#it feels nice to answer asks again
ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
Hi. First of all I would like to thank you for answering all kinds of asks. Reading what you have to say is very informative. I’ve been writing fanfic and have been posting it on AO3 for quite some years now and usually I know how to tag my relationships but I’m not so sure about one I recently started. My main stories are generally Fictional Male Character / Original Female Character and in a way this new story is just that, but they don’t end up together. They are in love and my OC has talked about her feelings and the guy she’s into has only thought about them but won't tell anyone and has also thought about one day hopefully asking  her out and having a future together but because of the life they’re living, they know they can’t pursue a relationship at the moment, so they plan on waiting (they’re not aware the other likes them in return or at least she isn’t, they just know they can’t bring their feelings up just yet). Unfortunately one of them dies tragically before they get the chance to and the other lives on. So here I’m not sure whether I should use the & or the /. I originally thought of using the & but I’m not sure how to make clear that they are into each other in the tags. Should I even? I could add something in the Additional Tags like ‘Requited Love’ but I’m not entirely sure. Hope this makes sense. Thanks a bunch in advance and hope you have a good day ahead of you.
In a case like this, I think it's a good idea to zoom out. What is the overall vibe of the fic? Is it romantic? Even if it doesn't have a happy ending, if the characters themselves are mostly thinking about their relationship in those terms and the story is largely about their relationship with each other, then I'd say the / is merited. If the characters are mostly considering each other friends and just have a little crush or a daydream now and again but the plot is about something other than their relationship, the & might work out to be a better idea.
Another way to think of it is: would someone who doesn't ship it still want to read this fic? If the answer is no, then you should use the / so when they filter out the / tag, they filter out your fic.
Additional tags really will be your friends here. There's actually an Requited Unrequited Love tag that might be what you're looking for? Or perhaps Not Actually Unrequited Love. Or maybe Possibly Unrequited Love. You can also use ones like unhappy ending, idiots in love, fluff/angst etc (whichever fits the mood) and the archive warning for MCD or Author Chose not to Warn.
You can also create your own tag if you're not sure what canonical one might be right. Unspoken Love Confession, for example.
What do the rest of you think? Any advice for anon?
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whilomm · 2 days
oh okay heres one:
"sleepaway camp"= you go there for at least a few days, a week, sometimes several weeks, and sleep there, as opposed to a """camp""" where you go for the day and your parents or whoever picks you up afterward (those arent really camps, but like. idk when i went to "space camp" it was a weeklong but not sleepaway). in the U.S. at least, the typical image of a sleepaway camp involves staying in cabins, dunno how common it is/what it looks like in other countries.
for the first few i just mean like. not necessarily a stealth church camp, just like. idk, a camp where theres also an Assumption Of Christianity and just general vibes without being actually church camp. So, there might not be daily services and jesusy dedicatwd activities, but maybe theres still a prayer said over meals and shit. Which i assume might exist...
(oh and @reblogforsamplesize if u wanna)
#buzzy#poll#polls#personally: yes i went several times#and i enjoyed it bc. camp!!! yay!!!#but the Church part of it. complicated feelings on that matter#mine were all weeklong camps#went every year for a few years i hink#it was fun bc again YAY CAMP!!! and the ones i went to were like huge things#they had cool water stuff like The Blob and waterslides and some fun games and shit#you could do paintball#and i wasnt like. NOT christian at the time. but i also Wasnt Really Feeling It#i was mostly into it bc. camp.#...maybe i should have asked my parents if i could just go to one of the normal summer camps instead lmao#like the 6 week ones or st#that coulda been fun ....#so my answer is Its Complicated#i did like. participate in the jesus side of things. but i was also kinda knowingly faking it u kno?#i remember one time during a service i started having a bit of a panic attack (mostly bc of the MASSVE crowd. this was a huge ass camp)#but i still had to like. stay. still do everything. my pastor was being nice about it but still was like :( well you cant leave#i remember that was the day we did some shit outside w torches#like. carrying torches in a big procession like some sorta ritual thing ig. fuck if i know.#and i was like crying while following the procession and trying to stop#(the crying STARTED un the megachurch extremely loud giaant speaker GET PUMPED UP!!! area and continued to the torches)#thars my stringest memory from church camp aside from when i fcking DEMOLISHED the frozen t shirt game#(they gave a few ppl on stage frozen t balled up shirts and it was like 'okay first one to unball it and put it on wins!!!')#(and while the two boys i was up against started trying to tear it open with their hands i just#(in my cute lil butterfly shirt and pretty skirt started SMASHING IT AGAINST THE GROUND FULL BODY AAAUUGGHH and broke that shit)#(i was sooo proud of mysekf and my oastors wife thiught it was Unladylike of me but i fucjing won. the boys copied me after a sec)#(but it was too late i won :) anyway yeah like i said mixed feelings u kno. anyway go blue beetles woooo!!!!!
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Alright, AU questions
(thesere the goofy ones that I like to ask everyone)
What's each main characters favorite drink? (Coffee, tea, soda, etc)
Hottest take on a characters personality? (Do you portray anyone really outside of fandom norms, how?)
What's one weird quirk your favorite character has got that you gave them?
OKAY, so, I wasn’t very sure if I should just talk about one of the AU’s for the questions—so I figured I’d just try to do all of them if I could—though, for the main characters, like you said.
For the Reluctant Follower Jeremy & Animatronic Vanny AU, I’d consider the MC’s to be:
Vanny, Jeremy, Glamrock Freddy, & Gregory.
For the reunion & memory AU with Glam Fred & Bon, I’d consider the MC’s to be... them. The others are also decently involved, but it’s an AU focusing around them both.
The Swap AU? Cassie, Glitchtrap, & Vanny.
The Dr. Scraptrap AU? Scraptrap, Elizabeth, Plushtrap, and Spring Bonnie.
Anyways, onto the questions, starting from the favorite drink one, and then I’ll just go from there. I don’t wanna waste too much time.
Dr. Scraptrap: This man constantly drinks coffee, it’s his favorite.
Elizabeth: Apple Juice.
Plushtrap: Absolutely just... really likes drinking any sort of energy drink. Also Apple Juice.
Spring Bonnie: Tea.
Vanny (both Swap & Animatronic): Chocolate Milk.
Glitchtrap: Tea.
Cassie: Orange Juice.
Glamrock Freddy (both): Water.
Glamrock Bonnie: He doesn’t have much of a favorite, but does enjoy soda and tea.
Gregory: Soda.
Jeremy: Coffee.
As for the question about the character’s personalities... I’m not too certain. Like, with the Swap Au, there’s obviously changes here and there—mainly with Glitchtrap and Vanny.
I’ve never really focused on the ‘fandom norms’ or whatever the fandom would typically depict someone, but, one of the main ones would be... Gregory?
I’m not sure if I would count it as a norm, but I do see a lot of things where they just portray him as... pretty bad. Like, there’s more to it, but, y’know.
He’s just a kid, though. He’s pretty good.
Another would probably have to be (Dr) Scraptrap? Like, for a bunch of things, but whenever it comes to Afton, I see a lot of things between the kids.
Like, some are like, ‘Oh, he was a horrible dad’, and others are like, ‘Oh, he was a good dad’, etc. I’m not really sure if these are norms... I’m saying whatever is coming to mind, it’s late.
In the Dr. Scraptrap AU, he is at least a pretty good parent to Plushtrap and Elizabeth, and cares about them a lot. Good bunny father. 👍
Although... being honest? I think nearly all of the characters would have a bit of different personalities/be out of fandom norms, because I wouldn’t be able to write everyone perfectly.
But I’m sure trying my best. 👍 Though I’m still adding my own bits here and there.
As for the third/last question, with the ‘weird quirk(s)’, I’m... not very sure, honestly.
Because, sure, I’ve given/added certain things to some characters (Plushtrap, Spring Bonnie, etc), when planning them and everything else out. And maybe some of the things are interesting.
But I’m just not sure what would count as a ‘weird’ one, whatever you’re really looking for with the answer.
That’s about it, I think. Sorry if any of this wasn’t very good—I wanted to answer this right away, but it’s honestly pretty late. I just tried to say things as best I could.
Anyway, thank you for the questions :) Feel free to send in more, if you want. This was fun.
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mishy-mashy · 9 days
Do you think Banjo is the type of person who hides his problems behind a clown mask?
The guy acts like a bit of comedy relief, but I think he's the kind of person to face his problems head-on. I don't think he uses humor as a coping mechanism. We never see him do that for himself. He's just a loud guy
Look at how he first appears to Midoriya
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He's loud, and it steals Midoriya's attention. But he's calling him out on why he's messing up
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But as a character's debut, the first things he does are:
Call out Midoriya for trying to do things alone, when Yoichi's first message to him was that he wasn't
Tell him that if he can compose himself, things typically work out
Understands Midoriya's side of things, and tells him he knows (like lacking a mouth)
And once he says those two previous things, he exhales, and his eyes show their pupils properly
The parting advice he gives Midoriya is a reiteration of the second point: It's okay to be mad. What's important is controlling your heart.
Blackwhip is a Quirk that responds to the holder's emotions. Like other Quirks, but Blackwhip goes out of control when the user isn't able to get a grip on themselves
Banjo used his Quirk effectively. He'd have to live that advice to pass it on to Midoriya, back when Abilities were starting to become normal, but Japan was still wrecked. And we know that Quirks are influenced by, and influence, the holder's personality.
Banjo would have to be able to be honest with himself, understand his emotions, and has the maturity to say it's okay to be mad. Just control it.
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When he said that for the first time, it actually surprised me. Everyone in fiction or reality says "Don't be mad", but a character on his debut and says it's okay to be that. I never heard anyone say that controlling your emotions and outputting them in a healthy manner is what matters. People just say not to he negative or annoying, because it's inconvenient; but Banjo went past that.
And when he fades, he tells Midoriya he's got this. He reminds him that they're all behind him.
Whenever he speaks, he doesn't make the receiver feel bad, or speak down to them. He understands them, and gives the next step in a familiar, friendly way.
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On his debut, he told Midoriya to control his heart, and to remember he wasn't alone. Here, he tells him he should try understanding their Quirks better.
He's actually got a mature way of seeing things. He's an adult, and being the holder between Shinomori and En, he wouldn't be able to deal with either of them if he wasn't mature about himself. Shinomori probably wouldn't choose someone who can't be honest with himself upfront, after spending almost half his life for OFA. And En is young, prone to panic, and a guy who acts like his problems aren't there or funny wouldn't help that.
I can visualize Banjo sitting at a small fire with Shinomori, having an honest, calm talk about life (until Shinomori says the wrong thing and Banjo yells something about it). But not Banjo trying to push his problems down with a hearty laugh, and Shinomori being okay with that.
When Midoriya used his Quirk for the first time, Banjo did get loud at the start, but he did lecture him in a way that was kinda teacher-mentor-ish.
I actually like the way Banjo talks about his observances. He's got the demeanor of a good teacher, he's clear, and direct. He's light-hearted about serious things, but doesn't diminish them. He just approaches it in a way that you aren't feeling the pressure, and can feel like it's possible.
He seems to have this habit of being loud to get people's attention, and simmers down once he has it. He's never indirect or leaving the addressed to figure out the answer on their own, he gives it outright.
When Midoriya used Blackwhip for the first time, Banjo was all "You got it all wrong!" and then explained things. Since he felt himself fading, he could've been talking louder to compensate himself past the daze he felt. To make sure he was talking, heard, and to keep himself awake
When the first Three made the void silent because Kudo and Bruce didn't want to help, Banjo broke it with what Midoriya should do next
When Shinomori got yoinked, the first thing Banjo did was report it in a panic to Midoriya. This just tells Midoriya he really has to be careful now, because OFA can really be stolen. Even if Banjo just panics and doesn't say that aloud
Every time Banjo is facing some kind of problem, he doesn't let others panic too hard. He's not pressuring about problems, and steps back to let Midoriya figure things out.
When Midoriya was running himself into the ground, Banjo was one of the vestiges that didn't show up to tell him to rest. He already understood how Midoriya saw things, and was doing them his own way
Rather than trying to be a clown, I think Banjo is just a friendly person. He's honest with others and with himself, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to utilize Blackwhip right, or be the holder between a sagey hermit and young, scared adult.
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jounosparticles · 2 months
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good question!!
i actually very much prefer the red for a few reasons!!
when you take the colour red, it often is associated with strong emotions. passion, danger, anger, courage, bravery, sacrifice, etc. those are all things the hunting dogs must hold to high standards. red shows that they are flashy, out there, bold, and willing to do what it takes to achieve justice.
in contrast, green is often associated with calmness, nature, growth, and health. if anything i would say the hunting dogs go against most of these. they can be calm but they must act harsh when needed, and their bodies are unnaturally altered, meaning they aren’t as in line with nature or proper health.
i feel red just suits them best in colour theming. it was a good choice to change it i think.
there’s also the fact that a lot of media uses green uniforms for high-military members. making the hunting dogs wear red makes them stick out when it comes to imagining said type of groups. it adds a uniqueness to the characters that i love to see.
that annnd. red is my favourite colour :] hehe
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
Pornstar bucky absolutely pounding into innocent naive reader and he asks if he should just cum inside her little cunt and give her a baby and she babbles and cries about how they have to get married first and he loses his mind at the thought of her being his perfect little wife 👁👁
Jeeeesus Christ, is this too much to ask for? 🥵
I love the thought of squirming underneath him, almost trying to writhe away because he makes you feel so damn good and he just won't stop. You'd be so beautifully overstimulated and I've always been obsessed with the thought of ps!bucky having a frenum piercing so do with that what you will. I've said it before but I imagine him like Owen Grey and I refuse to think of anything else.
"Silly little thing, just can't stop cumming, can you?" He teases, a cruel smirk on his lips watching the way you try to halfheartedly shuffle away from his thumb rubbing your clit. You can't cum again, God, you can't. But you're going to.
"B-baby please, it's too much." You whine, gripping the sheets as tight as you can, focusing on his face. If you don't find a point to concentrate on, your eyes are going to roll back and you know you'll lose yourself to another orgasm all too quickly.
"See, if it was really too much, you'd have called your safe word. The fact you haven't means that pretty little drooling cunt between your legs is more desperate to be filled up than you realise." His voice is low, the rhythm of his thrusts getting sloppy. Your body has been trying to coax his release from him for far too long and he's just about ready to give in.
"W-what? No, you can't! We're not married yet, I can't get pregnant!" Your head is only really half in that protest because he makes it sound far too appealing.
"Not married yet? Fuck, how about we fix that? Shit, just imagine. Pretty little Mrs Barnes with her husband's baby in her tummy. You'd look so perfect like that. M-make the best little wife for me." He grunts, totally lost in the image of you that's bouncing around in his head.
He's so lost that he can't even stop himself. There's no pulling out in time and once he's started he might as well finish. His cock throbs inside you, shooting streams of hot cum so deep inside you, you're sure they're painting your cervix. There's nothing either of you can do. Nothing but lie there, sweaty and fucked out, panting hot breaths against the other's skin.
"Fuck." Bucky groans as he pulls out, offering you a bright smile. "Well, I've heard we'd have a better chance of getting pregnant if you get off after I've cum inside you so you're gonna have to manage one more for me, sweetheart."
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journey-to-the-attic · 5 months
bold of you to assume we (or atleast i) dont want to read paragraphs about ik's and belphie's dynamic 😈😈
if you feel like writing that, i'd absolutely love to read about it!!! ^^
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RIGHT YES this took me a hot minute but let's go!!!!
so the main points that this is all built around:
belphie is someone who is absolutely shit at understanding himself
ik is someone who has a knack for understanding anyone she talks to for long enough
belphie's first resort is usually to leave things to someone else, but easily asserts the things he wants
ik will actively pursue you if she thinks she can help, despite usually feeling guilty about requesting anything
they both have very simple views of very complicated things
building from point 1: this is not entirely belphie's fault - i've talked about this before, so i'll just paste the pertinent bits here:
belphie, as the youngest brother, has been detrimentally coddled in regards to these things, and has NO fucking idea how to properly deal with loss the others haven't tried to talk to him about his grief for lilith, nor about their experiences during the celestial war; when they all had to support each other after the fall, they comforted him, but never ever discussed the pain of it all it's like the doctor refusing to talk about your actual symptoms because they're afraid of making you uncomfortable, and instead just soothingly going "it's okay, just take some ibuprofen and see me in the morning"
belphie underestimates himself and, at the start of the year, is convinced that there's no way forward - 1. he feels he's left it too late, 2. he feels he's the only one still hung up on lilith's death, which only makes him more bitter, and 3. he thinks that the hatred and grief is just who he is now
now take ik, who finds him in the attic and takes worryingly little convincing to help him - even more concerningly, she decides to go through with it even upon finding out he was lying about his identity. this is a direct contradiction to his conviction that humanity is selfish and cruel - more than that, the more ik visits and chats with him, the more he remembers why he'd been so fascinated by humans as an angel
except it also reminds him of how much lilith loved humanity. belphie doesn't think he's capable of letting go - he doesn't think he's allowed to, and to him befriending a human and moving on is the same as betraying his sister's memory. so he represses any feelings of good-will and continues to nurse his hatred
i think it's important to note that belphie's hang-ups have always been self-destructive before this, but the more he lets his own grief fester, the more it threatens to burst. his threat to lucifer about destroying humanity is an early indicator of this, and it culminates in a moment of extreme emotional distress where it finally all implodes
so ik - in the wrong place and the wrong time (in the literal sense) - finds him in the middle of a nightmare, wakes him up, and gets murdered for her troubles
belphie shuts down immediately after, because to him this is a point of no return. he's already convinced himself that nothing can be done for him, and this is the proof. except then everyone else forgets what's happened, and, panicking, he goes along with it - out of fear of losing his family if he comes clean.
so: point 2 - consider that a big thing with ik is that she just doesn't get why belphie acts the way he does after killing her. she's been able to get into the heads of his brothers before him, and even now can somewhat rationalise them forgetting, but she has no idea why belphie - who first killed her and then acted like he'd forgotten about it - would suddenly seem so wracked with guilt upon finding him in the dreamscape
belphie does not think he is strong enough to move on. ik, somehow, intrinsically, already knows this is not true. this is why she's so bewildered by belphie telling her lilith's story. he's convinced this is some kind of damning evidence, but ik doesn't get how this explains anything. and because she doesn't understand, she seeks answers.
now take point 3 and 4. belphie does not attempt to seek forgiveness - he just sits in the cell solomon locks him in. he doesn't try to get out, he doesn't attempt to repent, and he doesn't want to, because as far as he's concerned there's nothing to be done
ik, on the other hand, is going to put her home back together by force if necessary, so she goes to find him. multiple times, she climbs up the tower stairs to rescue him from a waking nightmare - the same thing that killed her - because her family is still his family, and she knows too well what it's like when you go without.
belphie has been sitting stagnant for millennia on end, and now ik has decided that she is going to KICK him along until he figures out that he can stand on his own two feet and keep going. and it works, because for some reason digging demons out of emotional pits of their own creation is ik's specialty
and now point 5: ik and belphie fall quite easily into a typical sibling dynamic of the "i'll make fun of you constantly, but if anyone messes with you they're dead" kind. they never really sit down to talk out all the residual Baggage of everything, because neither of them are the type to overthink these things
but EVEN THEN. they may be simple-minded but the complication of the everything that led up to this means there's little hidden meanings even in the normalcy of their behaviour, and neither of them ever register it
for belphie it's "i'll never understand you. thank you for understanding me. i don't know what to say, so i'll tease you for tripping on your laces instead. i'd throw someone down a gorge if they made you cry. let's go shopping. i think i'll spend the rest of my life wondering if i can ever close the wound i tore in your soul."
for ik it's "i'll never forget what you did to me. i see you in my nightmares sometimes. thanks for waiting for me after school. quit making a show out of helping me reach the top shelf. sometimes i'm glad you regret things so much. can you help me with this homework? i think we're alright."
and for both of them it's "i like hanging out with you. sleep well. i'm glad we're home."
in conclusion,
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i am crazy about things i made up entirely. perhaps i am cringe but i am free
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angelpuns · 4 months
I may have voted for you to update L330-N next, but I just hope that you can do anything at all. Burnout is the worst and I hope you're taking care of yourself. Not so you can make content, but because we care about you!
let's hope so! I tend to get burnt out on one thing rather than drawing as a whole, so hopefully, it'll be okay <333 I've been resting a lot this week and slowly working through my current projects :D
I will say I'm leaning more towards working on Rural Au since it's been so long, but I haven't made a final decision yet :3
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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a wild assortement of comic wip screenshots and a random doodle that i posted to twitter but not here
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(this doodle here is of Raal (aka demise before he became a deity) but whatever happens here isnt anything 'canon', i just randomly doodled him to try a loosen up my painting style bc when i work on the comic i tend to concentrate too much of rendering it perfectly and i dont like that)
#ganondoodles#doodles#art#i am so very tired#too tired for tags#btw i do love and read every ask i get but damn i just dont have the energy to reply to most#and i feel so guilty#i wish i could make a warning show up when someone wants to send me an ask#that just says -yo i love and cherish and reread all asks but unfortunately have zero energy to reply but chances are it made me cry-#given the asks isnt mean spirited or straight up bots#which my impsoter brain sometimes still tries to make me think#like either woo look at all those people LYING to your face#but i have grown alot since those days and now its mostly just#so look what a nice and lovely absolutely beautiful ask this person send you and you disrespectful fool are not answering it shame upon you#thats most likely why i have been getting less and less and man i feel so bad#like when its asks about drawing advice i either dont know what to say bc i dont have any idea what im doing eihter#or bc i plan a giant response with a big ass illustrated tutorial even tho i know i neither got the time or energy for it#but still cant answer then bc wait you wanted to make a tutorial you cant answer it just like that#and when its a super nice compliment about my art i just#dont know how to express my gratitude and silently reread it time and time again never answering it bc then it would be gone from the inbox#;__;#alright falling asleep brain better not have written sth i will regret reading tomorrow#i think this is the longest tags i put on a completely unrelated post of mine#if you have read all these tags send me an ask only containing the name of your fav fruit and i will make you a little pixel sprite of it
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maskyartist · 5 months
did creek find them after the events of the first movie or is it different?
why does creek tell the putt putt trolls everyone is dead if it does takes place after the move?
how did clay and viva take the fact both branch and poppy are dead?
do you think clay also believed floyd is also dead seeing as he left before clay and clay lived in isolation will no idea if floyd left after him?
what inspired you to make this au?
i have more questions but i think this will cover most of what im questioning and also give me more questions i can ask later
FINALLY SOMEONE ASKS THE REAL QUESTIONS AROUND HERE! Been waitin for this one, have a timeline goin on my phone and everything OKAY SO!-
Creek finds them about 1 month after the first movie (a bit after World Tour starts. keep in mind the Putt Putts were isolated completely so they have no knowledge of the rockpocolypse n all that). Instead of the usual canon ending, Creek actually leads the Bergens to Pop Village as usual and ends up escaping in the chaos of the capturing of Trolls, running into the forest and essentially leaving them all for dead
2. So to answer ur second question with the first, its because Creek HIMSELF believes them to be dead! He assumes he saved only himself by leading Chef to Pop Village, and ends up telling Viva just that, fudging the story a bit to make him look sympathetic and the "only survivor of a tragic capture"
2.5 (To follow that up, he essentially tells Viva he and his village were captured by Bergens (true), but that he was the only one who managed to escape by the skin of his teeth and has been alone ever since. he paints himself as a victim entirely to avoid being denied entry to the village)
3. Here's the thing with the Putt Putts. In my mind, i've always hc'd that everyone HOPED the other Trolls were alive but...that was just hope. Everyone actually BEING alive was a pipe dream in their minds after the cave in. They believe the cave in extended to the entirety of the tunnel, not just their end, so they believe the entire Pop Tribe that were ahead of them are dead. Clay has a sobering realization he was right all along, and Viva is stone cold anger.
Learning her people were still out there, still being hunted, and eaten, it lights a fire in her heart.
This is the spark that begins the Putt Putt's aim for an all out war. So at least for this AU, the Putt Putts always believed the other Trolls were dead from the start.
4. While yes his brothers did leave, Clay had no idea WHERE they left. The only brother he has doubts on if he's dead is John Dory, seeing as he left for the mountains, and even then no one's a perfect survivalist. Who knows if he made it?
In my mind (and canon for this specific AU), the leaving order went JD immediately, then Spruce a few days later, Clay a couple weeks after that, and finally Floyd leaving Baby Branch with Grandma. Having it happen so immediately in the movie doesnt really sit right with me for this situation? So I wanted it spaced out
Clay has no idea where Floyd went. Hes got no clue hes on a "solo career". So he assumes he stayed with Branch and that they're both gone. Along with the unknown place of Spruce and the potential of what the mountains did to JD...
There are five planted flowers behind the Admin Building. One for each of his brothers, and one for his grandmother who he assumes died in the tunnels as well.
5. Honestly? And ur gonna laugh but aside from my general love of dramatic AUs and the idea of Clay being an arsonist making me laugh one night, I got tipped over the edge...CAUSE I FOUND THIS ANIMATIC-
the actual animatic (while being incredible amazing tasty spectacular) didnt inspire me, the SONG did. the idea of Viva singing the first half while her Putt Putts charge into Bergentown-
"In all of my years of living, it isn't very often that I get this far-
I try to chill with the waves...but damn, you've crossed the line~"
"I've been so gracious! And yet you hurt the people of mine!
That's right, the Trolls that you made die...were mine."
(with a lil tweaking to make it fit)
While Clay's under the city rigging things up cornered by Poppy and Branch trying to make him stop this and just-
"You are the worst kind of good, 'cause you're not even great." (aimed at Poppy)
"The Queen, who reeks of false righteous, that's who I HATE!"
"Because you fight to save lives, but can't kill, and won't keep us all safe.
I mean, you totally could've avoided all this, had you just ended them...
But no."
"You are far too nice! Mercy has a price!"
LIKE THERES A VIBE HERE (obviously this isn't what'll happen im still ironing out details but this was my inspo :) That and Persona 5 Tactica that game's all about revolution)
I would say, keep in mind, this scenario would take place after finding out that yes the other Trolls are still alive, but now Viva and the Putt Putts are committed to completing with they started for those they lost to Trollstice's before them. They WANT revenge. Why should they have to play nice? Why should THEY forgive the consumption of their people? That kinda vibe :)
AND WHATEVER ELSE U WANNA ASK IS TOTALLY FINE! Send questions as u think of em! :D This AU isn't entirely complete quite yet, so these asks help me really nail down what details I want or at least see things written out and get some good feedback! :D
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northern-passage · 1 year
popping back in just to say: people with more than 4 ROs, i dont know how you do it
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undertalesev · 2 years
i was originally going to write a paragraph going into detail of how cool and awesome you are but uh! Truth be told…it’s hard to put together words in a coherent sentence about someone who is truly indescribable hah. But I guess to put it simply, you’re a really cool guy, yet you have the warmest heart. Never change dude, continue to be The Great Papyrus! *gives you a thumbs up* ✨
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alsojnpie · 8 months
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you know something. i love you a whole lot.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
almost a year ago now, i got one of your prints at supercon and i cherish that thing so much. I didn’t expect to find any TMA prints at the con and seeing that made my day. I remember looking at the artstyle and thinking ‘huh, looks familiar?’ and then i realized it was you and i was so pissed I never got to tell you how cool your art was and how much I admired it in person! so here it is now. a year late but yknow :’)
I appreciate the compliment I truly do, and I'm glad that you like my art but I am far more caught up on the fact that I have never sold prints at a con or told anyone they could do that. like thank you again, im not upset with you and you don't need to get rid of it or anything but what do you mean someone was selling my art what the fuck
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moe-broey · 4 months
I've never been a "born in the wrong generation" type of guy because for So Many reasons I would be dead. Full stop like I would have died during childbirth I would have died of appendicitis age 8 and that's not even factoring in my queerness and neurodivergency and ultimately my mental health (carefully maintained thanks to support/modern advances in medicine and treatment). On Top Of That my hobbies include The Video Game and many such things that are of modern invention (adjacently: including The Device I'm typing this out on right now which has become my main avenue of communication to the outside world)
But I'm just saying that. It WOULD be nice. To exist in a world where fluorescent lighting doesn't exist and everything is possibly 99% less overstimulating all of the time forever.
#and like. a little less capitalist dystopia. i could do with less of that.#but focusing primarily on my own struggle. it's just a bummer sometimes like#i genuinely had fun!!! w my sisters and friends!!! esp at the arcade w ddr that is ALWAYS so fun#but man you can't even take me to your own damn house unless if you're ready to accept vampire rules.#my sister can/does dim the lights if i ask and i don't mind asking it's just fucking crazy to me like#damn uoy guys live like this. bright ass lights ten diff convos at once music in the bg. what if i died on this beanbag#BUT. THAT IS. one thing that is very nice i AM allowed to die on the beanbag!!!!!!! i'm allowed to cozy up and rest#while everyone does their own thing and i can listen in and chime in every now and again. severely underrated tbh#i really only feel a little hopeless when i think about like. public spaces where the only thing i can control is myself#IF i am ever employable again my requirements would be. no florescent lighting. i will die.#which like. kind of limits my prospects.#i do enjoy outdoors/physical work actually though so. i'm just limited bc i have to bind.#i am. so severely. banking on top surgery working out. it won't be a cure-all but by god it WILL open up my options#plus the. constant fatigue. of binding. but not binding is even worse. i need divine intervention (surgery)#SAD. well there are other people in yhe world#but man rhat is like my fave joke to make but i feel so much sadness attached to it. the world will move on without me.#there are a million other people who are far more capable. much 'easier'. ect.#and i know the answer is well there's only one me and there are a handful of people who love me. who keep me and include me#i am very thankful for that.#it's just a bit of a bummer sometimes. i stay silly and have the most fun i can but i am a little sad about it.
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spacerockband · 4 months
hey um. you don't know me and you probably never will but. I can't stop looking at your strange bird comic. it's amazing. it's poignant. and. in a lot of ways i relate to it, painfully. i look at the "I'm sorry for stealing them from you [] I don't know how to be anything else" and can only think of my own life experiences. uh. i'm going to print this out and eat it probably. idk. thank you for making it. this is very important to me. have a nice day.
thank you so much :) this is so lovely to hear and i’m really glad the comic has been resonating with people in a lot of different ways
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