#it just sounds cute even though he’s super mad
capitalisticveins · 1 year
Redacted guilty pleasures, cmon and expose em
Not a tag game, you see this you participate
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sttoru · 8 months
.⌇ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. toji can’t get his deserved rest due to his baby boy keeping him awake.
wc. 707
tags. dad!toji x female reader. nothing else to add; just pure fluff.
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“he’s kickin’ me again,” toji complains with a deep sigh. tiny feet keep patting his back, not allowing the man to sleep at all. the culprit is none other than megumi—his beloved, yet bratty, son.
the little boy lays between you and your husband. you figured that this was best since megumi kept wailing each time you put him back in his crib.
you chuckle at toji’s groans of annoyance. your son is still full of energy, even if it’s already super late at night. your hand brushes against megumi’s chubby cheek and you can’t help but squeeze it lightly.
that action gains you a high-pitched squeak. you sigh and keep your child occupied with the movement of your finger against his face, “it’s his way of asking for attention, honey.”
toji grumbles something under his breath and scoots away from the both of you. megumi’s head turns towards his dad, his attention caught by the rustling of the sheets. you raise an eyebrow in response to toji putting distance between you both.
“papa’s mean,” you huff, talking to your baby. you can’t see toji’s face since his broad back is obstructing the view, though you can easily guess that he’s frowning.
maybe even secretly sulking about the lack of sleep. you do understand, however. he’s worked hard all day to provide for both megumi and you.
“papa,” megumi speaks up with an adorable pout on his lips. he crawls over to toji before you can stop him. the little boy taps at toji’s back again, tugging at the fabric of his shirt.
megumi’s need for attention and affection from his father is heartwarming to see. you reach out towards your son in hopes of picking him back up. toji needs his rest after all.
a deep sigh escapes toji’s lips. not one of frustration this time, but rather one of defeat. he opens his eyes and turns around to face megumi. the man’s stoic face softens the moment he sees those cute doe eyes staring up at him.
“c’mere,” toji grumbles and lifts his child’s tiny body up without any effort. megumi giggles instantly and reaches his hands out to hold his dad’s face. your husband playfully bites your son’s tiny fingers instead, “not gonna allow y’r dad to sleep, huh? tsk tsk.”
you watch the scene unfold with a tender smile. toji lowers his head and starts blowing raspberries against megumi’s tummy. the baby squeals and giggles uncontrollably, writhing around in toji’s embrace.
“this is what ya get for being a brat,” toji mumbles and switches to leaving kisses along the little boy’s belly. that makes megumi laugh as well due to the ticklishness.
toji grins. his earlier drowsiness and annoyance have vanished into thin air. he can’t possibly stay mad at his son. not after seeing megumi happy. and especially not after seeing your content smile too.
“mama! mama!” megumi laughs between cries of help. his tiny hand reaches out to you whilst toji continues the little attack on his tummy. you chuckle and decide to intervene.
you scoot over to the other side and shield megumi’s tiny body from your husband’s tickles. you frown and playfully scold him, “stay away from my baby, you big bad guy.”
toji raises an eyebrow in amusement. he bites back a laugh before cocking his head to the side, that familiar smug expression appearing on his face.
“oh yeah? ‘m the bad guy now, eh?” the dark-haired man rolls his eyes. he towers over both you and your son - who’s giggling and still holding tightly onto you, “all right. i’ll show you just how bad i can be then.”
your eyes widen the moment you feel toji’s fingers land underneath your shirt, touching your bare skin. not a second passes by and he’s already tickling you. his other hand reaches for megumi’s tummy again—now making the both of you squirm and giggle loudly.
the happy sounds echo throughout the room. perhaps even loud enough for your neighbours to hear at four in the morning. but, you don’t care about any possible noise complaints. not during this cozy family moment.
plus toji’s fond smile as he continues torturing you and your son is definitely worth all of it.
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mingtinys · 6 months
" you should rest "
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pairing : choi seungcheol x gn!reader
"13 ways to say "i love you" with seventeen"
warnings : language
word count : 0.5 k
a/n : super super excited to be doing this little mini-series starting off with seungcheol !!
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You're rudely awoken from your slumber by the slamming of brakes and Seungcheol throwing curses at the car in front of him. Your seat belt stops your momentum, though you can't say the same about your poor suitcases and bags in the back seat that tumble forward with a violent thud.
"Fucking idiot," he mutters, then looks over to you with a complete change of expression. "Are you okay?" He's still got his arm extended over your chest like a mother.
"I'm okay, are you?"
"Yeah," he sighs, letting his arm drop from its protective position in favor of resting his hand on your inner thigh. He squeezes ever so lightly in an attempt to ground himself. "Asshole cut me off and then slammed his brakes. I'm sorry to wake you."
You hum, reaching out to brush back his bangs from his eyes. A fond smile lights up his features at the gesture. "S'okay. How much longer do we have left?"
"About an hour or so."
An hour!?
"Cheol!" You scold, shuffling to sit up in your seat. "You were supposed to wake me up an hour ago to switch off!"
If there was only an hour left that meant he'd been driving for nearly three already. You only meant to nap during his half of the drive to your parents' house then you would finish the rest so he could get some sleep. You even made him promise about three times over to wake you up, but it seems that went unheard.
He just shrugs and steals a glance at you, that signature pout playing at his lips. "I don't mind. Besides, you've seemed stressed lately, I figured you could use the extra rest."
Admittedly, the extra shut-eye was pretty nice. But still, you wish he would've woken you. "I appreciate it, but I'll feel guilty if you take the whole drive. Pull over and we'll switch off for the last bit."
Stubborn as always, Seungcheol shakes his head. "I'll take care of everything, you should rest." There's honestly no arguing with him over stuff like this. So you just sigh and grumble about conquering the trip back on your own to make up for it. Seungcheol just chuckles at your dissent. "You're too cute."
You curl up in your seat once more, turning so you can admire glare at your boyfriend who's a little too happy with himself. He notices, and the way his lips crack into a smile is irritatingly adorable. Seungcheol reaches his arm to the back, fishing out his coat that had been buried under your multitude of travel bags. Placing it over your legs, he steals another lingering glance.
"You're not forgiven yet, I'm still mad at you." It's probably the least threading sentence you've ever uttered in your life. Your voice sounds whiney, even to you, and that really makes Seungcheol laugh.
"I know, baby. Sweet dreams."
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cosyvelvetorchid · 1 month
Something cute:
Jee gives Uncle Tommy a friendship bracelet she's made, and Tommy's still wearing it a few days later when Buck fetches him from work (it's the first Buck heard about it).
Bonus if Tommy mentions that the guys at work have been trying to give him grief about it but Tommy doesn't give a damn, it's a present from his niece! 🤣❤️
Sorry for taking so long to get to this. This was a super cute one to do 😊
As always you can send me a bucktommy or saltommy prompt to my ask. Smut, fluff or whimp or a mix. Whatever you want.
“Sorry Maddie I have to leave for my shift in like 30 mins.” Buck said
“What’s up?” Tommy asked.
“Maddie needs to run a couple of errands for an hour but Jees daycare is closed so she needs a sitter.”
Tommy removed the phone from Bucks hand without a word.
“Hey Maddie.”
“Tommy, hi! How are you?”
“I’m good. Listen, my shift doesn’t start for another 4 hours if you need someone look after Jee for an hour.”
“Oh my god, really? Are you sure?”
“Of course. I mean, if you’re okay with that?” He asked just to be sure. He loved spending time with Maddie and Jee but he hadn’t done so before without Evan being there.
“Oh please. If you handle my brother you can handle a four year old.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” He said smirking at Buck.
“What?” He mouthed in response. Tommy simply winked at him. Buck would be mad if it wasn’t so fucking hot when he did that.
“Uh, I can be there in about 40 minutes?”
“Tommy you’re my hero!”
“I’ll see you soon.
“Bye! Thank you again!”
“Did you just offer to babysit Jee?” Buck asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“I.. you’re just really amazing, you know that?” Buck said with a soft smile.
“It’s nothing, Evan. You’re my family, which makes her, them, my family too. Of course I’d help.” He kissed Bucks temple and got up to finish packing his bag.
Family. He’d said it so nonchalantly. They hadn’t said anything as serious between each other yet, although Buck had been dancing around the ‘L’ word for weeks like a world class ballet dancer; desperate to say it yet utterly terrified of saying it.
It was going to be even trickier to not let it slip out when Tommy says such sweet shit like calling his family his family.
They finished packing their stuff and separated for the following 48 hours thanks to their shifts for once actually lining up for a full week - 48 on, then 72 hours off. Together.
Tommy arrived at Maddie’s to a very excited Jee-yun grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the coffee table to show him what she was doing.
“I’m sorry she’s in a very important friendship bracelet making phase right now.” Maddie told him.
“Well that’s just perfect because I love friendship bracelets!” He said in an exaggerated way for Jees benefit.
“You do?!” Jee asked
“Of course!”
Maddie stopped by the door for a moment just watching the way Tommy was with her. Every time he’d been over with her brother he always made time to indulge whatever she wanted his attention for. A little picture in her head of her brothers future flew by and she smiled at the thought.
“You okay?” Tommy asked pulling her back to reality.
“Uh, yeah. I should be no more than an hour. You have mine and howies numbers and everyone else’s are on the fridge just in case. Bye baby! Be good for Tommy!”
“So.. what bracelet are we making?” He asked Jee.
“For you!”
“For me?” She nodded. “Okay. How about you pick the colours and tell me what it should say and I’ll thread it together. Sound good?”
“Now that is the best friendship bracelet I have ever seen! Don’t you think?” Tommy held his wrist up to Jee to inspect their work.
“And the prettiest!”
“I agree! Good job.” He held out his hand for a high five which of course she gave him.
2 days later Buck was picking up Tommy from work and though exhausted from his own gruelling shift he was practically vibrating at the prospect of 72 uninterrupted hours with his lo- boyfriend.
“Hey babe.” He greeted Tommy getting in his car.
“Hey baby.” Tommy leaned over and pressed a quick kiss on the corner of Bucks mouth. “Good shift?”
“Exhausting. Please tell me you feel like take out? I don’t have the energy to cook?”
“This is why I-“ he stopped himself. Again. “-why were, uh, perfect for each other. You read my mind.”
45 minutes later they’d arrived at Bucks apartment and were getting undressed to shower. Something caught bucks eye as Tommy removed his shirt and undershirt in one pull.
“Hold up.” He lightly grabbed Tommys wrist, inspecting the glittery pink and white letter beads threaded around the elastic. “What’s this?”
“Oh.” Tommy smiled fondly. “Jee wanted to make friendship bracelets when I baby sat her the other day. I promised her I wouldn’t take it off. The guys at the station have been riding my ass about for the last 2 days.” He laughed.
Bucks finger tip glided across the letters “Uncle Tommy.” He read out loud and looked at him.
“Yeah.” He laughed “She told me what she wanted on it.”
Buck just looked at him with the softest eyes.
“Just so I understand correctly: you offered to babysit my 4 year old niece, you willingly made friendship bracelets with her, including her calling you uncle Tommy, promised you wouldn’t take it off, then kept that promise when your colleagues make fun of you even though she wouldn’t know if you’d taken it off?”
“I would know, Evan, and I promised i wouldn’t.”
Buck threw his arms around Tommys neck and planted a firm few kisses onto Tommys lips.
“Hmm. What was that for?” He smiled.
“Because I love you.”
Tommy face morphed into a bigger smile. “I love you too.” He kissed Buck back for a few seconds before pulling away. “I’d love you more if you order the damn pizza - I’m starving!”
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octuscle · 2 months
Gold and coal
Johannes was a passionate influencer. When he felt like it. Actually, he only called himself an "influencer" because it sounded better than "slacker" or "professional son". He actually made a good living from his parents' money, which he spent at parties, shopping and traveling.
"So, what do you think of my cute new hat? I found it at this very cool market here in Ankara. It goes well with the necklace, doesn't it?" There were fewer likes on the picture than usual. Comments instead. Critical comments. Why he suddenly has such a beard. Johannes grabbed his chin. He had no beard, he had no beard growth at all. And he had carefully retouched the picture before posting it on Instagram. There had been no beard. But still: the photo above the caption clearly showed a beard…
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He would have to deal with it later. Johannes had a full schedule. Working out at a gym, which surprisingly enough actually wanted to pay him, a visit to a Turkish bath and cocktails and dinner at a trendy rooftop bar in the evening. Even though Johannes was a hedonist, he was usually well organized and punctual. But at the gym, his schedule started to slip. He trained harder and longer than usual. He felt full of energy. And the traditional Turkish bath and hammam were fantastic. He met super interesting people there. Surprisingly, in the two weeks he had been traveling around Turkey, he had picked up more Turkish than he thought he would. He struck up conversations with people and they got on with each other using their hands and feet. Actually, he should have been up on the roof terrace, styled and with a gin and tonic in his hand, when he left the Turkish bath with a real Turkish stallion. The two of them had shagged like Johannes had never shagged before in his life. Johannes' hair was still oily from the scalp massage. He was sweating. His stallion asked him if they wanted to have another cup of tea and a shisha. They did. And then Johannes was fucked again in the stallion's apartment!
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"as-salāmu ʿalaikum, brothers! Today will be a great day. I'm going on a tour of the insider tips in Ankara with my brother Hakan today. But now it's time to pray. salla Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam."
There was a hail of question marks as comments. Friends asked whether he had gone mad. But he also received positive feedback. Because of his style. Because of his faith. These comments were mostly in Turkish or Arabic. Both languages that Johannes (or Yahya, as he called himself here) understood more poorly than well. But he recognized praise in every language!
Hakan and Yahya had a great day. In public, they were the typical machos, but Hakan knew the places in Ankara where there was good, hard sex. Yahya sucked a minister's cock in the station toilet. And got 200 US dollars for an obviously good performance. Enough money for a good evening in the hammam and a good shisha afterwards.
The apartment that Hakan and Yahya shared was small and stuffy. The housing shortage in Ankara was no different to anywhere else in Turkey. But thanks to their small extra income, they at least had three rooms. Pure luxury for two people.
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For Yahya, Instagram and other social media were actually just full of sin and Western decadence. But of course they were important media for receiving news from his brothers. His own account existed. Nothing more. He followed a handful of fellow believers who posted frequently, but he didn't really have any followers himself. He still had an old account from his school days. His name was still Johannes. But he hadn't looked in there for years.
Working at the bazaar as a porter was hard and exhausting. But the bazaar was full of niches where you could earn money with services that his sheikh shouldn't know about. Although Hakan thought he had shagged the sheikh before. But Yahya didn't really believe that. But he didn't really care… The main thing was that he and Hakan had enough money and fun. They prayed for that. Not necessarily five times a day. But about ten times a week. If they sucked more cock, they prayed more often. And Yahya sometimes had to pray very often. He was grateful that he didn't stand out too much with his hairy body and bushy beard. But the blond hair was exotic. And many customers were willing to pay a lot for sex with a blond Muslim.
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Yahya and Hakan were minor celebrities in the bazaar. Firstly, because they were oil wrestlers on their way to competing against each other for the title of national champion. On the other hand, because they were only simple porters. But they knew every corner, every trader and always knew everything. "Ask Yahya or Hakan!" was a common saying if you wanted to know anything. Or if you wanted a special service. But they didn't talk about details in the bazaar.
Pics made by @ki-kink
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: A Day In The Life
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Summary: You do a mini TikTok vlog of a day in the life with your boys while pregnant. (Pregnancy announcement to the public!)
Warnings: Fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
January 10, 2024
After posting some more pranks I've done on Joe, surprisingly, my following on TikTok has grown significantly.
Usually, posting Joe on my socials garnered negative attention, AKA hate. I did it because social media apps were meant to share your life, and Joe was a huge part of my life.
I never meant it in a braggadocios way, but that's what people seemed to take from my family photos and post-win pics with my husband.
That's why I was so surprised to see that everyone loved my Joe pranks.
The comments held a consensus that I’d never seen under a post of mine, they loved Joe and I’s dynamic.
I didn't need the public fan validation to make me feel secure in my relationship with Joe, but for once, they understood how special our relationship was, and some even apologized for past statements.
“They love us, Joe.” - you
“No, honey, they love you.” - Joe smiled
After those words were shared, Joe pointed out how all the comments were mostly praising me.
“take back everything I said abt her.”
“stop she matches joe’s energy so well…”
“the way he can’t stay mad at her, they’re so in love”
“actually such a cute couple”
“they compliment each other so well!”
“i see why joe married her! 🥹”
“i want y/n to be MY mom.”
“who gave y/n the right to be so adorable.”
“she’s so fun!”
“the way joe looks at her.. 😭”
“still jealous, but he loves her sm.”
“i bet y/n’s the best mom and wife”
“Everyone’s switching sides now, but they never deserved hate. Joe wouldn't marry her if he didn't love her, and I'm glad that you guys can see that now. She makes him really happy!!”
“See? Some are even requesting more videos, baby. Do you see how many new followers you've gotten?” - Joe
“It's just because I posted content of you…” - you
“No, don't say that. It's because you showed your personality, and they love you. They see why I love you.” - Joe
“Do you really think so?” - you
“I know so. Everyone thinks your pranks are hilarious, you're funny, and you handle me super well.” - Joe
“I do handle you super well.” - you laughed
“The best.” - Joe winked
That was two days ago, right after we put the twins to sleep and right before we went to bed ourselves.
Currently being nine in the morning, I just woke up.
It was off-season now, but that still meant early mornings.
This morning was a little different, though, because I was making a ‘day in the life’ TikTok.
Since my pranks had become a hit, I've gotten quite a few video ideas from fans in the comments. Most wanted to see more of our everyday lives and wanted to know what it was like as an NFL wife and mother.
So, I decided to do a short video to show what our family day routine was like on an average off-season day.
The thing is… Joe didn't know it was happening.
Joe loved that I was finally being seen the way he saw me but was still weary of what I was posting.
He wasn't a huge fan of social media, and being super public with our relationship and kids, he detested it.
I respected it, but sometimes Joe would ask to participate in a video unprompted.
Lately, that has become a bigger case, so I was hoping he wouldn't mind taking part in the mini-vlog.
Joe was still asleep when I got out of bed, so I discreetly walked into the bathroom after grabbing my phone.
I wouldn't be talking in the video, just showcasing the sounds of the background and whatever I was doing, while the text that I would put over it later would describe what was going on.
After making little clips of me brushing my teeth, washing my face, and brushing my hair out, I walked back into the bedroom.
Next, I recorded a little snippet of me picking out my outfit - leggings and one of Joe’s hoodies - before turning my phone off to get changed.
Now that I was ready, I headed downstairs to start breakfast.
I pulled ingredients out of the fridge for Joe’s smoothie, omelets for me and me, and some of the ingredients for the boy's pancakes.
Just as I was starting the blender, a sleepy-looking Joe with raging bedhead shuffled into the kitchen.
“G’morning.” - you grinned
Thankfully, he put on sweatpants and a T-shirt, and I was glad of that because he'd complain about being shirtless on camera.
“Hi.” - Joe mumbled
“You good, buddy?” - you laughed
“Mhm. I just don't like waking up to see that you're not next to me.” - Joe
“Awe, I'm sorry. C’mere.” - you
I opened my arms to Joe, and he immediately was in my embrace. My arms were around his waist as I squeezed him, and his head lay on my shoulder.
When he pulled away from me, Joe’s eyes landed on the recording camera and immediately went wide-eyed.
“Why are you recording?” - Joe
“I'm making a ‘day in the life' video. I won't put anything in it that you aren't comfortable with, like what just happened.” - you
“Oh… ok. Yeah, don't put that in, though, because I sound like a baby.” - Joe
His grimace made me laugh because I thought our interaction was cute. Then again, I loved Joe’s needy, soft side. It was purely adorable.
“My baby.” - you grinned
“Stop…” - Joe
Joe was trying to hide his smile as his cheeks turned pink, and I couldn't help but giggle. I loved knowing I could make him blush, even after all the years we've been together.
“Do you need help recording anything?” - Joe
“Not at the moment, but if I do, I'll ask you.” - you
“Okay. Want me to make the pancakes?” - Joe
“Sure! Can I get a clip of you flipping them?” - you
“Of course.” - Joe smiled
Shortly after that, Joe got started on the pancakes, and I recorded a little video to get audio of the sizzling from the hot pan.
When I got a short clip of Joe flipping a mini pancake, I didn't put his face in it, but you could very clearly see it was him. His easily recognized bracelets and hands gave that away, along with the laugh the speaker picked up when he executed the flip perfectly.
“I should be a pro cook.” - Joe
“We both know that shouldn't happen.” - you
Joe busted out laughing and told me to put that in the mini-vlog.
“Will do.” - you giggled
Later in the day, I had gotten most of the wanted content filmed, including waking the boys up, breakfast, and playing/cleaning around the house.
Now, Joe, Me, and the boys were on our way to the reason for the entire video.
AKA the ultrasound that I'm having today.
It was a hard launch of my pregnancy, but Joe and I thought we'd include it in the video since my maternity photoshoot wasn't for a couple more weeks. The reason we were announcing it before the shoot was because it was getting hard to hide my growing bump. We’d much rather announce it ourselves than someone screenshot a picture of me in the background with a round belly.
When we got sent back to the ultrasound room, Joe sat in the chair next to where I was. Tyson was in Joe’s lap while Miles sat in the chair next to them.
“You ready to see sissy?” - Joe
Tyson and Miles both nodded, causing Joe and I to both smile.
Soon the ultrasound tech walked into the room and before I knew it, the familiar feeling of cold gel on my stomach made me hiss.
“Okay, Mama?” - Joe
“Gel’s just cold. I'm fine.” - you smiled
Joe made sure to get a good video of you watching the monitor, and he felt tears pricking in his eyes at the sight of his baby girl.
He would never get tired of being called, girl dad, Joe wore it like a proud Boy Scout who had just received a new badge.
“Baby Girl is doing great, measuring how she should be, and is very healthy.” - Tech
“Good.” - you and Joe in sync
After a few more minutes, she wiped off my bump, and I was set to go.
Joe helped me off of the chair and pulled the hoodie back over my stomach.
“I love you.” - Joe grinned
“I love you too.” - you
I spent the first thirty minutes back home editing together the clips I already had, getting approval from Joe for each one.
It surprised me how much feedback and “Oh, this would be cool!” Joe was giving me. He liked this more than I thought he would.
We ate dinner just shortly after that, and the rest of the afternoon was slow, as it usually was.
Tyson and Miles went to bed earlier than usual, so Joe and I spent the majority of the evening watching space documentaries that Joe had been wanting to watch.
The last video of the day routine vlog was of the TV in front of us, Joe’s hand on my bump in view, as well as our legs tangled together.
I never truly appreciated the little things in my everyday life till they were pointed out in a video, like how Tyson always looks at Joe for approval before doing something or how Miles's eyes crinkle up when he smiles, just like his daddy’s.
Watching back at the completed TikTok while tucked into my handsome husband’s side as he rubbed over my baby bump and drew little shapes on it with his thumb had me thinking something I seem to always find my mind drifting off to. Oh, boy, was I one lucky girl.
Authors note: cutie family fluff for Sunday
Request for this fic; thank you anon! 🫶
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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hvly · 2 months
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
speaking : yep, you heard right 🙂‍↕️ every show/manga i read is gonna get hit with my virgin ray. "i love virgins, anon ! I LOVE VIRGIIINS !"
𓆩𖥔𓆪 — disclaimer ! these are just my opinions ! if you disagree, cool. let's keep it cute. tbh, they all could be virgins, but they’re the most pressing in my eyes.
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Nirei Akihiko
Don't get me wrong, I like Nirei alot ! I think he's super cute and he's so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. But, until his confidence goes up, ain't nothing going down. i do think he has a separate notebook with sex tips that's he gathered from various sources. From friends he worked up the courage to ask, to Cosmo articles, to the pornos he watches on lonely nights. When he finally get brave enough to try though, best believe he'll be prepared for any possible scenario.
Sugishita Kyotaro
Again, I feel like perhaps because he's tall, quiet and handsome, y'all think he'd be laying pipe. I mean, the quiet ones are usually the nastiest in bed, right? extremely loud incorrect buzzer. It'd be a miracle to actually get a sentence out of him. And it'd be another miracle to convince him to come shake the sheets instead of playing Umemiya's shadow. The plants he takes care of have a better chance getting wet by him than you ever will.
Tsugeura Taiga
Straight up, he just scares away any possible suitors. Plus, he's a little slow on the uptake. Between being loud and a bit off putting, and his his inability to catch social cues, he is unfortunately stuck in perpetual virgindom. That's it, that's all.
Sakura Haruka
Now, put the torches and pitchforks down before y'all drag me to the town square. How do we as a collective think Sakura would react if he saw you naked? Stand there reveling in the majesty that is you, dick so hard he might pass out? No. He'd turn red and start yelling before you even get your shoes off. Get him more comfortable with being romantic/sexual, and i’m sure the yelling, stomping, flailing and cherry red blush will die down…in a couple years. Best of luck !
Saku Mizuki
Wannabe General Mizuki. The minute I saw him, I knew he was getting NO pussy. And that makes me sad for him, it truly does. He's too stiff. If, for some odd reason on your part, you decided to lay the moves on him, he'd probably lecture you on how it's inappropriate to shamelessly flirt with people. He'd kill the mood so bad. Plus that one dude called him ugly and he turned around..oof
Takiishi Chika
Take this one with a grain of salt, but from what I've gathered...he just would not be interested. I'm sure Endo has tried bringing it to his attention before. And I'm also sure he got the fire knocked out his ass as soon as it left his mouth. Now, if does decide to get his dick wet, I hope you're fully resigned to letting him do whatever he wants and possibly leaving unsatisfied. Utter anything that sounds like you're telling him what to do? Let's leave getting beat up to Endo, mkay?
Shuhei Suzuri
I think he finds fulfillment and joy in his hobbies and that's all he needs. Being able to cook for people and enjoy his games gives him the satisfaction he was missing when he was in extreme poverty. I'm sure he wouldn't really mind losing his virginity either way, but it's definitely not on the forefront of his mind. A consistently full belly and a couple video games is good enough for now.
Choji Tomiyama
He thinks everything is a game and plays entirely too much to just be fucking for real. And I think he's fine with that ! He's carefree and he's content knocking people's heads together. I do think you could probably get him to give losing his virginity a true shot if you compare him to Umemiya or make it a competition, though. But who's gonna do all that to nut? (I really just added him to make one specific person mad. Let me know if it worked <3)
Honorable Mention : Togame Jo & Umemiya Hajime
Just cuz I want to be the one to take their virginity. I have no real reason LMAOOO.
© 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 hvly 2024. 𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰�� 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧y.
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snookienthusi4st · 2 months
light yagami x fem! reader hcs
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warnings: smut, bondage, degradation, angst if you squint, reader has a death note, au where he doesn’t die even though he totally deserved it/j
note: i apologize in advance when i tell you that i do not care for this man in the slightest but i’m doing my best for you guys 🙏 i might’ve self entered a bit in this bc i was so mad when he started yelling at misa so feel free to alter it based on your personality
nsfw under the cut
• you two met when he found out there was a second kira(you’re basically misa plot wise)
• you agree with his morals and his plans to rid the world of evil, so you admire from afar
• instead of going over to his place you send tapes and letters to him like misa did, letting him know where you are so he can see you if he wishes
• you’re smart, pretty, and the moment he finally meets you, he’s aware of how perfect things played out
• you’re the perfect cover girlfriend, and task force won’t suspect a thing when they realize you two are an item, so he might as well string you along, right?
• so he makes you aware of everything he’s trying to do and you both agree to a fake relationship to keep the task force at bay
• it works! but to his surprise, he ends up getting attached
• he actually ends up finding you nice to be around, which he’s definitely not used to
• you’d come over sometimes back when he’s living with his parents and hang out with sayu, she loves you like the older sister she didn’t have bc she got stuck w a clinically insane older brother instead
• you bring apples for ryuk and give him hugs kinda like misa does, he thinks you’re cool
• as the case progresses, he realizes how much he actually likes you as a person and it kinda scares him
• so like anybody does, he ends up asking you out around the time where he starts living by himself
“do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“i already am your girlfriend, genius.”
“no, i mean-“
• you accept happily, having developed feelings for him as well over the course of your time together
• when he’s not busy getting the task force off his tail, he’s an exceptionally sweet boyfriend
• his dream is to live in a world of justice where he knows you’re safe wherever you end up going <3
• he’s like the embodiment of vanilla ice cream when it comes to romantic gestures
• just the normal stuff like flowers, forehead kisses, cuddling at night etc etc
• sometimes he snaps a bit when things aren’t going to plan but unlike misa, you’re actually assertive and don’t take shit from this man so he learns to keep himself regulated
• it’s kinda cute seeing him all submissive and apologetic once he realizes what he said
“just shut up and do what i told you, alright?”
“excuse me?”
“i-i mean..”
“rephrase that sentence.”
“sorry, sorry. can you..”
• you kinda have to learn how to be the man of the house smtimes to avoid his habit of needing a power dynamic to boss you around
• he genuinely doesn’t mean to lash out, it’s just how he’s always gotten things done and he’s never been accustomed to much else
• but you’ve helped him grow into someone that asks ppl to do what he tells them a bit more politely :3
• whenever you’re worried about him overworking himself, he’ll probably dismiss it
• but if you’re like really worried he’ll let you sit with him while he’s at work
• like it’s late and he’s writing down names and he feels your head lean against his shoulder
• and then he ruffles your hair with his free hand and shifts a bit in his seat to make you more comfortable
• sex
• i just know bro is incredibly misogynistic in bed
• like he doesn’t mean it but the way he talks has him sounding like a white man before the equal rights movement
“god, you’re such a slut..”
• but if you’re like me and you’re not rlly into that, don’t worry! bc if you communicate that to him he’ll be super sweet
• but a few degrading terms might still slip out every now and then
• would definitely be into CONSENSUAL bondage
• like watching your hands shake against the ties on them as he goes so teasingly slow
• you might have to peg him and lower his ego a bit tho
• he hates how much he enjoys handjobs
• or blowjobs
• literally anything oral is his weak spot
• achilles heel achilles dick, you feel me?
• like he’d love having to stay quiet while you suck him off under his desk as he writes down names or does his homework
• sometimes he has rough days and gets touchier like an unsaid ask for you to give him head
• like you’re js chilling and then you get a hug frm behind, and you’re confused for a sec until it hits you that he’s wanting you
• would play video games with you if you’re into that stuff
• he’d act uninterested but it takes him back to easier times like playing w sayu when he was younger
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lovebugism · 10 months
Okay, for your Blurbcember what about "Don't you think gingerbread houses with gingerbread men are kinda morbid? I mean, it's a house made out of flesh?" with Steve? And reader just pauses, bag of icing in hand while the gingerbread roof slowly slips off and stares at Steve like boy, I love you but what tf is in your eggnog?
you might be genius for this one, anon. hope u like it!! — you, the grump of the group, try hopelessly to decorate a gingerbread house with your perfectly ditzy bf (grump!reader, established relationship, fluff, 0.8k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
“We can’t decorate this if you keep eating all the candy. You know that, right?” Your voice comes in a concentrated, half-annoyed monotone. You’d be grumpier about it if you weren’t so focused. Now, you’re more worried about piping even shingles on the gingerbread roof than your boyfriend eating all of your supplies.
Steve stops chewing with a cheekful of something sugary. “Sorry,” he apologizes, mostly muffled.
You lay the piping bag on the tabletop and flash a deadpanned glance to the boy beside you. With his hair grown out and pushed over his head, chiseled jaw scruffy and unshaven, and ugly Christmas sweater pushed up to his elbows — you think he’s the coziest he’s ever looked. Far too pretty to be mad at.
“Can you hand me the gumdrops?”
He nods enthusiastically, happy to finally help in some way. He reaches to his left for the plastic bag of vividly colored candies. The bag is lighter than he expected, and much much emptier. It shouldn’t surprise him. He’s the one that ate them all.
“Sorry…” he repeats as he passes the bag to you. He gives you a crooked smile in return, an enthusiastic glimmer in the honey of his eye. “It looks really pretty so far, though!”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” you murmur. 
Dustin told you that this was usually a team effort, a friendly competition between the whole group, but your fingers are the only ones cramping now. You delicately stick each gumdrop into place and try to ignore how tense your wrist has gotten. You figure the Henderson boy must be much of the same in the living room — he’s too much of a perfectionist for anything else.
“You’re the one that told me to stop helping!”
“‘Cause you almost broke the ceiling off, remember?”
“You underestimate my strength, sweetheart,” Steve argues, only half-joking. He leans his elbow on the table and props his scruffy chin on a balled-up fist. “My strong hands can crack that gingerbread, no problem.”
“Yeah. Okay,” you scoff.
“It doesn’t have to be perfect, okay? We just have to make it better than Dustin’s, because I do not want to spend another year with that little shit bragging about making the best house.”
Dustin Henderson is a little super genius, and Nancy, Robin, and Will are the judges this year. The odds of beating everyone’s favorite smartmouth aren’t exactly in your favor. You’re not the most creative person either, but you are pretty competitive. To a fault, some might say.
Honestly, the only reason you took this gig was because you wanted to spend more time with Steve. 
He doesn’t need to know that, though.
“Well, you didn’t have me a year ago, did you?” you quip, eyes still trained on the creation before you.
Steve grins so wide that it’s audible in his sickly sweet tone. “No. I didn’t. I got real lucky this go around, didn’t I?”
His smile grows when your face screws up in annoyance. “You’re disgusting…”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Hand me the candy canes,” you tell them. And then, because you’re trying to be nicer — “Please.”
With his lips quirked in a lopsided smile, he hands you the plastic bag. You stick a couple of the mini sticks into the makeshift yard, then break the ends off to use as windowsills. You put two of them together in a heart shape and stick them to the front of your house, just below the roof.
Steve’s chest swells with warmth. “Aw, that’s cute. You big softie.”
“Shut up…” you grumble.
“It’s a compliment,” the boy laughs, a sunshine sound that turns the kitchen golden. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. The bottom of his sweater lifts slightly, flashing a sliver of his stomach. “It’s real nice, you know, for a gingerbread house and everything.”
You squint at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, I mean— don’t you think gingerbread houses are kinda morbid? Like… It’s a house. Made out of their flesh.” He explains it all like it’s obvious, like it’s a thought he’s had a million times before. He scoffs out a laugh, amused by your visible confusion. “It’s kinda weird when you think about it.”
At a loss for words, you blink at the boy beside you. You don’t think you’ve ever been more dumbfounded — more in love with anybody else in the whole entire world.
Steve is so much different than you are. You’re sometimes too serious, easily annoyed, and a little bit gauche. And Steve is… like walking into the sun. He’s like walking into the sun for the very first time after a terribly long winter.
“What?” he says, chuckling at the silence. The plastic on the table crinkles audibly when he reaches for another gumdrop. He chucks three into his mouth at once, then remembers he isn’t supposed to be eating them at all. “Oh, shit— sorry, babe.”
“Did you spike the eggnog?” you blurt.
“No,” he scoffs, trying to get the candy out of the back of his teeth with his tongue.
You shake your head with a distant smile and try hopelessly to hide it from him. “You’re crazy,” you murmur under your breath.
Steve grins, lopsided and rosy, and with grains of sugar stuck to the corners of his mouth. “Yeah. For you.”
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Obey Me Headcanons
Topic: Fights
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Beel, Satan, Levi, Asmo, Belphie
Warnings: Angst, Lucifer being a little BITCH
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Getting into a fight with him hurts
He will point out every single way you need to improve yourself
And call you an imbecile while doing it
He’s just so pissed that he’s scolding you worse than Mammon
Call him a little bitch to throw him off
Start crying to make him feel bad >:D
He’s not the type to stay mad for long
Unless you’re like,,,legit making out with someone in front of him, he’s quick to apologize
But if you two happen to be in a really heated fight, he won’t necessarily be mad
Mammon acts more of a sad puppy dog
“Do you really think that?”
He gets very dejected its kinda heartbreaking
Pls apologize rn!!!
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Tsundere type of angry
“It’s not like I cared!”
He will deflect. 
It’s one of the worst types of defense mechanisms 
If you just leave him alone for a while
Eventually he will be so consumed with playing back the fight
That he will apologize
Feel free to flick him
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I dont wanna fight Satan
I feel like he’d slap me not that I would mind
Similar fighting style to Lucifer
He’s a little more cold and doesn’t really point out your faults
He just insults you
“Are you choosing to be this childish right now? Do you really want to fight over this?”
He’s stubborn and will totally drag out a fight
It can either end in you two awkwardly apologizing
Or not talking for weeks
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I feel like getting in a fight with him wouldn’t be an actual fight
He’d just be super condescending
“Oh? So that’s how you feel. Cute.”
Will scoff at you (it doesn’t sound like a big deal but it is)
“Darling, I just don’t understand why you’re upset. I did nothing wrong.”
It will end in you storming off in tears telling Asmo that he’s a self centered ass
Only then will he slightly feel bad 
(i love him it makes it sound like I don’t)
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Beel has trouble comprehending other’s feelings
He truly tries, but sometimes it’s frustrating
And when he’s frustrated, he shuts others out
“Beel, you can’t just sit there and eat. Talk to me.”
“I don’t want to.” 
It’s very aggravating when the you can’t get through to you
It’s the fact that he won’t even try to understand
Either sit down and talk it through, or have one of the brothers explain it 
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Two things can happen
The first is he completely ignores you
Every time you say something he just yawns, nods his head 
Or he says “I’m sorry” without even meaning it
Eventually, he’ll get so tired he’ll just go to sleep
The second thing that happens is the worst
Full on screaming match
Belphie is so fucking pissed he will start throwing insults
And maybe actual physial objects (not at you though)
If you slap him out of it, he’ll start profusely apologizing
If one of the brothers (Lucifer) intervenes, he’ll storm out of the house and disappear for days before coming back to apologize
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hi, love! So i’m not sure if your taking requests but i have a prompt for joel and you’re currently my favorite joel writer so 🥰 i can’t get this idea out of my head of reader being joel’s neighbor and being extremely nice and kind to everyone (especially to him and ellie cause she has feelings for him duh) and he’s kinda in love with her too but won’t admit it (ellie knows and nags him about it) but he also kinda judges her and thinks she’s “weak” cause she’s “too soft”, and then one day for whatever reason he ends up snapping at her and saying that “you have no idea what it is to lose a child” only to later find out from tommy that reader actually lost a baby under pretty awful circumstances and then he’s mortified but she’s super mad at him? I have no idea where this came from i guess i just like pain 🤷‍♀️ totally understand if you don’t feel like it though! Tks babe
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AN | Please, this is so cute but sad, but there’s also a happy ending 💕
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language, Mentions of child death
Word Count | 2.6k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The pie in your hands smelled delicious, still warm and fresh, as you waited on Joel's porch. You rocked back and forth on your heels as you listened for his familiar footsteps to come to the door. Just when you were about to give up and save it for later, the door slowly opened.
"Hey," there was Joel, leaning against the doorway with a lazy little smile on his face, "what a pleasant surprise."
"Me or the pie?" You always managed to fall into an easy rapport with him. Your back and forth always seemed to turn from teasing to flirting, honestly? You loved it.
"Oh, you brought pie? I didn't even notice," your cheeks warmed up at his response. You shook your head and sighed playfully at him. He stepped aside and motioned for you to follow him, "do you want to come in?"
"I suppose I can spare you a few minutes of my precious time," you flashed him a pretty smile as you flounced past him. Making your way into the kitchen, you set the pie down before uncovering it to show him, "I even made your favorite."
"You spoil me," he practically groaned at the sight of the delicious treat. He immediately turned to the cabinets to grab some plates, "what's the occasion?"
"There's none," you grabbed some forks and knives, "the trees produced so many apples we couldn't use them fast enough. I figured pie was a good solution and I know you love it. So here we are."
"Here we are," he agreed softly, "thank you, darlin'."
"No need to thank me," you sat down and cut into the pie, "you just owe me now."
"I am forever in your debt," he down across from you, a knowing little look in his pretty brown eyes. You made a small sound of agreement as you passed him a slice, "whatever you want, just name it."
"I'll take you up on that offer."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You should tell her you know,” Ellie broke the silence over dinner as she looked over at Joel from across the table. He froze with his fork about halfway to his mouth. He stuffed the bite into his mouth and took his sweet time swallowing it before sighing and raising an eyebrow at her, “don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“I do,” he admitted, figuring it was better to admit to the truth rather than lie to her. She looked so pleased with herself as she leaned back in her seat, “but I ain’t doing anything about anything. Get that into your head, kiddo.”
“Why not?” she huffed, waving her hand dismissively at him, “you’re so lame. Ugh.”
“Maybe I am,” he agreed with a nod of his head, “but your opinion isn’t going to change anything. I am okay with how things are right now. There’s no need to go and change things up.”
“But she feels the same way!” and it really was obvious; everyone knew. You also knew that everyone knew. It was like the worst kept secret in Jackson, “one of you has to make a move eventually.”
“Joel,” she looked at him seriously, her small face taking on a dire expression, “you’re being stupid.”
“You’re denying yourself potential happiness,” Joel had to admit that she had a point, regardless of whether or not he would act on it. He was so happy around you, you made him feel so alive and carefree and loved. You were like his very own ray of sunshine. He could only imagine what it would be like if the two of you added romance to the equation. It wasn’t hard to imagine what it would be like to kiss you and touch you and make love to you. It really would have been like a dream, “and her. Plus you’d be so cute together!”
“With that logic, she’s also denying herself happiness,” he wondered if you thought about him the way he thought about you. He’d be lucky if you even spared him more than a passing thought, “so, have you given her this speech?”
“Not yet,” she admitted with a shrug of her shoulders, “I was going to try you first. She’s usually the more logical one…so.”
“So,” Joel mirrored Ellie’s position and crossed his arms over his broad chest, “you’ll leave her alone and drop this.”
“Not a chance!”
“I didn’t think so,” the girl shoved the last mouthful of food into her mouth, “I’m going to her.”
“I know,” Joel drummed his fingers along the table and let out a resigned sigh, “I know.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Despite Ellie's insistence that he tell you how he feels, he didn't do anything about it. Namely, he couldn't manage to work up the courage to do so. To him, admitting that he had feelings for you was akin to admitting he was weak. Feelings made people soft and made things harder when, inevitably, the relationship would end one way or another. Why would he willing put himself through that again? It had almost killed him when he'd lost Sarah and later when the same happened with Tess. If it hadn't been for Ellie, he wasn't sure he'd have made it. But Ellie was going to be around forever either.
It was a complicated tangle of emotions, and the best solution for him had to been to keep a few people, currently Tommy and Ellie, close while others remained behind a wall. 
You, meanwhile, loved and cared for people so openly. It was easy to see that in everything you said and did. You had a giant heart, but you were just setting yourself for failure. One day something bad would happen and you'd fall apart. Joel wasn't sure he could handle that. 
He didn't want to lose you; he loved you, he really did, but he also didn't want his heart to break.
Ellie had come to you as well and pushed you to profess your feelings. While not as in denial about everything as Joel, you weren't about to make that first leap. What if you overstepped and pushed him away? You didn't want that; you'd rather keep him as a friend than lose him entirely.
You'd noticed over the last couple of weeks that something had been nagging at Joel. You didn't push the issue, but hoped he'd trust you enough to confide in you at some point.
It turned out that some point didn't come as you expected.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Joel had come over to your house, and the two of you were making dinner together. It was a routine you'd often fall into and it felt so blissfully domestic. You'd never really made a comment about it before, but something caused you to feel a certain amount of bravado and led you to actually pointing it out.
"You know, this is so much like playing house," you teased softly as you nudged his side with your elbow.
"It does," he agreed with a small smile. He liked the idea of living with you permanently. If he was being honest, the thought of sleeping with you and waking up to you in his arms, of spending lazy evenings in a tangle of limbs was something that crossed his mind more than he cared to admit. In another life, he'd have made those moves already and might have even called you this wife, "kinda nice."
"Mhmm," you continued chopping away at the fresh vegetables that you'd picked for dinner, "all that's missing now is a couple of kids running around."
He stiffened for a moment, his mind first going to the image of you round and pregnant with his child and then to sheer terror. Kids were all well and good, but something just told him they would be a bad idea. He remained silent and kept his gaze on the stove.
"You ever think about having kids in  the future?" you had hesitated for a moment before asking but, how did that old saying go? Curiosity killed the cat?
"No," he said without a second thought. It was a lie, of course it was. He'd thought about it a lot, especially since he'd met you. 
"Oh," your breath hitched in your throat at the sudden shift in emotion. You focused on what was in front of you rather than anything else. Something was off and you could immediately sense that you might have said the wrong thing. It was still hard for you too sometimes, "I'm sure that it's still…hard. Losing your daughter….I'm sure it was the hardest thing ever. I l-"
“Don’t,” there was a furious look on his face and you couldn’t help the way you recoiled away from him. He’d gone through such a shift in emotions that it was a little scary - you’d never seen him like this before, “don’t fucking talk about my daughter.”
“Joel, I didn’t mean anything by it,” you felt a few hot, salty tears run down your cheeks. You took a step back to create a distance between yourself, wiping the tears away with the sleeve of your sweater, “I was just saying-”
“You don’t know shit,” he stormed towards the door and threw it open harshly. You were surprised that it didn’t fall off the hinges, “you have no clue what it’s like to lose a child.”
With that, he stormed off, leaving you there staring in shock. Your mind was still trying to process what was going on as you closed the door. Your whole body felt like it was trembling as you leaned against the counter and took a few deep breaths. 
That wasn’t him, is what you tried to keep telling yourself. That wasn’t your Joel…he would never have talked to you like that. A sensitive topic had been brought up and he was hurting…anyone could have responded in such a manner. 
But, you decided, you’d give him some space. Maybe seeing you wasn’t the best thing for him right now….you were sure he’d come to you when he was ready to. Until then you would just love and support him from a distance; but that was the thing and you hoped he knew it too - you’d always love him. Not matter what happened, Joel Miller had your heart.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey big brother,” Tommy caught Joel’s attention as he walked into the tavern, flashing him a meek smile. Joel looked up and offered a wave in a sign of acknowledgment. Before he could say anything else, Tommy’s fist collided with his face, causing him to stumble off his stool. He clutched at his face, surprised by the sudden attack, “heard you were being an asshole.”
“What the fuck!?” Joel clutched at his face in shock as he took in Tommy's angry expression. And here he thought that they were getting along well these days. But then he said - your name, "listen-"
"No, you listen," Tommy grabbed by the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer so only he could hear his next words, "I can't believe you yelled at her. And you told her she doesn't know what it's like to lose a child? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?" Joel's brows furrowed in confusion. Yes, he hated himself for yelling at you, but it had all been in the moment. He agreed with that part anyway, "what are you talking about?"
"You're an idiot and an asshole," Tommy shook his head, "you're not the only one who's lost everything. You're not the only one who's lost their child."
"She lost her son," Joel's face fell as realization crashed over him like an icy wave, "to one of those clicker bastards. It almost got her too. You ever notice that scar on her face? Now you know where it comes from."
"Next time don't assume you know everything," he shoved him and put a bit of distance between themselves, "don't ever be a dick to her again. It won't end well."
With that, Tommy left Joel sitting there with a sore face and aching heart. Not that it was undeserved, but still. Joel knew what he had to do, but he wasn't sure you'd give him the time of day. But you were so good and kind that he realistically knew that you'd let him explain. 
All those things that he thought had made you weak actually made you so stronger. Much stronger than he was apparently.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late in the evening a couple of days later when he knocked at your door. You were both surprised but in a way had been expecting him. It was Joel after all, and the two of you shared a special bond; it wouldn’t be so easily broken. 
“H-hi,” his cheeks immediately pinked when he saw your pretty face and he felt like either running away and never looking back or throwing up then and there. You offered him a small smile in return but otherwise remained silent, “I, uh, I wanted to…I came to…apologize. I’m sorry for the other day. It doesn’t excuse it, but I was just wanted to let you know. So…yeah.”
“Do you want to come in?” you asked softly, causing him to look at you in pure awe. 
"I just made some tea," you stepped aside and beckoned for him to follow, "I couldn't sleep so I thought it might help."
He was incredulous as he stepped into your kitchen and watched you make him a cup. In the warm yellow light of the kitchen, he studied you intently. He noticed the scar running from your cheek and disappearing into your temple. It wasn't the first time he spotted the scar but it was the first time he made the connection.
"Why?" He asked as he sat down across from you, pulling the cup of tea closer, "why aren't you telling me to go fuck myself and leave?"
"There's no reason to," you shrugged before taking a long, thoughtful sip of your tea, "I assume Tommy told you by now."
"How'd you know?"
"I can see the bruising on your face," you reached over and gently ghosted your finger along his skin, "and no one would dare to hit you besides him. Or maybe Ellie."
"I'm sorry," he repeated, wrapping his fingers around your wrist and giving it a squeeze, "I had no clue."
"It's not something I usually go and advertise," you sat back in your seat and exhaled slowly, "losing a child isn't easy. It doesn't really get easier but time lessens the sting. I can tell you more about…him and everything that happened sometime. If you want to hear it, but not tonight. Tonight we can just…just be."
"Yes," he reached for your hand and put his hand on top of yours, "I know it doesn't seem like it but I…care for you. Very deeply."
"I know you do, Joel," your assurance made him feel so much lighter; it felt like the weight of the world was off his shoulders, "I care for you too. There's a lot we still have to learn about each other Joel, but I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here."
"Me too," there was a hopeful smile on his face as you squeezed his hand, "I'm not going anywhere."
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eustasskidagenda · 1 year
Could you maybe write a scenario where reader gets super drunk and Kid takes care of them. I think he’d seem mad but actually be really sweet
Thank you!!
Hello, dear anon! Thank you for your request. I'm always happy to write with Kid and I had a lot of fun with this one! Hope it meets your expectations.
☆Kid (trying) to take care of a drunk s/o
CW : alcohol, cursing, vomiting, and mentions of sex, fun, fluff, g/n reader
WC: around 1,300
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Your whole world is completely blurred. How many beers have you consumed since the beginning of the evening? Too much, you even lose the count. You just get carried away by the happy mess created by your fellow mates. From far, the Victoria Punk crew might seem scary, weird, or even rude, but it's like a big family of marginalized people and you love cheering with them. But now, you feel really drunk. Way, way too much alcohol in your system, you’re totally intoxicated.
"One more," you mutter under your breath, slurring all your words. Heat is on his way to bring you another cup of alcohol when a large manicured hand falls on the table brutally. "No fucking more, you moron." You try to frown but you're way too drunk, so you just fail miserably and start laughing, trying to grab the beer. "Come on Kid, don't ruin the fun." You're forced to scream because the punk music inside the bar is way too loud. "You're so weak, how can you get so drunk with a few beers?" He mumbles, glancing angrily at Wire and Heat. They were supposed to take care of you, but now you're so drunk that you struggle to keep your eyes open and laugh stupidly at Kid. The way he looks annoyed is amusing. Or maybe it's just the alcohol running through your vein that makes everything funny. Your eyes are wet with alcohol and your cheeks are completely red. You’re in a good mood. The music is great and you're with your friends. Kid is just killing the fun, as always. 
"Come on babe, just join us." You say, showing the place next to you. Kid growls, takes the tankard away from you, and grabs your chins, trying to cross your gaze. "Tomorrow, don't fucking cry because of your hangover, you did that to yourself. Now, we go back to the Victoria Punk, the party is over for you." You just giggle because he looks funny with that angry expression on his face. It's like seeing a tulip almost exploding. "I'm not kidding, y/n" 
You pout with wet puppy eyes. Kid growls. "I won't change my mind", he snarls. Yes, maybe you look cute with that expression on your face, but nothing can change Kid's mind. He's way too stubborn and right now, he's mad at you. Even if you were with Heat and Wire, something could happen. And if someone hurt you, he would never forgive himself. 
"Move your ass, y/n." You don't move and laugh heartily, the music pulsating inside your head. The guitar and beats are both excellent. Trying to follow the music's rhythm, you move your head, but you're too drunk and end up vomiting on the table and the floor. Kid reacts quickly by grabbing your hair and taking it away from your face. He's muttering curses under his breath. "Goddamn!" He hands you a napkin he just stole to Heat and wipes your mouth. Afterwards, he offers you a glass of iced water. "Drink." You are too dizzy to think anymore, so you accept his help and swallow all the cold water, sighing of relief. "Can you stand up?" Kid asks, throwing the dirty napkin on Heat's face. It's his punishment for letting you drink too much. 
You try to stand up and fail miserably, but before your body hits the ground, Kid's strong arms are around your waist. Even though he's mumbling and growling, he still looks sweet right now. You nuzzle your head against his bare chest, he growls, cheeks as red as his hair, but he lets you use his chest as a pillow and carry you outside the bar. His heart beats quickly against your head, and you can feel it. That sound is something you love, it's like a lullaby. Often, you're worried for your dear captain, he's way too cocky and one day, it might cost him his life. You are terrified by that thought.
Outside, the air is cold and fresh. You inhale the night air deeply. Yes. Better than a mixture of sweat and alcohol. "You're not cold?" Kid is an hot-headed, and even his body is always warm and hot. So you shake your head. "I feel sick," you complain. "Don't you dare vomiting on me or I throw you to the sea." He's so unserious you can only laugh. Playfully, you start to kiss his neck, pinching his nipple, before fondling his chest. "Honk honk" You giggle and press his toned muscles repeatedly. "What the hell, you're a fucking child…" He just sighs, too tired to fight back and honestly a bit flustered. You look absolutely idiotic and yet, you're so adorable, laughing heartily while playing with his chest.
Once you finally reach the Victoria Punk, Kid just stomps through the ship and gets to your shared bedroom, throwing you on the bed. You whine, half asleep and half sick. The headache is starting to reverberate in your head and your world is completely blurred. Yes, maybe you drank too much tonight. "Get changed," he commands before leaving the room. You can hear him mumbling something like, 'How the fuck am I supposed to deal with someone who's drunk, that's Killer responsability"
You laugh. He's trying his hardest.
You try to untie your shoes but end up failing miserably on the ground. So when Kid comes back with some water and pills, he honestly wants to facepalm.  You look like a stranded seal. First, he drops off his stuff on the nightstand and then sits you at the edge of the bed. "You're better off forgetting everything about tomorrow," he growls before kneeling down and removing your shoes. Kid only kneels for one thing, that thing that makes you shiver and leaves you both exausted and satisfied. So, this situation is completely unexpected and you can't help but smile, intoxicated by all the alcohol you drank earlier. "Kid is kneeling in front of me, Heat and Killer will never believe me!" 
He snarls 'Shut up,' completely embarrassed, before standing up. He unbuttons your shirt, takes off your pants, and leaves you with your underwear. His eyes can't help but take a look at your beautiful body. He just loves every single detail about you. Oh, he would love to run his callused hands on your skin, driving you to new heights. But right now, you're too drunk. If you vomit on his face while he's fucking you, it will remain in his mind forever. More important, you're wasted and your mind is too dizzy. He'll wait. So he just gives you the water and pills and watches closely until you swallow everything. 
"Now, just sleep and stop annoying the hell out of me." He pulls the blanket over your nose and places his hand on your forehead.  You grasp his wrist. "Stay with me."
Heavy sigh. "Of course I stay, dummy. I won't sleep on the ground just because you're feeling sick, that’s my bed too" Sleepy, drunk, dizzy, you struggle to keep your eyes open. Kid's lips touch your forehead, and you're unsure if you're dreaming or not. You heard a soft whisper of 'you're a fool but I love you, sleep well' Did he actually say that? Ain't no way, you must already dream. 
And then.
When you wake up hours after, with the worst hangover you have ever had. You laboriously sit on the bed. Kid has already left the room. Maybe yesterday was just a dream created by your intoxicated mind. On the nightstand, there's a fresh glass of water with pills. You grab the mirror that Kid made for you, made of metal, for sure. Immediately, you notice the red lipstick that has been smeared on your forehead. 
So, it wasn't a dream.
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wibta if i keep having sex with my friends dad? nsfw warning
i (20s cismale) got invited by my friend (20s nonbinary) to try out some new edibles they made last thursday. this isnt too weird because both of us are unemployed (they get disability, i get money from unemployment, and we both live with our parents) and usually during the day their dad (50s cismale) is at work so we get the house to ourselves. well last thursday was different because i came over late in the night when their dad was home, and he offered to make me some dinner too. i get the munchies really bad so i was immediately like yes please and thank you while i fucked off to my friends room. we played some smash bros while we waited for the cookies to kick in, and when it started to hit his dad called us both out for dinner. dinner was great, and his dad is super chill — so he let us raid his alcohol cabinet. i dont think he knew either of us were stoned for the record (im naturally really quiet/dont make eye contact, my friend sounds high 24/7 naturally) so i dont think he was like trying to get anyone drunk or anything. my tolerance is pretty good but my friends is shit so it didnt take long until they were like blackout drunk and passing out on the couch, while their dad and i were both drunk too (not blackout but pretty drunk, and i was still high) and sitting on the opposite side of the couch next to eachother
important fact about me - i crossdress like femboys or whatever theyre called. i like looking really feminine and cute and confusing people. im not trans or anything like that gender is just a game and i am winning it. but i do tend to dress up in very egirl/goth gf clothes if you know what i mean, and i look pretty convincing ive been told (friend tells me i would pass for ciswoman with the makeup on). i think their dad maybe forgot that i was me (he usually sees me in boy clothes) and he started hitting on me? i didnt think i was gay or bi either until he started doing it and i got really flustered but i didnt stop him? again i was fucked up so the attention felt really nice despite it being my friends dad. but anyways he kept getting closer until he kissed me, and it felt nice so i let it keep going? which was probably super fucked up in retrospect. but anyways stuff gets hot and steamy, their dad doesnt bother lifting up my skirt, one thing leads to another and we have sex. he definitely noticed im not a girl during that (its pretty hard to miss lol) but he didnt stop so we kept going for a while
after we were done he and i passed out on the couch in a kind of awkward position, we both woke up in the morning and i think thats when he realized im me, but he didnt seem to freak out even though hes straight?? or at least i thought he was straight. but we had sex again in the morning and then when my friend woke up we all had breakfast and i went back to my friends room and we hung out more and got high again. while we were though i accidentally spilled the beans to my friend, and they FREAKED out on me and said that i was so gross for doing that, and they cant believe that it happened, stuff like that. they kicked me out of their room and their dad had to drive me home because i was shaking bad from it. but while their dad drove me home i was super pissed and mad and not thinking straight (haha) and so i tried to convince their dad to take a detour so we could fuck again. and he was like, okay sure, so we did?? but now i feel horrible for doing it knowing that it grossed my friend out so much, but i really like their dad and he seems to like me too, and i want to keep banging him :(
What are these acronyms?
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ivorydragoness44 · 6 months
Warren Peace x Reader: Interest
Word Count: 766 Warnings/Notes: Slightly confused Reader, mention of growing embarrassment (brief), friends asking a lot of questions, implied crush on Warren Peace. Cute moment with Warren. Summary: The Reader is a little late to lunch, but just before they make it to their table of friends, another student asks them out. How will the group of friends react to the news?
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  It was not usual for you to be a little late to lunch. Sure, it was only by a few minutes, but you were hungry.   With your lunch finally in your grasp, you made your way around the tables already occupied by the normal chatter of other students. Normal may not have been the best word choice for minors with super human abilities, but it was for you. Most days.   You caught Layla’s attention as you neared the table. Her friendly smile, however, was lost to you as your view became obstructed.   Halting with a piercing squeak of your shoe, you waited in confusion.   “Hey,” he said. A student that you recognized from a few of your classes stood in front of you.   “Hi,” you gave a small smile in acknowledgement.   He took a moment’s breath and scratched the back of his head. “Um…”   “Is everything okay?”   “Do you want to go out with me?”   Your eyebrows shot up. “What? I-I mean, no. No, thank you.”   A strange mixture of emotions bubbled around and you made a mad dash around him before the heat of embarrassment from a few fumble of words spread. With long quick strides, you finally made it to the lunch table.
  Is being a teenager always like this? Why were emotions so complicated some times?   “What was that about?” Layla asked, bringing you out of your thoughts.   Setting down your food, you took a deep calming breath and sat down beside Warren. “Oh, um, he asked me out.”   A page crinkled to your right, but your friends were otherwise quiet.   Layla leaned forward, her pigtails swaying slightly over her green salad. “And?”   “And I said no.” Confident. Self-assured with your decision, though seemingly small in comparison to other more pressing issues, felt good. And why shouldn’t you?   “Good for you,” Magenta nodded in agreement.   “But why?” Zach asked, his nose scrunching in his bewilderment. “Do you not like him or something?”   “It’s not that simple,” you said between bites of your food.   “And why not?” He pressed, making you laugh a little.   Patting a napkin over your mouth, you sighed quietly. “Well, firstly, I’m not going to go out or date someone that I don’t like, or not interested in. Heck, I’ve barely talked with him.”   Layla and Magenta nodded slowly. “Sounds reasonable enough.”   “Any other reason?” Will asked, peering over Warren’s hunched form.   You laughed, “What, you want a detailed list or something?”   “That sounds a bit excessive,” Warren smiled into his book.   “Unless the list is for myself, out of curiosity and to better understand my own reasons and stuff.”   “And what would you put on the list for that guy?” Ethan asked, pulling your attention away from Warren.   It was nearing on hilarious by how invested they were about such a short conversation. If it could even be considered a conversation.   “For one thing, he never returned the pen he borrowed from me, and I saw him break it while fiddling with it. So, there’s that.”   Will burst out in laughter. “Is that why you don’t want to date him? Because—”   “No,” you stopped him. “I just don’t like him. Especially in that way. If I’m not friends with, or just can’t even imagine myself holding his or anyone’s hand, then I’m not going out with them.”   “Oh,” Will looked down, “sorry.”   “No biggie,” you smiled reassuringly, before returning to what remained of the food in front of you.
  Curious concerning friends. You were grateful for that. They each showed it in their own ways. And as invested as they had become, you were relieved that neither one of them had asked one question in particular. Who are you interested in?   Your eyes drifted from your lunch to the inky text in front of Warren. “Good book?”   Glancing over at you with a smile, his voice was soft, warm. “Yeah. It’s the third in the series.”   “Cool.”   As your eyes both pulled away from each other, you caught movement from under the table. The motion was slow and short. Had you been deeply involved with something else, you might have missed it entirely. Warren had lightly bumped your knee with his.   Could you ever decipher if he was flirting with you or just being a delightful silly friend with gestures like those? You were not sure. But one day you would know, and you hoped that it was both. Why not?   Smiling to yourself, you nudged your knee to his twice. Though as you retracted, his knee met yours again and remained there.   This should be interesting.
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Hi! Thank you for reading! I seem to be writing more Warren Peace now lol I have other ideas/WIPs that I'm working on, so I hope you're ready for that.
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Part 2 to this fanfiction
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daysofyellowroses · 8 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 2.2k | 18+ minors dni | tw: smut, more smut & tooth-rotting cuteness
prompt was: Carmy doing something mad cheesy and cute for his girl on v-day like he tells her that he has to work on valentines just to surprise her with a super romantic evening like you get home and there’s nice music playing there’s heart confetti in the entry way leading to the dining room and a huge bouquet of roses and a cute teddy bear is on the table and he’s in the kitchen finishing up something looking straight out of a Michelin star menu and he’s like “ oh I bought you new comfy clothes and I got your favorite movie ready for us “ and there’s candles and champagne and you’re just over the moon happy bc he would just do it for his girl bc he wants her to be happy and feel loved and not just bc he wants his dick wet (even though I mean after all the effort he’s ofc getting a big reward) but I could see him totally not even caring about the sexual part and just wanting to worship his girl that day and appreciate how much love they share - as requested by the very lovely and extremely talented @thecapricunt1616 if you don't go check out their work then..you are missing out, go read the bear & his honey it is phenomenal 🌼
this is a valentine's themed story, and i may not be posting it on actual valentine's day but i am posting it on galentine's day which is, frankly, the superior day anyway 🌼
As much as you didn't really care about Valentine's Day, part of you was still a little disappointed when Carmy told you that he'd put himself down to work a late shift, having forgotten what day it would be. Nobody could swap with him and you accepted that it would just be a regular day.
It wasn't like you and Carm never had dates or didn't do romantic things for each other but..it would have been nice to spend the evening together, even just relaxing on the couch.
From the moment you woke up on the 14th, there was seemingly no escape from the fact that it was Valentine's Day. Every song on the radio was a love song, social media was already flooded with endless posts of love heart pancakes, it was a little much.
Then there was work. At first it was a little cute, the management had arranged for everyone to get a little rose, and there were a couple of boxes of fancy chocolates in the break room. But then there was a seemingly unending stream of couriers dropping off huge bouquets of flowers, giant teddies, endless cards. You were sure some of them had been sent by the recipients anyway, rolling your eyes as yet another excited shriek sounded.
It wasn't that you were jealous, it would actually be pretty mortifying to have to stand there while some random guy belted out a song or recited a horribly cheesy poem at you. It was more of a reminder that you were just having a normal day, you wouldn't get to go home and spend the evening with your boyfriend, feel immense love and happiness.
At the end of the day, you could barely breathe in the elevator, cramped in at the back, surrounded by teddies and flowers, the scent overwhelming. You looked up to the ceiling, taking a deep breath and trying to tune out the chatter happening around you.
‘We actually got reservations at Ever’
‘We're spending the night at the Peninsula’
‘I definitely think he's gonna propose, I found a Tiffany brochure in the nightstand’
When you got to your car, you took a moment to enjoy the silence once you sat in before hooking your phone up to the speaker and blasting your least romantic playlist.
You stopped off at the nearest supermarket on the way home, picking up a bottle of wine, a frozen pizza and some already half-off heart shaped candies by the cash register. There were at least three men ahead of you in the line, all frantically checking their watches as they clutched slightly wilted bouquets and expensive cards.
By the time you got home all you wanted to do was sink into the bath with your bottle of wine, and forget about the day. You took your phone out as you left the car, sending a quick message to Carmy as you made your way into the building.
‘Hey babe, hope work is going okay. Love you ❤��’
You tucked your phone into your pocket before reaching into your bag for your keys, jostling the grocery bag in your other arm.
As soon as you opened the door you could sense something was happening, raising a brow as you heard music playing. The lights were on, dimmed low. You closed the door, looking down at the ground and turning slowly.
There were rose petals strewn across the floor in the shape of a heart, with more loose petals leading down to the living room. You smiled to yourself, biting your lip as you shook your head. Either you had a boyfriend who'd told you a white lie or a very romantic burglar had broken in.
You set the grocery bag down in the hall, taking off your coat and hanging it up before walking into the living room. You couldn't help but laugh with joy, placing your hand over your mouth as you found the biggest bouquet of roses you'd ever seen sitting on the middle of the coffee table.
Sitting on the couch was a stupidly large teddy bear, wearing Carm's beef t-shirt that was more often worn by you anyway. You walked over to the couch, smiling as you touched the teddy's soft head. You looked over your shoulder as you heard a familiar voice, finding your boyfriend leaning against the doorway, his sleeves rolled up and a dish towel over his shoulder.
“Hey,” You grinned. “could've sworn you said you had to work tonight.”
“Well..about that,” Carm grinned, holding out his hand. “there's a chance I was lying.”
“Just a slim chance, is it?” You raised a brow with a smile, stepping closer and taking Carm's hand before he gently dragged you into the kitchen.
“So slim,” Carmy nodded, pulling you in for a kiss before you pulled back and took in the sight of the kitchen. The lights were dimmed low, candles dotted about on the counter and the table, a bottle of wine you knew was super expensive and two glasses waiting.
“Hope you don't mind.”
“I suppose I can forgive you,” You murmured softly, unable to stop smiling as you looked back at your boyfriend. “just this once. This is all..incredible, I can't believe you've done this.”
“I can be romantic when I want to be.” Carm winked at you, walking to the oven and slowly opening it.
You took a deep breath as you took everything in, your hand over your heart.
You wanted to tell Carm that he was always romantic, even when he didn't think he was. Like when he would bring home a dessert for you, when he would let you steal his clothes, dance with you in the kitchen after a long day, spend whole days wrapped around you when you just needed him to be there and couldn't go anywhere.
You wanted to tell him he didn't need to do so much, but..you loved that he did. Yes, it was a slightly ridiculous made up day that had driven you crazy but when it was Carm making such an effort to treat you..it felt important and real.
“Oh, before I forget,”
You snapped out of your thoughts as you heard Carm's voice, looking over to him.
“I know you said you didn't need it but..I got you that hoodie you wanted,” He smiled. “with the..letters and all that. It's in the bedroom.”
“I don't know what to say,” You smiled, tears starting to well in your eyes. “I..”
“Then don't say anything,” Carm shrugged with a grin. “Just enjoy.”
“That I can do.” You nodded, stepping closer to give him a kiss before heading to the bedroom, your heart achingly full.
Sitting on the floor by your bed was a pink gift bag, red tissue paper with white hearts placed on the top of it. You pictured Carm carefully arranging the paper, wanting it to be perfect.
You went to the bag, carefully moving the tissue paper and reaching inside it to pull out a ridiculously soft hoodie, tears starting to spill from your eyes. You had mentioned, weeks back, when you were laying on the couch with Carm one evening that you had seen a hoodie you liked, lifting your phone to show him. He'd asked if you were going to buy it and you said you'd think about, but it was a little too expensive.
And suddenly there it was, in your hands. You carefully laid it on the bed before going for a shower, laughing to yourself when you thought about how lucky you were, barely able to believe it. After your shower you put on your new hoodie, letting out a relaxed sigh at how soft it felt.
Once you were ready you went to the kitchen, just in time for Carm to hand you a plate and a glass of wine.
“It's just pasta,” He smiled, kissing your cheek. “Come on, I got the movie ready to go.”
You looked down to your plate, raising a brow. In theory it was just pasta, in reality it was a work of art.
“This is too beautiful to eat,” You grinned, looking over to Carm as he got his own plate. “But I'm willing to ignore that.”
As you walked into the living room, you laughed softly as you saw what was waiting on the screen, looking over to Carm.
“We don't have to watch it again.”
“I know, but we will,” He grinned. “It's your favorite.”
“You're my favorite, you softy.” You smiled, sitting down on the couch beside the teddy and resting your plate on your lap. Carm went to sit beside you, picking up the teddy and carefully setting it aside.
“Sorry buddy, she's all mine.”
After the most perfect dinner, you laid down on the couch, your head in Carm's lap as he trailed his fingers along your arm.
“I love you,” You murmured softly, turning to look up at your boyfriend. “kinda feels like I should tell you, getting that vibe today.”
“That's so funny, I got the same vibe,” Carm grinned, moving his hand to touch your cheek gently. “I love you too. So much.”
You sat up, gently touching Carm's cheek as you leaned in for a kiss, your heart swelling as you felt him smile against your lips.
After a while you found yourself sitting in Carm's lap, your hands gently moving through his hair, his hands under your hoodie and gently stroking your waist.
It was slow and intimate and perfect, but you could feel a growing need for more.
As if he could sense your rising desire, Carm pulled back and smiled as he touched your cheek, his eyes focused on you.
“We don't..we don't have to do anything, if you're not in the mood,” He murmured softly. “I'm having the time of my life just being in the same room as you.”
You could have cried. Cried because you knew he truly meant it. He never did anything for you because he expected something in return, never made you feel like you owed him something. Even on a day that basically forced couples into bed, you knew he wouldn't be upset or push you if you said no.
“Look at you,” You murmured with a grin, touching Carm's cheek. “you are so perfect it makes me worry that you're actually a psychopath. Luckily you're a chef so I don't have to worry too much about that.”
He laughed and kissed you deeply, your arms winding around his neck.
“I'm serious,” He smiled as he rested his forehead against yours. “just because it's a certain day it doesn't mean we need to do anything.”
“I know,” You grinned, pulling back and moving your hand to gently stroke Carm's hair. “but I would want to be with you no matter what day. And I haven't given you your gift yet.”
“Oh yeah?” Carm raised a brow, unable to hide the grin on his face. “What is it?”
“A surprise of course,” You teased, getting up from the couch, holding your hand out. “come with me and find out.”
He does.
You take him to the bedroom, after a couple of stops for one of you to pull the other in for a kiss.
You tell him to get on the bed, you stand at the end of it.
Despite the slight nerves, you relax when he smiles at you. Your leggings are slowly peeled off, your hoodie pulled away to leave you in a lingerie set that, judging by the way Carm's jaw fell open, was absolutely worth the money.
You give him a full view, turning around in a slow circle before crawling onto the bed and into his lap.
It's quite impressive how speechless he is, taking a moment before he surges forward and kisses you deeply.
His hands are everywhere, fingers digging into you in the most wonderful way. It doesn't take long for marks to bloom on your neck and chest, for you go be laid out on your back, panties tugged aside. He stops you when you go to peel them off, tells you how pretty they make you look .
He takes his time, tongue working you over slowly. You beg for more, he gives you more. His fingers stretch you so perfectly it's almost enough but not quite.
You see stars, breath catching in your throat as you cry out. He moves on top of you, you pull him in to taste yourself.
He's pushed onto his back, you graze your nails over his jeans, tell him to take it all off, slowly. He obliges, a deeper hunger growing in you as he reveals himself to you. Every time feels like the first time, fills you with desire.
Your hand grips his wrist as he goes to take off his shorts, you tell him you got it. His hand moves into your hair as you taste him, endless praise spills from his lips.
Your hands grip the sheets, your back arched as you moan louder than you ever thought possible. His hand moves along your back, his touch firm but full of love.
You lay side by side, hands reaching out to touch each other as your heads turn and eyes meet.
There are no words, but you both know what they are.
After a while you slip your hoodie back on, give Carm a wink as you leave the room.
As you sit between Carm's legs, his arms wrapped firmly around you as you look back and feed him a half-off chocolate, you think maybe this Valentine's Day thing isn't so bad after all.
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peacheeeliz · 22 days
019. "sohee!" we all say in unison (wc: 1k)
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“Heyyyy Yuyu,” you draw out, leaning back in your chair with a bright smile. You brought your knees up to your chest, wrapping yourself up in a thin blanket. Aside from the shuffling you could hear coming from Yuyu's mic and the soft music you were playing, your apartment was quiet. Sungchan was still out with his friends, filming his next YouTube video, leaving you alone and bored in your shared apartment.
“Heyy,” he responds, a soft laugh leaving his lips. “I saw everyone's posts. I'm guessing you're feeling a little bored?”
“Ah, you can read me so well,” you say, sighing. “I was going to just sit back and watch some drama, but then I remembered I had a lovely friend who I could talk to.”
“Flattered that you thought of me,” he begins, cheeks heating up just slightly. “Disappointed that I was second to dramas.”
“No one can beat Song Kang, sorry,” you tell him, shrugging.
“Or Yunho?” He adds, prepared to blush even more at your response.
“Oh my God, not even Song Kang can beat him,” you gush, giggling. “So, all in all, you probably fall into… third place?”
He has to stop himself from laughing again, “ouch. Third place, really? You wound me, Y/Nie.”
“Don't worry, you're the first in my heart of guys I've actually talked to,” you tease, despite the fact that your heart skipped a beat at the nickname.
The blush spreads to his ears, and he resorts to hiding in his hands. “You wouldn't leave me the moment you met Yunho?” He questions, testing the waters.
“Depends on how quickly he can pass the NDA,” you joke, hearing the man choke on his laugh. “Kidding, kidding. Of course, I wouldn't leave you, or anyone else, for that fine specimen of a man.”
He's able to calm down from his coughing fit, brought back by the sound of your own light laughter. “You should go to one of their performances, then,” he starts. “Maybe he'll see you in the crowd and just fall head over heels for you.”
“Yeah, I wish,” You scoff, shaking your head. “I even flew to LA to see those guys at Coachella, and still, nothing. Thanks for fuelling my delusions, though. You're a real one for that.”
“Wait, you flew all the way over there to see them?” He questions, surprised this is the first he's hearing about all of this. He earns a quiet ‘mmhmm,’ in response, allowing him to continue. “That's crazy that you'd fly all that way just to see them.”
“Well, it was a good excuse to get everyone together and to see all those artists,” you explain, smiling fondly at the memories of you and your three friends traveling to the States. “I did it for their Summer Sonic performance too. That was just before we met, I think? Yeonjun, Sungchan and I flew up and met Giselle for the festival.”
“You must be a super ATINY or something,” he comments, almost hearing the bright smile playing on your lips as you respond.
“Something like that, yeah,” you let out, cheeks reddening at the realization of the topic. “Enough about me and my obsession, please talk about something else.”
He finds your pleading endearing, “it's alright. I think it's cute,” he tells you. “But, if that's what you want, then of course,” he pauses, thinking of another topic. He goes quiet for a bit, before continuing. “You talk to a lot of streamers, right?”
“I mean, kind of, yeah?” You answer, pulling forward to rest your chin in your hand. “I talk to you and the other guys the most, but I still interact with a lot of other streamers. Why?”
“What if one of them were to be, I don't know,” he pauses again, taking in a deep breath. “A celebrity?”
“A celebrity?”
“Yeah, like not streamer celebrity, because that'd technically be all the streamers you talk to,” he continues. “I mean like, idol celebrity.”
You take a moment to respond, really thinking your answer through. “I guess I'd be excited, yeah,” you tell him, letting out an awkward laugh. “I don't know, really, that's such an odd question to ask.”
“You wouldn't be mad at them or anything?” He asks, eyes shaking as his questions continue. “Like if their identity as a streamer was a secret but you found out? Or something like that…”
“Of course not, no,” you answer truthfully. “Their identity was obviously a secret for a reason, and if anything, I should be honored that they'd share their identity with me. It means they trust me enough.”
Yuyu stays silent as he takes your answer in, a small smile playing on his lips. He takes another deep breath, not too sure what to say next.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” You tease, wondering why he would bring all this up in the first place.
Before he can say anything else, Sungchan bursts through your bedroom door. “We’re home!”
You jump right out of your blanket cocoon, and you can hear the shuffle of Yuyu jumping out of his chair through your speakers. “Jesus Christ, Sungchan,” you pant, your hand covering your beating heart. “A little warning next time.”
“Sorry, Y/Nie,” he smiles softly at you. Sohee joins him in the door, sending a bright smile your way. “Sohee's here.”
“Hi Y/N,” the shorter boy says, waving quickly at you.
“Hi Sohee,” you return, your eyes softening at the boy's smile. “How ‘bout you two start dinner? I'll join you guys in a bit, okay?”
The two boys nod and leave you be, but you can still hear their bickering as they make their way to the kitchen. You let out a sigh, turning yourself back around to your computer.
“Sorry about them, Sungchan brought a friend over,” you tell Yuyu, shaking your head. “As much as I love them, they sure have a lot of energy.”
He lets out a light laugh, “you should go and join them. I'm sure the boys here are going to want some dinner soon, as well.”
“Oh, uh, sure yeah,” you say. “I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow then?”
He smiles softly, “Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Have fun with the boys.”
“You as well,” you tell him, and the call goes dead.
Yunho leans back in his chair, his smile faltering as he stares up at the ceiling. “Fuck.”
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synopsis ⤏ you're trying to peacefully build your starter house on the empires server when your neighbor so rudely (accidentally) kills you, starting the biggest war on the server just one day in.
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