#inspector saehara
fugitivehues · 8 months
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Whumptober 07. Alleyway
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niwatari-rei · 3 months
Whumptober 2023 Prompts Masterlist
Emikosuke Prompt 29: "What happened to me?"
Elliot Prompt 24: “I thought they were with you.”
Elliot & Second Hand of time Prompt 22: "Watch out!"
Kyle Endoyle Prompt 25: "They're not breathing!"
Hiwatari Satoshi & Krad Prompt 8: "It's all for nothing."
Hiwatari Satoshi & Sekimoto Masahiro Prompt 21: “Don’t move.”
KeiRio Prompt 15: "I'm fine" Prompt 31: Setbacks
KosuKei Prompt 4: "You in there?" Prompt 26: “You look awful.” Prompt 27: "Let me see." Prompt 28: “You’ll have to go through me.” Prompt 30: "Not much longer."
Niwa Daisuke & Defective/Baku Prompt 9: "You're a liar."
Niwa Daisuke, Harada Risa, Insomnia & Sekimoto Masahiro Prompt 11: "No one will find you."
Niwa Daisuke, Dark Mousy & Hiwatari Satoshi Prompt 6: "It should have been me." Niwa Daisuke & Dark Mousy Prompt 12: "I'm up, I'm up."
Niwa Daisuke, Niwa Emiko & Niwa Kosuke Prompt 20: "You will regret touching them."
Niwa Daisuke & Saehara Takeshi Prompt 19: “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
Niwa Daisuke, Saehara Takeshi, & Sekimoto Masahiro Prompt 1: "How many fingers am I holding up?" Prompt 17: “Leave me alone.”
Qualia & Hikari ancestor Prompt 18: Tortured for information
Quarantine Prompt 14: "Just hold on."
Saehara Takeshi & Inspector Saehara Prompt 10: "You said you'd never leave."
Saehara Takeshi x Sekimoto Masahiro Prompt 5: Pinned down
Sekimoto Masahiro Prompt 2: Thermometer Prompt 7: "Can you hear me?" Prompt 23: "Who's there?"
Towa no Shirube & Argentine Prompt 13: "I don't feel so good." Yuukami Prompt 3: Solitary confinement Prompt 16: "Don't go where I can't follow."
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fuckyeahkosukeniwa · 10 months
Hi! Was wondering if you had any good Dark & Kosuke father-son bonding fic recs?
Hey! I WISH lol. They have such an interesting and fun relationship being the family curse and the outsider trying to kinda-sorta break that curse but still care about it like a dad~ Dark deserves a father figure in his life.
But I only know of a couple one-shots or my own fics so sorry it's not much…
This fic and its sequel are all talking (well, any fic with Kosuke is mostly talking). But they're the best fics about Dark and Kosuke imo. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3003131/1/Lost-In-Translation https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3260894/1/Learning-To-Interpret
This is a post-dance arc one-shot (but it seems to be part of a larger story?) I enjoyed the interactions with Dark and Kosuke in it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/4571847/chapters/10411641
This is a goofy unfinished fic of mine where Kosuke and Daisuke swap bodies. It would have delved deeper into Kosuke and Dark getting to know each other, but since I only wrote one chapter it's just hinting at it... https://archiveofourown.org/works/44904415/chapters/112984801
Really short and silly, Kosuke vs. Dark snowball fight?: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29274267/chapters/71894307
Not bonding either, but Kosuke and Risa have a talk and mourn Dark (as much as a person could with [SPOILER]) after the manga finale: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29274267/chapters/73750512
Honorable mention of this Niwa family artwork by ectoodle because it's adorable: https://ectoodle.tumblr.com/post/634492336627499008/happy-birthday-to-these-two-sons
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dnangelic · 23 days
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PUBLIC. info available to everyone.
dark is an infamous criminal phantom thief, although his 'true identity' remains a mystery. azumano, as his main operative center, loves and loathes him the most, and his influence completely dominates the entire province like it's his own little miniature country: a single word of his appearance or the announcement of a calling card warning can send huge, hundreds-of-persons stampedes in any direction.
likewise, there's always someone reporting on him, and his heists are typically broadcast on live television or radio. he's just as well known for giving out lots of fan-service too, and doesn't mind indulging photograph or autograph requests, though he always refuses interviews. it's no secret that he loves to show his face and play with all the flattery and frustration that comes with it from fans to law-enforcement alike, but he never gives away anything too personal - the vast, vast majority only know his appearance as a roughly 17 year old, his overwhelming fame, and his name.
the wings (or any other part of dark's appearance, like his freaky slit eyes/retractable talons/lack of fingerprint/regular body temp) aren't a secret, but they are also considered a deep mystery. nobody knows how they work, but canonically, 'nobody in azumano denies that people can fly' either. off-heist spottings do happen: there are many times when dark's flying over that ordinary people will witness the heavy shadow of enormous wings, and dark often swiftly becomes part of its seven mysteries at any school daisuke attends. dark's feathers are also often left behind in various locations and can be treated as a collector's item.
dark mainly targets hikari artworks, but he can and has targeted others, ranging from priceless rarities to no-name, entirely unguarded others. he seemingly has little particular standard or qualification for his artistic targets and personally says that it doesn't matter what he takes, so long as everything that he wants becomes his - this is, in fact, half true.
dark also sometimes just ... doesn't show up. or he shows up late compared to his arrival time. (this is due to daisuke having his own life and not devoting it utterly to being a phantom thief. seriously. he ditched once to go on a date with a girl instead of steal.) dark will also abandon a heist if poor weather happens to hit - he doesn't like to steal in conditions such as rain or snow.
on daisuke's side of things, he's generally considered an ordinary, if not somewhat boring person (at best) or a clumsy, spacey loser (at worst) within his school. other students know him as someone who's almost drowned in swim class, who's fallen off a cliff during a class hike, who gets lost, zones out and wanders off and ends up separated from groups easily, who has semi-poor grades... etc. the general consensus is that while he's nice, he's also a bit of a weirdo who gets caught up in trouble every once in a while.
his current 'friends' include saehara and sekimoto. saehara is an agressive wannabe-reporter whose only ambition is to reveal dark's true identity, and his father is an azumano inspector also tasked with capturing dark. satoshi hiwatari, who's currently head of the azumano police department (as well as the current last of the hikari) abides by a daylight truce around daisuke, and daisuke does consider him a friend. apart from hiwatari who is entirely aware of dark's identity and the niwa and hikari family's history, nobody suspects daisuke of being dark--- not even in the slightest, given how 'different' they are, and thus likewise how impossible it seems.
daisuke's involved with his school's art club. there are times he can't make it and has to leave early if he's scheduled for a heist, but he does enjoy his time at club and often spends what he can working on personal projects until late in the afternoon. many of the other members note that he always works hard and tries to demonstrate kindness by offering to clean things up or staying behind a little whenever he can, but his own connection and appreciation of the arts is fairly well-known and undeniable.
SEMIPUBLIC. info available to some general groups.
the niwa family firmly established themselves as an ancestral family of master thieves (in other words, as a 'proper' family business devoutly training its children in thievery) around 500 years ago. dark's existence goes beyond that, starting from 2000 years ago. within the 'present,' dark has only just recently returned after a 40 year period absence.
dark has never been caught and jailed by ordinary human means in any sort of way that he hadn't initially planned for. if he's ever in a prison, it's because he wants to be there, and he is most definitely leaving with something in his hands that didn't initially belong to him.
there are hikari disciple-descendants within the world who are aware of the hikari artwork's magic. one of these includes funabashi, a student who goes to daisuke's school. the niwa family occasionally collaborates with these individuals for one reason or another, or also sometimes loosely employs bodyguards to watch over dark/daisuke. <- this is also available to ordinary, other criminal families who are willing to take a job babysitting daisuke, more or less.
likewise, the niwa family does handle a variety of cursed objects. they'll buy, retrieve (steal) and store enchanted items whether benign, beneficial or dangerous within the mansion's endless basement. this includes anything from small rings to swords to magnificent statues. curses that can be lifted will be, while ones that are too dangerous are simply sealed or put to sleep - this is where daisuke's status as a 'tamer' (or, literally translated, wing-lord,) of the arts comes from.
the family doesn't usually sell artworks on the blackmarket, but if they do, there's a very strict window qualifications. the niwa family won't let anything magical or overly powerful fall into anybody's hands; artworks sold are generally nothing more than ordinary, albeit still beautiful artworks fenced.
the family is still mind-blowingly wealthy!! daisuke lives in massive, multi-story mansion, though he always just refers to it as his 'home.' it's hard to miss the house itself, though it does have a reputation as being 'impenetrable-' visitors have to ring a bell and announce themselves to even get past the outside gate, (and this is because it's insanely, fatally layered with traps from top to bottom by daisuke's mother who has to disable them.) the family has a butler, it has a maid - who are also artworks, but still.
wiz, dark's familiar and daisuke's pet, transforms with him. the two are indispensable for each other during heists as MANY of dark's tricks rely on wiz and duplicity - thanks to wiz being able to transform not only into dark's wings but also people, including dark himself, he commonly appears in two places at once, making him all that much more difficult to catch. wiz is also considered a mystery - nobody has connected that the small white rabbit often riding on daisuke's shoulder is also the enormous black-winged dog-like thing that sometimes shows up during dark's heists.
PRIVATE. info that should only be known by very, very few.
daisuke's transformations into dark are, of course, amongst his most deepest secrets. despite its uncontrollable tendency just about only his family knows about dark and the way the family curse/genes work - that he transforms whenever his heart starts to pound.
dark himself not even being human is something he guards and treats somewhat as a secret - he was created and manifested within the niwa bloodline as this gene mutation due to a magical accident between an ancient niwa and an ancient hikari. the cultural revolution, a catastrophic event in which mass artworks were burnt and destroyed, was the result of his birth, and the beginning of dark's 'betrayal' against the hikari, his technically-creators, and his choice to steal.
this forges a metaphorical chain that binds dark to the artworks and his self-imposed duty/existence as a phantom thief. in tandem with his selfishness is an immense guilt that motivates him to steal away whatever artworks he can before the hikari, or merely time and neglect, destroy everything - he's usually seeking to preserve what's left.
dark does not have any sort of power or talent to fix (or create!) the artworks, (merely, at best, sustain them for just a little longer,) and he laments this. when a magical artwork breaks, without the power of a hikari, it's as good as dead.
generally speaking, and apart from wiz, dark and daisuke are usually expected to carry out their heists alone, but anyone in the family, most typically his mother, decides upon targets and sets out the warning cards. everyone in the family assists in whatever ways they can during a preparation phase- this means gathering building blueprints, radio information, general background knowledge or hearsay, etc.
daisuke's father is a researcher who specializes in magical artifacts and cursed objects, daisuke's grandfather was also dark, and daisuke's mother is all-around the most enthusiastic person in the family who's trained daisuke since birth, and also preps and readies dark's costumes for him. generally speaking, daisuke still gets the most difficult part(s) of actually committing the heist, and is thus usually left to plan things on his own with dark.
daisuke's genes have mutated. he's unique compared to the rest of the niwa because of this, being the closest to completely merge and 'become one' with dark. getting shot during the process halted their total unification, but they've still become intertwined in a way that 'dark is visible within daisuke' and 'daisuke is visible within dark.' empath muses or people with sixth spiritual senses/magical truth-seeing eyes do your thing here.
daisuke is extremely physically capable. it isn't just dark who can do incredible acrobatic movements or has bewildering reflexes or a catlike quiet when he walks. daisuke typically hides or dulls his movements down when in public, but apart from appearances, there's genuinely no difference in capability between himself and dark. this also applies to things like skill in hacking, lock-picking, wilderness survival, etc.
dark himself is capable of all sorts of magic. memory manipulation, elemental control, invisible force, etc, just about anything you can think of --- dark cannot, however, typically abuse these abilities as the magic takes a very powerful toll on daisuke's body. small tricks like putting someone to sleep or a small flame, enough to light a candle is no problem, but a full-scale wizard battle will leave him / daisuke unconscious for days if he doesn't have some kind of magical regulatory handicap equipment.
dark and daisuke being able to cross worlds through works of art is also generally kept a secret. as long as daisuke's capable of perfectly recreating a particular scenery from azumano, like his home or his room, he can always return home, or vice versa for other locations - but he does have to be careful as he can only move through these 'passageways' with dark's power, and likewise in dark's form.
daisuke will not let dark kill. dark himself alone can get very close to inhumanly murderous points, but as long as he's merged with daisuke, taking a life of any sort is generally off the table. more than a few serious attempts have been made on dark and daisuke's life, however - and they've got the scars to show for it, though these are generally covered up.
dark generally thinks eating is a pain and a chore and not his to deal with - it's daisuke's body, after all. if he has to consume something for calories for daisuke's sake, it's probably going to be a drink, or something like a smoothie or a milkshake, if he's not hand-fed by somebody. he and daisuke both have a sweet-tooth lean and are bad with overly spicy foods - 'why is this a secret?' because daisuke doesn't want people to know you can easily lure and tempt him around with fruit and candy.
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killerdeathchaos · 2 years
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D N Angel. Takeshi Saehara is Daisuke’s friend & his father is the police inspector that is after Dark Mousy,
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luanna801 · 4 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: D.N. Angel Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hiwatari Satoshi/Niwa Daisuke Characters: Hiwatari Satoshi, Niwa Daisuke, Dark Mousy, Niwa Emiko, Original Female Character(s), Krad (D.N. Angel), Inspector Saehara Additional Tags: Character Study, Awkward Conversations, Introspection, Coming Out, Friends to Lovers, Friendship, Fluff, Banter, Character Development Summary:
In which Daisuke and Satoshi’s relationship has a moment of truth, and Satoshi finds support from someone unexpected!
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keikotwins · 3 years
Avril Art Week 3
feint [french] From "feindre", to hide what one feels, what one thinks, by disguising one's feelings.
“Saehara-kun, yo!”
Jirō, bag negligently hanging on a shoulder, raised his eyes in the direction of the voice. In front of the school gate, paying no attention to the crowd of young men leaving for home – and glaring at her in the process –, a girl with crossed arms waited on a reddish pink motorbike. What a sight, with her long skirt, spotless white socks and discoloured strands of messy hair! He would have admired her, in a world where she wasn’t a delinquent obviously waiting for him in front of the entire school.
“Saehara-kun,” the class rep’s voice called behind him, “do you know this woman?” Fuck off! He wasn’t responsible for strays…!
“Are you crazy or what?!” he instead shouted in the girl’s direction. “Let’s move on!”
Some nearby alley would be enough to get her where the entire school wouldn’t see. Showing up like this unannounced…! Was she trying to get him expelled?!
“You can’t show up like that in front of a school!”
“You guys call that hole a school?” She followed his pace, motor running low, her face as composed as ever. With the noise her engine made, whoever hadn’t spotted them before could follow her down the street, great!
“Hey, some of us are trying to get an education!”
“Wanna go somewhere?”
Ugh… She was always the same, coming and going on a whim, showing up to bring him on whatever ridiculous idea she had made up! Last time, he had been stuck with three dozen girls drinking juice in some pachinko. For two hours! And, of course, she wasn’t the one doing his homework afterward!
The two teens turned the corner of the street, finally hiding from the austere academic building and its multiple prying eyes that could send a letter to his parents at any moment. Ayane turned her engine off, and tapped the back of the seat with an inviting hand.
“How do you like her?”
“What, she’s a girl?”
“And the name’s Baby. So?”
With a sigh, Jirō had a look at the noisy horse that girl probably rode towards the sunset after her misdeeds. A customised Colleda COX-II that had seen at least a war given the bumps careful alterations hadn’t managed to erase. Looked functional and loved, but old under the shiny paint. Still… Her own motorbike…! What a lucky brat!
“Where did you steal that?”
“Hey! I worked to buy it!”
Outch. Given the tone of her voice, he shouldn’t joke about that, noted.
“So,” she added, sensibly less amicable than earlier, “you’re coming, or staying to bitch?”
“Where are we even going…?”
“Where do you want to go?”
“In another neighbourhood,” he reluctantly replied, sitting behind her anyway, not without wondering what he would have to grab to stay on the saddle. Did he even have a choice? That one was stubborn. “If my old man sees me like that, he’s going to kill me!”
“Send him to me, then, and I’ll explain everything about Baby’s beauty.”
“Who the hell would do that?!”
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satorisa · 3 years
Falling: Chapter 3 - In Which the Boys Have the Best Sleepover Ever
Rating: T
Summary:  "I wanna forget all this burden in my past."
Alternate Reading: AO3
Because the best sleepovers involve watching Studio Ghibli movies, right?
With the May holidays coming up, Daisuke’s parents planned to go out of town to visit their college friends. Grandpa Daiki had left for Italy about a week earlier with a close friend to enjoy wood-fired pizzas, lemons the size of his face, and the beautiful, Sicilian breeze. And so, until Grandpa Daiki returned to Japan the Monday of the holiday week, it was unanimously decided that Daisuke would spend the weekend at the Saehara household.
“What’s the occasion?” Risa asked when she saw the duffel bag Daisuke had that Friday morning. “Running away from home?”
Daisuke nearly protested when Takeshi swooped in, wrapping his arm around Daisuke’s shoulder. “Nope! He’s sleeping over at my place for the weekend! Are ya—” Takeshi began to bounce his eyebrows. “—jealous?”
Risa laughed. “Jealous? Of not being invited to your ham fest? Puh-lease.”
Satoshi appeared on the other side of Daisuke and silently waved at Risa. She returned the gesture.
“Congrats on waking up early again, Hiwatari-kun. You’ve been on a roll lately.”
“Thank you.”
“So,” Risa asked with a grin, “what do you guys have planned for your super special sleepover?”
“I think we’re baking this evening,” Daisuke answered. “Then we’re marathoning Studio Ghibli films.”
“Absolute classics,” Takeshi interjected.
“Tomorrow, we’re taking Satoshi out to buy some clothes and…uh…spend the rest of the evening talking until we fall asleep.”
“For our brotherhood,” Takeshi interjected again.
“And then we’ll spend the rest of Sunday watching Studio Ghibli movies until we pass out.”
Risa blinked before she started laughing. “Actually, I take that back. I’m a little jealous I’m not invited.”
“You can’t sleep over, of course, but you’re free to join us!” Takeshi said, excitement dripping with each syllable.
She just smiled. “I’ll let you know if I can.”
Since Risa had lunch plans with Ritsuko that day, the boys decided to eat in Daisuke’s classroom. They needed to meet up before they headed home for the weekend to prepare themselves for Risa’s potential company.
“Boys,” Takeshi said as he sat down, “I shot my shot.”
“Congrats,” Daisuke said as he unwrapped his bread.
“Did you have to invite her over?” Satoshi grumbled, digging into the bento Takeshi packed for them that morning.
“Look, I get that you’ve got issues, but what’s the worst thing that could happen? Is she gonna try to get you alone to finagle information about Dark from you?”
Satoshi looked at Takeshi straight in the eye and knocked on the desk. Takeshi broke out in raucous laugher, and both Takeshi and Daisuke knocked on the desks they sat at in solidarity.
“I don’t think she’ll do that, though,” Daisuke reassured. “I think she was genuinely interested in what we’re actually doing.”
“I know,” Takeshi said with a smug smile. “She was hooked the moment you said we’re baking later.”
“Don’t tell me you tailored this weekend just for her,” Satoshi said.
“What little faith do you have in me?” Takeshi feigned offence. “I tailored this weekend just for you.”
Satoshi shrugged. “Could’ve fooled me.”
Takeshi shot him a quick glare before downing several large bites of his lunch. He chased it with water and, after a loud burp, he met both Daisuke’s and Satoshi’s gazes.
“Alrighty boys, let’s set some ground rules for this weekend if we so happen to find ourselves in Harada-imouto’s presence.” He raised a finger. “1) We do not joke about or discuss my crush on her around her. If she finds out, you are dead to me.” He raised another finger. “2) Satoshi is not to be left alone with her at all. For his safety. And, uh—” Takeshi put his hand down. “—that’s about it.”
“Um…I think I need to add one more rule,” Daisuke said.
“Aight. Add away.”
“3) Risa-chan cannot be left alone with me, either.”
Satoshi focused on his bento, picking at the eggs with his chopsticks. Takeshi leaned in, eyes glistening with curiosity.
“What secrets are you hiding from me, oh dear best friend?”
One of the underclassmen from the art club caught Satoshi on the way to the shoe lockers, so Takeshi went ahead while Satoshi talked to them. They quickly chatted about the en plein air social the club had planned during the holidays before going on their merry way with an enthusiastic farewell.
Those cute underclassmen of his were starting to grow on him.
After he switched his shoes out, he spotted Takeshi and Daisuke waiting by the entrance. He expected to leave with them to enjoy a fun evening with the boys when a familiar pink ribbon came into his field of vision.
“Hey, guys!” Risa greeted while Ritsuko, who trailed behind her, waved. “My parents said I could come over for some baked goods this evening! Mind if Ritsuko tags along?”
“The more, the merrier!” Takeshi said. “Welcome aboard the fun train, Fukuda!”
“I’m just here to steal your recipe for Valentine’s Day.”
He laughed, and the group was about to head out when Satoshi’s phone rang. He saw Inspector Saehara’s caller ID and picked up.
“Sorry to ruin yer plans and all, but somethin’ urgent just popped up that needs to be done ASAP.”
“Is it more urgent than baking?”
“I know you’re upset, Satoshi, but—”
“I’m telling Saehara-san that you called me in for work and ruined my youthful sleepover.”
“Satoshi, please don’t call—”
He hung up. The group looked at him in awe.
“Sorry, but something came up at the station. Have fun for me.”
Inspected Saehara locked the door to the office behind him. Satoshi glared at the older man, and he just guffawed.
“I’m really sorry, Satoshi.”
Fuming, he ignored Inspector Saehara’s apology and marched back home without him. When he arrived, Risa and Ritsuko were long gone. A half-eaten cake sat on the table, and Takeshi and Daisuke were playing a video game in the living room.
They looked away from the TV and, instead of greeting him, they started laughing at him for being a young professional. Satoshi’s eyebrows furrowed more as he ignored them, chucking his school bag at the sofa (narrowly missing Takeshi) before helping himself to some cake.
Plate in hand, Satoshi sat on the floor by Daisuke before having a bite. (Dark chocolate with ganache. Delectably moist, decadently rich and, most importantly, not too sweet.)
He watched them play while eating his cake, purposefully ignoring Inspector Saehara when he finally arrived with dinner. They all gathered in the living room, digging into the fried chicken as they began their movie marathon. They watched Princess Mononoke first since it was Inspector Saehara’s favorite film from the Studio Ghibli collection but, when the old man began to snore halfway through, Takeshi banished him to the master bedroom, and his muffled snores accompanied Joe Hisaishi’s ethereal score until the movie ended.
Daisuke ducked into the downstairs bathroom to get ready for bed in case he fell asleep while watching the movies, so Satoshi went upstairs to change and freshen up when he saw a text from Risa.
She sent him a picture from earlier; the girls stood to the left, guys on the right, as they framed the cake in the middle. The message underneath read: “had lots of fun earlier! hope we can do this again soon!”
Satoshi blinked, wondering what prompted Risa to text him. They only ever messaged each other to confirm plans with the group or to find each other in crowds: general housekeeping more than anything.
Satoshi: Did Fukuda steal the recipe?
Risa: yup! she’s got it stashed away on her phone! :)
He wondered what possessed him to message her, but the speed at which she replied with was astounding. His phone pinged again, and he saw another text from her.
Risa: how’s the movie marathon?
Satoshi: We just finished watching Princess Mononoke.
Risa: good choice! wish I could’ve stayed longer to watch with you guys :(
Satoshi: You’re still welcome to join us on Sunday if you’d like.
Risa: i’ll see if i can! thanks for the invite, hiwatari-kun!”
Satoshi sat at his desk, focused on his phone. And when Risa no longer responded, he left his phone on his desk to charge before heading downstairs. Daisuke was still taking a shower, but Takeshi was in the kitchen making hot cocoa.
When Takeshi saw Satoshi, he pulled him into a hug.
“Bro, thank you for inviting Risa over on Sunday.”
The boys breezed through more of the Studio Ghibli catalogue, getting through Castle in the Sky, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, until they began to fall asleep while watching Porco Rosso. Takeshi leaned on Satoshi’s left shoulder, snoring at a tolerable volume and occasionally mumbling something in gibberish. Daisuke leaned on Satoshi’s right shoulder, cheek smushed into Satoshi’s upper arm while he hung onto Satoshi’s appendage like a sloth.
And Satoshi, enamored by the Studio Ghibli magic that gave life to a story about a pilot-turned-pig in the Adriatic Sea, watched on. And only when the credits began, with its calming music, did Satoshi join his friends.
Satoshi woke up to hear something sizzling on the stove. He rubbed his eyes awake before sitting up on the sofa. The blanket that covered him rolled off his chest as the cool air from the AC hit him, and he saw Takeshi and Daisuke in the kitchen.
(Inspector Saehara was not in the kitchen, but Satoshi picked out his snores from the room in the lulls of the sound of breakfast.)
When he finally came to, he joined the duo. He silently greeted them while he began to make coffee, filling up the kettle for some hot water.
Satoshi stood separated from the bustle in the kitchen, watching the kettle while Takeshi and Daisuke made small talk. Only when the kettle clicked did Satoshi move as he began to grind the coffee beans. He made enough coffee for Inspector Saehara to have his daily two cups and poured some out for the boys before joining them at the table.
“Dude, Satoshi’s coffee is to die for.”
Daisuke laughed before taking a sip. His face lit up, surprised, before he took another sip. “Wow, this is great! Thanks, Satoshi!”
He just nodded. Silent.
Even though he hadn’t said a word all morning, the guys didn’t force him to join their conversation. They let him be, just like he wanted, as he relished in this moment.
After they said their thanks, they dug into the breakfast. And while Satoshi silently ate, listening to Takeshi and Daisuke talk about the most menial of things, Satoshi genuinely wished that they could do this again.
Commissioner Hiwatari never took Satoshi out to shop for clothes. He would come home with items that somehow always fit but were always more fashionable than comfortable or practical. (And, if Satoshi had to be honest, he hated everything Commissioner Hiwatari bought him.)
Satoshi thought Takeshi would take him to a Uniqlo or SHIPS, but the trio found themselves in front of the department store.
“…with what money are we buying my clothes?” Satoshi asked, adjusting the tote slung over his shoulder.
“Ma said to charge it as a business expense.”
Takeshi shrugged before rolling up his sleeves. “Alright, fellas, we’ve got one job today, so let’s stay focused. No distractions!”
“Says the one who always gets distracted by the food and kitchen appliances,” Daisuke joked.
Takeshi glared before they walked in, politely turning down the makeup samples they could bring back to their “girlfriends” as they made their way to the escalator. Daisuke and Takeshi pulled their phones out as they ascended, but Satoshi looked down at the sprawling floor in awe. Everything shone, neatly displayed or folded, and he was too enthralled by the sight that he didn’t feel the pang of regret that often accompanied him finally experiencing something he should’ve long experienced as a child.
When they made it to the floor that housed the men’s section, mannequins dressed in sleek suits greeted them. Satoshi recognized those brands as the high-end ones that made up most of Commissioner Hiwatari’s closet, and Satoshi marched on to find something less expensive. He passed by some popular streetwear brands, only known to him because of Takeshi and Daisuke’s mild interest in fashion, until he finally found more subdued pieces of clothing that catered to his tastes.
“Satoshi, uh, that brand’s—”
Takeshi’s warning came too late. Satoshi looked at the tag, and the price bounced in his head. It was too damn expensive for a casual sweater, so much so that seeing that many numbers together physically hurt.
“Takeshi, this was a terrible idea.”
“Bro, you literally aren’t even trying right now.”
“But—” Satoshi gestured to the clothes surrounding them. “—there’s too much to look through. And they’re probably all pricey.”
Takeshi sighed. “Just ask someone to help you.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Just go up to one of the attendants and ask them to help you. I’m sure they can find something for you.”
Satoshi just blinked, looking at Takeshi like he had said something in Russian. Takeshi returned Satoshi’s confused expression, and Daisuke laughed when he finally caught on.
“Are you too nervous to ask them for help?” Daisuke asked.
Satoshi Hiwatari, literal kid detective, college graduate at the tender age of fourteen, terrified to ask for help at the department store?
Takeshi smirked, and Satoshi sighed, leaving the thoroughly entertained duo before asking one of the attendants for help. She directed him to a brand he wasn’t familiar with, but Satoshi liked the style and, most importantly, enjoyed the price point.
And after Satoshi tried on what he picked out, narrowing down the pile of clothes he brought with him to the fitting room, they paid before heading downstairs so Takeshi could fawn over the food. Satoshi followed him, wondering what samples he could taste, while Daisuke went off to grab something for Riku when he visited her during the holidays.
After stopping Takeshi from buying an extravagant set of chocolates, Satoshi spotted a familiar pink ribbon tying back brown locks. Lo and behold, Harada Risa was in her natural habitat at the department store, admiring the cases full of desserts while she carried a basket of impeccable looking strawberries in her hand. He ducked behind the closest fruit stand.
“Takeshi!” he harshly whispered.
“Harada is here!”
Satoshi motioned towards the preoccupied girl, and Takeshi’s face lit up. What a serendipitous occasion for them to meet at the department store! But a familiar mop of red popped into his field of vision and was in the peripheries of a certain girl who would most definitely stop him were she to see him.
Thus, by virtue of the bro code, Rule Number 3 of this sleepover took precedent. But it also gave Takeshi a fantastic opportunity.
“I’ll distract her,” Takeshi whispered. “Get Daisuke out of here.”
“Where do we meet up?”
“Men’s section. We should be safe there.”
Satoshi nodded.
She turned around and greeted Takeshi. Satoshi couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but she saw Daisuke briskly walk towards him. He ducked behind the stand next to Satoshi, and they silently watched Takeshi lead her away for them to escape.
May his shot go well.
“So, what’s the real reason why you can’t be left alone with Harada?” Satoshi asked as the two of them sat down in the men’s section.
“Is Riku being jealous of her sister not a good enough reason?”
“I’m sure it’s part of the reason, but I feel like that’s not the whole thing.”
“Is that your detective instinct?”
“No. You’re just a little too obvious sometimes,” Satoshi said with a smile.
Daisuke sighed while Satoshi directed his attention to the passersby. A frantic woman passed by, quickly talking to someone on the phone in English.
“It’s just…Risa-chan has been a lot more clingy lately to the point that Riku’s starting to get annoyed with how much time I spend with her. And I’m having a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with Dark.”
“Like residual feelings of some sort?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know what do with that.”
“Talk to her about it?”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why? Because you’re dating her sister?”
“Yeah. That’s one of the reasons, but I also don’t want to put her on the spot for it, especially if she doesn’t know what she’s doing.”
“Is that why you were a little too excited to hear about Takeshi’s feelings for her?”
“Yeah,” Daisuke sheepishly admitted. “It’s the easiest way to resolve it. A win-win situation for everyone involved.”
“That involves Harada returning his feelings.”
“There’s always a chance.”
“You’re holding onto a slim hope, then.”
Daisuke laughed. “Better to be optimistic, I always say.”
“Well, I’m sure there are other guys in our grade we could always…gently persuade to pursue Harada were she to turn down Takeshi’s feelings.”
His friend shook his head in disbelief that Satoshi even suggested such an idea while Satoshi laughed. If Takeshi couldn’t worm his way into Risa’s heart, no one else in their grade would be able to. Only a person with such outstanding confidence like Takeshi could handle Risa’s overwhelming personality.
Either that or…
That wasn’t a train of thought he was willing to entertain. Not now. And, hopefully, not ever.
Satoshi spotted Takeshi’s spiky hair in his peripheries as he rode up the escalator, shining with jubilee.
“Hello, men,” he greeted as the enthusiasm faded from his face. “What the hell have you two been talking about to make y’all look like death?”
“We’re bracing ourselves for the interrogation later by screening our answers,” Satoshi answered.
Takeshi glared at him.
“You did what?”
Mama Saehara’s voice boomed through the house. The boys just arrived, and they stood at the entrance, removing their shoes while trying to make as little noise as possible.
Satoshi had never heard her sound like that. Her voice always had a light and cheerful tone despite her powerful looks, yet she sounded exactly like he expected her to in that moment.
“It was an emergency!” Inspector Saehara retorted. “I know that he had plans an’ all, but—”
“But what? You think work is more important than what you made him miss?”
Mama Saehara screamed a flurry of French, and Inspector Saehara gasped before replying to whatever she just said in Japanese. Takeshi sighed as they bickered on.
“I’m sorry about this, y’all.”
“It’s fine,” Daisuke said. “My parents get like this sometimes, too. Even grandpa has his moments.”
Satoshi blinked. It sounded like Inspector Saehara and Mama Saehara were arguing over what happened yesterday, but he didn’t realize they would get so heated over something like that. Satoshi had completely gotten over being called to work when he woke up that morning, so he couldn’t empathize with them arguing about it.
“Is this normal?” Satoshi asked.
“Honestly, I’m surprised it took you this long to hear them like this, but I guess they’ve probably been holdin’ back because of you.”
Mama Saehara let out another exasperated string of words in French. Inspector Saehara demanded she repeat it in Japanese, taunting her, and she did without any hesitation. The boys gasped.
“I thought they got along,” Satoshi said.
“They do,” Takeshi said. “I mean, how else could they have been married for this long?”
“This is normal!” Takeshi assured. “Besides, what family doesn’t argue?”
Daisuke nodded. Satoshi, however, decided he had had enough of the petty argument and marched into the kitchen to try to diffuse the situation.
Inspector Saehara sat at the table with his phone leaning against his mug. He looked up from the screen and balked at the sight of Satoshi before shooting him an awkward smile.
“Hey, Satoshi,” Inspector Saehara greeted. “How was yer trip to the department store?”
He expected Inspector Saehara to reply or for Mama Saehara to say something to him. She just grumbled something in French.
Inspector Saehara gasped.
“Have you no shame in cussin’ me out in a different language in front of our son?”
It was Satoshi’s turn to gasp. If only to lighten the situation.
Inspector Saehara cracked a smile.
Chips and beer in hand, Inspector Saehara retreated to the master bedroom. And, arms full of snacks, the boys retreated to Takeshi and Satoshi’s room upstairs. Satoshi sat at his desk, attempting to tidy his mess, while Takeshi and Daisuke sat on Takeshi’s bed, sharing an opened bag of chips.
“So…” Takeshi began.
“So…” Satoshi echoed.
Takeshi glared at Satoshi, and he smirked back. Daisuke laughed at his friend’s antics before munching on a handful of chips, cutting through the tension in the room.
“Tell us why you like Risa-chan,” Daisuke started.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Takeshi asked. “She’s adorable.”
“Then why’d you only start liking her recently?” Satoshi quipped.
“Hey, if you wanna take the floor, then you spill.”
“Do you want to cry?”
Both Daisuke and Takeshi looked at Satoshi, mortified, but he just laughed. Perhaps it was in bad taste to joke about what had happened to him, but Satoshi didn’t have any deep secrets or life problems to spill besides it.
Takeshi pouted. “You’re disqualified from speaking from here on out.”
Satoshi gave him a thumbs up with a smile. Takeshi returned it before he began to rock back and forth like a metronome.
“Honestly, I don’t really know, man,” Takeshi admitted. “After Harada-ane moved away and Harada-imouto started to hang out with us a lot more, I jus’ started to pay more attention to her an’ all. Next thing ya know, I’m daydreamin’ about her in class.”
Daisuke nodded while Satoshi blinked. He didn’t mind talks of romance when casually mentioned or joked about, but he felt uncomfortable hearing Takeshi talk about it so sincerely. He opened the box of matcha Pocky and hoped no one noticed him snacking on something he would never willingly choose.
“And I can’t help it even though I think she’s got her heart set on another guy.”
Satoshi bit the stick of Pocky in half. His eyes bounced from Daisuke and Takeshi, noting Takeshi’s growing impatience and Daisuke’s obvious awkwardness.
Takeshi’s keenness never failed to surprise Satoshi.
“She probably likes you, Daisuke.”
“What? No…”
“Bro, have you seen how she acts around you? Look, man, I know you’re dense, but you can’t be that obtuse.”
Daisuke glanced over at Satoshi, eyes begging for help. But Satoshi zipped his lips, keeping to Takeshi’s words from earlier. And, honestly, he wanted no part in this conversation at all.
“Daisuke, please, be honest with me. I promise I’ll try my best not to take it personally.”
He sighed. “…I know. I’ve known for a while now, but I don’t know if she knows. And even if she does know, I don’t think she wants to acknowledge it.”
“Does she like you because you’re you or because you were Dark Mousy’s host or something like that?”
“I don’t know. I’m sure most of her feelings are coming from her residual feelings for Dark, but Riku also just moved away. I wouldn’t be surprised if she started getting attached to me, to us, to fill the void of her sister.”
Takeshi groaned before grabbing his pillow and digging his head into it. “Unrequited feelings suck, man.”
Daisuke nodded while Satoshi bobbed his head in reflex. He remembered the pang he felt when he realized how important Risa was to him despite knowing how she felt for Dark. His burgeoning feelings, no matter how fleeting, still haunted his mind. Somehow, someway, Risa always crawled into his life uninvited.
Unlike Takeshi, however, he couldn’t welcome any of those feelings he had for her.
Luckily, his friends didn’t notice his absent-minded expression as he stared at nothing in particular and precariously balanced the stick of Pocky in his mouth. When he came back to the conversation, Takeshi had a devilish smile on his face while he nudged a red-faced Daisuke with his elbow.
“Come on, you can tell us how far you’ve gone with Harada-ane!”
“Absolutely not!”
Satoshi woke up.
Daisuke and Takeshi were still asleep. And he was about to fall back asleep considering how late the trio had stayed up, but he saw slivers of light blue filtering through the blinds and the lethargic haze clouding his mind cleared up despite the sleep deprivation.
He sent Takeshi and Inspector Saehara a message saying he’d be out just in case they woke up while he was gone and, phone in hand, he left the house to grab breakfast for everyone. There was a coffeeshop by the police station he was partial to, and he didn’t mind taking the slight commute to get there.
Satoshi rarely found himself this alert so early in the morning, but he enjoyed the calm stillness of Azumano at dawn. If he began to consistently wake up at this time, he wouldn’t mind adding a morning walk to his daily routine.
He didn’t think the coffeeshop would be so busy on a Sunday morning, yet he saw a large group huddled around the register when he arrived. Satoshi noted how young they looked and wondered why a group of teens would be willingly awake this early on a Sunday until he saw Ritsuko intently looking at a tablet in her hands.
He went up to her. “Robotics competition?”
She turned towards him, initially shocked to see him there, but a smile quickly settled onto her face. “Yeah. It’s just an invitational, but we’re hoping to win something at least.”
“Good luck.”
“Thanks!” she said. “How’s your sleepover going so far?”
She smirked. “Did you actually fall asleep last night?”
“Yeah. And I woke up early.”
“Fortunately. I’m sort of starting to like mornings.”
She laughed. “Well, I wish you the best of luck on your transition to become an early bird.”
The barista called their order, and the group swarmed around the counter. Ritsuko stood up and slipped the tablet into her bag.
“Sorry to cut this short, but we’ve got to head out now. See you around?”
“Of course. Kick their asses.”
Ritsuko blinked, taken aback by Satoshi’s choice of words before letting out a hearty laugh. “Saehara-kun really has rubbed off on you.”
After Ritsuko left with her club, Satoshi ordered. He waited at a table by the counter, enjoying the ambiance and the light muzak as he skimmed through the news on his phone.
After they called his name, he ambled home with the food and drinks in hand, watching Azumano wake up with every step he took. As the sun continued to rise and the sorbet-colored sky turned its usual hue of blue, he saw stores open, joggers zoom by him, and the occasional group of elderly women briskly walk past him. Everything felt different from the lunchtime hustle, the evening rush, like a car engine humming to life instead of zooming down the highway.
He really could get used to this.
When he returned home, the house was still. He began to unpack the food from the bags when he heard heavy footsteps barrel downstairs. Satoshi froze in place, and the sight of Takeshi coming into the kitchen couldn’t shake off the fear.
“Bro, Harada-imouto’s coming over around lunchtime later!”
“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“You, um, scared me. With the loud noises and all.”
“Aw shit, fam. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Takeshi then noticed the food that Satoshi brought. He began to open the containers in excitement until he found an order he knew belonged to him. His face lit up before opening his arms. A proud grin eclipsed his face.
“Come here, brotha!”
“Too early. Hard pass…brotha.”
The boys (and Inspector Saehara) sat at the dining table, stiff from anticipation for Risa’s arrival. Inspector Saehara learned about his son’s feelings for the Saehara household guest after asking why the hell his son was making that much racket so damn early in the morning and, fully supporting his son’s infatuations, helped the boys clean up and splurge on some food from that fancy place he knew the Harada family frequented.
His boy’s gotta make a good impression somehow.
So, when they heard the doorbell ring, exactly at noon, they looked at Takeshi, begging him to let her in. They held their breath, pitying the lovesick fool when they heard his usual, confident babbling turn clumsy as he stumbled over his words. But when they heard the door close and saw Risa walk in, wearing a t-shirt dress that definitely leaned towards a casual ensemble for a day with friends than an outfit to catch a boy’s attention, they cautiously glanced at Takeshi to see his perception on Risa’s uncharacteristic fashion choice.
The boy was too ecstatic at her company that he was blind to her obvious message about how she truly felt about this.
Was this a success? Or a failure? They couldn’t tell.
“So,” Risa began. “what’s the plan?”
Risa insisted on starting with Whisper of the Heart.
Satoshi expected it have that whimsical fantasy that permeated the films he watched the evening before, but it didn’t. It had the whimsy, for sure, but he couldn’t connect with the realism of the film. So, while Risa, Daisuke, and Takeshi waxed poetic about the youthful vigor in the couple’s ending, the sentiment was lost on him, and he dismissed himself on the kitchen to “grab a snack” while the trio argued over what to watch next.
He stood next to Inspector Saehara who sat at the table that allowed for prime viewing of his son’s adolescence. He had a laptop in front of him, with Mama Saehara on the screen, and Satoshi waved to her. She didn’t notice since she seemed preoccupied with something else on her end.
“I didn’t realize you were in a call with her.”
“She’s just here to get real-time updates on Takeshi crushing over the Harada kid. We’re not actually having a conversation.”
“Because of what happened yesterday?”
“What do you mean what—” Inspector Saehara didn’t finish his sentence. He just began to laugh. “Oh, that? That’s nothing.”
“Nothing? But…”
“It happens all the time. Me an’ Ma are always arguin’ over somethin’. It happens with those yer close to, yanno?”
No, Satoshi didn’t know. The bemused expression on his face said everything, and Inspector Saehara guffawed.
“It’ll happen one day whether you’ll like it or not. Just don’t hate us when it happens, alright?”
Takeshi came in. “Bro, we’re starting My Neighbor Totoro! Hurry up!”
Satoshi nodded, following Takeshi back to the living room without any resolution to his conversation with Inspector Saehara.
He sat down in the recliner, distant from the trio on the couch. Risa was wedged between Daisuke and Takeshi, dangerously close to crossing the threshold of Daisuke’s personal space. The former was dangerously close to rolling off the couch over the armrest; the latter was dangerously close to crossing the threshold of Risa’s personal space. As an outsider looking in, the teens spelled out their emotions so plainly that it only hurt to watch.
Satoshi envied them. Of that innocence that allowed them to feel the emotions that come and go. To allow themselves to get caught up in a tempest of their feelings without worrying about how far-reaching the consequences would be.
The chipper tune of the movie’s opening brough his attention back to the TV. And while those on the couch sung along, he just nodded to the beat, unable to fight the smile threatening his face.
After the movie ended, to everyone’s dismay, Satoshi ducked into the restroom. When he returned to the living room, only Risa was there, lying down on the couch as she busied herself with her phone.
Clearly, this situation was in violation of Rule Number 2 of the sleepover code, but it seemed like there was nothing he could do to amend the broken rule.
“Where’d they go?” Satoshi cautiously asked.
“Daisuke’s parents called him during the movie, so he’s returning their call right now. And Saehara-san and Takeshi-kun stepped out to grab dinner.”
“So, your parents are letting you stay until then?”
“Yup! So we can squeeze in two more movies before I have to head back!”
“Which movies?”
“The Wind Rises and Howl’s Moving Castle.”
“Do they have romance in them?”
Risa winked. “Of course!”
Satoshi rolled his eyes. “I don’t understand your obsession with romance.”
“You don’t have to, but just know that you’re missing out on a fantastic genre.”
Satoshi shook his head, and she just giggled. “Maybe you’ll change your mind when you actually fall in love with someone.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“I wouldn’t end your sentence so quickly,” she sang.
“Perhaps, but I still think you’re slightly delusional.”
“But who isn’t slightly delusional when it comes to love?”
Satoshi wondered what possessed her to say that. And, when she met his gaze, he didn’t expect to see that earnest expression on her face. The Risa in front of him was no longer the adolescent girl who lived up the stereotype. This was the Risa trying to expand her horizons, to learn what lay beyond her perception of the world: the Risa that terrified him.
“Do you think I’ve lost it?” she asked in a whisper. “Being hung up over a ghost of a feeling? Of a person I can’t clearly recall in my memories? At the fact that you can’t fill the hole they left not matter how much you tell me about them?”
Satoshi hated this. He hated how easily Risa managed to skirt the edge of his comfort zone. She was precise enough to get her point across yet vague enough that it felt rude for him to strike that boundary. Not without him risking sounding like an asshole.
Not without him allowing her to cross a boundary he wasn’t ready for anyone, let alone her, to cross.
He began to formulate the words in his mind to say that he couldn’t answer that question, that he felt uncomfortable even being in the position of receiving her inquiries. Satoshi had to brace himself for her disappointment at him pulling away, but Daisuke came down before Satoshi followed through with the decision his mind was heading to.
“So, what’re we watching next?” Daisuke asked.
Satoshi nearly wept from the timing.
Sunday passed without any more drama. After they finished the movies Risa wanted to watch, she left without much fanfare, and the boys went through as much of the Studio Ghibli filmography as they could before they passed out.
Satoshi, however, woke up that Monday morning in a cold sweat with a splitting headache. So, while Takeshi and Daisuke left to pick up Grandpa Daiki from the train station, Satoshi floated in and out of consciousness while a familiar, winged Phantom Thief haunted his dreams.
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fugitivehues · 4 months
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present for @keikotwins ! here's two handsome guys being dudes.
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fugitivehugs · 4 years
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niwatari-rei · 7 months
You Promised
No. 10: "Can't you see you're lost without me?" Broken phone | Stranded | "You said you'd never leave."
"You said you'd never leave." Takeshi said, looking accusingly at his father. "There was a situation at the station." The inspector sighed, glancing back at his son. He should be used to it by now...The fact that he'd spend less time with his own father because of his job. Often times, he's spend most nights at Sekimoto's place or the day at Daisuke's. Today however, that no good father of his promised they'd be able to spend time together. Yet the moment the phone rang, the man had practically ran out of the house. "Just because there's a situation doesn't mean the others can't handle it."
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fuckyeahkosukeniwa · 6 years
[Part 1]
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           “ You returned to Azumano last December for what -                                   the first time in years ? ”
“ Yes, but that was because - ”
           “ Not long Dark’s big return. Huh ! ”
“ I keep telling you ! I’m not - ”
          “ Surveillance footage indicates that you were at Azumano Joyland the day Dark appeared there!  Do you deny that too ? ”
“ No, but my wi -”
          “ You’re a frequent visitor of Azumano’s museums as well, aren’t you ? ”
“ I - I’m a researcher of sorts so I - ”
          “ And what the hell do you research ? ”
Cheeks flushed anew in his already red face.  Art.  The kind of Hikari pieces that Dark particularly favors.
The metal chair cut into Kosuke’s back, tense and pulling him as far from the deafening questions as he could. The officer - Inspector Saehara, he’d heard the younger man chidingly call him once before returning to steely silence - hadn’t stopped pushing for what felt like hours. Didn’t that man ever sit? Maybe not if all the chairs were this uncomfortable.
Three cigarette butts had since joined the ash tray in front of his chained hands, which had long grown sore from incessant twisting and tugging.
Dozens of artworks and heist after heist...
Not for the first time, he threw a wordless plea at Commander Hiwatari. Who was currently... reading a little book!?
        “ Well ? ”
“ The - ” his words stumbled, throat dry. Would asking for a glass of water be too much of a bother?
“ The Cultural Revolution... ” And did a half truth really go down easier than a full lie? Emiko would have spun her interrogator in circles a dozen times by now, he thought wistfully.
Perhaps anything he had said that that point would have spurred the inspector to lean forward, pointing and shouting triumphantly, but Kosuke didn’t have time to consider should-have-would-haves as Satoshi’s cold voice cut through the room.
        “ This is a waste of time. Let me deal with him.” He flicked his black booklet shut. “ Alone. ”
Saehara stomped out, still bursting with excitement and a fury whose origins Kosuke was absolutely going to have a talk about with Dark later. Maybe much later, he sighed and offered Satoshi a tired smile for the reprieve.
      “ Don’t look so grateful, Niwa. Your best chance for freedom relies on Dark- ” was that a hot glower creeping into those blue eyes? “ staging a heist during your confinement. ”
A classic strategy! Kosuke knew firsthand how much the Niwas got away with by it. Emiko was probably already out there searching for her next treasure, he nodded.
The prisoner searched the room for hidden cameras with eyes more experienced than they should be at this before asking -
“ Why are we still in here ? ” Not that Kosuke wouldn’t love to have another chat with the bright boy, but he much preferred their comfortable arrangement from last time. Would they give “Dark Mousy” a better seat in his jail cell? Daisuke’s a good kid; he’d deserve one...
       “ You’re scheduled for interrogation for the next two hours. ” 
Satoshi flipped open his book again and coolly smoothed his expression as Kosuke looked at him with unabashed gratitude anyway. How could he not? His first round with the inspector already left his ears ringing.
      “ ... And I didn’t need to watch you dig yourself a deeper grave when it came to Harada Risa's romantic relationship with Dark. ”
Kosuke shuddered once more as the walls closed in again, this time holding back the soon-to-be mob of indignant officers and fathers. Yeah. Read as long as you like, Commander.
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dnangelic · 3 months
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as useless as all the adults and therefore including inspector saehara are in dnangel i still think it's really funny that if you were to watch dark/daisuke on a little screen as a red blip, absolutely Nothing would slow him down. line up 100 men on guard, fill the place top to bottom with fatal traps and a thousand lasers and vicious animals and that little red blip is still going at steady mach speed straight to whatever his target is. it's goooootta to be the most frustrating thing to be forced to sit back and watch him go as if there's nothing there whatsoever. either that or it's just straight up terrifying to certain personalities jwjfjbjgkj
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fyeahiwatarikei · 3 months
🫱 to take an object from my muse’s hand + Inspector pls?
Love Language - Physical Touch Starters
Take an object from the other’s hand
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The lighter had already switched hands, more or less against its owner’s will and definitely without consent. What mattered in these situations was being swift; Kei had regretted his own hesitations so many times before. Not this night.
Saehara’s silhouette had stood out against the wall of the building, wrapped in its usual beige coat up to the chin; the familiar gesture of a hand foraging in a pocket had revealed enough for Kei to immediately abandon the path home to join it. Cigarette already perched on his lip, the man had peeked at what was approaching in long strides, but didn’t anticipate the long fingers grabbing his lighter directly from his hand.
In a second, they faced each other, Commissioner Hiwatari raising his eyes to look at him with a smile, Inspector Saehara too baffled to make a constructive comment up. Kei loved these brief, way too rare moments when he managed to catch someone off-guard. Social constraints forced him into peacefully blending in the background, thus these indulgent moments tasted like treats: for a few seconds, not only was the chosen object of his attention looking back at him, and at him only, but they were wondering about his intentions, his thoughts, about him.
After two attempts, the tiny flame sprang, separating them, barely spreading more luminosity than the distant street light.
Kei’s mouth gently twisted in an inviting pout, Saehara’s eyelids lowered. The cigarette came closer. Soon, the tip reddened, retreated back; the flame disappeared.
“I thought you hated smoke.”
“I still do, Inspector.”
“Then why?”
Out of respect for his boss, who still stood dangerously close to his face with no intention to leave this privileged point of view, he refused to draw smoke in, but the tobacco still got consumed uselessly. Kei had gotten what he wanted, at last, and couldn’t conceal satisfaction, traits frozen in almost cruel delight. What a pleasant, unexpected moment.
“Let me guess,” Saehara added. “You like watching old men enjoying their private vices?”
“Does self-destruction count as a vice?”
This time, smoke entered the other’s lungs, lengthily, attentively. Yet, under close scrutinization, it got released on the other side, where it would bother slightly less. How courteous. Despite the unpleasant smell, Kei felt a push of excitement in his chest. What would be the best way to conduct this discussion straight into his apartment…?
“I guess it does. Want a taste…?”
Saehara's indulgence had left, replaced by irony. He perfectly knew what his boss’ answer would always be. There was no reason for Kei to be the only one enjoying the moment, after all.
“Only from your lips.”
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killerdeathchaos · 2 years
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D N Angel. Inspector Saehara is a member of the Azumano Police Department, tasked with arresting Dark Mousy. He’s also the father of Takeshi Saehara.
0 notes
luanna801 · 6 years
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D.N.Angel + text posts
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