#int: sirius black
regulusx · 1 year
the fryer’s delight, muggle london regulus & sirius black (( @siriusdisaster​ ))
          regulus hardly recognized the face staring back at him in the mirror, he really needed to shave, but given the fact that he was heading to muggle london it would probably help conceal his identity a little, sure anyone that cared about him being at muggle london would need to explain why were they there first, but he could never be too careful, if anyone suspected him, if anyone was tailing him, well he could not place cissy and bella in any danger. regulus grabbed his wand and with a simple motion charmed his hair. ❝kreacher i’m going out. if anything happens, you know what to do...❞
          meeting at muggle london was a smart idea considering who he was meeting with. reconnecting with his brother had been, well not as easy as regulus would’ve wanted, but they were trying. there was so much damage left to undone, and regulus was barely allowing himself to believe he could have this one good thing. of course he was still carrying every single despicable thing he had done as a death eater —when he had let the angry and sad and dark part of him take control of his life — and the things he was still called upon to do to keep his cover. how could he ever look at his brother in the eye ever again?
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          with a small wave regulus approached sirius, one last look behind his back before he could relax, he had been watching his surroundings since he apparated at the nearest designated spot, and the walk to the chippy had been filled with turns and double backs, but the smallest mistake would cost them greatly. ❝okay i’ll admit it, i think i’m addicted to the food they serve at this place❞ regulus said foregoing any greeting. 
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respicefincm · 2 years
closed starter from regulus for sirus @expectgrcatness
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"oh, sorry. am i taking up the whole seat?" regulus scoots over, barely glancing at the stranger. between his music and novel there was little out there that could gain his attention, a shadow over the page enough to make him squint and speak up. he should've known better to take up a whole park bench, but no one had stood so blatantly in his eyeline before. "can i help you with something?"
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adh-james-version · 3 months
am I the only one who thinks James wouldn’t smoke?
Like Sirius, Remus, Peter, Barty, Evan and Marlene? all their lungs are BLACK. Regulus, Mary, Dorcas, will thier friends occasionally, and Lily might smoke but James? I can’t really see it.
James would def get extremely drunk at parties and stuff but for me he just doesn’t smoke, and doesn’t wanna try. He doesn’t care abt people smoke int around him but he just won’t.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 14 - Wilted
@wolfstarmicrofic June 14, word count 889
Previous part First part
By the time they’d all gotten showered and dressed, they were running late for dinner. Remus looked in disgust, as the only vegetables left were wilted spinach, which he hated, and steamed beetroot, which he hated even more. Reluctantly, he scooped some of the spinach onto his plate. 
He was exhausted from the long day of painting. He needed to ask Sirius for the cream he’d promised for his sunburn, but he’d wait until they were back in the cabin. 
His rough t-shirt was rubbing something awful on the inflamed skin. He kept rearranging it and twitching at the abrasion. 
“What’s up?” Sirius grunted when Remus accidentally knocked his arm after tugging his t-shirt away from his skin for the umpteenth time. 
“It’s scratching,” he whimpered quietly as he shuffled his shoulders again. Sirius reached out and touched the material. 
“Of course, it’s itching. Remus, what’s this made of? It feels like potato sacking.” He dropped it and rubbed his fingers together to get rid of the feeling of the t-shirt. Remus flushed with embarrassment. It was the best his parents could afford. Sirius seemed to realise he’d said the wrong thing. “Sorry, didn’t mean it like that. Come on, eat up. I’ll get that cream for you, it’ll help.” Remus sighed with relief and finished up his meal. 
Sirius took his hand when they got outside and walked him back to their cabin. “Do you have anything softer than that?” Sirius asked hesitantly, gesturing at Remus’s t-shirt. Remus shook his head, not looking at him.
Sirius headed straight for his drawers when they got back to the cabin. He pulled countless items of clothing out of the drawers until he found what he wanted. “Here, he said, throwing a plain black t-shirt at him. Remus caught it. It was the softest cotton he’d ever felt. “Put it on,” Sirius said as he darted into the bathroom and came back with a bottle of aftersun. 
“Sirius, I can’t, it’s yours.” He couldn’t wear Sirius’s clothes, surely he needed them. Sirius, guessing the problem straight away, tutted at him. 
“Remus, have you seen how many clothes I brought with me? One t-shirt’s hardly going to leave me without anything to wear. In fact,” He said as he dug through his clothes again and tossed a few more t-shirts onto Remus’s bed. “Here, for the rest of the week,” He folded his arms and Remus realised he wouldn't win this one. He stepped into the bathroom, not ready to strip half-naked in front of anyone, especially Sirius. 
The t-shirt was even softer than he’d thought it was. It didn’t upset his sunburn at all. He sighed happily and went back out into the main cabin. 
“Thank you,” He said a bit dreamily. Sirius grinned at him. 
“Get on the bed,” He ordered, pointing at it, “Lie on your front.” Remus couldn’t find the energy to complain, so he did as he was told and sunk into his soft pillow. He could have fallen asleep right then if Sirius hadn't hopped up and straddled him.
He tensed at the unfamiliar feeling of having someone sitting on him. 
“Sirius, what are you doing?” He stuttered nervously. 
“Don’t worry, nothing bad. I want to rub this into your sunburn. Can I push your t-shirt up?” No! Remus thought. The worst scars were on his stomach, but his back still had plenty for Sirius to see. But Sirius had shown him his scars. Sirius hadn’t cared that Remus had scars or was scared to show them to anyone. He swallowed loudly and tried to be brave. 
“Okay,” He whispered into his pillow. He gritted his teeth as Sirius gently pushed the t-shirt up until he could see Remus’s whole back. He let out a low whistle, making Remus want to cry. He was hideous and Sirius would never want anything more to do with him.
“Damn, Remus, your sunburn’s so much worse than I thought it was.” That wasn’t what Remus had been expecting. He didn’t have time to think about it before the cooling liquid was drizzled over his back and Sirius’s slender fingers began to delicately work it into his skin. 
He didn’t stop at the sunburn either. Sirius worked the liquid all over Remus’s back. Pressing his fingers into Remus’s sore muscles, making him moan into his pillow. It felt so good. He could feel his eyes drooping as Sirius continued to massage his back. 
The door banged open as James and Peter came back from dinner. 
“Oi, oi, what’s goin’ on here then?” James trilled at them. Remus froze, but Sirius acted quickly, and before the other two could get any closer, he’d pulled Remus’s t-shirt back into place, hiding his scared back. 
Remus tried to lift his head, but it was so heavy and he was so tired. He let Sirius explain, hearing him blow kissy noises at James while teasing him about rubbing lotion into his sore parts for him if he was that bothered. Sleep overcame him before he could hear what James’s reply was. 
That night he was stirred from sleep by Sirius, sneaking into his bed. Sirius wrapped an arm around him carefully and Remus snuggled closer. He’d never shared a bed with anyone before, and especially not someone he had feelings for. It was wonderful. 
Next part
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✎ . . ➸ ˗ˏˋ intro post ♡ ˎˊ˗
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╰┈➤ fatima / jack , she / her , seventh december , canon marauders fan acc , isfp-t , pakistani , talk to me !! (please)
 ❥ sirius black , taylor swift , yapping , pinterest , int. design , spotify , moodboards , brooklyn nine-nine
what to expect ➸ reposts! , sirius black content , canon marauders , sirius black x everyone , mary macdonald , andromeda black , the black brothers , the black family , moodboards , sirius & walburga , rants on fanon , song lyric association , rare pairs , bambibelle , maybe marauders tweets?
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favourite non-sirius ships ➸ flowerpott (lily x james) , marylene (mary x marlene) , marewing (mary x pandora) , dorlene (dorcas x marlene)
favourite sirius ships ➸ bambibelle (james x sirius) , rosestar (evan x sirius) , bitchkiller (sirius x barty) , rosebitchkiller (evan x sirius x barty) , jilypad (james x lily x sirius) , wolfstar (remus x sirius) , saintstar (mary x sirius) , blackbolt (sirius x kingsley) , padtail (sirius x peter)
(and more. sirius black IS the fandom bicycle.)
favourite friendships ➸ sirius & james , remus & peter , sirius & lily , mary & dorcas , pandora & barty , pandora & evan , evan & regulus , sirius & barty , sirius & mary
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pinterest ♡︎ spotify
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tedwardremus · 10 months
Career Advice with James F. Potter
"Alright, Evans?"
"Hmm," Lily replied with a quill between her teeth, not looking up from the pamphlet she was reading.
James Potter leaned in above her, the corners of his mouth curling into a smile. "What's got you so engrossed, Evans?"
Lily sighed, lifting her eyes from the pamphlet and taking the quill from her mouth. "Nothing, just trying to figure out what I want to do after Hogwarts."
"Ah, an age-old dilemma," James said with an air of mock authority, "But worry not, my dear Evans. James F. Potter is here to rescue you from the clutches of career confusion."
James cranked his head to read the title of the pamphlet Lily was holding, "The Hilgard Apothecary Apprentice Program for Medicinal Potineering," he let out an admiring whistle. "Got to be pretty swotty for that."
James plopped down on the couch beside Lily, holding a career pamphlet of his own. Lily assumed he must have just come from Professor McGonagall's office for his own career advice meeting. And, of course, wherever Potter went - so did his friends. Sirius Black fell gracefully onto the armchair across from them, swinging his legs across one of the arms of the chair as his dark hair fell into his eyes.
Remus Lupin, on the other hand, stayed standing. Lily thought he looked like he was having an inner fight about whether to sit down or crawl back into bed.
"Come on, Moony, grab some couch." Potter patted the empty seat impatiently next to him. “We have important matters of future employment to discuss.”
"Can we not?" Black groaned, "All anyone wants to talk about this past week is career advice. It is getting dreadfully boring."
"Everyone but Moony, I don't think I've heard him talk about his plans after Hogwarts once."
"Err.." Remus was looking at his shoes, avoiding eye contact with his friends, "There isn't much to talk about. I think I'll just go to the dorm, I am very tired."
"Come on Moony, you are top in Care of Magical Creatures as well as your strong Defense marks, plus you're a fucking prefect, and you tutor all those first years! There is plenty to talk about! You could walk into any job you want!"
"You know none of that matters." Remus gave James a pointed look. "And I don't want to talk about it."
"Listen, Remus," James was insistent and staring his friend down "I will do everything I can to ensure you get whatever job you want. You're a hard worker and one of the nicest blokes I've ever met. And if the worst-case scenario happens, I'll make sure you're OK. You know that right?"
"I just can't think about anything right now, I'm going to --"
"This is nonsense! Remus, your little problem shouldn't stop you from --"
"Lay off it, James" Sirius interjected. "Let Remus go nap before he passes out on his feet again." James waved his hand in the air as if to give Remus permission to retreat to his bed. With a tired "see you later" Remus wearily walked up the stairs to his dorm.
"Does he really think his illness will prevent him from getting a job? That's awful!" Lily couldn't help but voice her concern. Lily didn't know exactly what his illness was (though Severus has his theories, and she didn't appreciate his disgust at the idea he proposed) but she knew Remus and the idea that he felt his future was already decided against him upset her. Remus didn't deserve to feel judged like that.
"Don't worry Evans, he'll be fine," James assured Lily. "Remus can't help but be a bit self-loathing now and then but he's my friend and I'll make sure he's OK."
"Come on, Prongs, I meant it when I said this career talk was boring." Sirius tossed a pillow from his chair at James.
Ignoring his best friend, James leaned forward towards Lily, a spark of excitement in his hazel eyes. "So medicinal potions? That's quite the goal, Evans."
"Professor Slughorn suggested it. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a nurse, like my mum was during the war, but I had no clue about magical careers. Brewing potions for the hospital sounds interesting." Lily bit her lip and furrowed her brow. "The wizarding world is funny though. In the muggle world, you'd go on to more specialized schools or universities to qualify for a career. Here it's all about connections and apprenticeships. It's very overwhelming for those of us who grew up in the muggle world."
"If you really are intersted in becoming a potions master I could introduce you to my dad." James suggested, "He's a renowned potioneer. I'm sure he could help you get an internship."
"Oh no! That is not necessary! Please don't bother him!" The last thing Lily wanted was to owe a favor to James Potter.
"It won't be a problem at all though! He sold his company a few decades ago so he has lots of time on his hands but he still belongs to some potion societies and keeps up with the top potioneers in the field. He loves helping young people get started. He'd be thrilled to be asked!"
Sirius, who had been twirling his wand between his fingers, looked up at Lily. "Fleamont's a good guy, very principled. He won't help if he thinks you're not qualified. You should let James write you an introduction."
"I'll think about it... Speaking of qualifications," Lily wanted to change the subject as the thought of Potter asking his father to help her get an internship ignited an odd fluttering sense in her stomach and a small heat rise to her cheeks. It was all very confusing. "What about you, Black? Any career aspirations?"
Sirius merely shrugged "All I know is I'm not keen on the Ministry. Wouldn't take their gold for anything."
"Well, what do you like? What are your hobbies?" Lily always thought Black was a bit of a mystery. A certifiable genius, everyone knew that, and while Lily had seen him take pride in his top marks in every class her took, Lily also knew he had issues with authority and would rather spend his time outside than in a classroom. And while every breath he took exhibited his aristocratic upbringing and he walked around with an air of unshakable privilege, He was in Gryffindor while the rest of his family was in Slytherin and Lily knew he didn't talk to his brother or any of his cousins.
"Nothing out of the ordinary astronomy, crosswords... mapmaking." He shared a sly grin with James on that last word, like it was an inside joke.
"Mapmaking? Sounds like you want to be a pirate." Lily deadpanned while James chuckled from beside her.
"What about you, Potter?" Lily asked, "You just came from your career talk. What insight did McGongall give you?"
"Well, we talked Quidditch, but much to her disappointment, I'm not sure if I want to stick with it after school. Turing professional kind of ruins the fun of it, you know?"
Sirius leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face. "McGonagall invited Prongs to submit articles for Transfiguration Today. Wants him to start building his CV, you know."
Lily looked impressed. "Really? That's quite an accomplishment, Potter."
James straightened up, running his hand through his messy hair. "You think so? I can send you a -" but James was cut off by the appearance of Peter Pettigrew who sat next to Potter with a great heavy sigh, a stack of his own career pamphlets in hand.
"Wormtail!" James greeted his friend, "How did your talk go? Going to make us all proud by joining the ranks of the Centaur Liaison Office?"
Pettigrew just sank lower into the couch and let the pamphlets drop to the ground. His talk with McGonagall evidently hadn't gone well.
"No worries, Pete," Sirus told Pettigrew, "If you fail out of Hogwarts you can always go on the Potter Financial Support Plan like Remus."
"Speaking of Moony," James said checking his watch "We should go check on him. He probably won't feel like going to dinner this evening. If he's awake we should grab him some food from the kitchen."
"You know he won't eat anything. He never does," Sirius said as lifted himself from the dark red chair anyway and stretched his arms above his head.
"I could eat! One of McGonagall's suggestions was a cook at the Leaky Cauldron and I haven't stopped thinking about meat pies since." Peter bounced up, abandoning his various pamphlets on the floor.
As the boys bounded up the stairs to check on Remus, Lily absentmindedly picked up the pamphlet Potter had been holding when he walked in. The words on the cover caught her eye: "Legal Aid for Disadvantaged Magical Beings."
A smile teased Lily's lips as she looked up at Potter's retreating back.
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morsmordream · 6 months
Azkaban sucked. Majorly.
Not that it came as a surprise to Sirius, or any of the other prisoners in the High Security Wing.
But it really, really fucking sucked.
He had been beyond furious at first, at the whole injustice of it all. Sentenced to Azkaban, without a trial, for a crime he didn’t even commit?
Him, the Heir to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black?
The Ministry had an absolute nerve considering it, never mind actually doing it.
Day one, he sobbed and screamed and prayed to the Gods for this to be a cruel joke. How could James be dead, how could Lily be dead? How could he, of all people, be accused of causing their deaths? How could Peter, mousy weak little Peter, have betrayed them and landed him with the blame?
Day two, he dried his red-rimmed eyes and made sure the guards knew exactly what he would do to them if he wasn’t locked in a cell, patrolled by soul-sucking creatures. He was a Black, through and through, even if he had tried to be better than his relatives. His magical core was dark, as were the spells he cast best, and he was eager to do some practice on the Aurors- former colleagues or not.
Day three, he got some company. Cousin Bella, her husband Rodolphus, his brother Rabastan, and little Barty Crouch. Regulus’ best friend, the Head of the DMLE’s very own son, a terrified nineteen year old boy. He didn’t deserve to be here, especially not without a trial. He had only broken the wards around Longbottom Manor for the other three, hadn’t even been told what they were doing.
The days blurred together after that, even as he carved a tally mark into the stone wall for every day that passed.
Azkaban was so much worse if you were lonely, if no one was able to ground you as the Dementors passed. He got over his animosity towards the four around him, forgave and forgot as best as he could.
He started to understand why Barty was Regulus’ best friend. The boy was a genius, unbelievably talented in all sorts of magic and it accompanying theory.
They would sit against the bars dividing their cells together, hunched over copies of the Daily Prophet, morning and evening. Barty was just as big of a gossip as Sirius was himself.
“Merlin above, Barty! You’ll never believe it! Lucius Bloody Malfoy, on the Hogwarts Board of Governors?”
“Unbelievable,” Barty would scoff, “That bastard would grease palms for anything.”
“Alecto Carrow is betrothed to Cassius Travers, apparently. Could have sworn that she was a lesbian.”
“What? I always thought she was shagging her brother? Was Travers not married to Penelope Borgin, anyway?”
“Keep up, Barty, why, her death was announced 17 editions ago!”
“So Carrow and Travers can actually fucking murder his wife, and yet we are in Azkaban?”
As the days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, Sirius saw how badly Barty was being affected by the Dementors. So much worse than the rest of them. He was too young to suffer like this, though just over a year younger than Sirius himself, his mind couldn’t handle the torture.
Some days, Barty was all but catatonic, rocking backwards and forwards against the bars separating their cells. Sirius would sit with him, those days, his back pressed against Barty’s own, trying desperately to keep him warm and grounded.
337 days in to their life sentence in Hell, Sirius had finally had enough.
He had been training his wandless magic as much as he could. Azkaban didn’t have magic-dampening wards on the cells, the Dementors simply drained so much of their magical core that casting was virtually impossible. But Sirius was an Animagus, sleeping as Padfoot, and he wasn’t as drained as the rest.
On that fateful day, day 337, Sirius picked the perfect time. An hour after the morning Dementor patrol, and 45 minutes after the Auror guards had delivered breakfast- according to his Tempus charm. He had been meditating almost constantly for three days, and he was as ready as he ever would be.
He stood, adopting the perfect posture that had been drilled into him since he learned to so much as crawl, and willed the door to his cell to open.
Somehow, it worked.
The four around him were silent, stunned to disbelief. He strolled out of his cell, and, with a flick of his wrist, unlocked their cells too.
Sirius had suffered for the Order, went to Prison as an innocent man without the Order fighting for him. He was done, he had had enough.
He cared about two things, now.
He would keep his godson safe, for James and Lily, and he would make damn sure Barty Crouch Jr lived the rest of his life outside of a cold, dark cell, for the little brother he never got the chance to say goodbye to.
The Ministry would regret the day they threw Sirius in Azkaban, and Albus Dumbledore would not live to rue the day he left him there.
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saturniasxenos · 23 days
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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lucigoo · 5 months
Weekly Roundup: 7th April - 14th April
So, this week has been a rough one, so im just addig my word count and othing else, will add my fics and recs at a alter day, but its 2:30 am in Monday (def not Sunday which I thought was Saturday ...) So I wrote 17,709 words with 4 fics uploaded. Okey Dokey, time t fix the weekly round up, recs first as always, but if I wait any longer, it will be Suday again lol. far across the distance - LinguisticJubilee - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, this one is lovely imo) Summary: Balin blinks, shifting backwards. “Laddie, it’s—it’s been a year. Bilbo has returned home, to the Shire.” He looks at Thorin, then says more gently, “I did not realize you counted the hobbit among your treasures.” Where I go, will you still follow? - ghostinthelibrary - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, the plottwist is delicious angst) Summary: When Jaskier is revealed to be spying on Kaer Morhen for Redania—a treachery that nearly gets Eskel killed—he’s banished from the keep. But when it becomes clear that there was more to his lover’s betrayal than meets the eye, Geralt will have to race to find him before it’s too late. Fae!Jaskier and Geralt - TheBretonBookDragon - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, I adore Fae Jaskier, and I legir re read the entire series today too) Summary:
The Mountain hangs over their heads, but Geralt is sure that if he just keeps trying that Jaskier will know how much he loves him. Jaskier has been quieter than usual, but that just means Geralt needs to try even harder. Too bad Geralt is just a smidge oblivious and emotionally constipated. Guardian of Kings - SunnyRose - The Hobbit by @sunnyrosewritesstuff (Bilbo/Thorin, one of my favs from Sunny, its clever and the world building, its just delicious) Summary: The Company has been having a good laugh as the story of their quest spreads through the mountain and more and more retellings makes Thorin out to be Bilbo’s damsel in distress. It stops becoming funny when Thorin’s honor is challenged, and it’s up to Bilbo to defend it. Thorin may be ready to smuggle his hobbit out of the mountain, but Bilbo will do it. For Thorin, he would do anything. Prize Enough for Me - StrivingArtist - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, BAMF Bilbo for the win, need I say more?) Summary: After falling in love months earlier with the Dwarven King, when Bilbo sees Thorin stabbed on Raven Hill, he decides to find vengeance. mercy and death on swift arrows fly - authoressjean - The Hobbit (Gen, hinted eventual Bagginshield, another BAMF Bilbo, but also, hes just lovely no matter what) Summary: Hunger Games AU with slow burn Bagginshield.
And now for mine. We have 4 fics I finished last week, and a revealed bonus one. Ive found Frodo ....and he found you? - Lucigoo89 - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Animal Au. Badger Thorin/Skunk Bilbo written for my friend @shantismurf's bday <3) Summary: Canine distemper has stolen all of the Bagginses away apart from Bilbo and little Frodo. No he has to find his kit, who has wandered off, again, and keep them safe from "The Sick". If only he wasn't alone doing it. You're Floo Was My Emergency Contact (Sirius Black, Gen, written based off this wonderful video Satellitedide: Sirius after he's arrested... Summary: Sirius is in Moody and Kingsley's custody after Halloween 1981. Dumbeldore is his emergency contct but he isn't answering his floo.... I'm bitter: You were mine first (Jegulus, unhappy ending, mind the tags) Summary: James catches Regulus in an alley after a Death Eater attack. One thing leads to another and Regulus revels in the fact James isnt as good as he pretends to be, he never has been You were to late - Lucigoo89 - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Canon comliant ish, mind the tags. Based int he @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt #248 - watching Birds) Summary: Bilbo is watching the eagles fly overhead in victory. With Thorin's cooling hand in his, Bilbo isnt sure what their is to feel victorious over. And final one. My first Mer au, for the @remuslupinfest High Tide Came and Brought You to Me (Mer Remus/Siren Sirius) Summary: Remus was cursed as a child and became a wermerman. 20 years later and he still hates himself and what he becomes once a month. Maybe some new additions to his cove will help him feel a bit more at peace with himself? Once again, I hope theres at least one thing for you to enjoy. Have a good rest of the week <3
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bikelock28 · 2 years
i'd like to hear your additional wolfstar thoughts, and thoughts on the queerness of sirius and remus
Thank you for this Ask! I got a bit carried away with this answer so it's very rambly long and detailed.
General disclaimers :
Content Warnings: Homophobia, teenage sex, brief mentions of sexual assault.
This is a LGBTQ+friendly blog which supports all queer identities :)
I'm going to refer to Sirius and Lupin as MLMs. "Queer" is too general given I believe both are cis, and MLM encompasses gay/bi/pan/ etc.
I'm a cishet girl woman so none of what I'm saying is from my own personal experience
More specific disclaimers:
While all sexualities have always existed, the language for them hasn't. We're dealing with 2 dudes in the 90s, who were born in the 60s, so they'd be unlikely to refer to or even understand their sexuality in the way we do now.
Actual Canon: what happens on the page in the book. Facts.
Possible Interpretations: self-explanatory. There will be multiple of these and they will be contradictory!
Bikelock's Interpretation: Which of the Possible Interpretations I believe.
These days it's tempting to read queerphobia into all of JKR's writing. Personally I disagree with this because mars critical analysis, and because it's a sweeping generalisation based on her recent transphobic tweets and comments, not her writing of fictional MLMs 15+ years ago.
Some of the evidence is from when Sirius and Lupin were teenagers. Therefore it's easy to say "well they hadn't figured their sexuality out yet". This is true, but also that's the evidence we have to work with, so we have to go with it.
Is Sirius Black An MLM?
Here I will look at Sirius in isolation (without Lupin I mean, not like when he was in Azakaban).
Actual canon: "Several posters of bikini-clad Muggle girls" on his bedroom walls. Harry notes that he "had to admire Sirius' nerve". Possible Interpretations: 1. He isn't really into girls in bikinis as the main point is to piss of his parents, not to lust over. 2. He is into girls in bikinis and can lust over them while pissing off his parents. Win-win.
Actual canon: "The girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though we didn't seem to have noticed". I love this! Possible Interpretations: 1. Sirius has so many girls after him that he doesn't notice. He's got that cocky, "Oh hey? Didn't see ya there" swagger (this is more commonly known as Being A Prick). 2. This moment is a representation of Sirius not being into girls in general.
Bikelock's Interpretation: I reckon both interpretations for both the above are very plausible. I do think JKR intended Sirius to be straight, but I believe and enjoy the MLM readings of them.
Actual canon: "He was very goodlooking" "Still-handsome face", "Looking haughty and bored, but very handsomely so" etc etc etc. Honestly, the narrator is always banging on about how goodlooking Sirius was/is (JKR, stop crushing on a teenage boy BORN FROM YOUR OWN MIND, you absolute weirdo). But we never hear about a girlfriend? That's a bit odd. Possible Interpretations: 1. The constant spelling out of how sexy Sirius is is the narrator implying his womanizing, 2. It's a deliberate omission of romantic interest because he's gay, 3. While we see a lot of photos etc, we only see pre-Azkaban Sirius do stuff in Snape's Worst Memory, and Sirius' love life was not relevant in that scene, 4. Sirius' handsomeness isn't anything to do with who he's going out with, it's more about his arrogance- being goodlooking can be about YOU, not your relationship with others! Bikelock's Interpretation: I think JK intended 3 and 4, but as a Basic Straight Girl I'm a sucker for fictional and irl too bad boys, so I also think 1.
Is Remus Lupin an MLM?
Here I will look at Lupin in isolation.
Actual canon: Carries a Big Secret which will affect his job and his security if anybody finds out. In general is a private person who lives with shame. Possible Interpretations: 1. How very sad that this secrecy and shame can be interpreted as a signifier for queerness :( 2. It is more about infection, illness/disability, Snape being a dick, the structure of leading up to the PoA finale, than an metaphor for queerness. Bikelock's Interpretation: 1.
Actual canon: Big Secret publicly revealed by Snape in an act of revenge. Possible Interpretations: Snape outs Lupin. 1. Metaphor of outing of queerness. 2. This is, like, a thing that generally happens in dramatic fiction, and not necessarily queer coding. Bikelock's Interpretation: Err, both.
Actual canon: Married a woman and had sex with her at least once. Possible Interpretations: 1. Lupin is sexually/romantically attracted to women, meaning he: 1A. Is straight, 1B. Is MLM who is bi/pan etc. 2. HOWEVER:
Actual canon: Lupin is literally never seen happily interacting with his wife on-page after their wedding. Yep, that's right. Go back and check if you don't believe me. Possible Interpretations: 1. Lupin doesn't really want to marry Tonks (1. 1...but he was pressured into it by Tonks, Molly, and like, all the others (evidence for all this being in the hospital wing in HBP), 1.2. And/or because it was a crazy time, he was grieving for Dumbledore, he was scared, he was doing mad shit). So yeah, it's possible to argue that even though Lupin marries a woman, he could still be gay. In fact, I actually think this kind of makes sense with everything else we know about Lupin's self-hatred, shame, commitment-phobia r.e Tonks, and general appalling decision-making. Bikelock's Interpretation: Despite everything I just said, when it comes down to I believe that Remus is in love with Tonks and did want to actually marry her.
Actual canon: Lupin ditches Tonks twice, including when she's pregnant. He "made a grave mistake in marrying Tonks, and have regretted it very much ever since". Oof, not a good moment this. Possible Interpretations: 1. Remus Lupin is a character who has experienced trauma, the effects of which makes him a dreadful boyfriend/husband to Tonks, especially when he is terrified he has subjected her and their child to lycanthropy. This man is a walking disaster, and I don't mean that in a cute "this smol lil catastrophe bean" way. His bewilderment, self-loathing, shame, fear and experiences of abandonment and grief, are the reason he is so changeable regarding Tonks. 2. See above bullet-point: he never wanted to marry her. Bikelock's Interpretation: First one. Lupin is an awful husband for reasons explained by his Actual Canon lycanthropy, not reading into it that he didn't want to be with her in the first place.
Actual canon: After 4 books of the narrator banging on about how old, grey and ill Lupin looks, when Teddy is born he "looked younger than Harry had ever seen him" and "seemed dazed by his own happiness". Omg i'm dying reading this bit, it's so lovely. Possible Interpretations: 1. Heterosexual marriage and parenthood appear to have metaphorically cured Lupin of his infirmity and misery. Does this heteronormativity stretch into homophobia? 2. This joy is everything this beautiful man deserved. Of course he would be happy after the birth of his child! A key HP theme is parents and children and the love between them- here's JK demonstrating it. This is especially important given A. Harry being orphaned as a baby, B. Lupin (and Tonks) being killed off, leaving Teddy an orphan. It is key that Harry witnesses this love from a new parent about his child, both as part of A. Harry's own understanding of himself as an orphan and his relationship with his parents, B. The father-figure role he will play in Teddy's life.
Wait, What About ALL Of OotP?
I'm putting this separately because a lot of Wolfstar's situation in OotP applies to them both:
Actual canon: Secretly living together and despite being outcasts, Sirius and Lupin are father figures to Harry together. They even get him a joint Christmas present! Possible Interpretations: 1. ...gay subtext af. 2. Harry has many father figures, there are plenty of people are barging in and out of 12GP not just Lupin, Sirius is stuck inside and Lupin is skint so in terms of practicality they had to share the present, and it's just part of adventure stories that characters have to hide in secret. Stop reading so much into this! Bikelock's Interpration: No2.
Actual canon: The 40-Line Stare. A classic of Wolfstar shipping. Possible Interpretations: 1. Staring at someone is not a signifier of romantic attraction. 2. Staring at someone is totally a signifier of romantic attraction. Bikelock's Interpretation: First one.
Actual canon: Sirius and Lupin's interactions in Snape's Worst Memory are negligible. Possible Interpretations: 1. They weren't together at this point but would be later. 2. They were together at this point but it was a secret. 3. They weren't together at this point and never would be.
Other Stuff
Actual Canon: "Lupin walked to Black's side, seized his hand, and pulled him to his feet so that Crookshanks fell to the floor, and embraced Black like a brother". Another Wolfstar classic. Possible Interpretations: 1. He embraced Black like a brother. 2. This is from 13-yr-old Harry's understanding, and they actually may have embraced more like lovers. Bikelock's Interpretation: No1. "Brother" is what it says on the page. I think to cast the “misinterpreted a lover’s embrace” aspersion on Harry's viewpoint is grasping at straws. Think about irl the last time you hugged a sibling, friend or romantic partner...would a a bystander know the difference?
In fact, that whole scene in the Shrieking Shack arguably has lots of Wolfstar Hints dropped. But think about what's going on in that moment. It's batshit crazy! It's the dramatic climax of the book so the characters are all heightened. I just don't think any of the alleged Wolfstar Hints can be counted as legit given the circumstances.
The two characters are very close friends. Staring, hugging, caring for each other, avenging a friend's death, nagging each other, going to places together staying inside together, being distraught when the other one dies- these are all ordinary/understandable things for old, close friends to do. Personally I am irked by the idea that these actions can only be explained if the two characters are romantically involved. I think that's a disservice to Sirius and Lupin's friendship. It also demonstrates a pretty negative view of male friendship in general. Male friendship isn't just "wheeyyy football Quidditch booze bantz bantz". It can be caring and meaningful, like Lupin and Sirius'. Moreover, in general imo platonic relationships are just as important as friendships. Sirius and Lupin don't need to be romantic lovers for their love to be valuable.
OK You've Rambled On Long Enough, What Do You Actually Think?
Bikelock's Interpretation- Lupin: Easy for me. I interpret him as bi. The Big Secret and outing in PoA is a clincher. I don't think it was intentional by JKR but in my view it has a clear MLM reading (poor Lupin, the main signifier of his queerness is something upsetting, shameful and vengeful). I also like the idea of him as bi because he is so far from the Chaotic Sex-Mad Bisexual stereotype.
Bikelock's Headcanon- Lupin: (this is stuff I've made up myself with less/no canon evidence): Lupin is bisexual het-romantic (though, he wouldn't refer to or consider himself this way). I don't like the idea that he has had zero romantic/sexual relationships by the time Tonks turns up. It just...it's a bit cliché, a bit easy? (also a pain from a Remadora fanfic-writing perspective).
If you've read Pluto you'll know I write Lupin as having a poor relationship with sex. Although actually, I reckon it's mostly a poor relationship with heterosexual sex. See more in this post. The gist is, Lupin he believes he is a potential sexual predator because he is a werewolf. He would therefore feel more safe from himself when having sex with another man, because blokes are generally bigger and stronger and would have a better chance of fighting him off if he were to lose control. (It therefore a was a real twist of the knife to have JKR pair him off with a girl a lot younger than him). So, I think for the 12 years between the Potter Deaths and PoA, he was occasionally jacking off/blowjobs with random blokes met in pubs. Not to stereotype here, but that casual sex is a bit more common amongst MLMs than The Straights. Also I like the idea that our quite sweet, mild Prof Lupin has sucked off some dude behind a wheelie-bin. I think this would probs be Muggles because A. Lupin presumably spent a lot of time in the Muggle world, B. More anonymity.
Any girls ever? I think so. As I said, I don't want Tonks to be the first woman Remus ever slept with. I think his mates may have parlayed him into some action at school, and maybe after. Of course he would be very anxious about if/how/when to tell them he's a werewolf, and very guilty if/when he didn't tell them. This pre-Potter Death version of Lupin was a bit cheerier and less ashamed than the version we meet in canon, so his view of het sex wouldn't have deteriorated to the point I explained in the above para- that would happen after the Potter Deaths. In the 12 years after that, I reckon there probably was a girl or two, but ngl I struggle to come up with scenarios. She'd almost certainly be Muggle.
I dislike the fact that this headcanon of mine carries with it the homophobic implication of "had sordid and unfulfilling gay sexual encounters until monogamous het marriage and fatherhood made him truly happy". But, err, I guess that's how it is and idk what to do about it.
Bikelock's Interpretation- Sirius: I have less to say about Sirius. I fancy him see him as a very annoying, cocky, arrogant, womanising straight fuckboi. But I also think the MLM interpretations are plausible and fun.
Bikelock's Headcanon- Sirius: When I wrote Sparkling I wrote him as both interpretations. Defo having my cake and eating it BUT I plausible imo, and Sirius would have his cake and eat it too, wouldn't he?! I see teenage Sirius as a speedball of "wanna do it all, say it all, fight it all" so it's not a huge jump to "fuck it all", especially if he's getting lots of offers from girls. Plus, power is a big thing for Sirius and I think he'd enjoy the power element of sex, especially ditching girls once he's done with them. I think the MLM side of things would be more disconcerting for him, as it would for any boy in the 1970s.
Wasn't This Meant To Be a Post About Wolfstar?
Oh right yeah, sorry.
Bikelock's Headcanon: I think at Hogwarts Wolfstar could have happened. Generally such relationships between boys are A Thing at boarding school (although maybe less so at a mixed-gender boarding school) and I find that interesting and...kind of cool?
Pre-Potter Death Lupin is more fun and light, and boy is he happy to be cajoled into naughty fun with his friends. So I can see him copping off with Sirius, even if it was just as experimentation/boredom/horniness (remember, they are teenage boys!). Surely he'd actually feel better experimenting with a close friend? As for Sirius, I think if he sensed Lupin was MLM he would use that to his advantage. Not in a predatory way, he'd just...yeah, also participate. Likewise, if he's getting all this attention from girls but suspects he's MLM, he might feel better exploring that with a friend, who he knows won't be (too) weird about it or out him.
I don't know why I don't see them as legit "in love". Maybe because most 17-year-olds aren't?! It's something I find frustrating about Harry's gen. And you don't need to be in love with the person you're getting off with at school!
Lupin’s situation means immediately post-Hogwarts he HAS to crack on and start making money to clutch at whatever stability he can find. Sirius' upbringing was materially stable and financially privileged, but emotionally shit, so I bet he wants/needs the opposite to Lupin: to get out there, see the world, have adventures. Lupin has to be more pragmatic than to want those things. A long-term romantic relationship would therefore not work. Being in the Order would change things too.
I also like the idea that James is always Sirius' BFF. His romantic relationship with Lupin was separate, perhaps less close- see my above point about the value of platonic friendship.
Wolfstar could not possibly be A Thing by the time the Potters went into hiding ABSOLUTE LATEST. Sirius suspects Lupin of betraying the Potters to Voldemort! Lupin wasn't told about the change in Secret-Keeper. Obviously that's Best Practise Secret-Keeping, but think about how many huge secrets the Marauders kept at school: werewolf, map, Aminagi, Snape incident. Lupin not being informed of the switch is therefore a big deal demonstrating major distrust.
Fats-forward to OotP. Imo it's too much time past, they're too different, they weren't even together particularly romantically or for very long as teenagers, and even that was now a lifetime ago. Therefore it doesn't make sense for Wolfstar to be together in OotP. Also, it doesn't fit timeline-wise with Lupin/Tonks (who are Actual Canon!).
However, I do like to imagine touch-starved Sirius being, like, weirdly physical with Lupin, like putting his head on his shoulder a lot, maybe he kisses him goodnight sometimes. But, more in a strange, sad, lonely way, than a romantic way.
The End. Phew, that was a long post! Thanks for reading- even if you just skipped to the bottom. In case you possibly need more of my rambles, here's a plug for some of my Wolfstar fanfic, or at least fanfic involving the characters:
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hanna-kin · 2 years
My fics
I normally don't like to promote myself too much but now that we have a new season and new people in the fandom, why not.
I love angsty stuff so most fics are pretty angsty. Though there are a couple that are not.
Multi chapter fics
Metal - Erik doesn't die but still crashes his car four days before the new year with Wille in the passenger seat. Simon's world stops for a little bit. - angsty
Snöänglar - What is meant to be a quiet morning walk turns to a horrible event. And August saves the day. - angsty
The spare - Erik lives through his worst nightmare when Wille is horribly injured. - very angsty
The brightest star - Simon is the brightest star in the sky and Wille is a black hole that sucks out all light and tears down everyone that comes too close. Simon is Sirius and Wille is a black hole. And if Simon comes too close he’ll get sucked into the darkness. And there Wille will destroy him. - very angsty
Säg att du älskar mig - They are only trying to survive after Christmas.  Christmas is over and everyone is back at Hillerska. Simon and Wille are both sad and broken and trying to move on. While Simon tries to protect his fragile heart and keep his distance, Wille just tries to make it through his days. Without Simon it feels impossible.
One shots
Was it worth it? - The whole nation witnesses the Crown Prince’s downfall. Or after their break up Simon watches Wille slowly wilter away. - very very angsty
Make a wish - Simon never expected to run into the Crown Prince, at the hospital of all places, and he definitely did not expect him to be so charming and nice. And he most certainly didn't expect to fall in love with him. - a little angsty
Lillebror - Erik's been away for three weeks, his flight home is delayed and Wille is not replying to his texts. When Erik finally arrives home he learns why, Wille is sick. So rather than get some much needed sleep, Erik watches after his little brother. - not angsty
The room - The girls wants to redecorate Wille's room and Simon finds himself helping. - not angsty
Sam and Sion - They weren't supposed to get a cat, so why were they currently on their way to a breeder? Wille wants a cat, Simon is scared of kittens. But maybe a tiny little furball can change his mind? - not angsty
Black hole - It's Christmas and Wille feels like shit. Erik is dad and thier family in shatters. Simon hates him, his parents are disappointed and he is lonelier than ever. He fights against the darkness that surounds itself around him. He's a black hole. - very angsty
Belle - Wille teaches Simon to ride a horse. AU in which Wille has a horse named Belle. Simon is very hesitant but agrees to ride her to make Wille happy even though he's scared of horses. -not angsty
Dear Wille - But in the end their love wasn't enough. And sometimes love doesn't conquer everything. Simon writes letters to his beloved Wille. - very very angsty
På svenska
Det får fan räcka nu - Det får fan räcka nu, tänker Simon när han ser Wille stressa ihjäl sig under våren. Som att inte universitetsstudier på heltid inom internationella relationer och mänskliga rättigheter är nog så förväntas Wille också representera ett helt jävla land under tiden. Han förväntas få höga betyg, vara engagerad under alla representationsmiddagar och möten som han måste delta vid. Även under tentaperioder eller uppsatsskrivande. Även när han är utmattad eller stressad. Och ibland känns det som det bara är Simon som kan dra i handbromsen.
Vad som än händer - En fortsättning på "Det får fan räcka nu"
Eller dagarna efter Willes mentala kollaps.
Svart hål - Det är jullov och Wille mår skit. Erik är död och hela familjen är trasig. Simon hatar honom, hans föräldrar är besvikna och han är ensammare än någonsin. Han kämpar med mörkret som sluter sig om honom. Han är ett svart hål.
Sirius - Simon är den ljusaste lysande stjärnan på himlen och Wille är ett svart hål som suger ur allt ljus och förintar alla som kommer för nära. Simon är Sirius och Wille är ett svart hål. Och om Simon kommer för nära kommer han sugas in i mörkret. Och där kommer WiIlle att förgöra honom.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Find a Word Tag Game
Thanks @r33sespieces for the tag! I was hoping to play this one.
The rules are simple - find the word (or something close enough) in a fic (WIP, published, whatever) and share the excerpt it’s in.
My words: slip, wrinkle, ring, sign
Tagging: @second-sister @mppmaraudergirl @missgryffin @maraudersftw @charmsandtealeaves if anyone wants to play
Your words: deserve, chase, lick, between
From an as of yet unnamed fic for @hpknotfest. The title of my google doc is "ABO gangbang" if that gives you a clue about what is happening.
The Prewett twins were a surprise, specifically in that they came together. “Remus, we want to talk to you.” 
Remus looked from Fabian to Gideon, who walked on either side of him. “Alright…” 
Gideon smiled at him as he wrapped a hand around his waist and slipped his fingers in Remus’s back pocket. “Your heat is tonight.” 
Fabian slipped his arm between Gideon’s and Remus, slipping his fingers in Remus’s other back pocket. “You know what makes a heat go faster?”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Sharing it with an alpha?”
“Sharing it with twin alphas.” They spoke together, and then squeezed his arse together.
This fic is titled Knot in my Job Description... and is also for hpknot fest. I'm..... not giving any more details.
“Minister, this is going to go easier if you take off your trousers, too.” He nodded at Kingsley’s crotch. 
Kingsley looked down, not even realizing that he was openly stroking himself through his trousers now. He groaned. “Oh fuck, fine.” 
Kingsley stood, stripping his trousers, pants, and loafers off, laying them in a pile on the floor before sitting back down in his chair. Percy moved to the pile, bending over to pick up his trousers and pants and giving Kingsley and Sirius a clear view of his tight puckered hole. 
Kingsley groaned, gripping himself in hand while Sirius chuckled next to him. “Percy, you don’t have to do that.” 
Percy folded his trousers and laid them neatly on the table. “You don’t want to have wrinkles later so—“ His eyes went wide as he turned to face Kingsley again. “Oh.”
Okay... I really didn't inted this, but... The the only other ring was a massive spoiler. This is from another hpknotfest fic. This one is called Indiscreet, and is Starking. It's actually a prequel to Knot in my Job Description, but I won't say whyyyyy.
“Well, Percy will be relieved you think so.” Kingsley laughed, pausing next to the floo like he wasn’t quite ready to leave. “He asked me if I wanted him to pick up my grandfather's ring for you out of the vault. I don’t think he’ll ever believe we aren’t together.”
For a moment, Sirius let his mind wander to wearing the Shacklebolt ring, and giving Kingsley the Black ring, and sharing a cottage outside of London somewhere. In Godric’s Hollow with James and Remus, perhaps. He wanted it–wanted it so badly it hurt. “Would that be so bad?”
This one is for chapter 3 of Give Me A Sign (pointed ask? I see you).
“Can I see you on Saturday?” Remus signed. 
“Oh, um. I don’t think so.” Sirius signed, and he looked apologetic. “Sorry, I have plans.” 
“That’s okay.” Remus felt disappointment pooling in his stomach. “No problem.” 
He started to turn away, but Sirius stopped him with a hand to his arm. “You could come, if you want. I just don’t know that you would want to. James and I are going to see this band that we love. I don’t know if you want to see a band.” He looked hopeful, even as he was trying to hedge the invitation. 
“I’ll go.” Remus signed it so quickly that he worried he was too eager. “I mean, if you really want me to go. I don’t have to if I’m intruding.”
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
"I didn't mean to loose her Austrus."
"You sure? She is the key to -"
Rigelus whirled at his older brother, slamming his fist onto the glass countertop shattering it. He barely felt the pain against his anger. 
"Do not question my loyalty, not after everything I've given for it. I know the cost of it. I will fix it."
Austrus snorted and looked to his little brother's hand. 
"I'd clean that, who knows what filth the help have on their person."
He turned and left the room shutting the door softly behind him. Rigelus looked to his hand, to the blood burned black and shimmering. He closed his eyes, his mind swirling and reeling. He knew what they all thought of him, what she did. She would return to him - he'd break them all to bring her back to him.
He rubbed at his face ignoring the rush of blood to his skin. He had lost so many people to this, this dream that had slowly transformed to nightmare. 
He exhaled and grabbed the square handkerchief from his breast pocket. He'd find her, the stars had given them to each other. He remembered the song he could hear whenever he held her. The sweet tones that matched the deeper drums of his own. 
He moved through the hallway remembering that last night. How she'd thrown back his vision at his feet. How she'd accused of being as bad as his brothers were. Hesperus prayed on any fae he could taking them and breaking them. Austrus had craved power more than he'd had anything or anyone else. He wondered what Rhysand thought of his aunt's mate. Did Rhysand thing Austrus would accomplish all this? Did he think Auraline's mate would become a dictator or a tyrant? 
He shook his handkerchief off transforming it into a white dove with a simple thought. He smiled as he watched it soar around his head and land onto his shoulder. 
He hadn't wanted this, a dream with no legacy seperated from those he loved most of all. He remembered the night Apollion and Sirius had left for Vallhan and Night. How Sirius had pleaded with him to leave, to run with them.
"This isn't the dream we wanted Rigelus! This isn't the empire we fought and bled for! How can you not see this is not see that?"
He hadn't then, and if he had seen it - well he wouldn't have cared. Nothing mattered but his vision, the return of the Eternal City. Cassandra had let the first fall into ruins by the combined forces of the Fae and Witches 1,500 years ago. He wouldn't let his fall into the same trap. 
He rubbed at his wrist, his brand faintly glowing silver. Asteri were matriarchal and he had sworrn himself to his sister Eosphoros cause long ago. Far before he'd met Rhysand or Aleksander. 
He wondered how any of it would have different. Would he have been the illusion of a choice? Would he have been free to do as Bryce had and leave?
Bryce had sworn no fealty, neither had Sirius. They were powerful in their won rights, they hadn't needed to. It would have been an insult to ask them to anyway. 
Bryce had begged him, had pleaded and offered to break the bond to let him come with her. Nothing was more precious to him than his family and he would not betray what remained of it for her, for anyone. 
He stopped in front of the cells, his boyhood appearance shimmering away to show his more older form. 
"Do you both want to know a story older than the both of you?"
He leaned against the cell walls looking at Ruhn and Hunt inside.
"Do you want to witness a story centuries in the making?"
//idk CC thibgsss//
His jaw tightened when the sight of the male approached the cells, it was bad enough he was sharing the cell with Hunt of all people, but now the other was coming to talk. Ruhn rolled his eyes, sinking into the corner where he sat and closing his eyes.
There were many stories older than them, there were many things they were to witness. Did he think he was interested in being dragged around like a dog on a collar? He wasn't like the boys who fawned around him, he'd seen Rhysand and Aleksander. It was like scavengers around a carnivore.
"I am not interested in anything you're offering Rigelus." He crossed his arms.
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itsthegrowth · 2 years
Reecie Colbert ...
In trying to choose a social media persona with presence - I wanted to avoid the famed twitter “blue check”. While being Twitter verified is a stamp of approval, it also means you've been somewhat vetted for authenticity - hence defeating the purpose of the assignment. I chose a woman whose videos I am familiar with and whose take on politics is one that I tend to agree with. Reecie Colbert - known online as @ blackwomenviews , is an Enclyclopedia on Vice President Kamala Harris. She is known for her sharp videos explaining any number of topics relating to politics, with a focus on Black female voters. The first step in my personal vetting journey was simply to read her Twitter bio. This would give me some basic info and see if there were any organizations or companies who could give me insight int Colbert’s online credibility. 
Jackpot! From her bio, I was able to learn that she is a contributor to the Roland Martin Show, as well as the Clay Cane show on Sirius XM. A quick google search gave me IMDB account which featured several photos of her on these and other shows as a commentator. This made me think that I should go back to Twitter and see if there were any additional photos that were not featured on IMDB that would tell me other organizations / companies she had done work for. It did not take long before scrolling through her timeline when I find video of her appearing on the MSNBC show “Symone” and phots taken at the Vice- Presidential residence! Colbert also has articles published on The Grio, a well- known online publication and a recent Amazon bestseller about the midterm elections.  I am not sure why none of these appearances merit an official twitter blue check ... but they confirmed my hypothesis that Colbert is a reliable, verifiable media source. Just for information’s sake, I dug a little further - appearances at the Congressional Black Caucus even and several other media / political events solidified my belief. 
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stcriestold · 4 years
"Oh, quit that." Lily to Sirius.
deathless sentence starters  -  accepting
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“Quit that?” Sirius grinned almost manically, stepping away from her wardrobe and holding a yellow floral blouse to his chest. “Don’t sweat it, Evans, I won’t stretch out your clothes. Besides, as much as I’m tempted to give this one a try, I don’t think it’ll quite match my... well, everything.”
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stcriestold-a · 4 years
i can’t have you gone. i need you here ( harry and sirius )
“Harry,” Sirius said, a sad smile on his lips. He’d grown up so much since he saw him last -- and even then, his last memory of Harry had been in a hectic battle at the Ministry of Magic against the Death Eaters and, worst of all, dear cousin Bellatrix. He looked old enough to be Sirius’ age when he... when he died. Older than James ever got to be. The smile got tight, but he kept it there regardless. “You’ve lasted this long without me, and you’ll continue to live knowing that all of us up here are so, so proud of you. You’re living, Harry, and that’s all we could have ever asked for.”
He reached out to place his hand on Harry’s shoulder, hand slightly fazing through it. Sirius ignored that part. “You remember what I said way back when, yeah? The ones who love us never truly leave us. You can always find them -- ” He poked his chest with his other hand. “ -- here. That’s where I’ll be, and your parents, and Remus, and everyone else who’s no longer with you. We’re always with you, no matter what.”
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