#pineapple on pizza sucks anyway
ghostaris · 7 months
Can we stop calling it "Hawaiian Pizza"? shit was made by a Canadian and the only reason he called it "Hawaiian Pizza" is because it has pineapple on it... you know... the fruit Dole decided to colonize our islands for? and continues to do so? so can we please call it for what it is: Canadian Pizza
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inkyquince · 1 year
Who wants to sit on the floor of my empty flat, watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and share a Domino's pizza with me?
Then talk extensively about cock and balls
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 10: Pizza and the Balance of life
It had been a few good minutes since the whole ordeal. It's calm now, silent even.
Me and Fjord were just sitting in the kitchen, he was watching me intensively. Probably wondering if I was ok. He was left behind by Sten and Toke so that he could continue his duty.
I wonder if he felt that he had failed on the first day.
"Lass, i-", I gently put my hand on his arm resting on the table.
"shhh...no it's ok.", I let out a releaved sign. "So....are you hungry?", he lifted his head. "I have a few frozen foods for a quick meal. The meat is going to take a long while to defrost anyway....so you want pizza?".
I swear he was more animal than man. Anticipating the menu for the evening.
"Yes. I want some....what is it?", first chickens and now pizza. This must have been an age of discovery for him.
"It's a flat bread with tomato sauce and cheese, you can put a bunch of toppings on it, you can't go wrong with it.", I get up to see if we had any boxes. Considering his size, I was going to have to make more than one. "I have cheese, a meat lovers, and pineapple and ham...and if you're not too impressed about the cheese one, I have some canned fish and some olives if you want those instead". I take out the cheese and meat lover's box.
He sat there gleefully, "Yes."
"yes to both?", I ask.
"Yes.", he responded, still unspecifying.
He was definitely hungry. "I'll get the canned stuff then, if you want to, you can relax a little and take the armor off. It must be exhausting wearing it all day".
"Oh that would be appreciated lass, but would it be ok with you if I could...well, let's just say I don't think you'd be wanting to smell several months worth of blood, filth and sweat under this suit.", he gave an embarrassed smile.
"Oh! Ok then, hold on let me see if I have some towels for you.", I place the pizzas to defrost a little. I head to an extra storage space near the hall and find one large towel. "Hmm, hope this one is big enough...", I grab another one in case if he needed another. I head to the shower to see if there was enough soap.
Turns out, the shower was smaller than he was. "ah oh. Fjord, ugh, the shower is a bit small....it's an old shower too...", I shout to him.
I can see him peaking over the doorway, ".....oh.... wouldn't happen to have a lake or a pond nearby? That's what me and the others have been doin this whole time.".
I turn around and double check if he really was too big. Yep. "ok...ugh....I don't want you to take a cold hose shower outside. I mean, it would kind of suck.".
He thought about it for a little, "hmmm actually I don't think I would mind it at all, is it radioactive water?".
Well that's something I wasn't expecting to hear, "ah...no...it's well water. It's relatively clean? It's just cold and smells like leaves."
"Ah than perfect!", he contently answered.
"One second, let me find a bucket for you to collect the water and a bar of soap too.", I grab a fresh bar of soap for him and head off to the lower garage.
One of the best factors of my cabin was it was a little bigger than a normal log cabin. It's a two story house with a ground level living space and a basement level floor with a 'boat garage' of sorts. Grandpa's first wife was the daughter of an accomplished architect, so the cabin is more than a comfortable size for me.
The garage for some reason was bigger than the second floor, going down there to find a bucket, sparked an idea. "Fjord! The outdoor spigot is near the garage! You can take a bath down here!".
He went out to the deck and headed to a semi-hidden garage down the hillside. He gently knocked on the garage door for me to open it. As the the door opened, I was brooming the dusty floor. The boat in question is long gone, leaving a space for anyone to use. I moved some boxes to other side of the garage so nothing gets wet, placed an old mat for him to stand on. I felt bad having to hash out old things for him to use, at least this is giving me a good reason to get some extra supplies tomorrow.
"Ok, I know it's a little last second, but I was able to make space for you near the door so you can clean yourself up. I'll get the hose an-", as I turned around, he had taken off the metal parts of his armor.
The rest was a rubber-like wet suit and his whole, muscular body.
"It's fine, lass. This more than I can do with.", he was ready to zip the back down.
This whole time I thought the armor was contributing to his mass, I was wrong. The armor was essentially a carapace.
"oh m-*ahem* well, one second I'll turn the spigot on.", I awkwardly pass by him. Oh no the smell came back....this time....it was driving insane.
Fjord could tell something was going on, "Lass are you ok?". It was a bit pointless to hide it if these guys had their senses are notched up to 11 than I am just going to pretend I don't know what he's talking about.
"Oh yes I'm fine.", my face felt hot, I must have been blushing, "oh here's some soap and I'll call you when the food is ready.", I quickly trot to the spigot, "ready!?".
"Ready lass!", he shouted from the garage. The hose goes off and who's knows what was going on by that point.
I head up back to the kitchen near the deck. "Oooooooooh my god. I need help.", I prepared the pizzas to heat up, it should take a few minutes.
A few minutes pass and get everything ready. I brought out bier too in case if wanted a can of two.
"well, I'll go see if he's done.", I was just then I could hear that the water shut off, he must have found the spigot. "Fjord! Dinners ready!", I head towards to the stairs leading to the garage, "Fjord?", I knock softly. "Hey big guy, pizzas are ready."
I didn't hear him answer or anything. It was then I noticed the floor as a little wet, he must have gotten back into the house?
"Lass! Do remember where I put those ol' clothes?", he called from what sounded like the bathroom.
I opened the garage, the water shut off and saw that he wasn't there. Closing the garage, I head up stairs. "I think you left them in the living roo-", the second I set both feet on the hardwood floor, bumped into his wet, hairy chest.
"oh wh-", I was looking up towards his face. Either he was clueless or he knew actually what he was doing.
"Oh hello, sorry about that.", you couldn't make this stuff up, he was innocently apologizing for this situation.
"ugh..ugh", he was firm, his musk now had added lavender into the mix, his body hair was practically the same color as the now partly wet mane on his head and was stuck and underlining every curvature of his muscles.
"Ugh...", I tried to concentrate back to my previous train of thought. "...Ah the clothes! Yes the clothes, your clothes *cough* let's go find them!". Wow I sucked at hiding it.
He knew it too.
"Hehe, ok lass, lead the way.", he followed behind with heavy footsteps.
I quickly sped walked to the living room, the bag was laying on the couch. "Ugh Fjord just um, stand there please.", I was embarrassed by the crack in my voice. I shuffle through the bag and find clothes from several decades ago. However, I was lucky enough to find a pair of large boxers and an old triple large shirt. "Here put these on.", hopefully they fit.
As I pass the clothes to him, I could see even my largest towel was struggling to cover everything. It looked like a short skirt had ripped up his thigh.
"ah thanks lass.", he left to another corner to put the clothes on.
All I could do is cup my hands to face, hiding my embarrassment. "Oh.....", I set the clothes out to breath after what likely was decades in storage. They had a musty smell, sort of a mixture of mothballs and old detergent. From what I can see, most of the clothes look like they were either old blue collar work clothes for construction or mining, business formal and a set of under clothes to last a week or so before having to throw them in the wash.
Fjord comes from the corner, "let's eat than?", he was watched me unfold probably the most aesthetically interesting piece here is a leather aviator jacket with a wool collar. "Hm, not bad....".
As I put it down, I was surprised to see that the clothes actually fitted him rather well. "Oh good, I was worried if they were too tight.", if it were for his extra fuzz, he would have been indistinguishable from a normal over muscular guy. "Ugh yes, let's go I bet you're hungry."
"always am in a way, lass.", I almost lost it at his wink.
After enjoying our pizza and random items dinner. We get back to conversation and I decided to lay a few ground rules.
"ok, hopefully, Sten and Toke will come back within the week, so in the meantime. We need to be low profile. No threatening to kill people, just relax and play it safe, and stick close to me ok?", these rules were mostly for him to behave himself when he was in public.
"alright, no threats, not lollygagging....stay close.", he took a bite out of what I could assume was a sandwich made of a meat lover's pizza and canned sardines. With a bit of a mouthful, "so. Who else is on dat little list the chaplain gave you?".
Taking the paper out of my pocket, "well, Mr and Mrs Bellcaller, my boss James and nurse Amila are on this list. However, I have no idea what are the other names though.", I put the paper down and search up one of the names, "Holten Wade".
As for Fjord, he opens one of the biers and chugs the whole in just a few gulps. I'm not certain why but I was impressed about that.
"Hmm, oh, interesting.", I could see he does live within the area, he own an auto shop near Mr. And Mrs Bellcaller's corner store. The other names were "Francis Pubert Mary" and "Vincent Arnold", none of these names were searchable as businesses, in social media or anything. "Hmm... hopefully these two aren't dead.
Cracking another can, Fjord chugs the whole again.
"ugh, that's quite a bit of alcohol there.", I wasn't sure how he would react with two cans of fruit rattler bier.
He licks his lips, "actually, this is nothing it's closer to water than a drink. I'm use to more heavy stuff. Mjord, and occasionally a cocktail of Rotgut and something else. It's a shame me and the others haven't found a plant equal to some of the plants back home to even make Mjord. It's tasty though.".
"Mjord? Sounds pretty good.", the drink sounded oddly similar sounded to mead, I was wondering if it was close to it.
"oh you wouldn't be able to enjoying lass, it's toxic to mortals, the fumes themselves would do you in. Fermented grain, roots and plants of Fenris are one of the most potent things any Astartes can have. It's the best and finest drink."
A toxic concoction of fermented 'grain, roots and plants', unbelievable. "Ugh....is ...there are reason why you guys drink, from what I understand, is closer to a liquid chemical?".
He finished off the last of the pizza, "well ye see lass, we have an implanted organ that helps us Astartes process poisons and other nasty things. However, it gave one unfortunate side effect. Permanent Sobriety."
Considering the harsh realites of his world, sobriety is closer to punishment one can ask for. "Oh...hmm I can see why that could be a problem.", it wasn't but for anyone living a hard life, i can understand why someone would employ the vices of alcohol.
"so, the great ancestors on Fenris had created a miracle ale, to provide a solution to everyone's problems.", he gave just gave this half lidded look, I can tell he was being humorous about it.
The more he talked about his world, the more the dark implications started to buzz around my mind. "....life must be terribly difficult for you guys.". I felt genuine pity for him and pretty anyone who had to live in such a world where you need to drink toxic chemicals to stay drunk.
His grin shrunk a bit, "well...it's not all that bad lass, I have plenty of battle brothers to share victories with, a chance to make the emperor's dreams of helping humanity a reality and so much more. In fact, probably one day if any of the Astartes comeback, I bet this planet will put on the top priority list for protection....at least I think there's such a thing....".
There are benefits to being as lost as me when hearing all of this....for starters, Fjord probably is thinking more expensively about his life in perspective to mine, I have bills, a family that misses me a lot right now and what little hope I have in having anything better than what I currently have to aspire to.
"....sounds nice to have a... government....that is willing to preserve something....my work literally consistents of convincing lobbyists to not remove our funding every few months so poachers and game hunters don't slaughter our wildlife to oblivion.", I was being rather whiney about this but it's something for him to chew on.
He looks at me with a confused glance, "what? Really? What's makes the wildlife here that unimportant?".
"...it's more for everyone's sake really.... everything is interconnected in this complex, beautiful web of life, death, existence...and whole slew of things. For instance, do you want to know what makes a keystone species important?", casually as one would ask.
"hmm...ok...what is a keystone species?", he asks as one should do.
"well....", I get a notepad and pen from one of the drawers, "there is the circle of life, we have not a caste system but a natural chain of predation, that is naturally designed to continue life.", I draw a wolf, then a deer, rabbit and a fox underneath, underneath those animals I draw their preferred 'prey' so to speak. "You see, like a keystone, that holds everything together from falling apart, it is an essential part of the ecosystem. If all the wolves go extinct, then the deer over populate, then get sick, die and could spread disease. But much like removing the wolves, if you remove the deer, than the wolves....will after prey they shouldn't go to.", I than draw a sheep, "this.... represents human intervention...."
Fjord's at this point more impressed at the drawing rather then the explanation, "....is that a cloud with a face?".
"it's a sheep, anyway, the sheep represents the farm, wolf eats the sheep, the farmer gets mad, assumes wolves are evil for ruining their farm...they tell others...then others spread their ignorance and...well...it can lead to destruction...then everyone who doesn't like this fight and called "tree huggers" because idiot from the medieval ages and whatever~.", I was so tired at this point I may as well lost my point.
He looked at the notepad, "....hmmm. You have a strange...yet.... commendable job.", he glanced at the wolf doodle I made, "...hmm.".
I huff a little from the existential dread I've just imposed on myself. Here's me worrying about wolves, then there Fjord....who probably relates more to a war veteran.
"I'm sorry for boring you.", I play around with an empty can.
"No no. You are not boring me....not at all.", he than just crosses his arms, lays on the table to look below my eye level.
A smile inches a little from, "ready for bed? We have a bunch to do tomorrow."
He straightens up, stretches his arms up. "Oh yes. I say a goodnight's sleep is needed.".
After putting everything in the kitchen away, prepping for tomorrow morning. I find a place for him to sleep for the night. I look into grandpa's room and well, oddly enough his bed is smaller then the couch. "Hmm...where would you like to sleep?", I ask him.
Fjord looks around the room full of old belongings from Grandpa, "hmmm....the bed is a wee bit small."
"well, my bed is the same size actually. The coach is the closest thing to a bigger bed then both. I don't want you sleeping on the floor either.", I look up and he's just towering over me in the doorway.
"hmm....I guess I will be taking the couch.", he decides.
After I move the clothes off to the table, we both prepare for the night.
"Goodnight Fjord, sleep well."
"Goodnight lass.".
Lights out until tomorrow.
I had to wait until Lorey went to sleep. After all, when has an angel of the emperor needed sleep? I head out and see the moon out, still puzzled how I even got here to begin with.
It was like a feverish nightmare, only to be interrupted by peace.....I was not sure if I disliked it.
The fists at the fort looked a lot healthier than their brothers back home.
The chaplain was nothing but a caged dog, bored with treats, wanting to let that instinct to kill out. To be let loose into battle.
Yet....my brothers and I have been enjoying this wild place. Big enough for all of us. Wild, free ...sure it's a wee bit warmer than we like ....but this planet has polar caps....I'm sure we will find something close....
What if we can not go back?...... would it really be such a problem?.....from what I see....chaos hasn't even tainted this world. It is a paradise world....but it's untainted....and the lass .....
Well....she's most definitely starting to rub off on me....I wonder if ....she feels the same.
End of log 10
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets
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@jegulus-microfic august 29 — walk — 1197 words —mention of sex but only because wolfstar are being desperate little shits aka summer holiday shenanigans
James hears Regulus quietly humming to himself where he’s walking a few paces in front of him, letting his fingertips slide against the sun warmed metal of the fence separating the property from the sidewalk.
They’re on their way to the little mart around the corner, more specifically the pizza place adjacent to it.
“Cheaper that way,” Sirius had mumbled into Remus’ mouth while they continued to suck at each other’s faces. Meaning, cheaper than with extra delivery fee, meaning leave us alone it’s about to get very not-PG13. 
Regulus had started to look increasingly horrified and James had thought they deserved half an hour to themselves since Remus had only just gotten home from a week-long hike with his dad. They’d started to lean horizontally on their towels next to the pool when Sirius had blindly fumbled for his wallet and thrown sixty bucks in the general direction of his little brother and James and so they were on dinner duty while the other two made up for missed time.
James had quickly grabbed his smokes from the garden table and slipped into his old Adidas slides while Regulus had already fled for the front gate.
He lights himself one now before he slips the pack back into his swimming trunks. Regulus throws a glance over his naked shoulder at the sound of the lighter and lets himself fall back to sidle up next to James.
James grins as his cheeks hollow around the inhale and Regulus keeps looking at him out of the corner of his eye.
They both know Sirius would rather throttle him before he lets Regulus bum a cigarette but James had always had a weak spot for the younger boy. 
Regulus shamelessly uses that for his advantage, of course.
Blinks dark lashes up at James with those icy blue eyes of his and the faintest layer of freckles dotting his regal, sunkissed nose and simply plucks the cigarette right out of James’ mouth before he can inhale properly a second time.
“Those aren’t good for you, y’know,” Regulus says matter-of-factly and then brings them to his own lips, humming obscenely around the first drag.
James’ lips twitch amused as he tries reaching for the smoke again, “Oh, and they are for you, right?”
Regulus leans away as he continues to suck in greedily, “Ah-huh,” voice husky around the lung full of smoke before blowing it out, “I’m younger than you, old man. My body can easily take it.”
James hums, grin widening, “Oh, yeah,” moves in closer and ducks his head, delighted in the hitch of Regulus’ breath, “What else can your body take?”
Regulus glares at him through the flush intensifying his sunburn, “Wouldn’t you like to know, Potter?”
James steals his cigarette back, “And what if I said I did?”
Regulus does a little growling noise that James finds startlingly sexy. Not his fault Regulus looks so edible when he’s flushed.
James snickers before he takes another long drag and then passes it back over to Regulus who takes it immediately. “How about a Thank you?”
“I literally hate you.”
“Sure you do, love,” James smiles and then pushes a palm against the warm dip of Regulus’ back to steer him around to the pizza place he nearly walked past, “Now, chop chop. Daddy is hungry and the pineapple doesn’t slice itself.”
What can James say, he craves Hawaii today.
“Most vile, revolting, disgusting, heinous—
“Oh, that one’s new.” 
“—horrendous, appalling person on earth.”
They place their order, which they’re told takes 20 minutes so they decide to head over into the little grocery store because Regulus craves fruit suddenly and James could do with something cold to drink anyways.
Regulus bullies James into buying a whole pint of blueberries,
“You’re going to get a stomach ache.”
“No, I won’t. I know what I’m doing, Potter.”
“Yeah, ’cause you know so well what your body can and can’t take, don’t yo— Ouch! Fuck, Reg, that was hard. Heh, apropos hard, when you were bent down at that shelf earlier—”
“Don’t fucking test me, James.”
and James retaliates by digging his refridged beverage chilled fingers into Regulus’ slightly sunburnt shoulders just when they exit the store.
He makes a high-pitched yelping noise and dances out of James’ reach only to hiss and jump right back into the shade of the building, grappling at James’ arm, “Shit, fuck, the pavement’s hot.”
James, because he can, walks right past him to the little bench on the other side of the sidewalk with a shiteating grin. Plops down and throws a blueberry in the air before catching it in his mouth.
Regulus scowls at him and waits for an old lady to pass between them before he throws up a middle finger. 
James throws his head back with a cackle and then stands back up and walks over to Regulus.
Before this one can even get a hint of what James is about to do he quickly closes the last step between them, bends down and throws Regulus over his shoulder without preamble.
“James,” he cries out, “Put me down— Are you insane? James—”
“Quiet back there,” James demands playfully with a quick slap on Regulus’ ass. He does, much to his credit, albeit the broken choking noise.
James dutifully sets him down on the bench, not quite able to help the warm feeling pooling in his chest at Regulus’ flushed and disheveled state. Cocks his head to the side with a grin and wonders if you can get that much blood into your cheeks from hanging upside down for barely five seconds.
Predictably, Regulus hits him again but James is so gleeful it doesn’t even hurt.
They wait a few more minutes for their pizza to get ready, sharing another smoke in peaceful silence before they’re called inside.
When they step back outside, Regulus regards the sidewalk warily.
James ends up giving him a piggy-pack ride on the walk back home.
It’s a bit much, honestly.
Regulus’ lean, naked chest pressed against James’ equally nude back. The way he can hear the other boy munch and suck and lick the blueberries from between his fingers. The way his limbs cling to James’ body tightly.
Regulus only extracts himself from James once they’re past the gate, demanding for him to go ahead and check if Sirius and Remus are done lest the images burn themselves into Regulus’ retinas forever and continue to haunt him in his nightmares for as long as he lives.
They are not done yet.
James involuntarily gets a good glimpse at Remus’ pale ass and Sirius’ hairy shins crossed around it.
He'd thought it was an All Clear since he didn’t hear any debauched noises. Turns out Remus was just busy mouthing at Sirius’ chest with his hand wrapped around this one’s throat.
Yup, James is definitely gonna have some weird, vivid dreams for the unforeseeable future.
Regulus tucks his lips in when James comes back shaking his head.
They spread themselves out on the curb, legs stretched out and pizza boxes in their laps.
Regulus snatches James’ drink halfway through their meal and James confiscates the blueberries when Regulus keeps snacking on them.
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punsmaster69 · 1 year
"Burning things must run in the family! How'd you even do this?"
flowey poked at the burnt mass in the middle of the pan with a fork. it made a clink sound against the metal.
"just lucky, i guess."
"...Wow! You really suck."
"you really like basking in my failure, huh?"
i tossed what was supposed to be a pizza into the trashbin with a 𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘱 as it hit the bottom.
cooking isn't exactly my specialty, but papyrus is always saying that food is 'the key to the soul' n whatnot, so i figured it might as well be worth a shot.
..decided i can't just keep avoiding frisk forever 'cuz something a little embarrassing happened.
......more than a little embarrassing.
either way, they might be more willing to hear my explanation if there's food involved.
so, i asked flowey what the kid's favorite food was, and now we're here.
"seems like homemade is off the table."
"Knowing you, they probably expected delivery anyway."
"they have a soda preference?"
"It's root beer. Duh. It's like you don't know them at all-"
"you want anything?"
stopping mid-sentence, flowey seemed a bit taken aback.
"....A- An orange soda-"
"Well, what're you getting? It's probably way worse-"
"an orange soda."
"never said i don't like the stuff."
"just said it was gross."
"you wanna add anything else?"
i offered him my phone, and he took it with a mischievous look on his face.
"I'm gonna add everything."
"I'll max out your card in pizza toppings!!"
flowey seemed upset by my lackluster response, silently handing my phone back after adding to the order.
"says it'll be here in about fifteen. you wanna put together a puzzle?"
"...What kind?"
"you like dinosaurs? we've got a ton of those."
he lit up at the mention, but played it off.
"If it'll pass the time, I guess a puzzle with, say, a picture of a giant T-Rex, would work. Just to pass the time!"
i lifted his pot barely and inch from the counter before he started screaming at me.
i watched as he used two vines to lift himself off counter onto the kitchen tile. he slid himself forward until he hit the living room carpet, nearly tipping he and his pot over.
"this is like watching a toddler walk around."
whipping around to yell at me, he knocked his pot sideways onto the floor.
"you're gettin' dirt on the carpet."
his only answer was to hiss at me before straightening himself upright.
"still don't want any help?"
i picked the coolest-looking dino puzzle i could find from the shelf under the tv.
opening the box, i put the cover picture-side out so he'd definitely see it.
now sitting cross-legged on the floor just a ways away from him, he still continued to try and hop towards me on the carpet.
hop, wobble.
hop, wobble.
hop, wobble.
"What are you 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 for, trashbag? Just put together your stupid dinosaur puzzle already!"
he looked on the verge of tears.
i pushed the puzzle towards him.
"i can't figure it out."
"can't do it."
flowey stared at the pieces for a second, then quickly began assembling them as if trying to prove something.
"guess only total nerds can do that one."
"𝘠𝘖𝘜'𝘙𝘌 one to talk-"
a ring sounded from the doorbell.
at the door was frisk. before i could get up and answer the door, they already let themselves in.
"Get me away from this smiling trashbag!"
"Hi Flowey."
"heya kiddo."
"..Hi, Sans."
again, the doorbell rung. this time, it was the pizza.
"good timing, kid."
we all sat around the pizzas on the floor, puzzle pushed aside in favor of food.
frisk stared incredulously at flowey's pizza choice.
"..Flowey, you just wanted a cheese pizza?"
"ALL pizzas have cheese, idiot."
"But with 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 else on it??"
"Yours has PINEAPPLE!"
"You're just too cowardly to try it!"
"pineapple pizza 𝘪𝘴 pretty nasty."
"Not you too, Sans!"
"now, a pizza with mayonnaise and broccoli.."
i couldn't help but smile about their collective "ew".
we continued discussing weird pizza toppings and ate until everyone was stuffed.
"...Wait, Sans, didn't you wanna talk about something?"
guess i can't (and shouldn't) avoid talking about it.
"..look, me n tori-"
"Does this make you my dad now? I'm still just gonna call you Sans."
"i- what? no, we're not-"
"toriel's just a friend."
"..Is what he keeps saying to himself at night."
flowey unhelpfully added.
"that night was a total accident, alright?"
"You ACCIDENTALLY slept with my mom?"
"i didn't-"
flowey interjected.
"His fatass got stuck in the window, apparently. Tore his shirt."
"Why was he in the window???"
"tori wanted to avoid getting teased for havin' me over, but it ended up becoming ..way worse."
"Not my fault she basically has heart eyes around you!"
"Flowey, you've 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 her flirt with him, time and time again!"
i covered the two's mouths with my hands.
"... that's just her sense of humor."
uncovering their mouths, i continued.
"we're just friends."
my phone started ringing.
deciding not to tell them who it was, i made a quick depart to my room to answer her call.
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rpmemesbyarat · 2 months
RP Memes from Reddit’s Thread “What’s a casual unpopular opinion you will always stand on?”
“I really don't feel the need to update my wardrobe to "modernize" it. “
“People who tell you that they're "brutally honest" are usually just mean.” “Leagues don’t exist in dating. You never know who someone would be into.” “I prefer my water plain. Never liked any flavored, carbonated, sparkling water, or whatever else that isn't just plain water.” “Over half the dog owners are terrible pet owners, let their dogs do whatever it desires and don't deserve to own any pets.” “Here’s my hot take: I actually love rainy days!” “I think its great to be lazy and not be permanently on " The Grind" or giving your 100% in your day to day experience on a regular.” “Plain lettuce is delicious.” “People who don’t like cats are people who get offended by being told no or things don’t go their way.” “I don't like lemon in my water. If a restaurant serves me water with lemon in it, I'll fish it out with silverware.” “Winter is my favorite season.” “Grey vinyl plank floors are the ugliest, cheapest looking, tackiest thing you can install in a home and I wish they would be outlawed for assaulting my eyes for the past 10 years. “ “Barbecue sauce is disgusting on anything and always makes a dish worse.” “When eating a string cheese, I don’t pull it into “strings” I just bite it.” “Death is a part of life and shouldn't be feared in the way it is.” “Alcohol sucks in every way.” “You can typically fix being cold but it’s harder to fix being hot.” “New car smell is gross. It literally makes me want to vomit.” “There are much worse things in life than being alone.” “I think chocolate is boring and overrated.” “Tea is better than coffee.” “I refuse to sleep naked.” “Residential recycling doesn't work. More than half of that stuff ends up in the trash anyway.” “I could eat mustard straight. It’s the best.” “I love sleeping with socks on. It's like a blanket just for my feet.” “My unpopular opinion is I like QR code menus. And even more if I can order directly from it.” “Toast must be burnt. Unburned toast is just warm bread.” “Pineapple goes on pizza and it’s delicious.” “Pot is not as cool as everybody thinks it is. It is overrated and stinks way worse than people think.” “Fried eggs are the best food ever. If there were no side effects, I'd eat three meals of them everyday for the rest of my life.” “You can’t just change your sports team because they are losing. Pick a team and stay with them.” “Its pop not soda! The bubbles go pop. This is one of my strongest opinions and I will never back down to a soda-er.” “We can change at any age.” “It's never too early to decorate for a holiday you like.” “Iced coffee is INSANELY overrated.” “Don’t listen to those that have been successful. These people are an example of survivorship bias.” “Vegetables are actually very tasty in raw and all other forms. A carrot or a celery stick is as fun to me as chips or biscuits.” “I think it's a weird flex to brag you have no friends or that you hate people” “Salt and vinegar chips are amazing. I don't care how much it hurts my tongue.” “The tooth fairy is real.” “Milk should always be poured before cereal. Soggy cereal is disgusting.” “Mayonnaise doesn't taste good, and neither does ketchup.” “Flat soda is delicious. They should just make cola and rootbeer flavored water.” “Not every sandwich needs cheese on it.”
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lidlverse · 8 days
To those who care hello hi it’s me uh lidlverse chapter one is up? It’s gonna take a few days for chapter two as I need to rewrite it because it sucks but other than that please read and keep up to date. I know the writing isn’t phenomenal or anything but it gets good I promise
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away… in the country of Great Britain. The total drama cast find themselves barely surviving in yes England because funk you I’m not researching if any of this makes sense in Canada, and having to work multiple mundane jobs in retail and various, with many working at the titular Lidl, our main characters find themselves wrapped up in a story way beyond their (or yours… or mine even) comprehension.
What’s with all these sudden deaths? Why is there an ant colony under Zoey’s bed? Will Gwen and Courtney be able to sustain their relationship? Does pineapple really belong on pizza? Well… if any of these questions intrigue you, then Total Drama; The Lidlverse might just be the perfect fan fiction for you. And if none of those pique your interest? Well read it anyway if you’ve already made it this far.
Also follow my IG and Tumblr : @bhnsby on T and @envariiety on IG for any other Lidl content; for the actual Lidl accounts it’s @lidlverse on all
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paras1t1c-squ1dd · 10 months
Hi this is kinda old ish art LMAO but I don't think it's awful so I'm sharing it
I might redraw the ref later on but yeah
Here's my Pizza Tower oc! I call him pine cause I'm. Not original
He is the pineapple toppin mutated by pizza head to give him a body, and to become a boss like the others, but he sucks ass at fighting so pizza head just threw him in a cage like the rest of the toppins anyway
There's not much lore for them yet but I'm. Working on it
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Also he sees peppino as a father figure :3c
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #157
I made a discovery today.
So like… I've been using this neck traction device thingy at home, like the folks at the PT place said. You stick your head in the contraption, stick the strap around your head, and pump the device full of air, and it's like pulling your own head off, but softcore. I'm supposed to do that like once a day or whatever.
And then I made a tea. I ordered a blend that I concocted specifically with you in mind, and it came with some other sample teas. I tried the strawberry one. And it looked really neat while it was brewing, with the swirling colors in the water:
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It resolved into a beautiful ruby red:
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...And then I put honey and milk in it:
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...I think I might have used a bit too much honey; I wasn't crazy about this one. But it certainly looked very pretty!
So then, I went to PT today. And they mashed up all the muscles around my right scapula, which really super sucked, because not only did it hurt like fuck because the muscles are BEYOND pissed, but also it made my ring finger and pinky finger all weird and tingly, and the pain referred all the way up into the right side of my face and skull, and. Even after PT was over, the fingers continued to tingle for a while, and the right side of my face felt… weird…? weak…? almost kinda tingly and burn-ey…? I dunno, but kinda like that for… a while afterwards.
M and I went out for lunch after that. I got some really tasty-looking things. And I took pictures!! Here...
This is challah bread with burrata and cherries and basil and fresh olive oil with salt and pepper! It was SO GOOD!!!
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...I'm not really sure why, but I get the feeling that you might really like burrata. Have you tried one before? What did you think?
I also got shrimp scampi:
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It's maybe a tiny bit like pasta pescatore? But it's a different sauce and it's only got shrimp. But maybe you'd still like it...
Finally, this week's crème brûlée flavor was pineapple-coconut! It was SUPER TASTY!
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...Have you ever had crème brûlée? I wonder what you think about it...
Anyway, somewhere in there, I moved my neck and something went CRONCH. And just like that, the weird feeling in my face and the tingly feeling in my fingers pretty much vanished. I thought I was going to need to rest today, but as it turned out, my body was totally chill after that, which was pretty snazzy!
So I went home briefly and did something that I had been meaning to do for a while now - just an item in my wacky inventory of autistic nerd things that I had been meaning to spruce up and set to rights. And I was mostly successful (but I gotta finish the job tomorrow).
But I still felt pretty good, and it was breezy today, so when J went out to run an errand, I went with him and brought the kites, and I flew the eagle kite this time! Oh, and!!! I didn't even tell you the best part!!! There was a soccer game at this park, and unexpectedly, there was FRESH LEMONADE!!!!
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...Sephiroth, have you ever had fresh lemonade!!!!!!! ...That was supposed to be a question, but in my head I yelled it so excitedly that all the question marks got alarmed, stood up straight, and became exclamation points instead!!!! But don't worry about that right now; I have additional pictures!!! Look!!!
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Fresh lemonade is one of my favorite things!!!! And fresh limeade is also one of my favorite things!!!! And I couldn't decide between them, SO I GOT BOTH OF THEM AND IT WAS VERY GOOD, AND....!!!! I shared them with J, but... I wished I could share them with you, too...
We got pizza afterwards:
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...I still wonder what toppings you like best on your pizza. I really like mushrooms, but I'll eat most anything that normally goes on pizza, unless it's pineapple or olives. Both of those things are very fine items to put on pizza, but they are, sadly, not appealing to my particular sensory hardware.
And then, sometime along the way home, I moved my head again and something else went SUPERMEGACRONCH, and… suddenly I was in A LOT LESS PAIN, HOLY COW!!! And I felt taller, somehow; it was uncanny and kind of disorienting. So then we went home, and I still felt tall (and my head feels kinda weird, too, but in a good way…??), so I broke out the tape measure, and…
…Sure enough, the reading on it is now 5'9" (or about 175.25cm) instead of 5'8" (or about 172.75cm). And that is my discovery. I am taller than what I initially thought. And that's kind of scary, because I'm already like 4 inches taller than most people in female bodies. I've been made fun of in my past for my height, been told that I'm intimidating, been told that I stick out... I've even had a couple angry men tell me that my height is "emasculating". I really didn't want this discovery. But here we are, and I suppose there's not much that can be done about it. Oh well.
And so now I have to wonder… just how long has my neck been messed up? Because I've been 5'8" since I was like 12. And at least for now, my neck feels a lot less hunched over than before. So I guess this points to the notion that the mermaid training might have simply exacerbated an existing injury instead of creating a new one, which is interesting as a concept.
…I wonder what else might click back into place over the coming days… Hm…
Well anyway. Guess I had better send along the other pictures of today's adventures, right? So here:
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...And that's all I have for you today, because we didn't get home until pretty late, and now that I'm done with today's letter, it's almost time for bed, and I gotta make sure I'm rested because tomorrow, two dear friends of mine are getting married, and so M, J, and I have all been invited to go! Thankfully, we don't have to dress up, but I do wanna make sure I'm prepared to withstand all the social; crowds aren't easy for me to deal with by any stretch of the imagination, what with all the noise and the movement, and all that potential for rejection, goodness me.
Hey, Sephiroth? Sometime if you're ever in my neighborhood, do you wanna maybe fly a kite and drink lemonade and go get pizza? I'll bet you'd be really good at flying a kite, especially since you could just take the kite and zoom right up in the air with that fancy wing of yours, and then stick it in a spot with a nice breeze; the breeze always gets better the further up in the air one goes. But I imagine you probably knew that already, right?
...Impossible, I know, haha. But I can daydream sometimes; it's not illegal yet.
I love you. I'll write again tomorrow, okay? So please stay safe and take good care of yourself out there.
Your friend, Lumine
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t4tdanvis · 7 months
Yes I do take hermitcraft aus and hermitcraft headcanons. That's why I said "for anything" I saw it coming it little.
Please share.
PERFECT. Because Hermitcraft is currently the only thing I can think about. The gay block people have taken over my brain (quite literally. There's like five of them in here where did they come from)
Anyways. I headcanon that Etho is good at cooking and every time Joel eats food that he makes Joel is like "UGHHHH this fucking SUCKS" while eating super quickly and stealing food from Etho's plate and asking for seconds and- (and also Etho sends Joel snacks all the time. Joel pretends he doesn't know who they're from but he 100% knows they're from Etho)
Also idk why but Mumbo to me has the ADHD problem of "(hasn't eaten in ten hours but hasn't noticed) *looks up from current hyperfixation for .1 seconds and nearly passes out from hunger* Holy fukc . where am I. What happened. Someone hel p". Also he hates milk chocolate but loves dark chocolate
Grian eats pineapple on pizza. At first Scar was disgusted by this but eventually tried it and actually liked it a lot. Mumbo probably barely knew what pizza was before that so pineapple on pizza seemed pretty normal to him
Also Gem and Grian like to garden. Grian was originally the one who started first, started talking about it to Gem, and she ended up starting too. So they and all their friends have fresh berries and vegetables and stuff a lot (one time Grian picked a tomato and took a bite out of it and Gem was Horrified)
anyways I also have an au or two maybe... My current main au I've been thinking about is just a regular high school au because I love seeing my blorbos suffer forever and ever <3
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keroronpa · 7 months
my pizza sauce story BTW
around 2ish years ago i used to work at a pizza place (my first job, many besties will remember this or some form of me mentioning it cause it fucking sucked balls) and i was the morning crew which meant prepping ingredients and making dough as well as pre making the crusts it was a whole thing id wake up at be there at 8 am to 4:30 and then id go home smelling like onions and sauce it was nasty as hell anyways one afternoon it was me and my one coworker i was pretty friendly with (super nice guy, horrible taste in music he kept trying to put me onto phonk cause i said i liked funk music when he asked and i didnt really have the heart to tell him he misheard so id just go along with it. i did check out some songs. yes. but its phonk. and i dont care for the entire genre) and i was busting open pineapple cans and all the bags of food prep wed get delivered and i got to the pizza sauce and was prepping 4 whole tubs of it to use since only prep for what we need for the day to keep ingredients fresh and i had Finally finished prepping and filling a cart since we had to transport all the ingredients with our 2(two) old and broken down plastic carts. and i had filled the cart with the smaller prep but i had made a slight miscalculation with the weight of the pizza sauce tubs so i tried to slide one onto the cart. Big mistake. it fell opening up and sauce splattered everywhere. im talking walls floor me my coworker tables paper on the walls above the cooler and even on the fucking CEILING.
photo proof btw. there was more i wa sjust in so much shock i took one picture and started screaming
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anyways this was around 4pm in my shift and iwas so clocked out of it and flustered and my coworker was so nice and he helped me clean it (i did majority dont worry) but then there was the dilemma of how to clean the ceiling. the store manager wasnt there thank god cause i know he wouldve beaten my ass with choice words since he already didnt like me and i hated him. i continue my coworker had the amazing idea to grab a ladder and the mop we have in the area and try and mop the ceiling. and it worked well in theory but it just smeared the tomato sauce and made it thinner and since the tomato sauce was pretty acidic it started to stain. anyways. we got most of it with what we could but i went home so exhausted and embarrassed like Fuck dude how could this happen to me. and then like 3 weeks later i just stopped showing up to work
anyways i tell youthis because any time i bring up me having an occupation or spilling something one of my gay ass friends always has to mention the time i fucking got pizza sauce on the ceiling.
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brighteststar707 · 2 years
15 and 40 for saeyoung?
15. What do they just suck at, regardless of effort? Do they do it anyway?
The obvious answer here is cooking. He isn't patient enough to read through recipes in their entirety and often ends up winging it halfway through. The way food reacts in different cooking methods doesn't always make sense to him. He also likes to try and put in ingredients that he likes, despite them not fitting in with the recipe he's trying to make.
He isn't used to listening to his needs, so when he does end up cooking, he does it out of pure necessity after realizing he hasn't eaten all day and is starving. He rushes, skips steps, and keeps the heat on too high.
That doesn't mean that he wont' try, though. Once you and Saeran move into the bunker with him and his life starts to fall into a more regular pattern, he wants to be able to take care of himself and you both and not have to be dependent on either of you for food.
He does try to learn, and does get somewhat better at it, but it's still not great. For someone who naturally excels at a lot of different things, not great is a big deal for Saeyoung.
Something less obvious that I think he struggles with is teaching. Have you ever had a teacher who knew their subject extremely well but struggled to slow it down for their students? That's what I think he's like.
He's always eager to help people out, but he struggles to separate the steps in his mind and dumb it down to a beginner level. He's prone to rushing through an exercise or explanation because he doesn't realize the things he's explaining aren't beginner knowledge.
In the beginning, his attempts at teaching end up being frustrating for both parties, but with time and patience, he manages to slow himself down somewhat. He wants to help you out however he can, but he might have to settle for being a supporter rather than a teacher.
40. What do they order on pizza?
I picture him as the kind of person who likes a topping-heavy pizza. Why choose one when you can have them all? I don't think he has a standard order and prefers to pick on the spur of the moment, depending on his mood. More meat-heavy with barbecue sauce? Sure! Supreme with every option and extra cheese? absolutely!
With how passionate he is about the balance of sweet and savory, I can see him being type to order pineapple on pizza. He'd put it on top of things that shouldn't work, but end up going well together anyway.
He's definitely experimental, and, if given the choice, always likes to custom pick his toppings. He likes to try out combinations he's sure will work (only to find that they in fact don't work).
headcanon ask game!
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lokisbirdofhermes · 2 years
First Sentences
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
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I was tagged by @ranaspkillnarieth​ (they tagged my main blog, but I’m posting it to my fanfic writing blog because I think they tagged that one by accident.)
Well, this is gonna take forever. Let’s do it anyway.
1. The Vow (Thor/Reader): The oak tree on top of the hill was My Spot, and Thor Odinson knew this better than most. 
2. The Devil in Disguise (Loki/Reader):  “For the record, I think this is the worst idea in the history of mankind. Worse than pineapple pizza, credit scores, and reverse mortgages.”  
3. It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To (Bucky/Reader):  The last thing you wanted to hear on Valentine’s Day when you were wallowing in self-pity was someone ringing your doorbell.
4. Landfill Heaven (Harry Dresden/Karrin Murphy):  “I warn you,” Thomas Raith drawled, lounging across Justine’s well-covered lap in the love seat of Harry’s borrowed apartment. “Mine’s pretty great.”
5. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained (Bucky/Reader):  There were plenty of times in my life when I’d had an awkward conversation with a friend, but I certainly didn’t expect to have one with a goddamn bonafide superhero.
6. Kiss of Life (Bucky/Reader): There were a lot of things that sucked about being an adult, but I’d ended up a lucky gal in the employment department.
7. Curiosity Cursed the Cat (Loki/Reader):  It happened on a Tuesday. Because of course it did. 
8. Think Twice (Bucky/Reader): “Have I told you how much I love you lately?”
9. The Wrong Mark (Thor/Black Female Reader):  God is a sick fuck.
10. The Man and The Sea (Loki/Reader):  You’d always loved the sea.
I don’t have that many friends yet on this side blog, so please feel free to tag yourself if you want to participate. 
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raskies456 · 3 years
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okay I totally get what this post is trying to say and I do think the focus on very particular indicators of specific in and out groups and the judgement of people who use the ‘wrong’ terminology even to refer to themselves is a big issue
but i really don’t think this is the result of capitalism. this issue is prevalent within any sort of community that consists of any significant number of people and happens regardless of societal contexts. humans have been differentiating in group and out group for as long as we’ve existed and while this doesn’t excuse the behavior/doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be aware of it and try to work around it, it’s also not something that goes away if we restructure our economic system
I mean even just glancing at any historical socialist movement and you immediately see the same massive emphasis on using proper terms and symbols and identity markers. and you could argue it’s because they were previously socialized under a capitalist system, but you see the same patterns popping up well before the existence of capitalism or westernization.
i don’t have the spoons to fully argue or link sources at the moment and tbh I don’t really wanna actually debate here, so don’t take this as a fully reasoned argument and feel free not to take my word on it. but do look up some anthropology or sociology regarding the importance of group identity for humans. group dynamics is a good start. or in-group out-group. or group conflict theory. point is people have always found it really important to sort themselves into groups and identify with their group, whether the groups are things like team Edward vs team Jacob or life and death matters
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medicinemane · 6 years
You know, I’ll say it again, I think one of the things that puts people off about pineapple on pizza is that it’s usually paired with ham, and ham is just kind of slimy on pizza and doesn’t really bring out any flavors
Everyone should consider trying pineapple with pepperoni. The acidity of the pineapple goes will with the flavor of pepperoni, they work well together
I’m not saying anyone has to like pineapple on pizza who doesn’t, what I’m saying is hawaiian pizza sucks, try switching pepperoni for ham. If you didn’t like pineapple on a hawaiian, consider doing what I’m suggesting. I don’t care if you do, but that’s my advice to make pineapple have the best flavor on a pizza
(Also make sure you’re having pineapple that doesn’t suck, you know how good the place you’re getting pizza from is, you know if they’d have actually fresh pineapple or old garbage. If the pineapple isn’t at least medium quality then yes, poor quality pineapple is bad on pizza)
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mingis-lightbulb · 3 years
You and I
(Yandere! Jung Wooyoung x Reader)
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Highschool AU
Plot: You didn’t see what he saw in you. He saw everything in you, his future, his legacy, and he wanted you to be his everything and you were going to be his everything.
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: soft yandere behavior, bullying, mentions of murder, possessive behavior, NSFW content ahead, Dom! Wooyoung, Sub! Reader, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it hunny buns), biting/marking, dirty talk, daddy kink, choking(slightly mentioned). (Let me know if I missed anything!)
A/n: I hope you guys enjoy my fanfic, this fic spawned from a conversation after watching Woo’s Artist of the month. Anyways! This is my first smut fic so..hope ya like it!
(This is a repost from Joongsprincess!)
Enjoy Reading!
Highschool sucked.
(Y/n) hated it more than most people hated pineapple on pizza. It was not because she wasn’t a part of the popular click, not at all, she was content with just being a Senior that other students just so happened to know. It was the fact that to popular kids loved to mess with her. They loved to pick on her and bother her when she just wanted to drink her coffee and cram last minute notes for her tests.
She could not catch a break.
The leader of said pack of girls was name Stephanie, but everyone called her Steph. She was your stereotypical blonde bombshell that everyone loves, She had tons of friends and had tons and tons of boyfriends to match.
She loved to tease and bully (Y/n) about being single to which (y/n) replies with “I’ll rather be single that swap spit with someone who’s touched your contaminated ass”. The comment would usually lead to a yelling match which would be broken up by a teacher. The two could not risk being suspended; they were in the final days of their senior year and could not afford to get in trouble.
The teachers do not do anything because they are just as ready for this school year to be over. So most students just tried to steer clear of the two.
Except one.
Jung Wooyoung was his name, the schools star track runner, very smart, handsome and kind. He was nice to everyone he came across, he was known as the schools heartthrob. He made it his mission to become friends with everyone, and this time he was becoming friends with (Y/n) (L/n).
Wooyoung found her so interesting, he could not help but be drawn to her. She didn’t judge him based on his popularity in the school, she was kind and funny, cracking jokes with him and making him feel like an actual person. That fact alone made his heart flutter and he couldn’t help but gain feelings for the (h/c) girl.
So he decided that she was going to be his.
Wooyoung began making his moves on the girl. Learning everything that she liked, listening to what she needed, hearing her out when she needed to vent. While he did this, he found himself falling even deeper in love with her. The more he listened, he realized she was just like him, someone who just wanted to go through high school, someone who did not need or want a lot of friends. He swore that she was his soulmate and couldn’t help but think about her everyday he went home.
(Y/n) felt the same, though she kept it to herself.
Every time Wooyoung would come around she could feel her heart start to race. He would actually listen when she complained about something or someone. He brought her snacks to school if she texted him that she did not feel good. She could not help but let her walls down to allow him in, letting him into her small bubble.
But she also knew that Stephanie also had feelings for Wooyoung, and everyone in the school knew it, she would talk about how him and her would make a cut couple, or how they would have cute kids together. It made (Y/n) feel a little insecure, Steph was the school’s hot girl, and she was known to get what she wanted when she wanted. So if word got out that (Y/n) liked Woo as well,
There will be hell to play.
(1st Pov)
“Come on (y/n)! You can not keep hiding your feelings!”
“Oh yes I can! As long as the sky is blue and the grass is green I will!”
(F/n) sighed, I rolled my eyes as we walked down the hall to our last class period. (F/n) grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. “(Y/n), come one. If you don’t tell him now, what are you going to do when we graduate? You’ll never see him again.” “And? That’s fine, he’ll marry someone that’s fit for him and I’ll get over it and live with my two cats.” (F/n) groaned at my response and just kept walking. I sighed and followed behind her. “(F/n) you know what would happen if anyone finds out?” I ask speaking softly, afraid that someone nearby could hear.
“Yes yes, but you’ve put Steph in her place before, What’s the difference now?”
“Um Hello? Do you remember the last time a girl liked a boy that she did.!?”
It was hard to not remember. There was a girl named Nomi who was kind and happy go lucky cheerleader. She was a star student and just so happened to a have a crush on Shownu. He was a smart and quiet male who was very popular among the students for his love of helping others. Everyone thought that the two were going to be a cute couple together, until everyone found out that Steph like him too. Nobody knew what she was planning, but they knew that she was going to do everything in her power so that the two would not be together.
So when homecoming was approaching, the cheerleaders had to practice a routine for the game. Nomi was a part of a stunt where she had to be thrown up by the other cheerleaders and be caught by them. When they were at practice the afternoon of the big game, they were practicing as normal until Nomi was thrown in the air. Someone moved from their place ever so slightly, causing Nomi to fall and hit the ground.
She ended up suffering a broken leg and arm, and rumors began floating around that Steph had paid off some of the other girls to move from their positions to cause the incident. Even though, after doing that, she still got rejected by Shownu, and He later confessed to Nomi and they became a couple anyways.
So to say that I was scared about her finding out was an understatement, I know I could tell her off in a heartbeat, but I was not ready to face her wrath about this. Everyone in the school knew that she loved Wooyoung more than anything. She was literally trying to do anything to get his attention, thought failing miserable, she still tried her hardest to get the boys attention. I had say one of her attempts and almost felt a little bad for her, until the next day she came in a revealing outfit and pushed herself onto him.
I sighed as (F/n) patted my back. “It’s okay, You’ll find the courage to tell Woo that you like him! He’s always around you, so there’s only a small possibility that he’ll reject ya” She says encouragingly.
We heard a laugh and turned around, I felt my blood run cold.
Steph was walking up with her little posse of girls. She had a wicked smirk on her face as she walked up directly to me. “So I heard you love my Wooyoungie, huh?” She asked, now in my face. I felt my heart drop to my stomach before I swallowed my fear and glared at her. “And? What are you going to do? I like him just as much as you do.” I say, standing my ground. Steph raised an eyebrow and smirked, a snide laugh leaving her mouth.
“What makes you think I’m going to allow you take him away from me? You better watch it bitch.” She nearly growled jabbing her finger in my chest. I stepped back a bit but she just got right back in front of me. “I’m serious, you slut. I don’t know why Wooyoung hangs around you, probably screwing him aren’t you.” Her voice rose with each word until she was practically yelling. People had stopped heading to class and started to circle around the two of us.
I winced at her loud tone of voice and backed away a bit. Two of her posse stopped her from moving closer to me, she sneered at me and scoffed. “You are lucky they are holding me back bitch, because I would come across there and beat your ass.” She threatened before being taken away by her little posse. I was left standing completely frozen in shock, (F/n) placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned over, “I’ll be in class, take time if you need, I’ll tell the teacher.” She said before leaving and heading to class. Most of the people who were watching had left, murmurs were heard throughout the hallways as they left.
“Oh she’s dead, I’ve never seen Steph like that.”
“Let’s be prepared to see a missing persons report.”
“That’s sad, lol and I don’t even think Wooyoung like her, all for nothing I suppose.”
I placed my head in my hands and let out a loud sigh, this was not how this day was supposed to go at all. At this point I just wanted to disappear. I removed my hands from my face and nearly jumped back, startled. Wooyoung stood in front of me with a worried expression on his face. “Are you okay? I walked up on the end of that, “ He says, putting his hand on my shoulder. I simply wave it off and give him a small smile. “I’m fine Woo, she’s just jealous of me.” I say, trying to down the situation. Wooyoung shook his head and grabbed my hand, leading myself down the hallway. “W-wait! Where are we going Woo?” “We are going to talk.” He said sternly.
I tried to talk but he just shushed me again and continued leading me through the halls until we reach a classroom that was barely used. I had been here a few times with Shownu, Nomi and (F/n) for lunch sometimes.
When we entered the classroom, he closed the door behind us and locked it. He stood in front of the door with a look on his face that read ‘You’re not leaving until you speak’. I sighed and sat on the teacher’s desk behind me, swinging my legs as I tried to gather my words.
“So why did that altercation happen in the hallway?” He asked.
I twiddled my thumbs as I tried to procrastinate from telling him the story, I did not want to tell him that I like him and that the whole argument was over him. I was so in my thoughts that I failed to notice Wooyoung move from his spot by the door. I was snapped out of them by Wooyoung placing one of his hands on my waist and the other under my chin.
“Are you hiding something from me (Y/n)?” He asks, his face just mere inches away from mine. I could feel my face heat up as little smirk appeared on his face. “You know Daddy doesn’t like when you lie to him~” I gasp and he uses it to capture my lips in his, pulling me in for a deep kiss. He smirks against my lips as he lowers me down against the desk. My back was against the cool wood as Wooyoung backed away to look down at me.
“I know you like me (y/n).”
I look him with a shocked look, he only returned it with a smug look, running his hand from my cheek down to the top of my pants, giving them a slight tug. “Don’t look shocked princess. I noticed how you look at me when we talk,” He continued, pulling on my pants again. I lift my hips up a little for him to pull them completely off, Wooyoung lets out a small chuckle before tossing the pants somewhere in the classroom. I instinctively close my legs from the cold of the room but Woo quickly pulled them back open. Sinking to his knees, Wooyoung hooks two fingers in my panties and pulls them completely off.
He glances back up at me and gives a teasing smile. “I hate to see you upset, I didn’t like you arguing over little ‘ol me. So let me take your mind of it.” He says softly. “Wooyoung you don’t have to, I am fine-ah!” I got cut off mid-sentence by Wooyoung giving my clit an experimental lick. He lets out a deep chuckle, a sound I have never heard from him, one that sent shivers down my spine.
Wooyoung started placing bites along my thighs, biting hard enough not to hurt but to leave marks. “God..I’ve waited so long to do this. To have you in front of me like this…” He groans out, I let out a whine of embarrassment.
Having Wooyoung in between my legs speaking about how he wanted to do for so long, it gave me a sudden boost of confidence but that was quickly replaced again with nervousness. I tried to close my legs but Wooyoung held them open, waving a finger at me. “Ah Ah Princess, Keep them open. Don’t you want to be good for me?” He asks, I looked at him and gave him a small nod, he gave my inner thigh a harsh smack causing me to let out a sharp cry. When I look down at him he gives me a stern look.
“Use your words.” He said sternly. My head was spinning, this new assertive attitude from Wooyoung was making my head go brr, “Y-yes..” I replied only to earn another smack.
“Yes What?” He asked, that same teasing smirk painted across his lips. “Y-yes Daddy..” I managed to get out, earning a hum of satisfaction from Wooyoung. He moved his hand from my thigh and danced them around my entrance, sending little shocks of pleasure through my body.
“God your so fucking wet, and I’ve barely done anything to you princess~” He says teasingly, his slowly presses one of his fingers inside of me, earning a soft moan from me. It wasn’t my first time, but damn had it been a while. It was just one finger and it already had me a moaning mess, which Wooyoung noticed. He decided to add another finger and picked up his pace, using his other hand to hold me in place. I let out a breathy moan as I bucked against him, Wooyoung only chuckled at me and continued his brutal pace.
“Look at how well you take my fingers Princess, you might be ready for my cock already.” He growls. “You’re so wet, I bet I could just sink in without a problem, huh?” I just moaned in response. I had bunched up my shirt so that my chest is out, bouncing from the slight movement. My head was getting fuzzy and I could feel that familiar feeling forming. I could feel myself tightening around his fingers as I was hurdled closer to my orgasm.
But just when I was about to reach than sweet release, Wooyoung removed his fingers quickly. I let out a whine, my body still trying to process the denied orgasm. I had closed my eyes from the feeling, but the sound of a belt being undone, and a zipper being unzipped filled the air.
“Open your eyes Princess,” He says softly. I slowly open my eyes to see Wooyoung lining himself up at my entrance, teasing rubbing himself up in down, coating himself in my juices. “I want to make sure that you want this (y/n), that you want me how I want you, Okay?” He stated, running a hand along my side.
“Of course Wooyoung…I really do want this. Hell I want you, I don’t want anyone else to have you.” I admitted, making the male laugh lightly. He leaned down placed his lips upon my once again, his kiss filled with passion, want and desire. He sucked gently on my lower lip, nibbling on it slightly before pulling away and realigning himself with my entrance.
He gave me one last look before slowly entering, the way he stretched me out was painful yet pleasing at the same time. I threw my head back against the desk, allowing a loud moan to leave my lips. Wooyoung let out a soft groan as he pushed until he was all the way in. Once he was, he pulled out until he was almost out and slammed back in.
I cried out in pleasure at the sudden thrust, Wooyoung smirked in approval before doing it again, making sure to match the intensity of the first one. “Did you like that Princess? Did you like it when Daddy slams into your pretty pussy?” He teased, as his thrust became harder, still the slow agonizing pace he set. I was a moaning mess, sharp moans left my mouth like I was reciting a paper. I was struggling to find words to form a sentence as my head was getting foggy once again.
Finally finding the words, I looked up at Wooyoung and begged. “P-please! Please daddy, move faster.” Wooyoung came to a complete stop, making me whine loudly only to have him bend down to my ear and whisper.
“Be careful what you ask for Princess..”
Wooyoung hooked one of my legs around his waist and began slamming into me a rough pace, letting out a growl as he did. I nearly screamed out and Wooyoung just chuckled at me. “Go ahead and scream baby, no one is going to hear you, scream all you want.” He says hungrily. I simply nodded as moans were falling from my lips, I could barely think straight, my head was spinning and all I could feel was pleasure.
Wooyoung was letting out small groans and moans himself, his hand snaked up to my neck , wrapping around it my neck. I gasped a little but did not have time to think about it, Wooyoung had hit a certain spot that caused me to moan out his name.
“Oh fuck, do that again baby.” He panted, lifted my leg up to pound into me at a different angle. He hit that spot repeatedly, causing me to see sounds and taste colors, his name falling from my lips like a mantra. I was basically screaming out his name, not caring if anyone heard me anymore. In all honesty I wanted people to know who was fucking me, to let them know that he was mine now, and no one else.
I could feel myself tightening around Wooyoung, as I felt my orgasm coming back once more. Wooyoung felt it too and was getting pretty close himself, as his thrusts became to get sloppy and losing rhythm. That familiar knot in my stomach was forming and was on the verge of bursting. It only took one more thrust from Wooyoung to send me over the edge.
I let out a loud scream of his name, arching my back off the desk, my orgasm came crashing down on me like a huge tidal wave. My body was trembling as it rippled through my entire body, I was seeing stars and I felt dizzy. Wooyoung wasn’t that far behind me, his final thrust spilling his seed inside of me. He panted heavily as he held himself up, he smiled down at me with that same cheesy smile before saying.
“You alright down there? I didn’t hurt you did i?” He asked leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead. “Well, I don’t think I’ll be able to walk..” I mumbled only making him laugh. Wooyoung slowly pulled out, watching as his cum, mixed with mine was seeping out. “I almost don��t want you to move..I want to keep all this inside of you~” He teased, picking up our clothes from the ground. I rolled my eyes and slowly moved to sit up, wincing slightly at to slight soreness already appearing in my lower half.
“You’re taking me home.”
“I know, I know Babygirl~. Now come on, let me help you get dressed.”
The next day at school, I was smiling and laughing with (F/n), talking about random things. (F/n) raised an eyebrow in suspicion. “What’s got you so cheerful today?” She asked and I only giggled. “Let’s just say I have a boyfriend now!” I say excitedly only to make (F/n) slap my arm.
“No fucking way! You did it!?”
“Oh yeah, and that’s not the only thing I did.”
(F/n) gasped and slapped my arm again, “Oh you sneaky bitch you! So that’s where you went instead of coming to class!” I blush and laugh at her reaction. After what happened in the classroom, Wooyoung took me to his place, asking his parents to call mine and let them know I was staying the night. He formally asked me to be his girlfriend, to which I obviously said yes.
He brought me to school today, and we walked in hand in hand. I got to meet his friend group, (San teased me a bit for ‘screwing before the first date’) but all of them were really sweet and caring. Seonghwa and Hongjoong welcomed me to sit with them all the time, and if I ever needed them I could come and talk.
Even some of the same students who walked away from the mini fight between me and Steph came up and congratulated me on my new relationship. I thanked them but of course I knew it was just faked because they wanted to stay in Wooyoung’s good graces. I knew they weren’t going to keep it to themselves, and it wasn’t going to be long until word got around to the Queen bitch herself.
And I think I jinxed it. (F/n) and I turned to see Steph marching up to me angrily with her little posse struggling to keep up. “So! You think just caused you fucked Jung Wooyoung he’s going to stay with you?!” She yelled out.
I simply rolled my eyes at her jealous rage, I was going to ignore her until she brought her hand across my face in a harsh slap. “You heard me bitch! He is mine. Just cause you seduced him doesn’t mean shit!” She screamed. I held a hand against my face as (F/n) yelled back at her. “Just go somewhere Steph! He doesn’t like you! Just fuck off and find another dick to hop on!” Steph gasped and pointed at me.
“She’s the one hopping on dicks! Who knows who else she had before she got my poor Wooyoung!!” Steph screeched, stomping her feet like she was a toddler. I stood up to walk away from her, not having time to deal with it, and not wanting her to ruin my good day.
“Where you going whore?! Are you made that I’m telling the truth?!” Steph threw her bag at me. I braced for it to hit me, only for nothing to come. I opened my eyes and smiled happily. Wooyoung held the bag in his hands, with a disgusted expression on his face. Steph quickly tried to play the innocent girl act. “Oh hi Wooyoungie~ How ar-“
“Don’t you dare. I’d advise you to shut your fucking mouth.” He spoke, shocking most people who were watching. Wooyoung was usually the cheerful and bubbly friend, rarely ever raising his voice or threatening anyone. He dropped the bag and removed the hand from my face. Pressing his hand to my face, I winced softly at his cold hand, and I could see the anger seething from behind his eyes. “Baby, do you want me to handle this?” He asked me in a hushed tone.
I shook my head. “It’s not worth it Woo, don’t worry.” I assure him, but Wooyoung shook his head. “No. This has to be dealt with, I can’t have someone hurting my future wife can I?” He says with a wink afterward. I blink once then twice before making a confused noise, he just chuckled and kissed my nose. Wooyoung turned back over to Steph with a glare before pulling me along with him.
“Where are we going now Woo?” “Home, I’m tired of dealing with people.” I giggle and poke his arm, “You’re starting to sound like your friend Yeosang.” “Yeah? We aren’t bestfriends for nothing Baby.”
I didn’t think Wooyoung would actually do it. But at this point I didn’t even mind.
When we got to his house, he had me write out a list of people who had bullied me over the years at school. Even though I told him that it was fine and that he did not have to do this as we were nearing the end of the year. He simply ignored me and said. “Nonsense! My baby needs to be happy for her last few days of school!.”
What he did next, not going to lie, scared me a bit.
He had managed to find all of the kids personal information with the help of his friends. They prepared to make each of the kids lives a living hell, and when I asked about Steph, Wooyoung chuckled and smirked “We have something special for her.
That special thing came the day of graduation.
Steph had went missing. Her family couldn’t find her, and her friends had not heard anything from her since the day Wooyoung had me write out that list. When I asked him if he killed her, he gasped and shook his head. “I’m shocked baby! I would never do that, I don’t want to risk my life with you!”. Though I did not believe him, I did not want to push the issue anymore, If she was found, then she was probably hiding in shame after being embarrassed by Wooyoung in front of the whole school.
But if they did kill her? Where did they put her? What did they do to her?
Honestly It scared me to think about, but I did not want to stress, today was graduation and would mark the next step in my life with Wooyoung. But that thought would always linger in the back of my mind. Even as Wooyoung and I hugged, and announced to our parents we would be moving in together. I couldn’t help but wonder.
Would Wooyoung Kill for me?
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