#it is not people beating each other up btw just slamming bodys into each other as a fun activity while everyone screams
cursezone · 3 years
i went to a punk/drag show for my birthday weekend (with my MOM. dire.) and the mosh pit was such a natural experience
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dearsnow · 2 years
- you meet the sun himself in a tiny little tavern you think is called “angel’s share” (diluc x gn!reader, ⚠️ drunk reader, heavy on the theme of alcohol, this is a repost from my old account).
word count: 760
a/n - the title is a drink from the tavern event hehe i’m so smart. requests are open btw!!
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The booze burns the back of your throat, but you drink it anyway. It lights a fire in your stomach and brushes away your last shred of dignity. You slam your mug down a bit harder than intended and turn to face the bartender. “Can I have another?”
“You’ve had quite a few already.” He replies. He’s stuck wiping a mug now that most people have left the tavern, but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
“Yeah. I want more.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Are you sure? They’re quite strong.”
“Mhm. Just one more.”
“That’s what you said the last two times.” He hums. He reaches over and pours you another drink. “After this, you’ve got to go home. For real this time.”
You take a sip. The drink doesn’t burn anymore. Maybe you’re just too drunk to feel it.
You down the drink in a couple minutes and wipe your mouth on your hand, trying to observe the man in front of you. He’s got long red hair tied back in a ponytail. His eyes seem kind but oh-so tired. The dark circles underneath them speak for themselves. He’s got a rag in his mouth and a cup in his sunkissed hands, and you think he’s quite handsome. His rough exterior seems to offset the balance of care and concern that laces his voice as he insists you leave. You snap back to reality when he waves his hand in front of your face.
“Can you stand?”
You stumble to your feet. “Y-“ you hiccup, “Yeah. I got it.” In your drunken state, you can’t see that he doesn’t believe you.
“Let me walk you to the door.” You grab onto a strong arm, steadying yourself against it. You almost trip after taking a few cautious steps, but he’s there to get you back on your feet.
“Do you live around here?”
“Here?” You question.
“Mondstadt. Here. You’re in Mondstadt.”
“Ohhh. Mhm. Moved here a few nights ago,” you slur, “‘s pretty.”
“Do you know which house is yours? I can take you there.” Your heart skips a beat. You try to turn around toward the entrance of the tavern, though somewhere in your beer-soaked brain you know you can’t go back in.
You suddenly register just how warm the man guiding you is. He’s like a portable heater, and you soak it up. There’s a vision (pyro, if you look closely) strapped to his hip. His whole figure seems as if it’s been kissed by flame, powered by the heat of the sun and the light of a brand new day. He’s wonderful. Even his miserable red eyes gleam with dawn. Your shaky fingertips graze his bare arm, and your stars collide.
He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, but you’re lost in the moment. He’s the sun and you’re the moon, dancing around each other and smashing together in a cosmic catastrophe. Heat floods your cheeks as your sun’s gaze falls into the trajectory of your own.
“Do you know which house is yours?” He repeats.
“I think so.” You’re still lost in your catastrophe, but your body moves on its own. “That one.” You point at the building across from the tavern. Yes, that’s it. Your house. It still doesn’t feel like home, but you live there in spite of it. It’s why you came out to drink, really- nothing feels right. You moved to escape this feeling of solitude, but it just came back tenfold. Somehow, though, you don’t feel alone when the sun himself is holding you up.
He nods and begins guiding you to your front door. He gently grabs your keys from your pocket and helps you step up to your doorframe, pausing when he’s almost inside. “Can you manage from here?”
“Yup. Thank you.” You giggle. Your sun smiles a sad little smile.
“That’s good. I’ll be at the tavern the rest of the night if you need me, okay? Just yell. I’ll hear it.”
You grin and give his arm one last squeeze before he leaves, his vision glinting in the light of the street lamps.
You practically collapse onto your bed, mind swirling with hazy thoughts. You’ll see him tomorrow, you decide. Or should you call him now? No, tomorrow. But you want to see him now. Your pillow catches your inner turmoil as you whisper your frustrations into its soft plushness. You will see him tomorrow. No degree of hangover will stop you.
You will see him tomorrow, and once again, your universe will be whole.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
I Want To Hear You Say It
Chapter 5: Reality Settles In
Word Count: 6.7K
A/N: It’s a chapter,,, is it good? I don’t know, but there are a bunch of words (reader’s pov btw)
Perhaps it’s insanity. Maybe too many things happened all at once and you are rendered unable to think rationally. You can remember a time when you had wished for death, for the sweet mercy that it would bring, the eternal rest where you could simply rest, to let yourself rid of the anxieties that the world has offered. But it’s more than that. You always thought of yourself as fearless when it came to death, that you would welcome it, forgiving and thankful, but now that you’ve looked into the eyes of it and been touched with it, it’s nothing like you expected it to be. It’s heavy and terrifying, it makes your stomach tighten and twist with worries. You’ve touched death, cradled the rough face in your hands and saved it from itself, you called it by its name and brushed his hair. You let him return and watch as you crawled into bed. Your home, once the scent of citrus and more earthly tones, now reeks with something stronger, something that will not go away no matter how long you leave the candles on, now matter how much you pray for the scent to leave as you fan and open a window. Death has made its home with you.
It isn’t insanity of course. You rationalized with yourself too much for it to be that. It’s something greater, something deeper and something that you are unable to comprehend. Maybe this was all karma for something that you did as a child. The bell to the café dings and you’re broken out of your monologue for a second, wet rag in your hand swiping at the wooden table that has long been stained with water rings. You chastise yourself for accepting a late shift. You tell yourself there’s no use to reflect back on something that has happened, something that you are unable to change but you still find yourself thinking back to that night. It’s been some time and each night, you wish that he had wrapped his hands around you, to have touched you and have you dust away before you even realized it. But even then, you might have felt it- as much as you researched, there was no talk online about what victims felt or what they could have possibly felt. It was a sick obsession that you developed. The morning after he visited, you opened your computer and researched what you could. You found bile rising in the back of your throat, burning and sharp, as you typed his name and there was an even sicker part inside of you that hated how the media had portrayed him- the unflattering camera angles, the words, the cruel nicknames that were meant as a jab- and you hated it all. The image that came to mind was always when you held him, when you cradled his face, forcing him to look at you- the tear filled eyes that shone with panic as you held his face in your hands and calmed him down. You pictured a frightened man when you thought of him, never the monster.
Your name is called and you look up, rag held tight in your hand and you’re called to the back. You can feel eyes on your body, and you want to tell yourself that it’s just another patron, that it’s a coworker who feels the need to watch for the moment. You tell yourself that Tomura- Shigaraki Tomura- is a wanted man. He would never risk capture for you. But he did come to you at night when he was injured. And you realize that you've been alone for far too long to find that idea appealing, to find heat warm your face and the rapid beat of your heat as it races inside of your chest. Maybe it would have been romantic if it were under different circumstances. Maybe if he were the rebel type, the bad boy who wore leather and had a soft heart for you, maybe you could have found the idea of him appealing, maybe you wouldn’t force yourself to say his entire name, to distance yourself from him. If it could have played in any other style, in another form of romance, perhaps you would have returned his affections in time but instead, you find yourself pushing him out of your mind. He isn’t the bad boy who wears leather and has a soft heart for you, he’s the bad boy who murders and claims his love towards you without the option of rejection.
The door to the back creaks open and your steps softly squeak against the newly clean floors of the kitchen and the rag is taken from your hands and is replaced with a tray with a sandwich and a glass of something pink that swirls into a blue. You’re ushered out and you welcome the change of focus. 
Your legs ache and your hands are growing dry, skin that has begun to slowly peel at the webbed areas, reaching towards your fingertips and you run your thumb between each space. You feel between the difference of the skin, how it scratches under your thumb and turns softer, the dryness not having reached upwards and you walk home with the thought that your hands are going to resemble his. 
You like to think it’s fascination- that the obsession with finding out who he is and all the things he’s done is for your safety. You tell yourself that you have to learn more about him. You’ve researched in your free time, a back against a wall and constantly peering over your shoulder, paranoid that someone would be watching and you’d have to explain why you were doing this. And the worst part of it all is that you find yourself disappointed when nothing comes up, when all that there is is people slandering him- news reports telling and warning the public of his crimes. He’s killed before. He’ll kill again. He attacked a high school. He’s going after the symbol of peace. You must be coming down with a fever, a sickness that is infecting every rational, humane part of you. You don’t know why you haven’t gone to the nearest authority figure. Even if he does watch you- which that reasoning has slowly begun to lose its footing- you doubt he watches you throughout the day. You doubt that he can even read what you type. You could call for help. You could run and scream, you could cling to a hero and beg for them to listen to you. You can keep a calm demeanor and walk into a hero agency and explain your situation. You can tell them how a villain has seemingly fallen in love with you.
But you don’t. You don’t tell a soul. You don’t tell your friends. You don’t tell your neighbors. You don’t tell your coworkers. You don’t tell a soul that a notorious villain has visited your home unprompted and confessed their love to you. Saying it to yourself is enough for you to laugh, to let this manic giggle burst and you cover your mouth with your hand, nails digging into your skin and you shoot a look of apology over to a walking pedestrian. It’s hilarious if you think about it. It doesn’t sound real. It’s a nightmare that you’re living in. A living nightmare that you have no idea how to survive through it. He told you that he would protect you, that he would never hurt you and there’s a part of you that wants to believe that, that wants to believe that whatever definition of love that he has conjured in his mind is real, that he won’t hurt you. But you don’t know that and your laughter stops and you look fearful. You can feel your pulse quicken and as you near your home, the one place you could have sworn to be safe, is suddenly a place of horror. You want to believe that he loves you. It’s sick and it makes goosebumps prick your skin and with every step closer to your home, you feel unsafe, you feel sick and there’s acid in your mouth. You want to believe that whatever he feels for you is something pure and that he wouldn’t raise a hand against you. Every step that you take, every soft click of your shoes against the pavement makes you want to turn the other way and run. You wished you never helped. Maybe if you had left him there, he would have gotten captured and that would have saved people. Maybe you have signed death warrants for those you don’t even know by keeping him safe. You replay the night in your head. You should have ignored the pained sounds, you should have left in the alleyway. He was injured- not enough to make him appear on Death’s door but enough to make it look like he was. You grab onto the metal railing and your hand grips tight around it, knuckles pale and you are unable to lift your feet off the ground. 
“I did a good thing,” you whisper to yourself, tears springing to your eyes. “I helped someone when I didn’t know them.” You ascend the stairs, holding tight to the railing, as the sick feeling continues to grow. 
You didn’t know who he was. He’s unrecognizable without the hands around his body. He was broken and battered, it wasn’t your fault that you helped him. You wanted to be a good person- you are a good person. Your keys shake in your hand and you hold them like a weapon. You’re terrified. You don’t want to go inside. You don’t want to be awakened from your malefic sea of thoughts. What if he’s inside? What if he’s made himself home in your home? What if you don’t return his feelings? Will he kill you? Will his words become empty? The locks clicks and you think you hear movement inside your home. You tug the key out, arm shaking as you do so and you can’t handle the thought of him being inside. You begin to shake, sweat beading out and you’re going to scream. A car honks and there’s an awful, ear-piercing noise of a tire screeching against the road and you rush inside and shut the door with a slam. You think about locking it, but you go against it. What if he’s inside, what will you do then? You’ve locked yourself in with somebody who might be inside. But if you don’t lock it, he’ll be able to enter. Will he take that as an invitation? Will he take that as a form of acceptance?
Your phone buzzes in your bag and you straighten up, your hands claw against the door and you shakily reach around to grab it. It’s only a notification from a game you play. A game you only return to when you find yourself bored and craving stimulation. The break from reality is enough to pull you back together, to quell the internal turmoil inside of you, to let the worries wilt for a moment. 
You stand upright. “Okay,” you breathe out. “Worst case scenario, I die. Or I get arrested for I don’t know, keeping a criminal safe? But-” you raise an index and point it towards the ceiling- “I could plea for a hostage situation.” It feels silly to voice the scenarios out loud but you have to admit that it helps. “Best case scenario? I-” you falter. What would be the best case scenario? He grows bored of you and leaves you alone? He never returns? He stays true to his word and never harms you? What if you grow to love- “No.” You take a deep breath and swallow the rock that lodges in your throat. “I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to even entertain the thought.” You walk further into your home and stop at the entrance to the kitchen. “I’m- I should look around the house.”
You don’t know what he has as a means. You don’t know if he has the ability to fill your house with cameras. Could he be watching you right now? Would he end you for even thinking of turning your back on him? You want to believe that his words are true, that he wouldn’t harm you but you also don’t want to trust a man who has murdered people. 
You grab a knife from the kitchen, it’s held in your hand in the other is your phone with the flashlight on. Every space is checked, light shone against the darkest corners of the place you call home, closets and the space underneath cabinets checked and you feel like you’re growing crazy. Your mind is being consumed by him and what he can do. He could be hiding in your home, watching you and you wouldn’t know. Your knees and hands hurt and your hand fists over when you put the knife back where it belongs. You don’t want to live in fear. And yet, you still remain still when you hold your phone in your hands. You can type out a message to your friends, surely he wouldn’t be able to see that if you were to send it as a text message, but you can’t. You know who he is. You know that he’s one to kill and he can claim his love towards you until he’s unable to speak but it means nothing when such a sleazy character is the one to tell you those things.
You’ll stay silent. “I won’t say a word,” you tell yourself and your shoulders slump. Saying the words out loud makes them true. You may not feel any connection to him, but he certainly feels on towards you and you don’t think he’s the type of person to go away with a simple push. He can figure out whatever he wants about you, about your life and those you hold close, and you will never be able to touch him, to hold something over him. You feel defeat finally settle in and the clothes against your skin itch.
You wash yourself from the day’s work. The water is cold, enough for it to bite at your skin but not enough to actually fuel you to turn it warmer. You don’t think you would have if it was freezing. You want to wash yourself to rid yourself of his touch. You want the water to nip at your skin, to replace the feeling of his hand against you. You want the loofah to overflow with suds, to coat your body is soft white bubbles until you’ve lost your feeling of skin. You clean yourself. You wash away your impurities and for a second, the outside world doesn’t exist. You can pretend it’s just you, the rushing water and the music that plays from your phone, words distorted until they’re nothing more than a mess of gargled things. 
Iridescent bubbles around you, dripping from your body to pool around your feet and you watch with a detached look, an odd tightness in your throat as water clings to your hair and drips off, the water spraying across your back and you watch as the loofah, once covered in soap suds, has dripped nearly clean. 
You are clean and his touch still lingers. Your hand traces over where he held your side. Where his nails dug in and you aren’t sure if he promised not to hurt you before or after he had done that to you. His face was pressed against your neck, the warmth of his breath sickening and tears pool in your eyes and you want to cry, you want to crouch on the floor and sob and curl into a ball until you’re left exhausted and wrinkled. He held your face in his hands and a shiver runs down your spine at the thought. He touched you. He proclaimed his love to you, whispered your name and looked onto you with love and it leaves you with a heavy feeling. 
The shower is turned off and water drips from you and the showerhead and the music stops. You peek your head through the curtain and you’re glad that he isn’t here. You don’t want him here. 
The cream is thick on you and smells of vanilla milk and a hint of spice. It’s nice and rich, but it’s too sweet and with his breath still pressed against your neck, it’s all too much. The clothes on your body are soft, and you look at yourself in the reflection and you look tired. There are bags under your eyes and you want nothing more than to wake up from whatever nightmare you are currently participating in. 
You walk out the bathroom and toss the dirty clothes into a hamper and hang the towel. It isn’t late enough for you to turn in. You’re rather quite bored from the day and sleep isn’t calling for you just yet. You grab a blanket and pull it over your shoulders, phone gripped in one hand and you walk to the couch only to stop short when he stands there. Shigaraki- or Tomura as he prefers- stands and looks at the bookshelf where several knick-knacks and books adorn the shelves.
“Aren’t you a bit too old for toys?” He asks without looking at you, pinching a small critter in his fingers. 
Your face burns and you hold the blanket tighter. “It’s rude to break into homes.” It’s the only thing that can come to mind. He doesn’t get to come in here and question your taste of objects when he’s the one who broke in.
“I don’t have a key-” he turns around and he’s still holding onto the black cat who wears a dress- “there’s only one way to get in at that point.” He puts the cat back to it’s spot and sits on the couch, a leg crossed over the other as the heel of his shoe hits your coffee table. “Why do you have toys?” You can see his reflection on the black screen of the television. 
He wears the hand on his face and you look away from him, choosing to stare at the toy he had just held. “Impulse purchases.” You shrug and you feel his gaze on you. “They’re cute and they make me happy.” It’s silent afterwards. You walk to sit on the moon chair that you own when he calls your name and you turn, biting the inside of your cheeks when you do so. 
“Sit next to me.” His hand pats the space beside him, thumb lifted as to not destroy your furniture. He ignores your pointed stare and retracts his hand. “I missed you.”
“I didn’t.” The response comes out so naturally that even you’re shocked by it.
He frowns at your response and sighs. “I’m not going to ask again.” He removes the hand from his face and his face is nothing but a blur to you. You don’t want to memorize any of the features that he has. “Sit next to me.” You listen to him and sit on the opposite end of the couch, body stiff and focused on your reflection. Wet hair clings to your neck and you run a hand through the side of your hair. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?”
“What do you want?” You don’t want to play whatever game that he’s playing. You want to know what he’s here for. 
“I told you-” in the reflection, you see his body shift toward you, legs bent under him and shoes dangling off the couch- “I missed you. I came to see you.”
You frown at the answer. “You saw me. You can go.” You bring your knees up to your chest and rest the phone beside you. You don’t want to take your eyes off from him in the reflection. 
“Are you scared of me?” You don’t respond and keep your eyes on his reflection. His face is still distorted, blurry and swirling. You choose to focus on how careful he is with his hands around your furniture. “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
You almost believe his words. There’s a hopeful, naïve part inside of you that wants to believe that he wouldn’t hurt you and while you’ve accepted the fact that you won’t run scared into the arms of a hero or any other authority figure, you still don’t trust him. “I don’t know that.”
His gaze is on you. He isn’t looking at your reflection but rather you, looking at you, every action that you take, every twitch of your brows and the way you seem to close in on yourself until you’re too tense and closed off to go any closer. “I told you-”
“I know.” You take a sharp inhale and it stings. Tears burn and you wish you chose to fall asleep. “But I can’t trust you.”
“My word isn’t enough for you?” He sounds hurt, his voice raspy and you hate how it makes sympathy cling to your heart. 
Your eyes dart to the side and you catch a glimpse of the hand that rests on your couch- the gray that makes it impossible to tell if it’s real or just an ornament to give his character a staple. “You kill people.” You can’t forget who he is. 
“Only when necessary.” There’s a shift in his tone and you make the mistake to look at him. Your eyes meet his red ones and they’re far too bright for you to keep looking at them.
“Still murder,” you mumble, taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling, your body loosening in the process. 
“What can I do to make you trust me?” You shrug. You’re unsure. He doesn’t add anything to further the conversation and you leave it at that. You don’t want to hear him talk. The silence is welcomed as you continue to look at him through the reflection, burying your face in the space between your knees and chest, trying to ignore the heat that has oiled on your cheeks. He breaks the silence. “What do you want to know about me?”
You furrow your brows and look back at him. “What?”
“You can ask me something- anything. I’ll answer it. Just tell me what you want to know.” He doesn’t look away from your gaze and you don’t either. You keep your eyes on him.
There’s a heavy feeling in your mouth, it reminds you of horrible tasting medicine as a child. “I don’t- I don’t want to know more about you. I want you to leave me alone.” You wrap your arms around your knees and press your nails into your calves.
He gives you a sad smile and inches closer towards you. “That’s not happening.” He kicks off his shoes and you squirm in your seat. A smile grows at your fearful look. “I’m allowing you to ask me whatever you want. I’ll answer you. If you rather not, we can just sit and watch a movie. But I can’t promise that this opportunity will come twice.”
“Going once.” His smile reminds you of a predator.
You can’t think of anything and the way he says the words makes a pit appear in your stomach.
“Going twice.” If you ask him something, maybe you can reach the humanity that he has. 
His voice is like a blade against your skin and you can feel yourself growing breathless.
He moves closer to you, hands flat on the cushion of the couch, pinkies lifted up and you twist in your seat, back against the arm rest as he moves closer to you. “And-”
“What's your favorite candy?” You want to bury yourself in your blanket and never emerge. You gasp for breath and your lungs fill with the air that you had subconsciously denied them the moment he started counting.
He smiles and it’s less like a predator and more like a person’s smile. But then it falls. “I don’t really eat candy.”
“Why?” It comes out too soft and you clear your throat. “Why?”
He blinks and then shrugs. “I was never offered.”
You frown. “What were you offered?”
He seems confused at the question. His hand raises and he scratches below his eye. “Anything else, I guess.” He pulls his hand away and the fingers flex. “Anything else you want to know?”
“I can ask anything?” He gives you a curt nod. Your eyes dart to his hands. “What-” you lick your lips- “exactly is your quirk?”
“Whatever I touch, I decay.” He holds his hand out to you, palm flat and facing towards the ceiling and you press yourself further into the armrest. “I told you I won’t hurt you. This is just in case you want to test what I say.”
Your legs begin to shake and you can only focus on his hand. “People too?” He’s silent and you don’t need to look at him to know that he confirmed your worries. His hand closes into a fist and it comes back to him. “Do- Do you promise you won’t hurt me?”
“I promise.” You can hear the smile in his voice and it makes tears pool. 
“Do- You have a team, right? The League of Villains. Do- Do they know about me?” You don’t know what you’re hoping for in an answer. Neither options look promising.
“No.” Oddly enough, relief floods to you and you exhale the breath you’ve been holding. “If they were to find out about you, they might try to take you away from me.” You look up at him and he gives you a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “You belong to me. I’m not going to let you go that easily. I’m sure they would respect that you and I are together but I can’t take any chances until I’m positive.”
You can feel your heart drop. Your body shakes and acid is on your tongue. “What?” You ask in a breathless tone and he grins and it’s horrifying. “We-” you look around your home, hoping that a hero would crash in and save you- “We aren’t together. Shigaraki-”
“Tomura,” he corrects.
“We aren’t dating. I- I don’t belong to you.” Your breathing grows ragged and your vision spins. You were a fool to think that you could get away with whatever this is so easily. To push him away from you slowly and reach out to the humane part that lurks inside. “I don’t-”
He shushes you gently. Your name is said and it makes you want to cover your ears like a child. “I know this is a lot to take in, and you’re going to accept it-” the way he sounds so sure of himself makes you want to hit him with a pillow- “in due time but for now, let’s change the subject. What else do you want to know?”
“What makes you think we’re together?” You try to keep your voice leveled, you don’t want too much venom and the words are still harsh but you know that if you ask him sweetly, he’d take that as compliance. 
“I love you.” You want to scream for help. “And one day, you’ll love me too.”
“How can you be so sure?” The question leaves before you have time to register it. It echoes in the room in a desolate tone, and there’s a lodge in your throat and you can’t breathe.
“Because-” he comes closer to you and you can see the fraying fabric at the bottom of his shirt, the faded black that it has become- “you don’t have any other options.” 
You want to scream. You want to run to your balcony and scream for help. You want to throw yourself off the railing and wake up from whatever nightmare this is. You can feel something claw at you and you turn to bury your head against the cushion of the sofa, your hands entangled in the blanket until you’re ripping yourself free from it and taking ragged breaths. Your hand claws on the couch and you want to disappear, you press yourself further and acid rises and settles on your tongue and it’s thick and awful. His hand is on your back, the heel of it rubbing soft circles in the middle of your back. It’s an awful weight pressed against you, and you pinch your legs close and you roll your shoulders in a way that will translate that you want him off of you and yet, he doesn’t leave you.
“I know it must be hard to accept-” he ignores your strangled cry- “but I’ll wait until you feel the same way.” 
It’s awkward and you try to weigh yourself down, to cling to the blanket that is crumpled around you and you’re pulled onto his lap. He smells like sugar and spice, and you’re already sick of the scent. He’s careful with his hands, gliding over you and resting against your stomach, curving around the pouch and he’s rocking you. Shigaraki hums under his breath and there is no melody, it’s mindless humming as you're pressed against his chest and clinging to the faded black tee. You’re sobbing and he just holds you. He calls your name, whispered under his breath and for a moment his rocking stills. You whimper and shake your head and you try to push yourself away, to crawl back to the safety of your side of the couch and he holds your head in his palm, curving over with four fingertips, lightly scratching at your scalp and he pulls you to him, bringing the top of your head to his lips. You stare with wide, teary eyes at his chest, dew spilling over and tracing over the curve of your cheeks and you let out a shuddering breath. 
“I like playing video games.” He tries to be human with you and the thought makes you cry. “When I get the chance to, you know? I wasn’t allowed- They were a gift from Sensei.” His tone takes on a more wistful sound, reminiscent of simpler times and the hand on your head flutters down to hold your back. “They were a reward for doing things he had asked me to. Or when I displayed good behavior.”
“Good?” You ask in a weak voice, your hands still clutched onto his shirt.
“Good in his point of view.” He pauses. “The memory isn’t as blurry as the others but I remember killing-” you flinch at the word and he squeezes your side- “decaying two people. They were cruel to me then, when I was simply a child. The next day, I had things in my room. Books, chairs, a computer. I think that was my first time being gifted something that was given with praise.” The grip on your side relaxes and you feel a gentle shove against your back. You move away from him quickly and look at him where he toys with the spot of the shirt you had grabbed. “I prefer games with a storyline.” He doesn’t meet your eyes and rubs the spot between pinched fingers. “You get to know the characters.”
It’s silent for some time afterwards. It’s an awkward and tense silence that makes you feel queasy and you hate that nervousness that settles. You hate thinking about how uncomfortable he must be. You hate that you have any sympathy for him. “I like Animal Crossing.” You meet his eyes and they’re a shade of red that reminds you too much of blood. “I like the simple tasks. I like it when the villagers stop by and compliment my house. I’m not too good at games and I’m a bit of a completionist so if I can’t get all the stars in like Kirby or something, I tend to give up.” You can only look at him for a moment longer before you turn away and give a meager cough to break the short silence.
“I like your bookshelf.” You look back at him and he’s pointing at the piece of furniture. “The toys are nice.” He lowers his hand and sits properly on the couch. He leans forward and his hands dangle between his spread legs. 
You nod slowly. “Thanks.” You pull your news up to your chest and watch him.
 “I’m good at games.” He doesn’t try to look at you, choosing to stare at his reflection against the television. “It was the only thing I was allowed to do. I’ve never played Animal Crossing. I- I didn’t find the mundane lifestyle appealing. The uh, character designs are nice. I think I prefer the wolf designs.”
You offer him a small smile. “I think the bunnies are cute.”
“Bunnies are cute too,” he says quickly as if trying to salvage the conversation and it’s just such a random change of tone, one that reminds you of a nervous boy on a first date and you have to laugh. It’s short and sweet and you don’t even realize that you’ve done it until he’s looking back at you with a soft look in his eyes. You cover your mouth with your hand and look away from him. “I uh- What’s your favorite villager?”
You shrug. “I don’t think I have one.” You can still feel his eyes on you. “Lots of people usually have a comfort one or their “dreamies” and I don’t know. I guess I never found one that appealed to me like that. I- Usually I grow attached to who I have. There are a few that I think are cute and that I wouldn’t mind. But there isn’t that much diversity about the personalities and-” your eyes widen and you clear your throat. “You don’t care. I-”
“I care.” You look at him through the corner of your eye. “You like it. So I care about it.”
His expression is so earnest and it makes you uncomfortable. You’ve never had someone like you so much in a romantic sense. It’s uncomfortable for him to watch you so steadily, to cling on your words and act as if they care. You fake a yawn and it sounds forced but you pray that he’ll give you the space that you’re so desperately craving for. “Sorry,” you mutter at the end. “I just- Long day.” You give him a sheepish smile and shrug your shoulders.
“At the café?” He tilts his head at you and inches closer. You don’t say a thing choosing to nod instead. “Wanna talk about it?”
“I-'' You don’t want to but you do. You already tell your woes of the day to your friends and while they listen, they aren’t just a void that you get to vent to. “It was just stressful. Like, um,” you hesitate and you look away from him and at your wall, “there was this one customer who wanted this really complicated drink and like, fine whatever but they wanted it out right away and it takes time to make drinks, you know? And they threw a bit of a fit but like-” you run your hands down your face and rest your head against the couch- “I got it done so it’s whatever.”
“Do you want me to kill them?” His words are cold and they cover you in a chill.
He says it so nonchalantly that you're reminded of who he is. “No!” You say quickly and you must look horrified because he moves away from you. “I- No killing for me. It’s a customer, they’re all mostly awful. It’s fine. It comes with the job.” His eyes narrow and you wish you knew what he was thinking and the uncertainty of it forces your body to grow warm and shaky. “Shig-” he tilts his head- “Tomura?” He hums in response. “I’m tired. Can I go to bed?”
His features soften. “Alone?” 
“Yes, please.” He opens his mouth to speak again but you interrupt him. “You- You can spend the night on the couch. If you want. I- I’m just tired.” You stand without waiting for his word and wrap the blanket around your shoulders and grab your phone. 
He sighs and stretches his arms over his head, a sliver of his stomach exposed and you can see a scar run down and disappear into the waistband of his pants. He yawns and you have to cover your mouth to stop the yawn that forces its way past your lips. Tears tease at the corners of your eyes. 
“I’ll head out.” He stands and he looks down at you. “You'll feel safer if I’m not here, right?” He grabs the severed hand and holds it gingerly. “I’ll visit you again.” He gasps and his hand goes to the pocket of his pants and he pulls out a black, rectangular shape and when you’re staring at your reflection, you realize it’s a phone. You look up at him with raised brows. “Put your number in it. I want to make sure that nobody is home when I visit. Both for my sake and yours.” His smile thins. “I wouldn’t want you to see something distressing.”
You quickly grab the phone and place your number in it, complete with your name. “I- Just make sure to message me before you get here. Sometimes I have friends over.” 
He takes the phone from your hands and his finger presses down. A few seconds go by until your phone buzzes in your hands and it’s from an unknown number. “You don’t trust me?” You ask, swiping the decline button.
He laughs and it’s sharp and teasing. “That way you can have my number.” The phone disappears back into his pocket and you watch as the decorative hand is held between the two palms. “Go get some rest. I’ll leave when you close your door.”
“The same way you came in?” Your shoulders raise and you look at him. “You broke in. Doesn’t that mean others will-”
“I know how to break in. You’ll be fine. But if you feel more comfortable knowing, I’d be happy to tell you next time.” His smile turns wicked and his eyes shine with mischief. “Plus, you have my number. Anything happens, you can message or call or whatever. I’ll answer you.” The hand covers his face and he peeks at you between the gaps in the fingers. 
“That’s not as reassuring as you think it is,” you frown, pulling the blanket closer against your body. You can hear him sigh. “Fine. But if things go missing, I’m expecting reimbursement.” You point a finger at him and again, he laughs. 
“Deal.” He gives you a curt nod.
You sniffle and shuffle the weight between your feet. “Okay,” you say with a drawl, “deal.” You lick your lips and begin to walk to your bedroom. You pause when you’re behind the couch and you suck in a deep breath and hold your chin up high with closed eyes, you exhale. “Good night Tomura.” You try to walk away before he can say anything, but you’re too slow. His steps are rushed and he’s had years of practice to hold onto things without all his fingers, and he grabs the crook of your elbow and pulls you into his chest. You squeak and you can feel deep vibrations in his chest.
His lips are chapped and scared, pieces rough and some raw. His lips are on your forehead. He whispers to you a “good night”, your name smoke between his lips and his hands are flames against your body and you stand still until he gives you a push and you’re scurrying off to your bedroom, closing the door behind you and laying on your side. You don’t hear a creak or something slam, your home filled with nothing but silence, and you’re on your bed, your heartbeat echoing off the walls and pulsing against your eardrums as you rest your head on your arm. You can feel him on your body, can smell his scent, can feel the lips that touched and left their mark on your skin and the way he says your name echoes in your ears and makes your body flush. You want nothing more than to have his hand touch your body to rid yourself of the growing familiarity that has started to settle with passing conversations.
@dillybuggg @gladiatorandroid @mrgorewhore @justanotherlifeff @zombiecheri @princeofnonsense
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five-rivers · 4 years
(1/3) I. Uh. Have an idea for a sequel to the pep talk short? Post-Kamino, Izuku is down on himself because he doesn't feel like a worthy successo to All Might. He's in some public space when a boy (Danny) asks him what's up and Izu (trying to keep ofa secret) says he's upset about how everyone talks about AM like he's dead. Danny (hiding everything about himself including seeing the vestiges) jumps on the topic, talking about everything awesome about him that didn't come from the quirk.
(2/3) (And yes, the vestiges add a lot, especially Nana) But he also manages to work in helping Izu (by talking generally about the emerging generation of young heroes) (Btw, Clockwork warned him about not mentioning his 'quirk' because he's a bad liar and Izu would poke holes in that story in 10 seconds) What Danny wasn't warned about is that Izuku was in that public space because he was waiting to meet up with Toshinori, who heard everything and recognized his friend from middle school.
(3/3) (maybe he confronts him or maybe he's just grateful for whatever kind of divine intervention this is)
Izuku’s hands trembled.  Which was.  A thing.  Had been a thing for a while, now, actually.  Since the sports festival.  
The fight against Muscular had made it worse.  
Not that he regretted saving Kouda or anything!  The opposite, really!  It was just...  He wished he had found some way to do it without shattering his arms.  Again.  
(Something dark within him whispered, go for his eyes.  The only muscles there are in the iris, and clearly they aren’t enough.  Take the prosthetic and slam it into-)
(No, he had said back, unwilling to go that far.  Unwilling to mutilate another human being to that extent, even a murderer.)
He winced internally, and rubbed his palm with his opposite hand.  He wondered if All Might, if Toshinori-san, ever thought like this about All for One.  
“-Kamino,” said someone passing behind the bench, taking quietly to the person they were walking with.  “It’s such a shame.”
“I know.  I just can’t believe he’s gone-”
This time, Izuku’s wince was external.  Ever since the Kamino Ward incident, he’d been overhearing conversations like that one.  More than once, he’d been on the receiving end of a conversation like that one.  Especially if he was out in public and in his UA uniform.  
Which he wasn’t right now.  He was in a low-key All Might brand hoodie.  For some reason, he’d been reluctant to wear the more... obvious ones anywhere Toshinori-san could see him.  That’d just be weird, right?
A pair of feet come into Izuku’s line of sight, and he looks up, surprised, to see a Caucasian boy standing in front of him.  The boy has black hair and blue eyes almost bright enough to rival All Might’s.  He is, perhaps, a year or two younger than Izuku.  
“Hi,” said the boy, waving.  “Are you okay?” he asked in flawless and unaccented Japanese.  
“Uh,” said Izuku.  “Y-yeah!  I’m fine.  Why?” 
“You looked kind of upset,” said the boy.  “Especially when those two girls walked by behind you.”  He tilted his head.  “Want to talk about it?  My sister says that sometimes it helps.  She’s studying to be a psychologist.”
“I don’t know...” said Izuku.  
“That’s okay,” said the boy, shrugging.  He sat down on the bench next to Izuku, a thick stream of mist emerging from his mouth as he did so.  He seemed unbothered by this.  “We could talk about something else.  Distractions are good, too.”
Izuku opened his mouth.  Closed it.  Frowned.  Well, if there was anything he was good at, it was chasing people off.
“Oh,” said the boy.  “I can sense quirks.  When someone with a quirk gets close to me, my body temperature drops.”  He shrugged.  “You dropped my body temperature a lot.  Your quirk is really strong.”
Izuku hunched his shoulders, too distracted by the last sentence to even start analyzing the boy’s (really cool!) quirk.  ‘His’ quirk.  If All Might had still had it at Kamino, would things have gone better?  Would he still be able to do hero work?
How much had Izuku taken from him?
“I bet a lot of people tell you that, though.”
Izuku startled.  Somehow, he’d forgotten the boy was even there.  
“It’s like...”  The boy trailed off, staring upward.  “It’s like, sometimes, people don’t see each other.  They only see quirks.  Strong quirks, weak quirks, villainous quirks, heroic quirks.  No quirk.  It’s silly, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?” asked Izuku.  “Are you saying quirks don’t matter?”  The first fourteen years of his life would like to disagree.
“No,” said the boy.  “They matter a lot.  Saying they didn’t would be like saying money doesn’t matter, or social status doesn’t matter.  But they’re not everything.  They’re not even the most important thing.”  The boy leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and resting his chin on his interlocked fingers.  “The most important thing is what you do with what you’ve got.  If someone has a quirk that can save thousands of lives, but they don’t use it, they can’t say they’re better than someone who has no quirk but saves someone anyway, don’t you think?  Even if it’s just one person.”
Izuku was flabbergasted, because that speech was far too tailored to him to random.  
“I mean, my sister is quirkless,” continued the boy.  “Ha, you probably don’t want to hear about my family, when you’ve got your own things to worry about.  Anyway, even if everyone is telling you that you have to use your quirk in one way, or they’re heaping all these expectations on you, all that matters is what you decide to do with it.  Or yourself.  Like, there’s this one astrophysicist I read about that has this really wild quirk that everybody said meant she had to go into manufacturing, but she didn’t want to, and she had the brains for physics, so-”
Izuku listened to the boy ramble.  It was actually kind of soothing.  Okay.  He needed to dial back his paranoia.  
“-does that make sense?” finished the boy.
“Y-yeah,” said Izuku.  “But, um.  What was bothering me, it wasn’t my quirk.”  This would be fine, right?  It wasn’t like he’d actually say he was talking about All Might.  “It was...  I have a friend, and he’s sick, but...  Everyone is talking about him like he’s already dead, and he’s not.  What they said, it reminded me of that.  It’s just... frustrating.”
“Yikes,” said the boy.  “I don’t really have any advice for that.  It’s hard to change other people’s minds.”  The boy sighed, and the sound felt much older than it had any right to be.  
“Daniel Fenton?”
Izuku whipped around at the sound of Toshinori-san’s voice.  The skeletal man was standing several feet to the right of the bench and had dropped one of the two ice cream cones he had been holding.  
“Oops,” said the boy, on the other side of Izuku.  “Guess I stayed a bit too long.”
Despite his injuries, Toshinori was at Izuku’s side in an instant, pulling him off the bench and pushing himself between Izuku and the boy.  Daniel?  Fenton?
The boy had jumped away as well, and was regarding Toshinori-san with something between consternation and amusement.  
“Who are you?” demanded All Might.  “Why do you look like that?”
“Hey,” said the boy, “that’s kind of rude, don’t you think, Toshinori-kun?  You’re the one that said my name.”
“Daniel Fenton is my age,” said All Might, glaring, his hand tightening around Izuku’s wrist.  Izuku activated just the barest percentage of One for All, readying himself for a fight.  “What are you playing at?”
“Well, if you’re going to be technical about it, I’m way older.”  He held up his hands.  “I don’t mean any harm.  Really.  Anyway, as long as I don’t have to beat around the bush, Midoriya-san, One for All didn’t clear this beach.  One for All didn’t save Bakugo-san, or Asui-san, or Kouda-kun.  One for All certainly didn’t convince this idiot to take care of himself, even a little bit.  That was all you.”  He pointed at Izuku.
... Were those finger guns?  Was this guy seriously throwing finger guns at him?
Scratch that, who was this guy and how did he know so much?!
“Are you working for All for One?” demanded All Might.  
“Gross.  No.  Never even met the guy.”
“Then how do you have two quirk?” asked Izuku.  “Longevity, and whatever you did with the mist.”
The boy shrugged, careful to keep his hands half raised and obvious about it.  “The guy I actually work for can do time travel.  ‘Work for’ is kind of a weird way to put it, though.  It’s more like, he’s my mentor?  Same sort of set up as you guys have.”
“Time travel?” exclaimed Izuku.  He’d never heard of a time travel quirk before.  
“I mean, there’s a reason for that,” said the boy, and Izuku blushed as he realized he’d spoken out loud.  “And you will.  It was really nice talking to you, Midoriya-san!  And it was great seeing you again, Toshinori-kun.  But I’m going to be picked up any se-”
The boy vanished.  
“Um,” said Izuku after several long seconds, “All Might?  Who was that?”
“I...” said Toshinori.   “You know what?  That’s a great question.”
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simplybakugou · 4 years
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↝ After being forced into a wedding, Bakugou whisks you away from having to partake in the ceremony.
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: fluff; swearing ⋆ WORD COUNT: 1736
A/N: yes this is a @bnhabookclub bingo piece lol. when i got this prompt for bakugou (thank to the anon who requested bakugou btw) i was originally going to write out a whole wedding ceremony before i thought that would be boring imo lmao. so i decided to go with this concept! imo i don’t really like weddings so you can sort of see that through this fic lol.
credits to @bnhahcs​ for the beautiful colored bakugou cap!
✐posted 08.23.2020✐
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Suffocation. It was like your air was being cut right from you, like you were fighting just to breathe. All you could do was inhale and exhale big deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself, attempting to slow down your racing heart beating against your chest. But it was no use; you still were as overwhelmed as you were since the day started.
“Are you ready?” Yaoyorozu asked, her tone laced with excitement as she was overjoyed for one of her closest friends on her big day.
You mustered up a smile, the corners of your lips quivering as you attempted to seem merry. But Yaoyorozu saw right through you as she frowned at your expression. “What’s wrong? You don’t look so happy?”
“It’s nothing, I’m good.” A lie; there was nothing exciting about this day for you.
Mina creeped up from the other corner, fully dressed as she was more than ready to head out into the ceremony. “Are you scared about getting married?”
You shook your head. “No, it’s nothing like that.” The girls decided to not pry any further as they did their best to help you get fully dressed as well as help your other friends.
For most people, a wedding is one of the most exciting and exhilarating days that could happen in one’s life. Although each culture does their ceremonies differently, there is still something to celebrate as a couple vows to spend the rest of their lives with one another.
But you had other views on weddings.
You met your husband to be when you were both in high school in U.A. While Bakugou was in the hero course, you were in the support course and your paths would cross as each respective course would often mingle with one another. The minute you laid eyes on Bakugou, you were immediately fascinated. His quirk was impressive and you wanted to ask him a million and one questions just to understand how his quirk worked and the repercussions his body faces as a result of overusing his quirk. 
With this fascination, you would pester him as you thought you were interested in his quirk until you slowly realized you were actually interested in him. Being as bold as you were, you decided to ask him on a date. You surprised him with your dauntless proposal so he shocked you by agreeing. Even more surprising, Bakugou actually enjoyed your company outside of the classroom and the rest was history as you had been dating ever since.
After graduating from U.A., you both broke off into your respective professions, Bakugou with pursuing professional heroism and you deciding to become an engineer and create support items for heroes. You were both idolized as the perfect duo by the media, your professions working hand in hand perfectly. And six years into your relationship, Bakugou proposed to you which you practically screamed out ‘yes.’
Like a majority of young women in committed relationships, you were ecstatic to be able to spend the rest of your life with the man you loved. But on the other hand, you and Bakugou both had mutual feelings toward wedding ceremonies: they were just a waste of time and money. Something about hosting a grand occasion to show off how in love you were just seemed like overkill and you had no intention of hosting one. You and Bakugou agreed to be registered as a married couple in Japan through the usual paperwork until both of your parents were strictly against this decision.
Your parents and Bakugou’s parents, especially his mother in particular, wanted you to have a traditional wedding. Leading up to the ceremony, you fought with your mother, voicing how you had no interest in partaking in the wedding but it was like you were speaking to a brick wall. Bakugou tried reasoning with Mitsuki as well, at least his version of reasoning, but this resulted in Mitsuki nearly bringing the house down from her rage.
So here you were, forced against your will to be officially married in front of your family and friends. 
“Are you all set?” Uraraka asked as she entered the room. She gasped at the sight of you. “You look so beautiful, Y/N!”
You smiled gratefully at her. If there was one thing that came out of this whole thing, it was that you at least got to dress up for once instead of being covered in grease and sweat from slaving away at your day job. “Thanks, Ochako.”
The door opened and your mother entered, making you want to groan internally. “Ladies, please wait outside.”
The girls nodded, waving at you as they expressed their words of encouragement as they left. Your mother’s fake smile lifted from her face the minute you were alone with her. She proceeded towards you, smoothing out a crease in the front of your uchikake. “So you’re still acting like a child about this whole thing?”
You had to prevent yourself from rolling your eyes, not wanting to hear her start complaining about that, too. “You would be acting like a kid, too, if you had to do something you didn’t want to.”
Your mother snickered, grabbing your hand to practically drag you out of the room as the ceremony was about to begin. You froze in your footsteps, coming to a halt. “Could you give me five minutes? I need a breather.”
Your mother sighed, already fed up with your antics and the day had barely begun. “Fine. I’ll be back here in exactly five minutes.”
You nodded, letting out a sigh in relief as she finally left the room. You made your way to the large mirror in the room, frowning at the sight of your perfectly painted face. You readjusted your headdress on your head, poking your cheeks as you dragged your lips upward into a smile. It was so hard to make it seem like you were happy.
As you were about to make your way out the door and join your mother, the window slammed open. You whipped your head towards the source of the sound, confused to see Bakugou casually propped onto the ledge of the windowsill as he was latched onto the outside of the wall. 
“Katsuki?!” You exclaimed, rushing over to the window without tripping over your feet. “What’re you doing? You can’t be here!”
Bakugou scoffed. “You think I was gonna let our dumbass folks make us do shit we don’t even wanna do?”
He leaned over, grabbing your arm and hoisting you up on the windowsill. “We’re getting outta here.”
Before you could express your disapproval for this idea, as not only were you going to be carried around in your boyfriend’s arms as he attempted to maneuver around with his quirk keeping you both afloat, your mothers were going to murder you once they realized the bride and the groom had left their own wedding.
“Hold on to me,” he commanded as he dropped down into the air. Your voice was caught in your throat as you gripped your arms around his neck, only his right arm around your back holding you as his left arm blasted you both through the air.
“You’re insane!” You screamed against the wind.
Bakugou smirked as he blasted through building after building. “Not as insane as you are for agreeing to marry me.”
The flight you were forced into taking was one you never wanted to experience ever again. Somewhere along the way your headdress had flown away and your perfectly pinned hair had been tousled and became a mess. You nearly puked at the thought of being lifted hundreds of feet in the air with only your fiance’s arm keeping you from falling.
“Y/N, open your eyes,” Bakugou chided.
You shook your head vigorously as your eyes were still screwed shut and your fists held onto Bakugou’s black kimono. “You’re trying to trick me, I know you are!”
“You idiot, we’re not even in the air anymore.”
You opened one eye slowly, peeking as Bakugou had landed atop of a building, both his arms  now carrying you. You gasped as you released your grip from Bakugou’s clothes and you settled down onto the ground.
The sight of the sky painted in purple and orange hues as a result of the setting sun was dazzling to see. The buildings from afar were starting to light up, showing how long you and Bakugou had been basically flying through the air, not to mention your wedding was supposed to take place later in the evening.
“It’s so pretty!” You squealed, leaning against the railing of the building’s rooftop. 
Bakugou walked beside you, looking out at the sight along with you. “Do you even know where we are?”
You turned to him. “I thought we were at some random place? Didn’t you land at the first building you found?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes playfully. “How are you the smartest woman I know but also the most fucking dense one, too.”
You narrowed your brows at him. “You don’t have to be rude about it.”
Bakugou smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist as he brought your body closer to his. “Think a little harder.”
You turned to face the view once more, your eyes roaming around to find something that could help indicate where you were. Finally you located the arch with your alma mater’s name on it and you gasped. “We’re at U.A.?!”
“It’s about damn time.” Bakugou looked down below him. “A lot of shit went down at this place but at least I met you.”
You grinned, nuzzling your face into his chest as your makeup stained the fabric of his kimono. “You’re so cute, Katsuki.”
“I’m not fucking cute. I wanted to get as far as I could from that fucking place,” Bakugou said, taking back his previous statement as he spoke about the religious center your ceremony was supposed to take place. “I’m not gonna let our old hags tell us how we’re gonna live our lives, especially when we’re finally starting a new one together.”
You nodded in agreement, chuckling a little. “Guess we’re starting out our new life together as runaways?”
Bakugou smirked, looking down at you as he planted a kiss on your forehead. “I don’t give a fuck where we go from here, as long as I’m with you.”
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laal-ishq-diaries · 4 years
black and white || satoru gojo
january 1, 2021
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synopsis: in which strange feelings arise as the man you despise brings a date to your hangout spot and you do the very mature thing: serenade him. 1.5k words.
writer’s note: i've only watched like 6 episodes of jjk so i don't even know if my characterization of anyone is on point but i'm obsessed with this idea. the song that inspired this fic was “black and white” by nasty c and ari lennox (which i do not own). enjoy and pls leave some feedback. btw happy new year!!
warnings: allusions to sex. nothing strong but proceed with caution. swearing. alcohol usage. pettiness. 
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you fucking hate him. you hate his stupid face and his stupid arrogance. who the fuck does satoru gojo think he is? people think your hatred of him is misplaced because he’s apparently “nice” and “civil” to you but it’s all for show! he is so rude and patronizing and petty. like tonight. when he brought a date to unofficial weekly drinks with colleagues. 
“well, why are you so mad he brought a date?” muses shoko, tapping her fingers on your shared wooden table.
“i’m not mad he brought a date, i’m mad that he’s flaunting her around,” you clarify, arms flailing and gesticulating wildly.
“flaunting? god, he hasn’t even introduced her to us.” “yet,” you seeth.
“well are you going to say anything to him?”
you shoot her an affronted look. “no. why would i?” shoko rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. “you’re clueless,” she mutters. “excuse m—” “oh look, they're coming.” fuck.
through the dim, yet warm, lights of the bar, you see gojo walking over, arm in arm, with a relatively pretty woman clad in a short black dress. sandy brown hair, tucked behind her ears, cascade down her back and black heels accentuate her long legs. however, your eyes were drinking in the shaman dressed in a tucked in button-up (with the first few buttons unbuttoned, of course), casual black pants, and tan moccasins. his hair was let down from it’s usual gravity-defying updo and dark, round sunglasses replaced the blindfold.
“hey guys, this is sana,” gojo introduces. the aforementioned woman waves and smiles. you could feel shoko’s eyes on you, screaming be nice so you mutter out a greeting and introduction before she, begrudgingly, takes over socializing. 
you silently nurse your drink as your glare resumes. gojo, noting your expression, raises an eyebrow and questions, “what’s that look for?” 
taking a sip of your drink, you shoot back a fake smile and a “nothing. just wondering how your atrocious personality ensnared her.”
he lightly laughs and responds, “you know, lots of women find me attractive.” 
you lean in and whisper into his ear, “physical attractiveness doesn’t cancel out skyscraper levels of entitlement.”
“no, it just gets me a hot date. you wouldn’t be jealous, would you [nickname]?” gojo asks in mock concern. his index finger traverses your cheek before you knock his hand away and sneer, “go fuck yourself.” he exclaims, “don’t need to!” and then grabs sana’s hand and bids farewell to shoko.
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“now that,” you point to their retreating bodies, “was flaunting.”  
“you’re paranoid,” she drawls.
“no, i’m fucking not,” you shoot back. “and frankly, i am offended you would think that!” 
“you’re always offended, [name]. especially when it comes to satoru.” you open your mouth to defend yourself but she raises an index finger to your lips and continues, “we’re here to relax. get another drink and watch the performance in peace.” shoko gestures to the stage where the same (surprisingly talented) guy has been singing for the past fifteen minutes, courtesy of the bar’s “Karaoke Night” every Friday. caught up with your inner thoughts, you failed to notice that she was still scolding you.
“… and i’d probably respect you more if you actually did something to prove your point rather than dish out petty insults.” silence dawns upon you two as shoko challenges you. that is, until widespread applause interrupts your interaction and reveals that the karaoke guy (named aki, apparently) finished performing another song. a surge of courage overcomes you, and you abruptly stand up and slam your hands onto the wooden table. “fine, you want me to do something?” shoko makes a noise of confirmation. “watch.”
you lose the leather jacket to reveal a sleeveless, flowy burgundy top and lace up your combat boots before marching towards the stage. truth be told, you didn’t know why you wanted to do this. and you didn’t know what you had to prove. but the whiskey in your blood and the uneasy feeling bubbling in your stomach whenever you saw gojo with his arms around his date pushes you onto the stage.
from across the bar, gojo sees you whisper something into aki’s ear before he announces, “alright, [name] will be joining me for the next song, which is”—he pauses as you whisper something else into his ear—“a surprise!” the applause and cheers drown out sana’s inquiries towards gojo of whether you were a good singer. not that he’d be able to respond, anyways, considering that his brain was swarmed with thoughts of why you were singing in the first place and how fucking hot you look.
up on the stage, aki asks, “is this your first time singing here.” “yeah,” you breathe out. “are you nervous?” one glance back to gojo, and then to shoko who gave whatever she could muster into an encouraging smile, you mutter “i need a drink after this.”
the music starts and your partner sings:
“… let me in your temple
show me what you into
it could be so simple
black and white, yeah …”
your right foot taps in tune with the beat against the floor in front of the microphone as you patiently awaited the female part. you mentally prep for both singing in front of everyone while being half-drunk and how ruined everything would be if this made things awkward with gojo. while the two of you may be at each other’s throats, at least it was smooth dynamic. if he found this uncomfortable, there goes your personal and professional life.
before you can contemplate running out of the bar, ari lennox’s part begins and you sing the chorus, along with aki. you mentally thank the bar patrons who lightly cheered, as if they could sense your apprehension. your solo verse soon begins and you look to aki for a boost of confidence before belting out:
“so call me, baby
'cause you be putting it down on me”
the adrenaline pumping through your veins emboldens you to make direct eye contact with gojo and run your left hand through your hair seductively while continuing with:
“in my bed, on your stairs
when we loving you know we don't care”
across the room, gojo’s eyebrows shoot up; he wasn’t expecting your lyrics to be directed to him. for all the resentment you throw in his direction, he assumed you despised him. a small part of him gathered that you possibly might have feelings for him but he thought they were repressed, at best. seeing you up on stage declaring that, at the very least, you lust for him makes gojo want to take you, right then and there.
on your side, there’s an inkling of doubt that you went too far, until you see him lick his lips and smirk. your expression mirrors his for a moment until you increase the seduction.
“all mine, like wine
say ain't no bitch that got your heart pumpin' like i
fall in love deeply when i look in your eye
fantasy the way you carry me, mariah …”
whistles and cheers from the audience nearly drown out the last line. confidence oozes out of your stage presence and want for gojo oozes out of your every pore, a want that is reciprocal. you see sana go red in the face (most likely because her own date is eye-fucking you). a small part of you feels awful for her but an even larger part feels victorious because, fuck, despite never getting along with him, the two of you have an unbreakable connection. the thought of another woman getting the time and attention he devotes to this connection, to you, drives you insane. god, it makes you want to rip that button-up off and stake your claim all over him.    
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the rest of your performance continues with relative ease. once finished, you and aki say your goodbyes and compliments to each other (with him insisting that you have to sing with him again and you responding with a “some other time”) as you depart back to your table. locking eyes with shoko, you receive a look of approval and a nod towards the direction of a certain jujutsu sorcerer approaching you.
“nice singing,” gojo calls out.  
taking a moment to recover from your adrenaline rush, you exhale a simple “thanks.”
“although,” he drawls, “you didn’t need to get up on stage and sing it. you could've just told me that you wanted me.”
“i don't know what you’re talking about,” you say, feigning ignorance.
“oh really?” his fingers gently take hold of your chin and, in spite of his sunglasses, you know that his eyes are staring at your lips. “because i could make it worth your time”
“where’s your date?”
“she left. something about other women who are in love with me being ‘rude’ and ‘offensive.’”
“good,” you whisper, standing on your toes, “because you’re all mine.”
“am i?”—he leans down so your lips now hover over each other’s.
“want me to prove it?”
“let’s get out of here.”
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solcheeky · 4 years
Hey, I really enjoy your writing! You’re an amazing author, so I was wondering if you could write a hyuck fluff with some suggestive content where the reader’s parents go to a ball cause they rich and stuff and they see hyuck surprisingly because their parents are bff’s or something idk. But they like sneak into a room or wherever to make out really cutely though. Like they won’t stop giggling. I just think it’s a really cute concept. Thanks btw, It’s okay if you can’t do it. Love ya!😘
warning: mature content, fem!reader
[loser] 7:35PM, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it in time :/
[you] 7:35PM, you’re going to abandon me?!
[loser] 7:36PM, anything not to see your face irl ;)
that was the last you had heard of donghyuck since the ball had started
unconsciously, you let out a deep sigh; he was so annoying.
“everything alright?” you blink once, refocusing your gaze on the pair of eyes staring into yours
you forgot he was talking to you.
“yes. sorry.” you say with a polite smile, “please, continue.”
the boy, whom your mother had forced your conversation upon, simply brushes off your distracted demeanor with a smile and continues talking
but it was getting increasingly harder to try and be nice
unnecessary, extravagant social gatherings like this were always such a bore without your best-friend, especially when your parents never fail to rush at the opportunity to introduce you to new (rich) boys whenever he wasn’t around
for a moment, you bring your attention back and nod at whatever the pretty boy was saying; only the movement of his lips and pretty eyebrows were keeping you somewhat entertained
but you just couldn’t help but hear everything else that came out of his mouth as simply noise—no offence, but you’d rather much listen to the dumb smack-talk of lee donghyuck than the empty compliments he was feeding you.
out of courtesy, you politely laugh when he laughs, then carefully bring your hand up to brush your hair behind your ear
boldly enough, his hand comes up to follow yours, almost brushing against your fingers as he charmingly leans forward to take a better look at your face
but before he could make another move, a familiar hand slips into his palm
lee donghyuck graciously shakes his hand and fakes a smile, “you are?”
“I-” the boy takes a quick bewildered glance at you, then looks back at donghyuck, “xiaojun.” his sharp brows furrow in surprise but nevertheless he shakes your best-friends hand
“and you?” xiaojun courteously stitches on a handsome smile
you hold back a tiny yelp when your best-friend swiftly slips an arm around your waist and presses you into his side
then he’s whisking you away onto the dance floor.
“hyuck!” you giggle into the back of your hand as he keeps you stable at the dip of your back
he stops abruptly, one hand on your waist and the other elegantly holding up your other: perfectly set to slow dance
“yes?” he says ever so simply with a raise of his brow and a slight smirk as he starts to lead your steps in time with the music
“you’re unbelievable.” you can only breathe, “you said you weren’t going to come.”
donghyuck flashes you a charming smile, “better late than never.”
your smile only widens at his playfulness and he annoyingly winks so charmingly in response
you drop the hand you had resting over his shoulder to brush down the lapel of his suit
“you look good.” you hum as your gaze falls across the rest of his outfit
donghyuck doesn’t hide his smug smile
“fashionably late?”
you roll your eyes and he winces exaggeratedly when you hit his chest. “don’t let it get to your fat head, stupid.”
donghyuck laughs along with you, that charming smile of his warming you from the inside out
“you look good too.” his eyes trail across the bare skin of your shoulders and heat rushes to your cheeks
“you're ..sleeveless.” he blatantly points out, fingers coming up to pinch at the strap of your slip dress resting on the end of your collarbone
you bite your lip, “can’t exactly wear hoodies to a ball, can I?” you try to catch his gaze but his eyes were too busy admiring the rare sight of your exposed shoulders
the way he was staring at you felt like you were wearing even less
donghyuck bites back a smile and finally pulls his gaze off your skin, “not that it’s a bad thing.”
“I,” you blink away flustered, “I know.” you knew what he meant.
he laughs; you’re adorable when you blush
“I like it.” he provokes you even further
suddenly, his thumb pushes aside the strap of your dress by a margin and his head quickly dips down to press his lips against your skin
a heat rush of tingles bursts at the contact but before you can even push him back, he’s already back where he was, smiling at you
“hyuck!” you stare wide-eyed at him in shock, “what are you doing?” you hiss, suddenly feeling the need to talk at an even lower volume
your eyes dart across the crowds of people surrounding the dance floor to double-check that no one had seen what he had just done
“relax,” you give him a look and he pulls you in closer, “no one saw.” he raises his brow in the direction behind you and you follow his line of sight to see your mother too busy catering to other guests.
when you turn back donghyuck is leaning so close your nose bumps into his
he blinks down to look at your lips and you gulp, your heart hammering in your chest when he tilts his head ever so slightly as he moves in
but instead, he stops and whispers, “wanna get out of here?”
donghyuck doesn’t have to hear you twice, because he’s already swiftly pulled your off the dance floor and through the back doors into a dimly lit, grand hallway
he pulls you by your hand, quickly skimming past doors and doors, you’re heart skipping beats just as quick
“where are we-”
donghyuck halts and you almost slam into his back
“someone’s here.” he says under his breath
a second before you both get caught, you’re pulled around a corner and up against donghyucks chest
his back presses into the wall behind him as his arms wrap around your waist to squeeze you even closer against his body, then he cranes his neck to bring his ear closer in range
it gives you the chance to let your eyes wonder across the moles perfectly stamped across the canvas of his skin
you want to kiss them all
when donghyuck turns back, he releases the tension in his shoulders, catching completely you red-handed
hands on his chest, you try to pry at least the slightest bit away from him in embarrassment knowing that he knew exactly what you were thinking
“soon.” he assures you; his voice low as he presses a kiss into your cheek, then to your jaw
his kisses were delicate, gentle, soft against your skin; yet so effortlessly stirred something deep within you
your hands fist at his clothes and you feel donghyucks lips smile into your neck
“can’t wait?” this time he kisses open-mouthed, “but they’ll catch us.”
you cut back a whine when he runs the heat of his tongue against your throat
the sound that comes from the back of your throat makes donghyuck stop; his nose still buried under your jaw and lips brushing against your skin
then he’s laughing into your neck, pulling you tighter into his arms
“your-” he stifles his laughter
“hyuck, stop” you’re even more embarrassed now
his forehead falls on your shoulder, pressing a kiss where his lips can reach before laughing a little more as you try to hold back your own
“quit laughing at me,” you punch at the end of his shoulder, but it only makes him laugh more, “we’ll get caught, stupid”
“sorry,” he kisses your collarbone before pulling back to finally smile at you, “you’re just so,” he pauses to look at you, then playfully snaps his teeth at your nose
“okay,” you bring your hand up to his neck, fingers at the nape of his neck and thumb at his earlobe, “that’s enough.”
donghyuck breathes out a laugh, his head leaning into your hand
he turns his face, eyes closed, to press his lips lovingly into your palm and after a long second of bathing in your warmth he opens his eyes to see your expression
your warm gaze makes him smile
then it happens so quick; when the light from the guards torch flashes your way and donghyuck pulls you through the nearest door.
he shuts you up with his lips
contradictory, it makes you moan.
so he presses into you harder as if melting his lips hot against yours and pulling you impossibly closer into his body was going to make you say any less
but clearly, your voice deemed accidentally louder than you thought because a flash of light pans from the crack under the door and you push donghyucks chest with the flat of your hand to keep his addicting lips away from yours
but his plump lips crash into your neck and your hand flies to his shoulder, fingers gripping at his clothes as you try to fight the groans in the back of your throat
but donghyuck doesn’t stop.
it’s painfully automatic when you crane your neck up to the ceiling
and incredibly annoying to feel him smile against your skin (yet again) like it was all a game
more doubtlessly, he sinks his teeth into your throat making you yelp into the palm of your hand
for a second, he stops — only to laugh into your skin
so you slap his shoulder mouthing insults at him as you watch him pull back with a smile
then makes it obvious when he takes a generous look at your flushed face and bruising neck
it’s so embarrassing. but you grin stupid as he mouths back a bunch of weak “okay”s as he kisses you brief between each one
the last one lingering a little too long, everything about the sweet sweet soft of his mouth and the passion even in the most delicate of his touch making every thing around you slip from your mind.
again; you carelessly let out the most innocent moan into his throat. albeit a half of a moan before you could pull yourself out of the endless, sinking abyss that was lee donghyuck’s kiss
he’s grinning at you when you open your eyes
almost like he’s about to laugh from how much he can so easily pull cute sounds out of your pretty mouth
you want to laugh all the same — god it’s embarrassingly funny the way you can’t even hold anything in
suddenly, there’s a struggle behind the locked door your pressed up against immediately reminding you where you were again
and donghyuck has the nerve to brazenly tilt his head at you, a smug raise of his brow and a daring glint in his eyes as the door handle jerks up and down from the other side
“don’t.” you mouth, pulling a face at him as if you were so exhausted from holding everything in
it makes him roll his head back with noiseless laughter, swiping a knuckle under the tip of his nose before jokingly smiling at you with pity
he blinks a nod, then pulls his chin back again as if telling you to come closer
but you scrunch your brows at the thought of falling into his trap again, so he pats chest and shakes his head no (despite the small smile across his lips)
so when you step into his warmth he guides you into him; one hand affectionately holding the back of your neck, the other wrapped around your waist until you’re enveloped completely in him
his cheek presses into the top of your head and you feel the deep vibration in his throat when he says “yeah, like that.”
so you stay ‘like that’, eyes closed and flushed against the heat of his touch, until the struggle of the door handle gives up
“finally.” you hear him whisper
you hum into his chest in agreement
“now I can really make you moan.”
(hi @sofhyuck)
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bratzs12345 · 4 years
So, I’ve been working on this VERY long bkdk fanfiction, and I’ve been losing some creative spirit, so I’ve decided to post one of the chapters to brew up some more condidence.
BTW, for context, Izuku is walking around in a world he already knows and interacting with people he has already seen, he ust can’t remeber it. ;) The song is Black Sheep from the movie Scott Pilgrim vs the World.
The bar seemed to be overly swarmed for a Thursday night. Dancing bodies take up the middle of the room, and conversing couples and groups stand on the outskirts. Both of which make it almost impossible for Izuku to make his way to the bar. However, he does manage to grab a seat and takes a look at the possible drink options in his hand. An empty glass slams into his field of vision. 
Izuku blinks and looks up to see a frowning middle-aged man glaring at him. His eyes are tired and irritated, and his mouth seemed to be set in a permanent frown. “I said, ‘What’s your poison, kid’? The bartender reiterates. 
His face flushes, and he lowers his head in embarrassment. “Sorry, I must have not heard from you. Tequila?” With that, the bartender walks away leaving Izuku to give a sigh of relief. He looks around dazedly at the distracted masses. None of them seemed to be the person he was looking for. 
“One shot of Tequila. The bartender says tiredly. His tone of voice triggers something inside of Izuku, and he tilts his head in confusion. The bartender raises his eyebrows in response, “Can I get you anything else?” 
 “No…Aizawa?” He says. The name almost feels familiar coming out of his mouth. Almost like he had said them before or seen them. 
 Aizawa does not share his sense of confusion because he rolls his eyes and says patronizingly, “Yes, that is what my how you read my nametag.” Izuku looks down at the nametag on his chest to see that the kanji for his name is indeed printed the same way. He flushes in embarrassment once more as Aizawa walks away mumbling something about not getting enough pay. 
Izuku sighs into his drink and throws it back. The only thing worse than crowds is interacting with them. Though he can’t seem to pick out any faces, he does have to admit the various people are realistically detailed and unique. It really does feel like he’s in a real bar. 
 “Alright! Who is ready to party?” The host shouts from the center stage. The crowd answers back enthusiastically. Izuku turns around intrigued. 
“We’ve got some fan favorites here ready to grace the stage today. Everybody, give it up for the Ground Zero!” The cheering gets louder at the name of the band, and the host quickly makes his way off the stage to give them some room.  
The cheering only gets louder as the members become visible under the building’s soft lights. In the back-center, a sandy blond man takes his place behind the drums. He smirks at the audience as he picks up the sticks, and Izuku can feel his chest tighten at the familiar face. A pink-haired woman in a purple zebra pink dress takes the mic. “What’s up, Tokyo! I’m Mina, and behind me are my associates, Kirishima, Jirou, and *******. As you probably already know, we’re Ground Zero.”  
Kirishima, a man with spiky red hair and sharp-toothed grin, and Jirou, a woman with a short cut bob and bored expression, come from behind Mina to stand at her side with guitars in both of their hands. They continue waving to the audience until the unnamed drummer rolls his eyes at the introduction and yells something at Mina that Izuku can’t hear from where he stands. Whatever he yells makes Mina laugh and she gives her bandmates a signal for the song to begin. 
Izuku couldn’t help but shake in excitement. Not only did they sound amazing, but they were playing one of his favorite songs. 
             Black sheep come home, black sheep come home               Black sheep come home, black sheep come home 
Jirou works off the crowd’s energy and provides beginning background vocals and harmonies for the chorus. Her guitar’s bass shakes the walls of the bar, and her harmonies reverberate throughout the walls of the bar. The energy she gave off undercut her seemingly uninterested demeanor. As the established frontman, she led the group throughout every melody and note change with ease, just as a prodigy should. 
                   Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when 
                  Our common goal was waiting for the world to end 
 Mina’s voice is soft but airy enough to give the rock ballad a seductive sound. She sings the words while bouncing on around the stage with the beat. She seems to be the one having the most fun under the attention striking flirty poses along with some of the more risque lyrics. Looking to her left, she kept in time with Jirou and Kaminari while occasionally looking back to the obscured drummer. 
                                   Send you my love on a wire 
               Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls away, ooh 
                                                 From you 
Kirishima keeps up in step and strumming in time to Jirou’s notes. He hypes the crowd in between chords and keeps them moving throughout the track. He looks to the crowd shouting out some of the lyrics while occasionally losing himself in a few of his own dance moves. His position on stage allows him to keep his strumming on beat with the drummer while hearing any switch ups from Jirou, so that the group stays in sync. 
Though he’s in the back, the audience seems to automatically be drawn to Bakugou. His low vocals work with Jriou’s higher voice to create the perfect harmonies on the chorus while keeping time with the beats of his drum. From the looks of the signs, many of the crowd seems to be carrying, it seems as though he’s a fan favorite. 
                             It's a mechanical bull, the number one 
                                   You'll take a ride from anyone 
                      Everyone wants a ride, pulls away, ooh, from you 
Izuku can say the same. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of him. The way his hair moves as he bangs his head up and down in time, the way he closes his eyes and seems to be lost in the music and his aura seems to scream for attention over the already loud room. Izuku can safely say that he is hooked. 
The song ends with roaring applause, and Mina wishes the crowd a good night as they take their leave. Izuku’s eyes widen at the retreating figures, and he knows he has to act fast. Without thinking, he begins to push his way through the tightly knit crowd, almost getting crushed for his efforts. Without looking back at the people he nudged a little too hard, he made his way to the back of the stage. The backstage entrance isn’t hard to find as much as it’s hard to get to, but the green-haired man manages to make his way. The guards at the door were already having a rough time calming down a horde of fans who had the same idea he did. 
One burly man was speaking with a blond woman in front of all the others, and he overhears their conversation as he approaches. 
“Please…Please! Why can’t I see Kirishima-Kun?” The blonde pleads with the apathetic security guard, and his frown deepens. She was one of the audience members carrying a sign, although hers seemed to be dedicated to the guitarist. 
“No one is getting in, by direct orders. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the manager.” He says dryly. The blonde continues her pestering to the increasingly annoyed man who looks to be about three seconds away from giving her the boot. 
 Izuku slowly approaches the two and clears his throat. The squabbling pair look back at him. The blonde’s face is curious, and the guard seems to be annoyed. “Is there any way to ask permission to get backstage?” 
“Take it up with Aizawa. All of you.” He waves them off. “Now, get out of my face before I call the police.” 
 Aizawa? He quickly turns to head back toward the bar, barreling his way through the dance floor this time. He reaches the seat he was previously in and looks around. While the patrons seem to be good and drunk, there was no bartender in sight. Izuku sighed in disappointment. The groupies at the door seem to be ready to call it a day and walk off from the guards with scowls and curses. Izuku himself sighs while taking a seat in the exact same place he was in before the show. He wishes this wasn’t so difficult. He just needed to- 
“What’s your poison, kid?” Aizawa appears in front of him suddenly as if answering a prayer. Izuku can hardly believe it. 
“Can you help me? I mean- I need to get backstage,” he says hurriedly. His heart is pounding out of his chest, and his breath comes out in short pants. 
Aizawa looks back at him as if he had grown a third head. “Calm down, Izuku.” 
But Izuku is way past the point of calming down. He runs his fingers through his hair and grits his teeth. “I’m sorry. It’s just really important that I get backstage and talk to Kacchan before he leaves tonight.” 
“I mean…” Izuku stutters with a flush. He takes a deep breath and plops down in the seat. “What am I talking about? There’s no way I can talk to him. Everything about him screams confidence and I- I just… You know how you meet someone for the first time and instantly feel a connection. I know it sounds crazy to say but I just felt like if I talked to him for a second, then maybe I could tell him-I dunno. Forget it, just bring me another tequila.” He lowers his head in embarrassment. 
For a long minute, there’s nothing but silence between them. Izuku keeps his head down expecting the bartender to walk away. Soon enough, he does, and Izuku lets go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Another group had taken the stage, and while most had left after Ground Zero’s performance, a good number of them were around to cheer while the next singer performed. Izuku sighed, knowing that the band was pretty popular. It was pretty stupid of him to think- 
A calloused hand slammed down a twenty-dollar bill beside him. “Hey, nerd,” Izuku turns around to see Ground Zero’s drummer standing behind him. 
He stares at him with an indiscernible look in his eyes and makes sure he got into his space. Before Izuku could say anything, the blonde pulls him forward and presses his lips against his. Izuku’s mind goes blank as he registers lips moving against his, and by the time he pulls away, his mind is sufficiently fried. A smirk comes back to his face as he sees the look in his eyes, and he leans forward once more to huskily whisper in his ear, 
                                       “What’s my name, Deku?”
Please be nice  It’s just a first draft.
12 notes · View notes
Can I request a scenario with stain x fem! Vigilante! Reader where stain is slowly falling in love with her and then one day she almost dies because of a villain and that’s when stain finally confesses his feelings to her. Part 5 was really good btw💖
This sounds so cute ! 🗡
And thank you so much lovie 😭♥️im glad you liked it.
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You were chasing after a villain down the street trying youre best to avoid hitting any people. You were a vigilante and you took the law into youre own hands when the Pros were not around . You sought justice from these villains and could not just stand by doing nothing.
The villain you were after was Stain. You had been chasing him for months on end . Leading you into dead end after dead end. He even got you to chase him through a restaurant and out the back doors only to lose him yet again. One time you even found a basket of bread with a knife through them waiting for you just outside one of the doors
You put youre hands on youre knees panting hard trying to catch youre breath. Another dead end . Why was he so hard to catch? You surveyed the area one last time before giving up.
Stain watched you from the roof of course. You were interesting. Running around going up against villains and yelling at them. Telling them they should stop their ways and to come with you quietly. They always laughed and attacked you . But you always managed to dodge thanks to youre skill in acrobats. Something did bother him though. Why did he enjoy playing cat and mouse with you? He could not put his finger on it.
One day you were tailing a couple villains who were talking about robbing a nearby store. You kept a good distance behind them while you followed. They seemed to not notice you. This could be it, if you caught these two you would be a force to be recken with. You could maybe team up with the Pros if they caught wind of what you did.
The villains crossed the street and headed into the park. You shook youre head free of youre day dreams and followed them . What could they want at the park? You lost sight of them once you got near the play area. You scanned around looking all over but could not find them. You sat down on a bench trying to piece it together .
“They crossed the street... the park... “ you said to youreself.
“The hostage” said a voice
You lifted youre head. “Hostag-!?” A rope was brought around youre neck choking you . You were yanked up and over the back side of the bench where you were kicked and punched.
“Youve been trying to catch us for weeks! “Said one
“Well it looks like we caught you instead!!!” Said the other.
You tried to fight back but you were fading in and out , youre head was spinning and youre body hurt all over. All you heard was grunting and kicking. You couldint think of a way out.
Stain had been tailing you, he was bored and figured he would play with you for awhile. But he noticed you were tailing to dangerous villains , you were not very aware of what was going on around you. Stain made it clear a few times that he was following you hoping that you would see him but you didint. You were lost in thought.
He followed you to the park and felt his heart jump when he saw the villains creeping towards you. He watched closely untill you were yanked over the bench.
Stain ran over shoving the villains off you and grabbing each of them by the neck. He slammed their heads together knocking them out and turned to you kneeling down. Youre face was red and youre nose bloody. Youre vigilante costume was dirty and ripped . You smiled up at Stain speaking weakly.
“Youre.. under arrest..” you caughed out.
Stain held you in his arms trying to find the right words to say to you. This feeling.. he knew now.
“Y/N... this whole time i , im not sure how to say it. .. i like you. I .. , seeing you get beat up made me realize how much i care for you.”
You nuzzled into his chest laughing weakly. “I feel the same.”
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
The Hidden Sides
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A/N: I know right. Some of these even I would turn into a movie but oh well, long way there, don’t you think. Hhaha. Thank you though, the anon, for believing in me so much <3 I wrote the first James Sirius Potter and I really like it. This was just written in the moment of real dark shit. Hope you like it.
PAIRING: James S. Potter x reader
REQUEST: Can I request a James Potter ( the son ) Imagine ? Btw i really love your writing it should be published or turned into movies :’)
It was never easy growing up in a broken family. When nights got rough, days got sad and time could do nothing than just pass.
You could never do anything else but stare at the ceiling, thinking- hoping- praying that he would leave you alone. That he wouldn't be storming to your room and starting to shout, scream.
In moments you thought of grabbing your earphones and suffocating the noises with music. In other moments, your heart started to race so fast and tears seemed to gather in your eyes that you were afraid to even move an inch from your bed.
All you could do was hope that the meal you cooked him was enough to make him stay away from you. To keep you from feeling so much pain.
You could hear him talking to himself, mumbling, shouting and slamming the cupboard doors in the kitchen.
You shut your eyes.
Now, he was walking to the bathroom and whispering to himself. " Look at this. Filth. Nothing but filth." You could see his face, his drunken, swollen face.
He said it was filthy but you cleaned the bathroom just today. He was just being a drunken arse. But that didn't stop the fear that grew and built inside of you.
At some point, it sounded cowardly to wish for your mom and want her to be here. It hurt in your heart to not receive that.
But you were on the train now, compartment door shut and your body curled up in the corner.
Tears escaped...not that you wanted them too but they just did.
Actually, that's a lie.
You stopped crying a while ago. You didn't see the point in letting people know how much it hurt to be you.
" Hey! How about this one!?" shouted a familiar voice and you looked up at him, eyelids dropped and your eyes exhausted. " It's just (y/n)!" he shouted and walked inside the compartment.
' Just (y/n). Hey, it's just me. Don't mind me. I guess. ' you shook your head and looked through the window.
" I'll be right back," said the boy who popped his brown-haired head into the compartment and smiled at you. " Hey, (y/n)." he waved than looked at his friend. " Saw Fanny few compartments down." he winked before disappearing and closing the compartment doors.
" Go get her tiger." He laughed at him before finally getting comfortable in his seat and looking at his travel companion. " So, how was your summer?" he asked.
" It was fine." you tried to smile yet your skin and muscles were so tense it resulted in a simper too weak to fool him. Though you noticed the change in his expression, you quickly asked the same. "You?"
" Same as usual. Brought Teddy with us to Croatia to watch mum play." he smiled, fiddling with his fingers.
" Croatia. Sounds like a dream." your simper now finally stretched into a manageable smile but James was still not convinced. " How is your mum? "
" She's fiery as usual though I have to say you've left quite an impression on her." he chuckled and you put your feet on the ground so you could face him properly.
" Well, only a few of us can pull the charismatic charm." you flipped the hair off your shoulder and he laughed.
" You haven't seen me around parents. I'm quite a charmer." he winked and leaned back, placing his feet on the seat next to you. " Your parents would be blown away by my charm."
And there it was. That word, those same thoughts.
" I knew it." he mumbled and you looked up, eyebrows knitted in a puzzle.
"Knew what?"
" We've been friends since the Second Year and I have never heard anything about your home life yet every time you board into train you can barely smile. " he started and you stared.
" So?" was the only manageable word you could spill out.
" So, talk to me. "
"No offense James but I don't like sharing my.private life with you. " you started to get furious.
" No offense (y/n) but I won't leave you alone until you do." he continued and put his feet on the ground, mirroring your position. " I'm an idiot, yes but I'm no fool. You've been there for me when everything with Albus was going to hell so why can't I do the same for you?"
" Because the only thing I want from you is not knowing the Muggle me but the Witch me. I don't want to talk about what's waiting for me outside the Wizarding world. I want to talk about professor Flitwick being an arse and giving us extra homework when we giggle during his class or how Peeves keeps being a prick splashing us with those water balloons."
" You need to talk to somebody-"
"I don't want to, don't you get it! " you were now standing up and looking down at him. " I don't want your help. I've been through this for the past 18 years. I'm used to it!" you shouted at him and stormed out of the compartment, knocking a few shoulders as you did.
" I was out of line. I'm sorry." you heard him whisper in your ear as he took a seat beside you.
" It's alright. " you looked at him softly and placed your hand on his, squeezing it gently. " You were just worried."
"Still am."
" James." you warned and he smiled, lifting his hands in defeat.
"Alright. Alright. But you will talk to me about this...when you're ready of course."
And to be completely honest his words scared you. If this boy, the boy who you have been friends since the Second year tries to make you open up with him, what will he think of you? This girl, always complaining about her family when my own father was living under a cupboard and starving most of the years of his life.
“ Yeah. Sure.” you simpered and focused your attention on Professor Flitwick.
The best thing about Hogwarts, for you, was the fact that parents weren’t around and you could do everything you wished for. Back when Teddy was still at Hogwarts, you could walk the halls freely after curfew but now you had to be more careful where you step and how you step.
The Slytherins loved catching the Gryffindors out of bed at night and both you and James were never to become a Prefect due to your attitude and troublemaking.
“ Remember when we were blasting Kid Rock back in our Fourth year and knew Teddy would join us instead of sending us back to bed.” James behind you whispered as you stopped around the corner, peeking over and seeing no sight of a Prefect.
“ Remember Whitesnake - Is This Love when we sang every time Teddy was around Victorie.” you turned and found James an inch apart and despite the darkness, you could see the beautiful mass of brown and green in his eyes, his curls falling down.
He showed you a bright smile and bit his lower lip, staring at your lips. “ Still know the lyrics?” he moved away and gave you a hand, which you gladly took.
“ I should have known better than to let you go alone. At times like this, I can’t make it on my own.” you sang, a smile curving on your lips as you wrinkled your nose at him.
“ Wasted days and sleepless nights.” he sang louder than you and opened his arms to show you he sang it from the heart. “ And I can’t wait to see you again- IS THIS LOVE!!”
“ Oh, my God James, shut up.” you pressed your hand against his mouth.
“ THAT I’M FEELING!” he continued to shout through the hall and you laughed, shoving him away from you. “ Come on! If we get caught, at least we’ll get caught in style.” he winked and continued. “ IS THIS THE LOVE THAT I’VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR!” he now took your hand and spun you around and around a few times, before pulling you to him and slowly moving his feet.
“ IS THIS LOVE! OR AM I DREAMING!” you now sang from the top of your lungs and he laughed, spinning with you as he swayed left and right.
“ This must be love..” he now leaned his forehead on yours and looked at you softly. “ Cuz it really got a hold of me...” he whispered so quietly but you heard him perfectly, the only thing on your mind his lips that moved so harmonically as he sang that last part.
The surroundings got really quiet and the only thing you could hear was the beat of your heart and his and yours heavy breaths. Both of his hands slid to your neck and slid up to your cheeks, pulling you into a kiss.
You kissed him back sweetly, smiling into it as you slowly pulled away, looking up at his eyes.
“ HEY!” a shout came from afar and both of you turned around to see a small light emerging from someone’s wand tip.
James smiled mischievously at you before jumping back and offering you a hand. “ Come on. Before he catches us.”
You giggled and gladly took his hand, running to the Gryffindor tower as he pulled you with him, both laughing out loud. As soon as the two of you made your way through the portrait hole, he pressed you against the wall and started kissing you again.
You didn’t mind it and knotted your fingers in his black curls. “ What if anybody sees us?” you whispered against his lips and he gave you a soft peck.
“ Let them see.” he gave another kiss, speaking in between them. “ I‘ve - been - wanting - to - do - this- “ he now stopped, looking into your eyes and tucking your hair behind your ear. “ Since the Fourth Year. “ he smiled and this time you were the one pulling him into a kiss.
Dating James was just the same as being with your best friend, just better. He was so kind and loving, gentle and always there to make you smile.
He loved making you smile. He continued to that day after day, each time the two of you were together. He just couldn’t bare you seeing with that beautiful smile of his.
“  If a Virgo man finds too many flaws in his partner, he will, without a doubt, search for another one. “ you read from your phone and looked up at him rolling his eyes. “ Really?”
He grabbed the phone from your hands and scrolled down. You lifted your head from his lap and tried to take it from his grasp but he only moved away and smiled, quoting the next line. “  He is often too practical, but when he is swept off his feet, he will be surprisingly romantic and tender. “ he grinned and moved closer to you, pressing his lips to yours and kissing you softly. “ No flaws when you have swept me off my feet.” he smiled and gave you back your phone.
You laid down on his lap and continued to read. “ Understanding Virgo man:  This is a man that has one mission in life – to fix something. “
“ Yeah. Fix my grades or mum’ll kill me.” he laid his head back against the sofa and you laughed.
“ Oh, look.” you scrolled down and started reading. “  He will treasure a pen, a notebook, a laptop or anything he can write on, even if he claims he is not into writing. “
“ Yeah right. I don’t even write in class, sure I’ll write during my free time.” he joked.
“ Okay. How about... a transparent, manly watch, with all the gear wheels shown, or any book on how stuff works. “ you smiled up at him and he took the phone from your hands and threw it on the armchair, cupping your cheeks.
“ Yeah. Buy me a book of how to make you shut up about my zodiac sign.”
“ You’re just mad because it’s getting everything right.” you pressed your hand against his forehead and pushed him away playfully.
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up and kissing your cheek. “ You’ll never get rid of me. You probably read about us Virgo man being annoying as hell.”
“ Yeah. Couldn’t miss that.” you giggled.
“ I love you too much to let go of you.” he whispered and you immediately turned your head to him and putting your hand against his cheek.
“ You-”
“ - love you.” he finished. “ Yes.”
“ I love you too.”
The spring holidays that came rather too soon were here and you were trying to battle every way for not going back home. You threw another shirt at him and plopped yourself on the bed. “ I don’t want you to go. “ you looked up and he smiled. “ Or me.” you finished.
“ I know and mum wishes you could come but we’re all going to grandma’s and grandpa’s for this picnic thing.” he put the shirt in his backpack and laughed as you laid on your back and stared at the ceiling.
“ It’s just...” you wanted to tell him how much you hated going back home. Seeing his drunk and swollen face or smell of cigars or the stupid town and Muggles. “ Ugh!” you said instead of everything you wanted to.
He looked back at you, grabbing another dirty shirt from his chair and walking closer.
He knew. God, he knew you were hiding your home life from him but he was prepared to wait until you were prepared. But his patience was becoming thinner than a thread and he was slowly getting irritated by your secrets.
“ You want to talk about it?” he asked, throwing the shirt on top of his backpack and sitting beside you.
“ No- No.” you sighed and sat back up. “ It’s not that bad. I’ll see my Muggle friends and cousins. It won’t be bad.”
God, he wanted to know but instead of drilling into you, he stood back up and threw the shirt in the backpack. “ Alright.” he scoffed quietly, gritting his teeth and shaking his head. “ You know what? No. It’s not alright.” he turned around and pointed his finger at you. “ I keep thinking you’ll tell me but you never do!”
“ Tell you what?!” you stood from the bed and glared at him as well.
“ Tell me this secret side of you that you continue to hide. It’s like you don’t trust me enough! It’s like you’re afraid it’ll change the way I feel about you because I told you I love you yet I feel like you don’t feel the same!”
“ I love you too! How dare do you even think that I might not!”
“ I don’t know but maybe it’s because you continue to hide this big part of yourself from me and I feel like I don’t know you!”
“ I don’t want you to know the Muggle me.”
“ There is no Muggle you or Witch you. There’s only you and I hate that I only know a little bit of you. I want to know the whole you!”
“ This is whole me!”
“ No! You’re sad! All the time!” he shouted and you shut up. “ Don’t you think I’ve noticed every time you stared at the owls when the mail arrived or the fact that everything that connects you to the Muggle world or to your past, you just hide in your shell again! I’m sick of it! I’ve been patient and waiting for you to talk to me since the day we met yet here you are, still hiding yourself away from me!”
“ Hiding away?!” you scoffed and walked closer to him. “You want to know the real me!? I’m a Muggle who lives in the crappiest towns, filled with drug addicts, alcoholics and whores! I live in the worst parts in that town and my dad is the aggressive drunk who I have to serve every day. I have to be a slave to him because I’m afraid he’ll hurt me. Gryffindor, brave of heart bullshit!” you rolled your eyes. “ I hate the me who has to live there! I hate the me who has to put it up with it. I hate the me that begs for her mum at nights when he comes home. I hate the me who can’t say a single fucking word to him! Or the me who at times when nights get really rough, thinks of the easiest way out!” you screamed and fat tears started to fall down your cheek.
But he was the one being quiet, guilty he made you tell him everything this way. Because his patience was growing smaller but he never thought that everything you were going through back home was this bad.
He pulled you in a hug and kissed the side of your head. “ I’m so sorry.” he whispered while you grabbed his shirt and sobbed on his chest.
“ I don’t want you to know what a coward I am back there.” you cried and pulled away to brush the tears from your cheeks.
He placed his hand below your cheeks and brushed the tears with his thumbs. “ You’re not a coward. I think you’re brave and strong to go through that and to keep a straight mind when you do. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for you but all in all, I am sorry I had to dig it out of you so cruelly.”
“ No. You’ve just wanted to know. I wouldn’t blame you for not trusting me. I wouldn’t trust me as well.”
“ Hey-hey,” he whispered, brushing his thumbs against your cheeks. “ I do trust you. More than anybody ever could and in fact I’ll write to mum and dad and tell them I’m staying in Hogwarts with you and you can write home and say there’s school work you have to catch on.” he smiled and before you could argue, he cut in. “ And no humble ‘Don’t you stay because of me’. I’m staying and so are you. No way I’m leaving you to go there anymore.” he moved away and started unpacking, throwing the shirts out of his backpack.
You could only stare at his back and rethink everything he said. You didn’t find the words to express how much you loved him and instead you just stared. As you saw him take out the parchment and ink to write to his parents you walked over to him and hugged him tightly around the waist. “ I love you,” you said and felt his arms wrap around you as well. “ More than you could imagine.”
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half-bakedboy · 5 years
love your lorenzo / underhill fics to pieces
I will defend with love (I will attack with love)
Read on AO3
It wasn’t often that Lorenzo was invited on dinner dates. They seemed like such trivial things compared to the adventures he had undergone as a warlock. He had climbed the Eiffel Tower when it was closed off to mundanes, only to fight a Greater Demon with a vampire lover of his. He had taken a private jet over the Bermuda Triangle to visit a fey friend, coming back (relatively) unscathed. He constantly portalled to Rome, Antwerp, Copenhagen, and even the occasional short leap to Maine (nothing can beat their lobster rolls). With the world at his fingertips, he never expected his third date with Andrew would be at a pizza arcade in Brooklyn.
He loved spending time with Andrew, he really did. They laughed, and teased, and explored their surroundings (and each other, which was a whole different story). He loved spending time with Andrew in the most romantic of places. The noisy, grease-filled, funny smelling, frat house in front of him was not the least bit romantic.
“Underhill, what’s up, man?!” A werewolf Lorenzo could only describe as a neanderthal yelled as they walked in. A few low grumbles followed as Andrew clasped his hand around the neanderthal’s and pulled him in for a slight hug, if you could call it that.
“Chaz, buddy, been a long while, huh?” Andrew replied once they pulled back. The neanderthal, Chaz, turned towards Lorenzo and eyed him up and down. Lorenzo was used to being eyed, mostly out of jealousy. This look was different. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, though, as Chaz held out his hand to Lorenzo.
“Who’s this?” Chaz asked abruptly. Lorenzo shook his hand politely and attempted to squeeze it, but Chaz pulled it away in a flash. Lorenzo glanced over at Andrew who didn’t seem to notice the strange interaction.
“This…” Andrew started, grabbing one of Lorenzo’s hands in his. “…is Lorenzo. Who has never been to an arcade before so I’m planning to take his ‘virginity’ tonight,” Andrew teased, nudging his shoulder against Lorenzo’s. Lorenzo rolled his eyes, swatting a hand over Andrew’s chest, a gesture he did once and couldn’t stop doing once he felt the strong muscles under his hands. They smiled at each other before they heard Chaz clear his throat.
“So, you’re… a homo?” Chaz asked, clearly attempting to hide his own disgust. Andrew tensed next to Lorenzo, so Lorenzo squeezed his hand a little tighter.
“I’m gay, yes,” Andrew responded coolly. Lorenzo glanced at him, noticing the tension in his jaw as he clenched his teeth. Chaz held up his hands as if to surrender and then turned back to his group of frat boys. Another mumbled something to Chaz and he turned back, a smug look on his face.
“Isn’t that something you tell people?” Chaz asked and Lorenzo could tell he was upset by the tone in his voice. “I would have liked to know I was sharing my beer with a fairy,” Chaz added. Lorenzo narrowed his eyes and he felt his magic churning inside him, instinctively ready to lash out at any sign of distress from Andrew. Lorenzo had been called his fair share of nicknames from bigots, but that one was by far the most insulting. When he looked back at Andrew to gauge his reaction, he seemed stunned. Lorenzo could only think that the poor shadowhunter didn’t realize how rampant homophobia was in the shadow world. Once more, Lorenzo squeezed Andrew’s hand. That seemed to snap Andrew out of whatever daze he was in. Lorenzo felt hurt as Andrew quickly pulled his hand away.
Before Lorenzo could react to it, Andrew’s fist shot out and connected with Chaz’s jaw with a resounding thud. Lorenzo’s eyes widened as Chaz stumbled backwards. As he was about to fall, Andrew grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled his face close.
“Say it again, Chaz,” Andrew threatened. Lorenzo couldn’t help the tingle that ran up his spine at the sound of Andrew’s deep and husky voice. Lorenzo saw a few of Chaz’s friends rise from their chairs and used his magic to keep them in place. Chaz gained his composure and slammed his hands against Andrew’s chest, causing them to separate, Andrew colliding with Lorenzo’s chest. Lorenzo immediately wrapped his arms around Andrew’s waist to steady him and let him know he was there.
“Fucking fa–” Lorenzo fought back this time, holding Andrew’s waist with one hand. He used two fingers from the other to cut off the oxygen supply in Chaz’s lungs and lift him slightly off the ground. His hands went to grip his throat and his eyes widened in surprise, obviously not expecting the magical intervention. Andrew choked out a laugh as Lorenzo dropped Chaz down, knees slamming against the laminate floor as the breath heaved out of him.
“You– You’re a fucking witch,” Chaz choked out, still gripping his throat as the other’s crowded around him. Lorenzo shrugged and blew the tips of his fingers like a smoking gun. He smiled as Andrew huffed out a laugh next to him.
“I prefer warlock, but either way, I’m not a fairy,” Lorenzo responded. He looked at Andrew with a questioning look on his face and Andrew nodded, a silent agreement that it was time to leave. Lorenzo turned to leave when he felt a tug at his hand. Andrew swung him back, Lorenzo landing firmly against Andrew’s chest. Andrew smirked at Lorenzo, a questioning tilt to his brows as his eyes darted to Lorenzo’s lips. Lorenzo pushed himself up just slightly so their lips brushed against each other, his own silent okay. Andrew gripped Lorenzo’s hips tighter and pulled their bodies flush together. They ignored the chorus of groans around them, Lorenzo snapping his fingers to silence them and make them unable to look away. Exposure was the only way to get the normalcy of men kissing carved into their heads. Andrew pulled back first, his forehead resting on Lorenzo’s, their eyes meeting as a small chuckle left their lips.
“Ready to go?” Lorenzo asked softly. Andrew nodded, not taking another look back at those he once called his friends. Once they exited, Andrew pulled Lorenzo’s hand to tug him closer. Andrew wrapped his arm around Lorenzo’s shoulder and kissed his temple softly.
“I think I’ll leave the date planning to you from now on,” Andrew teased and Lorenzo couldn’t stop smiling.
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Elements from the Broadchurch novelization that were of particular interest::
- Ellie is a bit uncomfortable returning to work because her “suit feels strange after three weeks in a bikini and sarong”. You go get it, Ellie. Anyone wanting to write confident-and-body-positive-knows-she’s-got-dem-curves Ellie, here’s your semi-canonical backing. mother of two, rockin’ a bikini. Excellent.
- Although the division of work/responsibility between her and Joe worked for them, Ellie Worries that ppl will “think he is emasculated”, or that he will begin to feel “emasculated”, so while “the other wives are on the phone begging their husbands to come home in time to put the kids to bed, she is virtually throwing him out of the house and into the pub”, really trying to encourage him to hang with the guys or whatever, whenever the opportunity presents itself.
- Hardy is already on the edge when we first see him, talking to the farmer whose tractor has had its gas siphoned. He’s carefully staying away from the edge of the cliff, scared it’s going to induce vertigo and heart palpitations.
- The sections that are a close POV on Hardy have way more detail about the Sandbrook case than was originally clear in S1 (I assume, because the book was published after the bulk of the writing/story construction stuff was finished for S2). For instance, When Hardy is first inspecting Danny’s room, he’s struggling, trying not to think about [Pippa]’s room (she’s not named here, but it’s clear that’s the child he’s referring to). in the midst of this turmoil, he notices the height measurements on danny’s doorframe, and is overcome by the realization that there will never be any more above them. And then there are these heart-wrenching sentences: “For some people, tears dam behind the eyeballs. But when Hardy wants to cry, he has to hold them in using the back of his throat. He sometimes feels it’s the only strong muscle in his body.” yeah, c’mon, just fuck me up.
- Maggie being into women is present from the beginning here! She has a partner, Lil, whom we see/meet several times! First time she is referenced is when Rev. Paul Coates invites Maggie and everyone to that first church service about Danny. She mentions that a predecessor of his made it clear she was unwelcome there, once. He assures her that’s not him, and that she is welcome, and Lil too. She says something like “as it should be, “ and ends the convo without indicating whether or not she will come. Excellent.
- At one point the inside of Ellie’s car is compared to the inside of a bin/trash can, with empty cans and food wrappers strewn about. This further reinforces my theory that Ellie and Alec need each other to balance out their eating habits to something actually healthy. He eats very well, as far as nutrition is concerned, but he just sort of stops eating when there is work to be done. She is going to eat, goddamnit, come hell or high water, but it is plenty likely to be anything from an entire loaf of bread to whatever the vending machine has. It’s a wonder neither of them has died of malnutrition. (she also makes mention that she’s lost weight, in a probably unhealthy way, by the end of the investigation, and has a sudden realization that she’s maybe kind of, turning into Hardy).
- End of Chapter 17, Ellie offers a hand to help Hardy in or out of a boat, he has a realization “unexpectedly painful” that he cannot remember the last time he held a woman’s hand.
- In general the poor bastard really is constantly on the edge of vertigo and panic attacks.
- Reminds me again, whatever did happen with Ellie’s sister??? did we ever see any kind of furtherance or resolution of her gambling issues in the later seasons?
- Oh Shit. “I didn’t take your money.” The money Joe gave Danny, that SOCCO found taped beneath his bed, that was Ellie’s holiday money, and she assumed her sister had stolen it. Shit. What a shitbag.
- One of Hardy’s favorite things about Tess was the ability to come home, throwing last minute ideas and theories at each other, being able to pass idle thoughts back and forth, turn them over, hear them in a new light, and see what they grow into. (incidentally, exactly what he’s developing with Ellie)
- The exchange between Alec and Ellie after SOCCO Brian hits on her is great here as well. She giggles, he asks her why, she figures she needs to share this with someone, and tells him. she thinks “his face froze in another one of his Does-Not-Compute expressions”. So he seems just as weird to her as to us, does a terrible job hiding the awkward nerd within. And she totally thinks it’s cute. Bet me. Goes on to think, after they talk about SOCCO having dirty hands, “ ‘Dirty Brian’, Hardy says, with a playful roll of the ‘R’ ”. They’re totally playing with each other and it’s adorable. “She thinks to herself that it’s the first moment of genuine humor they’ve had between them, so of course she immediately messes it up.” asking about Sandbrook.
- Oh Shit, Jack’s wife shows up at his funeral. hides her identity the entire time, and Spits in Karen-the-reporter’s face before she gets in a car and disappears again.
- Hardy has a panic attack after calling Daisy and giving up for the night. “I can’t do this, Hardy hears himself say, and the words are followed by an agonizing pain, a huge fist squeezing his heart to the bursting point. He staggers back until he hits a wall, and slides helplessly down it. Hardy assumes his childhood comfort position, knees pulled up to his chest, so close that he can rest his chin there. Experience tells him that he can hold this pose for hours and hours. He remains motionless amidst the debris of his investigation until his heart rate returns to its version of normal. By the time he gets up with a low wheeze and click of joints, it is dark outside.”
- Ellie calls Joe to say she’s still stuck at her desk and she’ll be late, on the night Susan Wright is arrested. He says it’s okay, but she can hear in his voice that it is not. (So, is that the last straw? she keeps staying late, it’s clear that this shit is going to drag on forever, and his family and life are NOT going to return to normal, no matter if he keeps getting away with his crime? And this is the window, his only window maybe, where she might be too busy to intercept if he confesses? This is the opportunity to confess to Hardy, and not her?) because very shortly thereafter (and leaving his kids alone and unwatched???) they receive the call from Danny’s mobile, and they catch him out at the cabin... and holy shit, even knowing it’s her (and he must know it’s her), he slams the cabin door open into her face, probably hard enough to beak her nose, and then minutes later shoves her to the ground so hard the reader spends a moment wondering if she’s broken her wrist.
- (if someone wanted to write an AU, one where he is also injured that night, and his failure to hide that injury tips her off the next day, or that night, and so she is the one to put together the pieces.... and arrest him? god that would be heartbreaking. But perhaps would enable a situ where she doesn’t beat the shit out of him in custody, thereby invalidating his confession, so that shit actually sticks...)
- When Hardy gives the interview to Maggie and Ollie, the book makes it clear that he expects his confession of being cheated on is going to cause them to regard him with pity and shame. He is embarrassed to have been cheated on. He calls himself a cuckold in his head. poor bastard. so confused when they respond with empathy and admiration for him, and disapproval and dismissal toward his wife.
- Happily, an answer to the argument Jack saw, between the Postal worker and Danny. Turns out, the punk had had his truck keyed, and knew Danny on his paper route was one of the only ppl who would have been out and about at the right time of night/morning to have done it. he confronted Danny, and that’s what Jack witnessed. He comes clean to the police towards the end, insists that that is as far as it ever went, and admits that he lied because he was afraid that having had that argument, having had sort-of-a-motive, that would make him a suspect.
- Fuck, I mean, we all know Joe is dangerous, but talking Danny back off the cliff and back into the house consciously with his paramedic voice, with the kind of experience and calm honed over years of professional work... goddamn, so many ways in which he had power over young Danny.
- The moment she believes Joe could have done it. She says it can’t have been him, because the boat was burned while she was away. He would have had to leave the kids alone while he did it, and he would never take that risk. Hardy confirms that he did, that he left them, and Ellie (immediately believes Hardy, btw) finally truly understands that the moral partner she’s been building a family with no longer exists, if he ever did in the first place.
- Hardy briefly considering telling Ellie about Tess, to empathize with her pain and betrayal, and immediately knowing the situations are too different to be useful. being disappointed in himself for having thought it. pulling on every little bit of experience and training he’s ever had to try to get through the conversation.
- Oh shit. the slug trails. the slug. that little bit of symbolism didn’t feel established in the tv series, she just squishes a slug the last time she enters the house. but in the novel, her merry war trying to find the slug is a constant recurring thing, seeing the trails on the carpet, but never able to find it, the thing only coming out when they’re asleep, Joe cleaning up the slug trails after they come back from vacation. Her staring at them in despair as she cries into the carpet one night, over Danny. and then, after Joe has been revealed, she comes home and there the bastard is, big fat slug that’s been lurking in her house all this time, sitting, glistening, in plain sight. and she squishes the hell out of it. And I was so caught up in the story that, even though I BEEN KNEW how it was gonna end, I never picked up on the fucking foreshadowing until that last moment. Am I just dense, or is it just good storytelling? XD
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Witch and familiar au what if one of the guys from ff xv was cursed as a furry animal and mc, the local witch, finds them and takes care of them and poof they wake up with a half whatever animal/human in their bed and the other is just all "yeah so this awkward but I gotta a good explanation." Im leaning heavily on it being Prompto with some form of dog ears.
I’m glad I can finally get to this request, @roshytsunami! I was originally going to do HCs about a lot of characters in this situation, but now I think I’ll do a short fic.
I think your idea about half fish Noctis (wait, that’s a merman, right?) is awesome! I also really want to see faun Gladio (goat legs and maybe horns?) and maybe a half cat Ignis…rotfl idk. OHH! What about a half falcon Ravus, so he can have wings?!?! Or a wolfy Nyx?! Ok, I’m getting ahead of myself. I don’t have time to write all of these right now >.
If any of these ideas sound good to you, please request them! I get to requests before originals and use them to gauge what ideas people think sound interesting.
Btw, Roshy is a mod for an upcoming Prompto centered zine that you can check out here!
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Prompto just works too well with SnapChat…
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Love Spell
Eye of newt,Tongue of dove,A blue flame’s soot,NOW SHOW MY LOVE!
Over your table top cauldron you chanted, throwing each ingredient in. The small container bubbled with a pinkish liquid until you chanted the last line, in which it overflowed into yellow steam over the sides. It was the color of a sunflower explosion.
Fitting, considering who you were looking for.
You must be truly desperate to be trying your own spell to find him, you thought to yourself. The room around you stayed quiet as the yellow steam dissipated.
Life wasn’t easy for your friendly neighborhood modern witch. The tarot cards were moody and only liked to read misfortune while your modern cauldron was the size of a two cup measuring cup. Who could afford a giant cast iron pot these days? You made up most of your own spells because the ingredients for the ones you found in old books or online all called for expensive items that couldn’t be found in your city. You were a witch that flew by the seat of your pants, not a broom.
Without warning, the smell of the potion exploded into the room. It was an unpleasant combination like cheap cologne and a seeding mint plant. The odor overwhelmed your small flat and your ran to the kitchen window, throwing it open to gasp at the fresh air.
As your lungs took their fill, you lingered in the warm windowsill. The sun glowed on your skin, heating your body after the cold of your flat. Your fingers played in the soft soil of your flower box, dancing between your herb plants.
Your eyes stared off into the sunny day, willing you to wander down the busy streets below in search of him. You dreamed of him as your gaze settled on your neighbors yellow and orange marigolds. They reminded you of his hair and cheerful smile.
The man you loved had been gone for three days now. He had gone out to get you coffee and never returned. You missed your love and were worried sick about him.
Sure, you had only been dating for a few weeks now, but you knew you loved him the moment you met him. It was the type of situation where the word just fit. He was your sunshine: the light of your life and the warmth to your days. But you had been too scared to tell him that. Now, you were worried you’d never get the chance to.
It had been three sleepless nights, thousands of missed calls, and hundreds of hours out looking for him. But he was still gone without a trace.
You were woken from your daydream by a sound at the door: scratching. Oh by the six, had you summoned something with your made up ramblings?
You spun from the window, grabbing the first item that could be used as a weapon, which happened to be a large wooden spoon. You held your new sword before you, ready for whatever was going to tear your door down. Your breathing came in gasps and your hands shook as you listened to the soft scratching.
Every sound made you flinch. You felt certain that the front door would come flying towards you at any moment. Your heart beat thrummed in your ears.
“HERE IT COMES here IT comes here it COMES here itcomeshereitcomes” the words tumbled through your mind faster than you could comprehend them.
But nothing happened.
The door stayed perfectly still. When a soft whimpering was heard from the other side.
It sounded like a puppy.
You willed your frozen feet to move, to help you find out what was outside that door. Your initial instinct was to believe it a daemon’s trick, something to lure you outside, but curiosity got the best of you.
One hand on the doorknob, the other holding your spoon up to strike, you whispered, “Please don’t kill me,” before you threw the front door open.
Staring ahead, you half expected to see some giant, red and black glowing beast, ready to tear you apart. Instead, there was nothing.
You looked down towards movement on the floor to see a golden colored puppy sitting at your feet.
The two of you stared at each other in confusion, before it barked at you with its shrill but adorable voice.
Your head snapped to the upheld spoon. “Sorry!” You apologized while lowering it. The puppy rose to all four feet, trying to measure up to you.
You picked up the small baby, holding it before you to examine it. “So…boy,” you confirmed. “Tell me, are you some great daemon in disguise that I summoned to bring about my own bloodied doom?” You looked the bundle of fluff in the eyes. He just whimpered and waged his tail at you.
“AWWWW! You’re too cute to be here to hurt me! Aren’t you little guy!” At the will of this squirming puppy, you became a baby talking, giddy, melty mess. If it was going to kill you, at least you’d die happy from seeing something so adorable. You carried the little pup inside, cradled in your arms.
The rest of your day was spent drenched in sunlight, warm away from your sorrow. You now had someone to care for.
You made some homemade food for your new friend and stitched up some makeshift toys. You would sprawl out on your living room rug and play with him. As the sun was setting, painting the bricks of your flat in orange, you realized he still didn’t have a name. You smiled, watching the puppy yawn, content to put the task off until tomorrow.
You cuddled into your bed, soft and safe from the world outside. Your new friend whimpered on the floor, until you relented, picking him up to cuddle into your blankets with you. He curled up in your arms and was soon snoring under your adoring gaze.
It felt like mere moments later when you awoke. Everything was so warm; from the morning sun streaming in, to your blankets, even the breath on your skin.
Breath on your skin?!
You looked down frantically. Were a soft puppy had once laid, now a blond haired handsome man lay, curled up against your chest.
Your cheeks burned red as you scuttled backwards. Your bed mate moaned in his sleep.
“PROMPTO!?!” You cried! Was he really here? Now? Was this a dream?
“Errmm, [Y/N]?” He blinked sleep filled eyes, trying to focus on you. “[Y/N]!!!!” He realized suddenly who you were, tackling you onto the other side of the bed.
He was so excited to see you! You had to close your eyes to the onslaught of kisses…very wet kisses.
“Prom! Where have you…what have you…” He pulled away from you, his sky blue eyes staring into yours. You couldn’t help but notice small, fluffy ears sticking out of his golden hair as his tongue lolled out his open mouth. “What happened?!”
“I missed you so much, [Y/N]! I swear I can explain everything!” He dove into a rambling story, a tail swishing in your sheets to his cadence.
Ears, tongue, a tail…had your puppy friend been Prompto?!
“Prom, Prompto, sunshine…PROM! Stop!” Finally you got him to quiet. “I don’t think it’s all worn off…” You picked up your phone to show him what he looked like in the camera. He stared obliviously happy at you as you took his picture.
You turned your phone around. It took him a moment to recognize his own reflection. When he did, he snatched the device from your hands.
“THAT’S ME?!” He cried as though it was your fault.
You just nodded, still in shock at the puppy boy in front of you. A blush bloomed again. You had slept with the puppy, you had rolled around on the floor with the puppy, you had seen the puppy’s…
He started to panic, still staring at your phone.
“You were that puppy!” The realization left your lips.
“YEAH! AND NOW I’M ME BUT I’M STILL PUPPY AND…” Prompto had at least triple your anxiety.
You took a moment to breath. Everything was crazy, but he was here now. That’s what mattered.
“Prom, what happened?” You hoped your forcibly calm voice would help him.
“There was this person and I bumped into them and they knew my name and then I saw them here and…”
He was going to give himself a panic attack at this rate! So, you stopped him in the best way you knew how.
You pressed your lips to his. You had missed these soft lips. You felt the tension in your body release as you tasted his wet lips, letting your souls click into place.
Gently, slowly, you pulled away. “What was that for?” Your sunshine asked breathlessly.
“True love’s kiss and all that jazz,” you replied softly, half hoping it had worked.
“Oh…better try again, then.” And in an instant, your lips were reunited.
You could feel the heat in your cheeks rise. You had never purposefully been in a bed with Prompto,  much less like this before!
As heat was starting to build, he suddenly pulled away, his eyes wide. He jumped out of the bed and made for the bathroom.
“Prom? Honey, what’s wrong?” You called, concerned by his sudden departure.
“Gotta go!” He called, slamming the door.
You smiled at the strange scene.
“IT’S REALLY HARD TO GO WHEN YOU KEEP TRYING TO RAISE YOUR LEG!” He yelled from the other side of the door. Yeah, your Prompto was back.
The rest of the morning was filled with a slow breakfast and as much time in each other’s arms as you could have. Prompto kept trying to lick you instead of kiss you and he accidently did whine a few times.
Eventually, you pieced together his story. It sounded like a rival witch had been trying to cast this spell on you, when Prompto walked out of your apartment and right into it! You laughed with him but vowed to get revenge on whoever did this.
With a little bit of research and luck, you discovered that Prompto’s transformation would go away with time and “warm love”. He would need to constantly be around someone he loved, to take care of them and be cared for, until all the symptoms went away, or else he would transform back into a puppy!
“You poor thing! The shock of the transformation must have scared you so bad that you ran away!” You pet his head, trying to comfort him through understanding.
Prompto laughed nervously.
“What’s wrong, babe?”
“I guess…this means the cat’s out of the bag…heh or the dog.” He did a weak finger guns to you.
“The ‘L’ word stuff! LOVE! Now you know…” He looked down sadly. “And I never got to surprise you or make it super romantic or something…”
You smiled, pulling him in close for a tight hug. “Yeah, but I don’t need that, because I have you.” You pulled away to hold is face in your hands. “Prompto, I love you and I never want to lose you again.”
His eyes sparked. “I love you, too, [Y/N]. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
You held each other tight, wrapped in the strongest magic the world had ever known: Love.
“I was a pretty cute puppy, wasn’t I?”
“Yes, you still are!”“I am not!” “You can still be very dog-like at times.”
“Well, you don’t need a leash to keep me around.” ;)
“What if I want one?”
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ironwebbs · 6 years
Hey, do you take prompts? If so can you write a fix about flash hurting Peter and tony and the avengers finding out and storming down to the school to give flash a piece of their minds? I love your writing btw!!
Hello friend! Sorry for the wait! I’ve always loved the ‘Peters bullies get what they deserve’ trope! This is inspired by an episode of Criminal minds - elephants memory.
Sorry about the lack of avengers, I just love Tony being the one to kick ass and no flash but still shit bullies !! Homecoming flash was too much of a softie for this story!
Tony taps his fingers on the steering wheel of the car impatiently. His neck was already aching from the amount of times he had peered forward and backwards, scanning the crowd of teenagers for his.
It was lab day. Tony refused to admit it was his favourite day of the week, even though he wasn’t fooling anyone anymore, but he knew it was Peters. Which is what made it even more confusing that the kid hadn’t already bounded out of the front doors and barrelled into the car in his usual over excited way.
Frowning, Tony glanced at his watch for the upteenth time. School had let out almost 45 minutes ago, and the last message Tony had got from Peter was a quick “just need to do something and I’ll meet you in the lot.”
Giving up, and already drafting his lecture regarding tardiness and making people wait, Tony begun to ring Peters phone.
Straight to voice mail.
He was seconds away from leaving a colourful message, when he saw the doors of the school slam open.
Disconnecting the line, he watched passively as the group of boys ran down the stairs, laughing loudly and shoving at each other. Animals. Tony scoffed.
“Did you see his face when he started crying” one of the boys howled with laughter, the rest of the group doubled over, some making mocking crying noises and feigned pleads.
“Don’t look! Leave us alone” another boy yelled in a high pitched whine, followed by a barrel of laughter.
The voices carried down the path until Tony couldn’t see the gang anymore. His heart hammered in his chest, a sick feeling of wrong settled over him.
Slamming the car door open with more more force than was necessary, Tony all but fell out of the vehicle. His feet couldn’t possibly move any faster, cold sweat already creeping down his neck and over his face.
Sliding down the corridors of the hauntingly empty school halls, Tony looked around wildly, looking for any sign of the kid, of Peter.
After no luck in the hallways, he pushed out to the back of the school, towards the field.
His heart stops when he see’s him.
When he sees them.
They are thrust together, chest to chest, tightly bound by thick rope.
Suspended 10 feet in the air off the football goal.
He stomach lurches into his throat, and it tastes like hot acid.
He freezes. He can’t move from where he’s stood, watching Peter and Ned wriggle and console each other, dangling in the air on display.
Tony launches into action almost as quickly as he had stopped. He sprints the length of the field, heart racing loudly in his chest, loud enough for Peter to probably hear.
When Peter looks down, his face floods with relief, and then shudders into horrible humiliation.
Tony ignored the latter. “Pete, it’s okay, I’m gonna get you down okay?” He calls up, ignoring how his voice shook.
Someone had stripped his kid and strung him up like a piece of meat.
Someone was going to die for this.
His hands tremble as he pulls at the knot suspending the rope from the base of the goal. He gets a solid grip on it before yelling up “I’m lowering you! Hold on”
He gets no response, but he doesn’t really expect one either.
The rope burns horribly on his palms as he lowers the children slowly to the floor, arms straining angrily against the weight.
He hears the pad of feet hitting grass and the barely concealed breath of relief from both kids. He sprints back to the duo, making quick silent work of ripping open the rope digging into their bare backs and trussing them together.
He feels sick to his stomach.
This wasn’t an act of bullying, this was a senseless act of humiliation and hurt.
The boys fall apart, quick to try hide their nudity. Tony takes his first look at Peters face.
He looks wrecked.
Under his eyes are swollen red from tears, cheeks flushed and clammy. There’s a bruise already forming around his eye socket and another one at the bottom of his jaw, his lip and brow split and bleeding sluggishly.
But his eyes, they are broken, horribly humiliated and distressed.
Tony wants to bundle him up and hide him away forever.
“I’ll fucking kill them. Give me their names right now, I swear they will be dead before they make it home” he seethes. Ned looks at Peter desperately, the boy is shaking, his face is marred with bruising and blood, red angry lines circle his torso from the rope burn.
Tony’s never wanted blood more than he has in this moment.
“Please, Mr Stark, please just get us home” Peter says softly, voice wobbly and defeated.
Tony wants to argue, wants his revenge right now.
But there’s two kids shivering and naked in front of him. Two kids that have been attacked and abused and humiliated.
That’s his priority.
Shucking off his jacket he quickly tosses it to Ned, allowing the boy to hide his body. He pulls off his hoodie next, wrapping it around Peters slim waist. Peter flinches and holds on to the material. His eyes are blank now, distant.
“Where are your clothes?” Tony asks gently now, as if talking to a wounded animal. “They took them” he gets in response, almost inaudible.
“Okay. There’s got to be clothes in the school, do you both have gym gear?” He gets quiet nods.
Two of the most lively and energetic teenagers he’s ever encountered in his life, broken into silence.
He bites his tongue to stop himself from screaming.
They move into the halls, Tony walking ahead to afford the teenagers some modesty. The boys disappear into the locker rooms and emerge dressed in gym shorts and shirts. Their eyes are suspiciously more wet and red, as if they shared a moment behind the safety of the bathroom door.
Only they could understand the trauma they had just endured.
Tony felt out of place, inadequate.
He walked the pair to his awaiting car, watching as they climbed slowly and silently into the back seat. Tony dutifully buckled himself up in the front seat, adjusting his mirror to see the friends both looking out their windows, both hiding the slide of tears cascading their cheeks. Suffering alone and in silence.
Tony feels murderous and devastated all at once and it consumes him.
Ned climbs out at his stop thanking Tony gratefully and quietly, he pauses before closing the door, “it wasn’t your fault Peter. Please don’t blame yourself” he says gently, jaw set steely, eyes brimmed with unshed tears. Tony watches Peter drop his head in shame, eyes locked to the floor of the car.
They pull into the tower garage. Tony ignores the tremble in Peters shoulders.
He knows this embarrassment. He knows the shame of having people need to rescue you, see you at your worst. He tries to offer Peter that dignity, lets the boy walk ahead, hands gripped into fists, a brave determination to get to the lab.
Tony follows behind, feeling utterly useless.
They enter the lab, the sanctuary. Peter presses his hands to the cold steel of the counter, eyes shut and lip caught in his teeth.
“Kid, we can work later. What do you need” Tony says gently, as non pitying as he can manage.
Peter looks at him helplessly, some of the hard determination already cracking. He looks lost. Afraid. Devastated.
Tony moves quickly. He catches the boy before he falls, wrapping his arms tightly around the now sobbing hysterically teenager.
He squeezes tight, the pressure he knows Peter likes. Peters legs are boneless, unable to hold his weight. So they slide to the floor, Tony’s back pressed against the cold wall, Peter curled on top of him, sobbing loudly into his neck, hands gripping Tony’s tee.
“Let it out, let it all out. It’s okay. You’re okay” Tony gentles. He brings his hand up, running it through the shaking child’s hair, soothing and rubbing to calm down the heartwrenching sobs.
Tony feels his own eyes prickle, a heavy dread weighing on his whole being.
His kid was hurt.
“They told Ned Betty was waiting for him on the field, that she wanted to talk to him” he hears Peter admit with a hiccup into his shoulder, the tears still falling at a steady rate.
The classic hot girl is waiting for you ploy. He had heard that one too many times.
“We didn’t believe it, Ned knew something didn’t feel right. But he wanted to see anyway. We went together” he sniffles loudly, breath shuddering and heaving.
Of course Peter was too smart to fall for it. Of course he would act as Neds army. This kid.
“There was so many of them, they were all bigger, stronger than us. The football team”
Tony knew. He saw them outside. Saw them laughing and revelling in their sick act. He wished he had killed them then.
“They pushed us around. Usually I can take the beatings, you know… but Ned was there, and he couldn’t take it” his cries pick up again, Tony thinks he won’t ever be able to get the sound of of his head.
“It’s okay, shhh, you’re safe” Tony whispers, carding his hands through the thick mattered locks.
Peter relaxed slightly, his voice still muffled into Tony’s neck.
“I had to try protect him, I fought back … I never fight back , but he was getting hurt and I - I thought - I couldn’t-“ he sobs.
“And then they started calling us names, started insinuating things, it was my fault that they got more mad. They took our clothes, they tied us up… they just stood there and laughed and took pictures and … Mr Stark, I was so humiliated” he breaks on the last word, his story told, his tears persistent.
Tony’s own tears rolled down his cheeks, his stomach clenched in sadness, distress.
How could he help? What could ever fix this?
“It’s not your fault Pete, you tried to save Ned, that’s all that matters” he reassures wetly, pulling Peters limp body closer to his, ignoring the ache in his legs.
Peter just cried, and Tony let him. What else could he do?
. .
Tony scans the group of teenagers in front of him. Lined up, and all slightly pale.
It had taken some persuasion, but eventually Peter had caved, giving the names of the 8 boys involved. It hadn’t taken much to convince (with a promise of generous funding and to not print the story of violent bullying to blacken the schools name) the principle to let him manage the discipline. To deliver the punishment.
He was going to enjoy this.
“Here’s how this is going to go. You’re all going to run the length of this field, goal to goal. You stop running? You’re expelled. You stop, you admit your guilt. Got it?” He smiles wolfishly.
They were all expelled anyway. They just didn’t know it yet.
“And because I know you boys like to stick together, this is done as a team. You fall behind - expelled. Say goodbye to the scholarships, to any college wanting you” He mocks with a snarl.
The boys whiten further, some look like they want to protest, argue their doomed fate.
At least they are all smart enough not to fight Iron Man.
So they run.
And they drop like flies. One by one.
Some of them cry, beg for forgiveness. Others curse and promise lawyers and media involvement.
One boy runs through it.
The one that stripped their clothes and took them home.
Tony almost wants to stay and watch until the teens legs cramp and he falls to his doom. But he’s also got his own teenager waiting for him.
He activated the wrist gauntlet, admiring it for a moment before rising it with a blank impassive face. He fires it right where the boys foot would have landed, if the small blast hadn’t knocked him off his feet and face first into the muddy ground.
Tony stalks over to the withering teen, anger and vengeance in every step. He grabs the boys collar, dragging him to the rest of the panting miserable boys.
“You think you’ve learnt a lesson here today?”
They groan and curse, heads down and ashamed.
“I said.” He punctuates more venomously. “Have you learnt your lesson? Or should I tie you up and leave you overnight hanging from the goal posts”
The boys are quick to respond with yes sirs this time.
“You are all so goddamn lucky you aren’t in jail right now. You’re sick and twisted and you’re not worth the dirt on my shoes. Prison would be too good for you. Instead, enjoy a life of failed opportunities and disappointment. All because of a bit of good fun was it?” He smiles, baring all his teeth with the threat.
The boys are silent, but they understand.
“I hope you remember this day. I hope you go into your sad sorry lives knowing that your behaviour and your disgusting, vile actions led you here. Those boys won’t be able to forget what you put them through. Now you won’t be able to forget what I’ll put you through if you ever so think to cross me or those kids again. Do you hear me?” More quiet yessirs. Pleased Tony nods his head. Turning on his heel and begins to exit the godforsaken field, hopefully, for the last time. He pauses for a moment, turning to face the sullen seniors.
“Those two boys are worth 20 of each of you. I can’t wait to see them succeed and know you will watching from your shitty apartments in your shitty lives.”
He walks away with that. Leaving the teenagers to wallow in their losses. To mourn their futures.
Peter’s waiting for him by the car when he returns.
“You think pretending to shoot at him was a bit over the top?” Peter smirks, opening the door and sliding into the passenger seat.
Tony smiles back, a feigned frown on his brow “I wasn’t pretending, I just missed”
Peter looks at him with a horrified amusement, obviously unsure as to whether or not Tony was lying.
Tony knows though. If anyone were to hurt his kid again… he wouldn’t miss.
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gayliensav · 6 years
the opening card of fear the walking dead is literally the most annoying sound to my overly sensitive ears
but im starting a rewatch, just gonna keep updating this post below the cut
S1E01: “Pilot” 
ahahhaha that millennial daughter of theirs not watching to eat gluten. Bet the local white moms who are casual watchers for Norman loved this joke
Alicia is the only character I have liked from the very beginning (besides like...Strand, but he wasn’t in the first ep)
Like I know everyone is up Madison’s ass (at least they were last time I checked and I’m a few seasons behind), but I don’t like her or Travis all that much
Nick changed for me, I used to hate him but he got a little better
Nick hating Travis???? A BIG FUCKING MOOD
Like I understand that as the viewers who watch TWD we’re supposed to be annoyed with their decisions, which is how I feel from the beginning, but I do realize that’s how they want us to feel.
“You need to take Christopher” “i DoNt WaNnA gO”
He’s literally asking his son, a teenager, to come and spend the weekend in the hospital with someone he barely knows, like what does he expect here??
the lead up draaaaags on for too long
*slams fist on desk* wheres isaac lahey
I think one of the main problems with the relationships in this show is that there’s no lead up and no development, they just immediately love each other. Like with Rick and Michonne, we had seasons of lead up, but not with these two. The writers of this are capable of writing good relationships, they just chose to drag these two heteros into the main stage without giving them any backstory in the beginning.
This liveblog is going to consist of me making quips and then actual analysis of stuff
i walked out of the room to go to the bathroom and didnt miss anything
this one kids got it covered, tobias is prolly still out there
thats what I expected Paul Rovia to be like at the beginning of the apocalypse. Everyone is like dicking around and hes like nah fam and yeets his body outta town
the whole show is on 123movies, btw, dont give amc the numbers by watching it on their site. They also don’t have the first few seasons available anyways, so
like why don’t they just go check the building instead of saying Nick was just drugged. Like I know he was high, but he saw dead bodies, they need to call the police and have them check that shit out. Instead Travis just goes there by himself. Ricky Grimes would not approve.
I forget how long until the actual apocalypse stuff happens, but I’m getting a teeny bit bored already.
“Something really bad happened there” “I don’t care” lmao WHAT, Madison????
I paused and 50 pop ups came up, thanks
you know alicia’s bf goes down
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they really teased us with an almost-zombie huh almost like they knew we were bored
fffff there aint a doubt in my mind that anyone from the pilot except tobias and alicia survived this show
nick’s yeetin outta here
Like the concept of being in a huge city during the beginning was great, but we didn’t really get very much of that. The first few episodes especially when Travis was trying to get Chris and was stuck in that barber shop was great. Like that’s one of the few episodes of this that really stick in my mind. Those crazy fucking scenes were great.
“there’s no bodies...they couldn’t just get up and walk away” lollllll what clever writers WE HAVE
Like I’ll give Travis credit, he did try to be a good dad and stepdad...just bad timing, not great decisions in the end of the world, etc. Like the one scene where he was swearing he’d drag Nick to rehab??? That scene got me feelin’ stuff.
lol a helicopter
 you know why all these kids aren’t in school??? their parents are anti-vaxxers
walkers walkers walker walkers LETS GO THERES A WALKER
“killshot, bitch”
that took way too long to be the first episode goddamn
S1E02: “So Close, Yet So Far” 
Ooooo cellphones are starting to go, shits getting good now
I’m like 30 minutes in and haven’t liveblogged anything, I’m bored
Well, that was that.
S1E03: “The Dog”
I hate this already because of the title we stan (1) TWD Dog in this house and his name is Dog Dixon
this star wars now???
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See, I’m a neutral gay who just likes to watch chaos. A chaotic neutral, if you will. So this episode is fucking WILD, like this is what I mentioned before.
the monopoly scene was wholesome
I guess I could see Paul joining in on this chaos for a bit until he realized oh shit this aint good chief THEN yeeting outta there
Fun fact, the truck they use for the first part of Fear is Daryl, Aaron, and Paul’s truck on the askjaaryl blog:
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The music while they’re driving is on fucking point, like it kinda sounds like that one TWD theme (the hopeful one) but remixed.
The scene where all the lights in the city go off PHEW poetic cinema
Madison: DONT LET IT IN! Nick: ITS A DOG! -- Daryl felt that
I frozzee I thought for a hot minute that it was Dog
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He a cutie tho
that poor doggo im so sick of this show’s treatment towards them like
if anything happens to Dog, I think Norman will quit and rightfully so
i feel like just a few people in the post-apocalyptic world where zombie movies dont exist were just blessed with the knowledge that you have to shoot the head
damn chris really didnt do shit and got a whole broken nose huh
so far, stan list: alicia, victor strand (he hasnt appeared but yyknow), and chris sort of
they need a doctor but she never went to school before the end of hte world is this how alex feels all the time
S1E04: “Not Fade Away”
The opening to this one always really stuck with me. Like it’s so normal but you know it’s not.
lol remember that time everyone freaked the fuck out thinking this was Carl
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I feel like Ophelia and this soldier dude would have one of those conversations where it’s like “what do you like about me?” “you’re beautiful” “is that it?” 
deadass don’t care if nick is over 18, she still hit her son who has an addiction he can’t control 
I think this is where I started to hate Madison. Instead of blaming the people who did it, she blamed Liza. Because that makes sense.
S1E05: “Cobalt”
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Strand out here scamming the heteros since before the apocalypse started
Paul Rovia and Victor Strand had a thing, you can’t change my mind
Everything but Strand’s scenes is boring to me and there is an extreme lack of those.
S1E06: “The Good Man”
Honestly, the relationship between Nick and Strand was really great.
“We’re gonna get along fine, Nick’s mom” is one of my favorite lines because like...it’s like a little kid talking to someone else’s parent, but he’s a grown ass man and he knows damn well how funny he is.
So wait did Ophelia die???
oop nope she good
lol she deadass apologizing that he got taken and not for beating her own son but OKAAAAAY
S2E01: “The Monster”
Here we go, a full length season this time. Let’s see how this goes.
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nc-ten-scenarios · 6 years
Ocean Waves//1
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The roads were quiet tonight. There weren’t many cars out as I drove. I had the radio playing softly, but more than anything it was background noise. My jeep wrangler held three people inside. I was driving, Lia took passenger, and Poppy claimed the entire back row. 
I flipped my blinker on, even though nobody else was on the road, and turned off the main road and took a left onto the gravel road leading to the pack house. As we pulled up I felt as if something was off, but I couldn’t place the feeling. I parked and just sat there basking in the silence. The air felt almost thicker and slightly tense, like something had been thrown off or something was coming. 
I was snapped out of my train of thought when Lia tapped my arm. “Are we going to sit here or actually go inside?” 
It was then I realized we had been sitting here for the past five minutes, engine still running. I quietly turned off the engine before pulling my keys from the ignition. I slid my seatbelt off and hopped out of the car. I locked it and listened as my shoes crunched under the gravel. 
The three of us walked up the porch steps before knocking on the front door. When we got no answer I took the initiative to just see if it was unlocked to which it was. Inside you could hear soft voices from within the kitchen and by the sound of it, it seemed that nobody knew that we had just wandered inside.
I slipped my shoes off before I followed the voices down the hall to the kitchen to find all the pack members huddled around the table. I wouldn’t be as surprised as I was if I hadn’t seen Kara and Hana among them. 
“We are being attacked from the East, West and now the North hyung. It’s only a matter of time before they attack from the South too.”
“We must take action now.”
“No time to waste.”
“The longer we wait the more time they have to surround us.”
Voices flooded the space and it didn’t take us (me, Lia, and Poppy) long to figure out that the pack was making a battle strategy. One that hadn’t been introduced to us until now. Well, technically we wouldn’t have known unless we had came inside.
My eyes scanned the room again to see literally every single pack member here in a huddle, minus me, Lia, and Poppy. It then dawned on me.
We were not invited to this pack meeting.
Immediately anger began to rouse in my veins and by the look on Lia’s face I knew she had the same thoughts. 
It didn’t take long for somebody to notice us in the kitchen entrance and once our presence was discovered the kitchen went silent.
“Y/n, Lia, Poppy. So glad you could join us.” Taeyong, the NCT pack alpha broke that silence awkwardly. It seemed as if he was trying to diffuse the tension. 
Too bad those words were transparent to the real meaning. He didn’t invite us on purpose.
My glare didn’t lessen, but I remained silent. Lia, however, couldn’t contain her anger.
“Oh really? So glad for us to join you? Yeah right Taeyong. We knocked on the door and got no answer so we invited ourselves in to find the entire pack minus me, y/n, and poppy, having a meeting.”
“A meeting that we weren’t invited to apparently.” I added.
The pack was silent as they knew they were caught red handed. After a moment of silence, Cassidy, Taeil’s mate stepped forward.
“It’s not that we didn’t want to invite you loves, believe me. It’s just that this is a pack thing you know?” That only fueled our anger.
“A pack thing?” Poppy repeated brows furrowed and head tilted to the side.
“Aren’t we a part of the pack?” Lia snapped staring at Cassidy before flickering her eyes to Hyokyo who was Yuta’s mate. The looks on their faces basically told us all we needed to know.
A scoff left Lia’s throat. “Wow just wow.”
“Lia it isn’t what you think-” Hana started, but Lia immediately cut her off.
“Isn’t it though? You don’t consider us a part of the pack.” 
“Now hold on a minute-” Hyokyo began.
“No we will not. Answer my question. Aren’t we a part of the pack?”
“Well of course you are.” Cheyanne the luna countered. 
She came forward and placed a hand on Lia’s shoulder. “You are a part of the family girls.” She paused as if thinking her next words carefully.”It’s just that you aren’t like us.”
“Aren’t like you?” I snapped.
“You aren’t wolves.” She finally said. 
And that’s when it all clicked into place. In unison we all stepped back and scowled.Poppy was the first to speak up.
“Yeah so?”
“Your aren’t as strong as we are. You could be hurt.” Our luna continued.
Lia let out a bitter, watery laugh as she got frustrated the tears would also come. “So that’s why we weren’t invited. Because were human?”
The room once again filled with silence. Lia’s words were the truth that none of the wolves could deny. With their silence we got our answers.
I shook my head as I looked at each pack member. Each member had the same look as the last and I couldn’t bare looking at them much longer.
“Well I’m glad to know that’s what you really think,” Lia hissed. “I guess you won’t have to worry about us much longer.” She spun on her heel and disappeared from the kitchen.
“I hope your meeting goes well.” Poppy whispered before she too disappeared from sight.
I shook my head before I followed the other two girls. We slipped on our shoes and headed out the door, not forgetting to slam the door behind us.
School the next week was pretty much a game of how-long-can-you-avoid-the-pack.  I had managed to be quite successful and it was today I actually thanked my teacher for putting Haechan on the other side of the room.
Throughout class I felt his stare on me. No it wasn’t the look at person and look away type stare. It was the full on stare at them until they turn around type stare. I began to feel uncomfortable, but I knew if I looked now I wouldn’t be able to turn down his puppy like gaze. So I kept my stare forward for the entirety of the period. 
Class ended fairly quick and I was able to sneak out the door and disappear into the crowd of students easily. Guess those are the perks of sitting near the door. I practically ran down the stairs towards the back lot doors to go to my tech class. Thank god none of the others had this class. Lia burst out the doors and ran towards my car, something she never really did....Unless she was being chased. 
From behind I watched as the doors flung open and out came Hana and Jaemin who’s eyes locked straight onto Lia’s running form before they followed her lead. I knew they were faster than Lia, but Lia had a head start. I quickly started the car and pulled out of the spot, giving her more space to jump into the car so we could leave. 
She finally reached the car and ripped the door open not even taking her bag off yet when she slammed the door shut and demanded that I drive. I listened to her frantic tone and began the short drive to the tech school down the way.
“So what was that about?” I started the conversation.
“They tried to corner me after class, but I booked it out of there. The aftermath was that they attempted to catch me before I made it outside.” Her voice was slightly out of breath from all the running.
“Well cudos to you for beating two werewolves.” 
“Yeah I’m pretty good and surprised not gonna lie.” She grinned wildly making me snicker at her words.
By the time our laughter stopped we had reached the tech school.
“Let’s go eat, I’m starving!” Lia exclaimed as we began walking in. 
After getting our lunches we sat at our usual table and began to eat. 
“I wonder if we are getting a new project today.” 
I shrugged. “If we are I hope it’s not a boring video. I couldn’t stand the last one.”
I pulled my phone out and scrolled through the various messages. Five from Haechan, three from Hana, four from Poppy, and two from a number I didn’t recognize. My brows furrowed as I clicked on the message.
Hey cousin! It’s your girl May. I got a new phone (if you didn’t notice) and I wanted to let you know I’m coming into town to visit you! I’ll be staying for the rest of the school year and my credits have already been transferred over.
Oh btw I’m arriving at your house around 2:30 today. See you soon!
My jaw dropped realizing my cousin would be here in a matter of hours. Joy spread throughout my body at the thought of hanging with my cousin. 
Lia noticing my grin tilted her head suspiciously. “Why are you smiling like that?”
“My cousin is coming into town,”
Surprise covered her face. “Oh May is coming into town? When?”
“Today after school.” 
“Dang that’s short notice, but I’m glad she is. I haven’t seen her in so long!”
“Same. And get this.” I paused for dramatic effect. “She’s staying till the end of the school year!”
“Shut up no she is not!” Lia grinned. “This is fantastic news! The trio is getting back together. Look out everyone!”
 Once May did arrive it was like a hug fest between the three of us.
“I’ve missed you so much!”
“It’s been so long!”
“Well you are now stuck with us for awhile now so get used to it.”
May herself was a human, but that didn’t mean she was dense either. She knew about the supernatural world. The reason being that I was a supernatural being myself. I was what you’d call an elemental. Specifically a water elemental. 
The power itself was pretty cool, but it also had a dark side to it as well. Water is a liquid just like milk or tea. So technically speaking I could control anything of a liquid type substance. But being called a liquid bender isn’t ideal.
“So how is my favorite human and my favorite elemental?” May asked after she plopped herself down onto the couch.
“Been okay.” Lia shrugged.
“It’s been pretty good up until last week.” I muttered tossing the crackers to May.
“What happened last week? Who do I got to fight?”
I snickered at my cousin’s behavior. “No one May.”
“Besides May I don’t think you want to get involved in the bf drama.” Lia exclaimed not realizing what she said until it was too late.
“Wait hold up. Bf drama? As in boyfriend drama?” May’s eyes lit up.
Lia tried to play it off. “I meant it as best friend problems you know?”
May wasn’t buying it. “Your best friend would consist of either y/n or me Lia. And since you don’t seem annoyed by either of us, I want the deets on your boyfriends.”
We sighed defeated. “Fine, fine. Yes we have boyfriends.”
“Names.” May was already grinning.
“Donghyuck but he goes by Haechan.” I immediately replied.
“Jaemin. But I call him Nana.” Lia sighed.
“What do they look like?”
“Both are taller than us, cute, sweet-”
“No. I want to see pictures you nuggets!” May insisted.
After playing a round of what seemed like twenty questions about our boyfriends she finally seemed satisfied.
“Okay I approve. For the moment in time. When can I meet them?” 
Lia and I shared a look. 
“Well the thing is” I started
“We got into an argument” Lia finished.
The room went silent and we both dared glances at May to see her silently sitting there thinking. She seemed to be processing our words carefully. Her expression remained tranquil....for about five seconds.
“All the more reason to meet them.”
“Why is that?” I asked cautiously.
“So I can yell at them for making my girls upset obviously. So what are you waiting for?” She jumped up off the sofa, brushing off her jeans.
“Wait you want to meet them now?” Lia was gobsmacked.
Neither of us were ready to face the pack yet, but May didn’t know that our boyfriends were part of the pack. She didn’t even know what our arguments were about. But she was adament about meeting the pack.
“No Lia I want to meet them last tuesday. Yes today!”
Lia and I shared a look that read well-now-what? Glancing at May I knew she was determined to meet them today. I had really only one option. So I sighed before grabbing my car keys and decided to drive Lia over to the pack house to meet Haechan and Jaemin. Lia and I could only pray she wouldn’t ask too many questions.
Once we arrived at the pack house, it was very worrying how she’d react. Lia had bucked up the courage to text the group chat and tell them the situation. From what I read they seemed ectastic that we were talking to them again so I prayed it would all go smoothly.
As we walked up to the front door my nerves began to kick in. I took a deep breath to calm myself down before knocking on the door. Withing moments of the first knock the door swung open and I was pulled into a warm embrace by none other than Hana.
“Great you guys made it! Come on in.” She grinned pushing the door open wider.
We all slipped off our shoes before shuffling into the warm house. 
“Everyone is in the living room. Don’t be shy I promise they won’t bite.”  I sent Hana a warning glance hoping that May didn’t get her double meaning. Lucky for me May just laughed along before following us into the living room.
As soon as I stepped into the living room I was met with the grinning faces of the pack pups minus the twins. Must be talking it out at home.
Haechan’s eyes lit up at the sight of me willingly inside the pack house and he grinned at me patting the seat next to him. I slowly wandered over to the spot he was patting and settled into the cushion. I slightly tensed when he wrapped his arm around me, but soon relaxed despite being mildly annoyed from last week. Stupid mate bond.
“Aw what an adorable couple!” May coo’d at us grinning.
I cleared my throat lightly blushing.”May this is Haechan my boyfriend, Haechan this is May my cousin.”
Haechan grinned. “Ah so this is the famous May I’ve heard so much about.”
“All good things I hope.” She giggled shaking his hand.
“Of course. My girl would never talk bad about somebody. She’s sweet that way.” Haechan grinned kissing my cheek.
“Yeah it adds to her charm.” Hana added in settling down next to Mark.”Lia why don’t you take a seat and introduce her to Nana?”
Lia glared at Hana before plopping herself next to Jaemin. Well she tried at least. Jaemin instantly pulled Lia onto his lap with arms around her waist as he leaned back against the sofa.
Lia’s cheeks flushed with scarlet. “This is Jaemin my boyfriend.” She managed to get out a clear sentence despite her flustered state.
“Nice to meet you May. I hope we can become good friends.” Jaemin smiled a mega watt grin at May.
“I sure hope we can.”
“Why don’t we all go around introducing ourselves minus Nana and Haechan.” Hana leaned her head onto Mark’s shoulder, eyes twinkling. “I’ll go first I’m Hana.”
“Hi I’m Mark, Hana’s boyfriend.”
“I’m Renjun.”
“We are missing one. He should be coming in soon.” Hana smiled at May who was memorizing name to face. 
“Alright well it’s lovely to meet you all.” May leaned back happily.
Small chatter started up around us and I looked to May to see her chatting with Hana and Mark before I caught Lia’s less than amused gaze. 
Haechan nuzzled his nose into my cheek before he kissed the spot. I leaned away still annoyed with him and the rest of the pack.
“Oh come on love. Please don’t be mad at me.” Haechan whined laying his head on my shoulder.
I huffed turning my head the other way.
“Babeeeee.” Haechan was persistant and the tone in his whine told me he would soon have the puppy eyes out and those were something I couldn’t resist. “Love come on look at me.” His voice dropped an octave as he coaxed me to look at him. 
I felt my resolve begin to crumble. I finally sighed and spared him a glance to find him giving me the damn puppy eyes and to top it off a cute head tilt. I stared at him trying to seem annoyed, but once I dropped my glare he grinned leaning forward to pull me into a hug.
“I knew you couldn’t resist me.” He teased resting his head on mine.
“Yeah, yeah. You cheated. You know I can’t resist the puppy eyes.”
“Don’t you mean my dazzling charm?” He smirked.
I rolled my eyes leaning back and patting his cheek.”Yeah that’s what it is babe.”
He playfully nipped at my hand. “I’m all yours darling.”
I rolled my eyes again gazing around the room to land on Lia who had her arms crossed as she tried to get Jaemin to let her go. By the looks of it she wasn’t winning. Her eyes rolled at something he whispered in her ear before they landed on me and the look basically screamed help me.
I snickered before I attempted to get up myself to no avail. Apparently Haechan wasn’t allowing me to leave his side now. I turned to glare at him, but was interrupted by Jeno walking inside.
“Man you guys should’ve came with me on patrol! There was this massive elk just waiting to be taken down-” He was cut off by none other than Mark.
“Jeno meet May. Y/n’s cousin visiting from out of town.” 
Jeno popped his head into the living room and he froze at the sight of May. He seemed to recognize her human scent, but he remained still just gazing at her before Mark cleared his throat.
“Oh how rude of me. I’m Jeno nice to meet you.”
May smiled at him rising to shake his hand.”I’m May as you now know. It’s nice to meet you too.”
Jeno reciprocated her smile kissing her hand. “The pleasure is all mine.”
The room filled with silence until Lia cleared her throat.”Well would you look at the time. It’s six o’clock which means we’ve got to get back and make dinner.” She began to rise up until Jaemin pulled her back down.
“Why don’t you three stay here for dinner? There is plenty to go around.” He smirked.
“Yeah and we want to get to know May a little better. Isn’t that right Jeno?” Haechan joined in.
“Yeah I think it’s a grand idea. Y/n we can cook tomorrow night okay? I’d like to get to know everyone else better.” May chimed in too.
“Especially Jeno.” Chenle teased before he darted into the kitchen to avoid Lia and I’s glares.
“It’s decided then. I’ll go inform Taeyong you are all staying for dinner.” Hana jumped up and left the room, but not before sending me a knowing wink.
-Admin Allie 
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