#is politics
grumpycakes · 11 months
Cause @the-indoor-kites TIPPED ME ABOUT IT???? (Still reeling thank you) it's time for
A lot, but a culmination of McCarthy not going extreme enough for the far right, while also not offering anything to the democrats (actually sometimes promising small ass things and then REFUSING WHEN IT COMES TO IT) has made McCarthy super unpopular w everyone.
AND THEN the govt needed the budget made/approved (an unfortunately YEARLY THING). Far Rights want horrendous shit in there, republicans don't want anything helpful that the Dems want. The classics. But in the face of a shutdown, McCarthy RIGHTLY chooses to avoid it by working w the Dems to pass a few weeks pass to work on their shit to get it figured out.
This makes the far right (Gaetz being the one to do it all either alone or as the point person) lose their shit.
And remember how he had to agree to weird ass rules to get the Far Rights to vote for him? Well one of those stupid rules was, instead of needing a group of people to agree to trigger a vote on if they want to oust the speaker. THEY ONLY NEED ONE PERSON. GAETZ.
So Gaetz calls for a vote on keeping McCarthy. Enough Rebups refuse to vote for him that unless Dems vote for him to save his ass he's toast.
Thing is McCarthy has been badmouthing the Dems to the press and blaming THEM for the budget not happening. So tho the Dems are like LOLL FUCK YOU THEN BRO. AND N O N E OF THEM VOTE TO SAVE McCARTHY. N O N E
So McCarthy is out. His bestie is PISSED and slams the gavel super hard and dismisses them.
We have no speaker, congress doesn't function if we don't have a speaker. (though some are floating the idea that they allow the interim speaker have powers to allow them to pass the budget lol aaaaa)
Repubs gotta pick a nominee for speaker. (Dems are still more than happy to back Hakeem Jeffries). Repubs have two dudes that are most likely. Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan
Got shot in that one baseball shooting back in 2017
Has been the Repub WHIP (the assistant leader to the party leader)
Would not say that the election wasn't stolen
Was the Ohio Wrestling Coach when their Team Doctor (Strauss) abused players (Denies knowing anything, is not believed)
wanted to be speaker after Paul Ryan was ousted (but dems won the house and his dreams were THWARTED)
Wanted to be minority leader, McCarthy won instead
actually floated himself as an option when McCarthy lost the first 3 votes earlier in the year
May have been asking for a pardon after jan 6
So like neither of these dudes are great, but I would have assumed the Whip would be the next speaker... and then he stepped away????
They could have voted last week, but declined w some republicans saying that Jordan didn’t have the votes. so they were taking the weekend to get ppl on board.
BRINGING US TO TUSEDAY 10/17/2023 around like noon.
Stefanik is in an aggressively pink skirt suit (probably not the right term) and gives a basic ass speech for Jim Jordan. Kinda a WE GOTTA GET IT TOGETHER SO VOTE FOR OUR IDIOT sentiment. Pro Israel cause they’re hoping that makes republicans care (loll please)
Jim Aguilar comes up, nice to see u again sir. Also gives a basic ass speech but Dems. They chant w him on a repeated line. Like okay but weird. Nominates Jeffries.
No other nominations.
(literally no promises on spelling)
Bacon - McCarthy
Billorakis - MIA/doesn’t vote when recalled
Boebert - toes the line w Jordan
Buck - MIA/Emmer on recall
Chavez DeReemer - McCarthy (rumbling from the crowd)
Connolly - says something but votes Jeffries crowd gives reaction
DeEspazito - Zelden (who the fuck is that)
Diaz-Ballart - Scalise (Republicans you have one job……)
Ellsey - García (bunch of murmuring and again WHO THE FUCK)
Gonzales (Tony) - Scalise (well Jordan’s for sure lost)
Granger - Scalise
James - MIA/votes for John Cole in the recall (????)
The respective parties clap w their nominees vote for themselves. It is dumb and wasting time (but the republicans don’t sound as enthusiastic as the dems rofl)
Joyce - MIA/votes Jordan on recall
Kelly of PA - Scalise
Kiggins of VA - McCarthy (my dudes, he’s not getting re-elected…)
LaLota - Zelden (oh fun, he has more than one supporter)
LaMaufa - MIA/McCarthy on recall
Lawler - McCarthy
Lee of NV - vote for Jeffries but gets laughter???
McCarthy - Jordan (gets applauded. Hope that stings u fart)
Pelosi gets applause for her Jeffries vote
Rutherford - Scalise
Scalise - gets “Good Boy” claps for voting Jordan
Scott (Austin) - gets applause for voting Jordan?
Simpson - Scalise
Spartz - MIA/votes for Massey (loll you can hear a reporter go Massey??? When it’s called)
VanOrden - gets one dingus clapping for him for voting Jordan?
Womack - Scalise (y’all a mess)
432 Present • 217 votes to win
200 votes Jordan
212 votes Jeffries (dems erupt in cheers, interim speaker looks annoyed lol)
6 McCarthy (sad my dudes)
3 Lee Zelden
7 Scalise (ha ha even Scalise beat you McCarthy)
1 Garcia
1 Tom Emmer
1 Tom Cole
1 Tom Massey
(Damn the toms)
No majority, no speaker has been chosen.
Interim speaker is REAL LOUD w that damn gavel. Immediately calls recess, feed cuts out.
They go into recess for like 2 hours.
- Rep Huizenga talks to reporters says he’s leaving cause they need to take more time to get more idiots on board.
- Spokesperson said 2nd vote to come at 6pm (it did not lmao)
- Jordan apparently asked to meet w Scalise to get more ppl on board. SCALISE APPARENTLY DECLINED
- Rep Buck said Jordan will lose more votes if he tries again. This could deflate the republicans in wanting to vote for him if he’s not a winning candidate
- 9 Republicans would have to vote present to allow Jeffries to win (which he would, since Jordan didn’t get over 200) but it would be against their interest and political suicide.
- republicans who don’t like Jordan were pushing for a second vote that night to further embarrass Jordan
Vote 2 next! >
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viktor-the-leshen · 4 months
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mysharona1987 · 1 month
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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castielsprostate · 2 months
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destielmemenews · 2 months
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"The Committee said on Tuesday that its newly-published report is the first output from a series of meetings exploring what a united Ireland would mean and examines the current economic relationship between the jurisdictions on the island and the potential of the all-island economy.
The report, the Committee said, goes on to examine the cost of a united Ireland and makes the case for planning and preparation for a united Ireland to begin."
source 1
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madlori · 3 months
people think they shouldn't vote as a protest or whatever because they've been raised on boycotts. which do sometimes work.
boycotts deprive the target of money.
not voting does not deprive the government of money.
it does, however, deprive you of power.
it's not like a boycott.
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autumngracy · 2 months
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My fellow leftists, do NOT give in to defeatism.
Things are already turning around.
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michaelgovehateblog · 4 months
Nigel Farage got milkshaked again, what a time to be alive
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politijohn · 4 months
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motherofplatypus · 3 months
This is how many bullets they shot on a fucking kid.
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batboyblog · 2 months
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President Biden's plan for the first 100 days of his next term:
—Restore Roe v. Wade
—Sign John Lewis Voting Rights Act
—Expand Social Security and Medicare
—End all medical debt
—Raise the minimum wage
—Pass the PRO Act for workers
—Ban assault weapons
—Lead the world on clean energy
—Permanent child tax credit
—$35 insulin cap for all
—Build more housing
—Invest in child care and elder care
you want that? FIGHT! for it, check if you're registered to vote and then find a way to volunteer, everyone can make a difference everyone!
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
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Honestly, this sounds fucking FANTASTIC to me, and we should do it. Cry harder, Mitch.
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catchymemes · 2 months
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