#interaction: marlene mckinnon
mckns · 2 months
Where: Graveyard in Hogsmeage
When: Early Morning
Who: Marlene & Open
It was ironic, in her opinion, for the graveyard to be held within a white picket fence. People usually saw those fences around homes and thought 'those people must be living the dream.' Those that are within this fence aren't living at all.
Marlene had just finished her night shift at The Three Broomsticks, grabbed herself a breakfast sandwich on the way out to visit her family. It was what she did every Saturday morning and she wasn't going to change her routine. Sitting down in front of the McKinnon family plot, Marlene's head shook as her eyes scanned the names. Seeing herself and Monica's names already etched into the stone felt quite wrong. At least she knew she'd have a place to go in death, though.
She wasn't sure how long she'd been sitting there. Long enough to have finished her sandwich and talk aloud about how her week had gone. It never got easier, it should have been her, not Michael. Not her parents. Marlene sniffed quietly, wiping her tears on her sleeve as she attempted to pull herself back together before leaving. The sound of footsteps approaching from behind her, however, made her feel slightly more alert. Turning her head, she looked up to the person standing behind her. "Can I help you?"
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fensherohair · 1 year
The Marauders & The Metamorphmagi - Introduction
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Synopsis: (Y/N) Wolffe is a pureblood witch with a knack for rule-breaking, mischief, clumsiness, and causing absolute chaos. What happens when she gains the attention of a certain Marauder and becomes enthralled in a pranks war with another that terrorizes Hogwarts School?
Word Count: 1.5K Eventual Pairings: Lily Evans/James Potter, Remus Lupin/Marlene McKinnon, Sirius Black/Reader Pronouns: She/Her - some character description is given. Note: Also posted to Quotev, Wattpad, and AO3. (Reader is Metamorphic)
"GRYFFINDOR" yelled out the sorting hat, once it had made its decision after being placed on the head of pureblood witch (Y/N) Wolffe. The midnight-haired girl quickly jumped up and ran to her immediate right, a bright smile on her lips as she followed in the footsteps of Sirius Black and Lily Evans. A small nervous giggle escaped her as she sat down, shaking hands with others in the same house, watching quietly with them as the other first years were sorted into their individual houses. Lily's mood soured slightly when her friend Severus Snape was sorted into Slytherin, ensuring they were separated and rivals in terms of house competition. Something neither wanted but also had no choice but to accept.
"Hi I'm Marlene" spoke a small blonde girl, she'd sat next to (Y/N) after being sorted. Across from them were Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, Lily was next to Sirius with James being the opposite side of Marlene. The quieter plump boy, Peter was quiet next to James, almost shaking with nervousness as if he was about to run from the hall and break down from fright. Yet nonetheless, the group started to talk. James confidently apologizing to Lily for an incident that took place on the train. Soon enough Peter joined in. Asking random questions and changing the subject several times, while enjoying the feast in front of them. At least until Dumbledore announced it was time for them to head to the common room.
Only then did the prefects take charge. Each one standing at the end of the table closest to the golden doors and calling for the first years to join them. Once they were certain all were there the walk through the castle to reach each common room began. Whereas the Slytherin students and Hufflepuffs were led toward the dungeons. Both the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were led to the grand staircase, the students of both houses being informed the stairs liked to move, and admiring the pictures moving and greeting them as they passed. Soon enough the Ravenclaws went one way with the Gryffindors going the opposite.
As the prefect lead the first-year Gryffindor students through the endless corridors, he'd look back every now and again, ensuring everyone was still present. Keeping a close on the four boys at the back, seemingly teasing the three girls just in front of them. A small grin appeared on his lips upon noticing one of the girls was far more than met the eye.
"This is Gryffindor's common room. Girls' dormitories are upstairs to the right, and boys' the same on the left. You'll find all your belongings have already been brought up" informed Blaine, allowing the first year's time to look around the common room. Taking in the portraits of past students who'd gone to greatness, the cozy area by the fire, the tables for studying, and plenty of places to hang out with friends if staying in the tower. The red and gold theme running throughout, from simple flags hanging over the walkway above the stairs to the choices in rugs and plush sofa sets.
It wasn't long before the group of pre-teens went off to find their dormitory, each with the hope they'd be with people they'd already formed a friendship with. Lily, Marlene, and (Y/N) grinned widely upon finding out they'd be sharing a dorm, the other two they shared with were muggle-born twin sisters Allegra and Isolde Smith. One of which was quiet and the other arrogant with no end of audacity. Something she quickly displayed upon demanding someone switch bunks with her, as she didn't want to be near the door.
"I can't believe we have classes right after breakfast tomorrow. They should at least give us time to explore" muttered Allegra, rolling her hazel eyes as she unpacked some of the things she'd brought with her from home. Her favorite teddy bear, and a few pictures of the friends she had to leave behind. She soon started to complain, about everything from the sheets not being to her standards to the curtains surrounding her bunk being ugly, even about the door not having a proper lock and the windows not having curtains.
(Y/N) on the other hand, merely shook her head, a smile coming to her lips upon finding the small care package her older brother Hunter had hidden in her trunk. Filled with her favorite sweets, from the mundane gummy snakes to more magical creations such as acid pops, chocolate frogs, and sugar quills. A box of Bertie Bott's every flavor beans hidden beneath a few pieces of clothing.
"Bertie Botts" kindly offered (Y/N), opening the box and holding it out for her roommates to take some. "Fair warning, they mean every flavor" she casually added, cluing the three muggle-born girls in, if only to save them the nasty shock and the thought someone was planning a cruel joke on them. Marlene soon reached to take a handful, a smile on her lips as she did so. Secretly holding a soft spot for the daring sweet jelly beans.
Allegra too took a handful, a smug smile on her lips as she became tempted to take the whole box for herself. But soon thought better of it, after all her twin sister and the other three girls she didn't know the name of, were going to be her roommates for the remainder of the school year. She had to get on with them, or at least be civil. Maybe then they could build a friendship or at least be of some use to her.
"What are your names anyway?" spat Allegra, pushing her mousy hair over her shoulder, her face screwing up after getting a particular sour-flavored bean. Through her watery eyes, she could have sworn Isolde had steam coming from her ears. "And blood status. A boy on the train was telling me there were different magical blood types" rudely but curiously added the pre-teen girl, as she rummaged through her trunk to find her pajamas, if only so she could attempt to get comfortable.
"I'm Lily, erm a muggle-born" nervously spoke the redhead girl, after looking at both Marlene and (Y/N), as if confirming if they too, were just as uncomfortable as she was. (Y/N) soon disappeared, there was little doubt she was heading to the dorm bathroom to change, Marlene followed shortly after, as did Lily, thrust giving the Smith Twins their own privacy to change and talk for the few minutes it would take to change into the comfortable pajamas they'd each chosen to wear.
The moment the trio returned, the previous conversation resumed. (Y/N) introduced herself while reluctantly revealing she was a pure-blood, although keeping her abilities as a metamorphmagi secret for the time being. At least until she trusted the girls around her a little more or was left with no other option but to reveal it. Marlene had revealed she was a half-blood. Breaking the ice a little further by asking if any of them had any siblings. Besides the obvious when it comes to the twins.
Lily had spoken of her older sister Petunia, her smile saddened a little upon recalling how their once close relationship had turned sour since she received her letter to Hogwarts. Marlene too revealed she had several younger brothers, all with the hope of one day attending the school. Whereas (Y/N) spoke of her brother Hunter, who was a Hufflepuff student two years ahead of them. She had a few cousins dotted throughout the school ranks also but all were older and most of the shared the same pure-blood supremacy beliefs as the majority of the family.
Isolde had revealed, she and Allegra had several siblings both older and younger. Even how it come as a shock the day Professor McGonagall had paid the ordinary family a visit to deliver the acceptance letters and explain what it would mean for the twin girls. Everything that had once been so normal was anything but now. Since finding out they were witches so much had changed. Isolde had personally lost many friends because of it, whereas Allegra reveled in the idea of finally being better than those who had once looked down upon her.
The conversation between the girls continued until each had dropped off into a peaceful slumber. Allegra was the first to find peaceful slumber, snuggled beneath the warm covers and snuggling her teddy bear. Lily had followed soon after, wishing each a good night when her eyelids got too heavy to keep open and sleep was too powerful to ignore. Isolde was the next, offering a simple thankful for the sweets and sharing a hope they'd all be friends before dropping off. Finally, after a few more minutes of talking Marlene and (Y/N) settled down for the night. suspecting the following day would be filled with mystery and learning, as well as trying to find their way around the large castle and learning their place within the wizarding world. 
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valoflunar · 1 year
James is #1 dorlene shipper and Marlene is #1 jegulus shipper
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mcrcki · 7 months
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"shit, hey-- esther right?" marlene recognized her from the other month, complaining about the holidays in a little anti social corner. it was nice to run into a familiar face against amidst the crowd. "you having a good time? cause i have been dying over here trying to find something fun to do.. they don't talk about how boring these parties are when you're single."
@irresistiibles for esther mckinnon
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tragcdysewn · 2 years
closed starter for marlene mckinnon!! ( @mcrcki​ )
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“another normal day in this bloody city, huh?” abi nearly snaps, rolling her eyes at her sister in exasperation at their current situation. “i want to go back to england, fuck this.”
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papcrrings-arch · 1 year
Closed Starter : Fliss & Marlene ( @mcrcki )
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"No," Fliss shook her head, tears sprouting in her eyes, "No, it's not true. Marlene, tell me it's not true. Esther is fine. She's fine right," she was in absolute denial than anything had happened to her sister. It was more than she could handle.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
dorcas and marlene always booing or talking about how much they hated seeing physical affection. pandora kissing sybil on the cheek: dorcas gags. remus and sirius sitting extremely close together in the same seat whispering to each other: marlene throws stuff at them.
and then,, they start dating. and they just snog anywhere, sit in each other's laps, hold hands all the time, constantly flirt, call each cute nicknames, etc.
but whenever another couple does that, they complain about it, "get a room, that's gross!" "yeah! no one wants to see that" (while half in each others laps and mid making out)
LITERALLY SO RIGHT (i love the fact that you added giftseer ily <3 /p)
it's literally so them to do and they will/would never stop doing it because "when we do it it's cute and when you do it you just gotta get a room. easy." also the last part, the thing in the brackets, that's so true. how are you so right all of the time /gen
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p3ach3snplums · 2 years
Como casi todas las practicas Marlene se quedó un rato más solo con James, después de todo era su mejor amigo desde que tenía memoria y solía disfrutar de un pequeño juego de Quidditch entre ellos mientras se ponían al día. —Sé que te mueres por preguntarme, así que lo diré de una vez Lily solo puso los ojos en blanco 3 veces esta semana cuando te mencionamos— expresó divertida y molestando un poco a su amigo mientras le pasaba la Quaffle
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afftcrglow · 2 years
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– Oí que hoy va a llover, ¿crees que nos haga mucho estrago el clima para ir a Hogsmeade?
➣ para: @scorpiusmmalfoy​
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wvsteria · 1 year
@mcrcki: ❛  will you stop doing that?  ❜ - marlene and jacen
"doing what?" jacen called back as he had taken stride further from marene. he knew he wasn't exactly following orders or whatever. but he never did before and especially wouldn't know that he was going to check on the people he cared about to make sure they were safe.
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doeinthemeadowe · 28 days
When: Daisy and Tilden's house party Where: living room Who: Dorcas and Marlene @mckns
"Marlene!" Dorcas exclaimed, throwing her arms around her best friend. "Coming tonight was the best idea you've ever had, you're brilliant, you know that?" Dorcas grinned. She had lost count of how many drinks she had had, but she was past caring. She felt happy and good and there had been a time when she hadn't ever imagined herself ever saying those words again. "I feel happy. Like, actually happy. Isn't that so crazy?"
Dorcas pulled away and glanced at her best friend. "Are you having the best time?" She asked her, suddenly concerned that maybe Marlene wasn't having fun even though there was nothing to say that that was the case. "Are you?"
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mckns · 5 months
Quidditch Event, Before the Match Outside the Vendor Tents Marlene & Open
Marlene was doing everything she could to avoid the Three Broomsticks tent. Rosmerta wouldn't be upset with her, but she did feel a little bad for declining helping out for the event. She was a massive quidditch fan, after all. The tent had a massive crowd around it, surely Ros was busy and wouldn't even notice Marlene walking by, but she still decided to make a U-turn to avoid being seen.
Stumbling slightly over her own feet at the abrupt turn, Marlene took a moment to ensure she wouldn't trip over. Proud of herself for staying upright, she grinned to herself. Feeling a set of eyes on her, she turned her head, eyes narrowing at the person staring. "Can I help you?" She asked in a teasing manner, laughing, "Never see a girl with two left feet before?"
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fensherohair · 1 year
The Marauders & The Metamorphmagus Part 6
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Words: 1.5k Warning: None (Unless you count pranks) Pairings: Sirius Black/Reader (Eventual), Lily Evans/James Potter (eventual), Remus Lupin/Marlene Mckinnon (eventually) Pronouns: She/Her Contains: OC characters.
The start of the third year had started out like any other. The train ride to Hogwarts had been filled with friends catching up and talking about their adventures over the summer holidays, speaking of things that weren't written about in letters. First-year students hopelessly tried to navigate the tight halls of the train cars to find an empty compartment to sit in and mind their own business. Marlene had all but dragged her little brother with her, doing as she promised and keeping an eye on him. The eleven-year-old was quiet, sitting near the window, only speaking up when pulled into the conversation or asked a question. 
He seemed to perk up a little bit when Sirius entered the already crowded compartment, Regulus following along behind. It was obvious the pair were brothers, both having the same silvery blue eyes and dark curly hair. Both had that mystique about them. Almost instantly Sirius was dragged into a conversation by Allegra, the teenager hoping this would be different this year, although she still had her mind set on becoming a powerful witch, and she had yet to make up for what she'd done to Marlene the year prior. 
Regulus on the other hand had quickly found common ground with (Y/N) of all people, something that seemed to coax the younger Black out of his shell. Marlene's brother Mason, seemed to be brought out of his nervous shell by Isolde and Lily, both asking questions and doing their best to learn about him, if only so he knew if he had a problem he could go to them. Much like (Y/N) seemed to be doing for Regulus. 
"You're drooling" whispered Remus from next to Sirius. The latter had been watching (Y/N) for some time, to the point he'd zone out of the debate going on between Peter and James. 
"He's staring let alone drooling" commented Marlene with a giggle, although she didn't tease him any further. 
"Not staring, gazing" commented Sirius. 
"You were staring" replied Remus, continuing to tease one of his best friends, noticing Allegra had gone quiet now, instead seemingly observing the interactions around the small compartment as if she silently questioned if she truly belonged among them, silently questioning if she planned to be with them for the foreseeable future, or if she could get what she truly desired from the group huddled together. 
"Take a picture, Sirius, it will last longer" voiced (Y/N), a chuckle escaping her after a few seconds of trying to keep a straight face. 
"And it's less dangerous. Won't blow anything up" spoke James, seeing the way (Y/N) cocked an eyebrow as if James had given her an idea. 
"We'll see" she simply responded, a mischievous undertone to her voice. One that ticked Regulus, sat beside her. Soon enough (Y/N)'s hair began to change, something that appeared to intrigue both Regulus and Mason. 
"I'm afraid to ask what that meant" squeaked Peter, as if he was afraid a simple photo of (Y/N) would snap and crackle like the exploding snap cards, or she would put the potion she made the previous year to good use and cause another blast. 
"If you do turn a photo in an explosive device, please do give a kind heads up, so we can get to a safe distance" laughed Isolde, speaking up for the first time, while motioning to Lily, Marlene, and herself. "Might I suggest trying it out on a few miscellaneous items first" commented the muggle-born, throwing a helpful suggestion into the mix. 
"That's not helping" called James, especially when he recalled all the boogy traps from the year prior. Everything from sinkholes to the firepowder in books. On top of that (Y/N) had mastered some difficult spells and caused havoc on the Quidditch pitch. The prank war had served to entertain the school and sway Peeves to (Y/N) side. 
"So the stories are true?" spoke Regulus, his words nonchalant as if he hadn't meant to speak them aloud. Nonetheless, Sirius' cheeks began to heat up, as it became knowledge he had spoken of (Y/N) while at home. "Sirius talks about the mischief and chaos all the time, almost like he's a fan" added the youngest Black, a grin appearing on his features, as Sirius attempted to hide by the magazine Isolde had previously been flicking through. Attempting to hide his reddened cheeks. 
"Sirius and (Y/N) sitting in a tree" started James, as if to add to the embarrassment. Refusing to stop even when Remus kicked his shins and Sirius all but glared at him, in an attempt to will his best friend to shut up. 
"Come on mate, shut up before you make it rain more than Allegra did last year with her singing" exclaimed Sirius, not hearing Allegra huff in annoyance at the comment, a comment she took as an insult almost immediately. 
"K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes love ..." continued James as if he had not heard a single word anyone had spoken to dissuade him otherwise. "Then comes marriage" 
"(Y/N), What was the potion you put in James' drink earlier?" casually asked Lily, almost instantly the singing stopped and the deafening silence took its place. 
"Essence of Insanity" replied (Y/N), as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Makes the drinker suspicious of everything, until they think they're losing their marbles" she explained, winking to Regulus, as if cluing him into the joke, Marlene whispering to her little brother, doing the same. 
"That's a terrible joke" squeaked Peter, not catching on to the joke and becoming suspicious of his own bottle of water from the treat trolly. Eying it carefully, as if expecting it to suddenly begin to glow and change color. Remus could only chuckle when James all but jumped up and pressed his face to the window, the rain and thick clouds preventing him from seeing much. The moment James left the compartment to look out the other windows, Peter followed as if to try and talk some sense into him. 
"What was it really?" asked Remus, looking between the girls, quickly suspecting Allegra had nothing to do with the joke at hand. 
"Pumpkin juice" replied (Y/N) with a sly grin and amusement ringing through her voice. 
"Cleaver" commented Sirius. "If he's calmed down by the time we're sent to our dorms, we'll tell him the truth then" he laughed, watching as James ran past the compartment, followed by Peter seconds later who acted as if he too had been spiked with pumpkin juice. 
"Wasn't there a singing potion in Allegra's one" commented Lily, looking to Isolde this time, recalling the younger Smith twin was attempting to brew the simple potion before the holiday. Her reasoning was simple, if Allegra was going to instant of tormenting everyone with her singing, then the potion was needed, to ensure the singing was in tune and did not sound like a hippogriff was being strangled. 
Almost instantly Allegra looked at her drink, before standing opening the small window and tossing her drink from it, before eyeing the empty plastic cup with more suspicion. James by now was saying the windows weren't letting him see anything, much to the confusion of other students. 
"Better get changed, we'll be arriving soon" commented Marlene, sweeping her little brother out of the compartment and offering to take Regulus as well. On the way to the toilet in the car, she grabbed hold of James, sending him back to their small compartment while resisting the urge to slap him silly. A small chuckle escaped her as he regained some of his lost senses. 
"Is it normally like that with your friends?" asked Mason, curiosity ringing through his voice. He could recall Marlene mentioning a prank war of sorts, with (Y/N) being one of the participants, but he couldn't remember the things she'd said that happened. Regulus too had heard of the prank war, but more Sirius's going super fan mode, even now it was becoming increasingly obvious, that his older brother had a crush on the only girl involved in the pranks and mischief. 
"From what I heard, that's a calmer one. Sirius mentioned something about a powder in books and an explosive potion" voiced Regulus, a small smile forming on his lips, as he waited beside Marlene, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket. 
"Firepowder, harmless and hidden in books, both James and Sirius found it among countless others" replied Marlene. "The potion was just an experiment (Y/N) was doing to occupy herself. To say it made a bit of a mess was an understatement. She ended up in the hospital wing for a few days after that" she admitted, although when she thought about it, most of (Y/N)"s chaos had come from the spells she used. "The Patronus charm caused the most havoc. Scared everyone in the common room, including herself" laughed Marlene, recalling (Y/N) had fallen off the back of the sofa. 
"Suddenly, I'm curious what she'll get up to this year" commented Regulus as he entered the bathroom, when Mason came out clad in his black Hogwarts robes, robes that would soon be representing the house they were sorted into. Although Regulus found himself in a bit of a dilemma now. He'd always wanted to be in Slytherin, as most members of his family had been before him. But now he found himself with a wish to follow in Sirius' footsteps and be in Gryffindor. 
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a-lake-of-fire · 1 year
Since haunt season is coming back up, I want to share something I thought about last season.
The Marauders as haunt workers
I think we all know that Remus would be the one wandering actor who everyone goes to see. A lot of people would flirt with him (Sirius included) despite him being covered in gore. He'd do really well in common areas as an actor to just fill the space. His character might seem like it's such an obvious choice, but he would actually be a plague doctor, and I stand by that. He'd try to be nice to young children, but rude teenagers, he has the BEST dialogue to deal with them.
Sirius would be great in a hayride or in a haunted house. He would be all for the roles other people don't want. I'm thinking prisoner in a haunted jail (too soon?) He would eat that role up. Probably a lot of inspiration from The Joker, but sometimes the best inspiration is the obvious one. He has the perfect laugh, so also maybe a clown some nights? He'd probably think clowns are overdone, though. And he'd be right. But they are a classic, most places have them, and they keep bringing in crowds. In character flirting with Remus? Every time they see each other at work. Every time.
James could be a great actor, but I also think he'd be a great ticket taker. Either way, he has a very guiding but intimidating presence. As an actor, he'd randomly appear and disappear at different points in the haunt, he'd be great at not giving away scares while still being present for them. Haunted mansion, anyone? If he was a ticket taker, creepy dialogue for sure. "Here they come," "see you on the other side," stuff like that that's just slightly off-putting.
Peter definitely works consessions because it's far enough away from the haunts while still seeing some actors in the common area. He'd give Remus free drinks every time he came up. Honestly, consessions is such a chill job, you get the haunt worker experience without too much pain. He'd laugh at Sirius complaining about his bruises, especially if Sirius worked hayride, those bruises get nasty.
Lily would either be a ticket taker or a makeup artist. She would regularly talk to the actors, but might be a little creeped out when they make their character noises at her. She'd take a lot of convincing to work at a haunt, but she would love it.
Regulus, I think, would make a great "victim" character. Think the one good character in a haunt who is being trapped by the other characters, the weeping person chained alone in a room, stuff like that. He'd pull it off so well. Another option is haunted mansion again. He'd be the perfect Victorian ghost. He can probably scream like a banshee, might if he gets bored/overwhelmed.
Barty deserves to be put in a corn maze or in a cannibal haunt. Somewhere he can act absolutely deranged. He's got that psycho laugh and enjoys banging on whatever is around. Just a silly little dude.
Evan is either exclusively a makeup artist, or he does makeup and works in the common area with Remus. Either way, he's that one makeup artist everyone wants to go to, he's definitely got the creepiest makeup but he really has absolutely no idea what he's doing until he's done. His character would probably be a well-known media character, like Ghostface.
Marlene probably also does makeup, but I think she'd also really enjoy acting and would insist on doing it every night. She'd actually like the clowns, unlike Sirius. 100% a slider, if you don't know what that is, go look of videos of haunt sliders. Definitely has a child/doll-like character, too. She would have a full backstory for her character, and she'd tell any customer that asks.
I don't really have anything for Mary or Dorcas, but I do for Pandora. She would play a lost character in the haunted mansion, like a ghost who doesn't know they're dead yet. She'd probably hang out with Regulus on slow nights, and they've definitely had to scramble to get back to their spots in time before.
If you have any ideas for what Mary and Dorcas would do, or if you want a version similar to this but instead of acting, it's the characters going through a haunt, let me know. And if you have any questions about haunts in general, it's one of my favorite things to talk about.
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mcrcki · 9 months
@irresistiibles said : ⁑ — [sender] offers [receiver] coquito or eggnog (esther and marlene let them just be unaware and chilling lol)
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"this is the kind with alcohol right? cause people who drink eggnog just for the taste are out of their minds." marlene took the cup still, holding it up to cheers with esther as she did. "happy honda days or whatever."
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
@mcrcki asked: ❛  are you bleeding?  ❜ - james and marlene
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"i don't even know." he mutters, brushing his hand over his cheek. he's sure that at some point in the panic that came with trying to resurrect sirius, he could have easily scraped himself on something. james absolutely hated that he has to tell her what happened, so soon after what had happened to esther, but her finding out from the news is worse. "leeny... sirius... he drowned this morning. i found him in the river... he's gone..."
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