#it might seem like she only wants another baby because she's lonely but that's not the case don't worry
seresinhangmanjake · 2 months
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Main Masterlist
Oh, Baby (dad!Jake Seresin): You might not have been his girlfriend, but when you left town one night a month after sleeping together, it completely broke Jake’s heart. Now, a year later, you’ve returned and you’re not alone. You have a new little companion that just so happens to bear a startling resemblance to Jake.
The One I Want (Jake Seresin x Plus Size!Reader): You're new in town and some guy named Jake is about to be your roommate. Being skeptical of new people keeps you lonely and uninterested in any entanglements, but Jake is desperate to change that.
Signed Away (Arranged Marriage AU): You find out about the contractual marriage your parents arranged with Jake’s when you were a baby. You’re plenty angered by it, but Jake doesn’t seem too bothered. He might even be happy.
Stolen Angel (Angel/Demon AU): You thought you were having a one-night stand with some random, normal guy. Turns out he's a winged, demon-like stalker who has been obsessed with you for years.
One shots:
Forgetting: Jake forgets to pick you up at the airport because of his ex, and for the first time, you think maybe you and Jake aren't mean to be.
Can’t Let You Go: When you and Jake broke up, it hurt both of you more than you could handle. Now, after three months of barely seeing or speaking to one another, Jake walks in on the surprise of seeing you in a wedding dress, and it brings past memories and ruined dreams to the surface.
Rather Be with You: Jake has been away for six months and he just hopes you waited for him.
It’s oh so Quiet: you are in a bad relationship, and you just want to be with Jake.
Just a Little Weak:  You are Penny’s new bartender and she warns you to stay away from one particular pilot, so you do your very best to please your boss. It is only when Penny goes out of town for the summer, leaving you in charge of the bar, that the pilot finally makes his move, and you finally give in. 18+
Touch and Go: You and Jake had been sleeping together for months, and as sure as you were of your feelings for him, you were unsure of his for you. He, however, certainly knew how he felt about you, and after you decide to go on a long trip without telling him, he lets you know just exactly what’s on his mind. 18+
Lazy Mornings and Whatnot: After coming home from his last mission, Jake doesn’t want you to leave the bed and will do what he has to if it means insuring that you’ll stay, which leads to fluffy conversations.
Jealousy Game: You do a little experiment to try to make Jake jealous and it works, with unexpected consequences that change the way you thought the night would go. 18+
Jealous Jake and the Biting Problem; Jealous Jake and the Other Sleepover Buddy: You and Jake have a friends-with-benefits situation, but when he finds bite marks on you from another guy, he doesn’t handle it well. 
Split: You break up with Jake because his actions make you question everything you’ve had between you, but he wants you to take him back. 
A First and a Second: It’s soft Dad!Hangman from start to finish. And cute marriage stuff.
Wanting it all: Hangman ends up in the hospital from a very similar Phoenix/Bob/birds situation, and you suddenly regret keeping a big secret from him.  
Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts: You and Jake had a history of flirting and occasionally kissing if too much time was spent at the bar, but it never went any further than that. One night, after showing up at your house and passing out on your couch, Jake wakes up the next morning only to learn he had drunkenly confessed his feelings for you.
Alive: After you get into an accident, Jake has a hard time coping with how close he was to losing you.
More Than What We Are: You and Jake are friends with benefits, and you have one rule: No feelings! Jake decides that rule doesn’t work for him anymore. 18+
Less Misery, More Company: Jake has feelings for you but you don’t believe it, so you play a little trick to get back at him for all of his flirtatious teasing. But that little trick fails miserably, and as the weight of your mistake settles in, you realize you owe him an explanation, one that requires you to admit some things you’ve long denied.
Back for More: Jake up and left you without explanation right before a mission. Now he’s returned wanting you back, but you want that explanation before you’ll be willing to let go of the pain and heartbreak from his sudden departure a month prior. 
Scrapes and Bruises:  When Rooster and Hangman get into a fight over you. Basically, Rooster is not thrilled about your relationship with Hangman, and their issues with one another bring up some fears of your own.
A Mission of Another Kind:Jake is assigned to a mission he did not think he would have to take part in, despite training for it with everyone else. Considering its high level of danger, you had been happy he hadn’t volunteered for it, until he came to your house one morning to tell you he had been assigned and would be leaving within the hour.
He Doesn’t - Jake doesn’t do relationships...right?
Early - Jake’s a sweet boyfriend when reader gets her period.
Jake helps his drunk girlfriend
His Princess
“The bed is cold without you here”
Perfect for me, Baby - Jake is there for you when you have body-image concerns. 
Get Me Through - Jake helps you through the death of a loved one. 
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finelinevogue · 1 year
paparazzi nerves
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summary - you get nervous around the paps
word count: >1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
You noticed the paparazzi before anyone else did
It had been easy keeping your holiday location a secret from fans, but somehow the paparazzi always seemed to be able to find you.
Harry’s tour had finished only days ago and now you were spending time together, relaxing and having fun. It had been hard to really dedicate time to one another when Harry had been touring every other day, but now it was time for rest.
Harry had rented a couple of small boats to drive over to a little island he had read about in one of his Italian travel books.
Now you were all arriving and soaking up the glorious sunshine, only to be rudely interrupted by the faraway lenses of the paparazzi.
Harry was on another boat, talking to James and Tyler, whilst you remained on a different boat with Gemma.
You and Gemma weren’t the biggest fans of the sun and the heat, so any opportunity to sit in the shade was taken instantly.
Gemma was sat in her pink dungarees, whilst you were sat in your yellow summers dress. The one that Harry said made you look like a summers dream.
As Gemma continued to read, you kept getting distracted by the paparazzi on a boat in the distance.
You’d never been one to really acclimatise to the constant clicking of photos. No doubt they would be focused on taking photos of Harry - especially when he’s sitting there shirtless, but part of you still remained uneasy.
“I might go and see if there’s a toilet nearby.” Gemma said, standing up and rocking the boat slightly.
You nodded, standing up too.
“I’ll go over there.” You pointed to where Harry was. “Just so I’m not alone.”
Gemma wandered to the front of the boat, but before she can clamber out Harry has made his way over and is now standing at shin length in the sea.
“Y’alright Gem?” He asked and you couldn’t help but smile at how much of a gentleman he was. Always keen to help out and lend a hand.
He offered his hand for Gemma to hold and step out of the boat, which she took gladly.
“Yeah. Just going to the loo. Your missus needs company, though.”
“Oh does she now?” He turned to look at you once Gemma was out safely. He smiled brightly at you, checking you over and admiring how much you were glowing in the Italian sun.
Gemma kissed Harry on the cheeks before leaving.
Harry then jumped the boat and you bit your lip to hide a laugh when he nearly lost his footing. The idiot was trying to show off, not that he had to for you.
“Y’need me, do you?” he asked, walking over to you where you were still standing in the shade.
“Didn’t want to be sat here like a loner. I’d have been like that one photo of Taylor where she’s sat on the back of a boat by herself.”
Harry laughed at that, finding his arms wrapping around you to pull you in for a hug. He squeezed tight and you sighed into his warm chest. His hugs were always the best. Like your own personal teddy bear.
“Never would let you feel lonely, baby.” He kissed your head.
“I know.” Your lips kissed his chest as you spoke, due to how smushed against him you were. “Have you put suncream on?”
“Yes.” Harry whined.
“Oi, I’m just making sure you still look appealing when we’re older and not some wrinkly ball sack.” You explained, making Harry laugh again.
“Is that all I’m here for? Huh? Appeal for you?”
You tilted your head back to face up at him. “I thought you knew that already.”
Harry squinted his eyes and shook his head at you playfully.
What’s worse is that he brought his large hand down to your bum and gave it a pinch through your dress. The moment only lasted a second, but it was enough for you to step away and push him off of you.
“Harry, don’t.” You said sternly.
Harry knew you meant it too, because you used his actual name and not some other endearment.
“Hey, baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He said.
You sat down where you had been sitting before and huffed. You ran your hands over your face and tried to breathe slowly.
“No, i’m sorry.” You shook your head.
“What for?” Harry was confused. He sat down next to you, but made sure you had your own space until he knew what he was in for.
“I noticed the paparazzi here before and now I’m just paranoid. I mean, y’know I don’t deal well with them.”
Harry looked around you and only then noticed the small boat of about five photographers. Luckily he was wearing sunglasses to hide his dark stare, but he was severely pissed that they were here. Invading his private time.
What’s worse is that they were making his girlfriend uncomfortable.
“Hey, look at me. Y/N, honey. C’mere.” He twisted your legs to dangle over his and moved your body so that your back was to the paparazzi. “I’m here. Just us.”
You looked at him and noticed how he was only focused on you. You reached to move his sunglasses and pulled them down for a second to look at his eyes. His pupils were dilated slightly with the look of love he had for you. You pushed his glasses back up and settled in closer next to him.
“Just us.” You nodded.
Even though it wasn’t just you and the paparazzi would be taking photos of this moment no doubt, including the one of Harry pinching your bum, it was settling to know that Harry was here and he was doing this with you.
“Screw them. If I want to touch my girlfriend in public, I will.” You gave him a look. “W-with consent of course.”
You laughed then. “Harry I don’t care when, how, why you touch me. I.. I just… Let me know beforehand if we’re in public settings or if the paps are around. Please?”
“Promise.” He nodded seriously.
“Love you.” You reached for his hand and held onto one of his fingers with your entire hand. His hands are massive compared to yours - something the fans are always pointing out and crying over.
“Love you too.” He encompassed your hand with his and rubbed small circles into the back of your hand.
“Can y’kiss me now?”
“Never going to say no.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: idk why im so obsessed with pregnancy fics lately, maybe i should check in on my cycle lmao
PAIRING: CEO!Harry x pregnant!reader
SUMMARY: Harry gets hit on at an event, but the woman fails terribly, because he only has eyes for his pregnant girlfriend who is busy by the buffet table.
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Another waiter offers Harry some champagne, but he respectfully rejects and keeps sipping on his water. His gaze trails over the crowd of guests, the room is full of influential people from all kinds of businesses, people Harry should definitely be mingling with, making connections, but he is trying to find one particular person.
From across the room, a tall, blonde woman spots the lonely millionaire and a devious smile curls up her red lips. A predator-like look takes over her eyes, but she moves like a gazelle as she crosses the room, heading straight over to Harry, determined to seduce him at all cost.
“You don’t fancy the cocktails?” she asks him. He looks at her with a respectful smile and nod.
“Not… Not tonight.”
“You looked awfully lonely over here. Thought I would introduce myself, I’m Savannah, it’s nice to meet you.”
She holds out a perfectly manicured hand that he shakes lightly.
“I’m Harry.”
“Harry Styles, owner of Styles Industries, right?” The smirk on her face tells him she knows exactly who he is, the introductions wasn’t needed.
“Yeah,” he nods anyway.
“I feel lucky I found you alone, I think it might be a sign that we should get to know each other more.”
She pushes closer to him, brushing a hand down his arm and she blatantly ignores the way he takes a step back. She is too driven to get what she wants to notice the signs.
“This night has been nice, but I can’t wait to get back to my hotel room, get rid of this tight dress and relax.” The dramatic sigh she lets out gets lost somewhere between her and Harry, because he is not even looking at her, eyes scanning the guests. She notices his disinterest at last, but doesn’t give up just yet.
“You know, it can get a bit lonely at events like this for a single woman. I wish I had—“
“Excuse me,” Harry cuts her off when he finally sees the person he’s been trying to find.
As he walks away, Savannah’s jaw drops to the floor, no one has ever rejected her the way he just did, but he doesn’t even notice how hurt she is. He has his eyes on the only woman he cares about in the room.
You’re standing by the buffet table, your silver gown matches his tie and it gorgeously emphasizes your round stomach that’s been Harry’s favorite thing in the past couple of months. You have a plate in your hand, all kinds of food stacked on it starting from mini burgers to steak and it seems like you’re still looking for something to add. Harry can’t hold his smile back as he watches you run your free hand down your stomach, eyes scanning over the variety of food in front of you.
God, he is so obsessed with you, has always been, but now that you’re carrying his baby it has gotten to a whole new level he never thought could be possible. But it is, you’re everything he ever wished for and cannot wait to officially become a family in just two short months.
“There you are, thought I would have to go into the ladies restroom to find you,” Harry smiles down at you as he steps closer to you, placing a hand to your lower back.
“Oh! Sorry, I got a little distracted,” you chuckle and crane your neck so he can kiss your lips shortly, as if it hasn’t been just ten minutes since he last saw you.
“S’okay. What do you have here?”
You look down at the plate and sink your teeth into your lower lip when you realize how much food you’ve piled up.
“Um, I—This is for both of us. I thought we could… share?”
He knows this was just for you and you only said it because you feel ashamed of how much you’ve been eating lately. You’ve put on quite some weight, it’s hard to say no to your cravings, especially when your boyfriend loves to spoil you with your favorites every other day.
Harry doesn’t mind the extra weight. He loves it. He loves every change in your body, let it be your cellulite on your thighs or the stretch marks on your belly. You were afraid he wouldn’t look at you the same way at you anymore once you’ve started growing and changing, that he wouldn’t want you the way he used to.
Well, he does look at you differently, but in the best way possible, he loves on you just as often as he used to, if not even more often, he tells you how beautiful you are ever chance he gets and most of the times he is having a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
Like right now. If only you were alone, he would move his hands to places that are only for his touch.
“Mm, you just eat all that and I’ll bring you dessert. You better feed yourself and our baby or I will do it myself.”
“I already had a big plate, shouldn’t I hold myself back?” you whisper, heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks.
“No. If you crave it, eat it, Love.” He kisses the top of your head and runs a hand down your stomach. He smiles when he feels a tiny kick under his touch. He takes it as a sign that he did the right thing. “See? He agrees as well,” he chuckles.
“Already teaming up to plot against me?” you sigh, but can’t hold your smile back.
“Only if it’s for your well-being.” You pout your lips at him, still not sure how you got so lucky to have him as your partner. Harry leans down and kisses the pout off your lips before reaching out to grab another plate. “So, what do you want for dessert? Macarons? Brownies? Cheesecake?”
“Exactly in that order,” you nod, making him laugh as he stacks the goods on the plate without a word.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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stardewremixed · 1 year
First Kiss with Shane
@hellhoundmaggie requested a first kiss scene with Shane. He was the first guy I romanced in SDV, mostly because it was easy to in the beginning and I wanted that first-year flower dance so badly. 😂 🌸
🎈 In case you missed it - First Kiss with Harvey. 🎈
While Harvey holds a special place in my heart and is generally my go-to husbando, I didn’t want to leave my “first SDV squeeze” in the lurch. I’m trying to expand my experience with writing romance in general. Hope you enjoy. It’s a freakin’ novella. Haha. I don’t do short, and I wanted to show how he fell in love with the Farmer, and she with him. 
This is female farmer x Shane = first kiss. This one might be a little more PG. 
Sweaty palms. Greasy hair. Chubby cheeks and legs. Is this what she sees in me?
Shane stared bleakly at his own reflection in the refrigerator door. It was quiet. Nearly noiseless in the back aisle of the stark JojaMart. A lull in the daily traffic around 4pm on the dot. When his shift ended.
Shane pressed his forehead against the glass, grumbling to himself about his infinite lack of progress on losing weight. Ever since he started going to therapy and quit drinking, he felt confident that his life would turn around. Like magic.
However, life outside the rehabilitation center was much harder than he remembered. He was still stuck in the same dead-end job. He was still bumming a room off his aunt with his piddly rent And he was still rather plump around his abdomen. 
Every time Morris ordered him around, in that pompous high London accent, Shane wanted to give up. To give in. To snatch a beer outta the cooler and gulp away his frustrations.
Instead, he settled for cussing under his breath, and resolving to keep his head down. At least until he could find another job. No one seemed to be hiring in this dying town. The recession was still hitting hard. And he knew he was lucky to get his old job back after nine months in detox and rehab.
It was worth it. It would be worth it. He convinced himself as he puffed a lazy strand of hair out of his eye and continued stocking cartons of overprocessed milk, nothing like his aunt’s fresh bottles or the farmer’s delicious cheeses. 
While he was still grossly underpaid, Shane worked out the math. In six more checks, he could repay her. The Jolly Rancher. Just thinking about his silly little nickname for the farmer lady to the north gave him a warm feeling. The kind that alcohol used to give him, only better, more real. Her smile was sweet.
When she first arrived in town, Shane genuinely disliked her. All her bubbly, bouncy, jolly persona encroaching on his flat, boring, grumpy existence. He had cultivated a philosophy of "me myself and I" and was perfectly content being alone, sulking into a pitcher of beer at the end of the night. But not really…
Her jovialty grew on him, especially when he would see her around town, helping people out. At first, he figured she was just another city do-gooder come to convert the backwater people to a more modern lifestyle. But her joy and kindness was genuine. Even when he yelled at her to go away, she still murmured a heartfelt apology for disturbing him and then brought him freshly grown peppers or tomatoes the next day like nothing had ever happened.
The Farmer purchased cows from Marnie so she could make her own specialty dairy products. He was seriously impressed. Because what city girl just ups and buys cattle? 
Sometimes when he was restlessly tossing and turning in bed (and if was honest, lonely), Shane would wander around in the wee pre-dawn hours. He always seemed to make his way to her ranch. Most of the time, she was out in the barn milking the cows and talking to them like they were her babies, with just a lantern illuminating her soft face. She was so beautiful. 
Raising cattle was no simple task. He knew this from watching his aunt. And Marnie had horses, pigs, goats, rabbits and chickens to think of too. He wasn't sure if the new rancher in town, with little to no experience (save her degree in veterinary medicine), was stupid or brave. Over time, he determined she was the latter.
Out searching for a lost cow in a thunderstorm. Not thinking about her own welfare. Only wanting to reunite a terrified animal with its herd. 
Fixing fences after wolves knocked down the back posts time and time again. Her fingers bleeding and scarred because of her lack of self-awareness sometimes. And chasing of “’dem there wolves” with sheer willpower... and... a big stick. 
Rebuilding the barn from scratch when a wildfire spread down from the mountains. She saved every single one of those animals. And needing treatment for smoke inhalation because she went back in for the tiniest frightened newborn. 
He remembered the time she got kicked in the head by one of the cows. Shane was so worried about her, even if he wouldn’t admit it when he carried her to the Clinic. Thankfully, it was only a minor concussion. (And it was an excuse for him to deliver Marnie's special basket of goodies to her twice daily so she didn't have to worry about feeding herself during her recovery). 
The rancher struggled for a whole year, after arriving in the Valley. But even when things went wrong, she was up and back at it the next morning with a lightness in her heart and step. It. Was. Admirable.
Shane resolved to do better. To be better. She made him think about how things could be different if he wasn't a self-sabotaging jerkwad. The number of times she dragged his sorry ass home after getting plastered at the Saloon was too high to count, even if it was out of her way, even if she said she didn't mind. She wanted him to be okay. To be safe. She said so.
And she half pushed, half dragged him to the Clinic the night things got really dark. When he faced the edge of the cliff and thought "No more!" When he thought death would be a welcome reprieve from his pathetic life. 
She never judged him. She didn't enable him like his aunt. She didn't fall apart into a puddle of tears like Jas. She didn't lecture him on the evils of his ways while twirling his moustache like Harvey. Okay. Shane chuckled to himself. Maybe that last part was an exaggeration and unfair to the good doctor.
She. Simply. Cared. 
Through her actions. 
In the beginning, it was little things. A happy hello. A robust handwave. Then she started pulling up a barstool next to him in the Stardrop. She would ask him about his day and he would always answer the same way. But "go away" somehow morphed into a sarcastic "just peachy" and then eventually a half-hearted "fine, you can sit there." Once she jokingly called him Peaches. 
He didn't want to be bothered with her questions and idle chatter. He didn't want to listen to her ranching successes and woes, retold in a much-too-chipper voice. He didn't want to know about Bluebell and Daffodil and Daisy, how Mister Munster was nursing a hoof injury and how Mrs. Butters was expecting her second calf. Why did she think he cared about such details?
But it grew on him. Those rosy, ruddy cheeks, enjoying a hard-earned glass of whatever Gus had on tap. The way her eyes lit up and sparkled when she talked about her animal friends. The way her pale pink lips pouted when she lost a game of Journey of the Prairie King in the saloon arcade. Again. 
Shane found himself drawn to her energy. And he found himself missing her on the nights she didn't stop into the Saloon. Which was a rarity, but did happen.
Shane knew she was someone special when he would watch the entrance door, breath caught, hoping she would breeze through, and then she didn't. Two days in a row. He started to feel disappointed, but brushed it off. Three days. He started to get concerned. On the fourth night, he went looking for her. And that's when he learned she was sick.
He practically broke down her door when she didn’t answer. 
“Aww you were worried,” she laughed weakly, and coughed. 
She looked rather pitiful, bundled under the blankets, hair sticking to her cheek, eyes droopy and dark. She thought Marnie would have told him. His aunt had sent a few of her ranch hands to help their neighbor out while she was under the weather. so her cattle weren’t forgotten 
No, Marnie never did. He suspected it was because she didn't know it would matter to him. But it did matter. She. Did. Matter. 
Without a word, Shane went to the kitchen and returned with a cool towel. He didn't even think. He laid the back of his large hand against her delicate forehead. He could've sworn the little Miss Jolly Rancher blushed. Or maybe it was the slight fever she was running. She audibly sighed as he placed the wet cloth against her burning cheek, closing her eyes and mumbling her thanks.
He wanted to know the last time she ate. She grunted and said something about some cereal earlier that morning. She didn't know for sure. She had slept most of the day. He promised he would be right back. 
She told him not to bother, as she struggled to lift her body off the bed, propping up by a shaky elbow. He insisted she lie back down. She was a stubborn one. Her protestations didn't last long as her head was too foggy to think straight. He microwaved a bowl of soup. She tried to sit up again, and he fluffed her pillows so she could prop up.
Her grip on the spoon wasn't firm, her trembling hands an indication of just how weak she was. So he caught the escaping silverware and lifted the soup to her lips. She turned red as a hot pepper, but he eased her with a surprisingly tender words, "Please. Let me take care of you for once, Miss Jolly." His own face and ears were probably red too. But she accepted.
Since then, he began the habit of calling her "Miss Jolly." She flushed every time, but he enjoyed flustering her. It was nice… to care… about… someone.
She returned the “favor” and called him Peaches. At first, jokingly, just to annoy him. But over time, even the ridiculous fruity nickname grew on him. She was invading his thoughts and heart and he couldn’t stop her. 
He knew he had to change. He had to get better. Alcoholism was a disease that had ravaged his life and he was ready for something better. He couldn’t live like he had been any longer. She had changed everything for him. And he wanted to change in return. 
Disappointment smacked cold. He had researched so many places. But the one place that seemed to fit his needs and desired treatment plan was out of reach. Prohibitively expensive. He sold his dad’s watch. His car. He worked longer hours. Maybe in a few years he could make up the difference. 
She knew how much he wanted this... and how badly he needed this. Every glance at his savings account wanted to drive him to the bottle, the hopelessness of a solution just out of reach because of his crappy medical insurance. They wouldn’t cover it. Even though he was pretty sure Joja was the reason he drank so heavily. 
No, that wasn’t true. It was his own insurmountable guilt. Of surviving the accident. When they didn’t. Of leaving Jas without a respectable father figure. Or a mother. He didn’t even fight when the courts wanted to give him jail time. 
His aunt got a lawyer and gave him a place to stay when he got out. She helped him put together a resume and practically shoved the application for overnight backroom clerk in his hands. He had to face the music. He wasn’t cut out for any other job. And it was basically a glorified “stock boy.” 
Approaching middle-age, recently released from prison, and overwhelmed with a crushing lack of self worth, Shane interviewed and got the job. He should be grateful. But the hours were grueling and monotonous. Customers were rude. Employees were ruder. Except that Sam kid. He was a ball of sunshine. And his boss was sucking the life outta him. 
So he drank. He drank to forget. Because he couldn’t forgive himself. And every time he looked at Jas’ little pained expression, he drank more because he felt... so... damn... worthless. 
The Rancher changed things for him. He felt more positive. He got up earlier. He brushed his teeth. He combed his hair. He put on his uniform for the world’s lousiest low-paying job and went to work hoping things would be better. 
Faced with the inability to actually “get better” was... frankly... terrifying. What if he went back to being that same old pathetic blob of a human again? After ten agonizing days, he finally confided in the one person he knew he could trust. His “Miss Jolly.” 
He couldn’t believe he had been moved to tears. She surprised him... again. With her thoughtful generosity and selflessness. She promised to pay for the difference. Whatever he couldn’t afford. She told him it wasn’t a big deal. It was a VERY BIG deal! She still had some of the inheritance money from her grandfather. What she hadn’t spent on fixing up the farm. 
“So I don’t get those gingham curtains I’ve had my eyes on for the past month,” she quipped. 
It was serious. He couldn’t accept it. He wouldn’t accept it. It was too much. He didn’t like the idea of being indebted. He was stubborn. He could refuse. 
But she was more stubborn. She insisted it would be a loan, not a gift. He could pay it off over time. Without interest. Or he could work it off - sweat equity - on her ranch. Maybe with those chickens he liked so much. 
In the end, he caved. He packed up what little he could take with him. And she walked him to the bus stop. Kissed his cheek. Squeezed his hand. And said the words that simultaneously made him laugh and warmed his heart.
“Go get ‘em, Peaches.” 
That was a year ago now. When he came home, she threw a big surprise party for him. A few people from town, his aunt, Jas. And she never looked more beautiful. She even found chicken shaped balloons. Because... what guy doesn’t want balloon animals from the girl he’s crushing on? 
Crushing on? He smirked. I sound like a middle schooler. 
He split his time between the market and her ranch. Gradually spending more and more time on her farm. Gathering eggs before his shift. Feeding chickens on the way home from work. Sipping peach iced tea in the shade of her porch and thinking this life wasn’t half-bad. But he wanted more. 
She started bringing by lunches on his longer shift days. Homemade sandwiches and fresh-pressed juices and handpicked peppers. The kind that burst with sweetness or that spicy kick he needed to get through the rest of his day. 
She learned to roll her own dough. Once a week, on hot summer evenings, she would make him pizza with her own special spicy red sauce. Wearing that cute little red and white checkered apron around her jean shorts and just below the edge of her tank top. Too hot to be standing around the stovetop making pizza sauce or the oven to bake the dough. But she did it for him. Shane looked forward to it after a long and grueling Saturday shift. 
He still stopped at the Saloon most nights, but now it was just to drink soda and share a pepper poppers appetizer. Gus started bottling root beer, made from bark and flowers and herbs from around the Valley. It wasn’t alcoholic. And it was an acquired taste. Getting better with time. 
She would breeze in and offer suggestions and feedback. Shane enjoyed watching the two “play” squabble over the choice of leaves. The kindly saloon owner and the girl he liked collaborating to make him a refreshing drink became a welcome nicety. 
Most nights, they didn’t stay long. Heading out for long walks around town. Shoes scuffling along cobblestones. Kicking up dirt on wooded paths. Kicking off on the beach to feel the mushy sand. Talking about nothing important, but always special. Any time with her was special. 
He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have a friend like her. To have a woman of her rare caliber show him any attention at all. She got past his defenses and he welcomed it. And deep in his heart, Shane knew - this was love. 
With today’s paycheck, he could finally take her on a proper date. Somewhere out of the Valley. Someplace where they could have fun together. He felt the excitement and nervous anticipation rising in his chest. Somehow he fumbled through an “ask” on her front porch this morning, managing to invite her to join him... if she wanted... at the bus stop... around 5pm. He had tickets to see the Tunnelers play. 
Shane finished his shelf, glancing at his watch. Ten past four. Just enough time to get home, showered, and changed. He disposed of the empty boxes in the dumpster and delivered the cart to the back room. Opening his locker, he hung his apron on the hook. Instantly, he felt lighter. Like that thing was a noose around his neck. A ball and chain. He really needed a new job. And in fifty, no, forty-six minutes, he could see her... 
The shrill obnoxious tone pierced his moment of peace. The voice could only belong to one person - a holllow husk of a corporate shill, even more unlikeable than him, if that was even possible. Shane frowned, his eyes clamping on the store manager barreling toward him at full speed. 
“A whole second shipment came in just now,” the man grunted. “Like I need this when I’m short-staffed, as always,” he offered an exasperated sigh. 
I can’t imagine why... Shane thought to himself, bemused. The boss was insufferable. Always barking orders. Never praising his team. Paying peanuts. Polishing his baby - a silver Rolls Royce in mint condition - parked in the only covered spot in the entire Joja lot - every night - instead of doing paperwork like he should. How was he still employed? No one at corporate cared. 
“Not my problem, Morris,” Shane replied. 
“No, no, no,” Morris fluttered his short arms. “It is your problem. I need you to stay late and help Sam empty the truck.”
The man continued to ramble something about “this is why I pay you” and “you think you can do better somewhere else?” He badgered Shane about his “work ethic,” even if Shane had been a near model employee since returning from rehab. Even if his former colleagues actually welcomed him back, much to his shock. Shy little Claire even commented on how he was “different” than before.
Shane had been nominated for employee of the month, no doubt, angering Morris. The man had it out for him. Sticking him on graveyard shifts. Making him mop baby puke in the aisles. Forcing him to attend a “hospitality” seminar so he could learn to be nicer to, in Morris’ words, “bored housewives who somehow like your prickly personality.” 
Morris, a man who prided himself in appearance, with his neat little bow tie and perfectly ironed jacket, couldn’t believe how the ladies bought more after a rough encounter with Shane. It was good for business, of course, and Morris would take all the credit. That hospitality seminar wasn’t cheap, he constantly reminded Shane. Like rehab hadn’t made him a better person already. Or his relationship with little Miss Jolly. 
“They just fawn over your monotone delivery of the daily sales,” Morris droned on. “Yoba only knows why. You haven’t been educated at the finest university this side of the Pond with an impeccable taste in... well, everything.” Morris puffed his chest. 
“I just don’t understand why they giggle at the register about the ‘handsome’ stock boy when they could have me recite the daily sales in Shakespearean English for heavens sake. Well, no matter. I can use what I’ve got. You.” 
The man thinks I’m a frickin’ pack of meat. 
“Now in order to have sales, we must have stocked shelves. And in order to have stocked shelves, I need to have you stay longer. Because shelves don’t stock themselves... and what are you staring at?” 
Shane rubbed his jaw, catching his reflection in Morris’ little glasses. Could I really be that handsome? Morris wasn’t wrong. The market had been a little busier than usual in the mornings and around lunchtime. Shane came back from breaks early sometimes because customers “requested” him. He could reach the “tall” shelves. 
But he wasn’t that tall. And most times, he needed a ladder. Unlike Sam. But even Sam told him he had been relegated to “cute” because the female patrons wanted to check out the new guy (on the ladder) because Shane possessed a look of danger and mystery, and had that "hot dad bod."
Like that’s really a thing I wanted! Shane rolled his eyes. It's all a little disgusting. Being oogled. Because what? Dangerous? Dad bod? I’m just me. There was only one gal he wanted checking him out. And he needed to get going if he was going to meet her. 
“No can do, Boss,” Shane removed his Joja cap and hooked it alongside his apron. “Got plans tonight.” 
“No, no, no,” Morris’ voice grew tight, his eyes becoming tinier. “That won’t do. You must cancel your plans.” 
“Do I get overtime?” Shane asked, half-distracted by the photo occupying the inside of his locker. 
It was the only thing he had ever decorated with at work. A photo of him and Miss Jolly at the Moonlight Jellies festival about a month ago. It was the one time he actually thought he was photogenic. How could he not be happy? With a gorgeous gal by his side, smiling and laughing as the photo was taken, a woman who believed in him, rooted for him, and cared for him. Shane’s expression softened as he thought about how much she had impacted his life. 
“You know what?” Shane ripped the photo from his locker wall with gusto. “I quit.” 
“Are you even listening?” Morris was saying. “And no, I’m not going to approve overtime. You left early by one minute the other night. One minute!"
"And one time last week, you were late by three minutes. I will not approve overtime for someone who nearly runs over a flock of geese with his bicycle and is late to work."
"If you’re going to keep up with this lazy attitude of yours...” he huffed and straightened his jacket. “I may have to reconsider my decision to rehire you... even if you bring in the ladies... I mean... sales...” 
“What?” Morris’ eyes grew wide as saucers beneath his horn-rimmed glasses, and then his expression darkened, as if Shane poured bitter coffee all over the plates. “You cannot quit. Are you joking?” 
“Well I do, and I’m not,” Shane shoved the old rusty lock that never latched properly into the other man’s hand, a smile crossing his face. “With pleasure.”
Shane waltzed out of the soul-sucking store, leaving a dumbfounded former boss as the double doors whooshed behind him. He closed his eyes and took a big gulp of sea-salt air and sighed. He felt free. 
When she met him at the bus stop, his heart skipped a beat. She looked radiant in the setting sun. Her eyes sparkling like stars. And her sexy little denim skirt was a nice touch too. The way her hips swayed ever so slightly on approach. He forced his gaze upward. 
"Hiiii... Miss Jolly. I'm glad you decided to come," he greeted, his tone a bit stilted and formal. 
What am I doing? He rubbed the back of his head.
"Of course, Peaches. I'm excited," she grinned. "This will be my first game."
"You'll love it!" he replied, wrinkling his nose at her childish nickname for him. And I will too with you by my side.
"Is that cologne?" she asked when she reached his side. 
Her fingers curled around his hoodie strings as she closed her eyes and took a whiff. "I like it." She grinned and winked at him. "A bit spicy."
"Yeah yeah," he murmured and ushered her onto the bus, but he hopped up the step behind her, feeling a little lighter on his feet.
"You're in a good mood," she remarked as they wandered toward the back of the bus. 
The atmosphere was charged. Rowdy. Everyone seemed excited for the Tunnelers game. He nodded to a few familiar faces before settling in next to her seat. The back was better than the front. Cool kids sat in the back. What am I? In the sixth grade? 
Still he was relaxed. Smiling even. She repeated her statement as if he didn’t hear her the first time. Damn straight  I’m in a good mood.  Because I get to spend time with you… maybe even tell you how I feel tonight… He decided the overcrowded bus wasn't the best place for that confession. The vehicle lurched forward and so did the conversation. 
"I quit my job."
Her eyes widened and a slow smile played at her lips, drawing his attention to them. I bet they're juicy. He had fantasized about kissing her, ever since she planted one on him at this very bus stop twelve months ago when he shipped off to rehab. Out of respect for their “business arrangement” and friendship, he held off on the liplocking, but it didn’t mean he still didn’t wonder what it would be like if he had just turned his head to meet her mouth that night. 
“Good for you,” she laid a hand on his shoulder. 
Her gentle touch bringing him back to reality and away from his lustful la-la land. 
“I knew that place was killing the light in you. I just wish I could've seen Morris' smug face when you finally told him."
"Light in me?" he repeated, ignoring the statement about his ex-manager. 
"Yes," she slowly slid her hand up to his cheek, blushing a little while she moved. "You look better. Brighter."
"That's just the shower talkin'," he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"No, it's you, Shane," she replied, dropping her hand far too soon for his liking.
He wanted to beg her to keep it there, against his cheek. But present company dissuaded him, and he remained silent, nodding his thanks. The way she said his name... he bounced his leg a bit in nervousness as the bus bumped along the road... it made his knees weak and his head clouded. 
"Did I miss anything?"
Shane descended the last step, returning to their seats in the stadium, snacks in hand. The game was tied up, the teams neck and neck in their scoring with each other. It was one of the most thrilling games he had ever seen in person. Even more exciting because she was there. With her incessant questions about the rules. Her exuberance at the Tunnelers' first goal. Even the little wrinkle around her eyes when she didn’t understand what was happening. He loved every minute of it.
And he loved explaining things. Even if he worried about boring her to death with his encyclopedic knowledge of gridball, he couldn’t stop talking. This was something he loved and he was sharing it with the woman he loved... even if she didn’t know it yet. 
"Only the announcer making bad jokes," she smirked. “And that guy...” she pointed to one of the pros. “...doing a silly little dance for the fans.” 
“Yeah, he’s known for that,” Shane laughed awkwardly, feeling a small twinge of jealousy that another man had caught her eye. 
“Not that he’s any good at it,” she laughed too. “Not like our little grooves in the Saloon.” 
“Oh?” he quirked a brow. “By the way, I got us some nachos. I asked the vendor to add some hot peppers… just like we like it."
"Like we both like it," she said in unison. "Thanks,” she snagged a chip and did a deep dip into the sauce. “You should've let me pay for snacks since you paid for tickets and the bus fare."
"Naw, we're on a date," he shrugged. "The guy pays. Plus, I wanted to."
Shane averted his eyes, suddenly self-conscious. "Did I tell you how much… I l…love…. Gridball?"
She stopped and looked at him as if surprised by his old-fashioned thought. I shouldn't have been so careless, he grimaced. Then he immediately wished his face wasn't so readable.
It was a date. A real date. But somehow they slid from acquaintances to friends to best friends and then... somehow something more, without ever defining the relationship.
Did she want parameters? Did he need a label? Were they... ever going to be what he hoped to be if he ever got his head out of his ass and asked her for real? 
"Yes, only the thousand or so times on the bus," she smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “And I knew you played in high school.” 
Just like that, she slipped back to a more neutral topic. And he mentally flogged himself for the missed opportunity. 
“Yeah, blowing out my knee pretty much killed my chances at playing pro,” he said. “Doesn’t stop me from enjoying the games though.” 
“Have you ever thought about it?” she inquired. “Going back. Maybe the minors or even just a pick-up team. I bet you looked great in a uniform,” her eyes twinkled mischievously. “And I wouldn’t mind the view of you in those white pants.” 
Red flooded his cheeks. Is she messing with me? How does she do it? Go back and forth between friendzone topics and flirtation? She made it look effortless. She was toying with him. She had to be. Dancing around the subject. Hoping he would ask. Or was he imagining things? 
Her hand hovered dangerously close to his side. Brushing the hem of her skirt. Nearly touching his shorts. He gulped, feeling flattered, but strangely unprepared for her seductive little smirks. He handed her the soda he fetched, and she thanked him, gulping back the liquid as if it were a small instead of a large. Saying something about all the cheering making her thirsty. 
He was the thirsty one. Eyeing her up and down and wanting to close the distance between them. Taking it from flirty friends to... faithful lovers. He never wanted a woman more than he did right now. To devote all his love and passion and energy and goodwill into being there for her just like she had for him. 
For the whole second half of the game, he nursed his cola. Distracted by her every move. The way she would raise her heels in anticipation of a score and lower them back to the ground when they didn’t quite make it. The way she spoke with that happy voice of hers, the kind that could lull him to sleep or rally him to make his best efforts. The way she repeated back facts she was learning about the sport, that he had literally just taught to her that night. He was completely mesmerized... so much so... he forgot to actually watch the game. For once, he liked the distraction. 
When the Tunnelers scored again, she nearly flew off the ground, wildly cheering for their unexpected interception. He caught her hand as she was jumping back down. She squeezed it and continued whooping and shaking her fist victoriously in the air, never taking her eyes off the game. It was now or never.
"Hey," he said loudly to be heard over the stadium noise. "I've been meaning to tell you… thank you.” 
“For what, Peaches?” she said, teasingly. “Did you see that? How many yards was it? Seventy-five? Eighty?” 
“I mean it, really,” Shane cleared his throat, leaning closer to her ear. “ For sticking with me through everything."
She turned to face him, her expression growing more serious. 
"My… anxiety… depression… you know," he continued, fumbling over his words. "The alcoholism… I mean, I wasn't exactly the funnest person to be around back then."
Did I just use the word funnest? He rubbed the back of his head, hoping to read her expression, but for once, he couldn't.
“You do that... when you’re nervous,” she remarked. “That head rub thing...” she reached up and ruffled his hair. “It’s... cute.” 
“Uh...” Shane trailed off. She was not making this easy. But he needed to say the words aloud now or he never would. 
"You… uh… still helped me. You've been a really… good… friend to me," he shared, and then immediately regretted his word choice.
"Oh," she said, quietly.
Was that a flicker of disappointment in her eyes?
He hurried his words. "Anyway this is your first gridball game, huh? Well? What do you think?"
Smooth, Shane. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Changing the subject again, you frickin’ chicken.
"Oh…" she said, glancing back to the field, sounding a little confused. "Fun. I guess, Pelican Town seems pretty boring in comparison. Unless you count Sam's punk rock blaring at 11pm, breaking noise ordinances." She forced a chuckle.
Is she…? Am I imagining things?
"I'm surprised," he replied. "Didn't you move to the Valley to escape the noise of the city?"
She's looking at me again with those beautiful heart-melting eyes. He rushed through his words.
"I mean… don't get me wrong. I totally understand. My life in Pelican Town is pretty bland, you know. And now that I don't have a job, I gotta find something meaningful to do with my time again. A guy's gotta eat, right? Heh?"
"I was thinking about that," she replied, without looking at him. "I think it would be nice to have you around full-time."
"What?" he blinked.
"I've got one ranch hand now to help in the back pasture and one that helps out with the milking and all, but if I'm looking to expand, and if they ever take a sick day, I could use some extra hands," she continued. "Maybe your hands?"
I couldn't. Possibly. Was she blushing?
"You've already… done so much for me," he hated the hesitancy in his tone. "I… uh…"
She ignored his last comment. "This would be a business thing. We could do it temporarily to see if you like it. And if it's a good fit for both of us. I can be a bit of a…" she narrowed her eyes, mischievously. "Hard taskmaster."
"Oh? Yeah I've heard that from your current employees," he smirked. "But you are still a jolly one."
"Yeah…" she smiled, almost shyly, tucking a hair over her ear. “Your Miss Jolly.” 
The noise level in the stadium increased near ten-fold. All he could think about was how she said the words. She was begging him, wasn’t she? Walking right up to the brink and leaving him there? He reluctantly ripped his gaze away from the farmer to the field.
"Gah!" he screamed, his volume matching the crowd. "The Tunnelers are on the attack."
"Yes! Yes!" she shrieked. "Oh my Yoba! Final seconds. They're gonna…" she jumped up and down and clapped her hands. "They're gonna break the tie."
"GOAL!" they yelled in unison. 
He never felt so happy. He was going on six months sober. He quit his horrible job. The farmer was offering him another one so he could see her every day. And he got to watch his favorite team in the world in the closest game in history with his favorite person in the world. Sharing this moment together meant everything.
"Thank you Shane!" she said, trying to catch her breath. "This was the best evening ever with you!"
"I know, I know!" he exclaimed. "Probably one of the best moments of my life."
Before he could stop himself, his lips were against hers. Surprise flickered in her eyes. All he could hear was the thudding of his own heart. She was flushed. The warmth of her lips. The taste of root beer. The delight overwhelming the alarm bells. He took a step or two back, stumbling as he came to his senses.
"Oh?" he gasped for air. "Uh… um… sorry. I guess I got carried away there. Maybe I had one too many... sodas. All that sugar. Ha!" 
Shane reached up to rub his head like he always did when he was nervous, just like she had noticed. Except this time, she strutted toward him, confidence in her eyes as she grabbed that hand and tugged him down. As they kissed for the second time, he felt her melt into his arms as she offered a faint “finally,” barely audible amidst the roar of the crowd. 
Encouraged, Shane grinned, hoisting her off the ground. She giggled and kissed him more fervently. Maybe he didn’t need words. Maybe he only needed actions to show her how he felt. 
And she was reciprocating. A dream come true. Their eyes remained locked in a loving gaze as he pulled back from her lips. When he finally set her down, he breathed heavily. 
"You really do love the Tunnelers?" she teased, disentangling her hands from his hair. 
"No," he shook his head, determined not to let this moment go by. "I really do love you."
"Come on, we'll miss our bus outta here," she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the exiting crowds.
“Wait,” Shane pulled her back for one more greedy kiss. 
She happily accepted, but he felt a fleeting ping of sadness even as they kissed in the stairwell, people pushing around them. He wondered if she even heard his confession. Maybe it's too soon? We just had our first kiss. She probably didn't hear me.
When they reached the parking lot, the reality of what had just happened still sinking in, they were too late. The bus huffed away with a puff of smog. They had just missed their ride back to the Valley. And there wouldn’t be another one until morning. If he hadn’t been so carried away and enamored by his date, maybe they would’ve left the stadium sooner. 
“Guess we should call a taxi,” she broke the silence first. “Or... actually... find a hotel.” 
“A hotel?” he repeated, his ears perking at the thought of sharing space with her. 
"Yes," she replied, without skipping a beat. "I mean, if we're gonna be stuck together in Zuzu overnight, we should get a hotel. A taxi ride would be really expensive and I don't think we have enough time to get across town to catch the train."
"Oh right," he said softly. "Uh… I can't let you pay for a hotel too."
"It's no trouble," she pulled out her cell phone and started scouring the internet for places. "And a hot shower sounds nice after all the sweat and grime of us in there,” she nodded back toward the stadium. “...jammed in like sardines."
"Uhm…" he blinked rapidly. You're a grown man. Get it together.
"This place looks nice," she showed him a picture after a minute or two, while he awkwardly plopped on the edge of the sidewalk. "And it's got a 4-star rating." She sat next to him, dropping her hand on top of his. “Oh look it’s got an in-suite jacuzzi.” 
"Uh… sure," he shrugged, uncertain about what to do with his hands that so desperately wanted to kiss her again. "Well, that definitely was a good game."
"Yes, and it's going to be an even better night, because it doesn't have to end here," she smiled sweetly. “Since we’re getting a hotel,” she winked. 
“Oh yeah... and we won too,” he stammered. “The Tunnelers, ya know?” 
“No... no, I didn’t. Really? They did?" she smiled sarcastically, and leaned closer. “It doesn’t matter.” 
“What?” he gasped, feeling shocked as her blase attitude toward his favorite team. 
“I mean, it was great... and all... and their win was pretty spectacular,” she acknowledged. “But I feel like I won the lottery with you here.” She interlocked arms with him. “Did you mean it? Shane? When you said you loved me?” 
So she did hear me! And the way his name fell from his lips caused his heart to soar and he found his confidence. 
“Yes, I meant it. I love you,” Shane replied. “But I wanted it to be special. Better than this... stranded in a parking lot with trash all over the place.” 
“It is special,” she replied. 
“But it wasn’t perfect,” he grimaced. “I was planning on telling you when we got back... when I walked you back to your place tonight.” 
His head felt hazy with love and desire as she kissed him again. This time, she draped a leg over his, pressing against his chest. He audibly moaned, leaning into the kiss. His hand naturally slid down her back to help her balance, and he squeezed softly, like he had wanted to for a long time. She matched his intensity with a clutch of her own, and he groaned again, reluctantly breaking their touch. 
“I don’t need perfect, Shane. I just need you."
His heart leaped from his chest as she continued.
"I love you too. I want you.”  
“Ahhhh... then let’s get to that hotel,” he said, the heat of her breasts against his chest creating a near uncontrollable fire within him. 
“Fine,” she playfully pouted. “I’ll behave... Hot Stuff," she fanned herself. “...for now... since we’re in public.” 
“Believe me,” he replied with a heavy sigh, feeling a healthy growth between his legs. “I want you all to myself.” 
She giggled and tapped her phone. "Done. Got us booked.”
“That fast?” 
“Yes, It’s only a two and a half block walk. Now… shall we?" She jumped to her feet and darted away briskly. 
“Someone’s impatient!” he smirked. “What if I had said no?” 
“I wouldn’t take no for an answer.” 
“Oh really?” he liked teasing her as she brought out his confidence. He started into a jog away, passing her on the sidewalk. “Well, I’ll see you soon.” 
“Shane!” she laughed and chased after him. 
Of course, he let her catch him. She playfully punched his arm, but then lingered. She was beaming. And he was too. Shane took her hand, looking down at the woman he loved, and smiled, brighter than he ever had in his entire life.  She loved him and wanted him… just as he loved and wanted her. 
He wrapped an arm tightly around her shoulder. Tonight, he was going to make her fully his, and he would be fully hers. 
"Yes, my Miss Jolly.” 
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cowboybarzy · 11 months
Hi can you write a fic for part 4 of unexpected. Where Reader brings Myla to her first Islanders game? You can be creative and add more to the request I just couldn’t think of anything else to add to it. 😂
hii!! tysm for the request!! sorry it took so long but then I thought it’d be more fitting to post it at the actual season start!
so I decided to do more one shots of this series than actual longer parts, so feel free to keep sending in requests if you want to see more :)
word count: 620 part of the unexpected series
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"Oh no, baby girl, don't fall asleep. You're gonna miss your daddy's first game," you whispered to you daughter as you rocked her in her carrier, trying to keep her awake, but that only seemed to make her sleepier. She looked so adorable cuddled up against you in a fuzzy beat suit and big noise canceling headphones. And now at five months old, she started to look a lot more than her father. Her eyebrows bent like his, her eyes shined green at times, and her smile was just as crooked as Mat's. You took a quick picture of her and sent it to Mat, hoping he'd still see it before he had to go on the ice.
"How's she doing?," Sydney Martin came up to you, her own to kids attached to her.
"Sleepy." You laughed and stroked her little cheek, before bending down to little Winnie, complementing her cute Islanders outfit. She twirled around for you, loving the affection and you had a vision of baby Myla in a few years cheering for her dad.
It was the first official game of the season for Islanders and for that occasion the girls decided to rent out a suit, especially because of all the kids around. You hung out with the other, mingling with Mat's family as well who flew out here for the home opener.
For warmup's you went down to the ice level where Mat stopped to say 'hi' almost immediately after stepping on the ice. His grin was enormous when he saw you two standing there. He was so proud to have you here and his daughter at her first game. He tried his best making silly faces at her to get her to laugh or even smile, but she didn't seem to recognize him and eventually the sleepiness got to her.
Unfortunately, you couldn't quite enjoy the game like you usually do, not wanting to disturb sleeping Myla, so you did away at the back of the suit following the game on the big TV with a virgin cocktail. You were joined by some of the other girls with smaller children so it wasn't too lonely.
After the game, you made your way to the car, too tired to mingle more. You put Myla in her car seat and spent some time soothing her back to sleep after she woke up because of the transfer. A while later the trunk opened, making you jump, and Mat popped his head in dropping his bags. "Hi!"
"Hi," you whispered excitedly as you turned back to face him. He closed the trunk as quietly as possible, but instead of jumping right in the driver's seat, he stopped by Myla.
"Hi, pretty girl," he whispered pressing soft kisses to her face. "I'm so so happy you were here tonight."
"She can't hear you."
"So?" He stuck his tongue out at you, before finally climbing in the driver's seat. "Hi."
He grabbed you face and kissed you deeply. "I'm happy you were here, too."
"You did good."
"Might have had something to do with who was in the audience." You smiled and got another long kiss from him. "Alright, let's go home. I'm beat."
"Me too. I don't really remember the last time we stayed up so late." You both chuckled.
"Oh, look." As Mat was hooking up his phone to the car he showed you his new wallpaper. It was the picture of the three of you his mom had taken earlier during warmups. A loving warmth spread throughout your body and you leaned over to kiss him again. You would never get tired of your little family. "Seriously though, how did she do tonight?"
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pollymorgan · 2 months
Ex-Husband Negan Part 7
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Warnings: Negan is Negan, a few hot words, a woman who doesn't learn.
Shame on me! 🙈 For some reason, I thought Lizzie was 7 years old when writing, but she's actually 11 years old ... so, if she comes across as "immature," that's the explanation .... Sorry ...
I was just preparing the salad for dinner with Lizzie. Or rather, my youngest daughter was cutting the tomatoes, while I stood next to her in a panic, struggling not to snatch the sharp knife from her little hands, when Gracie came into the kitchen talking on the phone.
"Yes, Dad, I know, but you have to understand ..." she spoke calmly into the receiver.
Typical, if I had pulled a stunt like Negan did this morning, she wouldn't have talked to me for at least a month, but with her father, everything was immediately forgiven and forgotten.
As she said goodbye to him, Lizzie immediately turned around frantically. "I wanted to talk to Daddy too ...".
I immediately took the knife from her hand and held her arm because she was wobbling uncontrollably on the step.
"Dad didn't have time anyway, because he's on his way to go eat with Sherry!" my eldest replied.
Somewhat shocked, I asked, "Sherry?!?"
Just hearing another woman's name in connection with Negan stabbed me in the heart, but the fact that it seemed completely normal for my children shocked me even more.
"Well, Daddy's girlfriend ..." Lizzie said meekly.
I tried to compose myself and not show anything to my children.
"So, his girlfriend then ..." I replied softly.
Gracie stood between us and stole a piece of bell pepper from the cutting board, "Yeah, she's really cool ...".
"Do you know her?" I asked, as unimpressed as possible.
"Of course, we even went shopping together ..." she said and then poured the chopped vegetables into a large bowl.
I had definitely lost my appetite at dinner. Thoughtfully, I poked at my plate. That bastard. Negan was clearly the one who had seduced me again last night, and then he didn't even bother to mention his girlfriend with a single word.
The anger and disappointment boiled inside me, but worse yet, even though I didn't want to admit it, I was also insanely jealous.
Last night had shown me that my feelings for him were still so incredibly strong, but it all seemed meaningless to him. Why does he still have such power over me, even though he has caused me so much pain?
Even in the evening, when I lay in my bed, the voices in my head did not stop. How could he whisper such sweet things to me yesterday while bringing me to climax over and over again and then spend a nice evening with the next woman - his girlfriend???
In a feeble attempt to distract myself, I scrolled through my phone. Opened apps only to close them again immediately. Eventually, I went to my photo gallery and came across a selfie I had taken a few days ago, in front of my bed.
I didn't know exactly what I wanted to achieve with it, or what I hoped to achieve, but after applying a few filters, I posted it on my status and made it visible only to Negan.
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Annoyed with myself, I placed the phone on my nightstand and buried myself under the covers. I lay there for a few minutes, struggling with whether I should just delete the post, when I heard a vibration. I quickly threw the covers off and grabbed my phone.
"Damn, you're hot, Mom 🔥😍"
I couldn't help but smile, and the devil on my shoulder thought that Sherry might not be so interesting after all, if my ex-husband could find the time to react to my photo.
"And damn lonely, all alone in bed ... 🥺...everything still smells like you, Daddy ..." I replied, and it wasn't even a lie. I hadn't changed the sheets yet, and his scent had been clouding my senses the whole time.
I felt my cheeks flush at the thought of what he might write, and I didn't have to wait long for a response.
"Oh, my poor baby... Do you miss me so much? Be good and touch yourself for me, okay? And then tell me if you still feel where my tongue was yesterday, all over you and inside you ... Fuck, I still have your heavenly taste on my lips ..."
Instantly, every part of me tingled. My whole body seemed to be buzzing with electricity. Just his written words and the thought of last night sent me into ecstasy.
But I didn't want to settle for this chat while he was probably sitting nonchalantly next to his new girlfriend, enjoying the evening to the fullest.
"No, that's not enough for me ... My fingers are running over my body, to all my sensitive spots, but it doesn't feel the same as you ... Nothing feels even close to as good as you! I need you here with me, Negan. Now!" I nervously sent the message.
Agonizingly, I watched as he typed, but no new message appeared. Then he suddenly went offline. Fuck! I had probably lost this little game.
Just as I was about to disappointedly put my phone away, a response finally came.
"Put on something sexy. I'll be there in 20 minutes! 😉"
Oh man, my heart leaped. He was actually going to show up here! He had chosen me. At least for tonight.
Excited like a teenager, I jumped out of bed and, no, I ran to my dresser. I quickly pulled out some lingerie that I constantly bought but never wore.
After choosing one, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I kept glancing at the clock.
After just 15 minutes, the doorbell rang. I grabbed my robe and put it on, then hurriedly ran down the stairs.
As I opened the door and he stood there in front of me, my heart pounded even harder in my chest. He looked incredibly good in his dark clothing and black-rimmed glasses.
Smiling confidently, he was about to lean in to kiss me when I pushed him back with a flat hand on his chest.
"Was Sherry very sad that you had to leave?" I asked innocently.
His grin widened instantly. He leaned his upper body back and let his eyes roam over my body.
"You little minx, so the kids told you about her ... but I have to say, your jealousy is incredibly sexy..." His gaze lingered on my belt, which I had quickly tied around my waist. He casually undid the knot with a quick hand movement, and my robe fell open. The cool air immediately caused goosebumps to form on my bare skin.
"Fuck.." Negan whispered as he caught sight of my white lace underwear.
We were still standing at the open front door, but I didn't care in that moment.
"So, why did you come here?" I provocatively asked him.
"Shit, what kind of question is that? ... Isn't it more than obvious ...?" he replied and then bit his lip.
"I want to hear it from you..." I still pressed.
Negan confidently approached me, but I took a few steps back so we were in the middle of the hallway. He let the door slam shut behind him, maintaining eye contact with me.
"Because I want you ... only you..." he answered, then he grabbed me firmly and pulled me into a long, passionate kiss, his fingers wandering under my robe. When his large hands touched my butt, I couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
"Wow, wow, let's go to the bedroom before the girls wake up..." Negan laughed.
As soon as we arrived there, I let my robe slip completely off my body. Just his reaction to me made my lower abdomen clench with desire.
"Show me..." he commanded with a firm, deep voice. I looked at him questioningly, then he added. "Show me how you touched yourself when you missed me ... I can't stop thinking about your message ... I want to see it..."
Without breaking eye contact with him, I fell back onto the bed. Negan stood there watching every move I made. There was so much tension in the room that it was palpable.
Slowly, I began running my fingers over my chest and gently stroked my sensitive nipples, which were only covered by a thin fabric and immediately stiffened.
I enjoyed his gaze on me. I could see how much he was turned on by all of this. His green-brown eyes seemed darker than usual and gleamed with lust. His Adam's apple moved up and down noticeably, and his tongue lightly moistened his perfectly shaped lips.
Just as I was about to continue moving my hand down my body, the bedroom door unexpectedly opened. Startled, I pulled the blanket over my body and looked at the shocked face of my partner Steve, who suddenly stood before us.
"What's going on here?" he asked, pale as a sheet.
Negan turned to him first and then amusedly back to me, grinning from ear to ear. "Wow, the evening is going to be even more exciting than I expected...!"
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic idea! Blind and Sick Lucerys (Lucemond)
Rhaenyra gets poisoned while heavily pregnant with Lucerys, causing an early birth and a blind baby to be born. The maesters told her that he would never be able to see in his lifetime, and that he would never fully heal from the poison, forever needing medicine to live in a dying body. This makes Rhaenyra incredibly protective of him, never letting him leave her side, and once he got a little older, she rarely let's him leave his room without a maester and two trusted kingsguards following his every move.
Jace is protective of him as well, and tries his best to make Lucerys happy, but often leaves him alone in favor of playing with Aegon. Aemond didn't really enjoy being around Aegon and Jace, they often made him the butt of their jokes, a Targaryen without a dragon, so he simply walks around, and stumbles on a lonely Lucerys, who was allowed to leave his room to bask under the sun, petting a small dragon that croons under his hands.
Aemond feels jealous when he saw that a blind, sickly child that looked nothing like a true Targaryen got to have a dragon while his never hatched. He feels even more annoyed when he realized that this child wouldn't even be able to ride said dragon without dying of a cold or a heart attack. What's the use of being able to hatch a dragon if you won't even be able to fly?
Then his thoughts got even darker. After all, he heard the whispers of the maesters whenever they leave the child's room. How weak he was, how he might not survive the next winter, how another cold might end his life. If little Luke was to die soon, wouldn't his dragon be free to take? The dragon was still young, wouldn't it be easier to bond with it once his first person dies?
So young Aemond plots, he began to get closer to little Lucerys, sometimes he plays games that didn't require much movement, sometimes he tells him stories of Old Valyria, often he tries to play with the dragon when Lucerys needed to rest. Little Lucerys enjoys his company, a fresh change to his otherwise monotone life. Rhaenyra allows this to continue, though still wary, her son seems happier, and that's what matters to her. Aemond tries to connect with Lucerys' dragon Arrax, and though wary at first, soon said dragon was used to his presence, though, of course, Lucerys was still his person, and would mostly ignore him in favor of his blind person. That was fine. Arrax will be Aemond's soon. He can wait.
Except Lucerys doesn't die that winter. Or the next one. Or the next one after that. Sure, there were times where Aemond wasn't allowed in his room because Lucerys caught a cold deadly only to Lucerys, and there was a time Lucerys started coughing up blood, much to the horror of Aemond's half-sister, but other than that, he still lives and breathes, as if determined to spite the expectations of many.
Slowly, Aemond loses hope of ever having Arrax as a dragon, and strangely enough, the thought of losing his chance of gaining a dragon doesn't sting as much as it had before. He still goes to Lucerys, little Lucy, he would sometimes call him, just for Lucerys to whine at how girly that nickname was. He still calls him that, of course.
Soon the thought of Lucerys dying worries him rather than delights him, the fear of his death overshadowing his want of a dragon. Soon, the mere thought of Lucerys being taken by the Stranger scares him enough to almost always stay by his side, even when he rests, he just stares at Lucerys' rising and falling chest, assuring himself that the little boy still lives.
He still wants a dragon, of course he does, but the thought of losing Lucerys to get one felt wrong. He suppose he can claim a different dragon. Let the blind sickly Lucy keep Arrax, Aemond has Lucerys, after all.
I'm not much of a good writer, but I do have a ton of ideas, this being one of them. You can see this as an extremely long writing prompt, if anyone happens to want to write a fanfic with this premise, please tell me!
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bisexualbard-writes · 10 months
Ella Enchanted AU where Kim has to do whatever he's told to do :)
OH SHIRLEY I LOVE YOU. Ella Enchanted MY BELOVED. So. I think Kim would Not Respond Well to being compelled to do whatever he's told. And by that I mean there are two Theerapanyakul recluse brothers in this story.
Kim hides away from everyone except his brothers. He's practically considered a ghost, most people who work in the compound think he's a ghost, the other half doesn't think he exists at all. Before his mother died, she told him not to tell anyone of his obedience affliction for fear it would be exploited.
It gets exploited anyway by Korn. His father commands him with a smile and a soft word and sends Kim on dangerous missions he's literally not allowed to refuse. Kim tries to hide from him, but then his father told him he wasn't allowed to avoid him. The best thing he can do is just try and avoid everyone else.
His brothers are the exception. They always try and make sure that they're asking him to do things, and if they accidentally give him a command Kim can yell at them and they'll change the command into a suggestion.
His only refuge is his music. He adopts the persona of WIK and releases his music on YouTube, but he never takes WIK beyond the four walls of his room. He can't even IMAGINE being a celebrity out in public. Fans scream the most ridiculous things, and even a single "wik, have my babies!" would ruin him. Thank goodness he doesn't have to obey the comments he sees written on his videos.
One day a new bodyguard starts, and Kim avoids him like the rest. But then the new bodyguard lures Tankhun out of the tower, and Kim is delighted for his brother and also kinda jealous and grumpy.
Then one day, a kid is allowed to just wander the compound and accidentally finds his way up to KIm's rooms. Kim doesn't have time to get his soundproof headphones or kick the kid out before he's flailing and saying, "hecking shit, I didn't know you lived here Wik, please be my guitar tutor!"
Which is a command, and Kim is really disgruntled by that, but he can't not obey.
So he tutors the kid, Chay, and he tries to keep it as short as possible, but then Chay tells him to stop and listen to his song. So Kim has to do that then. But then... Kim really shouldn't be spending time with this fan, but...but his music is lovely. And Kim isn't going to admit it anytime soon... but he might be lonely.
And Chay's not dumb, he realizes Kim's a shut in, or there's something clearly wrong with him. Sometimes Chay can't find him, and then when he reappears he's extra grouchy. Sometimes he's hurt. But he also seems happy to hang out with Chay. And when Chay suggests they go out into the world, Kim agrees! (because "please, P'Kim, let's go to the movies" is technically a command.)
But Kim is finding he doesn't mind being ordered around by Chay. He should probably avoid Chay, it's risky going out into the world, especially in public with other people and without someone who knows about his afflection. But oh no, it's the curse, he can't help but spend time with this cute boy.
But Korn takes notice that Kim has been distracted recently. He commands Kim to tell Chay he was just playing with him and that he never wants to see Chay again. Kim screams at his father, and is commanded to speak politely. He tries to attack Korn and is commanded to never let Korn come to harm. Kim tries to destroy his father's office but is commanded to stop throwing a tantrum and respect his father.
Kim has no choice but to obey.
He leaves Chay like he does in canon, walking away while Chay is on the ground crying.
He thinks that's it. Kim locks himself away again, not opening the door for the staff or his brothers or anyone. The only one who can get in his Korn, and that's because Kim is forced to pay him his respects. But then he gives Kim another command: A coup is happening soon. Find Chay, bring him as leverage.
Kim dreads this and resists as much as he can, but he's compelled to go. He finds Chay at hum bar. The only thing is, he also finds his uncle's men there. Part of brining Chay to his father means keeping Chay alive, right? So he fights off his uncle's men.
In this version Chay turns around and sees Kim fighting for him. After Kim wins, Chay throws himself into Kim's arms, which is a blessing and a curse because he gets to be close to Chay but also he's one step closer to bringing him to Korn. Kim draws out the conversation as long as he can.
Chay: You kept me safe? Kim: I wanted to. Chay: You broke my heart though Kim: I had no other choice.
But eventually the curse fights him and he slowly brings Chay back to the compound, trying to delay at every moment. Chay can tell something is wrong, Kim is physically fighting for something, but he doesn't understand what.
Kim brings Chay to Korn before Porsche and Kinn get there. His father has a different plan now, keep Chay locked up with his mother. It's leverage over both Porsche AND Kim.
Kim refuses to help. He's not going to let that happen, not under his watch. He's not allowed to resist though, and he feels like his body is going to tear itself apart. Chay holds him tight as Korn keeps giving orders and Kim screams and shakes and falls apart and builds himself anew. His determination and Chay's help break the curse. Finally, Kim rises, shakey on his feet but whole again. Korn: Don't hurt me Kim. You cannot hurt me. Kim: I do what I want
And then he kills Korn.
After that he and Chay have a lot to talk through, but it's much easier now that Kim's lips aren't magically sealed.
(send me a trope, maybe one you hate, and I'll attempt to kimchay it)
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addie4ddie2005 · 5 months
MILES WAS THE VILLAIN IN ELECTRIC DREAMS!!! THAT LYING BITCH!!! First of all your GF can do SO much better she had to LOBOTOMIZE HERSELF 4 YOUUU making my girl miss out on her passions cuz she’s so busy with you tehe,, like I’m so confused he was a fumble the ENTIRE time… Not even in a cute way. Just a pure fumble. An oaf. She don’t even like you bruh it was your computer that had her at the first serenade 😭😭😭
And OHHH your computer… you soured that from the START you made LIFE and you chose to be mean to it!!! What!!! That’s your baby!!! Literally every time he spoke to Edgar had me cringinggg ohihdoughhu Edgar. Edgar if only you were born to anyone who would have spoken kindly to you who wouldn’t have jammed their fingers into your keyboard… Who would have cherished your art so so much…
Miles never redeemed himself IMO like he gave a cool pep-talk and then decided to be nice to Edgar on his death bed but other than that he was a jerk the entire time. Maybe I’m stupid but it didn’t seem like Maddie ever came to the point where she found out he was a fraud??? Like did I miss it??? She’s living a delusion. He’s living a delusion. Manic Pixie Dream Girl x Some Guy (/neg) type beat. Why is she fooling around with him what does he have. I hate him. I was waiting for the moment where Ed would be like “Yeah I wrote those cool songs” and Maddie would be like ohhh there is no deeper reason why I like this guy and take Edgar home and dump his sorry ass!! Like fr that would have been the good ending 😭😭
Oh Edgar. Edgar U were denied love 4 too long. Denied ANY attention ANY engagement. Broke my heart whenever his sweet little voice cracked or raised with emotion. “I want to touch her” “Can you hold me please?” RHHGGGGGAGAGG I WOULD HAVW TREATED U BETTERRR
Rhhh another evil Miles fact. Edgar calls him at work cuz Edgar says he’s LONELY!! He SAYS it!! Miles hits him with “Just watch your soaps duh” and then goes home and hits him with “How can you watch that garbage??” BECAUSE YOU TOLD HIM TO!! CONFLICTING ORDERS!! BULLYING AND BAD PARENTING!!
Miles had a Living Thing in his house that HE created going through an excruciating crisis and chose to bully it. I might be going a little bonkers cuz it’s 1AM and I am delirious with emotion but can I call it abuse?? Mental Verbal Physical literally all the things?? Then he won. Miles got what he wanted and never apologized. I honestly can’t tell what the moral is supposed to be. No one became a better person except for Edgar because he LEFT and Maddie actually made it out worse for dating a brick wall like Miles. Hehe. (Also… Edgar programmed the brick. Edgar literally did it. Miles had the idea but who executed it??? Edgar. Miles has no accomplishments. Just the way he lies in EVERY situation about things he does NOT need to lie about makes me fear so baddd for Maddie. He is a big bright red flag girl you are not in it to win it run awayyy you will have better luck with the computer!!)
Ermmm. Good movie??? I liked how chunky and clunky it sounded??? i need to. kiss a computer.
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missveryvery · 11 months
Have you watched episode 1 of tgcf season two yet? 👀
Are you kidding. It's literally the only thing that's keeping me alive. Now my life is "hold out until Wednesday, buddy, we can do this."
I'm not sure but I think they fixed up the animation from the preview we got before (like a million years ago) of the scene where they're all assembling because I remember thinking "oh no they lost their budget" and now the scene looks like "here are a hundred gods we made look incredible just for the background"
(Still salty about Mu Qing's hair getting nerfed, make it bigger you cowards)
The part where Pei Ming is about to kick Pei Xiu came off as cartoony in the book but they made it really intense here! I guess because they're trying to hide his clown nose for as long as possible.
I feel very gratified that I was correct that the person we saw for a split second in the preview FROM BEHIND was in fact sqx and my brain worms have again served me well.
I think if I was watching this and had no idea what the story was, I'd think sqx was another love interest because holy shit. The way they shot Shi Qingxuan after transformation where her hair falls and her eyes are locked on him is from Xie Lian's POV, right? Three people have "hair that falls prettily" scenes in this and it's Hua Cheng, Xie Lian, and Shi Qingxuan.
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Gif set by @murcielaguitos
They're really going "she's BEAUTIFUL" and you can get the impression that even Xie Lian thinks so. I love the way Shi Qingxuan is looking at him here and her cute smile ; ; like "see? :)"
This is the first time I realized how massive her boobs are. They're INSANE. I really like how Shi Qingxuan's other form is so different! I like to think the trans color scheme is on purpose but idk if they care about flag stuff in China? I don't want to like, push that on them.
In the book, there are a couple people Xie Lian remarks as being attractive, I think Shi Qingxuan is the only lady?
Also the shot earlier of Shi Qingxuan glancing at Xie Lian's chest like ":) I could put some ginormous bazoons there for you, friend"
(Lmao, He Xuan is so fucking stupid 😭 what kind of idiot...?!?? This could have been yours, you absolute clown.)
I was surprised they kept Lan Chang!!! Like wow you're gonna do that part, huh?!
The presentation of the mission's circumstanses also gave me a theory about why Shi Qingxuan was sent with Xie Lian on this specific mission...!
I saw someone talking about how lonely the opening of Xie Lian waking up seemed. But then he gets such a cute friend...! That's so similar to him! It's so nice to see him happy. I like to think that if Hua Cheng didn't exist and all that other background shit wasn't happening, Xie Lian's third go around might have been nice, Shi Qingxuan could have gotten him settled in, reconciled with the clown boys, etc.
The way he looks at Lang Qianqiu ;0;!! he's like "My baby ;0;"
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Also losing my mind over this rando. I need to see what the uniforms for each god looks like or I'll die. Why was this dude so well designed and animated ;0;! I love him?!? So exasperated with his dumbass god ;0;
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floralseokjin · 2 years
⤑ 9 months to fall in love 17.
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It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
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pairing; kim seokjin x f reader au/genre; unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, romance (dare I say romcom in places), smut, angst, (melo)drama, dual pov words; 6,695
warnings/includes (!) mentions of homophobia, a father-daughter heart to heart, another heart to heart with Seokjin, therapy mentions, season two’s HEA 
⟶ ao3 link
*inspired by the manhwa ‘Positively Yours.’
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SEASON TWO ⇤ previous | next ⇥
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“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?” 
Seokjin startled, so stuck inside his own head he’d forgotten where he was, who he was sat by. 
Hoseok widened his eyes, head tilted slightly as he waited for a response. “You’ve had that seat in a death grip ever since you sat down. I know you’re not afraid of flying, so what’s up?” 
Seokjin turned, looking out the window, letting the shape of the clouds distract him. “I might have acquired a phobia since the last time,” he muttered. 
Hoseok sighed, long and hard. “I know you didn’t want to go, I didn’t either. Leaving Kang sucks, but it’s only for a few days.” 
“That’s not what this is about. I mean, it is, but it’s also more than that.” Seokjin let out a sigh of his own. “I met ____’s family yesterday.” 
“Finally,” Hoseok laughed, then noticed the solemn look on Seokjin’s face. “Oh. So it didn’t go well?” 
That was putting it lightly. It couldn’t have gone worse if he’d tried. Well, that wasn’t so true, but it still didn’t make things any better. “Her stepmom was great, really excited for the baby. Her brother and sister too…” 
“Dad?” Hoseok deduced, wincing. 
“He called me pompous,” Seokjin admitted after a beat of silence, face hot. 
“He seems a great judge of character,” Hoseok snorted, then covered it up with a cough when Seokjin shot him a look. “Sorry.” He flattened his mouth. “What happened?” 
“He thinks I’m going to end up leaving once Glob is born.” Just saying that aloud made Seokjin’s stomach roll. 
“Can he see into the future, or?” 
“Hoseok, let’s be serious,” Seokjin asked, getting frustrated. “It was terrible. He fucking hates me.” Seokjin said that last part as quietly as he could, aware they were flying business class. The last thing he wanted was to offend or disturb anyone, but thankfully most people had earphones in. “He was shouting, he would hardly listen to me. It was…bad.” Hoseok seemed a little stunned, so Seokjin carried on, feeling mildly relieved to get this all off his chest. “I understand his concerns, but he took a dislike to me as soon as I walked through the door. I didn’t stand a chance.” 
“How did ____ take it?” 
Seokjin rubbed a hand over his face, his chest tightening. “She was crying. This whole time she’s had it in her head he wouldn’t mind, she wasn’t expecting him to be so upset.” 
“You mean angry,” Hoseok corrected. “Angry because he’s a psychic and knows that you’re going to leave her once the baby is born…?” 
“Hoseok, please.” Now wasn’t the time for joking around. “There’s more to it. I can’t really go into it because…well…” It wasn’t his business to tell. Your father was worried that history would repeat itself, and it was pretty near impossible to make him believe otherwise. 
“I understand,” Hoseok nodded, then carefully: “So, you didn’t want to leave her today because she was so upset?” 
Seokjin’s stomach dropped. “I didn’t—we didn’t spend the night together,” he admitted disjointedly. “I went home. I needed—I just needed to be alone.” 
“Wait, what?” Hoseok sounded in disbelief. “Her dad blows up, makes her cry and then you just drop her off at home. ‘Oh, by the way, I’m going to Japan for a week.’”
Seokjin’s face prickled with heat, Hoseok’s tone bringing instant shame. “It wasn’t like that.” 
“Sounds exactly like that.” Hoseok could see through bullshit expertly. 
“I was upset too.” Embarrassed. “Everything has been going so well…” Just like that, Seokjin thought back to last weekend, how happy you’d both been letting everyone know you were going to have a daughter. 
“Christ. So you really just left like that?” 
“Save it,” Seokjin groaned, he already felt so bad about it. He’d hardly gotten any sleep last night, itching to call you and apologise, but in the end he’d thought better of it, not wanting to make things worse. “We didn’t argue,” he tried to justify, but he knew deep down he was just trying to make himself feel better. “We’re talking, it’s just…”
“Your ego took a bashing and you needed to hide away.” 
Hoseok wasn’t entirely wrong, at the crux of things that’s essentially what it was. No matter how much something like that affected him, he needed to work past it. Getting his feelings hurt by your dad was nowhere near how hurt you’d been by the events of yesterday. 
Seeing something in Seokjin’s face maybe, Hoseok clapped his back supportively. “Look, I get it. You don’t like it when people dislike you, that’s totally valid, but it’s only her dad. You don’t have to see the guy all the time.” When Seokjin stayed silent, Hoseok added, “Hey, Kang’s father hates me.” 
“Kang’s father is homophobic.” 
He was an irredeemable piece of shit, while Minsoo was just worried about his daughter’s wellbeing. 
Hoseok shrugged. “That’s true, no one cares what he thinks. Bad example.”
A small laugh puffed from Seokjin’s mouth, the first in over twenty-four hours. Hoseok grinned. “You’ll win him over. It’ll just take some time. He’ll see you’re not going anywhere.” Seokjin nodded, feeling hopeful. “Who’s more important, your pregnant girlfriend’s dad? Or your pregnant girlfriend?”  
“Thank you, Hobi,” he whispered gratefully. 
“No problem, but do yourself a favour and call ____ when we land, because I’m not dealing with this” – Hoseok gestured towards him, waving his hand in a complete circle – “for an entire week.” 
At that, he kicked back, conversation over, obviously planning to relax as much as possible before they landed. Seokjin tried to do the same, but his thoughts were too preoccupied with you. He’d messaged you just before take-off, but he hadn’t had time to see if you’d responded. He was going to take Hoseok’s advice and call you as soon as he got to the hotel. If he didn’t get his act together soon, it wasn’t going to be your father who ruined everything, it would be him. 
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On Sunday you’d been surprised when Seokjin had called you from his hotel. There had been quite a few awkward silences, a lot of sorrys from him, and you could hear how remorseful he felt for leaving things like he had yesterday. You could also sense how he was still obviously hurt from the confrontation with your father. You wanted to ask again, what they had spoken about, but held back. You didn’t want to press him, and besides, you couldn’t do a lot of talking when he was on the phone in a completely different country. Just hearing his voice was enough, and you told him you’d talk when he got back, and that you were sorry too, even though he insisted once again that you had nothing to feel sorry for. He said goodbye with a promise to contact you as much as possible and told you he’d email the convention schedule over so you could keep up to date with him. 
That small gesture, plus the phone call as a whole, had made you feel loads better, and his daily morning and evening texts helped even more. It made you feel nostalgic in a way, recalling these past few months. It also made you realise how much you’d gotten used to Seokjin being in your life. How much of a constant he’d become in such a short amount of time. Not seeing him every day was horrible. You missed him a lot, and it made you wonder how you’d spent your days before him. You couldn’t imagine not having a person to share things with now. Not having him. 
Still, life went on. You distracted yourself with work, and you had Glob to keep you company in the night. Although she was probably sick of hearing your voice by now, and your belly massages weren’t as good as daddy’s. 
You had your bestie too, of course. On Sunday night she’d come over with ‘supplies’ which consisted of way too much chocolate and a chunky loaf of bread, making a beeline for your toaster. 
“Seokjin seems like the kind of guy who needs everyone to like him,” she’d said through a mouthful of buttery toast, crumbs falling onto your table because she didn’t know how to use a plate properly. “This probably just hit him where it hurts.” 
You’d levelled a look at her, not in the mood for her insight. She’d taken one semester of psychology in university nearly ten years ago and still thought she was an expert. “I should think it hurt, my dad was so rude to him.” 
But maybe she did have a point… Your father taking an instant dislike to Seokjin seemed to have affected him deeply. The brief thought made your heart hurt. 
“It sounds so messy.” 
“Thanks,” you’d deadpanned. “But really, Seokjin’s usually the one who wants to talk about stuff. In the car he basically just closed off. He hardly said anything.” 
“Well, he was probably in shock. Wouldn’t you be? If his mom had acted like that?” 
“Yeah,” you’d admitted. You didn’t know how you would have reacted, but it probably would have been something similar – or worse. “I just…argh, I don’t­—I didn’t think he would blow up like that.” 
“Your dad? I mean, you did rock up to his house 5 months pregnant with a man he’s never met.” 
You hated it when she spoke sense. “I know that was a mistake on my part, but Yeonja was happy,” you’d tried to justify. 
“That’s because she’s been waiting for this day for years.” 
You’d picked at the crusts on your plate. “Dad just lets me get on with it, I thought this would be the same.” 
“This isn’t just average life though,” Yuna’d reasoned carefully. “You’re not just going to work, hanging out with friends, dating. You’re having a baby. It doesn’t get much more serious than that. Your happiness is on the line, your security. I can see why he’s so cynical, Seokjin is a complete stranger. Not that I’m justifying his behaviour at all.” 
“I know,” you’d sighed. 
“He doesn’t know Seokjin, didn’t get the chance to know him, he’s just making his own conclusions because that’s all he can do. Even if they are outrageous. Come on, Seokjin pompous? Please.” Then, softly: “You should talk to him.” 
You’d shaken your head. “I can’t right now. I’m still so mad at him. Yeonja keeps messaging me telling me he feels really bad about what happened, but I can’t face it right now. I need to talk things through with Seokjin first.” Then you’d noticed Yuna’s smile. “…What?” 
“I’m just so proud of you. Not running away from your problems or burying your head in the sand. My bestie is so grown up now.” Squealing, she’d gotten up to round the table and hug you. 
“Did you just miss the part where I said I couldn’t face talking to my father right now?” 
“He acted like an ass, so let him sweat a little. You’ve still…” 
“Grown up?” you’d finished for her, snorting. “It’s called impending motherhood.” 
It wasn’t just Yeonja who had messaged you. You and Jeuen had been texting back and forth all week, not about your father or what had happened on the weekend, but just…normal stuff. Glob mostly, but also TV shows and your shared attraction to Ian Somerhalder. (Yes, by TV shows you meant The Vampire Diaries.) Even though you and Joo were thirteen years apart, you both had top tier taste in men…and semi-questionable taste in teen dramas… Even Jihoon had messaged you. Simple and to the point: Dad is an asshole. It had made you laugh, the first proper laugh you’d had in days. 
On Wednesday you had lunch with Yeeun, Tara and Mari. It was nice to socialise outside of your close-knit circle, even if Mari wanted to spend most of the time talking about Seokjin. She was curious to know when you’d taken the step from ‘friends to lovers.’ Semi-mortified, you’d briefly explained how you’d just grown closer during the pregnancy. 
“With a face like his, no wonder,” she’d all but cackled. “The pregnancy makes complete sense.” 
Yeeun and Tara had almost spat out their drinks, while you’d been absolutely speechless. Despite spending the hour squirming and hot in the face, you’d gone back to the office feeling more positive than you had all week. You had so many people who supported you, your relationship with Seokjin, and your pregnancy. Your father’s (wrong) opinion didn’t matter, and you couldn’t wait to prove him wrong. 
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The next day, Seokjin was due to speak at the gaming convention, according to the schedule he’d emailed over. So after work, you rushed home and got changed into your comfiest (note: stretchiest) clothes you owned and ordered some Thai food, ready for 7pm. It was getting livestreamed on Twitter, so you pulled out your MacBook, needing a bigger screen so you could see him better. Sitting crossed legged, you waited eagerly. When he finally appeared, you got so excited it felt as though you were watching your favourite celebrity on stage. You clapped your hands along with the audience, pointlessly telling Glob ‘Look, her dad was on the screen!’ 
He'd had his hair cut, you noticed straight away. Not as short as he’d had it a few months ago, but it was no longer in his eyes. Dressed in a simple white button down – sleeves rolled up to mid forearms –  and black pants, he looked great. You didn’t really understand what he was talking about, but it didn’t matter, he was amazing. He had you mesmerised by his stage presence and professionalism. He was made for this, talking in front of audiences and making them laugh. He was nervous, you could tell, but it didn’t stop him. It never did. You felt so proud of him, and it made you feel oddly emotional. It definitely made you miss him more. 
After he was finished, you immediately texted him a picture you’d taken of the screen, wanting to praise him. 
You are so professional!!
Around twenty minutes later he replied. 
Seokjin 8:20pm You watched it? I’m so embarrassed  Did you notice how much I was sweating? 
Shhhh. You did amazing. You’re amazing!
Seokjin 8:22pm Thank you. That means a lot 
Seokjin 8:25pm I miss you and Glob 
We miss you too… 
The thought suddenly made you feel very, very lonely. And angry. At your father. All over again. If he hadn’t caused such a scene on Saturday, Seokjin would have left for Japan differently. Everything had been perfect, and your father had ruined it. All because he couldn’t be happy for you. 
You were ready to call him. No, you needed to call him right now and tell him how wrong he was. To tell him that he knew nothing about Seokjin or your relationship and had judged him so completely wrong it was ridiculous. That he had been so unbelievably rude that he should be ashamed of himself. That he had no right to meddle in your life. 
You still had your phone in your hand, and acting quickly, while you still felt impelled, you opened your phonebook and scrolled to your dad’s name, hitting it aggressively. He answered on the second ring, sounding mildly relieved as he said your name. He took advantage of your momentary speechlessness. “Listen, I—” 
“I want to speak first,” you spoke over him, finding your voice. “I just have some things I want to make clear.” 
There was a pause and you heard him swallow. “Sure. Go ahead.” 
You took a breath, deeper than you intended, and louder. “I’m still mad at you, dad.” You hated the way your voice shook. It was due to anger, but you still felt it as a weakness. “I can’t believe you acted the way you did. The way you just judged Seokjin without knowing anything about him, it was uncalled for.” 
The words spilled from your mouth and to be quite honest, you weren’t too sure you were making sense, but as soon as you were done, you felt yourself physically deflate. All the tension seemed to leave your body, despite still eagerly waiting his response. 
Quietly, calmly, your dad replied. “I know, and I’m sorry. I know it’s just a word, and it’s not enough, but I am. I’m very sorry.” 
You found yourself silent again, unsure what you’d been expecting. You’d wanted him to be sorry more than anything, even if you’d called him itching for a fight, but hearing him say the words affected you a lot more than you’d been expecting. Your throat felt tight and painful. 
“____?” he prompted hesitantly, probably unsure if you were still there or not. 
“I’m sorry, too.” It hurt to speak, the emotion you were feeling choking you. “For not telling you sooner. Maybe if I had…” You trailed off, started again. “I know it was a shock, so I’m probably partially to blame.” 
It was why you felt so guilty when it came to Seokjin. You’d repeatedly told him telling your dad would be no big deal. He hadn’t been prepared for your dad’s attack. Then again, neither had you…
“You’re not to blame at all. Don’t be sorry,” your dad said now, sounding embarrassed. “It was all me.” 
Silence yet again. You were terrible at this, and you almost wished you had Yeonja between the two of you acting as a buffer. 
“But I do wish you would have told me earlier,” he said softly, clearing his throat. “Not because I’m entitled to that news, but…” He sighed. “We could have helped you, been there for you.” 
“Seokjin was there for me,” you replied, not wanting to concentrate on the way your father’s admission made you feel. “Ever since I told him, he’s been there every step of the way. Even when I tried to push him out.” 
“You wanted to do this alone?” You could easily visualise the concerned frown on your dad’s face. 
“No,” you answered. “I always wanted Seokjin to be in his child’s life, it was just a…lot. Things happened. We were going to co-parent, but…our feelings changed.” You swallowed, feeling uncomfortable. “We’ve thought about this very carefully. I don’t just do things rashly, you know that, right?” 
“I do. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, always have.” 
“It’s called being the eldest daughter,” you pointed out. 
Your dad hummed gruffly. “You’ve always been a grown-up.” A pause. “I didn’t mean what I said. I know it seemed like I was blaming you for getting pregnant. I was just… I didn’t want it like that for you. Me and your mother…” 
As he trailed off, everything suddenly became clear. That’s what he was worried about? That history would repeat itself. “This isn’t the same,” you told him, gentle but stern. 
“How can you be so sure?” 
You couldn’t, not really, but it had nothing to do with doubting Seokjin. It was just how life worked. “It doesn’t matter whether me and Seokjin have been together for 5 minutes or 5 years, dad, relationships can fall apart whatever the length, whatever the love.” 
“Wise words,” he remarked, and your mouth lifted a fraction, amused. 
“We don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but that’s okay, because we’re happy now and we want to try.” 
Your father let your words settle, surprising you by not disputing them. “Is he—Is Seokjin there with you right now?”
“No, he’s on a business trip.” 
“I need to apologise to him.” 
“It’s probably best you do that in person.” 
You were still in two minds whether or not an apology would be enough considering how he’d treated Seokjin, but it was a start, and you knew that Seokjin wasn’t someone who held grudges anyway. He wanted your dad to like him, that much had been obvious on Saturday afternoon. 
“He gave me what for, mind you.” 
Your eyebrows lifted, surprised. “He did?” 
“He didn’t tell you?” 
“We didn’t have—He was upset and then we didn’t have much time to talk before he had to leave.” Haltingly, you added, “He also said I should discuss it with you first.” 
Your dad hummed, contemplating. “He was probably right.” 
“What…did…you speak about?” you asked slowly, desperate to know. 
He was silent for a moment, and you worried he wasn’t going to respond at all. Then, finally: “You tell him a lot.” 
You pulled your head back, a little baffled. “I don’t­ k—well, maybe. I think he can just understand me very well.” And it was because of that understanding, you felt comfortable talking to him. 
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes being your dad.” 
The weight of his words tightened your throat all over again. “Dad,” you managed, the syllable strangled. 
“No, it’s the truth.” 
“I didn’t make it very easy for you sometimes.” You had him down as Minsoo in your phone, for crying out loud! 
“I deserved it,” he answered simply. “You always did prefer your mom—and that’s okay,” he reassured, when you went to disagree. “You spent most of your time with her and she needed you more.” 
You swallowed the growing lump in your throat, noticing your vision was suddenly blurry with unshed tears. You and he never spoke about your mom. You let out a shaky breath and wiped your nose. 
“I know it’s wrong of me to say, but maybe I was a little jealous, mad at your mother. I blamed her for our strained relationship for a very long time, but then eventually I realised I was the one to blame. When she passed—” 
“Let me say this,” he insisted softly. You nodded, despite him not being able to see you. “When she went, I selfishly thought this is it. This will be my chance to be close to you again. But it wasn’t. If anything, I lost you even more.” 
“It wasn’t that,” you croaked, your chest aching with the memory. You cupped your bump, reminding yourself that you were never fully alone anymore. “It just…hurt.” 
“I know.” 
That was all he said, but it was more than enough. The way he said it made you truly believe he did know. He knew how left out and alone you’d felt every time you’d spent time with him and Yeonja, Jihoon and Jueun… Every time they tried to include you. They wanted to be there for you, but it hadn’t helped. It hadn’t comforted you at all. 
“I didn’t try,” he continued, and he sounded choked up. You wondered where he was, probably in his work shed. You knew him enough to know that was his favourite place. 
He blew out an unsteady breath, trying to compose himself. “There’s so much I should’ve done. So many things I wished I’d done and said, but I didn’t want to force myself on you. I know that was a mistake. I was the adult, I was your father, and yet I just let you make the decision. The decision you thought was the right one because I was so…detached.” 
You had never heard him sound so emotional. You had never had an emotional conversation with him like this. When he and your mom had decided to divorce, she was the one who told you and held you as you cried. But hearing his voice break and wobble, unsettled you, and you decided it was the most horrendous thing hearing him be upset. You never wanted it to happen again. 
“I wouldn’t have made it easy for you,” you managed to joke, but your excessive sniffing sort of ruined it. 
The sound of his laughter, almost a bark, made you smile. “Don’t I know it, but still, I should have tried, never gave up.” Sombre again, he murmured your name. “You’re a lot like your mom, but the thing with that is, me and her were a lot alike too.” 
You agreed wholeheartedly. “So basically,” – you let out a watery laugh – “what you’re trying to tell me is, I’m a mixture of both of you? That sucks.” 
“Nope. You’re your own person.” He paused, and you were smiling. “You’re incredible. Talented, clever, strong, beautiful… I should have told you that a long time ago. He was right.” 
Seokjin had told him he needed to say all those things to you? Seokjin had given you dad what for? You laughed softly, wiping away a few tears that had slipped out of your eyes. “Thank you, dad.” And thank you, Seokjin… Even when being unduly attacked by your father, he had managed to think of you. 
“I never told you congratulations.” 
You smiled. “Thanks again.” 
“I can’t believe it, I’m finally going to be a grandparent, huh?” 
“You sound just like Yeonja now,” you chided jokingly. 
“I do,” he agreed with a short chuckle. “She’s very happy for you. I know she can be…excitable, but she loves you a lot. Always has.” 
“I know. I always knew she would be happy for me,” you admitted. “I just thought…I thought it would irritate me. She’s been banging on about this for so long.” When you laughed, so did your dad, completely understanding what you meant. 
“I ruined lunch for you. But for her, too… and Jueun. She’s barely said two words to me all week. Even Ji, I know he’s mad at me.” Your dad let out a long, regretful sigh. “How about you come around again? Whenever you’re ready. I have an apology I need to make.” 
“We will,” you agreed. 
“I know it won’t be enough, but it’s a start, right?” 
“Seokjin won’t hold it against you, dad. He’s good like that.” 
“’Good.’ I like that word.” Then he tsked. “But a CEO? That’s…” 
“Dad, you do realise you own your own company too, right?” But you were smiling as you pointed it out. 
“____, that’s different,” he sighed. 
“Why, because you don’t wear a suit?” When he grumbled in response, you laughed. “It’s not how you’re imagining it. I thought the same, but he’s no Christian Grey.” 
“Who’s that?” your father asked, audibly confused. 
“Never mind,” you chuckled. “Anyway, it’s getting late. I should probably…” You were both awkward when it came to saying goodbye. 
“____ wait a sec,” he hurried. “I was wondering… Have you bought a crib yet?” 
“No, we haven’t bought anything yet.” Although, you should probably get a move on. All you’d managed to purchase were some maternity clothes because your closet was becoming well and truly useless. 
“Would you mind—Do you mind if I made one for you?” He waited for your reply and then added, “For the baby.”  
“I’d love that.” Your wide smile was both through happiness and surprise. 
“Good,” he muttered. Then again louder. “Good. All right.” You could tell he was smiling. “I best leave you then. Don’t want to take up too much of your time. I’ll call you soon,” he added. “Keep you updated on that crib.” 
“Looking forward to it.” You really were. 
“Any preferences?” 
“I trust you,” you said, still smiling. 
“All right. Bye, ____. Love you.” 
There was a beat of silence, a moment to process your shock. Then you smiled harder. “Love you too, dad. Night.” 
Hanging up, you simply stared down at your phone, trying to remember the last time you and he had said I love you to one another. You couldn’t. Happy and emotional, you didn’t know what to do. Automatically, you found yourself changing his name to Dad in your phonebook. Without outrightly saying it, he had told you he was going to try now. With you, with Seokjin, with your baby – his granddaughter, and that meant that you were going to try too. 
It was a small gesture, one he was clueless too, but in this moment, it felt big to you, and it made all the difference. 
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Finally, finally, it was Saturday. 
You’d realised that without Seokjin, time went very, very slow. 
He’d called you the night before to ask if he could come by your place straight after he landed at 10am. It had been the easiest yes you’d ever said. You woke up early, showering and dressing before Seokjin had even boarded probably, so you busied yourself by tidying up around the house, putting dishes away, vacuuming, straightening up throw cushions. At one point you’d been on your knees scrubbing the toilet pan, which was already becoming difficult with how quickly Glob seemed to be growing these days. 
Putting your energy into cleaning worked to chill you out a little, but you were still very much excited for Seokjin’s arrival, especially now that things with your father had taken a positive turn. You couldn’t wait to tell him, for him to get his own apology too. But maybe more importantly – selfishly – you just couldn’t wait to see him. You’d missed him so much. You wanted to hold him, to feel him under your fingertips, hear his voice in the same room as you, accidentally kick him in your sleep and steal the blankets… This week had been horrifically long. 
But with a knock at the door, it was finally over. 
You whizzed over with the full intention of asking him why he hadn’t used his key, but then the door was open and he was there, stood in front of you wearing a white t-shirt and dark wash jeans. Effortlessly casual, even if his sneakers were so clean they looked as though he’d just slipped them on. You didn’t know who went to hug who first, but it was practically instantaneous, Seokjin squeezing you a little too tight, but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him to ease off. It felt too good to be back in his arms. 
“I’ve missed you” you heard yourself say, smushed into his chest. 
“I’m sorry” he said against your neck, kissing it once before releasing you, bending down to kiss your bump. He stood and then kissed you, firmly, holding the back of your head with both hands. Yours found his shoulders, kissing him back with just as much feeling. When he pulled away he stroked the hair away from your face, gazing at you softly. “I missed you.” 
You smiled, wrapping your arms around his middle, bringing him into another hug. He kissed the top of your head, letting out a weary noise. “I need to shower. I smell like plane.” 
You released him reluctantly. “I’ll make us brunch. You had some clothes here so I put them out in my bedroom.” 
His face warmed with gratitude. “Thanks. I’ll be quick.” He started to kick off his pristine shoes. 
“Do you want to bring your case inside? I can wash your clothes.” 
He shook his head, hand stroking down your arm. “We can do that later, no need to rush around after me.” 
With a smile, you nodded, pecking his mouth as he stepped away, brushing your bump as he did so. 
“Quick, I promise,” he repeated, chuckling. 
When you were alone, you let your smile widen, happy the Seokjin you knew, your Seokjin, was back home. 
During your late breakfast you caught up. He asked about Glob, musing with disbelief how your bump looked bigger. He wasn’t wrong. You asked him about his trip, and after you were done talking about that you spilled the beans on a massive argument Yuna and Jimin had on Thursday night – after you watched his talk (and after your talk with your dad.) It was about flower arrangements. Well, about why Yuna cared about them so much, which resulted in Yuna believing Jimin didn’t care about the wedding, which basically meant he didn’t care about her. She’d spent the night with you crying in your bed, your extreme reassuring hopeless because she’d sniffed all night long in her sleep. You didn’t like seeing her upset because it rarely happened. Thankfully, they were all made up now though, both apologising to one another the very next day. 
After you were done eating, leaving the dishes for later, you went to sit on the sofa while Seokjin said he needed to get something from his car. He came back holding a small paper gift bag, handing it to you as he sat down. You looked at him curiously, and he jerked his head to encourage you to open it up. 
“I saw it and just had to. For Glob, Globby, Globbina – whatever we’re calling her now,” he said with a smile as you carefully pulled out an adorable cream romper with whales on it, wooden buttons down the middle. 
“I love it,” you awed, blinking at him and realising that you were filling up. You laughed, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I’m just—it’s been—” 
“No, I’m sorry,” Seokjin stopped you, expression contrite. He reached for one of your wrists, thumb stroking over the delicate skin. “I should have never left like that.” 
“It’s okay,” you shrugged, “we were both a little shaken up.” 
“No, it’s not okay. We should have spoken about it.” His tone was firm. “I just… I guess I just closed off. I didn’t know how to handle it.” You looked down at the romper on your lap, fingers tracing a button as he continued. “I wasn’t expecting that reaction. We both weren’t. You were upset too, and I just left you.” 
You nodded, because he was right. You’d needed him as much as he’d needed you, but he’d pushed you out. 
“I was embarrassed.” 
You frowned, glancing up as your heart tugged. “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about, Jin. That’s all on my father.” Reaching for his warm hands, you met his gaze. “I spoke to him. He apologised, wants to apologise to you as well.” 
Seokjin looked visibly surprised by that, his mouth parting. “He does?” 
“You could have been anybody, Seokjin. I could’ve introduced him to anyone, and he would have reacted the same way. It wasn’t about you. And once he gets to know you, he’ll see what everyone else sees. What I see.” Smiling at him, he ducked his head bashfully. 
“I don’t know what you see in me…” 
“Don’t say that.” It upset you, but you tried to lighten the mood. “Didn’t I already tell you you’re amazing once this week?” 
The corner of his mouth lifted, a slight smile. “I just don’t do very well with people disliking me. It’s ridiculous, but it gets to me sometimes, I can’t help it” 
“I know,” you simply said, even as you wished Seokjin could see how amazing he really was. He was always able to see the good in other people, but never himself. He needed to give himself more credit. 
“I called my therapist—,” 
“You have a therapist?” you interrupted. That was news to you. 
He nodded, shrugging. “It sort of comes with the job. I haven’t contacted her for a while, not since before I found out you were pregnant. She was shocked, to say the least. It’s not every day someone’s life changes that drastically.” You both managed a chuckle. “She made it clear that I shouldn’t run away. I know she’s right. She always tells me I can’t expect everyone to like me, but it’s hard.” He winced. “Does that make me sound very egotistical?” 
“No.” You laced your fingers with his. “It makes you sound like someone with low self-esteem.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, voice almost a breath. Then he worried at his lower lip. “But this is your dad. He’s not just someone.” 
Seokjin always seemed so mentally strong and put together, but everyone had their insecurities and problems, you knew that more than anyone. It was good that he had someone to talk to, and it was good that he was opening up to you. You wanted to be there for him, to understand what he was thinking and why. 
You’d had bereavement counselling for nearly a year after your mom, although maybe it had gone on so long, it was just counselling in the end. You didn’t really remember much from that time, mostly because you hated to think of that horrendous year, but you knew that talking to someone had worked. It was how you’d gotten back to work and started doing things again, after all. Seokjin actively seeking help and advice, however small, was admirable. Yuna was your go-to person for guidance, was the only one you really confided in up until you’d met Seokjin, but even you understood the benefits of a professional. Hell, you definitely could have used one during that whole Sera situation… You probably got that from both parents too, that hesitancy to ask for help when you needed it. 
As Seokjin wrapped his arm around you, bringing you close, you made a mental note not to be so stubborn and reluctant anymore, Seokjin’s willingness to share this with you, touching you, inspiring you almost. You turned, kissing his jaw. “Me and your daughter like you.” Your mouth pressed to his cheek this time. “Hoseok and Jungkook,” you began listing off. “Your family, Yuna and Jimin, Namjoon, my entire office – including Yoongi.” That made him chuckle, and you kissed the corner of his mouth. “Every single one of your employees.” He pulled an unsure face at that, making you chuckle. “Yeonja, Jihoon and Jueun—and my dad soon enough.” 
Seokjin groaned uncertainly.
“Trust me,” you insisted. “He will apologise. It’s the least he can do, but it’s a start.” You smiled then, remembering something, “He admired the way you told him ‘what for.’” 
“I did what?” 
You leaned into his shoulder, looking up at him. “I don’t know what you said exactly, but for the first time in a very, very long time, we said I love you to one another—well, ‘love you’ but it means the same thing.” Seokjin blinked down at you, letting that sink in. You reached up to stroke his cheek. “You made us talk, like really talk. So, thank you. I’ll be forever grateful.” 
Finally, he smiled, sounding really happy for you when he replied, “I’m really glad you talked. That’s amazing news.”
“He’s making a crib for Glob,” you informed him. 
“He can do that?” Seokjin’s eyes were wide, impressed. 
“Oh yeah, where do you think my artistic blood comes from?” 
“You can do woodwork now?” he asked dubiously. 
“No, but if I applied myself I probably could…” 
Seokjin chuckled, readjusting his arm that was probably going dead under you. With his other, he reached to stroke your stomach. “What can I make for her?” 
It still felt so strange referring to Glob as her. A good strange, of course. You cupped your hand over his as you hummed out loud, thinking. “A video game?” you suggested finally. “For when she’s a toddler or something. Something simple.” 
Seokjin grinned. “I like that idea. Will you help me?” 
“If you want me too.” 
“I want,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss you. 
The action was soft and slow, the both of you just enjoying the feeling of one another’s touch. A minute or so later, Seokjin pulled away with a little smile. “Out of everyone, I’m glad you like me the most” – another kiss – “because I really like you.” 
You closed your eyes, the hint of tongue against yours igniting your body, and you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly, wanting him as close as humanly possible. You really liked him too. Everything you felt for him, it was intense, and maybe it should have been scary, but it wasn’t. It felt right. It felt impossible to remember a time when you hadn’t been feeling like this. And those feelings would only get stronger. You knew that, and you couldn’t wait. 
Trailing kisses along his jaw and neck, tickling him, he asked what you wanted to do all day. You replied nothing, content here on the sofa, in his arms. Just how it should be. 
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Written 2022. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2022
550 notes · View notes
holylottie · 8 months
Aching bones, aching teeth [03]
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masterlist [and warnings!]
PAIRING — Lottie Matthews x fem!reader
CHAPTER SINOPSIS — In 1996, they looked to you for answers that you pretended to know. In 2021, they looked to you for answers you didn't have.
NOTE — english is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes you might find. Please go read the tw's first! Thank you for reading :)
Jackie brainrot, I miss the snow baby.
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Some nights, you used to stare at your dollhouse.
It was very big, with a garden, beds more comfortable than your own and even an attic (where no doll was allowed to go, but it mattered that it was there).
There was a doll with brown hair in the bed, she was always there, always warm and inside the place (you were not allowed to move her, not even if you truly wanted to).
Some nights, you would wake up and watch the dolls move on their own. A little Shauna walking around the kitchen, a tiny Van hopping the stairs. 
But little Jackie never moved, she always stayed where you let her: on the bed, on the blanket. You used to cry about it, now you enjoyed the sight: she was safe, she was warm and, most importantly of it all, she was out of your grip.
Staring at your ceiling, you wonder if this was on God’s plan. 
You remember the cold lonely nights, the sins and blessings. How Lottie would hug you closely or how Jackie would dry your tears with shaking hands. How everyone was so happy dancing, how Misty called you nice and hugged you so dearly.
Or how, on the first nights, you didn't even eat, only to leave more for Lottie, in case she felt hungry.
God treats everyone as sons. Wasn’t he the one to make the cross?
When you woke up from your memory, your fingers were stained with blood. Your belly was bloody too, with a few drops getting onto the bed below you. In your skin it was marked, again, the symbol of the trees.
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You walked over in Jackie's direction, seeing her alone in the cabin. You smile at her, seeing her trying to do the same, but not succeeding very well. You keep quiet, just doing your chores of cleaning berries and leaves by her side, hoping your presence would be enough.
— This is all so fucking weird — she said, a sour taste on her mouth as she looked at you doing your tasks — I wish I could just live like you all do, but it's all disgusting and too hot.
You giggle lowly, and she stares at you a bit mad, but then you both laugh. 
— I just pretend, actually — you confess — I pretend I'm in a vintage dollhouse and I need to leave like a barbie doll… except like the house is in the middle of nowhere, with only two ken’s and there's not even plastic food… 
At that, Jackie laughs loudly, shaking her head at your words.
— You truly know how to live in a fantasy world, tiq.
She called you the nickname she had given you when you entered the team, tiq because of the tic tac of a clock, since you would make the sound every time you were nervous —that and your crippling anxiety over routine and times, you always wanted everyone in the field at least fifteen minutes before the game started. 
— We need this, you know… there's no way of this working if we don't stay positive — you say, pressing your lips together as you put the good berries on a different cup, the bad ones on another so you could make jam or something like that — I put on ribbons and pretty dresses, and pretend I'm just going to a party on the woods… pretend I'm just… just the same.
Jackie walks over at you, sitting by your side and hugging you. She kisses your forehead, taking a deep breath. 
— You know… you could put some ribbons on my hair… 
Your eyes lighted up and you quickly put the cups on the bed, running to your bag and getting up a set of white ribbons, giggling as you sat behind Jackie, ready to doll her up. 
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The first nights were okay, the other ones were bearable, but these? Oh, these were horrifying… Charlotte could not even grasp when or where it all changed, but what seemed to be a fun trip to the woods, where they forgot all of their resources, turned into a fulltime nightmare, where not even sleeping she was free… Perhaps, she just had finally stopped being able to fool herself. 
What made it possible for her to not lose herself to madness was the lake. A place where she was reborn —and washed away from her sins.
No, not all her sins, she was still alive after all.
Where to go when you are lost on yourself?
That’s right, you stay stuck —and thats what she felt, floating on the cold water of the river, wishing for things to change. Just wishing and wishing with nothing happening.
Charlotte always tried her best to help people out, to make the tragedies that she felt turn into something useful, but to no avail, no one ever listened to what she had to warn.
“Why do you insist on saving the sacrificial lamb, Charlotte?”
Well, don't all living things deserve a chance to live? 
Half of Lottie wanted to take the lamb upon her arms and watch it grow into a pretty sheep. The other half was ready to lick its bones.
Lottie loved the gray skies way more than people seemed to love those orange-pink sunsets. She pictured the Gods watching over humans with a filter lens —because yes, she thought that there was more than only one God, no, she prayed for it; Maybe in a trial, she would have more chances of forgiveness.
— What are your thoughts on loneliness, Laura? 
She looked over at Laura Lee, expectantly, always imagining the girl had all of the answers.
— I don’t know, it’s hard to talk about loneliness when I don’t feel it.
— You never feel alone? — Charlotte asks, frowning. It felt impossible to her.
— I’m never really alone, I walk along with God and anywhere I go, I follow.
The answer left Charlotte quiet for a few moments, trying to look at the skies with hooded eyes.
— I’m afraid I’ve been sent to this earth to only feel hurt.
— That’s not true, Lottie.
— How can you know?
— no one uses the sheep as the purification offer. It is the reparation one. It only comes after the sin is already made. 
— Perhaps the sheep is the sin itself, that’s why it burns.
— If you are used to the fire, why would you scream while being burned? 
— You scream of fear, not out of pain.
— Are you a shepherd or a farmer, Lottie? 
— What? — she stared at her friend, confused.
— You can stay and be anxious about your lands or you can go and only worry about the sheeps. 
— I feel like there’s only one correct answer to that question — and she also felt like the one she was going to give, wasn’t it.
— Well, we all deserve the opportunity to do something… and also to choose to do nothing at all — Laura replied, a faint, but genuine, smile on her lips.— Life is just what happens after you do one of the two.
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Some nights, you went to the lake.
You liked the idea of having so much water around you. You float around, taking deep breaths, you are lost in thoughts, your mind going to your half written poem —one you only had the end of.
“And her teeth bite into my flesh.
And he complains that I can't talk about loving without talking about devouring.
I have myself on my tongue, I bite until I feel red: I leave bite marks on everything I desire.
My mind tries to convince me:
it's okay to get out, there's no point in eating if you're already full; 
And a part of my mind speaks out loud:
emptiness is not filled with food;
I have love on my table, and all I can see is the guests eating.
I smile with the satisfaction of being a great hostess —at the same time as I hope I've seasoned it with poison.”
Your attention was lost when you saw a shining thing on the depth of the lake. Shine enough to be seen only with the moon light. Your fingertips moved to get close to it, but the more you swam, the more far it seemed to be.
You reached it, and when you felt the pang on your finger it was too late. You looked at the bloody point of it, staring at the little Victorian looking pin on your palm. A little lamb with some shining pearls on it. 
Some nights, Charlotte sleepwalked. She said weird stuff and looked at you in a different way. She was here today, the sudden presence scaring you, but you instantly relaxed when you saw Lottie. You could never be afraid of her.
Charlotte looked at you, tilting her head as you opened your mouth to ask. She was quicker.
— and what is nature for you?
You got scared by her voice, a hoarse voice, deep and steady, like a knife cutting meat. Her eyes were scanning you. 
— I love the wind.
— No. — she said, her words so convicted that even you doubted your own — what's in you?
What could she possibly mean by it? natural behavior? You didn’t know if you actually believed that, on things coming within us when we are born. You wished your nature was to be light and fond and kind, but deep down, really deep, within the catacombs of your stomach, you knew your nature was to have a tight grip around your heart —always wishing for that deep breath of release.
— hunger. 
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When you opened the door of your house, the last thing you expected to see was a trio of women with angry faces shooting you inside your house.
— I'm almost sure this is a property invasion.
— The last thing you'll need to worry about is a property invasion once I put my hands on your fucking neck! — Natalie said, but she didn't move, only walked close behind you as you went to your colorful living room, in a huge contrast to the clothes of the other women. 
You sit on the couch, taking your cup of tea and sipping it, trying to gain some time. You looked at them, waiting for them to speak. 
— I might know why you all came here, but I must say, it's nice to see you all again! — you smiled genuinely, although truly nervous behind your faucet. 
— oh, cut the shit off, y/n! What is up with that? — Taissa asked, throwing the newspaper with a big picture of you on it.
“Former Yellowjackets member might reveal the truth at an art show?”
You stared at the piece of paper. It was a nice pic of you, not your favorite, but a nice one. 
— It's a newspaper… I don't really read it, with internet and all, I kind of-
— What the fuck are you thinking?! “reveal the truth”? Have you lost your mind? 
You frowned, sighing.
— I never said I was gonna reveal anything! They just assumed that!
— And you didn't deny it! 
You shake your head, getting up from the couch and going to the bookshelf on the corner of the room. Your necklace holds the key to one of the secret places, and you open it, taking the postcard out of it.
— I'm not the one threatening to reveal the truth! 
You accuse them, not sure which one you look at.
Shauna frowns, sharing looks with Taissa and Natalie. You used to love them. You now wish to have them out of your skin, of your mannerisms and past. You wish to bleed all your blood so you could take away your shared sins. 
— You received one too.
— a couple of days ago, yes, — you answer, putting it on the table — it was at my backstage with flowers with it.
Natalie took it, analyzing the image.
— Why is yours different? 
She stares at you, wishing for answers. Answers you did not have. 
— What do you mean? Different from what? 
— From ours. Yours have a lamb at the corner and these numbers, what does that mean? 
You take the card out of her hands, looking at it carefully again. A lamb with the numbers 119:50. What could that mean? 
— I… I have no idea… 
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Random Thoughts 👪
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This one started out short, but as usual, I spiraled out of control. So for Today's Topic: Do the Boys Visit Lilith's Tomb?
The way I see it, after the funeral:
Lucifer, Levi, and Asmo hardly ever went down there, with Lucifer probably being the least likely to visit/never visit again.
Satan would go down every once and a while, contemplating how he's never actually met her in person, and now he never will. But thanks in large part to Lucifer's lingering memories and emotions, Satan is very curious to know more about his sister, even though he knows not to ask the others since it's a very painful topic. Him visiting is more out of respect than anything.
Beel and Belphie obviously visit the most out of all of them, sometimes by themselves, sometimes together. Belphie would often visit the most frequently out of the two, especially since it was established in Season 1 of the game that he often had hallucinations due his denial and grief over her death. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up following a hallucination of Lilith into her tomb and be suddenly struck with despair every time he realized she was gone.
Mammon is right in between all of them. He doesn't visit as often as Satan, Beel, and Belphie, but more often than Lucifer, Levi, and Asmo. He had A LOT to deal with during that time, and I'm quite certain that he'd be the one to distance himself from the past just enough to move on with his life, while also acknowledging the loss of his baby sister and the impact her death had on himself and the family. His visits are really more to prevent her from feeling lonely or forgotten. He'd rant about random topics, stories about her or the shenanigans they got up to together in the Celestial Realm, or how everyone's doing.
I'm willing to bet that after MC comes into the picture, all of them would feel more comfortable going down to visit Lilith, certainly, since they know now that she's watching over them, and has been for a very long time.
For the first set, Lucifer, Levi, and Asmo still don't go down there as often as the rest of them, but when they do, it is a very quiet affair. Lucifer would probably sit beside her statue and reflect, Levi would read manga or play games to fill the silence, and Asmo would, similarly to Mammon, talk to her about random topics like they used to do.
Satan is the same, except he's a bit more talkative than before, with the gap between them as siblings who have never met, closes ever so slightly with the knowledge that she might be listening.
After some time, the twins' visits become less frequent. They don't stop visiting all together, of course, just less than before, especially after the fiasco with MC and a new year of healing for all of them.
Mammon is the same as ever, only with his visits he might get more emotional, again because he knows that his sister is there with them, even if he can't see her, and he's just relieved and happy that she got the chance to be live the life she wanted and be what she's always wanted to be: human.
I'm glad that Season 1 of the anime recognized how awkward it was for Belphie to integrate back with his brothers after what happened in the game, but I do wish that they would acknowledge Lilith more often.
I know that it's important to let the past be, but it really seems like they devs just don't want to talk about her anymore, other than the few instances, like the manga which is set in Season 1 of the game or that dream sequence (I forgot which season of the game) when Angelic Belphie draws a comparison to Lilith and MC, which is a whole other conversation for another day.
Overall, I'm kinda sad that they don't seem to want to talk about her anymore, but then again I did say that about their past life in the Celestial Realm, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
But! I guess we'll have to see! Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you guys later! Byeee! 💗
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mothxmoons · 2 years
Umm.....Albert Wesker x pregnant reader? It can be angst where the reader's his wife and she's desperate to have his baby because she feels lonely cuz he's away most of the time. He notices how clingy/needy she's been to the point he's had enough and demands to know what she wants. Cue angst filled conversation then breeding time. Idk this blog has some of the best Wesker fics I've read.
I might be able to write that I’ll give it a try
Afab but gn reader
You’ve known that “Total global saturation” was a full time job for your husband, but that didn’t stop you from feeling lonely. Especially when he would only be home during the night and morning. But you also knew he hated to leave you, especially when you’re about to burst. But still, that didn’t keep you from being lonely. Heavy with his kid due any week now, and him constantly away on trips.
You were so ready to have this kid, not only for the relief of not having to carry a literal baby in your womb, but also to have someone around. You could never bring it up around Wesker though, it felt embarrassing to talk about. You didn’t want to bug him with something like this.
However, he’s a very observant man. He knows when something is bugging you, you’re his spouse after all. You wouldn’t get away with hiding these feelings away forever.
“Dearest? Is something wrong?” He asked one day when you two were cooking together, however you’d stiffened at that.
“N…nothing my love.” You responded, continuing to prep ingredients.
He didn’t seem to believe that as he caged you inbetween him and the counter. You turned to face him as he basically shoved his face into your’s.
“Dearest. Do not lie to me.” His breath fanned over your face as he leaned in closer, hand in your swollen stomach.
“It’s just…” You sighed, chest heaving trying to calm down, “It’s a little…lonely around here..and I’m getting a little tired of carrying a child that should be here by now.”
He has been away for some time. His hands settled on your stomach, making small circles, feeling the baby kick at his hand. He chuckled.
“Sweetheart, it’s safer for you here, and I’m just tying up some ends so I can spend lots of time with you and our child.” He kissed your head, one hand caressing your cheek, “You’re my spouse and if it were up to me, I’d flaunt you everywhere.”
He held you close to him, you burying your head into his neck and shoulder.
“But if it was really up to me…I’d make sure you’re never left without my baby growing in your belly.” He growled lowly, voice heavy with want. “I have another idea when this one pops out, my dearest.”
Uh oh.
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swxxtsxcchxrine · 11 months
i need daddy kento to throw me around like i weigh nothing and call me all kinds of mean names and tell me that a bratty slut like me doesn't deserve his cock. but it's the only cock that could ever satiate my hunger. he's so mean but im here for it. i'd also totally ride his abs so hard he'd be asking if i think it's his dick. i need his cock DOWN MY THROAT ok i need his CUM INSIDE OF ME i need him IN MY BED OK i need this man in ways that CANNOT be explained. OK??? NO it's not OK bc HE'S NOT IN MY BED. i literslly wanna sob especailly because i know what is coming for my baby nanami. i just wanna hug him but at the same time have his dick inside of me. :((((
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imagine being a lonely housewife for a very busy man who often finds himself prioritising work over your needs. the kids are barely home and your friends are all consumed in their own lives. it seems peaceful - some might even say ideal - at first, however it starts to eat at you. especially on important events like your 16th annirvsary.
"i know i know, i promised but you have to understand that the meeting was pushed back and we still don't have the arrangements for the business trip. i promise i'll-" you cut off the phone before he could make another empty promise. you huffed, groaning as you faced the cold dinner you'd made for the two of you. it was the first meal you ever made for him when you guys first moved in together and unsurprisingly his favourite.
you walked back into the kitchen to pour yourself more of that special wine you saved for this day. you stared at the sink for a bit, letting your mind drift off, before hearing the sound of rushing water. you looked down to see water from the bottom of the sink rushing to your feet. you quickly scurried to the far side of the room, silently cursing under your breath. you grabbed your landline to phone your local plumber. much to your dismay, he was all booked out for tonight and you couldn't wait until the morning, however he mentioned something about phoning in the local fire station as most of the men were trained to deal with plumbing issues.
you placed your full wine glass down upon hearing the door bell ring. you checked yourself in the mirror hanging on the wall, running your hands through your hair and wiping the lip gloss off the side of your cheek, making sure you were decent.
"uh..Ms Y/N?" the tired man asks, his eyes hanging low as his peered at your appearance. to say you were an attractive woman was an understatement. your hair hung in loose curls that framed your face and your light blue nightgown accentuated your body shape. your baby blue silk robe seemed to flow and shift in elegance and grace. "this is she, are you nanami?" "yeah... kento nanami. i heard you've got a leaky pipe." he gestured towards the toolbox he carried with him. he followed your lead into the kitchen occasionally leering down watching your ass through the light fabric of the robe, his own shoes thumping to the beat of your own, matching house slippers clicking against the tiled floors.
"just what i thought, a loose pipe." he said grunting as he reached for his wrench. "you want sum' to drink, nanami?" you asked shoving the half empty wine bottle in his face. you were bored, alone and borderline drunk. he chuckled before shaking his head. "drink on the job? nah, no thank you," he sat up before he looked down and huffed. "oh come on, it's terrible drinking alone," you whine, slightly slurring your words, trying to convince the hot middle aged man to say a little longer. his sunken brown eyes bore into yours suspiciously. "you're alone? i thought i saw to dinner plates on the dining table," a sour expression immediately replaced your hopeful one. "oh right. it's my anniversary, but my husband got 'caught up' at work again," you huffed out annoyed.
nanami thought for a while. ever since his divorce, he hadn't come home to a freshly made meal. however he was here strictly for business and he needed to remember that. "well, if your husband isn't here, why let the food go to waste?" he smiled at you. your eyes lit up. it had been months since you'd ate with someone else. he smiled to himself as he watched you grab the dinner plate and popped it in the microwave. "and about that wine, why don't you pour me a glass to go with it,"
"my eldest was an easy baby. look, she didn't even cry when we pierced her ears," you pointed to the old picture of your daughter as nanami reached over to see your child in her infant years. "wish i could say the same. last time i saw my girl, she was always crying," he laughed light-heartedly before becoming silent as he saw your puzzled expression. "divorce. the missus got full custody," he shrugged, running his fingers through his hair. you didn't pry further. you moved over to his side, rubbing his shoulders as bent over, silently reasaurring him. "i'll get more wine. here lemme take your plate," you whispered, taking the empty glass from his hand, your breath lingering around the back of his ear.
as you scrubbed the plate clean, you felt hot breath fan against your neck. "nanami, what are you doing?" you gasped as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist. his lips moved up and down your neck sensually, moving in a rhythm that had you dripping through your laced panties as he groaned in response. "nanami, we shouldn't," you protested, however you made no attempt to get away from his grasp, even as his grip tightened. "shh, you're so under appreciated in your own home," he sighed in your ear before planting a kiss behind it. you whined as you subconsciously rubbed against his throbbing bulge. "nanami-" "call me kento, please," he spun you around with one hand to face him.
his chiselled face moved closer to yours and for the first time you could smell his cologne. hints of sandalwood, spice and jasmine tickled your nose in the most sensual way. your eyes locked for a moment, before you looked away. it had been so long since you'd felt the touch of your husband let alone a man. the sexual tension increased with every second you guys took staring into each others eyes.
he soft lips brushed against yours as he looked you in your eyes, your foreheads touching. "if you don't want this, just say the words. say the words and i'll leave right now. this would be our little secret," he whispered. you searched his eyes, but all you saw was a sparkle. a certain sparkle he hadn't had in years. a certain sparkle you haven't seen in years.
his warm tongue swirled in your mouth as his hand cupped your aching cunt. his other hand was at the back of your head as the two of you sloppily made out. your hands cupped his face, caressing it in your soft hands. you groaned into the kiss as he pressed a finger against your clothes clit. "m'gonna make you feel s'good," he sighed as he broke the kiss, moving down to your neck. you whined as he pulled his hand from your underwear. he took of his jacket revealing his broad shoulders and wide chest hidden beneath a white wife beater. his veins popping out with every movement he made. "come here," he whispered eagerly holding out his arms for you to jump in. he lifted you onto the counter, his tender lips somehow making their way back to yours again.
you watched eagerly as he lowered himself, face to face with your dripping hole. "look at you. she hasn't been fucked in weeks, has she?" he sniggered as he watched your face drop. he'd gone from a well mannered service provider to a man with a fucking filthy mouth. maybe you'll keep him around longer. your thoughts were interrupted by a warm and wet tongue lapping against your clothed cunt. "nanami...!" you squealed instinctively reaching to grab on his hair and shut your legs around his head. he laughed at your reaction, the vibrations stimulating your cunt further. he simply just ripped your legs apart with his big strong arms. "keep still f'me," he demanded. you whined but nonetheless followed his instructions.
his mouth reattached itself to your sopping pussy as he continued lapping. he made sure to suck and nibble on your throbbing clit even through your lacey blue panties. you groaned as his fingers moved to play around and rub your slit. you huffed, your sensitive pussy clenching around an empty space. your legs started to twitch as he moved his fingers towards your clit, rubbing firm circles. "wow, you close already? so filthy..." he whispered condescendingly. "kento...!" you pulled harder at his hair as his fingered moved faster.
your legs began shaking as it became too much too quickly. "what is it, princess? you gonna come for me, yeah?" he watches as you gasp and attempt to close your legs around his hand. but he was just too strong. you gasped as he moved his hand, leaving on the edge of your orgasm. "what the hell?" you shot up from the counter. "be patient. i said i'd make you feel good, didn't i?" he raised a brow whilst unbuckling his cargo pants and dropping his drawls. they fell to the floor as his hot bulge made your pussy leak even more. "fuck..." he sighed, finally getting his dick free. he pumped his cock a few times, smearing the pre-cum all over.
he pulled your panties off, slick sticking to your foiled panties. his thumb and index pulled your lips apart, watching as your stringing arousal stuck them together and your hole clench around the cool air. "how long since you been eaten out, babe?" he asks. "what?" you sigh, too cock hungry to register his question. your whining gave him all he needed to know. he clicked his tongue before wrapping his lips around the sore bud. his large hands held your thighs open, as wide as they could go. you squealed as his tongue lapped against your cunt.
the only time he broke away was to spit on your filthy hole, watching as it dripped down to your clenching asshole. he was sloppy. and messy. and loud. he groaned in encouragement, making sure to make a mess out of your sopping cunt. you cried out in ecstasy as he brought his mouth to your clit again, this time making sure to suck hard. he shook his head from side to side, eliciting a high pitched moan from your mouth. "kento!" you whined at the stranger in your home from the sensitivity of it all.
"fuck...ken- m'so close" he groaned his response as your brows furrowed and your eyes glossed over in bliss. your hips buckled against his mouth despite him trying to hold you still. "stop squirming, pretty," he grumbled. "look at the way she's talking to me. she's just begging to cum," he squinted before bringing you right into his mouth again and holding you there. "come on baby," he spat on your cunt before diving in further. "wait- wait- ken-to..." you wailed, attempting to push his head away.
your cunt wasn't used to the stimulation of being sloppily eaten. the sensitivity was getting to you fast. tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes as you began sniffing. his grip tightened on you as you squirmed harder. your legs shook and twitched around his head.
"ken! slow down, please!" he smiled as he watched you writhe in his tight hold. your stomach tightened and your breathe hitched. your toes started curling as you arched your back and pulled his hair for dear life. your held your breath as you came all over his face. "yeah...that's it, just like that," he watched as your legs spasmed and your eyes rolled back and your tongue lolled mindlessly out of your mouth. "fuck..." you slurred slowly coming back to your senses. he pulled away and closely watched you come down from your high as he slowly rubbed on your sore clit.
"hah...that was s'good..." you breathed. "i told you i'd make you feel good," he whispered as he took your hand in his and took your shaky figure into the living room. his large hand wrapped around your waist. he sat upright on the sofa beckoning you towards his lap. you sat in between his open legs. "ride me baby, show me how much you've missed having a dick inside of you," he leered at your figure towering over him. you discarded the silk robe and kneeled over his stiff cock.
"ken it's too big, it won't fit..." you thought for a bit. he smirked before rubbing your back. "come on, we can go slow..." "ken s'not gonna fit!" you pleaded. "you're a big girl, take it like one," he sternly said. your pursed your lips. you took it in your hands, pumping it a few times before sinking down.
you winced in unison, your tight walls squeezing on his throbbing dick. he was thick and girthy. hitting you in all the right places. he had you drooling already. he tapped you thigh, breaking you from your dicked hungry state. "wow, you really haven't been fucked in a while," he chuckled.
you started grinding your hips, experimenting with different paces. his hand remained on your hips, before you started to bounce up and down. "there's a good girl," he sighed, watching your body move up and down, fucking yourself on his aching cock. "you like that, yeah?" you asked, steadying yourself by holding his shoulders. his hand moved down to your ass before landing a heavy handed smack. he rubbed on the sore skin, before squeezing it in his hands. "fuck yeah, i love it," he whined, his hips buckling.
you laughed breathlessly however your pace never faltered. his grip tightened as you began to gain in speed. your gummy walls gripped on his eager dick, clenching tightly. you gasped upon feeling his cock meet your hips. your wet cunt made it easy for kento to thrust up into you and he made sure you knew.
"hah...fuck kento..." you cried looking down at him. his eyes were glossed over in a cloud of lust and hunger. "keep going f'me girl," his fingers moved towards your clit, rubbing firm circles on the bud. "keep going, come on," he huffed sexily moving the hair from his face, with his free hand. you winced as his pace quickened. "fuck, keep squeezing me like that," he whined, throwing his head back. "fuck Y/N..." his fingers continued to play with your clit while his other hand landed another sharp slap onto your ass.
your eyes rolled into your skull as his hips angled towards the spongey spot deep in your cunt. "fuck!" you whine. your legs buckle as he watches you fall. "oh you like that?" he chuckles lowly. "yes yes yes! fuck kento!" your eyes roll back as his pace quickens. he fucks himself into you hissing every time you clench down on him.
"kento, m'close!" you gasped, your grip on his shoulders tightening. he watched from below as your face contorted into that of bliss as he kept hitting that same spot. "just like that," your cunt squelched with every thrust nanami had to give you. your tummy churned as his dick pummelled your gummy walls. your slick was running down your leg as you let out babbles and moans of pure nonsense. you legs began to spasm as you started drooling. "whose dick is this?" he said through breaths. "huh?" you whined too dick whipped to comprehend anything. he smacked your bum again, "whose. dick. is. this?" he said firmly in between thrusts.
"it's mine, mine kento!" you wailed loud enough for neighbours to hear. "there's a good girl," his large arm wrapped around your waist, holding you still against his hips. your babbles increased in pitch and your legs grew limp. "you close baby?" he asked raising a brow.
you nodded eagerly. "use you words f'me. tell me how bad you wanna cum," "uh huh, uh huh, want it so bad kento!"
your toes curled and uncurled as nanami kept his hips at the angle that had you coming undone. "yes fuck! thank you! thank you!" you babble out nodding your head, tears stinging in your eyes. "fuck, you're too tight, loosen up f'me," he whined, his hips were stuttering as he tried to move but you were just too tight. you were too fucked out on his hefty cock to even acknowledge his comment. "Y/N, you need to relax.." his voice became higher in pitch as he continued to thrust into your tight hole.
his thrust became sloppy and inconsistant as his legs started to spasm. "m'gonna cum," he huffed, thick cock throbbing inside of you. "inside kento!" you wailed incoherently. "inside? you want it inside, yeah?" you nodded sobbing as tears from over sensitivity started flowing freely down your cheeks. his hips stuttered one last time before he came in your sore cunt.
his eyes rolled back as he huffed. his arm around your waist tightened as he began to pull out. your cunt oozed with a mixture of your slick, cum and his cum. "yeah, that's it...look at that. your cunt is just leaking," his filthy mouth was back at work as the creampie ran down your leg.
he slid his tip between your folds smearing the mess everywhere. his thick cock left your aching hole gaping as he kissed your forehead. as you leaned in to kiss all over his face, the landline rung. "i'll go get the phone," you sighed that such a sensual moment was being ruined.
"hey honey, how would you feel about a trip to a resort in Miami for a week?" your husband suggested as an apology for missing your anniversary. you thought for a moment before facing the firefighter in your home. he lay on the sofa, smiling goofily to himself, with one hand placed behind his head.
"sure, why not."
"and again, i'm sorry i missed our anniversary, i won't happen again." he chuckled from the other side of the phone. you did start to feel guilty about sleeping with another man when you have a hard working husband, but then again, your own husband was out having his own escapades with various other women you weren't aware about. "i'm sure i won't," you replied slyly before hanging up the landline.
you walked over to the nasty fireman before sitting back in his lap.
"round 2?"
"i thought you'd never ask..."
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2023 © swxxtsxcchxrine— do not repost or translate my work. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome <3
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mrsniallhoran505 · 2 years
Good Morning Austin Girls!
Fluffy Friday theme 4: puppy love
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It was one of the saddest days you’ve ever experienced. The loss of your thirteen year old husky, Nanook, was completely heartbreaking for you. You knew it was coming the moment you realized she lost her eyesight but you didn’t think it would happen so fast.
It seemed like one week she was adjusting to not having her sight and was doing really good, then she stopped eating, and soon she stopped walking. You didn’t want to see her suffer so you took her to the vet to see what your options were. The best for her was to put her to sleep and let her pass peacefully.
Of course you asked for one more day to say goodbye. They granted it and scheduled you for another day to bring her in. You took her home and immediately called your boyfriend, Austin, and broke the news to him. Well, you tried to but you couldn’t stop sobbing long enough. The last thing you heard from him was he was coming over then the line went dead.
Not even ten minutes later he was at your door pulling you into a tight hug when you opened the door. He held you tightly till you could talk again. His heart broke hearing the news and you both spent the night cuddling your dog.
The next day you spent it doing all her favorite activities. You went to the park, went for a swim, took her on a long drive. Austin was by your side the whole day and at the end he was there as you sat with Nanook in her final moments.
He knew nothing could take her place or lessen the hurt of her loss so he just tried to be there for you anyway he could. It was hard at first, you were devastated and could feel her absence everywhere. It took you a month to even move her bed and bowls to storage. You couldn’t get rid of them. You slowly packed up her toys and put them away too.
Eventually you were able to go through a day without crying for her, but when Austin had to go away for filming it got hard again. She was the one that kept you from feeling lonely when he was gone. Now it really was just you in your home.
Till the next time Austin visited. He was on break from filming and wanted to check in with you.
“Hey mama, c’mere.” He just opened the door to your apartment to see you curled up on the couch fighting off tears.
“Austin, when did you get here?” You asked while standing up to walk to him. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you softly.
“I landed about an hour ago and I just walked in. How’re you, angel?” He ask leaning back a bit to look at your face and brush some hair out of your eyes.
“I’m ok, just one of those days you know. Started out fine then shark week hit and now I’m a crying mess because I made the mistake of watching the Lost Boys.” You gestured to the movie. It was the reason you named your dog Nanook.
“Well I have a gift for you that might make it better, but I’ll completely understand if it makes it worse and I can just uh… keep it for myself.” He gave you a small smile, a bit of worry shining in his eyes.
“Okay? Uh, what is it?” You looked at him concerned about what he got.
“Sit on the couch and close your eyes.” He kissed your forehead before nudging you towards the couch.
You did as requested and waited. You felt butterflies in your stomach, not really liking surprises.
“Okay, so if you don’t want it, just tell me and I’ll take it away. Just know that it comes from a place of love.” He got your ok before sitting on the coffee table in front of you and holding the gift up so it’ll be the only thing you see when you open your eyes. “Open your eyes.”
You slowly opened your eyes only for your vision to blur from what they met. In austin’s hands was the cutest, fluffies, little golden retriever puppy you’ve ever seen. Austin saw you tearing up and immediately his heart sank.
“I’m sorry baby, this was a bad idea. I told Ashley it was too soon. I’ll take him back to my place and try to rehome him.” He started to pull the puppy close but you quickly took him from Austin.
“Don’t you dare Butler.” You sat back and laid the puppy on your stomach. He looked at you then licked your chin and lips. You giggled and started to pet him. Austin smiled seeing you look so happy.
“So I didn’t mess up?” He asked, moving to sit beside you and pet the puppy too.
“Not even a little bit. He’s adorable.” You looked at Austin and gave him a soft kiss. “What’s his name?” You asked, bringing the puppy up higher to kiss his nose.
“I’m leaving that up to you.” He smiled and put his arm around you. You studied the dog for a bit before looking to Austin and smiling.
“His name is Elvis.” You gave him puppy dog eyes and held the puppy next to your face who also gave Austin a pleading look.
“Of course angel, if it’ll make you happy.” He leaned in and kissed you softly, only pulling back when you both felt a tongue on your lips.
“Elvis, you let me kiss your daddy.” You joked before kissing his nose. He boofed at the both of you in response.
“Great, now I have to worry about answering you when you’re calling him.” Austin shook his head and smiled at the pup.
GMAG! Tag List:
@crackerbarrelslut @katsukis1wife @purejasmine @introvertisms
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