#ingredient: herbs
Senshi's "Roast Basilisk"
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huariqueje · 2 months
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Escabeche - Joseba Sánchez Zabaleta , 2016.
Spanish, b. 1970 -
Oil on panel DM/i , 40 x 40 cm.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 month
Might fuck around and try to make another batch of mushroom and caramelized onion pastries later
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carmyboobear · 3 months
Hello my beautiful brained darling anon here who asked about the ownership thing🤭😉 you NAIIIILED ITTT the spit thing?! Ok the freezer scene. This just - it’s been in my mind since that scene- I NEED him to spit in my mouth and I feel like mixed with the ownership kink he’d have like a spit kink he’d loooooooooooove when his girl is like “I wanna taste myself” he’d just be like ‘fine, open up princess’ and spit in ur mouttthhhh 😍😍😍
HIIII IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!! It made my brain EXPLODEEE IT WAS CRAZY OF YOU…. in the best way!!
And Umm YEAH wow your vision is literally incredible….. him calling you princess and spitting into ur mouth….He is filthy!! He just wants to mark you all over…😳
I ain’t gonna lie I’m thinking abt him coming on your face and then spitting on you🫣I feel crazy
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thewitcheslibrary · 30 days
Herb Correspondences and spell work ingredients!!
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Acacia: Protection, mental and spiritual development, money, platonic love, and friendship. Used to anoint candles and censers, as well as to consecrate chests or boxes containing ritual implements. Use incense to induce a contemplative mood. Aconite: Use aconite as a magical wash for ritual equipment and spaces. Wear as an amulet to protect against vampires and werewolves. Poisonous; do not ingest. Acorn: Best wishes, protection, knowledge, and personal strength. A dried acorn makes a great natural amulet for maintaining a young appearance. Adam and Eve Root: The Eve Root is mostly utilised by lovers, with one partner carrying it and the other carrying the Adam root. This keeps your sweetheart loyal to you and discourages rivals. Carry both roots in a tiny purse at all times to attract love or make a marriage proposal. Adder’s Tongue: Stops gossip and slander, promoting healing. Sacred to snake goddesses. Used for divination, healing magick, moon magick, and dream magic.
African Violet: Spirituality, protection, and healing. Wear an amulet for protection. Keep in the house to boost spirituality. Frequently used as incense during the Spring Equinox Sabbat. Agar Agar: Encourage joy and prosperity, and draw opportunities and benefits into the home. Mix with Fast Luck powder and apply to hands before playing bingo or other games of chance. Agrimony: Overcoming fear and inner obstacles; releasing negative emotions. Also used to reverse spells. For the greatest benefits, sew into a dream cushion using Mugwort. Use as a wash or oil to boost the effectiveness of any type of healing ritual. Protects against bad creatures and toxins. Ague: Protection and Hex Breaking. Used in amulets to ward off evil. Mix with incense and burn to break a hex put on you. Also known as: ague root, ague weed.
Alder: Linked to divination, music, poetry, wind magick, weather magick, teaching, and decision-making. Also used in rites of death and dying to protect the deceased. Alfalfa: Money, wealth, and anti-hunger. Keep a tiny jar in the cabinet or pantry to guard off poverty and hunger. Burn in a cauldron and use the ashes as amulets to guard against hunger and poverty. Also called Lucerne, Buffalo Herb, Purple Medic.
Alkanet: Purification and prosperity. Protects against snake bites and reduces fear of snakes. Burned as incense to replace negativity with positive energy. Also called: Anchusa, Dyer's Bugloss, Orchanet, and Spanish Bugloss.
Allspice: Money, luck, healing, and acquiring treasure. Adds resolve and vigour to any spell or charm. Burn crushed allspice to bring good fortune and money. Use in herbal baths to promote healing. Also called: Jamaica Pepper.
Almond: Wisdom, money, abundance, and success. Invokes the healing energies of the gods. Offers magical assistance for overcoming dependencies and addictions. Associated with Candlemas and Beltane. Carry, wear, or burn as incense to attract abundance. Also called Greek Nuts, Shakad.
Aloe: Protection and luck. Place on a loved one's grave to bring peace. Thought to alleviate loneliness and promote achievement. Hang in the home to bring luck and protection to the people who dwell there. Grow in the home to prevent against domestic mishaps. Burn during the night of a full moon to attract a new lover on the new moon.
Althea Root: Burn or throw in a sachet to provide protection, soothe an angry person, and boost psychic abilities. Keep on the altar or light candles to invite good spirits. Alyssum: Protection and moderation of rage. Amaranth: Healing, calling spirits, mending broken hearts, bulletproofing, and becoming invisible.
Amber: Protection from damage, outside forces, and psychic attacks. Mental clarity and focus. Transforming negative energy into positive energy. Ambergris: Improving dreams and psychic enterprises, attracting men. Anemone: Healing and Protection
Angelica: Very potent protection herb - repels negative energy while attracting positive energy; forms a barrier to bad energy. Use in healing and exorcism incenses, or scatter for cleansing, protection, and uncrossing. Add to incense to aid healing, or use in the bath to erase curses, hexes, and spells. Also supposed to encourage temperance. Sprinkle ground herb in your shoes to avoid fatigue and weakness. Sprinkle around the exterior border of the house to guard and exorcise. Burn to reunite with a long-lost sweetheart. Also known as: Masterwort, Archangel, Garden Angel, Angelica Root.
Anise: Used to fend off the evil eye, provide happiness, and boost psychic abilities. To avoid unsettling nightmares, fill a sleep pillow with anise seeds. Use to invoke Mercury and Apollo. Perfect for aromatherapy. Use in purifying baths alongside bay leaves. A branch of Anise placed on the bedpost can restore lost youth. Use for protection and meditation incenses. Also called: Aniseed, Anneys, and Anise Seed.
Apple: Love, Garden Magic, Immortality, Friendship, and Healing. Put seven apple seeds in a bag with Orris Root to entice sexual love. Used in ceremonies to honour fertility gods and goddesses. Samhain is known as the 'Feast of Apples' because apples are believed to be the nourishment of the dead. Symbolises the soul and is burnt on Samhain to honour individuals who will be reborn in the spring. When performing a house blessing, cut an apple in half and consume half while leaving the other half outside the residence as an offering. Also known as: Fruit of the Underworld, Fruit of the Gods, Silver Branch, Tree of Love.
Apricot: Love. To attract love, use love sachets with leaves and flowers or carry apricot pits. Arabic Gum: Protection, psychic and spiritual development, money, platonic love, and friendship. Used to anoint candles and censers, as well as to consecrate chests or boxes containing ritual implements. Use incense to induce a contemplative mood. Also called: Acacia, Gum. Arabic Arnica Flowers Increases psychic abilities. Arrow Root: purifies and heals; it may be used instead of cemetery dust.
Ash: Sea spells/magick/rituals, image magick, invincibility, drowning prevention, general protection, and luck. Burning an ash log during Yule promotes wealth. The leaf of this plant is utilised to ensure trip safety. Place one spoonful of ash leaves in a basin of water in the bedroom overnight and discard in the morning; doing so everyday is supposed to prevent disease. Asofoetida: Protection and eradication of negative. Burned to make someone leave you alone. Be careful that while this plant is potent, it has an unpleasant odour when burned. Also known as: Devil's Dung, Food of the Gods.
Asparagus: Male Sex Magic Aspen's: abilities include eloquence, clairvoyance, healing, and anti-theft. Plant in your garden to deter robbers. Aster Love
Also known as: China Aster, Michaelmas Daisy, Starwort. Astragalus Root: Protection and Energy. Avocado: Love, passion, and beauty. Also used for sex magic. Also called Ahuacotl, Alligator Pear, and Persea. Azalea: Happiness, gaiety, and a light spirit, first love. Poisonous; do not ingest.
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Bachelor Buttons: Love Also called Devil's Flower and Red Campion.
Bakuli pods: It is difficult to discover magic items that are also utilised in sachets and potpourri. Balm of Gilead Tears: promotes love, manifestation, protection, healing, stress reduction, and aids in the grieving process after a loved one's death. Use in love sachets to heal, protect, and restore a damaged heart. Use to dress candles for any type of magical healing. Burn to attract ghosts. Also known as: Poplar Buds, Balsam Poplar, Balm of Gilead, Mecca. Balsam, Balesan, and Bechan
BalmonyA figwort plant that is powdered and used for hexing. Perseverance, patience, and steadfastness. Associated with tortoises or turtles. Also known as: Hummingbird Tree, Bitter Herb, Snake Head, Turtle Head, Turtle Bloom.
Balsam Fir: promotes strength, insight, goal achievement, and positive transformation. Balsam fir needles may be used as incense on charcoal and are also an excellent addition in sachet bags, dream pillows, and potpourri blends. Bamboo: is associated with breaking hexagrams, wishing luck, and providing protection. Carve a desire into bamboo and bury it in a remote location to make your wish come true. Carry a piece of bamboo for good fortune.
Banana: symbolises fertility, potency, and fortune. Banyan: symbolises happiness and luck. Barberry: Cleansing, sorcery, atonement, and breaking free from another person's power or control.
Also called: Witches Sweets. Barley: Love, healing, and protection. Harvests. Spread on the ground to keep evil at bay. To relieve pain, tie barley straw around a boulder and hurl it into a river or lake while visualising whatever discomfort you are experiencing. Basil: Love, exorcism, riches, compassion, and protection. Removes uncertainties, worries, and weaknesses. Drives away harmful spirits. Associated with Candlemas. Continue to go forward in a positive manner despite the threat. Strewn on floors to guard against evil. Sprinkle an infusion of basil outside the building where you intend to work for good luck at a job interview (but don't be seen!) or throughout your business to attract money and prosperity. Wear or carry to help attract money and wealth. Also known as: Common Basil, Sweet Basil, St. Josephwort, St. Joseph's Wort, Tulsi, Tulasi, Krishnamul, Kala Tulasi, Witches' Herb, Alabahaca, American Dittany. Bat's Head Root: Use in spellwork, rituals, gris gris bags, and other ways to get wishes. Bay Laurel: Purification, blessing of homes and businesses, and clearing out uncertainty. It attracts romanticism. Keep a potted plant to protect your home from lightning. Place in a dream pillow to improve sleep and generate prophetic dreams. Also called: Bay, Sweet Laurel, Sweet Bay, True Laurel, Lorbeer, Noble Laurel, Baie, and Daphne. Bay Leaf: protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing, and psychic abilities. Write your wishes on the leaves, then burn them to make them come true. Place beneath the pillow (or in a dream pillow) to generate prophetic dreams. Place in the corner of each room in the house to protect everyone who live there. Carry bay leaf to defend oneself from dark magic. Bayberry: Good luck, healing, and stress alleviation. Burn a white candle with bayberry bark for good luck and money. Also Known As: American Vegetable Tallow Tree, Myrtle, Wax Myrtle, Candleberry, Candleberry Myrtle, Tallow Shrub, American Vegetable Wax, Waxberry, Pepperidge Bush, Berbery
Bedstraw (Fragrant): Love and Lust. Bee Pollen: promotes friendship, attraction, love, strength, happiness, and helps overcome sadness.
Beech: symbolises wishes, pleasure, and divination. Improves literary talents. To promote inspiration, place a beech leaf between the pages of the Book of Shadows. Beeswax: Traditionally used in the production of candles, ornamental seals, natural polish, protective finishes, and as a foundation for herbal salves. Beetroot: Love. Beetroot juice can be utilised as ink in love magick or to replace blood in spells and rituals.
Belladonna: Healing and forgetting previous loves. When installed in a concealed location within the home, it provides protection. Place on a ceremonial altar to honour the deities and provide energy for ceremonies.
Do not consume this deadly toxin. Also known as: Banewort, Deadly Nightshade, Sorcerer's Berry, Witch's Berry, Death's Herb, Devil's Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man's Cherries
Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, easing tension, removing anger, reducing irritability, relieving stress and anxiety, and conquering depression. Encourages generosity and attention. Good to burn while utilising the Tarot or to achieve intellectual achievement. Smoulder for cleansing. It is thought that incense containing benzoin, cinnamon, and basil will attract consumers to your company. Also Known As: Snowbells, Storax, Gum Benzoin, Siam Benzoin, Siamese Benzoin, Benzoin Gum, Ben, Benjamen.
Bergamot: Money, wealth, protection from evil and disease, memory enhancement, interference prevention, and comfortable sleep. Carry a sachet when gambling to bring luck and money. Very effective at attracting success. Burn during any ritual to boost its power. Also called: Orange Mint. Betel Nut: Protection and Banishment.
Bilberry Bark: is used for protection. Also known as Whortleberry, Black Whortles, Whinberry, Huckleberry, Bleaberry, Blueberry. Airelle Bindweed: Used for curses/hexing. Birch: symbolises protection, exorcism, and cleansing. A birch tree planted near the residence is thought to guard against lightning, infertility, and the evil eye. Also known as: White Birch, Canoe Birch, Paper Birch, Tree of Life, Lady of the Woods.
Bird's Eye chilies: Cursing, heating spells, and making Hoodoo powders like hot foot powder and goofer dust are all done with plants from the Solanaceae (nightshade) family. Bistort: Fertility, divination, clairvoyance, and psychic abilities. Carry a sachet for fertility and conception. Add to any herbal concoction to enhance divination. Burn frankincense during divination or to increase psychic abilities. Carry a yellow flannel bag to attract prosperity and good fortune. Sprinkle bistort about the house to repel poltergeists. Also known as: Bistort root, dragonwort. Black Cohosh: symbolises love, courage, protection, and power. Use as a love sachet or in the bath to avoid impotence. Carry in your pocket or as an amulet to boost your confidence and strength. Sprinkle throughout a room to ward against evil. To guarantee a long and happy life, make a herbal infusion and add it to bath water. Burn as a romantic incense. Put in a purple flannel bag to protect yourself against accidents and untimely death, as well as to prevent people from doing you wrong. Also known as Black Snake Root, Bugbane, Squawroot, Bugwort, Rattleroot, Rattleweed, Rattlesnake Root, and Richweed. Black Haw: means protection, gambling, luck, power, and employment. Carry in your pocket while looking for job, if you are experiencing troubles at work, or if you are requesting a rise. Also called: Devil's Shoestring, Stagbush, and American Sloe. Black pepper: is used to banish negativity, perform exorcisms, and defend against evil. Black Walnut: is believed to provide access to spiritual energy, granting blessings and wishes. Blackberry :symbolises health, protection, and money. Sacred to Brighid. Leaves and berries are supposed to bring riches and healing.
Blackthorn Thorns: Thorns have historically been used to curse and protect. The thorns of the Blackthorn tree have traditionally been employed in witchcraft to puncture wax or linen poppets, cursing the intended victim.
Bladderwrack: Protection, sea and wind spells, money, psychic abilities, and attracting clients. Wear a charm for protection while travelling, especially on water. Also called: Kelp, Seawrack, Kelpware, Black-tang, Cutweed, Sea Oak, and Sea Spirit. Blessed Thistle: Purification, protection from negativity and evil, hex breaking. Carry for strength and protection. Place a bowl of holy thistle in a room to boost the vigour and spirit of its people. Men who carry thistle improve their romantic relationships. Also known as: Holy thistle, Saint Benedict thistle, Spotted thistle, Cardin.
Bloodroot: symbolises love, protection, and cleansing. Steep in red wine for the full moon cycle to serve as a "blood offering" for rituals that require it; DO NOT DRINK THE WINE. Place in windows and entrances to keep curses and evil spirits away. A popular root for usage in voodoo to counteract hexes and spells cast against you. Also known as: Red Root, Red Indian Paint, Tetterwort, Blood Root, Indian Paint, Pauson, Red Paint Root, Red Puccoon, Sanguinariat. Blowball: Love and wishes. Carry a crimson bag to grant desires. When looking for love, blow in all four directions. Blue Cohosh: Empowerment, cleansing, attracting money, ending the cycle of love, and pushing away evil.
Blue Violet: Love, inspiration, good fortune, and protection from all evil. Carried to protect, enhance fortune, and shift luck. Mixed with lavender to arouse passion and affection. Worn to soothe tempers and promote sleep. Also called: Sweet Scented Violet.
Bluebell: Luck, honesty, and friendship. Incorporate into funeral and dying traditions to soothe and relieve the pain of those left behind. Also known as: Jacinth, Culverkeys, Auld Man's Bell, Ring o' Bells, Wood Bells. Blueberry: Protection. Though not encouraged, blueberries are thought to induce confusion and turmoil when thrown in an enemy's doorway or path.
Boneset: is used to protect, exorcise, and fend off bad spirits. Sprinkle boneset throughout the house to ward off evil and negativity. Burn a black candle etched with the enemy's name as incense to curse them (not recommended due to karma). Also known as Feverwort, Agueweed, Crosswort, Eupatorium, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Teasel, Thoroughwort, Vegetable Antimony.
Borage: symbolises courage and psychic abilities. Float the flowers in a ceremonial bath to lift one's mood. Carry or burn as incense to boost confidence and character. To fight off bad spirits, sprinkle Borage infusion about the house. Also called: Bee Bread, Starflower, Herb of Gladness, Bugloss, Burrage, and Cool Tankard. Brazil Nut: Good luck in love affairs. Brewer's yeast: is used to make face mask remedies. Brimstone: Removes or prevents a hex on you; eliminates an enemy's power over you. Burn at midnight by your back door to keep off evil. Also called: Sulphur Powder.
Broom Tops: For purification, wind spells, divination, and protection. Sprinkle broom tops about the house to ward against evil. Also Known As: Irish Broom, Scotch Broom, Besom, Broom. Buchu :represents divination, wind magic, psychic abilities, and prophetic dreams. Add buchu leaves to the bath to help you predict the future. Also known as Bucco, Agathosma Betulina, Bookoo, Bucku, Buku, and Bucco.
Buckeye: Divination, good luck, and the attraction of money and fortune. Carried whole, anointed with money oil, and/or wrapped in a dollar bill, for a consistent increase in money flow. A famous hoodoo charm among gamblers. Carry in your pocket to prevent against arthritis. Also called: Horse Chestnut.
Buckthorn: Sorcery, elven magic, and dispelling enchantments. It is used as a luck generator in legal problems and to win in court. Place Buckthorn branches near doors or windows to ward off evil and negative vibes. To create a wish, stand in an open place facing east and concentrate on your request; then turn to your left until you are facing east again, sprinkling buckthorn bark powder (or an infusion including buckthorn bark) as you go. Also called: Arrowwood, Black Dogwood, Black Alder Dogwood, Black Alder Tree, and Persian Berries.
Buckwheat: Money, protection, and fasting. Use charms and rituals to get treasure, riches, and fortune. BurdockUsed for cleaning magick when feeling really bad about oneself or others. Use in protective incenses and spells. Rinse with a burdock decoction to relieve negative sentiments about yourself or others. Also known as: Bardana, Burr Seed, Clotbur, Cocklebur, Hardock, Hareburr, Hurrburr, Turkey Burrseed, Fox's Clote, Happy Major, Lappa, Love Leaves, Personata, Beggar's Buttons
Burnet: Used for protection, ritual instrument consecration, and counter magick, as well as to heal despair and despondency. Also called: Italian Pimpernel, Salad Burnet, and Greater Burnet.
Butchers' Broom: Wind spells, divinations, protection, and psychic abilities. Butterbur: is used for love divination and to boost spirits via optimism and trust. Also called: Bog rhubarb, butterdock, umbrella plant, lagwort, and sweet coltsfoot.
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glamgothgoddess · 9 months
Hang drying herbs, propagating and refilling my spices ☺️
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tastyfren · 1 year
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rithmeres · 1 year
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we stay eating ‼️‼️
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gayestpiano · 1 year
let's give it up for fresh basil 🌿 👏👏👏👏👏
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godsdraftbox · 8 months
I think if you told elon musk about roko's basilisk, he would take it so seriously that he'd take out "basilisk insurance" on himself then dedicate an entire division of Tesla to start working on it. He'd probably call it the "BasilX initiative" or something stupid like that.
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starswallowingsea · 19 days
mmmm gonna make stuffed tomatoes on friday i think
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"Uncooked Medicinal Herbs"
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khajiithaswitchywares · 6 months
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0.5 oz bottles of high quality Saffron.
$10 each. 6 Bottles available.
Saffron's metaphysical properties include healing, protection, love, abundance, cleansing, passion, divine connection, higher self, purity, prosperity, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, courage, royalty, nobility, good fortune, and transformation.
Medically, saffron is used for its antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory properties, is a mood enhancer and useful for insomnia, and is believed to help suppress appetite to aide in weight loss.
* I am not a doctor nor giving medical advice. Please check with your doctor for possible medication interactions, etc.
Please DM or comment mine plus the amount you would like to purchase.
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kihel-sorcass · 11 months
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Another quick Kihel sketch!
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blancabitchcraft · 8 months
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Trying to remember where I put the bay leaves
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askwhatsforlunch · 16 days
Chicken Mayonnaise Sandwich
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We heading off again for this Long Weekend, too! Only this time, we travel by rail. It shall be a bit after lunchtime when we board our train, so we might pack a couple of sarnies, like this simple but more-ish Chicken Mayonnaise Sandwich! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
2 large slices day-old Brioche, rather thinly cut
2 heaped tablespoons Garden Herb Mayonnaise 
the wings of a beautiful Roast Chicken, cold
Toast Brioche slices, and allow them to cool completely.
Generously spread Garden Herb Mayonnaise onto each Brioche slice.
Remove Roast Chicken flesh from the bones, and arrange into a nice layer on one of the Mayonnaise-slathered Brioche slice.
Top with remaining Brioche slice, pressing gently, to sandwich.
Chill until serving time, wrap tightly in cling film if bringing on a picnic, or enjoy Chicken Mayonnaise Sandwich immediately!
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