#is this his death in endgame
yallstar · 2 months
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i am drowning / there is no sight of land you are coming down with me / hand in unlovable hand
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lovelyfawnxx · 28 days
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓮𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝔂𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻
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🎨 art by termesart
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*taps microphone* Is this thing on?
I'd like to give my perspective on something, from someone who started out in the ACOTAR fandom as part of the general audience, and who has a sister that is not apart of fandom but has read the books.
I read the series back in November 2023 in about 2 weeks. I stayed off of social media for a bit until I decided to make a Tumblr account.
After reading the books, I wasn't sure if the series was complete. It didn't feel complete. The first three books focused on Feyre. Nesta had an entire, almost 800 page book dedicated to her. For me, it was natural to assume, "Oh, Elain is next!" because logically, that was the only thing that made sense. Why would two sisters have books, but the third wouldn't? The series would seem incomplete.
Flash forward, and I find out that yes, there will be more to come in the series. However, at this point, I was still unaware that a bonus chapter for Silver Flames existed until a friend casually mentioned it. I asked where to find it and I began reading.
The first part of the bonus chapter confirmed what I already believed from reading the books. Azriel and Elain share mutual feelings. Truly, I didn't need confirmation in the bonus, because there were moments in the books that I already had picked up on. The bonus was just a nice surprise. Something fun.
But imagine my shock when I decided to insert myself into fandom space as a casual reader, and see folks who are 110% convinced that the next book's main character is going to be a secondary side character that was introduced about 40% of the way into the 4th book.
You don't have to imagine my shock, because I'll tell you. The moment I set foot into this fandom, I have been beyond confused. Bamboozled. Befuddled. And honestly, a bit gaslit.
Prior to this bonus chapter, I assumed everyone thought it was obvious and picked up on the pattern. The first sister gets a few books to explore her powers, heal, and fall in love. The second sister gets a book to do the exact same thing. The third sister would get a book...to do the exact. same. thing.
There was a week where I had zero idea that the bonus chapter existed. There are STILL people who have no idea that the bonus chapter exists, and may never end up reading it. These people are not on Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram, or Discord, discussing in depth theories and potential love squares. They are solely relying on canon text.
So, genuinely, what do you think their reactions are going to be, if the next book does not focus on Elain, the third sister, but rather a priestess, who was part of someone else's story, who was only just introduced in the very last book, who does not have any ties to the plot? Yes. They will be lost, too.
My sister, who is part of the general audience, and is not present in fandom spaces, has the same opinion. The idea of Azriel and Elain not ending up together doesn't make sense to her. Prior to showing her the bonus, she had already assumed Azriel and Elain would be the next pairing in the next series. Because she had only read the canon text. The canon text that is available to everyone. The bonus is not.
So, essentially, what I'm trying to say is, if the next book does not feature Elain as the main character, and Azriel as the main love interest, with sprinkles of Lucien here and there because he is still important because of the mating bond, then there will be a gigantic chunk of casual readers, who are not involved in fandom spaces, that will be utterly confused at the direction of the story. Because for people who are not on social media, they are only using the canon books. Their information is only coming from the canon books that are available for all readers. If information in bonus chapters is supposed to be important, then it would be featured in books for everyone to read.
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lunaduskxo · 7 months
This scene alone tells me that Elain can most definitely handle Azriel’s darkness. Baby girl will light him up.
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feyrescourt · 2 months
I mean this with every fiber of my being, you people do not like/care about Elain, and therefore should not participate in Elain week. Why the fuck should the person running Elain week accept fanarts of her with Tamlin and Beron? A male who abused and sexually harassed her sister, and a violent misogynist???? Are you insane?
Stay the fuck away from her; don’t look in her direction, don’t make content of her, don’t even think about her. I’m so serious, you people do NOT LIKE ELAIN! So stay out of her own appreciation week. It’s not for you.
Oh btw go ahead and keep counting up Elriel fanarts, clearly you people have nothing better to do. It’ll prepare you for when their book drops next year anyway.
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moritashie · 7 months
I choose to believe that once Tony Stark had Morgan, he was freaked out of his mind. Why? Well, his parental instincts were supposed to kick in once he laid eyes on her. Tony didn't identify anything like that appearing once he did exactly that. Neither did they start working after she fell asleep in his arms, or after they arrived home. They seemed to do their thing on Pepper, why didn't he feel something so very different and unfamiliar. Where is the thing that is supposed to ensure his child is safe and sound?
A few days later Morgan starts trying to take something dangerous and put it inside her mouth much like babies do. He instantly spots her doing that, and with a horrified expression in his face stops her. Pepper jokes "see? Your parent sense is working just fine."
That's when he realizes, he does have those. He simply didn't know that was what it was. The reason was pretty clear; he expected to feel something unknown to him before. Meanwhile Tony has already experienced that over the course of the previous 1.5 years.
He promptly loses his balance and breaks down in the middle of the kitchen.
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fancyingfinefabrics · 9 months
speaking of kisses, i’ve been thinking about stede’s journey of falling in love with ed & how his perspective during each kiss reflects who he is at his core being:
1. the first kiss (stede the unwitting beloved)
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2. the moonlit kiss (stede the earnest dreamer)
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3. the wall kiss (stede the ardent lover of beauty)
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4. the beach kiss (stede the ride-or-die romantic)
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phoenixduelist · 11 months
The only S3 opening I accept is Izzy literally clawing out of the grave, yelling: 'None of you absolute TWATS bothered to check for a pulse??'
In a show where every tiny movement has 26280 meanings and possible interpretations, I refuse to believe that this death has absolutely none.
And I also hope after crawling out, his first half conscious journey is into Ed's and Stede's inn, sending both into a cardiac arrest
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acourtoflight · 6 months
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Death and his lovely fawn 🌸
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highladyjane · 7 months
So... it's 3am and I might be delirious and delulu, so this'll be a very quick dive, but I just couldn't help but see some parallels and connections that I felt the need to share no matter how far-fetched😅
If/say Azriel is Death & darkness aka Hades.
And Elain is the lovely fawn of Spring aka Persephone...
And Mor is Leuce who was Hades' first love who had similarities with/was friends with/an epiteth of Persephone much like Mor and Elain has Golden/Sunshine etc. similarities
Then could our resident red-headed nymph Gwyneth be... Minthe?
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And diving deeper... Cocytus, which literally means "lamentation" (which is, you know, also a special kind of song 👀), the underground river/lake where Minthe is from...
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And just who lives in an underground lake? Koschei.
I don't really want Gwyneth to turn out to be a villain, and I especially do not want her to join the drama and give Gw*nrie/s and the necklace fiasco anymore validity than they're due, but she does have suspicious qualities that I know many are already familiar with...
All in all, this just further gives quite another meaning to secret, lovely beauty in my eyes 👀
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itselriel · 10 months
Feyre gave us “Death and his lovely fawn” and I will forever be grateful for that.
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winterironrox · 4 months
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Happy Birthday to the beautiful and amazing Anthony Edward Stark❤️✨
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Elain Archeron is not going to let a pot dictate who she can and cannot be with. No one...nothing... will ever tell Elain who she can and cannot love.
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lunaduskxo · 4 months
Uh oh, antis are triggered over canon Elriels scenes acting as if we add more to the written text. We don’t add or embellish what’s already written. We see the difference of Elain’s rescue and Gwyn’s. Azriel didn’t hesitate to go after Elain. With Gwyn’s rescue, it wasn’t just her being saved that day. Hybern soldiers were attacking everyone there. The IC was there to help.
There seems to also be hate over the nsfw commissions for Elriel Month and that Elain would never! Sorry but I don’t remember Gwyn wearing sexy lingerie either. Let’s stop with the hypocrisy.
Say what you want but those Elriel commissions were 🔥🔥 Artists and the commissioners did so amazing and I can’t wait for next year 🤭
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adhd-mess · 5 months
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elain(and elriel) + the prophecy
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
so glad I found another person that's just. Refusing to acknowledge endgame. Lovely music, the scenes were cool. the ending? don't remember. there was a rush to the hospital I think? Everyone lived, if i'm remembering correctly? I'm delulu and i'm free (I will never forgive marvel) take care of yourself !! <3
Yayayay yes exactly!!! There is no endgame in ba sing se y'all!!!
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