#in the morning !!
undergroundrockpress · 6 months
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In The Morning (1969 / Synthetic Trips / Vic McCully)
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eclipsepunki · 4 months
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these two…..
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yangyangchuu · 3 months
currently sitting on the "radioapple-definitely-slow-dance-or-just-dances-together-when-they're-alone" hc
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palettesofrenaissance · 2 months
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 (𝐈'𝐦 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞)
"On your knees."
His taunting grin falters, lessens, a flicker of realization crosses his face seeing that she's serious. He squeezes the edge of his desk he's leaned against behind him, clears his throat and raises his chin in defiance.
His pants are still open—from when he'd instructed for them to be undone when she'd already been pulling his dick out; and from when she'd squeezed him hard, causing him to shudder before beginning to pant as she worked him in an unforgivingly tight grip. He had to bite his lip and bite his words as she took over, completely ignoring his previous air of dominace and pumping him like a torturous punishment.
Between his choked breathes then, he knew that she knew he liked it.
Now, his dick bobs after her command; dark curls rest at its base, leading to the little trail up to his naval.
She glares. He swallows, a momentary struggle of fighting for dominance or giving in plays across his face before he nods once and submits, lowering to his knees before her.
From this angle, his heart speeds up and he resists the urge to reach for her. Instead, he softly glares at her as if annoyed.
She runs a hand through his hair. "Good boy," she praises—she teases—and is surprised to spot the glimmer of a plea beside the bewilderment in his eyes and spots his dick jumping at that: He likes this.
Slowly, her hand slides down to craddle his cheek at the same time a knee raises to his shoulder. Wide eyes that boarderline confusion and excitement glance from her thigh to her face.
"I want you to please me."
A shuddery exhales leaves him. His dick jumps again, and stiffens further. With only a half-hearted glare, he adjusts her leg as she balances with a hand on the desk beside them and he pulls up her skirt and pulls aside the bridge of her panties. She isn't wearing pantyhose tonight.
He's trembling the slightest bit as he watches her moisture create a thin line connecting the panties to her warm lips. The panties are slid down her luscious legs to the floor in front of him where she steps out of only one hole. His breaths, hot and shallow and rapid, hit her thigh he does an impatient and quite improper attempt to skim kisses up her thigh.
He burries his face inside her greedily, with groans to match and a tight hold on her ass to keep her there. Her free hand dives into his hair near instantly, her grip tightening as he eats her out selfishly, sloppily, mouth wide and tongue darting, licking, lapping at anything and everything that's her.
Gone is that previous, smug, dominant hat he wore and is instead indulging in a role previously much submerged and hidden.
While pleasing her, his nose presses against her swollen clit and she cries out suddenly, making her grip painfully tight on his hair but he only groans gutterly and pulls her impossibly closer by her ass. Unabashed, he moans against her, the vibrations causing her breath to catch and for her to keen.
There's going to be sore, finger-shaped bruises by the early morning, she knows. He bumps her clit again with his nose, realizes, then does it again purposely, shaking his head for good measure, wanting to pull all types of noises from her—noises he's never heard her make before, noises he hopes she's never made for anyone else. She sounds wonderful, like music and fueling his own lust.
When she's bitten her bottom lip and is humming comfortably, he breaks apart only for a moment to insert a finger into his mouth, wetting it, before sliding the long digit inside her gripping cunt. The instinctual flutter of muscles and the high-pitched gasp of pleasure she elicits fuels his ego and his decision to insert a second finger. And then a third.
He groans about her tightness and ease due to her wetness.
She's whimpering now—a sound he's always imagined to hear from her—and had a death grip on the desk in an attempt to control herself and not aggressively hump his face to orgasm. She's stubborn and doesn't allow herself the self-fullfilling like that often; he notices she's holding back so, while still tapping against her sensitive spot within her gripping, slippery pussy, he rapidly flicks his tongue across her clit, trying to get her there anyway. Harshly presses his tongue against her clit. Sucks it while gazing up at her, almost daring her.
He longs to touch himself, to squeeze his cock and pump out the load that's nearing the brim just from her and this alone, but he doesn't. Instead, his cock stands between his legs, leaking shamefully, suffering, and almost harder than he can stand. Her hand in his hair maneuvers his head to pull back. He flicks his tongue at her clit, laps at her labia, then pushes against her hand to return sucking her off. Every now and then he humps the air pitifully.
High-pitched and lust-filled, she sighs, "Yes! Just like—oh, god! More! Keep on... More!"
Of course, he obeys.
She still stiffles her noises by biting her lip, by pressing her palm to her mouth, by throwing her head back and swallowing her own moans, turning them into breathless sighs and whines.
He laps and flicks and sucks while her hand pulls at his hair unforgivingly—
He longs to have her hands wrapped around his throat, squeezing just as tightly—
His eyes flutter at the pain that mixes with his pleasure. His cock is painfully hard, his one hand is soaked in her juices, his other is sunken into plush of her ass, gripping like it's a lifeline. All he can hear and all he can feel and think of and smell is her, her, her.
But just as he's getting completely lost, just as he's thrusting his hips into the air in a pathetic chase for relief, she pulls away. His mouth is forced to disconnect, creating a loud suction. And he's panting—they both are—and he's glistening from his spit and her slick from his nose down his chin, and he looks disheveled overall, with a dazed glaze to his eyes and his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Please," he begs, which she never thought he'd do; it both surprises her and pleases her.
His shirt is rumpled, his hair in disarray, and his pants are still undone. A puddle of precum rests on the floor beneath his exposed, achingly hard cock, the proof of his pent-up frustrations.
Running on autopilot now, his hips thrust into the air once more before a hand of his begins working his cock urgently.
Reaching out for her with his other hand, he repeats, desperate, "Please."
But she backs away out of reach and his hand falls pathetically, him still in that submissive haze.
After wiping her mouth, adjusting her panties, skirt, and outfit, she breaths weakly, "That's it."
He's confused. And so close.
"That was..." She clears her throat, forcing her composure despite her body prickling with arousal heat and her pussy screaming for her to stay. "I'm leaving. I have to go. Have a... Goo—good night."
On unsteady legs and in uncomfortable wetness, she leaves him—still on the floor, still staring after her.
- - - -
it is 6am -_- this isn't proofread and is jotted down in one go
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scarlettundrhett · 1 month
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your-ne1ghbor · 2 months
Wish 2023 could have been the next Prince of Egypt and here's why:
@chillwildwave reminded me of Prince of Egypt because of their recent post on a villain song rewrite/reimagined.
So I just wanted to say that both are pretty similar in terms of most of the plot and modivations for the character, and the fact that Wish could have been just as good as prince of Egypt, but yk, they butchered it. The 2 movies COULD BE very similar in a good way(if one was done properly)
So lets get started!!!
(this will be a brief overview of both films since I know you guys dont have all day so here)
Background on the Prince of Egypt
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Prince of Egypt is an musical adaptation from the story of Mosses from the bible.
So in the movie/story, all the Hebrews are enslaved by the Pharoh of Eygpt. One day, the Hebrew's population started to grow, so to prevent a revolt, the Pharoh sent out his troops to slaughter all of the newborn children by tossing them into the river where they are eaten by crocidiles (this scene was told in the begining and dream sequence of the film. The begining song is called Deliver Us)
Mosses's mother, not wanting her newborn child to face the same fate as the other children, sends her child in a basket into the river "So he Can be free". God protected him from all of the fates the river brought and by fate, landed at the Pharoh's castle, with his wife taking him him.
Mosses grew up under the impression that they where his biological parents and brother to Ramisies (yes my spelling is bad help) until he heard a song that his sister sang (yes he has biological siblings) that his mother sang to him when she brought him to the river. Insert a song and dream sequence, he learns to what Pharroh did those years ago with the Hebrews. And we get a cold chilling response from his "father" : Oh dear Mosses. They were only slaves.
So with this revelation, he realizes how badly they treat the Hebrews. Then, one of the soilders continued beating an old man, so to protect him, Mosses accidently kills him. Mosses wonders the desert, and comes across some travelers. Mosses was welcomed and he learned about God and putting his life "Through Heaven's Eyes". Later on, he gets a message from God for him to go and free the Hebrews from Pharoh. He goes back, expecting his "father" to be the one still in charge, but realizes that it was his brother Ramesies who had taken up the Mantel. His brother is over joyed to see Mosses, but Mosses only asks him to free the Hebrews (After A BANGER: Your Playing with the Big Boys Now). He says no, but it was only the start of the rage of God. Through a sequence called: The Plagues, the ending being all the first born children dies, and only then, he lets the people go.
(Not spoiling the ending since it is a good movie)
Alright thats an overview of Prince of Egypt, now lets look at Wish
Background on Disney's Wish 2023
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Okay so the plot is about a guy named Magnifico creating a kingdom where your dreams can become a reality after his home/family was destroyed and he knew how dreams can be destroyed. Kinda why he built the kingdom.
The protagonist, Asha is hoping to be the king's apprentice because she wants her grandfather's wish to be granted since it hasn't been granted yet.
Through some crazy shinanigans, Magnifico says no to Asha because her grandfather's wish to inspire people could cause a revolt. Asha is destroyed by this and complains about it to a plushie-AH uh star (I am not calling that thing Star it is forever gonna be plushie). And the plushie comes down to earth to cause chaos (UM HELP ASHA FREE THE WISHES haha...)
Through some boring parts of the movie, Magnifico opens a magic book and becomes....the villain...
( ̄。。 ̄)...
He starts eating wishes by first eating Asha's mom's wish and he gets stronger but he is mainly after plushie sooo yeahh (the wishes do not boost his powers in any way it is basically like a drug it makes him happy lol)
He then catches plushie and Asha. And through the power of song, he is defeated. Asha becomes the fairy godmother and plushie returns to the sky.
(Yes I spoiled the ending because since the movie doesn't earn my respect, just like how Disney does not respect it's audience in a mature way anymore)
How are the Stories similar?
Its kind of simple really, just mainly hinging on the fact that the villains needs to let something go.
For Mosses' case, it is his people, the Hebrews.
For Asha's case, it is the dreams and hopes of Rosas.
However, Wish butchered this so bad that it is kind of ironic in a sense. It was already hard enough to go brief and in depth as I can with Wish because of how bare bones it is.
So some similarities they share is a corrupt overlord (Pharoh and Magnifico) holding something close to them. When threated, however, they react in different ways.
Pharoh puts more work on the Hebrews while Magnifico kinda does nothing??? Eat the wishes I guess after he opens the book is close enough.
Mosses modivation at the start was to make his brother laugh, hense the line in plagues "Once I thought the chance to make you laugh, was all I ever wanted". To freeing his people underneath the corrupt ruling.
"A kingdom should never be built up on the backs of slaves".
Asha's modivations are similar to Mosses, but also not at the same time. Her modivation at the start is legit: "Lets become an apprentice so I can get my grandfather's wish granted" to "oh he wont grant the wish and most of the wishes wont be granted so lets free them all."
It felt like they wanted to lean into the idea that Magnifico is an awful ruler or pratically most of the plot in the Prince of Egypt, but as I established in my brief overview of Wish, he was not a terrible person. He only got worse because of Asha going haywire for not getting what SHE wanted. And I said in the begining of this blog, "The 2 movies COULD BE very similar in a good way(if one was done properly)".
Wish could have been the next Prince of Egypt with just a different concept in mind. It felt like that clearly in the deleted scenes like this one right here:
We learn that he crushes dreams (which is their life source in this version) when people oppose him.
This could have been explored, if they didn't decide on "It would be cooler if everyone liked Magnifico".
How so?
Well, think of Ramisies before the scene where "all the first born children will die". When Mosses is trying to reconsile with him and change his mind, all he does is: "My father had the right idea of getting rid of YOUR people...AND I WILL FINISH THE JOB". And we get a terrifying shot of all the Hebrew children getting tossed into the river. Showing his stubborness. This scene right here:
Skip to 3:19 for that scene
What if he get that scene with Magnifico? And change the context?
So lets say, Magnifico takes wishes and either changes them to fit what he wants ( @annymation's idea) or granting ones that are dangerous since the good wishes gives him more power (in my old draft), or we don't know what he does with the wishes, just that he takes them.
Lets go with we don't know what he does with the wishes (so that for anyone who is making a rewrite on wish can just insert their ideas on what they do with the wishes).
In perspective, everyone is living miserably. Going by the same routine, time and time again, with no passion or goal in life. We can say that the trade is: You give up on your dreams for a roof over your head. If we apply that, a lot of parents can sympathize with the people's situation. Many of them have families, or children to take care of. Of course you want your children to be safe from harm, just that you will suffer the cost, and soon, your children will. Its a heart breaking situation since the world is a very dangerous place, and as I said, parent's will do anything to protect their kid "at all costs" (haha see what I did there) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So what about Asha here? Well it changes the context to her modivation. She wants her grandfather to experience that spark he did as a teen and to see him finally be happy and not so miserable. SO of course she will want to learn what Magnifico does with the wishes, and applies for apprenticeship.
Now lets skip ahead, to where it could be "Mosses and Ramisies before all first born die" part. Perhaps learning about the wishes inspired Asha to form a revolt. The people are now fighting back and they want to be free more than ever. A scene between Asha and the King, where the King knows what Asha wants, but he is too stubborn to give the wishes back. Even put in the perspective of plushie, he sees it as a threat to him, and depending on what he does with the wishes, can make him need more of the people's wishes more than ever to end plushie's life. You can also say that both the king's men or higher class of overlords (if there are any you decide!) and the people are taking it too far and their fight is causing so much destruction. Both are sympathizing with the situation at hand and suffering because of it (in different ways ofc), but we know who is in the right here. Asha tries to reason with him, and perhaps, Magnifico finally will end it. It can be literally anything, and you can even pull A PRINCE OF EGYPT, where he kills all the newborns or something.
And for proof that this could work, a few weeks ago, I remembered the song: YOUR PLAYING WITH THE BIG BOYS.
The song, felt like a threat. You either comply, or something bad will happen. You are also nothing in context to them since they are all power hungry overlords. You are an insect and they are giants. They'll walk all over you since you are insignificant to them and nothing important. And I applied it to Wish, and it fucking works Disney, YOU SON OF A B-
Anyways, I made a small animatic of it. Not done ofc, I come up with ideas way more than my modivation and time to make or finish them. And it was only "YOUR PLAYING WITH THE BIG BOYS NOW" part since idk I just imagined that scene more vividly lol
o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
If anything, you can say that they make an image of a dragon to scare Asha (and star boy but they dont know that) to make them do what they want and fall in line with what everyone in Rosas does. They can't transform into one, they just use their talent in magic to show off pretty visuals to scare people. (LIKE PRINCE OF EGYPT)
And it works. Star Boy is horrified and he now realizes how bad the situation is. If these people gets his powers, EVERYONE IS AT RISK. PEOPLE CAN DIE BECAUSE A STAR GOT TOO CURIOUS OF EARTH AND HIS GENEROSITY LEAD HIM CLOSER TO HIS DOOM AND THE DOOM OF ASHA'S PEOPLE. This horrifies Asha because you can say, she still believed that these people can change. In my version at least, Asha is adopted into the royal family and is a sucker and more forgiving to them since THEY ARE HER CARETAKERS. And when realizing that EVERYTHING SHE KNEW ABOUT HERSELF AND THE KINGDOM was a lie, she had HOPE that perhaps they can change because of her. But they didn't. Her parents saw her as, "You're against me? Fine then. You will suffer just like your real parents did." But they don't harm her here. My idea was, is that this was a threat to her, to the kingdom to Rosas. "You don't obey, you will suffer concequences. But, you were our daughter, we cared for you, this is just a phase, she will get over it and be more compliant later. But for now, Rosas will suffer because of you." This gives depth to the situation and slightly sympathetic traits given to her adoptive parents. They grew attached to Asha, but now? Her rising up? It is outrageous and they take offense to that lol.
It is very similar to the original and it is slightly intended since I love those songs way too much hehe (✿◡‿◡)
Anyways, thats why I think Wish is almost the next Prince of Egypt. I do firmly believe though, it has more similarities with Hunchback of Notre Dome, and I also love that movie for it's own good too
But this was just an oppertunity to show how bad Wish is compared to other classics like this movie, but it also clashes with Hunchback of Notre Dome, so if you wanna see the similarities with that just let me know hehe
now ya'll have a good day or night (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
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tufnation · 10 months
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In the morning in the kitchen
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euesworld · 1 year
"Good morning.. I am beautiful, I am loved, I am smart, I am intelligent, and I am attracting all of the good that I want in my life in abundance."
Some affirmations to start off the day - eUë
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chilikroete · 7 months
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cokedoutcarrie · 4 months
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You shit with that ass?
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sheabuttahwrites · 1 year
in the Morning
story masterlist Shea Buttah Bakery Masterlist
sounds// Peabo Bryson - Feel The Fire, Isley Brothers - Spend the Night (Ce Soir), The O'Jays - Forever Mine
“Oh, shit. What’s up?” He smiled back and it was even more killer in person. Especially with the surprise of gleaming gold fangs and the matching slugs I could see peeking from behind his bottom lip. I had to remind myself to breathe. “You came.”
“I told you I was on the way.”
“Nah, I thought you was fucking with me.” Laughter took over the conversation as he opened the door a bit wider, stepping aside. “Come on in.”
Hell, I could barely believe I’d shown up myself. I had never really been shy, but he’d brought a boldness out of me that even I hadn’t seen.
When I passed him, I noticed that he was still significantly taller than me in four inch heels. Damn. Not like I wasn't overdue for a climbing lesson anyway. The scent of his cologne was also quite alluring. The woody, smoky fragrance pervaded my senses, warming all the spots that shot had missed. Of course he would smell just as good as he looked. He may not have believed I would be there tonight, but he had damn sure been prepared. 
“I can take your jacket.” 
“Oh, sure.” I went to slip it from my shoulders, but he circled behind me and took the collar into his hands. 
“Here, I got you.” 
Taken aback by his unexpected chivalry, I was stuck watching him walk back to the closet to carefully put it away. 
“This is dope. The gold on here go crazy.”
“Right? I thought the same thing. Had to have it.”
“Good choice.” He grinned as he strolled back over to me. “I like your whole get-up, though. You look good, girl.” The intensity he radiated in person was unreal. His blinding smile. Those piercing brown eyes. The once-over he gave me felt like he was sexing me up already. 
Of course, I was a flustered mess. “Thank you.”
“What’s in the bag?”
I held up my bottle for him to see. “Wine. Actually, could I put it in your fridge?”
“Yeah.” He reached for it, so I gave it to him. Then he nodded to the left. “This way.” 
We left the foyer and I followed him past a gorgeous living area, subtly admiring my surroundings. The height of the ceilings had caught my attention right away. All of it was stunning. Far from the bare walls, futon, and flat screens I had half expected. Off white walls and dark wood floors made up the most of it, but the decor was so sophisticated and refined. I’d already clocked a painting and coffee table that I wanted for myself. I could tell it had been carefully curated. I should've known he would give nothing less. We walked through an arched doorway into a kitchen that made me feel like cooking for some strange reason. Just like everything else I’d seen, it looked like something from a magazine. Shades of gray, black, white and green complemented each other well among all the satiny stainless steel. There were even fresh tulips sitting in the middle of the island. I was giving one of them a smell when he came over, leaning up against the marble counter with me. 
“I put it in the freezer for you.”
“Thank you.”
“No problem.” Having to look up was already doing something different for me, but the way he was smiling down at me made it so much worse. Prolonged eye contact was his thing, I’d already gathered. It felt like he was staring into my soul. Whew! “I’m glad you came.”
“Mhm. Not every day something this fine just lands on your doorstep.”
My head dropped into a faint laugh. “Baby, you ain't gotta butter me up. I’m already here.”
“I ain't tryna do nothing of the sort. I meant what I said.”
“Ok. So, you just be up in here by yourself?”
“Most of the time, yeah.”
I smacked my lips, less than convinced. “Yeah, aight.”
“You a trip,” he chuckled.
“Nah, you the one.”
“Nothing. Don’t worry ‘bout it,” I said, grinning as I waved him off. 
“I got no reason to lie, mama. Like you said, you already here.” He wet his bottom lip before moving his eyes down my body once more. I shuddered. “I really don’t be having company like that, though. I know it might not seem like it, but I’m usually a pretty private person. I don’t like too many people in my business.”
“So, why you breaking all your rules for me then?”
“I don’t know…” He leaned a little closer. “Just something about you.” 
I rolled my eyes through the inevitable smile that followed his and that sly admission. “You know what, I know I just gave it to you to put away, but could I pour myself a glass?”
“Oh, yeah. Fasho.” He walked back over to the freezer and pulled out my bottle. Then he went to a cabinet for a wine glass before taking an electric corkscrew from a drawer. Once the bottle was open, he stepped back, presenting it all to me with an outstretched hand. 
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
I poured myself a big glass, just low enough to prevent any spills while I walked.
“You only brought one glass. You don't want any?” 
“Nah. I’m more of a Hennessy man, myself.”
“Aah, ok.”
“I can put it back for you, though.”
“I think I’ma just keep it.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, this is good enough.”
“Aight.” He reclaimed his position at the island. “So, um, I feel like you breaking some of your rules for me, too.” 
“…Maybe,” I said, after finishing a big sip. 
“How you get so brave?”
I frowned. “Why you saying that like you about to chop me up and plaster me into your walls?”
“Damn, girl.” I cracked at the sudden shock that appeared on his face and we laughed so hard. “I’m just saying. You know women ain’t safe out here. Especially Black women.”
“Yeah, my girl wanted me to stay home real bad. But I don't know. Sometimes you just gotta take a chance. Plus, you didn't give me serial killer vibes. Didn’t see a windowless van on the premises either, sooo…”
His smile was beaming as we shared another laugh. “You funny.”
I shrugged a shoulder, preparing for my next sip. “So I’ve been told.”
He waited for me to finish before he motioned his head toward where we had just come from. “Come on.” Then he turned to walk off, and, once again, I followed. 
“And, anyway, for all you know, I could be crazy.”
Without hesitation, he replied, “Oh, I can take you.”
I gasped in false disbelief. “Excuse you. I could have weapons of mass destruction.”
“What? Like a chainsaw?” 
He glanced back at me as we neared the stairs and I busted out laughing. “Now that wasn't even me. My girl put that one in my head.”
“What she think, I’m Leatherface?”
“Shit, you never know nowadays.”
“You ‘bout right. But you can let her know you in good hands.”
“I figured as much.”
He smiled, stopping at the stairs. “After you,” he said, holding his arm out for me to step ahead of him.  
After giving him my bottle, I grabbed the glass railing with my freed hand. I made my way up the curved staircase, swaying my little bit of booty in case he was watching, and losing count of how many steps I was taking. 
“You better catch me if I fall.”
“I got you.” I laughed to myself as we finally reached the top. I waited for him to take the lead again and he came around me, settling his hand on my waist. “This way, mama.”
A floral, citrusy scent met me as soon as I stepped into his bedroom. Probably from the candles lit in various spots all around it. They also provided the light, along with two lamps on the wall framing the head of his bed. “It smells so good in here.”
“I tried to hook it up for you a lil bit.”
“I like it.” The click of my heels on his gray hardwood floors was briefly muted as I strutted onto an oversized circular rug en route to his bed. The couch was nice and spacious, but the bed was much more inviting. The comforter looked cloudlike and the corner of the sheet that was exposed looked fresh. It was huge, too. Likely out of necessity. I sat on the edge and stared over at the window wall across from me as I took a feel. It was just as comfortable as I’d presumed, maybe even more. “Why you way over there? You got—what you called me?—‘something this fine’ all in your bed, and you just gon’ stand there?”
He smiled. “Yeah. That’s what I said.”
“Come here then.”
“You on my side, though,” he teased, swaggering toward me in his crisp white tee and gray joggers.
I kicked my shoes off before sliding myself to the opposite side. “Better?”
“Much.” He came over and sat against the fluted headboard as I sat just a couple feet away from him. At that point, I took my phone from my purse and killed the power. I was not about to let anybody spoil my night. “What kind of music you like?”
“I’m an R&B junkie.”
“Ok.” He picked up his phone, plugged up on the table beside him. “Let me guess. 90’s and early 2000’s, right?”
“Duh! I love my oldies, too, though.”
“Yes. I spent the first fourteen years of my life almost exclusively with my grandparents. They blessed me.”
“Ok. What you know about this then?” After a couple taps, ‘Spend The Night’ by The Isley Brothers began to play. 
“Boy, what? This my shit.” 
“…You grooving your ass off, this really your shit.”
I howled, because I hadn’t even realized. Maybe it was the near-emptiness of my glass that had my shoulders and waist moving without my knowledge. 
“Anyway. So, what’s your favorite genre?”
“My music taste kinda eclectic. I like a lil bit of everything.”
“Like what?”
“Funk. Bounce. Jazz.”
“R&B,” he continued, making sure to look me in the eye for that one. “House.”
“Ooh, I love House.”
“Yeah. But that’s just a few.”
I nodded. “Ok, next question.”
“What’s up?”
“Why you sit my bottle so far awaaaay?” I whined, staring longingly toward his dresser as I went to leave the bed. He laughed. 
“My bad. I’ll get it for you.”
“I’m just messing with you. I got it.” I walked over to fill my glass again, bobbing my head to my jam. 
“You mind if I smoke?”
“This your place, baby. You can do whatever you want.”
“Yeah, but you my guest. And, if I’m a bad host, you might not wanna come back.”
I squinted up at him, twisting my lips to try and hide my smile, but it didn't work. The charm was just too potent. “It’s cool. Spark up.”
He leaned over and reached into his top drawer for this little box. I couldn't see inside it, but he pulled out a pre-rolled joint and I just assumed that there were more. This nigga was a stoner in the truest sense. 
The level of my glass was starting to fall again and the wine had to be going straight to my feet. Instead of returning to my seat, I opted for a cute little two-step and a couple of slow spins, quietly singing along with Mr. Biggs and Angela Winbush between sips. The song sounded better than it ever had. 
“I’m glad I chose this cut.” 
I opened my eyes to see that Yahya had changed his position, lying back on his elbows at the edge of the bed and facing me. It took all I had to keep it together. My face was on fire. “Why?”
He smacked his lips at me and took a long drag from the J. I giggled as he aimed his face toward the ceiling to release the smoke, promptly sucking it back into his mouth before it could get away. “I think you know why.” He brought his eyes back down to mine, smiling while smoke rolled from his lips and nose. 
I returned his smile. Of course I knew. “What that shit taste like?”
“You never smoked before?” he asked with a wrinkled brow.
“Nope. I told you I didn't smoke, remember?”
“Yeah, I know. But you never?”
I shook my head. “Not even once.”
“You wanna try it?”
I bit the inside of my lip, not really sure if I should. The scent of weed was something I usually just tolerated, but this didn’t smell too bad. Either that or my fascination with this man had me highly delusional. Probably. “Mmmm…” Fuck it. Might as well since I was taking a walk on the wild side for the night. Plus, I’d always wanted to try it at least once. Just to see what all the fuss was about. “Yeah.” I shrugged it off and left my glass on a nearby table, but then it hit me that I had been drinking. “Wait. Should I be doing this with alcohol?”
“It ain’t gon’ do nothing to you.”
“But am I really supposed to mix the two?”
He just sat up and reached for me, signaling me over with his fingers. “C’mere.”
I sighed, quelling most of my concerns and taking his hand. He didn’t let me make a single step, pulling me right into his hard chest. He hurried his arm around my waist as my screaming morphed into shared laughs. “Oh my god, don’t do that!” I looked down into his eyes, resting my arms on his shoulders to help get my bearings. The laughter soon faded. Smiles went next. 
“Mmmm,” he groaned, biting his lip with those gold fangs on full display. 
That same breathless feeling that had hit me at my computer, smacked the shit out of me again. Just a hundred times stronger. Seeing his brand of fine this close up was devastating. Everything that looked so damn good from afar held all of its integrity and then some. The beard, the lips, the skin, the teeth. Truly immaculate.
“Youuu… are dangerous.” I capped the sentiment with a giggle, but I was not joking. 
He frowned with a telling grin in the forefront. “What? I’m harmless.” The elevation in his tone further confirmed the lies.
I pushed myself back up to my feet, flustered as fuck and almost hating how he could make me this way so effortlessly. I really had no idea I was so foldable and, though the circumstances were lovely, I didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Fuck that.” 
He laughed and held the joint up to my lips. “Go slow.”
I looked at it and then back to him, still slightly unsure, but I went ahead. The regret was instant. I choked, coughing up what little smoke I had brought in. And, to make matters worse, he had the nerve to be laughing while I was fighting for my life. 
“Naaah, not like that.”
I shook my hanging head. “That’s ok. I don't want to anymore,” I said, fanning myself and trying to catch my breath.
“Come on. I got you.”
I smacked my lips, looking into his half-lidded eyes with my own, and caved without an ounce of pause. Shameful. “...Ok. But, if I don't get it this time, I’m done. And don't laugh.”
“Aight, aight. I won’t laugh.”
“You better not,” I teased, rolling my eyes. 
He brought that shit up to my lips again, but, this time, he rested his free hand on my hip. I didn't pay it much mind. I was more focused on preparing myself for this second pull that was probably about to kill me.
“Go slow.”
I followed his instructions and took a relaxed drag. But I forgot to stop, and this nigga just let me keep going. My eyes popped when I realized what I had done. I stood there, cheeks puffed to the brim, not knowing what the hell to do. Again, Yahya was cracking up. I, on the other hand, started to freak out, groaning frantically and tapping at his arm.
“Just open your mouth, girl.” 
I opened up and the smoke billowed out and began to float away. 
“Now catch it. Inhale.” 
I did what I was told once again and watched as some of it disappeared back into my mouth.
“Ok, hold it… now breathe.”
I let go and, surprisingly, all of it came out without me bringing a lung up with it. “I did it!” I beamed, celebrating my first successful puff of Mary.
“Started off a lil rocky, but you finished strong.” I laughed with him, feeling too triumphant to check him for rejoicing in my struggles. “You wanna hit it again?” he asked, after taking another puff. 
I nodded. I felt like I had it down, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. If I could do it two times in a row, that meant I could really do it. Feeling myself, I even took it from his hand when he brought it over to me. 
“Oh, shit. Ok. You a pro now, huh?”
I was too tickled, but in the merriment I still noticed that he had led his newly unoccupied hand down to my other hip. He kneaded his fingers into me, getting a nice, thorough feel. Naturally, my mind began to wander, imagining all the filthy, disgusting things he could do to me with those huge hands. I looked down at him and he was already staring back. His face was the most relaxed it had been all night. He took his gaze down to where my thighs met and I would swear I heard my girl sigh. This man was so fucking sexy it was almost infuriating. I had to look away. I took another successful pull, reveling in all of this delectable sin, and he carefully slid his hands around to my ass. The pungent smell of weed had possessed the air, the taste of the flower and a little wine were sweet on my tongue, and the sensual poetry of love songs gave us all the right directions. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been this bad. 
“How you feelin’?”
I opened my eyes, tilted my head and brought my hand up to mimic a chef’s kiss.
“See? Stick with me, I can show you some thangs.” I tucked what was left of the J between his lips and he hit it one last time before sitting it over in the ashtray. Then he pulled me closer. 
I smiled and bit my lip, gently placing my hands to his chest. When I started to back away, he smiled up at me and loosened his grip, but I could tell he didn't really want to let me go. 
“Where you goin’?”
I simply shook my head as I left his grasp. I just wanted to play around with him, make him chase me a little bit. The O’Jays were singing ‘Forever Mine’ and, somehow, I could feel it in my body. Whatever Yahya had for me, I was readyyy! I turned away and clutched the bottom of my shirt with both hands, pulling it up over my head and dropping it to the floor. Not a second later, I could see his reflection in the window standing from the bed. Off came his shirt in one swift motion as he walked, then I felt him slide up behind me. The chase was over. 
With his hands at my sides, I swayed to the hypnotizing melodies, savoring how good his bare skin felt next to mine. “I love this song.” I spoke quietly, fully entranced. My hands found their way to his, and the difference in size fucked me up even more. I was leading them around to where I needed them, when he latched onto the softness of my belly and started to move toward the window. I shuffled the short distance with him until I was standing directly in front of it. He eased his hold on me and grabbed my hand, placing it onto the glass a little above my head. I looked out over his backyard, wondering if any of his neighbors could see us. Part of me hoped someone could as he played around with the waist of my jeans, touching my skin in light whispers. He crept over to the button, undoing it, what felt to be, intentionally slow. My zipper came down at the same chilling pace. With parted lips, I looked toward his hand as I felt it slide into my pants. He started to rub my pussy over my panties and they soaked through on contact, trapping my next breath in my throat. 
“Say. How you like it, mama?” He easily caught the rhythm of my subtle grind. “You like slow and steady?” 
I scratched the glass with his hand still on top of mine, feeling his dick right against my ass. Flames flickered in the near-darkness, but, clearly, we were the hottest in the room. He moved my panties to the side and slipped through the flood until my clit was pounding into the tips of his fingers. A shy moan had barely made it past my lips when he sank them deep. I whimpered loudly, gripping his arm and bending my other hand into a fist, buckling under the pressure.
“Or you like that hood shit?” He brought his hand down from the window and fixed his arm across my chest, guiding me back into him while he clung to my breast. “Hm?”
I didn't answer. I wasn’t even breathing. Despite me being highly inebriated, my heart was about to beat out of my chest.
“Why you bein’ so quiet?” he finally asked, lips brushing sweetly against my ear. Then he laid a soft kiss just underneath it. “You said you came to fuck. Don���t get all shy on me now.” 
@19jammmy @twistedcharismaaa @lemmewritesomeish @thisiswhatshefelt @teheeboo @shanisims @honestpreference @iamfredtina @blackerthings @judymfmoody @lyrarodriguez @fendionmyfeet @fadingbelieverexpert @chaneajoyyy @astoldbychae @cecereads209 @90sisthenew80s @daddiespamm @lovethecheri @xo-goldengirl @miyuhpapayuh @buttrflybby @jiminie-08 @queengodiva619 -taglist-
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themancorialist · 1 month
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Greengate Footbridge, Manchester.
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photo-musik · 6 months
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wlwill0w · 2 months
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Buck lyric
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thixcy · 1 month
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✨Have a magnificent and magical day ✨
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euesworld · 1 year
"Good morning love, my heartbeat is lonely.. lay your chest on mine and let our hearts beat together."
Heartbeats in tandem are such a lovely thing - eUë
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