#introduce these to your diet watch your life change
gelato444 · 2 years
eating well is only as good as your gut health. if your gut health is bad, you’re not absorbing nutrients properly. and then you are doing nothing for yourself, really. fix your gut health and everything follows
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meyobe · 1 year
Random head cannon pt 2
Every once in a while Mammon will remember that M/c is a human with a human expectancy.
He will google ways humans can do to elongate their lives.
He won’t ever admit that even if you find proof of it.
He will slowing introduce things like randomly suggesting to do exercise or keeping your body and mind healthy.( watching your diet/ playing minds games)
It all happens so slowly you don’t even notice that your life style is changing.
Eventually the brothers take notice and help him too.
All of a sudden you’re waking up at 8:00 am to go on a run and eating carrots when you’re hungry?
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
Hi, I wanted to request a BTS × 8th member reader where they are not welcoming of her at the start and are hostile towards her but she is not treated by the management properly too . With a happy ending
I hope this is okay!
Warning: Swearing, Mentions of extreme dieting, Hints to physical abuse
Going To Be Better
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“This is so stupid. We don’t need an 8th member.”, Yoongi spat. “I agree. Things are great the way they are.”, Taehyung added. Bang PD nodded in agreement but his words spoke differently, “I understand. It’s a big change but I think it’s going to be a good change. Bringing on this new member will surely bring in new fans. Just give Y/N a chance. She’s really talented. Have I ever done anything to try and jeopardize your careers?” The boys all nodded in understanding but the mood in the room was still tense.
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were currently standing outside one of the recording studios trying to work up the courage to knock. When you finally were able to give three soft knocks you waited in silence. After a couple more knocks you were still met with more silence. Thinking maybe you didn’t hear them say to come in you gently pushed open the door and were met with three pairs of eyes staring at you.
“What the fuck? Don’t you know how to knock?”, Yoongi spoke. “Alright that’s enough hyung.”, Namjoon replied. Hoseok just sat there staring at you. Before anyone else could speak Bang PD walked in with a smile, “Oh I see you’ve met already. Everyone this is Y/N. I asked her to meet here to work on some new songs with you guys. I know I can count on you guys to treat her well.” Just as quickly as he appeared you watched him walk off typing away on his cell phone while you desperately wished he would stay. “Great, so they really weren’t kidding about this new eighth member?”, you heard someone speak and that’s when you noticed Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin sat in a corner of the room.
Trying to be kind you put on a smile and tried to introduce yourself, “Hello, like he said my name is Y/N. I was a trainee wit-“ but you were cutoff. “We don’t really want to hear your life story right now. Let’s see if you’re actually as talented as they say you are.”, Namjoon spoke. Shyly you made your way into the recording booth taking the lyric sheet from Jimin. A few moments later the melody began and you sang your heart out wanting to impress them. You honestly impressed yourself with how good you sounded.
Hearing a beep you looked over and saw that Yoongi was about to speak. Your heart sank a little when instead of praise you received nothing but criticism. Trying to hold back the tears you sang through the verse six more times before they were happy with it. Thankful when they finally told you to go home you couldn’t wait to get out of there. This definitely wasn’t going as you had hoped.
Over the next few weeks you practiced and practiced not wanting to disappoint. Big Hit officially announced you as the new 8th member of BTS and you were very well received by the fans and media. They said it was refreshing and they were excited to see how this progressed. Unfortunately the rest of the group still hadn’t come around to the idea. They weren’t as harsh with their words as they were at the start but they still kept their distance. Jungkook was the only one who was somewhat opening up to you. It probably had something to do with being closer in age to each other.
Today you were getting a crash course on the choreography. Hoseok felt that you weren’t quite getting it so he wanted you to get extra practice. “Y/N, I know it’s difficult but you should be going a little quicker. Is there something I can do to help you?”, he asked. You couldn’t discern if he was actually trying to be helpful or if he just wanted to rub it in. At this point you didn’t really care. The two of you had been at it for several hours now and you were exhausted. It didn’t help that it was already 9:00pm and you were currently functioning on a cup of black coffee and half a banana that you had for breakfast. One of the mangers had told you that you looked pretty chubby in your stage outfits and suggested you loose some weight. Even though you felt like passing out you smiled at Hoseok, “I’m sorry Hobi. I’ll try harder.” He nodded and you two ran through the choreography again.
Two weeks later you guys had your first official performance as a group of eight. Everyone was sitting backstage relaxing when one of the managers came walking through the door doing an inspection of outfits. When he got to you he looked you up and down and you knew it wasn’t going to be positive.
The closer he got the more you flinched trying to turn away. Jimin definitely noticed your behavior and knew something was going on. “Y/N, I thought we told you to loose weight. It doesn’t look like you’ve lost a single pound.”, he asked. You could feel your throat drying up. “I’ve been dieting and I’m constantly working on choreography and I go to the gym in what little spare time I have. If I eat any less I won’t be eating at all.”, you whispered. The manager scoffed, “Well then I suggest you stop eating in general. You might be talented but your visuals will bring the group down.” As you watched him turn and walk away you could feel seven pairs of eyes on you. The last couple months finally caught up to you and you couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. “Well you guys get what you’ve wanted this whole time. You can remain a group of seven. I quit.”, you said before walking out the door letting it slam behind you.
Thankfully you were able to find an empty room down the hall that you walked into so you could have some privacy. Sitting on the floor you released all the pent-up frustration and hurt that you had been feeling over the last couple months. You were so enthralled in your sorrows that you didn’t hear the door open causing you to jump when you felt someone grab your hand. You weren’t expecting Jimin to be standing there with a sad look in his eyes.
Before either of you could speak the door opened up and the other six members came following in. They all sat in a circle in front of you not speaking. Part of you wanted to tell them off and let them know how much they hurt you, part of you wanted to hear them out and maybe get an apology, and another part of you wanted to get up and walk out not giving them another minute of your time. Before you could decide Namjoon spoke, “Y/N we owe you a major apology. I know simply saying sorry isn’t enough but we’ve been really hard on you and not welcoming.” Yoongi added, “Yeah I’ve been particularly rough on you. It’s just been a big change that they threw at us and we weren’t expecting it. We handled it like spoiled children instead of responsible adults.” “Please don’t quit Y/N. You’re so talented and you do add something special to the group. We know it’s going to take time but we do want to make things right with you.”, Jin said with smile. Drying off what was left of the tears on your cheeks you smiled, “I would like to try and work on our relationship but unfortunately I don’t think I can continue. I’m not going to starve myself and diet like this. I’m not going to be treated like dirt by management. That’s not healthy. I’ve realized I’m better than that.” Namjoon nodded, “Let us take care of that Y/N. We’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you any more.” The guys helped you get up off the ground and each gave you a hug before walking out the door. Jimin stayed behind a little longer. Taking your hand in his he spoke, “Y/N I just wanted you to know that you’re beautiful the way that you are and you don’t have to change. That’s something that took me a long time to learn in this industry. I’m genuinely sorry for how we treated you and I’m sorry that we let management treat you like that too. We swore we would protect any new idols but we failed you. We’ll make sure you’re taken care of from now on.” “Thank you Jimin. I do appreciate that.”, you smiled and led him out into the hallway.
Thankfully the concert went off without a hitch. You hit all of your notes and we’re on point with the choreography. The fans also seemed to really love you. After the show Taehyung invited you back to the dorm for their post concert routine of ordering a ton of takeout and then crashing on the couch watching a movie. Things still felt a little awkward but you appreciated that they were trying to make things right and everyone knew it would take time.
The following day you made your way to the recording studio when you heard someone call your name. Turning around you saw Bang PD smiling at you as he invited you into his office. “Y/N, I had a long meeting with the boys this morning. They told me what happened yesterday with the manager and how he treated you. You should’ve come to me a while ago and let me know that this was going on. I just wanted to let you know that the manager in question has been dealt with and is no longer an employee of this company. Should this happen again please bring it to my attention immediately.”, he advised. “Thank you.”, was all you could say feeling a wash of relief that you don’t have to deal with this any more. After giving a quick goodbye you walked out of his office and went back over to the studio knocking on the door and waiting to be let in. A few moments later Yoongi greeted you with a smile, “Y/N come in! I’ve got a bunch of new songs we need to work on. I think your voice is going to add something great.” Happily you walked in a greeting Namjoon who was sat at the control table before taking a seat next to Jimin who reached over and gently gave your knee a squeeze reminding you that things were going to be better.
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skythighs · 4 months
Calista's Dream: Child in your Womb
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Hello guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy. My schedule is less hectic this week, so I will be posting at least twice more. This is not edited. I read through it, but I could have missed something, so please excuse any mistakes. These pictures have been linked in previous chapters already
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: 18+ per usual, but this one just has some violence and mentions of pregnancy.
Chapter 8
It was late evening when a slave brought my missing letters to me on an ornate golden platter as promised. Feyd lounged on the bed totally nude while I replied to the many letters my father had sent and the one solitary letter my mother wrote. Although, calling it a letter was an overstatement. It was more of a message. A warning that I would be receiving a visit from the old woman I met many years ago when I was just a girl. No reasons were given as to why she was coming, simply that I should expect her. 
The days that followed my encounter with Baron Vladimir were surprisingly calm. Feyd and I had trained early this morning and I found myself feeling fatigued. I had bathed and changed with the help of Mia who reminded me that the Harkonnens' very own Suk doctor was expecting me today. Mia led me to the medical wing of the palace. It smelled...medicinal somehow and looked even more sterile than the rest of the cold bleak palace. 
“Na Baroness, welcome. Please sit on the exam table.��
The exam was quick and the outcome was not surprising. There was life inside me. A fluttering heart could be heard by the doctor's trained ear.
“A healthy heart is a good indicator the child will thrive. I have here a supplement you must take daily.”
“What is it for?”
“It’s filled with nutrients you may be missing in your new diet here on Giedi Prime.”
I nod and take the supplement along with a glass of water downing both.
“You may start to experience some pregnancy related illness. If so, send a message, you needn’t suffer through it.”
I make my way back towards my quarters with Mia there to guide me. She was doing a poor job at hiding her beaming smile after hearing the news alongside me. At least she was happy, I’m sure that feeling was rare for her. Once we returned to the bed chamber I felt relieved and terrified all at once. Now that I carried life I felt the slow tendrils of fear start to seep into my marrow. What would become of us?
“Now that you carry Na Barons child there will be many celebrations in your honor in these coming weeks. You will no longer be hidden away here in these rooms. You will be received into the public eye.”
I simply listen to her. She was knowledgeable and a true asset to me, maybe one day we would talk as friends as opposed to master and slave.
“There will be many feasts, and Na Baron will perform for you in the arena. You’ll be introduced to a group of ladies that you may call on and invite here to entertain.”
“All this now that I’m with child? What’s the significance?”
She kneels before me as I’m seated at the foot of the bed. She begins removing my slippers from my feet, massaging each foot slowly.
“You are truly one of us now. No restrictions. No one would dare speak ill of you or question you any longer.” 
She looked so happy for me. I guess I should be happy to be free of my isolation period but this didn’t feel real yet. 
The double doors open slowly and Feyd walks in taking in the scene before him. Mia on her knees before me. She looks at the ground now back to her usual submissive self. 
“Mia you may go.” I say softly.
Feyd watches her every move as she rises up bowing before me leaving the room quietly. Only once she has shut the doors behind her does Feyd turn to face me. There's a glint in his eyes as he inspects me. 
“You’ve heard the news I presume.”
He smiles a black smile at me before taking Mia’s place kneeling where she once did. 
“Since our betrothal was announced my uncle made it his personal goal to tell me how disappointing you’d be. How you would never be anything special to anyone, especially me.”
I look into his dark blue eyes not sure if I should respond or not.
“Do you know what he did in trying to convince me you were worthless?”
I shake my head, not sure where he was going with this.
“It made me wonder why he fears you. Now I know.”
“Fears me?” I echo incredulously. Standing from the bed walking away from him. 
“You are the Heir of Caladan, and now you carry Giedi Primes heir within you. You are untouchable now more than ever.”
His hands find me and he holds my face making our eyes meet. Penetrating me with his words, and his gaze. There behind the blue of his irises were the unspoken words he wanted me to hear. 
‘He is the insignificant one now.’
Somehow I heard it loud and clear. The roles have been reversed.
Today was the first day of celebratory events. I was dressed elegantly with a thin silk veil layered over my head and face. Feyd Rautha requested my presence thus here I am at an unfamiliar part of the palace. Mia waited outside the door and motioned for me to enter. Feyd stood in black loincloth with slaves surrounding him applying paint to his perfect physique. I look around the large round room and notice three women lounging and watching him closely. These must be his darlings.
“Husband.” One word hangs in the air drawing everyone's attention. More importantly it captures his attention. 
He smiles at me and beckons me forward.
“There you are, wife. I missed your sweet scent.”
He claims my lips once I’m at arms length. A passionate kiss. I find myself getting wet at the taste of him, but I pull away. 
“Won’t you finally introduce me to your darlings?”
I gesture to the lounging women that resemble large felines. They perk up hearing me mention them.
“My darlings, come greet your Na Baroness.” 
He turns my back to him, always preferring to observe my interactions from over my shoulder. The elegant pale women make their way to us, languidly. They stop before me looking me up and over again. Feyd begins to remove the veil from me slowly, as if teasing them with the idea of seeing my bare face. Tendrils of my hair are visible as he lifts the veil slower still. A quick pale hand reaches up and seizes up a lock of hair.
My frame tenses at the unexpected contact. The veil falls aside before it’s scoped up by a silent slave for safe keeping. The concubines can’t look away from my face, my hair, my umber eyes. They seem enthralled by my very being. They look at my belly in reverence, small touches here and there and everywhere makes me close my eyes softly. I don’t protest as I feel them take turns stroking my scalp gently. Noses pushing into my ebony hair occasionally.
“They love your scent as much as I do.” His sandpaper voice caresses my neck as he speaks. Opening my eyes and turning to face him I stroke his cheek.
“My Lord na- Baron your blades.” 
A portly man presents Feyd with two blades, one white the other black. Feyd walks towards him inspecting them. He grabs the white blade testing the sharpness of the tip on his own tongue. When the blade fails that test he slices the throat of a slave nearby. It slices her neck seamlessly, so he moves on and stabs another slave with the dull tip. He critiques the tip alone, commenting on the balance of the blade over all. 
My knees nearly buckle at the scene before me. Three pairs of hands hold my weight momentarily. He killed them so calmly. There was zero hesitation and just to test the blade, surely there was a better way. He grabbed the black blade testing it with his own flesh yet again, but this time the tip was indeed sharp. He nodded his approval before returning his attention to me. 
“This blade is worthy of your blood. Will you do me the honor?”
I nod hesitantly as he approaches me. He squats before me lifting the hem of my gown slowly exposing my creamy thighs. He takes the blade and slowly runs it along my inner thigh leaving a shallow cut. He removes it and uses his tongue to gather the small trickle of blood. He slurps obscenely, taking his time to make sure he didn’t miss out on a single drop. 
I look towards the concubines and see them lounging once again watching us with keen interest and smiles. They were not the hissing harpies I imagined whenever Vladimir chose to throw them in my face. They genuinely seemed like loyal pets, serving their purpose. Simple creatures content with their role as concubines, not jealous of ‘the wife’ or covetting my position. Perhaps that was a change done when they were modified just for him. Life must be much more simple if you could simply pick and choose which traits your women possessed. Especially women who could be blood thirsty and literally ate human flesh. However genetic modification was a touchy subject across the Imperium. 
The black sun and the gory arena scene nauseated me and I was barely containing my vomit as I was seated next to the Baron. He didn’t speak a single word to me and I was content being silent. Mia must have noticed my discomfort because she brought me a sweet cool drink to soothe me. Across the arena I noted a group of women with headdresses on. Bene Gesserit women, they looked as out of place here as I did. Perhaps the Reverend Mother was among them, watching me. A chill down my spine and a cold sweat broke out at the thought. She was indeed watching me from across the arena. 
“Na Baroness, perhaps you should retire and take a break from the sun. You don’t look well.” Whispered Mia.
I nod my head suddenly feeling very unwell. Mia helps me from my seat and leads me away. 
“The doctor said this could happen, in these early days. He has medication that can help.” Mia reassured me gently. 
The Suk doctor visited my chamber quickly with the requested medication and just to be sure he checked me over thoroughly. The child was doing well and it was all as expected. 
“This tonic will kick in quickly, I have been made aware you are to rejoin the festivities immediately after you recover.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize I would be missed so soon.”
“He walked into the arena to begin only to realize you weren’t present in your seat. He demanded it be put on hold.”
Embarrassment stung my cheeks. Oh no, I hope I did not offend him.
“Perhaps we should start heading that way now. I don’t want to cause more of a delay. As you said, the tincture is fast acting.” 
Once reseated and given another refreshment by the attentive Mia, the large arena doors open and my husband begins walking towards the center. As he reaches the center of the arena he kneels acknowledging the Baron. The seconds tick by as he stands and gestures for me to move closer. I stand and walk to the balcony offering him a better view of me even from the great distance between us.
He pulls the black blade out, the blade christened in my blood. He kisses the blade slowly with his pillowy lips before he holds it up to me. I smile at him lifting my veil to show him my face unobstructed. The crowd around us cheers with a deafening boom. Fireworks begin to go off and sadly they are black and colorless much like everything else here.
The crowd chants his name as he only has eyes for me. Like a cobra being charmed with a pungi I can’t look away from him. He was mesmerizing, he was god-like to his people and they adored him so. He finally resheathed the blade and turned towards the doors ready to begin his performance. I took my seat ignoring everything around me, my focus was entirely on Feyd Rautha. I wanted to see him in action against an actual opponent for the first time. 
Slaves large and small limped out towards the Na Baron and he stood still accessing his adversaries. Men were located around the arena wearing black garments from head to toe. They looked like something that would terrorize a child's worst nightmares. They moved in sync with Feyd watching his every step and the slaves around him. 
The battle begins with a charge of the largest slave towards Feyd Rautha. A sloppy attempt at rushing him and catching him off guard. Feyd immediately strikes a killing blow, slicing the man's head clean off with little to no effort. The next attack came from two at once and he dispelled them quickly. I noticed a large slave was merely watching Feyd assessing his moves but not attacking. He didn’t seem to limp when he walked; he looked to be in good health. Was this a part of the show perhaps? I notice Vladimir looking at Piter, understanding passed over Piters’ eyes then. 
“That slave has not been drugged Baron.” Piter spoke robotically. 
I looked back to the arena and watched Feyd closely. Surely he could handle a slave drugged or not.
“Do not ruin my nephew's day, Piter.”
Returning his eyes to Feyd Rautha as well, the Baron sat up straight.
“Congratulations my dear nephew.”
Taglist: @mamawiggers1980 @drunkennunicornn @aoi-targaryen @lovereadingfanfic @avidreader73
@nemodeus @landlockedmermaid77 @wo-ming-bai
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spiderlandry · 1 year
congrats!!!! i was wondering if you could do a childhood friends to lovers drabble with ethan landry?
thank u anon!! i Love childhood friends to lovers (i already have one for ethan in my wips, so i ended up making this one a little different, but my wip sounds like something you’d be into so stick around for when i release that soon!)
used a jack gif because i am running out of cute ethan ones 😧 this turned out way longer than expected sorry omfg
100 follower event
warnings/tags: mostly just fluff w ethan 😮‍💨 ghostface not mentioned, one use of y/n, mentions of dieting (by ethan b/c he’s going to the gym), insecurities
off the table — ethan landry
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“Ethan, look at the camera!”
He stares at his phone, watching through the ‘movies’ you used to film at his house when you were younger. Your voice sounds squeaky, matching his at the time. The video is blurry, but he can see his own goofy pose through the pixels as you turn the camera to him, and then here comes his favourite part, when you turn the camcorder and set it on the coffee table and he can see you and him sitting on the floor of his family living room.
“Introduce yourself, come on!”
“Ethan?” A knock on his bedroom door forces him to shut off his device and hug it to his chest, leaning back against his headboard.
“Yeah?” He responds to the all-too familiar voice, you, on the other side of the wood, opening the door.
“Um—“ You squint your eyes at him, as if you’d heard the sounds coming from his phone. Shit, did you hear? “You have any plans tonight?” You don’t mention the way he’s visibly relieved when you ask.
“No, why?” He’s back at ease with you again, pushing back the thoughts of a future with you to the back of his mind.
“I want wings,” He confesses.
You chuckle at his admission, knowing he’d been dieting because he began regularly going to the gym with Chad. (Which, honestly, was a treat to your eyes—but he’d never know.)
“I’ll get wings.” You pull out your phone to order, then adding, “I won’t tell Chad.” Before you leave and close the door.
He runs his hands down his face. Why did he think becoming roommates with you was a good idea? Oh, right, because you promised each other when you were kids.
It’s not the fact that you’re roommates. It’s that you’re just roommates, at least at this moment. But you’re also each other’s best friend since childhood—a connection that neither of you plan to change.
He watches through the video folder he has, titled, ‘y/n and ethan’ consisting of the videos you two filmed with a shitty camcorder at his dad’s house.
It was a time capsule of sorts—the videos progressed and the two of you grew up—but as time passed, the entries became less frequent. The last time was before you both separated for the first two years of college, when you went to study abroad. But you came back, reminded him of the promises you both made; telling him ‘the offer is still on the table.’ and he ended up moving in with you as per the plans you made as children.
This year of living together has been like if nothing ever changed, like you never went anywhere else, never spent two years apart from him. Though, there are flashes of uncertainty. Cracks in your demeanor that leaves him wondering if he truly knows you still.
Each moment where you mention someone in your life he doesn't know, he feels a sting. And on top of that, he feels guilt. How can he stay in your life keeping this secret from you? It eats at him.
He's in love with you. There's no denying that. The problem lies in how long he can hold it in, out of fear of ruining what he has with you. But knowing you, you would probably reject him so nicely that he wouldn't notice. There is no chance you'd feel the same, he thinks.
You both eat wings on the couch, watching your favorite movie. Neither of you care about the close distance, shoulders touching and hands brushing against each other when the movie ends and you begin to cleanup.
In the kitchen disposing of trash, you lean against a counter while he gets busy tidying up the kitchen. He can feel your stare on him, burning.
"Are you just gonna stand there?" He laughs, but there's a waiver in his voice that is hard to miss.
"Were you watching the videos of us? You know. Earlier."
His heart pounds in his ears. "Yeah. Why?" He doesn't see a point in lying anymore.
You sigh, "I miss you too, you know."
His head snaps up to meet yours, a longing gaze in your eyes.
That's when he realizes that you've stepped closer, your warmth practically radiating off your figure. His mind blanks.
"I feel like I've been..." You pause to think, "I don't know. Distant?"
Between the two of you, you were always the more honest one. A trait he admires, a reason to look up to you. You never shy away from a conversation when it's needed.
Ethan's mind jumps to a worst case scenario. Multiple, actually. Why are you telling him this? You're about to break bad news to him, aren't you?
Reading the uncertainty in his eyes, you continue.
"Something's changed." You shrug, looking to him for an answer.
"No, why--why would you say that?"
"I'm sorry, E."
His brows furrow. Now he's even more confused.
"I feel like I don't know how to fucking act around you anymore."
Woah. Now where did that come from?
His shoulders slump at the mere though of you not wanting to be around him. Did he do something wrong? Are you uncomfortable?
You mumble something inaudible.
"What?" He whispers, almost breathless.
He's certain his heart stopped beating. He needs to get his ears checked, surely.
"Can--can you say that again?"
You stare at him through your lashes, a frown forming on your lips. He wants nothing more than to wipe it off you, but first he needs to make sure he heard you correctly.
"I'm in love with you." You stop looking at his eyes, unable to face him. "And I'm sorr--"
He engulfs you in a hug before you can finish.
"Don't ever be sorry," He tightens his hold, and you reciprocate. "I thought--I didn't think you'd ever feel the same."
He can physically feel you relaxing.
"You're an ass."
That gets a laugh out of him. "Why?"
"You made me say it again."
"You know what? I'll make you a deal."
"Yeah? Is it a good deal? Don't try to scam me."
He smiles, though you can't see it because your eyes are closed, too focused on the feeling of his arms around you. "I'll tell you how much I love you for as long as you want."
"Give me a timeframe."
"For the rest of our lives, hm? Deal?"
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Either way, Puss is losing a life here
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish:
It has a very well done and mature depiction of serious topics (mortality) and mental health. My favourite scene is the depiction of Puss having a panic attack and Perrito comforting him. Also great animation and all the characters are amazing.
The trio of puss+kitty+ perrito was really fun and I loved Puss and Kitty’s relationship. The scenes with Death gave me chills when I saw it in theaters. The animation was gorgeous, the character arcs are very well done, every character is entertaining to watch and it's paced impressively well. Probably the best animated movie I saw in 2022
The animation, the characters, the details, the story, the comedy, the messages, the animation style, All OF IT!
I absolutely love the characterization, the fact that they managed to wrangle BLOOD into the movie was insane to me when I watched it in theaters. I was so entranced lol
It’s a fucking cinematic masterpiece. I nearly cried this film changed a part of my soul. The animation is incredibly stylised especially for the fight scenes, the locations are beautiful and the characters are all enjoyable in their own ways. The music is so good i recommended it to my music teacher on the basis of looking at it for leitmotifs. Genuinely one of the best films I’ve ever seen.
The opening scene is absolutely gorgeous + Kitty & pib's relationship is so important to me. they invented true love. <2
I've been fixated on this movie for five months now and it's not stopping; the animation is inventive and stunning, the characters are all in-depth and well-written, the antagonists are all a delight, the themes stay with you ages after you walk out of the theater, it has the most realistic depiction of a panic attack I've ever seen on the big screen in my entire life. It's all incredibly stylish, the music all goes hard, every single scene matters to the greater plotline, never is a character mocked by the narrative for their weakness or naïvete... I'm not a big movie person, but I've watched this over twenty times honestly, and it's impacted me for the rest of my life.
Shrek 2:
Shrek may be one of the biggest memes on the internet, but this movie legitimately SLAPS!!! This is the movie that most Shrek Conoisseurs agree is the best for the mostly great storyline and it's REALLY great comedy throughout. This is also the movie that introduced us to Puss in Boots! The ending is also INCREDIBLY iconic just saying. 10/10
"One of the greatest sequels of all time. Still holds up nearly 20 years later. It's got everything you could ask for. Diegetic music, a giant gingerbread man Godzilla parody, dancing, death/self-sacrifice, Puss in boots, and, most importantly, a banging song that mixes things up (Seriously, the cover slaps way harder than the original. The alternating highs and lows in terms of tempo and intensity really makes it).
Shrek is a good movie. But Shrek 2 is a great movie. It builds off of the world in the previous film, expands and make it more compelling, while still being a fairy-tale modern tale that critiques family relations. There's great jokes, like Shrek pretending to be from the union, the Fairy Godmother breaking her diet as a punishment for someone else, and a knight planting drugs on Puss in Boots. It's an absolutely iconic movie with THE BEST use of an existing song for a climax in any film (fight me) with the I Need a Hero scene, but also is able to slow down and perfectly capture the awkward first meal with disapproving parents.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
simple skincare tips!
🌼eat the foods that love you back. your skin is a direct mirror of your internal situation. if your digestive system is being bombarded often by foods that create a lot of wastes and residues, that does more harm than good. and so, the struggle to eliminate them will be reflected in your skin. your diet constitutes the vast majority of your skin health. change your meals to be whole food plant based (still delicious, satisfying, and exciting) & watch your skin glow and your skincare routine simplify.
🌼be conscious of what's going on your skin. the skin layers can be over-cleansed, imbalanced, and aggravated when the skin microbiome and pH are disrupted. if you wipe out the beneficial bacterial populations with harshly formulated products, you may find that you break out (i.e. harmful bacterial populations begin to thrive). use gentle, simple skin formulas such as castile soaps, natural oils & butters (i recommend jojoba oil for mostly everyone), natural soap bars, and clays. most commercial skin care products disturb the skin cells (introduce too much foreign material to the body, unsuitable pH ranges, imbalance the microbiome, etc). they sell because it's convention to buy them, the brands are well-known, and their sales pitches are enticing. but really, no cream or serum will ever be the magic potion your skin was asking for. it will only be a band-aid, at best. truly healthy skin comes from diet, and the products are just for any other necessary maintenance. if you get a pimple, you should look first to why the pimple emerged, not what treatment will remove it.
🌼keep your lymph flowing. simple ways to do this are through good lifestyle habits. things like doing exercise & sports you find fun, breathwork, dry brushing, eating lots of fruit, avoiding wearing bras & other tight clothing items, lymphatic massage/gua sha can all be helpful.
🌼focus on hydration via fresh fruits and veggies. the water within plant foods is more useable to your cells, and your skin will cease being overly oily or dry overtime (especially if you reduce/eliminate your salt & oil intake). it will also help to encourage lymphatic flow, so you can see problems like blemishes, cellulite, old scars diminish after great consistency.
🌼allow your skin to breathe. this is especially good if you spend time in stuffy (poorly ventilated) indoor environments, like offices, hospitals, planes, etc. one great way is via herbal facial steaming (i recommend it 3x a week or so). make a hot infusion of an aromatic tea, cover it and allow it to cool a few minutes, and, with closed eyes, allow the pores to open and receive the herbal medicine (this is a great time to meditate, manifest, and just feel pampered). getting more fresh air, working up a sweat, and going to a sauna are also ways to allow your skin to breathe.
🌼avoid steroid prescriptions creams at all costs. they are very deleterious to health in the long term, and they can be very painful to come off of. it's not a real fix. it's not worth hurting your kidneys & adrenals for. evaluate your diet instead. do you eat dairy? choose plant-based dairy options instead (they're simple to make yourself too). do you eat a lot of fats? try oil-free cooking methods instead (opt for sautéing with a bit of water, baking, steaming, air frying, etc). avoiding eating out as much.
🌼be aware of what you're putting in your hair as well. your shampoos, conditioner, leave-ins, gels, moisturizers, oils, serums, etc all tend to touch your face too, when your hair touches your face. if they wouldn't be good enough to put on your face, don't put them in your hair. a lot of the best skin cleansers are also suitable as shampoos. a lot of oils and butters can be used for both. plant-based gels like aloe vera or flax seed are simple to DIY, and are dual-use once again. basically, this will simplify your life.
🌼understand the water that runs through your pipes. if your shower and tap water are like most people's around the world, they aren't optimal for our skin. for example, they contain added chemicals to sanitize the water but that can prevent the proper microbiomes from developing on your skin. a weak skin microbiome is prone to skin issues. so, try to use distilled water on your face (if you're not able to get a water filter, a gallon jug at a store is affordable. they're about $1.30 USD in my area).
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brabblesblog · 11 months
Part 10 of the Goodnight Moon series
You meet your first love in the inn at Baldur’s Gate. Astarion is not happy. Also a potential glimpse of what the future could hold 💍
Thanks for reading my stories and following my work!
Read on AO3.
Part 9
Part 11
“It’s been a while!”
That voice. You freeze, your hand on your mug tightening. You slap on a smile and turn around.
“Erm. Yeah.” You look at the drow male approaching your table. You want to run, but you force yourself to stay calm. If any of your companions noticed your discomfort, no one said anything.
“How has it been?” He slips to the empty seat beside you, the one Astarion had vacated minutes ago to get you dinner. You had been starving, but all those thoughts disappeared as you looked into those emerald eyes. Those eyes had haunted you for almost a decade. “You’ve… well.” He eyes you up and down. “You’ve changed,” he says, obviously intrigued.
You shrug. “Healthier diet, exercise routine, all that.” Some of your companions finally notice your new seatmate.
“Is that-“ Karlach begins, shocked.
“Cassian. Pleased to meet you,” he offers her his hand, and she shakes it. Her eyes lock onto yours, and you give her a quick nod. I can handle this, you say through tadpole-speak.
Karlach and Gale knew all about Cassian. Your first, in all the ways that mattered. He had made you feel like you were the most important girl in the world, and then in a heartbeat made you realize you were worthless. It wasn’t completely his fault - you had spent so many years trying to win him back, to make him love you, that you had broken yourself up in the effort. He would flit in and out of your life, reigniting that fire and then snuffing it out just as fast every time he did.
Gale perked up as he heard the name, and he gave Wyll a quick tap on the arm to end their conversation and to signify the reason why. He gives the man a wave, but was cautiously watching, ready to help if things went south. More importantly, he was watching out for Astarion. He wasn’t sure if you’ve told him, and was not sure of how he’d react.
Karlach chuckles to diffuse the weird silence. “Karlach. I- uh- yeah, I’ve heard about you,” she admits, knowing she had already outed herself.
Cassian straightens up imperceptibly. “You have? No doubt Tav here is why.” He puts a friendly arm around your shoulders. “Her and I go a long way. Would you introduce me to your other friends?”
You gulp. Slowly, you point out each person and their names. They all wave or nod as they are mentioned. Before you finish, a cold hand drops to Cassian’s shoulder.
“I believe you’re in my seat,” Astarion hisses. On his other hand he has your bowl of stew. Cassian arches his eyebrows at him, almost as if he found him entertaining.
“-and that’s Astarion,” you finish, biting your lip. “Astarion, this is Cassian.”
The vampire’s eyes flick to yours and then to Karlach, as if a quick message was being passed along them. His grip on the bowl tightens, but he smiles, a smile that’s all teeth and fangs.
“My, my. Cassian! What brings you here?” He puts the bowl on the table. “Come to break her heart again? I’d like you to know that would be impossible now,” he adds, all bravado and smugness oozing from him. But you can see the uncertainty in his eyes. Why hadn’t he been told?
Cassian laughs humorlessly. “What we had was… complicated. I don’t expect you to understand. As it is,” he holds his hand up, where a ring was on his finger. “I am already spoken for.”
And yet, the way his eyes dragged along your body was obvious to everyone on the table. Astarion’s hand dropped to his dagger, his anger starting to cloud his judgement, when another hand stilled it. Gale had slipped behind him, predicting this would happen.
“I got you a seat,” Gale prompts, keeping his voice level. The moment broken, Astarion lets himself be seated to the other side of you. The moment he’s there, you slip your hand over his under the table and squeeze tightly. He does not miss a beat.
“Well- so is she,” he says plainly. “No rings just yet, but I would greatly appreciate it if you kept your arm off my wife.”
You turn to him, eyes wide, and he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. Even now, when he’s unsure of the situation, he’s protecting you. You turn back to Cassian, smiling. “I’m glad to know we both found what was meant for us,” you say, shifting yourself backwards towards Astarion so that the drow had to let go of you. You didn’t want it to escalate at all.
He takes a moment to eye Astarion up and down, assessing his replacement. He then looks to you, and the smile he gives you is oddly genuine. “A shame, then, but I am happy for you.” He gives everyone a final look and then makes a show of grabbing his pocket watch.
“Oh, would you look at the time! I have to go. This has been fun, though. Tav,” he says and gives you a quick hug. “See you around.”
Before you can even react, he’s gone. You can feel the collective tension drop from everyone in the table.
Karlach breaks the silence. “That was Cassian? I understand why you went mad for him,” she chuckles.
For a second, Astarion is quiet. His eyes were staring holes into the bowl of stew. Then he quickly recovers, smirking. “Karlach, I suggest you have your eyes checked. Either that, or your taste.”
She laughs it off, and the night goes on without another hitch. You know not everything is as it seems though. Your partner’s eyes are a little too distant.
He leaves for the rooms early, and you quickly follow suit.
He’s seated on the bed, his shirt off, which meant he was preparing for bed. You sit beside him, eyeing him carefully. “I’m sorry,” you mumble.
“For what? For your ex to come dropping by as I get you dinner? Oh-“ he laughs bitterly, “I meant your ex that you haven’t been able to get over for the past decade.” He had seen it all in Karlach’s mind.
You take a deep breath. “Yes, it was a long time. And… and I’m sorry I never told you. I didn’t want to burden you. You already have so much on your plate.”
He scoffs, but when he looks at you, his eyes are soft and wide. “You never are a burden, darling.” He wraps his arms around you, and you two slowly lie down, your head on his chest. “I have given you my problems to deal with, so let me deal with yours as well.”
You shake your head. “Cassian isn’t even a problem, though. He hasn’t been in a while. Especially not when you came around,” you add.
“Still. I would like to know more about your life.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head. “But I won’t lie - I wanted to tear his throat out.”
You stroke his chest gently, tracing shapes absentmindedly. “Jealousy doesn’t suit you, love.”
He rolls his eyes. “Not jealous. I just realize I want everyone to know you’re mine.” The last word was almost a growl. He picks up your hand, turning it in his hands.
“A ring like that would suit you, I admit.”
You freeze, looking up at him. You’ve always dreamed of it, but you never thought he’d be the type to want that. “Really? I didn’t think…”
“Neither did I.” His eyes meet yours, and they are full of affection and adoration. “I-“
I love you.
It was on the tip of his tongue, but he held it back. “I mean, things can change. In time,” he added, as though he expected you to know what he was about to say.
You nod. You’re slightly disappointed, but as always you understand. “I know.” Then you give him a tight hug.
“Let’s go figure out all our problems first, yes? Before anything else,” you say, giving him an out.
“Ah- of course! There’s every chance we’ll die, too, so that’s something else to look forward to!” He says, a little too cheerily.
Just as fast, he drops the act, tilting your chin up so he could kiss your lips.
“I promise you, darling. You won’t have to wait much longer,” he whispers, his eyes falling shut.
You kiss him back, hands gently running through his curls. You’re okay with whatever he’s willing to give, whenever’s he’s willing to give it. That thought passes to him through your tadpoles, and he sighs softly, pulling away to meet your eyes. His are wet with happiness.
“Thank you,” he says, holding you tightly again.
For now, that is enough. There are so many things to worry about - his master, for instance - but right now, he’s content.
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E3 Scene 1-3 Life with Tankhun
Porsche's new job consists largely of watching TV with Khun, Arm, and Pol. He is immediately bored out of his skull.
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(It is very rare for characters in a TV show to watch TV.)
Porsche has something more interesting in mind, and gets them watching porn. Kinn shows up (again no knocking! I know siblings but sheesh!) and is again in this quasi-parental disapproving mode. Everybody blames Porsche.
The thing is, though, in a sharp change from last episode, Porsche hasn't actually done anything wrong here (you could argue that by refusing to infantilize Khun like everyone else does, he's doing something very right). He's just doing something unexpected, and nobody knows how to react to it. There's no rule about this. Which leads me to two important things about Porsche in this episode.
One, he represents chaos, while the hyper-controlled main family compound is 100% order. He's dynamic fire vs the family's static water.
Two, vis a vis my chess theory, Porsche is not one of the pieces; he's Korn's opponent. The previous episode showed us the board, and this one is when he starts to play. You can't win a game by breaking the rules, but you can win by making moves your opponent doesn't even imagine are possible.
For instance, in the second scene we have done a little time skip. Khun is back on his regular TV diet, and Porsche is bored again. (I'm not sure the Kittisawats even had a TV?) Porsche proposes going out, Khun is vehemently opposed, and Porsche eventually wears him down.
There is no rule against taking Khun somewhere else to have fun. It has never crossed anyone's mind that it could happen. Porsche has already taken his first pieces in the game as Pete, Arm, and Pol encourage Khun to go along with the idea.
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Back on my thematic bullshit, Hum Bar is Porsche's place of power. It's where he was first introduced to us, it's where he feels most comfortable and valued, and it is--critically for his character themes--a social place, a place of human connections (note that this is where he met Kinn), whereas everything in Korn's world is designed to isolate and separate people. It's color and joy vs monochrome violence.
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Literally the least efficient way to carry a human being.
These early episodes give an impression that Kinn doesn't sleep much. He is again face to face with Porsche doing something not wrong, just completely unexpected.
What we learned:
Khun's trauma has done a number on his memory
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riftclaw · 11 months
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Gonna fill out this questionaire for Curie's upcoming appearance in the @sonic-oc-showdown round starting this weekend! Let me introduce you to my beloved flying radioactive puppy!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Curie is named after the radioactive measurement of the curie, and also Maria Skłodowska-Curie. Their name is actually older than this particular iteration of the character, who was originally not a sonic oc and was named Curie as an intentional callback to the name of a character in Homestuck. "The Radiant" is because he glows in the dark, playing on a rarer sonic character naming convention (Fang the Sniper/Hunter).
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Developmentally and physically, Curie would be roughly in their early to mid twenties. However, they were born in 1923, making them about 86 in their AU's current day (2009). They spent most of their life locked in isolation in a military facility, though, and were only freed and started living life outside a box again in 1995.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
He's part of a 5 person polycule including my other characters Agent VX, Caprice Amaranth, David Valke and Luka Mosaic. He has different relationships with all of them, having fallen for V, Caprice and Valke while adapting to modern life, and becoming involved with Luka later after they bonded over being giant nerds.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Candy, pretty much any type. Crunchy sweets like rock are their favourite.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Curie runs a nuclear power plant and waste disposal business, which is largely a front for making sure he has enough to eat-- because as much as he enjoys candy, his body will only properly digest radioactive materials. Since his business is really only there to keep him fed, he sells power at a loss-- which means it's very affordable and in high demand, giving him the ability to expand his power network and thus bring in more nuclear waste to eat later. He's not in it to make money, though-- outside of his personal R&D efforts, he sinks practically all his profits into charity. His main reactor base and the surrounding city of Bloodwood Grove was built on the Painted-Rocks clan's abandoned land, specifically to help camouflage the habitats of the last living mobosaur herds that the clan once hunted and protected.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
They collect plushies, radioactive knick knacks like uranium glass and watches with radium paint, and Godzilla merchandise, and they love to tinker with technology and study space.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Nuclear physics, probably-- it's something that started out of necessity (because of his unusual diet) but he developed an aptitude for it and genuinely enjoys working on nuclear powered inventions. It's not unusual for him to build experimental reactors for fun.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
They love to watch Godzilla movies and play around with unusual tech. They hate being confined to boring meeting rooms or made to deal with unnecessary beauracracy.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The first time he rolled in the grass after he was freed from the facility he was imprisoned in. The grass wasn't even on Earth/Mobius, but it was grass, and he'd all but forgotten it existed after being locked away for 60+ years.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
They don't currently have many-- a lot of their most traumatic experiences will occur in the future, such as when the forces/zombot plot occurs. That's not fun for anyone, but especially Curie.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
The very first proto-Curie was actually just a heavily au Jade Harley-- who had changed so drastically I "filed off the serial numbers" and made into their own character. His first ever original design was human! He still ate nuclear waste, though. This current iteration of Curie was developed when I was initially setting up my Amalgam au, drawing more on his initial prototype's personality and history than Cain Einley, the other character I split off the same prototype several years back.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Related to the question above, they spawned from a particularly ridiculous homestuck fanfic that never made it past a disjointed first draft back in the early 10s. If i sink enough development into a canon character that they stop looking/sounding like that character, I split them off, give them a fursona and a new name, and carry on writing my new oc, and Curie is just another in a long line of similar characters who occupy my brainspace.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Science fiction for sure.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
They are agender with a side of transmasc*, and use he or they pronouns interchangeably. Curie is also demisexual-- they need to form an emotional bond with someone before they can develop romantic feelings for them. *My friends and I often refer to them as "none gender with left boy"
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
He had four, but none of them are alive today, and he doesn't remember them anymore. :(
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
They don't remember either of their parents, either, but considering that the guy who made them what they are now was their father, at least one of those relationships was pretty unhealthy.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
On a purely aesthetic level the fact that he glows in the dark will always delight me. It's such a fun trait to play with!
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I draw them decently often, although a lot of what I draw in general doesn't get published. I write about them a lot more, but nothing that's in a state to be shared. They're the secondary main character of Amalgam's whole main storyline!
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
He does die in the future. Not for a good long while-- mobians in his universe live for 150 years on average, and his peculiar metabolism means he's going to outlive that many times over, but eventually he will power down and fade away. He's got a lot to accomplish on the way there though!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Claustrophobia for sure.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
In the future he'll be taking the rookie's place in Amalgam's version of the forces/zombot plot (they are combined!), and will be facing up against their version of Infinite. His radioactive blood means he can't get infected by the zombot virus, which puts him in a position of being the best person for a lot of problem solving in this particular plotline.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
As "Curie the Radiant", since early 2019. Here's the first ever picture I posted of them, before their personality had finished solidifying!
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🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
In 2019 I was 29! Although as I said earlier, he has roots in fanfiction/original fiction from before Amalgam became my primary worldbuild, and his prototype form would date to when I was about 23.
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quackquackcey · 1 year
How Stiles Almost Became a Fitness Diet Nutritionist
Fic written for @sterekweekly’s prompt ‘bacon’. Rated E, 2.8k words. Tags: pining, fluff, smut, & bacon lol. Read on AO3.
Stiles somehow lands a date with the ripped, hot guy from the gym that he’s been crushing on for months by praising bacon, but accidentally digs a hole he can’t get out of in the process. Can he keep up the lie or will it all fall apart?~ 🥓🐷
“Why don’t you just ask him out?”
Stiles smacked Scott’s shoulder. “Keep your voice down!” he hissed. “What if he hears you? I can’t just go up to him! I’m just a random stranger; he’d be so creeped.”
“Stiles, he’s literally on the other side of the gym.” Scott huffed out a laugh as he put down his weights. “Besides, you drool over him so much he’s probably long noticed you. Just say hi and that you’ve seen him around, and ask if he’d want to go out on a date with you.”
“I don’t watch him that much!”
Except he did, and he knew it—he even changed his weekly grocery shopping from Mondays to Fridays because he noticed Derek at the store a few times when picking up ice cream on movie night Fridays.
He wasn’t a stalker.
He wasn’t. It was just the grocery store, and it wasn’t like he followed Derek around.
He just…peeked over sometimes.
That was it.
It was hardly his fault that Derek was practically a walking god.
So he continued living his life sneaking glances at Derek sometimes, until one Friday when he saw Derek shopping at the grocery store with a dark-haired woman. Usually, he’d jump to conclusions and assume she was his girlfriend, but they looked similar and bickered as siblings did—(no, relief did not fill Stiles’ chest at that realization).
Currently, the woman was berating Derek for only putting meat and a plethora of bacon in the shopping cart, which Stiles had noticed seemed to be Derek’s favorite food item by far.
Stiles pushed his cart beside them to get himself some bacon, too—what did he need bacon for again?—and then took a step towards the eggs section when—
“Hey, tell my brother that this is not healthy!”
Stiles looked around, but no one was there.
A beat of silence.
He pointed at himself. “Me?”
“Look at all this bacon!” the woman forged on as Derek stood there pinching the bridge of his nose. “Do you think this is healthy? Derek won’t listen to me!”
Stiles just sort of stood there, mouth opening and closing like a fish. “U-Uh, well, uh, maybe some, er…variety could be good…?”
It only took him at least a minute to say that garbage line, and he wanted to dig a hole.
The woman nodded approvingly. “See? He agrees!”
Stiles thought that’d be the end of his first not-really-a-conversation-but-maybe-it-counted-indirectly with Derek, but then the woman introduced herself as Laura and Derek as, well, Derek.
Stiles nearly tripped saying his own name.
“Yeah, I’ve seen you at the gym,” said Derek with a casual, blinding smile that rendered Stiles speechless now that he was on the receiving end of it. “We work out on the same days, I think.”
Stiles acted like he had no idea. “Oh, really? Huh. Small world.”
Small world, his ass.
And then Derek laughed, and Stiles’ brain simultaneously short-circuited from the heavenly sound and spiraled, because why was Derek laughing? Was he laughing because he thought Stiles was funny?
Or was it because he knew Stiles was full of shit and had been subtly and discreetly staring stealing glances at him at the gym for who knew how long now?
Whichever one it was, Stiles didn’t have the time to parse it out, because Laura started telling Derek that eating different types of bacon wasn’t any nutritionally better than eating one type of bacon, and Stiles, being the fountain of random knowledge no one gave a shit about that he was, opened his big mouth to defend Derek’s cartful of bacon and proceeded to spiel about how regular cured bacon had 30% protein and 70% fat per serving while back bacon had 65% protein and turkey bacon had 53% protein, so actually, Derek’s selection of bacon did make sense to an extent, and—
“Oh my god, are you a fitness nut, too?” asked Laura. She squinted at him. “No, wait, are you studying nutrition? I have a friend who’s studying that and they spout off random facts all the time when they’re preparing for exams.”
And that was when it all started going wrong.
Continue on AO3!
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AIRA Shiratori x Baker! Blogger! Reader
Connected to this story || Reader is known as MC, you work as a Chief in ES. But your a hyper realistic sweet content creator. This supposed to be posted after that baker! Reader x Niki lol.
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It's supposed to be a normal day for you with empty hall. Waiting for customers but somehow there is this person who's setting in that one chair across five tables away from the place your standing at in the counter, looking through the menus and looking up to you every now and then. Your only out of your paradise because no one is with you since Shiina Niki is still don't arrive for his shift.
Since you have nothing to do, you went back to your kitchen to grab some cookies you premade earlier this morning and some icing to design some cookies to pass the time. When you return from the kitchen and stare up from your stuff, you notice the person is now four table across you. You thought its odd but let it be.
While piping some icing to create the design of the cake with reference at hand. You don't notice that the person have cross one table and now three table away from you until you look up again.
MC: what is this? A horror movie ?
But this is real life and that person probably just felt awkward being alone and thinking what to get from the menu. So you went back to piping another design again which is inspired by your number one viewer. RaveyLoVeIdOls4LiFe who have a pfp of the idol unit "alkaloids" logo.
"owahhhh. Your really that content creator??!" You heard someone says, you look up and saw the customer is now in front of you looking at you while designing some cookies with sparkling eyes.
"... Ahm. Yes? Can I help you?" You felt happy someone recognize you but somehow your being stared like your one of the idols of ES which is an overstatement.
"D-do you do sell c-custom cookies? C-can I buy one?🥹" He shyly look at you as he fidget with his finger. You thought about it. You don't think everyone have a budget that supposed to be spend on self pleasure like cookies and the SS is coming up soon too.
"No." You says and saw disappointment in his eyes. "You can request it for free." You added which made him instantly happy.
"REALLY? YOU SURE?" Beaming with glee he almost jump up and down from happiness.
"Yes, you could give some to your friends afterwards if you can't eat all of it." You says with a smile. Idols sometimes don't eat too much sweets because of diet or something, his probably one of those idols who care for that too.' you thought as you ask him which design he wanted.
"C-can I request alkaloid cookies?" He then show you chibi design of the said unit, you saw one of them look like him.
"oh! So your name is Aira? Nice to meet you!" You says as you saw the name under the chibi.
"H-how did you k-know..!?!" His face show both shock and bashfulness. "Well, I saw you name in the chibi. That's you right?" You wanted to jested him but you don't want to bully the guy. He seems too nice to be bullied by you.
"O-oh right! Yes I'm aira Shiratori! Member of alkaloid! Ease watch my unit live!" He introduced himself to you. You smiled and did the same. "-- will I would! Through I'll do it when I'm free from kitchen duty!" You and him chat as you make cookies he requested.
at the middle of the chat you ask him if he want to appear in your blog and you'll pay him for it since he is an idol after all. After being surprised by your request he agree but he needs to change his cloths first.
so you waited for him to come back but he seems to brought along some friends, he brought his whole unit with him and they appear in your vlog. you did what you say and paid them.
You smiled as you posted the video, and realize some idols really seems like nice people to talk too.
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art-of-manliness · 9 months
Why Aren’t You Doing It Already?
It’s a new year, so many men are thinking about making changes in their lives.  Maybe you want to lose weight.  Maybe you want to get up earlier.  Maybe you want to spend less time playing video games. Maybe you want to be less of a grump.  If you’re like many men who desire to make changes in their lives, you’ve likely attempted personal change but failed.  You’ve started diets, tried workout plans, and created budgets, only to give up on them a few weeks or months later.  What gives?  When we flounder in our attempts to improve ourselves, we typically chalk up the failure to a lack of motivation or discipline. So we read books and watch YouTube videos on increasing our motivation and discipline. But they don’t seem to help much. We might feel an initial increase in drive, but then it peters out after a few days. Like most men, I’ve had varying degrees of success with different self-improvement goals. Why do I succeed with some and not others? As a father, I’m keen on helping my kids develop noble habits and desires. How can I better nurture their progress? As a guy in the business of “helping men become better men,” I’m always looking for insights that can help me fulfill that professional vision. So I’ve been thinking and reading about personal change this past year. My study has taken me to psychology and behavioral science, of course. But it’s also led me to philosophy. Personal change isn’t just a matter of neurology or psychology; an element of soul is also involved. Some changes are more soulful than others.  Over the next year, I plan to share some of the things I’ve been thinking about and learning about personal change.  But to kick things off, I want to introduce you to a theory of how personal change happens that has significantly influenced my thinking about this aspect of the human experience.   Change Happens Within a Life Field Most people approach personal change from a behaviorist approach. We treat ourselves like Pavlovian dogs. If you want to change something, you just need to connect a behavior with a reward or punishment, and then change will happen.  Want to stop procrastinating? Set up an arrangement with your friend where you have to pay him $1000 if you don’t finish a draft for a book manuscript. Want to lose 20 pounds? Reward yourself with a trip when you meet your goal by the end of the year. Other interventions get a bit more sophisticated and add to the reward/punishment paradigm of change. For example, you can create or break new habits by understanding the habit loop. But the habit loop model still takes a behaviorist approach. It’s all about stimulus/response. You just need to fiddle with rewards/punishments or change how rewards/punishments are connected to a behavior to effect personal change.  In the early 20th century, a German-American social psychologist took a different approach to personal change. Kurt Lewin thought humans were more than lab rats responding to punishments and rewards. He recognized that we’re complex beings with inner lives — hopes, fears, childhood hang-ups, etc. — that impact our behavior beyond the dynamics of the carrot and the stick. Our innate personality, talents/weaknesses, and unique histories will influence our behavior. Heck, even being hungry or tired can influence how we act. Moreover, we’re beings embedded in social environments that shape our choices. Our behavior can change depending on the social situation we find ourselves in. For example, you might be able to maintain your calm with an annoying co-worker at the office, but snip at your annoying kids at home — same stimulus (annoying-ness); different behavior due to different social context. Or maybe you notice that you swear less when you’re with one group of friends than you do when you’re with another.  Besides the social environment, our physical environment can impact our behavior. How we act can be influenced by our surroundings, from how we set up our house to the season of the year. If you keep junk food in your cabinets,… http://dlvr.it/T0t0XC
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
9, 10, and 19 for Snape asks? :)
Hello, friend!! Thanks for the asks!
9.) What are your personal headcanons on Snape's diet and favourite foods?
Oooh! Food, my favorite subject!
This one is...complicated. I don't think he eats enough. And when he does eat, it's very "food is fuel." Also: I love to think that he can't cook to save his life. Potions? Yes. Cooking? No. (I also headcanon Harry being the opposite: Potions? No. Cooking? Yes.)
It begins at home, where there was never quite enough. Too poor for much. Watching his mother go without some nights just to feed him. Listening to his parents fight. Then at Hogwarts, mealtimes were crowded and loud. Too many people, too many opportunities for trouble. Too much teasing when bypassing Marauders. Too much politicking among the Slytherins. Just another social situation he couldn't navigate.
After...Well, who has the time to eat? Spying and teaching and researching. And even when it's not by necessity, I can see him getting caught up in one obsession or the next and time slipping him by. I think a lot of his personal needs fall by the wayside, caught up as he can get. And there's an unhealthy sort of pleasure in those moments, that he was so caught up in a passion project that he forgot to eat, rather than being unable to due to other obligations (or a lack of resources.)
Due to his upbringing, though, I see him keeping supplies around. Always with a snack at his desk, his bedside, the laboratory. Nutrient dense, of course.
For all that he can't, and doesn't prioritize it, food can be a luxury. He is a man of the senses. And I think he craves fine things. One exceptional meal is an experience.
So when he and Harry finally get together and Harry cooks up a storm, Severus will be quite spoiled! Harry will cook every night and eventually drag him to dinners at the Burrow. Harry and Molly both will fuss at him to eat more. He'll snark back at them, both offended by the critique, and warmed by their care. When Severus is neck deep in a new project, Harry will bring food to him and prompt him to eat. Eat now, Severus. Look, it's finger food, you can multitask!! Either he grumbles at the distraction, or Harry does it just right and Severus gobbles it up without realizing he's doing it.
Food was scarce, once. Then it was fuel, and obligation. Another task on his never ending checklist. It was a fine luxury, when he was lucky. And one day, food becomes love.
As for specifics, I generally don't see him having much of a sweet tooth. Dark chocolate and red wine as a special treat. He's not super picky, but he likes warm and hearty meals. And really simple, fresh foods, too.
And because to fanfiction, I can't shake the feeling that he has a very specific and deep love for cherries (Civil War series by Sushi) and black sesame ice cream (The Sword of Slytherin by vissy.)
10.) Do you think Snape's character has changed the way you think/feel about others?
Eh...not so much changed, but informed maybe. The first book was published when I was 5. I don't remember life before loving Severus Snape, really. I have always been a big fan!
From the start, he was complicated. He was the mean teacher. He was painted to be the bad guy, only he wasn't, really. There was always more than met the eye.
My first love was this very morally gray character, and that bled into all else, maybe. There is good in everyone, and bad in everyone. You can't judge a book by its cover. Etcetera, etcetera. It's hard to say for sure, since I was introduced to him so young, but...Well, surely it's left some impact, aside from this deep obsession and adoration with the man haha!
19.) According to you, what is Snape's biggest flaw?
Pffff. What flaws?
Just kidding. Y'all know I have a great passion for flawed characters!
This man is chock full of flaws, and that's why I love him. But the biggest flaw? Maybe his bitterness -- scratch that, it's his obsessiveness. I was going to touch on this after, but I think his obsessiveness can take the blame for a lot, including his bitterness.
Too wrapped up in people, in a cause, in projects. He doesn't know how to let things go. He's bitter, yeah, and there are reasons for that. But how can he work through anything when his obsessive mind won't loosen its grip?
The worst is the good that comes from it. The high of being caught up in his passions. The usefulness it provides, when he pushes forward, and drives himself to the brink for the sake of accomplishment.
He's stubborn. He's angry. He's depressed. He's dedicated. He's full force ahead. He's undying love. And all of it, the good and the bad, will tear him apart. His intensity wards people off. And anyone daring to get close will be steadily driven off by his darkness. He's too much for other people. And too much for himself.
Thankfully for us all, Harry can handle him.
Aaaand that's how you link every question back to Snarry. You're welcome. =D
Snape asks
answered: 22, 25, 27; 43, 45, 49; 6, 14, 26; 7, 11; 50, 2; 9, 10, 19
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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superpaws99 · 4 months
Tuckers Freeze Dried- Revolutionizing Pet Nutrition
As pet owners, we strive to provide the best for our furry companions, ensuring they live long, healthy, and happy lives. One crucial aspect of pet care is nutrition, and in recent years, the pet food industry has seen a significant shift towards more natural and nutrient-rich options. Among these, freeze-dried pet food has emerged as a standout choice for many. Leading the charge in this innovative approach to pet nutrition is Tuckers Freeze Dried.
What is Freeze-Dried Pet Food?
Freeze-drying is a preservation method that removes moisture from food through sublimation, which involves freezing the food and then reducing the surrounding pressure to allow the frozen water in the food to change directly from solid to gas. This process retains the nutritional value, flavor, and texture of the food while extending its shelf life without the need for artificial preservatives.
Why Choose Tuckers Freeze Dried?
Nutritional Integrity: Tuckers Freeze Dried is committed to maintaining the nutritional integrity of their products. The freeze-drying process ensures that the food retains its original nutrients, providing pets with a diet that is as close to fresh as possible. This means that your pet gets the maximum benefits from their food, supporting their overall health and well-being.
High-Quality Ingredients: At Tuckers, only the finest ingredients make it into their freeze-dried products. They prioritize sourcing from trusted suppliers who adhere to strict quality standards. This includes using hormone and antibiotic-free meats, organic fruits, and vegetables, ensuring that every bite is packed with wholesome goodness.
Convenience Without Compromise: One of the primary advantages of freeze-dried pet food is convenience. Tuckers Freeze Dried products are lightweight, easy to store, and require no refrigeration. This makes them an excellent choice for pet owners who are always on the go or those who have limited storage space. Despite this convenience, there is no compromise on quality or nutrition.
Variety and Flavor: Pets, like humans, enjoy variety in their diet. Tuckers offers a wide range of freeze-dried products, from complete meals to treats, catering to different tastes and dietary needs. Whether your pet prefers beef, chicken, turkey, or a mix of flavors, Tuckers has something to keep their tails wagging.
Safety and Transparency: In an industry where recalls and safety concerns can be prevalent, Tuckers stands out for their commitment to transparency and safety. Every batch of food undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest safety standards. Additionally, Tuckers provides detailed information about their ingredients and sourcing, giving pet owners peace of mind.
How to Incorporate Freeze-Dried Food into Your Pet’s Diet
Introducing freeze-dried food to your pet’s diet can be a smooth transition with a few simple steps:
Gradual Introduction: Start by mixing small amounts of Tuckers Freeze Dried food with your pet’s current diet. Gradually increase the proportion over a week or two.
Rehydration: While freeze-dried food can be served as is, rehydrating it with water can make it more palatable and easier for pets to digest.
Balanced Diet: Ensure that the freeze-dried food is part of a balanced diet. Tuckers offers complete meals that are nutritionally balanced, but consulting with your vet for personalized advice is always a good idea.
Tuckers Freeze Dried is redefining pet nutrition with their high-quality, convenient, and nutritious freeze-dried products. By choosing Tuckers, you’re not only ensuring your pet receives the best possible nutrition but also supporting a brand dedicated to safety, transparency, and the well-being of your furry family members. Give your pets the gift of health with Tuckers Freeze Dried, and watch them thrive with every bite.
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