#it happens my legs get bent worse out of shape
luvrxbunny · 8 months
Bunny I was randomly thinking about slow sex with Miguel with the !Cradle Sex Position! 🥺
i had to google what that was and omg the fucking fire that starting in my stomach AHHHHHH
also there were a bunch of diff photos so i hope this is the one you were talking about
warning 18+ - an animated photo of the position is below the cut
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not proofread and probably some improper grammar CUS THIS WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE A BLURB
wc: 1k
it'd be really emotional sex. like maybe you almost died on a mission, ohh- like andrew garfield's spider-man! you were falling like that and Miguel had seen that canon event for other spiders so many times that he thought this was it- that no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, how quickly he shoots his web it wont reach you, he wont catch you, you're gonna die and it's his fault. but then his web reaches you and you're shaken up but completely safe.
he doesnt leave you alone for the rest of the day. he becomes worse than your shadow because at least your shadow can't insist your keep one part of your body on his at all times.
once you guys get home you ask him why he's so worked up and bent outta shape by what happened today and he breaks down. tears begin to stream down his face despite how aggressively he's trying to rub them away and you force him to sit down and explain himself to you.
you’re being so gentle as you comfort him, so caring and loving in a way he’s never felt before. so ofc he gets hard 🥳
he pulls you into his lap slowly and just stares at the shocked expression on your face once you feel that he’s hard. you’re sitting across his lap because of how he pulled you in. your legs run off the sides of his thighs as his legs stay planted on the ground.
he readjusts himself, slides down a bit and spreads his legs before wrapping a thick arm behind your thighs, one behind your back and slowly folding you up for him. he turns you so your back is to his chest but you can still hold the eye contact he’s kept this whole time.
the silence in the room is so fragile you’re afraid to breathe, not wanting to shatter the moment. his eyes flicker to your lips for a moment before coming back up with a pleasing look. his cheeks are still wet with tears, you can’t resist him. you lean in slowly and don’t close your eyes until your lips are locked with his. he moans and he reaches for your hand. he grabs your wrist and fidgets with buttons until your suit dissipates, one of his favorite things about having chosen to make you a digital suit.
he adjusts his watch to just dissipate the crotch, always needing that power imbalance between the two of you. his cock slaps against your pussy the moment it’s freed, eliciting a shocked, but desperate moan from the both of you.
miguel planned on taking his time with you but after his cock hit your plush, wet, lips— he can’t wait any longer. “putting it in, baby.” he grunts out into your ear as he lines himself up with your entrance. your hands reach back to caress his head, play with the curls at the base of his neck.
both your eyes roll back as he slides into you. it’s funny how in sync the two of you are, feeling the same things at the same time for the same reasons. the emotional exposure has left you both raw, sensitive for each other. you both are moaning louder and more frantically than you usually would, on edge already.
“m’not gonna last miguel. oh i love you so much, baby. you’re so good, keeping me safe at all times. my big protector.” your delirious, running your hand through his curls and grinding on his cock as you speak. your words affect him more than he ever could’ve expected. he’s cumming.
it’s worse than a punch to the gut. he lets out a yelp/moan of your name like a scolding and you can feel his warmth flooding your insides. his hands grip your thighs so hard you actually think they may pop, you have to dig your nails into his wrists for him to realize. his hands are shaking— his whole body is shaking so violently that you’re trembling along with him, causing an extra tightness over his cock as you start to cum.
he was on the tail end of his orgasm but now that you’re cumming around him… it’s been renewed. he lets out another shocked moan, closer to a whimper and a sob as he crosses the line into overstimulation. he’s still fucking into you though because you’re cumming. he wants you to cum so hard you’re nothing but jelly in his hands but it seems to be having the opposite affect.
your head is turned to his, you hand on the back of his head, in his curls to angle it towards you and you’re mumbling with a smirk against his lips. “oh- yeah. fill me up, miggy. you’re pumping me so full, baby. kee- keep going. miguel. keep filling me up, my love. m’all yours. make me yours- mark me. want everyone to know.” your words penetrate his brain like bullets. shooting through him and never leaving. mark you
he takes a bite before he can think. wanting to mark you in anyway he can and the sensitivity on his fangs as his eyes crossing as his cock shoves out another fat rope of cum into you. you’re squealing, trying to hold your sounds in as you flutter over his cock again, creating an obscene noise as his thrusts die into slow grinds. his teeth are still in your shoulder, feeling too good under the rush of your warm blood to pull out. his brows are furrowed as he tries to collect his thoughts again.
this never happens to him. you’re stroking the back of his head now and whispering loving words into the air, hoping he can hear them. you’re usually the one in this position, all fallen apart and gifting miguel the honor of putting you back together. but now he’s gifting the honor to you, giving himself you you completely, letting you clean him up and take the both of you to bed.
i literally burnt myself out from this and now today's fic is like 800 words
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overkill-max · 1 year
The Rescue
Just a little drabble of what I think could happen in Episode 6 of Willow. It is very Kit centric. And there are spoilers from the trailer.
Kit had been so close to getting what she wanted. Just as she could feel Jade’s breath on her lips, she was snatched away from her.
She was aching with longing for what could have been. Angry at herself for waiting so long to tell Jade the truth. Now that it seemed she would die in a cage next to a lamenting Willow. He told her he was a fake. Worse, Elora heard this confession and had run away from him.
Elora could be in as much danger than them and all she could think about was herself. She looked up and realized she was just as selfish as ever.
She wonders if she would have even told Jade anything before the truth plums and the various cups of drink she had in her. She had meant to apologize about what she suspected. She hadn’t suspected this, exactly. But she felt that Jade was more special than any of them realized… because she was special. Her heart was brave and true. Her smile was made of sunshine. Her hair burned like wildfire across her heart. She… she was special… but Kit hadn’t known how to say all that.
Even with the truth plums, she had managed to say the wrong thing.
After that, she was disappointed in herself because her confession. The way she had told Jade how she felt… to place that upon Jade just as she had found her place in the woods…it was just another selfish impulse. Even when it was the truth…
“Come on. Your wits. My spriteliness. We’re gonna be out of here in no time.”
A man across from them, in his own cage, laughs. Knowing that they would all die here.
Kit tired to stay positive. But she knew she wasn’t as strong as Jade. She wasn’t as smart as Graydon. As wily as Boorman. As magical as Willow. She wasn’t even as charming and fun as her brother. She was nothing but a disappointment to her mother who looked at her and only saw the ghost of her father in her features.
Kit… Kit had been the wrong twin to rule their kingdom. Too impulsive and not serious enough to be seen as a real contender for the throne. Even when her mother treated her brother as a womanizer and a joke, he was the one next in line to rule. She was a consolation prize for the surviving prince of Galladoorn. In fact, it seemed as if they were both placeholders for who their parents really missed. Reminders of what their parent’s couldn’t let go of.
Elora… even Elora, who was kind and selfless before they found out she was the chosen one… even she was a better person than Kit.
They all knew it… and now she did too.
  The explosion above them rattled all the cages so much that theirs went tumbling into the abyss below.
Their cage hit several others, which helped slow down their descent, but it didn’t stop it from quickly sinking to the bottom of an endless well.
Kit used all her strength to kick against the door. It had been bent out of shape in the fall and if she could just keep a breath long enough, she might just be able to force it open.
She swam back up and tried again. Looking up from where she was, she saw how the cage fell below the water line and panic rose up in her chest.
She exhaled and felt lightheaded. She kicked and kicked until her feet went forward without meeting resistance. Her vision blackened and she grabbed onto Willow’s still body before swimming them both to the surface. She coughed. Spitting up water and taking in more than she let out in her desperate attempt to breathe.
Willow’s lips turned blue. Kit tried to hold their heads above water while trying to grip onto the slippery sides that gave purchase to nothing but green, slicked walls.
Kit swallowed more water and coughed as it went above her nostrils. She was unable to cough it all out and her lungs burned.
Not as much as the words she couldn’t stop herself from hearing echo back at her.
“I feel sorry for her. For loving someone who can’t love her back.”
Her legs were tired. Her mind was racing. But she refused to give up. Swimming in what felt like a giant circle in the dark.
Desperate for oxygen. Frantic for Jade to know more than just the truth. Jade had to know that she was loved. Truth plums or not. The words were her own. The feelings belonged to her before she even knew what they meant… Kit had loved Jade for so long and so fully that Elora had seen through her. She knew that Kit had wanted to kiss Jade until her last breath. That she knew how Jade felt but had been too much of a coward to do anything about it because before, it felt as if they had all the time in the world to stay at each other’s sides.
Now… she would do anything to have a little bit of magic. To go back and tell Jade before she tried to run away that she loved her. That she was proud of her. That she would be a great knight. That she would refuse to marry for the good of the kingdom, just like her mother had done. That she would marry for love and all she ever wanted was to go on an adventure with Jade at her side.
One where they would just spend the rest of their days next to each other. Even if all they did was chop wood and fetch pails of water on the edge of the woods.
Jade felt her heart beat out of control. Thinking about Jade always left her feeling stupid and tongue tied.
The other woman filled her thoughts so fully that when her hand touched a void, her brain didn’t register it until her body swam forward on its own. Her knees hit the edges of something sharp. Jade kept reaching out. Tentatively touching whatever was in front of her until she realized it was a staircase.
With waterlogged clothes and aching limbs, she climbed up until she could put Willow on the steps and try to breathe life back into his body.
He coughed up water and bile onto the slippery steps and Kit started shaking with relief. She pushed her wet hair back and leaned against the wall.
“Well, that’s one way to escape prison.” She says. Voice small.
Kit’s usual bravado is gone. She knows she is unworthy of leading these heroes anywhere. Yet… she had no other place to go but forward. To follow them, now that she understood that everyone else on this trip was special but her.
They all mattered so much more to the world than she did.
All she had wanted was a way out of her marriage. An adventure. To go beyond what she knew. To leave before Jade left her.
Instead, she needed to rescue her brother and keep the world from being swallowed into darkness while also coming to grips with the fact that this was her legacy.
Her family had been corrupted before. And she knew that given the opportunity, they might fall again… not her brother. He had always been so bright. He was a shining light to the darkness of who she was. Kit could feel those dark edges cutting into the surface whenever she said a mean word to him. She sounded like her mother… and in a way… she was a mirror image to those dark and twisted things that had made her Bavmorda’s granddaughter.
The last words she had said to her brother had been cutting and she was sorry for that. For not being honey sweet, like Elora. For not being selfless, like Jade. For choosing to be anything but what he had needed when they were both hurt.
She was still lamenting this when Willow coughed, stood up on shaking legs and began ascending the steps.
Kit could only follow.
It was dark.
They were cold.
But they had lived to see another day.
They reached the top. Where they had been imprisoned and even though Willow urged her forward. Kit struggled with the pulleys and levers to free the man who was next to them.
“We don’t have time.” Willow told her and even though she agreed with him. Even when her arms burned, and she was dizzy… Kit couldn’t leave this man to die… regardless of what he had done… he was still a person, and he should go free.
The three of them grabbed their weapons, some torches, and kept making their way out of the dungeon.
The stranger wanted freedom and vengeance. Willow wanted to salvage whatever relationship he could with Elora. And Kit just wanted to see Jade again. To make sure she was safe.
She didn’t care about whether the kiss happens or not without the truth plums pushing the truth out of them… She just cared that the other woman was safe.
This was meant to be a little drabble and now it’s got a second chapter.
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fluorescentpipedream · 11 months
I’m supposed to be sleeping but this blurb popped into my head when I tried to push a frightening image of gnashing metal teeth and red eyes out of my head. Much better, I must say but still keeping me up.
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“It’s always been like this between the two of us, I push, she pulls. The heat, the fire in her eyes for me..damn woman”
The sting of the whiskey made the man hiss as he slowly rotated the rounded ice around the glass it clinked. In front of him was a picture of a brunette with bedroom eyes wearing a silky teddy. He rapped his tattooed knuckle on the wood of the bar top, a casual request for another shot. The bartender was Asian, short and the man looked them over as they stood before them. Their dark eyes reflected the cool light of the bar, and for a moment they both exchanged the same look. For his part, the man couldn’t figure out if the tender was male or female, and in the same instant he had that thought, it was followed by the realization that he didn’t care.
He took another drink, and the sting was less this time. “No idea why she affects me like that either, only woman to bring me to my knees, ya know? I love her, I hate her and she’s the same. Gotta be why we keep at it for so long”
He smirked, stretching his long fingers so much so they bent back a little. Double jointed, he’d tell people but it was a lie. They’d found some new medical reason why he could hyperextend his fingers but like so many things he was too old to give a shit. The man was tall, nearly 6’2, and to make it worse he was wearing leather biker boots which added an extra couple of inches. His hair was a dark brown but his beard was almost entirely grey. He was well groomed, and spoke with an accent that was hard to place.
“I met her at her sister’s wedding, a friend of a friend doing a favor. I fuckin hate weddings and I ain’t even friends with that schmuck anymore. But she’s not close to her sister now either. I still remember the ugly ass bridesmaid dress” He smirks, in on a joke no one else knows.
That dress was turquoise with a horrible bow in the back barely even holding on. Their first meeting was also the first time they’d fucked. It was rough, fast and excused just as quick as a stupid fling, something to do when the wedding was too boring to do anything else. But then it happened again. And 3 months later, same thing. After that one, there was dinner and something that could be considered a date. They never exactly gave a name to what this was, there was always something else to call it: fun, boredom, Tuesday night.
He scoffed and set his glass down. Behind him the late night stragglers were milling around. There was a hoot and a loud cacophony of bells, whistles and hollering. Someone won a jackpot. He looked down at the picture again. She had given that to him a few weeks ago and he kept it in his wallet. As his gaze fell over the picture he remembered running his hands up her thighs, teasing her sides and the small of her back as she’d straddled him, her legs spread open to envelope him in a sticky warmth. You do that to me she had moaned in his ear, biting his bottom lip as she rolled her hips into him. He had his fingers in her hips, careful not to leave half moon shapes with his nails.
He licked his lips, and cleared his throat before getting up from the bar. The bartender looked at him expectantly. “Charge it to the room…” As he got up he readjusted himself, giving his jeans an unnecessary tug upwards while pulling his heather grey T-shirt down and smoothed it out over his stomach. He wasn’t particularly defined and toned but there was a bit of muscle in his arms. He also had a lot of tattoos on both of his arms, all the way to his knuckles. Despite being inside and it being well past daylight, he had a pair of Rayban sunglasses sitting on top of his head. He took two steps forward before taking one rather large step back.
“Forgot my picture.” He smirks again , trading the place of the portrait with a $20. “I imagine you’ll like that better.”
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teribst · 11 months
My Wife My Boss and Poker
My Wife My Boss and Poker
My wife and I had been together for 2 years but only married for 6 months. She’s 5’ 3”. She isn’t a thick girl but curvy with a full breasts that jiggles like Jello and are capped with just off brown nipples.
 Her 36 27 38 figure always drew the eye of both men and women and with perfectly sculpted legs, ankles and feet, well she is stunning to look at, and walking in from the bath I did just that. I stopped looking back at her lying nude in the dim light from the almost closed bathroom door. She was on her tummy, her right knee bent and pulled up in such a way her naked womanhood was fully exposed. “God I love you Hunter.”
There was a soft moan. “Then come kiss me and get the hell out.” I smiled doing just that knowing that because she worked from home she would not get up for at least another hour.
That was the last normal thing that happened for the next 2 months.
“I’m 6‘ even and in good shape. Weather permitting I ride my bicycle to and from work every day covering the 23 miles in an hour and a half most days. My boss is a good guy and if I’m a little late from my ride knows I’ll make the time up before the pay period is up. This day I was early from a nice tail wind and had changed to my work close well before 8am.
My boss Larry stuck his head in my office. “Come see me when you can.”
I got up walking to him and fell in step. “Now's as good a time as any.”
Walking into his office he pointed “Close the door and have a seat Mike.”
I closed the door as he went around and smiled while sitting behind his desk. “Besides wanting to know when they are going to pour concrete on 1st street.” He paused looking at me. 
“That's going to happen Tuesday at 7 am.”
He went on as though he had never stopped talking “Connie and I are having a small garden party for the Cole Brothers. You know how much Grumpy,” I had no idea why he called his wife that she was a nice lady “likes Hunter and she wanted me to invite y'all and ask if Hunter would come a little early to help her set up. It’s going to be this Saturday from about 1pm and go until we are all drunk or just go home.”
“I’ll let Hunter know. It sounds fun.”
Back in my office I picked up my cell to text Hunter.
Me.. Hay babe Larry and Connie want us to come to a garden party on Saturday.
Hunter.. “Well Shit..sorry babe, but I told you know Larry has gotten worse, but if I have to, ok.”
I knew that Larry was always flirting with Hunter, trying to look down her top or up her skirt. She and I had talked about the 48yr old guy being a bit lecherous well before we had gotten married. When I asked her if I should say something she had said “No but I’ll let you know if I need you to step in.
Me.. “I’ll say something to him.”
Hunter, “Mike, No not yet. You're in a good place in the company and I don’t want to jeopardize that.”
My computer dinged telling me I had mail
From Hunter King
Subject Your boss
I am forwarding you what he just sent me.
From Larry Anderson
Subject Our Garden Party
“Hay Hunter. I know I shouldn't bug you but a few of our guests this weekend are big money people, BIG money people. 
 So I wanted to see if I can get you to wear something a little more sexy than normal.
I’ll say something to Mike about it if you would like.”
Now Husband of mine you should direct me as to what you want me to do?
Something sexy our just me? And I Love you very much my man!”
I looked at the email then up through the glass in my office out into the main room where there were people all over doing their work. I was standing at his door before I really knew I had left my desk. I knocked and he looked up “What the fuck Larry?”
Making no apologies Larry looked at me. “Just so you know, I have told Grumpy the same thing and got about the same reaction.” He looked at me “This is all to do with the Cole Account. I’ll tell you what, have Hunter meet us at Rudy’s. I call Connie and have her there too. We can have lunch and talk about it at the same time.”
I sent a text 
Me..“Honey, meet us at Rudy’s for lunch. Connie is not too happy either. See you at 12:30?”
Hunter.. “Shit...I guess.” : (
Larry was already going inside Rudy’s when I saw Hunter pulling her jeep into the parking lot. I was still watching my beautiful wife in a mid-thigh length strapless summer dress with 3” wedge style heels walking to me when Connie came walking across the parking lot to her.
Connie was no slouch in the looks department either. At 5’ 9” she was well over 6 feet in her high heel 3” pumps. She had on black leggings and a white t_shirt style top. She was 45 with a full chest and her short gray hair was perfectly styled as the two women smiled at each other and as they hugged hello. I heard Connie say “I guess he is trying to rope you into this shit as well.” It had been more of a statement as she looked at me.
Hunter said “It looks like he is, whatever THIS is.” And she gave me a very dirty look.
Inside Larry had already ordered a big tray of BBQ brisket, chicken, ribs and sausage. He already had everyone a drink and was waving us out to the back patio. “I have enough of everything for everybody so come on out here.” He pointed to a wall fan “I got us close to the fan too.”
Once we all set him and Connie on one side of a picnic table me and Hunter on the other Larry started talking as the food was being passed around. “As Mike knows we have a big job that's just coming out of the ground for the Cole company. They have 5 more jobs coming up and they want to do one big contract. It's for about 4 million bucks.
Of course with the cost of labor and material the jobs will not bring in that kind of money but the revenue from it will make Anderson Construction a stable company that if everything goes right will continue to grow.” He looked at Hunter then to Connie. “Mike is and has been my number 1 for a few years now. He has always done what was asked and much, much more. He knows as much about this company as I do,” He looked at me smiling “and if we get the contract I’ll be making him a full partner.” I was watching Hunter's face and it never changed as Larry talked. “Now here is the part that I’m in trouble for. Connie” he nodded to Hunter “You and Hunter are the faces of the wives of the top brass of this outfit.” He looked at me “I don’t know how to explain this without sounding like a complete ass.” He shook his head “I need to wine and dine these 2 brothers. I need 2 beautiful women that I can trust to help me do it. The garden party is just the beginning. They are both big-time pool players so there will be a pool party that night. They are both big-time poker players so we will have a poker night and lastly if we get the contract there will be a man's night party or a trip to Vegas or something.” Again he looked from Connie to Hunter “The 2 of you are without a doubt the most beautiful women I have ever seen.” He looked at me “And if Mikes ok with it I am asking the both of you to help me do this.”
Neither woman spoke for a moment, then it was Hunter that spoke looking at me “And how long have you known about this?”
“Babe on our love I‘m getting this information at the same time both of you are.”
She looked at Connie saying, “I’m, well we are not whores Larry. I’m a very happily married woman that has a wonderful man and will not fuck someone to make your company grow.”
Now it was Connie that spoke her voice breaking a little “How could you ask us to fuck your customers?” Her hands were trembling as she took a drink to keep from crying “How could you Larry?”
Now it was my turn and I was pissed “Hell NO! Larry MY wife will not help you like that.”
Larry held up both his hands palm out in a stop gesture. “Wait, wait, wait! SHIT GUYS! I never said anything about anyone screwing anyone! I just want the both of you to dress hot, be around and look sexy. I didn’t mean for you to screw any one. Holy shit Connie I’m an ass but really you think I would do that?”
“Yes Larry I do.”
When we left, I went to go back to work while Hunter, who works from home and that's where she went, was still in tears. I wasn’t sure about Connie. Then as Larry and I were pulling out of the parking lot I saw her pull up behind Hunter. “That can’t be good.” I thought.
“Mike, man there was no way in hell I would want my wife or yours to fuck the brothers.”
“Well Larry, let's say that's true. Hunter is already nervous around you because you spend so much time trying to look up her dress.”
“Fuck me, man, she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, so yes I look.” he gave me a sideways glance “And I have seen you giving Connie the eye more than once.”
“Yes you're right, I have looked, but I haven’t made myself into a letch to do it.”
My phone buzzed with a text.
Hunter, “Are you back at work yet?”
Me, “Yes. Honey I didn’t know!”
Hunter, “Is this something we need to talk about?”
Me, “I don’t know..no.. maybe. How do you feel about it?”
Hunter, “I’m not sure either. You becoming a partner is a big deal.”
Me, “What did Connie say after we left
Hunter, “ : (  How did you know we talked?”
Me, “I saw her pull up behind your jeep as we were pulling out.”
Hunter, “She is pissed. She doesn’t think he would want us to have sex but she was sure there would be a lot of exposed skin.”
Me, “Well Shit!”
Hunter, “LOL That's my line. Well I have until Saturday...and Mike you can always say no.”
Forward to Mike King
From Hunter King
From Larry Anderson
To Hunter King
Subject The Garden Party
Have you made up your mind Hunter? Are you and Mike coming?”
To Larry Anderson
From Hunter King
Subject Garden Party
Yes we will be there and I’m going shopping. Mike will turn in any and all receipts for my purchase.
Also Larry I am not going to walk around these men and their wives with my ass hanging out, but you will enjoy it.
To Hunter King
From Mike King
Subject Clothes Shopping
Then I see you have made up your mind about doing this.
That's alright, if that's what you want.
But I have the final vote on what you do or don’t wear. 
What if he wants you to go, let's say to the poker party, but without me?
 We have not talked about that.”
To Mike King
From Hunter King
Subject Without You
I didn’t really think of him asking me to go someplace without you. How would that work? He would be there with Connie, wouldn’t he?
And If I did somehow go out without you, I wouldn't have to stay. I like that you can always say no. And think you can become a PARTNER.
To Hunter King
From Mike King
Subject Partner
Hunter...NO a 1000 TIMES NO!
I do NOT want you to do any of this for me. That's not the way to do that.
I had no idea about any of this and would rather you not do any of it.
XX ; (
It was noon on Saturday when Hunter came out of the bathroom. Her hair and makeup were perfect. She was in a black dress that had an empire waist and was mid-calf in length. The skirt was full and loosely flirty as it swished around her legs. The bodies of the dress had a high collar and she wore a jacket over it. I smiled at her, “You're even more beautiful than the first time I saw you.”
She smiled at me “You're sweet and I love you.” She pointed to the back door “Come out onto the patio so you can say yes or no to this dress.” I followed her to the door and about fell over as she stepped out into the light. Everytime she moved anywhere the material of her dress touched her skin the sunlight made it become very see-through but in only that spot. One second it was just like any normal dress and then you were seeing her leg up to her hip or her full butt. She smiled at the look on my face as she took off the jacket. She turned to look at me with her back to the light. It was normal but her nipples were predominantly hard. Then she turned into the sun and the top became completely see-through showing her breasts resting in a half-cup shelf bra. She walked out onto the deck then back smiling at me “It had a separate liner that I left off. So what do you think? Is it too much?”
“Well if you pay no mind to it acting innocent it will look like you didn’t know what the sunlight was doing to it.” I shrugged “For me, well I’d like to take you out to dinner in it so I guess it's ok for this garden party.”
We were of course early. Not because Larry had asked but because Hunter had wanted to help Connie set things up and I think they were both a little jittery over being so exposed. Connie was in a crimson floor-length summer dress that didn’t show it until she moved but it was slit up one side to her hip. It also showed, if she moved just right, her very tiny thong panties front panel. I watched Larry looking at Hunter with hungry eyes as she moved around putting things out on the patio table.
Soon enough the Cole Brothers arrived with their wives and again I watched as now all 3 men were taking in Hunter’s dress especially after she took off her jacket letting her breast with their hard nipples be seen. Both Connie and Hunter had relaxed after a time and the afternoon was a success.
I was sitting in the shade on a low chair up on the deck and the table Larry sat at was half-hidden behind a counter that had been set up to hold the buffet. It was just after the Brothers had left and the girls were cleaning up. I’m sure that he didn’t know I had a clear view of the table and the patio counter because I was setting it so low.
Connie was in the kitchen with her back to the patio and was talking to me through the open patio door as Hunter walked past me with a tray she was using to carry things back into the kitchen. She stepped up next to Larry, setting the tray down and I saw it as she suddenly went stiff. She quickly looked at me and half-smiled. I’m sure that like Larry she didn’t know I was watching it as he put his hand on her calf and ran it up the smooth skin of the inside of her leg. I saw the first stiffness of her body go away and much to my surprise she shifted opening her thighs as the hand continued up. I knew when she looked at me again his hand was at the very least touching her sex if not more. I tilted my head and was frowning when she looked at me again, seeing the look on my face she stepped away from Larry. Then with her tray full ran her hand over my cheek as she walked past me going back into the kitchen.
I was hard as stone, I had no idea why Larry touching her had done that to me but I was. I went to her in the kitchen, “Hunter, can you help me for a minute?”
 I took her hand pulling her to the hall bathroom. Pulling her inside as I closed the door and locked it she was smiling. “What are you doing?” I turned her to face the counter as I opened my pants with one hand pushing her back so she was bending forward over the counter. I said nothing as I pulled up the back of her dress as at the same time I was pushing her legs apart with my knee. When I reached in and pulled her thong down I found her soaking wet. “FUCK!” My mind screamed he had touched her! “Oh shit!” She whispered as I pushed into her “Oh god not here!” She was speaking so softly to no one in the house but I could hear her and as I began to drive into her she gasped in an almost hissing sound “Aaaa, AAAA, AAAA As I stabbed myself into her over and over.
I had hardly entered her and she was cumming, “So wet, your so fucking wet!” I whispered in a gruff voice. I watched the reflection of her tits in the mirror as my hands left her hips going to her loosely swaying boobs! She was still in full in her climax, her right hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds of us rutting together. It was hard and fast me pushing the front of her thighs hard against the counter as I let out my own soft moan emptying myself into her. I stayed with her until I slipped out, then stepped back watching as she slowly turned and with a crooked smile pulled her panties back up. She stepped towards me, kissed me softly, then still smiling, opened the door and left. I was still standing with my cock dripping into my pants still down around my knees as I watched her go.
Nothing of the afternoon was spoken of as we drove home, but her hand found mine as we walked in the back door of our house. She pulled me to the bedroom stripping as we went, leaving a trail of clothes. I was naked by the time we got to the room and she pushed me back on the bed. Still in her high heels wedge slingback she moved over me taking my manhood in hand, watching my eyes as she guided me into her sheath, setting down on it taking all 9 inches of my manhood into her belly. As she moved slowly, her eyes met mine “Larry touched me. At first I went tense but his thumb slipped under my panties and between my lips so damn fast! He bumped my button and I don’t know, well I do know, I was hot as hell from being looked at all day and I wanted it.” I felt it as her insides began to tremble and she gasped “HUH!’ And a small trimmer of a climax ran through her. “I saw you looking. Ohhh shit!” Her hands went to my chest covering my breasts as she leaned forward giving her button more contact with my pubic mound. “Umm...did you know?” Her eyes closed “Huh, Humm. You did, didn't you?”
“Oh godddd!” Now she was grinding into me “You saw..umm HUH!”
She was moving on me now, pumping me into her while trying to keep me as deeply into her as I have ever been “The baaa bathroom!”
“Yes!” My hands went to her hips lifting her as I began to thrust up!
 “Oh god yes Mike fuck me..cum in meee!”
Later we showered together, had a light snack and then went to bed nothing more was said as I think we both needed to figure out what was going on. The next day was Sunday and we lay in bed touching, loving, laughing and being a newly married couple. Neither of us brought up the day before. We were just us and very much in love.
 It was Tuesday when I got her text
Hunter, “Sometimes it’s easier to talk this way, don’t you think?””
Me, “Yes it can be.”
Hunter, “I know it excited you to see him touch me..is that something you want? To see me with another man”
Me, “No it isn’t. It happened, we both thought it was hot..but no never again.”
Hunter, “Good, you and me ... And we are ok?”
Me, “Yes my love we are fine.”
It was on Monday a week later that I got an email from Hunter
Forward to Mike King
9:55 am
To Hunter King
From Larry Anderson
Subject Poker Party
Good morning Hunter!
Thanks for coming to the garden party. It was a great success with the Brothers and so
I am having a poker party this coming Saturday. I know we talked about it before but I am double-checking to see if you will be able to help Connie host it.
It will be Mike, myself, the brothers and their operations manager. It will be at my home in the dining room from 8 pm until they are tired and want to leave. Of course, there will be snacks and drinks. So that's where you and Connie come in, serving and such.
Please let me know...I’m sorry about the hand thing. I was a little drunk.
10:10 am
To Larry Anderson
From Hunter King
Subject A Little Drunk
Larry, no you weren’t. I know you didn’t have that much to drink. So that also makes me wonder after a couple of hours playing poker just how friendly you or the other men would get. This time I let the hand thing go, but Larry...well it would kill Connie...and I would hate to be you if Mike knew…
 I also would like to know what you would expect me and your beautiful wife to wear?”
My cell buzzed with a text from her 
Hunter, “Any thoughts?”
Me, “Let's see what he says next.”
Hunter. “Ok, I’m Hungry. I’ll pick you up at 12:30. You can buy me lunch. (.) (.)”
Me, “No bra? It’s a deal. I’ll be out front.”
My next email came not long after.
Forward to Mike King
10:35 am
To Hunter King
From Larry Anderson
Subject Dress
Not without a lot of talking on my part but yes I have talked Connie into wearing a halter or bikini top and dark pantyhose as pants with heels. Panties are optional..but if worn should be a small thong.
To Larry King
From Hunter King
Subject Touching
Shit, Larry! If you can't keep your hands to yourself after a little wine how do you think it will go with us dressed like that and a few hours of drinking with your card’s?
And then there is the fact that if the Brother sees you touch, let's say your wife, you know they will want to touch as well. And of course, the turd in the soup is my Mike will be there. Do you think he will sit by and let other men manhandle his wife?”
I’m going to have to think about your request about how I would dress.
Hunter was sitting at the door in her Red Mustang GT 500. She paid for it and liked to go fast so I had said nothing when she bought it. I hated riding it and she knew it. My eyes went to her exposed thighs and her dress pulled up to her hips. She had on a tan Maxi dress that when she stood I knew would be floor length. It was sleeveless with the shoulders having narrow straps holding the form-fitting dress up.
Her makeup was perfect and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She smiled up at me standing on the sidewalk “Hey MR want a ride?”
15 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of Torchy's Tacos on South Congress in Austin. I knew what she wanted and without a word, or kiss hello, walked over to place our order. There was a small line at the outside eatery and as I stood in line I watched her walking. It was very clear she was braless and by the way her dress clung to her hips as she moved. I also knew she wasn’t wearing any panties. Seeing me watching her she smiled as she sat down.
Walking over after placing our order I bent to kiss her and she turned her cheek to my lips making me aske, “What?”
“There are somethings I need to say and if I let you kiss me I’ll lose my thoughts.” She pointed to the bench across the table from her and I sat. “Mike, you know that for a year before I met you I hadn't dated anyone and now we have been together as a couple for almost 3 years. So in 4 years no one has seen or touched me in any way except you, that is until last Saturday. Babe I need to be very, very clear to you about this, and I know that you know it, but it has to be said by me.” She shook her head, “I have not asked for or started any of this and I will not lose my marriage so Larry can grow his fucking company.” Our food came and then she went on “Honey I know how much this means to the company, and I know how hard you have worked to get where you are. I just don’t know how far you want me to let this go.” She stood up and did the whole model thing waving her hand up and down her body “I freely gave this to you when I said I do, I did and I have and will continue to do so, but I need for you to tell me what you want me to do. Mike I really don’t mind the showing off part. It’s the whole other man touching me that has me all worked up and bothered.” Her hand came to mine as she sat back down “Babe I’m scared of myself. Hell man you felt how wet I was after Larry just barely touched me and when you took me in the bathroom you felt how close to out of control I was.” She frowned looking at me “What if I...well what if I found I liked them touching me…What if I got all worked up and let one of them take me to the bathroom?”
I was at a loss for words as I looked into her beautiful worried face. “I told you I don’t care about the promotion or any of it. I could quit Larry and go to work tomorrow at a couple of different places. Hunter I don’t want you to feel pushed or forced into doing anything you or we don’t want to do. I, well you know I saw him touching you and you know what it did to me, but that doesn’t mean I want you doing..well screwing other men for the sake of the company making a buck.” I shook my head “If it comes to that he has his own wife to pimp out, but not mine.”
There was a funny smile that came to her face “So you’re saying you don’t want me to help by me fucking your way to the top.”
“That is exactly what I’m saying.”
She gave me a sideways look. “You have no idea how exciting it was for me when you simply bent me over in that bathroom and took me.” Her face was bright pink as she went on. “And then when I got home to my husband I don't think he knew that when he put it in me that night, he was putting it in what you left in me.” she grinned at me “I guess that gives you something to think about.”
My computer dinged
BCC Mike King
To Larry Anderson
From Hunter King
Subject poker party
After a great deal of thought and talking to my husband I guess I’ll work for your party.
But really only because he and Connie will be there keeping an eye on things.
 Larry, again I am telling you I am not a whore. I will not screw anyone nor do I want to be touched by anyone and that includes you. If I think things are not like I want them I’ll get my husband and leave.
If all of that is clear to you what time do you want, us, there Saturday?
2:30 pm
To Hunter King
From Larry Anderson
Subject Touching
Hunter I will make it very clear to the brothers that both you and Connie are just there at my request as eye candy and touching is not allowed.
I’ll be very excited to see what you wear and again if you need to go shopping just have Mike turn in the bills for whatever you get.
I think 7 pm will work. That will be there early enough to help Connie set things up.
Over the next few days Hunter was her sweet lovable self. But in my mind I kept playing over the things she had said about going out of control. About how she felt when I had taken her in the bathroom and how willing she had been to let me do it. I wondered about her saying she wondered if her husband had felt me in her as he’d had her that night. And indeed I had, god she was hot and so very wet inside. Now I was thinking that she might like to try another guy and come home to me all creamy after she'd had another man.
I sent her a text
“Hunter, come pick me up. I’ll be waiting by the door.”
“You ok?”
It was close to noon when she rolled up and I could see the concern in her eyes. “Mike what’s wrong? Are you hurt or something?”
“Or something. Let's run through In and Out then take the burgers to the park.”
I gave her an appraising look. Seeing this she blushed. She was in cutoffs and a t-shirt with flip flops, no makeup, and her hair had just been brushed. “Sorry I thought you were sick or something so I hurried and didn’t dress any better.”
“You’re fine.” I found I was a little angry, “And you’re so fucking beautiful.”
Once we were in the park and Hunter had pulled in under a big old Texas Oak and we both pushed our car doors open. We were sitting in the car eating. “Alright MR, what is the something that's got you so upset about it?”
I tried to smile but couldn’t “It’s what you said about me fucking you in the bathroom. More to the point it was about your husband not knowing he was getting sloppy seconds.”
Her mouth was half full of Monster burger and she held up her hand stopping me “Um…” She swallowed “Is this you and me here in this car or is it me and the guy in the bathroom, you know my husband?”
“I guess it’s you and me with me wanting to find out about you wanting the guy in the bathroom and the poor husband not knowing what he was sticking his dick into.”
“Oh ok, I see...Well.. you are my husband and the only man in the world I want to cum in me, to make my babies. Mike for this to work, me wearing next to nothing and doing the poker game, and then the pool party” She frowned “For me to make it work in my head it has to be like a fantasy. Of course, you are the guy in the bathroom, you're the bad guy that is making me go so scantily dressed and do these things in public. Your that guy that has set this all up and I’m under your power and have to do your bidding.” She took a bite “And if that means I get bent over and have that guy fuck the shit out of me then that's the way it works. As for my poor husband, he has no idea that I am doing these things. I am doing all of these perverse things for him to help him. I have to do it so he can keep his job.” She smiled a little sadly “Mike if it’s me and you I’ll walk down any street in the world as naked as naked can be if you ask me to. But babe it’s not you asking this of me, if it’s Larry asking.  Mike, I can't go half-naked like this for him.” She hitched one shoulder, So I make-believe.``
“Well then fuck it Hunter we don’t have to do this. I’ll tell him when we get back that you’re not doing it.”
She chuckled, “There's my husband, the man I love.” She leaned over to kiss my cheek.
“But no, not yet. Let’s let this Saturday play out. You’re going to be there and I know you won’t let things in real life get out of hand. But I might enjoy seeing my fantasy friend.”
It all kind of came together in my head. “Alright then we need to know who we are dealing with.”
She turned in her car seat, put her feet out and stood up next to the car. Walking around in front she held out her hand and said “Come and walk with me, Charles.”
Now I was smiling “Do you have to get back to work Cass?”
“No, I'm self-employed and my husband won’t be home for hours.”
 Hunter and I decided to go in separate vehicles, her in her car and me in my truck. If we were going to live the night in fantasy we may as well go all in. I had left the house early not wanting to spoil seeing her, however she was dressed for the first time around the other men.
I got to Anderson’s house at 7:45 Just late enough to have things already going on but not too late to have missed anything much. 
Hunter was just walking in from the game room and when I saw what she was almost wearing I was floored. I knew she saw me but she acted as though she hadn’t.
Her hair was kind of spiked up and she wore a black lace mask that covered her face from the top of her upper lip up over her nose covering her forehead to her hairline giving her the air of anonymity and I liked it. But my god it was what she was wearing that took my breath!
 It was a sleeveless high collared black bodysuit that matched her mask. It was high cut going well up over her hips with a narrow panel not hardly covering her closely trimmed pubic mound and where it ran between her legs it did nothing to cover her pussy lips. When she had turned walking away into the kitchen I saw the thong back had her bottom completely exposed as the thin thong ran between her butt cheeks slipping out from between them at the top of her ass crack. I let my eyes run down the back of her shapely bare legs seeing that she was wearing 3” wedge style black slingback heels.
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It was completely sheer and very see-through. “Fuck me.” I whispered as I was screaming in my mind “NO THEY CAN'T SEE HER LIKE THAT!” I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants, my hands trembling as I walked through to the game room.
My eyes were drawn to Connie who was wearing the same bodysuit mask and heels and I had to admit she looked damn good. “Glad you made it.” It was Larry standing at my arm.
I turned glaring at him as I spoke very softly “Larry this is bullshit and you know it. We could have hired a couple of girls to do this.” I shook my head “How humiliating will it be for our wives to have to be around them in a public setting and with their wives?” Now I was watching Hunter as she walked around the poker table making sure everyone had plenty to drink. I hated how the 2 brothers looked at her. It was just then their construction supervisor laughed running his hand over Connie's ass. “And you’re just going to stand there and let him touch her?”
I guess my voice came up because everyone in the room was looking at me “Is the fucking money worth putting your wife through this? It sure as fuck isn’t worth it to me! I love my wife too much to let this go on!”
I looked at her half-smiling face as she stood on the other side of the poker table. “Hunter come here babe.” It only took seconds and she was in front of me “Did you wear a cover-up?”
“Yes sir.”
“Go get it, I’m leaving and so are you.”
I was stone hard as I pulled us into the parking lot at the park. Hunter had not said a word to me as we drove the 10 minutes and when I got out I walked to her side of the truck. I took her hand pulling her out. Now standing in the parking lot under the street light I saw we were about 200 feet from a picnic table. She had slipped on a Sarong and now I held my hand out “Give me your Sarong.” Looking into my eyes she didn’t hesitate or untie it, she simply pulled the knotted end over her head and placed it in my hand. Who are you?”
“I’m Hunter King and your wife, very much your wife.”
“Walk with me.” And totally exposed as she was she walked over to the picnic table staying a couple of steps ahead of me letting me watch her ass as it moved. “I have never seen you look more beautiful or as exciting as you look right now.” I sat on the bench leaning back on the table top looking at her “Walk for me.” 
Still, with her face half-hidden under her mask, she smiled putting her hands on her hips. She started walking, strutting around posing this way and that in the soft light of the park’s street lamps. “Hunter, come stand right here.” She did as I asked, stopping a couple of feet in front of me “Take the body suit off and hand it to me.” I saw her eyes kind of dart around but she once again was doing as I asked, unsnapping the crotch then the snaps in her collar. Looking at me as she was pulling the black cloth up and as her breasts came into view I waved my hand at her “That, what you're showing me and anyone looking is mine,” The thin cloth was on the ground and she stepped out of it then bent picked it up, she handed it to me. She was standing with her feet about shoulder length apart as I went on. “I have found that I love showing you off. I am so hard right now it hurts. But Hunter I owe you an apology for tonight and while I am going to have you doing things like this for the rest of your life, it’s going to be for me, you husband or Charles your lover. It's going to be because I asked you to do it. Not because my boss or someone I thought was my friend wants to see you naked.” I saw a car’s lights and handed her the white silk sarong watching as she slipped it on. I found myself smiling that it was not sheer in the park light but it was almost. “Can you forgive me?”
She watched the car draw closer as the Sarong fell in place with the open slit in front. She pulled it open holding it that way with her hands on her hips and her back to the parked car. “You didn’t make me do anything. I went there of my own free will and I wore what I wanted to be seen in, so Mike you owe me no apology.” We both heard the voices of a man and woman and she let the thin cloth fall closed “Your right this does belong to you in every way and either Cass or I will be delighted to show what’s yours in any way you desire. I think this has been good for us. I see more into your mind and you have learned some things about me. I think we should keep telling each other things as we have in the last few weeks and if it's something we both are willing to try then we should do it.”
That Monday I had made a few phone calls and would be starting with a new company making more money with a better benefit package and bonus structure in 2 weeks. I had called ahead and told Larry's secretary to have my final check ready and I would pick it up later in the week. When I asked she had told me Larry had not been in.
Tuesday I had just come in from a long bicycle ride to find Hunter texting. She looked up at me wearing nothing but a smile “That was Connie. She wants us to meet her out at the Lake Austin house.” She gave me a sideways look “I didn’t know about a lake house.”
“It was hers before they were married. I think it’s kind of her getaway place.” I grinned at her “Want to shower with me?”
“Is a shower what you really want?” She smiled getting up.
“No.” And when I pushed her to the couch bending her forward over the back I found her wet and willing as I pushed and took her hard right there in the living room. She was gasping as I pumped myself into her, I was getting close, “Stop baby and she pulled away dropping to her knees. She smiled, fuck me as she looked up at me as she took my cock wet with her juices in her mouth. I pushed in deep and her eyes never left ming as I did just what she ask for and fucked my self into her face. Then it was coming, “Oh god yes Hunter,” She pushed in so her nose was pushing in on my pubic mound as I emptied my self rope after hot rope blasting down her throat and into her belly. Gasping for air she pulled back as the last of my load filled her mouth. Still looking up at me she smiled as my seed mixed with spit ran down her chin oto her breasts and I asked,. “Are you ok?”
 Hunter grinned, “Oh hell yes.”
We pulled up at Connie's lake house just a little after noon. She half-smiled as she opened the front door wearing an almost floor-length kaftan. “Hi. Thank you so much for coming. I know what a pain in the ass it is to get out here.” She waved us in then stepped in front of us. “I have some cold cuts and other stuff so we can eat while we talk.” She led us through the modernly styled home to the kitchen that had all of the bells, buttons and whistles you could dream of with a beautiful view of the lake. She pointed to the food on the kitchen island and then the table. “Please set.”
I had not eaten after my bike ride and my sugar was low so I moved to the food as Hunter sat. Connie got us both a Coke Zero then set herself. They talked about the house as I fixed my sandwich and then went to sit as well.
Now she half-smiled but it was not a happy look. I saw a tear run down her cheek as she looked at me “Connie what on earth is it?” Hunter asked.
“I have been married to Larry for 25yrs and I knew he had his..” She kind of sobbed.
“I left him.” she shook her head, “I just needed to talk to someone and I really only know I can trust the two of you.” She looked at her trembling hands “Larry was hurt when he was a boy. He has a blocked something with a name too long to remember, but what it means is he can’t get an erection.” She looked at Hunter “I knew about it when we married but there are so many other ways to have sex and he can climax he just can’t get hard.” She gesture with her hand as she talked. “So as time went on in our life he felt I might need or enjoy the touch of a man, well you know, in me. He, we had started well, we would go out from time to time and I’d pick up someone.
He would almost always watch,” She looked at us “And to be honest I did enjoy getting a good screwing. But Saturday after the two of you left..” She paused, taking a napkin and wiping her eyes. “He was like a man I never knew. He grabbed me pulling me to the poker table and as he pushed me over on it he ripped the crotch out of the body suit.” She ran her hand through her hair as she looked out the window at the water below “For the next few hours they took turns with me. They each had me in every way you can think of at least 3 times and then I kind of lost count.” She shook her head “I was not hurt. But as they did the things they did pumping their stuff in me he just sat smiling and watching, saying nothing as they did it to me. When they were finished and left I went to shower washing the filth off of me and when I came out it was to find him sitting on the bed grinning at me “How was that Babe? Did you enjoy that little gang bang? I’m sorry Hunter left. I know they all wanted a turn with her as well.” She looked at me “I keep a bat next to the bedroom door and hit him with it. It didn’t kill him, but it was the last time I saw him.” She shrugged. “In my mind, not being able to have normal sex pushed him into the other night. But I won’t be going back to him.” She had a sad half-smile. “I’m so glad you took Hunter away. I think they might have hurt you to get at her.” She started to cry. “I thought I knew him…
After calming back down Connie had told us she was moving back to Scottsdale Arizona to be closer to her family. She smiled “I know you're renting your place and was wondering if you would be interested in buying this place?”
Hunter perked right up looking at me “Oh yes, it’s beautiful but there is no way we can afford it.”
“I don’t want Larry to screw this up in the divorce and force me to sell it publicly to just anybody.” She looked from hunter to me “So I’ll make you a deal. I’ll sell this place to you for $5000.00 giving you a clear deed and bill of sale. But in the future, if you decide to sell you have to call me and give me the first offer.”
We moved in 2 weeks later.
We never saw or heard from Larry again, and the new company I had gone to work for was amazing, both at how they did things but also in how they treated their employees, and not one of them tried to get in Hunter’s pants.
Some time passed and Hunter now had 2 cell phones, hers and one that belonged to Cass.
My cell buzzed with a text.
Cass, “Hey babe. I told Mike I had a girl’s night. Want to play?”
Me, “What did you have in mind?”
Cass, “idk as long as at some point you are in me. Let's meet in the park below the Dam on Lake Travis. Do you know the one?”.
Me, “Yes. what time.”
Cass, “6 pm”
Me, “KK”
Cass was already there and I pulled up next to her Mustang. As I opened my Truck door she got out wearing a t-shirt dress that was just above mid-thigh in length and fit her body like a glove.
 Our normal Cass and Charles dates for the most part lasted a few hours with me always leaving first and her getting home a little after me
This evening she was a little out of breath when she came to me. She didn’t even look around to see if anyone was looking as she started undoing my pants. “Mike isn’t going to be as late as I thought so we have to hurry.” My pants opened and she dropped to her knees. I saw as her t-shirt pulled up that it was all she had on and as her mouth caressed me her fingers found her wet opening.
Once she had me up good and hard she stood smiling “This is all I have been able to think about all day!” She stepped behind me and bent into the open truck door resting her chest on the seat, that's when I saw the butt plug. She had never done anything with me back there. “I just want you in me!”
She was right, she had been ready and she began to climax as I pushed into her. She came twice before I emptied myself into her sheath. Pushed deeply into her I was holding her by the hips as we caught our breath and I slowly shrank slipping out of her. Cass turned in my arms, kissing me deeply. “Sorry, this has to be a quickly.”
I smiled, 
“At least I got to see you.”
She kissed me again, “I have to go so I don’t get into trouble.” She kissed me again then ran around her car calling out “Text me.” As she closed her car door.
As always when Cass and Charles met up it was a good 20 minutes before I got home giving her time to do whatever she might have up her sleeve for next. That night she was standing in the kitchen as naked as the day she was born and wearing that black mask. “Damn man I didn’t think you were ever going to get home. “Oh Mike, my day has been so crazy, and all I have been able to think about is making love to you.” She took my hand pulling me into the bedroom where she undressed me.
10 minutes later I was buried deep in her tummy “Hunter why are you so wet tonight?”
Knowing she was giving me sloppy seconds she just moaned “I was thinking of you.”
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gayspaceheist · 1 year
   What Harry Seville-Oct was not having was a particularly good morning. He was having a power drill jammed into his head and whirring away at his brains -- right, that would be the hangover. Fantastic. Also he was sleeping with his feet on the mattress and his face on the floor, which was sticky. He tried thumbing back through his memories to see how that had happened but the brain goop kept getting in the way. Probably he should open his eyes, but he suspected if he did the drill would spontaneously generate a second identical drill spinning the opposite direction on the other side of his head. He opened his eyes anyway. Actually, he had underestimated the capacities of the drill. It was a lot worse than that. For a smeary moment between heartbeats he daydreamed longingly about vomiting, but his mouth was so dry he suspected that wouldn’t be any use. Well, nothing for it. He was going to have to remember how legs worked.
    That turned out not to be a viable plan. What he managed was to roll over onto his back, while the room thought about coming back into focus. Ceiling fan, great. Tie on it, that made sense. Ceiling, no holes. Superlative. His face collided with a soda can, mostly empty. That also made sense. He waggled an ankle experimentally. Oh great. He was wearing a shoe. Just the one, though. Both socks. The other shoe was… somewhere. A memory finished buffering. He’d kicked it off stumbling into his apartment with an armful of -- oh, shit. At least two hundred falsified identity cards, some blanks. Because his last client yesterday had brought them in on the air train, in a box, and said, hey, by the way, can you hold on to these for me for a couple of days? I can’t have them in my apartment, and the kid was nineteen and desperate and trying not to be on trial for running a forgery ring, and Harry, well, Harry was a fucking sap. That had been why the, the drinking, and the -- oh, and his mother had called while he was in the office, and her voice message only said, “Hey kid, I need a favour, call me back”, and usually his mother’s favours involved smuggling, and Harry was not having the kind of week that could be improved by smuggling. Yup, there it was, the whole stupid night, sitting on the mattress on the floor and sorting through the box of forged id cards checking to make sure he didn’t recognise anyone in it, drinking cheap acceleration-distilled whiskey out of the bottle dolefully. He’d made a little pile of id cards where the defects stood out too much, even though it wasn’t exactly a lawyer’s job to tell a client how to do crimes less sloppily. Okay, it was kind of his job. Who else was going to.  
   Thus fortified by memory, he managed to roll back over onto his stomach and push himself up on his elbows. This proved to be a massive mistake -- the drills had developed opinions and their current opinion was that they hated this and were bent on displaying their disapproval by grinding more of his brains to slop -- but it was too late now. There was his little pile of poor forgeries, and there was the whiskey, the single finger left in the bottle glinting at him in the -- ow, the sun -- like a bad joke. The sweet thought of violently expelling the contents of his stomach once again came to him like a beautiful dream, but as he recalled his stomach didn’t have any contents in it. He should do something about that. And also the extremely illegal stolen evidence all over his apartment. At the very least it should go in the big filing cabinet safely with all the other stolen evidence. 
    It was only about six years, give or take, before Harry managed to careen about the room enough to rearrange himself into a conventional person shape -- two arms, two legs, vaguely perpendicular, all that. What he needed was water, then coffee, then a big glass of that horrible orange stuff with the specks that usually seared the hangover out of him with less speed and reliability than the box claimed it was meant to, but at least it usually did. He had the good sense to remove his remaining shoe. He was not sure where his trousers were, which was probably for the best. His boxers stuck to his thighs, horrible with sweat and probably spilled soda and whiskey, judging by the sugary grit to them. He thought about how many laundry credits he had left and decided showering in his clothes wasn’t the worst idea he’d ever had. 
   So when he managed to propel himself out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, unshaven and hair a thicket, in socks and boxers and his best work shirt, which had achieved a state that might shortly demote it to second-best, what he was not expecting to see was a beautiful starlight vision of a man sitting at his kitchen table, drinking coffee out of his least chipped mug, smiling at him.
   He yelled and knocked a jar of lentils off the counter with his elbow.
   “Oh, hello, Harry!” said the vision, beaming delightedly at him. “You’re up! I was deciding whether or not to wake you, but you didn’t look very wake-uppable in your state.” 
   “What,” said Harry very slowly through gritted teeth, “are you doing in my apartment.” He had an absolutely horrifying thought and rapidly flipped back through his memories again, but there weren’t any of one of the worst-idea hookups he could imagine stuck to the backs of any of them. He hadn’t been that drunk last night. He rotated his tongue in his mouth, just in case. Mostly it just tasted like evil garbage. 
    “You should probably have some water,” the vision said gravely. “You look like a husk.” 
    Harry stalked to the sink, thumbed on the tap, and filled a mostly clean glass. He took a long sip, glaring over the rim. “Answer the question. Why. Are you in. My apartment. How did you get past my security system. Did you steal any of my shit. What the fuck.”
    The vision -- Harry thought his name was Kelvin, or Kitty, or Karapace, but the last time he’d seen him a month ago he’d mostly been a decorative background figure leaning on various objects of furniture while Harry helped one of his least favourite clients sort out an untraceable off-planet account -- another one -- smiled again, though at least this time he had the grace to look a little sheepish. “Your security system is a door chain, so that wasn’t very difficult. I don’t think I want any of your stuff. I’m here because you might be about to be in some trouble, and I couldn’t risk calling your work number. Zarrow didn’t have your personal mobile.”
    “No shit she fucking doesn’t.” The eye-twitch he had specially reserved for [Firstname] Zarrow came out of retirement. It wasn’t that Zarrow was his worst client -- she’d never tried to murder him, or set him up with her aunt, or peed in his office, or -- okay, maybe he should start screening his clients better. It was just that she was so fucking annoying. Also, more importantly, trouble followed her around like she kept her pockets full of trouble-treats just to lure it in. Harry was usually the most irritating person he knew, and it threw him off his game to have to compete with someone who enjoyed the competition. Also, Zarrow was high-profile, and he didn’t like high-profile. People who kept a framed wanted poster behind the display of the jewels they’d stolen that had netted them that precise poster were not the types of clients he needed, as a guy with a vested interest of keeping the cops’ noses out of his business, but -- well, Zarrow usually paid a lot. And she was perversely convincing, and her jobs always seemed -- fun. Right up until he was trying not to get shot in the ass, or arrested. “Wait.” He tried to blink the eye-twitch away. “Uh. What trouble am I about to be in, exactly?” 
   Kventhe, that was his name. What a fucking name. Kventhe uncrossed his legs and sighed heavily, looking intensely apologetic. Well, everything he did looked a little intense. His skin was a sort of alabaster pale that was presumably meant to look human but had a faint pearlescent sheen to it, and his long nearly-white hair always seemed to be blowing very faintly in a light wind, as if he’d employed a secret fleet of drones with tiny fans to keep the mystique up. Harry knew he was some type of off-planet alien hybrid sorcerer type, which was fine and all, every major city had a fair amount of off-planet freaks, but for some reason this one went to great, if unsuccessful, effort to hide himself. Harry knew he used some kind of implant, without which he presumably looked even more fucking weird, because one of Zarrow’s crew had hired him to get her some black-market components for it shipped safely one time, but he had no idea why the man put in so much work to maintain an illusion of ordinariness that clearly wasn’t working. He was wearing a half-threadbare grey sweater and belted trousers, which actually just made his jellyfish tendrils of pale hair and shimmering skin stand out more, but who was Harry to judge a man’s fashion choices. He wasn’t even wearing pants. 
   “Well!” said the beautiful shimmering jellyfish man. “You remember Billy Ten-Shins? The guy who --”
   “Oh god,” said Harry. “The guy with the… the arms?”
   “What? I don’t know. Uh. I don’t know anything about his arms.”
   “One of them’s a dart gun.”
   “What? That sounds -- never mind. Anyway, you got him fined? Like, three months ago? That whole thing with, with the fake passports, and the --  Well. He didn’t enjoy that very much.”
    “I can’t imagine he did.” Harry leaned back, and then realised the floor was covered in lentils. 
    “Anyway he just got out of a work ship and I guess his business sort of fell apart while he was in there and he’s pissed and bored and has it out for you. So. He’s gunning for you. And I thought you should probably know about it.”
    Harry blinked, slowly. “Okay. Why the hell do you know about it?”
    Kventhe shrugged. The motion lilted his hair over his shoulders like some kind of fucking sea plant. “Tried to hire Mina to program one of those follow drones to see where you lived. Guess he didn’t know we were friends,”
    “We’re not friends,” Harry said, automatically. “You broke into my house.” 
    “Oh! So sorry!” Kventhe made a show of getting up and putting his coffee mug down. Harry’s coffee mug. “You’re right, what was I thinking, I shouldn’t have assumed, nobody wants to know -- that’s really more of a third date sort of thing, telling someone a lunatic with a dart arm wants to ruin their life, I’ve made a wild miscalculation --” He was putting on his coat -- he’d brought a coat? -- and he was laughing. He turned, shooting Harry a luminous grin over his shoulder. “Guess I’ll be going now! Oh, wait, your keys --” His hand went into the pocket of his coat and then he was tossing a ring of keys onto Harry’s table. Quite a lot of keys.”Wouldn’t want anybody to get in trouble.” 
    Harry’s hangover throbbed. ‘Those aren’t mine,” he said wearily.
   “Oh, I know,” Kventhe said cheerfully. “I nicked them off your super. But I don’t need them anymore, so.” 
   “Okay! Fucking hell! I give up! We’re friends now, okay!” Harry lurched over to the table and sat down -- Kventhe had taken the good chair, so he was left with the one with the foot perilously close to snapping. He grabbed Kventhe’s coffee mug -- his coffee mug -- and took a swig. “Oh. Yuck.” Kventhe was apparently a rapturous devotee of sweetener. Disgusting.
    “I made you one,” Kventhe said reproachfully, and sat back down. “As a gesture of friendship and goodwill.” He pushed Harry’s second-best coffee mug at him, which he had to have washed, because Harry’s third, fourth, and fifth best mugs were somewhere in the mess of papers and dishes and detritus accumulated on the table. “And because of the, well.” He gestured at Harry’s general appearance.
    Harry put his head down on the table. “Okay,” he said into the sticky varnished plexiwood. “Okay. Tell me about how the dart man is coming to ruin my life because I ruined his life. And then go away. I need to throw up.” 
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sims-inmymouth · 5 months
Delilah Five - Ep. Eight
Trigger Warnings: Severe illness (described), violence (against zombies, pictured, described), blood (pictured, described).
January 22, 20XX
Tamah is sick. Like, really sick. She can’t stop coughing (I can hear it from the kitchen!) and her fever got really high. We checked her over for bites again—absolutely none. We don’t have to worry about evil zombie Tamah, just really-sick-with-what-Hossannah-thinks-is-pneumonia-Tamah. Hossannah has tried all manner of home cures and practically tore up the house looking for medicines stronger than ibuprofen. We don’t have any. When we went to check on her earlier, she was curled up in bed and mumbling to herself. She's been sick since, shoot, I think the nineteenth? She's had a fever that whole time, but it was REALLY bad this morning. Hossannah told me that if hospitals were still operational, we'd be rushing Tamah there.
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I had to go out with Hossannah to look for medicines. Specifically antibiotics. Theodora decided to stay home and look after Tamah, since she was pretty delirious when we left. She seems to be doing a little better now, but her fever spiked again. Besides, Theo is still recovering after her burns. Hossannah was worried about Theodora while we scavenged for medicine. (I think they were friends before this whole thing, because they seem really close.)
Hossannah knew of an abandoned clinic that used to have a pharmacy, so we started there. We left not even like ten minutes after we realized just how sick Tamah was. Is.
There weren't any zombies on the way to the clinic. I had my fixed up radio to listen to the storm trackers and zom alerts. The lady on the radio, she said her name was Rebekah, said that there really weren't many zombies nearby. Not to mention the massive snowstorm that was pounding New Willow Creek. The weather was only going to get worse from here, she said.
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The clinic was surrounded by wild chickens and feral dogs. They looked cold, scared. I had some crackers in my pocket, so I fed them what I had. I hope they’re doing okay. If the circumstances weren’t so dire (and I knew how to spot rabies) I would’ve tried to haul some back to base.
The clinic itself was old and peeling. There were holes in the walls. The bottom-most floor, which used to have glass walls apparently, was completely blown out and supported by nothing but beams. Once we were in, we could see the outside. It was really weird.
This meant that we could see the zombies. TONS of them. Doctor zombies, nurse zombies, patient zombies. It was... hard to look at to say the least. I don't even think these people came to the hospital because they had the zombie virus. One of the zombies looked heavily pregnant (how that works, shoot, don't ask me). Another one had its leg in a cast. Another one had an arm bent all out of shape, whether that happened before or after infection is beyond me.
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I didn't want to go in. My heart was racing and I thought I would throw up. Hossannah didn't look so happy either. She had a gun, a gift from her father she told me once. She shot the first zombie, a doctor, point blank in the stomach. It was the first time I've actually ever seen her shoot a zombie. Or anything, for that matter. Tamah obviously kills lots of zombies, and I've seen Theodora shoot zombies and wild birds with a single bullet. But never Hossannah. She didn't say anything while she did it. It was just how it is.
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It was easier killing zombies that I haven't seen as a human first, I guess. I shot a doctor and the zombie with the mangled arm. I don't really remember much of it, honestly. I just pulled the trigger and I wasn't in danger anymore.
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We had finally cleared the way to get to the pharmacy. The stairs to the second and third floors were broken and looked.. unsafe to be honest. We got really lucky that the pharmacy was on the first floor. It was surprisingly untouched! Hossannah told me on the way home that because of the high zombie concentration, most people went to raid other pharmacies instead. Safer pharmacies. Some of the medicines were expired. We grabbed whatever antibiotics we could find (little orange bottles, a green beaker lookin thing, small jars of medicine). Then, we filled our bags with any other medicine we could carry. I just ran my hand along the shelf and swiped everything into my bag. Hossannah was happy to find some burn cream for Theodora.
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The way home was largely uneventful. It was really cold, and it was hard to see. The winds got really bad, and the snowstorm had turned into a blizzard. Rebekah on the radio talked about hypothermia care, which felt equally useful and insulting.
When we got home, Tamah was asleep. We took her temperature, and it was really high. Like, 103 high. We forced her to take the medicine we found. An hour later, her temperature went down by a lot. She's still coughing and weak, but Hossannah thinks she's going to be okay. I hope she's okay.
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Now that things have calmed down, and I'm writing all this out, I can't really stop thinking about the zombies again. I wonder what their lives were like when they were alive. If they had stayed that way, maybe. The doctors could've cured the virus, maybe. Eh, probably not. But they'd go home and be with their families. The pregnant-lookin zombie would have her baby, the injured zombies would heal.
I wish things could've been different.
I'm going to go milk the cows. If I don't think, I can feel better.
Ruth Givens.
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0 notes
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Im very, very tired
(Dont reblog)
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springalwayscomes · 3 years
Not even a gift
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Plot: Since the moment Jungkook saw your ass he swore he never saw something that beautiful. But then you turned around, and well, that was a total different thing. The poor man couldn’t even stand beside you without embarassing himself or embarassing you, and evey time seems to get worse and worse and...worse. 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Dancer AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut, One Shot
Wordcount: 30k
Content Warning: Jungkook can’t stop embarassing himself, swearing, sexual innuendo, sexual tension, awkard situations, masturbation, sexual fantasies, a lot - a lot - of fluff, Reader with stress issues, overwhelming parents, trust issues
A/N: I wrote this when I was just joining the fandom, last year for Kookie’s birthday. I remember wanting to pst this so badly but it stayed in my drafts because I wasn’t sure it was good enough and I was a little insecure about the ending. I told to myself that someday I’d rewrite a new ending and post this, but knowing myself and how I work with my writing, I know that that day will never come because even if did so, I’ll probably end up with not liking my style of writing anymore and editit all out, leave it like this or delate it. So I told myself that I’d rather prefer to publish it. cause at the end this story was incredibly funny to write - sometimes I would laugh all alone like an idiot while writing it - and to be honest I think it’s pretty good. It’s the very first fanfiction I wrote about BTS so it’s also very meaningful for me. For reasons as the ones I already mentioned I decided to not edit this, so you might find some grammatical errors, please understand that this was the first time I wrote something from scratch in english. If you’d like to read it in episodes I’m going to publish it on youtube as a series too, where you’ll be able to live the full experience of the story since there you can visualize it too, as for the story it’s exactly the same as here. Enjoy reading this one, I know you’ll have fun!
Watch the first episode on Youtube
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Since the moment Jungkook saw your ass he swore he never saw something that beautiful. It wasn’t just fit and solid, it was the way you were moving it on the beat, making it look like something he’d die to touch, squeeze, hold.
That was the very first thing he noticed about you.
He couldn’t help but fantasize how you’re face would look, watching your back from the doorframe of the ballroom. He imagined you sweat, little drops forming on your forehead caused by the the movements. He tried to focus his attention on the other dancers, fixating his gaze on the girl beside you making the exact same moves as you, but something about your presence kept on calling him like you were a mermaid and he was a poor sailor.
His dark doe-eyes ended again on your body, being in the last row it was hard for him to find your reflection in the mirror, other bodies moving endlessly making him grimace. He was running out of time, the poor man got stuck in traffic on his way here, already twenty minutes late, and god knows why he stopped looking at you dancing.
He shook his head when even after the music stopped your back was still facing him, not that he minded, but he was really dying to know how your face would look like.
Someone must have been both incredibly hungry and in love with him, cause a second later, you were bending over, resting your elbows on your thighs and giving him an even more beautiful view of your ass while trying to catch your breath. 
Breath stuck in his lungs, Jungkook gulped hard, making his adam’s apple jump up and down.
The girl next to you said something that made you laugh, back invaded by the spasms of your laughter, something he couldn’t hear because of all the talking that was going on in the room. He wished he could. He imagined your voice, soft and sweet, and soon enough is mind was already wondering about your features.
Snorting and getting out of his trance, he remembered himself he had to practice. Ready to take the first step away from the ballroom which he didn’t belong to, he shook his head a second time and turned, ready to leave his thoughts about you in that room and never meet them again.
But a second song started. And this time, he recognized the beat. Holding his breath again, he faced the entrance with a speed that got him shocked by himself.
Your hips were moving again, slowly and sensually, hands drawing abstract shapes in the air, hair attached to your skin. Your sweat shorts were doing nothing to hide your skin from his dark eyes, all he could think about was the way it seemed to shine under the lights of the room and the way your sweat would make it look even more glowing.
He hissed through his teeth, trying to push away the though of his hands against your skin, the way he’d like to trace your thighs with his fingers, leave pecks against your body and mark your hips with his lips. He brought his gaze back on your ass, sinful eyes burning against your skin and jaw clenching, Jungkook licked his lips and watched you arch your back before bringing your left leg to your head, holding it with your hands as you tiptoed your right foot.
«How long have you been here?»
He literally jumped, locking his gaze with whoever gave him a heart attack. Standing beside him, looking at him with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes wide were Yoongi.
«You know this is the wrong room, right?» he looked at him with a blank expression, trying to understand what Jungkook was actually doing standing at the doorframe of a different studio, without even caring about the fact he should be practicing with him and the others.
«I know, I was just... looking around.» he managed to let out, before taking a deep breath and stepping towards Yoongi.
The moment he realized he was rocking a half-hard just by his previous sight, he clenched his jaw and gulped again. If Yoongi had already noticed his situation then he wouldn’t know cause his face was no longer on him, neck turned to peek into the room that stole the maknae’s attention before. The youngest one used that moment to bring his bag in front of him, and then headed to their dance class trying not to draw too much attention.
That was the first time he saw you.
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Jungkook dropped his bag to the ground as soon as he entered his bedroom, removing his sneakers and his socks he headed to his bathroom in a matter of seconds, begging to feel the cold drops of water wash away all the sweat on his skin and the heat of his body, even though the last one wasn’t because of the workout.
His cock was aching, so damn hard and throbbing against his sweat pants.
He wished they finished their practice just a few seconds sooner. Dancing was a pain in the ass today, all he wanted to do was head back to your doorframe and peek at you, loose his gaze on your body, trying to steal a glance of your face.
But still, it didn’t happen. He couldn’t help but think about how’d you look during the three hours of rehearsals, he thought about it so much that now he had a clear image of you in his mind. And it was pretty platonic, almost inaccessible.
He removed his shirt and his pants, letting them fall on the ground, and then turned on the water, already hooking his fingers under the elastic band of his boxers. He was so hard that it ached.
Jungkook took a deep breath and palmed himself through the material, immediately hissing at the touch. Deciding it was not enough he let the cloth slowly fall to the ground, creating a wall around his ankles that he surpassed in a second getting in the shower.
He didn’t waste time on lathering, he just shut the glass door and closed his eyes while bringing his hand to his shaft. The fingertip of his thumb collected the precum leaking out of his slit, moving over his head and making him clench his jaw shut, breath already uneven.
He though about the way you moved your hips, he’d like to hold them tight and down on the bed while fucking into you. He’d take such a good care of you. He’d fuck you so good, making you whimper and moan every time he’d hit your g-spot, he’d squeeze your ass in his big hands, leaving marks as a reminder of his touch. He’d kiss your skin, he’d kiss your neck and he wouldn’t even mind tasting the sweat caused by your rehearsals today, but in his mind, that’d be caused by what you two are doing.
Jungkook groaned and stroked himself, bringing his hand now to his base and tightening his grip around his girth. Throbbing, pulsating cock begging to release all his seed.
His movements were firm and clear, his fist moving so fast that his wrist was hurting, head falling back, mouth agape and eyebrows knitted together. The sound of his movements blended with the clatter of the water, his shoulders raising from time to time because of the heavy breathing, hips bucking against his hand. He wished it was you, the only part he’d seen of you, he desperately wished he was fucking your ass, so, so hard he’d make you whine and cry in pleasure. He imagined the sounds you’d made, and even though he didn’t even know how your voice sounded or how you looked, he already knew that it’d be his new favorite sound.
«Fuck» he groaned, fucking his cock in his hand even harder, moving his hips and meeting his hand halfway. He bit his lower lip, flesh aching and almost bleeding under his teeth, bringing his free hand to his heavy balls and massaging them. His pace fastened even more if it’s possible, his hips were snapping so hard into his hand picturing your ass in its place, he was so close he could taste it. He pictured your body bent over his bed, taking him so nicely, moaning out loud and clenching around his greedy cock, so needy and so damn wet for him.
«God, fuck» he growled, shoving fast into his hand. He wished he knew your face, he’d like to picture you taking his big cock in your lips. He already know they’d look so damn beautiful around his girth, gagging and drooling for him, he’d hold your head still and fuck himself into your pretty lips so good, letting you eat all of his seed.
That, that was what brung him to his apex. Abs contracting and rough breath, muscles tightening and eyes squinting, lips open letting out low groans.
«Fucking hell»
Hot white spatters stained his hand and chest as he rode his orgasm, keep shoving himself into his hand. The water washed away his seed, it disappeared so fast he didn’t even see it, and when he opened his eyes he took some time to catch his breath leaning against the wall behind him.
His mind went blank, for just a little. He couldn’t think of anything else than the idyllic orgasm he just had, just the thought of it made his cheeks flash red.
Then, the thoughts hit him. He didn’t even know your name, and here he was, masturbating over you. He was going to change that.
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The second time Jungkook saw you he did  not rush out of his house thirty minutes earlier than he was supposed to. He couldn’t help but ask to himself what was going on with him, he certainly knew he never felt the need to see someone he didn’t even know. God, you didn’t even noticed him. Standing at the doorframe of your rehearsals room, looking at you move your body in such a charming way he swore he never see someone dance like that. Why were you in the last row? You deserved to be in the first one, that wasn’t fair. But, in that way he couldn’t see you, so he stored the information at the back of his mind. When you stopped your movements and you suddenly disappeared into the crowd, he again remembered to himself that he didn’t even know what he was doing.
Come on, was he really going to stand there for about other ten minutes and watch  you dance without doing nothing? He desperately wanted to know how your face looked, by now he could say he had a perfect picture of you in his head. And if he was right, you were probably the best thing he ever seen. 
Just the thought made him lick his lips, taking a deep nervous breath. He needed to talk to you. But what would he say? “Hi, I’ve been watching you dance”? Ew, definitely no. He tried to come up with other possibilities but his mind was totally blank, panic making his way through his thoughts and taking every part of him, leaving him only with sweaty hands and an adam’s apple gulping in his throat.
A voice made him turn, his gaze suddenly traveled to his right side.
«Oh, hey» he blurted out, Taehyung was staring at him with an arched eyebrow and inquisitive eyes.
«What were you doing?» the oldest one got closer, his hands in his pockets and a slight smile forming on his lips. Jungkook shook his head.
«Mh- I- waiting» he stuttered. His friend knitted his eyebrows looking at him for just a few seconds, then his gaze met the ballroom in front of them, where Jungkook’s was again scanning bodies, trying to find yours.
«Are you looking for someone?» Teahyung asked, receiving just a shake with his head from the youngest. But he knew better than that, he knew Jungkook well, maybe too much, he couldn’t even try to hide something from him.
When his eyes finally found you again, Teahyung knew it was you, he could just tell by the way he opened his lips, forming a little “oh”, his eyes never leaving your body.
«So you were waiting, uh?» he scoffed.
«Yes?» the maknae wanted to punch himself in the face, that was not supposed to come out as a question.
«Do you know her name?» Taehyung asked. He turned away in the blink of an eye, staring at him with wide eyes. It took him a few seconds to understand he’s been caught, but eventually he decided to just sigh and shake his head again. «Well, I know it» he shrugged like he had just said nothing. Jungkook looked at him with an unreadable expression, trying to understand if what he just heard was real or if he just imagined it. He studied Taehyung’s face like he was some kind of poem, carefully and thoughtfully, wisely looking for a hint to tell him he was just playing with him, but he really seemed serious.
«I can introduce her to you?» he turned to look at him, the youngest was playing with his fingers, eyes staring at the floor, all of his confidence seemed to fade away.
«Why?» he asked.
«What do you mean why?» Taehyung almost laughed at the maknae’s words, and he almost felt guilty. Almost.
«I- I don’t know...» he sighed. Why was he even acting like this? He wanted to talk to you, desperately wanted to know how your face looked like, his imagination was sending him crazy. How did he even ended up like this? He just saw you dance and his mind wasn’t his anymore, constantly wondering about your face. There was just something about you that was making him insanely curious.
«Oh, come on!» unexpectedly, the hyung grabbed him by his arm, making him almost loose his balance while dragging him into the room, taking big steps towards you. No one seemed to notice what was happening externally or inside of Jungkook, heart beating a mad pace, slippy hands like he just dipped them in the water, mind shocked and freaking out attempting to find anything, literally anything that could’ve helped him. Anything would’ve been good, anything for saving him from who knows what his mind was thinking, neither he could understand himself. He never felt more afraid to speak to someone in his life, he swore. Why was he even freaking out? He couldn’t find an answer in those few seconds that divided you from him, and he ended up behind you sooner than he realized. His body instantly tensed.
Teahyung, like the amazing friend he was, tapped your right shoulder, making sure to keep his grip tight on Jungkook’s arm, afraid he would’ve run away at the first opportunity. And he would’ve.
«Yes?» turning, you met the hyung gaze, two deep dark eyes staring at you, breath held in his throat. Damn, you were beautiful.
Oh, God.
That was the first thought that passed Jungkook’s mind when he finally saw your face, all of his fantasies immediately falling to the ground, breaking into a million pieces. He didn’t even know someone that beautiful could exist. His eyes staring at your face like some kind of piece of art. He definitely did not expect you to look like this, he did not see it coming. He thought you were beautiful, but God, not like this.
«Bye» that was the first and last word Taehyung blurted out, finally releasing Jungkook’s arm. Then, he simply walked away, like he did not just leave you two alone, like nothing. You raised your eyebrows, stunned by what just happened looking at the man head to the door and then simply disappear in the hallway. When you realized you were left with someone you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable, shifting your gaze from the corridor to the man in front of you.
In that moment, Jungkook’s heart started beating even faster, if that was possible. His dark doe-eyes stared into yours for a few moments, not even blinking, mouth agape and breath caught in his throat. He looked like he just saw something... something really-
«Am I that ugly?» you blurted out.
When he realized you were actually talking to him, he felt the need to hide, run away, he wanted the earth to open under his feet and engulf him in. His cheeks flashed red, eyes finally starting to blink.
«No I-» his throat was dry, so he swallowed hard and tried to get a little bit of his nerve back.
«I-I just didn’t expect you to be like t-this»
What? Now he really wanted to hide, what the hell was he thinking? Nothing, his mind was totally blank. He didn’t even remember how to create an actually real sentence.
«Sorry?» you asked. Only then, he realized how your voice sounded, definitely lower than he thought. And he loved it.
«Uh- Oh God. I’m sorry»
And that was it, the end of your first conversation. Jungkook looked at your face for just a second more, than his legs did the job for him, he wasn’t even thinking straight, mind totally blown away and panic invading every rational part of him. He simply turned and started running away, disappearing in the hallway just like his friend did a matter of seconds before.
You grimaced, left standing in the rehearsals room, eyes following his tall and muscled figure until you were left with nothing but confusion.
What had just happened?
That was the second time Jungkook saw you.
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He was drawing again, eyes fixated on the sheet in front of him, colors over colors over colors, sketches and shapes that apparently didn’t have any meaning. It was just a mess, overlapped lines with circles and circles with blurred shapes that he didn’t even know could exist.
He was desperately trying to take his mind off of what he had done, but it didn’t seem to work.
Probably, he was just taking everything too much to heart, and he knew that. He knew he was making a big deal of something stupid but he couldn’t help the way he was feeling.
Why did he have to act like that? Why did he walk away in that way? You possibly thought he was just some jerk playing around, and only that thought made him clench his jaw. But that was his last problem. Not only he did made you think he was an idiot, but he made you feel uncomfortable without even trying. The words you said and the sound of your voice kept on echoing in his mind like one of those stupid songs you can’t seem to send away.
Were you joking? Probably? Did he really made you think he was looking at you in that way cause you were ugly? God, you were way too far from that for him.
And above all of that, why did he even say something like that?
“I didn’t expect you to be like this”, God, what was he thinking about? And what did you think of that stupid sentence? Jungkook let out a low groan, the thoughts invading his head were making it impossible to focus on the drawing.
What the hell did Taehyung do? He said he was going introduce you to him, why did he left like that?
When Jungkook entered their rehearsal room the hyung simply smiled at him and winked in his way, like he had just made some kind of magic happen between you too. Well, it didn’t happen. Everything was just a fucking mess, and the biggest thing heaving on Jungkook’s shoulders was that that was the first time you ever saw him, the first impression you had about him. Now it was gonna be three times harder for him to even talk to you, let alone make a move on you. Jungkook didn’t even answer Tae’s wink, only wanting to end the rehearsals already and go straight home to drown into sleep. But it was late, and he certainly wasn’t sleeping.
Jungkook huffed letting his pencil hit the wooden table.
Was he going to try to change what happened or was he going to leave everything like that? Sure as hell, he wanted to know you. But he just couldn’t help himself, he never felt more frightened in his life to talk to a girl as now, and that feeling made him feel helplessly under pressure. What was he even going to say if every time he opened his mouth, all that was coming out were awkward words? Your face added to the sound of your voice made him look like a poor moron, and he knew deep inside of him that that was your effect on him. It was going to happen again, he knew it. He needed to find a way to not ridicule himself and not make you uncomfortable every time he opened his mouth.
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«What?» Yoongi’s eyes have never been wider than now looking at Jungkook. Now, the maknae was desperately looking for advices, and he knew that Jimin and Yoongi were the right persons for this kind of situation.
«You really did that?» Jimin let his mouth hang open, eyebrows raised.
«Yes» Jungkook sighed «I don’t know what’s wrong with me, God.» Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other, both of their expressions stuttered by what the youngest had just told them. «How can I fix this? I mean I-»
«First, stop dwelling.» Yoongi interrupted his endless rambling, firm tone and eyes pointing directly in his. Jimin nodded. «You’re thinking too much. I mean, do you even think she noticed all of this? Are there any chances she probably already forgot your face?» his words made the maknae feel better for just a bunch of seconds. Maybe you already forgot him. It was a good thing, right?
«You think so?» why did he sound disappointed? Yoongi raised his eyebrows and nodded.
«And if she remembers you, all you need to do is go and talk to her, you can fix this Kookie» Jimin smiled at his friend.
«And say what?» his voice came out louder than he thought, almost breaking in the middle. He was just not that positive. He messed up, and there was something inside him telling him that that was not goin to be the last time.
«Anything?» Jimin made it seem so simple «I mean, anything is better than what you said» he added. Jungkook shook his head. «Sitting here is not gonna fix this» he said again, then taking a sip from his hot coffee.
«I can’t-» his voice suddenly stopped working, his throat holding the words in. His eyes shifted from the wall he was staring to to you, walking into the cafe on your high heels, jeans sticking to your legs like they were handmade just for you, a little bit of messy hair because of the wind running through the streets of the city, hanging from your shoulders. Eyes moving into the cafe like you were desperately looking for something, maybe someone.
«What? It’s her?» Jimin whispered, slightly stretching on the table to get the maknae’s attention. Yoongi simply avoided asking, he knew he wasn’t going to get any answer. So he just turned around looking for your figure in the crowded little shop. When he finally found you, he knew it was you. He had already saw you the other day, and he saw Jungkook’s pants too, but he kept it to himself.
Smirking, he stood up, eventually bringing back Jungkook from his own world. He watched his friend take long steps and cross the room, and his hands started to sweat again, even more than the day before. Yoongi surpassed you just a step before you were in line for the bar, almost making you step on him.
Jungkook could already feel himself going crazy, him and Jimin staring at the scene in silence dying to know what Yoongi had in mind. He saw you stretch over his shoulder trying to take a look at the pastry, in the meantime Yoongi stepped towards when another client left the line. Time seemed to slow down for how much it was taking for every single client to order, Jungkook’s agitation growing bigger every second.
When Yoongi’s turn arrived he still couldn’t understand what was going to happen, watching him through the crowd and shifting his gaze from him to you from time to time was definitely not working. He caught Yoongi talking to the employee and a second later he was paying and turning around with who the hell knows what in his big paper cup. Keeping his eyes on the floor and faking distraction, he stepped on your foot and when he raised his head all he did was giving you a shocked look.
Then he did it, making the maknae line wide their eyes like they were four lighthouses, Jungkook literally hold his breath for what it seemed to be like years. His drink was on your clothes, soaking you, your drenched black shirt dripping on the floor. Your face shattered when you realized you were actually soggy, Yoongi gave you an apologetic smile and then he walked out of the cafe as if nothing had just happened. He really hoped Jungkook would understand it was his turn. Well, again, he didn’t. He just stared at you, your face still in shock and your moth forming the shape of an “o”, people surpassing you on the line without even glancing at you. Jimin shook him awake from his trance making him grimace and pushing him from his chair.
«Go, go, go!» he silently screamed moving his hands in the air. “Oh, lord” was all he could think while looking at you standing still and a scared Jungkook walking uncertain.
You stepped to the side when you noticed people kept on surpassing you giving you upset looks since you wouldn’t move from the line, it only took you a few steps to the side to rush into someone. Your shoulder hit his chest and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. It was just not your day.
«I- I’m sorry?» the voice came from beside you, the man standing still against your right shoulder without even moving. What was supposed to be a statement came out as a question and Jungkook wanted to punch himself again. You had to back away to create a little bit of distance before lifting your gaze to him.
When you saw him, it took you nothing to remember him.
«You? Again?» you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. You were not this rude usually, you just weren’t that type. But today definitely wasn’t your day. First, someone surpassed you, you just said nothing because you weren’t the type to argue for something so stupid, you even justified him thinking maybe he didn’t notice you. Then he spilled his tea on you, and without even helping you he just ran off as if nothing had happened. Now, him. Was this some kind of joke?
Jungkook couldn’t help but frown at your words, silently and slowly making their way through his body until they reached his intestine and tangled every part of his guts together.
«I- I’m sorry?» he said again. What? You locked eyes with him, cocking a brow at him.
«What are you even sorry for?» you sighed, bending over the table in front of you and grabbing a tissue from the plastic container. He brought his gaze to his friend, eyes still wide and throat completely dried. Jimin showed him a thumb up and suddenly shifted his gaze, in a second he turned around with his cheeks now red. When Jungkook turned again he hissed through his teeth, you did not just caught them and you weren’t staring at him with an even more confused look.
«I- I can buy you some coffee?» he blurted out, his voice cracking in the middle of the question making it almost seem like a prayer. Your lips formed an “o” again, suddenly looking down at your clothes and rushing to clean them with that little tissue. You were just thankful it wasn’t hot, whatever thing it was. Jungkook stood there still like a rock, scared of moving and making everything even worse.
«No, but thank you.» you sighed at the sight of your drenched black shirt, drops on your jeans. What were you going to do now? You had to go to work in thirty minutes, you didn’t have time to go back home and change into something else, your boss was already going crazy with all the work he had to, his reaction at your delay wasn’t something you wanted to experience.
«Please?» Jungkook’s voice seemed to light something in you, lifting your eyes and locking them again with his. That was the moment you really noticed his beauty. And he was just that beautiful. In the meantime, he was really trying not to break out and scream, his tongue was just moving by itself. His mind was totally blank and his hands were so sweaty that they would probably as wet as the shirt you were wearing.
«I don’t have time for coffee now, but thank you.» you declined again, trying to bring a smile on your lips but failing. You sighed and turned, making your way out of the cafe in a matter of seconds. Jungkook stood there with his eyes still wide, watching you walk away and trying to catch just that little bit of air enough to make him survive. It was only when Jimin’s face appeared in front of him that he seemed to realize you weren’t there anymore, and in a second his legs made the work for him again, running out of the cafe like a mad man. What was he even doing? What the hell?
Jimin followed him rolling his eyes, all his hopes that his friend had made it hitting the ground. He had never seen Jungkook like that, not even when he dated that girl he had a crush on for a year. Jungkook had always been charming, he never had that much problems with a girl, there had been times he was more shy, but he had always found a way of breaking his barriers.
This time there was just something different.
When he saw you on the sidewalk his legs fastened even more and he only stopped when he was behind you, quickly grabbing at your wrist and turning you around in an abrupt yank that got Jimin to stuck on place and grimace. He even heard you squint from where he was, and he certainly didn’t miss the smack of your hand on his face once you turned and faced him.
Jungkook’s face heated up, suddenly loosening his grip on your skin and blinking a few times, staring into your eyes, his features unreadable. Silence suddenly seemed to fill the crowded street while you two looked at each other, your face looking regretful the second you realized it was him and not someone who was trying to steal your purse or rape you during full day.
Jungkook was at a loss of words, and when he realized now he had to say something, he panicked again.
«I’m sorry?» that was not happening again, he wanted to scream.
«You’re sorry?» you erupted like a volcano, your arm still in the air even thought his grip was no longer on it. Jungkook’s head slowly shook up and down, gulping harshly.
«What are you sorry for?» your question made him knit his eyebrows. Was it really so hard for him to form a real sentence? The answer was yes. His brain just didn’t seem to work.
«About the coffe?» now, he really wanted to scream and tear his hair out.
He had just scared you and hurt you and all he managed to say was “about the coffee”? What was that even supposed to mean?
«The coffee?» you narrowed your eyes at him, he brung his hand to the back of his neck scratching it.
«The drink?» he said again. For god sake.
«Uh?» you just couldn’t understand. What was he even trying to do? He was sorry? Everything was just so confusing, and if last night you thought just a little bit about what happened yesterday with him, you were sure this was going to be in your head for the rest of the day.
«The drink Yoongi spilled on you?» why was every single one of his sentences a question?
«Who is Yoongi?» you whined without even thinking, but then you grasped it. The rude man was someone he knew. Was something wrong with his friends? First that one yesterday, now this Yoongi.
«Yoongi is-» Jungkook seemed to realize what he had just done and he stopped talking, letting out a tremulous breath. He just told you he knew the man who basically ruined your day. Great job.
«So, are your friends all like this?» you didn’t even know what you were doing, but the stress was just too much to handle at that moment. The man stared at you again, eyes shifting to every feature of your face.
«Uh? Wha- what?» he babbled. Jungkook was loosing it. And Jimin could see it from a block away. He wished he could do something to help him, anything to save the situation, but he just couldn’t. What would he even say, anyway? “Sorry, he just likes you so much that he doesn’t even remember how a normal human acts”? That wasn’t going to work.
«Are you friend with this Yoongi?» you asked. Jungkook nodded slowly, almost uncertain of what he was doing.
«And the one from yesterday was also your friend?» you asked again. This time he frowned, making you narrow your eyes.
«Taehyung?» he wondered, confusion blinking in his eyes.
«I don’t know, maybe? Was it his name? The one that poked me and ran away?» you sighed.
«But he- Oh. I can’t-» Reality hit him, and he had to take a deep breath to stop his dwelling.
«I’m- I’m sorry?» there he was again. Was he kidding you? Just when he seemed to know other words, they were there again.
«You already said it, even though it doesn’t seem like you are.» you were really going crazy. Late for work, drenched, without your breakfast and with a charming guy talking nonsense in front of you.
«I am» his voice came out louder than expected, making you unconsciously squint and ward off a little bit.
«Well, thank you, I guess?» you glanced at the sidewalk, then again bringing your gaze to his face. The way the light of the sun hit his eyes made yours stare deep into them, the black pupils and irises almost fading with each other, the little sparkles of the light reflecting in them made them seem like one of the darkest nights, but with the brightest stars you’ve ever seen.
Your mouth ran dry when your gaze met his lips, a soft glow making them look even more captivating, you wondered if he was wearing a lip balm, a part of your mind wondering how it’d taste.
«I’m gonna be late for work» you mumbled. Jungkook shook his head.
«Okay» What? Are you serious, Jungkook? Okay? He visually grimaced at his own words, and for god knows why the corners of your lips raised up just the slightest at his awkwardness.
«I should go now» you gave him a little gentle smile and then turned, finally heading to your car. You had just taken a few steps on the sidewalk across the street when you turned away and realized he was standing still, eyes still fixated on you, but he wasn’t alone anymore. Maybe a friend of his? You hoped he wouldn’t hit you in the head, given the others. You crossed the street again, walking back towards the man and glancing at the ground feeling your cheeks reddening under his sight. 
You stopped a few steps away from him, raising your head and finally facing him. «I’m sorry too» you said, slightly smiling. «You know, for the slap» his lips formed an “o” but he quickly managed to smile, for the first time. And lord, what a smile he had. You swore you never saw something that beautiful. Your breath got stuck in your throat, heart madly beating in your chest, threatening to come out. And you didn’t even noticed, but your smile became a real one, wide and shining with its own light and reaching your eyes. Jungkook’s heart skipped a few beats just at the sight, his legs shaking under his body and a sudden feeling of warmth invading his chest, it was like his guts were back in place.
A drop of rain hit your forehead and in that moment you realized you really had to go, rain wasn’t something you could deal with now, not with your already soaked shirt and your delay. So you just turned again and walked away.
That was the first time you and Jungkook actually spoke to each other, kind of, I guess you could say.
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«Didn’t you two talk?» Yoongi asked running a hand in his blonde locks. There they were again, but this time, thankfully Jungkook would say, they were in his house. He really didn’t know how to handle another one of his friends’ mishaps in your presence, not that he would’ve met you anyway, but here he felt more comfortable. It was normal for them to meet at someone’s place on a Friday night, it’s something they’ve always been doing for a long time that now it was like a tradition. Every Friday they would met and talk, even though they’ve been seeing each other almost every day. And now, it was no difference. Or maybe just one. You. Jungkook wasn’t talking about how much he was excited to perform or how much he loved the new choreography, he was talking about how embarrassing that moment was. Wait, those moments. Thanks to Taehyung, Yoongi and himself, now he had collected a few moments that really made everything seem awkward.
«We did but...» he groaned «Why did you have to spill your drink on her?»
«For you to go help her?» Yoongi made it seem so simple.
«How could I have helped her with her soaked shirt? She had to go to work and you ruined her morning. And if it wasn’t enough now she knows I know you! And you!» Jungkook’s voice cracked in the middle while pointing his accusing index finger towards Yoongi and Taehyung.
«What? How?» Yoongi couldn’t believe his ears. He gave him a chance and he let it slip through his hands like it was a cool chunk of ice.
«He told her» Jimin got in the conversation briefly glancing at his youngest friend. Jungkook was really going crazy.
«And? What’s the end? Tell me you got her number?» Jin rested his forearms on his knees, waiting for an answer that just wasn’t meant to come out.
«You don’t even know her name, do you?» the maknae brung is gaze to Taehyung, his dark eyes almost seemed to surrender in front of all the mess of the situation. The friend sighed, guilt already invading his throat. When he pushed Jungkook in that situation, he thought he was gonna handle it, to him he just needed a little bit of motivation. He didn’t think it would’ve ended like this. He shook his head.
«Great.» Jungkook stood up, unreadable features and body tense.
«But at the end it was good, she smiled at you» Jimin helplessly tried to bring back a little bit of positivity.
«Yes, after I made everything uncomfortable and awkward. How am I even supposed to make a move after what happened? First Teahyung, then Yoongi. Then me!» he bursted out. «The first time was already hideous, but this? I hurt her, let her know that basically all my friends are weird and when she said “I’m gonna be late for work” my answer was “okay”. Who am I even kidding? I-»
«Oh, come on!» Joonie decided to open his mouth, his loud tone made Jungkook shut up, everyone now looking at him. «This is all in your head, Kookie. Stop it. You need to take a deep breath and face this in a different way. Clearly, shutting your mind off and letting your body do the work it’s not what you need.» he raised his eyebrows at him. Jungkook had started pacing, he really wanted to fix things, but every time it seemed to get worse and worse and worse and... worse.
«It’s so frustrating, I swear! It never happened to me, never. I can’t control it, my brain just doesn’t work when I’m with her» he groaned locking his dark locks in his fist and pulling a little.
«Oh, cheesy» Hobi wrinkled his nose receiving in exchange a death stare from Jungkook.
«So you don’t even know her name?» Jin seemed to realize his words only now, eyes wide and moth hanging open. Jungkook clenched his jaw before letting his body falling to the couch. Not even the soft material of the cushions seemed to make him feel better, not even the slightest.
«I don’t know her name» he answered, saying those words more to himself than to his hyung. All of this seemed so stupid.
«Then start from it. Give to this beautiful woman a beautiful name, you can’t keep rambling about someone for about an hour without even knowing their name.» Namjoon’s tone was firm, making its way through the maknae’s ears, his words seemed like playing with him. He was right, he didn’t even knew your name, how the hell was that possible? He had the biggest crush and didn’t know the basics.
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What Jungkook didn’t know and never could imagine was that you were thinking about him in the same moment as he was talking about you to his friends. What happened that morning was still replaying in your mind like a short film, from the moment that Yoongi spilled what you figured out was tea on your clothes to the moment you headed to your car. There was something about that awkward meeting that you just couldn’t seem to shake off. That man was so awkward and charming at the same time that the match sounded both weird and interesting.
Still, you couldn’t hide your annoyance towards him that morning. You couldn’t quite discern if he was just playing with you or if there was a meaning behind his actions and words, I mean, he apologized for his friend so much but he didn’t really act different than him, he yanked you. And apparently without any meaning. He already apologized for Yoongi before, so why follow someone you don’t even know to do it again?
Remembering your slap against his cheek you unconsciously squint your eyes, drowning in the dark. You really wouldn’t have punched him if you knew it was him, but the moment you felt someone’s touch against your skin you panicked. Not that he didn’t deserve it, well, actually he didn’t, but you don’t usually punch people like that, you really thought someone wanted to steal your purse or rape you, You puffed.
You just wished to not bump into him or his friends again, or at least to not be the main character of their misfortunes again.
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Summer was finally coming to an end, and with the end of a season comes the beginning of a new wardrobe, at least for you. You already had clothes for the imminent autumn but with all the money you had saved you could squander a little bit and reward yourself, you worked hard and didn’t even leave for the holidays this year, sad but true. So now you were lowly humming in the street without even realizing it, the music invading all of your senses, the melody taking control of your body like it was made of a thin sheet of glass that could be broken anytime with the slightest pressure.
You entered the shop and removed an earphone, slowly making your way through the crowd and getting ready to buy something as a reward for all of your sacrifices. The sight of the soft fabric of a white dress made your eyes sparkle and your feet started moving towards the mannequin like they were apart from your body, bringing your hand to the cloth you touched the smooth material.
There was no way you were not buying it.
The shape seemed perfect for your body, you could already see yourself wearing it so you were quick to cross the room, ready to grab your hanger. Apparently, not quick enough, but you didn’t notice right away.
Looking through the dresses for your size made you frown, everyone of them either too big or too small. You were almost giving up when your gaze met the tag you were looking for, eyes widening and happiness already creeping up in your body.
Then, a hand came in the way. You watched it grab the crutch, dark ink marking the light golden skin, long fingers closing around the hook. Your breath got stuck in your throat and you really felt all your hopes falling to the ground now. Sure you were not gonna argue with whoever just took away your dream dress, you didn’t even have the right to do it, you should have been quicker before rather than staring at it with dreamy eyes. You were already starting to turn and look for something else with a knot in your throat but you couldn’t help your eyes and followed the arm of the stranger, the skin almost glowing under the light of the shop. You met two broad shoulders, the cleavage of the light shirt he was wearing showing his collar bones and making your fingers tingle at the sight, but if you knew who was waiting for you at the end of that neck you would have already ran away.
The previous night after his friends left Jungkook had spent at least three hours trying to find a way to make a third impression on you, if that was possible, this time preferably good, and he figured out nothing. Eventually he felt asleep all tensed and annoyed, remembering the next morning he had to buy something for Namjoon’s birthday coming in exactly two weeks.
When he woke up today and headed to the shop three blocks away from his house he did not expect to find you there. From the moment he saw you at least a hundred of different emotions had run through his body, starting from worship and ending up with panic, but this time his mind didn’t switch off, or maybe not at all. Listlessly choosing something for Namjoon, Jungkook came up with a plan, and it was apparently clear: buy you a dress and give it to you as both a present and an apology for everything that happened the day before, from Yoongi’s drink on you to the way he kept on making things awkward, and maybe finally ask you out.
So when he saw you staring at that dress with dreamy eyes he instantly walked towards its reproductions, sure as hell that now he had something to work with in his hands. But it was only when you approached the same counter as him that he realized he didn’t have any clue about your clothing size. I mean, he could have guessed it, but it wouldn’t have been the same. He was supposed to ask you and tell you something like “let me offer this to you for making up for yesterday’s mess” and “would you like to hang out sometimes?” but when he tried to speak his voice got stuck in his throat, his hands badly sweating. So he tried to understand what you were looking for, careful not to get caught, and possibly keeping it in mind for buying you something else, and it all worked until he saw your eyes full of that joyful light again. In that moment, his heart skipped a beat as he understood you had found what you wanted.
As I said, this time his brain didn’t stop working, he knew he couldn’t grab the dress practically from your hands, that would’ve been the worst third impression of all times. He just needed to remember the measures printed on that little tag and look for something else. He knew but his hands moved by themselves and Jungkook felt himself stiffening again.
When you locked eyes with him you couldn’t help but snort. What was going on with the universe? You were sure you didn’t do anything that bad to deserve this. And why was he involved in all of your misadventures? Him, him, him, him and him again, couldn’t at least the gods send someone else once in a while to punish you? The fact that it was him made the knot in your throat grow even bigger and you instantly felt a flame of anger burning in your chest. If he was someone else you would’ve probably let go, but not with him and not when he was holding the dress you wanted to buy after long days and late nights of work, stress and a little bit of panic too.
So you did the first thing that came to your mind, you grabbed at the hanger he was holding in his other hand and immediately walked away leaving him with his mouth agape and his gaze digging holes in your body.
You turned the corner and went straight to the changing room, desperately trying to keep yourself from bursting out in the middle of the shop. You closed the curtain behind you and finally took a look at what you were holding. A men’s hoodie. You were going to buy it, wether you liked it or not. Not a big deal, you already had men’s clothes in your wardrobe, right?
Taking a deep breath you sat on the little couch in the fitting room, you were really starting to think he was playing with you. That had to be it. He was just enjoying himself, having fun with making you feel like an idiot. Unintentionally, some tears streamed down you cheeks, all the accumulated stress from work and from the rehearsals you were having almost every day, all the sleepless nights you had in the last three months trying to save money, some days even working your ass off until the first lights of the morning would appear, all the times you felt like you didn’t belong; everything was coming out in the shape of little drops. You hadn’t been crying for a long time and stopping now seemed like light years away, so you got up and went out of the dressing room heading to the checkout without even glancing around.
Jungkook was still in the same place you had left him, and when he saw your cheeks sparkling just in time before you could wipe the tears away he knew it wasn’t because of the sweat this time. His heart broke, features screaming nothing but regret. If only you had turned around you would have seen it even from there.
But instead, you paid your new hoodie and went out, ready to burst out once again you’d be surrounded by the safe walls of your apartment.
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«God, I can’t believe it» Jungkook groaned again for about the tenth time since the beginning of the phone call.
Jimin and Namjoon had been meticulously chosen for today’s vent, and this time he was sure he had something real to ramble on about, it wasn’t all in his head anymore. He had made you cry.
«It was the worst third impression of all times! My plan was good, damn, why do I have to be like this around her? Every single time, it happens every damn time» he hissed through his teeth. On the other line, Jimin was staring at his white ceiling with his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed, trying to help his friend as best as he could, but he knew there was nothing he could do. Jungkook had to fix this, again. And Namjoon felt the same way as he took a sip of his coffee, his hair still messy from the long sleep he had just awakened from.
«I know you don’t need to hear it, but you’re the worst suitor on earth» he blurted out rubbing his face with his hands. «How can you expect to be more to her than an awkward weirdo if you can’t even talk or act normally in her presence? At least did you get her name?» Namjoon knew his words were doing nothing but emphasizing the horrible situation but he just couldn’t contain himself anymore. Jungkook didn’t need to be pitied, it would have led him nowhere. The maknae grunted in frustration. That was the only answer Joonie needed.
«Stop everything you’re doing» his words made Jungkook frown.
«I said stop everything you’re doing» he repeated again, then taking another sip from his coffee. The youngest stared at the screen in disbelief.
«I am doing nothing!» his high-pitched tone made Jimin squint his eyes.
«Okay, then come to my place for lunch and bring that freaking dress with you» he ordered, now getting up and putting his mug in the sink.
«Can I-»
«Yes, Jimin, no need to ask» the hyung interrupted his friend already expecting his question.
«I’m gonna shower, but please be careful with that dress Kook» Namjoon’s tone softened and his words almost sounded like a prayer, Jungkook couldn’t help but glance at the piece of cloth laying on his couch with a worried face. That was not the right place for it.
«Okay, I got it, I got it» he said more to himself than to his friend.
«See you later» Namjoon got off the phone in a second, already on his way to the bathroom.
«Kookie, I know you can do it, okay? We can’t do more than what we are already doing, we can’t fix this for you, you have to fix it. But we’re here to support you.» Jimin’s words gave birth to a bittersweet smile on Jungkook’s face and he internally thanked God for his friends.
«Thank you Chimin»
They talked for another ten minutes before finally getting off the phone, Kookie’s eyes shifting again to what was supposed to be your dress now and shutting down.
He needed to fix this, again.
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«So?» Jimin patted his fingers on the wooden table moving his gaze between his three friends. Unexpectedly Taehyung had knocked on Namjoon’s door just before they were about to sit down and have lunch with an expression that promised nothing but bad news.
«I wanted to buy you something for making up for what happened yesterday and the day before, but apparently I screwed up again. This is for you.» Jungkook repeated for the fourth time, then reached his hand out on the table, his chopsticks holding an amount of chicken noodles not even possible to put in his mouth. Namjoon opened his all of a sudden and gobbled them in just one gulp, making Jungkook frown.
«You just ate her dress!» Jimin bursted out laughing at the scene in front of his eyes, the corners wrinkling, his melodious laugh even took over Taehyng’s brooding face, the hyung smiled like a baby.
«I’m hungry and it was the third time he was doing that! He practically saw it coming!» he claimed, already taking with his chopsticks another amount of inhumanly impossible food to eat.
«You have yours!» the maknae tried to sound as serious as he could but his smile fooled him.
«Don’t bother me, I’m feeding you and giving you advices, this is the least you could do in return.» he mocked him with a new beaming smile on his face, Kook shook his head and took a bite of his meal.
«I think it could work?» Jimin brung the conversation back to where it was supposed to be, glancing at Tae and Joonie.
«Just try to stick to that» Taehyung said nodding «and don’t forget to breathe. And please, don’t panic again.» he added. Kookie nodded, this time had to be good. «You think you can do that?»
«I have to» he sighed, already feeling under pressure. Jimin and Namjoon smiled at him, trying to reassure him.
«Alright, now Taehyung could you tell us what’s wrong?» the hyung suddenly shifted his gaze to the other maknae seated next to Kook, who raised his eyebrows and shook his head faking a smile. «Come on, we can see it. Tell your favorite therapists what’s wrong and let us help you.» Jimin nodded at his words.
«Alright, I...» Taehyung took a deep breath, his long slender fingers ran through his hair and fisted a dark strand, slightly tugging it.
«Oh my God, this is so hard to say out loud» he groaned. Now, if there was a tiny possibility that they’re friends weren’t worried about him, his words certainly did their job.
«TaeTae, come on» Jimin widened his eyes.
«Alright. Do you all remember Gillyflower?» his words only brung more confusion to their faces. «The girl with pink hair?» he tried again, and this time a bunch of “ooh” and “yes” made him nod. He took another deep breath. 
«Well, I asked her out and she was about to answer when Tannie suddenly started barking and puling at the leash. I tried to mke him stop but he kept getting worse to the point he yanked me. I- I stumbled and trying to grab onto something I...» he harshly gulped, silence invaded the room.
«What did you do? It can’t be worse than what I did, right?» Jungkook’s doe-eyes were staring at his friend’s face trying to catch a hint of his actions.
«I don’t know, it’s the first time something like this awkward happens between of us, but it’s just...» he puffed letting his shoulders fall and then again shaking his head.
«What?» Namjoon were desperate to know now.
«I groped her breasts. But I was just trying to hold onto something and- Oh my God this is the worst thing I could have ever done» he groaned and hid his face behind his hands trying to cover his cheeks flashing red. Jungkook’s eyes considerably widened, Jimin’s lips formed the perfect shape of an “o” and Joonie shut his eyes , almost forgetting how to swallow. Almost.
«What did you do after that? Tell me you apologized, tell me you did it?» Chimin’s gaze was basically begging him.
«Of course I did, but I was still shocked and... I may have left my hands on her for too much time» his voice was muffled by his hands, still covering his reddish face.
«Oh, God» Jimin let out, tilting his head back. «What the hell is happening to us?» he whined, earning a death stare from Namjoon.
«You mean what the hell is happening to you? This things don’t happen to me, luckily.» he stated.
«Oh, please Joon, your face is dirty for all the eggs you have on it. You know you have your bag stuffed with blunders» Jimin whined again and Namjoon pointed his index towards him.
«That wasn’t supposed to come out!» he argued.
«It didn’t! But I’ll blurt out all of your secrets if you don’t admit you can be a weirdo too!» the hyung puffed.
«Please, everyone knows I’m an oddball, there’s no need to argue on that. But my blunders are far beneath theirs!» he pointed at Jungkook and Teahyung the youngest was now trying not burst out laughing for his high-pitched tone. Jimin groaned.
«What was her answer?» Jungkook asked, carefully looking at TaeTae. He gulped.
«She started laughing and I apologized myself again before entering home. I thought she was making fun of me but I realized it was an uncomfortable laugh just after I shut the door. Now every time I see her in the hallway I hide behind the corners and avoid her. She must think I’m an idiot.» Teahyung’s words made Jungkook feel slightly better, maybe it was selfish but he felt less lonely.
«You need to talk to her» Namjoon mumbled with his mouth stuffed of noodles.
«We’ll make up a speech for you too after lunch, alright?» Tae shook his head.
«No need for it, I can handle it. I think» he sighed for the hundredth time.
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The Sunday that followed got Jungkook incredibly frustrated. In two days it was gonna be his birthday and he and his friends had all agreed to take a day off from the devastating rehearsals to celebrate it together, so now there he was,  meticulously watching his figure dancing in the mirror. He hadn’t slept well and his eyes were praying for just a bunch of minutes of rest, body already tired only after an hour of movement. When the music stopped he thanked Jin with a grateful smile before approaching the bench on the side of the room to grab his towel and gather his sweat.
«I think this-»
«Kookie!» Jimin shouted with his eyes wide, his voice echoed in every single corner of the room and in a second Jungkook realized why. He didn’t really do it, please.He let his hand fall at his side, and yes, there it was. Your dress in his hand, now moist and clammy.
His voice burst in the loudest tone he’ve ever used: «Who the hell pulled it out of my bag?!»
The group immediately got closer to take a look at what he was talking about, Namjoon and Taehyung held their breath when the maknae opened the folded cloth revealing the white peace of dressing he had carefully putted in his bag just in case he’d met you here, even though it was quite impossible being Sunday.
«Oh my God, I thought it was a towel and-» Jin started explain himself but got interrupted again by Jungkook’s low groan.
«I am screwed, I give up.» his chest swelled like a balloon and his shoulder raised almost to his ears just to heavily fall a second later. «If this isn’t fate then I don’t know what it is» he complained letting his body go limp after he seated on the bench. And as if what had just happened wasn’t enough his eyes caught your figure in the hallway, your body managing to move graciously on your high heels even though at a speed that seemed almost impossible for you not to fall, your hair swinging with every step.
«Bad luck?» Hobi kneeled in front of him and Jungkook scoffed, shifting his gaze on his muscled legs once you disappeared behind the corner, his dark locks creating a curtain to hide him from the rest of the world while he rested his elbows on his knees.
«Bad luck? This is a tragedy. And not just because of the dress. Everything I did until now is a tragedy. This is just the cherry on top of it all. Maybe this is just not meant to happen and that’s why I keep messing things up.» he grumbled with raspy voice. And he really believed that for a moment, maybe he was right. Everything, every single thing he had done so far had just messed things up more, even though he was desperately trying to do the opposite. He still didn’t know your name but had however already managed to made you feel uncomfortable, hurt you and made you cry. What a charming suitor he was. At this point he could’ve-
«If thinking about it like this makes you feel better.» Namjoon spoke with his gaze on the maknae. He licked his lips and waited for Kookie to raise his head, but it didn’t happen. «You don’t have the dress, who cares? It’s a peace of cloth, Kook. Your apologies are more important and you still have your speech. You can do it.» he kneeled in front of him beside Hobi, finally catching his gaze. What he didn’t expect was to actually find his eyes shining because of the stressed tears he was desperate to hold.
«He’s right, Kookie. Come on, you’re the golden maknae. And if it goes wrong we’ll have finally found something you’re not good at» Jin smiled at his youngest friend, his words made him lightly giggle, Yoongi nudged him.
«Just try again, okay?» Hobi smiled at him and Jungkook had to take a few moments for himself to finally answer.
Probably, no, wait, sure as hell the easiest thing was to give up. You already had a clear picture of him by now, there was no way you were changing your mind with just an apology. He had already apologized for at least five times the other day, and he had made you cry the day right after. So the possible answers now were two: yes or no. Such a big difference between them but such a thin line for him, especially now that he had lost the only thing that maybe would’ve helped him. He didn’t want lie to himself, he knew it was easier to give up and go back to being a normal acting human, not embarrassing himself anymore and feeling like an idiot all the time. But it was too easy like that, and just the thought made him frown. He couldn’t explain what it was to himself, but there was something about you that made him fatally, hopelessly curious. Since the very first moment he saw you, something turned on inside him, and I’m not just talking about his cock.
«Okay» he whispered to himself, the air of his breath fanning the golden skin of his hands. He took a deep breath and stood up.
«What?» Yoongi asked looking at him. Jungkook nodded.
«Okay, but you promise me you won’t do anything?» he pointed his finger against Yoongi’s face and then moved it back and forth pointing at everyone of them. When they all nodded Jungkook knew it was the moment to leave the room. 
Jimin pursued his lips when he saw him walking towards the door and quickly sided him. «Wait, you’re doing it now? Is she here? It’s Sunday!» he spoke so fast and his tone changed so many times that Kook turned to face him with an amused smile, almost forgetting about what he was about to do. «Do you remember the speech?» he asked again. When Kookie nodded and finally left the room Chimin stayed still with his gaze on him, acting like a mummy leaving her little child for the first time to the kindergarten.
«He can do it» Yoongi patted his shoulder.
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You weren’t supposed to be there, not on a Sunday morning when all you wanted to do was drown in your bed and never let go of your sheets without the clock pointing at least at eleven. But you didn’t have any choice when you realized what day it was. It wasn’t just an usual Sunday, your family was coming at your place for lunch in about two hours from now, and you had promised them to cook something special, or at least to try your best. You were already feeling under pressure and your parents weren’t exactly the definition of easy-going people, always ready to judge everything you would do and every step you’d take. No wonder why you’ve grown to be their total opposite, never daring to judge anyone, and you knew they hated it. But you didn’t care and kept doing your thing, without worrying too much. Luckily, distance had made everything so much easier, until this kind of moments. The stress was running through your blood like it was part of your body, you were practically on the edge. You really didn’t want to hear them complaining about your stupid passion and how you should stop chasing your dreams just to find an even more steady job than the one you already had, so you had quickly decided to bring your gym bag here. You had grabbed everything you could find in your house that could have led their thoughts to your athletic side and just stuffed all in the bag now hanging from your shoulder, from your pointe shoes to your sweat shorts.
The lockers were safe and you knew it because you had already done this at least five or six times, so you simply opened the steel door and placed your bag in it with loose motions before shutting it and locking it with you keys. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The stress of your job, the rehearsals, all the money you wanted to save to buy your house and what happened in the last days were hovering on your mind so much that you knew you would have bursted out if you had to worry about your parents too. So this was the easiest way.
Heading to the door you fastened you pace until you got out, the sun made your skin burn and you harshly puffed, already wishing the winter to come.
At the same time, Jungkook was looking for you in the whole building, he even took the stairs and went to second floor once he figured out you weren’t in your usual rehearsal room. He thought you’d be in the changing rooms but he couldn’t afford himself to the risk of finding you half naked, even though the picture of you he had in mind was making his mouth drier every second more while taking the stairs again. It was when he distractedly looked out of the window that he saw you crossing the street. His feet never ran faster than that moment, praying for you to stay on the main street so that he’d found you more easily. He crossed the hallway and made his friend’s heads turn when he rushed in front of their door, that stupid speech replaying in his head over and over again like a prayer.
«Oh man» Namjoon covered his eyes with his right hand at the sight.
Once the maknae was out of the building he welcomed the light of the sun by squinting his eyes, his already sweating body heated up even more while desperately trying to get to you. The street was not that crowded at this time of the morning with the sun almost at his highest spot and the hot breeze threatening whoever was out, so he thought he could make it. Then, he saw you stopping on the sidewalk. Maybe you noticed him? Impossible.
A second later you were opening the door of a taxi and he didn’t know if rather laugh about his bad luck or cry. He could’ve just let go and talk to you the next day, you were definitely going to rehearsal on Monday, or maybe even on Tuesday. But it’s Jungkook we’re talking about, and by now we all know a part of his brain seemed to switch off when it comes to you. Or maybe this time, it turned on. The stress he felt those days had built up so much that he just wanted to burst out once and for all. He was tired of dwelling about his clumsiness and weirdness when he was beside you and didn’t want to feel guilty for making you feel uncomfortable anymore. So he sped up, his legs almost gave in for the big gap he wanted to close in a matter of seconds. 
But he made it. He knocked at your window with his fist, hands sweating and chest raising desperately gasping for air. When you turned and squinted your eyes because of the light of the sun he again swore he had never seen something, someone that beautiful in his life, the rays of sunshine painting little sparkling stars in your pupils and your skin gleaming.
You knitted your eyebrows at the sight, the charming but odd man staring at you as if he had just seen who knows what. What did he want now? You didn’t have time for his teasing, not with all of the things you had to do before the hurricane that your parents were would show up and take over you for the next hours.
«Please» he managed to say, or at least he mouthed it, and a part of him thanked your shut window for not giving him away, but just a little part. If hearing the lack of his voice would’ve made you listen then he would’ve talked with his hands.
With everything he did he was not really expecting you to listen to him, not when he was making things awkward once again, not in this situation. He was hoping it with all of his heart, but he knew it was not going to happen. Indeed, it didn’t happen.
The taxi started and you fixated your gaze on the street without a second thought, already brushing away the weird feeling that his gaze made you feel. You checked your phone screen: 11.34. Great. You were praying every god in heaven to save you from your parents’ likely early arrive when a thump made you both frown and hit the backrest with your head harshly enough to wince. You realized your taxi just hit the one in front of him in a second. Someone was definitely mad at you.
That was Jungkook’s moment. He widened his eyes at the sight and rushed on the sidewalk before he quickly approached your cab. His heart was beating so fast that for a moment he feared for his life. He opened your door without a second thought, you were hissing through your breath, eyes shut and pursued lips. While he took in the sight you felt a gentle hot breeze on your skin. Opening your eyes you gasped when you saw him standing there. Definitely really, really mad.
«I can’t do this» you bursted out loud, more to yourself than to the men that now were both staring at you.
«It’ll only take ten minutes» the cab driver gently smiled at you. The poor man then brung his gaze to the other standing at your door, holding it so tight with his hand that his knuckles were white. You tried to fake a smile as best as you could.
«I’m sorry but I’m running out of time, I’m gonna make it on foot.» you claimed. Before waiting for any answer you shifted your gaze back to the man who was blocking you into the car, his body stiff and not giving you hits of movement. You waited for something, anything, but he just kept staring at you making you feel like a fish out of water and you didn’t have time to deal with his awkward behavior now, you were really late. So you stood up anyway, almost stepping on his toes, and you held your breath while making your way through his body and the car. The way he kept his dark doe-eyes into yours without any sign of backing off made you shiver.
Jungkook harshly gulped when your body slightly touched his, his skin tickled at the feeling, the lightest of touches creating the strongest of the addictions. «I- I can give you a- a ride?» he stuttered, finally removing his hands from the door of the car. You started walking without even turning at his words, too much overwhelmed by the awful morning you were having. Kook was staring at you still in the same place as before, mouth agape and eyes sparkling at the way you were moving your hips, but when he realized you were already on the sidewalk he forced himself to follow you.
«I’ll give you a ride?» why did he keep doing that? That was supposed to sound more sure, more like a statement maybe? You snorted.
«Please, stop it» his presence beside made you even more nervous, what did he want? Why was he doing that again?
«I- I can drive, I can ride you-» what the hell was that? God, he kept making things worse without even trying. Your face immediately shot up, eyebrows knitted together and blood boiling in your veins.
«What I meant is-» he stopped talking again, his feet did the same and for a moment he considered letting you walk away and just give up. With how fast you were walking you were already disappearing into the crowd. But he sided you again.
«Look, I don’t have time for your teasing now, you can do it tomorrow.» you didn’t need to shift your gaze from the sidewalk to know that he was again there.
«What? I- No, I want to do it now!»
Did he really said that? Turn on your damn brain, Jungkook.
You rolled your eyes. «I can’t belie-»
«Can I just give you a ride?» he suddenly blocked your way with his body, arms outstretched and dark eyes praying yours. «Not in that way» he added, desperately trying to fix his stupid mistakes.
You couldn’t understand what the hell he was doing, standing there in front of you, in the middle of the crowd, praying to give you a ride after everything that he had done in just... three times you met? 
«No.» you shook your head and quickly got over him. «In both ways» you added, slightly smirking at yourself for your words. Jungkook sneered too, following you again like a puppy.
«You’d get there faster, please. Just- just a ride?» his continue pleads made you whine and stopping your steps you turned to face him, realizing just now how much he was taller than you.
«I don’t even know your name» you stated, ready to claim your victory. Jungkook let his mouth fall agape while looking at you standing so close to him, not that it was that close, but the rays of the sun were making everything too much to handle for him.
«Jeon Jun- Jungkook?» he managed to say, to ask, voice cracking in the middle.
«You don’t sound so sure of that» strangely, you smirked. Jungkook’s heart almost stopped right there and then.
«I’m Jungkook» he repeated trying as best as he could to smile without showing his nerves on the edge. You took in the sight squinting your eyes at him.
«Okay, Jungkook. I still don’t know you, so the answer is still no» you smiled at him and were about to start walking again but he got in the way a second time. His brain panicked again when he realized he had to say something now, eyes widened and throat dry. Mind blank, totally blank.
«I wanted to buy you something for making up for what happened yesterday and the day before- oh, shit not yesterday. I mean, yesterday and the day before but the day before that too.» he lowly groaned and shut his eyes, already feeling his face heating up. He watched your features change from annoyance to curiosity and then slightly smirking, but he couldn’t quite define if you were just having fun seeing him struggle or if you were actually smiling for his words.
You can do this, Jungkook. You can do this. Just go on.
«Apparently I screwed up again. This is for you.» the only sentence he wasn’t supposed to say came out like it had its own life and the maknae’s eyes widened even more while staring at your unreadable expression.
«So?» you asked folding your arms.
«I- i can’t- oh God» Jungkook wanted the earth to swallow him in. The embarrassment was eating him alive. «I can’t give it to you» he blurted out without even trying anymore to contain his voice.
«Jungkook, I really, really, don’t have the time to deal with this now. My parents are coming over for lunch and I still have to cook, they’re gonna start a-» you started blabbering but stopped when you figured out you were saying too much. «I don’t have time.»
«I can cook.» he claimed «I can cook, I’m- I’m good at it and I’m fast» His face has never been more red than in that moment, not even when he asked her first crush ever out. Never than when he was with you.
«What are you trying to say?» you sighed, again checking your phone, the bold characters of the time made you whine.
«I can- help you with the lunch?» he tried again.«You can trust me. I swear- my friend is a chef. He-»
«Are you serious?» you interrupted his endless speech with a hint in your voice that neither the both of you quite get. Your question didn’t sound like an annoyed one, it sounded more like... Surprised? Kinda. Desperate? Oh, hell yes.
Jungkook nodded, and in a second your wheels brain worked like crazy. It was almost 12.00 and you knew that your parents wouldn’t arrive at the established time, they were probably already in the car looking forward to the moment you were going to open the door and ready to start complaining about how late you were for everything, how your life wasn’t good for you, how you should’ve been more like them. No, you weren’t playing they’re game, not today.
Going to your apartment now would’ve meant arrive in twenty minutes, then you had to make sure everything was in place and absolutely remember to lock your bedroom, your mother had this weird habit to always pry and snoop in your drawers as if you were still a teenager, you hated it. You had to cook and set the table too.
Oh, lord. You couldn’t believe you were really thinking about this.
«I’m Y/N» you sighed, locking eyes with Jungkook. The information you had just given him seemed to make his features even more shocked. 
Y/N, he repeated to himself, finally having a name for your breathtaking face. You had really told him? After all he had done so far?
«Are you really serious? Cause please, I don’t really have time for your teasing.» now it was you the one almost begging.
Jungkook’s eyes widened so much that they almost fell out as he forced himself to nod. «Yes, I- I’m serious. I can help you?» his voice was shaking.
«If you promise your friend won’t set fire to my kitchen?»
Jungkook’s features lost all their hope in a blink hearing your words. He really thought you were letting him in your place to help you considering all the awkwardness between you two? Well, he hoped it. It would’ve been a good way to prove you he wasn’t a jerk and maybe get to know you a little better. It wasn’t fair to be that much head over heels for someone you don’t even know. But that thought vanished in an instant. It took him a few seconds to understand he had to call Jin.
Please, please. He hoped the rehearsals were over and that he had already taken a shower.
«I promise, I swear he won’t do it» Jungkook’s sweaty hands went in his pockets and grabbed the phone. «I- I’ll call him»
You let yourself sigh when he brung the phone to his ear. This was all too overwhelming, the nervousness was eating you alive and the fact that now you had to worry about his friend too made you hold another sigh. Please, tell me he’s not teasing me again. This was your prayer, the words echoing through your mind like a mantra while the man talked to his phone taking a few steps to distance himself from you.
«Jin, please. You own me this for the dress. And I promise I- I will do whatever you want me to do. Just, please do this for me» he prayed lowering his voice and staring at you.
«You’re lucky I just changed. Alright.» Jin nodded on the other side of the line, everyone was staring at him waiting to know what happened.
«Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you» 
«I know, how can’t someone love me?» he scoffed «Where are you?»
«A few block away from the studio, in front of the crossroad, but please hurry up. Really, she’s running out of time»
«Alright, alright. I’m on my way. Don’t say or do awkward things.» that was the last sentence he left him with.
Jungkook stared at you for a little bit before putting his phone back in his pockets, studying the way you were biting your lips and snorting from time to time, fingers playing with each other in nervous movements. He couldn’t help but ask himself why you were so nervous. Your parents were coming over, shouldn’t you be happy to spend some time with your family?
You were desperate, totally overwhelmed from your parents’s judgement, still thinking about their faces when they would see you hired a chief just for a stupid lunch. “Couldn’t you do this on your own?”, “This is ridiculous.”, their voices were already playing in your mind.
You turned to look at Jungkook, his gaze immediately leaving your face and his cheeks flashing red. You approached him in a second.
«He’s coming» he let out a deep breath, and so did you. You didn’t have to worry about lunch anymore, thanks God. «I- why... Can I ask you why are you so nerv- nervous?» his question made your mouth fall agape. Was it that obvious? 
«I’m not»
«Oh» he puffed «O-okay. I’m sorry» you frowned.
«Why do you keep saying that?» Jungkook gulped harshly.
«I- I shouldn’t have asked.» and now he was looking like a puppy for the first time in front of your eyes. For a moment he didn’t seem the charming awkward man that had made you feel uncomfortable anymore. The silence filled the air even though the streets were chaotic. 
Seeing him like that made you speak: «You won’t tease?»
«Wha-What? Why?» Kook thought the conversation was already over, so when you asked him he really didn’t had his brain working. «I mean, why should I t-tease you?» doe-eyes staring directly into yours.
«You always do it» you shrugged. In that moment, Jungkook really felt awful. You really thought all he had done was because he was teasing you?
«I don’t»
«Yes, you do»
«No, I don’t» his voice sounded firm for the first time. Your eyes left his.
«Then this is you? You usually act like... you acted yesterday? And the day before? And the-»
«No, I- I don’t» he sighed «but I’m not teasing you. I never wanted to?»
«Why are you asking me?»
«I’m not! It’s just-» he let the sentence disappear like a speck of dust blown off by the window. «I won’t tease» his voice made you look back into his eyes and the silence filled the space between you two again, your face lost his brightness.
«My parents are not easy-going people. It’s just that.» Jungkook raised his eyebrows.
«Yes, but a chief?» he let out without even thinking, the second he saw your features changing he wanted to slap himself.
«I know, it’s desperate» he held his breath, the guilt already sneaking in his body for letting you think he thought that.
«No!» his voice came out louder than expected «I-It’s not. I was just curious. Maybe I should hire Seokjin too when my parents come to my place. He cooks better than me» you scoffed and his heart sped up like crazy. Finally, he thought. He was dying to hear that sound escape your lips, and now that he was the cause of it he wanted to hear it more.
«Jungkook!» Jin’s voice remembered him what you were really doing and he couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he turned to watch him get closer with each step. Your mouth hanging open at the sight. Tall, broad shoulders and a charming face. Was it a thing running in his group?
«I’m Kim Seokjin, but call me Jin. I’m your chief for today.» he introduced himself once he stood in front of you.
«I’m Y/N. Thank you for doing this, I’m aware I didn’t give you time to-»
«Don’t worry, really. It’s not a problem.» he smiled. You nodded and gulped nervously before glancing at Jungkook, who was standing there shifting his gaze between you and his friend, praying everything would work out fine.
«Let’s go, you can tell me about what you’d like to eat while we get to your place»
And with that, you nodded at him and gave a smile to the maknae. Jungkook’s heart skipped a few beats.
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«I swear, she has the worst parents ever.» Jin claimed, eyes wide and shocked features. «They really aren’t easy-going people.»
«Did they complain about the food?» Namjoon asked, the hyung raised his eyebrows.
«They didn’t dare, luckily for them,» he scoffed. «but from what I heard from the kitchen that woman really has the strongest self-control ever»
«What happened?» Hobi sat beside him on the couch.
«You mean what didn’t happen. First, when they came in they didn’t even greet her, they just gave her their coats and ran past her like nothing.» he raised his index finger while shaking his head. Jungkook’s eyes widened.
«Then they started complaining about her apartment. “I don’t really know how you like this place so much”, “it’s so small”, “do you even have a second bathroom in here?”, “you should move”. I mean, let her breathe!» he imitated your parents’s voices, an high-pitched tone for your mother and a weird twang for you father. His middle finger went up.
«After that, her mother tried to break into her room as if she’s a fifteen years old teenager. What the hell was that? She even locked it before they came in, I saw her.» and now his ring finger too.
«What?» Yoongi couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and neither the others. Everyone’s expression was only screaming shock, staring at their friend like he was telling them a crime novel. Jungkook had his eyebrows knitted together, mouth agape and an emotion neither he could quite get running through his blood.
«I swear I’m not making this up! They’re the worst!» Jin shook his head. «When they saw me serving the plates her mother raised her eyebrows and waited for me to go into the kitchen before she started spitting out all her venom. “Couldn’t you do this on your own? Of course not. You’re still trying to dance, right? That’s why you don’t even have time to learn how to cook”, “your mother is right, you should start to act like an adult, Y/N. I think it’s time for you to stop with that”. It was like being in hell, and I was in my heaven, you know I love standing in front of the stove. I honestly don’t know how she managed to stay calm.»
«Oh, God. She must feel so much pressure» Hobi muttered, Yoongi and Taehyung nodded.
«I know. I could see it in her eyes when I left, she was acting like nothing happened but she really seemed wrecked. She insisted to pay me but I refused her money, I told her she’s fine since is your “friend”» Jin looked at Jungkook, who weakly smiled as a thank you for his actions. He already knew that your parents were not that easy from your words and the way you acted that morning, but God, he never though they’d be like this. How did you even manage to not burst out at them?
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Your pillow was doing nothing to muffle your sobs, they could be heard even with the sound of the TV on and the sheets hiding you from the light light of the screen. Useless to say, you were feeling like shit. You always tried your best but always fail with them. You were used to it, so why were you crying? Again? You wished your parents were different, more amenable, you even wished you were different, the daughter they expected you to be. But you weren’t, and all you were left with was hope, every time. Maybe the next time will be better, that was what you usually told to yourself, and that was probably why you ended up crying this time too. You needed to stop it and face the fact that it was not going to be better. You weren’t the problem, and deep inside you you knew it.
You simply needed to face it.
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Finally, here comes today. It’s weird for you to think this, but you actually want to meet Jungkook, to thank him. The awful night you had made you think of how hard you try with your parents even though you keep telling yourself it’s not true. After having a chief cooking for you, the only thing you can do is cope with it. You can’t deny you were being anxious for the whole time, still skeptical about the situation, afraid that Jungkook was maybe teasing you again and his friend was no one but a someone looking for fun him too. But he wasn’t, he’s been nice for the entire time, always smiling and trying to make you feel comfortable, he sure knows how to marvel a new client. You saw him blinking a few times because of your parents’s words, but you’re grateful he didn’t tell you anything. He was professional and friendly, and you feel so sorry about not paying him and making him deal with the awkward lunch of you and your parents.
Thus, you are now walking in the studio hoping to find Jungkook or maybe one of his friends, not sure of what exactly are his schedules. You look for him until you realize you’re already five minutes late for your rehearsals so you decide to rush back in your room. What you didn’t expect is to find him at your doorframe, eyes shifting from person to person. His figure makes you hold your breath, his features taken by whoever his looking for, lips pursued, tall and muscled body wrapped in a pair of black jeans and a gray shirt.
«Jungkook?» you call. Jungkook’s heart drops when he realizes it’s your voice, then in a second the embarrassment is there again, making his ears and cheeks flashing red.
«H-hi?» he slowly moves his stare until it’s on your face.
«Were you looking for me?» his eyes wide, he weakly raises his eyebrows and now his lips are slightly parted in a pout.
«N-no? Yes, I mean no, I- fuck» he mutters, shutting his eyes at the end of the uncommon answer and hissing under his breath. You knit your eyebrows. Once he opens his eyes again you can’t help but smirk, just a little bit. With the half-gone sensation of him teasing at you it’s more easy to do it.
«I- what was the question?» he really doesn’t know how to answer you. You scoff and shake your head.
«Never mind, I was looking for you but now I really can’t talk. Do you have some time later?» your uncertain tone makes you cringe, again feeling weird in front of him. You can’t help it, it’s just something that happens every time in his presence.
His brain stops working again. «Oh, yes? Y-yeah»
«What- what time do you get off?»
«I- well, I- uhm... Yoongi!» he suddenly screams, panicking and widening his eyes when he shifts them from you to his friend, his tone radiates nothing but frustration.
Thanks God, he thinks, but a second later he’s already regretting it. You quickly turn to see his friend approaching you in heavy footsteps, and when you link his face to his name another wave of uncomfortableness sneaks in your body.
Yoongi looks at you only when he sides his friend, gulping harshly and trying to fake a smile as best as he can. «Hi, I’m Yoongi?»Why do they all speak like this? 
He shifts his eyes from you to Jungkook and viceversa, hoping someone to talk and tell him what the hell is he doing there with you two. When Jungkook finally speaks his voice his shaking. «What dime do- do we get o-off?» his eyes are basically praying Yoongi to answer.
«I think at seven?»
«Oh» he lets out, lowering his gaze on you again. You try to shrug off the mix of emotions his dark eyes give you.
«Okay, I... I’ll wait for you? I guess, if you tell me-»
«13» Yoongi interrupts your blabbering seeing that the maknae’s face is as blank as a white sheet paper, still in shock from what’s happening, he probably wouldn’t have known how to answer you.
«Thank you. See you later then» you try to smile without letting your uneasiness creep in and quickly enter the rehearsal room, letting out a deep breath.
«You know you’ll have to talk to her later, right? And what was she talking about?» Yoongi asks as soon as you can’t hear him. Jungkook shrugs.
«She- she wants to talk? I’m gonna die in the awkwardness, I know it. I’m gonna embarrass myself so much I won’t even be able to breathe, fuck.»
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«Y/N?» Jungkook stares at your reflection in the mirror, his movements suddenly stop nd Hobi frowns at him.
«Jungkook, what are you doing?» he screams over the music. The maknae blinks a few times before he understands you’re looking at him and he’ll make everything more awkward if he keeps standing still like this with his eyes on you. Thus, he takes a deep - deep - breath and  counts the time again before catching up with the moves.
His body makes you hold your breath, his movements are clean and outright, his style is impactful, even the small details incredibly focused and accurate. His muscles twitch under the clothes, and you can outline the muscles of his legs even without even trying. Only the sight makes you shudder. His body is something you really didn’t dwell on, too much taken aback from the way he usually acts around you, but having a show like this in front of your eyes is something you can’t really turn away to. The way he moves his hips in a particular move has you clenching around nothing, and you suddenly blush at the thought of how he’d move them in a different situation, your heart beats faster.
Jungkook tries to not let your presence influence his rehearsals but he can’t help to steal a few glances at you while he moves on the rhythm. When he sees you blushing and glancing down his body he can’t help but smirk a little bit, even though his heart beats louder with every second. He glances away again when you eventually raise your eyes to his face, body stiffening in an second.
When the music finally stops and you seem to wake up from your trance you find yourself looking at the others, realizing only now that you probably should have asked before coming in the room like this, so you stand up and go out in a second.
Yoongi suddenly runs behind you.
«Y/N? Right?» you have no chance but to turn and nod.
«I’m sorry, I sho-»
«You can stay.» he smiles at you «And I’m sorry for the tea, the other day»
«Are you sure?»
«About the tea? I’m really sorry» he bits the inside of his cheek.
«No, I mean are you sure I-»
«Oh, yes. Jungkook would like it if you stayed» he suddenly points his thumb to Jungkook, who’s staring at the two of you with his lips parted and apparently in trance like you were just a few seconds ago. When your eyes lock with his you shrug to hide the weird shiver sneaking into your back.
«Okay, then» you smile at Yoongi and head back to the bench at the side of the room. 
You spend at least twenty five minutes staring at Jungkook, your eyes rarely meet the figures of his friends, completely taken by the way he moves and the emotions he makes you feel with every song. At the beginning the maknae feels his cheeks heating up and his body as stiff as a trunk, but with the time passing by and the seconds becoming minutes he slowly gains a little bit of confidence, and when you see him even more free and secure you can’t help but take in the sight releasing a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding. He’s like a magnet, some weird kind of energy attracts you to him, maybe it’s the way he speaks with his face or the way his eyes seem even darker and deeper when he sometimes glances at you and immediately glances back. Time seems to run and before you know it the music stops again and the group is lets out uneven breaths, heading to the bench you’re sitting on to grab their towels.
You feel your cheeks heat up when you notice almost every one of them glance at you with a look you can’t really read. Jungkook is still in front of the mirror, eyes completely focused on the way his body moves and repeating movements like a mantra. When he finally stops and turns around his gaze locks with yours, his heart pounds in his chest, palms sweaty all of a sudden.
«Kook, here!» one of his friends throws him a bottle of water and the man quickly catches it bringing it to his lips and taking a few sips. You watch the way his adam’s apple moves from your seat. He closes the bottle and finally heads to the bench, he feels so nervous he’d do something awkward and make you both feel uncomfortable that he almost thinks of running away. The others seem to quickly disappear to go to change and when he finally stands beside you you don’t really know how to act. The silence fills the room and makes you wince, your tongue comes out to wet the petals of your lips, Jungkook holds his breath.
«I like your style of dancing, the way you move» you blurt out. The maknae seems almost shocked at your words.
«I- I like it too» and here we go again. «I mean, I like yours too?»
«You watched me dancing?»
Jungkook groans. «I- oh, ye- yes?» he quickly gives up on lying «I watched you»
«Oh, I didn’t notice» you nervously smile. «Thank you, then»
Jungkook brings his white towel to his neck, wiping the sweat from his skin. That stupid action hits you like a wrecking ball.
«I’m- I’m sorry for everything that happened,» he speaks without thinking «I- I never wanted to tease you. I’m really sorry it- it came out like that. Really sorry.» his tone is shaky and he still can’t believe he managed to let out a full sentence without embarrassing himself or you. For some kind of reason his words make your gaze deepen in his, the weight of your irises almost crashing down Jungkook’s mind.
 You shake your head. «You apologize every time» a smile breaks through your mask.
«I don’t want to... make you feel uncomfortable? It’s just... I’m really so- sorry if it came out in the wrong way. I always end up embarrassing myself but I wanted to make a good impression, it’s just-» he suddenly stops talking, feeling all of a sudden even more nervous to say the words he was almost spilling out, he scraps at the back of his neck.
«You make me nervous» he really said it. 
His words hit you like a train, fast enough to make you doubt you really heard them and hard enough to stun you. «I make you nervous? Oh, I’m sorry I-»
«No, no, no, no» he quickly complaints «In a good way, I- I guess?» 
«What do you mean?»
Jungkook opens his mouth to speak a few times but always fails and closes it, before putting the towel on the bench and harshly gulping. «I- Can we talk about something else? Please?» he almost whines, making a weird smile form on your lips.
«Do you want to go to the cafe?»
He nods at your proposal, lifting his index finger. «Just give me a minute to change and-» he lowers to grab at all his stuff on the bench but unintentionally hits the bottle of water which falls to the ground. He lets out a deep shaky breath, the words I’m so bad at this echoing in his mind. You manage to bend over and grab it but at the same time he takes a step towards it to do the same, stopping when he sees your hands holding the bottle. When you raise back, the view you meet with makes you hold your breath and your cheeks red like peppers, Jungkook is not quick enough to rush back, and you can’t help but feel uncomfortable again, but this time there’s a different emotion too that you’re not quick enough to grasp.
It happens in a matter of seconds, but it seems like minutes when you glance at him, standing tall and looking at you bewitched by the sight of you like this. And he needs to remember himself you’re actually here to hold back the dirty thoughts that are already filling his head. You gulp hard, your eyes scanning his beautiful features and saving the breathtaking sight, his crotch almost touching your cheek because of the lack of distance. And you can’t deny, your thoughts take you to a different dimension that makes you fucking throb.
«Just- give me- give me a minute?» Jungkook stutters with a deep low voice, heavy breath and cheeks heating up.
«This are the kind of things that makes me think of you teasing me» you don’t even know where your words came out from, how’d you manage to make a full sentence still watching him from the same position.
«I swear, I didn’t want to-»
«It’s okay» you unintentionally lick your lips and he finds it even harder to keep a clear head, his cock already hardening. «Go?»
He slowly nods waking up from his trance, and manages to rush back into the fitting room with fast steps and heavy breathing, hoping that the others are not there. Not now that with every steps he takes he feels harder with the image of your eyes looking at him from down.
«Fuck» he hisses letting his bag fall to the bench. Luckily, no one’s here anymore and he’s only left with his boner. What is he supposed to do now? He can’t just change and go out, you’d see it, definitely.
Jungkook quickly heads to the door of the bathroom and takes a deep breath before locking it, lowering his sweat pants and his boxers on his thighs. The second the material doesn’t hug him anymore his cock jumps to his stomach, tip already red and dripping with precum. How do you manage to get him this hard without even trying?
His hand immediately wraps around his shaft, squeezing himself a little bit, just enough to make his head fall back and his lips part letting out a strangled whine. 
«Fuck» he hisses before he starts moving his hand, his mind going back at you and how damn good you looked before at the height of his cock. The first time he masturbated thinking about you sucking him dry he didn’t really think he would ever have a picture of you to accompany his actions to. And now that he has it, he can’t seem to get enough of it. You’d look so fucking good giving him the blowjob of his life, hollowing your cheeks and wrapping him in your mouth, he’d fuck it so good you’d be drooling and gagging for him. His thumb slowly caresses his frenulum and he twitches under his hand, stroking himself faster and harder. He doesn’t even realize it but the image of you he has in mind is making him louder than he usually is, panting and hissing, begging to explode.
«Oh my god, fuck.» he groans.
You can’t hear him from where you are, but your tights are tightening anyway. What happened just a few moments ago is replaying in your mind over and over again. The view he gave you of him staring directly into your eyes while you were basically facing his cock it’s making you go out of your mind. You can’t deny he’s charming, with features that make you feel dizzy, but this was too much to handle even for you. Your mind can’t help but fantasize how he’d fist your hair while you’d lick him, and just the thought makes you clench around nothing, the wetness between your folds already soaking your knickers. You try to push the image away, but the way you’re desperately squeezing your thighs for some kind of friction tells a total different story.
Jungkook bites his lips, his abdomen twitching and his shoulders heavily raising.
«Y/N» he whines, picturing you on your knees for him. In his mind, your hands are one on his inner thigh and the other playing with his nipple, twirling it between your index and thumb and making him even more sensible.
«Shit, so good» his voice is husky, sure as hell it would make you shudder and fall on your knees if you’d only hear it. His movements become more sloppy, the knot in his stomach almost about to burst. He groans and speeds up even more, hips practically hitting his hand with every stroke. He imagines your thighs tightened, the wetness in your folds, the way you’d taste, and he feels even closer.
«So fucking good»
Jungkook spits in his hand. His breath stutters more, and he suddenly doesn’t remember how to breathe anymore as he strokes himself harder, the lewd sound of him shoving in his fist becomes louder, the only sound feeling the bathroom and the fitting room.
The thought of you cupping his balls and massaging it makes him do the same thing, he pictures your tongue licking and swirling around the head of his cock. That is the last chunk he needs to come undone in his palm, spatters of white hitting his chest as he fucks himself through his orgasm until he’s too sensitive to even make one more stroke, letting his head resting on the door behind him. Eyes closed, heavy breath and mouth completely dry, Jungkook takes some time to recover from the heavenly climax he just reached.
God, what he’d give to know that he had the exact effect you had on him, but you’re just too shy to do something about it here. If you were home, well that would be a different thing. You’d help yourself with your vibrator, fucking it into you like it was him. But now, now you’re just trying to contain your thoughts, waiting for him to come out and go to the cafe.
When you realize it’s been a while since he disappeared you decide it’s better to go and see if everything’s okay. Standing up you unsurely walk to the door of the fitting room, the structure of the building being always the same makes finding the way easier. You knock at the door.
«Jungkook? Are you okay?»
«I- uhm, I’m coming, give me a second!» he answers back with a high-pitched tone, so you nod and go back to your bench, waiting for him. It takes him another three minutes to finally come out, his hair are a little bit messy and you think he must’ve ran his hands through them a few times.
«Are we- are we still going?» he asks. With your worries at the door of the fitting room he thought you might have heard him before, but when you nod and smile he lets his previous thoughts fade.
You head out of the studio and to the cafe, trying to ignore the way your panties practically slips against your folds. Jungkook tries to think about what to say and how to begin a safe conversation for the both of you without feeling uncomfortable or awkward but he just can’t seem to find nothing else than the question he asks.
«You wanted to talk?» lowering his gaze to his side he looks at you walking in silence. You quickly nod.
«I wanted to thank you, actually» you turn to smile at him, the butterflies in in stomach invading every part of his body.,«You know, for Jin.»
«Oh, no- no problem» he smiles back, his eyes sparkling and you can’t deny the sudden warmth you feel in your chest. «It’s the least I could do, for what happened?» his sentence sounds again like a question, but by now you’re kinda used to it. You scoff.
«Let’s say I forgive you for the dress and the awkward meeting» you tease. His eyes squint and he wrinkles his nose.
«That wasn’t my fault» he murmurs.
«Your friend?»
He nods. «Teahyung»
«Well, then I forgive Teahyung and you for the dress» you smile again, his heart is beating like crazy.
«How much do I have to embarrass my-myself for the drink Yoongi spilled on you?» he’d like to giggle but he feels so freaking nervous that all he can do is let out a puff.
«I don’t know, you’re pretty good at that. I’d end up enjoying the show eventually and it wouldn’t be fair, I’d let you go on» you tease again. Jungkook’s cheeks heat up. His brain trying to understand if you’d say something like this because you like the way he acts around you or just for the fun of teasing him. The truth is, neither you know it now.
«It’s the thing I seem to be better at» your giggle makes him feel lighter.
«I was kidding» you stop your steps and he realizes you’re already in front of the cafe.
«You’re forgiven, more than forgiven. I actually feel like I owe you something now» you explain looking directly in his dark eyes, and damn, he’s really beautiful.
«Oh- no, no! Don’t, please» he shakes his head. «I- I wanted to make it up to you, you don’t owe me anything»
«Well, let me get you a coffee or something you’d like at least?» you point at the shop behind you. Jungkook licks his lips and takes another deep breath before nodding, following you in and trying to look elsewhere but the way you swing your hips with every step. You’re gonna be the death of him, and he’s slowly falling even more with every word you say.
Thanks to the time the cafe is almost empty, only two or three clients are sit on the chairs at the counter. Nevertheless, you sit at your favorite table, the one in the corner always forgotten by practically everyone. There’s something about this table that makes you feel safe, maybe it’s because no one seems to look at it, sometimes even the waitress forgets it.
«I’ll get a tea» you announce without even glancing at the menu, Jungkook tilts his head to the side and hides his head behind it. You wait for him to choose what he wants and when he’s done you raise your hand to the waitress behind the counter. The woman quickly walks to you, giving you a gentle smile.
«What can I serve you?»
«A tea for me»
«I’ll have a Red Velvet latte» Jungkook says, leaving you amused by his choice. The waitress quickly nods and leaves you with another smile.
«Red Velvet?» you ask «I’ve always wanted to try it but I always end up with tea or coffe» you reveal, Kook raises his eyebrows.
«I like- I like it. Maybe you want a sip?»
«Don’t worry, I’ll get it the next time»
«We can switch drinks if you want» he says as the same time as you.
«Really, Jungkook, don’t worry» you smile at him.
«Anyway, I really am thankful for Jin yesterday. He helped me a lot, without him I’d probably end up having a breakdown» you scoff at the end of your sentence even though it’s true. Jungkook watches you as you speak, completely taken by your words and the way you move your lips, your voice seems to be the only thing catching his ears now, not even one of his favorite songs playing in the background gets him.
«Thank you for being so nice and help me, Jungkook. It was Sunday and-»
«Hey, no problem» he cuts off your rumbling with his hand on yours, and the second he realizes what he has just done he takes it away with wide eyes. The only trace he leaves on your skin is the dampness of his sweaty palms.
«I’m- I’m sorry»
«Stop it, please» you almost whine and his features instantly sadden, afraid he just made another mistake. He tries to hide his expression but fails, and the guilt sneaks into you making you shake your head.
«I mean, stop being so stiff. Tell me, what is it?» you ask.
«What do I do to make you this nervous?» you ask again. «I can try and-»
«It’s not you.» he cuts you off again. «I- I mean it is you, but it’s me. I-» he stutters.
«I can try to hide my face if you want» youironically propose as you grab the menu and cover your face with it. Jungkook frowns but immediately smiles at your silliness. «Does it work?»
«It- It’s not making any difference» he holds back a laugh.
«Are you sure?» you giggle. He shakes his head.
«I am, just- please, look at me» his words play a strange trick on your mind, making you harshly gulp as your heart skips a few beats. It’s noy like he had just said something that important, but your mind goes blank for a second.
«Y/N?» he calls, eyes fixated on the menu you’re holding. He stretches his arm out and grabs at the paper, slowly lowering it from your face. Your eyes, your nose, your lips. Jungkook stares at every feature of your face taking in the sight in front of him, the power you have on him is fucking scary, and he’s realizing it for the first time now looking in your eyes.
«What happened?» he lets out in a whisper, not really certain of his voice at the moment. You gulp and shake your head. You don’t even know what happened, how are you supposed to explain him?
«There you go, your tea and your Red Velvet» the waitress comes in the way, and you thank her in your mind for saving you from the awkward situation you just putted yourself into. However, the interruption is fast and she leaves in a matter of seconds leaving you with your drinks.
You can’t help but glance at his glass, the crimson color of the drink intrigues you and the chocolate chips on top are the perfect frame. Jungkook lifts it from the table and stretches his arm again towards you, putting the drink basically under your nose.
«Try it» he manages to say holding his breath. He doesn’t even know where he gained all of this boldness, he just did it without thinking. And now that you stare at him he’s beginning to think he’s making things awkward again.
Your hands cover his, giving birth to another session of butterflies in his stomach and a shudder running down your spine. Jungkook understands he has to remove his hand from the glass to make you drink and he slips away like he just got burn by a blazing fire.
Taking a sip you let yourself taste the sweetness of the latte and the chocolate chips before giving him his drink again, deciding this will definitely be your next order at this place.
«It’s so good» you whine, Jungkook smiles.
«It’s one of my favorite drinks, Jin- he always tries new things and likes to feed us like babies. He introduced me to this»
«I really like it» you bring your cup of tea to your lips, taking a sip. «My tea is so boring now» his smile widens.
«We can really switch drinks if you-»
«No, don’t worry, really»
He nods, taking the first sip of his Red Velvet.
«So Jin is kinda like the mama of the group?» Jungkook smiles at your comment.
«He is the oldest» he nods. «He likes to take care of us and we like to eat» you giggle at his words.
«His cooking is really good, I haven’t eaten that good in months. I should have insisted more on paying him» you take another sip from your tea.
«Trust me, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it» Jungkook smiles at you, and it’s a matter of seconds before he finally noticed he’s not stuttering anymore. In fact, he feels more comfortable. «He was happy to help»
«Oh, trust me, he helped me a lot»
You try to think what would’ve happen yesterday if it wasn’t for him, the result would have been even worse than it already is. Jungkook’s heart warms up knowing he was really able to help you, he made something right. The smile you have on your face makes him want to work even more to create a brand new one.
«What about Yoongi? Does he spill his drinks on everyone?»
«No, he doesn’t» Jungkook scoffs and avoids telling you the reason why he actually spilled it. «He’s the second hyung. Actually, he’s usually very quiet. His stage name is Suga»
«I heard about him» you raise your eyebrows. «Someone told me he injured his shoulder fighting over a first prize but I didn’t think it was him they were talking about, and honestly I didn’t know if it was true» 
The maknae shakes his head. «It’s not true. He actually got injured while working, he had to find a job to pay for his dance lessons and eventually he started a delivering job. He got hit by a car.» Jungkook stares at the wooden table «People often say that or that he tried to beat one of the judges and got kicked in his ass. I don’t get why they like to make up something so stupid» an heavy sigh leaves his lips.
«Last year I broke my uncle because I was pushing myself too hard for a contest and eventually I didn’t perform. I heard people say I couldn’t ‘cause I was pregnant» you tell him, the memory still makes you wrinkle your nose. Jungkook’s eyes widens before he opens his mouth.
«I hate rumors» he mumbles. «Who- who do you want to know about now?» he stutters a little bit, deciding to bring back the conversation to a positive vibe.
«Taehyung? Was it his name?» you squint your eyes.
«Yes» he nods. «Taehyung is the second maknae and a fashion icon in the group, we always try to look as cool as him but he just has that something that makes you give up and stay in your sweat pants.» you giggle at his comment and he can’t help but smile at your sparkling eyes.
«He doesn’t usually act like the first time we met, he’s pretty confidential.» Jungkook takes the last sip of his Red Velvet and you do the same with your now almost cold tea while you take in all the informations.
«Namjoon is the dad of the group, he’s always willing to give you advices but at the same time able to give you a good shake. He and Jimin are my go to when I need to talk to someone, but the others are pretty good at listening too. Jimin is the third maknae»
«Who’s the first?»
Jungkook puckers his lips. «Me» 
«How old are you?»
«I’m twenty two» he answers, remembering this is the last day he gets to say it. For a little moment he thinks of you at his birthday, but he forces himself to push the picture away, it would be weird to invite you when you’re talking fr the first time.
«I’m older than you!» you can’t help but exclaim, Jungkook licks his lips.
You nod.«I’m twenty four»
«How- how should I call you then?» he bits his lips, a little bit of nervousness sneaks again into him, worried you don’t like the way he has been talking to you.
«Oh, please don’t call me noona!» you shake your head and smile at him.
«Are you sure?»
«Yes, Jungkook. Don’t change the way you were talking to me, I liked it. It was natural» you smile at him, your heart beats faster when a smile shines on his face and lights up his features. Jungkook is trying to be as natural as he can, trying to speak without blubbering still stunned by your presence in front of him, and hearing those words make him less tense.
«Hoseok is the only one left. He’s a ray of sunshine, always able to make you smile and laugh. His stage name is J-Hope. He’s a spring, his movements are as fluid as water. Oh, and he can’t hide his expressions whenever he’s angry, even though it’s difficult to annoy him. His face goes like this» Jungkook’s try to emulate his friend is quickly cut off by your bursting laugh because of his expression, and he can’t hold back his giggles at the sound of your happiness.
«Sounds like a beautiful group» you say when you finally stop laughing, your cheeks are hurting while you take a look inside your mug, realizing only now it’s empty.
«It is, they’re my family» the tone he uses makes a knot built up in your throat, smiling melancholic. And who the hell knows why, Jungkook notices it. 
«Is- is something wrong? Did I say-»
«No, no, no. It’s fine, I’m fine» you quickly say smiling again. He would like to ask you what’s wrong again until you’d probably end up answering him but he thinks he’d invade your personal space and annoying you.
«Are you sure? I- I know I ask this a lot but-»
«I’m sure, thank you for asking» you interrupt him with another gentle smile. Jungkook knows it’s not true, but he nods anyway, bringing his gaze to his empty glass. His action makes you bring yours to your phone, unlocking the screen and realizing only now it’s almost eight and a half.
«I should go now»
He raises his glance, the feeling in his chest it’s telling him to not let you go but he can’t do that.
«I’ll see you tomorrow at the studio?» you ask him while getting up from your chair, rummaging through your purse looking for the wallet. Jungkook is about to say yes when he remembers tomorrow it’s their free day.
«No, not tomorrow» he smiles at you getting up and producing a shrill sound with his chair against the floor, his cheeks heat up for the fiftieth time only in an hour.
«Oh, I guess I’ll see you on Wednesday then? Or whenever we-»
«Could you give me your number?»
If he thought his heart already risked a heart attack many times with you, then now he should be dead from the way it’s beating. Blood running through his body so fast that he can hear it his in his ears, the tip of them and his cheeks flashing red, palms sweating more than before. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked you.
You stare at him for a few seconds, completely stuttered by his question as you gulp harshly and blink a few times.
«You- you promise you won’t send me nudes?» you joke, and this time you are the one who’s left with her mouth agape, wondering where the hell that just came out from. «Oh my-»
«If you don’t ask for them I won’t» Jungkook scoffs, the fact you just said something like that is making him feel lighter. You raise your eyebrows at him.
«I won’t, I surely won’t» you quickly rebut but you’re afraid he might be offended so you keep adding words making everything worse. «I mean- not that I wouldn’t like them, it’s just-»
«Y/N» he interrupts your dwelling. «I- I won’t send or ask for nudes» he laughs at his own words at the end of the sentence, making you grimace.
«I’m- I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that»
«It’s okay» he smiles at you and you let out a shaky breath before putting ten bucks on the table and heading to the door with him.
Jungkook dials your number on his phone and quickly sends you a message to let you save his, still freaking out in his mind for what happened in just an hour of being with you.
The afraid of being awkward he felt at the beginning is still there, but he feels more comfortable now that he knows a little bit about you. He’s still nervous, palms still sweaty and heart still beating like crazy, gaze still trying to lock with yours just to shudder and blush under it. He likes the way his nervousness shaded with the comfortableness you made him feel talking to you, his chest both threatening to explode because of the tension but still tasting the sweetness of the naturalness and ease, the combo is one of the weirdest to ever exist, but it’s true.
«Goodbye, Jungkook» you smile at him after putting your phone back in your purse. You think about your actions for a moment before quickly tiptoeing and leaving a soft peck on his cheek that makes him almost feel dizzy. The way your soft lips touched his skin will haunt him even in his dreams tonight. He’s not rapid enough to smile at you while you turn and walk away, too shocked by your actions, but he smiles anyway.
This is the first time Jungkook realizes he just had a bite of the cake, and now he wants to eat it all.
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«Are you kidding?» Taehyung’s deep voice resonates through the stairwell and Jungkook can hear it even by pulling his phone away from his ear.
«I’m not, Tae» he rushes to the door and hangs up before opening it sure that his friend is already there. In fact, he is. Standing still in front of him in his Gucci palazzo trousers looking like a model.
«Happy birthday, Kookie» he smiles at him and hugs him tight making Jungkook chuckle.
«You just said it on the phone»
«I know» he pats his shoulder. «Where are the others?»
«They’re coming» Jungkook takes a look to his lounge, the table is already set and the food is almost ready, Jin will be proud of him.
«Is she coming too?» Taehyung asks, Jungkook turns like top.
«What? No»
«Why not?»
«I don’t know... we don’t have that much of intimacy. And with you?» he knits his eyebrows thinking of the possible ending of doing something like that. «She’d probably feel like a fish out of water and you’re gonna embarrass me if I’m not the one doing it» he shakes his head.
The bell rings and Kook rushes to the door to welcome his friends, Hobi and Jin are standing there with the biggest smiles on their faces and hands full of envelopes, smiles as bright as the sun.
«There will be a day when you’ll be old and people will make fun of you, and it’s coming! Happy birthday!» Jin hugs the maknae laughing for his own words and Jungkook does the same. Hobi joins the hug, making Tae grimace and run to them.
«I feel alone» he mumbles before wrapping his arms around the three of them, Jungkook in the middle is almost dying, being the burger in the middle of the bread.
«Happy birthday!» Hobi screams, his voice echoing in the hallways remembers Jungkook the door is still open.
«Okay, now set me free» he laughs. «Where are the others?» their grip on him loosen and he finally closes the door.
«They went to buy you a cake, Seokjin made you one but Joon ate it last night without knowing it was yours» Hobi burst out laughing.
«It was obvious! He should’ve known it!» Jin screams frustrated with his eyes wide.
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«Look at that!» Jimin points at the cake through the glass, his eyes sparkling at the sight and his mouth begging to taste the sweetness of the sponge cake. He looks like a baby.
«Ugh, Chimin! It’s for Jungkook, not you!» Namjoon scolds him making the corners of his mouth drop.
«I know what he likes!» he says back. Yoongi shuts his eyes, they’ve been in here for almost ten minutes now, fighting over which cake they could buy and not really getting anything.
«Do you-»
«He’ll like that» Yoongi cuts off Joonie’s words and point at the cake nodding to the pastry chef behind the counter who quickly smiles at him.
«Could you write “Jungkook” on top of it?» Jimin asks with a kind smile, the baker nods and he raises his eyebrows at Namjoon.
«See? It’s gonna be perfect, you need to listen to me!»
Namjoon sighs and shakes his head, taking a glance out of the shop to see his girlfriend still in the car waiting for them, eyes fixated on her phone.
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Your parents had decided to ring your doorbell without telling you they were coming over. Luckily - or unfortunately - it’s Tuesday, and on Tuesday you’re usually home for lunch, but when the doorbell squeaked you didn’t really think it was them. Maybe the postman or a neighbor, but not your parents.
«Surprise!» they both screamed. It was the worst surprise ever. You didn’t know they were coming so you didn’t make lunch for them, didn’t tidy up properly, didn’t hide your things and didn’t lock your door. Plus, you weren’t prepared for another mental breakdown, not so soon after they gave you one just two days ago. And you still aren’t now, listening to them talking while you eat your salad.
«Your mother decided to come visit Ailiseu for a few days and September is already here so we decided not to wait until next month, it’ll be too cold» your father explains, his smile going from ear to ear. You instantly pray for the mental health of your cousin knowing how your parents can be, she’s gonna go out of her mind.
«Exactly! And we’re staying at her place, since she has a big house. Sorry honey, we would’ve asked you but we thought we’d be too much in here.»
«No problem» you try to sound as kind as possible. This is the good side of having a small house, at least.
«How long will you stay?»
«Three days» your father says «but we’re going to Ailiseu for dinner, we’d like to spend today with you»
«Take a day off of work.» your mother points her index finger at you. «We’ll have fun! We could go to the mall and buy some clothes, I really don’t like the shirt you’re wearing»
You stop eating fixing your gaze on your meal and trying to stay calm. This is a nightmare. How are you supposed to not go to work when they saw you were fine this morning? And notify them in half an hour? Your boss is going to go out of his mind and kill you. You won’t even be able to rehearsal today, obviously.
«Mom, I-»
«Please?» your father cuts you off.
You give up. It’s scientifically proven that you can’t beat them at this game without bursting out, that would definitely lead to an argument and you really are not in the mood for it. So you nod and finish your lunch listening to all their stories, your mother complaining about everything: the broken electric hand dryer at the gas station they stopped in, the way your father drives, your shirt - again -, your salad, your house and again your job. All of her words only make you wish to end this day as soon as possible but against your desire, time only seems to slow down while you wait for your her to come out of the bathroom.
You’re ready to go to the mall, you already called your boss and told him you had a setback and couldn’t go back to work this afternoon, and like you predicted before he didn’t sound happy at all, groaning things you couldn’t understand and quickly hanging up. Your mother is been in the bathroom for twenty minutes now making you frown and sink in your couch. When she finally comes out you head to the door in a second.
«Let’s go shopping!»
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Your feet are hurting, if they could talk their exact words would be “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” at every step you take. You’ve been in here for almost six hours now, dragged from a shop to another, from a salon to a shoe store and you’re pretty sure that by now you entered all the shops in the mall.
«What’s the time?» your mother finally stops walking at your father’s question, taking a glance at her golden watch.
«It’s almost eight,» she answers raising her eyes to you «we should probably go. Do you mind giving us a ride to Ailiseu’s place?»
You try to fake a small and force yourself to nod despite your tiredness, all you’d like to do now is lay down and sleep. Your brain health is being put to serious danger today, with all your parents endless rumblings and complaints, your mother even tried to buy you a shirt just for you to go change the one you have on in the public restrooms.
You head to your car with big strides and yawning, your parents’ words behind you about how beautiful your cousin’s house is  and how much their parents must be proud of her are making your chest heavy and your head pound.
You hope not to stay stuck in traffic once you get in your car and get out of the parking lot. You only make it to a few blocks before your wishes and hopes totally fade away, the cars blocking the street and the sounds of the honking filling your ears.
«We’re gonna be late, Ailiseu is waiting for us» your father sighs.
«Can’t you take a different road?»
«How am I supposed to take a different road now? There are cars behind me» you huff at your mother’s words.
«Then honk!»
«It’s not gonna change a thing, everyone is doing that!» you claim. Your dad shakes his head.
You wait at least five minutes before you move again, the silence only filled with your mother’s huffs and annoyed muttering. When you think you finally made it and you’re gonna be home soon, a loud thud makes you shudder and not even a second later you’re being pushed against the wheel because of the swing of your car, hitting your forehead against the glass of the windshield.
It takes you a few moments to realize you just got hit and before you know it you’re already putting on your hazards and heading out of your car. How is it even possible to witness to accidents in just a few days? 
You take a look to your parents while they do the same as you and when you see they’re fine you let out a sigh of relief that lasts as quickly as it came out. Your car is devastated at the back and there is no way you can walk home without shedding parts along your way, you only feel grateful that you and your parents are not hurt.
The man in the car behind you approaches you with fast steps and a worried face, tired eyes and shaky voice.
«I’m so sorry, I should’ve been more careful»
You don’t even understand how he managed to make such a mess to your car with the traffic on the streets now, he probably came out from one of the small roads where there weren’t cars and you were the lucky one to welcome him in the jam.
The man leaves you his number telling you to call him once you know how much this is going to cost you and quickly leaves, you end up calling a taxi for your parents and a tow truck for your car, trying to stay as awake as possible. After forty five minutes of waiting you’re so tired that you could lay down and sleep in the middle of the road if it wasn’t for the cars threatening your life, but apparently someone is hearing your prayers and the tow truck comes to rescue you. Your car is brought to the mechanic and you say goodbye to another one hundred bucks for the tow truck. You’re left alone in the middle of the jam, so you move to the sidewalk ready to call a cab. You had the worst day and you’re already thinking of how much you’ll have to work to get all the money you just lost back.
You’re being caught off guard when someone calls you while you’re bringing the phone to your ear. When you turn and find Jin smiling at you you quickly hang up.
«Jin, hi»
«What are you doing here?» he looks down at you as if he’s the Eiffel Tower and you’re the grass.
«Uhm, my car broke, I was going to call a taxi»
«If you want I can give you a ride? Can you wait a little bit? Just the time to sing happy birthday to Jungkook and give him the gifts, we’re looking forward to embarrass him» he laughs.
«Oh, it’s Jungkook’s birthday?» Jin nods realizing only now that Kook probably didn’t tell you. «I don’t know... I don’t want to bother, I wasn’t invited and I don’t have a gift and-»
«I think you’re thinking too much» he quickly cuts you off. «I don’t think it will be a problem for Jungkook or the others, he’ll be happy to see you»
You sigh. You could call a taxi and wait for it, spend another fifty bucks and head home. Or you could wait a little bit and spend the time you’d spend waiting on the street with them and maybe have a little bit of fun after this awful day, maybe. If things won’t get awkward again. It’d save you money you could use for the groceries, after all.
«Lead the way» you end up saying thanking him with a warm smile. He nods and soon you’re in the elevator waiting for the doors to open, hoping not to look as awful as you feel right now. You still feel sorry to break into his birthday party without an invitation, a gift or even a little bit of more intimacy between you two, so when the doors open and you hear the laughters coming from one of the apartments you think of getting back outside and call a cab. But it’s too late, one of his friends already holds the door open for Jin, glancing over his shoulder with curious eyes and widening them at you.
«Jimin, this is Y/N» Jin introduces you to his friend gesturing with his hands an impossible language for you to understand, not that it does have meaning, he’s just trying to tell him to contain his expressions.
«Y/N, hi!» his voice is soft and it makes you smile without an apparent reason. You link him to Jungkook’s words yesterday, the third maknae and apparently, the friend he often chooses to ramble on to.
«Jungkook!» he screams over the laughters coming from the other room, eyes still fixated on you.
«Teahyung won’t let me come!» At the sound of how happy is voice sounds, laughing and cracking in the middle you can’t avoid the warmth in your chest.
«Come in» Jimin steps aside and lets you and Jin in the house. «You can give your coat to me»
You thank him and give him your coat before you’re following Jin in the other room where the others are. Their laughters stop in a second when they glance at you, now filling the place just with silence. Jungkook’s heart stops beating for a moment, totally shocked and overwhelmed by your presence, mouth agape and eyes widened. He wasn’t prepared to see you, he totally wasn’t. He stares at blankly as if he just saw a ghost and not even when Taehyung finally sets him free from his hold he’s able to say something. Your cheeks are burning like fire under all their gazes.
«I’m Taehyung» the guy who was holding him smiles at you and takes a few steps before reaching out his hand. «I’m sorry about the awkward meeting»
«Oh, don’t worry» you shrug at the memory.
«Jungkook?» a deep voice seems to wake him up from his trance, Namjoon is telling him to do something with his eyes.
«I’m Namjoon»
Soon enough all of them gather around you and shake your hand welcoming you into the house with bright smiles and kind words. The only girl in the group tells you to call her Kitty and tells you she’s the Namjoon’s girlfriend, she seems pretty nice and you end up talking for at least twenty minutes, all of your tiredness seems to disappear. The only one you still didn’t talk to is Jungkook, and you’re afraid he’s annoyed by your presence. The thought makes your head throb, but you wouldn’t blame him after all. It’s his birthday and sure he’d like to spend it with the people he loves, not with you that he doesn’t know much and weren’t even invited.
«You should go talk to her» Namjoon whispers in Kookie’s ear.
As if he hasn’t thought about it already. Jungkook knows he should talk to you, but as I said before, he really isn’t prepared for this. And seeing you talking with his friends and smiling makes the feeling in his chest even more uncontainable. You’re smiling and you seem at ease with them, sipping from your glass from time to time and laughing at Jin’s jokes. He likes this picture, you in his house, all bright and happy. He could get used to it. And all of this, only makes his anxiety grow until it’s skyrocketing.
«I’m gonna say or act awkward and ruin things again, I’m not-»
«And do you think that staying here won’t? She’s in your house, it’s your birthday and you didn’t even greet her. It surely...» he trails off when you take a few steps towards them. Jungkook bits the petal of his lower lip feeling the usual but still new mixture of emotions rushing through his blood until it reaches his chest and totally takes over him. Namjoon pats at his shoulder and glance at you with a kind smile before standing up from the couch with Hobi and heading to the kitchen. Jungkook stares at you for the millionth time, wishing to say something, anything, but the words are caught in his throat.
«Happy birthday» you stop in front of him, glancing down at the pillows beside him. «Can I?»
 He raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth even more before nervously nodding.
«I’m sorry,» you say softly after sitting on the couch «I didn’t want to break in and annoy you, my car broke and Jin offered me a ride home and-»
«You didn’t annoy me, you don’t annoy me. Never- you never annoy me» he blurts out. «You- you can stay as much as you want» his cheeks are heating up, and you don’t even know why but you suddenly smile like a baby, his words make you feel more at ease.
«I don’t have a gift»
«It doesn’t matter» he smiles at you, your heart both stuttering when you lock eyes.
«If I’m being honest, I-» he stops talking, eyes shifting from yours to meet the ground.
Jungkook stays silent for a moment, thinking about what he wants to say over and over again, trying not to make it sound as cheesy as it sounds in his head, but the truth is that there aren’t other words to express it.
«I like you here»
«I-» he gulps «I like you here, with us?» he wants to slap himself. Why did he even think about telling you something like this?
«You seem happy?»
You squint your eyes at him, something about this conversation is making you more nervous than usual.
«I think I am?» why are you asking him?
Jungkook scoffs at your tone, it comes out so naturally that it makes your heart flutter. «You don’t sound so sure about that» he quotes your words, a bright smile creeping upon your face.
«Everyone is so nice and easy-going, and they made me feel comfortable even though I wasn’t meant to be here» you shrug. «You weren’t joking when you talked about them»
«Actually...» he clears his throat «I though of invating you yesterday but I- I didn’t cause I though it would be weird? I mean-»
«Jungkook, you don’t need to explain me why you didn’t invite me. Don’t justify yourself»
«I’m not» he replies fast enough to make you knit your eyebrows.
«But I’m happy you’re here now» the sound of those words are like sugar to your hypoglycemic heart, hearing them makes you feel something you never experienced, something that you missed since you were a little girl. The simple act of being happy to have someone near you and not expect anything from them is something you never witnessed, neither from your parents, even though they love you under those cold masks they wear. People always seemed to expect something from you, always. Jungkook is not telling those words without meaning them, he’s not expecting a thing from you. Not even a gift.
«Jungkook!» Hobi screams from the kitchen, tone breaking into a laughter and soon joined by others too. Jungkook shuts his eyes for a moment and then smiles before standing up from the couch. With boldness he didn’t think he has, he stretches his hand out for you to grab it, waiting with held breath and unsure dark doe-eyes staring directly into yours.
It’s a matter of seconds before you loose up and reach out to his hand, fingers intertwining with each other’s and a shudder running down your spine.
Jungkook stands still for a moment, his hand is limp against yours, he didn’t really think you’d grab his hand, not in this way. You’re not holding it to help you stand up, you’re intertwining your fingers with him. It’s different. The heat rising in your cheeks makes you feel like a teenager with her first crush and only now you realize that that’s why your heart is pounding and your brain is overthinking more than usual. You’re about to split away since he doesn’t tightens his grip on you, mentally slapping yourself for doing something like this. You’re fingers leave his and Jungkook’s chest feels suddenly more heavy. Reaching out again, he grabs your hand, fingers intertwine with yours and this time in a tight and sicure grip. His hands are a little bit sweaty for the nervousness, but so are yours. Your heart stutters, breath held as if you were free diving.
Both of you stand still for a moment before turning to look at each other, not even the time to say something that Hoseok is calling again from the kitchen.
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«Happy birthday!» the screams fill the apartment, Jungkook’s features are priceless with his eyes squinted and his cheeks flashing red, trying as best as he can not to die under everyone’s affections.
«Blow out the candles!» Jimin shouts «I’m the one who choose the cake!»
The happiness and the intimacy in the room is so overwhelming that you feel out of place for a moment, but Taehyung grabs you by your arm and brings you closer to the group.
«Come here, embarrass him with us» he winks making you laugh. Jungkook shakes his head, he’s still at ease for the happy birthday song but he can’t fight the big bunny smile taking over his face. And when he sees you laughing with Teahyung, it takes him just a second to let go of the uncomfortable feeling in his chest only to be left with the desire of the sweet taste of the cake, and not the one on the wooden table.
Taking a deep breath he blows out the candles, eyes fixated over you making your heart skip a few beats. He doesn’t even think of a wish, all he wants it’s here tonight; the warmth of his friends, the love they feel for each other, maybe the new beginning of something, anything.
The candles die out, leaving the room in the dark for a few seconds before someone finally turns the lights on.
«Time for the presents!» Namjoon screams.
«Oh, please!» Jungkook whines and the laughters of his friends grow even more. Yoongi disappears to bring all the bags with the presents in and everyone except from Jungkook and Hoseok seats on the carpet in front of the couch even though it’s empty, you guess it’s one of their habits.
«I’m gonna cut the cake» Hobi announces turning around to face the table and start his task while Jungkook makes his way through the bodies of his friends, apparently towards you. He stops in front of you, still standing still a little bit out of place.
«You wanna sit on the couch?» he points at the sofa and you end up asking yourself why you didn’t do it sooner. You sit on the cushions, eyes fixated in front of you even when he follows you and sits beside you under everyone’s gaze, his friends staring at him before gazing away.
«Here comes the cake!» Hobi is a ray of sunshine with his bright smile while he distributes the dishes to everyone and soon enough you’re closing your eyes and letting out a whine at the taste of the sponge cake.
«It’s so good» you let out with your mouth full, words almost puzzling. Jungkook bursts out laughing and you need to gulp trying not to choke.
«Ah! See?» Jimin points at Namjoon «I choose it!» he turns to you with bright eyes and a big smile reaching his eyes.
«My taste buds are thanking you» 
Yoongi enters the room with his hands full of bags and places them beside Jungkook.
«Alright, let’s begin» he sits in front of the couch. Jungkook takes a deep breath and turns to grab the first bag.
«This is from?»
«Ugh, I forgot to write it again» Hobi murmurs making everyone laugh. Jungkook opens all the gifts, every single one of them makes you know him a little more, a little better, a little deeper. From the sweater of Hoseok to the set of products for his skincare by Jimin, they all tell you something about him. It’s Jin’s turn when he suddenly gets up from the carpet and shakes his head in the jumpiest of ways.
«Wait, wait, wait!» he almost screams. When he realizes what he’s doing he try to fake a smile. «I need to talk to you»
«I need to talk to you» he repeats.
«Jungkook ya! Yes, now!» Jin looks at him with eyes widened almost as if he’s trying to communicate with him but Jungkook can’t really understand what is happening, so he just wakes up and follows Jin in another room, not a second later the hyung comes back just to bring his presence for Kookie with him.
«Alright, I’m gonna take another piece of cake» Namjoon says, her girlfriend gets up from the carpet with him to do the same. Taehyung smiles at you from the ground and quickly gets up, sitting next to you. You end up talking for at least ten minutes, conversation as fluid as the water and a comfortable feeling of naturalness you haven’t been feeling for a long time. You think you’d like to hang out with them more, they make you feel good with their positivity.
Jungkook finally comes back in the room after fifteen minutes, gaze and smile that now you can identify as nervous. He sits on the couch beside you grabbing Jin’s present again, digging in the bag until he finds it. Ripping the paper off, the new set of kitchen tools lights up his eyes. Now that the presents are all discarded, Jin looks at you.
«Do you want to go home now?»
Would that be wrong or weird if your answer was no? You glance at Jungkook, his eyes already on you.
«Wait, wait!» he bursts out, now standing up and heading out of the room. Your expression is blank until he comes back, wondering what just happened. Jin seems to smile when he see his friend rushing back with a bag in his left hand.
«Come ou- out, please?» Jungkook asks. You nod still uncertain and you follow him to the balcony, he makes sure to close the door behind you so that nobody can hear you.
Silence fills the air just for a little bit, the only sound that can be heard is the night, so peaceful and quiet, the light whistle of the wind. Jungkook is again repeating to himself that he can talk without embarrassing himself or making you feel awkward, he did it until now, kinda. He clears his throat and raises his gaze, hand scratching his neck. This can’t go worst than the first times you met, after all. It’s a simple action.
«I-» he stops without even starting.
«Am I making you nervous again?»
His expression changes, eyes widening and mouth hanging agape as he starts to shake his head.
«No, I- I mean...» he trails off and you don’t know why, but you feel the need to reassure him. So you smile at him, one of those warm smiles that makes his heart stutter and wonder if he’ll ever get to see another one, if this one doesn’t kill him. He gathers all his strength to talk through the smile that wants to take over his features.
«I’ve got your dress» he lifts his hand.
«I’ve- I’ve got your dress. This is your dress, the dress you wanted» his cheeks are burning.
«It-it’s not my dress, it’s yours»
«I-» his eyes widen at the thought of the explanation he has to give you, so many words he wants to groan.
«I saw you liked the dress and-»
«You saw I liked the dress?»
«Yes, I mean- I was in the shop when you came in.» he claims. «I saw you looking at the dress and I thought you’d like it as an apology gift? So I- I was trying to understand the size you were looking for and praying that there was on- only one or that you’d let me buy it for you.» he quickly blurts out.
«There was, but you had already found it and I- I should’ve just walk away but I didn’t and-» he stops again.
«You know the end»
He had already told you what happened but you really didn’t think it was this, with the little details it sounds totally different. The silence makes his way again and Jungkook feels like he’s about to explode for the way his cheeks are heating up, so he’s quick to place the bag in your hands.
«I- I wanted to give it to you and I took it at the rehearsals. Jin- he mistook it for a towel and- this- this is a new one don’t worry. I tried to search for it online but apparently they only sell it in his store and Jin found it today and-»
«Thank you» you cut him off, your warm smile reaching your eyes and now setting on fire his. He’s sure he’s gonna burn by the end of this.
Opening the bag and raising your hands to look at the cloth you realize that you couldn’t care less now. It’s beautiful, but it’s just a piece of cloth. It’s the action behind it that you find more beautiful, even though you would’ve never think about it this way just a few days ago. Jungkook searched for it online, and he grabbed it from you because he wanted to buy it for you. Well, maybe he should learn how to contain himself, but it doesn’t matter. He never wanted to tease you or make you feel uncomfortable, it’s just a consequence of him being around you. And that’s exactly why he acted like that.
«I’m sorry»
«We need to stop to say that» you scoff. «I don’t care anymore, not now that I know what happened»
«So- you- you’re not mad at me?» 
«Why should I be?» you frown at him «Jungkook, I’m not. Honestly, I-» you stop talking to glance at him. And the only thing you can feel is your heartbeat raising until it’s skyrocketing, you can feel it in your ears. An insolite warmth, a weird sense of happiness you never got to really feel. And something inside you is telling you to fucking let go of your armor, break it apart and take a risk for once, just one and just now. Damn, how much you would like to know what’s the taste of his lips, of him. If only you were more bold.
«Trust me, I’m not mad at you» you almost whisper, so low you’re not even sure he heard it.
Jungkook shifts his gaze from you to the dress in your hands, and before he can stop himself the words are already leaving his mouth. 
«Do- do you want to wear it?» he wants to slap his face again.
«You’re right, do- don’t. I mean, if you want to wear it I-»
«Jungkook, stop talking»
You look into his dark doe-eyes fighting the urge to drown in them, but it’s just a matter of understanding it, you already are breathless and desperately swimming to get to the surface.
«I don’t think it’s the right dress code for tonight and Jin is probably waiting for me»
«I- I can give you a ride if you want? I mean, you can stay more, you know that?»
«I wouldn’t like to both-»
«You don’t.» he states, eyes never leaving yours.
«Please, stay? Just a little more. Or let me take you home?» he’s almost imploring for a little bit more of your presence, but he doesn’t care anymore, not now. There’s something inside him that doesn’t want to do anything else than let you know the effect you have on him, what a strong power.
«Alright» you breath out. «I’ll stay, but tomorrow I have to wake up at six, I’ll probably have to go in a little bit»
Jungkook nods and feels the guilt sneaking in at the same time.
«Oh, I didn’t know it. You- you can go»
«Jungkook, I’ll stay for a little bit more. Don’t worry.» you lightly scoff, his worrying for you causes a weird feeling in your chest. «I’d be happy to eat another piece of cake.» you smile.
«Plus, I like being with you» 
Jungkook feels his chest warming, the thought of him making you feel good almost sends him dizzy. He knows that he can’t answer you now, he’d just say or blubber something without any sense, so he just smiles. One of those smiles that you really don’t know what they do to you, but you can feel it.
You end up talking for another five minutes before he goes in to bring a piece of cake to share and to tell Jin he doesn’t have to leave now to take you home, you didn’t tell him if he can give you a ride, but Jin usually leaves pretty late, so it’s not a problem for him.
When he comes back again he’s sure he has never seen someone as beautiful as you. The way the light of the moon lights up your features and the shadows of the night make them look even more charming, the way the light breeze makes you hair swing.
Jungkook sits beside the table and you do the same, body facing the city lights that make you feel a little more small.
«Here» he gives you a spoon. You eat the cake, air filled with light laughters from time to time and light conversation. His presence really seems to make you feel good, lightweight. Like you haven’t felt in months. The end of the time you gave yourself quickly arrives and you end up standing up and ask him for the bathroom before you go home.
The tiredness is taking over you again, but you’re not regretting staying more, not even a little bit. Placing your phone and your purse on the washbasin you start to think of how fast things can change in just the slightest amount of time. Just a couple of days ago you thought he was trying to make fun of you with his friends, and now you’re enjoying their presence and wishing the night would last just a couple of house more, so that you could go to sleep later. But it’s not possible, so you quickly grab your purse and rush back where Jin is waiting for you. You told him before you would be leaving with him, even thought the thought of Jungkook giving you a ride home was screaming to come out, you don’t want to ruin the party by bringing away the birthday boy. Saying goodbye to everyone is like a promise of seeing each other again and you end up sharing your numbers with Namjoon’s girlfriend and with Teahyung, telling each other you’d like to hang out together.
When it’s Jungkook’s turn he hands you your bag with your dress in it knowing you left it on the balcony to go to the bathroom.
«I’ll see you tomorrow?» he asks with a low tone as if it’s a secret.
Thinking about what happened today with your car, you’re not quite sure if you’ll make it to the rehearsals tomorrow, you have to work until midday and if your boss lets you, you’d like to work overtime to save more money, you already spent a bunch of them for the tow truck and you still have to fix your car. You’re just glad your mechanic is a friend of yours and will probably give you a discount.
«I’m not sure I’ll make it, I’ll probably work overtime» you grimace. Jungkook‘s features fall a little bit but he’s quick not to show you and nods. You’re about to tiptoe and leave two pecks on his cheeks like you did with everyone when his hand reaches yours and your heart do cartwheels. Your fingers intertwine for the second time tonight and you can feel your cheeks heating up with his.
Jungkook keeps telling himself to not make you feel uncomfortable, this is a bad idea, but he really doesn’t understand you feel everything but uncomfortable right now. The warmth of his body is so close to yours that you’d like to crush in his arms without any hesitation. Looking up at him, he stares at your face, marveled by the way you make him feel before quickly tilting his head. The action is so fast you don’t have time to understand what’s happening, and in a second his lips are pressed against your forehead, gente and dangerously soft that you’d die to feel them on yours.
Without even realizing it your arm wraps around his back and he feels himself stiffening at the contact, he wasn’t expecting it, and neither his cock, now throbbing in his jeans and remembering him that its better if he lets you go. So he does so, trying to smile as best as he can and ignore the reddish of his cheeks. Thanks to God no one is watching you, or he’d be dead by now.
«Good night, Jungkook. And happy birthday.»
And so you smile at him and turn around to head to the door with Jin.
What a birthday.
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It’s only the next day you realize you don’t have your phone. You want to yell at yourself for adding another piece to the puzzle of your stress. You did nothing but run like crazy for the whole morning at work and you thought that at least you could relax during your lunch break but apparently, it’s not possible. You have two free hours and you don’t have any idea about what you’re going to eat for lunch, but you repeat to yourself it doesn’t matter. You’re just praying you told the right address to the cab driver and hoping that he is home. You’re going to Jungkook’s, and the thought alone makes a fluttering sensation rush through your chest, and now you’re even more nervous. You usually wouldn’t break in people’s house like this but it’s the only way, you really need your phone today considering your car is at the mechanic’s and your parents are in the same city as you. You can’t wait until tomorrow and hope he’ll bring it to the studio, this is the only way.
When you find yourself opening the car door and taking a glance to the building in front of you it’s safe to say you feel relieved. At least the address is the right one. Your steps are smooth and you make it to the entrance door without any problem, but when you search for his name on the intercoms you suddenly feel stuck in place, your heart beating faster than usual. Repeating to yourself you need your phone, you press the button and wait for him to answer. A few seconds pass by and you’re already losing hope when finally a bzz signals that the entrance door is just being open. You expected him to ask you who you were but he simply quitted so you stare at the name on the button wondering if you should press it again. Your fingers move faster than your thoughts and a second later you’re waiting for him to answer to tell it’s you, but Jungkook seems to have a different idea and again, he just re opens the entrance door. Sighing gently and giving up, you enter the apartments and get in the elevator.
The thought of being here again is making your chest warm, so warm it feels like a summer day. Last night since the moment your head touched your pillow you thought about him shamelessly, trying to understand the way he made you feel and to categorize it in some kind of way. You found no answer, you don’t even understand yourself when you’re with him. Yesterday has been one of the worst days ever but it took him nothing to make it better for you, even with his stuttering and nervousness, he was able to make you feel... mattered? Since the moment you met him for the first time Jungkook screwed up almost every time you talked, but he always found a way of making it up, maybe with a little bit of unease and already on his way to screw up one more time, but he did. And just the simple fact he cares enough to try even though he knows you so little makes you smile and worry at the same time. You’re not used to all this attention, you’re usually the one who’s always trying to hard, at his place.
The doors open and and you have to go out to let the person in front of you get in the elevator, so you end up staring at his door.
«I’m going now!» a yell comes from inside, you don’t have time to understand whose voice it is or what it’s happening that Jimin is already standing in front of you with his eyebrow raised and a smile forming on his lips.
«Hi, Y/N»
«Jimin, stop teasing me!» Jungkook screams from inside. Jimin widens his eyes and then his lips in a shocked expression as you smile at him.
«Hi, Jimin»
Just the sound of your voice and the maknae is losing it all, rushing to the door to see if his mind played a trick on him. Apparently it didn’t, since you’re staring at him with your mouth open and your breath stuck in your throat, and Jimin has pretty much the same expression.
Why are you... Oh-
«Fuck, I’m sorry» his cheeks heat up and Jimin shuts his eyes as Jungkook realizes he’s not wearing his shirt, fast enough to run to his bedroom that he could challenge the wind. His friend shakes his head.
«I should go, see you» he holds the door open for you to enter and then goes out with a warm smile. The second he shuts it you’re left in a house that now seems ten times bigger than yesterday night, maybe for the lack of people, maybe for the silence. Or maybe because you feel so little in this moment you wouldn’t be surprised if someone stepped on you.
«I’m sorry to break in your apartment like this» you speak out loud, not sure if he hears you. Jungkook bites his lips.
«I forgot my phone and-»
«Here» he shows up from the corner of the short hallway, your phone in his hand.
«Thank you» you grab it and put it in your purse.
«I charged it for you yesterday night»
«Oh, really?» he nods. You smile as another thank you and Jungkook opens his mouth to speak when a low grr fills the air and this time it’s you the one with your cheeks reddening.
«Are- are you hungry?» What a stupid question, of course you are. «I made some pasta if you want it»
«I should be back to work in an hour and a half and I’m not sure I have the time to eat, I have to wait for a cab too»
«I- I can take you? If you want?» he licks his lips. «It’d save you time and the pasta is ready»
He’s right, and your stomach is dying to be filled.
«Alright» you nod and he smiles triumphant, the way his eyes seem to smile at your words makes you wonder.
«Why are you so kind to me?»
Jungkook’s smile turns into a slight pout that makes you want to peck his lips as he raises his eyebrows.
«What do you mean?»
You struggle to find the right words. «I- You... you always try to help me or worry about me, even for little things like when we went to the cafe and you kept on asking me if I wanted to switch drinks. When things become awkward it’s because you try to make a good impression and fail, but you’re always trying.» the tone you’re using makes Jungkook grimace. He can tell you’re not used to this from the way you’re shifting your weight from foot to foot as you speak.
How can he explain it to you? How can he tell you he’s so head over heels for you he can’t even think of stop trying? Jungkook bites the petal of his lips furiously as his mind tries to find the right answer, but there is not and he lets out a strangled groan as he realizes it.
« I... I- I really like you» 
Your expression is blank, totally. His words almost seem not to touch you as he studies every part of your face for a reaction.
«You’re not used to this, ri- right?» he scratches the back of his neck.
«I’m really not» you breath out. Jungkook knits his brows together.
«Do you- you want me stop it?»
«I-» you shake your head «I don’t think so? I’m really not used to it, Jungkook. It may sound incredibly stupid but I never had someone who asked me if I wanted to switch drinks just because he wanted me to taste the best one and not to actually steal it from me.»
«Well, now you have me» his words are firm, so incredibly firm it makes you clench your jaw, and his eyes are the same.
«I- I charged your phone because I was worried you would need it today and couldn’t use it. I’m offering you a ride because I like spending time with you, I don’t want something in return other than you, your time.» his voice his calm and his shoulders seem to loose with every word he says as if he’s letting go of a heavy weight.
It’s all striking you in a second, and the hit is so hard you end up holding your breath. It’s not really the fact he likes you that makes you this stunned, it’s the fact he actually cares. Your parents never showed their affection to you without expecting you to give them something back, wether it was a high grade or a good impression on your neighbors, and when you stopped trying to always give back something their affections towards you had simply stopped, replaced by fake “honey” and other nice words just to cover the fact they didn’t really believe in you enough to show it. And with your friends and coworkers is pretty much the same, always waiting for something in return.
The sudden realization makes your eyes tingle and you vision blurry.
«I’m sorry»
Jungkoook shakes his head and gets closer, the thought that no one ever cared enough to show you how much you matter or acted just for the simple intent of doing something for you and not actually for them wrecks him apart. His mind flies back to when Seokjin told him about your parents and how they acted or spoke to you, he can clearly see the weight of every single word of them in your shiny eyes now, hurting you and making you question his good actions just because you’re used to the most selfish ones. It makes him want to bury you with attention, show you that people can do something for others too and not just to feed their egoistic side.
«Come here» it’s as low as a whisper, but you don’t hesitate a second to let his arms wrap around you, hiding your face on his shirt and soaking it with the tears that are now streaming down your face. His grip is tight and you can hear the stuttering of his heart against your ear, one of his hands gets to your hair and starts to softly, sweetly stroking at them to make you calm down just a little bit, head tilted over yours. His heart is aching seeing you like this.
«I’m sorry»
«Shh, stop saying that. We apologize too much» he holds you even tighter as you fist his shirt in your hands. Jungkook leaves a soft kiss in your hair and your heart skips a beat at the intimacy of the action. It’s only then that you realize you’re really letting someone see this side of you, the one you always try to hide because it’s to fragile to break, the one you hide even from yourself.
Slightly tilting your head upwards to lock eyes with him, Jungkook tries as best as he can to smile at you, even though his chest is has heavy as yours. His hands cup your cheeks, his thumbs caress your skin and wipe your tears away.
«Please, kiss me»
His lips crush onto yours, Jungkook groans at the feeling and you instantly bring one of your hand in his locks as he tastes the salty taste left by the tears. As you lightly bite the petal of his lower lips Jungkook feels like he’s dreaming, and he prays not to wake up. His tongue slides in your mouth, wet and warm against yours, tracing and exploring each other and making you slightly tug at his locks, he moans in your mouth and brings one of his hands to your waist, bringing you closer to his body. The kiss is passionate, so damn needy, but not only in a sexual way. You need love, affection. Jungkook is more than welcome to help you with that, letting you waste all of your insecurities and frustrations on him until you feel completely dried, left with nothing but the realization of his taste on your lips, his hands against your skin, his embrace around you, him. And you need to push away to take it in, letting his forehead hover over yours and his heavy breath crush down on your face. His eyes are looking into yours and they make you feel things you now are able to categorize as humanly impossible, so dark and deep but so bright at the same time, lips still brushing against yours as you both take deep breaths. The frustration in your body is gone, your tears are dried, the only thing left is the need you feel to have him again on you, the desperate desire to taste him again. His mind prepares to the thought of a possible rejection, the idea you begged for him to kiss you just to drift your thoughts away storms his mind but he repeats to himself that whatever thing will come, this was definitely worth it. He’ll just have to face the fact that he just got only one bite of the cake. How can he even believe in it? Your lips are addicting, and he’s already craving for more.
«I could get used to this» you whisper. Jungkook never felt so relieved in all his life than now, letting out a shaky breath heavier than the others.
«Please, do it» he whines making you giggle and bring your lips on his again. This kiss is different from the other, more slow, more sweet, more intimate in a different way cause it’s just about you two. There aren’t emotions to run away from and to waste on the other, the only emotions are the ones you feel for each other. His lips move cautiously on yours as if he wants to taste every single part of you and imprint in his mind, your hand leaves his hair just to reach his neck and then his cheek, resting on his jaw. When you move away he rests his forehead again on yours and tilts down just to leave a few more sweet pecks on your lips, totally addicted to your taste. As you look at him you think this man we’ll send you out of your mind, if he didn’t already.
«Could you get used to me caring about you too?» he breathes. Your smile is bittersweet.
«It might take me a little bit» you answer. Jungkook strokes your cheek with his thumb, showing his bunny smile and making your chest a warmer and happier place.
«Then we’ll practice together, uh?»
«I’d like that»
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arcade-writing · 2 years
Can I request Viktor x reader where the reader has a very sensitive neck and Vik uses that to tease the reader?
Of course! Viktor is such a tease~
Ghost touch
Pairing: Viktor X reader
Warning: slight NSFW, neck touching, choking kink, no penetration, thigh fucking, hickies, dirty talk
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Viktor was good at finding what made you tick. Too good, infact. You prided yourself into being a tough shell crack for all these years. Many men and woman tried to get to you at your time at the academy. Mostly at parties. But none came even close to the effect Viktor has on you.
It was infuriating.
You sighed, leaning back in your chair as you tapped your pen on the desk. This design was beating your ass. You couldn't quite figure out the mechanism. Which part would be best based on your budget and what you could spare. But, of course, different mechanics had different shapes which meant you'd have to alter the design to fit each one.
Before you could spiral any further into your twisting brain a hand came down on your shoulder. You jumped, twisting around to see a thin waist now eye level to you. Your eyes shot up as you saw Viktors knowing look.
He knew exactly what was the issue. Like always.
"Having trouble?" He asked, a slight teasing tone lingering in it. Smiling as he adjusted his hand on his cane.
"This damn thing won't work - there's too many complications with its design, I might need to work from scratch."
He leaned past your shoulder; analysing your messy drawings as he hummed.
"Design 3 with 5's core, it would be more efficient with stabilising it, no?"
The smirk in his voice- You hate how right he was. How did you not see this?! Both had such similar builds there would only be a few minor modifications- AUGH! why does he have to be so good at this?! Can't he just focus on his own form of science?
"It seems I was correct, I can't wait to see when it's done."
Your breath hitched when his hand glided from your shoulder to the other. Fingers grazing your neck causing a hot flush to rise from it.
Your brain was set haywire with just that. Your neck was extremely sensitive. Even the smallest touch could get you twitching. This was a nightmare! He knew what he was doing which made it so much worse. He could read you like a book. Ever since he checked your pulse after finding you head smacked against your desk he's been touching your neck since. Finding your reactions amusing.
You still cringed at that day. You were so tired from pulling too many all nighters you were passing out in your seat. You gave up on trying to get any more work done and let your body fall forward, ready to sleep. Fortunately, Viktor was kind enough to be concerned once he heard your head thud. Unfortunately, that meant he was quickly shuffling towards you and pressed two fingers down on your neck, just below your jaw. You immediately jerked up gasping with flushed cheeks.
A noise you were too ashamed to admit happened, coming out for a second before you pursed your lips.
He's completely ruined your concentration.
That's it! No more letting him get away with this! You had to find a way to get him back. Everyone had a sensative spot, right? You just had to find his!
You stormed over to his desk, measuring tape in hand.
"I need your measurements."
He turned to you with a raise brow. "Why would you need those?"
"For my machine, it's to go on the human body but depending on its size I need to make sure it can fit."
"would your own measurements not be more efficient?"
"You're always dragging me into something dangerous with your new ideas, I think you can do me this one favour."
"It was for science." He shrugged, smug as ever. "If you wish, I'll assist you."
Viktor stood near his desk, holding out one arm and tried to keep both of his legs straight but one still bent more naturally. You would normally use your own measurements but you were on a mission. You will find his sensitive spot.
"ah- you might need to take off your vest, it's not ideal to measure with too many layers."
He hummed, raising one brow. "Is that so? Well, you'll help me out, won't you? It's abit tedious doing it with one hand."
Your heart fluttered. Nodding as you put down the tape. You hesitantly reached out, starting to unbutton his vest. You kept glancing up at his expression; trying to see if anything changed when you ghosted your fingers along his body.
Nothing. His face didn't even twitch.
With a huff you helped him out of his vest and picked up your measuring tape. Circling around him as you tried to figure out where to go neck, your eyes landed on his neck.
You wrapped the tape around his waist, pinching it at the back as you read out loud his measurement. You pawed around for a piece of paper and found one that was empty. Quickly flipping it over just to double check you weren't going to write over his work. Writing down the number.
If you were going to be sneaky about this you were going to commit. besides, you have thought about making him something. It's not everyday you get to find this information out.
Then you went for his chest, doing the same thing but that's when you notice a slight squirm. Your eyes lit up as you leaned against his shoulder. Adjusting the measuring tape around him to see what got him. With a devilish grin you looked up at him.
"sensative chest?" Your hand glided to his front, caressing just under his nipple. His ears went red as he let cleared his throat.
"My measurements, (Y/N)"
You frowned. removing your hand as you took down his chest size. You walked Infront of him; now measuring his ass, mindful to avoid touching his crotch. You chuckled as you read the measurement.
"damn, bigger ass than I expected."
He scoffed, forced displeasure on his face as he cringed at your words. "Have you no shame?"
You shook your head with a dignified 'nope!'. Going on bent knees and took his thigh measurement, going for his good leg. You repeated your previous actions but didn't move to get up or continue. You contemplated your next actions, looking up at him with a smile.
"You're relentless." Viktor sighed. He signalled for you to stand up. You did and waited for him to speak up.
"Are you really this riled up from light touched?"
You didn't even get a chance to answer before he trapped you between him and his desk. Brushing the back of his hand on the side of your neck. Caressing just under your jaw making you shiver.
"I've been trying to see what would make you have that reaction again, I finally figured it out." He thought out loud.
You wanted to question him but your voice got caught in your throat. He grabbed your throat. He made sure to not press down too much as he lightly choked you. You let out a whimper as your thighs rubbed.
"There it is."
He had his usual smirk on his face. Ever so pleased with himself for turning you into a mess.
Viktor leaned forward, his lips brushing against your skin. "May I?"
Was he really asking NOW?! His hand was literally around your throat! You let out a scoff, laughing through your nose.
"Go ahead." Your voice was shy. Feeling a little overwhelmed by all of this but thanking the universe above too.
He kissed your neck, trailing them where he could as he squeezed your throat just a little more. All gentle and light - he had no intention of hurting you or making it hard for you to breathe. His teeth grazing along until you bucked your hips.
He sucked on that spot. Tongue swirling on the forming bruise as he continued his assault. You moaned as your hands reached out for him, tipping your head back to expose more of you.
He released your throat, now using that hand to hold the back of your head. Finding more spots he could leave a mark. Kissing and sucking until your throat was practically covered.
You gasped as you were suddenly spun around. Your palms smacked against the desk as he cupped your jaw, leaning you against him as continued his search. You could feel something hard press against your ass. You grinded against it as he sucked on your sweet spot.
You jumped feeling something smack against your ass. Turning your head slightly to see his cock pressed against it. Already leaking out pre-cum.
"Didn't know I turned you on this much, Vik." You teased. Grinning to yourself as he pressed himself against you.
You pulled down your pants just to your knees, spreading your legs just enough for him to fit his cock between it. You squeezed your thighs around it causing him to moan. He pushed you down so you were leaning on his desk. His cane dropping as he grabbed onto your hips after moving his stool closer to him just incase.
He thrusted his cock forward, it rubbed exactly where you needed it. Both of you moaning as your hips met with a harsh smack. Viktor leaned on your back as he kept a brutal pace. You didn't think he'd have this much energy.
"You feel amazing." He breathed out.
"Just wait until you actually fuck me." You grinned.
He groaned. "Not today- but one d-day I'll be fucking you ju-just like this."
You shivered at his words. He almost sounded desperate as he talked.
"I've imagined you sucking my cock whilst I squeezed your throat- is that wrong of me?"
You moaned at just the mental image. Your hand snaking down to rub yourself to get more stimulation.
"N-no! That's perfect~ please, I want that so much."
You wish he just fucked you now. You don't know how much more you could take it like this. His thrusts becoming sloppier as he whimpered.
"I'm gonna-" he warned but you just squeezed your thighs tighter. Using your hand to rub the head of his cock, thumb pressed against the tip.
His eyes rolled back as he bucked his hips. Thick ropes squirting all over your hand as he bit his lip. Muffling the most desperate noise you could imagine.
He didn't stop moving, you thanked him mentally as you went back to chasing your own climax. You were moving your hips, meeting the pace he was set as he grew tired. Your hand going faster as you moaned.
You gasped as you came. Grinding against him as you rode out your thigh.
He sat back into his chair. You leaned against his desk as you turned around. He pulled a tissue from his draw and wiped himself clean. He was about to offer you one but went silent. Your face was flushed as your own arousal let a dark spot in your underwear. Cum on your thighs and hand and hickies all over your neck.
Viktor soaked in the sight as he let out a blissful sigh. Tucking himself back into his pants.
"You need new clothes."
"and you need to buy me lunch." You took the tissue he was going to give you, wiping the cum off you.
You pulled up your pants and just in time. Jayce was rushing back into the Lab with three brown paper bags.
"Sorry-! I grabbed lunch on the way back-"
You and Viktor looked at each other, chuckling.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Yandere "Escape Attempt" prompt - Razor
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-------------------- Words: 8,944 Warnings:-fem reader, attempted noncon beastiality (none actually happens), yandere/captivity, noncon, biting, breeding, brief gendered themes/tones involving animal mating. Heavily inspired by my degrees of lewdity "deviant"/beastiality playthrough. I applied things I learned in college linguistics for this. Truly putting my education to a good purpose. --------------------- The fortunate thing about animals, and their adjacents, was that they were very easy to deceive, and no matter what, they would fall for the same trick, time and time again. "You see it girl? You want it?" You grimaced at the slimy texture on your fingers, wiggling the fatty slab in your grip and swallowing the sickness that came from looking at it. Out of, you supposed, ingrained social habits, you gave an awkward smile as you wiggled the meat. In contrast, the wolf had the opposite reaction, her ears immediately perked up, and she leaped into a playful position, front half low to the ground as her tail stuck up, and a low whine escaped her throat, eyes fixated on the meat. Yes, unlike with people, who had a greater capacity for pattern recognition and learning, who followed the fool me once, fool me twice mantra, you could count on animals to be easily deceived over and over without having to change the way you deceived them. This was far from the first time you had pulled this exact move, nor was it difficult to do -- you merely waited for a spare moment to rip out a chunk of the meat and hid it away for a little while while the rest of the pack was not looking, too absorbed in their own gorging to even cast a glance in your direction. "You want it...?" You repeated, wiggling the slab again in front of the wolf's eyes. Drool spilled out of the side of her mouth between her sharp, glistening teeth, and she let out another whine.
This was not the first time this trick had worked. This was not the first time you'd managed to steal and hide a hunk of meat away while the animals gorged themselves on the remains of whatever poor creature fell victim to them. Hell, this wasn't even the first time that this specific trick had worked on this specific individual wolf. You'd come to recognize each of them with time, even assigned them little names in your head by identifiers. She was a mother, one of the wolves that remained behind at the little den while the others went out for hunting, leaving only the nursing females, the smallest pups, and, well, yourself. Albeit in a weakened state in nursing, they were still easily capable of overpowering you, and, through means you honestly did not understand, they somehow knew they were supposed to prevent you from leaving. Even when you stood up, one or more of them would immediately pick their heads up, ears falling flat and even letting out the softest of warning growls.
She whined in front of you, eyes fixated on the slab. You wiggled it again. It was an easy deceit to pull off. "You want it... then go... get it!"
You hurled the hunk of red flesh as far as your arms could manage, and, exactly per plan, the she-wolf immediately bolted in the direction of the throw. And likewise, you turned on your heel and began the now-routine dash in the opposite direction -- the direction of human civilization. That had been the easy part.
It was the rest of the way that would be difficult. This time of day was the only opportunity you had to pull this whole thing off, but the sun was quickly setting, and unlike the wolves, you were not exactly gifted with night vision. You likened the route to an obstacle course, a puzzle -- repeated actions that became muscle memory. The first few times, you'd merely stumbled around in the woods for a few minutes. With each successive attempt, you retained more knowledge of the path, could clear a longer distance in increasingly shorter times, memorized landmarks, remembered little helpful actions and hindrances, and with each successive attempt, you found yourself making it closer and closer to the end of the woods than the time before. There wasn't much else to go by, so you used trees that stood out to you. The huge tree with the hollowed out hole in the center was the first landmark -- go right. The tree that had an oddly-angled branch came next. So on and so on. You measured success by how many of said landmarks you could pass in time, striving to make each a longer and longer venture every time. Just when despair had been finally getting the better of you, the last attempt had had you finding a footpath used by the Springvale hunters, and that meant you were close. If you could just find that again -- there. To say flat ground was a welcome feeling to your bare feet was an understatement. The slimy dirt texture of the forest floor and prickly leaves and pine needles was not a pleasant sensation. Nonetheless, there was no time to savor it or anything, soon, soon, you'd walk on paved streets, and floors, and, and... You stopped for a mere moment, panting, desperately taking in deep breaths to soothe the exhaustion burning in your chest. You darted your head from side to side. There was no sign of anything coming your way. No footsteps or growls in the distance behind you. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, as much from physical exertion as it was from a blooming, disbelieving excitement. I might actually make it.  Your legs felt weak at the prospect, and you steadied your stumbling against a tree. You were certain you'd never made it this far before. It was difficult to process, almost surreal. After so, so, so many times, over the course of months and months, you were so used to being stopped by this point that your brain half-expected it at any moment. You'd really reached a point at which the escape attempts were almost done with a knowing futility, you no longer really had much hope when setting out, merely running on principle and the faint chance that was now so real. You could be stopped any moment. And yet, after a few more breaths, nothing happened. You shook your head to clear the dizziness, taking a deep breath and squinting forward in the twilight. You nearly felt your heart stop when you processed a shape in the distance -- a building. Springvale. It was distant and downhill, but visible. Right there within your reach, and all you had to do was go to it, so you steadied your breath and took off as fast as-- The world suddenly spun around you as something snatched at your ankle. Your shriek echoed off the trees, reverberating until it grew silent. A clanging of metallic sounds accompanied it, rattling hollowed objects triggered into motion. Everything began to settle, the sudden flooding of stimuli to your eyes and the feeling of sudden movement both slowing to a gentle sway. You were unbreathing, unblinking, heart pounding as your vision spun and, in a panicked haze, you desperately darted your eyes and head each way, struggling to process your senses. Your head felt suddenly tight and tense, your upper half heavy, and a burning pain wrapped around your ankle. Everything was... upside down. You looked down -- no, up -- at your feet. One was bent at the knee, falling in the direction of gravity towards your head, the other was extended perfectly straight, tense and unable to move. A cord was snagged around your ankle, a perfect tightened knot that wrapped around the flesh. You looked up -- no, again, down -- at the ground. Nausea lurched in your stomach as you did, seeing the forest floor a good drop below. You took a moment to process. You followed the trail of the rope from where it tugged painfully at your ankle, followed it to the branch it looped over, and down the trunk to the base of the tree, where it was securely tied around a knotted root. The metallic sound had come from what appeared to be collected garbage, metal scraps, a glass bottle or two, and some metal tools and cans all tied up in a net and secured to the spot where the rope met the branch, an alert that the trap had been set off. Your mouth hung open, you blinked over and over, before finally, bitter anger burst in your chest. "Ghhhhh!" You let out a frustrated, furious cry, thrashing wildly and pulling at your scalp. You kicked and struggled, but only succeeded in making yourself swing, making the nausea and dizziness worse. A trap. Of course. The furthest you've ever gotten, and you were stopped by a fucking hunting trap. Damn those Springvale hunters for coming this far out into the woods. It could be worse, you tried to console yourself. It could have been a bear trap, which would have more or less destroyed your leg, possibly taken it clean off. But nonetheless, misery and frustration bubbled up in your chest as you swung back and forth, slowing down to stillness. You'd never made it this close to town before. You could see the road as well, albeit just barely, a few hundred yards in the distance. You could make out where the dirt path became gravel in the distance, upside-down in the last light of the quickly-setting sun, and, as tears filled your eyes, you reached a hand out to it, miserably grasping your hand shut before letting your arm fall. It was so, so close! Now you were trapped, stuck here in this miserable, humiliating predicament, and you'd have to wait to be saved, and inevitably dragged back the way you'd come. You thrashed again, trying and failing to curl your body up and reach your foot. Your fingers just barely grazed the knot of the rope, but even if you could reach it, it was designed for your body weight to hold the knot in place to begin with. You let out a shaky sigh and a small sob, tears dripping directly out of your eyes and falling downward with gravity. You wiped your eyes, and a thought made a bit of nervous, daring hope light up in your chest. You were close to Springvale, right? Maybe you could be heard. This trap was set by the Springvale hunters themselves, right? You'd seen these types before, a snare that, when tripped, released on one side and whipped around the center of the force that tripped the rope, forming a perfect, tight knot around the ankle of the prey before hauling it upwards by use of weight. You took a deep breath and cupped your hands around your mouth. "Help!" You called out, straining out the vowel as long as you could, before inhaling a ragged breath and repeating the action. As the echoes quieted, you waited, but nothing happened. You wriggled and writhed, but only succeeded in making the net of metal rattle. You supposed it helped the hunters hear animals struggling, and led them to the source. But the hunters wouldn't be back out until tomorrow, you couldn't afford to wait for them to come rescue you on their own. You waited a moment, trying again and again to yell. The Springvale hunters, a traveler on the road, hell, you'd accept help from treasure hoarders if they hung out in this part of the wilderness. Anyone, anyone human. Well, except one, preferably, but still. Any other human being. You couldn't even remember the last human interaction you'd had. At least, a fully human interaction, without any licks or whines or growls or other canid behaviors you'd become far too accustomed to. But nobody came. You waited. Tried again. And again. And again. No response. Your head was beginning to pound and throb. You'd black out if you stayed like this much longer, and you were pretty certain it could even kill you. But nothing was responding to your cries for help. You wracked your brain in panic for a solution. An idea popped into your head. You'd seen Razor do it before, and the wolves responded to him even though he produced the sound with a human voice, so maybe you too could... It was embarrassing, but worth a try. You didn't exactly have many options. You jerked your bodyweight in the other direction, making yourself turn to face the woods in the direction you'd come from instead of Springvale. You reached your quickly-numbing arms up and cupped your hands around your mouth, forming your lips into an "o" shape, and, well, swallowed your pride. You didn't have any better ideas. "Awooooo--" You tried to mimic the howls you'd heard so many times as accurately as you could manage, but it came out a bit strained and comical. You waited a moment, and, receiving no response, whimpered in your desperation and tried a second time. Your voice echoed throughout the trees. You weren't certain exactly how it worked, you were pretty certain they had different tones they used, some for aggression, some as a cry of distress, but you weren't capable of telling them apart. You could only hope for the best. It wasn't really as if they could help you, but at the very least, they would probably go find Razor for you. They'd done so before, after another humiliating failure when you'd fallen into a hole in the earth during a past attempt. You'd learned they were far more intelligent than you once thought, and they understood things like that, at least. But gods, did this make you feel dumb. Your face heated with embarrassment with each attempt. You inhaled to try a third time, but as you did, a shrill howl pierced the air from a distance. A response. Your heartrate picked up as a little spark of relief and hope -- albeit dread that lurked in the back of your head -- made you shudder. You howled again, and received a second response. It carried on for a few minutes that way, sounding back and forth, and it sounded like the other was getting closer. Finally, you heard steps, and anticipation swelled in your chest. You were pretty sure that the response howls had been that of an actual wolf -- even you, in your time in these woods, had learned to tell the difference between Razor's vocalizations and that of the wolves. There were simply some aspects of the canid sounds that human vocal chords could only mimic, but not recreate to a perfect likeness, and thus his vocalizations were a bit distinct. Still, you could be wrong, or, even better, perhaps the footsteps coming close to you weren't an animal at all, but perhaps a different figure, maybe a hunter...? No, that was definitely a four-legged gait. That, too, was something you had learned to tell apart, a two-legged gait versus a four-legged one. It kind of came in handy when you were trying to to hide or run and needed to gauge exactly what was hunting you down. You craned your neck to the best of your ability in the direction of the sound. A creature emerged from the trees. You took a sharp breath. ...It was merely a very large, brownish-greyish wolf. It gazed up at you with big black eyes and ears perked up in alertness. You squinted. You'd never seen this wolf before. You were fairly certain of this much; during your time in the woods, you'd learned to distinguish between them pretty well. You learned the little differences -- this one was bigger, this one had a scratch on its ear, this one had a scar on its hip, this one was more brown and this one was more grey, and so on it went. This one was different from all the wolves you'd become familiar with. The wolf sat down, tilting its head at you, tongue lolling out as it panted. It was huge, muscular looking. "Help," you whimpered. As aware as you were that it obviously did not understand, you couldn't think of anything else to do. You flailed a bit in your desperation, and pointed towards the spot where the rope was tied to the tree. "Help me... Come on, please..." The wolf actually followed the line of your pointing, eyes settling on the base of the trap. And, miraculously, moved towards it. Your heart pounded. Did it actually understand? Would it help? It walked over and bit at the rope, shaking its head rapidly in the same way you'd witnessed the wolves kill small prey, or how dogs played with toys. It was helping! You shuddered again, hope burning in your chest, and a tear of relief dripping from your eyes upside-down to the ground below. And if this wolf wasn't from the pack, it wouldn't take you back, right? How, you weren't certain, but the other wolves seemed to understand the... arrangement going on. Many of your escape attempts had been thwarted not by your captor himself, but by the pack -- surrounding you in a circle, barking and growling and snapping at you until you were forced to turn back, even tackling you as you ran, biting your clothes and arms to drag you back. But this wolf would let you go, right? .... Wait a second. Cold dread suddenly made your stomach lurch. This wolf had no reason to help you, and no reason to drag you back. It had every reason to see you as easy prey. Any relief or hope you'd felt was immediately replaced with a chilling rush of panic. Yes, you would be easy prey, right there for the taking. You thrashed about, trying again to reach up and loosen the knot on your foot, but failing. Fuck. You were trapped between two unpleasant options. There was a chance the wolf was just helping, but in the end, it was an animal, not a person, with instincts of goodwill or benevolence. It would follow its instincts. Once you hit the ground, you'd have to run. That was the only solution. But... it also occurred to you only then that you were hanging a good fifteen feet or so in the air. Upside down. What if the fall knocked you out? Hell, what if it broke your legs? What if it broke your spine? If it were Razor himself, he'd lower you down slowly, but the wolf lacked the sense  or ability to do so. You'd just drop. Fuck, fuck, fuck. There was a thick coating of leaves on the ground, which would hopefully help, and this part of the forest had soft, clay-like ground rather than hard rock, but nonetheless, it was a long drop. Dammit! Your body wracked with a sob of frustration, anger, and panic. Why did all of this have to happen to you? You'd asked yourself that that plenty of times. You didn't do anything to deserve-- There was a snapping sound. You shrieked as gravity immediately sent you crashing down, world spinning around you, and you collided with the earth with crash that took the breath from your lungs; the sound flooded your ears, echoed as your head went numb. You landed directly on your back, eyes looking up at the trees and the sky beyond then as the world spun around you and your vision darkened. Pain ran through your body on impact, a rough, blunt sort of pain that ached through your flesh and meat and bones. You groaned in pain, teeth clenched as it flooded your senses, trembling as it slowly began to ebb away after the initial blow. The wolf's face popping into your vision sent you jolting back to awareness. It was startling, it's cold wet nose pressing against your own, and after a moment, it lapped its tongue against your face. Panic seized your entire body, and you were frozen, unable to move, not even breathing, eyes wide in terror. And then it licked you again, letting out a soft, tender whine. It was being friendly. You let out a shuddering sigh as relief washed over you again, and you thanked whatever god was looking out for you for granting you your life. "Th-thank you," you murmured, reaching a trembling hand up to pat the wolf's head, wincing at the soreness in your arm. It whined again, bumping its head against yours. Wolves were far, far larger than you were certain most people realized. Back home, you'd always thought that the howls you heard at night from within the safety of Mondstadt's walls were from creatures no bigger than the large hunting dogs you'd seen in Springvale. In reality, that was not the case. Even the smallest of the wolves were massive in comparison to those dogs, their heads easily twice the size of your own. You'd been utterly terrified of them in the beginning, bursting into frightened tears whenever one made its way over to sniff you in their curiosity, or dump an offering of a small creature's carcass at your feet in a show of friendliness (an unsettling experience, no matter how many time you were told it's good, 'cause they like (y/n)), or lick your face in an attempt to show affection. You'd grown used to it with time. But this wolf was even larger than the majority you'd seen, easily thrice your size in every capacity. Likely a loner separated from its pack. You were aware there were sometimes conflicts between the larger, stronger pack males that ultimately ended in the loser leaving the pack and heading off on its own, although it seemed nearly incomprehensible that a wolf of this size would lose to anything. Had it chosen the route of violence, you wouldn't have stood a chance. You laid there for a moment, head spinning as you took deep, shaky breaths, trying to calm yourself down and regain your sense of control over your body. You curled your fingers and toes, flexed the muscles in your arms and legs. You were a bit scraped up and your entire body still ached from the impact, but miraculously, nothing seemed broken. You closed your eyes, feeling the cool evening breeze and the wet tongue that was repeatedly lapping at your face. Finally, after a moment, with a groan at the ache in your body, you pushed yourself upward with your elbows, flipping over to your hands and knees, pulling your leg forward to stand-- The breath was knocked out of you yet again as a massive weight crashed down onto your body. You clawed at the ground, gasping to regain oxygen, body going tense. "Wh-what-" The creature let his bodyweight fall down on your frame, and you grunted as your upper half slammed into the ground. It rendered you entirely immobile, this wolf was both massive and heavy, you could barely breathe under the sheer mass of its body. You struggled to push yourself back up onto your elbows. "H-hey, what are you--" With a whine, it rutted its hips forward. Oh, fuck. "N-no!" You tried to rear up, pushing your upper half upward on your elbows as hard as you could, to no avail. Its weight was crushing. "B-bad! Bad dog! Stop!" You clawed at the dirt, gasping as it thrust again. "Get off!" It only let out the same high, throaty whine, thrusting its hips several times in quick succession, humping your ass with desperation. You could feel its blunt-ended cock digging into the flesh, making your blood run cold. When it rutted forward, the motion hiked your ragged little dress up, bunching up the fabric and exposing your cunt. You whimpered with fear, desperately trying to drag yourself forward. "Stop, stop, get off!" You thrashed again, achieving nothing by the action. The worst part, the dread that was quickly overtaking your thoughts, was that you knew it was futile. You'd learned a long time ago that your resistance would mean nothing, not by the brutal laws of the world outside of the fragile sense of safety human society provided. It was expected. It happened among the wolves themselves all the time -- the mates were not something that were chosen in the same way humans did. Too many times you'd witnessed the ritual -- the males would fight, snarling and growling and lunging at each other until one would give up and run scurrying away, tail tucked between its legs. Growing up with all the knowledge you'd learned from books and what humans generally observed of the animals, you'd always assumed that from that point, the she-wolves would then gladly and willingly copulate with the victor, but, you'd quickly learned, that was not the case. It had shocked you the first few times, your eyes widening and your mouth dropping open as you witnessed the poor females get tackled, mounted, their whimpers as teeth sank into their shoulders and kept them in place. It was brutal, and yet, you'd come to understand and accept it was simply the way things were. Perhaps the part that had shocked you the most was how accepted it was -- the other wolves would simply look on, adjusted to what was normal among them, and the brutalized female would, from that point on, act as a normal mate to what more or less was originally her assailant -- licking and grooming each other, sleeping next to one another, spending time with each other, all as if such a thing made sense. Given the acceptant, compliant state you sometimes found yourself slipping into, you supposed you weren't too different in that way. Because they're strong, you'd been told. Beating the other male and forcibly mating the female herself signified strength. They were supposed to try to run and fight, and the male was supposed to forcibly overpower them, a display of strength, of suitableness as a partner. That was why fighting back didn't matter -- it was supposed to be that way, in the minds of the animals, and thus they were content with that setup. The present moment was anything but content. Another rut of the wolf's hips brought you snapping out of your brief thought, back to the moment at hand. The forest was quiet aside from your own struggling, the last rays of light were fading from the sky, the moon hanging high in place of their light. You let out a shrill, squeaking cry, thrashing with renewed effort, but, predictably, not even budging. "Get off! Get off me! Stop it, bad dog!" No matter how you tried, you couldn't move your body in the slightest, perfectly pinned still. "Fuck..." It let out another whine, not even seeming to notice your struggles, grasping at your shoulder with its teeth, and you feared that if it bit down, it might shatter your shoulder. It rutted forward, and this time you froze, entire body going tense as the blunt head of its cock pressed firmly against your exposed slit. You finally managed to claw at the leaf-covered ground enough to pull yourself forward, if but just an inch -- and the wolf, snarling, thrust its own body forward to push you back into the same position. One of its front paws reached forward and clawed onto your shoulder, and you squealed as it pulled you back, forming a tiny cut in the flesh of your jugular. Your began to nearly hyperventilate, trembling, breaths shallow and quick. "S-stop..." Your plea was defeatedly quiet, realizing that further protest would only hurt you. Tears gathered in your eyes. Your back was bent at an angle under the sheer weight of the furry mass that kept you pinned, and it felt like your very lungs were crushed, breathing quickly becoming difficult. You began to feel your body tingling with numbness. It was so heavy and difficult to breathe you weren't certain you'd even survive if it fucked you. Panic seized your brain, overriding any coherent thought. There was a snarling, growling sort of noise that cut through the surrounding stillness. It wasn't coming from the creature mounted on your body. It didn't sound canid. It was human. Much like the howls, you had learned, with time, how to distinguish between the real and the imitation, those sounds that, no matter how long of a lifetime of practice one had, could simply not match the vocals of another species. The wolf stopped its motions, turning its head, and likewise immediately transitioned its entire demeanor, tensing up and returning the sound, a low snarl, baring its teeth as its snout wrinkled up. It dismounted your body and lowered itself to the ground, hips and shoulders raised as its core sank low, a preparatory stance ready to lunge. You fell forward, face crashing into the leaves, before scrambling upwards and falling back on your ass, propped up with your hands behind you and your knees bent as you froze, unable to move a muscle, eyes open wide and gasping for breath as air burned in your lungs. You could see red-orange eyes glaring in the moonlight from a short distance, and for once, the face of the wolf-boy made a wave of relief come crashing down, rather than panic at being found. He made another low sound in his throat, a snarling growl. His shoulders hunched up in a similar motion to the wolf, baring his teeth, glare locked on the transgressor. He didn't have a weapon on him, so his hands clenched into fists at his side. You'd witnessed this plenty of times in the past by now, but never before with him as one of the participants. The other male wolves within the pack hadn't exactly taken an interest in you, rather, simultaneously accepted you as one of their own, while seeming to recognize you as something of an "other," as they did him. Among them, though, these conflicts were regularly occurring, a constantly shifting hierarchal dynamic that was weighted in blood and pure brute strength. Your heartrate picked up anew. Strong as Razor may be, this thing was massive. And he didn't have his claymore, you remembered he'd left it near the den earlier, before going on his daily routine to check the various animal traps. This wolf could kill him. And given that it wasn't a pack member, it wouldn't hesitate to do so. The wolf took a few heavy steps forward, growling all the while, and the wolf-boy reciprocated the action, a deep low growl in his throat as he stomped forward, fingers curling into a claw-like shape, not exhibiting so much as the slightest hesitation to show aggression against the massive creature. You tried to stand on your shaking legs, but fell on your ass again. "W-wait, no, r-run," you stammered, words spewing out of your mouth before you could process them, "he'll hurt you--" Your vision went white, bright light exploded all around, a crashing, booming sort of sound cutting off your words. There was a heat to it that you could feel on your skin, but it blinded your vision, leaving you blinking as, in a mere moment, the electric energy faded to a purplish glow that sparked with a buzz in the palm of his hand. The wolf leaped back in terrified shock, immediately flattening its ears, turning and tucking its tail between its legs, scrambling with fear into the darkness of the trees. And just like that, the threat was gone. You were left slack-jawed, mouth hanging open, trembling and panting as you watched it disappear, footsteps growing quieter and quieter until they could no longer be heard. Instead, the leaves to your side crunched in a two-legged pattern as the figure drew closer, and then dropped down to his knees to get on a face-to-face level. You turned your head and your eyes met. His eyes were wide and pupils blown even wider, mouth slightly open, looking you over. His eyes had always had a softness to them, full of light. After a moment, he reached up, slowly, and wiped the tears from your eyes, a soft, unthinking gesture, and leaned forward. He nuzzled his face against yours, and, after a moment, licked a few quick, short laps up the side of your face. It was nothing you weren't very well used to, and you merely sat numbly as he did so. His eyes trailed downward, widening as they met the gash that had been created on your neck by the massive wolf's claws, and he leaned forward again, lapping at your skin. You inhaled a sharp breath at the sting of his tongue on the wound, but you knew it actually was helpful in terms of clotting, so you didn't resist. You sat like that for a moment, silent, still, letting him clean up the wound, saliva naturally helping the healing process. It was bizarrely intimate in its own way, but it certainly wasn't the first time he'd helped in that way with a wound. It stopped stinging after a moment, blood clotting under the wet warmth. He pulled his head back, looking over you again as if to ascertain your unharmed state, eyes wide and expression flat, looking directly at your face - your weary face, trembling lip, expression still uneasy from the remaining shock. "You... Okay?" There was a softness to his face, a wide-eyed look of innocent concern. You did your best to nod. Any hope you'd had left had been crushed at some point in the adrenaline of the encounter, and thus, all chances of escaping gone, defeat and weariness washed over your body, and you slumped forward in exhaustion. Of course, he was unaware of and most likely did not even consider why you suddenly fell against him, he tended to take any action you made at face value and accepted it as simply what it was, and likewise, every action he made was easily interpreted the same way. It was, you sometimes consoled yourself, a rather welcome simplicity in contrast to the hidden and subtle meanings that humans often portrayed through their actions, and you never had to worry about an innocent action being misinterpreted maliciously, nor did you worry that your emotions were too transparent in your actions. Instead, he merely seemed pleased by the gesture, eagerly wrapping his arms around your frame and pulling your closer, rubbing his head up and down so the sides of your faces nuzzled together, squeezing you tightly. "I heard you," he said, a cheerful sort of pride in his voice. "Came to help." You swallowed. "Th-thank you..." As much as his sudden appearance crushed any chance you had of reaching Springvale, you couldn't help but feel a genuine relief, even gratitude, for saving you from what would have undoubted been a highly painful and traumatizing experience, if you'd survived the lack of oxygen. Not that you weren't already getting your fair share of traumatizing experiences out here, but, well, none quite like what your experience would have been had he not shown up. After a still, silent moment of embrace, he released you, shifted and stood up, but then suddenly tensed, and his eyes widened with what seemed like surprise, or perhaps realization, mouth opening slightly. His eyes were cast downward, settled on the cord that was still tightly tied around your ankle, and reached down to loosen the knot, slipping it off and tossing the remaining cord to the side. You made a small sound as if to start speaking, but cut off and fell silent, shutting your mouth. And then, as he came back up, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and processing, mouth slightly open as he looked a bit to one side, then the other, to you, and up to the tree from which you'd hung. The wheels were turning. Finally, after a moment, it seemed to click, his eyes went wide with realization for a split second before he turned his head back towards you and narrowed his eyes in a glare. His "angry" face had always been a bit difficult to take seriously, he had maintained a baby face despite his age, big eyes and soft features making it look like more of a pout than anything, but in time you'd learned the rightful amount of fear to have at seeing it. Your heart sank in your chest. "You ran away again." His voice was a bitter, grumpy mumble. You'd feared that when you noticed the surprising lack of anger up until a few moments ago. That it hadn't yet clicked with him, until now, exactly why you were out here, how you got out here, in the first place. He might have thought the larger wolf had dragged you out here, or, perhaps more likely, it had not crossed his mind at all in the intensity of the previous moments, too focused on conflict and comfort. "I..." You trailed off, trembling. There was a moment of silence. You couldn't exactly argue against it. It was true that he was rather gullible, and would often believe rather ridiculous excuses or explanations that anyone else would never buy, but there were limits to that, and at the present moment, you couldn't think of any excuse that even he would believe. Even if the wolf had come in to drag you away, the she-wolf set to guard you would have made a noise to alert the others, and he knew that. There was a moment of silence, and, not receiving any objection to his claim, he exhaled a frustrated huff through his nostrils. "I'm mad." As nice as it was that you didn't have to worry about being misinterpreted, another pro to your situation was that your captor was easily the most transparent person you'd ever met, bluntly honest, so much so it sometimes worked against him. You were pretty sure he couldn't be indirect or subtle with his words if he tried. Passive-aggressiveness or anything of the sort was foreign. "I'm sorry," you murmured, hoping to ease his anger, but you knew by now those words didn't really hold any meaning to him. He opened his mouth, that same pout on his face, and took a breath as if to speak, but no words came out. He closed his mouth, looking at the ground for a moment, opened again, repeated the process, and again, before roughly shaking his head, head hanging and expression falling to something like irritation and disappointment. With other people, you'd feel more intimidated by silence, silence meant someone was angry and trying to get under your skin. And while he made no attempt to hide being angry, you knew the silence wasn't an intentional passive-aggressive act, but rather, just lacking the proper words. It was a process you went through frequently, and to some degree, you felt bad for him. Having feelings, having complex thoughts, but lacking the knowledge or ability to articulate them, being unable to adequately express what you thought and felt, limited to such simple terms as sad and mad, words that could only convey incredibly simple feelings... you could only imagine how frustrating that would be. He knew that those words weren't enough, but didn't have any other ones to use. You understood why, then, he grunted in frustration, kicking at the ground, sending a few leaves scattering. But you also knew that if he could not express himself with words, actions would have to suffice. You knew better than to expect any different. This routine, despite its variances in the specifics of how the events went down, went like clockwork from this point onward, the moment of defeat. They say humans are, after all, creatures of habit. You nonetheless let out a little surprised sound at the suddenness with which you were lifted by the armpits, quickly moved a few steps to the side and unceremoniously pushed forward, facing one of the many boulders that dotted the forest floor. Instinctively, releasing an exhale of defeat and acceptance, braced yourself against it, hands pressed into the rock. You were technically standing, but leaning far forward, bodyweight resting mostly onto the rock you were bending over on. His front pressed against you, hand pushing your back down into an arch, latching arms around your waist. There was no hesitation, no preparation, merely pulling the fabric of your dress up with one swift motion, and the waist of his pants down in another, all in a matter of a single moment, and rutting against you, once, twice, cock slipping against your folds, and on the third thrust, it actually slid in, pushing about halfway in with harsh force with no warning. You gasped at the sting, clawing at the rock as your face twisted with the slight pain, but his hand gripped hard on your shoulder. "Stay... Still." It was honestly impressive, you sometimes thought, to manage to get a cock inside you so easily with hip angling alone. He'd never thought to use his hands to do so, you guessed due to merely mimicking what he observed, as all humans did. Nonetheless, you let out a mewl at the feeling of friction against your walls as it dragged, pulling out a bit before slamming back in. Then again, faster. And again, faster still. And finally, setting into a rhythm, quick and harsh, your body lurching forward at the force. Defeat and despond had fully set in, and you made no movement to fight back, instead attempting to ease the discomfort by pushing back with the thrusts. And then, after a moment, it stopped. It often did -- again, a set pattern, a routine. Increasingly often these days, he changed his mind at this point, initially going with the instinctive, natural option, but it would take a moment to remember that there was an alternative. You shuddered at the sliding feeling and emptiness as he pulled back out, but even though you braced yourself, the air was knocked out of you as you were flipped over, back hitting the rock -- and this time aching as the bruising flesh from the earlier fall was hit again -- now leaning your weight onto the rock on your back, facing forward. The roughness with which you were tossed about and maneuvered was, you knew, not intentional, nor out of malice, but it always left you disoriented as your vision spun a bit. And it was only a single second before you were filled again, gasping a deep breath and reaching your hands out to claw at his back as you felt yourself stretched apart all in one motion, and your legs fell into the routine position of hooking over his arms. He liked it this way. The human way, he called it, with you on your back in some form rather than on your hands and knees, facing him rather than turning away, which had been the only way you'd done it -- you supposed the only way he had been familiar with -- for a good while. You'd introduced the position once when your arms and legs were exhausted from strain, and, perhaps to your relief, it became the most common way that the routine went down. You supposed that, deep down, no matter the way in which a person was raised, there were certain innate needs and instincts that could not be overridden, woven into the very biology of a person. For humans, intimacy, the feeling of affection, and you supposed that that itch was met for him more adequately this way. And he liked to mimic normal behaviors in that regard. You recalled a time ago, back before you were brought out here for good, the wide-eyed fascination with which he'd watch passing couples of people on the road and streets, would make an attempt to imitate the same actions, albeit lacking in the same gentleness, technique, or appropriate timing. Reaching out to grab and hold your hand (with a crushing grip) as you walked, awkwardly pressing your mouths together (so firmly that your teeth clacked and your jaw hurt). That, at least, had gotten better. Now, it was somewhat gentle, he leaned down and pressed his mouth to yours. Gentle, but still very awkward, lacking in the rhythmic motions with which you'd expect, more like holding still but pressing firmly against you, but lapping a quick lick to your lips. You could taste blood on his lips and tongue, a permanent coppery taste that never went away. That didn't last long. It was hard to maintain the mouth contact when he started rutting into you, causing your body to rock in jerking motions up and down on the surface, and his face buried itself into your shoulder, panting shallow breaths that were warm against your flesh. And again, like clockwork, you knew how the issue of your body rocking back and forth, disrupting the rhythm, would be solved, and you inhaled as you braced yourself, first for the tightening grip of arms around your waist, and then-- You gasped a sharp breath despite your mental preparation as teeth sunk into your jugular, opposite the one with the injury, further locking your bodies together. He growled, a low throaty sound. Teeth gnawed at your shoulder before releasing and sinking down in a different spot, digging into the flesh just short of the force it would take to break it. You cursed whichever god thought it would be funny to give him abnormally sharp canines. Even with your weight leaning against the rock, a good portion of it was still being supported by his arms, which, with any normal human being, you would hope would cause enough strain to perhaps slow down the actual thrusting, but you knew better by now. Nor did you expect any kind of buildup or anything, no, you gritted your teeth at the immediate fast pace that dragged against your insides, raw and with little fluid to lessen the friction. The quickness and suddenness always left you sore, your internal parts not having enough time or stimulation to expand or prepare, so each thrust that slammed into the top of your insides sparked a shock of pain and pleasure sensation so strong your entire body jolted with the feeling. The bruising soreness of the recent abuse to the same spot -- how many times earlier today, three, four? -- heightened the sensitivity. And, as with the rest of the routine, you didn't expect words. You couldn't blame him -- talking was hard enough when he was focused, you imagined it was much harder when preoccupied with sensation, and with less blood in the brain. It also made sense that he didn't seem to process anything you said either -- any slow down or wait fell on deaf ears, or rather, non-comprehending ears. Eventually you, too, fell into the same state- "I-- hah, ah, w-wait, mnn-" -- unable to form words, unable to take in anything around you, pure sensation clouding your brain of any and all thoughts. You heard your own little cries ring out and echo through the empty forest, and soft, pleasured whines in your ear, hot breath from panting that grew faster and faster as the thrusts became more erratic and harder, slamming in and out, the wet, slapping sound ringing out with your own voice. It pushed against all the right spots, stretching you incomprehensibly full, overloading your brain with the feeling, and the harder your nails sank into his back, the harder his teeth bit down into your neck. The sparks of pain from the feeling felt small, distant, erased by the overwhelming good feeling created by adrenaline and pleasure, and the thought of how badly it would hurt later was the furthest thing from your mind in the moment. And because you knew words meant nothing in the heat of these moments, you had learned that announcing or warning for orgasm didn't matter. Neither of you needed words -- as with many things, you could communicate it without them just fine. He could still sense it, the way you clenched and your hands grasped at his hair and raked down his spine, and in response, the thrusting somehow grew harder and faster still. A perfect and clearly understood communication as clear as any verbal exchange. The squealing you made, the way your body spasmed and your back arched, was better than anything you could have said, really. You weren't... actually fully certain he understood the action as anything other than communication, like a message indicating "cum now." You assumed that was what it meant to him, since, as always, you felt the movement stop, panting as he pushed into your one more time, holding your hips as close as possible as you felt a twitching inside. It was always perfectly coordinated like that. The peak was always too short, always that same burst of feeling that you wished could last just a moment longer, leaving you panting. Heavy breaths in and out, shuddering, sweaty flesh clinging to each other. You could feel the arms that held your legs up shaking with aftershock, forehead falling to rest against the spot between the mounds of your chest. Then, after a moment, a nuzzle, slowly rubbing a cheek against your collarbones. As soon as that stopped, his head popped up again, looking up at your face with those same wide amber eyes, soft and somehow, despite everything, they always seemed so innocent and bright. A curious, but fairly neutral, content sort of wide-eyed gaze. Anger resolved. Sometimes you were grateful it was that easy. "Ok. You're... good, now." You understood without needing it explained. "Good" indicated something along the lines of fixed or resolved, the phrase "you're good" indicating, in this context, resolution. You assumed it had originated from listening to others in some context or another. You swallowed, and nodded. There was no point in fighting now. A sort of numbing aftershock had set in, and your head was spinning so much that even if you ran, you might fall over on your own without the inevitable tackling. It was a struggle for another day... the same conclusion this always, always resulted in, a conclusion you reached more and more quickly each time, but you tried to put the concern that thought sparked away, merely standing on trembling legs. "...Stupid hunting trap," you muttered, giving the remains of cord a kick into the leaves. He tilted his head and made a soft hm? of confusion. "Th-the trap," your voice was raspy. "They laid out traps for - for catching animals, the hunters, you know." He blinked for a moment as he processed your words, then shook his head, but smiled, beaming with pride. "Mm-nn, I made it. Put lots of them around here." You squinted, head jerking up to scan the treeline - sure enough, now that you looked closer, you could see several treetops dotted with similar nets full of scraps set to make a sound when triggered and struggled against. In fact, the more you gazed around, you realized there were easily dozens and dozens of similar traps, some of different styles and shapes, all perfectly lining the edge of the woods before the road. "...You won't catch things like that," you muttered. "It's too close to the end of the woods." Another slightly confused stare. He shook his head. "Traps are... for you." You could always count on him for two things. Undying loyalty, and obtuse honesty. You blinked at him, expression flat in blunt surprise, then, with a crooked smile, you let out a single huff of bitter, tired laughter. You were numbed to the point that you were, at the very least, able to recognize the humor of it all. Another way of coping, perhaps. It only occurred to you then, as your thoughts cleared, how relief had washed over you when the lone wolf had run out into the night, but your mind had not been focused on your own violation. You remembered your words. Run, he'll hurt you. Your only concern in that moment had been his safety. The thought set off some sort of alarm bell in your head, but the utter exhaustion made it difficult to place much concern in anything.
Your legs were trembling in aftershock, numb and heavy, but it wasn't as if that mattered. Even as you briefly put a hand to the stone beside you to lean your weight onto in an effort to stand, you knew you wouldn't be walking anyway, that wasn't part of the routine. And sure enough, as you got about halfway upward, arms wrapped around your waist instead, and you were roughly maneuvered, tossed like a ragdoll, knocking the breath out of you as you were tossed over his shoulder. "Okay, we're going home, now." He started taking a few heavy steps forward, not even struggling in the slightest to carry your full bodyweight, instead walking as if you were light as air. You didn't protest. You slumped over defeatedly, merely casting your gaze all around, trying desperately to memorize the locations of at least a few of the traps in the dark, but knowing full well in the back of your mind you'd never get past them all. No matter how you may outsmart them, you could never win. It occurred to you that, in a way, you were the one falling for the same trick over and over, continuously placing a ridiculous hope in escape and falling for your own foolishness time and time again. Perhaps that made you a bit more like the animals than you liked to admit.
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
Meet Cute
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x DogMom!Reader Word Count: 1.8k T/W: fluffyyyy A/N: I know it’s a trope, but I love it!
Can you imagine Bucky with a puppy?!?!
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Managing six dogs at once wasn’t exactly easy, but you did it rather gracefully, at least most of the time. Today however, you fumbled with your keys at your apartment door when two dogs suddenly, and swiftly wrapped around you, pulling opposite directions. With a small shocked squeak at being squeezed, you accidentally dropped both your keys and a leash, one out of six wasn’t bad, but it was still a loose puppy, trotting around the apartment hall like he owned the place. 
“Peanut!” You yelled out of sheer concern as the baby dachshund gallivanted towards the stairs, as if it were his prison break at last, “Peanut, sweetie, come here!” You called again, eyebrows furrowing during your attempt to untwist the other leashed from around you, as he got closer and closer to that first step which was far too steep for him to comfortably and safely make wihtout tumbling down the rest. 
You watched in sheer panic as his short stout front legs took the leap of faith with ears flying freely in the air like he was Dumbo. You anticipated the little yelp that would absolutely break your heart— Thankfully there was a soft landing platform neither of you had prepared for. Underneath Peanut appeared two hands covered in black gloves. The small dog fit perfectly in the hands as he wagged his tail, beyond proud of the heart attack he nearly gave you. Sighing, you leaned into the door of your apartment for support. 
“Whoa there,” the saviour said, bringing the pup up with him as he stood, having had to dip to catch the pup on the stairs, after glancing at the shining silver bone shaped name tag he met the dog’s eye line, “Peanut, was it?”
As the stranger made his way up the last few steps, you couldn’t take your eyes off him. While you didn’t know him personally, you had seen him around the apartment complex before. Heart still pounding, you shook your head at the pup who was plenty happy in the hands of his rescuer. 
“Peanut Butter Brittle Biscuit,” you full named the dog, causing him to tuck his tail, still wagging it though. Setting your hand, which was still being tugged on by the other five other dogs, on your hip, “you know better than to just run into strangers, it's rude.”
“Well, Peanut,” he looked to the pup in all seriousness, “I’m Bucky. There, we aren’t strangers anymore,” he affirmed, shaking the dogs tiny little paw gently, “and so we’re not strangers,” he looked to you, “I’m Bucky, and you are?” You smiled at his flirty tone, “unless you’d like to go by 4C? Keep it professional?”
“Four- C?” You gave a puzzled look.
Bucky pointed above and behind your head, with the hand he was not literally cradling Peanut with. Quickly glancing you realized it was your apartment number. Now feeling a flush of embarrassment, you took a moment to face him again, squeezing your eyes closed. 
“Oh yeah,” you nervously laughed, before giving him your name as well, you liked the way he repeated it to himself, “and you’re 2E, right?”
“Do we know each other?” he asked, tilting his head with a smirk.
“Oh no, I just, sometimes I see Yori go down there, and- I’m not stalking you, I promise,” you frantically explained, waving your hand, wrapped in dog leashes. 
“No,” Bucky smiled, letting you know that was not what he was thinking, “I think I’d hear you if you were though,” he looked down and around at the literal pack of dogs sitting and standing around you. The pack ranged from a German Shepherd to a Golden Retriever to a Dachshund to a Pomeranian to a Corgi to, lastly, a dopey Great Dane.
“Most definitely,” you laughed, trying to calm your nerves, “we’re not the most graceful bunch, you had a display of that just a moment ago, which thank you so, so much.” You placed your hand over your chest, as an expression of relief. 
“No problem,” he said with a sincere nod and smile, petting back the dog’s ears, “looks like Peanut here is a real daredevil.”
“You have no idea,” you glanced at the puppy, “he’s a troublemaker and thinks he’s invincible.”
With that Peanut interjected giving the most babyish attempt at a deep roo, sassily from where Bucky held him still.
“Talker too, huh?” Bucky gave a shocked glance at the Dachshund who was still resting comfortably with his chest being cradled by Bucky's hand.
“Yeah, well we’re 40 minutes late to D I N N E R,” you spelled out the last word in a whisper, “Fridays are always long days,” you gestured around you to the bigger dogs with toys covered in drool, they just stared up at you, sighing you collected yourself, “they’re park days.” 
“Ohh, I see,” Bucky nodded, “I'd hate to keep you any longer then.” 
With a soft ‘okay’ and a smile, you held your hands out to take Peanut back. There was a brief moment in the exchange where your hands touched his and he gave a ‘sorry’ knowing it was probably cold against your skin. As Peanut hovered with both your hands on his chubby little sides. Your Dane tugged one way again, while the Retriever was determined to go the other, pulling you and Bucky closer together. Practically chest to chest, save Peanut being the barrier between the two of you.
“Oh my gosh,” you whispered, looking down immediately, even though there was hardly room between you two to do so, literally feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, you closed your eyes, “this is not happening.”
“I’ve been in worse situations,” Bucky remarked cooly, keeping his gaze focused on you, finding it surprisingly cute at how flustered you were around him. It’d been a long time since he had felt someone had real genuine human emotions regarding him. 
Neither of you took your hands away from the other’s. Standing there you bit in your lip, calming your rising pulse as you were now close enough to smell his cologne. 
“I’m-” you started, finally looking up, “so sorry.” 
“It’s really okay,” Bucky chuckled, not wanting you to feel as worried as you were, but you just knit your brows together and gave another apologetic look, “honestly, I could- I could do this all day.” There was a pause, then you smiled, ducking your head to hide your face against Peanut who was really becoming a star matchmaker, “I think Peanut and I are going to be very good friends by the end of this.”
Lifting your head with a nod, you sighed, stroking the pup’s ear, for a moment before you guided the other dogs around to give you some more space. Bucky respectfully took a step back, somehow still holding Peanut after all that. You opened your apartment door and the dogs rushed in, you let each leash fall off your hand as they entered. You said their name with each one to keep track of them.
“And lastly,” you exhaled, reaching your arms out again for the troublemaker of whom Bucky surrendered, though he was getting fairly fond of him, “well, at least let me invite you in? Have a drink on me? Something?”
“That’d be great,” Bucky said, gesturing for you to lead the way. 
Once you were both in and Bucky shut the door behind him, you let Peanut loose and immediately he ran to his dinner bowl, waiting in anticipation. Offering Bucky to sit at the bar, you set two cold bottles on top of the counter, but before you joined him you got out six dog bowls, making him smile.
“How long have you had them?” Bucky asked, opening his bottle relaxedly with his hand.
“They vary, some for years, but the most recent,” you nodded to Peanut, “only a few months.”
“So uh, why so many?” Bucky inquired. 
You squeezed your shoulders up, looking around at all of them, “they needed a home,” you said, soft smile, “each of them came from a broken place, of hurt and pain. That’s all they knew before I took them in, and,” you shook your head smiling wider, looking over to Bucky, “if I could be a part of their healing, I knew I had to be. I can’t think of leaving something to suffer if there’s something that can be done to help.”
“That’s-” Bucky looked to the floor as you rounded the counter, to sit next to him on another bar stool, having just set all the bowls down, “that’s a really great mindset.” 
“What about you?” you took a sip, “any pets?”
He swallowed shaking his head, “no, I have a weird work schedule,” he squinted at his own reasoning, hoping it didn’t sound too dumb.
“Oh gotcha,” you nodded, before gesturing with the top of the bottle, “well Rodgers seems to like you.”
Your gesture drew Bucky to look down, sure enough set atop his thigh was your German Shepherd's head, looking up with big eyes and slowly wagging his tail. Bucky pet the dog’s ear, “Rodgers?”
“Yeah, you know after Captain America? He’s ex-military himself so I thought it was fitting,” you bent down to pet the dog yourself.
There was a quietness, Bucky looked away from the dogs and you for a moment. Biting the inside of his lip he felt something he hadn’t in a long time, though he tried to repress it. A part of him felt it was a sign, another part of him told himself to ignore it. Takin another swig, he made his choice
“Hey, if you ever. . . need help with them, I’m,” he hesitated, “I’m usually free Fridays, or- park days.”
“I’d love that,” you smiled leaning back up, “how bout I get your number so we can plan a da-,” you quickly changed your sentence, “a park day.”
While you got up to grab your phone, he flipped open his, seeing the very few contacts and the messages from only one person. Wincing he was a little nervous, this meant opening up. You returned, asking for his number, to which he willingly gave you. Finishing the drinks he said he really should head home, you completely understood, already surprised that he stuck around that long after the incident earlier. 
With casual goodbyes, you shut your door and he headed back downstairs. Taking his gloves off, he suddenly felt his phone vibrate. Sitting on his couch he took it out of his pocket. Seeing your name pop up with a “hi 4C here, texting you like I said I would” and a smiley face with a dog emoji made him smile to himself. 
He opened it-- it was time to start answering messages, it was time he found his healing.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
“Longing for Attention” Illumi x Reader
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Hello anon! Thank you for this awesome request! This story consists of a little angst and fluff towards the end. I can truly say that this story is the closest to Illumi’s canon characteristics. If you all did not know, I am celebrating my 100 follower goal! If you’d like to participate in this event, click this link. Please note that requests for this event will close on July 15th at 12 AM EST. The post will have all of the rules and prompts!
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👁 👁 👁 👁
“I swear I’ll haunt you in your sleep, Zoldyck! ‘Ya hear me, boy?!”
A body thudded as this man’s speech was cut short. A tired Illumi Zoldyck came calmly walking towards his target with the straightest face ever. Even at the sight of blood, darker than any he had seen, his lips remained neutral and his eyes remained half-lidded as they were. The sound of the mini heel on his green loafers echoed as he continued to approach the deceased man before him. The ballroom was completely empty, leaving Illumi all by himself for who knows why and what else could happen.
Being a bounty hunter was challenging in itself but being a bounty hunter and dating an assassin is a totally different story. Criminals began to spread the word of your alliance with the Zoldycks and formed many gangs to retaliate against you both. Both of you have been shot at, stabbed a few times, and even been robbed! After being robbed at gunpoint and dealing with trauma, it nearly made you quit your job because of the stress and life endangering events faced almost everyday but for Illumi, it didn’t phase him at all. Not in the slightest. After being robbed of his engagement ring, he simply went to another jewelry store and bought another. He did not cry, quiver, or shutter.
After Illumi phoned his father and gave him a brief overview of his success, he proceeded to the exit. The light flickered, giving the impression that an eerie figure stood at the end of the hallway. Electricity hummed the closer someone approached it, sounding like a fly trying to find its way back outside. An atmosphere like this one did not bother Illumi in the slightest but he did not like being there no longer tha needed.
“Y/n! Y/n! I know you can hear me!”
“Now is not the time to play around. We need to vacate the premises immediately,” He thought to himself. He began to bang on doors, opened them up, and yelled your name to the heavens trying to find you.
“Oh! I know,” he said out loud, snapping his fingers.
He opened a tracking app on his iPhone that displayed all of his contacts that had recently shared their location with him. Once he began the search, it revealed that you were 400 kilometers away. Tracking your phone was something he did every time he could not find you. At times it was adorable and sometimes it was weird and intrusive. Illumi’s intrusive behavior stems from his mother, Kikyo and no matter how you put it, it is very unhealthy. Caring can easily turn into an obsession that can make you do unsound things.
“Illumi! I am in the bathroom. Can you give me a second,” you ask, slightly irritated, washing your hands quickly. You did not want to keep him waiting any longer. It was always a mystery if it was his anger or anxiety that prompted him to bust the door down just to make sure you were safe. Poor Illumi Zoldyck. His expression of love and how he cared for others was rather odd and unusual. It is safe to say that you were the best thing that has happened to him.
As you open the door, he stands with his long arms crossed in a huff, his long legs creating an upside down “V” shape gazing at you a slightly angry about your disappearance halfway through the mission.
“Where were you,” he asked, moving closer to you. “While I had to complete both of our jobs, you have been playing around in the bathroom.”
“Illumi, you’re—“
“Shhh—“ He placed his index finger over your mouth, bending down at eye level, and smiled devilishly. “—I’ll still pay you but you owe me a favor.”
“—But I wasn’t playing in the bathroom!”
As you were pleading your case, Illumi nonchalantly typed away on his phone. He quickly showed you his screen that listed your every step within the last few hours. It displayed where you were, the longitude and latitude, who you spoke with, and if you took any pictures. You had no idea that a smartphone could disclose so much personal information and since you have shared your location with him, he has access to it all.
“—Care to tell the truth?” Illumi raised his left eyebrow, using his somewhat intimidating tactic used when he was a child.
“Fine. Ugh! Why do you have to be like this?”
“Like what?”
“You’re…too overprotective. Give me some space sometime! Hell, you might be pleased to know where I was.”
“Pleased?! I nearly had a heart attack when I realized you were not by my side! Are you satisfied that my heart weakens everyday?”
“You’re so dramatic. You might want to take up acting, you know.”
“Ha, ha, so funny,” he said flatly.
As you roll your eyes in irritation, Illumi closes the leftover space between you two. Still bent over at eye level, he places his large hand on your cheek, blinks twice, while his straight face remains. His cold hearted personality seemed to always overshadow his body but all of his warmth seemed to be omitting from his palm.
“I care about you deeply. I cannot have you running away doing God knows what while we are on a dangerous mission like this one.”
“Illumi, I—“ He places his index finger over your mouth again, shushing you as he continues to, as they say, pour his heart out for once.
“I understand that you are a bounty hunter, but if I’m being honest it is a much different line of work than being an assassin. It is my job to care for you while I complete some of the harshest tasks on Earth.”
“I’m not a child, Illumi. Do you want to know what I was doing? Those longitude and latitude readings are very wrong, by the way.”
“Huh? Ok…where were you then?”
Still, your face was placed in his palm, his large eyes staring in yours somehow made you feel lost. Your delayed answer made his palm involuntarily tighten.
“I bought you this pocket sized white teddy bear…?” This statement was propositioned as a question rather than a statement because you were afraid of how he’d react. He was already startled and giving him a plushie would only make it worse. Instead of reacting calmly he would assume that giving him a plushie would imply that he was weak.
“…Valentine’s Day is a few days and I know you’ll be in Las Vegas handling business so I decided to buy you something that will remind you of me while you’re away.”
The small plushie was a white teddy bear holding a heart. It’s eyes were as big as Illumi’s. Before you could hold it up to him, he grabbed it rather gently, stood up straight, and held it in front of his eyes for examination. He turned it around a few times as if it was on a rotator. He placed his index finger inside of the keychain loop and finally smiled. He placed this small object against his heart just before he bent down to meet your eyes once again.
“I always think of you. Come to think of it, that must be why my shots have been off.”
His face scrunches in a humorous way. As usual, his smile fades away and returns to his neutral look. Illumi’s silence signaled that his mind was running a million miles a minute. So many questions and feelings begged to be released but something was preventing him from doing so. You could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to suffocate you with a bear hug but he wouldn’t do it. He has been trained to think that assassins do not need friends, cannot express their feelings, and can only do what is needed to get the job done. It’s ironic; the Zoldyck children are not allowed to have friends but they are allowed to have lovers only so they can reproduce and keep their legacy alive. Love has no part in their marriages; they are only contracts, literally. As in love as Kikyo and Silva were (and still are), it would seem like they’d emphasize the importance of love to their children. As a result, they all have adopted an odd way of showing affection for others.
In this instant, Illumi’s face appeared to be more endearing than before. His face had darkened significantly, his cheeks were fatter like they were stuffed slightly, and his eyes twinkled. You smiled as you have truly found the key to his heart. All this young man wanted and truly desired was to be loved not for his abilities or job, but for him and only him. Your warm hands, now on his cheeks, felt overwhelmed with warmth. Just the sight of him at that moment was breathtaking. The flickering power, the unrest souls in the next room of his targets, and the eerie atmosphere seem to fade while you gazed into his eyes. Pressing his cheeks together, puckering his lips was indeed both an amusing and cute sight to behold.
“You are so adorable, Illumi. Did you know that? This “bad boy” behavior and clutching a teddy bear is too much to take in. I might just send a photo to your mother. She’ll screech and tell the entire world.”
“You wouldn’t dare do that ,” he said, words muffled; lips still puckered. He seemed to flush more and more every time you’d remind him of how vulnerable he is right now.
“Try me!”
“Mother would just embarrass me, you know that!”
“I know. Then I’d be able to see the sweet, soft assassin that I see now. All warm and cuddly. I’m sure you just want to sit in the back seat of your Dodge and just fall fast asleep, am I right?”
“I plead the 5th,” he said flatly.
“I was right! Ha, ha!”
“Would you pipe down already?”
Illumi’s right hand was placed directly behind his torso carelessly pressed against his lower back. He appeared to be in pain but made no mistake. If asked about it, he’d lie just to debunk any statements about him being weak.
“What is in your hand? Let me see it.” Your demanding tone turned into one that a mother has, specifically Kikyo.
“It’s nothing,” he said, slightly wincing in pain.
“Let me see it now, Illumi or I swear I’ll—-“
“Fine! Fine! Just don’t make a big deal about it, alright?”
A promise is a promise; that is what you said to Illumi as you agreed to not over react once you saw his hand. A healed bruise nearly scarred the entire base part of his hand. A light red dotted cut looked as if someone took a exacto knife and grazed it. You gazed back into his eyes. He looked hurt; longing for attention for a cut that had already healed. As childish as it may seem, just the slightest bit of attention is something he craved, even if something like this had been healed a long time ago. Him wincing was something he conjured up to grasp your attention. He raised his hand in front of your mouth, leaving it bent for you to grab.
“Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?”
“Please,” he replies, smiling slightly again.
The touch of your soft, moist lips made his smile grow larger, his cheeks flushing yet again. A few overlapped lipstick stains remained on his hand, something he might get tattooed so everyone knew who he belonged to.
“Why can’t you be this way every time we finish missions? We could have sooo much fun.”
“If I have too much fun, I’d abandon my remaining missions and father would not like that at all. He might even put out a contract on me.”
You sigh somberly. Illumi had his moments of anger, roughness, and kept his distance but moments like this, where he wasn’t afraid to allow his softer side resurface made you feel content as if you completed a mission of your own. Gazing into his eyes one more time, they sparkled greatly.
“At least I can enjoy this while it lasts.”
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
Title: Rut.
Pairing: Malleus/Reader (Twisted Wonderland)
Written for a lovely anonymous commissioner.
Word Count: 2.0k.
Synopsis: It’s hard for a human to learn about fae biology, especially from fae themselves and their distaste for the topic. So, when you agree to help your careful, composed boyfriend deal with his upcoming rut, your expectations might differ from reality.
TW: Afab!Reader, Dubious Consent, A/B/O Dynamics, Overstimulation, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Breeding Kink, Slight Corruption Kink, Mentions of Blood, and Knotting.
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Lillia said it was kind of like a vacation, for Malleus.
It wasn’t much of an answer, but it was more of one than you’d gotten from the other Diasomnia students. When prompted, Silver only shook his head, mentioning ‘medical needs’ and something about the fae hierarchy, and Sebek was too flustered to say much of anything, going red as he told you not to talk about things so vulgar, whatever that was supposed to mean. Lilia’d laughed, though, when you asked him why Malleus went off-campus every few months, always returning a little less irritable than he had been, when he left. He’d explained that, among a certain type of fae, this type of practice was normal, almost ritual. Hormones clouded judgment, urges beginning to overwhelm coherent thoughts, and Malleus just needed a few days to clear the fog, preferably as far from a brittle, breakable human as he could get. Just for caution’s sake, of course. Just to be safe.
But, you weren’t just a human. You weren’t breakable.
You were Malleus’ human, and that meant you were safe.
He’d been hesitant, when you offered to help during his next rut, but by the time his eyes were glazed over more often than not, his opposition stopped at a half-hearted warning and a disgruntled huff. It was almost strange to see him so out of it, his usual composure dulled and watered-down into a hazy, tired awareness. Even now, kingdoms away from Night Raven, he could barely seem to stay on his feet, taking any excuse to drape his arm over your shoulders or nuzzle into your chest or, in this case, slot himself against your back, his chin coming to rest against the back of your head as you bent over, supporting yourself against the stone windowsill. You didn’t push him away, obviously. You weren’t sure he’d be able to stand, if you did.
So, you admired the view as he made himself comfortable, keeping your eyes fixed on the landscape below. Malleus’ chosen safe-haven was scenic, to say the least, an isolated tower miles away from the nearest village, surrounded by woods and cliff-sides and little else. Even with a pane of glass separating you from the outside world, you could still see the breeze rustling through leaves, hear birds singing in the distance, practically feel the sunlight, just bright enough to make you squint. You were here for Malleus, of course, but you hoped you’d have some time to explore. Just a few hours, towards the end of the week. Hopefully, he’d be--
“(Y/n).” A whine pulled you out of your thoughts, drawn out and throaty, so unlike his usually poise. You were caught off-guard, but you still managed to chuckle, your smile only growing wider as he bent down, rubbing his cheek against the side of your neck as he went on. “You… you’re so beautiful, and you smell really--” He cut himself off before he could say something he’d regret. “You kept me waiting.”
Now, that was your Malleus, the bratty prince you knew and loved. You crossed your arms in front of you, leaning into the self-made nest as his hands found your hips, holding you in place as he ground lazily against your ass. It was a jerky motion, eager and unpracticed, but neither of you seemed to mind. “No need to rush,” You chided, playfully, rolling your eyes. “We’ve got plenty of time. At least help me find a bed, first.”
Something ripped, a sound like tearing fabric, and suddenly, you could feel cold skin against yours, clamping down around your waist in an iron-clad grip. “I’ve been patient enough.”
You didn’t have time to argue. Whatever thread of restraint Malleus was still holding onto snapped in the space between one second and another, and by the time you’d opened your mouth, he was already growling, barely remembering to let go of your waist before lifting you off your feet, dropping you onto the windowsill unceremoniously. You were stunned, for a moment, too surprised to do anything but clutch at the square edge and let your legs dangle off of the stone slab, but Malleus didn’t seem to have a similar problem. He was already falling to his knees, sharpened talons cutting through clothes and skin alike, leaving red, angry lines across your now-exposed thighs and Malleus, pressing fleeting kisses into the damage by way of apology. You almost stopped him. Part of you wanted to, in your stupor, if only to ask him to slow down, but this was supposed to be about him. If he needed to…
Your logic faltered quickly.
His mouth was cold.
It felt strange. You almost couldn’t register it, even as he lapped at your cunt like a man starved, his tongue thinner than it should’ve been, longer than it should’ve been. It was alien in a way that made you more sensitive, more prone to writhing as he traced shapes into your entrance, to mewling every time he paused to tease your clit. It was a graceless sort of rhythm, a pursuit with the sole goal of getting you to buck against his face, to squirm, to do whatever you could to bring him closer. You tried to bite back your whimpers, incessant and hitched whenever he found a new spot to abuse, but your resolve broke as soon as you felt Malleus’ tongue fuck into you, drawing out a shaking, unabashed moan. It was too deep. Already, it was too deep.
You didn’t think, only lurching forward, latching onto the first thing you found - his horns. They were solid under your palms, smooth and so easy to squeeze, the pressure alone enough to make Malleus groan, the slight vibration only forcing you to hold him tighter. It didn’t seem to hurt. If anything, it only spurred him forward, two fingers soon taking his tongue’s place as he drew away, barely giving himself time to take a staggered breath before he was lavishing your clit, sucking on it, making that abrupt, awful, agonizing tension all the more unignorable. All the more terrible, in the blissful way Malleus’ touch happened to be.
He didn’t stop when you came, when your thighs clamped around his head and your entire body went tense. He didn’t even slow down, not until the sensation was more painful than pleasurable, not until you’d taken to pulling his hair, not that it did anything to deter him. Overstimulation came and went, pangs becoming constant, electrical jolts before all of it seemed to fade, leaving you trembling and shivering, barely able to hold yourself up. It felt painful. It felt great. You loved him, but you might’ve been beginning to hate him for it, too.
When he was done, when he was finally done, he kissed you. Your slick coated his chin, and you could taste yourself on his lips as they crashed against yours, the gesture hot and heavy and more aggressive than it had any right to be. There were going to be bruises tomorrow, on your legs and your waist and your jaw - his thumb digging into your skin just a little too harshly as he stopped you from pulling away, but if Malleus cared about the aftermath, he couldn’t find the strength to show much concern. With a nip to your collarbone, he was standing, towering above you with an expression somewhere between anger and concentration. For a moment, you let yourself linger on the irony - his shirt was still half-buttoned, his pants barely edged downward, while your clothes were torn to shreds, cuts and scrapes littered along your thighs and calves. By the end of the week, you were going to be a mangled mess. Malleus would be lucky if he’d even taken off his boots, by then.
Unsurprisingly, his voice did little to ease your concerns. “You’re already so worked up,” He teased, using the pad of his thumb to push an idle, painstaking circle into your clit, if only to watch the way you tried to squirm away. “Such a delicate little thing. How do you expect to take my cock like this, my love?”
You never got a chance to answer. One second, you were opening your mouth, the next, your breath was caught in your throat, an airy gasp taking the place of anything you might’ve said. There was a sting, and you couldn’t choke down the ragged, uneven sob you let out as he bottomed out, his hips soon slotting against yours. Malleus hushed you, a hand coming up to entangle itself in your hair, encouraging you to lean into him. To enjoy this, or to be aggregable enough to let him enjoy it for you. “It’ll only hurt for a second,” He assured, his tone soothing. “Let me take care of my mate.”
You couldn’t help yourself. Despite everything, you couldn’t help yourself. “I’m… I’m your mate?”
Malleus only chuckled, letting you bury your face in his chest as he pulled back, starting with short, shallow strokes. It was less of a comfort than it should’ve been, every slight motion only making you feel smaller, only making you feel more full. His patience must’ve been running short, though, because before long, he was hissing through gritted teeth, pumping into you like his heart would stop beating if he so much as slowed down. You swore you could feel him in your stomach, in your throat, every keen and every rut only making it tighter and hotter and worse. What little composure you’d managed to regain was gone in an instant, replaced with something malleable and desperate and needy. As eager to take as Malleus was to give, in his current state.
He was no better, but somehow, it seemed like he was. He was just so much taller than you, so much stronger, it almost felt patronizing when his teeth ghosted over your neck, his canines soon burrowed in the sensitive space just above your jugular. Even after he drew back, after he made sure your shoulders were riddled with those same bleeding, burning puncture wounds, his lips lingered against your skin, the contact muffling his words. “You’re so perfect,” He muttered, more for his sake than yours. “A perfect mate. My perfect mate. Perfect to--” He was interrupted by a stuttered grunt, low and animalistic. “Perfect to breed.”
In his defense, you didn’t object. You couldn’t have, not with his hand wrapped around your throat, not when your back was suddenly flush against the windowsill, your legs wrapped around his waist, every thrust so violent, it felt like he was trying to fuck your cervix rather than your pussy. Moaning wasn’t an option, anymore. Pitiful, whiny little sounds escaped before you could choke them back, making your cheeks burn and the slick, wet clicks slowly filling the room impossible to block out. “P-Please.” You weren’t sure what you were begging for, but you were sure you needed to beg. Malleus’ grip tightened, but  you didn’t know if it was a signal to go on, or a sign that you should do anything but continue. “Malleus, please, I love you, I can’t--”
“Quiet.” He was growling again, but this time, you didn’t have to guess why. You could feel it - stretching your cunt, leaving you babbling and clenching around him, your vision going white and your back arching as he split you open on something too heavy, something too big. “Just take it,” He grunted, finally bottoming out. “For me, love. Just- Fuck--”
It was hot, more than anything. Smoldering, scalding, filling you up to the brim as the tension broke and Malleus slumped forward, panting. You were too disoriented to do anything but stare on as a small, reflexive smile tugged at the corners of his lips. This time, his kiss was soft, something feather-light and distant, barely tangible enough to lean into, but you tried regardless, whining as he pulled away. You couldn’t bring yourself to mourn the loss, though. You needed to sleep. You needed to rest. Or a bed, at least, something softer than stone and mortar. He must’ve needed a break too, after that. Anyone would, fae and human alike.
And then, Malleus started moving, and you had to wonder how long this week would really last.
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Teacher’s Pet
Sequel to Extracurricular
Warnings: noncon/rape; drinking/drunkenness, oral, some uses of ‘daddy’.
This is a dark! fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairing: (Professor) Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Summary: Your night out proves to have lasting effects.
Note: Well, another spontaneous sequel. Did you ask for it? Well, you know my username. A brief blip on the radar as I work on my king!Loki but you know what, we need some dirty Ransom.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog and I might continue it as a full series! <3
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You scooped up the water desperately into your mouth, rinsing away the taste of bile as you leaned heavily on the porcelain sink. You felt hands on you and tried to shake them away as you groaned, your head pulsing as blurred halos of light seared your vision. 
You’d fucked your professor. Worse, you couldn’t even remember it. 
Not what happened after the club or how you’d come to wake up in his bed. You only remembered the distant haze of music and sour alcohol.
“Get away from me,” you tried to shrug him off as you twisted the faucet. “Stop!”
Ransom grabbed your arms and pushed them down to your sides. He squeezed them harshly and a large hand flew up to your chin. He made you look at yourself in the mirror, your make up smeared and your face puffy. His bare shoulders were visible around you and his blue eyes pierced you.
“Baby girl, look at you.” He ran his thumb over your lower lip, “You’re a mess… that’s gonna be a long walk of shame if you don’t start behaving.” He dropped his hand to your shoulder and slid the strap down your arm. He grasped the front of your dress and tugged it back down, groping your tit as it fell out. “Now, sweetie, you can stop being a brat and get washed up or I’ll toss you out the front door and you can walk back to campus with my cum still sticky on your cunt.”
You gasped at his vulgarity and he chuckled as your lips parted in disgust. You felt a prodding and he wiggled his hips.
“What’s it gonna be?” He gripped the top of your rumpled dress.
You closed your mouth and held back your revulsion. You grabbed the sides of your dress and shimmied out of the ridiculous sequined sheath. Ransom let go as the fabric fluttered to your ankle and you crossed your arms as you turned to stare at the frosted glass of the show. His hand tickled your ass and he chuckled.
“Look at that face,” he mocked as you pouted, “You weren’t such a bitch last night.”
He slapped your ass and slid open the shower door. He nodded inside and waited for you to step past him. You did so reluctantly and he followed, closing you in. The stall was hug, much bigger than that shared in your dorm of five. He moved you in front of him and reached past you to crank the faucet to life. You were hit by a sudden flow of cold water and the stream slowly warmed against the goosebumps across your flesh.
Ransom’s hand trailed down your arms and slipped around your waist. He traced the curves of your body and drew himself against you. The water dripped between your bodies and he purred as his fingers edged along your vee.
“Turn around, sweetie,” he purred.
You were rigid and shook your head. You couldn’t bear to look at him. You couldn’t do it. You were already humiliated. And it was too late to drop his course. Too late to hide in shame and sign up for a summer semester.
“You’re starting to piss me off,” he pinched your thigh, “Now turn the fuck around.”
Your foot slid on the tile as you did as he said. You grabbed onto his arm to keep from falling and he laughed at your struggle. His eyes quickly descended your body and you kept from looking below his shoulders. Even if you didn’t peek, you knew he was in better shape than most of your peers. The cable knit sweaters he wore had kept it a secret though his broad shoulders had never appeared schlubby.
He leaned closer and whispered in your ear as he pulled you close. “Get on your knees.”
You blinked and shook your head. His hand rested on your shoulders as he straightened up to look you in the face.
“You made a mess of me last night so you gotta clean it up, sweetie,” he pushed on your shoulders. “Now,” he tapped your lips with his finger, “I don’t want to hear that pretty little mouth, I only want to feel it.”
He smirked and you shook away the trickle of water that spilled over your face. He dropped his hand down to his dick and his arm moved as he stroked himself. 
“Come on.” He gripped the back of your neck, “A good girl like you is always so eager to please her professor.”
He forced you down, your toes slipping dangerously until your knees hit the tile. You latched onto his hip and were nearly poked by his hard dick. You eyed his throbbing tip and the thick vein along his length. He was huge. You winced as your core ached and the tenderness between your thighs assured you of his size.
His hand stretched across the back of your head and he urged you closer. You closed your eyes and opened your mouth. The humiliation filled your chest as his dick filled your mouth. He pushed himself past your throat and you choked as you struggled to breath. He hummed and impaled you to his base, your slobber gathering against his pelvis.
He eased out and you breathed through your nostrils. He quickly thrust back in and you gagged, slapping his thick thighs as the water splashed noisily against his body and flowed down over you. He grunted as he moved you against him, soon both his hands held your head as he fucked your face.
“I thought you were a good girl,” he rasped, “Hmm? Always got the answer, don’t you? Always first to arrive…” He groaned as he rutted against you, “Look at you now, you little slut.”
Your eyes rolled back and burned with unbidden tears. You were glad for the stream of water as it hid your distress. The noise of him in your mouth made your stomach turn and you struggled to keep down another mouthful of bile. You gagged and whimpered around him. He tensed and stopped you suddenly, buried deep in your throat.
“Fuck,” he slid out of you slowly and his cock bobbed up as a string of spit hung from your lips and you panted raggedly. “I should cum in your mouth…” He tugged on your arm, “But I just love that ass.”
You stood, unsteadily, and staggered as he spun you to face the wall. He lifted your hands to rest on the wall and angled you as he pulled your hips back. You shook your head and tried to pull away. His nails dug into your flesh and he growled. You stilled and he reached to feel along your fold, shoving two fingers into you without warning. You were wet and you could both feel it.
“That’s a precious little act you got but this,” he pushed his fingers in and out, “Is giving it all away, sweetie.”
“Please,” you sniffed as you curled your fingers against the cold marble.
“You were begging for it last night.” He sneered as he parted his fingers and stretched you. “Oh, professor,” he mocked, “Fuck me. Fuck me, professor.”
He withdrew his fingers and stepped closer. He pressed his tip along your ass and angled it to your entrance. He gripped your shoulder with his other hand and you whined as he stretched you around his head. You strained against him as he sank into you and let out a yelp as he met his limit. He sighed and tilted his hips.
“Ow,” you groaned, “Ow, please, it hurts.”
“You fit me perfectly, sweetie,” he hissed as he rocked his hips, “Tell me, how many?”
“Wha--” Your voice evaporated and you dropped your head as you tried not to whine.
“How many boys?” His flesh slapped yours over and over, though his pace remained deliberate and slow.
You shook your head as your arms shook and you struggled to keep yourself upright. You bit your lip as your core burned and your walls hugged him.
“How many?” He barked and slapped your ass so that your legs wobbled and your arms bent so that your cheek met the marble.
“One. Just one,” you confessed and let out a pathetic moan.
“One?” He laughed and his grip tightened on your shoulder as his other hand held your hip in place. “I gotta break you in, then.”
He bent over you and dragged his lips along your shoulder. He nuzzled your neck and sank his teeth into the muscle just along your shoulder. You exclaimed and slapped the wall as he crushed you against it. He had you nearly off your feet as he sped up. He sucked on your flesh as you wheezed in pain and didn’t stop until you were swollen and sore.
He grabbed your hands and pulled them up above you, pinning them to the wall as he fucked you harder and harder. You were trapped as he used your body easily and sent waves of pain and pleasure through you. You came but it was so agonizing that you could only gurgle and tremble.
He snarled and pulled your arms back behind you, your back arching as he hooked his own arms through yours. He slammed into you, again and again. The water blinded you and blurred your vision as it filled your mouth and washed away his salty flavour. He grunted and spasmed, a growl as he finished inside of you.
He stilled you and rolled his hips. You winced and he shoved you off of him suddenly. He sniffed and measured his breaths as you caught yourself on the wall. You shakily wiped away the water from your face and listened as he moved around behind you. You heard the click of a bottle top and smelled the fresh scent of pine and sandalwood as it wafted in the steam.
“So much for cleaning up,” He snickered as his cum leaked out of you. “You dirty girl.”
When you returned to your dorm, you were numb and entranced by disbelief. You climbed the stairs without counting the floors but somehow found your way to your section. Your roommates were still asleep after their own escapades and you were glad as you stood and waited for your coffee to trickle from the machine.
You wore the same pink dress, it smelled of Ransom, and your jacket was zipped only halfway as your purse hung from your elbow. You took your mug without adding sugar or cream and hid in your room. You sat gingerly at your desk and inhaled the aroma of steamed beans.
Your phone vibrated in your purse and you placed the bag on your desk beside the mug. It buzzed again and you ignored it. You stared at the wall. You didn’t know what to do. You winced as you turned in the chair. You had to get out of these clothes.
You stood and unzipped your jacket. You hung it from the back of the door and tore the dress down your body, the straps refusing to stay up. You shoved it into the bin beneath your desk and shivered as you grabbed the nightshirt wrinkled up on your pillow. You pulled on the cotton tee and groaned as your thighs rubbed together.
Your bag began to shake steadily. You snatched it up and unclasped it to pull out your phone. It was Lexi. You answered it with a short ‘hey’ and scrolled through the messages she’d been sending you all morning.
“Finally! I was so worried.” She said frantically. “We didn’t know what happened to you! I don’t even remember--”
“I’m fine,” you lied and sat on your mattress, “I must’ve taken a cab back.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you said curtly, “Is everyone else… okay?”
“Aside from hung over, yeah.” she answered.
“Good.” You replied flatly and hung up. 
You dropped your phone and crossed your arms. How could you be so stupid? How could you have gotten so drunk?
You lifted your legs up onto the mattress and spread out on the narrow single bed. You only stared blankly at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Every time you shut your eyes, you saw Ransom. The shower hadn’t been the end; he hadn’t even let you dress before he was on again. You wondered how he could go again so soon but there was little you could do to stop him.
He drove you home, his hand on your thigh. You caught his grins in the mirror and tried to ignore him. Before he let you out, he took your phone and keyed in his number. He waggled it before you but wouldn’t let you have it.
“If I call, you answer,” he warned. “I mean it, sweetie. Or I might just be forced to do something drastic.”
You blinked at him dumbly and nodded. He dropped it in your lap.
“All those cute photos of you, they’re all for me… right?” You didn’t miss the subtle threat. If you didn’t do as he said, those photos wouldn’t stay private. He showed you a few before you left the house, recalling how easy you were. 
You nodded. “Got it.”
The memory had you addled and you sat up. You took your phone to your desk and put a pillow on the chair before you sat. You were incredibly sore. You opened your laptop and grabbed a syllabus as you looked up your weekly meetings. You had to think of anything else.
You spent a few hours reading. It wasn’t easy. You found yourself going over the same paragraphs over and over and your notes made little sense as you reviewed them. You were growing frustrated as you finally gave up.
Your phone vibed and you checked the time. Hours had passed since your return, though it barely felt like it. ‘Daddy’ flashed across the screen as the cell continued to jitter on your desk. You shook your head; had he really done that? Your impression of Ransom as a refined professor was steadily falling away.
You picked up and put him on speaker, you didn’t have the strength to hold your phone. You hunched over as you spoke into the end. “Hello?”
“Sweetie,” Ransom’s voice rose, “Hope you’re resting up. Get lots of protein for that hangover.”
“Uh huh,” you muttered vacantly. What did he want?
“I just wanted to go over some things…” he said. You could hear water in the background, bubbling as he sighed. “Can you hear me, sweetie? Sorry, the hot tub’s a bit loud but I got a few tight muscles… late night, you now?”
He chuckled and you shuddered. 
“I can hear you,” you said quietly.
“Great. Now, Tuesday, I want you in the front row.” He purred, “Wear something short and don’t bother with the panties.” The water stirred through the speaker, “Or, how about this… you can wear panties but I want them handed in at the end of the lesson.”
You were quiet. This couldn’t be happening.
“Sweetie… answer me.”
“Okay.” You uttered. “Okay.”
“Yes, Daddy,” he recited, “That’s what you say when I give you an order. Got it?”
You cleared your throat. “Yes, Daddy,” you eked out and your stomach flipped.
“Well, you sound tired,” he said, “So why don’t you have a nap? Make the most of your weekend, it’s gonna be a long week.”
“Okay…” you murmured again, “Okay, uh, Daddy?”
He laughed again. “Fuck, you got me hard again. You shoulda stayed a little longer.” He taunted. “Ah well, I’ll save it for Tuesday…” He inhaled dramatically, “When you hand in… your assignment, we should discuss it further, yes?”
“Yes,” you paused and the silence was a warning in itself. “Daddy.” You hated it so much, it was bitter on your tongue, but you needed him to leave you alone.
“Good girl,” he praised and the line died.
You frowned and turned over your phone. You covered your face and resisted the urge to scream. You weren’t drinking ever again, although it was a bit too late for that lesson.
The days dragged by. Sunday, you didn’t do much and you remained on edge as you awaited another torturous phone call. It never came and left you even more anxious. Monday returned a sense of normalcy to you. You went to class and had lunch on campus before you returned to your dorm. Still, no phone call and you even hoped that Ransom was having second thoughts.
Then Tuesday struck you like a slap in the face and the one class that separated you from your predatory professor flew by. You packed up and shivered as you shrugged on your jacket. You’d borrowed a skirt from your roommate Lindsay and a pair of stockings to cover your legs. Still, the late autumn air rushed up and sent a chill up your spine.
You hurried from one building to the next. You had ten minutes between blocks and so little time to prepare yourself. As you entered, Ransom stood at the front of the class as he always did. He wore a blue sweater as he read over his notes and didn’t seem to notice as you entered. You neared the front row and lingered at the aisle. He looked up and his cheek twitched as he saw you. He shook his head and looked to the centre seat.
You hid your disappointment and sat front and centre. You pulled your arms out of your jacket and let it hang open around your shoulders. You unpacked your notebook and two pens and tapped your foot impatiently. 
Your attention was drawn by tapping at the podium. Ransom tapped his index and middle finger on the wood. He looked up and met your gaze as he spread his fingers.
You rubbed your neck, a turtleneck hiding the mark he’d left on you. You shifted and parted your legs. His eyes flicked down between them and he quickly hid his smirk as he opened his Mac on the podium.
“Hey,” Cece dropped beside you, “You do the reading?” She was out of breath as she jostled around with her bag.
“Uh, yeah,” you watched her. “You?”
“I got the Coles notes,” she trilled, “Honesty, I’m still recovering from Friday.”
“Huh, yeah,” you fiddled with your pen. “What a night.”
“Oh my god, Lexi, she slept in the shower and I woke up on the floor,” she giggled, “What happened to you anyway?”
You shrugged. “Caught a cab and woke up at home.” 
You glanced at Ransom and Cece followed your eyeline. She squinted at your professor but her mind quickly drifted.
“Anyway, we’re going again this weekend--”
“No, thank you,” you said shortly, “I-- I can’t. I have assignments due next week.”
“Fine, party pooper,” she snipped, “Lexi did say you were a browner.”
“Did she?” You rolled your eyes. “You don’t seem to mind as you copy off my notes.”
“I’m just teasing,” she huffed, “How can you sit all the way up here?”
“I’m a browner,” you said dryly.
“Well, whatever, Josh is here.” She looked over her shoulder, “Maybe he’ll come out with us.”
“Maybe,” you mumbled and she left you as quickly as she’d come.
You looked at the front again and found Ransom watching you again. His jaw was squared and his forehead lightly lined in thought. He tore his eyes away and gripped the edge of the podium as he peered around the room.
“Alright, everyone, let’s quiet down and get started,” he boomed, “Next on our journey through the twentieth century, we move onto Salinger. If you want to sign into the campus portal, you’ll have ten minutes to do the pop quiz before we go over the results. Together.”
You sighed and dug around for your phone. The rest of the class grumbled and many dreaded the ten minutes as most of them hadn’t bothered to read the novel, like Cece. You could barely recall it yourself as you found it hard to concentrate on anything before your disastrous weekend.
As you signed into the course, a bubble popped up at the top of your phone. Ransom’s message made you cringe. ‘Cute skirt.’ You crossed your legs without thinking and another notification buzzed. ‘Don’t be shy.’
You peeked over at Ransom but he kept his eyes on his computer. You slowly pulled your legs apart and an eggplant emoji blipped up. You hid your discomfort and opened the pop quiz. If your focus wasn’t shattered before, it had flown entirely out the window.
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whumpzone · 3 years
Tomas and Rowe - Part 16
in which everyone has a bad time. except kasia. he's having fun
taglist: @sola-whumping @just-another-whumper @misspelledwitch @looptheloup @briars7 @black-polarf @zipadeedooda-drabbles @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @rosesareviolentlyread @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @jazz-0307 @kestrelsparverius @whumpsy-daisies @whumpersworld @memoriesneverforget @sky-or-something-idfk @cupcakes-and-pain @frankieswhump @ihaventwritteninsolong @mybrokenlittletoy @kiretto-laorentze @morelikepainsley @lavmars @tears-and-lilies @whump-me-all-night-long @newbornwhumperfly @itaina-anta @whump-it @haro-whumps @simplygrimly @alex-ember @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @mnmlover2002 @jordanstrophe @princessofonward @xmonster-under-the-bed @as-a-matter-of-whump @5boys1house @crystalrainwing @starnight-whump @chifechi @unicornscotty @penny-for-your-whump @getyourwhumphere @likeit-or-whumpit @jasm0307 @lightdrinker @hurting-fictional-people @captainseconds @glamrockgregory @justbreakonme @downrivergirl914 @cdragontogacotar @whumps-up @vaguelyhumanvoid @kim-poce @kween-pinescales
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, force feeding, stress positions, references to mouth whump and burns
Rowe took to repeating the affirmations every day, whispering them past the newly empty gaps in his gums. When he did them, he could forget for a little while that he was going to die in his cell. At least he could die as something. He wouldn’t let Kasia turn him into an empty husk.
I have worth.
I don’t deserve pain.
I’m a person.
He was careful, of course, to lock them away when Kasia visited. He tried not to associate them with pain; he said them every day when he woke up, not when he was freshly hurting. He didn’t want to ever, ever, say them in front of Kasia.
He knew if he did it would just get him another beating, but they were his. They were precious. They were a relic of Master that Kasia couldn’t corrupt.
He just had to keep his stupid mouth shut when it mattered.
For the first time since his arrival here, Rowe spent a whole day alone. The hours ticked by as he started to see shapes in the floor, and wondered if Kasia would ever return. Was this it? Had he got bored already? Would Rowe be left to die and rot after less than a week, his capture so recent he could still feel Master’s hands in his?
In reality it only meant that when Kasia did come back the next day, Rowe despised himself for the brief flash of relief. The man he was at the mercy of had returned to torture him another day.
Kasia had brought more chains, and restraints, always in his duffle bag, and Rowe had quickly learnt to shrink away at the mere sight of it. Rowe stayed curled up on the floor as he entered, eyeing him like a kicked dog.
“Did you miss me, pup?”
“Please,” he replied hoarsely. “Please give me f-food. Please.”
Rowe would never have dared beg with his first Master. But he had always known that he would be fed, eventually, once he had learnt his lesson. And of course, he’d never needed to beg Master Tomas. But here, there weren’t any rules. Nothing was guaranteed. So fuck it, he might as well try to prolong his life.
“Today’s your lucky day. I actually brought something. You’ll have to earn it, though. No getting on my fucking nerves, yeah?”
You’re the one who chooses to come here, Rowe thought despairingly.
“Okay, okay, just please-“
“Didn’t you just hear me?” Kasia kicked him in the stomach and Rowe moaned. He nodded, wincing as the burns on his neck pressed together.
“Arms up, come on.”
. . .
Tomas had made it from the shower to the downstairs sofa, and he was content with that. Not proud, no, proud would imply he was happy with himself in some way, but at least he wasn’t completely catatonic today. Luca had texted saying to answer the door if it rang, and a part of Tomas still wanted to impress him, despite it all. So he had showered and brushed the last of the blood from his hair. God, how many days had it been?
A small movement on the floor caught his eye. A spider, out of reach, too far to feasibly get him. He felt acutely aware of his own apathy then, as instead of shrieking or running away, he just stared.
The chance of the spider hurting him was practically zero. And yet he was still afraid. Afraid of it crawling over his skin, afraid that it might come near him in the night when he was asleep and vulnerable, and although he knew deep down that it wouldn’t, there was always the possibility of it deciding to run up his leg at any given moment. Even being near it made him afraid.
He thought of Rowe. He felt like he understood something. He sighed.
Luca arrived not half an hour later, banging on the door and shouting for Tomas as if nothing was wrong.
“Hey! It’s me- don’t leave me outside on this cold night. I’m only an orphan boy.”
Tomas pulled the door open. He couldn’t smile, but seeing Luca felt like the weight in his stomach was lifted slightly.
“It’s not cold. And you’re not an orphan.”
“I am happy to see you, though,” Luca said calmly. He was holding a basket, its contents hidden under a teatowel. “I brought you a pull-yourself-together hamper. Some ready meals, dry shampoo, fruit, and stuff. And the teatowel. ‘Cause why not.”
Already Tomas could feel Luca’s warmth seeping into him. He put a hand over his mouth and nodded. “Than- thanks, thank you, you know you don’t owe me anything-“
“I know, handsome lad. But the thought of Rowe being kidnapped is- god, it’s awful. Don’t worry, I’m here of my own free will. Sometimes you just need someone else in the house.”
Tomas let him inside, feeling guilty about the mess, then feeling guilty because he was the one who allowed it to accumulate.
“Let’s open a window,” Luca suggested, and Tomas sloped over. “Want me to get that spider?”
He shook his head, trying uselessly to hide his face. “It’s fine, it’s fine, you can let it stay, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m-“
His own voice cracking cut him off but he pressed on.
“I’m fine, I really am.”
“You’re not. It’s okay.”
“Just- how- how the fuck did I let this happen. How did I not, I mean, I trusted him this whole- whole time and now it’s all gone wrong and-“
He sat heavily on the floor, leaning his face into the side of the sofa, not blinking, not seeing. He breathed out and time seemed to slow.
Luca’s hand rested on his shoulder, a gentle pressure to his fingers.
“What’s done is done. You can’t help Rowe by falling apart, and you definitely can’t help yourself like that either. It’s, ah, it’s hard. It’s really hard. But you can collapse and cry and disintegrate when Rowe is back, I promise. Do you know where Kasia lives?”
Tomas nodded. “I haven’t even thought about that. I can’t believe myself.”
“Hey, no falling apart okay?” Luca’s tone was firm, and it made Tomas pull his head up, to look at him. His hair, braided in two chunky plaits, hung asymmetrically, one past his collarbone and one down his back. His eyeliner was winged like the letter V, drawn out in a point that came sharply back over his eyelid. Pretty. “That’s good to know, though. You could catch him on his way in or out, try to strike up a deal, I don’t know. I’ve not exactly had any experience with kidnappings either.”
“Yeah, it’s fucking stupid isn’t it. This whole situation is stupid. Fuck.”
Luca just looked at him, a sad smile ghosting over his face.
“I just can’t stop thinking about all the things that might be happening,” Tomas confessed. “He’s unhinged, he really is. He’s sick. And he’s got Rowe and the police don’t care, no one cares.”
“I care. You care.”
Tomas didn’t reply and the words hung over them. Two people caring wasn’t much. But, he supposed, it was better than nothing.
. . .
Rowe’s arms would dislocate, they would they absolutely would, Kasia was setting him up to dislocate both his god damn shoulders or arms or whatever. Rowe could hardly tell where the pain was located, it felt like it was everywhere, burning through his like a fire burns a taut string.
The food- dog food, but still edible, still something- sat before him, emptied on the floor, and from where Rowe knelt he should’ve been able to lean and eat easily. But Kasia had his arms bound and tied to the bars of the cage door, pulling them back and turning any movement into agony. Not only was he bent out of shape, but the burns along his shoulders were irritated awfully. He was sure his skin would burst open any second.
It had been twenty minutes at most, and already he was exhausted. Sweat rolled down him, dripping off his nose. He could hardly breathe.
Kasia’s heavy boot pressed down on the crown of his head, and his moan quickly became a scream of pain.
“No, no please!”
“I thought you were hungry. I’m helping.”
The pressure doubled, forcing Rowe’s face closer to the dog food, until he was close enough to open his mouth and take a bite. Disgust flooded him, and it only increased when he chewed. He swallowed past the collar, his throat pressing uncomfortably against it, and oh god, it felt so good, it was food in his belly, he was thankful for it despite everything. Kasia seemed satisfied and released his boot, sending Rowe’s head springing back to relieve the pressure on his shoulders. The skin near his burns had ripped and were bleeding, but nothing was dislocated.
“You’re definitely still hungry. How about another bite?”
Before Rowe could speak, Kasia had grabbed a fistful of hair, shoving him down, the sudden pull on his arms a thousand times worse than before, worse than anything, the pain was clouding his mind and he couldn’t think of anything but the barest, most built-in responses.
He screamed.
Spit flew from his mouth. Kasia kept pressing, his fingers curling tighter together, and the burning on Rowe’s scalp joined the rest of his body. His fingers were surely purple with how hard Kasia had tied them. Rowe had lost all feeling beyond his wrists.
Kasia ignored him.
“Please, st-stop, please M-M-Master Tomas help me-“
“He’s not fucking coming you stupid dog,” Kasia growled and pulled Rowe’s face all the way down, cracking his chin against the concrete, a deep shooting pain through his face and remaining teeth. He moaned. More skin tore along his shoulders. “No one’s coming to save you.”
A kick sent him lurching to the side, twisting his body until he was sprawled with his back to the floor, staring up at his bound hands, which were a mixture of blue and purple and were not moving at all.
He turned his head to see Kasia grabbing a fistful of the dog food from the floor and stepping over him.
“Mouth open.” Rowe complied and Kasia smiled mockingly. “Good boy.”
The dog food was shoved in, packing against the walls of his mouth, Kasia’s fingers prodding his gums, and it took everything not to vomit. His stomach heaved but nothing came. All he could do was be a good boy, and eat.
“Tomas isn’t your Master. He’s not coming.”
Present tense, thought Rowe as his eyes watered from the taste. He’s not dead.
. . .
Tomas couldn’t stop his legs from shaking as he stood on Kasia’s street, his hands tucked under his armpits for warmth. Yeah, the shaking was definitely just from the cold. Sure.
By the time Kasia appeared, it was night. He stalked down the street, stumbling slightly, and Tomas realised he was drunk. If he hadn’t had a reason to be there, he would have walked away right now, and fast.
When Kasia got close enough, Tomas stepped out of the shadows, forcing Kasia to stop and fix him with a glare.
“Give him back.”
“Or what?” he asked flatly, as if this meeting was no surprise. “Hah, you look like shit Tomas.”
“Give him fucking back, what do you want for him, money? You’re torturing a human being you sick fuck.”
“I’m having some fun with a Pet,” Kasia smiled. “And if you start whining like this I will just kill him.”
Tomas stiffened. “You wouldn’t.”
“You so sure about that?”
“Let him go.”
“No,” Kasia pushed him once and Tomas stumbled back, hitting a wall. He blinked and Kasia’s face was pressed up in front of his. He stank of booze and cigarettes. “Fuck off or I’ll kill him. I’ll hurt him worse to make up for this, too.”
“No, fuck no just leave him fucking alone-“
Kasia swung once, but mercifully something made him miss. Carelessness, the alcohol, perhaps just the assumption that Tomas was too pathetic to move out of the way. His fist cracked against the wall and as he shouted in pain Tomas considered kicking him between the legs, spitting on him, whatever. But Rowe’s life was at stake so, like the coward he was, he ran into the night, Kasia shouting taunts behind him.
Luca looked up when he pushed through the door, panting. He’d run the entire way. Luca stayed silent; the look on Tomas’s face was telling enough.
“I’m a fucking failure,” he whispered, and started to cry.
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ignisaeri · 3 years
It was dark when Oikawa blinked open his eyes, feeling as if a hundred tons of weight had suddenly dropped upon his chest. His head throbbed, sending pounding rhythms of pain reverberating through his skull.
Iwaizumi, he thought.
Instinctively, he twisted his head to the right, ignoring the sharp pain that tore up his neck, trying to see past the twisted metal and broken glass that now separated him from Iwaizumi.
“Iwa-chan?” He croaked out loud.
Oikawa dragged his left arm upwards and pushed it underneath him, trying to shove himself upwards in order to catch a better look. He stopped when the weight on his chest only increased, the sudden change aggravating something in his sternum and sending a ragged cough tearing through his body.
Oikawa’s arm gave out as his head dropped down, the coughs subsiding slowly. Blood pooled in his mouth, and he turned his head to the side, spitting it out. It spattered in dense drops against a large piece of the shattered windshield.
“Iwaizumi,” he called out again, remembering the look of terror that had eclipsed the other man’s face seconds before the trunk had slammed into their car.
Nothing answered him.
The car had completely flipped. Oikawa struggled, left arm pushing uselessly against the large piece of metal that was pinning him flat on the ground. His back scraped against cracked pieces of glass, and he could feel some of the larger shards digging into his flesh as he tried to move the metal off his chest. To his left, the car door seemed to be torn off, and Oikawa shivered as the cool night air brushed against his bruised skin. His right arm was completely unresponsive, lying limply next to him. Pain shot through his legs as he moved them weakly, kicking against the contorted interior of the car, and his sternum was a ball of pure agony.
“Iwa-chan!” He hissed, becoming increasingly desperate. “Answer me!”
The voice came from outside the car, through the opening where the car door had been. A pair of shoes appeared in Oikawa’s view, followed by a set of legs.
Iwaizumi bent down so he could stare into the car, face impassive. “Shittykawa, don’t move.”
Oikawa let his arm drop, instead craning his neck so he could see Iwaizumi’s face better. “You’re okay,” he breathed, acutely aware of how the other man’s skin was pale and unblemished, as if he hadn’t just been driving a car that was hit by a truck. “You got out?”
Iwaizumi paused. “Yea. Yes, Oikawa, I did.”
His head was fuzzy, making Iwaizumi’s words sound distorted and warped. He blinked a couple times, trying to clear the distracting feeling. His eyelids slid shut, too tired to stay open.
“Shittykawa,” Iwaizumi’s tone had changed, sounding desperate and terrified. “Open your damn eyes.”
Oikawa grimaced, forcing them open anyway. The simple task seemed far too tedious.
“That’s it,” Iwaizumi breathed. “Keep them open, okay?”
“Why,” Oikawa grumbled, his breath coming short. “Not like there’s anything to see anyway.”
Iwaizumi’s smile was strained as he knelt closer, a hand coming to hover over Oikawa’s. “What? You don’t want to see me? You’re always boasting about how beautiful your fiancé is.”
He seemed to take a deep breath before letting his hand fall, fingers curling around Oikawa’s.
“You are pretty,” Oikawa rasped. “I’m just tired.”
“I know,” Iwaizumi said. His head dipped up and out of sight before coming back into Oikawa’s view, eyebrows furrowed in obvious fear and frustration. “Where are they?” He murmured softly.
“What?” Oikawa asked, unsure if his exhausted brain had just hallucinated his fiancé saying a full sentence.
Iwaizumi shook his head. “Nothing. Seriously, Oikawa, you can’t go to sleep. Not yet.”
“You say that every morning,” Oikawa mumbled.
“Because you never get up. You sleep until you’re nearly late for work, with your stupid alien pajamas and stupid stuffed toys.” Iwaizumi stopped, huffing out a quiet chuckle.
“I love you so much,” he said, lacing his fingers in between Oikawa’s. Oikawa frowned. Iwaizumi’s touch was feather-light, like soft wind ruffling the leaves in an abandoned cemetery. Were Oikawa’s nerves that messed up?
“Wha’ about- the driver? Truck?” Oikawa asked, gradually becoming aware that his words were making less and less sense. “Is he-?”
“I think he’s dead,” Iwaizumi supplied. “He hit us pretty hard.”
“H’ was on his phone. I, I saw.”
“Trust you to notice something like that in the middle of a crash.”
“I’m ob’er’van,” Oikawa slurred. The pounding in his head had gotten worse, and there was an uncomfortable lump trying to slide its way up his throat. He swallowed, pushing it back down. “One o’ my best' trai’s.”
Iwaizumi hummed distractedly, eyes tracing worried circles over Oikawa’s face. “It sure is,” he said.
Oikawa glowered. “Is ‘verything, okay? You… nev’r agree with me.”
That seemed to give Iwaizumi a pause. “It’s fine, Shittykawa. Trust me.”
“I tr’st you,” Oikawa said, watching the dark spots dance farther across his vision. The pain in his chest and legs had mostly faded away into a dull ache. A sudden thought occurred to him.
“Iwa-chan, ‘m I dy’ing?”
“No,” Iwaizumi said firmly. “Absolutely not. You have to live, Oikawa. Think of your parents, and Makki and Mattsun. Takeru. Kageyama and Hinata would be destroyed too."
“And you?”
“I’d be devastated,” Iwaizumi said, staring down at him.
A lazy smile spread across Oikawa’s face. “Good th’ng I’m not dy’ing th’n.”
He coughed, the lump in his throat finally winning the battle and sliding into his mouth, turning into a pool of blood that dripped from the corners of his mouth. Each cough wracked his body, sending new jars of pain through his chest and legs.
Oikawa’s eyes floated shut again, and he let them, too tired to care. His hearing started to blur out, static drowning out the panicky tones of Iwaizumi’s voice.
He jolted back into existence at the feel of an absolutely freezing hand smacking against his cheek.
“Stay awake,” Iwaizumi growled.
Oikawa groaned. “Wh’y ar’e you so cold?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Iwaizumi retorted hotly. “You can’t sleep yet.”
“M’kay. Not yet. You’re so’ nice t’day, Iwa-chan.”
Iwaizumi opened his mouth to say something, but before he could make a sound, his head snapped upwards. New sounds filled the air - not Oikawa’s ragged breathing or Iwaizumi’s rapid shuffling, but loud, wailing sirens accompanied by harried shouts and flashing lights. Oikawa grimaced. Too loud and too bright.
“They’re here,” Iwaizumi breathed. “You’ll be okay, Shittykawa.” He was grinning, and not the sly ones he saved for when he hassled Oikawa, but a real, genuine one that Oikawa had only seen a dozen times throughout his life.
“Love y’ou,” Oikawa said around a mouthful of blood.
“I love you too,” Iwaizumi replied. He dipped down, pressing a soft kiss to Oikawa’s forehead. “Live a good life for me, alright?”
“F’or you?” Oikawa asked feebly. One of his hands reached upwards, trying to catch the hem of Iwaizumi’s shirt as the man pulled himself to his feet. “W’here y’ou goi’ng?”
“It’ll be okay,” Iwaizumi said. He smiled that genuine smile again. “I love you, Oikawa.”
And then the strange men and women were here, surrounding Oikawa. They yelled at each other, bringing long tubes and strange metal contraptions that wrapped around the gnarled car. But Oikawa only had eyes for Iwaizumi’s retreating form. Then he blinked, and Iwaizumi was gone.
The exhaustion became too much to bear, and the dark spots that had been slowly sliding into his view flared up, enfolding his whole world into black.
“I think he’s waking up,” a familiar voice whispered, strangely subdued.
“I’ll get the doctor,” a second person said. There was the sound of rustling fabric and scraping chairs, and then more silence.
Oikawa groaned, eyelids sliding open. His blurry vision showed a drab ceiling, a dark mass sitting in the center of his line of sight.
He blinked, and the shape sharpened into the face of a man.
“Oikawa?” Hanamaki asked, leaning cautiously over his head. His eyes were red, the areas underneath puffy and maroon colored, as if his friend hadn’t slept properly for days. The corner of his mouth wobbled slightly.
Oikawa struggled upwards, startling when Hanamaki set a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down. “Stay still,” he said, looking insanely worried. “Don’t rip anything out.”
It was then that Oikawa noticed the clear tubes that disappeared into his arms, attached to beeping machines that surrounded the white sheeted-hospital bed. Hospital. He was in the hospital.
Oikawa coughed once. “What happened?”
His voice was raspy, the simple act of talking making his throat hurt.
“It’ll be okay,” Hanamaki said, his tone reminding Oikawa of a very different scene, of Iwaizumi repeating the same words before disappearing into the swarm of paramedics.
Oikawa tore the top of the sheets away from his body with the arm that wasn’t in a cast, forcing Hanamaki to grasp his shoulders in order to press him back to the bed.
“Don’t move,” Hanamaki said again, teeth clenched.
“Iwaizuimi,” Oikawa said, struggling against his friend’s grip. “We- we were in the car - the truck - where’s Iwaizumi?”
Hanamaki wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Matsukawa’s coming back soon, with the doctor, and your parents are in the cafeteria.”
“Makki,” Oikawa hissed, ignoring the dull ache in his muscles as he tried to sit up. “Tell me.”
The door to the hospital room burst open again. A tall, thin woman walked through briskly, dressed in a long white coat, spectacles perched upon the tip of her nose and sleek shiny hair pulled back into a ponytail. Dark circles were ingrained underneath her eyes, clear signs of a shift that had gone on for too long. Matsukawa trailed after, clearly unsure of what he should be doing, gaze darting lightly over the room.
“Oikawa Tooru,” the doctor said, glancing at the clipboard she held in her hand. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” Oikawa replied. “But Iwa-ch-”
“You were brought in for injuries sustained in a car accident,” she interrupted. “Five broken ribs, internal bleeding to your abdomen, a fractured arm and leg, as well as a concussion. Now, Oikawa-san, I hear you’re a volleyball player. You may be able to play again, after extensive physical therapy. The fracture in your legs will heal without incident, but I am concerned that your broken arm will interfere with your ability to play.”
The thought of not being able to play volleyball was like a physical blow to his stomach. This panic, however, was quickly swamped over with a rush of trepidation as the doctor spoke again.
“The man in the car with you passed away.”
Oikawa blinked.
Matsukawa lowered himself into one of the chairs next to Oikawa’s bed. His eyes sparkled with unshed tears.
“Iwaizumi’s dead, Oikawa.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” the doctor offered softly. “If it’s any consolation, he died on impact. He felt no pain.”
Oikawa stared blankly at her. “He can’t be dead,” he insisted, voice gaining traction. “I saw him after-he was fine-”
“You were most likely experiencing the effects of blood loss,” the doctor said, gently.
“No!” Oikawa shook his head, adamant. “You don’t understand! I saw him after- he wasn’t hurt at all-he kept telling me to hold on and stay awake-I-”
He choked on the sudden onslaught of tears that rose up his throat, bracing his hands against the bed. “I saw him. Dead people can’t look like that-they can’t talk-they can’t smile-,” he whispered, remembering the grin on Iwaizumi’s face.
The doctor looked at Hanamaki and Matsukawa helplessly. “I’m truly sorry, Oikawa-san. Denial is common for-”
“There’s nothing to deny!” Oikawa snapped, suddenly furious. “There’s nothing to deny, because Iwa-chan can’t be dead-”
Hanamaki slid a comforting hand over the back of Oikawa’s palm, and Oikawa sobbed. “He was there,” he murmured, voice wavering.
“I know,” Matsukawa said, forcing a strained smile onto his face, even as clear tears left tracks down his cheeks. “It’ll be alright, Oikawa. ‘Maki and I are here for you.”
Oikawa met Matsukawa's eyes. They were dewy, the anguish of losing a friend clear to see.
“He told me to live for him.”
Oikawa breathed in, long and deep, filling his lungs with the sweet scent of spring flowers. He stood in the center of the green grass, surrounded on all sides by tall stone pedestals.
He let his fingers loosen, a single white lily drooping from his grasp to land on the top of one of the pedestals. Oikawa knelt slowly, folding his knees under him.
Iwaizumi Hajime, the words engraved in the stone said. 20xx ~ 20xx.
Oikawa cleared his throat. “Hey, Iwa-chan. It’s your birthday today, you know?”
The grave did not respond. Oikawa was silent, listening to the leaves rustling in the wind, accompanied by the chirps of lonesome birds sitting in the newly blossoming trees.
“I talked with your mother this morning. She’s doing well, as is your father.”
Oikawa chuckled, absentmindedly pulling at the cuff of his shirt.
“Hanamaki and Matsukawa finally got married. They’ve been pining after each other since 6th year.”
Oikawa sighed. “I never told anyone this, but I know you were there that night. I don’t know how, if you somehow managed to stay as a- a ghost or something until the paramedics came or if you just refused to die like the stubborn person you were, but I know I didn’t hallucinate you.”
“You were there,” he repeated. “Somehow, you saved me. I never got to thank you for that.”
“I miss you,” he told the headstone. “But don’t worry. I’m still playing volleyball. Japan won the Olympics this year. Chibi-chan and Tobio-kun annoy me everyday. ‘Maki and ‘Matsu invite me over every Sunday for a movie night. I’m doing well.”
He pressed two fingers to his lips, then lowered them until they rested gently against Iwaizumi’s carved name.
“Fear not, Iwa-chan,” he said, smiling as obnoxiously as he could.
“I’ll live for you.”
“‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”
~Alfred Lord Tennyson
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