#it might take awhile for posts to Actually begin
mvlkavian · 2 years
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Caroline Lime by @magiapotagia Liam Tuttle by @jaigny Oraya Doe by (my friend who had a simblr and managed to escape) Rafa Marques by @kazroze
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xoxoavenger · 2 months
Hey! Since you’re taking requests, can I request a sort of part two (not necessarily it could jsut be a stand alone) to Days of Future Past where what if younger Charles had a wife in the 70s where reader decides to break it off with Charlie’s casue the love she had for him begun to slowly dwindle because of all the events that happened in the last fic. And while she does care for him as the father of her son and fully expects him to still be in his sons life, she can’t be with him anymore since it’s to much
pairing: Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader
word count: 739
warnings: angst, no comfort
notes: Days Of Future Past was posted a year ago for my birthday celebration, so it's only fitting that I post the long awaited part 2 for another birthday celebration 🥰
Days Of Future Past (part 1)
birthday celebration main masterlist
The thing about change is that it doesn't happen overnight.
When Logan went back to his own time, Y/N never expected Charles to go back to normal immediately. She knew it would be an uphill battle. But she was pregnant and tired of waiting.
"You're joking." Charles says. They're in his study, Y/N standing even though she is due in a week. They haven't had any conversations that aren't about their son since Logan came, and they need to have this conversation before there's a baby taking up all their time. When she brought up her decision, he didn't seem to like it.
"I know you're on cocaine." She says point blank. She's known for awhile, but it's finally time to force him to get his shit together.
"If you're going to leave me, you might as well go before our son comes." He doesn't think she'll actually do it. He goes back to his work, sitting behind his desk as if she'll huff and walk out. But His words just make her more sure in her decision. She takes a deep breath and looks over at him.
"Charles. I am leaving you. We're not arguing about that right now. What we're talking about is if you're going to be in our son's life or not." She can tell this makes Charles mad, but she has to think of herself and her son. She can't stay with Charles, not when he continuously puts her through tough times. She doesn't know how she's even gotten through this pregnancy when all he's done is get high or drunk and act like she wasn't pregnant for six months.
"What the fuck?" Charles blinks, looking up slowly. "You can't just leave as we're about to have a kid!" His argument infuriates her.
"I'm not in love with you anymore!" She screams, the room going completely quiet. They stare at each other, both hurting.
"What does that mean?" He whispers, and she almost wants to take it back. She can't though, because it's the truth.
"I'll always love you, Charles." She tells him, walking closer slowly. "But after what you put me through, I'm not in love with you."
"I need you." He tells her, reaching out when she gets close enough and grabbing her hand. "I can't get through life without you."
"I'll be here." She assures, moving his hand to her protruding stomach. "There will be a piece of us in this world soon, and I would go through everything again for him. But you and I cannot work together. At least not now." Tears begin to fall from Charles' eyes.
"I can quit." He mutters, and she nods.
"I know you can. And you're going to for our son." She moves to sit on his desk. He puts his head against her stomach, tears soaking her shirt.
"I need you." He repeats, and she just shakes her head.
"Our son needs you." She cards her hands through his hair. "Maybe in another time, we can be together, but you've put me through too much."
"I'm sorry." He finally whispers, and she nods, trying not to cry. "I love you so much."
"I know you do." She tells him. A part of her feels bad. She knows he's trying. But it's too little too late, and she can't sacrifice any more of herself.
"I can change." He promises.
"Charles," She pulls away from him, looking down. "I know you can change. But I can't wait for it. I can't keep giving up pieces of myself to fix you." She feels the need to kiss him, for the comfort and the repetitiveness. But it'll only hurt worse.
"I don't need to be fixed. I just need time." He begs, and it's the same thing Y/N has heard over and over.
"I don't have time to give you." She tells him truthfully, moving away from him now. "Our baby will be brilliant. He will have two loving parents. But they will not be together. For their sake and his."
"Y/N," He starts, but he doesn't have anything left to say. He has nothing left to beg with.
"I love and care for you." She whispers. "But I am not in love with you. You have taken things from me that you cannot give back. Broken things you can't repair. And I can't forgive you for that."
She walks out without looking back, going to move her stuff out of their room. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace  @mcueveryday @icequeen1371 @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch
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moodymisty · 8 months
Hi! Hope you're having a great day! Is it ok to ask for some of your NSFW headcannons for shower sex with the horsemen? (Did not see this in your kink list so apologies if it's not up your alley!)
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: Don't worry my friend, this IS right up my alley. Sorry this took a minute to post, I've been trying to work my way through the backlog. Hope this is close enough to what you wanted, despite it being something I am totally on board for it stumped me for awhile for some reason.
Relationships: Death/Fem!Reader, War/Fem!Reader, Fury/Fem!Reader, Strife/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW but not crazy explicit, Shower sex, I knew if i got too detailed this would be like a novel of a post so, Give the stank man Death a bath
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✦ War ✦
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Honestly, it's a miracle you even got this big angry Nephilim into the shower to begin with.
Not necessarily that he doesn't want to, but he might just, not fit. Though he fits even worse in a bathtub, if at all. Fitting War anywhere meant for humans is a logistical nightmare, honestly.
If you do manage to get him inside, his white hair is soaked, sticking to his shoulders and face.
He looks so unhappy when he first gets in, but you know by now that it's a combination of his default expression, and that War is a stuffy Nephilim who refuses to let himself just enjoy things. Ruffling his hair doesn't help. A kiss will help that though.
Claustrophobic. But a good kind. War's a big guy who tends to monopolize the spaces he's in, and this is no exception. It's going to be hard to not have skin on skin contact at all times. You don't mind it but War's a little more, shy.
Took a lot of convincing. But now that he realizes it's not all bad, he regrets being so hesitant. Turns out he really enjoys feeling your wet skin on his. And it's nice to feel have all of his armor off, he oftentimes keeps pieces of it on no matter what's happening.
Now tends to linger nearby when you mention you're going to take a shower in the hopes you'll ask him to join you.
✦ Strife ✦
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Strife actually sneaks in, the first time.
You've extended the invitation for him to bathe with you before, and he always joked you off; Mostly his own self doubt preventing him and all of his scars being so visible. Strife is all for fun and games until the mask actually has to come off. Both literally and figuratively.
He almost scares you out of your mind when he does; Strife can be surprisingly quiet when he wants to be. Especially out of his armor.
His normally spiky hair is instantly wet and flat. He steals a kiss before you can ever comment about it.
He's all jokes, what you'd usually expect from Strife. Likes to pick you up and pretend to almost drop you, pinch you, nip at you with his sharp teeth.
Since it's not the usual sort of romantic scenario, he gets a little more rambunctious than usual. You'll end up coming out of the shower clean, but also completely frazzled out of your wits.
✦ Fury ✦
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After a quick lesson in which she learns that a shower is basically a waterfall with extra steps, Fury is on board. Until you joke about her hair being 'put out' like fire that is.
Showers go from 15 minutes to like two hours, whenever she's involved. Not that you're complaining, unless the water starts getting cold. And even then it's a struggle to get her to relent on anything.
Versus the others where you're the one with the idea to have sex, Fury is actually the one to take the initiative.
Hard not to be convinced when you feel her put her arms over your shoulders from behind and say something that would probably make an angel drop dead.
Fury knows what she's good at for sure, and it's hard to not instantly fall for her confidence. If you didn't already have it on the mind, well you do now.
Needless to say if her makeup wasn't already off, it's all over your face by the time you get out of the shower. You end up having to wash again just to get it off. Inconvenient waste of water, but well worth it. She finds it hilarious.
✦ Death ✦
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For Death it's less so a fun romp, and more so intimate.
The stars have to all be aligned in order for him to join you, but when he does you know you're in for a rare treat. It's not often he lets his guard down, even with you.
One of his favorite moments in time with you is when you fist helped wash his hair, and he's had a fondness for similar things ever since.
There's a gentleness about it all; A vulnerability. Death feels selfish for wanting it but, he can't help being greedy. He likes the feeling of your hands tightening on his shoulders as he holds you, or presses you against the wall.
So unlike Strife where he's all jokes, Death takes this moment very seriously. It's almost, intimidating.
Also the lights are off. Every time. Death doesn't want you to see his facade cracking, so he bathes the room in pitch black. Don't worry, he'll never let you fall.
it also makes every feeling so much more intense, and Death enjoys the sounds of surprise you make whenever he touches you somewhere you weren't expecting.
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marvelcriminalhoe · 1 year
His Sinful Devotion
Older! Dark! Church guy! Steve Rogers x Innocent! Naive! Preachers daughter! Reader
Part 7 (The end)
Series masterlist
Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 20 - Steve is late 30s early 40s) , Dark, manipulation, dub con, Steve is hardcore manipulative (I’m serious), reader is hardcore innocent (I'm serious), Loss of virginity, talks of past dark acts, sexual acts on someone sleeping, P in V, Unprotected acts, Wrap it before you tap it, 18+ only.
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AN: I haven't posted in awhile. Life has been hitting hard over here in the Mav Household. I’m not going to bore you with everything thats happened, just know I appreciate your support and understanding.
Warning: This might be a bit tamer than the other parts, but that's because they’re married and it's time for the fairytale happy ending... duh ;)
AN2: This is the big sha-bang. The moment you’ve all been waiting for. But that doesn’t mean that’s the end of the story with church guy Steve— don’t want to give a lot away— but with the hidden message in the ending I have a few ideas to do some au one shots with this story using this steve and a different reader, if others want that. This story was actually only ever meant to be a one shot but I’m a whore for praise and ended up doing all this for the people. I’m a hero.
Word Count: 1,595
Everything has to be perfect. 
That’s what keeps going through Steve’s head. Everything needing to be perfect. For you. For him. 
The wedding planning didn’t take too horribly long, considering Steve had everything set up the moment he set his sights on you, but he still had to go about it in a way that seemed normal. Which wasn’t too hard to do, considering you looked to him to do everything for you anyway, just like he taught you. 
The time between getting engaged and the actual wedding day was only a month. Actually less than a month. 27 days in fact. But even then, it seemed like eternity to him. He was so close to his forbidden fruit, to stealing you away and living happily ever after with you. It just made the time seem to go by even slower. 
But now, after 27 excruciating days, Steve stares at himself in the mirror, his hair perfectly styled, tux fit to the nines, straightening out his bowtie, and he can’t help but relish in the now. He’s finally getting what he deserves. After years of thinking maybe this wasn’t meant for him, maybe he wouldn't get his story book, white picket fence, ending, he's finally here, it’s finally his turn. 
“You ready pal?” Bucky questions him from across the room, dressed similarly to Steve with the rest of his groomsmen, Sam, Tony, and Bruce.
Steve takes a breath, turns around, and smiles, “Absolutely.” 
His friends, who know how long he has waited, cheer, and Sam speaks up next, “Everything set up with the house?”
“The realtor closed today.” Steve nods, “We’ll be moved in, in New York, the second we get back from our honeymoon.” 
“That’s great man. We’ll be glad to finally have you back home.” Tony walks over and claps him on the shoulder. The rest of the men nod. All the men, outside of Bucky who is still in the beginning stages, has a woman of their own out in New York. All of them having the perfect life they deserve, and all of them happy another one of their friends is on that path as well. 
When the wedding planner comes and knocks on the door, all the waiting comes to a head. 
You're beautiful in your virgin white dress, the lace veil covering your face, as your father walks you down the aisle. Steve is even more sure you’re meant for him. Picture perfect, as if you came down from heaven just for him. The Lord molded you for him. His perfect girl. His entire devotion. 
The moment he lifts the veil and see’s your face, he’s actually certain you did come from heaven. His own personal angel. And he swears to himself then that he wont ever worship anything more than he worships you. Just like he knows you’ll only ever worship him. Just as you've been molded to do. 
The ceremony is traditional, per Steve’s request, but it’s also short and to the point. Steve’s waited long enough. 
It seems like everything after the moment you are pronounced husband and wife is a blur. You don't remember walking back down the aisle, or taking pictures. You don’t remember greeting your guests, or cutting the cake, or the first dance. Honestly you don’t remember much of the reception at all. You don’t even really remember leaving it, the send off, or the drive to the hotel. 
It’s like you don’t come back to your senses until the moment you are standing in front of the hotel suite door. Steve scoops you up in his arms, adamant on carrying you across the threshold. 
The suite is huge. Everything is marble white with gold accents. The walkway to the bedroom is covered in rose petals that lead all the way to the bed, where they make a heart. Champagne and crystal glasses lay on the table across the room, along with chocolate covered fruit. 
Steve gently sets you down in front of the bed, smiling down at you as he cups your cheeks, “My little wife.” He coos, leaning down to kiss your lips. The slow and gentleness only lasts a few seconds before Steve’s inhibitions come forward, the darkness within him that he’s only let slip in small amounts with you, seems to break through the cage completely. He’s been caged too long, held back too much, and the beast inside him finally comes forward. 
It’s as if his entire being engulfs yours, his lips feasting upon yours as his claws tear away at your dress, allowing the tattered white shreds to fall away to the floor. 
Your back hits the bed with more force than you were expecting and the small whimper that leaves you is swallowed by the monster above you. He relishes in the sounds of your trepidation, the wails of your hesitation, your pleads for him to slow, only further his desire. 
Despite your fears, he knows you are feeling the same desire as him, the wet justices coating his fingers tells him as much. His lips descend down your neck to your perked breasts as his fingers open you up for him. It doesn't matter how many times he's fingered you, you’re still so tight, squeezing his fingers with a firm grip. 
Even with the mad man inside him at the forefront, he still wants to be a good husband of you, wants to treat you right, shower you with so much love you don’t ever look for it outside of him. He want’s to give you so much pleasure. 
It’s why he curls his fingers just so, hitting the point that makes your eyes roll back and your toes curl. It’s why he keeps the pace steady, allowing you to rut against his digits as he praises you over and over, letting you get to your peak. 
“That’s it darling. Come for me. Come for your husband.” 
“Such a good girl for me.” 
“One more, give me one more.” 
He wears you out on his fingers to the point you can’t even see straight, and when you’re chest is heaving, sweat coating your body, mind fuzzy, he stands, towering over you as he discards his own clothes. 
He watches over you as he becomes just as bare as you. Watches the way your chest expands with each breath. The way you are practically glowing with the soft due on your skin. His cock is always hard for you, but right now, looking over you like this, knowing he gets to mark you as his forever, he's throbbing. 
He wastes no time climbing back on top of you, shushing you as your weak please for reprieve reaches his ears, he knows you don’t mean it, not really. The feeling of your slick coating his cock as he slowly drags himself through your lips has him growling, and he’s glad he tired you out enough on his fingers so much because he knows the last of his patience withers away.
Sinking into you is like arriving home. He’s positive he’s never felt such a euphoric rush in his life. And again, he’s glad he’s already made sure you’ve cum more than once before claiming you, because he knows he’s not going to last long.
His thrusts are animalistic, his grip on your hips tight as he makes you meet his each thrust. Skin slapping against skin. Hard, fast, and bruising. 
“My girl.” Steve moans from above you. All you can do is whimper and weakly moan, body too exhausted for anything else. “Only mine.” 
The only thing on Steve’s mind is marking you up. He’s got your entire being as his. Your mind, Your heart, and now, he want’s the one last thing he deserves. 
“Gonna cum inside you, honey.” Steve groans, hips continuing their assault on yours, “Over and over. Gonna fill you up with my seed. Mark your walls. Make you holy and completely mine.” 
The image of you dripping with his cum, the whiteness running down your leg, mixing with the sweat coating your body makes him more feral than before, and it’s enough to have his eyes roll back and his cock twitch inside you. He swears he’s never cum harder in his life. 
It’s exhilarating and blissful. Better than he imagined, and he imagined it a lot these past few months. He’s enamored by you. Completely and holy yours as you are his. His devotion is down right sinful, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
When he finally stops, he keeps himself inside you, knowing it’ll only be a few minutes before he’s ready to go again, and he peppers your face with kisses. Your body is so exhausted you’ve passed out, entirely spent, but that isn’t going to stop him from taking you again, and again, and again. Your his now and he can do as he pleases. 
Not like that’s ever really stopped him before. 
“My perfect little wife,” Steve caresses your cheeks, smiling down as he rubs his nose with yours. You’ve always been beautiful to him, but worn out on his cock, might be his favorite look yet, “We’ll be so happy together, I promise.” He vows, not for the first time today, that you both will have a happy life together. He knows you will. You’re perfect, better than the mistake he had before. You won’t do what she did. And he wont have to get rid of you like he did with her. No, this will be the happy ending he deserves. He knows it will. It has to be.
His devotions may be sinful, but what’s life without a little evil.
taglist: @mansaaay @sofi1sstuff @sidechrisporn @namelesssaviour @spencerreidsthings @withasideofmeg @sidechrisporn @dontbescaredtosingalong @katiebby04 @emberenchanted @1-800-punch-a-pimp @siriusjohnpotter @evanswife1918 @jarofdirt04 @jaspearl31 @buckybarnesandmarvel @miiikkeey @wandalovesvision7 @kellhems @beenicejoy @star017 @jabersplatt @beyoutiful9413 @brittney69 @rededfoxy @hanihoney88 @moonmalice @harrypottersgirl @happynachoprincess @mochgsworld
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aemiron-main · 5 months
Henward’s Belt During Nina, More Than One 001, and Time Loops: We May Have Seen The 001 From The Soteria Scene During The Very First NINA Scene
So, I was taking a closer look at the two different versions of Henward that we see during that first NINA scene, and I noticed something- the first version of Henward that we see (with the nice, neat hair) has his belt partially undone- the little silver part on the other side of the buckle is hidden because it’s not done up properly:
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Usually I’d write this off as a genuine production error because it’s such a small thing, and getting in and out of costumes, it’s not totally unrealistic that a minor belt issue might get missed.
However, the context of the boiler room/soteria removal scene completely changes this and makes me believe that this partially undone belt is 100% intentional- why?
Because Henward takes his belt off during the Soteria scene so that he can bite down on it.
So, did this guy just come back from the Soteria scene in some sort of NINA time loop? Does he already have Soteria out?
But there’s more evidence for this than just the belt- because there’s also the ID.
Because that Henward that has the partially undone belt is also missing his ID- we never see it.
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We see the ID on the other Henward that has a properly fastened belt, we don’t see it with the partially undone belt guy.
And why is this relevant to the Soteria removal scene/the scene where Henward takes his belt off?
Because he also puts his ID on the floor in that same scene. (thank you @givehimthemedicine for pointing this out & for the image that i nabbed from your post)
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So, is it just me, or is it suspicious as hell that a.) NINA has so much time loop stuff going on already and b.) Henward took off his belt and put his ID on the floor during the Soteria removal scene- versus there being a Henward in the beginning of NINA with a partially undone belt (almost like it was put on in a hurry), who’s also missing his ID?
This also brings me to this post that I made awhile ago regarding the scene where Henward says to El that “I meant what I said when I called this place a prison,” but Henward has NEVER called the lab a prison prior to this scene- hell, he hasnt even said the word prison prior to this scene.
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But, as also mentioned in that linked post, he DID call the lab a prison/tell El that she’s a prisoner during the massacre, after that tunnel scene:
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So, we have two instances here of events seemingly happening in “reverse” order/in a loop- we have a guy in the beginning of NINA with a messed up belt and a missing keycard vs a guy at the end of NINA/in the Soteria removal scene who takes off his belt and puts his keycard on the floor, and then we ALSO have a guy in the tunnel scene telling El that he previously said that this place is a prison/that she’s a prisoner (something he hasnt actually said in any of the prior scenes) vs massacre Henward, later on, saying that El is a prisoner.
Anyway! It’s weird as hell.
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dross-the-fish · 4 months
This might be the dumbest question on this blog, but is the motley crew like your AU/fanfic or is it an actual show? Can you also please give me a short summary?
I’m so sorry for asking such dumb questions I just really like your blog and I want to know more😭❤️🫶
It actually started out as a DnD style table top game I made for my friends. I decided to post some of the stuff from it here on tumblr and I'm re-writing it as a fic.
There is a LOT of lore, so I'll try to keep it brief and stick to the broadest points.
It's a goth lit crossover story, it begins with strange events happening all over England. There's an increase in the rat population, clouds of bats fill the sky at night, there are rumors of occult activity. The great detective Sherlock Holmes is called out of retirement to investigate a string of grisly murders and disappears without a trace during the investigation, leaving John Watson to try and find him.
Meanwhile Lawrence Talbot and his best friend Quincey Harker, the son of Jonathan and Mina (dracula) trying to rescue a woman from a wolf attack one night while passing by Baker Street. Lawrence is bitten and the bite is treated by Watson who finds it odd that there are wolves in London as wolves had been extinct in the UK for several centuries at that point and no zoo had reported a missing wolf.
Lawrence feels ill but otherwise fine and goes home thinking he'll sleep it off. Through the bite he contracts the curse of lycanthropy, on his first transformation he kills his entire family. The police investigate but don't connect Larry to the murders. The scene of the crime is a similar state to the one Holmes was investigating when he disappeared leading the newspaper to report the Talbot's as the latest victims of a serial killer at large. Watson questions Larry and Quincey, thinking they may be able to provide him a lead to finding Sherlock and, not knowing who else to trust they reveal Larry's lycanthropy. Watson is skeptical but once it's revealed that Larry is a werewolf he's convinced to help them find the cause of the curse and hopefully a cure.
Their search for a cause and cure leads them to fragments of a strange journal about an allegedly deceased man called Henry Jekyll who's own story seems to loosely mirror a werewolf curse and while trying to break into Jekyll's abandoned lab thinking his serum may have been the source of the curse they run into an unsavory character, Edward Hyde. Edward is at first, unhelpful, but once he realizes Lawrence Talbot is from a wealthy family he offers to help, stating that he knows a few things about Henry Jekyll and can get them access to his research in exchange for a place to stay and some money. Watson is mistrustful and advises the boys not to reveal Larry's condition to Edward until he proves himself an ally. At first Edward plans to mooch off of them for awhile, steal their money and disappear but once they figure out that Jekyll and Hyde are the same person they get him to agree to research Larry's condition and develop a cure derived from Hyde's serum.
Their continued investigation and search for Sherlock and a cure for Larry lead them to all kind of places and they start to assemble a group, picking up the Frankenstein creature and the Phantom of the Opera along their way.
It's eventually revealed that vampires, lead by Dracula have set up a society in England with the intention of taking over. Dracula is working for and with other villains from gothic literature like Dorian Gray, Carmilla, Imhotep the mummy, Dr Moreau, and Griffin the invisible man. Most of whom have sold or are in the process of selling their souls in Faustian contracts to Mephistopheles (Dorian's portrait physically is one). The crew's quest to find Sherlock and cure Larry turns into a bid to save the UK and possibly all of the world from team Dracula and Mephistopheles's machinations.
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afewproblems · 1 year
In My Heart is a Memory (And There You'll Always Be) Part One
So! Awhile back now I received an anonymous prompt - which I can't post all of (yet) since it will spoil this new WIP which has gotten away from me in terms of length (as always). Needless to say we begin with Steddie childhood friends AU and continue from there!
Thank you to the nonny who sent me this beautiful prompt, I can't wait to take you on this journey!
Steve never thought it would end this way. 
He tries desperately again to loosen the fishing line that has wrapped itself around his foot, trapping him in the frigid grey water. Steve paddles up again to take a deeper breath only to find that he's unable to fully breach the surface enough to breathe.
He gulps down a mixture of water and air, sputtering as it hits his lungs and chokes his throat. He realises, deliriously, that he might actually die here, alone in the woods at twelve years old. 
This is why his mother had forbidden him from swimming in the lake, especially by himself; she had told him a million times not to go down there alone. 
Steve slips under again, watching as the last few bubbles of air fly towards the surface above him, his vision begins to tunnel as he belatedly wishes he had thought to tell someone that he was going to lovers lake that afternoon. 
Two strong hands suddenly appear on both sides of him, grasping Steve by the arms, hauling him out of the water. 
"Shit, he's caught on something, Ed, hand me my knife, hurry," a gruff voice says as Steve is dragged into a boat, he sputters and coughs, gasping for air as his lungs burn and seize.
"Is he okay?" another younger voice says anxiously. 
Steve opens his eyes just enough to find a wide pair of brown eyes staring back at him, a boy with a mop of curly hair sits beside Steve, he chews his lip nervously as the older man works on cutting away the tangle of old fishing line that had caught Steve earlier.
"This is why we always take our lines with us instead of leavin' em in the lake," the older man huffs as he severs the last knot holding Steve's leg, "he should be okay, you're lucky we were here kid".
All Steve can do is nod, his chest and throat still sore from his near drowning.
The other boy, Ed, inches closer but doesn't touch him, he looks around the boat with raised hands as though looking for some way to help.
"I think we're done fishing for today," the old man huffs, if he's anxious his voice doesn't show it, but Steve can see the worry in his dark eyes. 
"Give him your coat Ed, let's bring our catch home to warm up".
The words seem to jumpstart the other boy as he hurriedly shrugs off his jean jacket and draps it clumsily over Steve's shoulders.
"You got a name kid?" the man asks gently before his expression finally shifts to one of panic, "aw hell, we gotta warm you up, you ain't even shivering". 
"His lips are blue," Ed blurts out, his brow pinched with worry, "Wayne--"
"I see it, sit with him would ya, I'll get the engine going again," Wayne grunts out as he switches places with Eddie. The boat tips slightly as they move making Steve hiss as cold water tips over the side and onto his legs. 
"My name's Eddie," the teen yells over the roar of the engine motor as it jumps to life; he sits down on the bench across from him, "what's your name?"
"S-Steve," he manages to get out between chattering teeth, his body finally beginning to shake in an attempt to warm itself back up.
"Don't worry," Eddie murmurs sagely, "we'll take care of you, right Uncle Wayne?"
Wayne nods with a tight smile as he begins to steer the boat back to shore.
"I don't need the hospital," Steve grumbles from the back seat of the pickup truck, eliciting an exaggerated eye roll from Wayne in the rearview mirror.
Heat blasts from the vents as soon as they pull away from the dirt side road by the docks and Steve is finally starting to warm up. Wayne had helped him step his shaking limbs into his discarded clothing they found on docks, but his damp swim shorts had soaked through his jeans, leaving a small persistent shiver running through him.
"We ain't leaving it to chance kid," Wayne grouses at him, "you inhaled a lot of lake water back there and I've spent enough time in a boat to know you need to be checked out by a professional".
Steve pouts in the back seat next to Eddie who looks between Steve and his uncle with a sharp furrow between his brow.
"Couldn't we take him to our place Wayne, we can look after him there," Eddie says with a toothy grin, he winks at Steve before catching Wayne's unimpressed glare in the rearview mirror.
"No, hospital first," he grumbles but the words are without heat and if the fond smile is anything to go by, Wayne seems more exasperated than angry.
Which is good. 
Steve can't begin to picture how angry his own dad will be when he gets home. 
Maybe enough for the belt again.
He shivers again and feels a bony shoulder connect lightly with his own; Steve looks up to find Eddie staring again, this time with a shy smile.
"You good," Eddie asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice, "sorry 'bout him".
He holds up one hand to block Wayne's vision of Eddie's face and points towards his uncle into the palm of his hand, "the old man’s stubborn sometimes".
The absurdity startles a wild giggle out of Steve that Eddie soon matches.
Wayne keeps driving, his eyes travelling between the road and the rearview mirror at the two boys giggling in the backseat. Wayne shakes his head and smiles slightly as they pull onto Main Street.
"Are you at Hawkins Middle? I don't know if I've seen you there before," Eddie asks abruptly, interrupting the laughter.
"I'm going to the highschool next year which is kind of cool," Eddie continues, not waiting for Steve to answer which is almost a relief given the strange exhaustion settling in Steve’s bones the longer they sit there. 
"I heard from one of the other older kids at the tra--the park that there are a ton of clubs to join and even one for Dungeons and Dragons --you heard of it?"
Steve shakes his head, "is that like a board game or something?" 
Eddie barks out a laugh and launches into an explanation, the words tumbling out at a mile a minute to the point that Steve isn't sure what he's even talking about anymore.
"And you use your character traits to help decide what to do, then the roll you get from your dice determines if you are successful or not!" 
Steve frowns slightly, it doesn't sound like any board games he's ever heard of but it has dice, what else could it be? 
"It's hard to explain without like showing you the books," Eddie admits, picking at a stray thread from the hole in his jeans, "I'll show you later at school, maybe?" 
Steve can count on one hand the number of times he's actually been invited to hang out or play with another kid over the years that wasn't orchestrated by his mother.
He's not much for board games, but if that's what Eddie's inviting him to play, who is Steve to say no? 
"Do you get to fight Dragons? Like a knight?" Steve asks quietly, his throat still sore from earlier. He laughs when Eddie nods so excitedly his whole body practically vibrates before jumping into a new explanation of the different characters people could play.
Steve spends the whole time listening with a wide grin on his face. He doesn't think he's ever met someone who talks so much, but Eddie has so much to say and he wants to tell Steve of all people. 
He's too tired to add anything himself, the adrenalin from earlier seems to flow out of him, sinking into the back seat.
"Do you have Newson for English?" Eddie asks as they enter the hospital and Wayne takes them to the counter, he speaks with the nurse at the Emergency Room intake desk in a hushed voice, letting Steve and Eddie continue their conversation.
Steve shakes his head, feeling suddenly warm, much too warm and tired.
"Maybe we have the same lunch period, I want to show you the players handbook on Monday," Eddie practically vibrates beside him with excitement, "you can sit at my table and…Steve?" 
Eddie suddenly sounds so far away, Steve struggles to stay upright and sways heavily into the other boy's side. 
There's a commotion around him, people yelling and touching him suddenly, but he doesn't want that. He's so warm, it's hard to think, his vision begins to tunnel again.
The last thing he sees as a pair of gentle hands lay him down is Eddie worried brown eyes staring into his own as his world goes dark.
The first thing Steve realises when he wakes up, is that he's in a hospital bed.
The second is that he's alone.
The steady beat of the heart rate monitor almost lulls him back to sleep but he fights to stay awake. 
Steve peers around the room, spotting his mothers coat and purse on the chair in the corner. 
This is what he was hoping to avoid, his parents finding out he deliberately disobeyed their rules and landed himself in the hospital. 
Steve tries to sit up but the movement pulls at the strange tubing around his face and the IV in his arm. He hisses at the tug of the needle and flops back down against the flat pillow behind his head.
The heart rate monitor ticks up slightly at the movement, seemingly calling out to the nurses at the station outside.
As if on cue, a nurse steps into the room, followed by his mother. 
Diane Harrington always looked put together. Pearls, heels, never a hair out of place.
Today however, Diane's pale wane face stares at Steve in stony silence. No makeup, her hair sits flat against her head. A fine tremor runs over her clenched hands but she smooths down the front of her shirt to hide it.
"Looks like someone's awake," the nurse says with a kind smile. 
She picks up the chart at the edge of the bed as his mother walks around to the chair that has been pulled up closest to Steve's side. She doesn't sit.
The nurse is around his mom’s age, maybe a little older if the laugh lines around her mouth are any indication. Her blond hair is streaked with grey as well and pinned back to let the small white hat sit properly on top. Her light brown eyes trace over the page of his chart and a slight crease begins to form between them as she frowns slightly.
"What is it?" Diane says, the words come out smoothly; Steve tries to make eye contact with her, to see just how mad she is about this, how mad his dad will be when they get home, but she ignores his gaze.
"The doctor will be in shortly, he'll explain," she says apologetically before placing the chart back down at the edge of the bed.
"Steven," the nurse says softly as she walks towards him, on the side opposite his mother, "my name is Claudia, and myself and Doctor Sattler will be taking care of you today".
Steve nods, suddenly shy as Claudia reaches into the pocket of her white apron and shows Steve a long black tube with a shiny metal circle at one end, the other is split down the middle into two angled sections at the other end.
"Steven, this is a Stethoscope, I'm going to use it to listen to your heart and your lungs, so I'm going to need you to sit up, can you do that for me?" 
He nods and begins to shift, slowly this time to avoid jostling the IV this time. 
"Steven," Diane says sharply from her place beside the bed, she still isn't looking at him, "you need to answer when you're asked a question."
"Sorry," he mumbles, abashed at his mother's words.
Claudia's frown returns as her eyes dart between Steve and Diane, but she remains silent and simply places the stethoscope into her ears.
"This will be a little cold," Claudia warns as she lifts up his shirt to place the metal against his back, "okay, you're going to give me a big deep breath," she instructs softly, giving him a smile.
Steve breathes in, it's not painful, but there's an awful pressure in his chest that makes him wince, the strange whistling sound his breath makes also doesn't help.  
Claudia must notice because she tuts and tells him she just needs a few more breaths from him.
She moves the metal from his back to his chest and asks him to take two more deep breaths for her, on the last one his chest spasms and his throat constricts just enough to make him begin to cough horribly. 
Steve doubles over, uncaring this time of the pull on the IV, he can't seem to catch his breath this time.
Steve registers his mother and Claudia trying to speak to him and a gentle hand on his back rubbing in a soothing circle but all Steve can think is, I can't breathe, as he coughs up a glob of frothy pink liquid into the sheets covering his legs.
The steady beep of the heart rate monitor begins to increase to a constant frantic pulse, I can’t breathe, he wants to scream but his throat constricts around the words, it feels as though an elephant has sat itself in the middle of his chest as he registers something being pressed to his mouth and nose.
"Try to take a deep breath, one mississippi, two mississippi, that's it sweetheart," Claudia pats his back gently and keeps a steady hold of the mask over his face.
The pressure in his chest slowly begins to relent as he follows Claudia’s direction, one mississippi, two mississippi, in and out. The constant puff of air around his nose and mouth seems to finally be helping.
"You're going to give us even more grey hair before we discharge you huh kiddo," a new voice rumbles from the door.
Steve looks up wearily at a man in a white coat with horn rimmed glasses staring down at him. There is a kind smile on his face, much like the one Wayne had when he helped Steve exit their truck earlier that day. 
Was it still Saturday? Steve looks around again for the window, he could have sworn it was still light out.
"What are you giving him?" Diane whispers above Steve, she hazards a brief glance at him before looking back at the doctor who lifts a syringe to pump something into the IV tubing, but Steve isn’t paying attention, he’s trying to find the clock he had seen earlier on the far wall.
"Just something to help him breathe a little easier, that's all," the man says gently as he takes Steve's chart from the end of the bed where Claudia had left it.
"BP is a little low," Claudia murmurs, she lets go of the mask and lays Steve back down onto the bed, smoothing his hair back lightly as she leaves his bedside.
"Steven, my name is Dr. Sattler, I heard you had an interesting morning today?" 
Dr. Sattler gives Steve and his mother a warm smile as he places the chart back down on the bed, he eyes the machines at the bedside for a moment before taking Steve’s wrist gently in his hand and lifting the face of his watch up to meet his eyes.
He nods and lays Steve’s hand back down onto the bed, above the covers. 
Suddenly a bright light is shining into Steve's eyes, he winces slightly as it moves quickly, “Steven, can you tell me if you hit your head at all when you were in the lake today?” 
Steve tries to think back to the lake. He remembers getting his foot caught in the discarded fishing line, the feeling of water running down the back of his throat, filling his nose; the way the light began to fade as he sank down--
“Steven?” Dr. Sattler prompts again, his brow creases in the barest of frowns.
Steve swallows once and shakes his head as a shrill beeping noise fills the room, everyone flinches, whirling around to the machines before Steve's mother snatches her purse from the nearby chair and rips the buzzing pager out to turn it off.
She glares at the message, "I need to make a call, I'll be back". 
Dr. Sattler frowns but steps aside to allow Diane to sweep out of the room.
"Well Steven-"
"Can you call me Steve?" He asks, the words so quiet that Dr. Sattler and Claudia both tilt towards him to hear.
The doctor reaches for the chart again, his eyes flick to Claudia once before landing back on Steve with a small patient smile.
"Of course, Steve," he says deliberately before clearing his throat, "I'll wait for your mother to come back to go over our plan for you okay?" 
"Are you," he whispers, "am I going to need a shot?" Claudia tuts this time, coming around to the side of the bed to brush his hair away from his forehead, "you were so brave for your IV," she says brightly, "if you need another I'll hold your hand, how does that sound?" Steve blushes as his little face scrunches into a grimace. He knows he wasn't awake when they gave him the IV.
After a beat, he shakes his head, "It's okay, I'm not a baby". Claudia purses her lips and pats his hand gently, "I don't like needles either, sometimes I need someone to hold my hand, no shame in it, okay?"
Steve chews on that thought for a moment, rolling it around in his head, why would adults be scared of anything?
His dad had made it perfectly clear over the years what real men were like, and being afraid of things never once made the list.
Steve looks up at the nurse and meets her kind eyes, a softer brown than he'd ever seen before with fine lines in the corners creased into a smile.
"I'd hold your hand, Miss Claudia," Steve agrees eventually.
She smiles at him and pats his hand again before stepping away.
"I'll go find your mother, there's only one payphone on this floor so she can't be far," she asserts to Steve before making her way to the door. She whispers something to Dr. Sattler on her way out before disappearing through the door.
"While nurse Henderson tracks down your mother, I'll see if radiology has your scans ready, sit tight kiddo”.
Steve nods as the doctor tries for a small reassuring smile but the effect is lost in the tightness around his eyes. Dr. Sattler pushes open the door which swings back and forth as he disappears into the hallway, leaving Steve to lay back against the flat pillows and scratchy hospital sheets, with only the steady sound of the monitors and the clock on the wall to keep him company.  
A new wave of exhaustion sweeps over him suddenly, now that he’s alone. 
He wishes Eddie had managed to convince his uncle to let them just go back to their place, he would have been okay if they had just stayed in the truck - he probably wouldn’t have passed out if they had just gone to Eddie’s house.
Steve glares at the ceiling at the unfairness of it all, a small part of him knows that it’s for the best that Dr. Sattler and Miss Claudia are looking after him now, but what will his dad say about the hospital bills, or the bed rest?
He’s not sure how much time has passed. It’s been harder to keep track of here without a proper clock in the room but the sun has moved, carving long shadows in his room in between the copper evening light. He must have drifted off at some point since his mother has suddenly returned as well as Dr, Sattler. 
Miss Claudia is nowhere to be found and Steve finds himself feeling rather bereft at her absence. 
Diane Harrington stands beside his bed, her hands wrapped so tightly around the strap of her purse that her manicured nails dig into the palms of her hands and her knuckles have been stained white.  
Dr. Sattler stands in front of a large box affixed to the wall, it’s lit up with two translucent black and white images on it that the doctor keeps pointing to different areas of the strange lumpy white images while he talks.
“To put it simply, Mrs. Harrington, it’s not good”.
Steve feels as though the bed beneath him has dropped away while Doctor Sattler continues speaking. 
Steve had aspirated a lot of water into his lungs while in the lake and was already in the beginning stages of pneumonia because of it. So Steve would need to stay on his course of antibiotics and oxygen for at least a week to let his lungs heal and rest as much as possible. 
Diane’s expression does not shift during the conversation, remaining artfully neutral the entire visit. She nods and asks questions about Steve’s medication and when he would be allowed to come home.
A flicker of something crosses her face when Dr. Sattler mentions the inhaler Steve would likely need to carry with him at all times.
“For how long?” she asks sharply as Dr. Sattler flips through Steve’s chart once more.
He hums and purses his lips, “honestly, it depends, he could need it for a few months, he could need it for the rest of his life,” he shakes his head and sets down the chart, “we need to see how his lungs look after the inflammation goes down to really be sure”.
“What does that mean?” Steve blurts out, drawing their gaze towards him. 
Steve bristles slightly as Diane shoots him the barest of glares. He’s the one in the hospital bed, he can’t even ask questions about what will happen to him?
“The tissue in the lungs is very sensitive and delicate,” Dr. Sattler continues, his words come out slowly as though he is carefully sifting through to choose the best ones, “so, what that means is you may need medication to help your lungs function properly”.
“Steven’s father was hoping for him to join the varsity swim team in the next few years,” Diane says wearily, the first hint of emotion finally seeping into her voice as she sinks into the chair holding her purse. 
Steve winces. 
It’s no secret that his father’s goal for Steve, his…expectation, is for his son to follow his example to the letter. 
Varsity swimming --perhaps even basketball if he takes after his father’s lithe frame of six foot two. Get into college on an athletics scholarship, graduate with a business degree to eventually take over the family business --not that Richard has ever once explained just exactly what he does for a living. 
Steve would then marry a nice girl, one he'll meet at college since Hawkins won't have any girls good enough for the Harringtons, and eventually pump out two grandkids for Diane to fawn over.
This was the plan for Steve’s life, there was no room for error.
“Mrs. Harrington, there’s no reason to think he won’t be able to do these things--”
But the words fall flat as Steve’s mother gets up from her chair and stalks out of the room, leaving a wake of disappointment and silence behind her. 
A lump begins to form in Steve’s throat and he tries to blink away the harsh sting in his eyes. He knew he shouldn’t have gone to the lake that morning, he’d been told so many times never to go by himself, not when the Harringtons had their own beautiful inground pool installed just three summers ago. 
Dr. Sattler breathes out a long weighty sigh and lifts a hand to scratch at a missed patch of stubble on his chin.
He looks between the closed door and back at Steve, seeming to make a decision.
"Okay son," Doctor Sattler sighs, "you're going to hear things over the years about what you will or won't be able to do".
Steve lifts his hand up to wipe at his eyes as discreetly as he can with the doctor at the edge of his bed and nods.
"This does not need to define you, there are plenty of athletes out there with lung conditions and I would encourage you to keep active, it might actually benefit you to do so". 
Steve manages to hold back a scoff just barely and nods, dropping his gaze to his feet beneath the blankets.
"I'm not saying you need to go out and run a marathon," Doctor Sattler says dryly at the incredulous expression on his face.
"But you will need to keep them strong and exercise will help with that, so if you like swimming, keep swimming, okay kid?"
He pauses again and adds, "no smoking while you're at it". 
Steve's mouth drops open in protest, he's never smoked, well, not a full cigarette at least.
One of the neighbour kids, Tommy, had smuggled cigarettes out of his dad’s pants pocket and taken them to school for everyone to try. Steve had nearly thrown up at the taste and the feel of acrid smoke filling his nose and mouth.Tommy had laughed so hard about Steve spitting into the grass outside the baseball dugout and proceeded to tell everyone he could find. 
Steve still associated the taste of cigarettes with Tommy's laugh, the sound turning his stomach just as easily now.
Steve shakes his head under the doctor's unimpressed gaze, "I-I dont--"
Doctor Sattler raises his eyebrow and cuts Steve off with a sweep of his hand, "sure son, just make sure you don't continue, especially because your lungs are still growing and we want to capitalize on that as much as possible".
The doctor pats Steve's shoulder awkwardly, letting his heavy hand rest briefly before he turns away towards the door once more. 
"Anyway, I have a feeling you'll be getting a few more lectures in the future so that's enough out of me, you best settle in kiddo, you'll be here for at least a week".
Steve nods tiredly, he can hear his dad's voice in his head now, 'this is the stupidest thing you've ever done Steven--'
"Get some rest, no sense worrying about it now," Doctor Sattler says as he slips out into the hallway without a knowing furrowed brow.
And with that Steve is alone once more. 
The light outside his window is beginning to fade into the horizon; he wonders belatedly if Eddie will look for him on Monday.
Steve rolls over, ignoring the new sting behind his eyes and the heaviness in his lungs as he wonders how he can miss someone he just met this much.
Part Two Now Up!
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oneweek-mkg · 6 months
“Hello, to all of those listening to this. My name is unimportant, and what is lies in what it is that I do. One week ago today, the world was met with a flurry…of cards.“ 
“Every man, woman, non-binary individual, and seemingly sentient soul upon this earth was given what we’ve elected to refer to as ‘Tarrow Cards’, with a title on the front and a single word on its back.”
“Regardless of age, your card appears to have given you a new fascinating ability, most of which the world has never seen before. The world is changing quickly, it seems. No matter your belief on the state of the world before that day, it is now impossible to deny the supernatural state of this landscape we all live within.”
“Over the past ten years, you’ve likely read about the experimental city being built over international waters in the Atlantic Ocean. In this past week, due to the abilities of certain individuals involved, we’re able to now announce the opening of said city, in one month’s time.“ 
“We will require no passports, and no qualifications for citizenship. We have food, shelter, optional employment, and anything else you may wish to find.”
“I’ve been studying these cards, and the changes humanity has gone through very carefully. And I can state now, without a shadow of a doubt…this is a change for the better.”
An announcement that all throughout the world heard. Through the radio, through the papers. You heard or read it. The world is changing. It’s for the better, then…? 
Followed by an announcement that all throughout the world heard, but none remembered.
The voice echoed throughout the world, seemingly without a source, heard both everywhere and nowhere. Somewhere within all that nowhere, this voice reached a room, lit by a single computer monitor. And in that room, something listened.
One Week: Brand New Life is a discord based 20+ Danganronpa OC roleplay, featuring discord submission trials and an active, plot-relevant deadzone, allowing dead characters to continue to freely interact with the living if they wish. Our cast will be exploring their recently developed powers in an ever expanding city over international waters that you yourself will help define and build. Twenty characters from across the world will get to experience a unique, extended prologue that will cover one year of in-game time, before the actual MKG begins. We aim to bring you a potentially lighter, relaxed environment, both in and out of character; while still being following the typical killing game formula.
The game will feature a flexible 4 to 5 week schedule over 5 chapters, as well as a prologue and endgame, with trials that last several days to accommodate varying timezones and schedules. Our trial system will be submission-based over discord, allowing players to submit their trial posts directly to the server’s trial channel, while still managing a flexible queue. The game will allow for supernatural, alien, robotic, and fantastical characters, as well as normal humans - although no matter your character’s initial status, everyone will be experiencing a new power set, to spread the love! The game will not feature a mistrial system, but will pledge itself into working dutifully with its murder teams to create cases that are both satisfyingly difficult, as well as ultimately solvable, without pushing cast nor killer unnecessarily far.  APPS OPEN / APPS CLOSE 3/10!
About | Hopeful | Hopefuls Discord | Mods | FAQ | Rules | Application
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reikives · 2 years
July BTS Fic Recommendations
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note from sunie:
For my first few lists I will be posting, it wont really be just for the current month but a few are also some of my favorites from a few years back that I really want to share!
I also want to say thank you, to all the authors who have put in hard work to create these pieces of literature for us to enjoy!
I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I did! You can also send in recommendations in my asks which will always be open! I will try my hardest to keep up!
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🌸- fluff 🥀-angst 🌹-mature/suggestive
📚- series 📝- ongoing ✔️-completed
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📖>Kale’in Me Softly (@jimlingss)
Farmer!Yoongi, strangers to lovers 🌸, 🥀(has a little sting), 🌹(mature scene) Word count: 17.1k Summary: After your grandfather's passing, you decide to take over his farm and plant the trendiest vegetable: kale. It's a struggle to be in the countryside when you've always been a city girl. But there's someone less than sympathetic — a grumpy farmer across the acres who's constantly trying to pick a fight with you. Warning/s: Strongly implied smut
—I love their style of writing! I think this fic was v cute and the heat in that one scene was a great sprinkle🤭 Its a great read and I highly recommend!
📖>Bloom (@guksthighs)
hanahaki au, best friends to lovers 🥀,🌸 Word count: 1.7k Summary: When you fall in love with your best friend, flowers begin to bloom. Hanahaki disease - an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. Warning/s: its kind of a tear-jerker but not to worry, its ONLY a tear-jerker there will be knowing flowing of tears (hopefully) <3
—This is actually a read from a few years back that I still come back to once in awhile. I have kept in my notes to remember! I absolutely love guksthigh's works and I think they're beautifully written!
📖>VALUABLES (@drowsymochi)
Established relationship 🌸 Word Count: 306 Summary: “they don’t mean anything to me.” Warning/s: teeth-rotting fluff, Yoongi is so sweet I might consider it an angst from how he makes me cry bc he.
—super cute quick read omg, I abs loved it, makes me want to have an s/o..
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📖>Who are you? (@ausblack)
Hybrid!Namjoon x Hybrid!reader 🌸, 🥀 Word count: 3.4k Summary: A mysterious hybrid that reeks of suppressants catches Namjoon, the wolf hybrid. He's determined to find out what you are. Warning/s: mentions of drinking and smoking, insecurities
—I love this so much! Made me feel a bit fuzzy from how cute this is. Ausblack has been one of my favorite readers when I first got into tumblr a few years back! I recommend their works!
📖>Cut (@chimchimsauce)
Soulmate au, College au 🌸, 🥀 Word count: 1.1k Summary: Namjoon always hated soulmates Warning/s: implied sex and of drinking/smoking (?)
—I love soulmate aus and I absolutely love quick angst reads! Its so good and I come back to it from time to time! I recommend it to all esp if you love quick reads!
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📖>Adonis (@xjoonchildx)
Paramedic!Jimin x reader 🌸, a little comedy Word count: 3.4k Summary: your crackpot of a neighbor will not rest until you throw yourself at the gorgeous paramedic in town. she’s nuts, y'all. Warning/s: smoking, sexual innuendo, implied smut
—Very cute and funny fic to read, it was written nicely! I recommend to those who would enjoy a little comedy when they read.
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📚✔️>Camellia (@kinktae)
Prince!Taehyung x Herbalist!reader 🌸, 🥀(if you squint), 🌹(mature) 2/2 Summary: Prince Taehyung comes to find out that the castle has got a new tea girl, and man is she cute. Warning/s: insecurities, smut in 2nd chapter
—I read this a few years back and I still come back to it once in awhile because its well written and I just love the story. This actually got me to love royalty / prince/princess aus and its so cute it hurts.. Super great read! I very much recommend 🥰
📖>Playful (@chimyoung)
Owner!Taehyung x Hybrid!reader 🌸, 🥀 Word count: 3.6k Summary: A mischievous and energetic fox hybird causes an accident in the living room that sets off her boyfriend. Warning/s: lil bit of angst, swearing, couples arguing, Taehyung is a meanie, mentions of blood/injuries, nothing too graphic, there’s a mean guy in a park, that’s about it.
—Ahh its a cute readdd. It has some angst that stings but the fluff balances it out in the end. I've also read a few other of their works that I think that's worth checking out!
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📖>in which you always come home to Jungkook. (@onlyswan)
Established relationship 🌸, lowkey 🥀, 🌹(suggestive) Word count: 3.7k Warning/s: mention of the word whore, boner, showering together
—Its a perfect mix of everything! I've always loved her works and this never disappoints. Its a sweet read if you just want something chill (in my opinion). Highly recommend their work 🥰
📖>Still With Me? (@magicalmarauder)
Boxer!Jungkook, established relationship 🌸, 🥀 (it stings a bit..) Word count: 4k+ Summary: Dating the world’s fastest growing boxer meant several things – kissing his wounds at the end of every fight, watching countless boxing matches to study new techniques with him, and worrying like crazy as different men every night tried to bash his face in. But what happens when tensions run high after a match and Jungkook throws your support back in your face? Warning/s: definitely violence bc boxing, mentions of bruises/wounds, koo was an ass for like 5 seconds
—I am a sucker for anything boxer Jungkook so 😝😝 It stings in a few parts of the story but there is some fluff that act as a band aid do not panic 🙅‍♀️ Nicely written, I love it so much I've actually read it a few time hehe ❤️❤️
📚📝>Quarters (@justoneday-namjoonii)
Boxer!Jungkook x IceSkater!reader 🌸, 🥀 9/? Summary: A look into the dysfunctional relationship of Jungkook, an aspiring boxer, and an aspiring Ice Skater. Warning/s: mentions of abuse, dysfunctional relationship, angst might be triggering to some
—Another boxer!jungkook because I am abs inlove with boxer koo. This is a nice read if you're in angst w just a sprinkle of fluff or like fics w a rollercoaster of emotions!
📖>The Habits of a Broken Heart. (@softykooky)
Soulmate au, subtle enemies to lovers, slow burn, art student!Jungkook x english student!reader 🌸, 🥀 Word count: 26.3k Summary: Jungkook and you are soulmates. so says the matching crescent moons on both your wrists. however, things are never as easy as they seem, and you are quick to learn that falling in love with someone who does not believe in love is a one-way ticket to heartbreak.
“You still are, you know. Worth it.” You release a shaky breath. “But I was stupid to think that I am too.” Warning/s: jealousy, unrequited love, shouting (?(please bear with me i dont really knw what to put in warnings yet 💀))
—I think I've read this about 5 times already ahhh.. Its so goooooddd, the angst really hits you.. it made me cry every time but the ending makes up for it. I love how well written this is, its a lovely fic to read 💗💗💗
📖>How Long Will We Fall (@jiminrings)
Soulmate au, painful f2l, unrequited love (at first) 🌸, 🥀 Word count: 14k Summary: If it’s fate, it should already be set onto your skin — that’s why Jungkook’s initials are already on your finger. he’s always there for you, but not only for you. if you’re his fate, he’d rather not have it. alternatively,
Jungkook’s your soulmate, but he doesn’t want to be.
—Another angst soulmate au bc I love hurting myself hehe, I love how this was written, I love the character development, I love the angst, I love this..
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📚✔️>Hybrid House (@hollyhomburg)
Hybrid!BTS x Hybrid!reader 🌸, 🥀, 🌹 (mature) 3/3 + Epilogue Summary: to Seokjin, Home consists of his human partners Namjoon and Hoseok as well as their Hybrids; the pups- named Taehyung and Jimin, their black cat- called Yoongi, and their foxboy- called Jungkook. Together they have the happiest family possible, everyone loves everyone equally. 
So what happens when Namjoon finds you? a cat hybrid, beaten close to death left alone in an alleyway on the coldest night of the year? He takes you home, shows you his family, and together they teach you what love can be like. Warning/s: mentions of blood/injuries, abuse, heavy smut scenes, Jungkook being mean for a bit
—I have been a fan of their work for a long time already and I think this is among one of my favorite works of theirs. Its's very well written and I recommend this to those who have hybrid aus up their allies. Great author, great work ❤️
📖>Sugary Sweet (@hollyhomburg)
Hybrid! Reader x Hybrid! Taehyung x Hybrid! Yoongi x Owner! Namjoon 🌸, 🥀 Word Count: 10k Summary: Namjoon has a perfect life once he moves out of the city to a cabin alongside his two rescue hybrids, Yoongi and Taehyung. But then one night in the middle of the rainstorm they find you, a bunny hybrid, hiding in their chicken coop.   Warning/s: Anxiety attacks, Anxious! Namjoon, mentions of hybrid abandonment, hybrid mistreatment, Half of this is Domestic fluff, possessive behavior. 
—Another great hybrid read from hollyhomburg!! Very cute and has some angst to spice it up, it pulls on the heartstrings just right❤️❤️ I actually have read this a few times, I'm one to come back to something if I really enjoy it. So again, amazing work, this is actually my favorite from them ❤️
📚📝>Cry Me A River (@minniepetals)
Mafia!au, arrange marriage!au 🌸, 🥀 13/? Summary: Forever is just an illusion, nothing lasts forever. Don't make me a promise that you cannot keep. Please... it'll break my heart. Warning/s: (triggering topics! please read at your own discretion) childhood trauma, mental abuse, physical abuse, child neglect, manipulation, gaslighting, violence, mentions of assault, implied sexual assault, hurt and comfort, divorce, emotional neglect, minor character deaths, kidnapping, some emotionally unstable scenes.
—AN ALL TIME FAVORITE OF MINE. First, I abs love mafia aus and I love angst. CMAR was written beautifully,,, perfectly. It has me crying and screaming all over the place. You can feel the emotions as you read this series, that why I love it so much. It's so angsty I love it. Minnie does a great job in writing this that I always earn for more every other chapter, IM COMPLETELY HOOKED. The attention to detail is just amazing and she also listens to the readers, I love her sm.. Great read, I absolutely recommend cmar.
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—If anyone has noticed, there are no Jin and Hobi fics on my recs as of the moment, its because I have yet to find jin and hobi fics that suit taste! Please do recommend some fics and authors in my asks if you have any recommendations! I will be reading them when I have time!
I will try to post recs weekly if I am not busy. Maybe I'll just post when I can and then have my monthly recs!
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What to do if you get caught by the Adderall shortage:
So, it’s not getting picked up by the news much (at least not that I’ve seen... NPR, BBC, AP), but there’s a pretty serious Adderall shortage happening right now. It’s been building for awhile helped along by the usual suspects (labor shortages, limited manufacturing facilities, shutdowns due to illness... blah blah) and some not so usual ones (More people getting diagnosed with ADHD... when you take away someone’s coping mechanism, which for some people it’s their in-person work environment and social activities, people start to have more issues!). And it looks like this could last until the beginning of 2023... so... what to do?
Please note, I’m not a doctor or medical professional of any kind. I just had to deal with this, and it’s worrying and a little troublesome to manage, so I thought I’d pass on some advice from my experience. It might not be one size fits all but it might help someone to know who to talk to and what to ask.
Also, if you’re going to use this as a moment to spout some drivel about “Maybe we don’t neeeeed all these meds, you guysssss!” please kindly fuck entirely, completely, and all the way off into the void. Same goes for people who are looking at this as an excuse to whine about “addicts” or drug related crime. Read the room. This post is not your soapbox. 
SO! You’ve gotten a call from your pharmacy that they can’t fill your Adderall prescription because your scrip is on backorder. Wat do??? Step one: Don’t panic. It is one pharmacy out of one version of a drug. You’ve got options, though it might take some legwork. If your prescription is at a chain like CVS, Target, Walmart, etc see if the pharmacy tech will call around to other stores in the area and ask about their stocks. Step two: 
Call your prescribing doctor, inform them of the situation, and ask for a paper prescription. Go pick up the prescription. Ask them for their advice and for information on which pharmacy to call (they might know of a pharmacy with the med in stock).
Step three: 
Start phoning pharmacies. Begin with the big chains. Places like CVS, Walgreens, Target, Walmart, and major grocery stores... places with multiple locations in town. Start here because they might be able to check with other stores in their chain to find out who has your prescription in stock, which will save you a phone call or three potentially. They also have more integrated supply networks and will have a better handle on their inventory. Fan out from your location with the help of Google. If you live in a big city, don’t be afraid to start checking in the ‘burbs or outlying towns. Also, if the pharmacy tech doesn’t seem like they’re in a rush, ask them if they’ve got other options... the generic form, other measurements, other types (long acting, short acting, etc). That will potentially save you this rigmarole a second time if you come up dry.
Step four:
If you call every pharmacy and have no luck, call your prescribing doctor back. Tell them you’ve phoned literally everyone and no one can fill your prescription and ask if there is a way you can change it by a few milligrams or switch to generic for this month? Could you get a shorter prescription (fewer pills, thus easier to fill)? Could you do short acting instead of long acting or vice versa for a few weeks until backorders get filled? In short, see if you can get an alternative to tide you over. Go get that paper prescription, and then start over (this is why asking some of those questions to the pharmacy techs could pay off).
Concluding advice:
-You do not have to do this by yourself. You don’t even actually have to do this yourself. Someone can do 90% of this for you. Other than the call to your physician for the script, a parent, spouse, friend, sibling or otherwise can help with this. They will just need the paper prescription, your insurance card, your name and date of birth, and your prescribing physician’s name and place of business. Get someone to help you if you can.
-If you’re not getting bit by the shortage, take this as a sign to stockpile your meds a bit. And this kinda goes for everyone, not just the ADHD/Adderall people. Shortages and supply issues are not going to go away any time soon. Next it might be blood pressure meds, or a particular steroid... who knows. Talk to your doctor about how to effectively plan for this with the meds you’re taking. Future you will thank you.
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possiblylando · 1 year
Chainsaw Man Chapter 131 'Early' Analysis.
Bit later than usual with this one cause- I didn't feel like writing it earlier- Feels like a cheep excuse but whatever.
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It's really interesting seeing the contrast between the two confirmed Primordials. Darkness doesn't speak a language we can understand but it still speaks. It seemed like a hyper intelligent beast which acted on a type of intelligent impulse almost like majin buu. Who I could make an entire post talking about the intelligence and mentality of because of how people misunderstand him. But I'll not do that for now since this is about Chainsaw Man. However Falling completely juxtaposes Darkness because she's basically it's polar opposite. Not fear wise but personality and the way she conducts herself. This panel is the one that really cemented it in my mind because this is her showing the ability to reason. It's weird- She's weird right? She's brutal but not cruel. She's willing to let her previous rule slide because the situation has changed. She doesn't immediately kill the devil (WHO'S NAME WE NEVER LEARN GOD DAMN IT FUJIMOTO) because it didn't finish it's meal. Also their designs which I feel I've pointed out before but I don't wanna look back for if I did or if it was in a specific post.
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They're completely different but they share motifs between eachother. I'll go through some of those cause I didn't actually put them together until I was writing this so I feel it's an observation that you guys also might want to hear. 1. They both have several extra arms. 2. They both have dismembered heads as apart of their body. 3. Their arms are double jointed. (Shown Below)
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I feel these are going to be reoccurring themes throughout most (maybe even all) of the primordial devils we see. Additionally this isn't a full on pattern but it seems like a Primordial appears roughly every 60 chapters. Darkness first appeared in 65, Falling first appeared in 122 (Full appearance in 123). Back to the chapter itself.
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I find it interesting that Falling begins to bleed more profusely when she gets upset. Based on what I've previously said and what we saw at the end of the chapter it's possible her degree over this overworld vessel lessens and thus it's bleeding begins to worsen when she grows upset. Like it requires a degree of concentration to keep together. Which I think is interesting but will likely not be the key to winning any singular fight. Falling nukes the UNNAMED DEVIL and we get the weirdest scene in awhile.
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This scene answers 1 question. Yet it raises several more. So let's lightning round it. 1. Why did falling take orders from Famine? 2. Why did her vessel turn into a weird shrunken doll? 3. Uh- Actually no thats- Thats it. Huh. So less questions than I thought and more like just one question. Huh. well key things. I think this is what Falling's truest hell form (Like Darkness) looks like.
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It would fit more with the primordial sort of warped appearance we've seen before. It's also the form she appeared in 122 and the beginning of 123 as. So I feel pretty confident in that assumption.
The silly girl is back.
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Fucking smugass dickhead smirk she's so fucking good
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So this is- Weird right? Nayuta definitely has the ability to identify other Horsemen since she was able to sniff out Famine instantly. So she must know about Asa and Yoru in some vague sense. I guess having that confirmation also sorta shifts that end of chapter reveal. Yeah remember "Thief." it probably wasn't just about Denji having a girlfriend but Nayuta not wanting another Horseman to steal Denji from her. Also it's interesting that aside from War (Maybe), All the horsemen we've seen up until this point have been somewhat benevolent. Ah- Maybe not- Okay lemme rephrase. They've been on the side of humanity. Makima despite being- Makima, She was still trying to aid humanity in her own twisted way. Now Famine is trying to save humanity from the apocalypse in her own twisted way. It's possible that Yoru wants nuclear weapons so she can save humanity from destruction- In her own twisted way. And lemme also make this prediction now. The final horseman will also be trying to save humanity in their own twisted way. (I'm still not making a claim on what the final horseman could be I've elaborated on it in the past if you're a true fan of these you'll know the basic gist Tl;Dr there have been several 4th horsemen in history depending on the source).
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This was pretty funny honestly. Nayuta's arm is drawn sorta weird which is abit distracting cause it's the only thing I can stare at now that I've seen it. It doesn't really detract and it's a weekly manga so I can't really complain that much either. Also that girl in the back the one with white hair reminds me of Snake Girl from part 1.
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No shot they're actually related in anyway tho- This chapter actually only has low quality faces in the final school drawing so no need to compile them this week. So instead Nayuta silly compilation.
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She really is just Power if she wasn't Racist. Okay- Listen- We don't have confirmation that Nayuta isn't racist. But she would have to pick that up herself since I doubt Denji would teach her to be racist because Denji isn't racist.
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aromanticmina · 1 year
my aplatonic experience!
I haven't seen many posts about aplatonic people's experience with being apl, so I thought I'd share a little bit of my own here! hopefully it will help questioning folks and anyone else who wants to learn more about aplatonicism!
I'll start this with saying, this only one way of identifying with the label, and that other aplatonics might have a completely different experience,and that's alright!
I've always wanted friendships since I was little,"mlp: friendship is magic" was my favorite show for awhile and I've always wanted deep connections, but no matter how much I tried,none of the "friends" I'd make made me feel that deep of a connection with them,no matter how much I liked spending time with them.
there was a time where I just called everyone I liked to hang out with a friend,even if most of the time it felt a little forced (to me),even if it didn't felt quite right, I'd just casually throw a "yeah that's my friend" because, if the people I enjoyed talking with weren't my friends,then who were?
At one point in the beginning of my teen years I stopped considering everyone I liked or cared about a friend, after distancing myself from a toxic friendgroup I jumped in in hopes of finally having the fabled "best friends" (twice), and going solo on most school work/activities afterwards for a year since group activities weren't all that obligatory and my teacher said it was fine if I did it alone.
Even when I got myself a "school partner" and we grew a kinda close, I didn't actually consider her my friend until our final year in highschool, and it was because I had known and liked her for 5+ years by then and it was "just logical for her to be my friend" and not because I "platonically loved" her.
I don't love people platonically (or romantically since I'm also aro), I don't know how to form deep connections and it takes awhile for me to actually consider someone a friend. I don't mind when people call me their friend tho,I actually appreciate it (which makes me platonic-favorable ig) and I still find myself yearning for that perfect friend group sometimes.
I have realized tho, that the communities I'm part of are enough for me,both online and irl,people who while not being really close to me, make me laugh and smile and some even make me feel understood.
When I stumbled across the aplatonic label,I didn't want to accept it at first, if I don't feel romantic or platonic love,will I be alone forever?
But no one is never fully alone, neighbors,pets,the kind lady of the bakery,the funny guy at the bus stop,all of those are people who you could have a nice interaction with.
And even if you were alone,you still have yourself and world ahead of you! you can be happy by yourself,I'd like to say that I love myself,although of course everyone has their bad days sometimes.
I'm aplatonic, and I wouldn't want to be anyone but me!
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You know I've been seeing alot of post of how lunar should HAVE a villian arc and I'm like, WHY? guys, remember that what if lunar was evil, and so far, all he did was break things with the star I don't think being a villian would really do anything
Lunar isn't really entering his Villain Arc.
He's more entering his "angsty teen arc" again like he was at the beginning of his revival.
Earth can't even be in a safe environment where she can have open and clear communication around Lunar, because Lunar will twist it to make it all about him.
Earth legit can not talk about how Lunar made her feel, without Lunar talking about himself when it's HER turn to talk. He legit can't help himself.
Has to talk about how the Astral Bodies might kill him, and while, yes that is important, Solar even told Lunar that we have to take it one step at a time, and talk about it another time cause that is an entirely different thing. Yet Lunar disagreed. Because it's about HIM and his feelings. Despite it was Earth's turn to talk about her feelings, and he didn't listen to her. Again. Which only serves to hurt Earth. (not intentionally. Lunar is not doing this maliciously)
Lunar is a being of emotion and someone who thinks really self-centeredly, which is why the conversation went so badly, also partly because Earth can't keep a cool head but I feel her reactions are justified, and Solar was out of the loop and had no idea that Earth is legit traumatized and scared of Lunar.
Lunar is in need of help and guidance but it really needs to be someone outside of the family.
(A desperate part of me wonders if this is how they will go back to Lunar and Eclipse reconnecting in this way. But personally, I think it's not good for Eclipse to talk to Lunar. For both of them)
Evil!Lunar from his dimension actually just blew Eclipse up cus he was sick of the abuse and proceeded to blow up everyone else too. Which I don't think Lunar is heading down that path but he's going to be very angsty for awhile.
This all sounds harsh but this is someone who absolutely loves Lunar.
I thought that Lunar wouldn't take Gemini's justified callout of him not be able to handle anything to heart, but it feels like he just can't process a lot of what they said.
Understandable as well. Lunar has a lot thrown at him right now, but this is all his own fault and it wouldn't feel so huge if he actually worked through his issues for better emotional coping skills. But if he did, he'd know how to ignore Eclipse and not kill him.
Gemini really told Lunar all those harsh things because they care about Lunar, so much. (And Lunar is just too inner focused to realize that Gemini is experiencing emotions. Probably for the first time other then their defaults, over him. Because they care for him that much.)
Lunar is also practicing self-harm. Yes, staying in the rain when it's not good for your systems rather then take Solar's offer of coming inside to just relax for a little while, is a form of self-harm.
Lunar feels like he has no control in anything, but he needs to take his power back. Not just literally. Mentally. Accept the things he can and can't control and put in the effort if not for himself at least for his family.
But Lunar at the moment doesn't want to die, but he doesn't want to live either.
Earth doesn't want Lunar to suffer, and she does love him, but she's scared with him, can't be alone with him, and she feels so worthless.
Not so fun fact. Psychologists have a really high suicide rate as a profession. It's so discouraging to see patients not take your advice, deliberately make themselves worse, and end their own lives, you can't help feel responsibility for that. Earth feels unappreciated, and not listened to, and feels like she failed. Getting close to Lunar again will only serve to hurt her, and while that might be selfish of her, she KNOWS that. She knows that her not getting close to Lunar and taking her time is ALSO hurting him. She doesn't want to hurt him either, but what can she do? If it's just going to go back to how it was before of just avoiding the elephant in the room, Earth doesn't think she can deal with that if Lunar just flies off the handle for some reason or another, or hears something he doesn't like and just runs away or worse.
Yeah this isn't Lunar's villain arc.
This is his Emo Arc. Or angst arc if you prefer.
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Post 5x16 Fic
Los Angeles, February 15th, 2022
Lucy knows it’s only a matter of time before it will come up again. It being the fact that Noah only clocked that Tim was that Bradford after she mentioned him sleeping in her bed. She wasn't sure why she didn’t want Tim to know. Sure, the morning after the incident, she found it equal parts heartbreaking and embarrassing when she thought about it for too long, but there wasn’t any reason to hide anything now. They were together now— an actual full-blown couple. He was blissfully asleep, his face an inch from hers with his arm draped over her middle. The story of him being that Bradford only added to their history.
Sacramento, c. 2021
She and some of her UC classmates had found a dive bar in downtown Sacramento to blow off some steam for the evening. It started off lively with an animated trading of war stories and the jukebox playing one classic rock hit after the other, but within a couple of hours, she felt herself recede into her head. She looked around the table at the laughter, at the chatter and she felt so disconnected. None of it was familiar. And that had made her feel lonelier than she had in awhile.
Lucy couldn't help but let her mind wander to Tim— to missing Tim, to being angry with Tim for telling her to come here, and then to the look she must have dreamt that flashed across his face just before he left her heartbroken in the corridor of her apartment building. She knows it isn’t the “right thing”… the “right thing” would be for her mind to wander to Chris, the guy that is still technically her boyfriend, right? She feels the spiraling begin and makes the genius decision to try and drown it out with another drink. But soon, one more drink turns to two and two turns to five and she finds herself spilling her guts to Noah.
She really didn't mean to spill her guts like this, but the rest of the group moved onto another bar to “keep the party going,” while she and Noah hung back to wallow apparently. He was going on about missing his girlfriend, April, when Lucy chimes in with, “At least she misses you back.”
“You don’t think your boyfriend misses you back?” Noah asks as he takes a swig of his beer.
“He isn’t my boyfriend. He’s— he’s…” she trails off. She could blame her lack of answer on being drunk, but she knows that even stone-cold sober, she wouldn’t know how to define Tim and what he is to her. To call him a superior or even a friend would be factually correct, but severely lacking of all the layers of the something more they have built over the years. After all, what do you call the person who you have the most important relationship of your life with? Especially when that person is not the person you’re dating?
“It’s complicated. Got it. But, it kinda sounds like maybe you should talk to him. You know, lay all your cards out on the table and all that,” Noah offers.
“He just— he doesn’t want me in the same way. I thought he might… for minute there, I thought there was something… but then he told me to move on,” she says as her voice gets slightly choked up and before she knows it, tears begin brimming her eyes. She glances to her surroundings and the crowded bar and she begins to feel crushed by the over-stimulation of it all. “I need to leave. I need to get out of here.”
“Yeah, of course, lemme close out the tab and we can grab you a cab.” Noah quickly springs up from his chair and sets off through the crowd.
Lucy pulls out her phone and begins to scroll through the few photos she has of Tim. One with him and Kojo. One with him from Angela’s courthouse wedding. And two of him from the day he got his award. One was with just him and one was with both him and Jackson displaying their awards proudly. That’s the one that breaks her. She’s desperate to talk to him. Someone who knows her, someone she felt safe with. But just as she is scrolling through her contacts to call him, her phone’s screen goes black. Dead.
Before she can even talk herself out of it, Lucy’s up from her seat with her purse in hand and heading to the dimly lit corridor that leads to the restrooms. She had noticed on one her earlier trips to relieve herself that there was a payphone mounted to the wall. And all she can think now is that she misses Tim and that she needs to see him or talk to him. She just needs him someway, somehow.
She rummages around in her bag for her wallet to pull out some loose change in the zippered coin compartment. Her vision is blurred by tears and she can barely stop from shaking as she begins to shove whatever coins she can into the slot. With a few steadying breaths, she begins to dial the number and after a few rings, she’s only greeted with his voicemail. But, it doesn't stop the words that the tequila has been forcing her mind and heart to replay from falling out of her mouth in a rush.
“Tim, it’s your me. I mean, it’s your Lucy— I mean it’s just Lucy … I don’t know what I am to you exactly, so sorry for… that… but to be fair, I don't know what you are to me. You’re not TO Officer Bradford. You’re not Sergeant Bradford. You’re not even my bestest bud Bradford. You’re— look, I know you probably don't feel the same way, but fuck it, I’ll just say it… you’re important to me. You’ll always be more than you are. I just miss you. I’m here in UC school like you told me I should be… but I haven't moved on, okay?” she pauses to inhale sharply as she swallows back the acid that begins to rise in her throat. “That night in the hotel room when we were on the op, I shouldn’t have said it was just biology, it wasn’t. That kiss, it felt right. I should have—”
“If you are satisfied with your message, please press one. To rerecord, please press two.”
The automated voice jolts Lucy out of her self-imposed pity party and she punches down on the 2 key and slams the receiver down. She feels her legs about to give out from the adrenaline and nearly considers sliding down to sit with her back against the wall. Just as she begins frantically wiping away at the tears streaking her face, a loud trill comes from the payphone in front of her. And as if there’s some mysterious string that always pulls her and Tim toward one another, she picks up the receiver and places it to her ear and waits for the voice she somehow is expecting to hear.
It’s him. It’s his voice. She remains quiet, just wanting to recommit the sound to her memory.
“Hello? I can hear music… is anyone there?”
She wants to say something. Anything. She wants to let the words that spilled out earlier in a moment of recklessness to be said clearly in a moment of bravery, but she can’t bring herself to. Not yet. Maybe not ever.
So instead of responding, she hangs up one more time. She turns around resolving to finally head home when she sees Noah standing at the end of the corridor.
“How much of that did you hear?” she asks him as she clutches the strap of her purse to channel her nervous energy.
“Honestly? I caught everything after you told him you don't know what he is to you. Bradford, I mean.”
Lucy groans in even further embarrassment at the revelation that he also clocked Tim’s name.
“Don’t worry Hot Pants, I won’t tell a soul. Now, let’s get you in a cab.”
She gives him a small smile in appreciation and follows him out through the bar.
Los Angeles, February 15th, 2022
When Lucy wakes up the next morning, she finds that the left side of her bed is empty. Light clanking comes from her kitchen, so she quickly gets up to investigate. She finds Tim already showered and dressed standing at the counter, mixing bowl in hand and whisking some kind of batter.
“You’re up already! I was expecting to finish up making breakfast before I went to wake you.”
“You could have woken me up so we could cook together.” She rounds the counter to offer him a quick good morning kiss.
“Thought I’d let you sleep in a bit. I mean it’s only fair, I did wear you out last night,” he says with what Lucy can only describe as his signature flirty eye-twinkle.
“Um, for the record, I also wore you out. You’re just being an amazing boyfriend and powering through delicious exhaustion to make me breakfast. It is the cherry on top of a night of make up sex, after all,” she says with a giggle.
“Well since we’ve officially made up and we have some extra time before work, how about you tell me why I’m that Bradford.” She looks back up at Tim to find him smiling teasingly at her.
She grabs the mixing bowl from his hands and places it on the counter before pulling him down into a slow deep kiss.
“I’ll tell you soon. But right now… I think there are other things we could do with our extra time, right?” she says as she pulls away just enough so that she can still feel the heat radiate off of him.
“Agreed,” he breathes out.
As she backs them up towards the bedroom with Tim’s lips firmly attached to hers, all she can think is that while he is indeed that Bradford, he is more importantly her Tim.
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wildissylupus · 10 months
from lovingoverwatchguys - I've thought of the 'Reaper forgiveness' idea many times, and I think Jack would forgive him - probably too easily, Ana would as well, and he could probably get Cassidy and Lena to come around if he showed an actual desire to change. I guess Mercy too, and maybe Rein. But I don't really know about anyone else, especially the people that didn't personally know him as Reyes rather than Reaper. [1/2]
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(hope you don't mind I combined the two asks)
I agree with all of this but I think Cassidy and Lena would honestly take years to even come close to forgiving or trusting Reyes again. Especially Cassidy because a majority of that trust went away before Gabe became Reaper. Hell the only reason I don't see Cass killing Reaper on sight is because of Jack, Ana and Angela, even then I think Cass would be the person to say "You step one toe out of line and your done for".
Again for Cassidy and Reyes trust was broken a while ago and though I do think Cassidy is the type of person who knows he can't control who wants to redeem themselves, he is the type of person to know that there is a difference between redemption and forgiveness. For Reyes and Cassidy forgiveness is something Reyes would have to do a lot to earn, hell he might not ever get it.
And with Lena we know she holds a grudge, very reasonable grudges but a grudge none the less. Honestly with any ex-Talon agent I think it would be hard for her to trust them, and with the history Reaper has with both Jack and his history of trying to kill Winston? Yeah she is not letting that shit go for awhile. Though unlike Cassidy I do think she'd try to be civil for Jack's sake. I also do think she'd be a person who would explain to Jack that Reyes has done a lot of bad things to a lot of people, making it hard for anyone to forgive him, trust him or even be civil with him.
As for characters you forgot to mention, Angela has shown hope that Reaper can change, though hope is different from forgiveness. I think Angela would help Gabe and I think she'd have faith that he'd change but she probably wouldn't trust him at least not until he proves he's trying. Though I do also think she's tell Jack that him forgiving Gabe too quickly is unhealthy (which it is).
As for the others I agree that if they didn't know Reaper as Reyes it would be hard for them to even think about welcoming them. I think the person who would have the easiest time tolerating him would be Baptiste? But even then there would be little trust.
Genji and Fareeha would not forgive him though and would probably only tolerate him because Cassidy said they had to. Even then with Genji specifically I can imagine Cassidy letting a lot of hostility slide because as I stated in previous posts. Genji wasn't treated the best by Reyes or by Blackwatch as a whole, the only Blackwatch agent he stayed in contact with was Cassidy. Also if at this point both Genji and Fareeha figure out how much of a negative impact Blackwatch and Reyes had on Cassidy I think they would go into "protective sibling mode". Not only that but Angela is a character that believes Reaper can change so they would be protective of her too. Combining that with the fact that Fareeha is a very lawful person, she would not let a lot of shit slide.
I also think Jack forgiving Reaper way too easily would also be a big factor of mistrust. Especially for Cassidy, Lena and Sojourn who were there till the end and witnessed how Reyes abused Jack's trust the first time.
In all honesty if Reaper were to ever get a redemption I think he would have to stay separate from Overwatch, maybe visiting to get check ups from Angela, but that's it. At least for the beginning stages of his redemption.
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walkawaytall · 3 months
Now that I finished reading (and reviewing) Collateral, I thought I'd come with some questions, if you haven't answered them before! This was the first fic you posted, but was it the first HxL fic idea you had? How did you come up with this particular take on the Ord Mantell mission? Are there any subtle Easter eggs that you had fun including?
Ooh, thank you for asking! Other than a vague idea I started to write down as a preteen that essentially amounted to “Han proposes to Leia the night after the Battle of Endor and I’m sure I’ll come up with an actual plot later”, this was the first fic idea I had. I had written for another much, much smaller fandom in high school, but hadn’t written or read fanfic in probably 15 years or more. I was in severe professional burnout toward the end of 2022, had just sort of re-embraced Star Wars after avoiding it a lot post-TROS, and decided to start reading for my original OTP. I had also been working on a novel for quite a long time and it was driving me insane, so after blazing my way through a ton of Han/Leia fics on FFN, and later on AO3, I thought I might try writing some fanfic just to have fun with writing again since the novel was making me miserable.
I remember coming up with the idea for the Committee first — the intent with at least part of the fic was to suggest that a lot of the stuff Leia and Han say to piss each other off in ESB are kind of low-blow-type callbacks to private jokes or things they had discussed previously. I also remember reflecting a bit on their relationship and how it’s portrayed at the beginning of ESB — how some people have interpreted that to mean that they spent three dang years griping at one another, but somehow fell in love in between verbal jabs. I think I mentioned this in an early author’s note on Collateral — I had a friendship that was mostly verbal sparring and stupid arguments about things neither of us cared about and it stops being fun after awhile. Eventually, we both just kind of started acting normal around one another. And I just kind of figured that, even if Han and Leia started out picking each other apart, there’s no way they’d go from that to romance in a few words, so I felt like they had to have a friendlier history than what we’re shown. (Plus, I may be reading too much into it, but the way Carrie and Harrison play those parts in that movie, it doesn’t seem like two people who just hate each other to me; it seems like two people who’ve been deeply wounded by one another and aren’t sure what they’re supposed to do. And you have to care about each other somewhat to be wounded by one another, ya know?)
I wanted a fic that was limited in scope for my first fic so I wouldn’t get too carried away with trying to add to a meandering plot or whatever, so I decided on the couple of weeks before ESB starts. I had read a handful of fics about Ord Mantell or referencing Ord Mantell and decided I wanted to do my own take on it. I didn’t know a ton of Star Wars lore, so I remember having to research on Wookieepedia a ton. I do believe my initial intent was for Han and Leia to start their romantic relationship on the trip, but the characters misbehaved while I was writing and Leia kissed Han in her room instead, and I ended up going with that.
Even though I knew most H/L fans would be expecting Ord Mantell to go poorly, I wanted to repeatedly put people at ease, at least in theory. The gang isn’t even worried about Ord Mantell, so why should we be? Everything’s going so well! Han and Leia go on a cute date and everything is fine! Basically, if someone went into the story not knowing about the infamy that Ord Mantell has gained in H/L circles, I wanted them to wonder if anything was actually going to go wrong.
As far as Easter eggs go…I wrote Han with the “Han Solo is mildly Force-sensitive” fan theory in mind. It’s not blatant, but it’s there. Some of the conversations they have reference Leia, Princess of Alderaan and From a Certain Point of View (Leia knowing Huttese comes to mind), and I do assume people catch this, but just in case someone didn’t, the final big conversation that Leia and Han have in her office occurs the afternoon before ESB picks up. The sensors she talks about are the same ones he and Luke are placing at the beginning of the movie.
Oh! Wait! I forgot my favorite one. I never come out and say it, and I don’t know if I even ever implied it, but in my mind, the reason the Falcon is in such rough shape at the beginning of ESB is because, after Leia and Han’s interactions go entirely sour, she stops helping with background repairs, which means Han and Chewie have more to do with just the two of them.
This was incredibly long! Hope that’s okay 😂
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