#input requested
Destiny community poll time
If you've left and come back, please mark the earliest version where you feel you "took it seriously".
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thezombieprostitute · 7 months
Working on the next chapter of Changing Minds and I'm finding myself unable to come up with a good nickname for this Reader. I've got Teach, DC, and Hummingbird but I'm not sure what to do for this character.
Any suggestions?
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chronicbeans · 1 month
I've been thinking about the visual design in Hazbin Hotel, and I've been very curious about something.
I know that one of the most common types of colorblindness is red-green colorblindness. So, has anybody who is colorblind had trouble watching this show due to how much red is present?
I'm not colorblind, but I have had a lot of trouble due to the shades of red blending together in some scenes. It's not a very big deal other than with Alastor somethings blending into the backgrounds. So, I randomly realized that if I'm having this much trouble while completely able to see red, what is it like for people who aren't?
I'm curious because I can already get the people saying there's too much red in the show who have experiences like me, where the shades blended together and made it a bit difficult to watch. So, I'd imagine it's be worse if you are colorblind, but because I'm not I don't know for sure and might be wrong. If anybody would like to put their input in the comments, reblogs, or my ask box, I'd be more than happy to hear.
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paragonrobits · 2 months
hey so soliciting for ideas based on fandom stuff here to make a group of antagonists, possible ones to have a character arc into freeing themselves from their corporate masters
context! I've had an idea for a team, or multiple teams, of antagonists who work for a powerful organization that has them basically put on a performance to be a mixture of media stars, celebrities, and adventurers/mercenaries for hire, adapted to the fantastical sci fi-flavored fantasy tone of the setting, such as a rival adventurer's guild (probably one non-unionized)
they are elegant, sophisticated, cultured and stylish as a contrast to their most frequent enemies, my primary group of protagonists (who are a bunch of weirdos, mutated animals, awakened abstract concepts and other weird things), who are meant to come off as awkward, off putting or strange in contrast. However its a performance, crafted from the ground up to be marketable and forcing them to hide their actual pasts and character in favor of playing a role; living a lie, while MC Squad is sincere even when its off putting.
So I'm looking for characters to use as inspiraiton or general ideas; I am specifically drawing from TWO broad categories:
Common fandom misinterpretations of characters, particularly on this site. Very common fandom opinions that are often completely divorced from canon or made up ideas that become prevalent in fandom. If you can think of popular fanon that is annoying or just something you know, list it in a reblog!
Tumblr Sexymen/women. Just about any popular character who becomes a bit divorced from their source material, was SUPER POPULAR on here, and so on. The Dimistrescus, the Sans, and so on. In this case, they are contextually being made to adhere to crafted personas that map to these character concepts, playing to popularity.
idk just general design or popular character types (such as pirate lady, or vampire lady, or pirate vampire) that pop up a LOT and virtually are their own character. (Popular fanon personalities, such as the 'domineering, cold and emotionally distant guy', would also be in line. So if you can think of anything that fits these, be sure to comment or reblog because i could use a large sample size.
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branches-in-a-flood · 4 months
Question to my fellow goths:
Docs or Demonias?
My knee high boots have died.
I like the look of the leather Demonias more
I know more people with docs
I've heard docs have gone downhill in quality.
Pls help
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thewritehag · 2 years
Tattoo idea that I'd like input from Scottish people on, if possible:
A selkie, mid-transition, her teeth bared, with gore coming from her mouth, down her neck, and on her hands (maybe she's holding the decapitated head of a fisherman who attempted to take/keep her pelt). Around her, I want Scotland's national motto:
No one provokes me with impunity
written in the above English translation, the Latin:
Nemo me impune lacessit
in Scots:
Wha duar meddle wi me
or Scottish Gaelic:
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
If any Scottish people would mind weighing in, please let me know. I want to acknowledge my Scottish ancestry without disrespecting the people and lore (I know this is retelling the original selkie story).
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katzirrart · 2 years
I feel terribly annoying making these polls, honestly.
By voting finished work, I mean that in the vein of it being the only thing you really care about seeing. Which is just fine! Just trying to gauge what people like seeing!
Merch… I’d like more input since last time I did any merch, it didn’t turn out well for me as a financial thing for those that made requests and it’s scared me off trying again - whoops lol
WIPs and stuff are posted on Patre*on every Wednesday that I can manage, but would everyone be interested in those eventually showing up here? Raw sketches is just that, things I don’t polish up… I don’t know what people like seeing versus what they feel clogs up tags these days you know?
That’s the jist. Just having a weird time with my art, I’m enjoying the process and stuff, but I don’t know what to post these days to drive up engagement. I want to be more active, and feel rewarded for my time again. Also, I just wanna know what people want to see unu I really wish I knew how to eat more traffic to my Patre*on tbh lmfao… I keep debating if it’d be worth posting progress videos to YouTube tbh but I hate my voice and I don’t know if voiceless videos would o over well for that lmfao OUGH. I hate thinking about shit so much lmao I just royally lost connection somewhere and I’m stupid as fuck apparently omg.
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camorval · 2 years
i’m going to share something personal.. so im very new to this whole sex life and i find it very hard to tel when to share it with others. it’s almost like i’m conflicted with my upbringing; my beliefs and morals. like sharing sex is something i would like to do but i feel as though it’s something to take time w cause there’s levels to it. i think it’s more to sharing intimacy of that kind. i think i want to be more intentional on who i’m fucking but then again if i want you ima have you with your consent. anyways, this was vulnerable. if you can relate or if you have grown out of this pls lmk and let’s converse..
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Hey, I'd like to ask for some genuine input here. Open to anyone.
I just started a new job as a case manager for K-12 students. That's basically a catch-all term meaning I'm an extra support for whatever the student needs. On paper, I do things like help students set goals, manage frustrations, identify stressors, and improve interpersonal relationships. In actuality, I see what's bugging them and try my best to make it suck less.
So, for the input part of this. Here are some of the many questions I have to get you rolling, but honestly any thoughts you have that you think might be useful will be greatly appreciated. I want so badly to do right by these kids.
• If you ever had a case manager, what was memorable about them?
• What things do you wish you had more support with in school?
• How could an outside adult have helped you?
• What activities do you wish you had been able to do with an adult?
Pardon all the tags, I'm hoping this can reach a wider audience.
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cosmereplay · 2 years
For my sex-repulsed followers, and anyone else who filters out NSFW content, what tags do you block? I'm trying to figure out what tags to use for:
- content that contains vague references to sex
- content that describes sex using specific detail (which would also go under the Mature - sexual themes community label)
Any input would be helpful! Trying to do better at tagging my content
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Input Requested!
Alright I have been having some serious trouble with motivation and I have soooooo much stuff to do in the next couple of weeks, so I’m thinking about doing a 30 days of productivity challenge on here in the hopes that it will help me some with accountability and motivation. Has anyone done a 30 days challenge before? Do you have any suggestions for having a successful 30 days? Would you recommend doing 100 days instead? I was thinking of doing 30 days since it’s almost the end of the semester, but I have a summer internship and am taking an Incomplete in one of my classes so I would in theory have stuff to do for 100 days as well. I would really love some input on this!
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Non-English speaking Destiny fans, this is a general call for input: this season (Season of the Seraph), how is “warmind” being translated? I recall the translations for the Warmind DLC not being what I expected, and illuminating; for instance French rendered Rasputin’s title as “Esprit Tutélaire” or tutelary deity and German rendered him as “Kriegsgeist” or “War-[Spirit/Mind/Ghost].”
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purplethespian · 1 year
there is someone on ao3 with a series of fics that they have generated using ChatGPT. i don’t know much about that service other than the fact that it’s AI. it seems like it should be against the rules of ao3 and kind of just. idk it makes me uncomfortable to see someone publishing something and getting hits and kudos and whatnot from something that they may not have actually written? so i’m kinda just curious if anyone knows what the rules are on that or if i’m totally out of line here
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Iolite Hospital Feedback!
Since I have started posting some little Tales from the Iolite Hospital short stories (more like concepts, but that is besides the point), I have been loving the feedback! I'm happy that some people seem to love the idea and characters, so far!
I do have a question, however. Since those stories are more like concepts, and not the entirety of my view for the project, I would like some input for my project from the audience. My plan is to either make a web comic or web animation series once I get access to more equipment to make that possible (like an electronic drawing pad and a good computer, etc.). One part of this series has been puzzling me, however, when it comes to the execution.
I cannot tell whether or not I want to have the series be mainly a day-to-day life series, or mainly focused on the mystery surrounding the hospital. I am sure that it will end up being a mix of both, but I don't know which is better to have on the forefront.
See, the day to day life of the characters dealing with their environment and conditions is something I would love to put at the forefront. That is a big part of each character's life, since they have to work to overcome their struggles in order to be more comfortable with themselves as people and realize that they are more than their conditions. So, if it were mainly a day-to-day series, they would slowly figure out the mysteries. I also like the idea of having the series mainly focused on the mystery, but I am unsure of how I would go about it.
If anybody has any input they would like to share, you can leave them in the comments! I would make a poll, but I don't want to make it feel like anybody is on a time limit or that they are restricted to these two ideas! I am willing to hear whatever y'all have to say, since hearing from the audience is always a good idea!
As an extra add-on to this post, I remember someone asking if I have a Kofi, which I currently don't. So, if y'all think it would be a good idea for me to get a Kofi at some point, let me know. Just note that, if I do eventually make one, it would mainly be for my Iolite Hospital project, since I do not feel comfortable accepting donations for just writing fanfiction and such. If I make a profit off of donations, I would like for it to be for my own, original work, and not something mainly based off of a preexisting property.
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mrblazeflappybird · 2 years
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branches-in-a-flood · 4 months
Important pop quiz that I am 100% serious about
My problem is that in my life "altered" means spayed or neutered. Which I am not. Yet.
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