#inspired by superhero movie
violetlunette · 6 months
Random Savanaclaw student: I'm stronger and faster than you! Floyd:Oh yeah?! Wanna test that? Yuu: Oh, don't do this when I'm standing between you. Random Savanaclaw student: Sure! Throw as many punches as you want! I'll bet you don't land one. Floyd: Alright. *punches Yuu* Yuu: OWW! Fuck! Flyod: *Shark grin* Easy money. Pay up! Random Savanaclaw student: *Grumbles as he hands over money*
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defectivehero · 9 months
warnings: self-harm, attempted amputation, gore, kidnapping/captivity
Please heed the warnings!!!
The hero has been trapped in this bleak cell for months. They haven't been able to keep a true sense of time, but they've placed weak scratches into the wall each time they've woken. The scratches now cover the corner of the room. Perhaps it's even been years. They can't be sure.
All the hero knows is that they have a weapon, a means of escape. They found it while in a fit of frustration. They had angrily ripped at the thin, rigid mattress on the wire bed frame. And under the mattress, in the very center of the frame, was a dull knife.
The hero spends what they can only assume to be days sharpening it to a fine point. As they devote more attention to restoring the weapon, they realize it isn't just a regular knife—it's a Liston knife. The same kind of knife used by Robert Liston in his surgical amputations in the 18th century.
They've tried fruitlessly to cut through the chain around their ankle—the one keeping them tethered to this room. They've had no luck in that regard. As the hero stares down at the knife, they begin to realize that there's perhaps something... else... they can cut through.
After all, the Liston knife was designed for amputations. If the hero cut their foot off at the ankle, they would be free from their bonds and could escape. It's not a pleasant idea. But the hero feels as if they have no other choice. They've been trapped here for an immeasurable amount of time. No one has bothered to rescue them. They could very well be confined here for the rest of their life. If this sacrifice is what it takes for them to acquire freedom, well...
The hero takes a shuddering breath in, before sitting down on the ground with their back to the cell's iron bars. They take their shoe and sock off, before tugging experimentally at the chain. Indeed, it is expertly tightened to prevent them from escaping. There's no tangible keyhole on the cuff, and the knife hadn't managed to even dent the steel.
Their heart is racing as they trace the knife along the skin of their upper ankle, just barely grazing the top of the cuff. The hero pulls at the collar of their shirt and places it in their mouth. For a long moment, their hand shakes as the knife rests against their skin. It's horribly cold, sending goosebumps prickling along their arms.
Somehow, they manage to begin the incision. It hurts—more than the hero could have possibly fathomed. At some point, they begin to scream. Yet they can't stop themselves from pushing the knife in further, deeper. They need to escape. They can't stay here forever. They need to escape. They need to-
There's a harsh grip on their wrist, forcing the knife out of their grasp. The weapon clatters to the floor. The hero's blood-slicked hands are trembling as they look up into the eyes of their captor, the villain. The villain looks enraged—a stark contrast to the unfeeling mask they always seem to wear. There is no trace of that cruelty in the expression the villain has on their face.
"What the fuck are you doing?" They spit.
The hero can't find the words to answer. They can't seem to focus on anything except for the strangely warm, slippery feeling of their own blood coating their hands. The villain is still lurking, looming, towering over them. The hero waits to be shoved to the ground, waits for the villain to punch them into unconsciousness.
The blows never come. Instead, the villain shakes their head and walks away with the knife in hand. When they return moments later—in what feels like the blink of an eye to the hero—they have medical supplies in hand. The villain then crouches down until they're sitting on the floor with the hero.
"I knew you had it," they remark, tearing the hero from their frantic thoughts. The hero stares at them. "The knife." They nod at the corner of the ceiling, to a strange glint that must be the lens of a security camera. The hero's stomach turns. They hadn't realized. All this time... the villain was watching. They feel sick, all of a sudden. "I thought, 'Why the hell not?' I figured you'd try to stab me with it. I wouldn't let you, of course." The villain continues. The hero tries to bend their knee, move away from their enemy, but the villain quickly stops them with a hand on their knee.
"But this," they break off, seemingly entirely lost for words. "What the hell were you thinking? You've been acting weirdly lately, I should've fucking known you'd pull something like this." The villain shakes their head and then, to the hero's complete surprise, grabs the cloth and begins exerting pressure. For a while, there is nothing but quiet as their leg continues to bleed.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?" The villain hisses, beginning to bandage their ankle once the bleeding is more manageable. Their hands are surprisingly warm, a welcome change from the chill of the cement floor. "You could've easily contracted an infection and died... You're damn lucky you didn't lose your leg." The villain punctuates their last statement by finishing their bandaging. For a moment, the hero swears their touch lingers, but they put it down to their pain-addled mind.
"I'll be back soon enough," the villain declares as they get to their feet. They look over at the security camera, before staring at the hero once more. "Don't take those off." They order, their gaze briefly flitting to the bandages around the hero's ankle.
With that closing remark, the villain is gone. The hero is left to their own confusion and dismay, as they come to terms with the unshakeable fact that their enemy just patched them up. They're beginning to realize something: the longer they spend with the villain, the less the hero understands them. Their enemy is like a mirage—get close enough and they simply... fade. The villain is entirely contradictory at worst and utterly perplexing at best. The hero brings a hand down to the edge of their carefully-placed bandages, feeling a shiver roll down their spine.
They're not sure what they're supposed to do anymore. Should they try to escape? Should they accept their fate? And what of their enemy? Does the villain truly care about their wellbeing? Surely not. But what can explain the bandages, the furrow to their brows as they took in the scene before them? Is there a reasonable explanation for the minute flicker of their emotionless mask, the brief slip where the hero could see concern drawing their lips tight into a frown?
The hero inhales slowly. Their weapon was confiscated by the villain. Their enemy's previous admission is sticking in their mind. I knew you had it. The hero underestimated the villain's desire for entertainment. Then again, if they sought entertainment... what could be more entertaining than the hero bleeding out in their cell, from a wound of their own infliction?
The hero feels painfully aware of every minute movement they make, knowing that the villain is watching from somewhere. Yet they find their gaze drifting to the security camera anyway, almost daring for the villain to explain themselves. Unsurprisingly, the hero receives no elaboration. Taking a deep breath, they let their head fall back to the wall behind them as they close their eyes.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain All Rights Reserved.
here's the inspo for this. it was first just a quick thing I was gonna post:
just thinking about the hero, kidnapped by the villain, chained up and left to rot in a cell. thinking about the hero somehow acquiring a weapon—maybe they filched it from the villain when they weren't looking, maybe they came in with it, maybe it was hidden in the wall—and attempting to cut their chains. they can hardly make a scratch on the chains, so they pivot to something else: their own limbs. thinking about the villain bursting in, seeing them hurt themselves to escape... thinking about the aftermath, the tense silence in the air as the villain carefully bandages the hero's wounds... thinking about the confusion, frustration, shame, guilt, rage, and vengeance all fighting for prominence in the hero's mind...
I love the idea of the villain just being so utterly contradictory and confusing to the hero. one moment, they're playful, flirty, almost caring... the next, they're cruel, vindictive, and spiteful. I equally love the idea of the villain just leaving the hero to their confusion. Sometimes, this would be an avenue for a writer to have the villain say something like "only I can kill you," but that feels both overplayed and also not as significant? I ended up keeping the villain's mystery, because it's fun to try to puzzle out their motivations.
not tagging the taglist for this one, just because it has some topics that can be pretty triggering.
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solradguy · 1 month
It's really funny that characters named Venom and Eddie exist in guilty gear and as far as I can tell are not in any way related to the marvel characters. Depending on how long daisuke was planning Venom for he may have named them that before the marvel character had even been introduced (as their own character) in 1988
Daisuke's talked about having a huge design document for GG that he used to propose the project back with Missing Link[1] and that Sol is basically the oldest out of the entire cast[2]. I thiiink he said somewhere that he started planning at least Sol back when he was in high school..? In any case, I don't think Venom or Eddie had been created yet as early as 1988... A lot of the super early Zato stuff (<1996) just calls Eddie a "shadow," like it's just a power he has and not its own separate thing. I don't remember Daisuke ever having mentioned being into Marvel IPs either, but he's definitely into western media[3]
It's still really funny though lol Convergent evolution...
Ch3 Records ML vinyl art book interview thing
Character Designer magazine issue 1 (he might have mentioned this in the ch3r interview too)
He's mentioned Mark of Zorro, Cirque du Soleil, Highlander (movie), and of course the heavy metal bands before. Artworks of GGX 2007, GGX Drafting Artworks, GG Complete Bible
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splendidcyan · 10 months
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Realizing how close we are to the end of the year and how much art I haven't posted????? Here's some sketches from this summer/fall that were me art directing the Ladybug PV as if it were more SpiderVerse-y
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sketchyallstar · 3 months
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The Mystechs at their first big battle with their newer member, Lionheart, healer of the team.
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cyndrastic · 1 year
on vacation
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i’ve obtained the goods
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galaxie-films · 11 months
i love random story plots that just get injected into my brain
I might write a wttt au when it's set in a universe with superheroes and supervillains. everyone has powers/abilities but not all are useful. The story focuses on two main states, one hero, and one villain.
The hero became a hero to make their family proud while the villain just kinda hung out with the wrong crowd. So *squints at notes* ...it's enemies to lovers... *runs away* but it's also forbidden love because, of course it is
i'm not planning on making that the whole story so i think it'd be aight. The villains can't really "redeem" themselves in this universe, any villain who gets caught is "sent to prison". No one knows where the villains are kept or if they're even alive.
there's a crystal that the authority wants for some unknown reason (hm, i wonder what the reason is /s) and the crystal can basically change how things are. I'm planning on writing a failed redemption arc for another state, then a state making such a big mistake that nobody forgives them for it. it will have a happy ending, I think.
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sophiegoose · 1 year
Sizeshifter!Miguel Character Notes
Making good on my promise to post some of my Spiderverse G/t stuff in the tag, here's the first bit of stuff I'll be sharing: some character/lore notes for my Sizeshifter!Miguel.
This is the concept I've workshopped the least out of all my Spiderverse G/t so far, so for now it's basically a collection of character notes instead of a full profile/storyline as of yet, but I hope it's still a fun read. Enjoy, my fellow size difference enjoyers.
Name: Miguel O'Hara ("Teyo" or "Tabor" at work)
Age: 31
Height: variable, hovers somewhere between 5 feet and 7 feet tall, usually
-Comes from a universe where Miguel got sizeshifting powers instead of spider powers
-Was a physicist instead of a geneticist
-An experiment went haywire, resulting in him getting catapulted out of his multiverse and through several others, resulting in the laws of physics not quite working right for him again when he returned to his home dimension
-He'd been massively quantum-displaced, gaining the power to mass shift whilst ignoring the square-cube law, able to grow and shrink in size without limit without biological consequence
-Unfortunately, his accident did not give him CONSCIOUS control of his powers, them instead being controlled unconsciously, fluctuating alongside his emotional and mental state
-Particularly stimulating emotions like anger, fear, panic, or happiness cause him to grow, while sedating emotions such as sadness, despair, and exhaustion cause him to shrink
-Given his highly stressful work life and deep-rooted depression, Miguel had to quickly come up with a solution to control his powers and prevent them from hurting himself or others
-Working alongside his universe's Lyla, he was able to craft a wearable device to help keep his powers in-check
-It appears to be thick black steel choker necklace, but is actually a highly complex device: it has an on-board heart rate monitor, direct hook-ups to Miguel's nervous system, and microneedles for injecting substances to keep him regulated
-When his heart rate or mental state dip too low, the device injects a small dose of modified (non-addictive) Rapture to bring him back to baseline, and when his heart rate increases too much or his mental state starts to get too stimulated, it injects him with a small dose of tranquilizer
-While it works quite well for him, the fact that he has to wear the device and be drugged at all times just to keep his powers vaguely under control doesn't do great things for his mental health. He often refers to the device derisively as his "collar," and is not fond of people pointing it out
-His collar regularly needs to be refilled with drugs and repaired, and these times when it's off/not at full functioning strength are extremely stressful to him, usually manifesting in many small, rapid fluctuations in height, which sometimes comes with nausea
-In general, he views his powers as a curse, and is always looking for new technology to help him better control them
-Works at Spider Society HQ as a engineer and repair man, often working alongside regular Miguel on tech projects and building maintenance
-He was recruited to the Spider Society by accident: his quantum shift resulted in him being mistaken for a Miguel in a nearby dimension to his who had spider powers, but with regular Miguel's permission he joined the Spider Society anyway and helps out around HQ. He also (very rarely) goes on missions, mostly when his specific skillset is needed
-He joined the Spider Society due to believing in regular Miguel's rhetoric about canon events and stabilizing the multiverse...but also out of curiosity towards other timespace-displaced individuals, as well as wanting to snoop on Earth-928's technology to look for further means of controlling his powers
-This Miguel is much lankier and not nearly as jacked as regular Miguel, and has longer, curlier hair. He sometimes pulls his hair back into a short ponytail, and he has ice-blue, almost silver eyes.
-Wears circular, orange-tinted glasses, not for his eyesight but for light-blocking purposes, since he's staring at holoscreens all day at work. The lenses are also specially-treated to act as eye protection when he's welding
-Generally wears casual clothes. Can usually been seen in baggy cargo pants and a slightly-oversized long-sleeve grey shirt, both of which are usually smeared in stains from oil and rust and full of small cuts and holes from getting caught on machinery. Occasionally wears a somewhat oversized, futuristic-looking grey coat, which seems to be a favorite of his
-Goes by a nickname (usually Teyo or Tabor) when he's at HQ to prevent him being mixed up with regular Miguel, since they have very similar voices and personalities and work on similar projects
-Does NOT like being compared to his alternate, as he finds him abrasive and thinks he's too full of himself. The feeling is mutual
-It's not uncommon to hear the two of them arguing as they work on the same piece of broken machinery, yelling over eacother in technobabble, trying to prove the other one wrong...thankfully, the work still gets done
-He's usually very reserved, not letting much emotion or opinion bleed through when he speaks, trying to regulate himself emotionally as much as he can...but push him too much and you'll quickly find out that he has the same sassiness that normal Miguel has, and isn't afraid unleash his some very cutting insults when given the chance
-On the other hand, he also has a much softer side that he rarely shows
-While definitely not an active superhero, Miguel has used his powers on occasion in his home dimension to help people. He has a disguise he wears when doing so that hides his face, keeping his identity a secret
-Over time, he's slowly gained some control over his powers. He can maintain certain heights and slow his size shifts with focus and lack of outside stimuli, which he'll occasionally use at work (shrinking to reach a particularly difficult circuit that needs a repair, growing to move or shift something big or heavy, etc.), but doing so is very physically and mentally taxing and can leave him burnt out afterwards
-That being said, he's very sheepish about his powers and tries not to use them in the presence of others often, partially because he's concerned he'll hurt someone, and partially because he's embarrassed that he has so little control over his powers compared to all the other people around HQ. Everyone else seems to have this superhero business figured out but him, and that fact gets to him a bit
-Knows Spanish, English, and Hebrew, with English as his third language. Sometimes struggles to fully express what he wants to say in English, can get a bit wordy/often comes off as overly formal. MUCH less so in his other two languages
-Has some sensory issues, mostly revolving around texture and touch. Enjoys fluffy and soft textures, and as such his office and his home are full of soft, squishy, and fluffy things for him to hold and rest against
-Catch him turning his collar off after a long, crappy day at work and shrinking down to flop on top of a particularly soft plushie in the big pile of them he has in his room
-Alternatively, big, annoyed Miguel shoving his head down onto his bed and pile of plushies and screaming into it like it's one big pillow as he fills the room
-Has a fondness for techno and trance music, often blasting it loudly when he's working on something to help him focus. Follow what sounds like a rave happening at HQ and you'll probably find him working on something, somewhere
-It's unknown what the current status of his family is. No one is sure whether he has a daughter, a spouse, siblings, anything, not even regular Miguel. He doesn't talk about them much, for some reason
-Will only remove/deactivate/turn down the power on his collar around people he trusts and loves. If he does any of these things around you consider it a high compliment
-When having a particularly bad day he'll let folks he trusts carry him around when he's small. So far it seems only regular Miguel, Jessica Drew, Ben Reilly and a few others Spiderfolk around HQ have earned the privilege
-Alternatively, it's not common to see him big at HQ, but there's been a few times when an Anomaly has gotten loose and wrecked something he was working on, and his temper got the better of him. There's still a massive hole between floors 35 and 38 when he punched a particularly frustrating Anomaly through the floor, no one talks to him about it to his face
-VERY nervous about holding and handling people when he's big, tried not to manhandle people when he can avoid it but sometimes it's necessary to save someone and he's honestly a bit of a nervous wreck the whole time (usually resulting in him inching even taller due to the stress, which only makes it worse)
-His Lyla is different than regular Miguel's: she appears as a thin brunette in a fancy black party dress, usually lounging on a chaise longue or similar, appearing very posh and dramatic. She's very sassy and sometimes downright cruel, not particularly caring whose feelings she hurts, but is also an incredibly useful encyclopedia of data on physics, metaphysics, engineering, and biology, which Miguel often leans on for filling in gaps in his knowledgebase. While the other A.I.s and Spiderfolk around HQ aren't too fond of her, Miguel is very grateful for her existence and is somewhat protective of her, a feeling that's mutual. She's protective of him, advocates for him when his powers go particularly haywire, and is the first to reach out for help on his behalf when he needs it. Her holographic light/colorscheme is a light blue, in contrast to regular Lyla's orange
-When he takes off his glasses he's either about to throw hands or cry, proceed at your own risk if you decide to stay and find out which it is
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What's your opinion on across the spider-verse as a whole?
Visually it's one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen (seriously, I already have the art book for the first movie and I have the preorder for this one).
The character designs, the fluid movements which are even MORE insane with the quick camera angles keeping up with speed of characters, the coloring, the natural dialogue -- I wish this movie had been out when I was still in film school because I would write so many goddamn studies on it
Not to mention the score, the stakes that are raised, the characterization that feels so organic and sympathetic. Legit, I knew it was going to be a two-parter, but when it ended I was like "what do you MEAN it's over??? what do you mean it's been over two hours already????? I'm not ready to let go and process these emotions at 3pm you can't make me"
Anyways 10/10 will be obsessing over this art book when it comes out and buying this movie on demand and stalking the AO3 tag for at least 6 months
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webshoots · 1 year
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ind. sel. 20+ only.  miles morales of the spider-man universe.  webbed by oddity ( he/him, 21+ ).  includes various verses. oc-friendly. will not tag spoilers. * IMPORTANT. please look to pinned prior to interaction.
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lavenoon · 2 years
Sending this because I think you'd find it entertaining!
Currently writing a drabble prompt for more New Horizons, and I came across a part where I was gonna have Eclipse mention his brothers... Then I realized, I have no clue if they live in the same city or not. Using some information from the angst I gathered that he A.) Could not walk there due to battery charge B.) Could get a car, but it would be uncomfortable due to size and C.) Took a train as the next best option. So I posed the question to friends I was currently in a discord call with. One brought up the fact a human (this is including resting) could walk roughly 32km a day, so that meant without resting an Animatronic could easily walk 64km a day. So if his brothers were living far enough that a walk wasn't possible with 64km a day (assuming his charge lasts 3 whole days before it's completely out.) Then there was a possibility it wasn't the same city. HOWEVER! Then we thought up sister cities/districts/counties and etc. Sometimes those cities become HUGE and driving through them can take all day/hours at a time, and typically also had train systems to move about them. Some cities like Atlanta are about 147km wide.
So for New Horizons now we've all agreed that Sun and Moon by technicality live in the same city, but it's only because they're connected via Sister Cities and are on opposite ends of them.
Hi I just woke up and need to cope with the realization of object permanence and that you talk about AU with other people like hi yes my ideas exist where I am not there to immediately observe them AND it's important enough to talk about in a discord call? just casually? idk if sleepy brain is making a big deal out of something mundane but it feels big to me gfhdjsk
I absolutely love this analysis bc it means you guys thought about it more than I did - whole ass math over here FGHDJSK
I'm a rural ass kid, live in a town that everyone sees and goes "that's not a town, that's a village". Biggest I ever lived in was 10K citizens which is still much too small as a stage for AU. So I'm going to be fully honest and say sister cities was not even in my awareness before this ask because it's SO out of what I need to know usually fhdjs
I love that idea though! For AU canon, I've imagined them in different cities, not connected at all, but I also know that our train system here for long distance train rides is different (biggest complaint "haha they're never on time" vs uhhh I never hear any American talk about trains, actually. AU vaguely set in a sorta fictional big English speaking country because I know American action movies best FGDHSJ) so honestly, sister cities is a neat way to handle it!
I am also now terrified of Atlanta.
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smproject16 · 2 years
I want a superhero movie with a queer coded villain with actual payoff. I want the hero and villain to fall in love. I want the villain to flirt with the hero and try to get them to turn to the dark side. But the hero try’s to resist them.
I want a big dramatic climax where at the end, the hero just can’t finish off the villain. The villain thinks this is their chance to get the hero to join them. Until… the hero suddenly flirts back, saying this time their going to try to recruit the villain to the good side. And their not going to fail, and this time the villain gets flustered.
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instead of diving into anime in any sort of reasonable order, i'm starting off by watching two shows that are making fun of tropes i have little to no understanding of and i gotta say it's great so far y'all
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airlocksandaviaries · 27 days
I have so much respect for Ryan R Reynolds for playing the long game. For YEARS he pitched scripts, dropped references, made phone calls, begged, PLEADED with studios to make his gay ass ship sail, despite one of the characters being played by an actor who LITERALLY RETIRED. And yet he never gave up. He kept going for so long that he eventually PULLED THAT ACTOR OUT OF RETIREMENT to do it. They slipped past censors with an r rating and LOADS of subtext to create what is possibly the gayest superhero movie of all time. And Ryan finally got to live out his homoerotic dreams to see his deadpoolxwolverine5everrrr ship become as close to canon as physically possible AND also flirt with Hugh Jackman for an entire project. It’s the most inspiring story of 2024. Never give up on ur dreams <3 especially if they’re gay as hell
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firstshowing · 26 days
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Christopher Reeve - the original Superman. A must watch official trailer for the documentary Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story: https://onfs.net/46XFlE1 It's one of the best docs of the year.
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