#is there any romantic attraction there or is it just interest as a mentor? he has no answer for that because it changes by the minute
thebiscuiteternal · 7 months
Oh do share more about this reverse nies AU with Wen Ruohan if you so wish 👀💕
Okay, so. As usual with my assorted takes on Wen Ruohan's relationship to the Nies: It's complicated.
Wen Ruohan was already an adult and advanced enough in his cultivation to stop showing his age at the time he met the brothers' father.
His perception of time was also starting to become slightly warped by that point too.
This is the reason his temper is so unpredictable; he genuinely doesn't always remember that he's known someone for x days or x years most of the time and so he might see someone as a friend or a mere acquaintance or an enemy all within the span of a couple of days. For reasons no one's really been able to decipher, because mere affection doesn't seem to be a defining factor, the only people who have been able to break through that difficulty are:
His sons (and they have trouble sometimes, especially since Wen Ruohan has forgotten their mother completely)
Wen Qing and Wen Ning's parents (his closest friends within his own family) and to a much lesser degree Wen Qing herself
Nie Haoran (my Papa Nie)
Lan Qiren
And much to everyone's surprise, little Huaisang
He sees the potential for a brilliant political manipulator in this shy, sickly, frequently overlooked child and decides to make nurturing that into his little hobby. If you were to ask him why he finds this so interesting, he probably couldn't give you a reason, he just does.
He encourages Huaisang in scholarly efforts, encourages the friendship with his own firstborn son, always has a gift for him, always makes sure to be someone safe for the boy. He even entertains the thought of, and jokes with Haoran about, stealing Huaisang away to flourish in the Wen sect (in what role? Well, he doesn't really have an answer for that either. Besides, it's just kidding around.... right?)
And then just a month or so after Huaisang's thirteenth birthday, something goes horribly wrong with Wen Ruohan's latest cultivation breakthrough. He starts having even more trouble properly perceiving time, his mood swings start becoming more violent and unpredictable, and he starts growing more paranoid that everyone is conspiring against him, even his oldest living friends like Nie Haoran.
With his deteriorating sanity, perhaps the incident with Nie Haoran's saber was an inevitability. In his fully lucid moments, he regrets the impulsive murder. He didn't mean for things to get so out of hand! And now one of his oldest friends is gone, and now the boy he invested so much time and affection in fears and hates him, as does the rest of the sect that now pretends to follow the boy.
Perhaps things wouldn't have fallen apart into outright war if there had been anyone capable of reining him in. But his sons and many others in his sect are perfectly happy to go along with his ambitious delusions for their own power-hungry reasons, those like his cousins and Wen Qing don't particularly care whom outside the sect get hurt as long as they're safe, the majority of the rank and file in the sect are terrified of him, and none of the other sect leaders have the power to stand up to him.
Least of all the boy leader constantly being undermined by his own supposed disciples and ignored when he tries to warn everyone else of the danger they're in.
Poor thing. He'll just have to remove all the liars, the conspirators, the traitors, the ungrateful- and once all of the other sects have been brought to heel, the jianghu will be safe for bright little neglected sparks.
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candlelightreader · 5 months
I was just listening to the DVD commentary on the Snakes episode and I know Grissom and Sara's scene (the only scene they're present in this Nick-centric ep) is big--obviously shipper nirvana--but the commentary by George Eads and the rest (I think one of the writers and either a director or producer) added so much weight that I'd never considered before!
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So, Eads remarks on how Sara is the only one who ever talks to Grissom that way. This is, as she really dials up the husky, soft voice she adopts with Grissom. Eads also observes that Grissom is always himself with her, i.e. more of a nerd and rather stripped bare in a way he never is with anyone else. They all make comments on how emotional the scene is and how revealing it is of their relationship because, as always, Sara is 'putting it [her attraction and ongoing interest] out there'. She is never shy about wanting him. (I really need to transcribe the commentaries.)
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But Eads keeps coming back to the idea that Grissom is more Grissom or is more himself with her than with any of the others. I'd add that it is not only the fact of their professional position that makes him freeze with her--I think Grissom is talking about himself when he asserts that some men are intimidated by beauty.
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You know what magic, Grissom!
Anyways, something I hadn't thought of is that Grissom almost says something back, such as "Let’s go to dinner." But, of course, Sara overtalks and halts his momentum such as it were. But even more, it made me realize how pivotal this scene is, even compared to the Nesting Dolls reveal of her childhood trauma, because this is the moment when Grissom knows 100% that he isn't too late. The flirting takes on a different dimension after this. The looks become more meaningful.
This is especially significant when you consider that ealier in the season, the writers and producers are talking about the explicit intro of Sofia as a romantic interest for Grissom. She was there to create tension and her chemistry with Grissom was very much not subtext. So the decision to make 'this thing' with Sara more solid in the presence of this new love interest adds to the dynamic more than ever. Because the chemistry with Sofia is too easy and too simple. He's too smooth with her. He knows what to say to her at a given moment, because he has no interest in Sofia romantically and doesn't feel threatened by her. She really is just a colleague he doesn't hate. Ultimately, Sofia doesn't leave him speechless the way Sara does. He is not 'himself' when he is with her. Sara, on the other hand, always renders him vulnerable, which of course is why he distanced himself from her in season three, as he realized in four.
And we can see how Sara's effect on him is unique when looking at his other love interests: he does have speechless moments with Terri but by the end, no so much--perhaps there is a sense that while he is attracted intellectually, and somewhat sexually, there is no sentiment after all. With Heather, he never is at a loss for words, which leaves me to lean towards the notion that he was indeed never involved with her romantically--but, perhaps, it is her who makes him discover that sex without love makes him sad whether through conversation or more... In other words, grissom is typically putting on an air with other people. He's fully insulated against them and can act out the persona of an assured, curated Grissom, the bossman, the tin man, the nerd, the professor, the mentor, the father figure, etc.
But with Sara, he is exposed.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Batfam and Spiderfam dynamics
Jason and Miles are platonic soulmates,thanks.As a black dominicano myself,there is no reaction Jason would have to meeting the Spiderfam other then making a b-line to the lil nigga talking with his hands to someone who's not listening and asking him about what he's rambling about to genuinely listen and this applies to any timeline Jason cause the Lazarus Pit isn't gringofication juice.Miles takes an equally quick liking to him and they've got tons in common but enough differences to keep their interactions interesting and add some mutual angst(I see you in me and you see me in you but the feeling isn't exactly the same,not always but we're getting there for eachother)
Babs fucks with Miguel by hacking his Spidertech and dosen't even do any actual damage but pretends she has or is planning to to keep him on his toes.He is Screaming
Stephanie and Gwen hit it off almost as instantly as the Flowerghost Brothers did for the same reasons and Stephie calls Gwendita 'sister' first as the slang but then as a found family thing.Gwen convinced her to dye her hair like Hobie did her and Stephanie now has a split down the middle purple dye to her natural black butterfly locs and she brings her over to Batgirls hangouts so she can feel like a real girl as gender validation but also trauma healing and on first meeting Stephanie had a reverse to her and Jess' first meeting as Gwen chattered off about herself in autistic awkwardness and she responded with 'Can i adopt you?' to Gwen's touched shock and Steph's embarrasment(Gwen is still 16 and Stephanie was 18 btw)(Death may love you but i love more and i'll save you from it)(You're the Robin that flew the highest even though you flew for the shortest time)
The babygirlfication of Duke Thomas:By Hobie Brown.Duke was flustered and weak in the knees enough just from Hobie unmasking but the fact that Hobie found him equally attractive didn't help since he instantly started flirting with him.Duke powered through after getting used to it a significant instences of Spiderpunk rizz and Hobie was pleasently surprised that he actually wasn't a shy meek 'normal' boy but as chaotic as he is and that was when it went from attraction to real romantic love as they got to really know eachother and Hobie shows off Duke to his band's fans and they take care of eachother post-hero work and before it too(You're SUCH a punk........I can't fucking tell if i wanna be with you or be you or roast you/I'm Spiderman and you're Robin.We can do all three,Sunlight.This the part where you kiss me,yeah?/Obviously-Why else would i have done that 1920s toons ass shit to get you upside down?)
Dick and Peter B are iconic 'The ones who started it all and mentor the ones to keep the legacy going' solidarity but Dick's a cool hot tgirl about it and Peter B's a lame in a sexy kinda way tboy about it.Their friendship is healthy if weird and they do hero jobs together occasionally and exchange trans stories/jokes.Also:".........We seem to have the same type?" "You mean.....Redheads...?" "What?!No,black women!" "OH THANK FUCK,I KNEW THAT CREEPY RUMOR ABOUT YOU WASN'T REAL!!!"
Talia and Rio met through Jason and Miles and formed a friendship of their own.It was really nice for Talia to befriend another woc who's deep into and proud of her heritage and they do cultural bonding and hang out casually too and they're also both bi women with a past history of multiple girlfriends which is a nice surprise and they can be found drinking tea and eating tostadas together at least once a month.Talia and Uncle Aaron would've been besties too if he'd lived and her breath hitched when she met his 42 Variant and Miles G from the flashbacks to Jason's ressurection and her reconnection with him as he turned into Red Hood under her wing(It's like looking at ghosts that'll never really die)
Cass and Peni suffer from the infantalization and moefication of easian women and girls both in-universe and out of universe so they go beyond and Cass helps Peni go back to her authentic japanese roots by having a storyline with her that's a ref to her Nge inspo and this includes Earth 14512 and Prime Earth glitches fuckery and Cass briefly goes chinese cartoon incarnated which she's more than okay with.They listen to Mcr and participate in Cass' tradgoth hobbies and Peni gets her to embrace her hidden small love of cute shit and there's anatomically dehumanized child soldier bonding(Don't let them make you a rose without thorns)(Be beautiful to everyone you want to but terrifying to everyone else.You've earned both)
Kory and Jessica get black milf-y with it by increasing their hotness by 100+ with their combined energy and Kory teases her about the Spiderkids calling her 'Spidermom' as a half-joking mantle and Jessica just rolls her eyes playfully and says she's jealousy she's milf x 2 now.Kory also gives her free clothes she got from her modeling job and Jessica takes her out on motorcyle rides with her own pastel pink helmet and was confused for a Tamaranean a few times so she gaslight the media about it for funsies.Street food gyals too and get their nails and hair done together at different dimensional black salons as a quest of sorts.THEE Spiderbatfam battle duo,they are whole ass GREEK TITANS in damage level(Also jic no ion ship Peter B and Jessica,Dick was talking about 616 MJ who is black to me due to one of few mcu W's)
Maps and Margo be peppy girl geeks of color who're twinnin' on almost all their tastes,the only real difference being Maps' japanese ones vs Margo's haitian ones BUT they get to diaspora bond thanks to being inmigrant kids♡Margo has pretend drawn constellations with Maps' freckles and this my friends was the true beginning of Margomaps.Margo social media brags and posts about 'her girlfriend Maps' like the slang and Maps drags her into Gotham mystery solving and they're call themselves 'Team Birdbyte' know damn well that's a ship name.Maps once put her hairclip on Margo's hair and kissed it 'for good luck' because she was scared shitless for her on a life or death mission and Margo sweeped her up into her arms to give her a big 'ol smooch upon return and Maps had heart eyes afterwards as they went on their first 'date' i.e Sharing a bed for the first time as they talked out their love for eachother in detail over pizza and strawberry fizz(You're not my Player 2,you're my main girl)
I don't got fancy schmancy for these last two but Tim x Miles is so fucking real,,,,,,,,,Better than any yt boys only crossover ship for sure.They're just,autistic trans teenage boygirlfriends but like realistic ones not fake deep wonderbread and they're brown4black because Tim's biracial on Janet's side cause she was cherokee and Miles is an honorary Young Justice member who earned a Blue Lantern ring and they're so sweet and soft and sappy and cringe together...........Cool girl Miles and her losercore bf who loves her so fucking much and that she loves so fucking much back and she thinks SHE'S the desperate loser.And the other thing is Tiffany Fox is Batgirl here!!It only feels right considering it's Spiderverse and she hangs out the Spiderteens/Tim and Duke's age group/the older Batgirls!!She's a recurring major character i have for this in my head and is one of Miles' big crushes although not endgame since she realized she'd rather make friends for a long time first than date right then.And she grows up to have a happy healthy marriage and kids!!♡(Red Table mutual you know who you are,ADD TIFF)
Misc extras:Prime Earth has a Dairy Queen equivalent called Dairy Super,Miles and Jason have texting Tamagotchis that were upgraded by Margo at random because she wanted to see if she could and Miles' is a cat while Jason's is a bat,Gwen's mom was afro-dominican and she got her Atsv hair but in locs and Stephanie is specifically jamaican/korean and blondephobic as is Tim,Peter B's character assasination didn't happen cause the writers were so darksided for that,Jessica is trans as per her comics,Stephcass is a thing and share an apartment and basically act like a butch4femme eternally married couple(A la Bubbline in Obsidian and onward)and it's perfectly possible to make a Batfam crossover that isn't about blue eyes,incest or pedophillia shipping or spits in the name of superheroes and what they stand for in favor of propaganda,gatekeeping and writing that's so horny it circles right around to being sexless.And you just read one :)
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atsoomi · 1 year
Assigning some of my favorite haikyuu boys fanfiction tropes >
☆ Atsumu - idiots to lovers
Look me in the eye and tell me atsumu wouldn't be the kind of guy to not understand why he feels a certain way towards you, you can't! His whole life he's had medicore social skills, and I hc that he's never really dated anyone before, so romantic relationships are an untouched territory to him. It's gonna take him a few reality checks from osamu to realize he likes anyone, even better if the person he likes is just as clueless.
☆ Osamu - mentor who's too attractive for his own good
Not in a professional setting. More in a "my friend said you could help me learn this recipe, can you pleaseee teach me" way. And he reluctantly agrees and he looks fine as hell cooking that you're barely learning how to make the actual meal. Better yet? "I don't know how to do this" "oh let me help you" And then he comes up behind you to guide you better.. chest against your back and everything (you're not learning anything)
☆ Kōshi - childhood friends to lovers
Everyone knows you're childhood friends and everyone knows there must be something between you. But neither of you act on it until one day you're asked out by someone and sugawara finally realizes "if I don't act quickly I will lose them" so he shows up to your house dramatic as hell in the rain and kisses you until you stop considering any other guy at all
☆ Tooru - rivals/enemies to lovers
You can't look at a guy who's this competitive, cocky, and petty, and not think he'd make a perfect rival love interest. Not only would he drive his opponent to do better and discover crazy things themselves (make them have a very dramatic realization moment), but the tension after either of them win is insane. He's like "I'll get you next time, be ready." And they're like "yeah sure pretty boy" and people have to stop and stare. The sexual tension is crazy
☆ Kiyoomi - reluctant friends to lovers
He doesn't want anything to do with them. At least for the first few times they meet. They follow him around like a lost puppy, looking for something or asking for instructions. And he's very cold to them on purpose, hoping they'd just leave him alone once he answers their questions. But then they start waving at him when they're standing with their friends, bringing him snacks he didn't ask for, speedwalking to catch up with him before he leaves, and he seriously has to reconsider why someone he saw as a pest is slowly growing to become a source of great comfort to him.
☆ Issei - best friends to lovers
It's essential to imagine being close friends with all of seijoh 4 and being especially close with issei to fully enjoy this. Since you're used to oikawa flirting with you here and there, and makki + issei himself always teasing you, it's not easy to tell when exactly his flirtations cross the line between platonic and romantic. No one is surprised when you start dating, actually they probably had a bet going on about it, and not much changes in your dynamic other than the fact that you and mattsun now kiss instead of joking about it.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 2 months
I think I'd be more interesting if Root wasn't a great mate/father,
not in the asshole way like Crowfucker but like never moving on from Bristle.
While I like to theorize that Moonpaw's voice is actually Bristle (or Goosefeather, which is a whole other can of worm) and the new series is about saving her/her spirit, I think Rootspring never being able to move on is SO much more interesting.
Picture this:
Wren confesses to Root who decides to give it a chance as he's very close with his family, it's something he's always wanted to have. They court and become mates, but Root still feels empty (it's a mix of depression, PTSD, and derealization from his time in Dark Forest/Never being able to see his first love in Heaven because she's double dead + Bramble's Ghost/Civil War).
He confesses he "wants a family" to Wren who immediately says yes and is ready to have kits, she's head-over-heels for him after all. Wren and Root have a good relationship and Root does his best to be a good mate. Kits are born and the two are happy... but it's clear Root does not feel any romantics towards Wren.
As the kits grow, Root is present but not entirely and towards the kits being 6 moons. Root breaks it off with Wren who is hurt but not surprised. Root and Wren become an awkward divorced couple as both care deeply about one another, and neither really hates the other. The kits are purely plot drivers as Wren and Root don't talk to each other much but still love their kits. After a lot of pushing and the kits pointing out their bullshit, the two talk.
By the time Wren and Root have a conversation and closure, I want Root to think about what he's done to his kits (i.e. neglect) and try to change for them. He has known that he needed help but refused to get any for so long, I mean what's the point? It's in the past. But his kits are quick to point out that "Bitch, we thought you didn't love us because you barely talked to us," and Root goes "Oh fuck my trauma has traumatised my own children, I REALLY need help." Root gets better and strives to be a better father...and friend.
Wren has her own development post-divorce. Being the only survivor of her litter, having helicopter parent Bellaleaf, and the expectation of continuing Skyclan's bloodline, shape Wren to be the stereotypical she-cat her society wants her to be. Wren latches onto Root as he's cute and kind and clearly not looking for anyone to be his mate. Wren DID fall in love with him eventually, but her initial attraction to him was purely because he's mate material: the dude is A Light in the Mist. A hero. So he's the perfect guy to have a family with.
The divorce was something Wren saw coming but didn't expect it to happen. She expected that she and Root would raise a few kits and just live out their days as mates, even if it was just in title. But Root wasn't happy. Root wasn't happy with HER (not really but it's how it came across). Wren has an identity crisis as having a mate and kits has been her goal in life since she herself was a kit. After some soul searching, Wren realizes that her dream isn't her own. It's society's.
Wren starts to work on herself. She had been told that she didn't have to be a good fighter or hunter to be a good mate and mother, so her kits decided to do some training with her to gain more confidence. But she's bad. Like. Really bad. Even her kits are like "Mom? No offence you REALLY suck, are you okay??" Then to the fun reveal that Wren cheated on her warrior assessment so she could get closer to Root. She's been able to scrape by without anyone noticing her so far because CAN hunt and fight, she just needs a bit more training. The guilt of faking her assessment plagues her, so her kits take it upon themselves to be her mentor/s. For drama's sake, Hawkwing overhears a conversation about Wren faking her assessment and is pissed. He has a private conversation with Wren + the kits about keeping this from him, and Wren is a wreak about someone finding out her shameful secret. She and her kits apologise. Hawk, being the himbo he is, goes, "Why are you apologising??? You can just take the assessment again??" Thus, upping the stakes and giving Wren motivation.
I think Root and Wren would have a talk before Wren's private assessment as they've both worked on themselves enough to hold a conversation and not just awkwardly ignore each other (This is only because I want Root and the kits to cheer her on during her assessment heheh). Root talks about his mental health, Bristle, the DF, all of it. He apologises for leading her on as he did want to have a mate and she's a great she-cat, she didn't deserve to be hurt like that. He also talks about how his mental health affects the kits and swears to be better for them, her, and mostly importantly himself. Wren apologises as well for being pushy about wanting kits/being mates to which Root is like 'Stop don't apologise, I wanted to be mates and have kits too'.
Wren talks about how Root made her feel like she wasn't there. How no matter what she did, nothing seemed to make him happy. She loved him and all she wanted was for him to be happy, happy with her. Wren talks about the fragile personality she adapted to seem more appealing, and how in the hopes of needing a 'big strong man' to help her, Root would be happy. Wren talks about how life-changing getting divorced was for her lol and how their kits have been helping her this whole time re-take her warrior assessment. She's ready to live for herself too. She apologises to Root for not being what she desires but she's okay that she isn't, Wren wants to be what she wants now: a warrior.
Ofc Wren passes her assessment and everyone cheers : D I'd like to think Root and Wren stay separated but become besties. Root becomes a better cat mentally and Wren breaks her own (albeit forced) social norm to be what SHE wants, as she should.
anyway erins hire me
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This is so good I really love this idea
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bramblewhisker · 2 months
RavenBarley stuff has me thinking about sexuality in the clans again.
My general idea of clan cat sexuality is one that you might call "bi-normativity," where intimate relationships (romantic, sexual, familially platonic, etc) are idiosyncratic. Different cats would have different preferences, but your typical cat wouldn't be any more likely to prefer a certain sex or gender as they would be to prefer certain fur colors or patterns. I think monogamy would also be somewhat unusual, as multiple relationships would be seen as a way of creating a stronger network of bonds within the clan (and let's be honestly, across clans as well). Two cats getting together for the purpose of kit-making is often a pragmatic act, just as often happening between friends or clanmates with a strictly "coworker"-esque relationship as between two "mates".
The books themselves obviously present a more heteronormative society, with a focus on toms and she-cats pairing up and making kits (despite not really having the "family unit" per se). I think that's less interesting and less suitable for the setting, but it does mean you could do some sort of really cute coming out story with Ravenpaw and Barley. Maybe Tigerclaw got on his case about not being "masculine" enough for a tom, and maybe Ravenpaw struggled with uncomfortable feelings of attraction toward his objectivelly-attractive mentor (who would NOT have responded kindly were he to find out about it). So then you have Ravenpaw at the barn with Barley and there's so much "oh no he's hot" and fears that Barley would make him leave if he knew. But Barley's from the big city where cats are gay all the time (including him!) and it can get really cute and romantic.
Idk I love them.
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lilislegacy · 6 months
Ignoring the whole romantic love thing, I think a lot of Annabeth’s actions in regards to Luke make more sense if you look at it through a lens of grief. ‘Cause it has all the hallmarks: anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. She loses Luke before he even dies and it takes 5 books for her to come to terms with it.
Also, I get where Percy is coming from, but at times I found him unnecessarily unsympathetic towards Annabeth and why she might be struggling with the whole Luke thing. He is really mean/dismissive to Annabeth in BoTL once Luke shows up again. (Actually, he’s bit mean to her in general in that book, but it’s more noticeable after Luke gets there). And, of course, he doesn’t know that Luke had given her a really cruel choice between “saving” him or war. But you’d think, after she watches someone she obviously cares deeply for get possessed by the Big Bad and she collapses sobbing from the pain of it, that Percy would, I dunno, run to comfort her. But instead he talks to both Nico and Rachel first. And then he and Annabeth end up fighting over Luke anyways.
And half of the time Percy’s animosity isn’t even that Luke has hurt him and his friends, it’s just straight jealousy and he admits as much in text.
I dunno, the whole thing is messy. Understandable from both sides, but messy nonetheless.
yeah the whole annabeth and luke thing is definitely messy.
and i completely agree that annabeth started going through the stages of grief the minute she lost luke and then didn’t really come to acceptance until right before he died. that’s exactly what happened.
but i have a hard time being mad at percy for being unsympathetic towards her feelings for luke. i’m not saying it was good how he acted, but if i was in the same situation, where my best friend was constantly defending the person who is trying to kill me, betrayed me and my camp, is trying to start a war, and is perfectly fine killing people - mortal or not - i’m not confident that i’d feel any differently than him.
i think a lot of people forget that percy was betrayed by luke, too. i mean obviously he didn’t have the history with luke like annabeth did, but luke was percy’s first real demigod friend. he made percy feel comfortable and like he belonged. he taught him how to swordfight, which became percy’s defining skill. he was a mentor to percy. and then luke tried to kill him. he literally had the scorpion sting little 12 year old percy and then left him to die. so yeah percy admits being jealous, but i think it goes deeper than that. percy says it himself that him and luke are always being compared - “People always compared me to Luke.” (SoM) - but the thing is: luke is a traitor. and percy’s defining trait is loyalty. so how would you feel if your best friend, who you have feelings for, has feelings for someone who’s actions go against everything you stand for? if you were being compared to, and competing with, someone who you never want become like? and that’s who your love interest wants. that’s such a punch to the gut.
annabeth’s feelings are so valid. if i was in her situation, i probably would be the same. i have tendency to see the best in people who don’t deserve it
but if i was in percy’s situation, i would probably be the exact same as him, you know?
i have no issues with percy and annabeth’s feelings and actions. it’s just luke’s romantic attraction towards annabeth that i have an issue with, and that’s what makes the whole situation icky in my mind. but annabeth’s feelings are so understandable, and so are percy’s.
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wallterwall · 18 days
do u have any hcs about lampert... im also interested in how u view the dynamic between him and wallter
[ not much! (....at least compared to wallter, lol) i headcanon that lampert majored in architecture in college, and he met wallter there. they mentored him when he was working on his thesis and the two of them ended up becoming pretty close friends when they started hanging out outside of those sessions. i also think that lampert was working part time at rokea at this time, and that he was already friends with mark before he met wallter. kasper had also JUST become infected during college (he didn't go to college though, just lampert)
lampert also always found the both of them attractive but he never got intimate with either of them until after the two of them got divorced over a decade later, and he ended up dating wallter for a little while, but then they realized that they don't really desire a committed romantic relationship with each other, so they're currently just bffs with benefits.
for ages, i headcanon that lampert and kasper are 34, wallter is 62, and mark is 64. ]
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You're so pretty omygod??? I didn't expect A MODEL TO SHOW UP ON MY TIMELINE. girl would you he able to read of taeyong from nct ideal type? I feel as if it's always confusing to read on and not straightforward at alll
Yes ofc Taeyong is so cute lol!! I love NCT 💚
Taeyong from NCT's ideal type:
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So some qualities Taeyong finds attractive is someone who allows him to express his inner child. He is very playful and has a soft heart, he is very sweet when it comes to expressing his love. So someone who is also gentle in nature and can be encouraging to him would be nice. I heard "eomma" so someone who is as nice and caring as his mom (Cancer men never beating those Sigmund Frued allegations huh 💀). Taeyong would like for someone to be as romantic and affectionate as he is. I had a vision of him cuddling and hugging someone's waist. So he LOVEEES physical touch and quality time. Perhaps watching a movie together at home and being all snuggled up is one of his favorite things to do. Taeyong would also like someone who can teach him some things. He could like someone who is educated or going to school? Maybe someone in stem courses. He finds it fascinating. If not that, then he wants to be with someone who is brave and can overcome hardships. Taeyong finds people who have been through a lot very admirable because he too has went through his own share of rough circumstances.
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CHILEEE 😭💀 I heard "frien-ommy" and it sounded he like he was saying friend and mommy at the same time, JAIL TAEYONG JAIL 😂! "Mentor" so again he likes when someone has more knowledge than them and can teach him things. I fear that the rumors about him being submissive might be true 👀🤭.
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Taeyong would also like for his partner to be able to help him. He would like for his partner to be a knight in shining armor and he views himself as a damsel in distress. Why do I get the sense he's inexperienced (romantically 💀)... (Clarified by "Child: Orphan" & "Healer") okay so there is some inner child wounds here. Taeyong's view on love could be very childish. He could be wanting more of a fairytale love than a realistic one, but he is open to learning! Taeyong needs to be careful about being too codependent in his relationships or else it could create a toxic cycle. He needs to heal this wound so his relationships can progress. Right now it's giving Taeyong is a "manic pixie girl" and he wants his partner to be the stability he lacked possibly in his childhood.
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Physical traits:
I heard "I like everyone C:!" So he's really open minded as far as the people he finds attractive. Taeyong could be interested in seeking a partner overseas though or someone with foreign attributes than to his native country.
Thick, textured hair
I'm seeing both wavy and curly hair. Could also like long straight hair when it's permed or has crimps.
Dark brown / black hair
Pretty hands with long fingers (likes when they're soft)
Vampire, siren, or intimidating beauty
Feminine features with a masculine energy behind them
Foxy, bedroom, or slanted eyes
Red lips
I'm not getting much on body type so he might not have a preference for that but he could like when he has something left to the imagination. So for example, if he met someone at first that was dressed more modest or their clothes covered their body, he'd be more intrigued than someone who dressed more revealing. He likes to dress casual with someone (sneakers, sweatpants, etc.) but he doesn't mind if they like to dress to the 9's he just doesn't want to be expected to do that all the time.
Is attracted to hijabis or people who cover their hair with scarves, hats, etc.
Celebrities/influencers who are similar to his ideal type (face, style, traits, etc): Pinkpantheress, Sarahbebelle, Taylor Russell, Seulgi from Red Velvet, SZA, Beedadoobee, Jadenjona, Muneeraili, Fairynadia, Tai'ayasha, Kiko Mizuhara, Mina Myoung, & Qui Yazuka.
I didn't get any indications of masculine features or qualities so I won't be listing any male celebrities.
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fic-heaven · 7 months
Brown eyes
(Jealous! Simon x reader x Gus)
A very short short of Simon's pov on your situationship with Gus mentioning Apple Pie flavored
Brown's the color of late autumn. Of hazelnut, of onyx, jasper and sweet hot chocolate you enjoy in the cold mornings of February.
Simon gave you a sense of security and authority, and with him, the 141, your family. Those brown eyes in the middle of the mist of black paint reminded you of their comfort and their love.
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley was as tall as a tree, rough like an untamed bull, his big hands only gentle when he touched you in any way, even during sparring. Though you never seemed to notice, and your obliviousness seemed to only lure him closer eager to see just how far he had to go for you to notice his advances.
"He's my mentor, my friend, my lieutenant."
Your brain fogged the idea of Simon ever being a romantic interest. After all, any short of intimacy amongst piers (specially your lieutenant) was strictly prohibited and Ghost seemed to be the most professional out of the bunch of you. So what exactly could lead you to think he would even try to woo you?
His eyes, they spoke a hundred words in a dialect you didn't recognize. Not in a person like him.
You liked brown eyes.
But add those brown eyes a hint of gold and they become breathtaking, godly even. A tiny detail you never imagined in such an eye color, yet when presented to you, they stole your breath away. Add to those brown eyes that hint of gold, and a patch of tan skin, a big round nose, now some dark, wavy hair like a sea at late hours of the night with a shine only reserved to the strongest light, and as if it isn't enough hair, a funny moustache covering half of the most gorgeous plump lips begging to be kissed and nibbled on.
His body as a whole, spoke volumes of his life, a bunch of scars from his hours of service and some other old ones along small tattoos here and there he gained on his youth working as a lifeguard and a policeman in the rich beaches of Costa Rica. He was muscular man, with a big back and huge arms resembling a bear, you wondered if he was was as hairy as one too.
He was breathtaking.
Gustavo Rodríguez. An operator from an international, private military contractor named SpecGru, and the apple of your eye.
A fear Ghost never thought he'd feel awaked the moment he saw your eyes sparkle with longing and awe at the sight of this nobody, of this... Random soldier, running through the field firmly gripping his assault riffle during a mission on a hot summer day hours before you could formally meet.
He had noticed your attraction to this man even before you realized it one day in the base while eating apple pie and giving Gus puppy eyes.
He had noticed before you because that's what Simon always did. He observed, he watched over you at all times, he knew you better than you knew yourself. After all he was your mentor, your lieutenant and one of your closest friends. He was your shadow, your greatest match.
You just haven't realized it yet, and he'll knock the sense into you somehow. That's a promise he makes himself everyday when he spots you and that nobody together
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halfagone · 1 year
Hi, Halfa!
Recently, I have seen a lot of fanfics regarding the relationship between Danny and Constantine, as in couple but most commonly father-son dynamic or similar.
Do you think they could work out or are their personalities too different? And what would that look like?
Hello, Anony! X3
There are definitely plenty of lovely fics with these two involved, romantic or not. There's Contractual Obligations by the lovely @arzuera and @tathartiel~ which is a father-son fic. There's also Ashes by the incredible @jaytriesstuff which features these two as a couple. Just a few examples if anyone is interested in them.
I do think that a relationship between these two can work, even despite or perhaps because they are different in many ways. Yes, there are many qualities they share- Constantine may be an ass but in the end for all his dubious morals he is still a hero, and that deserves some recognition. But in some regards, they have such different life experiences that maybe it can be hard to imagine them together or interacting in any way.
But you don't have to be the carbon copy of someone to love them. They say opposites attract, and that can be true. Sometimes you need that different perspective in your life to help you grow to be a better person or look past the biases you grew up with.
There are plenty of parents whose children grow to be nothing like them and they can still love them. Because a kid is not meant to be your do-over, a kid is meant to be a life you bring into the world so that they can live it. Even if it's not something you would have chosen for yourself. And there's plenty of parents who don't want their children to be anything like them, because they made mistakes they can't take back.
A lot of it depends on what kind of characterization you want Constantine to have. There are many versions of his character; sometimes he acts like a self-centered asshole only looking out for himself, sometimes he acts as a mentor to Billy Batson or Timothy Hunter because they're kids who need a hand.
Personally, Constantine as a father to me would be that parent who doesn't want their kid to turn out like them. He's done terrible things for the sake of survival that no one should have to. If he wanted to be a good parent, I can see him trying to distance himself or his past from Danny to make sure he doesn't get caught up in that. This might sound bad, but in some cases, it is genuinely better to give a child up for adoption, and that would probably be the same here for Constantine.
As a couple can be a little more tricky. Because you run the risk of Danny's relationship with John turning into a twisted 'I can fix him' scenario, which is never healthy. Yes, relationships can help you grow, but you should never go into one with the thought that you can change a person. For one, that's not realistic. For another, they don't always have to change. Sometimes one half of the couple just thinks the other half should, which again, unhealthy. And of course, that means you don't care about a person for who they are but some vision you have of them. Not much better.
But if these two are on equal footing, I can imagine it growing into something that has a lot of potential to be a healthy relationship. I love to think about how different their perspectives are on death and how that reflects on them as people. Constantine has made so many soul contracts in his endless attempts to escape death. On the other hand, Danny has died and embraces death every time he transforms into Phantom.
I could wax poetic about this pair if I wanted to, but I should really wrap this up at some point lol I do believe these two have a lot of potential, but I always have been a multi-shipper at heart.
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
X-Men: Evolution Headcanons
Aka: My thoughts on X-Men Evolution’s Self-Possessed Episode:
While it very well might be a coincidence, I think it’s interesting that Rogue’s mental grip on her powers started going haywire after her heart started breaking. This isn’t like when she felt betrayed by Mystique in the first season after learning the truth. This is genuine heartbreak.
Scott Summers/Cyclops
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(Scogue gifs by @doortotomorrow I believe)
We see Rogue’s attraction to Scott start early—not when her powers first manifested and when Mystique manipulated scenarios to make Rogue fearful of him and the X-Men for the most part—as he continually treats her with respect and compassion, as well as her witnessing again and again his devotion to protect others and fierce loyalty to his friends.
She’s seen him on his worst days, sure, but she’s also seen him genuinely make an effort to learn his lesson and redeem himself. Also, just because he was becoming conscious of his realization of his own feelings to Jean never meant Scott ever dismissed Rogue or the rest of their friends (even though he’s apparently blind as a bat recognizing when a member of the female species finds him attractive.). He’s always shown Rogue through both his words and actions that he strongly cared for and trusted her. They’ve had moments both big and small that helped them bond and confide in one another that they didn’t tell anyone else.
Unfortunately, when Rogue finally, finally gathered the courage to be more direct with her feelings for him, she was unintentionally shut down hard when Scott casually responded to her inquiry on going to the concert with a yes: with Jean. This gives her the impression that no matter how deeply she feels for him and no matter what she does to try to convey them, she will never stand a chance at winning Scott Summer’s heart because, in Rogue’s eyes, it already belongs to Jean Grey.
Mystique/Principal Raven Darkholme/Risty Wilde
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Not only does the only person outside of the X-Men she felt she had a genuine connection with turn out to be Mystique, she gains a more in-depth look at the older woman’s memories and learns the identity and motives of the latter —who, keep in mind:
1) based on what what little snips of we heard from Irene, has barely been there for Rogue’s childhood after adopting her when she was 4 years old, 2) has gaslighted her to the point of seeking her out for dependency and protection, 3) emotionally manipulated her both as a figure of authority and as a ‘fellow peer,’ 4) has resorted to physical violence and intimidation whenever Rogue showed signs of softening towards the X-Men/rebelled, both directed at those Rogue began to care for and directed at Rogue personally.
What does this tell Rogue? This tells her that the woman who was essentially supposed to be her guardian by law—who was supposed to love, care for, and PROTECT her like a mother is meant to treat their child—had more or less viewed and used her as a TOOL. Whatever what exists of Mystique’s affections towards Rogue, and as genuine she may believe them to be, her own desires took priority over Rogue’s well-being.
Again, this is probably a coincidence since Rogue stated that the personalities/memories of whoever she’s come into physical contact with were starting to overwhelm her.
However, it’s interesting that any indication of the memories/personalities being a problem for her are little to nonexistent save when she dreams about baby Kurt. They don’t actively start becoming a danger and potentially fatal problem until the first boy she’s genuinely loved as both a friend and romantic interest accidentally breaks her heart and when the woman who served as her guardian/mentor/friend with varying degrees of manipulation inadvertently* twists the knife further into Rogue’s already fragile psyche.
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*I say this with skepticism because, though Mystique is Rogue’s adoptive mom and deep very deep down cares, it says a lot when she STILL puts her in physical/social/emotional situations in which the latter is not comfortable.
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prouvaireafterdark · 1 year
Would you be able to give an overview of Marius and Armand’s full relationship? I think I got a little lost last chapter.
Okay I was typing this out on my phone and then the app crashed and I lost it all so let’s try this again lol
Putting this under a tab for spoilers for my fic Practical Ethics and also 'cause it got pretty long. Also TW for Marius being a gross pervert
Basically Armand went to Venice to enroll in school and indoctrinate other students into the cult to boost their numbers and resources (the art of manipulation is, after all, a skill of his). It was meant to be a final test, like a “go out into the world and prove how loyal you are” kind of thing since he'd been with them so long and had fully drunk the Kool-Aid out of self-preservation instincts.
When he enrolled in Marius’ class, Marius (who was a long-term visiting professor for research reasons) took an interest in him because he was attracted to him and sensed there was something going on with him.
After many conversations in and out of Marius’ office hours, Armand’s worldview started to shift. He began to question the things he’d been raised in and realized that there was another way to live that didn’t involve constant (literal and metaphorical) darkness and abuse. This revelation was as terrifying as it was incredible, but he thought it would be okay if he just stuck with Marius, who could show him how best to live in this world he didn’t really understand
And at the time, Marius seemed a much better alternative than the cultists. Sure he could be harsh and uncompromising, but he wasn't making him sacrifice animals and drink blood or beating him and starving him for days when he did something wrong. He also was the first person to make Armand feel like he was special, the first person to make him feel like he had someone in his corner looking out for him, so Armand latched on really hard.
Marius helped Armand work up the courage to leave the cult and when he finally did, he was, predictably, cut off financially. Marius offered Armand a place to stay (his bed) in his (one bedroom since the other bedroom was turned into an art studio) apartment and took over his tuition payments. Armand was a wreck emotionally at first and Marius gave him some sense of stability. He also took Armand’s education into his own hands, telling him what classes to take and which sorts of things were worth study and which were not. Marius praised him lavishly when he measured up to his expectations, but then he also started to punish him harshly when he did not (not unlike the cult). Instead of building him up and helping him gain some independence, he made Armand rely on him for everything, including physical/sexual intimacy.
Their relationship wasn’t ROMANTIC per se though, like Marius wasn’t his boyfriend or anything. I think Marius is just exactly the kind of creep to have convinced a naive Armand that the Ancient Greek model of the pederastic relationship (that is, the sexual relationship between a younger male and his adult mentor which was seen as part of their education) was normal and something that would be beneficial to him. Marius could teach him everything he needed to know and sex was part of the exchange. Armand was so starved for affection and physical touch he let Marius do whatever he wanted. He also posed for Marius a lot and served as his artistic muse.
When Marius’ term as visiting professor ran out, Armand assumed he would be going back to San Francisco with him, but Marius left Venice and Armand behind without much notice. Marius and Pandora hadn’t spoken much in the last three years, but they were still legally married and Marius never had any intention of choosing Armand over her. Marius also gaslit him into thinking it was his fault for misunderstanding their situation so he blamed himself for his own distress more than he blamed Marius.
Armand spiraled hard after that and had to figure out how to live without him basically telling him what to do. After some soul-searching, he decided to keep studying philosophy and religion, probably as a way to cope with what happened to him in the cult, and also because he was just interested in learning. He eventually completed a masters degree (probably part time because he had to support himself now) and then decided to pursue a PhD.
He reached out to Marius for advice on programs since he's a leading scholar in his field (Roman religion) and would know how best to position himself as an applicant. Marius seemed excited to hear from him again and Armand was hopeful that things would be different this time. He offered him advice on which programs to apply to and supported his applications with letters of recommendation. (What Armand still doesn’t know is that Marius also sabotaged him in those letters to ensure San Francisco would be his only option because he got off on the dynamic they used to have and wanted to see him again)
When he arrived, Armand thought Marius would treat him like an adult now that he was older and more self-sufficient and that they could have a mutually beneficial professional relationship, but he was still the same asshole he was back then. He may not be living or sleeping with him anymore, but he’s still abusive and acts like he owns him - hence why Armand is trying to get away from him throughout the fic
I’m sorry if any of that was unclear! I tried to reveal bits of information subtly over time (sometimes it isn’t about what Armand says, it’s about what he doesn’t say, or what he alludes to and then stops himself from thinking more about because those memories are too traumatic for him to want to examine too closely), but maybe some things got lost somewhere haha
If people want me to, I can make some of this more explicitly stated in the fic - just let me know if you think that would be helpful 💖 I didn't want to give Marius' crimes too much airtime, but I also don't want people to be confused lol
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yee-your-last-haw · 1 year
Why I think beleg and turin being a canon couple is conjecture
1. The word "tryst" used
The more commonly know meaning of tryst is a secret meeting between lovers which does cause confusion when reading into their relationship but people ignore the second meaning of tryst either deliberately or out of ignorance.
The second meaning being "an appointed meeting or meeting place" which makes more sense. If the context was romantic it would make no sense why androg would be jealous.
2. Kissing beleg
We must first take in mind their relationship from start. Turin had seen beleg since childhood. He was closest to what turn can call an older brother or father figure who also later became his dearest friend. I saw the kiss at the time of death as purely platonic. Like a child kissing their parent/ or a brother kissing his dead brother
Even as friends it would make sense, turin is in extreme anguish he has just killed the only person he has been close to since childhood. Probably his mentor aswell. Hence he kisses his corpse as a last goodbye.
It baffles me that people view this as a sign that he was sexually and romantically attracted to beleg.
Some also argue that he gave his open mouth a kiss that is why it must be romantic in nature, as if a corpse is in any position to close it's mouth.
3. Tolkien's own view of friendship.
A common theme in all of Tolkien's work is extremely close and intense bond of friendship and brotherhood between men. This makes sense as he himself served in army during times of war. Soldiers develop intense and close friendships as they go through extremely traumatic times. Tolkien wrote these friendships based on actual bonds of friendship he had seen while in the army.
Even the friendship of Sam and frodo which is constantly under scrutiny was based on relationship between a Batman and the officer he was serving.
Carpenter’s Biography quotes Tolkien as saying, “My ‘Sam Gamgee’ is indeed a reflexion of the English soldier, of the privates and batmen I knew in the 1914 war, and recognized as so far superior to myself.” A batman, in military parlance, was a soldier who (as well as being required to fight) was tasked with looking after an officer’s kit, cooking, and cleaning. Tolkien’s phrasing in the letter sent to Minchin is different, and very interesting too: “My ‘Samwise’ is indeed (as you note) largely a reflexion of the English soldier—grafted on the village-boys of early days, the memory of the privates and my batmen that I knew in the 1914 War, and recognized as so far superior to myself"
As someone who had family members serve in army and have Batman as their servers I can attest to their incredible loyalty.
4. Projection from people.
Tolkien was a firm christian. Even though he had a student who wrote queer stories and read them I doubt he would include homosexuality in his works. He hated narnia for the way C.S lewis wrote allegory and christian allegory in this story.
His firm believes are clearly reflected in his stories.
All his elves are built upon the image of good christian. They can only marry (romantic involvement) the opposite sex (no homosexuality). They can't have sex outside of marriage. Their sexual desires fade away after having children.
By this default beleg is definitely straight and turin is as well ( as he fell in love with nienor and if he was bisexual over the course of his whole journey he would have fallen in love with a man since he had more companion who were male and it would make sense but he didn't and only fall in love with a women and got her pregnant.)
They reason why fans especially western fans feel so confused at the immense platonic love between his characters is because their society is hyper sexual. Any form of deep affection especially between same genders must be seen as sexual/romantic.
As someone that isn't from the west and has seen such deep relationships between the same-sex, no these characters aren't sexually repressed or secret lovers. They love each other very much, just platonically that is all.
Another kind of audience is one that projects their own views over the actual text. These have either read too gay themed stories or are gay themselves. I would say take your personal bias away and see these texts in light of what tolkiens mindset was.
Extra: same issue with fingon and maedhros who are also family. I have seen so many close friendships and extreme bonds of platonic love between cousins who have also saved each other from life threatening situations and have never thought wow they must be secret lovers 🤦
Note: one more point is to note that platonic love is of greater scale in professor Tolkien's work than romantic love in most scenarios. Also elves formed great platonic friendships.
*A point written by someone in reddit
"Elf-friend" status isn't something that an Elf can award to a favored mortal, and that all Elves somehow recognize once one Elf has conferred it. Being an "elf-friend" is a psychological and spiritual state that some mortals attain, and once they do all Elves (and creatures of similar spiritual discernment) are able to recognize it.
In fact, being an "elf-friend" is a sign that a given mortal is in tune with the way Arda was supposed to be from the beginning. The estrangement of Elves and mortals only came about because of the Marring of Arda by Melkor. Had that not happened, all mortals would have had the benefit of living with and conversing with Elves, who would have been their helpers and teachers. That would have left a clear mark upon them - longer life, clearer intelligence, deeper spiritual existence - just as it did upon those few mortals who got the opportunity despite the Marring
It seems friendships between mortals and elves are very spiritual in nature. And beleg does provide guidance and counsel to turin almost akin to a spiritual guide and friend/parental figure.
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iamyoursinblog · 11 months
Angel of death(pt.1)
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Pairing:  Park Jinyoung x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1.5 k
Immortal life was one of the main advantages of being an angel, even if you were the angel of death. Even though you saw death every day, people's lives still surprised you. You found it amusing to watch them, their decisions and actions that sooner or later led them to you. But for some reason this guy attracted your attention more than the others, although your meeting was not yet close. There was something in him that you had never felt in people before - purity. You sat on the balcony railing of the second floor, watching his filming go by. Every day he was busy with something new, music, dancing, filming. Such a busy life, you thought with a smile on your face.
“Park Jinyoung, this is for you. Have fun,” the man with a wide smile put a box of letters in front of him. He read each letter with a smile, but when he opened the next letter, the joy on his face gave way to fear. That's something interesting, you thought, jumping from the balcony railing to the ground.
You walked up to him and looked at the piece of paper on which was written “I love you.” Nice, so that’s what scares him, a confetion of love. You wanted to return to your “spectator’s seat,” but a familiar smell attracted your attention. The smell of blood - you knew it too well. Someone wrote a love letter with their blood. It's even symbolic, you thought smiling. Although judging by the expression on Jinyoung's face, it instilled horror in him, not romantic affection. Apparently for people to get a confession in love written in blood is not considered a romantic sign. You sat down in front of him on the ground, watching his reaction. The letter fell from his shaking hands, falling to the ground next to you. Even fear suits him, you thought, watching his handsome face. You smiled as he leaned forward to pick up the letter, and his face was an inch from yours. He stood up and went to the man who brought the box. After which they quickly left. Well, you sighed in disappointment, your show is over for today.
. . .
You turned around, finding yourself in the castle, people would call this place your home.
“Watched that alive soul again?” your mentor asked when you entered his office.
“Thanks to him, I make new discoveries for myself every day. Today’s discovery: love letter in blood does not show romantic affection,” you said as you sat down on the large chair next to his desk. He just rolled his eyes and continued reading his book.
“For thousands of years you weren’t interested in people, but now you spend every day in their world and all this because of one soul.”
“He’s quite a beautiful soul, he wouldn’t be any different from the angels here if he showed up here,” you grinned, thinking about Jinyoung’s face
“Are we still talking about the beauty of his soul or already about the beauty of the owner of this soul?” he raised an eyebrow at you, but you just smiled. "Be careful anyway"
“Are you telling the angel of death to be careful? That's funny" you laughed before leaving the office.
. . .
Thinking about Jinyoung, you moved to where his soul was. You leaned against the wall, watching him walk down the long corridor. Behind him was a girl in black clothes. "Park Jinyoung!" she screamed getting his attention. “You should belong only to me!” she took a knife out of her pocket, swinging at him. In surprise, he swayed back, losing his balance. You snap your fingers stopping time. You came closer. Turning Jinyoung's back to the girl, you stood between them. Snapping your fingers again, you returned the passage of time and Jinyoung smashed into your back. "What the heck!" He said, falling to the floor behind you. You looked at the girl who screamed and ran away. Lowering your head, you looked at the knife on your collarbone and took it out and threw it on the floor. “What just happened? Who you are?" Jinyoung stared at you, turning in your direction while still sitting on the floor. “Where is that girl with the knife? It seems like you weren’t in the corridor?” he continued asking questions while looking around. "Aren't you injured?" he asked looking at you with concern when he saw the knife on the floor.
You were amused by his behavior, and the fact that he was worried about you, although he himself almost went on a date with you. “You humanity are so funny,” you said, squatting down next to him. “You guys keep refusing and trying to take away what doesn’t even belong to you.” You picked up the knife and saw blood on it, most likely it was she who sent that bloody love letter.
“You speak like that as if you don’t belong to humanity,” he said, getting up from the floor
You laughed, putting the knife back on the floor. “Not really, although I had more humanity today than the owner of this knife,” you stood up and cursed under nose, remembered the rule that you can’t disappear in front of people. “Bye,” you said, heading towards exit.
"Wait, who are you?" he asked
You turned in his direction, meeting his gaze. “Consider me your gift from fate,” you said, going out onto the stairs. You moved to the roof. Sitting on the edge, watching as cars with flashing lights appeared after a while.
You followed Jinyoung, wondering how it would all end. You sat on the cabinet in the corner, watching Jinyoung. You rested your chin on your knee, dangling your other leg down as Jinyoung described the attack. “There was another girl there, it seems she was the one who saved me by pushing me aside. Although I can’t fully remember what exactly happened after the knife was swung at me.”
“Anyway, you're lucky. This girl has already been cited for stalking other celebrities. Her blood and prints on the knife prove that it was she who sent you those letters you were talking about,” said the man in uniform.
“Were there only one person prints on the knife?” Jinyoung asked
He looked at the knife that lay in front of him, “But she definitely took it in her hands,” he whispered barely audibly, looking at the knife in surprise.
“In any case, you can rest assured that this girl will soon be found and arrested. Just in case, there will be security near your house until she is caught."
“Okay, whatever you say,” Jinyoung sighed and looked towards where you were sitting. His eyes widened as he looked in your direction. You turned around and saw the clock behind you. You were wonder why he looks at clock like that. Either way, he's safe.
. . .
You traversed to the mentor's office.
“Have you to interfere in this person live, didn't you?” he slammed the table hard, glaring at you.
“He wasn’t on your list anyway, so what difference does it make whether I intervened or not. I didn’t save anyone from death, I just saved myself from a boring stay in the hospital."
���I hope you have a lot of fun filling out all of this,” he snapped his fingers and a tall stack of papers appeared in front of you. You opened your mouth, examining the stack. “Have fun,” he said as he left the office. You fell onto the table, grumbling and pounding your fists.
You lost count of which form you filled out. You traversed to the roof of the van, watching Jinyoung who was filming. He was like a breath of fresh air, you were even lucky that he looked in the direction where you were standing. You felt your mentor approaching the office, and you returned to the table again, filling out another form.
“Now I understand why people say 'boredom to death'. It's really so boring you could die" you laughed clapping your hands as your mentor appeared in front of you.
“Weirdo,” he said shaking his head, leaving the office.
You buried your face in the papers; it seemed like the stack never ended. After finishing half of it, you moved to Jinyoung. You found yourself in the middle of a road with a lot of cars on it. You slowly walked along the road past cars passing at speed, approaching the car in which Jinyoung was sitting. He leaned his head against the window and watched the passing cars as he stood waiting for the green light for his side. You returned to the office and gasped. It seems like there were fewer papers before your disappearance.
“Oh yes, I forgot to say” you heard the quiet laugh of the mentor who was returning to the office “Every time you leave, the stack will return to its original size” he smiled at you. You hit the table with force and all the papers scattered across the huge hall. The mentor just smiled and snapped his fingers and returned all the papers to the table. “You can continue,” he said, sitting down at his desk and picking up the book.
I wonder if angels can feel tired, you thought, almost finishing filling out the papers. You definitely felt something or was it just anger? So hard to figure out. “I’m done,” you smiled widely, placing the last piece of paper in that endless pile.
“Well done,” the mentor walked up to the table and took the papers and threw them into the fireplace. You stood up and stared at the fire that was consuming your efforts, or rather your suffering.
"What?" you turned to your mentor
“This is just a tool for punishment,” he pointed to the paper burning in the fireplace, “The main punishment for you is to force you to sit in one place.”
You fell back into the chair, propping your feet up on the table. “Unbelievable,” you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
The mentor smiled and left the office. Before you could shout anything back at him, you fell through the chair and the floor. Great, another punishment, you thought, falling down through the darkness.
You found yourself on the table in a strange place, in front of an unfamiliar man. What is this?, you muttered. You've definitely seen him somewhere before. The man sat and looked through you with concern. Where did you see him, you continued to look at him.
“Jinyoung are you sure you’re okay?” the man asked
Jinyoung? Exactly, it was the man who was always next to Jinyoung. But why are you here? You didn't move here. You turned your head in the direction where the man was looking. Jinyoung stood near the sink, throwing away a broken glass. “No big deal, just a shallow cut,” Jinyoung said looking at the man.
You saw blood on his fingers, which he tried to wash off with water. What the hell, you muttered, sitting cross-legged on the table. You looked around, wondering how and why you ended up here.
“Hyung, it’s time for you to go home!” Jinyoung’s voice changed dramatically, and you watched in amazement as he practically pushed the man out of the apartment. You stood on the table, looking around. Maybe he’s waiting for someone, you giggled. You jumped, ending up on the back of the sofa.
“This looks familiar,” you said, looking at the painting on the wall.
"You! Who are you?" you heard Jinyoung's voice but didn't pay any attention to it. “It was you who was in the corridor when I was attacked!”
You turned sharply in his direction, jumping to the floor. “How can this be,” you muttered. He was definitely looking at you. "Can you see me?" you looked at him in surprise
“Yes,” he said shaking his head.
“This can’t be” you didn’t understand. You continued to look at him, trying to find in him the answer to this riddle.
“I saw you that night in the police station, and on the roof of the van. And then you stood in the middle of the road while cars drove along it at full speed.”
“What are you?” you looked at him, you had never seen people who saw angels before.
“I am a man, but who are you? That girl said she stuck a knife in you, but they thought she was crazy. But there was not a scratch on you, and you touched the knife, but there were no prints of yours. How could you save me from death?"
“Even if I hadn’t shown up, you wouldn’t have died, you would have just ended up in the hospital for a few weeks,” you replied. “Unbelievable,” you continued to examine him.
“It’s not me who’s incredible here, it’s you,” he said, taking a step towards you, attracting your attention. “You were now sitting on the table, but hyung didn’t see you, although you were in front of his nose. Then you said that you don’t quite relate to humanity. Who are you?" his voice practically trembled. Although you didn’t see fear in his eyes, it was more like excitement.
“It’s much more interesting who you are. Remember what we talked about, I’ll be right back” you pointed your finger at him before heading back to the office in search of your mentor.
"Can people see angels?" You asked as soon as you found a mentor.
“Only if the angel showed himself. Why are you asking?"
“And if only one person can see the angel, while he is hidden to everyone else. Could this be possible?
“Usually this can happen if a person experienced strong feelings for an angel when he saw him or the angel saved him from death. Then the angel becomes his guardian and appears in front of him every time the person is in pain or when he is in danger."
“If such a connection existed, then, for example, if a person cut himself, his angel would appear in front of him.”
“Not exactly what I had in mind, but if at that moment a person felt pain, then an angel would appear”
“This shouldn’t apply to the angels of death, right?”
“Even though you are the messengers of death, you are still angels first and foremost. So it affects everyone. Why are you even asking this?” he looked at you
“It’s simply interesting. To broaden horizons” you smiled
“If you are so interested, you can start with the books in the study. Better study books than do stupid things."
“Some other time,” you said, moving towards Jinyoung again.
He practically jumped in place when you appeared in front of him. You walked up to him and took his hand, seeing a cut running through all his fingers. So it’s true, you have become his guardians. “Will you tell me who you are?” Jinyoung asked as you let go of his hand and began to walk in a circle, trying to figure out how to get rid of this problem.
“Can we limit ourselves to the fact that I do not belong to humanity?” you smiled and sat back in your chair, crossing your legs, watching him.
“You know you don’t walk on the floor, right?” he asked, pointing to the surfaces in his room that you were moving on. “You can’t stand on the floor for long? Will something happen to you?"
“How cute,” you laughed because of the worry in his voice. “It’s more of a habit developed over centuries, because I definitely won’t run into people like that.”
"But they'll just pass right through you"
“That doesn’t mean I won’t feel it. Every time someone passes through me, I feel the darkness of their soul."
“If you feel the sins of people, does that mean you are a demon from hell?” he asked
You stood up and snapped your fingers, changing your appearance. You stood dressed in a black latex suit and twirled a burning trident in your hands, “And this is quite comfortable.” You ran your hand over your body, “Does it suit me?” you smiled, looking at the shocked Jinyoung, who, with his mouth open, backed away until he hit the wall. “Apparently, not very much.” You laughed and snapped your fingers again, returning to your previous appearance. You took one flower from the vase and tore off the petals and threw them up. By snapping your fingers, you stopped time
"How do you do it?" Jinyoung asked, pointing to the petals that were hanging in the air
“That’s what I thought, mine time stop doesn’t work on you anymore,” you muttered, snapping your fingers again. The petals fell to the floor while Jinyoung was still looking at you with his mouth open.
"Are you appearing in front of me because I'm about to die?" he asked
“No, you won't die. I'm just interested in watching you"
"Why? Is there too much darkness in me?" His voice was shaking
“On the contrary, there is absolutely no darkness in you, which surprised me. And by the way, to answer your question, I’m not a demon, although I don’t deny that for some reason people are used to thinking of me as one,” you grinned
“So you are an angel,” he said
“An angel of death to be exact” you laughed as his eyes widened “That’s exactly what I was talking about” you said pointing at his reaction
“You shouldn’t take the blame for something you weren’t involved in”
"I thought the angels were different"
“I thought they showed up in robes and quoted the Bible?” You asked, “If it makes you more comfortable...” you raised your hand.
“No, stop.” He waved his hands, "Your 'unconventionality' and jokes help me not to faint." He looked out the window, “It’s winter now,” he said, and this time you looked at him in surprise, “You’re just barefoot, and yours...” Jinyoung looked you from head to toe, “the dress only slightly covers the body. You don’t feel cold?"
“We’re built a little differently,” you laughed. “Physical and emotional sensations, we can feel them, but only when we want them to” You looked at him as he laughed “What?” You asked
“Nothing” he tried to hide his smile
“You don’t want me to find out for myself, do you?” You asked, waving your hand at him.
"Can you read my mind?" At first he looked at you with widened eyes, but then grinned, answering to himself, “Of course you can. I thought that people must be happy to see someone so beautiful after death. I don’t know why this thought came to my mind,” you smiled at his assumption, without specifying that an angel after death comes in the form of the one they loved most in this life.
You looked out the window as the sky became lighter. “Don’t people sleep at night?” you looked at Jinyoung again
“I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. I am now communicating with an angel who is sitting on my chair. How can you sleep here? he smiled
“Try” you said when you felt that your mentor was looking for you. “I have to go” you got up from the chair
“Will I see you again?” he asked
“You're the only one who can do this,” you winked at him before moving out of the mentor's office.
“Don’t say that you have become the guardian of the soul you were watching,” asked the mentor as soon as you appeared
“Oops,” you smiled and shrugged.
“I warned you,” he shook his head.
"Is it so bad? Wow, great place, comfy,” you said, plopping down in the mentor’s chair, running your fingers over the soft chair.
"Yes! If you continue to appear in front of him, you will begin to experience emotions without the ability to control them. If you experience emotions, you may get hurt." Did you really hear the fear in your mentor's voice?
“Don’t worry, I’ll disappear before that happens,” you looked at your mentor, “Can I have that chair too?” you smiled widely while jumping on a soft pillow
“Please, a moment of seriousness! You are my eternal headache!" He grabbed his head, shaking it
“Your head can’t hurt,” you whispered, getting up from his chair.
“Every time I see you, I understand that nothing is impossible,” he rolled his eyes
. . .
You walked into your room, wandering among the shelves with all sorts of things that caught your attention in the human world. Aha, I found it!, you exclaimed, taking out a painting, exactly the same as the one hanging in Jinyoung’s living room. You placed the painting near the window and sat on the floor, looking at it. After you dealt with things, you were transported to the place where Jinyoung was. You stood on a high fence, watching him. When he saw you, he smiled widely and raised his hand to wave at you. He stopped himself when several people turned their attention to him. Turning around, you were wearing the same suit he was wearing. He gave you a thumbs up, pretending to fix your hair. You put your dress back and jumped, sitting on the edge of the tent that was next to him. He raised the phone to his ear, “Hello!” He said smiling broadly at you. You laughed at his little trick of not drawing attention to him. "How are you?" “Are you seriously asking how the angel is doing?” you grinned “Several days have passed, perhaps for you they flew by like 5 minutes, but after all, you were doing something during this time.” “Reasonable. Let's just say did my job." For a moment the smile disappeared from his face. He looked at you, you would even say with sympathy. “Well done, I’m sure you did well” You laughed loudly, clapping your hands together “Are you trying to feel sorry for me now?” you practically rolled around laughing, making him roll his eyes "I do my best" “Well done, you did it well,” you said with the same intonation as him. “Are you teasing me now?” “I do my best” you shook your head, getting to your feet. “You are simply incredible,” he chuckled. “I hear that a lot,” you said, walking around the edge of the tent. “You should go,” you said, pointing at the man who was walking in his direction.
. . .
You were transported to your room, falling onto your bed. “Where has that ill-mannered angel of death gone again!” you heard your mentor’s dissatisfied voice approaching your room. “Oh, there you are!” He said when he saw you “I already thought, you again with this mortal soul” “You seemed angry with me, so I decided not to flash in front of your nose for a while,” you said, throwing your legs up on the wall. “This is all somehow too suspicious. I'm watching you” he looked at you with narrowed eyes.
. . .
You returned to the office having dealt with all your mentor’s orders. You smiled when you found yourself in the office alone. You quickly walked over to your mentor's chair and relaxed, allowing yourself to fall into its softness. You fell through it, falling through the darkness. Did Jinyoung cut himself again, you thought before finding yourself in a room with dim red lights. You stood up, looking around. All the walls and ceiling were covered with Jinyoung's photos. You turned towards the bed and saw Jinyoung lying in his boxers only. You smiled, it didn't look like he had cut himself. His arms and legs were tied to each corner of the bed. His eyes and mouth were blindfolded. You carefully stood on the bed covered with rose petals. You sat on his chest with your legs crossed. Carefully moved the blindfold from his eyes to his forehead. “Are you into roleplay game?” you asked, looking around. You met Jinyoung's gaze, which was filled with fear. “Did you forget your safe word?” you giggled, removing the bandage from his mouth.
“Please save me,” he whispered, barely audible. The fear in his voice was real. You turned towards the locked door.
“I can't free you. Although I can make sure no one comes here before the police arrive,” you said and he sighed with relief.
“Why can’t I feel you even though you’re sitting on my chest?” he whispered
“You forgot, I’m not here” you winked at him, jumping onto the floor and he smiled “A smile is a good sign” you leaned forward looking around the next room. "Shouldn't she be in jail?" You asked pointing to the door behind which was the girl who wanted to stab him.
“So it was that girl who kidnapped me?”
  "In case you were wondering, she's cooking dinner."
"This is not normal" Jinyoung muttered
“You’re right, it doesn’t smell very good,” you said, turning in his direction. But he looked at the walls covered with his photographs in horror.
“Oh, about that. Apparently you didn't have a chance to admire the interior. Impressive, isn't it?" you sat on the bed next to him, laying your head on his stomach and looking at the ceiling. “By the way, in case you didn’t notice due to shock, you’re practically naked,” you said, getting back to your feet.
"What the..." his eyes widened
“Shh... unlike me, she can hear you,” you said as he raised his voice. He closed his eyes, trying to fight the anger inside. You jumped onto the bed and sat on the iron headboard that his legs were tied to. “How did you end up here?” you watched him
"Don't know. I was supposed to go to the shoot, but I can’t remember anything after I walked out into the parking lot.” He shook his head, opening his eyes.
“How are you going to save your almost naked ass from this person?” you smiled widely. “If I take this away, no one will believe that you were able to free yourself without tearing your skin to blood.” You pointed to the plastic zip ties around his wrists.
"Phone! Try to find my phone" he said looking around.
You opened the closet hoping that his clothes would be there. “How terrible!” You gasped.
“What's there? What happened?" he whispered worriedly
You pulled out a sweater from the closet, a dirty mustard color with a not-so-good image of a beaver embroidered on it, showing it to Jinyoung. “Her tastes terrible. Brrr...” you shook your head, putting the thing back in the closet.
"You're terrible!" Jinyoung muttered through clenched teeth, trying to fight his laughter. “I'm actually trying to survive here,” he said, chuckling quietly. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Phone"
“Exactly!” you clapped your hands as you walked into the other room. “Found it,” you shouted, placing him on the floor, you pushed him with your foot so that he slipped under the door. You snapped your fingers, stopping time only for the girl as she turned towards the door behind which was Jinyoung. “You can speak calmly,” you said as you passed back to the room. You picked up the phone and turned it on.
“Have you stopped time?” he stared at you
“Only for her. It seemed like she wanted to check on you." You turned on your phone and placed it next to him. "Remember to keep your voice low." You said as he dialed the manager using voice command.
"Quiet. Shhh... hyung shut up" he hissed into the phone when the man practically shouted his name into the phone
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. You pointed to the window when Jinyoung was asked where he was. “I think I saw a yellow restaurant sign through the window before I was blindfolded.” You smiled as he said several similar names before naming the correct one.
“Tell that you think you smell burnt food,” you said and he stared at you, repeating your words. “And also tell them not to call, because you don’t know where the phone is and you’re lucky that it worked on your voice.”
You took the phone when the maneger hung up. You laid him on the floor, kicking him under the nightstands next to the bed. “It’s entirely possible that it fell out of your clothes while she was undressing you.” You smiled, shrugging.
“Would I have died today if you hadn’t shown up?” he asked, meeting your gaze
“No, you wouldn't die. Although you might have gotten a few scars to remember that day while you were trying to escape the trap" you said pointing at his hands
“Why did you say about the smell of burnt food?” he asked when you sat down next to him.
“I told you she was cooking dinner, she burned it. Or rather, this will happen in 10-15 minutes. Just the right moment for her time to start again. Because the food will burn, it will go back to the kitchen and won’t come here, and the smell will be heard even in the entrance. I forgot to tell you, the other room is also completely covered in your photos,” you said, returning to the bed. “I’m surprised by the number of them, but what surprises me even more is that not a single photo is repeated twice,” you pointed to the photos around
He laughed quietly and you looked at him in surprise. “I just remembered your reaction to that sweater with the half-dead beaver,” he whispered. You walked up to the door, tilting your head through the door, snapping your fingers when you smelled smoke. As you thought, she ran back to the kitchen.
“Right? I’m not the only one who thinks this thing is extremely strange. It seems to me that even a beaver would be horrified if they showed him this sweater." You shook your head as you approached the window. "Hurray! Finally, our valiant prince rushed to save his princess from a tower with a fire-breathing dragon." You clapped your hands joyfully when you saw a lot of cars with flashing lights below.
“Am I a princess now?” he smiled widely.
“Why not” you jumped onto the bed and squatted next to his head. “This needs to be returned” you said sliding the blindfold back over your eyes when you heard a loud noise and screams outside the door.
“Are you still around?” he whispered barely audibly
You smiled and took his hand. He squeezed your finger as his body began to shake violently. After several strong blows, the door to the room fell out, falling to the floor. "I found him." the man shouted before entering the room. “Jinyoung.” Can you hear me?" The man said as he removed Jinyoung's blindfold. “Don’t be afraid, I’m from the police. Everything will be fine."
Jinyoung kept his gaze on you as the man cut off his bonds. You winced as Jinyoung groaned in pain as he tried to sit up. “Lay down, the doctor will come now,” the man said, covering Jinyoung with a blanket.
“Oh yeah, it’s right, the blanket will help him deal with the pain,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. “Stop giggling!” you said as he turned on his side, towards you. “They’ll think you’re crazy.”
“Isn’t that so? I’m talking to the angel of death, remember?” he winked at you, smiling widely as the man walked away from him.
You jumped to the side when a lot of people appeared and kept asking practically the same questions. “Do they have trouble processing information or is it normal to ask the same questions to someone who has been kidnapped?” You asked, standing on the iron headboard, watching the people who surrounded Jinyoung. Jinyoung covered his mouth with his hand, hiding his smile at your words.
"Anyway... See you!" You said, waving your hand at Jinyoung before vanishing.
_______________________ More Park Jinyoung x Reader: Girl, what more beautiful than moonlight (fluff) Secret (smut) The window (fluff, smut) Ah, that’s what love is! (fluff) Our nights (smut)
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teadrop-12 · 5 months
Hello! Been following you for a while now, and I was just wondering if you have any hc for uno/djinn?
Oh I absolutely do (also so sorry for this taking so long)
ace guy. I dunno abt romantic attraction but I know he’s ace to me
of course he’s got trust issues with literally every single person he meets. Not blaming him for that
not allowed at children’s birthday parties
was married for 6 minutes before he stole their car or something
genuinely? If he knew Geetha he’d be scared of her. Like she’d send the most vile death threats known to man to him if she knew his location.
this man is a mess
after everything that happened (like when the mentors were younger. and abandonded him.) he kind of involuntarily got a new sociopathic mindset, which i think can be seen with like, how he treats the people he works with.
like his treatment of dos, leaving her to die and openly admitting it in front of her, as well as manipulating rizwan for almost only his own benefit
. this could also just be like. that one motto like "no connections no pain" or something like that.
but also i think he was kind of close with rizwan, which is why i think he got more distraught with the thought of him betraying him (which he eventually did.)
i like to imagine he was kind of interested in becoming a detective? like he did go to a bunch of uni classes for criminalistics and forensics but after he got into MATA i think he solely focused on that.
it is definetly a regret of his.
ok this has a few heavy hitters now
before rizwan came in, Dos was the strongest numeros agent besides Djin, and unknowingly they took her dna in order to clone her (which turned out to be rudy). after they decided to terminate rudy, rudy ran away and thats how she was homeless, and since Djin knew about the whole experiments and everything, thats why he went to follow rudy at that time and bring him to MATA.
small rant. why does every former inviso agent fucking hate rudy. what did she do
like when i was younger i used to think like "oh maybe she was such an annoying kid" and now im thinking NO??? SHE WAS A KID!! KIDS ARE ANNOYING!! THAT DOESNT WARRENT THEM BEING BEAT UP!!
im so sorry this took so long and theyre not too great!!
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