#is this a star wars blog now?
nephilim2point0 · 2 years
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Fox and the Loth Cats pt 2!! Idk how I want to draw clones just yet so ill just avoid faces for now eheh.
Also 'Fox and the Loth Cats' is a sick ass band name and you can't change my mind
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fellthemarvelous · 11 days
Jedi and attachment
The Jedi Order was around 25,000 years old when it fell at the end of the Clone Wars.
And I've seen people say "the Jedi don't teach emotional regulation" I guess because there are some Jedi who fell, but like, the number of Jedi who didn't fall far outweighs the number of Jedi who did fall.
And that's not to say that Jedi never made mistakes, but none of them gave into their anger and fear and hatred. Mistakes are normal, even for Jedi. Failure is the greatest teacher. They were apparently able to regulate their emotions well enough to actually learn from their mistakes and grow.
I'm not sure which part of "the life of a Jedi is not easy" isn't exactly translating well for some people.
What do people think Qui-Gon meant when he told Anakin being a Jedi would be challenging?
As Yoda said, it is a lifelong struggle not to allow fear to bend into anger. Fear leads to anger leads to hate leads to suffering. The Jedi never stop learning.
The reason they avoid attachments is because attachments distract them from the bigger picture, from their purpose. They are protectors and defenders of life, and they cannot be picky about who they choose to help, regardless of personal feelings.
As Obi-Wan has said, Jedi do not hold grudges. They cannot. They can be upset, yes, but they are given the tools to handle their emotions and often utilize them.
Anakin damned an entire galaxy when he fell to the dark side. The Jedi are not to blame for Anakin's fall. Anakin made his choice, and while he spent thirteen years being groomed by Palpatine, he made the choice to follow Darth Sidious.
He is the one who slaughtered Jedi younglings. He's the one who slaughtered the Separatist leaders, and even though they were the enemy, they were defenseless and trapped in a room with the most powerful being in the galaxy after being sent there by Sidious and Grievous.
The reason the Jedi were so hesitant to accept him into the Jedi Order was because of his age. He was attached to his mother and his anger over her death is what caused him to slaughter an entire colony of Tusken Raiders. He didn't do it out of love. He did it out of hatred, and revenge is not the Jedi way.
It is not the fault of the Jedi that Anakin could not properly regulate his own emotions. He lied to the Jedi for three years. He hid his relationship with Padme, so how was Yoda supposed to know how to help him properly when he didn't have the full context? Of course his advice seemed bad because Anakin was not being forthcoming about the nature of his relationship with Padme. Yoda did not have a complete picture of Anakin's anxieties at the time, and while you can teach someone how to do something, you cannot control how they put the teachings into practice. You can only hope and trust that they are doing the right thing.
And the thing is, the Jedi would have helped Anakin and Padme. Yoda and Obi-Wan loved Anakin. We saw several instances of just how much Yoda cared about Anakin, especially so at the end of season six of the Clone Wars.
Anakin betrayed the entire Jedi Order because he allowed his fears to consume him. He participated in the genocide of the order he had been part of for thirteen years just to save the life of ONE PERSON who ended up dying anyway BECAUSE of him.
No one has ever said the Jedi Order is perfect because there is no such thing as perfect, but they were not ever the villains. They were never the bad guys. They were pulled into a war orchestrated by Darth Sidious who weaponized the compassion of the Jedi as a way to destroy the order.
When you look at the handful of Jedi who fell and claim that the Jedi "don't teach emotional regulation" you're just erasing all personal accountability from the fallen Jedi WHO MADE THEIR CHOICES.
There is only ONE Jedi (that I am aware of) who fell to the dark side involuntarily, and that was Ahsoka Tano. She was corrupted against her will and then killed. Anakin was able to resurrect her, and while he did a good thing, it only made his fear of losing her again even worse.
Maul murdered Satine and forced Obi-Wan to watch, but Obi-Wan managed to control his emotions and not go on a killing spree. He actually held a dying Maul in his arms. Ahsoka was failed by the Jedi Order, but she didn't fall to the dark side. Yoda lived for 900 years and never once fell to the dark side.
There are a variety of factors that went into Anakin's fall, but he is the one who made the choice to do the monstrous things he did. He was not being mind controlled. He had Jedi training, but he threw all of that away for one person. He gambled the fate of the galaxy on the belief that Palpatine would help him save Padme from dying, knowing that Palpatine was a Sith Lord and knowing that he was the one who was actually responsible for the war. He made a selfish choice at the expense of everyone else in the galaxy and the only person who won in the end was Darth Sidious. It was the biggest lesson that Anakin ever learned.
This is not a failure of "teaching emotional regulation". This is the failure of someone who allowed his personal feelings to overshadow his Jedi training, and he is responsible for the consequences of his own actions.
End note: This is not an Anakin Skywalker bashing post. I love Anakin Skywalker, but he absolutely is to blame for his fall to the dark side. He's a fascinating character. I could write a whole ass separate post on why I love him so much. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is an icon.
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wizard-finix · 10 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 1
So I got the idea of what the Chain would be like if they were converted to Star Wars characters, and it's been really fun to play with concepts for all of them?? I have had this idea occasionally rolling around in my brain like a marble for a month and I'm about to make it everyone's problem. let's go!!!
Starting off with everyone's favorite downfall duo, Legend and Hyrule!!
EDIT: here's links to the rest of the gang!
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
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Legend is a traveler and technician that runs a shop with Ravio, who buys and sells any valuables and junk he can get his hands on. He's something of a jack-of-all-trades; if you want something done, he’s got an item for the job. Legend is surprisingly accomplished for his age, and has seen more of the galaxy than most ever do.
Agnahim was the first run-in with the Empire he had, and things haven't improved since; he's had encounters with Empire soldiers more than once. He doesn’t like the Empire or any kind of authority, but Fable is an exception to the latter.
He got his hands on an old saber on his travels and fixed it up, but it’s not the only weapon he has.
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Hyrule hails from an unnamed desert planet in the Outer Rim with very little law enforcement. Resources are sparse, and life is hard, but he is determined to do some good.
At first glance, Hyrule appears to be a plainly-dressed kid; however, he is easily the most in tune with the Force out of all the Chain. He keeps his abilities hidden because he’s heard of the Empire’s keen interest in hunting down all remaining Jedi. He’s already had encounters with some bounty hunters that call themselves the Eyes of Ganon.
He’s very scrappy in a fight. He does not own a saber of his own, but his raw Force abilities more than make up for it. His ability to use Force Healing and Force Lighting have gained some negative attention, despite his efforts to keep them secret.
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foxika · 3 months
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Miiverse yeah! trend but with clones (: !! feel free to use anywhere
based off the sw app rex emoji. i'm currently in the process of making different helmet type variants and plan to post a big thing for everyone to use as they see fit to make their own custom emoji, but that's while off ^^; this is taking me a long time to do.
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squeakintothevoid · 6 months
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Ahsoka leaves
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Clone Wars: When the world ends
Fox watches as Coruscant burns, his men scrambling behind him as democracy falls to the dust. His hands tighten behind his back as he watches smoke rise from the Jedi Temple, a parallel to the smoke rising here in the Senate building.
The screams of Senators and screeching of speeders zooming by barely drowns out the cries that is clones and Jedi alike fighting off the protestors on the street.
Several Venators lift from the Jedi Temple, filled to the brim with younglings and clone cadets, guarded by at least two Jedi Masters and several Clone Commanders and Captains.
He stands amidst the Chancellor's office, his boss’ late body strewn across the floor. Anakin stares emptily at his friend's beheaded head and Fox wonders if he’s actually grieving the man or grieving himself.
Fox’ fingers clench around the comm that continues to relay the emergency alert across the GAR.
Thorn shouts evacuation orders in the background, grabbing Senators from the burning building.
Or at least the ones that he wants to help.
The Senators that have degraded his men and shouted insults and passed laws to make it harder for a clone to live, for a Jedi to stop fighting...
Well, when it's the end, what value do they hold to a clone who's loyalty is for their men and their Jedi?
Thorn turns his back, refusing his men the right to help them. He signals to Stone who open fires on them, pulling Padme and Bail towards the rescue speeders.
A chime echoes in the room, and Fox glances down to see it coming from his comm.
Marshall Commander Cody.
He answers.
"Where are you?" No greeting. No formalities.
Desperation coats his words and Fox wonders how much time they have left.
"We are on our way." Thorn has finished loading up the last of the speeders, while Thire runs back in to make sure no clones are left behind.
He comes back with only two shinies and Fox knows they are ready to evacuate the building.
"We don't have much longer. Our last ship is ready to deport. What's your ETA?"
Thorn waves them forward, jumping on to a speeder bike. He signs to Fox from below, and Fox answers. "T-minus 20 minutes.”
Anakin comes up next to him, his robotic hand creaking as it grips tight around the handle of his lightsaber.
"We will wait 25." Fox nods in acknowledgment, ready to hang up when Cody stops him. "Fox?" He stares down at Cody's concerned face. "We'll meet you here, right?"
Fox doesn't speak for a while, his eyes flicking up to the burning city around him. Anakin quietly snorts at the question and Fox can feel his gold eyes staring into the side of his temple.
"Yes," he lies. "Just look out for my armor." He hangs up before Cody can say anything more.
Thorn's armor is heavy on him, unfamiliar despite being the same size.
As he follows Anakin out of the office, red blade lighting the way, he can't help but wonder...
Are they the villains??
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coline7373 · 1 year
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foggysirens · 1 year
thinking about luke (again) and lately my mind keeps getting dragged back to the moment in a new hope when he comes back to find the homestead burned and owen and beru gone- and how in that moment there’s not this great exclamation of grief from luke, but just a single look of devastation on his face and that always sends me down a spiral about grief because yeah- grief can be like that, especially giant, all-consuming, world-altering grief. no screaming at the sky. no tears. just silence. shock. and after that luke gets up and goes on to save the galaxy. but what really stops me- what i really keep coming back to- is just thinking about afterwards, after the second death star gets destroyed- how there must have been a moment where he just went ‘oh’ because where was he to go then? because that’s one of the things i think is so easy to overlook, because unlike leia with alderaan and how overt and obvious it is she can never go home, with luke and tatooine its quieter, more like one of those awful revelations that unfurl in your belly- because he could go back, but what to? and i think it’s from such an awful moment that we get this beautiful nature from within luke of wanting to build a home for others with his school and there is something about that, that idea of him really getting to turn the worst moment and feeling in his life into a mission to help others, that once again just endears me to him so through how absolutely human he is and i will never stop talking about it
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tathrin · 10 months
The Extremely Serious and Scientific Legolas Fandom Hair Colour Poll:
What colour hair do you picture in your head for your personal mental image of Legolas of the Woodland Realm? (Not necessarily which one you think is more or less "canonical"; rather just what you see in your head when you're reading something.)
Ideally, you can also share when and how you were first exposed to Lord of the Rings in the tags or reblogs, and what you think most influenced your mental image.
No I'm not procrastinating from writing stuff, go away.
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collophora · 5 months
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I posted this on twitter at the beginning of the show haha joke on me.
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grxceful-ly · 4 months
it was bound to happen
“Remember when you came to my room that one time? Looking for Ezra? I said I hadn’t seen him but I had, of course! He was in my room. We were ki—”
The next thing he knew he was halfway across the room, leaning on the very tips of his toes so that he could reach Sabine, hands thrown over her mouth to muffle whatever she’d been about to say next.
Or: When it came down to it, Ezra really thought he’d be the one who said the wrong thing.
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read more on AO3!
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adh-d2 · 5 months
It's not so much that I needed Tech to be alive.
I wanted Tech to live, but I grieved his character when he died.
Then the hints started coming. The narrative focus shifted to this mysterious new character and signaled that he was important somehow. The theories started spreading. Week after week the 'camera' lingered on long, slow shots of a helmet that wouldn't come off.
So yeah, I stopped grieving. The longer it went on the more convinced I became that this must be Tech, because clearly it was someone important. Otherwise it would just be poor writing. This show isn't written poorly.
Case-in-point, what a beautiful finale. My heart was in my throat the entire time. I cried. I loved it. Taken on its own, I'd go so far as to say it was perfect.
Except for the fact that the CX plotline came to nothing. Seriously. We've followed it all season, and it came to nothing? I'm not even clear on what happened. There were more of them. They were kind of an anti-Bad-Batch? Except not really? There was a big one that pulled Wrecker's signature move. There was one with knives. They were regs? I think? One lost its helmet in a background shot so I guess we can conclude they were all regs. With different builds. And different accents. I suppose it doesn't matter, since they all died after a few minutes of screentime having meant nothing to the protagonists. They were a boss fight. The plot marches on.
It's entirely possible I got too caught up in the speculation. Maybe when I look back on all the posts I wrote and liked and reblogged it will be obvious that we were reaching. But right now from here in the thick of it, I swear there's so much to see! Do you mean to tell me they really didn't notice it in the writers room? That it was all a complete coincidence?
Would it have been better if someone on the creative team had just come out and confirmed that Tech wasn't coming back? I don't know. I don't think they were obligated to. But when a good 50% of the discourse about your show ending is speculation on this particular CX character, and the answer isn't even a different plot twist, but that the character means nothing at all...well, you can see how the team could have avoided some disappointment.
Maybe this is a bad take. I don't know how I feel. I wish I could have enjoyed the finale without having to grieve again for a character we'd already lost.
For now I'll end by saying that I loved this show and I can't wait to rewatch it someday on its own merit, without the spectre of 'is-it-could-it-be-no-please-let-it-be' clouding my judgement.
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fromtheevilforest · 10 days
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Chapter five of Lesser Evil gave me Captain Roscu and now I’m obsessed with her. Thrawn and his things are irrelevant, I only want my angry blue woman. I think I can fix her
She is so angry and she doesn’t like anybody. She has a one-sided beef with half of the Ascendancy. She doesn’t like drama but she’s also the ultimate drama queen. She can’t just listen to reason and has to be screamed at (are you happy now Roscu, you made Ziinda say a bad word) (that chapter lives in my head rent-free). Despite all of that she still somehow manages to be a competent ship commander. Also I think her and Ziinda should fight each other physically and then kiss. But that is a whole another topic
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aaeeart · 1 year
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I've been reading @anoray 's Spectre One Rises and dang if there was ever a fanfic that got me sad it's not canon 😭
Anyway, I took it as an excuse to draw Kanan again - inspired by the fanfic of course :)
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karin848 · 11 months
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Here is my piece dedicated to @shymaker325 for the @starwars-arttrade-2023 !! You and I both love Ahsoka and Rebels so I thought I’d put these two in a cozy situation. Hera agreed to ONE basic lesson in the Force (only because Jacen begged for months)
Hope you like it!!
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Whoever harassed @glimmerglanger to the point that they DELETED THEIR AO3 AND LEFT: count your motherfuckin days.
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