#it just doesnt sit right with me when others start getting likes n follows for my art yknow?
shittyutmv · 11 months
Do you mind if someone else reposts your comics/ art on TikTok? ( you will obviously be credited)
uuuhm hm! Not sure! this ask’s been gathering dust in my inbox, so sorry bout that. I don’t think so? Using my art as pfps & banners is a-ok, just would rather not have someone else get clout for my work. Thanks for asking!!! :-) x
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harrystylesfan2686 · 9 months
Pieces Part 2
Pairing: Azriel x Reader.
Summary: You finally confront Azriel about your feelings which ends in huge argument.
A/N: thank you to everyone who read and loved Pieces. I tried my best to make Azriel up to your expectations. I hope you all like this!
Pieces Masterlist
I stopped making efforts with Azriel.
I stopped talking to him. Stopped waking up with him to wish him goodbye at the door. Stopped asking him about his day at dinner. Even stopped waiting for him to eat. I make our lunch, eat and get out of the house. Walking until I'm sure he's gone again. Come home make dinner, eat and sleep without waiting for him.
I accepted the fact that he doesn't want me anymore.
He still kisses me goodbye though.
So I guess there is still hope but I don't want it.
I open my eyes and glance to Azriel's empty bedside. I rub my eyes, already feeling tired even though I just started my day. I havn't been getting good enough sleep lately, staying up almost every night, rethinking everything over and over again. And when I do get sleep, it's always dreamless. I always feel like I fell alseep just a minute ago. I sit up on my bed to find a note on the bedside.
Dinner at Rhys tonight.
Four plain words in Azriel's handwriting. He didn't even sign it with his name. I sigh and get up from bed. I don't want to face anyone right now. I'm too tired to put on an act of being happy. Well at least I won't have to make food.
My throat feels scratchy. I warm up a little water to relieve the soreness but it doesnt make any difference. I suddenly sneeze, covering my face and freeze after realization finally hits me. I'm sick. I groan.
Can this day get any worse?
When we arrived at the river house, I conversed with everyone for a while, catching up on everything after not seeing any of them for so long.
Feyre complemented my dress and commented on how my face looks different. I laughed a little saying that's because she hadn't seen me in so long, hoping my smile and lie seemed real enough for her to not get suspicious.
When I sneezed and coughed again, she figured I was sick and scolded me a little for coming, saying I should've stayed home and rested. I shrugged at that.
When we sat down on the table, Azriel whispered to me,"Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" To which I had kept looking away and answered,"You didn't ask." He didn't say anything else to me and neither did I to him. In fact I didn't talk to anyone much and only spoke when asked to do so the whole time.
"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Azriel questioned when we walk into our house. I hang my coat on the coat stand and remove my shoes, taking my time answering him and finally say,"As I said before, you didn't ask."
"How was I supposed to know? And you didn't even spend much time with me. You went straight to Feyre, the second we entered and didn't talk to me at all the whole night." I could hear irritation in his voice which made me clench my jaw.
I took a deep breath,"I didn't realise you missed me so much considering you were glued to Elain all night." I spit out without looking at him and walk to our bedroom.
"What do you mean by that?" He follows me.
"Nothing." I sigh not wanting to have this argument right now but, of course, he doesn't care about that.
"No, tell me." He frowned.
"You talked to Elian all night so I thought, maybe I shouldn't disturb whatever conversation you must have going on." My lips thin as I look up at him.
"I had no choice but to talk to her because you didn't talk to me and and we were the only two people left alone." He said.
"Alright. But that was tonight. What about that other days and nights you spend with her? You like her. I get it. You don't need to explain yourself." My eyes fill with unwanted tears and I look away from him. I try to get away from him but he grabs my arm to keep me there.
"Yes, I like talking to her, but I would prefer to talk to you more." He says softly. I scoff.
"Don't lie az. Do us both a favor and accept it that you like her company better. I have." I snatch my arm back and try to walk away. He still follows me.
"No. I admit I like her company but no more than yours. You are more important." He stops in front of me.
"I don't believe that." A tear falls down my face. His eyes look into mine with confusion. "I watch you with her. How happy and content you look in her presence. Everyday you come home, speak barely two words to me and go back to her again." I fold my arms on my chest and look down. "You spend the time with her that youre suppose to spend with me. You tell her the things you should tell me. Your like her. More than me."
"That's not true. My love, I like you a lot more than her. You are the most important to me." His hand wips my tears and rests on my cheek. I rip it off me. "I don't believe you." I look at him with anger.
"You tell me Azriel, when was the last time you commented on my cooking? The last time you told how I looked? When was the last time you asked me how I was doing? When was the last time you held me? The last time you truly listened to me?" His expression falls in realisation, as my questions grow. "When was the last time you told you loved me and fucking meant it?!" I breath heavy, looking at his face tilted down, eyes cast down.
"I-," He clears his throat. "I did always meant when I said I loved you."
I turn to the other side. I can't look at him. I cover my eyes and try to focus on settling down my breathing. "I think you should leave." I whisper and turn to him again.
His head snaps to mine. "No! No. No. No. Don't push me away. Please." His voice cracks and a tear falls down his eyes. "Please give me a chance to fix this. Please don't push me away." His hands on either side of me and puts his forehead against mine, eyes looking into mine filled with tears and anguish.
"You pushed me away first." I whisper, gently taking his hands off of me and his face crumbles as more tears fall down. I cry with him.
"I just need time." I watch him nod silently, wiping his face clear with his hands while stepping away from me.
"Okay. I'll be in the house of wind. Please come to me when you're ready. I want to fix this. I don't want to let you go." I nod silently, not trusting my words.
I watch him nod again and go out of the door, leaving me alone in the house we bought together. Leaving me alone for my thoughts and memories to haunt me in the dead of the night. I'll be alright though. I'll take my time to think everything through. I'll heal myself then think about giving azriel a chance to heal us.
I just need time.
Tags: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hiiii! So I do not know if you are making requests but if you are doing can do: Charles x Reader where she is a medical student and will do an internship in formula one, Charles does not like her much until he gets hurt and have to take care of her which makes the two approach
kiss with a fist | charles leclerc
warnings: needles and blood mentions and charles being an asshole <3
Y/n was nervous. She was starting her new internship with none other than F1. She watched a couple of races, but she wasn’t a die hard fan. But she wasn’t here to watch men drive in circles, she was here to work.
When she first arrived to the paddock, she was already making enemies. She didn’t mean to, but a certain Ferrari driver had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Y/n bumped into Charles, nearly dropping his hot coffee on himself.
“I’m sorry! The photographer was backing up and I-”
“Do you not watch where you’re going? There’s all this space around you.” Charles groaned as he dropped his coffee into a trash can. “What? You want an autograph?”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Not everyone wants your autograph. And I said I was sorry. By the way, I’m more of a Red Bull fan.” She really didn’t know anything about Red Bull to be honest. You could have someone explain every single detail of f1 and she still wouldn’t understand. All she knew was that Red Bull probably had more haters than supporters.
She quickly left Charles and walked to her boss’ office where she was supposed to meet him. Y/n was already wishing the day was over so she could go back home and bury herself in her blankets after her interaction with Charles, but she had a long day ahead of her.
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“Charles Leclerc crashes into the barrier!”
Y/n watched from a monitor as Charles’ Ferrari crashed. The replay kept on going, sort of a reminder to the Ferrari fans that this season wasn’t going their way. Charles stumbled out of his car, almost tripping over his feet.
“He’s okay, right?” Y/n asked her boss. Sure, he was an asshole to her that morning, but she would never wish for someone to get injured.
“Yeah, I got confirmation that Leclerc is fine. Have you met him yet?”
“Sort of. Had to leave before I could even get an autograph.” She said sarcastically, but her boss didn’t pick it up.
“I’m sure you’ll get one.”
Yeah, no.
After the race, Y/n was going through the piles of paperwork she was told to do. She was writing down on her clipboard when she heard a knock on the door. She figured it was her boss or someone else other than Charles Leclerc.
“Yes?” She looked up to see the driver. “Oh. Finally brought me an autograph?” She went back to writing in her clipboard.
“No, someone made me realize that not everyone wants my autograph. I was just wondering if you have time to check if I’m dying.” He said casually.
Y/n dropped her pen and looked at him, wondering if he was serious or not. “Check if you’re dying?”
“Yeah, I crashed today. My head is hurting, I think I might pass out. I’m not dying, right?” Charles explained.
“Fine, I’ll check. Sit down.” Y/n pointed to the examination table next to the desk she was currently using. Charles followed her instructions and sat on the examination table.
“Are you going to give me a shot? Because I hate needles. And sometimes I get weirded out if I see my own blood.” Charles admitted.
“Why would I give you a shot when your head is hurting? I can if you want me to.” Y/n said, standing In front of Charles.
“Nope, I am good.”
“Great. So just let me check if you’re dying real quick.”
Before Y/n could even do anything, Charles spoke up. “My head actually doesnt hurt at all. I lied, I wanted to come here to apologize for this morning.”
“Did your mom find out and made you come apologize?”
“No, my mother doesn’t know but if she did she would pull my ear and tell me to treat women with respect. And I do treat women with respect, but I’ve been having a bad…” Charles sighed and looked down.
“Day?” Y/n guessed.
“Season actually. Point is, I shouldn’t have been mean to you and I’m sorry and i understand if you don’t accept my apology. If I were you, I wouldn’t.” Charles nodded and got off the examination table. Before he could leave, Y/n called his name making him turn around to face her.
“You forgot your lollipop. I have this thing where I give my patients a lollipop no matter what age they are so here,” Y/n handed Charles a red lollipop. “You’re still an asshole, just the sweet kind.”
“Was that intentional? The sweet comment then you giving me a lollipop?” He chuckled as he took the candy.
“Just take the damn lollipop, Leclerc, or I will give you a shot.”
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muffinsin · 6 months
OK WAIT HEAR ME OUT- bela sitting at her desk in her office doing paperwork n stuff right? Her s/o comes in to spend time with her and sits at Bela’s legs under the desk! BUT BELA DOESNT HAVE UNDER WEAR ON (dun dun daaaaaa) and they start teasing bela. THEN A MEETING STARTS- the other person doesn’t realize anyone is under belas desk but like obvi she does cuz she’s getting eaten out and shit- idk my brain is full of these women and I just read a fic about it (diff fandom) and I AH ok that’s all - 🪶
I would die for any of the dimitrescu family
Whew, tryina get back to writing!😌🙌 Let’s get into it ;)!
Your face sports a shit eating grin, you enter the tidy office in front of you. Of course, Bela immediately turns her head to you.
For a small moment, a smile is seen on her lips. Then, you spot the lingering smirk she wears and the intense lust held in her eyes.
With a curl of her finger, she beckons you closer, her stare intense. Of course you follow her silent command.
With a flick of her wrist and a movement too fast for you to make out, her dress is snatched up and the front of your shirt is tugged down hard enough to make you fall on your knees in front of her.
You stare up at her, your eyes wide. Normally, she takes her time with you. Not now, it seems.
Even in the bright light of the room and the shadows cast by her dress, you see her black panties glistening with the wetness drooling out underneath.
You lick your lips as you stare, your hands reaching out and your fingertips gently grasping the hem of her panties. She allows it, it seems, as she lifts her hips and watches you drag the garment past her ass and down her smooth, tights-covered legs.
You lean in close, and for a moment you feel as though high on her scent. You drag your tongue against her, humming, moaning, practically buzzing in excitement.
Then, to your dismay, her fingers curl in the hair at the back of your head and tug tightly. She shushes you even when you attempt to talk, her arms and legs moving past to push you down under her desk.
A moment passes, and you realise why you find yourself under the table. The door to her office opens again, and by the mature, low, yet steady voice you recognise the intruder as the head maiden.
You suppress laughter as your girlfriend lifts her hips for a moment, as though to stand up and greet the woman, yet her bare cunt and your tight grip on her hiked up dress quickly seem to correct her.
You lick your lips as she sits back down, her voice steady despite the slight bouncing of her thigh. She’s nervous, and excited. Rightfully so.
You wonder momentarily, whether you could take advantage of the moment like this. Of her, like this.
The thought is certainly sweet. Even as a small part in you considers mercy for the easily-overstimulated blonde.
Alas, it is now too late to move out of your position anyway, you figure.
With a smirk now lingering on your lips, you make your move. Your eyes flash, your lip twitches into a smile as you grasp her dress tighter and dig your fingers into the smooth, pale skin of her thigh underneath.
Her breath hitches for a moment, before she seems to collect herself again.
No, that won’t do at all, you decide.
With the light smirk lingering on your lips, your head pushes forth. Your target? Her inner thigh, exposed and bared to your attack. The blonde’s hips buck helplessly when you bite down, her voice cracking mid-sentence, her hand flying down to grip your head tightly.
“Milady? Is everything in order?”
You nearly scoff at the silly question from above the table, yet manage to hold back.
You lick along Bela’s smooth, thick thigh as she makes up some excuse, her eyes wide open, yet hazy. She is beautifully flustered for you, her core throbbing and her warmth hitting you when you get situated between her thighs.
At last, you set your eyes on the prize in front of you: Bela’s bare, soaked cunt. Her sensitive clit, her puffy pink pussy lips, her soaked slit drooling shiny wetness already.
You lick your lips at the mere sight of her.
With your lips parted, your tongue darts out for a taste. You smile against her wet pussy, your silent laughter vibrating against her most sensitive parts when her hips buck and her voice raises for a moment.
You hum as you lick, quiet moans muffled by her thighs sounding from your lips as you practically feast on her. You lick broadly, once, twice, thrice, four, five, six times, each time faster and harder, sloppier and stronger than before.
You quickly grow addicted to the taste of her wet pussy and the feel of her trembling thighs against your shoulders.
For a moment, the beauty above you seems to be overcome by sensitivity, and you feel her thighs push against you harshly. However, as your teeth drag lightly against her clit, you are rewarded with a quiet, albeit sweet gasp and a new wave of her arousal.
You wonder filthily; can you make her cum like this? During her meeting, right on your wet tongue? You yearn to find the answer to it.
You hum when a finger pushes inside her wet pussy, her position tense for a moment, her juices squirting with each thrust into her. You wonder just how loudly you can make her pussy sing for you.
When your tongue wraps around her clit and your middle finger joins your index one, you know she’s fighting a losing battle. The poor thing is trembling, gasping, gripping your head tightly and practically rocking her hips to you.
She’s breathless even as she talks, her eyes struggling to stay open and follow the moving woman around.
You don’t notice when the meeting ends, only when Bela’s moans increase in volume and she draws out your name in whines and sinful groans. Her head is thrown back, her shaky thighs spread wide to allow you easy access to her core.
She’s beautiful like this, and even as her grip tightens on you, you give her clit a reassuring suck. You’ll make her cum, here, now, all over herself and your face.
The poor, sensitive woman has no chance, nor any intention, to stop or deny you.
She screams as she cums, her lips dry even after her tongue slides over them, her eyes unfocused and her limbs trembling slightly.
With a messy face and a stupidly proud and self satisfied smirk on your lips, your eyes meet golden ones at last.
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seriesxwriting · 5 months
not sure if you’re doing requests still but i was wondering if you could do Theo Reaken x reader where shes always there for the pack but gets pushed aside like shes nothing by them and Theo notices because hes trying to get in good graces with the pack again and then the reader gets kidnapped and the pack doesnt care so Theo takes matters into his own hands
My requests are always open!! I love to see into other peoples creativity and bring their ideas to life. Thank you for this one <3
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I’ll follow you anywhere
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Pairing: Theo raeken x female reader
Series: teen wolf
Warnings: fighting, deep wounds, kissing.
Summary: request x
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“Stiles!” “Lydia! I’m so glad you’re okay” stiles swallowed while throwing his arms around the ginger girls shoulders. He held her head into his neck as she gasped from relief. “Is everyone back?” Scott asked walking through his living room, nodding at everyone.
“Yeah” malia nodded looking round the room confirming everyone’s appearance. “Uh no- y/n isn’t here” Theo raised an eyebrow pulling a face but keeping his thoughts to himself. “Oh- yeah y/n” malia mumbled to herself tucking her hair behind her ear awkwardly. “Oh we forgot about y/n” Lydia swallowed looked between Theo and then Scott.
“Who heard from her last?” Scott swallowed feeling the tension in the room. “Erm- not since she left” stiles licked his top row of teeth not giving anyone eye contact. “She made it to the location” Theo stepped in looking around at everyone suspiciously. Out of nowhere the door handle started rattling and the groups attention swivelled round to that.
A gentle knock followed and the eyes of the group glued onto Scott as he edged to the door, with precaution. He unlocked it pulling it open. I stood on the doorstep with tears in my eyes. “Y/n?” “Why was the door locked?” I asked gently wiping a tear off my cheek. “No reason- just an accident- come on…” Scott moved out the way opening the door wider.
“what happened?” Malia questioned seeing the dirty state I was in. “Uh you were right- it was crawling with berserkers” I nodded to Scott tucking my hair behind my ear. “I knew it! God- how are we going to get round them- did you see a way?” Malia questioned completely passing the fact I was evidently hurt. “Y/n come and sit down you’re clearly hurt” Theo pointed to the sofa with his head. “No- it’s okay- um I didn’t see a way I’m sorry, I was too busy running away from their clasp- I can always go back and…”
“No” Theo shook his head “it’s too dangerous” he outburst looking to Scott. “Theo you don’t make the decisions here- if y/n is offering to go back then…” Lydia shrugged slightly. “Scott seriously? It was possibly dangerous when you sent her the first time she got hurt- why would you send her alone again” Theo raised his eyebrow pulling a face of disgust at the group. “Theo she’s offering” Scott rolled his eyes.
“Theo stop it” I widened my eyes at him whispering under my breath. “I don’t mind- il let you know how it goes” I waved them off before squeezing past Scott to go out the door. I usally felt like I wasn’t part of the group but recently it’s picked up more. Of course I’m getting the hint but i keep thinking that if I do something helpful they will see I’m capable of being a full member. Theo came running out the door behind me.
“What are you doing?” I hissed at him from across the green front garden. It was starting to get a little late now, the sun was setting. Theo ran up to me and I didn’t even acknowledge what he was saying. He looked so pretty in the golden hour. “Y/n! Did you hear that?” He chuckled putting his hand on my arm. “What sorry no” “I said I’m coming with you” “why” I frowned turning my head.
“Y/n they are horrible to you- they shouldn’t send you back and you definitely shouldn’t go on your own” he said under his breath. “Oh, don’t sit up on your high horse you’re in the same position as me- you arrived a little late and you’re trying to get in their good books- are you mad because I’m a little better than you at doing it?” Shrugged pressing my car key to open my car. Theo pulled a face before running after me.
“Are you really that blind to it?” Theo questioned walking round to his side. “Blind to what?” I swallowed turning the car on. He invited himself in and closed us in. “Y/n they use you- they dont use me, they are open with how they feel about me- they talk about you behind your back- we aren’t in the same position” he told me as I started pulling off ten drive and taking us away from the house.
“Theo I appreciate your concern but they are my friends they don’t talk about me behind my back, if they didn’t want me to join the group they would have let me know by now” I told him smiling and shaking my head. “Oh god I feel even worse knowing you don’t see what’s happening” he whispered under his breath. “Theo will you drop it- I don’t know why you even came” I rolled my eyes frustratedly.
“I came because I don’t want anything bad to happen to you” he answered making my heart skip a beat. “And I won’t drop it because I don’t want them to hurt you when you do finally realise” he added on adding to the silence of the vehicle. “Thanks for looking out for me… but I don’t need your help I’ll win them over myself” “well if we’re in the same situation shouldn’t we stick together?” He whispered rolling his head and staring at me as I drove.
His eyes I could see out the corner of mine, along with his gorgeous smirk. He was making my legs feel like jelly. Which wasn’t wise because I was driving. “Stop looking at me like that” I told him in a small voice. “Why?” He questioned with a smile. “you’ll be responsible for your death when we drive off this cliff” i told him trying to focus on the road now. Theo chuckled to himself and then looked ahead. Nothing more was said and eventually we reached our destination. It was pretty much dark now.
It made it a lot more eerie. I stopped the car down the road and me and Theo got out looking up ahead. “What exactly are we here for” “we need to try and get in” I shrugged looking at our challenge pretending that I was screaming inside from the fear. “Come on then” he whispered walking fearlessly in front of me. “Theo- be careful” I hissed running to him. “I’m alright” he whispered putting an arm around my waist. This is how we continued to walk up the road.
I did feel a lot safer with him next to me. I looked up at his face now in the moonlight. Still gorgeous. “This is so eerie, this place was crawling with them two hours ago” I shrugged looking around like a hawk. “I believe you” he told me looking above us in the trees. My heart stopped and I froze when I heard a low growl behind us. Theo squeezed my wrist before we both slowly turned around.
There were three berserkers in front of our exit and two coming from the sides of us. “Run” theo whispered to me. I saw fear in his eyes when I looked across at him. “Come on then!” I frantically grabbed his wrist and pulled him as I started running. He eventually realised what we were doing and what was going on, and he started running properly getting a full grip on my hand now. “Stop stop stop!” I squealed as two more stepped out in front of us.
As we stopped to turn one of them grabbed my arm. It pulled me squeezing my arm so tightly. “Theo!” I screamed as he held on tightly to my hand. I saw his eyes flash as his wolf anger began to show. His claws came out as he held on to me and let out a howl calling for Scott’s help. “Theo let go” I cried out pulling away from him. He fell just dodging one of their hands coming out to him. The berserker wrapped me in its giant arms as I squirmed, screaming to get out of its harsh embrace.
Theo jumped up and was now fighting them off while this one carried me away. “Theo!” I screamed thrashing about trying to get free. “Y/n!” He desperately called out for me. The last thing I saw was him watching me and he fought off the rest that surrounded him. That was before the berserker knocked me out against a tree.
Theo took an opportunity to duck under one of their arms and get away from the circle they were creating. Him being the piggy in the middle. He looked at what why I could have been taken but I was long gone. Theo felt panic spread across his body. “No- y/n” he whispered to himself before pulling it together and running away from the ones left. Theo jumped straight into my car and raced back to Scott’s house breaking every road sign and camera. He pounded on Scott’s door.
When he finally opened it he was in shorts and no top. He covered his mouth to yawn before letting Theo continue. “Y/n has been taken” he breathed with wide eyes. “What? By the berserkers?” Scott asked jerking his head back. “That’s odd- that haven’t taken anyone before usually just killed” “we can’t let that happen- we have to get y/n back” Theo ranted becoming a bit jittery from the adrenaline.
“Everyone’s gone home and got into bed” Scott shook his head looking at his pjs. “They aren’t going to want to come back out” he admitted looking at Theo who’s face had dropped. “Are you joking?” “No- it’s late” Scott pulled back getting defensive. “She’s part of your group are you joking, please say you are” he threw his head back taking a step down to get away from Scott. “We will get her back just in a few days when we plan out how to get in”. Theo shook his head.
“Count me out of this group, I don’t like how you treat outsiders” Theo looked Scott up and down before backing off. “You’re making a mistake leaving” Scott shouted as Theo walked off but he just scoffed, which Scott only heard using his wolf ears. Theo jumped back in my car and sat for a second with both hands on the steering wheel.
He was just thinking. Thinking about what to do. “Come on Theo, you can do this yourself” he whispered to himself. “You don’t need the pack” “just need to think” he told himself seriously. “I can do this” he nodded before starting the car back up. He then drove as fast as he could back to the place I was taken. He over took cars on dangerous roads, risked his life and other peoples to get to me.
Theo drove right up to the entrance and got out with glowing eyes. It was quiet. It was dark. Theo looked around for something to sink his teeth into. Out the corner of his eye he saw a berserker come out the trees. Theo headed straight toward it with no fear this time only anger. Theo went under his arm and kicked his back so the berserker was on the floor. With one punch to the head Theo cracked the skull of the creature and it stopped moving.
He looked around for something else to kill, but his ear twitched. Clapping started appearing and Kate walked out of the tree like. “Well done- not many people who can kill berserkers” she raised an eyebrow looking him up and down. “Is this what you want?” She held the triskillian in her hand up at theo. “No” Theo shook his head. Kate jerked her head backwards. “Yes it is” she frowned. “No- I’ve left that pack- I don’t care what they want” he snarled.
“Don’t say you’ve come to join the opposite side you rebel” she winked at him but Theo just rolled his eyes. “Kate, I just want y/n back” “y/n?” She pulled a face. “Oh the one with y/c hair- the petite one?” “Yes y/n” Theo nodded once. “We don’t have her anymore” Kate shrugged carelessly. “What do you mean? Who has her?” “Nobody- I thought she’d ran back to the pack she got away” Kate explained. Just then, to the side of the two the leaves started rustling.
“Call off your berserkers Kate, I’m no threat to you” Theo told her dangerously. He was feeling a lot of emotions right now. “Theo that’s not one of them” she shook her head looking intrigued. Theo’s claws retracted out as he stared at the leaves. I stumbled out barely being able to even see straight. I thought I could hear his voice so I walked towards it. I could see a figure in the distance and it must have been him. Or I was hallucinating from the blood loss. “Theo?” I called out quieter than I thought I’d said it.
“Y/n” Theo whispered to himself before running over to me as quick as he could. “Y/n can you hear me” he whispered rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I didn’t say anything but I moved my hand up to hold his as I fell in and out of consciousness. “Take her to the hospital” Kate called out. “You’re just going to let us go? Just like that?” “You told me you’re no longer part of the pack- why’s that?” Kate shrugged stepping closer. “I told them y/n needed help that she’d been taken- but they didn’t care- they treat her badly- I don’t like their morals” he answered.
“Then they’re your enemy just as much as mine, it would be silly to hurt a potential ally” Kate raised an eyebrow. Theo didn’t say anything he just turned to me ignoring her comment and lifting me into his chest. He nodded at Kate when we left and he reversed out the space. Theo then sped all the way to the hospital where he gave me across to Melisa.
The next day-
I woke up yawning in a hospital room. I was strapped into a bed and was attached to various drips. Theo was sitting in the corner with his eyes closed on a chair. They’d given him a blanket too. I smiled at him before picking up the buzzer next to me and pressing it. Theo jumped awake looking towards me. “Y-you’re awake” he stuttered scrambling up to come by my side. “Yeah- you’re here” I smiled warmly. “I- couldn’t leave you there knowing- I could do something” “Theo” I put my hand out for him to come closer.
He jumped up walking slowly over to me. He looked like he hand guilt behind his eyes. “Thank you” I breathed pulling him in for a hug. “Anytime gorgeous- anywhere” he whispered in my ear holding me tightly. “The pack were right behind me- I just am a better driver” he shrugged sitting on the side of my bed and holding my hand with both of his. “Yeah- I can imagine” I hummed rubbing his bicep gently. I looked at his arms and tried to put my whole hand around it. I couldn’t even get close.
Theo noticed what I was doing and chuckled. “Impressive mr reaken” I smiled squeezing his arm. “You know I think you’re gorgeous too” I blinked up at him. “You’ve never said it but I know that you think it” Theo winked at me leaning in closer so he could whisper. In that moment the door opened. “H-hey y/n” Scott waved smiling at me which must have been fake because he then looked at Theo with the same one.
“Oh you guys are here aw that’s so great” I smiled back, sitting up and putting my hand on my heart. Malia filtered in as the last one. Stiles and Lydia were there too. “Yeah we thought we’d come and check on you- make sure you’re ready for the big fight tonight” malia put her hands together. “Tonight?” Theo scoffed rolling his eyes. “Stop it” I whacked Theo on the rib gently. “Big fight mmh I remember you talking about it” I nodded “yeah that’s tonight so we need all hands on deck, so- we’re glad you’re okay” stiles laughed nervously.
“Obviously we would have rescued you our selves, but…” scott trailed off scratched the back of his head. “Yeah don’t worry Theo explained that you were right behind him” I smiled nodding. Scott eyed Theo before smiling at me and putting his thumb up. “Good- good good- so we will see you later then” Lydia waved and blew me a kiss. “Yeah you should go” I swiped my hand in the air.
“Mmh we should” stiles nodded making his way to the door. “Yeah you should, just don’t be expecting me at that big fight of yours” “what! Why?” Malia outburst, wrinkling her forehead. “I know Theo’s covering for you- you wasn’t right behind him you were tucked up in bed knowing I was in danger” I told them dropping the smile from my face. “I know you don’t like me and you treat me badly, you don’t appreciate me and you’re never going to accept me in this tight circle” I added in counting on my fingers.
“Y/n…” Scott blinked but I cut him off “no im not finished thank you for asking, you don’t respect me and it’s time I stopped respecting people who only showed up here to check it was okay to drag me out of bed to sit in another fight on the front line even though I’m still hurt from a previous wound from your battle you that forced me into!” I shouted pointing at the door. “You should be ashamed- and I should be ashamed it took me so long to realise” I folded my arms and lied back down.
“Y/n we…” “get the fuck out” Theo lit up his eyes standing up. “Fine” Scott swallowed and backed out the room with stiles and Lydia. “You’re both made for each other” she spat staring us up and down before storming out. Once they were gone Theo twisted his head to me. “How did you know?” He widened his eyes dropping his anger and becoming all soft again. He only did that with me. “I heard you- talking to Kate- I heard what they did to me and you and that you had left” I half smiled taking his hand to hold in mine.
“And I’ll follow you anywhere Theo raeken” I looked up into his eyes. Theo’s eyes flicked to my lips quickly and in seconds his were against mine. I smiled against his lips and put my hand against his head pulling him in closer. My heart fluttered and I didn’t want the moment to end. We pulled away staring into each other’s eyes. “I don’t know where we go from here but- I’m glad you’re here with me” Theo whispered, his eyes looked slightly scared. “We’ll figure it out together handsome” “I’ve never had anyone say that to me before” he breathed, I saw a flick of pain in his eyes.
“You have me now” I kissed his cheek gently. Theo smiled and puckered his lips for another kiss.
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Still taking requests? Heres an idea i had if youd like to write it. Eddie and chrissy are finally together but chrissy refuses to be seen with eddie at school cuz of her reputation. Reader is the new girl at school and shes gorgeous she takes an interest in eddie while every guy at school is drooling over reader cuz shes the new eye candy. She doesnt know eddie is taken. But they become close and he never tells her hes dating chrissy so when she finally decides to sleep with him she wakes up before him she sees in his night stand chrissys hair scrunchie and a picture of them together she puts 2 and 2 together and leaves. She avoids him like the plauge at school and is super short with him. So when she finally confronts him shes super pissed and telling him that she never wanted to be "the other woman" and she doesnt trust him cuz hes a cheater. You can end it with reader and eddie together or reader getting with someone else like steve or something. Sorry if this was really detailed but its been on my mind for a while. I live for the angst with a happy ending for reader.
A/N: I bare you this story. Idk why this took me a hot minute. You gave a lot of detail to work with :) I hope this matches what you had in mind <3. I to live for the angst with a hopeful ending.
Warnings: A Cheating Eddie 😮 lol many an angst with friends to lovers.
Word count: 4158
Chrissy fiddles with her thumbs nervously before Eddie gently places his huge palm over her tiny hands. 
“Sweetheart, you’re going to be fine. You always get nervous before a pep rally and you always do fantastic.”
She flashes Eddie an anxious smile. He leans over to give her a quick peck on the lips but she quickly pulls back. “Oh, Eddie. It’s just we’re near the school…someone could walk by…”
“No. Um, yeah, I understand.” 
He did understand but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Eddie and Chrissy had been going out for a couple of months now even though no one in Hawkins knew. Everyone in Hawkins would definitely have something to say especially to her if they ever found out. She had already been through so much and he knew how vicious people in this town could be so when Chrissy asked if they could keep their relationship a secret he agreed. 
She looked around before hoping out of his van to walk the last mile up to the school. Eddie made sure she rounded the corner before starting the ignition and heading for the parking lot. He made his way to the gym and climbed the risers to the top corner away from all the kids. He watched with envious eyes as Chrissy talked casually with Jason Carver.
Eddie’s head turned abruptly when he heard heavy footsteps run up the steps and you laid between the risers below his feet. 
“You don’t see me.”, you whispered. One of jocks from the swim team game into view, eyes shifting from left to right as if he was looking for someone. Eddie kept his eyes forward making sure to not give you away. 
“Hey Freak!? Have you seen a girl run by here?”
Eddie shrugs his shoulders as he gestures around the room. “There are girls all over the place. Care to be more descriptive?”
“Ugh, never mind.”, the jock rolled his eyes as he left to look somewhere else. After a moment, you sat up, smiling at him. 
“Thank you…”
“Thank you, Eddie. Fucking people around here struggle with the word no. I’m Y/N.”, you extended your hand to him, which he shook. “I just moved into town last week.”
“Ah. So, that’s why you don’t look familiar.”
His breath catches in his throat when he hears your laugh. “Most likely. May I sit with you?”
You two sat together through the entire pep rally talking about Hawkins and the town you moved from. You had mentioned how a lot of the boys here kept following you around constantly asking questions and Eddie couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. He cared about Chrissy; he really did. But there was something about you that drew him. 
At lunch, he headed for his usual table with his friends when he was knocked to the side by a shoulder. 
“Watch where you’re going, Freak!”, Jason glared at him. Chrissy was by his side with wide eyes as they glanced up apologetically at Eddie before looking away. 
Suddenly, Jason was pushed forward as Chrissy cringed.
“Shit! Oh my god I am so sorry.” The popular kids turned around to see you now holding an empty tray. Eddie smiled slightly when he saw that their backs were covered in your lunch. “You know, I should really watch where I’m going.” You tone was laced with sarcasm. 
Jason huffed, taking off his letterman jacket as he stomped towards the door with Chrissy in tow. You turned around, watching them leave as you placed yourself near Eddie’s side. 
“People like that are the worst.”, you smile up at him. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m used to all that bullshit by now.”
“Hm. Not sure that’s the kind of thing you should be used to.”
“Y/N!” One of the party boys Eddie vaguely recognizes saunters over to where you are. “Hey! Cool. We have lunch together to. Do you want to come eat with us?”
“Oh. Um…no thank you, Martin. That’s a nice offer but… EDDIE here,” you loop your arm through his, “has actually already invited me to share lunch with him so…”
The boy looks Eddie up and down before rolling his eyes. “Pfft, whatever.”
“Please get me out of here.”, you giggle as Eddie smiles pulling your arm out the back cafeteria doors. 
“You’ll be safe here. No one ever comes out here so at least you won’t be seen with me.”
You raise your eyebrow at him. “I just wanted to get away from the wondering eyes of men trying to get in my pants.”
As Eddie opens his lunchbox, he feels you sit next to him on the bench and place your hand over his own. “Is that normal? People not wanting to be seen with you?” He nods before offering you some pretzels from a zip lock bag. “I don’t understand. I mean, you seem like a nice guy.”
Eddie can’t help but chuckle. “You seriously don’t understand why the rich, preppy jock kids wouldn’t want to hang out with the poor, weirdo metalhead? Jesus, I want to move where you used to live.”
“I’m not one to focus on mundane shit like that. Who cares? None of it will matter after we graduate.”
“You see, Princess, the problem is I can’t seem to graduate.” Eddie gives you half of his sandwich that you gladly take. 
“I can help you if you want. I’m not great at Math but everything else I’m eh.”, you smile over at him. “Maybe we can hang out tonight or something. I can also buy us some food to pay you back for eating all your lunch.”
“Oh, you don’t have to pay me back.”
“Ok, then maybe you would just want to hang out with me?”
“Um, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”, Eddie pulled out a cigarette, lighting the tip, and exhaling. 
“Oh. Um, ok. No that’s fine. Trust me. I get pushy people so I won’t push you.” You softly run your hand down his back. “Shit, I have to go but if you don’t want to hang out outside of school maybe we can meet during lunch and I can help you study.”
Eddie watches as you run off back towards campus.
You and Eddie quickly became fast friends. True to your word you sat with him during lunch and helped him with some of his homework while Chrissy stayed with the jocks at their table. After school, while Chrissy was at practice, you both would go to the bench in the woods and smoke while talking about random things. You had started waiting for him in the parking lot, after he dropped Chrissy off a mile before campus, so you two could walk to class together. 
He loved being around you and the way you made him feel. Eddie was so used to people in the town talking down to him that to have someone actually enjoy his company in front of other people… he felt like he was being seen for the first time in a long time. 
“Hey, why don’t we go to the arcade together, hm?”
Chrissy looks up at Eddie from her place on his bed. They had been there since school let out; her reading something for one of her classes and him anxiously staring off into the void. She let out a small laugh as his eyes penetrated through her. 
“Eddie, you’re joking, right? You know we can’t do that.”
“Why? What would be so wrong about you and I being seen in a public place? I’m tired of hiding Chris…”
“I know, Eds. I know.” She leans up and tenderly kisses his cheek. “But it won’t be for much longer. Soon we’ll be out of here! Speaking of… I should probably head home. I’ll call you tomorrow?”
He nods his head, lazily kissing her lips as she scurries out the door. Eddie couldn’t stay inside any longer. He needed to get out of his trailer. 
“Hey Eddie. Want a beer, man?” The bartender behind the counter slides him a glass of the kind he knew this metalhead enjoyed. Sighing, he chugged down half of his beverage before a familiar laugh caught his attention. 
His eyes scanned the bar until he found you with none other than Steve Harrington. You two were at one of the pool tables and his chest was leaning over your back as he showed you how to play the game. The jealousy he felt at the pep rally the first time he met you filled his chest. He hated the way Steve’s hands were on you and the fact that you allowed him to touch you. 
He knew he wasn’t allowed to feel this way. He WAS with Chrissy after all but you were special; special to him. Eddie’s feet took control of his body as he found himself in front you guys. 
“Hey Eddie.”, you giggled as he leaned into Steve’s chest. 
“Hey Munson. How’s it going?”
“Fine.”, his tone was extremely short which only you caught. “How do you know Harrington here?”
“Oh, I went to Family Video to rent a movie and he was working there.” Eddie made an overdramatic shocked face that had you narrowing your eyes. “He asked me out on date and he seemed nice so I said yes.” Steve beamed down at you as you spoke. 
“Ah. So this is a date?”, he gestured between the both of you. 
“Yes,” you cocked your head to the side. “Is that a problem?”
“Nope. No problem at all.”
“Steve, would you excuse me for a second?” He nods his head as you grab Eddie’s arm pulling him to the side. “Ok, what’s going on?”
“I said there wasn’t a problem. Go on. Enjoy your date with Steve the Hair Harrington. I’m sure you’ll both have a good time.”
“Eddie Munson, I hate games. If you have something to say, say it.”
“No game here. Trust me. I don’t care who you date, touch, or fuck, Princess. Have the most vanilla time of your life.” He turns on you, walking straight out of bar towards his van. 
“Hey!” Eddie doesn’t stop but he hears your sneakers pounding the pavement as you run after him. You reach for his arm forcefully turning him around. 
“I asked you if you wanted to hang out. You always said it was a bad idea so I just assumed you wanted to be friends. I’ve practically thrown myself at you and every time you push me away. You never make a move, Eddie. What do you want from me? If you want to just be friends that’s fine but if you want something more don’t be a coward. Just tell me—”
His hand flies out to grab the back of your neck, tugging your mouth to his. To his delight, you deepen it, pressing your body against his own. When you finally pull back, you’re both panting for air. 
“Get in.” Eddie gestures towards his van and you run around climbing into the passenger’s side as he hops in, starting the car. 
As he peels out of the parking lot, your lips are immediately back on his skin, kissing and sucking on his neck. His belt clinks as you unbuckle it, unbuttoning his pants, and pulling out his cock. 
He groans as you immediately envelop him with your mouth. You take as much of him in as you can, smearing the spit that falls with your hand. Eddie’s own palm comes to rest on the back of your head, softly guiding you. 
“Fuck, Sweetheart. Just like that. Your mouth feels amazing.”
You feel the van stop before his hips thrust up forcing him down to the back of your throat, making you gag. He suddenly tugs gently on your hair, bringing you to his lips for a sloppy kiss. 
When he pulls away you take note of your surroundings. 
“Where are we?”, your voice comes out hoarse. 
“My house. Well, trailer.”
Eddie gets out and, while holding his pants up, runs around to your side to open your door. You can’t help but giggle at the sight. 
“Your uncle isn’t here?”
He opens his door for you, gesturing you in.  “No ma’am. He’s at work tonight so it will just be you and me.”
You head for his room as he follows, kicking off his pants and sneakers along the way. 
Eddie comes up behind you, lifting you off your feet, and playfully tosses you on the bed. Your eyes meet his as you reach up with you finger to move a piece of stray hair out of his face. His lips softly come down to meet yours. You raise your hips, pulling your skirt down as he helps you by tugging them the rest of the way down your legs and on to the floor. 
He rolls to your side, moving out of the way so you can throw off your shirt. 
“No bra? Really?”
“Oh, like you really didn’t notice.”, you laugh at him as you kick off your panties. 
“You really went all out for Steve, huh?”
You reach for his hand, placing it between your legs. “Maybe but all of this,” you glide his finger between your folds, “is for you.”
Eddie’s eyes never left you as he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking on them before inserting then into your cunt. You moaned at the feeling of him reaching that spot inside of your that your own fingers couldn’t manage to touch. 
“You’re really beautiful, you know that?”, his lips met yours again as his tongue danced with yours. His thumb moved to circle your clit as his fingers pumped into you faster. 
“Eddie, oh my god.”
He chuckled as he pulled away to watch your face. “You have done this before right? Because, Jesus, Y/N you are so fucking tight.”
Your hips buck up into his hand as you back starts to arch. Your mouth searches for his but he keeps it just far enough away to where you can’t reach. “Cum for me, Sweetheart. Cum so I can fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked. Way better than any of these other assholes that chase after you.”
Eddie thrusts his fingers into you at a rapid pace as the sound filled his room. You shouted his name repeatedly as you tumbled over the edge. He leaned down to your ear, whispering praises to you as you came down. 
He threw off his shirt and crawled over you to reach his bedside table. He hastily pulled out a condom, shoving his boxers down his legs. You watch as he fumbled over the wrapper. 
“You have done this before, right?” You giggle as you take condom from him and tear it with your teeth before handing it back to him. Eddie kisses your cheek before taking it from you and sliding it over his length. 
He positions himself between your legs as he leans back on his heels. His eyes marvel at your body as he places his cock outside you entrance. You both give each other a tender smile before he slowly pushes himself into you. Your mouth opens in a silent O as your head falls back onto his pillow. His calloused palms grip your thighs as he looks down watching his dick disappear inside of you inch by inch. 
“Fucking hell, Y/N.” Eddie groans when he feels himself bottom out. 
“Move, Eddie. Please.”
“Are you sure?”, he asks, his voice breathy and needy. “You’re, fuck, you’re really fucking right. I don’t want to hurt you. 
You laugh coyly. “You can hurt me a little, Eddie Munson.”
He smiles, lifting one of your legs over his shoulder as he starts to pump into you, gradually picking up a steady pace. You whimper at the feeling as he constantly hits that sweet spot inside of you. Your pussy flutters around him as you listen to him grunt in pleasure. He reaches for both your hands, pulling your arms for leverage as he thrusts into you harder. 
The sound of skin slapping is barely audible over your moans. 
“That’s it, Y/N. Such a good girl, taking me so fucking well. Let the whole town hear you. I don’t fucking care.” 
Your leg drops as he leans forward, encasing you underneath him. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him as pounds into your body with purpose. The coil in your belly snaps as you scream his name. His head lifts to watch your face again as you cum. Eddie’s rhythm dramatically slowing as he fucks you through it. 
“You’re so gorgeous, Y/N. You’re pretty all the time but your especially beautiful like this.” Your eyes are closed but you smile at his words. He begins thrusting into again chasing his own high. 
“I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve to have someone as beautiful as you in my bed.”
You open your eyes then meeting his focused gaze. “Yes, you do. You deserve to be happy, Eddie.” Craning your neck up towards him, you press your lips to his. You hold him to you as his hips sputter and he pulls away, moaning as he hovers above you, eyes squeezed shut as he cums. 
He delicately pulls out of you, taking off the condom and throwing it in the trash. When he lays back down, he wraps his arms around you before you both fall into a blissful sleep. 
When Eddie woke up the next morning, you were gone. He reached for his phone dialing your number but you didn’t pick up. He quickly got dressed with the intention of running to your house but as soon as he opened the door he was met with Chrissy’s tiny face. 
“Hey. You okay? You look frazzled.” She looks up at him with worried eyes. 
“No, um, was just going to head somewhere real quick but it’s fine. What are you, um, what are you going here?”
“I figured since I bailed last night maybe we could watch a movie or something.”
“Chrissy, we need to talk.”
As soon as Eddie drove up to the school Monday morning, he knew something was wrong because you weren’t there waiting for him. He searched for you everywhere but couldn’t find you. When he walked to the cafeteria during his lunch and saw your usual seat was empty, he turned right back around, heading for the woods. He had zero intention of pretending like everything was ok with his friends or even worse sitting at a table alone with all eyes looking in his direction. 
When he reached the bench outside, he was surprised to find you. 
“Y/N, where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried about you.” You made a little amused face as a small hm left your mouth. “Are you ok?”
“Yup. I am just fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.”
“I’m good, Eddie.” You grabbed your bag, jumping off the tabletop, and heading away from him. 
“Okay, ya hypocrite.” You stop walking but you don’t turn around to face him. “Miss I don’t like games. You’re obviously pissed about something. You were gone Sunday morning when I woke up. I called you but you didn’t answer. I’ve been searching for you all morning and when I finally find you, you barely talk to me, let alone even fucking look at me. What the fuck is wrong—”
“I got up in the middle of the night to use your bathroom. When I was washing my hands, I found a green Hawkins scrunchie. You know the ones the cheerleading girls wear? Didn’t really think anything of it until I noticed the picture of you and Chrissy Cunningham on your dresser in your room.”
You threw your bag at his chest which he blocked with his hands. Finally looking at him, you glared with angry, fire filled eyes. “How dare you stand there and call me a hypocrite, you fucking cheater!” You pushed his chest with your hands and he did nothing to stop you. You had every right to be mad. 
“Oh, you have nothing to say now, huh? You plenty to say when you pulled me away from my date Saturday night.” You shoved him again. “Three months, Eddie! We’ve been friends for three months and you never once mentioned her. I didn’t even know you two were together.”
“Because that’s how she wanted it. The first time we met, I told you people didn’t want to be seen with me.”
“Why would you stay with her then?”
“On some level I understood where she was coming from. You just moved here. I’ve lived here my whole life. You have no idea how cruel people in this fucking town can be. I-I thought I was fine with our arrangement until…”
“Until what?” He looks down at his sneakers and you push his chest again. “I deserve an answer, Eddie. Until what?!”
“Until I met you!”, he shouts, striding up to you till his chest bumped yours. When he spoke again his tone was much calmer. “Until I met you. And it wasn’t just because you are sweet, beautiful, and the coolest fucking person I have ever met. It was because you didn’t care who saw us talking to each other. You sat with me at lunch and hung out with me around town. You stood up for me when no one else did. Not even her.”
“I…”, you sigh, crossing your arms as you slowly back away from him. “I’m sorry she put you through that but… I just don’t know if I can trust you, Eddie. You should have been honest with me.”
“I broke up with her.” Your eyes met his. “I’m not saying that absolves me of anything. You’re right. I’m a fucking asshole and I should have been honest with you from the beginning. No matter what, it’s over and whenever you’re ready, whether it’s a relationship or a friendship, I’ll be waiting.”
You sat behind the school with your head in your arms as you cried. The feeling of a tiny hand tapping you, startled you as your eyes watch Chrissy Cunningham hold her skirt as she sinks down next to you.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you wipe your eyes, “I’m fine, Chrissy. Thank you.”
She looks at her hands as she nods. “He’s a good man. Eddie.” She meets your eyes and smiles. “I knew it was coming, the breakup. I was just too much of a coward to let him go. To be honest, when I saw you helping him study at lunch, I was glad he found someone to talk to. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him smile the way he smiles with you.”
“Chrissy, I…”
“He told me what happened. I’m not angry but I can understand why you would be. I’m not here to defend him. I just thought, maybe, you could use my two cents.” 
“Thank you.” She smiled at you again as she stood up and brushed the gravel from her skirt. “You’re not a coward by the way.” She grinned again giving you a small wave before disappearing around the corner. 
Eddie pulled the cigarette from his lips as he removed his headphones. “Jesus, Wayne! What!?”
“Don’t take that tone with me. Now put on a shirt because there’s a girl here to see you.”
“A girl? What gi—”
“Geez. It seems like you and I can never finish a sentence.” You laugh as his uncle moves a side so you can pass him into his nephew’s room. “Thank you and it was nice to finally meet you.”
“Pleasure is all mine. Edward, I’m headed to work. Don’t burn the trailer down.”
Eddie places his guitar to the side as he grabs a random shirt from the floor. He squishes his cigarette before throwing it over his head. 
“Hey. Hi.” You smile as he stammers, taking a seat at the edge of his bed. 
“What are you listening to?”
He hands you the headphones as he picks up his guitar again. Eddie starts strumming some notes from a Metallica song and you can hear them flow through your ears. 
“So I can practice without people complaining.” He grins as he takes the headphones you hand him, placing them on his stereo. “I, um, I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’d like to start over. As friends at first if that’s ok.”
“Okay. Can I… take you out to the movies on Friday night? Strictly as friends, course.”
“Oh, of course.” You both laugh.
“I’m really sorry for hurting you. Thank you for giving me another chance.”
Your hands cup his cheeks, turning him to face you as you place a soft kiss on his lips.
“I forgive you.”
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rk-ceres · 1 year
George’s Revenge
George Weasley x Y/N (+18) George is a little shit
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Y/n & George has been dating in secret for about a year and she gets fed up with him being fed up so she pranks him smut, rough, idk.
Ginny was sitting in the common room doing her homework when you sat down next to her with a small smile on your face Ginny looked up at you with a raised eyebrow as you grinned at her waiting for her to ask you whats up she rolled her eyes at you before sighing out “Yes….?” She asked drawing out the ‘s’ sound confused as to why her brothers best friend was sitting next to her “Hey Ginny, can i borrow your Christmas Jumper?” “sure… but Why? And which one?” She furrows her brows “the blue and yellow one” you shrugged knowing that thats the one that matches George and Freds jumpers “and dont ask questions you dont want to know the answers too” you wink Ginny hands you her jumper with a raised eyebrow “i want it back later i hope you realize this Y/n” she said sternly “i’ll return it unharmed my dear Weasley! And heres something for your troubles” you said with a smile leaving your old notes and homework for her to copy off of finding Fred and grinning at him “whatever it is not happening” he doesnt look up from his Zonkos trinkets “five galleons” “im listening” “im pranking George” “no way.” He says immediately “ten galleons.” He raised his eyebrow “twenty.” “Fifteen and a chocolate frog.” You bargained “twenty or no deal.” He said sternly “half now half later and you cant split it with George” you said “deal”
A few minutes later Fred comes back from his dorm with all of George’s jumpers in hand “here.” He huffs “i had nothing to do with this you understand me.” He said with a toothy grin “yes sir” you sassed him handing him the rest of the galleons “why are you pranking him anyway? Youre only going to regret it later your boyfriends not one to forgive and forget” Fred said with a smirk “he let Alicia Spinnet flirt with him no one knows we’re dating but you.” You looked down with a sad smile “George loves you Y/n you shouldnt get jealous of Alicia.” Fred rolled his eyes “i just want to be officially together. We’ve been dating for eleven months it hurts to see other girl's openly flirt with him because they think he’s single” you pouted and Fred understood
****later that day****
George walks down the steps from the boys dormitories wearing Ginny’s jumper looking furious it looked like he was wearing a crop top he stopped right in front of you, Ginny, and Fred crossing his arms over his chest Ginnys hand flies over her mouth stifling a laugh that threatened to make its way out of her throat the sweater rode up even more as he flexted his arm and clenched his jaw in anger “ha ha. Very funny Y/n give me back my jumpers and release me from this one!” George said in an annoyed tone “have no idea what youre talking about love” you chuckle sitting inbetween Fred and Ginny who were laughing hysterically “this is because i hid your homework and got you detention last week with Snape isnt it?” He huffed “still dont know what youre talking about babe” you said picking your nails “maybe you shrunk that jumper in the laundry” you teased
“You know damn well thats not what happened!” His nostrils flared with anger his lips pulling into a smile of amusement “how much did she pay you two to help her” he looked between Fred and Ginny “what do you mean George? This is the first im speaking to her all day!” Ginny fibbed with a small smile “why are you still wearing it anyway?” She followed up that statement with a question “because the person that **did** this put a sticking charm on the inside of the jumper” George groaned Fred doubled over in laughter
“SHUT UP FRED!” George started to giggle “maybe you should be a little more nice to Y/n here and apologize” Fred chuckled “over my dead body!” George laughed you yawned stretching your arms over your head “goodnight Weasleys! See you tomorrow.” You chuckled to yourself looking back at George with a shit eating grin on your face “ooh you little…..” he grumbled
**Two Days Later**
As you were passing the room of Requirement on your way to class you suddenly got pulled in and slammed against the door you looked up into his deep chocolate colored eyes and smirked “finally got out of that jumper did you Georgie?” His mouth pulled into a line “shut. Up.” He growled in your ear sending a shiver down your spine “youve been naughty babygirl” he dragged his nose along your neck “i have no idea what youre talking about Weasley” you smirked “you know thats not what you call me little slut” he raised his voice anger behind his eyes “youre only making this worse on yourself brat” he nibbled your earlobe gaining a moan out of you he smirked against your skin “oh so you can fuck me. But we cant go public” you spat out at him his eyes widened “thats what all this is about baby?” He asked softly you look away huffing “if thats what you wanted we could’ve talked about it “we always talk about it and its always the same ‘why change whats good already’ George its been almost a year!” You got increasingly annoyed with him “you let Alicia openly flirt with you touch you and you dont even care!” You yelled his eyes widened realizing what it was really about the prank everything.
He slammed his lips on yours biting your bottom lip roughly “only you get this part of me Y/n” he murmured against your lips “thats not cutting it George” he quickly stripping you down to nothing but your knickers grabbing your breasts roughly as he shoved his leg between your thighs pressing his muscular thigh to your increasingly wet heat gaining a whimper out of you “Look at you all needy and worked up did i do this in a couple of kisses love? Everyone knows that you belong to me. Body and soul” He groaned in your ear hands coming to your waist pressing your cunt down onto his thigh “well? What are you waiting for gorgeous” he flexed his leg you slowly started rocking your hips back and fourth his jeans giving you delicious friction on your clit as you bit your lip “ah ah ah” he tutted pulling your lip from between your teeth “i want to hear your pathetic noises as you ride my thigh go on. Let the entire castle know who gets you this fucked out within seconds” he commanded with authority he jolted his leg upward pressing it further into your wetness gaining a loud moan from your throat he smirked “Look at you… squirming like a bitch in heat so eager to get off on my leg gonna be a good girl and beg for me sweetheart?” He asked in your ear “skrew you Weasley” you moaned he brought his hand across your cheek another moan left your mouth turning you on further “you’re a little misbehaving whore who needs to be punished again.” he growled biting your neck “im going to keep you cumming til youre begging me to stop” he mutters as he grips your hips speeding your rutting up getting you closer and closer to your high “youre close arent you?” You nod eagerly he smirks at you pulling his thigh away from your heat immediately shoving three of his fingers in your cunt you whimpered as you started to ride his fingers in time with his movements you clench around his fingers when he brings his thumb to circle your clit “huh… look at you Thats it… fuck my fingers princess…. Soak my hand like a good girl” when your orgasam crashed over you his name came out of your mouth as a chorus he fucked you with his fingers through your first orgasam of the night “good girl” he said shoving the fingers that was in your cunt in your mouth “clean them off” he commanded you swirled your tongue around his digits he removed them from your mouth with a pop after three more mind blowing orgasams with his fingers and tongue he pulled away from your abused cunt
“On that bed now. Face down. Ass up.” He said with conviction you nodded starting to walk he pulled you back to him by your hair “crawl” he spat you nodded getting to your hands and knees crawling to the bed he unbuttoned his shirt and trousers coming up behind you looking at your wet cunt “So wet for me already” he growls “just for you George” you moan “i know baby he shoved his entire length into your sopping hole hissing at the stretch “You like this big, thick, fat dick, babygirl? You like the way I stretch out your slutty pussy out to fit in there?” George growled in your ear pulling all the way out then slamming back in immediately gaining a loud pornographic moan from your throat “George” you moaned “You can take it, I know you can, take it like a good girl baby. Youre doing such a good job taking me so good” he sped up his hips pistoning in and out of you hitting your g spot over and over again silent screams coming from your throat he grabbed you by your hair pulling you up against his bare chest holding your arms behind your back his free hand wrapping itself around your neck squeezing just hard enough to cut your air flow forcing you to listen to his voice “Look at you you little whore taking me so good, look at that i can see my cock in your stomach. So deep isnt it, so fucked out for me baby. So sexy. Who does this pussy belong too. Tell me.” he bites your earlobe letting go of your arms opting out to rub at your clit as he roughly fucks your abused hole when you didnt answer immediately he delivered a harsh slap to your clit velvet walls squeezing him perfectly “you! It belongs to you!” You screamed “good girl baby” he praised rubbing slow circles on your swollen clit “Gonna cum again? Thats pathetic. Why dont you just squirt for me. Make me all filthy, since you cant control yourself around me” you nodded your head eagerly at him gaining a chuckle out of him “beg.” He commanded “please George please i need to cum please please please” you moaned out ���cum for me” he said simply and merlin did you wetness gushed over the two of you he chuckled “do i fuck you that good? You really do like being fucked like a slut you just squirted all over me baby you feel so good…” red tinge came over your face as he flipped you over and slammed you down on the bed “Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy when you come. What a gorgeous little slut…. Shit Baby… im Gonna… fuck… you’re gonna make me come, So tight good girl” he slammed his hips into you for the final time painting your walls in his cum groaning
When you came down from your high George pulled you onto his chest rubbing circles on your skin “i love you Y/n/n, only you, i belong to you only you baby you dont have to be jealous you know that” he cooed “i know that. You know that but no one else does… you know how much that hurts? Seeing them flirt and touch you and you doing nothing about it?” You didnt meet his gaze then it clicked in his head you were insecure and needed reassurance “okay baby.. okay” he said softly kissing you gently as you fell asleep in his arms
You sat down next to George Fred sitting on the opposite side of you slowly making your plate with a sad look on your face when Alicia and Angelina came sitting next to George you stiffened in your seat about to get up when George’s left hand placed itself on your thigh stopping you from moving “Goodmorning Handsome” Alicia smiled at George “Alicia” he gave a polite smile “so i was thinking, this Saturday you and i could go to Hogsmeade together” she said with a flirty smile you started to pack up “I appreciate the offer but its mine and my girlfriends one year anniversary on Saturday; I’m taking her to get her nails and hair done, and im getting her a new dress for our dinner and a movie date. Y/n and i already have plans for the entire day none of them include me going to Hogsmeade with you.” George turned around and grabbed your hand “i dont mean to be rude, or maybe i do mean to be a little rude but you have no chance with me you never have, and its annoying being flirted with constantly. shes already got everything i have to give her.” He grabbed your hand and placed a chaste kiss on it “shes everything i want” he sighed standing up “now if you could please stop flirting and touching me? Its making me and my girl really uncomfortable” he turned to you “ready to go Baby? We’ve got potions” George kissed your forehead you smiled at him “thank you” you whispered walking out of the great hall hugging his waist
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prettypinkporkchop · 8 days
heyy :) i loved your last quil oneshot soooo im here to ask for more if that's okay👀 maybe bombshell!reader who keeps flirting with quil and he doesnt know what to do with himself, not knowing if she's being fr or not, while reader gets insecure and rants to the girls about not being sure if quil wants her that way even tho they're imprints ! with fluffy, kinda hurt/comfort ending
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You grab Quil's face and kiss his forehead. "You're so freaking hot." You giggle. He shudders under your touch, and his cheeks turn red. "Y-yeah! Thank you! Let's go join the rest of the people." He starts walking toward the empty field in the forest where the pack and imprints sit, enjoying the day. You sigh, hoping he likes you. I mean, he did imprint on you, so like?
You look over and see him talking to Jacob and Embry. He looks upset, and they're glancing at you. Awkward. You sit down next to the girls on grass. "What's up?" You ask. "Loving the weather!" Rachel replies and starts rubbing glitter tanning lotion on her arms. "Damn, Rach! Don't impersonate the vampers. Paul won't like that." Kim snorts. "Glitter is a girls best friend. It looks pretty in the sun!" She argues. "Yeah, so does "Fuckward"". You laugh and cause Emily to giggle. She looks up from her book. "You guys are so adorable and silly." She shakes her head. "What can I say?" Kim leans back with her arms open in a cocky way.
The guys run from the trees to the empty space you girls are. Sam sits behind Emily, Paul sits behind Rachel, Jared behind Kim, Jacob, Embry, Leah, and Seth sit alone. You expected Quil to sit behind you so you could lay back on his chest. Instead, he just sits next to you. You look at him and see his eyes already on you. You grab his arm and pull him down on your lap. He just lets you do your thing, following along with what you want. His body lays out beside you, and he's on his back. His head is in your lap. He's looking up at you. You start running your fingers through his curls. He closes his eyes and smiles. You shut out everyone else, as they seem too engrossed in each other. You start trailing your fingers over Quil's face. Your gentle touches cause his chest to move quickly. Then he opens his eyes, and he softly grabs your hand, placing it beside you and sitting up. You look at him confused, and he just glances away. "Hey, Jacob!" He starts talking to Jake. You sigh and lean back. You felt a kick on your back. "Ow! The hell?" You look and see Paul's foot next to you. "Sorry, y/n! I didn't mean to. You okay?" He smiles. "YUP. Turd." You shove his foot that's inside his shoe.
At the dinner table at Emily's, you sit next to Quil. His hand is in his lap while everyone is talking. You reach and gently wrap your fingers in his. He looks down, then at you, and then shifts a little, going back to chatting. He doesn't let go, but he doesn't grip.
That night, Quil is driving you home. In the truck, you watch how his features look when passing streetlights. "I've never seen anyone so handsome." You whisper. He smiles and shakes his head. "Yeah, sure." He chuckles. That burned a small hole in you.
"Quil!" You call out. You're running toward him out in your yard. You saw him looking around. You're guessing there was a vampire around. "Quil!'' You call out again. He stops and turns to you. You get close to his face. "Hey, why didn't you come inside?" You ask him. He blushes and looks down with a smile. "I didn't know if you wanted me inside or not. I'm just searching for bloodsuckers. We are spread out around the area." He says. You grab his face and look into his eyes. "I want you with me all of the time." You whisper. His eyes widen slightly and get glossy. You see his pupils increase in size, covering most of the already dark iris. "Right. Uhm,-" You know he's about to run off, so you just press your lips on his. You kiss him softly and slowly and keep your hands on his face. He kisses back but seems really confused or second-guessing himself. You don't want to pull away. You never want to stop. This is the first time you're kissing him, and it feels hot hot hot. But, you do pull away. He's stuck on you, reading your face. "Was that okay?" You ask shyly. He nods before turning around and running off. "DUDE!" You groan and walk back inside.
You call Kim, and she agrees to come over and help you out.
"Damn." Kim says while you explain everything. "I mean, I've noticed the distance, but I wasn't sure if it was because you two are taking it slow or what." She says. "No! He never asked me anything. He doesn't avoid me necessarily he just doesn't flirt back or know what to do when I do." You sigh. "Well, I know that he does like you. That's what Jared told me." Kim smirks. This makes your ears perk. "He does?!" You say surprised. "Yes! For God's sake, he imprinted on you!" She laughs. "Well, I've been trying, and I just feel really embarrassed now. If he likes me, why won't he say it?" You ask her. "I have an idea." She pulls out her phone. She calls Jared. "Babyyy!!!!" He calls out. "Hey, you're on speaker. I'm with y/n." She says. "Oh." He coughs to make his voice deeper, trying to be more manly because you just heard his baby voice to Kim. You burst into laughter. "What's up?" He asks. "Well, she's been trying to flirt with Quil. She just kissed him, and he ran off. What's going on?" She asks. Jared laughs so hard. "This didn't come from me, girl. Okay? Quil has never had any luck with girls. He thinks y/n is trying to mess with him." He explains. This shatters your heart. "Where's he right now?" You ask. "Home. But if you tell him I said this, your ass is grass." He warns. "Yea, right, Cameron." You laugh. "You should go, y/n. Really. I'll head over to Jared's." Kim says with a soft smile.
You bang your hand on the white door to the small house. The door opens, and there stands a tired Quil. "Y/n?" He asks. "We need to talk." You said. "Yeah, sure." He says, rubbing his eyes and opening the door for you. You step in and see that he has the terrible painting you made for him, hanging up above his small TV. "What's wrong?" He asks, turning on the lamp by the couch. You see his body and have to force yourself to keep your eyes up on him. "Do you not see?! Are you blind?!" You yell. All of the emotions come out. He stands there, staring with confusion. "I have held your hand, I've told you I think you're handsome, I've given you gifts, I have flirted, I just fucking kissed you, Quil!" You yell. You step closer to him. "No woman has ever wanted me." He replies. "I'm not any woman!" You scream, causing him to back up a bit. But you step forward. "I'm in love with you. Do you not love me?!" You start to cry. He shakes his head, clenching his jaw, and then gets right in front of you. "You don't know how much I love you." He growls and kisses you. You're taken my surprise but wrap your arms around his neck. He places his hands on your sides, and you can feel, for once, how he feels. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. You run your fingers through his curls. "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid. I just didn't believe a beautiful woman like you could ever go for a guy like me." He chuckles. His breath hitting your face. "They're just idiots. I'd kill for you, Ateara." You whisper. "I have a lot to make up for, don't I?" He asks. "Yes." You respond. "Here." He says, grabbing your hand and taking you into his room. "Have you showered tonight?" He asks. You nod your head. "Okay, do you want to change into my clothes and sleep here tonight?" He asks, digging through his dresser. "I'd love that." You smile. He grabs a shirt and hands it to you. The swift movement gives you a waft of his scent. Ugh!!!! Yes! "I'll close my eyes." He turns his body around with his hands over his eyes. "Don't be shy, Ateara." You taunt. You take your shoes off and then your clothes, leaving your underwear. You pull his shirt over your head. It's so comfortable!!! "You're good." You say. He turns to face you and his reaction is:
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He's blushing and giggling. "I never thought I'd see you in my clothes. I'm so happy you're my imprint." He gushes and brings you into his chest. He's holding you tightly. You fall into his touch. "I love you." You say. "I love you more." He kisses your head. He pulls away and leads you to his bed. "You can choose a spot. Sleep where you want." He says awkwardly. You sit down on one side, and he walks the other way, sitting down next to you. He straightens out the blanket, laying back, pulling it up and pulling you down with him. He covers both you and him. He wraps an arm around your waist and kisses the back of your head. "You belong to me now." He chuckles and tightens his grip around you.
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hyunjinswifelol · 1 year
" Do you hate me?". Jwy.
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warnings- fluff, crying.. obviously lol, agnst, my terrible typing skills, and i think thats it.
You came home, crying, and shaking. You opened the door to your apartment, took your shoes off, and sat down on the floor. You were sobbing. Hands over your face, and curled up in a ball. You were so scared. Not because somethimg bad happend, you didnt get followed home, or that kind of stuff. You feel like youre being a pickme girl towards your best friend, wonyoung. Shes barely been texting you, nor has she been wanting to have a sleepover anymore. She always says she doesnt want to last minute. She never says goodnight to you anymore, nor does she say i love you. That was the first thing. She started nit saying after saying goodnight on call, or text. Then she stopped saying goodnight. Then she stopped talking to you less and less. She eventually stopped calling you. She stopped wanting to have sleepovers. It felt like she was hating you less and less. In the past, you both knew a pick me girl, and wonyoung hated her. Now, you feel like youre becoming that girl. Youre terrified of becoming her. Wonyoumg hates her, so if you act like that girlmore and more, wonyoungs gonna hate you more and more. God. Youre so scared. You imediatly stopped crying when you heard a knock at your door. You got up, wiped your face, and put on a smile. You opened the door, and your jaw dropped. " won..young?.." you whispered, tears forming in your eyes again. " hi y/n, i was wondering if youre okay? You havent been answering my text. I told you to text me as soon as you got home. That was an hour ago.. Are you okay?" Wonyoung asked you, a worried look on her face. You smiled. " yea! Im conpletly fine, nothing to worry about!!" You said, smiling, but your voice cracking. She just nodded her head and smiled. You knew she was about to go. Shr was gonna walk out tjat door, and that would be the last time you see her ever again. you were wrong. She came in, and closed the door. Then she went to sit on your coych. you followed her, confused. she hates you. No she doesnt- yea she does. you qsked with your hands, and eyes to sit next to her. You never asked to sit next to her, but now, you feel the need to ask. Not cause you might not wanna be by her, but because you feel like she doesnt want you to be sitting next to her. You took a deep breath, and sat as far away as possible. Ofcourse, not very far away, considering your couch is very small. Your hearts racing, and your hands are figiting with each other. Your breath is short and loud, and you can hardly breath. Wonyoung noticed that. she moved closwr to you, and you froze, looking up at her with glossy eyes. You stopped breathing. She took your hands, and started swiping your knuckles with her thumb. You imediatly broke down. " y/n.. love why are you crying?" She asked, and pulled you in your arms. You started sobbing. " please dont hate me" you said repeatedly. All she could do was stay silent, and play with your hair, goving you the time you need to calm down. You qere still sobbing though, and her voice wasnt enough to calm you down, nit like other times. " im so scared wony" you finally said, after crying and sobbing. " why love? Im right here." she said holding your head in plce against her chest. " im scared.. im being like.. you know. Her. " honey.. no. Youre not being anything like her. Youll never be like jer, i swear you wont." she said sternly. You just nodded, and sat in her arms for a few minutes. " hun.. lets go to hed, and have a sleepover, okay?" She said, and stood up, and grabbed your hand, leading you to your bed. You imediatly threw yourself on the side of the bed you always sleep on during sleepivers, and she got in bed too. You rolled over and faced her, then smiled. She opened her arms, and you imediatly went in them. " Do you hate me?" You said, very much out of the blue. " no. Quite the opposite honey, i love you." She said, staring straightdin your eyes. " i love you too wony" you said, and smiled. She kissed your forehead, and you drifted off to sleep. Eventually, she fell asleep too.
This is slightly based off of whats going om with me and my best friend, leelee. But i wanted to write about it with wonyoung instead:] i hope you have the most lovely day or night, goodbye loves<3
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strayruway · 2 years
Ramblings of a fool | vent
Im tired. Im so fucking tired. One hour into the new year and im so tired. Im done. I love fireworks and i felt the need to smile at them. I try explaining to myself that i dont have to express my emotions over the top like i usually do but i try anyways cuz thats what most people expect from me anymore. If i were to just express myself as muted as i often feel i worry i come off as an asshole or that the person im supposed to be emoting to (?) Will feel less than what i mean to express.
I cant tell if im physically tired or emotionally tired. I dont want to be here. Ill be 19 in 3 months and i was planning on being not here last year.
I wanted to move out last year. The winter before last. The winter of 21 is when i wanted to be out of germany and in america. That was the plan why am i still here.
Im so tired.
Im *so* tired.
I should go to bed but i know ill just bully myself to sleep.
Can i just die or is that too dramatic?
I just want to be with her.
I miss her so much. I love her so much i just want to be by her side for the rest of ever and never leave. Shes my favorite person why cant i be with her. Why is my most important person on the other side of the planet. She so far away i miss her so much.
Why cant i do anything right. Im so useless im still with my parents this was not the plan.
Fantastic way to start this year this is... trying to smile at that which i love, crying and rambling to the internet...
Why *are* you reading this?
Im so scared. Im *so* scared.
I want to move on with my life but adhd and having gone to a foreign school makes life so hard. Things are twelve tines more complicated than they need to be and then i screw up certain things and just muck things up even worse than they need to be.
Im not even certain about the path im choosing.
Im cute. I know i am. I look like a literal child and specific people treat me so. People like to act like i dont ever know what im talking about and thats affected how i think horribly. Im not stupid. I know what im talking about please just trust my knowledge. Why do i have to justify myself. Ill just sit here all cute n quiet. Cant get mad at me if i just follow what you say all cute n sweet with just a chipper hum in agreement. Why think when you can think for me. Why have my own oppinion when youll just tell me im wrong and belittle me when you do allow me to try and defend or explain myself.
I dont know what i want cuz im just so used to nodding along and accepting whatever comes my way. Ill figure it out anyways so what does it matter. Surprise me. Just always surprise me ill figure it out and ill just be fine dont worry about me.
Just dont.
I wont ask for help but that doesnt mean ill turn any help down. Give me something to work with. Anything. Ill figure it out. I always do. Its fine dont worry.
If im not out of here or at the very least have a date before the end of march im either killing myself or moving out.
Whichever sounds most enticing at the time i guess.
Dont take my threats seriously. Im too much of a fucking coward to go through with them.
Happy new year.
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — sick boyfriend! enhypen x reader
: genre — so soft :( (maybe angsty??)
: warnings —  mentions of vomiting and being ill 
: a/n — i started school again after my break so i’ve been so caught up trying to focus on it :(
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・:*:・゚☆ heeseung
he’d be coughing and sniffling the night before and when you ask him he is feeling sick he’d very dramatically say:
“absolutely not! i have like the strongest immune system ever baby i cant believe you’d question MY immune system”
he woke up the next morning with a full blown fever.
wants you to lay next to you all day long csuse he claims you are his “human furnace”
croaks from your shared bedroom when you get up to get medicine and some hot soup
only agrees to take the medicine if you feed him
once he does take the medicine, he sits there with his mouth open so you can feed him his food
you just stare at him the whole time like 😐😐 am i taking care of my boyfriend or a child 😐😐
he’s staring at you like 🥺🥺🥺 cause he’s so thankful to have you in his life
he squirms into your arms and hides his face in the crook of your neck, already feeling better as you play with his hair
leaves little kisses on your neck as his way to thank you for taking care of him
・:*:・゚☆ jay
tries to convince you he is okay #1
“no angel! i’m okay it’s nothing okay i’m fine psshhh no worries”
doesn’t work as you woke up from his loud coughs in the middle of the night :(
he is very stubborn and continues you to insist that he is okay and that he can take care of himself (he just doesn’t wanna burden you)
everytime you say you’re gonna go do something for him he tries to protest saying he is fine but than starts coughing up a storm
spends the whole day with a pout on his face cause he doesn’t want you to waste your day taking care of him
sucks to be him tho cause you’ll do anything for mr. jay park!
i remember someone said that when jay is feeling ill, his emotions tend to exaggerate
like he’ll feel pain in his throat but will claim his entire body hurts and he cannot move a muscle... (it’s okay it’s just the sickness getting to him)
all he wants to do is cuddle next to you and sleep
like he’ll ask for massages or even random things like piece of cake from the bakery downstairs and you go do it cause your poor boy is feeling down and you wanna see him happy :((
pays you back by buying you new things and spending all that lost time doing anything you want to do (even if it means watching a movie he despises)
・:*:・゚☆ jake
NAAAUUURRR i’m gonna cry just thinking about sick little jake
his eyes are wide and glossy the whole time and his lips are pursed out into a little pout
baby hates being sick cause then he can’t go out and do fun things with you!
DEMENDS cuddles and kisses.
like i think he’ll cry if you leave his side
even if it’s for his own benefit, he clings to you like a little koala
lowkey a little dramatic, acts like his dying
“baby i think this is my last day... pls tell layla i love her” and you’re like What About Me.
you pour him the liquid medicine on to a spoon and give it to him yourself
gets so giddy and smiles at you like a goof afterwards
you bring the back of your palm to his forehead and go “you’re so hot omg”,,, he proceeds to say “i know i am babe you don’t have to tell me twice 😏” BOOYYY
treats you like a little teddy bear and holds you super super close to his body!!
pays you back by taking care of you the later week when you’re sick
・:*:・゚☆ sunghoon
the only one actually capable of taking care of himself 
he just seems very normal when he is sick 
like he can definitely be on his own 
lowkey doesn’t want you around so you dont get sick 
but you are very stubborn and you stay there to take care of him 
which he appreciates cause he likes being coddled a little bit hehe 
it honestly just feels like a regular, stay at home day with him aside from the fact he is violently coughs every 30 minuets next to you 
the only thing he wants from you is that you let him lay on your lap and you play with his hair 
which you do ofc and he is just simply so happy from that 
falls asleep in your lap cause its so therapeutic
“mmmm feel so nice honey” he slurs very sleepily 
nuzzles his face into your stomach, searching for warmth :((( 
you press little kisses around his face while he sleeps and he starts to blush but you can’t tell cause you think its just his face burning up from being sick (thank god it would’ve embarrassed him so bad if you found out it was from little kisses)    
brings you flowers and gives you endless amount of cuddles as his way to thank you :(( 
・:*:・゚☆ sunoo
boyfriend or child you can’t tell #2
will WHINE SO LOUD if you try to leave his side 
“Y/NNNNN NOOOOO you can’t go~ its so cold~ im gonna freeze to death if you go~” “sunoo i need to get you medici-” “NOOOOOOO” 
REFUSES to take his medicine 
will turn his head the other way with a pout on his face and stubbornly shake his head 
you have to pursued him with food and kisses in order for him to actually take it 
takes the medicine but gags while taking it 
“wheres my cuddles huh 😐” 
so so so clingy :( he is pretty much on your entire lap with his head laid across your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your neck 
sunoo wouldn’t be very sleepy but he would be very quiet (which makes you sad cause youre sunny is always so talkative), so he spends this time listening to you and all the things you wanna talk about 
you guys watch movies together the whole day 
wants you to leave kisses on his cheeks cause it makes him feel better 
he pouts at you while you laugh at him when you feed him snacks 
buys you all the snacks you could dream of when he is feeling better <33 
・:*:・゚☆ jungwon 
tries to convince you he is fine #2
but wakes you up in the middle of night cause he threw up :(( 
he gets teary eyed cause he doesn’t wanna burden you but at the same time it hurts so bad 
whimpers so much :(( 
he wants to be held so much, he is attached to you the entire time 
you wipe his face with cold towels to bring down his high body temperature down and push back his bangs with so much care and love 
“thank you y/n” he speaks so softly before letting out a huge sniffle 
jungwon falls in love with you so much more
like he didnt think he could but some how you have managed to make him fall in love with you again 
really likes it when you pet his head and massage his temples 
he clings to you so much that he just follows you around like a little puppy 
you guys watch romance movies together to distract him from the pain 
will never give you a hard time like if you ask him to sit up and drink his water or take his medicine he’ll do it right away no questions asked 
mainly cause he wants to get better quickly so he can spend more time with you doing more interesting things 
thanks you by taking on a cute little picnic date the week after :( 
・:*:・゚☆ ni-ki
sleep. all he will do is sleep. 
he doesnt care about anything else except for that fact that he wants to sleep 
sprawls his entire body on top of yours 
he literally traps your body so you cant get out 
you have to physically push him off of you which isnt a problem cause he is in such a deep sleep 
and when he wakes up and you ARENT by his side, he gets very whiny 
“Y/NNNN why’d you leave me ���️” 
very grumpy 
you laugh at this which makes him even more grumpy 
how cute 
ni-ki is honestly very frustrated that 1) he can’t go to practice and dance with his cheery personality and 2) he can’t kiss you!!!! (this is what is the most important to him) 
so he just whines all day 
whines when you tell him you have to take medicine 
whines when you try to get him to sit up and eat 
whines when you aren’t cuddling him 
so pls cuddle the poor boy <//3 
your cool hand against his warm back makes him sigh out loud 
pays you back be giving you endless hugs, kisses and letting you win in games <//3 
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beansnsoup · 2 years
Eddie Munson x reader
Request: eddie being friends with a shy reader and she really wants to go to a dance or something but doesnt know how to ask and eddie know so he shows up for her
Tysm for requesting!! I love this idea sm so I'm going to try to make it good lol.
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You and Eddie have been best friends since middle school, he'd always been really out there. Talking himself up, making theatrical speeches, and his Hellfire club of course. You, on the other hand, were not.
Being so close to Eddie, you too got shit, but never as bad. You never really talked much in school and hung out with Hellfire, but never played D&D, just watched them.
You did have two other friends, their names were Jessie and Leia. You met them in Freshman homeroom, with Eddie being a year above you, it gave you the opportunity to make some new friends because of him graduating before you, which obviously didn't happen.
Posters around school keep being put up about dance, Leia wouldn't shut up about it, she was ecstatic. "I think I'm going ask Noah." She tells you both proudly at lunch. Noah was the boy she had been crushing on for 2 months but as yet to say anything to him. It wasn't like he was popular, but he was well known enough to be put under that status.
"You've been saying that everyday all week, and you still haven't done it." Jessie tells her. You nod in agreement. Leia looks at the two of you, "Fine. Today, after school. I'll ask him." She says seriously. Jessie laughs then turns to you, "Are you going with anyone?" She asks you.
"No, I'd like to though." You mutter. Leia smirks, "You should ask Eddie, Y/N." She says, rubbing her shoulder against your flirtatiously. You've had a thing for Eddie for a bit, you never planned to tell him though, assuming it'd just pass.
Jessie nodded, "I know you said you didn't want him to know about your little crush, but wouldn't it be nice to just go with someone?" She asked. You shook your head, "I don't know." You say before taking the last bite of your lunch.
When walking out of the lunchroom with your friends, someone comes up behind you throwing their arm around your shoulder making you jump. "Woah there, just me." Eddie's voice says, his hot breath going right down your neck, giving you chills.
"Hello to you too Eddie." You greet him, "We'll leave you guys to it." Jessie says, grabbing Leias arm to pulling her away from you and Eddie. You sigh, and begin towards your locker. Eddie watches you mess with this lock for a bit before speaking.
"What are you doing this weekend?" He asks you, this weekend is the dance. You really wanted to go, but you wanted someone to go with you. Of course you could stick with your friends but they'd most likely be getting dates to go with them. Is he asking you what you're doing this weekend so he can ask to go to the dance with him?
"Nothing at the moment." You respond, getting your locker open. He nods, not asking anything else about the weekend to your disappointment. "You coming to the campaign tonight? It's the end of it and I'd like for you to be there." He smiles at you after finishing.
"Sure." You agree, you had nothing better to do. Your original plan for tonight was to just go to the the video store and rewatch Back To The Future for the 100th time, but some social interaction could be better. "Alright, see you there." He says, then walks off.
You watch the clock, this is your last class of the day before Hellfire. You don't know why, but ever since talking to him after lunch you've been so excited to see him again.
When the last bell rings everyone starts putting their things away, which you follow. You start walking to the club room and see the lights on, hoping you made in time to get time alone with Eddie.
Your hopes were met when he was in their alone setting up everything. "Someone's here early." Eddie says smirking at you, you just smile and sit down at the small couch against the wall. He finishes the set up and sits next to you.
"So," You start, "So." He mimicks you, you laugh at him for a second. You're thinking about what your friends told you, about asking Eddie to the dance. You're to scared for rejection though, you really don't want to ruin the friendship you both have.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He asks, throwing his arm around you. You just shook your head, "People will be getting in here soon, better get ready." You warn him. He gets up to go to his "thrown."
Dustin and Mike come in followed by the others, you wave at all of them as they go to their chairs. The door opens suddenly, "Come here." Leia demands, you get up grabbing your things and walking out with her, she smiles at the boys, "Sorry."
She shuts the door, Jessie it waiting outside the door for you. "What is it?" You ask them, clearly irritated. "Do you want to come dress shopping with us?" Leia asks, with a guilty smile on her face. 'You have got to be kidding me.'
You sigh, "I guess." Jessie and Leia smile at you and leave towards the parking lot. You open the club door, "Hey I gotta go, I'll call you when I get home." You tell Eddie before shutting the door and running down the hallway to the parking lot.
"You should take her to the dance, Eddie." Dustin tells him before he rolls the dice. Eddie looks at him, "I don't know man, she'd most likely say no because it's not her thing." He says to him.
"Just do it man, she'll be graduating this year, I think she'd want to go to a dance before she leaves." Dustin tells him. Eddie still doesn't know.
Leia trying on her 4th dress of the night, "Whag about this one?" You look at it for a good bit. "Better than the last three, I'd say." Jessie comments, "Yeah." You agree. Leia smiles at herself I'm the mirror, "Okay, I'll get this one." She says before going to change back into her normal clothes.
"Did you ask Eddie?" Jessie asks, you shake your head, "I tried, but I just couldn't, I was scared if he'd tell me no." You say, your eyes start to swell up. "It's not even that bug of a deal." You tell her, looking out the window.
"It sounds like a big deal to you." She says scooting closer and putting her hand on your shoulder. You sniffle, "He's my best friend, not a potential husband." You tell her. She sighs, Jessie wants what's best for you, seeing you struggle with your feelings for Eddie hurts.
"Get a dress just in case, okay?" She says brushing through you hair with her fingers. You nod and get to look through the rack of dresses.
You're walking into the gym with your friends, both Jessie and Leia gave dates they're meeting here so you're going to be sitting at a table the whole time.
"You sure you'll be okay tonight?" Jessie asks you as you all get closer to the door, "Yeah." You respond. You never did ask Eddie like you wanted to. Jessie and Leia walk through the doors before you do so your left outside for a little bit. Not like you have anyone to wait for.
When you reach for the door handle you hear a vehicle skid to a stop. You turn towards the noise to see Eddie's van, he opens the door to jog over to you. "You came." You whisper to him. "Yeah, uh, Dustin recommended I ask you but I didn't, then Jessie told me you'd be here so I decided I'd pay a visit." He explains.
"Of course." You laugh, you hug him, "I'm so happy you're here."
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The request is from @remuslupinshotestkin
I had fun making this, it also took forever lol
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hi>:) saw your requests were open and wanted to request something! could you write a dick grayson x m!reader sorta fluff? maybe smut if you feel like it goes with the plot? where reader and dick have been together but dick never thought abt asking reader when his bday was, and reader never bothered to mention. so when dick finds out readers bday is (today, tomorrow, soon) somehow, he tries to do smth special for reader.
im personally thinking abt dc titans dick but doesnt really matter!
Birthday surprise
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Paring: dick grayson x M reader
Tags: established relationship,fluff,
Word count: 680
Dick was panicking. He couldn’t believe he didn’t know that his boyfriend's birthday was today. He only found out when Rachel asked him about it. 
“Hey Dick, what are you and Y/N doing today to celebrate?”  
After Rachel saw how confused he was she told him what today was, now he had 3 hours to figure something out before Y/N got home and he finds out he has a terrible boyfriend he has and dumps him. That’s why Dick spends the next 3 hours running around the titan's tower trying to get everything ready after he asked Corey for ideas. 
When Y/N finally comes through the door Dick greets him with a kiss and then taking his jacket 
“ Hey” 
“ What's this?” Y/N asks Rasing his eyebrows but accepting his boyfriend's affection 
“ nothing” Dick replies pressing another kiss to Y/N's lips, as he pulls away, he leaves his hands resting on Y/N's chest “ but I do have a surprise for you” 
“ A surprise?” 
Dick removes his hands from Y/N's chest and grabs one of his hands instead and intwines their fingers together. He pulls Y/N along the hallways and to a room Y/N’s pretty sure he has never seen before.  
“ has that room always been there?” 
“ of course it has” Dick replies whilst covering Y/N's eye and opening the door 
“Babe I Love you but if its another child we’re breaking up” 
The titan shakes his head with a grin “it's not another child”  
“Good because I can barely put up with the ones you have already, except Gar He’s great, love that kid ” 
“ I’m sure he’d love to know that, keep your eyes closed” Dick steps away and walks further into the room 
“   Can I open my eyes now?” Y/N asks hearing dick messing with something  
“Okay, now” 
Y/N opens his eyes and blinks to get his eyes used to the bright lights, then he sees what dick had done for him. In front of him was a scene ripped straight from some romantic film an indoor picnic. Y/N knows He is smiling like a love-struck fool, but he doesn't care he needs to kiss his boyfriend right this second. He turns around once he feels the older get closer and wraps his arms around his neck and pulls, pressing their lips together. 
“Aww, Dick you didn’t have to, you know?” Y/N says pulling away from his lover's arms and walking towards the makeshift picnic on the floor and sits down.  
Dick follows him taking a seat Infront of him on the other side of the blanket “yes, I did, it's your birthday, I wanted to do something special” 
Y/N picks up a cupcake and takes a bite and practically moans at the taste causing dick to laugh at his boyfriend “I'm guessing that means you like them then?”  
“you are correct” Y/N finishes the rest of his cupcake then looks around for his next snack and watches as dick reaches for a handful of goldfish and chuckles making dick stop halfway to his mouth. 
“You didn’t know it was today, Did you?” Y/N snorts as dick starts to flounder  
“ I- erm-I" 
“Babe its fine, I didn’t tell you” 
“still, you should celebrate your birthday “ 
Y/N shrugged “So how did you find out anyway?” 
“Rachel Told me” 
“of course, she did, how did you manage to do all this before I got home?” Y/N asked picking up a twizzler and putting it in his mouth 
“I’m just that great” 
“You made the kids help you, didn’t you?” 
“of course, I did” Dick smiled as his boyfriend snorted a chuckle. 
“ you’re terrible” Y/N throws a goldfish at him with a grin,  
He hopes he is never without that’s smile or moments like this, if he had to give everything up, he would just for him. Dick leans across the spread of snacks, Y/N meets him halfway bring Their lips together in a soft kiss, by time they pull apart the food has been forgotten. 
“Happy birthday baby”  
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thorfemmes · 2 years
Hiiii! Im here cause i am enabled ! 😈 This one of the many ask i will be sending xD so how about eddie with a pluz size new girl ( i love this trope) who seems to be unfazed about yhe rumor and tried to be friend him cause after she saw how the others treat eddie she decided theyre jerks and decided she would be friends with the hellfire club and eddie cause theyre nice. She comes befriending them looking all cutesie and preppy then the next day she comes to them all decked out in goth/punk outfit. She has a wide range of aesthetic and doesnt care what people say ( at least she wont let them see it gets to her sometimes) i hope this is ok
hi! thank you for the ask<3 I can't sleep so you get this little blurb while I'm on vacation lmao
I hope you enjoy!
"And this is the cafeteria!" said the perky student council member, Kathleen.
You had just transferred to Hawkins High in the middle of the Fall semester. A long way away from home, you were a bit nervous to be starting fresh, but Kathleen -the student council member that had been assigned to help you find your way around and has been softening the stressful blow of your first day.
"Most of us have unassigned assigned seats, but you can sit wherever you'd like. You're more than wel-".
Shouts and laughter from across the room interrupted Kathleen. You followed the sound and landed on a small sea of black and white t-shirts and lots of hair. You watched in curiosity as a young man with a long mane dramatically relayed something to the rest of his group.
Kathleen looked on in disgust. "Don't mind them, that's just the freak table. As I was saying, you're more than welcome to come sit with me and my friends. We're very open to new people, promise!" And with that she left to her table.
The so-called "freak" table held your attention as you grabbed your lunch tray and waited in line. You were so distracted that you accidentally bumped into the boy in front of you. Taking a deep breath, you slowly made your way across the cafeteria to the freak table.
Hugging your tray close, you slowly approached the table. "Hi, I'm Y/N, would it be okay if I sat here?"
The entire table fell silent, gawking at you as if you had two heads.
"I promise I'm friendly!" You started. "I just thought you guys looked kind of cool. Fuck the "freak" label, right?" You cringed inwardly at the use of the word.
The longhaired boy finally broke the silence, clearing his throat and standing up and shooing a curly haired boy away to make room next to him. "Of course, m'lady," He bowed with a flourish.
You let out a small huff of laughter, setting your tray down and adjusting your skirt before sitting down.
"I'm Eddie, pleased to make your acquaintance". He went around the table introducing everyone. "So, what's a pink princess like yourself sitting over here with us? I'm sure the preppy counsel member warned you about us".
"I don't normally listen to rumors. And besides, your table looked the most entertaining by far. The cafeteria here is kinda dead without the ruckus you've caused".
Eddie grinned back at you.
From then on you held a permanent spot at the Hellfire table, your bright colored clothes a stark change from the darker clothes worn by the boys. Of course, your presence at the table placed a target on your back. Jocks and preps alike had approached you more than once to try and sway you away from the Hellfire Club before giving up and turning their backs on you. They hurled insults and threw wadded up balls of paper at you like the rest of the club, but it never deterred you. The boys at the table were nice and incredibly welcoming. Especially Eddie. The boy had gone out of his way to make you feel welcomed, escorting you to classes (even when he planned on skipping that period), hanging out with you after school on days he didn't have a campaign to run, and even split his lunch with you -often trading your carton of milk for whatever cheap brand of cookies he bought that day (you insisted it wasn't a fair trade, he insisted he didn't care). Everything was calm and peaceful until one day when you decided to shake it up a bit.
You had a wide range of clothes, who didn't? Anyone who stuck to one specific look was kinda boring in your opinion. So when you came into school wearing a pair of ripped black jeans, a well loved band tee, and a pair of Doc Martin boots heads turned at the speed of light. A stark change from your normal pinks, yellows, and blues, you felt confident until one of the jocks -Jason, was it? -stepped up to you at your locker.
"Did the freaks finally get to you, Y/N? You used to look like such a good girl, what happened?"
You scoffed. "You know, people can wear whatever clothes they want without it meaning anything. And don't talk about my friends like that, they're not freaks".
He took a step closer to you, all but cornering you into the corner where your locker was. "And what are you planning on doing about it, freak?" He spat. "Run and cry to the other losers in your little club? Fucking creeps".
Before you could respond a heavy hand landed on Jason's shoulder, making the boy flinch.
"Is there a problem here?" Eddie asked gruffly.
"Not at all freak, just having a friendly conversation with our Y/N here".
You looked at Eddie who looked ready to pounce at your command. "It's not worth it Eds, just let it go".
"Yeah, listen to your little bitch, it's not worth it," Jason grinned, knowing he was riling the other boy up.
Eddie shoved Jason into a locker. "Hey! Watch your fucking mouth Jason". He caught the stare of a teacher who began walking over to the small tiff. "You're lucky Mrs. Leoda is coming over, otherwise you'd have been toast, Jason". Eddie gave him one final shove before grabbing your hand and dragging you away from the corner you had found yourself in.
Turning down an empty hall, Eddie let his eyes greedily linger over you. Your tight t-shirt and black fishnets underneath had his mouth watering.
"You look amazing, doll".
You felt your face warm. "Thanks Eds. Figured I'd switch it up a bit, yeah?"
He let out a small laugh. "Well, switch it up a bit more. You'll have me chasing after you like a little school boy".
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mattsboldyy · 2 years
the night that ruined everything | brendan brisson
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summary ~ you should’ve known dating brendan would’ve caused you heartbreak.
words ~ 707
warnings ~ angst, mentions of cheating, fem!reader
authors note ~ this is my first fic i released in a while! hope u enjoy this!! thank u for 300 followers <3 love u all with my whole heart !!!
other ~ i listened to ‘baby came home 2 / valentine by the neighborhood and ‘rip 2 my youth by the neighborhood’ while writing this :))
you slammed the door to your dorm and immediately collapsed to the floor, crying. ‘why would he do this?’ ‘what did i do?’ ‘was i ever good enough for him?’
1 hour earlier…
you walked into the house of the older hockey boys where the party was taking place, everybody staring at you. you heard some whispers like “is that her?” “thats brendan’s girl, right?” you gave some people a nod and a quick smile, still confused as to why people were staring at you. you rounded the corner into the living room when your heart dropped. you saw brendan, your boyfriend, making out with some other blonde chick on a couch. you saw as she rubbed up and down his chest, straddling his lap. you took a deep breath as everybody watched, waiting for your reaction. you turned around, going into the kitchen. you grabbed a red solo cup, pouring a mix of different drinks into it. just as you were about to pick up the drinks, you feel a presence behind you. you turn around to find thomas bordeleau, ethan edwards, and luke hughes. “come on y/n, you know he loves-“ thomas started to say. “shut up thomas. i dont care anymore. it doesnt matter.” you say. you picked up the drink and go back to the living room where brendan and the girl were still kissing, but not as much. they were laughing about something that you didnt care about. you walk over to them, people clearing out of your way. the girl on brendan’s lap turns around to face you, mouth open and about to say something to you when you splash the drink in her face. you bent down and picked up another drink that was sitting on the floor and poured it on brendan. you let go of the cup, letting it hit the floor. “i hope this was worth it brendan.” you say as you turn around to find half the umich hockey team standing there with their mouths open in disbelief. you start making your way out of the living room. you stop in front of nick, “sorry about getting drink all over the couch nick, brendan can buy you a new one.” you say before walking out of the house.
you were walking on the sidewalk in front of the house when you heard someone running after you, “y/n! y/n, please stop! just wait!”
it was brendan. you turned around, “what do you want brendan.” you said, tears welling up in your eyes. “come on y/n. dont act like that.” brendan said, standing in front of you with his hands in his pockets. “are you kidding me brendan? i just saw you making out with some other girl and you’re telling me to not be upset? are you being for real right now?” you said raising your voice and flailing your arms. “y/n its not what it looks like.” brendan said quietly. you scoffed, “i’m done with you brendan. i’ll give your stuff to one of the guys because i never want to see your sorry ass ever. again.” you said turning around and continuing to walk back down the side walk and to your dorm.
you wrapped your arms around yourself as tears started streaming down your face, the michigan night breeze blowing through your hair. you heard your phone buzz a few times but didnt have the energy to check it, knowing it would probably be some of your friends that were at the party or some of brendan’s teammates texting to check on you. you felt numb. you had a stomach ache from all the anxiety flooding into your body. you had a pounding headache and just wanted to get back to your warm bed and honestly just get away from…
the night that ruined everything.
tagging some friends !!
@c4m3ron @sebbyaho @sydnikov @2manytabsopen @tysonjost-taylorsversion @1-800-iluvhockey @lukehhughes @owenpowersglasses
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nikrangdan · 3 years
lovestruck!enhypen x reader
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pairing: lovestruck!enhypen x reader
genre: FLUFF fluff Fluff
description: how enhypen would be if they became lovestruck by the reader ☹️☹️ this is such an adorable request!!!! itll vary for each member ur relationships so you’ll either be strangers or already dating etc.
a/n: idk if all of them are lovestruck exactly bc i just got carried away with the fluff for some of them and idky maknae line revolves around sleeping BUT IDC sleepy!enhypen is the best 😁
u worked at a pretty popular clothing store
and well well well heeseung had shown up dressed very much your style so u were like
Wow who is this guy....
he was alone just looking around
and there were like 10 other people in the store but u wanted to talk to him so bad so u went up like
“hi, welcome! are u finding everything okay?”
he was looking through a rack of shirts and turned around when he heard u but WOW
when this man turned around he looked even better in person u couldnt believe it 😫
his eyes got so wide u almost laughed it was so cute ☹️
he stuttered and was like “oh um im okay”
Aw man
but u said “okay then! let me know if you need any help finding anything or if u wanna use a dressing room!” and u sent him ur nicest smile u could give
his eyes were still kinda wide open and u gave him one last look before turning around😢😢
“w-wait! actually.. um....uh.. do u.. do u guys have sweatpants..?”
u giggled to urself on the inside bc u knew he just made that up on the spot
“we do! here, follow me”
while u were showing him the clothes u guys had exchanged names and had some small talk
and that was the start of something very Beautiful
and since then he has been coming almost everyday to visit u at work 🤗🤗
jay swore he found new things about u to love every single day
and today wasnt an exception!!!!
u knew jay had been really tired and just worn out from work recently so u had decided to make him his favorite meal for dinner
a nice little surprise for when he got home ❤️
and also the anime he was watching ready on the tv for u two to watch together :(
u had literally been preparing all day and u even decided to go out and buy dessert too
it was 8pm already and jay should be getting home now
u set the table all neatly and put on one of his sweaters
Fate 🔥🔥
romantic stuff like this wasnt really ur forte so this was out of the normal for u
but u wanted to do something for jay because he did stuff like this for u alot
the table isnt in view when u walk into the apartment so he wasnt able to see his dinner yet
“hi” you smile brightly and go up to hug him and give him a little kiss
he had his bad slung over one of his shoulders and he was taking his shoes off in the doorway after he closed it
“hey.. it smells pretty good in here” he gave you a tired smile while one of his arms was wrapped around your waist
“really? it smells normal to me” you giggled before walking to the kitchen area together
he stopped and looked at u with LITERAL HEARTS IN HIS EYES when he saw the table
jay: ❤️_❤️
“surprise!!! you know im not good with words but i wanted to show you that i can cook” you laugh “and that i love you very much and im so proud of you”
jay doesnt say anything but instead drops his bag on the couch and gives u the Biggest Hug Ever
ur face is practically smushed in his chest and his hand is resting lovingly on ur hair :(((
he loves u so much im so sad
“layla!!! layla where are you?” jake was yelling quite loudly in the massive park he was in the middle of
yeah jake lost layla.. uh oh
quite a coincidence you found the cutest dog you’d ever laid eyes on
and she seemed to love u very much
the dog had made u topple over and now she was excitedly playing with you while you were sat on the ground laughing to your hearts content
after a minute of playing you had got up because you knew she was somebodys lost dog and her owner was probably looking all over the park for her
“okay.. lets go find your owner before they have a heart attack” you giggle
just as you said that though, you heard a boys voice yell “LAYLA!!!!”
the dog next to you looked in his direction, tail wagging and tongue out, but she didnt move an inch from her spot next to you
it made me you laugh out loud
as you were watching the boy run up to you, you noticed how cute he actually was
Omg..... ur heart started beating a little faster
“hi..” the boy hunched over with his hands on his knees breathing very heavily “you have my dog”
“uh yeah” you laugh “sorry about that, she ran over to me a couple minutes ago and i was just about to go find her owner”
“its okay, thank you..” he trailed off to find out your name and finally looked up to meet your eyes
“y/n” you told him
“y/n” he repeated with a small grin on his face “im jake”
“hi jake” you lightheartedly give him your hand to shake and he chuckles before taking the offer
“and it was nice meeting you layla” you crouch down to meet her level and she licks your face making you fall on your butt
you laugh and jakes quick to help you up
“layla! thats not very nice” he jokingly scolds her and pets her head
after u got up u bid goodbye to the two before jake invited u to continue walking around the park AND HE EVEN BOUGHT U AN ICE CREAM
Is This A Date, Jake? 😫😫❤️❤️❤️❤️😳😛😛
“you should be more careful” you scold the boy sitting with you standing between his legs
sunghoon had apparently gotten elbowed in the face by his friend and scratched by his friends cat on accident????
“it wasn’t my fault! he turned around and i just happened to be in the way. and i didnt even do anything to the cat!” he whined
“i didnt say it was your fault. i said to be more careful.” you tried to sound stern
u knew ur logic was making no sense but u just thought it was so fun to mess with him
he let out a sigh and gave up, slouching over again
you were stood between his legs, wiping the blood away and applying ointment
“im just kidding, you’re so cute” one of your free hands comes up to rub his hair
a small grin pops up on his face and his arms come to rest on your waist
he looks up at you while you focus on tending to his wounds
“you know y/n” he begins
you hum in response, letting him know you’re listening
“im gonna marry you one day”
you freeze in your place
it took you a minute to collect yourself because you felt like your heart almost leaped out of your chest
“who says?” you joke
he leans up to give you a quick kiss on the lips before sitting back down
you noticed sunoo had been really tired lately and u just wanted to make him feel better :((
the boys were going out and invited you two obviously but you could tell sunoo was iffy about going
“uhh..” you trail off and look over at sunoo who was laying on the couch
“you know what guys? i think me and sunoo are gonna stay home today.. you guys have fun though!” you bid goodbye to the other boys and they all understood and left
you dont even know if sunoo knew they had left already because when you walked over to him his tired eyes were glued on the tv
“hey” you leaned against the couch and looked down at him
“y/n? are we going soon?” his eyes move to the top of his head to look up at you
you start laughing and he literally goes 🤨???
“silly, they already left! so what do you wanna do?” you plop down next to him and he was in the process of sitting up
“what? when did they leave...” his mouth drops open
“like 2 minutes ago” you giggle, leaning back to rest your head
sunoo had sat still, pondering for a moment
“why did they leave us?” he turned to look at you
your eyes met his “well i figured you didnt wanna go... you didnt, right?”
he slowly shakes his head “how did you know?”
you give him a sneaky smile and jokingly push his arm “because i know you so well”
he laughs at this and leans his head on your shoulder
“wow y/n.. im impressed” he grins, snuggling into your arm
your other arm crosses over to pat him on the head, leaning your head to rest on top of his
“but thank you y/n..” his eyes slowly close to rest “im thankful for all the little things you notice about me”
u literally go 🥺
your hand goes down to squeeze his and he falls asleep peacefully on ur shoulder ☹️☹️☹️❤️
“y/n..what is that” jungwons eyes can barely open as he tries to comprehend whats going on while hes waking up
you haphazardly tap around the bedside table trying to turn off the new alarm you set last night
and that new alarm was jungwon singing 🤗
“its you, dummy” your eyes were still closed but you turned to face jungwon and snuggled closer to him
“wha- where did you even get that???” he was almost fully awake now, staring down at your half asleep figure
you yawned before answering in your i-just-woke-up-and-i-should-probably-drink-some-water voice “remember when you sang me to sleep last week? yeah i was secretly recording you. no biggie” you pat his chest twice and leave your hand there, content with life at the moment Lol
“y/nnnn” he whines “change ittt i dont like it”
“you’re kidding.” you deadpan, shocked he would say such a thing!!! “jungwon you sound like an angel threw up on a field of flowers full of puppies and kittens! okay thats kinda weird maybe not that”
jungwon giggles a little and sits up so he can sit against the headboard while your head rests on his lap
“you like my singing that much?” you can hear the smile in his voice as he asks you
you finally pop one eye open to look up at him, a goofy grin in your face
“i love your singing”
his hands run through your hair and you let out a sigh at the feeling
jungwon doesnt say anything
all he does is admire you
you can feel his eyes on you so you open your eyes again (both this time🙏🏼) and meet his eyes
“i can feel you staring straight into the depths of my soul, jungwon”
he laughs at this, bring his other hand up to pinch your cheek
“i’ll sing for you whenever you want me to y/n”
“shut up sunghoon, hes sleeping” you whisper-scolded the boy
ni-ki was currently asleep on you
literally SPRAWLED all over your body and you were basically mummified
by nishimura riki
his legs were tangled in yours, his head shoved into your neck, and his arms were bent around you in ways you didnt know were humanly possible
“you literally have an alien taking a nap on you y/n” sunghoon deadpans before walking out the room
“when you’re asleep sunghoon i will send you into a spacecraft for the rest of your life so you can go see aliens for yourself”
“wowww im so scared y/n” the boy remarks and shuts the door
you half laugh and half scoff before turning your attention back to the ipad screen sitting on the bed infront of you
kind of infront of you because ni-ki’s acrobatic position was basically blocking the view
you were having a decent time watching the show playing, definitely not the most comfortable person on the planet at the moment
until you felt the body on top of you.. rumble?
you knew that feeling
ni-ki was laughing
HOW and WHY the hell was he laughing ?!!?!!?!
“what the hell?” you look down at him and his face is shoved near your shoulder but you caught a glimpse of his big smile
his laughter gets louder and you still dont have answers yet
“why are you laughing???? i thought you were sleeping?????” you try to push him off you but he was persistent in laughing in your shoulder (??)
after a couple minutes of you just letting this happen
ni-ki finally speaks!
“you’re so funny y/n” he finally pulls away from you and wipes his tears
“what are you even talking about... and how long were you awake, you sneaky kid” you poke his chest
he leans down again to hug your waist and start cuddling you again
“10 minutes”
“so you’re telling me i could’ve freed myself from that god awful demon EMBRACE you had me in 10 minutes ago???!!”
ni-ki starts laughing again and looks up at you
“thank you for threatening to send sunghoon to aliens for me y/n” he grins
you laugh, finally understanding what the boy had been going on about
“sunghoon deserved it”
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