#it is only a call-out if you believe that being with a man is something reprehensible
xshadowdelta · 22 hours
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Yoo Jimin (Karina) x Male Reader (6K Length)
Being the son of the president and owner of one of the most famous multinational companies in the entire world had an infinite number of advantages, but one stood out above the rest. The economic power you wielded was practically inexhaustible, which led you to a life of luxuries and whims, since you won the race against the rest of the sperm.
Living in a mansion, having a driver and bodyguard, attending private schools, and one of the best universities in the world, having a huge guaranteed job, and rubbing shoulders with some of the most important people on the planet. Although the latter was sometimes more of a drawback than an advantage, depending on how tedious the matter at hand was.
And that was what had brought you here, to Milan, Italy, in what was known as Milan Fashion Week, a show whose date was marked on the calendar of everyone who was interested in this whole panorama.
It's not that it was your first time attending an event of this caliber, but it was your first time dealing with something related to fashion, a topic that you hardly knew anything about and that didn't interest you too much, to be honest.
Why were you here then? Simple, because of one of your father's contacts. The world of business was not simply about making money with your company, offering a quality product, managing your employees and going home to sleep every night, no, it went much further.
Everyone should start from the bottom, and once you have managed to reach the top, the difficulty lies in staying up there, which is something that experts always say. And to achieve this objective, alliances are needed, partners if you prefer, in order to build a powerful and, at the same time, faithful network of contacts.
One of the most powerful designers at the show belonged to your father's network of contacts, and therefore also to yours and your company's. Attending this parade was nothing more than a business commitment to strengthen the relationship between you two.
However, the CEO of the company, that is, your father, was closing a deal with a new investor in the USA, and his busy schedule prevented him from traveling to Europe precisely at that time. And there is where you came in, your position as heir, your father's current right-hand man, and future president meant that these tasks fell on you.
You had to admit that you were a little nervous. The crowd of celebrities didn't surprise you, you had been to places like this before, but the fashion world used to bring together a lot of, no offense, snobs.
Since your childhood, you have dealt with thousands of these types of people. You were seasoned in a thousand battles against posh children of rich parents who believe they are the center of the universe, just because the guy they called dad once fucked their mother without wearing a condom in a gas station bathroom, and he ended up having success with some banal bullshit. Luckily, you hadn't turned out that stupid.
You witnessed the parade from the guest area between a young actor who was beginning to emerge in Hollywood and a Formula 1 driver. Experiencing this type of event from the inside perhaps would eliminate your prejudices and change your way of seeing them, nothing could be further from reality.
You still couldn't understand how there were people willing to not only wear such extravagant outfits and clothing, but also pay for them, a negligible sum of money for you, obviously, but it wasn't for 99% of the population.
Hours passed and the moon, along with a blanket of stars, beautifully illuminated the sky of the city, in accordance with the end of the event and the subsequent celebration, one of those famous after-parties that the great figures used to chat, get to know each other, and, of course, do some business.
However, that night, it wasn’t among your tasks to sign any new contracts with anyone there. Luckily for you, your father was lenient in this matter. Attending the event, interacting a little bit with acquaintances, and having the freedom to leave after completing said mission.
“I can’t believe my eyes. Look who is here, it's my good friend's little boy!” You caught a glimpse of a quirky guy, approaching you with his arms open.
There was the culprit of this little trip through the Italian country, your father's old partner, a man with long gray hair, about 60 years old, extremely thin and whose body was surrounded by who knows how many animal skins are in danger of extinction.
“It is a pleasure to see you again, sir.” You lied as he hugged you, patting your back. “I thank you for the invitation on behalf of my father, I am sure he would have loved to be able to attend.”
“Ah, that old father of yours, he continues to work too much, it's time for you to take over.”
“It is difficult, sir, we also want him to rest, but you know how stubborn he is.” At that moment, one of the waiters approached you with a tray full of champagne glasses, which you both took.
You continued talking for a while, mostly about your impressions of the show and the work you were involved in lately, taking advantage of the moment to introduce you to other designers and moguls and even some of the models who had paraded on the scenario.
“The last time I saw you, what were you, 16 years old? But look at you now, you are already a man, and you will carry on your shoulders the weight of a huge brand, it is a weight that is not inconsiderable at all. Have you not thought about having a good woman to help you?”
“I think I'm still young for that, sir, but it's certainly something I haven't considered at the moment.”
“There are countless women here and each one stands out in something: power, beauty, intelligence…I could introduce you to whoever you wanted.”
You were beginning to feel uncomfortable because of the direction the conversation was taking. Although it is true that your father gave you freedom on that topic, from time to time he had dropped a comment about it. Without a girlfriend and a large fortune, you were a good catch, of course, but also the perfect target for fortune hunters. However, that didn't stop you from having fun sometimes.
You scanned the place with your gaze, doing a quick sweep of the people that came into your visual range. You then stopped at a girl who stood out above the rest in your perception.
She had Asian features, a bright dark hair and was wearing a very elegant black dress that was tight to her body. Her face was simply beautiful, somewhat pale, but certainly beautiful, as if she were the human representation of a goddess, and her body had perfect proportions, highlighted perfectly by that small dress. She was chatting cheerfully with one of the models at the show, and her smile left you speechless.
The old man next to you also observed the girl since your gaze had been lost in her, and they didn’t have a plan to return to their initial position. He gave you a playful smile and placed a hand on your shoulder. That touch was enough to make you come back to earth.
“Be careful, kid, you know what they say, the devil wears Prada.”
The designer left you there confused with those words while he went to greet another of his guests, but your eyes were still focused on that young girl. You took a long drink of your champagne, finishing it instantly and leaving the glass on one of the nearby tables to begin walking determinedly in the direction of the girl.
Sadly for you, a third person blocked your way by putting an arm around your shoulders. You tried to free yourself from that grip until you realized who it was, one of your old university classmates, the son of a great businessman in the automotive world.
He spoke to you animatedly for a few minutes in which you didn’t pay him a single second of attention while your eyes tried not to lose sight of the figure of that girl, now hidden behind the body of your friend.
You wanted to interrupt him and say something, but you also didn't want to be disrespectful. That was your mistake, was what you thought when he dragged you from there to introduce you to another group of people while you watched how you were moving away from your goal.
Suddenly you found yourself caught up in a loop that lasted about a couple of hours, about meeting new personalities, stupid conversations about business that you would have participated in another time, but not right now when your head was in somewhere else.
You managed to get out of that group with the typical excuse of having to use the bathroom, and you dove into another amount of people trying to escape. You walked through the huge room where the party was taking place while your eyes moved restlessly from side to side.
After a few long minutes, your search was unsuccessful, and you sighed in defeat, thinking that perhaps that girl had already left the party. Your left hand grabbed a strand of hair from your bangs, twisting it angrily, while your right hand held the elbow of your other hand. If you had been alone, you would have let out a frustration yell.
It was then when you noticed how a hand gently touched your back, making you turn on your feet, coming face to face with the owner of your thoughts. You relaxed the expression on your face that could not hide its surprise at seeing her standing there looking at you with a smile, as if a halo of light illuminated only her, dazzling.
“I've been waiting for you all night.” She said this, making a small pout with her mouth. That completely unnerved you. The unknown girl made the first contact. Was she waiting for you?
"How is…"
“I noticed how you looked at me.” Shit, you had been so freaking obvious. Your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, thereby increasing the volume of her giggle.
“Yoo Jimin, but you can call me Karina.” She offered one of her hands to you, you shook it in greeting, indicating your name back.
Both of you started talking at that moment. You learned that she came from South Korea and that she was dedicated to music and entertainment, specifically being a K-pop idol in a group known as Aespa along with three other girls. You knew little about the subject, but if she was part of it, it was definitely something interesting to investigate in the future.
She told you that she assisted this event as an ambassador for the Prada brand, you smiled then remembering the old man's words, but you still had to decipher the second part.
“And will you stay for a long time in Italy?” You asked.
You were supposed to fly back home tomorrow, but your private plane could wait as long as necessary.
“Oh, well, the truth is that tomorrow I'm going back to Seoul.” It made you sad to know that, and it seems that she noticed it because she got a little closer to you to whisper something in your ear.
“But that doesn't stop us to make this night indelible.” The sensual tone of her voice combined with her perverted smile gave you the clue you needed, there was the devil.
The journey from the place of celebration to the place where you were staying seemed eternal. During the trip, you couldn't help but ogle Karina, you were so obvious that she could only laugh and say “cute”.
You gave her way to your suite, walking around it in amazement, as if she hadn't been in hundreds like that before. On one of the occasions when she turned around and faced you, you grabbed her hips, pulling her towards your body to kiss her passionately, something she responded immediately with the same intensity.
“You don't waste time, I like it.” She said playfully, giving you another kiss.
“It's not like I have much.” You replied by lowering your hands to her butt, massaging it a bit, making her sigh against your lips.
“We have the whole night, tiger, we are going to have a great time.” She commented, letting out a moan when she felt your lips attacking her neck. You gave her buttocks a squeeze, appreciating that you agreed with her statement.
You grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up pulling it over her head and leaving her in just underwear, and her hand quickly went to the bulge in your crotch caressing it over your pants.
“God, it looks so big, I can't wait to have it in my mouth.” A shiver ran through your body, forcing you to undress as fast as you were allowed, making Karina laugh loudly.
Now with both of you covered only by your underwear, her hands traveled to your chest, caressing it as she reached up to kiss your lips again. In response, your hands distributed slow and gentle caresses along her bare back, taking advantage of the situation to unhook her lace bra. Your torsos were separated enough for the garment to fall to the floor due to gravity.
She took your hand and led you to the bed, where you took her by the waist, causing you both to fall gently lying on the bed, with her under you, still enjoying your kisses.
One of your hands went up her body to her voluptuous breasts, grabbing and kneading one of them at the same time as your tongues surrounded each other inside your mouths.
You moved away from her lips, eager to taste her tits, introducing one into your mouth, savoring it for a long time while your hand caressed her other mound, even going so far as to lightly pinch her nipple.
“Beautiful…” You whispered, offering the same treatment to her other boob.
“Are you saying it to me or my tits?” She asked, pressing your head against her breasts even more.
"Both." She smiled at your answer and shifted on the bed, moving freely, walking on four over the sheets, watching you with a feline gaze that made you rev ​​up the speed.
She completely surrounded your body, being you now the one lying face up on the bed, opening your legs to allowing her to stand in the middle. She lay on top of you, with her face pressed against your crotch, raising her butt giving you an unbeatable view.
She stuck out her tongue to lick the huge bulge that was pushing the fabric of your boxers toward the ceiling, threatening to tear it if it wasn't quickly released. She continued kissing your abdomen, leaving a trail of kisses gradually rising to your chest at the same time that her hands were playing with your member, still inside its lair.
She was playing with you, it was obvious, and you needed her as soon as possible, impatient and anxious, but you refused to show weakness, if Karina wanted to play this game then you would both play.
She went back down to your bulge, there was a part of your gray boxers that had turned into a darker color as some drops of pre-cum had escaped from your tip as a result of Karina's constant teasing. Realizing this she smiled widely with malice knowing that she had won this first round.
She bit with her teeth the elastic of your boxers, pulling them down, lowering them until your hard and throbbing penis was finally free. Karina looked at your naked cock in amazement, bringing her face closer, beginning to spread small kisses along your length.
She rested her elbow on your thigh, measuring your penis with the length of her arm. “Holy fuck, it's so much bigger than I thought. I have never faced one like this” She admitted without stopping kissing it, sticking out her tongue to lick the entire surface, making it wet.
“Come on, I'm sure you could have any boy you wanted…” “You’re not wrong, that's why I have you.” She responded, winking at you.
Meanwhile, your brain was beginning to malfunction due to the pleasure that her lips and tongue were giving you down there. “In that case, be careful and don’t choke yourself.”
Your comment was clearly a joke, but Karina, who was now moving her closed hand around your penis up and down masturbating you, stared at you with a planning in her head.
“There is nothing I want more right now than to choke on this damn cock.” She said in a very hot tone increasing the pace of the handjob making you moan louder.
You swallowed, getting even more excited. You had been with other women before, but Karina gave you an unknown vibe until this moment. She was beautiful, she was sexy, and she was aware of it, and there is no animal more feared by men than a confident and self-assured woman.
A spit came out of the woman's mouth directly onto your cock, which was already completely wet and the movement of the female hand on it was beginning to cause watery sounds.
“I can't wait any longer.” Karina whispered to herself, leaning over your cock, surrounding your tip with her lips and putting as much as she could into her mouth.
She stayed like that for a few seconds adjusting to the size of your penis and proceeded to lower her head a little more until she managed to put the entirety of your dick in her mouth.
You clung tightly to the sheets when shocks of pleasure ran through your body as you noticed how you reached her throat in one go. “God, Karina, you're crazy.”
She would have answered you if her nose wasn't brushing against your lower abdomen at that moment. She was too busy cupping her cheeks to grant you as much pleasure as possible inside her mouth.
After a few seconds of holding her breath she released your member, completely covered in saliva now. Karina coughed a few times but quickly went back to engulfing your cock.
You could see how Karina's head went up and down on your cock in a frantic manner, driving you crazy. Your member did not stop throbbing in the intimacy of her mouth and several strings of saliva were coming out of the girl's mouth meanwhile she was sucking you, starting to make a mess on your lower zone.
You had enough time as spectator and decided to join the action by taking Karina's head in your hands, helping her swallow your cock deep in her throat, causing her to dig her nails into your thighs. You held her hair in one of your fists while she continued to sink again and again on your crotch without any type of modesty.
You removed your hands, and she got separated from you, breathing heavily, but instead of leaning back and walking away, she buried her head between your balls to lick and suck on them, taking them into her mouth.
Karina continued giving love to your balls while now her both hands were masturbating your long member at high speed with enveloping movements, twisting your penis with pleasure.
She switched from your balls to your cock again, sucking you harder than before, swallowing your penis as much as she could and moving her head more desperately, producing erotic sounds from the depths of her throat. 
She let out a large stream of saliva from her mouth against the lower part of your abdomen and your thighs, kneeling on the bed and taking her own tits in her hands, making them swing before your attentive gaze, some of the saliva falling on her breasts.
You sat up a little until you reached her and grabbed her breasts, with a movement of your hips you introduced your penis between them, bouncing your hips and masturbating yourself by using her tits.
This surprised her at first, but she quickly changed her expression to a one much more lustful, staring at you, biting her lower lip, and watching as you enjoyed the massage between her breasts.
Your cock covered on saliva was leaving her tits all sticky and messy, but favoring the sliding of your penis between them.
“Please don't cum yet, I need so much more from you.” Karina moaned, squeezing the sides of her breasts with her knuckles, thus imprisoning your cock, which made you moan.
You lowered your head to kiss her lips, and you placed your hands on her shoulders, starting to move your hips faster. In response, she stuck her tongue out to lick and caress the tip of your cock each time you passed through her breasts.
She held her tits tightly and moved them without mercy or compassion, now they were no longer two huge pieces of meat that shook roughly on your manhood as if they meant nothing more than that, with the only mission of offering you pleasure. “FUCK Karina! Stop or I’m going to explode!” You screamed in ecstasy of lust, doing your best to retain the liquid that was pooling at your tip and threatening to overflow.
She didn't let go of you immediately, no, that would have been too compassionate of her, she slowly reduced the pace making the last caresses feel excitingly deadly. Even so, the damage done to you was remarkable, because the tip of your penis covered in a whitish color was irrefutable proof. With a playful smile Karina bent down to lick your tip and with it those small drops of semen that were peeking out, licking her lips noticeably.
“It tastes so delicious, I can't wait to get the full load.”
You had managed to stabilize your breathing and your emotion just when she threw herself at you again, kissing your lips like a beast and your hands explored each other's body with total freedom, directing one of your hands to her panties to which she began to curve her body rubbing her crotch against your hand.
“I'm so wet.” She made a fake moan, trying to provoke you. “I'm pretty sure you could sink that whole cock into my pussy so easily right now.” Her eyes, her mouth and her entire body were breathing fire, and you weren't afraid of getting burned.
“And what are you supposed to be waiting for?” You played along, murmuring close to her ear as you pulled down her panties and she kicked in the air until she sent them flying away from the bed. “Help yourself.” You gave her another effusive kiss while holding your hard, erect member, offering her a clear sign.
Karina then sat on you, a few inches from your penis, in fact, it was now held upwards, resting on the girl's stomach, and you couldn't have a better view of her at that moment.
She licked the palm of her hand, then running it over your tip, rubbing it insistently in circular motions. One of your eyes closed trying to resist, you were trying to avoid having to beg her at all costs. You were lucky that she was madly horny and couldn't stay playing with you much longer.
She rose just enough to be able to insert the tip of your penis into the entrance to her pussy, slowly descending, allowing you full access to her interior in one go.
A long sigh left her mouth once her butt made contact with your thighs, staying still for a few seconds staring at the ceiling with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Your hands caressed her thighs, going up to her hips and abdomen, leaving one of your hands lightly pressed against her stomach.
She looked down to make direct eye contact with you while still smiling. Her hands handled yours on her stomach, moving it gently over it.
“I can feel you perfectly…you're so fucking big inside me.” She moaned, beginning to rock back and forth in small movements, without breaking your skin-to-skin contact.
Each time the distance was greater, leaning back and returning forward until it collided with the palm of your hand, a sensation so wonderful that you couldn't describe it in words.
“You're so tight, I could cum at any moment.”
At that moment, Karina's hips began to rise and fall on your cock, riding you and giving you the vision of how your cock entered and left her pussy, each time more abruptly.
“Sorry darling, I would love to have a creampie from you, but sadly today it will be impossible.” She said between moans as she continued bouncing over your dick.
You had to be careful then, you thought internally, letting yourself be carried away more and more by the pleasure, grabbing and squeezing Karina's tits in your hands that were bouncing in the air with ferocious movements.
She rode you harder and faster with each ride. Now placing her feet on the bed and squatting over you, your hands traveled to her ass, pushing yourself even further, making your cock enter even deeper inside her, stirring her insides and making her scream with pleasure.
She continued like this for a few more minutes until suddenly she opened her eyes and mouth wide, suppressing a moan, and made eye contact with you again, completely clouded by pleasure.
“I'm cumming.” She announced riding your cock now in a crazy way and as if those words had turned on a switch in you, you also responded, giving the best you had.
“Fuck yes, just like that make me cum please, please, please…” The way she begged you, her face twisted with pleasure, her body trembling on yours. If there was a paradise after death, it must be something like this.
“Shit shit shit shit!” She screamed, standing on the bed and making your penis come out of her pussy, rubbing her hand frantically against the folds of her pussy, letting out a powerful jet of fluids over the sheets and over part of your crotch and abdomen. You couldn't believe what you had just experienced, Karina had squirted directly on you.
She fell to her knees on the bed, exhausted, trembling, with her legs closed as well as her eyes, breathing heavily, trying to recover from that intense orgasm.
You approached her from behind, surrounding her body in a hug and placing a kiss on her shoulder. She turned to you, smiling with a tired expression.
“That was…”
“The hottest thing I've ever seen in my life.” You interrupted her. “We can rest if you need it.”
Karina glanced at you over her shoulder before leaning over the bed, resting her palms and knees on the sheets, bringing her butt closer to rub against your cock.
“You said it yourself before…we don't have much time.”
You automatically groped her buttocks, and in response, she moved her ass at a faster pace, as if it were a dance. You grabbed your cock and lined it up with her entrance, penetrating her again, making you both moan again.
Karina's twerking didn't stop, not even when your hands gripped her waist, turning your thrusts into much more carnal movements, and causing your own hips to crash hard against her ass every time you buried your cock deep inside her.
The movement of the girl's ass was simply hypnotic, it seemed that her entire body was a sensual spectacle, made by and for the enjoyment of the sexual act.
Her moans of pure pleasure and her desperate pleas asking you for more and more did nothing but heat up the atmosphere even more, and increase your body temperature along with your lust.
You raised one of your hands and let it fall on Karina's buttock in a loud spank to her ass. She let out a small squeal and turned her head to look at you, with lasciviousness in her eyes that you had never seen before.
“Use my body all you want, tonight I'm yours.”
Without a shred of self-control to stop you or make you think at all, you grabbed a handful of her hair in your hand, pulling it back, making her moan. Karina's body sat up until her back was pressed against your torso. With your other arm you totally surrounded her stomach while your hips did not reduce the pace of the thrusts.
One of her arms wrapped around your head as you began to kiss and lick her neck. Your hand let go of her hair and held one of her breasts tightly, pressing her closer to you to prevent her from falling forward but taking advantage of the moment to squeeze it between your fingers.
After a few minutes you released her from your grip, returning to the initial position, not lasting too long there as you immediately pressed one of your hands on her back, forcing her to lie completely face down on the bed.
Your hands tightly gripped the sheet on each side of her head, your thrusts were deeper, burying the entirety of your cock inside Karina, who for some time could not stop moaning uncontrollably.
She tried to silence her moans by biting the sheet, but you instantly leaned gently on her to bring your mouth to her ear and whisper.
“Don't even think about it.” You said, putting a hand on her neck and making her turn her head to remove the sheet from her mouth. “I want to hear you scream.” You whispered in her ear, giving her another spank on her ass.
Karina left that position and turned around on her back, opening her legs for you, while you looked at her with some confusion in your expression. You could see how some tears welled up in her eyes.
“Do you want me to scream?” With the help of her hands, she opened the folds of her pussy, showing you how it was completely wet and dripping. “Then fuck me properly!”
She did not show anger, but her voice and expression were completely authoritative. You smiled when you saw her in that state and bent down to reinsert your member into her pussy.
Despite all your attacks on her tonight, her pussy was still fucking tight, squeezing your hard cock to the point of satiety. That didn't stop you from continuing to pound into her as if it were the last thing you were going to do in this life.
You continued attacking her mercilessly, lowering your head to lick her breasts and then going up to kiss her lips, while your fingers pinched her nipples.
You grabbed the back of her neck as your cock ceaselessly disappeared inside her body, and she rolled her eyes due to the pleasure she was receiving.
“Fuck me please, fuck me please, FUCK ME!” She desperately demanded while you felt the walls of her pussy contract. 
You came out of her, replacing your cock with your fingers, rubbing her folds in the same way she had done some time ago, achieving the same result, another huge jet of fluids straight from her pussy.
You didn't give her time to rest this time, as you grabbed her legs, pulling her to the edge of the bed, holding her body in your arms to lift her up and make her hug your body with you standing.
It seems that despite being tired, she anticipated your idea and surrounded your waist with her legs and your neck with her arms, also lifting her butt, allowing you to insert your penis into her more comfortably.
You grabbed her ass and started rocking her body upwards, making her bounce on your cock incredibly.  Your moans were silenced by your lips, devouring each other without mercy.
After a while you noticed how your legs were wobbly, your hands were clinging tightly to her butt and once again your penis seemed ready to unload everything you had inside.
“You're going to cum for me, right? I want your cum all over me” Karina smiled mockingly on your lips, caressing your hair and your cheeks, you could only nod your head.
“I need to make a mess in that pretty face you have.” She smiled widely.
You separated her from your body, being careful not to fall, and she quickly knelt in front of you, leaving her head at the height of your penis, which you were stroking violently while Karina waited for you on the floor, sticking out her tongue.
You finally released yourself and large streams of semen fell onto Karina's beautiful face, covering it almost entirely in a matter of seconds until you were completely empty.
“Fuck, you came so much.” Karina exclaimed, trying to clean the mess you had caused on her face with her hands, taking the opportunity to lick her fingers in the process.
On the other hand, you were exhausted, panting heavily trying to recover from the tremendous effort you had just made. Even so, you noticed some pressure on your member again, you looked down to discover Karina grabbing it with one hand.
“Let me help you.” She whispered, putting it back into her mouth and making movements with his tongue trying to collect as much of the fluid remains as possible, cleaning it.
“I'll be right back.” She said, standing up and walking past you towards the bathroom, earning a spank on her ass as a tip and turning to give you a satisfied smile before disappearing out the door.
You fell onto the bed, emitting a tired sigh, closing your eyes for a few moments, and seeking to rest your body. After a while you felt the bed move next to you, you opened your eyes and turned your head to the side, seeing how Karina, also now lying next to you, was looking at you penetratingly.
She smiled at you and came close to your body. You put an arm around her shoulder, allowing her to lie on your chest, which she caressed with the palm of her hand. With your free hand, you lifted her chin towards your face to kiss her sweetly.
Karina circled your neck and settled into her position, making the kiss increasingly passionate and needy, to the point where she was practically lying on top of you again. You broke apart, panting and smiling at each other.
“Can't we stop the time?” You asked, making her giggle. She approached your lips again, this time kissing you very slowly.
“Thank you for tonight, I really needed something like that.” She let her head fall between the crook of your head and your shoulder, and you hugged her, pressing her body against yours.
“I guess it all ends here, right?” You asked, caressing her hair, and she turned to you, planting a soft kiss on your cheek.
“I'm sorry…but let's do this.” She said, getting out of bed and walking over to grab something from her bag, a cell phone, and walked back to you. “Give me your number, let's stay in touch, you know, in case we meet again.” She said, winking at you and handing you the device.
"I'd love to." A huge smile formed on your lips as you recorded your contact on Karina's agenda. Once you finished, she snatched the phone from you, throwing it somewhere nearby on the bed, and climbed on top of you, kissing you again desperately.
“There are still a couple of hours until my flight departure, I have to be at my hotel before my staff wakes up, or I will be in trouble.” “It's more than enough for me.” You whispered before returning to devour each other with renewed energy, it seems that your dreamy night still had another chapter to be written.
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tokeposts · 3 days
pairing. bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
genre. collage au, aged up au, angst w/ a happy ending
warnings. cussing, longing, jealousy, aggression
1.3K | jealousy is a disease and bakugou katsuki is riddled with it.
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When you reached his place, you knocked, only for the door to swing open almost immediately, revealing a tense Bakugou standing there, looking more agitated than usual.
"Let's make this quick," you stated, stepping inside cautiously.
He didn’t answer right away, shutting the door behind you with more force than necessary. The loud bang echoed in the entryway. You watched him carefully, noting the tension in his jaw, the way his hands clenched at his sides.
"You and that extra done?"
You raised an eyebrow, surprised that he was bringing it up so bluntly. "We were never really dating, but yeah, I guess we are." You shrugged. "Why?"
His red eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest, the muscles in his forearms taut like he was holding something back. "Never really dating?" he echoed, voice dripping with disbelief. "You were all over that guy, calling him cute, acting like he was something special."
You furrowed your brows, confused. Bakugou was so quick in acting like he didn't care. He practically abandoned you and this was the first thing he wanted to bring up? Un-fucking-believable.
"Not to be that girl, but why do you care?" you sighed, the faint ache in the back of your head fueling your words. "You ignore me for weeks, act all weird, and then suddenly you want to talk?"
Bakugou’s jaw tightened at your anger, and you saw a flicker of something dangerous cross his face. His arms dropped to his sides, fingers twitching like he wanted to do something but ultimetly decided against it. Instead, he stepped closer. His mouth pressed into a deep scowl, his presence looming over you like a storm waiting to break.
"I’m being weird?" he snapped, voice low and sharp, both warning and desperate. "You think I haven’t noticed you acting like everything’s fine when you’re hanging around that fucking loser?" His red eyes bored into yours, the intensity of his gaze making your heart shake in its cage.
"What the fuck are you talking about? I can hang out with whoever I want, Katsuki. Let me say again that you haven't spoken to me in two weeks—"
"It pisses me off!" he shouted, stepping even closer, his breath fanning against your face. He caged you between his body and the wall. He was so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body, his scent familiar and overwhelming.
His eyes were blazing, fury barely contained, and something more swirling behind them. "Seeing you with some guy, calling him cute and shit. Hanging off his every. Fucking. Word."
Your eyes widened, and for the first time, you didn’t know what to say. The room felt like it was closing in, the air thick with tension. Bakugou’s words hung in the space between you, raw and unfiltered, like he had finally let something slip out.
"You think I don’t care?" he scoffed, his voice dropping lower, rougher. "That I haven’t been paying attention? You just don’t get it."
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, your throat tight as his words sank in, but you were just as angry as you were confused. If this man thought he could barge back into your life without so much as a clear explanation, he was dead wrong.
"Use your words," you said quietly, not backing down even though your voice wavered slightly. "Because all I saw was you ignoring me and then getting mad when I tried to fix it."
His eyes flickered with something you couldn’t quite read— regret, frustration, maybe even fear— but it was gone as quickly as it came.
"I haven’t been ignoring you," he muttered, his voice strained now. "I’ve been trying to... I don’t know, hold back?"
"What— Hold back?" you shot, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Katsuki, if you don’t stop being so vague, I’m—"
Before you could finish, his hands shot out, seizing your waist with a force that sent a jolt through your body. In an instant, Bakugou’s lips were on yours— hard, urgent, like he’d been holding this in for far too long.
You gasped, startled by the intensity, but your body responded instinctively, your hands clutching at his shirt, desperately seeking some anchor in the storm of his affection. His kiss was rough, almost punishing. His mouth unyielding against yours, as though he was pouring all of his pent-up frustration and unspoken words into this one moment. He moved with a hunger that set your skin on fire, like if he stopped, you’d slip away.
He groaned low in his throat, tilting your head back and demanding more access, deepening the kiss with a ferocity that left you breathless. His grip tightened around your waist, fingers digging into your skin, pulling you impossibly closer.
Bakugou kissed you like a man starved, his desperation palpable in the way his lips moved against yours. It felt like he was trying to memorize the taste of you, the way you fit against him. There was no hesitation, no restraint— just pure, burning need.
When he finally tore his mouth away, both of you were gasping for air, your chest heaving as you tried to steady your pounding heart. He looked away, suddenly shy, a complete 180 from the man who had just made your knees weak seconds ago. It was a sight you thought you’d cherish forever.
His hot breath fanned over your face, shaking and uneven, but he didn’t let go. His fingers were still digging into your hips like he couldn’t bear to lose contact, like he needed to make sure you were still there.
“I care,” he muttered, voice thick with emotion, low and guttural like he was admitting something he could barely stand to say aloud. His fingers trailed along your hip, slow and deliberate, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
"I care too fucking much, and it pisses me off that I can’t stop thinking about it. So yeah, I’ve been distant, and yeah, I’ve been avoiding you, but that’s because I don’t know what the hell to do with this." His voice cracked slightly, the tension in his words making your heart race even faster. He didn’t have the nerve to look up at you yet, not when you hadn’t said a single thing, and it was killing him.
"So fucking sue me for trying to figure this shit out."
You swallowed hard, your mind racing to keep up with everything he was saying. His confession was raw, vulnerable in a way you had never seen from him before. He wasn’t just angry— he was scared. Scared of what he felt, scared of losing control, scared of what you meant to him.
"Katsuki..." you started, your voice soft, but he cut you off with a gruttal sigh. He looked up, red eyes boring into your own for the first time, and they were pleading, desperate.
"Don’t say anything," he muttered. "If you’re gonna say some pity shit, don’t wanna hear it."
You stared at him for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest, and then, without thinking, you closed the distance between you again, your lips meeting his in another heated kiss. This time, it was slower, deeper, but still filled with that same urgency, that same need. His hands slid from your waist to your back, pulling you even closer, and you could feel the tension in his body melt away.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathing heavily, your foreheads still pressed together. Bakugou’s grip on you loosened, but he didn’t let go entirely, his fingers brushing against your skin in a way that made your chest flutter.
"Next time," he muttered, his voice low and gruff, "don’t go running around with some fucking guy."
You couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped you, even though your heart was still racing. "Next time, don’t wait so long to tell me you care."
His eyes flickered with something soft for just a moment, but then he huffed, looking away with a scowl. "Shut up."
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clrasecretdiary · 14 hours
Why does she give a damn about me? | Spencer Reid x Reader
cutesy, cheesy fluff
In wich Spencer thinks reader is out of his league but she could not be more into him.
Content: Garcia is a queen as always, sunshine!reader
Warnings: Maybe some light lack of self steem from spence, but nothing crazy!!
He was used to it at this point. Being the weird kid in high school and college, Spencer never really expected anyone to be into him and, after being rejected a couple of times, he had practically closed himself off in that sense. But then, you came into the picture.
You are one of those girls that everyone seemed to gravitate toward, not only because of your beauty but because of your essence. You were genuinely kind, smart and good with people in a way he wished he was, maybe that’s why he was so drawn to you, you had all the qualities he wished he had and being close to you made him feel complete.
Needless to say that he was in love with you, it had started as an admiration and when he realized he was thinking about you all the time, but he was sure you would never be into guys like him, he was sure you’d never see him as more than friends.
You had joined the team a few years ago, you were excited to finally be doing what you really wanted when you joined the BAU, going out in the field and being on cases instead of just working a desk job all the time. When you first met the team, everyone seemed very welcoming but you felt yourself especially drawn to Spencer out of all people, at first he seemed distant but with time you noticed how sweet he was and how much he cared for everyone around him and god that man was so funny, you loved his weird science jokes and his magic tricks. How were you supposed to not fall in love with him? You asked yourself that question every time he brought you coffee in the morning or went on his rambles about some random thing.
After a particularly intense inquiry from a very drunk Garcia in one of the girls' nights she organized at her home, you told her your feelings for Reid and she made you swear you would act on it.
“Garcia, I'm not confessing. He's not into me like that, i’ll just ruin our friendship”
“Oh honey, he practically kisses the floor you walk in, he follows you around the office like a lost puppy and practically kills any officer that dares to be the tiniest bit mean to you. There’s no way he’s not into you, at least try pretty please” She says, doing puppy eyes at you. Garcia took her job as a cupid very seriously and was not going to let this be her first fail.
“Alright, i’ll try but if he ends up hating me you’ll have to bake me cookies everyday until i die” You say rolling your eyes and finishing your glass of wine.
“Ohhh i’ll be cooking cookies for you guys wedding!”
So, here you are holding his favorite order from the local coffee shop and gathering the courage to press the button to the elevator
“Hey are you fine?” A familiar voice calls you, when you turn around its spencer.. Great, guess you’ll have to do this right now
“Oh hi yeah, I was just um… meditating”
“Did you know meditanting has been proven to increase your memory and is also great for reducing anxiety. I really should start doing it, what method do you use?” Spencer says while pressing the button to the elevator
“Ummm breath in, breath out i think” You say, unsure how to respond
“That's actually one of the best ways as it oxygenates your brain and helps it work better, it can also help you feel more calm since deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system that sends a signal to your brain to tell the anxious part that you're safe and don't need to use the fight, flight response” He says, doing the little smile and head nod thing he always does after info dumping.
You smile back at him, as you both enter the elevator and press the button to the BAU floor.
“I brought you something” You say, handing him the coffee shop bag
He opens it and smiles at you “I can’t believe you remembered my favorites, thank you so much” You love that smile so much, all you can think about is how perfect he is and how there’s no way you can continue on without dating this man.
“Actually, I need to tell you something spence… I was thinking, maybe we could go out together as like, a date or something” You say, already blushing from the embarrassment you felt and how scared you were that he did not reciprocate the feelings.
“Really? Of course i want, to be honest i’ve wanted to ask you to be honest but i thought you’d never see me like that”
“Are you kidding me spencer? I’ve had a crush on you since we first meet”
The elevator gets to the office, and you both walk in blushing and joking about how you two were so blind to each other's feelings. As you get in, garcia passes by you two stopping to stare
“There’s something happening here…” She says, pointing between you two and pressing her eyes together as if she’s profiling you two
“I asked him out”
“Oh my god finally, you see? I’m always right, I don’t even need to ask what he said, look at Reid, he’s glowing, ohh i’m so happy” She says, walking out to probably tell the news to everyone on the team.
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dekusdante · 2 days
Things that annoys me in the Jujutsu Kaisen Fandom
Sorry but this is going to be all over the place.
Am I the only one tired of the same trope being used when it comes to Gojo from JJK? In other words the enemies to lovers trope where the oc or reader is basically Utahime with out the name.
Like we all remember the episode where he gave out what type of person he was into which was a nice girl or something along those lines. I that as writers you have to take creative liberties but why are all the readers in these stories are exactly the same.
They either hate Gojo or is super easily annoyed at him. Jerks but its okay cause for some reason he loves them unconditionally. This is so annoying cause there is no push back from Gojo in these stories. Just him taking back the reader or waiting for them to return his feelings when in actuality he shouldn't.
Another thing that annoys me is why is it always the guy that's simping why can't it ever be the woman being madly in love and trying to win him over?
This enemies to lover trope has completely taken over the Reader x Gojo fandom and its so overused. Now I will admit there are some gems out there, but I just don't even bother reading anything that is enemies to lovers anymore. I'm just tired of reading the same thing over and over again with the same copy and paste formula/reader.
Also why is smut so strong on here. Like don't get me wrong those writers are killing it with the plot aspect but man does all the smut kill me. Like I want more plot these are really good and creative ideas but man the smut kills me lol. Still reading the plot but stop at the smut parts which is usually the end so we gucci.
Hmm, another trope I refuse to read in these are arranged marriage were we are supposed to be upset with the guy who is forced to marry someone they don't want too. Why? Well for starters it always start with the reader being mistreated by the guy for some reason and the reader putting up with it until something happens and the guy falls in love with them and has to gain both their trust and love again.
I can get behind this but they always make the guy so unredeemable in these that it would be crazy if she takes him back. [She always does] Another thing is we are supposed to hate the guy because he wants to remain faithful to the person he was with before the arrange marriage. Like why are we bashing a faithful man?
Another trope I hate is when the guy is always in the wrong. A while ago I read a Gojo x reader fic were reader was mad that Gojo couldn't spend a lot of time with her so she broke up. Okay valid even though I am sure this would have been addressed before or earlier in the relationship but okay. What annoyed me with this story is that she then goes on to get in a relationship with Nanami who then calls Gojo an idiot for losing a woman like her.
I could not believe what I read. Like what the hell did Gojo do? At this point Gege posted about Gojo's life and how the man is booked to the max and I couldn't help but think how distasteful it was to first make it appear as if Nanami would do something like that to Gojo and secondly pretend that they don't have more free time compared to him. Like Nanami even understood why Geto did what he did.
Anyway that's all I got for now. I am not here to argue but I would love to hear about what you think on this. A second opinion is always welcomed and if you have a trope you don't like then I would love to hear it.
Also if you have a story that you would like to promo then please do so in the comments. It is a okay if you want too. No pressure,
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strangemaleswaps · 20 hours
Strange Spellbook Swap
I've always wondered how couples stay together so long. My husband, Derek, and I had been married for 3 years now and while we get along great and support each other through everything, the sex had been pretty stale for awhile. Half the time he's not really in the mood and when he is, we usually just jerk off next to each other. I was getting tired of it and craved something more. But Derek was still so cute, him being a socially awkward nerd, and I was scared to tell him how I feel because he might cry.
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That afternoon, I was on my way to pick him up from work. We only had one car, but since both our jobs typically had the same shift, I always headed over to pick him up at his job at the library. I didn't actually have work today so I went a little earlier to look at some books. When I arrived, Derek noticed me and smiled real big.
“Hey! You're early!”
“Yeah, thought I'd browse a bit.”
“Ah ok. I just organized it all so you get to see my work!” He smiled again and continued helping customers in line.
I browsed through my favorite genre - fantasy. I always loved ones that involved magic, spells, and amazing worlds. I noticed one book that kinda stuck out a bit amongst the shelf. It was some kind of spellbook with a brown leather cover, and had a bit of dust on it, which seemed strange because the rest of the shelf was perfectly clean. I opened it up and found that it was indeed a spellbook. I wasn't the most superstitious person ever, but I did believe there was some kind of magical force out there that could do incredible things.
I flipped through the table of contents and noticed there was a category called “relationships”. I turned the pages to the section and saw a bunch of spells - ones to make someone fall in love with you, ones to get promoted at work, ones to impress your family, things like that. I was about to close the book when I found one page - how to spice up your sex life. That was just what I needed! Even if it didn't work, it couldn't hurt to try.
I walked over to the counter right as another guy started talking to Derek. He was a real muscular guy wearing a white shirt and tan hat. His pants left absolutely nothing to the imagination with the way they were tight fitting around his ass. A mustache covered his thick face, which complemented his bright green eyes. He was carrying a tote bag.
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“Hey can I help you?” He greeted the man with an eager attitude. “Need a book recommendation or anything?”
“Oh no I don't read.” The man spoke with a deep manly voice. “I mean, who has time to when you could be working out?” I could see the rare irritated look on Derek's face.
“Then…what do you need from the library?” He replied, much less eager than before.
“Just dropping off some books for the wife. We're going on vacation and they’re due tomorrow.” He took a couple books out of the tote bag.
“Allright. I can take them.” The man handed him the books and immediately turned around and left. Derek's smile returned when he saw me with a book in my hand.
“Hey! What'd you get?”
“It's a book of spells.”
“Of spells? Like real ones?”
“No way,” I laughed. “Just some dumb thing. Looks fun to read though.”
“Allright. Gotcha.” He checked me out and I sat down, waiting for him to finish the rest of the closing.
That evening after dinner I tried to seduce him but he wasn't having it once again.
“Sorry, work has me so exhausted you know?” I wish that I wanted to, but…well I just don't want to. Sorry.” I stood there defeated.
“Ok.” I let out an emotionless reply. As Derek brushed his teeth and got ready to head into bed, I flipped through the pages of the spellbook. I found the “spice up your sex life” spell and read the instructions. I needed to recite the incantation while looking at a picture of the two of us. I took out my phone, and scrolled through my gallery until I found the perfect picture. Then I started to recite the spell. Nothing happened. I tried again. Still nothing. At that point I was mad at him and now mad at the spellbook for wasting my time, so I headed into the bedroom. There I found Derek waiting for me.
“Hey…look I'm sorry. How about tomorrow morning we have some fun? I promise I'll go through with it!” Maybe the spell did work afterall! We both had a day off tomorrow so that was perfect. I was so excited that I could barely sleep.
The next morning I woke up to Derek nudging me awake. Excitedly, I turned over. But to my surprise, it wasn't him smiling at me, but a hairy guy with a mustache. He was giving me a sexy smile.
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“Hey…you ready?” He gave me a look of uncertainty and cleared his throat. I didn't even know what to say but I was so confused that there was total stranger in my bed, so I had to say something.
“Who are…you?” He frowned beneath his mustache.
“What do you mean? Oh no, am I having an allergic reaction somehow? That would explain my voice and why my eyesight is blurry even with my glasses on. It's me though! My face must be so puffy…oh god."
”Holy fuck. It's Derek! But this was far beyond an allergic reaction. He's an entirely different person! He pushed the covers off and was about to get out of bed, probably to take a look at himself in the mirror, when he glanced down at his body. This was definitely not normal. He was muscular, tan, and hairy - a stark contrast to what he normally looked like. He made a terrified face, which was a strange sight on such a macho guy.
“What? What's happening? I-I…” He looked at me with worry in his eyes, and it was then that I realized WHY this was happening. It must've been the spell. I guess turning your boyfriend into a muscle hunk would definitely spice up our sex lives. But I couldn't leave him in the dark.
“I-I,” I started. “It was my fault. That spellbook I got, I used it on you. I didn't expect this though!”
It was then that I realized WHO he was. That guy we saw at the library yesterday. He somehow swapped bodies with him!
“What? What spell was it?”
“Spice up your sex life. I just…was getting bored. And you were never in the mood.”
“Oh…but it turned me into this?” He then rushed to the bathroom. I followed. He immediately recognized himself as soon as he looked into the mirror.
“Hey! I'm that guy from yesterday!? Why did it turn me into him?”
“I-I don't know! Maybe it picked someone from a recent memory?”
He gazed at himself in the mirror with an open mouth, and touched all around his face, pinching and feeling his mustache.He gazed down and admired his new muscles, feeling all around his pecs and the chest hair growing from them. He then turned around and stared at the mirror again, this time making a variety of expressions.
“What am I supposed to do? I can't stay like this!”
“I don't know! There must be something about a reverse spell in the book.” Flipping through the book, I once again found the page I needed. I read every word but didn't find anything about a reverse spell. Could he be stuck like this?
“Maybe if we see like a professional?”
“What, like a fortune teller witch lady or whatever?”
“Well. I do remember seeing something like that close to town. A psychic. Maybe they can help?”
“We could try.” I looked up fortune tellers and found Madam Cleo - Psychic. It was a short drive away. I was hoping we would find our answers there.
“I got it.”
“One problem,” Derek said doubtfully.
“What?” He stared down at himself and then answered.
“I don't think anything will fit me now…” I couldn't help but laugh out loud.“I think we can find something at least.”
We dug through the closet and eventually found the Lakers jersey that my uncle gifted me a few years back. I wasn't even into basketball and it was a few sizes too big, but at least it helped us in the end! Derek slipped it on and gazed at himself in the mirror. It fit pretty nicely.
“Not really my style…but it'll do for now.” He put his finger on his chin and then rubbed his head. He froze when he grazed the back of it.
“What’s wrong?”
“I'm…balding.” He turned around and tilted his head up to show me. He definitely had a bad case of male pattern baldness. I thought it was pretty hot, but he looked terrified.
“Hmm…well. That's something we can just fix with a hat. I walked into the bedroom, grabbed one of my hats, and put it on his head. It completed the look well.
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“I guess this'll work. Maybe.” I laughed again.
“You'll be fine.”
We got to the car, Derek struggling a bit to fit in the passenger seat with his new frame, and headed over to the fortune teller. It was a warehouse-like building, although much smaller. As we were about to walk in, someone else walked out. He was a young looking guy around my age, but at least 200 lbs heavier. He looked like he made absolutely no effort to control his weight.
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“Hey! That lady is awesome!” He said excitedly. “She told my fortune and said that I would lose weight very soon! I can't wait!” He then ran off, his gross looking belly jiggling up and down, and drove away.
I kinda felt bad for people like that, that actually believe that sort of thing…what am I saying? We're the ones going to a fortune teller for help. I just really hoped she was legit then.
We walked in and found that the interior was nicely decorated, completely different from the outside. Shiny wooden floors, a chandelier, and LED lights hanging from the walls. All of that surrounded a crystal ball in the center. Within a few seconds a woman dressed in a typical fortune teller outfit appeared from a curtain in the back.
“What does the future hold for you two today? Let's find out,” she said with an ominous tone to her voice.
“Actually we're not here to get our fortunes told. We need your help.”
“What do you mean? She asked, dropping the ominous tone.
“Well my husband here is a victim to a body swapping spell gone wrong.” I showed her the book, flipping to the page.
“Oh my,” she said with a concerned look on her face. “This is very powerful magic indeed.”
“But how do we reverse it?”
“I don't know for sure. But the victim should try to recite it instead.
“Victim? You mean Derek? How would that work?”
“Do not question why things are the way they are. Now go!” She said suddenly. With that, we hurried back home to recite the spell.
“Ok how do I do this now?” Derek asked.
“Just recite the spell, and focus on a picture of us.” He recited the incantation.
“Nothing happened…how was it last time?”
“Same as this time. I guess it took awhile to take effect. What should we do in the meantime?” He didn't reply, but instead stared at himself in the mirror.
“You know, now that this face actually has a brain behind it, it's actually kinda hot.” He then walked over to me and got real close. I'd never been intimidated by Derek before for obvious reasons, but this time I couldn't help but feel dominated by his brawny self.
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“The spell picked this guy because you thought he was so hot didn't it? That's gotta be it.” He said with a low voice.
“Y-yeah. I admit it. He seemed dumb at the library but hey, he was a hunk.”
“And now I'm that hunk.” He started feeling all around his body again. He then glanced at his dick and began to stroke it. I knew exactly where this was going and I was all for it.
“Well then Mr. Muscle Hunk, why don't you show off that body a bit more?”
“I'd like nothing more…but I'm gonna go shower first. Who knows where this guy's been?”
“Yeah good idea. I'll be in the room.”
I was so excited! This was gonna be the hottest thing ever! I headed toward the closet to find something sexy to put on. Suddenly I felt a bit dizzy. I noticed my skin seemed to be glowing somehow. Within seconds it turned ghostly white, and then became so bright, it hurt to look at. Why was I glowing? It seemed to be just my body though, nothing was happening to my clothes. As quickly as it came, the glowing stopped and the dizziness returned. I didn't have time to see what happened, because as soon as the glow stopped I lost my balance and fell onto the nearby chair.
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My clothes felt incredibly tight, but it wasn't long before I realized why. I was fat! My shirt didn't even fit over my large belly. My pants must've popped a button as my gut hung over them. I tried to get up but the weight of my gut kept pushing me backwards. How do fat guys even do this?
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When I finally got up and onto my feet, I rushed to the mirror, my hanging belly flopping up and down. My face looked familiar…oh shit. I was that guy we saw at the fortune teller's! Did the spell do this? How did this happen?!
I heard the shower stop, meaning Derek was going to meet me here any minute now. I couldn't believe the hottest night of my life was about to be ruined! Why did this have to happen?
The door opened and there he was, standing there in a pair of briefs. They were always a little big on him, but with his new body, they were pretty tight. It looked like he shaved his head too. He stared at me, at first he looked shocked but then his expression changed. Was that a look of lust?
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“So the spell did something to you too?”
“Yeah…look at me! I'm a mess!” I jiggled my flabby moobs to prove my point.
“It's not so bad.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean…well you know how you said I look hot like this? And that the spell probably made me like this for that reason?”
“Yeah. What are you getting at…wait.”
“Mhm.” He mumbled with a sexy smirk.
“Y-you think I'm hot like this?!" He got real close and started making out with me. It was the most intense make out session I'd ever had. The feeling of his thick mustache rubbing against my face was a sensation I would've never expected could feel so good.
“Does that answer your question?”
“Yep,” I said with a smirk.
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a-writing-otter · 23 hours
WIP Wednesday
“I can’t believe you fucked that old man.”
Bill’s head snaps up so quickly from where it was inside of the air duct that he smacks it on the metal internals. When he reappears cursing and rubbing at his head, there’s dust bunnies in his hair and clinging to his eyelashes.
“You can’t believe I what?”
“You fucked that old man,” Red repeats, feet up on the counter as she lazily reads something called “Lumberjack Layabouts Weekly.”
“I—“ And Bill lets out a grunt as he comes down from the ladder to slam his hands on the counter and lean into her space. The action does little to phase her other than make her look up.
“Neither of those things are right!”
Red takes a second to turn the page of her magazine, but doesn’t look away from Bill.
“That’s not what I heard.”
Bill’s eyes roll back into his skull for a second. He thinks of what he was told to do both by the therapium and Question Mark’s fiancée: deep breaths in and deep breaths out, count to ten, don’t visualize throttling them no matter how fucking annoying these fleshbags are.
“First of all, I’m older than him,” he begins, like that’s the important part.
“You don’t look it.”
“That’s because I take good care of myself.” Which is only partially true.
When the Axolotl and the entire therapism decided Bill’s methods of rehabilitation weren’t working, they’d sent him here. To hell.
…to earth.
Stripped of his powers, they’d shoved him into a meat suit that was an “appropriate approximation of his natural form” (Bill resents that statement entirely, but the appearance has grow on him). The dark skin and golden eyes are quite a contrast coupled with the golden hair offset by strays strands of grey or white hair. Melody has helped him figure out how to wash and maintain it, which is far more maintenance than he was expecting after watching Ford for years barely do anything more than occasionally wash it and wake up. Bill’s currently picking dust bunnies out of an individual lock, throwing them into the trashcan by the counter (like hell is he sweeping up in this damned place more than he has to).
He has it on good authority that this is a desirable fleshbag form, both from the open way that people compliment him and the way people stared. …he’s getting used to the staring and has stopped threatening to flay people alive who let their eyes linger too long.
Question Mark calls it progress; Bill calls it not wanting to see that haunted, barely contained disappointment on Melody’s face again. She is simultaneously the kindest and cruelest person he’s met on this plane. In spite of literally everyone’s reservations about Bill being on the same plane as the rest of these humans, she’d been willing to hear him out, offer him accommodations here at the Mystery Shack, and even provide a job if he could behave.
She also detailed to him with a sunshiney smile and no insignificant amount of knife waving that if Bill started anything, anything looking like world domination under her roof, not even the Axolotl would be able to save him.
If nothing else, she’s done more than a little to earn his respect and compliance than anyone else in this entire reality.
So, he’d gotten used to people staring and it doesn’t bother him.
At least, until one particular person started staring.
“Second of all, I didn’t—“ And he looks around, makes sure no hide or hair of thirteen year-old menace can be seen before he continues, “—fuck Sixer.”
Red closes the magazine entirely and shifts to take her feet off the counter and lean on it with her arms folded—this is what she’d wanted to hear.
“I heard Stan caught you two in the bathroom.”
Bill clears his throat and starts back up the ladder to avoid having to look at Red even as he feels something warm in his face.
“Stan doesn’t know what he saw.”
Red lets out a raucous laugh that makes Bill wince and wrinkle his nose as he sticks his head back in the vent to continue clearing it out.
“I heard that you two also got into a fistfight at dinner before that. Weird foreplay, but I can respect it.”
Everyone, mostly Question Mark and Shooting Star, have insisted on family dinners since both sets of Pines twins returned to Gravity Falls. And, somehow, Bill gets lumped into that because he sleeps in the Shack (specifically, the sofa in the living room because everywhere else is off-limits). It’s been three weeks and most everything has been simpatico, Shooting Star was the fastest to warm up after her initial talk too of “unspeakable horrors” she’ll unleash on him if he steps a toe out of line. The fact that he’s powerless seems to make her willing to humor him.
…also something about him looking like a wet rat? And it was a good thing? Bill didn’t ask. Or, rather, he had asked and she brushed him off and because he knew Stanley will flay him alive if he lays a finger on either niece or nephew, he let it go.
Pine Tree has been a lot more hesitant in his behavior, sure, but he’s recently started being in the same room with Bill and musing aloud in ways that Bill knows are directed at him without talking to him. Pine Tree will state something stupid about the state of the town and when Bill corrects him, he’ll scribble it down, go silent, then rinse and repeat.
Stan has been… well, they were avoiding each other without problem. The closest they get to a conversation is when they’re both sitting in the living room after everyone else has gone to bed and before Stan goes to his bed and Bill passes out on the sofa. Their talk is a roundabout back and forth about complaining about what’s on the television and saying there’s “never anything good on”. Occasionally Bill will liken something on the screen to something he’s seen on television in other dimensions, Stan will grunted, and then they go back to silence.
They’ve also worked out a system where they’re allies in their silent agreement to watch The Duchess Approves as long as no one else finds out about it.
…and then there’s Ford.
They haven’t been in the same room as each other outside of dinner even remotely. Bill doesn’t look at him, Ford doesn’t acknowledge him, and it’s fine.
It’s fine.
It doesn’t bother him even a little that Ford won’t even look at him, won’t talk to him. Doesn’t bother him that when Bill does talk, he rolls his eyes. It doesn’t bother him either that Ford gets up every time Bill enters the room even for a moment. It’s not like he cares about the asshole or wants to see him. It’s fine for Bill.
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.
And because it is so fine, he’s not sure what exactly caused him to get mouthy with Sixer the night before.
Ford had made some inane comment and Bill couldn’t help but correct him. Over a trillion years in the multiverse, he knows when he’s right about something.
Ford bit back.
And Bill argued against.
It’d devolved into a petty back-and-forth, both of them digging their claws in places it shouldn’t go without caring for the carnage it spread.
It ended when Bill called Ford “my shining star” like this was just a philosophical disagreement thirty-one years prior.
He shouldn’t have done that.
The next thing Bill knew, he and Ford were rolling on the ground, fists flying and snarling at one another. Ford caught him in the nose, Bill punched him in the mouth, both of them scratching and pulling hair like a pair of animals.
It took Stanley and Soos both to pull them apart, both of them still swinging until they were forced to calm down.
After that, Bill had left his unfinished dinner to sit on the roof and wait out everyone else’s dinner. It was only because the blood wouldn’t stop flowing from his nose while the blood on his knuckles had dried uncomfortably to the point he kept accidentally ripping it when he flexed his hand that convinced him to go downstairs.
He’s still figuring out this whole human thing and, yeah, he was fumbling with the tape and his nose was dripping all over everything and he was fighting not to get it on the stupid sweater he got from Shooting Star and—
That’s how Ford found him.
There were no words as he crowded into the small bathroom with him, took off his gloves, and started to doctor Bill.
Neither of them say that there’s something familiar about this, them being together while cleaning up blood and puss and setting bones, usually injuries inflicted on Ford by Bill. There’s probably something funny about the idea of it being the other way around now.
They’re both too tired or embarrassed to say anything for awhile, but then Ford makes an innocuous statement that raises Bill’s hackles and there goes the peace. Then they’re shoving and pushing into a wall, Bill effectively having Ford cornered against it, chest-to-chest, spitting in each other’s faces, and then—
Then they were decidedly not fighting.
“Yeah, well, Fordsy is a know-it-all prick who doesn’t actually know everything,” Bill defends. “He started the fight.”
“That’s not what I heard,” Red replies in a singsong voice.
“And who’s telling you this?!”
“Don’t worry about it.” Red goes quiet for a moment, but he knows she’s still staring at him. “Did you two really make out though?”
Bill is quiet, can’t quite find the words he wants to say about this. Was his tongue in Ford’s mouth? Yes. Were Ford’s hands in his hair? Also yes. Did Stan walk in while Bill’s hand was halfway down the front of Ford’s pants? Regrettably.
“It was a… heat of the moment thing.”
“Wow. I mean, I knew you two were something back then, but I figured you two had, you know, moved past that.”
Bill doesn’t respond for awhile, leaning back to sweep the dust into the garbage bag he’s holding.
“So did I.”
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bindeds · 2 days
hello pookie i heard you have lucifer head canons😏, can i plz see them 🥺
YES OF COURSE POOKIE!! <3<3<3 LMK IF YOU WANT ANY OTHER CHARACTERS’ HEADCANONS! tryna expand my fandoms as much as possible too so just try your luck if you’d like <33
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starting off lightly with his obsession with ducks; i personally like to believe that god had his favorite angels (or high ranking ones, aka seraphims, which lucifer is theorized to have been) had each of them make one animal from scratch to place in the garden of eden, and lucifer’s contribution was the ducks. he thought they were adorable!!
i’ve made a post about this before and i’m not sure if this counts as a luci headcanon but i strongly believe lilith was modeled after lucifer. if hazbin decided to go with the popular belief that lucifer was god’s favorite and that lucifer was god’s prettiest angel then it would make sense for god to have one of the first two people to be modeled after him. lilith is associated heavily with the color purple because of the morningstar’s formal family portrait, and lucifer has purple eyelids. lilith also has blonde hair like lucifer and is slicked back in the same exact way, even going as far to have hair curled around her cheeks/jaw like him. the only real difference is that luci has short hair.
lucifer makes himself small on purpose, and for trauma related reasons. before hazbin was created we all would imagine the devil as something big and scary with a demonic voice or as a hot human guy in some other games (ahem obey me) but lucifer in hazbin is the exact opposite. he’s literally smaller than most sinners. it’s worth remembering that lucifer can not only shape shift, but it’s also an essential part to who he is considering that’s how he approached eve, plus the apple motifs. if he can shape shift, he can definitely adjust his own height too. he was also short during his time in heaven and we know this from the first few minutes of the first episode when charlie was introducing the overall premise. the other angels who were talking down to him were visibly bigger than he is. it made me think that maybe because of how belittled he felt when he was in heaven, he had purposely made himself smaller. not to mention, being god’s favorite or the prettiest gets you targets on your back. and it doesn’t help that he has ideas or a mentality that heaven doesn’t like. and his decision to stay small only grew more intense when he found out how people saw him on earth—he didn’t want to be that guy. he absolutely hates the characterization humans have of him because it’s nothing like him. so when people see him and go ‘you’re much shorter in real life’ (alastor) it doesn’t faze him in the slightest. he wants you to react that way. or, he wants you to realize that, ‘huh, the devil is nothing like i thought he was.’ because that’s the truth. he’s not. and the best and most immediate way for people to see that is if he dresses in all white, a color known to signify innocence and purity which is the exact opposite of hell, and if he’s not physically intimidating at all, like if he was small. upon your first glance at him, you’ll already know the devil is not the man you think he is. and he wants everyone to know that.
i have a fic based off of this, but because humans started calling gambling and the games related to gambling ‘the devil’s game’ (though the original game is roulette, people have come to generalize gambling as a whole to be the devil’s game) he never loses when gambling or playing a game related to gambling, even for fun or when there are no stakes involved. never loses in blackjack, poker, roulette, tables games—any game related to gambling, he’ll always win.
i can’t entirely say if lucifer has had sinner friends, but i do believe that he acquired the hyperfixation of the carnival/circus aesthetic from sinners or humans. this is because his outfit was intended to look like AND inspired by a ringmaster’s, and carnivals and circuses was an elaborate concept made by humans. it could also be possible that lucifer was the one that planted that influence in humans, however it was stated that lucifer’s punishment was that he was never to see the good of humanity, only the bad. so i’d like to think a ringmaster or an acrobat or a circus performer in general died, ended up in hell, met lucifer and told lucifer about the circus, and then he got the idea of building luluworld in hell.
alternatively, if it was the other way around, i think that he occasionally gets to experience the world through being summoned. i mean, we’ve all heard of rituals to summon the devil and whatnot, right? i think those do summon him into earth and then instead of showing up he actually just leaves to go explore what’s been happening until he has to go/he feels he’s getting weaker/the people that summoned him ‘close the portal’ etc. and then that’s where he very sneakily, in his own way, introduces the circus concept to humans.
because of his personality, i don’t believe his ring is an indicator of his current marital status. i think lucifer is a sentimental person, and he doesn’t let go of things easily. it’s entirely possible that him and lilith are through, but he just doesn’t want to remove the ring. something we fail to consider is that lucifer isn’t like any other person; if he marries someone, divorce isn’t the same for him and lilith as it is for humans. hell, when they first got together, they were literally the first beings to be genuinely in love with each other. back when the garden of eden was still being inhabited with lilith and adam, the only beings in heaven would have been god and the angels. if lilith didn’t love adam but married and had a kid with luci, that means they were the first ever beings to have ever been in love and the first ones to have had sex (unless for some reason, lilith and adam did it which i highly doubt.) now, all this to say that we may live in a world where people break up or get divorced all the time, but this is reasonably a foreign concept to lucifer because he’s only ever been in heaven, then hell, and even if he observed it in hell it would have been very briefly and from a far, 3rd person perspective. if lilith and him were basically the first people to have felt such intense feelings and closeness to one another, it would make sense that divorce or not, he would keep the ring because it serves as a reminder of a time when he felt the happiest/alive/most himself/free.
lucifer has autism + adhd! now i know this one’s loaded (and ofc i have audhd too) but hear me out; these aren’t listed in any particular order but they’re what comes to me first to last. # ONE : when charlie was talking to him about the hotel for the whole walk till the roof, and then she asked what his thoughts were, he focused on the first thing that came to mind which was something that was right in front of him—the railing. then charlie had to remind him of her initial question. # TWO : he wasn’t paying attention even when he himself was speaking, thus the infamous ‘and now, i am going to fuck you!’ and when charlie corrects him, he goes ‘wait what did i say?’ # THREE : This may just be for ‘comedy’s sake’ but when mimzy first approached him he suddenly switched up from being completely uninterested to suddenly trying to seem interested, his eye even twitching when he turns to her while his smile is visibly awkward. this particular thing reminded me of autistic masking. like. there was something about it that made me relate to it deeply. and then after she’d greeted him he went ‘charmed i’m sure.’ and he looked more relaxed despite looking uncomfortable seconds ago. like he’d gotten ‘comfortable’ with the mask. # FOUR : i feel like i don’t have to mention this but obviously, the hyperfixations with ducks and the circus theme. i don’t think i need to say more because his room literally has tubs and heaps and piles of ducks. that is a full on hyperfixation, no doubt about it. # FIVE : when charlie had asked him to help her get another meeting with heaven, he said no and was very insistent on that. but the moment she’d blended in the invitation of having him over for the purpose of getting him to agree with her, everything else was forgotten. the only thing on his mind was, ‘my daughter wants to see me!’ and it shows with his, ‘WAIT. YOU’RE. INVITING ME OVER?!’ his brain latched onto that immediately, completely forgetting the fact that charlie had only invited him to have him do something he doesn’t want to do. now i have a few more things to support this theory but i feel like this is getting long so lmk if you want an independent post on lucifer’s audhd tendencies in the show!
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peachyfnaf · 22 hours
I'm sorry but "MY BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS WITH A DISORDER<3" really made my day and I needed you to know
I can't believe Nexus is bullying peepaw war criminal.
Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?
(Please talk about baby cringe Lord Nexus, I want to hear about your blorbo 🙏)
That's because Nexus IS my beautiful princess with a disorder, I'll have you know <3 they're diseased but it's okay I can give them their tetanus and flu shots and it'll all be better I GOT THIS
But. ahem, okay, blorbo yapping time. I'm not even gonna say "I'll try to keep this short" because I know it wont end up that way HAHAHAHAHA
"Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?"
I... have absolutely no idea!!!1! (and also it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize peepaw war criminal was Ruin KJDFHSDF)
The most frustrating thing about canon Nexus is how his morals, motivations, and goals seem to see-saw back and forth all the time. at first, he became how he is now due to Solar's death. he spiraled in his grief, identity-issues, and abandonment. but... now his motivation is to become an all powerful god??? while it's most likely that NSP is at play and affecting his thought process, it's... well, it's really hard to take him seriously as a villain because of it, lol. for an audience to enjoy, and even sympathize in some cases, with a villain, their goals and motivations have to be concrete. they have to be relatable, or at least understandable, but Nexus' whole thing is... not, Imho. and I know I'm not the only person who feels this way!!!
I see a lot of people calling Nexus "cringe", and the thing is, when it comes to canon Nexus, they're not really... wrong??? The worst thing Nexus has done so far is make Old Moon see his past victims, which is fucked up of him to do, but.. so far, that's kind of it??? other than that, his "villainy" consists of saying empty threats and cheesy evil one-liners. hell, he was supposed to kidnap Sun yesterday but instead spent the whole episode yapping and venting to him, chasing Sun around in the worlds darkest game of tag before getting some lead right in the face dkfjhsdfsd
Also, notice how he's only targeted Old Moon when it comes to actual physical violence? not Lunar, Earth, Solar, or Sun, but Old Moon? yeah, I did too. we already know that Nexus does everything because he's lashing out, but as of rn the only target he's gotten his hands on physically being O.M...? well. I think it says a lot. cause' yeah, he sure as shit scared the life out of the other Celestials, but he's never put his hands on them!! the only other one of them he harmed physically was Earth- and not only was he not aiming for her, she was just in the way- he felt immediate regret for his actions once in space, and has yet to even see Earth ever since that day.
So, I really have no idea if he's going to be "redeemed" or not. one second he's showing signs he might be, and the next he's falling further down the "pretty badly written villain" rabbit-hole. if he does get something akin to a redemption arc, he'll prolly mostly be accepted in the eyes of the viewers, considering a lot of peeps sympathize or at least understand where he's coming from, but I seriously doubt the other Celestials would take him back. the only one's who might see him as family/a close friend again are Sun and Solar, but even then, nothing would ever be the same.
I hope he gets redeemed, or at least freed from the hold Dark Sun has on him and he's able to live his own life, I really do. at his core, Nexus is a good person. a good person who was crushed under the weight of the shadow of the man he was born under. and we know this because he used to be New Moon. sweet, dorky New Moon.
New Moon, who made inventions like sentient knives and whoopee cushions. New Moon, who had matching My Little Pony stickers with his best friend. New Moon, who bought a whole ass island-luxury-house for Sun because he wanted to make him feel better and give him the proper space to heal. and New Moon- the poor freshly-baked A.I who gave his all to make sure he could do everything that Old Moon could, but it just wasn't enough. he tried and tried and tried, but it wasn't enough.
So yeah, idk if he's getting one in canon, but to me, he more than deserves a good ending, for the life he was given. let him be at peace.
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chris-prank · 2 days
Peaceful post-apocalypse settings have always been one of my favorite tropes! There's just something so freeing about the thought of humanity being set back to simpler times...(boomer ahh mindset but wtvr)
That said, may I request more Martin content?🙏 He's such a sweetheart!! Maybe something about reader wanting to join him on a hunt? Him teaching them how to? Or just any ideas you have for him really
Hope you have a lovely day mwuah :)
With the deplorable state of our world right now, it’s perfectly fair to prefer a time without the complicated life of the city 😆 so I totally get you 🤝 Also I’m so happy that you called Martin a sweetheart 🥺, if we take away if yandere tendencies he really is! And have a great day too ❤️❤️❤️
Yandere hunter x GN reader
CW: animal death, manipulation sorta, reader get frozen by fear/ fear response
“You want to go hunting with me?” Martin asked, surprised, while casually throwing his crossbow over his shoulder.
He felt extremely flattered that you wanted to take part in his daily duties and by looking in your hopeful eyes, he couldn’t dare deny you anything. So after you changed into more appropriate clothes, the two of you were ready to go into the forest. You walked hand in hand, looking like you were going on a romantic stroll. In reality, this adorable display was a safety major, since the surroundings were filled with traps Martin had previously set up. He said that it was to make sure that nothing or no one could escape him while he hunted. Whatever that meant.
“So what are we looking for exactly?” You asked while keeping an eye out for any sounds in the crisp autumn leaves.
“It depends… there’s usually deers roaming around this time of year.”
“We’re going to kill a deer?!” You repeated, your jaw hanging wide open. You thought you were going for something smaller like a rabbit or a bird at the very least.
He grinned and winked at you. “Only if you can actually do it.”
“Hey!” You pushed his arms while sticking your tongue at him. “I’m a very independent and capable person.” You added while puffing your chest out jokingly.
The man next to you seemed to mumble something under his breath, but since he didn’t repeat himself despite your lack of response, you figured it was nothing important.
You couldn’t believe you two had found one. Of course, you knew that Martin was skilled in tracking animals, but still, what were the odds! The deer was lazily drinking from a small pond, unaware of the crossbow pointed at its neck.
Martin had helped you get in the right spot and revised with you the shooting position he had taught you before. But you kept shaking. The idea of killing an animal seemed so simple and inconsequential, but now that you were faced with the reality of the situation you just couldn’t do it. That’s when you felt his warm embrace enveloped you, your back now pressed against his chest. His hands crept up to rest over yours, steadying your grip on the weapon.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to do anything.” His voice was so calm, so enticing. It was pulling you in a sense of comfort and stability that few people had the chance of experiencing, “you can just rely on me.”
You simply nodded, you just wanted to lose yourself in his presence and forget that you had the life of a living being in the palm of your hands. Then his finger was over yours and, without hesitation, pulled the trigger. Everything went by so fast, as a shrill shriek followed by a loud thump made all the birds take flight from the surrounding trees. You slowly lowered the crossbow, still a bit in shock of what had just happened. In response, Martin rubbed your arms up and down in a soothing manner.
“You were so brave for me.” He whispered against your ear, “but don’t worry, you won’t have to do it ever again, I’ll be brave for the both of us if you let me.”
Karma love to make a fool out of me 💀 it’s always when I say “oh it’ll take a while for me to complete” that I suddenly get a wave of inspiration. Not going to complain too much though, it’s always better than having writer's block.
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cocktailjjrs · 3 days
Since I've been suffering with these angsty thoughts... i though i would invite you all suffer with me...
It's about Chuuya...
I was doing some research for my fic (mainly going through bsd novels, blogs, tags and all) and came across this one Insta post in passing (sorry, i don't remember the name).
It was about BSD's cycles.
First, cycle of abuse, going from Mori-Dazai-Aku-Kyouka
and Second of rescue, going from Natsume-Oda-Dazai-Atsushi-Kyouka.
And then they highlighted a third category, the one's who are not saved - including Chuuya, Aku and Q.
At that point i didn't think much about it, just another post while scrolling Insta.
But now it's keeps bothering me, a constant reminder, whenever i read something BSD.
And It's so heart wrenching.
It also hit me, Q and Aku can still be saved.
Q, while we don't exactly know where they are right now, there is a chance of them getting their own arc, backstory and then being saved.
Aku, while still in Mafia, his partnership with Atsushi is his saving grace already. He is making an effort to not kill, just for their deal/bet. By the end of it all, he will be in a better place than he is now.
But Chuuya. (Spoiler's for light novel's if you haven't read them)
I remember very clearly, when in Stormbringer (don't ask me why i remember this byheart), when Murase dies Chuuya says, "Hey Detective, Weren’t you gonna arrest me?! Weren’t you gonna bring me into the world of light"
Don't get me wrong, I still believe Chuuya belongs to Port Mafia, the darkness suits him better than light.
But that does not mean he never wanted to get out of that darkness. This one instance in SB was proof enough. Makes me wonder, if things had gone even slightly differently, would he be in a better place than he is now? Is there still a chance?
What's even more tragic is that after the whole SB thing, no one seemed stick around enough to help him fight his own demons.
And he definitely has MASSIVE DEMONS.
His whole life seems to be one catastrophe after another! Don't believe me?
His first group, whom he called friends, betrayed him. Classic stabbed by poisonous knife in the back.
Hardly a year later, his second friends group, Flags, was killed by an emotionally unstable man-child seeking validation, insisting on calling him brother.
He went through a horrid ordeal, having to learn he was a lab experiment, seeing your clone vaporise to nothing but bones in your own arms, having to fight those same bones. And as if this was not enough, then fighting the monstrosity of a singularity and in process loosing the only chance to determine your humanity. (Actually whole of SB is dreadful, i don't think it'll ever get worse than that - i really hope it doesn't)
Then, given by the timeline, another year later, his third group of friends was killed by Shibusawa.
And again a year later - his partner, who brought him in all this madness, just fucking leaves without a word. This is the least tragic thing that has happened to the boy, i swear.
And I'm sure it didn't end there.
There must have been so many things going on behind the scenes in those missing years, hell even after the series began, Chuuya has been out of scene because something or the other was going on.
Now you have Fyodor fucking shit up for no apparent reason. With this shitshow, many mafia men, some of whom Chuuya might have developed a relation, are definitely dead. Not to mention the mental gymnastics going to trying to at least be on the same fucking chapter as the two geniuses.
AND ALL OF THIS IS JUST IN THE CURRENT TIMELINE. Don't get me started on BEAST VERSE!!! (That's a can of worms I'm really not ready to open at this point)
The thing with Mentally strong individuals is, they have abnormally high emotional intelligence, they are unnaturally resilient, they can compartmentalize their grief, they empathise with great deal of people, think rationally at any given point and think of ways to make things better.
What many people fail to understand is that no one is born Mentally strong, it's the circumstances that make them as such.
It can happen even through small things.
No one being there for you to express your deepest fears. No one just listening to you, even if they have a solution to your problem. Or having seen other's nightmares come to reality and feeling your own are much smaller, or having made to fell that way.
It creates the mentality of never sharing your fears, your insecurities, your discomfort - because at the back of the mind you keep telling yourself - oh, this person has gone through so much more than i have, my fear is nothing compared to it. I can handle it on my own, they have their own problems to handle. Everyone is busy, i don't think they have time to listen to the same problem I've been facing for years now. I've manages so far, i think I can manager just fine.
You start to undervalue your own feelings and start to fell like you'll burden them. Start to feel like you NEED to handle it on your own.
Now, i don't want to go into a spiral of mental health, but when you look at Chuuya, you can't help but marvel at that kids Mental resolution.
His first action after being stabbed in back was to make a deal with a demon to make sure he doesn't harm them, because they are just kids.
His first reaction to being provoked into revenge was to say Fuck off to his manipulator, not falling for the temptation and doing what he felt right.
He even forgave the killer of his friends (And also the one who tried to kill him) for gods sake! Understanding what he was going through.
He even walked away after knowing his parents are alive (oh the irony) not wanting to put a target on them. (I'm actually on fence with this, the chances of it being a manipulation tactic from Mori is just as high as it being the truth)
He had tremendous mental fortitude.
But you still see the cracks in his emotional state,
He was desperate to know if he was human or not, inclining towards the later.
He didn't know, that your friends can do some nice things without expecting anything in return. They can go above and beyond your regular stuff just because they are your friends, there doesn't need to be of anything at stake in friendship.
Hell, there was a point he believed having a Heart was too sophisticated for him, that he can't be that human!
I can go hours and hours about this.
What i can say for sure is, he has demons in all sizes, shapes and forms, something that he has stuffed in his closet only to deal with them himself, not letting them see the light of the day.
i just don't see anyone actually being there for him long enough for him to trust them fully with his demons.
No, not even Dazai. Dazai himself was a walking cry for help, like hell Chuuya is adding to that pile. He may have found a constant in Dazai in three years, seeing as all other's met their end in one. I believe in those three years, somewhere Soukoku began to feel like his safe place, somewhere he didn't had to think about his demons only by the virtue of dealing with one made of flesh and bones. But then even Dazai left.
I don't think even Kouyou was there for most part. And considering her obsession with a flowers of dark with Kyouka, i think it pulled Chuuya more in her own tragedy. Afterall, she also was never saved.
Mori is there, but Mori is a Demon in his own rights. What we've seen is their interactions have been those of a boss and his close confidents, nothing personal or emotional. Which also makes sense when you think of Mori's theory of running an organization. Chuuya, all things considered, the most powerful member of PM and he is treated as such.
The other significant members of PM, the guerrilla squad, black lizards or Kajji - all of them may know him better than most, but he is still their executive. If a 15 and younger kid took the title of being a protector of his rag-tag group seriously, being a responsible and dependable executive comes with higher stakes. He will carry out his role as one, even if it's the last thing he does.
That was me rambling.
My point is, i wanna give Chuuya a big hug, tell him it's okay to fell tried sometimes. To let himself be vulnerable. That his fears are not invalid. That he is not invalid. That he isn't the problem, never was.
That he will still be valued and wanted, even if he one day looses his ability or he is no longer the strongest.
Can someone please save his boy?
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hyperfixingfr · 2 days
I'm putting this in the tags for the people who are sending me rude asks. Please do the mature thing and just don't send me nasty things. Thanks.
For the last time since I keep getting nasty fucking asks about it insulting me and calling me names; I am not tryna run none of you people outta this damn fandom and that was never my goal so quit playing victim and pretending I am. This is a fandom for everyone, obviously... Which is why I criticize when you guys treat it like it isn't. I was trying countless times yesterday to drop the conversation when the person arguing with me kept insisting that they had an issue with me talking about an aspect they didn't like, because they were arguing with me over an opinion I had that they didn't like, not over something that mattered. This aspect personally affected me, and many others in the server. This isn't an aspect I enjoy people pretending is cute or funny because it caused very, very real damage to things like body positivity. I don't try to fight with ANYONE here, ever. My entire goal in these situations is to educate when someone believes this is bad behavior by explaining why it's problematic to gloss over this aspect or glorify it when it was a very real issue. Please, ask yourself why you're beefing with a minor. I beg of you. This person had no intention to listen to me, OR the server owner, when we told them that they can have different opinions and simply ignore it if they don't like it. They also ignored the countless attempts at de-escalating the situation, proving they just wanted to argue about it.
I should also mention this person said some really nasty things that implied I was apart of cancel culture, or on the "everything is problematic" bandwagon which is kind of implying they think that criticizing bigotry is wrong, even when it's coming from the minority group it affected. My criticizing of a media is not disliking of a media, nor is it "cancel culture". I am not trying to CANCEL a show from the 2000s. I am merely pointing out its flaws. If you can't handle being apart of a morally flawed show's fandom, don't be apart of it. Not only that, but this person made passive aggressive comments such as "wow you ramble a lot" completely unnecessarily when I was speaking. Why was this needed? I know I do. Why are you trying to insinuate that my passion about the subject is weird? Either way, I wasn't trying to have this fight. They were. This person said a lot of insensitive things to me, claiming I pulled the autism card when I rebuttaled the "wow you ramble a lot" stuff, telling me they had an issue with me merely discussing a topic that was 100% allowed in the server (stated by the server owner, the channel was allowed for criticism), and was overall very passionate about putting me in the wrong for simply pointing out and discussing the flaws of a show because it was brought up. That's not okay and that's incredibly judgy. I dunno why this person can't admit they're wrong, but it's not hard to understand that my criticism is not unwarranted nor is it unwelcome. I did nothing wrong by speaking about it in a channel that directly said criticism was allowed.
Do not play victim when you started the argument AND fueled the argument when people tried to stop it. Simple as. I'm really hoping this person realizes they're wrong and apologizes appropriately like a mature adult, because this is ridiculous. This is such a stupid thing for them to have fought me over and no one's gonna be upset if they just... Did the right thing and apologize. This applies to ANY of you who mess up. If you mess up and realize you've done something you shouldn't have, just apologize man. Especially in a case like this where the person was arguing over "toma-to, tamato-e" or whatever. They didn't like my WARRENTED opinion and they got on my ass about it repeatedly, and I got nothing out of asking them why they held it because their response was basically "you don't like this media how I like it, so you can't possibly like it, get out". Hence, them asking why I'm in a server of fans if I... "Don't like the show". Simply because I criticized an aspect.
Please, if any of you don't believe me, the server is open for the public. You can go in there and see the conversation yourself. I am not hiding myself at all from this, and I'm glad to share evidence that I did just as I said and they did just as I said. This is a stupid fvking argument and any of you still dragging it on should be ashamed for thinking this is worth arguing about. People have opinions, leave it at that. What happened to respecting valid stances?
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jogetsobsessed · 14 hours
Dominos (Part 2 of The Prophecy) - Paul Lahote x reader
Could technically be read as a stand-alone!
I'm so sorry for the long wait for this, I simply could not figure out what I wanted to do. Also, the two OC characters are simply random and are just there as space fillers (but I did choose the name Evan from 911 #wewillgetbuddie). P.S. This has a lot of dialogue and I don't know how to properly write dialogue so oopsie.
My present to all of you for hitting 200 followers!!
Always enjoy, I hope this lived up to all your expectations!
It hurt for a long time.
It felt like you were drowning and that you were never going to be able to surface. Life was moving in slow motion, as you grappled with the sudden change in your life. 
You lost everything. 
Everything important to you was gone. Your friends, your support system, the man who you loved. People tried to reach out at first. Emily and Kim called you every day for weeks, but after a while, the calls stopped coming. Embry and Quil both texted you, checking to see how you were doing and if they could help anyway, but like the calls you ignored the texts. 
You felt pathetic. 
They all felt bad for you and you know it. They knew how in love you were with Paul and they were all witnesses to the tragic ending. And you hated it. 
Hated how people would look at you. You felt that you couldn't go anywhere without someone looking at you with sympathy in their eyes. And you could only take that for so long. 
So after months of hiding in your bedroom and wallowing in your despair, you decided to make a change. You were going to do something for yourself. Something that was going to be hard, one of the hardest decisions you had ever had to make. 
You found an apartment 250 miles away. Growing up you had made the almost five-hour car ride to Portland, Oregon a couple times a year, so you knew that you liked the city well enough. It was a massive change, going from small-town living to city life. But it's what you need. Being somewhere where no one knew you, where no one knew about the unnatural life that the people of the tribe lived. It was your chance to live a normal life. 
Normal life suited you well. 
The move had been hard at first, you left behind your parents and the few friends outside of the pack that had still been in contact with. It took a while for you to start feeling like yourself again. But that's because you didn't know who you were without Paul. Moving to Portland was a chance for you to find who you were. 
Six months after you moved you experienced your very own meet cute. 
It happened at work, you had blindly reached out to hit the button for the elevator when your hand met someone else's. Quickly your phone was away from your face and you looked up and swore you almost swooned.  
His name was Evan. 
The company he worked for had just opened up a Portland office and was renting space on the third floor. You told him you worked on the seventeenth floor when he had asked and watched the number seventeen light up. Immediately he started a conversation. It was small talk, you told him that you also had not been in Portland long and chose the simple way out by saying that a long-term relationship ended so you wanted a fresh start. 
It hadn't occurred to you that he never got off on the third floor. 
He rode up to the seventeenth floor just to talk to you. And once the elevator stopped and the doors started to open he asked you out. He insisted that he needed a tour guide to find the best ramen that Portland had to offer. 
5 years later 
“And after that the rest is history”, you laughed as you felt Evans's arm slightly squeeze your waist in affection. 
You wouldn't believe where you were, back home in Forks. You had managed to avoid it since you left because your parents moved down to just outside of Portland after they realized that your move was permanent. 
Your engagement to Evan had come just over a year after you met him. After swearing up and down that after Paul you were never going to let yourself love someone again you found yourself drowning in the love that you had for Evan. And when he got down on one knee you didn't even let him finish what he was saying before you were throwing yourself in his arms shouting ‘yes’. 
But your parents hadn't moved down until you Facetimed them a year after your wedding holding up ultrasound photos. They screamed and cried tears of joy, they were going to get to be grandparents. You hadn't told them everything that had happened with Paul but they knew enough. They knew that he had broken your heart and now saw how your husband was putting it back together piece by piece. They saw how happy you were. 
And you are happy. 
You were getting everything that you wanted, everything that he had promised you. 
Marriage, a big house with a white picket fence, and children.
That’s why when you received an invite to Emily and Sam’s wedding you gladly accepted. There was no reason for you not to go, you learned a long time ago that letting the thought of Paul control your life was no way to live. If after all these years Emily still sent you an invite obviously she wanted you here. 
So here you were, standing with Jared, Kim, Embry, and his imprint Ava. Kim had just about burst into tears when she saw you sitting with Evan and your son in the back of the ceremony. She was standing beside Emily at the altar and you could have sworn she almost ran back down the aisle to scoop you in her arms. And that's what she did as soon as Sam and Emily were announced as Mr and Mrs Uley. 
There was so much catching up to do, that was evident. Five years of not talking to one of your best friends, especially at the stage of life all of you were in. You could see it in all of their eyes when you introduced Evan to them that they approved, it was almost a look of relief like they were glad that you had been able to move on after everything that had happened. You had both apologized for not inviting each other to your weddings but that could be forgiven. Especially when you both realize that you had young sons. Her and Jared’s son is three and your son is almost two. 
The two of them quickly got along and were off playing in the designated kid's area of the field where the reception was being held. You were having so much fun laughing with old friends and introducing your husband to everyone that you almost didn't catch the moment she walked by. 
Rachel Black had her arm hooked through the extended arm of some man, one that you recognized but didn't know quite where from. All you knew was that it wasn't him. 
Embry was the first to clock your glance. He followed your gaze and quickly noticed who you were looking at.
“Who the hell is that?” 
You had cut Jared off in the middle of his story about getting thrown out of the Mariners game and saw his eyes bug out of his head when he followed your gaze. She moved carefree throughout the wedding, stopping to say hi to people here and there as she and her mystery man made their way to a table near where her father was talking to Chief Swan. 
“Her fiance”, Kim mumbled over the rim of her champagne glass. 
“What!”, you were definitely louder than you had meant to be, guests nearby turning to look at you and your friends. Sheepishly you gaze at them all, a smile wincing at the sudden onset of attention. 
“It’s a long story Y/N”, Embry said pleadingly. He did not want to get into this right now, you know he didn't. However, there is absolutely no way for you to let this go. 
The woman who had unintentionally wrecked your relationship was now hanging off the arm of another man. And now you were wondering if that's why you hadn't seen the said man at all tonight. As far as you know he’s still one of Sam’s best friends, not that you cared to double-check. 
One look from you Embry’s way was enough for him to huff and motion to an empty table a little further away from the impromptu dance floor. Pulling your husband behind you, you marched your way over plopping down on one of the empty chairs. 
“I’m gonna go check on our boy”, Evan said, emphasizing the word as he kissed the top of your head and started to cross the field. You knew what he was doing, he was making everything easier. You were sure that your old friends had assumed that you had let Evan in on the pack's secret (which you had after you had gotten engaged). But you figured that he thought they would want to talk as freely if he was around. That's why you love him so much, he knew how to read a room and understood the special circumstances surrounding your past relationship and the baggage that followed you because of it. 
After everyone else had made it back to the table, barring Ava who had gotten swept into a conversation with Leah and her mom, you shot them all looking waiting to see who was going to start. 
“They got married…six months after you moved” 
This information was shocking, I mean Paul had always been one to move fast, but six months? 
“And everything was okay for a while. They seemed like they were really in love”, you flinched at Jared's words and Kim, noticing your actions, slapped her husband's chest with the back of her hand, rolling her eyes at his carelessness. Jared however wasn't phased and kept going. 
“And then the fighting started. It was small things at first, we would see them bicker when walking up the steps at Em’s, or when Paul phased we could hear him replaying their argument over what to have for dinner the night before”. 
He paused, taking in a deep breath, resting his hand on top of Kim’s where she had it laid on the table in front of her. Lucky for him Embry decided to take pity on his brother and cut in. 
“Y/N things got bad. Paul and Rachel both have very strong ummm…personalities”. He chuckled nervously as he bit his lip. You knew this made him uncomfortable and part of you felt bad for making him tell you all of this but you needed to know. You needed to know for the sake of knowing, it's not like anything in your life was gonna change because of it. Happiness had finally found you, and part of you felt bad that Paul’s had only been temporary, even though he had shamed your heart. 
“The small fights turned into screaming matches, and they weren't always private. And umm at some point the screaming escalated to the two of them breaking things. Rachel would throw glasses and beer bottles and such and Paul broke one too many kitchen chairs for them to keep replacing them”. 
“Eventually we had to step in, I mean the boys had to physically step in Y/N”, Kim cut in, the look in her eyes telling you that she was reliving the drama. “Sam, Jared, and Embry let themselves into Paul and Rachel's place one day when he was home and she wasn't and they had to drag him kicking and screaming out of there practically”. 
“It's not like he was abusive, it 's just that they are both so damn toxic”. Jared chuckled as he struggled to describe what it was like watching their relationship from start to finish. 
The three of them filled you in on specific instances of when the crazy started to show, while also reiterating how sorry they felt for how they handled everything that night years ago. 
“So where is he now?”, you blurted out. The wine finally made your head feel a little fuzzy and your filter started to thin. This question caught them off guard, the three of them exchanging awkward glances back and forth. 
“I don't know, none of us do. He was supposed to be here but since last night it's been radio silence. No one has heard a word from him”, Embry said. 
You felt like you were being watched. 
After finishing your conversation with your friends the four of you walked over to where the kids were running around. Evan and Ava had been making small talk as they gave the four of you space. 
And now as you watched your friends interact with your son and husband you were trying to have a good time and appreciate the moment. 
But you couldn't, because someone was watching your every movement. 
You tried to brush it off, but the longer the night went on you could still sense it. Trying your best to act nonchalant you looked at the outskirts of the field and just beyond the tree line. You didn't want to worry anyone, especially your husband. Evan was having such a good time, he and the boys got along well and you knew that as soon as you got back home he was gonna start bugging you to come back up here. 
You were scanning the tree line again when you saw something or someone. And as you squinted to get a better look your heart stopped beating. 
He was hidden (not very well) in the trees, just past the makeshift dance floor. He looked disheveled, his pants and partially unbuttoned white shirt were wrinkled and slightly dirty, no doubt from spending the entire night stalking from the trees. 
He looks different from the last time you saw him, he looks…older maybe? No longer clean-shaven, some scruff was clear even from where you stood. Lines and marks litter his face and his eyes. Oh, his eyes look so tired. 
His body stiffened when the two of you made eye contact and he realized that he had been caught. But he didn't skitter away like a scared animal when you excused yourself from your group, promising your husband that this should only take a minute. 
You couldn't believe it, here you were face to face with the man who you swore up and down that if you ever saw again you would kill. But here you were, face to face with him and you couldn't even think of anything to say. 
Because the thing is you weren't mad at him anymore.
No, you felt bad for him. 
You had everything and he had nothing. 
He looked like a scared little boy as he stood before you messing with his fingers, something you remember him doing to try and relax. Gone was the macho-man personality. He looked embarrassed. 
“Hi”, his voice was shy, even more unlike him than acting embarrassed. 
“What do you want Paul?” he startled at your tone but you didn't care. You weren't going to give him the time of day. This conversation was not between two old friends catching up after now seeing each other for a few years. No, you were having this conversation out of necessity and necessity only. 
“I just wanna talk, it's been a while”. 
“Yeah I know, last time we talked you dumped me over text and when I went to try and talk to you about it hours later you didn't even look phased. Already cuddled up to your imprint”, you made sure to lace your words with venom, you wanted to make it hurt. Make him relive his actions and decisions. 
His nostrils flared at your last word. He hated being reminded of her, of that bond that they still shared. The stupid bond that had ruined his life. The same bond he thought had ruined your life. But seeing you here, walking hand in hand with a man, a small child in your arms he realized he had been wrong. 
The only thing that had gotten Paul through all his fights with Rachel and all the time he spent alone after was the thought of you. How after he worked through everything he could get you back. Paul knew how devastated you had been. He had never told anyone but he knew you were there that day at Emily’s. He knew you had started up the porch and decided to put his arm around Rachel, to send you a message. 
In some sick way, that thought of you being alone and missing him got him through the darkness. But now he realized that he had been wrong. 
You hadn't spent the past five years moping around and waiting for him to confess his love for you. The love for you which almost killed him. He had tried to shove it down, he had been blessed with an imprint, and he should be happy. 
But that wasn't the case. 
He hated himself for it, dragging Rachel into the mess that was his life. Because she wanted him to love her, she wanted a happy marriage and a long life with Paul. And that's what Paul thought he wanted. The bond did make Paul feel for Rachel, he wanted to protect and keep her safe. He didn't want to see her sad. But those feelings didn't stop his love for you. 
You had become the center of their marital problems. 
Hundreds of miles away, completely moved on and completely oblivious to the stake that you held in their relationship. 
Rachel learned very quickly that she wasn't the only woman Paul loved. And she had tried to live with it for a while. Growing up she had learned how special it was to be an imprint for one of the shifters. It was devastating to realize that she would never get that from Paul. 
And after a while of trying to make it work and a little intervention from their friends, they called it quits. She had moved on, meeting someone who truly loved her and could put her first. 
Paul however hadn't. 
“I’m sorry about that Y/N. I just wanna…” 
“You wanna what Paul? I’m not playing these games, it's late and I don't wanna spend the rest of the night arguing with you, because guess what we have nothing to argue about anymore because we are nothing”
“Don't say that Y/N”
“Don't say what Paul said? Don't say that we are nothing, are you crazy? Like generally have you lost your damn mind?” 
“Y/N I love you and I know you still have to feel the same, I know how upset you were after we broke up”, his voice cracked as he pleaded with you. And you couldn't help but laugh. 
“We didn't break up Paul, you dumped me…over text. Five years ago might I add, and you really must have lost it. I’m fucking married Paul, I have a child with a man that I love, someone who isn't like you, he isn't a coward”. 
“No, no don't say Y/N, please”, he was begging now. Full-on begging. 
“Paul I have nothing to say to you because I’m not going to say anything that you wanna hear. I don't love you”. 
Time seemed to stop at your admission. 
The forest seemed to be still, the soft breeze dying down and the rusting of the animal inhabitants went silent. And the light from Paul's very sad eyes seemed to dim even more if that was even possible. He truly had spent all this time that you still loved him and believed that the two of you could happen again. 
What happened next was something you could have never predicted, not after knowing Paul for as long as you had. 
He dropped to his knees, blubbering like an infant and pleading with you. 
“Y/N please, we can make this work I know we can. Just give me one more chance, I still love you”. 
He was making a scene. People were starting to notice the distressed man at your feet as he sobbed into his hands pleading with you to come back to him. Luckily Jared noticed the mumbling of some people near him and immediately saw what was happening. 
“Shit”, he muttered under his breath as he grabbed a fistful of Embry’s suit jacket to pull him with him as they took off jogging trying to act nonchalant. This was still their friend's wedding and there was no chance they would let Paul and his inability to get a hold of his emotions ruin it. 
The rest of the pack spotted the incident and quickly jumped into action. Sam had noticed what was happening and was putting all his trust in his friends to handle it, the last thing he wanted for Emily’s day to be ruined. 
“Come on buddy, I think you need to calm down”, Jared told Paul as Jacob helped him pull Paul off the ground. Paul was still breaking down, it was like the floodgates had broken. Every emotion that he had buried for so long was just pouring out of him. It was hard for the pack to watch as one of their own, someone who was normally so stoic and cocky completely broke. 
“No, stop, I'm not going anywhere. She’s not listening”, he protested, trying to shove off the various sets of hands trying to control him.
“I think she's listening perfectly fine Paul, I mean come on man, she has a husband. This isn't new news”. Seth said from his spot next to you, his body slightly angled in front of yours, ready to defend if Paul lost control and shifted. 
“But I still love her”, he wailed. The boys were shoving him back now, deeper into the forest, for the sake of the wedding but also partially for his dignity. 
And that was the last you saw of him, getting half-carried, thrashing around like an angry toddler sobbing as he disappeared into the woods. 
Once he was gone you couldn't hold it in anymore. It was your turn to sob. 
Even after all the pain and suffering he had put you through you hadn't wanted to hurt him like that. Seeing someone usually so strong shatter and at your words devastated you. 
You don't know how long you stood there before Kim darted in front of you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. 
It's confusing, you didn't know why you were crying. You had no reason to feel bad after what he had done to you and everything you had said was true, after everything he had done even if you weren't happily married you wouldn't get back with him. However, you felt so guilty, like you had been the one to ruin his life, even though Paul had made his decision. 
Paul had been the one to knock down the first domino and start the chain reaction. He had made his bed and now he has to lie in it. 
However, while you knew all this to be true you couldn't help but call out to him, you knew he was listening, wherever they had carried him to. 
“I’m sorry Paul, I’m so sorry”. 
blobsblobican (you asked to be tagged in part 2!)
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quaithe-seastar · 2 days
The Dragon's Gold
Chapter Thirteen
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Aerys Reyne (male oc)
Summary: Aerys Reyne, son of Naerys Targaryen, the second-born daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, has been best friends with Aegon since childhood. As boys, they had been inseparable. Wherever one boy was, it wasn't long before the other came running behind him. That was until forbidden desires of the heart forced a wedge between them. After the death of his grandsire, King Viserys, Aerys finds himself torn between two sides: stand by his oldest friend or stand by the only mother he has ever known.
Warning: descriptions of burns and other injuries
A/n: There may be medical inaccuracies, so I apologize in advance for that. As always, dialogue in italics means that the characters are speaking in high valyrian. I was just too lazy to attempt to translate it. No beta, so I apologize for any grammar and spelling mistakes.
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Agana descended from the sky with a painful-sounding call. The noise pained Aerys more than the burns he had received at Rook’s Rest. He turned his head, observing the messy, hastily bandaged wounds. He had been offered milk of the poppy, but Aerys had declined—something he was sorely regretting now as the pain steadily crept up on him. It wasn’t the actual burns that hurt so much as it was the skin around it that was burned less severely. The more severe burns on his shoulder and arm still felt numb. He could feel a slight warmth, but that was it. 
Agana dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. Aerys groaned; the pain in his arm flared as his body jerked forward. He kept his right arm clutched tightly to his chest as he struggled to lift himself off his saddle. Painful whimpers escaped his throat with every move he made. Aerys had no choice but to slide off of the side of Agana’s body as he had done at Rook’s Rest. He did not believe he would be able to climb down with only one arm. He kept his knees bent, trying to ease the shock of his jump. He stumbled but was able to steady himself before he could fall.
Aerys looked around, watching as the dragon keepers made their way towards them. Their eyes widened as they observed the silver dragon’s wounds. The distress on their faces was evident. It made sense. The dragon keepers worship the dragons. They see them as gods. 
To see one of their gods return in such a broken state must have filled them with overwhelming despair. He shifted uncomfortably as their eyes shifted onto him. They looked at him with such loathing it made him feel ill. They must hate him. They must believe he is not worthy of being bonded to such a beautiful creature. In that, perhaps they were right. Agana was only injured because of him. The silver beauty deserved much better than him. 
Agana trilled, trying to get his attention. He turned to her, watching as she moved her head closer to him. Aerys lowered his head, resting it against the side of her face.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized again.
No matter how many times he said it, it never felt like enough. How could words ever be enough to make up for the pain she had endured? Agana called to him. The sound gave him some comfort. She pulled away, growling at the dragon keepers who approached them. Aerys rubbed a hand over the scales on her neck, calming her down.
Aerys led her back to her cave, himself. He stayed with her, rubbing a comforting hand over her snout, lulling her to sleep. The searing pain in his arm was becoming even more challenging to endure, but he did it for her.
“Lord Reyne!” A shaky voice called out to him.
Areys turned his head, watching the unknown Hightower knight cautiously move towards the cave. The man stopped, standing a couple of feet away from the gate. Terror filled the man’s face as his eyes observed Agana.
“What is it?” Aerys asked impatiently, wishing for the man to go away.
The man stared at Agana for another moment before flinching. He quickly turned his head towards Aerys.
“The lord hand has ordered me to inform you that they have returned to the city.”
Aerys’ eyes widened. Aegon was here. He stood to his feet. Agana tried to raise her head, but Aerys pressed a hand against her snout. He leaned down, resting his head against hers.
“You must stay,” he replied sorrowfully. “I will return as soon as I can.”
Agana whined but remained still. Her body was too exhausted and in too much pain for her to move around. It broke Aerys’ heart to leave her in such a state. 
“Rest now, Agana.”
He rubbed his hand over her scales one last time before turning away. His eyes filled with tears as she let out distressed chirps, trying to call him back to her. Aerys clenched his fist, trying desperately to ignore every fiber of his being that was telling- screaming at him to go to her side.
Aerys returned to the red keep, escorted by the four Hightower knights Ser Criston had sent to retrieve him. The trip had not been nearly as quick as Aerys would have liked. As he made his way through the city, he quickly noticed the palpable uneasiness and fear among the smallfolk as they eyed him warily and whispered to each other. He could not blame them. He had heard of the horrid display Ser Criston had put on for them as he made his way through the city.
The dragons were the symbol of House Targaryen, his mother’s house. They were the true power and strength behind their family; they would have been lost without them. To present Melyes’ head as if it were nothing more than some hunting prize ... it was a terrible ignominy. Aerys was glad he had not been there to witness it. The thought of it made him ill and filled his heart with a great uneasiness. The people believed the dragons to be gods and the Targaryens, by extension. They believed them to be invincible. Ser Criston had just proved to them that they were not.
Aerys pushed past the small team of maesters who were awaiting his return in the outer courtyard.
“Lord Reyne, please!” They called out, running behind him.
The man paid them no mind. He had to get back to Aegon. He needed to know if he had survived the journey. Aerys had been unable to ride by Aegon’s side, as he had to fly with Agana back to the Dragonpit. The last time he had seen Aegon, they were placing his broken body into a wooden box. Ser Criston insisted that the king’s body had to remain hidden. The sight of it had made Aerys’ stomach lurch. 
Even the memory of it now made him feel like he was going to spill what little food sat in his stomach. Aegon appeared almost dead, his body lying so still in that awful wooden box that looked like a casket. Aerys shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the memory. He had to believe Aegon would be alright. Otherwise, Aerys did not know how he would be able to carry on. 
“Lord Reyne, please wait!” One of the maesters cried out, grasping onto his uninjured arm.
Though Aerys quickly slipped away before he could get a firm grip on him. He hurried around the corner, eager to reach Aegon. The doors of Aegon's room were wide open. His kingsguard stood post by the door. They turned their heads, watching him as he approached. Aerys did not give them enough time to shuffle out of the way, pushing his way through them. 
The first thing his eyes fell upon was the two silent sisters who lurked in the corner of the room. His breath quickened, and his body broke out into a cold sweat. Why were they here? Aerys wanted to scream at them- order them to leave. Aegon would not die. Their presence was not needed or wanted.
Aemond stood at the foot of the bed. Aerys rushed to his side, pushing the man out of the way. This was all his fault, Aerys thought. He acted hastily, and now Aegon was paying the price for it.
A much larger team of maesters crowded around Aegon's body, making it difficult to get a clear view of him. Then, one of them moved to retrieve something. Aerys let out a short gasp as his eyes observed the severity of Aegon’s injuries. They had stripped him of his armor, exposing his charred, mangled flesh. 
Aerys’ heart raced painfully in his chest, and his throat tightened. Blood pounded in his ears, leaving him deaf to the world around him. Was Aegon going to die? The maesters skills could only go so far. Were his injuries too severe to be treated? And what of injuries within, injuries that could not be seen with the naked eye? 
Aerys could feel the sweat rolling down his skin, making his hair stick to the back of his neck. His feet tingled, and his knees buckled slightly beneath his weight. His vision blurred, and it became almost impossible to focus on anything. Aerys wanted to flee. He couldn’t bear to look at Aegon like this. He couldn’t bear to watch him fade away from this world, away from him. But he could not leave him- he would not. Not this time.
Aerys feels someone grab onto his arm, though he cannot make out their face. He hears them speak, but he cannot make sense of their words. His breathing grew more ragged and heavy, making it almost impossible to catch a full breath. 
Perhaps he was more to blame for this than Aemond was. Aerys was no warrior. He had rushed into battle without any clear plan or strategy. In the end, Aegon and Sunfyre had fallen from the sky, and Agana was permanently maimed.
His beautiful dragon, whose silver scales glimmered like the moon. His silver maiden who has served him faithfully all these years, protecting him, giving him strength. Yet he could not do the same. He had failed her by sending her into a battle she was unprepared for. One that resulted in her losing an eye. Aerys thought back to how he had left her, broken and alone, as she cried out for him. He was not deserving of her. He believed that before, but he was more sure of it now.
“...Aerys,” a far-away voice calls to him.
Something- someone grabs onto his uninjured arm, trying to pull him away from the bed. But Aerys stands firm, refusing to move.
“Aerys,” the voice calls again, much louder this time.
His vision began to clear as the pain in his arm flared up again, this time worse than before. He bites his lip, trying to keep himself from crying out. Pathetic whimpers escaped his throat as he tried to breathe through his nose. Fingers grasped his chin, turning his head to the side. Aerys looked down, finding the queen dowager staring at him.
“You must let the maesters treat your wounds,” The Queen dowager urged as she tried to pull him away from the bed.
“No,” Aerys gritted his teeth, trying desperately to ignore the searing pain in his shoulder. “I will not leave him.”
“Your wounds will fester. You must be treated,” she insisted.
Aerys ignored her, turning his head back to Aegon. She calls out to him again, but he shakes his head. He would not leave Aegon. No matter how painful it was to see him in this state, Aerys would remain by his side.
“Will he live?” Aerys murmurs.
“The maesters are doing all they can,” the dowager queen replied mournfully.
Her words do little to quell his worries. 
“The maesters will treat your wounds here, but you must sit.”
Aerys turns to her, prepared to refuse her aid, but stops when she looks sternly at him. He relents, allowing her to guide him towards the cushioned benches near the window. As soon as she stepped aside, the maesters descended upon him. 
One hands him a small cup filled with a white liquid- milk of the poppy.
“No,” Aerys groaned, pushing the cup away.
“It will help with the pain, Lord Reyne.” The maester explained.
“I said no.” Aerys asserted.
Aerys let out a pained hiss as the maester peeled the bandages from his skin.
“Just a sip, my lord, to dull your senses,” the maester reasoned. “The process will be rather painful.”
Aerys groaned, his body jerked to the side as one of the master's hands grazed his wounds. He finally accepted the cup, albeit begrudgingly. The white liquid trickled down his throat. Aerys quickly swallowed, not wishing to have the taste of it stuck in his mouth. When he was through, he shoved the cup back into the maesters hand. 
Aerys closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as one of the maesters opened the blisters that had formed and cut away the damaged flesh. The maesters whispered their apologies but continued their work. Aerys ignored them, trying his best to stay quiet. Thankfully, the milk of the poppy seemed to work quickly. His mind was becoming hazy, and his body grew heavy. Even the simple act of clenching his fist seemed almost impossible. 
Aerys tried to fight the fatigue threatening to overtake him. But it was a hopeless battle. His eyelids were so heavy he couldn’t lift them even a little. Perhaps some rest wouldn’t hurt.
When Aerys shut his eyes, he dreamed of crows.
There seemed to be hundreds- maybe even thousands of them. His eyes searched the outer yard of the red keep. All around, there were heads mounted on spikes. The smell of blood and rotting flesh overwhelmed the air. Crows sat on the heads, pecking away at the faces of the dead.
It was a grim sight, but to Aerys' surprise, he felt nothing. Neither happiness nor fear. He made his way through the throng of crows. Yet they paid him no mind. 
A thousand deafening caws sounded in the air, making Aerys press his hands to his ears to try and drown out the noise. The man raised his head to find hundreds of crows circling above him in the sky. But there was something odd. The sky was not its common shades of blue or gray, but red—like a giant never-ending lake of blood.
“Aerys,” a honeyed voice calls out to him.
Aerys lowers his gaze to find a woman- no, Helaena staring at him. She stands just a few feet away amidst the bloodied spikes.
“What’s happening?” He asks.
“It is time for you to wake now,” she says.
Without another word, she turns around and walks away from him. Aerys calls out to her, but she’s too far away. He tried to run to her, but he found himself unable to move. Aerys looked down to find himself standing in a large pool of blood. It was rising to his knees, or rather, he was sinking into it. He tried to call for help. He tried to twist, turn, and fight his way out, but the faster he moved, the quicker he sank.
Yet if he stayed still, he sunk all the same. The blood sat right under his chin. He lifts his head, gasping for air, preparing himself to be swallowed whole. His body sinks lower. The taste of iron coats his lips. Aerys tried to kick his legs as the red liquid reached his nose. 
It was too late. His eyes stung as the blood submerged him completely. His vision clouded with a red mist. The world around him faded. His lungs burned from being deprived of air. It was like someone had stabbed him in the chest. His ears throbbed, and he could only hear his pounding heartbeat. This was it. This was the end.
Aerys awoke with a start. His heart was hammering away in his chest as he sat up. His eyes searched around, meeting the familiar sight of Aegon’s bedchamber. Aerys was unsure of how long he had been asleep. It was still daylight outside. Was it the same day, or was it the next? He looked at his arm, which was wrapped in fresh bandages. Aerys found himself still resting on the cushioned benches near the window.
“Are you feeling alright, Lord Reyne?”
Aerys looked up, finding Maester Orwyle staring at him.
“I’m fine,” he nodded. “How is he?”
The maester looked nervous as he clasped his hands in front of his stomach. “I’m afraid it is too early to tell. We’ve done all we can. His fate rests with the gods now.”
Aerys wanted to laugh—the gods , of course.  
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Maester Orwyle asked.
“Yes, I just had a ... strange dream, that’s all.” Aerys brushed off the man’s concern.
“Ahh, yes,” the maester hummed. “Poppy dreams, they call them. It happens. I would not pay too much attention to it.”
Aerys nods his head. He had heard of the poppy dreams before. His father had been quite prone to them, or so he heard. They say these dreams caused his father to become oversuspicious of their liege lords, the Lannisters. The man was convinced that they were out to get him and intent on destroying his house.
“The small council is having a meeting,” the maester said. “The queen dowager insisted you be present.”
Aerys sighed and nodded his head. “As she wishes.”
Maester Orwyle helped Aerys get dressed in fresh clothes, before the two of them walked to the small council chamber. The rest of the council members were already present and seated. An extra chair was placed beside Ser Jasper Wylde for Aerys, now that Ser Criston had returned. Aerys quickly took his seat, trying his best not to react when his arm brushed against the chair as he sat down.
“Shall we begin?” Ser Criston announced.
Maester Orwyle was the first to speak. Giving the council a detailed account of the king’s injuries.
“Has he woken?” The Queen dowager asked.
Aerys wondered how she was handling all of this. Aegon was her son, her first son. He couldn’t imagine it was easy on her to see him return in such a state.
“No.” The maester answered solemnly. “I must admit, I’m not sure he will ever wake.”
Aerys let out a quiet scoff, dropping his gaze to the table. He refused to listen to the man. Aegon will live, I know he will. He’s stronger than they think he is, Aerys thought to himself. A thick tension grew in the air, as the maester finished saying his piece. They all believed Aegon would die. Doubters, he called them in his mind.
The Queen dowager is the first to act. She stands to her feet, resting her hands against the wooden table. 
“A king cannot rule in his sleep,” she says. “The realm will have noticed his absence. Let them hear of his great deeds at Rook’s Rest.”
Aerys turns his head, looking towards the end of the table where that one-eyed coward sat. Though the man kept his single eye lowered to the table. Aerys glared at him. This is all his fault, he thought again.
“But now we must name a regent to take his place. Until he recovers ... or does not.”
Aerys turned his head towards the king's seat- Aegon’s seat. He didn’t want to be here. He should have remained by Aegon’s side. 
“A wise strategy, your grace.” Lord Strong replied. “A regency will assure the people of the stability of the crown.”
“Did you have a candidate in mind, your grace?” Lord Tyland asked.
Aerys wanted to laugh. The answer was obvious. These lords were simply letting her down easy, like a mother does her child when they want something they cannot have.
“I myself served in this role for my husband. I am well-prepared to do it again,” she asserted.
Her eyes glanced at all the men around the table. It reminded him of when Aegon had done the same at the last council meeting when they had shut down his ideas in favor of Aemond, just as they were about to do to her now.
“You played your part admirably in a time of peace, your grace. But circumstances have changed.” Lord Jasper spoke up.
“And here I had forgotten,” she quipped.
Lord Jasper ignored her, continuing on. “The king does not lack for heirs. The obvious choice is his immediate successor, Prince Aemond.”
“Agreed,” Lord Tyland affirmed.
“Aemond is young,” she argued. “And his lack of restraint has already cost us dearly.”
She looks around the table again, looking for support. Aerys decides to answer her call.
“The queen dowager is right,” he says. “Aemond’s skill is best employed on the battlefield. The person best suited for the task is someone who already has experience ruling the realm. Don’t you think?”
“It is experience that offers the surest path to security,” Maester Orwyle chimes in. “Queen Alicent ably shouldered the duties of the realm when her husband’s health failed him.”
“Experience is valuable, yes, but the dowager queen is a woman.”
Aerys snickered at the master of laws statement. “I assure you, Ironrod, not all women are as faint-hearted as one so simple-minded might think.”
Aerys looks to the master of laws, who is glaring daggers at him. A smirk crosses his lips as he watches the mad turn red with anger and embarrassment.
“I am no stranger to rule or to sitting at this council. Aemond is a fearsome dragon rider; as Lord Reyne said, his skill is best employed in the field, but my experience is needed here, at this table.”
“No offense was meant, your grace, but at a time where we must show strength-”
The woman did not wait for Ser Tyland to finish speaking before calling out to Lord Larys Strong. Though the man proved to be of little help to her.
“I agree, your grace. It must be Prince Aemond. What would it say if, in response to Rhaenyra’s crowning, we raised up a woman of our own?”
“Then it should be Lord Reyne!” She countered.
Aerys snapped his head towards her, his eyes widened, “What?”
“Your grace,” Lord Tyland sighed.
“It is inconceivable,” Lord Jasper interjected. “The man doesn’t even have a proper seat on this council. Are we so willing to put the stability of the crown in the hands of a man who has spent years by the princesses’ side?”
“What are you implying, Lord Jasper?” Aerys snarled.
Before Lord Jasper could answer, the queen dowager called out to Aerys. He turned his head towards her, catching a glimpse of the stern look on her face. Aerys huffed and sat back in his chair. He looked to the master of laws, glaring at him one last time. His eyes flickered over to Aemond. The prince had his gaze fixated on him. Aerys shot him a glare before turning his eyes back toward the table in front of him. The queen dowager continued, arguing on his behalf.
“Aerys has proved himself to be a loyal member of our cause. He fought against Princess Rhaenys in defense of our king and was wounded in the process. The king trusts him. If he were here, I'm sure he would vote in favor of Lord Reyne himself.”
“Lord Reyne is too far down the line in terms of succession, your grace. Prince Aemond is the king’s heir.” Lord Strong replied. “But umm, the hand speaks with the king’s voice Ser Criston, what say you?”
All eyes turned towards the king’s hand. Ser Criston had been unusually silent since they had started the meeting. The man kept his head low but glanced his eyes up for a second before quickly dropping them back to his hands, which were clasped together tightly on the table.
“Aemond is the next in line. It must be him.”
The woman’s eyes were full of betrayal. Ser Criston had been her sworn protector and a dear friend for years. His words must have stung. 
“It’s agreed then,” Aemond speaks for the first time since they had entered the room.
Aerys leans back, dropping his gaze to the ground. He stared at the dirt and grime that stuck to his boots as Aemond walked around the table. He refuses to look at the man as he sits in the king’s chair- Aegon’s chair . 
“What is our standing in the riverlands?” Aemond asks.
Aerys chews on his lip, trying desperately to remain calm. He stays silent as Lord Tyland drones on about the Riverlands, as maester Orwyle talks about the smallfolk's unease, and as Aemond starts barking orders. He remains seated when all the others stand.
“We shall meet again at first light,” Aemond declared. “Oh, and someone cut down the fucking ratcatchers.”
Aerys finally stood, prepared to return to Aegon, when Aemond called for him to stay. The dowager queen tried to stay behind, but Aemond quickly dismissed her. Aerys sat back in his seat, fixating his eyes on the table. Aemond waits until everyone is out of the room, and the door slams shut before he speaks.
“I understand my brother ordered you to attend these meetings. I am now relieving you of your obligation.”
Aerys gave no reply, instead choosing to continue staring at the table. This did not seem to sit well with Aemond, who continued speaking at him. Though Aerys paid no mind to what he was saying. His words became muffled in his ears.
“Were you trying to kill him?” Aerys asked, interrupting the prince’s spiel.
He can see Aemond stiffen from the corner of his eye. Aerys turns his head, finally looking at the newly instated prince regent. The fury behind Aemond’s eye was palpable; a vein pulsed through the skin of his forehead.
“I’d choose my words more carefully if I were you, nephew ,” his words are laced with venom.
“Or what?” Aerys challenged.
Aerys was unsure where this newfound confidence had come from. He had never been very contentious, but something about Aemond drew it out of him. Aemond’s jaw clenched as he stared at Aerys, trying to intimidate him. 
“I was there, Aemond. You burned him.”
“Aegon wasn’t supposed to be there. It was he who put himself in harm's way,” Aemond replied nonchalantly.
“Only because you did not let him in on your ploy,” Aerys argued.
“Am I supposed to hold his hand and explain everything to him like a child?”
“No, but as his brother, you should stand by his side. Instead, you’ve done everything you can to undermine him. And now this?!”
“He wasn’t supposed to be there,” Aemond hissed. “Do not act like you are completely blameless in this.”
Aerys looked at him confused, “What are you-”
“I was there, Aerys,” Aemond snickered, mocking him. “Agana could have killed Rhaenys, but you turned her away. Perhaps if you had let her do it, I would not have had to act.”
“Well, I apologize, but not all of us are so keen on becoming kinslayers,” Aerys retorted, furious that Aemond would try to pin this on him.
Aemond growled and lunged forward. For a moment, Aerys believed he would strike him. He closed his eyes and prepared himself for the blow, but it never came. He opened his eyes, watching as Aemond pulled back, lowering his arm back to his side. The man’s breath is ragged, his single eye blazing with rage. Aerys can see how hard he is trying to restrain himself.
“It seems the milk of the poppy has left you delirious, nephew ,” Aemond jibed, his tone filled with malice. “Perhaps some more rest is needed.”
“I don’t need-”
Before Aerys could refute the man’s assertion, Aemond called out to the guards outside the room. Immediately, two members of the Kingsguard entered the room.
“Yes, your grace?”
“Lord Reyne is tired, see him to his chambers.”
“I am not tired,” Aerys rebuffed. “I must return to the king’s side.”
“Have the maesters prepare some essence of nightshade to help him sleep,” Aemond continued as if Aerys wasn’t even present.
“Yes, your grace.” The guards nodded, moving to Aerys’ side.
The man sent Aemond one last vitriolic glare before begrudgingly standing on his feet. The one-eyed man stared back at him with a vexing smirk upon his face. With his fists clenched and arms pinned to his sides, Aerys stormed out of the room. The guard’s armor rattled as they trailed closely behind him.
Aemond was demonstrating his authority, reminding Aerys that he had no allies here now that Aegon was abed. 
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Tags: @saicherry, @sadpuffpuff, @willow-red, @teamavatar13
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Fem! Reader comforting uliana about her insecurity of being not as amazing as her sister (reader and uliana are dating)
I love Uli, I also really like that we got a sibling rivalry/ golden child vs forgotten child dynamic from her because we really didn’t see anything like that in the OG3
Also a big thank you to @an-absolute-waste-of-space for helping me figure out a plot for this because I was absolutely lost.
Strongest Tides
Uliana x Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: When the sea witch gets emotionally knocked out of commission, it's up to her girlfriend to man the crew.
Warnings: swearing, tongue kissing that honestly is more of a make out session, first "I love you", pet names
Word Count: 2K
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    You would think by now Uliana would have learned not to mess with kids older than her. There was a reason you punched down instead of up, wasn’t there? But of course, her craving to be seen as evil had the ability to cloud her judgment. Though, if she had known that the senior she was messing with had been there to witness the frog incident Ursula had caused, maybe she wouldn’t have. How was she supposed to know that the boy she was mocking was a super senior? Did they really expect Uliana to care enough about who went to school there for her to immediately know exactly who repeated a grade? But now, as she paces in the hallway in front of her girlfriend’s dorm, Uli can’t get his words out of her head. “Is that all you’ve got? How are you and your sister cut from the same cloth?” She was so used to being compared to Ursula. Ella and Bridget almost exclusively referred to her as “Ursula’s baby sister”. But something about his words had her spiraling. How was her sister so much better than her that someone couldn’t believe they were related? There was no way that she was that weak compared to Urs, was there?
   She shouldn’t even be here, this is just proving his point. Ursula would never run to someone to comfort her after being spoken down to. No, her sister would get revenge, immediate unapologetic revenge. She should do the same, surely she should. But the only thing she could think of was the boy’s words. And surely when she walked through this door, the entirety of her crew would be there. Or at the very least, three out of five of them. (Y/n) and Maleficent didn’t tend to spend time away from their dorms unless they were with the crew or on a date, and Hades was always glued to Maleficent’s side. She knew they would be there. Hook and Morgie might be a gamble, but surely if she needed them she could just get Hades to grab them. No point in getting revenge alone, was there? So, despite what her brain told her to do, Uliana’s hand raises up to the door, knuckles rapping on the hollow wood. 
   “It’s open!” (Y/n)’s angelic voice calls through the door, the sound wrapped in a laugh. Maybe being in there would be good for her, did revenge really matter that much? Her hand falls to the handle, a rage still trying to hide her insecurity as she flings the door open. “You will not believe what this fool said to me!” The entirety of her crew turns to face her, Morgie sliding further down (Y/n)’s bed to give her space to sit next to her girlfriend. With loud, angered foot steps, Uliana stomps her way over to the spot, sinking into the soft duvet and school issued mattress. And just as quickly as she can let her back muscles relax, (Y/n) has an arm around her, her thumb rubbing soft circles on Uliana’s hip. “What did he say to you, babydoll?” She’s leaning into her girlfriend’s touch subconsciously, trying to keep her threatening face when it begs to turn into a pout. She looks around the room, taking a deep, centering breath. Everyone who makes her feel cared about in her life has their eyes on her, these gentle adoring things that make it hard for her to keep her composure. This was the safest space she would probably ever know.
   “I tried to cast a spell on this asshole and I messed up the Atlantean and the spell didn’t cast.” Her voice is softer than it was before, everything about her is as the eyes of everyone who loves her circle in on her. “Okay, what did he say, Uli? I’ll hook him,” Hook’s voice walks the line of caring and playful, his smirk falling into a gentle, understanding smile. “He asked me if that was ‘all I had’,” she puts finger quotes around the words, taking a deep breath as she continues, “And then he asked how Ursula and I could have ‘cut from the same cloth’. How dare he?” The circles (Y/n) was rubbing on her hip have turned into hearts, she’s subconsciously pulling Uli further into her as to protect her from an evil that isn’t even there. “So, what did you do?” Morgie’s voice joins the conversation, the bubbly tone floating on excitement’s fire. “I didn’t,” it’s the words that break the damn, sending her into this broken little girl instead of the powerful sea witch she should be. Cuddling further into her girlfriend, face finding a place to hide in the girl’s waiting shoulder. 
    “Well, I say that if he thinks he can speak to my girl like that, maybe he shouldn’t be allowed to speak at all,” there’s a wicked bite to it as she reaches down to grab Uliana’s chin, tilting her head back to look at her. “Who spoke to you like that?” “Facilier,” it’s this soft broken mumble that the whole crew has to lean in to hear. The fact that they were dealing with a witch doctor wasn’t great, but if (Y/n) was confident in anything it was her friends. So she nods, letting Uliana’s face fall back to hiding against her as she turns to the other villains in the room. “Say, Mali, Morgie. Have y’all ever tested what happens when you combine your powers? Like what happens if you cast the same spell at once?” An excited bite of fire dances through both of their eyes,  turning from the girl to each other. “We could try,” Maleficent’s tone is hard to read, but she’s clearly trying to egg him on. Something that is solidified to be working when he tacks on a, “What were you thinking?” 
    “If the second in command is willing,” she turns to Hook with this strange air to her that has a crazed look dancing in his eyes. A rapid nod pushes her to finish her plan. “I was thinking that Hook here could be your brawn, make sure the fool can’t get away before you two can cast a silencing spell together. I mean one spell is great, but imagine the power of you both casting it.” The three of them are bouncing to their feet, Maleficent finding herself tucked between Hook and Morgie who both offer her a hand. “I have one that lasts 24 hours in my mother’s spell book, with both of us I’d put money on it lasting for two days,” there’s a hiss tucked on the end of his words as he pulls the door open. Though (Y/n) can’t see them, she’d bet money on Morgie having snake eyes as he speaks. The three trouble makers making their way into the hall as they whisper about their scheme. 
    “Hades?” He raises a brow to her, arms locked over his chest with pursed lips. “Can you go be their actual brawn?” He’s nodding, this knowing look dancing in his eyes as he stands from Maleficent’s now empty bed, “No way those three could handle dealing with the shadow man without me.” And (Y/n) hums, watching him make his way to the door, “No, there sure is not.” As it clicks closed behind him, she turns back to her girl, taking in her quickly deteriorating front. 
   “How’s my girl?” No words dare to grace her ears, Uliana shaking her head against the girl’s warm shoulder. “Uli,” she’s cooing, reaching down to pull her girlfriend’s legs over her own, softly maneuvering her into her lap. “I don’t want to talk about it.” She hums, letting a hand find the back of Uliana’s neck so that she can rub soft loving circles on it. 
   “You know, if you ask me, Ursula is nothing but a show off. Evil isn’t doing things to get people’s attention like that stupid frog stunt. It’s waiting, planning, being able to strike fear into hearts.” Uliana shifts on her lap, carefully and slowly moving so that she can straddle (Y/n)’s lap. Her face nuzzles further into the crook of her lover’s neck as she settles herself on her knees. A sweet and gentle kiss finding the side of her neck before Uli speaks. “Yeah well, not everyone seems to think so.” She hums, feeling the way a hand has snaked up her shirt and onto her back, the other resting on her waist as if to hold her steady. “Who cares what some idiot who failed his sophomore year thinks?” Of course (Y/n) knew that, she knew everything. That’s what Uliana gets for not coming to her first. “I think that you’re on your way to stealing the title of mistress of evil,” she kisses Uli’s temple, laying them both back on her bed. 
    “Yeah, as if. I am never getting that title.” She welcomes the new position, the ghost of a smile threatening her lips. “You can be my mistress of evil,” (Y/n) has this wicked little amusement to her voice as she says it, the girl carefully flipping them over. Uliana’s legs straighten out the moment her back hits the mattress, eyes screwed shut as if she’s scared to see her partner. And that just won’t do, not for (Y/n) it won’t. She balances all her weight on one arm, pushing back a stray lock of hair that fell over her face, “Let me see your eyes.” “I’m okay, actually,” Uliana shakes her head, knowing what’s going to meet her if she does. She can’t handle the way the muscles in (Y/n)’s exposed biceps are going to be slightly flexed from holding her weight, that gentle, loving look that’s gonna cross her features. No one had ever looked at Uliana like that before she did. Uli wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about it, surely it made her weak. It had to, the way she craved to have someone look at her like that made her feel like she wasn’t evil enough. But if it felt so good, could it really be so bad? 
    “Look at me,” she repeats, letting her lips ghost over Uliana’s jaw, “Let me see my girl.” “You already can,” she whispers, fighting the urge to reach up and pull her girlfriend closer to her. “No, I wanna see you, not your body. You hide everything about yourself in those pretty eyes, did you know that?” Another kiss hits where her jaw and neck connect, the action mixed with her girlfriend’s words making her shiver. “I really don’t think you wanna see me like this, Darling,” the words fall shaky as she feels (Y/n) leave a kiss on the column of her throat. “I want to see all of you, Babydoll, I love you.” Her eyes shoot open, a gasp being ripped through her lips. “You do?” With a smile, the girl is hovering back over her face. This beautiful sense of pride taking over her features, “Of course I do, I’ve loved you since the moment we locked eyes at orientation. You’re the stars in my sky.” There’s no pressure for Uliana to say it back, not even room for her to respond before there’s lips pressed to hers. A soft and gentle motion that she’s suddenly starved for.
   One of her hands comes up to cup (Y/n)’s jaw, dragging the girl closer as she kisses back, pressing her deeper and deeper into the kiss. Something that was meant to be adoring and languid turning into a harsh and needy little gesture. A hand on her jaw and the back of her neck, holding her down against the girl she has pressed into her mattress. A swipe of tongue against Uliana’s lips has them slipping open on a whine, giving the girl on top of her a chance to slide her tongue into her waiting mouth. The kiss becoming a dance of tongues and clashing teeth. Raw and needy and saying more than either girl knew how to put into words. And when (Y/n) pushes back against Uliana’s needy hands, drawing herself up and gasping for air, she can feel the way her lover’s mood has changed. The girl panting for air as she leans her own forehead against the sea witch’s. “God, you are wicked,” it’s a breathy little praise that has the girl beneath her absolutely smitten. “I love you too.”
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biancasreign · 2 days
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“What are you talking about?” Sierra called out to him as she followed his through the parking lot of his apartment complex.
“Man, I’m not even gonna sit here and do this with you for real.” He waved her off as he walked to his car. At this point he was over all her shit and she was the last person he wanted to see at the moment.
“Do what? Can you communicate? What the hell is wrong with you?” She huffed at him. Not only could she not believe he had her chasing in him in this dark ass parking garage but in the rain with her heels.
“What’s wrong with me? Nah, what the hell is wrong with you?” He shook his head as he pulled his keys out his pocket trying to find his car. With Sierra screaming in his ear he couldn’t remember where he parked.
“Nothing! I came over here because you’re tripping and telling me I’m not shit. How am I not shit Carmelo?” She asked before she spotted his car and walked around to the drivers side, blocking him from getting in.
“Man move, I got shit to do.” He mumbled as he stared down at her with nothing but anger in his eyes. He had so much love for this woman but at that moment he hated the site of her.
“Not until you talk to me. You can’t send me a text like that and then dodge me!”
“Sierra, I love you a lot and I’m trying to put space between us so I don’t say anything I regret. I’m trying to save the little bit of what we have left so please give me space before you make me hate you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Yes.” She nodded her head knowing that he just wanted to be left alone. She didn’t understand what triggered him but in order to save them she would give him his space.
“Ight, where’s your car?”
“It’s in the shop. I got an Uber here from work.” She mumbled as a tear rolled down her face.
As much as he wanted to tell her to call an Uber and leave her where she stood he couldn’t. He had too much love for her and his mother didn’t raise him that way. He had to make sure she got home safe especially in this rain.
“Get in the car.” He spoke as he unlocked the doors and got into the drivers seat.
Nodding her head she walked around the passenger side of the car and got inside. The tension in the car made her want to cry but that would only annoy him more so she refrained.
She reached into her purse and grabbed a couple wipes to clear her face of the sticky makeup she was covered in thanks to the rain. When she left for work she had no idea it was going to rain because if she did she would’ve skipped the heels and the makeup for today.
She also didn’t know she would be chasing Carmelo in the rain but here she was with curly wet hair and slippery heels. In the drivers seat Carmelo sat annoyed that despite how angry he was with he still cares about her so much.
Although they weren’t official they knew where they stood in each others life. That’s why he was so upset she was in some dudes face and that why despite them not being together she would chase him in the rain and mess up her silk press.
“Can you just tell me why you’re mad?” She asked him about twenty minutes into the ride. The sitting in silence was killing her and she just had to say something to him.
After a few seconds he turned the radio up making her raised her eyebrows and turn it back down. She knew she was as playing with fire but she wouldn’t allow him to be overly rude to her without an explanation.
Laughing to himself Carmelo shook his head and looked out the window to collect his thoughts before turning back towards her.
“You out here in other niggas faces. Dancing on them and you think shits sweet?” He finally said to her.
“What? You’re talking about when I went to the club last night? What am I supposed to do just stand on the wall? I’m not even your girlfriend so what’s the problem?”
“Sierra, don’t do that. I promise you don’t wanna take it there with me.” He felt himself getting upset because she was the reason they weren’t a couple.
“Don’t do what?”
“I can treat you like you’re not my girlfriend for real. Say the word and I’ll leave your ass alone. I swear to God I will.” He looked over at her with the most serious look on his face. Sierra felt her heart drop when those words left his mouth and that’s when she knew she had fucked up.
“It doesn’t even have to be like that. I just don’t understand why you’re upset. I was at the club dancing on a guy. He didn’t mean anything it was just a dance and I don’t get upset with you when bitches are in your face.”
“When bitches are in my face I back them up. I don’t entertain them but let it be a nigga in your face. This is the same thing we just talked about with ole boy.” He got everything off his chest while he could.
“He was literally my friend. I don’t understand what vibe you get from him and why you’re mad at me about it.”
“Ight, I’m not doing this shit. You can go be with him if you’re not going to listen to what I’m saying.”
“What? I don’t want to be with him. I want to be with you and you know that.”
“Then act like it. I’m not going to chase you nor be in competition with other niggas about you. I’m a grown ass man and I can look at him and know that he wants you. I want you to stop playing with me.”
“Then you need to apply the pressure and make me feel that way. Tell me I’m your girl and you only want me. I shouldn’t have to guess my position in your life!”
“Sierra, I only wanna to be with you. I want you to be my girl. I want you to be my wife. I want you to have my kids. I love you and I need you to understand I’m not playing with you or about you.”
“I love you too.”
“Ima need you to cut ties with ole boy. I’m not cool with y’all being friends when he’s tried stuff with you in the past. He doesn’t respect my position in your life and as your man I’m not tolerating that shit.”
“Okay, I’ll cut him off. I just want you and that’s it. I’m sorry for making you feel any different. I really am.” She looked him in his eyes as they sat at the red light.
“And you got me. Just don’t make me regret that shit. I loved you for a long ass time Sierra. Let me be that man for you. The one that you need.”
“I love you too and I promise you won’t regret it.”
tag list: @bebesobrielo @trentybenty @amandairene88 @kiki1704 @paigereeder @uceyliyahh @skyesthebomb
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shannonsketches · 4 months
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like why did they change where Vegeta was when Cell announced the cell games in the anime
why did they make this vegeta starting shit with yamcha instead of chillin in the lab with his family? why did they take Bulma out of the lab? Why'd they say she was Out while Dr Brief was repairing 16? Why did they change Bulma working on advanced robotics to running in late with her baby?
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it's the same scene except: - Bulma's actively at work being a scientist - Vegeta's not being rude to her (or anyone else!) - Vegeta waits for Trunks instead of leaving the room - Cell interrupted the airwaves, which means Trunks and Vegeta were just hanging out with Bulma and Dr B while they were working
Those are all Great Character Details!! That the anime rails against!!
#these cowards afraid of showing Vegeta actively choosing to be around his wife and child even when he's Bad#Because Goku who is Good never ever even once makes that choice onscreen outside of filler#and then they justify that choice by making Chi-Chi seem horrid and unreasonable for (checks notes) Not Wanting Her Child to Die#anyway I am once again being bitter about anime vs manga klasjdklasd#I can't believe I let the anime convince me I hated Goku man Goku's SUCH a good and ridiculous character in the manga#the anime just SUCKS at letting him be who he's always been#and has to reframe and recontextualize and reword everything he does so that it seems like he's Actually Quite Mature and Thoughtful nO#THAT's VEGETA YOU COWARDS#also the fact that bulma said she wouldn't live with him at the beginning of this arc to him casually hanging out with her and trunks#after cell beat his ass and humbled him is REALLY GOOD SUBTEXT for their shared relationship having improved without showing it#it's great subtext for all three of them and toei just went 'nah' and decided to make it a whole group shot so ...? Master Roshi could sit#and explain how ??? Tournaments Work??? Just so Cell could log on and also explain how tournaments work?? God it's been so long#since I've watched the anime and now when I do it just makes me mad aklsdjskja the manga is SOOOOO much better#there are some spots where the pacing is more ideal in the anime like goku turning ssj for the first time but like man. everything else is.#like why are you making Goku snarky with Vegeta dude his clapbacks are SO much funnier when they're just Tactless Honesty#like Vegeta's not insulted by Snark bitch he grew up in the Freeza force that man was raised by THE bitchiest drag queens#Vegeta's insulted by someone saying something deeply and insultingly True to his face as if it's the fucking weather#Goku in the anime is like 'a battle of wits hoho' but Goku's purity is part of the joke he's not snippy he's just got no social etiquette#He's just honest! He's not trying to be insulting. That's what MAKES it insulting! That's the WHOLE GAG of why Vegeta can't stand him#Goku is always just telling the truth and it's always the rudest shit Vegeta's ever heard in his life#'it's a sunny day! i'm way stronger than you! see you out there bud!' 10000% Genuinely Friendly. Golden Retriever-Ass Pure.#Infuriating. Hilarious.#anyway I looked at anime clips to make sure I remembered things right and that was a mistake#as someone who has a soft spot for it and grew up on it -- compared to the manga it's bad and it's always been bad#and toriyama was right to be disinterested in watching it jesus christ they BUTCHERED his work#anyway this has been another shot of haterade with sketches thank you for scrolling my rambletags askljdask#dbtag#i just truly can't get over how they make Vegeta call her 'woman' in the anime and he literally only ever calls her Bulma in the manga#except for on namek when he refers to her as 'the/that woman' because she is a complete stranger#why is he calling her woman like he's a 1940s american husband and not an extraterrestrial from a deeply advanced society toei
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