#it may be ship art but there is meaning & symbolism in this piece
simplespacedust · 11 days
hey so i'm gonna talk about pro-shippers because i feel like none of you have critical thinking skills.
please, if you are going to read this, read to the end because there are multiple parts to my argument.
SOMETHING IMPORTANT: i don't think it is okay to doxx, harass, or send death threats to people on the internet! if you send death threats to people, you are awful! if you go out of your way to harass people when they tell you to leave them alone, you are awful! if someone says something you don't like, talk with them like a normal fucking person jesus christ! if you repeatedly harass a pro-shipper, you are not helping them get any better!
firstly, in terms of "problematic" stuff in mainstream media, most component people can recognize when a piece of media is commenting on something with the use of a relationship/something problematic as a metaphor. just because something exists on-screen doesn't necessarily mean the message of the media endorses it. this is why you never (hopefully) see anyone getting upset about murder in movies. the piece of media is not saying murder is good. it is using it to make a commentary/characterize someone/etc.
now that we have set that precedent, we can move on to pro-shipping in fandom spaces. pro-shipping in fandom spaces if often fundamentally different between than the more general category of just "relationships in media." in fandom spaces, the tendency when creating art, writing fics, posting headcannons, etc. is for the purpose of personal/audience enjoyment. this is why pro-shipping is more often problematic within fandoms. if a person did want to create/add to problematic ships for a purpose other than getting off to it, that would be a different story! thats fine!
unfortunately, however, many pro-shippers do not proship for the literary merit/symbolism/characterization etc. many of them do it because they find the idea of parent-child or sibling-sibling relationships attractive. this is where the problem is. they symbol itself is not the problem, its the message/purpose of the work/art/headcannon itself.
i hear a lot of people talking about how pro-shipping is often a coping mechanism for dealing with trauma a person has experienced. my response to that? KEEP IT TO YOURSELF AND GO TO THERAPY!!!! if you are having to resort to jacking off to fictional incest to cope, then clearly you need the help of a professional to work through your issues! if you cannot for whatever reason, still keep it to yourself!
it is well understood that people are influenced by the opinions of people around them/what they see and interact with. putting out bullshit on the internet that portrays problematic relationships as desirable can one, create a pedophile safe space, and two, unintentionally (or maybe even intentionally!) expose children to these types of relationships and make it seem normal in their brains, which could cause them to not speak up about it if something bad does actually happen to them! even if a person shouldn't be in a space, they are! it doesn't harm you to not post the porn you wrote of that one kid and his dad from south park. and that only talks about adult only spaces, i have seen a shit ton of pro-shippers on tiktok, a platform marketed towards minors.
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE (i have a lot to say and am terrible at organizing my thoughts srry) is that a lot of times pro-shippers infiltrate general fandom hashtags. a child who is scrolling though a bluey hashtag on tiktok should not have any risk of running into someone on the internet describing how bluey's dad would r4p3 her!
you may think that because you are only talking about fictional characters and "its a coping mechanism" its okay, but it is most certainly not! not all coping mechanisms are healthy and what you post on the internet most CERTAINLY has a real effect on people. this is basic media literacy and critical thinking, guys. stop posting child/sibling smut headcannons on the internet! it is absolutely vile!
with all of that being said, (i said this at the beginning but i am going to say it again) i still dont think it is okay to doxx, harass, or send death threats to people on the internet! if you send death threats to people, you are awful! if you go out of your way to harass people when they tell you to leave them alone, you are awful! if someone says something you dont like, talk with them like a normal fucking person jesus christ! if you repeatedly harass a pro-shipper, you are not helping them get any better!
(im gonna put a bunch of proshipper hashtags at the bottom of this to reach the targeted demographic, i am NOT a proshipper, i am NOT an "anti anti" and i do NOT believe proshippers are valid, again, this is just for reach just to be clear)
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dei2dei · 2 months
Ideas: Gotta Catch 'Em All!
(look, I know one whole Pokemon reference and I'm gonna use it.)
I was tossing around ideas with @calypsid about writing events and coming up with ideas and how to write for big events - in fandom, for the monthlong ones especially, but also if you're someone looking at submitting original fiction to a themed anthology or to a zine, or when you just want to WRITE dammit but the ideas won't come. When the idea hutch is empty and the plotbuns won't come, when the creative spring is trickling or you're at the bottom of the well of inspiration, hope is not lost. We put our heads together and came up with a baker's dozen ways to get ideas and look at prompts to get new inspiration when you need it. So if you want 'em, jump below the cut!
Stop looking at words.
Look at art! Listen to music! Maybe what you need is some song lyrics to get your brain going, or art. Play Sudoku. Go to a coffee shop and watch people. Change your mental or physical environment and see what happens.
Prompt lists
Don’t limit yourself to whatever event you’re writing for! If it’s for a fandom ship week, hit up a themed month prompt list (such as Fluffuary, AUgust, or Whumptober). If you’re trying to think of ideas for a zine pitch, trawl prompt lists from fandom or creative writing websites. Mash the TVTropes random trope button until something clicks.
Tarot spreads
Even if you don’t read tarot on your own, you can find websites where you can do tarot readings. Treat it as a story prompt generator: pick three cards, one that is your protagonist, one that is their goal, one that is their obstacle. Look up the meanings. Go wild! You can use the cards for protagonists, antagonists, story arcs…
Not prompt lists - but every idea you can think of adjacent to a prompt. Tropes, colors, sayings, characters, types (e.g. species of apple, types of wildflowers, names of cocktails)...
An alphabetical list with an idea for each letter of the alphabet.
A list of 20 ideas, as close or as absolutely wild as you want.
A timed list (write ideas for 5/10/15 minutes). The first chunk may be easy, the last few minutes impossibly hard, but right in the middle where your mind is starting to stretch? That may be perfect.
Once you have a list of any flavor, start looking for patterns: that’s a sign your brain is interested in SOMETHING. What ideas/symbols keep showing up?
Look for unexpected intersections
Ideas or prompts may have unexpected links. Randomize your list! Consider resonances between different prompts; they may seem different in a different order. Pick a not obvious combination of two prompts and follow it to the end - what if you put together “pirate” and “arranged marriage”? Use a wheel spinning picker and see what two things the computer matches up.
You can also take a pair of commonly-associated opposites, pick out their most common stereotypical traits. Now swap them. 
Play with other media
Take characters from one piece of media, the setting from a second (hey look, a fusion/AU!). What resonates between them? Grab a non-fiction book about a topic you’re interested in and read that. Ideas might percolate from a number of unrelated sources into one Super Cool Idea.
Change the setting
Turn a sci-fi show into a fantasy setting, or vice-versa. Add monsters. Add gods; add gods with reality-bending dice; add gods with reality-bending dice who are malicious. Flip your characters' genders. Remove the concept of gender entirely. Send your characters to the dimension next door, where only one thing has changed. Or many things. Or everything. Take the characters out of the plot of your fandom, or replace them with side characters; what changes?
Change your mind
Take the prompt at face value. Or, treat it sarcastically. Subvert the trope - or don't subvert the trope. Write the thing you've always wanted to see, even if you think it won't work. Turn everything about the prompt on its head and look underneath for spare ideas. Come at it from every angle you can think of.
Other people
Talk to people about the prompt. Read Reddit or Tumblr conversations, even ones only vaguely associated with the prompt. Let your mind go in new and interesting directions. 
Cool words
Have you run across an awesome word you wish you could use in a story, or a turn of phrase? Write a story around that. Or if you have a list of cool words you keep anyway, flip back to it, see if there are any that might come together in a story.
If you have a title you've always wanted to use, let the title inspire the fic instead of the other way around. 
First Sentences
Just start writing first sentences, whatever ones come to mind. Don’t be precious about them; the goal isn’t perfect sentences, the goal is something to get your brain moving. Don’t worry about continuing the story yet! Try and get a bunch down without writing any more of the story. If one speaks to you and demands to be written, go back to it after you’ve got your list down.
Deconstruct a story you love and then rebuild it!
Retell a favorite story (or a hated story you thought you could do better). How did they do X? Why did you love (or hate) something so much? Can you do that with some of your ideas? Take out the main character and their sidekick; how does the story read with just the secondary characters? What if you add someone new? How would the story look different as a documentary, a chatfic, an epistolary collection?
Some Links:
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (https://sf-encyclopedia.com/) - includes almost 15,000 entries for words associated with sci-fi. Scroll through, pick (3, 5, 7…) and shove them into a story. Or learn about new tropes/concepts/ideas.
Deep Water Prompts (https://deepwaterwritingprompts.tumblr.com/) - some Weird Prompts (several hundred) you can twist and interpret to your heart’s desire.
Kathleen Jennings’ short story “Some Ways to Retell a Fairy Tale” (https://www.tor.com/2023/11/08/some-ways-to-retell-a-fairy-tale-kathleen-jennings) is also a great list of ideas for ways to, well, retell any story.
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yuniemaki · 2 years
On Beiguang & Ginkgo Leaves
Ginkgo leaves are a common motif when Beidou and Ningguang are drawn together in official art... but why is that?
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Ginkgo: 銀杏 yínxìng, "silver apricot". Its leaves are green in spring-summer, then turn yellow in autumn.
Ginkgo leaves are unique in that it's sometimes seen to split into two yet merge cleanly at the petiole, representing the union of duality (i.e. yinyang, one & two, life & death, etc). The leaves are also seen as a heart, giving rise to its symbolism of eternal love.
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In autumn, the ginkgo leaves turn a lovely saffron yellow. When they do fall, they fall very quickly and in large numbers, so this has been affectionately termed the "golden rain"/黄金雨. As such, when we see large amounts of falling ginkgo leaves in art, it's safe to assume they may be alluding to a ginkgo tree nearby.
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Beidou & Ningguang with others
When Ningguang & Beidou appear with other characters outdoors, the motif of ginkgo doesn't appear at all besides in Ningguang's design (we'll touch on that later). On the left, Ganyu & Ningguang's art show normal leaves instead of ginkgo; Beidou & Kazuha are on the Alcor in the art on the right so... no leaves.
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Beidou & Ningguang together
With the ginkgo tree being a centuries-old symbol of yin-yang, falling ginkgo leaves only seem to appear when Ningguang & Beidou are together - a harmonious duality, opposing forces meant to complement each other to form a perfect whole (check out their yin/yang symbolism in this post too!).
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It's also fascinating when we go back to their very first appearance in the JP promo: this is one of the few outdoor Beiguang pieces with no ginkgo motifs (indoor scenes being an exception).
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After that, most subsequent Beiguang art started carrying ginkgo symbolism, even their chibi arts that were situated in nature. This could be a subtle hint of character development, perhaps?
Ningguang & her ties to ginkgo
Now, you might argue, what about Ningguang? She appears with ginkgo motifs just about every single time, and her hairpin carries a ginkgo leaf.
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That's because ginkgo is more than just a symbol of eternal love. The tree is known as a "living fossil", thus it is a symbol of longevity, endurance, and hope. These are traits embodied in Ningguang's character - her whole life is testament to her endurance for a better future.
The description of her second Jade Chamber speaks of not just her power, but also the "adamantine will" of Liyue Harbour - endurance, hope, a legacy that outlives her.
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As we've previously explored, Ningguang also carries lots of fenghuang symbolism, and the fenghuang is unique in that in itself it carries both yin-yang energy. But when met with the Chinese dragon, it forms the yin counterpart to the dragon's yang.
The ginkgo leaf is a symbol of yin-yang, two petioles merging into one, and thus it also accurately reflects the ancient perception of the fenghuang - where it was both yin and yang, before encountering the Chinese dragon.
So that's why you will see ginkgo leaf motifs frequently in Ningguang's solo art. Even her figurine and her character card in Genius Invokation TCG feature ginkgos, largely because of this endurance, longevity, prosperity and yin-yang symbolism that also reflect her metaphorical representation of the fenghuang.
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But when it comes to ginkgo trees, you won't find a ginkgo tree without love contexts with her. In her 2022 birthday art, the ginkgo trees in the background are complemented by glaze lilies/motifs of love (we'll touch on lily language next!).
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What does this mean?
This doesn't really mean anything, except that you can expect to see this ginkgo tree and falling ginkgo leaf symbolism to repeatedly occur in future Beiguang pieces, because it's intrinsically tied to their yin-yang relationship.
And unless Hoyoverse creates another yin-yang ship in another region, I highly doubt we'll see any other ginkgo leaf motifs with other pairings in Genshin till then!
Beiguang masterlist | Articles on ginkgo tree: 1, 2
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googledetective · 1 year
Hello there! So as all you drdt fans may know, the creator of drdt dropped a characters playlist where each song correlates with another character. Well, of course, as a natural fangan fan, me and a few buddies on discord have been analyzing the shit out of these songs and I want to present our findings here.
There are a few tracks I won’t be covering (2,13,15&16) because I have no idea who they belong to, and a track (5) I’m not 100% sure on that’s the person they go to, but I’ll give a little context behind my guess. Feel free to debate any of this in the comments. I also got English translations for the songs that are not in English so I’ll be basing my theories off those English translations and if anyone wants them, dm me.
Without further ado, here we go!
(Yes there are going to be DRDT spoilers)
Track 1 (Jotaro’s theme) - Xander
I feel like this has literally been universally agreed on by the fandom, as it just generally describes his fiery personality and the fact he “broke down” when he attempted to kill Teruko. Right after, there are lyrics that say “what’s going on here” and I feel like this could refer to right after Xander stabbed her and he was wondering why he would do that in the first place. I’m not totally convinced on this one but I know most are so I think I’ll stick with the popular opinion :)
Track 3 (RUNAWAY) - Charles
This song definitely symbolizes Charles’s character development that he’s been going through. In the first verse it’s talking about his life beforehand and that he met someone who kind of freed him from his existence (who would be Whit). Then it kinda talks about seeing yourself and changing around bits and pieces of himself. What stood out to me is “redirecting my perfection somewhere else.” In the beginning he acted like he was perfect and above everyone, but as the series progresses he’s using his perfection complex to go and help the group. Last but not least, I think the chorus is kind of talking about his trauma and restrictions and that he needs to let them go, and Whit was like that divine intervention to help him face forward and push through his problems rather than just be stuck in fear. I know a lot of people will disagree and say his track is track 5, but since I don’t see any ships with him canonically confirmed (or any ships at all confirmed) I feel a lot of doubt toward putting anyone on track 5 just because we don’t know about who likes who or anything yet.
Track 4 (Cartoons) - Rose
I honestly think that everyone is onboard with the fact that this is Rose. I mean it talks a lot a about art, and the fact she expresses a lot of what she feels through art. Her art is connected to her visions and emotions, as seen through the seen with her and Teruko where she painted Teruko’s death since she couldn’t stop seeing it. Rose is also bad at communication, and the song talks a lot about communicating through art, and she does that as many others do. This one was probably one of the more self explanatory ones but I wanted to write about it anyway!
Track 6 (A Mistaken Belief of Love) - Eden
Again I feel this is a bit of a stretch, but I’ll try to explain my reasoning as best as I can. Throughout the series we’ve seen a pattern with Eden, as she goes and tries her we best to befriend someone and they end up disliking her. This song is about a sweet person who realizes someone doesn’t love them anymore, but keeps persisting for love from them. This is what Eden has been doing throughout the series, an example would be Teruko. Eden has bent over backwards to try and be nice to her and gain her trust, and despite Teruko telling her to leave and treating Eden like absolute dog shit, Eden stays even though her heart is broken and keeps trying. I love Eden :(
Track 7 (Spring Storm) - David
I just want to clarify before I start this one that I used an unofficial English translation of the song, since it was the only English translation I could find. The same applies to tracks 11 & 13.
This song is clearly about someone who is angry with the world and acts like an asshole because of that anger. That’s essentially what David is doing since ep11 of ch2, is he’s putting on an act and suddenly calling out people for hypocrisy and purposefully hurting their feelings. It’s implied this isn’t the true David Chiem either, and in the song it hints at this person just wants to be accepted and loved, but they can’t reach that because everything is always letting them down. That’s coincidentally my take on David’s backstory (for now) and it would make a lot of sense if this is his song-
Track 8 (YES MAN) - Teruko
It was very easy to find a translation of this song, and once you even see the first line of these lyrics it SCREAMS Teruko. The song is about doubting everyone around you, and mocking the world because of it which is literally ch2 Teruko in a nutshell. The “Undead!” chorus likely references the fact that Teruko can’t die and didn’t die after Xander’s murder attempt. The only part that’s making me doubt that this is Teruko’s song is that “Your heart is all I ever need”, which could allude to the fact she really liked Xander but I’m not super sure.
Track 9 - Min
This song is so Min. It’s literally about school and the pressure it puts on you, and Min is the ultimate student. Through the years it wears you down, and Min barely even smiled throughout the series unless she wasn’t focusing on studying. There was mentions about marks (grades) and habitual things, like Min’s huge focus on her grades and the fact she studies constantly. The lyrics are just so Min. It is literally Min. This is one of the one I’m most confident on. I love Min!
Track 10 (Drawing Pins) - Nico
I thought about this a bit, but I saw another theory on tumblr that agreed that this is Nico’s song and explained it more wonderfully than I did. This person is @huesofvioletandpurple and I recommend checking their theories out!
In a nutshell the person in this song feels like they don’t belong and they don’t know what they did to hurt someone’s feelings. This alludes to the fact Nico is a theyboss (nonbinary) person and was ridiculed for their identity, and the second part to when they pissed of Ace and Ace kept antagonizing them.
Track 11 - Hu
I got English lyrics for this! It took a while but pls dm me if you’d like them! To sum the song up, it’s about a person who is suicidal but is still trying to persist and be as good of a person as they can possibly be. With most of the secrets out, I’m on the side that the three attempts secret is Hu’s since I can’t see any of the other ones being hers. When the secrets come out, it will be likely that this song correlates to the person who has the three attempts secret. This is really just a very unsure theory, but with the way it describes the person just wants to help and be good in the song I can really only think that this is Hu’s song.
Track 12 (Tip Toes) - Arturo
The song is about thinking about leaving their bad past behind to accomplish their dreams. This song screams Arturo especially after his secret came out. He had to leave and he didn’t know his sister would do that. He’s probably fighting an internal war against himself with logic (that it isn’t his fault) and emotion (that it was his fault) and that is a huge point shown later in the song. I feel once we get more of his backstory or more Arturo screen time this will further prove that this is his song. This is the song and character pairing that I’m most confident in.
Track 14 (Spitfire) - Ace
Last but not least, we’ve got Ace Markey for Spitfire. This might be the most self explanatory one. The lyrics are basically “I spit fire” and “if I was in WW2 they’d call me spitfire” which probably alludes to Ace’s anger problems and the fact he can’t stop running his mouth and yelling at people when he’s angry. That’s it, that’s the theory.
Thank y’all for reading this and I’m sorry it ran long and I didn’t have great explanations, but if you are interested there are way better theories people have on here than what I wrote 😭
And if you haven’t and you’re interested please please please listen to the songs! If you need any English lyrics to any of the songs please dm me and I’ll send them over! Thanks everyone!
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silvermountaininc · 3 days
Top 10 Reasons to Buy Affordable Silver Jewelry From India
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India has long been celebrated for its rich tradition of craftsmanship and its intricate, beautiful jewelry designs. Among the various types of jewelry available, silver jewelry stands out for its affordability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. With the rise of e-commerce, it's now easier than ever to buy online silver jewelry from India. Here are the top 10 reasons why you should consider purchasing affordable silver jewelry from India
1. Exceptional Craftsmanship
Indian artisans are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship, which is evident in the intricate designs and detailed work found in silver jewelry. Whether it's traditional motifs or contemporary styles, the skill and dedication of Indian jewelers ensure that each piece is a work of art. This high level of craftsmanship adds significant value to the jewelry, making it a worthy investment.
2. Affordability
One of the most compelling reasons to buy silver jewelry from India is its affordability. Compared to gold and platinum, silver is significantly less expensive while still offering a luxurious and elegant look. When you buy online silver jewelry from India, you can find a wide range of options that fit your budget without compromising on quality or design.
3. Variety of Designs
India offers a vast array of silver jewelry designs, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. From classic and timeless pieces to modern and trendy styles, there is something for everyone. You can find everything from simple silver bands to ornate silver pearl necklaces that add a touch of sophistication to any outfit.
4. High-Quality Materials
When you purchase 925 sterling silver jewelry wholesale from India, you are assured of high-quality materials. Sterling silver, which contains 92.5% pure silver, is known for its durability and resistance to tarnish. This makes it an excellent choice for everyday wear as well as special occasions.
5. Cultural Significance
Silver jewelry holds significant cultural value in India. Many designs are inspired by traditional motifs and symbols that have been passed down through generations. Wearing these pieces allows you to connect with the rich heritage and history of Indian culture, making your jewelry collection more meaningful.
6. Ethical Sourcing
Many Indian jewelers are committed to ethical sourcing and sustainable practices. When you buy silver jewelry from reputable sellers in India, you can be confident that the materials are sourced responsibly, and the artisans are paid fair wages. This ethical approach ensures that your purchase supports the livelihoods of skilled craftsmen and contributes to sustainable development.
7. Customization Options
Indian jewelers often offer customization services, allowing you to create bespoke pieces that reflect your personal style. Whether you want a unique silver pearl necklace or a set of matching earrings, many jewelers can tailor the design to your specifications. This personalized touch adds immense value to your jewelry.
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The convenience of online shopping has made it easier than ever to buy silver jewelry from India. Numerous websites offer a wide selection of pieces, detailed descriptions, and high-quality images, making it easy to find exactly what you're looking for. With secure payment options and reliable shipping services, you can buy online silver jewelry from India with confidence.
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Silver jewelry from India makes for a perfect gift for any occasion. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or festive celebration, a beautifully crafted piece of silver jewelry is sure to delight the recipient. The affordability and variety of designs mean you can find the perfect piece for everyone on your list.
10. Investment Value
While silver may not be as expensive as gold, it still holds investment value. The demand for silver jewelry continues to grow, and its value appreciates over time. By purchasing 925 sterling silver jewelry wholesale from India, you can build a valuable collection that can be passed down through generations or even sold at a higher value in the future.
Exploring the Range: Silver Pearl Necklaces
Among the various types of silver jewelry available, silver pearl necklaces are particularly popular. These elegant pieces combine the lustrous appeal of pearls with the timeless beauty of silver, creating a sophisticated accessory that complements any outfit. Here’s why silver pearl necklaces from India are a must-have:
1. Elegance and Versatility
Silver pearl necklaces are incredibly versatile, making them suitable for both formal occasions and everyday wear. The classic combination of pearls and silver exudes elegance and can easily enhance any ensemble.
2. Timeless Appeal
Pearls have a timeless appeal that never goes out of style. When set in silver, they create a piece of jewelry that remains fashionable year after year. Investing in a silver pearl necklace ensures you have a timeless accessory in your collection.
3. Affordability
Silver pearl necklaces are more affordable compared to those made with gold or platinum. This makes them an excellent choice for those who want to own beautiful, high-quality jewelry without breaking the bank.
4. Symbolism
Pearls are often associated with purity, wisdom, and serenity. Wearing a silver pearl necklace can be a reflection of these qualities, adding a deeper significance to your jewelry.
5. Craftsmanship
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There are numerous reasons to buy affordable silver jewelry from India, from the exceptional craftsmanship and affordability to the variety of designs and high-quality materials. When you buy online silver jewelry from India, particularly 925 sterling silver jewelry wholesale, you gain access to a world of beautiful, meaningful, and ethically sourced pieces. Silver pearl necklaces, with their timeless elegance and versatile appeal, are just one example of the stunning jewelry you can find. Start exploring the diverse and exquisite range of Indian silver jewelry today, and add some timeless pieces to your collection.
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kolamarket · 8 months
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With Diwali just around the corner, the hunt for special, one-of-a-kind gifts becomes a top priority. This year, consider a gift that not only adds a touch of spirituality but also brings positive vibes and prosperity to your life - Goddess Lakshmi Wall Art. These exquisite creations feature the footprints of Hindu goddess Lakshmi and a powerful mantra. They are designed to light up your shop, office, or home. Let's explore why this artwork can be an excellent addition to your Diwali celebrations.
1. Divine Beauty:
Goddess Lakshmi Wall Art is a sight to behold. The beautiful depiction of Goddess Lakshmi's footprints adds a divine touch to any space. The intricate design and vibrant colors make it a captivating piece of art that can jazz up your surroundings. Whether you choose the one with a frame or without, this artwork is sure to be a great conversation starter and a focal point of your decor.
2. Blessings from Goddess Lakshmi:
Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune. By putting up her footprints on your wall, you're welcoming her blessings into your life or business. This artwork serves as a constant reminder that success and abundance are achievable, making it a fantastic gift for friends, family, or colleagues who are looking for positivity and prosperity.
3. Powerful Mantra:
The inclusion of a powerful mantra adds another layer of importance to the artwork. Mantras are sacred sounds or words that have deep spiritual meanings. The mantra on this wall art calls upon the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, enhancing the positive energy it exudes. It acts as a source of positivity and helps ward off negativity, creating a harmonious and lively atmosphere.
4. Customization Options:
Goddess Lakshmi Wall Art comes in various sizes and can be bought with or without a frame.
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This flexibility allows you to tailor the artwork to your specific needs and preferences, making it suitable for different spaces and design ideas.
5. Adaptable Placement:
Whether you want to adorn your home, office, or shop with the divine presence of Goddess Lakshmi, this wall art fits in seamlessly. It's perfect for hanging in your living room, prayer room, or entrance at home. In your office, it can be a source of inspiration and motivation, while in your shop, it may attract customers and boost your business.
6. Spiritual Connection:
For those on a spiritual journey, Goddess Lakshmi Wall Art offers a unique opportunity to connect with their faith and spirituality. It can be a daily source of strength and inspiration, reminding individuals of the power of positive intentions and spiritual alignment.
To buy this product, please click the following link: Goddess Lakshmi Wall Art
For inquiries and worldwide delivery, please send 'Hi' on +919935086532
This Diwali, elevate your celebrations by gifting the Lakshmi Wall Art from Goddess Lakshmi. It's a beautiful blend of art, spirituality, and positivity, making it a perfect present for your loved ones. Embrace the divine blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and welcome prosperity and positivity into your life, office, or shop.
Goddess Lakshmi Wall Art is not just a decorative piece; it's a symbol of hope, abundance, and spiritual connection. So, this Diwali, adorn your surroundings with the divine and make it a celebration to remember. Illuminate your space with the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and let her guide you towards a brighter and more prosperous future.
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ucchalfashionmkt · 10 months
Weaving Heritage: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Lehengas in India's Cultural Legacy! 🌾
Hello, cultural enthusiasts and admirers of timeless fashion! 👋 Are you ready to delve into the vibrant world of Indian heritage and uncover the intricate stories that lehengas weave into the fabric of tradition? As we journey through history, we'll uncover the cultural significance of lehengas, exploring their evolution and enduring relevance in India's diverse and dynamic heritage. Join us as we celebrate the splendor and legacy of lehengas in India! 🌺👗
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A Walk Through Time:
Imagine standing at the crossroads of history, surrounded by the echoes of generations past. Lehengas, with their flowing grace and intricate craftsmanship, have adorned the women of India for centuries, bearing witness to the ebb and flow of cultures and traditions.
1. Celebratory Elegance:
Lehengas have long been an emblem of celebration and festivity in India. These ornate ensembles have graced the occasions that mark life's milestones—weddings, festivals, and joyful gatherings. Embellished with intricate embroidery, resplendent zari work, and delicate mirror accents, lehengas transform the wearer into a living canvas of art and culture.
2. Cultural Diversity:
India's vast and diverse cultural landscape is reflected in the myriad styles of lehengas. From the opulent zardozi work of North India to the vibrant mirror work of Gujarat, each region weaves its cultural tales onto the fabric. Lehengas are more than garments; they're a tapestry that celebrates the cultural mosaic of the subcontinent.
3. Symbolism and Rituals:
Lehengas are often chosen with great care, considering not only their aesthetic allure but also their symbolic significance. The colors, motifs, and patterns embedded in the lehenga often hold cultural meanings. Red, for example, symbolizes marital bliss and fertility, while intricate floral motifs can represent growth and prosperity.
4. Timeless Elegance:
As fashion trends evolve, the lehenga stands as a timeless symbol of grace and femininity. The silhouette may have evolved, but the essence remains unchanged—the lehenga encapsulates elegance and tradition that transcends eras.
5. Modern Interpretations:
In today's world, lehengas continue to blend tradition with contemporary fashion sensibilities. Designers experiment with cuts, fabrics, and embellishments, creating pieces that pay homage to the past while embracing the future. This fusion speaks volumes about India's dynamic culture and its ability to adapt and innovate.
Celebrating Tradition Globally:
The cultural legacy of lehengas extends far beyond geographical borders. Buy Lehenga Choli Online USA offers a platform to explore and embrace the heritage of Indian fashion, allowing enthusiasts around the world to celebrate tradition and elegance. With worldwide shipping and easy accessibility, you can drape yourself in the tales of Indian history, no matter where you are.
So, as you browse through the stunning collection of lehenga cholis, remember that each piece is a thread that connects you to India's diverse heritage. Whether you're wearing it for a festive occasion or simply to bask in the beauty of tradition, a lehenga is a journey through time and culture—a journey that continues to inspire and captivate. 🌾🌍
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leeffi · 2 years
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【 Bloody Tango】 👔 Σ
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kirishimasensei · 2 years
a siren, singing you to shipwreck
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author :: KirishimaSensei (Misha)
pairing :: Bakugou Katsuki x f!Reader
word count :: 2.6k
tags :: sexually explicit content | adult characters | sex work | mermaid reader | pirate Bakugou | AU
a/n :: I have ideas to turn this into a series, so if you like this, please let me know!
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The Ocean has its silent caves,
Deep, quiet, and alone;
Though there be fury on the waves,
Beneath them there is none… x
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You have no doubt in your mind that this is Bakugou Katsuki, the pirate king.
He may have sailed into port on a ship much smaller than his fabled Mitsuki, but if any man has the presence of royalty, it’s him. His size alone competes with the most powerful of men you have ever laid eyes on; his stature and strength unparalleled to anyone you’ve ever known. There’s no question that this man wields broadsword and battle ax with ease and familiarity, his scars telling stories of combat and conflict.
Even now, laid out in the bath that you’ve drawn for him, his presence overwhelms the room. He’s too big for the tub, calf crossed over shin as his legs rest against the porcelain edge, feet in the air. His thick arms, corded with hard muscle, are sitting on either side of the bathtub, his wrists wrapped around with strings of gold and leather and carved bone, the trappings of nomadic wealth. Both hands boast a single ring, one smooth band, one set with a glimmering red stone. His neck, too, is a testament to his affluence, with lengths of thin gold chains and a single strand of suede wrapped snug at the base of his throat. In each ear hangs small gold hoops.
His hair, sun-bleached and salt-stiff as it is, was weighted heavy with beads and rings and coins before you got your hands on them. Now, the trinkets lay in a small pile on a near table, and Bakugou, small braids undone, tangles unfurled, sighs beneath your touch as you massage sweet-smelling oil into his recently cleansed scalp.
You’re knelt upon a low, cushioned bench behind him, fingers running through his shoulder-length hair, then down his neck, across his shoulders. He sighs when your fingertips press against the knots beneath his skin, tension leaking out of his body with the help of your tender touch.
His shoulders are broad, wind-whipped, and stained a freckled bronze. Skin like his doesn’t burn in the sun, having spent most of his life beneath the open sky as pirate king. It’s a golden brown, hot to the touch even now, the warmth radiating from him like fever.
Your eyes follow the tattoos across his skin. The pirate is covered - black ink etched into his flesh in various stages of fracture. Some dark and bold, others well-worn and dull to the point of being indecipherable. From face to feet, something marks each part of his body, if not a single image then a full piece of art. Words in languages unknown to you, glyphs, runes, and symbols - your fingers twitch with the need to trace every line. You wonder at the stories behind each piece.
You’ve heard your fair share of rumors about the man, whispers of horrors too terrible to be true. Feats so incredible that they have to be fiction. Even enamored sighs all with the name Bakugou Katsuki on their tongues. Everyone knows tales of the pirate king, but surely they know nothing of the man sitting before you.
Despite his rugged but regal appearance, Bakugou has given you no indication of who he is, merely introducing himself as a captain whose men were in need of warm food, a decent bed, and whatever other comforts they could find. Apparently, comforts to Bakugou mean a hot bath and the attention of the most selective and costly courtesan in Yuuei, who caters to only the most worthy of men.
The pirate king would surely be worth your time, and even this man who pretends not to be would have caught your eye regardless. And whether or not Bakugou meant truly to deceive or to merely just go about unburdened by recognition, you feign ignorance despite knowing him for what he is. For who would ever imagine that this man, gloriously nude, in a bath of oils and salts and flowers, is the admiral of a hundred ships known as the country of Bakuhatsu, both feared and respected on the high seas?
Elsewhere his status would be either an advantage or a burden, but Yuuei is a country of curiosity and trade and peace. She does not persecute pirates as the rest of the world does, even a pirate as infamous as King Katsuki. She is open to all, a place to rest, a place to get rich, as long as any disorder or disturbance stays outside of her borders.
Because of this generosity, Yuuei has not been victim to attack since many years before you were born. Those who would raid and pillage give Yuuei a wide berth or stop only to rest and resupply before being on their way. And Yuuei ships are safe on the seas, her flag a symbol of peace to all.
The country is ruled by All Might, who is not only her king, but her protector; one of the most formidable men the world has ever known. Besides the king, Yuuei is also under the protection of the children of Doryoku, the nation under the sea. As a result of a treaty signed generations ago, Doryoku has sworn to guard Yuuei with her Senshi Mafoku - fierce warrior merfolk who can shift forms from legs on land to a tail in the sea. Their skill in combat is unparalleled to almost any army known to man; their strength as incredible as it is inhuman.
They have been known to dismantle ships from the water with only their strength and a few grapnels. They can lure men to their watery deaths with just their voices and ensnare them with naught more than a touch.
As such, your hands slide down Bakugou’s chest as you lean forward, fingers pressing firm into the muscles there. Bakugou tilts his head back, resting it on your shoulder, soaking the sleeve of your thin, silk robe with his wet hair. He looks unworried and relaxed, his eyes closed, pink lips slightly parted.
You study his face - his slender brows and thick, dark lashes, the lines at the corners of his eyes that strengthen his otherwise soft features. You can’t help but think that he’s absolutely beautiful and much more gentle than you would have ever imagined.
You shift one of your hands up, shoulder flexing beneath Bakugou’s head with the movement, to cradle his jaw in your palm. You angle his head back even further to kiss his ear, to nose at the softness of his freshly shaven cheek. You breathe him in. He still smells like ocean salt despite being slathered with almond and coconut oils, the saline and sweet scents emanating from warm, wet skin making for a heady combination.
You’re overcome with the sudden urge to taste him, to mark him, so you do, teeth sinking into the curve of his neck and shoulder. It’s not hard enough to hurt him, but it will linger if he’s prone to bruising. And you take pleasure in the thought of him returning to sea with your claim still upon him.
Bakugou emits a sharp inhale at the pressure, and when you pull back, his eyes open, flaming crimson meeting your own with a flash of something devious underneath his otherwise docile demeanor. The corners of his parted lips tilt up, gold teeth glinting at the edge of his smile.
“Join me,” he says, with the air of a man who gets what he wants with no more than a simple command.
“There’s hardly enough room for you alone,” you reply, voice soft as to not offend him. “Just relax and let me take care of you.”
He huffs in displeasure but relaxes all the same, closing his eyes and allowing his head to roll against your shoulder once more, face toward your neck. 
“Tend to me, then,” he says against your throat, peppermint sweet breath warm against your skin. “I’m all yours.”
You laugh softly at the declaration, as if any person could claim this man as their own. You tell him so and feel Bakugou’s sly smile against your neck as the pirate presses his lips to your heated flesh.
He starts with closed-mouth kisses, gentle pecks to your throat that quickly turn heated as he adds teeth and tongue. His hand comes up to hold the back of your head in his palm, pressing you closer while he tastes your skin, licks across your thrumming pulse. 
You enjoy the feeling of his mouth on your body, and you want more. You tilt your head to the side, letting it rest in his palm, as you give him more room to wander. There’s something dangerous about Bakugou’s touch. Something that scares you but tempts you all the same. You feel yourself giving up control to it, the mood shifting in Bakugou’s favor. You can’t have that. Your eyes, which you had not realized were even closed, open and you pull back, surprised at the desperate sound that leaves Bakugou as you do.
You press a soft kiss to the corner of his panting mouth as a consolation, place a palm on his heaving chest to steady him. Could the pirate king truly be so needy? Chasing your touch like a man starved for it, like he needs your attention to sustain him.
So you continue to give him both. You rise up further on your knees and slowly reach down across the long line of Bakugou’s torso, feeling the strong muscles of his stomach, the coarse hair below his navel. Your fingers skim his hard cock where it has risen to rest against his stomach, but you don’t take hold of it yet, choosing instead to taunt and tease. Bakugou lets out a frustrated sound at your evasion, and you smile against his jaw in response.
His thigh is thick and powerfully built, solid in your grasp as your fingers knead the hard muscle. You have to practically drape yourself over his shoulder to reach, breasts pressed against him, the full front of you wet now with scented water soaking the thin fabric of your robe. But he doesn’t seem to mind. He just turns his head to nuzzle at whatever skin or silk on your person that he can touch.
“You said you’d take care of me,” he says, his voice rough and low. 
“I am,” you reply. “I know exactly what you need.”
Bakugou scoffs. “You don’t know shit,” he tells you, but there’s no heat behind his words and you’re too amused to take offense. 
“Tell me, then,” you say as you continue to massage his thigh. “How can I take care of you?”
The pirate king looks at you from the corner of his eye. “You can start by stroking my cock.”
You laugh but oblige, giving him the relief that he so desperately needs by finally taking his cock in your hand. He hisses as if burned, hips jumping to thrust his dick up into your fist. He’s hard and thick against your palm, hot even in the cooling water of the bathtub. You imagine he would fill you up nicely, stretch your cunt in the most delicious way. You tremble at the thought. 
Once Bakugou settles, you give him one long, slow stroke from base to tip, twisting at the top, then stroking back down again. 
“Like this?” you ask, your hand following that same path again.
“Yeah, fuck, like that,” he groans, his head titled back to rest against your body.
You keep stroking him, reveling in his soft grunts and low moans. On another downstroke, you keep going, moving downward, caressing his balls with your palm, cupping them, feeling the weight and heft of them as he growls in response. You slide your palm back up the underside of his cock, fingertips following after to wrap your fingers around the head, stroking just the tip. You pump him, slow and shallow, the oil in the water slicking your way and making for an easy slide.
Bakugou’s fingers tighten against the edges of the tub, inked and scarred knuckles going pale at the pressure. He uncrosses his legs and plants both feet on the lip of the tub, giving him more leverage to thrust up and fuck your fist.
But it’s not enough. He’s too impatient for your slow and teasing touches, so he wraps his hand around yours, dwarfing your fist with his fingers. He moves your hand, using it to stroke his cock, forcing you to go at the pace that he wants.
You let him use you, watching him as he thrusts his hips up to fuck into your joined hands. Gradually, he picks up speed. You try to keep up with him, but it’s too much, he’s too strong, so you just relax, give in to him. 
You’re not even being touched but the sight before you is overwhelming. The strong muscles in Bakugou’s stomach are bunching and flexing as he moves, the head of his dick, glistening wet and flushed red, is rising from your fist, blanketed by Bakugou’s much larger fingers. Your cunt clenches at the thought of his thick cock inside of you, of him fucking you the way he’s fucking your hand.
You’ve lain with men out of duty, but never truly out of want. This feeling of desire is foreign to you, but you intend to fully embrace it. You’ve bedded warlords and dukes and knights, and even a prince once from a country too new even to be painted on maps, but for all you played a role, out of service and the safety of your country. 
But Bakugou… everything about him calls to you. His size, his strength, his body that is scar-covered and battle-hewn; the danger he exudes and the softness just underneath. This pirate king, you want him for yourself. And you will have him.
The hand not around his cock is planted on his shoulder, fingernails digging into his skin for leverage so that you don’t fall forward. There’s water sloshing over the sides of the tub, spilling over you and drenching your robe, but you’re too far gone to care. You barely even realize that your thighs are spread, knees pressing hard against the bench you’re kneeling on, hips undulating in a ragged rhythm. You’re moaning against the man, lips and nose pressed against his skin, tasting and breathing in the sun-kissed, salt-steeped column of his throat. 
Bakugou’s movements grow frantic and, following a gasp, he grows silent for a moment, breath catching in his chest. His shoulders hunch in on himself, hips still thrusting, driving his cock erratically into your fist. 
“Cum for me, Captain,” you command of him. “Please, cum for me.”
Bakugou moans, long and loud and deep, hips stuttering, his fist clenching yours even tighter than before. And then he erupts, long ropes of cum landing on his freshly cleansed skin, covering his flushed, glistening stomach and chest. 
He squeezes, making you milk the last of his come from his cock, trails of pearl white spilling down his shaft, into the bath water. He relaxes after, body sinking down into the tub, the back of his head resting against your chest. 
Bakugou picks up your hand and presses his lips to the back of it, breathing heavily. He kisses up the back of your wrist, rubs his cheek against your skin before you gently slide your hand from his grasp. You dip it back down into the warm and swirling water, then place your palm on his stomach, wiping him clean once more.
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x quote by Nathaniel Hawthorne
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pastafossa · 3 years
The Red Thread Masterlist
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🔥  = contains smuttiness  🌧️ = contains heavy angst
The Red Thread  🔥  
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader* **Special note: Reader, in TRT, uses a false identity named Jane Hind (a play on, ‘Jane Doe’). TRT is still written in second person, and Matt knows Reader’s actual name. But if you see posts with readers referring to Jane, this is who we’re talking about.
Summary: It's said that every soul is connected to another by a red thread, and that these two souls are destined to meet. The thread, though it may  tangle or stretch, will never break. That's not your experience, lucky  or unlucky enough as you are to see the strings that bind people  together. A red thread is developed and grown, not born, and you've  worked hard to weed out any semblance of crimson that might cling to  you. You pay your bills, you keep your head down, and you find whatever  lost people or items you're hired to sniff out.
Then the Devil of Hell's Kitchen tags along on a job, and your plan falls apart.
Now the longest Daredevil x Reader fic on AO3, so remember to drink some water before starting! Updates every Tuesday.
Rating: Mostly M, occasional E. Chapters that are E will be marked at the beginning of the chapter. NSFW.
Current tags and warnings: friends-to-lovers, eventual smut (no longer eventual! It’s there!), slow burn,  canon-typical violence, blood, kidnapping and rescue, guns, angst, hurt/comfort, no use of ‘y/n’. More tags are listed on the fic itself!
For your added enjoyment: listen to the official accompanying playlist on Spotify!  
What-Ifs And Side Pieces/Drabbles:
✞ What would happen if Reader lost her memory just before coming back from her three months away? 🌧️ ✞ What if Reader was captured by the Man in the White Coat and months passed before Matt could find her and set her free? (VERY dark, caution advised) 🌧️ ✞ Soft headcanons about Ciro ✞ Melting Matt Murdock with head scratches after teasing him about it in Chapter 68. ✞ What if: Matt and Jane/Reader got a cat? ✞ Requested: Jane/Reader’s reaction to Matt’s new red and yellow suit ✞ That time Jane/Reader got stuck in a vent chasing a cat and Matt needed to get her out.
Requested Matt POVs of major events:
✞ The goodbye letter from Chapter 9. ✞ Matt’s POV of that scene from Chapter 28. (NSFW🔥) ✞ Matt’s POV/feelings on you wearing his mask in Chapter 32. (NSFW 🔥 ) ✞ Letters from the Road (letters sent to Matt, post-chapter 34): Letter 1 | Letter 2 | Letter 3 (Also collected here) ✞ Matt dreaming of you while you’re away during the Away Chapters. ✞ Matt’s POV of the 10 day period in Chapter 41. 🌧️ ✞ Matt’s POV of the mind-whammy and grinding in Chapter 47  🔥  ✞ Matt’s POV of the drowning incident in Chapter 63
Extras/Supplementary Goodies
✞A Red Thread tarot spread to try if you’ve enjoyed the tarot symbolism in the fic ✞ The offficial TRT playlist on Spotify ✞ A requested, helpful index of all the smutty bits in TRT, complete with links ✞ Is there a deeper meaning to the 3-1-2 code they use with one another? ✞ A rundown of thread colors and what each means. ✞ A Hound!Jane aesthetic board
Fan Creations Because Ya’ll Are Amazing:
✞  Art by @electricmongrel​ of Beagle!Reader and Doberman!Ciro! ✞  Art by @nerualian​ of Matt, including one of him with a red thread! ✞  Art by @acrabbybish​ of Matt in an adorable penguin onesie! ✞  A series of wonderful pieces by @phantomkindalikejaiden​ of Matt and Reader: Art 1 | Art 2 | Art 3 | Art 4 | Art 5 | Art 6 | Art 7 | Art 8 | Art 9 | Art 10 | Art 11 | Art 12 ✞  Art by ViviEkhart on Insta of Matt and Reader holding hands! ✞  An awesome playlist by @moonyinthestars​ on spotify! ✞ Badass art by @melodicmel​ of Matt with a red thread! ✞ Art by @vx-vexedvixen​, who made this awesome collage!
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
I don't know if this counts as a ship but if you could write about the Valkyries with these prompts I would love you immensely
“You can’t just say a bunch of words that sound like Latin and expect to make magic.” + “I told you not to summon demons in the house!” + “Do you know any spells to get rid of this thing?”
Eh, ship could mean any type of relationship. 👀 Though, I did bring more into this, cause I couldn't help myself. LOL But I love this!
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Gwyn manages to summon a demon, despite Nesta's rules against doing just that.
Warnings: Innuendo | Word Count: 1,852 | Read on AO3
We're Not Monsters Masterlist
a/n: Really hope I did this service! I love the prompt, and tried to give the Valkyries as much as I could, but I couldn't help but bring in the other characters, and maybe put a biiiit of extra focus on Nessian over others...I can't help it. There's a shocking amount of 0 Nessian requests in my inbox for Halloween...
I'm not sure on how I feel about the piece overall, so hope you like it!
Also, along with the prompts, inspiration was drawn from @tellmelater 's art piece here. Particularly stuff around Az, Cassian, and my idea of what the girl's were wearing. Even though I didn't describe much of that last piece.
Not edited. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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"I told you not to summon demons in the house!"
Nesta was frozen in place where she stood in the archway that led into the living room. The couches had all been pushed back and the rug removed, the space clear and empty save for the large symbol drawn in salt and the tall, broad shouldered, handsome male standing in the center of the pentagram. He had fairly short hair, falling just a bit above his eyebrows, and lovely hazel eyes that sat in a classically beautiful face. But, what really drew Nesta's attention was the swirling shadows that seemed to hug his body, shadows that whispered his true essence on the wind.
"I didn't!" Gwyn argued, rolling her eyes. "He's a vampire."
Nesta gave her a flat, 'are-you-kidding-me' look as she blinked at one of her best friends. "Vampires are demons, Gwyn."
"Um, if I may, I'd have to agree with ginger," the male offered, his voice low and dark, sending chills through the room.
"Oh, so you don't have demon blood in you?" Nesta asked sarcastically, smirking as his face fell, the only admission she'd likely receive from him.
Nesta sighed as she walked over to the bookshelf, running a finger along the old, leather-bound books as she looked for the right one. This was an absolute nightmare - demon summoning was one of the things Nesta never touched. When Emerie and Gwyn moved in, partially with the intention of learning to hone their magic from Nesta, she'd been very adamant that demon summoning was off the table. It was far too risky and unpredictable.
"Hey, what's goin-" Emerie's voice cut off as she entered the room, and Nesta looked over her shoulder to see the tan woman staring at the vampire, mouth open with just the smallest curve to her lips. "Okay, who's he?"
"Some demon," Nesta huffed.
"Vampire," Gwynn corrected.
"Or, you know, you could just call me Az," he suggested, rubbing his neck while Nesta pulled out what she hoped was the right book.
Gwyn smiled up at him. "Az? That's your name?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Well, my name is Azriel, but you can call me Az," he shrugged.
"Wait, what?! But I thought we weren't allowed to summon demons," Emerie whined, walking over to Nesta, her face scrunched.
"You're not," she snapped, flipping through the book as quickly as she could. "Why? Have you been looking into it? Do you know any spells to get rid of this thing?!"
Azriel scoffed from where he was trapped within the circle. "I'm not a thing. I'm a being, and I use the he and him pronouns, for what it's worth."
"You care about that?" Gwyn questioned, her teal eyes wide and full of surprise.
He threw her a small smile. "Of course. We're not monsters."
"Technically, you are," Nesta sighed, slamming the book closed and tossing it onto a nearby table. She really wasn't in the mood to deal with this, not after cleaning up the mess Emerie had made earlier in an attempt to cook entirely with magic. "And I'm guessing you're not going to tell me how we can banish you?"
Az shook his head, his smile turning into something slightly wicked. "No way. I greatly appreciate the interruption. The guy I work for…well, typically he's fine, but he can be a right pain in the ass when he doesn't get his way. Just feel bad my brother got left behind."
Emerie took a few steps toward the circle, fingers tucked into the back pockets of her high-waisted black shorts. "Couldn't you just try something like 'Demonis Banto'?"
Nesta sighed loudly as Az bit down on a chuckle. "I've already told you, you can't just say a bunch of words that sound like Latin and expect to make magic. Besides, with your accent, that word sounds a bit too much like baeto, which can mean go, but can also mean c-"
"Az! There you are!" another male voice exclaimed as a massive, hulking figure appeared in the circle.
"…come," Nesta whispered, now completely lost as she stared at the most attractive male she'd ever seen. He was so tall she practically had to tilt her neck to get a look at him, not that she would have minded staring straight at his chest, and those shoulders…gods, how could someone be so broad and muscular, yet still seem so graceful. It must have all been lean muscle, and Nesta couldn't help but wonder exactly what it looked like beneath that flannel shirt he was wearing. His eyes were hazel, like Azriel's, only they seemed to glimmer with flecks of gold that she didn't notice in the other's, and his face was all hard lines and roughness, making him appear almost wild. Or, that may have been the near-shoulder-length hair, onyx and entrancing.
The male looked at her, hearing her final word, and gave her a cocky smile. "You first, sweetheart."
Nesta raised her eyebrows at the comment, the fire of a challenge being offered enough to get her mouth and brain moving, and keep her features schooled enough to hide any reaction she was feeling internally. Particularly the one at the top of her legs. "I doubt it, I'm not so easy to please," she fired back at him, her insides churning at the spark in his eyes.
"I'm sure I co-" He was cut off as he took one too many steps forward and found himself being bounced back by the barrier the circle provided.
"Cassian," Azriel sighed, shaking his head. "Surely, by now, you can tell when you've been summoned and are trapped?"
The male - Cassian - grumbled, eyes narrowing as he looked Nesta over with an unsatiable hunger and hopeless determination. It had her entire body heating, but she couldn't let herself think about that.
"Well, at least we know that works," Nesta said, turning to look at her two students, both of whom were biting down on their lips to try and hide their giggles. She chose to ignore that. "Time to figure out how to banish them."
"You sure you want to do that?" Emerie asked, her voice laced with amusement.
"What else would I do?" Nesta replied in exasperation.
Emerie grinned. "Blow off some steam?"
Gwyn lost it at that, slapping a hand over her mouth to cover the laughter. Even Az offered a few chuckles, but Cassian just kept staring at her, as if her attempting to undress her with his eyes. She had a feeling he could tell exactly what was under her own outfit, but she had to admit, she didn't leave much to the imagination. The black corset highlighted her figure perfectly, and the flared black skirt barely fell one-quarter way down her thighs.
"They're demons," Nesta breathed, feeling as if she were repeating herself. "And all that stuff about demons owing you something if you summon them is complete crap, so if we let them out we'll have literally no control over them once the sun goes down."
"The sun?" Cassian mused, his mouth quirking into a half-smile. "That has no effect on me, sweetheart."
All three girls turned, looking at him in shock.
"He's a werewolf," Azriel explained, his voice growing bored. "But, I can assure you, he's easy to keep on a leash." Nesta gave him an incredulous look and he exhaled loudly. "Look, I have no interest in wreaking havoc, nor does my brother. But we would like a little break from our boss."
"Yeah, dude's in a real mood ever since that girl turned down his offer to buy her soul," Cassian agreed, running some fingers through his hair. "We'll be good house guests, won't even leave the building if you'd prefer."
"Oh, please!" Gwyn exclaimed, moving to Nesta's side and taking her hand. "Can we keep them? Just for the weekend?" Nesta didn't miss the way her freckled friend's eyes moved back to Azriel as soon as she asked the question.
"I vote we let them out, too," Emerie offered. "It'll be so much more fun, and it's not like any of us know how to send them back anyway." She looked over at Nesta and smirked wickedly. "Besides, I really shouldn't be the only one in the house getting some."
"I'm not having sex with a demon," Nesta argued, which seemed to prompt a scoff from Cassian that had her glaring at him again.
Emerie's eyes flicked to Gwyn purposefully before falling back on Nesta. "Maybe I wasn't talking about you."
At that, Gwyn looked down at her shoes, blushing deeply, but that wasn't what surprised Nesta. It was the soft flush that appeared on Azriel's face that had her raising her eyebrows again. She was about to respond when she heard the door to her house open and close, footsteps approaching them quickly.
"Babe? You here?" the familiar voice of Emerie's girlfriend called out just as the gorgeous blonde walked into the room. "Whoa, what are you all doing?" She draped an arm around Emerie as she wagged her eyebrows at the girls. "Did I just walk in on some weird, kinky foreplay?"
Nesta rolled her eyes as Emerie laughed, pulling Mor tighter to her body. "We're just having a bit of a witch moment," Emerie explained, giving Mor a kiss on the cheek. "Want to go wait in my room? I'll be up in a few minutes."
Mor pouted in feigned upset. "So no orgy?"
"No orgy," Nesta ground out, crossing her arms and taking a deep breath.
"Fine," Mor sighed, rolling her eyes. "Five minutes or I start without you." She purposefully walked around the front of Emerie, trailing a hand across the girl's skin as she made her way out the room. Nesta was so preoccupied with a mental rant about the idea of them having an orgy, she didn't notice the break in the circle Mor had made with her feet during her little display.
At least, not until it was too late, and Cassian and Azriel were stepping out of the circle, triumphant grins on their faces.
"Well, look at that…guess we didn't have more to discuss," Emerie chuckled awkwardly, slowly backing out of the room as Nesta's narrowed gaze landed on her. "I'm just, um…" She pointed her thumbs over her shoulder and then pivoted, rushing out the room and up the stairs before Nesta could say or do anything.
"Don't be mad, Nesta," Gwyn sighed, giving her friend a pleading look.
"I'm not mad," Nesta huffed, knowing no one believed her. "You two promise to stay inside the house all weekend?" she added, shifting to look at Cassian and Azriel. "And then you'll tell us how to send you back?"
They both nodded.
"Unless you decide you don't want to," Cassian teased, stepping toward her as Gwyn moved to speak to Azriel.
"Why would I do that?" she threw back at him.
Cassian's eyes trailed down her body and back up it slowly, as if he was trying to memorize every curve. "I'm sure I can give you a few reasons."
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@live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @nehemikkele @nestaisgod @julemmaes @live-the-fangirl-life @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @bo0kmaster69 @angelic-voice-1997 @moodymelanist @sv0430 @confusedfandomslut
If you'd like to be added to my Nessian or Gwynriel tag list, or any, please let me know. 😄
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 3 years
The Solari theory, aka. “here’s how Mel can still win”
Cast your mind back to episode 8, remember this dress from the flashback?
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It’s a really nice dress right? It’s also nothing even remotely resembling Noxian fashion (which tends to be a lot of hard edges and black on black). What it does kinda resemble is Rakkor fashion. Specifically that gold ring symbol on her chest looks like a Solari insignia.
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Yes i created a reference board just to make this point, cause it’s kinda what this entire theory relies on.
So “Rakkor”, “Solari”, weird fantasy terms, what do they mean? Well, the Rakkor are the largest, and most militarized of the tribes inhabitingthe Mount Targon region. The Solari are a religious order which most (but not all) Rakkor belongs to, who as you may have guessed from the name, worship the sun.
Also just to avoid confusion: oftentimes when you hear the word “tribe” used in fantasy, its meant to imply some sorta small, “In-touch with nature” nomadic community, based off of white people’s fetishized views of indigenous cultures. That is not the case here, the Rakkor are a vast (and diverse) group of people, they have universities, religious schisms, vast cities, and oh yeah, a well-trained standing army that could probably go toe to toe with Noxus.
Here’s the thing though, Mount Targon is nowhere near Noxian territory, but other than that, the cultural values of two groups line up pretty well. Noxus sees itself as the great liberator, the Rakkor sees themself as the protectors of Mount Targon (and its’ tribes), both are really into military prowess. Meaning if Ambessa, for some reason ran into a solari warrior, they would probably hit it off.
However, given that the Noxian capital is on the other side of the planet from mount Targon, and that the Rakkor believes in communally raising children within temples, a relationship probably wouldn’t last. I can’t imagine Ambessa being particularly excited by the idea of her daughter being raised side by side with “peasants”.
And you might be like “hold on Valk are you really basing all off this on a dress scene in one seen? That seems kinda thin.” At which point I would like to draw your attention to my second big piece of evidence: Mel’s tattoos.
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(And yes they are tattoos. they’re there while she sleeps, and they stretch/deform with her skin.)
Now scroll back up to my reference board for Solari sigils. Notice anything familiar? Yup a lot of them also have golden tattoos on their upper bodies, however theirs are in circular patterns fitting the solari aesthetic, whereas Mel’s are in a more art deco/Piltover style. You’ll also notice: Mel doesn’t have her tattoos yet in the flashback.
Which brings us to the meat of the theory: Mel’s dad is a Solari, who at some point during Mel’s lifetime had a falling out with Ambessa; maybe it was the same thing that led to Mel being semi-disowned? Who knows 🤷‍♂️, would explain why she smeared gold over her painting of the Noxian capital though. Until that point, Mel’s dad had been teaching her about his side of her cultural heritage, which she clearly had an interest in (why else would she wear a Solari dress in what I assume to be Ionia?)
After being shipped off to Piltover, Mel found someone who could give her gold tattoos similar to the ones worn by the Solari, but chose to instead have them made in a Piltover style. Possibly as an attempt to combine her cultural heritage with her new home? Or maybe as a way to own her Rakkor heritage without seeming like she was giving Noxus the middle finger?
How does all of this explains how Mel might survive the hextech rocket? Well the last thing we see before the rocket hits the council building is this:
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A flash of light travelling across Mel’s tattoos in a way that doesn’t quite seem to fit with either the light already in the room, or the light emitted by the rocket’s engine. Light magic, like that practiced by the Solari however, is recognizable by its golden glow, and is very commonly used for defensive purposes.
Magic may be illegal in Piltover, but it’s not in Noxus; in fact there you are all but obligated to hone your magical abilities if you have them. So Mel grows up, having inherited her father’s magic and has some of the best trainers money can buy. She is exiled to Piltover where magic is forbidden, thereby also severing her ties to her dad. But in that split second before the rocket hits, she’s no longer thinking, instincts kick in before her conscious mind even registers the dangers, reaching out despite the rust, projecting a magical barrier around herself and those closest to her.
Because lets be honest here, they’re not gonna kill of Jayce and Viktor, and this feels like the least bs way they could survive the blast.
“But wait!” I hear you say: “Isn’t Mel’s dad Jago Medarda?” And no, it is almost certainly not. Let’s disregard Jago being white, because genetics can be weird and characters can have their race changed; what’s more likely is that Jago has been retconned. There’s just too much lore that doesn’t add up otherwise.
For those who have no idea what I’m talking about: There’s a page on the official lore wiki, which predates Arcane by years, saying that house Medarda is a well-established house in Piltover lead by an old white guy named Jago Medarda. Jago’s heir apparent is a (black or mixed race) man named Jalrond “Jae” Medarda; which seems to go against Mel being “the richest person in Piltover, but the poorest Medarda”. It also just doesn’t make sense to “exile” Mel to Piltover if she’s got like half her family already living there, Ambessa would already have a political presence. There’s also some, a bit iffy references to house Medarda arming anti-Noxus rebels, but those can potentially be explained, I just don’t wanna do a deep dive into Noxian poltics here.
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itstimetotheorize · 3 years
little nightmares 2, would the world have been saved if the Black Tower fell?
A couple of weeks after the games release, David Mevrik, the lead narrative designer, sat down in an interview and answered some much needed questions about the little nightmares 2 game. Naturally, in an effort to maintain the mystery of the world, David proceeds to take every question that is thrown at him and gives a bizarre and cryptic answer in return. The only thing that he does confirm directly is the fact that little nightmares 2 take place before little nightmares 1, meaning that little nightmares 2 IS a prequel!
(link to interview)
Although this one answer helped fans alleviate some major confusion, it still does not give us the answers needed to determine what exactly is going on in the little nightmares world. As the interview ends, David leaves us with his cryptic answers knowing fully well that we will do everything we can to try and decipher them in order to theorize for ourselves what is actually happening in this world of little nightmares. Now, out of al the things he was asked, one question in particular had constantly left my mind wondering and asking, “what did he mean by that?”
The question I am referring to is,  “ Who built the Signal Tower, and what was the inspiration behind it (both in terms of in-game lore and your IRL inspirations)?”
to which David replies, “The world of Little Nightmares doesn't work that way, creatures and places exist for a reason. In the first game, The Maw exists because the hunger exists, and here, The Signal Tower exists because the need for escapism exists. Sure, in the game it beams out The Transmission to everyone's TVs, but it would be trite and wrong to say that it's only about the ubiquity of screens. It's inspired by this idea of the spectacle; this thing that delights you in order to destroy you, that corrupts the way you see the world and blinds you to the true monsters. We have centuries of inspiration for something so foul, you just need a good pair of sunglasses.”
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Out of all the details that can be taken from his cryptic answer, there was always one piece that had constantly stood out to me, “ The Maw exists because the hunger exists, and here, The Signal Tower exists because the need for escapism exists. Sure, in the game it beams out The Transmission to everyone's TVs, but it would be trite and wrong to say that it's only about the ubiquity of screens”
Out of all the words displayed within these sentences, David specifically chose “Trite” and “Ubiquity” in his response. Before, many of use were certain that we understood exactly what he meant, but did we really? when you look up the definition of these two words you would come to find that they mean so much more:
Trite- overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness.
Ubiquity- the fact of appearing everywhere or of being very common.
what does this mean exactly? it means that David might have been trying to tell us that just because the tower sends out its transmission to the world, it would be boring and unoriginal to believe that the world is the way it is just because there are a ton of tvs  broadcasting a single transmission. So then, if it truly isnt just about the tower and the tvs then what else could there be...or rather...what else is happening in the world that we don't yet know about?...what even is this world?!...perhaps... we have already been given that answer.
In the school, when mono is trying to solve the chess puzzle, there is something within the room that many of us, at the time, had overlooked and taken for granted. This particular item was something so common that we didn't even think about just how important it truly was within the little nightmares games and its world!, what exactly is this item that I am referring to?...its a region map...of the little nightmares world!
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for those who do not know, world maps are often divided up into smaller pieces  to better organize them. The map seen within the school, reveals to us, a piece of the worlds geography! 
For the longest time, many of us had wondered what else was beyond the maw, sure we have seen the nest and the pale city, but this map is the first solid piece of evidence we have come across that tells us just how large the world of little nightmares is. What’s even more interesting is that this map, does not have the signal tower or the thin man drawn over it to symbolize their control/influence over the world!, what does it have drawn over every inch of it?... the all seeing eye!
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For years we had suspected that an entity of higher power was present in the little nightmares games and for the longest time many of us had believed that the eyes, which were referenced all over the world, were a hint towards that higher entity. In another interview question, David is even asked, “A lot of fans believe that someone, some unseen threat, has been pulling the strings in the world Little Nightmares. Is this the case... and might we meet them one day?”
To which David replies, “That depends if I'm ever allowed to go out in public again.”
When David answers the question, he talks as if he were in a position where he lacks the free will to make his own simple choices, that he needs the permission of another presence that’s currently watching over him... just who or what is this other presence? well... isn't it obvious...its the eyes! 
Near the end of little nightmares 2, after mono frees six from her monstrous form, fans finally get the chance to meet the entity responsible for all the suffering faced by not just mono and six, but the entire world! As the tower begins to crumble, it reveals to us its true form, a gigantic fleshy mass comprised of giant eyes!
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Whats even more surprising is that this giant eye entity may not just be located in the black tower. In Little nightmares 1, as well as the LN1 DLC, we see pictures of a similar eye within a structure/building!. 
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However unlike the eye entity within the black tower, the eye seen in portraits on the maw appears to be located within some sort of light house...which ironically enough, if you look up the concept art of the maw, you would come to find that the maw had a lighthouse located atop the small island it carries! 
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And I know what you are thinking, “but wait this is concept art, it didn't even make it into the final game”, yes, but the fact that this specific art is still seen REPEATEDLY throughout the maw in little nightmares 1 as well as the DLC, could possibly hint that this eye bearing lighthouse might still exist,  somewhere within the maw! What does this mean exactly? it means that even the maw, a large cruise ship that travels all throughout the oceans of the world, bears within it a large entity similar to the eye entity within the black tower of the pale city! What’s even more insane is that these two very distinct eyes, from two very distinct places, could very well be just two small pieces of a much larger mass watching over the entire world as it feeds upon its residents in one way or another! To be fair, we still dont know what exactly this thing is, let alone how it came to be in the world, but what we do know is that the residents of the world are obsessed with it!
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David has always said that the maw exists because hunger exists and that the tower exists because escapism exists, but if each place existed from one corrupt human desire then I wonder... are there other structures like them in the world?, and do these other structures revolve around an entirely different existing human need that has been corrupted by the eye entities hypnotic light/spell ?...maybe...
Then again...this does beg the question... If the maw sank and if the tower was left to fall, would we have truly ended the nightmarish world that mono and six resided in or would we have simply ended two very small parts of a much larger nightmare occurring in the world? If the eye is truly responsible for all the suffering seen throughout the childrens lives, then what would the children of this world even do to fight the nightmare that they are trapped in ? would they continue to run and hide, hoping that it is enough to help them survive until adult hood?.... or would they need to accept the reality of this world... take the power that’s there...learn to make it their own and become themselves... little nightmares...
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  honestly... whos to say.. should these children choose to make these heart wrenching decisions, would they still be viewed by the all seeing eye as victims?... or would they be seen as threats that need to be stopped before they have the chance to cripple the power it has used to feed upon the world it has latched itself onto....... I guess we will just have to wait and see... but hey, that’s just a theory, a little nightmares theory!
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[ID: A cream-colored banner that says "A Nice and Interpretive Fanzine: essays and art about the meanings we've found in Good Omens." There is a photo of a book page with a key on it behind the banner text. The photo source is rosy_photo on Pixabay. /end ID]
A Nice and Interpretive Fanzine: Information Masterpost
This is a zine for those of us who love the subtle, complex work that is Good Omens, and who’ve enjoyed the thoughtfulness of the fandom as people interpret how the many moving pieces of the story come together, creating a slightly different meaning for each of us.
To put it simply, it’s a book full of the fandom’s own analysis and commentary about the Good Omens TV show, enhanced with illustrations from our brilliant artists.
This zine is analytical in the sense that all the writers are expressing their own nonfiction thoughts and feelings about the show, rather than writing fanfic, but it is not meant to be heavily academic. Anybody who likes to pick apart the series and discuss it should be able to enjoy it.
The zine will contain essays by fans who are passionate about analyzing and interpreting different parts of Good Omens - the characters, the plot, the writing techniques for the book and script, the cinematography of the TV show, the popular content of the fandom itself. Accompanying these essays will be black and white illustrations from our artists.
How are you organizing this process?
May 1-May 15: Everyone submits their application to do writing or art through a Google form. Behind the scenes, I’ll be setting up a separate email and Discord.
May 16-20: Applicants will be screened during this time.
May 20: I’ll email everyone to let them know the outcomes of their applications. The final participants will get a link to the Discord server for the zine (totally optional, of course).
May 21: If there’s any clarification or solidifying of ideas that needs to happen, I’ll contact you and discuss with you by this point. This is also when artists will be matched up with essays.
May 22 to August 14: This will be a period of just working on our essays and art. The Discord chat and Tumblr will be there for support and for exchanging ideas!
August 15: Participants need to email their full works to the zine’s email address by this date. No special formatting is needed; I’ll do that in InDesign.
August 15 to August 31: I’ll be putting the zine together in InDesign.
September 1: Preorders will open.
September 30: Preorders will close.
October 1: The zine order will be placed!
October 15: Assuming all goes well with printing and shipping, the zines will be shipped out in waves starting on this date. If the printing or shipping from the manufacturer is delayed, then shipping will just start ASAP.
Writer Application HERE Artist Application HERE Asked and Answered Questions on Tumblr The Fanzine's Page on Twitter
Read below for more detailed information about the zine in a Q and A format!
What are the specifications for the zine contributions?
For writers, I’m starting with 3k words or fewer per essay (approximately 10 pages at the size of this book). This depends heavily on how many participants we actually get, so it may change!
For artists, I’d be looking at black and white works, 300 DPI, 5.5 x 8.5 inches or smaller. If your art is supposed to fill up the entire page (i.e. no white space), please make it a total of 5.75 x 8.75 inches with nothing too important around the edges to account for bleed during the printing process.
Can I submit an essay to this zine if I’ve already posted it on Tumblr?
Not as you’ve already posted it. We don’t want to just copy/paste the exact thing that hundreds or perhaps even thousands of people have already read.
However, it IS fine and maybe even a good idea to take the same thought from your post and refine it, preserving your same thesis. For example, a lot of Tumblr posts are just us fans jotting down 5 or 6 paragraphs of random thoughts at 2 AM, but some of them are really cool thoughts! Expanding them and turning them into a bona-fide Essay would make those posts into excellent zine chapters. And you can copy small pieces of your own language as long as the whole thing isn’t just pasted word-for-word.
How long do essays have to be? Is there a limit?
With the number of writers we have, I've calculated that each person should ideally keep their essay to about 6000 words. There is wiggle room.
There’s no real minimum for your contribution; some analytical ideas are really good but can be expressed concisely, so it’s okay if your essays only come out to a few pages typed. For reference, with our book size, a page is about 300 words.
What happens if the zine sells a lot and you end up not only breaking even, but turning a profit?
It’ll go to charity. While I’ll ask the participants what they want to do for certain if we do make enough money, my suggestion will be donating it to Alzheimer’s Research UK in honor of Sir Terry Pratchett.
I’m not really comfortable calling this a “charity zine” up front since I simply don’t know if it will raise a significant amount. For the most part, I just want the thing to physically exist, which means breaking even, and don’t want to make it more expensive for buyers than it needs to be to afford the printing costs.
What kinds of essays are you talking about? What could be included?
In short, any analytical thoughts about the Good Omens TV show - and possibly even the fandom as it interacts with the show - are possible inclusions for the zine.
To expand a bit, think about the meta posts you see floating around Tumblr. Often these involve analyzing characters, or picking up on patterns in the plot. Sometimes fans use their own background knowledge to write posts about the significance of certain costume choices or the way music plays into each individual scene. Some posts examine the ways the series approaches gender, while others might discuss ways that the characters present as neurodivergent. That’s how diverse the pool of possibilities is for subjects in this zine.
How does art come into this?
Images will be black and white, to match the bookish mood of the project overall. Images can range in size from a half page to a full page.
I’m planning to talk to the artists and authors and loosely pair artists with essays that appeal to their personal interests.
I know how to illustrate a story, but how do I illustrate an essay?
There are infinite answers to this! I’ve seen some beautiful symbolic artwork in the fandom already (e.g. a number of takes on Aziraphale munching on an apple with Crowley in snake form curving around him), and there are tons of symbolic motifs to draw from, but these are not the only options. An artist illustrating an essay about cinematography, for example, could draw a well-known scene from an alternative angle. An essay about Heaven as a capitalist corporation could be illustrated with a cartoon of Gabriel giving some sort of excruciating PowerPoint presentation. A character analysis could be accompanied by a simple portrait. And on and on. I’m not interested in limiting the possibilities by trying to make a list, but just know that there are many and you don’t have to make it complicated if you don’t want to.
If the writers can reuse their essay ideas, can artists reuse their drawings?
Similarly to the writers, if you already have an interpretive drawing that you’re in love with, artists can use the same ideas and the same fundamental composition that is present in their own existing work. However, it has to be redone in some significant way. Whether it’s taking something you drew in 2019 and redrawing it using an updated style, taking a sketch and turning it into a lined and shaded piece, or redoing a full-color drawing so it presents more strikingly in black and white, it shouldn’t be identical to the thing you’ve already posted.
So how are you choosing participants here?
It’ll be based on what people are interested in writing about (or illustrating). I’ll be looking for people who are passionate about their essays, but I’ll also be looking for variety. It all depends on what people want to offer, so I won’t know for sure what it will look like put together until everyone’s application is in.
For artists, I’ll be trying to figure out whose style looks like it would adapt well to illustrations in black and white, and also who demonstrates an interest in the same subjects as the writers.
If we don’t get a lot of applicants, I’d love to simply include everyone, but I can’t commit to that without knowing for sure how many people are involved.
Do I have to use a formal writing style to participate?
No. You should use a style that makes your thoughts and ideas as clear as possible, but as long as it’s understandable, you can also get a little artistic with it. You can “write like you speak,” though perhaps in a more organized way. You definitely don’t need to worry about stylistic rules like not using the first person. This is not academia.
Is this zine going to center only on Crowley and Aziraphale?
That remains to be seen! It depends on what ideas show up in the applications. There will be a lot of the ineffable partners for sure, but whether the whole zine will center on them or whether there’s plentiful stuff about other characters will depend on what the participants suggest.
Do we have to agree with all your personal interpretations of Good Omens to be in the zine?
No! In fact, I’m assuming that a number of essays will contradict each other, too, and that’s perfectly okay. The zine is a sampler of fan interpretations meant to inspire, not instruct. It’s not “Here’s a fan-made guide on how to understand this TV show,” it’s “Look at all these moving parts and how many meanings we can find in them. What does it mean to you?”
However, there are some basic rules and assumptions by which I’m working here.
I don’t personally have the energy to include essays that are highly critical (“negative”) in this zine. It’s analytical but also meant to be fun.
I’m pretty focused on the TV adaptation. This isn’t “no book analysis allowed” but just that the essays will end up being weighted toward subjects that apply to either the TV show or both the book and the show.
Each writer should focus on making their own points over disproving other fan interpretations. If you’re writing in an expository style, it’s normal for the essay to contain rebuttals to opposing ideas, but these should be minor supporting points, not the heart and soul of your essay. For reference, I’d say the majority of meta I see floating around on tumblr would follow this rule just fine.
Essay ideas that seem to contain bigoted or exclusionary sentiments will not be accepted (no TERFy stuff, for example).
What kinds of editing will go into the zine? Are you going to argue with us about the contents of our writing?
While I might ask you to elaborate on certain points in your writing or clarify your thoughts about your subject, I’m absolutely not here to ask you to change the thesis, opinions, or headcanons on which your writing is based. If I really have a problem with your initial idea, I’ll tell you that up front and politely decline the contribution.
While formatting the zine, I’ll make minor edits if I think I see a typo or misspelling, something small and obviously unintentional. As with any other zine, your content won’t be changed without consulting you.
Is this a SFW zine?
Yes. If people want to discuss sexuality in a theoretical way, like erotic subtext, that would be allowed. There are canon references like Newt and Anathema’s moment under the bed that might come up, too. But there will be nothing explicit, and since these are essays instead of stories, there will be no “action” going on between characters. Let’s just say sex isn’t a forbidden topic, but it will be like discussing it in English class.
As for other topics that could make the zine NSFW, like gore or extreme language, I don’t think they will be an issue. Some dark topics, like abuse by Heaven and Hell, may be discussed, but they will be warned for, and these are not stories, so you aren’t going to see violent actions playing out.
Will there be any “extras” like charms or stickers?
I’m not sure yet. I’m most inclined to keep it simple, because of the nature of the zine, but would be open to including some bonus items if there’s an artist who’s really passionate about it.
With that said, I am pretty committed to making a hardcover edition of the book available, in addition to the standard softcover version.
You’re doing this with only one mod?!
Yes. I personally find it easiest. While I’ve worked on multi-mod projects in other domains and adore all of my co-mods, it’s a little bit different when it’s a project with this many moving pieces that includes real-life components like printing and shipping. Though there are a lot of individual things to be done, I am experienced with all of them, so it’s less overwhelming to just take on the whole project. That way, I know exactly what needs to be done and when, and there are no issues with assigning tasks.
What qualifies you to run this zine?
The résumé answer: in fandom, I successfully solo-modded a large not-for-profit zine in the past, the @soulmakazine2018, and while I can’t speak for the whole fandom, it definitely seemed to be well-received. <3 In real life, I’m a case manager and this involves coordinating and communicating with a lot of different people including my 100-person caseload, budgeting services, and filling out all kinds of paperwork on the fly, all skills that can be imported into zine work.
The practical answer: well, I’m the one who decided to start this project, so if you like the sound of it, you're stuck with me. I say with encouragement and enthusiasm that if you’d like to do a different take on a commentary zine, you should absolutely do it.
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hmshermitcraft · 3 years
I think Impulse was falsely presented as being ship negative, and here’s why.
So, I assume most of you have seen this screenshot:
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(Image description: A discord screenshot. The text reads:
5th question: shippings?
RinRee: Okay, this one is a bit of a yikes side
impulseSV: Yeah probably best to avoid that
End description.)
Notice how the screenshot does not include anything before or after. It appears that RinRee is speaking next, perhaps to ask for clarification, but we can’t see it.
Most people have interpreted this to mean that Impulse does not want to be shipped at all, but I have evidence that may suggest RinRee (who will be henceforth referred to as Rin) misconstrued his words. Look at this art from their alt account:
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(Image description: an Instagram post by rein_alt_ (one of Rin’s accounts). It is composed of a digital drawing and a caption. The drawing depicts a volcano erupting next to three fists in the air and a rainbow flag. There is also a noose. At the bottom of the drawing is written “The world is angry. G-d is angry.” The caption reads “I’ve been having so many existential crisis and the fear of The End of the Day is absorbing my whole thoughts aaaaaaaaaaaa”. End description.)
(Edit: previously mistook the fists for figures. Important because three fists is the symbol of the Black Lives Matter movement. Again, may be coincidental, but oof...)
(Note- G-d is censored in the image description because of my own religion, not because Rin does.)
Please note how under-detailed this art is. Any detail Rin includes must be important, or the minimalist art style would not have allowed it. When asked about the homophobic undertones of the piece, Rin said:
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(Image description: an instagram comment thread. It reads:
_cheese: WAITTTT why is the gay pride flag there? As “apocalypse” hUh?? LMFAO-
rein_alt_: @cheese im sorry to say this but LGBTQ+ bombarding the whole world is a sign of apocalypse for my religion. a big one actually- it doesn’t have to have some logical connection to it but G-d knows better than we do”
End description.)
So, clearly, Rin has something against gay people and the LGBT+ community in general. This may provide a motive for them taking Impulse’s very neutral words and spinning them as negative. Rin doesn’t think he’s against shipping, THEY are- specifically gay shipping, which naturally makes up the majority of hermitshipping.
Of course, I don’t know for sure. Maybe Rin faithfully communicated the entirety of Impulse’s opinion, ignoring their own feelings about shipping. But I think it’s very suspicious that someone who thinks G-d will end the world because gay people are being accepted also HAPPENS to know that a famous youtuber is secretly against being shipped with men. Please take this into account if you want to spread that screenshot.
Further edit: see this post. I did not intend to come across like I thought Rin’s homophobia was not as bad as the possibility that they lied. I merely tried to present the information clearly so people could understand it better.
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Let’s talk about Players and Aspects.
There are Two to Three Avatars of an Aspect, and then the Aspect itself. The two are the Player, and whatever Familiar / Sidekick / Fence / Companion they may have.
The Aspect itself is The Thing and the Whole of the Thing. For example-- you can picture Time without a Player. Its the measurement of events as they proceed; but its also the Begining and the End, the Pace-- Its Art is Music and its Artifact is Clockwork.
Think of all Aspects as like that.
The Avatar of the Aspect, or the Player, is capable of both introducing and controlling how the Aspect will function. If the player chooses bad choices, the Aspect will turn to those bad choices. The Aspect as the Thing and the Whole of the Thing is a neutral force of nature, only following its function, and its Avatar can dictate how that function is carried out. The Avatar and Aspect, however, are separate in this-- the aspect can still carry out its function without an avatar, just look at the Troll-Godless Earth.
The Player’s Class often tells you how the Player will dish out their Aspect.
Why is this important?
Consider what we see in Homestuck.
In the Troll Sessions, the Aspects are balanced. There is an avatar for each aspect, and they carry out as players can and will and won’t to do.
But its the Human sessions where all this gets interesting.
Because the Human sessions aren’t balanced. They don’t have an avatar for each Aspect, and worse still, you can see that a powerful entity-avatar has corrupted the human sessions and one troll session (LE)-- The humans sessions is where it becomes blatant how the Aspects function without someone to direct or with someone with malicious intent.
Let’s start with Beta Session.
Here, we are introduced to Avatars of Breath, Light, Space and Time. Spacetime, its a given we need, because for anything to happen you need Space to fill and Time to pace.
But Light and Breath?
Breath is motion, progression, plot. Everything about the Beta Session is fast moving and constant action, and in fact, is too fast. Everything has to be done quickly, established quicker, and it jumps around.
This is a session without any sort of grounding-- There are no Real Aspects to tie everything down, so everything is all over the place.
Light is Relevance, Meaning and Symbols; Eyes and Color, Consciousness (lights on and everybody is home). There is next to nothing dark about what we’re seeing-- intention is often made plainly clear, most of the characters are in their right minds, and the Beta Session is chocked full of Symbols and Meaning and the promise that things will be made Clear if we can only Look.
But the problem here-- is that its too much all at once. Like above, there are no Real Aspects to ground the Ideals we have. We are given all this information, but have no fucking idea how to process it or where to put it, or what’s relevant to what.
Without Avatars of the Real Aspects (Void, Doom, Blood, Rage, Heart), there is no SENSE. And the Guardians that are there, are just that-- Guardians. They hold an Aspect, but don’t do much with it.
The Aspects that are the Thing and the Whole of the Thing are there, but they merely Are, and do not bend to or over the whims of anyone.
--- Until the Trolls come in, do things start making Sense.
Let’s talk the Alpha Session.
So we have Avatars of Life, Void, Hope, and Heart.
Life is Health, Experience, the Breaking of Impossibility and Normalcy. The Players are Alive, and surprisingly Well, in spite of their awful circumstances. Roxy and Dirk should’ve Died (Dirk fell in the middle of the Ocean as a Baby, how did he survive? Roxy fell in the midst of Carapacians, how was she not Eaten?). And yet, they’re just ordinary teenagers.
But now, the Avatars are forced to live through horrible circumstances. There is no Time or Space-- No way to move forward, and no Space to grow. Just Surviving through all Impossibility-- And its fucking awful.
Hope is Coherence, Belief, Fantasy and Divinity. The fact that the players are experiencing something wholly fantastical-- a literal Alien Empress has come to take over Earth, there are Alien Monsters outside of Jake’s door, their best friends are 500 years into the Future or are in another universe entirely, Apocraplyse and Metaphysical-- That’s a helluva a thing to have.
But now all they have is Hope. Hope that there’s gonna be something better. Hope that something is gonna come down-- and ye gods, that’s awful. They’re living 2020 without it ever being 2020.
And their hope player is a self-serving jackass.
Heart is the Inner Self and Character, the Ego and Persona, the Facet and Aesthetic, Love and Soul and Self. Each character is appropriately theme’d-- Jane is the Heiress to a Cooking Empire and literally acts like the Betty Crocker character we see on the logo (not the Batter Witch). Roxy is a Scientist, and has a Science Lab, and she loves cats and wizards. Jake is a movie enthusiast with a love of adventure, and literally has a Tomb Raider Island just outside his door. And Dirk is surrounded by Robots and Brobots, and quite literal (and distorted) reflections of himself.
And did we mention the Romance Problems.
So many Romance Problems.
Heart here is one of our First Real Aspects. And lot of Dirk’s stress comes from being one of the only Real Aspect Avatars, and trying to temper nearly everyone. Remember that music can be played to the beat of one’s heart-- Heart here is trying to play Time, and uh-- well--
I mean, you tried but...
Void is Irrelevance, the meaningless Physical, the Dark and the Deep, the Incomprehensible. The world is real damn it, and suddenly it doesn’t matter as much anymore. The Session is Void, void of life, void of hope, void of heart, until something comes along and fixes it.
One of the Real Aspects, and it more or less just sits there like a Generic Object. Literally only Roxy is thrilled about this session and for good reason-- she’s the only one in her element. Void fills in what Space doesn’t-- and it doesn’t do that good of a job because NOTHING IS HERE.
... So how many of you called Act 6 meaningless? How many of you had quit ship come Act 6? Feel bored or disappointed? Void did its job, didn’t it.
What about the Aspects that Aren’t here?
Easy, the Trolls fill in what Classes and Aspects are missing. Kanaya brings in Sylph, Karkat Blood, Gamzee Rage and Bard, Sollux Mage and Doom, Terezi Mind, and Vriska brings in Thief (Though it can be argued that Jack Noir originally brought in Thief and Rage).
As  an Avatar of Rage, Gamzee is mean to bring Contrivance, Madness and Passion, the Self Evident Truth. The Problem here, is that he only brings in Madness. Take the Juju Episode. He isn’t the Avatar of Rage itself, he’s the Avatar of the Lord of Time’s Rage-- He comes in to do the work of LE, not the work of the real Rage Aspect.
A real avatar of Rage would’ve shown our Alpha Players that they can change the system to favor them-- because this is bullshit.
As Avatar of Mind, Terezi brings in the Outer Self, the Choice, Cause and Effect, Superego and Karma. The Multiverse at your disposal. When she is down because of Gamzee, suddenly you lost all your Choices and there is no Karma (Pre-retcon Meteor).
Mind is also Memory and the Saved Game. If it wasn’t for Terezi, John would not have been able to go back and fix things. For a Narrative, Saved Games aren’t particularly Clean-- But SBURB is also a Game and a Story. We’ve seen what happens when the Player dies and lives are lost-- but imagine if you can just go back to a Saved Game and redo an action without having died in the first place.
That’s Mind.
As Avatar of Blood, Karkat provides not Character-- but You. Your Place, Yourself, Your Choice. Blood is the most Grounded and the Most Real of the Aspects. Everything might be Fake, but You, the Reader, are here and making it real. Blood falls under being Self-Driven, Promises and Friendship, Collective and Shared. Only as strong as your greatest weakness.
When he is down, you’ve lost Everything. When the Avatar of Blood flees, all those bonds and promises go out the window (Murderstuck). When he dies, there is nobody left but despair (Bad End).
As Avatar of Doom, Sollux provides Destruction, The Limit and the Crossed Line, Inevitability and the Impossible-- Death at the End. No matter how bad that seems, Doom isn’t a Bad Aspect. Its the Cleaner. Something has gone wrong, and there’s no way to fix it, you can take solace in the fact that it’ll be over soon. Doom is a very sorrowful aspect, with a thankless but needed job.
He tends to avoid the Human’s (and yet looks up human culture) cos he’s not that interested (Doom avoids the Players). When he’s defeated by the Avatar of Hope, Murderstuck seemingly has no End (and yet, he isn’t dead, just changed). When he leaves to go hang out with Friends once the Humans arrive, Doom has left them (Their journey is guaranteed to succeed).
Sollux has a frightful job, being an Avatar of Doom.
And what of the Muse and the Lord.
Muses are Inspirational. You have something that inspires you to create. Calliope is that inspiration. The Avatar of Space inspires its creation.
And the Lord? Well, he’s the Creator and the Director of the Piece. The Avatar of Time ensures Creation.
Worse though, is when Caliborn proves to be a malicious creator and director, and he literally takes Avatars as his own.
Gamzee, an Avatar of Rage, is now an Avatar of Caliborn’s Rage. His Madness. Spread either via Murderous Intent or Juju.
Equius, an Avatar of Void, is now an Avatar of Caliborn’s Void. His Physical Reality.
Dirk, an Avatar of Heart, fights so hard not to be Caliborn’s Heart. And plenty of Dirk’s other selves Fail this Fight. Bro is merely a distilled version, and that’s horrible enough. Hal fails outright, and his nature tends toward maliciousness toward all other players.
And Homestuck. The Alpha Timeline? -- Its Caliborn’s Time.
And you Will Follow it. You have no other Choice.
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