#indigo murdock
entertainingsimmer · 1 month
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Murdock twins due early February 2025 👶🏻👶🏻🍼
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pixelmoon-simmer · 1 year
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Iris and Max had dinner with their eldest daughter Gabby and her fiancé Ned, Gabby is due a baby boy in the next week. Lucifer and Indigo also popped along for awhile. @piratepxls
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saintmurd0ck · 1 year
Congratulations, rhi!! 🥳
86th st
Prompt: “why are you really here? to mock me? to... make me hate you more?” “no. none of that. i came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.”
Character: Matt Murdock
Also, I don't mind if a confession or smut is involved somehow 🤣
glass ceiling
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join my sleepover | main masterlist
pairing: matt murdock x vigilante!reader
warnings: canon typical injuries, brief mention of religion, angst, tinyyyyy confession
a/n: ok nonnie i couldn't fit the smut in cause matty low-key friendzones you in this prompt butttttt enjoy the mini confession 💗 thank you so much for participating !! (ps this is low-key unedited but hope you enjoy nevertheless)
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There’s a coppery tang to the air as you drift  in and out of consciousness, akin to a wave receding upon a shore. Your eyes shutter open, unable to take stock of exactly what you’ve injured, but at least you have a faint idea of where you are, and how you ended up in this position. 
“Ow,” you wince, twisting onto your side, desperately trying to staunch the gash above your eyebrow. The pain in your side has faded to a dull throb, but a quick glance at the blood pooling beneath tells you the cut is anything but superficial. 
It’s a balmy night, but the wind dries the rivulets of sweat on your skin in cold increments. The cement rooftop is even more frigid underneath your spent body, seemingly siphoning your energy with every sawed breath. Anything remaining of your once ironclad resolve ebbs to a bare whisper. 
The constant ringing in your ears blots out your efforts in concentration, rendering your attempts to move, to sit up, utterly futile. You know your neurons stopped firing the second your assailant decided that this was the end, except the asshole didn’t even have the decency to finish the job. To make sure you wouldn’t come after him.
It was your luck he was cocky enough to leave you up here. 
You wiggle your toes, but even that action makes every muscle and bone in your body scream for help. The cracks in your defense widen to a chasm, and so you resort to basics. To your default programming.  
“Please,” you grit, jerking your chin up to the light-polluted sky, “make it quick.” 
You don’t know who you’re aiming your prayer towards, and you’re foolish enough to believe that someone would care enough to listen, to send an aide, but you hope nevertheless that it catches the attention of some benevolent force, deity or not.
The peals of a police siren shatters your  fantasy, making you whip your head to the side. Instead, it speeds off into the distance, carrying with it any last fragments of survival. 
This is it, you think. This is how I go. 
That’s not what happens, though.
As you settle into the ground, your fingers coming away sticky from the laceration in your side, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stick up. A warning, maybe, but you’re too fatigued to tell. Still, it alerts you, causing your arduous eyes to widen.
Your head smacks the concrete listlessly, because all you see is the skyline of the city stabbing into the indigo sky, the lights haloing your vision. Jutting out amongst the landscape are the spires of a church, lackluster compared to the twinkling highrises. Your mouth contorts into a grimace at the irony it presents.
The lack of discovery doesn’t explain why goosebumps continue to prickle your skin, or why you hear the rustle of fabric carried with the wind — the sound too soft to notice to the untrained, unobservant ear. 
There. A glimmer of movement catches your eye, a crimson shadow dancing in and out of your sight. 
Out of the vestiges of darkness, a saviour emerges.
Matt bounds towards you, closing the distance in four short strides. He falls to his knees beside you, hands scrambling to triage your body. 
His expression goes grim, sweat forming a thin sheen along the exposed part of his face as he speaks. “This isn’t good.”
Your weak chuckle turns into a wet rasp. “Tell me the other guy got off worse, at least.”
Matt pauses for a moment, his tongue flicking out at the corner of his mouth. His voice dips to a murmur. “He’ll never make that mistake again.”
You nod slowly, training your gaze on Matt as he takes off his helmet, setting it down on the concrete before putting pressure on the wound in your side. White hot pain blossoms throughout your nerve endings, exploding behind your eyes, but he ignores any markers of your discomfort. 
Gritting your teeth, you lift one of your arms to push the lock of hair that’s fallen across his forehead. There’s an inexplicable familiarity about the gesture, even though you haven’t seen him in months. Even though your final encounter was precisely that: your last. 
“I thought you said I had to get out of your way, Matt.”
“I know,” he says, his face irresolute.
“Then why are you really here?” Your mouth twists into a scowl as you shrug his hands away, blinking away the tears welling in your eyes. “To mock me, for coming back to Hell’s Kitchen? To… make me hate you more?”
Something between disconcertion and indignation crosses his face. “What? No. None of that.” He wrestles you back down, compressing his hand over the wound again. “I came to be a friend. Because it really looks like you need one right now.”
You hold onto his words, acquiescing his comfort, his company, but all that comes out is an incoherently grumbled response, one that pulses in time with your darkening vision. It’s as if the second he showed up, your body has finally relinquished to the tranquility of rest, knowing that despite your past, Matt is someone to be trusted. 
Agony radiates throughout your body as he hoists you up over his shoulder, your heart fluttering at the gentleness of his touches, the soft cadence of his voice. You barely comprehend what he’s saying, but you cling onto “apartment” and “I’ll look after you”, like a beacon of hope. God-sent, if you consider your prayers answered. 
There’s something else you catch as you’re dragged under. He’s talking to you, soothing you, settling you. It feels like he’s explaining something to you, but whether it’s for him to get it off his chest, or simply to lull  you to sleep is indistinguishable. Yet, your attempt continues to listen. 
“I never wanted you in my way,” he starts, slowly becoming a jumble of noise, “because I was falling in love with you.”
But you’re too tired to contest him. To ask if he’s confessing that because you’re on your deathbed, or if they’re pointless words, said just to appease. 
“I heard when you called,” he finishes. “I always do.”
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jadeazora · 10 months
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Here's the promo shots for Friday's episode. So, who do y'all think is gonna get Polteageist? I'm kinda thinking it might just become a Pokemon that hangs there like some of the others are mentioned to be. But I can see it maybe making friends with Murdock.
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Some art by James Turner for the 20th anniversary of Pokemon Colosseum. (The first Pokémon game he worked on.) I still would really love for the Orre games to get some sort of re-release eventually, they were so good!
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The typical cat behavior of "Hey! You're not done petting me!" Via the PokeTimes Twitter.
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Our new card from Shiny Treasure today! Cooking chaos! 😂
And a video highlighting the music in the Indigo Disk. Via Lewtwo.
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 years
I have an idea for a deadpool x male reader fanfic, the reader confessing his love to deadpool or visa versa. Thanks!
Thank you for the idea anon! Anything to write a good, fluffy, deadpool x male!reader fic <3
Before we start I do want to make Reader a vigilante that has ice powers (Not a mutant, a failed government experiment!) because I refuse to believe a normal citizen can compete with any hero in a relationship (except maybe Pepper Pots but that's also because she's tired of Tony and has said "fuck it" to most of his shit) Also, Team red is here! (This fic feels so jumpy because i tried making this compact, if it feels off i'm very sorry anon!)
Now enjoy the fic ♡
Cold Hearted (not)
pairing: Deadpool x male!reader
tags: fluff, confessions, Wade is a little dumb but we love him, Little angst but thats just self doubts, meet-cute, Team Red tired of Yours and Wade's pining, Slight OOC (sorry wade!), Vigilante!Reader, Wade's inner voices is a little shit,
What happens when you bring a absolutely fucked up assassin, a family of unstable heroes wearing mostly red suits, a vigilante with ice powers, and a whole lot of feelings? Thats right, absolute chaos.
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This just in; famous assassin and insane person, Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, has fallen in love!
That could be heard ringing in Wade's ear as he stops to a halt in front of 'Nelson, Murdock and Page's doorstep. He's in his civvies; an indigo hoodie pulled under his cap and is supporting a drug dealer type of mystery. Though that didn't stop the drop-dead gorgeous man that was perched on the edge of Karen's desk to come up and greet him, his hands outstretched. 
It takes a second for Wade to come back online, his inner monologue kicking him in the back and shouting Shake his hand you dumbass! for him to recuperate. He grins, the charming grin he uses to get his way with villains—that usually doesn't work—and shakes the man's hand. He notes the softness of it and a tinge of chill from the tips of his fingers.
"Wade Wilson," Should we say deadpool? No you fuck, he's clearly just a dude stopping by Matt's place. Yeah, a very pretty dude.
Wade gulps as he hears the slight shake in his voice, only for the angel to smile and chuckle. 
"Hi Wade," His eyes shine as he introduces himself, his name is a word that will definitely be bouncing in his head for the next few weeks. When the man lets go of his hand he's suddenly self-conscious of his always-changing skin and shoves his hands in his hoodie pockets. What?! We've always worn this body like a drag costume! Don't suddenly pussy out you dick.
"Wade, what brings you here," Matt emerges from his office, supporting his red glasses but leaving his jacket on his office chair. He could probably hear our fucking drum band of a heartbeat, shit.
"Was looking for Petey, you've seen him?" 
"What, you can't reach him?" Matt adjusts his frames.
"He probably put his phone on silent, he does that when he's studying," The Greek god pops in, and he's already assuming his earlier position on Karen's desk, legs crossed. 
"You know Peter?"
"Yeah, Parker right? We go to MIT together," He nods, another blinding grin. How many times is he gonna that? I don't know but I think we might need those glasses from Matt.
"Last I've heard he's with his friends doing homework in some cafe downtown, I can give you the address if you'd like," 
Wade tries to shrug and play it cool—he really does—but his hand brushes with you when he hands his phone, sending a sting down his spine that makes his breath cut slightly. Matt cocks his head at that, at which Wade prays he won't bring it up on their patrol tonight.
"Here," You gave his phone back. "Shouldn't be far," 
"Thanks, cutie," Slip up!
A blush makes its way up your neck to your cheeks, making you look away with a chuckle. Nevermind! I meant to say that, yup.
Wade says his leave to the group, noting the nudging grin on the side of Matt's lips, before he slides out of the office building and into the afternoon of Hell's kitchen. When he secures his hat, his phone buzzes from his pocket. A text pops up on his notification bar.
'Cutie huh? Is it fair if I set your contacts as 'gorgeous' then?'
Uh oh he's swooning, prepare to hit the wall in three… two…
Bless his healing factor or else he might've gotten a concussion from the way he swayed into the nearest wall and fell against it, a hand gripping his phone tightly while the other gripped over his heart. It feels like a thousand tree shredders decided to get to work simultaneously inside his stomach. He sighs, shaky fingers trying to reply to your text.
'Only fair if I get to set yours as 'fallen angel' ;)'
'Sure, Wade,' Blushing emoji at the end of his text. Blushing emoji?! What?! Really?! Are we that good? Obviously, we are.
The smile on his face won't drop, not when he passes a bunch of kids and they gawk at him weirdly, not when he narrowly avoids a splash of dirty puddle to his jeans, not when some douche tried to attack him and drag him to a dingy alleyway; him clearly winning the fight, not even when he enters the Cafe, filled with college students that desperately needs sleep and is living off of caffeine, and he slips next to Peter.
"Are those…" The hero peers under Wade's cap. "What's with the heart eyes, Wade?"
"Just allergies, webs,"
A couple of weeks after Wade meets you, he comes by to your patrols almost every night. How he found out your hero identity was… embarrassing, to say the least.
"You couldn't feel his unnatural body heat?" 
"I'm not The Professor Matt! For all I know he was one those types of people who refuse to wear blankets even if their fingers are falling off from the AC," 
Wade is stuffing his face with Pringles while Matt is nibbling on a lone chip. Midnight accompanies the two as they sit on a roof, having finished their first shift of patrol. Wade has freed his mouth to eat and talk. 
"Sure, but the blue eyes? Strikingly Blue, might I add,"
"How in the mother fuck did you-"
"Foggy described it to me, he actually realized faster than you, Wade," At that, Wade deflates into the edge of the roof. Way to go, nuts for brains!
"Though, I do have to admit," Matt reaches for another chip. "He plays his civilian role very well," He grins.
"I was almost fooled if it weren't for the ice coursing through his veins, its like icicles stabbing at red patties," 
Wade wonders how a blood cell would look like impaled before he huffs, reaching into the can to chew on potato chips again. There was a moment of silence before Matt perked up. And they call me mouth for brains.
"Your heartbeat increased when he came by earlier,"
"Okay devil baby, shut up," He groans. "Can't you see I'm trying to Thanos snap myself here?"
Matt hums, before he chokes on his chip then laughs loudly. It shocked Wade enough to make him sit up, staring at Matt like he was wearing an underwear over his head. His laughing dies, before it starts again and this time he wipes a nonexistent tear.
"Ah, so-" He stifles a chuckle. "So you like him,"
"No shit Sherlock, took your sweet time to deduce that, didn't ya'?"
Wade surrendered faster because he knew Matt would've found out an hour after he met. The vigilante is still laughing, supporting a smug grin when he finally finishes.
They continue their patrol shift until Peter changes with Matt, Wade going with the hero. Apparently, Peter had also known about his crush's secret identity, wow!
"He goes by Frostbite, by the way. Told me when I found him bleeding near a trash can behind my apartment," Peter says nonchalantly as he jumps to another roof. Wade could've stopped right then and there with the image of his angel lying helplessly on the concrete floor, no doubt dirtier than a Taco Bell toilet. But he paces with Peter, jumping and hurdling without worry, while he does mental gymnastics inside.
"I can trust you with his name though, right?"
"Oh my gosh, webs! It's like we haven't been friends for years now! Remember, I'm the one who introduced you to the X-Men!" Wade retorts, landing on another roof.
"Actually, it was Colossus who gave me the tour- never mind," Peter sighs, Wade calls it a win. They continue to traverse the city quietly before Peter chirps. Seriously, what's with us being quiet? Is this because of the prince charming?
"If you ever wanna meet him in his hero form, don't spook him, please,"
"What? Of course I wouldn't, I'll just meet him on patrol and strike up a conversation like any normal human being would!" Except you aren't normal, dumbass.
Wade only hears the distant hum Peter gives as an answer, and they continue on their patrol. However…
A night later Wade gets information that his vigilante crush is going to bust the remaining goons of Wilson Fisk that were hanging around an abandoned warehouse—Seriously, what's with all these dirty mucky places? couldn't have chosen a better establishment, geez.
He had sneaked from the shattered roof and dropped into the second floor, balancing on creaky wood as he made his way to a hole in the floor, bits of wood prickling at the sides of the circle. Underneath, Wade spots the mussed hair of his crush, facing away from him. Must be doing those moody monologues like Matt used to.
"Hey! Over here cutie!" He turns swiftly and Wade couldn't do anything before he's pulled roughly through the too-small hole on the floor, breaking the wood from the sheer force, making a couple of those jutting planks stab him. He lands on the concrete floor with a loud thump and groans. He spots you retracting your weapon, before familiarity hits you.
"Deadpool?!" He rushes over, turning the assassin over, hands quickly roaming around to find his wounds, only for them to close just as you spot them.
"Hey…" He tries again. "I knew that was you,"
His crush abruptly stands, dagger placed dangerously close to Wade's neck, his voice as cold as icebergs. "What are you talking about?" He pushes the sharp weapon, it glints under the moonlight.
"Who sent you?"
"Hey, hey!" Wade tugs his mask off, revealing all of his face. "It's me! Wade!" There goes the secret identity.
If Wade squints, he's sure he could see a loading circle above your head, before you jump back and land on your ass, mouth dropped to the floor, eyes wide.
"Wade?! What the FUCK!" 
"Yeah- Yes, I know, sorry-"
"What are you doing here?!"
"Slow down swiper, I'm not a part of that soccer balls plans," 
You huff from where you've landed, hand fiddling the edge of your dark blue mask. You slowly stand, arms following to cross on your chest, an eyebrow raised. Wade sighs on the floor, reaches for his mask and slips it on.
"I got info from webs that you'd be here, and well," He scratches his nape. "What better way to get to know you more than to meet you!"
"On duty?" Fuck.
"Okay buddy, you're making it sound like I spoiled your surprise- Which! I didn't, you know," He turns to his surroundings once. "Great job on the sculptures by the way,"
"Thanks, it's an original," You grin. Wade makes an amused huff and approaches one, the sharp edges of the ice spikes covered in red, and runs his finger on it. 
"So… Elsa?" 
"Excuse me?"
"Frozen? only the second best-animated film, losing to the Bee Movie,"
When Wade turns around, he finds his angel shaking, his shoulder squished to his body. He was about to reach out when he burst out, laughing, holding his stomach as he doubles over. We're pretty sure what we said was factual, does he like Frozen more than The Bee Movie?
"Holy shit, Wade," He tries to inhale. "What-" And laughs again. 
Wade only stood there, basking in the echoing sweet laughs of his crush, his angel. The way a prominent hue of red follows down from his cheeks, hidden under his mask, to his neckline. His eyes squint, radiating pure glee and Wade drinks it like he's dehydrated. He really is stunning. Enough to make us shut up.
Eventually, he stops and collects himself, huffing one last chuckle before he straightens. 
"What am I gonna do with you," He sighs. His word makes those damn tree shredders run again in Wade's stomach, his hindbrain wagging its tail from the fondness that leaks from his words.
He turns to exit the building, before glancing at Wade then extends his hands. "Come on, the night's still young,"
Weeks passed and your relationship with Wade grew. You've learned that he prefers to snuggle on a rainy day and would not budge without his mask. You learned he likes chimichangas, and went on your first 'date' with him—You're too embarrassed to call it a date while there's still nothing going on with you two—to the food truck that sells the best in town. You've learned that he had an ex, who died horribly—Vanessa was her name, Wade showed you her picture—And from what Wade told you, you wished you would've known her before everything. You've learned how he became Deadpool, things he went through that would make a man crumble, while your heart grows in size, enough to fit Wade in if he ever wants to. 
In turn, Wade has also learned a lot about you, even his inner monologues like you. Sure we do, it's not like we can't hate the sunshine in front of us. 
He's learned about your favorite places to have fun, to relax, to let out pent-up anger. He's learned how you prefer your drinks, how cold you want the room to be. He's learned about your favorite animal, taking notes to send pictures of them every morning. He's learned how you became the way you are; your powers weren't mutations, not like what he thought it was, but a failed government experiment. He learned that they tossed you out the second your power did not manifest, even though it took you surviving a week of fever for the ice cells to merge with your blood cells. 
"So do you really go to MIT?"
"Fuck, I wish. I'm as dumb as a pigeon,"
"Oh don't try to out dumb me, frozone, this head of mine," He knocks his head with his knuckles, then whispers, "Is run solely on hamster power," It makes you guffaws, Wade preens from it.
Apparently, Peter was the first person to find you off the vigilante mask. It didn't hit him with a wave of jealousy, Of course not, that'd be embarrassing… Right? We're not jealous of webs, right?
And so the two of you continued that way, patrolling together each night, you fulfilling Wade's dream and making him snowcones after patrols, crashing at Wade's place because even though it's messy it's way bigger than yours, waking up side by side on his king sized bed before immediately blushing from how close you are to Wade's serene face. It went on and on, flirting off duty every day—At which Matt scoffs and Peter groans—Helping the firm with cases, hanging on web hammocks with Pete, and doing grocery runs with the assassin. You and Wade were perfect like that, and you didn't feel the need to change what's happening currently. 
Until one night.
It was a successful bust. A drug chain as deep as the Atlantic Ocean has just been uncovered thanks to Team Red and Frostbite. It only took one stray detail for it all to crumble down and for the team to swoop in and clean up. They all came out of the fight relatively okay—Wade might've lost a chunk of his hip and Matt got some broken ribs but hey that's just another night busting bad guys, right?—And had decided to crash in Matt's apartment since he was the closest. 
The four of you all collapsed once Matt made sure his apartment was secured and locked tight. Peter quickly divests himself of his suit and stands in the kitchen with Hello Kitty pajama pants and a shirt, fixing himself a drink. Matt disappeared into his bathroom, a steady sound of water streaming indicating a shower. While Wade had landed on the plush couch on his back, mask pulled up to his nose.
You stood in the middle of the room, finally took your battered armor off and scattered them somewhere in a pile. You huff, looking around, before settling down on top of Wade's relaxed chest.
"Ouch, watch the cuts snowman," You only chuckle and nuzzle deeper into the assassin's chest, knowing he meant no bite.
"Hm, sorry," His hand has started drawing circles on your back, soothing the most likely strained muscle somewhere in your middle. The room was lit solely by the billboard outside, most of the lights in the room remained off. Despite Wade's erratic beats, it calms your nerves as you feel the adrenaline dying inside your body, aches and bruises starting to make their presence known, but the man beneath you kept a steady breath, his hand now playing with your locks while the other held you just above your tailbone. 
"Hey," Wade's voice washes over you like a deep timbre, his hand now cupping your nape. You inhaled sharply, before meeting the assassin with a smirk. 
"Hi," You answered, watching a wound beneath Wade's eye heal, before meeting his eyes, black engulfs his usual deep blues. 
You could feel his breath, inches away from your lips. With the way you're laying on him, it only took a slight push from his hand to brush his lips against yours, and you gulp. Wade drifted towards your lips for a second, before back to your gaze, but you licked your lips and grin instead, making the man inhale sharply. 
"Oh my god!" You and Wade shoot apart, eyes darted to an annoyed Peter meter away, his hands flown over his head in disbelief. "Just kiss already!"
"It's been a year since you two met and you clearly," He swallows, and huffs. "Clearly you two like each other,"
"Peter's right," Matt walks out from his room, glasses nowhere to be seen. "I mean, I could practically hear the growing arousal from you two,"
"Ugh! okay, gross, but also, like Matt said!" The lawyer nods.
Your face reds, quickly shoving yourself off of Wade and stumbles to a stand. The man sits up on his elbows, his face confused while his blues has a slight shake to it. 
'Not again, not now.' Your heart races.
Hey! Frosty has an inner voice too! Zip it sir-talks-a-lot this is some serious shit, it's like when the protagonist finds out he murdered his family in cold blood instead of his ex!
The next thing you know you've dashed to the top of Matt's stairs, bursting through the doors, the rush of cold midnight air didn't deter you from pushing the doors close, blocking them with stray bricks on the roof, running to the edge, trying to regain your breath. 
You've cocooned yourself in ice at the corner of the roof, blocked off from the outside. Your breath has finally even out, despite the storm inside your head. You don't hate Wade, god, you love him! But how can someone so bright and funny and caring find someone like you interesting?
Someone has some shit to sort out! Alright, time to bust out the big guns.
You perk when you hear heavy footsteps approaching you, before it stops. Familiar red and black boots stands in front of your little opening. 
"Hey baby," 
'Stop,' You tried to vocalize, only managing to burst out ice spikes from your palm into the floor.
"Can you come out of there? I can't exactly talk to a snowglobe," 
Breathing a ragged sigh, you ease your powers to let the ice melt around you. 
Holy shit it's like those fancy desserts where the chocolate ball melts away to something sweet!
"Wow," Wade breathes, you realize he's only wearing a white fitted shirt with his suit pants. It makes your face burn. "It's like opening a Christmas present,"
"Wade," You groan, feeling the last of your shield melt away. He sits himself next to you, enough that your shoulders touch. 
"Listen, angel," He begins.
"I'm not the best with these sappy talks and all, but what I do know, is that friends don't just storm off," Wade bumps into your shoulder, making you scoff.
"Unless, there's something they're hiding," 
"Come on Wade," You stand abruptly. "It's like you can't read the room!" 
"I can!"
"Then do it, read the room." You crossed your arms, a sense of Deja vu flashes. 
"Sure! I know that you clearly have a crush on me," 
Hold on, what?!
you huff, sitting down then burying your head into your knees, your eyes anywhere but Wade's face. "I like you, Wade, so much it hurts!" 
"You're great and caring! You're creative, always got a joke to lift up any sour mood, not to mention you're never boring to talk to!" A smile forces its way to your lips. It quivers slightly. 
"And so are you," 
the silence rings. 
Wade—Careful, caring Wade—Scoots closer, brings your hands to his, running a calloused thumb over your knuckles. "Babe, I love you too," he starts.
"I don't know what you see in this shit hole mug, but those nice things you said about me," He pauses, steadying a hand to cup your cheek. "Those are true for you too,"
"Honestly I don't know which forgiving god blessed me to meet you," You laugh wetly. "But I'm glad I did," Smooth talker Wade Wilson here!
You grin, holding Wade's hand that's soothing the tears streaming down your face. You grin, at which Wade smiles softly, his dark blues as if asking permission. Unable to hold the burning feeling coiling within you, you closed the gap between you and Wade's lips.
It's soft, experimental, before your hand pulls Wade's nape closer, deepening the kiss, just slightly. He hums and it buzzes through you, you sigh in contentment.
When you two part, Wade's eyes are blown in both shock and relief somehow, he grins dopely. It makes you laugh, you hold yourself against him, your head dropping to his chest. 
"I love you, Wade," You breathe, inhaling the scent of musk and grime, something acidic within Wade's body, but that smell brings you peace, calms your ramming heart. His hand finds your middle, the other soothing down your locks. He presses to your crown, the sensation makes you breathe out a soft sigh.
"I love you too baby," 
"Now let's get back inside before Matt complains about the leaking on top of his laundry room," The realization makes you red. Wade laughs along with you.
Walking together into the warmth of the apartment; you take note to apologize to Matt for the drip the aftermath of your powers caused, and to cuddle together with Wade once the night pulls the group enough to sleep. 
Happy ending, woo!
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(Love Is) The Tender Trap (Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader) - Sinatra Series 4/9
Author’s Note: Okay okay okay so here’s the thing. I wasn’t going to include smut in this series initially, but then I saw this gif and got an idea and I’m a slut whore creative and then said screw it (haha) this is happening. It took me a while to write this part particularly, and I’ve been so tired from my work trip/the other event I had to throw two days later from returning, I haven’t had a moment to post. I hope everyone enjoys! :)
Summary: Matt doesn’t want to ruin what his has with you, so he’s taken his time unlike any relationship he’s had before. After a few months of dating, the time feels right for the two of you to take your relationship to the next level.
Suggested Listening: (Love Is) The Tender Trap by Frank Sinatra
Warnings: Fluff (idiots in love but they don’t know it’s love yet because they’re hopeless cuties friends turned lovers), swearing, and smut (oral - m and f receiving, fingering, p in v sex, creampie (wrap it before you tap it, folks) )
Other Characters: None
Word Count: 3,565
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“Do you want to come up?” Matt asks, his thumb brushing back and forth against the back of your knuckles as you stand with him on his stoop. You had hoped that this was where the night would go after he caved to your insistence that you walk him home instead of the other way around.
You feel a warmth in your arms that burns up to your neck at the suggestion. Your body is already buzzing from the drinks from dinner and plushness of his lips and how they moved against yours less than a minute ago, sending your mind into a whirlwind.
“Yeah,” you breathe, your tongue peaking out between your lips to wet them. Just as you finish doing so, Matt’s lips are on yours again, capturing your flesh in between his in short, tender embraces, cradling your jaw and neck in his hands. You can feel the smile on his lips when he breaks the kiss, carefully running his fingers down your arms before lacing his digits with yours.
Everything feels too slow as he guides you through the building. You know you’re moving at a normal pace, but the way that your heart drums in your chest and the heat that breaks out through your body is screaming that this all isn’t going fast enough as you walk up the stairs. Your heart skips a beat in disappointment when Matt slips his hand from yours to undo the lock to his loft. Once it’s open, Matt takes your hand again and leads you in to the hallway. The apartment feels different somehow; smaller, warmer, the lights that stream in creating an ambiance that amplifies the electricity buzzing in the air between you. He rests his cane down on the bench by the door before guiding you to his living room.
Matt takes his suit jacket and folds it over the side of one of his living room chairs, then extending his hand out for your cardigan to do the same. Taking a few step over to him, you hand him your folded sweater, his fingers brushing against your hand as he takes the knit fabric to put with his. 
“Do want some water or anything?” he asks as he puts his glasses in the kitchen table before he moves back to where you stand.
“I’m okay,” you tell him as your hands snake around his waist, holding him comfortably against you but still giving him enough room to move. Matt smiles at the simple gesture and mimics the hold as he rests his hands on your shoulders. You watch the way that the neon lights from the billboard stream in and paint Matt’s face with a beautiful array of indigos, turquoises, and magentas, making his hazel eyes twinkle like beautiful stars. Leaning forward, you close the space between your mouths, a soft moan escaping your throat and into his mouth as your lips move against one another’s. One of Matt’s hands glides up your skin to rest against your neck, feeling how the muscles move as you embrace. Your sweet kisses soon turn into something more languid, the breaths that escape your noses and the sounds of your lips moving together becoming more prominent in the quiet apartment. Matt captures your bottom lip between his, carefully nipping at the flesh before pulling at it and breaking the kiss, taking the breath straight from your lungs and leaving goosebumps on your skin. 
“Still okay?” he hums with a little smirk, dragging his hands down the exposed skin of your arms. Cheeky bastard.
“Yeah,” you breathe, taking his hand in yours and moving backward through the apartment and into his room. “Could be better, though.”
“Well, I have a few ideas.”
The smiles that break out on your faces are ones only matched by teenagers who are completely infatuated with one another. As your legs bump against the edge of the mattress, Matt cradles your face once more, the intensity of the embrace making you lean on him for support so you don’t fall. After a few kisses, he trails his lips away from yours and down to your jaw and along your neck. A moan escapes you as Matt finds the sweet spot on your neck that makes your body do all sorts of delicious things. You can feel the way his lips curl into a smile at his small victory. 
“Matt,” you breathe in delight as his beard scratches your skin. At the sound of you saying his name, his lips move back up to yours for a deep embrace, just barely keeping your bodies upright. Matt’s hands gently travel down your sides, wrapping around your back before his palms slide up. You break the kiss and open your mouth, letting out a breathy sigh as you relish the way that his fingertips trace your body through your dress before they glide up to the top of your zipper. His thumb and index finger easily grasp the swinging tab, holding it steady for a few beats before slowly moving it down its track.
The cool air of the apartment is a stark contrast to the heat of your skin that was trapped in the fabric of the dress. Matt raises his hands, sliding the thin fabric of the straps from your shoulders and off your arms, the dress pooling at your feet. Tentatively, you bring your hands up to his tie, pulling him in for a kiss and working to undo the knotted fabric. It slides off with ease, and you glide the soft between your fingers before it meets your dress on the ground. This time, it’s your turn to attach your lips to his neck, lazily trailing wet kisses along his corroded while your fingers unbutton his shirt, a voice in the back of your head growing more desperate to get his clothes off of his body. After you unbutton his shirt, you slide your hands under to his smooth chest. Your fingers stop their movements, however, when they feel the soft, raised skin of a fading scar. Scratch that—scars. Breaking from the kiss, you look at Matt’s chest and torso, seeing that the soft flesh is absolutely painted with raised lines.
“I got in fights a lot when I was younger,” Matt says, clearing his throat.
It’s not a complete lie. He was younger than he is right now when he got into those scrapes.
“It’s not very nice of them to beat up a blind guy,” you say, cradling his face with your hand, gently rubbing the soft skin of his cheek with your thumb.
“They weren’t very nice people,” Matt counters with a small smirk, moving to take both of your hands in his. “But that’s okay, because right now, I’m here with you. And that’s what matters to me.”
His lips are back on yours in no time, and this time, you fall back onto the silk sheets covering his mattress, letting his body hover over yours like a warm cage. You gently push the soft cotton shirt off of his body, feeling every dip and curve of his soft skin over his muscles. He takes his time with you, the passionate kisses as soft as they are needy while his hands roam your body. Goosebumps pop up on your skin as you feel Matt’s hands gently travel down your sides; when his fingers graze at the top of your panties, you can’t help the sharp gasp that escapes your lips, causing the kiss to break and Matt to move his lips to the pulse point on your neck. One of your hands clasp over to his shoulder blade while the other slides into his hair. 
“Matt, I . . .” you breathe, but any ability to speak a full sentence leaves you when his fingers slip under your panties and into your slick folds.
“So perfect,” he hums against my skin, pressing kisses down along your chest. “So wet.” Detaching himself long enough to sit back on his knees, he gently glides your underwear off of my body, kissing the skin that it passes until they’re past your knees and being tossed somewhere behind him. He slides his hands back up your legs and resting on your hips as he kisses along your pelvis, his lips grazing over your mound before pressing soft kisses down until his lips latch around your clit. You moan, your hips rising to meet him, only for his hands to hold you down. 
You thought Matt put his mouth to good use in the court room—you weren’t prepared with just how good it would be in other situations. You gasp, moan, and mewl under his touch while he keeps working. His tongue explores every dip and curve of your core, lapping up the wetness like it’s the sweetest nectar. To say that he eats you out like a man starved isn’t quite the right analogy—he is tactical, setting a steady pace that is both urgent and relaxed, a man on a mission who knows exactly what to do to get you right wound. The mix of moans, kisses, licks, and sucks unlike any you’ve felt before brings you close to the edge faster than you want. 
“It’s okay,” Matt whispers, moving his kisses to your hip bone as he slides one, then two fingers into you. “Feel it. Let go.” The feeling of his fingers paired with how he curls them in you pulls a pornographic moan from your throat as he hits the right spots before reattaching his lips to your core. You can’t handle it—you arch your back the best you can against Matt’s hold on your waist. Despite how fast you fall over the edge, it’s not as if Matt’s movements are particularly aggressive. Everything he does is fluid and gentle, but he knows the exact spots he needs to hit to make you feel like your soul has left your body. As you start to come down, Matt presses gentle kisses up from your core to your lips. The kisses are deep and exploratory, his hands on your waist, fingers digging into your flesh.
“More.” The simple sentence is all you breathe against his lips, and it drives him wild, allowing him to kiss you more passionately—something you didn’t think was possible. You squeak in excitement at the sensation, enjoying the way that his beard scratches against your skin. The excitement quickly translates into other emotions, both of you working to make sure all clothes are off of one another’s bodies, you more so than Matt throwing the pieces of fabric to the floor. Soon, you are both bare on the silk sheets of Matt’s bed, lips attacking one another like starved animals. Your lips break into a smile as you kiss, your bodies pressed impossibly close, and you feel his length press against your thigh. Carefully, you snake your hand between your bodies and begin to stroke him, a deep moan erupting from the base of Matt’s throat as you spread the precum weeping from his tip along his shaft.
“Let me make you feel good, Matty,” you breathe in between kisses as he bunches up your hair in his hands. “Let me taste you.”
Pulling your swollen lips from his, you kiss down the column of his neck, along the lines of his fading scars, and down around the tuft of hair below his bellybutton. You kiss along his cock, pressing featherlight pecks at the tip before you move to the underside of his shaft. You lick and kiss along the underside of his cock, along the prominent vein that runs the distance from base to tip. After tracing it a few times, you slowly take his length in your mouth. The breaths and moans that pass his lips are angelic, a mix of praise, pleasure, and pleading to continue. With each bob of your head, you take him a little deeper, pushing your limits to fit him all into your mouth. You take a large gasp of air after you release him, repeating it a few times before Matt gathers up your hair and begins to thrust into your mouth.
“Just like that,” he whispers. “Just like that, angel. Oh, so good for me.”
As he continues to thrust, you feel one of his hands travel down the line of your spine and between your thighs, swirling the wetness from your last orgasm around. You gasp, the sensitivity from your last high disorienting your thoughts and your current expedition.
“Matthew,” you moan, your eyes fluttering shut. 
“Keep going, sweetheart,” he encourages.
Following his command, you resume your previous task. You hum in delight with each circle of his fingers, the vibrations from your mouth only seeming to spur on Matt’s delight. Giving your throat a reprieve, you move back to kissing along his length, one hand fondling his balls to keep the stimulation going. As you bring your kisses back up to his tip, Matt guides you higher so you rise on your knees and meet his lips in a kiss. One hand rests on the side of your neck while the other moves from over the curve of your ass to your fronts, rubbing your to my next orgasm. Matt keeps his lips pressed to yours, swallowing your cries of delight as he pushes you through another high of pleasure. 
Refusing to part his lips from yours, Matt wraps one arm around your waist as he lets gravity drop you onto the mattress, caging your body beneath his. You secure his place above you with your legs latching around his waist. You hiss in sensitivity as Matt’s cock presses against your clit, but that only seems to make you more hungry for him. 
“Please, Matt,” you moan, kissing the side of his face as he buries his lips into the crook of your neck, marking up the sensitive skin as his. “I need you.”
“You have me,” he pants as he paints a soothing lick to one of his marks.
A breath of a laugh escapes your lips as you tousle his hair. “You know what I mean.”
“I need you to say it.”
“I need you in me, Matthew. All of you.”
Matt moves his face from your neck, allowing you to get a good look at him—lips swollen, cheeks flushed, eyes the most beautiful color of hazel you have ever seen.
“Tell me to stop and I will, okay?” he breathes, tucking hair behind your ear. 
“Promise,” you assure him.
With another deep kiss, Matt lines himself up before he pushes into you. He starts slowly with just the tip. The stretch is sinful and magnificent, your moans harmonizing at the shared sensation. Matt is so big and so thick, it makes your head spin, but you’ll be damned if you have him stop. He feels absolutely amazing, and judging by the look on his face that you can make out from between your half-closed lids, he feels the same. 
“Feel so good, Matt,” you whimper as he slowly drags his hips back and forth. “So good.”
“Fuck, angel,” he groans as he places a kiss on your forehead, his nose smushing to the side in delight as he moves his face into you before dipping his head. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
“Matty,” you breathe as you nuzzle your nose against his. “It’s sweet that you’re taking your time like this, but I’m not fragile.” You trail your nose up along his cheekbone so your lips hover just in front of his ear. “I’m all yours. Whatever you want to do, I’m yours, Matthew. I’m yours.”
Matt’s positive that his heart has never had an arrhythmia like this in his life. The way that is skips and races at your words make him feel lightheaded and excited in every possible way. He can’t help the big smile that pulls at his lips as he moves in for a kiss. His hips begin to move faster and you cling to him, your fingers pressing red crescents into the pale contours of his back. Matt repositions us and lifts you up to sit on his lap, his hands holding onto your hips, guiding the pace of their movements as your hands grasping onto his shoulders. Your breasts hit against his chest, and his lips latch forward onto your sternum to suck love bites onto your skin. Your voice is squeaky and whiny you moan at the sensation—erotic music to his ears. That much surface area of skin to skin contact drives Matt up a wall, needing to be as deep as possible in you, not knowing where he ends and you begin, it’s like air in his lungs. 
“Matt!” you cry at the top of your lungs as he hits a new spot deep inside. He’s sure to get noise complains in the morning, and if he’s never really cared about them before, he especially doesn’t care about them now. Not when you sound like that, not when he feels you on him, not when he feels you in the deepest way that he can. With a particularly hard thrust, you cry out and squeeze him once more, your arousal coating him has he continues to guide your hips back and forth. “Fuck!”
“Just like that,” he grunts as your body trembles. “Good girl. Such a good girl for me like that.”
“Matt,” you whimper, resting your forehead on his shoulders as his hands guide you down from your orgasm.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you, angel,” he whispers, placing gentle kisses along your arms. “You did so good. Do you think you have one more in you, angel? One more for me?”
You feel so spent, you can’t speak, but you nod vigorously.
“Hey,” he whispers, nudging your face so it lifts and you stare at him. “I need words. Are you good for one more, (Y/N)?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, crashing your lips into his, still incredibly hungry for him after being worn down from his efforts. Turning on his hip, Matt lays you on the cool silk sheets of the bed, maintaining his spot inside of you. After pressing kisses all over your face, you feel him begin to thrust, hitting so perfectly deep in you, you almost can’t handle it. Matt rests his forehead on yours, his eyes shaking desperately to try and lock onto yours. The sight of Matt above you is nothing short of amazing, and you can’t help but want to see that image time and time again. Sensing your gaze, Matt breaks into a large smile and pecks your cheek.
“So good for me,” he pants, his breath somehow hotter than your hot skin. “So good for me like this. Oh God, (Y/N).”
“Matt,” you breathe, your fingers moving to card through his hair. How are you so close to cumming again?
“I know, sweetheart, I’m close, too. Fuck, I—fuck.”
“Give it to me, Matty,” you whisper encouragingly, nipping at his earlobe as the sound of slapping skin grows more frantic in the room. “Cum for me, baby.”
With a few more thrusts and a tightening grip on your waist that’s sure to leave little bruises for tomorrow, Matt unloads into you with some deep growls and harsh snaps of his hips. Your heavy breathing replaces the pornographic sounds of your pleasure, and the kisses that the two of you engage in are nothing but soft, reassuring, and intimate in every possible way. The way that your lips chase one another let both of you know that you don’t want this moment to end, no matter how tired you feel your bodies grow. Matt is the first one to give in, placing a lingering kiss that pulls your bottom lip between his as he slowly pulls out and rolls off of you.
“Wow,” you breathe as you come down from you final high of the night. Matt can hear the way your lips curve up and how your eyes flutter closed, your lashes resting softly against the upper apples of you cheeks. He’s never seen you quite so relaxed—quite so happy. Whatever the feeling is bubbling in his chest as you lie next to him, he can only describe it as a tender trap.
Matt presses this lips wherever he can into your skin, swollen flesh leaving leaving soft kisses on your soft, sweaty skin. 
“Matt,” you giggle, your body now thoroughly registering the oversensitivity of your activity with him. Even though you curl your body into his, it doesn’t prevent his assault of kisses. “Matty!”
“I’m just trying to make you feel good, angel,” he hums, his lips brushing against the hairline of your forehead before planting another wet smooch to your skin.
“You did that four times, counselor.“
Oh God, does your legal flirting turn him on. But that’s something to explore for another time. 
“Are you sure you don’t want a glass of water?” he murmurs into your hair as he twists into your body, and you can’t help but wrap your arms and leg around him. “A snack? Anything?”
“Snuggles,” you demand into the soft skin of his chest, drunk on post-coital endorphins and the smell of Matt all around you. 
Matt beams, happy to comply with your request. “Snuggles it is.”
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angst-cravings · 1 year
summary: you are an avid birder, and you go birdwatching every sunday morning before matt goes to church. today you invite him out
pairing: matt murdock x reader
words: 1k
an: this is so self indulgent i love birds so much. only fluff. gender neutral reader, no use of y/n
cw: some mild explicit language. embarrassment about being passionate
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The sun isn’t even up yet, but you are energized and ready to go. You love Sunday mornings. Matt has his ritual of going to church and confession, while you have your ritual of going birdwatching. It’s how you center yourself before every week starts. You are silently packing your bag, putting in your worn field guide, bird notebook, binoculars, water bottle filled with hot cocoa, and a pair of gloves in case things get a little too nippy. You barely noticed, but Matt had gotten out of bed and was standing in the doorway like he always manages to do before you leave. You flash him a quick smile. He looks so ethereal with the neon lights reflecting off his bare skin, and his lack of clothing always entices you to stay behind. 
“Expecting any good birds today?” 
“Well, this week is actually peak migration, so… yeah. There will be so many birds today.” You try to hide your excitement, but you’re sure he can hear it in your voice. This is your favorite time of the year, and you are constantly looking forward to it in the winter when birds are scarce.
He grins at you. “Well, I hope you have fun sweetheart.” 
You keep meaning to invite him, but he had usually only gone to bed a few hours before. However, he had taken last night off. Maybe this would be a good time?
“Would you… maybe want to come birdwatching with me?” You tentatively suggest. You were prepared for rejection. It was so early in the morning, and you didn’t even know if he’d enjoy it.
“Well, I can’t exactly watch the birds,” He chuckles, “But I can go out with you if you’d like. I could at least make sure you get to Central Park safely.”
“I think you’d like it more than you think. I can teach you the bird calls, and then you can bird listen,” You zip up your backpack, and put on a hat, “But you don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
He immediately shakes his head. “Of course. Anything to spend a little more time with you.” Warmth rises in your cheeks, and you can’t help but smile.
As you two walk to Central Park, you start educating him. 
“So, you obviously know the common ones like the Rock Pigeon and Mourning Dove and Canada Goose and stuff. We’ll probably encounter some of those today but those are kinda boring. I’m really looking for warblers; they’re some of my favorite birds. American Redstart and Yellow-rumped Warblers are pretty common around migration here, so I’m expecting some of those.” You pull up recordings of the calls on your phone and play them for Matt so he can get an idea. “American Redstarts are so pretty too, they have this gorgeous orange-red shoulder area. And the Yellow-rumped Warbler is mostly gray with a yellow butt, shoulder, and head.” 
Matt is listening to you, but he is mostly enjoying the lilt of your voice. He loves when you’re excited about things. Your heartbeat always rises a little, your grin is visible in your voice, and you move your hands around a lot. He loves hearing the near-silent swish of air as you gesticulate enthusiastically. 
“You know, you’re lucky this is me. These calls sound very similar.” 
“I mean those two aren’t pretty similar. I think they’re pretty distinct.” You shrug. 
“Maybe to you and I, sweetheart.” He squeezes your hand. 
You set up the blanket on a green patch in Central Park. Matt sits down before you and pulls you into his lap. As the sun starts to rise, birds start to fly, and you point out bird calls to Matt as you hear them. 
“That’s an Indigo Bunting! They’re so gorgeous, they’re this lovely blue color. They form song neighborhoods, where in one area they’ll have one song, and in another, they’ll have a slightly different song. It’s super cool!” You gush as you follow the bird with your binoculars.
He felt lucky. He had an intelligent, passionate partner who loved him. He buries his face in your neck and smiles. The grip around your waist tightens, and he takes a deep breath. Your body wash mingles with the smell of dew and trees. You rattle off more birds to him, and he can feel you write a list of the birds you see. He felt so damn lucky. 
“So, that one I’m hearing is a… Song Sparrow, right?” He focuses on the bird in the tree near you two. Before you even respond, he can hear your heart rate raise slightly in excitement.
“You were paying attention.” A smile forms across your lips.
“Of course, I was, sweetheart.”
“I know, I just… I know you aren’t the most interested in this. Just…thank you. For doing this with me.” You tilt your head in his direction.
“No. I am interested in anything you are interested in. I love the way you talk about birds. Your voice gets a little bit faster and a little bit higher, and you ramble in the cutest way possible. And I will do anything to get you to talk more. It’s one of my favorite sounds. Don’t ever be embarrassed for being passionate. If I could only hear one thing for the rest of my life, it’d be you talking, because” He connects his lips with yours for a quick peck, “I love you. And with that, I love anything that you love too. I was actually hoping you’d invite me. You’ve been talking about this for weeks. I, uh, took last night off in the hopes that you would. Thanks for taking me.”
You shift in his lap and place your hand on his cheek. You lean in, and your foreheads touch.
“Thank you, Matt.” You whisper. You close the distance and kiss him. His lips were warm and inviting. Just like him.
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ballonleaparadise · 6 months
With the reveal of the latest anipoke poster, I wanted to talk about the upcoming arc in Pokemon Horizons bcs I have so many thoughts about it!!
Firstly, FLORAGATO 👀 Secondly, I'm really excited to see the Naranja (Uva) academy being properly adapted in the anime. It'll be an important training arc for Liko, Roy and Dot, who want to develop their skills as trainers. I'm interested to see how the sv characters shown in the poster will be portrayed, since we've already seen Nemona, Brassius, Iono and a Larry cameo.
At first glance, the upcoming arc seems kind of random with the ongoing Lucius plot. However, I think it actually makes a LOT of sense when you think back to the structure of the first arc. We were introduced to Nemona and Brassius back in episode ten, who will presumably have some involvement in the training of Liko, Roy and Dot. It's also an opportunity for the writers to develop the dynamic between Dot and Iono. Since episode fifteen, they've been established as having a competitive rivalry/friendship, so it'll be nice to see how that evolves. On top of this, Liko's Mum Lucca is a teacher so maybe we'll find out more about her. I'm not sure if she's supposed to teach at the Naranja academy or elsewhere in Paldea, but I want to learn more about her regardless.
Even though the adult rvts are not in the new poster, I'm hoping that they'll at least stick around for this arc (Friede and Orla are my comfort characters fr 😭). As Friede's a pokemon professor, I can see him fitting in with the other academics at the school. As for the other adults, they could either help out with the academy's facilities (Murdock being the cook would be a blast) or join as mature students. Collectively, the adults might be interested in researching terapagos and/or learning more about the six heros.
In hindsight, this arc could tie the loose thread of Ann's involvement in the story. Since episode two, she's only appeared through video calls. Since Liko's an exchange student from the Indigo academy, it wouldn't be a stretch for Ann to transfer to Paldea as well. It would give her some much-needed screen time, and give Liko a rival to train against. I don't know whether this will happen but it would be cool if it did!!
Overall, I'm really looking forward to the next arc. The end of the chapter two also looks hype, so I'll be watching it with no interruptions 😤 I think a training arc is necessary for Liko Roy and Dot, so that they can become more independent as trainers.
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that1fangirrl · 6 months
"The Blue"
CW: Nothing too crazy I think...Feminine pronouns and descriptions, alcohol
A new Jazz Club called “The Blue” opens up in Hell's Kitchen. Flyers have been given to nearly any person that passes by the big flashy building. That definitely includes the tall, sweet strawberry blonde secretary of Nelson and Murdock. She comes in like usual, taking her jacket off and looking in each office for the others in the firm. Finding them in Matt’s office, she slams the paper down onto his desk with a big smile. “What’s this?” “I believe it is a piece of paper, Foggy.” “It’s a flyer for this new club a few blocks down. I was thinking it could be fun to check out a new place. Especially since we just had that big win this week.” So now the three lawyers find themselves walking into the dimly lit place on a friday night. It isn’t crowded and dingy; more of a polished and quiet speakeasy like tone to the club. A huge contrast from the usual Josie’s. They make their way over to the more brightly lit bar in the back of the building, taking their seats and waiting for the bartender. “Good Evening folks, my name is Nikolai and I will be your bartender tonight. What can I get started for you guys?” A unanimous answer of “beer” leaves the patrons’ mouths. Immediately, they are welcomed with three beers of a higher and better quality than they’re used to. 
The night carries on with the three talking amongst themselves about the upcoming weekend, more beers coming to them and the sweet melodies from the live band playing tonight. After a couple of songs, one of the musicians comes up to the mic. His deep voice amplifies in the mic, “Thank you all for coming out tonight to “The Blue”. We appreciate all of the love and support we’ve been hearing on this beautiful night. But none of this would be possible if it weren’t for this lovely dream of a woman here. Give her a round of applause folks. Indigo, come on out.”
The most drop dead gorgeous woman walks up on stage. The crowd is visibly and audibly taken away by her appearance. She’s wearing a beautiful silky black dress that stops just short of her knees with a small slit up the thigh. Her legs are long and smooth as she walks. Her long dark curls stop at her shoulders, bouncing along everytime she moves. Matt’s eyebrows rise slightly above his red specs. She smells amazing. A strong scent of vanilla and rose water wrapped around his nose hairs. 
“Like our sweet Samuel said, thank you all so much for coming out tonight. I honestly was a little nervous because of the whole ‘New York scene’. It’s very different from our old spot back in Paris. I know, it sounds so snobby of me. But trust me, when I say, this is so much more lively and fun than there. I hope you all are truly immersing yourself in the vibes we bring tonight. Have another drink, smoke in the bathroom… hell, kiss a stranger if that makes you feel complete.” The crowd laughs a little. “But seriously let go tonight. Be yourselves and invite a new feeling into you.” She hugs her arms around herself with closed eyes, before putting them up into the air with a long exhale. “Now for this particular hour of tonight, I will be singing one of my favorite songs. A song I’d say brought this very band together 6 years ago. Boys… take it away.” 
A soft rhythm begins to play. Karen turns to Matt and Foggy, “oh, I love this song.” Foggy chimes in with a “Me too. It’s such a good album. Don’t you think, Matt?” Matt can’t respond. He’s too entranced by the voice of the woman a mere few feet away. He recognises the song as “Is It a Crime by Sade”. A song he often listened to in the comfort of his own apartment. Indigo sounded amazing. Damn near close to how Sade herself sang the song. He could listen to her sing for hours. Her voice was so sultry and smooth. The live instruments added to her whimsical nature. It was like a siren came down to earth just to sing for him. He was fully immersed in the beauty of her voice. And if he could see, he imagines she’d be just as breathtaking. 
When the song ends, the band continues on without Indigo’s beautiful light vocals. She goes around the room, checking on just about every table to make sure everyone is having a fun and safe time. She stops by the bar, asking Nikolai for water as she turns to speak to the only three left in her path. “Hi there. Are you guys enjoying yourselves?” Karen and Foggy nod excitedly. “This is a really nice place. I’m glad we have a new spot to come to.” Indigo beams, “well I’m glad to hear that. It took forever to find this place. I guess I lucked out.” Karen comes closer to her, extending a hand. “I’m Karen Page and these are my colleagues, Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock.” She gestures towards the men, receiving small waves in return. “Nice to meet you guys.” Her eyes linger for a while, stopping slightly to look over at the man who has yet to speak. Karen notices her trailing eyes and gestures to Foggy. “Um, you know, I think Foggy and I are gonna go dance for a bit, Matt. Why don’t you keep Indigo company.” He sighs lightly and nods his head. 
Indigo takes a seat next to the quiet fellow. He turns in his chair, finally letting out a few words. “You have a very beautiful voice.” Her head whips towards him, tucking back some hair. “Oh. Thank you.” Her cheeks heat up a little. “How long have you been a singer?” “Almost my whole life. But I only started doing it professionally once I graduated from college. So I guess technically 10 years or so.” He nods, “that’s impressive. And you said you’re from France, right? Why come to New York?” She sips her drink before answering. “Well actually, I was born here in the states. I just went abroad because I wanted to find myself. That’s where I met Sammy and them. The rest was just history I guess.” She shrugs lightly. “What about you? Are you a New York native?” He chuckles, “only place I know is here. I went to Columbia for Law. We have our own firm not too far from here. And well, here we are now.” “That’s still impressive. Don’t sell yourself short. It takes a lot to have your own office space. I think it’s actually quite admirable.” She lifts his chin up to meet his unseeing gaze. “You are more than you think you are.” And with that she places a soft kiss to his cheek and walks off with a small smile on her lips. 
Karen and Foggy skip happily back towards him. “So what happened? Did you get her number? Are we coming here again? Matt? Hello?” He straightens his glasses. “Yes… We’re coming back again.” He says breathily.
A/N: Soooooo I just went ahead and wrote the jazz club concept. This is only one part, so if you want follow, I will for sure do it. I was indeed listening to Sade while writing this, so I thought why not have her sing my favorite song of hers. Also the name Indigo is just a stage name. I figured it was pretty cute. I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did. Love ya, bye <3
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ecargmura · 1 year
Mitchell's VA
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Mitchell is the COTD for Pokemon Horizons Episode 19. He is a patissier and shares a past with Murdock.
His voice actor is Hikaru Midorikawa who has been in Pokemon several times in the past as shown below:
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Not only did Midorikawa voiced Mitchell, he also voiced Damian (The trainer who abandoned Charmander) and Mandi (The trainer Ash faced in the Indigo League's first round). He currently voices N in Pokemon Masters.
Some of his non-Pokemon roles include:
Leon Magnus (Tales of Destiny)
Judas (Tales of Destiny 2)
Zelgadis (Slayers)
Cherry Blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki (SK8: The Infinity)
Sakamoto (Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto)
Garou (One Punch Man)
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entertainingsimmer · 2 months
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Gabby X Ned Wedding
@piratepxls @sthenosims
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pixelmoon-simmer · 1 year
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Indigo and Lucifer @piratepxls
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bookwormscififan · 7 months
Falling Into the Bite, Chapter 13
Read on AO3!
Previous part
A/N: We're entering the last few chapters. Let's make a decision about Murdock, shall we?
The moon shone bright in the indigo canopy of the night sky, illuminating the white stone of the courtyard, glinting off the pristine white suit Dark wore as he paced the stones beside Actor.
“There has to be another way,” Actor said, picking at the fluff on his jacket. “We could lure another human into the castle, use them to feed Murdock’s temptations.” He flicked a piece of lint off his thumb, looking imploringly at Dark. “This can’t be the only option.”
“You know as much as I do that this is the most… humane option,” Dark replied, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath through his nose at his word choice. “Is it ideal? No, and I never claimed it was. Instinct is strong for everyone, and sometimes all it takes is separation to work.”
“But banishment?” Actor’s voice raised, making Dark flinch slightly. “I turn people for fun, but this just seems cruel.”
Dark and Actor stepped into the rose garden that grew at the edge of the courtyard; Dark’s pride and joy, filled with white and red roses of varying shades, ready for pruning. Picking up a pair of cutters, Dark began to prune the roses, plucking a deep red rosebud from a bush and handing it to Actor.
“Cruel would be forcing Yancy to bond with Murdock,” he stated, turning back to the roses. “Cruel would be waiting for the perfect moment to tear away at Murdock’s being until all that’s left is the meek vampire. This is not cruel. This is mercy.”
“Would you have preferred banishment to your outcome with Celine?” Actor asked, knowing he was treading into dangerous territory. “Made to live out the rest of your life as far from her as possible?”
“That is an entirely different circumstance,” Dark snapped, cutting a full bloom from its stem accidentally. “Celine loved me. Maybe, in some twisted version of reality, banishment would have been better for me. Maybe in that same version of reality, Yancy loves Murdock as much as Murdock loves him.” He took a deep breath, setting the cutters aside before turning to Actor. “This isn’t that reality, Actor. Sometimes we just have to make a choice.”
“He won’t survive out there with one fang.”
“He’ll figure something out. He was a serial killer before,” Dark answered, patting Actor’s shoulder before heading back toward the castle.
“This is a three-day drive away,” Wilford stated, pointing to a small town on the map. “When I went there a month ago, it was pretty much abandoned. He’ll have shelter, and because we aren’t leaving him any transportation, it’s unlikely he’ll get back here.”
“I really don’t like this,” Actor muttered, chewing nervously on his thumb.
“Wilford, prepare for the trip. We’ll need at least a week’s worth of blood, coverage for travel during the day, and a couple sets of clothing for Murdock.” Dark nodded at Wilford, pressing two fingers to his temple as a headache began to develop. “We’ll leave as soon as I’ve informed the others of what’s happening.”
“Banishment?” Murdock slapped his hands against the door to his cell, glaring at Dark. “You’re going to send me away just because I can’t control the instincts you gave me? That’s insanity!”
“Maybe we’re all a little insane,” Dark murmured, standing a safe distance from the door. “Maybe some people shouldn’t ever be turned. There’s no way to go back and stop ourselves from doing that, though. All we can do is work to keep the world safe.”
“You’re going to take me away from here,” Murdock said softly. “Take me away from the comfort of this castle where things are just given to me. You never taught us how to get our own blood sources, how to catch a victim to feed from. You’re sending me away to die.”
“I’m taking you away from here, where you’re a danger to others,” Dark rationalised. “I’m not going to force Yancy and Illinois to be turned just so you don’t harm them, and the only way to do that is to take the danger out of the equation. That is all I’m doing.”
Turning on his heel, Dark walked out, ignoring Murdock’s screams and yells as he closed the door behind him.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch
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mrs-dr-reid · 2 years
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I posted 1,127 times in 2022
84 posts created (7%)
1,043 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 648 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#logan speaks - 414 posts
#logan shitposts - 77 posts
#<<< that’s a new one - 66 posts
#logan writes - 63 posts
#logan reads - 20 posts
#anj 👩‍🚒 - 18 posts
#hope🦇 - 15 posts
#logan yells - 14 posts
#<<< i can already tell that’s going to become a popular tag on my account - 14 posts
#logan recommends - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#and my family is leaving me at home but i wanna go with them but i also don’t wanna go but i also don’t want to be at home by myself
My Top Posts in 2022:
Taking inspiration from this post I saw on my dash from @boldlyvoid:
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I’m gonna tell you what color a handful of my comfort characters remind me of, but will provide no explanation as to why. (I agree with the characters and color associations she mentions, so they won’t be covered here)
1. Evan Buckley from 9-1-1 is a marigold yellow
2. Steve Harrington is like an olive green
3. Wanda Maximoff is like a pastel red. Not a full crimson, but soft like a little bit of pink is mixed into it to make it blushier
4. Matt Murdock is like baby kitten grey
5. Peter Parker in any form is baby blue, be it Toby Peter, Andrew Peter, or Tom Peter
6. Benedict Bridgerton is indigo
7. Remus Lupin is chocolate brown
8. Harry Potter is like Heineken bottle green (if you’ve ever seen a Heineken bottle you know what I mean)
9. Newt Scamander is like a rich lapis lazuli blue
10. And Percy Jackson is seafoam green
No I will not elaborate
11 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My Personal Spencer Reid Headcanons
Part 1/?
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The only things he knows how to cook before meeting you are Ramen and Box Mac and Cheese (and even then he still isn't very good at it)
He memorizes all of your clothing sizes so he can just tell people right off the bat for gift-giving purposes (or for him to get you things *wink wonk*) instead of having to ask you first
He genuinely enjoys hearing you talk, so he’ll ask questions that trigger info-dump sessions on purpose just to hear you ramble on about whatever hyper-fixation he asked you about, because you always do the same thing for him
He is ENDLESSLY fascinated by makeup, so if you’re the type of person who wears/knows how to do makeup, he will sit and just watch you do your makeup, occasionally asking what a product is for or what techniques you’re using
The books on his bookshelf are organized via the Dewey Decimal System, and you buy him a label maker for that express purpose so he can label the space on the shelf instead of having to put a bulky lamination on all of his books
Despite never wearing matching socks, all of his socks are organized by color (you helped him get divided drawer inserts for that)
He does not know and cannot for the life of him figure out how to play Snaps, Black Magic, or any of those other weird mind-numbing camp games, which you always laugh at him for whether you know how to play them or not
He can successfully fold a fitted sheet because his arms are so long, and it endlessly pisses off everybody
He still doesn't know how to use chopsticks
He dotes upon you whenever it's your time of the month, because he hates it when you don't feel good and he wants to help you feel better
Even though he tries his best to avoid germs, when he does get sick, he's the biggest man-baby imaginable and you have to drop everything to take care of him (even though you'd do that if he WASN'T a man-baby)
You somehow convince him to read Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, and all those other fantasy/dystopian fiction novels for kids and young adults, and even though he tries to act all cool and say they weren't as good as Chaucer or Vonnegut, he actually really enjoyed them
He sucks at remembering to drink water, so you have to get him an obnoxiously neon colored water bottle so he'll remember to use it
The only form of exercise he can do well and for a prolonged period of time is sit-ups, so he has pretty decent abs
He had no idea how to properly care for his wild curls until you came along and helped him research how to do it best
He likes podcasts, specifically ones about books, movies, and tv shows, but he does have a select few true crime podcasts that he likes to listen to, even though he's very familiar with most of the cases they discuss
He only gets an iPhone so he can receive pictures and videos of his godsons from JJ and Derek, and eventually so you can send him pictures and videos of your sons and/or daughters (also for certain word and math puzzle games that you download for him when he first gets it)
He really likes the home organizing shows they have on Netflix, and once you came home to find him Marie Kondo-ing the entire apartment
16 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My Personal Matt Murdock Headcanons
Part 1/?
(And yes. I have discussed a handful of these with my beloved moot @leossmoonn before)
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Due to his enhanced senses, he knows the perfect time to flip a pancake, never burns anything, always makes the most perfect toast, and he always kills flies on the first try
As much as he pretends to hate it because it’s kinda blasphemous, one of his favorite songs is Take Me To Church by Hozier. He also really likes Devil’s Advocate by The Neighborhood and (don’t tell anybody) Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
He’s really good with kids. Like, unnaturally good. Like, you’ll walk into a room and see him regaling your nephews with stories of Battlin’ Jack Murdock, or all of your nieces doing their best to put his hair in ponytails or “forcing” him to sing Disney songs with them (and melting when he actually gets really into it)
The most chivalrous little shit on earth. Always opening doors for you, pulling your chair out for you when you go out to eat, helping you out of taxis, kissing the back of your hand, shit like that. Simply because he loves hearing the heat rush to your cheeks
He’s annoyingly good at hide and seek, at least from a seeking standpoint because of his super weirdness. He can’t hide worth a damn, because he’s almost six feet tall and not that flexible, so he ends up trying to hide behind the big plant in your living room and you can just barely see the tiniest bit of his fluffy hair peeking out over the top of it
He’s a complete pansy when it comes to spicy food or strong flavors. The only spicy things he can kind of handle are Hot Cheetos or Takis, and even after those he has to chug like half a gallon of milk
He’s surprisingly good with animals. Like, say you’re at a petting zoo for a younger relative’s birthday party. You’ll end up finding him in some obscure corner of the animal pen with a baby goat fast asleep in his arms. Or if you’re at a family member’s house for a holiday and they happen to have a dog or a cat, you can bet the second he sits down that animal is going to make themselves at home on his lap or around his shoulders. It’s even funnier if the dog that picks him as their dog bed is huge, like you just walk into the living room to find him being borderline smothered by a very self-satisfied fully grown Great Pyrenees
His favorite times of year are the beginning of spring when all the flowers and trees are blooming, and the holidays because of all the yummy baked treats you’re constantly making that make the whole apartment smell like a real deal bakery
He can’t bring himself to go within 50 feet of a Bath and Bodywork’s or a Yankee Candle because of all the competing robust aromas, so he’ll just tell you what candle or bath product he’d like, because he physically can’t go near either of those stores without getting a wicked headache
After a particularly rough night out on patrol, you’ll most likely find him on the couch cocooned inside a weighted blanket with his expensive noise cancelling headphones over his ears, because sometimes the only way he can get calm enough to meditate is if he can’t hear anything and he doesn’t have any outside stimulation
He loves audio books, especially the ones where the narrator uses different voices to distinguish what character is speaking. Knowing this, you buy him the Harry Potter audiobooks, and it’s safe to say they quickly become his favorite because Stephen Fry is the MVP of character voices
Because his senses are so refined, you, Foggy, and Karen come up with a game where you give him five of the same thing but from different places or brands (like four black coffees from four different coffee joints and one homemade or five pints of vanilla ice cream from five different brands) to see if he can tell the difference between them. Annoyingly enough, he can, and it pisses you guys off to no end
He memorizes the heartbeats and walking patterns of the people he cares about (aka you, Foggy, and Karen), so he can pick you guys out of a crowd of thousands and instantly tell when there’s something wrong be it your heart rate is slightly irregular, your walking pace is accelerated, or god forbid you have a slight limp
Much like Anakin Skywalker, he can’t really handle the texture of sand (of course you quote that one scene whenever he mentions it just to mess with him), so he’s not the biggest fan of the beach. Then one year for a vacation you take him to your relative’s condo in Coquina Beach, Florida, and the second he feels how soft the sand is, he changes his mind about beaches, and you two decide to try and find the beach with the softest sand in the world
He loves it when you wear his clothes, especially his old Columbia sweatshirts or tees. Once when he came home, you were wearing one of his white work button ups and no pants, and he just about lost his remaining five marbles
He unironically loves VeggieTales, especially the Silly Songs with Larry. You’ve caught him humming “Oh Where is My Hairbrush?” to himself while he’s getting ready for work too many times for it to be a coincidence
He has a really good singing voice, but he only ever busts it out at a karaoke bar after a few too many whiskeys, and yet he still sounds coherent when you drunkenly usher him onto the stage. Once he sang “Hold Me While You Wait” by Lewis Capaldi, and the entire female population within the bar (and a couple of dudes, tbh) basically melted into the floor, because he has no business having the voice of an angel when he’s drunk off his ass
He likes going to museums with you that specialize in your niche interests just to hear you infodump to him about the stuff you already know and the new stuff you learn while you’re there, because he loves listening to your voice in any context
30 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
I Swear
(A Spencer Reid Fic)
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Platonic-ish Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader decides to clean the apartment, but she finds something of Spencer's that she was never supposed to see
Genre: Pretty angsty right in the middle, but it gets sweet and fluffy at the end, I promise
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of Spencer's no-no juice arc, mentions of the circumstances that CAUSED said no-no juice arc, crying, general ouchies.
A/N: This is for @imagining-in-the-margins' Roommate Challenge. I apologize in advance for any pain this may cause. And this is post-finale, but Reader doesn't meet Spencer until around the middle of Season 13, so she isn't fully aware of all the crap our favorite boi went through
Word Count: 1121
When Y/N set out on her spring cleaning mission, she was not expecting it to end in tears. Well, she usually doesn't expect anything to end in tears, but especially not tidying up her shared apartment with her best friend.
Y/N is the owner of a very small and homey second-hand bookstore that just so happened to be Spencer Reid's very favorite place to go when he needed to de-stress after a rough day at work. One day while he was in about two and a half years ago, she helped him find a book he was looking for, they struck up a conversation, and they've been friends ever since.
About 6 months ago, Y/N's apartment building got condemned for a multitude of health and safety violations, and she didn't have anywhere else to go because all the apartments available for rent were too far away from her shop. She vented all of her frustrations to Spencer when he came into the shop that day, and he very generously offered to let her live with him in his apartment.
Anyways, Spencer was off at Quantico for what he assured her was only going to be a cut-and-dry paperwork day, so she decided to get some cleaning done, because between him being an avid reader, her making a living collecting and selling second-hand books, and both of them working so much, the apartment was starting to resemble a small post-apocalyptic library.
She reorganized the two large bookshelves (one for him and one for her), scrubbed the kitchen counters until they were spotless, emptied the fridge of any spoiled food, and wiped down all the surfaces in the bathroom. And she had to admit to herself that she did a pretty good job at making the apartment look habitable again.
Then Y/N started cleaning up the floors of her and Spencer's bedrooms so she could vacuum, and while she was picking up all of the mismatched socks strewn about in Spencer's room, she knelt down to make sure there wasn't anything under his bed, and she found a small wooden box with a clasp on it. She dumped all the socks into his hamper (while reminding herself to start on laundry later), then grabbed the box from under the bed to investigate.
She sat on the end of his bed, then undid the clasp and opened the box to find three small glass vials filled with clear liquid. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, then she picked up one of the vials and turned it around to read the label. She almost dropped the box when she read the word "dilaudid" on the little sticker, and tears started coming to her eyes. Y/N knew that Spencer had been through a lot from when she first became friends with him, but she had no idea that he'd had these kind of issues, and that was probably on purpose on Spencer's part.
The front door opened, and she heard Spencer call out, "Y/N/N? I'm home!", so she used all of her resolve to contain more tears and slowly left his room while holding the little box. He hadn't noticed her come out of the room, and he continued hanging up his jacket while saying, "Hey, did you clean the apartment? It looks great! You know you didn't have to do that ri-...?", but he cut himself off when he saw Y/N standing in the living room with tear streaks on her face holding the object he hadn't even thought about in almost 3 years.
Spencer's face immediately fell, and he said, "You were never supposed to see that," which only made Y/N want to cry even more. She tried to fight it, but she broke down sobbing, and had to grab the back of the couch to stop herself from sinking onto the floor, because she knew that if she did, it would break Spencer's heart even more.
Spencer ran forward, gently took the box from her hands, then scooped her into his arms bridal style before carrying her to the couch and sat down with her. Y/N buried her face in his neck and cried harder than when her family had to send the dog they had since she was four across the Rainbow Bridge right before she graduated from high school, and Spencer could feel tears welling up in his eyes as well, because he'd never imagined seeing her this broken up over him.
After she had calmed down a little, she whispered, "Why didn't you tell me?", so he replied, "Because I didn't want you to see me as some fragile broken former addict. I just wanted you to see me as Spencer, the guy who nabs all the good books from your store before anyone else can get them, the guy who makes you watch Doctor Who with him all the time, the guy who teases you for not being able to handle Indian food, just... your Spence," his voice breaking at the very end.
Y/N looked up at him and said, "You'd still be my Spence if you had told me. Your past mistakes don't define the kind of person you are," before wiping her eyes and letting out a tiny sniffle. Spencer nodded and said, "It's a long story, but I know you won't judge me now, so... here goes nothing," with tears in his eyes.
He told her his whole story, about Tobias Hankle and his multiple personalities, about his kidnapping, about his struggle with substances, and about how ten years of sobriety were ripped from him when he was drugged and framed for murder in Mexico, and Y/N listened intently the whole time.
When he was finished, she asked, "And the box I found under your bed?", so he said, "I haven't even thought about it since before we met. I've been sober again for almost 3 years, and I'm not planning on giving that up again anytime soon, I swear," which made her smile before throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. He hugged her back, then kissed the top of her head before saying, "Thank you for being my friend," so she squeezed him even tighter and said, "Thank you for being mine," and they just stayed like that for a while.
Y/N said, "Wanna watch Doctor Who?", and he said, "I swear you can read minds sometimes," before grabbing the remote off the coffee table and going into HBO Max. Y/N snuggled into his side, and they watched the show peacefully for a few hours before falling asleep that way on the couch, more in sync than they ever have been before.
CM Taglist: @homoose, @libraryofloveletters, @hurricanejjareau, @xgoldentigerlilyx, @less-intelligent-spencerreid, @boketto2-0, @aryaarathornson, @houseofhotch, @spoookymuulders
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
54 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My Personal Eddie Munson Headcanons
Part 1/?
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He always has you do his eyeliner before his shows with Coroded Coffin because he insists he’s terrible at it, but he really just likes how you sit on his lap and hold his face while you do it
This little shit is the biggest gentleman on the planet, and you wanna punch him in his stupid perfect face because of it. Always helps you step over puddles, always gives you his hand to get out of his van, and you haven’t opened a door for yourself when you’re with him since you first started dating
He tries to teach you how to play the electric guitar, but you’re horrendous at it. He has more luck with acoustic though, and when you get good enough to sing and play at the same time, he loses his shit because he taught you that and you’re amazing
This man is such a cuddle monster. Like, his 5’10” ass koalas around you the second you’re in bed or on the couch, and he buries his face in your neck to be as close to you as he possibly can (he’s only the littlest bit touch starved)
He has no idea how to react when you compliment him. He’s so used to being insulted and called awful names by all the douchebags at school, that when you brush hair away from his face and say “You have the prettiest eyes, Eddie”, he frickin melts like a popsicle on the 4th of July
He pretended to be annoyed by it at first, but now he openly loves it when you play with his hair and put braids in it and all that jazz
He loves it when you lay on his chest while he’s reading or sit on his lap while he’s writing out a new campaign for the Hellfire boys. He especially loves it when you ask him to read to you or offer up ideas about what bullshit to put the boys through at the next Hellfire meeting
He takes Will under his wing the second he meets him and makes him his Junior Dungeon Master. They combine forces and make the most elaborate campaign either of them have ever made based on their escapades with the Upside Down stuff. They even manage to get Max, Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan to design characters for it and play through it
He and the other Hellfire boys give you their old dice sets when they get all beat up and worn out so you can make crafts with them. Every member of Hellfire has a bracelet you made them with their respective dice sets, and they treasure everything you make them with every fiber of their beings
He’s really good at climbing trees. Like, you can blink and the dumbass is halfway to the top of the tree already. He says it’s because he likes to see the town from a different view point, but you know he just likes to show off
Metal may be his main wheelhouse, but he secretly loves Cyndi Lauper. You’ve caught him singing “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” in the shower on numerous occasions, but you never say anything about it
This man can’t keep his hands to himself worth any type of damn. He always has an arm around your waist or around your shoulders, always holding your hand, or he has his arms wrapped around your middle from behind while he presses kisses against your neck. He’s a leg man too, but y’all can jump to your own conclusions there
He taught himself how to knit once when he was stuck at home with chicken pox, and now you and the Hellfire boys have a collection of scarves, hats, and mittens he’s made for you, and they actually do a good job of keeping you warm in the winter months
He has a rock collection that he started way back in third grade, and everytime he finds a cool rock, he takes it home and puts it in a big Tupperware tub he nicked from the kitchen when he was little and first started his collection
He makes guitar pick necklaces from random abandoned picks he finds in the parking lot behind The Hideout, and he gives them to the people he cares about. So you have about 13 different ones, his uncle has a handful of them, and the Hellfire boys all have one or two
He begrudgingly allowed you to paint his nails black once, but then he realized he looked kinda cool, so now he always asks you to do them for him
He gave you one of his rings on a chain as a sort of promise ring situation because your fingers are too small to actually wear it
He secretly loves the movie Dirty Dancing, but nobody else besides you is allowed to know that, because he thinks it’s embarrassing. You think it’s cute though, and you always tell him “I’ll be the Baby to your Johnny any day, Eds”, which makes him blush
70 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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What’s up? I’m 21, autistic, biromantic-demisexual, and use She/Her pronouns. Storytelling is really important to me, and the stuff I make is almost always dark, unhinged, and macabre.
This is a list of all the stories I’ve written so far (and I’ll be making updates in time with future stories). The characters I mainly write for are YouTuber Egos; those of Nathan Sharp/NateWantsToBattle, Markiplier, MatPat, Thomas Sanders, etc.
(You can also find all of these stories here, if you prefer AO3.)
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The Pentas Family Encyclopedia
(Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism (Caliban, Murdock, The Newcomer)
Running on Empty (Caliban, Murdock)
God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting (Sam, Murdock, Caliban)
What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ? (Azalea, Caliban)
Update the Letter Board! (Azalea, Murdock)
Toxic Tutorials (Azalea, The Newcomer)
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Characters and Headcanons and References, Oh My!
What’s This? Natemare is EVOLVING!
Matt and Ro are Soul-Siblings, So. . .(But It’s Kinda Dark This Time)
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From Candygram to Requiem (Noah Walker and the Paranormal Investigators from Random Encounter’s Phasmophobia The Musical)
What’s a Detective Without a Case? (Noir!Engineer Mark, Noir!Mack, Noir!Captain)
Nobody Likes Rude Clients (Patty, Delux/Porniplier)
Caught Between a Monstrosity and An Abomination  (EldritchPlier, LeviathanPat, The Reader)
Sɇɍɨɇs Fɨȼs 
A Week of Goretober 2022
Day 1: Voodoo Doll (Phantom, Bones)
Day 2: Cannibalism (Caliban, Murdock, The Newcomer)
Day 3: Broken Glass (Damien, Celine, The District Attorney, Darkiplier)
Day 4: Suffocation (The Captain, Head Engineer Mark)
Day 5: Revenge (Natemare, FNAF’s Missing Children, Purple Guy/Afton/Springtrap)
Day 6: Specimen Preservation (Phantom, Anti-Matter)
Day 7: Lyric Inspired (The Reader, Scaredy/SCARED-E)
Gifts for a Bat (an ongoing saga of snippets based off of @that-bat’s awesome Resident Evil: Village AU, where the mutated personifications of Nate, Mark and Matt are Lords serving under Mother Miranda and Ethan Nestor/CrankGamePlays is playing the role of Ethan Winters.)
Part 1: A Spider-Human Monster and A Necromancer Walk Into a Bar. . .  (Nate/Lord Ophio, Matt/Lord Loxosceles)
Part 2: Chaos, Compromises, and Meal-Prep (Ethan Nestor-Winters, Matt/Lord Loxosceles, Mark/Lord Isurus)
Part 3: A New Face In Town (Nate/Lord Ophio, Hunter/The Baron)
The Sides of A Nightmare (short drabbles inspired by @fangirltothefullest’s amazing Sanders Sides Little Nightmares AU)
The Actor (Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
The Professor (Logic “Logan” Sanders/Indigo, Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
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Incorrect Quotes: ISWM (Parts 1 and 2) Edition
Incorrect Quotes: ISWM Edition (The Second One)
How Mack Snapped and Became the Way He Is in Part Two
ISWM Meets Pokemon
Matt and Ro are Soul-Siblings, So. . .
Headcanons for Phantom and Monarch Being Allies(?) Since Nate and Amanda Are Friends
RE8 AU Incorrect Quotes
How a Lot of My Followers Probably Reacted to My Hyperfixation on Caliban
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murswrites · 2 years
2022 summary of writing
i did this last year and thought i'd do it this year as well!!
feb 5) blush red - matt murdock blurb
feb 14) coffee beans - joel miller blurb
feb 20) natural - adrian chase blurb
feb 21) besties 4 the resties part 1 - adrian chase one-shot
feb 25) jealous - adrian chase blurb
feb 26) besties 4 the resties part 1 - adrian chase one-shot
feb 28) never deal with demons - bonnie gold one-shot
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mar 1) besties 4 the resties part 3 - adrian chase one-shot
mar 8) coming out part 2 - peaky blinders preference
mar 9) indigo night - bonnie gold drabble
mar 11) fluff alphabet - adrian chase
mar 16) crushed - bonnie gold one-shot
mar 16) liar liar, pants on fire - adrian chase blurb
mar 20) stoic soldier - matthias helvar blurb
mar 21) the devil of hell's kitchen - matt murdock one-shot
mar 28) none is fair in love & war - benedict bridgerton one-shot
mar 31) muse of mine - benedict bridgerton blurb
mar 31) dangerous silence - mal oretsev blurb
mar 31) flirting with a wall - bruce wayne blurb
mar 31) rude awakening - alina starkov blurb
mar 31) malleable boy - bonnie gold blurb
mar 31) her deadly wish - yennefer of vengerberg blurb
mar 31) fluff alphabet - yenneger of vengerberg
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apr 1) wide awake - bruce wayne blurb
apr 5) the sun summoner - mal oretsev blurb
apr 7) snowdrops - bruce wayne blurb
apr 16) motor mouth - benedict bridgeton drabble
apr 16) the gate of hell - matthias helvar one-shot
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jun 11) dealer o' mine - eddie munson drabble
jun 29) class of 2022 - steve harrington one-shot
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3 years of murswrites masterlist
jul 6) date night - steve harrington headcanon
jul 8) run boy run - eddie munson one-shot
jul 9) pure magic - eddie munson drabble
jul 15) 2 peas in a pod - will byers headcanon
jul 16) a little sampler - eddie munson one-shot
jul 19) boyfriend material - steve harrington one-shot
jul 24) random eddie munson headcanons
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