#iseult my beloved
kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
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what do you mean its not summer. (delusional)
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heliabel · 4 months
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Iseult of Brittany, my beloved.
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
alfred for the character thing!!
Aww Alfred my beloved I miss himmmmm
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual king (literally)
2: otp: Alfred x Uhtred
3: brotp: Alfred and Aelswith. She is a lesbian to meee
4: notp: uh idk any other Alfred ships so idk gfjjdfshdf
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He and Iseult would have been the best of friends :’(((
6: favorite line from this character: “Fear can be expelled with knowledge”
7: one way in which I relate to this character: introverted and kind of a bitch, loves books
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: The way he acted in season 3 :/ . It all was very in character and understandable considering he was dying and desperate, but man
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave: definitely problematic fave. He’s a bitch and I love him
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polarisdelphi · 6 months
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Another Knight I worked on my Arthurian concepts, Sir Tristan. One of my favourites again blaming the 2005 movie for that and accidentally looking like a ranger :)
Also accidental Jesus Christ as well, I only realized after I coloured his face *puts on clown makeup*
Everything is rounded and wavy with him - even with his sword, I opted for more rounded shapes to give Tristan this air of softness. He is known for his love of Iseult, so I'm taking the route of "this man is a menace, but is filled with kindness in his big golden heart".
Same goes for the flowers all over. They are to point that soft side of his but I also searched a little bit about Kernow, found out about Cornwall, and decided to incorporate those flowers into his design.
As a counterpoint, we have his sharper facial features and scar, indicating that ~menacing~ part of his, I guess hahaha
Once he ended up falliing more to the ranger side on my design, I also opted for leather armour instead of full heavy stuff. His build is more athletic but not bulky yes, yes, Lancelot is the heavy hitter fighter in the team, who would've known and he has this sense of ~movement~.
And, of course, sad droopy eyes and forget-me-nots in his hands.
As always, I'll leave more explaining and fangirling over Arthurian characters under the cut, where I'll tell al little more of my version of these characters!
Like I said, I became a Tristan fangirl after the 2005 King Arthur movie thanks to Mads Mikkelsen but I only went downhill from there. We all know the story of Tristant and Iseult, and he always ends up being one of my favourite characters.
Therefore, when I was reading Bernard Cornwell's Enemy of God, I almost died when I saw the phrase "because that was the summer of Tristan and Iseult" and went NOOOOOOOOO I'M NOT READY FOR THIS PLEASE LEAVE MY TRISTAN ALONE.
Alas. He wasn't left alone.
As there are many iterations of his tale, I had to decide which one to go with in order to get his design going. I like the tragedy of having him being Mark's son, as prince of Kernow, and falling for Iseult - the young woman to be married to his father, the King of Kernow.
Why? Because I'm a dramatic bitch, that's why.
Jokes aside, I think it opens many options for character development and counterpoints. By choosing Tristan to be Mark's son, I can develop them as being opposites in basically everything.
Unlike Lancelot and Galahad, who are opposite sides of the same coin and can work together despite how different they are, Tristan and Mark cannot. Tristan is brave while Mark is a coward, Tristan is gentle while Mark is harsh, Tristan is kind while Mark is cruel. All his softness, beauty and knightly courage is reflected as cruelty, uglyness and cowardice in his own father.
And by uglyness I mean more than just what we consider beautiful in aesthetic terms - it would be a putridness of heart, a rotting of the soul. Tristan's beauty comes from his capability of showing mercy and love, from having rough hands but wielding the softest of touches, from knowing how to hunt but also how to preserve the world around him to keep it in balance. Starkly different from his father, from his own blood.
That's why I think his design took a more ranger route. I wanted him to have that sort of Aragorn quietness and gentleness mixed with an imposing but quite relaxed aura of when Aragorn first appears as Strider - the Ranger of the North.
Ok peeps I won't dwell much on this because I FREAKING LOVE RANGERS. Ever since I discovered RPGs in my life, when I was a little kid playing Ragnarok online, I'm a ranger, I can't choose a different class, they are awesome and yesterday even I was fangirling over how awesome I feel with my ranger only dialogue in Baldur's Gate 3 and how badass my ranger character looks, thank you very much, I'm accepting Tristan into the ranger family AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ARAGORN-
Ranger Tristan it is.
And the theme seemed to fit him nicely. Like I said before, having him as the son of King Mark of Kernow - which, as my knowledge goes, is Cornwall - I wanted to use his colours as black and yellow. But they didn't work with him at all. Testing some other similar colours, I ended up with forest green and everything fell into its proper place - so the black/yellow theme will probably be his father's, to be another counterpoint to him.
If Mark is full on his posh and noble clothes, Tristan will be simple and wearing only a few things to identify himself as the prince of Kernow - hence the Kernow flowers engraved on his gear.
On my Arthurian world, then, Tristan and Iseult fall in love willingly, no love potions involved. For Iseult knew only obligation and fear with Mark until she was treated with utmost kindness and love with Tristan - sealing her fate as soon as he kissed her hand for the first time as an act of courtly decorum. And Tristan... He met in her the same kindness he always had inside of him but was never extended to him. Having, for the first time, someone care and worry about him, someone who offered him gentle words instead of cruel ones.
They were, unfortunately, meant to be - and their hearts knew they couldn't be together, but a love like this cannot be tamed or ignored.
Regarding his looks, the only thing I really wanted him to have was droopy eyes - reflecting that internal sadness in his soul. The longing he carries for something he doesn't quite know or understand, until he sets his sad eyes on Iseult.
And that's why he is carrying forget-me-nots. As a foreshadowing of his and his beloved's fate at the hands of his cruel father - myosotis, as I always heard them being called, are a pledge to never forget your loved ones, a vow of faithfullness, during all life and in death, remembering the adoration for those who aren't among the living anymore.
And I think it fits Tristan and his tragic love for Iseult quite nicely.
him looking like ranger Jesus Christ wasn't intentional I SWEAR
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haiii hope you dont mind me coming in here to talk about my favorite desolation sisters again,, i am thinking thoughts about them and they desire to escape. help
mostly thinking about the falling out that they have when sara finds out iseult joined the foxes.... like? it'd be jarring to them to find out that their own sister is seemingly working against them. they feel like everything they're doing was being undermined. like shes on the same team that has a bounty on them. they're a lot less than impressed at least...
....until they find out why she did it. then the rage turns onto themself,,, they were just inconveniencing her again by letting her worry about them that much. they were just a burden to her. again. one of the only people they value more than their own life. do you get me?? the way the blame shifts. so fast. and how iseult likely knew that it would end up like this if sara ever found out? and still did it because she just cares that much about her little sibling?? hello????? girl why are you such a caring sweetheart my god i love her. she's been in my mind rent free pls tell her to pay rent i am starving. she doesnt have to though. live laugh love iseult i am her biggest fan ever
askjhsadh im very normal about those two. (<- liar)
Omg hi??? You have no idea how happy this ask made me asjhsdkjhsdkjhsd
...ahem, anyway! Onto the question at hand!
(This got a lot longer than expected lmao so Imma just put everything down in a readmore)
It's kinda funny, because Iseult is not the first of my OCs to have this fierce loyalty streak. In fact, most if not all of them have this trait, though currently the top (or perhaps the worst?) contenders are tied between Iseult and Hauyne (who joined Bladestar as a mole and saboteur for similar reasons). They've all got this mentality of "As long as you're alive and safe, you can hate me all you want".
Of course, this raises a bunch of other consequences (in this case, Sara's crippling guilt because of how they felt Iseult's loyalty and devotion towards them is completely undeserved), but like they all say: "love is blind". And in this case, Iseult's love has blinded her towards the inner demons her beloved sibling is forced to grapple with her entire life.
She doesn't understand why Sara keeps pushing her away (at least, from her perspective), telling her that they don't need her protection and worry about herself more when they are clearly beset by enemies and threats that are as (if not even more) powerful as they are from all directions.
She doesn't understand that Sara feels the constant, insatiable and almost certainly irrational need to prove their worth, to not feel like a burden to their friends, to silence the voices whispering dark thoughts in her head. And her protection is only making the inner conflict worse, whether she realises it or not.
She doesn't see (or maybe even care) how her actions may appear to Sara and their friends/allies. She knows its morally dubious, there's no doubt about that, but then again... she's done a lot of questionable things in the past to survive. For her and her sibling's sake. So what's one more to her growing list of sins? At the very least, by metaphorically dirtying her hands, she can keep Sara's clean. And that's all that matters to her.
In the end... all she sees is her beloved baby sibling is in danger through mostly no fault of their own, and she - as the older sister - needs to protect and keep them safe. They're the only family she's got left, after all, and there is nothing in the world which is more precious than family. But in doing so, she inadvertently neglects the only family she has left.
Which is perhaps the most tragic and ironic part about it all.
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liminalpsych · 1 year
Skipping scene 8 because it's vaguely sexual, though not explicit, and I'm not super certain of Tumblr's rules anymore. You can read it on AO3.
9. I've cried for love
Sir Trystan spoke, “I love my uncle’s wife. Iseult, the one who tempts me, and all the reason I am in self-exile.”
His words were melodic, such that all who heard might think a song was to be sung before them. He sought to sway them with passion and with poetry. He spoke of his own sorrows, extolled the virtues of Iseult the Fair, and implored all who listened to think of their own beloveds, their own lawful or forbidden loves.
“How would it wound you to hold true, should your great love belong to another? I do not know that I could hold to honor, should I live in my uncle’s service. I fear I might commit the same sin as Sir Lancelot, should I dwell so near to my own beloved queen.”
He addressed Arthur, then. Trystan waxed poetic in describing Gwenhwyfar, asked how anyone could not love her, and thus how could Lancelot refrain from being drawn to her? And she to him, with his accomplishment and courtesy, his charm and chivalry. He reminded them all of Lancelot’s finer qualities, in equal poetry to his bardic treatment of the queen.
“I understand my brother’s contradictions,” he said at last, bending into a low bow, “and I beseech you for mercy, my king.”
Sir Tristan spoke, "I love my uncle's wife.
For her I gladly suffer, she is my heart's delight
Isolt, the one who tempts me and she for whom I'm pure,
My love for her confounds me and is all of which I'm sure;
I understand my brother's contradictions."
And Lancelot, his head held high,
Said, "I cry my love for Guinevere,
I've cried for love."
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itonje · 3 years
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i did not need your love, only dignity
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tillman · 3 years
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh everyone quiet down for just a bit im thinking about isolde
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amayaonly1 · 3 years
A Lil' Oopsie - Lesson 2 (Obey Me! x Female!MC/Reader)
Other work: Diavolo's Cousin from Hell
A Lil's Oopsie mini-series:
Prologue | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 5.5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 | Lesson 8 | Lesson 9 | Lesson 10 [End]
The constant clicking of the grandfather clock chimed through the silent room. No one dared to utter a word; though one should give them the benefit of the doubt, considering that three beings - two high-leveled demons, and a powerful human sorcerer feared by many demons - were being glared down by the Avatar of Pride, right-hand man of the Future King of Devildom. He might've been aware of what happened after hearing their explanation, but regardless, he was still irritated that they'd allow such a mishap that could risk someone's life; especially one that belongs to their beloved human.
Though it seemed that the ruckus had attracted quite a bit of attention. Standing at the side were Leviathan and the young twins; the older one munching on a bag of Spicy Newt Chips, while the other groggily watched with his cow-printed pillow held by his waist. The thirdborn, on the other hand, thought that it would come in handy if he secretly filmed the scene unfolding before them.
Now, what about the Avatar of Lust? Well, he was rather occupied with fawning and cooing over the human toddler sitting on the floor. It was quite an oxymoron; with the pair playing peek-a-boo just a few feet away from them.
"Kya~" he swooned as he suddenly lunged in to place the cooing toddler on his lap and hugged her tightly, rubbing his cheeks against her chubby ones which caused more giggles to slip her lips. "I didn't think you could get any cuter, MC~ Not that I'm saying you never were, but now... you're just so...- Ah~! I can't take any more of this cuteness!"
"Hey!" chided Mammon. It seemed that he was more bothered about his younger brother smothering the toddler than being glared at by the eldest. "Keep your hands off her! Don't think that just because she's now a kid, ya' can take advantage of that!"
To which, the pink-haired demon retorted, "I must say, though. Never in my life would I think I'd be utterly grateful towards you. After all, you were the one who made MC so cute~♪"
The secondborn, however, felt insulted. "Is that even supposed to be a compliment?!"
Lucifer, already tired from the endless piles of paperwork still pending inside his office, could only heave a disapproving sigh. "Anyhow, we'll be only killing time if we stay here and expect MC to return to normal by miracle."
"I'll bring the plant back to the Purgatory Hall to create the antidote," volunteered Solomon. "Should I find anything relating to this matter, I will promptly update you."
The demon nodded curtly before his attention returned to the rest of his brothers. "In the meantime, we will take care of MC as much as we can. I ought to inform Diavolo to excuse her from classes until she recovers from... this. We wouldn't want to cause a commotion of having a human toddler wandering around RAD."
"No problem~" chirped Asmodeus, who hugged - or rather, squeezed - the said girl with glee. If he was a dog, one could imagine his tail wagging frantically.
"Hands off her," ordered Belphegor. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who was starting to get annoyed by his brother getting a little too handsy with MC. "You've had your fun, now let us a chance to hold her."
Leviathan didn't hesitate when he agreed. "Not fair!" he argued. "You can't have her all to yourself, Asmo."
"Not a chance," retorted the pink-haired demon, shifting his body away while keeping the confused toddler away from them like they were germs. "I know you'd be occupying all her time the minute I let her go. You'd even go as far as keeping me and darling MC apart, like the tragic tale of Tristan and Iseult. Shall fate be this cruel to us?"
"No, it's because you're hogging MC all to yourself," deadpanned Beelzebub, before shoving another handful of chips into his mouth.
But Asmodeus ignored him. He hugged MC close to him and dramatically declared, "If fate wished to take MC away from me, then I shall challenge fate and emerge as the victor!"
Satan shook his head. Stepping forward, he swiped MC away from his brother swiftly and carried her by his hip, keeping his arm firmly around her waist. The babbling toddler soon found herself intrigued by his RAD uniform, with her gaze as fixated as her tiny fingers traced the gold badge.
"Don't be ridiculous," he scoffed. "We're merely suggesting that it's only fair that we take turns looking after MC."
"I agree with Satan," said Lucifer. "Furthermore, I propose that we should come up with a schedule so we can take turns looking after her. I believe it's only fairer this way."
"As long as I get to be first," grunted Mammon quietly. After all, as MC's first man, shouldn't he be the first one to take care of her? Let alone, hold her?
Solomon approached the blossomed plant. He carefully bundled it up with the large white muslin cloth, which he then reused the rope to loosely tie it up at the top. Cradling the flower pot in one arm, he grabbed the large botany book, one that had information about the plant, and announced, "Well, then. I'll be taking my leave. Please excuse me."
MC suddenly started squirming in Satan's hold, prompting the confused demon to gently put her down. She then rushed towards the wizard, who was already making his way out the door, arriving just in time to stop in front of him and tugged on his leg.
"MC?" He peered down with raised brows, looking just as taken aback as the other seven demons inside the room.
"Aw..." cooed Asmodeus. "Do you want Solomon to stay?"
She nodded her head, burying her pouty face into his black pants while hugging him tightly.
Just when he thought things were going smoothly after seeing how well-behaved MC was. Lucifer heaved a sigh for the umpteenth time that day. He carefully approached the toddler and crouched, seeing her eye-to-eye.
"MC," he softly called. "Solomon has important matters to attend to right now. He'll come here again on another day."
Hearing that last bit sounded convincing to her. She looked up at the firstborn demon, before her doe eyes landed on the said man. The wizard gave her an assuring smile, and then, once he felt her loosen her grip, he knelt on the ground and reassuringly said, "Lucifer is right. I'm rather busy at the moment, but do not fret, for I'll return once I'm free. Come to think of it, I heard that Beelzebub and Belphegor are in-charge of cooking tonight. How about you go over and help them? I'm sure there are other things that the brothers need help with in the house. I might give you a present if they tell me that you've done a great job. What say you?"
MC looked up at the demons with wonder. Albeit as a two-year-old, it was amazing that she could comprehend whatever was coming out of Solomon's mouth; even though no one had made such an agreement beforehand. The seven brothers quickly exchanged glances before looking back at her, giving her warm smiles as they nodded. Her (E/C) orbs gleamed with excitement. She looked back at Solomon and nodded cutely, her smile returning to her chubby cheeks.
"Good girl," he praised. Quickly putting the book down, he ruffled her hair, making it more unkempt than before; much to Asmodeus's dismay. He grabbed the book before getting back up and then finally leaving the common room, on his way out to find the cure to cure MC of the toddlerisation.
As MC watched his fading silhouette, she felt a large hand gently placed on her back. Peering up, Beelzebub was crouching behind her with a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry," he said. "Solomon is a busy man, but he knows how to arrange his time. He'll come back when he's free. How about we go make some dinner with Belphie? We're planning to make Roasted Roc and Creamed Bonnacon. Don't worry, I won't keep taste testing the bonnacon this time. We can even make cream puffs for dessert. It'll be fun."
A wide smile broke across MC's face. She turned around to face him properly, clapping her hands while babbling out, "Puff! Puff!"
How any more adorably innocent could this child get, was what the seven brothers thought.
Demons might not understand how such a simple act would bring so much joy to a human child. But if that's what makes her happy, then they'll be glad to bring that smile to her face, regardless of whether she was a toddler or not. Even if it meant that they would have to get a cardiac arrest from overwhelming cuteness.
Boy was this going to be a long, bumpy ride.
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aadmelioraa · 2 years
First Line Tag Meme
Rules: List the first line of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
tagged by my beloved @wildwren <3
1. A Certain Likeness The Last Kingdom, Aethelflaed x Aldhelm, Aldhelm & Aelfwynn, s5 Canon Compliant (BEWARE SPOILERS)
When Aethelflaed wakes she’s in Aylesbury.
2. Survivors Vikings: Valhalla, Emma x Godwin, Canon Divergent
The metal cuffs which secure Godwin’s wrists bite into his flesh where they’ve corroded over years of use.
3. The Confidant The Last Kingdom, Aethelflaed x Aldhelm, Aldhelm x Erik, Aethelflaed x Aldhelm x Erik, Aldhelm & Aelfwynn, Modern Boarding School AU, Teacher!Aldhelm
“When does your new job start?” Blythe asks, pulling her dark hair into a knot at the top of her head.
4. Peace-Weaver - The Last Kingdom, Erik x OFC, Canon Divergent, Arranged Marriage
She had not been at the baptism but had heard rumors from the women who were.
5. Common Ground - Vienna Blood, Amelia Lydgate x Clara Weiss, Canon Divergent
The majority of Amelia’s day had been remarkably unproductive.
6. The Other Woman - The Last Kingdom, Aethelflaed x Eadith, 1950s AU
The glossy mahogany of the bar reflects the austere light of the chandeliers, transforming it into something softer.
7. Darkest Night of the Year - The Last Kingdom, Iseult x Skade, Modern AU
Iseult massages a spot in the center of her forehead and closes her eyes.
8. Leave Me Here With All the Feelings - Succession, Roy Siblings Gen Fic, Coda to s3 Finale
The noise fades away behind a wool curtain of confusion as Roman sinks to the floor, though his brain fills in the gaps—Gerri’s clipped tones as she replies to Karl, Tom murmuring to Shiv, thick and honeyed words which won’t come close to cloaking the blow he’s finally landed.
9. Like a Secret, Like a Sin - Midnight Mass, John Pruitt x Mildred Gunning, Childhood Friends AU, Character Study
The terrors start when he’s eleven.
10. Eden - The Last Kingdom, Aethelflaed x Aldhelm, Modern AU, Priest!Aldhelm, Character Study
The husband, as the priest privately calls him, arrives late to his counseling session for the third time that month.
I think I used to start fics with dialogue more often, I was expecting more of that here. I definitely like beginning with something short and fairly active most of the time, so even if I'm doing some scene setting I tend to move along pretty quickly. Love that I just blatantly started with an oc (her first appearance no less) in The Confidant...Blythe is very real to me lol. Anyway, this was fun! Tagging @volvaaslaug @weavemeamyrtlecrown and @skatingthinandice if you want!
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safifonhasstrel · 2 years
can you stop mucking up the witchlands tag you're just salty your ship is dead
Lmao. What a nice message to start the day.
Anon, I am allowed to be salty about whatever the fuck I want so jot that down. And idk where you got the idea that I am only pissed because my ship sunk before it even sailed. Sure, I am not going to lie, I am salty about that. Like don't set up a ship for 3 fucking books only to retcon them to sibling figures. Go through with what you set up or don't set the thing up.
But you know what I am even more salty about? And I am going to spell it out because apparently, you have no reading compression.
Let's start because there is quite a lot to unpack.
Idk how to tell you that it's actually *quite* problematic to sideline your *main* characters of colours in favour of white side characters. Because that's literally what happened in witchshadow, and idk why barely anyone is talking about it. The Nomatsi are canonly East Asian coded, Iseult is east Asian coded. This was supposed to be her book, where we find out more about her culture, a book where she is the #1 characters to push the story forward. But she wasn't. Everything in this book that was supposed to revolve around the culture of an East Asian coded character, ultimately revolved around the hellbards. White side characters. Caden is described to have the same - cartorran- colouring as safi in Windwitch. Safi is blonde and blue eyed in case you forgot, so don't come at me "but we don't don't know whether the hellbards are white or not" . Well at least one is and the entire fandom likes to faceclaim them as white too.
Everything in witchshadow seemed to revolve around them. Not Iseult. We found out about their story. (I am not going to call it culture because it's not. They are more like the night watch in got/asoiaf). But they were tertiary characters for 3 books, now everything seems to circle back to them. In a book that was supposed to have an east Asian coded character and her culture in the forefront. We barely learn anything about the Nomatsi except for a few folktales but we learn so much about the hellbards, stuff that has never even been mentioned before. I do think that's actually quite problematic. Aeduan, another character of colour is barely in the book, despite being a main character. He doesn't have a plot other than being possed by a paladin we never heard of before. Esme, a beloved villain of colour, is suddenly turned into a weasel and seems no longer important. Her magic and loom seemed so important to the plot just one book ago, but in witchshadow all of that is given to the hellbards. White side characters. And you have the nerve to tell me I am only pissed because my ship didn't sail? OK then.
Furthermore, the retconning of some of the characters really pissed me off. I am just not a fan of retconning in general, but in a series that claimed to have set up everything from the start, where you are supposed to go back to the beginning and say "damn it was all there all along, how did I miss this?". That's no longer possible. So much - I daresay even most - of what happened in witchshadow wasn't foreshadowed. Like I mentioned above, nothing about the hellbards, including their loom, Midne, their slogan, has ever been mentioned before. Why am I suddenly supposed to care about these plot lines that came out of nowhere, when plots and characters I do care about have been abandoned?
Stix was retconned from Vivia's love interest to her sister figure, out of fucking nowhere.
Merik, like Aeduan being absent and not the least bit important to the plot. They are supposed to be MAIN characters. What is happening?
Safi becoming a hellbard was never planned if you've read Susan Dennard's newsletter. Why is everything suddenly revolving around them? How am I supposed to trust that everything that was set up in book one will actually happen? I can't trust the story and the narrative anymore because so much of what I was promised in the beginning seems no longer important. Everything gets retconned for some reason. It's such a red flag for me when I can no longer trust the author. I spent so much money and time on this series only to get punched in the face.
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
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iseult my beloved
ascension stuff ig
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yeetskeetiwandelete · 2 years
I review the Knights of the Round Table with only one source and prior knowledge to go off of, so I can re-review them later and see if my opinions change.
Sir Agravain: Seems like a not so swell guy. Might be because he doesn't really fit into his brothers' name set. Why are you named that. Does anybody know.
Sir Bedivere: Why is he stunningly hot. He's cool and all but why
Sir Bors de Ganis: He's... a guy.
Sir Dagonet: Not only have I never heard of this guy, but his page on the website I'm using just goes straight to page 404. Get fucked, I guess.
Sir Ector: A good father who deserves himself a nice retirement.
Sir Gaheris: He seems like a better man than his brothers.
Sir Galahad: Get fucked and die you Jesus knock-off.
Sir Gareth: A pleasant fellow!
Sir Gawain: Another pleasant fellow!
Sir Geraint: ooh he has boats.
Sir Lamorak: Fucker solves his problems with violence and honestly I get it.
Sir Lancelot: Honestly I don't know if I hate him or love him more. Motherfucker just crashes into canon with all the makings of a Mary Sue and we all decide this is fine. I do desperately want him to get socked for the sheer audacity of his existence. Weirdo.
Sir Percival: MY BELOVED! (yeah he's been my favourite knight since forever. i am, indeed, a simp for Sir Percival.)
Sir Tristan: I went into this thinking "lmao I'm just gonna make fun of this guy" but honestly I just hope he gets to reunite with Iseult in the afterlife. I just feel bad now.
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faimrpg · 3 years
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This entire week’s dashboard was an object lesson in how quantity and quality do apparently make good bedfellows, because damn, all these threads are proving it can be done? All of you are out here winning. Except Hippolyte, but... <3
Genuinely, there were so many replies to bowl us over, both individually and collectively, and we are once again so so inspired by the dedication & talent of our members (our beloveds...). Most of all, we are stunned by everyone’s determination to rally the common braincell for the purpose of developing this story arc together. Thank you so much and stay tuned (though some of you need to get some sleep, really) for tomorrow’s event !!
AGRIPPINE: does a lamb know how to face its slaughter? does the sacrifice know how to brace itself and accept, so yielding and pliant, as they are led to the altar? agrippine follows helene silently, afraid to make a sound lest she decide on a crueler punishment than the one she’s already listed.
BEAU: She begins to sit up, shuffling through a few things on his desk. Nothing wild or scandalous. Her thoughts briefly wander to if he has a lover, if he enjoys things other than following behind Calandre and cutting off heads. She snorts at the thought.
CECILE: Still, she allowed him his hesitation. She hopes he will allow her the same. She is accustomed to small, comfortable secrecies shared with Michel, secrets that smell of fresh pastries and Cecile’s finest perfume. It is an odd thing, to come here and discuss matters of blood.
CYRIL: It’s the way Gisele seems hellbent on forcing her beliefs about nobility that makes Cyril the most nervous. “You’re right, it is comforting and I could spend hours of my day wondering what could have been. And I never said I saw Celestine as a... meritocracy. I am aware of what it is.”
DEGARE: It never ceases to astonish him, unacquainted with magic as the next man, how she bleeds the objects of their tincture with such ease. Darkness washes over the cloth, like the spread of rot. The accents, wine-red, are a nice addition, though he doesn’t say so.
ETIENNE: Liane did not merely exist within the shadows— they were the forces that moved her, that fueled and called upon her— the very forces that she answered too. What dreadful devices existed beneath her splendid visage and how enamored he'd become as a result.
GISELE: Some believe there is constancy in the finality of grief, but the notion is misguided-- finality comes when the grief is sourced from circumstances beyond your control. Gisele’s grief is a suffocating shark on a fisherman's boat, slippery and sharp-toothed and either thrashing so violently it could shatter bone or lying so still you could not meaningfully tell if it was still clinging to life.
HELENE: It is a declaration, as she tilts her head to the side elegantly, a sharp eye pinning them down beneath her gaze. Fear does wonderful things to the psyche of those who cannot withstand it, but Helene does not have time for it. Only the auspices of this evening have kept the nobility from turning their eye, but they will not suffer it for long.
ISEULT: He flips the coin off his thumb and catches it. Doesn't even need to look. Knows the imprint of heads against his skin well enough to know the answer is 'Yes'. The prophet’s spoken. Iseult strolls on in.
LIANE: The sharp of her tongue mirrors the sharp of her stare as she lessens the distance between the two. “You know what I am. Do not deny it. You have always known, and still, you served your heart on a silver platter and expected me to be gentle with it.”
MATTHIEU: For a second, Matthieu watches its colour jump out, and thinks this thing between them is not just duty. It’s not just habit. In a way, saving her from the weight of the moment—from the brand, both holy and professed, of always having to leave her mark—is like working up to save himself. 
MICHEL: He crushes any semblance of irritation under his heel, fingers twitching for his helmet -- he could put it on, but that would be dishonest, seem strange to don now after so many hours without it. Hippolyte’s blood still stains the silver plating. 
PATRICE: He watches the man when the other’s gaze drops to his work, follows the sharp lines of his face to the softening of his expression. Can a face hold mystery, or only an expression? Savatier’s expression doesn’t seem to be projecting anything mysterious, simply humble and helpful, and yet there is something that Patrice wishes to crack open, a marrow he wishes to discover.
ROSALIND: When your desires are made equal in the other, when the bottomless hole of your stomach matches the bottomless hole in theirs, it becomes a question not of want and greed and hunger and avarice — but of dominion. Who will rule? Who will conquer? Who can bare their teeth and snarl the longest, until the other loses heart and shrivels away, swallowed whole?
SAINTE: They’re glad for their mask, hoping it hides their discomfort to some extent, although not much. It hangs in the air between them. “I don’t know.” They want to say no, but they can’t, can they? It’s undignified. But what dignity is there in the career they’ve chosen?
SAVATIER: he’d never known the touch of crushed silk until a courtier brushed against him at the summer palace, never understood the need nor the prevalence of masks, not even when he forced himself into the custom, not even when he forgot his in his chambers and weaved through the seas of marionette faces with his own flesh bared.
SIDONIE: His blood still stains the bottom of one of her heels and her jaw still still aches from being clamped shut to stifle her own inquiries. It is not her place to question Her Imperial Majesty, and anything that happens outside the realm of the arcane is beyond her purview.
VIOLAINE: Sidonie was real, and her splendor was something that existed outside of Violaine’s daydreams. The back of her hand outlined the curve of her companion’s cheek— her own way of affirming Sidonie’s existence, an existence that oft felt too good to have been true, so much so that Violaine could not help the random onsets of doubt.
YVON: she had never warmed a glass between palm and flushed breast, held to her heart like the carved wooden figures of odeline hand-crafted and favoured by peasant women, while standing witness to impromptu execution. liquid or ephemeral, she had never forgotten to abandon a flat, lifeless thing in exchange for one crisp and bubbling.  
ZHENYA: Far beyond, the streets of the Northern city breathed in a tranquil cadence, humming with motion and thrumming with activity. All around him, life drawled on, idle and unhurried; ever eager to sustain its oblivion towards the halting horrors and terrorizing trials it so callously incited.
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thebitchlands · 3 years
The long awaited Shrek AU that has lived in my drafts for months because I constantly forget about it.
Aeduan is Shrek
Iseult is Fiona
Leopold is Donkey
Corlant is Lord Farquaad
- Instead of fantasy creatures being forced into Aeduan's swamp it's witches
- Voidwitches are ogres
- All non human characters with the exception of Donkey and the dragon are replaced by witches
- Leopold, our beloved Donkey, is a talking opossum. It's never brought up why he's a talking opossum, he just is
- Henrick is the dude who tries to give Leopold away
- Blueberry is the dragon who bravely guards Iseult's tower from knights and bugs
- Iseult's curse is that she gets her witchery at night, which isn't much of a curse but shush
- Gretchya is both the king and queen because Mathew and Habim are good dads who wouldn't lock their daughter in a tower
- Iseult is put in the tower because she is a terrible threadwitch (because she is cursed and also not a threadwitch)
- The tower is on top of a very high mountain and the bridge is over a very deep chasm
- I know that Donkey and Dragon get together but Leopold/Blueberry is way past my limit so they're just bros
- Corlant wants a wife because he's a gross dude who can't get one without help
- Corlant is a weird dude who went today I am going to bother witches (despite he himself being a witch)
- Aeduan lives in a little hut in the forest. There's a Nomatsi road leading to it but somehow he's the only one who ever gets in the traps
- Aeduan delights in scaring nearby villagers because he's edgy like that
- The magic mirror is just a bunch of bored voicewitches and their friends doing game show style advertising
- "Bloodwitches are like onions"
- Opossums are small so at one point Aeduan kicks Leopold away like a football but he just comes back
- I know Corlant isn't that short but in this AU he is very short
- Voidwitchery us nothing like being an ogre but it works because Aeduan and Iseult are bad at communicating
- The hell bards are Robin Hood and the merry men (this means they all have French accents, I will not be convinced otherwise)
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vakarians-babe · 3 years
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@magebastard tagged me  to name the fictional characters that remind me of/that i project onto my oc and i uhhhhh had to do la’ara so:
1. Kaydel Co Connix, Star Wars  Determined, principled, ready to jump into action, but also ready to admit wrongdoing when that action is based upon incorrect assumptions. Found family is the answer.
2. Kuriyama Mirai, Beyond the Boundary Awkward and intense at the same time, and a hopeless romantic.
3. Isolde(Iseult/Yseult), from the various legends Devoted in love, sometimes beyond the point of reason. 
4. Tristan (Tristran in the book), Stardust Unsure of the truth of their desire, but gains confidence through the completion of a quest.
5. Luthien Tinuviel, Tolkien’s Legendarium Will challenge death for the sake of a beloved, and are more powerful than they appear. Abiding love of nature.
6. Danielle de Barbarac, Ever After Confidence comes only after reaching the lowest point, they’ve always been strong but need an external event to make them realize.
7. Tachibana Mei, Say I Love You Closed off at first, shy and pained by previous experiences, awkward in love but still deeply romantic.
8. Hiccup, How to Train Your Dragon Needing validation, takes time to grow into their power and station; once sure of themselves, however, they can do things they had never expected.
9. Anne Elliot, Persuasion Anxious, unwilling to believe in themselves as an object of affection, despite craving that affection. Attempts to see the good in others at all times, even when put upon. 
I taaaaaag @ottobooty @brother-genitivi @bigcheezey @saltybiowarefantears @zevrn @palipunk but no pressure! tryna pick people who haven’t done it yet uwu
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