#in theory i really want to learn coding and be able to do stuff with coding
raspberrybluejeans · 5 months
The last few days I have turned my phone off for most of the day in order to focus on school stuff since the pressure is on, its basically the last week of school for this semester.
But I have spent 2 days on this one coding assignment* (over 10 hours literally just fucking with it) and I am so frustrated I am having a hard time getting started today. Even though I know it will only make it worse to wait longer.
And after I finish this one there's another assignment to do where I have to learn a whole bunch of other stuff too ;_;
AND I have one assignment left for my other class too.
*The coding assignments have like. several sub-assignments/exercises. These sub-assignments are not graded but they are necessary to learn and do in order to do the Actual assignment. I'm only talking about working on the ACTUAL assignment here, so really I've been working on all this even longer. and just going over those practice exercises over and over 😭
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 5 months
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Summer Glow up: creating new habits 🎀⭐️ *࿐ ࿔*:・゚!
Hi Dolls!! Welcome Back 2 Dollies 2 Months of Summer Glow Up !! 🎀⭐️ Today im gonna talk all about implementing brand new habits in my life !!
> Hobbies !! 🎀
> Academics !! 📒
> Beauty Care !! 🧖‍♀️
> Scheduling !! ☀️
> Taking Baby Steps !! 🛼
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 Hobbies!! 🎀
…: This Summer I Plan on Taking up Some brand New Hobbies to keep my self busy and learn about brand new things bc everyday is useful!! and so i can use my time more wisely some hobbies i have in mind are…
- Yoga
- Painting
- Creative Writing
- Learning Japanese + Spanish
- Reading
- Puzzles!
- Blogging
- Learning To Code
- Doll Collecting
- Book Collecting
- Sewing + Crocheting
- Digital Art
- Piano
and obvii im already a blogger but i still added it anyways i will watching videos on how to get into these hobbies and videos on learning Spanish and more Japanese, also fun fact i’ve actually been studying Japanese sine 2021 but i stopped bc it got to hard but im starting back up!! anyways, after i watch the videos im gonna set up a financial list bc i have the fund all of these but its okay bc i can easily get money!! 🎀
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 Academics !! 🎀
More Goals of mine are to raise my grades in an academic space bc i do have decent grades but i wanna aim higher and have PERFECT Grades so in turn that means i must study more and have more discipline and not so irresponsible with my time!! and i also wanna study subjects outside of school bc its always good to learn something new!! now for learning tips so far i have..
- Flash Cards
- Practice Methods
- Teaching Someone Else
- Trying to explain it to a 5 yr old
- Study a Week Before
- watch ted talks on topics
- write out notes
Now i Also Have a list of subjects i want to learn about!!
- drawing facial expressions + bodies
- Sewing Stiches + How to Hem and Crochet
- How 2 Draw Bodies + Poses
- Full Anatomy 4 Both Genders
- Japanese + Spanish + French + ASL
- Color Theory
- Learning Cursive + Improving Handwriting
- Expanding Vocabulary
- Religious Cults
- Case and Law
- Poison and Toxicology
- Astronomy
- Medical Surgical Instruments
- Matriarchal Societies
- Socialism Societies
Now i definitely won’t be able to do all of this all at once bc it would definitely we too stressful so im gonna choose as least 2-3 to start with and study them and just learn! 🎀🧁
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Beauty Care !! 🐬
📧: Now I already have my regular beauty care regime skin,hair,eyebrows,eyelashes etc. but im also more focused on getting weekly treatments & weekly beauty care habits like…
- Nails
- Hair
- Eyelashes
- Face Mask
- Hand + Foot Mask
And i wanna try and find people in my city that can do this especially for nails bc i would go to the nail salon but i feel like they won’t be able to do it exactly how i want it to be !!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Scheduling !! ⭐️
Now That im gonna be so busy i need to make sure i also stay organized with my time so it doesn’t lead to stress so ill have my regular school classes on my regular schedule then making dedicated hours to studying Things i wanna learn about + Language Learning!
My Workouts are always early morning before school in the evening hours before i got to bed so i won’t have to worry about that affecting my academics. With my Hobbies i feel like only some of them really need scheduling so ill also make time dedicated to those as well !!!!
Beauty Maintenance will probably always be on weekends for the stuff that weekly/bi weekly like face masks,manipedis,hair etc!!
and last but definitely not least!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Taking Baby Steps !! ⭐️
This whole process is still all new too me so i’ll definitely only be doing a little at a time and working my way up and i get more familiar with the change in my daily life and i won’t pressure my self to complete everything extremely quickly and just take my time with everything! bye bye dolls tysm 4 keeping up with me while doing this kisses 4 all of u!!! 🎀⭐️
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perfectlovevn · 7 months
Hello!! I just finished playing Perfect Love and OMGGG, I LOVED ITT. The entire plot-line and game concept was extremely unique!! And ouuhhh I loved Milo the most <33. Best boy, really.
Is there anything else you can mention about Milo? Like some sweet fun facts about him that were not mentioned in the game? I'd really like to know him full on out! Otherwise, that's all. Have a good day, afternoon, or night!! :D
Wooo! I'm glad you liked it! It always makes me happy to hear!
I did have a list of things here about Milo, but here are some more.
Pre Milo:
In theory, Milo can have multiple forms, not just Violence and Manipulation. He can be motherly, competitive, preppy, vain, anything so as long as Eris is able to influence them in that way.
In the same vein, Milo is actually a really fast learner, as you can see in the game. He doesn't think he is but under the pressure of wanting to make sure that his love doesn't leave him, he learns and understands remarkably fast.
Milo is deathly afraid of bugs, as seen in the manipulation route. I guess that's what happens when you're forced to eat insects as child. Thanks bullies.
I think I should probably make him shorter but I headcannoned him to be about 6ft. It's literally because I'm really bad with heights so I wanted a good round number.
He really likes rabbits/bunnies as it's his favorite animal. He still has his first bunny stuffed animal that he had as a child and has repaired it several times. He likes large lop bunnies the most but his parents wouldn't let him keep it when he was smaller.
His major is school is kinesiology for the sole reason that I think it would be funny that he's kind of buff under all those clothes. He probably does work out on occasion, but considering how sad he is I don't think he always maintains it.
The backpack he is wearing actually handmade by him. He actually is pretty good at handmade crafts and makes a lot of stuff, however, he usually ends up not finishing them or throwing them away because he ultimately thinks its useless.
If you make anything handmade for him, no matter how bad you think it is, he will keep it. He also would probably add something onto it because he can't help himself.
If given clothing, handmade or bought, he will try to sew something onto it unless you tell him not to.
He is pretty good basic first aid because he always had to patch himself up when he was growing up.
If you access the scene in the code, you'll find that he likes more relaxing games like Stardew Valley, Spiritfarers, Animal Crossing, etc.
When holding hands, he will usually hold Eris by the fingers, not the palms for some reason.
Manipulation Milo:
He's learned he's like rubbing his face on things he likes (not at all influenced by my habit of doing that). Because of that, he likes to rub against Eris's hair a lot.
Pre Milo can actually hold his alcohol pretty well because of his size, but doesn't drink much and gets sleepy pretty fast after drinking. Manipulation Milo has embraced this and now basically can drink a ton without getting wasted. Tends to be a lot more clingy towards Eris the more he drinks.
Manipulation Milo practices speaking like Eris by recording them when he thinks they're not noticing. Practices a lot in the mirror to be as close to them as possible when talking.
Has learned to have a strong appreciation of cats and they come flock to him when nearby. Also has learned how to purr.
When holding Eris's hands, he tends to sweat a lot. Eris, I imagine can't hold his hand for very long without it getting soaked.
He never wears the first earrings that Eris gave him and keeps them preserved somewhere in his room. Always wears copies of it in case it ever gets lost or stolen.
Changed his eating habits to appear more thinner and dainty, to match his new personality and appearance.
Has gotten really good with social games, so much so that in some groups they can't play it anymore because he always wins. Also is surprisingly good at Co-op, especially with Eris.
Violence Milo:
Probably won't admit it, but likes being headpatted. Will come towards Eris and slightly nudge his head towards their hand to indicate they want to be headpatted, but will never ask them.
Eats a lot more now than he did previously. Pre Milo ate more like a bird, but Violence Milo devours his food. Seeing him eat meat is like watching a dog tear apart steak.
Because of this, he's also learned how to cook more meals. Before Milo just cooked to survive, but now Violence Milo makes pretty good meals. Will cook anything Eris asks.
Has gotten more into shooters and fighting games. He actually seems to have really good reaction timing now compared to what he was like before.
When holding Eris's hands, tends to squeeze too hard before loosening it because he gets shy. He's working on not doing that but Eris's hands have been crushed multiple times before.
Really into wolves and big dogs. Really likes german shepards and watching him play with dogs is like night and day because he's so mushy around them .
Probably has a punching bag with Ryan's face on it somewhere in his room. That picture has been replaced over and over again and that punching bag looks like it's on the brink of breaking.
Growls and whimpers in his sleep sometimes. When his back or head is stroked, it turns into a more comfortable and happy growl and he tries to hug whatever is closest to him. If it's mentioned to him by Eris, he'll probably get embarrassed. Being big spooned will also cause his leg to shake for a bit before he ends up sleeping soundly.
I hope I remember a lot of these facts later because I feel like some of this stuff I just made up on the spot.
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Does anyone else have vastly different appearances in their head for you in the different routes? Like I day dream a lot, like a lot a lot it's why I post sometimes it's when the fear overrides the need to word vomit.
TW: mentions of abuse, depression and just general fucked up. It's the diaboys there's only so much you can avoid mentioning
Ok so I'm gonna write out a brief description of what always stays the same in these day dreams. I play around with them being human or something else, normal or like assassin's or stuff like that. But there's a few things that generally stay the same. They're all Afab, with she/her pronouns just because I create women a lot in my head but you could easily gender swap them as I'm focusing on personality and general vibe the appearance I describe I think is easily able to fit on different genders or have a same vibe equivalent.
I've always felt Shu would match well with someone who deals with depression or anxiety, more so less severe cases as two sleep all the time to avoid having to face life people do not make healthy relationships. But someone who has some degree of understanding while also having a better hold of themselves as humans are getting better at learning how to help manage depression. Shu is old and I'm pretty sure he's not bothered to learn much about the modern world aside from sleep/comfort, music (that's a stretch mp3s are not used as much as phones also that bitch would absolutely be a waterproof wireless earphone hoe), and probably porn.
I think a natural leader type person would also suit. I know in theory it sounds antithetical to the s/o with depression but hear me out. I deal with depression but also due to my own personality step into organized positions as I want things done to avoid stress. I really see an oldest sister would match him as it's someone modeling behaviors that to the best of my knowledge Shu was never against having. It was Reiji rejecting him and the triplets being kept away from him that prevented that dynamic setting itself up. I really think if an s/o could get Shu to work on himself he would be trying to be more brotherly. I think out of all the brothers Shu and Subaru are very likely to have a happier relationship with everyone. But they don't have the tools and are too stepped in their ways to navigate without help.
I think they would have to meet in school or something outside of being a sacrificial bride, maybe an actual exchange student with strict instructions of no harm coming to them. Diaboys set up a pretty unhealthy dynamic and since they go cruelty first, then fuck up so bad then realize they're in love that the types that would benefit them "best" would be gone or killed already.
Someone with a good sense or sarcasm would be great for Shu too. Couples who laugh together stay together. Plus a match for teasing would probably be something that leaves a grin on his face all day long.
Shu: "You should really wear a longer skirt in school, or do you want me to look up your skirt as you walk past. Heh, lewd woman"
S/o: [as they walk past] "Why risk breaking uniform code when I can just wear nice underwear under it instead, then I get two benefits"
S/o: [stopping just before turning down a corridor] "There's no rant from Reiji for breaking code and you end up showing off how desperate you are. Lewd man~"
Shu: [in love]
I don't think any super genius level of intelligence is needed but someone with a rounded view on things and a someone who is at least vaguely informed about what they talk about would be good. It avoids the annoyance of someone dense but also isn't so book focused it reminds him of Reiji.
Speaking of the spectacled suitor. S/o has gotta be smart in some capacity not necessarily an encyclopedia but maybe good at Chemistry/Biology, or a good strategist. Bitch aims to be a control freak and a future king or, route depending, advisor to the King, so battle tactics would be attractive.
He'd be into the type of woman who doesn't overtly dress sexually. Pencil skirt or pants and blouse with some heels are a great look and can be sexual when you want to be sexual but also just well put together when you aren't looking to get railed on a desk. Except, of course, for when he decides to get handsy he realizes you decided to forgo any underwear.
Nipple piercings. He's definitely into them you can't fool me it's all that hidden succubus energy he finds attractive in a partner.
Past that he wants someone who isn't going to stress him out, someone to be a voice of reason, and someone to relax with.
I think someone chatty could be either great or awful for him. On the one hand he seems so adjusted to over stimulation true silence may unsettle him but at the same time it may annoy him if he isn't interested in conversation. Same for the other side of the coin, someone too quiet would unsettle him cause he won't know what your thinking, but at the same time it might be nice to sit in silence and read.
I've always thought Reiji would want someone tall like 5'10-6'00 as they can't be taller then him because inferiority complex, but I firmly believe he's got a back that is prone to aches already so not having to bend far for kisses or hugs would be nice. Or better yet someone shorter than him but still tall for a woman, so wearing heels gets here to be like 5'11" to 6ft.
Reiji does like humor and spontaneity sometimes. I think a stiff lover would drain him, nobody wants to actually date themselves. Again the older sister type (stereotype I know) would suit, as generally older sisters are pushed to mature fast like he was, except generally it's not as severe as him and older sisters are statistically the most likely to have read about or been to therapy to undo some of the behaviors that aren't as healthy.
[Loud music or something playing]
Reiji: [going to stand up] I swear can nobody keep order in this house...
S/o: [Gently touches his hand] They've yet to make a crash and it's coming from Ayato's room. I say we turn on the record player to drown it out for now. It's not your job to be their dad Sweetness, and all your doing is giving yourself grey hairs
Reiji: [sitting back down] I suppose I could finish this chapter-
S/o: [quickly stands up and starts to walk to the door, lots of heel clicking] I swear that boy has to ruin every quiet moment I can grasp for us. Wait there.
Reiji: [feels very loved for and is confused as to why that gave him a boner]
I don't think he'd enjoy a dom much but a switch who prefers to sub but isn't against them taking a more gentle lead (not the kinky shit he's into I don't think you'd actually get a whip near him in a healthy relationship).
This bitch is tricky. Like I think with the except of Subaru the Sakamakis get worse the younger they are. I feel that's why the triplets never appealed to me they seemed harder to redeem. I could see Shu, Reiji, or Subaru potentially getting better with Reiji least likely but the triplets are... messy.
That being said I think Ayato is definitely going to have to be a least a little bit on the road to being more balanced by the time he meets this s/o.
An s/o who is modern would definitely appeal in my opinion. Video games, outfits, music all that good culture stuff that Ayato is a spectator not a player in right now. He is still old as shit and he hasn't got non...any friends so he doesn't have a lens to learn the culture, all he can do is watch.
Ayato is one of the highest sex driven characters in the games (he sleeps with Yui the most because it uses the underwear sprite almost every time they sleep together indicating it ain't just dreaming happening) I think that may be part possessive part teenage boy. So someone with an interest in partaking is probably important for drive balance. To be clear I don't necessarily mean sexy here, more so that giddy first time giggles type person. Someone who's excited to experience things with him.
That extends past the bedroom too Ayato was starved for activity as a child and is still as a teen so someone who knows what's fun and is happy to take him there is like perfect.
I do think Ayato's s/o will need to be a patient person as I feel Ayato going through therapy would mean a lot of breakdowns or tension in him that could lead to more arguments than potentially needed if they ain't a little patient for the smaller things. There is a difference between 'he demanded I make him Takoyaki then sulked when I reminded him we're equals in this partnership so I'll avoid escalating ' vs 'he has bitten me for talking to a guy, but to him that's just a display of love.' The second thing deserved a conversation then and there you don't avoid rocking the boat when it comes to dangerous behaviors folks.
[See Ayato with a hairbrush sitting cross legged with S/O in his lap] Ayato: So we don't like Jacob...
S/O: Well, Edward isn't exactly a catch himself but like c'mon he imprinted on a baby. Ayato: Beatrix and him were engaged from birth. S/O: Exactly.
Oh boy. Again needs to be starting therapy or unraveling what his mum did to him and what his culture has shaped him to be first.
Once done however I think Laito would want someone "normal." No baggage, or crazy lifestyle, or wacky habits. I think he craves something calm when everything has been so disordered growing up. I think it's why he likes crosswords, they're a weirdly normal thing in his weird world.
I think he needs someone with a lower sex drive then he displays in the games. A not uncommon trauma response from childhood sexual assault is hyper sexuality which seems to be why Laito is hyper sexual. I don't think that's him as a person, Shu would be high sex drive in how he talks but Laito seems very much to be shielding himself with sex not having sex for sex.
So yeah someone who isn't always in the mood, maybe they sleep naked but just because they want skin on skin contact. Maybe it's to feel his breathing better. But that sort of environment. Where the thing he's over sexualized: himself and women, become less sexual more intimate. He'll be thrown a bit at first 100%. But I think after cuddling while having his hair gentle played with or a shoulder rub he'll be welcoming this new part bodily expression.
Laito is smart, smarter than he gets credit for he's a manipulator with charisma to boot and I've tried a crossword they use a certain part of your brain that I do not use. I think he'd like someone who's not too dense but also I feel like he won't mind too much so long as they could hold conversation and read sarcasm.
He also would probably love a more modern s/o like Ayato. Imagine the shopping sprees!
S/O: [coming out of changing room] I'm really not sure about this dress on me Laito: It's the shade it clashes with your undertones, try it in a different colour. S/O: They don't have it in my size, that sucks. Laito: Why? fufu~ It's Chanel, she was a vampire just take a picture and I'll get the designer over to make you one tailored made. S/O: Are you sure? I don't know how close I want you being stuck to your dad, and all the weirdness you've mentioned. Laito: Oh please, as if he's bothered enough about the fourth in line.
This one's hard man. Kanato, Ruki, Kou, and Azusa are some of the hardest to envision in a healthy spot tbh. So this Kanato is very ooc. Think: isn't talking to teddy even if he still carries it, has a better hold on his temper, isn't trying to kill you constantly... basically just not Kanato.
A baker or a cook would absolutely appeal, dates where they show him how to cook new treats could be fun. Also top tier tea parties man.
Potentially a singer, musician, or dancer could appeal as well with the shared interest of singing being there. If the jealousy Kanato has gets weakened a bit I think that could help him get past his "I sing cuze mum liked it" thing.
I also truly think Kanato is like Laito in wanting something normal after all the abnormal he's lived through.
sorry he's so short I seriously don't know what to write. I also do not want to curse you all with mega ooc Kanato discussion
Subaru is by far the closest to being the same amount of traumatized some people I've met irl are. Issues still there with the whole punching walls in anger but the fact he seems to punch walls to avoid hurting people implies he is trying to work on himself but doesn't know how.
Subaru could meet his s/o as a sacrificial bride and I think he's the only one who could. If I remember his route correctly, he isn't nearly as sadistic in the reasoning for his biting, hes also like what 15, 16 looking? He is modelling the only behavior he's seen, and while that doesn't make it right it is less heinous than the others.
I feel the most profound importance for this relationship is someone who will not shout, someone with a healthy enough up bringing to view arguments as Subaru approaches them as entirely useless. He will probably still have tantrums at first but having someone entirely unwilling to let communication break down on their end will push Subaru to do the same.
Subaru also does not seem to actually want much at all. He just wants a break, poor thing. If the S/O were to be a sacrificial bride, I think he'd be the one to pull a run away. I don't see Karl caring much here, Subaru is just a consequence of his vile habits as far as Karl is concerned.
From there I do think it's just a normal therapist and probably turning the S/O to a vampire.
[S/O and Subaru in some nice meadow resting on a blanket by a stream. Think flowers everywhere under a gently warm sun.] S/O: I've successfully lasted a week without accidentally breaking anything! Subaru: HAHA! Well done but don't go expecting any prizes I could do that shit. S/O: Fair, your 3 year pin is coming up to. We should probably do something for it. Subaru: Well... there is one thing... [getting up to one knee]
oh look what we have here. An endgelord.
Seriously Ruki infuriates me from a character point at times. They are meant to be somewhat foils to the Sakamakis, and for Ruki in particular his behavior is a mirror to Reiji and his ego is closer to Ayato but with Reiji type mannerisms.
So he likes reading, came from nobility but saw the absolute worse of humanity to then re-find a reason to care for others with his brothers. Ok cool, then he dies in an attempt to escape to then have Karl take pity on him and revive him as his subordinate. SO WHY DOES HE HATE POOR PEOPLE!?
Like whenever I sit down to think about it Ruki's sheer cruelty lines up with nothing other than abused children turn into abusers which is a dog-shit and wrong opinion. Like he doesn't have to be pally, he can be a kuudere, he can be jaded. But having him be so sadistic just makes him what he hated, a spoiled rich man taking joy in using his power over others.
But this is about suited partners. So for this fucker I prescribe what he wishes he was. Now this is the material worth much more work and maybe it will get that, I am currently uncertain.
So, let's be real that orphanage still existed after the Mukamis. So my little world I've made with all that maladaptive day dreaming I do. In that world just to show Ruki as not as above everyone as he thinks, his soulmate type S/O as well as some if not all the other S/Os were there either at the same time or sequentially. Ruki got his escape plan from the work of a girl he viewed as too stupid to pull it off, aka S/O. When the boys escape obviously torture happens to see if anyone knows anything, and the boys failed the escape. This is used by the S/O to advise her sisters to change course slightly.
They do escape and Karl realizes very quickly he got the less advantageous group in terms of strategy. He would more than likely approach these girls, maybe they stay human for quite a while but eventually do need to be turned for the pure sake of time.
So Ruki gets introduce when he comes to visit Karl to update on the whole Eve thing only to see S/O. Standing there talking with Karl as if you're equals as he's laughing at some comment. Karl introducing them as his right hand man so to speak. Seeing that you get to live with Karl and you glaring.
After some prodding due to jealousy causing him to take out his insecurities on you in the form of unwanted commentary, you snap. You openly call him out on his failings, how you are what he wishes he was and how you don't masquerade as the same tormentors that made both your childhoods hell.
Eventually (I'm not giving a whole slow burn fic away for free people), he gets whipped something bad. Having to face the fact that he is exactly what he judges in humans so much. I don't imagine many would forgive him, hence why S/O to me cannot be anyone other than such a strong person to have survived and still be so openly kind.
No dialogue here so I can pretend these all got fair treatment.
So big boy farmer. His sadism doesn't fully track with me same as Ruki but Yuma has more redeeming character traits that offset the cruelty. He also seems to truly only carry out the Eden project due to loyalty to Karl, he is a fiercely loyal person.
As said for Ruki I love the idea of the Mukami S/Os being sisters from the orphanage. Yumas S/O would probably also have a strong sense of loyalty to Ruki's S/O. The main exception being her loyalty to Karl does not cause her to be in any way sadistic. While Karl is fully ready to drop kick a child the S/O does not see that behavior appropriate at all regardless of her vampire-ism.
Having to deal with pining for a girl who will not date him as he currently treats women may cause him to change for the sake of placating her sure. But once identities are revealed and Yuma learns that the reason the S/O is so anti-cruelty is due to the orphanage I think Yuma would be one of the ones more open to change. Like Ruki, the reflection isn't so nice once the glass was polished.
He just wants a farm and probably kids or dogs lets be real here.
Once again an edgelord. Who doesn't at all understand give and take as much as he harps on about it. I may have low enough standards to crush on these boys but a hypocrite is TOO LOW.
I'm sounding like a broken record here but a fellow orphan escapee S/O as the vector for Kou getting called out on his bs is great.
Also full on enemies to lovers vibes. One little head canon is what if the S/O at the request of Karl gave up an eye, the eye then enchanted for Kou. Having to stand across from someone who will not buy the excuse of his trauma being an acceptable reason to harm others. Because you lived through it all, if not worse and still gave up an eye free of charge because Karl had this protegee who was so sad about not having two eyes.
I think Kou's love would not start until near a century after. Having to see you again and again after the introduction, seeing how you and your sister's are Karl's jewels as you are so effective because of your humanity. He's prone to envy let's be frank.
But once he opens up to the fact he could change and be like you, maybe after having to work with you, he begins to warm up to it all.
Azusa is one like Kanato that I am unsure if I know how to treat.
The love of pain of his would put so much emotional labor on an S/O that just isn't fair. The only relationship I would feel comfortable writing on would be a post therapy and self work Azusa who doesn't make masochism his main personality trait.
He is gentle in disposition so a gentle S/O would match well. Or maybe an extroverted S/O to bring him out his shell a bit, post masochism recovery.
Yeah if any Azusa fans read this and have ideas please write you own and sent it to me I am really curious of seeing this from the perspective on someone who has a connection to him.
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vidavalor · 11 months
I just happened upon your blog (right terminology?) and I’m learning a lot. One thing that startled me was your referring to Crowley and Aziraphale’s love (sex) life as a matter of course, something seemingly everyone but me knew about. I was blown away and really wanted it to be true. After all, they’ve had to do without so much—openness, safety, the expectation of future togetherness. It would too unfair if they had to do without physical consummation too. What’s the deal with this? How do we know it’s so? What’s the history? Please enlighten me. Have you written posts about this? I’d love to read them. Thanks
Hello! Thanks for the ask. Nice to meet you. I call it a blog because I'm old and don't know the cool terms but we can call it whatever lol. I have no idea re: how many people who view the show and are able to see that Crowley & Aziraphale are more than friends (because, believe it or not, that concept still shocks some lol) who think that they're already lovers. I do think I'm sort of in the minority, maybe, even if there are a bunch of people who think that they're already a thing. When scrolling through the Ineffable Husbands tag on here, I tend to see a lot more posts that suggest that they aren't lovers and that 2.06 was their first kiss. (Let's hope that it's not lol.)
I guess I would say that if you are thinking about whether or not they might be, consider that Good Omens shows you most of its story out of chronological order in order to give layered meaning to the stuff you've already seen so, just with that knowledge alone, it would be actually pretty surprising if 2.06 was the first time they'd kissed. In S2 itself, earlier on, there's some heavy suggestion that it's not. If you want to read about when I think that happened, go here and I'll link you one more post at the bottom of this response here:
While I like to read all points of view-- I read a lot of aro ace GO stuff as well, even if I don't necessarily see that in my own interpretations of things-- I have thought they were sleeping together since the first time I watched S1 a few years back and S2 just kinda reinforced that for me. I think that, technically-speaking, there's a path to either they still haven't gotten together or that they're long-time lovers. I say that but honestly... it's more like if they somehow do something that suggests that they're only getting together during/after S3, I think it could kinda work but I honestly don't actually think that's the story they're writing. I'm pretty firmly set on the idea that they've been sleeping together for, uh, a very long time at this point. Someone told me the other day via messages that they would burn my house down if I did not finish a sex meta that I promised people so I best maybe get on that and also potentially call the police lol. (I am both flattered and scared?). So, uh, I'll get that up soon... I wrote a couple of longer metas lately about different eras of their relationship that are replies to recent asks on my blog-- I'd probably recommend the one about what they call each other and coded love confessions in 1941, if you're looking to read about them as a couple that's already a couple (even if they would have an anxiety attack at the word 'couple', as Crowley does in 2.06 lol). Will link it below. I'm very flattered that you and others have asked to read more of what I think and I have gotten asked a lot for more sex-related content so, uh, watch this space, I guess? :)
Make yourself a tea first or plan to come back to it as I'm wordy lol:
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blissents · 9 months
Devlog #1
Hi hi! ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ I don't really post often, but I told myself that starting in 2024, I wanted to share what I've been working on! I'm a solo game dev who has been developing a game called Visionaries. It's a romance visual novel that explores grief and loss.
༺✧ STORY ✧༻
"Visionaries": Special individuals with the ability to look into the past. There are a select handful of Visionaries who can also see into the future.
"What happens after we die?" The age-old question with no definitive answer. Many have constructed their own complex theories and stories to try and explain this mystery.
Explore the world of Visionaries as you wake up in an unfamiliar room, unable to speak and move. You're faced with unusual people (who tend to bicker any opportunity they get) only to later discover that they are your assigned Visionaries. These Visionaries have only one task; they intend on looking into your memories.
What is the purpose of Visionaries existing, and why do they insist on looking into your mind?
If you want to read more about the progress I've made on Visionaries, please continue reading below the cut! ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
༺✧ ART ✧༻
Most of my time has been spent working on the art! (I can't feel my hand) My main focus is to finish drawing all of the character sprites as well as finish rendering the backgrounds. I've already come up with all the designs and expressions for the characters, they just need to be rendered :,)
I still need to create their little character info sheets (I have no idea what the word is, haha), where you'll learn their names, ages, and all of that fun stuff ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
Below are some of the sprites :-)
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The first two are fully rendered, while the other three need to be finished :,)
As for backgrounds, I have 1 that is fully rendered and 3 that still need to be finished! I'll only be sharing 3/4 today since I'm unsure if I'll be including the one background in the demo.
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To be honest, I struggled quite a bit when drawing the backgrounds D: There were a lot of things I envisioned, but unfortunately, I didn't know how to fully portray them. I had some trial and error while coming up with the original designs. That being said, I'm glad I was able to come up with something I felt satisfied with! I'm planning for the rest of the backgrounds to follow the red/brown colored theme as seen in the first photo ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
Of course, there will be more backgrounds than the ones I'm currently showing! I already have some ideas/drafts for those, but they might change depending on the way the story plays out.
So far, I've planned for the demo to have a little less than 9k words. I'm unsure if I'll keep it at 9k words, or if I'll expand it some more so that there will be more content in the demo :-) We'll see!
As for the overall game, there will be at least 2 routes. There will also be 2 romanceable options (one being he/him, the other being she/they). I'm still figuring out how I want to script all of this, so these aspects may change in the future!
The game will also have options where you can choose your pronouns and name!
Here's a small snippet of the script!
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I wanted to show the dynamic between two of the characters :-)
༺✧ OTHER ✧༻
Besides writing and coding, I've been coming up with some ideas for the GUI! I don't have any current drafts of that to share, but I'll hopefully include them in a future devlog ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ I also have plans on creating the cover art for the game, cgs, more backgrounds, and possibly some promotional art (rip my hand, there's so much I need to draw (╥_╥))
I was thinking about composing the music for the game, but I realized I know absolutely nothing about music and wouldn't even know where to start if I had tried :,) So instead, I've compiled a list of some soundtracks and sound effects I might use! Hopefully, I can share that in the future once I've narrowed down which soundtracks I know I'll be using.
My overall goal is to release the demo sometime during this year! Because I'm doing everything myself (art, script, writing, etc.), it might take me a bit longer to get everything done. My apologies for that! (╥_╥)
Besides that, I really just want to start creating and sharing more of my art. Getting over the mental hurdle of being afraid to show my work is honestly pretty terrifying for me. I normally only share the things I create with close friends, but I think it's time to get over this fear of mine! ᕦ(ò_ó)ᕤ
I was able to make significant progress within these past few weeks since I'm currently on my winter break. Classes start back up soon, though, and I'm going to be internship-hunting as well as planning on a big move. I'm still going to try my best to juggle everything so that I can make even more progress on the game! ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
At the end of the day, all of this is a fun little project I've always wanted to do. As a little kid, I absolutely loved playing VNs (and I still do!). Creating my own game felt like an unreachable goal, but with enough effort, I think it's something obtainable ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ I really just want to create something that others can enjoy!
As a side note, I have some plans to create a little blog (not even sure if it's considered a blog, haha) about the games I've played/want to play! That will be coming very soon!
Thank you to anyone who read this far! You have my eternal gratitude <3
~ bliss ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
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floralfractals · 10 months
I've always loved mathematics and I go to a sort of maths and natural science focused hight school. soon I'll have to pick what college I'd like to go to and mathematics is definitely one of the options.
not sure what I even want to know to be honest - is it worth it? should I do it? I'm thinking about programming and chemistry as well. I guess I just wanted to get some input from someone who doesn't know me irl and who reminded me how interesting maths can be (I do not understand your sickly son at all but I'd love to learn to understand af least some of the advances maths that you must have used for your thesis ahhhh!!)
again, not even sure what I'm asking here, just want some advice from a fellow math lover
Love this question! My top 3 picks for uni were also math, computer science and chemistry. Here's some stuff I've noticed based on my experiences with math and people who do cs/chem:
Computer science/programming is very practice-oriented. Although theoretical courses are offered, most students prefer to code monkey their way through their studies. With the right elecives, they don't always need to be smart, and they'll be able to get a job easily regardless of their understanding of theory.
The thing I found lacking in chemistry is the level of how much we know. I read an organic chem book once for fun, and there were some passages like "we don't really know this, and we don't really care" or "this follows from physics, but we won't explain it to you". That frustrated me a lot, and I've heard that happens more often in chem.
Mathematics often has the opposite problem for both of these: it is extremely theory-oriented, allowing you to get deeper understandings of everything, but on the other hand giving you less of an edge on practical skills or the job market.
In the end, you'll be able to find electives in any of the three studies if you search hard enough. I'm studying mathematics, but worked as a system administrator for a year and I do some physics science communication as a volunteer. So don't worry about losing the other two cool things if you make your choice!
Personally, I do recommend mathematics. Especially if you're that enthousiastic about learning stuff, I think you should definitely go for it :].
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emblazons · 2 years
I feel the same, no offense to theorizers ofc because people are free to theorize and have headcanons. But also it is important to consider what the writers are intending here and recognizing their story bits. I feel like people just kinda go... too over the board with some of their theories/headcanons here and I'm like... it is fine and all to think about those things but are those things really fitting for what the writers are likely intending? I also am not that fan of people saying the Duffers are lying about things, first of all, yeah ofc they're not gonna just gonna openly talk about everything, but the majority of the time what they're saying are not lies, lol. So it's just kinda weird to see people claiming the Duffers are intentionally lying or just outright lying about what they say regarding certain plots and the story choices they made... that just does not make much sense to me. While doing promo and before that ofc the writers are just gonna be vague about certain things, that does not mean they're intentionally lying about the majority of the stuff they say in regards to the story they're telling.
Agreed! Honestly, don't have a single bit of issue with people theorizing and writing out their thoughts for how the story should go to their hearts content, especially knowing I do the same in my own way. It's fun, it keeps you invested, and ST has done a phenomenal job at giving their audience just enough detail to ask questions, while still leaving a ton of room for fan theorizing & artistic expression.
As for people going overboard with thinking their headcanons are what must happen in the show...it was actually my experience with listening to theorists right before Vol II taught me to manage my expectations in a healthy way rather than hold tightly to what I thought should happen (lmao). It was July when I realized that not a single person in this fandom is working with as much information as they'd need to precisely guess what goes on in Matt & Ross' minds...which was confirmed for me when only one theorist of the literal hundreds I read pre Vol II had even 50% of what went down written out correctly when it came to what "The Piggyback" ended up meaning in the actual show.
Tbh, its just that I realized its literally impossible for any one person to know every detail of what will happen—and even if they did get it 100%, it still would have only been an (admittedly educated) guess. That's not to knock theorizing at all; I love it lmao. I just think it becomes less about the show and more about you being right when you think The Duffers are lying to you when your specific hopes aren't what happens, or even saying that Stranger Things suddenly "fell off" because its not done the way you would have written it. It just seems odd to assume that every bit of the story down to the exact details needs to be what you theorize or perceive is "right"—something we knock other sections of the fandom for doing all the time, but that we somehow avoid in ourselves because we (rightfully) managed to catch the queer coding + narrative setup of Byler.
All that to say: in listening to The Duffers, I've never felt "lied to" any differently than I have Noah or Finn saying they "don't know" anything—even if they do know every detail, they wouldn't be able to say that anyway LMAO. The Duffers are sorting through their wants for the story the same way any author does, and what they enjoy might not align with how I would tell the story if it was mine—which is why I've decided to look for the core themes, narratives and arcs for general direction points rather than specifics, personally.
I like learning what inspired The Duffers, what their taste in movies and other art are, and how they've structured their previous plots for hints as to what I might expect to see come S5...but I'm not holding any of my own theories, never-mind anyone else's, with an iron fist. Matt & Ross + the 2000 other people working on ST got me this far enjoying the ride, so I'm gonna do something radical and just. Trust them to get me to the finish line. If its disappointing after its all ended, we'll talk about it...but for now I'm okay lmao.
Thanks for the ask!
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silversupremacy · 2 years
Small tutorial on how you design your critters?? You're a inspiration to me I must learn- And, if you want, tutorial on how you draw limbs?
God ok so that's sooo broad that I'm gonna try to sum it up but if you have additional questions feel free to ask I love answering stuff!
So first tutorial on limbs I did in the past here!
This is specifically furry hind legs. And additionally here's my tutorial on paws
If you want a more detailed tutorial, or an arm/front leg tutorial, or specific materials/more species let me know!
OK AN D now how I design object-creatures
I'm assuming you meant object creatures and not just all my creatures, cause I design a lot of little guys.
So I usually have four-ish things I go for in a design depending on the chara-
First is just taking x thing from the object they are and just accenting it. For example, Pepper's tail and ears are Peppercorn plant.
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And OJ has that straw tail
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So these features aren't really there because they're based on an animal. They're just there cause "orange juice drink, oh maybe they would have a straw tail"
Two, using canon in my design, either through the character's personality, or something taken from the canon.
For example, Baseball in s2 has to tape his pickaxe to his leg to use it. So logically, he wouldn't have little hands to hold the pickaxe with, so that's why I went with hooves! Then from there, I had the idea that he could use his tail to deliver powerful kicks with his legs by leaning back on it (like a kangaroo)
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Another example is Fan, he's shown to be able to glide in canon so a lot of people go with bird vibes for him!
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Though alternatively, you could also be inspired by the Gliding Snake, the Draco Lizards, or Sugar Gliders! There's a whole bunch of gliding creatures.
And more of a personality thing would be how I give Nickel a little spade tail cause he's a little rat bastard (affectionate). He also has nimble little rat hands cause he's more crafty and sneaky.
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Third thing, Including Spec Bio stuff and just neat concepts
This is kinda crossed with the "what would fit this object" thing. But notice that I gave Apple an apple blossom tail. Well then, I developed this idea that maybe the flower would release scents to convey how she feels. Like she might subconsciously release a scent her partner (cough cough marshmallow) finds pleasant in order to relax them. I got this idea from the theory that cats communicate a lot through scent, and it's kinda theorized that cats might release a scent around their human that makes them wanna be friends (with mixed results).
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And here for example, Lifering is basically made for ocean life. The idea is that he has a heavy layer of blubber in the winter to keep him warm, and the only difference people would notice is that his 'nose' hole would be smaller. He also has ears that he can use to communicate using them as 'flags' and a tail that he can use to light up in morse code. So basically he's perfect for ocean rescue.
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Fourth thing, it just looks cool so why not do it. Clover didn't have a ton of traits go into her design beyond the Clover Flower tail, but she's just kinda nice to look at. Ultimately 99% of her body shape is just cause it's a good design.
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And additionally, a lot of my creatures are made from just my vague and rough knowledge of creatures. I have just read a lot of animal facts in my life and kinda just recall a lot of what I've read and seen.
So just having wide knowledge of animals on earth helps a lot! Another part of me making an object-creature is just going "what animal do they remind me of"
Oh and a misc note abt my creatures, I have very few rules but one of them I try to keep to is that they have three toes and four fingers (three fingers one thumb). Some leg only objects have four toes technically (three fingers one thumb) But the idea is connected to how animal life on earth is built roughly the same. Like how bats have five fingers, they just stretched out looong into wings. And cats have five fingers on their front paws but only four on their back, But there's evidence of ancestors having those five toes Im p sure.
It's a similar thing abt how we can find specific bones in birds similar to our own arm and leg bones. Just considering what the path of evolution of these objects is neat.
But since objects reproduce via. magic exclusively in my verse, I kinda just do whatever! It's the reason why traits kinda got jumbled up (ex. mammal with reptile traits) cause the use of magic kinda just scrambled things.
Uhm hope this helps??? let me know if you have more questions ig????
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confused-stud3nt · 2 years
my methods of studying (idk how healthy they are)
Traditional: Read, take summary notes, do textbook questions and practise tests (I hate this so so so much)
Coding your brain: Learn/memorise the fuck out of the content by reading and most importantly making summary notes (like really summarised, for me its stuff I find harder to remember such as equations or methods). THEN: speedrun heaps of practise questions/tests but instead of answering the question, pinpoint what part of your notes you need to be able to complete the question as well as what method you would follow. While doing this you will essentially be practising your thought processes for before you do any working out in the test (which is good because you want to know what you're doing rather than just jumping in and wasting time). If it makes it easier, think of it as a brief plan for an essay or a plan for a sequence you enjoy (such as planning a lay-up in basketball or your next move in chess). In theory, this will help you slow down and think things through when actually in the test. Personally, I tend to get into tests and read half the question, then waste 2 mins doing the wrong working out (chemistry 🥲). This is soooo irritating.
The holy list: If you've been provided with a list of all the content you "should know" for the test/unit such as a study design etc. go through that three different coloured highlighters. One for the stuff you desperately need to revise, one for the stuff you probably should revise, but isn't as important as previously mentioned, and one for "I've got that down" (cos you need to encourage yourself too).
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i have no plans to talk about the Emotional side of this, but the many weeks i have spent with a neuropsych trying to pin down the specifics of my cognitive issues has certainly been interesting, and im gonna detail that below. its made me really realize that alongside my issues, that there is so little understanding in society about the extent of "learning disabilities". even everyone here, every person who sits with the ADHD and autism labels and knows its probably part of their learning issues- the fact that there is probably so much more to it than you can even realize. and most people wont ever have the knowledge of depth to see that, or the proof of tests to see that.
i deeply wish getting this kind of testing but its insanely expensive. like, way WAY expensive. and its super important to get a good doctor for this (any Californians, i would gladly name the guy i am seeing!) but its not accessible at all (this series of tests take like, 6+ weeks but more for me bc i am more than just Learning tests. i am on week 10), which is obviously the main problem. hardly anyone i know will be able to get with kind of depth on Why they struggle. i am in a very privileged position to get to do this. its not bad to sit with labels like ADHD, or just know about your diagnosis of Autism (your Autism wont go away with this. you still have it. you'll just see the specifics, the stems to your problems) is what makes you struggle. this isnt a means to shame people or to say you have to do this in order to get better or get help.
but for me and i assume others, i havent been able to get the right accommodations for anything. society will never try to understand anyone cognitive abilities further and they NEED to make this shit more availble. I tried many things but none of them worked for me, but i also dont know WHY they dont work for me. putting aside the emotional struggles i am also doing in these tests (there is Cognitive testing and Emotional testing- which also makes things more pricey), i have been really really wanting to learn. just Things. it is all i want but I cannot, and the future feels impossible due to that. I try so hard to learn but nothing happens. i want to code, i want to 3D model, i was to up my drawing game, etc etc- even if i went for my assumed "easy" choice (simply production in entertainment) i still struggle to keep it in my head. it always feel like laziness, to sit down at try and then it doesnt stick, and that just makes you feel worse. Still i'd go and learn 3D modelling consistently for a week, but quite literally the moment i looked away from the donut tutorial, i couldnt do it. genuinely everything was lost from my brain. id redo it, i would do the donut tutorial again, but then thats all i could do.
learning with coding is no different, but i try to try very hard because i feel like i know it all "in theory", i look at stuff and i kinda can see what it all means. but right now as i try to learn Narrat, i am very actively seeing how the results of these tests are spelling out the problem. i sit down and look at documents but i cannot take in the reading material, but i see images and i get it kind of so i try- i look at someone else's game for some help but i dont totally know it. but i ask for help in the discord a LOT because i cannot process the documents they hand me, i cannot peice together what the documents say in order to solve the error i got, and only kind of get it when i connect an image of the code to what im doing, but there arent many pictures of what i need step by step and i get stuck again.
so many little things-- things that i cant really add up to just being ADHD- at the very least no one knows how to accommodate to my specifics anyways so i never get it solved. the autism may explain some things but it doesnt explain it all. I can't count change even on my fingers, i cant add things up on paper and i forgot how to multiply and divide. i forget things when theyre not in front of me, nothing i read stays in my head, nor does anything i listen to. i may work fast, i may process movement and things presented surprisingly well, but those four things (math, memory, listening comp, reading comp) are key things to learning that are SO awful it explains every reason i have been this way. i take it in quick, but it goes away in the blink of an eye.
i dont have ADHD by the way- it was one of those labels slapped on for years because "well your memory is bad, and so is your attention, and you have a hard time learning". and i dont disagree exactly, if i hadnt done this i would have been going along w my life with that label and it would have been fine- aside from the fact none of the ADHD meds i have taken over the years have never work, of course. or the fact i still wouldnt really know how to learn things because i dont have accommodations that actually help me make progress. i think i would still be sitting around stuck, thinking i am just stupid and there is no way around it.
point is- there is a lot under the surface. there are a collection of things that explain parts of your cognitive function and they all work on their own. and because i know this now, i can get very specific help. i can properly understand why certain accommodations in the past didnt work, what will work, and what i can do to actually try and Learn Shit. going through years of utterly sucking at everything in school is awful, it really knocks you down. Especially when you want to learn, you feel like you are trying so hard.
for more recent years i have sat here just thinking i couldnt do anything. watching family make progress as they age and feeling unable to do that too feels like shit and i hate the idea of never being able to put anything out there. i am in a place where i can live just fine without any job really, but i dont want to do that? i dont want to do nothing- even if it weren't a job, why would i want to sit around doing the one think i know- draw- and never be able to do anything else? id like it as a job but even outside of that i just want to know things like anyone else.
the fact that i feel far more hopeful than ever before is really a nice feeling. for a while it was a kind of motivation that was more like fighting a brick wall to proceed because even though i wanted something to change, i had no idea how it could. this isnt a clear "ok go do A and B and youll learn!". this will still be a long time of build. it will be a process as it would be for anything with learning and i still get overwhelmed by the prospect too, its still terrifying because i still wonder if it will really work out. but goddamn i do not feel like these many weeks of testing have been a waste- i really do understand far more than ever. its kind of sad to see, to have gone for so long without help, but id rather know it now than to never know and to always feel helpless and stupid.
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everythingfromdust · 2 years
What Homestuck is About
I don’t remember writing this, I never finished writing this, and I just found it in my drafts. If you asked me today to come up with what homestuck is about I would not be able to go into this level of detail at all. here you go.
the post;
As told by someone who hasn’t read Homestuck.
Before I begin, lets go over my Homestuck experience. At some point in like 2010 probably people got obsessed with zodiac symbols for some reason, and also candy corn horns. I saw them around and they did not affect me in any way. A few years ago I was commissioned to draw Homestuck fanart, I was linked a video of nonsense about some dude who controlled planets with his veins maybe. This was for inspiration for the drawing. I drew fanart, they liked it. After that happened I found out that I had been drawing other Homestuck fanart by commission, about a green planet or something, this was a surprise to me. I found this strange, told my friend who liked Homestuck and he told me to read it. I read the first few pages and got bored, I am sorry to your fandom, it just wasn’t my thing. What was my thing, was reading random-ass theories about Homestuck and looking at fanart as it came on my dashboard.
Now, with that in mind, here is what Homestuck is about...
Homestuck is a webcomic about 4 teenagers, Dave, Rose, Karkat (Online handle?) and Egbert. Egbert and Rose are the same age, they are friends by convenience but don’t have a lot in common. Dave is Egbert’s cool older brother who is also an asshole sometimes but only to hide his fragile ego. Karkat is a loner type who is sarcastic. Rose has a crush on Karkat but they have never met in person. Rose is also very sarcastic, but hers is more mean spirited while Karkat is just defensive with a kind heart. 
Karkat is way more into videogames than the rest of them, and ends up being the ‘leader’ of the group, ironically as most of her motivation is to be alone. However, Rose likes her, so she follows Karkat’s lead with regards to what games they play online, Egbert follows Rose because he doesn’t have other friends, Dave has to keep an eye on his little brother so follows them on their adventures reluctantly (but slowly learns to be part of the group). The first story arc establishes the characters and the world. The viewer interacts with these characters through the occasional videogame interface but mostly a webcomic format. The characters are very meta and self aware which is funny without getting into too much action before...
Suprise plot twist Karkat realizes they have been playing a game copy of their own lives within a webcomic/web-game thing. We find out later that she suspected this all along and only wanted to be alone because she thought everyone else was a simulation. 
Almost immediately Dave thinks that this plot twist is stupid, and the meta commentary on Homestuck itself reaches new sarcastic heights. The fandom takes this idea and runs with it, causing many fans to insist that Homestuck sucks. 
When they break into ‘reality’ Karkat is shocked to find that the other three have come as well. Thus begins her overarching subplot of learning to trust others and believing she can fall in love with Rose. Karkat and Rose question still if this reality is really the real one. Spoiler: It isn’t. While they try to discover the why and how of their situation Egbert is busy altering the code of the game to give himself insane powers and become ‘god tier.’ Dave is doing stuff to, but I think it’s mostly just fucking off and making jokes. 
There are monsters called trolls with candy-corn-horns at some point, but I’m lead to believe that they aren’t actually a big part of the story even though they are widely loved by fans. They probably happen early on in the story which is why they are fairly iconic for the series. The trolls are sentient too, each represents a sign of the zodiac, and each main character has a troll that is ‘them’ in an alternate game reality. So there are 4 trolls that represent the main characters, and this is symbolic somehow especially when you think about the 8 trolls who have no ‘main character’ components. 
Insane Clown Posse is involved somehow but I don’t understand if they are plot relevant or just a joke that the comic creator likes to fall back on. 
So anyway, eventually all the characters go god tier, they have to figure out their own personal way to get there and I bet it is really plot heavy and long. They can control the base code of the game, and they all start fighting with one another. 
The plot gets really huge in scope, as they find that their simulated reality 
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ivanbutler · 1 month
Aug 15, 2024 - 0s and 1s
Intro: Almost none of the things I talk about are things that I know something about. I tend to talk about something that other people know about, and I only interpret it so that it makes sense to me. There are a couple of things I can claim to know based on my own research, but what I really want to achieve is to play with ideas and change the language to talk about important things. So, feel free to comment, correct or criticize. I do not want to be right. I want to help things move in a better direction.
Todays topic: 0s and 1s are a reference to binary numbers as we understand computers and how they work. The binary numbers is a way for computers to code and calculate things, and for me who only vaguely understands it, that is all I need to know. Especially for what I want to talk about today.
Zeros and ones, as when you write it out in words, I believe is no different from most all other inventions ever made. They are both a blessing and a curse.
While there will be many ways of describing the good things we gain from having computers, such as the ease with which to write things down, to be able to auto-correct stuff, search for knowledge of others, finding new recipes, looking for your lost cat or whatever you can think of, there are probably less ways for people to articulate most of the bad things with having computers. Sure, people have stated that it warps the minds of young people who spend too much time playing games, watching porn and such claims.
I would however like to address something most people really do not know anything about – the very fundamental idea of “what you can trust” when things are digital as opposed to say somethings that are analogue.
And the problem of trust is related a great deal to the concept of “source”. Lets get into it.
Trust and source: I will keep this as unpolitical as I can because the problem does not care about your views or agendas. The problem is always there regardless of who you are. It is a problem that some governments have tried to solve, but before we get to that, here is my 2-cents on the matter.
In philosophy and theories of science (theories of how we best create knowledge) we talk a lot about ‘quantity’ and ‘quality’, as well as ‘validity’ and ‘reliability’. So, when someone comes to you in the physical space to interview you, it can be for a job or something else, then there are some good things about doing a physical interview and potentially some bad things. For instance, a good thing is that the interviewer might have prepared questions for you to answer, but your answers take the conversation a bit away from the prepared questions. The benefit is that what is really going on with me is something the interviewer can learn, by us having a conversation face to face. In simple terms what the interviewer gains is “validity” of the data. The interviewer has a good chance to learn that which is desired to be learned. If the interviewer however was a scientist and wanted to make sure that I am providing data that is rigorous enough to be part of some scientific report then the downside to a conversation type interview is that it is unlikely that some other interviewer would be able to replicate the interview. In other words, it is highly unlikely that another interviewer would end up the same place. The data is then in theory what we call “unreliable”, i.e. the data is not strong enough that it will repeat itself through different tries.
So, a what is called a “qualitative approach” to learning something has a large chance of being valid and less chance of being reliable. Another concern people have with qualitative approaches is that it takes a lot of resources. Imagine having to learn something from 20, or 50 or 100 people. Would I then have to interview them one at a time? Imagine what all these people say. It is highly likely the people say stuff that goes in all kinds of directions, and I am going to struggle to make sense of it, in a meaningful way. Conversations in a room with physical people can go in all directions.
What is then the main opposite approach? You have probably guessed it by now. It is called the “quantitative approach”. Such an approach, if we stick to the idea of interviewing somebody, would be like making an online questionnaire. I would then formulate questions that I would like to ask someone so that they might answer them, and most likely answer them by choosing from the prepared options that I have made. It could be: What color t-shirt do you like? Black, white, blue, green, red, yellow. Feel free to choose more than one”.
There are huge benefits from this approach. I can reach enormous amounts of people by the click of the computer mouse. The numbers will be high and also the answers will be neatly organized, so when the time comes for me to make sense of it all, it is fairly easy to count how many like black t-shirts, how many like white etc.  And the thing is there is a very good chance that if you conducted the very same “interview”, I mean, you would post the same online questionnaire, there is a good chance that the results would be the same. The method of gaining knowledge through a questionnaire like that is it is reliable. In other words, the method is strong enough that it would most likely yield the same result regardless of who posted the questionnaire. Sure, if you change something in the setup, like I posted the questionnaire in a forum with 70-year old people and you did it for 20-year old, then the result might not be the same. The point however is that if you copied my study you should reach the same result more or less. 
So, what about validity? Am I learning what I am hoping to learn? There are two main challenges:
The answers themselves
And who is answering.
The answers are actually a problem, well potentially a problem. What if the person filling out the questionnaire likes pink t-shirts? Creating questionnaires is always made problematic by the limitations of how the respondent can answer. What if the person does not like t-shirts at all? By not being in the same room as the person giving the answers there is no way to catch the problems with the questions you want to ask and the answers made available for the respondent to choose from. There is no way to learn what else should be asked.
By the same token, not being in the same room with the person who you are interviewing, you in theory do not know for certainty ‘who’ is filling out the questionnaire. Imagine you standing at the stove in the kitchen working away, asking your daughter to fill out the questionnaire so that you might be entered into a lottery to win a cruise in the Caribbean. I am not saying that always happens, but how many people do that? And how many of those types of situations will ruin your data? What if the respondent is having a bad day? How do you catch these things if you are not in the room with the respondent? The uncertainty at least is enough for me to stop and wonder if I am performing my data collection in the best way possible.
So, when we talk about quantitative methods for creating knowledge, they are viewed as reliable, but not as valid.  
Enough academia: Beyond these slightly academic words and expressions, what can we use these discussions for in practice?
If you sit at your computer and read something online, and then you repost whatever it is on the same site or another site, what then are the benefits and the challenges? Remember my claim that all inventions have good and bad sides.
The good of course is that modern technologies have made it easier to share stuff. New knowledge about something can reach all around the World in an instant. The bad then? Well, it can be bad if any part of what you have read does not hold up to scrutiny (scrutiny is a fancy word for how someone might test, double-check, triple-check etc. something for whether it is true/accurate enough or not). So, what about the source? Did whomever who made the statement you have read, performed the demanding work it requires to check if the statement is sufficiently true/accurate? What if the post you have read was a repost from yet some other person, but with changes?
The thing about doing anything digitally is that there is a chance that the reliability is not too much in question, because there is a chance that the message is the same (but might be interpreted differently), but what about validity? The essence of the message that you read on an online post is probably never ever exhaustive. The post probably never ever discloses all elements of whatever lead someone to wrote the post. Because you are not sitting in the room with the originator of the post you have little chance to question the validity of the statements. So what do we do?
The problem: If you consume stuff from the internet without having a critical mind to ‘how have people come about the information they are sharing’, then you are doing yourself and others a disservice.
Other ways of talking about the problem
Motivation: Ask yourself WHY are people motivated to say whatever they say or do? If a politically motivated anchor on a TV station says something on the edge of what is believable, why would this person do it? It has happened all over the World countless of times. What do you think?
If the aim is to get as many people as possible to watch the show, because add revenues will go up, then you are probably right. If you think they are doing public service, then you are probably wrong.
What happens to your understanding of things you read online, if everything you read is done with you thinking these words: “I guess this person is writing this thing I am reading, because this person wants look special and look like she/he has something interesting to say”.
I imagine you will start to exercise a bit of critical thinking. You might be able to catch those things that are blown out of proportion. Things are simply not true, or they might be true but only in a very specific context or situation. You would then be less motivated to share it for other people interpret in yet other ways and start sharing stuff that is probably not true, but now has reached 1000 different meanings. And not for the better.
Be careful of anything written online. Even this.
/Ivan Butler
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apollotomorrow · 7 months
You are living in a simulation and that movies like The...
You are living in a simulation and that movies like The Matrix and the 13 floor are actually not that far off of the truth now that doesn’t mean I’m saying we have robotic overlords that have us plugged into these pods that go on for miles and miles and miles and feed off of our energy in that way or something like that but what I am saying is that actually the most cuttingedge science available to us today actually shows that we could actually be living in a very complex and sophisticated simulation and this is not just conjecture anymore there is hard evidence and data to back up this Theory and it is also backed up by most people’s experiences and we will explore this um with some of the data in this video now let’s say that it is true that you’re living in a simulation which I’m suggesting that it is well that’s great but what good is that to you what practical value does that have well what if I was also to tell you that there are ways in which you can influence the simulation to influence your reality so that you’re living more of the life you want to be living that you can actually influence it in ways that change the events in your life the people that come into your life create more opportunities in your life if you just follow a pretty simple system if what we are living in is similar to say a computer program what if you could code quote unquote certain cheat codes into the game what if you could learn the rule set and know how to have the computer quote unquote produce certain things that you want in the game for you well guess what you absolutely can do this when you become aware first and foremost that you’re living in a simulation and then you learn the rules to that simulation and so in this video we’re going to look at how it is and why it is that we actually live in a simulation a very sophisticated complex simulation model mind you we are going to learn the rules the real rules to this game and this simulation and most important how you can actually use these rules and these new things that you’re doing to plug in cheat codes into the game to the point where you’re doing things in your life where people come up to you and ask how the heck are you doing that essentially you’re going to be able to mold influence and create your reality in extremely powerful ways so let’s first start with why it is we now know that the most likely scenario is that we are living in a simulation how that works and then we’ll take it from there so the first thing we need to look at is Newtonian Paradigm versus this kind of simulation hypothesis or this this theory that we’re living more in a computerized simulation or close to or similar to that kind of reality now the Newtonian Paradigm basically states that everything is materialistic that we are living in this very materialistic universe that basically basally you know that is base reality Newtonian physics basically everything involved within the realm of Newtonian physics is all there is and anything that falls outside of that it’s just gobbly goop it’s not real it’s just fantasy it’s woo woo and that stuff doesn’t really exist there might be some anomalies But ultimately that doesn’t exist whereas the simulation Theory or hypothesis says something very very different that we’re going to get into in just a moment and I’m going to give you some analogies so you can relate to this um and how to operate within it now the first thing we need to look at when it comes to which one we live in is it really just a physical reality with basically nothing else or is there something more is we can look at something that most scientists and researchers have agreed happened at a very long time in the past which was the Big Bang however the Big Bang from a materialistic point of view from a Newtonian Paradigm is incredibly hard to explain because the Big Bang is stated as being something that essentially came from nothing and basically to everything is that is in the known universe came from this state of nothingness into everything and it’s kind of like that famous quote you know materialism wants you to give them one miracle and then claim that there are no other Miracles right that one Miracle being that everything came from nothing um and then it’s like just give us that and then the rest we can explain however if you look at this idea of the universe instead being virtual more like a computer it actually makes complete sense this idea of a big bang and actually fits that theory whereas in again Newtonian physics it doesn’t really fit materialism this kind of nothing coming or or everything coming out of nothing it doesn’t fit that theory but completely meshes and aligns to the theory of the virtual reality this is because if you were to start say a game like The Sims up it’s starting from a zero state or what’s called a zero State and then you start up the game and an information influx from a zero State um as you boot up the game which then provides all the data and everything for what’s going to be in the game so if you start a game up from the perspective of the game coming from a zero State it’s almost as if a big bang is occurring every time you boot it up from that zero State and I’m not going to be the best person to be able to explain exactly how that works but you can find many different physicists and others who explain this in a lot more detail on how this works from the materialist view that our universe is all there is as an objective independent reality the fact that the Big Bang came from nothing is very hard to explain how could everything come from nothing but if you look at the universe as a virtual construct the Big Bang model works perfectly Virtual Worlds always begin with an information influx from a zero State since they need to initially boot up every time a computer game starts up a big bang occurs from the perspective of the game from inside the virtual world itself the creation always comes from nothing because before it boots up there is no space or time as defined by the rules of that virtual world ultimately the simulation hypothesis is the one that lines up much more accurately in fact the only one that really lines up accurately as far as what all of this is what reality is when it comes to this idea of the Big Bang which again pretty much every scientist and researchers agree is something that happened in the way distant past while materialism really Falls flat when it tries to explain how it can exist as base reality with a big bang in fact something that is incredibly interesting is physicist James Gates has actually found computer code in our world when digging deep enough so I’m actually going to play a clip where he’s explaining this just a little bit or just kind of his Discovery uh I believe he’s uh speaking to Neil degrass Tyson about this and Neil to Grass Tyson you can kind of tell like kind of almost Blown Away by it um but essentially that they found Compu computer code the deeper you go the more you dig into what our reality is made up of they literally found computer code so you’re saying as you dig deeper you find computer code WR in the fabric of the cosmos into the equations that we want to use to describe the cosmos yes computer code computer code strings of bits of ones and zeros it’s not just sort of resembles computer code you’re saying it is computer code it’s not even just is computer code it’s a special kind of computer code that was invented by a scientist named Claude Shannon in the 1940s so so are you saying we are all just there’s some entity that programmed the universe and we’re just expressions of their code and perhaps this really sounds bizarre whenever you’ve heard this idea that we’re in a simulation or like the equivalent of a computer game wouldn’t I know that I’m in the game wouldn’t it be obvious to me that I’m in a simulation but you have to also understand that this is an incredibly complex uh simulation incredibly complex game it’s not really um something we can relate to the simulations even the more advanced ones that we have uh that we’ve created here but however I will play a clip from What’s called the simulation hypothesis which is something I highly recommend to go watch if this resonates with you and you want to learn a lot more of the science and data behind it because this might give you a little bit of an explanation of how this works so I’ll play that clip now if I were a character in a computer game that were so Advanced that I were actually conscious and I started exploring my video game world it would actually feel to me like it was made of real solid objects made of physical [Music] stuff yet if I started studying as the C curious physicist that I am the properties of this stuff the equations by which things move and the equations that give the ma stuff its properties I would discover eventually that all these properties were were mathematical the mathematical properties that the programmer had actually put into the software that describes everything the server that’s creating you is not in your reality frame it’s outside if you’re Sims that computer is not physical to you what’s physical to you is is your Sims World now another great analogy um to break it down even more that kind of shows how this actually works and how basically the virtual reality and the physical reality act with each other and what their place in all of this is is what we just call the computer game analogy now you have to understand that the computer game analogy goes like this that the computer game is actually a subset of a superet and so that’s just to say let’s say say you play Sims Sims is a game that you can actually boot up but only use via a computer right so the computer is actually what we call the superet the game is the subset it is within the rule set of the computer so to speak so the game actually represents Newtonian Paradigm uh physical matter reality and it is something that comes from something much larger which in this case we can call the computer or the superet now when it comes to our virtual reality or our game that we perceive as our physical everyday lives the subset that that is is actually coming from the suet which we’re just labeling again as the computer the greater computer system some of us call it field um Source but we actually can label it as Consciousness and so this physical reality has actually become born out of Consciousness and so Consciousness is primary and then this physical matter reality is simply a subset coming from that Consciousness now stick with me here so physical reality is the subset set you have the computer that is the super set and this is kind of the grander scheme of things this a source the field and one way you can also look at it is consciousness is the one that’s actually moving the joystick if we look at it with another analogy say World of Warcraft the character on screen is the elf but the player is the one actually moving the elf but from the perspective of the elf everything in that world seems real the people that they interact with the battles that they get in the growth that they go through while they go through the game all of that seems like the real thing like what they are but we know as we’re watching that happen that the elf on screen isn’t the true player the true player is the one holding the joystick making the decisions from off the screen yet it’s creating these certain events on screen and one of the crucial ways in which we can influence our reality is to understand that the sunet the game is actually coming from the superet and so if we take our attention off the character the elf on screen which is just this physical reality me me moving around in just this physical body and we put it more on the player our Consciousness um we can also call this our higher self we can call this putting our attention on Source again we can call whatever we want to call it but when we start taking our attention off the Elf or the character and start putting more on the player that’s ultimately you know handling the joystick that’s creating the actions of the character on screen or creating a lot of what’s on the screen then we start to have a little more influence over our lives and actually shows up on screen so this is where things get interesting right I want to go over some of the rules of this so-called simulation that you are a part of because we all know the physical rules to our physical reality and these rules are also very fine-tuned but like we’ve mentioned they are a subset of much greater rules of much greater principles that determine you know what we’re allowed to do in this game essentially and so there are rules that are predominant over the rules of Newtonian physics There are rules that go go beyond it essentially many of these rules can be worked around if we know to take our attention off the physical reality off the Elf character and move it more onto the player behind the scenes it’s like being the person who’s off the film set versus just the character who’s on the film set when we come off the film set we can maybe arrange the things on set a little bit differently we can maybe influence the script so different things are written into it but when we’re the character acting out the script that’s playing in our lives or the things on set are already arranged in a certain way it can seem like that’s just what it is until we realize we can step offet and influence things from a different perspective remember this non-physical which is the computer is allowing the physical the game to be able to exist at all and so we can learn to plug cheat codes from the computer into the game so again in the physical reality there are very linear rules this is where Newtonian physics is very useful and has been very useful and has helped us to to really start mastering this physical game but it’s also caused us to believe it’s the only game and that there’s nothing Beyond it which has caused a lot of suffering and headache and frustration because we’re not tuning into the greater game that’s at large we can use to influence Newtonian game and the Newtonian game although it operates on very linear rule sets the non-physical operates in very nonlinear rule sets or at least from our perspective it does we actually live in a very nonlinear reality it things do not typically happen on an A to B to C to D level they usually happen in a much different way so you can definitely continue to play from the linear model of Newtonian physics and play in that way and it’s a very limited way to play or you can learn how to play from the non-physical perspective how to play from the thing that’s actually creating the game in the first place how to influence that and then open yourself up to so many more possibilities so let’s talk about a way way in which you can start to play with these new rules and to take your attention off the rules of just the physical because again if you keep giving your attention just to the physical you’re just going to keep trying to play by that linear rule set now can you get things done by doing that yes can you do certain things just within the physical disregarding the rest absolutely but it’s going to be slower it’s going to be more of a struggle it’s going to come with more frustration there’s always going to be something in you that thinks there’s something more to it because it’s able to connect in a non-physical even if you’re not putting your attention on it and so it’s a much harder way in which to play the game and it’s guaranteed to come with again frustration and burnout and overwhelm but you can also do something where you attach more to the non-physical and allow the physical then to be influenced from that point and so what I want to give you right now is what we call the Lego factory analogy and this is an idea we dive into deeply with our clients that go through our reality creation program uh where we get them to essentially learn how to live in this simulation as like a master Creator how to absolutely influence it in their everyday lives in ways that they actually want which is something you’re able to do once you learn the rules to this game and you practice playing it which we showed them how to do I’m going to give you this analogy that we dive deep in with them and this is simply called the Lego factory analogy so imagine that in your physical world everything is like a Lego briak it’s a it’s physical stuff right so you have all these Lego bricks in your world all the physical stuff in your life is a Lego brick and all of these Lego bricks come from the Lego factory now the Lego bricks in your life represent the physical the Lego factory represents the non-physical and so the way most people try and change their lives or interact with reality is they if they want something they start complaining about the Lego bricks already in their life or they start trying to change those Lego bricks into something they’re not but once these Lego bricks come into your physical world from the non-physical into the physical they’re here they’re not going anywhere right they’re already physical stuff but instead of trying to again be the character or elf kind of moving around with these Lego bricks and again you can get something’s done by doing that um or trying to change them into something they’re not you know something else you want what if we were able to go into the Lego factory itself and request new things what if instead of resisting what’s already here the carrent Lego bricks and fighting against them what if we could again just go like into the back door of the Lego factory go up to one of the workers and request a new mold to be created in the Lego factory and then after enough time because there is a time delay between the non-physical to the physical because we’re under those rules in the physical but after enough time that mold would be created and then the Lego bricks from that mold would then start to come through and so what we show our students is that this is absolutely possible and then we show them how to actually do it and ultimately it is when you start engaging with the non-physical aspect of the simulation of reality when you start going into more of the computer part when you pause the elfon screen or you get out of the character and you go more into the player again that you can start encoding different things into the game because do you think it’s any harder for the computer to put one thing in the game or another thing in the game no would just require a different code ultimately and so life can bring you again from the non-physical into the physical pretty much anything that you could desire it might take again more time depending on what it is and again because we’re under those rule sets of time in the phys if you want something physically again you can access other things instantaneously you want to feel Joy guess what you actually have access to that pretty quickly if you want to access other states of being for example love I could just tell you to think of someone you absolutely love and you can ask best that right now think of a pet that lights you up boom you’re accessing the emotion of love but things in the physical because they’re under the neonian Paradigm do take a little bit of time and so one crucial thing we want to do is to take our attention off the current physical circumstances and keep them attuned instead to our vision so we put our attention on the vision which is like going into the Lego factory essentially handing that over to the workers and they go okay we’ll make those molds it’s going to take some time but we’ll make those molds again time for it to come into physical and to stop getting hooked into whatever the circumstances are why because when you get hooked into the circumstances in the physical reality which again comes from the non-physical and you’re making that more real than the non-physical you are giving more attention to these things and simply recreating those things over and over and over again because now you’re thinking about those things the Lego factor is getting your order is you want more of these molds and will give you more of the same but if you instead give more attention to what it is you want in your life to your vision you give more attention to the things that you love you’re more grateful I’m sure you’ve heard about that you’re appreciative which makes you appreciate what you appreciate appreciates then suddenly you’ll start getting different Lego bricks coming out of the factory because the computer is now putting different things in the game so if you want to change your physical circumstances to something differently you have to stop putting attention on the physical circumstances and not in the sense of like you don’t go about your day or whatever but stop complaining about things that are in your physical because by giving your attention to it you it’s it’s like you’re going into the factory although at this point unconscious handing over more blueprints of what you don’t want and they’re like okay if you insist giving more of the same if you go in however with your attention more on your vision if you go in more with your attention on the levels of emotions you want to experience the equivalent of physically then you’re going to start getting different Lego bricks again because this reality physical reality is subject to influence what is your influence it’s your attention and it’s your intention meaning your attention what do you putting your attention on mainly in the physical intention what are you putting your intention from an inner place on as well if you continue to put your intention on things that you don’t want your attention on things that you don’t want and usually these play together you will continue to produce things that you don’t want more of those same Lego bricks which is just more of the same physical stuff will start to come into your world a great example of this have you ever had a certain person in your life that you just really didn’t like and you kept resisting them and you’re like you know I got to get away from this person I’m going to move I’m going to leave this job or whatever else it is and then you get to the next job or the next place and and on Q There is the exact same person just in a different body waiting for you yes this happens all the time to people in relationships this happens all the time to people when they switch jobs this happened to me many many times where happened four or five times that in different environments I kept getting the same type of person why because I wasn’t taking my attention off it I wasn’t focusing on the kind of person I wanted in my life I kept complaining about the kind of person that was there and so no matter where I went I kept recreating and having this Lego brick come into my life so to speak so before I jump into some more tools of a practical nature that you can use in order to again influence your reality influence the simulation so you’re getting more of what you want if you are looking to do this at a high level and you don’t want trial and error you don’t want to guess with this anymore and you’re ready for just again that next level where you’re absolutely going to change your life through this material we have a program called EMF that you can learn more about down below where you can go check out more about it how it works the results people have gotten again this is for someone who’s very serious and committed to doing this is ready to invest all of that kind of stuff but is also again really ready for Change and transformation in their life not little stuff but like a whole new lifestyle so if that’s something that’s interesting to you you’re tired of not getting those changes you kind of want to get off YouTube University a little bit and actually get you know accountability someone to really show you the way do it with a group of people who are all heading in the same direction um and really really get get that going this year then you can check that out down below all right so what are some other things that you can do to essentially influence the simulation to bring things into your physical life because all of this is great and whether you believe me or not isn’t my concern some of you will some of you won’t but even if you do we need to make this to something that actually helps you right we need to make it so you’re actually now utilizing these new things and getting results because it’s great to have the information and feel good about it but if it’s not helping your life if you’re not you know able to bring into your simulation into your reality the people you want to bring in the finances you want to bring in the vocation you want to bring in the relationships you want to bring in and you’re not actively moving towards that or having those come in then it’s kind of useless right because knowing and not doing um is the same as not knowing right applied knowledge is power we want results here we ultimately want usefulness so how do we do that the first thing like I already mentioned is understanding and really really remembering that the superet is what Bears or the subset is born out of and that means that the physical is born out of the non-physical so giving more attention to the non-physical giving more attention and intention to the Lego factory you know I talk about the spiritual mental and physical planes basically the spiritual and mental planes of existence are what bring about basically all of the things that come into the physical the opportunities the the events the people and everything and so if you’re not spending that much time on your spiritual and mental hygiene really monitoring your thoughts and thinking more of what you do want really helping yourself get into the feelings of energy you want to be in then it’s going to be damn near impossible to influence your reality and so putting more attention on those things goes a long way again doing the shadow work really engaging in visualization techniques and meditations being in good energy as often as you can thinking and monitoring your thoughts throughout the day getting in environments that are conducive for for those two things being good again if you’re hanging out in environments that make you feel like crap you might want to not be in those environments to the best you can if you can’t help it try and Spruce up your environment the best you can to influence you in positive ways but just keep in mind it is an absolute fact and law that the subset the physical reality is influenced or comes from actually the superset which is non-physical reality and so if you’re not putting your attention on the non-physical aspect of yourself you’re not going to change your physical and the thing is when we are never taking that time to tune into the non-physical we get more hooked into the physical thinking we are the character on screen the elf right we think that’s all we are and forget that we are something beyond that that also has influence in the non-physical and so the more you tune into that non-physical the more you actually start to connect and remember the power you have the power of your intention attention the influence you have in your life the things you’ll discover as you put your attention there more also will start to blow you away but if you don’t do that regularly you’re going to get hooked more into just the physical game and then be taken for a loop and be sleeping awake and then wake up a year later wondering oh crap whoops what was I doing there so really start to give more than you have been attention on that non-physical now you’ll find that when doing this more opportunities will start appearing in the physical these two are tied again superet supplies the subset gives a subset is born out of the superet so if you start doing certain things in the superet it will create certain effects in the subset in the form of opportunities people opportunities to learn certain lessons that will be valuable for you moving forward opportunities for you know being able to move to a different place if that’s what you desire getting out situations that no longer serve you opportunities to make more money doing things that you love opportunities for relationships all of these different things then you have to make sure you do take the action right you are on the physical the physical is still a thing that you operate in it’s not to be dismissed it’s just to start understanding that it is not the base reality and that something else is actually producing what’s here in the physical and the nature of this reality is like a simulation and when you learn those rules to the game you can start operating on all these planes of existences in harmony rather than in conflict or in a way where it’s out of balance and so that is to say when something does come into the screen of your life so into the physical reality and it’s an opportunity if you don’t do anything towards it it will pass you by right so if you just go into the spiritual and mental as well and to the non-physical and just do all that but then don’t take the opportunity it still will keep passing you by right so grab that opportunity when it comes in when it resonates make sure you are taking the actions but if you’re not doing that non-physical stuff you’ll just be throwing stuff against the wall hoping it sticks um you’ll be doing things you don’t want to be doing Etc again have more faith in your vision than the current physical circumstances the current physical circumstances will try to get you hooked and try to get you to forget that life is mainly non-physical and that this is all kind of a video game simulation virtual reality but when you have more faith in the vision than the current physical circumstances it reminds you of your power your influence that you are mainly non-physical and then you can start to influence the physical once again now if you want even more depth when it comes to understanding how the outer world is influenced by what we call the inner world
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deerydear · 1 year
My ego wants to put on a peacock show, so whatever I'll talk about this: I'm a girl, but this dude is literally like my fucking twin. I used to take steroids and they made me look all manly and shit, and I looked like this! AND MY NAME IS BECKY. I don't look so manly anymore cuz I stopped, but I still look like a cavewoman. .........unga bunga.
if i could just email myself in 2014 and say "this is what you'd look like if you were a boy" then that would satiate all the curiousity in my bones and I would be able to move on as a funky chick. goddamn! Another interesting thing happened, too... I don't know if this is part of maturity, or if it was the male hormones... because I was like seventeen when I started my two years of taking those..... but, you know how there are some theories that girls prefer more like, soft animal things, and guys tend to like mechanical shit? I mean, I personally found this very true. I kind of used to put on airs that I liked guns, and shit like that... but I wasn't so interested in the pure mechanics of it, or of anything...... I just liked animals, and plants, and living things.
"There are several studies though that suggest that theory of mind may develop earlier in females, and that girls and women are on average better at making inferences about people's mental states and adjusting their behaviour accordingly. These differences may arise, in part, from differences in social interest. Young girls even at 12 months old show a preference for dyadic interactions, spend more time watching a film of a face than a film of a car, and make more eye contact. They are more interested in facial than spatial/mechanical stimuli even at birth."
I'm sure there's exceptions to this, because I do think hormones play a big part in it, and some girls naturally have more testosterone.
It also depends on your genetic code. Some of your genes may be sensitive to particular levels on hormones, while other people's may not.
Such as in stuff like: Androgen-insensitivity syndrome, where someone may have a lot of testosterone in their blood... but their androgen-receptors may not function properly, or at all.... so their cells don't use the testosterone to activate androgen-sensitive genes.
I would also guess that some individual's genes could potentially activate with very little androgen, if the opposite can be true. All our genes come from a series of mutations! Everyone is different! When I started the testosterone, there was a point where I did start getting really.... intensely interested in shit that my old self had thought was incredibly boring and tedious.
I don't care if anyone thinks this is just pigeonholing, because I genuinely felt something happen. Like, it was inside of me. I kind of wish that it didn't happen. I miss just being a frivolous girl. That's such a not-girl thing to say.
I feel like someone might invoke the Placebo effect, but I am pretty sure....... that....
well, okay, so how it happened was more like: "oh shit, i'm not pretty girl anymore. i don't have my beauty to buoy me up anymore to the top echelons of society! i guess... um, i need a better hobby than just sitting and staring at myself in the mirror like the modern day narcissus?" I guess something that could have diverted this feeling was if I had learned some kind of intense mechanical skilled work when I was younger. I mean like, weaving, skinning, knitting, some kind of building. I painted and drew often, but that....... I don't know, it feels good to do something where the point of it is to make a functional product, and it doesn't matter how pretty you are, because functionality is the point. I mean, beauty is very important..... but so is food, warmth, skill....... I think that I coasted by too much on my beauty, instead of 'diversifying my portfolio'. so many people I meet say I'm goddamn beautiful, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I was like...... perfect. As much as I could have ever asked for! I knew this before I made the final decision to take the hormones. I knew I was throwing my lucky hand away. That damn snake in my head just kept saying, "it'll be better this way, i promise, just eat the forbidden fruit, man! take a bite!" now, I'm an exile
I think my other problem was that I just didn't want to make mistakes, so I often didn't want to try new things unless I thought it would go my way right off the bat. Which, there were a lot of things I wanted to do over the years, and now I'm doing them. I really easily could have not done the steroids and still could have learned these lessons. It's not either/or.... I knew this, too... and I just WANTED TO BE 'RIGHT'! I WANTED IT! I AM LUCIFER, MAN! I was the most beautiful, made into the most ugly by my own decision.
sorry to my evil twin, if that sounds like i'm saying that guy is ugly.... he's not really ugly. I wasn't talking about him. At least he's a real dude, and not a woman pretending to be a dude. He's got a ding-dong, he can back up the implication. and I have a poosaaaay, and when I was at that particular crossroads, I knew I could have just chosen to be proud of it. I was investing way too much of my mentality into some kind of ephemereal internet political world that's made-the-fuck-up out of the cut-up-and-stitched-together pieces of other people's lives.
This was written a month ago, or so.
"Those situated in the mode of Lucidity gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of Passion live on the earthly planets; and those in the mode of Dark Inertia go down to the hellish worlds."
--- Lord Krishna, the Bhagavad Gita.
Oh yes, I feel like a man of Passion, who stays in between. In that mode, one neither goes upwards, nor downwards, but stays static. It is his own choice.
I could quote more.
The Blessed Lord said: Again I shall declare to you this supreme wisdom, the best of all knowledge, knowing which all the sages have attained to supreme perfection.
By becoming fixed in this knowledge, one can attain to the transcendental nature, which is like My own nature. Thus established, one is not born at the time of creation nor disturbed at the time of dissolution.
The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living beings, O son of Bharata.
It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father.
Material nature consists of the three modes- Goodness, Passion and Ignorance. When the living entity comes in contact with nature, he becomes conditioned by these modes.
O sinless one, the mode of goodness, being purer than the others, is illuminating, and it frees one from all sinful reactions. Those situated in that mode develop knowledge, but they become conditioned by the concept of happiness.
The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings, O son of Kunti, and because of this one is bound to material fruitive activities.
O son of Bharata, the mode of ignorance causes the delusion of all living entities. The result of this mode is madness, indolence and sleep, which bind the conditioned soul.
The mode of goodness conditions one to happiness, passion conditions him to the fruits of action, and ignorance to madness.
Sometimes the mode of passion becomes prominent, defeating the mode of goodness, O son of Bharata. And sometimes the mode of goodness defeats passion, and at other times the mode of ignorance defeats goodness and passion. In this way there is always competition for supremacy.
The manifestations of the mode of goodness can be experienced when all the gates of the body are illuminated by knowledge.
O chief of the Bharatas, when there is an increase in the mode of passion, the symptoms of great attachment, uncontrollable desire, hankering, and intense endeavor develop.
O son of Kuru, when there is an increase in the mode of ignorance madness, illusion, inertia and darkness are manifested.
When one dies in the mode of goodness, he attains to the pure higher planets.
When one dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth among those engaged in fruitive activities; and when he dies in the mode of ignorance, he takes birth in the animal kingdom.
By acting in the mode of goodness, one becomes purified. Works done in the mode of passion result in distress, and actions performed in the mode of ignorance result in foolishness.
From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, grief develops; and from the mode of ignorance, foolishness, madness and illusion develop.
Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets; and those in the mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds.
When you see that there is nothing beyond these modes of nature in all activities and that the Supreme Lord is transcendental to all these modes, then you can know My spiritual nature.
When the embodied being is able to transcend these three modes, he can become free from birth, death, old age and their distresses and can enjoy nectar even in this life.
Arjuna inquired: O my dear Lord, by what symptoms is one known who is transcendental to those modes? What is his behavior? And how does he transcend the modes of nature?
The Blessed Lord said: He who does not hate illumination, attachment and delusion when they are present, nor longs for them when they disappear; who is seated like one unconcerned, being situated beyond these material reactions of the modes of nature, who remains firm, knowing that the modes alone are active; who regards alike pleasure and pain, and looks on a clod, a stone and a piece of gold with an equal eye; who is wise and holds praise and blame to be the same; who is unchanged in honor and dishonor, who treats friend and foe alike, who has abandoned all fruitive undertakings-such a man is said to have transcended the modes of nature.
One who engages in full devotional service, who does not fall down in any circumstance, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman.
And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness, and which is immortal, imperishable and eternal.
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vesicapiscean · 2 years
i cant wait for avery to go to work and i get to go to school full time. i've never fully been able to immerse in school because i've worked to put myself through it to get my AA. and then i felt like well that's all i need to do its more than my parents did. but now that it's like 4 years after the fact i think id actually be a really good student and might absorb more information. my reading comprehension has improved so much over the last 2 years alone, and i have a genuine desire to learn about things now. even history, which was always my least favorite subject, is interesting to me now and i feel regretful that i didnt take time to learn more when i was still in school. i think math would still be too much for me to pursue, but avery inspires me to want to take intro coding classes and i'll probably have to do more to get there. im really bad with math and numbers anything more than algebra and i start getting upset. i took an existentialism class and was in tears every week cause i didn't understand a fucking word they were saying... now i can read theories and stuff in my spare time. Im going to be an academic in like less than a year
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