His romance scene at the party hints at what his character growth will be. Datamined lines has Zevlor confronting either Wyll/a warlock!Tav about being involved with devils. Even his interactions with the goblins hint how deep his PTSD goes, and it's heartbreaking. I was so excited to see where Wyll's story was going because we only saw the beginning of it - just as we did with the rest of the companions!
I don't know. It's just...frustrating.
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astarionsbeloved · 8 months
Ny'fein Durs'rend'aen as a companion (aka: what if you could recruit redemption durge?)
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Baldur's Gate 3 Companion! Tav Ask List
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character?  (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
Ny'fein would be met on the Nautiloid, and then probably again immediately between Astarion and Gale. If for some reason you miss him there, you'll find him held captive by Kressa at moonrise.
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
Astarion: A Drow Bard? How novel. Though I wonder....Do you think he might know Drizzt?
Lae'zel: If we must.
Karlach: Do you think he knows Drizzt? Is it...would it be weird if I asked?
Wyll: He looks familiar but I don't know why. I'm sure he'll be a fine addition to our party.
Gale: I find bards quite fascinating, you know. Do you think he'd be okay answering some questions? Wait, why are Karlach and Astarion crowding around him?
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions? 
Persuasion roll of 80 to keep him on the team if you recruit Minthara. As a male drow, he wants nothing to do with her.
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Ny'fein is a redemption durge, so while I'm reasonably certain his alignment pre-tadpole is true evil, post tad-pole he's chaotic neutral. He likes when you help people, he likes a good joke, and he's not going to enjoy it if you're cruel for no reason.
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
Recruiting Minthara, regardless of circumstance. Endangering children.
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
Ny'fein is made of secrets, since he's a bhaalspawn with a memory disorder. The first hints of something will happen at the goblin camp, when the three chosen look familiar even in silhouette.
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
"Healing wounds": origin durge questlines about putting things to rights and regaining memories, and taking down the chosen.
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
When asked to stay in camp, he would pull out his violin and simply start playing a dirge. When asked to go adventuring, he'd say "ever by your side" if romanced or "as you wish" if good approval. If approval is low, he'd literally just say "fine."
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
He's truly suspicious of Shadowheart, and while he doesn't dislike her, she puts him ill at ease.
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
Quill Grootslang, a dragonborn bard who comes to camp after you meet Alfira. Sceleritas Fel. Sarevok.
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
He keeps most of those as inside thoughts, but once you've made it to moonrise his memory starts to come back and he talks a lot more. If you recruit him at moonrise, once you get to the city, he talks a LOT. There will be a special cut scene with Gortash and a separate one with Orin.
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
Ny'fein doesn't trust them but since they offered help with his memory issues, he's intrigued.
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
"He looked at me like I was food, it made me uncomfortable" "I think we should avoid him" "My claws are sharper" "I feel like I've met him before"
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
"....how did you NOT realize he was a vampire. Wait, did NONE of you know? Seriously??". No approval loss or gain, but he's def a little jealous. Of both of you.
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
If he, Shadowheart, and Astarion are with you during the Abdirak scene, expect the banter to be sexually charged and absolutely inappropriate. He's _way_ too into it.
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
Very, very suspicious. No approval loss or gain, but they won't join Tav in consumption. Roll of 100 needed to convince them to consume tadpoles.
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the Tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
if Tav sides with the goblins, they leave. If this happens, you'll find them dead in Orin's chambers just like you would find durge if they hadn't joined the party at all.
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
Ny'fein is a bard, so he'll be playing music at least a little bit. Other than that if he isn't romanced, he's flirting his head off with Rolan and Halsin, maybe even Zevlor.
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
only in so far as "Who are you going for so I don't go for them as well" and "I want to hear about it tomorrow" before sauntering off to his own conquest.
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
Seething anger. You will lose approval. He will pout.
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
He would sigh, heavily, and say "I'm putting that in the song, you know".
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
"I cannot express how much I detest you at this moment." "This isn't my scene" "Can't Astarion do it?"
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
Since they're Durge, I'm inclined to think Orin would vastly prefer to kidnap them over the other companions. I think the deception would be revealed by "Ny'fein" trying to kill whomever they have the most party banter with, and the companions thinking they've given into the urge. When Tav gets to the temple, they have to use "Help" to free Ny'fein after the fight with Orin starts. From there, Ny'fein becomes the only playable combat character, forcing Tav from the fight and into the "sanctuary" area.
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
Ny'fein gets it either way, but since he's fighting so hard against his Urge, he'd be disappointed his friends succumbed to their desire for power.
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
Ny'fein cannot offer to become the mindflayer, and if the player asks them to, their approval drops and Ny'fein will explain he only just got his soul, he doesn't want to lose it. Ny'fein will support Tav's choice but will not stay with them, romantically, if they become a mindflayer.
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
not answering since this would actually be Tav reacting to them.
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
skipping this one as well since they are the durge.
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
see above.
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Ny'fein is romanceable. Tav would have to be supportive of them about their memory loss and trying to fight their dark urge.
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
They'd approach Tav if the approval is high enough, and they'd be very forward about it. If recruited at moonrise, their romance moves really fast and they're basically seducing Tav outright.
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
Poly! Theyr'e okay mono, but Ny'fein would really enjoy having multiple lovers, and they would support Tav exploring their emotions and sexuality with others as well.
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
Ny'fein's tent is bigger on the inside and Tav discovers this during the Tiefling party. They also discover Ny'fein is handy with a silence spell. Goofy, explicit scene.
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
The romance can develop in different ways depending on how the player interacts with Ny'fein, and I feel like there's a happy romance ending and a sad one.
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
A little spiteful and they certainly carry a grudge about it. Ny'fein immediately starts sleeping around, loudly, just to irritate Tav.
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
What does he desire most? What does he wish to destroy, more than anything? When do they feel most themselves?
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
Raised eyebrow, digging through their pouch, handing over a healing potion, a bottle of silver swirling oil that glitters, and a bottle that feels cold. "Trust me, you'll...you'll need these". They would want to participate after Tav x Halsin settle into their relationship.
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
Utter indifference. Their body, their choice. Though, they do worry a little about Tav after Haarlep.
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
They absolutely would, enthusiastically. 
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
A nice quiet life, somewhere nice that's a city without a bhaalist presence. They'd settle down with their polycule or Tav, or just go off on their own. Ny'fein would likely open a small bardic school.
Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au!
-Ny'fein is OLD. like, really old. But since he's bhaalspawn, he doesn't age properly on top of being notoriously slow-to-age-drow. -If Tav is evil, Ny'fein really struggles to stay in the party and if Tav wants to keep them it's constant persuasion rolls. -In act 2, if Kressa has Ny'fein, when you find him, he's is in the middle of being experimented on and uses the tadpole to call out to you. He compels you to rescue him and apologizes for it after. -I very much believe that if they're recruited at moonrise, they have an accelerated romance path with Tav, and are particularly inclined to romance Tav if Tav is with Astarion/Astarion and Halsin -I think that the moment he sees Gortash, there's an oddly intimate cut scene between Gortash and Ny'fein, with everyone kinda...lookin' on awkwardly. I think Karlach would be LIVID and need convincing to stay in the party after Ny'fein's past is revealed, especially because I HC Ny'fein and Gortash as former lovers. -I don't think Ny'fein ever met or knew Karlach, but I think Karlach wouldn't care too much about that. -Tav can kick Ny'fein out after learning who they are, and Ny'fein will still show up as a support character at the elder brain as long as Orin has already been handled. -As for fighting Orin, I feel like having Ny'fein in party means Orin has to be handled shortly after taking the rooms at the elfsong. It would be a timed thing and if it isn't handled, Ny'fein dies. -Sarevok would give Tav additional information and a map to save Ny'fein/take down Orin. -Orin will have definitely tortured Ny'fein. When you arrive at the temple, Ny'fein is very battered and bloodied.
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mumms-the-word · 7 months
More that I Want...
Day 25 (okay it's day 27 AGAIN) of the BG3 Fic February Challenge
Joke's on me, I had two scenes ready for this prompt lmao
When I played Ardynn's game and got out of the mind flayer colony, I didn't know that Halsin would be waiting inside (I had left him behind because Jaheira wanted to join and I felt like two druids was a lot of druids for a 4 man party, so I asked Halsin to say behind)
Imagine my surprise when he's there! Waiting for you!! AND I COULDN'T HUG HIM!!!
So I wrote a fic to rectify that.
Check out my masterlist of BG3 fics!
25. Choose any scene in the game and write it with your headcanon (originally #27)
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The battle against Ketheric in the depths of the illithid colony had left them all battered, bruised, and broken, but victorious. Armed with newfound knowledge and a goal that felt insurmountable but unavoidable—stop Orin and Gortash from enslaving Baldur’s Gate with the elder brain—Ardynn steeled herself against the pain in her body and entered the portal that Aylin had conjured for them.
They emerged in the main hall of Moonrise Towers. To Ardynn’s surprise, not only were the surviving Harpers still there, alive and with no evidence to suggest they had faced down an army, but the tieflings and gnomes were nearby too. And Withers, looking as grave as ever.
Karlach stepped away, the flames licking across her body as she began to pace out her emotions about Gortash, her fists clenching and unclenching as she shifted restlessly from one bit of blood-soaked flagstone to another. Wyll wandered off to sit on one of the steps, his face somber and tense with worry, while Jaheira broke away to converse with her Harpers. Ardynn pressed a hand to her aching side as she scanned the rest of the group in the main hall. She didn’t realize who she was looking for, or even that she was looking at all, until she saw him step out from behind one of the stone columns.
She sucked in a quick gasp that sent a pang to her ribs, but she barely registered the pain. “Halsin,” she breathed, her feet taking her forward almost without her volition. “Halsin!”
At his little smile, she could hold back no longer. She dashed forward, ignoring the pain in her ribs or the throbbing in her ankle or the way each step jostled her already battered body. She didn’t care about the pain. All she wanted in that moment was to close the distance as quickly as possible, leap at Halsin and throw her arms around him, burying her nose in the crook of his neck and breathe deeply of the scents of healthy tree bark, sunlight, fresh water, musk, anything that smelled of him and reminded her of all that existed beyond the confines of this shadowed place. She wanted to forget all about the shadow curse and the illithid colony she’d just escaped, erase her memories of butchered, bloated corpses and pulsating, meaty walls and replace them with him. His strong arms around her and his scent filling her nostrils with the reminder of all things living and thriving and good.
But as she neared him, her foot slipped in the blood and water that had mixed on the cobblestones, the grisly aftermath of her fight with Z’rell and the other cultists. Her bad ankle twisted in pain as she tried to catch her balance, and she stumbled, nearly crashing into him.
With sharp reflexes, he caught her by her arms, steadying her as she winced in pain. “Careful there,” he said. “It’s all right. You’re safe here.”
The moment to embrace him was gone, the pain giving her back some of her senses. But with his warm hands around her upper arms, she almost didn’t mind. She reached up to put her hand on his forearm, gazing at him, trying to catch her breath without jostling her ribs too much. He studied her, too, his eyes searching her face, and then the rest of her, lingering on the places a blade had slipped through her armor or a spell had burned into the leather. She knew it likely didn’t escape his attention, the way she favored one leg over the other, or how she held herself in such a way as to breathe around what must surely be a cracked or broken rib. Examination complete, his eyes met hers again.
The fight against Ketheric Thorm had been hell, but she was still standing, and Ketheric was not. Halsin seemed to realize this, because a strange emotion mixed with the obvious concern on his face. It looked like…relief. The tension in his shoulders visibly relaxed, and his next breath seemed almost one of release, like he’d been holding it unconsciously.
His hold on her arms loosened, but he didn’t let go. “You did well,” he said softly. “I knew I could put my faith in you.”
She felt as though she could cry. Just break down, right there, and release all the pent up fear and horror she’d kept buried beneath adrenaline and survival instincts up until this moment. She was tired, injured, stretched nearly to her limit, and they weren’t even done yet—far from it. She wanted to sink to her knees and just sob. She wished they were alone, just the two of them, so she could shatter in peace and hope that he would wrap his arms around her and lend her his strength.
But they weren’t alone, and she expected too much of him. She managed to staunch most of the urge to cry, though her throat closed up and she could feel her eyes watering. She curled her fingers and dug her nails into the bark of his druidic bracers, closing her eyes as she struggled to get her emotions under control.
Eyes still closed, she said, “Please tell me it worked. That all of this was worth it.”
“It was,” he said. She opened her eyes again to find him just a little closer…unless it was her imagination. His voice had dipped down as though they were speaking privately, despite behind surrounded by companions and allies and refugees. “You defeated Ketheric Thorm. Thaniel has both halves of himself back together again. I swear I can already feel a change in the air—like the curse itself knows its time is short.” 
He lowered his head slightly until his forehead was nearly touching hers and softened his voice even further. “You did well, Ardynn,” he said again, placing emphasis on each word. He moved his hands to her shoulders and gave them a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “And now you can rest. You deserve it.”
She shook her head. “No. We don’t have time to rest. There—there’s so much more to be done. We know their plans now, we know what’s at stake. Baldur’s Gate is in trouble, and I…” She faltered, glancing around at the carnage that lay almost untouched from when she, the Harpers, and a handful of Flaming Fists had assaulted the Towers, what must have been only hours ago. She knew she had to face other battlefields with similar results in the near future. But, gods, all she wanted was some sleep, and pray that the last several days wouldn’t haunt her dreams.
Halsin said nothing, but eventually he straightened, his hands slipping from her shoulders and returning to his sides. She missed their warmth and weight immediately. 
“Then we can depart, whenever you’re ready,” he said. “Though you should at least have one of us tend to your wounds, if you can’t be convinced to spend at least one night resting.”
She wanted a whole week of sleep, but the pressure of the task ahead weighed heavily on her. Still…one night of sleep after healing all her injuries couldn’t hurt. 
“I could be convinced,” she mumbled. 
She looked up at him cautiously, a sudden unpleasant thought springing to her mind. He spoke with such measured distance for someone who had fought at her side the last few days, ever since Thaniel and Oliver had reunited. He’d also volunteered to stay behind after Ketheric fled at the top of Moonrise and Jaheira had insisted on joining Ardynn’s team to defeat him in the mind flayer colony below, saying that Ardynn didn’t need two seasoned druids on her team. Was he putting distance between them for a reason? 
Was he preparing to leave? 
The thought shouldn’t have hurt so much, but it did. She knew she had a silly crush on him, one that he’d occasionally entertained. But she feared now that he had only been humoring her. She knew she should have stopped herself before she let her feelings run too deep, but it was too late now. She was irresistibly drawn to the man in front of her and if a dozen allies weren’t watching she’d give in to her exhausted, delirious desires and pull him down for a kiss. But if he intended to leave…she had better get this heartbreak over with.
“What about you?” she asked, even though the question sowed a seed of dread in her stomach. “Is this…where we part ways?”
His eyebrows drew together slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…We’ve put an end to the shadow curse and Thaniel is whole again. The land will heal…eventually. So...” She paused, not certain she wanted to know the answer. But she asked anyway. “What will you do now? You’ve got what you wanted.”
“I have,” he said. But then his gaze dropped away and his next words were spoken almost as though he spoke to himself, and not to her. “Though…perhaps there is more that I want…”
Despite herself, she felt her breath catch silently in her chest. No—no she shouldn’t read into it. She’d gotten herself in plenty of trouble already, misreading people’s signs and signals. But then again…gods if there was even a slim chance…
His gaze flicked back to up to hers and he was his usual, steady self once more. “Anyway, the curse is lifted, and nature can take its course without me. I belong at your side.”
He said it so matter-of-factly, she almost missed it. But she repeated his words in her head, again and again, making sure she knew they weren’t a figment of her imagination. I belong at your side. I belong at your side.
“So you’re…not staying behind?” she asked, wanting to be sure.
He smiled slightly. “Do you prefer I stay behind?”
“No!” she said quickly. “No, of course not. I prefer you—that is, I could use your expertise. In the field. Your skills, in the battles to come. Your healing, always. You…you’ve always taken such good care of me, I…” She trailed off, unable to finish.
Was she blushing? He couldn’t tell, right, with all the grime that covered her from navigating the illithid colony and fighting corpses and skeletons and mind flayers? Gods, she hoped not.
“I want you to stay,” she said at last. “I want you to join me.”
He chuckled softly. “Then you shall have me.” He glanced over her shoulder and then back down at her. “But there are others who require your attention right now. I should not keep you.”
She turned to glance over her shoulder at Withers, who was rather unexpectedly present on the dais, his glimmering eyes fixed on her. When she looked back at Halsin, he was already turning away.
“Wait,” she said, reaching out before stopping herself, her hand lingering uncertainly in the air. Halsin paused, looking at her expectantly. She didn’t want him to go just yet, even though she knew he wouldn’t be far. She cast her mind about for something to ask him, just to have a few more seconds of his time.
“This…’more’ that you want,” she asked, her hand lowering slowly back to her side. “What is it?”
He smiled, then, a little crooked, a little mysterious, and something about it felt as though it was meant just for her.
“Not what,” he said, and leaned in just slightly, his smile growing. “Who.”
Her heart seemed to flutter within her chest. His gaze lingered on hers just long enough for her to discern part of his meaning. At the very least, he made it clear exactly who the “who” was.
There was more he wanted. Someone he wanted. And that someone could very well be…
Before she could say anything in response, he straightened again. “But all in due course,” he said, all business once more. “I should leave you to your conversations. I will not be far, if you need me.”
She watched him walk away, joining Thaniel as the child stood gazing out through the open doors of the main hall into the shadowed land beyond. Her head was all but spinning with the implication of Halsin’s words. Did that mean…did he mean…
“Hey, soldier,” Karlach said, snapping her fingers near Ardynn’s ear. Ardynn nearly jumped, flushing to be caught unawares. “Bone Man Withers wants a word. Got a minute? As a matter of fact, I’d like a word or two with you myself.”
Karlach still looked rightfully upset about the Gortash business, and Withers was still staring at her expectantly. Wyll, still sitting nearby, didn’t look like he was up for any conversation, but Ardynn knew the capture of his father was foremost in his mind. All of this came back in a flash, grounding her back in reality. There was still much to be done, even before they could rest for the night.
“Right,” she mumbled. She took a deep breath. “Let’s go see what the bone man has to say, then.”
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