#is the distance too much? is my past too great? is it my height? my weight? my race? my heart? what is wrong with me
lyrefromthesea · 2 months
Hey idk if my ask was at the end so idk if you still know it.
I would like to request the hashiras x taller/same height reader if that’s ok?
thank you <3
Hashira x reader - Tall for what?
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pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Gyomei x reader, Shinobu x reader, Mitsuri x reader
content warning: none
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• he's READY. he met you and his first reaction was "gods, what?!" without a doubt, he'll walk around you like you're a painting, taking in all your features.
• the moment he's finished his only thought is "flashy!" he will ask what kind of clothes you wear, if you want your demon slayer uniform to look more flashy too. a person like you must be seen!
• more than excited when you meet his wives, watching their eyes go 'o' when they see someone taller than their husband. and you're so nice too! they instantly begin sharing his enthusiasm.
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• used to people being taller than him, it wasn't anything special. what really got him going is that YOU seemed to notice the height difference. 
• are you looking down at him? no, that's not it. do you not take him seriously as a hashira? he was there longer than you, wrong answer. the secret is revealed when you smiled at him one day.
• "you have a really handsome face, i wish my eyes looked like that." great, his brain stopped working. he found a way to leave the conversation in a matter of moments.
• at least he tries talking to you more often now.
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• "it is my pleasure to meet you!" he's enthusiastic. a new pillar? and your handshake was strong! it didn't take much to engage in a long conversation with him.
• you learn that he's not surprised about your height, but admires you nonetheless. when he said it's a pleasure to meet you, he was serious, he would be happy to engage in more conversations with you.
• really happy when he hears that you're assigned to a mission with him - he was curious to see your breathing style. and it's perfect, it resembles your inner being.
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• he would've ignored you, it wasn't a shame to be smaller than a person or two. he is smaller than his younger brother anyway. then you talked back and let me tell you, he is STRESSED.
• your little remark quickly turns into a heated conversation. the distance between you two closes, foreheads bumping together. that's the moment he stops. 
• he will never admit it, but your fierce and determined gaze, the fact you're looking down at him. "whatever", pushes you away and leaves without another word. the blush spreading over his face was luckily not seen by anyone.
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• seeing that you're taller than him, isn't something he really ponders about. you joined the hashira, you are a pillar the other slayers look up to, you are strong. that's everything he needs to know, right? wrong.
• you start talking to him - actually try to hold a conversation - he can't even run away. how come you're taller than him and always manage to sneak right into his personal space?
• but it's okay, he learns that he loves you and you love him. though he must admit, when you pulled him closer once, resting your chin on his shoulder, he felt a shiver run up his body. better not tell you, otherwise it will become a habit.
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• he's surprised, positively. when a hashira meeting was held and he felt an unfamiliar presence next to him, he became wary, looking to the side. he was expecting to hear a new voice, but he would've assumed it to come from anywhere but above his head. 
• you're just a bit taller than him, but that was more than enough. even reaching his height was a surprise, but being taller? anyone would be flabbergasted. he was certainly glad when you turned out to be a gentle giant in disguise.
• truthfully, you were surprised to find out he was a gentle being too. the young demon slayers always get the creeps when they see two giants walk past them, looking intimidating until the smallest thing coaxes a smile out of them.
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• she's used to people being taller than her. you weren't necessarily tall, not like Gyomei or Tengen, but you weren't on the small side either. she's glad to be your friend.
• her actual focus on your height was your fault to begin with. she's minding her own business, working in the butterfly mansion, when you come over to help her. she's initially happy, but a vein nearly pops out of her neck when you laugh about having to get the boxes from the top shelf.
• now she relentlessly calls you out using your height when you do something stupid. "maybe the gods should've tried to add more brain than tallness."
"maybe someone's pissed there wasn't enough height for them." you are quick to run away. in an hour or two, she will be calm enough to not poison you.
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• "wah! the new pillar!" she's in love with you - your looks, your presence, your personality. she's sure that you would instantly catch her eye in a room full of people.
• and then you talk to her and everything seemed great. she truly fell in love with you when you complimented her hair, called her a natural beauty. nobody was surprised when the two of you entered a relationship.
• one of her favorite things is getting picked up by you. she has fun telling you that you're tall and strong and just perfect for her. and of course, you enjoy telling her the same.
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marlynnofmany · 7 months
The Good Perch
“You would think,” Captain Sunlight said drily, “That a spaceport organized enough to have a whole section for courier ships would have a more visible labeling system.”
“Yeah, really,” I agreed with a frown at the small sign marking our ship’s berth. The thing was barely ankle-height and a thin font. Not even a bright color; it hardly stood out from the pavement in its gray-and-black subtlety. With all the spacefarers parading past in a rainbow of body types and clothing styles, not to mention the equally wild spaceships everywhere, those signs were easy to miss. I asked the captain, “Have you been here before? Is this normal, or did the wrong person take charge of designing things?”
“It’s been a while,” said Captain Sunlight, crossing her scaly arms. “I don’t recall this being a problem before. But I suspect our wayward client is still wandering the walkways looking for us.”
“Normally I’d say our ship would stand out, but the visibility’s not great for that either.” Lemon-shaped spaceships with foldable solar sails were pretty uncommon. The one parked behind us would have been easy to spot from a distance if not for the larger ships looming close on either side. These berths were too close together.
Captain Sunlight pulled her phone out of a belt pouch. “Still says they’re on the way.”
“Maybe we need to scoot forward a bit?” I suggested. “Make the ship easier to see?” I stepped up to the walkway for a better look at the view from there.
This turned out to give someone else a better view of me.
“Hey, person who climbs things!” called a cheerful voice. “Come help me brace this.”
After a confused half-second, I located the speaker on top of the gray-brown ship next to ours. I realized with a start that this wasn’t the first time our ships had been parked side-by-side. “Hey, Acorn!” I called back. “Are you waiting for clients too?”
“We were,” the fellow courier called back, waving something that looked like a wrench. She herself still looked like a baboon crossed with a crocodile. “Now it’s time for errands and maintenance, and this needs fixing before we get back into space. Care to give me a hand? Everybody else is either busy or too much of a coward to get up this high.”
“Sure thing!” I said with a glance at Captain Sunlight, who was waving me on. “What’s the best way up?”
Acorn directed me to a row of handholds on the other side of the ship, which made for a nice easy climb. A pity her crewmates didn’t appreciate heights; the spaceport was a beautiful, chaotic sprawl of color from here. And the top of the ship was flat enough to feel plenty safe.
“Welcome to the good perch,” Acorn said, offering me a wrench. “It’s a very exclusive club. Can you hold this part in place so I can adjust that?”
“Absolutely,” I told her. “This end, right? Wait, got it.” I actually had no idea what this open panel was for, but I like to think I hid it well. The job was a simple one with two of us. I could see how it would have been awkward with just one, though. I wondered if she’d resorted to using her feet to hold things in place. I sure would have.
“Got it!” she said. “Now to close it all up. I knew that would be quick.”
I removed the wrench. “What’s the saying? More hands means less work?”
“Makes sense to me. Though by that logic, your friend there could get everything done by himself.”
I looked down to see that Mur had joined Captain Sunlight, in all his many-tentacled squidlike glory. “He probably could, actually. Though I don’t know how he is with heights.”
“Well, no need to share the good perch,” Acorn announced, snapping the panel shut. She spread her arms. “Look at this panorama!”
“It is a nice one! I was just thinking that. What kind of ship is that blobby green one over there? I haven’t seen it before.”
Acorn stood up for a better look. “I think it’s a Waterwill design?”
“That makes sense.” I got to my feet too, glad the ship we stood on wasn’t one of the shiny racer models. Those were much too slippery to make good sightseeing towers.
Not that Acorn seemed bothered either way. She probably would have found grippy shoes somewhere and run up the side just to prove she could. Her appreciation for climbing had been a nice change the first time I ran into her, and was no different now, given how much time I spent among alien crewmates who didn’t have tree-swinging monkeys in their family trees.
“That ship looks like it would make an excellent climbing structure,” she said, pointing at a pink model with grooves along the sides. “Pity it belongs to a security force who are likely to be uptight about such things.”
I laughed. “Isn’t that always the way of it? There’s a police station in my hometown with a roof that slopes down to meet a very climbable wall, and you have no idea how tempting it looked. Well. Maybe you know.”
She definitely understood, and we spent an enjoyable few minutes talking about which buildings and spaceships looked like the most fun to climb.
Then I spotted someone wandering from one berth marker to the next, looking both lost and a little nearsighted, and I had a suspicion that I’d found our missing client. This was a fellow human wearing the kind of drapey clothes that spoke of dignity and no little wealth. Her expression was exactly the kind I’d wear if I had to deal with those hard-to-read signs long enough to be late.
“Hey Captain!” I called down to Sunlight. “Is that her?” I pointed.
Captain Sunlight hurried forward with her phone out, matching the look of the person with an image there.
Yup. Called it.
Acorn chuckled while the pair of them exchanged greetings and complaints about the station layout. “Nice one. The wisdom of the heights strikes again. Do they need you down there now?”
“Probably,” I said. “Actually not yet, this package is a small one. Mur’s got it.” As I spoke, Mur pushed a hovercart forward with a box on it liberally covered in “fragile” stickers. It had a carrying handle on the top, which it had come with, and rubber bumpers on every corner, which Paint had added just to be safe. All precautions had been taken.
“Oh good,” Acorn said. “Then enjoy the view with me a little longer.” She bent to pull something from the toolbag’s side pocket. “Top-of-the-tree snack?”
“Are those the ones you’re named for?” I asked, remembering a conversation the last time I’d seen her. Translations being what they were, her name meant a similar nut from her homeworld. It had been an amusing conversation, since we were both named after things found in trees. She didn’t know what a robin was, but once I explained it, she claimed to have met a number of people back home with similar names.
“Yes, the salted version,” Acorn said, opening the bag. “I recall these were on the safe list for your species.”
“Safe and tasty,” I agreed. “Thank you.” I accepted a handful of alien acorns and marveled quietly at how universal salt was on snacks. Well, for some species. I don’t think Waterwills or Strongarms were that into overly salty food in general. Probably for slug-like reasons. Eggskin the medic would know. I should ask him later.
Acorn peered over the other side of the ship. “Ohh, Riverbrook’s wearing his goofy helmet. I owe him some acoustics since he played that loud music while I was working.” She crouched, peering down at a crewmate who had just emerged. With care, she selected a nut from the bag. “Think you can thwack him from here?” The grin she threw over her shoulder was full of teeth.
I joined her at the edge. “I like my odds.”
The crewmate was one of those people made of crystals instead of flesh. I forget the species name. Very interesting to look at, and unlikely to be hurt by a high velocity acorn no matter where it hit. The helmet was golden, shiny, and probably a fashion statement of some kind.
“First we throw, then we hide.”
“Got it.”
“One, two, throw!”
Ping! Ping!
“Ow, what was — Acorn, is this yours?!”
We both giggled in childlike glee, just out of sight.
“No thanks, you can have it!” Acorn called back.
“I’m going to put this in your fruit drink next mealtime.”
“Good luck with that!”
I nodded. “Ah, a prank war. A noble pursuit.”
“See, you get it.” Acorn offered me more nuts.
I took them and made myself more comfortable. “I don’t suppose you know what a rattlesnake is?”
“Then let me tell you about the time I got Trrili — the big scary Mesmer on my ship — with a classic prank from Earth.”
“Oh, do tell!”
I didn’t have to get back to my ship for a few minutes yet, which left plenty of time for more anecdotes and snacks on the good perch.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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darylbae · 4 months
hi new tumblr writer :3
I would give anything for vampire daryl (perhaps gender neutral pronouns)
smut, angst, fluff, idc. just give me vampire daryl (please)
pretty little thing — daryl dixon 🩰
in which vamp!daryl finds you in the woods, but doesn't have it in him to feed on you
note: im new to vamp!daryl so this will be very short, however if you like it i can make more!!
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Daryl has had urges. Urges to feed, urges that are biologically something he can't help. He's always had these urges, since before the world fell apart, however it was easier to maintain back then. Now, with resources being limited, it was harder. It was even harder to keep this from the people around him. Nothing tasted like human blood. No deer, squirrel, or rabbit would ever taste as good as a human.
Daryl would wake up early to feed, and go to bed later than the rest of the group. He'd managed to hide it well, nobody had questioned him yet. Even when the people they'd butt heads with would disappear and no longer be an issue. Blood on him, on anyone, wasn't out of the ordinary anymore. It was another early morning, Daryl had his crossbow slung on his arm. He walked with purpose, not having fed on any human in a while was making him ravenous. His boots crunched on the leaves as he left the rest of the group, finally getting into the woods to look for something filling. With his heightened hearing, he couldn't hear much. Couldn't smell anything close by. So it would be a long journey ahead of him.
He'd trekked through almost half the woods now, after picking up a sound a while ago, he believed to be getting closer to it. He growled to himself, just wanting the metallic taste sat on his tongue again. It had been so long. There it was again. That sound. That faint whimper in the distance. He'd picked up speed, trying to be light on his feet, but it was no use. He needed it. Now. There you were, clutching a tree with tears rolling down your face. You were a treat. He'd approached you, and of course you were apprehensive, like all smart girls were. But you were so desperate, that you'd reached out for him. "Please..." You yelped, putting all of your weight onto him, "my leg, it hurts." Daryl held your waist, looking down at the blood sliding down your leg. Like a warm chocolate drizzle on a cake, you looked good enough to feast on. Daryl noticed you had only shorts on, not entirely practical for the world you live in, and a jacket with a utility vest wrapped around you. Boots too, great choice. He could smell you, so sickly sweet. "Aren't you a pretty, little thing?" You looked up at him, brows tilted upwards and pure innocence in your eyes. "What happened?" He asked, pushing you backwards gently to lean on the tree behind you. He'd brushed some hair away from your face, before slowly bending down to be level with your wound. A gash on your thigh, not deep enough to be fatal, but needed to be wrapped up. The smell of you, of your blood, was getting to him. He needed it, more than he needed air in his lungs. But he couldn't. Usually his impulses were impossible to control, he'd be onto a human before he could even blink, but you... He wanted to enjoy you, he didn't have the heart to hear you cry again, because of him. He'd dragged his thumb up a line of blood that had trailed down your leg, bringing it to his mouth to enjoy. You were so out of it from blood loss that you hadn't even picked up on it. And if you did, you were past caring. You were still crying, as he'd stood back up, his height very much towering over you. "I need t'wrap it up," he stated, his eyes trained on the curve of your neck. The perfect space to have a little taste. "Ya gonna to have t'come back with me." You just nodded. You were probably going to bleed out, so either way you'd die. So you were betting on this man being good. "Want me to carry ya?" He asked, and you nodded, unable to put any pressure on your leg. Smirk plastered to his face, he inched closer to you. He was breathing you in, slowly feeling himself becoming addicted to your scent. He wanted to have you around, to enjoy you more. He'd have to feed another way.
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neverchecking · 1 year
I'm mostly curious, so you can write this as whatever but how does Sage do with an affectionate reader? We know he laps up all the attention Reader generously gives but like, is he generally rigid at giving or receiving? Or is he the softest man alive haha
Not well. Affection does not compute with this poor guy-
@lovanmari I think these may be more of what you were looking for?
Anyway, Sage is TotK Link!
In face, have some headcanons on this-
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・❥・Sage. My precious baby boy. How I love and cherish you, you little rat bastard.
・❥・So, we've established he's got some trust issues. Can you blame him?
・❥・He's just so, so tired. He just wants to rest. But he can't. He feels he's the punchline to one of Hylia's jokes. And it eats at him.
・❥・So when you, perfect, adorable you, come in with your sunshine and rainbows ass, he's just...like frustratingly confused.
・❥・What about life is so great? Hm? What about it makes you want to go around, hugging and kissing the others around him? Hm? What makes them so special? Hm?
・❥・Why do you feel the need to do the same to him?
・❥・At first, Sage doesn't trust the affection at all.
・❥・He's convinced you're buttering him up for some sort of secret attack. Like he'll lower his guard to accept one of the cuddles you bestow upon him and you'll stab him in the back-- literally.
・❥・But the others just seem to...accept this?
・❥・The bird hero (Sky) seems to downright preen whenever you gently press a kiss to his cheek.
・❥・The smithy with a height problem always looks so at ease whenever you settle next to him, laying his cheek on your shoulder.
・❥・Even the ever stoic Ocarina player looks more...relaxed when you come up to him, demanding a piggy back across the swampy bog. Little you demanding something from Time sparks something in Sage.
・❥・He knew that Time was just as scarred as he was when it came to trusting people. He had been burned in the same way, hand scorned when offered too many times.
・❥・That's part of what gets him to settle just a bit.
・❥・He doesn't start any cuddle parties, don't get it twisted, but if you wanna sit next to him while he's restringing a bow, he won't say no.
・❥・But start slow. He's like an easily startled deer in this situation. Only you never know if the deer is gonna buck and curse you out, stomping away, or if it's going to simply turn on its heel and reinstate the original distance he kept between the two of you.
・❥・But once you've gotten past the initial stage where he's simply scared of getting hurt again, Sage has an absolute heart of pure mush for you And you alone.
・❥・You see, once you've proven that you're hard to get rid of, he takes it as a sign. Especially if you've spent quite a bit of time together.
・❥・ He'll start slow. Sitting next to you while he fiddles with his Purah pad, or setting his bed mat closer to yours than before, but when you accept these without question, or, goddess forbid, encourage them- oh ho ho-
・❥・He is the clingiest bastard. Like, you will have no time alone.
・❥・(Forgot this was a yandere blog, did ya? Well I'm here to remedy that! >:))
・❥・He is constantly hovering over your every move. You wanna sit under a tree and read? He's laying his head on your lap, expecting head scratches the entire time and loudly complaining if you don't give them. You wanna go for a swim in a nearby lake? He's joining you in the water, no questions asked, making sure you don't drown, even if you're a great swimmer. He's got that Zora armor, and even if he doesn't wear it, he's spent enough time with Sidon to become a great swimmer. You wanna take a freaking nap in a tree?...Are you nuts? Sage would never let you nap in a tree, are you kidding? He has a much comfier lap with arms wide open for you to crawl into.
・❥・You fool.
・❥・Once he's established that you're not going anywhere, not for a while at least, he is all over you.
・❥・Like, this man, who's used to traveling along? He's switching up everything. Extra shields for you (Because he is not giving you any weapons. At all), extra potions, carrying snacks in his Purah pad, extra bed mats and blankets, extra armor and gear (Like snowquill jackets and fire breaker sets).
・❥・He's a secret mother hen he just hides it.
・❥・When you guys are traveling, he's in your presence constantly. Like never out of arm's reach. He has in fact bitten someone for trying to fight him for his spot (Rip Wars).
・❥・He will in fact do it again because when he's in arms length he has so many possibilities. Like you are right there.
・❥・He's pressing swift kisses to your temples, cheeks, even your lips when he gets cheeky enough, before moving on like nothing happened.
・❥・He's walking with your fingers knotted with his own, rubbing his thumb along your skin.
・❥・He's not only moving his sleeping mat beside yours, oh no, they are touching they're so close and he's clinging to you in his sleep.
・❥・And he is heavy. Like he is clinging to you like a Koala bear in his sleep.
・❥・You are not safe. He snores and drools and you're just gonna have to put up with that. Sorry not sorry. He just sleeps so well when he's with you! He can't help it!
・❥・It burns the other Links, but there's not much they can do because, let's be honest, you like having Sage's attention.
・❥・It's something well earned and you deserve to enjoy it.
・❥・Just don't let him get used to it. Who knows what he would do if that happened?
・❥・Unrelated, but how do you feel about, say, Tarrey Town?
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Hey, I've been thinking about James with the reader who's super tall, and she's super insecure about it. Then one day one of James' friends mentions the reader's height, and then she feels bad
(sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language)
hii, sorry i took a while with this one; thanks so much for requesting! and no worries at all! your english is great, but it also wouldn't matter if it wasn't 🤪 even though it feels like it by now, it's not my first language either lol but isn't it just a lovely tool for us all to fantasize together 🫶 hope you like it! wasn't sure if you wanted the comfort after the angst, so i just wrote it in
pairing: James Potter x reader word count: 2.1k tags: angst, fluff, established relationship, insecure fem reader, not proofread sorry
You’re going out with James and the gang, and you’re excited for a fun night out. Until the dreaded dilemma you face every time you dress up: heels or no heels? You know from past experience that all your girlfriends will be wearing them. They range from Lily’s kitten heels to Marlene’s stilettos, but it’s always a little something for the special occasions. 
The problem is: you’re tall. Very tall. Taller than all your friends with their heels on. When you wear them too, you look like a giant. You’re also taller than your boyfriend, James, but it doesn’t usually look that off… if you’re not wearing heels. When you do, you tower over him.
But you like the shoes, for some occasions. You’d like to just be able to wear them without its being a big deal. You’ve tried so many times to convince yourself that it isn’t, that you should just do whatever you want and care less what people think about you, but as soon as you’re out, they stare, and you feel awful. 
You have a pair you think are really pretty but have literally never worn because of the significant height boost they give. You put them on, take them off, again and again, indecisive. After about the tenth time donning them, you look in the mirror and decide to go for it. What’s the worst that could happen? Short girls probably feels self-conscious about their height too, right? Everyone has something, you encourage yourself as you step out your door. 
You’re all starting the night at a nearby pub where you all meet up. When James sees you, he lights up, giving you the warmest hug. His face nuzzles easily into the crook of your neck from the height difference then he kisses you adoringly. “Hello, gorgeous,” he grins. “You look especially beautiful tonight.” He’s always so cheesy. You always love it. 
“Thanks, Jamie,” you blush back. “You too.” 
“Well, I have to look nice to stand next to my girl, don’t I?” He stands tall next to you, posing, though he’s quite shorter than you. You roll your eyes smilingly at his antics and intertwine your arms. He squeezes your arm in his and leans up for a peck.
You’re all soon standing around a tall table as you catch up, having your first drinks and discussing where the night should take you. Mary brings up another nearby pub, cosier than this one, and Remus seconds the idea. Marlene boos dramatically and argues you can do that any other night. She suggests a rather rowdy club, and Sirius drumrolls the table in excitement. 
“I like that idea,” he surprises no one in saying. 
“I don’t know,” Mary pushes back. “Last time we were there, we got separated, and it was so crowded, it took ages for us to even find each other again.” “Easy fix tonight,” Sirius begins, grinning mischievously. “If we get separated, we all meet back up at Y/N. She’s like a homing beacon with those heels on! We’ll be able to see her over the crowds.” Your stomach plummets. Some of your friends are laughing, others not so much, but you, you are mortified. You feel clammy and frozen, like there’s suddenly a wide distance between you and everyone else. You want to just disappear, go home and not have to hang out with anyone ever. 
Only Lily seems to notice your discomfort, impressive given you’re giving your very best efforts to hide it even though you feel absolute shit. 
“He’s an idiot,” she whispers in your ear. “Don’t listen to him. You look great.” You turn to respond but are surprised to find trying to speak raises a knot in your throat. You can’t imagine how much more embarrassing it would be if you started crying at a stupid joke, so you just given her a strained smile and look down, trying to compose yourself. 
Everyone else has been caught up in the conversation moving on, so it’s a little while before James turns to you, noticing your quiet, your downward gaze. “Y’alright, love?” he whispers, a hand coming to the small of your back. 
“Fine.” You repeat the strained smile, hoping it’s getting more convincing with practice. 
“Sure? You seem upset.” “‘M fine.” You don’t sound fine. “Thanks,” you add, trying to lighten the tone. 
“Alright,” he says, though he doesn’t sound convinced. “So what do you feel like doing?” “I don’t know… Maybe something where we’re sitting?”
“Sitting?” he laughs, thinking you must be joking. When you cringe, he realizes you aren’t. “Oh, uh, why?” Then, looking like a cartoon lightbulb has just gone off above his head, he asks, “Are your shoes hurting your feet or something? I don’t understand how you lot wear those things.” 
“No, I —“ you begin, but quickly realize that could be a good, believable, non-embarrassing — well, at least less embarrassing — excuse. “Um, yeah, a bit.” 
“Oh, well we can find places to take breaks whenever you want. Don’t worry, I’ll go with you to sit as often as you like,” he smiles. 
You just smile back, though it doesn’t reach your eyes. When he’s not looking, you crouch down a bit awkwardly to be the same height as your friends around you. You try to keep this up, but after a while, it’s hurting your back, so you fall in and out of the pose for as long as you can stand it. 
The night goes on, a destination eventually decided upon, a compromise in the end. Most of your friends seem to be having a good time, but you have been quiet all night. You haven’t been able to shake the feelings of discomfort and self-consciousness that joke sparked in you. You just feel sad. Not to mention your back is killing you from constantly trying to look shorter. 
“James, I think I want to go home,” you say into his ear. He turns to you, his eyebrows raised in surprise. 
“What? So early? What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, I’m just not feeling so well.” 
“D’you feel sick? Have you had too much?” he asks, lifting his drink. You shake your head. “Your feet hurt?” he guesses again. 
“A little. Look, it’s fine; it’s not a big thing, I’m just tired, okay?” You’re tense and pained and just want to get out of here. You feel the tears welling back up, and you’re keen to leave before the waterworks. You give James a quick kiss, adding “Don’t worry! Have fun! I’ll talk to you tomorrow!” in an off, fake enthusiasm then bolt to the door. 
As you leave, you’re walking so quickly that you bump into some random bloke. 
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he chortles then starts full out laughing with his mate next to him. You push past him. 
You have no idea what he was laughing at. Maybe they had been laughing before you bumped into him. Maybe they were just completely pissed and needed no reason. But your already self-conscious brain immediately feels like they were laughing at you, at how much taller than them you were. 
You can’t help it now and start softly crying as you walk a bit further down then lean against the wall. The ease on your back feels nice, but you wish you could just teleport home. You hide your face in your hands, not wanting people to see you crying. 
So you don’t notice James approach you until you hear his worried, low voice. 
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s going on?” He grabs your wrists ever so gently and, holding your hands to his chest with one hand, brings the other to wipe your tears. “Darling, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
You see how scared he is and know ugly scenarios are running through his mind. You want to reassure him quickly but you can’t get yourself together. The guilt of the real reason you’re so upset being stupid in comparison makes you feel even worse, and you sob as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him tightly. 
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, love, it’s alright,” he coos, holding you close and petting your hair. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?” You step back a bit, wiping your face aggressively and shaking your head at yourself. 
“It’s stupid, Jamie, really I’m fine,” you muffle.
“I just want to help you be okay. Whatever it is, you can tell me.” You look into his beautiful eyes, the worry in them shining through. You love him. You hate worrying him. And talking to him about anything always makes you feel better. 
“I’m just too tall,” you confess. “What?” he seems genuinely lost. 
“I’m too tall,” you repeat, more softly this time, looking at the floor in shame. 
“Too tall? Baby, what’s brought this on?” 
“It’s stupid, I know. I just, I can’t stop thinking about it since Sirius made that joke.”
“What joke?” “‘If we get separated, just look for the giant,’” you misquote sarcastically. 
“Oh, darling. All night you’ve been upset? I’m so sorry I didn’t do something. I thought you were just a bit tired or something.” “I’m so embarrassed,” you whisper. 
“You shouldn’t be,” James says, with more bite in his voice. “Really, you shouldn’t. Not at your height, not at your feelings. Fuck, baby, I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.” He pulls you into a warm hug as you shake your head. He just holds you a long time, till your breathing is even and slow again, then pulls back, keeping his arms around you. 
“Hey,” James whispers. “Hey,” you whisper back. 
“I hate seeing you sad,” he says through a comforting smile. It manages to make you smile subtly back at him. “My gorgeous girl.” He kisses your cheek, still moist with tears. “Baby, you’re so beautiful. You don’t have to look like everyone else.” “Thanks.” 
“I mean it, Y/N. I think you’re ridiculously gorgeous. Tall, sure, but you’re just too perfect to be anything else. You’re majestic.” You scoff but laugh a bit at him. 
“Majestic? I’m a mess most of the time.”
“You can be a mess and still look majestic. You do it all the time,” he says playfully. “You, my love, are like a queen.” You roll your eyes, but your face has softened. “You’re my queen,” he says more sweetly and kisses you.
“Thank you, Jamie. I’m sorry I was being stupid,” you voice your dark thought.  “Sweetheart,” he chides lovingly. “That’s nothing to be sorry for. I just wish you’d told me earlier. You’re not even a little bit stupid. Only for suffering alone,” he jokes. “We all have things. I get self-conscious about not being tall enough for you to like me,” he confesses, looking nervous. 
“I don’t like you, I love you.” He smiles at this.
“And I’ll never get used to my queen loving me back.” His tone is teasing again, still vulnerable but very him. 
You both take a deep breath and, eyes meeting, just chuckle together for a moment. You shake off the intense emotions, the charged conversation. You sigh and hug him again, his body eager to receive you. 
“What do you want to do, love?” His hand is caressing your back as he looks into your eyes. “We’ll do whatever you feel like.” You have to take a long time to consider it. You’d been so desperate to go home just moments ago, but now you’re unsure. You feel so much lighter and take your time thinking about what would make you happy, everyone else be damned. 
“I want to dance. With you. And not crouch anymore,” you laugh. “My back is fucking killing me.” 
“Crouching? Y/N, if I catch you crouching, I’m going to be very upset,” he teases. “You wanna dance? Let’s go dance, baby.” You nod, smiling. 
“Just help me sneak to the toilets first. I’m sure I look a mess.” “You’re beautiful, but sounds good. Then we dance.” He kisses you. “And then, once you’ve danced all you want to dance, we’ll take you home, and I’ll give you the best massage you’ve ever gotten. Your feet and back are going to be grateful they’re sore.” You scoff lovingly and put your arm in his.
As you head back inside, you stand tall next to James, feeling like you’re floating, happy for now to be majestic mess. 
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ikeprinces-stuff · 6 months
𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗰 :
"𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 ... 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬."
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤, 𝘖𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥 𝘎𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯
✨𝖵𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝖬ü𝗋𝗋𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗁(?)✨
✼ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴʀᴀɴᴋᴇᴅ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴏғ ʀʜᴏᴅᴏʟɪᴛᴇ✼
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Name : Vernard, Verny, Vern, White, Dear Vernard, stick-in-the-mud and so much more...
Age : Same as Leon
Hair colour : Snow-white
Eye colour : Jadean green
Height : 182 cm
Blood type : O
Crest : Lynx (White Eurasian)
“Without my status as a chess piece in someone's scheme, I would not have evolved into the person that I am at present.”
Upon your arrival at the palace, he took on the role of a guardian, and prioritizing your safety, well-being and your progress to choose the next king became one of his most important duties. A complex and multi-dimensional personality, you constantly discover new aspects of him, making him more intriguing and sparking your desire to delve deeper. His self-sufficiency, refusal to be associated with any particular faction, and commitment to fulfilling his duties to the best of his abilities mask a dark and painful past that haunts him like a ghost. The shadow of his birth, the darkness that has always controlled him, rears its head, representing him as a mere pawn, and only...one decision from you will set him free.
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❥ 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 :
One could say that Vernard's existence was the result of a mistake made by not only his mother, but also Rhodolite's previous king. His mother, driven by the need to survive, worked as a prostitute, while the former king (The Fallen Beast) sought solace and validation in the arms of various women. It was their intersection that ultimately brought Vernard into this world.
Attempts were made to make Vernard's mother abandon her unborn child, but her inexplicable connection to the fetus led her to resist this decision. Rather than kill her unborn child and live with the guilt, she decided to take her own life by slitting her veins with a broken glass shard.
Desperate to save both her life and her unborn child by orders of a certain someone, the physicians worked to deliver the baby prematurely. However, the toll on her already fragile body was too great, and she sadly passed away shortly after giving birth, due to complications from the premature delivery and the attempt at suicide.
❥ 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱 :
Due to a forbidden interaction, Vernard faced harsh criticism, disapproval, and shame from the royal court. However, his status as a pawn helped shield him from complete rejection, allowing him to be recognized as a prince, if only in the minds of some. He's the only prince who wasn't granted a rank, as the court deemed him unworthy due to his mother's disgraceful past. Even from the outset, giving Vernard the title of prince was a difficult pill for the court to swallow.
Whenever Vernard makes a small error or oversight, he's judged and his actions are linked to his mother's past as a prostitute, causing him to isolate himself and fear making mistakes again, and closeness to one of the princes used to keep him in check, preventing criticism or judgment, but something happened, widening the distance between them.
Because of his mother's shameful past, it was believed that Vernard lacked a proper lineage and was unworthy of one, so his "fake" caretaker intervened and the "Mürrisch" name was given to him, from that day on, the prince stuck to this name even after he reached puberty.
❥ 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 :
The princes were confused by Vernard's varied and strange behaviors. They used the word "eccentric" to describe his mysterious personality, which can be open and active or closed and dull, depending on the situation. He can be obedient at times and rebellious at others, but all of this is connected to the circumstances he's in.
Vernard adamantly refused to affiliate with a faction, but he handled faction business smoothly as if he was a recognized member, because he believed that joining a faction would limit his duties and restrictions would go against his belief that he could maintain multiple ventures.
✦"𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑡, 𝑎𝑠 𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠. 𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒, 𝐼 𝑎𝑠𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟... 𝐶𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑚𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑠?"✦
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firecooking · 1 year
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A fun piece that took me WAY too long to complete!
I wanted to draw out the Z stacks for my humanoid au and do something fun with the outfits and the posing. I almost always draw them in some form of work uniform or in their formal gear and while that's pretty accurate for most situations they also have non work good clothes, of course in shades of Zero Marine Bigg City approved browns and blacks.
I also wanted to highlight more personal styles with them as well as keeping the context of the 1920s in mind! I also gave them all weapons for fun!
Zip has a VERY stylish youthful way of dressing for the 1920s, his bow tie would be seen as rather formal in contrast to his outfit which would be very youthful and in matching, shorts don't match with sweaters, boots don't match short sleeves, young men often dressed 'eclectically' to 'stand out'. Zip Carries a rather standard hunting rifle, he doesn't much like to use it, but it lets him stay away from danger while protecting himself. He's a small guy and doesn't like to be in the action, the gun lets him keep his distance, and he quite likes that. He does know how to use it and will if necessary.
Zug wears a pretty average day suit, it's pants cut is a little big and the coat is a sport cut, he'd been seen as basically a lousy dresser, sorta like a used car sales man. Zug carries a Tommy Gun, he's a small guy and it gets the job done.
Zorran dresses in a modern for the time business suit, the cut is straight on the pants and jacket and the bi coloured pants and jacket would be seen as a more relaxed choice and he's forgone the vest of old. Winged saddle shoes complete the look, he would be a snazzy dresser in the eclectic sense like Zip. Zorran is a resourceful man and will fight with anything at hand, but a good old fashioned lead pipe is easy enough to carry and conceal and even easier to ditch without suspicion
Zebedee forgoes convention, instead going for comfort and a relaxed fit. The Zoot Suit is still two decades out but the smoking suit is making its debut, considered a wasteful use of fabric Zebedee is on the cutting edge of fashion, even if he just wanted something comfortable. He is a fan of brass knuckles, if he has to fight he'd rather brawl fair and square
Zak, like Zorran, forgoes a piece of the standard business suit, However his piece of choice is the Vest, which sets him firmly into casual. With a dark grey shirt and matching tie, pants, hat and shoes, Zak is scrubbing against the grain of fashion conventions of the time, Zak would be kicked out of a fancy restaurant on sight in such an outfit. Zak keeps a switch blade on him at all times, he's a big fan of stiletto style knives, they make quick work of any target
Zaffre opts to forgo feminine dress but doesn't abandon women's wear. The Blazer is in its second decade as women wear, note the lack of collar notches on the blazer and the single button, and the loose fitting light fabric pants are the trend with young flappers for day wear. Her shirt and tie are what step back into men's wear but are not unheard of anymore. She's young and a great example of a second generation suffragette, the right to vote is just the first step, you know. Zaffre hasn't opted for any weapons yet, the hat pins and batons of days past are not needed when you are ready and willing to beat someone to death with your bare hands. Maybe she'll find something someday
Also have a high chart because I am terrible at drawing them to scale, by 1920s average heights they are all pretty average, Zug and Zaff being extreme but not unheard of, by today's average heights literally all of them are average and below with Zug being unheard of as a 'normal' hight
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fan-clan-fun · 9 months
This isn't fan clan related, but I'm curious. If you were to take the four clans (excluding SkyClan) and make them more unique, how would you do it? What I mean is what physique would you give ThunderClan? What distinctive skill would you give RiverClan? Will you give WindClan special customs? What about ShadowClan?
Gosh this is gonna be a long one. It's entirely possible I have answered something like this in the past, and if I have, and this answer is changed from that... well people grow and change too. So let's see what my thoughts are on the clan today. First off, I would focus on what miniscule stuff we get in the books and expand on it. Thunderclan - A very martial society, your rank is earned primarily based on your physical abilities, fighting, hunting, etc. I imagine their ceremonies and expectations revolve around that. They are loud, proud, obnoxious in some ways. They are... almost like Americans with how patriotic they are. Only partially kidding. They are the ones most likely to uphold the strictest niceties of the code, or pretend to anyway. Culturally, they are very into the mythos of heros, telling grand stories of cats who came before, and their exploits, and they value their lineage greatly. Oh, this hero was my sire's great great grandfather, and he did this. It also shows up in their naming conventions, as many kits are named after past heros, or cats the parents respected or want their kits to be like. Aside from attitude, they have skills primarily geared towards their forest environment. They should be able to climb trees, navigate through dense underbrush, and fight off the more abundant predators. As a result, bigger, tougher cats have thrived, whereas the smaller slimmer body types are not considered as attractive and are not as well represented. Scars are considered the height of beauty, as they show off the strength and prowess of a cat. It means they fought something and survived. Windclan - With the introduction of the tunnelers in the special edition, I feel like there's an interesting dichotomy to be found in Windclan. Ultimately, as much as I like it, and even would like to explore it, I feel like there was good reasoning for the tunnelers to be done away with. That said, those skills could be repurposed. To me, what marks Windclan is its ability to be adaptable.
With all its open spaces, I think Windclan would be well served as a semi-nomadic group, that has one or two different camps that it moves between based on the weather and prey density. For the winter, I imagine they shelter in a system of caves, which are maintained and cared for by a small group of tunnelers. In summer, they have an above ground camp, set at a somewhat high point in the territory, where they wouldnt get flooded out during a storm. As a result, cats are taught a wide set of skills. The clan works together at every step of the way, and a take down larger and faster pray like rabbits as a result. Windclan cats are used to traveling long distances, and being friendly with outsiders for a variety of reasons, information on movements of other cats or groups of them and food sources for example. I see Windclan as having the biggest territory, but also the sparsest when it comes to prey and population. Windclan is a very collaborative clan, they sing and tell stories to pass the time as they travel, building on one another for fantastical tales that bring hope and excitement during the bleaker times. They revere the stars, and the wind, and use the sky as their guide to travel. Their spirituality is focused on Starclan as a group, rather than individuals. There are many intricate stories and rituals that the clan performs under the stars, each season and each moon. Names hold great meaning, but are also often ethereal and based on feeling, rather than any particular meaning.
Because of the need to be agile, and survive long distances of travel, sleeker, smaller cats have thrived in the clan, as they require less food and are quick on their paws. Windclan cats rarely meet an enemy head on or one on one, using their agility to ambush and confuse any source of danger. Shadowclan - An ever practical clan, I see Shadowclan as having the smallest and least desirable territory, meaning this clan does what must be done. They are willing to bend the code if they need, in order to get what they want. At the same time, they are fiercely loyal to friends and family. Not necessarily the clan as an image, but the ones they care about. If you are looking for innovation, clever resolutions to problems, and independence of thought, Shadowclan is where you will find it. They'll propose puzzles to solve around the fresh kill pile to keep their minds sharp. There's little fear in this clan, nor much room for being picky. If something is edible, you take it, you bring it back.
Shadowclan often find themselves being called sneaky or duplicitous because they are willing to compromise the code, or use others to get what is needed for the clan to thrive, but really, its about survival. No hard feelings. They've learned to hide, to watch, to learn, that ambush and guerilla tactics are far more effective, and less likely to lose a clan member, than head on confrontation. As such, dark pelts are preferred, but otherwise, if it helps you survive? Thats all that matters.
To some of the other clans they appear irreverent, but to Shadowclan, its just common sense. Starclan isnt alive right now, they are gone. Sure they might be able to help, but might not. Cant rely on them and wait for them to help. Its better to do it yourself. The same can be said for names. Prefixes arent given much value, based only on material things, but your suffix? Thats what defines you, as it shows the skills and challenges you went through to get your name. There's often a fierce competition amongst apprentices to not end up with the same suffix, to be the best in the group at certain things. Riverclan - Riverclan are the epitome of work smarter, not harder. They have the most prosperous territory of the four, with a mostly guaranteed food source throughout the majority of the year, aside from the coldest winter months when things freeze over. The clan makes it its business to know everything there is to know about water, how it flows and pools, how to swim, how to manipulate its direction for the clan's benefit. All kits are taught how to swim from as young as possible. It's said that Riverclan apprenticeships are the hardest of the clans, as apprentices are expected to learn a lot, and take on a lot of responsibility. But once you become a warrior, you are much more prepared and settled, confident in your abilities. And by being aware of their skills and limitations, it allows warriors to know what they have to do, and how long it takes, and allows them the time to relax after. Many warriors seem lazy or childish, because they are reliving the childhood they never had, now that they are old enough to do so. But having the most prosperous food source, also makes Riverclan targets. They have developed a reputation of silver tongues, but also of being pushovers. At the same time, while other clan war far more frequently, Riverclan find themselves the peace makers and neutral arbiters. They are generous with their food and their resources in times of need, leaving other clans often in debt to them.
The physical traits that make a Riverclan cat effective, are thick fur to protect the body from cold water, and an ability to store fat easily. When Riverclan cats do end up in a fight, they don't back down or hide, they take others on directly, their fur and extra padding a layer of protection.
Their worship of starclan is rather traditional, but also not fanatic. They invoke Starclan for blessings regarding the weather, ask them to intercede about rain and storms. There is a belief that Starclan, like the stars reflecting on water, are reflecting in the living cats. Some Riverclan cats even whisper about reincarnations, that just like water comes from the sky, and returns to it, so do cats and their spirits. This means that like Thunderclan, many cats are named for cats from before, or names that have to do with water in its many forms. Well, I said it was gonna be a long one, and boy howdy it is. I havent written on canon clans for a hot minute, but I could probably expand and think on this more, I might never stop if I started though. Maybe this will give others some inspiration!
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milaisreading · 2 years
Yandere!MSBY 4 x Kageyama Twin!Reader
Side couple:
Komori Motoya x Kageyama Twin!Reader
Warnings: Cheating, non-con(not too much), obsessive and possessive behavior, general yandere tendencies. This is my first time writing explicit content like this, sorry if it's boring:/
PS: Send in requests if u have any...
Part 1:
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"So how have you been? Everything going ok with Komori-san?" Tobio's voice sounded through (Y/n)'s apartment as she cooked her dinner.
"Yeah! Everything has been great with us, tho the distance is really killing me, but we phone each other every day." (Y/n) answered back, waiting for Tobio to speak up again.
"Well, you did pick pretty far away cities, Shizuoka and Osaka I mean. But as long as you find time to call each other, it should be fine." (Y/n) smiled bitterly, nodding her head Kageyama's words
"Yeah, but enough about my love life, what about you? With how many fangirls and those fansites you have, you must have someone in mind." She teased, already imagining her brother blushing at her words.
"You know I am not interested in that, at least not now. Volleyball is more fun."
"You should honestly think of marrying it at this point." (Y/n) joked, not surprised by his answer.
"Shut it! But anyways, I need to go now. You will be off to Shizuoka this weekend?" Tobio wondered as (Y/n) went to pick up her phone and turn off the speaker.
"Well I was planning to, but Motoya told me he will come. Something about getting away from Shizuoka and all." The med student answered, recalling the conversation she had with the pro athlete a few days a
"Well at least you won't have to travel after the exam then. By the way, did Hinata text you at all in the past 2 weeks? Since the game with Komori-san's team, it's been radio silent from him."
"Hmm? Now that you mention it, I didn't hear anything from him either. Could that loss bumped him out so much?"
"Who knows. He can be off at times, but I am sure he will come around. Anyways, I got to go now. Hoshiumi-san wanted to take Hirugami-san and I out for a drink."
"Have fun! Give them greetings from me!"
With that, they ended the call and (Y/n) went back to making her noodles so that she can return back to studying as soon as possible. Groaning, the med student went through her phone, trying to find the last few notes she needed to revise.
"Just this one more exam and then I will have some time for myself..."
She yawned, looking at the clock on her wall, groaning.
"I will barely catch any sleep these days..." (Y/n) groaned as she put the phone away and went to eat her dinner, her mind going from her exam to the orange haired volleyball player.
'He really has been acting off... ever since graduation to be honest...'
She thought in worry.
With Hinata...
The man tossed and turned in his bed. He was supposed to go to sleep hours ago, but he just couldn't. Every time he closed his eyes, the image of (Y/n) and Komori flooded his mind, and he just ends up angry.
"Stupid Komori...is it his height that makes him attractive? His looks are average at best.. or his money? If (Y/n) was in need of financial support, she could have called me-"
Hinata's rambling was cut off by his phone ringing, so he quickly went to answer it.
"Sakusa? Why are you up so late?" The orange haired man wondered.
"I was talking with my aunt over some family meet up later this month, and she let the information about Motoya visiting Osaka slip out... do you know where I am going?"
Sakusa said sternly, clear annoyance lacing his voice as he mentioned his cousin.
"Do...do you think it's the right time?" Hinata wondering, his eyes going wide as he remembered the plan.
"Another time we won't have. We need to break them up... Aunt told me that he plans on proposing to (Y/n) soon."
Hinata's eyes widened and he clenched his fists.
"Ok...did you think of a plan to break them up?"
"Yeah, I will handle that."
"Good, I can't wait till that pest is gone."
"You and I both."
Sakusa sighed from the other side.
With Atsumu...
Atsumu groaned as he kept on stroking his cock as he went through the pictures he saved of (Y/n). The pictures were nothing special, just some from the beach he found on her Ig, but those were enough to rile him up. The image of the young woman underneath him, panting, crying and begging for release kept playing inside his head.
'(Y/n)... please...'
Groaning, the faux blonde as he came all over his hand. Panting, he got up from his bed and went to clean himself up. Once he was done he went back to his bedroom, sighing sadly as the images he had were just pure fantasies, the kind he wanted to be true.
Huffing, he sat down on his bed and scrolled through (Y/n)'s social media, smiling when he saw a new story was posted.
But, that smile faded away as soon as he saw that it was a picture of her books and a cup of coffee.
'Why is she up so late? It's nearly 1 in the morning. Shouldn't that useless boyfriend of hers make sure she is sleeping?!'
"Stupid! I knew that guy was no good! Why did she pick this prick of all?"
Atsumu's stare hardened as he thought of the brown haired libero. Back when he met Komori at the training camp, he thought of him as a possible friend. But now...now that he was with the girl of his dreams, there was no way for him to have that position.
"I wanted to so desperately see him cry that night. Show him and (Y/n) who the better one is...better player and better boyfriend, but..." Atsumu sighed as he rubbed his face, feeling like crying.
"But the whole time (Y/n) kept distracting me. That smile and her cheers, wonder how it would feel like to have her cheer on me, wear my jersey-"
Atsumu stopped his monolog as a message popped up. Quickly opening it, he saw that it was Bokuto.
'Komori is coming to Osaka tomorrow. We need to break them up this weekend. Sakusa said he is planning to propose.'
The message set an already frustrated Atsumu on fire. There was no way he will let that Komori put a ring on her pretty little finger.
"Besides, he can't afford what (Y/n) really deserves, unlike the rest of us. And Komori (Y/n) just sounds wrong."
The next day...
"I honestly don't know if I will pass this one, but the most important part is that it's over!" (Y/n) cheered as she walked out of the building.
"I am sure you will pass. When will the results be?" Miwa asked from the other side of the phone.
"In like...5 days or so. Unless the professor starts grading them today."
The med student yawned, already dreaming of her soft bed.
"Sleepy? Are you off home?" Miwa asked, worried for the youngest sibling.
"Yeah. Motoya will arrive in Osaka later tonight, so that gives me some time to rest."
"Alright. I have to go now since a client arrived. Have fun you two, but not too much~" The older woman teased, causing (Y/n) to blush a little as she said her goodbyes.
'She can be too much at times.' (Y/n) groaned. All of a sudden, the young woman felt someone grab ther shoulder, causing her to jump away and turn around.
"Easy there (Y/n), it's just us!" Sighing in relief, (Y/n) noticed the familiar golden and black eye.
"Bokuto-san, Sakusa-san, what a surprise! What are you two doing here?" (Y/n) asked, smiling as the two athletes took off their masks.
"We were just walking by after practice! Do you live here somewhere?" Sakusa asked flatly, already knowing all the information.
"Oh no, my university is in this location tho! How are you two? Has practice been going well?" (Y/n) asked while smiling, causing Bokuto to blush a little, meanwhile Sakusa hid his by putting his mask back on.
'Adorable...my (Y/n) is so adorable.' The black haired thought as Bokuto spoke up.
"It's been great. Today we were let go a little sooner than usually. The coach and captain were a little easier today, after all the hard training before."
"Yeah, they got a lot stricter after our match with Komori's team." Sakusa explained, getting more annoyed at his cousin than he already was. (Y/n) blinked for a moment, and then remembered what he was talking about.
"Sorry to hear that you two, but you guys were still amazing. I guess it depends on the luck you have that day."  She answered back, trying to lighten up their moods. Which seemed to work, as Bokuto stopped pouting, sending her a grin soon after. Sakusa seemed to lose his annoyed demeanor, but his eyes stayed as passive as possible, so she wasn't sure about him.
"Really?! Did you see that service ace I delivered at the beginning?! Worked on it for a while." Bokuto boasted.
"Yeah! That was pretty cool! I am happy that you hard work paid off. Hope the next time you performed it, it will be the winning points."
Bokuto grinned at the praise and continued talking to the younger. Sakusa clenched his fists are the sight, envying how easy the conversation between the two was. How familiar they are to each other. It's not like Sakusa didn't talk to her before, she visited his place often with Komori, but he always had a hard time talking to her.
"Hey uhmm... the two of us, Atsumu and Hinata are free tonight, want to go out for dinner?"
The black haired boy's question surprised not only (Y/n), but Bokuto as well.
"Well that sounds nice Sakusa-san, but Motoya will come over tonight, so I really can't. And I don't think it's that much of a smart idea, I don't want to piss some of your fangirls off."
(Y/n) shuddered, remembering how some of the girls from her class came into her, after pictures of her and Atsumu talking surfaced on social media.
Sakusa and Bokuto ignored the part with Motoya, as they were more concerned over the 2nd part.
"Say...none of the fans caused you any trouble?"
"Ahh...all I can really say is that Atsumu-san's fans love him a little too much." Was all she said, which made alarm bells go off in both of them.
"But nothing to worry about! I already handled it! Anyways, I need to go now, gotta rest a little till Motoya arrives! Bye!" (Y/n) said, walking off quickly, trying to avoid any form of questioning from either of the two.
"What are you doing?" Bokuto wondered, his gaze switching from (Y/n) retreating form to Sakusa's, who was dialing a number on his phone.
"I will call my dear cousin over for a drink... the plan is going in action tonight."
"Alright! Let me go and call Hinata then." The Fukurodani alumni grinned, excited about tonight.
"You are meeting up with Sakusa-san? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" (Y/n) asked the brown haired libero over the phone.
"Sorry, it came out of the blue, I will try not to stay for too long with him... you are not mad?" Komori asked from the other side, gulping as he thought of her reaction.
"Why would I be mad, Sakusa-san is your family after all. Just, tell me sooner next time." She asked softly. There was really no reason for her to be annoyed, aside from him not informing her sooner.
"Sorry, I really am. But I have something for you, which might make it up for my mistake." Komori said sheepishly, causing (Y/n) to grow curious.
"What would that be?"
"You'll see! But I need to hang up now, sorry."
"Ok, have a safe trip! And have fun."
Turning off her phone, (Y/n) sighed and went to her living room, opting to watch a movie or two till Komori arrives.
A few hours had passed and (Y/n) was beginning to get nervous, not only was Komori supposed to arrive at her place an hour ago, but he also wasn't answering his phone.
"Should I call Motoya again? I have been calling him for the past 20 minutes and nothing... Maybe Sakusa-san will answer me." (Y/n) muttered nervously as she dialed the athlete's number.
She didn't have to wait for too long, as he answered his phone quickly.
"Hello? (Y/n)?"
"Sakusa-san! Thank God you answered, is Motoya with you? Why isn't he answering his phone?"
'I probably come off as controlling, but fuck it!' She gulped, waiting for an answer from the man.
"Motoya? Why would he be with me? I am out with Hinata."
(Y/n)'s heart dropped at those words.
'There... But why would he say?'
"Hello? (Y/n), you still on your phone?" Sakusa's voice interrupted her thoughts and she quickly answered him.
"Uhmm...I... Motoya isn't with you 100%? He said you two would meet up for a drink."
"No, we never agreed to that. I have practice tomorrow, so that's out of question-"
"I need to go. Bye, sorry for interrupting you two." (Y/n) didn't let Sakusa finish as she hung up and went to call Komori again, her heart racing and alarm bells ringing.
"Come on...answer please....Motoya..." She desperately begged, thinking of the worst possible scenario.
'He wouldn't... Motoya wouldn't cheat. There is no way, but why else would he lie?'
"Why aren't you answering?!" (Y/n) screamed as she threw her phone on the couch, tears escaping her eyes.
"Please...let this be all a prank, I swear I won't be mad. Please-"
A notification popped up on her phone, and (Y/n) quickly ran to her phone, thinking this might be Komori. Unlocking her phone, (Y/n) read the name of a private Ig account, which sent her a few pictures. With a heavy heart, she opened the message, only, to her horror find pictures of Komori sleeping next to a unfamiliar girl. The sight of the woman smiling next to a seemingly naked Komori made her heart break and she quickly turned of her phone.
Shaking and sobbing, she plopped on the couch and started crying harder, the pathetic feelings of sadness and betrayal taking over her body.
"Should we go now?" Hinata asked as Sakusa finished his call with Atsumu.
"Yeah, the woman sent those photos to (Y/n) and already left. With how much Motoya drank, it will be a wonder if he remembers anything." Hinata nodded his head as they walked of to Sakusa's car.
"All the better for us, (Y/n) will just think that he is lying and trying to pretend nothing happened."
Sakusa silently nodded his head, grinning like a madman that this years old nightmare is coming to an end.
'Finally she will be mine...tonight is the night.' The black haired man hummed as him and Hinata walked off to the meeting spot.
A few hours passed by and (Y/n) was sound asleep in her bed, all the crying drained her, and she just wanted to shut off everyone. So much so that she didn't even answer her brother or sister's calls. The silent apartment was soon disrupted by the sound of the entrance door being opened, and two figures walked inside.
"Shouldn't we wait for Hinata and Atsumu?" Bokuto whispered as Sakusa nodded his head.
"I really could care less where those two idiots are right now. Besides, we should go and prepre our little princess." The Itachiyama alumni muttered as he walked to (Y/n)'s bedroom, his whole body shaking in excitement along with Bokuto's.
"Finally, I have been dreaming of this moment for so long." Bokuto grinned as Sakusa slowly opened the bedroom door. Breath hitching up, Bokuto walked inside and up to (Y/n)'s bed. The man gulped as he looked at her sleeping face, her puffy, red cheeks and pout causing his cock to harden.
Groaning, Sakusa slowly removed her covers, enjoying the sight of her vulnerable figure. Bokuto let out a a sigh as he sat on the bed and caressed (Y/n)'s hair.
"I can't wait for those two." Sakusa finally said as he hovered over the woman, and slowly grabbed onto her pajama pants, pulling them down.
"Finally." Bokuto grinned as Sakusa pulled off her pants, licking his lips when he saw her panties. Quickly unbottoning her pajama shirt, he was more than pleased to see her bare boobs.
"Naughty girl~" Bokuto giggled as Sakusa started kissing up (Y/n)'s leg, her soft skin turning him more and more on.
'And that bastard Motoya kept all of this to himself?! And with how he is, he probably didn't please her to the fullest.'
Bokuto was meanwhile kneading (Y/n)'s nipples, watching in pleasure as the woman started groaning and moaning, her eyes slowly opening, looking at her surrounding in confusion.
"Looks like my little slut is finally up? Look Omi!"
"Wh-what th?!-" (Y/n) shrieked as she realized what was going on, desperately trying to wiggle her body out of this. But all of this was to no avail as their grips on her body tightened.
"Shh baby, we will take great care of you. Just be compliant."
"Get off of me! What the hell?!" (Y/n) glared up at Bokuto as she tried to push him off. This pissed the white/black haired man off, causing him to grab her arms and pin them down, sending the woman a warning growl.
"Don't make it so unnecessarily hard, baby. We know you want this, you are all wet just from our touch." Sakusa cooed as he inserted a finger inside, enjoying the surprised expression and her attempts to hide her moan.
"Don't hold back baby, I want to hear all of the noises." The black haired man laughed, insisting a 2nd and 3rd finger shortly after.
"Stopp~" (Y/n) moaned out as Bokuto played with one of her nipples and sucked the other, moaning at how soft she felt.
"Good girl, just lay back and enjoy it." Sakusa smirked as he pumped his fingers faster and faster, enjoying how hee moans were getting louder and louder.
"You smell so nice... I have been waiting for so long. We all have." Bokuto muttered in between of kissing her neck, leaving a bite mark or two in the process.
"Wha-what are you t-talking about~" (Y/n) panted as she felt her climax approach her.
"We all have had our eyes set on you since high school, and it really enraged me...us to see you with my cousin of all people. But you will soon learn not to mess with us, baby~" Sakusa chuckled as the younger came onto his finger, enjoying the moan she let out.
"So sensitive... Atsumu and Hinata will sure enjoy this." Bokuto teased as he wiped her tears away, kissing her cheek right after.
"Please...please don't go any further... Sakusa, Motoya will be-"
(Y/n) flinched as both men glared and let out low growls.
"Still thinking of that pest? While two of the most sought after athletes in the country are about to give you the night of your life?" Sakusa said as her got up, signaling to Bokuto to change positions. (Y/n) was about to use the moment her hands were free to get up, but Sakusa stopped her.
"You are not going anywhere. The fun is just starting." Sakusa said as (Y/n) watched in horror as Bokuto started taking off his pants. Then suddenly, the younger heard her bedroom door open, and a familiar voice fill up the room.
"Hey! Why didn't ya wait for us?!" Atsumu growled as Hinata whined at the betrayal. The black haired man rolled his eyes along with Bokuto.
"Next time don't take so long. Now wait till Omi and I are finished."
"Not fair! I know (Y/n) longer than any of you, I should do it first!"
"Deal with it, Hinata." Sakusa said, looking down at (Y/n)'s teary eyes, the sight causing him to grow harder than he already was.
The next day, (Y/n) woke up feeling sick and body aching from all the bruises and bite marks the 4 left on her body. But besides that, a weird form of relief washed over her body as she noted that neither of the men were with her. Perhaps, she thought, they left or something. But, just as she started hoping that, her door opened and revealed Hinata's smiling figure. (Y/n) cringed at how normal he was acting, as if he and his friends didn't force themselves on her last night.
"You are awake! Just in time too, Omi made us breakfast." Hinata said cheerfully as he approached her bed, causing the woman to flinch away as he touched her shoulder.
"Huh? Was I that rough with my marking last night? Sorry baby, I will be gentler next time." (Y/n) looked at the grinning man in horror as he said that.
"N-next time?"
"Of course, did you think this was a one time thing?" Gulping, she felt Hinata grab the back of her head and rest his forehead against hers.
"We all are in love with you for years, and if you thought we would leave after we got a taste of how sweet you are...you are dead wrong." Hinata said, the crazy and lovesick look in his eyes made her realize in just how much trouble she was in.
"Besides...of you don't want Komori's career to end in a cheating scandal, you will play the role of the obedient little kitten." Atsumu said from the doorway. (Y/n) moved to look at him in shock as Hinata started kissing her neck, moaning at the pleasant smell.
"How do you-"
"How do we know? Easy, we set him up. You should have seen how much we had to make him drink to convince him that woman was you." Her eyes widened as Atsumu chuckled and walked up to her bed, patting her head and kissing the top of it.
"Remember, your body and soul belong to us from now on, so better not look at any other man, or else these pictures of Komori are going into the public."
(Y/n) felt tears start rolling down her cheeks as Atsumu showed her those again. She knew there was no way out, if only she knew sooner how crazy these 4 were...maybe she would have been more careful. Maybe she would have stayed in Tokyo or even in Miyagi to study,but with the way they were, (Y/n) doubted this distance would have prevented any of this. Atsumu chuckled at the hopeless look the younger had on her face and leaned in to lick some of the tears away.
'Finally I have you hopeless and desperate, just like I always wanted it.'
@kei-tsuki21 @thebrunetteavenger @sicklyinlove @kittykatiekat @torriblack97 @locogvrl @omi-kunslysol @yuushs
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batrogers · 1 year
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LINK, FROM OUTSET ISLAND Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Hyrule Warriors
[From my Link's Meet AU, That Broken Promise]
GENDER: Male (amab) PRONOUNS: He/Him HEIGHT: 5'1" AGE: 22 HEALTH: Mostly blind [macular degeneration], severe flogging scars
WEAPONS: Staff, Seabreeze Boomerang ITEMS: Telescope, Grappling Hook, Power bracelets SPELLS: Magic Armour
On his twelfth birthday, Outset crossed paths with the Helmaroc King when it kidnapped his little sister. With the help of Tetra, he met the King of Red Lions who was the transformed King of Hyrule from the distant past. He opened the Tower of the Gods, retrieved and revived the Master Sword, and defeated Ganondorf with Tetra's aid beneath the seas. After, he left his home with her and was drawn into saving Oshus, the Ocean King, from the predation of Bellum before they made their way to new lands. However, their first landing ended in disaster with the Admiral of Gamelon attempting to kill him. They retreated to “cursed” lands nearby, under the watchful eye of the Lokomo Anjean where they stayed while he recovered. His recovery, however, was interrupted and he and Tetra were both drawn into the timeline holes created by Cia’s near death. They gave what aid they could, given his condition, and before too much time had passed they could return to their new lands.
Outset is a gregarious, fiercely independent person who is loathe to admit his limitations. He will try anything that seems fun, and only ask for help after he's started nine times out of ten. While he and Tetra founded New Hyrule, they were only so many people. At present, they’re focused on bringing people back and often they get sidetracked by random whim.
Outset speaks easily and is technically literate, but he can no longer see well enough to read or write. He also does not know, nor see well enough to understand sign language most of the time.
Outset is mostly interested in women but is game to try almost anything. He is a little shy about new people and picky about how they treat him with regards to his blindness. He’s never had a serious relationship, and he and Tetra have only recently gotten over a long fight about her feelings of guilt about when he lost his sight.
CURRENT MEDIA: Though There Be Fury On The Waves, rated E for violence Cave Frogs, rated M for graphic violence & near-death The Great Sea, rated T for threats of violence Unforgiven, rated M for interpersonal violence Fluff Dump: Touch Starved, rated G Don't Be So Gentle, rated M for porn
Songs from the playlist for Outset: Go The Distance, by Michael Bolton Sea of No Cares, by Great Big Sea Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely), by P!nk
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elementaskylos345 · 3 months
Urik's Journal
A series of stone tablets that carry the weary words of one man isolated at the top of the Watcher's Spire, struggling to survive and struggling to keep his mind.
This is written specifically with a humanized au in mind, so don't freak out when things have bones
!!Trigger Warnings in tags!!
Higher beings these words are for you alone.
Not really, but it feels like only higher beings can survive this madness. For those that find this journal collection in the future I am Urik, assistant to Lurien the Watcher. So much has happened over the last few months and everything is so overwhelming right now. So. I've decided to begin journaling to gather my thoughts and keep myself sane.
So, day 1, I suppose. I'm trying to keep quiet so the husks outside don't claw at the door. Thankfully the stone of these tablets is soft enough to chisel and not make too much noise. I don't think I'm in any real danger but I hate that noise. Knowing they were once my friends and coworkers makes their shambling and mumbling and feral clawing utterly unbearable. I can't stand that I know it's them out there.
Despite everything the king has done, sacrificing so many, the infection remains. it was all in vain. I can only hope that this infection is not happening in other kingdoms.
Day 2
With the telescope in this room I can watch the ground even from this great height… I hate it. I wish I could put an end to this. So many people die every day. I can't see fine details but I can see enough. I don't know if I can say I'm lucky, trapped at the peak of the tallest building in the city but at least I'm safe. I don't think I'll be watching the ground below.
On a vaguely related note I'm beginning to run low on food. Though this may only be the second day of the journal I have been stuck in Lurien's room for what I think is a few months now. I'm down to just a few bags of the rations that were handed out. Thankfully it's pretty nonperishable so I can stretch it out over a week or two I think but I need to figure something out quickly. Getting food last time nearly got me killed. I'm no fighter, I'm just a man.
Day 4
I've skipped day 3 as nothing interesting occurred but I eat fresh meat today. I managed to lure a vengefly inside using some of the dried mushroom and managed to cage it. I still need to actually kill and prepare it but I still managed to catch something! Vengeflies don't fly this high up enough to make this method consistent but this is still progress.
I will need to venture outside of this room and possibly outside of the tower. If I keep my distance I might be able to get by without conflict but I don't count on it. The husks outside still seem to have some function of the mind left. They speak things on rare occasions, calling on Master Lurien or even myself.
Day 5
By the king I miss seasoning. But I live another day and feel better than I have in weeks. Maybe it's in my bead but the fresh food feels good. However, I still need a consistent source of food. If I can get down to the bridge or just above I could set up a few traps there. I'd need to make traps and get past the guards but it seems a decent enough plan. I'll think of some back-up ideas but that one feels very plausible.
Day 8
The plan did not work. I made a few traps that worked somewhat consistently in tests and caught one vengefly but when I made my journey down to the bridge I was attacked by one of Elite Guards. I lost the traps and now have a nasty gash across my back. I think I can treat this and prevent infection but this is bad. I'm sat against Lurien's resting podium. He cannot help me but his presence is comforting…
I dread what might happen in the coming days.
Day 10
I am in a great deal of pain.
Day 11
I stepped out onto the balcony today. I intended to wash the wound on my back but I stood outside for a good while feeling the rain fall on me. I wept. My situation is bleak. I am alone, I have dwindling supplies, there is nothing but death, and there is no end in sight. I feel the infection swimming in the back of my mind, tempting me closer. I hate this. I hate it all. So much death and so much pain all from one angry and spiteful god. I can't help but ask why. Why us? What crime did we commit to warrant this violent reaction?
I think I'm going to sleep for a while. I'm so tired. I know it's risky to dream but I'm not sure what I live for at the moment.
I've lost track of the days. The timer system in the tower broke down and I've not the skill to repair it. It has been at least 3. I am out of food. I've tried to trap a vengefly but with no luck. I'm not exactly sure what to do. I'm scared to leave the room. I'd pray to the Pale King but he won't answer. He can't help me. He's already failed his kingdom. What could he do to help me?
I need to do something. The rainwater is plenty abundant and rich in minerals but it simply isn't enough. I could sneak into one of the floors below. I need to. I will bring one of the candle holders as a weapon. If I perish… oh well I suppose
A few hours later. I was unsuccessful but I did fend off a Lance Sentry and steal her weapon. It's not food but I guess I'm better prepared for a dangerous encounter? I'll try again soon. Maybe. I'm exhausted mentally so I might go hungry another day.
I'm going out again. It is the next day I'm pretty sure. I'm going to get something.
I found some dried mushrooms near the Watcher Knights. It's not much but I'll take it. I'm beginning to regret hiding up in the tower and not attempting to flee while there were enough people between me and the husks to attempt to break past the walls. But I couldn't abandon Lurien. He may not need me now but I feel I have a moral obligation to remain at his side. I still need to hunt for food since I ate all I found. Hopefully I can lure in a vengefly or something.
Ask and you shall receive. Captured and cooked a vengefly. I feel energized so I might go down to try and retrieve the traps I dropped. In hindsight trying to set the traps up so far away was a poor decision. They might catch something but they're pointless if I can't reach them. It may not be the best source of food but I might set the traps up either by the telescope or balcony. I'll try the balcony. Hopefully the infection has made them less intelligent and they won't avoid this area after some time.
I have returned. One of them was destroyed and one was damaged. That leaves me one functioning trap. I think I can repair the trap but I'll do it later, I need to set the first one up
Same day, different journal. Retrieved my broken traps and set up the one working trap. I have to admit writing and planning my survival has kept my mind busy. The infection whispers to me but I can mostly ignore it. The voice does grow louder and the light in my dreams brighter but I don't feel myself getting lost just yet. It's certainly inevitable that the infection will claim me but for now I survive. For who and for what sake I still can't say. Maybe I don't want to leave Master Lurien. He's all I have right now. I swore I'd watch over him… that's probably it. I live for him
I'm not sure if he's even aware in his eternal sleep but I will be here and I hope he knows that.
I've repaired the second trap and set it up. I've also scraped a bit of bone marrow out of the tiny bones of the vengefly and ate that. It tastes surprisingly good for being uncooked. The other bones have sat too long to be safe to eat but I'm taking note of this for the future.
Unrelated but I'm glad Lurien had so many stone tablets laying about. I was never a fan of the silk parchment. The humid air and wet conditions make keeping them maintained rather difficult, especially now. They may be easier to write on but they won't stand the test of time.
Back to my survival. The traps are set up and I can continue to scavenge. My wound is healing and I think I've grown used to the pain, it certainly makes getting around a bit easier. I can at least stand up straight again. I will go out and look for food and supplies after I sleep for a little bit. I have learned how to avoid the husks up here so they have become a non issue.
A few scraps.
I shouldn't be surprised I'm struggling but I'm still frustrated. Food was tight before the infection got this bad so it's only logical food is tight now but this feels absurd. I know the other residents and guards had to eat and the places where the food was stored is behind danger. I'm just complaining. Of all the places to be trapped I feel like the city is probably the worst. Most of the food came from outside the city. But the king sealed the gates. He only trapped us all here. He sealed our fate.
I wish these fucking birds would just take the bait. I'm not eating nearly enough.
I apologize for my vulgarity in the last journal but I feel my frustration is justified. I've nibbled on one of the canvases just to lull the need to chew on something. It will not satiate my hunger and I think I just feel worse now but it felt good in the moment I think. I moved one of the traps to the telescope. Maybe them being farther apart will increase the chances I catch something - anything. I might need to do something drastic at this point
Before I write on the subject of this journal I want to preface - I am ashamed of what I've done. I am desperate and in a situation most bleak but this does not make what I did any better.
I now have food for a few days. The way I acquired it is awful. His name was Elgor. He was in charge of overseeing the guards' scheduling in the spire. He was a kind but stern man before the infection claimed his mind. I often shared lunch with him when our schedules allowed it. I did not target his husk out of any hatred or any reason other than desperation.
I used the lance I acquired from the Sentry I fought a while ago and attacked him. He slapped me around with a surprising amount of strength but I ended the encounter as quickly as I could. I never thought I'd ever need to butcher a man let alone eat one. I had to cover his face with rags to not look at him while I did it. I question now if being a mindless husk would be better than this. At least the husks seem to be protecting each other.
I am still reeling from what I've done. I hope to write a full biography for Elgor from this. I feel dirty. I feel as though I've defiled his corpse. I've noticed the husks up here seem more anxious in his absence which makes me feel worse. I'm questioning if I should've just starved. I've apologized to Elgor countless times and I can only hope some part of him somewhere knows I did not want to do this and that I regret it.
Despite my feelings I can't bring myself to ditch his body. I killed him to eat and at this point I should go through with it. I've already started. I'll give him as proper a burial as I can when I can.
It has been several days. Elgor has sustained me and I've dedicated the energy he gave me to preserving his memory as best as I can. I've wrapped his body in cloth and hope I can bring him to ground level soon. I think I've made peace with what I've done, I'm not quite sure. I'm not sure I feel a whole lot right now.
I have caught one vengefly and have decided to wait until I kill and eat it. I have far more energy now so I can begin my search for a stable food source once again as I am NOT doing what I did to Elgor to someone else. I refuse to. I can't.
After a few more days I've finally made progress. I've gathered a few days worth of rations from one of the guards’ rest areas. This isn't anything sustainable but I'm so, so happy about this. I thank Elgor for giving me the energy I needed to get to this point. I'm also getting better at avoiding the husks.
Though the light is getting brighter, it's getting louder. She calls me by name. I'd almost forgotten my own name. I'm torn between hoping for my continued survival or giving Elgor the burial he needs. There's no way I'm getting to the resting grounds but perhaps I can send him off into one of the rivers that flow through the city. I doubt it would be the burial he'd want but I don't have much to offer.
The infection rings in my mind. I'm thinking about it more and more. So I risked it and took Elgor to the ground. It had been so long since I was on solid ground. I found a somewhat secluded area And watched his body disappear below the surface of the water. I stayed there for a while and wept for him. I feel terrible. Just a few days before the infection becomes a bigger issue I cannibalize what was left of him. The husks do not speak anymore, the only word I've heard is “attack” from the Flying Sentries, but this doesn't make things better.
I'm going to spend time with Lurien. I really need it right now.
My mind feels not my own. I fight to regain myself. All in vain. All in vain. The king failed. The king failed us all. He killed us all. I just want to go back to the way things were. I wish I could see my friends’ eyes full of life, I wish I could speak with Lurien again, I wish I could be happy again, I wish the light never descended upon this land. I miss the peace, I miss my friends, I miss my life. I'd give anything to go back to that.
Lost all of them. Lost all. Lost. Master's given life for naught. Not worth. The cost too great cost too great. Lost all kingdom life light. None left left to grieve. Non left to give. How much more must we suffer?
Master, light calls.
I'm not sure how but I still remain. This journal comes many days after the last. Maybe even weeks. Time eludes me. Reading over my last three journals and am astonished the infection didn't take me.
It is very hazy but I sat by Master Lurien and I think I was trying to fight it off. Perhaps I was thinking of what remains and how empty the future feels because I remember giving up. I so clearly remember it because that's when the infection backed off. It still rings like windchimes In my mind but it's less overbearing. I don't understand. Why am I still alive? I've never seen anyone get so close to the edge but pull themselves away.
Even as I write I don't fight it. I don't have anything to fight for. I'll update my journal series if I'm still aware and I deem it necessary I suppose.
I ponder if being infected would be better than this. There is nothing for me here. There is nothing for anyone. This place is no better than the wasteland outside of the kingdom borders. At least with being a mindless husk I would not need to feel this pain. it's not even the physical pain it's the mental anguish. I cannot put into words the despair I feel
It's indescribable
I want revenge but seek revenge on a king that abandoned us. I want things to change but they will never change. I want to be happy but this hellish place will not allow that. Master Lurien, I'm sorry, but I don't know how much more I can endure. How much more I can despair. How much more I can hate. I crave a death deeper than that of the body - I don't want there to be an afterlife. The gods of this world are unbearable and I want naught for them to hold my soul. Let me fade. Let me become nothing.
It has been a very long time since I've written in this specific series. My words are written elsewhere. I am in a much more stable position and state of mind. Still not a mindless husk. I acquired some edible fungus from the edge of the city and have started a small farm. I recently relocated the traps to a lower floor as I'm far more adept at navigating the spire and its dangers. I've also made more of them.
I've picked up many hobbies to keep myself occupied - painting, carving, crafting, singing. I've also explored some of the city. Most of what I've seen has been completely destroyed. I don't explore often. Not much to see unless I want to depress myself. I've fallen into a consistent routine and found a reason to continue living.
I swore myself to Master lurien. I'd be forever at his side. I think I've mentioned this in previous journals but I've decided my days will be spent preserving him and what he did for this fallen kingdom. The bastard king may have failed us and sacrificed so many, including Lurien, for nothing but Lurien was loyal to the end. He sacrificed his life for that fool. So I'll make sure his name, who he is, and what he did is not forgotten. I hope Herrah and Monomon have someone who would do the same for them as well.
Much time has passed and I once again return to my journal. I feel I need to on occasion to remember who I am and who I was before the infection became an issue. I had forgotten my name. Urik. It feels so foreign. Disconnected. I had to dig around for my first journal just to find it. This series of tablets has been discarded to a corner almost entirely. Perhaps I need to focus on myself some to reconnect with who I am.
But perhaps not. I don't think I'm that important anymore. I will live here, preserve here, and die here. Simple as that and I am at peace with and find comfort in that. There's nothing else for me so why concern myself with things that won't matter in the long run. For all I know I will be nothing more than a corpse in a month's time. It changes nothing. I've written all I can about Lurien. This will likely be the final entry in this series since I am not what matters here in this spire. What matters is my master.
My past self is a damned fool for not realizing just how much time “the rest of my days” could be. The time gaps between these entries keeps getting longer and longer. I'm certain the time frame between the last two was almost a whole year. No clue how long it's been since I last wrote since it feels like eternity. I can only write, watch, and read and paint the same damn things over and over and over and over again until I need something new.
The infection has become something of a friend to me, one of the few constants of my life. It tells me things and I acknowledge them. Its influence over me fluctuates. Some time I am in a daze and some time I am barely affected by it. But despite everything it's done I can't see my life without it anymore. I'm definitely just lonely and borderline mad but I've nothing else to share to the no one that will read this, so.
Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above. Years alone. Years above.
What the hell was I on last entry? I don't remember writing that and just stumbled upon it in Lurien's Journal room. Maybe I was having some kind of infected bout or something. Oh well I guess
I have not experienced fear this intense in an eternity. Someone entered the spire. Someone bested the Knights below. Someone sought to hurt HURT Lurien. I managed to convince them otherwise sending them off to a strange sight I found below the city. I've locked down spire from the Knights room to up here. If that THING BASTARD comes back they aren't getting to him. To one will hurt Lurien. The seals must remain. They cannot be broken. They will not break. Never break.
The ground shook with a might I have not felt in forever. A deep bellowing roar from the waterways. At least we're safe up here. Never breaking seals. Lurien is safe. Forever safe. The light is gone and my mind is empty. It's quiet. Quiet. Too quiet. I hate this. Why is it gone? Gone from me? I can't stand the silence. Empty empty silence. Loud and far too quiet. I need to fill the void. I can start in darkness but I need the background noise I can't stand it can't stand it can't stand it CANT STAND IT
The anger has returned. DAMNED KING
He killed us all, trapped us all, doomed us all. Nothing left for us because of him. No more life no more light. No more. Nothing but empty. Empty. I can't understand why Lurien was so loyal to a fool. A fool that used him. Doomed him. Killed him. I suffer in silence. Silent. My mind is empty, my will is shaken, and my voice is meek. But I remain. Remain at Lurien's side. Never leave. Never forget. Never abandon.
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freewilllife · 8 months
Xie Lian´s reason for choosing his two "friends"- Xie Lian´s living conditions
I. Xie Lian is a peerlessly impressive person
One of the more interesting points in Xie Lian´s previous life is that the Crown Prince of Xianle was extraordinary in the best sense possible.
Xie Lian was extraordinarily beautiful, intelligent, gifted in material arts, and apparently also the "best person one could be"...
"The State Preceptor laughed." It´s nothing, it´s nothing. His Higness the Crown Prince, darling of the heavens, is divinely gifted, marvelously talented, and graciously brilliant. It is fortune accumulated from three lifetimes that gave this lowly subject the chance to become his teacher. I have a feeling that with His Highness the Crown Prince´s presence, today will go down in history."
"Yet when they gazed upon his face, their breathing hitched. That young man had long brows and charming eyes, exceptionally handsome, radiating nobility, so dazzling it forced down the eyes of those looking."
But there is one crux with this...A person like this hardly finds other people he can relate to...
II. The Crown Prince of Xianle was a lonely figure
Xie Lian grinned."Feng Xing, did you know-there are so many people in this world that are nothing but rocks in my eyes."
A very good question: Had Xie Lian any other friends in the past beside those two? Well, you won´t find any.
Even among the other disciples, we didn´t hear of even one disciples that Xie Lian fancied in every way. Even though he was quite popular. There seemed to be quite many people who would have given I don´t-know-what for his company. Yet Xie Lian was not close with many people.
Even when he was - nearly- at the height of his popularity as Crown Prince - there was a clear distance between him and the other people besides his parents - even with them the relationship had become quite rocky.
I just want to make clear, that it was unbelievable hard to be chosen as Xie Lian´s friend in the past. He tended to not give people he perceived as not that important too much attention.
Xie Lian has hardly ever been a completely open person that was able to instantly connect with people. Even as Crown Prince, he kept mostly two people around: Feng Xin and Mu Qing.
III. The relationship with his parents
Xie Lian was a teenager of 17 years and he started to become independent from his parents, trying to go his own way.
And the relationship with his father had grown quite tense, as his son - who was still clueless about the difficulties to rule a country, judged his father quite negatively.
It was well-known fact that the crown prince was obsessed with cultivation, and ever since he entered the Royal Holy Temple, he visited his parents less and less. The king didn´t comment much on the matter, but the queen was always reluctant to see him go.
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IV. The choice of his "comrades"
"There are rocks everywhere, but precious jades are hard to come by. When it comes to martial arts, I´ve only ever seen two people who could be called jades. one is you. The other is him." He stopped and turned, eyes bright. "I genuinely think that Mu Qing is extremely gifted. How could I let such a precious jade be left to collect dust, denied from showing ist beauty simply because of its background and temper?“ Xie Lian looked determined.“No I think that´s wrong. You ask why I think so highly of him? It´s the same reason I think so highly of you. Those who are destined to shine, I must let them shine. Besides I don´t believe that goodwill brings bad returns.“
Believe it or not...Xie Lian - the martial arts fanatic- chose his friends based on their abilities in martial arts.
Or at least...it seemed like this...but please don´t let yourself be fooled by words...This was surely a very important reason for Xie Lian´s choice, but not the only reason...
Both Feng Xin and Mu Qing share some similarities with Xie LIan besides being great at martial arts...
Both of them keep to themselves, just like Xie Lian.
Both of them shared similar values with Xie Lian.
And Xie Lian was aware of it, since he did not need to explain to them in some instances how to act.
and it was thanks only to Feng Xin and Mu Qing - who sat at the front and grabbed the reins to guide the horse - that this berserk journey did not cost at least twenty lives.
guess that Xie Lian could have observed them both...or he just had a hunch that they could fit him...I don´t know...but for example Xie Lian pretty sure realized it in Mu Qing, when he helped him during the festival...and then there is the thing with their mothers...
All three have some strong bonds with either their mother (Mu Qing, Xie Lian) or other mothers (Feng Xin)
Xie Lian is a momma boy...First thing he did after he comes back to the palace, he was meeting his mother, the queen.
Xie Lian went to meet with the queen straightaway.
It is really easy to realize how much Xie Lian loved his mother. He can easily compliment her...and even in one of his darkest hours, when he tried very hard to not let it crumble, he desperately wished to cling to his mother like a young child again. Apparently he also produces vernom in the kitchen, due to his mother being bad at cooking.
I guess it is apparent that Mu Qing loved his mother with how often this had been previously mentioned. Even the gold leaf he took, would have been a present to her.
And Feng Xin? He broke his arm for the queen...
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
The Arcana OC & You Get to Vote for What Love Interest They End Up With (and self-insert, cringe is dead let me be happy)
Link to picrew~
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Before the plague
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After the plague
Name; Dove (they're just me, but like +10 years)
Occupation; Magician, fortune teller, apothecary (present), plague doctor (past)
Favourite Meal; Pumpkin bread
Favourite Drink; Strawberry and maple water
Favourite Flower; Goldenrod
Birthday; June 30th
Age; 32 (because everyone in this game is between like their late twenties to late thirties/early forties, so this is a compromise)
Zodiac Sign; Cancer
MBTI; ENFJ (pre-plague) INFP (post-plague)
Gender; Non-binary (they/them)
Sexuality; AroAce (pre-plague), questioning and confused (post-plague)
Height; 166 cm (5'5")
Eye Colour; Grey (picrew didn't have it so I went with blue)
Hair Colour; Brown
Current personality; aloof yet polite when getting to know people, introverted and gets drained quite quickly when in public, quiet and doesn't speak much unless prompted to do so. When you get to know them better they are more warm, but still quiet. Will scold people for pushing themselves too hard, but only does so because they care. Once they are extremely comfortable with someone, the old them shines through; loud, a chatterbox, goofy, warm, and full of life and love. To others this is endearing, but to Asra? He loves seeing it but it is also a reminder of the person he lost.
Appearance; of average height, but their build is quite stocky with both body fat and muscle. Their eyes are dark grey, but appear dark blue at a distance, they are also near-sighted (eyesight worsened post-plague). Their hair is brown, curly, and when down it reaches their collarbone (both pre and post-plague). It is less textured than it was pre-plague, and they also wear it in a bun at the nape of their neck. They have an assortment of beauty marks on their face, as well as a scar on their lip that they got in their childhood (had the same mishap when they came back, hence why they still have it). They typically wear a short-sleeved white button up, brown trousers, dark brown sandals, and a black apron. They wear a purple crystal necklace and it acts as a ward to keep memories from flooding back, as well to ward off spirits of the plague.
Other Info/Background
After being brought back, Asra tried his best to reteach them what he knew about them. He knew about the non-binary aspect of their identity, but not the aroace aspect. They were quiet about this part of their identity in the past, and now they are navigating trying to differentiate romantic and platonic feelings all over again. (would be open to a queer-platonic relationship or several)
Grew up on the coast of the Strait of Seals, close the the Southern Spines (tundra/saiga).
Eldest of three, and left home to bring in more income for their community. They don't do well in the heat, but they do not miss the winters of their homeland, or what they can remember of it; they sometimes get a flashback when they smell certain smells, or a cold breeze.
Crochets and knits items for the children who live at the docks, and that's how they met Asra and Muriel; they were teens when they met, but they still gifted both Asra and Muriel blankets so they could keep warm during the night. They had to relearn this skill after being brought back, and can't crochet or knit with as much skill as they once had.
Their familiar is a Danish landrace goose named Gunnr, she makes a great guard goose and chases off anybody that she decides that she doesn't like. "Why is your goose named Gunnr?" "It means war, and she seems to like to declare it. Isn't that right baby?" "HONK!"
Might add more info to this later, but here, pick a LI for them to be in a QPR;
And if there is a tie, polyam qpr cuz I got two hands.
Finally was inspired to revisit my self-insert thanks to @azulashengrottospiano
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girlfox · 4 months
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book? Is there any fandom you regret exploring? What’s something you find weird on here?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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have  you  ever  written  a  canon  muse  that  you  first  thought  of  ‘meh’  when  they  appeared  in  their  canon  show   /   movie   /   book?
i'm gonna be real . . . the last time i wrote a canon character besides ahri for any real amount of time was, uh, i don't even know how long ago anymore. so it's hard to recall, HAHA. these days it's difficult for me to latch onto a character unless i'm immediately going to bat for them, if there's ever a 'meh' feeling, it's probably not happening. getting me to diverge from ahri in the first place is hard enough as it is!
is  there  any  fandom  you  regret  exploring?
mmm maybe attack on titan? i mean, i wrote in it as historia reiss for maybe half a year or less waaaay before i wrote ahri. this was back in uh, late 2013? when the anime had just come out and i started the manga? like a lot of people, i had zero idea what sort of person the author was yet, and i never got very far into the manga. i don't know if i really regret it necessarily, but it's just like . . . an unfortunate dip into a not so great anime.
what’s  something  you  find  weird  on  here?
i've spoken about this with friends somewhat recently, actually, so i'll touch on it a bit here. but i find it kind of exclusive to tumblr the way getting a large following changes people in a weird way? it's something i've noticed over my years here, and while i've gotten up there in following in the past, sure, there's a certain height that some people reach that is a little weird. and it's not everyone! but the trend i've seen is with people who maybe get too territorial or controlling or anxious over numbers, or feeling overly threatened by duplicates, or lean too much on numbers as validation. i hope that makes sense? also not to shame duplicate anxiety because it's definitely a thing, and it's okay to dislike them or distance them for your own comfort, absolutely one hundred percent. but there have been people who just obsess over the level of anxiety it gives them, and it doesn't seem. healthy. on a site where duplicates are a natural part of being here. anyway that's my two cents!
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starcrossedjedis · 1 year
hiii hiii i am back (on my searching for opla oc crumbs voyage bc my exam-taking ass needs to live through y’all rn), and again i would like to screech abt Sun bc umm?? how could you give her so much pain?? also i need to know more abt her power?? like what does the sairen sairen no mi do and is it the fruit that gave Sun her full name or is it just a coincidence since it sounds very much like siren (if that was intentional i would like to steal your brain for naming oc purposes thank you /j); pls and thank you and i hope you feel better soon!! (if you’re still feeling under the weather that is..?)
Oh babe you can come here for crumbs anytime, it be keeping the hyperfixation going 🤩
I hope you're doing well aside from the exam taking. I'm actually alright, even though rn I am feeling more under the uterus than the weather 😂
Let's preface today's deep dive by me reassuring you that you do not - not - wanna be me when it comes to naming OCs. Literally, for like the first week her name was "either Lya or Sun", followed by a few days of her being "probably Sun but WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO ABOUT HER LAST NAME???" 🤣
And THEN as I proceeded to look for her special power was when it all came together -
I knew I didn't want to give her a Haki (mostly because she is a Shanks!OC and he already is The Conquerer's Haki Dude), so devil fruit it was. I spent a day or so going up and down and back up the list of known devil fruits and didn't find a single one that tickled my pickle. But - like so many times over the past weeks - it was @bravelittleflower to the rescue, because she pointed me to the mythical zoan devil fruits who basically turn people who eat them into mythical creatures and I decided that "fuck it, Imma just make my own"
By that time I had already gotten it in my head that I wanted "Lya or Sun Whatever-The-Hell-her-name-is" to be a more feminine, sensual character (maybe because Nami, at least in the beginning, was a little too Not Like The Other Girls for my taste ^^'), so sth of the nymph/dryad/mermaid/siren variety seemed like an obvious choice.
Google translate told me the Japanese word for siren was "sairen", making her fruit the Sairen Sairen No Mi and my brain just took the jump from there to "Sun the Siren / Sairen Sun" and since I still hadn't found a last name I liked, I thought a moniker that was actually given to her in the brothel at Shells Town would be a great place holder. It also makes for a pretty great pirate name tbh. ^^
(she has a last name btw, a last name we will learn later on and it comes with ✨drama✨ attached)
When we start the story, Sun doesn't know who gave her the fruit and she isn't really all that clear on the true magnitude of her powers. When we meet her, she simply has to touch men (and probably some women, too 😏) and tell them what she wants them to do.
(that did come in handy when teenage!Sun was looking to avoid chores at the bar or when harbour whore Sun left the less savory clients with the distinct impression that putting their hands on themselves rather than her would be the height of extasy 😈)
Her power doesn't work in active fight situations, which is why she is also able to hold her own with knives (although Zoro sees a lot of room for improvement and - much to Sanji's dismay - takes it upon himself to train her xD).
Maybe it's also her power that makes it easy for her to make friendships (one of the reasons Nami doesn’t like her at first is a kind of envy at how easy it is for Sun to fit in with this new group of people while she has to keep her distance). It could be that it makes people more open to her, but it's actually sth that makes her less self assured rather than more, because there is always that little bit of doubt about wether people care about her or if it's just her power at play.
I am also looking to expand on her powers as the story progresses (one version of the "Sun and Shanks reunite" ideas especially has great potential for Shanks trying to teach her to really tap into her ability).
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"And how exactly do I do that?" - "You use it on me." 🥵
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jocelynmakenna · 2 years
Do you ever have a weird compulsion to do math? Do you like Critical Role? ME TOO!
Now dear reader you may wonder what that has to do with anything and let me tell you, it means that I create the weirdest math problems to try and solve, and cannot physically rest before I have done them. The following post is brought to you from my 1 am musings:
Assuming that the Great Ruiner was proportioned correctly when he punched Marquet into being a desert, how big would he have been?
Let's start off with some assumptions:
1. The desert of Marquet is 1000 mi x 1000 mi. This is likely not accurate but given how crazy these numbers are about to get I doubt it matters all that much, it was just my best guess.
2. The average area for a fist for an adult male is 27 in^2 (source Google)
3. I am an idiot for working in freedom units and will rectify this shortly.
4. The Great Ruiner has a height of about 6 ft (1.8m) which honestly is probably too short but this is about to get stupid so let's keep him short.
Ok math time:
So let's start with trying to find the growth factor (x) for our devious god, aka what we are multiplying our normal fist size by to get the final fist size.
27in^2 × x = 1,000,000 mi^2
But those are different units and honestly imperial sucks so let's change it to metric.
0.02m^2 × x = 2.59e12 m^2
Big numbers but that's ok, let's use some algebra and solve:
x = 1.295e14
Now we have our growth factor! Excellent! So all we have to do now is take the height of our god started at and multiply it by our growth factor! (Also: 6ft -> 1.8 m)
1.8 m × 1.295e14 = 2.33e14 m = 2.33e11 km
Well that's a big number, let's put it in some context! The first thing I thought when I saw that was "oh god 233 billion km... How big is a light year?"
LUCKILY! 2.33e11 km = 0.02 light years. Thank God we're still in the solar system.
So what's the best unit to use here? Astronomical units (AU)! 1 AU is defined as the roughly 93 million miles (148 million km) distance between the earth and sun. So how big is our betrayer god in these units?
1557.5 AU!!!!
Context for a number like that: the Kuiper Belt (the asteroid field past Neptune) ranges only from 35-55AU!! The oort cloud (the farthest reaches of our solar system) stretches from 2,000 AU- 100,000 AU from the sun.
SO!! If my math is correct (it's probably not, someone correct me) when the Great Ruiner punched Marquet, he was nearly as tall as the inner reaches oort cloud....
In conclusion: what the fuck Matthew Mercer.
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