#indie game con
freshhotflavors · 8 months
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TinyCon 4 is happening this weekend in Downtown Carrollton! Local artists and game developers will be showing off their games and selling various merchandise. Come try out a bunch of video games made by local game devs!
Zyn and Cheesy will be there selling stuff, and you can play zyn's video game in person. In case you haven't seen it before, Creature Creation Station is a little character creator game where you can just make a bunch of funky lil guys and watch 'em run around!
She also made some custom little game packs out of cassette tape cases so you can get yourself a little physical version at the show! They're so cute...
If you live in the North Texas area please stop by! Tickets are only $8 if you preregister, and $10 at the door. It's gonna be a lot of fun!!!
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btflglitch · 5 months
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We just released the Steam Page for "Monster Prom 4: Monster Con":
We also released a super cool teaser, check it:
Please, remember, getting lots of wishlists will help us a lot. If you once saved the life of a stranger who now owes you, please contact them and tell them that wishlisting "Monster Prom 4: Monster Con" is what will make you even.
Remember you can discuss the game and teaser in our official Discord server!
We hope this gets you hyped! (:
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only-a-stupid · 2 months
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Honestly, I really like clown characters •ᴗ•
Can’t wait for Monster Con ✨
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tailsrevane · 2 months
gencon 2024 after action report, part 1: pregame (wednesday) & day 1 (thursday)
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under the cut for anyone who doesn't care about all the cool indie rpgs i played over the weekend lmao.
the players!
mommy! ( @vi-the-deer )
grammy! (my & mommy's partner)
cj! (grammy's husband, our metamour)
grammy & cj go to gencon nearly every year, and as grammy had accompanied us to magiccon chicago she figured she'd return the favor by having us along for this year's gencon!
mommy & i flew to st. louis tuesday night to meet up with grammy & cj. our hotel that night was pretty nice in a weird way, it kind of reminded me of a really upscale college dorm with a very modern/ikea aesthetic? it's one of those hotels that's trying really hard not to look like a hotel. but yeah, it was nice! not weirdly, shockingly bad. ([hbomberguy voice] foreshadowing is a literary device--). we belatedly celebrated mommy's birthday with some cake and got some rest to get ready for an awesome roadtrip followed by an awesome convention.
on wednesday we originally wanted to go to the st. louis science center, which i had been to & loved decades ago when i went to college in springfield illinois, but sadly it is not open on wednesdays! so instead we went to the st. louis zoo, which is apparently the biggest free zoo in the country? and i gotta say, it offers an experience that's pretty comparable to most non-free zoos i've been to. (also, yeah, i'm a bit ethically dubious about zoos, but my going to them or not going to them isn't really going to affect whether they exist or not, and from what i could tell this one was very well-run by people who genuinely care about the animals there.)
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we saw a number of awesome animals, but i think my favorite part was probably the bird house as birds are among my favorite animals. we spent a few hours having a very pleasant (other than it being extremely hot outside) walk through the zoo, but eventually it was time to get on the road.
i'm not necessarily going to talk about everywhere we stopped for food, but i would be remiss if i didn't mention that our day 1 dinner stop was the burger king. no not a burger king, THE burger king, a tiny restaurant in a tiny town in illinois that won a lawsuit to keep its name because it existed before the larger chain that shares its name. (well, minus the "the.")
i will admit that while i lived in illinois for fully more than half of my life, and even having spent my college years in central illinois rather than the comparatively more progressive chicago area, i was somewhat unprepared to be back in a small town in the middle of nowhere where 90% of the population is white and it feels like you're being stared at when 3 of the 4 of you are very visibly trans. it kind of felt like being back home in a not entirely pleasant way, but no one was outright hostile. and to be honest if you like extremely unhealthy cheeseburgers you can do MUCH worse than the original burger king. the food was kind of incredible.
anyway, we got back on the road, and crashed at a hotel most of the way to indiana. this was another totally normal hotel that wasn't weirdly bad with a staff that was weirdly preemptive about it being weirdly bad. (foreshadowing is a literary dev--)
we got up super early thursday morning, and headed for the con. i've actually been to indianapolis for multiple conventions because when i used to live in chicago the two furry cons (yes i used to go to furry cons & it's not inconceivable that i will do so again at some point) it was the easiest for me to get to were midwest furfest (which was in chicago and huge) and indyfurcon (which was in indianapolis and not nearly as huge, especially considering i went to the first few iterations of it, no idea what it's like these days if it's still a thing). this is the first gencon i've ever been to, and it's markedly larger than any other con i've ever been to. i'm used to a con taking up a fairly large conference hotel or (at most) part of a city's convention center. gencon took up an entire convention center plus multiple nearby hotels plus a literal nfl stadium??? (see the pic above the cut lmao.)
that also wasn't even the only way in which it was larger than any other con i've been to before? it's also the first con i've been to that had a full slate of thursday events as well as the more typical all-day friday/all-day saturday/half-day sunday. heck, most furry cons i've been to don't even have all-day fridays since the first thing that happens is usually an opening ceremony in the early afternoon.
mommy & i booked a couple mtg events on saturday because of course we did, but i was really looking forward to playing a bunch of indie rpgs considering that we have a rather embarrassing pile of them at home considering we've never actually sat down and played one. (tbf i am working on a solo run of the almanac of sanguine paths, but i think that's the first rpg i've played that isn't d&d apart from playing like one session of shadowrun that ended up not going anywhere.)
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the first thing mommy & grammy & i did on thursday was play a session of yazeba's bed & breakfast. already we were starting with a game that's drastically different than any i've played before. it's sort of a cozy, queer, story-heavy roleplay experience with predetermined characters & scenarios. you keep track of character progress by making physical changes to the book & character sheets with stickers and such, and you can "unlock" different characters & scenarios & features of the hotel as you play through various chapters.
the vibe of the game is very much that you're taking on roles of already-existing characters and playing through their choices in a storybook, and i have to admit that prior to playing this game i had never really understood the appeal of these sorts of games as creating a very specific character to express myself has always been a big part of the appeal for me with rpgs. this reminded me more of the kind of enjoyment i got from one of my favorite pc games, beacon pines. it's less of a big world where you have adventures and more of an already-written story that you get to participante in and shape with your choices.
the chapters in the book are intentionally given fairly arbitrary chapter numbers and arranged in the book in a pretty random order, which resulted in our gm saying the highly enjoyable words "we'll go ahead and start with the first chapter in the book, which is chapter 3."
each chapter starts with a pretty detailed prompt that reads like the opening few pages of a chapter in a book, ending with a jumping off point for the people playing to take over deciding what their character is doing. there doesn't seem to be any kind of initiative or turn order, but everyone at our table was pretty polite about making sure everyone was getting roughly equal chances to make their choices. the game is also diceless, with chapters having some kind of fixed way of resolving their various actions including taking & giving tokens, flipping coins, picking playing cards, etc.
after you've played through the chapter, there's a passage for the gm to read depending on how successful you were at whatever mechanic the chapter is based on, and you might unlock some boons for your characters, the hotel, or unlock new characters & chapters altogether.
the game also seems to actively encourage you trying out different characters. each chapter seems to have one or two mandatory characters and then allows you to pick any characters you've unlocked, though our gm was super nice and offered to let me use a character who wasn't technically unlocked yet because they had come up in my brief research of the game and i liked the sound of them, but i was too shy to take them up on that in our first chapter.
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for the first chapter i played gertrude, and while she wasn't as natural of a fit for me, me playing a moody, anxious teenager also certainly wasn't the biggest stretch anyone's ever asked someone to make while roleplaying.
the character i really enjoyed playing, though, was the moon prince.
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i know a big part of the game is probably "trying on" different characters, and i do genuinely want to give more of them a try, but i feel like if i get a chance to play this game a lot more i'll likely end up "maining" the moon prince in a similar way to how i mostly played mercy when i played overwatch but side-mained d.va or lucio at various points in my "career." (yeah, cannot imagine anyone else is out there comparing this rpg to overwatch, but it's the point of comparison i have for this specific aspect, leave me alone.)
i really do enjoy the vibes of this game so i do hope i get to play more of it! mommy did buy the book so there's a decent chance we'll be playing more of it. fingers crossed!
after this, which was our first scheduled game, we kind of flailed around looking for stuff to do. we did end up spending a good amount of time in the exhibition hall but that was hella overwhelming so i was only able to tolerate it for so long. we did get to see wyrmspan being demoed and i get what people are saying when they say it's more crunchy than wingspan. while "wingspan but draogns" is still a phenomenal concept for a game, i will admit that as i saw it being demoed no matter how cool the new mechanics seemed, i kind of found myself missing the cozy vibes & lightly educational aspects of wingspan? i especially wish they had replaced all the bird facts with fake dragon facts rather than just using the whole card for gameplay stuff, but ah well. i'm sure i'll enjoy it if i get around to playing it.
eventually we ended up checking out the "games on-demand" room, and ended up playing a game i've seen a bunch of times at work but never actually played, untitled ghost game.
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this game is normally gm-less, but at the convention with players who had never played it before, we had a really awesome gm facilitating it for us. and honestly i think that was a big part of why the game went as well for us as it did, because mommy & i were matched up with an extremely normie couple one of whom unironically said "just don't call me late to dinner" when asked for pronouns which is basically the 20s equivalent of the 90s "i just don't see color" for those who are fortunate enough not to know.
that being said, we managed to tell a really great story together thanks largely to the guidance of our gm but also just... not to get too hippy-dippy (that's for a later game! you'll see.), but this really reminded me of the way games can often bring wildly different people together. everyone is just here to have a good time, and... i don't know, there's something really encouraging about that.
so yeah, basically you all take turns describing different aspects of the setting and then us as a ghost and then the person or place being haunted, you decide if you want to intensify the feelings that the person or place is having or if you want to help them overcome them, and then you flip a coin to see how you do. and in the case of our game we very quickly established an identity as a ghost who, while somewhat mischievous, really did want to help, and it ended up being incredibly wholesome.
i don't know that this is necessarily a game i'll come back to unless i end up thinking someone else will really vibe with it, but i really am glad i had the experience i had playing it. it was genuinely lovely.
once we finished that, grammy had finished her gm shift and it was time to meet up for dinner and chill until the first game all four of us were playing together, weird heroes of public access.
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whpa is a 2d6 game in which the players take on the role of a host of a local public access tv host in a town that's about to experience some supernatural fuckery. your can host something like a cooking show, a variety show, a talkshow, etc. i named my character kenny kaiju and gave him a monster movie review show called kaiju kino.
our scenario saw the town being taken over by some kind of demon who was using the station to hypnotize its denizens into slaves. i had very normal feelings about this!
our gm (sorry, "station manager") was pretty cool and i had a lot of fun with this game. it wasn't my favorite of the weekend or anything, but i think it solidly delivered on its premise and i wouldn't mind playing it again sometime.
anyway, that was a wrap on day 1! i was pretty exhausted thanks to a combination of jetlag and getting up early to drive the rest of the way to indy, and i think all of us were in a similar boat (even though grammy & cj weren't dealing with jetlag, having only crossed one timezone). so we headed to the hotel which was... pretty awful tbh.
like, it's genuinely fine, it's not like we were going to spend much time there doing anything other than sleeping, but the weird preemptive defensiveness of the staff made it much worse. my favorite part was when we were surprised that there wasn't an elevator and the front desk clerk who was nowhere near us yelled that um actually this was built before the americans with disabilities act so it didn't need an elevator. um, ok, cool? really set a tone there. (they also made some really weird choices like actively removing chairs from the breakfast area on sunday like they were actively trying to shoo all the convention attendees out of the hotel faster. like, y'all, DON'T worry. we were NOT planning on lingering.)
again, it was fine, it wasn't wildly unsafe or anything, i don't want to come off like i'm being overly complainy. but i will say that it is NOT very obvious from their website that the hotel is completely inaccessible to anyone with mobility issues. which fortunately isn't really any of the four of us, but like... i've literally seen events be more clear about the accessibility of buildings they do not own than this hotel is about the place you're relying on being able to sleep at? (heck, i've ORGANIZED events at older venues that unfortunately weren't accessible, and we were always VERY clear about that in every form of advertising. as far as i can tell, literally the only way you can tell that about this hotel on their website is that there's a small tab on the features that's greyed out instead of white. i know most people with mobility issues likely check very closely for this kind of thing so hopefully no one has ended up in an unfortunate situation, but like... seriously, do better.)
and like, yeah i get that it would be kinda difficult to install an elevator in a building that wasn't meant to have one, but you know what's not difficult? adding as many power outlets as a modern hotel should have. having walls that don't have holes in them. having mattresses that aren't lumpy & stiff as fuck. bringing new towels a single time? or failing that, when we ask for more towels at the desk giving us towels rather than not being able to find any and just giving us bathmats instead??? having dressers that aren't literally missing all their drawers?????? this was a hotel owned by a large hotel chain. there is no reason it should be this crummy & depressingly poorly maintained.
again, it's fine, but absorbing all this while we were all super sleep deprived and overwhelmed from the con was kind of a... Moment. we did our best to take it in stride, though, and crashed to get ready for another day of gaming!
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fivepebblerhehe · 2 months
so a few years ago i thought of an idea for a convention for indie video game characters, it would've followed the hollow knight characters as they get into shenanigans including hornet and thk going to a group therapy session for characters with tragic backstories (meeting some batim characters there) or broken vessel and the radiance pretending to be employees and making a booth to sell """orange juice""" (radi and broken vessel would have like an interesting dynamic with broken seeing her as a mother figure) quirrell, monomon, and lemm going "artifact" hunting (they ended up dragging like a trash bag of random merch) ghost was with one of the groups but ended up going on their own and causing chaos with the Ultrakill characters (they and v1 would get along) rain world will be involved somehow and the scugs would be hanging out with their respective iterators (pebbles and arti, moon and ruffles, sig and hunter, and suns and spearmaster) also the eternal cylinder cause that game is underrated as hell
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mikeydkingo · 9 months
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What do you guys think? Pre-scoop or post-scoop? Which one do you like more?
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Just a reminder that Gen Con event tickets go live this Sunday, May 19 at 12 p.m. EDT! We have ten events this year (two games, three hands-on workshops, and five free seminars). Our workshops usually sell out by 12:01 p.m., so make sure you have anything you want on your wish list and ready to purchase in advance!
I am NOT running backup workshops in Lafayette this year, so as of right now the only casting and thermoplastics workshops I'm offering in 2024 are at Gen Con.
Click the link above to view our events/add them to your wish list, or you can navigate to the Gen Con Indy catalog, click the Company/Group tab at the top, and then select "...And Sewing Is Half The Battle!" (we're the very first one on the list).
Here's our schedule for this year, including a couple of brand new seminars:
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sabrinahawthorne · 4 months
I've Got a Booth at Comic Con!
A local one, that is. This summer, I'll be a vendor at Comic Con in Fort Collins, Colorado! There I'll be selling a handful of my titles, including Broke Wizards, Game Breakers, and The Tale of Yon: a Tyrant's Throne.
Con attendees are also getting something special; I'll be selling an exclusive zine while I'm there that will disappear when the weekend is over. If you want to know more, keep an ear to the ground for details closer to the date.
Fort Collins Comic Con is August 16-18, 2024 at the Fort Collins Senior Center - I hope I can see you there!
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thefandomentals · 1 month
Dan sat down with designer Banana-chan at Gen Con to chat about Jiangshi: Blood In The Banquet Hall, diaspora horror, and making a game about regular people (and vampires).
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limayde · 10 months
83. The Big Con
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Be gay, do crime. Cute little game! It reminds me of those early experimental DS games that solely used the touch screen.
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midautumngame · 9 months
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You can also find Carlos in Biome 3's hub unenthusiastically leading set up and taking photos for Sakurafest, after being put in charge by VP of Ideate, Steve. Aren't corporate sponsorships fun? 🌸
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b-marsollier · 7 months
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Happy to announce that I'll be a guest at this year's Breakout Con!
Me and @strautmaskreplica will be running playtest sessions for our upcoming game 😈
Sign up here, IF YOU DARE (please dare)
See you Mar 15-17!
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temporalhiccup · 2 years
I'm preparing for Big Bad Online 2023 (@ostrichmonkey-games and I are coming back with a deeper dive about our topic last year!) and I unearthed our old google doc guide and heyyyyy these are actually pretty good notes what the heck.
The notes are good, but not good enough for me to share them with everyone, hah! Buuuuut if you wanna check out our panel from last year you can find it here:
I love how so much of indie ttrpg design is about taking inspirations from what we love and figuring out how to expand it to accommodate the intuitive story telling and group collaboration that ttrpgs thrive on! I also really strongly believe in exploring and building on systems like Powered by the Apocalypse, Forged in the Dark, and Belonging Outside Belonging among others. As an art form, I feel there's so much exciting potential in building on the indie systems that have come before us, contributing our own design perspectives and identities, and offering it back to the design space.
But I also really, really like breaking systems and throwing them back together. It's fun! Last year we focused a lot on the inspiration aspect, so this year Josh and I will be diving deeper into the systems and fun breaking bit, I think!
These panels are streamed, and we answer questions from the audience SO check it out and hang out with us when it happens? Breaking Systems & Capturing Inspiration: Delving Deeper! happens on Mar 31 at 10:10pm PST. But you should check out all the panels that are happening and see what catches your eye!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
wait I'm still stuck on the phrase "5e isn’t actually meant to be easy for new players, it’s meant to be approachable" from that aforementioned neckbeard because like...when I have heard actual thoughtful discussion of D&D 5e vs. PF2e from people who have respect for both (and admittedly I have no respect for the latter and don't pretend to) the general consensus is that D&D 5e prioritized new player onboarding and simplicity, whereas PF2e prioritized consistency and high-level scaling. Like with all due respect (none) the very first thing I assume when I hear "this game is approachable" is "this game is pretty easy for new players to pick up."
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tailsrevane · 1 month
gencon 2024 after action report, part 2: day 2 (friday)
previously on gencon con report.
i had a pretty light day on friday in terms of scheduled events, which i think is something i'll try to do differently if i (hopefully) go back next year. grammy had a gm shift that started basically immediately, and mommy had a game in the afternoon that i wasn't part of, but vi had a couple hours before we parted ways so we decided to spend a couple hours at the boardgamegeek hot games room.
the hot games room is basically a large room with tables for folks to play at and a library of popular new release board games. i think the games were in alphabetical order, i say "think" because literally right at the beginning of the line was a copy of arcs, and we really didn't need to look at any of the other games once we saw that they had it considering the rave reviews it's been getting.
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after getting a chance to play it, it's incredibly easy to see why it's been such a critical success. arcs is a game about space colonization and conflict with plenty of optionality in how you approach it. there's a lot of unsurprising mechanics like resource management and earning victory points, and of course rolling dice to resolve space conflict, but also some slightly more unexpected ones like a light trick-taking aspect to resolving actions on each turn.
above all, it's complicated & multifaceted without being intimidating. we were able to pick up the rules in no time, and once we did gameplay was smooth & exciting. this also feels like a game with a ton of replay value, and that's just the base game. there's also a campaign expansion that i'd love to try somewhere down the line when the game is more widely available. (the lgs i work at had it in stock for a minute because we backed the kickstarter, but it sold out basically immediately. again, after playing it it's really not difficult to see why.)
after this there was a rather long gap in my schedule that i made the somewhat ill-advised choice of trying to fill by looking for mtg singles in the vendor hall. it didn't take long for the sensory overload to get to me, and to make matters worse i was basically in the middle of the huge hall and literally couldn't find the exit for a good 30 minutes or so.
when i did finally make it out, i made a beeline for the quiet room, but when i got there it was literally full. if i have one piece of feedback for the event, they REALLY need more than one quiet room. finding literally no respite after that vendor hall honestly kind of broke me and i ended up in pretty rough shape, just kind of wandering aimlessly through moving crowds of people until i finally found a relatively quiet corner of one of the satellite hotels to just kind of collapse in for a while. and honestly if there had just been another quiet room this would have been easily avoidable.
anyway, after a while to recover i met back up with grammy & cj, waited for mommy to finish vir game, and we all got some food before heading to our second game with all four of us together, brindlewood bay.
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brindlewood bay is for sure in contention for my favorite rpg we played at the con, though it's difficult to compare to my other favorite for reasons that will become clear when we get to it in the next post. brindlewood bay is a pbta cozy mystery rpg that is something of a marriage between what i imagine golden girls is like (i've never watched it) and murder she wrote. basically, you're a team of old lady sleuths who need to solve various crimes while also gradually learning about some larger eldritch threat lurking in the shadows. (we didn't get too far on that track, it feels like that's more for a longer campaign than on your first sitting.)
during character creation you pick a sort of detective superpower (mine, which i sadly didn't end up using, was encyclopedia brown's ability to use one piece of real-world trivia to help solve the mystery), an overall style (i picked hippy-dippie; see! told you it would come up later), and a "cozy activity" (i picked gardening, because i think that's the old lady activity i'm the most likely to develop later in life). after you pick all your traits and the few stats you need to fill in, you go around the table and suggest some resources for each other to have access to. one of the other players had cooking as their "cozy activity," so the party gifted that player an herb garden, and they gifted my character an "herb" garden since her hippy-dippy style felt at least a bit weed-coded.
another thing that came up rather organically is that my character & mommy's ended up being the "and so, they were roommates!" brand of lesbians, and the entire table including the gm seemed to get a big kick out of that.
this was my first experience with pbta, so i don't have much to compare it to, but i wouldn't be shocked if a lot of these games more or less come down to "if you/your playgroup like the premise/vibe you'll enjoy it," and i really think gencon helped "break the seal" on these sorts of games for me, and i'm hoping that'll translate into me being a bit more adventurous about trying more games instead of just watching the pile of games we own but haven't played get bigger & bigger.
but yeah, that was a wrap on day 2! only two games, but definitely a case of quality over quantity, so no complaints here.
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
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presented without context
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