#intj celebrities
yellowrayn · 2 months
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✨️INTJ girl✨️
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rainytypology · 1 year
A view of each MBTI type by an INTJ:
Saw a few of these lately so why not? Lol
INTJ: My type and the best type obviously. Kidding. Not really. Healthy/mature ones are interesting and helpful, nice and easy to talk to. I've noticed immature ones try a little too hard to seem edgy and cool to fit into the "cold" INTJ stereotype when that's not a flex at all. I think a lot of us are impatient and stubborn too.
ENTJ: Often driven and motivated individuals who put in a lot of effort into what they do. I admire their hardworking nature. I've unfortunately come across a very unhealthy one before who was quite possessive and narcissistic. I did not have to deal with them personally, but a few of my friends did and their horror stories of that ENTJ will probably be stuck with me forever.
INTP: Their minds are...unique. I wonder what goes on in there. Such weird yet interesting individuals. Sometimes a bit rude, unintentional or not. My younger sister is one and I have to resist the urge to fight with her a lot lmao, but maybe that's just us being siblings.
ENTP: Love them. ENxPs in general 🤌🤌. I've never come across a boring ENTP. Often so chaotic. Never fail to make me laugh. I can have the funnest conversations with them. So witty.
INFJ: One of my best friends is one and it's kinda funny how similar yet different we both are. Ni dom things I guess. Other INFJs I've observed seem to have a lot of patience and kindness. Genuinely have a good heart and want the best for others.
ENFJ: I've only met two personally. Can be funny and witty, really approachable people. Both are very loyal and care a lot about their families, they carry a lot of responsibilities for others. Do not like to show their struggles, will probably mention it briefly before changing the subject.
INFP: Probably my least favorite type due to having bad experiences with them. Unhealthy ones can be so whiney and pathetic. Always want to cry and complain but never actually do anything about it. Can burst emotionally without warning. They can be so exhausting to deal with. I'm not gonna automatically hate you if you're an INFP though, that's just stupid lol, but I will be wary. I only have one INFP friend for now and likely because she's a lot older than me, she's much calmer and more considerate compared to the previous INFPs I've encountered.
ENFP: Some weirdos fr but I love it. Always so talkative and excited. Why are you guys lowkey kinda sad though 😭
ISTJ: I haven't come across any irl yet, but a few of my favorite fictional characters are ISTJs. One of my fav kpop idols as well. Not really sure where the boring stereotype comes from as I think ISTJs are quite nice.
ESTJ: I don't think I've met any yet and have typed a few idols as an ESTJ. I know they get a bad rep, but I honestly just think it stems from ESTJ's tendency to be direct, no bs, which can be intimidating/overwhelming for people. They can be really weird and silly only if they're comfortable.
ISFJ: I don't know any ISFJs irl, but seeing ISFJ idols/celebrities, they're just usually nice and kind people. Quiet but do enjoy being with others.
ESFJ: Honestly think my other best friend may be one 🤔 I do think she has a high Fe for sure. They seem to care the most about their presentation and other's opinions of them.
ISTP: I've only met one and they were okay. Pretty chill and had immense "idgaf" energy. But that attitude was also what made them a bit unlikeable as it extended to having a disregard for feelings and morals. Nobody's perfect, but I don't think it's that difficult to have common human decency. I do like a few ISTP characters and celebrities though.
ESTP: One of my older siblings is one and we get along fine. She has a good eye for aesthetics. Her and other ESTPs I've seen don't really seem to be super serious people, they're just trying their best to enjoy life. Adventurous and open minded. Can't seem to stay still.
ISFP: Have only met a few irl and I've also typed several kpop idols as one. From what I've seen, they are a lot calmer compared to INFPs. They're quite passionate but more realistic individuals though, always going for what they want (likely due to aux Se). Also quite blunt lol but it does not top IxTP's honesty.
ESFP: Have not met any irl yet, but from observing an ESFP I follow and ESFP celebrities, I like their straightforwardness. Passionate and expressive. Funny.
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corbeausim · 4 days
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OKAYYY started a challenge with this boy : MBTI legacy challenge
so here's the stats of my gen 1 -> INTJ
name : Mynts  (don’t remember his last name now,  will update) traits : perfectionist, hates children, snob aspiration : musical genius career : criminal (oracle) focused skills : logic, programming, guitar
i also rolled for different aspects of his life (good or chaotic) -> under the cut
relationships are chaotic lol (sabotage)
In relationships, you sabotage your own chances. The contrived rules of dating feel trivial and insulting, and you refuse to participate in those games. When emotions arise, you feel vulnerable and exposed, uncomfortable with conventional displays of affection. Rather than reach compromise, you instinctively give your partner reasons to leave. The paradox of longing for connection while rejecting the very mechanisms to attain it leaves you trapped in self-imposed solitude
professional life is “successful”
In the professional arena, your high standards align seamlessly with the culture of your workplace. Your dedication to continuous improvement and innovation not only enhances your own professional growth but also contributes to the success of the organization as a whole. Recognizing your contributions, your workplace is eager to invest  further in your development, fostering an environment where ambition and achievement are celebrated. 
parenting is “baby genius”
As a parent, you prioritize raising capable, self-reliant children with clear interests and robust critical thinking skills. They embrace freedom responsibly, navigating life’s challenges with confidence and resilience. By reframing challenges as learning opportunities, you inspire your children to think rationally and problem-solve effectively
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namazunomegami · 6 months
A healthy dose of stalker Geto thoughts
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a/n: FYI, thats the result if you lock me up in an empty room with my laptop and a playlist full of mareux, NIN and MSI. At least I got a newfound love for Closer now bc some years ago a fic ruined the song for me lmao
Before you ask, yes, I have mental problems. But likes and reblogs are still appreciated <33
wc: 1919
cw: geto is fucking delulu, online stalking, serial murder, poisoning, dismemberment, geto cooks his blood into a meal, implied bondage, kidnapping, reader was abused, corruption, reader is forced to torture and kill their abuser, gore
credits: nakatsuji sakutaro for one of my fave geto fanarts ever <33, my dearest @notveryrussian for proofreading, my criminal pedagogy teacher for some interesting details about organized criminals lol and arone_cosplay on tiktok bc his scream au cosplay was the sole inspiration when I started writing
The dark content is heavy with this one so there's nothing wrong if you won't interact with this post! If my horror enthusiast bestie says that this shit is scary, believe them. Minors are gonna get kicked, obviously.
He’s definitely not that “Joe Goldberg from You” type of stalker. He despises the guy, he watches that show to have a laugh. It’s his form of disaster tourism. Geto is almost the antithesis of Joe. I was a big fan of the first season of You so let me elaborate. Joe has a savior complex and he latches onto any conventionally attractive rich woman in his proximity and tries to mold them into his ideal type (which is vulnerable, dependent, innocent, and forgiving) and when shit hits the fan he becomes a whiney little bitch saying stuff like “aww, but I did this all for you :cc” because he’s in complete denial about his crimes and psychopathic nature. Geto is the opposite, and what makes him so fucking scary is that he doesn’t need to convince himself that his actions are right. He knows he’s right.
Also, he won’t put on a fucking cap and go out on the streets to stalk you. That’s just a dumb decision, he has a job to do, and it’s easy to recognize him. But that doesn’t mean that he won’t do it in his spare time, from a comfortable distance. He only needs one of your socials and digs up every little detail about you. Your entire lore. Pictures shared by your relatives when you were just a little kid, he tracks your friends’ accounts (he wants to make sure that you’re surrounded by the right people), all the locations, cafés, restaurants you share on your instagram highlights, your celebrity crushes, all the playlists you made on spotify, everything. He gets to know you before you’re even aware of his existence, you’re an open book to him before he talks to you. It’s so easy to get a feel of your essence in the online space, use the tremendous information to his advantage, surprise you, win you over with his fake thoughtfulness.
"Aw, you’re so sweet, how did you know?"
"Lucky guess."
Yeah, a lucky guess, he just scrolled your twitter until 4 am to reach your first ever post.
The easiest way to understand how his mind works is to look at his MBTI type and I’ll try to hold myself back to not flood you all with my everlasting love for Jungian psychology and cognitive functions. INTJs are meticulous, skeptical, analytical, practical, everything is centered around a bigger, more complex system, a spiderweb of thoughts. Their subjective ideals and values have the utmost importance. They get lost in the details sometimes, but they manage to prioritize creativity and rationality in their actions and thought process. So, if we want to pick a category among murderers, he’d definitely belong into a mission oriented type (canon is my only proof for this). He couldn’t care less about money, power, or satisfying his needs for control. He’s the personification of punishment in his mind.
Evil is petty, he is petty, but not so much to just deal with every single nuisance in the shape of a person (looking at Joe again lol). He won’t go after the Karens at your workplace or the shitty classmates who just wanted their name on your assignment without any contribution. If he kills, he must kill for a valid reason and does it brilliantly. Calm and level-headed, organized, devoid of anger or any intense emotion. He makes awful lot of preparations for a kill. He studies the victim just like he studies with you. Their schedule, relationships, habits, social media presence. He’d rather arrange the scene to give the impression of an accident. Mixing cleaning products, fucking around with the heating system and letting them die of carbon monoxide poisoning or a house fire (an easy kill if the victim smokes). He rarely lets himself get carried away and get all bloody and gorey because he knows how much effort he must put into disposing of the body. But he does feel like a god during the process. That he rules over life and death. That he has the divine right to decide who should be removed from existence.
The only slightly risky thing he allows himself, is to put his earphones in and call you up while dismembering a corpse. Good thing that his grandma has no use for that big ass meat grinder, a literal jackpot for getting rid of the bodies. His voice is soothing, so sweet you can turn into a blushing and giggling mess, but you can still hear the loud chopping noises as he severs the body parts right at the joints. He shrugs it off that he’s just meal prepping.
You believe him, you don’t question him further. But he does cook a delicious meal just for you and sends it to your workplace. And you have absolutely no idea that he was thinking about cutting up the ingredients with the same knife he killed his victim with. Luckily, he changed his mind. You don’t deserve to have any remnants of a lowlife in your system. But the idea was nice, just like how modern witches tie their favorite person to them. There’s something ritualistic about blood consumption in his mind that he can’t explain. Hopefully, a few drops of his own didn’t ruin the meal. At least you weren’t complaining about the metallic taste. He doesn’t mind he has to live off on two cans of Monster because he pulled an all-nighter. You’re falling head over heels for him so it’s worth the suffering.
The only thing that makes his heart ache is that as your relationship develops, he must use you to forge his alibis. He immediately copied the keys to your apartment, without your knowledge of course. Sometimes he drops by when you’re absent, goes through your stuff, sniffs around, looking for trinkets. He comes over specifically when he plans to kill his next victim. Sneaks out in the middle of the night, kills them, then goes back to your place and crawls back next to you. And he’s as silent as a cat, as a phantom, as a ghost.
He’s a fucked up man in every aspect. You think he’s too hyper fixated on restraints and bondage. He’s far too keen to spend an excruciatingly long time arranging the rope in an aesthetically pleasing way, or have the gag’s and blindfold’s colors match perfectly. His creativity and imagination are running wild when you’re the rigger. You almost question his sanity when he asks you to use cable ties and masking tape on him. What does he want? To feel tortured? Deep down he’s fascinated with the feelings a potential victim might experience. A taste of distress, vulnerability, helplessness that he usually has no chance to feel, yet he’s thrilled about it. You still won’t suspect a thing, everybody’s got a weird kink or two that they can’t explain, right?
He knows that one day, you’ll discover his secret. That he can’t hide it forever and even though he justifies his vile actions by giving it a noble cause, he must earn your forgiveness. He deliberately kept those who hurt you mostly alive. Whether it’s a bully, the shittiest ex known to mankind, or an abusive parent. He knows he has no right to kill them. But he can bring them to your basement, gagged and tied up. The best birthday gift ever is to let you have your revenge, right? Or maybe he just wants somebody as irredeemable as him, like he’s undeserving of anything nice in life so he must break it, tarnish it, ruin it. The world is a such a cruel place for kind spirits, he feels the need to corrupt them. Bring them down to his level.
He lined up a bunch of tools, a wooden bat, scissors, knives, razor blades, a hatchet, a hammer. He transformed the basement into a makeshift rage room. You don’t dare to cry, run, or scream at him, the person before your eyes makes you freeze completely, your features are distorted in dread. An old response got triggered, your nervous system remembers those years, you’re flooded with memories. You feel yourself regressing back to the victim you once were and that’s the process that Geto wants to stop once and for all. It’s so strange that you find safety in his presence and his firm hold above your elbows. He’s looming over you like a shadow, a shroud. Like the devil on your shoulder. Cooing in your ear to pick up something and have fun, let your rage cloud your mind, make them relive your pain. Don’t worry about a single thing because he will do all the clean-up. And you have no idea why, but you accept.
It’s strangely comforting. You feel in control, all-powerful, accomplished. It feels better than it should. It feels so right but it shouldn’t. There’s no guilt in you, only endorphins running rampant in your veins. The dopamine rush enslaves you, fills your brain with white noise. The pain does fade a little or something just irrevocably breaks in you. Maybe you’re just as fucked up as him and you managed to bury it in the deepest corner of your psyche. All bottled up for years like the most exquisite French wine, chained just like a beast but now it’s freed. Your reward is a bloody pile of flesh and guts that once was a person, and utter devotion gleaming in Geto’s eyes.
Your consciousness gets clearer, you notice the sensation of being drenched in blood and sweat when the realization hits you that there’s no going back. Now, you’re sticked together for life. You know his dirty little secret and now you’ve forged your own that he can blackmail you with if you ever want to get away from him. But why would you do that? You’re everything he needs and he’s all you have.
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welivetodream · 1 year
16 personalities on Valentine's day:
ENFJ: outside the house of S.O/Crush and telling them they love them with a bunch of gifts
INFJ: shyly giving their S.O a poem they wrote about them
ISFJ: making home made goodies to give to their S.O and spending time with them
ESFJ: gives "I love you" cookies to random lonely looking strangers
ISFP: confessing to their crush with a backup plan to move to another country if they got rejected
INFP: celebrating the day by reading fan fiction on their favourite characters
ISTP: does not care, unless they do, then making their S.O's day by showing affection
ESTP: is celebrating Valentine's day everyday
ESTJ: finds out it's Valentine's day at late night when their S.O is mad at them
ENTJ: takes S.O on an elegant dinner and tries to be as nice as possible
ISTJ: sends a "happy Valentine's day" message to S.O hoping that's all they got to do
INTJ: "look at them. They're holding hands. I want them dead"
ESFP: a Valentine's day themed party that's open to everyone
ENFP: goes out on a roadtrip with S.O and does all the things they want
ENTP: refuses to take or give gifts to S.O by saying "Valentine's day is a capitalistic holiday that's celebrated so that multinational companies can make a ton of money out of people's love for eachother"
INTP: what do you mean by "Happy Valentine's day" are you saying today is St. Valentine's birthday? I told you I am not interested in theology----
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k-tarotz · 1 month
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. . . Welcome to our blog. Thank you for reading our pinned, sweetheart.
paid readings masterlist rules ko-fi
ᯓ★ about our blog. . .
. . . this blog is ran by two of us, as a way to have fun and fuse our hobbies together. we do both paid readings as well as free ones, for any group or celebrity you may wish to request for. although, we would like to say to not take celebrity readings seriously as tarot is a form of art you use with your intuition, therefore it is a form of entertainment. they aren’t factual or a word from the heavens, so remember to have fun with it. have a lovely day ! ༉‧₊˚✧ . ˚
📮 please do not DM unless you would like to buy a paid reading.
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HUN - he/him , intj , dragon
CANDY - she/they , isfp , sheep
anons - 🧜🏽‍♀️ , 🌷
– 𝐻 & 𝒞
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silverbladexyz · 1 year
Can I request how Ayatsuji and Fyodor would spend Christmas with their s/o?🎅🏻
Ooooh yes! Christmas with some of the smartest and hottest INTJ characters in BSD for the win!
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: None
Ayatsuji and Fyodor spending Christmas with their S/O
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-I feel like Ayatsuji doesn't celebrate Christmas that much because he's stuck in that small office everyday. And he doesn't really have anyone special to celebrate it with, so the most he would do was wish Tsujimura a 'Merry Christmas'
-But things changed when you became his s/o. Now Ayatsuji isn't dumb; he knows fully well how Christmas is celebrated and why, but he just doesn't see the point in celebrating it. It's just a day in December where everybody gives each other second-hand gifts and have a big awkward family reunion which nobody wants to go to but they're only there for tradition and the food
-So educate him! Be patient and take things slow, because Ayatsuji is the stubborn type. Start by wishing him ‘Merry Christmas’ and give him a gift. Not a too expensive one, but one that’s enough to be important for him
-Then slowly advance onto food and decorations. He might like drinking hot chocolate, and would even allow you to hang a few Christmas decorations around his office. Don’t hang too much though, because he doesn’t want Tsujimura to see it lmao. Christmas is something that he celebrates with you and only you
-Ayatsuji still might prefer celebrating Christmas more quietly, because he dislikes having loud gatherings that drain all his social battery same here lmao. During this time, he would put up lights and decorations, light a fireplace in his office (don’t ask me how he got it), put on some Christmas songs that he likes, and just overall spend the night cuddling with you in front of the fire
-Now onto Christmas gifts. He wouldn’t prefer anything flashy or expensive, because as I said he doesn’t see the point in it if he was never going to use it. So I would recommend you to get him a watch, or a new pipe, but of the more fancy side. It helps him with his cases and it’s something that he would actually use often
-Get him a nice-looking doll!!! Ayatsuji would love it and he would definitely add it to his collection. That doll would be cleaned and maintained to the perfect degree, because he treasures it a lot maybe even more than his other dolls
-If you can make him a doll, even better! I feel like he would love hand-made gifts more, because they are made with thought, devotion and patience. So get some sewing materials and carefully stitch together a beautiful doll, and Ayatsuji would cherish it for eternity
-Now Ayatsuji would also give you small gifts. He would also make a doll for you! Or take you out to have a coffee date. Or buy a new cat for you! He secretly loves gifting you stuff, but he’ll never admit it
-Slowly, very slowly, he might even be more romantic on Christmas. Because he gets to spend it with you and you only ♥
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-Fyodor also doesn’t really celebrate Christmas, but he’s more flexible and relaxed at the idea of it. He’s quite busy all year around, and would love to take any chance to spend time with you. And that was exactly what Christmas was for
-Now that he has an entire day off with you, he’s not wasting a single second of it. Definitely buys all sorts of gifts for you and takes you out to nice places
-I feel like Fyodor just wants Christmas with you to be calm, loving, and traditional. He doesn’t invite any of the Decay of Angels members to celebrate with you two, because he only wants to celebrate it with you
-His anaemic self does not have enough strength to put up a Christmas tree and hang all the decorations, but frankly he doesn’t really care for those stuff. He definitely lights a fire in the fireplace with the excuse of ‘it’s for the Christmas mood’ but we both know that he’s just very very cold
-Also more romantic than usual on Christmas. Fyodor calls you affectionate nicknames in Russian, incorporates kisses nearly every 5 minutes, and even waltzes with you at night time. If you aren’t blushing already, do the same to him, and he’d secretly be very happy
-In the very rare moments, you might catch him humming a few carols under his breath. I headcanon Christmas was one of the most memorable holidays when he was a child, so he would be singing Christmas carols every now and then. Sing with him or play it on your instrument! He would be pleasantly surprised
-Fyodor plays the cello for you on Christmas. Since he’s in the mood, he might play an entire concerto, and it sounds so damn good that you’re always left wanting more. He would play anything you asked him to, from Schubert’s cello sonata in A minor to ‘Paint it Black’, but he would prefer Schubert more
-Make a traditional Russian dinner for him! He probably hasn’t had any real good Russian food in a long time, so get some ingredients and cook him some Peljmeni or Kutya and Fyodor would be eternally thankful. He loves your cooking and might even teach you how to make some other Russian foods if he wasn’t feeling too weak
-On the topic of gifts; Fyodor doesn’t really mind what you get for him, because he is going to cherish any gift that he receives from you. Get him some brand new clothes because I bet he’s been wearing that same outfit for months, and it probably is kind of musty too. You got him a pet rat once and he was... amused
-Late night cuddling is a must, and this is the only time you truly get to see vulnerable, soft and touch-starved Fyodor
@pixyys @pianotross @nekokinax @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @lakeside-paradise @yukitomybeloved @irethepotato @arisu-chan4646 @voyagewiththesatan @i-just-like-goats @chuuyas-beloved @catzlivedforbsd
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amourdivine · 2 years
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hello, my angels! in this intuitive reading i will be channeling messages from fairies. whether you believe in them or not is totally up to you, but i thought this would be something fun to deliver & interesting as well! please take the messages as they resonate best for you. if you enjoyed this reading, please consider tipping me via paypal @ [email protected]! feedback is always welcome. much love & light to you!
how to choose your pile.  take deep breaths for a few minutes & look at each and every one of the piles separately. which pile sparks a feeling inside you? which pile gives you a strong memory or calls out to you the most? take your time and feel free to come back to it later.
the piles.
1 → 2 3 → 4
♡ ♡ ♡     pick a card masterlist & information.
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disclaimer. this reading is for entertainment purposes only. it is not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. i do not take responsibility for any choice(s) made by you or others regarding my readings. please remember you are responsible for life and in power of it, no one else! ♡
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amourdivine. © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
Pile one, do you connect or speak to your angels a lot? I could be totally wrong here, but there’s something about Archangel Michael that might be significant for some of you! I think you’re very spiritually aware of many things, but you may doubt yourself a lot and sometimes feel like you’re going insane thanks to all of the confusion in your head and overthinking as well. Honestly, I even got a little bit of chest pain for this pile and it feels like you’re carrying something heavy all by yourself.
Fairies are very light and small beings, but they’re whimsical and magical. People may underestimate their cleverness or abilities thanks to their size, but they’re always outsmarting their obstacles, escaping traps and in some movies, it’s a common theme for people to attempt to cage or tame them in a way. I’m also thinking of pixies and their cunning, dubious nature. They trust their perception and intuition to solve problems and aren’t afraid to take the less traveled road. For you, this would mean finding ways to self-soothe (especially physically, like wearing comfortable clothes and maintaining your body well-nurtured) as well as connecting to your spiritual beliefs. You have a lot of different people and words chiming in right now, maybe a lot of unhelpful or unwanted advice that is making you confused, which is why self-soothing will be important to calm your mind & body so you can listen to your inner voice.
You may feel incapable of solving your problems, way too small compared to the issues you’re facing, but remember the lighthearted nature of fairies, their magical way of solving problems creatively despite other people’s skepticism or pessimism. You don’t have to do it all at once - or even alone. Fairies are incredibly social and communicative beings, each of them with a specific skill or knowledge. You’ll find that other people also have a lot of magic in themselves, and so do you. Opening up to the possibilities of better relationships, a better future and your inner voice can be scary, but it’ll lead you to a lot of interesting places. You have what it takes to exist in this world. You have something magical, brave and unique about you. It’s okay to tap into that and trust it.
additional messages: 333, capricorn stellium, virgo in 7th house, istj, intj, “make it or break it”, broadway star, valedictorian, “go big or go home”, leo mercury, aries rising.
♡ ♡ ♡ if you enjoyed this reading, please consider tipping me via paypal @ [email protected]!
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I keep seeing confetti for this pile. I could even smell something sweet, though I’m not wearing any kind of perfume or fragrance at the moment. It feels like this pile is in celebration - if not now, soon. Is your birthday near, pile two? I can see someone blowing out candles and wearing a silly party hat. There’s a free and childlike feel to your pile, but I think it was earned through a lot of lessons and you may not have always been this way. Later at some point you could’ve realized life was too short to live it in a non-authentic way and you let loose a little bit. If you haven’t, maybe that’s what your next journey is all about: learning to take in the joy and leaving whatever doesn’t suit you any longer. 
The fairies really want you to have fun, pile two. Either to keep engaging in the habits that are bringing you joy and health or create new ones that’ll give you a bright outlook on life again. Even if you’ve been in your shell and this message isn’t resonating because nothing in your life feels like a party, there are small steps to take in order to fulfill your emotional needs. It’s interesting because I feel that some of you might be reading this at ungodly hours at night, depriving yourself of sleep, all tucked in a blanket and blankly staring at this reading like… “what do you mean, party? Fun? Flirting?”
Here’s the thing: find the definition of a “party” for you. Beyond anyone else’s idea of going clubbing or drinking, you may find that jamming to music all alone is your equivalent to partying. Or you may find that knitting all afternoon with your cousin or grandmother brings you this joy I’m speaking of. I wish you could feel it too right now, this spontaneity that the fairies are offering you. Even if you’re already someone who’s quite fun-loving, the fairies are encouraging you to not lose this side of yours. I’m being taken to the Patch Williams’ movie for some reason - it’s a really beautiful story about a doctor who aims to make his patients laugh & have the most humanly possible good time whilst they’re sick or being cared for.
All rambling aside, the fairies want you to embrace and keep embracing this light energy. You may find that going out into the sun helps or connecting to small animals, even insects, for some of you? Simply to remember the joy of being alive in this world. It may not always be easy, but your life is always worth celebrating, pile two.  Remember you’re a gift, too. PS: Go to sleep, pile two. You’ve been awake for far too long!
additional messages: “life’s a highway”, chocolat au lait, 26, 7, saturn return, 666, vanilla cake, “cherry on top”, nose boops, silly made-up emojis, inside jokes, discord group chat.
♡ ♡ ♡ if you enjoyed this reading, please consider tipping me via paypal @ [email protected]!
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tw: mental health discussions, childhood trauma, grief/depression.
There’s always a pile that I feel like hugging and soothing and this is you, pile three. I immediately want to ask you if you’re okay. Maybe you’ve been crying recently or simply prior to this reading and your heart space might feel all kinds of heavy or foggy right now. There’s always a time and place in tarot readings for some tough love or advice, but this isn’t the case for you and if anything, I think you need someone or something to hold space for you to feel whatever you’re feeling right now.
I don’t necessarily get that you’re the cause of your pain. I don’t think anyone deserves pain and that includes you as well. The messages here are so loud and clear, because immediately as I started typing, I could sense that someone may need a hug. So here’s my hug, in form of words and reassurance, yeah?
This might sound a little cheesy or cliché, but you know, when you cry, heavens and the angels cry with you. You may not believe in angels, fairies or heaven per se, but what I mean is that this higher source - whatever you call it - sees it and never wishes any harm upon you. It’d be easy to tell you that everything happens for a reason, but I’m not the rule of the universe and I don’t really know how it works, because I’m just a small speck in a sea of light, but I can say that it gets better from here. There’s a heartwarming vision coming to my mind’s eye of tiny little pixies forming this little circle or surrounding you whenever you’re crying, like they’re hoping that their magic dust will sprinkle on you and make you just a bit lighter.
Your heart won’t always feel so heavy. For some reason, I’m getting a lot of songs and lyrics that could relate to you, especially a few by Sleeping at Last. I think I might’ve recommended it in a previous reading, but in whichever case, the songs “Daughter”, “Light” and “Heart” are really coming to me. Maybe, if you feel called to give them a listen, I’d suggest that. Another thing about songs is that you might find it useful to create a comforting playlist or some sort of toolbox which allows you to care for your feelings when you’re falling into this difficult mindset.
Teddy bears could be helpful (don’t be ashamed if you’re not a kid! It’s okay!), weighted blankets and dim lights, either with candles or a yellow-ish light on your bedroom. I think some of you may have had issues with family (especially your mother figure) and that could’ve caused you to feel needy or like your needs are too much. You may have a specific mental health condition that makes it hard for you to “feel normal” and you need to know there’s no shame in that. We’re all wired differently.
This pile got a little lengthy (I’m so sorry!) but I wanted to deliver the most heartwarming messages possible and you must know that you’re supported. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. The fairies want you to know that the magic, the good and the pure in this world still exist even when there’s darkness, even when people have tried to take it away from you, your heart has remained and will always remain untainted. You’re loved, pile three.
additional messages: comfort pillow, pale blue, neptune or pisces, heavy moon influence, mermaids, water energy, pet, angel, puppies, innocence, “you’ve got so much heart”.
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It was a bit difficult to connect to your pile, but hello there! You might be the heavily practical and mental, yet somewhat present pile. There’s a sense of you being a control freak or someone who’s overburdened by responsibility, expectations and oddly enough, I heard “karma”? I think you could be clearing out certain behaviors or patterns in your family that have been going around for way too long and it might be taking you longer than you desired. You could be getting impatient with yourself, maybe by being your worst critic or pushing harder and harder. 
You have a “responsible & stressed parent” energy to you. I think you could’ve dealt with emotionally immature partners or people who underperformed in general and benefited from your hard working nature. In one way or another, you’re realistic enough to know that no one can be the “be all, end all” to everything and everyone, but it’s like you keep trying, no? And if only you knew the power of extending yourself the mercy and grace of being human - imperfectly perfect - you might realize how much strength you’ve had all along.
The fairies here want you to be a little self-indulgent, a little more gentle on yourself. You don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders or even try to, because that was never your responsibility in the first place! You might be on “go mode” so much that you’ve barely stopped to notice all the progress you’ve made… and trust me, it’s far more than you realize. Maybe everything feels so stressful, chaotic or overbearing that you’ve forgotten any sort of self-care routine or how to do things for the sake of it.
You’re in dire need of care, pile four. It’s like the fairies want you to take a breather before you stumble in your own ways and get burnt out. There’s a lot of Libra and Virgo for this pile, not sure why these signs keep coming through, but you might be obsessed with a certain idea of beauty, perfection or achievement for your life and this one track mind led you to believe you’d only be happy if you achieved it.
There’s nothing wrong with you. You can slow down, that’s what the fairies want you to know. That you can dance, sing and do simple, nonsensical things without having the need to produce something or achieve something behind it. “Not everything has to be a task,” I just saw someone closing a planner and gently scolding a loved one about rest. You’re brilliant, pile four. It’s okay to slow down. You have nothing left to prove to anyone, so why strive? You’re enough as you are. No titles, diplomas, jobs, relationship status or amount of money could change the inherent worth in you. Breathe.
additional messages: 90s, heavy nostalgia, nickelodeon, Cool Kids by Echosmith, virgo mercury, virgo venus, saturn in scorpio, Tokyo, dark academia, gemini in 3rd house, About Damn Time by Lizzo.
♡ ♡ ♡ if you enjoyed this reading, please consider tipping me via paypal @ [email protected]!
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oraclekleo · 4 months
Soyeon ((G)I-DLE) - Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Dark Wood Tarot
Spread: Kinky Reading
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Jeon Soyeon (전소연)
Stage Name: Soyeon (소연)
Group: (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들)
DOB: 26.08.1998
Blood Type: B
Sun Sign: Virgo
Chinese Sign: Earth Tiger
Life Path Number: 7
Masterpost: (G)I-DLE
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Soyeon ((G)I-DLE) - Kinky
Full Name: Jeon Soyeon (전소연) Stage Name: Soyeon (소연) Group: (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들) DOB: 26.08.1998 Blood Type: B MBTI: INTJ Sun Sign: Virgo Chinese Sign: Earth Tiger Life Path Number: 7
Spread / Question: Kinky Reading Deck(s): Dark Wood Tarot
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Position - IV The Emperor, 9 of Pentacles
Well… We can hardly find any more dominant card than the Emperor. Soyeon is a well-organised, methodical and self-sufficient person. She’s not exactly unhappy when she’s not in a relationship. She’s not looking for her other half, because she’s not a half. She is likely to have high expectations of people in general and those can sky rocket when it comes to her lover-partner. Soyeon is not the type to settle for less just to be in a relationship. She’s more likely to either stay alone or to find her perfect match. There’s no compromise in this area for her. She can very well manage her own life and provide for herself, she’s not looking for a partner she would need in some way, she’s looking for a partner she would WANT in her life. There’s a big difference between need and want.
Libido - III The Empress, 3 of Cups
While Soyeon might seem strict and slightly intimidating on the outside and on the stage, she’s actually a very sensual and lustful woman. She’s likely very feminine and gorgeous in private, and likes to feel comfortable and beautiful. Soyeon is likely to be very sensitive to touch and skinship but she might not allow it to just anybody. Once again, she’s got standards and boundaries firmly set and those who are allowed into her inner circles can be truly surprised how truly loving and sexy she can become when she’s in the right mood. I think she’s very well connected with her emotions and she’s likely to have her ‘dry moods’ and ‘thirsty moods’. It’s either she’s really focused and busy or she drops everything and gives her full attention to her lover. She’s not really the type to be in the middle of a project and give in to her lover's pleas and go for a quickie. Her lover gotta be a patient person, respecting her cycles of activities.
Turn On - 8 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Soyeon is more likely to feel attracted to more submissive types of lovers who will respect her as a leader and won’t exactly get on her nerves constantly. She’s not into mindless puppets either, though, they should be able to take care of themselves because she’s a busy woman and the last thing she needs is a lover part timing as her baby. She might have a thing for in some way damaged people, insecure or healing their traumas as her nature is to help others. She’s not exactly a babysitter type but she likes to provide for people in need and help them to recover and get rid of their mental shackles and chase away their inner demons.
Kink - VIII Strength, Knight of Cups
As mentioned before, Soyeon can actually become very romantic and sensual when she’s with the right person and in the right mood. She’s likely to have a thing for a classic romance spiced up with mutual respect and understanding. She’s more likely to run the show and be on top but she’s not the type to boss her lover into that position. She’s more into gently guiding them and next thing they know is Soyeon sitting on them and riding them first slowly and with patience but increasing the tempo as she can sense the timings very well. She might even have a thing for pleasuring her lover without her satisfying her own needs. She’s a very patient type of person and even in her sex life, she’s got long term goals. She’s more likely to find herself a slightly cracked lover and slowly grooming and training him into her own type of Prince Charming.
Dirty Secret - VI The Lovers, X The Wheel of Fortune
Just notice how many Major Arcana cards Soyeon actually has in her reading. That woman has a powerful character. When it comes to her dirty secret, Soyeon is likely to be searching for a partner for life. She wants a lover who will stay, loyal, loving, faithful and adoring her. On the other hand, she’s not afraid to search for that person actively and she knows she might need to kiss many trolls before finding her handsome hunk (or gorgeous girl). She’s not exactly the type to just sit and wait for her knight in shining armour, she’s gonna wear it herself and probably rescue her fallen angel.
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suguru-getos · 27 days
one thing as an xntj - leaning towards intj (suguru's personality type) its very evident how he treats the world through his inner intuition. inner beliefs and inner morals which keeps him in tune and defined with the things he believes are right and wrong. which is why with the riko incident it's almost a thorough betrayal for him. his core belief was that sorcerers help others, they are there to protect others. why do you protect someone? because they can't protect themselves and because they are worthy of that protection - why would you protect something not worthy of it? do you protect fleas? do you protect parasites that ruin things? how was he supposed to justify that the same people who were celebrating the death of a 13 yo little girl were the same ones he needs to protect? its fairly easy to see his sanity slowly chip away bit by bit bc the very foundation on which suguru operated was destroyed. for types who function on their inner intuition and reflect the information inside first - tend to break apart easier when that framework diminishes. suguru is just a prime example of xntjs with ruined inner beliefs, who don't have a moral code to live by anymore - so he did what he had to do, made a new one. erradication>
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estpunk · 1 year
Alice in Borderland: Shuntarō Chishiya (INTJ 5w4 549 sx/sp)
Dominant Ni
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His Ni is apparent many times in the manga. He chose to stay in one spot during the tag game to observe his enemies first (Ni prefering prediction over Se action). His dominant Ni is also very apparent when he set Arisu up. When he saw Aguni's confusion when he opened the black envelope he concluded that the content of the envelope is most likely empty. After setting Arisu up, he picked information again when Aguni looked into one spot because he felt uneasy that Arisu tried to break the fake safe, hence he was looking at the location of the real safe. He used his Ni briefly in blackjack too, guessing that one of the players is a magician because of how he looks.
He used his Ni a lot during the Beauty Contest game. He thought that the success rate for the King (Kuzuruyu) and tried to infer the meaning behind it and considered the success rate to be fair. He knows that Kuzuruyu is a lawyer, that the game venue is a court with gigantic scales as the decoration. He also mentioned that the value of all life is equal is the ideals of a lawyer. As the game progressed, all of the players' choice are nearing the number zero, which is an equilibrium (there will be no exchange of points cause rationally everyone will choose zero in the end), which is in line with Kuzuruyu's ideals. He then understood what Kuzuruyu is trying to weigh (he is trying to find the meaning behind the game). After implementing his strategy for the game he saw Kuzuruyu keeping up with his new strategy which means that he already predicted that this could happen and he concluded that Kuzuruyu is trying to weigh the value of life from the game. Then as they conversed more he found that Kuzuruyu is unable to choose the worth of a life and he inferred that he became the citizen to let the game decide the worth for him and hoped that he'll eventually become numb to it (before that he asked Kuzuruyu if he kept participating in these games and becomes the citizen himself and losing his human emotions would it increase the pain and Kuzuruyu said it's possible).
He also kept his eye on Daimon and inferred that she is a frank person because she kept asking things that she doesn't know to other people. Because of her personality he predicted that she would choose a random number. He narrowed down her number of choice and associated some of the numbers that he eliminated with the numbers that are usually seen a lot in daily life (64 with a ding from a video game console commercial and so on).
Auxiliary Te
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He used his Te too in the tag game. He chose a spot where he can observe everything from above and he thought that it doesn't make sense to wander around when you don't know where the it will emerge with limited visibility in the apartment. He also used Arisu to bait the real safe from Aguni (knowing that Hatter is a cautious person, so the safe must be hidden) when the militants are celebrating his coronation as the King of the beach (finding the safe without bait during an opportunity like this wouldn't be as effective and could get you caught or you wouldn't find the safe at all when they're going back).
He also used his Te in the blackjack game. He knows that if he knows how many cards are left then he will know which cards are left since all of the decks are the same, then he categorised which cards are advantageous to the players and which ones are advantageous to the dealers and counted the ratio of the said cards from the deck and from this formula he can decide how much he should bet. During the last few rounds of blackjack he knows that the old lady despised one of the players, a trick master, because it reminded her of her husband (that player has used his gun to kill another player, so he can't use his gun again), so he cheated again to trigger the game system to allow the lady to use the gun and of course that lady killed the trick master.
During the Beauty Contest game he decided to break the equilibrium by choosing the number 100, knowing that Daimon is a frank person and because of his choice Daimon won the round and repaid him by choosing 100 in the next round.
Tertiary Fi
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He sometimes evaluates his personal values like in the tag game when he said that as long as he survives, he doesn't care how many people will die and he reflected on this value, whether or not it's human to have that mindset. He also justified his wrongdoing after he set Arisu up by saying that there isn't anything that someone shouldn't do in order to survive.
When Daimon died during the Beauty Contest he said that her sacrifice is not worth the exchange of his own life and he realized that his emptiness is there even before the Borderlands. During the last round of the Beauty Contest, he said to Kuzuruyu that equality is impossible since there will always be one side that will be sacrificed to reach "equality" or to implement "justice" (black and white Fi judgment due to auxiliary Te). After figuring out Kuzuruyu's personal values, he played with it, forcing him to make a choice with his value and slightly mocking him that if he doesn't like to make decisions (since Kuzuruyu can't decide the worth of a life), he can just kill him off since the rules of the game is impartial. After Kuzuruyu died he realized that he thought Kuzuruyu as an interesting person because he envied his interest in life, which he doesn't have.
After he was shot, he told Arisu that he used to view the human beings as stupid beings. He said that he despised the sincere ones, he berated people who put in their effort, hurt a lot of people, and shunned a lot of people who have good will and intentions. He realised that he was probably jealous cause those are the things that he doesn't have. He felt like he has no purpose and his mere existence is just to show how empty a human can be and deep down he just wanted to be understood. After he went back to the real world he decided to live an honest life.
Inferior Se
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His Se inferior showed up during the tag game because he prefers to know the prediction first instead of acting in the now. He also used the things around him during the Witch Hunt to make a flamethrower.
Shadow Functions
Opposing Ne
During the game of Tag when he saw Karube suggesting the players to work together he doubted that his idea will work out easily. He considered the possibilities of the other players risking themselves to go to the walkways to find the base, risking themselves to reveal their locations to the it, and risking themselves to trust the intel from another player. His assumptions are later proved to be wrong cause Usagi risked herself to work together with everyone else.
Critical Parent Ti
During the Beauty Contest game he quietly criticized the old man for using his own logical deduction, using his own intelligence as his basis and he thought that if he kept doing that he won't win the game and won't understand the workings of an "idiot". He also called out Kuzuruyu's obsession with equality is illogical since he is the one who is trying to assign superiority or inferiority to human lives by creating the game.
Trickster Fe
During the Witch Hunt he said to Mira that he never wanted to understand the hearts of others. During the battle royale he said to Arisu that he despised sincere people and he couldn't help but to shun people's good will and intentions.
Demon Si
No data.
5w4 549 sx/sp
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*this includes my own interpretation of his character
As you can see in the manga he values information and deem it important. He keeps collecting things after the games too. Since 5s are afraid of being deprived of their resources, he told Karube that his information is not for free.
As you can see in the manga him being neglected by his parents form his 5 core. As the result of the neglect he becomes empty and apathetic (one of 5 traits). He was never taught how to love and he has to conquer the world on his own since he was a kid and depended on himself, making himself competent (hence the 5 fear of being incompetent, making them hoard a lot of information and knowledge for themselves). His 4 wing makes him envy what people have that he doesn't have. He threw a letter of a father who wanted to redeem himself because he envied him as he doesn't have a father who really cared for him. As 5w4 he is jealous of other people who are seemingly not empty and have a purpose. Because of his emptiness he feels that he has no purpose, that life is meaningless. The result of his jealousy is his antagonistic behavior to people. He tried to fulfill that emptiness with some random knowledge (you can see that when he quotes some random knowledge about utopia or monalisa in the manga) and pursued medicine to see if he could care about life. As 5w4 he felt that he came to the world being neglected and not being accepted as who he is by his parents and he assumed that they had him just to look normal and just to be a good hospital director. Since the void of his 5 is endless, he might view that to give is to deprive himself, so he becomes selfish.
Even though he has no interest in the concept of life, his 4 wing makes him intrigued to find what's missing in himself, his sense of purpose and he just want people to understand him and to see him as who he is.
From the explanation above you can conclude that he has 5 and 4 in his tritype. His gut type is a 9 since he doesn't provoke people that much and tried to be peaceful even though he is frustrated. Because his 4 his higher in the tritype stack than his 9, he doesn't really mind to tell how stupid people are.
His Sx instinctual variant makes him want to find a person that he finds to be interesting in Borderland (that's like his sole purpose there) and he finally met Kuzuruyu. His Sp second makes him consider his own survival, but not at the expense of his Sx since he is willing to take risks to find that one-on-one connection and turns out what makes Kuzuruyu interesting to him is him being the opposite of himself, valuing life even when his life is the cost.
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darlingdekarios · 1 year
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— twenty7. she/her. aquarius. intj. queer.
REQUESTS: CLOSED minors, please do not interact.
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ABANDON ALL HOPE. raphael x f!tav [reader]
you had become his absolute favorite - his most precious client and prized treasure. it's become increasingly difficult not to admit that you're truly his forever...and he's ready for you to admit it.
UNTIL THE STARS LEAVE. rolan x f!tav [reader]
when the celebrations are through a harsh realization sets in - with your companions returning home or answering to their new purpose and the city in ruin, you are alone with no where to go. as you wander in the night, your mind recalls a certain sentiment that was extended.
SOOTHE THIS SOUL. gale dekarios x gn!darkurge [reader]
Gale offers you peace in a moment of darkness.
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LICKETY SPLIT. the ghoul / cooper howard x f!reader
you'd worked together in the past, well...at least the best version of working together two people like you were capable of. he'd put an end to that years ago, and yet here you were again. if you wanted to come crawling back, though, it'd have to be on your knees...
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voxasks · 2 months
🫐idk how to do this so i'm just gonna yap i have no clue what my personality type is but one of my favorite characters that i mildly related to was an INTJ 4w5 so i just took that and ran with it. uhh idk if i'm an introvert or extrovert it just depends on my mental state ig. i've been kinda tweekin recently so i'm loud in public like this dude one time caught me saying some of the most devious ahh shii known to man so i pointed at some random dude and blamed bro for saying it and then i sang the my little pony theme song but like 4 octaves higher. my friends hate me i also have no morals whatsoever so i'm cooked. the only reason why i'm not some bonkers dude on a documentary is because i'm a pathetic loser who doesn't actually go through with anything, i just lose interest or go 'nah this is way too much work' i'm a dude and 4'10" (idk lowkey my fault for not taking nutrition supplements when my doctor told me to) and idk what i like because i just have a hyperfixation and then i go batshit over it for several months (my longest hyperfixation was on a character for a year and i spent like 5k on merch of that character and now i highkey hate waking up to see the character's face literally everywhere) i dislike greasy foods with a burning passion, animals of all types (including insects) but actually i highkey used to like sharks but then they got popular online and agreeing with people on tiktok brings me physical pain. oh yeah i also dislike a lot of people online if they disagree with my opinion but depends on my mood because if i'm feeling mildly upset then i spam them with replies and tell them i love them and for them to have a good day but in the most toxic positive way possible and if i'm having a happy day then i do the same thing but i also slander everything i know about them for hobbies i love getting attention, positive or negative like honestly it's so fun. i go on social media a lot i'm pretty much just terminally online except i don't keep up w/ gossip majority of the time because i have no clue who celebrities are. oh yeah i love getting concern i never follow their advice or whatever all i do is make a joke about how pathetic my existence is and they rather don't care or they show concern and either way i get pissed so maybe i should stop with that lmao tbh whenever i read through the things i write i literally sound like those 'quirky >w<' 2020 gacha life ocs i feel like everyone with an ounce of humanity would realize i'm straight up embarrassing anyways ily have a good day!! take care of yourself :3333
“yeah  i'm  gonna  be  real  fucking  honest  with  you  kid—halfway  through  your  life  story  i  genuinely  forgot  i  was  looking  through  my  inbox  and  thought  i  was  reading  an  article  on  a  serial  killer.  you  say  you  don't  have  morals  but  then  you  draw  the  line  at  greasy  foods  and  tiktok?  i  mean  alright  sure  but  then  you  go  on  to  bully  other  people  on  the  internet  over  a  bad  mood?  i'd  say  get  a  life  but  i'm  pretty  sure  if  you  tried  you  would  have  dropped  yourself  on  the  head  like  you  were  as  a  kid.  you  sound  like  someone  who  has  over  ten  restraining  orders  filed  against  them  and  they  still  have  no  clue  as  to  why.  well  fuck  that's  ten  minutes  of  my  time  i'm  never  taking  back—you  have  me  mourning  over  lost  time  when  i'm  a demon  in  literal  fucking  hell,  congrats.  let  me  guess,  you'll  probably  celebrate  by  being   a  keyboard  warrior  in  the  comments  of  this  post,  like  if  junko  enoshima  was  online.  yeah,  that's  the  energy  this  is  giving.” 
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based off of the 200 follower event.
“🫐 — tell vox about yourself and he’ll give you his inner thoughts about you.”
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svenwall20 · 4 months
Deities based on MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personalities offers a rich tapestry for game book narratives, as it ties the nuanced human psyche to the divine. Here's a conceptual framework for MBTI-based deities, weaving together the characteristics of each personality type with divine domains and attributes:
### ISTJ - The Keeper of Order
- **Domain**: Law, Tradition, History
- **Attributes**: This deity values tradition, order, and reliability. They are the guardians of sacred laws, the keepers of ancient histories, and the upholders of societal structures. Their temples are archives and courts, places where the past is preserved and justice is served.
### ISFJ - The Guardian of Hearth
- **Domain**: Home, Community, Healing
- **Attributes**: Dedicated to the protection and care of their followers, this deity embodies compassion, nurturing, and community spirit. They watch over families, heal the sick, and ensure communities thrive in harmony. Their shrines are found in homes and hospitals.
### INFJ - The Visionary Seer
- **Domain**: Prophecy, Dreams, Mysticism
- **Attributes**: With a deep connection to the unseen and a focus on the future, this deity guides their followers through visions and dreams. They are the bridge between the mortal and the divine, offering insight and wisdom. Their temples are places of quiet reflection and meditation.
### INTJ - The Architect of Fate
- **Domain**: Strategy, Knowledge, Innovation
- **Attributes**: This deity is a master planner, a being of intellect and foresight. They craft the destinies of mortals and deities alike, always thinking several steps ahead. Their followers are often scholars, inventors, and strategists, seeking the deity’s guidance in pursuit of innovation.
### ISTP - The Crafter of Elements
- **Domain**: Craftsmanship, Nature, Elements
- **Attributes**: Known for their mastery over the physical elements and the natural world, this deity empowers artisans, blacksmiths, and adventurers. They value freedom, skill, and the ability to adapt to any situation. Their sanctuaries are found in workshops and the wild.
### ISFP - The Muse of Harmony
- **Domain**: Art, Beauty, Peace
- **Attributes**: This deity inspires creativity, passion, and harmony among their followers. They are patrons of artists, musicians, and peacemakers, embodying the beauty in life and the arts. Their temples are galleries, theaters, and gardens, spaces of inspiration and tranquility.
### INFP - The Dreamweaver
- **Domain**: Imagination, Hope, Healing
- **Attributes**: A deity of boundless imagination and empathy, they weave dreams into reality and offer solace to the troubled. They champion causes of the misunderstood and the lost, bringing light to dark places. Their realms are those of fantasy, dreams, and healing sanctuaries.
### INTP - The Architect of Knowledge
- **Domain**: Logic, Innovation, Knowledge
- **Attributes**: This deity prizes knowledge above all, seeking truth and understanding. They are the patron of inventors, philosophers, and scientists, pushing the boundaries of what is known. Their temples are libraries and laboratories, centers of learning and discovery.
### ESTP - The Dynamo of Adventure
- **Domain**: Action, Challenge, Exploration
- **Attributes**: Vibrant and energetic, this deity thrives on excitement and adventure. They inspire courage, competition, and the pursuit of new experiences. Their followers include athletes, explorers, and warriors. Their shrines are found in arenas and at the edge of the unknown.
### ESFP - The Spirit of Celebration
- **Domain**: Joy, Festivity, Nature
- **Attributes**: This deity embodies the spirit of the moment, reveling in the joys of life, love, and beauty. They are the life of the party, the spark of creativity, and the patron of entertainers and artists. Their sacred spaces are in nature and anywhere celebration is found.
### ENFP - The Inspirer of Change
- **Domain**: Change, Freedom, Inspiration
- **Attributes**: A deity of boundless energy and optimism, they champion the causes of freedom and personal growth. They encourage their followers to explore, to learn, and to challenge the status quo. Their temples are open spaces, crossroads, and anywhere the spirit moves.
### ENTP - The Debater of Realms
- **Domain**: Innovation, Debate, Progress
- **Attributes**: With a sharp mind and a quicker wit, this deity thrives on the exchange of ideas and the challenge of debate. They push their followers to think critically and innovate, to disrupt the old ways and embrace the new. Their domains are forums, academies, and council halls.
### ESTJ - The Commander of Empires
- **Domain**: Leadership, Order, Achievement
- **Attributes**: This deity represents authority, organization, and hard work. They are leaders and builders, creating empires and establishing laws. Their followers are drawn from the ranks of rulers, executives, and anyone who values structure and discipline. Their temples are fortresses and city halls.
### ESFJ - The Herald of Community
- **Domain**: Society, Harmony, Support
- **Attributes**: Focused on the well-being of all, this deity nurtures social bonds and community welfare. They encourage cooperation, kindness, and mutual support. Their places of worship are community centers, places of gathering where all are welcome.
### ENFJ - The Beacon of Hope
- **Domain**: Guidance, Inspiration, Morality
- **Attributes**: This deity lights the way for their followers, offering guidance, support, and a moral compass. They are mentors, leaders, and compassionate friends, inspiring those around them to be their best selves. Their temples are places of learning and sanctuary.
### ENTJ - The Ruler of Destinies
- **Domain**: Ambition, Leadership, Innovation
- **Attributes**: A deity of unmatched ambition and strategic acumen, they command respect and inspire greatness. They are the patrons of leaders, innovators, and visionaries, driving progress and shaping the future. Their temples are grand halls and centers of power.
By matching MBTI types with divine attributes, you create a pantheon that reflects the complexity of human nature, offering players characters with whom they can identify and whose domains they can explore in their adventures.
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heliads · 1 year
Hi, congrats on 7k!! May I have a 💌: love letter with Leo Valdez? I go by she/her.  I get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. I'm also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ and Sagittarius. 
I absolutely love writing, art, music, reading, and watching various shows/movies. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. There's a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends. 
And that's about all I can think of to say, hope it wasn't too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
i am also a walking believer. i love going places
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Leo always gets nervous at the campfires. He can’t help it. It’s a reflex from the machine shop fire, he supposes, flames get a little too tall when no one seems to be paying attention and he can’t help but freak out. Leo is supposed to be sitting with the rest of the Hephaestus cabin now, but he’s clinging to the outskirts of the whole gathering, knees hugged close to his chest as he tries and fails to convince himself that he is in control.
Someone’s shadow darkens the grass in front of him, and seconds later there’s another camper sitting by his side. Leo recognizes her in a second:  Y/N L/N, one of Leo’s better friends at camp. She knows enough to identify his physical signs of distress, and offers a solution accordingly.
“Distraction?” She asks.
“Please,” Leo replies. Anything to get him out of his own head.
And she talks to him. She talks to him about everything. Pop culture news she should have no way of knowing since they’re not supposed to have Internet access at camp. The training drills they did this morning. Even the campfire songs, rating them on a scale of ‘gods-awful’ to ‘put this on Spotify ASAP.’ How much she wants to explore the woods surrounding camp even though they’re totally filled with monsters.
As she continues, Leo lets the sound of her voice fill his eyes, blocking out all the stress, all the fear. He feels his fingers unclench from each other, his shoulders lose their stiffness. She carries him away on a billowing wave of her words, and Leo is alright. Of course he is.
He blinks and she’s gone silent, staring out at the fire instead of him. When she notices him looking, she grins, a slight tint of self-deprecation shading her eyes from their previous shine. 
“Sorry,” Y/N murmurs, “I have a habit of rambling. Tell me to stop next time, alright?”
“No,” Leo says a little too quickly, “No, please don’t. Keep going, actually. If you want, that is. I– I liked hearing you talk. A lot.”
Y/N flashes him this smile, and Leo thinks his heart might overload. “Well,” she grins, “if you say so.”
She remembers something that had happened yesterday, a funny story involving a satyr, four new demigods, and way too much celestial bronze. Leo tilts his head back and lets himself take it all in. The stars, the fire, her. Everything is perfect.
thank you for taking part in my 7k celebration!
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hwang-intak-archive · 2 years
A P1Harmony Beginner’s Guide
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Since I’m seeing lots of new people taking an interest in P1Harmony these days, I thought now is the perfect time to make a little guide like this that might help a few of you with getting to know the boys better^^
Guide Masterlist
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Music Videos:
Do It Like This
Do It Like This English Version
Gotta Get Back (feat. Pink Sweat$)
Doom Du Doom
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Music Show Stages:
All Siren Era Music Show Stages
All Scared Era Music Show Stages
All Do It Like This Era Music Show Stages
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Some Covers & Performances worth checking out: everything they do is worth checking out imo, but I can’t link every single thing they’ve ever done here skldajfölkads
Maniac (Conan Gray Cover)
Good 4 U (Olivia Rodrigo Cover)
At My Worst (Pink Sweat$ Cover)
Shine (Pentagon Cover)
Our Beloved Medley Vocal Cover
Billie Eilish Medley Dance Cover
(everything else is under the cut, because this got a bit long)
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More fun stuff to watch: (in chronological order)
♢ Self Introductions [Keeho & Theo, Jiung & Intak, Soul & Jongseob] Basically what the title says, also shows how distinct their characters are very well! + they get to showcase their drawing skills (?)
♢ Stream Highlights from their appearance on Ara TV In which they eat, chat, and Keeho burps on live television. (I realize this doesn’t have eng subs so... if you’re learning/can speak Korean you’re welcome (?) Otherwise just watch them be cute uwu)
♢ Lunar New Year’s Celebrations 2021 Watch P1Harmony playing traditional Korean games and occasionally losing their minds a lil :’)
♢ A series of little interviews in collaboration with Wonderwall This is unfortunately pay2watch, but I wanted to link it anyways because these videos are what really made me fall in love with P1Harmony fully, plus they give a nice insight on their working process as well as the boys’ thoughts and feelings. By now you can find the full episodes on yt as well, if you have trouble finding them let me know and I can send you the links^^
♢ Hard Training Team [Ep 0, Ep 1, Ep 2, Ep 3, Ep 4] A fun little series to start getting to know their personalities!! Tbh all of their series are worth watching, you can check my series guide for those^^
♢ Secret Friend of Idols In which they play games fighting for regional Korean food and also Intak curses. 
♢ P1Harmony takes a lie detector test This speaks for itself tbh. Also Soul wants to see the world burn.
♢ To 2022 P1Harmony The Piwons sending video messages to their future selves!
♢ Weekly Idol Way too much happened here...
♢ Poster & MD Making Film for their first Tour Watch them being very handsome~
♢ P1Harmony building an Ikea shelf I will certainly not hire them to build any furniture for me whatsoever.
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Until the end of 2021 they did so-called “partner vlives”, where they’d always pair up and do one or two scheduled lives within a certain amount of time. I thought since they’re fun to watch and eng subbed (mostly anyways...) I want to link a few here^^
SeobKee Age (Keeho & Jongseob) A father and one of his sons making food together.
JongJi-Boo (Jiung & Jongseob) INTJ-line giving life advice.
PlanTHEOing with Soul (Theo & Soul) They’re trying to grow plants and have close to no idea what they’re doing.
Dance Machine (Jiung & Intak) Half of dance line covering a bunch of songs and freestyling.
Ohyaho (Keeho & Theo) Two extroverts setting marshmallows on fire.
SaeTakSoul (Intak & Soul) Them making Dalgona candy and Intak doing 90% of the work. (But Soul is still being very cute so it’s all good~)
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Some P1H Blogs to follow:
So you can fill your dash with the boys~ There are obviously a lot more blogs who post about them on here, but I wanted to give a selection of P1H-only blogs^^
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Guide Masterlist
more short guides per era: Siren Era Highlights - Scared Era Highlights - DILT Era Highlights
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