#it means people either love it or hate it
nurse-sainz · 2 days
In His Arms
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Warnings: mentions of autistic meltdowns, sensory overload etc.
This is my own personal experience with autism, there is no one universal experience blah blah (you know the drill)
This one is for my (grateful) anon and @faithshouseofchaos
Taglist: @bibissparkles @vivwritesfics
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You loved going to work with Danny, you loved seeing the cars, seeing your friends and being there to support him. You were used to the noise of the paddock but sometimes that noise became too much.
Being autistic sucked, well you were used to it, being all you'd known and with Danny who loved you regardless and did anything he could to accommodate you, you'd learned to love yourself again. That didn't mean you still didn't have your struggles.
Tiredness and jet lag meant that today was one of those days and despite your boyfriend being by your side, the noise of the paddock as cameras and media set up and engineers worked on cars, people squeezing by you and bumping into you; it all got too much. 
Despite your best efforts, none of your coping mechanisms the pair of you had come up with seemed to be working. You tried to focus on taking deep even breaths but that you made you hyperaware of your body and frustrated you. Then you tried to focus on the weight of the fidget in your hand and counting your steps as you walked through the VCARB hospitality tent and focussed on just getting somewhere quieter. You’d only just felt comfortable enough to use the fidgets in public, hating bringing attention to yourself but Danny was so reassuring over the matter, quite literally threatening to tell anyone to ‘eat shit’ who dared say anything. The other drivers didn't seem to mind much either, in fact you'd had one or two fidgets stolen by Lando and Max in the past which you knew you were never getting back.
Days like this sucked. Danny was busy, this was his job, of course he was and you didn’t want to interrupt him with his busy schedule. But, no matter how busy he was, he always kept an eye on you when you were in the paddock. He knew you better than you knew yourself and was able to spot the signs of overwhelm and sensory overload before you even caught on sometimes; that's how in tune he was with you. No matter how busy he was or demanding his schedule, he always made time to check in on you regularly, especially on his busier days when he couldn’t always be beside you. 
When he couldn’t find you immediately after his media duties, he began to worry. That's when he found you curled up in a corner in the team's hospitality area, your hands against your ears and your eyes squeezed shut as you gently rocked back and forward. Something that usually helped to regulate you.
You felt a presence with you but didn't care much until you heard his voice, low and steady. “Hey. Hey sweetheart, it’s okay,” Danny's soft voice broke through the panic that surrounded you. You looked up to find him crouched in front of you, holding out his hands for yours which you took gratefully. “I’m here. You’re alright. I’ve got you.” 
He was your everything, literally. Your lifeline at that moment. You could just about make him out through the blurriness of the tears in your eyes but his face was full of nothing but concern and love for you. 
Danny guided you away from the busy area and toward his much quieter drivers room where you could be alone. He sat you down on the couch and knelt in front of you at your level, all the while he kept his voice low and soothing. 
“Want to try some breathing exercises to help calm down a little?” 
You were grateful he gave you the choice, it helped you feel some ounce of control over the situation and you nodded. He took a deep breath, encouraging you to do the same and for you to follow his lead. Danny squeezed your hands in time with your breaths, the touch also helping to ground you and keep you in the present.
In…and out…in…and out.
Slowly you felt yourself begin to calm for the first time since you stepped into the paddock. 
“Look at me, sweetheart,” he asked, his voice still low. “You’re doing so good. Just keep breathing with me.” 
You lifted your head, your eyes met his as you gave him a sad pout, hating to ruin his day. 
As if he knew exactly what you were thinking he was quick to interrupt those thoughts, “it’s okay to feel what you feel, sweetheart. It’s okay. We’re in this together.” 
His words and his calming presence all helped to soothe and ground you. The overload and meltdown slowly began to fade into the background. He eventually joined you on the couch, wrapping a protective arm around you as the tension eventually left your body and you sagged into his side, completely spent by the meltdown. He could feel you breathing more even as he continued rubbing his hand up and down your arm in a soothing manner. 
“Feeling better?” he asked, as he placed a kiss to your temple. 
“Yeah…a bit, thank you,” you whispered.
He placed another kiss to the side of your head, “always sweetheart.” 
You knew you couldn’t go back out there and Danny would never force you. He set you up with a blanket and the small TV in his room so you could watch him from the safety and quiet of the room. He made a mental note to order some VCARB branded noise canceling headphones especially for you and to always travel with a few more things that would make it easier for you whenever you came to watch him drive. 
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Let’s Soothe Your Mind
Before I begin the reading I’d like to take a moment to talk about Save The Redwoods. They’re a non-profit organization who is committed to protect and restore redwood forests. If you’re interested do check out their website and if you’d like to further your support here is their donation link.
Divider Credits: @ianrkives & @plum98
New Song Discovery for the Reading: Reservations – Dugong Jr, Julia Lostrom, Keelan Mak
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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🚨 P.S.A 🚨 : I do not give personal readings! Disclaimer: this is for entertainment only!
Added Description: all my readings are timeless and meant to reach those who resonate to the messages.
[ General Messages: Rain; Autumn; Libra and Leo Seasons, “My love do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops”- Candy Rain by Soul for Real, Longboards (Skateboarding and Surfing); Raya the Last Dragon; Dewdrop; Spicy (foods); Avatar the Last Airbender; Fire Flakes; Honeydew; Drinks; Tantrums; Saturn Hour; Saturn Placements and Aspects; (Smithsonian) Museums; 1010; Kendrick Lamar; Trouble - Taylor Swift; Caught Up; Cheat; Exclusion; (Reaction) Memes; Distrust; Camping; Tents; Connections; Frustration; Online ]
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Pile 1
[ Cards: Justice; Moon Reversed; Ace of Wands; Seven of Cups Reversed; Two of Wands ]
Confirmation Messages: Gojo & Geto; Anxiety (Playlist); “Get off of me/Ew get away,” (directed towards emotions feeling stuck to your body or feels like “bugs” crawling on skin); Anxiousness; Nervousness; Shadow and Bones (?); Shadow Hunters; Slowing Down; Chaotic Energy; Out of Control; Bugs; (Breaking) Habits; Messy Thoughts; Strategic; “Playing it Cool”; Patrick Star?; Hares; Hates Feeling Emotions; Pink Flowers (Real or Artificial); Systems Down; Mewing (?)
Something new might have happened or you feel like this is the universe (or whoever you believe in) giving you something. This energy feels like Carl and Cindy’s interaction (from Jimmy Neutron). In this case you’re Carl and Cindy is the universe lol. Maybe you were in a rut or had a cycle of “unfortunate events” in regard to circumstances or people.
If you’re asking for clarification: You have free will — it’s up to you whether you want to continue what you’re doing or not. I’m not sensing anything “bad” or “malicious” intent in regards to what/who you’re inquiring about. There’s this sense of catastrophizing new things. There’s also this feeling of “too good to be true”. I don’t know if you said/thought/felt this: “I need a fucking break” is strongly coming in.
So now that you have this break — it’s almost like you don’t know what to do or how to proceed. It’s as if you’re holding a globe but you don’t get to actually go anywhere. Maybe at one point you did get experience with this, only to be let down? Either way having no control is what’s scaring you and causing this anxiousness (especially if this deals with a person).
What’s coming in for those who are iffy about proceeding: “let them, just let them because you are your own before and after meeting this person”. This can also deal with a situation too — as in this doesn’t define you. There is no need to punish/blame yourself for being afraid/ not taking this offer. It just means you weren’t ready and that’s okay. Go at your own pace.
For those of you who want to proceed with this situation/person then you’ll have to let down your walls bit by bit. Again it’s okay to go at your own pace or ask to slow down. The same applies: “let them”. The door is always open so let them or “let you”. You can always set it down and move to the next one. It’s okay.
Bonus Question to Ask Yourself: “What did I keep doing that keeps hurting? Why do I keep repeating this behavior?” - by WNRS
So that’s all that I’m getting for pile 1. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it. If this resonates let me know. I am supporting you through and through 🧡!
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Pile 2
[ Cards: Three of Swords Reversed; 3 of Pentacles Reversed; 6 of Swords; 5 of Pentacles Reversed; 9 Of Swords; 3 of Wands ]
Confirmation Messages: Courage; Charli XCX (Brat album); The Sun; Music; Concerts; Celebrity; Billie Eilish; Air and Earth Placements; Careless; Responsibility; Overthinker; New Things; Success; Moving On; 55; 66; 333; 9; Truth; Waiting; Patience; Releasing Judgement; Let it flow; Getting or Wanting Numbers? Holding Back; Calculated Risks; Chappell Roan; Doechii; Temptation - Raveena; Gemini; Aries
So I’m feeling like you’re releasing this heartache (for some it could be from your past?) I don’t know why, I pulled a clarification and it’s the 10 of Cups and I heard “No that’s so scary, Boo Feelings and Happiness!” So maybe you’re afraid of things working out because you were always let down in the past.
I feel like this can be about a connection (?) — there’s a lot of air coming in which means social lives. This may have come when things just started to calm down or in the midst of healing? To be honest this pile’s energy tends to overthink a lot. Like I feel like there’s this thing where you’re scared of saying the wrong thing which makes you take a step back only to make the overthinking worse. Maybe you’re asking friends what to do because I split the deck and saw 3 of Cups.
For some reason I feel like you need more reassurance so I’ll just pull out more cards for you. So I got the 2 of cups and the Eight of Wands (reversed), Judgement, and the Emperor. The first thing I’m picking up is that: you two may have opposite personalities or are awake at different times because we have two blue cards and two gold cards.
I’m also getting that the pace is painfully slow despite things going smoothly. It’s like you want to take control but you’re aware it won’t go smoothly if you rush it. For some of you there’s this thing of being afraid to take the “lead” or being pressured by society to take the lead.
(Side note: I don’t know who needs to hear this but there’s no hierarchy in a connection. There’s no, “who wears the pants” or whatever heteronormative stuff that gets constantly pushed into connections. What makes a connection work is when both people see each other as equals and accepting of one another)
You’re going to hate me for this but…it takes time and teamwork for a connection to work out. So yeah, go at your own comfortable pace (not a pace society tells you to go by) and enjoy the present time. For some reason I really have to “hammer it in” to take your time; let this connection take its time. Let things fall into place all on its own and if you feel called to do something (meaning the timing is right) then by all means take that initiative.
When you let things slowly progress you will also get a better understanding and feel of this person, from there you can see if you want to proceed or not.
Bonus Questions to Ask Yourself: “When have I given too much of myself in a relationship (could also be platonic)? What did that look like? What lesson did that leave me with?” - WNRS
That’s really all I’m getting, to be honest this reading is so chaotic and so long even though it barely reached 5 paragraphs. If you made it this far thank you so much, I appreciate it. I’m wishing you luck and please take your time!
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Pile 3
[ Cards: Queen of Pentacles; 7 of Swords; Justice; Five of Cups Reversed; 8 of Pentacles; 7 of Cups; 7 of Pentacles ]
Confirmation Messages: Horror Games; Paranormal; Libra; Yellowjackets; Birds of a Feather; Unrequited; Nevada; Winter; Baby Powder; Scents; Insincerity; Friday; Outcasts; Water(falls); Late Spring; (Couples) Therapy; 777; (Down by the Water) PJ Harvey; Library; Goth (Music); Unknown; Earth Placement; Situationship; Clear Mind; Tiredness; “Success is the Best Revenge”; Lana Del Rey; Distractions; Cheating; 1:23
You may have left a connection or felt this person was dishonest. I think what made it worse is outside advice (which is ironic because y’know we’re here lol). Perhaps someone gave you the, “time heals all wounds” or “it’s okay! Just get pretty and focus on your job!” Only to feel dread, I’m not going to lie. I don’t know if you put a limit to your sadness because there’s this sense of, “I should be over this by now.” I feel like some of you did achieve this success/glow up you wanted yet still feel grief.
Honestly, it’s okay to grieve as long as you want to. There is no time limit to feel grief and sadness. Realistically speaking, grief stays with us. Grief can come in the form of memories popping up or when you feel nostalgic — that’s a part of grief and that’s okay. All we can do is look at them and see them for who they are and what they did. (Now, I’m not excusing their actions at all!) For example; it’s one of those things where someone waits for years to get closure only to get nothing and in the end they accept they’ll never get it.
I know this may sound bitter and for some bittersweet, but let the grief flow. You’re not crying over “spilt milk”, for all we know it’s not just spilt milk! Maybe it was milk you got with your hard earned money and now you don’t have milk because you just spent the last portions of your money so you can wipe your ass! So no, it’s not just milk! (lol sorry I just hate when the 5 of cups gets that connotation — there’s always something deeper to it.)
Look, distracting yourself out of emotions via deep diving in your work isn’t always the best thing to do. Sometimes you need silence (no music or sounds!) and sit with yourself. Really sit, lay or something with yourself and be vulnerable. Sit with that feeling for just a minute (not drown in it) because it’s asking to be acknowledged. Acknowledgment is a key to acceptance and with that comes the healing.
I feel like when you do acknowledge your grief, come to terms with the situation/person for who they are it’ll make the healing process bearable. I’m not saying it’ll be easier and you’ll be happy at a flip of a coin. I’m just saying because of this acceptance you may find you’re not doing your work/hobbies/goals for the sake of revenge but because it’s for you. You’re doing these things because you love it or for your own happiness/fulfillment.
Bonus Question to Ask Yourself: “What’s my favorite song at the moment? Why do I love it so much? (Play it for yourself)”. - by WNRS
Alrighty Pile 3 that’s all I got for you, thank you so much for reading until the very end! I appreciate it. I'm giving you some peace and love 🧡.
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lacrimosathedark · 3 days
As a big time Radioapple shipper, I would love it if Radioapple writers didn't like, bash Lilith?
I've seen a handful of writers make Lilith downright abusive. Saying Lucifer's ducks are ridiculous, that his dreams are outlandish, even going so far as to say he's useless or pathetic. This is often used to highlight the difference between Lilith and Alastor when Alastor is shockingly understanding, as if Lilith wouldn't be and is portrayed as and ice queen. Which is nothing like what little we know of her.
The intro says she inspired demonkind. In the pilot, there are posters of her encouraging Sinners to resist against the Exterminations. Charlie is so sure that Lilith would support her hotel. The paintings in Lucifer's office show a loving, happy family.
People who love each other can grow apart without either being outright abusive.
Lucifer's Fall came with a great deal of despair, exacerbated by the cruelty he saw in Sinners. His depression was in direct opposition to Lilith's hopes.
And then there's his AuDHD, which probably leads to him focusing on one thing or another and losing track of time, time he could be spending with his family. Not like he means to be away, it just happens.
And of course he's so socially awkward and Lilith is inspirational, so any "royal duties" probably fell on Lilith's shoulders rather than Lucifer's.
That's a lot of strain on the relationship without either one being particularly cruel or at fault. Just drifting apart.
It's possible Lilith kept Charlie from Lucifer when they split, but there's so many reasons she could have done that. If he got focused on something, he might not pay enough attention to her and she get hurt for example. There's also the possibility of anything Lilith was doing behind Lucifer's back to help Hell have something to do with Charlie.
And Lucifer is still wearing his ring, keeps up family portraits as a reminder. If there was any resentment for her at all, he could have covered up Lilith. We've seen Blitzø scribble out his own face in photographs and scribbled over Verosika on his calendar, and Stolas cover all portraits and revealing only Octavia. It's not out of the realm of possibility. But he didn't and he keeps that reminder of her with him.
And while very much not canon, I've seen Viv like fanart of Lucifer showing his ducks to Lilith and her loving them. Lucifer is adorable and do you think he was any LESS silly before his hopes were shattered? No! If anything, he was probably SILLIER when she fell in love with him. All that creative power and imagination, only scolding to dampen his sparkle, and not scolding from Lilith. He would tell her all about his funny ideas and would she have married him if she didn't love that about him?
Lucifer and Lilith were very much in love at first. The only hint we have that Lilith is actually a horrible person is that the person that is presumably her made some deal with Adam and has been chilling somewhere outside of Hell for the last seven years without telling her daughter anything at all. Which there could be so many reasons for.
And that dark look she gave to Lute doesn't have to be her being annoyed at having to go back to Hell to her family. Lute is a bitch, and also just called Lilith's daughter a bitch. Like...do you expect her to smile at her??? Lute sucks. (for the record, I hate her as a character, which I think means she's a good character. And her voice is AMAZING and I need to hear her sing more after You Didn't Know because WOW)
All that is to say, a separation doesn't have to be from abuse and it can still be hard to move on. AND you don't have to hate your ex to move on to dating someone else.
You don't need to villainize Lilith to make Alastor look good. Part of Alastor's appeal is that he's a complex contradictory bastard. If you want his behavior compared to something to make him look good, use his past actions. If he's getting kinder, sweeter, more understanding, his old antagonism would contrast it. And if you want to use someone else, Adam's right there! And he SUCKS! (I like him as a character tho, he's hilarious)
I don't like shipping Lucifer with Adam, but I know some people do, and I also like the idea that they were friends before everything fell apart. But Adam is all the negative things Alastor is not.
Both of them are prideful, but so is Lucifer. And Alastor generally wields his pride with grace while Adam never shuts the fuck up about himself.
Adam clearly has little to no respect for women, just by how he treats Lilith and Vaggie and even Charlie. Alastor holds women in high regard, and most of the people he seems to have actual relationships with are women, Niffty, Rosie, Mimzy, and even Charlie.
Adam is always talking about sex and bragging about how much he fucks, and says that Charlie and Vaggie's relationship is "hot as fuck" which, ew. Alastor, meanwhile, is (obliviously) asexual, has a general disregard for sexuality, and open disdain for hypersexuality.
Adam is very openly uncouth and brash and rude and constantly swearing. Alastor is vicious, but he is charming and genteel all the while, and swears a whole of three times in season one. First, the "Fuck you" to Lucifer in Episode Five (it took him that long to swear ONCE), and then twice in Episode Eight, once when first letting loose in his fight against Adam, and second when he was stunned right before getting wounded. Adam drops cunt in the first episode lol
Adam is also an open book where Alastor is a puzzle hidden behind a smile.
If you wanna compare Alastor, or anyone else you'd ship Lucifer with, to someone he might have been close to from all the way back in Eden times, Lilith isn't the only option there.
Let Lilith say one word before you decide she's evil, yeah?
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meanbossart · 2 days
Ask Compilation: Advice, influences and Misc.
Apologies for taking so long on some of these, admittedly I'm much more likely to entirely forget about asks that are about me and my interests 💃 Thank you for all the questions regardless! And thank you specially to everyone who just drops nice messages into my inbox out of kindness.
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I'm brazillian and a native portuguese speaker!
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I'll probably return to twitter eventually, but a) I hate that place and b) It didn't make much sense to me to turn it into a BG3 account out of the blue. I am considering making an Instagram or a new twitter just to have more places where people can follow in case they don't care for tumblr, but it's just been a very busy year so far and so that's kind of low on the list of priorities. If I ever do that I'll be sure to announce it here. Have a nice day yourself!
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Sorry to hear that! I've gotten a few messages before about this issue, and the problem is that since I am myself not from the US, my options are also limited :( a lot of patreon alternatives don't work for me because they either don't go through paypal, take insane currency conversion fees, or just straight up block me from signing up.
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Speak for yourself, I just assume everyone I speak to online has committed some sort of atrocious crime until proven otherwise. Except for me - of course. I have never done anything bad in my life.
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I still have a lot to learn! But I will basically use whatever works for me at the moment, as well as make a sincere effort to learn about musculature and anatomy so I can understand those components and how they move, instead of only knowing what they look like when still - that's how you get better at drawing from memory. Volume mostly comes from coloring and understanding light, which is it's own beast but can very much be learned from similar reference materials and observing it IRL!
My favorite places to get reference are medical diagrams, weird pictures I take of myself, 3D software (often Virt-a-mate) and questionably phrased image google searches.
My favorite artists are Jason Shawn Alexander and Sean Murphy, but I'm not sure how much of it reflects in my art nowadays! I generally seek to pick up techniques from artists rather than to emulate style.
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Honestly I love that you guys generally do the thing he would hate the most: take him very non-seriously LOL
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I've been in a real Chelsea Wolfe and Amyl And The Sniffers kick lately! But usually you'll also find me listening to stuff like Boy Harsher, Swans, FWF, JK Flesh Lingua Ignota, Nick Cave, David Bowie, and so on. Music for the weird gays, basically.
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I went insane and wrote a 23-chapter-long-and-still-ongoing fic in like four months. But also - I'm not that good, I'm just shamelessly pretentious LOL
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Hm. That's a good question, but I'm not really sure. Sincerely not trying to be a edgier-than-thou here (in fact, this has made me a little self conscious at one time or another) but a lot of art that I don't mean to be horror-y in nature at all has been associated with the genre. So perhaps I don't know what I'm doing either, LOL.
I think just leaning on making things look slightly "wrong" or "ugly" on purpose is the way, but I also find that if you just seek to depict people as they are instead of idealized versions of themselves, you will arrive at that either way.
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Thank you for reading! Honestly, I'm guilty of having not read much at all since I was in my late teens, and the style I'm employing for ANE is very different from the things I would call "influential" for me, or even that I used to enjoy reading at all before. I read a lot of Chuck Palahniuk as a youth (and, no slight to people who do like him still, but nowadays I'm not sure why I ever did. His stories don't speak to me at all anymore) as well a lot of weird experimental lit that I didn't even care to remember the name of. My last book stint from one or two years ago was composed solely of historical and medical literature, and last year I got really into Cormac Mcarthy thanks to the internet.
So, all in all, I'm absolutely all over the place LOL if you put a gun to my head and told me to list my favorite books, I'd say The Indifferent Stars Above and Blood Meridian.
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(Consider the reading portion of the question to have been answered above) I really really liked Beau is Afraid and think it's a really great "horror" movie. Sue me.
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buuniebaby · 14 hours
your first time with hamzah 🙈🙈
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includes: losing your virginity, awkward sex talk, very sweet sex ! 💝
word count 3.2k purr
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you’re too tired for this.
you and hamzah are becoming sleep deprived, something you usually do together: come over to each others houses, watch a movie, eat food your stomach will regret in the morning. it’s been a tradition since you guys were just friends.
even now as you’re dating, it still feels.. the same. not that you’re complaining; you love having a partner who’s also a best friend to you. it just feels like there should be some sort of change, but you can’t put your finger on it.
it’s 2 in the morning now. you and hamzah have watched about 3 shitty 2000s movies, enjoying every moment of each one. your brain feels absolutely fried, and you can only imagine his is as well.
“are you a virgin?” hamzah spoke suddenly, but also casually. a little too casually. you choke on your own spit at that, face turning red with embarrassment.
“…what?” is all you can reply back. “what- why?” you say, eyebrows furrowing at him. your voice has noticeably pitched up.
“i dunno. just tell me.” hamzah says, rolling his eyes. you hate how confident and sassy he is, but you’re also sort of attracted to it.
“you’re so weird.” you practically squeal, jokingly. you grab onto a pillow as you fall back first onto the bed. “why do you even wanna know? that’s so like, random.” you ask, more genuine this time.
“i guess,” hamzah starts, but then pauses, almost as if he doesn’t know the answer himself.
“i was just kinda thinking. like, we don’t really talk about sex, ever. and we don’t have to- I don’t wanna bring it up if you’re uncomfortable. I’m just like, curious if you’d be down to talk about it.” he rambles, making up his words as he goes. you furrow your brows as he speaks, still kind of confused. you know there had to be something that started it, you just aren’t sure what.
“oh. well like,” you flush, sort of embarrassed to admit what you’re about to say. “yeah, i am.”
“a virgin?” hamzah asks, head tilting like a lost puppy.
“yes, idiot. what else would i be talking about?” you reply back sarcastically.
“you’re right, you’re right,” he banters with you. “I just- I guess I’m surprised.”
you perk back up, sitting yourself upright again.
“surprised.. that im a virgin?” you question, raising an eyebrow.
“i guess.. i dunno. I just feel like you’re like, too pretty to not have found someone who wants you like that.” he rambles. you feel a blush creep onto your cheeks again, knowing he’ll always praise you for your pretty face.
“i mean, I’ve found a lot of people who want me,” you say, rolling your eyes at the thought of a particular ex. “I’m just like, picky, I guess.” your giggling as hamzah somewhat laughs with you, but you watch as his facial expression starts to falter. you know something’s on his mind.
“do you want to?” is all he mutters. again, he keeps this quiet, casual tone that you rarely see with him.
“i mean, yeah, kinda. I just like, don’t know where to start I guess.” you answer honestly. “feels like everyone’s way more experienced than i am anyways.” hamzah turns over to you, looking in the eye. you feel him think for a second, as if he doesn’t know whether he should let his thoughts out or not.
“well, I don’t really have experience either.” he mutters back, scoping for a negative reaction from you. your eyes widen a bit, and he doesn’t know if he should take your body language negatively or positively.
“you’re a virgin too?” you ask, a more shy tone than usual.
“..yeah. well I’ve done like- stuff. just like, never had sex. never had my penis like, in there, y’know-“
“you don’t need to go into detail.” is all you have to say, talking over him.
“-but i would go all the way with you.”
that’s all you remember from that night before blacking out, yet somehow the short memory haunts your mind. it’s eating you up inside, the thought of losing your virginity after so long to him.
you’ve seen all the edits and thirst traps of him online and can admit that they’ve made you feel some type of way about him - hell, you’ve touched yourself to the idea of your boyfriend too. yet for some reason, the thought of actually having sex with him was never really a priority to you. it’s not until now you’ve understood people’s cravings for sex, but god can you feel it now.
you’re making breakfast the next morning while his hands are around your waist and all you can think of is that conversation. when you help him with editing throughout the day, leaning over his shoulder, all you can think about is him having you bent over like that in a different context. you feel like you’re in a haze almost, clouded by the thought of hamzah.
“baby?” hamzah asks, waving a hand in front of your face in an attempt to get your attention. you perk up and face him, slightly embarrassed for spacing out.
“i was just gonna ask if you wanted me to order something for lunch.” he says casually, but his face begins to fade into an expression between concerned and confused. “you okay?”
“what?!” you reply, scrambling at bit as you didn’t think he would pick up on your behavior. “im fine. what do you mean??” you question; rapidly.
“you’ve just been like, really spaced out today. i get like that, where i like dissociate sometimes when something reallyyy bad happens. so i just wanted to make sure.” he rambles a bit, genuine concern in your eyes. despite the horniness driving your body right now, you do feel a bit warmed by the way he cares for you.
“you can always talk to me if something’s up, y’know-“
“did you mean it?” you ask, staring at him blankly.
“mean… what?” he stares back at you, looking at you like you just killed a man in front of him.
“what you said last night. that you’d like- y’know..” you look down shyly, hiding in your hair as a warm blush creeps onto your face.
“that I would..?” hamzah looks at you, genuinely clueless.
“lose it to me hamzah. have sex with me. loose your virginity.” you look up at him, speaking sternly. you’re a little too pent up to take his stupidity today.
you watch as his expression changes, going from confused to something you can’t even put a name on. a mix of shocked, embarrassed, amused - but most prominently, you watch that urge crawl up into his body. you can tell in his eyes that he wants you in the same way you crave him.
“yeah.” he says, breathy. “i want that. like, now though? or like later, what are we doing-“
his words are cut off as your lips land on his. he gasps into the kiss, caught by surprise. you try and swipe your tongue against his slightly parted lips, but he pulls away before you can get it anywhere significant.
you look at him concerned after he pulls away, taking a second to breathe.
“have you like- kissed anyone before?” he asks, and you can tell he’s serious. you giggle a little.
“yes, ive kissed before.” you say, a little smile still formed on your face. “buuut..” you drag on your words to edge him on a bit.
“ive only made out with someone once, and i can already tell you’re the better kisser.” you say, slyly. he likes it when you boost his ego like this - he’s already proud of himself for pulling you, so you make him feel like some sort of greek god.
he smirks before he pulls you into another kiss, this time pressing his lips to yours a lot firmer. it’s more intense this time around, a hand cupping the side of your face, holding you in place for him as his tongue glides inside your mouth.
you kiss until you physically can’t anymore, pulling back when you need a break for air. there’s an awkward silence before he kisses you again, putting his hands on your waist sometimes. you’re taken aback a bit as he lifts you in the air.
your immediate reaction is to hook your legs onto something, hamzah just being the nearest option, of course. your legs wrap around him, straddling his hips. you arms are grabbing onto his shoulders gently. he’s strong enough to hold you without support, but you like the physical aspect of clinging onto him like a koala.
he reaches the room, fumbling with the doorknob as he struggles to lift you at the same time. he kicks the door closed softly behind him when he eventually gets in there. he drops you in the middle of the bed, body landing gracefully.
you sit yourself up into a more comfortable position, and hamzah sits himself right next to you. it’s here when you realize how comfortable you are around him, even if you’re about to reach a life milestone you can never take back with him.
but fuck, you’re never gonna be able to take this back. the anxiety crawls back up into your brain for a second, but the feeling of hamzah’s hand on your thigh relaxes you. a single look into his eyes and you’re already reassuring yourself again. you’re not gonna want to take this back, because god, you love this boy.
“have you ever-“ hamzah pauses mid sentence, stuttering. he does this when he doesn’t know what words to use; it’s one of his mannerisms that you’ve picked up a little yourself over time. “like, felt anyone up? or like- dry hump them, I guess.” he says. you feel him cringe a bit at his own words - he gets embarrassed easily.
“not really,” you say. a smirk creeps onto your face as you have an idea. “but you could show me how.”
hamzah’s eyes widen a bit as his hand moves from your thigh to your waist. he picks you up again like it’s nothing, sitting you down on his lap. his hands massage your waist, moving up briefly past your chest. he runs at your collarbone for a minute, staring at your clothed breasts.
“can i take this off?” he asks in a low voice, toying with the fabric at your shoulders. you bite your lip as you give him a nod, and before you know it whatever garment was covering you before is gone.
“fuckkk,” is all hamzah lets out before a hand is cupping your chest, squeezing at your soft and fleshy skin. instinctively, you push your chest into his hands. you let out a soft noise as he rolls one of your nipples between his fingers.
he’s fully hard now, and you can feel it straining against you. you can tell he’s trying to keep his hips still, not wanting to get worked up too fast.
his hands leave one side of your chest as his mouth attaches to your other nipple. you can’t help but moan at the feeling of him suckling at it. he pulls of for a second, and you can feel his hands fumbling with the fabric of your bottoms for a second.
“take this off for me?” he pleads in a sweet tone, and you can tell he’s starting to get needy. you comply, of course, leaving you in just your underwear. you don’t want to be the only one undressed though, so you shimmy his pants down a bit and get his shirt off too.
you’re left in both just underwear - a weird feeling. there’s not a lot of fabric separating your crotch and hamzah’s, so when he bucks his hips up into yours it feels good. he ducks down to kiss you again, chest pressing to yours, and god, you feel like you’re in heaven. there’s heat burning through your body as your bare skin touched his.
his hands are on your hips as you grind against him, the thin material of his boxers straining against his cock. he reaches down to rub you through your underwear, eliciting a moan as you hide his head in your shoulder.
he stops your grinding for a second, a hand trailing up your thigh. he uses it to spread your legs wide, causing you to make a small noise. he pulls your panties to the side, showing off what he’s wanted all this time.
he’s already settling lower, head balance with your hips, and now you’re nervous. it’s your first time being touched like this - probably his too, and it’s scary. you close your eyes when you feel him plant a kiss on your hip, teasing you. he continues to kiss around, even guiding a hand back up to play with your chest, but it’s not enough.
“please,” you whimper, begging for more stimulation. hamzah takes it as a sign you’re ready, and before you know it, you’re squirming again.
he presses just a single finger inside you, scoping how much you’re able to take. your stomach flips as you feel him spread you open. he adds another finger once the first one is in knuckle deep, then begins to curl them inside of you. you whimper at the feeling as his fingers excel in speed, working you open.
“hamzah- fuck.” you whine, letting out an especially sharp gasp at the feeling of his fingers hitting that spot.
“yeah?” he asks, playfully, curling his fingers to hit the same spot. your pelvis thrusts up at the movement, only motivating him to go further. his hands are so fucking big and he’s so strong when he thrusts his fingers up into you. it burns in the best way possible.
“ah- hamzah!” you squeal, squirming around. you whine when you feel him pull away from him; you were so, so close to finishing. you look up at him and whimper, a sad expression plastered across your face.
“didn’t want you to cum yet,” hamzah mutters under his breath. “not done with you.”
you flush red, his words washing over your body in a hot wave. suddenly hamzah is moving, pulling down his boxers, and god his dick is big. you can’t help but whine at how badly you want it inside you.
“so noisy.” he mumbles, lining his cock up with your folds and sliding the tip between them. you only whine more at his teasing.
“hamzahh,” you complain, eager for him to stop teasing you and just put it in.
“mhm?” he replies, edging you on. he strokes himself a bit, acts as if he’s going to put it in, but then doesn’t. he knows what he’s doing and you hate it. “need something, baby?”
he’s so mean, making you beg.
“I need it so bad, hamzah, pleeasee-“ you beg, desperate. you don’t care how humiliating it is now, you need him.
“need what, baby?” he asks, obviously only to get a reaction out of you. you sigh, but you know what you need to do.
“fuck me, hamzah. i need you - your cock.” you beg, no - demand, firmly.
hamzah doesn’t stall once he’s gotten what he wants. he’s done with the teasing, pressing his tip into you. you let out a shaky moan - it hurts a little when he slides in, like ripping off a bandaid.
“hamzah- hurts.” is all the words you can get out. his hips still inside of you, waiting for you to take a breath before he continues.
“it’s okay baby. gonna feel better once I’m all the way in.” he mutters, caressing your cheek with the hand that isn’t holding him up. he wasn’t lying - it’s painful as he slides himself into you, stretching you out, but once your hip-to-hip with him there’s a comfortable peace to the feeling.
you two lay in that position for a minute, feeling the warmth of connection between your bodies. it’s a soft, loving touch - you feel safe in his arms.
“s’okay if i move now?” he whispers to you, keeping a gentle tone. at the end of the day, he’s here to take care of you.
“yeah. thank you.” you say, genuinely grateful for his patience. you remind yourself that it’s his first time doing this too; you’re not alone in your anxiety.
you clutch onto his shoulders as he nearly pulls out, cock sliding out of you to the tip, then slams back into you.
“h-hamzah!” you whimper, clawing your nails at his back. he keeps a similar pace, thrusting into you deep. even hamzah makes a small noise at the feeling of being inside you, hips stuttering against yours. the sound of skin slapping together and breathy moans fills the room.
you wrap your arms and legs around hamzah as he continues to thrust into you, clinging to him.
“so pretty.” he says, looking down at you. “there’s a reason- fuck- i wanted to fuck you in missionary. pretty face.” he stutters, moving a hand to caress your face. you can’t say anything else but whimper at him, overstimulated from a combination of his thrusts and his words.
you feel a tight feeling build in your stomach, almost like a coil nearing its breaking point. you clench around him, legs beginning to shake.
“aah- hamzah! fuck-“ you practically scream, rolling your hips up into his one last time before you orgasm. he just stares at you, slowing the roll of his own hips, in awe.
you notice as his pace slows after you catch your breath, looking up at him almost disappointed.
“what’re you doing?” you mumble, voice worn out.
“you finished, i don’t wanna-“ he begins to ramble, but you cut him off.
“keep going.” you say firmly.
“want you to cum too.” you say, voice still soft and tired. you roll your hips up into him, still sensitive. he nods, pushing back into you.
he continues to thrust into you rougher and rougher until his hips are slapping against yours with every thrust. every little noise you make turns him on more, until finally, he forces himself to pull out of you.
he strokes himself on top of you, a string of cum landing on your stomach. he’s panting as he finishes all over you, painting your stomach white. you smile at the scene, enjoying the was he’s made you his little art piece.
he collapses next to you, laying on his back, catching his breath.
“glad i waited.” you mumble. he turns over to you, looking into your eyes.
“waited for what?” he asks, tiredly tilting his head.
“like, to have sex. m’glad I waited until you.” you mumble, tiredness apparent in your voice. hamzah thinks his heart melts a little at your words.
he grabs a tissue off of his bedside table and wipes the cum off of you so that he can pull you into his arms, dragging the covers over your body.
“i’m glad i waited for you too.”
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mochipods · 16 hours
your dad f/o loves you so much.
—★ he loves you to the point where he will do anything to protect you, even if it means by hurting other people because they hurt you personally, whether it was physically, mentally, etc.
—★ he loves you to the point that even though you might argue with him when it comes to certain things, he will still care for you and will never hate you at all for having different opinions than him. good dads know best.
—★ he loves you to the point that he will even cuddle in bed with you if you wish. he loves kissing you and hugging you and sitting you on his lap. you are his special one, after all! you deserve that affection.
—★ most importantly, he loves you because you are a part of him, a part of his life who he will cherish so much for the rest of the time that he is alive. he could never think about losing you, and you can't think about losing him either.
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i think that persons “7 minutes in heaven” comment was cause girls who’ve hooked up with him have said he didn’t last long i believe theirs a tik tok of some podcast guys talking about one of their girlfriends hooking up with him around 2019 saying he only chatted with her through snapchat and when doing the deed made her go to a hotel room and apparently only lasted a couple minutes
but to everyone whose been asking how he is in bed i personally don’t know(im a lesbian) but im friends with a lot of your typical sorority girls and this is what i’ve heard through the grape vine about him and this is all allegedly
- used to be your typical fuck boy (empty promises, says sweet things that he doesn’t mean) one of those kinda boys but he did it to the wrong girl who’s mom knew his mom and ellen had a serious talking to him about his actions
- is really into boobs like really into them
-likes the chase he likes girls who want nothing to do with him but at the same time loves girls who are obsessed with him you’re typical puck bunny
-apparently had a threesome with another hockey player with a blonde who’s married to some basketball player now
-has a problem with liking other girls posts apparently a girl he was hooking up with threw a drink at him due to him liking a girls post that she doesn’t like but i don’t really believe that cause i feel like we’d have seen a video of it already
-when flirting with a girl he’ll make little sexual jokes to make them life as we saw in his “motivation speech” to the beach volleyball girls
-is scarily charming
-this one i don’t really believe because how could a brother do this to their siblings but i’ve heard it from separate people is sometimes he’ll flirt with the girls his brothers are into or girls that are into his siblings and it has cause several arguments and caused luke to be insecure when it comes to girls and kinda shut off towards them in fear they’ll just leave him for his brother
-apparently doesn’t last long in bed but is very cocky when it comes to all the hot girls he’s had in bed
-this i heard from a guy is that he got really drunk and was showing his list of girls he’s slept with and apparently it had almost 50 names on it(but the guy who told me has a problem with over exaggerating his stories so could have been lower)
-he’s one of those drunks who say has no filter and just wanders around and then gets lost i saw what i believe matt beniers chasing after him on the street and almost took a dog out tryna catch up to him
-i’ve heard that quinn’s his favorite and try’s not to do anything to piss him off when he dose he’s always the first to apologize and hates when he’s mad at him but according to people it’s very easy to piss quinn off
-isn’t good when it comes to kissing (but i’ve kissed this girl before and she wasn’t either💀) but according to her it wasn’t enough need like she didn’t feel any butterflies when he was pressing up against her and didn’t give enough time of regular kissing before sticking his tongue in her mouth
-as his size i heard 4,5,and 6 inches so average i assume
This is all allegedly so jack super fans don’t get mad all of these are rumors please don’t take them seriously
First off I want to apologize to that one anon who sent the first message about the 7 minutes in heaven. I’m sorry that I read your message the wrong way I didn’t know what you were talking about.
Also I’ve heard a lot about this. I think most of it is true. I also know through a friend that he was heavily flirting with her and she had a big butt but small boobs like acups 😂 and he was literally obsessed. He was drunk and kept grabbing her butt apparently. Really funny.
Never heard of the Quinn/luke stuff before. I do know Luke’s quiet and reserved more than Jack and Quinn.
Honestly I think the hotel thjng is true just bc even though the guy was mad Jack got the girl he was interested in. Some parts of the story seemed real like only having the girl there for a while.
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bellafragolina · 3 days
May I request insecurities for submas and warden Ingo? What are they insecure about, and how/when do they tell their partner? How do they respond to comfort once they do?
You got it for sure for sure I love my boys
Also, for context, submas in my headcanons have big noses cause I find that very handsome
Ingo has his fair share of insecurities regarding who he is as a person as well as how he looks. He’s too loud, he’s strange, he has a big nose, he’s bossy, he’s overly attached but also standoffish, he doesn’t smile. It’s easy to list such things, not that he ever really brings them up unless you either ask or something happens related to one of his insecurities and he feels the need to explain.
Ingo doesn’t really seek out comfort in regard to his insecurities. He’s very much an Older Sibling in the sense where he feels he has to be strong, never faltering, never showing weakness. He also tries to be a strong partner, so him talking about what makes him upset takes some time to whittle out of him.
He only doesn’t hesitate when you admit your own insecurities to him. Ingo doesn’t want you to feel alone, so he sympathizes by admitting some things he worries about too, thus you two can comfort one another together. Brains are strange and can be so mean sometimes, but they don’t know everything. Ingo knows everything about you, though, and he loves every part
When you turn it around on him, cradling his face and swooning over how handsome and amazing he is, Ingo finds it hard to deny you. He blushes and sputters some refutes, but you easily disproven them with kisses to his big nose and ever present frown, with compliments over how reliable and kind he is to his loved ones. Doubts linger, and they never fully go away, but you make Ingo feel good about himself and his idiosyncrasies, and that’s enough
Emmet is a lockbox, never letting slip the things he doesn’t like about himself. He refuses to talk about them because he refuses to really think about them. He ignores his insecurities most of the time, and you only ever get a hint that they’re there when he wrinkles his nose at himself in the mirror or falls silent when someone comments on his strange way of speaking
Emmet is hard to coax into talking about what bothers him. He thinks it doesn’t really matter, cause he likes himself and you and Ingo like him, so there’s no problem. Or there should be no problem. He gets frustrated for still being insecure when he knows he shouldn’t be, but sadly you can’t always just whim away these things. So Emmet ignores them instead.
Where Ingo is Older Sibling, Emmet is Younger Sibling in the sense that he keeps his issues to himself to not overburden Ingo, who already has so many responsibilities as the eldest. They’re twins, but they have their dynamics, and Emmet knows this, so he brushes off any concerns and tries to focus on being happy. And it works somewhat, until the bottle finally shatters from the pressure
When Emmet shatters, he falls into you as a pit of despair. He hates himself, he shouldn’t, he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t, but why does he have to talk this way and walk that way and look like this? Why is he off putting and why do people assume he’s so mean? You cradle his broken pieces, soft comforts and exclamations of love a glue to help him go back together again. He’s nothing short of perfect in your eyes, because Emmet is Emmet, and you love him. And Emmet learns to love that too.
Warden Ingo:
Surprisingly, Warden Ingo is more open to talking about his insecurities than Subway Boss Ingo. Maybe it’s because of his amnesia, or maybe it’s because he’s so lonely that he’s desperate to talk about anything to keep your company that much longer, or maybe it’s a mix of both. But Ingo brings up his worries about himself to you at seemingly random times, confiding in you to hopefully find either comfort or a way to fix whatever it is he doesn’t like (you never fix him, there’s nothing to fix)
Ingo admits to you concerns about his appearance, his big nose and sour expression. He worries about people fearing him, he worries about hurting people because he is naturally too loud. He’s also an outsider, and it makes him very insecure when he can’t act the “correct” way. You also being an outsider makes it easier to feel okay about his weirdness.
When things grow romantic, Ingo starts admitting more worries, concerning his age, if he’s a good partner to have, if you don’t deserve someone better. Luckily it’s easy to drown out these worries with plenty of kisses and loving affection. It’s hard to talk when your head is red as can be, after all.
Now if only he could understand why he feels so uncomfortable by himself, like he should be with someone else, guiding and protecting them. . .
I hope these are believable! They’re what I think the boys worry about concerning themselves. If only I could kiss those big noses <3
Have a good day!
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Out of curiosity.
But what do you think would happen if Lucifer and Adam did become canon? Like we’re literally shown the story all fanfic writers do, with Adam becoming by a Sinner, getting himself accidentally into a deal with Lucifer, Lucifer having to confront Eden and discovering some of the things he knew were a lie, the two growing closer and eventually falling in love (Lilith either good or evil, don’t care but she was mean to Adam for some reason. She either lied about him being controlling or he was but because she screwed up at some point)
Like the whole enemies to friends in season 2. And friends to lovers in season 3 and 4. Since Vizi wants 6 seasons. Like they don’t need to be at the front of the show and can be in the background, we’re seeing it happen subtly in the background? Of course we’d love for it happen as main characters but we gotta admit lucifer isn’t really a main character and i think if Adam returns, he’ll be reduced the same sort of supporting role Lucifer is.
Personally I think their relationship developing in the back ground over two or three seasons would be much better. Maybe they could have a few main character moments. But as much as we think it won’t happen, we have to think it could happen. Considering Vizi loves these tropes too! And i know the whole ‘I’ll fuck you’ was a joke, it might be foreshadowing.
Lolll who really knows with Hazbin. I suppose it really amounts down to what Vizi chooses to do with Lilith. I sort of want Lilith and Roo to end up being the same person rather than Roo being Eve.
Lmaf i wonder if Vizi even knows about AdamsApple and how insanely popular it is? I thought it was like one of the lowest couples but i feel a ton of people joined ship with Alastor being confirmed as Ace.
As nice as that would be, it would need some serious character development from both on them to make it canon.
And yeah having their relationship evolve in the background of the show would be cool with some episodes just for them focusing on the more serious moments they would need to work out to not hate each other. They realistically wouldn't be friends until season 3-4 and the romance would come into play at the end of season 5 going into 6.
It would be a slow burn.
If the "I'm going to fuck you" is foreshadowing that would be great and funny lol
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kamsplayhouse · 3 days
sfw alphabet of nubbins sawyer!
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this has been in the drafts for atleast 2 days now and not proof-read! (i'm too lazy)
warnings - gore, self harm (it's nubbins what do you expect?)
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A - affection (how affectionate are they? do they show affection?)
LOVES affection! he's like a little puppy, once he has his favorite person he will not leave them alone. (meaning he WILL pester you with surprise hugs and poking you)
B - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
a little shithead. 100%. good luck with that.
C - cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
it's hard for him to cuddle because he's so twitchy all the time. but when he does cuddle he straight up lays on top of you. doesn't care if you can't breathe or not.
D - domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
doesn't want to settle down at all. he's a hyper little guy. might be able to cook depending on how difficult it is. (has almost burnt down the kitchen. and yes, drayton did yell at him and beat him with a pan) can't clean for shit. have you seen how yucky and grimy he is??
E - ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
F - fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
would take a few years and some pestering from chop-top, but eventually he would ask you with a ring made out of animal bones and a huge smile on his face . (i feel like he would go on both knees like how shane dawson did 😭)
G - gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
not that gentle if i'm being honest. especially physically. he would probably accidentally push you around and hurt you when he gets excited.
H - hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
he would come up behind you and hug you, most likely picking you up. would also tackle you and say, "i was hugging you!"
I - i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
either within 20 minutes of meeting you or whenever you decided to say it to him.
J - jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
doesn't tend to get jealous but does sometimes and lashes out. like one time you were hitchhiking together looking for dinner and this guy kept eyeing you and made lewd comments about you to his friends. nubbins got him to the house and cut the shit outta him and let bubba do what bubba does. (chainsawing people 🥰 so cute i know)
K - kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed)
he's not a very experienced kisser. so they end up being sloppy. (would probably lick your face like a dog) he likes to kiss you mainly on the mouth but also on your neck. he likes to be kissed wherever. he's an attention whore.
L - little ones (how are they around children?)
hates kids. i mean absolutely utterly HATES kids. thinks they are the worst thing in the world.
M - mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
you either wake up to you on the floor or him on the floor because he can't fucking stay STILL. or if he's awake before you you'll wake up to the flash of a camera.
N - night (how are nights spent with them?)
can't fall asleep at a normal time so he'll force you to stay up with him (might let you sleep if you ask nicely)
O - open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
would tell you random traumatic parts of his childhood like it's random facts. you would be hanging out with him and he would randomly say "did you know that one time drayton..." and then would carry on with the conversation like that was a normal thing.
P - patience (how easily angered are they?)
depends on who it is. if it's his brothers he will lose his shit IMMEDIATELY. would stick his tongue out at them. but if it's you he would try his best to be patient but if you piss him off he'll just walk away or yell at you to shut the hell up.
Q - quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
would only remember important things, like your birthday, hobbies, etc. other than that he forgets most things.
R - remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
whenever you would tag-team hitch hiking. one of his favorites is when both of you traumatized these teenagers by saying weird shit and nubbins cutting himself.
S - security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
not very protective but had saved your ass a few times when dealing with dinner (aka chasing people throughout the house and killing them). sometimes needs to be protected from how careless he is, so if you save him he might thank you.
T - try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
likes to give you roadkill. "hey look what i found!" while holding a dead fox in your face. the most you get for a date is him stealing chops truck and aimlessly driving around at night with the windows down.
U - ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
doesn't shower much, self-harm, and he tends to not care about personal space
V - vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
doesn't care much but will put some effort into his clothes or hair sometimes. is confused on why you shower so often. (because he's FILTHY)
W - whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
he's always around you. like i said he's like a puppy, follows his favorite person around everywhere. but if you were apart he might get a tad bit upset.
X - xtra (a random headcannon for them)
he likes to annoy his brothers with you. for example, you and him would get in their personal space and pester them. (be careful with drayton though, he might will throw a fit)
Y - yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner)
he wouldn't like someone who can't match his freak. if you aren't batshit crazy he will be put off.
Z - zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
his sleep is very unpredictable, either sleeps for a few hours or the whole day. one time he passed out at the dinner table.
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took a lot of brain power to write this
tysm!! 💗💕
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kymerawrites · 15 hours
friends to lovers to ...?
Shym, Simon’s closest friend - maybe even best friend. She were one of the few people he didn’t actually hate. Sure, they bickered over stupid things, but they stayed close either way especially after being friends since year eight, now in year twelve.
Simon leaned back against the wall of the stairwell in their high school as he waited for shym, holding a cigarette between his fingers.
“Bloody hell, where is she..”, he muttered, taking a long drag from his cigarette as he looked around for any sign of Shym. He knew she would probably tell him not to smoke and lecture him, but it’s not like he’d actually listen.
As he finished up the cigarette, he dropped it on the ground, stepping on it and putting it out before shoving his hands into his pockets. Simon always wore the school’s dark navy blue blazer and trousers, but today his shirt was an unusual colour being white instead of the standard dark grey one. He didn’t really care for most things, including his uniform.
And there she came, looking sad, angry, confused? He couldn’t place her emotions today
Simon’s expression softened slightly as he saw her, noticing that she didn’t seem herself. He pushed himself off the wall and approached her.
“Hey. You alright?”
He said as he came up in front of her, looking at her face to try and figure out what was wrong.
I just scoffed “it’s Mike.” Mike was my boyfriend, but lately we haven’t been on good terms since a party incident.
I laughed and said with venom in my voice “oh yeah he did, just because I once again did not want him to take my virginity in a random persons bed.” I rolled my eyes
Simon shook his head in disapproval as he leaned back against the wall once again.
“For the love of God.. when are you going to break up with him already.”
He said, clearly annoyed and yet a hint of concern was present in his voice.
“There’s no point of staying in a relationship when all he keeps doing is accusing you of cheating and pressuring you to do something you don’t want to.”
Simon said as he let out an exasperated breath, leaning his head back against the wall. He really didn’t understand why she hadn’t just broken up with that bastard yet.
His expression softened again as he looked at her properly this time, noticing how down she looked. He hated seeing her like this.
“It’s your choice to stay with him, but you know I’ll support you whatever you chose. Even if you do chose to keep a toxic prick as a boyfriend.”
"si.. I don't know how to break up with him."
Simon closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, trying to calm his annoyance of the situation.
“Just be straight forward with him. Tell him that you’re done and it’s over. Don’t let him guilt trip you back into staying because he “can change” or some bullshit. He’s an arsehole and you deserve better than that.”
i smiled and looked down at my feet, I sighed "to be honest, I wish that was the case, but that isn't the case you know?.."
Simon’s expression went from annoyance to concern at hearing her words, noticing the sadness in her voice.
“What do you mean?”
He asked as he pushed himself off the wall and stepped closer to her, looking over her as she looked down at her feet.
"he knows a lot of stuff, and I mean maybe even more than you.. he's the only person who actually understands and listens to my.. problems." I said softly
Simon froze as she said that, the concern in his expression quickly turning to anger that was poorly concealed.
“That’s what this is about.. he’s holding whatever secrets you have over your head to keep you from leaving him.”
He spoke through gritted teeth as he clenched his fists in his pockets, trying to stay calm but it was a struggle.
"si its okay, its no biggie!" I pushed him slightly on the shoulder, I noticed he got bigger, not fat but I felt more muscle.
Simon let her shove him as he tried to calm down, but it was obvious that what she said had angered him more than he was showing.
“No biggie? How can it not be a biggie? The guy is manipulating you into staying in a goddamn one sided and unhealthy relationship!”
He said as he clenched his jaw as he was struggling to keep his voice down.
Simon became really angry, I felt the heat radiating off "Simon I will be okay, relationships have their ups and downs, you know that right?"
“The downs shouldn’t include cheating accusations and manipulation.”
He said through gritted teeth, his anger towards her boyfriend only growing the more she defended him. She didn’t seem to realize how toxic their relationship really was, and it pissed him off.
I just sighed "can we please talk about something else?"
Simon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm down.
“Fine. What do you want to talk about?”
He said, his voice still edged with irritation, but it was significantly calmer than a moment ago.
i grabbed his arm and pinched it "look at those muscles! you really are taking the gym seriously"
Simon’s expression softened slightly when she changed the topic, but he frowned again when she pinched his arm.
“Oi, cut it out.”
He said in annoyance but still letting her pinch his arm as he looked down at her with an unimpressed expression, but he couldn’t stay annoyed at her for too long.
"since that one gym class in junior year you just start to make urself ready to enlist in the army, did those secret operation presentations caught your attention?"
Simon shrugged as he leaned back against the wall, his arms now crossed over his chest.
“Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. What if I just want to get fit?”
He said teasingly with a smirk, glancing over at her.
"now lets not get it twisted!" I touched his cheek as a joke "looks were never a problem anyway for you" I touched his scar, the scar that made his face, and who did that? his dad. every time I see Simon I remember he survived abuse. and I tried to always be there and uplift him
Simon’s expression softened a bit more, the tension in his body slowly fading away as she touched his cheek and then his scar.
“You’re too nice to me.”
He said, a hint of amusement in his voice as he tried to make a joke but he was struggling to. The mention of his scar always brought up memories of things he tried to forget, but for whatever reason he didn’t mind when it was her who bought it up.
and then the bell rang, "it seems we got to go to our literature class!" I grabbed his hand and held it as I ran with him towards the classroom
Simon was practically dragged to class as she grabbed his hand and started to run. He was surprisingly able to keep up with her, his long legs able to quickly catch up to her pace.
“Bloody hell! Slow down will you? We ain’t late yet.”
Although he said this, he was struggling to hold back a smile, enjoying her energetic personality.
"Simon, I really do not give a fuck! today we get the information about our day trip to New York to see the play."
His eyes widened slightly as he remembered about the day trip.
“Bloody hell, I almost forgot about that day trip. You’re way too excited over this.”
He said, although his tone betrayed his actual interest as he let her drag him into the classroom.
"come on we'll see New York and everything! now lets get to class" as we walked in I sat next to mike until I saw Simon standing at my table staring daggers
Simon didn’t appreciate seeing her sit next to her boyfriend, his annoyance at the boy returning immediately. He stood next to her table, staring at the boy with a look that was filled with anger and almost contempt.
i kissed mike "baby I'm sitting next to Simon today alright? in gym we can meet up again"
Mike glanced up at Simon, shooting him an annoyed look as shym kissed him. However, he gave a small nod to her.
He said bluntly, leaning back against his chair, his gaze briefly flicking to Simon who was standing next to them.
Once Mike agreed, Simon immediately took the chair next to shym. He slumped back against the chair with an annoyed expression before he leaned over to her, lowering his voice.
“You honestly could’ve picked a better seat partner.”
He said, his eye flicking over to Mike for a brief second.
However, before shym could respond, their teacher, Mrs. Smith walked into the classroom, drawing their attention.
“Alright class, settle down. I have important news regarding an upcoming day trip.”
The class immediately got quiet as they waited for their teacher to continue. Some students were more interested than others, but they gave the teacher their attention regardless.
Mrs. Smith looked around at the class before she spoke once again.
“Tomorrow, you will be going on a day trip into New York to see the play ‘Romeo & Juliet.’”
"we'll be going with the train you know" I whispered
Simon nodded slightly, leaning over even closer to her so that they wouldn’t be heard by other students. His eyes flicked over to Mike, noticing that he was still paying attention.
“Yeah, I know. But I bet it’ll be packed with a bunch of annoying idiots.”
He leaned back into his chair as Mrs. Smith continued speaking about the details of the day trip, things like when they’ll be leaving and how to organise themselves.
He leaned back into his chair, folding his arms over his chest as he glanced over at shym, not even pretending to pay attention to whatever their teacher was saying.
After a few more minutes of listening to their teacher, Simon zoned out as the conversation changed to a discussion about Romeo & Juliet with some of the students. He found the topic to be boring, instead he let his thoughts wander.
He thought about the day trip, how the train journey was going to be packed with teenagers with their loud voices and excited chattering. The thought of sitting for god knows how long next to annoying teenagers didn’t please him at all.
but at least he had shym
That was true. At least he would have one person who wouldn’t be utterly annoying while on the train.
His thoughts went from the train ride to the play itself. It was ‘Romeo & Juliet’ for god’s sake. Of course it’s the typical cheesy love story. It was too cliche and typical for his liking.
And he just knew that all of the girls in their grade would swoon over the male actors who played Romeo. He let out a scoff at the thought. He couldn’t understand why the girls were so obsessed over love stories like Romeo & Juliet.
"class dismissed." mrs smith said and Simon came back to reality
Simon was snapped out of his thoughts as Mrs. Smith dismissed the class. He stood up from his seat and stretched his legs, his body still a little stiff from sitting in the same position for too long.
I stood up and fixed my skirt "well si, I'll see you tomorrow on the station, you'll wait for me right?"
Simon looked at her as he nodded in confirmation.
“Of course I’m gonna wait for you. Wouldn’t want you to be late or anything.”
He said, folding his arms as he leaned against the table, the last of the students leaving the room.
the next day was chaotic and it resulted in Simon waiting on the station while the rest left already
Simon drummed his fingers impatiently against the side of his thighs as he waited on the platform.
He looked at the time on his phone, tapping his foot against the ground as he waited for the tardy shym. He was slightly annoyed but not overly so.
"SIMON RILEY." I screamed
His head immediately snapped around to look at the sound of her voice. He raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner when he saw her running towards him.
“About bloody time. I was starting to wonder if you’d ever show up.”
i slapped his chest lightly "why are you not on that train!?"
Simon raised his hands in defense as she slapped his chest.
“Easy there, I only waited because I was waiting for your irresponsible ass to show up.”
He said with a smirk, crossing his arms over his chest.
I just shook my head "so what now we take the next train? and miss the play?"
He let out a sigh as he thought for a moment.
“I guess we have no other choice.”
Simon checked the time on his phone and groaned in frustration.
“Bloody hell, we’ll barely make it in time before the play starts.”
i sighed "lets try at least." and waited for the train to arrive
“Yeah, better than nothing.”
Simon leaned back against the side of the platform railing as they waited for the next train to arrive. He glanced around the platform, noticing that majority maybe everyone of their peers had already left on the first train.
It wasn’t long before the next train arrived and they got on, with no seats available so they stood
As the train sped towards New York, Simon was leaned back against a pole, facing shym as he watched her struggle to keep her balance with the train’s speed. He looked her up and down with a smirk, before he spoke.
“You really aren’t good with train rides, are you?”
"yeah as if-" the train came to a sudden halt as we reached a stop
Simon was taken by surprise when the train suddenly came to a halt, causing her to fall forwards into his arms. His reflexes kicked in, his arm wrapping around her to keep her from falling down.
They ended up in a very close intimate position with her face only mere centimeters away from his. And for a brief moment, time seemed to slow down.
Their faces were almost touching, her eyes looking up at his. Simon’s breath hitched as he realised their closeness, his arm around her waist holding her tightly to help keep her balance.
He quickly looked away, clearing his throat as he loosened his grip on her, trying to ignore the pounding of his heart.
He could feel the warmth of her body pressed against his and it was causing his heart rate to increase. He was slightly annoyed at his reaction, but he couldn’t help it.
“You’re more clumsy than I thought.”
He said, trying to sound more nonchalant than he was feeling.
"uh yeah.. sorry.." I said laughing
He looked back at her, a hint of a smirk on his face at her laughter.
“Just try not to trip and fall all over me, yeah?”
He said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. He still had his arm around her waist, holding her steady.
The train jolted as it continued on its journey towards New York. With the speed in which the train was going, Simon continued holding her to keep her from falling again.
He couldn’t ignore the fact that he was enjoying the close proximity of their bodies. Despite his usual cold and aloof nature, he couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his chest.
As they stepped off the train, shym was immediately in awe of the city. She took in every detail, her eyes wide with wonder.
Simon followed behind her, his hands shoved in his pockets as he glanced around. He was still trying to maintain his usual blank expression, but he couldn’t help but be impressed by the city as well.
They made their way out of Grand Central, to the hustle and bustle of the city filling the air.
"simon…" I said slowly
Simon glanced down at her, a hint of curiosity in his expression.
He asked, his voice neutral but his eyes giving him away in showing his interest.
"can we do this every weekend? maybe spend Christmas here?" I almost pleaded and I was excited the city looked just like the rom coms I watched in my dorm every night
Simon raised an eyebrow and his smirk widened slightly at her eagerness.
“Bloody hell, you really love this city, don’t you?”
He asked in amusement, before he continued to answer her question.
“But yeah, why not? We can try to come here every weekend or something.”
I looked on my phone and rolled my eyes "let's explore and not go to that play." and I started walking "We will be tourists today!"
Simon chuckled at her eagerness and rolled his eyes in mock annoyance.
“Bloody hell, you’re going to end up making us lost you know?”
He said, still following her as she started walking, looking down at her with a smirk.
“But fine, we’ll be tourists for the day.”
Simon found himself being pulled by her from place to place, her excitement contagious. They did almost everything they could that day, seeing time square, Brooklyn bridge, Empire State Building, and even making it to the Statue of Liberty.
Despite his usual aloof nature, he found himself getting caught up in the moment. He saw how happy shym was, and it made him happy as well.
"okay last thing for today and that's Central Park, after that I want to get food." I said excitedly
Simon chuckled as she mentioned Central Park as the last stop of their day. He could see how tired she was, but he was also exhausted himself.
“Yeah, I think we’ve done enough for today. Central Park it is, then food, sounds good.”
He said in agreement, stretching his arms as they began walking towards Central Park.
we saw the squirrels, went on a horse carriage and after we god some hot pot next door until we saw the time and it was 11 PM "uh.. Simon?"
As they finished their food, Simon leaned back in his chair with a satisfied expression, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“Damn, that was some good food.” He said, before noticing the time.
“What is it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"we missed the last train." I said irritated
Simon let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“God dammit, you’re such a pain in the ass…”
He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“How the hell are we supposed to get back now?”
"we'll get a hotel. I know one and saw a good one night deal."
Simon raised an eyebrow at her suggestion, slight surprise in his expression.
“A hotel? Seriously?”
He said with a hint of amusement in his tone.
“And you’re sure they have a good night deal and they’ll let us check in this late?”
"ofcourse, I'm shym fucking medusa" I said sarcastically
Simon couldn’t help but let out a snort of laughter at her sarcastic response. He smirked at her, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Oh yeah, cause that name will get us into any hotel no problem.”
He said sarcastically in return, chuckling slightly.
"come on lets take a cab to timesquare its next to it."
Simon playfully rolled his eyes at her as he stood up from his chair.
“Alright, alright, lead the way Medusa…”
He said sarcastically, gesturing for her to lead the way out of the restaurant.
as they went towards timesquare with the cab they successfully got into a hotel, the catch? it was a romantic couple get away with view on timesquare
As they arrived and walked into the hotel lobby, they were instantly met with the romantic atmosphere. The lobby had a warm and intimate ambience, with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background.
Simon looked around with raised eyebrows, silently cursing under his breath at the romantic getaway feeling of the place.
“Bloody hell…”
He mumbled, following her up to the receptionist.
i grabbed my card "hi can we book for 1 night only?"
The receptionist gave a friendly smile as she looked up from her computer screen.
“Of course, ma’am. Let me just check the availability.”
She typed something on her computer, looking for vacant rooms.
“We have one available room. However, it’s our special couple’s package room.”
The receptionist said, looking up at them.
I looked at Simon with a funny expression "that'll be great! thank you."
Simon’s eyes widened slightly as the receptionist mentioned the “couple’s package” room. He glanced at shym with a look that said, ‘you can’t be serious.’
“Are you sure-”
But he was cut off by shym accepting the room. He let out a small sigh, resigned to the situation.
“Alright, I guess we’ll take it.”
as they entered the room they were met with a bed full of rose petals and a jacuzzi, the blinds were still open and we had an amazing view of timesquare I walked towards the window and could only bring myself to say "wow."
Simon followed shym into the room, his eyes widening as he took in the scene before him. His eyes fell on the bed covered in rose petals, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.
“Bloody hell… they went all out for this couple’s package, didn’t they?”
He said with a hint of sarcasm, walking further into the room. He saw her looking out the window at the view of Times Square.
and then I saw it a jacuzzi, "Simon, this is some VIP shit, and we are going in that jacuzzi. now." I said demanding
Simon chuckled at her demanding tone, a smirk on his face as he leaned against the wall, arms folded across his chest.
“Bossy, aren’t you?”
He said teasingly, raising an eyebrow at her. The idea of getting into the jacuzzi was certainly tempting, but he couldn’t help but mess with her a little.
"aw come on! we went to the beach together in 9th remember? plus campus doesn't have this luxury bath.." I pouted
Simon chuckled at her pouting, shaking his head in amusement. He remembered the time they went to the beach together and how carefree they were back then.
“Bloody hell, can’t believe you brought that up…”
He said with a smirk, running a hand through his hair.
“But I guess you’re right, campus baths ain’t got nothing on this. Fine, let’s get in the jacuzzi.”
i undressed myself and forgot I was wearing red lace underwear today, me and Simon haven't also seen each other in this type of clothes since 9th, matter of fact he was wearing a hoodie that day so I never saw him undressed
Simon's eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of the red lace underwear. His face betrayed a moment of surprise, his cheeks slightly tinging pink for a second before he composed himself. His eyes trailed up her body, taking in the sight of her.
He remembered that day at the beach, how carefree and innocent they were. He hadn’t seen her like this since then. He quickly broke out of his momentary surprise and smirked, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
“Red lace, huh? Trying to impress someone?”
I started to blush "I was in a rush.." I walked towards the jacuzzi and sat in it waiting for it to start bubbling
Simon chuckled as he saw her blushing, his smirk widening. He found her flustered reaction endearing. He walked over to the jacuzzi and sat opposite her, the water swirling and bubbling around them.
“In a rush, huh? Sure, that’s why you chose the red lace.”
He teased, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
The warm water of the jacuzzi provided a relaxing atmosphere, the jets creating gentle waves around them. Simon leaned back, resting his arms on the edge of the tub, his eyes watching her.
He couldn’t help but notice how the water accentuated her curves and how the lace of her underwear stood out against her skin. It was a sight that stirred something in him, but he tried to brush it off.
I response I looked at him the abs he got were really noticeable and I bit my lip trying not to be noticed
Simon noticed her biting her lip, his smirk growing slightly as he caught her looking at his abs. He puffed out his chest a little, showing off his physique.
“Like what you see?”
He said in a cocky tone, jokingly flexing his biceps.
"I like what I see" I said teasingly
Simon chuckled at her playful response, his smirk widening. He splashed some water at her, a playful glint in his eyes.
“Oh, do you now? Didn’t know you were such a fan of the abs.”
He said jokingly, running a hand over his abs.
I splashed water back at him and it became a water fight, until I sat between his legs, I don't know how I ended up there but I looked in his eyes, those dark eyes.. they looked dreamy and I couldn't take my eyes off them. my breath became harder and I started to kiss him
Simon was caught off guard when she suddenly sat between his legs, the water fight coming to an unexpected end. They were face to face, their bodies pressed against each other in the hot tub.
He could feel her breath against his skin as their eyes locked, and her intense gaze sent a shiver down his spine.
As she leaned in and started kissing him, his mind went hazy. All his usual guarded demeanor melted away in that moment, replaced by a raw desire. He deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist.
The kiss became more passionate, their lips and tongues working together in a perfect rhythm. Simon couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss, his hands roaming over her body.
The water in the jacuzzi sloshed around them, the heat of the moment building between them. He pulled her closer, wanting to feel every inch of her body against his.
Simon broke off the kiss for a moment, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He looked into her eyes, trying to fight the growing desire that was consuming him.
“Bloody hell… what are we doing?”
He asked, his voice hoarse with need. Despite the doubts in his mind, he couldn’t help but kiss her neck, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin.
"fuck I don't know si…" I whispered
Simon continued to kiss her neck, nibbling and sucking at her skin. He couldn't help himself, his body was responding eagerly to her touch.
"We shouldn't be doing this…"
He mumbled against her skin, but his words were contradicted by his actions. His hands roamed over her body, tracing the curves of her waist and hips.
He wanted her. The logical part of his brain was telling him to stop, to pull away and maintain the boundaries they had set. But the primal part of him, the part that had been there since the very beginning, was taking over.
"God…you have no idea what you do to me."
He whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her skin.
The passion between them grew hotter and hotter as they moved from the jacuzzi to the bed. Simon's hands eagerly roamed over her body, undressing her piece by piece until she was bare before him.
He couldn't help but admire her naked body, his gaze taking in every inch of her. He pulled her close, his lips trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone.
He wanted her, needed her. The feeling of her skin against his, the taste of her lips, it was like a drug he couldn't get enough of. He rolled them over so she was underneath him, his body pressed against hers.
"are you sure about this shym?" he asked
Shym looked up at him, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She knew this was a pivotal moment, something that couldn't be undone. But her heart was racing, her body was practically buzzing with need.
"I'm sure."
She breathed out, her voice shaky with desire.
He looked down at her, the raw emotion in her eyes fueling his fiery desire. He leaned down and captured her lips in a deep, hungry kiss. His hands roamed over her body, exploring every dip and curve.
He broke off the kiss, his voice coming out in a low growl.
"I want you. All of you…"
"si.." I whispered as he started to kiss my collarbone again traveling towards my boobs
Simon's hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs tracing circles around her nipples until they hardened under his touch. He gave each a gentle squeeze, feeling her sharp intakes of breath.
Moving his attention back to her lips, he kissed her deeply, letting her know just how much he wanted her. As the kiss devolved into a needy-feeling tangle of tongues, his fingers went to the waistband of his jeans, the zipper coming undone with ease.
i was met with a hard cock, it was huge and my mouth gaped open at the sight
Simon couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at her reaction before moving to prod her lips with the tip of his erection. "Ready to experience it?" His smirk turned predatory, his eyes filled with lust.
His fingers slowly trailed up her thighs, stopping just before slipping inside her. "Are you ready?" He urged, his voice a low gravelly tone, the intensity of the moment causing his hands to tremble just a bit.
The tension in the room became almost palpable as Shym hesitated. Simon's eyes implored her, waiting for her to make a decision. Slowly, she nodded, her lips parting in a breathy, whispery, "yes."
Simon wasted no time. He gently parted her thighs, aligning himself at her entrance, and began to push into her slowly. The warmth of her body surrounded him as he claimed her virginity. The room filled with the sound of their breathing and the wet slick sound of their intimacy.
Simon's eyes bore into hers, the intensity of their connection making it impossible to look away. The feelings of both pleasure and pain flooded Shym's body as he thrust deep inside her.
It took him a few thrusts to adjust to the tightness, but once he was fully seated within her, the sensations were overwhelming. "Fuck... Shym..." Simon's grip on her hips tightened, moving at a slow, steady pace to let her adjust.
He leaned down to brush his lips against her neck, ravenously sucking and nibbling at the sensitive skin while he continued his rhythmic movements, lost in the overwhelming bliss of finally being inside her.
we went for a few more minutes until I started to reach my orgasm "simon.. I can't take it.. any longer" I huffed
Simon's eyes darted up to meet hers, the desire in his eyes burning hot. "Come for me, Shym," he growled, inching up the tempo of his thrusts.
With a final, powerful thrust, Simon let out a guttural groan, his own release following closely behind. He held her close, their sweaty bodies intertwined as they rode the intensity of their orgasms.
Eventually, the sensations subsided, leaving them both out of breath and trembling. Simon kissed Shym's forehead, pulling out and collapsing beside her, the weight of the moment leaving them both speechless.
"wow..." I felt hazy from the aftermath and closed my eyes, I didn't realize I was so tired I slowly started to fall asleep in his arms
Simon's hand stroked her hair, a small, satisfied smile on his lips as he watched his best friend drift off into the realm of slumber. His body was still reeling from the intensity of the experience, and the sense of contentment that came with knowing Shym was now his in a whole new way.
He closed his own eyes, giving in to the urge to doze off as well, knowing that no matter what the morning brought, he had found a new connection with her that no one else could take away.
Simon's hand stroked her hair, a small, satisfied smile on his lips as he watched his best friend drift off into the realm of slumber. His body was still reeling from the intensity of the experience, and the sense of contentment that came with knowing Shym was now his in a whole new way.
He closed his own eyes, giving in to the urge to doze off as well, knowing that no matter what the morning brought, he had found a new connection with her that no one else could take away. but the morning became a nasty fight.
Simon woke up with a disoriented haze in his mind, last night's experience still fresh in his memory. He looked over at shym, hoping to see her peaceful sleeping face, but instead found her side of the bed empty.
He sat up with a start, realizing she was nowhere in sight. The room felt oddly still, as if an argument or disturbance had taken place.
"Shym?" he called out, his voice laced with confusion and concern.
I came out of the bathroom trying to find my underwear when I saw Simon on the bed I instantly covered myself "what the fuck did we do si.."
Simon's eyes widened as he saw her come out of the bathroom, covering herself quickly. He realized the mess of the situation, the events of last night flooding back to him.
He ran a hand through his messy hair, still trying to process the reality of what had transpired.
"We.. we went to far.."
he said with a mixture of regret and disbelief in his voice. They were best friends, they weren't supposed to cross this line. But the memory of last night, the heat of the moment, still burned in his mind.
He sat up on the bed, looking at her with a conflicted expression.
"Bloody hell, what were we thinking…"
I started to stress "god this was a huge mistake!" I exclaimed, but Simon didn't appreciate that and I saw anger in his eyes lit up
Simon's eyes flashed with anger as she exclaimed that it was a mistake. He climbed off the bed and walked towards her, his voice rising with each step.
"A mistake? Seriously?"
He stopped in front of her, his body tense.
"Last night meant something to me, and you just want to write it off as a mistake?"
"no-no I don't mean-" but he already shushed me
Simon's voice cut her off, his anger still evident.
"Save it," he said, his tone harsh. "You obviously regret what happened last night."
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to control his emotions.
"We both made a mistake," he continued, his voice softer but still tinged with hurt. "but you didn't have to make it seem like it meant nothing to you."
He moved past her and began searching for his clothes, trying to put distance between them.
as we left the hotel room and went into the elevator he tried to apologize and kiss me but now I became angry "don't Simon.. don't."
Simon's apologies died on his lips as she rejected his attempt at a kiss. He looked at her, frustration and hurt mixing in his eyes.
"What do you want from me, then? You say it was a mistake, but now you push me away when I try to make things right?"
The elevator seemed to shrink as the tension between them grew.
"god just don't talk to me anymore!" I walked out the elevator and walked away from him "I'm going back to campus alone. don't follow me."
Simon watched her walk away, his heart tightening in his chest. He wanted to call after her, to convince her to stay and talk it out, but her words echoed in his ears.
"Don't follow me."
He clenched his fists, the hurt and anger mixing together in a tumultuous storm within him. He stayed rooted in place, watching her form disappear around the corner.
It took all his willpower not to run after her and pull her back. He wanted to shake her and make her understand how much he cared, how much last night meant to him. But the look in her eyes was clear she didn't want to be near him right now.
"Bloody hell…"
He muttered under his breath, punching the elevator wall in frustration.
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livingproofoftbd · 23 hours
Write dnf cooking together perhaps
thank you dougie 😞 have some drabble
Despite what some people seem to think, the three of them eat home cooked meals nearly every day. Sure, sometimes they go out to eat or order in, but that’s not a super common occurrence. They prefer making their own burgers than ordering them, but when George starts demanding things like dumpling, that’s when they order in.
“Dream,” George whines. Dream’s pillow hits him in the face.
“George!” Dream exclaims, flinching in his seat. He flips his headphones off, eyes narrowed. “What?”
George frowns. “I’ve called your name, like, three times.“
“Oh, sorry,“ Dream says, pushing away from his computer. “What do you need?”
“I’m hungry,” George complains.
Dream gives him a look. “And you had to distract me from this?” he asks. “I’m almost done.”
“Which means you have time to make me food,“ George says as he pushes himself off the bed. “C’mon.“
Dream, of course, follows easily. He doesn’t even turn off his computer, simply walks out of the room as George does. Like always.
“We need stuff,” George says, rooting through their cupboards.
“We have plenty of stuff,” Dream argues. “What so you want to make that we don’t have ingredients for?” He peers over George’s shoulder into the cupboards filled with spice.
“Sushi,“ George says plainly. “I saw a tiktok, it doesn’t look that hard.”
Dream looked at him in slight disbelief. “George, you realize you need prepared fish for that, right?” he asks. “That’s not something either of us knows how to do.”
“You realize we don’t need to add fish, right?” George retaliates, closing the cupboards.
“Idiot,” Dream says, smiling. “You hate vegan sushi, you tried it once and spat it out.”
George slaps Dream in the arm. “Shut up,” he grumbles, pushing past him. “I found a store that sells prepared fish specifically for sushi, so I’ll send you the address.”
Dream turns, frowning. “Um, who said I’m going?”
“I did,“ George says, finding Dream’s car keys. “You wouldn’t deny me sushi, would you?” He pouts as he steps close enough to press the keys in Dream’s awaiting palm.
“I could just order sushi,” Dream says, but he’s already walking towards the garage.
“I thought you loved me,” George says sadly.
Dream glares at him. “Idiot,” he says warmly.
He ends up getting George to come along, and they spend over an hour finding the ingredients and other snacks George likes. Dream buys him apples and apple juice and some chips he likes—“crisps, Dream.” They get some for Sapnap too, so he doesn’t bitch about it and try to steal George’s snacks.
“So how do we even make sushi?” Dream asks.
“Let me find the video,” George says, pulling out his phone. “Give me a sec.”
Dream unloads the bags as George searches for the video, pulling out sushi rice and prepared fish and seaweed sheets and other various ingredients they bought. George makes a small triumphant noise as Dream is putting away the apple juice.
“Look look look.” George shows Dream the video. It looks easy enough, but Dream figures the quality won’t be nearly as good as the sushi made professionally. Still, they started making it. George decided he would do the easiest part and make the rice, and Dream didn’t argue. Because he never does.
They lay the seaweed flat on a fancy sushi roller, put down cooled rice, and place strips of fish down. Their first attempt at rolling it is laughable, and their second isn’t much better.
“Dream, this is so ugly,“ George complains. “How do we even cut it?“
Dream is giggling too hard to respond as he tries to place the terribly rolled sushi on a plate to cut it. “This is gonna be so bad,” he says, high pitched through his laughter. “George, what-“
He suddenly doubles over laughing, leaning on the edge of the counter. Georg starts laughing with him, leaning over to try and cut it. “Dream!” he shrieks. “It’s falling apart! Help!”
Dream stands up to see a very failed attempt at cutting it. The part that George cut off looks diseased and the whole thing is falling apart. “George!” he exclaims. “What the hell?”
They manage to salvage it enough to cut it, and they cheers with their hands clutching the sushi carefully. “Good luck,” George says, and Dream giggles before he eats it. And, surprisingly, it tastes great.
“Look at us go,” Dream says, smiling.
“I’m having another,” George decides. “This is insane, Dream.”
They make some for Sapnap before eating the rest, and then George just starts eating the rice and fish straight from the pot. Dream shakes his head fondly as he walks upstairs to deliver Sapnap his dinner.
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longing-for-rain · 11 hours
Can we please get rid of the idea that a “strong” woman with an effeminate guy is automatically a subversive and progressive relationship?
Look, I know this take comes from people whose only relationship experience is from fandom tropes and TikTok memes, but it’s frustrating. It’s frustrating to me because I am that woman, and even if it physically “looks” subversive, it often actually isn’t.
Just for context here, I’m speaking from my experience as the kind of woman I am. I’m tall; I’m 5’10”. I have a muscular build. I’m highly educated. I actually used to like the idea of being taller than a male partner, earn more, be the provider, etc. It felt empowering to me, so like a lot of you, I became interested in that idea when I thought about relationships with men. I always hated the “woman role” forced on me and I thought my stature would help me escape it by switching roles.
However, actual experience made it seem a lot less empowering. Because here’s the reality.
Despite what they say, men don’t like it when their wives/girlfriends are taller, or earn more. It makes them feel emasculated. You might notice this immediately, or it might take months for the mask to come off, for him to start acting insecure. But he will. And who will he take it out on? That’s right: you.
Sure, it will be “my girl acts like a booktok boyfriend I love her!” and “my wife is the coolest ever I love her!” at first, but in reality? There will always be some lingering insecurity. He’ll expect you to hold his hand and reassure him that he’s still a man to you and that you respect him constantly.
And that brings me to my next point—these relationships really aren’t as subversive as they seem. Sure, he puts on nail polish and flower crowns. But does he do the dishes? Does he help out around the house? Sure, he gushes about how “cool” you are. But does he support you emotionally the same way you support him? Can you truly be yourself with him, or do you find that you repress and downplay your feelings to protect his?
The unfortunate reality is, there is simply always going to be an unequal dynamic. It’s been instilled into us by thousands of years of patriarchy. You can’t undo that with some fandom tropes. It’s like painting over water damage instead of fixing the broken pipe. The fact remains that as a woman, no matter how physically strong you are, no matter how tall, and no matter how successful, that “progressive” man will still always see you as the woman. His woman. He’ll happily enjoy the benefits of your paycheck while still expecting you to do the majority of the work around the house. He’ll happily “let” you be strong because it also means you’re spending your energy coddling him emotionally. This isn’t subversive or beneficial for women.
There is, of course, an exception. Men who have fetishes—which to be clear, it is never a compliment to be someone’s fetish. I’ve experienced this as well. It’s dehumanizing. You become an object. Even a man who claims to “worship” you in the name of his fetish really isn’t worshipping you—he’s worshipping the gratification he’s using you for. Gratification which comes from the humiliation of being subservient to a woman, because to them, women are weak and inferior so therefore being the servant of one is the greatest humiliation imaginable.
So yes, I’m really sick of seeing posts glorifying these dynamics, because it’s obvious they’re either coming from people who have no experience with them or from fetishists. I don’t care if he wears a flower crown. I don’t care if he’s shorter and cowers behind his #girlboss wife while she epically stands up for him. It’s cheap faux progress and reminds me of how isolated and neglected you feel when you actually have to be that woman.
If you really want to be subversive, as a man, try actually treating your girlfriend as an equal instead of putting her on a pedestal. Try actually asking her what she wants and needs from you instead of assuming. Try sharing responsibilities with her like a partner instead of a grown child. Try defending her with the same passion she does you. Be just as strong for her as she is for you. Stand up for her against other men. Challenge other men. Learn about what she cares about and values. Focus on what you can do for her. Engage with her hobbies. Treat her like a human being and not a trope.
Now that would be an actually subversive heterosexual relationship for a strong woman to be in.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
I think it’s important to stay realistic in regards to DM and what they show might be doing with them atm. I never actually thought we’d get some type of resolution or even a confirmation re: them having been romantically involved in the past, or them starting some kind of affair in the present for that matter. BUT I do hate to see some people calling DM fans deluded and all sorts of names simply because they either 1. Love the books and the chapter and have waited for years to see it adapted or 2. Simply don’t like Loumand (valid) and prefer to see Armand with someone who actually understands and cherishes ALL of him. These aggressive haters are usually the ones with the weirdly aggressive Loumand agenda that perpetuates the narrative of Louis being an eternal, perfect, helpless victim. DM shippers have existed on the internet long before most of these people were even born lmao it’s so ridiculous.
Yeah well, I do think this season has made it very clear that Louis is not just a helpless victim (and Jacob made that clear as well). (Though he is of course a victim to Armand‘s influence.)
But apart from that… yes it‘s important to stay realistic. There’s only so much they can squeeze into the remaining 3 hours.
And, personally - and that goes for all ships/scenes/whatever - I‘d rather see it done well than fast. Or cheap.
Remember the software development rules :)
If it’s fast and good it’s not cheap.
If it’s fast and cheap it’s not good.
If it‘s good and cheap… it’s not fast.
I want this show to be outstanding, to keep this level of quality.
Which means no hurrying through relationships or events - and no cheap shortcuts.
I. personally, don’t want it any other way.
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lunarzstarz · 3 days
ACOTAR Reread Rants
Recently started my ACOTAR reread and I got something to say
Everyone hates on Nesta Archeron or Nesta defenders because “oh she let Feyre go out in the woods” ect
I mean yeah I hated her too at the start, yeah she was a bitch but after reading the whole series rightfully so. I mean she was about to marry her SAer because she thought it would help her sisters. She had been groomed from a young age and had to deal with the loss of the fortune same as everyone else
And all I ever see is people talking about what she let Feyre do, how she was just the mean older sister um hello are we forgetting about Elain!?
I mean I loved Elain but when I see people being like “boo Nesta’s a bitch!” And then continue to say “but Elain is Elain” SHES OLDER THAN FEYRE TOO
And might I also add she didn’t gaf when Feyre came back from hunting either, talking about getting a new cloak. Really you cannot say you hate one sister then defend the other one by saying “well Elain is Elain” Elain was old enough to know better too. Feyre aside out of Nesta and Elain who was really doing more to help?
And don’t even get me started on their dad.
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strzlun · 2 hours
// park sunghoon //
pairing: street racer!sunghoon x enemy!femreader
word count- 5.8k
genre/cws- fluff, bantering, forced proximity(?), slowburn, falling in love, kissing, sunghoon is confident, secrets, late night drives, usage of ‘Park’, sunghoon and reader are enemies, protective sunghoon, angry(?)confessions, reader gets injured (a scratch)
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summary- Sunghoon didn’t realize dropping his pride would have him falling in love
Sunghoon hated many things but he mainly hated losing any race he’s ever participated in, so he made sure to never lose. And for the most sorry he stayed true to his words.
He’s practically won every race he’s ever been in, and he knew that he could have any desire he’s ever wished for.
But there was a strong desired he could never seem to achieve and that was the ultimate demise of you.
Sunghoon hated losing but he hated you above all things and he was confident that could never change.
Ever since the beginning it seemed as if you and Sunghoon were never meant to get along the moment you both laid eyes upon each other. It was humorous that there was such high expectation that the two of you would become good friends.
Yet, the moment he opened his mouth all expectations of meeting him came crashing down. You were all for being confident with yourself but there was a borderline between confident and cocky.
And Sunghoon was far past that line to the point that he made his own line.
He was narcissistic rather than ‘confident’, saying how he could practically have everything at the grade of his fingertips, and how he was damn near ‘perfect’ meaning he could do wrong in the world which was more than enough to tick you off in the wrong way.
Sunghoon on the other hand didn’t like how quickly you were able to rebuttal every single sentence he said. He tried to put on a tight knit smile with every word that left your mouth, which were only direct stabs to his pride.
That moment, you and Sunghoon avoided each other like the plague, trying to minimize interactions to at least zero.
You didn’t want to associate with Sunghoon and he didn’t want to associate with you either. It was a win-win situation so, neither of you complained.
Yet, avoiding each other only lasted a week as you both were oblivious to the amount of mutuals you both shared.
Now, you were able to spot him in any and every crowd and he was able to say the same, and this was enough to have your eye twitch.
You were irked seeing him with every passing corner that you couldn’t practically stand to be in the same vicinity as him without getting annoyed.
Sunghoon wasn’t oblivious to this, seeing the rolling of your eyes everytime he spoke and the scoff you gave when he simply would breathe.
Sunghoon was getting fed up with you and your snarky remarks about him. If you had wanted to start this, he had no problem meeting you halfway.
He got under your skin terribly, he knew that and wasn’t afraid to use it to his advantage. Even though the two of you were supposed to despise each other, he sure made it difficult to unwrap him from your life.
You were in the comforts of your home up until your friends arrived unannounced and practically dragged you out to the middle of no where with no explanation whatsoever.
Now you were surrounded by people you have never seen before while your friends roamed around leaving you behind.
You were trying to make sense of where you were but with the sudden roar that blared in your ears was enough to have you closing your eyes shut from it.
When the sudden uproar of cheers from those around you, you finally opened your eyes and that was when you saw a crowd forming around with the sound of cars engines.
That was when it finally hit you that you were dragged to a race meet.
Now you weren’t oppose to these events but you never would have gone out of your way to attend one of these. So you already found your feet walking in the opposite direction to leave.
However, before you could even make it far, you ran into a person.
You apologized immediately as the person did the same but the familiarity in the voice was enough to have you silent and looking at the person.
The realization of Sunghoon right in front of you, you were about to scoff but you stopped as you took in his entire presence.
Instead of his usual casual but professional attire, you were met with a whole different side of him. The slight disheveled hair, the white shirt and black leather jacket combo. It was something straight out of a wild fansty you thought to never be true.
When your eyes met with his, you swore you saw the pure fear flash in his eyes before clearing his throat. Sunghoon’s eyes frantically moved around avoiding eye contact with you. You were stunned, the one that praised himself to be perfect was secretly a street racer at night.
“Perfect Park Sunghoon secretly a street racer at night, never expected that” Your words made Sunghoon tense up and you could feel the tension emitting from him
The menacing smile you had made Sunghoon actually shiver in his own skin as he gulped, already annoyed with the situation. Just why did he have to run into you here of all places.
“What do you want? Tell me and I’ll make it happen” Sunghoon wanted to keep up the facade of being unfazed by this encounter but with the slight change in tone you can tell he was eager
But the way he worded his response made you scoff at his words, the irritation only growing bigger by the second you’re in his presence.
“You think you can solve anything with the snap of your fingers? Hate to break it to you Park but that’s not how it works”
“I hate it when you call me Park, I have a name that you can use” You chuckled at his comment
“It’ll do you good if you drop your pride, it might help you get somewhere”
You could hear the sudden chants from the crowd. They wanted to race to start and they needed Sunghoon, their shining star in order to start.
They didn’t realize that Sunghoon was having a crisis now that his ‘life’ was practically at the palm of your hand.
“Wait for me until the race is done, then we can properly talk” You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what made him think that you would comply
Now you seemed to may have underestimated him.
You promised to not wait for him and yet, it’s practically a ghost town now and here you are still waiting for him to show. You grumbled to yourself for being so naive in believing Sunghoon’s words.
But, you were brought out of your thoughts with the calling of your name. You looked to see Sunghoon panting as if he ran like his life depended on it.
“Alright Park, talk”
“My offer stands, anything you want, I’ll give it to you” You tried to conceal a laugh but it almost slipped, clearly oblivious to what you meant
You simply nodded your head before waving goodbye to him and walking away. His footsteps shuffled towards you as he now stood in front of you again, stopping you from walking any further.
“Okay I get it, that was… obnoxious of me. Then what’s your proposal then?” The desperation pooling in his eyes made your mind falter just for a moment
Never once have you seen him like this, you smacked your tongue against your teeth before sighing heavily. You may not like Sunghoon but that didn’t mean you were going to hold it against him.
“Just forget it Park, I’ll make it seem like I never saw anything”
However, this didn’t ease Sunghoon’s fear. He took it as you brushing it off until you needed something, only making his heart rate grow faster.
Just as you were walking away, Sunghoon came rushing towards you once again causing you to get even more annoyed which you didn’t think to be possibly.
But Sunghoon was always full a surprises.
“Please just name your proposal, I don’t want to be in debt to you” You sighed deeply in order to maintain your peace before quickly thinking of something
“Just drive me home then”
You should’ve chosen anything else. You assumed since Sunghoon was a street racer, he would have a sense of direction, how wrong you were.
The two of you have been lost for the past 30 minutes because he simply couldn’t figure out where you live. You told him that you would set up the GPS to make it easier but you weren’t surprised when he didn’t allow it.
His pride was too high for him to use the GPS to figure out where you live.
Always saying ‘I got it’ or that he figured out only to get more lost down the road.
“How the heck do you manage to get lost as a street racer?” You grumbled under your breath leading to a very much felt twitch in his eye towards your remark
“Do you even know where we are right now?” Sunghoon made the car come to a sudden stop causing the whiplash to be much harsher than what he intended
For a moment, he felt scared that he may have gone too far and possibly hurt you. He parked the car and quickly turned his gaze to you only to see disbelief on your face.
That was enough to knock him out of his senses and wash the worry away before he stifled a chuckle before quickly covering his growing smile.
You merely glared at him before sinking back into the passenger seat, ignoring his efforts in trying to talk to you.
“Just use the GPS to get me home” You sighed looking out of the window, already having your patience running thin
“I said to take me home, where the hell are we?” You noticed that everything around you was completely different from the neighborhood you were used to
Sunghoon however paid no mind to your confusion as he turned off the car and motion for you to get out.
You stared bewildered as he got out the car closing the driver’s door behind him. You could see him walking away through the car window, as it took him a second to realize that you weren’t beside him.
He looked back to the car and realized that you were still in it and you could practically hear the loud scoff coming from him.
He walked back to the car before pulling your door open for you to step out.
“I thought you got the memo to get out of the car” Sunghoon sneered causing you to roll your eyes but still not move from the passenger seat
“Where are we Park?”
“We’re at my place, I have to get something quickly and then I’ll take you home” You raised your eyebrow at his words
“I can just stay in the car then” Sunghoon began laughing directly at your face as if you just told the funniest joke in the world
You stared at him blankly waiting for him to stop laughing. After what felt like hours of having to hear Sunghoon laugh, he returned his attention back to you, hiding back the smile on his face.
“You’re funny if you think I’m leaving you in my car”
“But you have no problem allowing me in your place” His sense of priorities threw you off but with the assurance of his nodding made you stare at him in disbelief
“In case you forgot, I’m a street racer” Sunghoon rested a hand ontop of his car before bringing his face dangerously close yours
Your breath hitched at the sudden change of distance between the two of you. In all the times you’ve been stuck with Sunghoon, you’ve never seen him this close before.
“I like my car to stay intact”
The scene that happened only ten minutes ago couldn’t leave your mind. Somehow by the time you came to your senses, you were already sitting on Sunghoon’s couch as he disappeared to look for whatever it was he was looking for.
His place decorated to the point where you could tell this is Sunghoon’s place just by a mere glance. His place wouldn’t expose that he was a street racer in the slightest.
You still tried to wrap your head around the fact of how the suppose ‘great’ and ‘perfect’ Sunghoon was a street racer at night. With each passing minute, there was still no sign of Sunghoon’s return.
You could hear him shuffling around with mutters of ‘where did I put it?’. You yawned as drowsiness was slowly taking over, your eyes lids becoming heavier with each passing second.
You told yourself you were just going to rest your eyes for a moment until Sunghoon was done and then you can fall asleep in the comfort of your own bed.
After a while, Sunghoon finally found what he was looking for. He walked to the living room where he expected to see you on your phone waiting for him but froze when he saw your state.
Your head dropping to the side as you were fast asleep. He slightly hissed as if he could feel just how uncomfortable you must’ve been sleeping.
He walked over to you ready to wake you up but when he caught a glimpse of the time, he stopped mid way. He felt bad having to wake you up this late in the night.
Sunghoon knew he was going to regret what he was going to do next but decided to push past his hatred for you and have his morality show.
He grabbed an extra pillow and blanket for you as he carefully guided your head onto pillow trying his best to not wake you up. He draped the blanket over you, making sure there weren’t any open spaces.
Sunghoon saw how you immediately melted comfortably on his couch. He looked to you a moment too long before quietly cleared his throat and turning off the lights so that he didn’t waste electricity, that was the only reason.
He was quick to go into his room and he didn’t come out after that.
Sunghoon wasn’t being mindful of you, never that. He was just accepting the circumstances (what he told himself) and did what any other person would do, especially for their enemy right?
When you woke up, you sat up as you lightly stretched, expecting to see the comforts of your room but when you realize you were no where near your room, you let out a loud yelp.
Sudden footsteps came rushing and there stood Sunghoon. He immediately looked to you, worried for a moment before replacing it with confusion.
“Why did you scream?” Sunghoon groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes to wake himself up even more
You took in his current appearance and for some reason your face itched to have a small smile of admiration. But you pushed that desire deep down your mind.
“You mean to tell me why I am here?” You could see how Sunghoon yawned before walking over to the kitchen
“Simple really, I didn’t want to drive all the way to your place that late at night. I deserve my beauty sleep”
You felt the irritation grow bigger and bigger as Sunghoon had a smirk plastered onto his face which he quickly removed confused with himself before going back to you.
“I’ll bring you home now. In the mean time don’t touch anything” Sunghoon gave a fake tight smile which you saw right through
You wondered why Sunghoon even let you spend the night when he didn’t even leave you alone in his car for a moment. Even he was beginning to wonder himself, just why has gotten into him?
For some reason, fate had Sunghoon lingering around you much more often. You tried to remain oblivious to his presence but you simply couldn’t, it was impossible to ignore him.
Sunghoon would easily appear next to you and no matter how hard you tried to brush him off, the more he stuck like glue to you.
You knew Sunghoon was aware of the mutual hatred. So why the hell was he still sticking to you.
“Sunghoon, what do you want?” You sighed not having to even look up from what you were doing to feel his presences in front of you
He smugly smirked as he placed a finger over his lips to shush you, making your eye twitch. He noticed this and it made his pride soar with the knowledge that every action he does will always affect to you.
He took the seat in front of you and you couldn’t bear him at the moment so you continued to focus on what you were doing.
Yet, not even a moment later you felt a piece of paper land onto your head before landing in front of you, you had to hold every single dignity in you to launch yourself at him.
You flicked the paper back not sparing a glance towards him or his crumbled up paper. You could hear his chuckle as you were once again met with the flick of paper against your head.
You slowly raised you to see him pointing towards it with his lip before plastering a sneezy smile. You knew you shouldn’t give him the satisfaction but you just wanted to be left alone. You unfolded the paper and froze as your eyes glommed over the 5 words written on it.
‘Wanna get out of here?’
The obvious answer should’ve been no, but why were you hesitating?
“Didn’t think you’d actually come” Sunghoon muttered, stopping at a red light, you didn’t think you’d actually go either but you excused it with the fact thag you were already planning on leaving and needed a ride
“Don’t think so highly of it, I just needed a ride” You told, looking out the window, oblivious to the secret glances Sunghoon took your way
Sunghoon smirked to himself before pressing hit foot against the gas pedal making his car roar loudly. You looked to him, confused but the moment the light turned green, it happened all too fast.
He sped down the street and you shrieked as you held onto anything you could find, you could hear his soft laugh fill your ears and after a moment the car finally slowed as your heart pounded against your chest.
“I hate you Park Sunghoon” You gulped trying to even out your heavy breath
“Are you sure about that?” You nodded your head, you hated him, you hate Park Sunghoon with a passion
But subconsciously you wondered, if you hate him so much. Why are you always with him?
You were more than confident that you despised Sunghoon. He kept getting under your skin and kept making you feel all sorts of emotions that drove you mad.
“Someone having to deal with you in the future? I’ll wish the best of luck towards them” You glared at him as he walked along side you but he didn’t seem to be affect by your glare in the slightest
“At least I’ll worry about having someone unlike you”
“You on the other hand, I feel bad for the person who has to end up with you in the future” Your shrugged your shoulders and turned your head to face him
The way the sunlight was hitting your face made his eyes widen in a realization that he would never voice out. Your smile that soon came up on your face had him frozen.
He awkwardly coughed before looking away and leaving you behind. Your calls towards him didn’t stop him as he continued to walk further and further away from you.
The fluttering of his chest didn’t sit right with him and he didn’t like it one bit. He realized the more he spent time with you, the more he was letting go of his pride.
You were his enemy, someone he hated. So why is he unconsciously letting go of his pride for you?
Sunghoon decided to clear his mind and what could a drive around the area not fix. His mind was clouded by the thought of you and he didn’t know how to get rid of it.
It was strange, one moment he was all over you then the next moment he was splashed with reality and he was gone.
He couldn’t even sleep at night without the constant reminder of your existence. You crowded his mind daily and now he was getting sick of it, how could he think about someone he’s supposed to hate constantly.
Something has to be wrong with him, there has to be. His pride wouldn’t allow to accept the obvious truth, so he stuck with the lie.
Park Sunghoon hates you and there was nothing more to that.
After what felt like driving for hours, he parked in front of a store. He examined it for a moment before deciding to occupy his mind even more. Sunghoon wandered into the store, looking through every aisle to see what caught his eye.
But his eyes caught you looking through all kinds of ointments with a box of bandages in hand. He was going to turn a blind eye but his mind was faster than his rationality.
He called out your name and he could see how you tensed up. You knew that voice anywhere and it just had be today of all places that Sunghoon finds you.
You walked away from the aisle, leaving Sunghoon all alone and he was bewildered. Even if you hated him, you would always at least have the decency to look at him but not even that.
He was supposed to be the one ignoring you, not the other way around. But even still, he didn’t listen to his own advice on ignoring you as he went after you.
It wasn’t hard for Sunghoon to catch up to you and the moment he did, he easily turned you around. A faint smirk on his face at the chase you gave him.
But his smirked fell the moment he saw the scratch across your cheek and he doesn’t know what took over him, but one moment he stared at you with wide eyes.
Then the next moment, he was softly cupping your face, catching you off guard. You tried to ignore the fast beating of your heart, but failed miserably.
“Who did this to you?” The tone of his voice made your whole body shiver, you shuttered lightly, trying to move your eyes away from him was impossible
“Who did this to you?” He repeated himself
You shook your head, hoping he’d buy it but Sunghoon knew you. Of course he did, how could he not know his “enemy”.
“I’m not going to ask again, who did this to you?” You tried to open your mouth to say anything but no words came out
All you could feel and hear was the pounding of your heart against your chest as Sunghoon’s gentle hold was gone as he grabbed the bandaids in your hand before walking away.
You stared at where Sunghoon was standing before looking to how he walked back the aisles. You went after him and saw him grabbing an ointment, he didn’t pay any mind to you before going to the register to pay for the items.
You appeared next to him to stop him but he was already carrying the bag and faintly grabbing onto your wrist to bring you out of the store. No words were exchanged between the two of you as his infamous car came into view.
When he opened the passenger door, he covered the top of his car to make sure you didn’t bump your head into it as he carefully guided you to sit down, facing him.
Sunghoon kneeled down onto the ground as he rummaged through the bag to grab the ointment and bandaids. You stared at him perplexed, never once has he done this before nor have you ever expected for him to do this especially for you.
He carefully put some ointment on his finger before looking to you.
“May I?” His voice faint that if you weren’t paying close attention to him, you would’ve missed it, you softly nodded your head
His finger came into contact with your cheek and you felt the same fluttering in your heart that you did when he cupped your cheeks.
The focus Sunghoon had as he put the ointment onto your cheek made your heart warm, he grabbed a bandaid before carefully placing it over the scratch.
He softly smiled before looking to your eyes and that was when both of you realized the moment you were in. Sunghoon saw the gaze you held and that made his heart unexpectedly full.
The night was only starting but it felt like something else was starting as well.
After that night, you and Sunghoon seemed to avoid each other all together. Unable to comprehend what either of you were feeling, you both silently agreed to steer clear of the other.
Whenever you saw Sunghoon around, your heart jumped but you forcefully pushed it down as turned the other way. You were oblivious to the lingering gaze from him whenever you walked away.
Sunghoon doesn’t remember the last time he’s spoken to you (it’s only been a week), but he was growing more irritable, the more time he spent without you.
He didn’t realize when you suddenly had such a power over him. At first he didn’t like it, saying how you unconsciously tried to get under his skin.
But, the more frequent the endless drives and sleepless nights became the more time he had to think to himself. He was conflicted, trying to make sense of his fluttering heart.
And after hard questioning (watching videos and google searches) he was brought the realization that he likes you.
He doesn’t know when he started to fall for you but what he did know was that he couldn’t hold it together anymore.
You were slowly becoming his whole existence and you weren’t talking nor even looking at him anymore. He considered himself foolish for liking you but he simply couldn’t help it.
You were walking out of your place with the expectations of your friends waiting for you. But to your surprise, you find Sunghoon waiting outside.
You immediately froze when you saw him. You had been trying to ignore him in hopes of getting rid of these blaring feelings that grew for him.
But seeing him standing outside your door made all your ‘hard work’ go down the drain in a flash. Your first thought was to run away, to go back into your place and act like you didn’t see him.
Now you knew the thought wasn’t good but in the heat of the moment that is exactly what you did. You turned a blind eye and went back into your place.
Sunghoon shocked that you still tried to avoid him even when he was right in front of you. He poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue before nodding, so that’s how it was going to be.
But luckily, Sunghoon never minded getting under your skin.
He quickly went to the door before you had the chance to fully close it and held it open with his foot. You noticed his foot peeking through and you looked up to him in disbelief.
“What are you doing?” You questioned and he easily smirked
“Getting your attention onto me”
It took everything in your power to not roll your eyes at him. You sighed heavily before nodding your head with a smile of acknowledgment as you tried to close the door.
But Sunghoon’s foot was still lodge in between, not moving in the slightest.
“Do I finally have your undivided attention?” Sunghoon raised an eyebrow and you knew you couldn’t keep ignoring him
You rolled your eyes, sighing defeat before opening your door fully. Sunghoon smirked at how you caved in as he straightened his posture and dusted off his clothes.
You closed the door the moment he took he retracted his foot and you thought you were successful but your door didn’t close fully once again.
You looked to see Sunghoon’s foot once again preventing your door from closing fully. You blinked a couple of times before realizing you weren’t escaping him this time.
You opened your door once again to Sunghoon’s smile never fell from his face. You stared at him trying to deny the beating of your heart.
“What Park?”
“Why are you ignoring me?” He decided to not waste any time
“Probably because I don’t want to see you” You raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled at your words
“Oh that’s too bad because I want to see you” You looked to him confused, searching for any sign of him lying but there wasn’t a single sign
But you weren’t going to fall for this too easily. He may very well be messing with you only to get a reaction out of you.
Even though, it stings your heart at the thought of him messing around with something like this. Deep down, you wished for everything he’s doing to be true.
“You always like to get under my skin don’t you?” Sunghoon chuckled and nodded his head
“I find joy in it” You rolled your eyes at him feeling the bubbling of emotions in you, you don’t know whether these emotions were positive or negative ones but you were about to find out
“If that’s all you came to bother me with, I have plans to attend”
“The plans that I asked our friends to make so that you could come out and actually face me?” You stared at him in shock as you heard what he had done
“You did what Park? You used my friends?” You asked, your voice getting a little louder than you anticipated
“I didn’t use your friends, I asked our friends for a favor which they easily complied” Sunghoon shrugged his shoulders as you scoffed at him
“Always Park Sunghoon, feeling entitled to get anything he wants” When Sunghoon heard you, he felt a rise in him
“Well when you ignore and avoid me like the plague, you sort of run out of options on what to do” He defended his case and you only grew frustrated but not at him but instead at yourself
You knew Sunghoon meant well but you were getting frustrated with your own emotions that it was taking over your rationality.
Sunghoon was supposed to be the bane of your existence and yet here he was slowly becoming the center of it.
“Take the hint, I was avoiding you for a reason” You came off way harsher than you wanted to but that didn’t faze Sunghoon in the slightest
“Alright then what’s yours so good reason for avoiding me?” Sunghoon raised an eyebrow, folding his arms as he waited for you answer
You were stunned, your mouth opening and closing trying to gather words to form any kind of sentence. But nothing reasonable was forming in your mind and you decided to throw all rationality out the window.
“Because I realized that I’m starting to like you and it’s a problem!” You confessed as you heavily panted feeling a weight fall from your shoulders
You stared at Sunghoon, waiting for any type of reaction but all he did was stare you. Your heart pounded nervously waiting for anything from him.
Sunghoon on the other hand felt like he was soaring through cloud nine. Hearing your abrupt confession wasn’t something he planned but he’s beyond happy he experienced it.
“I don’t see how it’s a problem, I like you too” You quickly looked to Sunghoon who was already looking at you
“I think…Actually no, I know I like you way more than I’m supposed to”
“Every minute in a day, you’re on my mind like a broken record on repeat. At first, I was frustrated that you wouldn’t leave my mind”
“But as the days went on and the more time we were spent together. I began enjoying your company that I started to look forward to it the minute I open my eyes”
“That’s how I knew I was done for and then all of a sudden you’re ignoring me. How do you think that made me feel?”
“I felt like I lost something so valuable before it could even start!”
“I like you so much that it’s almost impossible for me to believe that I ever hated you at one point” Sunghoon’s angry rant finally finished as he swallowed down his heavy pants, he had let go of his pride in order to confess to you
You didn’t realize how your tension melted away and just how fast your heart fluttered. Sunghoon had liked you back.
“You dropped your pride in order to confess that?” You teased with a smile on your face, causing Sunghoon to laugh and he shook his head
Even after he poured his heart out, you still managed to tease him. He easily cupped your cheeks into his hands before brining his face close to yours.
“May I?” He whispered and you smirked to him
"Park Sunghoon dropping his pride for me huh? I think I can get used to this" Sunghoon smiled in amusement as you finally mentioned his name instead of only using his last name
“Finally using my name” Sunghoon pointed out and you realized you did before shaking your head
“Sorry, I meant to say-” You couldn’t finish your sentence as Sunghoon suddenly crashed his lips onto yours, it only lasted for a moment until he pulled away and whispered in your ear
“I like it better when you say my name” Sunghoon whispered before brining his lips back to yours to kiss you with a little more desperation than the first time
What felt like something unimaginable soon became reality as you melted into the kiss. Sunghoon held you like you were the only thing in the center of the universe (well to him, you were).
You smiled against the kiss as you could feel him deepening it. Never did you expect for anything to happen with Sunghoon, but as you’ve realized long ago.
He was full of surprises but now you didn’t mind them. You giggled in the kiss as he became to place kisses all over your face. Sunghoon smiled to himself hearing you.
He didn’t want his secret to get out of him being a street racer but he also never anticipated on ever falling for you, his enemy but you made it impossible not to. As he pulled away after planting one kiss last against your lips, he smiled at you.
Sunghoon wanted to show you off, you were his only pride from now on.
“I think I can get used to having you as my only pride”
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