#insect insect interaction
billionneuronscurious · 6 months
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Uncertainties, and Lucky to be Alive:
We often talk about how human life expectancy has increased over the years. But, the quality of life in some parts of the world, even today, continues to be of degraded nature. And the uncertainties in life in these populations too is high. These regions are conflict zones, or those facing risks from climate change and global warming. And when it comes to thinking about the end of humanity, people may think that it is either far away, or if it is to happen suddenly, then it will be due to an event - such as asteroid impact.
But, do we think about lives of plants and animals, or of any other species -our fellow earth companions - say a particular insect? For an example, consider this creature in the photo, which is a moth caterpillar. And those structures which you can see on its eyes and another on its frontier (near eyes) is an egg laid by another species of an insect (a parasitoid). So, this caterpillar mostly won't be surviving. Apart from chances of being eaten by some insect, what are other things that can happen with this caterpillar? Yes, it can be killed by a bird. Or it can be captured and killed by human, for the purpose of learning/ science. Or it can be carried away by a sudden stream of water in its area; flown off by strong wind. Its host - plant, and other plants nearby may die, causing this caterpillar to die too. Thunderbolt may strike and make it disappear. And there are so many possibilities by which this caterpillar may die (we are not considering its adult form - an adult moth).
How lucky we the creatures of this earth are to manage to survive and fend death every single day. Or how unlucky we are to be slave to the possibilities by which which we could die, and to face uncertainties in life.
- Dhairyasheel Dayal
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small-sleepy-sheep · 2 years
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alittleplaytime · 1 month
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Bug Catcher Pokemon Kidre Stimboard!!
🐛 🌲 🔍 | 🐛 🌲 🔍 | 🐛 🌲 🔍
🌼 media: pokemon
🐝 age appropriate? yes! pokemon is primarily aimed at kids between 5 and 12 but most countries have it rated for all ages!!
🍯 rqd by: 'anon' (soopiroth)
🌻 note: i love the bug catcher boys so much, they're so agere coded to me, they're like, the embodiment of boyre and i love them as a bug enthusiast, i wanted to be them so bad when i was younger (still do!!)
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hughmanbean · 8 months
Pest Control
So if you've been looking at my posts lately you'll realize I've been fixating on Queen Danny. And I'm going to keep doing that. But let me grind up some new concepts to throw in.
You think that bugs can become ghosts? Other than singular ones like in Doctor's Disorders? Not really. They're not as obsessed or driven enough to be fully formed, and areas where they become even blobs via excess ecto would probably have a bunch of blob eaters or something balancing it out. So the singular ones in that episode would be much more rare in comparison.
And ghosts who control bugs don't count. We're talking about bugs being the ghosts.
But what about those mass insect killings? Pest control, or when a full apartment building lights on fire and there's enough ectoplasm around? You get a Hive.
Hives always prefer to work together, since even at their creation they are made up thousands or even millions of the creepy crawlies. They either form a body from tiny bodies or chose a majority that can represent it properly. So they can just meld and split without concern.
And in the bug and insect world, more often than not, the Queen is at the top. Pariah didn't count, he didn't even like the Hives. On the other limb, High Queen Phantom had created a clutch of her own.
Once she came into power, the Hives wish to fulfill her desires, as insect kingdom instincts demand and through newfound loyalty. They do so, to the detriment of everyone else.
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oobbbear · 1 year
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She’s the brightest pearl
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pallanophblargh · 1 year
Cecropia caterpillars have reached their fifth instar. I held this little guy after doing a tank clean and getting them fresh leaves. They’re needing new food just about every day now. I’ll have to move to a proper box-elder tree for their feed, now that they’ve basically eaten the equivalent of the remaining sapling in my yard.
Hoping they pupate before we leave on vacation, though I can have a friend take care of them when I’m gone.
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geosesarma · 1 year
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Another photogenic fly from my backlogs, Hybomitra lasiophthalma Despite how maligned tabanids are, the larger species like this lady or most Tabanus species really don't bother humans, they prefer megafauna like cows, horses, and deer, plus they've got really pretty eyes
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critter-wonderland · 28 days
Activity pages
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chuuyaslittlepaws · 8 months
Tw: insects/bugs !!
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This was requested by a friend of mine, hope you like it!
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silly-lion-art · 1 month
kindred spirit real?? (You make htf stuff AND tadc stuff??)
yippee yay thank you i love silly cartoon characters experiencing the horrors
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take this ^^^^^^ flippy and ragatha are fruends they are talking about mlp this will go great
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herd-reject-arts · 2 months
Pulled from videos I put on my Instagram, but they're better together.
Went to clean my car and found I had a stowaway. Little dude was hiding under my passenger seat and would have almost certainly gotten vacuumed up if it had not come out swinging (I think. I don't know mantid behavior too well, but it was jabbing with its foremost legs, so that seems like an attack to me).
I was able to get the mantis onto a Gatorade bottle and out of my way while I cleaned. I was hoping it would leave in the meantime so I didn't have to deal with a tiny animal who was probably just as confused as I was on how it got there. But nope! Dude stuck around and listened to the honky tonk music the car wash was playing, or at least it seemed to be listening based on how it was swaying (note: I'm joking. I'm pretty sure it didn't care about the music. I just kept making comments to it about dancing to the tunes).
In the end, it hopped off the bottle (only after I moved it to the trash can, though I wasn't going to throw it away if it hadn't jumped off) and I got a really cool video of a praying mantis jumping.
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And the frame-by-frame of that jump, because why not.
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 months
Damn... Do you guys remember the time when we are just shipping characters because of fun? Because of sexual tension we feel between them? Because of the potential???
Why do we keep pushing the morality into the story now? I understand we feel related to those characters, but why have to be so righteous about it?
People can ship whatever they want, because it's just fiction, not reality. And if you don't like it, block them. Easily solution, right?
Why do we have to yell at the world that 'this ship is wrong?' or ' that ship is disgusting?'
Like... What ever heck is inside our imagination, fandom is where we express it.
Why do we have to fight each other like that?
It's really sad and immature.
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little-pup-pip · 7 months
Hi!! I was just wondering if you could make a bumblebee moodboard? With lavender flowers if possible <3 gender neutral/any gender and I don't mind if you can't find a paci for it but I think it'd be cute. Thank you!!
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starstruckstufful · 3 months
Hi hi hi! Can you pretty please do a bug stimboard with like isopods and stuff if possible? I don't care abt colors and I don't have anything I don't want included. Tysm!!
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bug stimboard with isopods/other bug stims for anon
here you go anon! (anyone seeing this board: remember! u can filter out tags by going to Settings > Content you see > Filtered Tags)
🐛 multicolor stimboard 🐜 requests open ✔
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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mixelation · 6 months
Starting my own batta of grass fanclub. So excited whenever he pops up like "omg its my fav mediocre missingnin omg hiii i wonder how you're gonna die this time <3" does he have hobbies? Why did he go missingnin. Who is he. How does he have such an inflated ego when he's so below average. Im about to write fucking batta of grass r̶p̶f̶ fanfic
im so glad. i also need to decide these things dhsjafld
i will say. i remember his name was also a grass pun but i couldn't remember what and looked it up and. バッタ is grasshopper lmao @ past me
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small-sleepy-sheep · 23 days
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