#is the name of Harry's book
moonlightdancer26 · 3 months
I feel like no one ever talks about the fact that Snape canonically has a cute nickname, like he is literally called “Sev” by his best friend. We don’t even need to come up with our own nicknames for him in fanfics because it’s already canon. He got called Sev for at least 6-7 years of his life by his best friend, how cute is that??
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I made some tiny books 📚
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odillisea · 29 days
I keep seeing people talking about how Dorcas was killed by Voldemort himself and completely misinterpreting it as “she was so strong and powerful that only he could kill her,” which might’ve been what happened, but I feel like probably wasn’t the case seeing as he’s killed plenty of random people throughout the series and she was only really mentioned that one time.
But there could’ve been some other reason as well, rather than “oh yeah she was just really really powerful.” What if the reason Voldemort targeted Dorcas was because she kept talking to her old friends from Slytherin and making them question their loyalties and whatnot, and had even managed to make a few death eaters drop out of the war? Sure, she was a dangerous enemy to have, but what if another layer of that danger for Voldemort’s side was her way with words?
Imagine Dorcas fighting in the war and seeing her old classmates that she quite literally lived with for seven years fighting against her. Imagine Pandora telling her the reason why she couldn’t bring herself to join the order, despite how much she wanted to help, was because she couldn’t make herself do anything to hurt Evan. Imagine her continuing to fight with all her strength, but then tracking down the death eaters she knew from school just to see if she could talk them out of it.
Evan and Barty stayed, of course. They were loyal to Voldemort till the end but they would always leave her, one of the order’s best duellists, completely unscathed. But others would listen to her, growing more uncertain and starting to hold back more or try to leave the death eaters completely. She was a Slytherin after all. She would’ve had both the ambition and drive to find these death eaters individually, and the cunning in her words to make them question their loyalties.
Maybe Voldemort went after her after Regulus died, because he thought she had something to do with him betraying him, and maybe she actually did. Maybe she had talked to him, even if it was Kreacher that was the turning point, and he had to kill her himself because she could genuinely make them lose the war if she kept doing what she was doing. Maybe the power she had that Voldemort feared so much was the power to turn his own forces on him. The power to destroy his forces without a single weapon or wand.
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transiconlink · 1 year
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Twitter is fucking brain dead holy shit
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Long live Albus Severus Potter, may your name piss off haters for eternity.
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aesthetic--mood · 3 months
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Tom Marvolo Riddle Aesthetic
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sweetnnaivete · 1 month
cursed child harry is so funny to me bc wdym you go from "aw its ok albus severus !! slytherins can be brave too 🤗" to "how dare you be a slytherin you little freak im disowning you how could you do this to me 😡"
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kissmypoets-hp · 2 days
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Fanfic Classics Series
🎨 Truth to Materials by lately and @toomuchplor
In which Harry learns to appreciate art and other pleasures of the flesh.
This fic changed my life!!! and gave me so much delight as somebody with a fine arts degree!!!
i've been making penguin classics-style covers for fics i have saved on my kindle, as inspired by zeziliazink and bubu0h’s works! art credits + bonus info under the cut :)
Artwork used:
"Seated Man, academy study" by Albert Edelfelt (1875)
is it just me or this could be older harry posing for draco?
Bonus cover?!!!
While I was looking for potential artwork to use for this fic, I found 𝘿𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙜's work (NSFW warning for nudity/sex, but his work is vibrant and so, so beautiful!). I was looking for queer painters whose work captured a lively, loose sense of intimacy (which was the vibe I got from the fic) and his work was PERFECT for what I had in mind, but since his works aren't in the public domain I'd rather not upload what I made for myself on a public blog... though I'd love to show it (privately) to anyone interested so we can gush over how well Mr 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘨's work fits the fic... in my humble opinion, at least 🤣 Anyway, if you've made it this far, you really should check out his website!
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queen-of-paradise · 1 month
Harry Potter and the Year The Defense Teacher Tried To Kill Him
Harry Potter and the Year The Defense Teacher Tried To Obliviate Him
Harry Potter and the Year The Defense Teacher Tried To Kill Him(On Accident)
Harry Potter and the Year The Defense Teacher Tried to Keep Him Alive(So Someone Else Could Kill Him)
Harry Potter and the Year The Defense Teacher Tortured Him(Don't Worry, It Was Ministry-Approved)
Harry Potter and the Year The Defense Teacher Accidentally Gave Him All The Test Answers
Harry Potter and the Year The Guy Who Wanted To Be Defense Teacher Tried To Kill Him
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
Severus Snape is so me, I too would have written Property of the Half-Blood Prince on my schoolbooks unironically.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
he dos whatever Ron wants to do to hang out with him - bestie, so TRUE!!!
The great joke of Harry Potter is that Ron is known for being Harry's sidekick when the reality of the situation is eleven-year-old Harry Potter made one (1) friend and immediately decided to spend the rest of his life with him. And then he did.
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supremechancellorrex · 11 months
I was mulling over Harry Potter recently and I think one of the reasons it doesn't really appeal that much to me is the worldbuilding is not my cup of tea. In the context we are given wizards and witches are far too powerful to be hiding from Muggle nations. Wizards have the capability to mind control, memory wipe, easily create Muggle-repelling charms over entire locations that confuse and disorientate, as well as have teleportation, portkeys, Floo powder, spatial magic, invisibility, etc. Wizards sharing a planet with Muggles is positively Lovecraftian, like Cthulhu being just next door and closer.
With basic evolutionary patterns, Darwinism, the fact wizards can be disappointingly human and their leanings to fascist elements in their history (so many Anti-Muggle Dark Lords), they'd have wiped Muggles out by the BCE period, or at least not be hiding from them in a way that's the equivalent of the United States hiding from Monaco. It wouldn't take that many wizards, and in the book we are provided no evidence of our Muggle tech being able to withstand something as dynamic, tricky and reality warping as magic.
Power Dynamics
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"They can strike anywhere at any time before anyone knows it."
The power dynamic from what we are shown in the books are very wonky and infinitesimally so unequal one begins to wonder if owls hide from slugs. Perhaps if JK Rowling had depowered wizards more by incorporating clearer weakness and faults in the magic system, such as perhaps no apparition (I mean, they already have portkeys, Floo powder, brooms, greedy wizards), more limits to the mind control like showing Muggles can fight it off, made wards and Muggle-repelling charms more fragile (maybe have that they can only be set up in certain geographical places either choking with magic or idk related to runic stuff and ley lines), as well as perhaps indicate that the average shielding charms can't withstand heavy kinetic onslaught from a heavy duty weapon like an AK-47, etc., it might have felt more understandable why the Muggle World and Wizarding World have the relationship they do.
Because, in the canon, we are given no concrete reasons why the wizarding world chooses to hide other than Muggles being a bother, probably asking for cures to cancer or something. In the canon, we are never presented with any Muggle technology that justifies the Wizarding World being under threat if the Statute of Secrecy breaks. We can speculated, but we can speculate either way depending on our mood. You'd think this would be more defined since the conflict centralises on Wizards and Muggles (including their offspring) existing.
Ethical Concerns For Mugs
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"With this rep, I guess we deserve to be mindwiped whatever our consent."
Regarding certain implications in the books, there are a number of ethical concerns that don't feel they're given the weight and attention they deserve considering the themes. One is the overuse of memory charms, a mental violation which are hinted to cause brain damage. Considering how much wizards obliviate and violate Muggles' minds as well as cover up their deaths, that's practically fridge horror. Wizards, both good and bad, also often subvert Muggle democracy and freedom of information, and are quite authoritarian and devil-may-care about this. The Harry Potter narrative never really fully tackles this or shows any real critiques or changes in regards to the Statute of Secrecy and Muggles.
Considering the over all message of the books is anti-authoritarianism, anti-fascism, freedom and even saying Muggles aren't 'lesser' beings, these actions contradicts the themes and kind of makes all the wizards look pretty morally bankrupt when they continue to do this even after the 17 Years Later epilogue. In all honesty, this actually impacts the characterisation of our protagonists in a way I don't particularly like, especially since Hermione is Minister For Magic for a period of time.
Muggles & It's Just Fantasy
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"Hi boring people we're fighting an entire conflict over, just passing through."
Suspension of disbelief is a tricky thing and so is the way a writer earns it. I think it would be more okay if Harry Potter was a purely separate fantasy world similar to Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, but the author has Muggle society (aka our 'logical' world) develop the exact same way despite sharing the planet with the logic-breaking magical world since the dawn of time and evolution. With all the factors shown in HP, these powerful, reality-warping wizards would fuck up our history and society so much we Muggles would either be dead or coughing out live elephants every time we ate a salad on a regular basis.
Over all, I feel the Muggles need to be more of a threat and have more going for them to explain why the wizards are hiding from them. Otherwise a wizard could teleport around the land of Muggles and just put Muggle-repelling charms on the British Parliament, all the nation's hospitals, police stations, banks, etc. and just watch the chaos. Okay, next stop, the Nuclear power stations and missile silos. By the Muggle world existing it intrinsically forces reality into a fantasy that doesn't want it.
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hedwigette · 1 month
Ugh. To this day yet, still seeing anti-Harry James edits and the algorithm doesn't understand that I'm a pro Harry lol
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repmet · 8 days
Ngl, despite my apprehension (i.e. I'm old and cynical), I'm interested to see what they do with the Red, White & Royal Blue sequel partly since I know in the book bonus chapter, Henry gives up his title - I haven't actually read it so idk if he's actually described as 'abdicating' or fandom just decided to use that term (which is not exactly correct).
But the book lacks a lot of accuracy around the British Royal family where as the movie put in a bit more effort (e.g. Henry's Mum being Duchess of Edinburgh not Princess of Wales) and since in the United Kingdom, Henry can't step out of the line of succession without an Act of Parliament which isn't an insignificant thing, I wonder if the movie will focus on that or if it will gloss over it or just go in a brand new direction entirely for a new audience who aren't familiar with the book.
Personally, I hope for the latter partially because the parallels to certain real life royals would get distracting but mostly because I'd love to see Henry use the position he once felt suffocated by to advocate for and empower others.
Though being honest, I'm mostly just hoping they don't fall into the romance sequel trope of breaking them up to get them back together again.
To be clear though, in real life I think the entire monarchy should be abolished - but in this gay little movie world I have other thoughts :)
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atlasdoe · 4 months
why did i just see someone on tiktok refer to Maddy from euphoria as a Remus Lupin variant????
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noe-clara69 · 10 months
Okay so hear me out: draco as a spy for the order.
He proves himself to the golden trio in fifth year, for reasons I have yet to explain but will figure out soon enough, and runs to Severus during the summer in between fifth and sixth year before he gets the dark mark. Snape calms him down and they figure out what draco wants to do moving forward and what would be the smartest thing to do while keeping his morals in tact. They figure out the spy solution.
So snape takes draco to the order and is like “he should be a spy” and everyone’s like “no 😠” at first but then dumbledore goes “yes 🤓” and everyone goes “yeah we were joking he can join our club 😁” (I’m being funny not serious. I am also seriously minimizing the amount of time all of this will take and the complexity of all of it, but follow along)
Does all of that make sense? You guys obviously can’t read my mind and have no idea what I’m going to do with the characters yet, but this solves a big plot hole that I was trying to figure out a way through.
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