#intellectual support
immaculatasknight · 20 days
Beacon of hope
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ngl, I'm beginning to take issue with how in conversations about anti-intellectualism almost automatically, the face of girls and women will be slapped on the problem.
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cryptid-aac · 7 months
Love post for ppl who type " weird "
Love you ppl who type " weird " because use AAC to type (hi, sometimes)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird" because have language disorder (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because have I/DD!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because have severe autism/higher support needs autism/Level 3 autism/however you identify (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because English not your native language!!
Love you ppl who type " weird" because rushing thoughts (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because blind!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because that's how brain thinks!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " just because!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because semiverbal (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because nonverbal!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " for any reason not mentioned or no reason or reason that not know of!!
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I love you, trans people with intellectual disabilities. You deserve to have the same opportunities as everybody else, and that's because you are a person. You deserve to be happy. Intellectually disabled trans people deserve the exact same respect, recognition, and love that (should be) afforded to everybody else.
Intellectually disabled trans people, you deserve to make your own decisions about your transness. You are allowed to want for transition or to change your name, clothes, hair, pronouns, or anything else. You deserve support and understanding. I hope you are able to receive that. You belong in this world as your true self. Your transness and your disability/disabilities are not bad things - they are good, and they are important.
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zebulontheplanet · 9 months
I think a lot of people haven’t had the experience of being treated like an animal, being called to your face that you’re an animal. Being treated like you’re nothing but an object, being seen like you’re nothing but an object.
I get stares in the store. I get people pointing, laughing, yelling at me as I walk down the street.
Even online I don’t feel safe. There’s people calling me slurs, people referring to me as an animal or object, calling me inhuman.
It hurts. I don’t think people realize how much it really does hurt to constantly be seen as something that isn’t human. That’s just nothing.
Please treat your autistic and intellectually disabled friends with kindness. Sometimes we need it.
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aacalienz · 1 year
if you’re autistic (even if you’re white, able to mask and fully speaking) you’re much closer to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities than you ever will be to neurotypical society. Include people with I/DD in your activism. Don’t separate yourself from us. I’d go as far as to say all autistic people have a developmental disability. You don’t have to identify that way, but really think hard about why you’re choosing not to. Autism is a Developmental Disability and and by separating yourself from intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) you are throwing autistics with higher support needs and autitistics with intellectual disabilities under the bus. (Signed developmentally disabled autistics without ID who are considered developmentally disabled by the state)
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i-never-grew-up · 4 months
I love you level 1 autistics
I love you level 2 autistics
I love you level 3 autistics
I love you autistics who can talk verbally
I love you autistics you use AAC or other aids like sign language
I love you autistics with no professional diagnosis
I love you early diagnosed autistics
I love you late diagnosed autistics
I love you queer/trans autistics
I love you autistics who don't look autistic
I love you autistics who do look autistic
I love you autistics with co-morbid conditions (intellectual disabilities, ADHD, ARFID, etc.)
I love you autistics with 'scary' mental disorders (dissociative disorders, personality disorders, schizospec, etc)
I love you autistics with high empathy
I love you autistics with low empathy
I love you physically disabled autistics
I love you autistics! <3
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d3lusi0nal-d33r · 4 months
i think some people forget intellectually disabled people in conversations about disability.
i dont feel included in a lot of conversations because people prioritize how they sound over accessibility. they use words i just can't understand to explain concepts. people find it more important to "sound like an intellectual" than to take a step back and realize a lot of people wont actually understand this.
i want to be included in conversations about activism and justice, but no one makes it accessible. when i ask questions, its taken as "oh my gosh do you really not know what that is!! youre a bad activist/advocate/etc.".
i have tried doing my own research, but thats not accessible to me either. its the same issue. i cant understand what im reading, nothing makes sense. its a cycle im trapped in until someone eventually explains. but by then, im not updated and informed like id like to be.
TLDR: use smaller words!!! please!! i cant understand you!! /lh
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neroushalvaus · 1 year
Koko the gorilla didn't know ASL but, like, you could say that without invalidating the existence of speech-supporting signs
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birdofmay · 8 months
Important: If a person on Tumblr says that somebody else writes your posts for you, and wants you to prove that you write everything on your own:
Don't respond. Don't upload a video of you typing or using your AAC device. Block that person, or ask someone to block them for you.
They won't listen to you and you can't convince them. They're just mean. It's spam. Really, just ignore them.
Here's a long post I wrote about that today, in case you're curious:
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s1yeye · 9 months
people seem forget nonverbal semiverbal speech unreliable speech loss all can be caused by things not autism outside of autism. kuru i me is not nonverbal semiverbal self, but body have somewhat frequent speech loss, and many alters (like self) speak weird funny or not speak at all. is mostly part of us our schizophrenia and brain damage and ID. we autism autistic too, but autism tend cause more words speak hyperverbal lot lot lots words spill out ramble off, rather than hard to speak hard make sentence hard words or no at all.
this post, want say hello and i see you to others with schizospec or brain damage or ID who not speak or struggle speak some way because of it. you welcome here, is your community too. ^_^
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things that can & do & should coexist at same time:
not everyone have access to (autism) diagnosis because of racism ableism etc against marginalized identities such as race class sex gender etc.
having an autism diagnosis is not a blanket privilege because many are forcibly diagnosed as kid and abused specifically because of their diagnosis, disproportionately visibly disabled/autistic, high support needs, “severe”/labeled as severe, cannot mask, have intellectual disability, etc.
if have ability and choice in getting diagnosed or not. choose very carefully. because diagnosis allow you services but also open door to discrimination (take child away, not allowed immigration, harder to access HRT, seen as medically incompetent, etc) you have less chance of experiencing if you undiagnosed.
these above discrimination still disproportionately affect BIPOC, low income, queer trans, high support needs, have intellectual disability, visibly autistic ppl, etc.
but even being able to choose whether to diagnose self or not, is autonomy & advantage many people don’t have. some people don’t have choice, like cannot afford or access diagnosis, or forcibly diagnosed as kid. but also, people who not diagnosed as kid per se but as they grow up, increase disability thus need diagnoses for services (and can’t survive without them) and can no longer hide disability and autism.
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zebulontheplanet · 2 days
Tumblr media
Photo ID: A screen shot from tumblr with a blurred out name. It says “I feel like level 3 autism is often autism plus a comorbidity to be honest. END ID
This is what I’m talking about when I say a LOT of people think that level 3 autism can’t possibly be autism and has to be autism plus a comorbidity. This is what I mean.
I’ve blurred out this persons name so they don’t get attacked, and I haven’t blocked them so hopefully they see this post and realize, and change their behavior.
Level 3 autism often DOES come with comorbidities. However that doesn’t mean all level 3 autistic people have comorbidities. Some are just autistic, and that’s ok. Some aren’t, and that’s also ok. However, what people usually mean by this is “I think level 3 autism is always with intellectual disability” which isn’t true.
Autism is autism. It doesn’t always come with comorbidities, and if you think that, you’re just further going into aspie supremacy-isk talk and behaviors. Not all level 3 autistic people have comorbidities, and to say so is ignoring level 3 autistic people. It’s putting the blame on them. It’s putting the blame not on their autism, but on something else. Because of course a level 3 autistic person can’t just be autistic and act the way they do because of autism /sarcasm.
Level 3 autistic people are autistic. And saying this directly ignores that. It’s blaming their comorbidity. It’s blaming that they can’t possibly just be autistic. It’s making it known that you don’t believe that their behaviors and traits are autistic behaviors and traits. Which they are. Every autistic person is autistic. No matter their comorbidity. No matter if they do have one or not. And we know what you mean when you say this, we know that you are directly correlating it with intellectual disability. I’m not stupid, I know that’s what you mean. Because each level 3 autistic person is totally intellectually disabled /sarcasm.
And if you don’t mean that, then what do you mean? What comorbidity do you mean? Because I know you don’t mean sweet and innocent (again, sarcasm) ADHD, or cute and innocent “I just like to clean” OCD (again sarcasm).
I know you don’t mean that. So don’t act like you do. Autism is autism. Their traits are autistic. Their behaviors are autistic. Their autism is real, it is valid, it is there. It affects them. And ignoring that is feeding into your own ignorance.
Do better. Talk to level 3s, look at their blogs, look at their writings, look at their websites, look at their caregivers writings. Stop being like this. Stop blaming intellectual disability for everything. Stop blaming comorbidities and using it as your stepping ground to hate and dehumanize level 3 autistic people. Do better.
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positivelyqueer · 10 months
Autistic people with high support needs and intellectually disabilities- I’m glad I get to share part of my human experience with you. Yes some experiences different but also some experiences similar, and grateful for that :) Hope having nice days.
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aacalienz · 1 year
Fellow Autistics without Intellectual Disability: separating yourselves from ID is lateral ableism
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vsrobotjulie · 3 months
disabled people who care about gaza but dont have the capacity to do anything but reblog posts in support i see you and love you. if you dont even have the ability to do that i see you and love you. if you dont even have the ability to learn about these conflicts without causing yourself immense confusion or distress i see you and love you.
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