#it gets intensified for when she gets BACK home and she sorta looks back at all her time running and just.
fontasticcrablettes · 3 months
I recently watched an 11 hour critique of Arise, because I'm the kind of person who loves an 11 hour video essay, but it's got me thinking about all the building blocks Arise put in place but under-utilized. So I've been brainstorming some "I can fix him" ideas.
For now I'm focusing on the lords, and how each one sorta has a connection to a party member in a way reminiscent of the God Generals or the Chimeriad. But those connections are flimsy and not fully realized, so how can we make this better?
Originally this post was going to be ideas for all of them, but my total rewrite of Vholran and Alphen's backstory got away from me so this is just focusing on Vholran for now.
Vholran desperately wants to be a dark foil for Alphen, but he comes across more like Zagi in his meaningless obsession with cruelty and totally one-sided rivalry with the protagonist.
So what if, Vholran and Alphen had a pre-existing relationship? 300 years ago, they were soldiers together in Dahna, with a bit of a friendly rivalry going on. Both came from noble Dahnan families, and they became friends when they entered the military academy around the same time (for even more spiciness, they could also have been lovers).
That friendly rivalry, though, was started to become progressively less friendly as Vholran grew jealous of Alphen receiving more attention and higher scores. It got even worse once they were actually officers on the field, and Alphen was promoted faster and received more decorations from their superiors.
One of their biggest clashes was in how they valued their troops. Alphen cared about every soldier, and was hesitant to use strategies that would cause large casualties, while Vholran saw them as expendable and would use reckless tactics to secure goals even if it led to high casualties for his troops. Vholran justified this by claiming that since they were of noble birth, it was their right to use the lower classes for their own gain. Alphen, meanwhile, thought all people had equal value, and nobility meant he had a duty to defend those with less power.
Then, they both got kidnapped by Renans to be used in the sovereign experiments. Neither of them really knew what was going on, except that it involved giving them some kind of power and the researchers were trying to find the 'strongest' subject to receive them. Vholran's jealousy intensified, and he was furious when Alphen was chosen and not him.
Vholran escaped the lab and sabotaged the Spirit Channelling Ceremony, and it was his interference that caused Alphen's powers to go berserk and cause all those people. Naori gave Alphen the mask as per the game, and took Alphen to the space ship back to Dahna.
Seeing this as a chance to get home, Vholran stowed away when she wasn't looking. Naoir had set the ship to cry-sleep for the trip home because Alphen had been injured in the destruction and needed the healing. But, Vholran once again fucked things up when he snuck his way onto the ship, and instead of being frozen for a few months to heal, they both ended up sleeping for 300 years.
Vholran came to his senses a bit before Alphen did since he hadn't been injured to start with. A quick scouting trip from the ship gave him some idea of what was going on in Calaglia. With his ability to use magic and pass as a Renan, he dragged a weak and still mostly out of it Alphen to the nearest Renan troops and announced he'd captured a runaway slave.
(At which point they would have put a spirit core on his hand, because... seriously why didn't they do that)
From there, Vholran does his thing in Ganath Haros, killing and replacing the current lord. His goal from here is to win the Crown Contest so he can return to Lenegis as the true Sovereign and take his revenge on the Renans for what they put him through 300 years ago. Once he hears about the uprising and Balseph's death, however, he decides to go investigate.
When they first encounter Vholran in Cyslodia, Alphen has a sudden flash of memory that this was the guy who'd sold him out to the Renan's a year ago. They have no idea who he is or where he came from, but the party is immediately wary of him as they see him as someone who had the chance to help an escaped Dahnan find freedom and instead turned him in.
The next time they meet, on their way to Mahag Saar, Vholran talks to Alphen more and flashes of memory come back, leaving him certain that he knows Vholran from somewhere. It's even more powerful than his sense of knowing Shionne from somewhere, because he actually does have strong memories of Vholran rather than her simply resembling someone he knew.
So when we finally get to the Ganath Haros arc, Alphen's mask has been smashed and he has all his memories back. Now, the opponent they are facing is not just the lord of Ganath Haros who kidnapped Shionne and has a one-sided grudge against Alphen. Now Alphen is out to confront his old friend who became his enemy out of jealousy and an inability to work together or value others. Alphen wants to rescue Shionne, but he also wants to confront the man who sabotaged the ceremony and put all those people's blood on his hands, the man who sold him into slavery, the man who ruined his life in so many ways over the years even though all Alphen ever wanted was to be friends.
But this shouldn't end in Ganath Haros. As the main protagonist's biggest foil, Vholran should be the main antagonist through to the end. So, after they defeat him in Ganath Haros, Vholran flees back to Lenegis with the Helganquil. Vholran isn't a Renan, so he has been able to see the Red Women the entire time, and figured out what was going on.
Because simply being ruler of Lenegis isn't enough for him, especially when he realizes Rena is empty. What's the point of being sovereign of a dead planet? But they have starships, and there's a whole galaxy out there. The water master core already gave him massive amounts of power, so what could he do with the astral energy of an entire planet?
The final act sees Vholran as the main villain, who has given up ruling Dahna, in large part because he's a petty bastard and wants Alphen to watch his world die, and has set his sight on the stars. He uses the wedge to begin draining Dahna of energy, and plans to use the Great Astral Spirit + Dahna's energy to power Renan starships to another world and begin the colonization and extraction of astral energy all over again.
We can tie Shionne's thorns into this, too. In the year since Vholran awoke and began plotting to use the Great Astral Spirit, his manipulation of it triggered heightened activity in her thorns, giving her the visions of the thorns destroying the world and convincing her to set off on her own journey.
I'm not entirely sure how he fits in with the Helganquil. I try to keep as much as possible from canon in proposed rewrites, but... I really think Vholran needs to be the main architect of evil schemes here. Perhaps he's overthrown the Helganquil and part of the third act sees the Helganquil reaches out to the party for help.
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ectonurites · 1 year
thoughts on convergence batgirl?
ah yes i did mention i have problems with it in a tag last night which i imagine prompted you asking this.
on the one hand, in 2015 it was a 'made me cry out of joy to see Steph back in the Batgirl suit at all' sort of thing, so i'll always have a certain fondness for it. i do think it has some good moments (like the one in that above linked post) plus Steph & Cass as roommates my beloved.
BUT the major problem I have is that I think the premise is inherently flawed—I think it's way too out of character for Steph to quit being Batgirl/a vigilante the way she is shown to have done once the dome appeared. And that sorta bleeds into the whole story, it's a driving force behind how Steph & co are dealing with the Convergence situation.
Steph’s resilience and unwillingness to ever give up anything—no matter what the world threw at her—had pretty much always been a defining characteristic for her. The only times prior she’d ever ‘given it [being a hero] up’ were temporarily while she was pregnant (because. obviously) and when it was entirely not her choice post-War Games (because Leslie faked her death and brought her to Africa, but basically the second she got back to Gotham she was being Spoiler again).
Being a hero is something she had to work so hard for. It's something that she was told to stop doing over and over again—by Bruce, by Tim, by fucking everyone—but it's the thing she wanted to do and it's the way she wanted to help, so by god she was gonna do it!
And once she became Batgirl, that determination to be a hero only intensified:
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(Bruce Wayne: The Road Home — Batgirl #1)
Like... this is her last page before the reboot:
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(Batgirl (2009) #24)
Literally saying 'it's only the end if you want it to be' in rebuttal to Babs mentioning an end, and following it up with 'Here we go' as she swings off into the early morning to keep Batgirl-ing—in her last appearance before continuity is about to reboot and make her disappear entirely for a few years. This page is like the clearest example of showing how Stephanie Brown is a character that will carry on being a hero—doing what she loves and thinks is right—even if things are ending all around her.
So I just can't comprehend looking at that and saying 'yeah, when an emergency hits, she's gonna give all this up ASAP'. It just feels like it contradicts the very nature of Steph's attitude on being a hero and will always rub me the wrong way.
Then, a smaller thing that also bugged me on the reread of Convergence Batgirl I just did is how Tim/Steph was handled.
Because they were apparently together as Red Robin and Batgirl pre-dome which then led to the 'Tim ghosting Steph because she quit being Batgirl' breakup... but them being together was not the case nor really the trajectory things were headed towards last we saw the post-crisis versions of them. They had never gotten officially back together after Steph's death in War Games—like there were a few kisses and obvious feelings that were still present when she was revealed to be alive right around Batman RIP, but after the shit that went wrong at the end of Robin '93 they were very much so NOT together anymore. And when they had the chance to get back together during the Red Robin/Batgirl crossover they very specifically didn't.
So it just feels like... IDK, randomly added in drama for the sake of drama, that felt like it didn't add anything meaningful to the story besides... connecting an action to the already-seeming-ooc 'Steph Quit' plot point. But like, I think there easily could have been a story of rekindling their actual old relationship—without adding in this off-panel getting back together and breaking up thing—that would have made them getting back together again at the end feel way more satisfying.
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amariaaa · 3 years
Hey! I love your blog,is it ok if I request a breeding fanfic with Vegeta and a chubby girlfriend?? (And feel free to throw Goku black into the mix or anyone else you like)
Summary: what happens on a night out with vegeta and goku black
Characters: Vegeta, goku black
Warnings: breeding, slight aggression
Authors notes: literally one of my favorite request. Also I love that you included goku black because him+vegeta= immaculate!
2 drinks…. It only took 2 drinks for you have every hole on your body stuffed by two of the most handsome men you knew. You knew it was chichi idea to see how many drinks it would take for you and vegeta to publicly acknowledge your relationship to each other, but she didn’t expect you to currently be having a threesome with your long time crush vegeta and the villain of your story goku black.
It all started a few months back when you were talking to chichi, who was complaining about her husband. She was concerned for your sad excuse of a love life while she was sorta happily married to the man of her dreams. You tried to explain to her that your focus wasn’t on a man but on training; but the reality of it was that you were completely lonely.
Vegeta loved you though. You also loved him.
But he was the type of asshole that you wanted to be with because you knew he meant well in the long run. Vegeta was someone who was hard to be close with, but you were the pest that found a way into his small heart.
He loved you from your curves you had around your body, from the stretch marks that showed when you were stretching before training. He loved you! Not that he’d ever admit that to you a day in his life.
He had problems, but he persevered through them and still came out stronger regardless. Vegeta represented strength, dominance, and leadership.
Goku black, on the other hand, represented the kind of dangerous you wanted but knew you shouldn’t have. Goku black was the type to always take what he wanted no matter the consequences, and currently he wanted you.
This leads you into your predicament of tonight, where you are tipsy and both of them are arguing over who should take you home “safely” tonight. Chichi follows them carefully to make sure you made it home safely with the bickering sayians.
Little to her knowledge you weren’t completely drunk, and were only lightly buzzed. You looked back at her and give her a slight smile to let her know you’re okay.
Into your bedroom, goku black leads you inside towards the bed. While vegeta helps you up on the bed and they both sit down next to you.
“How stupid do you have to be to get this drunk?” Vegeta questions with a mocking tone.
“She’s grown enough to make her own decisions ” goku black says in a dark, desire laced voice.
“No need to worry my prince, I’m barely intoxicated” You say as you lean over towards him.
“How? You were just half passed out?” Vegeta says slightly frustrated.
You look him in his eyes and smirk “did I worry you?”
In the flash of the moment vegeta closes the gap between you both with a rough kiss.
His hands travels down your curves, and when you think he’s about to pull away, he pulls you even more.
Goku black watches from the other side of you, with a knowingly smirk that he’d get his turn.
He watches as the two of you intensify the kiss, and Vegeta pulls you onto his lap. Vegeta’s fingers are traveling down your body only to come back up to cup your boobs. He slowly lowers you on the bed as goku black pushes him away and gets on top of you with a smirk.
Vegeta scoffs in the background, but made no attempt to move him away from your body. Only watching intensely for your reaction.
Goku black pulls off your clothes eagerly and kisses the curve of your breast before palming you through your panties. He covers your mouth as he hears your breathy loud moans escape. “I don’t want to hear you unless you’re screaming my name”
You moan into his hand as you guild his hand to your pussy where he instantly plunges his fingers into to stretch you out to fit him.
Vegeta watches while rubbing his own erection that was newly freed from his pants. He makes eye contact with you and smirks while licking his lips.
Your attention is brought back to goku black as he roughly inserts his cock inside you as he fits in perfectly. You look down and notice he’s wearing a condom. With no time to think when he could’ve put it on because of his rough thrust.
He continues to thrust himself inside you until he feels you clenches tightly, signaling that your close to your limit. He speed up his thrust and cums into the condom, denying you of your orgasm and pulling out of you.
You whimpers at the sudden loss of contact as he discards the used condom in the trash and smirks as he leaves the room.
“Son of a bitch!” You whimpers but you’re soon silenced as vegeta thrust into you roughly, stretching you past your limits.
“You’re my problem now” he angrily says into your ear.
“I’ve been waiting for this chance the whole night, but now imma make it worth while”
Before you can respond vegeta pulls your legs on his shoulders and thrust into you deeply causing a dumb expression on your face and loud moans.
He continues his deep thrust while digging his nails into your stomach and pushing farther into you.
“Vegeta!” You scream as he continues to pound into you.
“What do you want you whench” he growl into your ear
“I want to cum and your cum inside me”
Vegeta freezes in place at your statement.
“I didn’t mean-“ you couldn’t even finish your statement as vegeta hips slam with wild thrust, as the bed squeaks below you both and your bed frame slams against the wall
“shit, shit, shit!” he chokes, cheeks flushed and jaw clenched. “You can’t say stupid shit like that, you wretched woman and expect me not to fuck you stupid!”
His hands dig into your skin bruisingly, an animalistic look in his now widen and concentrated eyes. “Cause I will. With the way your tight pussy is squeezing me, I’ll fill you up until you’re dripping for days after, and there’s no doubt you’re knocked up with my kid.”
You moan at his outburst and clenches tighter around his now throbbing cock.
“Please fill me with your cum”
Vegeta speeds up his animalistic pace (if that’s even possible) as he reaches his end and moves his grip form your stomach to your hips.
Vegeta gives one final thrust as he cums deep into your womb and continues to thrust through his orgasm feeling you close to yours.
You moan loudly and clenches as your hard orgasm washes over you. When your high finally fades you feel vegeta placing small kisses on your stomach and stretch marks as he lays next to you and pulls you close.
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aomineavenue · 3 years
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Summary: Six years ago, L/N Y/N wouldn’t exactly say that she loves her life. It had always been problematic but her best friend, Miya Atsumu, since she was eight when she moved to Hyōgo, has always been there for her, and she wouldn’t change it for the world. However, things would always fall apart for her ever since, so she should have expected of such. Running away from her problems seemed like the easiest route to take at the time, so what happens when the past comes barging back into her life demanding answers? Will she be able to confront her demons?
Pairings: Miya Atsumu x f!Reader
Genre: Angst, ANGST I LOVE ANGST, a lil bit of fluff here and there.
Warnings: Language, etc.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters except for the reader and my ideas. I do not claim any images used for content in this fic, everything goes out to their respective creators unless it is mentioned that it is mine.
Status: completed. | series masterlist
↩ at peace | dearest daddy
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mia speaks!: 
okay, wow. So it took awhile for us to get here and I apologize for that but we’re finally done with Homesick, wew. It’s been a challenge but I’m so happy and grateful for all the positivity you guys have been sharing with me. Also, thank you so much for your patience. 
It’s been an emotional ride but we’re finally done. There may be a few short stories after this chapter but no promises. Hopefully I get the chance to though, I do want to be able to. But for now, if you guys have any requests for imagines/scenarios with this series, don’t be afraid to send them over!
Also, big thanks to @oii-sugasan​ and @sunshinesero​ for beta-reading this for me! I apologize if this chapter is any way lacking compared to the first nine chapters, it’s been awhile since I wrote anything so I hope this was a great way to end this series. 
I love you guys so much, I’m so glad to be (sorta) back. I hope you guys enjoy this!
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Time was a funny and fickle thing. Sometimes there was never enough of it, and other times it stretched out endlessly. It had been seven months since your life had once again made drastic changes. It often surprised you how time flew by so fast.
Seven months since your two precious boys had been introduced to the man that they now call their father. And well, seven months since you had been reunited with the love of your life. Sure, it had ups and downs, it wasn’t bound to be perfect since the two of you were your own person. It was inevitable for such different personalities to clash, it didn’t help when there were two children present, one of them being as handful as their own father.
Atsumu had shown that he was a doting father, despite only being a part of their lives for less than a year, he had put his new family as his top priority, wanting to make up for lost time. He would instantly drop anything and everything, sometimes even volleyball when he could for times when his family needed him. Not that his new family had been a burden since then, his sons and of course you, have been nothing but loving and supportive. Showing up to games to cheer him on and the twins attending his training to either join or just watch their father and new favorite uncles.
It had been a rollercoaster ride since it was officially announced that Atsumu was off the market and that he actually had sons. Some fans were supportive, believing the news and claiming that both the young twins were striking replicas of the volleyball player. And of course, there were fans that were against it, raging how you were nothing more than a money-grabbing harlot and that you had probably lied to Atsumu about the twins being his.
They were quickly shut down, of course, by not just fans but various people close to the volleyball setter who defended you without you even asking for it. You weren’t going to lie, that particular month filled with venomous words thrown your direction stressed you out but it was mostly because of your motherly instincts, wanting to keep your sons away from such unnecessary drama. You and Atsumu had decided to ignore the majority of the vile comments but seeing you so emotionally exhausted had only fueled the already tiny flame in Atsumu. He was quick to announce that he would no longer tolerate any form of slander towards his family and would handle things legally if anyone were to step out of line.
And by the next few weeks, the hate simmered and the stress that had engulfed you and Atsumu in its grip had vanished. All that was left that made you both worry was Atsuhiro’s health.
Fortunately, Atsuhiro’s sickness didn’t grow worse as time passed by since his first transfusion. If anything, the boy was healthier and it was very much evident in his features. The healthy glow returned to his skin, he was smiling more and had shown his usual energetic-self like before he had fallen ill. Atsumu on the other hand, much to Atsuhiro’s dismay, had started becoming such an overprotective father. It took a lot of begging from Atsuhiko for their father to spend the day outside of the protective bubble of your apartment.
It took time and patience from everyone’s side to get this far, and for Atsumu, (and of course, you) he didn’t mind it one bit. He had grown more mature, despite his twin brother’s disagreements, he not only took care of himself more but he had become a role model to his sons.
Not only that, but as his relationship with his sons grew stronger, the love the two of you had for each other only seemed to intensify as well. Sure, the two of you had ups and downs back then in your friendship but it was as if time and distance hadn’t kept the two of you apart. If anything, it was as if it made your bond stronger. Two best friends, reuniting and finally expressing their true desires, it was easy for the two of you to fall into a comfortable routine.
“Where are the boys of the hour? I’ve been wanting to see how good Hiko looks in my jersey!”
Bokuto interrupts your thoughts for a brief second before you return your focus to your duties of cutting up the vegetables in the kitchen. You can’t help but chuckle at the sour expression that graces Atsumu’s expression as he fills a tray of refreshments on one of the island counters. “Don’t remind me, Bo-kun.”
“You’re just jealous that your sons didn’t want to wear your jersey," he teases, a playful grin on his lips as he lifts himself off of the ground by his hands to sit on the counter.
The scowl on Atsumu's face only deepens at the reminder, "Get off the counter, Bo-kun. Don't be rude. Why don't you actually start to help and give out these refreshments to the guests?"
You watch in amusement as the two exchange their usual banter around the kitchen of your home in Hyogo. It was decided a week ago after Atsuhiro's second transfusion was a success, that the twins would celebrate their birthday back at Hyogo instead of having the guests cramp up in your small apartment in Kanagawa.
It was also then decided by your sons what theme they would be having for their birthday. It was traditional for the twins to have their birthdays themed depending on their current interest. Lately, since the two were very fixated on volleyball due to their new favorite uncles and of course, their father, it was decided that they would be having a volleyball themed birthday where the guests were required to wear their favorite player's jersey.
For a minute, your new friend Bokuto had been rather excited upon hearing the idea.
"So show up with our own jerseys? Great!"
And as for Atsumu, he was excited at the prospect of seeing his own sons wearing his jersey. That is, until his sons destroyed such dreams.
"Are the two of you really sure?" you hear Atsumu's voice echoing from the twins' bedroom throughout the walls of the apartment as you stepped inside, shutting the door behind you as you ventured further into the comforts of your home. “Like really? Those are your choices?”
You grew curious as you slipped out of your shoes and let your hair loose from its tight bun, wincing slightly from your tugging. There was a tinge of whininess dripping from Atsumu’s voice that you couldn’t help but wonder what the three of them were talking about. It wasn’t unusual for Atsumu to be around when you had to work on days where the boys came home from school or when they didn’t have school.
At most times, when Atsumu didn't have training, he would be the one taking care of the boys instead of your mother or Osamu. Majority of his free time away from volleyball was spent with his sons, wanting to make up for the time he had lost. And there wasn't a day where the young twins wouldn't ask about their father and if he was going to visit. It was as if they were scared one of them would disappear, wanting to spend the entirety of their lives together.
"Maybe we can go with superheroes this year!" Atsumu's voice grew louder as you reached the door to the room where they occupied. Leaning against the door's frame, your eyes land on the back of Atsumu's head as he's seated on the carpeted floor facing the twins who were playing with their action figures. A small grin curling upon your lips at the sight of Atsumu’s slightly dishevelled bleached hair.
Atsuhiro, who seems to have the ability to sense your presence, looks up from his toys and in an instant, his eyes widen happily. He was about to greet you but you quickly pressed your index finger against your lips to signal the little boy not to announce your presence just yet, wanting to see Atsuhiko and Atsumu's interaction. The smart little boy that he is, nods and returns to his toys.
"But daddy," Atsuhiko protests, his focus still on the action figures in his hands, "We did superheroes last year! I wanna wear Uncle Bo's jersey!"
You fight the urge to burst out into a fit of giggles as soon as you catch a glimpse of Atsumu slumping his shoulders dejectedly. Now you understand as to why he had his moppy voice on. "But don't you want to wear daddy's jersey for your birthday?"
"But daddy," Atsuhiko lets out a sigh, looking up at his father with a look that meant the little boy wasn't up for any arguments on the matter, "Uncle Bo is the best! So I wanna wear his jersey!"
You could have sworn you heard Atsumu whine, suddenly wishing you had decided to film this from the start. "But it will make daddy really happy if you wear his jersey!"
Atsuhiko shakes his head as he continues to play with his action figures, "But I want Uncle Bo and I to match!"
Atsumu sighs in defeat before turning his attention over to Atsuhiro, looking hopeful. "What about you, Hiro? Would you wear daddy's jersey?"
"No, daddy. I wanna wear Kageyama-san's jersey," he nods with a proud smile, "Wanna be just like him! He's so good!"
"But daddy's just as good a setter as Tobio-kun!" Atsumu cries out, throwing his hands up in the air, "betrayed by my own children. 'Samu isn't going to let me live this down."
This time, you let your presence be known by finally releasing a bubble of laughter. Atsuhiko instantly drops his action figures and rushes over with a happy squeal. Atsumu pivots his body, looking up at you with such a pitiful gaze as he juts his lower lips out ot a pout, "I want new children."
Needless to say, Atsumu had been pouty ever since and has been dreading today due to the reason that every single one of his friends had found out about it. He had tried a handful of times to change their minds, unfortunately, the young twins won't budge.
“It’s not my fault your kids like me better than you,” he huffs, folding his arms across his chest, “I am an ordinary ace after all!”
A scowl graces on Atsumu’s features which causes the other occupants in the room to chuckle in amusement. It wasn’t as if Atsumu didn’t like the idea of his sons becoming close to his teammates, but lately, it was getting harder for the setter to share. “Get your own children!”
“Ah, about that...” Bokuto trails off with a nervous chuckle which causes everyone to fall silent and look at him in curiosity, “I actually will be getting my own child soon, I think.”
“You think?” you ask with an arched brow, “You can’t just think you’re having a child, Bokuto-san.”
Atsumu interjects, “And aren’t you in love with that best friend of yours? What happened to never being with anyone else but her?”
He waves his hand in the air dismissively with a frown etched on his lips, “Well, I can’t exactly be with her when she just got married.”
“You are so getting your ear torn off by the management when this news gets out,” Atsumu snickers, which he earns a smack to his shoulder from you. “Ow!”
You narrow your gaze at your boyfriend, completely unamused with his behavior. “Don't be dramatic, I didn't hit you that hard!" Letting out a huff as you wipe your hands on the apron you were wearing, "You aren’t helping Bokuto, ‘Tsumu.”
His lips curl up to a cheeky grin at the sight of your expression. He leans forward to nuzzle his nose against your cheek, your cheeks growing warm from the public display of affection. His heart swells from your reaction to his gesture, murmuring teasingly, “Sorry, darling.”
“Please, don’t make me barf.” Osamu interrupts with his features scrunched up in distaste from the interaction between you and his brother.
Atsumu sticks his tongue out at his brother who returns the gesture with a shake of his head. His arm snakes around your waist to pull you closer to his side as he returns his attention over to his teammate, “Well, is the woman making you marry her?”
“Making you pay for child support?” Osamu quickly adds.
Atsumu quips with a chuckle, “Threatening to expose your sins?”
You interrupt the two with a glare towards them, “Stop ganging up on him!”
Bokuto lets out a laugh as he begins helping your mother set up the desserts onto one of the trays to bring outside to the guests, “Nothing like that, she’s pretty chill and we’ve gotten pretty close lately. So we’re going to co-parent.”
“That’s very mature of you, Bokuto-kun.” your mother compliments him with a smile before patting his back.
He feels his cheeks grow warm from the compliment, his heart swelling with pride. “Thank you.”
“Maybe you’ll end up falling for her anyway,” Osamu teases with a smirk playing on his lips, leaning against one of the kitchen counters.
He shakes his head at the idea as his brows knit together, “Jess and I won’t fall in love.”
“Jess?” Atsumu blinks at the familiar name before his eyes widens at the realization, releasing his grip from your waist, “Jess, that journalist that you showed around town when she first visited Japan?”
Bokuto nods with a smile gracing his features, “Yeah, she’s pretty cool.”
“Maybe you’ll learn to love her in your own way through your child,” you suggest with a shrug of your shoulders as you began untying the apron you were wearing upon realizing what time it was.
Atsumu shakes his head and responds before Bokuto could utter a single word, “No, no. That’s impossible. Bo-kun’s heart belongs to his best friend.”
“Stop teasing him,” you scold your boyfriend with a shake of your head, handing over the apron you successfully took off, “make yourself useful and help out here in the kitchen,"
Cutting him off with a stern glare as you lift a tray from one of the kitchen counters and handing it over to Bokuto, a small smile gracing your lips, "Don't mind him, Bo. Can you bring these to the backyard and help out if anyone else needs help? I think Reiji needs a hand setting up the bouncy castle,"
Retrieving the tray from your hands, his eyes lighting up from the excitement, "bouncy castle, you say?"
"That's for the kids, Bo-kun." Atsumu scoffs but soon lets his lips form into a pout when he had been ignored, turning his attention over to you once Bokuto slips out of the kitchen, "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to check on the boys to see if they're ready for their big entrance," you muse with an amused grin. Of course, you knew what your sons had prepared for the big entrance that they insisted. Atsumu had pestered both you and the young twins since he had heard of their plan but as your sons refused to budge, you had feigned clueless, claiming that your sons had opted it to be a surprise.
Little did Atsumu know that you had helped your sons pull off such an idea.
"I don't get why they have to have a big entrance," he sighs, brows furrowing as he racks through his thoughts on what the surprise could be. It didn't help that he was both curious and excited at what his sons might pull off.
Osamu lets out a snort, rolling his eyes at his twin brother as a smirk curls upon his lips, "What do you mean? They're your kids."
"What does that even mean?" Atsumu scowls as he slips on the apron you had handed over, walking over to where your mother was situated to take over what you were doing.
You shake your head at the two bickering older twins and shoot a look of sympathy towards your mother that was going to be left with them in the kitchen before she waves you off. Your heart was swelling from happiness at how natural everything felt, despite the silly banter thrown around. It was home.
As you step into your childhood living room, you're hit with a nostalgic wave from the memories surrounding the whole area. Though it may be a mixture of good and bad memories, since you had come to terms that you were no longer running away from your past, you only feel comfort. You made your way through your childhood home over to the bedroom that had been renovated to the liking of your twin boys.
The mere thought of your boys growing to love the place where you had grown up yourself was enough to bring a smile to your face. You press your knuckles against the wooden door to signal your presence by knocking on it repeatedly, “Are you two ready?” you ask, your voice probably muffled on the other side. Your fingers wrap around the handle of the door and as you were about to twist and push it open, the door instantly snaps back shut with a loud thud. “Can’t-”
“No, mommy!” Atsuhiko screeched causing you to blink from both the surprised force and tone. Pressing your palms and ear against the door to hear what the commotion was all about, you frown upon hearing only their shuffling feet, “What are you two doing? Guests have arrived and your party will be starting soon,”
“We’re almost ready, mommy!” Atsuhiro assures you from the other side.
A chuckle escapes your lips at their antics as you decide to not interfere any further, “Alright you two, just be sure to be out in a few. You don’t want your daddy to come fetch you. It’ll ruin the surprise.”
“Okay mommy!” you heard Atsuhiko yell out, their excited muffled voices purely obvious from the other side that you couldn’t help but smile.
On the other hand, back in the kitchen, the father of your twins was having his own little dilemma back in the kitchen. It wasn’t as if he was uncomfortable being around your mother, but it was more like he felt he was still lacking.
Despite him knowing that your mother and you hadn’t had the greatest relationship when your father passed away, he still wanted to be someone your mother would approve of. He didn’t know whether your mother knew the whole story of the relationship between the two of you but being away from you and your sons during most of their childhood was enough to make him worry. The mere idea of his sons looking up to him sent his heart soaring, but of course, he also wanted your mother to feel secure enough for him to be together with you and the twins.
“I’ll bring out these sliced up fruits outside,” Osamu cuts the clear tension surrounding the kitchen. Atsumu resists the urge to glare at his twin for leaving him behind with your mother, knowing full well that his brother knows his current insecurities. A small smirk graces Osamu’s features but not the obvious one that would make your mother notice.
Atsumu watches his twin slip out of the kitchen with a tray full of food for the guests before flickering his gaze over to your mother situated at the other side of the room, making final touches to the cupcakes. “Is there anything else that I can do?”
Without looking up, a smile etches on your mother’s face. “No, it’s fine. We’re just about done with everything.”
“It looks good,” he states with a nod of his head, not really knowing what to say.
Placing the piping bag to the side, your mother lifts her head up to look towards the direction of Atsumu and wipes her hands on the apron she’s currently wearing, “You know you can always start calling me mom.”
The mere sentence made Atsumu want to leap in excitement, but at the same time he was nervous, a sudden fear of messing things up engulfing him. “I don’t want to overste-”
“Oh please,” your mother waves her hand in the air with a light chuckle, “I’ve known you since you were eight. We’re practically family. So you might as well call me mom.”
Atsumu couldn’t help but let the corners of his mouth tug up to a wide smile, “Alright, mom.”
“I’m really happy that the two of you decided to work things out,” your mother spoke with a smile as she delicately places the cupcakes on the cupcake stand.”
His feet shuffled across the room to help your mother stack the cupcakes onto the stand, “We had to for the kids anyway.”
Your mother hums in thought for a second before responding, “I think the kids were just the push the two of you needed. If anything, I’ve always thought the two of you would always end up together since the two of you always leaned on each other for anything.”
He nods his head slowly, leaning against the counter as he feels his heart swell with happiness. “I guess you’re right, mom. I did lean on her majority of the time when we were growing up. I guess I still am now. I just wish I could make her happy.”
“Don’t worry, you do. Before she left Hyogo, I know for a fact that she was miserable in this house after her dad had passed. You were the only one giving her a reason to move forward,” your mother spoke, sadness dripping from her voice.
A sigh escapes Atsumu’s lips as his features scrunch up to something that resembles pain. “I was also the reason why she left. I may be even the biggest reason why she left.”
Your mother extends an arm out and places a hand on Atsumu’s arm, trying her best to give assurance and comfort, “You weren’t the only reason behind that. I don’t know if she’s told you, but I had neglected her. I’m not proud of it and apologies are probably never enough for forgiveness. I was barely a mother when my husband had passed. I was almost an empty shell and instead of being a moth-”
“Mom,” Atsumu cuts her off and grabs hold of her hand in his own, “Don’t blame yourself. She loves you very much. It’s all in the past. We’ll be able to move forward, we already are.”
The two were interrupted with Osamu’s arrival, knocking by the kitchen’s door frame to announce his return. A smile etched on his lips at the scene before him, “Hey, Y/N wants everyone in the living room. Apparently the boys are ready to make their big entrance.”
Your mother excuses herself as soon as she removes the apron tied around her, excitement clearly evident in her features. Atsumu knew it well, despite the relationship that you had been slowly rebuilding with your mother, she was just as excited as him to have the twins into her life. She has equally doted on, if not more, on the twins ever since and well, Atsumu wouldn’t have it any other way.
Atsumu knew for a fact that you adored the time you’ve been sharing with your mother. As long as you were happy, nothing else mattered.
Osamu gives him a pat on the back, arching a brow in curiosity as they make their way out of the kitchen, “Everything alright?”
Atsumu gives him a nod, giving him the largest grin that he could muster. “Yeah, definitely.”
“You look disgusting,” Osamu jokes, pretending to shudder which causes Atsumu to give him a shove as they step into the living room where most of the guests have already gathered.
“Hey ‘tsumu!” Bokuto calls out from next to you as soon as Atsumu comes into view. “Hurry up! I’m excited to see Hiko in my jersey!”
Atsumu rolls his eyes as he approaches, grumbling to himself. As soon as he reaches your side, he places a quick kiss to your temple before snaking an arm around your waist to pull you closer. “Yeah, yeah. You have to stop rubbing it in. We get it.”
You couldn’t help but let a laugh escape your lips as you lean yourself into Atsumu’s warmth, “Oh come on now you two, focus on the big entrance will you?”
Bokuto just snickers from the side while Atsumu sends him a glare. If you were to describe the two of them, they were practically acting like petty children but you know those two will eventually switch attitudes as soon as your twins step out to make their entrance.
You flicker your gaze over to Osamu who was situated a few steps ahead from your little group, trying his best to act natural with his phone up. The two of you had discussed prior to the party that he would be the one to film the whole thing going on. Your little boys had practically begged their uncle to film their big entrance but mostly, what you hoped Osamu to capture was Atsumu’s reaction.
A part of you expects that he would be a grinning mess at the sight of his kids but also, you’re also hoping he’d be speechless from all the teasing his kids put him through of having to wear someone else’s jersey.
“What’s taking them so long?” Atsumu asks, tilting his head slightly hoping to meet your eyes as his fingers play with the hem of your shirt.
As you were about to answer him, the familiar voices of your two boys echo throughout the room from the top of the stairs. You didn’t even have to look to know about their surprise since you know very well of what they had planned. Well, obviously, you had helped them out with picking up the jerseys that they were going to wear.
However, you had wanted to capture Atsumu’s reaction to your boys with your own two eyes instead of just watching it from a video. And honestly speaking, you didn’t think you’d fall in love with this man any more than you already do but here you are.
Just the mere sight of his features scrunching up to a look of awe was enough for your heart to swell. It looked as if he was close to tears as watches the twins descend the stairs with the prodest smiles they could muster.
You pry yourself away from his side as soon as the twins approach Atsumu, knowing full well what was going to happen as they had practiced what they were going to say. Flickering your gaze over to Atsuhiko and Atsuhiro, seeing them in Atsumu’s high school volleyball jersey made your own eyes water despite the fact that you were the ones who had gotten them the uniform a week ago.
“Wh-What are you guys wearing?” Atsumu almost chokes out his words, “What happened to the jerseys that we bought that you said you were going to wear?”
Atsuhiko throws his arms out in the air, smiling widely. “We changed daddy!”
“We wanna wear your jersey daddy,” Atushiro nods his head enthusiastically, lifting his hand up to grip onto Atsumu’s shirt.
Atsuhiko wraps his arms around Atsumu’s waist, “‘cause you’re our favorite volleyball player daddy!”
The scene itself was enough for everyone to watch in awe, a few of the guests that were invited had their own phones up to capture the moment with smiles on their faces, the others were almost practically in tears themselves, and well there was also Bokuto by the side with his pouty self at the realization that neither of his nephews were wearing his jersey like he thought they would. Atsumu on the other hand, had eventually dropped down to his knees and wrapped his arms around his two boys, burying his face in between them as he let out his own tears stream down his face from the overwhelming joy that coursed through him.
Yes, this is your family.
This is your home.
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You stare out the window from the kitchen of your childhood home, a smile on your face at the beautiful afternoon of your backyard full with people you adore and have missed so much. 
The party was still in full swing despite the sun about to set, the laughter from the guests and a few children present rang in the air. Happiness had engulfed your heart and honestly, you had trouble believing it yourself but here you were. 
You wouldn’t trade this for anything. 
An arm snakes around your waist from behind and you would have been startled if you hadn’t felt Atsumu’s presence a minute ago. Despite not having seen each other in years, everything about him was still familiar. Sure, there were a few things about him that you didn’t know but that didn’t mean that he still wasn’t your Atsumu that you’ve grown to love. 
“Thank you,” he whispers as he nuzzles his nose into your hair, a smile playing on his lips. 
You place your hands atop of his and lean yourself back into his warmth, your brows furrowing in confusion. “What are you thanking me for?” 
“For everything,” he lets out a sigh, causing a shiver to run down your spine from the heat radiating from his breath close to your ear, “For giving me two amazing boys and for existing yourself.” 
Pivoting your body around so that you were facing Atsumu, your hands settling on his chest as you look up at him with your lips curling up to an assuring smile, “Thank you.” 
“And what for?” Atsumu questions, matching your own smile with his own as his hands cup your face. He lowers his head slowly, nudging your nose with his own as the pads of his thumbs brush delicately against your skin. 
Heat spreads across your cheeks at his gestures, feeling shy yourself but despite that, the majority of what you felt was only comfort in being in his arms. “For loving me as much as I love you.” 
He hums in response, placing a quick kiss to your lips. “No, I probably do love you more. More than you can imagine.” 
Before you could respond, he places his lips back firmly on yours and your eyelids flutter shut as if on instinct. The hands of yours that were resting on his chest eventually found their way around his torso to pull him close. Tilting your head to the side, the kiss itself deepens as he runs his fingers through your hair. 
It just felt so natural being with him.
Before the kiss could grow more heated however, a loud yell from outside had interrupted the both of you causing you to pull away much to both of your dismay. Your heads turn towards the direction of the commotion, the bouncy castle coming into view.
Or rather, the depleting bouncy castle with Bokuto and Hinata coming out hastily in laughter. 
You shake your head at the scene, a bubble of laughter leaving your lips before turning your head back over to look at the man before you. Just when you had decided to pull back and return to your duties of being a mother, he wraps his arms back around your waist to pull you back against him. Another laugh escapes your lips as you playfully slap his chest, “What now? We have a party going on, we have to entertain our gue-” 
“Move in with me,” he interrupts, his features showing nothing but seriousness. 
You meet his sincere gaze with your own and your heart makes a leap out of joy. There was only one answer you could possibly give. 
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❦ home | ni-ki
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ:  nishimura riki / ni-ki x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | friends to lovers | requested ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.9k oops ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: @onionhaseyeo  ↬ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: 
request was ni-ki fluff with a best friends to lovers storyline
i sorta wrote this in the car while I was out lol not sure if this is what you wanted but I hope you like it 💞(sorry if some parts are cringy 😭)
for those who read the tatts & cupcakes series the next chapter will (probably) come either later this week or early next week! since spring break is coming up next week i'm hoping to be able to spend more time writing :)
Entering what was now your 1st grade class, slight fear settled in the pit of your stomach since you were now the new kid at a new school. As your eyes landed on a certain brown-haired boy in the corner of the room, your fear disappeared slightly. He sat alone focused on his Nintendo Switch. Letting go of your mom’s hand, she called out your name but you practically ran to the boy. Merely looking at him gave you a sort of happiness that you’ve only felt whenever your favorite food was made for dinner.
Annoyance settled within Ni-ki as a face popped into his line of sight, distracting him from his game. Everyone in class knew better than to bother him. His eyes settled on you with a gaze that made you squeak and jump back slightly. He didn’t expect to see someone so… he wasn’t quite sure what the word was yet. Why did looking at you make him feel similar to the happiness he felt dancing? Instead of ignoring you, he took out the blue controller of his Nintendo Switch, silently handing it to you. You took the controller, fingers brushing against each other but too young to realize what the sparks meant.
“I don’t know how to play,” you said.
“I’ll teach you,” he answered. Going home that same day, you found out that you lived next door to each other.
In 4th grade, Ni-ki discovered that when he climbed the tree in his backyard, he was able to get to your room window without having to leave the house through the front door. It became a sort of “thing” between you. Your window was always unlocked, an invitation for him to come inside whenever he wanted. At 2 am one Saturday morning, you woke up from your sleep because of the sounds from your window opening. Sleepily, you lifted up your head to be met with Ni-ki. The moonlight shining on him with his hair all ruffled made you feel giddy inside.
“Did I wake you up?” he asked. With a slight roll of your eyes,
“No, you weren’t being loud at all.”
“I can’t sleep.”
“So you decided to make me not sleep?”
“It’s cold in my room.”
“It’s cold in my room too?”
“Let’s sleep together.”
It could’ve been that you were too tired to tell Ni-ki to get out.
Or it was because you were too cold and Ni-ki was shivering.
Whatever it is that it was, you moved to the other side of your bed, making space for him. He settled in, slight heat rushing to his cheeks as his head laid on one of your pillows. While the two of you have hugged and held hands, this was something different and both of your hearts were pounding in your ears. You fell asleep first, Ni-ki looking at you, breath slightly caught in his throat. Once again, there was the same feeling from when he first met you. Yet still, he didn’t know what it was nor the proper words to label it. Sharing the same bed because a source of comfort between you as Ni-ki realized that the feelings he couldn’t express in words, he could express through the sparks.
Towards the beginning of middle school, you started going to Ni-ki’s dance studio almost every day. You would watch him perform dances before any of his covers were uploaded online, your eyes were the first to witness Nishimura Riki in his element. He couldn’t deny how he loved the way your eyes lit up whenever he performed or how you’d clap and shout his name in support.
“Y/n-ah,” you heard as he sat next to you, taking a swig of water.
“Huh?” You looked at him, noting how his hair stuck to his forehead. Knowing that he didn’t like that feeling, you brought your hand up to his hair, fixing it for him.
Maybe it was because he was out of breath and his heart was already racing.
Maybe it was because your face was so close to his that the only thing he was able to focus on was you.
Maybe it was because your legs were touching since he always liked sitting as close to you as possible.
Whatever it was, there was that feeling again. And still, he couldn’t label it.
“What is it?” you asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat,
“I’m gonna be an idol one day. When I become one, I want you to be in the front row of my concert.”
“You think we’re still gonna be besties when that happens?” you teased. He rolled his eyes,
Throughout middle school, Ni-ki unsurprisingly became popular with everyone. Most of the girls were captivated by how well he danced while the guys wanted to be him. He didn’t care, only sticking with you for the most part. You would eat lunch together at a hidden spot behind the back of the school that only you knew. In 7th grade,
“Ni-ki,” you said as you looked up at the sky, the blue color filling your view. It was nearing spring, the flowers were in bloom, and you found yourself wondering something.
“Yeah?” he replied, stealing one of your potstickers as if you didn’t save it for him.
“Jisoo-unnie told me she kissed Sean-oppa, and she said she didn’t like it. They’re gonna break up soon,” you said, referring to some kids in your class. The two were a “thing” together and while you knew what dating entailed, you’ve never experienced it yourself.
“And I care why?” You were nervous at what you were about to say but you weren’t going to back out now. Looking at him, slightly tilting your head,
“Do you wanna kiss me?” you asked. He choked on the potsticker, causing you to pat his back and give him water.
“Yah, is kissing me that bad?” you muttered to yourself.
“W-why?” he asked, unable to help himself from stuttering. With a shrug,
“I think I’d like it… if my first kiss was you.” You expected Ni-ki to tell you off. Or just flat-out leave. But instead, he leaned forward and as if it were instinct, your eyes fluttered shut. It lasted for a second, perhaps even less, but in that short time the sparks you felt whenever you were around Ni-ki intensified.
“There, we did it.” Your eyes widened as you looked at him, heat rushing to your cheeks despite the seemingly insignificant action. There it was again, that feeling that he just couldn’t name.
Ni-ki came into your room through the window at 3 in the morning to be met with the sound of your muffled sniffles and hated that he was the reason for it. He settled into bed with you,
“Get out you traitor,” you muttered. He sighed,
“I’m sorry, y/n-ah.”
“You’re really gonna leave tomorrow?”
“Technically, it’s later but-” interrupted by you throwing a pillow at him he let out a slight groan,
“Really?” he asked with a sigh.
“I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m going to Korea, not dying.” You knew that he was doing it to fulfill his dreams of becoming an idol and you wanted him to. But last week, after seeing him with Lisa as his dance partner for the talent show, a fit of jealousy you’ve never known before settled within you. You didn’t tell him, how could you when you had no reason to be jealous? Instead, you smiled when his eyes met yours as you sat in the audience and clapped when he and Lisa got 1st place.
“Promise me we’ll video call? And that you won’t forget me.” He wiped your tears away with his sleeve,
“Promise me that you won’t go out with Sean?” he asked. Sean had asked you out after the talent show and you told him that you needed to think about it. Ni-ki was furious when he found out using the excuse that “Sean is a jerk” despite knowing damn well that he was jealous. But this wasn’t the time to be jealous because he was going to Korea. You brought up your hand, holding out a pinky. He did the same, both of your pinkies connected,
“I promise,” you said simultaneously.
While Ni-ki was in Korea and you were at home, you’d video chat and send text messages as often as you could. Over time, you started to realize that Ni-ki was starting to want one thing.
“I wanna go home, y/n,” he said one 4 am call.
“Ni-ki, you’ve sacrificed so much, you’re almost there. We believe in you.”
“I won’t be able to talk to you for a while.”
“Why not?”
“I’m going on a survival show called i-land. If I make it to the top 7, I’ll get to debut.”
“YAH, NISHIMURA RIKI WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?” you yelled, causing him to bring move his face away from his phone.
“It just never came up.”
“That’s great! Do your parents know?”
“You’re the first one I told.” That feeling that only Ni-ki seemed to give you whenever he did or said stuff like this made itself known. In the time that Ni-ki was gone, you realized that you missed him more than you should despite being best friends. It wasn’t until you had a talk with his sister that you realized, you had a crush on him.
“I miss you, Ni-ki. And I’ll be rooting for you the whole time.”
As cheers of joy filled your ears, the sound of your heart pounding was the only thing you could hear while what was on the tv screen registered in your head.
Ni-ki. Got. Fourth. Place.
Which meant that he was debuting.
Which meant that he was going to become an idol.
Which meant that his dreams were coming true.
You couldn’t stop the immense pride you felt and the shouts of joy that escaped you. Your best friend was debuting and you had the right to be proud of him.
During enhypen’s first concert, Ni-ki knew that he should’ve been happy. This was him living out his dreams, the same dreams that he spent countless hours up till the am talking to you about. Yet, unlike all those years ago, you weren’t here at his 1st concert. You couldn’t just hop on a plane to Korea due to current restrictions and your own schoolwork.
“What’s wrong?” Jay asked as he placed his hand on the maknae’s shoulder. Ni-ki looked at Jay,
“Y/n’s not here.” Though you weren’t aware of it, the other members knew you. Well, of you since Ni-ki talked about you often.
“Why don’t you call her?” Jay offered as a solution hoping to help in some way.
“Yeah, I will,” Ni-ki said.
Your phone rang and upon seeing the contact name, you answered it.
“You’re supposed to be performing, why haven’t you started yet?” you asked.
“How’d you know?” you smiled then changed the camera view to show your laptop,
“I’m streaming, dummy.”
“Illegally?” he asked.
“No comment.”
“Yah, you’ll get in trouble!”
“Good thing you’re on my side, yeah?”
“I wish you were here.”
“I am, just look at the camera and pretend it’s me.”
“It’s not the same.”
“I know, I miss you too,” you said with a sigh. Ni-ki heard his name being called,
“I gotta go.”
“Good luck and have fun!” you managed to say before the call ended.
At your high school graduation, you walked around looking for your family frantically texting Ni-ki’s sister asking where she was. It wasn’t until you crashed into what felt like a wall that you looked up, your hand rubbing your forehead. As your eyes met the man in front of you,
“Ni-ki?” He smiled, that feeling that he still couldn’t pinpoint after all these years infecting him once again.
“That’s all you have to say?” your arms wrapped around the now much taller boy instantly, practically jumping onto him which caused him to have to carry you like a baby koala.
“It’s been a year since we’ve last seen each other in person!” you muttered, your face resting in the crook of his neck, missing his scent.
“I literally FaceTimed you last night, you’re being so extra.”
“As if you’re not?” you countered.
“Only for you,” he said with a light chuckle.
“Wait, I’m heading to Korea in a few days, why are you here?”
“I couldn’t miss your graduation. I’m only here for a few hours before I have to head back.” He set you down though his arms stayed lingering on your waist.
“You spent money on a ticket just to be here for a few hours then to head back tonight?” your heart warmed at Ni-ki’s actions and you couldn’t hold back your smile.
“I know, I’m extra.” Just then,
“Babe!” you heard. You turned your head to be met with Sean, having forgotten him with Ni-ki here. You told Ni-ki of your current 2 month relationship and he was all for it, wanting you to be happy. At least, you thought so. Well, he did want you to be happy. He just preferred it if you were happier with him.
You landed in Korea a few days after graduation. Timing seemed to work out for you and Ni-ki since enhypen’s dorm was getting renovated, he needed a place to move to. Despite being offered to share a temporary apartment with Sunoo, he opted to get one with you instead. You were thankful for it, happy to be back with Ni-ki, and excited for the 2 of you to hangout like you used to. One particular night, Ni-ki’s practice was running late and you were having a bad day.
“What?” you answered annoyed at Sean’s call. Lately, you were starting to have a strong dislike towards him with how much of a jerk he was like whenever Ni-ki was around.
“Is Ni-ki there?” Sean asked, annoyed.
“Why does that matter?” You didn’t hear the door opening or Ni-ki coming inside.
“Because he’s stuck onto you like a leech.” Ni-ki froze at those words, unsure what to do. Sean wasn’t exactly wrong but you were best friends so it was natural for you to be close, right?
“What the hell do you know?”
“He’s been gone for so long and the first chance you get, you move to where he is. Does that make sense to you? Part of an idol group and can’t even-”
“Like hell, I’m gonna let you say stuff like that about Ni-ki.”
“I can’t even say my opinion?”
“Not when it’s wrong.” Sean scoffed,
“I’m your boyfriend.” The next 2 words that came out of your mouth came as a shock to you, Sean, and Ni-ki.
“Not anymore.” Ending the call and tossing your phone on the bed, you laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. Surprisingly, you didn’t cry. Ni-ki came into your room and laid on the bed with you,
“I heard,” he said.
“You were right all those years ago, Sean is a jerk.”
“What are you gonna do now?”
“What should I do now?”
“Go out with me.”
“On a date?”
“Because I asked you out.”
“You’re serious?”
“Mhm.” You weren’t quite sure how to respond since deep down you knew that your crush on Ni-ki never truly faded away. Things were different now and you were no longer kids in grade school who were unaware of what it meant for things like dating to happen.
“This could hurt us.”
“It could.”
“This isn’t funny.”
“I wasn’t joking.”
“Where would we go?”
“Wherever you want.”
“This isn’t how I’ve imagined you asking me out.”
“So, you’ve imagined me asking you out?”
“Shut up, you’re an idol there’s a ton of imagines about you.”
“The only imagines I care about are yours.”
“Fine, I’ll go out with you.”
It was a day just like any other day when Ni-ki realized what exactly the feeling was that made itself known from the first time he saw you up until now. You just reached 10 months of dating, still living together in Korea. You were on the couch trying to do some work when Ni-ki showed up all of a sudden, clearly wanting some cuddles and physical affections. So you put on a movie, grabbed some blankets, and settled in. You were mindlessly running your hand through his hair,
“It’s been so long since I’ve felt like I’m home,” Ni-ki whispered as he looked up at you. His hair was soft, like cotton candy that melted in your mouth at an amusement park.
“With all the cameras surrounding you and being in Korea without your parents so young, it’s only natural for you to be homesick.” He realized that the feeling that appeared from time to time was something that he could now name. Home.
“I’m home with you, y/n,” he whispered.
❦ written by riri | blog masterlist
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Character A accidentally eats Character B in their sleep. Character A is absolutely embarrassed, but Character B thinks it's funny.
I refuse to look at this any longer-- have 2k words of utter fuckshit <3
Lex Foster was used to being woken up without warning.
Living with a poor excuse for a parent had left her used to jolting awake in a cold sweat at the sound of the front door creaking open— used to struggling to calm her heart rate at the noise of footsteps in the hall, her breaths only evening out once they passed her and Hannah’s room. She was used to nightmares that left her out of breath. Used to Hannah climbing into her bed and holding her tightly whenever she spent too long out of her sight for comfort.
She was used to having to pull herself out of bed at even the slightest change in behaviour form Hannah’s side of the room, too— used to sacrificing her own comfort for that of her sister. Rude awakenings were just... part of the whole “living where she did” thing, and even when she wasn’t sleeping at home, she wasn’t exactly immune to them, seeing as she was literally dating a giant... who had a tendency to snore, or purr, or nestle his enormous head right next to her just when she’d about dozed off on his pillow. 
Like he was doing now.
The movement had been subtle to begin with— just the feeling of breath on her shoulder and the soft vibrations of Ethan purring at her side like he often did, followed by the brush of a nose against her ribcage that had caused her eyelids to flutter, though that wasn’t the thing that had wrenched her from sleep’s clutches, no. 
See, the thing that had woken her had been warm. 
And slimy. 
And very unpleasant to experience god-knew-how-fucking-late at night. 
Said thing had been Ethan’s fucking tongue. 
Jolting awake in an instant at sensation of a damp, hot muscle dragging across her side and part of her cheek, a startled yelp pulled from Lex’s throat as she scrambled to adjust to the darkness surrounding her. 
“Eth,” she croaked, voice thick with sleep and confusion, “th’ hell...”
There wasn’t much light in Ethan’s bedroom— just some that filtered in from the bathroom light under the door— but there was enough to illuminate the parts of his face closest to her with an eerie sort of glow. From where she was laying, she could see most of his nose, alongside the soft curve of his lips and the darkness of his mostly-open mouth, though that wasn’t what caught her attention. 
No, what caught her attention was the fact that he was still fucking asleep from the look of it. After all, when he pulled shit like licking her out of fucking nowhere, usually, he’d glance down at her with a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes and a feigned look of innocence, not... do what he was doing now, which was snore. 
Lex’s heart rate slowed. 
He’s so fucking dead when he wakes up.
Raising a hand to rub her cheek clean of spit, Lex shook her head slightly before giving a small, somewhat endeared sigh and leaning back a little further on his pillow. “You’re really lucky you’re cute, y’know,” she murmured up to him, her voice barely raising above a whisper. As much as she sorta wanted to wake him... he’d earned the rest, and his sleep schedule was fucked... this was good for him. 
That, and it was nice to see him looking so peaceful. 
It was a rare look for Ethan to be wearing— one of complete and utter calm— and Lex would be lying if she said it didn’t look damn good on him. 
Gone was the usual tightness of his jaw. Gone was the furrow in his brow. Even his fucking hair seemed to have relaxed, hanging loosely in a couple of natural curls over his face rather than slicked back with whatever shit he usually caked it in to make it stay the way he liked it— and although she knew his mental state had nothing to do with whether or not he’d washed out his hair gel, she couldn’t help but soften just a little, and her demeanor only softened further when he gave a soft exhale that turned into a quiet, gentle sort of purr that vibrated up from his chest and surrounded her with a warm thunder. 
“...for a giant, anyway,” she added under her breath, despite knowing deep down that that was a fucking lie. 
Even if he didn’t look the way he did, she still... probably would’ve fallen for him. After all, giant or not, Ethan was the sort of guy who just... made her feel safe. And okay, sure, maybe his height or his fangs had something to do with it— and maybe his intimidating demeanor was a plus when it came to knowing nothing would harm her in his grasp, but even without it, she wouldn’t have felt threatened to be in his presence in the slightest, because he was Ethan.
Just a fucking dork who happened to like her for one reason or another. 
Just someone who treated her kindly despite the world insisting she deserved otherwise. 
Just someone who was softly rumbling beside her with a half asleep, almost contented look on his face that made her heart melt a little and a chuckle catch in her throat. 
How, again, had she gotten so lucky? 
Even though his spit was drying on her face and along the side of the hoodie she hadn’t bothered changing out of to sleep— the same spit she could literally see dripping past his wickedly sharp teeth— he was still infuriatingly endearing.
Or maybe that was just her tired mind mistaking the fact that he was literally drooling for cuteness. 
Probably the latter. 
Fuck, she needed to sleep. 
With that thought firmly in her mind, Lex gave a small sigh and slowly let her eyes drift shut once more, smirking softly at the thought of the hell she was going to give him once he woke up. Already, there was a monologue forming in her head about the whole thing. He’d probably wake up first, then she’d groan and mumble something incoherent about the lights or whatever because she’d forget she’d actually meant to say something, but when she saw his face, she’d remember the fact that he’d woken her up with his fucking tongue, and then she’d—
A hot wave of breath caused her eyes to snap open. 
His tongue interrupted her— this time, the lick was needier, scooping her up ever so slightly, his head moving closer to a point where most of her upper body ended up past his lips, a sharp gasp pulling from her in response. 
Oh, no fucking way.
Squirming slightly as a reflex, pushing back against the muscle with as much force as she could muster, Lex gave a small squeak as Ethan’s position began to shift, his tongue withdrawing just long enough for him to prop himself up on his hands and lean down, the distance between her and his mouth only existing for a second before closing yet again. Thick strands of spit dribbled out onto her, and as she tried to muster enough breath to ask him what the fuck he was doing, again, his fucking tongue stopped that before it could even start— the muscle’s tip dragging firmly across her face in a damn near cheeky fashion. 
When it pulled away, Lex tried to do the same. 
She didn’t get very far. 
“Ethan, cut it the fuck— MMPH!”
This time, when his lips closed partly around her, his tongue slipped out from between them and gathered up her legs, and with a quick backward flick of his head and a painfully audible slurp, Lex found herself sprawling against the slippery surface of his tongue, sputtering, struggling to get up onto her hands and knees. She could feel his breath all around her, now, humid and heavy and hot above all else on her face, and the heat only intensified when she lost her balance and fell with a soft splat onto the surface of his tongue. In seconds, her hair was soaked through, and even though she opened her eyes in an attempt to make out where in his mouth she was, it didn’t change a thing. 
It was usually close to pitch black inside his jaws, but in an already darkened room, she couldn’t see anything, leaving her with nothing but what she could feel to guess what was happening. 
Not that it was hard to feel what was happening. 
Unable to keep a soft sound of surprise from pulling up from her throat, Lex squirmed reflexively as his tongue shoved up against her, dragging across her without a single care as a pleased rumble shook through the small space. She could vaguely make out other parts of his maw as she was pushed rather roughly against them— the roof of his mouth and the ridges there, the indents of his gums, the hard points of his teeth— the only real constant was the tongue that seemed content to flip her over and over to a point where she could hardly tell which way was up and the slick spit that caused her to slip and slide around on the cushy surface. 
For FUCK’S sake.
Wriggling slightly, inhaling, trying to get her bearings as gravity changed— did he fucking roll over?— she couldn’t help but groan as she felt his tongue squish against her, the muscle tensing— forcing her backward—
“Ethan, come the fuck ON—”
Her words were lost in a slick, all-encompassing gulp. 
Her squirming kicked up a notch at the feeling of muscles slithering and contracting all around her, eagerly cramming her down into a sticky sort of darkness that she knew all too well. The sounds of his esophageal muscles clenching were familiar, dragging her down his throat with an ease she couldn’t help but relax into, albeit, after a small amount of squirming in an attempt to get comfortable for the short journey downward. 
It was a little longer than usual, though— maybe because Ethan was asleep— his swallows gentle, barely moving her down at all until he finally shifted his position and peristalsis took hold, massaging her further down his gullet… further, further— the passageway growing tighter before opening up entirely, causing her to slide into an enclosed space that greeted her with a hollow grumble. 
For a few seconds, all she did was sit still, processing. 
After all, Ethan had just swallowed her without any fucking warning— surely he’d roll over and prod at her sometime soon. Hell, she could already hear him giving a small inhalation— surely he’d…
Any thoughts of him having noticed her disappeared when a sound rumbled through the air around her. 
A heavy, contented snore. 
Oh, Ethan Green, you’re so fucking dead. 
In the morning… I’m gonna fucking gut you.
As much as the idea of waking him up was appealing… the sound of a gentle purr was enough to make her sigh and settle down a little further. 
She had to admit, there… were worse places to sleep. The walls around her were soft— plush and warm and a little sticky, sure, but soft above all else— and the noises of his body, his breathing, his heartbeat, every gurgle and groan that echoed around her in the dark… they were all his noises. Wholly and completely— and they weren’t noises that could harm her, just… an ambient sort of backing track as she closed her eyes once more and begrudgingly settled down against the ruage, running her fingers over the grooves and lines somewhat absently.
It was all just… familiar. 
Familiar and comfortable, and although that was definitely a weird thing to think about her boyfriend’s innards, Lex didn’t have time to ponder it before sleep pulled her under, a smug smirk on her face as she drifted off. 
Only to be woken up by a panicky “Babe?” and the feeling of someone pushing in on her from the outside what felt like seconds after she’d fallen asleep.
So naturally, she was in a shitty mood. 
Tired, slimy, and wanting nothing more than to snuggle down into Ethan’s guts without another word, Lex’s eyes flicked open in an irritated glare. 
“Yeah, genius,” she huffed, raising one leg and pushing it hard against the nearest wall to a point where it folded under her weight, “who else were you expecting?”
Silence fell after her words.
Her leg twitched slightly where it was jammed against his stomach wall.
The soft thumping of his heart beating somewhere high above her grew louder, faster in a way that let her know he was struggling to process the situation and to find the right thing to say—
“Ah, shit.”
Lex couldn’t help but snort. “What a way with words you have.” She deadpanned, at which Ethan gave a soft huff and prodded her a little harder. The wall she was pressing on twitched slightly under his touch, causing her to bend her knee as he adjusted his position.
“Fuck, I— are you okay? I didn’t...” When he trailed off, Lex’s demeanour softened.
The irritation dropped from her voice— as much as she wanted to chew him out for carelessly gulping her down, she... couldn’t.
“Nah,” she responded after a beat spent listening to the soft churns and groans around her, “just... licked me up like a fuckin’ candy. Not gonna lie, if you wanted to sleep on a full stomach...”
Lex pushed a little harder with her leg.
“You could’ve just asked.”
Ethan’s breath hitched. “I— I don’t—“ he started to stammer, though Lex cut him off with a laugh.
“You sure fucking seemed like you wanted it last night. Drooled like a fucking dog. It was kinda gross, but then again... nice to know you think I taste good, I guess.”
It was times like these where she wished she could see his face when she was inside him. He was so fucking blushing right now, and judging by the sounds of him trying to formulate a full sentence, he was stammering slightly— lips twitching and brows furrowed in an expression of stubborn defiance.
“I—“ he tried again, though again, Lex cut him off.
“Just take this one,” she advised with a smirk, shifting to lay on her back. “You licked me for awhile, so even if you won’t admit it, sleepy you will.”
Silence again.
Well, not silence, seeing as his stomach was more than happy to fill the absence of sound with a few choice gurgles as Lex adjusted her position, her hands slipping ever so slightly on the pliant, soft flesh, but it was a silence nonetheless. An absence of speech.
Until it wasn’t.
Using a fingertip, Lex prodded upward at where she could vaguely feel the imprint of his hand. “There you go,” she huffed, “nice of you to tell the truth.”
“You make it sound like I’m a liar.”
“I could practically hear you misspell that.”
Don’t laugh, don’t laugh...
She wanted to dissolve into giggles. Fuck, his expression was probably priceless— though it wasn’t like Lex was totally in the dark.
Sure, his stomach was pitch black, but she could hear all the signs of embarrassment— a quickened heartbeat, shallower breaths, hell, it even felt warmer in his guts to an extent— though before she could find another phrase to dig the proverbial knife in deeper—
“...Y’know, you didn’t wake me up... so you can’t hate it that much...”
Ethan beat her to the punch.
Lex’s face flushed.
“Just take this one,” Ethan parroted, his tone nothing short of downright infuriatingly smug, “even if you won’t admit it, sleepy you will.”
God fucking damn it.
Don’t laugh.
Lex’s lips twitched.
Her shoulders shook.
And when she burst into giggles, she wasn’t alone in it.
Not by a long shot.
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jasmehraj · 4 years
Chaos in the get together
The tapping sound on the new and polished wooden floor intensified as she danced to her favourite tune. 
She lifted her hand and her legs moved in a practised motion. A small laugh escaped her lips when she almost fell from the edge of her little stage, and two arms wrapped around her torso saving her from the inevitable fall.
They fell into an easy dance like they've been doing this for years.
"It's my class reunion in a few days."
"You are going with me."
His lips turned upwards, "Your majesty, can't really deny you."
The song finished and they both bowed.
"So? MDC originals?" The handsome man, her fiance made weird hand gestures as if trying to copy her. She elbowed him which caused him to mock gasp.
"You are such a jerk." 
The lights were dimly lit. There were multiple people in there, most of them dressed in expensive clothing, trying to show off. There were some rare people who came in casual outfits. And Marinette and Jason happened to be one of them. (Umm I mean kinda sorta one of them? If leather jackets, jeans, combat boots, glasses or a biker look in general counts as casual.)
They both entered hand in hand. 
"You know what? I'm already dying of boredom." Jason pouted and put a hand on his chest.
Marinette just chuckled, "Then I will have to go home with a ghost.-" She grabbed his collar to make him bend down to her height-," and find someone else to marry me next week."
Jason mock-gasped again, "You really know how to tame me huh?"
Marinette giggled, "That's what happens when you stay in relationship with a dork for 5 years."
Jason replied with a smirk, "Well then it's good that you have this hot and sexy dork on your side."
They both joked their way inside.
Suddenly everything went silent. Both their laughs jacked in when they noticed the sudden silence.
"If it isn't the loser." A girl in orange (AAAHH MY EYES, SO MUCH SPARKLE! FEELS LIKE I'M LOOKING AT A BOTTLE OF SPARKLE) dress came hand in hand with a green eyed blonde. "How is the biggest failure in the world doing?"
Marinette adjusted her glasses and pretended to check her nails, "I don't know how are you doing?"
This filled the orange dressed girl with rage. She went redder and redder with every second. "I'm a success, I'm dating Adrien Agreste, the face of the Agreste company from 6 years, he's mine now-"
Marinette yawned dramatically, "yada yada yada, you are saying that you are dating my ex, you know what, I ate sandwich today, want those leftovers too?" 
Everyone looked at Marinette with horrified expressions on their face. Lila was standing there opening and closing her mouth looking like a fish.
"That was really mean Marinette, you shouldn't start a fight with Lila, we are here on a get-together-" Jason moved just a little and Adrien took a step back cautiously.-"And can you tell your fling to back off?"
The word fling was said with such disgust that made Marinette laugh.
"You mean my fiance? Sorry sunshine but he can't stand at one place with assholes around." Adrien made a hurt face like he was a puppy kicked by someone on the footpath.
"Fiance? Congratulations Marinette!" The whole room gave congratulations to her while Lila and Adrien stood at the side trying to gain their attention again but failing miserably.
"Let's Go Adrien." Lila huffed and made their way towards the door. Adrien followed behind closely but before they could reach the door a male voice stopped them in their tracks.
"Hey! Agreste. You dropped something." They turned to see Marinette's Fiance.
Adrien smiled, "What?"
Jason smirked, "As a matter of fact you both dropped something. Oh is that your backbone lying over there and ouch Rossi, look at your ego lying on the floor unguarded." There were collective gasps.
"How. Dare. You? I'M GOING TO RUIN YOU TWO!" Lila screamed, face red.
Jason smirked, "Don't worry we got that covered already."
Just at the perfect time, Adrien's phone ringed. "Put it on speaker sunshine." Marientte came to stand next to her fiance. "Your girlfriend wouldn't want to miss it."
Adrien put his phone on speaker. "Hello?"
"Hello Mr. Agreste jn.?"
"Yes that's me."
"You and your girlfriend are accused of helping your father with the illegal drug selling, black money and illegal properly. We are expecting you in the police station in an hour. As a caution, your passport has been disabled so you can't escape. The rest of the things will be told to you face to face." 
Lila screamed, "HOW?"
The officer heard her of course and deadpanned, "The Waynes were the one who did the investigation. I'm sure Mr. Todd Wayne and his fiance are standing right next to you."
"Hell yeah I am Lucus." 
Adrien cut the call. He looked at Marinette, face filled with disgust and pointed at her, "YOU! YOU DID THIS! YOU BIT**"
Marinette yawned, "I would have been a bit** if I had ruined your life, but I just sat on a chair enjoying how you do it yourself."
Adrien grabbed Lila's arm and marched out of the door.
Marinette sent a flying kiss her friends' way, "Okay bye! It was nice catching up with you but I gotta go now."
And like that the most kick-ass couple that we love went home to plan their wedding. That's it. And your lovely author closes the book and give you a sloppy salute. "See you next time folks. Thank you for joining me for our story Tuesday."
Forgot to post it but here we go. LILA BURNNNNN And take Adrien with you.
Permanent taglist: @nathleigh @jalaluvsu @togetherwekill @stackofrandomstuff @qualitypeacepainter @greatcatblaze @shewhorises-tjyj @myazael
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
When He Sees Me
I am a Nuru simp but here’s a Varigo one shot because uhhhhhhhh i want to :))))) half of my pieces i started on my break and only just edited and finished oof so have fun and thanks for the support
Nuru could tell something had changed between the two oldest boys just by examining their actions. Varian would try to sit beside Hugo as they were eating by the campfire, Hugo nonchalantly wrapping an arm around the other and, consequently, the raven haired boy’s face would gain a red flush that he’d excuse as something like it being ‘too warm’ before shuffling away from the blond and casting an intense gaze to the floor (though Nuru saw his eyes occasionally flick up to look at the other man for a few quick, stolen glances).
That change intensified after the ball in Galcrest, the two boys having picked each other to dance with to ‘scout out the area’, though Nuru assumed they were just trying to get away, judging by the way they never once looked away from each other and she had to do all the work with Yong helping her along the way.
She’d had enough when Varian had been staring at Hugo while something was lit on the burner, causing a rather large explosion (and a very excited Yong, mind you) and a nasty gash on the side of Varian’s arm. Swiftly, she took him by the arm and marched him toward her tent, forcing him to sit down and bringing out the medical kit her mother had told her to bring. “You never know, Nuru, when you’re travelling with three young men, injuries are almost guaranteed!” she’d said, and for once Nuru was happy she’d heeded her mother’s advice.
“Okay, what’s the deal.” Nuru stated bluntly, the moonstone blue eyes of the boy in front of her widening as he sucked in a breath and gulped. He clearly looked nervous - sweat already building on his brow and his pulse increased under her fingers. 
“What do you mean?-”
“Don’t play dumb. I’ve seen you and Hugo being weird with each other for the past few weeks and now it's caused an injury, so please for the love of God tell me what the hell’s going on!” The princess declared, frustration evident on her face as she glared down at the older boy. “Trust me, I would just let you do whatever the hell you two were doing to your heart’s content if one of you didn’t get hurt. But now you have.”
There was silence between them for a moment, the muffled sounds of Yong and Hugo outside clearing up the mess evident from the crunching of grass, shuffling glass shards and Hugo’s repeated “Yong, don’t pick up the glass, it’s dangerous.” which was..oddly kind for the thief - though Nuru was sure he was up to something, due to his regular biweekly disappearances into the forest at night. 
FInally, Varian spoke. “I...I’ve never been one for romance. My first crush turned out to uh-kinda sorta steal the moonstone and go completely apeshit. Not uh..not my proudest moment, I’m not going to lie.” A chuckle left his lips before he continued, a sigh accompanying the nervous giggle. “I think I like Hugo, but..what if he doesn’t like the real me and my past? What if he’s just disappointed and I give myself away to only get it given back?”
“You...what do you mean the ‘real you’?” Nuru muttered, looking at the man’s gloved hands quietly. “And...when you say past, what do you mean by that? I..Don’t feel pressured to reply, you really don’t have to.”
“Well, I guess you deserve to know what I did.” Varian’s face shifted from nervous to cold in a second, hurt and guilt all that was present in his features. “When I was fourteen, I uh...tried to experiment on the moonstone’s rocks. My dad had warned me not to, but I thought..if i could get rid of the problem, I could make him proud of me, yknow? But uh...my experiment went wrong and he got trapped in the compound.”
“I begged for help, Nuru. I went through one of the worst snowstorms Corona had ever seen from Old Corona straight to the castle to beg Rapunzel for help. She promised me we’d figure it out together and that we would get rid of the rocks, but when I needed her help to save my father...she threw me back out into the storm. I got home and, well...my dad was dead.”
“I wasn’t going to be ignored, so I..did what I had to do. I thought that a few petals from the Sundrop’s flower would save him, but it didn’t work. The magic had been transferred to Rapunzel and...I needed to use her to get him back. I kidnapped the queen, I attacked the guards with automatons, hell, I almost won, but she..won instead. They sentenced me to five years in prison and put me in a cell with a uh..bad guy. Andrew.”
“I helped him take over the kingdom. I committed treason twice, but still she forgave me when she came back and helped me save my dad. I know all this stuff happened when I was younger and that I’ve grown but..how can he forgive me if I can’t even forgive myself for what I did? And-and what if he hates me and thinks I’m a monster! I don’t...I just don’t want him to hate me when he finds out what I did and...who I can be.” The man finished, his eyes fixed onto the floor with a distant look in them.
Nuru took a moment to process all of what she was told. So Varian was the boy that almost killed the queen in Corona? That...made a lot of sense now that she thought about it. The guy was a genius, so the fact he could replicate an automaton from just looking at it? It really made sense. She hesitated, wanting to say something without being insensitive.
“Varian...in all honesty, Hugo would probably say something like “That’s hot” if he found out about that.” She finally declared, the man chuckling with a slight smile. “Look..what I’m trying to say is...although I don’t trust him at all, I think he’s genuine about how much he likes you. And its obvious you love him, like...Hugo’s dense but not THAT dense. So I say do what you want and hey, if it works out, it works out.” 
“Thanks Nuru.” Varian stated as he rose to his feet and rubbed his arm, “For the bandage and the advice.” A smile made its way onto his face as he left the tent, Hugo almost immediately rushing over to take care of the man and check if he was okay. Nuru simply smiled, a hand running through her hair.
Varian hadn’t just changed - Hugo had changed. He cared more about the things around him, and more about being a team player. The blond offered more to go to town for supplies with the others, or to help out with chores around the camp. He still kept up the snarky remarks and quips, though she could tell the intent behind them had dissipated from malice to playfulness and out of admiration for the others.
Maybe that was why it shattered them all so much to find out he was going to betray them.
His mother’s voice still echoed through the hallway, the high ceilings of Coronan architecture carrying the sound and letting it linger in the air like a disease. She glanced over at Yong, tears welling in his eyes until she wrapped a protective arm around him and pulled him closer to her chest in spite of her own tears that rolled down her cheeks at the sudden betrayal. He accepted the gesture, gripping onto the silk fabric of her dress and holding on for dear life.
The blond stood frozen in place as his mother walked away, grey hair swishing behind her before he turned on his heel to address the group. His mouth opened, though no words came out. At least, not any that the trio were interested in hearing. They didn’t want any petty excuses as to why he’d been using them all this time. Finally Nuru glanced at Varian.
Holy fucking shit, did he look broken.
Tears welled in his eyes, though his face was cold as he glared at the blond - if looks could kill, Hugo would definitely be a dead man. The man had clenched his fists so hard that the knuckles were white and little trickles of blood flowed down to the marble that covered the floor, his fingernails making little incisions into his palm.
“Lets go.” she bluntly stated, turning on her heel as the boys followed her, leaving the blond dumbfounded in the hall to think about what he’d done.
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Dragon Song
The 3E exam was Toyama’s most difficult day. Afterwards, he always had to do a difficult counseling and comfort session with all the students about their visions. And for some who didn’t make the cut, his sessions would include brainwashing and memory wiping to make them forget everything about Cassell so they could go home and continue their lives, ignorant of everything they experienced here. 
He made his way back to his office and sat behind the desk.
He sighed and cleaned his glasses while he waited. No one ever knew what was going on in there. Only those who were monitoring with the cameras namely EVA. Whatever happened, the medical team was ready to take care of it.
But he felt the muscles in his neck were tense and his heart was beating faster than normal. His analytical brain told him he was worried about Tigre. Even though he told himself it was pointless to worry about him, that his fate was with the College now, he couldn’t stop.
So he spoke to himself in casual calm language. “I think its time to admit, that your care for that boy has gone beyond what is professional.” He slid the glasses onto his nose. 
“You could barely leave him there properly without tears coming right? That’s why you left so abruptly. Right now the test is starting and his dragonblood is waking up. He might attack the students inside once he realizes what he is. And then he has no future. You tried. You did all you could. But it’s possible he was doomed from the start.”
“But the heart will do what it will do. Heh... you’re not immune, Toyoma-kun.” He chuckled to himself. “But you cannot drink. Your students will need you now more than ever. You can go drink later.”
The phone, a traditional rotary, rang loudly in the silence. He picked up. “Toyama speaking.”
The raspy inhale told him who was speaking. Schneider’s voice came over the earpiece, “I can patch you into the feed. I would like you to watch.”
“Watch the boy turn into a monster? I don’t think so...”
“That’s not what’s happening. I’ll send the link to your cell.”
Toyama’s cellphone let up and he cradled the landline against his ear while he clicked the link provided.
The video feed showed the classroom. 
Normally the 3 E was absolute mayhem as each of the students’ minds were lost in the sound, like listening to a favorite song, the mind wandered and the body followed and they were compelled to write down their visionary inscriptions on the paper or on whatever other surface they could find. But what Toyama saw made his jaw drop in shock.
Tigre was singing.
He wasn’t just singing, he was singing with a smile of rapturous joy, tears pouring down his face. He wasn’t writing down his answers, he was singing them, speaking each dragon word in turn. As the dragon verses shifted, he would listen briefly and his eyes closed and he would hold in hands to his chest, his face beaming with joy before belting out a full throated perfect rendition of that Yanling.
Toyama felt his eyes burn and quickly blinked away tears for a moment. Relief washed over him like a flood and his smile started to echo Tigre’s. He felt proud that Tigre was succeeding. He wasn’t just performing well on the test, but he wasn't being violent. Quite the opposite. He was joyous, happier than Toyama had ever seen him.
But then in the next moment Toyama’s blood ran cold.
Dragon language wasn’t just words. They were commands. They could impose a rule upon an area to control the elements. They could command a forest to burn. They could command a storm, a drought, a flood, an earthquake, or lightning. Some abilities were so strong, they would destroy the user. If it wasn’t for the restriction placed on the use of this sacred speech by the College’s alchemical array, Tigre would have joyfully sang out and destroyed the entire college and possibly all of Chicago.
“Dear... God...” Toyama whispered. “Is he a Dragon King?”
“No. If he was, we would have erased him and shoved his body in the Ice Cellar. But he is a hybrid of Dragon King level resonance. He’s different from the other hybrids in other ways too. We’ve run other tests. Nothing about this man is natural... and yet everything is.”
“Is this why you have brought him here? Why you were interested?”
“I’m afraid that’s all I can tell you. We’re still studying. In the meantime, you should probably go out to meet him. He doesn’t have anyone else to talk to.”
Schneider hung up the phone. Toyama was brought back to reality. Yes he did feel fond of Tigre... but he was still a doctor and Tigre was his patient. He would have to carefully maintain his mind so he didn’t go berserk and bring ruin to the college. He stood up and made his way back to the library. When he came back outside, the thunderstorm had intensified. Lightning cut across the sky and thunder roared, as thought the sky itself were cracking apart. The trees swayed heavy in the wind.
When Tigre came out of his trance, his throat hurt, his jaw hurt and his face was sticky with tears. He was shaking and exhausted. He wasn’t at his desk any more but standing in the middle of the room. He wanted to see Toyama and tell him that he wasn’t mad at him for leaving him alone. So when he found him waiting outside, he ran up to him and hugged him, babbling uncontrollably all sorts of silly things while Toyama told him to get some rest while stroking his hair. 
He suddenly realized after that that other students were filing out. All the other students looked exhausted and limp. He turned to them with a joyous face, but they all just flinched away from him, looking at him with tear streaked faces. Even Porsche, who seemed vibrant and sassy before, hugged her two sisters while crying uncontrollably. Celeste glared at him accusingly and Tigre flinched away. 
“Don’t mind them. Most people don’t experience joy like yours.” Toyama pulled him away from the other students. “I will have to go help them with their feelings.”
Tigre was confused. Why would anyone be sad about what he’d just heard? “Toyama-san, I saw something amazing. You knew right? You knew what I was!”
“I had no idea exactly what you were.” Toyama said patiently. “No one did. Your vision is one that’s personal to you, something deep in your heart.”
Tigre reached up and touched his chest. “But... I don’t have anything there.”
“Maybe that’s...” Toyama wanted to say ‘for the best’ but he didn’t finish his sentence. “I have to go. You’re a student now, so you’re free to roam about as you like. Stay out of trouble. Okay?”
“Okay...” Tigre said meekly and watched Toyama walk towards the three sisters. Only Celeste wasn’t crying, she only looked extremely angry.
No one was happy, except for him.
He walked out to stare at the pouring rain in the entrance. He looked up at the sky that also seemed to be sad. But why? Those voices in his head were still ringing. He could recite every single word. But he whispered them, staying quiet. He continued to whisper those sacred words into the grey. They were still beautiful in his ears.
“Do you not have an umbrella?” 
His dampened mood rose again! “Chu Zihang!”
Without thinking he hugged the flinching man who just tolerated it. 
Tigre released him quickly. “Oh... I’m sorry.”
“It’s normal to be emotional after this. I’m happy you made it. The results will take a few hours to process, but Schneider sent me to congratulate you. He’s my mentor.” Chu Zihang’s eyes were dark and not the yellow he remembered.
“You wear contacts too.” Tigre realized.
“Yes. Toyama explained?” Chu Zihang raised his umbrella. It was large enough for both of them as they walked. He was calm like a granite stone. Tigre was a raw nerve of emotion.
“Yes. I remembered looking into your eyes and feeling something through them like what I heard today. No wonder I recognized you! You  really are my brother! But for the other students, they were very sad. I don’t... understand why...” He looked back at the Library that was shrouded in the rain.
“You’d have to ask them personally. I can’t speak for them. When my dragonblood awoke, I saw a very disturbing image myself. And then something tragic happened. So that memory is sad for me too.”
“Is that why its raining?” Tigre mumbled.
Zihang tilted his head. “I don’t think emotions can effect the weather. Though many people associate rain with sadness. In truth a tropical wave has been pushed up from the gulf by the jet stream.”
“Oh.” Was all Tigre should say, understanding nothing.
“You’re still shaken up. Let me get you something to eat. You’ll be hungry.” 
"Ah! You’re right! My stomach is growling a lot!” Tigre said in shock.
“You must have resonated very strongly. You were just standing there in the entrance to the library staring into space and now you didn’t realize you were hungry...”
“It was wonderful.” He breathed. “I wish I could listen to it again. I’ll listen to it forever.”
Chu Zihang glanced down at him and didn’t comment.
“Have you been out of the hospital long? Why didn’t you visit me?” Tigre bounced along deliberately splashing in the puddles.
“I was recovering still and then after that, Schneider kept me updated on your progress. I couldn’t visit you because visits were not permitted while you adjusted to life outside of prison.”
“Oh... we’re going to your dorm?” He asked recognizing the residential building. 
“Yes. I want to introduce you to a few of my friends. One of them, Lu Mingfei is also looking forward to seeing you.”
“Oh Okay... neat.”
Chu Zihang opened the door to the dorm and there were many people there! It was like a party! When he saw all these people. He was moved to tears again! He covered his eyes with his arm. “Sorry!”
One of them, a dark haired Chinese boy chuckled. “Don’t worry. Everyone cried at my 3E. You’re fine.”
Chu Zihang introduced him. “This is Lu Mingfei. He’s the president of the Student Union...”
“Kinda sorta... really I just kinda hang out here while other people do things for me.” He said bashfully.
A tall muscular blond grinned. “I’m Finger Von Frings.”
“And I’m Susie. Congratulations. Sounds like you passed.” She was a petite Chinese girl, making her the third Chinese in the group.
“I’m Zero. Pleasure.” Said a soft spoken blond girl with a Russian accent, who looked bored to be there.
“This is for you.” Chu Zihang handed him a small box covered in paper and a ribbon, like one of those Christmas gifts he’d seen in pictures.
“Thank you... can I open it?”
“If you want.” Chu Zihang mumbled.
Tigre pulled the ribbon and then opened the box after carefully shredding the paper. Inside was a brand new tablet computer. “It will be useful for studying.”
“Wow... thank you!” He laughed. Then he paused. “What is it?”
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In a Name: 12 - J. Toews
Chapter 12.
Where we left off: Bekah settles into life in Chicago as Jon starts off the season which proves to be a rocky one including the firing of his coach.
Warnings: smut, language
Word Count: 3,532
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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Jon was an uptight ball of stress and the added coaching change didn’t help matters. He even tried to convince his own father not to come for the dad’s trip. “Why would he want to see us get our asses handed to us even if it means playing a round of golf?” Jon huffs out as Bekah tries to convince him to settle down.
“Maybe a few days with your dads will help the guys and you?” Bekah braces herself expecting Jon to argue.  He just looked at her and took his aggression out on the kitchen cabinet that made Bekah jump.
While the team didn’t win on the road with their fathers the next home game thankfully brought a win for the new coach, Jeremy. Jon’s demeanor didn’t change much even with the two wins at home and prepared to head out for a Thanksgiving road trip. The night before leaving and Bekah was to fly to Columbus, she laid in bed wide awake while Jon kept tossing and turning. “Maybe I should stay in Columbus longer than the road trip?” She whispered to herself.
“Why?” Jon groans and pulls Bekah back into his chest.
“I thought you were asleep.” She snuggles into him.
“Why do you think you should stay in Columbus longer?” Jon’s voice was low and gravely.
“Maybe I’m a distraction. Reason you aren’t focused, just like last season?” Her voice barely above a whisper.
“Rebekah!” Jon almost shouts in the quiet of the night. “Are you fucking serious? You think how the team is playing is because you live here now?” Bekah just nods into his bare chest as he runs his fingers through her hair. “Well it has nothing to do with you. I’m so thankful you are here. You know that right?” Jon kisses the top of her head.
“But Tae...”  Bekah starts to counter his point.
“But nothing. Go home like planned. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family but don’t stay because you think it’s better for my career. Okay?”
“Yeah.” There was more in her voice and Jon caught it.
“What’s that mean? Yeah. There was more there.” Jon questions.
“It’s me that’s all.” Bekah shifts in his arms.
“What is it Beks? Talk.” Jon’s voice was laced with concern.
“You still want me? Here and well, in general?” Bekah’s voice breaks with allowing her internal thoughts loose.
“Of course! I love you.” Jon pulls Bekah’s chin up so he can look into her eyes. “I want you here. I want you.” Bekah closes her eyes. “Babe. What is going on?”
“It is stupid. I know this, but we haven’t had sex since before your dad’s trip. I know you have been stressed but I keep thinking maybe you... I don’t know. Maybe you think this is a mistake.” Bekah covers her eyes with her hand and hears Jon’s breathing change.
“No, I’m just a fucking idiot.” Jon moves their bodies so he’s laying on top of Bekah. “Finally telling you I love you and you moving here have been the best things that have happened to me this year and ever really. And clearly my stress of the season not going well and a new coach has taken a toll on our sex life.” He kisses her softly.
“I didn’t tell you that so you would have pity sex with me you know? I was just being honest.” She feels Jon harden between their bodies.
“I know and sex with you is never pity sex. Now not having sex is all I’m gonna think about until I rectify the situation. Just take this as my apology, m’kay?” Jon’s lips slide from her lips to her neck. His fingers slide his shirt off her body. Bekah’s body flinches. “I really am sorry, Baby. I hope you know how beautiful you are. How much I appreciate you? How madly I love with all of you?” He kisses down her body feeling her relax under his touch. “All this is new to me too, you know?” Jon kisses her stomach and looks up to see Bekah’s eyes glued shut. “Someone living with me, especially during the season. It’s new territory. I need to learn to balance hockey and you.” Jon shifts between her legs and Bekah starts to talk but moans in reaction to Jon’s gentle kiss to her core.
“Tae.” Bekah whimpers grabbing hold of the pillow under her head as Jon licks through her folds. “Tae!” Bekah moans out again.
“Let me take care of you.” Jon kisses her clit and starts pressing his tongue into her. She whimpers from the touch.
“Up here. Please.” Bekah almost begs stopping Jon’s actions. He slides his body back up hers kissing her skin with each move. He finally makes his way back up to her face is hovering over her.
“I love you, Beks. You know that, yes?” Jon pulls his face away from hers.
“Yes, I love you too.” Bekah wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down so their lips crash into each other. Jon pulls away slightly to shift his hips over hers and slides deep inside. Bekah feels the familiar stretch and Jon’s lips desperately attach to her own. His actions slow and intentional. Bekah’s body wrapped tightly around his. Jon whispering affirmations of his love just intensify the orgasm that crashes over her body as he releases his own. Both panting when Jon positions their bodies so he can wrap his arms and legs around her. “I really am sorry, Beks.” He kisses her temple.
“I’m sorry too. We are learning together.” Bekah kisses his chest. “Now let’s get some sleep before we both have to get on planes tomorrow.”
“I wish we could do your Thanksgiving together eventually but I’m glad you are going home.” Jon admits.
“We sorta have, Tae. Remember when you were hurt? That was Thanksgiving weekend.” Bekah remembers her feelings of jumping on the plane to be with him.
“Oh, how could I forget? It’s the trip I realized I was falling hard for you. You coming to take care of me. The way we did couple things that weren’t just sex... yeah. I saw a glimpse of what life with you in it would be like.” Jon’s admission made Bekah’s body break out on goosebumps.
“I fought it hard but that trip was a turning point for me too, Tae.” Bekah yawns.
“Let’s sleep, my love.” Jon runs his fingers down Bekah’s spine.
“Yes. Sleep, mon amour.” Bekah’s voice becomes softer as she falls asleep on Jon’s chest.
Thanksgiving with her family was pretty much the same except the never ending line of questions about Jon and Chicago. Bekah was thankful she chose to stay at Brynn’s instead of her parents by the time evening hit. The two best friends decided way too early in the morning to go out shopping on Friday. Walking around Easton the ladies checked out the sales. Brynn talking all about what she was getting Derek when she looked back to see Bekah had stopped dead in her tracks.
“What does one get her professional athlete boyfriend for Christmas?” Bekah’s question was loud enough to grab the attention of those walking by. Brynn closed the distance and looks up at her friend.
“Maybe not announce your relationship status in a crowd of strangers for starters?” Brynn says in a hushed voice as Bekah’s face floods when she notices the eyeballs on her. “You know Jon. You know he likes sentimental over extravagant.” Brynn links arms with Bekah and the two walk past a  lingerie store. “But he definitely needs you to buy something from here!” Brynn pulls the two inside as Bekah drags her feet.
“Tae, why aren’t your parents coming until the 26th?” Bekah looks at their shared calendar on her laptop and up at Jon who was leaning in her office doorway eating an apple.
“David is staying in Winnipeg plus they want to see the game on the 27th. So it’s just the two of us for Christmas.” Jon takes another bite.
“Oh! My parents are driving in on the 22nd and leaving after the game on the 23rd. It took some convincing to get them to stay here, you know and refused to let us fly them. Dad said something about an adventure.” Jon hums in acknowledgment knowing she’s not done. “You and Kaner, hockey boys and their nicknames, have the Children’s hospital thing on the 17th. That’s the same day I have the Lady Hawks thing. We are hosting Christmas party on the 30th before we head to South Bend for media. I’ll just leave the decorations up until we get back.” Bekah closes the computer and rounds her desk.
“Speaking of, I love how the place looks. Reminds me of Christmas at home.” Jon smiles as she shrugs her shoulders at the compliment then eyes the new puck shelf with her collection on it.
“I love my new shelf. I get a new one soon right?” Bekah’s eyes brighten as she wraps her arms around his waist and pulls him into her.
“Yes. You will get a Winter Classic puck and I get to see you on the ice!” Jon smirks and Bekah gulps.
“That’s optional right?” Bekah distracts Jon by biting his apple.
“Not really. I mean I guess you don’t have to skate but it’s one of those things I’ve been looking forward to. The guys with kids will bring them out. Babe, I’m not going to make you but family skate is a memory I want to have with you.” Jon drops his forehead to hers.
“And you won’t let me go?” Bekah whispers.
“You skate right?” Jon questions bringing his open hand to her chin, bringing her eyes to his.
“I can stand on the ice really well.” Bekah admits confidently while Jon kisses her lips holding back his laughter.
“I’ll hold on to you, Baby. Promise.” Jon snickers.
Christmas in Chicago was magical. Bekah’s parents drove in from Ohio and both Jon and Bekah could tell how overwhelmed with the house they were. In bed that night Jon was kissing down Bekah’s shoulder he started laughing. “What’s so funny?” Bekah sends the email she was typing and puts down her phone. Your parents reaction to the house was the same as yours and they are staying where you stayed. It’s just funny thinking about how comfortable you are here now. Jon moves his body on top of hers.
“Jonathan, we are NOT having sex with my parents down the hall.” Bekah whisper yells at him as he kisses her lips.
“You sure?” He bites at her lip. “Can we make out like high school kids at least?” Jon pulls his face away from hers and pushes his bottom lip out to pout.
“Fine, one moan or grunt and we are done.” Bekah whispers as Jon pulls her face to his while tongue quickly slips between her lips. He pulls then flips their bodies around so Bekah is straddling one of his legs. Her hips move along his thigh in reaction to how passionately he’s kissing her. Jon’s hands find her hips helping her move her core along his flexed thigh. Bekah breaks for a breath. “Are you trying to get me to...” she tries to even her breath then whispers “orgasm?” Jon pulls her core along his thigh again.
“What? Not sex.” He leans in to kiss her again and she melts into his lips. Hips moving quickly along his thigh and Jon holds Bekah’s body in place and kissers her hard when he feels her muscles tighten. They break and Bekah bites her lip muffling the moan that wants to escape her lips. Jon’s look of satisfaction his written across his face.
“I cannot believe you!” She playfully hits his chest then sweetly kisses his lips. “So if this is high school do you want a hand job?” She laughs and Jon groans. “Or can you be ridiculously quiet?” Jon wildly nods his head and moves slightly to remove her underwear and Jon follows her. “If my parents hear...” Bekah starts to sag while lowering herself onto his length.
“They won’t, promise.” Jon thrusts up and pulls Bekah to his chest.
The next day was filled with getting to know Jon more over breakfast then exchange of gifts. Jon and Bekah got her parents, Jim and Marie, Blackhawk sweatshirts to wear at the game. Bekah wanted to give them something they would never do for themselves so she bought tickets to a broadway show in Columbus that Bekah’s mom had talked about but knew Jim wouldn’t pay for the seats she wanted. Bekah was thankful Jon thought it was an amazing idea to give them a date night. Bekah and Jon were told to open their gifts together. Each revealing a large wooden heart. When Bekah looked at the center her eyes began to water.
“Mom, Dad... I...” Jon’s hand grabs hers. Bekah’s fingers trace the skyline of Columbus and look over to see Chicago’s iconic skyline on his.
“Jim, Marie, these are amazing. Thank you.” Jon squeezes Bekah’s hand finishing her statement.
“B, they are from that artist you always stop in his booth during festivals. We called and had them custom made.” Jim smiles wide taking in his daughter’s reaction.
“Well, I know exactly where these will go.” Bekah composes herself. “Now let’s head out to do all the tourist things while Jon takes his pregame nap.”
Bekah was hoping the Blackhawks would do well but the opposite happened. Jon even found himself with a penalty. He looked back a minute in to his penalty to see Bekah explaining the game to her parents. Jim and Marie seem to enjoy the game even with the loss. While making their way to Jon, Bekah could feel her mom wanted to say something. “What is it Mom?” Bekah asks once they got to the family area.
“You are at home here. So relaxed.” Marie says matter of factly and smiles at both Bekah and Jim.
“I really am. I’m happy, Mom.” Bekah hugs her mom and then her dad.
“We can tell B. We will see you soon, okay?” Jim picks her up a bit in his hug before Jon greeted them and the couple sends the Pierces on their way home to Columbus.
The next morning Bekah rolled over to find Jon missing. Her hand finds a note on his pillow.
Get ready. Dress warm. No Hawks gear. Coffee is waiting. Always, Tae
“What are we doing? It’s Christmas Eve!” Bekah wraps her arms around Jon who was sitting at their counter bar reading his phone.
“Part of your Christmas present. Ready?” Jon hands her a travel mug and grabs the layers of clothing to add to his t-shirt.
“Am I dressed okay?” Bekah does a little spin and Jon catches her in his arms. He sways a bit like they are dancing then kisses her lips.
“Perfect as long as you have layers but I can always keep you warm. Let’s go!” Jon drove towards Millennium Park.
“Tae, what are we doing?” Bekah looks around as Jon gets out of the car and fishes a bag out of the back seat.
“Being Chicagoans Beks plus we need to break in these!” Jon opens the bag to reveal a pair of his hockey skates and a smaller pair for Bekah.
“We are skating here?!” The mixture of excitement nerves apparent. “But people, you know, know you.” Jon laughs.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean it stops me from doing things with you. We go to dinner just fine, don’t we?” Jon throws a little sass at Bekah. “Let’s go.” Jon tosses the bag on his back and heads to the ice rink. He gracefully steps onto the ice and turns to help Bekah. She was shocked by how not awkward she felt on the ice which all because of Jon. He slowly skating next to her with his arm snaked around her torso.
“Please don’t let me fall.” Bekah whispered as Jon shifted to in front of her.
“I got you Babe.” Jon smiles. “One more time around.” She holds his gloved hands with a death grip. “Hungry?” He asks and she nods as they skate off. Next stop was Portillo’s for Chicago dogs. Bekah laughed as Jon ate his without a bun and a fork.
“There is only one hotdog I like!” Bekah takes a bite and Jon smirks
“Oh yeah, just one? Really?” His smirk grows to a wide dimply smile. Bekah scoffs when she realized what he was insinuating.
The rest of their day included the flower show at Franklin Park Conservatory, dinner at Lou Malnati’s, and finally driving around to see the city lights with Garrett’s popcorn and hot chocolate.
“Today was fun!” Bekah cuddles into Jon in bed.
“I’m glad. I was hoping so. I know we don’t eat that ever.”
“And I’m okay with that. It was a fun change today. Thank you.” Bekah falls asleep while talking.
“Good Morning!” Jon whispers Christmas morning.
“Good Morning, Tae. We know Santa didn’t come right? We can sleep in.” Bekah eyes the clock on her nightstand.
“I’m going to make breakfast if you want to sleep in.” Jon kisses her forehead.
“I’m coming!” Bekah slips out of bed and throws on her bathrobe over Jon’s shirt. The couple danced to Christmas music while making breakfast.
“Can I give you your gift yet?” Jon sneaks a piece of bacon from the plate. His excitement for Christmas written all over his face.
“Jon, yesterday with the skates is a gift enough! Seriously. We said two gifts.” Bekah kisses his cheek.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Jon grabs their plates and makes it to the blanket he set up in front of the tree and the fire place.
Jon hands Bekah two boxes and flicks the smaller box at her. Opening slowly she reveals two leather like bracelets. One inside the other. “So the smaller one is for you. It’s already been branded. I’ll let you pick what to put on mine.” Jon takes the bracelet and slips it on her wrist. “That way no matter where we are we have a reminder of the other.” Bekah spins the bracelet over her wrist to see Always, Tae branded on the leather.
“Jon, this is perfect.” She breathes out and leans to kiss his lips. “I think I know what yours will say. Property of Beks.” Bekah laughs hard and Jon joins then motions for the next gift. Bekah opens to reveal a black and white Toews jersey and matching beanie. “Oh I love it, Tae!” Her fingers run across the letters in Toews.
“I know it’s silly but I know you said you liked it.” He runs his hand along the back of his neck as Bekah grabs the two boxes.
“Big box first.” Jon didn’t even wait for her to finish. Inside there were four painted canvas emerge.
“Oh, theses are really awesome.” Jon takes in the different painted canvas with some texture to each.
“Well the one on top is here, that reddish one is Columbus, the greenish one is Winnipeg, orange is Sedona.” Bekah explains and sees Jon’s puzzled face. “The texture is soil from each on. Your mom helped with the Winnipeg one and your training team helped with Sedona. They can be hung separately but also those lines make a heart when put together.” Bekah finishes and looks a Jon’s shocked face.
“Beks. These are... so very cool. How did you think to do it? Where did you get them?”
“I painted them during a road trip.” Jon leans over to kiss her then realizes what she said.
“YOU created these?” Jon’s mouth drops open. “Oh Babe! Best gift. I’m not sure how this one will beat it.” Bekah smirks as he starts to open the smaller box. Jon pulls out the black and red lingerie she picked out with Brynn.
“For later.” Bekah bites her lip taking in Jon’s face.
“Holy fuck, Beks! Can later be now?  Can later be NOW?” Bekah giggles.
“Maybe.” Jon nods.
“I mean it is Christmas!” Jon licks his lips.
“Well, Marry Christmas Captain!” Bekah pulls the lingerie set into her hands. “Give me like 10 minutes.”
“Yes, Marry Christmas to me.” Jon’s fingers lace together behind his head and he leans against the chair behind him. Bekah stands to head to the bedroom and eyes something stuck in the tree.
“What’s this?”  Bekah’s fingers reach into the tree and pull out the pristinely wrapped small box.  Jon shrugs his shoulders.  “Jon?”
“What’s the tag say?”  Jon’s tongue sticks out from between his teeth.  
“To Beks from Santa.  Geez, Jon!  We said two gifts and you have cheated.”  Bekah looks down at the accomplished look on her boyfriend’s face.   “Well YOU put four canvases in one... so just open it Beks.”  Jon encourages.
Bekah’s fingers begin to open the wrapping to reveal a jeweler’s box.  Her gasp catches in her throat as Jon stands.  “Jon...”  She breathes out and starts to open the box slowly.
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shelby-love · 5 years
“The start of something amazing”
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: This is my "most famous" work ig. I wrote this when I started this blog back in November 2019 and I've gotten MUCH better at writing so I thought why not edit it?
"Ambulance 61, truck 81, squad 3. House fire West Street Lane 54 45."
Upon hearing the announcement boom through the fire house, Gabriela Dawson found herself standing frozen. The sudden loudness made it clear of what awaited beyond those doors, getting the members of 51 on they feet.
Hopping to your feet, you made your way outside, though stopping in your steps upon noticing Gabby's posture. Tapping her shoulder, you gathered her attention. "Don't worry Dawson," You smiled reassuringly. "Casey and I will be right behind you."
Gabby was nervous, that much was obvious. Making it to truck took a lot of effort and strain on her part. She didn't want to feel so frightened, but she couldn't help the fact that every call gave her big nerves.
"Your boyfriend is the lieutenant," You joked casually. "You'll be fine."
You start changing into your gear, glancing up at Gabby as you do so. Clicking your tongue, you say, "Look, after shift. Tonight; you, me, Casey and Jay. A double date at Molly's."
She smiles and follows you into the truck, "Yeah, I'd like that."
Your friends settled inside, scooting over upon seeing you climb into the vehicle. Sitting next to Mouch, you leaned your head against his shoulder, listening closely to what was being said around you.
"What do you think?" Asks Herrmann, shifting his weight until he got comfortable in his spot. "Is this some kind of a oh-I-forgot-to-turn-off-the-stove call or is it something serious?"
You've been in stronger fires, burning 20 or more story building that sorta thing, making this something that was supposed to be easy peasy. It's a house fire. They happen every day unfortunately.
"I hope it's nothing serious. I barely slept last night," You tell him truthfully, remembering the toss and turning you had to go through.
Gabby nodded in understanding, "You feeling okay now?"
You nodded with a grimace, "Must be the Thai Jay and I had."
"Anyway," you began. "Isn't Street Lane like the fanciest part of Chicago or something?"
"Yeah that's where all the millionaires live," Otis replied, glancing behind the steering wheel ever so slightly in your direction.
You felt Mouch shrug, the sudden movement had your head rolling off his shoulder, though you were quick to place it back, Mouch tapping his palm against your head.
After 10 minutes or so, that ended up feeling like hours due to Gabby's constant taps against the floor of the vehicle, everyone jumped out of the truck, giving you the impression that the truck itself is on fire.
Outside, neighbors buzzed with anticipation, stepping out of the way when told to. "Everyone let's open up the roof! Y/LN you're with Severide on this one."
You gave Matt a nod of determination before running over to where squad is prepped to enter the burning house. The modern 3 story home on normal occasions looked mind blowing, giving everyone in passing envy to feel.
But at the moment each story was decorated with blazing fire, sucking out the luxury. "Y/LN there's a scared kid upstairs, her mom says she won't talk to us. We need you to try for us. "
You nod, "Yes Lieutenant."
Kelly gives you a rougish smile, one that used to make you week in the knees, "Good. Now go. Top floor."
With Mouch aiming the long ladders to the top window, you start climbing them. After climbing them up and down numerous amounts of times, the thought of doing so felt like a second nature now.
For a brief moment, you remembered how scared you were in the academy. You shook your head immediately, not quite understanding where the sentiment was coming from.
Was it just you or were you drifting off to memory land more often lately?
You grab the window by its sill, ignoring the flashing memories and throw yourself inside.
Your hands grasped your radio immediately, "I'm in chief. Fire department call out!"
There's no response so you put on your mask and make your way deeper inside the room. Glancing around, you assess the room for possible hiding spots.
Only to find none.
The king sized bed, similar to the one at your own home, is on fire and so is most of the furniture surrounding it. You kick the door of the wardrobe with your leg only to find no one inside.
You walk outside and into the wide hallway, barely being able to see from the smoke and blazing orange flames. You call out again, though louder this time before kicking open the first door to your left. "Fire department call out!"
The voice that answers is so faint that if Gabby were inside, she would've surely missed it. But as someone with experience, the voice was recognizable and you knew that there was someone inside. "Call out!"
Somehow, while the furniture around the window, including the window itself, was being eaten away by fire, the furniture by the door being safe from the fire.
Not for long.
You spot a toy box in the only avaliable corner in the room, moving ever so slightly. Almost as if someone was trying to get out.
Toys of all shapes and sizes are scattered all around the box, urging you to slowly make your way to it before pushing it over the proper way.
A gasp leaves your mouth involuntarily.
The little girl looked around 5, her body too small and fragile to belong to a girl older than that.
She looked at you with bright blue eyes, catching you off guard with the electrical glow they had. A story of fear pushed through her irises, letting you know of the trust issues that colored her.
The girl shakes her head violently and coughs out whatever she can, breaking your heart with the actions. Without a second thought, you pulled your mask over your head, taking it off even when it tangled itself with your hair. "I need you to come with me, sweetheart. The fire is growing and it's not safe here anymore. Your mommy is waiting for you outside, come sweetie let me help you."
If you could describe her anxiety with words, you'd compare it with the fire. Overwhelming and strong. "Hey, hey sweetie it's okay...I'm going to help you, my name's Y/N."
She looked at you, giving you the impression that she was analyzing you. Eventually she did seem to come to a conclusion that she indeed was not safe inside.
After her nod, you didn't waste time by placing your mask over her head, pressing the button to release oxygen. After scooping her into your arms, the little girl wrapped both her arms and legs around you. Grateful that she trusts you, you ran into the hallway and toward the very window you came through.
But Wallace Boden stopped you before you could do so much as take a step toward the door. "Y/LN go down immediately! The house is going to blow!!"
You heart races for a tiny bit and you sprint to the staircase. You feel the girl shaking in your arms but you don't let that stop you for a second, the need to get out taking over. Brushing your hand over her dirty, smoke colored hair you whispered into her ear. "You're gonna be okay..."
The pressure the fire had on the upstairs floor finally gathers into an explosion. The force of the blow sends you flying down the stairs, urging you to wrap yourself tighter against the child, protecting her with every fiber in your body. You back hurts immensely but you manage to stand up, "Chief!"
Fire continues to grow, ignoring your whimpers and coughs. Your ankle seemed to twist in the process of falling but you bite down your bottom lip, chewing down on it until you drew blood and walk no matter the pain.
You spot the open window, and don't think twice before sprinting toward it even with an ankle being the way it was. The ladders are placed securely placed against window stills, allowing you put the little girl on them and let Hermann take her despite her whails of protests.
While waiting for her to be helped down the ladders, you turned around and slammed the door shut behind you. The pain in your back intensifies and you feel you lip bleed from both the inside and outside.
And then you see it.
The fire just under the door, you feel the pressure it has on the door. It's going to burst.
Without thinking, and in just the right time - you jump out of the window.
The moment you're out and flying in the air the explosion that was building up finally breaks, sending everything to chaos.
You catch the ladders by the cold metallic railing just in time, though it doesn't take a second before your fingers start to loosen their hold.
Knowing that the ladder will slip right through your fingers, you urged your arms to push you upwards but with no avail. The pain you sustained was intense.
"Y/LN HANG ON. WE'RE GETTING YOU DOWN!" You hear your Chief yell and true to his words, you were lowered down.
It was sudden, the feeling of losing consciousness. Everything that had happened while you were inside seemed to catch up to you with great speed. The pain in your back and ankle, your rigid breathing and tight lungs, busted lip and bruised face. 5 feet in the air and you finally lose the hold you had on the ladder.
You fall to the ground and before you could even reach it - you were out cold.
You wake up in the hospital, April hovering over you with a warm smile. You try to move but you feel sore all over, your attempts at moving being a twitch of your fingers. "Take it easy Y/N. I'll go tell them they can come see you now."
Your mind starts replaying images of what happened. You smile lightly. I jumped out of a freaking window.
"April, is Jay-"
Your eyes widen when you see Jay rushing in, before you could even finish your question. April points to him with a smirk, leaving you two be and giving you privacy by pulling the curtain closed.
"Jesus Y/N you freaked me out." Jay sighed, immediately leaning in to kiss you forehead. Your eyes immediately spot the badge around his waist, it glimmers under the light above you. "Did you ditch work for me, babe?"
"Damn right I did," Your boyfriend replied, quite proudly you noted, leaning toward your parted lips with his own. The kiss was sweet, filled with unshed worry that turned to relief after a moment. It felt as though Jay was reassuring both you and himself that you were okay. "I came here as soon as I heard what happened."
You squeeze his hand in gratitude, watching with teary eyes as he brushes a few misplaced strands of hair out of your face, tucking them softly behind your ears. Jay's brother Will, come in the room soon after. Behind him stood Jeff, a very close friend of yours.
"Hey guys." You greet them, rather brightly after Jay wiped a fallen tear off your face. "Jeff how's the med life been treating you?"
You missed seeing Jeff at work, daring to admit it felt lonely without him to a degree. "Eh, good enough. I miss the fire."
Will slapped his shoulder lightly.
"Yeah, I bet you do," You said with a chuckle, before gesturing to yourself and your body with a hand that wasn't held tightly in Jay's. "I mean, how could someone not miss this."
Everyone laughed at your words until Will deemed appropriate to speak up in regards to your medical condition, "Well, Y/N... You and your baby are going to be just fine. I'll get started on the discharge-"
Baby? "Baby? Will what did you say?" Jay asled, his face looking the same level of confused as yours.
"I said that Y/N and her baby are-"
"I'm pregnant?" You asked in disbelief. How?
"Yes Y/N you're 9 weeks along." said Will with a smile, "Congratulations you two."
We were careful, was your only thought. Not that the news were bad.
Just surprising.
"But I'm on the pill-" You started, only to remember the medication you took a few months ago as a way to fight away the sickness you were feeling.
You weren't a paramedic, nor an doctor in any sense. But it wasn't hard to put two and two together.
"Will...Can certain antibiotics dilute my birth control and stop it from working?"
Will creased his eyebrows, but deciding to answer nevertheless. "Yes. It depends on which ones you use but most of the time that's the case," Will confirms your suspicion. "I'm guessing you didn't know."
"We didn't," answered Jay for the both of you.
You didn't even feel the onset of tears that rushed down your cheeks, "I'm going to be a mom."
Happiness surged through your body, making it the moment you knew that you wanted this. Your pregnancy might have been unexpected but you wouldn't change it for the world. One look at Jay, who had his face nested against your twined hands and all was confirmed.
You pull yourself up into a sitting position, kissing his head until he rose his head to meet your eyes with the same amount, if not more tears in his blue eyes. Jay pulled you in for a passionate kiss, not caring about the company. "A mini us."
Your smile reached the sky and you put a hand to your belly as a result. Something so beautifully pure and innocent grew inside of you, being the gift of love.
You're having a child with the man who loves you like the night sky loves it's stars.
But then, so suddenly guilt washes over you. The air around you changed, making Jay furrow his brows. You could've lost the baby today. A baby you didn't even know you were carrying. If you knew, there was no way in hell you would've walked into that house and continued working no matter how much you loved your job.
"Your mommy and daddy love you." You whispered, running your free hand over your slightly swollen stomach, "Your mom is so sorry for what happened today."
Jay kissed your temple, reassuring you that none of what had happened was your fault. A moment later, you found yourself smiling. You met Will's eyes. "Will you're gonna be an uncle."
The older Halstead shrugged, but the pride and joy was flickering in his eyes as he scanned the monitor. "You bet. I'm happy for you two, man really I am."
"Don't worry bro. Your time will come too," Jay told him before he stood up and hugged his brother. You wouldn't be surprised, him and Natalie are an adorable couple.
"I'm happy for you Y/N. Congratulations." Jeff rubbed your shoulder. You beamee at him. "I'll go and get them."
By them he meant your colleagues; family.
Silvie and Gabby were the first ones to be rushed in, followed by the rest of the fire house until the trauma room was crammed with pure muscle. "Y/N are you okay??"
Jay, who had left the room with Will to sign some papers pushed through to stand by your side once again, "They're okay."
You tried your best to not laugh at their confused expressions, barely even holding it in when Kelly muttered something about how Jay wasn't even injured.
On que Will turns on the ultrasound (perhaps because the brothers talked it through in the hallway) and gasps are heard all around, filling the small room with emotions that ranged from surprise and disbelief to pure joy for you and Jay.
With gel on your belly, Will starts moving the transducer and soon a small baby can be seen on the screen, a really small baby, but a baby nevertheless. Tears in your eyes piled up once again and you squeeze Jay's hand joyfully. You could hear Silvie say, "I think I'm going to faint."
Life just became a hell of a lot more exciting and you couldn't wait to experience every part of it with the man you love most on this world.
Rounds of congratulations happen after that, each and every one of them saying different things once they're left alone with you.
Mouch asked Jay to send a kiss to Sargeant Platt; Hermann got Cindy and his kids on video chat, continously welcoming you to the family life; Severide actually had gloss in his eyes because he was so happy, though he did everything in his power to not admit to it.
Gabby and Casey canceled your double date at Molly's because they want you on bed rest. They said they'll bring takeout to your shared place instead.
"Just no Thai, please."
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celestialflamesme · 4 years
| KARMA AND CRAZY MIDGETS | A Venai One-shot Modern AU | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ships: Raidyn Dreyar x Venetia Redfox
Dedicated to @primaverafrog @luna-chan00 @biorckstudios18 @animaration-fts @cxndy-stxrs (Lol, I can't believe that no-paragraph breaks worked😂 I fooled Tumblr, y'all!😎😆)
You'd think having a town overtaken by the mafia would make people more apprehensive, if anything. But if Magnolians were anything, they were huge (and he simply could not stress this enough) idiots.
Raidyn prided himself in not partaking in anything Fairy-esque which was more than what he could say about some of his colleagues (Yes, they named themselves Fairy 'Tail' of all things! How no one in this town even got the spelling right was beyond him....)
"Did you hear about Fullbuster and that Fernandez chick? They're together now!" Some red head he'd forgotten the name of (What! It was too late to ask her now!) stage-whispered.
"Who? Storm?"
The entire cafe burst into laughter. "Like Storm would even look at a girl that's not Nashi."
Point proven. They!! were!! on!! first!! name!! basis!! (He bet no one in this room even knew his last name, let alone first. Not that it mattered. He liked slinking in the shadows, although it was practically impossible with his snow-white hair)
Geez, did these people have no lives? They were talking about delinquents for Pete's sake! And ones that sure loved messing up the town in their infamous brawls. But did the people care? Nooooo.
Ugh, one more year and he'd be out of this whacked up place. Wiping a tabletop, he forced a smile on his face and pretended to be interested in the topic.
"Cass, I'll have a black and a burger with fries," a voice interrupted. A voice he was very familiar with.
Did he happen to mention that the most annoying one of them all had made this her hangout spot?
At 5'1, you'd think Venetia Redfox would be the least intimidating person ever. But with crimson red eyes and a Devil-may-care attitude that made up for it, no one dared mess with her. She also caused 75% of the fights in town and had a smirk straight out of a Wattpad Bad-boy fanfic.
Boy, did he hate her.
"You're gonna chip it off with that grip, Blondie."
Oh my god, she did not just-
Raidyn shot her a glare and strode to the back of the register, faintly registering a chuckle (Who the hell did she think she was?) before picking up another order.
Little Miss Redfox however sat at a corner table and continued doing whatever the hell she usually did every Tuesday and Friday for 3 hours in a row (he should know, he was there glaring at her at closing time).
But the kicker this time was, at that moment, her phone rang. You have never really seen your world end right before your eyes if you haven't seen a 5 foot psychotic looking delinquent decked in leather that drove in a motorcycle there by the way (How does one willingly ride on a metallic death-trap like that?!) mumble the words 'Cha cha real smooth' and pick up a call with the most deadpan look ever.
Raidyn almost cried. Almost.
"Are you kidding me? Do it yourself! I swear to God, you always do this shit, Dragneel!" She got up from her seat and walked out, just like she looooved doing smack dab in the middle of her classes back at Magnolia High.
Good riddance.
He jinxed it. Karma was such a bitch.
Though no sort of karmic revenge could explain the shit he had to go through that week.
First off, he had 4 assignments due in by the end of the week. And turns out that was the exact week his dear red-head colleague decided would the perfect time for a vacation (It's the middle of September, where in hell's name was she planning to go to?)
Guess who had double shifts now?
This clown.
Ugh. Talk about chivalry and all that loyalty shit.
And yes, of course his car had to break down, and the local bus had to change it's schedule, which left him with his last resort: walking 4 and a quarter miles to school (Oh, he found that out the hard way all right) to college. Nashi and the Fullbuster kid (He sure loved walking around shirtless a little too much) decided to brawl (again) and bam, his locker got caught in the crossfire.
In fact things were so overly shitty that he became skeptical come Thursday when the day seemed relatively normal.
"You've been scowling all week, Dreyar. Anything the matter?"
Raidyn snapped out of his reverie and groaned. "Dad, why not just call me by my name like any normal person would?"
"Because that doesn't build-"
"CHARACTER!! WE GET IT!" His mom, Mirajane mimicked with a scowl. "Well, we're just going to get two Happy meals and then we're off, honey!"
He faintly registered Hunter snickering in the background (How immature. Raidyn wasn't one to get embarrassed by his parents. Plus, none of it would ever compare to the Disco Fiasco of 2001. How else do you think he got his car? Sweet, sweet guilt-tripping....)
The day buzzed past but his suspicions only intensified tenfold. (Call him a pessimist, he didn't care) And like a bull in a China shop, a tiny midget Redfox (the one and only) strut in.
Now, he was behind the counter at that moment handling the red-head (he really ought to learn her name someday) so he didn't notice 5 feet of brute strength that climbed up behind him and dragged him (poor, unsuspecting him) into the supply closet.
Oh no, he was not kidding. The supply closet. Of all the places the perpetrator could've-
The lights flickered on and he screeched (What? Any human would!) at the red irises staring determinedly into his own non-red eyes. (Seriously, were those even real?) Raidyn wasn't scared of no judgement, what did scare him (maybe not that much, now that he knew who those belonged to) was Satan's minion and her RED AS FUCK EYES! LIKE SERIOUSLY-
Clearing his throat and trying to salvage some faux dignity after that dramatic display, he grunted, "Touch me one more time and you're-"
"Yeah, yeah I get it, big guy. Look, I need a favour."
Venetia Redfox crossed her arms and stood threateningly in front of the entrance.
Who was she kidding? "Nope," he muttered and swerved right around her and made his way to the counter. (Pipsqueak. She really should've seen that coming.)
And right as he turned right towards the display case, he found her leaning against it with her shoulder, looking bored. "Yes. And now."
"Parkour." She deadpanned.
Raidyn gave Venetia a long, long look and sighed, striding towards her. Her smirk widened in anticipation as-
He picked her up like a sack of potatoes and tossed her over his shoulder.
"Technically, you cornered me first," he stated matter-of-factly and dropped her on her feet (she looked like a hissy kitten, hmm.) Then proceeding to close the doors at her, he picked up a poster of her (he kept posters of all of them for a day like this. Ah, foreboding luck. He could feel it.) and pinned it onto the front door.
(Was he even allowed to do that, you might ask, but bah, who cares? Rabid girls are a nationwide threat.)
As he wrapped up and prepared to leave, Raidyn had a niggling feeling he forgot something very, very crucial. Uh-
A body collided onto his own and climbed (I kid you not) him (THE FUCK KIND OF ANIMALS DID MAGNOLIA OWN?) before a tiny, rough hand muffled him. Oh no.
"Yoph kiphing mmph!" Raidyn groaned.
"I need you to teach me how to solve a Rubix Cube."
What. Excuse Raidyn for not knowing, but was Rubix cube some mafia codeword for mafia stuff? Stealing a car, fighting goons, skipping classes or drug dealing? Raidyn Dreyar had a long jail-free life ahead of him, mind you.
(Some might say he really had to stop reading those novels his mom bought. Some might be right. Whatever.)
Back to the topic on hand, he mumbled inaudibly. Her cropped hair tickled the sides of his face as she squinted at him, "What?"
Was she kidding right now? He pointed at her hand covering his mouth and her eyes widened as she let out a nervous laugh. (Geez, talk about stupid.)
He took in a deep breath and shook her off him. She stood there patiently (As patiently as a Redfox could, anyway.) as he straightened his shirt.
"First things first, NO!" And he stalked away.
He registered a groan from behind him and quickened his pace. However, the midget in question managed to propel herself at break-neck speeds and no joke, TACKLED him.
Karma was such a bitch.
Macao, the guard standing by the parking lot, huffed, "They don't pay me enough for this."
The only reason he was doing this was because she offered to fix up his car. (How did she even know it wasn't starting?) Also because it had been a while since he brushed up on his Rubix skills. Also because he wanted to get rid of the midget before she followed him home. (He figured his mom and dad would ENJOY her presence and replace him with her. He had crazy parents.)
Everyday she'd make sure to meet him (mostly by cornering him in the hallways) and in exchange for these classes, she'd work on his car at the weekend.
The first time she came over to his house (to work on his car, but he didn't know that) was rather embarrassing because he kinda sorta thought she was a burglar and locked his garage, yelling at the top of his lungs. His dad, Laxus came out with a taser (Dad sure loved his tasers.) Of course, when he finally opened the garage doors, he was met with an unimpressed look from the Redfox in question. (God, he was such a drama queen.)
The midget had a lot of trouble twisting her hands at the beginning of her sessions and he loved teasing her about her 'butter fingers' every time she accidentally flung the cube across the room or out the window in one rare occasion.
You know, she was kind of fun to have around.
"And that's the algorithm! You're all done!" He cheered, glad to have this behind him.
"Geez, you don't have to sound that excited to get rid of me." Venetia teased.
"What? No....." He feigned innocence.
"D'aww, admit it, you enjoyed my company."
"Please, more like I was scared for my life." He mumbled. She snorted.
"Catch you later, alligator."
Did she just- "NO WAY, JOŚE!" (That was lame even for him. Gosh dang it, she was laughing at him....)
Fricking Redfox.
That weekend, Raidyn thought he deserved a good ol' evening out with his friends/colleagues (technically it was the manager that suggested it and he tagged along for the heck of it. He wasn't much of a social person, per se.)
He guessed Karma was still on a streak when Venetia Redfox entered the very same place they'd chosen for karaoke night and sat herself on one of the tables in front of them. And proceeded to order nothing.
The raven-head didn't even have her notebook (that always made her look disarmingly tiny) or her phone. Oh well, she must've been waiting for someone.
As the hours passed, he found himself exceedingly irritated for no reason.
"Who in their right mind would stand up The Venetia Redfox?" His colleagues whispered (rather loudly, according to him) and she just tapped her fingers away, oblivious to it all.
Fine, whatever.
"Sup." He towered over her and greeted, moving to take a seat next to her.
She blinked at him.
Okay, you couldn't exactly judge him. She was a regular and tipped good and people were being annoying about her and oh, her tapping was distracting and he had a massive headache coming. That's all. Simple as that.
"Don't you have better shit to do?" Red irises stared at him impassively.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He asked coolly.
"Well, Nashi was supposed to-"
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE! I'M-" Both tilted their heads just in time to see Nashi ram into the glass doors. The now groaning pinkette was sprawled on her butt in front of the entrance. "Fricking doors."
"That's her." Venetia deadpanned. Raidyn shook his head sympathetically.
"Heyo Ven! Heh, kinda lost track of time beating Frostbite at Mario Kart," her doe eyes scanned him. "Raidyn! I didn't know you guys were friends!" She grinned.
Raidyn gave her a two-finger salute in greeting.
Nashi's eyes suddenly widened in realisation. "YOU'RE TEACHING HER THE RUBIX?!"
"Yup." Venetia smirked. "He's a great teach. His parents have taken me in as their own."
"Just like that, Blondie. What can I say? It's the charm," She grinned at his bewildered face.
"You guys are all ready for the challenge then?" Nashi wiggled, now nervous, "Ven, I didn't mean to drag you into this, but Clint was-"
"It's cool, dumbass." Venetia shrugged. "Ain't your fault that they're dipshits."
At his confused look, Nashi clarified, "People like picking on us just because we're Fairies and held to the same standards as our parents. This frat dude decided he had to prove he was smarter than the Fairies and decided to pick a Rubix cube challenge of all things." She rolled her eyes. "Bet he taught he was real original thinking that one up."
"Bet he did." Storm scoffed. (Wait, what?)
"From- the front door?" Storm scratched his head in genuine confusion. (As if Raidyn was the weird one that sneaked up behind people like a stalker!)
Nashi facepalmed. "Why the heck are you here, Frostbite?"
"Just like that."
"Gosh, you're so annoying."
"Wanna say that to my face, Flamebrains?!" Storm yelled. (Oh, not again....)
"Guys, please don't...." Raidyn said, but both didn't seem to be paying attention to him.
"I SAID YOU'RE ANNOYING! FIGHT ME!" She threw a punch at him and before he knew it both were throwing napkin holders and vases at each other.
Venetia seemed to be enjoying the show, and pulled him to the back of the room, "This might take a while," she stated. "Wanna grab a milkshake?"
Well, he was kind of craving one. "Why not?"
Today was the day of Venetia's challenge and Raidyn found himself nervous.
"You sure they won't wreck the place?" He grumbled for the umpteenth time.
Venetia groaned. "Do you have no faith in my abilities, Dreyar?"
"Nope. None whatsoever."
She raised an eyebrow, "Shame on you, then. I wouldn't let a good friend lose his job on my behalf. Dally ho, now!" She cheered.
He blinked at her, giving her a small reluctant smile. "Kick ass, Ven."
She tilted her head toward him and gave him a grin that knocked the breath out of him. "Thanks, Raidyn."
Shit. When did- when did she get so pretty?
"Look who we have here. You sure you're in the right place, Redfox?" A voice condescended. The owner of the voice was a grimy looking kid that looked like one of those middle-school spelling-bee losers that bragged about it whenever they met someone new.
"Clint." Venetia deadpanned.
Raidyn broke out into a fit of laughter, making 'Clint' (What kind of sad name was that?) glare at him. (Oh please, Little Clint was totally quaking in his boots! Why'd he even bother coming?)
"Let's begin then! Pick a shuffler." Clint drawled.
Venetia picked Nashi while Clint, after a moment of deliberation, picked one of his gang-mates (What did they call it? The Math club?)
"You may begin."
Both Nashi and the grimy dude shuffled for the better of 15 seconds. Clint just scoffed and clicked like a pretentious know-it-all, making comments like, "You're making it easier by shuffling harder, you know. Make it tougher for me, Nashi dear."
Raidyn had to give it to the pinkette, he would've smacked the teen by now.
"Okay," the referee, Storm cheered, (even though he looked like he was ready to kill Clint) "Timer starts, NOW!"
Both twisted and turned the cube furiously, Venetia sticking her tongue out in concentration while the teen twisted his arms like a man possessed.
"I'M DONE!" Venetia dropped the cube with a thud onto the table. "How's that for a Redfox?"
"E-excuse me? That's insane! It's only been," Clint checked the timer like the sore loser he was, "31 seconds!"
"Too bad," she smirked. (Well shit, that was hot...)
"I demand a rematch!"
Nashi moved to protest, but Venetia silenced her with a hand, "Whatever you say, kid..."
"This time, we swap cubes!" He whined like the little weasel he was.
3 minutes later, the rematch began and Venetia plopped her cube on the table with a glare.
"You think you're smart giving me a faulty cube, don't you?"
"And I'm done!" The weasel had the nerve to say. "I don't know what you're talking about Venetia, I used the same cube and it worked just fine. Maybe it was a stroke of luck on your part the first tim-"
He couldn't finish his tirade because Raidyn took that opportunity to check the cube (He didn't have to though, he believed Venetia enough to know she wouldn't make up excuses.) and yeeted it at his face like he'd been itching to do from the moment he saw the turd.
"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Nashi growled, "I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!"
Oh dear.
Okay, maybe the fight wouldn't get too big, these were scrawny kids after a-
Yeah, Nashi Dragneel just flipped a table on them.
There goes his job.
"GO, NASHI!" His manager cheered. (Okay, thank God this town was crazy.) "Raidyn! You can take the day off, kid. Have fun!"
Storm chose that moment to enter after his momentary toilet-break. "I WAS GONE FOR 3 MINUTES, WOMAN! WHAT THE HELL?!"
Venetia, unbothered by the chaos behind her, pulled him by the arm, her eyebrows furrowed at him, "Well, I tried. But hey, looks like you still have your job. That's a win, right?" She scratched her neck, laughing.
He sighed, putting caution to the wind. This was Ven after all. "Ice-cream date? My treat for today's win."
A smile erupted on her face, "Only if we take my bike there."
Bonus (That no one asked for):
"Okay, so you have to grip it right. Not too tight. Just enough to nudge it in the right direction." Venetia explained, from where she was seated in front of him on the death tra- bike.
Raidyn nervously laughed, "I've got this in the bag, I don't know what you're worried about." The tilt in his voice gave away his panic, however. She raised an eyebrow.
"Humor me then."
"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES, YOU IDIOT!!" Venetia screeched. She reached over and took over the handlebars just in time as they nearly crashed into a tree Raidyn was headed for.
He got off the bike and tripped, falling face-first on the ground. Fricking Jelly-legs. "I am never riding that death trap again." Raidyn groaned.
"What the heck?!" Venetia questioned, bewildered. "How'd you even get your driver's ed with such sucky basics?"
"Fight me Ven, I'm never getting on that thing again!"
"Too bad, I have to drop you back home too." The sneaky devil dared smirk at his plight.
Fricking Karma.
He wouldn't have it any other way, though.
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Superman & Lois - Ep. 102 “Heritage”
In which the Sad Dad vibes and teen angst continues!
Lois gets the opening and closing narration this week! And generally has more to do, which is nice.
The fam has officially moved to Smallville, so the boys are gearing up to start school...or are they???
Well, Jon is. Jordan is told he has to stay home until he can get his nascent powers under control because they don’t want him to accidentally flash frying a classmate. Which he almost did. Last week. 
Clark calls Jordan’s accidental heat vision an ‘ocular release of energy.’
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This decision, of course, leads to some FAMILY DRAMA. Jordan feels like a freak! Jonathan is upset that they’ve had to move! Clark feels like he’s failing as a parent!
Oh and also the guy in the Master Chief suit is on the hunt for Kryptonite. Which is, you know. Troubling.
SO it’s off to school for Jonathan and off to the Fortress for Jordan!
Lois, upon Jonathan asking why Jordan gets to go flying with dad: “At least we have the radio!”
One plus side about the show being ‘grounded’ and ‘prestige-y’: the high school drama is of a more believable variety. Still tedious, but at least it’s not dated 90s tropes.
...Well, okay. Not entirely true. Sarah Cushing’s personality thus far is ‘nice girl who’s dating a jerk’ and yes, the line “What do you see in that guy?” is said aloud. So.
Win some, lose some.
Love the actor they got for Jor-El. He’s perfect, in that he feels like an homage to Brando, Crowe, but is also his own distinct version. I dig it. 
But there’s no giant key made of dwarf star matter because this is GROUNDED and REALISTIC and none of that SILLY CW NONSENSE, WE GOT HBO MAX MONEY. 
Back to the Lois vs. Edge plot:
For all the folks wondering how Lois working at the Planet was going to continue, what with the show being set in Smallville...
Edge now owns the Planet, so he re-writes a negative article she’s written about him, which leads to her quitting, and going to write for the Smallville Gazette.
Which is operated by Chrissy Beppo.
Who is...named after the super monkey? 
Does this mean we’ll eventually meet other Smallville residents named after super pets? Like Marsha Whizzy, or maybe Kenneth Comet.
Seems a weird choice when ‘Bibbo’ is right there.
Best line of the episode: “You know what babe? You do your Superman stuff, and I will do my Lois Lane stuff.”
MEANWHILE, THE SAD DAD VIBES INTENSIFY as Grandpa Jor-El reveals: Jordan...will never be like you, Kal-El. His human DNA is too limiting.
Which is a very interesting plot point (that was sorta mentioned/explored in Future State!)
So, about the boys: I still find them...mostly annoying. But I appreciate the dynamic they’re establishing: Jordan has always required more time and attention due to his anxiety disorder, and Jonathan has always had to look after him and compensate--this carries over into the new status quo where Jordan has the super powers and Jonathan further feels that his brother is getting time and attention and he needs to make sacrifices and changes for him/the family. 
This leads to a really lovely moment between the brothers at the end of the episode that I genuinely enjoyed, so. I’m hoping that there will be more of that and less of ‘drama with Sarah’.
(Also if you think that sounds a little like another pair of Super siblings...it does! And also hold that thought.)
The OTHER big twist is that Master Chief AKA Captain Luthor comes from a world with an EVIL SUPERMAN.
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To be clear, the set-up is very obviously, ‘Our Clark will prove Captain Luthor wrong re: thinking he’ll turn evil,’ so I’m not seriously suggesting we’re in for a full-on Injustice situation. I just find it funny, how quickly they pulled out the ol’ evil Supes.
(The one we saw in Elseworlds doesn’t count since that wasn’t Clark.)
And maybe this one isn’t either! I admit complete ignorance as to the comics stuff they’re pulling from; I guess it’s somehow connected to Project 7734 (Which is ‘hell’ upside down, as any fifth grader with a calculator will tell you) a counter-Kryptonian force put together by Sam Lane, I think? 
IDK. Like I said, comics blind spot.
The episode ends with Grandpa Lane looking a bit spooked at the ominous 7734 keychain Captain Luthor gave him, and Captain Luthor still on the hunt for Kryptonite! DUN DUN DUUNNNNNN.  
And now, time for a segment I’ll call: Gettin’ Super Salty w/Stranger wherein I will stash all of my frustration regarding the fact that this spin-off doesn’t really want to be a spin-off.
Okay, so first up! As mentioned, the Fortress design has been changed because the silly Supergirl version does not vibe with the new serious aesthetic.
Their loss! More Legion Rings, baby Sun Eaters, and impractical front door keys for Supergirl!
The sunstone AI details the last days of Krypton, and only one (1) pod is shown escaping the destruction.
Thanks, I hate it.
I do appreciate that Jor-El at least kinda appears to be wearing clothes that match the look of Supergirl’s Krypton. I wasn’t paying close attention to the buildings in the hologram, no clue if they match the architecture we’ve seen thus far.
Like, I get it. There’s no time to pause the plot and be like, ‘hey, just FYI, I’m not the sole survivor of Krypton, my cousin escaped as well’ but also AAAARRRRRGHHHHHH. 
You’re using the versions of the characters introduced in Supergirl, the least you can do is namedrop her once. ONCE. That’s all I’m asking. XD
They missed their opportunity, actually; when the boys were like, ‘We have so many questions!’ All you had to do was slip in, ‘Are we related to Supergirl?’ Bam. Done. Never need to go back to it, you’ve acknowledged it, continue on with your solo Sad Dad adventures!
(Except I guess that wouldn’t work, since so much of this is built on Clark being the Lone Protector of the earth. If you allude to other heroes being around, your whole character motivation/struggle makes less sense.)
I get it but I don’t have to like it. XD
They shoulda just set this on another Earth!
Circling back to the sibling dynamic: I hate how now I really want Kara to someday appear on this show and hang out with the boys and be like, ‘ah, yes, I know the feeling, my sister and I were the same.’
That’s it, that’s all the crossover content I need. I realize Melissa is moving on to bigger and better things but MAYBE SOMEDAY. XD (Or maybe I’ll just write a fic, who knows.)
I can’t remember if I brought this up already but it is hilarious to me that anyone still thinks of Superman as a reporter--most modern takes treat it as an afterthought and here, it’s dispensed in the first episode.
It has not been brought up since.
Like, much is made about Lois leaving Metropolis, and what that’ll mean for her career, but no one in Smallville is like, ‘Clark, wow! Farming? That’s quite a career change!’
(I assume he’ll be farming, since they mentioned starting the farm up again.)  
...You think anyone will drag the writers for tossing aside Clark’s ‘true calling?’ 
Who am I kidding? Supergirl fandom is not watching this show, they’re just harassing the people running the social media accounts. 
SO OVERALL: The good remains good! The meh remains meh! I appreciate that this version of Clark and Lois exist as we inch ever closer to the release of the Snyder Cut! But also the behind-the-scenes stuff continues to hang over everything like a terrible cloud! Here’s hoping those problems are addressed!
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yonymii · 4 years
do i wanna know?
a/n; for anyone wondering what my writing is like, here’s a songfic using the Artctic Monkey’s ‘Do I Wanna Know’ in a Tsukki fic (it’s kinda cringe and not my best work but whatever)
warnings: one or two curse words, female reader
pairing: tsukishima kei x fem!reader
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Have you got colour in your cheeks?
The redness in Kei’s cheeks was visible under the warm light of the streetlamps; it spread across his nose and spilled onto the other side of his face, warmth crawling from the back of his neck to the front of his face as he spotted you stood outside the convenience store, a plaid red tennis skirt and oversized black band shirt on. The shirt was tucked in all the way round, accentuating your waist and intensifying Tsukki’s blush. Your large black platform trainers tapped aimlessly on the concrete and you had a black mask over your nose and mouth. 
Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift the type
That sticks around like summat in your teeth?
When you spotted him staring his heart stopped for a moment before starting back up again. He saw the corners of your eyes crinkle when you smiled under your mask and you brought up the hand that wasn’t holding your phone to pull the mask under your chin, revealing glossy red lips and a smirk so sinister he swore he could’ve fainted right then and there from how attractive your looked right now.
Are there some aces up your sleeve?
There had to be something you were tricking Kei with; there was no way he could’ve fallen for someone this hard. The air puffed out in a white cloud in front of his face from the cold and you waved, red acrylic nails glinting under the moonlight.
Have you no idea that you're in deep?
Of course he fucking knew. There was so much going on in his mind right now that he wanted to throw up in repulsion at these feelings, but he also kind of loved them. He was supposed to be the one teasing you, not the other way around, but damn if it wasn’t hot to him. 
I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week
How many secrets can you keep?
Tsukishima couldn’t remember a night where he hadn’t stayed up all night thinking of you, your voice, your face, your laugh, everything. It was painfully obvious to the rest of the team, too. You’d showed up to practice one day to see your cousin, Tanaka, and after that Tsukki had been distracted, nice, almost. Everyone but Hinata had caught on to his crush ( which wan’t much of a surprise. )
‘Cause there’s this tune i found that makes me think of you somehow,
And i play it on repeat until i fall asleep, spilling drinks on my settee.
He’d seen you at lunch sat with Noya and Tanaka, sharing headphones and laughing along to their antics and god, it made him jealous. When he got home he’d lay on his bed, his own headphones on, listening to the song Tanaka said he’d shown you and pretended you were there. It was weird, he knew but he couldn’t help it. He wanted you so bad it hurt to think you weren’t his.
Do i wanna know?
If this feeling flows both ways?
The blond felt his feet carrying him towards  you but you didn’t see, pulling your mask back up over your face as your older brother joined you, a lit cigarette between his lips. You began to talk his ears off and his ears picked up a few school related words. His face fell slightly and he pulled his grey sweats up, tucking his new phone into the pocket.
Sad to see you go, was sorta hoping that you’d stay,
Baby, we both know, that the nights were mainly made for sayin' things that you can't say tomorrow day.
Kei watched your brother wave at you and turn a corner. He heard shouts and as he stepped further towards you he saw a public sports court and a few boys playing basketball, your brother among them. He started to jog in your direction, down a thin one-way road that was on the way to your house. You only had one earphone in so you heard his heavy footsteps but pretended you didn’t notice him, caring on back home.
Crawlin' back to you,
Tsukki tapped your shoulder, flushed cheeks re-igniting when you turned to face him, long eyelashes fluttering and nude eyeshadow sparkling in the starlight. You looked stunning, even with the mask on. He recalled you saying you didn’t like cigarette smoke so you wore it around your brother when he was smoking as to not inhale it directly. He stuttered and you pulled the mask under your chin, cocking your head to the side.
Ever thought of callin' when you've had a few?
'Cause I always do.
“Tsukki? Are you okay?” oh god, your voice was like chocolate, smooth and sweet. It entered his ears and echoed in his head as he nodded, going dizzy from your presence like he was drunk. 
“I..uh, do you wanna hang.. uhm, hang out? Sometime?” he forced the sentence out of his mouth, pushing away his pride and his enormous ego for a moment and then waited for your answer, rocking nervously on the balls of his feet and tapping his phone screen with his nails.
Maybe I'm too busy bein' yours to fall for somebody new,
You nodded your head, hair swaying in the cool breeze. Your cheeks were tinted pink from the temperature and he noticed you had no jacket, only the large shirt he’d seen earlier. “Are you cold, y/n?” his voice was quiet as you two walked side by side, shoulder occasionally bumping together and your hands brushing against each other. He could feel the cold metal of the rings on your fingers on his skin.
Now, I've thought it through, crawlin' back to you.
“Yeah. My jacket’s in my brother’s bag,” y/n spoke, tilting her head up to look at the stars. The silvery light of the moon reflected off of her glowing skin and he could’ve sworn she was like a marble statue from ancient Greece for those few seconds. Tsukishima slid his coat off of his shoulders, leaving his in a hoodie, before sliding the coat over her shoulders. She pulled her slender arms through the sleeves and grinned at him, raising her eyebrows, “Are you flirting with me, Tsukishima?”
The boy blushed but the darkness hid it well. He just grunted and shook his head, shoving both hands into the pockets of his sweats to keep them warm. 
“Tsukki?” he heard y/n’s voice again, turning his head to look her in the eyes. She smiled nervously and stopped, her body facing him fully, “I.. uh,” Kei tilted his head to the side in an attempt to tease her, “Would you leave if i told you i liked you?”
The blond’s heart faltered, beating irregularly and he stumbled a little, her words making him dizzy. He shook his head vigorously, glasses sliding down his nose. He pushed them back up.
Y/n laughed, pulling his right wrist out of his pocket and intertwining it with hers. Warmth immediately flooded his hand all the way up to his shoulder and back into his cheeks. He breathed out slowly, a content sigh leaving his lips but then his back was against a wall and his eyes were wide open from the shock of how fast it had happened.
“Got you.” y/n smirked, beginning to let go of his wrists that she was holding my his ears; he flipped her round and now it was her turn to blush, his voice coming out deep in her ear, “Really?”
And all of a sudden, Kei found himself falling towards her,their lips colliding and supplying a steady source of heat to Kei’s and y/n’s cheeks, replacing the cold air in each other’s lungs with warm, hot breaths. Kei’s head was spinning again. Oh, what he’d do to stay like this forever.
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longlivelindanny · 4 years
You’re Alive, You’re Alive
Paring: Danny & Linda Reagan
Rating: M
Genre: romance, smut
She didn't know exactly where she was- somewhere in Manhattan, but she had no idea where. She had a feeling, a weird, strong feeling she needed to find someone- a man. She had no idea if she knew the man, but her gut and heart were screaming "find him!" She tried, asking around for him and getting now where since she couldn't produce a name or face or any sort of defining feature or characteristic. Feeling almost defeated, she went into one more bar.
She stood at the bar, talking to the bartender. "Excuse me. I know this is going to sound weird, but I'm looking for a man. I don't know his name or where he lives or what he does, but I need to find him."
"How can you be lookin' for someone you know nothin' about?"
"I don't know." She sighed and looked up at the tv. There on the screen, was a handsome man talking to the press. "Hey! That's him!"
The bartender looked up, "that's the commissioner's son- Danny Reagan's his name."
"Danny Reagan. Do you know where he works, where he lives?"
"Where he works, yeah. Over at the 5-4."
"The five-four? What's that?"
"Have you been livin' under a rock? It's a police station."
"Could you tell me where it is?"
She listened closely to the directions, nodding along, everything sounding vaguely familiar. "Thank you."
She set out on her journey, not knowing at all what to expect. What if this Danny character was married? What if he had kids? Or what if he was sleeping with that pretty Latina standing next to him on the tv screen? The woman had so many questions, questions she craved answers for: the most important one being "who the hell am I?"
"There has to be something we missed," Danny was standing at his desk, shifting through papers strewn haphazardly across the surface.
"We just told the press everything's fine." His partner, Maria Baez, lifted her hand in a shrug.
"We have to lie to the press to keep them at bay. This doesn't seem like a normal murder. It's all too... neat."
"I can head over to the neighbor's again, see if they actually have more to tell us."
"Good idea."
"I'll keep you posted." Baez grabbed her coat and left the building.
"Um, excuse me."
There was a tap on Danny's shoulder and he turned around to face the woman. His heart immediately started pounding for reasons unknown.
"You don't know me, and I don't know you, but... something is telling me to look you up. I think- what's the matter?" She stopped her talking, a look of concern crossing her face. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"
"What's your name?"
"I don't know."
"Where'd you come from?"
"Somewhere dark and dingy and scary. Jersey, I think."
"How'd you get here?"
"Hitched rides until I came to Manhattan. Asked around about you, and when I got an answer, I came here. Why? Is something the matter?"
"This is going to sound weird, but do you have a tattoo on your ankle? Two Chinese symbols?"
"Those are Chinese?" She plopped her foot on his chair, the skirt she was wearing riding higher up her thigh. "What do they mean?"
"Peace and mind, love and happiness."
"Oh! Those are good things to have."
Danny licked his lips, swallowing hard. He was freaking out, and he was sure it was due to the stress of the case. "This will sound weird again, but... do you have a tattoo, right above your ass? Left side. A puzzle heart, one side blue, the other side purple? The blue has 'Danny' and the purple has 'Linda'?"
"Uh... I don't know."
"Can I check?"
"Here? In front of all these people?"
Why wasn't she protesting him looking in the first place? If she was who he thought she was, she'd protest immediately. "No, back here."
She let him take her hand, and her stomach fluttered. She followed him as they weaves through the detectives and into a back room.
"May I see now?"
"Okay." She turned around and pulled her skirt past her ass, letting rest at her thighs.
There he saw the tattoo, and the scar on her back from the bullet. He backed up until he sat on one of the cots.
She looked behind her, and pulled up her skirt. She walked over to him, "what's wrong? Are you sick?"
"I know who you are."
"Really? Who?"
"You're Linda.... my wife."
"Your wife?" She smiled widely, "alright! My name's Linda?" When he nodded, she continued, "Linda what?"
"Linda Rose O'Shea Reagan. We have two kids: Jack and Sean. Jack's in college, and Sean will graduate high school this year."
"They're so big!"
"Gentleman, too. Like you taught them."
"Danny, if I'm your wife, then why aren't I with you and our boys? Why was I-"
"In New Jersey somewhere?"
Linda nodded, sitting next to him on the cot. A warm feeling filled her chest; it was familiar and comforting, and something she hadn't felt in three years.
"You were airlifting a patient-"
"Nurses don't do that." She interrupted, "how did I know that?"
"They don't, which means the crash and everything was staged. Meaning you were kidnapped for three years, and are now back. But you've got amnesia."
"Amnesia? Is that why I can't remember anything?"
"Where do we live? Will you take me there? How did you know that I'm your wife?"
Danny answered the last question first. "You look exactly like my wife. Only her hair was dyed blonde, and she had cut it a little past her chin." He pushed her long brown hair behind her ear. "And the tattoos. Linda had- you have tattoos like the ones I described, and are on you. You've got a-"
"A what?"
Should he tell her about the bullet in her back? About how she was shot twice? "A scar on your back, sorta near your spine. I'd know those tattoos and scar anywhere. It was your eyes, too. My wife has the most electrifying blue eyes I have ever seen."
She looked into his eyes, again feeling the warmth in her chest, and somewhere decidedly lower. "Are you going to kiss me?"
"Oh, hell yeah." He cupped her cheek with his palm, bringing her lips to his. A sense of relief and euphoria washed over him as she kissed him back; if he had any doubt she wasn't his wife, it was gone now. No one in the world kissed him like Linda kissed him.
Linda didn't want the kiss to end; she hadn't been kissed for three years, and she didn't even remember being kissed before she was taken away from her husband. Her breathing became heavier as the kiss intensified. Reluctantly, they both pulled back for air.
"Danny, you said I was a nurse. I was wearing scrubs before I was able to shower and get a new pair of clothes."
"You were the best nurse... can I take you home?"
"Will you?"
"Yes." He left work with her, leaving no explanation with anybody as to where he had gone off to this time. The drive to the house was a little awkward- what does one say to their dead wife who's actually alive but has no memory of anything?
“Is this it?” Linda looked at the cute home when they pulled up to the driveway.
"Not much, but it's home."
"No, it's cute. Did I live here?"
He swallowed again, "no."
"How come?"
"I'll tell you later." He walked over to her, reaching for her hand.
She wouldn't let him, "tell me now."
"Our old house- there was a fire, and we lived with my Dad for a bunch of months. You died- were kidnapped May 28th. I got this place in August."
"C'mon," he held his hand out again, and this time she took it. "I'll show you around."
Linda listened carefully as he told the story behind the pictures to her. She was filled with love and melancholy, realizing she didn't remember the life she had.
"It looks like a nice life. I wish I could remember it."
"You will. It'll come back to you." Danny frowned when she started to cry. "Don't- don't cry. It'll be alright." He hugged her tightly, rocking her back and forth.
When her tears stopped, she quietly asked, "will you take me to the bedroom?"
Danny was surprised to hear that, even though that had been what he wanted to do ever since he discovered that Linda was alive. He led her to the bedroom without a word, and closed the door behind them out of habit. "It's lovely in here, without you."
She smiled at that, "I've missed you. I didn't even know who or what I was missing, when I was gone. But I now I know. It was you.... you protect me, don't you?"
"I didn't protect you from being taken." It was out of his mouth before he could keep it in.
"That wasn't your fault." She had no idea if that was true, but her husband needed reassurance. She stepped up to him, pressing her lips against his in a sweet kiss. She slipped her hand to the back of his head, the other one resting on his chest. The warmth inside her spread much like her husband's warm tongue in her mouth. She knew she missed this, even if she didn't remember it.
Linda moved her hands beneath his jacket, resting them on his shoulders. She took the jacket it off, and it landed on the floor in a crumpled heap. She moaned when Danny took off her cardigan, her hair getting frizzy from the dry air and static electricity.
"I was a blonde?" She nearly whispered, focusing on popping the little white buttons to his powder blue Oxford shirt.
"And a brunette some of the time. But mostly blonde." His shirt joined his jacket on the floor.
"Semper fi," she traced the inking on his chest, above his heart.
"Code of the Marines. Always faithful."
"You're a marine and a cop?"
"Were you honorably discharged?"
Danny thought about his answer- he really wasn't. He could'nt be 'honorably discharged' if he was the only one who made it home. But he didn't want to upset his wife, so he answered, "yeah."
She traced his other tattoo, the Orange one on his right shoulder. "Linda Rose, with a rose."
"That's you." He took her blouse off, then her bra, and they were both half naked, standing in the bedroom.
As sexy as he was, standing there in no shirt and his tie still around his neck, Linda slowly started to remove the tie. "Were we kinky? Did we ever use this tie?"
He thought about being literal, telling her it wasn't that exact tie, but he decided against it. "We were fairly kinky. You liked being constrained."
"Interesting..." she pressed against him, sloppily undoing his belt. "Your pants sit low on your hips." With the belt discarded, she dipped her fingers into the waistband. "I like it."
Danny moaned when her hand sunk into his underwear. How he missed this, missed her! He missed everything about her, and was thoroughly convinced all this was a very vivid dream. There was no way he was this lucky, getting his supposedly dead wife back in his arms again.
Linda kissed his neck, nipping at the flesh as she unbuttoned his pants and slid the zipper down. Together they kicked their shoes off, with as much ease as they had had before she went away. If they had been sitting, drinking coffee, Danny would have to come up with the impossible task of telling the family all of it was fake. He didn't even know it was fake until an hour ago, and dare he say he was happier than the day he married the Angel?
"Linda," her name escaped his lips as her own found that spot on his neck. He felt his pants slip down to his ankles, and he stepped out of them while tugging Linda's skirt down. He picked her up slightly, away from the skirt, and sat on the bed. She straddled him, both of them in only underwear.
"Is this a rule?" She whispered nearly breathily, sending more heat through her husband's body.
"What?" He started kissing her jaw, palming her breasts with his hands. He smirked at the moan that came from her when he tugged on a pert nipple.
"The... the mutual taking off of- ah!- of clothes?" She barely got the question out, mostly focused on how she was pressed against him.
"Unwritten rule."
Her "Oh" turned into a low, dirty groan in the back of her throat as Danny's fingers tapped the front of her underwear. He dragged his finger across the dampening fabric, nipping at her collarbone. "Danny..."
"What is it? What do you want?" How easily he fell back into one of her favorite bedroom games.
"Touch me." She moved her hips, her core rubbing against his fingers. "More."
Danny obliged, feeling his underwear tighten further as he felt Linda's now wet undies. He scratched at them, pleased her eyes closed and her mouth dropped open. "Your wearing too many clothes."
As he hooked his fingers in the band of her underwear, she answered, "you too."
Clumsily, they rid of their underwear, and soon she was sitting on his lap again, fabric barriers gone. A curse fell from her lips when she felt him against her. It had been years since she was this happy, this pleasure stricken. It felt fantastic and very, very new all at the same time.
Danny's fingers found her entrance, and he teased her by doing the 'come here' gesture. She rolled her hips, signaling she wanted more. He slipped one finger inside her, then quickly added another, her choppy breaths hot against his ear. Only for a moment or two did Danny stop the movements. He faltered slightly when Linda's hand wrapped around his aching length. He moaned her name, and she kissed that spot beneath his ear, moving her hand up and down.
He had had about thirty seconds to think on how this would go. He was pleased how easily it was going, as if Linda hadn't been taken away from him at all. It had the feeling of a normal nooner. He pulled his fingers out, picking her up and laying her on the bed.
Linda attached her lips to his, her hand still pumping his length. He moaned in her throat, and she knew she was so close. Her toes curled as he started kissing his way down her body; a filthy sound came from her mouth when he pressed his lips against her heat. She was breathing through her mouth as shocks or pleasure pealed through her body, "Danny."
He lifted his head slightly, "yes?"
"I want you... inside me."
He complied, pressing himself into her until she whimpered. He stopped quickly, knowing that whimper wasn't one of pleasure. "Linda?" He swept her hair from her face.
"I... it's been a bit."
He felt stupid for not thinking about that. He found her hand, lacing their fingers together. "Tell me if it's too much?"
She nodded, squeezing his hand. They locked eyes as he slid fully into her, and for a few moments, the sting was enough to make her cry. Then she got used to it, and kissed him, murmuring into his mouth to continue.
She found her high first, screaming out his name. He followed her, the old habit of making sure she was happy first, still with him. After another round in the shower, they laid together beneath the covers.
Linda traced nonsense patterns on his chest, her eyelids getting heavy. "That was fabulous."
Danny chuckled and kissed her head. "I'm so glad you're back. You have no idea- I was..." he had wondered when the tears of joy would hit him.
Linda lifted her head, "you're sad?"
"No, I'm so happy." He crushed her against him, hugging her tightly. "You're alive, you're alive. And it's real."
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turnaboutimagines · 5 years
scenario: meeting their doggos
Featuring: Miles Edgeworth, Dick Gumshoe, and Kristoph Gavin
A/N: ace attorney men and their dogs give me life... that’s all.  this got way too long, but welcome to the blog!!!  you only get to make one inaugural post, might as well start it off with a bang.
Miles Edgeworth.
It’s a beautiful day outside, so it’s no surprise.  Now, what is surprising is spotting a certain magenta suit that belonged.  Prosecutor Edgeworth always seems to be working, so you initially decide to let him enjoy his rare moment of solitude...  Well, that is until you spot the little fluff ball of a Pomeranian ambling along beside him, anyways.
Unable to help yourself, you decide to approach him in order to meet his canine companion.  You catch his eye halfway to meeting him, his typical resting glare softening and his shoulders straightening ever-so-slightly as he pauses in order to wait for you.
“Ah, good afternoon, Mr. Edgeworth!  I didn’t know you had a dog,” you say, bending down and allow the small dog to sniff your hand.  His tail wags as he brushes his cold nose against your hand and you melt.  “And especially not one this cute!”
“Ah, yes... good afternoon.  And I do, indeed.  His name is Pess.”
You tear your eyes off the dog in order to look up to his owner, a hopeful smile on your face.  “C-Can I pet him?”
His throat tightens from your expression and he forgets how to speak for a few moments—his oration abilities seemingly flying south for the winter.
“... But of course,” he says with a gracious nod.
And with that you begin to lavish the small dog in attention.  Scratches behind the ear and chin quickly gave way to him rolling onto his back, inviting you to give him some belly rubs.  Your voice instinctively raises an octave as you coo at him, “You’re just too cute!  And sooo fluffy!  A certified good boy!!”
It seems like he’d made the right decision in taking his dog out for a walk here this afternoon.  He has to avert his gaze, face the tiniest bit flushed from how pleased he is to see you dote on his beloved Pess.  The strange way he feels around you only seems to intensify as his heart seems to pleasantly hammer away in his chest.
(But if anyone’s too cute here, it’s you.) 
The realization of what he just thought is not lost on him as his eyes widen in panic, face quickly flushing bright red.  Logic was his strength, but emotions?  Haha, no.  Definitely not.  Initially, he’d chocked up such intrusive thoughts to mere happenstance, but this was becoming a pattern—one that he was unable to deny any longer.
"Nngh...  I seem to have forgotten an important thing at my office, now if you’ll excuse me—”
Before you can even open your mouth to say goodbye to them, the man is strolling off with Pess trotting along beside him, struggling to keep up with his long strides.  
Dick Gumshoe.
You can’t help but let out a sigh as you sit down on the bench with your Samurai Dog in hand, ready to chow down on what promises to be a delicious treat.
That voice... you’d recognize it anywhere and in spite of its frantic-quality it still made your heart skip a beat in your chest.  You look up only to see a Shiba Inu barreling toward you at full speed with your detective crush running behind him, determination written all over his face.  Your grip slackens and, before you know it, the dog is up on the bench beside you and practically inhales the hot dog from your hand.
Gumshoe’s shoulders sag as he reaches you and grabs the end of Missile’s leash, brows knitted together as he gives you the puppy dog eyes.  “I’m real sorry about that, pal.  Missile here’s got a real nose for those Samurai Dogs, you see, and he can’t really help himself...  I-I’ll buy you a new one, I think I have two bucks on me...”  He quickly begins patting his coat’s pockets, trying to remember where he put his mostly empty wallet...
“I-It’s okay!  Please don’t worry about it, detective.”  You offer him a reassuring.  “Just stay clear of the next block, otherwise he’ll clear out the whole stand,” you say with a small laugh, meaning it as a joke.
Yet the detective only pales in response and you get the distinct impression that that’s happened before.  You can practically see the flashback to his salary being cut in his eyes.  Poor man...
Clearing your throat, you decide to change the subject as you look to the cute dog sitting next to you on the bench, tail now wagging in post-Samurai Dog satisfaction.  “So... this is Missile, huh?  Is he your dog or...?”
“Kinda, sorta!” he says, quickly perking back up with pride.  “He’s a K-9 unit down at the precinct, but I've been training and taking care of him.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Missile!”  You say, turning to the Shiba beside you and giving his head a gentle rub.  “Did you enjoy your treat, buster?”
He lets out a happy bark before leaning forward and licking your cheek.  When you giggle, he begins to cover your face in sloppy dog kisses and you only laugh more.
Detective Gumshoe brings a hand up to clutch his shirt, right over his heart, as a silly grin breaks across his face.  His cheeks flush red as he watches you and Missile get along so adorably.
Jeez Louise, does he have it bad for you...
Kristoph Gavin.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you stare at the immaculate front door to the large, equally pristine home that belonged to your boyfriend.  It was supposed to be a date night in, cooking a quality meal together and enjoying some wine afterwards.  He’d warned you ahead of time that he had a dog, Vongole, and that she's a bit picky when it came to people.  Just like her owner.
You just hope she’ll like you...  You’d been dating for over a month now and it was feeling like things in your relationship were starting to become more serious and this date felt like it was going to be a make or break point for the two of you.
Working up your courage, you ring the doorbell right on time.
“Please, come in,” Kristoph says, a gentle smile on his lips as he steps aside to let you in.  “I hope it wasn’t too hard to find?”
“N-Not at all!” you say, taking a step inside and quickly slipping off your nicest pair of shoes.  “Your directions were perfectly clear.”
The door shuts behind you.  “I’m most glad to hear it.  I know that your sense of direction isn’t one of your strong suits.”
You give him a look only to be greeted by that pleasant smile of his, but before you could fire off a playful retort back there was a flash of gold in your peripheral.  You turn to face the golden retriever that comes trotting up to you, long, silky fur brushed to the point of shining like real gold.
She sniffs your legs and you hold your breath, standing still as you let her inspect you on her own terms.  You can practically feel Kristoph’s gaze as he carefully observes you interacting with his dog for the first time.
“And this is Vongole, the ‘best friend’ I’ve told you so much about.”
Her tail begins to wag tentatively and you let out your breath as you kneel down in front of her, running your hands through her soft fur.  She headbutts you before nuzzling up against you, angling herself to where she wants you to pet her.  You let out a small laugh as you do as she demands, already smitten by her.
“She’s absolutely beautiful... and such a sweetheart, too!”
You hear him approach in approval as he crouches down on her right side and joins you in lavishing her with attention, “Yes, she certainly is, isn’t she?”  One of his hands brushes against yours as he offers you a charming smile, laced with a double meaning unbeknownst to you.  “It seems like you’ll get along just fine, my dear.  Just as I expected...”
Your face grows warm, but you can’t help but smile—feeling honored to have both of their approval.
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