#intercepted planet
maulfucker · 10 months
Random headcanon I think the Feral that Savage killed was a fake created with magic or something. It makes no sense to me for Mother Talzin end her own bloodline so easily just to help an estranged nightsister get revenge on Dooku. Even if they're not actually her sons, they are still Maul's blood, potentially powerful Force users. She was already sending one of them away on a purpose he would likely not return from, why kill the other and destroy a promising family.
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pallastrology · 10 months
planets in intercepted signs
sun: when the sun is intercepted, the native struggles to express themselves. too much, too much, they heard - or felt - as a child. they learned to reel themselves in, never say, or show, or do too much. and as an adult, it's a natural reaction. they shrink away from any kind of limelight, and they don't express their opinions much. they are almost muted, or dampened down.
moon: when the moon is intercepted, the native struggles to express their emotions. they can bottle things up, disconnect from themselves, and suffer from somatic illness and emotional outbursts. they can find it hard to really understand their emotions too, where they come from and how to help soothe themselves. they struggle to connect with their nurturing side, and find self-care to be a difficult task.
mercury: when mercury is intercepted, the native struggles to express their thoughts. they can be shy or socially anxious, and may find their thoughts chaotic and uncollected. some will have issues focusing and prioritising, and though generally very intelligent and reflective, these natives often struggle to communicate their inner goings on, stumbling over their words or being quite verbally clumsy and being easily misunderstood.
venus: when venus is intercepted, the native struggles to express pleasure and beauty. they tend to be self-conscious, often feeling inferior to their peers. they can struggle with body image issues, craving external validation to feel ‘good enough’. this desire for validation extends to their hobbies and interests too; they can be codependent and struggle to see their own beauty, or allow themselves to enjoy life.
mars: when mars is intercepted, the native struggles to express drive. they can come across as complacent or lazy, and are prone to fits of deep depression and helplessness. they can’t easily access their ‘get up and go’ and lack the confidence to take steps towards what they want in life. they can become cynical when isolated, because with no healthy outlet, their energy stagnates.
jupiter: when jupiter is intercepted, the native struggles to express growth. they stifle themselves in some ways, especially in their younger years, and they often try to blend in with their peers, dampening themselves down to do so. it takes time for these natives to get to know themselves, and their path through life can sometimes feel quite confusing or disjointed until they do.
saturn: when saturn is intercepted, the native struggles to express discipline. their younger years are often plagued with a vicious cycle of procrastination and pressuring themselves to complete their projects on time. this leads to intense emotions, a sense that the work wasn't really up to standard, and a subsequent punishment of themselves, which really never 'works' as intended, because the cycle continues. wisdom is a skill that develops over time for our natives.
uranus: when uranus is intercepted, the native struggles to express their ideas. they can be buzzing with ideas and plans, but at the crucial point of communication, their mind goes blank and nerves take over. this is a very frustrating experience, especially with how full their brain gets once they're back in their comfort zone. they can also feel quite alienated from their peers because they just can't seem to express themselves accurately to how they feel and how they see the world.
neptune: when neptune is intercepted, the native struggles to express their selflessness. prone to depression, neptune intercepted can feel like a bystander in life, like it's something that happens to them, rather than something they are an active part of. they often feel lost and confused about how to put themselves out there. they are very kind individuals with a lot of love and care to give, but are easily misled and in fact, can easily mislead themselves too.
pluto: when pluto is intercepted, the native struggles to express their power. they are often quite fearful individuals, and this fear can rule them if they don't learn to own it. they become frightened of fear itself, and, like neptune intercepted, they are prone to feeling life is something that happens to them, rather than something they actively participate in. pluto intercepted can feel disempowered and trapped easily, and need to work hard to remind themselves of their personal power.
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astromechapunk · 2 years
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yifftwiceplz · 11 months
for the sake of not being deliberately obtuse just so you guys know i think you're getting my posts early again.
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intercepted transmissions: Story 1
There are eyes everywhere, though never exactly where you would assume them to be. By all accounts bischeon is a dead planet, no actual sentient species was meant to live here, it is fit for beasts and beasts alone. not out of any deration for the planet itself, but because the beasts here tend to it. I've looked over the original records of the pioneers that touched down on this planet, it was said in the grub log recreations that they thought that this planet would be empty. if anything they were going to just leave a few platoons of soldiers, a large low blood work force and a small cabal of high bloods to enjoy their new paradise planet while they pretend to contribute to the empirical pursuits of the home planet.
Pardon my frankness but I envy their casual ambitions, I envy their casual effortless displays of power and cruelty, that is what a troll should be. A monster of means. instead I am a coward and "Saint" of resourcefulness.
Please pardon my delayed introductions. You are not to be given my name as it has been scrubbed. you may not see my face as it has been censored.
For the Survival of all of us.
I offer you nothing more then ill welcomes to what I must call our home planet, where millions of trolls, call our place of birth. Born under the watchful eyes of the armed jade hiveguard, raised under the protection of mounted turrets till pupation where we are left to Well trained lusi.
ah, I should address something, Should I? you know us as the Conquerors, the Invaders, the swarming killers of blade and zealotry, the laughing shades, the haunted cavalry.
what wonderful titles, you will hear plenty of desperate sycophants attempt to assuage your fears, that the years of isolation from our queen and true calling has made us a part of the enlightened galaxy, one ready to join as a rouge faction. one ready to open atmosphere to the masses in a wild bid of friendship.
please be assured that you will be able to ask them anything, you could demand they drop and grovel before you and they shall comply, you may ask for bloods and they shall provide you rivers, you could ask for heads and gain a throne of them.
They are desperate, they are weak with need for a hand from the heaven to reach down and pull them from the quagmire of this planetary mausoleum. they have discarded honor and self worth for a potential life playing as your jesters if you will it.
I extend this welcome to you as we celebrate a planet gone sane, stark sane, raveing sane, forced to sanity with the looming understanding that they are doomed and that they must offer the scraps of themselves to you, our finders, our "saviours".
oh how I wish I could triumphantly shout that there are pockets of resistance, that there are some trolls that cling to the ideals of the absolutes jesting of death, but I fear now.
Thus all this nameless, faceless creature can do, is invite you to feast on this lovely corpse.
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seventhemaverick · 9 months
Astro Observations 2 🪽
Thank you for 120+ followers!! <3 this post has opinions and personal observations. Don’t take it too serious my babies. I love ur feedback. Please be kind, inform me otherwise!
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☁️ I love how many people in the Astrology community are Scorpio risings, have dominant scorpio/8H placements/degrees, strong pluto influence like we’re all trying to find the meaning to all the f*ck shit that happens in our lives
☁️ Another dominance that I see in a natal chart that is really into these practices is Uranus and Neptune.
☁️ Lilith dominance in a natal chart can be rough especially when they make conjunctions to mars or Pluto. Men can sometimes be so mean to you especially when you both are around other people and you’re just like what just happened 😃? You were just telling me your deepest secrets and desires?? Odd… Á la poubelle 🚮
☁️ Speaking of Lilith, I get annoyed hearing that certain asteroids like Lilith and Chiron aren’t considered a part of a stellium 🙄 because if you can have Lilith dominance in your chart you should be able to consider it a part of your stellium as well? Same with Chiron. If there’s many aspects to those signs as well and if everything is energetically interconnected like astrology tries to show us, you would think those two asteroids at most would be considered. Especially because these asteroids play significant roles in HEALING *cough Chiron cough* and stepping into your power (Lilith). Both asteroids take a shorter amount of time to orbit the sun than most outer planets and some inner planets likeee cmon y’all.. me complaining because I’d technically have a Sagittarius stellium if Chiron and Lilith was included
☁️ Whatever quadrant(s) the majority of your placements fall in is what you are meant to focus on in this life. In the last quadrant, your focus could be on the world around you, humanitarian causes. A lot of planets in your first quadrant your mission in this lifetime is to be more self focused.
☁️ Intercepted houses are interesting... I’m very thankful I don’t have them because my chart is already 😀😗 .. yea. But I realized I’ve come across a lot of people with them and those houses if you don’t know already have a lot of focus on the house it pertains to. Example: intercepted houses in the 1st and 7th house means one of your life’s mission is learning how to assert yourself, set boundaries, find balance in relationships and your free time.
☁️ People that have intercepted houses usually attract people that has signs that rule those houses to teach them significant life lessons. So if you have 1st and 7th intercepted you’ll have someone who probably has Aries/libra in big three or within their chart , if you have 2nd and 8th you’ll attract someone with Taurus/Scorpio in big three or in their chart etc etc
☁️ If you’re feeling unstable it’s best to connect with the element you have most dominant in your chart. Whether it’s literally connecting to that element by physically interacting with it or you are doing the themes in relation to that element. This also applies to whatever sign your mars is in. Surrounding yourself with the element associated with your mars can allow you to release and ground yourself.
☁️ For instance, if you have a lot of water in your chart/water mars, swimming or being by the water and journaling, drawing, whatever creative outlet feels most healing to you by the water can bring you some peace. Talking to the ocean, lake, etc. can be grounding and if you’re really into esoteric practices you can give the water an offering in exchange for peace of mind. Earth, going on a hike, feeling the earth (not concrete yuck) with your bare soles/palms can be helpful, hugging and talking to trees. (Side note fun fact, removing vines that are wrapping a tree is also like an offering because vines growing around trees are invasive and preventing it from receiving sunlight, ultimately killing it. Save your local trees!! I see this as a form of an offering as well) Mother trees will help you most. Fire, first and foremost please be careful. Secondly, working with candles can be very healing and watching the light, taking walks when it’s really sunny, sun bathing, solar plexus yoga could bring much peace. Sun bathing your yoni when the sun is at its peak :) it really works. Air, burning incense whilst having good air ventilation, journaling, stimulating activities like running or jogging while simultaneously working on the breath. Breath work, mental workouts like chess. I might do a post about all Mars signs and specific activity outlets. Lmk in the comments if you guys would be interested :)
☁️ To break out of your comfort zone, to attract newness into your life, connect with the element you have least in your chart!
☁️ The element you have least of is what you tend to attract in others
☁️ People that connect more to sidereal astrology usually have some old soul-ness to them. I’ve observed it’s usually modern Astrology earth placements, mostly Taurus placements that tend to value that system more from what I’ve seen
☁️ I’ve noticed water sign placements/dominance like anime and k-pop a lot. Honorary mention is Aquarius but more towards anime.
☁️ I saw @harmoonix say this in one of their posts recently but this has been sitting in my drafts for over a month so I’m gonna agree and add on lol (love ur posts fr— trendsetter 💐) Aquarius placements, especially in the big 3, love video games. Love playing games on their phone and on a console. Love technology, it’s their safe space— a way to get away from the world. Aquarius does rule over technology! They’re the most tech savvy in the family. Their elders in their home relied on them for that stuff lol.
☁️ Sagittarius placements, esp mercury usually have different genres and languages of music in their catalog
☁️ For Sagittarius to be in detriment in Mercury that placement has many fantastic writers, poets, lyricists etc.
☁️ Earth placements, especially Capricorns can out smoke you. Out-any-substance you fr it’s actually crazy to witness 😂😂.
☁️ Your Groom (5129) or Briede (19029) in your natal chart can not only show the actual sign or house placements that your partner may have but the synastry overlays you both may have as well. For example you may have your groom asteroid in the sign virgo. Your spouses natal placements especially big 3 could have those planets fall into your sixth house. Virgo rules the sixth house.
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☁️ This picture above is all Libra placements during this south node in Libra transit. The area Libra resides will show up and out! Villain era fr. Big 3 Libra placements will feel this way the most! This transit has me not giving ANY f*cks!
☁️ Your solar return rising sign is very important. It will tell you the themes that will take place in the new year ahead. For example: Virgo rising in your solar return has you more work and health focused. Should I make a post about solar return risings lmk in the comments!
☁️ It’s also interesting that your rising and moon sign in your solar return chart can pertain who you most come into contact with during. So if your rising is Leo that year you’ll probably befriend, get closer to, date many Leo’s or people that have Leo placements/degrees in their chart :). I can confirm that within each ascendant I have had in my returns since studying astrology the people I was closer to/in contact more with during the time period had those placements in big three especially.
☁️ not an observation but a statement of a dilemma of mine because I cannot choose between placidus and whole sign system. I deeply relate to both. I thankfully don’t have intercepted houses but I can see both sides to the placements in my chart and the different houses they reside in with both systems 😂 ok moving on
☁️ I use placidus house system mostly when I’m reading other people’s chart and whole sign when I’m reading compatibility charts
☁️ placidus is a better system to use for most people because we live in different hemispheres and that system caters to that imo
☁️ I realize most Pisces and Sagittarius placements loveeee green. It’s that Jupiter calling in that abundance!
☁️ Scorpio and Aries are ruled by mars and I have realized people with these placements like purple a lot. Capricorn placements tend to like purple too and cap is exalted in mars! Purple and black are associated with satur(n)day!
☁️ Saw an observation about sag mercuries always interrupt you and it’s true LMAO but they’re very passionate people and I think they just wanna get what they have to say off their chest
☁️ Sagittarius mercuries are the smartest Mercury sign imo.
☁️ Pisces placements especially in the big three are very crafty when it comes to talking their way out of being held accountable
☁️ Being around people that have the signs in your 2nd and 8th house can easily trigger you if you’re not actively working on healing your wounds
☁️ I haven’t met an air sign that doesn’t speak with their face and hands especially Gemini chile
☁️ Mars rules celibacy, Venus rules lust. I realize that people with strong Aries/Scorpio/Capricorn are not into having sex with multiple people simultaneously or can go long periods without having sex. They view sex as a very intimate activity.
☁️ hate to come down on my Venusians but Taurus and Libras and let’s not forget about my girl is exalted in Pisces! People with strong placements in these signs can be loyal but sometimes there can be wandering eyes. Like an itch they want to scratch so bad. Even if they’re very loyal in nature it’s more possible for them to flirt for fun or get into affairs more because they’re hedonistic in nature
☁️ when a Capricorn loves you they will always have your back and put into you financially to help your dreams come true. One of the most attentive , supportive people to have in your corner!
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🪽 I wanted to post this sooner but I’m currently grieving the loss of my Capricorn dominant grandmother who was my closest confidant and greatest inspiration, about a month ago. She passed during her Saturn return and Uranus return. She lived an incredible life. Strongest, most fearless person I know. An entrepreneur who knew how to get it! Some people didn’t make it into the new year with us and I hope you know that you have now gained an angel. I’m grateful to the Tumblr astrology community for sharing their knowledge. Astrology really helps me make sense of the world and I’m happy that we all find peace in that. Sending my love and best wishes to you all. Thank you for reading and tuning in xoxo 🪽
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tetsumie · 2 months
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pairing: kuroo tetsuro x fem!reader
genre: comfort
content: kuroo hasn't seen you in days and makes his way to your apartment to see what's going on with you
cw: reader has a depressive episode and displays depressive symptoms
a/n: hello! i tried writing something for my pookie wookie kuroo tetsuro also lwk very self indulgent.. love u all and tysm for the endless support and as always likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! i could not be here without you all <333
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"hi! this is y/n l/n! sorry i couldn’t answer your phone call. i’m a bit busy right now but leave a message and i’ll call you back the first chance i get than-" kuroo hangs up the phone for nth time today and sighs. 
kuroo hasn't heard from you for the past few days and to be completely honest, it’s like you've completely vanished off the planet. your designated seat next to him in both chemistry and english lectures have remained empty for the past week and he can’t seem to get ahold of you at all. 
at first, he didn’t really worry much about it. he didn’t want to pry on why you weren’t coming to school. he understood everyone needed their space. but when he intercepted your friends one day and asked them how you were doing and they too were unsure as well, he knew there was something severely wrong. 
on the other hand, you’ve been home all week. 
you haven’t been in the best place for the past week. you feel like your body is slowly succumbing to the stress and your body is practically giving out on you, working overtime. motivating yourself to study and to work is already difficult enough as is but doing basic things such as getting out of bed and even taking a shower feels impossible. 
you feel stuck in this never ending loop of time where the same things just keep happening over and over. you wake up at the prime hour of 12 pm and realize you’ve missed all your morning classes but then immediately head back to bed. you fall asleep and then wake up at 2 pm and stare at the ceiling above you with no particular thought in mind. eventually, you find yourself scrolling through social media on your phone but then ditch it after a few minutes because a wave of social anxiety crashes into you. 
it doesn’t help that you’ve also been skipping meals and you’re starting to catch a cold. man, you haven’t even gotten out of bed, let alone left your bedroom. you can’t even get yourself to do the bare minimum right now and making yourself an actual meal is a bit too out of your comfort zone. 
and what makes this entire situation worse is the fact that you’ve been pushing everyone away, from your friends to family to the one and only kuroo tetsuro.
there was no justification behind why you were avoiding them. you just couldn’t allow yourself to let them see you in such a lethargic condition. it hurt your pride and in general, you hated having people worry for you. it made you feel, in a sense, hopeless. 
you just wanted to shut yourself off from the world. 
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the week goes by in a flash and friday evening rolls around. your phone lights up again for the nth time. you see it flash white but you roll over away, not having the energy to grab it. doing anything especially talking to other people feels exhausting.
a few minutes later, someone's banging on the door. it sounded like the fbi was at your door with a search warrant as if you were harboring drugs. you don't answer the door, not feeling like leaving the comfort and safe haven of your bed.
but the banging doesn’t seem to stop and you're getting irritated so you’re forced to get out of bed and tell the person at the door to come at another time.
to your surprise, when you open the door, you find your boyfriend, kuroo, staring at you with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows.
“y/n, where have you been?” he begins the interrogation.
you mumble. “nowhere. been at home.”
he looks you up and down, taking in your disheveled state. your face is pale, the bags under your eyes seep deeply, giving away the countless sleepless nights you've had. your shoulders are slumped and the corners of your mouth turn down slightly, a subtle but constant frown. your hair is unkempt, reflecting the lack of energy to even try to care for yourself. an aura of exhaustion and hopelessness hangs around you, making it clear that you're struggling to find the strength to even function.
“then why haven’t you answered my calls?” he continues.
“i’ve just been preoccupied,” you lie and he catches on immediately.
no words are exchanged between the both of you for a few moments. you take his silence as your cue to end this awkward conversation and to send him on his way.
"i'm sure you have better things to do, just go-"
you're about to close the door on him until he says, "let me in."
you sigh again.
“can you come back later tetsu?” you don’t want to have him deal with you like this. he's seen more than enough of you in this condition.
his piercing gaze locks with your tired eyes and he feels his heart clench. the usual shimmer in your eyes gone and all he can see the numbness in your expression.
"no let me in," he states in a strict tone. "we have to talk."
with no choice, you open up the door entirely and kuroo takes a look at the state of your apartment. he would be lying if he wasn't caught by surprise. clothes are strewn across the couch and bowls of empty ramen are lying on the kitchen counter. your apartment is a mess.
putting his stuff down near the door, he begins to slowly pick up your clothes off the floor and tosses them into the laundry bin. seeing him make an attempt at cleaning your mess made you uncomfortable to the point your skin started to crawl.
"tetsuro, stop."
"please stop," you plead in desperation.
"y/n, i’m trying to help you!" he replies, his voice growing a little louder with irritation at your refusal.
“what if i don’t want your help?” you shoot back and his mouth closes shut. “i don’t want your help or your pity or condolences or whatever it is! just go home!”
although your mouth said one thing, your mind was trying to telepathically convey another.
please don’t leave me now. please stay.
you don’t say a word as you walk into your bedroom, closing the door behind you, hoping he'll leave on his own. the moment he hears the click of your bedroom door, kuroo begins to try to organize as much as he can in your living room. he takes out your old leftover foods and tidies up the kitchen. he starts working his way through the living room, silently sweeping the dust off the floor and reorganizing your items that were strewn on the floor.
as he’s silently working, he begins to hear sniffles and sobs coming from your room. dropping everything, he finds himself standing in front of your closed door, fist about to knock the door.
“love, can we talk?” he says out loud.
it's silence from the other end.
"y/n... please..." kuroo's voice cracks. "i just want to see you."
"door's open," your voice is muffled slightly through the door.
he opens the door and is greeted by you wrapped around in your comforter, looking away from the door. kuroo takes in the state of your room. the curtains are drawn out and there are tissues littering your night stand along with your computer lying in the corner with a pile of clothes in the corner waiting to be cleaned.
you were always so organized, what started this?
kuroo goes over to the other side of the bed and your face is huddled into your comforter. he crouches down and starts to stroke your hair with his hand.
"baby? talk to me, love. what's going on in that pretty head of yours huh?" he coos in hopes of getting you to open up.
refusing to look him in the eye, you mumble into your comforter loud enough for him to understand. "it's been getting bad again... it’s been bad all week and i'm just tired all the time."
he kisses the top of your head. "and that's okay. not everyday is supposed to be a great day. you're supposed to have good days and bad days."
you finally emerge from your cocoon and the sight he's greeted with break his heart into pieces. your face has a slight red flush tint with the remnants of your tear stains on your face. he sees how you're trying to maintain a steady face, trying your best not to fall apart in front of him.
no questions asked, he brings you into his chest and the tears you worked so hard to keep at bay come apart. you start sobbing into his chest. he strokes your back in a rhythmic up and down motion, adding the occasional kiss on the top of your head. he finds himself crawling into your bed with you on his lap as you continue to sob into his chest.
once your crying subsides a bit and your throat feels a bit sore from the crying, you look up at him and he gives that genuine small smile of his that you've grown to love so much.
"i love you, you know that right?" he reassures as your eyes meet.
your eyes shift from one eye to another and you look at him as if he hung the stars just for you.
"i know and i don't know why you love me. i don't deserve you. you deserve someone who's put together and on top of it and just perfect. hell, you could do so much better than me... i don't even know why you're still with me."
his heart cracks at the heartbreaking words, escaping your mouth. he feels so stupid. have you been feeling like this for all this time and haven't said a word to him? he should've done something.
"when we started dating, from that very moment, i knew i wanted all of you. i want everything. i want your bad days and your good days and your lazy days and your rotting in bed days. i want your good and bad. i want your highs and lows. y/n, i just want you." he kisses your cheek.
he continues to reassure you, "i want all of it. and i want to be there for you the entire time. i don't want you to have to hide yourself from me. i never wanted you to be perfect. i wanted you to be just you. that's who i fell in love with."
"i love you with all your 'imperfections' you know that right?" he does the air quotes around the word "imperfections."
"yeah but it's so hard for me to accept-," you start but he brings his pointer finger to your lips, telling you to stop your train of overthinking.
you both are enveloped in a comfortable silence with kuroo's reassuring words hanging in the air.
"i love you so much, you have no idea," you finally say, cuddled into his chest.
"oh yeah? i couldn't tell," he begins to tease. "tell me more actually."
you let out a chuckle, playfully slapping his arm, and that warm, sweet smile of his forms again on hisi lips.
"there's my gorgeous girl. oh how i've missed you."
"missed you too, tetsu."
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© tetsumie 2024 all rights reserved
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sanguineterrain · 6 months
for the dc prompts you reblogged:
can i request jason todd x reader "someone likes being pinned down" + A flirting with B while sparring to throw them off their tracks
where reader is also a vigilante??
thank you so much 🩷
very sexy prompts thank u 😌
jason todd x gn!reader. r and robin!jay were friends, r doesn't know jason is alive/red hood but jason knows r is a vigilante. r's alias is 'nocturne' (if that's already in use oh well lmao). fighting/sparring, jason is mega in love with you as usual!!
all fics at @sanguinelibrary
"Still blindly following the Bat, huh?"
You land in a crouch on the rooftop, just like how Nightwing taught you. The Red Hood doesn't look at you, digging through two duffel bags. He doesn't even draw his gun, like you've seen him do with virtually every other vigilante in Gotham.
You wait, ready to spring into action. But Hood doesn't stop what he's doing. Slowly, you rise.
"What... do you mean?" you ask.
"I mean, why are you traipsing around Gotham as a bat-adjacent? Who are you s'posed to be anyway? Goth Bat? Alternative Scene Bat?"
"I'm Nocturne," you say, shoulders rising to your ears. Rude. You thought the chunky boots and star over your suit's eye mask were inspired.
Red Hood lifts a hand. "Don't get me wrong, I dig the threads. I'm just surprised B didn't have an aneurysm over the sequins. Then again, Discowing did do it first..."
Your first two meetings with the infamous Red Hood have been similar in that he's never very concerned about you stopping him (ouch), but he also isn't callous or cruel with you like he is with the other vigilantes.
Case in point: the last person who cornered Hood on a roof was Red Robin. Hood shot him in the shoulder before he could land.
In short, he's perplexing as hell.
Batman's forbidden the rest of the team to confront Hood without backup. And you're technically not supposed to be on patrol tonight. But if you can intercept Hood, that'll be a huge win.
Hood keeps on packing the duffels. You hesitate, then step forward.
"Get away from the bags," you say. "I won't ask twice."
Hood looks at you. "Nocturne's a pretty cool name, I'll admit. And I like the boots. But I still think you oughta call it quits."
He zips up the bags, stands, and kicks them to the corner of the roof.
"Because you're just that unstoppable?" you ask, hands curling into fists.
"Yeah. But mostly 'cause I know you're made for so much more than this, sweetheart."
And that is the third and perhaps most bewildering thing about your encounters with Red Hood: you've gotten the creeping feeling that he... likes you.
Which is ridiculous, and if you ever breathed a word of that to anybody, Batman would probably check you into Arkham.
You take another careful step forward. Hood leans against the railing and folds his arms.
"This the part where you apprehend and hogtie me for innocently packing a duffel bag?" he asks.
You glare. "Innocent? I know you're making a weapons delivery because I know you've been waiting for Batman to be off-planet to make it."
"Clever. Told ya you're too good for this," Hood says. "Should be in college with those smarts, not playing maid for Batman."
"Are you lecturing me?"
"I'm advising you as your friendly neighborhood drug lord. Lecturing makes me sound like a guy who's got too much money and too big of a savior complex to understand that the way he fights injustice is fundamentally flawed."
"Sounds personal."
Hood laughs. "Honey, you have no idea."
You strike.
Hood parries your first attack easily, which you expect. The truth is that whoever trained Hood cut no corners and you're still relatively new at vigilantism. It's only by the grace of God that Hood hasn't left you to bleed out on a roof.
You kick his shin, but Hood turns on the instep and blocks. You go for his shoulder, where his armor separates to give him more movement. But Hood's ready for that too, and he catches your arm.
"Gotta keep that right arm up," he says. "Surprised no one's trained that outta you yet."
You elbow Hood in the throat. He coughs and lets go.
"Like that?" you ask, muscles tense with adrenaline.
Hood makes a sound that might be a laugh, still choked from your hit. "Just like that, honeylove. Good job."
"I don't need feedback," you snap, immediately going back in for another hit.
"Sorry. I'll make this quick then. I do have a delivery."
On the next strike, you advance, using a technique Nightwing drilled into your head for bigger opponents. Hood goes down and you land atop him.
"Oh, that's a Nightwing takedown if I've ever seen one," Hood says beneath you.
You're close enough that you can hear his breathing through the decoder. Pride swells in you at taking him down. Not even Batman has managed such a thing.
Hood is warm and big. His shoulder span alone dwarfs you. When you'd seen him from afar, fighting Batman or Nightwing, you'd been terrified.
But now, perhaps stupidly, you feel comfortable. Annoyed, but safe. Something about him reminds you of home. Makes your stomach flip in a good way.
Which is terrifying.
"You're coming with me," you say, reaching for your cuffs.
"If only. Unfortunately, you've forgotten a teensy weensy detail, dearest."
Hood bucks you off, legs first. Your feet fly into the air, which allows him to flip your positions. You wince, preparing for a concussion upon impact as you go down. But Hood cushions your fall and neatly rolls you over. Your back is pressed into the concrete, hands locked over your head. Hood's weight holds down your hips and legs.
He looms over you, easily holding you down. Your face grows hot.
"How did—" You squirm in his grip. "I had you!"
"Weight distribution, sweets. Tell Al—one of the Bats to add weight to your boots. They keep you light on your feet, but you were depending on them too much to hold me down, and we ain't evenly matched there."
You thrash in his grip. "Hood, I swear to fucking—"
"Easy. Don't sweat it, sweetheart. You haven't been doing this for very long. That was a good takedown, regardless. I'm impressed."
"Screw you."
He hums. You can tell he's smiling under the helmet. "Sorry, I forgot. You don't like feedback."
Hood strokes the inside of your wrist. You aren't sure he's aware he's doing it. His grip is firm but light. He's not trying to hurt you. Your pulse is in your throat.
For a moment, you're both still. Hood seems caught in a trance, like even Superman couldn't tear him away from this moment. From you. And it's not that you're afraid, you're just... you're...
"How do you know so much about me?" you blurt, because it's puzzled the whole team. "You been spying on me?"
"'Course not. Unlike your boss, I respect privacy. No, I did research. I recognized you from when you'd hang around that second Robin. Shrimpy little guy. What'd ya even see in him?"
The grief overtakes you before you can control your mouth.
"You don't know anything about me or him," you spit. "Don't fucking talk about him. He had more skill and goodness in his pinkie than you'll have in a lifetime. And you could learn a thing from him about changing a city. He'd tell you that fear alone never works."
Hood is quiet for a long moment. Then he speaks.
"Where's your distress signal?"
"Why would I tell—"
Hood shifts over you, cutting off your reply. He pulls a ziptie around your wrists. They're not even a little tight. You could probably slip out of them if you had five minutes.
"I know you're not s'posed to be out tonight," he whispers in your ear. "'S not your patrol night. Good thing you're my favorite."
You nearly swallow your tongue. "How do you—I don't—"
"Uh-huh. So you be good from now on, yeah? Wouldn't wanna have to keep tying you up like this."
You lift your chin. "We'll switch positions soon enough."
Hood snorts. "Okay, I know you heard how that soun—"
"I heard it," you say grumpily. "Just get on with it. Jerk."
"As you wish. Distress signal?"
Hood presses the button under your collar. Your breath hitches as his gloved fingers graze your neck.
"Oh? Does somebody like getting pinned down?"
"In your dreams."
Hood laughs. He zipties your ankles last, then sits you upright against the railing.
"Not too tight, are they?" he asks. "I know you've got a circulation problem."
You squint. "You seem to know a lot about me. Not fair that I don't know much about you, Hood."
"'S just business, honeylove," he says, scooping up his duffel. "Now I don't wanna see you in a suit anymore, comprende?"
"Or you'll what? Shoot me?"
Hood pauses, eerily still. He turns those glowing white eyes upon you. Your heart picks up.
"No," he says, so serious it startles you. "But someone else might. And I don't want you to face the same fate as your good friend Robin."
He vaults over the railing before you can respond. Your head thunks lightly as you lean back and wonder if you're really just business to the Red Hood.
(pt 2)
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 months
daryl + mouth spitting
warnings. smut, mouth spitting, saliva exchanging, unprotected sex, dom!daryl, sub!reader, swearing, fluff, kinda dom!daryl
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
Rough and calloused hands gripped the edge of your jaw, as the body that they belonged to was atop of you, looming down at your submissive nature with domineering ecstasy. Daryl had driven himself inside of you, stretching the walls of your cunt with his bare cock as he leant down, his hair creating a distorted halo around his head, supporting himself on his knees.
Each speckle of cerulean colour in his eyes had darkened with a shadow of lust, much like when the ravenous sea tide rose into harmful waves beneath a grey and stormy sky. He was the storm, and he was prepared to bring a reckoning to your meek and mortal body. With maleficent intent, his hips clashed like the plates on the planet’s format against your own, as though he was creating an earthquake; your body shattered from the cruel pleasure, that felt like too much yet not enough at the same time.
It was as though a distorting cloud of fog had intercepted your brain, belittling you into nothing more than a pile of bone and flesh, completely at the mercy of the man that was leant over you. He was urged on by the erotic moans that were almost pornographic which slipped without control past your lips, and he became fixated on the way your mouth moved and curved with each sound of pleasure. To subdue the racket that you were creating with the small part of your brain that was still working, your teeth clamped down on your bottom lip, muffling each attempt at repeating his name.
Daryl frowned harshly, his eyes burning into the sight of your front teeth, admiring the small trail of drool that had cascaded past them. His heaving breaths created a warm spot on your flesh, his tone ragged and accent prominent as he spoke through his own ecstasy. “Le’ go of tha’ lip sunshine.” He tapped your chin with his forefinger, grip harshening around your jaw as his mind reeled with nervousness, although he didn’t allow it to show.
He wasn’t certain that you would like what he was about to do, and if you didn’t he vowed to himself silently that he would never do it again. But it was a primal desire that was igniting like a wildfire in his chest, and as his lips trailed over your throat, eyes boring across every inch of your skin and continually rocking into your tight cunt, and feeling how your walls gripped his cock like a succubus’ prowess, he drowned in the sounds that were making your throat soar.
“Fuck.” You moaned simultaneously, making each of you laugh gravelly and breathily from the unexpected communication that matched with each syllable. He leant in closer, running his nose across your cheek, as your eyelids fluttered from the sweet notion. Your hands gripped his shoulders, face still upturned in his grasp as you dared to make eye contact with your lover. “Open yer mouth darlin’.” It was a gentle order, and whilst confused in your blissful pleasure, legs seizing his hips in a strong hold, you did nothing but comply.
And so you opened your lips, tongue peeking out as you closed your mind and waited for whatever action ascended into Daryl. He clenched his jaw, mulling over his decision once more before he decided to proceed with it, before he leant down, tenderly stroking your chin with his thumb as he pursed his lips, allowing a string of saliva to fall and pool in your mouth. His brows rose as his hips slowed from hearing your unexpected moan; he wasn't certain on what reaction he had expected from you, but he felt the anxiety bouldering his shoulders slip away.
"Was tha' okay?" Daryl asked, his hips completely still now with his cock still sheathed inside of you. In response you wiggled your hips, needing to gain some friction from the overbearing fullness that was settled within your clenching walls, batting your lashes up at him as you rubbed your aching clit against the base of his manhood. "Need words baby." He endearingly ogled at you, wanting to do nothing more than to stutter his cock in and out of your pussy however your pleasure was his main concern. It always was, your welfare came long before his arousal, you were his priority, and as hot as it was to watch you swallow his spit and moan, he required verbal reassurance.
"Was more than okay Dar." Your voice was wispy and breathless, a sweet smile sprawled across your lips as your hands ran up and down his biceps. "If you want to be sure, you could always do it again." That was enough for him to proceed, rutting his length within your velvety and slick folds, as he continued to grasp your face in his large hands and trickle his saliva into your open and wide mouth. It was something that he had never given much thought, however from then on with each dazed gaping that you expressed, his mind reeled straight to the image of you drinking up his saliva like his own personal, thirsty whore.
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soular-sisters · 6 months
✨Astro notes💫
Some small tidbits of info for you today.
1. Placements that are closer to 0° are stronger. (With degree placements and aspect orbs)
2. Jupiter indicates where you will find your husband. This doesn’t have to be in the natal chart, check your astrocartography chart and look for your Jupiter DC line and also how Jupiter is aspected in the natal chart.
3. Inner planet retrogrades, 12th house planets, and intercepted signs/planets are indicators of past life karma.
4. Decans are subsections of the degrees in a certain placement (example: I am a Leo sun at 5° so I fall into the first decan 0°-10°. Second decan would be 11°-20°, third 21°-30°)
5. North node shows us our cosmic destiny. Following this placement can help lead to your highest purpose.
6. Your “part of fortune” shows the area where you can achieve the most success, material wealth, recognition, luck, and abundance.
7. A stellium is when three more planets occur in one sign or house in the natal chart.
8. A persona chart is a deep dive on a specific planetary energy within your chart. (Example, basically a natal chart from the perspective of a specific planet and not from the sun. Remember, we are heliocentric. Our planets revolve around the sun. So if I wanted to see things from a lunar-centric POV, I would look up my moon persona chart, and so on with the other planets.)
9. Astrocartography is the study of how your natal chart aligns with various energies on a map. If you are interested in a certain area and would like to know where would be the best places, or not the greatest places for your energy, check your astrocartography chart.
10. Synastry charts show how two individual energies work together, while a composite chart shows how the energies blend together. Both are important to look at for relationship astrology, just different energies. Think synastry as how your energy plays off of each other, and composite as the energy you have together.
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solar-wing · 5 months
⚣ Badass 👊
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⚣👊 A/N → @natef458 Last request from my previous account. Now, I can focus on one inbox (at least for now)! Shorter than what I've normally done, but I wanted to keep it simple. Hope you enjoy it! Tamaranean male image generated by AI. WARNINGS: Canon-Typical Violence | Tamaranean Male Reader | Dick Is Nightwing |
⚣👊 Summary → It's Y/N's first mission as a part of the team since he came to Earth. The Team and their leader Nightwing soon found out just how capable Tamaraneans are in a fight.
⚣👊 Words → 3.3K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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Under the harsh glow of the moonlight, the Young Justice team converged around the abandoned warehouse where Vandal Savage and his cronies were holed up. Nightwing was co-leading the mission with Aqualad, coming far in his leadership and skill since they had founded the team along with their friend and teammate Kid Flash, and new friends Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, and eventually Zatanna.
Many of the original members had grown much from their early days as a part of the team, moving away from their past titles as sidekicks and coming into their own identities as heroes.
One of them was the former sidekick to the Dark Knight, previously known as Robin, who’d realized he wanted to separate himself from Batman and forge his own path and identity. Thus, within a few years after the team’s founding, he left his position and title as Robin and took on the persona of Nightwing.
He’d come a long way from the kid he was before, becoming more of the leader his mentor, and friend Aqualad saw in him. So much so, that the Atlantean had decided to start letting him help co-lead missions, seeing that was their original deal during that first fateful mission on Santa Prisca. And it couldn’t have come at a better time.
Batman had alerted the Team about a new mission concerning Vandal Savage who had just stolen a prototype weapon from a top-secret government facility. This weapon, codenamed "Project Eclipse," was not only a formidable tool of destruction but was clearly another attempt at trying to make humans evolve as a race due to his crazy beliefs in Social Darwinism and survival of the fittest.
By now, the Team knew this could only be the minor puzzle piece to something bigger. But, a weapon of that capability was way too dangerous to be left in his hands. Thus, they were tasked with intercepting Savage and recovering the stolen weapon before he could carry out whatever twisted experiments he had planned.
Only now, their team had grown much larger, bringing in various new members. Some were sidekicks to other heroes a part of the League while others were just regular people who had developed powers and abilities, whether intentionally or not, and were recruited into the team so they could learn how to control them and use them for good.
They’d lost a few along the way, some choosing to leave the team on their own while others had met a different and more grave fate, one of them being the new Robin, Jason Todd, who’d taken Dick’s place after he’d given up the position of Batman’s sidekick. Of course, the team mourned the loss of their fallen teammates, but it didn’t take away from their strength, especially with the other new members who had joined.
One of them being Y/N, an alien refugee who’d made quite the entrance to Earth just two years prior. He’d escaped from the captivity of the Gordanians, an intergalactic race of slavers who’d attacked his home planet, Tamaran, and abducted him as a slave in the process.
But, the slavers were ignorant of the fact that Tamaraneans gained strength from sunlight. So, when traveling closer to Earth within view of the distant sun of the solar system and after encountering the inherent unpredictability of space travel, Y/N seized his opportunity for escape, breaking free from his confines and escaping the vessel.
They’d pursued after him, hot on his trail as he made his way onto Earth, landing in the unsuspecting municipality of Happy Harbor. Unknowingly, but thankful in the end, his arrival had caught the attention of the Young Justice team, whose base was located in the nearby mountain and had come to his rescue.
It’d definitely been an interesting first meeting, considering none of the Team could understand him since he was speaking an alien language they’d never heard of. That’s when Y/N took it upon himself to lock lips with the Boy Wonder, who had yet to give up his identity and position as Batman’s sidekick.
Apparently, Tamaraneans possessed the ability to learn language through skin contact. It didn’t have to be done explicitly through kissing, but they were also a very direct and forward race when it came to their feelings. Being a race ruled more by emotion than reason.
Simply put, Y/N found Dick attractive and planted one on him so he could learn English, much to the then Boy Wonder’s surprise, but also enjoyment. He didn’t know much about Tamaraneans, but, judging by YN’s appearance, it definitely had to be a planet full of attractive people. But, he only had his eyes on one at that moment.
Now, two years later, Y/N had become an integral member of the Young Justice team, his journey from alien refugee to valued ally a testament to his strength and resilience. Despite the initial language barrier and clear cultural differences that in the early stages separated him from his teammates, Y/N had quickly adapted to life on Earth, his determination to learn and grow matched only by his unwavering commitment to the team.
Y/N brought a unique blend of strengths and abilities to the Team, complementing and enhancing the skills of his fellow teammates in various ways. His Tamaranean heritage bestowed upon him powers and abilities that were on par, if not equal, with those of Superboy, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Like Superboy, Y/N possessed superhuman strength, allowing him to perform incredible feats of physical prowess and to go toe-to-toe with even the most powerful adversaries. His invulnerability made him virtually indestructible, able to withstand the most devastating attacks without so much as a scratch.
But what truly set Y/N apart was his extreme proficiency in hand-to-hand and weapon combat. Trained from a young age in the art of combat on his home planet of Tamaran, Y/N was a master of various fighting styles and techniques, able to hold his own against opponents of any size or skill level.
In addition to his formidable combat skills, Y/N possessed the ability to generate energy bolts and blasts from his hands and eyes, a power known as star bolts on Tamaran. These powerful energy blasts were capable of incapacitating even the most resilient foes, adding a deadly edge to Y/N's already impressive arsenal of abilities.
Together, Y/N's strength, combat prowess, and energy manipulation abilities made him a major asset to the Young Justice team, capable of turning the tide of battle in their favor with a single well-placed strike. Whether facing off against street-level criminals or cosmic threats, Y/N stood ready to defend his teammates and protect the innocent, his unwavering determination and indomitable spirit serving as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.
As the Team faced off against Vandal Savage and his henchmen in the abandoned warehouse, the air crackled with tension and anticipation. Nightwing and Aqualad led the charge, their years of experience and leadership guiding the team through the chaotic fray.
Superboy, Miss Martian, and Zatanna with a few of their other teammates had split off to retrieve the stolen weapon, leaving Nightwing, Artemis, Kid Flash, and Y/N to hold off Savage and his goons. The battle was fierce and relentless, with Savage's forces proving to be formidable adversaries.
As Nightwing faced off against Vandal Savage in the dimly lit warehouse, the villain was proving himself to be a most formidable foe. Savage's millennia of combat experience and immortality made him a threatening force, his strength and resilience far surpassing that of any ordinary adversary.
The two circled each other warily, each seeking to gain the upper hand in the deadly dance of combat. Nightwing moved with the grace and precision of a trained acrobat, his nimble movements a stark contrast to Savage's brute force and relentless determination.
With a calculated look, Savage launched himself at Nightwing, his fists crashing down with bone-crushing force. Nightwing barely managed to dodge the blow, rolling to the side and countering with a swift kick to Savage's midsection.
But, he shrugged off the attack as if it were nothing. With a savage grin, he came at Nightwing again delivering multiple strikes that drove the young hero further back towards the edge of defeat.
Even with his own experience and endurance in battle, Nightwing found himself struggling to keep up with the relentless assault. His movements grew sluggish and tired as his body began to succumb to the pain of the attacks, his mind racing as he searched for a way to turn the tide of battle in his favor.
As he staggered back from Vandal Savage's brutal onslaught, his muscles burning with exhaustion and his mind reeling from the relentless barrage of attacks, he knew that he was on the brink of defeat. With Savage bearing down on him, his fists raised for the final, devastating blow, Nightwing braced himself for the inevitable impact, steeling himself for the pain that was sure to follow.
But just as Savage's fist came crashing towards him, a streak of emerald energy shot through the air, intercepting the attack with pinpoint precision. Nightwing's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched Y/N swoop in, his Tamaranean abilities allowing him to move with speed and agility unmatched by any ordinary mortal.
With a powerful surge of energy, Y/N deflected Savage's blow, sending the immortal villain stumbling backward with a grunt of rage and frustration. Nightwing could hardly believe what he was seeing as Y/N stood before him, his expression determined and his eyes blazing with determination.
But the battle was far from over, and Savage wasted no time in launching another furious assault. As he lunged towards Y/N, his hands outstretched for the kill, Y/N met him head-on, his own strength and resilience proving to be more than a match for the immortal foe.
With a swift movement, Savage managed to grab Y/N mid-attack, his grip like iron as he sought to crush the life out of the young hero. As he tightened his grip around the Tamaranean’s midsection, he was despondent to see Y/N unfazed by his move, his expression calm and determined as he looked Savage straight in the eye.
"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look," Y/N declared, his words resonating with undeniable strength and conviction no matter how soft they were spoken.
As he spoke, a flicker of determination ignited in Y/N's eyes, the vibrant emerald glow intensifying until his eyes shone with a brilliant radiance. The Tamaranean brought his foot back before unleashing a devastating kick to Savage's chest, the force of the blow sending the mastermind staggering back. His expression contorted with pain and surprise despite his strength and healing as he struggled to maintain his footing against the onslaught.
As Savage stumbled backwards, Y/N seized the opportunity to press his advantage, launching a relentless barrage of attacks that left the immortal villain struggling to keep up. Meanwhile, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Zatanna had succeeded in securing and disabling the prototype weapon, turning the tide of battle in their favor.
As the battle raged on and the rest of the team rallied to their side, they watched in awe as the Tamaranean held his own against Savage and his goons, his strength and resilience shining through with every strike.
He was relentless, pressing his advantage with unwavering determination as he launched into a relentless barrage of attacks. Each strike fueled by an inner fire and a fierce determination to protect his teammates and emerge victorious against the forces of evil.
Also, no one was allowed to lay hands on his leader like that without repercussions. Vandal truly did not know who he was fucking with.
As Nightwing watched Y/N in the heat of battle, a wave of admiration washed over him, mingled with a sense of awe that bordered on reverence. His eyes traced the contours of his form, noting the fluid grace with which he moved and the unwavering determination etched upon his features.
In the flickering light of the warehouse, the Tamaranean seemed to glow with an inner fire, his emerald eyes ablaze with determination as he faced off against the immortal menace of Vandal Savage. Nightwing couldn't help but be captivated by the sight, drawn to the raw strength and resilience that seemed to emanate from Y/N's very being.
But it wasn't just his physical prowess that impressed Nightwing. It was the strength of his spirit, the unwavering resolve that burned brightly within him even in the face of overwhelming odds. There was something undeniably magnetic about Y/N, something that stirred a longing within Nightwing's heart that he couldn't quite put into words.
With a determined nod, he rose to his feet, his own resolve renewed as he prepared to join the fray once more.
Together, Nightwing and Y/N fought with a synchronicity that bordered on instinct, their movements fluid and coordinated as they launched a devastating assault on Savage and his forces. As they drove their adversaries back, the rest of the team rallied to their side, their collective strength and determination proving to be more than a match for the forces of evil.
As the battle raged on, Nightwing couldn't help but feel a stirring of something deeper than mere admiration. There was a connection between him and Y/N, a bond that transcended words and defied explanation. It was as if they were two halves of a whole, each complementing the other in ways that went beyond the battlefield.
In that moment, as they fought side by side against their foes, the acrobat couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to truly be with the Tamaranean, to share in the triumphs and trials of life as partners, as equals, as something more.
But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. There would be time to explore the depths of his feelings later. For now, he fought alongside Y/N with a renewed sense of purpose, his heart filled with admiration and longing for the alien hero who had captured his attention in more ways than one.
Y/N used his incredible strength and ability of flight to help launch Nightwing into the air, while Nightwing used his light and agile nature to deliver a series of lightning-fast blows against the villain. Together, they worked to bring the villain to his knees, their combined efforts finally proving to be too much for the immortal.
As Savage finally admitted defeat with a promise and retreated into the shadows, the Young Justice team stood victorious, proud and relieved smiles etched onto their faces from their hard-earned victory. They all surrounded their co-leader and teammate, making sure he was okay while praising Y/N for his prowess in his battle with Savage.
"Dude! That was like total badass moves out there!" Kid Flash exclaimed, his eyes wide with awe.
"Yeah, I know you've been on the team for a while now, but I haven't seen a more well-deserved ass whooping like that in a while," Artemis agreed, her lips curling into a smirk.
"It truly was a sight to behold. Well done, Y/N," Aqualad added, his voice tinged with pride.
"I'm so glad you're both safe," Miss Martian added, relief evident in her voice.
"Yeah, that was a close call," Superboy chimed in, his expression serious.
Nightwing couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiastic praise, his gaze drifting to Y/N. The Tamaranean smiled, his eyes sparkling with appreciation and gratitude at the praise.
"Thank you. Though, I think my friend here is deserving of just as much credit," he replied, gesturing to the former Boy Wonder.
"Oh, no, you definitely did most of the heavy lifting," Nightwing insisted, shaking his head. "If it weren't for you, I would've been a goner."
"I do not know about that. You were holding your own quite well before I arrived. But, we make a good team, do we not?" Y/N mused, his smile widening.
"Yeah, we do," Nightwing agreed, his cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment.
"And now we know, the next time we need to save our butts, just throw Nightwing into mortal danger and Y/N goes into god mode," Kid Flash teased, breaking the mood.
"Dude!" Nightwing hissed, punching his best friend on the arm.
"Yeah, payback, Robby-Poo," Kid Flash, still using his old nickname for his friend despite his name change.
"Well, we should probably head back to headquarters. We need to get this weapon back to the cave," Aqualad interjected, ever the voice of reason.
"Sounds good to me," Superboy agreed, already heading for the exit.
As the Team made their way out of the warehouse, a warm feeling settled over Nightwing's chest, his gaze lingering on the Tamaranean. There was no doubt in his mind that they would continue to make a great team, both on and off the battlefield.
"Hold on a sec, Y/N. We'll be right behind you, guys!" Nightwing called out to his teammates.
The rest of the team shared a knowing glance, a few snickers, and suggestive grins exchanged between them. But they didn't say anything, opting instead to give their friends some privacy.
Except KF who was giving the vigilante a thumbs-up and a wink.
Nightwing rolled his eyes and shook his head, but the blush didn't fade.
Once they were alone, Y/N turned his attention to the former Boy Wonder, his expression curious.
"Is everything okay, Dick? Are you still hurt?" He asked, voice lilting with curiosity.
The acrobat tried not to blush at Y/N's use of his name, the way it rolled off his tongue like liquid gold. Even though they were technically still in the field and should be addressing each other by their alias names, he didn't mind it. Not one bit.
"No, no, I'm fine. Really. Just wanted to say thank you," Nightwing assured, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"For what? Defeating Vandal Savage?" Y/N questioned, confusion written across his features.
"Well, yeah, that, too. But, I meant, thank you for saving me," Nightwing explained, his tone growing soft.
"Oh," Heat growing under the Tamaranean's golden cheeks.
"I'm not gonna lie, I was worried for a second. But, then you came swooping in and turned the tables. I knew I was safe," the acrobat confessed, his gaze locking with the Tamaranean's.
"You are most welcome. It was an honor to fight alongside you. I would not have let any harm come to you, Dick," Y/N replied, his expression earnest, though he wanted to say more.
Ever since he came to Earth, he'd grown into the Earthling culture, which meant he was a lot less direct with his feelings, which proved to be much more frustrating than he thought. Especially when it came to expressing the lingering feelings he had for his leader.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks," the acrobat said, offering a small smile.
"Of course," the Tamaranean responded, returning the gesture.
"We should probably get going. The others are waiting for us," Nightwing pointed out, though he didn't want the moment to end.
"Yes, they are," Y/N agreed, a hint of reluctance in his voice.
"Maybe after we're finished filing our reports and debriefing, we can hang out? Catch up on things, or whatever," the acrobat suggested, his heart racing in his chest.
"I would like that," the Tamaranean replied, his cheeks flushing pink.
"Cool," Nightwing nodded, trying his best not to grin like an idiot.
"Yes. Cool, indeed," Y/N echoed, his eyes sparkling with gleefulness.
"You two coming or what? Let's go," Kid Flash yelled from the warehouse entrance.
"Yeah, yeah, we're coming!" Nightwing called back, rolling his eyes.
With a final shared smile, the two heroes made their way toward their teammates, the promise of a new beginning and a blossoming relationship hanging in the air.
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☀️ | Dick Grayson/Nightwing | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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pallastrology · 11 months
intercepted signs
aries-libra: there is an imbalance between feeling like yourself and feeling loved. you may have felt your opinions weren't taken seriously or weren't heard, leaving you self-conscious and highly sensitive to the opinions of other people. you may now feel you have to fight to be heard or struggle to trust your own opinion of people or situations. your childhood home may have been very strict and even militant, with hard punishments for mistakes or wrongdoing. nowadays, you are probably quite hard on yourself, or conversely, may struggle with discipline and find it very hard to stay on top of your tasks. you may have grown up around authoritarian types, or angry people, leaving you with inadequate emotion regulation skills now. you may find it hard to control your anger, or may swing in the opposite direction and be a people pleaser, struggling to assert yourself. you might feel empty at times and feel you have to hide parts of yourself to be accepted or loved. some people with this interception find it very hard to stay single, with their loved ones being their anchor and feeling empty and disjointed when not in a close relationship or not with loved ones. being alone can be very frightening with an aries-libra interception, but with patience and kindness, it won't be like this forever.
taurus-scorpio: the imbalance here is between control and chaos. you may have grown up in a difficult financial situation, or in an insecure home. conversely, you may have grown up financially very comfortable, but with caregivers that just didn't have much time or energy to spend on family, whether that was due to work or pleasure. as an adult, one of two things may happen when it comes to money, food and other resources; you may find it very hard to spend, especially on yourself, and live a very 'simple' life with few possessions and an emotional need to save or hoard money or essentials; or you may find it hard to save, spending your money indiscriminately and perhaps overindulging on things that make you feel comfortable. of course, there's nothing wrong with spending money on yourself, but it's important to think on your goals and more basic needs first. when it comes to relationships, a taurus-scorpio interception tends to indicate that love wasn't given freely in childhood. you may have felt you had to earn it, or that you weren't deserving somehow. nowadays, you may subconsciously 'buy' love, or even overcontrol your own resources and struggle to share, both emotionally and materially. finding a comfortable middle is the key here.
gemini-sagittarius: there is an imbalance between curiosity and wisdom. you may have grown up an intelligent but disorganised child, with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. bursting at the seams with energy and ideas, you might have felt a bit of an outsider growing up, like you didn't connect very well with your peers. you caregivers might have struggled to keep you stimulated and so boredom and escapism might be big themes in your internal experience. something else that could have happened, was the stifling of your curiosity. a lot of things can cause this, but it often relates back to bullying or harsh criticism in childhood making you feel 'stupid'. as an adult, this tends to make you highly self-critical, shutting down your ideas before they can really take shape. some people with this placement are afraid of academia and feel they 'can't' learn or study, while some use their academic pursuits to fill an emotional void. ultimately, this placement can cause delays in finding meaning and figuring out your path in life, but it doesn't erase it. it takes conscious effort to allow yourself to be curious, and let yourself explore the many options that life brings.
cancer-capricorn: there is an imbalance between comfort and stability. often, this placement denotes an unstable childhood; whether that is because of financial issues, a lot of house moves or travel in childhood, or issues relating to your parents, home just may not have felt all that safe. you may have felt the need to retreat inside yourself a lot, creating vivid imaginary worlds and dreaming these hard years by. you made it to the other side, but now what? the instability of childhood isn't something that's easily shaken off. it lingers, and often in one of two ways; you seemingly thrive in chaos and confusion, feeling dangerously bored when things get too 'normal'; or you desperately crave softness and sweetness, seeking comfort above all else. really, both of these options are comfort-seeking, though it's not always obvious. some will become very rigid and defensive in adulthood, focused on protecting themselves physically and emotionally. you grow up to be a sensitive soul kept behind bulletproof glass, which, while safe, is really no way to live. you are safe now, you can keep yourself safe, and you can do that while also letting yourself be a little bit vulnerable and letting love in.
leo-aquarius: the imbalance here is between the inner child and the empowered adult. if you have this placement, you may have grown up feeling disconnected from your peers. loneliness might have been something you faced a lot, and that could have led to your younger self feeling they needed to perform; to earn love. we all seek attention and affection, it's a very natural thing, but when you aren't given it freely, you learn that you only get it if you do something special, or even, be someone special. as an adult, you may try very hard to stand out, not seeing your authentic self as interesting or special enough for others to love. learning to find self-validation and not need to chase the conditional love of others is a real skill that takes time and work to master, but it's well worth the effort. you are bright, but work best when the work means something. you can't just clock in, clock out; and here lies the key. you are inherently special, as we all are, but more than that, you find your place in the world, your people, your passion, through meaningful, special work. you can achieve great things for yourself and your community when you find it.
virgo-pisces: there is an imbalance between pragmatism and pessimism. with this placement, you weren't taught discipline properly. that could either mean that you were raised to an unreasonably high standard, with militant and perfectionistic caregivers, or your home was chaotic and confusing, with no real structure or predictability. neither of these houses are healthy ones to grow up in, bringing us to the present day. you may find it very difficult to manage your life now, feeling at the mercy of the external world and easily becoming burned out and despondent. addiction can be an issue here too, as a means to escape the overwhelm of daily life. the key really does lie in mastering the basics, which can feel unfair at times, as you should have been taught these skills much earlier and not have to teach yourself now. it's helpful to remember here that what happened wasn't your fault, but what happens now is your responsibility. prone to anxiety and overwhelm, the world can be a very depressing place, but you can find balance between desperate escapism and cold, hard reality all the time.
libra-aries: here, the imbalance is between conflict and authenticity. growing up, there was an emphasis on things looking perfect, despite how they really felt underneath. you might have grown up with fundamentally good, but somewhat distant parents, and they may have been people pleasers themselves, spreading themselves too thin to really be present in your life. alternatively, you may have grown up in a codependent house, witnessing unhealthy relationships and what could be seen as a lack of will to improve things. as a result, you might feel you raised yourself, and are now a fiercely independent person. relationships can feel like a power struggle to you, more so than a close connection, and you can subconsciously 'fight' your partners for dominance. you don't like to submit or feel dependent, and so relationships can be very difficult for you. you may even feel you're better off alone, and they just aren't worth the hassle. while nobody needs to be in a relationship, being able to connect with people when you want to is an important skill; humans aren't built to survive alone, after all, and so reframing love as a positive, rather than a negative, can be a very helpful thing.
scorpio-taurus: there is an imbalance between power and connection. your childhood home may have held secrets, and trust was in short supply. you may have found your experience of childhood to be chaotic and even frightening. you were probably a sensitive child, and whether sceptic or superstitious, you might have had experiences you just can't explain away growing up. now, you are likely quite spiritual in your own way, and this brings a sense of meaning to your life. you may be quite concerned with making your space, appearance and professional life comfortable and steady, which, though an admirable goal, can become all-consuming if you aren't able to confront what drives it. the need for material security can sometimes be underpinned by a lack of emotional security within, which an out-of-control childhood could absolutely induce. reaching out to your shadow or inner child can help immensely to bring you fully into the present and help balance your need for safety.
sagittarius-gemini: here, the imbalance is between exploration and containment. traditionally, this placement would indicate moving around a lot as a child or having quite an unorthodox upbringing. whatever the case, you probably grew up with some very intelligent, though perhaps eccentric or ego-driven caregivers, who praised your uniqueness and interest in the world. whether it is through bullying, unkind words from family, or cruel feedback from teachers, you may have grown to feel you couldn't really think for yourself; that you were unintelligent or incapable of reaching your goals. education may have been a difficult experience, leaving you with a lot of internal conflict or confusion. now, you flounder a bit, unsure of where you're going and why. you can easily become close-minded and gossipy, as your active mind needs constant stimulation but academic pursuits can be daunting. finding some of your childhood curiosity, and nurturing that spark, can really help you to figure out what's going on for you and what is meaningful to you. you need to explore without just wandering, and wander without getting lost.
capricorn-cancer: there is an imbalance between expertise and cultivation. growing up, you may have been described as an 'old soul'. as a kid, this can feel like something to be proud of, but in reality, it tends to mean you've had to grow up too quickly. you might have been a carer, or had to fill the role of 'man of the house', whatever your gender... ultimately, you didn't get to be a kid the way that we all should in childhood, and so you might have struggled to fit in with your peers. as an adult, you are seen as mature, sensible and a go-getter, but underneath, you may struggle to care for yourself properly. you might have a really hard time with accepting and feeling your emotions, with anxiety around losing control or being seen as weak or childish. there's nothing childish about feeling, it's part of the human condition and caring is what makes us strong. you are a kind, compassionate person but may find you treat yourself very harshly, with high standards and strict punishments. finding some balance and learning to nurture yourself the way you do the rest of your life is what will really help you in the long run.
aquarius-leo: the imbalance here is between doing good and being good. growing up, you may have felt 'other' somehow; maybe you were an eccentric child, or grew up with an unconventional lifestyle, or had issues that got in the way of school and friendships. either way, you never quite found your people in childhood, and were left feeling somewhat anxious and unsure of how to act around your peers. like capricorn, you may have been seen as an 'old soul', but not quite in the same way; with aquarius intercepted, you perhaps weren't able to really express your uniqueness, and had to perform and fit in. as an adult, you may spend a lot of time worrying about where you belong, and who you belong with. your style, taste and friendship groups may change frequently, and you might not really know who you are outside of these things. some internal work can be helpful here, to get to know yourself, who and what you align with, what your morals and values are. forget other people for a moment and live for yourself; you'll find your people along the way.
pisces-virgo: here, the imbalance is between illusion and overwhelm. your childhood home was most likely chaotic and confusing; there may have been addiction issues, illness in the family, role reversals or frequent house moves. you had to become adaptable, and you did. but a deep sense of sadness and worry might have followed you through childhood, leaving you feeling easily overwhelmed and almost numb sometimes. as an adult, you may cling to routines, health and wellness as a way to feel okay, and this can be a great comfort, of course. but when life gets stressful, you may find you don't have many coping skills and are deeply affected by anxiety, sleep and health issues. the beauty and calm of wellness trends are very soothing, to be sure, but they are mostly skin deep. taking some time to pull back the curtain and look inwards is where you will find real healing. you have a quick mind and a big heart, and have the ability to see where the wounds lie and how best to mend them, it just takes a lot of bravery to face it head-on.
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theemporium · 7 months
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[2.6k] it's hard to remember you are good enough when everyone and everything in the world seems hellbent on convincing you otherwise. or, at least, the voice in your head is.
tw: description of panic attacks and symptoms
Luke Hughes thought he was ready for this.
He had spent the better part of his life preparing for this moment, letting it lead up to this moment. From the day he was born, it was like a prophecy that he would inevitably fulfil, just like his brothers. From the moment he put on those skates and took his first step onto the ice, it was like planets aligned and stars shone down on him and the universe decided that Luke Hughes would make it to the NHL. 
It was everything he wanted in life, it was everything he trained for in his life. 
And he watched his older brothers do the same. 
He had spent his childhood listening to his parents tell him all about the bigger leagues. He trained and trained and pushed his way through the junior leagues. He went as far as doing his stint in college hockey, in following Quinn’s footsteps in hopes of being just like him. 
He watched Quinn be drafted. He watched Jack be drafted. He watched his own name be called out. 
He even got a fucking taste of it all in the playoffs, that small insight into what would be the rest of his life before he officially started his rookie year. It was overwhelming but it was everything he ever wanted. He had trained for this. He was prepared for this. He was made for the NHL. 
He thought he was ready for this but he really fucking wasn’t. 
The bitter sting of a loss was a familiar but unwelcome feeling, one that washed over him and suffocated him as he stood on the ice. He liked to torture himself a little, to tilt his head back and look at the losing score on the big screens whilst the echoes of the fans around them hit his ears. He liked to make himself feel the sting so he wouldn’t forget it, so it would push him to do harder, to play better.
But these days, it seemed like nothing was enough. 
It was humiliating, some of the games they were losing. No one on the team was going to outrightly say it, but Luke could see it on their faces. He could see it in the way Nico’s face shut down like he didn’t want them to see their captain down. He could see it in the way Jack gripped his stick a little tighter, like he was reissting the urge to hit it against something to vent his frustrations out. He could see it in the way Jesper’s shoulders sagged as he skated towards the tunnel, or the way Daws kept his head down so nobody would see the look on his face. 
He saw it on all of their faces, and some horrible, bitter voice in the back of his head told him it was all of his fault. 
Logically, Luke knew that was impossible. Hockey was a team sport and one bad player didn’t make the whole team bad. But it didn’t help him from feeling like he was dragging them down, stopping them from being the same team that made it to round two of the playoffs last year. 
Luke couldn’t help but feel that maybe he wasn’t made for the big leagues, that he didn’t belong. 
That he didn’t deserve his spot.
His body felt heavy as he followed the team and skated towards the tunnel. Every move felt slow, lethargic, weighted. Everything felt like it was too much, and yet his mind never stopped moving. 
It was like watching a tragic movie on loop in his head. 
Each fumbled pass replayed in his mind. Each missed shot. Each stumble on the ice. Each bad call. Each intercepted passes. All of it. The shitty plays and shittier calls. Not even from the game they just played, but the string of losses they had been pushing through. They all played in his head over and over again until that voice was screaming at him. 
It was his fault they were losing. 
It was his fault they weren’t scoring the points they were capable of. 
It was his fault he wasn’t good enough. 
It was his fault because they thought he would be as good as Quinn and Jack, and he fucking wasn’t. 
It was all his fault.
It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It was all his—
And the voice just didn’t stop. 
It didn’t stop screaming at him as he stepped off the ice, his body wanting nothing more than to stop fighting gravity and just give in. It didn’t stop screaming as he joined the line towards the locker room, every other sound muffled to him. It didn’t stop as he shuffled towards his stall, collapsing onto the bench like his body couldn’t handle his weight anywhere. 
It just didn’t fucking stop. 
His brain was so loud and noisy and deafening, he couldn’t focus on anything else. He couldn’t focus on whatever post-game speech Nico was inevitably giving the boys. He couldn’t focus on  whichever players got pulled for media. He couldn’t focus on the way everyone was meticulously packing up their equipment, discussing what their plans were for the night since they didn’t have practice until the afternoon tomorrow. 
He couldn’t focus on anything but that screaming voice. 
And truthfully, Luke didn’t know how long had passed since the horn blared at the end of the game. He didn’t know when everyone else started leaving the locker room. He didn’t know when his hands started shaking and his vision started to well up with tears. He didn’t know when it became so fucking hard to breathe.
The voice was muffled and he should have tilted his head back, he should have looked up to see who was calling out to him. But his head felt heavy and his blurry vision was making it seem like he had more fingers than he should and it was just all too fucking much.
“Hey, Luke. Buddy? You good?” 
And then there was another voice. 
They both sounded concerned. They sounded close. They sounded like they cared. 
But Luke couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t lift his head and see looks on their faces because he know, without a fucking doubt, who those two voices were. He knew it was Nico and Jack. He knew it was his captain and his brother. And in complete honesty, they were the last people Luke wanted to see. 
He didn’t want to see the look of pity on Nico’s face. He didn’t want to see his captain look at him like he was some wounded animal that probably wouldn’t make it. He didn’t want to see that disappointment like he expected more from a Hughes brother, like he expected more from Luke. He didn’t want to see Nico stare at him like he was a freak for being upset when it was his fault they lost the game.
He didn’t want to look at Jack. He didn’t want to see the mix of emotions on his face. It had always been a dream of theirs—all three of them—that they would play in the NHL together, and it fucking happened for them. He didn’t want to see the regret on his brother’s face. He didn’t want to see the disappointment in what he’s turned Jack’s team into. He didn’t want to see the anger on his brother’s face that he had fucked up their chances of playoffs again. He couldn’t fucking handle seeing his brother look at him with distaste, for not being good enough. 
Nico and Jack were the last fucking people Luke wanted seeing him like this. 
He didn’t want his captain or any of his teammates right now. He didn’t want Jack or Quinn or either of his parents. 
He didn’t want anyone. 
His chest felt tight, his body felt cold, his hands wouldn’t stop fucking shaking and the gear felt like it was weighing him down even more to the point he swore he could have melted into the ground. He didn’t fucking want them around him, he didn’t want them to see him like this. He just wanted—
This voice was softer and quieter. It was like a hum, familiar and warm and—
Fuck, it was just what he fucking wanted, needed.
His movements felt slow and shaky but he managed to lift his head, his bottom lip wobbling like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to scream or cry. But somewhere in the well of tears, in the blur of colours and blobs, he saw you.
“Baby,” you whispered, soft and heartbroken and he honestly thought that was worse than any pity or anger he could have received. He didn’t like seeing you sad, and he hated it even more when he was the reason behind it.
But when he opened his mouth, no words came out. Just a garbled noise, a choked out sound that had his lungs heaving for the air they so desperately needed. 
“Hey, shhhh,” you murmured, and suddenly your hands were on his face. He could feel you wipe away the tears streaming down his face, soft brushes of your thumb against the irritated skin of his cheeks. He could feel you shift closer until you were kneeling between his legs, until you were as close as you could be whilst still keeping your eyes on his face. “Just breathe.”
Luke shook his head, something like frustration bubbling inside him. 
“Yes, you can. I know you can,” you continued, your voice firm but reassuring. One of your hands dropped from his face and he almost cried a little harder, cried for you to keep touching him. But then he felt your fingers wrap around his wrist, felt you guide one of his shaking hands until it rested on the centre of your chest. “Just copy me, okay?” 
Luke blinked at you.
“Just gotta copy what I do, baby,” you told him, giving his wrist a soft squeeze like you were telling him you knew he could do it. “Just breathe with me. Deep breaths. We will go slow, okay? Just follow what I do.” 
So, he did. 
He wasn’t sure how long had passed. He wasn’t sure where everyone else was. He didn’t know if the team had already left, if Jack had already left. He didn’t know if there were any fans left in the building or if the rest of the team had started making their way home too. 
He didn’t know anything except you. 
It took a while to ease the band around his chest enough to let air into his lungs. His breaths were shaky and shallow, his body still felt buzzed and on alert like it was preparing him to run at any given moment. But with each passing breath, each little exercise, his heart slowed down from his thundering pace and his blood wasn’t roaring in his ears anymore. 
And somewhere along the line, the rest of his tears were blinked away until he could finally see you again.
“There’s my pretty boy,” you murmured with a soft smile on your lips, one hand remaining on his cheek whilst the other was pressed over his on your chest. “You’re doing so well, baby, just like that. Keep breathing.”
And Luke continued to breathe, continued to copy the way your chest moved with each breath until his brain started to remember he could do this himself. And it was only then he spoke. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out, his voice a little rough and croaky like he hadn’t spoken for years. Like his throat wasn’t used to it. “I am so sorry—”
But before the hyperventilating could take over his body again, you were squeezing his hand to catch his attention. “Hey, no,” you frowned at him, an emotion he couldn’t quite read passing over your face. “Don’t do that. Don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong, Luke.” 
“But I—” He let out a shaky breath, feeling a ball form in the back of his throat like it was stopping the words he wanted to say. “The game—”
“Was unfortunate,” you finished for him. “But it happens, Luke. And it wasn’t your fault.” 
He shook his head like he disagreed. 
“Luke,” you started.
But the boy looked away. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t see the expression on your face when he pointed it out. He knew you had probably seen it all online anyways, he knew you knew what they said about him. But he didn’t want to see the moment it clicked for you.
He didn’t want to see the moment you realise he wasn’t good enough, for the league or for you.
“Luke,” you said in a firmer voice, a little more serious and it finally scared him into lifting his head again. “None of this is your fault. Hockey is a team sport. You win as a team and you lose as a team. This isn’t on you—”
Luke let out a choked noise. “People say—”
“People will say a lot of things but that doesn’t mean it’s true,” you said to him, the hand on his cheek becoming a comfort he leaned into. “Luke, baby, it’s your rookie year. You are going to make rookie mistakes. It happens to everyone. It happened to Jack.” 
“I know.” He could feel his throat closing up. “It’s just…maybe it was a mistake—”
You frowned. “What was?”
“This,” Luke said as he gestured to the locker room around him. “Me. Hockey. I don’t know.”
Your frown deepened. “Luke—”
“Maybe I just wasn’t cut out for the big leagues like Jack and Quinn were,” he continued as he swallowed harshly, the truth raw and bitter and suffocating. 
“Luke,” you said once again and this time both of your hands were cupping his cheeks. “Don’t start bullshitting me now.”
His eyes widened a little. “Baby—”
“No, Luke, listen to me,” you said, squishing his cheeks a little to emphasise your point. Your stare was strong but full of sincerity, and it made his chest tight for a different reason. “You aren’t here because of Jack and Quinn. You are here because you are good enough. Because they saw your skills. Because they think you are skilled enough to be a fourth overall draft pick. Are you hearing yourself right now? You are made for this. And yeah, a couple of losses are gonna knock anybody’s confidence. But you are at the start of your career, Luke. You have so much ahead of you.” 
He blinked away the tears that were starting to form again.
“You are more than these last few games, Luke. And you are more than enough to be in the NHL.” Your voice was softer, quieter too. “You are going to get past this rough patch. And I’m going to be by your side and so is the whole team. This isn’t the end of the world, this is just the start.” 
“I love you,” he blurted out because he didn’t know what else to say. His body was still shaking with the after effects of his panic attack and his body still felt heavy, but it was hard to focus on the bitter voice in the back of his head when he was so full of love and admiration for you. “Like, so much.” 
You smiled at him and he could have sworn his heart fluttered.
“I love you too,” you told him, leaning forward to press a sweet but chaste kiss to his lips. “Now, c’mon, let’s get you changed and then we can head back home. I told Jack to order us burrito wraps.”
He swallowed back the urge to say ‘I love you’ again. 
“You’re amazing, Luke Hughes, and I’ll be damned if you ever forget it.”
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meraki-sunset · 10 months
i have a question about hiveswap as im just getting into it, considering that the events of hiveswap and hauntswitch both take place in the late 1900s, whats the point exactly?
we already know whats going to happen and that all of the characters are doomed fail on their goals and then die no matter the outcome. the caste system is never abolished, HIC stays in power, both earth and Alterna get destroyed, and doc scratch continues his plan without a hitch
none of it seems to really matter or serve any purpose other than worldbuilding for 2 already doomed worlds (3 if you count the cherub portal implying a lost society of cherubs)
Well, it is. It is worldbuilding, that’s what precuels are. They add extra context to events you already know will happen, they add to how they happened, how we got there. That doesn’t make them pointless.
It may seem irrelevant at first glance, but Hiveswap actually has a very important role.
It sets the stage for the arrival of the players on both Alternia and Earth-A
The events of Hiveswap are happening with an equivalent distance in years between both Alternia and earth
Which means the Beta children are about to arrive in their meteors (1995 - 1996) a little after the time when Joey and Jude are having this adventure (1994), which means the Alpha trolls will get to Alternia soon too.
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Both timelines are mirrored in time, they both have the same exact amount of time before the end.
We know the Beta kids hadn’t arrived yet to earth during Hiveswap because it’s 1994, and that the Alpha trolls hadn’t arrived either because Trizza is the heiress, and there can only be one at a time, so Feferi isn't there yet.
This series of events are necessary for Doc scratch’s plan, otherwise he wouldn’t have intervened, giving Xefros a surveillance free communication channel, so Joey and him aren’t detected by the authorities.
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He needs them under the radar so they can (while trying to send Joey back home) connect people with each other, cause necessary problems, kick start important events.
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All which will set the stage for the 12 troll player’s arrival.
What do I think it’s the most important event Doc Scratch needs Joey and Xefros to make happen?
Trizza has to die. There can only be one heiress at a time, and if Feferi is about to arrive, then Trizza has to go.
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The events of Hiveswap/HauntSwitch will cause the death of the heiress, either fighting against the Condesce, at the hands of the revolted trolls Joey and Xefros will influence, crushed to death by Feferi’s own meteor, who knows. But if this is the "equivalent to 1994 on Alternia" and all that is happening it’s really happening as a mirrored version of Earth’s timeline, then the 12 trolls should be to arriving at different dates during the following year. Which means she doesn’t have much time left, as we know Feferi was the only heiress on Alternia during Homestuck. And we’re 13 years away from the end of the world. It needs to happen now.
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It's the same tactic Doc used with Rose, Vriska and Terezi
The only reason he ever “helps” anybody it's because he needs them to make things happen.
He needs Joey and Xefros alive, he needs the rebellion to go through (even if it fails, it'll fail in a way that it's usefull for him), he needs Trizza gone so Feferi can come to Alternia and so the final stage of this plan of millions of years connecting dots and manipulating people to create a hostile planet for the new players to grow stronger that their predecessors, can begin. The rise of the new players.
I personaly think Tyzias might be the one to intercept Karkat or at least be involved in it.
It could be her, Joey or maybe someone else, but whoever intercepts him will have to know about the signless and according to Tyzias’s password (69) she already knows about him and she knows his symbol, and seems to be a follower in the down low. Tyzias also must knows how the singless promised that there would be another troll like him, and according to Doc scratch's explanation:
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The followers of the summoner decreased enormously, but the Doc said himself that there were still some of them hidden and I think he was talking about Tyzias and her alies.
Sometimes we forget that there was intervention from the suferer's followers to ensure Karkat's survival
That’s why he has the sufferer’s symbol, someone who knew it gave it to him. And we know Tyzias knows.
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The ectobiologist and team leader also seems to always be the last one to turn 13, (as well as the last to wake up as their dream self) so Karkat should be the last one to arrive, ending that chain of events.
Of course this all means that, by the time the end of the world happens, and asuming they’re all still alive, all Hiveswap trolls would be adults carrying duties off planet and would die the day of the apocalypse during the Vast Glub along with all troll Civilization.
The same would happen to Joey and Jude, assuming Joey is successful and returns to Earth. They would die on the 13th of April 2009 with the rest of humanity, not knowing they had a part in it or that their lost brother was the detonator of the end of the world.
It’s tragic in the end, but it’s necessary. Someone has to play that role.
They are the stagehands who prepared the stage for the first act of the play they were never meant to see.
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And who knows, it may not be the end of them, maybe we’re too quick to assume they didn’t get saved somehow. By some random paradoxical event or deus ex machine that teleported them away from danger. We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out.
It's been a while since i wrote an analysis, i really missed that ^u^
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limitofx · 1 year
honestly one of the funniest parts of AC6 is the intercept the redguns mission, where whenever the enemies try to shittalk you, michigan interrupts and reminds them of all the impressive shit you've done so far and that they have no chance of stopping you until he gets there
constant attempts at posturing interrupted by one of the five guys on the planet who recognizes how dangerous 621 is
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sanguineterrain · 11 months
the teeth you know | dick grayson
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Summary: The war between the humans and the vampires has lasted for a year now. When you fled Gotham, you thought that would be the last time you'd see the Vampire King and the love of your life, Dick Grayson. You were wrong.
Pairing: vampire king!Dick Grayson x fem!reader. based on the dc vs vampires comics
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings/tags: smut!!! 18+ only. oral fem receiving, manipulation, romantic dick, me retconning whatever smarmy little bastard they wrote in dc vs vampires bc that is NOT my dick. dick is literally so gone for you, vampire king or not. themes of death, war, vampires killing humans. if i missed any warnings lmk!
happy almost halloween! follow your dreams and fuck that superhero turned vampire. it'll definitely fix them this time.
the divider
If you like this fic and want to see more, please let me know through reblogs ♡
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Tonight, you dream. 
You don't usually have good dreams. Not since this whole war began. Your dreams are filled with red. Always red, always terrifying. 
Except when he's in them.
The first few times it happened, you yelled at him for intruding on your subconscious. For warping your emotions and making you miss him. He'd laughed at that. 
You should look at yourself a little harder before blaming me. I just appear. You do all the dirty work of missing me, my love.
You're in Gotham in tonight's dream. The old Gotham, of course. Before any bastard undead creatures could suck the life out of your city. Before Dick Grayson haunted your dreams. 
You're on a rooftop ledge, legs dangling. You stare at the harbor. The city's wet from the rain and alive. So alive. You start to cry. 
"Oh, honey," he says, and you cry harder because he sounds exactly like the Dick you knew. 
He keeps his distance, sitting a few feet away. You refuse to look at him, because this is exactly how he gets you to miss him. Dick makes a soft noise when you scrub at your face.
"Have you been eating enough?" he asks, and he almost sounds tender. But you know better. "I'll track down a produce shipment, tell my men to intercept the boat for you."
"Fuck you," you say. "I don't take food out of people's mouths."
Dick edges closer. He feels big in your dreams, looming over you. 
"You wouldn't take food out of anyone's mouth. There's no longer a faction on the planet that requires all that food." 
Because the vampires have all but wiped humans out. You snarl. 
"Why can't you leave me alone?" you snap. "I know you're cruel, but the least you could do is let me dream in peace."
"Have I been cruel to you? I don't mean to be, sweetheart. I visit to check on you."
"Bullshit, Dick." Saying his name makes you shake. "You visit to manipulate me. I'm not going to give up my location, I'm not going to turn against my team, and I'm definitely never going to be your queen."
Dick is next to you on the roof ledge, now. He leans in and you stiffen at his eyes. You still aren't used to the absence of blue.
"Of course not. I wouldn't make you do anything you don't want to," he says, hand slipping across your jaw. You immediately slap him away. He makes a displeased sound. 
"Why don't you find someone else to manipulate? I'm sure you've got countless minions who'd leap at the chance to be with you for eternity." 
"I don't want anyone else," he murmurs. "I've thought of nothing but you since we parted. I wish you hadn't run, my love. Things would be better if we were together, you’d see.”
"Hah. You used to be so much better at compartmentalizing, Grayson. Guess vampires aren't so good at controlling their own desires."
He laughs, tosses his head back. His fangs glint. Dick's smile is deceiving; underneath the charm, there's unimaginable power. Vampirism has treated him well: he's always filled out, lean with muscle, carrying an easy strength everywhere he goes. 
You, on the other hand, suffer from poor nutrition. You didn't sleep well before this mess; now, it's nearly impossible. 
(Except when Dick visits, you feel rested the next morning. You'd never admit such a thing to anybody, but it's the truth.) 
"Oh, sweetheart, but why would I bother controlling my desires now? There's no one stopping me from having what I want."
You stew in silence, turning away from him. Dick sighs. 
"What do you want, hm? Tell me. I'll give you anything." 
"I want you to free every human you're holding captive," you say. "And I want you and your people to stop this war."
"Such a golden heart," Dick says. "That's what I love about you. Always so good."
"You used to be good too," you shoot back bitterly. 
"No, I used to be obedient. There's a difference. I used to be Bruce's little, golden cow."
“He treated you well.”
“When I fell in line,” he says.
You fall quiet again. Dick scoots closer. You scoot away. 
"You know I've already let a few of the humans go. For you, honey. As a sign of goodwill. I'm not totally heartless, you know."
You roll your eyes. 
"Right. Well, us cattle don't find it merciful when we're sent out on our own to die, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't thank Your Highness on my knees."
"You are not cattle," Dick says fiercely. "Don't talk about yourself that way."
"My life is no less human and no more important than theirs," you say, temper flaring. "So, yes, I am."
You fall off the roof before he can say any more. Your stomach swoops similarly to how it would if you were awake. But then the stars bleed into the skyline, and there's a flash of golden light. 
And now you're in a bedroom. It's not one you recognize, richly decorated with golden accents and silk sheets and curtains. You'd almost mistake it for a room at Wayne Manor. 
"Now this is much better, don't you think? You're wearing my favorite color."
You look down and see that your pajamas have been swapped for a long, blood red, chiffon nightgown. It hugs every curve and dip of your body, the sleeves and collar trimmed in soft fur. The neckline is somewhat modest, but the fabric is totally see-through past your thighs. 
It's something a queen would wear. 
"Beautiful," Dick murmurs, voice rough. "Fuck, honey. This is the sort of thing you should wear all the time."
"Change me back," you demand. "I am not a doll for you to dress up, Dick."
"No, of course you're not. This is just a taste of how you'd live if you were with me, my love."
"I will never live with you. I'd rather die."
Dick hums, then draws closer. You back up until your legs hit the edge of the bed. He prowls further, eyes sharp like he's hunting prey. Your pulse quickens and you have to remind yourself that this is just a dream. 
"What happened to us?" he asks softly. "I know that, at one point, you loved me."
"Yeah, that was before you turned into a monster. I loved a man." 
"I'm no more monster than any of the men you've known," Dick says. 
You scoff. "God, where'd you get that one? Jason?"
Dick smiles, and it almost looks human. "No, that was a Grayson original. And it's true. Man has never been good. You don't like me because now I drink a little blood?"
"I don't like you because you used to be good, and now you're not."
He hums. "I'm not all bad, my love. I can be subdued, tamed. You want me to be tame? I can be good for you. I can give you anything your heart desires. Our wants are the same.”
Dick eases you backwards onto the bed. You shouldn’t let him. Shouldn’t like the cold press of undead flesh against your heat. Shouldn’t like how he holds you, how convincing he sounds. You know your wants aren’t the same, that Dick is playing you, and you’re being easy.
But… but it's not like you'll ever see him for real again. No one will know. 
And God, it's been so long since anyone touched you. You pined for this, what seems like forever ago. Dick Grayson wanting you had felt impossible, until it wasn't… but by then, he'd become the very thing you'd sworn to hate. 
"This–” You swallow. “This isn’t right.” 
But your legs part for him to kneel between. 
"Tell me to stop and I will. I serve you first."
Dick hovers over you, hands planted on either side of your head. You're getting wet. You ache in more ways than one. 
"This is cruel," you whine.
"I don’t mean to be cruel,” he says gently. “Do you want me to stop, my love? My beautiful queen, who hasn’t been touched in so long. You’ve needed me, haven’t you?”
“Not–not your queen,” you say, panting, but you let him in, let him settle above you. 
“If you say so, my love," he says, nuzzling your neck. You tense even though he can't actually bite you. 
His fingers thread with yours. The position is unbearably intimate. You’d forgotten how romantic Dick was. How loving. Briefly, you wonder if he kept that through the shift.
It’s impossible, you insist as he kisses your jaw.
"You're a dream in red," he purrs. "I might prefer it to you in blue, but it's a close call."
"Your ego is ridiculous," you say, and Dick unlinks one hand to pet the apex of your thighs with two fingers. You're still clothed, and you're still dreaming, but the heat and pressure and slick feel so real. 
"The sounds you're making certainly don’t keep my ego in check," Dick says with a proud grin, fangs on display. 
Then he rips your underwear off, ducks between your legs, and licks you until you cry. 
You arch off the bed, and even in the dream, his strength is easy, one hand keeping you pressed to the bed. Dick pushes one of your legs up to get a deeper angle, moaning into your cunt. Your leg goes up easily even though in real life, it would pinch. You’re not as flexible as he is.
"Dickie," you cry, tears slipping down your cheeks because it's so good, it feels real, you wish this was real, wish you had him back. 
He nips your thighs, groans into your sex. Dick ruts the mattress, the first loss of control he's shown. It makes you wetter, knowing that he's so gone for you. It's sick to like such a thing, but you never stopped loving him, not really. You can't seem to reckon the man from the monster. 
You come hard on his tongue, and he keeps licking until you push him away. 
"You haven't been touched in ages, I bet," he says, lips shiny with your arousal. His eyes are a brighter red. His chest heaves. He looks hungrier than before he started.
"Been a bit busy,” you say when your brain comes back online. “End of humanity and all that."
His eyes go soft. You hate that he can still make that look. 
"Why are you so stubborn? Why won't you let me take care of you? You belong at my side."
You scowl. "I don't belong anywhere, Dick. Certainly nowhere near you."
His eyes glitter and he grabs you by your hips and kisses you. You let him, because you're absolutely pathetic and because you haven't been touched in ages.
Dick laughs against your mouth and peppers kisses on your throat before pulling away. 
"I'll send your team food. They won't even know it's me," he says, half-lidded. "My beloved queen. You'll never starve. I didn't know it was so bad."
"I am not your queen and I don't need your charity. In fact, you know what? I'm waking up. Right now."
Dick smiles, and kisses your hand. Then he gets off of the bed, and fixes his collar. He must be aching in his slacks, dream or not, but he straightens up like he has all the time in the world to fuck you. Like he knows you’ll be back.
"Of course, my love. Whatever you want. Till next time."
The dream fades from a golden bedroom to your dark, tiny hole of a room you've camped in for a few months. 
You turn your head and look at the clock. It's still late. 
Your thighs ache. Your mouth tingles where he kissed you. 
You swore to never pledge yourself to the Vampire King. But you never made any such promises about Dick Grayson.
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