#it even uses canadian bacon
ghostaris · 7 months
Can we stop calling it "Hawaiian Pizza"? shit was made by a Canadian and the only reason he called it "Hawaiian Pizza" is because it has pineapple on it... you know... the fruit Dole decided to colonize our islands for? and continues to do so? so can we please call it for what it is: Canadian Pizza
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thegoofyfanaticus · 9 months
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(( Art is commissioned from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant. Original story by me. ))
Immediately after the suplex, Dustin continued his assault on Wyatt. Dustin chose not to go for the head and quick knockout because he needed to send a message about dominance; about pain; about control. He wanted Ethan to see all the ways he could dominate and make a strong and powerful opponent like Wyatt hurt before forcing him to submit. It was practically an unwritten rule of the gym: exert your dominance and force the other to submit to your will. After some forearms and elbows to the massive pecs of Wyatt, Dustin knew he had the big Canadian staggered. He maneuvered himself in position for one of his signature humiliation moves: the spladle. He forced Wyatt to be rolled up and stuck by trapping Wyatt's arms under his own legs. Dustin then used his right arm and left leg to stretch Wyatt's legs out to make the spladle not only truly roll Wyatt upon himself, but also painful as Dustin split Wyatt's legs apart as he pressed down. 
"AAAHHHhhhhnnnngggghhhhhh!"grunted Wyatt as Dustin locked in the spladle. Wyatt was thankful he was flexible, but even this was taking his flexibility to the extremes. Wyatt's neck was compressed into his chest as well as pressed into Dustin's groin. Wyatt could feel the incredible hard cock of Dustin pressed into the back of his neck. Wyatt could tell this move aroused Dustin extremely hard. Wyatt's right shoulder pressed against Dustin's right pectoral. Wyatt could feel that Dustin had it flexed and tense in a display of strength. Wyatt tried to move his body in any way he could, but he could not find a single limb that could help him break the hold. He was trapped and he was embarrassed that he allowed Dustin to get him into this predicament. 
Dustin, on the other hand, was all smiles as he admired his handiwork. He looked down at Wyatt and taunted the Canadian, "Reality Check, Canadian Bacon. If I wanted to, I could knock you out right now with my free left hand."
"Then do it."
"Nah! I want to make you admit that you got in over your head. I want to make you submit to the soon to be alpha. Hearing you say the words, 'I submit' will be such a sweet sound."
"That'll never happen."
"I will break you until it does..."
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toonqueen · 10 months
Duckvember Day 12: Mother Duck (Part 1)
Part 2 will come with the Wrong Duck Prompt haha.
Grimstone - Gladstone’s negaverse version. A hard working warlock and stuff. Lives at his (deceased) Grandma’s farm. Hates (Nega) Scrooge with a passion which has nothing to do with this story but it's a fact that needs to be known
Magica - a former Paladin (paranormal/witch hunter type) that was a light bearer in her former job (a term they used for healing and backup support/fighter type magic user. Because you can’t call them witches when working with paladins because witches are BAD.) Super nice stepford wife energy. Blonde for some reason because Negaverse rules you can’t make me change it. 
Faustina- Their daughter and a bundle of hellish joy. 7ish years old in this fic
Kage - @cataradical ‘s OC that in his is 10 years old. He's a clone of Negaduck made in a SHUSH lab that got destroyed. Faustina found him a few years ago and thought he was cool and would hang out at the dump. Then He broke into Grim’s secret storage at their farm. He looked at this cussing angry dirty child and was like, “this is my son.”
Oirn - also an OC of @cataradical Left at their doorstep as a baby by a jerk Paladin. Probably 2 years old at this point?? Very quiet Canadian goose that can stare into your soul. 
Here's a pic of the fam minus Grimstone. A comission by @duckbutts69
“Why does your dad having us learn sword fighting? It's not the dark ages!” Kage complained as he dragged his training sword behind him. Faustina gave a shrug like she didn’t know. She then followed it with an answer.
“He told me once that his Great Grandma told him when he was a kid that the world is gonna end and there will be a breakdown of the supply chain and guns will become useless once bullets can’t even be made at home SO you can’t rely on just guns,” Faustina explained as he walked. She was giving her training sword a few swings, “Also good if my magic gets magic blocked. Then I can just stab them instead!”
Faustina proceeded to demonstrate with a few jabs in the air with her training sword. Kage rolled his eyes, still not impressed with the idea of sword fighting in general. 
“Whatever, I’m not gonna show up for training anymore. This is dumb,” he complained as they got to the storage shed they were told to put their weapons in after their training session.
“You’re just mad because I tagged you THREE TIMES in a ROW,” Faustina teased.
“I got you several times too!” Kage defended himself. Before Faustina could reply back they both heard the bell from the nearby farm house. 
“Ah yeah breakfast!” Faustina started to run to the house, “If I get there first I’m gonna eat ALL the bacon!”
“Oh NO you DON’T!” Kage replied as he ran to follow her.  When he started to pass her, she tried to elbow him. He dodged though, and got to the porch before her, “Maybe if you didn’t wear dumb dresses you could run faster!”
Faustina made a snort not that much different than an angry hog. Kage opened the farmhouse door before she then bum-rushed at him. He got a very strong head butt in the stomach from his sister. It knocked them both to the ground in the entryway of the house. He pulled on her hair to get her to back off. The response from Faustina was just a giggle as she got to her feet and offered to help him up. It was just the usual sibling rough housing. 
The two came to the kitchen table. Orin was already in his booster seat eating an apple fritter. There was a large plate of bacon and one with sausages. Magica was loading a serving bowl with freshly made scrambled eggs. As usually the table had the plates and silverware placed out like it was a fancy dinner. 
Kage and Faustina quickly sat down and started serving themselves.  Faustina put a piece of bacon in her mouth for every one she put on her plate. Kage noticed this and started to do the same with the sausage links. 
“Save some for your Dad!” Magica said to both of the eager children. She put some of the scrambled eggs on Orin’s plate before putting the bowl on the table. 
“He’s not my Dad,” Kage stated as he grabbed some bacon to add to his plate. 
“Oh, but you have called him Dad a few times,” Magica mentioned to contradict him. 
“UNDER DURESS!” the cranky kid replied, not quite pronouncing duress right. Kage may have misunderstood the meaning of the word too. The young duck knew he did call Grim Dad sometimes when he needed his attention right away.  He then gave Orn a glare even though he had nothing to do with the conversation, “How come he gets one of those things.”
“He has those all the time for breakfast since he doesn’t like all the bacon and sausage that much. Did you want one of the fritters? I made a whole batch,” Magica offered as she headed back towards the kitchen. She pulled out a container that had more of the pastries in them. 
“I don’t like them, I just want to know why he gets special stuff for breakfast,” Kage muttered with scrambled eggs in his mouth.
“Because he’s a baby picky eater,” Faustina answered before their mother could, “Babies get spoiled. Do you want to be a spoiled baby?” 
“N-No!” he stammered at the direct question. He then flung a spoonful of egg at Faustina. She didn’t complain at all about the attack. Instead she just ate the splattered egg off where it landed on her arm, “Ew.”
“You ate spilled pudding off the floor and say ew to me eating arm egg!?” Faustina retorted back.
“YOU ate it off the floor too!” Kage accused and he flung more egg at his sister. 
“Alright you too. You need to eat more than you’re throwing around,” Magica tsked as she pulled out a cloth napkin from her apron. She wiped off egg from Faustina’s clothes and her beak. She went over to wipe his bill as well. He was much cleaner than his erratic siblings but Magica just wanted to make sure. Kage grumbled and stuffed his mouth with a handful of bacon and chewed loudly. 
Grimstone finally came into the kitchen, “Sorry I was tidying up something and couldn’t come right away. I hope there is some left for me?”
“Oh yes!” Magica answered before she took a glance at the kitchen table. There wasn’t really much left, “Actually, I can cook you up some more.” 
“Ah, don’t worry about it dear. I can make something for myself. I know you need to go run some errands. I can feed myself,” Grimstone replied before giving Magica a light kiss on the cheek, “I’ll clean up the kitchen too.”
“Oh, thank you!” she replied as she took off her apron. 
“Taking Orin with you?” Grimstone asked. The youngest usually went wherever Magica went. 
“Ah, it's a short trip. He’ll be fine with you for a little while?” Magica asked.
“Of course,” Grim replied as he started to make  himself a pot of coffee. Orin, hearing he was not going with his mother on errands, made a soft noise.
“Oh don’t worry sweetie. I’ll be back before you know it. You keep your father and sister out of trouble, okay?” she said to the youngest child. Orin just gave her a stare as if to say he was not happy with this arrangement, “I’ll be right back okay?”
She gave Orin a kiss on the forehead. Kage let out a disapproving snort at the show of affection to the youngest. 
Magica left the kitchen to go get her purse and get ready to go out. As she was getting her keys by the front door, Kage walked by out of the kitchen.
“Oh, would you like to come with me?” Magica offered it to the boy.
“Uh… Sure. I’ll go grab Faustina,” he replied, a little confused by Magica’s sudden offer.
“She can stay here and help watch Orin. We can go just the two of us,” she explained while putting on her coat. Kage looked even more confused by this. He couldn’t remember a time just he and Magica went on an outing. She seemed to pick up on that, “Even Grim has taken Orin to the witches market without me.”
“Are we going to the witch market?” Kage asked. It was very hard to tell by his tone if he was asking because he liked that idea or not. 
“No, just the regular grocery store,” she gave a moment's pause, “I'll get you some junk food. Whatever you want.”
“Oh hell yeah let's go then,” Kage replied as he went out the front door. He already headed to the car. Magica grabbed his jacket, “You need to wear a coat! It’s a little chilly today!”
Kage grumbled and pulled out a pick to unlocked the passenger door before Magica even got to the car. He quickly got into his seat and waited for Magica.  She tsked at him.
“Couldn’t you wait two minutes for me to open the car,” she said as she got into the car herself.
“You should be glad I didn’t hotwire the car and already started going there myself!” he replied. Kage then hissed when Magica reached over to put on his seat belt for him. He didn’t stop her though.
It was a short quiet car ride. Quiet as in the two didn’t talk even though Magica asked Kage how his sword lesson was today. He just replied with a grumble. He then turned on the radio to some heavy metal station. Magica didn’t change it even though she normally would. 
Once parked at the grocery store, Kage was quick to get out to start running inside. Magica shouted after him, “Kage! Grab a cart for me please! Please wait for me.”
Kage grumbled but did as he was told. Surprisingly.
“You need to keep up with me!” Kage stated as Magic came up to the cart he pulled out.
“I’ll try my best,” she replied while pushing the cart, “Now we need to get the main stuff I came for first before you can pick out what junk food you want.”
“Oh like hell I’m doing that,” Kage responded before scurrying off towards the candy aisle. Magica sighed and proceeded to go to the fresh department first to start getting what she needed on a list.
It didn’t take Kage long to come back with his arms full of candy to dump in the cart. Magica didn’t object to the amount of candy he brought. However she did yell out a ‘hey!’ to him as he ran back to the candy aisle. She pursued him while pushing the cart, “at least get some chips too. Junk food isn’t only candy.”
She paused before entering the candy aisle. There was something in her peripheral vision that did not sit right. Magica was a well trained former Paladin and did not look directly at it when she perceived it. Instead she reached out at a display at the end cap of the aisle. For a moment she pretended to be very interested in the oatmeal displayed there. She grabbed a box of the apple oatmeal and put it in her cart before turning down the candy aisle like nothing was wrong. 
The aisle did have a camera with a little video screen for loss prevention purposes. It had thick static lines that went across the display. The set up clearly had many physical attacks to it in the past leaving it in rough shape. When Magica glanced up at it though, she was able to decipher what she saw. 
The person was not in uniform. However the way his clothes fit felt like one. An unwrinkled black dress shirt and pants. The canine's eyes scanned the area like he was looking for something. Magica could easily read he was someone looking for a target. Not any type of security officer though. It was obvious to her this person was on the hunt.
Magica didn’t make any friends when her and her brother left the paladin order she was in. The witch’s concern right now was this person was looking for her.
“Alright Kage. That’s enough for now. I think we’ll have a little change of plan for dinner tonight. How about we get pizza later for dinner instead. Or burgers. Any fast food you like.  Whatever you prefer,” Magica offered as she pushed her cart further down the aisle. Quite purposely away from the person on the hunt. 
She expected Kage to be happy with the offer of a fast food dinner. Instead he seemed offended, “Do you even know what I’d prefer?”
“Ah, well you have a wide variety of stuff you like. Let's go check out now and discuss it in the car, okay?” she looked behind her to make sure Kage was following  behind her. He was trailing behind her with a scowl on his bill. When she turned to look back in the direction she was going she noticed another unusual  gentleman glancing past every aisle. Same outfit as the previous person she saw, but now also wearing a tie. She turned to face away from him. Once again she pretended to look at a product on the shelf. Kage huffed at her sudden pause, not knowing what was going on. 
The man turned down their aisle but did not take any notice of Magica. However, he did take notice of Kage. He gave the grumbling child a glance as he kept walking past. The stranger then gave a tilt of his head signal to another person nearby. 
Magica had seen this and made the tactical decision to still pretend everything was normal. 
Grim and Faustina had given her vague details about Kage’ origins. The logical conclusion is this was ‘SHUSH’ looking for the boy. 
“What's going on?” Kage raised an eyebrow. He was young but not dumb.
“Dear, let's just ring out what you picked and I’ll explain once we’re headed home,” Magica said as she gave Kage a pinch on his cheek. He hated when she did that but he let her. 
“Are you trying to figure out my favorite things because you make the dumb baby whatever he likes all the time?” Kage stated as he followed Magica down the aisle. Though he would often refer to Faustina as his sister, he never really did call Orin his brother. Dumb baby was a better way to describe him.
Magica kept her eyes peeled for anyone else acting suspicious as she casually walked towards the check out, “I do realize that I assumed you like a lot of the same things Faustina does. I can make whatever you like the most.”
“Okay. What do I like the most?” Kage crossed his arms as he asked. Magica was busy unloading the cart for the cashier. She had noticed at least three other people acting suspiciously. The former paladin was all too familiar with how someone behaved when they had their eyes on a target.  
“Bacon butter cheese sticks?” she replied to the boy. 
“No,” Kage grumbled, “You even make stuff for when the stupid redhead or Macawber kid visits. You know their favorites and not mine!” 
“Like I said, I thought you like all the same things Faustina enjoys. I’m sorry I don’t know. I’ll make or buy whatever you like and keep it in the house. Okay?” Magica tried to still use her diplomatic mother tone. She wasn’t frustrated with Kage, but more the situation of having to discuss this while it was very possible there were agents planning an attack on them. 
Kage made a grumbing noise that wasn't any clear words. He stormed out before Magica could pay for the junk food. Magica said a soft sorry to the cashier before running out after him. She glanced to see at least two of the suspicious strangers were following them out. 
Magica was able to still run at a fast speed even in heels. She caught up with Kage in moments and picked him up under her arm like a sack of potatoes. He didn’t even have a chance to complain before she ducked with him behind a random parked car, “Go to the car and wait. I’ll take care of this.”
Kage opened his beak to try to complain again but was shocked when Magica handed him the car gets. It meant this was serious.  She pulled a pouch of dust from her purse and sprinkled it on Kage. The young duck sneezed at that which drew the attention of one of the strangers. 
From her purse she also pulled out a flask and whispered, “Una strega travestita da pecora è più di un avvertimento.”
“What are you doing?” Kage muttered, not as quietly as he could have. 
“Car, now!” she commanded him. Normally he would complain at being told what to do but this surprised him so much he went ahead and looked for the car. He had ducked behind a different car when he had seen the suspicious canine in a black shirt. Kage began to put together what was happening.
When he looked in the side mirror of the car he was hiding behind things got even more interesting. He could not see himself reflected in the mirror. He assumed the dumb glitter Magica had sprinkled on him had done that. The young duck was left to wonder why she hasn’t done the same to herself. 
That was answered for him as he saw HIMSELF a distance away coming into view. This other ‘Kage’ gave a whistle to get the attention of the now four suspicious men dressed in black.
“Hey, stupid heads! Are you idiots looking for me?” this other Kage waved his arms at the supposed SHUSH agents. 
“I do not sound like that,” Kage muttered to himself. Instead of heading to Magica’s car he was watching what was unfolding. None of the supposed agents spoke to the fake Kage.
“What are you here for? Little ole me?” the fake Kage stepped towards the one closest to him, “Who sent you? Tell them to bugger off!”
The real Kage grumbled to himself. He did not like this impersonation at all.  Other people going to the grocery store ignored the commotion. It was an average thing to see in the Negaverse. For all they knew it could have been security going after a shoplifter. 
One of the other black dressed men came behind the fake Kage. He raised a taser to fire at them. The fake Kage though had heard him and dropped to the ground. The taser fire then went to the other agent that had been in front of the Kage copy. 
The Magica-Kage let out a sinister giggle and got up to their feet in one gymnastic style motion. Despite being small in his form, her kick was still had full adult power when she attacked the man holding the fired taser. She heard the footsteps of a third agent coming behind her with a weapon as well. The disguised witch made another dodge roll to avoid what she assumed was another taser. 
However, she had miscalculated. Instead of a taser that could be dodged, it was some new-fangled energy pulse gun. It would knock out a target and could not be dodged since it was a sound not something that physically hit. The fake Kage was knocked out but still kept their disguise. The magic was from a potion not a spell so it wasn’t reliant on Magica being conscious. 
The agent that had been kicked to the ground got up while taking out ear plugs he had in.
“Good job. But where did the woman go?” the canine agent asked the one with the pulse gun.
“It's no concern. We just have to deal with the target. Let’s get him back to base,” the other agent replied. The real Kage, still invisible, was sneaking closer to them. One of the agents picked up the fake Kage and started walking to an ambulance parked nearby. 
He was very tempted to just attack the one closest to him. But he was smart enough to know that would just send the other three after him, invisible or not. He could get on the ambulance while invisible and see where their base was. Maybe there would be an opportunity to attack then if at any point Magica was left unattended. 
Kage also realized he didn’t have to go with at all. He could technically drive the car back to the farm and get Grimstone for help. He didn’t have to help Magica. He liked Faustina and Grim much more than her.  But what he knew of SHUSH, it would be better to act  ASAP and not waste the time it would take to get to the farm and back. And he didn’t even know where this base was. And Magica was kinda nice to him. And could cook. 
When they loaded the fake Kage on the real one was able to slip in quietly. To not be bumped into by the two other agents in the back he tucked himself in a corner by the backside of the driver's seat. There he waited to strike.
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capriciouscaprine · 6 months
good morning!!!!! I had good number news this morning!!! lotsssss of numbers below, just fyi
I haven't really talked about my goals or current numbers on here, in part bc I was worried that if that was one of the first things I posted, whatever flagging bot gets used on here (I know, it's mostly crusaders who go thru the tags and mass repo blogs that gets us distapeared) would see those things and I'd be on their no-fly list immediately
plus, there's something to be said for the fear of saying something out loud, when I've not been the sort of person to stick to hobbies and things before
last week, I hit a goal of $125.4 (iirc), which means I hit a simultaneous goal of a 'healthy' -$5/month for 15 months straight, for a total of -$75.00 from my starting balance of $200.00
which, I honestly was having trouble being excited about hitting that goal bc of our common habit of rounding up, so any decimals next to that number it feel like I hadn't actually hit it, and I had worked REALLY HARD to get there, including a multi-mile treadmill walk and everything
my check in day is monday (start the week off informed!); on tuesday the monthly obnoxiousness started, and most of us who experience that will skip check in days that are close to it bc it messes with our bodies so much, so our measurements will be inaccurate
then, last week was spring break for my internship, but it's only two days a week, so I spent two days last week almost entirely sitting at my computer, working on my course work
meanwhile, in the same week, I clocked THEE MOST hours at my almost entirely outdoor, moderately physical job in about six months aka since about mid-fall, as late fall thru early spring is our slow season and things are now picking back up; I spent the week planting seedlings, repairing fences, running around after babies, and doing deeper cleaning now that things are warmer and deep bedding isn't so much of a priority
which, I spent last summer consistently dropping without thinking too much about it, tbh, and I'm pretty sure now that it's bc of this job (there was other stuff like switching from regular ice cream to halo top, etc, but on the whole I wasn't doing things like counting and I hadn't even made this blog yet)
and for meals this week, I seemed to average just about 1k; some days were higher and others were lower, some days I felt like an unwilling black hole and others I was just... fine after eating a small lunch/dinner (I keep weird hours, it was the final meal of the day for me, idk); plus, no semi-fraught Easter lunch with my family
that brings us to today's check in
officially, for realsies, under that $125.00 goal, and also the amount I claimed on my drivers license bc I thought it was funny and it was only a little lower than my actual amount BEFORE UNIVERSITY, AND very genuinely really close to a secret goal I've had since I heard it as a song lyric in 11th grade: $120.00
I know, it's such a silly thing to base a goal off of, and really highlights just how pervasive unrealistic body standards are, that some man stated it as the measure of a fictional grown woman he was writing about who you KNOW he envisioned as being 'curvy' and taller than a literal child
but I'm still gonna hit it
and yep, I'm once of those people who have reduced their goals over time; you think a number sounds really low, and then you find out how much people who look the way you want to measure in at, and realize that if that's where you wanna be, this number isn't going to have you looking like that unless it's mostly muscle, and I'm for sure not mostly muscle
anyways, introspection on societal pressures out of the way, this morning's breakfast was a 1/3 of a cup of egg substitute (50), two low f 'canadian bacon' slices (20 each for 40 together), a slice of lite toast (45) with lite country crock spread (about 1/2 a tblsp, so half of 35), and my coffee (25), so that's a relatively high f and protein breakfast for just under 200 (and of course we round up to the bigger whole number!)
I was hoping to feel satiated from that, but it's not quite hitting like yesterday's grilled cheese did; ah, well, just one more data point to take note of!
now, fingers crossed I can finish this presentation before work this morning!!!
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it's finally time to close the book on this
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Submissions 8, 24, 28, 33, 88, 98, 213, 261, 272, 280
Then we never have to talk about this again.
Pre-preliminaries will be used to determine what qualifies as a hot take. Propaganda is encouraged!
Also, remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure! (exposure like when your exposed to deadly radiation)
Pinapple [sic] belongs on pizza.
There are many dishes that mix sweet and savory. Cheese and fruit as found on charcuterie boards is a prime example. What else mixes fruit and cheese? That’s right. Pineapple pizza. The salty savoriness of the cheese blends perfectly with the cooked pineapple, which is less tart than raw fruit. Add bacon, canadian bacon, or chicken for extra deliciousness. You either like pineapple on pizza or you’re a coward.
Pineapple on pizza is not only good, it’s the best pizza topping there is
Sweet and savory is a godly flavor combo. It hits all the notes at once. It provides the acid and the sweetness to an otherwise very heavy dish
Adding to the last one I sent [about milk before cereal], "pineapple does not belong on pizza" people are also annoying as fuck
I don't even like pineapple but it's the only pizza my best friend will tolerate and I'm tired of people calling her a freak for it
Pineapple on pizza is fine.
I work in a pizza place & have to see absolutely fucking horrific monstrosities that people call pizza. Here’s a list of things worse than pineapple that I’ve seen on pizza: any topping that people ask for “extra extra” of (like mushrooms or spinach), fish, nacho cheese sauce, & a mix of beans and salsa
Pineapple on pizza is fine.
It's not mana from heaven or anything but it's not bad either. The flavors balance out pretty well.
it tastes good and pepperoni fans are just mean to us pineapple on pizza likers.
YES, but –
i like pineapple on pizza. the ham is the problem
listen i can do meat on pizza. but ham AND pineapple? no. something about that feels unholy. so i pick off the ham so i can enjoy my pineapple pizza. also i am allergic to pineapple. but we persevere
pineapple pizza is good in america
the sweet and savory combination is just… ough. but most native italian people don’t like the idea of pineapple pizza. why? the answer comes in the difference in tomatoes in italy and the united states. in america, tomatoes are very sour and savory, so pineapple can really do a pizza some favors. however, italian tomatoes, while still savory and tart, are very sweet. putting pineapple on an italian pizza would just be redundant.
I think people need to stop being so angry about Pineapple on Pizza. Weather [sic] you like it or not isn't a big deal
If we're supposed to 'respect other's opinions' then why do pizza toppings need to start a war? It's really pointless.
(oh... um... sorry dude. guess i'm not helping, am i)
pineapple on pizza should be outlawed
disgusting. crime against perfectly good pizza.
i’m RIGHT., i will FIGHT YOU, 🍍+🍕= 🚮
Pineapple should not be on pizza.
Fruit allergiers, particularly pineapple allergies, are steadily on the rise and this topping will legit kill someone if there's not at least some proper storage.
I work in a pizza place, and have been working with pizza for years. There is NO proper storage for pineapple at most pizza places. It comes from a can and the juice gets on every surface. Same with 90% of other toppings.
If you have a friend who is allergic to pineapple, do not recommend pizza for dinner during hang outs. Opt for anything else.
Pineapple should not be on pizza. The hell fruit should stay out of pizza kitchens.
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ezrisdax-archive · 11 months
Top 5 Stargate eps, comfort movies, and Canadian foods
stargate eps
Episode 200- ha bet you thought I'd say the time loop episode first but no, even this episode won out ahead. the in jokes, the jokes at other sci fis, the whole set up, the love of it all, when I have really bad days it is my comfort episode out of all comfort episodes honestly, I can't even begin to count how many times I've watched it and every time I cry when quote Issac Asimov at the end, I am a weak person lexi you know this
Window of Opportunity - okay yeah time loop was next, let's be real I am completely predictable but this was the time loop episode that really showed me how fun they could be. like I already loved the concept cause of TNGs one but this one? it's so funny, I've had people who don't even watch stargate watch that one with no context of the characters and still find it funny. and the ending is heart wrenching, what more do you want from a time loop (pst, lexi watch it with me again, now I miss it)
Abyss - I admit I loved Ba'al as a bad guy, he was so much fun for me and the episode introducing him was so weird with Jack haunted by memories not his (what do you mean I'm obsessed with that because of star trek and ezri-) and eternally whenever I chuck a shoe too far accidentally while taking them off I just think of "I just threw my shoe through you" when Jack is talking to Daniel, like c'mon that was so funny
The Fifth Race - I loooooove the introduction of the Asgard so much, not to mention Jack getting the language in his head. once again sometimes my brain just goes "there is nothing cruvus with me!" for no reason because of that episode.
Fragile Balance - I'm just a sucker for a good cloning episode okay, and Jack and the Asgard just don't miss for me! I'm a weak person lexi!!!!!
comfort movies
Star Trek: The Voyage Home - yes it's the one with the whales and time travel, two things I love specifically because of this movie probably. no lie this movie did have me really into whale conservation as a kid though, something that's stuck with me well into later years. but like it's got everything, Spock being sassy to McCoy, McCoy and Scotty off on their own adventure, chase scenes in a hospital with Chekov on the cart like it's fucking looney tunes, time travel, whales, the crew being the crew together! mcfucking love this movie
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - be honest, you knew I'd have this here because we've talked so many times and I've said it's my fave but like...I watched this movie every day for a year as a kid. I made my dad buy back up tapes because I wore it out on VHS. to this day I still have five copies. I want you to know I don't just love this one because Wedge appears the most here. Though that doesn't hurt. It's just about the conclusion of it for me, it does something for me where it gives me hope.
Canadian Bacon - this movie isn't gonna be known to like...anyone. but me and my best friend as a kid watched this movie like every week while we were up at my cottage and it's another movie I can quote by heart. the premise is the americans decide to fake a war on canada to boost the economy though canada doesn't know and this group infiltrate canada and I'm in tears laughing every time at the line "Aboot? it's about! about! we have ways of making you pronounce the letter 'o'" also Alan Alda is there.
Robin Hood Men in Tights - this was a movie I used to watch constantly with my siblings, we loved Mel Brooks movies but this one was the top tier for us for comedy sake and occasionally in the sibling chat we'll still send in jokes about it
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: I know you didn't love it and me having a spider related thing on here is weird but I just shut my eyes during those points and watch the rest in peace. like this movie was just magical to me, the way it handled the multi-verse and Miles' story and the art and music, it's so good and I have no words to really describe how good it is for me, I just love it.
canadian foods lmao that's so specific but is this because I'm sending you stuff soon?
All Dressed Chips, I cannot believe americans don't have this, you guys love your weird flavours on everything else and you don't have this??? it's like the everything bagel of chips, what is wrong with you guys
Ketchup Chips, I know I know that sounds like it tastes bad but no it doesn't and if you think that get taste
Beaver Tails - tragically the place that used to make them near my place closed down ages ago but I got to have a good one when I was visiting @trillscienceofficer in Alberta this year and that pastry is so good
Smarties - once again not your kind of smarties but chocolate which is NOT like m&ms we use better chocolate
Caramilk bars - while looking things up when I messaged you I found out you guys don't have those and hey??? what the fuck???
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sallysgrancanwrite · 6 months
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Chapter Seventy Seven
On Saturday morning Chloe, Beth and Edith started getting things ready for Emma’s Halloween sleepover. They were making cookie dough so the girls could cut out cookies and decorate them. They had a bunch of beads and rope for the girls to make necklaces or bracelets.
Emma wanted pizza and ice cream treats for her party. Chloe was also going to make root beer floats.
Emma was so excited that she hardly slept at all the night before. She was up early wanting to help get things ready. She helped make some berry cherry punch and helped make the cookie dough.
An hour before the girls were to arrive Chloe helped Emma get into her Elsa Halloween costume. She even got to wear a little bit of Chloe’s makeup.
By 5:00 the girls started showing up. They were going to have a house full. All ten girls from Emma’s class were coming. Chloe was glad to have Beth and Edith there to help with it all.
Chloe ordered pepperoni, Canadian bacon, and cheese pizza. She handed each girl a cup of punch.
“You can have more punch and pizza if you would like.” Chloe told them.
They finished eating and got to make the bracelets and necklaces. They were loving this. However, they loved making and decorating the cookies the most.
Later, they had the girls pull out their sleeping bags and lay down to watch some movies. They had been running and playing for hours and Chloe thought they could use a quiet activity.
Chloe noticed some of the girls falling asleep so she turned off the tv and tucked them all in. She left the small light on in the kitchen because some of the girls were afraid of the dark.
Chloe told them if they needed anything that Emma could come and get her.
By the time Chloe got to bed she was totally exhausted. The girls kept them all busy. She fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow.
The next morning she got the girls fed and dressed before their parents came to get them.
“Thank you Grammy and Momma for my party. I had so much fun!” She said grinning from ear to ear.
“You’re welcome, honey,” said both Chloe and Edith.
“Can we do it again sometime?” Emma asked.
“Yes, sometime we can do it again,” said Chloe.
Chloe and Edith got ready to go grocery shopping when there was a knock at the door. Chloe went to answer it.
It was the sheriff. They were all surprised to see him.
“Hey, sheriff,” said Bob. “What can we help you with?”
“I wanted to let you know that they are going to move the court date to the end of March.” Tom said.
“Why?” Chloe cried out.
“The judge had some things come up and is rearranging all her cases.” Tom replied.
“Unbelievable the luck Michael has. He’ll be out that much longer and I will have to continue to look over my shoulder.” Chloe said.
“His luck will run out Chloe,” said Edith.
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perpetuallylocked · 9 months
ND Asks: 8, 17, 24, 26, 33, 39, 40
Favorite second chance?
Someone else asked this and I said the elevator squishing scene in TRT, so I'll share my second-place winner: getting absolutely destroyed by a wrecking ball at the end of FIN. Clearly the older games had a good thing going with the death scenes.
Favorite meal to make in ICE?
I am a lush for breakfast foods, so definitely the omelets, Canadian bacon, and French toast. The fact that you can add a heaping cup and a half of paprika to the omelets as you cook them never fails to delight me.
Most confusing plot?
Almost ten years later and I still have not figured out the purpose of The Shattered Medallion. (Yes, ten years: MED was released in May 2014.)
Most stupid motive?
Continuing the above answer, the culprit in MED did what exactly???
What did Nancy put in the time capsule in ASH?
I firmly believe that it's the "How to Be a Detective" book from her desk!
Most pointless/irrelevant phone contact?
She does further the plot in both of these games, but using Hotchkiss as the historian in CRY and in TMB made no sense to me. Her inclusion in CRY didn't focus on the large French influence in New Orleans, so an opportunity was missed there, and it really doesn't make sense for her focus to have suddenly switched to Egyptology. With her being a scholar of French history, it would have made much more sense for her to be included in DAN instead (even though her canonical focus was well before WWII).
In which game do you have to use the most second chances?
It's not a traditional second chance where you're taken out of the game, but bypassing the security robots while you're stealing the sapphire in VEN is nigh impossible without getting caught at least a few times. For a traditional second chance, I feel like getting through the moving rooms for the first time in CUR (I know the trick for after that!) takes me out a bunch. In CUR, I also intentionally kill Nancy a lot by knocking on doors at night and playing with the carnivorous plants.
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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National Canadian Bacon Day
For meat lovers, there’s not much that is better than good old slices of yummy bacon! In sandwiches, fried up on a breakfast plate, served in pancakes, even served with syrup – bacon is the meat candy of the world and has more than its fair share of dedicated fans!
But, then, there are different kinds of bacon to enjoy in different capacities– and one of them is Canadian bacon, as it is known in the United States.
Many people think that Canadian bacon is a little more like ham than actual bacon, because of the way it is served. Made from back bacon and formed into a cylindrical shape, this type of meat is sold ready to eat.
History of National Canadian Bacon Day
According to rumor, Canadian bacon may have once upon a time been known as ‘peameal bacon’. This is because the ham was prepared with brine and then rolled in ground-up dried yellow peas that would extend the meat’s shelf life. The versatility of the product led to it being quite popular and useful, especially for those who were in a hurry to prepare a meaty meal.
Today, Canadian bacon is still cured, but it is usually rolled in yellow cornmeal instead of the dried yellow peas. But the composition of the savory treat remains the same – cut from the loin and served unsmoked in thick, circular slices. This is a leaner cut of pork than standard bacon, making it a slightly healthier choice for those trying to cut down on the amount of fat they eat.
If you were to go to Canada and ask for Canadian bacon, you might be met with a few confused looks. In Canada, it is usually known instead as ‘back bacon’, or simply ‘ham’. If you just asked for bacon in Canada, you would likely receive the same streaky pork belly slices that you’d be used to in the United States.
National Canadian Bacon Day was created in celebration and honor of this tasty, versatile meat from the land that is beloved for ice hockey, maple syrup, and, of course, this type of bacon.
How to Celebrate National Canadian Bacon Day
Celebrating National Canadian Bacon Day brings with it the obvious choice of partaking in a meal that includes (or, better yet, is centered around) Canadian Bacon. Most likely this will be eaten for breakfast, but it doesn’t have to be.
The great news is that even folks who don’t know how to do much cooking can make this simple pork cut into something delectable. Even the most inexperienced of cooks can make a go of it on National Canadian Bacon Day!
Try these ideas for celebrating:
Serve a Canadian Bacon Dish
Canadian bacon is so versatile, there are plenty of recipes you could try your hand at on this day to celebrate this tasty cured meat. Because of the way it is prepared and sold, it is not even necessary to cook Canadian bacon before it is served, either, so it’s excellent for those people who are on a tight schedule.
Or, consider these other simple options for serving up Canadian bacon in honor of the delicious day:
When in a hurry, simply frying up an egg and serving it with a couple of slices of Canadian bacon will be a perfect start to the day.
Or place a slice of this tasty meat into a toasted English muffin with an egg. Add some hollandaise sauce for a super tasty savory treat!
Other delicious options include folding Canadian bacon into omelets easily enough, or chop it into small squares and throw it into a pasta dish.
Those who have a frozen pizza that’s looking a bit sad could also sprinkle on some cuts of Canadian bacon and tomato sauce to really jazz things up and go from boring to wow!
Give a Nod to All Things Canadian
When enjoying the delightfulness of Canadian Bacon, why not take time out to appreciate some other great things that this northern nation has to offer? Canada is known for more than just the obvious ice hockey and maple syrup! It’s a country filled with beautiful landscapes and some of the friendliest people.
Just a few of the things that people love about Canada include:
Clean Air. Due to its natural forests, low population density, as well as a commitment to clean energy, Canada provides some of the cleanest breathing air on the planet.
Scenery. Some of the most beautiful, unadulterated nature in the world lies in this country. From the snow-capped Rocky Mountains to Niagara Falls, from deep forests to sparkling oceanic coasts, this country offers much to be enjoyed.
Diversity. Filled with descendants of immigrants, Canada is a fairly young nation with various languages and cultures that supply it with a rich variety and a welcome feeling.
Get Breakfast at Tim Hortons
While there’s no guarantee that all of the Tim Hortons franchise stores serve Canadian bacon, many of them do have breakfast sandwiches that contain this special meat. Since more Canadians eat breakfast at Tim Hortons than any other restaurant, it seems like the perfect place to soak up some northern exposure.
Tim Hortons locations can be found in North America, Central America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Enjoy Some Canadian Entertainment
While gobbling up a breakfast that includes this yummy cured pork, why not be entertained by Canadians? Some stellar comedians, musicians, and actors hail from here (and they are probably celebrating National Canadian Bacon Day every day!).
Canadian Musicians and Bands:
Sarah McLachlan
Neil Young
Celine Dion
Shania Twain
Barenaked Ladies
Arcade Fire
Canadian Actors and Actresses:
Ryan Gosling
Cobie Smulders
Seth Rogan
Rachel McAdams
Keanu Reeves
Sandra Oh
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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Emmett till family i’m so sorry that this goofy broad fixed her face to use compare your relatives tragedy to some nonsense. your entire family deserves better than this
Yall niggas disgust me with this level of dickriding, Emmitt Till was a child! That was tortured and murdered! By Racists who got away with it! Tory is a violent abuser who finally got what he deserved for SHOOTING a woman! He is nothing like Emmitt Till, stfu!
Gurl, I know you did not come on Blue Ivy’s innanet on the eve of Jesus’s Birthday, and compared the late Emmitt Till to this short burned piece of Canadian Bacon named Tory… Have Several pls!
First of all dude is Canadian….. and is not a Black American…… second of all, the disrespect is crazy. Y’all really be on the internet disgracing your or OUR ancestors for some engagement and entertainment. Luckily for me, I could never be a 🦝 nor the type of woman who would throw away my goodness, my integrity my dignity to slut myself out for some punk who ain’t gonna do right by me anyway
Why are we comparing an innocent little boy who was lynched for no reason to an embarrassing man who shot a woman, lied about it , dehumanized her for no reason other than he had a toxic masculinity and violent tendencies because he can’t handle the fact that his music was not that good for anyone to stan him and his only successful song was in a feature with jack harlow and is now facing years in prison?
Some of Y’all will say anything to disrespect Black American history and our ancestors. The audacity of you claiming a CANADIAN gremlin who was rightfully and proven convicted for his crimes against meg thee stallion is equal to Emmett Till shows your lack of knowledge and good sense. Maybe in hindsight George w. Bush no child left behind policy wasn’t the best idea because some children were left behind education wise. Children were deliberately LEFT BEHIND. WHATTT
you need to be hung drawn and quartered for this and afterwards your bones need to be scattered across the street for mongrel dogs to gnaw and crack like Omg y’all going to hell????
The quotes are calling you a pea brained fool, as they should but quite honestly, reading this shocked me because of the sheer disrespect. You misspelled his name and compared a innocent boy whose life was stolen by racists to a man suffering the consequences for his actions. This is why Harriet Tubman had a gun because some of you have ancestors who should have been capped by her
tory lanez ain’t do nothing special for y’all to be defending him like this. Even artists like Chris Brown to Eric Clapton have more high quality music content than that Keebler elf and they’re problematic too. (*Not A defense of the actions of both Brown and Clapton or other hence the “and they’re problematic too “ just so you know) sweetheart He's never going to fuck you. Deal with it
I can’t stand you niggas. i wouldn't even piss or spat on you if you were on fire May the vengeance of the ancestors find you in your sleep.
we will never be free and at this point it’s deserved. We’re surrounded by our worst enemies in the black community and the shackles on our feet will never be released.
a teenage boy who was a victim of violent racism being compared to an ABUSER , harriet shouldn't have gone back for some of y'all ancestors just stay in school!!!!!
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Lassie eats bacon straight from the package, calling it bacon tartare. That is gross.
People feed pigs whatever scraps they have, which is bad practice because garbage in=garbage out, if you feed garbage to your pigs, the meat will be garbage, aka they will get worms. That's why Canadian pork is so good, & that's why God told humans not to eat pork (sort of, not really). Pork should not be eaten as tartare.
Not only that, bacon is really really fatty, which you don't want for a tartare. Because the meat is not cooked, you don't have the opportunity to break down any of those connective tissues, like when heat degrades collagen into gelatin which is water soluble & melts in your mouth deliciously. You actually want lean meats for tartare! Usually, fat makes meats tender, & when a cow walks around to eat grass, its legs get a workout, which is why shank is so tough & lean. Something like a tenderloin is not very used, but also not very fatty, so it is a lean & tender cut. (Myoglobin & work is what gives muscle flavour, that's why everything "tastes like chicken" chickens don't fly so their breasts have no bloodflow & they live very short lifespans, but ducks fly so they have gorgeous red breasts. Unworked muscles like tenderloin have a small amount of flavour. Honestly, you need to chew a bit, you need to WORK for it to eat good, flavourful meat. Cut your flank against the grain & chew it. Tenderloin is overrated. Good but overrated.)
Where was I going with this? Right. So usually you want a lean cut to make tartare with, & since it is eaten raw, you can't cook to denature the connective tissues, so you instead mechanically break it own by cubing it really small. You add toppings & seasonings like salt, oil, & egg yolk, the fats helping to moisten/lipidate the lean meat.
Bacon is too fatty. Eating raw blubber is great & all, but not what you want for a tartare.
The only happy thing I have is the cure!
In my Classical & Modernist Cuisine through Evening Dining (we pronounce it camced) class in culinary school, we served salmon tartare which was cured (tho we found brining worked better). Curing the salmon made it a bit more shelf stable & similarly, bacon is cured & smoked.
My point? Lassiter is weird, but now that I'm done saying how stupid he is, I think he's perfectly valid & I'm proud of him for enjoying bacon straight from the pack.
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thegoofyfanaticus · 9 months
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(( Art is commissioned from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant. Original story by me. )) Dustin had turned up the pressure on Wyatt's back but he could not get Wyatt to make a sound. Wyatt on the other hand only clenched his teeth and pulled back against Dustin with all his might. Wyatt knew he ad to ignore the snide and sexual comments from Dustin. They had thrown him off simply because he had never come across an opponent so willingly open about his orientation before. Well, at least not in a fight that really mattered. During matches with dates in the privacy of each other's rooms, it had happened quite a bit. But in a real fight? This was new. By focusing on the pain in his lower back versus the grinding of Dustin's bulge into his back or the smack talk from Dustin mouth, Wyatt could fight through the pain like he had done many times before playing hurt in hockey. He decided to focus on Dustin's hands which were gripping his forearms in this modified camel clutch. Wyatt figured with the amount of perspiration they both had started to release, Dustin's grip couldn't last against a concentrated effort. With a grunt, Wyatt started to use his pecs and arms as if he were doing a butterfly chest press. He could feel Dustin trying to maintain his grip, but Wyatt could also feel it weakening. Before Dustin could completely loose it, Dustin let go and pounded Wyatt's back with a few punches in order to try and stun him again. Wyatt, however, was more than able to absorb back punches and with his arms free was able to rotate his body and throw Dustin off.  The two men were on their feet and facing each other. Wyatt only gave Dustin a wry grin as Dustin looked at him with a nod, "Not bad Canadian Bacon, but I will still own you." Wyatt moved quickly and feinted a double leg takedown. When Dustin went down to counter, Wyatt ducked around and behind him. Dustin then felt Wyatt's massive arms lace themselves under his armpits and then move up and around his neck. Wyatt had locked in a tight full nelson. Wyatt quickly pressed down on Dustin's neck as he locked his hands together. Wyatt then raised himself up straight to slightly lift Dustin off the mat. Dustin felt the pressure on his neck as his arms flailed helplessly in the air. What shocked Dustin even more was what he felt on his back. Wyatt had locked in the nelson so tight that he could feel Wyatt's abs and chest against his back. Wyatt's muscles were pressed against his back muscles and he could feel them all flex and tense as Wyatt pressed into the hold. Dustin had a full on boner rise in his shorts as he felt Wyatt's ripped hard muscle rub against his own. What made the cock pulsate in his shorts was the hard bulge he felt on his ass. Wyatt was pressed in so tightly that his groin was grinding into Dustin's ass. What Dustin felt was unmistakable. Wyatt's cock was erect, hard and Wyatt was grinding it into Dustin's ass as he pressured Dustin's shoulders and neck. 
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Brigitte Empire! A writer for the Daily Telegraph who is on her way up and could use your clicks and attention! I like elevating other creators who need love and here she's elevating other creators who need love. Come and get your reading recommendations!
And while I have your attention, would you like talk about the perfect shitstorm of capitalism that elevated Potter to its kingly status in the first place?
A magical world that takes time to tell you how the jellybeans taste, and what a professional sport broom would look like, is super engaging. That is not a bad thing to do, in and of itself. It's so fun to imagine! But you know what else you can do with jellybeans and sport brooms, and magic baseball cards, and robes, and wands? You can manufacture them and sell them. Just like they are manufactured and sold in the books!
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Wow, Canadian Tire really is a magical place.
Scholastic and Warner Brothers recognized that fact almost immediately. Harry Potter, as a series, contains more merchandising opportunities in book one than across the entire My Little Pony franchise - a franchise that only existed to sell toys in the first place! There are four wizarding houses, each with their own motifs, colours, and personalities. You can sell the exact same item four times over by coating it in different paint. That is irresistible to a corporation.
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Why buy seven books when you can buy TWENTY-EIGHT books??
There is a mythology about where Potter comes from - a poor single mother who had to huddle up in a café to stay warm and couldn't afford paper. We sort of gloss over the fact that her family owned the café and let her hang out there for free. I can't begrudge people their privileges - I know I have my own! - but the magazine-friendly story of Rowling's rise to fame adds even more commercial value. Her promoters and publishers can shop her around to as many interviews as she can handle, and market her work to people who'd love to help out a poor single mother with a beautiful dream - even as she grows increasingly less poor and the dream turns rancid like old bacon grease.
Scholastic wasn't stupid. They smelled money in the water and went for it.
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After that, there was a feeding frenzy. And we are still having it. As long as there appears to be meat on this dead animal, the sharks will continue to eat it. Why would they stop? It's their nature.
Pointing out other, better books is a strategy many are attempting. It may get a few individuals to pick up a new fandom, and maybe even get them talking about it and increasing the visibility of the community...
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God love you, Brigitte, but you can only slow him down.
...but there's no way to replicate the feeding frenzy. I love Discworld. But what products can you sell from Discworld that are unambiguously branded and instantly recognizable? A T-shirt with some Kidby art? Embroidered socks?
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Wow. Yeah. Socks. I suppose they fit neatly inside your Vimes-branded cheap boots.
And look how Potteresque these are! Primary colours and simple symbols - but they're almost unrecognizable! I know what's going on there, that's PTerry, the Luggage, Rincewind and a Feegle, but it'd be impossible to tell if I were wearing these at the mall. And what am I expressing with each?
"Hmm, today I feel loud and Scottish, I shall wear my Feegle socks."
"Oh, is that a Kokopelli?"
Whereas if someone rolls up wearing a yellow sweatshirt with a badger on it you know right away: "You're humble and industrious! Cedric got a raw deal! Professor Sprout is awesome!"
I'd say you can't put a price on that level of cultural saturation, but obviously you can. That's how we got that level of cultural saturation. Every step of the way, there was something for someone to sell. They put a lot of money and effort into marketing it, and we bought it. Potter is right up there with Coke, Hershey bars, and McDonald's. None of these things are good, or good for you, but they don't have to be. At this point, all they have to do is spend enough money to stay recognizable and keep products on the shelves, and people will buy them.
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Oh. Sweet. New Coke. People are gonna love that. I mean, it's Coke!
There are better things to drink than Coke. But if I plunk down at a diner and say, "I would like to have a locally-sourced hard cider, preferably from the Vancouver Island area," they are gonna say, "We don't have that." And I'm gonna feel like an asshole, because of course they don't have that. In real life, I won't even ask. I'll just say, "Yeah, I'll take a Coke, thanks."
I have stopped buying Potter. It's still easier to avoid than McDonald's and Coke. But obviously I haven't stopped thinking or talking about it. And some people - who encountered it young enough to build their whole identity around the brand - are still ride or die with it. Especially now that consuming it has become a political statement, like filling your pantry with shitty Goya beans, or buying a Potato Head doll to melt in the microwave 'cos it's not gendered enough.
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The potato, not the microwave. But I wouldn't be surprised if there were a new demand for gendered microwaves in this fucked-up political situation.
It's not impossible that another new franchise pops up that is just that marketable, but it is difficult for one to get started.
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Established properties are a much safer investment. And that's how we're telling stories and doing art these days, to provide opportunities for corporate investment.
Potter's not going to start losing steam until another franchise of equal or greater commercial value makes it through the shark tank, and even then it's not going to go away. For the near future, we can only hope that the loud, irritable author of it stops making it worse. But she probably won't.
In the meantime, though, please do read another book. Or a free web serial with magical marginalized people in it that's updating again at 12:01 AM PDT this Sunday. Just for funsies.
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lovemesomesurveys · 10 months
What's the most worthwhile thing you've done in the last year? Time spent with family, doing things I enjoy, and taking care of health related issues.
What foods make you want to gag? One is Canadian bacon. It's a texture thing.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Not so much these days, but I used to be. I'd still like to be, but it's hard right now.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yeah.
What time do you get sleepy? I'm sleepy all day.
What music do you listen to? I like variety.
How old were you when you started to walk? I never got to that stage, I was a victim of a drive-by shooting at just 7 months old.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? I get along with all my family, but I'm not close with all of them. I'm closest to my mom and younger brother.
What cheers you up when you're sad? I just kinda have to go through it. I'm kinda just a sad person.
What do you sleep in? An oversized tee.
Have you ever tanned topless? Nooo. I would absolutely not feel comfortable doing that. I don't even go tanning at all, really. I mean, if I'm at the beach I'll get some sun cause I spend several hours out there, but that's not what I'm there to do. I don't set out to tan, it's just a bonus. I just love the beach.
Wear jewelry? Yeah, but I had to take it off prior to surgery recently and I haven't put it back on, yet.
What's something you've been told you're good at? I've been told I'm a good writer.
How much can you eat? Not a lot, but it's enough for me. Like, I just had 4 rolled chicken tacos from Taco Bell and I'm full. I will say I've had more of an appetite lately and have been doing a lot more snacking.
What's the furthest away you've ever traveled? From California to Georgia.
Are you a cat or dog person? I'm a dog person.
Have you ever done drugs? Just weed.
What does your room look like? It's small and cluttered. I had to get a special hospital like bed that you can make sit up or lie down and it takes up more space than my old bed did. I also have a lot of medical supplies everywhere. Plus, there's an office chair we keep in here for my mom or whoever is chillin with me in my room. I also just have a lot of other stuff and my room is just too small.
Recommend a really amazing book. Depends what you like.
Recommend a really amazing song.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Not saying it's the most amazing movie ever, but I've been rewatching The Hunger Games movies before seeing the new one and I still think they're just as good as when I first saw them. I haven't rewatched them in a long time and I'm still a fan. It's not cringe at all like when I rewatched Twilight lmaoooo.
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Alexander Skarsgard.
Have you ever run away from home? No.
Do you exercise ever? I haven't done my arm exercises in awhile, I need to get back to that. I just recently spent 3 weeks in the hospital, so I lost some of my strength.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the colour? No, I actually hate it. It's super short and choppy and has no style to it. It's all my natural color, too, which I'm not a fan of. I miss my long red hair D:
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? Uh, I've only ever heard that name in The Junglebook.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I love Disney.
Do you eat seafood? Noooo.
When was the last time you cried? Earlier today. I have those days/moments where I cry cause I mourn my old life and how some things used to be and I'm afraid because of my health it'll never be that way again.
Do you have good working habits? I don't work and I have no desire to work to be honest, but if I did I know I'd do my best and want to do well. I would definitely try.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I don't know exactly, but I'm going the wrong direction right now that's for sure.
What are your boundaries? This is too deep right now.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? >> predictably, I immediately forgot every funny thing I've ever encountered
What are two quirky little things about you? I don't know. I feel like that's something you'd have to ask someone who knows me well.
Are you claustrophobic? I can say with absolute certainty that I am. My MRI scans during my hospital stay recently confirmed yet again. It is HORRIBLE and I had to be sedated.
Do you like getting wasted? Blech, noooo. I stopped doing that 10 years ago and don't miss drinking at all. I don't even want to just have a drink or two, I want nothing to do with alcohol at all.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Someone I have stuff in common with, good sense of humor, and we just vibe, ya know?
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rhianna? .Rihanna.
What religion are you, if any? Christian.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? .My family includes my doggo, so they're all safe and in that case I'd try to save whatever things of mine I could. I'd definitely have to get my meds, I'd want my phone, laptop, purse with my wallet, a hoodie... ugh it would be so hard cause obviously I'd want to save all my things but I just have too much.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc Undergarments, an oversized Barbie tee, a choker necklace.
Does caffeine make you hyper? Nope. It helps take some edge off, but otherwise it does nothing anymore. I just genuinely like coffee so I still drink it.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 22 - Just One of Dem Days (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here Chapter 18: here Chapter 19: here Chapter 20: here Chapter 21: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as ‘Mature / sexual content’ just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it’s Kirby’s inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it’s either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia’s text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men’s dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Kirby's uncle Bran spends the night sleeping on the couch, waking up at 10 am, on Saturday the 3rd of September, to the smell of Kirby cooking breakfast.
“Good lord kid, ya oul dear taught ya well.” He yawns, scratching his stubble as he gets up, joining Kirby in the kitchen.
“You still take ya coffee with milk and two sugars, Uncail [Uncle]?” She smiles softly at him, looking up from the pan of bacon and eggs.
“Indeed I do, have ya been cryin’ banphrionsa [princess]?”
“Dhúisigh mé ó nightmare, Tá Eddie fós ina chodladh agus ní raibh mé ag iarraidh é a dhúiseacht. Mar sin, tá [I woke up from a nightmare, Eddie is still asleep and I didn't want to wake him. So, yes].” Kirby nods, her uncle pulls her into a gentle hug, stroking her hair.
“Ya Aintín [Aunt] will be here soon, as will ya col ceathracha [cousins]. Ceart go leor [okay]?”
“Aye [yes].” She whispers, leaving her uncle to finish making breakfast, when she gets a text from her cousin Branwen, Bran’s only daughter.
Kirby goes to the front door, seeing the taxi pull up with her Aunt Meinir and her cousins Mostyn, Darach and Branwen stepping out.
“Don’t panic,” Darach jokes, “We haven’t brought the kids to tire out Aintín fathach [Giant aunt].”
Darach, forever the jokester, married to a lovely German lass.
“Nor have we brought the wives, or Branwen’s hubbie.” Mostyn adds.
Mostyn, Moss, the brawn of the trio. His wife’s a beautiful Native Canadian lady.
“I’ll help you wit’ the twins, banphrionsa dragon [dragon princess].” Branwen smiles softly.
Branwen, the brains, now a McCormick, her husband a half-French half-Irish gent with a mean right hook.
“Get yer butts in there before the house gets cold.” Meinir, Bran’s Wife, scolds her three kids, hugging Kirby gently when she enters the house.
If ever a tornado was named something Welsh, it would be named after her. As her name would suggest via its meaning, she’s tall, slender and beautiful, even at 69.
“Before you ask, this place is rented, and the twins are asleep in the nursery, don’t wake my sons nor my husband. Ed’s a grump in the mornings, and I don’t need the New Yorker being a grump, right now.” Kirby explains, leading the tiny percentage of her family to the kitchen first.
She takes over making breakfast from her Uncle Bran, quickly serving the group up a hearty breakfast, bacon, eggs, toast, beans, all the things her and her family are used to. She even remembers how the group takes their coffee and tea. Bran, coffee, two sugars and a dash of milk. Meinir, tea, black as she cannot have milk. Moss, coffee, one sugar, no milk, strong and sweet. Darach, tea, milky and with two sugars. Branwen, water, not a fan of tea or coffee.
“Holy fuck!” Eddie yelps, nearly falling on his ass when he sees Kirby’s cousins.
“Oh, we should have sat down, Moss.” Darach murmurs as he sips his tea.
“Ya think? I know I’m tall, but you two are tall and broad.” Kirby shakes her head, kissing Eddie’s forehead.
Moss, 6’5”, and Darach, 6’3”, look down at the floor in shame. Their 5’4” sister chuckles as she looks at them.
“And these guys are?” Eddie asks, using Kirby as a shield, having not gotten dressed yet and still in just his rosaries, boxers and a tank-top.
“Ooh, Dara, Kirby married a real New Yorker, maybe a Catholic too?” Moss whispers.
“Eddie, you met my Uncle Bran last night, this is his wife, Meinir, and his kids, my cousins, Mostyn, Darach and Branwen. Consider yourself lucky that they didn’t bring their spouses, or kids, this place would be nearly full.”
“How many kids do you have?” Eddie asks them, a look of total confusion on his face.
“Me and Gen have six, our eldest is eighteen, youngest is three.” Mostyn answers first.
Darach follows his lead, “Myself and Gertie have five, our eldest is fifteen, youngest is also three.”
Branwen is the last to answer, “Me and My hubbie, Faron, have four, Taliesin, Samuel, Rainbow and Quintella.”
“Ooh, Moss, has Eadberht said anything about proposing to his girlfriend yet?” Kirby asks.
“Oh no, he hasn’t said anything about proposing to Nerida, I think he’s a bit scared.”
“Aww, I was looking forward to annoying him about that.”
“Don’t worry, Ker, ya still the baby of the family.” Darach chuckles.
Eddie watches, stunned into silence, as Kirby and her cousins talk back and forth in Irish and Welsh, mentioning name after name, the occasional English word being spoken.
“Eddie, you a’ight?” Kirby asks, gently wrapping her arms around his neck.
He wraps his arms around her waist instinctively, “I have no idea, what any of, what you said for the past ten minutes means.”
“Luckily for you, none of it was important. Me and Branwen are gonna feed the twins, okay?”
“A’ight, Ma, I love ya.” Eddie whispers, kissing her gently before letting her go.
From the nursery, Kirby and Branwen can hear Bran, Moss and Dara questioning Eddie.
“So, what are the kids' names?” Moss asks.
“Emir and Ethan.” Eddie answers confidently.
“No, no,” Dara chuckles, “their full names.”
“Oh fuck,” Eddie’s confidence drops, “Emyr Fah-lawn Peri-der Ariel Moore and Ethan Lore-can Gwin Joel Moore.”
“Pretty decent for a non-Irish speaking ‘Irishman’.” Bran announces his approval, making both of Kirby’s male cousins shut up.
“Kirby,” Branwen whispers, “Say their full names, go.”
Kirby chuckles softly, shaking her head before pronouncing her boys names perfectly, “Emyr Faolán Peredur Ariel Moore and Ethan Lorcán Gwin Joel Moore. There, Branwen, ya happy?”
She nods and chuckles softly as she finishes feeding Emyr, handing him to Kirby. Kirby carries both boys into the kitchen with her. Kirby smirks and shakes her head as she watches Eddie wrestle with his belt.
“Babe, help.” Eddie mouths when he sees her.
Kirby hands the twins to their father and fixes his belt buckle, “How the fuck did you bend the metal of this?”
When Eddie doesn’t answer she looks up at his face, his line of sight directly going to her rear.
“Edward.” She grumbles.
Moss and Dara chuckle softly.
“Sorry, Ma, what?” Eddie’s face goes pink from embarrassment.
“How did you bend the metal of the belt buckle?”
“I don’t know, fuckin’ wit’ it too much?” He shrugs.
“‘Fuckin’ wit’ it too much’?” She mockingly asks, teasing her husband.
“Fucked wit’ you too much, got these two as a result.” He teases back, sticking his tongue out at his wife.
Kirby copies his actions, “Doughboy.” she whispers.
“Doll.” Eddie murmurs.
“Wild Card.”
“Punk Rock Princess.”
“Bite me.” She smirks.
“Did ya take ya anxiety meds, and ya iron supplements?”
“Yes, as soon as I woke up.”
“You got any more family showin’ up?”
“Ya might wanna pray, ‘cause I don’t know.” Kirby whispers.
“Take one of the Princes then.”
Kirby takes Ethan from his father, letting Eddie use his rosaries to say a small prayer.
“Hey little guy,” Kirby starts baby-talking to her son when he opens his eyes, his blue eyes staring up at her own, “How’s my little dude doing? Huh, baby boy, how is you doing my love?”
“You’re so cute, Ma.” Eddie murmurs, making Kirby blush a bright pink.
“Sorry, I got a bit lost in my thoughts.”
“I wish I got that on video, I would have watched it over and over.”
“He looked at me, you know I gotta talk to him if he looks at me.”
“I know,” Eddie wraps his free arm around her waist, “I love you, Kirby.”
“I love you too, Eddie… my Edward, my King of Diamonds.”
“My Kirby, my Dragon Princess.” He smirks.
“Did you like last night?” She asks softly.
“If Jon and Renee weren’t there, it would have been perfect.”
“It’s the closest thing to actually being in either a nightclub, or strip club with me.”
“I know, it’s also much more private and personal.” He whispers, kissing her jawline and the scar on her cheek.
“What’s gotten you so affectionate this morning?”
“I guess it’s just one of them days.” He winks.
“Did you go through my music?”
“Yep. You left your ‘Moody’ playlist up.”
“Don’t blame that on me, blame it on Spotify.” She murmurs, sipping her can of decaf coffee.
Eddie grabs a can of Red Bull, and they both head to sit on the couch next to each other. Moss turns the tv on, flicking through the channels until he gets to the sport, putting on a game of Rugby, Ulster v Dragons.
“Why don’t you put on some wrestlin’?” Eddie asks.
“Because,” Kirby sips her coffee, “As a family who runs a wrestling promotion, if we want to watch wrestling, we will watch something from our archives.” She explains.
“How far do the archives go back?”
“Oh jeez… Uncail, how far do our archives go back, with the tapes?”
Kirby’s Uncle Bran steps back inside, holding his cigarette outside of the patio doors, “Our taped archives?”
“Yeah, not the written stuff but the filmed stuff.” Kirby nods.
“I would think back to when Naoise started wrestling, so nineteen-sixty, maybe nineteen-fifty-nine? I would have to check. But it’s somewhere around then.”
“Oh wow,” Eddie mumbles, “That’s a lot of footage.”
“Yeah, most of it’s been digitised now too, so we’ll be able to go back, and use the footage to teach generations ahead.” Bran explains before stepping outside to finish his cigarette.
“Hey Da, can I bum a smoke off ya?” Dara asks as he steps outside.
“Take one of ya sister’s.” Bran grumbles.
“Here, and don’t tell my husband, he thinks I’ve switched to the robot.” Branwen chuckles softly.
“Switched to the robot?” Eddie asks Kirby softly.
“Switched to an electronic cigarette or vape. It’s something that my Uncle Rhod came up with.” She murmurs, engrossed in the rugby game.
“Sweetheart.” Eddie puts his hand on her thigh, getting her attention off the tv.
“Yes, Eddie?”
“You gonna explain what’s goin’ on?”
“With what?”
Eddie gestures towards the tv, “I don’t watch this stuff, you know me, Knicks, Yankees, that kinda stuff I watch.”
“Oh,” She smiles softly, leaning back and keeping Ethan close to her chest, “So you have Ulster, northern Irish, and The Dragons, a Welsh team. Currently The Dragons, the team Moss and Dara will want to win, are beating the asses of Ulster. You know how you have leagues and stuff?”
“Yeah, this works the same?”
“Yep. U.R.C, United Rugby Championship, if The Dragons win, they go on to face Edinburgh or The Sharks, depending on who wins that game.”
“Okay, and who are the Sharks?”
“They’re a South African team.”
“And why don’t you guys support Ulster?”
“Divorce him.” Moss grumbles.
“He’s askin’ why we don’t support Ulster, Moss, nothin’ more.”
“We don’t support ‘em, ‘cause they fuck the British willingly.” Mostyn scoffs
“Jesus, Moss. Right, long story short, we don’t support Ulster ‘cause they’re northern Irish, our ancestry comes from the republic.”
“Oh…” The weight of Moss’ statement dawns on Eddie, “So if I were to support Ulster, your family would hate me?”
“Don’t even mention them by name.” She whispers.
Eddie nods, putting a finger to his lips, indicating that he’ll stay silent. Instead Eddie focuses on Emyr, both him and Kirby watching as his son, Emyr, yawns and opens his eyes. Green eyes meeting green eyes. Son staring up at his father, reaching for his face, or rather the blur that takes up most of Emyr’s vision. Eddie in his ‘I hope you suffer’ tank top and a pair of jeans, timbs on but unlaced, rosaries hidden between his white and black tank-tops. Emyr in a small ‘kiss me I’m Irish’ onesie, a gift from his maternal grandmother, Kirby’s Mam, Oda.
“I hope one day, you’ll grow up to find a woman, or hell, a man, who is as amazing as ya mother, Emyr.” Kingston whispers, kissing his eldest son on the  head.
“Kingy, that has gotta be one of the sweetest things you’ve ever said.” Kirby whispers, receiving a gentle kiss on her cheek scar.
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A Gothic Themed Day of Thanks
Wow! A couple days till Thanksgiving here in Canada, things have just been wild here so time is getting away from me in the not the best ways.
BUT! Let’s get right into today’s topic; Gothing Up Thanksgiving!
I love cooking for my family, I love spending time with my family, and any day where I get to do both is a day I’m going to thrive on. So while I can’t decorate or plan the meal myself (since we are living in a generational household now) I will share with you the setup and menu for my DREAM Thanksgiving, Let’s go!~
Colour Scheme: 
Black, Gold, and Deep Plum Black, Silver and Ox blood red Black, Rose gold and Pastel Pink Black, Antique gold and Sage green 
Starting with a solid coloured table cloth in one of the accent colours (plum, red, green, or pink) and laying a black lace cloth over top. A textured table runner also in black, either velvet, taffeta, or a delicately patterned black quilted runner. I would rather use charger plates than placemats so I would pick chargers in the accent colour and go with simple black dinnerware. Cutlery would be one of the metals, and I would aim for them to be a little more fancy. Napkins would also be cloth and black and the rings would be one of the metals with an accent colour as detail. As the centre display I’m thinking two candelabras in a matte black finish with pearlescent or metallic black taper candles, fall foliage and florals in our accent colours with a cloche on a stand with a delicate display of fungi, moss and bones. I’d also look into vintage coloured glass drinkware, coloured crystal, and coffee and tea cups in the accent colours all mismatched and unique.  
Cranberry Pecan baked Brie, Prosciutto Asparagus Puff Pastry wraps, and Since we’re Maritimers a Creamy Lobster dip with Toasted Pita, served about two hours before dinner so as not to spoil supper.
Roasted Tomato and Red pepper soup or a Butternut Soup with cheddar and maple bacon. A small serving, and maybe a Autumn pear salad~.
Main Meal:
Now I like a good turkey like everyone else but I hate the heartburn that comes with it afterwards, I say this so that no one freaks out that I won’t be including turkey on my menu list. Instead I think a Roasted rack of lamb that the whole family chips in on would be amazing, with garlic and butter, rosemary, and maybe even some balsamic brown sugar sauce~. Garlic parmesan roasted carrots (cause let’s be honest here I am not going to coin or mash all my veggies….that is a small peeve of mine, but I digress), maple bacon brussel sprouts, caramelised sweet potatoes, and classic creamy garlic mashed potatoes. Then my grandmother’s stuffing and cranberry sauce. Maybe even a delicious mushroom gravy. 
I adore making desserts, and on top of that I love when they are small so I can offer more than one thing, so I would go the route of making little pies such as classic pumpkin, apple, and a cherry. This would be so I could really wow my family with a bigger dessert display of a pecan pie cheesecake (cause I love cheesecake!). This way I could have fun and make tiny options for those who would want something lighter after a rather rich and larger dinner or allow everyone to try a little of everything.
In our house we do wine with dinner so since we’d have lamb I would get a nice red wine, there’s a sweet little place out in the valley that does amazing local wine and their Autumnal red would be so good with this imaginary dinner. After dinner it’s coffee or tea or if we’re feeling saucy a cocktail. Something like an Earl Grey Blackberry Bourbon cocktail, or a Campfire cocktail with a little roasted marshmallow. 
Hopefully this didn’t make you all too hungry! To my Canadian friends and family, Happy Day of Thanks and Gratitude, and to my American friends and family, I hope this gave you some ideas! If you have any ideas of your own you’d like to share let us know and hit up our email at [email protected]! You just might see it on the blog!
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