#is this good? probably not. i'm having a hard time explaining the different types of getting into fistfights for the people you care about
piedoesnotequalpi · 9 months
“For to love is to burn” for the title?
Hello hello sorry this took approximately ten years. I was surprisingly busy/tired post-finishing finals! But! We are here for angsty fic titles! And Sprace!
Okay I had an idea and then had another, hopefully better idea so I scrapped the first idea and now here we are. TW for unhealthy/abusive relationships and my first ever attempt at canon era speech patterns
Before he left his parents, Race watched them have a terrible relationship. They fought, and Race's dad was always far too prepared to go out and fight other people because of his mom - they looked at her wrong, or they (in his opinion) mistreated her, so he'd go out and lose a fight in an attempt to "defend her honor" regardless of what his mom said. Basically, Race's father did not express love in particularly productive ways, and so he fled to the lodging house by the time he turned eight.
This was Race's only example of a romantic relationship, so he thinks that's what love is supposed to be: angry and violent and miserable (his parents were always miserable). It doesn't really matter when you're eight, but he decides he doesn't want to get married ever, or even be in a relationship. He keeps himself a little distant from the other newsies, too - he's part of the group, but he deflects anything that could reveal his past or his actual feelings about anything with a joke. And as he gets older, he starts to realize he likes boys a lot more than he should, so he decides his promise to himself (and the wall he decided to put up) was a pretty good idea.
The problem is, Race starts selling at Sheepshead as a teenager, where he meets Spot Conlon. Spot is very intimidating, and tries to get him to stop, but Race is stubborn and argues his way into staying. Spot sometimes stops by to check in, and Race gradually starts to realize two things: one, that he is far more honest with her than he is with any of the Manhattan newsies; and two, he likes girls a little more than he thought. He definitely has a preference for men, but somehow this tall girl who keeps the Brooklyn newsies more organized than the Manhattan newsies ever will be has managed to be the exception to the rule.
The other problem is, now that Race and Spot are something approaching friends, Race notices people talking about her more than he used to, and what he hears is not positive. And even though he's been with the newsies for years, and seen the more mundane, nonviolent ways they show that they care about each other, he's also seen them (physically) fight for each other. Whenever he hears someone talking trash about Spot, he fights them, but of course word gets back to Spot about this pretty quickly, and when she shows up to Sheepshead after she finds out, she's not happy, to put it mildly.
"What the hell, Race?!" Spot screams. "I can fight for myself! Now folks are gonna think I can't, and if they're thinkin' that way then that puts my girls in danger!"
"Y'ain't there!" Race says, knowing full well that he messed up in several ways. "And you - we's s'posed to - "
From there, the story of how he grew up comes out, how he thought part of showing you cared about people was fighting on their behalf. Spot punches him for being an idiot (he never quite picked up the nuances of why what his father did made his mother upset vs. why the newsies were okay with fighting for each other, which is what got him into this in the first place), but they stay on speaking terms, and Race stops fighting her battles when she's not around.
Of course, when Spot hears the Delanceys saying rude things about Race during the strike, she full-on decks them (she was going to anyway, but the insults were the final straw) and Race nearly proposes marriage on the spot.
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athena5898 · 11 months
I often think when people hear "infantilizing a group of people", they think of it literarily that we are actively being made a infant. While this is a part of it, I think people miss the subtle things that end up causing chasms in their relationships with that group of people.
It's actually hard to pinpoint because it's never a singular event, it's many tiny things but the end result is always "I am the authority, I will always know more then you, I will never take your advice, I will never be honest with you (you know to spare *your* feelings), any disagreement is your fault, any problem in your life is my cross to bear and you must follow how I tell you to fix it, I will never stoop myself to understanding what your needs are as X group and will view everything from my own lens and judge you accordingly, we are not equals, and we never will be. (This is not a exhausted list, nor will everyone have all the same traits)
It is very hard to connect with someone who just automatically assumes a higher status to you just because of something you can't change. All the while the offender thinks what they are doing is actually a good thing. They are somehow helping you by just assuming they are better then you (which in the end, that's kinda what this is).
I have a few people in my life that I care for a lot, but they are not that much older then me yet they act like I can't possibly understand them and automatically shove this "child" label on my forhead.
And here is the thing, they will voluntarily bring up why they think this if you pay attention. It might be trauma they've dealt with, it might be that they have kids and you don't, age, or anything else like this. However I think it's important to note that I have friends who do not talk down to me and respect me as my own person with autonomy and also have these things going on in their life. So it's not like it's impossible to treat someone with respect and have these differences.
Now what do some of these subtle differences look like? There are many ways they can materialize but to name a few.
- Demanding the person solves a problem their way despite the person telling them why their circumstances do not allow that.
- assuming...well anything and all the time. These people have a tendency to think they know exactly what you are feeling and other such things and if you try to correct them then they will actually get upset at you or show some type of passive aggressiveness.
-Speaking on your behalf without asking permission
-never valuing your expertise on any subject. They are older/more mature then you, therefore to them they know more about everything. What's really fun (/s) about this is when they will explain to you, why you are wrong, by repeating what you said back at you.
- any reason why you can't do a thing, or why you need an aide is an excuse. You could do it if you *really* wanted to, but you are just being lazy. Now the real adult has to take up your burden.
- they do not/cannot listen to you. No matter what you say or how you say it, or if they even confirm what you say, there is always a part of them that is not listening. Or hell, they could of listened to you, but since what you say isn't important to them, they will quickly forget it and may even try and claim you never said anything to them.
- I'm not sure if this counts as infantilizing, but I notice that it happens a lot in tandem. While they think less of you and treat you like a child whose facts and opinions don't matter, all of this will change at a moment's notice when they need something from you...oddly enough something they probably normally do not take seriously from you on a normal day. Suddenly thrusting you with this burden of taking care of them even though they are never there for you in any meaningful actually helpful way most of the time. Like you will literally be demanded to stop what you are doing, and get over whatever you are going through to help them and their problem. I cannot explain how frustrating it is to be demanded to be the mature one while most of the time being denied respect.
I could go on, but honestly if I sat here and thought of every single tiny thing they do to make sure there is distance between you and them up on their self made pedestals, I'd be here all day.
The worst part on all of this is that I have no idea how to resolve it. People who do this are not inherently bad people, hell they might not even realize they do it. But this can actually make it more difficult to bring to their attention. I have tried many ways and many different times to resolve this, but I haven't been successful yet. Anyone who has corrected themselves were people who just had a little mess up but still obviously viewed me as a person from the start.
These subtle ways someone can dehumanize you, it can cause terrible rifts and of course the other person never understands why (see point above about not listening)
I am writing this as a autistic person, but I know there are others who go through this. Please check the ways you create artificial authority over someone.
Edit: someone reblogged this with hashtags about how we shouldn't do this to children either and I completely agree, I was using the term because it's the one often used to explain these things. Adding the edit cause I have no idea how to respond to the hashtag thing and I think it's a important thing to note.
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Can you offer any (academic) writing advice for Autistics and ADHDers? You clearly write a lot and write very well and very clearly, so some insight into your process would be great. Personally, I tend to struggle with over explaining or over citing (cause I am always getting misunderstood) and that I get very fixated on not misrepresenting what my sources are saying to avoid feeling like I'm lying. All this is time consuming and makes it hard to say what I really want to say. Thanks!
Hi there! I've written an essay about a lot of this, here is the free link to read it on Medium:
Much of my writing process is inspired by the book How to Write a Lot by Paul Silvia, and it is specifically tailored to academics. The advice applies to people who write popular nonfiction or fiction just as easily, however. And he does have advice relevant to the self-editing and self-doubt you describe feeling.
The full piece gets into this more, but here are some of the stand-out tips:
Schedule a regular time to write every week and show up no matter whether you are feeling it or not.
Throw out all your magical thinking about what you "need" to be able to write. You don't need the perfect workspace, divine inspiration, the right pen, the right playlist. You just need to show up to write regularly, and do it
Editing, outlining, working with research notes, and drafting all count as "writing." Don't expect your initial drafts to be perfect or to equate writing only with getting new words on the page.
Try writing in public spaces to help get yourself in the mindset of explaining a concept to someone with a different frame of reference and type of expertise than you. Writing in a cafe or a public library can force you think and write in a more accessible way. (alternatively, you can pretend you are explaining the concept to a specific person in your life who you respect but who doesnt have all the same reference points as you -- sometimes this is called the "Grandma Test". Explain something like you are talking to your grandma.)
In addition to all this, I would add that you should read a lot of writing, both good and bad, especially work that isn't dry and academic. If all you read is journal articles, you'll write a journal article -- and most of those are hell to read, even for academics. read fiction. read bad wattsapp shipping. read substacks. read newspapers. read indulgent personal nonfiction in the cut or whatever. read reddit posts. notice what works and what doesn't. develop an ear.
and then write a lot! it took me 15 years to get good enough for anything i wrote to get noticed. you can expect to take many years to get comfortable developing your own voice, too. i dont know how far along you are, but even when you've made tremendous progress you'll only notice your flaws and feel the most turgid brain foggy moments. that doesn't mean you're failing.
also, to some extent you can embrace your citation-dense, precise manner of self-expression. we are living in a moment of maximalism and indulgent, long creative works. it's the decade of the 5 hour youtube essay and the 2 hour album. my 5,000 word essays do better than my 2,000 word ones. you should strip down unnecessary tangents and trust yourself and your reader a little more probably, but ive found that the more blatantly autistic and indulgent my writing gets the more the right people like it. a writer's flaws and their distinctive voice are kinda hard to separate. you're not for everyone!
good luck!
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pinkyqil · 5 months
salma p. x reader who's not a footballer
prompt: blind date
location: barcelona
Blind date // salma paralluelo
Salma had been getting restless teasing from her friends and fellow teammates. Especially about her lover life or when she came back from one of her horrid dates that went awful.
"So Salma how did your last date go". vicky asked her with a teasing voice.
"Ugh I don't even want to talk about it spare me please".
"Nope you don't get to butt out of telling us". Pina and patri told her along with esme and ona agreeing with there statements.
She told them how it went especially how the other girl had accidentally spill a drink on her after refusing to give her free tickets to there next game and how she basically got ditched mid date.
"So your telling me she threw her drink on you after you declined her request and left you for someone else". vicky said before bursting into laughter along with the other girl's.
"Very well figured out genius". salma throwing her head back before laughing with them.
"You basically got toyed with amiga I feel bad for you.patri told her
"Thanks for the reminder guys let's go before we have to do extra laps". She told the group of friends before jogging away.
"I feel bad now guys poor salma".vicky told the group of girls as they made there way down
"Yeah". they said in tune before making there way back.
"Salma salma". Ona called up the tall girl trying to reach her before she left.
Upon hearing her name begin called she turned around to a already tried ona.
"Yes".she said
"Are you free tonight?".ona asked her
"Yep got nothing to do but watch a film".
"How about a blind date-".before ona could finish she got a no
"No after what I told you expect me to go on another one especially a blind date?".
"Please think about it I'll send you the details I promise you she's a good one". Ona explained to a very bother salma.
Salma found herself staring at ona's messages for a ungodly amounts of time.her heart and mind kept telling her two different things. Go and just enjoy yourself or stay and avoid going on the blind date knowing whatever could happen.
She decided to go knowing she's dealt with worse slama was never the type to face her challenges but when she did, she definitely takes over.so here she was looking through her closet and looking for the perfect fit to wear knowing that she was definitely going to be late.
She dusted her outfit one last time before heading inside the mini cafe restaurant. the nervousness was gone the moment she felt the cafe peaceful atmosphere. spoting a darked haired woman at the table she mentally cursed herself out for being late.
"Hi sorry for coming in late something came up". she said before taking a sit the moment she looked at you she felt and insanely amount of butterflies in her stomach.
Forget gorgeous you we're breathtaking when her eyes meet yours.
"No worries I didn't have to wait that long".you told her.
The date went smoothly in fact amazing.you both got to know each other a lot more and surprisingly you both had a lot more in common than you thought.
finding out that night she loved going for runs midnight jogs just like you made your heart flutter especially with how flirty she got mid date making you blush hard that you we're probably different shade.
After a while you both took a walk in the beautiful city of Barcelona holding hands breeze in your face and a fresh moment for you both.
"Same time next week". she asked you
"Definitely I really enjoyed the date salma thanks for making it meaningful for me".you told her
"No thank you I was actually contemplating on coming after awful date encounters but I'm glad I did".
The next day salma woke up with butterflies her mind was just filled with thoughts about seeing you and your next date together.
but sadly those thought had been interrupted when she head for training.
First person she saw would be ona who looked over the moon to see her telling from the huge grin she had on her face.
"Soo by the smile on your face I can assume the date went well".
"It did come one let's head down and I'll tell you everything".has she grabbed ona's hand so that they could partner up for drills and she's spils the date tea.
A/n: hope you like it added a lil twit of my own I'm still taking in the 3 player prompt thing all you gotta do is send in a player prompt and location hope y'all like enjoy this fic and has always feedbacks are appreciated 💗
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d-dixonimagines · 5 months
PROMPT: "Thought you'd be taller.."
I feel like I want to do this one again with a different approach, but I don't know. I envisioned it being something light-hearted and fun, so please excuse my attempt at being funny...! @darylsdelts A/N: It's not edited so there's probably typos
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There was a weird buzz of energy going around the camp that you couldn't quite place. The way people whispered to one another excitedly like gossiping teenagers. Eventually you got wind that Daryl Dixon was supposed to be arriving. It was overheard on the radio when your group leader was communicating with Aaron, arranging some kind of supply drop. They had been talking for months and were finally closing on a deal to join forces and create connections.
Sure, you had heard Daryl's name before, but it was strange to see people act like it was some celebrity coming through their town, a behavior you thought was long dead when everything fell. He had been the talk for days, apparently. People telling stories about all the things they've heard he's done, even some you were sure couldn't possibly be true, like blowing up a group with a bazooka? It sounded ridiculous.
He had managed to gain a sort of reputation. He was the lone wolf you didn't mess with. People have said that he mostly kept to himself, some describing him as a grumpy old bear, and good luck if you ever got on his bad side.
You've heard he was mean and intimidating and had a permanent glare, but others say he is kind and had a softness to him. That he had a type of charm that was hard to explain. But it was all the same as rumors go; you didn't know what you were supposed to believe.
He had come to the camp a few times, but somehow you've never seen or met him yourself. It was like he was a myth. A story someone made up, and depending on which version you heard, he was either a scary boogeyman or some kind of hero.
None of that mattered, though. You were determined to find out for yourself who this Daryl guy really was, and if he was worth all of the commotion he seemed to cause.
The sun was just about to set when he and Aaron finally arrived. They were greeted with welcoming smiles and were invited to join you all for dinner. You were appreciative of the large cart of food and supplies they brought, but so far you weren't seeing anything too spectacular. He was quiet, mostly. Handing over crates and stuff, no particular look about him. He didn't look scary, there was no scowl-y expression. So many not a grumpy bear?
As the evening went on and everyone was settled, scattered about around the fire, you sat silently - continuing to watch him. When it was mostly just the two of you remaining, you decided that the silent stalking was getting you nowhere, so you took things to the next level; you approached him..
"Would you like some more?" You offered, extending the kettle of food you had in your hand. He looked up at you for a second before shaking his head, "Nah, I'm good.. Thanks." His voice was gruff, but there was a softness to it, it didn't make sense!
"I'll have some more." Your attention was brought to Larson, a guy from your group, who was sitting close by with his plate stretched out, a friendly smile on his face. Without saying a word, you took a step towards him and practically tossed the kettle in his lap, taking a seat next to Daryl, your back towards Larson.
There was a silence again, aside from the confused mumblings from Larson as he dished himself more food. You tried not to make it so obvious that you were eyeing Daryl, trying to glance at the fire every now and then, but you were failing quite miserably.
"Can I help ya with somethin'?" Daryl finally confronted you. When you didn't respond he continued. "You've been starin' me down since I got here and it's startin' to weird me out..."
You straightened up a bit and put your hands up briefly, an attempt to express you didn't mean anything by it. "I'm sorry. I'm just... trying to figure you out." "Whats'ta figure out, exactly?" he remained calm, but you could tell he had a guard up. Which was understandable.
You have a quick shrug as you tried to gather your thoughts. "The way people talk about you, you're at all what I expected." He gave a sight grunt, like where this was going all clicked. "Should I even ask what you were expectin'?" "Thought you'd be taller.." Your response surprised him a bit, causing him to let out a chuckle. Your shoulders relaxed at his reaction. He definitely wasn't a boogeyman type.
"There were a lotta things you could'a said, but I wasn't expectin' that one," he shook his head a bit and set his dish down by his feet. You could understand where he thought you were going, so many mixed reactions to him, but you were feeling more inclined to believe the positive ones, based on your current encounter with him.
"There was a lot of buzz around here when people learned you were visiting. They talk about you like you're some kind of celebrity. Which, I guess in some sense, you kind of are. With all the stuff you've done, you've made quite a name for yourself."
"Pshh.." he scoffed, "I don't buy into all that. People's opinions don't mean shit." "Even if it's good? People look up to you, from what I gather." He shook his head again. "It's all bullshit. They don't know me or the shit I've done." "We've all done things. Larson here?" you pointed your finger over your shoulder, Daryl's eyes following the direction, "the worst thing he's probably done is kill a rabbit, and that's saying something when it comes to him, and while he's probably not the best example, we all still know he's a good person."
Larson looked up from his plate, his gaze going back and forth between you and Daryl. "It was an accident..." Larson defended himself, a silent look of panic etched on his face. "The rabbit, I didn't see it, it was in the -" "You don't have to explain, Larson, it's OK. No one blames you." You cut him off before looking back at Daryl. "...Why would they blame me..?" "It was a whole thing.. but that's not the point. I'm just saying, the stuff you do makes a difference to people. The good stuff, I mean."
Daryl looked confused for a second, trying to figure out Larson's deal, but brought his attention back to you. "I dunno about any of that. I ain't tryin' to be anythin', I'm just doin' what anybody else would." You nodded, planning on keeping things at that, but there was one thing you couldn't get out of your head and needed answers on.
"I just have one question," you opened. He seemed almost reluctant to agree, but he did with a nod. "Is it true you shot a bazooka at some group? Some people say there was a group of like fifty highwaymen and you just blew them all up." He looked at you for a second like you were insane and let out a sigh. "There weren't fifty of 'em, there was only about eight.." "But you blasted them with a bazooka?" "Yeah?" he responded like he didn't understand what the big deal was. "They were a bunch'a assholes, they had it comin'."
"No, I completely get it," you let out a small laugh. "It's just a crazy thing to think about, you know? A bazooka! Where the hell would you even get one of those?" "Military truck," both Daryl and Larson answered at the same time, causing you both to look at him. "Sorry, I keep forgetting you're there." You almost felt bad. "Anyway, I should get going. It was cool to meet you," you turned back to Daryl and stood up, talking some of the empty dishes. Daryl gave a nod as you walked off.
"... The rabbit incident really was an accident," Larson chimed in after a moment of silence; he was leaning towards Daryl like he was trying to keep it between the two of them. "It was in the -" "Let it go, Larson!" Two other people in the group shouted at the same time. Larson slammed his plate on his lap in frustration as he was interrupted once more and he straightened up. Daryl sat there awkwardly in silence for a moment before getting up himself. He walked passed Larson and gave a quick sympathetic pat on his shoulder. "It's alright, buddy. I believe ya.." Daryl let out an amused scoff as he walked away to find Aaron.
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To follow up on my Hosanna poll, I think before things go any further, it'd be good to actually explain and define it. I was initially going to wait until the end of the poll, but it seems that google is giving people a lot of bad and/or conflicting answers and I'd rather people walk away with the correct information.
So! Hosanna is an anglicized version of the Hebrew words "hosha na" [הושע נא or as a contraction הושענא]. Hosha na is a little enigmatic and hard to translate, but the simplest translation is probably "save us, please." It's traditionally used as an exclamation to G-d to rescue us, but it also has shades of being a triumphant shout (the implication being confidence that G-d will save us.)
Jews say "hoshanot" (the plural of hosha na) as part of our traditional Sukkot liturgy, and is something we do still today.
For us, the multi-faceted meaning of the root word allows us to have multiple layers of meaning. During Sukkot, we start praying for rain in its proper season and amounts, and we shake the lulav and etrog as part of these processions and liturgy. On Hoshana Rabba [the "great hoshana"], the last day of Sukkot, we process around the bimah (front lectern) seven times as a completion of our season of repentance and our starting of the new year with abundant blessings.
My siddur (prayer book) Lev Shalem has this as an explanation and translation:
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[Image ID is of the Lev Shalem siddur, pages 382 & 383 - I tried hard to find a pdf of this that would be readable using a screen reader, but the versions I'm finding cut off at pg. 376 at the latest. If anyone has bandwidth to type this up, I would greatly appreciate it]
For the curious, here is a recording of the Hoshanot liturgy and procession:
Christians mostly know the word from the gospels and hymns.
Here is what Wikipedia says about its use in Christianity:
Historical meaning
Since those welcoming Jesus were Jewish, as of course Jesus himself was, some would interpret the cry of "Hosanna" on the entry of Jesus in its proper meaning, as a cry by the people for salvation and rescue.
Christian reinterpretation
"Hosanna" many interpret as a shout of praise or adoration made in recognition of the messiahship of Jesus on his entry into Jerusalem
It is applied in numerous verses of the New Testament, including "Hosanna! blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lᴏʀᴅ!" (Matthew 21:9,15; Mark 11:9–10; John 12:13), which forms part of the Sanctus prayer; "hosanna in the highest" (Mark 11.10); and "hosanna to the Son of David" (Matt 21:9). These quotations, however, are of words in the Jewish Psalm 118. Although not used in the book of Luke, the testimony of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is recorded in Luke 19.
In church music
The "Hosanna Anthem", based on the phrase Hosanna, is a traditional Moravian Church anthem written by Bishop Christian Gregor of Herrnhut sung on Palm Sunday and the first Sunday of Advent. It is antiphonal, i.e. a call-and-response song; traditionally, it is sung between the children and adult congregation, though it is not unheard of for it to be done in other ways, such as between choir and congregation, or played between trombone choirs.
The bottom line:
Jews and Christians have different connections, associations, and meanings attached to this word as expressions of our different theologies and texts. The word is derived from a Hebrew word and was created by Jews and is still used by us today. (Like literally today - we are currently in the middle of the Sukkot festival.) Christians changed the meaning to fit within their own context, and pronunciation of the word evolved with linguistic drift over time. In the same way that there's not a reason to pitch a fit over saying Jesus rather than Yeshua, there's no compelling reason to change hosanna back to hosha na; if anything, the distinction helps make it clear that it's effectively a different word and concept from ours.
On the other hand, I do think Christians ought to know the original meaning of the word if they're going to use it. To only ever know their version when it was derived from ours is yet another small way of playing into supercessionism by erasing and replacing the Jewish context of things that were originated in Judaism that Christians have embedded in Christianity. While the Christians of today cannot unwind the supercessionism of Christian history, they *can* choose to understand their present Christianity in ways that do not play into supercessionism and that respect the Jewish community of today.
I hope this was helpful and gives folks a new perspective on an obscure Hebrew word!
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headspace-hotel · 9 months
further thoughts on modern extinctions of species
The scientists have a great difficulty laid out for them, doing public messaging about climate change/biodiversity loss that communicates the urgency and importance WITHOUT inducing a panic and helplessness that leads to apathy and shut-down (exactly what is seen in many young people in regards to climate change)
Now we all probably know here that it is really important for scientists to do "obvious" "water is wet" type studies showing something is a problem, even if the problem is obvious to anybody with eyes, because then the study can be used as hard evidence to change policies or to inform skeptics.
However sometimes these studies themselves end up becoming "Obvious" facts.
Because they are so important, they get cited a thousand times, and it becomes so seemingly reliable, that the methodology of the studies is not questioned very much.
It's not necessarily that the studies are even wrong—it's that their conclusions become Facts when the original study would only say "probably true under these specific circumstances" or "likely if measured within these parameters" or "suggested by what little evidence we can gather."
Here is one of those facts:
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We know that abuse and misuse of our ecosystems can cause extinctions. But there needs to be hard evidence backing that up.
"The current extinction rate is over 1,000 times the usual background extinction rate" is an important estimate for understanding the magnitude of the damage deforestation, resource extraction, and other over-exploitation do to ecosystems.
But this estimate has become a Fact. It is treated like a black box. It is so widely cited and in particular it is so commonly used as evidence for the idea that human impacts on the Earth are irreversibly and unfixably destructive. People use it as irrefutable proof that we are in the midst of a mass extinction that we have very little chance of stopping. And that makes people feel hopeless...which makes people paralyzed and much less likely to act on behalf of their ecosystems. "We're all going to die! I can barely do anything, and it's unlikely to make a difference anyway. Why bother?" That's not good.
So...Here's an article that explains how this number is reached.
When bryozoans were my special interest I delved really deep into learning about fossils, and because of this I wondered, "How do we even know the background extinction rate, and how do we know there is a normal baseline for Earth's extinction rates?" The article explains:
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I'm having a hard time finding very many articles about this, actually, if anyone has others, I would enjoy seeing them
So here's the thing...the fossil record is really, really, really, really, really low resolution. Fossilization is an extraordinarily rare event, huge periods of time are totally missing from the fossil record in any given place, and...this is just me, but since many living species can only be distinguished from each other by analyzing their genome, I doubt we could tell for sure if two fossils are the same or different species.
The way biodiversity is structured on Earth, there are usually small areas where large amounts of species diversify, often areas that are unique and isolated in some way. In other words, some areas are hotspots for species diversity. Many species on Earth have incredibly small, restricted ranges. (On top of that, these diversity hotspots are often islands or mountains...which seem unlikely to be areas where sedimentary rock deposition is happening.)
Since fossilization is such an unlikely event, and the fossil record is missing most of the time periods for each place because sedimentary rocks just weren't forming there (or they did and later got eroded), fossils probably preserve more wide-ranging, generalist species that were high in abundance. There must have been tons of weird, highly geographically restricted places like the Galápagos islands where bizarre creatures evolved and were never preserved because it was just a tiny area. (This makes me want to cry if I think about it too long.)
What's more, with vertebrate animals, species that fossilize and get easily noticed as fossils, tend to be larger-bodied, and larger animals generally tend to reproduce more slowly, which means the usual speciation and extinction rate for these larger animals might not reflect the speciation rate for, say, spiders or snails.
How is it determined that a taxon went extinct? Basically, when a taxon appears in the fossil record and seems to disappear, that's considered an extinction. However, that doesn't mean it did go extinct then. Maybe its range just became smaller, or maybe there is an unconformity. We could have a Coelacanth situation.
What I'm saying is...the fossil record is only a tiny bit of all the species that have ever existed, and probably wildly misrepresents the range of species evolving and going extinct at any time.
Now consider that the data is being filtered through something else that distorts it even more: databases and compilations of other scientists' works. So many disagreements and little errors pop up when you try to synthesize these!
All of these reasons are why I think "There is NO WAY we could estimate accurately what the average extinction rate for Earth is." Which is why it's frustrating to see the "1000x the background extinction rate" number treated like a rigid fact.
It's supposed to communicate that a lot of species have gone extinct in a relatively short period, I don't think it can be extrapolated the way it has been, to an irreversible and indescribably dire situation where the destruction of the biosphere is far beyond anything that can be fixed.
Here's the other part of this conclusion I find frustrating: How the current extinction rate is being calculated. It is based upon double and triple digits of species in each group (of vertebrate animals) having gone extinct both since 1900 and since 1500. Essentially, it uses these numbers from the vertebrate animals we know about that have gone extinct to extrapolate about the general overall extinction rates on Earth.
Articles and books that use this "1000x the usual background rate" statistic present it as some kind of ongoing process that is ruthlessly proceeding forward as we speak. But it is derived from scientists going, well, we predicted 1 or 2 extinctions for every 10,000 species per 100 years, but 100-something went extinct since 1900 that we know of, so this means the "current extinction rate" has changed to be a thousand times what it was.
I'm not great with math. But these numbers seem...coarse. Does that make any sense? The species that went extinct are each specific cases that we know about, and when you take these individual cases and multiply them by big numbers and divide those big numbers to get something like "20 species are going extinct every day!!" that seems wildly irresponsible. People are reading that and thinking, "Oh God, every single day more frogs and fishes and bees are gone forever" when there was such a large margin of error involved in each step of getting there that the final number is almost worthless.
And here's the BIG, HUGE, MASSIVE PROBLEM: The study treats the "extinction rate since 1900" as the same as "extinction rate today." The design of the study totally disregards ALL CONSERVATION EFFORTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS because it assumes that human impact on the environment in all times since 1900 is the same as human impact on the environment today.
It is baked into the design of the study that the conclusions will assume wildlife conservation is happening to a much lesser degree than it actually is, because it uses the time when there were no protections for wild creatures or consequences for slaughtering them in mass numbers and dumping toxic deadly chemicals in waterways to draw its conclusions on what's happening "Now."
Environmental damage is still continuing, but it is not right to terrify people by treating species extinction as a steadily ongoing thing that has "risen" since 1500 because of broad forces that have stayed totally consistent, rather than something that happened for specific reasons in each case and can be prevented from happening. I have no doubt that species are still going extinct, but so many have been saved and are recovering, and it really matters that effort has been put into preserving them.
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 7 months
AAAGH I loved your sinner!Adam fic about him and Reader watching TV together 🥺
I heard you take sinner!Adam requests so is it okay to have a sort-of part 2? Maybe watching movies became a regular thing between them and one time they end up kissing during one? If you find it repetitive and don't want to it's totally okay, I understand! I hope you have a nice day and keep up with the good work 🥹
Oh I loved writing this. The fic below is a sequel to this ficlet
I do hope that you liked it. I'm always worried I've made him too ooc but Sinner!Adam is fanon based atm and if he is wanting redemption he would change his ways.
So Urm yeah enjoy. . . .
What we watching?? Sinner!Adam x GN!reader
Fluffy af
Tumblr media
That night watching trashy romcoms with Adam could have just been a one off thing and you would’ve been fine with it. But when he approached you in the communal kitchens the next morning with a proposition to make ‘Thursday film night’ a regular thing between the two of you. You had asked him why. He said that hanging out with you yesterday was one of the most fun things he had done in a long time. You smiled fondly at him before agreeing.
As Thursday night rolled around again. You were looking forward to sharing some more of your favourite films with Adam. He’d said he would be there by 6ish. You glance at the time on your phone. It was only 6.05pm. He’s probably just running late after the one on one session with Charlie.
An easy way to keep your mind busy was dragging out all your blankets and making a sort of nest type thing on the floor by the couch. You used to do this with your family when you were alive. It just made the movie marathons all that more special. After seeing how far Adam had come since arriving at the hotel. You had really wanted to show him how much he meant to you.
‘Wait, as a friend.’ You stopped mid cushion grab. You liked him as only a friend right? Right?
Your door burst open and slammed shut very quickly Adam was only 45 minutes late, you looked up seeing him breathing hard, carting an armload of snacks, drinks and a few bowls of things.
“There you . . .” he shushes you looking frantically at the closed door. “What did you do?” You whisper as you crawl onto the couch.
A far off loud shouting could be heard in the silence. He waited a minute more before letting out a breath.
“It wasn’t my fault honest.” He looked extremely guilty. You quirked a brow wanting an explanation. “I was trying to make my super awesome dip for our movie night but I maaaaaay have made a really big mess but I didn’t mean to, I just tripped over that cleaner chick who was chasing more of them roaches. This hotel must have an infestation or she is breeding them just to kill. Oh wait, I’m getting off point, the thing is I might have made too much of the dip than I intended and I kinda launched half of it onto another patron. But it wasn’t my fault. This time at least.” He frantically spoke as he juggled the drinks and snacks about in his arms before depositing them carefully on the coffee table. Standing back up he turned and looked down at what you were making. “What’s that?” He points to the accumulated amount of cushions, blankets and other soft furnishings piled on the floor.
“Well, the thing is.” You hopped off the couch into the nest trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal. How were you supposed to explain the reason behind it without him laughing at you? “You know what it’s stupid let me just . . .” You felt shame rush to your cheeks as you tried to dismantle the obviously stupid idea.
“Hey, I didn’t say it was a bad thing. Looks comfy as fuck. Budge up would ya.” You hopped out as he set himself down in the dead center of the nest, keeping his legs open slightly to give you a place to sit. Last week he really liked having you snuggled up close to him, why did you think this week would be any different.
You chose the first movie and plopped yourself down in the space he left for you, his arms wrapping around your middle pulling you flush against his chest.
“So what we watching?”
“I have a question do all of these movie have the same premise?” Adam asked after about 15 minutes into the third film.
“Whatdya mean?” You say through a mouthful of chips.
“Like . . hang on pause the film a sec.” He fumbles for the remote to stop the movie. You shuffle a bit to see him better. “Like don’t get me wrong they’re good films, a bit cliché but surely the lead woman knows that the ‘Oh I’m a famous something or other I have no time for a man’” his fake high pitched womanly voice had you laughing. “Hey shush let me finish my thought.”
“But you make such a good woman.” You poke at his chest playfully.
“Ah ha ha ha.” He grabs your hand in his. “But seriously shush. My point is are there any original ideas in these films?”
“You saying I got trash taste in cinema?” You try pulling your hand away from his grasp. Adam doesn’t let go but pulls you closer to him.
“What I’m saying is watching all these oblivious people who clearly have strong feelings for the other person, got me thinking.” He looks down at your hand in his. “Ya know what never mind let’s keep watching the movie.” He lets go of your hand and grabs for the remote, setting the film going again.
The whiplash from that conversation was enough to make your head spin. You stayed a second more simply looking into the face of a man who had something he wanted to say but couldn’t bring himself to do so. As you turned back in his arms to watch the movie, you could hear a small sigh of relief.
You tried to go back to watching the movie but you couldn’t. Adam only held you loosely now, choosing to focus more on grabbing snacks and sipping his soda. Your mind went into overdrive.
‘What did you do wrong?’
‘Was he mad at you?’
‘Did he . . . wait did he like you?’
You almost choked on a piece of popcorn at the realisation. Adam liked you.
Daring to flick your eyes to look at him. He was focused on the film but the soft look of longing he bore was almost too much.
“Adam?” Your voice was gentle so as not to spook him.
“Mmmyeah?” He was still watching the screen.
You grabbed the remote and paused the TV again.
“Hey, it was getting to a good part.” He looked down at you annoyed. “What. Is there something on my face?” He touches his face trying to feel for any irregularity. “Hey, say something you’re freaking me. mmmf” You pulled him down by his shirt and kissed him. He froze against your lips.
‘Shit was I wrong?’
You move to pull away. But his hands cup your face pulling you back into a tender kiss that makes you melt into his touch. The kiss lasted no longer than 5 seconds but you didn’t care you felt like your entire body was floating.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He spoke softly as he broke the kiss. “Can I kiss you again?” he asked hopefully.
“Yes.” Your words were barely a whisper but it was all he needed to pull you back against him, he kissed you in such a tender way that made your heart flutter in your chest. You didn’t realise he was capable of such gentility but you craved more of it. Your hands carded into his hair, being careful of his horns, as one of his hands went to cradle the back of your head, effectively tilting your head to allow him to deepen the kiss. His other hand moved to your lower back, fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt. The kiss had an undertone of heat laced in the movements of your joined lips.
You broke the kiss panting slightly, you noted his pupils were dilated slightly as you were sure yours mirrored back.
You had to slow this down now before you regretted anything.
“Adam.” Your voice low in warning. “As much as I enjoy kissing you. Can we take whatever this is a little slower?”
You expected him to whine or pout about being told no. but he just smiles goofily at you. Swiping a thumb over your lower lip.
“Sure thing.” He kisses your forehead before helping you settle back against him the way your were before. He picked up the remote “Ready to continue?”
You weaved your fingers with his other hand and nodded “Ready.”
I hope this is what you wanted.
My ask box is still open if anyone else got requests
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fancifulflora · 8 months
Something New: Soda (Mychael x Reader)
I now am writing for a new character! He just gives me so much serotonin I had to crawl out of my cave to throw something down. The character for those who don't know, is Mychael from Mushroom Oasis. A VN by Deersphere Studios if i remember correctly
Mychael stared down at the aluminum can with vague recognition, the tip of his tail swinging back and forth as he lowered his head down to be eye level with the drink.
It was really shiny. Colorful too.
"I picked up something from the store for you," you did your best to explain as you unpacked your groceries, fighting back a smile as you watched him cautiously wrapped his tail around the soda and lifted it for closer inspection. "You do know what soda is right?"
"A little... I've seen it on the sides of roads. Although not like this..." He muttered, squinting at the drink before giving it a small shake. For Mychael, who liked keeping his trysts to the modern human world short, soda was just crushed litter that filled the sides of roads and forest paths. Shiny litter, but litter nonetheless.
He gave it another shake, hearing the slosh of liquid inside.
Oh no.
Your raised voice instantly cast a spell on the recluse, Mychael as still as a statue, only his his widened eyes daring to shift over to you across the table. Did he do something wrong?
"Just... be careful." You warned, placing a hand on his tail and lowering the can to safety. "It might blow if you shake it too hard."
Mychael's gaze turned fearful as he looked down at the nuke you had just brought into your shared home, a cold sweat sliding down his back.
Now that would certainly explain all those crushed pieces of aluminum wouldn't it?
He placed down the can as gingerly as possible before pulling his tail to safety. Then he looked over at you an awkward smile given in thanks for such a dangerous gift.
Amusement, the corner of your lip was raised at the sight of him. Oh... You must have been joking... probably.
"I'm only teasing," Your confirmation lessened his worry as he watched your retreating form fetch two cups and crack open the can, the fizz bringing another twitch to Mychael's ears as he watched foamy liquid begin to be portioned out for the two of you.
"What does it taste like?" He asked, taking a cup from you and feeling a light mist hit him as he took a precursory sniff at the drink.
Not much to note smell wise.
"This one is lemon flavored. I'm pretty sure they take some flavored syrup and then inject carbonated water into it to make soda."
"What's car-bun-ate water?"
"Uh... I'll explain it to you another day," Mychael nodded at this, happy to settle for one new piece of information at a time. Carefully he tilted the cup and then took a deep sip of this mystery drink.
It stung against his taste buds... but not in any overly painful way. And there was an almost sickly sweetness to it. Like berries a little too ripe into the season, just, he supposed, without the berry flavor.
He could sorta taste the lemon flavor, perhaps lemons were different for the humans that made this drink. Or maybe it was a type of lemon he couldn't forage for or buy around this area.
Either way... it was good.
His best friend's laughter brought his attention back to them, a finger bring pointed at his tail.
"I can see you like it a whole lot," You mused, watching his tail wildly whip back and forth. It stopped the moment you pointed it out, a dark blue spreading across Mychael's ears and face as he frantically tucked the wayward tail away.
"I-It was really good, the drink. Kinda weird, but in a good way!"
"Well I'm glad you like it, it's not the best thing to have all the time but if you want, I can grab a new flavor every once in a while... let you see try them out and see what you like." The offer was almost as sickly sweet as the drink he could still taste on his tongue, Mychael looking down at his now empty cup before giving a small lick of his lips and nodding.
"Yeah...yeah, I think I'd like that, please..." he whispered, the shy request bringing an unnoticed smile onto his guest's face.
"It's a deal."
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connorsbunnyx · 1 year
☆ « 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 » ☆
♡ ~ dom!micheal afton x sub!gn!afab!reader ~ ♡
♪ smut request: micheal surprises reader on their birthday!
♪ a/n: i absolutely love this request anon! i hope you enjoy this smutty fic <3. i hope i did a good job with your vague request :]. it does have a wholesome fluff around the end that is very romantic <3. this fic is based in modern times :D! also, very sorry if my writing's bad or seems rushed, it wasn't, that's just how my writing looks to me (the end was rushed though). i'm also sorry that there's so many warnings, i just don't want to trigger anyone😭.
♪ songs that vibe with the fic: "Clair de Lune, L. 32" by Claude Debussy or "It's Been a Long, Long Time" by Kitty Kallen for the romantic part (Kitty Kallen is for the 40s-60s type love <3). "The Hills" by The Weeknd or "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails for the smut part (such good music that match the vibes😩💙).
♪ warnings (non sexual): mdni, 18+, modern!au, reader's and Micheal's age is mentioned, reader's height isn't mentioned but they are shorter than Micheal, honestly this doesn't have a major plot LMFAO, vulgar language (obviously), established relationship, reader uses they/them pronouns but has an afab body, reader wears feminine clothing and uses binder, one mention of bullying, beginning explains backstory, a few mentions of the reader being pretty/beautiful, Micheal calls reader petnames (baby, darling, love, etc), no use of y/n or anything like that, angst at the end, probably not proofread fully - there might be spelling/grammar mistakes :(
♪ warnings (sexual): piv, switches between soft!dom!Micheal and hard!dom!Micheal, creampie, no condom but reader is on birth control (please use protection irl, it's hard to have a baby), dom/sub dynamic, daddy kink, bondage, oral sex (reader receiving), praise kink, degrading kink (only used for "good [insert pronouns]" praises), possessive!micheal, marking kink(??), a little edging, choking, slight breeding kink if ya squint, aftercare <3.
♪ fic starts under cut ♪
You and Micheal have been together for awhile now, almost three years, since you two met in college. You and Micheal started out as friends, instantly having a connection. The connection was mostly because he was sweet and charming to you, his actions towards you were much different than other students at the college. You were bullied quite a bit, not as bad as your highschool bullies though, but Micheal helped you gain confidence and stand up for yourself. You both caught feelings fast, afraid to tell each other, until one fateful night. You kissed Micheal, telling him your feelings, to find out that the feelings were mutual. Soon after, you two started dating.
Today was your 21st birthday, meaning that you were finally ready to drink alcohol. Micheal was only a year older than you, he sometimes had beer when he came over to your apartment. Those days he would let you take a sip then softly laugh at how your face would scrunch up in disgust from the taste and the burn in your throat from the beer.
The date you were on started out as one of the best dates you and Michael had, it was beautiful tonight. The sky was filled with stars, the moon was clear in the sky, there were no clouds in sight, it was absolutely beautiful and utterly peaceful. The weather was amazing as you sat outside the restaurant, the one you and Micheal were at right now. The outside table you were at, was a perfect spot to see the distant mountains that were scattered around the small town of Hurricane, Utah. The cool air had a nice breeze, making the temperature much better than it was earlier that day.
You and Micheal had already ordered your food, two medium-rare steaks, mashed potatoes, and a small salad for you. The food smelled and looked amazing.
♪ a/n: i'm sorry if your vegan/vegetarian, you could pick your own choice of food <3! now, let the sinful actions commence :D!
Micheal had been hiding the tent in his pants he saw you in that little dress you wore for the date, that was an hour ago. He couldn't help it, the dress hugged your body perfectly. The dressed hugged you so well, the hem of the dress reaching the top of your thighs, it was a short black turtleneck dress with short-sleeves. He could see the subtle outline of your binder through the dress, your tits practically gone. Micheal wanted to fucking devour you while at the restaurant and on the way to the restaurant.
He observed you as you ate your food, making sure to eat his own food occasionally to make sure he wasn't caught staring. Honestly, you were oblivious about his hunger for you, you were too focused on how pretty everything was around you, plus, you were also focused on how amazing the food was.
When you finished your food, you wiped your mouth before looking at Micheal with a smile. He smiled back, grabbing your hand and kisses your palm. You blush slightly from the affectionate kiss to your palm, making Micheal's pants feel tighter. He called over the waiter and paid for the meal, leading you out of the restaurant with graceful strides. Although his strides were graceful, he seemed to be in a rush to get you home..
You two went into his car, his hands immediately buckling you in with a kiss to your cheek before driving off after he buckled himself too.
Almost as soon as you and Micheal entered your apartment, Micheal was already kissing your lips with a gentle but passionate pace. His hands were on your waist as he kissed you, his grip a bit tight as the hunger he felt for you slowly overwhelmed his body and actions.
"i have a surprise for you, my dear." He mumbled against the kiss, pulling away to breathe. You looked so pretty like this to him, face flushed pink, your eyes hazy with lust, your breathing heavy, and your lips puffy because of only him. He could feel pride and possessiveness course through his blood from the sight of the effect he had on you. He quickly grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom, gently pushing you onto the bed.
Micheal slowly bent down over your figure, his lips immediately latching onto yours, this time his kiss filled with lust and hunger. One of his hands slowly slid up from your thigh, across your stomach, to one of your tits that was covered by the binder you were wearing. He could feel your hard nipples through the binder and dress, making him let out a soft chuckle before he pulled away from the kiss to stare into your eyes.
"do you want this, darlin'?" His voice was husky with lust as he asked permission, a small smirk on his face when you nodded. "speak up, dear." He commanded, the smirk on his face getting bigger as he watched your body shiver in anticipation.
"please, touch me." You whisped in a breathless voice, the tone in your voice soft as your panties got slick with arousal. Micheal groaned softly at your words, his pants now tighter as he thought about how he could touch you.
But, wouldn't it be more fun to tease you? To see you beg for only him? You'd look so fucking pretty writhing in pleasure underneath him, you'd know who you belonged to.
Micheal was a bit conflicted, after all.. it is your birthday. He finally decided his next move, the smirk on his face completely gone as he stared at your smaller form with pure hunger. He slowly leaned down and kissed your neck, his hand that was on your chest cupping your throat in a gentle choking manner. Micheal didn't add preasure to your neck, he just rested it there as he kissed up and down your neck, leaving small hickeys. His other hand, that wasn't on your neck, trailed down to the top your thigh.. just below the hem of your dress. The action made you let out a soft, desperate whine from his subtle teasing.
He chuckled softly at your reaction, a faux sympathetic expression on his handsome but sharp face before pulling away from your neck and looking at you face-to-face. His hot breath fanned your lips as your eyes stared into his, the air getting thicker with lust as you two stared at each other. He studied your features with "concern" in his eyes, his brows scrunched together.
"is something the matter, dear?" He asked in a soft whisper, his deep and husky voice laced with faux sympathy. He almost sound like he was mocking you, the sound of his voice making your body tempature rise with lust and anticipation. You were excited about what he might do to you, you would probably let him do anything he wanted to you and enjoy it. He took note of the small shiver your body did, his ego growing bigger along with the possessive feelings that he had in this moment. He leaned down by your ear, his hot breath now fanning the shell of your ear.
"baby, you need to tell what you want or i can't help you." His voice was low as he spoke, the slight British accent mixing in with a Southern accent that he developed from living in Utah with his family, the British accent from when he talked with his father. The mixed accent made you let out a soft gasp, along with how Micheal's hand finally cupped your lace white panties under your dress.
"please.. need you, Micheal-!" You cried out in desperation, feeling his thumb, from the hand that was cupping your panty-covered cunt, gently rub your clit through the panties. He tutted disapprovingly at how you called him by his name, making him pull back his hand for a brief moment. You hadnt heard his disapproving sound when he made it, you were too focused on how badly you needed him in that moment.
"Micheal, please —" You started begging, getting cut off as a cry escaped your lips from the gentle but firm smack, on your panty-covered pussy, that Micheal gave you.
"that's not my name, darlin', and you know it." Micheal said lowly, his voice deep and animalistic, the sound of his voice almost like a deep animalistic growl. You gasped softly, not answering him, as his thumb rubbed your clit again, this time in a rough manner. Micheal's hand on your throat tightened a little, a gentle but firm preasure now on your throat. The pressure wasn't too hard, just enough to make you feel a little lightheaded and your mind hazy.
But, you not answering Micheal didn't please him at all, his hand on your cunt now giving your cunt another slap, this time was much harder. You cried out again, choking out a sob from the pleasureful pain of your, now sticky panties, rubbing against your clit, along with the overstimulating feeling your clit was receiving between the slaps and stickiness of your panties.
"no — 'm sorry, daddy!" You cried out with a soft sob, hot tears welling up in your eyes, threatening to fall, from the feeling of your overstimulated clit and the sweet sting the forceful slaps left on your throbbing pussy. Micheal left out a soft hum of approval, his hand on your throat loosening and the hand on your cunt gently rubbing your clit through the thin, stick panties you still had on. He leaned up to your face as he continued his motions on your cunt, moving his hand to gently grip your chin as he pecked you lips. He pulled away and went back to your cunt, your panties to his eye-level now.
Micheal slid his hand down from your chin, down your tummy, before having both hands grip the edge of your panties from under the dress you were wearing. He looked up at you, his eyes silently asking you for permission. You gave him a soft nod, a soft, reassuring smile on his face before he lowered his body as he got on his knees on the floor. He slid his hands from under your dress, to your waist, and pulled you closer to the edge, his face now in front of your panty-covered cunt. His face was serious again, the hunger that he had for you evident. He gently out your legs on his shoulders, spreading you open so he could see your cunt clearly.
The action made your face flush pink in embarrassment and excitement, anticipation filled your mind as filthy thoughts raced around in your mind. You didn't even notice that Micheal had already pulled your panties off you and bunched your dress up to your waist, you were too focused on pushing away the thoughts that were racing in your mind. Your attention didn't go back to the present until your thoughts got cut off by Micheal giving your bare cunt a soft lick, making you cry out in surprise. Your legs shook a bit as pleasure filled your body, the familiar feeling of your tummy getting hot with anticipation, the familiar knot of pleasure forming in your tummy already. Micheal let out a soft hum from your reaction, your head falling back onto the bedsheets as the vibrations of his hum filled your body with pleasure.
Micheal slowly licked up and down your lips, teasing you. Soft whimpers escaped your lips from the almost overwhelming pleasure of Micheal's teasing, making you bite your lip to keep the noises that bubbled up in your throat slip out. Micheal noticed this and pulled back, making you lift up your head and look at him with a confused expression.
"let me hear those noises, dear. i want to hear you, 'kay? you don't want to be punished d'ya?" His voice was low and animalistic as he spoke, his eyes dark with lust and a hint of anger. You nodded quickly, causing a warning slap on your ass. You gasped from the feeling of the slap, the gasp immediately forming into a soft whimper from the comforting sting the slap left.
"yes daddy." You whispered, earning a soft hum from Micheal before he leaned down again and kissed along the top of your thighs, leaving hickeys and bite marks that were seen scattered around your thighs. As he finally reached your pussy again, he kissed your clit, making a soft whimper escaping your lips from the feeling. He chuckled softly before licking your cunt again, this time slowly picking up his pace as he kept licking.
Once Micheal had found a pace he liked, he licked and sucked your pussy like a man who hadn't ate a proper meal in days. The feeling made you moan his name repeatedly, the knot in your tummy getting tighter as he continued his pace. Micheal could feel your cunt tighten on nothing as he continued eating you out, soft hums occasionally leaving his now puffy lips. Your arousal had dripped onto your thighs, Micheal's face, and the bedsheets - the bedsheets now having a small puddle of your arousal on the edge, where you were laying down. Your hands flew down to Micheal and gripped his shaggy brown hair as he slipped his tongue in your tight hole, a soft cry leaving your lips as your back arched off the bed just a tad.
You could feel the knot in your tummy tighten, your cunt tightening around Micheal's tongue as he thrusted his tongue into your mercilessly. You moaned loudly as Micheal teased your hole with a finger, his tongue still thrusting into you in a rough pace.
Your orgasm was approaching quickly and Micheal knew it, so he decided to pull away completely to tease you, his head now just a few inches away from your cunt as he breathed heavily. The action made you let out a choked sob of desperation as you started to beg for him. "daddy —please, need to cum —" You whispered with a soft, begging whine in your voice, your hands desperately trying to pull him back to you by gently tugging his hair towards you with another whine, making him grip both of your wrists tightly, but not too tight, with one hand and pull them away from his hair. He slowly stood up, making sure not to hurt you in the process, and look at you with a stern look.
"no. only good sluts get to cum." Micheal whispered harshly, his voice husky with an animalistic tone, his voice practically a growl. He leaned down, his face to your eye-level. His hot, heavy breath fanned your lips as he looked at you with wide, lustful eyes. He let go of your hands before standing up with a stern expression on his face. Your orgasm quickly dissapeared, making you have a soft pout on your lips. "don't move your hands, keep them above your head." He commaned, his tone harsh but it had a hint of gentleness underneath the harsh tone. He walked over to one of the dressers in the bedroom, pulling open a drawer that you knew all too well.
Your ears practically perked up like a bunny's would from the familiar sound of metal making a — clink! — sound as the metal hit one another. You lifted your head just enough so you could see what Micheal was grabbing, making your eyes widened a bit as you saw what he had grabbed. Micheal had grabbed his favorite toy, the black leather cuffs that always made you wet no matter what. The small chain that kept them together and/or hook onto something drooping slightly as Micheal held in a lazy grip, his hand flexing slightly as held them. The sight of his hand made your face get a bit red, memories of how many times he had choked you and touched you with his hand.
You had zoned out from your thoughts, not noticing how Micheal was looking at you with a dark — hungry — look, that was until you heard Micheal's heavy footsteps again.
Your eyes quickly flicked back to him, your lips parting as you stared up at him with — slightly — wide, lustful eyes. He smirked darkly down at your smaller form, his usual blue hazel eyes now a dark blue with hints of green in them still. You slowly gulped, your body starting to slightly tremble as anticipation once again filled your mind and body. Micheal helped you sit up after he set the cuffs onto the bed, taking off your dress and binder. He gently rubbed the little red line that the binder left, gently kissing along the line of it that was in the front.
He picked up the leather cuffs and motioned for you to hold out your wrists, your body immediately following his directions as if it were on autopilot. He hummed in approval, strapping the leather handcuffs onto your wrists, tugging onto the chain that kept them together, testing the cuffs.
A ghost of a smile graced his lips as he saw that the cuffs were tight enough for you not to move very well, one of his hands gently gripping the chain and helping you move up to the headboard. He quickly grabbed a leather belt that was on the floor and tied it to the headboard of the bed, wrapping it around the chain of the leather cuffs and keeping your hands above your head. He tugged on the belt, testing the belt to see if it would loosen. He let out another soft hum as he saw that the leather belt was tight enough and kept your hands pinned above your head, your wrists not able to move. He gave you look of — does it hurt? — a smile gracing his lips when you shook your head.
Micheal slowly pulled you down, making sure to not hurt you as he made the position more comfortable for you. He leaned down and kissed your lips in a slow, gentle pace, his hands spread on the bedsheets on both sides of your form as he kissed you. You let out a soft whine as he kissed you, your arms jerking a bit as you tried to touch him. He let out a soft chuckle from your actions, knowing that you were a bit irritated with the handcuffs that wouldn't let you move. He pulled back from the kiss to breathe, enjoying the way that your body was trembling under him when he hadn't even done anything. You looked so fucking pretty to Micheal as you stared up at him with pleading eyes, frustrated tears welling up in your eyes as they threatened to fall. Micheal looked at the tears in your eyes, his eyes growing darker as the possessiveness he felt got stronger, everything in him telling him to make you cry so you knew that you only belonged to him.
Micheal stepped away from the bed, finally stripping out of his clothes. Once he had his everything else except his boxers off, he breifly palmed himself through his boxers before taking them off, his cock pink and the veins bulging. You stared at him with hunger, watching as he slowly stroked his hard cock with his spit, his eyes full of hunger as he stared at your body. He stopped stroking himself and walked back to your spread out body that was on the bed, sitting in between your spread legs with a small smirk. He maintained eye contact as he gently rubbed himself up and down your bare pussy, gathering your arousal.
Your pussy was absolutely drenched, the small puddle on the bedsheets now a bit bigger from how wet you were. Micheal lined himself up with your hole before looking at you with a slightly concerned expression, he was silently asking for permission. You nodded, giving him permission to slip inside you. He gave you a soft smile before looking back down at your pussy, bumping his cock into your clit in a teasing manner. The action made you gasp, the gasp turning into a silent scream, the silent scream now a whimper as he slowly pushed himself inside you with a groan.
You whimpered softly as Micheal slowly entered your warm, tight hole, his cock already filling you up even though he wasn't even fully inside you yet. Your head tilted back as a low moan escaped your lips from the feeling of his cock filling you up more, a soft whimper escaping your lips as your hands gripped the leather cuffs. Micheal slowly leaned forward, softly shushing you as an attempt to comfort you.
"you're 'kay dear, 'm almost there.." Micheal whispered as he leaned forward, kissing your cheek. He slammed fully into you with a groan, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss to swallow the loud cry that escaped your puffy lips. He kept himself all the way inside your hole, staying still so you could get used to his size. It still amazed Micheal how tight you were despite having sex with him almost everyday. Micheal looked down at your smaller form, watching how your tits were so exposed as your head tilted back a little, your lips parted as soft whimpers slip out. Micheal kept still, waiting for your permission to move.
The pain from Micheal's size subsided, the pain now pleasure. You moved your hips up as best as you could to test out the feeling of him, a low moan escaping your lips as you rested your head on a pillow to look up at Micheal. Micheal looked at you with the silent question for permission, getting a nod from you. Micheal slowly thrusted forward, a low groan escaping his lips from the feeling of how tight your cunt was. The action made you moan, the soft noise making Micheal twitch inside your cunt. He kept a slow pace for now, the knot in your tummy from earlier coming back.
Micheal looked at you with lustful eyes as he slowly thrusted into you, keeping the pace agonizingly slow so he could make you beg for him. It worked, soon enough you were a babbling mess of — "please, faster-! need you, daddy!" or "harder, daddy-! s- so good..!" — with small whimpers and whines escaping your lips, the desperation for him overwhelming your body, soul, and mind.
Micheal let out a low growl, an actual growl, finally setting the pace to a quicker one with his hips slamming into yours as he thrusted harder into your tight hole, the hard thrusts making you cry out and moan. Micheal stared down at your body, the possessive feelings getting overwhelming as he slid one of his hands to your throat and gripped it firmly, the grip still gentle though. Micheal pulled out, leaving just his tip inside you before slamming into you. He kept doing that until he heard you moan louder than you had earlier, almost making him go feral.
"that's right, moan for me." Micheal growled lowly, his hips slamming into yours in a harder pace as his larger body hunched over your smaller form. Your body shook as you felt the orgasm that was denied earlier approach much faster than before. Micheal could feel your cunt tightening on him, making him groan lowly as he slammed into you even harder.
"that's right darlin', cum for daddy. i want to feel you cum on my cock." He groaned lowly, his hand on your throat tightening a bit more. The grip wasn't too tight, just enough to make you a little lightheaded and brain hazy. As if on cue, the knot in your tummy snapped, a silent scream on your lips as your back arched off the bed and your head tilted back as you laid on the pillow. You came hard, your whole body practically trembling as you came, the feeling making Micheal groan. Micheal couldn't handle it anymore, his hips now slamming into yours hard as he thrusted into you with abandon, low growls and groans escaping his lips.
"fuck, such a good slut f' me. you're mine, darlin'." Micheal growled lowly, leaning down and capturing your lips in a rough kiss as he thrusted into you impossibly harder. "cum f' me again, dear. need to feel you again." Micheal groaned into the kiss, running his tongue across your bottom lip — asking for permission. You kept your lips closed with a soft giggle, making Micheal growl lowly. He thrusted sharply into you, making you gasp slightly. He took the chance and dove his tongue into your mouth, taking control of the kiss as he explored your mouth with his tongue. Micheal pulled away from the kiss and gripped your hips tightly with both hands, slamming into you harder — if that was even possible — his cock hitting your g-spot with each thrust.
The pleasure was overwhelming for you, making you cum again with a cry. Your body shook under Micheal's grip as you came, your head tilting back, your back arching off the bed, and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Micheal looked down at your body as you came, speeding up his thrusts as he slammed into you even harder.
"i'm goin' to make you mine forever, baby.." Micheal whispered as he leaned down next to your ear, his breathing heavy as he fucked you through your orgasm. The overstimulation was too much for your body, making you cum again as you practically screamed from the overwhelming painful pleasure of Micheal's thrusts and the overstimulation you were experiencing. Micheal's thrusts got sloppy as he chased his orgasm, slamming into you harder a few times before he slammed himself fully inside you.
Micheal stayed still as he came inside you with a low groan, the groan sounding a lot like a growl. His cum filled you up to the brim, a low moan escaping your lips as your tummy felt scorching hot from how much cum was inside you. Micheal stared down at your body, watching how full your cunt looked with his cock fully inside you. You looked absolutely beautiful with his cock stuffed inside you so deeply. Micheal stayed in place for a few minutes, enjoying how it felt to have you so full of him inside you.
Eventually Micheal slowly pulled out of you, watching how his cum dripped out of your cunt and fell onto the bedsheets that were under you. He looked up at you, watching how you were starting to get sleepy and drowsy. Micheal leaned forward and untied the belt, throwing it across the room, not caring where it went. He then unbuckled the handcuffs, kissing your wrists to comfort you. He got off the bed, walking into the connected bathroom and grabbing a soapy washcloth to clean you up. He walked back over to you and slowly cleaned you up, gently rubbing your waist with one hand while his other one cleaned your cunt. Micheal picked you up bridal style, taking you to the bathroom and letting you use the restroom alone as he switched out the bedsheets and the comforters. Micheal carried you out of the bathroom as you yelled out his name, setting you back on the bed. He gave you a change of black panties but helped you put on his black "Nirvana" shirt that you basically swimmed in and helped you put on pajama shorts.
You and Micheal had been cuddling on your bed, the movie "Bolt" playing softly in the background. Your head laid on Micheal's chest as you watched the movie, not noticing how Micheal was grabbing something very special..
"baby, let's go get some snacks." Micheal offered, although it was more like commanded, making you grin. Micheal slowly got up and held out his hand, smiling when he felt your hand in his. He led you to the kitchen, helping you walk since you were still a bit sore. He gently grabbed your waist and sat you up on the countertop, pecking your nose before walking over to a cabinet and grabbing a box of chocolate he bought for you.
♪ a/n: you can choose any candy ya want, i just put chocolate so i don't have to do the fav food abbreviation <3.
Micheal handed you the chocolate, chuckling softly at how excited you got from seeing it. He watched as you opened it, slowly pulling out the small box with a ring inside it and getting down on one knee as he took the opportunity of you not looking to ask the big question once you looked back at him.
You stared at the note in the box of chocolates in shock, reading the handwritten words with tears of happiness already welling up in your eyes.
♪ a/n: the text below is the note and it's corny as hell, i know it is. but it's fanfiction, wth did you expect?💀 bruhh, i'm not even good at love notes, so it's even more corny and worst than most😭😭
Baby, these three years have been the best years of my life and I want the rest of my years to be the best too. You always make me so happy, before I met you.. my life was dark and had no light, it was endless darkness. You are my light, my amazing and beautiful light. I love you, darling. look in front of you for a surprise, my love.
yours forever,
Micheal A.
You finally looked back at Micheal, a soft gasp escaping your lips as you saw him on his knee and the beautiful clear diamon ring in the small box he was holding. You covered your hand with one hand to stop the sobs of happy tears wrack through your body, your whole being now filled with overwhelming happiness and your love for Micheal. You nodded quickly, setting the box of chocolates to the side and hugging him as he stood up, his larger form in between your legs. You hugged Micheal tightly, the sobs wracking through your body as he gently stroked your back and gently kissed your hair. After you had finally calmed down, you looked back up at him with a soft smile. He smiled back and leaned down again, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss as he slid the ring onto your ring finger. The motion made you smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and deepening the kiss.
You were excited about your future with Micheal, you absolutely loved this man. You loved Micheal Afton, the most important person in your life who thought he didn't deserve your love. He loved you and you loved him, you were happy with your life now..
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vulpixisananimal · 5 months
"So. . ."
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(You were lying down on a couch. You were doing woodcarving; it was theraputic. Mirabelle had just come over from cleaning up and sat at the other end of the couch.)
"Hello Mirabelle, got any questions for your friendly star~"
(She tittered at that.) "Hehe, maybe a few. Even if it, might not matter much."
"Talking is still nice, ask away."
"Well. . ." (She thought for a second.) "Well are you, doing ok?"
"???" (That took you by surprise. You were expecting something about how the loops worked, or where they came from.) ". . . I'm, well I'm doing great! We've only been doing this for a few loops and that's practicaly No time at all~"
"W-well, I suppose, but I meant more in general."
(You paused carving.) "Hmm?"
"Well, Siffrin said you showed up soon after we beat the King. And, well, I was wondering, has it been alright? I-I mean, sharing a body with Sif and all. A-and like, since we didn't know you were around did we do something that made you-"
"Oh hush Mirabelle." (You twirl your dagger casually.) "It was a lovely time in Bambouche, really! The beach was just so nice, it was a good way to meet Nille too! No need to explain the whole being a star thing~"
"I guess so. . ."
"I will say, as much as I like Stardust," (You lower your tone to a dramatic one.) "Sharing a head with them is agony sometimes."
(She giggles again.) "Is it really that hard? Or. ."
"It's complicated. So, so complicated." (You thougt for a moment.) "Talking to eachother is like. . . Almost like someone else is having thoughts in your own head. And you have thoughts back. It can be hard to tell whos thoughts are whos, but you can 'talk' very fast."
"Because you're just thinking to eachother?"
"In a way~" (You tap your chin with your knife.) "It's hard to explain, but I might to better a better job next time, tee hee~"
(Another giggle.) "It makes some sense, I think."
"From what I've read it's a very complex disorder." (Odiles voice. You turn, she was finding a place to sit down.) "Each person experiences it differently too."
"Complex doesn't even start to describe it. . ." (You decide to just put away your carving.) "Headaches are almost constant."
"With how Siffrin thinks? Well I wouldn't wish that on anyone."
"Oh the burdens we must bare."
"What burdens are we bareing today?" (It was Isabeau walking in now.)
"The big furry types of course~"
"Ha! Haha!"
"Well you two have something in common."
"Tee hee~"
(You sat up and made room or Isabeau on the couch. He sat down and talked.) "Bonnie and Nille are just putting some leftovers away." (He looked over at Mirabelle.) "You're sure there's no bruising? Bonnie still has a headache."
(. . .)
"I'm positive, I double and tripple checked."
(For the love of Stars will you just tell me what I missed already?!? CLEARLY something happened you're not telling me.)
(I will not tell you.)
(You are infuriating.)
"Kid probably just needs a lie down." (Isa comments.)
"Once this is over we all do." (You say, you still felt exhausted from all this time craft. Will you at least tell me when we're out of this blinding loop?)
(I can agree to that.)
"Speaking of such. Would you mind if we try talking to Stardust now?" (Odile asked.)
(You nod.) "If ever there was a time for it~"
". . . So how do we do this?" (Asked Mirabelle.)
"Well, first I'll get Siffrin back here. It might get a bit confusing for us but don't worry about that~" (You thought for a moment.) "Although, Isabeau, if that mind craft is still afflicting Siffrin, could you try making sure he doesn't do anything stupid?"
"Uh, alright! I think I can do that."
"I'd like to ask Siffrin the questions if that's alright." (Odile had gotten up from her seat and walked over.)
"Of course, and Mirabelle if you could. . ."
"Morale support?" (She suggested.)
"Morale support!"
"Perfect, moral support it is."
(Alright. . . Siffrin. . .)
(You breath in, and out. Stardust, where just where are you Stardust. You were forced out quite abruptly, but you could come back with. . . The thoughts of Isabeau? No no, something bad maybe? Probaly not. What about his favorite foods? Oh well they did love that Pan Au Chocolate-)
(You feel a bit dizzy. There you are Stardust~)
(Loop? What happened. I was forced out of front by Mal du Pays, I didn't remember much afterwards. You're here because they want to ask you a few questions. Yes? Why though?)
(They're worried about you. Something happened. So if you don't mind. . .)
(You blink a few times, you had a mild headache but it cleared fast.) "Uh. . ."
"Siffrin?" (Huh? Or Mirabelle was at your side. Isabeau and Odile too.)
(You rub your head.) "Hi uh. . . What happened?"
(Mirabelle glanced over to Odile, who started talking.) "Are you feeling alright, Siffrin?"
"Dazed, headache, confused. Did something happen??"
"I'm getting to that." (Odile continued.) "Do you remember what happened?"
"Uhm. . . I was talking to Ramos? Yeah, yeah Ramos came over to see Isabeau."
(You glance between the three of them. Loop what's going on?)
(Mental check in, Stardust.)
"And what did you talk about."
"It was. . . Right! We were chatting about our adventures, how we met Isabeau, and uh. . ."
(You glance at Isa as Odile continues.) "What else?"
"Well, well, they were curious if Isabeau mentioned them at all." (Why was it so hard to remember?)
"And you said. . ."
(You smiled.) "I said 'of course he did!'"
(. . .Stars.)
(Huh? Did you say something wrong? They all looked worried. Isabeau spoke up.) "Are. . . Are you sure Sif?"
"Positive, right?" (You think hard.) "Because. . . Because you talked about them helping you for the Defenders exams?"
(Isabeau looked. . . Sad? What was going on?!?)
"That, didn't happen, Siffrin." (Odile said.) "I'm, sorry but that's not true."
(You could feel your breathing quicken. What do they mean??? Ramos was, was Isabeaus best friend, right? Hadn't you been excited to see them?!? That's why you came here in the first place right???)
(You have a headache. What was going on?!? No, no Ramos was your friend right?)
"Siffrin?" (You turn to Isabeau, he was holding out a hand. You grab it and squeeze. He doesn't even flinch.) "It's. . . Well, just take a breath first, ok? With me? Just like you showed us, right?"
(Right, right, just breathe. In. . . . and Out. . .)
(Feeling better, Stardust?)
(No, yes, maybe. Just. I'm just confused.) "Alright, alright, please tell me what happened, please."
"Siffrin, well, Ramos isn't really, a good person right now, I think." (You turn to Mirabelle as she continues.) "They, well, Loop told us that they've been effecting people with Mind Craft. You included."
(It's a craft type that effects ones memories, ones mind. Your perception of Ramos has been altered, Stardust.)
(Odile talking now.) "It should be reversable, but from what I know it might be more difficult as it may be powered by a wish. If that's the case it could. . ."
"It would just take a while!" (Mira jumps in.) "But! The good news is Loop isn't effected?"
(Your breathing is getting heavy again. What? But, Ramos was a big figure in Isabeaus life, right? There where all those stories! Like, like.)
(You cannot remember.)
(It's a trick, Stardust~ A nasty one at that.)
(You lean into Isabeau, you feel lightheaded.) "A-are you sure? I, I mean. . ." (It. . . It was really hard to believe. You had this feeling, this instinct, that Ramos was a friend, the best, the. . .)
"Sorry Sif." (Isa gently put a hand on your head. You didnt flinch.) "We'll get this figured out, ok?"
". . . Promise?"
"I promise!"
"Of course I promise!" (Mirabelle chimed in.)
"I don't want to see what happens when your memory gets worse. I promise we'll figure it out." (Odile adds.)
(You nod. And sigh.) ". . . Thank you."
(Your head hurts. Loop, can you, can you please just deal with this?)
(Of course Stardust~ It might be better since-)
(Because Ramos might still be able to effect me. Yeah. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.)
(You breathe in, and out. And in the future, you can take over in a pinch if needed, ok?)
(Same back to you. stars, even for Mal too. Just in case.)
(Thank you.)
(. . . . .)
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[You got the Memory of Switching! When equipped, this will make it easier for you to switch out with your headmates, even durring battle!]
(You pause a second before moving. Isabeau is comfortable, he's got a hand on your head. No need to pull away immediatly.)
(Is now really the time?)
(Hush you. Stardust's gone now, let me have this.)
(You took one more second before getting up and stretching.) "Well! That was quite enlightening~"
"Yes yes, Stardust decided to go for now, didn't trust themself to act rational."
"Aww. . ." (Isabeau awkwardly rubbed his side.) "I can't imagine how he must be feeling."
"Now where have I heared that before." (Odile adds, going back to her own seat.)
"We miss anything?" (It was Nille, she and Bonnie where walking in.)
"Just checked in on Siffrin." (Odile sighs.) "Unfortunatly, the mind craft stuck."
"Crab" (Nille sat down on the ground.)
"Stupid Crabbing mind crab" (Bonnie stormed over to a chair and sat down.)
(You laugh.) "You'll never get Bonbon to stop swearing at this rate."
"Oh I will!" (She replied, rolling her eyes.)
"Nuh uh!" (Bonnie stuck out their tongue.)
"Yuh huh!"
"Nuh uh!!!"
"Yuh huh or you a stupid face."
"YOU'RE a stupid face!"
"Gasp!! Bonnie! How could you! Your own Sister!"
(You fail to hold in your laughter.)
(Why couldn't ever day be this simple.)
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
How do your classmates and teachers view you?
A general depiction of how your classmates and teachers see you and think of you.
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Choose the picture that attracts you and you can choose two piles. Leave a note to support. And have a nice day!
Paid services
Take deep breaths and fix your posture.
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Pile 1
Hello pile 1 ! You're classmates see you as someone who's competitive and likes winning. You give off the vibe of higher achiever. You might also see that your classmates also see you as a competition and might compare their grades with you. For some of you I'm getting that you might be very popular in school because of your intelligence and knowledge and this might attract some jealousy. Your classmates see you as someone who is always in their own world and does their own thing and very passionate about their studies. Someone who takes their academic life seriously. You're okay with enjoying with your friends and skipping classes but when it's time to study or when you feel like you should study, you became very serious and forget your surroundings.
On the other hand your teachers see you as someone who balances their studies with their hobbies and is a mixture of topper and disguised troublemaker. Your teachers see you as someone who is going to succeed in life. You know the type of student who the teachers believe is going to be great person or is going to get a lot of fame. Someone who doesn't compromise their education for a short time fun. Your teachers see that you can become a perfect judge because of your unbiased opinions and advices. Your teachers see you as a hardworker too. They also see you as someone who makes stupid compromises? Oh I get it they see you as someone who doesn't realize their worth and how capable you are. You tend to underestimate yourself.
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Pile 2
Alright pile 2 ! Your classmates see you as the forever helpful and nice classmates. The one who is always ready to help and explain the topics again if someone asks them to. Probably the second teacher of the class Or the head of the class. I'm also getting that your classmates see you as their friend and the coolest classmate. I'm also getting that your classmates recognize you for your art or creativeness. Maybe you sketch, paint, draw or sing? They see you as the down to earth person. The one who is nice to everyone and has good relations with everyone. They also see you as the mother of the friend group or the person who can vibe with anyone ( are you guys for real? How do you do that? What's your secret? ) Anyways , I'm also getting that your classmates like you a lot. And some might be crushing on you.
Okay so for your teachers I'm getting that they see you as "My buddy" Or "save this student at all cost " Or something like that. Now take that how it resonates but I'm also getting that they might think that you lack confidence? They see you as someone who is good with everyone but likes to do their work alone. They type to do the group assignment all by themselves even though they got paired with their friends. Your teachers see you as the student who's ready nice but won't tolerate bullshit and hates to be told what to do and how to do certain things. Your teachers might think that you won't ask for help and is a little hesitant to talk to people sometimes. They see you as Someone assertive. And needs to gain confidence.
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Pile 3
Welcome pile3! I'm getting that your classmates see you as the person who's working very hard and trying their best. The type of student who always has their nose buried in books and always talk about the next test and the subjects they are bad at. For some of you I'm getting that your classmates think that you're hiding something. I'm also getting that they see you as someone who has a whole different personality at school and changes into their different self the second they feet leave school. You give off the vibe of Peter Parker. For example how he is a super hero but no one knows that. Even at school people see him as the average student . You might skip school a lot too. I just heard " There's a lot about me that people don't know. And I would like to keep it that way" . They also see you as someone who tries very hard to be like everyone else.
Your teachers really be hyping you up. They want to see you succeed and see all your wishes come true. There's a male teachers who really has high hopes for you and wishes the best for you. For some of you I'm getting that there's a female teachers who's very strict and might be called rude, who Sees the potential in you. You might be being burdened by work from this teacher but in her mind she's doing the best for you. Your teachers see that you're tired and stuck. They think that you're going through something that you don't want to share. And they wish that you would be a little good to yourself. I heard " You're doing great sweetie" . Your teachers see you as someone who has had enough and just wants to rest. They see you as someone who needs to rest and recover and remain positive.
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Imagine going to the
Gym or Training Rooms with Miguel
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And like not even in a cutesy couple way - just imagine having Miguel as a personal trainer
Or having him as your Society mentor
He's probably so nice and encouraging I'll fight you on this
He shows up everytime with two tumblers of pre-work out smoothies he made himself
Sometimes they're good and sometimes they're GNARLY but he tries to get you to drink it all everytime, so you don't get too exhausted
He is MILITANT about water intake I'm not kidding
Will stand next to you hands on hips, watching as you drink half a bottle of water because you said you didn't drink any and he will NOT STAND FOR IT
As you two drink and prep for the gym he always asks your goals, what you want to do or get better at
Even if it's just self-love - Miguel COMPLETELY accepts that. Cause you're still showing up for yourself
And he always makes sure to ask your limits, what you feel like you can and can't take or what you don't like
Always telling you when you're doing better or improved - he remembers your records or stats and every time you do better, he notices
And always gives a thumbs up
And he's always looking out for you
Miguel's the type to watch you and let you do your thing
Keeping his eye out for you and letting you get in your zone
In training he's always ready to tell you 'That was better' or 'You're getting faster/stronger'
Because he wants you to leave feeling confident and proud of yourself
He's ALL ABOUT Body Kindness
Sometimes he may be like 'Stop - you're going to hurt yourself. 🤨😠'
But he always helps you adjust after, coming up behind you to show you how to do it properly
Even then though he never judges you for your skill or your ability or body
But he will judge the way you talk to yourself
Miguel WOULD NOT let you talk bad about your body or yourself - cause he knows it only takes you away from your goals
If you start to get upset or insult your body, he'll get you to pause what your doing and take a break
He'll stop two and sit with you, try to explain that it's not your body's fault
Sometimes he'll even ask you to apologize to your body
Because you and your body are doing it's best
After training he'll ask 'Do you think you did good?'
Because he wants you to verbally compliment yourself after all your hard work
He knows he's,... HUGE
But he tries not to be intimidating (unless need be), and he doesn't want people to compare themselves to him
He always tells you it's okay that he can lift more, that doesn't mean he's physically perfect.
He's trying to work on things too (like getting his flexibility up)
He's a GREAT spotter when it comes to weights
His voice is so even and calming, and it never sounds like he's pushing you too far or barking orders
He reminds you to breathe while excerising, and if he ask permission, sometimes he'll put his hand on the small of your back to remind you of your posture
He's also GREAT at warding off creeps. If you're off doing your own thing and come weirdo comes over to you
Suddenly they're standing in the eclipse of Miguel's shadow because he's RIGHT BEHIND THEM
He's like 'THEY'RE BUSY.' and that's enough for them to take off lol
And if you're into physical fitness that he doesn't do often, he'll do ANYTHING to back you
Gymnastics, Swimming, Pole, Martial Arts - you name it. He'll be there, reminding you to keep your focus, drink water, and trust yourself
You may even be able to pull him into different sports yourself - like rock climbing or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (which he LOVES)
Sparring with Miguel is SO SO SO FUN
He's never trying to hurt you - that's not the point
He wants you to get better, and for you to learn about your fighting style
He'll run you through different fights, pause and then look at you
And ask something like 'What move would you do next?' or 'You have me here - how do you take me down?'
So you can think more about your movements and skills
And he always makes sure to ask 'How do you feel?' after - no matter what you're doing
He just wants to help you feel good and reach your goals
Miguel really finds the gym relaxing as hell he probably LOVES the gym
So he'd want to make it the most welcoming/accessible place
If you're new, he's always down to answer questions - or if you're really unsure, he'll even help you come up with a regimine
Or get you started on a machine that's not too daunting
If you're differently abled, then definitely come up him. He'll help you figure something out, no matter what it is
Even asking Lyla what's the best way to go about it that helps you reach your goals and listen to your body
Not having all the powers of usual Spider-people, Miguel really had to learn his body and what areas he needed to grow in/adapt
So he really likes helping other people do that too
He's met so many Spider-people, he knows all bodies, regardless of ability or build, have things they're good at
And everybody deserves to feel comfortable and understanding in their body regardless of what they've been through
He ends every workout with you by giving you a Gatorade from his bag and a pat on the back
But if he offers you the ice bath DON'T TAKE IT IT'S A TRAP
He means well but IT'S A TRAP
Miguel is OBSESSED with Ice Baths the man's an unfeeling maniac sitting in a bathtub full of crushed ice and reading a book like it's normal
I want to go to the gym with Miguel BADLY I'm SO WHIPPED for this man
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I'm working on a story that would take place several centuries in the future in an America-like civilization (that has problems for a lot of reasons, it would be a dystopia type story). I was thinking that race would be a very ambiguous concept for the world since very nearly everyone would have a degree of mixed heritage (in the way we define it in modern times) and tracking where exactly someone's ancestors were from would be seen as tedious and meaningless, something maybe only done by the elite class to try to seem superior but not holding much weight. However colorism is still a factor that can lead to some level of discrimination; while almost everyone has mixed heritage, people with darker skin or more clear Black features would still face a degree of discrimination (that the story would challenge). In other terms, society would present itself as a world where racism no longer exists since the concept of race has changed but it's not the equality-minded utopia it tries to claim. Is this a concept that could be done respectfully or is this an idea that should be ditched entirely?
I've been thinking about this one for days, trying to organize my thoughts. So thank you for your patience!
My first reaction: "damn we still at the bottom of the totem pole 😭 several centuries?? can't catch a break"
This is a really good question, and it has me sitting here wondering, in a post "American-like" society, could you even have this society without racism factoring into it. 🤔 I do have some questions that might help:
Does this society remember the United States/their US-like society? As in, do they recognize what happened in the past? Because if they do, then the effects of racism still linger for this society to still be going. I'm reading a book right now, The New Jim Crow, and it discusses how white supremacy essentially molds itself into the language of the time and society it exists in, so that it can continue to propagate (e.g. slavery became Jim Crow, Jim Crow became Mass Incarceration). If this society remembers racism in their "America", then they definitely can see how this new colorism is just a way for whiteness to stay at the top without calling it "whiteness". The US as we know it is built off of it. But that's my perspective, and I hold strong left beliefs so you might get a different perspective from someone else 🤷🏾‍♀️
What type of colorism are you trying to depict here? That's a weird way to word that question but let me explain. You mention that they don't look into people's backgrounds, so you're not trying to copy the very specific type of racism and colorism that's in Latin America or in South Africa. Yet, ancestry- whether your mother and father were lighter skinned, or darker skinned- will still have an effect in this society. Because someone darker skinned will likely not end up with someone lighter skinned, especially if they're worried about having darker or lighter children as an economic benefit. Or if someone is at the "boundary" (like the paper bag test) they might pull out their ancestry and go nah my mama was this light! Or, you could go the route of colorism in East Asia, prior to the presence of white western beliefs there. The idea that darker skin meant that you probably worked outside, whereas paleness meant you were more likely wealthier.
You'd have to have a basis as to why they still think lighter skinned people are better. How did they build this society? How were they able to recognize that "racism" was an issue and eradicate that concept (and mind you, interracial relationships do not do that), but they somehow didn't recognize or couldn't address the concept of colorism with it? Maybe the lighter skinned people of every race and ethnicity sold out that hard? What did they promise them (are they actually getting it)? Or, are they are the stages of a cycle, where colorism has taken hold, and with it the threat of returning to a racist society? OR, if I understood you right, the society IS racist and they just are pretending it's not!
This is definitely an idea that can be done, because colorism is very real, and could be really cool if done thoughtfully. Colorism is far older, but it has been so affected by racism as we know it that I admittedly struggle with separating the two, even in a "post racial" society. This just means I myself need to do more reading, so thank you for revealing that to me! I wish I had more to offer you.
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
Alright, I'm hooked. Jekyll and Hyde (and maybe Adam Frankenstein?) with a partner who likes to sing? Disney princess singing, or any kinda singing they'd like. She'd sing to them if they asked, and she often sings whenever she isn't doing anything else or when she's doing something that doesn't require her to be thinking about what she's doing. I think she'd offer to sing lullabies if they wanted.
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╰┈➤ CARMILLAS NOTES: i’m so happy about this actually. frankenstein and jekyll and hyde are two of my biggest hyperfixations atm 🫶 also it was kinda hard to make this fem reader
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: none!
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he could listen to you sing forever
it’s actually his most favourite thing in the world
while hyde likes just normal music with no singing, like compositions and all that, jekyll actually prefers singing
helps him remember someone else, his favourite girl, is actually there <3
he’ll probably ask you sing at the most random parts of the day, he doesn’t really care what it is as long as you’re singing
i think he’d like to do his work and just let you do yours in the same room, but he will request you to sing, if not sing than atleast hum
at some point anybody singing in general just starts to remind him of you
i feel like for some reason he knows how to play piano so if you really wanted he’d play piano while you sang and it’s like a little duet
yes he’d ask you to sing him to sleep
either laying on the actual pillow or his head in your lap, he barely sleeps but your singing helps him so much
within ten minutes he’s knocked out
nobody loves girls who sing more than henry jekyll
he does think you have a nice voice, but he doesn’t care for it as much as jekyll
he’ll let you sing to him, but he might not pay as much attention
but i do think there’s certain days where he’s just too tired to actually get up and wreak havoc so he just has you sit in front of him, and he just plays with your hair while you sing/hum
i feel like he might just subconsciously call you songbird every once in a while but idk (it’s 1am leave me alone my brain is cooked)
if you’re lucky he might let you show him different exercises for fun or see what the highest and lowest pitches you can go see but he’d probably have to be in a very good mood
although usually he won’t ask you to sing to him and kind of just gets used to you normally doing it, there have been days where he’s actually requested that you sing for him
at some point after months of this he just gives you a look that lets you know he wants you to sing
“sing for me?” to “sing?” to just a certain glance that you’d know a mile away
he adores you
i think he might’ve been a little shocked the first time you sing in front of him, since there’s a big chance he’d never heard it before
will stop you and just be like “what was that??” and let you explain it to him
from that day on he gets very interested in music and wants you to tell him everything you know about and will want you to sing to him quite a few times a day
he’s very interested in your vocal range (vocal range is fascinating istg)
would love lullabies to be song to him
sometimes, after you guys get a house or somewhere you can actually live in peace, he likes to just lay in bed with you and have you sing
he learns his favourite type of singing is like. kind of opera but also not quite (like christine in phantom of the opera kind of)
he’s so proud of your talent and tells you all the time you should get a job with your voice
he also says nobody in their right mind would refuse your voice
he gets interested in lots of singers after that, but you’re always his favourite
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traeumenvonbuechern · 7 months
Which books would the Hallowoods characters read?
Happy HFTH season 4 day! I'm so excited for the new episodes, and I want to celebrate by recommending some books I think some of the main characters would love.
Diggory Graves - Unwieldy Creatures
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I have a feeling that Diggory might be interested in a nonbinary Frankenstein retelling...
Percy Reed - The Spirit Bares Its Teeth
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A transmasc protagonist, ghosts, a t4t love story - Percy would relate to this book so much.
Nikignik - This Is How You Lose the Time War
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Even aside from the whole Bigolas Dickolas thing, I think Nikignik would really love this book. It's an epic, complicated, super emotional love story, written in a way that almost feels like poetry - I have a feeling that Nikignik would like that.
Lady Ethel Mallory - Lady Susan
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It's short, it's funny, it's a classic, it's from the perspective of the villain and said villain uses the title "lady"? Lady Ethel would love this book.
Riot Maidstone - Gideon the Ninth
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It's about a butch lesbian with a sword. That alone would probably convince Riot to read it, but I think she would love the story, too.
Olivier Song - Infinity Alchemist
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This book is about an alchemist who is rejected by the magic school he tried so hard to get into, and one of the love interests is genderfluid - Olivier might relate to it a little too much.
Clara Martin - The Grimoire of Grave Fates
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It's a murder mystery set at a magic school that moves around the world, and it's told from 18 (!) different perspectives. I think Clara would love reading about all these different types of magic and trying to solve the mystery.
Polly - Good Omens
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Polly reminds me so much of Crowley sometimes - to quote this post, they're both "demons sent on a celestial audit of earth and catching more feelings than they signed up for" - so Polly would probably either love or hate Good Omens, no in-between.
Yaretzi - The Salt Grows Heavy
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I can't really explain why I think Yaretzi would like this book, but she would. Something about the main character being a murderous mermaid, probably.
Mort - All Systems Red
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Mort would definitely want to be friends with Murderbot.
Hector Mendoza and Jonah Duckworth - Silver in the Wood
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This is my go-to "Read this if you like Our Flag Means Death" book because the main characters remind me a lot of Stede and Ed, but the book also reminds me so much of Hector and Jonah, especially with the magical sentient forest setting.
Zelda Duckworth - The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher
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This book is about a 83-year-old Chosen One who has to save the world armed with nothing but gumption and knitting needles - I think Zelda would enjoy that.
Mx. Morrell - What Moves the Dead
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I think a fungal horror book with a nonbinary protagonist would be perfect for Mx. Morrell.
Danielle O'Hara - Pet
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Pet is about a trans girl who has to reconsider everything she's been taught and save her friend with the help of a terrifying creature - everyone should read this book, but I think Danielle would especially like it.
Book titles:
Diggory Graves: Unwieldy Creatures by Addie Tsai
Percy Reed: The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
Nikignik: This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Lady Ethel Mallory: Lady Susan by Jane Austen
Riot Maidstone: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Olivier Song: Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender
Clara Martin: The Grimoire of Grave Fates, edited by Hanna Alkaf and Margaret Owen
Polly: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Yaretzi: The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Mort: All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Hector Mendoza and Jonah Duckworth: Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
Zelda Duckworth: The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher by E.M. Anderson
Mx. Morrell: What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
Danielle O'Hara: Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
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