#is it hypocrite if i say i'm tired of hypocrisy?
xiki-pupper · 5 months
I can understand how Shuro may be a frustrating character to some folks - in fact that is kinda what he is there for, narratively speaking. But it really gives me ick when people just wanna shit on him for "being awful/the worst/an asshole"
The way I see it, the dude is his own different flavor of Autism- repressed, conditioned, awkward, and forced to participate in high society, not to mention the culture clash - and he sees laios just being his own weirdo self and he hates it --- no, thats not it. I honestly don't think he hates laios; i truly believe he hates that Laios gets to be TRUE to himself, and he (shuro) Doesn't get to be.
And it's a feeling I can understand and sympathize and empathize with, as I have been on my own personal journey to try and un-mask and deconstruct and heal myself in a world that has made me feel broken my entire life
People scream "hypocrisy" as shuro sees the same traits between the touden siblings, and is attracted to one whilst hating the other - and yes, I can agree that it's a bit hypocritical, but yall are taking it at face value and not understanding where his feelings are coming from. Shuro doesn't hate laios because he has a special interest, shuro hates that his whole life, he has had to squash himself into a form-fitting box, behave as his family commands, and now he sees laios being free of expectation, just out here being a weirdo, and shuro is possibly feeling that frustrated grief that comes with the late diagnosed autistic situation of "I could have been happy, too, but no, *I* had to be the responsible one"
... at least, that's how I view it. Coz I myself have had those thoughts. And I know, it's NOT a good look for me to be out here admitting that I have felt this way, like for example, maybe I see someone else's struggle with anxiety, whether it's online or in real life, and I have this bitter thought to myself of "yeah, I have anxiety too, but *I* was still forced to be a responsible adult anyway" which makes me momentarily frustrated.
And before anyone jumps my ass about it, NO, I definitely DO NOT think that "if I had to suffer thru it, so should everyone else" that's NOT what I'm saying. But I AM saying that, there is a bitterness, when u see someone who is able to avoid a struggle that you had to endure - that bitterness is NOT thinking that everyone should suffer as I did, but me being bitter that *I had to* at all.
Does that make sense? Coz I really feel like Shuro just gets shit on because people think he's there to interrupt the Yuri and be mean to Laois, and I really feel that he's a whole ass person. And a somewhat melancholic one, at that. He makes me think of how I had to grow up Christian whilst being queer and undiagnosed Audhd my entire life, and I would be very very surprised to hear that a large chunk of dunmeshi fans didn't ALSO grow up this way, feeling broken and stupid and tired, forced to do things the "normal people" way, and then NOT understand how Shuro feels when he sees someone who is in a position to be mostly free of that...
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tai0miemi · 4 months
For you, my favorite moralists♡
Caution! The topic of dark content, transophobia (as it seems to some), double standards and hypocrisy
English is not my native language, I express myself as best I can, OK?
This post is dedicated to all the freaking moralists who, because of fake characters, bully real writers and people who read what they like.
Are you worried that a child/teenager will see inc*st/r*pe topics, but for some reason you think it's okay not to put tags in works where there are trans people?
The authors of dark content set an age limit in bold text, write a bunch of tags and warnings so that your delicate brain does not deteriorate, at the same time as the authors writing about trans!reader × character or trance!character does not put anything at all most often.
I'm tired of you. I don't want to read the work and in the middle realize that a female reader has a d*ck. I don't want to read a work where a biologically male character turns out to have a vag*na. PUT IT DOWN. FUCKING. TAGS. So that people can just block you and not read it.
I'm not opposed to your writing, I just don't like it and that's okay. We're all different people and we like different things. However, I am fed up with moralists that in every tag that they do not like they make a tragedy of universal scale and then humiliate the authors who write it while they do not care about such a topic with trances. Seriously? Do you think that if a child sees these works, then it's ok? If you're against it, then you're fucking hypocrites. Leave the authors of dark content alone.
And here's another thing. I really "like" when they write "mention of female anatomy" in job warnings. Hmm, I wonder who it is? I don't even know if this creature is called a WOMAN. And leave your comments about the sex change, an artificial hole between the legs is not a biological vag*na, OK?
Do not write comments, do not like or reblog. This post was made with the sole purpose of attracting attention and adding kirosine to the fire♡
UPD: Thank you all for promoting the discussion, thanks to you, as many people as possible will see the post!
UPD2: You can call me transophobic all you want, but your brain missed the point of this post. No matter what you say, you have no right to poison other people just because you personally don't like something. Trans people is a specially chosen topic so that you can look at yourself from the outside, how stupid you sound from the outside. Congratulations you got caught :P
UPD3: For fans of protecting trans people: Do you think that no one has an injury related to this? Maybe a person made a sex change and regretted it, maybe someone was raped by a trans person and for them this is content that they want to avoid. However, you protect some, and wish death to others.
You are shifting responsibility for the crimes to the authors. Much more innocent things can encourage a person to commit crimes.
I sincerely believe that no matter what dirt a person writes, if it does not go beyond fan fiction, then everything is fine. The harassment of authors is much worse than any violence in literature!!
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trealtox · 15 days
I hate season 7 of "Buffy the vampire slayer"
Let's get this straight, I like these series. They are fun and entertaining (and I only started watching it because of Spuffy). But I HATE season 7.
First of all, what is the deal with those guys? Out of the blue all characters (Spike excluded. Love him❤️) start doubting Buffy and her leadership. This girl saved all of you hundreds of times, and when the world is on the edge of collapsing, you turn your backs on her?! If she's such a bad leader, then why did you put all the responsibility on her shoulders? Why did you bring her back from heaven? To tell her, that she's not better than you? I'm sorry guys, but your crew is: a whining bitch-boy, magic (read as 'drug') addicted witch, a blorb of energy, a former vengeance demon and a killer watcher. With your list of deeds, I have bad news for you: none of you goes to heaven. NONE. She IS better than you.
Second of all, what is their sudden problem with Spike? In the last season all Scoobies want to kill Spike and say that it's because he's dangerous. Well, he is. Just like all of you. Your killer count talks louder than you (he killed because he was souless and he feeds on blood. You killed because you could. There is difference). They keep saying that he should be taken out because he is dangerous, and yet remind me, who held him by their side while he was useful? And did Scoobies thank him even once? (I actually don't remember. Tell me, if they did) Buffy is the only person who actually tries to be reasonable and accept that Spike has changed. In return she gets a potential slayer,a school headmaster and her own father figure being all mad at her, saying that she is the problem. If you want to kill him so badly, just do it already and stop making Buffy responsible for your own wishes (not like I would forgive them if they did)
Point number 3. Again with the hypocrisy of Scoobies. Faith comes back, sees that girls can't stop complaining and decides to take them out clubbing. Buffy sees that and gets mad (logically). Later on everyone decides that Faith should be the new leader. Why? Why would a former killer and a traitor be a good leader? Because she took a bunch of teens drinking, when you should all be ready to fight? If I recall, it was almost considered a crime for Buffy to rest, when there were better times. Now, when Buffy is tired and stressed from constant responsibility, all the potential slayers say that she's "not cool". Scoobies just can't be more hypocritical. Faith killed people out if her own free will. She teamed up with a villain, and she enjoyed it. Buffy made one mistake of attacking one villain. What do Scoobies get out of that? "Buffy is not better than us. Faith is. 🎶Let's put this guy infront of the crowd🎶". And let's be honest with that: Giles acts petty in here. The only reason he stands against Buffy, is because she got sick of him lying to her and telling her to kill Spike, so she honestly told him that she can't trust any of them. He got offended by her disobedience so much, that he decided to get rid of her. That's not a nice thing to do to a girl who is like a daughter to you.
Btw, Faith deserves a second chance and Spike doesn't? Spike was SOULESS. He wasn't supposed to be good and yet he almost died just to be the better version of himself. At the same time Faith was supposed to be the protector of people, yet she decided to join the homicide. She was creepy enough to SMELL THE KNIFE. And yet we get a whole storyline about "bad Buffy still thinking of her as a killer." The hero we deserve, I suppose? Btw, Faith IS a killer. She enjoyed it. I don't know why Scoobies want to forgive her so badly and give her a bunch of teens, taken away from Buffy, but they don't trust Spike.
And my favourite. The cherry on top. THEY KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. Giles had his own place. Xander has his own place. Willow wasn't homeless before she moved into the Summers's house. And yet, when they needed a place to put all the potential slayers, they took them into Buffy's house. And then they kick her out. The "good guys".
Buffy needs no enemies with friends like that.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
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Oh boy oh boy… so many thoughts on this. Some of which I’ve already talked about… a few things though:
Sam is happy to call Dean a hypocrite, and that’s a very normal, “signs point here” every 1/2 mile reading of season 2 if you’re on a rewatch and hear Dean say “What’s dead should stay dead” in 2.04 and 2.08 knowing he’s going to make a demon deal to bring Sam back in 2.22, and then if that isn’t enough for you to catch on, Azazel and Bobby make this reading very plain in 2.22. The person whose own hypocrisy is allowed to fly under the radar (as usual) is Sam. Sam who was happy to tell Dean more than once this season that Dean was morally/duty-bound to execute his little brother “because dad said so” and “you promised me when I guilted you into trying to console me with lies while I was drunk”. Sam who never spent a single millisecond the whole season thinking about the darkness he was asking Dean to immerse himself in by regurgitating John’s order for Dean to be responsible for the entire course of Sam’s life and off his own brother if needed. It’s even reasonable to conclude the reason Dean came back “twisted and broken”, was only partly because of how he was brought back. It was also (arguably more-so—based on context from Croatoan) the weight of the words “save Sam or kill him”, that ripped Dean apart from the inside out, made him tired and terrified and ready to die in a jarring turn right after the high of 2.01 where he was desperate to live and was an active participant in coordinating with Sam to save himself—we’re a far far cry from that now in 3.01 but Sam doesn’t actually consider why despite “I'm tired, Sam. I'm tired of this job, this life . . . this weight on my shoulders, man. I'm tired of it” blinking like a neon sign in 2.09 just hours before Dean finally told Sam what John asked of him as a dying wish.
As an aside, this squabble started with Sam wanting to take Dean to a hoodoo priest—another faith healing, just like the one that took someone’s life from them in 1.12 in exchange for Dean’s health—the first moment where Dean feels “I’m not supposed to be here and because I am someone else isn’t” and is left to carry that around—a major catalyst for Dean’s actions in 2.22.
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bandaidpennylane · 5 months
I want to keep a record of this other asshole who tags photos of Pam without owning them. 😠
Meet dailypamelacourson on instagram. She must have learned how to be a little shitty tagger from Raeanne and Alix.
According to Rae's sidekick Alix, this picture isn't new. It was taken by Jim. Pam was nude. I never seen it. Who cares. It's not even a cute Themis picture. What pisses me off is that Alix is acting all innocent with her friend Pam Courson Tribute about the tagging of Pam's photos. These two asses think they look cute saying this on Facebook. Both of these people have tagged pictures of Pam. Both! Especially Alix with Reanne! Who are you two shitheads to talk about other people tagging Pam's photos when you have been doing it for years you fucking hypocrites! You have no right to open your mouth and talk shit about dailypamelacourson because they did the same exact fucked up shit to a Pam photo you three have been doing for years! You are all gross and reside in the same filthy pond. I'm going to continue calling you all out. The hypocrisy from all of you. Fuck the lot of you.🖕
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Examples of tacky tagging from these assholes in case you missed it.
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Here is an update coming from that stupid person at dailypamelacourson. They said they tagged the photo so that it doesn't get around. What fucking excuse is that to tag a photo? So that it doesn't get around! I feel like I'm in the twilight zone and I'm surrounded by clowns. 🤡
I was able to grab these before they mysteriously get deleted. I don't know who Patti Boyd Fandom or Wildmelancholia are, but thank you for saying something. And one of them are saying it directly to Alix. Thank you. It proves the point that people are fucking tired of this shit. It's not just me.
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Another update! This time from Pam Courson Tribute. They decided they are going to take out and edit all the photos they have tagged up of Pam. It's too late. You were fucking busted. What's the point of it now? You didn't like what I and others had to say? At least you see what a hypocrite you are calling other people tacky for doing what you have always done.
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Today's update. This explains why Raeanne, Alix and Pam Courson Tribute tagged all their photos of Pam. They thought they were more important then others. It has nothing to do with thinking they were more important than Jim and Pam. There, I corrected it for you. 🖕
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foone · 1 year
It's been said before, but I'm getting real tired of how often you see anti-right sentiment that'll goes:
1. X got caught out being a hypocrite over gay/trans people, or just protesting too much!
2. Haha that must mean they're secretly gay, trans, or attracted to trans people!
"anti-gay person is secretly gay" and "anti-trans person is secretly trans" is a tragedy of self loathing, not an insult. It doesn't excuse their actions, of course, but by making that the focal point of your joke you're just ceeding ground to their position
Hypocrisy is a thing that's always fun to point out, sure, but this is not an effective way to change their minds, and it's insulting to everyone on your side as well.
It's just far too often that you see some right-wing person go "WE SHOULD GET RID OF ALL X" and then supposedly left-leaning people go "well I did some research or just assumed, and it turns out that they're secretly X!", where X is some completely neutral thing, like "gay" or "trans" or "immigrant" or "jewish".
You are agreeing to their point and quibbling on the details. That is not the massive dunk you think it is. Please, stop.
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panimoonchild · 4 months
Music is not beyond politics
I was planning to write this post yesterday. But I felt another wave of emptiness because of the hypocrisy of the world. So here we are now again...
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Ukrainians screamed that she was a Russian-Israeli representative from the start.
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I watched some reactions and...
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Double kill. She is everywhere🙄🤷
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That speaks volumes.
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But he never apologized to us about interaction with russians🤷
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That situation was one of many reasons why I am sick and tired of the hypocrisy of Eurovision, of the hypocrisy of the world.
When I was 14 and russia occupied my hometown the world was silently watching. Now I see how the world can be united.
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a hypocrite shouts no to war)
During the Eurovision Song Contest 2023, he supported Ukraine and then abruptly started kissing the gums with the not all russians the same)
before going on stage, he shot a video with an Israeli woman, saw that the fans covered him with dicks, and ran to "no to war") how does he sit on two chairs?)
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It's unbelievable how SICK I am of these guys who try to be neutral, but not by shut up, but by saying "well, I'm for everyone, I'm not against anyone, I'm just against the war 🥺"
Amen. That's easy enough to do but no ... stupid people always dare to speak.
OK, enough about them. Let's talk about our representatives.
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I'm late to the party. But this post was for yesterday in my mind.
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Maybe I'm biased but I see us in top 5. I think we definitely deserve it.
Now I want to share my favourite reactions. Where people understand our message, visuals, outfits etc. For me especially was important scene where Jerry are climbing and behind her phosphorus bombs. Those people who realized what it represents.
That intelligent man realized what that represents. At the moment "My prayers are with you, Ukraine" I almost got goosebumps. I love honest reactions from people who truly mean what they say.
And the end when the audience was shown I very appreciated his comment: "He looks so unimpressed. You gotta clap my guy. You are in the audience, you don't support anyone. They performed for you, you meant clap. Why do you sit with an angry face? Why are you going there in the first place? I got chills towards the end, and that guy kinda ruined it with his face".
Give him some love🫂
That Filipino also warms my heart. And his comments:
- She actually looks like a warrior ready for a battle, to defend her country.
❗- It actually sounds like a prayer to be. It sounds like a sincere prayer to be.
I literally got chills when he said it.
- We all know what Ukraine is going through. But that song speaks volumes about Ukraine itself.❤️‍🩹🫂
And the last one who understood that's missiles.
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God, when will I ever experience anything remotely like the delight I experienced with THIS again?
Yes, those times they have charisma, stage presence, attitude, voice, sound, lyrics.
I think this year all of that + staging and message have Ukrainian representatives.
I will watch Eurovision finale. So I hope justice will prevail and fucking Russian-Israeli doesn't got more points than us. But I feel that can be a case...
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jewish-vents · 4 months
The encampment at my uni has an instagram page where they're consistently referring to Israel as the "violent Zionist entity" or "occupying Zionist entity" and... I'm tired. I don't like how Israel has been handling things. I want the violence to come to an end. I think that they and I probably have a lot of common ground, when it comes to our opinions on how the civilian population of Gaza should be treated--and that should be their primary concern, shouldn't it? That should be the core they build their movement around, you'd think.
And yet. And yet. They say "antizionism is not antisemitism" as if the two could never coincide (though I do agree they are not synonyms) and "[we] fight against antisemitism when bigots and grifters attempt to infiltrate our movements" (that's in the first public draft of their guidelines, they ditched the fighting antisemitism part for the newest one lmaoooooo) as if it has never even crossed their minds that they themselves might be antisemitic? That the antisemitism in the movement might come from within, no bad-faith actors needed?
But then they "demand that the University ... cut all academic ties with Israeli universities and Zionist academics" and "acknowledge the reality that media and Zionists will try to identify [encampment participants]" while also saying that "oppressive behaviour and stereotypes are not welcome"--well, which is it? is it bad to stereotype people for the purpose of limiting and/or excluding them, or is it acceptable to assume that every single Israeli student and professor is an evil scheming (((zionist))) and therefore they must be excluded?
I understand why they want the university to divest itself from weapons manufacturing and such (though tbh the links they've cited are fairly tenuous) but the total stonewalling of an entire country's academia just really rubs me the wrong way even without taking the singling out of Israel into consideration. You'd think, if they were so concerned about Israel being an insular ethnostate, they would want Israeli students to come here and see a different way the world can be! And yet!
Like I said--I'm tired. I wish this movement was one that I felt comfortable supporting. I wish their tactics aligned better with their stated goals. I wish they would be more self-aware, and that they would be better activists. Antisemitism doesn't help the people of Gaza. It just drives potential allies away.
(also--and this is not quite as much a vent as the rest of it--they call the university hypocritical for not saying anything about Palestine when they do have local land acknowledgements. Assume their framework holds. They put up a self-flagellating instagram post about how they felt they desperately needed to set up their encampment, and quickly, and so they did not have time to consult local indigenous groups before doing so. Now, I don't really think that setting up a rule-breaking encampment on university grounds under the current governance structure should require you to ask special permission--it's not like they asked the uni anyway lol--but they clearly do. They clearly feel it is not right for them to exist on these lands in the manner in which they do... but they're still here. They still made the encampment. They're colonizers, and they remain in the colony. One might think that this would give them some insight into reasons that an alleged colonizer population might be disinclined to leave--but of course, it's different for them. They acknowledge their own hypocrisy and continue on, having gained absolutely no insight--at least not any they're willing to share with the world.)
.....dang, sorry for the essay lmao. that got a bit out of hand. I'll wrap it up here so I don't go yammering on all night XD
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Feel free to ignore if you're tired of hearing about this, but: your tags about SJM injecting real world morals into her stories and then ignoring them. Suddenly I am entirely clicking with where you are and from what point you're making your commentary. SJM is the one who chose to use modern concepts and buzz words for abuse and PTSD, and she is the one who chose to judge some characters by modern moral concepts but not others. That's what makes it so hard to do the usual analysis of characters, so I just don't. But you, if I understand you, are making your analyses to point out the flaws and holes in HER judgments. To show that SHE made it unbalanced and isn't playing by her own rules.
Yes, this is it exactly. I despise hypocrisy, and Sarah's books are unfortunately the pinnacle of such. The same standards that are used to judge Tamlin and Nesta would also render Feysand and co abusive, but the text (read: Sarah's favoritism) refuses to acknowledge that, doing a disservice to her own themes in the first place.
I also want to apologize in advance for the rant this is going to turn into, because man do I have FEELINGS about this.
Part of the reason the ACOTAR fandom is so toxic is because Mrs. Maas applied real world standards to a fantasy series, creating a conundrum where some characters are allowed to exist in and operate within a fantasy-based morality (like Rhysand, the Inner Circle, and Feyre) whilst others are held up to a stricter, real-world morality and are vehemently critiqued in text for failing to meet the moral standards of our world (Tamlin, Nesta, even Lucien), leaving fans of the latter group of characters to call out the hypocrisy in text for their characters being evaluated by standards that the former aren’t held to whilst fans of the former set of characters happily indulge in such hypocritical writing even while promoting this series as an excellent example of handling of real-world themes like abuse (and yes I did copy and paste this entire paragraph from another post of mine lol).
Some weeks back I saw someone on THAT SIDE of the fandom explain that they hated Tamlin because he abused Feyre (valid!) and pull out a picture of Sarah including the National Domestic Violence Hotline at the end of ACOFAS as evidence that liking him was morally wrong or whatever (I'd reblog the post, but OP is, again, on THAT SIDE of the fandom and sadly has me blocked now :( ).
But that same hotline is the one I've used in my analysis of why RHYSAND is abusive here, here, and here. The same source Sarah includes in these books to make a point about Tamlin being abusive also renders Rhysand abusive. But here's what gets me: The person and others like her who were reblogging that pic of the domestic violence hotline were also whining about people judging Rhysand by real world standards. Yes, I'm serious. For a topic like abuse, one deeply personal to me and many others, Sarah (and her fandom) can't pick and choose what characters to apply real world standards to. Not for something like this.
But we don't even have to use real world standards to call out the hypocrisy in how her characters were written--we can use ACOTAR's own morality as well. Case in point: Nesta's treatment in ACOSF. Locking Nesta up is treated as the right thing to do in ACOSF, but ACOMAF goes OUT OF ITS WAY to show that locking someone up is wrong and is a violation of your personal bodily autonomy, NO MATTER THE REASON. This action is often defended in one of two ways: by stans saying that Nesta was embarrassing Feysand when they needed to be keeping up appearances for the court, or, more commonly, because Nesta was an alcoholic. But neither reply holds water. If Nesta embarrassing Feysand in ACOSF was bad because they needed to keep up appearances as the court rebuilt and prepared for war with the mortal queens and Koschei, then... that justifies Tamlin getting upset with Feyre over the tithe several books earlier. That was his logic for being upset that Feyre gave the water wraith her jewelry, and also his logic for (according to fandom) "stuffing her in dresses"--keeping up appearances for the people and preventing Hybern from finding any weakness to exploit (again, this is according to fandom. In the books, the dresses were chosen by Ianthe but we both know no one pays attention and Tamlin is blamed for everything anyway). So either Tamlin was justified in ACOMAF, or Feysand are wrong. Nesta's alcoholism isn't a good excuse either, because if she were truly an alcoholic, Feysand would've put a healer in the House with her to help her through withdrawal and prevent her from having a seizure and dying, which I'll discuss in more detail in my upcoming post about Nesta. Either way, Feysand's treatment of Nesta was inexcusable by ACOTAR's own rules that say locking people up is bad, and in trying to excuse this some stans accidentally justify Tamlin's behavior in ACOMAF as he had the same excuses.
This also applies to the Inner Circle voting on whether or not to keep Nesta's powers a secret from her--didn't ACOMAF also say that that was bad and controlling on Tamlin's part? Why is Tamlin keeping Feyre's magic a secret abusive and controlling, but the Inner Circle deciding to do the same (even if it failed anyway) is fine?
The hypocrisy that began in ACOMAF in which Tamlin was declared abusive but Rhysand wasn't despite Rhysand... also being abusive spiraled out of control in ACOSF and is ultimately what fractured this fandom, and because of said hypocrisy nothing after ACOTAR 1 is enjoyable for me.
So yes. Beyond ACOTAR 1, I'm forced to evaluate the characters with the real-world morals Sarah decided to randomly include, and in doing so can't help but be faced by this series' own hypocrisy, and I'm hoping my analysis will allow others to see that the hypocrisy ultimately causes it to fold in on itself and destroys its own point.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Sooooo tired of the Team Black allegations. For the 1256th time, they either do NOT like Helaemond and dislike it as well OR don't care about it at all. Sure, there are some self declared Helaemonds out there who say they are Team Black but they're like…five people??? Why is it so difficult to admit Helaemonds are 99% Greens? Otherwise yes, there are trolls who will love the drama of the kids being bastards or simply the idea of the Green side having its own incestuos affair because it will paint the fans who hate incest as hypocrites (and many are for sure since they ship Helaegon, sorry, but it is the truth) as they will have to defend Aemond from it but do we have to care about them and their opinions? They're going to find stupid and baseless reasons to hate the Greens regardless of Helaemond becoming canon. F**k them. Also, this whole Team Black thing is very transparent and reminds me of the times when Al*smonds and antis were accusing Helaemond shippers of being secretly Team Black because they want to justify Blood & Cheese and paint the Greens as hypocrites. Yes, this happened.
Thank you for pointing out Aemond's duty to his Baratheon betrothed. You're actually one of the very few Green bloggers who do so. For some reasons most forget, or pretend to, about this which is…very telling! I also hate the theory that Aemond will stop caring about duty after Storm's End and B&C. Although not impossible like you've mentioned, for Aemond to act as if he can go and do anything is very child like behavior and feels like it would be really bad characterization and, at least in my opinion, will make him really, really unlikable as a person. No matter how awful he will be feeling about himself, his remaining family still depends on him honoring his promise to the Baratheons. It's literally a matter of life and death, he can't just say "Fuck duty, fuck everyone, I will be marrying Alys because I can and want to" and expect no consequences, especially militarily. Why should the Baratheons accept such an insult? Having bastards is one thing, he would very easily get away with it being a man, but marrying a bastard servant twice his age? Do these people think he can marry Alys and, if he wins his battle against Daemon, return with her as his wife to King's Landing afterwards? Do they think the remaining lords should simply accept it?
I'm not kidding, if they go with this interpretation, with Aemond not giving a fuck anymore, I will only 100% ship him with Dark Sister. I'm not sure I can bear how insufferable antis will become if Aemond will be leaving his remaining family's fates to the Blacks for a woman, because this is what the whole affair would essentially be even if they will claim it to be a tragic love story and go after anyone else who disagree as they're doing right now. And I hate even more how the same people who use the duty BS argument against Helaemond claim that he married Alys BECAUSE he is DUTIFUL and didn't want their kid to be a bastard. It's just baffling. The hypocrisy is amazing. Yeah, I get it, we should like it because love >>> duty and Aemond still became a kinslayer despite following his duty so why he should care about it anymore? but regardless, these people we are talking about are royals whose actions have deep repercussions across the entire realm. They can't do whatever they want even if it's in the name of love.
Also the idea that we should protect Helaegon from the infidelity allegations when show!Aegon is out there cheating (and raping women) on Helaena is just sick, and dare I say misogynistic. It's simply insane to expect her to stay faithful to him no matter what, especially if there is someone out there who genuinely loves her and vice-versa. Why is it that every time a situation like this comes up (the man cheating with other women) it is ALWAYS on the wife to remain faithful?
I have to say that this post had me in stitches, so thank you for that. I basically agree with everything you've said, love the passion & also, you're going to love this, because I was on Four Storms alert ever since my first Aemond/Alys post. [For any new visitors, there's more in my tag + this particular post that delves some of the points anon is talking about, with contributions from many other friendly voices. Also, ofc, my Maris/Aemond cinematic universe. Alrite, enough shameless self-promotion].
Yeah, the idea that we should protect the sanctity of the helaegon marriage never really sat right with me when Aegon is out there cheating left and right and Aemond is making the beast with two backs with a random woman he's known for 5 minutes. Meanwhile Helaena is subjected to indescribable trauma and gets a horrific ending, but she's not even allowed some measure of reprieve after the showrunners made sure to depict even her book!decent!marriage as sketchy. Personally, this concept of unconsummated courtly love rings rather too flavourless to my ears, as well - what can I say. To each their own, but it's kind of unfair to Helaena.
A further observation I would like to make is that I, too, often find this discourse on Aemond's sense of duty lacking, because many fans seem to treat duty like a switch. "Aemond is dutiful up to X point in this linear timeline I've decided upon (and any alternative interpretation is blasphemy and should be vigorously suppressed), after which his sense of duty completely dissipates because I need to make his relationship with Alys ~romantic~ and he basically doesn't give a shit about his family or political responsibilities anymore." I actually think helaemonds have the right of this, because they're always more likely to paint Aemond as a conflicted figure, consumed by a very byronic inner turmoil, who's always teetering on the edge of doing what's right by his family vs experiencing the freedom of giving into his own desires for once. It is within that precarious balancing act that you can build the most compelling dark princely figure that makes the girlies' hearts a-flutter! Whereas the first interpretation feels very robotic and soulless to me, yes, perhaps even shippable with Dark Sister.
To close off, nothing would ever justify Blood & Cheese, even IF Helaena's kids would be Aemond's. The retributive "payment" for Luke's life would be Aemond's life aka his actual killer END OF. "A son for a son" does not make sense and is not justified - that was always the point of it. Needless brutality, the horrific inhumanity of it. Killing off innocents who had absolutely nothing to do with the act is not how people enacted retributive justice. I'm pretty sure Hammurabi would agree with me on this.
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cyber-neptune · 8 months
I also really like Megatron, and hate when he is written as a creep. But I don’t see the logic in turning around and writing Starscream as a ped0, and then complaining that people write your favorite character a certain way? You’re allowed to vent through fiction but people are going to be offended if you preach one thing and then practice another, especially when you run the risk of triggering those fans in the same way which you were triggered. Starscream has a lot of fans who are abuse survivors themselves so the logic evades me. Although it’s good to see that you tagged it as thoroughly as you did.
You can write the characters however you want. And they can as well. It’s just the slight hypocrisy that was a little offputting. Most normal people won’t bat an eye at your fic if they don’t like it…but seeing you do a 180 on another character who is also canonically abusive is a little bizarre.
This isn’t meant to come off as hateful. I was just a little confused and irked by the discussion. I apologize if this offends you. And I’m sorry to hear your experiences with the character’s fanbase were pretty sour; you’re allowed to dislike a character for any reason. This ask isn’t meant to be hate, just input from one fan to another trying to prevent you from having other fans who noticed these things angry with you.
Thank you for the lengthy ask, Anon.
You are absolutely right in saying that this sounded hypocritical of me to say those things. I don't usually think straight when under strong emotions which leads me to make idiotic decisions. I want to apologize to the people I might have accidentally offended and hurt from making this fic, even if it was a vent.
I was hurt, angry and let my thoughts and emotions i've been keeping inside get the better of me and ended up metaphorically vomiting it publicly to get it out of my system.
My shitty mental state doesn't excuse the fact I might have hurt and triggered people from it. I truly am sorry.
It was a terrible decision to make Starscream like that and I fully admit it was shitty of me. I was just so tired of a character I love and identify as turned into a twisted caricature of something he isn't over and over again. Which is pretty ironic in a way.
TFP Starscream is a character I associate with a lot of my abusers and overall terrible stuff. I was angry and made him into something he isn't. Was I in the wrong for making him a ped0? Yes, absolutely. But was I allowed to have him associated to bad things? Also yes.
I want to mention that I am aware Megatron is a terrible person and abuser. And no, I do not stand by his actions. I just think making him a massive creep and rapist is wrong because he wouldn't do that.
I never really expected people to see/read my vent fic since it's a vent. Even so, it just felt like the obviously right thing to do to tag it as throughly as possible because I didn't want people accidentally stumbling on it and being shocked if I didn't tag it correctly/enough.
Which is something I think certain people should do when writing Megatron as a creep/rapist. Even tho I don't think this is going to happen since I'm a single offended idiot.
This probably sounds like im doing nothing but apologizing. I'm frankly pretty bad with words. I never meant to hurt anyone. I was just angry and didn't think about it. I will delete my posts related to the vent/the vent itself if asked to or if I find it necessary. I'm sorry if people misunderstood my hate on Starscream.
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wisdomshoes · 6 months
you cant transition in in anyway or even do androgyny unless you're pretty. people that tell you to love yourself and "love for all" dumb shit like that drop all their support for your identity the moment they wouldn't classify you as "pretty", "cute" or "hot". some of them try to cover up their hypocrisy by complimenting out of pity, which is always great to know that you just by having a certain identify deserve pity. fucking first world rich kids i hate all of you.
I wanna say that because of this you can't let other people define you or something like that, but if I preach what I don't practice does that really make me any less of a stupid piece of shit hypocrite than all of you? no matter how many times you people say love your trans friends among yourselves I can never feel even remotely okay about myself because i see through your thin veil of lies and hypocrisy you spread between you and your hot friends. everyone always assumes I'm too fucking stupid to see through their lies and manipulation and any fucking bullshit they throw at me and I almost never speak up cuz you're never worth the effort it'd take to, but I see you. I see right through what you want to convince the world you are. I see you.
I just don't say anything and then have a mental vreakdown in drafts at 5 fucking am I can't sleep I want to swallow a razor but in so tired I hate you do much I hate you I hate you i hate you I went your deaths broadcasted live on television so I can turn it off and make a sandwich or something
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ohwiseswami · 6 months
Let's Talk Stans For A Second
This post is a long time coming (and will be very long by the end) but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I'm tired of kpop stans treating adult idols with kid gloves, so here are a list of grievances on this point.
A lot of this mostly applies to bg stans.
Idol Critiques. It's fine if you wanna baby actual minors, but stop excusing every fuck up of adult idols. On the opposite end of the spectrum, stop admonishing other fans (or even casuals) who make entertainment out of the things your favorite member says/does. I don't really stan people but I do have favorite groups/members, so I'll use them for example. I like Yeonjun, some people find him extra. This is not my problem and I don't care. I like some NCT songs. Some people see them as a noise factory. Doesn't matter, it's not their preference. My point is, stop getting mad over people having opinions. As long as no one is like actively in Doyoung's face bullying him or something, I don't see the problem in critiquing/openly disliking something your faves do. And when I say bullying, I really mean bullying (like going to someone's face and harassing them for existing, calling them slurs, insulting them when they've done nothing wrong, etc.). Not stuff like being upset with Dream for constantly bullying Haechan for his weight and skin color.
Idol Perception. So many stans get upset when others' perceptions of their faves aren't the same as theirs. So-called soft stans get upset if you think an idol looks sexy with their hair pushed back. I don't usually see hard stans get upset at soft stans about too many things but I do think they can be very hypocritical about perceiving idols. For example, some hard stans will list out every single thing they want San to do to them but as soon as someone even jokes about Wooyoung being an icon for the bis they get extremely aggressive and protective (even when it's not coming from a sexual angle!!!). It's almost like they see anything non-heteronormative as inherently sexual, but even worse, it's sexual and perverted to them. Suddenly, they're all about protecting the idol's image/privacy/dignity when moments before they were talking about wanting him to cum in their eyeball. And don't get me wrong it happens with soft stans and gg stans too, but I wanted to point out the particular hypocrisy of straight bg stans.
Idol Image. This is very similar to the perception point, but more so about the way so many kpop fans think they know EVERYTHING about their faves including their faves inner thoughts. Do you all know how many times I've heard things like: "OMG!! Don't do/say that because Taehyun doesn't like it!! Source? Just trust me, I have an *emotional connection* with him!!" stated in complete seriousness? It's one thing to JOKE about idols becoming their real selves when they breathe the good old red, white and blue air, but to project your specific thoughts and feelings onto an idol (without clarifying that it's your headcanon) is too much. Y'all do NOT know these people. Joke (and hell even speculate) all you want, but it's obvious to everyone when you've have stopped joking and have crossed the line into wanting to literally just lying about what idols have actually said to fit your narrative of who they are (a good example of this is the unnie/hyung line raised the maknae narrative every fandom has).
Idol Image pt. 2. And on this note, I want to address the other part of the fandom who think any speculation/gossip about an idol is unacceptable/inappropriate/morally wrong. I feel like I've said this in the past but it merits repeating: if you are a public figure, you sign up to be discussed up to a limited extent. Clearly, people should not go out into the world and stalk/harass idols. It's just that idols are not immune from a little drama about being seen at a club or having a significant other, etc. Idols are celebrities. They have a public side and a private side. Obviously, fans need to know the line between harmless gossip (and even news reporting of actual crimes...) and harmful harassment. It seems like fans of non-kpop idols completely understand the assignment. For example, there's gossip all the time about Shohei Ohtani (especially now that he's being accused of federal gambling crimes), but his fans are not out here wearing capes about how you shouldn't discuss certain things because it's *private*. I feel like as long as you're being normal about it (i.e., not harassing idols) and treating gossip as what it is (unconfirmed information), it's human nature to want to know things/know the truth of things that have evidence. Examples of relatively normal gossip includes wanting to know: if an idol has recently had cosmetic/plastic surgery, if an idol is secretly an asshole (or a sweetie pie) off-camera, if an idol endured harsh training conditions (or, alternatively, if they were the golden child who got everything they wanted), etc. Where it crosses the line is trying to find out their address/phone number, unsubstantiated allegations of crimes (like what happened with Beomhan), etc. I feel like people engaging in gossip culture should and often do know the difference between those things but fans treat it all as harmful if it doesn't specifically serve their fave. I can personally attest to seeing the same fans who denounce gossip culture loving that very same thing when it supports their view of their bias. For example, whenever there's rumors about idols who treat staff very well no one has a problem with it. Or rumors about idols practicing all hours of the night (meaning they're a hard worker) or rumors about them being very close to their members (meaning they're a team player), etc. But let there be a harmless rumor that doesn't suit their narrative (like the idol having a romantic partner, the idol being a club bunny, etc.) and suddenly it's "all gossip is bad and I'm better than those who engage in it because what they do offscreen is none of my business." Meanwhile these same people have entire headcanons about their bias based on some cookie crumbs they heard about him being a good person one time. 5. What is a Koreaboo, anyway? In case someone needs to hear this again: liking kpop, being attracted to your bias, learning korean, being interested in Korean culture, and making friends who are Korean doesn't make you a koreaboo. What makes you a koreaboo is reducing korea down to kpop and othering korean things as utopian/godly/divine, when it's just...another country that's different from your own. Too many kpop stans will accuse someone of being a koreaboo when that person is just interested in kpop (or korea because of kpop) when that's not what a koreaboo is. It's like calling a korean person an americaboo because they want to travel to NYC or LA and love American entertainment (dramas, music, etc.). What would make someone an americaboo is if they had an unhealthy obsession with all things US to the point where they had wholly out of touch assumptions about the US and reduced the US down to those few assumptions. THAT's the difference. But liking American movies, culture, celebrities; wanting to learn english; etc. wouldn't make someone an americaboo... So just apply the logic in reverse.
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
Hey, for this kiss ask prompts - a gentle kiss to ask forgiveness for Sal/Daeran please 🥺
“You are a disgrace to your ancestry and a curse to your family’s legacy.” The magistrate sounded disgusted.
Salvadore’s features darkened. He was well aware Daeran probably had heard those words countless times, still, he felt the urge to step to his side.
Of course, the count stayed utterly unimpressed at the insult. He smiled a calm little smile. “I consider myself lucky my heritage only ever influenced my appearance and a glorious exception to a terrible rule, for I never met someone else connected to heaven’s blessings who isn’t one of the most bothersome creatures in this wretched world: a hypocritical bore.”
Salvadore stopped in his movement. This answer …, it had been uttered as a provocation without deeper thought or meaning. But didn’t this very fact say a lot as well?
Instead of approaching further, the way he had planned, he retreated into the crowd and left the celebrations without another word.
“You should replace those guards immediately. They tried to keep me out, explaining to me your wish to stay undisturbed and that you won’t receive any ‘guests’.”
“I should replace them, indeed. As it turns out they’re incapable of following my orders.”
Daeran raised a brow. “I didn’t expect the rule to apply to me as well.”
“Because no rule ever does.”
“Mainly because you didn’t grow tired of telling me this place is mine as much as it is yours.” His tone was deliberately unbothered, but there lay something else underneath. Confusion? Fear?
Salvadore turned around, spreading his wings, not hiding the pulsing pain’s reflection in his eyes. “Why?”
“Why what?” he asked with a hint of anger breaking through the mask.
“Why me? You can’t possibly be all that interested in the ‘dullness and hypocrisy’.”
For a heartbeat, Daeran seemed surprised. “You heard that?”
“Does it matter? It never did before.” During all their time together, the count hadn’t held back with his very clear opinions on anything touched by heaven in general and his powers specifically, not in front of him either. “I combine a whole list of things you detest.”
“Oh please,” Daeran looked at him, his gaze condescending, almost mocking. “this miserable whining doesn’t suit you.”
A heavy ache shot through his veins.
“Out,” he demanded, very quiet and very calm.
Daeran’s posture seemed to grow tense. Then, instead of obeying him, he stepped closer. “You are not what or who I have been talking about. I can’t believe I have to tell you, the one challenging Iomedae right in front of anyone to hear, the one missing no opportunity to criticize or mock the gods, the one who’d die for what he believes in, who shares so many of my most exhilarating, exciting preferences and the very definition of pleasure itself. You work too much and you have this absurd fondness for political games, but you couldn’t be dull even if you’d try to.”
Salvadore felt his expression soften. Maybe ... he had reacted too strongly to this small comment.
Daeran closed the last distance and his lips caught his in an assuring kiss. For a long moment, he lost himself in their warmth and softness. He felt Daeran’s hand run down one of his wings, sinking deep into the silken feathers. “By the way, I grew quite fond of those.” “I shouldn’t have acted like a fool,” Salvadore admitted. A low little hum left Daeran's lips while he leaned against him in a tender, deeply affectionate embrace. “Now, I'm afraid I have to agree on that. I expect much better from my guardian angel.”
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kiss-this · 1 year
Can I talk my shit again?
"Fans" are being so nasty to this girl bc she was a porn actress....
Do they realize how childish and hypocritical they sound?
Giorgia was an escort and a nude/porn model before she became a activist.
Literally they both have the same line of career... From sex working to an activist/model/actress...
Once it was Giorgia past that was digged up and exposed (the naked pictures and the photos of her being a escort to much older guys), everyone was "woman empowerment", it's her life and sex working is working.
(which all of that is absolutely true) but when it's another girl all hell breaks loose. It's tiring honestly, I've came to a point that I'm blocking people on Twitter bc they are always on my time-line with bullshit.
Once again it just proves that majority of the fandom on Twitter are a bunch of 15yo with 0 experience in life
I agree with you on every point, Anon. I'd have A LOT to say about the hypocrisy of some fans, about puriteens and fake feminists and all that jazz but honestly it's a lost cause. The only thing I know is that I refuse to let those people ruin my experience of being in the fandom, so yes, block them all! And btw Twitter is one of the most toxic places I've ever seen so I'd suggest taking it in very small doses ^^'
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I don't understand people, vent rant of large proportions.
I don't understand people, I see posts about people non American complaining about the voting and I see people who seem to be American complaining about voting. I'm not American and I feel a tremendous amount of BS coming from supposed "non americans" and just sheer confusion for the other...
Voting isn't as easy elsewhere as it is here, however having little but shit choices is rather universal and it's not hard to pick the lesser of two evils? (Or pick the least shit options in other voting matters)
Like, I get people are "tired of guilt trips" and other stuff but like, if you wanna complain about the certain genocide shitshow but insist on doing nothing or voting for an evil prick... you 'are' just as bad as a hypocrite with your ideals, you are complicit in your most basic level of avoiding the simplest action to take and it's cold fact.
That applies to everything else bad that comes from it too. (And the nons who actively take part in arguing for no votes or the evil prick are complicit too)
This is really the fluid, open, queer, disabled, mental illness, semi escape, (if unbanned somehow) kink, dumpster fire, acceptance site? Because all I have is the mispleasure of seeing almost nothing but the aforementioned people who seem to just want to send everything to shit while they blame others and play hypocrite with their performative ideals.
Unfortunately for malicious fuckheads other people care tremendously thankfully and still opt to point out that one option is not as bad and sadly shit spreads elsewhere when things happen. (Trump support got weirdly high here when he got in, no thanks to insane shit media coverage and perspective)
It's depressingly sad to see so much stupidity, arrogance, malice, callous cruelty and hypocrisy... the sad part is people on both sides can constantly say the same for the other and I'm tired of this world and don't understand and I prefer to really avoid this shit but it keeps popping up without interaction from me and I need to vent.
Anti-capitalists, genocide protesters, "allies" of the queer communities, disabled, mentally ill, feminists, all forms of identities, the supposed "leftists"... even centrist folk.
Tons of them spout far right bullshit on here and even more people from all walks of life, it's just bewildering to see people don't seem to want things better for as many as possible, hell even just want things worse by the sounds of it and it's sad and I literally don't understand.
I'm not kind, I'm quite horrid and not above wishing those people what they deserve and worse for those who actively push for the worst things.
I don't understand people, people will never make sense.... I didn't fit very well in life compared to normal people anyway so no surprise I don't understand.
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