#interactions : teddy wolfe
papcrrings-arch · 3 months
Closed Starter : Teddy & Louise ( @mcrcki )
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"Louise, hey," Teddy said, smiling as he saw the familiar face, "Fancy seeing you here. Getting some coffee?" he asked.
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diejager · 2 months
Hello, i see that you're now taking requests, if i may ask, could you continued your human reader x hybrid COD men, please? I dont have any specific idea about the lore, i just want to see more of their interactions. If you're not mind or bussy of course, regardless, thank you!
Only Human pt.4
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Pairing: Monster TF141 + Horangi & König x reader
Cw: wound/injury, fussing, overprotective behaviour, sneaking out, drinking, hangover, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 2,9k Note: I wrote this on and off so some parts might not make any sense… just uh.. sorry in advance. And I’m sorry for taking so long!!
Only Human masterlist
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You were ashamed to admit it, but you liked their attention, the fussing and careful scurrying around you. You liked having them put their best into caring for you, big hands gentle and small hands meticulous for you, every aspect that made them so big and dangerous mellowed down to the danger of a small pup, harmless and adorable —they clung to you like bright-eyed and lost pups anyway, especially Soap, tapping into his inner wolf and acting as one more often than he did as a man when you got soft and cuddly. They were careful around you when you were wounded, you were human while they were hybrids with strength rivaling an army. You were slightly bothered that you couldn’t treat yourself, having a fellow medic patch you up with skilful and steady hands. 
You shot her a pained smile, bordering on a wince, and she laughed, her whole body wracked with laughter when you told her your supposed embarrassing story about how you got shot by sheer chance from people who didn’t even know how to hold a gun correctly. She was like an older sister to you, more experienced and face wrinkled from exhaustion and stress, long nights in the infirmary did little for the complexion. She talked you through the process despite you adamantly swearing that you knew it by heart from reciting it over and over for the men you worked with (she knew, but who was she to look a gift horse in the mouth when the occasion to tease her younger coworker?).
König sat you through all the hissing and teeth grinding you did, biting your lip until it bled to stop yourself from making too much sound, it graced König with little whimpers and groans that he wished were from another occasion. He held your hand, feeling your smaller one wrapped around his palm, fingers slipping between his and your dull nails sink into his knuckles, the skin dried and cracked from his lack of care. And when you started grumbling lowly about knowing how to care for the few stitches she gave you and making sure you didn’t get an infection or pull them, but she pushed on, ignoring both your annoyed grumbling and König’s amusement. 
When she was done, you were free to leave when the drip emptied it’s saline into your body, a little boost or recharge depending on how you looked at it until you showered and went to bed. Saline might help tide the nausea and confusion, but without true rest, you wouldn’t heal properly. You gave it half an hour or so until it stopped, giving you ample time to relax into König’s broad figure, his body moulding to fit yours. You slumped into his chest, back melting into the warm arms that wrapped a round your, careful about the needle and your freshly-wrapped thigh. He was warm and tender, a hand smoothing circles on your good thigh, coaxing you to close your eyes in exhaustion and pain. Your body burned despite the numbness and heaviness in your limbs, your nerves fried by the lingering effect of adrenaline, hungover from it and a throbbing wound.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to rest your eyes a bit, seeing that König had no intention of moving from his spot as your big, big teddy bear. Afterwards, you’d get something to eat after a relaxing and cleansing shower, it was well deserved at this point. You wondered if Horangi or Rudy cooked you something, they’ve always had such a meticulous hand in cooking, your rumbling stomach agreed with your thoughts, mouth almost salivating at the though of food. 
“We’ll get you something to eat after, ja?” You felt his shoulders shaken with quiet laughter, hearing your stomach growl embarrassingly loudly for a room without any audience.
“I’d like that.”
Price gave you the next few days off, letting you spend your hours of rest doing whatever you liked, be it read, laze around or sleep. You couldn’t do too many physical activities without affecting your wound, too much pressure or movement could aggravate it, break your stitches and force you into a longer down time when you could get fixed up faster and get back in action much faster if you didn’t play with it. 
You used your first day following whoever you stumbled into first, limping your way around the base until you found them running drills, once through an obstacle course with it’s walls, car tires, mud-covered crawls, the ropes and the many poles they had to scale or slide. It was a separate course built for hybrids, who’s bodies were more resilient that any of their parents, built for battle and triumph, but it was placed away from the others, the instilled fear of hybrids still so present in modern days. Despite being human, you liked training with them, passing the same course they did, you did so in need of being thought trustworthy, reliable and strong. 
And since you sat out on the drill, they got competitive, snarling and growling at one another, teeth snapping and butting heads in a show of strength. It reminded you of bucks showing off their broadness, the strength and power they had over other bucks —competitors to breed. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer hilarity of seeing them hiss and snap at each other without touching or sabotaging, like little puppies fighting for one toy, which you figured would be you at the end of this squabble. 
You couldn’t remember who bested the rest, but it was amusing to watch them run through the obstacle twice, sweating, panting and gasping, knowing full well that there were other things to do after this course. You limped along them, Gaz’sarm wrapped around your waist on the way to the shooting range where you’d - once more - watch them train their aiming and work out the kinks of a new rifle. He sat you against the wall and left you to the others while he got his rifle from the armoury, asking for a second pair of earmuffs to cover your ears. 
You watched on in amusement as they scramble to best the others, testing the new rifle they were given. The knock back on the weapon was worlds stronger than the usual one, but the shot was proportional to it, stronger and packing more power that dented the cement behind it with each blow. It was a powerful gun that would be used by hybrids and monsters operators like TF141 and KorTac, used as powerful breaching weapons or in higher case scenarios. To balance the strength of it, the sound was as loud as an explosion, a booming sound that rang in your ear despite the plugs that sat protectively over your ears. Fortunately, this session lasted much shorter than the prior one and you were left to do whatever you wanted while they did their weights.
Every day was a repetitive cycle, watching them train and doing something to spend your time. On the first day, you spent the time resting, body lagging behind the others and sloppily limping around the base with your eyes drooping on occasions and your body heavy with exhaustion. You figured that you’d watch any show on the rec room’s flat screen, mindlessly watching scene fly by without absorbing it in and hoping you’d fall asleep after a while. And you did, your lids closing when you felt something heavy cover you and warm bodies wrapped around you in a strong and comforting hold.
When König went to search for you, he found you cuddling up with Ghost and Alejandro, their bigger bodies slumped into you to cover you in their warmth. Alejandro had his arm over your shoulder, wrapping around Ghost’s back, and Ghost gripped his waist, arm slipping under you to touch Alejandro, one man pulling the other closer to squeeze you between them. It looked so cozy that König was almost jealous that he couldn’t join in, but he wouldn’t wake you up from your slumber, the dark bags beneath your eyes screaming your exhaustion. 
You had more energy the next day after spending many hours sleeping and catching up on it. You were practically on your toes the moment König knocked on your door, here to pick you up before breakfast. He stared at your wide smile and jovial expression, slightly confused about your unending mirth. While he wanted to stay with you, he had to leave you under Gaz and Rudy’s care, hoping that the two could help you spend that accumulated energy. 
There weren’t many things you could do with a limp, anything labourous or physically draining was impossible wihtouthurting your leg. That left them watching you play around with Rudy’s cadejos after you begged so prettily, flashing him an adorable pout and big, doe eyes until he caved. You were rolling on the carpeted floor, laughing and cackling at the dogs, fingers carding through the white cadejo’s mane, scratching the sensitive spot behind his floppy ears. You switched between the black and white dogs, giving them an equal amount of affection, making kissing faces and ridiculous sounds that had Gaz and Rudy chuckling softly, smiles bright on their lips. 
König was glad to see you less animated, resting your head on Gaz’s lap, nuzzling against his warm hand, nosing the calloused crease of his palm, and your feet crossed over Rudy, toes occasionally curling when his fingers skimmed over a sensitive patch of skin. You grumbled in your sleep, falling in and out of consciousness, lashes fluttering until they settled, arms swung around Rudy’s cadejos like you would with plushies, but with big and dangerous monsters. König thanked them for watching you, eyes softly admiring the trio before him, petting the dogs’ perked up heads, running over their ears and ruffling their fur. When he went to pick you up, you let out the smallest whine, unhappy about being moved from your comfortable spot between everyone. 
The next two days were spent cuddling in a restless pile of wolf and tiger, stuck between two attention seeking shifters, Soap loudly whining and demanding attention, his tongue lolled out and panting loudly, unlike Horangi’s calm and subtle way of getting your affection, rubbing his body against yours and wrapping his tail around your forearm. It was a push and pull, one bark here and one hiss there, two big bodies pushing and backing up around you while they rubbed heads and pawed at your good leg. König and you got a good laugh out of it before he had to leave, his desk calling his name and the mounting load of paperwork needing his signature. 
You eventually found yourself unable to move, limbs locked between those of striped and brown paws, their tensing and flexing arms, thick cords of sinewy muscle locked together in a mess they called a cuddle pile. Pulled from whatever you could have done and stuck in a warm and soft pile that shook and shuddered, Horangi’s soft purring and Soap’s low growls coaxing you to sleep. Eyes closing under the gentle vibration and watchful gaze, you dozed off without, blissfully unaware of two big, blinking pair of eyes that glared at anyone who made too much noise (poor Rudy got the scare of his life) when they wanted to get a drink or a quick snack from the room.
You woke up on someone’s back, slumped shoulders moving in a slow trot, furred paws choking out every step to your room with a Tiger beside you and König right behind you, his blue eyes squinted gleefully. It was all you could see of the smile that certainly curled the corners of his lips beautifully, a tender curl of scarred and jagged tissue to show his affection. You snuggled further into the mass of warm bodies, slept comfortably under caring and protective gazes that kept you safe - safer - that night.
Finally, seemingly missing the guiding presence of your captain, you had cheekily convoluted a day to sit in Price’s room with König’s help, leading you with a hand on your lower back after you insisted on walking. You were adamant that you could walk, frustrated and bored out of your mind that you couldn’t even walk around the base when all that you felt was a harsh pinch, stretch and ache of the stitched wound, the skin around it swollen and tender, and a bit of numbness in both your legs from the lack of use, being swiped off your feet and carried around for days. You limped your way into Price’s office, wearing a grin so wide it almost hurt before you thanked König with a hug, wrapping your arms around his and struggling to the couch pushed against the wall, all under Price’s arched brow and inquisitive gleam. 
“Company for the old man,” was all you’d given him, trying your luck with the grouchy captain that was often glued to his desk signing papers and pushing plans through.
While he made calls here and there, you helped read through the many reports he received from this base and the others working alongside him for the international ground, summarising them in shorter and informative pieces, a quick read of a few dozens of pages down to one or two. While working all day, you both managed to shrink the pile to half it’s original size, leaving him things only he had jurisdiction to sign and write up and you the more trivial affairs. König helped you around the base to supper, a solid arm for you to lean on when your thigh pained you too much to keep going, hissing under your breath at the stinging pain. He fussed about it, quick to pick you up and rush you to the infirmary to have it check despite it being mild and dry, stitch still intact and swelling smaller. 
Then you got sick of it, tired even, of all the fussing and overprotective behaviour. The constant looming over your shoulder, the fretting tone when they spoke to you and the constant strain on their face to not frown or wince at your grunts and hisses, it all annoyed you to the point of exhaustion. You felt as if the tables were turned, where you used to chase after them, med kit clipped to your hip and reminding them of their weekly checkups with you, you were now on the receiving end, stuck limping away from eight big and very worried hybrids. 
It almost made you feel bad for being so insistent as their medic, but they had this horrid habit of hiding away to lick their wounds despite the need of sutures or cleaning, seemingly gaslighting themselves about the severity of it. You took it better, letting them pamper and spoil you until the end of the third week: being picked up rather than walking, being fed rather than eating and being entertained rather than left alone. You were always - always - under watch in case you —what? Reopened the now closed wound? Ripped yourself a new hole when the skin had nearly closed completely? 
It was sore and sensitive, it was neither bleeding nor gaping. While you understood their concerns - as the medic of the TF- you hated the ceaseless surveillance. You’d ranted about it with your nurses, other medics that stayed on base and worked under you as aids and spare hands, and they listened feverishly whenever you were left alone, trusted by the hybrids who were acquainted by the many visits to keep you company on their own times. 
And their solution to your plight? To sneak you off base and into the familiar pub you spent your days. The girls helped you move around without your crutch, all huddled around the back of the pub with drinks and fries, chatting and laughing loudly in your drunken haze. The first round went down as easily as the second and third one, jumping from one subject to the other, random quips here and funny remarks there. You were a chatty crowd, and it didn’t help that most of you were drunk, already having your fifth or sixth beer, stumbling around and slurring your words. 
Their quickly made escape hadn’t lasted long though, perhaps an hour or two before any of the men started worrying and launched a search for you; and eventually, they did. They found you fumbling with your stuttered words, lids heavy as you stared back at Price’s exasperated frown. He sighed and mumbled lowly, the crowd around you parting as he moved in, his hands pulling you against him to leave. His hands were warm, soft despite the coarseness of his pads, lulling you to twist and turn against his chest, arms wrapping around the corded muscles of his back and nuzzled the ashy scent that lingered under his jaw with a sleepy groan.
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You swore and damned the world. The lights were too bright, every sound too loud and your body too sluggish to do anything but slump against the soft couch of the TF’s rec room, stomach down and face buried between your arms. Someone was laughing - two or three voices - at your spitting words, hungover from last night and mind feeling heavy. Price was berating your for your reckless act, mindful of the loudness of his voice, keeping it low and quiet, nearly a whisper to your clogged ears. 
“Never doing that again,” you groaned, eyes squinted to keep any light out of your pulsing eyes, “Fuck.”
Price sighed. You somewhat regretted sneaking off, the guilt adding pain to your headache for worrying them so much.
“Sorry, Cap. I’ll just- ask next time.”
“If there’s a next time.”
He was angry.
“Yes, sir.”
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @thigh-o-saur @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce @sobbingnshtting
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beenbaanbuun · 1 month
hi! i wanted to ask something about yeosang
since he's a werewolf, would he change in full moon? would he have ruts? how would the family take care of it?
now, yeosang may not transform when the full moon hits, but he certainly acts more primal. even after he’s grown used to being around the family and coddled by darling, he can’t help himself when it comes to that time of the month.
the day before, he’s always a little grumpier. seonghwa can’t ruffle his hair without yeosang snarling at him, hongjoong can’t make a snarky comment without getting a snooty remark in return, and darling can’t irritate him as much as she usually does without him pinning her to the floor like a disobedient pup. not that she particularly minds being pinned; it only adds to her fun when he’s leaning above her, anger racing through his expression as he reprimands her.
but the day of the full moon is when the three of non-werewolf residents really need to watch out. if his mood is bad leading up to it, it’s absolutely foul when it actually hits. yeosang will go back to his old biting habits, baring his teeth if anyone does anything even vaguely in his vicinity. if seonghwa accidentally steps on that creeky floorboard whilst walking to his favourite spot on the chez, yeosang will snap his jaws. if hongjoong puts a chess piece down a little too loudly, yeosang will snarl. if darling dares to touch him, we’ll, let’s be real, he won’t do much more than pin her and bare his teeth, but it’ll still be much meaner than usual. the scolding will actually feel real for once, even more so than those empty threats he chucked her way during the first few weeks he was there. safe to say even she tries to avoid him when it’s that time of the month.
as for ruts, yeosang does experience them but it’s nowhere near as painful and violent as media makes it out to be. sure, it’s unpleasant to have a permanently hard dick for a week, three times a year, but he’s not bed bound or anything. he can still get up and move around and interact with the rest of the family without jumping darling’s bones. he’s just a little more… desperate… in a way that makes him completely and utterly submissive. like sure, he wants to breed but he’ll beg for it first. and yes, he wants darling to be in his arms 24/7, but if that means he needs to act as her personal teddy bear for a week then goddammit he will. he hates his ruts for this specific reason; he can hardly pretend to be the big bad wolf when every bone in his body is telling him to do whatever it takes to have his precious pup curled up nice and safely in his arms.
and hongjoong and seonghwa let him have what he wants, if it suits them. during the day when they’re both busy, he has to be good; keep his dick in his pants and stick solely to cuddling her by the fire. of course, yeosang will obey. in the state he’s in, he’s so desperate to keep darling with him that he’ll listen to whatever it is seonghwa and hongjoong tell him.
but as soon as one or both of them are free to monitor that he doesn’t go too far, and providing darling is okay with it, yeosang has free reign. the poor thing is so desperate that he barely lasts long, but it doesn’t really matter because it’s just as much about getting his partner off as it is himself. he explained it as ‘proving himself’ when hongjoong had asked why he was so desperate to make darling cum too. the man supposes that’s as good of a reason as any…
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sweetlyskz · 7 months
Emerald Gem||Chapter 3
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|Chapter seven|Chapter eight|Chapter nine|Chapter ten(finale!)|
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x fem!reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one the talk to but the pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stable upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, language, mentions of abuse and trauma
Word count: 1.5k
He was avoiding you. You could tell. He made it very obvious. Each morning you woke up, he was going to sleep. And every night you went to sleep, he was just waking up, but he didn't dare leave the room, for fear that he would run into you.
Joon was still being Joon, and the Situation with Jimin made it worse. You weren't sure if he knew what happened between you and Jimin, but you didn't ask to find out either. However, he was eating more and more. At least he can trust you enough to eat your cooking. That's progress, right?
Before you knew it, the boys had been with you for two weeks. Some of them had become pretty comfortable. Taking the advice Taehyung gave you, you bought some cat scratchers for Yoongi. All of the wolf hybrids in the pack would go in the backyard to let all their energy out, except Joon. He just watched over them, scolding them whenever they would chase the chickens.
Jungkook was your new best friend. He stuck by your side like glue, your big buff teddy bear. Yoongi was quiet, reserved. He spoke to you often, but he tried not to talk for longer than a couple minutes. Jin and Taehyung were the best of help. He always cook meals, and when it's time to farm, he never lets you do anything yourself. Hoseok was still timid and flighty, but he was loyal. This group of dangerous hybrids was slowing becoming a loving family... very slowly.
"Seriously Tae, get your own!" Jungkook and Taehyung were fighting over the new snacks you had gotten them. One thing you learned about about kook was that he was very territorial over his belongings. That's why you had a specific drawer of snacks with his name on it.
Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to stop Taehyung.
"Just one bite, please!" They were playing tug of war with the bag of chips. Jungkook was winning. "You have a whole box of them! I can't have just one?"
"No! You can't", he protested. While trying to tear the chips from Tae's grasp, the bag rips, chips flying in the air and landing all over the kitchen.
"Look at what you did!" Tae accused, bending down to pick everything up. A broom would've been more efficient but he wasn't sure where you kept it. "Hurry up and help me clean before Y/n sees it!"
Swiftly, Jungkook helps pick up the salty potato chips. Before exiting the kitchen, they look around one more time to make sure there wasn't even a single crumb on the floor.
And with that, the argument over the chips was over, never brought up again...
You noticed that Jimin loved hanging out in your greenhouse, admiring all of your colorful flowers. You wanted to give him some space, but while watching him walk around the greenhouse you had the urge to join him.
"Those are vincas, by the way", you whispered loud enough for him to hear you, fiddling with your fingers.
He appeared to be startled by your presence- rightfully so. His mouth hung open, looking as if he wanted to say something. You stoped him before he could get the chance.
"Before you say anything. Let me just apologize first-"
He shook his head. "Don't. There's no need to apologize. You did nothing wrong... I should be the one apologizing. I know that hybrids and humans aren't allowed to interact i-in that way- very selfish of me."
"What are you talking about?" You may have done a lot of research on hybrids, but you never did any on their relationship with people. Maybe you should've...
"In the lab they always told us..", Jimins mind went back to the days he wished to never remember.
The lab was cold, ice cold. Stuffed in cages, the wolves shivered, huddled together for warmth. One by one, the men in lab coats sedated the wolves, fearing being bit by them.
"This one is feisty!" The researcher laughed, holding the hybrid by the spikey collar as the medicine kicked in. The others in the cage kicked and pulled on the metal bars.
"Please! He's tired, he can't take anymore!" The pack leader begged. "Take me! Take me instead, I'll do anything."
The researcher came up to the cage with a cane, banging it on the bars. "Listen here, mutt", he hissed. "Each of us have a part to play. Your is to be obedient to your superiors, understood?"
The other men laughed and applauded him for putting Joon in his place. "That's right! Show him what happens when mutts defy humans..."
Everyone in the lab agreed, shouting as if the lab had become the coliseum. A fox hybrid ran up to the bars, getting down on his knees, head pointed to the floor.
"Please excuse him, sir. We know are place is and will always be behind these bars. Please have mercy", he pleaded.
The researcher smirked. "Always remember your place. You will never have what we have. No human will ever want you, not even as a pet- definitely not as a lover. Remember this- your barely human, and will never be treated as such..."
Jimin was heavily drugged up, laid out on the surgery table. However, what the researcher said, his words- Jimin remembered every last bit of it. It still rang in his ears. You will never be treated as human...
And so, if I'm not going to be treated as one, why try and act like one? Why not let my wolf counterpart take over? These thoughts dangled over Jimin's head. And with those thoughts, he used every last bit of his strength to stab one of the researchers with a knife- the same knife they were gonna use to rip him open.
Namjoon grabbed the other man through the metal bars, choking him until his eyes rolled backwards. Jimin rolled off of the table, and the rest is a blur.
Next thing they knew, the men in lab coats were dead, and all of the hybrids in the lab were freed by Jimin's hands. With how weak he was, it truly was a miracle. He saved the lives of over a hundred hybrids.
The next few months after, these hybrids hid in the woods, using their primal instincts to survive. Maybe those men were right. Maybe they were never human to begin with.
That's what they thought, but those thoughts went away when they met you. The person who was kind enough to let them in their home, give the somewhere to rest their head. It was you. You were their person.
But sadly, you couldn't erase the damage that had been done. You couldn't get rid of the bad memories, the mistreatment. And that moment you showed a bit of affection for Jimin, he was elated, but the voices started speaking to him.
And then men in the lab coats came to him saying, this won't last forever...
"Why didn't you tell me? I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable in any way!"
Jimin told you his story, his deep-rooted fears. You both laid in a field of daisies as he confided in you. It's difficult for you to explain the emotions you were feeling as he told his past. Sympathy? Rage? Both?
"Because... A part of me- actually all of me wanted to. I want to be yours. But the thoughts- they're stuck in my brain and resurface every time I get even a little bit of hope." Jimin's head hung low, picking the flowers from the fresh soiling and plucking each petal one by one.
She loves me...she loves me not... she might love me?
You grabbed his hands gently, holding them between yours. "Look at me", you asked him softly. He obeyed, of course.
"You are half wolf, that part is true. But Park Jimin, you are human! You more human than any human I've ever encountered! You're kind, charismatic, and the most thoughtful person I have ever met.
Your words brought tears to his eyes, and seeing him cry made you eyes swell, too. You enveloped him, hugged him tightly- but not too tight. Just enough to show how much you mean it. Then you placed a loving kiss on his forehead.
"You deserve this, Minnie." The new nickname perked his ears. You could tell he liked it. "You deserve life. An amazing fucking life."
"T-thank you", he whispered. "I- I can't thank you enough."
"Don't thank me. Just get better. Seeing you hurt makes me hurt. And seeing you scared makes me scared. I swear on everything I love that you will never go back there, or anywhere."
"But, once Joon is ready, we'll be gone", Jimin confessed. "I don't want to leave, but he also has his own story to tell."
You pondered, never daring to remove Jimin from your grasp. Maybe you can convince him to stay permanently? Maybe there is something you can do to ease the pain...
"Don't worry your pretty little head, just rest." You gave his hair a fluff, earning a cheesy smile from him. And just like that, you both napped in the field of daisy, his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands holding his head close to your chest.
You have to make things right...
~Taglist! (closing soon!!)
@yoongicatcat @wifflepuff1344 @unwillingly-oblivious @shycreationdreamland @emer-syn @rinkud @amimami1991 @singukieee @nikkiordonez12 @xicanacorpse @cestlabellemort @whipwhoops @spider-thot0115 @ddaeng-angmoh @silscintilla @readerofallthingss @welcometomyworld13 @danielle143 @kookiesbunny @yoongiigolden @woozixo@anaspectoflife @blackrockshooter780 @famousdelusionobservation @jewishmommy @talyaaas-blog @eashmo @jaiele @kaceypdf @reallysparklychaos
~Permanent taglist!
@famousdelusionobservation @marblemoonstones @stupendousliteraturewritingoaf @fearnotfimmie @v-love @tired7o7
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by canon i mean any canon material, so games, drama CDs, official diaboy twitter interactions, etc
DL fans who know shhhh. share this with your non-DL friends!!!
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liliaeth · 2 years
People have talked a lot about First Kill, and how great it is as lesbian representation. And I love that for any wlw enjoying it as the young adult show it is. It's not great art, it's cheesy, and it's awesome just for that.
But the one thing I haven't seen mentioned even nearly as much, is how good it is for racial representation.
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I never watched Vampire Diaries, so can't compare it to that or any of it's off shoots. (except that apparently Bonnie was done dirty, according to my tumblr feed)
I did watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, and plenty of other fantasy shows. And it's led me to notice how rarely shows like these treat characters of color, and especially black girls and women, as characters in their own right. Characters with feelings and emotions that are just as important as those of the white characters. (esp. those of white men)
Just think about the characters of color in Teen Wolf, to give a most recent example.
Yes, Scott was the main character. But if the show had one flaw, it was that it consistently treated Scott's feelings as less important than those of his white friends. Stiles, Derek, Jackson, Isaac, ... could all whine and complain about the most minor thing, and it would be treated as this big important moment.
But Scott was expected to go through enormous trauma, without complaint, and was supposed to come out of it, primarily caring for his white friends, and how the things he went through, affected the white people around him.
When Boyd died, TW made his death more about him comforting Derek that he did the right thing in biting him, than about the horror of a teenage boy dying.
Davies actively claimed that Mason was 'too good to have permanent consequences from his possession by the Beast'
We got pretty much no interactions between Scott and Hayden after Scott bit her, despite him becoming her alpha, no moment to explore how both of them felt about it. In contrast to all such scenes we got from Liam.
Peter was never called out on what he did to Scott, not even by Scott's mother, and even after Scott literally died, Melissa was more ready to speech on him on what he owed others, than to console him on what had been done to him, and what he just went through.
And that's not even starting on how they treated Kira, let out the actress playing her.
And that's just a few examples.
So when I watched First Kill, I was happily surprised to find how much better this show handled it's non white characters.
From the first episode on.
How they cut the ep in half, showing the same events from two perspectives, first Juliette's and then Calliope's. Giving equal depth and importance to introducing both of them and the different families they came from. What their parents expected of them, and what their hopes and dreams were, and why...
And that was just the first episode.
As the series continued, we learn just as much about both families, different things, sure, but the series shows us what is important to each and why.
Cal isn't expected to be the strong black girl, who is just there to look after Juliette's needs. Cal's own feelings matter just as much.
We see them both fall in love, and why. Sure there's some lust involved at first, but soon that turns to more.
Even Ben, who in any other show would just be 'the black friend', instead is fully fleshed out, and gets to call out his white best friend when he feels she's done him wrong, and when the white boy he has a crush on mistreats him, he says so and breaks it off.
Often with characters like that, (esp. in fanfic), if a char like that were replaced with a teddy bear, you wouldn't notice the difference
But here, Ben is a full fledged individual, with needs, backstory, a plotline that hopefully will be built on more next season)
Cal's brothers get to have their own personality, the studious gentle but driven and dilligent studious older brother, Theo, and the hot hardheaded and somewhat arrogant jock, Apollo.
Both who get storylines of their own. And whose feelings matter.
In this show it isn't just the Fairmonts who get to be three dimensional characters, the Burns family and their friends are equally explored, and it's sad to see just how refreshing that is. (like seriously, there are far too few shows that are like this, Black Lightning is one of the only other ones I can think of)
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sweetmariihs2 · 6 months
Hey guys! Um.. I'm not frequently on this hashtag and just came here to adress that Melanie Martinez songs make a perfect playlist for Sun and Moon. It's been years since the release of Security Breach and still this day I never found anyone talking about that (believe me, I search everywhere from time to time in years (when my hyperfixation starts again lol)) and I'm starting to believe that if I don't say anything, no one will. So umm yeah I don't want to make a big post I just wanna point it out
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If you're here in Tumblr and you're interacting with fandoms for a really long time you probably heard at least one of her songs before. Basically for those interested she makes songs with childish aesthetics and serious themes. Her most recent album is more fairycore though, but the first ones aren't.
She has an album called Cry Baby (it's about a disturbed childhood), an album called K-12 (it's about school), and an EP called After School (inspired by school themes but more inspired in the artist's life) and they fit Sun and Moon very well
Also I wanted to add that some of her best gems are unreleased, and like, there are some really good stuff that fit Sun and Moon, you just need to search for it
The songs that fit them most are the first ones of the list, the rest is more like,,, they fit them well but not like the first ones ya know what i mean
That's my mini list of recomendations if anyone is interested;
(if you're going to make a playlist for YouTube be careful with the unreleased ones, Melanie tends to delete them from time to time):
Unreleased- Twins (this one sounds like it was made for them. Want me to put all the lyrics here? Okay then.)
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Unreleased- Toy Chest ("clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere" (it's from Barney))
Unreleased- Arts and Crafts (creating the perfect bf on arts and crafts)
Released- Glued (she's sad and talking about how her sadness is glued to her like school glue)
Unreleased- Night Mime (she's sad and silent during the night like a night mime. She's waiting for the sunrise so that she can be happy again)
Released- Tag, You're It (she's being chased by a big bad wolf while making analogy to a tag game. It sounds like a little childhood game but the chaser is very sinister and want to do bad things to her)
Released- Teddy Bear (this one fits the whole franchise. Her "teddy bear" (probably a metaphor for an important person in her life, maybe her boyfriend or best friend) was sweet to her before, now he's trying to kill her. "You were my teddy bear, you were comforting and quiet, how did love become so violent?". This was released in 2015, if you're here in the fnaf fandom for a really long time or in the whole fandom part of the internet by itself you know this one. It brings me a lot of memories. How I miss the 2010's)
Released- Sippy Cup (you can try to hide your problems but they're always there. "Blood still stains if the sheets are washed". Even if you always try to keep the lights on, that animatronic killed kids inside the daycare and it can happen again if the lights go out. Oh-oh :c
Released- Carousel (you proably heard this one before let's be real)
Released- Drama Club (theatre!!! Yay)
Released- Show And Tell (She's tired, as an artist, of always playing a character in front of everyone. It's the ventrilocus noises for me)
Released- The Contortionist (idk it's the vibe)
Unreleased- Schizo ("i don't know who you are 'cause I don't know who i am, how can we learn how to love if you change your mind again? I don't know who to be, who do you want me to be?")
Released- Alphabet Boy (a rude boy is telling her how much smarter he is than her for knowing how to spell and write the ABCs)
Released- Lunchbox Friends (we are best friends forever yipee🫶🫶🤝)
Unreleased- Unhappy meal (inspired by McDonalds. Idk it just makes me think of sun)
Released- Pity Party (it's her birthday party and nobody showed up. Then she tries to play pretend with her toys and teddy bears, but she still know that she's alone and ends up destroying her party and stabbing her toys with knives. She's tired of being alone. :(
Released- Fire Drill (she's in a fire, it's the song that plays after the end of the K-12 album. It sounds like a nursery rhyme. There are children singing with her.)
Released- Dollhouse ("everyone seems to be perfect, please don't let them look through the curtains, DOLLHOUSE, I see things that nobody else sees" (again y'all probably know that one))
Released- Play Date (being romantically used by someone while doing analogies to games and toys)
Small list of songs that deserve to be mentioned but don't make a lot of sense like the last ones, it's just the vibes: The whole After School EP, the whole Cry Baby album, Gingerbread Man, Lost and Found, Patient, Papercuts, ZZZZ
There are also some fan-made type beats, since Melanie's community also sometimes link her to jesters and clowns and also make songs about her already released albums, so like here are some: Class Clown, Naptime, Fire Alarm, Janitor's Closet (I love this one sm!!), Punishment
All of those type beats have their own artists, some of those artists even sell them, so make sure if they are free to use if you want to make a playlist, but I guess it's okay to listen to them for fun since they were posted on youtube
Tell me what you think about those. I love interacting with people who like the same things as me 🫶🫶
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miscelliteeous · 9 months
Decided that since I can’t get Werewolf!Teddy out of my head, then I might as well write some headcanons. A good chunk of these are not worksafe, which means MINORS DON’T INTERACT.
Contains: Brief mention of violence/injury, breeding kink, mild werewolf smut.
Werewolf!Teddy Lobo Headcanons
During a vacation, Teddy partied a bit too hard and wandered away from the group. He was found mauled and barely conscious, but with no sign of his attacker.
He healed very quickly, and within a week he looked like he didn't even get scratched. His trip is still cut short, and he returns home.
Teddy doesn’t seem too bothered or different at first. Sure, as the month goes on he’s eating a bit more meat, his ears look a little more pointed each day, his teeth a bit sharper, but all that mostly goes unnoticed.
Until about a month later, when one night he has a vivid and intense dream that he's transformed into a monster and trashed his room, unable to get out. When he wakes and sees his room actually IS trashed, he's convinced something's going on.
Tells his mom and Mandy later that day, and Mandy suggests chaining him up downstairs to check. Bellafrancesca agrees that's the safest way to be sure, and the poor guy is left chained up in the torture room all night, though he does get some bedding and his phone to keep him from getting bored.
When they check the recording the next day, Teddy cheers when he is proven to be right. He knew something had to be going on, and now he was a freakin' werewolf? With his family name, he feels it was just meant to be.
He’s still locked up every full moon though. While he’s got a kinda decent level of control, he’s still way more destructive and instinct driven than normal. He’s unpredictable and dangerous, and will have to work on getting that under control.
The cage he’s confined in is nice and comfortable though, lavishly decorated to fit his style while also being sturdy and secure.
Goes even more overboard with the wolf theme than he already did. I'm talking wolf phone case, wolf shirts, big embroidered wolf on the back of his jacket. Teddy is the least subtle werewolf imaginable.
No more silver jewelry, but that’s alright, he’d swear up and down he looks better in gold.
Only a few months in and he comes up with an idea: the Lobos would be way more powerful and ferocious if they were all werewolves. Bellafrancesca and Mandy decline the offer, but soon there’s quite a good amount of werewolves in the Lobo gang.
Werewolf!Teddy Lobo Relationship Headcanons (Not worksafe!)
You’re by his side the entire time he’s recovering from being mauled, and it’s hard to not feel guilty for letting him wander off by himself, despite him being a grown man.
You’re not there the first time he transforms, but you’re one of the first people to find out exactly what’s going on with him.
You’re not allowed to be in the same room with him while he transforms. Even though he’s chained up in a cage.
But you can’t keep yourself away from him for long, and one day you sneak past the guards, disable the cameras, and make your way downstairs to the torture basement.
He’s big, with dark fur, a bushy tail, massive claws, and a long snout. If it wasn’t for his hairstyle and the slight hint of tattoos still visible through the fur, you wouldn’t have recognized him. But he recognizes you.
He gets so excited you’re there and gets loud, his tail wagging the whole time. Practically ruts against the bars with his tongue hanging out. If he could whistle like a cartoon wolf, he would.
The more frequently you keep sneaking down there, the more bold you get around him, moving closer to his cage every time until he’s able to give you a sloppy wet kiss through the bars. He never even attempts to bite you.
Much to your surprise, even as his regular self Teddy starts talking a lot about wanting to have kids with you, finishes inside you whenever he can, talks about how good a dad he’d be. This behavior ramps up the closer the full moon gets. 
He also seems even more responsive to being called a 'good boy' than ever before.
Eventually, you get bold enough to unlock his cage and he almost tackles you. He’s more rough with you than normal and with his stamina increased he’s able to keep you pinned beneath him until the sun rise.
He calms down a lot afterwards, but you’re sore for a few days. Of course, that doesn’t stop you from returning every full moon.
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tracingpatternswrites · 3 months
Edinburgh 🥰 thrust 😏 dark 🙃
My love!! Such fun words! The last snippet turned into a really long one but only because it's unpublished and I'm weak for that interaction.
Edinburgh - (unsurprisingly) Wilder than Mountain Thyme
“And Prongs is rich,” Sirius said with a grin, throwing his arms out as he started moving and Remus found himself falling into step with him as they made their way towards the Ravenclaw Road exit. “Filthily so, if we’re honest, only child and all. I mean, I’m rich too, but I have to share it with my blood traitor for a brother which means Prongs is buying.” Sirius was smirking as Remus stared at him, grey eyes glittering and Remus found his own mouth curling upwards. “You’re full of shite,” he muttered, taking a drag from his cigarette, and Sirius laughed again. “Often,” he agreed easily, taking the lead as they stepped into Muggle Edinburgh, turning around to walk backwards down Robertson’s Close with a wink. “It doesn’t mean I’m not filthily rich though.”
Thrust - (lmao this is a word used a lot) The wolf submits
He flashes him a smirk that sends something hot coil inside of Remus and then Sirius is shifting back, sinking down and pressing back against Remus’ erection. He grinds down, almost too hard, the soft leather torturous against his straining cock and the wolf howls again. He wants to fuck Sirius, wants to thrust into him, claim him, shoot inside of him and mark him as his. Sirius has his head thrown back, long and slender neck exposed, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows thickly and Remus wants to bite him. Sirius rolls his hips down against him, sending licks of heat chasing through him and the growl that tears from his throat is wolfish. It causes Sirius to open his eyes again, looking down at him, but Remus can’t focus on anything but the urge to wreck the man on top of him. He jerks violently against the magic, growling somewhere deep in his throat but Sirius laughs, a liquid sound that breaks against overheated skin.
Dark - Unpublished Teddy playing matchmaker-snippet
The café they had picked was in the lanes and had a bright red door with rainbow flags decorating the windows and walls. It was the name that had drown Remus in though, Baskerville’s Hound written in bold letters over the painting of a big, black dog. The place itself was cosy enough, paintings decorating the walls together with black and white photographs of Brighton and random people. The walls were painted in a dark blue and the furniture was all mismatched and clearly second hand, but still in good shape. Teddy returned without drinks, pulling out the chair opposite Remus and slumping down on it, shrugging at Remus raised a questioning eyebrow at him. “They’ll bring it out,” he said, slouching back on his chair. “Any chance you got a change on that twenty?” “Sorry,” Teddy grinned at him, pushing a hand through his hair, which was currently a bright orange. Remus had long since accepted that Teddy opted to change his hair colour as often as other people changed clothes, and he enjoyed seeing him explore. “Consider it a contribution towards your only child’s education.” “Ah, yes, never mind the 9K tuition fee,” Remus deadpanned. “It’s the change on the coffee that’s going to make the real difference.” “I’ll need pocket money.” The corner of Remus’ mouth twitched, “You need money for beer, you mean.” Teddy threw his arms out, “It’s Uni life, Da.” Remus snorted just as the barista approached the table, clearing his throat. “A latte with a dash of cinnamon and…whatever this monstrosity is,” the barista said, and Remus tore his gaze away from his son to the man standing next to their table. Remus found himself doing a double-take at the sight of him. He didn’t know why he’d expected a student, but this man looked to be roughly his age. He was tall, muscular, with tattooed arms and wearing a simple white tee shirt underneath a light apron with a large black dog printed on the front of it. There was the hint of a stubble over his very chiselled jaw, high cheekbones and long, black hair pulled back in a ponytail. It was his eyes, however, that caught Remus’ attention. They were a light sort of silver, seemingly drawing in the light around them. They were dancing with something that looked like amusement as Teddy sat up excitedly. “That’s mine,” Teddy said eagerly, reaching for the tall glass topped with a hefty dollop of whipped cream. “Cheers, mate.” “I take it you’re the sensible one then,” the man said, the corner of his mouth twitching as he turned his gaze on Remus, placing the mug in front of him with a little wink. “Enjoy.” Remus couldn’t help looking as the man walked away, at his faded jeans and heavy boots. “Earth to Da!” Teddy’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and Remus flinched, accidently burning his hand as his coffee sloshed over the rim of the mug. “Fuck,” he hissed, grabbing a napkin to wipe up his spill and when he looked back up, Teddy was watching him with a mischievous sort of twinkle in his eyes.
Send a random word to my inbox and I'll post a line/passage containing that word from a released or unreleased fic!
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voidnoidoid · 2 years
weak hero antagonist writing appreciation
One thing I really enjoy about Weak Hero is the way it bothers to flesh out and develop the antagonists. No, I'm not talking about the throwaway random thugs, I'm referring to the main bad guys like Jimmy, Wolf, Forrest, Donald, Teddy, Jake and hell even Helmet and Philip.
When I say development I mean both character growth and regression, and also general fleshing out of their personalities and backstory, as well as what they do in the story outside of battling the heroes.
During story arcs where characters other than the main Eunjang crew get the focus, there's always a group of people complaining about wanting to see the main characters and how they don't want to see the "evil bad guys". I get it, people want to see their favourite characters instead of ones they dislike. However, what these people don't understand is that it is NECESSARY to flesh out the antagonists, almost as much as the protagonists in order for a story to go from simply good to fantastic.
Giving antagonists attention in the story, such as writing little moments for them here and there to all out story arcs and mini-backstories aids in broadening our understanding of who they are as people. If done well, it builds intrigue and interest in the characters. Sometimes this can make an antagonist more likeable, for example with Jimmy's backstory. He is presented as an arrogant jerkwad, but over time we get to see more sides to him aside from his huge ego.
He is insecure about his place in the Union and is desperate to show Donald what he's made of. He cares about those he's close to, most notably Jack. He is tenacious and determined, as shown when he got back up after being knocked out by one of the Cheongang executives. He's not just some one-dimensional punching bag for the good guys to beat, he's a person with strengths, flaws, and emotions. He may not be a good person, but he's not completely bad.
Even Dongha, who is shown to be downright crazy and ruthless in battle, is given a sympathetic background. He really values and cares for Seongmok as a friend, and remembers the kindness others show him, like when a kind woman gave him a scarf when he was cold. Dongha's behaviour can be explained by his desire to not let anyone look down on him. When he was a child, he was poor and other kids made fun of him for it. The one way he thought of to show dominance was violence, which carried through to his teens. This also explains why he loves money so much, and adds depth to his interaction with richboy Philip.
On the other hand, Helmet's development showcases how much of a horrible ass he is. He doesn't grow as a person, but we see how he gets worse after he is kicked out of the Union. Firstly, we see him as a coward, a loudmouthed bully who picks on those weaker than him for no other reason than so he seems stronger. He has no ambition to grow stronger, because he has such an inflated and downright delusional view of himself. After getting kicked out, his social media description is "Lone Wolf"... as if he chose to be alone on his own will. Sad. He lurks outside the cram schools to pick on kids for money, instead of getting a part time job like Teddy or Gerard.
At least he has the common sense to be utterly terrified of Gray when they met again. But after that, he tried to make a name for himself again by joining "Jailbreak" a group of dropouts who take pride in acting like petty thugs and not having a proper education (despite having the opportunity. so many kids would love to go to school!!) Helmet got rejected of course. This shows how desperate Helmet is to be powerful, and how he refuses to change himself or realise that he is wrong. Finally, he comes running back to Jimmy, his tail between his legs, begging to be let back into the crew. He even brought a gift! An entire plastic bag full of boiled eggs. What the hell kind of peace offering is that? Helmet is so focused on himself and honestly pretty stupid to think that Jimmy would accept him because he begged and also because of boiled eggs. Helmet didn't have the thoughtfulness to bring drinks, causing Jimmy to choke. He is chased away again and I guess that's where his story ends!
Therefore developing the antagonists adds to their character and enriches the story. It also serves as great worldbuilding because we get to see more of how the setting works. The Union is involved with shady business deals, slowly expanding their control of their region. We get to see what other organised crime groups are like with the Cheongang arc, and what happened with Manwol.
I have a lot to say but im just gonna end to post here it's 3am im tired. Thanks for reading this far :D
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papcrrings-arch · 2 months
Closed Starter : Teddy & Thea ( @wvsteria )
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"Thea, is that you?" Teddy's eyes widened for a moment in recognition. He had not seen them in years and they were a lot younger the last time he'd seen them. Still, he saw the familiar features, "Look at you, all grown up," he teassed.
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d999666 · 1 year
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Snow Kids at a pajama party and a giant cotton doll.
Snow Kids in season 1 is the best. The interaction between the seven members is great.
Animal dolls they are holding:
Thran&Ahito: Shiba dog doll, microice: teddy bear, tia: teddy bear with flowers, Rocket: panda doll, mei: rabbit doll with ribbon, d'jok: wolf doll
Using Trace frame from Twitter
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relictale-miniverse · 11 months
Welcome! ☆♡☆♤
Ey there! You may call Mellow I am the owner of this Au/AUs/Relic!Tale/miniverse!☆.
Inside these AUs live multiple monsters/characters to interact and roleplay with! (Mostly skeletons- but there's variety!)
Now..lemme introduce you to the characters that live in these AUs!
CodeGlitch!Tale[The main AU]
[Image coming soon]
-[UNNAMED AU](Time is about the 1800/1900s)
Leonard Maximilian(skele-dragon), Lazarus(demon), Drakon(skele-dragon), Mint(lust) Leaf(Goat)
[-The outcodes]
Kuro(Demon), Shira(skele-wolf), Shin(Kitsune), Hunter(skele-wolf), Gaia(Blood-sucking Eel) Shade(lamia), Stitches(parasite), Flake, Giro(Parasite) Ping&Ru(Parasite) Ves, Patches(Doll monster), Striker&Deimos, Mist, Artik, Hohenheim
[The bitties]
-Teddy, Arlo(Axolotl), Dim(succubus), Lair(Yandere), Lorkan(Octopus), Kojiro(GasterLamia), Hiro(Demon), Klyne(slef-altered lamia)
Ying and yang (Guardians of harmony)
Daylight(Dream variant), Lux, Elvan(Cross)
Midnight(Nightmare variant), Kanshudo(Killer), Alias, Chex(Horror barra), Neron
Sketch(Ink variant), Vale(Error/Nightmare fusion)
That's about everyone so far! They are all always open for Questions/Roleplay so feel free to ask awayy!
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northernxstories · 2 years
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Welcome to Northern Stories.
I am Ames the Cookie and this is my indie writing blog.
Links to key pages:
Rules | Writer
Plots Page | Random Plots Ideas
I am very open to plotting new things with people. If you like weird Alternate Universes, Historical Verses, Fantasy Worlds and similar then we may suit one another well.
I tried to update my muse page and it won’t let me. So I am now opting for categories on a temporary basis until the problem is sorted.
Vikings Muses:
Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig FC)   Ivar (Alex Hogh Andersen FC) Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith FC) They are the most common muses on this blog. They are able to transfer from historical to weird AUs to modern verses very well. Also they work well in poly and reverse harem universes. Slutty Old Men: Let’s hear it for the slutty old men! Gus (Tom Hiddleston FC) Gabriel (Diego Luna FC) Sullivan (Wentworth Miller FC) Bash (Tom Hardy FC) Hugo (JR Bourne FC) Chris Argent (canon Teen Wolf muse - JR Bourne FC) Daniel (John Cho FC) Theo (Peter Dinklage FC) Matteo (Alessandro Juliani FC) Felix Gaeta (canon BSG muse - Alessandro Juliani FC)
I love older actors and characters and I would be happy to write with any of my older gents. Limited Edition Muses: These are muses with only a few verses and tend to be played or created for certain other writers and offered primarily for those other writers. I will note if they are claimed or still available below.
Daniel (Daniel Sharman FC) - claimed and currently unavailable Jack (Sebastian Stan FC) - claimed and currently unavailable. Teddy (Jason Ralph FC) - available Johnny (Richard Harmon FC) - available Edward (Kit Harrington FC) - available
There is a lot of smutty threads and taboo themes may appear on this blog. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not interact. I like to write sluts, villains and assholes for fun. This is not real and should never be mistaken as such. I do not condone my muses’ actions.
Fair warning that some of my muses are more villainous than others.
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theprodigalsxn · 2 years
Closed starter for Kitty
His interaction with Chris left him angry and shaken, not because he was scared of his brother, no it wasn’t that, he couldn’t care less about the older wolfs threats. After all, dying didn’t scare him. Not by his brother’s hands anyway. Not after he’d seen his own death at the hands of Anastasia in each nightmare he’s ever had about his sister. 
But once his brother is gone he finds it hard to calm himself down, the anger at the forefront of his mind. Anger was always something that came easy but was nearly impossible to rid himself of. 
Maybe that’s why he found himself seeking Kitty out, when he left he made his way to the trailer that the Rayne’s lived in. It wasn’t far from where the pack was staying which was convenient for many reasons, but for now it just made him grateful because that meant he didn’t have to go far. 
Knocking on the door Teddy waited for Kitty to answer, at least he hoped it was Kitty and not her brother. He knew if Kaleb caught him here looking for his sister he’d more than likely not be happy.
When the door opened and he saw Kitty on the other side he relaxed a bit, shifting from side to side. “Can I come in?” 
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bradsmindbrain · 1 year
Russallis reactions to a lost puppy wandering over to their camp?
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Summary: During a walk through the woods, Jack and Ted stumble upon a lost canine.
TW: None
Ted enjoyed the woods that Jack’s backyard was connected to. Surrounded by nature, almost never another person in sight, and most importantly, an effective cover for getting to Jack’s house. So it was no surprise that he and Jack found themselves walking through it, simply taking in the sights and in Jack’s case, the smells. Jack had thought just walking through the woods would be a nice change of pace for them, rarely did they spend time enjoying nature while they were together, even when in the Everglades. 
He was the first one to notice the dog as they walked, a tiny golden retriever puppy, leash and collar still attached. He grumbled.
Jack turned to face him, a smile on his face, “Yes, Teddy Bear?”
He rolled his eyes, of course this just had to happen when he occasionally called Jack “Puppy” as a petname. He grumbled to clarify, pointing at the dog.
Jack’s eyes lit up, and he scrambled towards the dog. He gently picked it up, moving close to his face, “Poor little guy. Are you lost?” He gently patted its head as it liked his face. He watched Jack check the dog’s collar, turning back around to face him, “His name is Buddy!”
Buddy looked at Ted, giving a happy yip when he spotted him. It was odd, the dog didn’t seem to react with fear at all, but perhaps that was because Jack was holding him. Speaking of, he was more surprised Jack hadn’t reacted with aggression, he had expected Jack to see the dog as a threat to his territory or something similar, but it seemed like that wasn’t the case.
Jack approached him, holding Buddy up, “Come on Teddy Bear, he wants a pet.”
Tes did as he was instructed, gently rubbing the dog’s head before Jack pulled him back into his arms, cradling the canine. He grumbled, curious at what they were going to do. 
Jack tilted his head to the side, a gesture Ted had come to associate with Jack thinking or being curious, “Well we should take him back to his owner. They can’t be too far from here. I guess they took him on a walk and he got loose.”
He watched as Jack brought Buddy up to his face, visibly sniffing the dog. He knew Jack was an excellent tracker, he supposed it was to be expected given Jack’s wolf-like nature. After a moment, Jack pointed off into the distance, “That way.”
And so began their trek, Buddy in his husband’s arms as he followed close behind. He found his husband’s interactions with the dog to be quite cute, wiggling a finger in front of the puppy’s face and scratching his chin. He supposed that Buddy’s young age coupled with Jack’s wolf-like nature had led to the odd paternalism his husband was currently displaying towards the puppy. That was just a theory though, he was pretty sure most anyone would treat the puppy the same way Jack did. 
He’d always been fond of dogs, even before Jack entered his life and even before his accident. His family owned a handful of dogs growing up, and he loved all of them to bits, and seeing Jack play with and tease Buddy reminded him of those simpler times. Perhaps that’s why he found Jack’s dog-like mannerisms to be so endearing, as it reminded him of those happy years during his childhood. 
It wasn’t long until they heard a woman shouting, “Buddy? Buddy, where are you?”
He gestured to his husband to go forward as he laid down on the ground, trying his best to appear as an inconspicuous mound of plants. 
He heard Buddy yip as Jack moved farther and farther away, “Is this your dog, señorita?”
He heard the woman gasp, “Oh my God! Buddy, you found him!” Buddy yipped as he was reunited with his master.
“Me and my husband found him while we were walking through here. I sent him to look for you the other way,” Jack said and he assumed his husband gestures back the way they came.
“You’re a lifesaver, Mr…” the woman trailed on.
“Russell,” Jack interjected, audibly smiling. 
He heard Jack and her talk for a while, mostly just her profusely thanking him and Jack assuring her it was no big deal. Soon, he heard her leave, and once he was sure he was gone, he stood back up, Jack standing right in front of him. Jack smiled, “First a kid and now a puppy, I think you attract cute things just as much as you attract trouble, Teddy Bear.”
He rolled his eyes at the comment, grumbling.
Jack grinned, “I’m just joking, big guy, but you have to admit, Buddy was pretty cute.”
He gave a grumble in response, nodding his head.
Jack stretched his arms above his head, “I think that’s enough hiking for today, let’s head home.”
He grumbled, rubbing his hands together.
Jack nodded, giving that usual goofy grin, “Yeah, Italian sounds nice. I’ll order some when we get home. Maybe if we’re lucky we can pull a Lady and the Tramp with the spaghetti.”
He just rolled his eyes as they prepared to head back to Jack’s house, his husband was so stupid, but so, so funny.
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