#infj x estp
saku-chann · 2 years
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Illustration of the 16 MBTI personalities ships ~
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INFJs stuck in a love triangle ?🌝💙 who would win ? Comment your fav couple ! 👀
I literally shipped infj with everyone tbh , but those are the results you voted ! SO many ppl voted for entp as INFJs partners , they do make an entertaining combination but hear me out , infj deserve some peace of mind , so I personally prefer with intj👌✨
I did my best to sketch the other one that were requested a lot too
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pinkladyc02 · 10 months
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¡Tutoría escolar!
instagram: pinklady_c02
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konishirrr · 2 years
Yes, we’re back :)
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The orders insane but we’re okay I swear
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Wait this one’s actually right :0 <- proud
and others that I absolutely adore <33
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Yea and there’s more than just enfp x intj bc im falling in love w an enfj <33
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Me (estp) have a entp bestie who is dating a infj dude I swear to God every time he is simping over his boyfriend the situation looks like this
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typing-mbti · 2 years
About MBTI romantic compatibility
In this post I want to talk about my personal thoughts based on what I observe about MBTI romantic compatibility or romantic compatibility in general.
Because remember, MBTI isn't enough when looking for a partner; there can be:
Very different people of the same type
Similar people of very different types
It also depends on what similitarities and differences mean for you.
Think at colors: there are colours which matches armonically to you but maybe you still preferer a "very similar" colour that accompany you or "very different" one that make you natural color stands up
1) COMPATIBLE if you look for an armonical balance between your differences (dichotomies) and similarities (same primary function but inverted and same process thoughts of the other two functions)
E/I + P/J difference or also F/T or N/S depending on what is the primary function (change the other). F/T or N/S lead to apparently more differences but deeply same way to process some thoughts (exactly same middle cognitive functions)
Example: INTJ x ENFP or ENTP
Example: ISFP x ESFJ or ENFJ
2) SIMILIAR: same type or similiar in many things (but not having the same primary function and thinking process can still lead to a not so small difference): you prefer having more similitarities with your partner (e.g. both introverted)
Change just a letter (be conscious that usually the S/N difference alone could still lead to a strong difference)
Example: INTJ x INTJ or ENTJ or INFJ or INTP (or also ISTJ)
ABOUT changing only the last 2 dichotomies: it will lead to a more complex mix between similarities and differences, usually it can be great at times but can also lead to many misunderstandings, for this reason I see more friendships than romantic partners on these.
Example: INTJ x INFP
Example: ESTP x ESFJ
3) DIFFERENT: very different type or opposite type: you feel safe with a companion that can do the things you can't do.
Example: INTJ x ESFP, ESTP, ESTJ, ISFJ,...
Is it immature?
If all you look for is just a personality type yes, but if you consider many things among which a specifically personality type... no. People choose their partner based on physical appearance, interests, sympathy, familiarity, style of life... and choosing based on the way a person perceive and process reality that affect every part of their daily life is nothing but deep.
"BUT if you both are willing to make it work..."
I will be honest here on my opinion. We are not talking about getting along with colleagues or in family or something forced, but with romantic relationships. It's so natural to look for a "compatible" friendship, why not with romance? Friends can be many while a romantic partner is hopefully just one and for every day of our life; and every relationship is already difficult by itself without us making it more complicated. We will live and share everything with our partner, make decisions with them, see and talk to them everyday: for this reason I personally don't see why we can't be selective.
So... is MBTI compatibility important? Depends
My personal opinion is that compatibility in general is very important, but not each couple needs MBTI compatibility to work well.
Your perfect match depends on who you are and what you look for in a partner.
-> Some thoughts to consider for wishing to have MBTI compatibility or not:
If your MBTI type is a huge part of who you are and your mental process - choose YES
Passions, interests, character and other things have a huge impact of who or your partner are more than MBTI - choose NO
You are selective and look for deep understanding of who you are to feel completely gotten - choose YES
You get along easily with others and feeling get is not your primary need (or not by a partner), you enjoy and look for other things - choose NO
Your process thoughts deeply, analyse others and observe a lot - choose YES
You are in tune with the ambience more than focusing too deeply on the others, you are more practical and a doer - choose NO
Your answer can be different of the one of your partner. For example an INFJ chooses her ENFP for MBTI compatibility because she wants to have long conversations and feel mentally connected with him while ENFP chooses her for the way she treats him and prefers spending time doing some hobbies together. So their relationship's will won't match.
If you wish for MBTI compatibility:
I will repeat it another time: MBTI isn't enough! There are always other things that defines us as values, humour, interests, style of life, mentality. So your life partner will be one of the personalities you get along with: not all will work perfectly with you!
MBTI isn't a guarantee! There is no perfect balance and every couple needs work.
If you wish for other kind of compatibilities:
Still be conscious about your personalities! Sometimes feelings cover our differences and you are ok with how are some things now but maybe in the future you or your partner will look for other things.
Be aware! Not thinking about it doesn't remove their type and your similarities/differences, the best is knowing your MBTI types and still be sure it's the best for you! MBTI knowledge in any case could always help in your journey.
Some example of couples I know:
MBTI compatible couples:
ISFP x ENFJ: natural match and they also share the same way to see life - worked
ESFP x ISFJ: compatible but the mental disorders of one destroyed their relationships and also their interests didn't match - didn't work
Not MBTI compatible couples:
INFP x ISTJ: they have the same values of family and both looked for a companion that can do what they couldn't, and feel safe in the differences of the other - worked
INFP x ESTJ: they loved the differences because they made them feel safe, during life they realized they needed to feel understood by the other and suffered for the lack of similitarities - didn't work
Be careful and choose what is best for YOU depending on what you and your partner look for in a relationship. Because at the end knowing what you want in your love life and waiting until you find it is the most important thing! If you want read this last part by thinking at different characteristics other than MBTI.
Different partner: more work to to but they can help you with doing the things you can't do. Always looking for an opposite partner can be sometimes linked to low self esteem, or positively to a strong adaptation ability.
Similiar partner: less work to do but you will have the same limits and face the same problems. Always looking for a very similar partner can be sometimes a sign of immaturity, or positively of a sensitive trait.
I'll say it again:
I talked about MBTI compatibility but remember that MBTI doesn't describe us totally so choose wisely considering that person completely!
And work with your defects and mental disorders, with them every relationship is destined to fail or be unhealthy or toxic.
Maybe you are thinking "love is blind"... to our mind maybe yes, but unconsciously is linked to how we see ourselves deeply.
Feelings may last some time but having a partner hopefully will last a life.
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I wish you all the best love life :)
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shika000 · 1 year
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Entp girl & INFJ boy 🤍
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thisismyanimus · 2 years
hijacking the tags
i imagine that this post will show up if you search for a combination of any two words appearing here
if you like any of those topics or are brazilian, hit me up, follow me, message me, idk
se você gosta de algum desses tópicos ou é brasileiro, me segue ou manda mensagem
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Now let's flip around the orientation of the functions and types. As mentioned previously, introverts like a static and predictable external world to reformulate their impressions, as an ever changing world is unmanageable and overwhelming...
Extraverts, on the other hand, gladly flow with the moving present. However, Reality can cause anybody to lose their sense of self if being overly associated with its vast randomness. Hence extraverts rely on their impressions about the chaotic world as their internal compass. This is the extraverts' foundation of their reality. Fi- users stand on hard values and beliefs, Ti- users stand on hard logic and principles.
And just like how introverts may be reluctant to rebuild their external foundations, the same can be said for extraverts to rebuild their internal foundations. The extreme ones avoid looking internally, it gives sense they're running away from themselves. The vast majority take responsibility of their influence, and think through before setting their actions.
They may not ruminate with themselves, but more often go about by researching, using soundboards, trialing, and playing out possibilities. They still interact with an external medium rather being completely detached like introverts do.
Their experiences is similar to the introverts' with a forward momentum:
Ne+ holds a panoramic view accounting nuances by boiling them all down into fundamental Si- patterns. Ne+ scans over all situations, Si- looks for what's always true.
Se+ holds a microscopic view absorbing all details to gain a Ni- comprehensive idea. Se+ learns all it can, yet Ni- doesn't feel it has seen enough.
But we're all in varying degrees both introverted and extraverted. Our internal impressions get rusty or distorted. Reality is too big for us to encompass everything, so we work within realistic parameters.
Continuously rebuilding the foundations of our reality is our journey!
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I would like some Alastor with my favorite MBTIs Reader here:
Alastor with ESTP! Reader
Alastor with INFJ! Reader
and Alastor with ISTP! Reader
Alastor x Different Personality Type's Reader
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
I also added at the end my MBTI, I haven't taken this test since I was 16, and though most of my personality has stayed the same, two of my letters have changed. Bet you can't guess which ones.
ESTP (Entrepreneur) Reader:
Alastor enjoys the business side of you, even though it reminds him a lot of his time back with Vox. However, you balance your business and friendships well. You mix work with play almost as smoothly as whiskey goes down for him.
Alastor hates when you jump into things head first, not because he is against seeing what happens to you but because you always manage to come out on top. He has never known someone to rival him in pure power and knowledge.
He finds your bravery almost pathetic if it weren't for you constantly picking a bone with him to see who really is the most powerful between the two. He finds your inability to be scared of him almost endearing and frightening.
Being highly perceptive allowed you to see Alastors' masks much easier than others. This created friction between you two until he realized that having a like-minded confidant was all right.
Overall, Alastor really likes you. He sees a lot of himself and past friends in you. Please be aware of your competitive defiance, though it can vex him. If you consider that, though, he will immensely enjoy your direct and perceptive nature.
INFJ (Advocate) Reader:
When Alastor first met you, he thought he had met another Charlie, but much quieter. Your introverted nature confused him, especially with the big goals and plans you boasted about to your friends. Yet he saw that you, like himself, like to work in the shadows for a more significant cause—even if that cause is for the greater good and against him.
Alastor finds your need for altruism all too close to home. When you came into his life with these grand ideas and a sense of not belonging, he wanted nothing more than to prove you wrong and show you how amazing you are. Yet that leads to weakness and his need to be altruistic alone.
Alastor took your kindness for granted, leaving a sour taste in both your mouths as he managed to ruin something good between you two before it even started. Yet you never stopped being kind, allowing him to find new things about you to love and attempt to understand.
Alastor, also the ever-elusive figure he is, understands the complexity of being burnt out and having difficulty picking up where one left off. However, with you in his life, he finds that you two can help the creative imbalances within each other as they arise.
Overall, Alastor enjoys your kindness, creativity, and articulation. This allows him to overlook some of the qualities he finds annoying most and lets him accept his deep, hidden kindness for you and all your friends.
ISTP (Virtuoso) Reader:
Alastor's first meeting with you was chaotic. You found a million and one things in the hotel that needed shaping up, and all of this made Alastor even more peeved that you were changing his ideas. He wanted nothing more than to blip you out of existence, but as you fixed things and they came out better than imagined, he slowly grew to enjoy this, even giving you some of his own personal objects to fine-tune.
It worried Alastor at first, as more people began seeking redemption, how you closed yourself off in the workshop that Charlie added for you. He thought maybe someone had wronged you, yet as he learned that you just didn't care for strangers or large groups of people, he slowly began to work on his scripts in your office or even bring your tinkering tools into his studio so you two could quietly still spend time together.
Your brash bluntness tends to cause many fights in the hotel, especially with the eccentric Lucifer and the cold, calculating Alastor. Though Alastor enjoys knocking Lucifer down a peg or two, he hates it when you call him out on his actions. This creates brief tension between you two that fades as soon as he needs a new thing fixed.
Alastor, working with the Shadows has always been a hot topic between you. Your being overly skeptical and his believing in what worked for him led to many discussions and arguments. However, when Alastor warmed up to you and showed you how his magic worked, you had a face of wonder and understanding as you two began researching and looking into all these new possibilities.
Overall, Alastor enjoys how you can overcome any adversity and still remain true to your authentic self. Yet when it comes to your stubborn and blunt opinions, he sometimes would like to pass. If you two can find a happy balance, everything will be good.
ENFP (Campaigner) Reader:
Out of all the others listed, you terrify Alastor the most. You are so energetic and the exact duplicate of Charlie. You seek to find emotional connections and understand people to new extremes, which terrifies the poor deer man, as he can not risk anyone knowing his deep, dark secrets.
Alastor finds your way of thinking odd, that how we treat one another is, in turn, how the world will treat us. He did nothing wrong as a boy, and the world still treated him wrong. Yet when you explained your reasoning for why that could be, he was amazed at how articulate and powerful your words were.
Alastor found it terrifying that your warm, empathetic nature allowed him even a moment of vulnerability, let alone many moments that have him seeking you out privately more often than not. However, your tendencies to internalize and seek answers to his problems worry him, as he notices you sleeping less and less while you worry away over him.
Alastor can not stand your people-pleasing tendencies and often will be a bad cop for you so you can get some rest. As stated, it is tough on him when he is the reason you are people-pleasing. This sends him into a fit of rage when you sit there and keep trying to be the listener and fixer of the group, forgetting yourself and your needs.
Your warm, kind personality was a total put-off, but as he realized you had a way with words that rivaled even his momma, he found himself warming up to you. Find a way to balance your need to help everyone while still taking care of yourself, and I am sure Alastor will have fewer heads to roll.
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anemoiashifts · 1 month
places to shift for your personality type !
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˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ 𐙚 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
link : https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ 𐙚 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
intj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ criminal minds
✦ scooby doo
✦ stranger things
✦ shadow hunters
intp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ gravity falls
✦ five nights at freddy’s
✦ narnia
✦ night in the woods
entj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ hunger games
✦ percy jackson
✦ alice in borderland
✦ coraline
entp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ rick & morty
✦ sherlock
✦ inside job
✦ undertale
infj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ harry potter
✦ merlin
✦ the walking dead
✦ sabrina the teenage witch
infp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ star vs the forces of evil
✦ ever after high
✦ spirit farer
✦ animal crossing
enfj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ game of thrones
✦ locke & key
✦ descendents
✦ demon slayer
enfp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ doctor who
✦ avatar
✦ dead poets society
✦ fantastic beasts
istj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ the originals
✦ the office
✦ wandavision
✦ greys anatomy
isfj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ buffy the vampire slayer
✦ my little pony friendship is magic
✦ sailor moon
✦ over the garden wall
estj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ firefly
✦ angel the series
✦ umbrella academy
✦ supernatural
esfj ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ lucifer
✦ euphoria
✦ hazbin hotel
✦ scream queens
istp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ miraculous
✦ monster high
✦ the owl house
✦ little witch academia
isfp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ amphibia
✦ pokemon
✦ hunter x hunter
✦ outer banks
estp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ the last of us
✦ scream
✦ divergent
✦ the vampire diaries
esfp ⋆˙⟡♡
✦ emily in paris
✦ once upon a time
✦ pretty little liars
✦ gilmore girls
love you ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ !! 🤍
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oiblackestsheep · 18 days
MBTI Hunger Games Simulation
Gonna throwback to the 2010's (shudders) (skip to bottom of post if you just want the stats and the ending/ultimate betrayal lmao)
There are eight teams of two, all of which were chosen randomly by spinning the ✨Wheel of Fate✨ Before we see how this game goes, let's take a look at the teams determined by nothing other than DESTINY and place your bets.
District 1: ISTP x ENFJ
Opposites attract, maybe? Could compliment each other well, but there could be some infighting. I'd bet on it.
District 2: INFP x ESFP
...Not a very goal driven bunch, are they? If they win... it'll be dumb luck. With style, of course! They'll be interesting to watch, nonetheless. Bet against.
District 3: ENFP x INTP
Lmao, okay, do they even want to win? That's a lot of Ne for one team. They might have better luck actually breaking out of the arena itself, instead! Bet against.
District 4: ISFP x ENTP
Interesting take... it's not what I think of when I think "winner", but honestly? I think they could pull it together in their own way. Sure, why not! Bet on.
District 5: ESTP x INFJ
This one feels like a practical joke lmao. I'm gonna say most likely to split up and do their own things. Bet against.
District 6: ISTJ x ESTJ
I'd say they're probably the scariest team on the list, I would watch out for that. It almost feels kind of unfair that they got paired up? Kinda wanna see them meet their maker. Bet against.
District 7: INTJ x ESFJ
Now these guys seem like unlikely friends, actually. I think they'll discover that they unexpectly work well together, keeping a balanced team! Bet on.
District 8: ISFJ x ENTJ
So close to the other team, but for me, no cigar. I think there's going to be power struggles and opposing priorities. Second team to split up. Bet against.
With all of that said, let's see what happens when the game starts!
ENFJ convinces ISFP to not kill him only to kill her instead.
ENTJ attacks ESFP but ESTP protects her killing ENTJ.
ESFJ stays at the cornucopia for resources.
ENTP takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
INTJ finds a bow and some arrows.
ENFP finds a bag full of food.
INFJ takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
ESTJ takes a couple explosives from near the cornucopia.
ISTJ takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
INFP dashes to the forest to avoid the bloodbath.
INTP grabs a sword.
ISFJ runs away with a sword and some rope.
ISTP scores a bar mace from inside the cornucopia.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1
Deceased Tally ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 1
ESFP in a cruel fate, asks ISFJ to kill INFJ or ESTP. She decides to kill INFJ.
INTP fishes in the water for some food.
INTJ discovers a water source.
INFP, ENTP, and ESFJ hunt for other tributes.
ISTP begs for ENFP to kill him. She refuses, keeping ISTP alive.
ISTJ thinks about his family and starts crying.
ENFJ receives a water spile from a sponsor.
ESTJ receives a water spile from a sponsor.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 1
INTP bashes ENTP's head in with a mace.
ESTJ convinces ENFJ to snuggle with her for the night.
INTJ tries to sing himself to sleep.
ESFJ and INFP hold hands and cry together.
ISFJ huddles up next to a fire and cooks the meat she hunted earlier in the day.
ESFP, ENFP, and ESTP sing songs together, hoping for the best.
ISTJ and ISTP fall asleep holding hands.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 2
ESTJ accidentally walks over a land mine.
ESTP hides in a bush, terrified and scared.
INTJ, ESFJ, and ENFP hunt for other tributes.
INTP, ESFP, ISTJ, and ENFJ raid INFP's camp while she is away.
ISFJ tends to ISTP's wounds.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 2
ENFP is stabbed in her sleep by ENFJ.
ESFP lets INFP into her campsite.
INTJ leaves ISFJ, ESTP, and ISTP because he does not like their plan to kill more people.
INTP tries to sing herself to sleep.
ESFJ falls asleep shivering from a fever.
ISTJ begins to cry.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 3
ISTP overwhelmed with anger, bashes ESTP's head against a rock several times.
ENFJ scares ESFP off into the distance.
INTJ and INFP create a fort out of sticks and leaves.
INTP chases ISFJ.
ISTJ receives healing ointment from a sponsor.
ESFJ discovers a hidden pathway.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1 ISTP: 1
Deceased Tally ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 3
INTP chases ESFJ for over a mile before making the kill.
INTJ starts a campfire with materials on the ground.
ENFJ thinks about his family.
ISTJ falls alseep to the sound of people screaming.
INFP convinces ISFJ to stand guard for the night while she sleeps.
ESFP receives a hatchet and water from an unknown sponsor.
ISTP sleeps in small increments, awaking to every little noise.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 4
ESFP severely wounds ISTJ and leaves him to die.
ISTP sings a song while searching for a food source. He finally finds some wild berries.
INFP runs away from ISFJ.
ENFJ discovers a hidden pathway.
INTP has a mild panic attack.
INTJ makes a wooden spear from tree branches.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 ESFP: 1
Deceased Tally ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 4
ESFP sets fire to ISTP's fort, burning him alive.
ISFJ is unable to start a fire and is extremely uncomfortable.
INTP, ENFJ, and INFP sleep in shifts, each hoping the other two do not betray them.
INTJ receives an iPad from an unknown sponsor.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 5
After hearing footsteps, INFP catches ESFP from behind guard and kills her.
INTJ dreams about home back at his district.
INTP and ISFJ create an alliance.
ENFJ tries to sleep in order to reduce stress.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INFP: 1
Deceased Tally ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 5
ISFJ slips on a frozen river and drowns.
INTJ, INFP, INTP, and ENFJ sleep in shifts, trying to protect each other.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INFP: 1
Deceased Tally ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 6
INTJ bleeds out from a wound left mildly treated.
After hearing footsteps, INFP catches INTP from behind guard and kills her.
ENFJ injures himself tripping over a log.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 INFP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally INTJ (day 6) INTP (day 6) ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 6
ENFJ tends to INFP's wounds.
Day 7
INFP chucks a spiked ball into ENFJ's chest.
Kills Tally INFP: 3 ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ENFJ (day 7) INTJ (day 6) INTP (day 6) ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
1st Place: INFP (3 kills)
2nd Place: ENFJ (2 kills)
3rd Place: INTP (2 kills)
Honorable Mention: INTJ (0 kills, lasted until day 6!)
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
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Who I Write For:
- Jeff The Killer
- Ticci Toby
- Ben Drowned
- Nina The Killer
- Eyeless Jack
- Homicidal Liu
- Jane The Killer
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Anons: 🦢, 🍃, 💫, 👽, 127 anon…
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Jeff The Killer
- General JTK Headcanons
- Jeff The Killer with Age Regressor!Reader (ft. Ticci Toby)
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Jeff The Killer x Male!Calm!Well Rounded!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini! Reader
-Jeff The Killer x ESTP!Sagittarius!Reader (ft. Ben Drowned
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- JTK x EJ Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Ticci Toby
- General TT Headcanons
- Ticci Toby with Age Regressor!Reader (ft. Jeff The Killer)
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Toby x Reader, slow dancing in the readers apartment
- Toby x Black!Alt!Fem! Reader
- Ticci Toby Relationship Headcanons
- Toby x Sassy!Reader
- Toby x Animal Hybrid!Reader
- Toby x Oblivious!Childhood Friend!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini! Reader
- Toby x Reader with an obvious crush!
- Toby x Black Cat!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who like to bite
- TT x EJ Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Ben Drowned
- General BD Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- BD ft. Reader who has lots of fictional crushes
- Ben Drowned x ESPF!Sagittarius!Reader
- BD x INFJ!Pisces!Reader
- Ben x Arranged Marriage Victim!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini!Reader
- Ben Drowned x ESTP!Sagittarius!Reader (ft. JTK)
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Nina The Killer
- General NTK Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- NTK x Grunge!ENTP!Fem!Reader
- Creepypasta x ScenEmo!Reader
Eyeless Jack
- General EJ Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- EJ ft. Age Regressor!Reader
- EJ x Future Partner!ISFJ!Reader
- EJ x Cello Player!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini!Reader
- Human!EJ x Eyeless Demon!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- EJ x JTK Relationship HCs
- EJ x TT Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Homicidal Liu
- General HL Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- Liu Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Jane The Killer
(she’s late to the party)
- General JTK Headcanons
- Jane x Skilled!ENTJ!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
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pinkladyc02 · 11 months
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instagram: pinklady_c02
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konishirrr · 2 years
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Mbti ships!!! esfp x istj is rlly cute. Stan
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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
ISTJ - The Inspector
ISFJ - The Protector
INFJ - The Counselor
INTJ - The Mastermind
ISTP - The Craftsman
ISFP - The Composer
INFP - The Healer
INTP - The Architect
ESTP - The Dynamo
ESFP - The Performer
ENFP - The Champion
ENTP - The Visionary
ESTJ - The Supervisor
ESFJ - The Provider
ENFJ - The Teacher
ENTJ - The Commander
E - Extraversion X I - Introversion
E (Extraversion): Indicates a preference for focusing on the outer world, gaining energy from social interactions, and being more outgoing.
I (Introversion): Represents a preference for focusing on the inner world, gaining energy from solitude, and being more reserved.
S - Sensing X N - Intuition
S (Sensing): Reflects a preference for gathering information through the five senses, focusing on concrete details, and being practical and realistic.
N (Intuition): Reflects a preference for gathering information through patterns, possibilities, and abstract concepts, focusing on the big picture and future possibilities.
T - Thinking X F - Feeling
T (Thinking): Indicates a preference for making decisions based on logic, objective analysis, and rational criteria.
F (Feeling): Indicates a preference for making decisions based on personal values, emotions, and consideration of the impact on relationships.
J - Judging X P - Perceiving
J (Judging): Suggests a preference for a structured, organized lifestyle, making decisions and planning ahead.
P (Perceiving): Suggests a preference for a flexible, spontaneous lifestyle, adapting to situations as they arise.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: I’m now including Nero and Tara in my SoA preferences. Let me know if you want anyone else added xx p.s. it’s also really hard to sort them into Hogwarts Houses when they’re literally outlaws and would do anything for the club 
Warnings: mentions of death, guns, blood and swears
🌿ENTP 🍁Gryffindor (in Season 7 you could say he’s a Slytherin) 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Aries Rising  
・Jax would be best suited to someone who can handle the outlaw life. Someone who doesn’t care about breaking the law.
・What went wrong with Tara was that she couldn’t fully accept it (no judgement, as it’s very violent and different from the norm). She wanted Jax, and her sons, but they were too integrated in the club
・Jax’s perfect match is someone who is just as badass as he is; fierce, brave but also open-minded. That’s why air and fire signs are his best matches. 
・His feelings are a big part of Jax - he journals, and eventually writes down advice for Abel and Thomas. He would need someone who respects that side of him, who doesn’t see it as unmanly (it’s not unmanly anyway).
・Jax would love to stop and have deep, meaningful conversations with his s/o.
・ He’d also need a person who can look after his sons. Even though he’s one of the more progressive Sons, ultimately he wants a partner that can look after his sons.  
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
・In MBTI terms: most compatible with IJ types- meaning INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ, and ISFJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Enemies to Lovers
Sun (Jax) x Moon (You)
Insane Sexual Tension  
🌿ISFP 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Libra Rising  
・Opie’s perfect match is someone who is loyal, humble and trustworthy. 
・Probably another Hufflepuff would be the best suited for him. And someone with a chaotic good alignment. 
・Although he’s dedicated to the club, he still has a moral compass and doesn’t want to go too far
・Opie is also set on making his family bigger, so a person who is family focused would be important
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Practical, reasonable, intuitive and hard-working. 
・In MBTI terms: most compatible with EJ types- meaning ENTJ, ENFJ, ESTJ, and ESFJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Height Difference
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside  x The Top  
Innocent x Protective (Feels A Moral Sense Of Obligation)  
🌿ESFJ 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Capricorn Sun, Gemini Moon, Leo Rising  
・Chibs would be best suited to someone who is emotionally mature and independent. A person who can survive being days apart.
・Would work with someone who can be pragmatic but also imaginative. Probably another Ravenclaw or even a Slytherin. Chibs needs a person who is okay with doing what needs to be done for the cause/the club
・He’d love someone who is interested in Scottish/Celtic culture
・Although Chibs would love feeling wanted, he’d be so impressed by a s/o who can defend themselves. Someone badass, and intense
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: the other earth signs - Taurus, Virgo as well as the water signs - Cancer, Pisces, and/or Scorpio
・In MBTI terms: compatible with fellow SJ types - ISFJ, ESFJ, ENTP, INTP
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
You Confessed Your Love When Thinking He Was Unconscious
Tragic Past x Ray of Light  
The sarcastic duo that can finish each other's insults  
🌿ESTP 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Rising  
・Definitely best matched with someone who has a sense of humour and an open mind
・The person definitely needs to be chaotic neutral. I think he’d love it if his partner was even chaotic evil - he’d find that really sexy
・Tig loves being told what to do, and wouldn’t care if his s/o was domineering
・And would love being able to make his s/o laugh. That would be an important part of the relationship - the banter
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, and Cancer. Fierce, adventurous, exciting and sensitive. 
・In MBTI terms, someone with: ISFJ, or ISTJ.
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Teases Them (Tig) x About To End Them (You)
Isn't Scared of Anything (Tig) x Worries About Everything (You)
The idiot number 1 and idiot number 2 who are smarter individually but share 1 (one) brain cell when put together (can argue that Tig already has 1 braincell, but I think he’s smart at times...)
🌿ISTJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising  
・Happy’s perfect match would be someone who is family oriented. And not just in terms of the club. 
・He needs someone who will get along with his family, who will come to family dinners and prioritise family life over anything else
・I know it’s a bit of a paradox having Hufflepuff and chaotic neutral - however Happy is all about brotherhood, loyalty, laying down his life for his family. And he would do anything to keep his family/the club safe. He’s a soldier who will carry out his orders without question
・Would do well with someone who knows what they want and won’t be told what to do. 
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo. Loving, stubborn, stands up for what they believe in. 
・In MBTI terms, someone with: ENFP, ISTJ, or ESTJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
They probably hate me (You) x Deeply, passionately in love … is terrible at showing it (Happy)
Opposites Attract  
Plant Dies (You) x Buys Them A New One (Happy)
🌿INTP 🍁Gryffindor although that could be debated 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Pisces Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising  
・The best type of person for Juice is someone who is nurturing. Who makes him feel seen, heard and loved. 
・He’s probably the most sensitive out of the Sons, meaning he needs someone who is attentive. 
・You know those hidden things that people love? Having soft teddies, blankies, maybe collecting weird things - Juice would totally be okay with that. He’d even get into it too - but you’d have to be okay with how organised he is. His organisation could be seen as OCD 
・To create a great relationship with Juice you would need to be open, communicative and sensitive. If you’re judgemental then it wouldn’t work. But I think Juice would totally be okay with a bossy s/o
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and/or Leo. Creative, sensual and enthusiastic. 
・In MBTI terms: ENTJ, or ESTJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Always bringing them rocks they think they’d like (You) x Keeps the rocks (Juice)
The Gomez (Juice) and Morticia Addams (You)
Emotional Support Animal In Human Form  
🌿INFJ 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Taurus Rising  
・Nero’s best match would be someone who is intuitive, passionate, loving and intense. 
・He’s quite an independent person, someone who handles his sh*t, rather than being overwhelmed by it 
・Nero has a good heart, and doesn’t like brutality. He wants to give his son the best life he can. Like a parallel to Jax, except Nero is set on leaving the life of gangsters and clubs
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Libra (sometimes, opposites attract), Sagittarius, and Leo (fellow fire signs will speak their same passionate language)
・In MBTI terms, someone with: EP types- meaning ENTP, ENFP, ESTP, and ESFP
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Two damaged, vulnerable people swearing to protect each other no matter what
Confident & Flirty (Nero) x Screaming Internally (You)
Great At Driving, Could Be Considered A Professional (Nero) x Drives Like They Have Nine Lives (You)
🌿ISFJ 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Cancer Rising  
・Someone who is stable and makes her feel safe 
・Tara needs to be respected and included
・She would have advanced so far in her career if she didn’t have to look after Abel, and then Thomas (again, no judgement). So having a s/o who supports her rather than having to do the majority of the supporting, would be a fresh and amazing feeling for Tara
・She would do well with a person who is committed to their work, who is grounded and down to earth
・Tara needs to feel like she belongs, and that the person she’s with is completely loyal to her. Cheating is a deal breaker. 
・She needs a person who wants a long-term relationship, rather than a fling
・Would need to be in a relationship with someone who is more open-minded than traditional. Although there’s nothing wrong with being a housewife (only if you want that!!!), but being forced into that role stopped her progression. 
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: most compatible with EP types- meaning INFJ, ENFP, ISTJ, and ESFP
・In MBTI terms, someone with: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, or Cancer. Grounded, perceptive, balanced and/or sensitive. 
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:  
Are they friends? Are they lovers? Who cares they’re happy and adorable together
Aggressively Supportive Of Each Other
Looks Like A Softie, But Can Kill You (Tara) x Looks Like They Can Kill You, But Is A Major Sofite (You)
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