#it also feels like those dreams where I’d imagine being hugged and held by someone I loved
Something I’m trying to not freak out so much over is not having 100% productivity
Today’s my only free day of the week. Friday is too but I still have to go to therapy and stuff
And I only work a little on Wednesday and Thursday sure but there’s a lot more outside the class work to get done now as well as housework so it still feels exhausting
And I was feeling rubbish for, after sleeping in a bit and cleaning, lying down and scrolling for like an hour. But I don’t think I really needed to
I’m not such a huge fan of the scrolling habit but it is just something to fill empty space and I knew why I was doing it; my head was hurting and still in a little turmoil from nightmares. I didn’t want to think I just wanted to rest
The bit I’m pleased with is I realised I don’t like doing this, what would actually be restful? I decided to try to nap. Only my brain wasn’t quite okay with sleeping, but lying down on a sunny day all cosy, hearing the breeze outside the window? So inviting, so I just let myself lie down for an hour or so.
I think the productive part of me still wants to kick myself for “wasting” 2 hours. In the past I wouldn’t have allowed myself the rest though, what I would have done was scroll for an hour and then realise, feel guilty, force myself to try to work but not feeling rested at all, and probably gotten less work done feeling antsy.
I do think the scrolling is a bit of a waste but what I’m glad about is recognising hey this isn’t actually what my brain wants right now. I think I might try asking myself that a bit more when I start to, so then I can actually figure out what my brain does want.
But as for the not-nap (I mean it felt quite dream like, like I was awake but just very rested lying there so… *shrugs* a not-nap sounds like the best descriptor) that’s quite unusual for me and something I would absolutely have never done before, I mean it’s still kind of rare for me to take naps now I’ve only been doing it since burning out.
You know though? It felt really good. And I got up and my head still felt off so I decided a shower would be good and I feel a lot better now. Sometimes it takes a bit of self care effort to figure out how upset or exhausted your body is, to remember how good used to feel.
I still feel a little bothered by it, so that’s why I’m writing this, I’m hoping once I’ve written this then I can try to implement that scroll question and to maybe relax a little let myself feel happy and cared for and to appreciate the rest I gave myself.
And it’s a little crazy right, like beating myself up over my rest day, this is my rest day, but I often don’t see it as that. I think I’ve known for ages you can’t work at 100% all the time every time but I’ve not actually allowed myself learn it. All I can usually think is how I could be so productive on a free day, kind of missing the point.
Learning it now and it feels weird but it also feels very nice
And yes I do have a whole lot to do but honestly right now, I’m feeling way better and more capable of actually getting those tasks done in good time instead of feeling rubbish and reluctantly and slowly getting them down and probably cutting into my bedtime to get them done because I made some goal for myself. There’s totally a time for pushing yourself and the point is that because I gave myself this rest, I can probably push myself now for the rest of the day to get some studying done, to cook dinner, to get my laundry sorted and some teaching admin done. Normally that list feels too big when I’m burnt out and even if I have the whole day I only get two done, I can only mentally prepare doing two. Studying and dinner.
Right now I feel like.. okay yeah this day wasn’t 100% productive, but I think I can make it 50% productive at least. And that alongside the calm I’m feeling?
That feels pretty good.
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mypassionsarenysins · 3 years
Past!Steve Rogers x Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader. 
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Summary: Steve Rogers had lived his life, it was only fair for you to live yours right?
Author’s Note: okay so another crossover and for this I’m thinking of Christian Bale batman, so read at your discretion. It’s also a lil sad and some happy parts. Thank you to @stuckonjbbarnes @honeyloverogers and @buckysmischief
Steve stared at the roof looking at the white pristine celling. 
He waited for the other person on the other side of the room to finish with her nightly routine. 
He kept staring at the ceiling closing his eyes and for a brief moment he felt you.
His mind had the ability of taking him back to that night, the moment he decided to leave her. Trying to conquer an illusion, a fleeting moment of what should have been. 
His mind told him to do it, but his heart. 
His heart was the most unforgiving part of himself that never really let it go. 
And now here he is age clear on his face, wrinkles in his one youthful hands that made you laugh, that held you when you cried, now old and lonely. 
He had everything he was looking for, or so he thought. 
A knock on the door interrupted his thought making Steve get up from the bed looking outside the window as he makes his way to the front door. 
He opens the door smiling at the man on the other side who had his infamous frown plastered on his face. 
“Come in please,” Steve motions to the living room but the man on the other side doesn’t make a move, for a moment it looks like he could burn at the mere thought of walking through the door. 
“No,” the man says anger written clear on his features. 
“Bucky you’ve been here before,” Steve motions with pleading eyes, but Bucky stays unmoving. 
“You really think I wouldn’t know that Scott wouldn’t tell us what you wanted to do,” Bucky says as he gets more and more exasperated. 
“It’s not what you think,” Steve please as he closes the door and walks to the porch Bucky leaving as much distance as possible. 
“No it’s much worse,” Bucky says. 
“Sam and I receive this call from Scott saying that you met to get back to the past to get back to her.” Bucky says. 
“You already lived your life Steve, you have a wife, kids, and grandkids.” Bucky motions at the house. 
The house that he build but thought of you in every detail, when Peggy would ask about why he would say. 
“Because its meant to be that way.”
She never really mentioned it again but the essence of her was in the house of all time. 
From the constant need to have sunflowers in the kitchen because, 
“Steve if there is gonna be flowers in the kitchen its gonna be sunflowers.” You said softly as you unwrapped the bright flowers from the brown paper.
Or how he still kept the little folded handkerchief you embroided because, 
“That is more your style Steve.” You said softly as you stand on your toes and kiss him softly on the lips.
After all those years Steve could still see you, feel you, and on some night he can almost touch you. 
“Bucky I don’t think you understand, this, this is meant to be hers,” Steve says looking up at the house that took him a good decade yo built.
When Peggy asked him why the changes to the house he was never brave enough to admit that the house never felt his and Peggy’s, he always felt this should’ve been your house with him. 
“This is not her house Steve! She already has a home,” Bucky says accentuating each word he said. 
“Her home, with her fiancé” Bucky said louder coming face to face to the man in front of him. 
The words surprised Steve more than it should. He knew he had no right to complain at this point. You were free the moment he left her, he assumed you would move forward, but he felt the slight betrayal in his core. 
But who was Steve to judge when he was the first one to move forward. 
Still that voice in the back of his mind that always brought you up was, angry, to say the least. 
Steve takes a deep breath and takes a seat over the rocking chairs on the front porch. Another touched you where enamored by. 
“Steve, when we get our house he have to put rocking chairs in the front porch.” You said sternly yet a smile shone on your face. 
“Why is that sweetheart?” Steve ask as serially as he can with you sitting on his lap. 
“Because I know we are growing old together, and you of all people should know that people of a certain age like rocking chairs on the porch, old man.” You say that last part and leap out of his lap running away you giggles is all that can be heard in the apartment as Steve laughs and runs after you. 
“Tell me about it,” Steve motions to the chair, but Bucky stays still.
“Steve you just have to let it go,” Bucky tries to appeal Steve but he knows it’s a lost cause. 
Bucky sighs and sits on the step on the porch, his back turned to Steve as he recalls the news and everything that lead up to it. 
“She actually left New York a couple of weeks after you left,” Bucky recalls with sadness on his eyes. 
Bucky remembers how betrayed he felt, you where leaving him, just like Steve. Of course now he realizes it was for the best, but at the moment, he had a different mind set. 
“You are gonna leave me to? Huh? My so called new sister, just gonna walk away like him?” Bucky yells angry as you turn to him shocked face and tears on your eyes. 
“You don’t get to compare what happened,” You drop the box in your hands and sob. Your sobs clear Bucky’s head for a minute. 
“Steve left us Bucky, he left to follow his dreams, I am allowed to try to move forward!” You yell from the place on the floor as you hug your knees. 
Bucky slowly approaches you realizing that this is bigger than he could’ve ever imagined. He realized in that moment that he was supposed to be Steve’s past, but you, you that opened you life to him. 
You so soft and tender, never an ounce of judgment or regret of letting him in. 
You that tenderly took care of him, welcome him into your home, and called him your brother to anyone who would listen. 
You where supposed to be Steve’s future. 
And now all you both had left was the whole Steve Rogers left. 
“Don’t cry petal, I’m sorry,” He says tenderly as he reaches for you slowly. 
“Do you think that I want to leave my home. My whole life behind.” You say as you calm down and look at Bucky with sadness, but love for him. 
“I know Steve left you too, but you can come with me to Gotham. “ you say as you look at him with determination. 
“But New York is my home,”  Bucky tries to reason. 
“But it’s bit mine anymore,” You say softly as you hold his hand. 
“I am always here Bucky, I just can’t be here anymore.” You motion at the left overs of you heart. 
“I know I am just afraid,” Bucky rest his head on your shoulder. 
“I know but I am you sister James Barnes,” you say determination clear in his voice. 
“ Also someone’s gotta keep an eye on Sam, he’s your responsibility now you know? Handling Captan Americas’. That should be you new name.” You joke making Bucky laugh. 
“Alright let’s finish this before the pigeon arrives and see us sad. He can stand people being sad, he always has to be so happy and sunshine-y.” Bucky says as he stands up and hold his hand out for yours. 
You smile up at him as he hold you up he envelops his arms around you hugging you desperately. 
“Thank you, for being here, I am really going to miss you,” he says softly. 
“I am always here, never forget that,” you whisper. 
As you continue to hug the front door announce loudly the third person of the party arrived. 
“So I go out for pizza in the cold streets of New Yorker and this is how I find you red eyes and hugging like we are never gonna see each other again?” Sam asks leaving the two large pizzas on the table. 
“As if you could get rid so easily of me,” you say as you open you arms, Sam jumping in. 
“Never petal, we are family here.” Sam says as Bucky hums in agreement. 
“Okay that’s enough of the mushy stuff we gotta get this lady to Gotham city!” Sam yells as you all laugh. 
In that moment Bucky felt like everything would be alight and true to your word, even if you had to fly to New York or Louisiana, you where there even of it was for something as simple as birthdays, holidays, or just because Bucky was missing you. 
Bucky tells the story more of a reminder of who you where, than to tell Steve about you. 
From the past years Bucky visited Steve he never brought you up. He felt like his loyalty was to you. 
“So she left everything behind huh?” Steve wonder heaviness in his heart, but a small light shining knowing Bucky was never really alone. 
“I think thats what she needed to heal.” Bucky says standing up. 
“She was always there, at the end of the line.” Bucky says harshly and with protection written all over the place. 
“Bucky,” Steve stands up to reach him. 
“I need to go weddings gonna be next week and I can’t wait. I’m giving her away,” Bucky says as a smile makes a way to his eyes. 
“You know I always thought I’d be you at the end of the altar.” Bucky says as he starts leaving. 
“Also if you really need to know you should look at social media, everything you want to know about him is there.” Bucky says walking out suddenly he stops. 
“Tell the misses I said goodnight.” Bucky says looking up at the house one last time as he gets on his bike driving away leaving a trail on dirt behind him. 
Steve sits there for a while emotions swirling in his being. 
As he pulls his cellphone out he hears soft steps and he looks up to look at his wife. 
“Steve you’ve been here for an hour what happened?” Peggy says taking the chair next to him concern on his face. 
“I just- Bucky came over, he just needed someone to talk to.” Steve says as he tries to smile hiding yet more emotions form his wife. 
He was good at that, he guessed. 
“Oh strange he didn’t stay,” she shrugs standing up. 
“Yeah guys stuff you know,” Steve tries to laugh as Peggy smiles at him. 
“Oh this also arrived on the mail today,” Peggy hands him a white luxurious envelope. 
“Alright I’m going to bed,” She says as she kisses his cheek. 
“Okay I’ll be there in a minute.” He says as she heads back inside. 
He looks at the envelope and think nothing of it thinking its an invitation from Pepper. As he opens it and reads it he stays silent his eyes roaming all over the written words. 
            You are cordially invited to the wedding of 
                               Bruce Thomas Wayne                                              And                                (Y/N)(Y/M/N)(Y/L/N)
    Who’s nuptials will be taking place in
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
    Located at 1000 5th Ave, New York, New York. 
Steve can’t even finish reading as he drops the paper. 
Anger and sadness fill him as he stares at the mocking piece of paper on the floor. 
He takes out his phone opening google and typing Bruce Wayne and thousands of result pop up. He opens the wikipedia article and starts reading. After reading some information he looks at the some pictures and he sees it. You and him on a red carpet for one of his galas or something smiles all over as he click the article states very clear that since you went public with him he was seen visibly happier. He can’t help but mad at him, you, and specially himself. 
He sits again in the rocking chair, the one you where meant to grow old together on, and stare at the horizon thinking of you and what to do with the wedding invitation at his feet. 
How could he get back to you?  
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meltingpotimagines · 3 years
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this mans
is not husband material
for the right girl? he may be willing to play the part
listen, mans may not be a simp but he is cHARMING okay? he got potential
besides he’s lowkey a simp for the right girl but whatever
was very romantic when he proposed
managed to rent out an entire park perks of being the #2 hero
decked out a gazebo with fairy lights, candles, and rose petals
considered making a heart with the rose petals but decided just scattering them around would be classier and less cheesy
set up a picnic with a basket f u l l of food
sandwiches, cheese, fruit, desserts, the works
and ofc a bottle of champagne bc tonight you two would be celebrating
or so he hoped
you wouldn’t say no right?
i mean who could say no to that gorgeous face pHEW
pulled out the ring box right as you swallowed the last of the macaron you’d been nibbling on
his heart sped up as your eyes widened, a breathless ‘keigo’ escaping your lips
“i know you might not be ready, but the more i get to know you, the more i realize that i don’t want to live the rest of my life without you. you’re the girl of my dreams, and i never want to wake up. would you marry me?”
“are you s t u p i d? ofc i will!”
his grin has never been as bright as it was at that moment
slipped the ring onto your finger and immediately pulled you into his arms and took off into the air
slowed your assent as you two soared above the clouds and spun around, unable to contain his joy
gazed at your face with those golden eyes, taking in your beauty, before giving you the sweetest, most tender kiss you’ve ever felt
oh boy the wedding
when i tell you this was an e v e n t i mean anyone who was anyone wanted to go to this wedding
but only those that were close to the two of you were invited
haha suckerrrs
somehow got all might to officiate
who knew all might could officiate weddings? 
certainly neither of you
no one really knows how that decision came to be but i mean no one was complaining either so
he let you make all the decisions except for one
the flowers
he h a d to be involved in the flowers
he appreciates pretty flora and if the bouquets and floral arrangements at his wedding weren’t the prettiest possible he would n o t be satisfied
teared up as you walked down the aisle (which he will neither confirm nor deny)
not that he wasn’t lookin’ mighty fine too
just imagine: tan suit with a black button up and a gold tie, gold cufflinks with a ruby set in each
i know those are his costume colors but he looks good in them so y’all can fight me
dipped you for your first kiss as husband and wife to everyone’s amusement
best believe a few different cameras caught that
the timing of the wedding was planned out so the reception was held at night
semi-sheer white tents and custom black ten-feet tall candelabras
the soft glow from the candles combined with the moonlight made for the perfect dreamy vibe 
he managed to find a florist that could dye white roses black and cover them them with a thin layer of gold glitter
was it necessary? no
did it look good? heck yeah
the gold glitter shined beautifully against the black roses
the way your eyes sparkled as you danced with him was far more captivating
you two had flown up into the sky to dance your first dance together
your silhouettes against the bright moon made for a perfect picture
the only reason you ended up coming down was because neither of you had eaten much that day and a guy’s gotta eat
he gonna need stamina later *winky face*
you cannot convince me the man wouldn’t insist on fried chicken
like a whole buffet table of different flavors
but i mean fried chicken is good so can’t blame him
everyone expected him to smear some cake on your face when he fed you that first piece
instead wiped off the frosting that got on your lips with his thumb and licked it off
your best friend caught t h a t one on camera and will never stop teasing you about how flustered you got
he kept up a great image of a polite host but on the inside he was ready to g o
it had been a long day and he was ready love on his wife
he likes the sound of that
peppers your face with kisses on the ride home
yeah yeah i know h o n e y m o o n but where y’all were goin’ was forever away and mans just wants to shower you with affection as soon as possible (esp considering he had to keep his hands off you all day since you two never had a moment alone)
scoops you up the second you’re out of the car and carries you over the threshold
gives you a soft kiss before putting you down
and that’s the last soft kiss you’re gonna get for the night lolllll
definitely the type to make you breakfast in the morning
also the type to cook in nothing but an apron and boxers but anyway
you better be up in time to see that sight bc if not, you’re getting breakfast in bed not that i’d complain
he’s not the best cook but mans can manage some bacon and eggs
plus some fresh fruit bc it makes it more visually appealing and less like he doesn’t really know how to cook
he set the tray on your lap and climbs back into bed, pulling you into his side so your head can rest on his chest as you two munch on breakfast
there’s something so soothing about the sound of his heartbeat
a soft little rhythm that nearly puts you back the sleep
didn’t help that he was unconsciously running his fingertips along your arm, drawing random squiggles and shapes
will tilt your head up by the chin every so often to give you a little peck on the lips
if you do fall asleep, he’ll just gaze at you softly while lightly tracing your features
still can’t process that you’re married
someone actually loved him enough to marry him
there was someone that didn’t just admire or use him bc of his quirk
didn’t give him attention purely bc he’s the number 2 hero
you saw all his flaws and shortcomings and insecurities and loved him regardless
if he’s dreaming, please don’t wake him up
you cleaning him wings for him is something he loves so much
it’s such an intimate task that makes him feel cared for
how much time you take in cleaning them and how tenderly you handle each wing
it’s one of his favorite ways to spend time with you
it’s nice being taken care of for once, esp when he’s always taking care of others
absolutely loves taking you on night flights
will take you in his arms and just soar above the clouds
with the clouds below you and the stars above, it feels like you two are the only people that exist
definitely dances with you during some of those flights
wraps one arm more tightly around your waist and take your hand in his and just… slowly spins in the air
it doesn’t look like much but when you’re just looking into each other’s eyes, it feels like the most romantic and intimate moment you could ask for
your life is quite literally in his hands but you’ve never felt safer
even more so when you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook
his arms wound securely around your waist, the comforting smell of his scent, the kisses he presses to your temple every so often
it feels like home
likes startling/scaring you a lot
will sneak into the house after work just so he can tap on your shoulder from behind 
the gasp you let out as you freak out for half a second never fails to amuse him the jerk
will always make it up to you with long, deep kiss
if he gets home late after a long day he’ll just crawl into bed and pull you into his arms before burying his face into your hair
no talking, just breathes in your scent before he crashes
he sleeps really well like that, but, although he won’t admit it, he sleeps best when you hold him, his face buried in your chest
he feels warm and safe, like it’s okay to be vulnerable for once
absolutely flirts with you while at work
probably definitely sends you a few spicy pics or texts
it gives him such smug satisfaction knowing the affect he has on you when he’s not even physically there
picks up take-out when he knows your too tired to or would rather not cook
like to back hug you and wrap you up with his wings
9/10 times will bury his face in your neck and nuzzle
sometimes if he spots you while on patrol, he’ll fly over and flirt with you
“how you doin’, gorgeous? the name’s hawks. what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doin’ in a neighborhood like this?”
sir, this is one of the safest areas in the city pLS-
but if you actually a r e in danger? oh boy
no one, and i mean no one, touches his girl
honestly i’d rather fight bakugo one on one than deal with keigo’s wrath
he’s one of the chillest people you will ever meet, but when he’s that mad? s c a r y
will keep a close watch on you for a while after that
asks you to always let him know where you’ll be and to text him when you get home
definitely considered installing a tracking app on your phones
he’ll calm down eventually, but for the moment he’s extremely anxious
although he certainly tried his best to hide it
he didn’t want to stress you out too, especially if you had any anxieties from it yourself
he was just afraid to lose you
he doesn’t know what he’d do without you
after all, you’re the most precious thing in the world to him and he loves you more than he could ever put into words
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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cedric diggory x fem!reader
part two: Dreamiest Boy in School.
warnings: smut, shower sex, swearing, oral (female receiving), masturbation.
If you are not comfortable please do not read.
summary: Cedric’s been in love with you for years. What will he do when he catches the reader moaning his name after a quidditch game in the prefect’s bathroom. Fluff at the end.
a/n: characters are 18+ and it is fully consensual.
word count: 4.2k
Cedric first met you in his fifth year when he’d first been appointed captain of the hufflepuff team, it was your first time trying out despite also being in your fifth, but it was no secret that it wasn’t your first time on the pitch. You were a natural, blocking quaffles with ease, letting none enter the goal. Your movements were smooth, elegant, but forceful, effectively getting the job done, but truly showing off the art of flying. Cedric had to forcibly pinch himself after you touched down. 
Today was a rough game against gryffindor, It went on much longer than it needed to with Ms. Pink Toad calling random people from the pitch and ‘hem hemming’ every time someone managed to score a goal. When Cedric had eventually caught the snitch, he had to deal with a ten minute long speech from Umbridge speaking of his bravery and strength, he cut it short after she began to run her hands over his face.
Now came Cedric’s favourite part of the game, his friends had already congratulated him on the win, but he was close by you and your friends as you touched down from the goal post. You were distributing high-fives to everyone, even throwing Cedric a quick thumbs up before running to your gym bag and taking a long sip from your water bottle. Here it comes, your pupils glance from side to side, scanning the area before grabbing the hem of your jersey to dab at the sweat running down your face. No one on the team cared you did this, but you still felt weird randomly pulling your jersey up to clean off your face. You did this after every practice and game, and although he didn’t mean to intrude Cedric found himself gazing at you often.
Cedric takes his bottom lip into his teeth as he looks to the grass beneath him, his thoughts running wild. He pictures what it would be like if he was the one pulling at your shirt, slowly pushing it up your gorgeous body as you beg him to take it off, rolling your hips desperately against his. The seeker’s pants were starting to get a little more constricting at the thought.
Ever since his first time seeing you at the pitch, he’d find himself thinking of you this way a lot. His name spilling from your lips, mouth agape, legs quivering. It kept him awake often, thinking about you. Imagining the feeling of your lips pressed to his as he rocked his hips in and out of you. He didn’t appreciate the sinful thoughts encasing his mind every time he saw you, it drove him insane. Any time you licked your lips, shook out your hair, smirked or even simply laughed, he’d have to excuse himself to rid of the heat from his face.
It was even worse the two of you had become close friends in the last two years, you were the person to help and train him for the triwizard tournament, working out with him often and supporting him through his challenges, also being his unofficial ‘date’ to the ball. You pushed him well, preparing him for the physical challenges that lay ahead in the contest, but only having his crush grow as you worked by his side and hugged him good luck. After he won, you were one of the first people he went to after his father. You had jumped into his arms and held him tight as he recounted the story of how Voldemort had stunned him and Harry had saved his life. Upon finishing  the story, you had kissed him on the cheek and whispered.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do if you were gone.”
He knew then that he was never going to let you go.
Cedric did his best to put your friendship first, reminding himself of your platonic status and your great history. He couldn’t jeopardize it all, even if he fancied you. Running himself a cold shower after stripping down his robes in the prefect’s bathroom, he tries to place his thoughts in a different headspace. He ignores his surroundings as he tries to rid himself of the dirty images, letting the cold water stream onto his face. It was practically useless, his mind drifted back to your lips pulled between your teeth or how your lips felt against his cheek after each hit of cold water. With one small thought, his arousal and need grows.
Sighing quietly and shutting the tap off, the hufflepuff head boy wraps a towel around his waist as he picks up his bag to begin getting changed. Halfway to zip open his bag, he can hear a shaky voice calling, not to far away.
“Oh f-fuck Ced.” 
Body immediately going rigid, the wide-eyed boy regains his train of thought and remembering where he is, glancing around the showers. The voice was so familiar, close.
So... dream-like. Sifting through his memories to match the voice, he thinks of people close to him that were also prefects or head girls, the only person to came to mind was you, but that was impossible. What were you doing saying his name so beautifully.
“Faster, please.” The voice rang out again in a softer mewl. The brunette’s cheeks light on fire as the voice finally registers in his ears, no doubt it was your soft cry. Despite his better judgment, Cedric needed to check this out. To make sure he wasn’t just imagining your voice begging for him.
As he approaches the shower he hears the voice from, he can hear a heavy pant and a shower getting louder. Standing before the closed curtain. His hand hovering over top the thin material, he mentally debates this, perhaps he was wrong. He might’ve misheard, and the he’d be barging in on a random girl. Pulling his hand away he turn to leave, but another moan perks his attention.
“F-fuck Cedric, I-I’m gonna c-cum.” A quivering whimper, cries his name again.
He’d heard you say his name about a million times, cheering him on, talking to him, laughing out his name. That was you inside, about to cum to his image.
Not able to take it anymore and he rips open the shower curtain, his cock springing up under the towel and pure desire taking over his senses. There you were, damp hair streaming down your shoulders, leaning against a wall with one hand on your breast and the other deep between your legs, pushing in and out at a rapid pace, practically sobbing for release.
“Are you masturbating?”
You barely register the soft question, but as your eyes open they instantly flash with horror and you immediately pull your hands away from your body, meeting gazes with a wide-eyed Cedric. A flood of embarrassment consumes you, he must have heard you. Merlin, you felt disgusting.
“Oh my gosh Cedric I’m so sorry!” You apologize frantically, rushing to grab your towel and cover yourself as tears of self-consciousness begin to well in your eyes. “I didn’t- I’m so sorry.” You try and push him out of your way, but Cedric will not let you pass, his grey eyes still staring holes into you. Agonizing seconds pass as he simply looks you down, your head swiveling around to look anywhere but his stoic gaze. 
Finally smirks in amusement, Cedric reaches over and takes your chin in between his fingers, forcing your head up to meet his eyes, you ready yourself for a lecture, or maybe screams, but it doesn’t come.
“I like the way you said my name.” Cedric teases, pushing you back into the running shower.
“Hands between your thighs and on your breast, were you thinking about this?” Cedric purrs, pushing you against the smooth wall and pressing his chest against yours, slowly rocking his hard on against your sensitive clit with the rough towel around his waist. 
“Imagining me taking you in the shower, fucking you against the wall and whispering dirty thoughts into your ear?” He continues in a low voice, continuing the gentle rock of his hips.
Your mouth drops open at Cedric’s reaction and the waves of pleasure clouding your senses. “Answer me.” Cedric growls, pushing harder against you and encasing you in his arms, his elbows by your head and his forearms against the wall. “Y-yes, I-I was.” your soft voice breathes out. “Yes, who?” Cedric grins, his eyes growing dark with lust as he watches you writhe beneath him. “Yes Cedric.” You moan as the toned hufflepuff continues to roll his hips slowly, an approving smirk spreading on his lips. 
 “You don’t know how long I’ve wished to do this love.” Cedric begins to nip at your neck, sucking and kissing around until he finds the spot that makes your breath hitch. You bite your lip to suppress the upcoming moan.
“Stop.” Cedric’s needy voice growls at you. “The only one who’ll be biting those lips is me.” He states, desire lacing every word.
Roughly pushing his lips against yours in a heated kiss, his warm tongue swirls around your mouth, drinking in your intoxicating taste and gliding his rough fingertips up and down your body, memorizing every curve before coming to rest on your hips. Your teeth clash, pleasure and heat travel to your core, fueling your arousal as a hard member prods at you from under Cedric’s dangerously low towel. 
“Besides, I want the whole castle to know you’re mine.” The grey-eyed hufflepuff bucks his hips into yours again making you squirm. “C-Cedric!” You cry out, wrapping your arms around his muscular shoulders and digging your nails into your champion’s back, the steam in the shower clouds your perception even more, all you could sense was Cedric’s body against yours, every muscle every scar. Cedric’s teasing lips pull up again as you begin to ramble.
“I-I need you.” you beg nervously, grinding your hips against the soaked material of Cedric’s towel.
“Would you like my fingers or my tongue love.” Cedric’s cool digits brush the inside of your thighs, you nearly jump at the feeling. “Both.” You manage to whimper out as Cedric’s hard stare bores into you.
“Dirty girl.” He smirks teasingly, his voice smooth as satin and dark as sin. “Beg for it.”
You could feel your arousal growing at Cedric’s words. You’d never seen him as the type to wish his partner to beg, but Merlin you weren’t complaining.
“Please Cedric, I need you. You make me feel so fucking good, please don’t stop, let the whole castle know who I belong to.” 
Your champion’s eyes go from a piercing grey to almost black as lust and arousal course through his veins. He slowly lowers himself to the ground, pressing kisses all the way down to where you needed him most. Cedric takes his time spreading your legs apart and kissing up your inner thighs and blowing on your clit, sending shockwaves up your trembling form. He looks back up at you as he leans forwards and licks a stripe through your folds and begins to swirl his tongue around your clit. Your thoughts run cold, all that consumes your mind was the ecstasy running through your veins, Cedric flicking his tongue around your sex, fucking you with his tongue and lapping hungrily at your sweet juices.
“Oh fuck Cedric, please don’t stop.” Your mewling voice begs needlingly, breathing heavily to keep yourself from falling over. 
Cedric smiles into you and slowly teases his fingers around your entrance, tracing along the edge of your slit before sinking two long digits into your wetness. spots flash in front of your eyes as your head falls back against the wall. Cedric pulls and pushes his fingers in and out of you at a quick pace, twisting them around and bending slightly as your walls grow tighter around him. He uses his body to keep your legs from doubling over in pleasure and continues to ravage you with both his tongue and fingers. flicking and sucking at your bundle of nerves while thrusting his fingers in and out of your core. A familiar knot begins to form and you dig your hand into Cedric’s damp hair, pulling him closer to you and desperately rocking your hips against his face, desperate for any more friction he could give you. Cedric chuckles at your moaning form. Sending even more delicious vibrations to your sensitive clit, as moans mix with longing cries of your lover’s name. Cedric pulls his mouth away, bringing himself to a standing position, still burying his fingers in you, replacing his tongue with his calloused thumb to massage your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“You don’t know what you do to me darling. How does it make you feel that you give me a hard-on every time you lift that shirt up to wipe your face? Every time you bite that gorgeous lip, or flip your hair you’d have me wanting to bend you over and fuck you senseless.”
You try and respond, but the pleasure Cedric was giving to you was all your mind could take. The sound of his fingers pounding into your wet core and Cedric’s deep pants were driving you insane. You can only moan in response and crash your lips against his again. You can taste yourself as Cedric dips his tongue against yours, nibbling on your lip and picking up his pace with his fingers. A familiar knot forms in your abdomen and you have to pull away from Cedric’s lips to moan and arch your back even more, you can feel your walls clenching tighter against the rough fingers pounding in and out of you.
All at once the knot snaps and waves upon waves of euphoria washes over you and consuming your vision in white. Crying out Cedric’s name over and over again, the brunette helps you ride out your high, continuing to pulse his fingers in your clenching hole and kneeling down again to lap up your juices as you moan out and rock your hips gently, Cedric’s cock begins to twitch like mad watching he waves of cum spill from your core, but he takes his time, savoring every drop of your sex.
Cedric is practically beaming with pride as he stands again, holding the back of your head in his large hand. 
“So sweet love.” He smirks, wiping a drop of your cum off of his bottom lip with his thumb and licking it off slowly, keeping direct eye contact with you. Your face was red, your legs quivering, and deep breaths sounding from your lips.
“I’m not done with you yet darling.” Cedric drops the towel from his waist and boxes you in his arms again.
“You won’t be able to walk when I’m through with you.” The toned seeker teases in a dark voice.
Feeling his length against your stomach you bite back a moan, fuck he was big. You were unsure what to do, but taking his twitching cock into your hand, you pump his length experimentally, receiving a soft moan in return. Picking up the pace, you spread the precum on his tip as a lubricant. Working your hand against him, he reconnects your lips, a soft whimper flowing from Cedric’s lips. You keep using your hand to pleasure your champion, but Cedric can’t take it anymore.
“I need to be inside of you darling.” Cedric rasps, reluctantly pulling your hand from his throbbing tip and wrapping his arms around you.
Without hesitation you leap up and wrap your legs around Cedric’s hips and he presses you against the wall for support.
“Ready Love?” Cedric smirks, his hands squeezing your ass and cock teasing your soft folds.
“Shut up and take me Diggory.”
Cedric wastes no time sinking into you, slowly at first, letting you adjust to his thick shaft, small grunts sounding from your lips as Cedric sink deeper.
“You’re taking me so well darling, f-fuck.” Cedric groans, sticking his head in the crook of your neck, nibbling on your sensitive skin and squeezing your hips.
Tears prick in your eyes as Cedric bottoms out in you, burying your hand in his wet brown curls you whimper at the feeling of being so full.
After a couple moments the pain turns to pleasure and you shimmy around motioning to Cedric it’s okay to move. The brunette begins to thrust in and out of you, slow at first, but soon finding a rhythm, pulling in and out of you in a quick pace, thrusting out to almost his tip before burying himself to the hilt inside you once again.
“Faster Cedric.” your pleading voice gasps and pleads.
Cedric obliges, snapping his hips back and forth to the point you see spots in your vision and you’re dragging your nails down your champions back. Cedric frantically presses his lips against yours again as he groans loudly. You swallow the moan in the kiss and cup your hands around Cedric’s defined jawline, pulling him closer and clenching your core in surprise as he pushes his thumb to your clit.
Your reaction pulls another breathy moan from Cedric, but his thrusts don’t stop. He continues to pound into you, his desire out weighing any tiredness that should’ve been.
Your loud moans only egg him on further. Your sinful, desperate pleas for more drive him insane. Arching your back and rolling your hips, Cedric pounds even further into you.
“Fuck Cedric, right there.” Your loud beg cries out and Cedric smirks, slamming his hips into your spot over and over again. Screams of pleasure and sighs of satisfaction fill the air. Wet sounds of skin on skin ring throughout the large bathroom as Cedric sinks deep into you with each needy thrust.
Parting your lips, another choked moan is pulled from your lips and your vision goes blank once again as your coil snaps and your grip tightens on Cedric. Your champion doesn’t stop, his thrusts are still merciless and needy, but as your slit clenches his cock in a tight hold, his thrust becomes lazier and he can feel his release coming soon.
“You make me feel so good Ced, I’ve had my hand in between my legs thinking about this for so long, o-oh fuck.” You moan in a teasing voice against the brunettes ear. You can feel Cedric’s upper body go rigid as he uses the last of his strength to snap his hips into yours like his life depended on it. Your dirty talk making him imagine your naked body lying on your bed, moaning out his name, probably only a hallway away from him. Years of lust and love fuel his next thrusts. Every time he’d painfully gotten hard because of you, every time he imagined you underneath him and making you scream his name in ecstasy was all coming true and groaning your name into the crook of your neck he snaps his hips in a desperate thrust one more time before releasing all over your tight walls, his body pulsing in euphoria sending shockwaves of pleasure through his entire being.
Your eyes roll back and your legs jolt at his powerful stream, thanking Merlin you had taken the potion to help with cramps not too long ago. You begin to roll your hips lazily to help Cedric ride out his orgasm, your core practically numb with pleasure and your entire body exhausted. Cedric is panting heavily, his hand buried in your hair and his other still supports your body. He gives your bum a small squeeze, your body still against the wall and his still pressed to yours in support, letting the warm water from the tap relax your tired muscles and wash the proof of your pleasures off of your legs, while still intimately connected.
Cedric smiles as he looks deep into your eyes, still panting heavily, but now with nervousness and a slight anxiety. He couldn’t keep his true feelings from you any longer.
“You know I love you right?” The hufflepuff head boy confesses, running a hand down the side of your face.
“I’d hope so, considering you just fucked me senseless.” You giggle and wrap your arms around Cedric’s toned shoulders. 
Your giggle dies down to a grin and a pink blush makes it’s way onto your face as you look down to see the two of you still connected
“I love you too.” You smile earnestly, a smile playing on your lips and you press a kiss to Cedric’s pink cheek. “I’ve loved you since those days in fifth year when I trained with you, you don’t know how relieved I was you survived, and with Umbridge around I thought I might never get the chance to confess.” Your emotions come through and Cedric has to blink the pure happiness from his eyes to respond.
“I’ve loved you since the moment you came rushing into my arms after the maze, I had a crush on you before, but i’ll never forget when you said those words, I knew I’d never let you go.” Cedric’s smile falters a bit as your stare drops to his lips.
“C-can I kiss you?” His face grows closer to yours.
“Didn’t ask for permission while you were cumming in me.” You tease, peppering kisses all around Cedric’s handsome features as his face grows hot in embarrassment.
“I-Is that a yes?” He murmurs hopefully, your soft lips trailing down his jawline.
You smile and press a kiss to the corner of Cedric’s mouth.
“As long as I can be your girl.” You giggle.
Cedric immediately pushes his lips to yours in a more delicate, but wanting kiss. Taking his time now to show you his adoration and care for you. The sounds of your lips molding together sounding through the large shower. Cedric runs his tongue through your mouth again, slowly this time, sighing at the taste of your after-game drink and the light taste of strawberry chap stick that remained on the inside your lips, begging to be found and appreciated.
As Cedric continues to ravage your mouth you run your hands up and down his chest and abs, taking deep breaths of his autumn like scent. Campfire, vanilla and honey were the most prominent, while his aftershave also offered a sharp, wood like smell.
“I love you y/n, so much. It would be an honor to have you as my girl.” Cedric sighs against your lips, placing one final peck before pulling away and grinning like a little kid. A smile begins to form on your face.
“Hey, did you think you could, you know.” You awkwardly motion down towards where you were still intertwined. “My legs are kid of sore.” Cedric’s eyes widen in realization and he nods frantically, apologies spilling from his lips as he slowly pulls out of you with a small ‘pop.’ Cedric lowers your feet to the ground and begins to back up, but the sudden weight removed from your body made your legs forget how to move and you crash into Cedric’s chest again.
Your legs felt numb and you couldn’t get them to move properly without falling. Cedric does his best to hide his pride as your lips pull into a frown, but a small smirk emerges as he bites his lip to stop it. He glances down and also notices the small purple love bites littering your neck and he almost beams.
“I hope you’re happy with yourself Ced, I can’t walk.” You roll your eyes at his useless attempt to stop his smile.
“I am, and I must say you look absolutely ravishing sporting my love bites darling.” He grins darkly, but a light chuckle breaks free.
“Alright let’s get you dressed, come on.” Cedric turns the tap off before leaning over again and catching your legs in his arms, carrying you bridal style out of shower, grabbing your towel and gym bag on the way out.
Placing you down on a bench, he grabs his own fluffy, white towel from his bag. Using it to pat your hair and body dry, making sure to get every inch of your body, and being careful around your intimate parts as you winced often. Grabbing another school-provided towel, he pats his upper-body dry before tying the cloth around his waist. Shaking out his damp hair, he grabs your bag and places it next to you.
“Do you think you can do it yourself darling?” His voice is filled with concern, but you nod and zip open your bag. Cedric turns to his own clothes and after tugging on a pair of boxers and sweatpants, wipes his hair dry before throwing on a t-shirt.
He turns to see you in a black sports bra, tugging on a pair of black tights, but unable to get them up your bum. Cedric smirks, walking over to you and pulling you up, holding you against him as a support while you finally get the leggings on. He sits you back down before pulling a jumper out of his bag and slipping it over your head.
The sweater seems to swallow you whole and it takes a moment to find the holes for your arms. You thank Cedric and sigh at being engulfed in Cedric’s sweet scent, pulling the jumper over your nose and smiling in content.
“You look better in my clothes than I do.” Cedric smirks happily, pulling you up again and interlocking your hands.
“Well in that case I guess I’ll keep it.” You grin, slipping on your sneakers and following Cedric out the prefect bathroom to the best of your abilities, having to stop often due to the aftershock of Cedric’s desperate pounding. Finally resorting to Cedric carrying you once again. Thankfully Dolores and her goons seemed to be missing from the scene.
Finally making it back to the hufflepuff common room, Cedric sneaks you into his dorm and closes the canopy around his four poster bed. Breathing out in content, The head boy cuddles you into his chest and wraps his arms around your torso.
“Can’t believe you’re actually here on my bed with me, I’ve only dreamt of this.” Cedric murmurs giddily, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your nose.
You snake your arms around Cedric’s broad chest and cuddle closer to him.
“I’m never letting you go, you know that.” Your champion teases, kissing your hairline.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You reassure, closing your eyes tiredly and slowly drifting off, exhaustion from the day's activities getting to you.
Cedric peers down at you a happy smile resting on his lips as he too yawns and relaxes into his pillow. This day couldn’t have gone any better. He won the game, fucked you in the shower and now he’s cuddling you in his bed. His blush reappears onto his cheeks as your breathy moans engrave themselves into his brain, but pride takes over as he reminds himself it was him who made you moan like that. Peppering kisses on your forehead he finally closes his eyes and replays your evening with a small smirk.
This is my first time writing smut so tips would be appreciated!
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Grow Old With Me | Spencer Reid
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Summary: Spencer Reid never imagined growing old with someone, but then suddenly it happens within a blink of an eye, and it's perfect. Inspired heavily by the song Grow Old With Me by Tom Odell, and featuring Dad! Spencer.
Warnings: mentions of children, allusions to sex.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.5 k
A/N: I honestly meant to write something in my request list next, but then I listened to this song for the first time in over a year, and my brain was just like...Will you've gotta write something now. So, it's now 2.30 am, and I haven't properly edited it, but I hope you enjoy a little look into the life I think Spencer deserves. Also helps to listen to the song while you're reading.
I can feel you breathing With your hair on my skin As we lie here within The night
I'll pull the sheets When it's cold on your feet Cuz you'll fall back to sleep Every time
It all started after one night together. One night of blissful love, of heated lust and a desire to have each other so close that nothing could distract you from the moment at hand. It was in Spencer’s bed where he first said, ‘I love you', where he first took you in his arms under the covers and made it clear he had no plans to let go, and it was in his bed where the both of you slept together for the first time, a mixture of tangled limbs, strewn around blankets and the light from the moon shining against your bodies. On that night, Spencer knew, as he watched you sleep, a soft smile curling his lips, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. And as the night turned into morning, as the cool spring breeze drifted through the window and you stretched in his arms, Spencer could only chuckle quietly as he tucked you back under the covers, pulling the sheets over your feet and humming as you laid against his chest. This was the perfect picture of all his dreams coming true, and he knew he wouldn’t ever trade it for the world.
Grow old with me Let us share what we see And oh the best it could be Just you and I
It didn’t take you long to realise that Spencer was in this relationship for the long haul, that he was going to fight to have every moment with you, to hold you as long as he could and to give you all the love in the world until your time on earth was up. You realised when he asked you to move in with him, and for a man who didn’t like changes, or going out of his way to make his life different, you knew as he held out the small silver key, that this meant something to Spencer.
“You…you want me to move in with you? Spencer, are you sure?” He nods furiously, knowing there’s no way he’s going to regret his decision any time soon. Standing up, he walks around the couch that the two of you are sitting on, and he gestures to the empty to one of the bookshelves that are now empty, previously jam-packed with his books.
“I’m sure, Y/N. Look! I made space in the bookshelves for all your books, and I emptied out half of my wardrobe for your clothes, and…and I just thought that this could be where you call home, from now on. And I know it’s sudden and we’ve only been dating for what…two months? But I know that I don’t want to share a place with anyone else, let alone wake up to an empty bed ever again.” You were kissing him then, taking the key happily while he could only smile against your mouth.
“Of course, I’ll move in with you, Spencer Reid. There’s no one I’d rather live with. Especially if it means I get to share a bed.” He laughs openly at your words and pulls you into a hug that you swear makes your stomach flutter and heart pound even harder, especially when he kisses you right underneath your ear and keeps whispering that he loves you as if you’re going to forget any time soon.
And our hands they might age And our bodies will change But we'll still be the same As we are
We'll still sing our song When our hair ain't so blonde And our children have sung We were right
Spencer’s greatest honour in life was having the privilege to see you grow, body ever-changing as the both of you got older, his chestnut-coloured hair being flecked with streaks of grey, and your face slowly taking on lines of age that he found so very beautiful. He loved everything about you, loved how even as the two of you aged, you still loved to lay yourself over his lap while he read, or how you danced around the kitchen while you cooked. And you loved every single thing about your doctor, from the way he smiled that little smile that made his eyes squint and cheeks blush, to how he never seemed to be warm enough, wanting an endless number of blankets, sweaters or even your body to swallow him up, to keep him warm and in turn, keep him safe from all the horrors of the world.
He loved thinking back to all those years ago when he married you, when he took you as his partner for the rest of his life, and how the both of you danced until the sun came up, surrounded by those that loved you and you loved just as much. He thought you could never look more beautiful than you did on your wedding day, dressed simply for the little ceremony in Rossi’s backyard, but every morning when he sees you for the first time, in the sun that shines through the window and under fresh bed covers, he’s constantly waking up in awe, wondering how on earth he was so lucky.
But then the two of you became four, a set of twins making the little family that Spencer had always dreamed of, and suddenly Spencer thought that everything was perfect, that nothing could beat the feeling he went to bed with every night; happiness, love and perfection all around him after he puts his son and daughter to bed, pulls you into his arms and listens to your heartbeat against his chest, and he knows that he’s a lot luckier than most people, and he’s eternally grateful for that.
And the hairs they stand up And my feet start to thump Yer the feeling is dreaming Around
You'll be the one Make me hurt, make me come Make me feel like I'm real And alive
In the early stages of your relationship, every moment with you was filled with his racing heart, the fierce fear that he would embarrass himself in front of you and a love that burned so bright both of you were scared you were going to be burned. But then, as the dust settled and a familiar rhythm formed, Spencer quickly calmed down. Sure, his heart still thumped loudly in his chest, and he still wanted to make you smile and laugh with him and not at him, but he knew that everything was going to be okay.
He knew without a doubt that you made him feel alive, that he existed for more than just his brain and that you loved him endlessly when you kissed him and held him. He knew you were undoubtedly his, that you would never want anyone else, and he held tight to that truth every time the two of you fought.
You both knew the fights meant nothing, both knew that you only fought when work was becoming too much and the both of you were tired, at the ends of your tethers and feeling overwhelmed by raising a family and being there for each other. But once the pain had passed, apologies accepted and loving regret-filled kisses exchanged, and the two of you always ended up in bed together, wrapped around each other until the sun rose or your children woke, whatever came first as you grew older.
Grow old with me Let us share what we see And oh the best it could be Just you and I
Spencer Reid thought he’d never end up with someone, never had someone to grow old with him, to share a life and a house and an endless amount of mornings, evenings and time in between. He’d never believed that someone would ever love him enough to spend their life with him, to kiss him when he woke, to make him dinner after a long night, to fall asleep in his lap on the couch or even promise themselves to him. Hell, he didn’t even think he’d ever have children, or a little slice of happiness that everyone else seemed to think he deserved after all the horrors he’d experienced. But suddenly he had it, and he was never going to let go, especially right now, as you wrapped yourself around him as you watched your twins do homework at the dinner table.
“You know, I never thought this would be my life.” It was a whisper against the material of his sweater, but he heard it all the same as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Oh yeah, what did you expect, my darling?” You smile at his question and tilt your head up to look at him, brushing some of his curls out of his eyes.
“Something boring, not something as perfect as this.” He hums in response to your statement and swoops you in for a sweet kiss that your twins groan at, complaining about seeing their parents kissing in the kitchen. But the two of you can only laugh, telling them that they’ll be doing the exact same thing when they’re older, and even as they roll their eyes and turn back to their homework, Spencer can’t stop looking down at you, so in love, so happy and so grateful to grow old with you.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Dishonorable Discharge | dark!Bucky Barnes x sister!reader
please please please do not read or interact if this content would be triggering or upsetting for you in any way.  i do not condone the topics or behaviors that i write about.
summary: you and your brother were always thick as thieves, even if you weren’t technically related.  you weren’t ready for him to leave to go off to war, but you were even less prepared for the shell of him that would return.
warnings: noncon smut, sibling incest (I mean she’s adopted but still), breeding kink, innocence kink, loss of virginity, mention of hypothetical underage activity?? idk how to tag that but everyone in this story is 18+!
word count: 3.6k
tagging @lestersglitterglue​ cause they asked real nice!
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Even though you were adopted, people always said that you and Bucky had a family resemblance.  It wasn't your respective appearances per se, but rather the way your eyes both sparkled.  Your parents sometimes joked that the two of you were more brother and sister than most brothers and sisters were— and they were right: even with the age gap, often the two of you felt like twins.  It was hard to imagine that your biological parents could've kept you and that you never would've known him... it felt like he had always been your brother, your best friend, your partner in crime; your Jamie.
You had been awful when he deployed.  You'd sobbed and screamed and beat his chest with your weak little fists.  You'd told him that if he left, you would hate him forever; that if he left, he might as well never come back.
Of course you regretted it once you got older and realized how stupid you were.  But you were only fifteen then, and heartbroken, and too selfish to understand that there were things more important than the promises you'd made to each other as children.  You were so afraid that he wouldn't come back and that you'd lose your only real friend in this world; and, like it often does, that fear turned to anger.  
By the time you were seventeen, you finally stopped crying and tried to make a life for yourself.  You tried to see it all as an opportunity: he'd always been the popular one, meaning you were stuck being known as "Bucky's little sister" rather than as your own person.  Now you could just be you for once— as soon as you figured out who you were without him.
By nineteen, you had lost hope that he would return.  You pretended to be at peace with that.  You pretended not to hate yourself for pushing him away when you needed each other most.  Silently, you thought of him every day; secretly, you went to church every night to pray for him.
It was the sort of neighborhood where you could leave your door unlocked, so you did.  Still, people usually knocked first.  You were wearing a nightgown you only wore around the house because it was much too short and small for you now, but with the hot weather, it was necessary.  You hadn’t expected to hear the door open, so as you nervously peered out from the hall to the foyer, you were beyond surprised at what you saw.
The man in the doorway… he looked familiar.  He was wearing your brother's uniform.  But his eyes were different.  That sparkle you shared was long gone.  And without it, you weren't sure he was your brother anymore.
"Jamie?" you asked, unable to believe what you were seeing.
Recognition crossed his face like he was hearing the name of someone he used to know.
"Jamie," you called again, your voice breaking as you ran to him; you wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight enough to make up for all the lost time.  "I thought I'd lost you," you sobbed, "oh god, Jamie, I thought you were—"
"Shhhh," he soothed, finally reciprocating the hug as one hand stroked the back of your head.  
"Don't ever leave me again," you begged.  "I can't lose you again."
"I won't go," he promised softly.
And just like that, you were the same little girl who'd clung to his legs and begged him to stay all those years ago, but this time you'd gotten what you always dreamed of.  This time, he wasn’t going to leave.
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“You still like your eggs basted?” you asked him with a toothy smile, doing your best to keep things light.  You had so many questions for him but you wanted him to just feel at home first.  You two had always told each other everything, so you figured it wouldn’t be long until he told you what he’d been through in the last several years.
When you turned to receive the answer to your question, though, you found him spaced out in his seat at the dining table, staring off into nothing.  You could tell he was thinking about something just from the way his eyes were glazed over; you could tell he was thinking about something unpleasant from the way his fist was tightened.
"Are you okay?" you asked gently.  Silence.
You left your place by the stove, crossing the kitchen and kneeling down so you were eye-level with him.  Hesitantly, you reached out to brush your hand against his face.  He was certainly older-looking, and stubble dusted his jaw where it met with where his hair had grown out.  You wondered if it was as strange for him to see you and how much you’d aged as it was for you to see him like this.
“Jamie,” you whispered, “come back to me.”
Finally, as your hand cupped his cheek, he turned to look at you.  Even with a face that was hard to recognize at times, the eyes that met yours were undoubtedly your brother’s.  Darker, yes, and clearly tired from everything they’d seen, but as blue and perfect as always.
"When you call me that,” he spoke, eyes scanning your face, “it's like no time has passed at all.  It's like I'm still the same boy I was the day I left."
You swallowed.  "But you aren't, are you?"
He shook his head, just barely.
“Hey, listen to me,” you instructed, getting more serious and refusing to let him break the eye contact.  “It doesn’t matter what you’ve seen, or what you’ve done.  You’re my brother.  You’re my best friend.  You’re my whole world—”
You choked up a little, but kept going.
“—and I’m glad you’re home, okay?”
“Okay,” he agreed, smiling that crooked smirk that made your heart melt every time.
“You still want those eggs?”
He nodded a little.
“Yeah, basted,” he agreed, turning back to the table as you stood up and returned to the stove.
“Your room’s the same as it was when you left,” you told him as you cracked the first egg into the hot pan.  You were sort of nervous to bring up anything about that, but you thought he might find it comforting.
“I don’t think I’m ready to go in there yet,” he admitted.  
“Stay in my room tonight, then.  It’s almost the same as it was then, too…”
“I’m amazed that bed can still fit you; are you sure we’ll both be able to sleep on it?” he asked.
“Oh, I was gonna give you the bed and make myself a pallet on the floor!” you clarified, wondering how he ever thought the two of you could share a bed; you hadn’t since you were little little-- like, under ten-years-old little.
But when you turned to look at him again, he seemed genuinely disappointed.  "Of course I can't let you sleep on the floor.  You take the bed; I've got a lot of practice with sleeping on the ground anyhow."
That was the last thing you wanted, him reminded of what it was like out there.
"We'll share the bed," you announced.  "If I take off all the plushies and decorative pillows, there might just be room for you."
"Woah woah woah," Bucky raised his arms as if to motion for you to slow down.  "We can't just go evicting Mr. Hoppy!  He's been a full-time resident of your bed for the past twenty years!" 
You both laughed, and it was almost like old times.
"He'd happily move over for you, Jamie."
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The two of you brushed your teeth side-by-side in silence; you waited for him to finish his shower while you turned down the sheets, scooping up everything decorative on the bed and tossing it into the chair in the corner.
You choked a little when he stepped into your room with only a towel around his waist, using another to rub his hair dry.
"Don't you have some pyjamas?" you asked awkwardly.  "No matter— I actually have some of the pants you used to wear right here."
You pulled the checkered pants from your closet, and handed them to him as he nodded gratefully; you barely turned around fast enough to look away before he dropped his towel.
"Why do you have these in here anyways?" he asked as you tried to ignore the sounds of the fabric brushing over his bare skin.
"I wear them, sometimes," you admitted, feeling your face get a little warm, "when I miss you."
"Well, I'm here now," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you from the back and pulling you into a hug.  You could feel the warmth of his chest and arms burning right through your silky shift.  You almost wished you had worn something thicker; and yet, somehow, you also wished that there was no fabric in the way at all.  
Slipping under the comforter together, you wondered if it was odd that he was cuddling up to you.  You didn't mind it, since it was the most like the brother you remembered that he'd been all day, but some part of you was worried what people would think if they knew.  
You brushed the thought aside.  Nobody would know anyways.  
He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you basked in how small it made you feel.  "You smell the same as before, sissy."
You used to hate that nickname but now it was beyond welcome.  It reminded you of simpler times.  
"I hope that's a good thing," you replied.
"It's a wonderful thing.  The day your handkerchief stopped smelling like you was the day I thought I would lose all hope," he recalled.
You remembered when he took it; he said he wanted something to remember you by, and you'd responded by telling him to just forget about you because obviously he never loved you at all.
"I was so cruel to you that day," you cringed.  "I hate myself so much for that..."
"Hey, hey," he got your attention with a soft plea, guiding your chin until you were looking up at him with watery eyes.  "You were a kid.  I was, too.  You acted out, it happens."
"But I said things that weren't true, Jamie— awful, terrible things…"
"I never believed them," he assured you with a smile.
"We promised to never lie to each other," you whimpered, "and I broke that promise."
He shook his head.  "It's all in the past now.  Just be honest with me from now on, and I'll keep every promise I made."
You remembered a pinky swear made up in the highest branches of a tree: a promise to never be apart.  He'd broken that one, but maybe he wouldn't do it again.  The thought made your heart flutter.
"Be honest," he instructed you again.  
"Always," you agreed.
"Do you love me?" he asked, so quiet it was barely a whisper.
"O-of course," you answered quickly, stuttering not because of any lack of surety but simply from wondering how he could ever question that.
Slowly, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, his thumb and forefinger still holding your chin.  For a brief moment it felt believable as a familial kiss.
But then it didn't.
He began to move his mouth against yours, and instantly you pulled back, looking at him with what you figured must have been an expression of stunned confusion.  "Jamie," you mumbled in disbelief.
"I missed you so much," he purred, seeming to ignore your reluctance.  "Don't break my heart, sissy, I just want a kiss."
"I can't kiss you like that," you shook your head.
"Please?  You have no idea how lonely I've been, how hard it was without you…"
You felt guilty for his pain, and you had always hated to deny him of anything.  The absolute second that you gave him a hesitant nod, he dove right back in, kissing you deeper and harder than before.  His tongue forced its way into your mouth but you couldn't pull back; his arm had somehow gotten to the back of your neck, holding you close to him.
You whimpered with confusion when you felt his other hand moving up your leg and slipping under your nightgown.  He smiled against your lips when his fingertips brushed over your hips and he realized that you weren't wearing undergarments.  You internally cursed yourself for it, even though it was normal not to wear anything underneath a gown like this.  What was abnormal was what he was doing.
"You're so smooth, and soft," he murmured, just barely pulling back from the kiss, "and I know you want me so bad—"
Just as his hand started to move dangerously close to somewhere it was definitely not supposed to be, you reached down and stopped him by grabbing his forearm.  
"D-don't," you managed to stammer out.
"Don't?" he repeated incredulously.  "Well, why not?"
"It's wrong…" you explained weakly.
"Such a good little girl, just like always," he chuckled. "You haven't changed at all.  Except, of course, this incredible body…"
It was much too easy for him to wriggle out of your grip, pulling out from your nightgown only to reach up and roughly grab your breasts through it.  Your face was burning and your gut sank with fear— and yet, there was a paradoxical tingle of arousal burning between your legs.
"You've grown a lot while I was gone," Bucky noticed aloud, groaning softly as he felt you up.  "Almost didn't recognize you when I stepped in.  I saw those gorgeous legs of yours and thought, 'who's the fox and what's she doing in my house?'  Of course, by the time I'd realized it was my kid sister, it was too late."
"It's not too late," you desperately assured, "you can stop now, and we won't tell anybody, and it'll be like nothing ever happened—"
You stopped as he started laughing lowly, shaking his head.  "Sweetheart, I'm not coming back from this, don't you understand?  You were all I thought about while I was gone.  You're the only girl I ever loved."
His hips pressed forward and you gasped when you felt his erection pressing into your thigh.  You bit down on your lip to keep it from quivering; for some reason, you didn't want him to know how scared you were.
"Feel that?" he asked, grinning when you nodded nervously.  "That's how much I love you."
You stammered helplessly as he reached down between your legs again.  
"Time to find out how much you love me," he purred, and you were frozen; paralyzed.  Two of his thick fingers swiped through your folds, gathering the arousal they found there.  "Oh, you love me quite a lot."
"I— I don't—"
"Take this thing off," he demanded suddenly, grabbing your nightgown.  You shook your head.  "I'm not gonna ask you again," he informed you sternly.  "Take it off or I'm gonna rip it off'a you."
You shook your head again, tears flowing freely until you felt wet patches beside your face on your pillow.
Bucky growled and manhandled you onto your back, grabbing at your nightgown and pushing your arms out of the way when they reached up to cover your chest.
He tore through it like it was paper.  "Look at you," he murmured in awe, "all grown up."
"James," you sobbed, "what are you doing?!"
"I'm taking care of you!" he responded, seemingly confused that you would even ask that.  "You're my baby sister; I promised to always take care of you and I meant it."
"This isn't right," you whispered, partially to him but mostly to yourself.
"This is the only thing that's right," Bucky disagreed, leaning down a little to hover over you as he began to push his pants down.
You recoiled when you saw his cock; you hadn't seen one before, except in drawings.  They hadn’t prepared you for this.  His looked big, red at the tip like it was angry; leaking and throbbing like it was desperate.
"You a virgin, sissy?" he asked in a way that made it hard to tell if he was being genuine or mocking you.
You nodded; you'd promised to be honest, after all.
"You were saving yourself for me," he informed you, and before you could deny it, he continued, saying everything like it was obvious fact.  "You knew you needed me. You knew you'd only be satisfied by your big brother's cock."
You shook your head as tears welled in your eyes, your protests muffled as he roughly kissed you again.  You tried to push him away but he was like marble, hard and unyielding.  You felt his sex sliding over yours and it made you feel dizzy and a little nauseous.
"You know how long I've dreamed of being inside you?" he asked darkly, his lips brushing against your ear.  "You know how long I've wanted to get a taste of this perfect little cunt?  I'll give you a hint: it was before I left."
He ignored your sobs of fear and cries of pain, and pushed his hips forward; he groaned as his cock forced your walls to part, and you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you.
"Oh god," he moaned weakly when he bottomed out, "oh my fucking god… you feel so perfect, sissy.  You feel so fucking good, I swear I could come right now.  I could fill you up—" he pulled back out most of the way and shuddered— "right fucking now."
"N-no, Jamie," you sobbed, "you have to pull out, you can't come inside!"
"Why not?" he pouted, slamming into you so hard that you were forced to choke out your cry of pain.  "I think you want it.  I think I deserve it.  I could get you pregnant and then you'd be mine forever."
"No!" you sobbed.  "Please, you can't!"
"I can," he assured you coldly through his teeth, his arm wrapping around your neck to hold you steady as he fucked into you.  "I can, little girl, and I'm gonna."
Tears streamed down your face, even as you let yourself admit that your brother's movements inside you did feel… intriguing, to say the least.  He buried his face into your neck, fucking you deep but slow.  You'd never felt so full before; you wrapped your legs around his hips before you could stop yourself.
"Fuck," he groaned, "you want me so damn bad, don't you?  You always wanted me.  I remember how you got so jealous when I lost it to Betsy Miller."
As sick as it was, you had; and even now, imagining him doing this with her made your stomach twist.
"You want me all to yourself, don't you, sissy?"
Shamefully, you nodded.
"Aw, it's okay," he soothed.  "You've got me, sis.  'M never gonna leave ya.  We're gonna be together forever, just like we always said."
That was all you'd ever wanted.  Why did it sound so terrifying now?
"I can feel you squeezin' me, babydoll.  I know you wanna come all over my cock," he taunted.
"N-no," you stumbled over your denial, but pleasure was searing through you faster than you could handle it.
"Beg me to fill up this little pussy," he instructed as his eyes got darker and a hand wrapped around your throat.  "Beg or you don't get to breathe."
"Please," you moaned through your tears, "please, fill up my— my little pussy…"
"Yeah?  You want my come?"
He started thrusting faster and you could feel the way your arousal had spread to coat both his thighs and yours; why was your body so responsive?
"Please, Jamie, I want your come," you repeated.  "I need it…"
"I know you do," he snarled, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes.  "I know you do, baby, I know you need my come."
"Please…" you repeated one last time, the word coming out choked and weak as you felt your own orgasm starting to crash into you, your whole body tightening involuntarily.
"Fuck, I can feel you coming— 'm close, sissy, I'm not gonna last much— oh fuck—!"
His hips stuttered to a stop and you winced as you felt him flexing inside you, pumping his load into you for what felt like ages.
He collapsed on top of you with a sigh and a smile.  "I wanted to last longer, even jerked off in the shower to try to take the edge off but… you just felt too good."
You were silent and still beneath him as he rambled, kissing away your tears between each word.
"I'll take better care of you next time, sis, don't worry.  Wanna make you come with just my tongue," he announced excitedly.  "But that'll wait until tomorrow.  Tonight you just relax, and don't move too much so I can stay inside you.  It's the only way I'm gonna be able to sleep."
He hugged you all night, drifting off even while you were wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
You were horrified at what your brother had become, and at what he had done to you.  But that wasn't what kept you awake.  No, you couldn't sleep because you were too busy trying to deny how much you had enjoyed it.
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Hey I know you probably have like a billion requests already but maybe you could do something where the reader is good friends with corpse (maybe with some unspoken feelings) and they ask him to visit their country side home lmao-
I'm really embarrassed about asking this and I know it sounds strange but being out in the country side can be really good for mental health and I just want this boi to heal--
I'm so sorry hahah
That’s not strange at all, darling!! I love this ask! I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this, my mental health hasn’t been very good lately. I suppose I found this ask rather appropriate and I guess that’s why I liked writing it so much. Hope you enjoy!
Sunrise, Sunset - Oneshot
Pairings: Corpse Husband / Reader.
“Yo,” is the first thing you hear as you open your Discord. It’s not his regular greeting, and he sounds more tired than usual.
“What’s up?” you asked curiously. “Everything okay? Haven’t talked to you in a while.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I got really busy.”
“I can tell from your voice,” you chuckled. It had more of a rasp to it- if that was even possible.
“Yea, I can’t do too much for too long. I love that I’m able to work on music now, but it exhausts my voice so much that I can’t even stream sometimes.”
“Maybe you should take a break,” you comment.
“Probably. It’s almost done, so then I can stream more,” he replies.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I’m talking about an actual break, from everything.”
You hear him exhale deeply as if he’d already been considering it himself. “That does sound very nice.”
“I know, I always have the best ideas.”
“You do, except you forgot about the fact that I can’t really go anywhere. I mean, I’d love to take a break, but if I just sit here at home, I’m gonna either end up doing nothing or start working anyways. I don’t see me relaxing that way.”
“I didn’t forget about anything; I just hadn’t gotten to that part yet.”
You’d be lying if you said that noise didn’t make you blush. “Remember how I said I live in the countryside? You know, it’s quite cosy here, and I have a guest bedroom to spare. If you want, but only if you’re comfortable with it, you could come over.”
It was quiet for a moment and your poor nerves were wondering if you’d said something completely wrong. You knew how he was about his privacy, but you’d figured that having known each other for a more than a few months now, you’d be at a point where you’d become actual friends, especially considering you always talked over Discord. At least, when he wasn’t busy.
“I... You wouldn’t mind?” he asked softly.
“Of course not!” You immediately replied, trying your best to make him feel as welcome as possible. “It’ll be so much fun! I was just worried you wouldn’t feel comfortable with it, otherwise, I would’ve invited you over a lot sooner.”
“Really?” he asked.
“Yes! I’m always looking for people to take care of my chickens.”
“You have chickens?” he sputtered.
“Sure do. And that was a joke, by the way.”
He didn’t really give you much time to prepare. He’d instantly asked if he could come over in two days, which meant you had to clean, do the groceries, and have another mental breakdown within that short time.
When he did arrive at your relatively small but homely cottage, you knew that even if you’d had more time, you still wouldn’t have felt like you’d prepared enough. You were incredibly nervous, especially as the cab slowed to a nerve-wracking speed until it finally stopped in front of your little wooden fence that really couldn’t keep anyone out of your garden because it was so ramshackle.
You nod your head to the driver politely, who got out of the car to unload a bag from the trunk. Then, the door opened, ringed fingers sliding across the yellow polish on the metal framing. He pulled himself up and out, finally allowing you to take a good look at his face.
His hair was dark and curly, as to be expected from what you’d seen in the pictures, though you could barely see it underneath the hood he’d pulled up. His dark brown eyes immediately found yours, and a shy smile graced his lips, which you bashfully returned with a small wave. It made you want to hit yourself multiple times. He paid the cabby and thanked him, allowing you to take a good look at his attire, at his frame, at his whole being. He was wearing a black hoodie with some chains around it, along with dark baggy trousers and, go figure, black sneakers. He was slightly slouching, probably so the driver wouldn’t be able to make out his face in its entirety, but overall he looked lean, even while his face was more pale and tired, with dark circles surrounding his eyes.
He locked the creaky wooden fence behind him, quickly closing the distance between you two with only a few strides. He dropped his backpack on the floor, saying, “hi.” “Hey,” you replied with that stupid smile still on your face and now quite possibly a hint of red dusting your cheeks. He just chuckled at the slight awkwardness of the situation, before wrapping his arms around you in a warm hug. He smelled like nice cologne, and he gave really good hugs. It said a lot that you could tell that from just the one. “Thanks for letting me come over,” he muttered, finally allowing himself to sound as exhausted as he looked.
“I told you, it’s nothing.”
When you met his eyes again as he pulled back, you knew he was quietly telling you that it meant more to him than that. Feeling shy under his dark gaze, you shook your head, saying, “Come on, let me show you around.”
It wasn’t that big of a tour, but it was home and it was comfortable, so you never felt embarrassed about it. You made enough money, to be fair, from your career through YouTube, but you’d never really had the heart to leave the house. At least you had a guest bedroom, and the garden was something to dream of. To trade that in for a bit more storage space would be such a pity.
“-and this is going to be your room, for however long you wish to stay,” you finish with a flourish of your hand. He set his suitcase down on the freshly made bed and nodded, glancing around for a bit before his eyes landed back on you. “Did I tell you how much I appreciate you doing this for me?”
You huff, “Once or twice now.”
“I’ll be off your back in a few days, don’t worry. I think I just needed to get out of my stuffy apartment for a bit.”
“Stay as long as you’d like,” you told him assuredly, “I know how stressful it can be and I haven’t even been through what you have. I can’t imagine what it must be like.”
He shrugs, “I have my ups and downs. It’s mostly my health issues and anxiety holding me back.”
“Well, I hope you can relax a bit here, then. People seem to feel more at ease without a bustling city around them,” you said.
He glanced out the window and nodded. “Yeah, I immediately noticed it as I got out of the car. It’s so... quiet here. And the air, of course. It’s so much nicer.”
“I usually take walks in the early mornings. You should come along sometime if you’d like. The sunrise is always really pretty when you get up on the hill.”
The corners of his lips quirked up. “I’d like that.”
“Great,” you replied, clapping your hands together, “I’ll let you get settled and start dinner. The uh- the bathroom is shared, I left a stack of towels on the rack so you can use those.”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
You nodded shyly, silently closing the door behind you as you stepped into the hall. You let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the wall, pressing the backs of your hands against your cheek in a vain attempt to cool down the heat and tone down the redness. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d reacted this way but the times you’d spend talking about everything and nothing with Corpse through Discord calls that lasted until the early mornings. You knew you shouldn’t be feeling this way. You didn’t want to risk the friendship you had with him, but the tingling that had sprouted in your gut the moment he’d gotten out of that car told you that this was going to be hard.
 You knocked on his door quietly, afraid you were accidentally going to wake him when he didn’t want to be awoken. You didn’t know what kind of morning person he’d be, but he told you yesterday that he wanted to join you for your walk today. And while you were going to leave half an hour later than usual because it took you that long to work up the courage to knock on his door, meaning you were going to have to hurry a bit to catch the sun rising, you were still scared he was going to react grouchily. But when he opened the door, already dressed and ready to go, you realized you’d foolishly forgotten that this wasn’t just anyone, but that this was one of your friends; someone you already knew, even if it hadn’t been physically. Of course, he’d open the door with a smile, even though he looked more tired than the day before, which worried you.
“How did you sleep?” You made it evident in your tone that you were rather scared to ask the question, but it made him chuckle.
“I think you already know the answer to that. I don’t sleep well in general, so don’t worry. It has nothing to do with the bed or your hospitality.”
“Well, if there’s anything I can do for you, I don’t mind being woken up.”
He shook his head as he followed you downstairs and out the front door. “To be fair, I slept more than I usually would, but your rooster woke me up.”
You laughed, “Yea, I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything about that.” You held the wooden fence gate open for him, following him to the grass field until you were walking next to him. You silently picked up your pace a bit, worrying that you might miss the sunrise when you had promised it to him.
“I know, I know,” he replied amusedly, “Can we go see them later? The chickens?”
“Sure,” you smiled, “I also have a few ducks. You’ll love them, they’ll try to rip the shoelaces from your feet.”
“Sounds great.”
The walk to the hill wasn’t too far, but the hill was quite steep, which was always an exercise for people who walked with you for the first time, so you’d figured he’d start trailing behind you after some time. Thing is, he started trailing behind relatively earlier than you had expected him to.
Glancing back over your shoulder, you called out, “you good? We’re almost there.”
He nodded, though you could see him slightly panting, and you turned around to jog up the last bit until you reached the top. You could see a sliver of light start to peek over the horizon, making you glance back to see how far away he was.
But instead of having moved forward, he was now sort of slouched over, holding his stomach as he panted loudly. “Shit,” you cursed yourself as you sprinted back down until you skidded to a stop in front of him. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I should have slowed down-“
“It’s fine,” he waved you off, slowly catching his breath. “I can do it, I just take a bit longer.”
“I’ll carry you if I have to. I got us into this mess.”
He chuckled, but it sounded a bit hoarse.
“Come on,” you said. He furrowed his brow in confusion but followed you anyway. Walking along the side of the hill was tricky, but you made it around without any issues. He was able to keep up this time and gratefully plopped down on the grass beside you, just in time to watch the sun fully appear from behind the horizon.
“Holy shit,” he breathed.
“Yea, it never really gets old.” You laid down, feeling twigs of grass tickle the bareback of your neck.
He joined you, scooting a bit closer until your arms were brushing against each other. You couldn’t tell if he’d done it on purpose, so you acted like it hadn’t affected you, keeping your eyes fixed on the sky above you. At least, you tried. They flickered when you felt fingertips graze across your lower arm until they reached your palm, where his nails slowly dragged along your skin until his warm digits intertwined with yours. His rings felt cool against the heat and tingling you were suddenly feeling in your hand. He didn’t let go of you, not as you laid there for what seemed like hours, nor during the entire walk back.
‘Is this what friends do?’ you were silently asking yourself, watching the ducks try to free his shoes from its laces, ‘is this what friends do when they need support? Is this his way of coping, or is it-‘ You quickly shook the thought away. Of course, he wouldn’t think of you that way. He probably did stuff like this with all his friends. You knew how playful he could get, his guy friends included.
Yeah, it was just that. It had to be.
You were both laid back on the couch that night, stuffed to the brink with the famous lasagne you’d put together. The TV was on, but it sounded more like static noise in the background. “I think I can just fall asleep right here,” you hummed. The glass of red wine you’d shared – because neither of you could handle liquor – had created a pleasant buzz between the two of you.
“That seems a lot less comfortable than your bed.”
“You don’t know a thing about my bed,” you huffed indignantly.
It was quiet for a moment then, a sliver of tension seeping through the warmth of your home. “I think it’s probably about as comfortable as mine, otherwise you’re treating your guests too much,” he replied.
“I don’t know,” you admitted, “I’ve actually never slept in the guest bedroom. I might just be treating my guests too much and I’d never even know about it.”
He suddenly sat up and turned the TV off. “Come on,” he said and was already up the stairs by the time you’d made an attempt to move.
When finally reached the upstairs and were about to round the corner, you were suddenly picked up and slung over his shoulder, causing you to let out a loud shriek. “Corpse!” you laughed, “Please put me down!”
“You were taking too long,” he grumbled, dropping you down on the bed unceremoniously. He shuffled over until he was laying down next to you and lifted the covers up until it reached your neck.
“So?” he asked.
You had your eyes closed. “I might be treating my guests too much.”
He snorted. “Fucking knew it,” which made you laugh.
You laid there for quite a while, not really caring if either of you fell asleep with your regular clothes still on. “Hey Corpse?”
He hummed.
“I’m really glad you came. It gets lonely over here sometimes.”
He shifted, but because it was so dark you couldn’t really see what he was doing. Suddenly though, you felt him hovering over you, his elbows resting on either side of your face as his hand reached across to move a strand of hair to the side. He leaned down and hesitantly, his lips barely touched yours, a silent question if this was okay. You moved back against him, your hand finding his cheek in the darkness. His kisses were gentle, but passionate, which made your breaths heavier and deeper. When you pulled apart, you were both breathing heavily, mostly from the tension that had arisen.
“I really like you,” you admitted.
“Good,” he replied, wrapping his arms around you until you were tucked against his chest. You hit his arm playfully, “Cocky bastard.”
You hear the smirk in his voice as he said goodnight.
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@annshit @simonsbluee @majolittlemixgurl18 @redosmo @mythicalreader @gracehaileym @ollwinchester @thehatredofshiprrick @curlyhairedbrock @thatbandchick39 @reddeserths @mitseuul @potenzel @tanchosanke @tooturntashbash @stephn-prkr @missingpuzzlepiece @sweetasphyxiation @goldiefox1 @imrisaluk @chimchimsugakookies @helena-way07 @danny-devitowo @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @cherry-piee @artist-bby @brattyaphrodite @eccedxntesiaast @faithneko @thebootythrasher @bethpiercwhy @theeerealpunkin @heartbroken-writer @chisaikuki @realnicoleworld @derpygiraffe43110 @rintomoj @phantomamethyst @helloitsmeamie203 @falcon-arrows @ellomellows @loraleiix @ladolcedea @lunaruss @princess00wifi @pennnyroyalty @cultofandom @easygoingtheatre @thatonefangirlbornonfriday @myherotrashbin @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @martinimom @gummybear123 @sparklingblacktea @lovelynervouskingdom @kingsuals @weeblyheaux @flightsandfantasy @chanelle-jackson @actual-spawn-of-satan @consumegods @mirandabarry @narwhalsaremagicalbroski @armycandy10 @chillininahottub-withaghost @mitchiesdungeon @yeolliedokai @alyofmusic @qatiee @dzzizzi @johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt @leilanixx @thefuckthesaurus @hughugh20 @thanossexual @moneybagmgk @squintyangel @motheroffae @arossebyanyothername @vacaprincess @jinxedanxrchist @peterparkerspjsuit @chrysanthykios @wildflowerwhore @justalilsimpsometimes @bunniwritesx @sunnsettee @alilshit @laugh-like-the-moon @sadness-babee @corpsie-bby @corpsesgirl @dead-boys-stuff @roses-and-grasses @byunniebaekhyunnie @lazy-little-me @phantomamethyst @letsloveimagines @polahorvat @possiblyanxioushuman @a-dot-dev @aniyahsucks @error-loading-sorry @bi-andready-tocry @agustdpeach @xibrokensunriseix @genjicats @devilishducky97 @alyss01 @anacrcarvalho @siriuslystupid @bakugonua @n0t-a-simp @notmewrongb1tch @c00ln3rdz @rolls-and-rolex  @namjoons-crabssss @laurenfangirlsout @lickmyleeches @and-claudia @netflix-imagines @bigdickdaddysatan @iambashfulperson @helloitsmeamie203 @peachdoppi @easygoingtheatre @danielle143 @kyky9103 @tayloryorkscurls @v-kouya @jeezkiddo @smokeynaomi @lukoivichi @boiled-onionrings @nerdinthecorner @corpse-husbandsimp @ramdomtails @elebeleb @captainbuckyy @smile-its-psychotic 
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Felix gets very shy whenever he’s affectionate with you. He’ll cling to you, especially when there’s no one else around. He’s incredibly cuddly and loves to be held by you, but when it comes to being around other people, he’ll tend to be much more reserved.
You gravitated towards Felix as soon as you met him because he was quite shy. You were desperate to encourage him to come out of his shell and feel comfortable around you which also meant he warmed to you well. He found himself feeling very relaxed around you very quickly, in amongst big crowds, he liked to have you with him as a bit of a safety blanket.
He was quite nervous to confess his feelings to you because he was terrified that you wouldn’t feel the same way. In the end he turned to Chan for a bit of advice, who had spotted from the moment the two of you met that there was an instant attraction there. With Chan’s advice he pulled you aside one night to tell you how he felt, you could tell he was nervous, but as soon as you admitted to him how you felt too, his nerves disappeared.
Prepare for a lot of dates revolving around food, I’d love to tell you Felix wouldn’t be the cliché boyfriend who cooked you brownies and cookies, but he most definitely would. If he’s not in the mood for cooking, he likes to head out and do something physical so he can show off to you. If he’s honest, he doesn’t mind where your dates are, sometimes just the two of you being at the dorm together is enough for him. Just being in your company is enough, he’s never going to expect too much of you or your dates.
Dating had never been of any interest to Felix until he met you. Sure, he had female friends in Korea and Australia, but he never saw anything romantic with them. So much of his attention had been on trying to establish his career that he chose to just wait for love to find him. He never imagined that it would find him so young and so quickly, that was until he met you. He was keen to keep a lot of your relationship private, not just out of fear, but also because it was new to him, and he still had a lot to learn before anyone found out about you both.
If there’s one person who will never fight with you, it’s Felix. He simply doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. Any hint of conflict will make him anxious; he’ll tend to cower away before anything can even remotely blow up. He always makes sure to treat you well, even if there are times when he’ll disagree with you, he’ll listen to your opinion and try to understand before politely telling you how he feels. There are very few times that Felix will even give you the chance to argue with him, he’s far too relaxed and nervous for you to get angry with.
You knew straight away how important his family were to him and how desperate they were for him to find someone to look after him so far away. What mattered most to Felix was that his sisters instantly took a liking to you, their seal of approval was so important to him, so to see them happy meant he was happy too.
At times he struggled to feel at home still in South Korea, and the dorm was his safe haven to escape from it all. He’d made it clear to you that he was in no rush to move out of the dorm, which you were more than happy to acknowledge, but eventually he knew that he was keen to find a place just for the two of you to call home.
He was so nervous the night he told you he loved you for the first time. Felix had always wanted to be the one to say it first, but he never anticipated it would make him as shy as it did. As soon as the words left his lips, he buried himself into the crook of your neck refusing to look at you. Your hand had to pull his face away from you so eventually you could meet his eyes and peck his lips.
Felix is very much aware he’s not the loudest person in the room, which means he tends to back away from situations. He’s not one to be very obvious about his jealousy, but you can tell when he slips away from a conversation or starts nervously playing with his hands that he’s feeling jealous. He’ll never confront a situation if he’s worried about it, but he knows you’re too attentive to let him feel jealous for too long. You’ll soon find him and reassure him in any situation that there’s nothing for him to worry about.
The two of you were far too young to even entertain serious discussions about having a family, but that didn’t stop the two of you having plenty of late-night chats about the future, and that included children. You both soon realised you shared similar dreams of what your future would look like, which of course, excited you both. Whilst there was still a long way to go before you reached that stage in your life, it was still exciting to talk about.
Whenever Felix got nervous, he’d always laugh, he just couldn’t help himself. You loved to listen to the deep sounds of his laughter, as he too loved to make you love. There wasn’t much either of you could do that wouldn’t make the other laugh, you were naturally very giggly people which led to carnage whenever the two of you were together. He loved to hear your laughter, it was his favourite sound in the world, just like the dorm, whenever he was feeling on edge, your laughter would be the comfort he needed to feel like himself again.
He’d gotten used to being away from his family for so long that the feeling of missing someone went away. That was until he met you again and all those feelings came flooding back. As with his jealousy, he tended to go very quiet when he was struggling without you, which Chan would pick up on first. He didn’t like to text you, so he tended to wait until the late night or early morning to just call you instead, sometimes it worked better for him, but other times he hated waiting for so long to speak to you. There never really felt like a right way to get over missing you, but he knew he had no choice but to get on with things.
He’ll tend to be very sweet with his nicknames, ‘sugar,’ or, ‘flower,’ are two of his favourites. For you, you’ll usually call him, ‘koala,’ or something related to home as you know how much it cheers him up to hear little reminders of Australia.
He’s obsessed with your smile, just like fans are obsessed with his. He loves to compare beauty marks and dimples with you, not to mention the happiness that warms him whenever he knows that you’re happy.
His nickname of koala certainly comes to play in regard to PDA, he loves to cling to you and receive your affection. He doesn’t necessarily kiss you all the time, but sometimes a hug is the most important thing in the world to him. He’ll definitely be quieter when you’re in public however, so prepare for him to make up for that in private.
The question Felix will ask of you the most if you’re alright. He’s very concerned with you and taking care of you; he’ll never talk about himself until he’s asked everything, he can about you.
If you ever feeling down, Felix’s voice is the one thing he knows will cheer you up. He loves to do impressions and deepen his voice to bring a smile to your face, it’s something no one else knows that you do. You couldn’t help but be drawn to his voice when you first met him, and he knew that too, so he loved to play on it and make sure that he got whatever it was he wanted from you.
Nothing changes when it comes to intimate moments, Felix is still a shy and blushed mess. He’s not quite sure how you manage to have the effect on him that you do, but he makes sure to show you just how much you mean to him during moments like these. He’s very loving, attentive, the perfect gentleman as ever, taking great care of you.
If he needs you, Felix will tend to just call you, texts from him are rare. You know that he doesn’t need much if he texts, for even the smallest things he’ll usually still call you so that he can hear your voice and multitask.
There were many times when Felix knew he felt the weight of the world, only when he was with you did, he really felt at ease. You were the perfect distraction that he needed for when times got tough and life got busy.
The chance for the two of you to go away with each other rarely came around, but whenever he had the time for a break, you desperately push for the two of you to head to Australia. You were incredibly keen for him to be able to visit his family whenever he got the chance, plus you knew it would score you a few brownie points with his family too.
Felix doesn’t tend to whine too much, but if he really is desperate for your attention then he’ll let you know he wants it.
He’s much more of a cuddler than a kisser, so whenever he decides to kiss you, treat it like a very special occasion. He’ll usually kiss against your cheek and neck, the perfect places for him to reach when he’s cuddling you. Rest assured however, first thing in the morning and last thing at night he’ll always make sure to kiss you properly whilst reminding you that he loves you very much.
You were his everything, the support that he always needed, even if he pretended not to.
He’ll cling to you all night whilst the two of you sleep, he loves the physical connection of knowing someone is beside him. Not to mention the fact it always helps you to sleep too feeling his arms grip tightly around your frame.
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delu-jean · 3 years
Hey! For your event can I have giyuu or rengoku for 45? That’s one of my favorite songs 💕. (female reader)
𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰
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Giyuu x (fem!/reader) -> Fluff -> 1.2k 
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Lyrical Prompt: -> “I want to love me, the way that you love me. Oh, from all of my pretty, and all of my ugly too, I love it when I see me from your point of view,” POV (Ariana Grande)
(Regarding Lyrics): If bolded and slanted (eg: you), they’re lyrics being said. If not (eg: you), then they’re just lyrics/text! 
-> I wanted to do Rengoku originally, but Giyuu was running though my minddd~
-> Thank you for requesting for the event! If you would like to request, please press the hyper link for the “100 Followers Event,” and read the rules! Thanks, and enjoy!! ^^ 
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You stared at Giyuu as he glanced out the window. Such a calm, and reserved young man. One of which you adored. He was just so perfect in every aspect. From his stance, the way he spoke, the way his eyes lit, to the way his hands were placed. He truly was a piece of art, one of the more rarer pieces that was showcased to you (luckily). And not only was his presence a gift, but his affection also. 
Giyuu has always handled you with care. Treating you the utmost best he could, even with his duties, and own life in the way. For him, how could he not? You were an extraordinary person. One of which he never dreamed of meeting until you appeared...right in front of him. Speaking of your meeting, it was one he would never forget. 
It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours 
At that moment, everything seemed to have stood still. It truly felt like a spell was cast as the word “hello” had escaped from your lips. He was awe stricken. From the way your hand had waved, to the way your hair had swayed. All of you had captivated him, and for once, did time stop. Making that small amount of time feel like an eternity. One of which he hoped would extend, and hopefully, become something more. 
Fortunately for him, that’s exactly what happened. As the more time passed, the more he had fallen for you. Not only did the beauty in your appearance hook him, but so did the compassion in your heart. 
The kindness, selflessness, and passion it held for others, was something astonishing. Something he hadn’t seen in a while, especially in the field of demon slaying. Even when you took the lives of demons, just like Tanjirou, you also felt sympathetic for those beings. Yet instead of wallowing about their tragedy, you instead showed them the better of it. Some listened, and others couldn’t because the pain was too much to bear. Regardless, you did your best to show your intention through your actions. 
Executing each and everyone of them, with grace at the slash of your blade. Not only did you do your best to understand them, but you also did your best to understand others. Though it was a challenge for some people, it felt natural for you to explore more about Giyuu. Not only that, but he felt at ease when you opened closed doors which he had shut. Finding the knob to each individually, ready to repair the damage done. 
 Made of glass the way you see through me
He felt so transparent when the both of you talked. As if he was an opened book especially reserved for you. Though you thought your talent was nothing special, he found it to be an impressive accomplishment. He hadn’t opened up to anyone after the late passing of Sabitou, and his sister. Even so, there he was...with you. Telling you the littlest details which he hadn’t known he knew, and yet, it seemed that you knew more about him then he knew himself. 
So much that you could have elaborated his thoughts, memories, stories, and over all, read him to the bare of his soul. Understanding his feelings, along with his own mindset. Seeing as to why he acted a certain way, and the hurt that also tagged with the path of his choices. Though you hadn’t known him much, it seemed like you already knew him in and out. Which made him think: 
‘You know me better than I do’ and that he couldn’t seem to keep nothing from you.
In truth, Giyuu was scared. Scared that after revealing who he was, that something was bound to happen. Not to him, but to you. It seemed to be a cycle which he was stuck in. After letting someone in, they would make their way out...but in the utmost cruel, and gruesome of ways. Even so, when he attempted to let you go, you’d always come back. Re-entering his life as you wanted to know him more, and so did he want to know you. 
It made your interactions special, heartwarming, and even heart wrenching at times. All of those small, big, and silly moments which the both of you shared, brought him one step closer to you, and the gracious person you were. 
Over the years you had spent with Giyuu, you took note of who he was as a person. Not only that, but who he saw you were as an individual. You saw his efforts that came to play. Ones which were ever so considerate. Though he was timid and quiet at first, the more time you spent with him, not only did he open his mind, but his heart as well. 
I wanna love me (ooh) 
The way that you love me (ooh) 
Opening his arms to envelope you in the warmest of hugs, showing you how much he appreciated your talks, and showering you in the utmost affection. He truly did love you, and held you to the highest of his priority. Although there were times where you had doubted yourself, had disliked parts of you, or just weren’t having the best time with who you were, his actions would remind you of the self-worth you had. Not only that, but the love he also had. Love that was handmade, and tailored just for you. 
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
He adored you no matter what. From the days where your confidence had reached the roof, to the moments where it hadn’t so much, he made sure to show his appreciation. Cheering you up, or cheering you on, though not in the most loudest way, it was done the way he sought best. Knowing that it would lighten you up no matter what. He loved seeing a smile painted on your face. A structure with the softest, and pinkest lips, along with a majestic grin. One of which he had oozed over, and would smile with himself. 
Regarding arguments with you, no matter who came first after a fight, you both would make it up to each other. For him, personally, he would hold you in the moment. Letting you know that he was both sorry, and there for you. No matter what would had happened, and no matter what was yet to come. For all he knew, losing you was an option left in your hands, and knowing that, he did all he could to cling onto you. Knowing that you would do the same since that’s just who you were. 
A beautiful lady who would stand beside him, no matter thick or thin. You were there for him, ready to love him just as much as he adored you. Just one of the few things he admired about you. 
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
It was true, nobody had ever loved you the way Giyuu had. Though your love wasn’t the most vocal, it was definitely the most precious. His perspective of you was one he held very dear to himself. He made it clear, and would continuously do so. 
All of that was seen from his actions alone. If his actions were that expressive, just imagine what his thoughts had held. Yes you were able to read him, but only Giyuu truly knew the way he thought...along with his affection for you. Knowing that sometimes made you think: 
‘I'd love to see me from your point of view.’
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Part 3 of the disowning fic where Sirius calls Reg and Remus tells James (with Sirius’ permission ofc) and when Walburga calls Reg, he rips into her like never before. James rushing to Sirius’ house and basically having to be restrained from going to her house with Reg in tow.
Hopefully that makes sense. Sorry it’s probably really badly phrased
This makes a ton of sense--thank you for sending it in! Writing Regulus is such a neat challenge, since he and Sirius are so similar and yet so different. Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Part 1 II Part 2
TW for disownment and past child abuse (mentioned)
If Sirius ever met the person that invented showers, he would kiss them on the mouth. With tongue, if requested.
His phone hummed on the coffee table; when he made no move to grab it, Remus reached over and flipped the screen up. “Reg is on the way.”
Sirius hummed and cuddled into his chest, tightening his hold on his waist. Gentle fingers combed through his damp hair and he was warm all over in the best way. His face and eyes still itched a little, and his throat was raw from crying so hard, but at least he finally felt clean. The ache in his gut had dulled.
Remus pressed his lips to the space just above Sirius’ ear and wrapped his arms around him, tracing patterns on his upper back beneath his shirt. The skin-to-skin contact was something he never knew he needed so much—he couldn’t imagine living without it now. “We should go on vacation sometime this summer,” he mused, absently braiding a few locks of Sirius’ hair.
“I dunno. Somewhere warm, where we can swim and you can get all sexy and tan.”
Sirius laughed against his chest and breathed in the honey-lavender smell of his soap. “As long as you promise to freckle.”
He could feel Remus smiling. “I’ll do my best. It wouldn’t have to be a long trip, either—maybe a week in Florida, or California.”
“Alabama?” Sirius teased.
“Honey.” Remus kissed his forehead. “If you take me to Alabama—” Another kiss. “—I will take the biggest spider I can find—” A third kiss, so sweet in comparison to his playful threat. “—and put it in your shoe.”
Sirius snorted. “Just divorce me, that would be nicer.”
“Mmm, no, you’d miss me too much.”
“Put a spider in my shoe and we’ll see if that’s true.” Remus’ shoulders shook under him as they laughed and Sirius kissed his collarbone, then closed his eyes. “Do we have time for a nap before Reg gets here?”
“Maybe. How fast does he drive?”
“Not as fast as Pots—”
The doorbell rang, and then kept ringing; someone knocked insistently on the door, and Sirius groaned as he untangled his limbs from Remus and wandered over.
Regulus was not alone on the porch.
“What’s her phone number?” James demanded, practically smoking with fury as he and Regulus stormed into the house. He let out a furious breath when he saw the open envelope on the kitchen counter.
Sirius raised an eyebrow at his little brother. “Did you call him?”
“Of course I called him,” Regulus scoffed. “We also called Logan.”
“Isn’t he in Canada for the rest of the week?”
“Yeah, but he said he’d be here on Friday.” Regulus gave him a quick once-over and a stormy look came over his face. “When did she drop those off?”
“She didn’t. The mailman did, just after five.” Something bitter tinged Sirius’ mouth. “That was after she tried to make Remus give them to me.”
“What a bitch.”
“It’s true,” Regulus snapped, though his anger was clearly directed elsewhere. “She’s a horrible coward and you deserve better.”
James held his phone up to get Sirius’ attention. “What’s her number?”
“I’m not giving you her phone number, J.”
“Reg, what’s her number?”
Regulus bit his lip for a second, then shook his head. “She won’t know who you are, and she would sue your ass faster than you could blink if you lost your temper on her. Me, on the other hand…”
Sirius put his hand over Regulus’ phone. “Don’t do this. If she disowns you, too—”
“If she disowns me I’ll throw a fucking party!” Regulus all but shouted. The room went silent. “I am sick and tired of hiding and watching them hurt you. She doesn’t control me anymore.”
“I’m not letting you get hurt for me.”
“And I’m not asking for you permission.” Regulus stepped back and dialed a number; in the kitchen doorway, Remus and James watched them in a mix of shock and concern.
The call connected and Regulus’ whole face went stony. “What is it, Regulus?” a tinny voice asked.
“Is it true?”
“Is what true?” Walburga sniffed. “Please, Regulus, we’ve discussed this. You have to clarify your intentions—”
“Did you disown my brother?”
“He’s not your brother anymore.” Disdain dripped from her voice and Sirius’ throat constricted as cold fire lit in Regulus’ eyes.
“He’s more family to me than you ever were.” His tone was even and deadly.
“Don’t be ridiculous—”
“Shut up.” A protective urge jolted in Sirius’ gut and he almost smacked the phone out of Regulus’ hand. “Just shut up.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re a coward and a liar, and I hate you.” A fine tremor slipped through and Regulus gritted his teeth. Remus touched Sirius’ elbow gently, and he gripped his hand tight.
“Listen here, you silly boy—”
“You don’t get to hurt him anymore. Sirius is a better person that you could ever dream of being and the fact that you can’t accept when your own son is happy—”
“He disgraced us—”
“You disgraced us!” Regulus snapped. “You and your rules, your blood money, your parenting that belonged more in a prison than a house! I’m not stupid, Mother, I know what you did was wrong!”
There were a few beats of silence. “I did what I did to prepare you for the real world.”
“The real world doesn’t give a ten-year-old a black eye for breaking a plate.”
Sirius closed his eyes and clenched his jaw as Remus inhaled sharply next to him; James cursed under his breath. The plate had been one of his grandmother’s, part of a twelve-piece set that they were using for Thanksgiving. One flipped corner on the rug had sent him flying, but the porcelain shard in his hand had hurt less than Walburga’s fury.
She was breathing hard on the other end of the line. “The world is a cruel place, Regulus.”
“No crueler than you.”
“Watch your mouth, you ungrateful child, or you’ll find yourself in the same shoes as that stain on our family tree.”
A flinty look came over Regulus then; if Sirius didn’t know better, he’d say he looked almost smug. “Do it. I dare you to look the media in the eye and tell them you disowned one son for being happy and the other for calling you out on your terrible parenting.”
“We disowned him for being a failure and a disgrace.”
Grey met grey as Regulus spoke next, his gaze never flickering from Sirius’ eyes. “Happily married to the love of his life, youngest captain in the league, with two Stanley Cups under his belt? Doesn’t sound like a failure to me, and far from a disgrace.”
Remus squeezed his hand as Sirius swallowed back a few tears that had started to gather. He offered a weak smile and the corners of Regulus’ eyes crinkled slightly.
“I’m hanging up the phone now,” he said, smooth and collected. Walburga was utterly silent. “Never contact me or my brother again. If you disown me, at least have the dignity to do it in person.”
He hung up and slid his phone into his back pocket. “Jesus,” James half-laughed behind them. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
“That was really brave, and really stupid.” Sirius said as he walked forward. Regulus met him in the middle, tucking his head under Sirius’ chin in a tight hug. “Thank you.”
“Brave and stupid, huh? I’m turning into you already.”
Sirius flicked his ear with a grin, but never loosened his hold. “Brat.”
“Love you.”
He closed his eyes and felt Regulus’ heartbeat through his palm. “Love you, too.”
“Will you at least give me her address so I can egg her house?” James asked once they separated, already moving to give Sirius another hug. He melted into it; James had the incredible ability to make him feel completely and utterly safe, like the world couldn’t touch him as long as he was there.
“As amazing as that would be, I’d rather not see you arrested.”
“Fair point.” He pulled back a bit and James searched his face. A wrinkle appeared between his brows. “How can I help?”
“This is nice.” Exhaustion made Sirius’ limbs heavy and his head was starting to throb from his earlier breakdown. James pulled him back in and two more sets of arms followed, forming a shield all around him. He felt Remus kiss his cheek and Regulus’ hand splay over his ribs; James was steady, an anchor in the storm. “How am I going to tell people about this?”
“You don’t have to,” Remus murmured.
“If I don’t, she will.”
“Then tell them the truth,” Regulus said. “Maybe not everything, but the relevant parts.”
“We’ll be here with you.” James’ voice was soft. “Us, and the rest of the team. Anything you need.”
Sirius didn’t say anything, but he did sink into the warmth of their embrace and let the weight of fear and unease lift off his shoulders. The burden wasn’t his alone; it never had been.
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theoreticslut · 4 years
“Bloody hell, it’s only taken you five years.”
Part 2 to “You don’t share real well”
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
requested: yes 
word count: 3k
warnings: references smut but it’s not graphic, fluff
A/N: i didn’t plan on writing a part 2 to this, but i think it turned out so well so thank you so much for requesting it @immajustreadwritereblog !! I hope you like it just as much as I do Xx Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone that’s been reading, commenting, & reblogging my work!! I posted two different stories  y e s t e r d a y & they’re both super close if not already at 100 notes!! not to mention i’m also close to 200 followers already! like that’s absolutely crazy!! I feel like I just started this blog so i’m just very overwhelmed and grateful to every one of you! I hope you continue to like my writing and will continue supporting me! I seriously love you all so much <3
Taglist: i’m just going to tag some people that had asked to be tagged in other stories of mine, message me if you’d like to be added or removed!
@justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog
You groan as you turn over in bed, waking up a bit. You hiss as your head is already pounding from the lack of sleep you’ve had recently. Not only have you been working, but you’d also spend much of the night cuddling with Fred and George and just enjoying each other’s presence.
Since seeing the twins again at Bill and Fleur’s wedding you had nearly moved in with them. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had to go back to school anyways so it’s not like you were missing much at the burrow.
Fred and George had asked you over for a week, which soon turned into two and then three until suddenly it’d had been nearly three months that you’d be there.
“Good morning, darling.” George smiles as he walks into the room carrying a mug of coffee.
“Morning, Georgie.” You smile, watching as he sets the mug down on the stand and then crawling on top of you, laying on top of your body as he wraps his arms around you.
You giggle, smiling widely as you kiss his forehead and run your fingers through his hair.
“Is someone a bit needy this morning?” You whisper, still playing with his hair as he whines a bit.
“I just need you to hold me.”
You smile and nod, kissing his forehead once more before letting him just lay there. Since you’ve sort of moved in with them, moments like this have happened more and more between all of you.
You've more than made up for those few months where you couldn’t see each other. Both of them are showing you more affection than all your years combined, however. It’s almost like they’re trying to catch up on all the time they’ve wanted to hold you and be close to you that they were too afraid do at hogwarts with so many other people around. it was obvious you were all close friends, but truthfully you all had been wary of being too cuddly to prevent any unwanted questions about your guys' relationship from peers and professors.
You weren’t going to complain, you loved the boys and any time you were held by them or got quick kisses from them made you more than happy. You still hadn’t shared your true feelings with them, but why would you when you already had this? If you told them you loved them you were afraid all of this would stop.
“Hey, George, I - what’ve we got here?” Fred asks as he walks into the bedroom, stopping and pouting when he sees George holding you.
“Morning, Freddie.” You smile, getting him to smile a little bit at you before going back to pout at his twin.
“Why am I not getting cuddled?”
“Because it’s my turn. I need some of y/n’s love this morning.” George mumbles out grumpily to his brother, his face pressed into your stomach.
“That’s not fair. You’re always cuddling her.”
“I got here first.” George argues and you sigh, shaking your head at the two.
One thing you could say for sure about these boys was that for being adults, they still very much acted like children at times. it was endearing in a way, however, because you were truly the only person who got to see them both like this.
Fred had made his way over to the two of you and was attempting to push his twin out of the way so he could have you instead. You sigh, chuckling ever so slightly.
“That’s enough you two. I am more than capable of loving you both.”
“You are?” They ask simultaneously, Fred looking up at you as George finally lifts his head from your stomach.
“Of course I am. I’ve loved you both up until now, haven’t I?” You chuckle, not yet realizing what you’ve admitted.
“You love us?” Fred asks, wanting to smile but in total disbelief that you would actually love the both of them like they do you.
“Of course I do.” You smile, pushing back the hair that’s resting on his forehead.
“Like, you really love us?” George asks, sitting up and straddling your body.
“Like as more than friends?” Fred asks.
You nod, blushing madly but not breaking eye contact with either of them.
“Well, yeah. Do you think I’d let anyone else kiss me like you guys do? Do you think I’d have anyone else hold me as much?”
They both try to stop the smiles from taking over their faces, but neither of them succeed.
“We love you too.” George smiles, kissing your lips.
You freeze for a second as this is the first time either of them have actually kissed you. They’d kiss your skin and your head and hands, but they’ve never kissed you.
You smile into the kiss as you kiss him back, you’re lips seeming to perfectly fit his.
“We’ve loved you for years, but weren’t sure how you would take it. We were afraid you’d only love one of us, or even worse not loves us at all.” Fred admits as you and George pull away, George going to kiss and suck on your neck.
“Well I guess you both got pretty lucky, huh?” You smile, leaning over to press a kiss to Fred’s lips.
“That we did.” George smiles, kissing your neck again.
“Let us show you just how lucky you are.” Fred smiles as he pushes you down so you’re lying on your back, placing another loving kiss on your lips before laying down beside you and kissing down your body.
“Boys.” You gasp as Fred kisses just below you belly button, working on removing your shirt as he trails kisses up your belly.
“We’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” Fred admits breathily, as he cups your breasts.
“I love you.” You sigh as George lifts your shirt over your head as Fred works on removing you’re bra.
“Take it all in, princess. This is all for you right now.” Fred smiles, kissing your lips as George presses kisses to your bare thighs below your pajama shorts.
You can’t help but be happy that night when the three of you head over to the burrow for Christmas dinner with the family. You had finally confessed your feelings to the boys you’ve been crushing on since the second year and Merlin did it work out in your favour.
Not only did they both like you back, but you found out pretty quickly just how blessed you were with these two. They certainly knew what in the bloody hell they were doing when showing you just how lucky you were.
“Merry Christmas, Molly.” You smile, hugging the woman who’s been a second mom to you as you get inside the house.
“Merry Christmas, dear. It’s wonderful to see you again. How has it been living with Fred and George?” She asks as the two hug their father and siblings.
You smile at them, loving how close they were with their family. This is honestly the only thing you've wished for for so many years. You spent hours upon hours imagining what it'd be like to be a part of a loving family with a loving partner that's proud to show you off to them. Little did you expect when meeting Fred and George, that they'd be the ones to give it to you.
“It’s been really nice. I’ve never realized how much I miss them when we’re apart.” You admit, chuckling as you get your jacket off.
She smiles at you, taking your jacket and setting it over the back of one of the kitchen table chairs.
“For the record, we miss you too whenever you’re not around.” George smiles, wrapping an arm around your waist as Fred hangs his around your shoulders.
They still can’t believe what had finally happened earlier. It almost felt like a faraway dream, but knew differently when they could both recall the taste of your lips and your scent. They couldn’t wait to get you back in bed tonight. Now that you were theirs, they didn't plan on spending much time away from you.
They'd never admit it, but those few months you guys spent apart were literal torture for them. So many nights the two of them had laid awake in their separate beds wishing they could conjure you there with them. They had missed the faintly sweet smell of your perfume that felt like home to them. They missed your body heat that was never enough to keep them warm if needed, but was comforting nonetheless. They missed having your voice and laugh fill the space around them.
“For Merlin's sake, you three look so cute together. When will you finally get together?” She chuckles, bringing a blush to your cheeks as you gaze down at the floor.
You look up at the twins as they smile down at you. After you had all finished this morning and lay in the post-orgasmic bliss, they finally asked you to be theirs and theirs only, kissing your fingers and nose and shoulders, pressing quick kisses to your lips as you said yes.
“Well, mum.” George starts, as you smile.
You knew she’d be excited. You had the inkling suspicion that she’s been well aware of your feelings for each other long before you guys were.
“Surprise.” Fred says, smiling at you and then over at his mother.
“No! Really?!” She gapes, smiling widely as she clasps her hands together.
“What happened?” Arthur asks, as the family come rushing to the kitchen.
“Wait, did they finally get together?!” Ginny squeals, rushing over to you as she notices how the twins are holding you.
“We did.” George chuckles, kissing your forehead as their mum and sister gasp, Ginny squealing some more in excitement.
“I knew it! I knew they liked each other!” She cheers, hugging you three and jumping in excitement.
“It’s about time. Bloody hell, it’s only taken you five years to get here.” Ron states, earning a smack in the head from Hermione.
“What? It’s true.” He pouts, rubbing the place hermione smacked him.
“Yeah, but you don’t need to point it out. Just be happy for them, Ronald.”
You three chuckle at the younger sibling and his girlfriend before each of your boyfriends give you a sweet kiss on the lips to remind you just how much they love you, even if it had taken five years to admit it.
“Freddie, Georgie. It’s too early to be up.” You groan as the two of them are kissing you and tracing their fingers along your sides or arms. Essentially they’re just not letting you sleep and you’re not sure why.
“Princess, today’s a special day.” Fred smiles, placing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“It’s my birthday, I’d like to sleep in a bit longer.” You huff, burying your face into the pillows.
You can feel George start kissing at your shoulder as he traces patterns into you thighs. You're not gonna lie and say it wasn’t turning you on, but it was certainly annoying you.
“Guys” you sigh as Fred sucks on the spot just below your earlobe.
“Are you really going to complain when you get to wake up to this?” Fred asks, chuckling at you.
“You two are unbelievable. I swear to Merlin you’re the horniest guys I’ve ever met.” You huff, turning over so your laying on your back
“And that’s a bad thing?” George asks, kissing your lips.
“Not bad, but annoying at times.” You quip, smirking and kissing him back as Fred traces patterns into the skin where your shirt has risen.
“We just want to treat the birthday girl to a  good morning. We have a few things planned for today and thought you’d enjoy this first.” He smiles, placing a few hot kisses to your neck.
“You know what I'd like even better?" you ask, smiling as you loosely wrap your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips as he keeps tracing his finger over your thighs.
"What's that, darling?"
"Some breakfast in bed. Maybe some pancakes and hot chocolate. With some strawberries and bananas cut up on the side."
Fred chuckles as George smiles at you, biting his lip as he admires your beauty.

"I'm sure we could do that for you, princess. After we finish here." Fred smiles, kissing your nose causing you to scrunch it because it tickles.
"I'm holding you to it, Weasleys." you smirk, moaning as george presses his finger against you in just the right spot.
As promised, Fred and George cooked you breakfast after you had all finished and you hopped in the shower. You sigh contently as the warm water hits your back. It's been just over a year and a half that the three of you have been together and you don't think you've ever been happier.
Sure you guys had your problems from time to time, usually one of the boys getting jealous for some silly reason or you getting upset with their continued immaturity on some topic or another, but you were always able to resolve it and move forward. Somehow you three just worked.
You rinse off your body and make sure the majority of your conditioner was rinsed out of your hair before you shut off the water and step out of the large shower. that is one thing you loved about this apartment, was how large the shower was. It was a walk in with a rain shower head and more than enough room for you, fred, and george to shower together.
You dry yourself off with a towel before wrapping your hair up in it and sliding your silk robe over your arms, tying it in a loose bow at your waist.
"Don't you look stunning." fred smiles at you when you walk up to the island and sit down. He serves you a plate of pancakes with a swirl of whipped cream on top along with some sliced strawberries and bananas next to them.
You smile, blowing a kiss at him as you take a bite of the food.
"mm, thank you loves." you smile at the two of them when george sets a mug of hot chocolate in front of you.
"I love you two so much. I hope you know that." You smile, taking another bite of your pancakes as Fred hands George a plate of pancakes and takes one for himself.
"We love you, darling." george smiles.
"More than you could ever know." fred adds.
you nod and smile at the two, feeling your heart inflate with love. you honestly aren't sure what you would be doing with yourself if you didn't have these two.
You smile as you take in the scene around you. After a day spent shopping around muggle London as well as diagon alley with fred and george, you were now having a beautiful dinner with the rest of the weasley's at your guys' shared apartment.
Fred and George had prepared a wonderful chicken casserole with bannocks (biscuits/rolls) and had invited their parents, their siblings (Ron, Ginny, Bill and Fleur being the only ones who came), harry, hermione, and some of the members of the order, including Sirius, Lupin and Tonks. You really couldn't have asked for a better evening. You were surrounded by people who loved and cared for and who loved and cared for you.
"I think it's about time for gifts, don't you, princess?" Fred asks after a few minutes of everyone chatting after eating.
"Oh, uh, if that's what everyone would like to do? I don't mind waiting." you smile.
"Yes, let's see you open gifts! I just know you're going to love mine." ginny smiles and you chuckle.
"alright, then. You guys tell me what i'm doing."
Fred and george smile as they start handing you gifts that you open one by one. Eventually you get down to one last gift that everyone seems excited about.
You look at it confused as it's such a small box, yet the twins had purposefully held it until last.
"go on, open it up, dear." your hear molly say and you smile, working on carefully ripping open the wrapping around it.
"What did you guys get me? As if you haven't already done enough for me today." you chuckle, looking at your boyfriends.
"just open it. I think you'll like it." fred smiles and george urges you to keep opening it.
you chuckle lightly, shaking your head as you continue unwrapping it to find a small, black velvet box. Suddenly you realize what it is and look up, mouth agape.
"you didn't. did you?" you ask, tears already starting to build in your throat and behind your eyes as you look over at the two red heads standing behind everyone else smiling directly at you.
"we did." george smiles as they both walk over to you, kneeling in front of you, fred taking the box from your hands and opening it to reveal a stunning two band ring.
you can't believe this, letting out a small gasp and covering your mouth as it hangs open when you finally see the ring in all its beauty. the first band is thin, consisting solely of tiny diamonds around the entire circumference. the second band is just as thin, also consisting of tiny diamonds around the circumference, but this one sporting a single diamond in the middle.
"y/n, darling, we love you more than life itself. we're honestly not sure what we would do with ourselves if we didn't have you." fred starts.
"fred and I were so excited when you told us you loved us that day just over a year and a half ago. we're aware that this may seem real sudden as we haven't been dating terribly long, but in our hearts we knew we wanted to be with you for life since our fifth year at hogwarts at least. it's probably been longer than that in all honesty." george chuckles, smiling at you as tears threaten to spill out of your eyes.
"we would be the happiest men alive if you agree to marry us. in return, we would do everything in our power to make you the happiest woman in the world. What do you say, princess?" fred asks, him and george watching you as you nod, choking back a sob as you answer.
"yes. yes! i can't imagine saying anything but yes. I love you two more than anything in this life." you smile, tears now free falling down your cheeks as you pull the two of them into a hug while everyone cheers around you.
"we're so happy for you three. you truly have no idea what it means to your father and I to see you so happy and in love." molly smiles, a few tears falling from her eyes as she look on at the three of you, so obviously in love with each other.
"welcome to the family, y/n! we're going to have so much fun now that we're sisters." ginny cheers and you chuckle, wiping at your eyes as each of your fiancés’ place a band on your finger, the diamond encrusted one going on first, followed by the one with the single diamond.
"we love you, darling." george smiles as he kisses you, holding your waist.
"so much." fred adds, taking his turn kissing you when george steps back.
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whump-town · 3 years
would you be willing to write something inspired by the song "All For You" by Night Riots? no worries if not, I just think you'd be great at emotionally hurting us using the song
I love the Night Riots and it took me a hot second to figure out what I thought this song was about? My original idea was malicious and I decided against it and went with Hotch and Jack instead but that's not to say this is... better. I think the original meaning is more romantic but it's never struck me as a romantic song so I didn't write it that way (but I'd write it that way if you'd like)
The divorce happened long before Jack could remember. His first memories are of his parents apart. His mother liked the park. Climbing up on the slides and pushing him too high on the swings. She was adventurous and thriving, every moment he spent with her was packed with a new plan. A new trip. His father didn’t enjoy the loud screams of the other children, got nervous around the parents. He preferred the museum. Jack can remember sitting on his shoulders, his father’s trembling hand outstretched in front of them as he explained a painting or an artifact. There is a single memory that he has of them together.
There’s a bruise across his father’s eye, bleeding down into his lip. The colors are distorted, yellow and purple. A rainbow across his pale skin. Jack touches it curiously, tries to rub it off with his thumb but his mother pulls him away. She redirects him to the playground and promises they’ll follow after in a moment, go play. He remembers looking back at them, shouting for them at the top of the slide. He’d been so overjoyed at the sight of them together he hadn’t cared why. They’d waved back and he went on. He looked back at them several times. His father so small tucked against his mother’s side, her fingers soothing back his cowlicks back the same gentle way she does with Jack’s hair.
After she died, he spent a lot of time with other people. Over the course of the seventy-nine days following the death of his mother, he saw his father once, at the funeral. He had just come out of the bathroom, Jessica caving to his light tantrum and letting him go by himself. He walked straight into Emily.
“Oh,” she said softly. With a rustle of her dress, she knelt down beside him. “I was wondering where it was you were hiding,” she whispered. She had been the last familiar face he saw before they went into Witsec. She sat outside his father’s hospital room and talked to him, tried to be louder than his parents only a few feet away. It was her that assured him his father looked rather poorly but was okay, she would take care of him. She and Uncle Dave would make sure he would be okay. She’d been waving when he looked back over his shoulder at the hospital, he’d watched her disappear from the car window.
Jack hadn’t seen his father since. Has no memory of being pulled out of the box or talking to him on the phone minutes before that fateful shot.
Jack squirms, discomfort twisting his stomach in a way he doesn’t know how to explain. He knows he’ll be in trouble if he’s caught talking to her. Grandpa won’t be happy. “Do you know where Aunt Jess is?” he asks instead, looking around Emily to try and find her.
Emily shakes her head, “no sweetheart, I don’t. Why don’t we try to find her?”
Emily led him around the hall by the hand and that’s when Jack sees him. All he can see is his back but Jack knows it’s him. He wants to run over, to shout his name, and be pulled into one of his crushing hugs but he stays grappled to Emily. As if sensing him close, Hotch turns. They look at each other for a long moment, neither moving nor calling for the other.
He tells Jessica later as she’s tucking him into bed.
“Why didn’t you say hi, honey? That would have made his day.”
Jack hides his face in his pillow, shakes his head. No, it wouldn’t have.
They passed him around. He spent nine days with his grandparents and he learned quickly not to ask for his mother or father. Neither would be coming to get him. He played in the backyard and talked to them, shadows of them that he imagined there. His father laying on a picnic blanket, reading some old dusty book that smells weird, and his mother encouraging him to kick the ball back. With the sun on his back, he could nearly imagine them here. How it would feel to have his mother kiss his face again, to be held tightly to her chest until he begs to be put back down. To lay down beside his father, his head on his chest, and listening to the rumble of his voice through the rattling of his ribs.
He spends thirteen consecutive days with Jessica. She promised him his father was coming. “Give him time, sweetheart. He’s coming.”
Nearly a month. Jack stops hoping. He stops dreaming about those sunny days in the yard. Long days at the park and the way the world shifts when he’s atop his father’s shoulders looking down. Twenty-six days and his father shows up with a knock at the door. He was left with the neighbor, his grandparents, and Jess both having to leave. They come home in a fury, no one speaks to him as his clothes are packed. His toys were thrown in a suitcase.
His father looks so different. Tall and willowy, his limbs hanging down in a somber haunted curtain. His hands were in bandages, shaking at his sides. The same suit he wore to court that day hanging off of him. Jack hadn’t run immediately to him. He looked to his grandparents, huddled by the stairs and angry. To Jessica with tears in her eyes. He wasn’t sure if he was allowed to go or even if he should.
“Jack?” his father simply knelt to the floor. Forced his body into something smaller, sinking to the same height as his son. He looked more like a tired beast falling to the ground, a great huffing dying thing giving up its fight. “I missed you, buddy.” His voice cracks, his lip trembles but he doesn’t cry. “Do you--” he has to clear his throat. Has to wipe his eyes. “If you’d like we can go to my house now.”
Jack looks to his grandparents again, he doesn’t understand what’s happening.
Hotch smiles, tears seeping down his face, “you don’t have to come with me.” He tries to sound encouraging, to make it sound like he’s okay with whatever Jack chooses. If he’d rather stay with his grandparents that’s okay but it won’t be. Hotch can’t go home to that empty apartment again. He can’t keep living with his son torn away. “You can stay here, Jack.”
Jack shakes his head, anxiously he brings his fingers to his mouth. He looks to his grandparents again, to Jess expecting someone to tell him what to do. “You want me to?” he asks softly. “To go with you?”
Hotch chokes on a sob, nods his head when he can’t trust himself to say yes.
Jack runs to him, collides right into his chest, and pushes his face into his father’s shirt. Clings to him.
Hotch cups Jack’s head closer, sobbing no matter how badly he wishes he could maintain his control. He hasn’t seen his son in months. He’d felt the rejection and the fear in his eyes when they saw each other at the funeral, how clear it was that Jack wasn’t even sure that Hotch loved him.
Foyet had taken Jack but Hotch had pushed him away and then he nearly lost him. Haley’s parents wanted him, proper retribution for killing their daughter and he had nearly nothing to hold himself upright with. No rights to claim Jack. Could he name Jack’s favorite cartoon? Did he know Jack’s favorite color? Hotch hadn’t seen him in so long. He knew that Jack only ate the banana snacks when he was a baby. He slept with a nightlight of a firetruck and a stuffed bear named Nemo, who was sometimes also called other names depending on Jack’s mood. That at four his favorite color was yellow because that’s what Haley’s favorite color was. That Jack didn’t watch cartoons because he only ever wanted to watch Finding Nemo and Brother Bear. So no, no he didn’t know any of those things. Not anymore. He chose to keep his son alive over keeping him nearby, close enough to learn those things.
He thought the courts would rule with Haley’s parents.
He’s in no mental place to be raising a son on his own. His apartment is a mass of boxes as Roy had coldly pointed out, they’d been separated for nearly two years and he still hadn’t unpacked. He didn’t deserve it but he won.
“I thought--” Jack hiccups into his shoulder, fingers clenching Hotch’s jacket as tight as he can. “I thought you didn’t love me anymore.”
Hotch shakes his head, tries to pull Jack closer. Tighter. “No,” he promises, hoarsely. “No, buddy, I’d never stop loving you.”
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finalgilmoregirl · 4 years
lost love (loki laufeyson x reader, steve rogers x reader)
summary: loki makes an effort to woo you and it works!! until....he suddenly gives his love to another. heartbroken, you find a way to move on, and it isn’t until you’re happy with steve that loki realizes he made a mistake.
warnings: fluff & romance with angst in the end (i also didn’t proof read so i’m sorry for any mistakes!!)
a/n: based on a request “Hi, I see you are taking requests. Could you please write something with Loki where he makes efforts to woo the reader and after nowhere he starts dating someone else. The reader suffers but eventually mends her broken heart and Loki becomes jealous when he sees her happy and fulfilled with her new partner and realizes he lost her. Please!! Have a nice day ❤️”
sorry this took so long to put out. i love this request!! let me know if you’d like a part 2 with a happy ending !!
From the moment you met Loki, it was like he was already trying to please you. You knew who he was, famously known as the God of Mischief, and you were aware of the damage he’d done to New York (your apartment building being one of the many destroyed in his attempt to rule). You joined the Avengers shortly after the attack. You had a lifelong experience in mixed martial arts & ballet, making you strong and graceful, perfect for an agent, and now Avenger.
After working with the team for a year, you were given the news that Loki would soon be staying in the tower as well. At first you felt uneasy at the thought of his staying, but you were a little relieved to think he was changing his mischievous ways for the better. You were introduced to him when he was first given a tour of the tower by his brother Thor, who was excited to have Loki around.
“Lady y/n!” he called with his booming voice. “I wish for you to meet my brother, Loki.”
You turned around as they approached you and you definitely liked what you saw. Tall, dark hair, definitely attractive and very well dressed for someone fairly new to Earth. He had a small smirk on his face, eyebrows raised as if he was surprised to see you.
Truth be told, he was surprised. Suprised that you were a human. To him you looked like a goddess, and immediately intended on treating you as such.
“Hi” you said, reaching a hand out to shake his own. He brought your hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on your knuckle, “Hello darling, pleasure to meet you.” You blushed at the nickname, which ended up sticking. At first, you felt he was mocking you by constantly calling you sweet names like “love” or “darling” but that didn’t stop you from getting flustered anyway when he did.
It started with small gestures, like rushing to open the door for you and pulling out your chair at breakfast. Then you started receiving small gifts like roses with a sweet message on the card, his name signed with a heart. You thought for a second that he was trying to trick you, to make you fall in love with him and then laugh at you once you did. Whether it was a trick or not, it was working. It wasn’t until a late night that you fully believed his intentions were serious. You couldn’t go to sleep for some odd reason, you didn’t even feel tired. You went on your phone and saw it was just passed 1am. Sighing, you get up and walk to the kitchen, hoping a nice warm tea might help you. As you walked in you saw him: Loki. He sat at the table with a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. You took a second to look over your appearance, which was silk shorts and an old shirt, most likely one of Sam or Steve’s that didn’t fit anymore. Your hair only slightly disheveled from turning in your bed. It was weird to care so much when you’ve never cared about your appearance. But with Loki you couldn’t help but feel the need to look presentable around him.
He looked up as he sensed your presence. He smiled, “Good evening y/n” he said. You started feeling nervous butterflies as you said a soft “Good evening” back. You set some water to boil and picked out some Chamomile tea to help you relax. As you leaned against the counter and waited for the water you found yourself staring at him. He was wearing a black shirt that seems to fit him perfectly, you never got to see his arms since he always wore long sleeved button ups or sweaters but now you were able to see the impressive muscles he had and the veins that cascaded down his arms. You felt yourself blush as you imagined those arms holding you tight. You were snapped out of your daydream by the whistling of the kettle, quickly turning off the stove. While you prepared your tea you heard him clear his throat. “Why are you awake at this hour?” he asked. You turned and looked at him as you stirred your tea, shrugging.
“I’m not really sure” you said, “I just couldn’t.” He hummed at your response, and pushed the chair in front of him out with his foot, signaling for you to sit at it. You did and as you sat you both looked into each other’s eyes. You saw a sparkle in his, caused by the glowing kitchen lights. You broke eye contact as you sipped your tea. “Why aren’t you asleep?” You asked the god. He closed his book and set it beside him, giving you his full attention. “I don’t like to waste the rare moments of peace and quiet.” he said.
You understood what he meant. A majority of the day was filled with the team running around doing work related things, and if it wasn’t, there was always someone watching tv or filling the space with talking. You liked it that way, but you could see Loki’s appeal in wanting there to be silence. You started to feel bad, thinking that maybe you were interrupting his time of silence.
“Well I’d hate to take that from you.” you said, getting up from the chair. You didn’t even get to turn as he grabbed your hand to stop you. “Well I certainly don’t mind your company, pet.” he smiled. So you sat back down, and you continued to talk for another hour until you felt yourself drifting to sleep mid-conversation. You yawned and Loki took that as a sign that you were done for the night.
He walked you to your room and before you opened the door to enter you decided to ask him something you’d been wondering since you met him. Why was he so kind and gentle, but only to you? So you asked, and he didn’t look surprised by this question at all. That’s because he wasn’t. He knew you were smart enough to notice a shift in his behavior during breakfast with how he acted him Tony versus how he acted with you. With anyone else, he’d snap at them for asking him for something and try not to roll his eyes. But with you, he was always happy to pass you what you needed, or even serve you another plate if he saw you wanted one. Everyone else had noticed but like you at the time, thought he had another trick up him sleeve.
“You’re different” he said. “I feel warm around you, an almost comforting feeling that I’ve never felt with anyone else. You’re beautiful inside and out and if you trust me to, I could show you how much I could offer you. Which may not be much, but what I could only hope is enough to please you for a lifetime.” He placed a hand on your cheek as he finished his short speech, and that’s when you completely believed he was serious about perusing you. Heat rose to your cheeks in shock that he felt this way about you. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss your cheek, but not before whispering, “Goodnight my love.” That night you dreamed of your future with Loki, excited of what the future held for the two of you.
That was....until a week later at one of Tony’s infamous parties. What could have changed in a week? Even the days leading up to it, the Trickster God still continued with his loving gestures. A hug before bed, the ocasional forehead kiss when passing by, if anything they were more intimate that how he acted before. But here you were at a party, watching in heartbreak as he danced with another woman. You tried to deny him the satisfaction of your jealous glare, but as he held her close, with love in his eyes, all you felt was sadness.
You couldn’t even look away, feeling the need to torture yourself. It was a hand on your shoulder that broke you out of your painful daydream. You turned your head and sat up, seeing none other than Steve leaning on the table you sat at. Him being your closest friends, next to Wanda, was able to sense your emotions, feeling sympathy over you. You expected an “I told you so.” from him. He warned you not even a week into Loki living in the tower. “He’s bad news” he said. “Don’t waste your time. He’s not worth it.” But you didn’t listen.
“You okay?” he asked. You shrugged and took a drink from the glass that you kept asking to be refilled. “You were right. Like always.” you laughed dryly, looking away from Steve. You easily found Loki sitting on a couch across the room. He threw his head back in laughter and gripped the woman’s waist after she whispered something to him.
“I don’t like being right if it means you get hurt.” Steve said. “He’s going to see what he’s missing out on and come crawling back.” You smiled and looked at him again. Maybe it was the alcohol but you’d never noticed how sparkly his eyes were until now.
He held his hand out. “Let’s get out of here.” he said. You let out a giggle and took it, letting him lead you back to the residential floor, not even taking a second to look back at Loki. Steve told you to change into your pajamas and meet him in the kitchen and when you did, the night was filled with laughs and talking about life. You would think that after knowing Steve for a year you’d know of his hopes and dreams but you didn’t until he told you over a slice of cake Wanda had made for the party, but forgot about.
You two shared a dream. A family, a home right outside the city with a white picket fence. A chance at a normal life, a happy marriage and kids. You both took turns explaining how you’d decorate it, laughing when you’d say something at the same time like a brick fireplace or a big backyard. Steve felt relieved that someone else had still believed in the simple life and you were excited to talk about what you prayed the future held for you.
The warmth you began to feel with Steve was different. A good different. Different than what you felt with Loki. With Loki, the warmth you felt was nerves from attention you weren’t used to receiving and worry that the team thought you were associated with someone evil in their eyes. But with Steve, you felt at ease, almost like home. Sure he made you blush like Loki, but you were able to talk back and make Steve blush too. There was no awkward silence or worry of saying the wrong thing. This is nice. You thought, watching Steve wipe the counter with a smile.
You kissed him that night. Just a friendly peck as you thanked him for the nice night. Both of your hearts felt full for the first time in a long time.
The next morning began like any other after a party. Groans coming from the kitchen after any form of noise. The amount of junk food you ate with Steve probably soaked up all the alcohol in your system, only leaving you with a small headache, nothing like the hangovers Natasha or Tony were suffering from. You walked in and grinned at the sight of Steve cooking, still sporting his white t shirt and grey sweats from last night. You walked up to him and leaned on his arm. “Morning, Cap.” You said. He turned his head and smiled at you. “Good morning.”
You turned to go sit at the table and realized that Loki was sitting at the corner of it, glaring at Steve from behind his book. You held back a laugh as you pulled up a chair farthest from him, preparing to distance yourself. It hurt to see him, but if it was so easy for him to move on without warning, why couldn’t you do the same?
Days and even weeks repeated this. Loki would occasionally try to compliment you or give you a note, but you would brush him off. He knew what he did was wrong. He felt guilty, especially on days where he’d notice your eyes were red and puffy. Those were the ones you’d avoid his gaze the most. He also noticed the shift in your relationship with Steve. For the first few days he watched you two talk and how Steve would put him arm around you, which he thought he was fine. But then as the weeks went on he noticed times where you’d link hands with him, or lean your head on his chest as he watched a movie.
It was around a month later that he saw you and Steve kiss for the first time. Steve had just returned from a mission with Bucky, a fairly easy one that had him home within hours but he could tell you missed him nonetheless. After kissing him, you pulled him up the stairs, giggling and asking him about the mission.
Loki felt sharp pangs of jealousy. He knew he shouldn’t have. He broke your heart. He led you on and started seeing someone else. It was stupid of him to assume you’d wait for him, and now he’d have to pay the price.
a/n: thank you for reading. feedback & requests are always welcome!! let me know what you think. love you all <3
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babybottlepop96 · 4 years
Always: Shikamaru x Reader
Warnings: death, sadness, fluffy shit.
A/N: this one is about 2.2k words, it kinda got away from me lol enjoy and request!
Being Naruto Uzumaki's fraternal twin sister had its perks. I mean, the excessive amount of friends, ramen 24/7, always having a best friend that would be there for me and have my back no matter what but would also put me in my place if he had too. Being born five minutes after the infamous jinjuriki he was also so protective. Threatening any guy that would just have the nerve to flirt with me, the sister of the future Hokage.
We only had each other for so long, sure, our relationship took a bad turn for a while. While he was usually ignored and looked at as a monster, I didn't get the kind of treatment. Being the "normal" one of the twins, I was treated with more respect because I didn't have a tailed beast to host. I always felt awful for that and no matter how many times I stood up for my brother, he refused to accept my sympathy. The Chunin Exams came and went when he finally came to me after a few weeks of ignoring me. It was after Saskue had left and he was a mess. He cried into my shoulder and told me he was sorry. I just held him close and told him that I was never mad at him. I could never bead at him for how he felt about everything. It was unfair to him to be treated that badly, unfair that he had no say in being a host and I told him that he was so strong and had such a kind heart and people would eventually see that. I mean, they had to right? He was going to be the future Hokage.
When he left for those years with Jiryia, it was hard. It was like half of me was missing and I felt kind of lost without him. While he was out training, I had passed the Chunin and the Jonin exams. I was so proud of myself, but it would've felt even better if my twin was with me. 
When he came home, I wasn't there to greet him. I was on business with the Kazekage. Gaara became a close friend, he accepted my friendship because he felt like he could trust me. He became like a little brother. And then everything happened with the Akatsuki and I ended up losing an arm trying to save a few children from a clay bomb. I laid in one of the beds while everyone was trying to get Gaara back and I felt like I failed. I was a fucking Jonin for kage sake and I couldn't protect or retrieve Gaara. It hit me hard.
When Temari, Sakura, Kakashi and Naruto arrived, they went straight to Kankauro. That poor boy was in such pain from the poison, it hurt my heart when I heard him scream from the extraction. I was so focused on not paying attention I hadn't realized Naruto had made his way over to me and held my left hand. Once I felt his hand touch mine, my eyes flew open and he had tears in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, (y/n)! I should've been here to protect you! I failed and I'm so sorry you got hurt." He his head dropped to the side of the bed and cried.
"Hey, hey it's okay Naruto. This shit happens you know that. And it is not your fault, okay? You had to go and train. This was just a mission that turned wrong. But you're here now! And I just know you're going to go after Gaara and bring him home. And I'll be rooting for your success.. believe it!" I smiled, small tear trails staining my own cheeks. He looked at me and gave a small smile.
After everything that happened at the sand and Gaara's return home, no longer a host for the one tail, things seemed to go somewhat better. I got a fake arm that works well with my chakra and I had been training non stop with all my friends. But I mostly spent time with one particular ninja the most. A cute, lazy Pineapple haired Nara. You see, Shikamaru and I had been close and dating for about a year at this point. We never particularly told anyone, but people seemed to know. Well, all except Naruto. He was so oblivious to it all, he didn't realize how close Shika and I were until Pein attacked the Hidden Leaf. So, that's where I'll begin this little tale.
"Shit shit shit!" I was running around trying to get civilians to safety, grabbing children and pushing other civilians towards the Hokage head mountain. A building was starting to crumble and fire and explosions were coming from everywhere it seemed. Once I felt like I got everyone I could I ran back to where the main event was happening. Thankfully Naruto wasn't here, I wouldn't even begin to imagine what they would do if they had captured him. I mean, they killed Gaara, but Lady Chio had that special secret jutsu that she took to the grave. I couldn't bear to lose my brother. 
To fight was lasting so long, there was no way to tell when it would all be over. I was separated from Choji, Ino and Shikamaru when everything began. The three started fighting while I helped get the civilians to safety, but I knew they had to be around here. Alive. They just had to be. Things were seemingly going fine until I heard a small child scream. I snapped my head to the sound so fast I swore I got whiplash. A small girl was cowering against a wooden wall, the enemy heading toward her. I ran as fast as I could and snatched the girl away. I tossed her to the side gently and told her to run. She just looked at me, her big brown eyes filled with tears and a worried look on her face. "It's okay, you go to the mountains and find your family. Okay? Go!" She nodded and took off. I fought off the enemy for as long as I could. My chakra was running extremely low, so low that I wasn't able to dodge the wooden spear that came hurtling towards me. It went straight through my chest, pinning against the wooden wall behind me. I coughed up blood and my vision started to go a bit fuzzy.
"Your time is now over. You were a decent Shinoni, but you were still weak." The enemy spat out. I didn't say anything as I clutched the wooden spear that pinned me to the wall, trying to take in air. It felt like I was drowning, I could feel my lungs filling with blood and tears start to run down my face. I would never see my friends again, see my brothers happy go lucky smile while down bowl after bowl of ramen. I would never be able to Shika that I loved him. Everything was fading to black, my head dropped and my arms went limp by my side.
I woke up in a dark place, no longer in pain. I was dead. "Hello little one." A voice spoke and I looked around to see a small light. I ran towards it, hoping maybe I'd wake up for real and I was alive and well. That this was just a sick dream or a gentusu. But what I saw when I reached the light was unbelievable. I saw the fourth Hokage with a woman with red hair. 
"Welcome, (y/n)." The woman came over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm your mom." She whispered in my ear and turned to the man. "And that's your dad." To say I was crying was an understatement. There was a river flow of salty tears streaming down my face as I hugged them both. 
I ran back towards the village at full speed, I just had to get back. I had to protect my friends and mentors. I had to protect (y/n). I saw the massive crater when I returned to what was supposed to be my village. Injured and dead ninja and civilians alike were being gathered in a clearing. I ran ahead, I had to find them, I had to find everyone. I spotted Sakura first and ran towards her, "Sakura!" She turned her head, tears running down her face and I stopped in front of her. "Where is everyone?" She pointed to our group of friends, everyone is there except for Kakashi-Sensei and my sister. "S-Sakura? Where… where is Kakashi and (y/n)?" She sobbed louder which caused all of our friends to look over. I walked towards them and the moment I spotted Shikamaru on the ground holding someone, sobbing, I froze. I knelt down and looked over him. He was holding my sister, cradling her head in his lap. Her body was paler than normal against the red stain on her shirt. I didn't move, I didn't cry, I just stared, not convinced that she was actually gone. After a few moments I got up and made my way towards the true enemy.
"N-Naruto? Where are you going?" Sakura asked me, her voice meek and breaking.
"To end this."
The enemy had retreated for a bit, allowing us to gather our injured and deceased. I was frantically looking for (y/n) I had to make sure she was okay. "(Y/n)!!" I heard Ino yell from behind me. I ran towards her voice as fast as I could. Once I reached her, my blood ran cold. There she was, the one that I truly cared about and loved, pinned against a wall, spear straight through the chest. I tentatively reached out and touched her and my instantly moved back as I felt her cold, stiff, lifeless body. I stood frozen. The rationalist inside me was gone and I then pulled the spear from her form and caught her in my arms and she limply fell. The cry that ripped from my throat was inhuman, angry and broken. I fell to the ground holding her close to my chest. "W-wake up, please!" I cried even harder knowing it was useless. She was already gone. Passed onto the afterlife while I was here to deal with the heartbreak. The pain. I knew this love thing was a drag, but I endured it for her. She made my days brighter, the sun burn hotter, she made everyday so much better. 
"Sh-Shika? W-we should get her to the others." Ino whispered, scared her own voice would break, as she gently put a hand on my shoulder. All I could manage was a small nod and tried to suppress my cries. I carried her to where everyone was putting the deceased and all our friends stood there with wide eyes and I carried their closest friend in my arms. Everyone was shocked, too stunned to say anything as I put (y/n) on the ground. But I still cradle her head in my lap, I couldn't let her go just yet. The tears still slipping down my cheeks were enough for everyone to know this was real. When Naruto showed up I sobbed, he was just in shock as the rest of us. When he left to go confront the real Pein, none of us stopped him. If anyone could end this. He could.
Talking to my parents had been the most calming time of my life. Well, afterlife. They told me stories about what it was like before they died, how Kakashi was like another son to him. How they never wanted Naruto to host the nine tails. I told them how life was growing up, how I was dating Shikamaru and my dad gave me a whole lecture on safe sex, even though I was dead and I wouldn't have to worry about any of that. Well, until I started to glow. "Looks like you still have a full life to live my sweet." My mother smiled and I looked at them with a smile and tears in my eyes.
"I love you both." I said as I faded back into the darkness. This time though, when I opened my eyes I saw a face I never thought I'd be able to see again. "Shika?" His eyes snapped open and he stared down at me, his eyes wide and mouth open. He stared at me for a moment, not believing what he was seeing. His dead girlfriend, breathing. Alive.he held me so close to his chest and sobbed even louder. Ino and Choji were all giving him sad looks until they saw my arms wrap around his neck and held him closer.
"OH SHIT!" Choji yelled as the other dead bodies were coming back from death. I sat up slowly and grabbed Shikamaru's face and kissed him. I kissed him like it would be the last time I ever would. 
"I… I thought I lost you for good this time." He spoke softly.
"I will always come back for you." I smiled at him, tear glazed eyes staring into his own. "Always." We kissed again, pulling each other close. We stayed like that for a moment until we heard a certain obnoxious blonde yelling at us.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?! SHIKAMARU THAT'S MY SISTER! WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Causing everyone to let out a laugh. Resting his forehead on mine Shikamaru spoke quietly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Shika. I love you too."
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yanderelovebites · 4 years
Warning: hinted DDLG, not too explicit but reader does show signs of a Little.
*This is part of a thirst book that is both Fluff and Smut. This is a fluff one with a soulmate reader from the tattoo AU. Some future ones will be connected to this.
It was a long power struggle but the villains came on top. Many heroes and heroes-in-training lost a chip. The chips were made so they could avoid their soulmate in the event their soulmate was a villain or any other type of criminal. Most heroes were executed if they didn't match up to a villain. Some that were in training were given a choice redemption based on their year and if they interacted at all with villains before. Then, there was the rest of the classes.
These children gathered were found to have been forced to, while in the school, have a temporary working chip as well. They took it out and yet again the villains checked. You were in the last class they checked. You were young so you knew if by chance you were one... they would be older than you. You trembled at the thought of some much older woman or man potentially having right over you... you were raised to believe if someone is a villain, they can't love and they will mistreat their match.
That's terrifying.
To be honest... you hope you bleed out, but it's been slow. It'll close only to reopen if people are too rough. And it was a sloppy job. You see, you were stabbed because you were the forced 'volunteer' of what would happen if any of you resisted. They said for being a such a 'good girl and helping' they'd bandage the stab wound.
You hear the door open and you and your classmates are picked up. You didn't fight it. You were only a general class so judgement wouldn't be too harsh after they realize none matched a villain. You all were put in a line alphabetically. You were no. 14. You shiver as you see them scan the soulmate tattoo on the class rep. They pulled her away to the right... she would be okay right? The left is where the... soulmates have been pulled. Over there are nurses forced to be there. It's terrifying... this whole situation. You can't really describe it...
As each person went ahead, not single before you went to the left nor were they moved forward to die by the leader in all this....
Tomura Shigaraki.
You trembled a bit as the last person before you was moved. You trembled partly in fear and partly in pain. It still hurt. The men picked you up like the last and put you on the scan. Unlike the last thirteen people, there was green flash once it scanned the back of your neck... your tattoo was a hand with spider lilies growing from the palm. You were picked up but... brought to the left..?
The left...!
You didn't see who it was. They only said the match would appear on top of the machine, but those being scanned can't see that. A nurse takes you and says she's just going to check you over because the villains were definitely rough with the others. You could only nod.
She takes your clothes off and gasps a little "W-Were you the 'example' dear?" You nod again and she tells you to lay back as she fixes this and phones the doctor. Things got hazy from there and at some point, you passed out sometime after the doctor came.
You woke again in cozy bedroom. You were on a soft, but firm, mattress with purple sheets and a black bed cover. Under it was a fluffy blanket and even more at the foot of the bed. You had pillows around you and a couple stuffies. The nurse was at your side and smiled "Nice to see you're awake dearie. Please don't move, we don't want you to reopen the wound or undo the stitches. I was checking on your monitor. I will get someone to bring in food, alright?"
You replied hoarsely "A-Alright, ma'am..." She scurried off so you can better look around, but only on your back. There's an empty cork board, a simple desk with what you can assume are notebooks and pencils. There's a stain-glass window that cant be open and you can somewhat see has bars on the other side.
The walls were a dark shade of purple and the curtains were also black like the bed cover. There were color changing lights around the ceiling and in the center of the ceiling appeared to be the main room light. There was a TV hooked to the wall with - Blue Ray and an Xbox set up. The TV was on a clothes dresser.
You waited a few more minutes and a young girl came in with eggs, toast and some juice. The helped you sit up so you wouldn't open the wound and they supervise the meal.
You get sleepy after and they help you go back to sleep. You unconsciously hugged one of the many stuffies. You loved stuffies... back with your horrible mom who only cared that you be in a dumb hero school, you had many on your bed.
You held it close and let your dreams take you. This happened repeatedly that you asked the nurse if they put stuff in your food. She said "Yes, h-he asked us to. It's to make sure you don't reopen the wound... I assure you it's just until your fully healed, then you won't need that anymore!" She nervously chuckled it off. You latched onto her sleeve.
"Ma'am, I never saw who was flashed on the machine as to who my... mate is. Do you know?" You asked her. She looks at you sadly... "Miss L/n, it's the very man responsible for our nation's hell. Tomura Shigaraki is your match," she said as you let go. She scurried away once again.
Tomura Shigaraki.
The man who broke Izuku Midoriya. (He's alive babies)
The man who disabled your mom's sperm donor... (daddy issues :3)
A man who can leave you literally in dust is your soulmate?
Someone who has killed thousands?
The man who did the executions?
The man who you felt stare at you and your peers like you're insignificant ants?
You could only hold the stuffies, now frightened once again of your unfortunate situation. The second nurse comes again and you eat swiftly again. Would you feel safe knowing the stuffies and Blankies and the pillows you hugged so close were his doing?
The man from the security screen room wouldn't know yet. He always kept watch of you there since that day. It was maybe two weeks ago. You're his, you had no choice. He never had the choice either. He's yet to explicitly interact, afraid one slight action from either of you would destroy your fragile body. On one hand, he could get a quirk disabling room-they had one available-and force you to share with him, but that could lead to safety issues.
It would be best left as a room used when you both are ready for it.
He knew you'd enjoy the stuffies, they questioned your mother through threats. She's expected to release some of your materialistic treasures. Anything significant. He, quite amused, enjoyed watching you ask finally who you were stuck with, although didn't like the nurse's tone. You seemed scared, but Tomura knew it would be that way. It's why he spoils you. He's bound to be shitty so you might as well get something good, right?
He really didn't want to admit he liked the idea of being able to care about someone. To be able to love them without any other reason than it's what he craves.
He hopes he won't have to discipline you too much once you're fully healed...
Eventually, it comes to the nearing point of  your healing process, but also the fact you've grown an immunity. The drug only left you unable to move now. It was quiet. No sound and unable to open your eyes... it's like a horror film. At least you know no one would harm you... but it still scared you.
After a good while, you hear a door creak open. You hear unfamiliar footsteps. These ones are more... stealthy. The nurse's were hard and left a tapping sound once it met the floor. This seemed quiet, as if he didn't want anyone to know he or she is there. You feel the bed sink in and wish you could open your eyes.
They stroke your head with only two fingers. It felt... calming. Your body accepted his touch like second nature. You hear a rough voice say "So innocent..." They gently move hair away from your face. "I wonder how you're fairing inside that little head of yours, being confined to a bed, no freedom besides what little conversation that nurse has with you... I'd imagine its boring," the voice said to your immobile body. After some thought... the voice sounded somewhat familiar.
He strokes your head again with two fingers. "You like these don't you... the stuffed animals. You cling to them like a small child, it adorable. I'm glad you like them so much... means I didn't waste time picking a few for you after that long day of going through your entire school," the voice said. His last sentence was all you needed to know who this was without any doubt. Tomura.
"You're mine regardless," he said, twirling a piece of your hair with his index finger, you assume anyway. "When you heal, I'll make sure you understand what that means," he mutters, almost too low for you to catch. It was creepy, but comforting, knowing he's talking to you while unconscious-or at least he thinks you are.
It becomes quiet, the only thing you hear is the clock, your breathing, his too, and the fabric static from your pillow. Yet, the warmth of his fingers never stops moving. They pet you almost robotically until you hear a beep from a watch. He sighs. "I'll be back tomorrow, awake or not..." he said. You blushed in your sleep as you felt chapped lips kiss your forehead, but then they leave along with your soulmate. He's gone with a simple thud of the door closing...
All while you long for his warmth again.
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reverielix · 4 years
hellooo, since i am very into astrology as well, i’d love if you could do a lee know as boyfriend based on his chart^^ i know we still don’t know about his venus sign (if libra or scorpio), so just choose which one you think suits him best, thank you in advance!
Ooo this sounds fun👀💕
First of all, I’m pretty convinced he’s a Gemini rising (8pm), which means he has a Scorpio Venus. His voice (2nd house) sounds more like Cancer (calming, rather comforting, not very high) than Sagittarius-like (high-pitched, loud, mood-maker) and he just gives me Gemini vibes haha He gives off a playful appearance more than an intense aura (though his glares send Hyunjin running, I think that’s more his inner Scorpio stellium coming through). If he’s a Gemini rising, his chart ruler would be in Scorpio, which could give him that more round face, and in the 6th house, which could give him a youthful appearance paired with those eyes🥰. Lastly, his rising’s decan would be Libra, which could also contribute to a rather round face than the typical Gemini rising’s rather slim appearance (+ Libra rules the butt lol and we all know Minho‘s shameless liking toward the members’ butts haha) He’s also pretty outgoing and chatty, which his mc in Aquarius and Gemini rising can also point at. I do want to point out that guessing any celebrity’s placements is like trying to guess their mc persona chart’s placements because their image is very controlled and what they do is extremely calculated/regulated.
So now that we’ve settled that, let’s get started!!💫
⇢ confession/beginning stages
I feel like he would be really flirty and straightforward because of his rising and Mercury as well as his Venus. His flirting style is versatile and adaptable to the person (Moon in Sagittarius in the 7th house, Gemini rising), and at first he’d try to keep it less intense, smile/smirk a little (his smile also contributes to my tendency to view him as a Gemini rising rather than a Scorpio rising😌).
When he’s gotten more comfortable around the other person and they seemingly are comfortable around him as well, he’d start letting his intense aura and Scorpio stellium come to shine as he’d enjoy making the other person feel flustered, though his Scorpio Venus suggests that he’d love for somebody to do that with him as well, seeing as his Sun-Venus conjunction doesn’t only indicate confidence, but also that he’s attracted to people who are similar to him.
His confession would be overall heartfelt, genuine, romantic and intense. His way with words (moon in 7th since he’s talking about his emotions here, Gemini rising, well aspected Mercury) would allow him to talk without stuttering too much or at all, though I can see him being nervous (his emotions are strong, and when he loves, he LOVES).
⇢ overall behavior in relationship
Once he finds himself in a relationship with somebody, he’d be pretty dedicated and loyal, which he’d expect from his partner as well. Other than Jeongin for instance, he wouldn’t be really big on personal space, instead he would be keen on skin ship and always want to touch his s/o’s butt 🤭.
His Venus lies in opposition to his Saturn in Taurus (no orb), which suggests feelings of insecurity and unworthiness which stems from criticism by authority figures and lack of affection (especially from a father or father-figure). Here, the planet of relays and restrictions can indicate a late recognition of that he deserves happiness instead of pity and love instead of loneliness (this aspect also indicates a feeling of unworthiness of financial success, so he may feel like he doesn’t deserve his place as an idol). Loving himself can thereby be a challenging road that he for a long time didn’t even know he had to take. This can result in insecurities being projected onto the other person or a detachment from his s/o as he is scared to show them all of him out of fear of rejection or not being accepted. Just like with all Saturn aspects, with hard work and age comes a great deal of contentment and what he’s understood he deserves (money and love in regards to Venus and Saturn).
Meanwhile, Neptune is in a square with Venus, (1° orb) which points out a deception and inability to draw a clear line between judgement and his gut feeling. In this case, he can take things his s/o says very personally, though he might act as if nothing’s wrong (Scorpio stellium,...). People with this aspect typically dream to escape reality as well as are languid and messy (missing/coming late to dates although he’s strongly dedicated to the relationship, he may just forget or feel secretly hurt about something that wasn’t really offensive but he made out to be). This sensitivity toward what others say feeds into the Saturn-Venus aspect and a feeling of inadequacy and dishonorability. Overall, his Venus (love style, behavior in relationships, desires, attraction) is badly aspected in his chart, though his s/o and their personality is a key-point to look at in any relationship.
As a boyfriend in general, Minho may be extremely emotionally invested, possessive, devoted and sharing. Once he’s with someone, he gives himself to that person. Additionally, his Venus in the 5th along with his Sun in the 5th and conjunct his Venus suggest a very present and, again, dedicated lover who loves with his whole heart and all he’s got (meanwhile he makes an effort to look especially detached and funny/playful in public or in front of cameras, which, among other placements, his mc in Aquarius hints at). Lastly he may be excellent at boosting his partner’s confidence, yet may also need validation back. (Can I just say that his Sun and Venus in the 5th make his chart the one of a born performer, which obviously shows + his love for art shows here as well🤓😊.)
⇢ dates
His Scorpio Venus in the 5th makes me think of spontaneous, grand-gesture dates that take place where he’s granted privacy with his s/o and everything’s only about the two. He may wants to move around, like go to an abandoned park where the grass is a little too high and play games/teach them a dance before they watch the stars when the night comes🥺💫. I can see him being very romantic and bold, so he may just sneak kisses here and there (5th house suggests spontaneity and the thrill of surprises). Here are brief moments of how I imagine a date with him:
“I’m bored. Let’s go somewhere.”
he walks toward his room’s red oak panel door
“Where do you want to go?”
your naked feet follow his to the cold stone floor behind the door
“Let’s decide on the way.”
over pine trees and bushes his reflection distracts you
eyes are narrowed when he’s concentrated, wrinkles adorn his cheeks
“5 minutes.”
“Huh?” you turn your head
“I’ve figured out a place, we’re only gonna need another 5 minutes.”
“Want a kiss? Come and get it then!”
he trips over dandelions and grass, smug-smiling, and doesn’t slow down
your feet stomp the grass, your determination takes over
after two breaks of resting your arms on your thighs, he gives in, lets you win
“I did that on purpose.”
“I don’t care.”
right legs cross the lefts and knees buckle while arms swing up, fingers fold out and eyebrows are raised
dancing is way harder than it looks, you’ve just figured
behind gracious twirls hide strength and control, something the slippery lawn hampers
“No, the feet need to be pointed in a different angle.” Minho held his hands out flat.
amidst your ambition to strech your arm “elegantly”, sunset hugs your silhouettes around the shadows
distant stars create a pattern in everless darkness, the waning gibbous moon sheds light
“Do you ever think of death?” your eyes dart the distance
“Like how? Don’t we all?” his trace the sharp shadow of your nose cast on your cheek
“We’re just such a small fragment of the universe. Gone before it even noticed us.”
“No, I believe we’re here for a reason. I think we have a big presence in the universe. Life is so magical, and so is death. It scares most, because it’s unpredictable. But so is tomorrow.”
Existential conversation with Minho™️
⇢ kisses
Ooooooo his s/o is in for something😳 The Scorpio stellium and 5th house Sun conjunct Venus suggests passion and bold, unexpected actions. He doesn’t just kiss for fun. If he kisses, he KISSES. The Virgo Mars also adds a feeling of security. I can see how he likes “crossing lines” and being bold, though it feels comfortable and safe. A lil types of kisses list...
obvi the passing food one lol
a sudden one that takes the other’s breath away
one in which he holds the other’s waist/cups their cheeks and forgets about everything around him
salty ones after a reunion or fight
one in which breaths are shared
a combination of kisses he thought of the night before when he couldn’t sleep (very unusual, but if anyone can pull it off with confidence, it’s Minho)
It was so much fun making this haha💞 hope u like it!🌫
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